#yes I'm talking about Lost
thatdogmagic · 2 years
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It's Werewolf Wednesday, the year is 2010, and @argylewerewolf's Lex has just finished watching a certain series finale.
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clumsyalienn · 1 year
So, i know i was not active recently, but i think it's important to say something at the end of the year. First of all, thanks to everyone who's been supporting me this whole time, i really appreciate that there's a lot of wonderful people in this community. And i hope you'll accept my apology for not uploading as much content as earlier, there's a lot of reasons for that. I wish that the next year will be kind for all of us and i also hope that you all having a happy holidays.💖
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tuliptic · 1 year
Flying In The Night : Turbulence In My Heart
Our hearts have been through a lot of ups and downs, and sometimes, the downs persist more than the ups. With it being this rough, what are the messages we need to hear to soothe our hearts and to provide any needed clarity? 
Close your eyes, meditate on this topic and ask yourself the question: What messages does your weary heart need to hear? Breathe in and out, make sure your mind and heart is calm. Then, open your eyes to see which pile talks to you the most/draws you in the most. Once you’ve found your pile, scroll down to the respective parts to see what are the messages for you.
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Pile 1    -     Pile 2
Pile 3    -     Pile 4
Disclaimer: This is solely for my entertainment purposes. Take only whatever that you feel like it. If it doesn’t resonate, it’s okay to just drop it. That aside, I do not consent to my work or images used here to be used by third parties on this platform or other websites.
Decks used: Luna Cat Tarot Deck (Major Arcana), Linestrider Tarot Deck, Sween Dreams Oracle Deck, Starcodes Astro Oracle Deck, self made lyrics deck.
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Pile 1
Overall theme: The Hierophant
This pile feels like they wanna go safe, wanna play it safe, kinda vibe. Conservative and traditional aren’t the words I’m trying to find here, but they’re someone who sticks to whatever they’ve done, and will use the same method over and over again, having smol fears of trying something new or a new method. The legit play it safe.
What has happened, what has caused this turbulence? Eight of Wands
Pile 1, since you’re used to taking your time to deal with things at your pace, you found it extremely challenging when new challenges come your way at a very fast pace. This probably happened in a short period of time continuously, and you’re unable to catch up to doing a lot at the same time. And the feeling of incompetence slowly eats you up and you panic, not knowing how you’re supposed to be doing what you’re called to do.
Why did it happen? The Moon rx 
It’s telling you to face your fears, to make a change. You know the phases of the moon? How it constantly changes? Yeah that. Remember the Moon is only reflecting the light of the Sun based on where it’s positioned. You’ll need to find your position, where you can reflect the Sun’s brightness the best, so that you’ll be able to also shed light. You’re probably, currently in the phase of the new moon, where you’re unable to show your best to others. It’s time for you to make changes (your fear) to find where your strength lies. Dream. Dream far, dream wild. It’s time that you make changes towards a new you.
What should I learn from this? Six of Swords rx
Understand that there’s a stagnation, that there’s this part in you that’s been resisting change, and that you should take actions against it. Life's a long journey and you can’t keep resisting changes that are aimed to make your life better. Big moves, big waves will still come to you, and if you’re unable to let go of the baggages on you, you won’t be able to move away from them and will get crashed (crushed) again and again. Let them go, move towards a better and safer direction, and you’ll realize what you’ve been missing out this entire while.
What can I do now? Nine of Swords
Conquer your fears. Fear is a persistent theme in this pile and you’re called to conquer them, make changes, face them and fight them. Flight isn’t gonna help forever, buttering them up is also not gonna help. You gotta fight the fears, do not let them have any power over you. Ask for help when needed. But also be willing to receive them when the universe sends help to you.
How long will this last? Six of Cups
When you’ve conquered your battles, you’ll be able to be more at peace with yourself and be able to start nurturing yourself. That’s when the hurt and turbulence in your heart will slow down. I wouldn’t say that it will completely be gone, but at least, you’ll be able to manage through it and no longer let it affect you. It’ll prolly appear from time to time at the back of your head, but it would be easier to push it away. Open up your arms and wrap them around you, start with nurturing yourself.
What will be the outcome? Queen of Wands rx
You’ll have a more established sense of self. See, you’re now the Queen. Instead of watching out, you’ll be watching yourself more and you’ll be able to give yourself the credit for going through all these ups and downs. You would’ve found your confidence by then and will be able to stand up for yourself and look at yourself with the same respect you’ve given others.
Clarity : Ten of Wands rx
This card talks about having all the burdens on you. But with it in reverse, I feel that it’s prompting you to let go of the unneeded burdens you’re carrying. You gotta stop repressing yourself and that you’re capable of letting them go. Don’t say you can’t. You’re just getting ready to let them go, okay?
Extra messages:
For some reason, I thought of Virgo Moon, so some of you may have that placement or Moon in Virgo may be a significant time for you. Know that our future doesn’t define who we are, but we ourselves define our own future. We are unable to see them right now but it doesn’t mean it’s not there. It’s alright to take baby steps, and it’s alright to take a break tonight, as long as you have a clear goal on where you wanna arrive.
Overall energy: The Lovers, Eight of Pentacles
Some of you may be interested in learning a new skill? But also I’m seeing that y’all are interested and are determined to be better in what y’all are doing. Love yourself, let the world see you’re loving yourself. Let yourself be the source of warmth, so that you can warm others as well as yourself. Glory and victory only will follow after that.
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Pile 2
Overall theme: The Tower rx
There’s an unexpected change that came to you, something that you definitely do not welcome and you have a hard time accepting it. However, the situation does not allow you to not accept it. You’re reminded that things happen for a reason, even when that reason is unacceptable to you. You are called to pay close attention to your heart and mind, and to not let fear or uncertainties distract you.
What has happened, what has caused this turbulence? Queen of Swords
Immediately I thought of a mother figure. The oracle cards came out after that further proves it. It’s making me feel that your mother, or a mother figure, or a beloved older woman with air signs in her chart (think Libra, Aquarius, Gemini) has hurted you with words that were sharp and blunt at the same time, like it stabbed your heart and hit you with it together. Not to mention that some of them are actually unwanted, unsolicited advice that doesn’t help anything with your life.
Why did it happen? Page of Pentacles
For you to be able to see and acknowledge that some things in life need to be cut off so that you can have a new beginning. For some reasons, I feel that it’s like a reason for you to start something new, something totally fresh. It’s like… Giving up everything in your hometown and leaving for a new town with just a backpack, starting a new job and finding a new house and making new friends in another city. Kinda feeling. I have another feeling that earth seasons (think Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo seasons) are significant for you or will be the time you’ve decided to take action on your life.
What should I learn from this? King of Swords
You need to be more critical in thoughts, know what to take in and what not to take in. There are truths and there are non-truths, you need to be critical and have to understand what and why. Maybe you can learn how to apply 5W1H in conversations and see how you work it out. Another thing I’m seeing is that you’ll need to protect yourself and counter back with words when needed. The King of Swords in my deck looks like he’s surrounded by spikes. Which means, he’s protecting himself and doesn’t give anyone the chance to hurt him. Anyone who attempts to hurt him will go through the process of hurting themselves before they could do any potential damage.
What can I do now? Ten of Pentacles rx
Weirdly, I see leaving the family. Ten of Pentacles gives me the vibe of a successful family. And it in reverse gives the feeling that the family is no longer a situation that’s beneficial for you. It’s like you’re an outcast in the family and you’re advised to leave the household.
Another interpretation I’m seeing here is also getting a pet? So that you have a new problem to deal with to distract yourself from old problems. But also pets are helpful in healing and getting you out of certain situations, including your family. So yeah, it’s worth considering.
I honestly can’t get much out of this card in this position, so if you have some other interpretations, please feel free to share them with me.
How long will this last? Seven of Swords rx
Until you’ve gotten out of a situation that is no longer working for you. Perhaps you feel burdened with responsibilities, or there’s a sense of attachment to whatever that is in the current household. This card may be asking you to let go of all your baggage, old swords that are no longer usable for combat and try to face the future bravely.
Also, if you’re behaving dishonestly, you should really stop it, cuz your sneakiness will be brought to light soon.
What will be the outcome? Knights of Swords rx
You’ve learnt the need to be more wary, especially with newcomers into your life. I feel that whatever you’ve been through has made you more… Aware of who you’re dealing with and what they will be bringing into your life. You’ve learnt to not share your energy with people who do not deserve them and will focus on your life more.
Clarity: Three of Swords
You are called to surrender any old, limiting beliefs and to heal. Healing is a long process but you’ve been hurt for a long time and the wounds keep stacking up. You’ll need to clean those wounds and protect it, apply ointments (nourish your soul) and with time, it’ll heal properly and there will no longer be any inflammations (triggers due to past trauma). It’s going to be a long journey but have faith. One day, you’ll realize that you’ve been reborn into limitless possibilities, and that you’re able to have hope with life again.
Extra words from me:
There are a LOT of Swords cards coming out for this pile. Anything that’s related to words, intellect, communication are huge themes for this pile. Misunderstandings or verbal arguments are something to be watched out over here, as it affects you more than you can ever think of. Coming up next is Pentacles. And that’s it. Y’all only have Swords and Pentacles in your reading. The theme surrounding Pentacles is work, finance, career, stability. So themes of this can be your concerns, how you are needed to proceed/progress from here. These two themes are significant and you may want to look and evaluate how you’re dealing with these items. Don’t give up and continue your dreams as your resolution will be the light that shines you through the darkest nights. Your future is there, shining brightly even when you can’t see it. Just keep going. Release the old and embrace the new. You’ll grow into a new you.
Overall energy: The Lover, The Emperor
This combination came to me as a rather funny one as one gives out a gentle and positive vibe while the other gives out a serious, stern and stoic vibe. Be your own lover. Love yourself. I don’t wanna quote BTS here but really, love yourself. Let the world see how you’ve been loving and caring for yourself. Investigative energy with a strength of authority here as well. Let yourself be the ruler of your own life.
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Pile 3
Overall theme: Judgment
Right off the bat, I feel that there’s a heavy energy of Judgment on you. You fear Judgment, yet you welcome it. It’s a mixed feeling. Like… You’re meant to fear but also to execute it. You’re the judge, and you’re also the one receiving judgment from the people you’ve judged. It’s strong and silent.
What has happened, what has caused this turbulence? The High Priestess
Immediately I thought about spirituality, unhappy or fearful spiritual experiences. Some of you may start to have your third eye opening and you’ve been thrown into spiritual experiences which you definitely did not welcome. But it still happened. The challenges came forth too strongly and the moment you stepped out of your comfort zone, you were wounded badly and you shrunk back into it again.
Why did it happen? Five of Cups rx
That aside, I’m also seeing possibilities of you not believing in your intuition, in your gut feeling, and the end results are telling you that you should’ve listened to them. I’m feeling themes of secrecy and betrayal as well from this card.
For the first group, it’s a sign of affirmation that yes, you have gifts, and that you’re called to use it for the betterment of people, starting with yourself. It’s a gift for you for self-introspection, for you to notice the various possible outcomes instead of the upsetting ones. For the other group, you have been focusing too much on the various negative connotations and something needs to happen for the balance to shift. Else, you’ll be easily consumed by your inner demons. Life’s challenges have been giving you opportunities to learn the various lessons of this journey. Are you picking up on this?
What should I learn from this? Three of Wands
Learn to move away, walk away from whatever sadness, and welcome new beginnings. Make sure that your eyes are set to a brighter future waiting for you and progress towards it. Move forward and dive deep into what’s awaiting you. Fear not, you’re not alone, you have your friends walking with you. Creative abilities are also prominent here imo, so maybe you can unleash/unlock them and use them to help yourself.
What can I do now? Five of Wands rx
Let go of whatever tension that there is. Sometimes, and maybe often, things happen because it needs to happen. You can’t stop the Universe from doing its thing (or shit, depending how you wanna see it). If it’s something that can be controlled by humans then that’s cool you know who to find, but most of the time it's unpredictable. I know it’s difficult to accept things but. The more you refuse to accept certain things, the more you’re in conflict with yourself. Might as well just roll with the punches and see where life leads you.
How long will this last? Four of Wands rx
Until you have your inner harmony. It honestly surprises me how the cards connect. Once you’ve decided to let go of whatever tension that has been on your shoulders and in your head, only you’ll be able to work on your inner harmony. There’s a lot of abundance that you have in your life, but it’s up to you to work it out and to put it to good use. Know that you’re on the right path and you should just step out and continue progressing.
What will be the outcome? Nine of Swords
This card is known to have a negative connotation, but I feel that you’ll be able to use your pain and your experience to help those who are having a similar problem/pain. Your eyes can see through the soul and pain of others and you’re capable of extending your help to them, no matter how dark the night may be.
Clarity : The Moon
The Moon talks about spiritual themes and also fear, which I believe is still within you. Know that this reading and other signs that you have seen are powerful messages from your guides and that you should trust your feelings. Take your time to heal, and you’ll be amazed at how much of a natural healer you are. In terms of astrology, the Moon is a luminary, which means it lights up (well due to it reflecting the light of the Sun but we’ll leave the science aside). And I can see that you’re also lighting up the lives or people around you.
Extra cards: Ten of Cups, King of Wands, Five of Pentacles
These cards decided to fall out again so I took them but the message is probably slightly shorter than the previous parts. Ten of Cups talk about complete harmony, perfect alignment. Paired with the King of Wands, I feel that it’s telling you that you’re on your path to be that leader of your life, to be in complete harmony with the inner you. But also, right now the path is like Five of Pentacles, a feeling of brokenness and sadness, a phase of stagnation. Once you’ve gotten past it, you’ll be able to step out with courage and show the world your charm. We feel fear cuz we feel like we can’t see our future but know that the sun also hides at times, but we know it’s there. It’s the same with our blinding and beautiful future.
Overall energy: Wheel of Fortune, Queen of Wands rx
It feels like Fate is turning and it’s redirecting you to your self confidence, redirecting you to find your inner strength, redirecting you to find your gifts and powers. Queen of Wands also talks about spirituality and clairvoyant abilities so some of you may be awakening those gifts. Just let Fate and your confidence lead you to where you are.Open up yourself to inspiration and watch creativity and power flow through you. Believe in your intuition and run on the path that you’re supposed to be on.
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Pile 4
Overall theme: Strength rx, The Hermit rx
Two cards fell out for this pile and I’m taking them both. There’s a feeling of lostness and frailness when I saw these two cards together. It’s like… Someone is lost and they’re flailing around, trying to find their way out of whatever tunnels they’re in right now. They should be calm and to look at the hints around there to get their way out, but no, they’ve not been doing it, and they’ve been destroying the hints with every flail of their movement.
What has happened, what has caused this turbulence? Six of Wands rx
There’s a feeling of defeat I’m sensing from this pile. It’s like… You’ve been dethroned and there’s someone better who’s sitting in the place you’ve used to sit in. It’s like you’re no longer in your old days of old glory. It’s like seeing someone younger being more successful than you, and you are just looking at them, mind empty of what you’re supposed to be thinking of.
Why did it happen? The Sun
It is telling you that The Sun will be out soon. Sure, it’s dark right now, but it isn’t as scary as you think it is. Think of the dark as a chance to know what Light feels like, how the warmth of The Sun feels like. Pay close attention to your heart and mind, do not allow the fear and darkness to distract you.
But also, for some reason, I feel that this Sun also acts as a warning for you to not be too egoistic. It feels like it’s saying “Too much Sun will burn the ground dry, so it’s time for your days of success to dry up since you’re not keeping your ego in check.” So yeah, check which group you are.
What should I learn from this? The Hierophant
That tradition also plays a part. See, a lot of us tend to look down on tradition and think that it’s the new age, where we focus on coming up with new ideas. And sometimes, venturing into new things without referring to the past advice/examples may get us too far and we fall. This is the time where we sit and review back what our predecessors have done and we should also learn from them. There’s a balance that’s needed between the new and the old.
What can I do now? Three of Pentacles
Work together with your friends, your team, and everyone who wants to work with you. Learn from your mistakes and stand up again, work together again, build everything up again. You’ve done it in the past and you can do it again. You have the resources, the experiences, everything you need is there. All that you now need is a healthier mindset and a great team to get everything going again. And this time, it will be smoother and better. Trust in yourself.
How long will this last? Eight of Cups
Until you’ve successfully walked away from your past. Your past here is defined as anything that has been holding you back and doing nothing beneficial in your life. You hanging onto your past victory? Has to go. You are resentful towards the one winning your throne. That resentment has to go. Once you’ve moved from the old to the new, only then you’ll be able to welcome a new future that’s been specifically tailored for you. Holding onto the past stops you from arriving at your future so yeah you should get what I’m talking about here.
What will be the outcome? Two of Swords
Mental clarity is what I’m seeing here. Once you’ve passed the stage of leaving what no longer helps you, you’ll be needing to make a decision. Sometimes it’s difficult to take down the things that are covering our eyes, so we need to rely on our other senses. Similarly, sometimes we can’t see or judge things fairly, hence, we turn to our friends and people we trust to hear their thoughts. Know that everything lies with timing. The timing is just right for your dreams, desires and goals to manifest.
Clarity : Knight of Cups rx
There’s moodiness here as well as unrealistic imagination. For some reason, I’m feeling that some of y’all are just imagining scenes in your head as a way of escaping from this real world. Not saying you can’t, but there’s a limit to it. Those imaginations can be realistic or totally wild, magical kinda imaginations, but remember to come back to the present after those thoughts. 
Extra messages: 
Mystery may shroud around your future, making it a darkness that you don’t know. But still, the darkness isn’t scary, as it’s a chance for you to understand the importance and presence of light, of the sun. Failure for this time is another step to victory. Find your passion and don’t let go of it. It’s still scary to face the things I like but I’m no longer the transparent person I used to be. 
Overall energy: The Magician, Eight of Wands
Pile 4, you’re probably manifesting your own reality, and it’s moving at a fast pace, so fast that you may not be able to catch up with it. To catch up with it, you’re called to release any olds that are remaining in you and to embrace the new, allow yourself to grow into your very best self.
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Thank you for reading until the end! Feedbacks and reblogs are always appreciated! See you soon in another reading!
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nguyenfinity · 10 months
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guess who racked up 11-12 hours on genshin today
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ectonurites · 6 months
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#tragically had to skip the 'are you afraid of me' exchange i love at the start bc. this scene is Long#super dark times#josh templeton#zach taylor#sam edits#btw i'm firmly in the 'Josh didn't kill John' camp. bc to me THIS scene is the point that... makes the most sense as Josh's breaking point/#'villain turn' if that's what you'd want to call it. because this is really when Josh... sort of 'officially' loses Zach. from early on in#the movie it becomes clear how much Zach is like... an anchor for him—the way Josh is just fucking *chanting* his name in distress during#the Daryl accident. The way Josh begs Zach to believe him that it was an accident. The way Josh turns to Zach for answers/clarity/direction#Like even if we want to take a cynical approach and think of it as Josh just latching onto Zach in the Daryl situation because he was There#rather than that being an established thing w/ them... in the aftermath of that same incident Josh is still looking to/depending on him!#Josh self isolates at first... but after they talk & Zach tells him they shouldn't act weird Josh goes back to school. (yes#he lashes out there because He's Dealing With The Crushing Guilt but *all* of 'em are acting off then—Charlie specifically calls attention#to the idea they all probably are) Josh goes to the party just like Zach said they should and is *visibly confused* when Zach seems mad to#see him there. He goes to Zach's house to talk and you can SEE how caught off guard he is by what Zach says. Even though the script version#of this scene is VERY different from the final version I do think this one bit of description from it is... insightful: 'Josh seems sincere#almost vulnerable. But Zach is too focused to see it.' LIKE in this scene Zach is already convinced Josh has lost it! He's trying to act#more neutral about it (claiming they could just 'draw a line') but we saw his phone call with Charlie. Because of his own guilt-fueled#paranoia—something shown pretty clearly through the assorted dream sequences and like tht scene of him walking in the hall hearing people#gossip about Daryl—it seems like everything lines up too well! that '*of course* it's Josh and what if it's *been* Josh all along and well#then the role *I* played in the situation really isn't *my* fault because it was all *Josh* and...' etc. even if that's more subconscious#But like... this scene is really when it hits Josh! from the moment he asks if Zach's afraid of him now like... there's a shift. although#Zach says he isn't... i mean he fucking stumbles on the word 'afraid' (like... he hangs on the 'f' sound a moment too long to sound natural#its very subtle but like Noticeable). But Josh sees right through him. Zach doesn't trust him anymore. Zach thinks he's the bad guy. the#monster. Josh feeling like he lost the last person he had in his corner feels like the most realistic thing to... push him over the#edge. like that's a compelling tragedy to me—the idea that these two poorly coping with the Daryl situation in these separated ways where#they *aren't* talking/communicating ends up CREATING the feedback loop that makes everything get worse and worse.#But for that to be the case... it wouldn't make sense for Josh to have just randomly killed John before this scene. I think it's a more#interesting story if certain things really ARE just coincidences but it's that Zach's paranoia won't let him see that 🤷
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whywoulditho · 4 months
if you're still not boycotting israeli products, protesting against the genocide, sharing the news, asking for a ceasefire, I am judging you. I know my followers, I know my mutuals. I know the ones who selectively interact with my anime shitposts and ignore the ones about palestine. I am seeing you and I am judging you. I won't call you out on your bullshit personally, because if you can still ignore this humanitarian crisis while being active online and seeing all those posts, you're just not worth trying to reason with. But know that if you still choose to be silent, if you still think this issue is too political or complicated you're an ignorant, pathetic little bitch. you can't live without your starbucks? grow the fuck up. you think celebrities don't owe anyone their support and it is okay for them to stay quiet when it's the brown, the muslim who suffers? you're fucking delusional and you're pathetic. you think you get to turn a blind eye because it's not effecting you? you're a self-centered whiney little toddler. stay in your bubble and keep quiet all you want, i know you will lie to your kids one day and tell them you stood with palestine.
none of us are free until all of us are. free palestine 🇵🇸
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essenceofarda · 2 months
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commsroom · 1 year
Ok this is totally fix-it fic territory, just you're the only person I've seen who also doesn't love Eiffel's ending BUT What if after getting far enough away from whatever Cutter was using to block the dear listeners' abilities, Bob gives Eiffel his memory back. They have his brain almost completely copied after all. It would also be interesting to see him struggle with "would I really do THAT?" Like he just has such a hard time believing himself capable of growth and having positive impacts
oh, i honestly don't even think it's fix-it territory! i genuinely think he will regain his memory at some point; i think it makes narrative sense.
whether it's possible, with what the show sets up? the dear listeners are only invested insofar as it might impact the process, but, like you said, they could restore eiffel's memory. maybe even without active involvement. lovelace's blood was still working on eiffel (slowly, which might even make for a stronger case) a few days before the events of the finale, and memory is clearly a consideration in the 'pattern' of duplicates. maybe the regenerative properties apply to memory, too. and pryce scanned eiffel's brain back in ep 55, with the same kind of machine that was meant to instantly relay hilbert's memories back to canaveral; it's plausible there could be a backup.
... but even if none of that were the case! wolf 359 is a character drama, and what's important is what it says about eiffel. doug eiffel, who has spent so much of his life running from himself, whose character arc is about confronting and coming to terms with all of the people he's been, and his impact on the lives of the people he cares about. wiping his memory - if it's meant to be permanent - feels like a fulfillment of that wish, and it would be kind of. at odds with the themes of the show, when in every case it takes such a stance against attempted martyrdom. but as a set up for self-reflection and self-confrontation? i think it makes perfect sense, for someone who externalizes as much as eiffel does. i don't think restoring eiffel's memory is a cop out or fix-it any more than lovelace not actually dying is - it's not a tragic sacrifice, it's a narrative catalyst for character development. or, at least, that's how it makes sense to me.
i won't get too into the rest of my reasoning, since i know it gets long and it's mostly stuff i've talked about before, but! i do actually think the finale is a good narrative choice, i just feel differently about it than a lot of people seem to. maybe because the writers talk so much about their fondness for earned happy endings - that a happy ending is most impactful when you really think there won't be one - i just can't see wolf 359 as a tragedy. the simplified version: if "am i still doug eiffel?" is unanswered, then that's a whole set of unexplored themes. but if "am i still doug eiffel?" is a question with an answer - if the rest of the show, the repeated affirmation that other characters are who they decide they are despite their respective identity crises, the thematic context, "wanna find out together?", if all of that is the answer - then that final scene is an encapsulation and reaffirmation of the show itself. in my opinion, that makes for a really good ending.
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adhd-merlin · 9 months
I think this is a mega unpopular opinion among arwen enjoyers but I love the banishment scene in 4x09 actually. yes it's tragic, yes it's painful, but it's precisely because of how much they loved each other. its greatly written and bradley and angel are both incredible in it. I haven't managed to find a proper gif set of that scene yet which is a crime
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sapphicautistic · 3 months
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I refuse to believe that any line in Barbie was just a throwaway joke, I firmly believe that every line of dialogue was meticulously crafted by Gerwig and Baumbach.
Spoilers for Barbie below the break.
That said, I can't get Ken's line out of my head, "To be honest, when I found out the patriarchy wasn’t about horses I lost interest."
This scene is a turning point for Ken's character, and while it a great joke performed perfectly by Ryan Gosling, it also serves as a deeper truism for many ideologies, not just the patriarchy.
So many things seem cool on the surface (I get to ride horses and cool cars and drink beers with the bros in my Mojo Dojo Casa House) until you realize that the idea or concept you are embracing, when carried out in full, inevitably screws over somebody else, usually someone you love (i.e. all the Barbies).
So many people are too excited about the horses to notice the douchebags they will become. And even once they realize that their newfound ideology isn't all it's cracked up to be, they're "in too deep" and pride and peer pressure make it hard to turn back. Suddenly you "aren't manly enough" if you don't do everything that all the rest of the guys do, so you just play along, making yourself more miserable the longer you do nothing.
Only when you break out from devoting your entire personality to a single idea can you truly find your own personal identity and become the Ken (or Barbie or Allan) you were Made For.
It may seem noncommittal, but Oppenheimer's practice of reading about and engaging with other worldviews is the healthiest way to decide for yourself who and what you want to be.
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stressfulsloth · 11 months
Hrngh I just. I don't want to argue with people but. Being an addict is not a moral issue. You are not more morally good and pure for never having experienced addiction. You are not inherently bad for being an addict. Like the recovery narrative centres becoming a "better person" or being "redeemed" BUT BEING IN ACTIVE ADDICTION DOES NOT MAKE SOMEONE INHERENTLY A BAD PERSON. You don't need to be redeemed. That kind of dichotomous thinking is detrimental to recovery, setting people up to see relapse as a moral failure, a weakness in character, something they need to repent and self flagellate for. When it's just... not. It's a part of the process.
And even beyond that, if you can't bring yourself to uncouple addiction from morality, you have to see that addiction never happens in a vacuum. To ignore the socioeconomic factors that contribute, the way that addiction and alcoholism intersect frequently with chronic pain, the way that our society is essentially made hostile to people experiencing addiction which then in turn self-perpetuates... it seems needlessly cruel as well as ridiculously individualistic. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps type of mentality. Poverty and chronic pain are significant contributing factors in many cases of long term addiction; it is far more useful to blame power structures that allow people to remain in poverty, their pain untreated, the inequalities and failed safety nets, disregard for vulnerable populations, all amounting to social murder. Choosing instead to place blame and vitriol at the feet of addicts is unhelpful at best and frankly malicious at worst.
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bilestat · 13 days
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mythvoiced · 3 months
OPEN STARTER | Patrick Finch
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"I condone lying. I encourage it, even. I recommend it. I could hardly live without it."
#;open starter#the wolf;patrick#the wolf;open#he's always the most difficult one GOSH#also you must envision he's saying this with this weird open deadpan stare where he#well how do i put it: he's clearly fucking with you but he does it with such an open genuine expression#i mean he does condone lying he's not lying here (LKDSG!!!) but he is also fucking around#so this is Patrick he's 37 or anywhere around that age he's agender primarily he/him pronouns bc whatever yknow#the agender vibes of WHATEVER i know what i'm talking about trust me i have a phd in agenderism#anyways he's an informant but about as unorthodox as you can imagine he's just fucking around and finding out frankly#very depressed very jumpy very good at hiding it lmao he's my darling ♥#he is very motherly somehow i can't explain it#he has somewhat of a history in accidentally attempting to adopt powerful young women i don't know why he???#knee-jerks into wanting to be a mother figure i don't know him that well you guys#like he met suki (ferre's kamipyre) for a few minutes one time and#days after he was wondering if she'd wore a jacket because it was cold out like--#men don't get the same kindness if you're a charming kind-hearted competent warm and humorous DAD kind of guy he's unfortunately#emotionally attracted to you? unfortunately because he hates it~ but if you're any other kind of guy you're just... you're some guy to him#yes if you're young he'll adopt you too but begrudgingly-- KLDGFGKLFDHGJF#if you're a they/them you're his kid already are you kidding that's your mum#OH I JUST HAD A TERRIBLE THOUGHT so do you know om*g*verse?? regardless of how you feel about it#it do be a thing and i just had this horrible thought about how if pat were a real guy in an established canon#he'd probs get the feminisation treatment amiright?? NO LISTEN HE USED TO BE A HUGE WOLF#AND HE'S ACTUALLY FILLED WITH SO MUCH RAGE AND WRONGED PRIDE#patrick is gentle when he likes you and because he's Smart he doesn't just BITE out of nowhere he's always been like that#Fenris was known for being INCREDIBLY well-spoken BUT ALSO A HUGE PROUD WOLF#LIKE BIG WOLF-- it doesn't show but he's Very Proud and STRONG and ??????#;queue#i picked a gif came back and realized i lost it there for a sec NO MATTER makes for good entertainment
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talentforlying · 10 months
principal difference between hellblazer/nbc constantine and 2005 keanu constantine imo, besides keanu constantine being american, is their attitudes toward food.
hellblazer/nbc constantine: pub food and hearty shit, meat and potatoes and stews and fish. appreciates a good meal, the effort/time it takes to cook it, and the social rituals that revolve around it. also has a taste for the finer things in life and will scam his way into high-end restaurants to fuck around and embarrass everyone there while eating goooood keanu constantine: runs on dunkin, lox bagels, and not much else. cannot keep things in his fridge or they will rot before he remembers to eat them. obliterates a mcdonalds hash brown in a single bite
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ereborne · 1 month
Song of the Day: May 12
"Howlin' for You” by The Black Keys
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