#guest ch: Lex
thatdogmagic · 1 year
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RIP 2022, I am deeply grateful that when I wake up you will no longer be, and never will be again.
(feat @argylewerewolf's Lex)
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story-weavr · 5 months
The following is a conversation between myself & @andyboops in the comment section of Ch. 5 of his absolutely fantabulous Clex fic
Me: Also Clark is a sweetheart.
Plus I’m super-curious how “before the deal” Lex viewed Clark Kent, reporter.
Was he still in love with him? Did he just give up on having Clark?
Andy: Why not all of the above? 🤔☺️
Me: You just gave me a brain wave:
Clark is de-powered (Mxsptlk incident or sunspots), & he is just trying to lay low until his powers come back on.
During a reception of some kind, there was an explosion. Guests panic, gunmen come in to take mayor hostage, but amidst the chaos Clark sees something in slow motion.
A man pulling out a gun and pointing it at Lex. There is no time. Clark just runs.
Lex hits the floor, lifting up with a snarl only to look stunned to see security taking down a man in tux…. and Clark Kent bleeding on the floor.
Lois came up crying and screaming and Lex comes forward trying to stop the bleeding with his coat.
Clark just looks at him and says “Lex, I’ve … I’ve always lo-“ basically saying while not saying & he falls unconscious.
What happens next? What is going on through Lex Luthor’s mind, seeing his childhood friend who he (once?) loved seeming to be saying he still cared about Lex? Enough to die for him?
To take it a step further:
When Clark went down, one of the other Metropolis heroes (Supergirl, Steel, insert preference) manages to round up the situation, grab the dying human-disguised Kryptonian, & get the hell to Dr. Hamilton at STAR labs.
Clark gets saved but there is now a problem: Everyone knows Clark Kent got shot in the chest.
And Kryptonians, super-powered or not, heal MUCH quicker than humans. And pretending to have a gunshot wound is a bit beyond Clark’s acting abilities.
Which means he’s gonna have to use Kryptonian tech to re-injure himself according to what stage of the healing process he’s supposed to be in.
Now normally, things just would be a little annoying but he could still go out as Superman.
But then Lex.
A Lex who is constantly visiting and sending get-well flowers.
A Lex who keeps inviting Clark to recuperate at a private clinic that LexCorp owns rather than staying at STAR labs or at home in his apartment being cared for by his visiting relative or friends.
A Lex who scolds Clark when he catches him working on what he can.
A Lex who fussed as only he can over Clark.
A Lex who wants to have a serious conversation about what Clark said when he believed he was gonna die.
A Lex whose face does this weird thing whenever he sees the get-well flowers sent by some of Clark’s friends who are single. He also acts rather terse with those single friends who come to visit Clark when he’s there.
And now throw in a Clark who is confused, semi-hopeful, & depressed bc Lex is still Luthor:
- The guy whose international company LexCorp is only his semi-legitimate business among many.
- The mastermind behind international arms-trading and various gang activities
- A maestro of white-collar crimes and those related to them including prostitution, embezzlement, blackmail, bribing, etc
- The leader or financier of I llegal scientific activités and unethical experimentation which created the likes of Métallo and Parasite
- A financier of criminal activities
- A criminal boss who uses mercenaries, gangsters, & middlemen to commit murder, assault, robbery, blackmail, torture, bribery, embezzlement, kidnapping, etc.
- Superman’s arguably biggest enemy who has attempted the following on him, either personally or through middlemen: murder, blackmail, bribery, torture, nonconsensual experimentation, ruin his reputation via framing or smear campaigns, etc.
… And this is the guy he’s been in love with since childhood. Who now knows Clark Kent, the very human reporter, is in love with him. And seems to reciprocate.
… Rao help him.
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I Die Without You (ch. 1)
Read here on AO3!
Conner stands in front of him now, putting Tim at eye-level with his chin. When Tim doesn’t look up from his notes, Conner blocks the data sheet with a translucent hand. “You’re being a dumbass. You need to start taking care of yourself again.”
Tim turns away. “Yeah, well, I need my best friend back more. You should be all for that, so would it kill you to shut up and let me work?” Fuck. He needs a pill. He takes one from the handful he keeps in his utility belt and swallows it dry, ignoring Conner’s damning stare.
Conner Kent has been dead for three months, two weeks, and six days. “Initiate cloning attempt number twenty-one.” Tim can feel eyes on his back, burning through the skin and searing his spine. If he didn’t already know that ghosts can’t use heat vision, he might be concerned. “I can feel you judging me.” “Good. My face is sore from scowling.” Conner is leaning against one of the room’s glass pods, his arms crossed over the torn S-symbol on his chest. His normally carefree atmosphere has been replaced with an air of judgement—a mile leap from the Conner Kent who was all brass and thunder, jokes and lifting contests with Cassie. It makes Tim feel like even more of a creep than he already does, skulking around in the basement of Titans Tower with Conner’s eyes on him the entire time. The shame of his actions has weight now, getting heavier with every advancement he makes. He resents Conner’s presence as much as he needs it. Craves it. “You need to stop this,” Conner says, not for the first time. Tim doesn’t look at him. He prints out the latest data report in a foot-long sheet. There must be some component to the cloning process that he’s missing. Some bonding agent he hasn’t considered. “Then drag me out of the room.” “I’m serious, Tim. You passed the point of crazy, like, two weeks ago.” “Since when is saving a life considered crazy?” “Since there’s no life left to save. I’m dead, Tim. And yeah, it sucks, but there’s nothing we can do about it. You can’t keep working like this.” “Watch me.”
“You’re killing yourself. You realize that, right?” If Tim could walk away knowing that Conner wouldn’t just follow him like a worm on a string, he would. “When’s the last time you ate? The last time you slept? Do you even know what day it is?” “January.” “This is irresponsible. It’s stupid. If Bruce knew how far gone you were, he’d take you off active duty for a week. Probably longer.” “Which is why he’ll never find out.” “That’s not the point, Tim!” Conner makes no audible footsteps, but Tim can sense when he comes nearer, like a tugging sensation in his stomach. Tim has his own gravitational pull, it seems; any ghosts in the area are drawn towards him like magnets. He can always feel Kon, no matter how far away he is. Conner stands in front of him now, putting Tim at eye-level with his chin. When Tim doesn’t look up from his notes, Conner blocks the data sheet with a translucent hand. “You’re being a dumbass. You need to start taking care of yourself again.” Tim turns away. “Yeah, well, I need my best friend back more. You should be all for that, so would it kill you to shut up and let me work?” Fuck. He needs a pill. He takes one from the handful he keeps in his utility belt and swallows it dry, ignoring Conner’s damning stare. He’s been needing more, lately. He hadn’t noticed until Conner brought it up a few days ago, but Tim has upped the dosage to six, seven pills a day. He tries not to think about what’s changed. Even if he is using drugs to cope with the circumstances the universe has thrown his way, it’s not like he would be completely clean, otherwise. Feeling like his grief is miles away with every dose is just a happy side effect. It’s manageable. Conner shakes his head. “I can’t believe you.” “What am I doing that’s so wrong?” “The fact that you shouldn’t be doing this in the first place. I’ve accepted what happened. Why can’t you?” “Maybe I don’t want to accept it.” “Do you really think that bringing me back to life is going to help anything?” “Don’t you want to be alive? To see Clark again, Cassie, Martha, everyone who loved you? Don’t you want that?” “Of course I do.” Tim throws his hands in the air. “Then why are you fighting me on this? How can you stand there and tell me that I’m not doing the right thing when I’m trying to accomplish something that’ll make everyone happy?” “Because it won’t work.” Conner materializes in Tim’s path again, forcing Tim to look at him. It’s painful to see the open wounds on once impenetrable skin, the smoldering edges of his t-shirt. Instead, he focuses on Conner’s face. Unblemished. Untarnished. Just as it was in life. “Tim, even if you find a way to make this cloning stuff work, I won’t be there. You have to understand that. You’re too smart not to. It’ll just be another cheap copy of the original, like Match and Bizarro. But me—the real me? I’m staying right here, dead as hell. You can’t change that.” Tim waves a hand. “That’s just a minor setback. Once I get the cloning process perfected, all I have to do is call up Constantine or Zatanna and convince them to help me figure out how to restore your soul. You’ll be back in a brand new body, and everything will be back to normal.” “Do you hear yourself, man? You sound like a crazy person. You sound like Lex.” “I don’t care.” “You should!” Conner explodes, his eyes glowing with radiation he can’t unleash. “You should fucking care! What, do you think I’m going to come back to life and pretend that the cost of it wasn’t you destroying all the good parts of yourself? Do you think I’ll just forgive myself for that?” Tim shrugs. He should be feeling more, but the meds have kicked in by now. A pleasant hum runs through his blood. “That’s exactly what I expect. It’s what happened with Jason, remember?” Tim goes back to the computer to upload the latest attempt report. “You don’t remember being dead, just blinking out and blinking back in. Everything that you experienced while you were gone, it all gets erased. You won’t even remember this conversation.” Conner shakes his head. Tim would be lying if he said the disappointment on his face didn’t make his stomach twist. “This isn’t right. I care about you too much to sit back and watch you lose yourself like this.” “Do you think I want you here, watching me fall apart? I know how crazy this looks. I know I must be breaching every ethical code in the book. And I would give anything to make you go away long enough so I can work in peace, but I can’t control that. The ghosts stay, whether I like it or not. So if you can find a way to check out on your own, then be my guest.” Tim turns back to the computer, his eyes stinging. He takes another pill. Conner sighs. Tim can feel him hovering behind his shoulder, a mop of messy black hair in the corner of his eye. Tim shivers when Conner touches his shoulder. “I miss you, Tim. I’m sorry my death broke you.” “Yeah. Me too.”
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bitch-for-a-rainbow · 4 years
Now Everything is gone (I'm left with wounds of battles that I never won)
Lex’s face split in a hard smile as he looked her up and down.
“I will admit, with all the rumors I’ve heard about you I expected a bit more. For one, I did imagine you taller. It’s rather... disappointing.”
Kara smiled. “And I imagined you with more hair.”
His features twisted with rage. Pain flared across her face as one of the guards backhanded her. She spat blood onto the once white stones. Something dripped down her cheek, that guard had been wearing a metal gauntlet, it was pointed at the knuckles.
“This is the great Kryptonian warrior queen, the Last Daughter of Stars. The Girl of Steel.” He scoffed. “And here you are.”
“Here I am.”
Or Medieval AU where Kara is the queen of Krypton, Lex is a king hellbent on genocide, and Lena just really hates her family.
CH. 1: An Ivory Dagger
 The birds on the tapestries seemed to dance in the dim flickering light of the candles. A small red glare still twisted the colors of their wings, the remnants of fast-fading sunlight. Kara sat stiffly, fingers bunched in her skirts, as the lady in waiting bustled about her, adding candles and straightening pillows. The servant did her best to ignore the dirt and assorted plant life that adorned Kara. The manor received few high-class guests as of late, not on this side of the mountains, not now. The lady-in-waiting-- Eretlen, she believed was the woman’s name-- would have to take what she could get. Eretlen gave a coarse huff, dumping (a little unceremoniously) a new dress on the chaise as she left the room. Kara had insulted her by refusing her offer of attendance. A necessary evil. The less time she spent around these people the safer they would all be. If Eretlen had seen the wound... Kara’s fingers tightened on her dress. Eretlen had been dealt with, it was time to focus on the High Captain. Most women of her stature would have found great difficulty in removing the many layers and skirts, but Kara had been forced to learn quickly. She did her best to scrub the past week or so from her skin with the small basin of water and rag that had been left for her. The water turned pink as she washed her side. A twisted gash was there, four-pointed where the barbs of the arrow had torn at her flesh; the veins around it darkened green. It was getting worse. She was running out of time. This setback would cost her more than she could afford.  Her fingers fumbled with the ties of her new dress, blue silk, expensive-- Rao, how long had it been since she felt silk?--, exhaustion settling in her bones. The pulsing nausea and pain threatened to topple her over. She managed to get the last knot of her chemise tied and was reaching for the corset when the High Captain burst into the room. She jerked around, grabbing (rather belatedly) at the silk dress and did her best to recover what little modesty she could. Cheeks burning and jaw tight she opened her mouth to speak but he raised a silent hand.
    “My apologies for the… interruption, but I do think we should speak with some urgency.” His mouth was cracked with a smile, it did not reach his eyes.
    “Could the matter not wait until I had finished dressing?”
    “No.” His face did not change. He barely blinked. “What, exactly, would a young woman like yourself be doing on this side of the mountains?” Kara cleared her throat.
    “I was a part of a merchant caravan. We lost a wheel and had already used our spare. As you may have noticed, being stuck in the night out here isn’t exactly… Pleasant.” His smile slipped, mouth twisting into a grimace.
    “I’m sorry. I’ve lost men myself to the night raids here. Were there any survivors?” He was buying it. Thank Rao! He was buying it.
    “Not to my knowledge.” She tried to be nonchalant as she brought the corset over her head and began threading it. The High Captain at least had the decency to look embarrassed. He cleared his throat,
    “I do apologize for the inconvenience, but on this side of the mountains you really can never be too careful, Mistress...”
    “Danvers. Allura Danvers.”
    “High Captain Lockwood of the King’s third division.” He proffered a hand but Kara simply stared at it until it was dropped. He burst in while she was half-dressed and expected courtesy? “As I was saying, there was a skirmish last week about two leagues from where you were found, a group of Kryptonian militants ambushed one of my scouting teams.” Kara did her best to keep her face blank. Ambushed? A scouting team? He dared-- “Luckily there was a squadron in the area and the scouts managed to set off a warning. The squadron went in and quickly rounded up the rabble.” Kara barely managed to hide a wince as she pulled the lacing taut.
    “I hope none of your soldiers were hurt. Were the poor scouts alright?” Her mouth seemed to curdle at the words, but they would be expected.
    “Oh, yes of course. One man suffered a nasty knock to the head but the secondary squadron arrived just in time.”
    “Well, that’s a tremendous relief.” Kara placed a hand to her chest, then feigned a sudden realization.
    “Wait! You did catch all of them, right? I wouldn’t like to think they ran into any survivors from my group.” Someone else had to have gotten out. Surely she wasn’t the only survivor. Someone had to take this news back to Argo. Someone.
    “There was one.” His eyes had suddenly become icy, the comforting smile gone. “I’m sure you’ve heard of her, she does sit on the Sun throne.” Kara’s blood turned to ice. “She was supposedly quite badly injured in the fighting, an arrow to the gut. So, Mistress Danvers, would you mind terribly to remove your clothing?” Kara froze. She pasted on an expression of righteous indignation and stood.
    “Excuse me? How dare y--” He crossed the room in three strides.
    “Remove it, or I will do it for you.” His hand was tight around her wrist, a knife pressed against her neck. Kara let out a slow breath, raising her chin. The door might as well have been miles away.
    “If you are going to kill me, Lockwood, I’d much prefer to die at least partially clothed.” He smiled, this time, it did reach his eyes.
    “Well, look at that. It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Kara Zor-El.”
    Someday, Kara was going to burn this entire castle to the ground. Of course, she’d have to escape first to do that, a prospect which seemed ever more unlikely by the day. King Lex Luthor of the Cadmian Empire strode into the cell looking distinctly out of place. The thin slats of light that shone through high windows far above Kara’s head illuminated the large motes of dust that gathered from the floor onto his cloak, dampening the gold embroidery. His lips curled with distaste as he glanced around the blood and filth. But all of his discomfort melted away upon the sight of Kara. She was still only dressed in a shift and corset, now more grey than white, with red-brown stains of dried blood. She kneeled on the hard stone, hands chained over her head, shackles glowing a faint green. Her side burned, an agony she could barely describe. Lex’s face split in a hard smile as he looked her up and down.
    “I will admit, with all the rumors I’ve heard about you I expected a bit more. For one, I did imagine you taller. It’s rather... disappointing.”
    Kara smiled. “And I imagined you with more hair.”
    His features twisted with rage. Pain flared across her face as one of the guards backhanded her. She spat blood onto the once white stones. Something dripped down her cheek, that guard had been wearing a metal gauntlet, it was spiked at the knuckles.
    “This is the great Kryptonian warrior queen, the Last Daughter of Stars. The Girl of Steel.” He scoffed. “And here you are.”
    “Here I am.”
    Lex smiled again, crouching to eye level with her. “I’m going to kill you, Kryptonian, and when I am done with you, I’m going to hunt down every last one of you filthy creatures, and I will burn them all. Don’t worry,” Lex’s smile grew vicious, “I’ll make sure they survive the smoke long enough to be killed by the flames.” Lex turned to the guards, then stopped, looking back.
    “And one more thing, I’ve already dug up a nice plot to bury you all in.” Kara’s jaw tightened and she fought to keep her face calm. Bury them? Yes. Someday, she would reduce this place to less than rubble. Satisfied with his threats, Lex finally spoke with the guards.
    “She’s scheduled for execution tomorrow morning, make sure she’s properly broken in by that time, I’d prefer she not become a martyr if we can help it.”
    He spared one last glance for her before stalking from the room, the cell door clanging behind him.
    “Well,” the guard who had slapped her stepped forward, signaling the others to move as well. “You heard our orders.”
    Kara sighed and gritted her teeth. This was going to really suck.
    She had never been as grateful for the Luthor obsession with black stone as she did now, back against a wall, desperately pressed into the shadows. Three guards walked past her, torches in hand, armor clanking almost as loudly as her heart beat inside her chest. With her cloak gripped tight in one fist, she hurried down the hall as quickly as she dared, bag jostling on her shoulder.
    Three lefts, down two flights then a right. Three lefts, down two flights then a right. Three lefts, down two flights then a right.
    As she rounded the last left, she very nearly swore and threw herself backwards, ducking into a nearby storage room, three palace guards marching past where she had just stood. Damn. She was running out of time, the alarm would sound soon and then--
     An enormous, clanging tone shook the room.
    The guards dropped Kara to the stone and stared as warning bells rang out across the castle. She coughed and readjusted her shift, bloody hands slipping on the stones as she tried to push herself onto all fours.
    At least the shackles had been taken off.
The guards dropped Kara to the stone and stared as warning bells rang out across the castle. She coughed and readjusted her shift, bloody hands slipping on the stones as she tried to push herself onto all fours.
At least the shackles had been taken off.
They lay a few feet away, horrible glow still clawing at her flesh. The bells sounded again, Kara realised they were going in a pattern, four rings, a pause and then two. What did it mean? The guards looked between her and the direction of the castle, then sprinted out of the cell, barely remembering to lock the door behind them. Kara reached across to her back, hissing as her fingers met torn flesh. The whip they had used lay several feet away from her. Her chemise was torn across her back, to give them more access, her now unusable corset hung off her, kept up by a few spindly threads. The guard whipping her had been quite offended when Kara had related his swings to that of her rotted mother’s corpse, perhaps antagonizing the man currently beating her with barbed leather was not her smartest plan, but if she was going to die in the morning, she would die with spirit intact. Her back did throb terribly though.
The sound of metal against metal snapped her from her thoughts. Someone was unlocking her cell. She pushed herself upright (well, on her knees still, but more upright than she had been). The door pushed open; Kara steeled herself for the guards… and instead found a pale, dark-haired woman wearing a green cloak stepping inside, staring back over her shoulder. There were two sacks over her other shoulder and keys in her hand. The woman turned, and without wasting a second began to pull items from the smaller sack. Another cloak, blue, a pair of boots and a finely crafted sword, branded with the Luthor house crest. What in Rao’s name--
“I see you’re already unchained. Hurry and put those on, we have very little time.”
Kara gaped.  “Who? What? I-- What’s happening?”
The woman looked up at her with barely concealed terror, “I’m rescuing you, and if this goes well you will be rescuing me. Now please hurry, I set a false trail but that won’t buy us much time.”
She stopped and looked back at Kara, green eyes searching, “You are Kara Zor-El, correct?”
“Can you stand?”
Kara grimaced. It was taking all of her energy just to kneel here. “I’m not sure.” The woman swore, “Well, I can’t say I didn’t think it might be a possibility.”
The woman reached over and began tying the cloak around Kara’s shoulders; she froze as she caught sight of Kara’s back. She threw the cloak aside.
Kara heard her mutter something that sounded like “Bloodthirsty egomaniacal bastard.” Did she mean the king or her guard? Dazedly, Kara reached over and pulled on one of the boots. The woman fished another weapon from the sack, a small dagger with an ivory, jeweled sheath.
Kara stared. “Well, that certainly won’t draw attention.”
The woman shot Kara an irritated look, “We can pry up the stones for money and bribes.” She unsheathed the dagger and began cutting the sack into strips. Kara bit back a hiss as she wrapped the strips around her torso. Her hands moved with a practiced care. Not a medic but perhaps…
“You’ve seen combat?” The woman’s hands stilled on the linen
“More than I would have liked to.” Kara nodded.
“Have we ever met on the field?”
“My brother generally kept me well away from the infantry.”
“That’s not an answer.” An almost smile ghosted across the woman’s face.
“Depends on how you define meeting on the field. In person? Once or twice.”
“Are you going to tell me who you are?” Kara asked, pulling on her other boot.
The woman tied off the bandages and sheathed the dagger, attaching it to her belt. She hoisted Kara to her feet-- this woman was stronger than she looked. With one of Kara’s arms slung about her shoulder, the woman handed Kara the sword.
“Lena.” She pushed open the cell door. “My name is Lena Luthor.”
Kara choked on air.
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Koko Ni Inai (Japanese) Emel Saat New York, NY Reviewed Mon. Jul. 20
A schoolgirl stumbles into a middle-aged woman's parallel universe.
Jul 20, 2020, 2:01 PM
THE CAROUSEL MAN Anton Evangelista Bronx, NY Reviewed Sun. Jul. 19
A different kind of Bronx Tale about one friend who supports the other in his quest to build a mini-carousel.
Jul 19, 2020, 4:14 PM
HOW TO OBTAIN BREATHING MASKS Rodja Tröscher Düsseldorf Germany Reviewed Sun. Jul. 19
A boss orders his secretary to get a hold of Gas Masks
Jul 19, 2020, 3:47 PM
SPLIT SECOND Kristen Cubbage, Phillip Lehn Hickory, NC Reviewed Fri. Jul. 17
Did you know that the second leading cause of death in children is....
Jul 17, 2020, 12:49 PM
FROM CULIACAN Carolina Herzlt TLALNEPANTLA DE BAZ, MÉXICO Reviewed Thurs. Jul. 16
A woman is separated from her loved ones during lockdown.
Jul 16, 2020, 10:42 PM Click for video:
Transparent Film Festival Presents Episode 29 - Smoky Clips from The First Responder, Recluse, Saudade, Out of Thin Air, Dog Report, Riot in the Meadow, Kaminda, Coronalone. Special Musical Guest Tim Russ (Star Trek) Transparent Film Festival Presents Episode 29 - Smoky
Clips from The First Responder, Recluse, Saudade, Out of Thin Air, Dog Report, Riot in the Meadow, Kaminda, Coronalone. Special Musical Guest Tim Russ (Star Trek)
Jul 14, 2020, 9:56 PM
COME CLOSER Frank Meyer, Maged Mohamed Woerthsee, Germany Reviewed Tues. Jul. 14
Two lovers overcome the barriers of social distancing.
Jul 14, 2020, 5:15 PM
THE FIRST RESPONDER Rajan Gangahar Brooklyn, NY Reviewed Mon. Jul. 13
A look at the emotional toll a first responder’s job takes on his personal life.
Jul 13, 2020, 11:57 PM
RECLUSE Franklin Livingston New York, NY Reviewed Fri. Jul. 10
A man with bigoted viewpoints changes when a new immigrant family moves in upstairs.
Jul 11, 2020, 1:29 AM Transparent Film Festival hosted a watch party. Transparent Film Festival's Watch Party
Jul 8, 2020, 11:52 AM
THE ICE SKATER Bryan And I London, England Reviewed Mon. Jul. 6
A doll comes back to life.
Jul 6, 2020, 10:55 AM
COVID CABIN FEVER: (Working from home with mum) Susie Sparkes Blackburn South, Australia Reviewed Mon. Jul. 6
A mother gets on her daughter’s nerves during the pandemic.
Jul 6, 2020, 10:36 AM
THE HITCHHIKER’S GUIDE TO GROWING UP Brett Chapman Sheffield, England Reviewed Thurs. July 2
Time Capsule of a trip from long ago that could present a remedy for current societal ills.
Jul 3, 2020, 8:22 PM instagram.comInstagram Post by Brian McLane • July 2, 2020 at 08:51AM EDThttps://www.instagram.com/p/CCI-1T1FClP/?igshid=v6kza8u363ps As you know our sponsors are very important to us, and to our filmmakers.Click the link to find out what’s happening at 7pm tonight from Atlanta!
https://www.instagram.com/p/CCI-1T1FClP/?igshid=v6kza8u363ps Updated Jul 2, 2020, 8:52 AM
Jul 2, 2020, 8:52 AM
OR SO THE STORY GOES: KNOCK KNOCK Theresa Labreglio Weehawken, NJ Reviewed Wed. Jul. 1
Things go missing in a small town full of off beat characters.
Jul 1, 2020, 11:17 PM
DOG REPORT Porcelain Bomb Parts Unknown Reviewed Wed. Jul. 1
A dog is disgusted with the human race (and who can blame him).
Jul 1, 2020, 10:44 PM
SAUDADE Kieron Anthony New York, NY Reviewed Wed. Jul. 1
A young man comes to the realization that his world has suddenly changed.
Jul 1, 2020, 10:29 PM
OUT OF THIN AIR Alexandra Guillossou St. Louis, MO Reviewed Wed. Jul. 1
An artist’s creations are inspired by the available resources at hand.
Jul 1, 2020, 9:58 PM
KNIVES AND PEACHES Adrian Daniel Botnariu Berlin, Germany Reviewed Wed. Jul. 1
Former friends settle a score over a past infidelity.
Jul 1, 2020, 2:09 PM
RIOT IN THE MEADOW Thomas Harman London, UK Reviewed Tues. Jun. 30
Touching portrait of the British artist Vicky Hawkins.
Jun 30, 2020, 11:54 PM
THE MUSIC TEAM (Herman Faustus Chatman Pt. 2) Jonathan Croft Ontario, CA Reviewed Sat. Jun. 27
A musician tries his best to be creative without instruments.
Jun 27, 2020, 1:46 PM
TITIEN 1538 Jérôme Possoz Angrie, FR Reviewed Sat. Jun. 27 Voyeurism or truth? Jun 27, 2020, 1:35 PM
NO SAFE HARBOR Noah Schwartz New York, NY Reviewed Friday Jun. 26
The concept of what it means to be “safe and secure” is challenged.
Jun 26, 2020, 4:02 PM
LAYOVER Olivier Frigon Montreal, CA Reviewed Thurs. June 25
A flight attendant finds herself in over her head, after doing a favor for a friend.
Jun 25, 2020, 11:45 PM
THE FINAL PERFORMANCE David J. Phillips Canada Reviewed Wednesday June 24 A would be clown gives a performance to a captive audience. Jun 24, 2020, 9:00 PM Updated Jun 24, 2020, 11:41 AM
Jun 24, 2020, 11:41 AM
THE ZEBRA PAVILLION Melanie Futorian New York, NY Reviewed Tues. Jun. 23
A visual collage duplicating a world where Black and White don’t stand alone.
Jun 23, 2020, 11:03 PM
KAMINDA David van Delden The Netherlands Reviewed Mon. Jun. 22
A fearless little boy explores the world around him.
Jun 22, 2020, 4:21 PM
ONE EARTH, ONE CHANCE Mansha Totla India Reviewed Sun. June 21
Plastics are choking the planet. Along with asshole politicians. So you have less time to do twice as much.
Jun 21, 2020, 2:04 PM Transparent Film Festival posted in Independent Horror Filmmakers. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=3255005944563273 Jun 20, 2020, 8:39 AM Transparent Film Festival posted in Asian Actors & Filmmakers Community. Transparent Film Festival has been a champion of all filmmakers including our 2020 Horror Winner "Hello Baby" directed by Lee Siu Lung.
Please take a look at some of the best Black Filmmakers.
https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=3255005944563273 Jun 19, 2020, 10:32 PM Click for video:
Transparent Film Festival Presents Episode 27 Black Filmmakers Special - Sponsored By Joseph Victori Wines Clips from MLK JR BLVD, REYNA, THE BEEZ & THE CHICKADEEZ Music Videos from Daniel Laurent & J Key. Transparent Film Festival Presents Episode 27 Black Filmmakers Special - Sponsored By Joseph Victori Wines
Clips from MLK JR BLVD, REYNA, THE BEEZ & THE CHICKADEEZ Music Videos from Daniel Laurent & J Key.
Jun 19, 2020, 8:45 PM Click for video:
Transparent Film Festival Presents Episode 27 - Black Filmmakers Special Brought To You By SweetBitch Wines Transparent Film Festival Presents Episode 27 - Black Filmmakers Special Brought To You By SweetBitch Wines
Jun 19, 2020, 8:33 PM
CORONALONE Nigel Gould-Davies London, England Reviewed Thursday Jun. 18
A man comes face to face with his true self in lockdown.
Jun 18, 2020, 9:58 PM
TELEAPATIC (Minova Music Video) Sito Ruiz, Esteve Puig Spain Reviewed Tues. Jun. 17
It’s back to the future with a video that’s like New Order meets Tron.
Jun 17, 2020, 10:09 AM
DRIFTWOOD Rebecka Ray Los Angeles, CA Reviewed Mon. Jun. 15 A woman believes in Aliens and UFOs. Jun 15, 2020, 10:06 PM
CFA Presents "WAXWING SLAIN (1968)" by John Boggs (commentary by Charles Minnimatsu) Michael Natale Massapequa, NY
Reviewed Sun. Jun. 14
A student defends his mentor’s filmmaking legacy.
Jun 14, 2020, 11:23 PM
WHITE WALLS Carol Rotella New York, NY Reviewed Sat. Jun. 13 A young woman does her best to keep occupied during quarantine. Jun 13, 2020, 10:33 AM
THE CLOWN Laura Lewis-Barr Elmwood Park, IL Reviewed Fri. Jun. 12 Barbiemation about a businesswoman who encounters a clown in a park. Jun 12, 2020, 10:53 PM
SCRAMBLED Bret Lada New York, NY Reviewed Wednesday Jun. 10
A womanizer is surprised by his girlfriend.
Jun 10, 2020, 11:47 PM
COWBOY BOOTS Donny Walker Chicago, IL Reviewed Tues. Jun. 9
Well orchestrated country song by a talented new music artist from Chicago.
Jun 9, 2020, 8:45 PM
Piss Off Henry Baker Washington, D.C. Reviewed Mon. June 8
A man gets off on urinating in public.
Jun 8, 2020, 11:17 PM https://youtu.be/Sff7Kc77QAY Updated Jun 8, 2020, 2:20 AM
Jun 8, 2020, 2:20 AM
WREATHLESS Georgios Sefer Greece Reviewed Sun. Jun. 7 A variety of people wake up in a void and encounter a strange foe...
Jun 7, 2020, 10:27 PM
REBECCA Niladree Bhattacharya West Bengal, IN Reviewed Sat. Jun. 6
A traumatized woman can’t get along with her therapist(s).
Jun 6, 2020, 2:41 PM
CHUTZPAH Carter Bowden Little Rock, AR Reviewed Fri. June 5
A teenager has a hard time accepting his father’s new love.
Jun 5, 2020, 11:52 PM
Like You’re Dying Kelsey Ferrell Nashville, TN Reviewed Thurs. June 4
A young woman struggles to find meaning In her life despite coping with a life threatening illness.
Jun 4, 2020, 10:16 PM
Sunder Edward Heredia Norwich, UK Reviewed Wed. June 3
A woman's night of relaxing at home is disrupted by a mysterious visitor.
Jun 3, 2020, 5:29 PM
Mixed Movie Vasco Diogo Lisbon, PT Reviewed Wed. June 3
A moving collage creating on the iPhone using apps.
Jun 3, 2020, 5:23 PM
Crossroads Elijah Rodriguez Brooklyn, NY Reviewed Wed. June 3
Two couples go away for a weekend but only one makes it home.
Jun 3, 2020, 5:02 PM
Player 2 Jonathan Lau Roseville, MI Reviewed Wed. June 3
The bond of two brothers as seen through the lens of their shared love of video games.
Jun 3, 2020, 4:30 PM
Clear Creek Raymond Hill Portland, OR Reviewed Tues. June 2
Desperate men battle it out in the Oregon forest circa 1905
Jun 3, 2020, 1:01 AM Transparent 3 is now officially open. 2020 winners will be featured. New films, new categories, new mission.
filmfreeway.com/transparentfilmfestival Updated Jun 1, 2020, 9:10 AM
Jun 1, 2020, 9:10 AM
As we get ready for Transparent 3 (which will officially open June 1st), we just thought it would be a nice reminder to look at all the great selections from Transparent 2.
So these next few nights we'll run the selections, finalists and winners clips every other night.
Barring another pandemic, global power outage or alien invasion, Transparent 3 will take place in NYC at The Producer's Club Thursday April 8th through 10th. One of the programs will be The Winners From 2020.
Here's how it unfolded. Thanks again for you support.
https://www.facebook.com/transparentfilmfestival/videos/203177567659783/ Updated May 27, 2020, 8:06 PM
May 27, 2020, 8:06 PM
If Devo were formed in Ibiza today it might sound like this.... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=INn8c_n-FW0 May 20, 2020, 2:38 AM Transparent Film Festival updated their status. THE WINNERS - AND WRAP UP
The judges have made their decisions. I will acknowledge my own favorites in another post.
There are 2 or 3 films across all categories that are worthy of "Winner" status. This is also true in all three Best Director, Best Actor and Best Actress categories.
One fact is indisputable. Features carry more weight than shorts in the decision making process because it's harder to maintain excellence for a longer period of time.
We would love to see more features, as well as follow up episodes in the TV Pilot Category. We will be providing a waiver/discount code for filmmakers who submit a second episode to Transparent 3 (2021).
Over this next year, we will continue to build out our streaming channel (TransparentFilmFestival.com). It's a great time to join if you haven't already. So support us as we promote the best in True Indie.
Our weekly show, Transparent Film Festival Presents will be expanding to new television markets.
Thank you all for the kind reviews. It was an amazing year despite the inherent challenges we all faced.
Brian McLane Director
May 5, 2020, 12:08 PM Click for video:
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Winners Special THE WINNERS - AND WRAP UP The judges have made their decisions. I will acknowledge my own favorites in another post. There are 2 or 3 films across all categories that are worthy of "Winner" status. This is also true in all three Best Director, Best Actor and Best Actress categories. One fact is indisputable. Features carry more weight than shorts in the decision making process because it's harder to maintain excellence for a longer period of time. We would love to see more features, as well as follow up episodes in the TV Pilot Category. We will be providing a waiver/discount code for filmmakers who submit a second episode to Transparent 3 (2021). Over this next year, we will continue to build out our streaming channel (TransparentFilmFestival.com). It's a great time to join if you haven't already. So support us as we promote the best in True Indie. Our weekly show, Transparent Film Festival Presents will be expanding to new television markets. Thank you all for the kind reviews. It was an amazing year despite the inherent challenges we all faced. Brian McLane Director Transparent Film Festival 2020 Winners Special
The judges have made their decisions. I will acknowledge my own favorites in another post.
There are 2 or 3 films across all categories that are worthy of "Winner" status. This is also true in all three Best Director, Best Actor and Best Actress categories.
One fact is indisputable. Features carry more weight than shorts in the decision making process because it's harder to maintain excellence for a longer period of time.
We would love to see more features, as well as follow up episodes in the TV Pilot Category. We will be providing a waiver/discount code for filmmakers who submit a second episode to Transparent 3 (2021).
Over this next year, we will continue to build out our streaming channel (TransparentFilmFestival.com). It's a great time to join if you haven't already. So support us as we promote the best in True Indie.
Our weekly show, Transparent Film Festival Presents will be expanding to new television markets.
Thank you all for the kind reviews. It was an amazing year despite the inherent challenges we all faced.
Brian McLane Director
May 5, 2020, 12:01 PM Transparent Film Festival updated their status. IMPORTANT UPDATE:
We have just had confirmation that New York City will not be reopening for "Phase 2" (meaning bars and nightclubs), before at best, June 15. Accordingly, that precludes us from putting on a live screening this year.
The winning films as well as Best Director, Best Actor and Best Actress will be announced on the next episode of Transparent Film Festival Presents (Friday night May 8th) at 9pm EST.
A program will be added to Transparent 3 (April 2021) that will include the winners from Transparent 2 (this year's festival). All winners from Transparent 2 will be included at the Transparent 3 Awards Ceremony.
Let's hope these assholes don't find a way to kill us all before then. Keep making art... or die trying.
May 1, 2020, 12:23 PM While we’re waiting, from our friend Charles Roth...
https://mobile.twitter.com/rexchapman/status/1253016359455383552?s=21&fbclid=IwAR3u5cBIi7CxL9HAlf2sUJx-KvD7tIT7LjN1SxcSQrDClkGjGCZPbkX1xLY Updated Apr 23, 2020, 11:49 AM
Apr 23, 2020, 11:49 AM Transparent Film Festival updated their status. Just to give you an idea of what we’re dealing with on almost a daily basis.... An email from someone who hasn’t been following since October...
"...Have any films dropped out by any chance? We would love to screen. Has the festival been canceled? I’d still love to know why the movie wasn’t accepted. Between the 20 best picture awards we’ve already won and (they name drop a TV show) coming to an end and our lead actor being the star of (they name drop the same TV show) (and all over the media right now), I’m trying to understand the logic..."
Our response is this... Just so there’s no confusion...
We don’t care who you know, how many awards you won, how many people could “pack our screenings”, etc. We don’t need to explain our logic to you. We screen every film from beginning to end, let you know when we watched it and post screen grabs. The films make it to a second round and then go to our judges (who have Emmys and Grammys - one had an Oscar but he died), and they make the decisions not the festival organizers.
As far as when the finalists will be screened, that’s up to Governor Andrew Cuomo. If that doesn’t happen in May, we will do a show similar to the last one (The Finalists Episode), of Transparent Film Festival Presents the last weekend of May where we will announce the winners.
One final thought. Network Television sucks and all 5 of the TV Pilots in that category are just as good (if not better) than the show you referenced.
Nuff Said. Have a nice day.
Apr 16, 2020, 3:18 PM So you know how we're all sitting around with some extra time to be creative....
https://vimeo.com/406912285 Updated Apr 12, 2020, 8:01 PM
Apr 12, 2020, 8:01 PM Click for video:
We started The Transparent Film Festival because, as filmmakers, we were tired of getting ripped off. Ripped off by “film festivals” collecting submissions fees and sending us a form letter. In many cases, we weren’t even told whether we were accepted or rejected. Sundance (we’ll never bother with that again), had 13,000 submissions in 2018 and maybe a dozen people “to screen them”. Do the math. And factor in features. So our concept was, start a festival, get qualified judges, watch every frame and prove it by showing on Facebook that we watched your film and when, let the filmmakers know what we thought. Here are the best of the best, of the best. In some cases we’re still arguing (Best Short and Best Actress). We’ll keep you in the loop. We started The Transparent Film Festival because, as filmmakers, we were tired of getting ripped off. Ripped off by “film festivals” collecting submissions fees and sending us a form letter. In many cases, we weren’t even told whether we were accepted or rejected. Sundance (we’ll never bother with that again), had 13,000 submissions in 2018 and maybe a dozen people “to screen them”. Do the math. And factor in features.
So our concept was, start a festival, get qualified judges, watch every frame and prove it by showing on Facebook that we watched your film and when, let the filmmakers know what we thought.
Here are the best of the best, of the best. In some cases we’re still arguing (Best Short and Best Actress). We’ll keep you in the loop.
Apr 11, 2020, 3:32 AM
UPDATE: We have so much news we'd like to share, but we're so busy working that I'll just have to encapsulate a few items. 1. Just got this statistic (photo attached). While many film festivals talk a good game, we deliver. 2. The next episode of Transparent Film Festival Presents (Episode 26) will air Friday night at 9pm EST. The show will feature the two finalists in each category. We can tell you that the choices have been made in all film categories but the SHORTS category where there is an intense debate going on. In Bet Feature, Documentary, Mobile, Foreign, Performance, and Horror - we have narrowed the field. And it was hard!!!! 3. Episode 27 of Transparent Film Festival Presents (Bubble), will feature some of the films that could have easily been selected. They were that good. But we just couldn't select everyone. So this "Honorable Mention" show is for them. 4. We will. be announcing our first writing challenge with a Cash Prize for the winning submission. It involves finishing a script that was half finished. More about that soon. UPDATE: We have so much news we'd like to share, but we're so busy working that I'll just have to encapsulate a few items.
1. Just got this statistic (photo attached). While many film festivals talk a good game, we deliver.
2. The next episode of Transparent Film Festival Presents (Episode 26) will air Friday night at 9pm EST. The show will feature the two finalists in each category. We can tell you that the choices have been made in all film categories but the SHORTS category where there is an intense debate going on. In Bet Feature, Documentary, Mobile, Foreign, Performance, and Horror - we have narrowed the field. And it was hard!!!!
3. Episode 27 of Transparent Film Festival Presents (Bubble), will feature some of the films that could have easily been selected. They were that good. But we just couldn't select everyone. So this "Honorable Mention" show is for them.
4. We will. be announcing our first writing challenge with a Cash Prize for the winning submission. It involves finishing a script that was half finished. More about that soon.
Apr 8, 2020, 10:22 PM
We're grateful to those of you that took the time to give us a review on Film Freeway, and hope that more of you will do so. https://filmfreeway.com/TransparentFilmFestival#reviews We're grateful to those of you that took the time to give us a review on Film Freeway, and hope that more of you will do so.
Apr 7, 2020, 3:27 PM
Transparent Film Festival 2020 by the numbers. Transparent Film Festival 2020 by the numbers.
Apr 7, 2020, 3:24 PM Transparent Film Festival updated their status. This Friday Night on this page will be our Finalists Show for all categories. Each will have a Winner and a Runner-Up:
An email has been sent to all filmmakers Regarding next steps. Please check your email.
Apr 7, 2020, 12:58 AM Transparent Film Festival updated their status. The Transparent Film Festival 2020 has now officially concluded.
Winners will be announced soon.
Thank you all.
Apr 6, 2020, 3:10 AM You tagged George Hardy
This is it! This is the day so.... Meet Your Judges! We're looking for not only well produced movies, but movies with swagger and buzz. Production Value and Performance are certainly big parts of the equation, but we're also looking at the intangibles as well. You have all been great! Let the Judging begin! BRIAN MCLANE In addition to producing and starring in 2018's horror rock musical "The Killer's Requiem", Brian started The Transparent Film Festival. He has extensively written for television and film including for MTV, Discovery Channel, PBS, and The Food Network. He is in script on 2 new features. TIM RUSS Tim Russ is known for his roles as Lieutenant Commander Tuvok on Star Trek: Voyager, as Frank on Samantha Who?, and as Principal Franklin, a recurring character on the Nickelodeon live-action teen sitcom iCarly. He has an Emmy. MICHAEL FARR Michael is a Producer and Director of over 2000 hours of prime time television programming for both domestic and international markets. He has produced numerous live concerts including for Prince, Elton John as well as worked with U2, Justin Timberlake and Green Day. He has worked on Mission Impossible 3, Dream Girls, and with Ken Burns. CHRIS CONWAY Chris Conway is best known for his work with Eminem on The Marshall Mathers LP (Best Rap Album at the 43rd Grammy Awards). Chris has worked with pretty much every major rapper from Puffy and Biggie Smalls to Wiz Khalifa. He works out of No Mystery studios in NYC. JAMIE LYNN SHEERIN Jamie is a marketing executive who started out working for Wyndham, before transitioning to film. She helped establish Palm Aisles Pictures, a New York film production company, in 2015. A film buff herself, Jamie is also a co-host of the travel show Adventures Over 55 with Festival Organizer Brian McLane. GEORGE HARDY After making his debut in the widely popular cult film favorite Troll 2, George Hardy received widespread critical and audience acclaim for Best Worst Movie. After a slew of character actor appearances including "Father Davenport" in The Killer's Requiem (2018), George landed the lead role as Sgt. Travis Delmore in Texas Cotton (2018). He is currently in production on "CYST". MICHAEL ATTALI Michael started apprenticing under renowned Directors Bruno Dumont and Rachid Bouchareb, and he has never looked back. Films he has worked on include; "Ma Loute" (2016) nominated at Canne’s Festival and the Cesars (French Oscars), "Jeanne" (2019), Lil’ Quinquin (2015-2018), and "By a half Clear Morning" (2020). He is currently directing “A Voodoo’s Tale”. This is it! This is the day so.... Meet Your Judges! We're looking for not only well produced movies, but movies with swagger and buzz. Production Value and Performance are certainly big parts of the equation, but we're also looking at the intangibles as well. You have all been great! Let the Judging begin!
BRIAN MCLANE In addition to producing and starring in 2018's horror rock musical "The Killer's Requiem", Brian started The Transparent Film Festival. He has extensively written for television and film including for MTV, Discovery Channel, PBS, and The Food Network. He is in script on 2 new features.
Tim Russ is known for his roles as Lieutenant Commander Tuvok on Star Trek: Voyager, as Frank on Samantha Who?, and as Principal Franklin, a recurring character on the Nickelodeon live-action teen sitcom iCarly. He has an Emmy.
Michael is a Producer and Director of over 2000 hours of prime time television programming for both domestic and international markets. He has produced numerous live concerts including for Prince, Elton John as well as worked with U2, Justin Timberlake and Green Day. He has worked on Mission Impossible 3, Dream Girls, and with Ken Burns.
Chris Conway is best known for his work with Eminem on The Marshall Mathers LP (Best Rap Album at the 43rd Grammy Awards). Chris has worked with pretty much every major rapper from Puffy and Biggie Smalls to Wiz Khalifa. He works out of No Mystery studios in NYC.
Jamie is a marketing executive who started out working for Wyndham, before transitioning to film. She helped establish Palm Aisles Pictures, a New York film production company, in 2015. A film buff herself, Jamie is also a co-host of the travel show Adventures Over 55 with Festival Organizer Brian McLane.
After making his debut in the widely popular cult film favorite Troll 2, George Hardy received widespread critical and audience acclaim for Best Worst Movie. After a slew of character actor appearances including "Father Davenport" in The Killer's Requiem (2018), George landed the lead role as Sgt. Travis Delmore in Texas Cotton (2018). He is currently in production on "CYST".
Michael started apprenticing under renowned Directors Bruno Dumont and Rachid Bouchareb, and he has never looked back. Films he has worked on include; "Ma Loute" (2016) nominated at Canne’s Festival and the Cesars (French Oscars), "Jeanne" (2019), Lil’ Quinquin (2015-2018), and "By a half Clear Morning" (2020). He is currently directing “A Voodoo’s Tale”.
Apr 5, 2020, 10:06 AM Transparent Film Festival updated their status. Festival in full swing and we are definitely looking at which films have more complete views when determining winners. We have great analytics.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 is coming to a close.
We want to thank everyone for what will surely be a most memorable film festival. We screened every frame of close to 300 films, provided our notes and ratings, and chose the films we thought were the best of the best. Then, the Coronavirus.
We will leave the programs up until 11:59 pm PCT (Pacific) to accommodate all those great films from California and Vancouver.
Tomorrow (Monday), we'll send out an update as to what happens next. We will post here, as well as email everyone.
Again, great job to you all. When FilmFreeway.com as if you want to leave a review, we hope you will.
UPDATE SUNDAY NIGHT 9:30 EST The numbers don’t lie. Very strong TV Pilots but o e is standing out. And our Judge Tim Russ has just sent in his comments.
“... ___________________ is my number 1 choice for the pilots. It's clever, well shot, well edited, well acted and well paced. Quite good! tim
UPDATE AS OF 10:30 EST Virtually all of the interest seems to be in Programs 4 and 7.
UPDATE AS OF 4:30 EST A marked increase in tickets being purchased with lots of views starting to come in. Definitely fascinating to watch from the backend!
Lots of great posts below below btw.
Apr 4, 2020, 3:02 PM Transparent Film Festival updated their status. Guys it’s simple... click the button. Choose the program you want. Pay for your ticket.
One of the things we’re hearing back is how impressed each of you are - with EVERYONE ELSE that they’re competing against. We’ve given out comps to approximately half the filmmakers. The rest I guess don’t know or didn’t care.
We posted several months ago, that completing your film is only the beginning. Making money and being successful in the business, is a whole ‘nother thing. Interacting with and collaborating with others, learning and teaching others, attending screenings and the film markets and making connections, and so on.
If you think that people are just going to drop out of the sky and love your film, good luck. 😉 However, seeing the methods and techniques utilized by your fellow filmmakers, is alone worth the price of admission. The All Access Subscription for $25 (for a year!!!) is like a semester of film school. That’s how incredible these films are. And they are from all over the world. Especially the foreign films competition, it’s mind-boggling.
You can’t become a successful filmmaker in a vacuum.
Apr 4, 2020, 10:17 AM Updated Apr 4, 2020, 10:13 AM
Apr 4, 2020, 10:13 AM Transparent Film Festival posted in Independent Horror Filmmakers. Great Horror Program (Program 4)
This weekend, support the best in True Indie. In these difficult times, these incredible filmmakers from around the world have so much to say - and the quality will blow you away.
https://www.transparentfilmfestival.com/transparent-film-festival-2020 Apr 4, 2020, 8:19 AM
People have asked how much the All Access Ticket to all programs is. The answer is $24.99. Here is the link: https://www.transparentfilmfestival.com/ People have asked how much the All Access Ticket to all programs is. The answer is $24.99. Here is the link: https://www.transparentfilmfestival.com/
Apr 3, 2020, 10:24 PM Transparent Film Festival posted in New York Filmmakers and Actors. This weekend, support the best in True Indie. In these difficult times, these incredible filmmakers from around the world have so much to say - and the quality will blow you away.
https://www.transparentfilmfestival.com/transparent-film-festival-2020 Apr 3, 2020, 6:53 PM Transparent Film Festival posted in Asian Actors & Filmmakers Community. This weekend, support the best in True Indie. In these difficult times, these incredible filmmakers from around the world have so much to say - and the quality will blow you away.
https://www.transparentfilmfestival.com/transparent-film-festival-2020 Apr 3, 2020, 6:52 PM Transparent Film Festival posted in Low Budget films, Indie (Indy) Filmaking ( Low budget Film Makers). This weekend, support the best in True Indie. https://www.transparentfilmfestival.com/transparent-film-festival-2020 Apr 3, 2020, 6:39 PM The Festival is Live and will be extended through until Sunday at 11:59pm EST. https://www.transparentfilmfestival.com/transparent-film-festival-2020
Comps for filmmakers are available until midnight. We have someone standing by to accommodate you.
Please understand that anyone attempting to use an email login from multiple IP addresses will have their access revoked, and their film disqualified from competition. Updated Apr 2, 2020, 9:49 PM
Apr 2, 2020, 9:49 PM Transparent Film Festival updated their status. IMPORTANT UPDATE
We want to thank all of our judges, techs and staff for helping us pull this off at this most difficult time. That's how much we honor all of you.
Several filmmakers have now received their comp to the program in which their film is screening. We have verified with several of you already that the process works. The comps are just that, for you. However, please understand we have excellent analytics.
Anyone trying to use a comp email login from multiple IP addresses, will have their access revoked - and their film removed from the competition.
It takes a lot of time to set this up, for each individual comp. This is why we aren't just automatically adding people unless they requested access. It would take more time than we have, especially with a skeleton staff due to the virus.
As we said in our email to all filmmakers, whose films are screening as part of the festival - YOU MUST REQUEST YOUR COMP BY MIDNIGHT TONIGHT (EST - NYC Time).
Now for a bit of bad news.
A friend of the festival with whom some of us worked back in November, has died of the Coronavirus. So, there's that.
We will check in again just before the official start of the festival at midnight tonight and make sure every filmmaker who has requested a comp for their program, has one.
Apr 2, 2020, 7:43 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Program 3 – Foreign Film Competition Crusher� Dagny Forgotten Alive Gravediggers Hoek’s Delta Kukli La Herencia De Marti Nice to Meet You NOM Romance Silent Brainwash The Broadcast The Elephants The Wrecker What Remains Apr 1, 2020, 11:39 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Program 4 – Crime & Horror Competition Angels Gone Apocalyptic Life Applecalypse Assistance Done Waiting Family Bond Hello Baby Help Me Killing Time Kung Pao Corpse Reyna Thirst Voracious Apr 1, 2020, 11:39 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Program 5 – Features Competition A Ship Of Human Skin Broke The Day After Halloween Background Noise The Fall Exit 0 Apr 1, 2020, 11:39 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Program 2 – Short Film Competition Cashed Dream Cafe Flamboyanes Panic Attack Stuffed Tableaux The Beez & The Chickadeez The Holdout The Tea The Trouble With Cats You Look Great Apr 1, 2020, 11:39 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Program 1 – Short Film Competition Ada After You’ve Gone� Borrowing Dance With A Demon Good Intentions MLK Jr. Blvd. Power Out Silence The End Of June The Interning The Marionette Doll The Norm Apr 1, 2020, 11:39 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Program 7 – TV Pilots After Life� The Blue Marble The Queen’s English L'uomo Nuovo Highbread Apr 1, 2020, 11:39 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Program 6 - Docs, Mobile & Performance Video Competition The Stop After The Flood Bend Low Sweet Branch Coastline Crazy Hapax Elegy Immortality� Irradiate Like Meat Outside Vegetable Skin Apr 1, 2020, 11:39 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection The Queen's English (TV Pilot) Mar 30, 2020, 5:40 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Forgotten Alive (Short) Mar 30, 2020, 4:46 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Kung Pao Corpse (Short) Mar 30, 2020, 4:28 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Hapax Elegy (Performance) Mar 30, 2020, 3:36 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Mar 30, 2020, 3:29 PM Transparent Film Festival updated their status. IMPORTANT - FILMMAKERS PLEASE READ
As New York City is on "lockdown", we will continue with our festival online. When restrictions are lifted and it is deemed safe to hold our festival, we will get new dates and hold our live film festival event.
The film festival will take place here: www.transparentfilmfestival.com
Filmmakers please take note:
1. We need your 1920 x 1080 compressed movs or mp4s no later than 5 pm Tuesday to be included in the festival (online). There will be no exceptions. We have to sequence several programs. Programs will be a mix of genres and will time at approximately 3 hours each.
2. Films that screen online will be given priority with respect to the live festival when scheduled. This means that we don't know what's going to happen in the future with the pandemic situation and what we're going to have access to in the future. However, those films that screen this weekend, will be given first consideration if and when the live festival is scheduled.
3. Films that screen online as part of the festival will be uploaded to TransparentFilmFestival.com. After the festival, all films selected and uploaded for the 2020 Transparent Film Festival will be promptly deleted UPON NOTIFICATION BY SUBMITTING FILMMAKER.
4. There will be two types of digital tickets available: The first is per program and the second is for "ALL ACCESS" which will allow for the viewing of all festival content.
5. Each filmmaker taking part in the online festival will receive 1 comp to view the program in which their film is included. To receive your comp access, or if you have any questions at all, please email us at [email protected].
Mar 30, 2020, 1:56 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Bend Low, Sweet Branch, Bend Low (Performance) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Done Waiting (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Dance With A Demon (Performance) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Dagny (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Crusher (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Crazy (Performance) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Claire (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Cashed (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Broke (Feature) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Borrowing (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Assistance (Horror) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Background Noise (Feature) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Gravediggers (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Astronaut (Performance) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Applecalypse (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Angels Gone (Horror) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection After You've Gone (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection After The Flood (Mobile) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection After Life (TV Pilot) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Ada (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection A Ship Of Human Skin (Feature) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Exit 0 (Feature) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Apocalyptic Life (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Dream Cafe (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Family Bond (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection The Broadcast (Mobile) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection What Remains (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Voracious (Horror) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Flamboyanes (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Vegetable Skin, An Interview (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Thirst (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Stuffed (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Tableaux (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection The Beez & The Chickadeez (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection The Blue Marble (TV Pilot) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection The Day After Halloween (Feature) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Sisters Of Sorrow (TV Pilot) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection The Elephants (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection The End of June (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection The Fall (Feature) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection The Holdout (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection The Interning (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection The Marionette Doll (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection The Norm (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection The Stop (Performance) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection The Tea (Mobile) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection You Look Great (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Silent Brainwash (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection The Wrecker (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection La Herencia de Martí (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Good Intentions (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Hello Baby (Horror) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Help Me (Horror) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection High Bread (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Hoek's Delta (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Immortality (Performance) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Irradiate (Mobile) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Killing Time (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Kukli (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection L'Uomo Nuovo (TV Pilot) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Silence (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Like Meat (Performance Video) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection MLK JR BLVD. (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Nice To Meet You (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection NOM (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Outside (Performance) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Panic Attack (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Power Out (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection Reyna (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection R O M A N C E (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Selection The Trouble With Cats (Short) Mar 29, 2020, 12:08 AM Click for video:
Transparent Film Festival 2020 Nominations Special Transparent Film Festival 2020 Nominations Special
Mar 27, 2020, 10:01 PM instagram.comInstagram Post by Brian McLane • March 27, 2020 at 07:20PM EDThttps://www.instagram.com/p/B-QVhh0FYQB/?igshid=rmn50p3jxvxh Here is the Instagram Version of the Transparent Film Festival 2020 trailer
https://www.instagram.com/p/B-QVhh0FYQB/?igshid=rmn50p3jxvxh - Please Share Updated Mar 27, 2020, 7:22 PM
Mar 27, 2020, 7:22 PM
TONIGHT AT 10 PM New York City Time Right Here On This Page TONIGHT AT 10 PM New York City Time Right Here On This Page
Mar 27, 2020, 6:14 PM Transparent Film Festival updated their status. We are being inundated with emails and requests. Just to make sure - everyone, please read. We're dealing with a lot, more than most being in New York. Please watch the Selections Special Show (below). There are a handful of selections that will be added, clips from which will be included in next Friday night's Best in Category Nominations Special.
In light of the current situation (Coronavirus), we want to make sure we honor our commitment to our filmmakers.
Film Freeway is supposed to notify filmmakers on March 22. Just in case, we are providing screenshots of our dashboard, showing our ratings. Every single filmmaker has individually received an email during the past year with our notes and ratings.
Transparent Film Festival Ratings Guide
SELECTED - BLUE FLAG (Priority for live screening) Will receive Selected and Nominations laurels and will screen live (pending venue considerations in light of the pandemic).
SELECTED - PURPLE FLAG Will receive Selected laurels and is scheduled for live screening (pending venue considerations in light of the pandemic).
GREEN FLAG - (With a Trophy Rating) Will not screen live but will receive Semi-Finalist laurels. May have a performance nomination for Best Actor or Best Actress.
GREEN FLAG - Will not screen live but will receive Semi-Finalist laurels, and offered to screen online.
ORANGE FLAG Not selected for live screening but will receive Honorable Mention laurels, and offered to screen online.
RED FLAG Just not for us.
NOTES ON SELECTION: 1. Some films marked “Not Selected” - would have been selected, but the filmmakers did not respond to our requests.
2. The first film (Exit 0) and the last film (Gravediggers) were both Selected.
Mar 22, 2020, 9:15 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Mar 22, 2020, 5:42 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Mar 22, 2020, 5:42 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Mar 22, 2020, 5:42 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Mar 22, 2020, 5:42 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Mar 22, 2020, 5:42 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Mar 22, 2020, 5:42 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Mar 22, 2020, 5:42 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Mar 22, 2020, 5:42 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Mar 22, 2020, 5:42 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Mar 22, 2020, 5:42 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Mar 22, 2020, 5:42 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Mar 22, 2020, 5:42 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Mar 22, 2020, 5:42 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Mar 22, 2020, 5:42 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Mar 22, 2020, 5:42 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Mar 22, 2020, 5:42 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Mar 22, 2020, 5:42 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Mar 22, 2020, 5:42 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Mar 22, 2020, 5:42 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Mar 22, 2020, 5:42 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Mar 22, 2020, 5:42 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Mar 22, 2020, 5:42 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Mar 22, 2020, 5:42 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Mar 22, 2020, 5:42 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Mar 22, 2020, 5:42 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Mar 22, 2020, 5:42 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Mar 22, 2020, 5:42 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Mar 22, 2020, 5:42 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Mar 22, 2020, 5:42 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Mar 22, 2020, 5:42 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Mar 22, 2020, 5:42 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Mar 22, 2020, 5:42 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Mar 22, 2020, 5:42 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Mar 22, 2020, 5:42 PM Transparent Film Festival added a new photo.
Mar 22, 2020, 5:42 PM
GRAVEDIGGERS Caro Alexis Rennes, France
Screened Saturday March 21
Out for revenge, a man kidnaps the owner of the company from which he was downsized.
Mar 21, 2020, 11:01 PM
Screened Saturday March 21
A man born with Spinal Bifeda beats the odds.
Mar 21, 2020, 10:56 PM Click for video:
The Transparent Film Festival Presents 2020 Selections Special The Transparent Film Festival Presents 2020 Selections Special
Mar 21, 2020, 6:51 AM Click for video:
The best in TRUE INDIE Filmmaking including clips from shorts, features, docs, horror, TV Pilots, mobile and music performances. Support independent filmmaking from around the world at its best. Visit TransparentFilmFestival.com and subscribe for 1 year for 29.99 includes 1 free submission to the 2021 Transparent Film Festival. The best in TRUE INDIE Filmmaking including clips from shorts, features, docs, horror, TV Pilots, mobile and music performances. Support independent filmmaking from around the world at its best.
Visit TransparentFilmFestival.com and subscribe for 1 year for 29.99 includes 1 free submission to the 2021 Transparent Film Festival.
Mar 21, 2020, 6:51 AM Transparent Film Festival updated their status. To accommodate some late entries, we're pushing back the selections special by an hour or so as we have to cut in and re-render. Please stand by. Thanks for your patience. I promise you it's excellent. You all did a great job
Mar 20, 2020, 9:00 PM
SELECTIONS TONIGHT AT 9PM Due to some late entries, we had to re-edit (of course). So instead of 8PM New York time, the selections, along with nominations for Best Actor, Best Actress and Best Director will be pushed back an hour. But it's definitely happening tonight!!! SELECTIONS TONIGHT AT 9PM
Due to some late entries, we had to re-edit (of course). So instead of 8PM New York time, the selections, along with nominations for Best Actor, Best Actress and Best Director will be pushed back an hour. But it's definitely happening tonight!!!
Mar 20, 2020, 5:57 PM
WHISKEY & WINGS Brian Hilario & Justin Butler Pensacola, FL Screened Friday March 20 Two men hit the road to sample the best whiskey and wings. Mar 20, 2020, 4:56 PM
Potions Lesson Julie Reedy Webster Groves, MO Screened Friday March 20 A witch tells a joke to her apprentice. Potions Lesson Julie Reedy Webster Groves, MO
Screened Friday March 20
A witch tells a joke to her apprentice.
Mar 20, 2020, 12:57 PM
The Beez & The Chickadeez Christopher Milton Boston, MA
Screened Friday March 20
Deciding to give up one's virginity often doesn't go as planned.
Mar 20, 2020, 12:26 PM
An Introduction To Thribing Rohil Aniruth South Africa Screened Thursday March 19 The challenges of being an international student living in NYC. An Introduction To Thribing Rohil Aniruth South Africa
Screened Thursday March 19
The challenges of being an international student living in NYC.
Mar 19, 2020, 9:54 PM
Richard Wilbur - Keeping the Difficult Balance Ralph Hammann Williamstown, MA Screened Thursday March 19 A thorough look at the 2nd Poet Laureate of the United States. Richard Wilbur - Keeping the Difficult Balance Ralph Hammann Williamstown, MA
Screened Thursday March 19
A thorough look at the 2nd Poet Laureate of the United States.
Mar 19, 2020, 9:50 PM
PHOSPHENE Bryan Ribeiro Mount Vernon, NY
Screened Thursday March 19
Two artistic souls, addicted to drugs, find each other.
Mar 19, 2020, 8:44 PM Transparent Film Festival updated their status. IMPORTANT UPDATE
Filmmakers please read.
NYC has closed down. We will be most likely postponing the live screenings however, we will screen the selected films online on Friday Night April 3rd and Saturday Night April 4th at the same times as they would have screened.
This will also be the same order that they will screen not if, but WHEN we secure our new dates at the same venue - the Producers Club - which has been paid for in full.
We will also be able to screen additional films that deserve the selection laurels because they are that well produced, but wouldn't have been able to screen live due to time constraints. We were going to get a 3rd day, but then things changed in a hurry.
A good thing is that we will be able to screen more features instead of only when.
We will let you know about new dates (if indeed we need to postpone the live screenings) as soon as the danger from COVID-19 has passed. But for now, all entertainment venues in NYC are closed, and no public gatherings with more than 10 people are permitted. So it's out of our control.
THAT SAID.... we will be airing our Selections Special this Friday night right here on Facebook while doing watch parties with about 20 filmmaking groups at 8PM EST.
It's going to be a great show. Please all of you stay safe.
Mar 18, 2020, 3:57 PM
Screened Monday March 16
After a drive-in closes for the season, gore and witty banter fill the air in rural Pennsylvania.
Mar 17, 2020, 12:53 AM Transparent Film Festival updated their status. Part of being a successful filmmaker, goes beyond making the film.
It's taking advantage of opportunities when they present themselves, and of course being communicative as well as accommodating.
We are starting to notify filmmakers.
If we've reached out to you already and you haven't responded with what we've requested, your film will not screen.
Mar 15, 2020, 10:10 PM
HIGHBREAD - C’EST LA WEED Jayesh Jaidka Boston, MA
Screened Saturday March 14
A student taking the MCATs has a revelation despite his parents protestations.
Mar 15, 2020, 11:46 AM
LIE LIKE ME John Lewis James Vancouver, BC
Screened Wednesday March 11
A girl assumes the identity of her classmate.
Mar 11, 2020, 10:18 PM
DIAGNOSIS Tanner Craft Kirkwood, MO
Screened Tuesday March 10
A single mother struggles to cope as she tries to get help for her autistic son.
Mar 11, 2020, 12:55 AM
RIVENSE Amelia Spilger Fairfax, CA
Screened Tuesday March 10
A upstart coffee family from Costa Rica tries to make the right connections in the USA.
Mar 10, 2020, 8:50 PM
SLOW JAM GIRL Jack Quint New York, NY
Screened Monday March 9
The second coming of Weird Al Yankovic
Mar 9, 2020, 11:09 PM
FICTION ABOUT COUNTRY C Xueqing Yin Nanchang, Jiangxi, China
Screened Monday March 9
A woman encounters resistance in her quest for a baby via in vitro fertilization.
Mar 9, 2020, 11:06 PM Transparent Film Festival updated their status. We will be adding two awards categories:
Mar 9, 2020, 12:29 AM
SILENCE Cathy HC New York, NY
Screened Sunday March 8
When kids grow up around screaming parents...
Mar 9, 2020, 12:06 AM
HOEK’S DELTA Vadim Lasca Caracas, Venezuela
Screened Sunday March 8
A day spent with friends goes horribly wrong after they head home.
Mar 8, 2020, 11:50 PM
ALREADY LUCKY Matthew Cassani Los Angeles, CA
Screened Sunday March 8
Sometimes getting high can make your problems go away, and sometimes they can’t.
Mar 8, 2020, 6:24 PM
BROKEN HALOS Michael Kampa Myrtle Beach, SC
Screened Sunday March 8
After a cop loses his partner, supernatural events occur leading him to seek justice and redemption.
Mar 8, 2020, 2:42 PM
VEGETABLE SKIN, AN INTERVIEW Giovanni Soletta Codrongianos, IT Screened Sunday March 8 A moving portrait of the artist Bruno Petretto. Mar 8, 2020, 1:46 PM
STRAIGHT AND NARROW Jesse Hutchins Dubois, PA
Screened Sunday March 8
A musician on the rebound can’t get out of his own way.
Mar 8, 2020, 1:23 PM
ODYSSEUS Sofia-Chryssanthi Touboura Thessaloniki, GR Screened Sunday March 8 Somber visual art piece about off shore drilling. Mar 8, 2020, 1:10 PM
CRAZY (MUSIC VIDEO) Lee Milby (Artist J-Key) New York
Screened Saturday March 7
Is she cheating on him, or is he imagining things?
Mar 7, 2020, 8:07 PM
Screened Friday March 6
A young woman must take desperate measures to free herself from her controlling boyfriend.
Mar 7, 2020, 2:41 AM Click for video:
Transparent Film Presents Episode 24 - Pool with special guest Director Dylan Bank. 6 of the films that have been selected for this year's Transparent Film Festival. Music Performance by Hall & Oates. Transparent Film Presents Episode 24 - Pool with special guest Director Dylan Bank.
6 of the films that have been selected for this year's Transparent Film Festival. Music Performance by Hall & Oates.
Mar 7, 2020, 1:43 AM Transparent Film Festival premiered a video. Transparent Film Presents Episode 24 - Pool with special guest Director Dylan Bank.
6 of the films that have been selected for this year's Transparent Film Festival. Music Performance by Hall & Oates.
Mar 7, 2020, 1:28 AM Click for video:
Transparent Film Presents Episode 24 - Pool with special guest Director Dylan Bank. 6 of the films that have been selected for this year's Transparent Film Festival. Music Performance by Hall & Oates. Transparent Film Presents Episode 24 - Pool with special guest Director Dylan Bank.
6 of the films that have been selected for this year's Transparent Film Festival. Music Performance by Hall & Oates. Mar 7, 2020, 1:28 AM Transparent Film Festival updated their status. NOTICE TO ALL FILMMAKERS:
The first selections have been announced.
We keep getting emails from some of you mistakenly thinking that your film has already screened, like in some online festival.
When we do a post about your film, with stills, and a screened on day and date, that is just the proof of our having watched (or “screened”), your film.
What sets us apart from every other festival (and why we are a top 100 festival on Film Freeway), is because we can document when we watched your film. If you want, you can cross reference with Vimeo or YouTube analytics for that day, so you can see we watched your entire film.
Generally, the more screen grabs, the more we liked your film. Though this is not always the case.
The festival itself is on Friday night, April 3rd, and Saturday night April 4 with a party after the Awards Ceremony.
Selections will first be announced on the Friday night March 20 episode of Transparent film Festival presents.
Lastly, if you’re not already, you may want to follow this page. Important information as well as announcements will be posted here especially as we draw closer to the festival.
Mar 6, 2020, 5:18 PM
FLAMBOYANES Javier Montes d'Arce Astoria, NY
Screened Thursday March 5
A man finds a way to spend time with his deceased wife.
Mar 6, 2020, 2:17 AM
Screened Thursday March 5
Strange goings on off campus in the Northwest... not too far from Twin Peaks.
Mar 6, 2020, 12:03 AM
THE SANTA CRUISE Maxwell Mueller Brooklyn, NY
Screened Sunday March 1
A group of would be Santas go on an Alaskan cruise to learn how to be Santa.
Mar 1, 2020, 10:14 PM
BACKBEAT Martin Blank Bethesda, MD
Screened Sunday March 1
It’s tough being a musician.
Mar 1, 2020, 9:55 PM
IMMORTALITY Ian Graziano Greenlawn, NY
Screened Sunday March 1
Something has a hold of this girl.
Mar 1, 2020, 9:44 PM
BORROWING Joe Stramowski Brooklyn, NY
Screened Sunday March 1
A women struggles with her infertility, which leads her to a dark place.
Mar 1, 2020, 9:34 PM
VORACIOUS Gabriel Chiriboga Brooklyn, NY
Screened Sunday March 1
Not a good idea to walk around an industrial part of Brooklyn after hours.
Mar 1, 2020, 8:50 PM
CONOCER Joey Doyle New York, NY
Screened Sunday February 23
Two men learning Spanish become acquainted with each other’s personal stories.
Feb 23, 2020, 3:40 PM
Screened Sunday February 23
A lost installment of the treasure hunter saga which takes place in the most unlikeliest of locations.
Feb 23, 2020, 2:32 PM
HELP ME Jim Morton Erie, PA
Screened Sunday February 23
A soldier suffering from the effects of PTSD can’t save his wife from...
Feb 23, 2020, 1:46 PM
TABLEAUX Wyatt D'Emilia New York, NY
Screened Sunday February 23
A painting sews discord amongst all who view it.
Feb 23, 2020, 1:25 PM Transparent Film Festival premiered a video. From No Mystery Studios in NYC. Clips from films including: Sisters of Sorrow; Stuck On Probation; After You've Gone; Killing Time; A Ship Of Human Skin. Special Musical Guest - Esa "Like Meat"
Feb 22, 2020, 1:30 AM Click for video:
From No Mystery Studios in NYC. Clips from films including: Sisters of Sorrow; Stuck On Probation; Killing Time; After You've Gone. Special Musical Guest - Esa "Like Meat" From No Mystery Studios in NYC. Clips from films including: Sisters of Sorrow; Stuck On Probation; Killing Time; After You've Gone. Special Musical Guest - Esa "Like Meat" Feb 22, 2020, 1:29 AM
Tonight at 12:30 am NYC time, Transparent Film Festival Presents Episode 23. Sisters of Sorrow Stuck On Probation After You’ve Gone Killing Time A Ship Of Human Skin Special Musical Guest: Mariella Pacey “Like Meat” Click Here: https://www.mnn.org/watch/channels/community-channel Feb 21, 2020, 8:31 PM Transparent Film Festival posted an offer.
https://filmfreeway.com/TransparentFilmFestival/tickets https://filmfreeway.com/TransparentFilmFestival/tickets
Feb 18, 2020, 11:10 PM
GOOD INTENTIONS Simone Kisiel New York, NY
Screened Monday February 17
A mother woman who seemingly has everything, makes one bad decision and loses it, all...
Feb 17, 2020, 10:26 PM
AFTER YOU’VE GONE Emily Olcott Brooklyn, NY
A painter has difficulty coming to terms with the loss of his sister.
Feb 17, 2020, 9:41 PM
Some of the films that are now being screened in the second round....
To remind, our judges are film veterans and collectively have either an Oscar, an Emmy, and/or a Grammy win or nomination.
We will begin revealing some of our selections on this Friday’s episode of Transparent Film Festival Presents (Feb. 21); and subsequently for the four weeks that follow. The full festival schedule will be revealed on the Friday March 20th episode.
Feb 17, 2020, 12:42 AM
KILLING TIME Cody Lovorn San Antonio, TX
Screened Sunday February 16
After the death of the woman he loves, a man with a special gift grapples with killing himself.
Feb 16, 2020, 11:50 PM Go here now! Episode 22
https://www.mnn.org/watch/channels/community-channel Updated Feb 15, 2020, 12:30 AM
Feb 15, 2020, 12:30 AM
SISTERS OF SORROW Gerald Auger Vancouver, British Columbia
Screened Friday February 14
Native American Biker Babes track a thief.
Feb 14, 2020, 6:29 PM
BIRTH OF SPEED Werner Maritz Capetown, SA
Screened Sunday February 9
Portrait of two cheetah mothers and their cubs.
Feb 10, 2020, 12:25 AM
MAKE ME A BUTTERFLY Amy Barbera Coral Springs, FL
Screened Sunday February 9
A woman pays homage to her deceased grandmother.
Feb 9, 2020, 8:23 PM
PUNTA ALLEN Simon Keller Zurich, CH
Screened Sunday February 9
Portrait of a sleepy Mexican seaside village.
Feb 9, 2020, 7:53 PM
THE STRANGER MANUEL Enzo Cellucci New York, NY Screened Sunday February 9 A man washes up on a beach and encounters a native. Feb 9, 2020, 7:37 PM
LIKE MEAT Mariella Pacey Queensland, AU
Screened Wednesday February 5
A group of dancers will do anything to succeed, including eating each other.
Feb 6, 2020, 12:58 AM
CROSSROADS Ari Hock Seattle, WA Screened Wednesday February 5 A man grapples with retirement. Feb 5, 2020, 11:59 PM More Great Films and Special Music Guest Lenny Kaye!
Support True Independent Film. Submit at filmfreeway.com/transparentfilmfestival Updated Feb 5, 2020, 9:21 AM
Feb 5, 2020, 9:21 AM Click for video:
Transparent Film Festival Presents 2020 Trailer Transparent Film Festival Presents 2020 Trailer
Feb 4, 2020, 7:51 PM
Feb 1, 2020, 11:31 PM
Received this email today. We're very proud to announce that we're a Top 100 Festival on Film Freeway. Received this email today. We're very proud to announce that we're a Top 100 Festival on Film Freeway.
Feb 1, 2020, 10:35 PM
ADA Steven Kammerer Vancouver, B.C.
Screened Thursday January 30
A visionary struggles to bring her invention to market in 1850’s London.
Jan 30, 2020, 11:11 AM
Screened Sunday January 26
A small town’s communal approach to health care.
Jan 26, 2020, 11:44 PM
COFFEE AND A DONUT Cary Patrick Martin Astoria, NY
Screened Sunday January 26
A man’s limited knowledge of English keeps him from ordering the food he wants.
Jan 26, 2020, 11:33 PM
AFTER LIFE Mike Cerisano Brooklyn, NY
Screened Thursday January 23
It’s ghosts versus ghost hunters in this paranormal version of “The Office”.
Jan 24, 2020, 12:06 AM
ASSISTANCE Christian Gillis Greenwich, CT
Screened Wednesday January 22
One more reason to not work at a convenience store.
Jan 23, 2020, 12:21 AM
I DO Gianni McLaughlin Hoboken, NJ
Screened Wednesday January 22
She’s nuts. He’s worse. Sounds like the perfect marriage.
Jan 23, 2020, 12:01 AM Click for video:
One of our most popular episodes of Transparent Film Festival Presents: Episode 21 - Apple Clips from: DML (UK), Reyna (Baltimore, MD), The Meeting (Sicily), The Trouble With Cats (Redwood City, CA), The Dream Cafe (NYC); Special Musical Guest Ivan Anderson See past episodes at www.transparentfilmfestival.com One of our most popular episodes of Transparent Film Festival Presents: Episode 21 - Apple
Clips from: DML (UK), Reyna (Baltimore, MD), The Meeting (Sicily), The Trouble With Cats (Redwood City, CA), The Dream Cafe (NYC); Special Musical Guest Ivan Anderson
See past episodes at www.transparentfilmfestival.com
Jan 21, 2020, 11:36 AM
STUCK ON PROBATION Larry Hardison New York, NY
Screened Saturday January 18
The wacky lives of probation officers.
Jan 19, 2020, 12:17 AM
MLK JR. BLVD. Kareem McMichael Savannah, GA
Screened Saturday January 18
A young man with a chip on his shoulder falls victim to the odds against him.
Jan 18, 2020, 11:29 PM
GARAGE Phil E. Eichinger Rahway, NJ
Screened Saturday January 18
A man has mixed emotions when it falls to him to clean out his father’s garage.
Jan 18, 2020, 10:56 PM
Screened Friday January 17
Boy meets girl, then another girl.
Jan 17, 2020, 10:59 PM
Happily Married After Alison Guessou Golden Valley, Minnesota
Screened Sunday January 12
Secrets and dishonesty are the secret to this couple's happiness.
Jan 12, 2020, 6:32 PM
Mythomaniac Ricky Scott New York, NY Screened Sunday January 12 Fueled by her need for attention, a girl becomes detached from reality. Mythomaniac Ricky Scott New York, NY
Screened Sunday January 12
Fueled by her need for attention, a girl becomes detached from reality.
Jan 12, 2020, 6:00 PM
Tonight in 20 minutes, the 20th Episode of Transparent Film Festival Presents. The first episode of 2020! CLICK HERE!!!! https://www.mnn.org/watch/channels/community-channel Tonight in 20 minutes, the 20th Episode of Transparent Film Festival Presents. The first episode of 2020!
CLICK HERE!!!! https://www.mnn.org/watch/channels/community-channel
Jan 11, 2020, 12:09 AM
REYNA Akinola Hassan Laurel, MD
Screened Friday January 10
Baltimore Crime Caper where nothing goes the way it’s supposed to.
Jan 10, 2020, 10:34 PM
HIGH MAINTENANCE Michael McNeil Savannah, GA
Screened Thursday January 9
A man drags his friend out to hear about his bad breakfast experience.
Jan 9, 2020, 12:20 PM
THE TROUBLE WITH CATS Tim Schafer Los Angeles, CA
Screened Sunday January 5
A young woman has the worst luck with dating.
Jan 6, 2020, 12:28 AM
DREAM CAFE Darya Khritankova (NYC) Siberia, RU
Screened Saturday January 4
A man goes to extraordinary lengths to make his dreams come true.
Jan 4, 2020, 1:18 PM Transparent Film Festival updated their status. NOTE
No selections have been made. Please do not confuse our confirmation of screening with being selected.
Jan 4, 2020, 11:03 AM
CRUSHER Arshia Zeinali Rakesh Gilman, Iran
Screened Friday January 3
An out of work laborer decides he wants to go out in a blaze of glory.
Jan 4, 2020, 1:38 AM Transparent Film Festival updated their status. Clips from Angels Gone; House Of Redemption; Ketu; Romanace and Forgotten Alive; Music guests The On and Ons; posted from the Metropolitan Opera!
Jan 4, 2020, 12:37 AM Tune in now (Every Friday Night at 12:30 EST)
https://www.mnn.org/watch/channels/community-channel Updated Jan 4, 2020, 12:29 AM
Jan 4, 2020, 12:29 AM
PLASTIC BOY (FEATURE) Sam Plommer London, UK
Screened Friday January 3
Despite one bad break after the next, a young man rolls with the punches.
Jan 3, 2020, 11:34 PM Transparent Film Festival updated their status. IMPORTANT
We just had to disqualify (for the first time) a submission that included questionable material (and that could be considered illegal in some jurisdictions).
If we have no way to verify you are a real person, cannot find you online, and have no information about you and/or your project other than an email address, your submission will be disqualified.
Jan 3, 2020, 6:01 PM
FULL CIRCLE (FEATURE) Noel Brady Dublin, Ireland
Screened Friday January 3
A war journalist whose credibility is suspect stumbles onto the story of a lifetime.
Jan 3, 2020, 5:28 PM
SLIP AWAY Thais Sherell Edison, NJ
Screened Friday January 3
A woman struggles with depression.
Jan 3, 2020, 5:03 PM
MAMA KNOWS Guy Kapulnik Los Angeles, CA Screened Wednesday January 1 A new breed of Advice Columnist has plenty to say. Jan 2, 2020, 12:55 AM
TWENTY TWENTY Nicholas M. Garofolo/Dave Sweeney Brooklyn, NY
Screened Wednesday Jan. 1
A writer fights off attempts by evil forces to turn him into a Manchurian candidate.
Jan 2, 2020, 12:46 AM
HIDDEN STILL Monica Goldberg Sydney, AU Screened Tuesday December 31 Artistic homage to a grandfather who went missing. Dec 31, 2019, 7:38 PM
BEND LOW, SWEET BRANCH, BEND LOW The Gentlemen Losers Helsinki, FIN
Screened Sunday December 29
If shucking oysters were this sexy everyone would be doing it.
Dec 29, 2019, 11:23 PM
ANGELS GONE Roger Salazar Floral Park, NY
Screened Sunday December 29
A restaurant manager finds himself in the midst of what appears to be a worldwide paranormal event.
Dec 29, 2019, 10:26 PM
AFTER THE FLOOD Alexandra Guillossou St. Louis, MO
Screened Sunday December 29
Two floods sweep through St. Louis as seen through the eyes of a teenager.
Dec 29, 2019, 10:04 PM
ROMANCE Giorgi Tkemaladze Tbilisi GE
Screened Wednesday December 25
A father resorts to extreme measures when he gets wind of his daughter’s romance.
Dec 25, 2019, 11:55 PM
WHIRLPOOL Amir Taghavi Tehran, IR Screened Wednesday December 25 Running to, running from, in the end we’ll be overcome. Dec 25, 2019, 11:08 PM
LUPERCA RETURNS Alexis Ramirez Bronx, NY
Screened Wednesday December 25
A monster whose powers have faded has a chance encounter with an alien.
Dec 25, 2019, 10:54 PM
THE INTERNING Samrat Chakrabarti New York, NY
Screened Wednesday December 25
Political correctness threatens to destroy a young man’s life.
Dec 25, 2019, 6:53 PM
KETU Anderia Noshad Tehran, IR
Screened Friday December 20
Metal Music Meets Modern Dance
Dec 21, 2019, 1:02 AM Transparent Film Festival posted in Independent Horror Filmmakers. Transparent Film Festivalfacebook.com If a filmmaker requests to know why they were accepted or rejected, it shouldn't be too hard to provide a reason. That is what makes us different than most festivals, and why our first year was a HUGE success.
We screened every frame of every film and returned our detailed notes. Please see our screening receipts at [http://Facebook.com/transparentfilmfestival](https://www.facebook.com/transparentfilmfestival/?ref=gs&__tn__=%2CdK-R-R&eid=ARD1ZCrsZ_JQzKWKQOkk3JePtiVszPuX53SvKGwJdQzrwc1tYyqy2Bltbo9TXQozbyPRuy6sJ99s9R4R&fref=gs&dti=334368756043&hc_location=group)
We also have a cable show every Friday Night on FIOS, Spectrum and RCN here in Manhattan where we spotlight the best submissions. We keep our fees low!
Inbox us to find out more or submit here: [http://filmfreeway.com/transparentfilmfestival](https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Ffilmfreeway.com%2Ftransparentfilmfestival%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3hTp78MkrcaTwYANmmTd17Qg5QDeh1Q57-z4YkzpAnePR7SbmMFMj2WHs&h=AT2EI1P7-S7cC-pKFqX3p6p70yxMgvr_pRUoQMA-VeYeoU4j3t2PBsXWBoT-O3LqkpmjFAy4W_CQkKjA-Nb5kv7KQuc6Nz4Ra0D50qzNtdC0UQ5_s7qDxv8rBFNj-hc8m0REcX7ZUslwr-lB8PAe65Zi0w6MEve-Jw)
Check out our streaming channel at [http://transparentfilmfestival.com/](http://transparentfilmfestival.com/?fbclid=IwAR2o2LYfbk7pvpwh9tZ4hOAyk_O6zez2y8MVG73insdXgSK-_0_Qdr4BRKs) Dec 20, 2019, 2:18 PM
VENGEFUL LOVE Alexandra Balda Caracas, VZ
Screened Wednesday December 18
Not the reaction you want when telling your husband you’re pregnant!
Dec 19, 2019, 12:43 AM Click for video:
Our Sponsor Joseph Victori Wines has a wine called "Sweet Bitch." It is a Chilean brand and it is DELICIOUS. It's sooooo good it's... well, just see for yourself! Our Sponsor Joseph Victori Wines has a wine called "Sweet Bitch." It is a Chilean brand and it is DELICIOUS. It's sooooo good it's... well, just see for yourself! Dec 16, 2019, 2:15 PM
Screened Saturday December 14
Two middle age men have different perspectives on aging.
Dec 15, 2019, 1:52 AM
LOST Elijah Rodriguez New York, NY
Screened Saturday December 14
A young women agonizes over her mother’s death.
Dec 14, 2019, 9:29 PM
A SUPER SURPRISE Pat Campo Los Angeles, CA
Screened Friday December 13
A group of boys is stalked in this mix between Scream and The Hangover.
Dec 14, 2019, 12:18 AM Click for video:
Episode 18 of Transparent Film Festival Presents: Clips from short films include Dance With A Demon, The Malfunction and Hysterium; Special Musical Performance by The Charlie Daniels Band Episode 18 of Transparent Film Festival Presents:
Clips from short films include Dance With A Demon, The Malfunction and Hysterium; Special Musical Performance by The Charlie Daniels Band Dec 11, 2019, 6:57 PM
Cat Scratch Fever Michael Volpe Washington DC
Screened Wednesday Dec. 11
Rather than loafing, this cat breaks it down old school.
Dec 11, 2019, 5:41 PM Transparent Film Festival posted in New York Filmmakers and Actors. Transparent Film Festivalfacebook.com If a filmmaker requests to know why they were accepted or rejected, it shouldn't be too hard to provide a reason. That is what makes us different than most festivals, and why our first year was a HUGE success.
We screened every frame of every film and returned our detailed notes. Please see our screening receipts at http://Facebook.com/transparentfilmfestival
We also have a cable show every Friday Night on FIOS, Spectrum and RCN here in Manhattan where we spotlight the best submissions. We keep our fees low!
Inbox us to find out more or submit here: http://filmfreeway.com/transparentfilmfestival
Check out our streaming channel at http://transparentfilmfestival.com/ Dec 10, 2019, 12:50 PM Transparent Film Festival posted in Asian Actors & Filmmakers Community. Transparent Film Festivalfacebook.com If a filmmaker requests to know why they were accepted or rejected, it shouldn't be too hard to provide a reason. That is what makes us different than most festivals, and why our first year was a HUGE success.
We screened every frame of every film and returned our detailed notes. Please see our screening receipts at http://Facebook.com/transparentfilmfestival
We also have a cable show every Friday Night on FIOS, Spectrum and RCN here in Manhattan where we spotlight the best submissions. We keep our fees low!
Inbox us to find out more or submit here:
Check out our streaming channel at http://transparentfilmfestival.com/ Dec 10, 2019, 12:49 PM
IN THE NIGHT Stephanie Gene Newburgh, NY
Screened Tuesday December 3
A young girl takes off on a nightmarish ride through her dreams.
Dec 3, 2019, 10:46 PM
DINNER FOR SIX (FEATURE) Ryan Willer Manhattan Beach, CA
Screened Sunday November 24
One secret after the next comes out after a dinner deteriorates into the mother of all bull sessions.
Nov 24, 2019, 1:56 PM
YES VIRGINIA Harvey Puttock London, ENG
Screened Sunday November 24
A woman with a gift no longer wishes it.
Nov 24, 2019, 1:05 PM
THE LAST HARVEST Alexis Spradic Watsonville, CA
Screened Saturday November 23
The dire need for a guest worker program is explored in this important documentary about the state of agriculture in the US.
Nov 23, 2019, 8:40 PM
MALFUNCTION Devan Prabhakar Allen, TX
Screened Saturday November 23
Just how real are you?
Nov 23, 2019, 7:59 PM https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=M1F0lBnsnkE&fbclid=IwAR1p1iKyn1_9byOZvK6WuOyV0j35NBa4vYhq6oYoHARxXHWt3Cn-zl5b8Kc Updated Nov 23, 2019, 12:26 AM
Nov 23, 2019, 12:26 AM
WHAT REMAINS Matthieu DUVAL Brettonneux, FR
Screened Monday November 18
A man suffers from PTSD and his family along with him.
Nov 19, 2019, 1:10 AM
THE RABBIT HOLE Richard Bakewell Burbank, CA
Screened Monday November 18
Daddy comes home from the war.... and brings the monsters with him.
Nov 19, 2019, 12:41 AM
NEVER TWICE THE SAME COLOR Guli Silberstein Tel Aviv, Israel
Screened Monday November 18
Ghostly images taken by a group of friends who move from Israel to New York shortly before 9/11
Nov 18, 2019, 12:52 PM
Screened Monday November 18
Friends reunite to celebrate a birthday, but when alcohol is involved, anything can happen.
Nov 18, 2019, 12:10 PM
Screened Saturday November 16
House hunters run into a satanic cult.
Nov 16, 2019, 3:08 PM
U & ME Vamshi Srinivas Parsippany, NJ
Screened Saturday November 16
A man neglects his beautiful wife.
Nov 16, 2019, 2:46 PM
DANCE WITH A DEMON Mitch Bax Vancouver, BC
Screened Saturday November 16
Imaginative tale about a mother battling the demon of depression in the Neverworld.
Nov 16, 2019, 2:23 PM
WHERE THE SUNRISE SETS Nathaniel Avila San Antonio, TX
Screened Saturday November 16
A young woman sacrifices everything to help her mother escape an abusive marriage.
Nov 16, 2019, 1:50 PM
NAPS Martinique Watson Queens, NY
Screened Saturday November 16
A young woman makes a radical decision concerning her hair.
Nov 16, 2019, 12:57 PM
NICE TO MEET YOU Stefano Sgarbi Mirandola, IT
Screened Friday November 15
When it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be.
Nov 15, 2019, 8:33 PM
HYSTERIUM John Lofton IV Baltimore, MD
Screened Friday November 15
Everything was fine.... until her mother put down her poetry.
Nov 15, 2019, 8:01 PM
KUNG PAO CORPSE Zack Burkett Atlanta, GA
Screened Friday November 15
Even the dead love Chinese food.
Nov 15, 2019, 7:07 PM
Screened Friday November 15
The setting is a Japanese garden as two women look to the future after the death of a loved one.
Nov 15, 2019, 6:32 PM
A FOREST BATH Bryce Saucier Houston, TX
Screened Friday November 15
Getting stood up by her “friend” may be the best thing that ever happened to this girl.
Nov 15, 2019, 6:10 PM
CLOUDS AND SHADOWS Andrew Payne Bedford, England Screened Friday November 15 Experimenting with light and shadows caused by passing clouds. Nov 15, 2019, 5:45 PM
DAGNY Bjørn Sortland Bergen, NO
Screened Friday November 15
A woman takes a bus to the sanitarium.
Nov 15, 2019, 4:52 PM
HOW MUCH? Heath Bernstein Los Angeles, CA
Screened Friday November 15
Two friends challenge one another with hypotheticals.
Nov 15, 2019, 4:32 PM
DONE WAITING Jesse Hutchins Pittsburgh, PA
Screened Sunday November 10
When the cops can’t help, a man takes matters into his own hands in an attempt to rescue his wife.
Nov 10, 2019, 11:25 PM
THE NORM Jamal Bilal New York, NY
Screened Sunday November 10
A hospice nurse does her best to cope and help others.
Nov 10, 2019, 10:30 PM
THE TELLTALE WATCH Nima Nabavinejad Melville, NY
Screened Sunday November 10
A homeless man is murdered for his watch.
Nov 10, 2019, 9:49 PM
JUMBLED Ricky Scott Independence, LA Screened Saturday November 9 Angels and demons compete for a young man’s soul. Nov 10, 2019, 2:19 PM
Screened Saturday November 9
A man squares off with his super who is overwhelmed.
Nov 10, 2019, 2:11 PM
SERI Violetta Licari Palm Coast, FL Screened Saturday November 9 A family grieves for a loved one who has passed. Nov 10, 2019, 2:07 PM Today only!
https://vimeo.com/221890757/73c52a2a8a Updated Nov 7, 2019, 11:34 AM
Nov 7, 2019, 11:34 AM
Watch live from NYC in 15 Min!! https://www.mnn.org/watch/channels/community-channel Nov 2, 2019, 12:15 AM
FOR THE GOBLINS Yuan Wang Burbank, CA
Screened Friday November 1
A man agrees to train a goblin in exchange for some magic wine.
Nov 1, 2019, 5:49 PM
PLEDGE IT Rachel Sonnenberg Tenafly, NJ
Screened Thurs. October 31
A teacher has a meltdown when kids decide they don't want to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
Oct 31, 2019, 4:15 PM
Filtered Scotty Morris Hamilton, Ontario
Screened Thursday Oct. 31
Two teenager girls go after each other as seen from a mobile phone.
Oct 31, 2019, 2:55 PM
BrLooklyn Maria T Alvarado Brooklyn, NY
Screened Monday Oct. 31
A girl wanders around Brooklyn looking for a friend.
Oct 31, 2019, 2:25 PM
FAMILY BOND Chris Guzzo Staten Island, NY
Screened Monday October 21
A woman disappears from her family but her husband tracks her down...
Oct 21, 2019, 11:13 PM
RESTLESS Ela Acur Oakland Gardens, NY
Screened Sunday October 21
A young woman struggles to fight off a demon after the death of her mother.
Oct 21, 2019, 1:35 AM
YES (Feature) Tim Realbuto Brooklyn, NY
Screened Sunday Oct. 21
A acting teacher digs dangerously deep to bring out the best in his student.
Oct 21, 2019, 1:02 AM
HEY DREAMER David Erba Brooklyn NY
Screened Sunday October 20
Seemingly unconnected people try to make the world a better place.
Oct 20, 2019, 12:42 PM
APPLECALYPSE Nobuhiro Futaki Brooklyn, NY
Screened Friday October 18
A scientist realizes he’s been hired to work on a bio-weapon.
Oct 18, 2019, 7:43 PM
THE TEA Levi Morris Los Angeles, CA
Screened Wednesday October 16
BBC like period piece spoof.
Oct 16, 2019, 11:53 PM
DROWNING Valerio Casali New York, NY
Screened Monday October 14
A screenwriter has a meltdown.
Oct 14, 2019, 3:24 PM Click for video:
For Those of you who missed it, Episode 13 of Transparent Film Festival Presents. Films this week include clips from: "You Look Great", "Married and Loving It!, and "Dead Water"; Special music guest Jelly Bean with premiere of "Astronaut". From Comic Con in New York City. For Those of you who missed it, Episode 13 of Transparent Film Festival Presents.
Films this week include clips from: "You Look Great", "Married and Loving It!, and "Dead Water"; Special music guest Jelly Bean with premiere of "Astronaut".
From Comic Con in New York City. Oct 13, 2019, 12:05 AM Go here now https://www.mnn.org/watch/channels/community-channel Updated Oct 12, 2019, 12:32 AM
Oct 12, 2019, 12:32 AM
PLATFORMS Kayla Arendts Agoura Hills, CA
Screened Friday October 11
A young woman has to decide if she’s going to get serious about dancing.
Oct 11, 2019, 7:31 PM
THE TOYMAN Rachael Sonnenberg Tenafly, NJ
Screened Friday October 11
There are, apparently, still a few kids left who play with actual toys (that occasionally need fixing).
Oct 11, 2019, 6:21 PM
THE FALL Ben Senior Winnetka, IL
Screened Friday October 11
Moody coming of age tale about two teens (one of whom is suffering from mental illness) who fall in love.
Oct 11, 2019, 6:10 PM
Tonight on Transparent Film Festival Presents:
Clips from: You Look Great, Married and Loving It; Dead Water. Special Musical Guest Jelly Bean.
On Manhattan cable - FIOS Ch. 33; Spectrum Ch. 34 and RCN Ch. 82
See it stream live from Manhattan at 12:30 am NYC time: https://www.mnn.org/watch/channels/community-channel
Hosted from Carnegie Hall, Yankee Stadium and Comic Con. Extra Special guest Mark Franzblau.
Oct 11, 2019, 4:54 PM
ASTRONAUT Pierre Petrovsky Nord, France
Screened Monday October 7
Retro Anime a la 80’s Music Video
Oct 8, 2019, 1:13 AM
Screened Sunday October 6
A version of the immaculate conception you most likely haven’t yet heard.
Oct 7, 2019, 1:59 AM
Screened Sunday October 6
A look at married life through the eyes of four young couples.
Oct 7, 2019, 1:41 AM You tagged Mark A. Franzblau
Quite a thrill to meet Nichelle Nichols today. That’s Mark Franzblau to the right. Oct 6, 2019, 10:36 PM
Screened Sunday October 6
A couple runs into God and his secretary making fortune cookies in the back of a Chinese restaurant.
Oct 6, 2019, 10:33 PM
Screened Saturday October 5
Parents are concerned about their daughter who is living in New York.
Oct 5, 2019, 11:53 PM
Screened Saturday October 5
Gangsters come in all shapes and sizes.
Oct 5, 2019, 11:33 PM Click for video:
7 Day Free Trial at transparentfilmfestival.com 7 Day Free Trial at transparentfilmfestival.com
Sep 29, 2019, 11:40 PM
Attn: Filmmakers: Please introduce yourself by clicking the link below. So many of you are so talented, that the idea is for all of you to be exchanging ideas, networking and possibly working together. https://www.transparentfilmfestival.com/forums/general/36663-filmmaker-rolecall Attn: Filmmakers: Please introduce yourself by clicking the link below.
So many of you are so talented, that the idea is for all of you to be exchanging ideas, networking and possibly working together.
Sep 29, 2019, 7:53 PM
OWN YOUR STUPIDITY Sids Ahky Stevens Brooklyn, NY
Screened Sunday September 29
A girl faces long odds and an uphill battle on her way to find happiness.
Sep 29, 2019, 1:52 PM
CENTER ICE Nichole Huenergardt Sherman Oaks, CA
Screened Saturday September 28
Documentary about Competitive Team Figuring Skating
Sep 28, 2019, 4:02 PM
FORGOTTEN ALIVE Kiriakos Kotsinis Greece
Screened Saturday September 28
A mystery unfolds after a man escapes from his grave
Sep 28, 2019, 1:53 PM Click for video:
Promoting amazing indie filmmakers from around the world. Go to www.transparentfilmfestival.com and GET YOUR 7 DAY FREE TRIAL! Promoting amazing indie filmmakers from around the world. Go to www.transparentfilmfestival.com and GET YOUR 7 DAY FREE TRIAL! Sep 28, 2019, 1:13 AM
Screened Friday September 27
A business/life coach gives three aspiring woman business owners a crash course in what it takes to make it big!
Sep 28, 2019, 12:20 AM
ZOMBIE SHARKAGEDDON II John Cunningham Melbourne, AU Screened Friday September 27 A man gets carried away with a video game. Sep 27, 2019, 10:40 PM
Promoting TRUE INDEPENDENT FILM. From Hong Kong to Iran, Sweden to Brooklyn, we spotlight amazing filmmakers from around the world. 1st 12 episodes of Transparent Film Festival Presents available online now. Click www.transparentfilmfestival.com for 7 DAY FREE TRIAL Sep 27, 2019, 5:13 PM Transparent Film Festival posted in Independent Horror Filmmakers.
Transparent Film Festival's First Digital Release!!! The Killer's Requiem (91 min) Starring Tim Russ (Star Trek Voyager), Lloyd Kaufman (Toxic Avenger), George Hardy (Troll 2), and Jean Beauvoir (Plasmatics) Lots of great extras!!! https://www.transparentfilmfestival.com/products/the-killer-s-requiem Sep 26, 2019, 11:31 AM
Transparent Film Festival's First Digital Release!!! The Killer's Requiem (91 min) Starring Tim Russ (Star Trek Voyager), Lloyd Kaufman (Toxic Avenger), George Hardy (Troll 2), and Jean Beauvoir (Plasmatics) Lots of great extras!!! https://www.transparentfilmfestival.com/products/the-killer-s-requiem Transparent Film Festival's First Digital Release!!!
The Killer's Requiem (91 min) Starring Tim Russ (Star Trek Voyager), Lloyd Kaufman (Toxic Avenger), George Hardy (Troll 2), and Jean Beauvoir (Plasmatics)
Lots of great extras!!!
Sep 26, 2019, 9:38 AM
MOTHERLAND Baset Zandi Tehran, Iran
Screened Sunday September 22
Dark drama about a man who wakes from a coma only to return home and find out that nothing is the same.
Sep 22, 2019, 11:41 PM
THE LIMBO CAFE Jason Burke Pittsburgh, PA
Screened Sunday September 22
Those who’ve committed unspeakable acts wind up here.
Sep 22, 2019, 2:39 PM
THROUGH THE EYES OF A WRESTLER Veronica White Coraopolis, PA
Screened Friday September 20
An up and coming wrestler on the indie circuit talks about the life.
Sep 21, 2019, 12:52 AM
THE ELEPHANTS Olle Christiansen Meijer Skurup, Skåne, Sweden
Screened Thursday Sept. 19
4 seemingly unrelated vignettes that have one thing in common... feeling unwanted.
Sep 19, 2019, 3:30 PM
MOTHER'S PRESENCE J. Alexander Fernandez Clearwater, FL
Screened Thursday Sept. 19
A young man seeks revenge on his father's mistress.
Sep 19, 2019, 3:03 PM
YOU LOOK GREAT Justin Andrew Davis New York, NY
Screened Wednesday September 18
A young man’s eating disorder turns into a living nightmare.
Sep 18, 2019, 10:55 PM
THIRST Wylie Rush New York, NY
Screened Wednesday September 18
I guy gets more than he bargained for when he brings two girls home to party.
Sep 18, 2019, 10:17 PM
THE BLUE MARBLE Ralph Toporoff New York, NY
Screened Saturday September 14
A group of souls await their planetary assignments after the big bang, but are held up by bureaucratic red tape.
Sep 14, 2019, 9:50 PM
THE TENT Kyle Couch Pontiac, MI
Screened Saturday September 14
A Father and his daughter battle monsters on the fringes of a post apocalyptic world.
Sep 14, 2019, 9:07 PM
DISINTEGRANTS John Harlan Norris Lexington, KY
Screened Saturday September 14
The concept of the portrait reimagined.
Sep 14, 2019, 3:07 PM
DREAM NO. 37,091 Jon Reitzel Brooklyn, NY
Screened Friday Sept. 13
Offbeat characters living in a non-linear reality that looks a little like Brooklyn.
Sep 13, 2019, 4:06 PM Tonight at Midnight NYC time:
From Eastern Tennessee
https://www.mnn.org/watch/channels/lifestyle-channel Updated Sep 12, 2019, 10:44 PM
Sep 12, 2019, 10:44 PM Wow....
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4de-JbJHg7E&feature=youtu.be Updated Sep 12, 2019, 12:27 AM
Sep 12, 2019, 12:27 AM FORUMS ARE NOW OPEN! https://www.transparentfilmfestival.com/forums/general/36663-filmmaker-rolecall If you have submitted to The Transparent Film Festival, please check in on the site as we're going to be introducing many filmmaker resources. Updated Sep 8, 2019, 11:00 PM
Sep 8, 2019, 11:00 PM Click for video:
THE ANGRY MAN Melissa Malone Weehawken, NJ Screened Sunday September 8 A woman struggles to get over a childhood trauma only to find it’s starting again... THE ANGRY MAN Melissa Malone Weehawken, NJ
Screened Sunday September 8
A woman struggles to get over a childhood trauma only to find it’s starting again...
Sep 8, 2019, 11:36 AM
THE PEOPLE’S PYRAMID Buby Demetrio Coconut Creek, FL Screened Saturday September 7 The best and worst of humanity encapsulated in a geometric scrawl Sep 7, 2019, 7:40 PM
STOP REQUESTED Nick Philomeno Brazil Screened Saturday September 7 A heartbroken girl is reminded about how much she is loved. Sep 7, 2019, 7:24 PM
SHOWING UP Neil Fennell New York, NY
Screened Saturday September 7
After a funeral, a woman gets a surprise visit from a former love.
Sep 7, 2019, 7:14 PM Transparent Film Festival posted an offer.
You can see the first 11 episodes of Transparent Film Festival Presents (our cable television show) here: https://www.transparentfilmfestival.com/manhattan-cable-tv-show-thursday-night-midnight The Season 1 Finale is tonight at Midnight EST (NY time). You can watch online at https://www.mnn.org/watch/channels/lifestyle-channel The cable show is free to all. Subscribe to our streaming channel at TransparentFilmFestival.com for the best in independent film and music. You can see the first 11 episodes of Transparent Film Festival Presents (our cable television show) here: https://www.transparentfilmfestival.com/manhattan-cable-tv-show-thursday-night-midnight
The Season 1 Finale is tonight at Midnight EST (NY time). You can watch online at https://www.mnn.org/watch/channels/lifestyle-channel
The cable show is free to all. Subscribe to our streaming channel at TransparentFilmFestival.com for the best in independent film and music.
Sep 5, 2019, 4:39 PM
Last week's show hosted from Dollywood and in Eastern TN. https://www.transparentfilmfestival.com/manhattan-cable-tv-show-thursday-night-midnight/videos/transparent-film-festival-presents-episode-11-dolly Last week's show hosted from Dollywood and in Eastern TN.
Sep 5, 2019, 4:12 PM Can’t stop watching this video. Cost: $500
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_0zb9D1lndg Updated Sep 5, 2019, 10:13 AM
Sep 5, 2019, 10:13 AM
EDDY 3.0 John Perivolaris Glasgow, Scotland
Screened Monday Sept. 2
A husband and the family robot do not get a long... at all.
Sep 3, 2019, 12:00 AM
POSITIVELY VENTING Milla Spivey Cupertino, CA
Screened Monday Sept. 2
The parents are having a hard enough time, but their worthless son is adding to their aggravation!
Sep 2, 2019, 11:34 PM
CHOLO Joe Saldana and Aaron Huisenfeldt Los Angeles, CA
Screened Sunday Sept. 1
An addict finds out he was betrayed by his gang.
Sep 1, 2019, 2:41 PM
THE DARK GOODBYE Mitch Ross Noblesville, IN
Screened Sunday Sept. 1
A good killer is one who can stop himself from killing.
Sep 1, 2019, 1:14 PM
HANBLOGLAKA Trier Guy Paris, France Screened Sunday Sept. 1 A Rorschach test set to techno music. What do you see? HANBLOGLAKA Trier Guy Paris, France
Screened Sunday Sept. 1
A Rorschach test set to techno music. What do you see?
Sep 1, 2019, 12:50 PM
SHIP OF HUMAN SKIN Richard Bailey Dallas, TX
Screened Monday August 26
Stranded in a rural nightmare of crime and drugs, two friends struggle to rid themselves of self inflicted torment.
Aug 27, 2019, 12:17 AM
PANIC ATTACK Eileen O'Meara West Hollywood, CA
Screened Sunday August 25
On her drive to work, a woman worries about EVERYTHING - only to realize it was for nothing.... or... was it😉
Aug 25, 2019, 9:53 PM
CREATION Nathaniel Mervar Fort Wayne, IN
Screened Sunday August 25
LEGO like film short about the story of creation.
Aug 25, 2019, 9:55 AM
THE BROADCAST Daria Sviridenko Moscow, Russian Federation
Screened Saturday August 24
A brutal coming of age tale as seen through the lenses of various mobile phones.
Aug 24, 2019, 7:25 PM
THE STRAIGHT MAN Paul Laudicano Middletown, NJ
Screened Saturday August 24
A once famous comedian decides to get back into show business with some help from an upstart.
Aug 24, 2019, 4:52 PM
LA HERENCIA DE MARTI Marc Pascual Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Screened Saturday August 24
A woman and her stepmother enter into a complicated relationship after the death of her father.
Aug 24, 2019, 12:08 PM
THE REDHEAD Natalie MacMahon Berlin, Germany
Screened Friday August 23
A young man trapped in a tedious call center job escapes to a fantasy world with beautiful maidens.
Aug 23, 2019, 4:40 PM Click for video:
In case you missed it - Season 2 Episode 3 of Transparent Film Festival Presents from Met Life Stadium: Films After (CA), Alter (Mexico) and Krampon (Turkey); special musical Guests The Rolling Stones In case you missed it - Season 2 Episode 3 of Transparent Film Festival Presents from Met Life Stadium: Films After (CA), Alter (Mexico) and Krampon (Turkey); special musical Guests The Rolling Stones Aug 23, 2019, 12:51 AM Transparent Film Festival updated their status. I’m still waiting for an explanation but according to Production, so many people logged in to watch it crash their server!
Aug 23, 2019, 12:24 AM Go here in 3 minutes
https://www.mnn.org/watch/channels/lifestyle-channel Updated Aug 22, 2019, 11:58 PM
Aug 22, 2019, 11:58 PM
Just a quick note. Selections will not be made until early next year. We’ve seen some great films but the competition is going to be fierce. Early bird submissions will be closing shortly. Aug 21, 2019, 11:18 AM
A MISSING PIECE Grace Chang Brooklyn, NY
Screened Sunday August 18
A single mother tries to teach her rapper son about the importance of tradition.
Aug 18, 2019, 10:50 PM
Like Nutella? This is much better for you, and the environment. Wanna know why check out Keepers Of The Forest (runner up for last season’s best documentary. Check out a clip at our website: http://transparentfilmfestival.com while we’re still offering a free trial. Aug 18, 2019, 10:24 AM
THE QUEEN’S ENGLISH Tyler Dwiggins New York, NY
Screened Sunday August 18
A quirky group of friends copes with the complexities of city living, while dealing with the complexities of their relationships.
Aug 18, 2019, 8:57 AM
Screened Thursday Aug. 15
A young woman delves into Theravada Buddhism.
Aug 16, 2019, 12:31 AM
RISING FLAME Federico Carro La Spezia, Italy
Screened Wednesday August 14
A racing car mechanic fantasizes about winning the race and getting the girl.
Aug 14, 2019, 5:25 PM
DEAR OLD NEW WORLD Valentina Danelli/Alberto Mettuno Milan, Italy
Screened Tuesday August 13
I’m not sure what this film was about (no subtitles), but it’s fucking cool to look at!
Aug 13, 2019, 9:21 PM
MORANA Kathy Vargas Elmwood Park, NJ Screened Tuesday August 3 The effects of domestic violence are widespread. Aug 13, 2019, 9:01 PM
BEAUTY Zhang Xiaoan Melbourne. Australia
Screened Tuesday Aug. 13
A young woman struggles to cope with an ever changing socialized ideal of beauty.
Aug 13, 2019, 8:49 PM
REVELATION Elijah Rodriguez New York, NY
Screened Thursday August 8
A young woman tries to cope with the loss of a loved one by escaping into a virtual world.
Aug 8, 2019, 9:36 PM
POWER OUT Benjamin Myers New York, NY
Screened Thursday August 8
A get together takes an unexpected turn when NYC goes dark.
Aug 8, 2019, 9:16 PM
ALTER Marcos Obregón Mexico
Screened Sunday August 4
A young woman is stalked.
Aug 4, 2019, 11:41 PM
AFTER YOU Christelle Korichi Paris, FR
Screened Wednesday July 31
3 women struggle with domestic violence in their relationships.
Aug 1, 2019, 1:56 AM
BROKE Luke Bond New York, NY
Screened Sunday July 28
Uncomfortable portrait of a talented malcontent and the band she sabotages emotionally.
Jul 29, 2019, 1:53 AM
CUPID’S COMEBACK Monica Furman Brooklyn, NY
Screened Saturday July 27
Cupid and Venus are still at it in the age of dating apps.
Jul 28, 2019, 12:20 AM Go here now https://www.mnn.org/live/2-lifestyle-channel Updated Jul 26, 2019, 12:01 AM
Jul 26, 2019, 12:01 AM
Tonight - Midnight Eastern Time. (45 min from now)! On tonight’s episode, clips from Hello Baby (Lung Lee), The Holdout (Javier Augusto Nunez), and Losing (Sarah Allyn). Also Arshay Cooper from Row New York, Fashion Byblos Rowing Blazers; Music Guest Monique Sherrell Brown. https://www.mnn.org/live/2-lifestyle-channel Jul 25, 2019, 11:10 PM TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT- EST
Arshay Cooper, Monique Sherrell Brown on https://www.mnn.org/live/2-lifestyle-channel Updated Jul 25, 2019, 8:52 PM
Jul 25, 2019, 8:52 PM
OUTSIDE (Daniel Laurent) Jeffrey Blake Palmer Providence, RI
Screened Wednesday July 24
Unique and lyrical approach towards the pitfalls awaiting black youth.
Jul 24, 2019, 1:50 PM
AFTER Joe Saldana / Aaron Huisenfeldt San Diego, CA
Screened Wednesday July 24
Friends and lovers wrapped up in murder and suicide.
Jul 24, 2019, 1:11 PM Click for video:
Every Thursday night at Midnight (EST - New York) our show streams live with new clips from films, musical guest, and New York stuff! Watch it online here: https://www.mnn.org/live/2-lifestyle-channel - If you miss it see it on www.transparentfilmfestival.com Every Thursday night at Midnight (EST - New York) our show streams live with new clips from films, musical guest, and New York stuff!
Watch it online here: https://www.mnn.org/live/2-lifestyle-channel - If you miss it see it on www.transparentfilmfestival.com
Jul 21, 2019, 11:39 PM Transparent Film Festival added a cover video. Click for video:
Jul 21, 2019, 11:34 PM
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! 2019 was our 1st year and a HUGE success. Judging from what we are seeing for 2020, it's going to be even better with more films, from more places, and even better quality. Our attorneys are making final edits to the revenue sharing agreement for The Transparent Film Festival Presents: www.transparentfilmfestival.com If your film is on the site, and you want it to earn revenue, you don't need to do anything except wait for the agreement, which we will be sending out next week. If for any reason you no longer want your film on our site, please email us at: [email protected] or inbox us here, and we will promptly remove your film. We are offering a free trial for a week. Have a look at what your fellow filmmakers are doing. [NOTE: YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SIGN UP FOR A FREE TRIAL TO SEE IF YOUR FILM IS ON THE SITE. A THUMBNAIL WILL TELL YOU.] We take our hats off to all the truly independent filmmakers from around the world, who are making it happen. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT!
2019 was our 1st year and a HUGE success. Judging from what we are seeing for 2020, it's going to be even better with more films, from more places, and even better quality.
Our attorneys are making final edits to the revenue sharing agreement for The Transparent Film Festival Presents: www.transparentfilmfestival.com
If your film is on the site, and you want it to earn revenue, you don't need to do anything except wait for the agreement, which we will be sending out next week.
If for any reason you no longer want your film on our site, please email us at: [email protected] or inbox us here, and we will promptly remove your film.
We are offering a free trial for a week. Have a look at what your fellow filmmakers are doing. [NOTE: YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SIGN UP FOR A FREE TRIAL TO SEE IF YOUR FILM IS ON THE SITE. A THUMBNAIL WILL TELL YOU.]
We take our hats off to all the truly independent filmmakers from around the world, who are making it happen.
Jul 20, 2019, 7:12 PM
Screened Saturday July 20
Timely look at some of the causes, and possible means for preventing suicides.
Jul 20, 2019, 6:08 PM
WISHING YOU THE BEST Monique Sherell Brown New York, NY
Screened Saturday July 20
Dirty blues track right out of True Detective.
Jul 20, 2019, 5:43 PM
HACKED Grey Keith Oakland, CA
Screened Wednesday July 17
The Batman of Hackers squares off against a tech billionaire in Cyberspace.
Jul 18, 2019, 12:44 AM
KARA Octavia Vaughn Brooklyn, NY
Screened Wednesday July 17
After the death of her father, a young woman drowns her emotional pain with alcohol.
Jul 18, 2019, 12:22 AM
Screened Wednesday July 17
A little girl struggles to find happiness despite the extreme poverty around her.
Jul 17, 2019, 11:57 PM
SILENT SOUND Bianca Mihailescu Winetka, CA
Screened Tuesday July 16
Three siblings struggle to come to terms with their father’s death.
Jul 16, 2019, 2:33 PM
ON AIR Ryan Conway Sandy Hook, CT Screened Thursday, July 11 Wackiness at a radio station abounds when a new boss shows up after the old one gets fired. ON AIR Ryan Conway Sandy Hook, CT
Screened Thursday, July 11
Wackiness at a radio station abounds when a new boss shows up after the old one gets fired.
Jul 12, 2019, 1:10 AM Go here now! Click Watch live and then click play!
https://www.mnn.org/live/2-lifestyle-channel Updated Jul 12, 2019, 12:03 AM
Jul 12, 2019, 12:03 AM
THE HOLDOUT Javier Augusto Nunez San Diego, CA
Screened Sunday July 7th
Two angels work to help a young man find true love.
Jul 7, 2019, 11:57 PM
UNTIL MORNING Pernille Kaufmann Copenhagen, Denmark Screened Sunday July 7th Experimental film about the goings on inside a food truck set to poetry. Jul 7, 2019, 6:02 PM
FLETCHER’S HIT Eli Jordan Dublin, Ireland
Screened Sunday July 7th
After a break-up, a suicidal man tries to take back the contract hit he put on himself.
Jul 7, 2019, 5:28 PM
FAMILY GATHERING Nicole Brokaw Forest Hill, MD
Screened Sunday July 7
Insightful doc about an enclave of glass blowers in Corning New York.
Jul 7, 2019, 5:03 PM
THE STOP Liudmila Komrakova St. Petersburg, Russia
Screened Thursday July 4
A couple does the Tango in the rain at a bus stop in St. Petersburg.
Jul 4, 2019, 10:26 PM
SOCial MEdia MADness Michael Delaney New York, NY
Screened Thursday July 4
A man hires a social media consultant to get likes for his Instagram posts.
Jul 4, 2019, 11:11 AM
HELLO BABY Lee Siu Lung Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Screened Tuesday July 2
A woman seeks help from an exorcist after she is tormented by her aborted fetus.
Jul 3, 2019, 3:32 AM
CASHED Ethan Itzkow Brooklyn, NY
Screened Sunday June 26
Normally weed doesn’t cause problems like this!
Jun 30, 2019, 6:58 PM
SIGNS POINT TO YES Matthew Diulus Pittsburgh, PA
Screened Sunday June 30
After losing everything from his job to his girlfriend, a man escapes into a virtual casino.
Jun 30, 2019, 5:27 PM
AHOM William Bottini San Francisco, CA Screened Sunday June 30 Animated glass with a secret message. Jun 30, 2019, 3:21 PM
CLAIRE Francesca Ravera Rome, Italy
Screened Tuesday June 25
A young woman can’t let go after she loses the love of her life to an accident.
Jun 25, 2019, 5:05 PM
SILENT BRAINWASH Dominik Nimar Munich, Germany
Screened Sunday June 23
An operative is forced to remember a crime he forgot. What's amazing about this film is it's done in Sign Language. Stunning.
Jun 24, 2019, 1:28 AM
The HOUSEGUEST Elijah B. Rodriguez New York, NY
Screened Friday June 21
Two women locked in a deadly game of cat and mouse.
Jun 21, 2019, 4:33 PM
THE FIFTH OF NOVEMBER Javier Augusto Nunez San Diego, CA
Screened Saturday June 15
A woman struggles to cope with the loss of her fiancé after a mass shooting.
Jun 15, 2019, 2:45 PM
I, DREAMING Martin Del Carpio Venezuela
Screened Friday June 14
A man on the other side of sleep is confronted by his evil alter ego on the streets of New York.
Jun 15, 2019, 12:17 AM
SUCCESSION Elijah Rodriguez New York, NY
Screened Friday June 14
Malevolent spirit isn’t willing to share her home.
Jun 14, 2019, 11:48 PM On right now
https://www.mnn.org/live/2-lifestyle-channel Updated Jun 14, 2019, 12:02 AM
Jun 14, 2019, 12:02 AM
Episode 9 of TransparentDTV - The Transparent Film Festival Presents: This week previews of shorts Irradiate, Nour, The Pickup and Coastline; Musical Guests Cheap Trick and Alessi Brothers; hosted by Sofia McLane from Pier 96 in NYC; Movie Review of Godzilla - King of the Monsters. Episode 9 of TransparentDTV - The Transparent Film Festival Presents:
This week previews of shorts Irradiate, Nour, The Pickup and Coastline; Musical Guests Cheap Trick and Alessi Brothers; hosted by Sofia McLane from Pier 96 in NYC; Movie Review of Godzilla - King of the Monsters.
Jun 10, 2019, 8:18 AM
MARIONETTE DOLL Cherry Fu Flushing, NY
Screened Saturday June 8
A home health aide moonlights as a dominatrix.
Jun 9, 2019, 1:24 AM
THE END OF JUNE Wayne Stephens Jersey City, NJ
Screened Saturday June 8
Stylish yet bleak depiction of events that could potentially befall us all.
Jun 9, 2019, 12:34 AM
IRRADIATE Paul London and Tracey Moberly Wales, UK Screened Saturday June 8 You have never seen a film about alpha particles before, much less shot on an iPhone. Jun 8, 2019, 11:57 PM
HOUSE, NOT HOME Eric Purcell Miami, FL Screened Saturday June 8 Radio station employees stay behind during a hurricane. Jun 8, 2019, 11:49 PM
COASTLINE Gus Hawley Manchester Massachusetts
Screened Sunday 6/2
Amazing true fish tale as told through the eyes of a young enthusiast. Gorgeous cinematography.
Jun 2, 2019, 1:49 PM
DISPLACEMENT Maxime Corbeil-Perron Montreal Canada
Screened Sat. June 1
Visual and stylish, music combined with stop motion shots convey a plethora of uneasiness.
Jun 2, 2019, 3:39 AM
NOUR John Cunningham Melbourne, AU
Screened Sat. June 1
A young girl is separated from her mother in a refugee camp.
Jun 2, 2019, 3:13 AM
THE PICK UP Phil Reissman New York, NY
Screened Sat. June 1
The DOJ puts the screws to a would be cooperator.
Jun 2, 2019, 3:05 AM
At NY Premiere of Godzilla with Brad Whitford and Millie Bobbie Brown!!! Jun 2, 2019, 2:41 AM You tagged Nodari Marjanidze
Tonight on Verizon FIOS (Ch. 34) and Spectrum (Ch. 25) another new episode of Transparent DTV with clips from short films: The Fruitful (Ireland) Keepers of The Forest (Australia) Minor Key (Germany) The Waiting (Mexico) Also artist Tom Grindberg (Marvel), Pirosmani Restaurant. Musical performance from End Of The Universe Live at The Gramercy! https://transparent.vhx.tv/transparent-dtv-2/videos/transparent-dtv-on-mnn-episode-8 May 30, 2019, 9:24 PM Updated May 29, 2019, 1:59 PM
May 29, 2019, 1:59 PM
L'UOMO NUOVO Andrea Murchio Italy
Screened Sunday May 26
Political thriller in the style of 24, that takes place in a not too distant dystopian society.
May 26, 2019, 1:48 PM
LOSING Sarah Allyn Brooklyn, NY
Screened Sunday May 26
Heartbreaking story about losing a loved one to drugs.
May 26, 2019, 1:05 PM
NOM Angel Hernández Suárez Las Palmas, Spain
Screened Sunday May 26
Stylish short about a Vampire Cyclist!
May 26, 2019, 12:33 PM
Don't Worry Ryan Ng Roslyn, NY
Screened Sunday May 26
Every father's worst nightmare.
May 26, 2019, 11:42 AM
MORSE Tom Bessoir New York, NY Screened Sunday May 26 Clever animation about the history and usage of the Morse code. MORSE Tom Bessoir New York, NY
Screened Sunday May 26
Clever animation about the history and usage of the Morse code.
May 26, 2019, 11:30 AM
THE DIGITS OF PI Tom Bessoir New York, NY Screened Saturday May 25 Clever multimedia piece about 3.14159265359 May 26, 2019, 1:00 AM
WHISPERS FROM INDIAN CREEK Linda Lee Sparta, TN Screened Saturday May 25 A young woman faces a myriad of challenges after a car accident. May 26, 2019, 12:57 AM
RAISING PHIL AND ERNIE Linda Lee Sparta, TN Screened Saturday May 25 A guy, down on his luck, catches a few breaks in this Tennessee version of the Odd Couple May 26, 2019, 12:38 AM
THE STUFF OF NIGHTMARES Ian Boyd New York Screened Thursday May 23 Concept short about a man with a split personality. May 26, 2019, 12:28 AM
https://transparent.vhx.tv/transparent-dtv-2/videos/1075299-0503-transparent-dtv-on-mnn-episode-4 Apr 29, 2019, 11:06 PM
Okay so..... this is the latest. We've been pretty busy believe it or not, SINCE THE FESTIVAL ENDED! We've been approached by several potential sponsors including one of the large Automobile Manufacturers for Transparent 2020. We're trying our best to get everyone their customized laurels - because you all deserve them. That said... There are some fake Transparent Film Festival Laurels out there so just know - if they don't look like this.... they don't mean anything. Okay so..... this is the latest.
We've been pretty busy believe it or not, SINCE THE FESTIVAL ENDED! We've been approached by several potential sponsors including one of the large Automobile Manufacturers for Transparent 2020.
We're trying our best to get everyone their customized laurels - because you all deserve them. That said...
There are some fake Transparent Film Festival Laurels out there so just know - if they don't look like this.... they don't mean anything.
Apr 27, 2019, 12:43 AM
Updated Apr 9, 2019, 1:05 AM
Apr 9, 2019, 1:05 AM
3 days - what a ride. The film’s were great, the performances were great, and the people who turned out (over 250) were just the best.
Videos are going to combined into (what else) a 3 to 4 minute clip. Here are just some stills from the event.
Apr 7, 2019, 11:13 PM
Apr 7, 2019, 10:57 PM
Apr 7, 2019, 12:32 AM
In case you missed it - tomorrow's going to be off the hook. Lots of new friends and contacts. Here's a sneak peak of what's happened and what's next.
https://www.facebook.com/transparentfilmfestival/videos/276719146599756 Updated Apr 7, 2019, 12:14 AM
Apr 7, 2019, 12:14 AM Click for video:
I can't believe the last two days. Excellent films, awesome people, many new friends and contacts. Tomorrow is going to be off the hook. Here's a sneak peak - just for Facebook. And don't forget The Transparent Film Festival is sponsored by... SWEET BITCH! I can't believe the last two days. Excellent films, awesome people, many new friends and contacts. Tomorrow is going to be off the hook.
Here's a sneak peak - just for Facebook.
And don't forget The Transparent Film Festival is sponsored by...
Apr 7, 2019, 12:03 AM
It was packed and dark, and I was talking to so many people at the same time.... But I managed to obtain one photo from last night - it gets even better today! Apr 6, 2019, 10:04 AM Spotlight International https://transparent.vhx.tv/products/international-spotlight Updated Apr 5, 2019, 8:08 PM
Apr 5, 2019, 8:08 PM
SPOTLIGHT USA Filmmakers https://transparent.vhx.tv/products/spotlight-usa SPOTLIGHT USA Filmmakers https://transparent.vhx.tv/products/spotlight-usa
Apr 5, 2019, 8:07 PM
SCI-FI https://transparent.vhx.tv/products/sci-fi SCI-FI https://transparent.vhx.tv/products/sci-fi
Apr 5, 2019, 8:07 PM Crime In The USA https://transparent.vhx.tv/products/crime-in-the-usa Updated Apr 5, 2019, 8:06 PM
Apr 5, 2019, 8:06 PM Dramas From The U.K. https://transparent.vhx.tv/products/dramas-from-the-u-k Updated Apr 5, 2019, 8:05 PM
Apr 5, 2019, 8:05 PM Films From Iran https://transparent.vhx.tv/products/transparent-film-festival-online Updated Apr 5, 2019, 8:04 PM
Apr 5, 2019, 8:04 PM 2 more great Indie features: https://transparent.vhx.tv/transparent-film-festival-online-best-feature-program-2
Starts tonight at 8PM on http://transparentDTV.com/ Updated Apr 5, 2019, 7:13 PM
Apr 5, 2019, 7:13 PM 3 Awesome featuers from Candada, Egypt and Russia https://transparent.vhx.tv/transparent-film-festival-online-best-feature-competition-1
Remember we could only screen 1 feature live - but these films would have made it - had we more time.
The Orchestration of Audrey (Canada) This Much (USA by way of Russia) Mesteka & Rehan (Egypt) Updated Apr 5, 2019, 1:56 PM
Apr 5, 2019, 1:56 PM Our second of 2 great online international shorts programs. AND THIS ONE'S REALLY GOOD!!!
https://transparent.vhx.tv/transparent-film-festival-online-program-6-international-spotlight-2 Updated Apr 5, 2019, 1:16 PM
Apr 5, 2019, 1:16 PM
Great independent filmmakers from around the USA battle it out for BEST SHORT at: https://transparent.vhx.tv/transparent-film-festival-online-program-5-usa-spotlight Great independent filmmakers from around the USA battle it out for BEST SHORT at:
Apr 5, 2019, 12:24 PM
The ONLINE Sci Fi Program https://transparent.vhx.tv/transparent-film-festival-online-program-4-sci-fi GOES LIVE FRIDAY NIGHT 4/5 at 8:00 PM The ONLINE Sci Fi Program
Apr 5, 2019, 3:01 AM CRIME IN THE USA
ALL ONLINE PROGRAMS WILL GO LIVE 8PM Friday 4/5 Updated Apr 5, 2019, 2:42 AM
Apr 5, 2019, 2:42 AM https://transparent.vhx.tv/the-transparent-film-festival-online-program-2-uk-dramas
Apr 5, 2019, 1:05 AM https://transparent.vhx.tv/the-transparent-film-festival-online-program-1-films-from-iran
Apr 5, 2019, 12:33 AM
FINALLY - The Transparent Film Festival Presents: The Online Competition The Programs Will Be Seen Here beginning at 8PM tomorrow night - FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 2019 http://transparentDTV.com Rules for determining BEST FEATURE and BEST SHORT 25% Total view minutes from unique IP addresses 25% Comments, Likes and Shares on Facebook 50% Transparent Judges Online Festival Program 1 - Films From Iran� Forouzan (Mystery) 12:00 Brotherhood (Documentary) 37 min The Hunt (Short) 13 min� In Perspective (Short) 12 min� The Dome of the Universe (Documentary) 29 min �Online Festival Program 2 - Dramas From The UK� Happy Retirement (Short) 20 min �A Date With Shillelagh (Short) 12 min 32 min� Long Gone (Short) 12 min� The Caterer’s Reckoning (Short) 19:54 �Home Truths (Short) 19:55 Online Festival Program 3 - Crime in the USA Duct Tape (Dark Comedy) 7:57 It's My House (Dark Comedy) 17:24 Purgatory (Crime) 23:00 Payback (Crime) 16:08 Jigsaw (Drama) 16:12 The Room (Crime) 5:01 Online Festival - Program 4 Science Fiction Tapferkeit (WWII Drama) 19:17 FM 132.9 (Sci-Fi) 23:58 Blakemore (Sci-Fi) 15:00 Blink (Sci-Fi) 6:05 Ocularis (Sci Fi) 24:00 Online Festival - Program 5 - USA Spotlight Only You Know (Drama) 11:59 The Garden 1910 (Animation) 30:00 Hands (6:54) Pay Me No Mime (4:46) The Newcomer (13:48) Reflection (3:01) Online Festival - Program 6 - International Spotlight Ibasho (Japan) 8:34 Fling (Canada) 5:31 Blue Tomorrow (Turkey) 14:53 DML (United Kingdom) 4:00 A Frame For Solitude (Armenia) 29:59 14+2 Days (Iran) 19:26 Online Festival - Program 7a - Best Feature Competition The Orchestration of Audrey (Canada) 1 Hr. 5 min This Much (USA) 1 Hr. 13 min Online Festival - Program 7b - Best Feature Competition One More Thing 1 Hr. 43 min (USA) Mesteka & Rehan (Egypt) 60 min FINALLY - The Transparent Film Festival Presents: The Online Competition
The Programs Will Be Seen Here beginning at 8PM tomorrow night - FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 2019 http://transparentDTV.com/
Rules for determining BEST FEATURE and BEST SHORT 25% Total view minutes from unique IP addresses 25% Comments, Likes and Shares on Facebook 50% Transparent Judges
Online Festival Program 1 - Films From Iran� Forouzan (Mystery) 12:00 Brotherhood (Documentary) 37 min The Hunt (Short) 13 min� In Perspective (Short) 12 min� The Dome of the Universe (Documentary) 29 min
�Online Festival Program 2 - Dramas From The UK� Happy Retirement (Short) 20 min �A Date With Shillelagh (Short) 12 min 32 min� Long Gone (Short) 12 min� The Caterer’s Reckoning (Short) 19:54 �Home Truths (Short) 19:55
Online Festival Program 3 - Crime in the USA Duct Tape (Dark Comedy) 7:57 It's My House (Dark Comedy) 17:24 Purgatory (Crime) 23:00 Payback (Crime) 16:08 Jigsaw (Drama) 16:12 The Room (Crime) 5:01
Online Festival - Program 4 Science Fiction Tapferkeit (WWII Drama) 19:17 FM 132.9 (Sci-Fi) 23:58 Blakemore (Sci-Fi) 15:00 Blink (Sci-Fi) 6:05 Ocularis (Sci Fi) 24:00
Online Festival - Program 5 - USA Spotlight Only You Know (Drama) 11:59 The Garden 1910 (Animation) 30:00 Hands (6:54) Pay Me No Mime (4:46) The Newcomer (13:48) Reflection (3:01)
Online Festival - Program 6 - International Spotlight Ibasho (Japan) 8:34 Fling (Canada) 5:31 Blue Tomorrow (Turkey) 14:53 DML (United Kingdom) 4:00 A Frame For Solitude (Armenia) 29:59 14+2 Days (Iran) 19:26
Online Festival - Program 7a - Best Feature Competition The Orchestration of Audrey (Canada) 1 Hr. 5 min This Much (USA) 1 Hr. 13 min
Online Festival - Program 7b - Best Feature Competition One More Thing 1 Hr. 43 min (USA) Mesteka & Rehan (Egypt) 60 min
Apr 4, 2019, 9:46 PM Transparent Film Festival updated their status. ONLINE FESTIVAL WILL BEGIN at 8 PM on http://TRANSPARENTDTV.com/
Apr 4, 2019, 4:48 PM
Quick update: Opening Night and Program 6 are sold out. Program 5 is close to sold out. Trailers below in previous posts. ONLINE Film Festival starts Friday Night, April 5 at 8PM with 6 programs (listings below in previous post). You will be able to purchase tickets for, and view the online programs at http://transparentDTV.com Quick update: Opening Night and Program 6 are sold out. Program 5 is close to sold out.
Trailers below in previous posts.
ONLINE Film Festival starts Friday Night, April 5 at 8PM with 6 programs (listings below in previous post).
You will be able to purchase tickets for, and view the online programs at http://transparentDTV.com/
Apr 4, 2019, 12:02 AM THE AWARD WINNERS - SOLD OUT!!!!
Please message us for Waiting List. Preference will be given to ticket holders for Best Feature - Program 5
https://transparent.vhx.tv/transparent-film-festival/videos/program-6-trailer-award-winning-films-sun-april-7-4-pm-kraine-theater-brought-to-you-by-sweet-bitch-wine Updated Mar 31, 2019, 10:52 PM
Mar 31, 2019, 10:52 PM This is the Canadian film that won Best Feature "The Lower Plateau". Preceded by 15 minutes of some of the best shorts we received: "The Waiting", "I'm Not Tired" & "The Leshiy".
Tickets available at: http://filmfreeway.com/transparentfilmfestival/tickets Updated Mar 31, 2019, 3:55 PM
Mar 31, 2019, 3:55 PM Crime & Horror Program Sun. 4/7 Kraine Theater Noon
https://transparent.vhx.tv/transparent-film-festival/videos/transparent-film-festival-program-4-trailer-crime-and-horror-the-kraine-theater-sun-april-7-12-pm Updated Mar 31, 2019, 3:14 PM
Mar 31, 2019, 3:14 PM Spotlight Trailer (Program 3 Sat. 4/6) at:
https://transparent.vhx.tv/transparent-film-festival/videos/transparent-film-festival-program-3-trailer-kraine-theater-saturday-april-6th-4pm Updated Mar 31, 2019, 2:10 PM
Mar 31, 2019, 2:10 PM LGBTQ Program 2 Trailer at:
https://transparent.vhx.tv/videos/transparent-film-festival-lgbtq-trailer Updated Mar 31, 2019, 2:04 PM
Mar 31, 2019, 2:04 PM Around The World Trailer at: https://transparent.vhx.tv/videos/transparent-film-festival-around-the-world-program-1-trailer-kraine-theater-sat-april-6-12pm Updated Mar 31, 2019, 1:58 PM
Mar 31, 2019, 1:58 PM Opening Night Trailer at:
https://transparent.vhx.tv/transparent-film-festival/videos/transparent-film-festival-opening-night-program-trailer Updated Mar 31, 2019, 1:56 PM
Mar 31, 2019, 1:56 PM Check out the Spotlight Trailer (Sat. 4/6 4pm) At The Kraine Theater 85 E4th St. NYC
Tickets at: http://filmfreeway.com/transparentfilmfestival/tickets Updated Mar 31, 2019, 1:46 PM
Mar 31, 2019, 1:46 PM We're creating something really special here. Opening Night at The Producers Club going to be a blast.
Tickets at http://filmfreeway.com/transparentfilmfestival Updated Mar 31, 2019, 1:08 AM
Mar 31, 2019, 1:08 AM Transparent Film Festival updated their status. There are exactly 10 tickets left for Program 6 on Sunday April 7 (which includes the Awards Ceremony).
All discount tickets (2 for 1) have been grabbed.
I know I’ve said this before but there will be no ticket sales at the door. There is a strict number on people that can be let in due to the fire code.
Mar 30, 2019, 6:36 PM I would like to draw everyone’s attention to Program 2 on Saturday April 6th (2pm) a Time The Kraine Theater.
Use code STRATFS for 2 for 1 tickets for this awesome program featuring some amazing LGBTQ themed films.
Here is just one of the trailers: https://youtu.be/WmtnMnO0RZQ Updated Mar 29, 2019, 3:30 PM
Mar 29, 2019, 3:30 PM
All systems go at the world famous Producers Club! https://filmfreeway.com/transparentfilmfestival/tickets Mar 26, 2019, 9:25 PM
Note to filmmakers- the 60fps won’t work or at 4K.
As it states in the festival description we need 1920 x 1080 at 30fps.
Otherwise your film may sputter. No sputtering allowed.
Inbox me if you think your film fits this description.
Mar 26, 2019, 12:21 AM Transparent Film Festival updated their status. Quick reminder: There will be no tickets available available for purchase at the door on Fri 4/5 (Producer’s Club), or Sat 4/6 and 4/7 (Kraine Theater).
People will show up and be disappointed unfortunately so we just have to say it again and again here.
Mar 26, 2019, 12:08 AM Just look at these performances. The Best Actress Nominees are....
https://transparent.vhx.tv/transparent-film-festival/videos/transparent-film-festival-best-actress-2019 Updated Mar 24, 2019, 8:35 PM
Mar 24, 2019, 8:35 PM Check out these incredible up and coming actors! https://transparent.vhx.tv/videos/transparent-film-festival-best-actor-nominees-2019 Inbox me re tickets. Friday night about sold out. Updated Mar 24, 2019, 12:56 AM
Mar 24, 2019, 12:56 AM
It has begun. Rehearsals for The Transparent Film Festival have begun. Mar 21, 2019, 3:40 PM
Please don’t let this happen to you. I haven’t even emailed my friends, band mates people from work or the gym. When that happens there will be no tickets left. Please understand- there will be NO TICKETS AT THE DOOR - NO EXCEPTIONS. The fire code is strict at 100 persons. Mar 20, 2019, 7:37 PM Transparent Film Festival updated their status. At this point all filmmakers should have their comps.
If your film has someone nominated for Best Actor or Best Actress, you will need to let them know by the end of next week (Friday 3/22).
Please note Program 6 will soon be completely sold. There will be no tickets available at the door.
Mar 15, 2019, 1:44 PM
Transparent Film Festival- Online Program 2 FILMS FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM Happy Retirement 20 min A Date With Shillelagh 12 min 32 min Long Gone 12 min The Caterer’s Reckoning 19:54 Home Truths 19:55 Mar 14, 2019, 11:44 PM
Next Online Program to be announced shortly- Films From The U.K. Mar 14, 2019, 3:35 AM
Online Festival Program 1 - Films From Iran Are You Volleyball (Short) 15 min Brotherhood (Documentary) 37 min The Hunt (Short) 13 min Breath (Short) 1 min In Perspective (Short) 12 min The Dome of the Universe (Documentary) 29 min Online Festival Program 1 - Films From Iran
Are You Volleyball (Short) 15 min Brotherhood (Documentary) 37 min The Hunt (Short) 13 min Breath (Short) 1 min In Perspective (Short) 12 min The Dome of the Universe (Documentary) 29 min
Mar 12, 2019, 9:14 PM
Two incredibly exciting pieces of news. 1). Our cable television show begins airing in Manhattan on Friday Night - April 5th - immediately after our opening night Gala. Totally thrilled that we were able to work out the premiere and our Friday night at midnight time slot with Cablevision. That means - EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT in Manhattan (up to 620,000 households can watch the best of Transparent DTV and the Transparent Film Festival on their big screen living room TVs!!! http://transparentDTV.com and... 2) The first Transparent Film Festival Online Program will be announced tomorrow (International Program 1). Two incredibly exciting pieces of news. 1). Our cable television show begins airing in Manhattan on Friday Night - April 5th - immediately after our opening night Gala.
Totally thrilled that we were able to work out the premiere and our Friday night at midnight time slot with Cablevision. That means - EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT in Manhattan (up to 620,000 households can watch the best of Transparent DTV and the Transparent Film Festival on their big screen living room TVs!!!
2) The first Transparent Film Festival Online Program will be announced tomorrow (International Program 1).
Mar 12, 2019, 7:45 PM Tickets on Sale here: https://filmfreeway.com/TransparentFilmFestival/tickets
First come, first serve. Please be aware that each program will sell out. There will be no tickets available at the door. Updated Mar 10, 2019, 2:00 PM
Mar 10, 2019, 2:00 PM
The Transparent Film Festival screening schedule, category winners and award nominees are as follows: See attached.
Mar 10, 2019, 3:11 AM Transparent Film Festival updated their status. Filmmakers please check your email
Mar 9, 2019, 5:19 PM
IT’S OFFICIAL- 3RD NIGHT ADDED Opening Night Gala with special screening of the best Semi-Finalist Films (2 hours).
Full Schedule to be announced Sunday here on Facebook along with Ticket Sale Link.
Mar 7, 2019, 8:49 PM Transparent Film Festival updated their status. Filmmakers,
I'm getting some wacky ways of delivery. Let's keep it simple.
Just send via Wetransfer.com
Also - please make every effort to keep the file size down. No 15 or 20 gb files.
Mar 4, 2019, 8:33 PM
Other festivals talk but we back it up as our filmmakers now know. Great buzz happening and the data doesn't lie. Other festivals talk but we back it up as our filmmakers now know. Great buzz happening and the data doesn't lie.
Mar 3, 2019, 12:11 PM Transparent Film Festival updated their status. Quick heads up. Memorialized here for all to see.
We've received about 1/3 of the downloads so far for the Live Event.
Some filmmakers who were chosen as finalists.... their emails bounced. Others who were chosen as finalists haven't acknowledged their status.
We're going to have a real short leash because everything is about putting on a show now.
Please get your download links at 1920x1080 with reasonable compression by the end of this week at the latest. We need to test on the screen.
If we don't have your downloads soon, we'll pivot to the Semi-Finalists.
Mar 3, 2019, 10:11 AM https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Oj5jp2yIeRo
Oh it’s gonna be a good one! Updated Mar 2, 2019, 11:41 PM
Mar 2, 2019, 11:41 PM
And now for some of the Transparent Men.
Mar 2, 2019, 8:04 PM Transparent Film Festival updated their status. Official Notifications will go out from Film Freeway on March 10. If your film is on this list, you are a Finalist for screening and should inbox or email us at: [email protected]
All Of This!!! Almost Home Are You Volleyball? Between Love Blood Falls Blue Lies Breath Casualidad Rodriguez Conditioning Desir Pastel Dis/Quiet Enthusiasm Abounds First Seating Free Ride From The Heart Going Under Gold Light (Two Left Feet) Happy Birthday Art Here’s To House Of Redemption I Wanna Be A Russian Vector I’m Not Tired Keepers Of The Forest Kushtaka Less Heat In Arizona Life In A Tiny Town Lighten Up Batman Little Noah’s Last Adventure Lover And A Giver MAGA Maniac Met@slash Mister Pig Obscured Reflection Opera Of The Bells Return From The Stars RUOK Shadows Silence Is Deadly Some Terrible Grief Stari Grad (Old Town) The Absent Carer The Babysitter The Covet The Deepest Cut The Fruitful The Hunt The Last Embrace The Leshy The Lower Plateau The Meeting The Office Party The Painting The Waiting This Isn’t Me Thoughtless Three Trees (In Three Parts Trail Of The Sphinx Welcome To The Powder Keg Yawth
Mar 2, 2019, 1:23 AM
We can now confirm that The Transparent Film Festival has added a third night - Friday Night April 5th. We can now confirm that The Transparent Film Festival has added a third night - Friday Night April 5th.
Mar 2, 2019, 12:33 AM
SOME TERRIBLE GRIEF Adam Noyes USA Screened Fri. March 1 A man struggles to tell his wife he has a male lover, while his son listens from afar. SOME TERRIBLE GRIEF Adam Noyes USA
Screened Fri. March 1
A man struggles to tell his wife he has a male lover, while his son listens from afar.
Mar 1, 2019, 1:49 PM
THE ORCHESTRATION OF AUDREY Brian MacDonald Canada Screened Fri. March 1 You don't want this lawyer mad at you. THE ORCHESTRATION OF AUDREY Brian MacDonald Canada
Screened Fri. March 1
You don't want this lawyer mad at you.
Mar 1, 2019, 1:07 PM
FISH BOWL Williamscott Sorge USA (NYC) Screened Thursday Feb. 28 A sister comes to a cross roads when it comes to helping her brother break out of a rut. Mar 1, 2019, 3:11 AM
THE PAINTING Matteo Belletta USA (NYC) Screened Thursday February 28 An artist Has trouble coming up with an idea for the subject of his next painting. Mar 1, 2019, 2:53 AM
UNPAID SPOT Danny Rathbun USA (Brooklyn) Screened Thursday Feb. 28 Comedians quibble with each other while competing for time at an open mic. Mar 1, 2019, 2:20 AM
I WANNA BE A RUSSIAN VECTOR Thomas Florek USA (NJ) Screened Thursday Feb. 28 Devo like song and video about 45 Mar 1, 2019, 1:52 AM
ASHENG Mohamad Sadeq Esmaeili Iran Screened Tues. Feb. 26 4 courageous woman battle to get their husbands out of prison. ASHENG Mohamad Sadeq Esmaeili Iran
Screened Tues. Feb. 26
4 courageous woman battle to get their husbands out of prison.
Feb 27, 2019, 12:09 AM
GAI JATRA Gopal Shivakoti Nepal Screened Tues. Feb. 26 The LGBQT community takes to the streets in Nepal for the festival of Gai Jatra. GAI JATRA Gopal Shivakoti Nepal
Screened Tues. Feb. 26
The LGBQT community takes to the streets in Nepal for the festival of Gai Jatra.
Feb 26, 2019, 11:54 PM
MOUSSE John Hellberg Sweden Screened Tues. Feb. 26 A man desperate to save his pal takes hostages amidst the backdrop of a horse race. MOUSSE John Hellberg Sweden
Screened Tues. Feb. 26
A man desperate to save his pal takes hostages amidst the backdrop of a horse race.
Feb 26, 2019, 11:13 PM
So far, not an American Feature entry that stands up. Have two to watch and crossing my fingers. But so far nothing at the level of these four. If you're an American Filmmaker and think you can grab the throne, please click this. Because as of now, the first ever Best Feature for Transparent is going out of the country along with a check! http://filmfreeway.com/transparentfilmfestival So far, not an American Feature entry that stands up. Have two to watch and crossing my fingers. But so far nothing at the level of these four.
If you're an American Filmmaker and think you can grab the throne, please click this. Because as of now, the first ever Best Feature for Transparent is going out of the country along with a check!
Feb 26, 2019, 6:36 PM
FM 132.9 Adam Noyes USA (Ca) Screened Monday Feb. 25 The staff at a small radio station relays the news to a oceanside community, that a monster has emerged from the sea, to rampage to through their town. Feb 26, 2019, 3:37 AM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ART Roy Boucher USA Screened Tues. Feb. 26 Quirky little comedy about infidelity. Feb 26, 2019, 3:34 AM
LAST SEASON Hamidreza Arashkia Iran Screened Monday Feb. 24 Avant-garde art piece that is a filmed play about the five stages of life. Feb 25, 2019, 8:18 AM
FOROUZAN Mirabbas Khosravinezhad Iran Screened Mon. Feb. 24 An old woman prepares to do battle with poachers. Feb 25, 2019, 7:39 AM
SUBLIMINAL Imparato Mario Italy Screened Sunday Feb. 23 A man bothered by the hypocrisy of parishioners tries to get answers from Jesus and Lucifer before shooting up a church. Feb 24, 2019, 10:22 AM
Les Femmes Fatales
Want to know why New York City's Transparent Film Festival Is The Best Film Festival on Film Freeway?
Here's a reason. Actually 10
Submissions Close March 15 http://filmfreeway.com/transparentfilmfestival
Feb 23, 2019, 7:08 PM
VIETNAM AFTERMATH Tom Phillips USA (NJ) Screened Saturday Feb. 23 Powerful documentary about the after effects felt by a generation of soldiers who answered the call of their country, and what they still suffer through as a result all these years later. Feb 23, 2019, 8:56 AM
LAID BACK APPROACH Gino Ceriachi Italy Screened Fri. Feb. 22 A couple's boundless love for their severely handicapped little girl. LAID BACK APPROACH Gino Ceriachi Italy
Screened Fri. Feb. 22
A couple's boundless love for their severely handicapped little girl.
Feb 22, 2019, 12:29 PM
ALMOST HOME Melinda Simon USA (CA) Screened Thurs. Feb. 20 A homesick truck-driver and a dysfunctional family cross paths on a meaningful road trip. Feb 21, 2019, 1:05 AM
LIGHTEN UP BATMAN Vince Arrigo USA (Brooklyn) Screened Wed. Feb. 20 Batman can deal with super-villains, but when it comes to his care free older brother, he’s met his match LMAO Feb 20, 2019, 11:28 PM
SWAP Andre Gaumond Canada Screened Tues. Feb. 19 Two techies invent a mind swap app. Feb 19, 2019, 11:01 PM
TWO ON TWO Ruby Green USA (LA) Screened Tues. Feb. 19 A hot head alienates everyone over a game of basketball. Feb 19, 2019, 9:07 PM
STARI GRAD (OLD TOWN) Jack Beck USA Screened Tues. Feb. 19 At the height of the Balkan wars (1992), a boy wakes up to find his village deserted. Feb 19, 2019, 8:35 PM
HOUSE OF REDEMPTION Tammy Klembith USA Screened Tues. Feb. 19 People who rent this house are confronted by their guilt. Feb 19, 2019, 7:51 PM
KEEPERS OF THE FOREST Roxy Rogan Australia
Screened Mon. Feb. 18
A filmmaker goes to Northern Sumatra to document the impact of deforestation, and human/wildlife conflict, specifically as they relate to the demand for palm oil. I’ll never eat Nutella again.
Feb 18, 2019, 3:59 PM Transparent Film Festival updated their status. VICTOR NOT VICTIM Bethany Hazelitt USA (MI)
Screened Monday Feb. 18
After being assaulted, a young woman has trust issues.
Feb 18, 2019, 2:48 PM
MUSIC VIDEO: LOVER AND A GIVER Jordan Siwek USA (NY) Screened Mon. Feb. 18 A New York love story. MUSIC VIDEO: LOVER AND A GIVER Jordan Siwek USA (NY)
Screened Mon. Feb. 18
A New York love story.
Feb 18, 2019, 1:13 AM
A WASTE IN TIME Wolf Turner USA Screened Mon. Feb. 18 While fishing, a father relays to his son how his parents met. A WASTE IN TIME Wolf Turner USA
Screened Mon. Feb. 18
While fishing, a father relays to his son how his parents met.
Feb 18, 2019, 12:38 AM
TWO LEFT FEET (Gold Light) Kempson Bellington USA (NC) Screened Feb. 17 Moody video. A man deals with the fact that he's fallen out of love with his wife and in love with another. TWO LEFT FEET (Gold Light) Kempson Bellington USA (NC)
Screened Feb. 17
Moody video. A man deals with the fact that he's fallen out of love with his wife and in love with another.
Feb 18, 2019, 12:15 AM
Here's To Kelsey Ferrell USA (TN) Screened Sun. Feb. 17 A young filmmaker's poignant montage about the good and bad aspects of becoming adults. Here's To Kelsey Ferrell USA (TN)
Screened Sun. Feb. 17
A young filmmaker's poignant montage about the good and bad aspects of becoming adults.
Feb 17, 2019, 11:32 PM
REBEL WITHIN Calen Fox UK Screened Sun. Feb. 17 A man gets out of prison after 5 years and confronts the owner of a strip club who owes him money. REBEL WITHIN Calen Fox UK
Screened Sun. Feb. 17
A man gets out of prison after 5 years and confronts the owner of a strip club who owes him money.
Feb 17, 2019, 11:16 PM
Welcome To The Powder Keg Hannah ireland UK Screened Sun. Feb. 17 His mother's illness forces an ex-con into the underground fight world. Welcome To The Powder Keg Hannah ireland UK
Screened Sun. Feb. 17
His mother's illness forces an ex-con into the underground fight world.
Feb 17, 2019, 10:45 PM
THE ROOM Ziyang Lucia Wang USA (CA) Screened Sunday Feb. 17 A rapist picked the wrong gal. Feb 17, 2019, 8:10 PM
FREE RIDE Ziyang Lucia Wang USA (CA) Screened Sunday Feb. 17 One of these mental patients is a bank robber. Feb 17, 2019, 7:51 PM
NO LIES Carlo Hofmann Austria Screened Sun. Feb. 17 Behind the scenes with the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (ORF), and it’s take on the responsibility of the press to organize the public discourse. Feb 17, 2019, 2:00 AM Transparent Film Festival updated their status. LIL DETECTIVES Chad Crepko USA
Screened Sun. Feb. 17
Kid detectives track a killer.
Feb 17, 2019, 1:32 AM
MONI MojyShow Media USA (FL) Screened Sat. Feb. 16 A young woman goes on a date.... with the wrong guy. Feb 16, 2019, 5:33 PM
TRAIL OF THE SPHINX Mike Mannetta USA (NY) Screened Sat. Feb. 16 Beautifully choreographed homage to Ancient Egypt Feb 16, 2019, 4:25 PM
CONDITIONING Philip Pugh UK Screened Sat. Feb. 16 A gay couple falls prey to a twisted family of serial killers. NOTE: This film May be too disturbing to screen. Flawless. Feb 16, 2019, 4:13 PM
SILENCE IS DEADLY Brice VENEZIANO France Screened Sat. Feb. 16 A human rights message from Chechnya Feb 16, 2019, 3:56 PM
THIS ISN’T ME Ben Kawaller USA (Ca) Screened Sat. Feb. 16 A man tries to find his way through some unusual situations both at work as a tutor, and online in the dating world. Feb 16, 2019, 9:41 AM
RETURN FROM THE STARS Vis Vitalis Russia Screened Sat. Feb. 16 A boy with dreams of becoming a cosmonaut travels back to his childhood home many years later to see if he can find out where it all went wrong. Feb 16, 2019, 9:16 AM
THE MAN WHO DWELT BELOW abram.d.hammer USA (Ca) Screened Sat. Feb. 16 A compassionate sewer dweller helps a young girl Feb 16, 2019, 3:37 AM
UNHINGED Carona Diop USA (NJ) Screened Sat. Feb. 16 Lizzie Borden took an axe.... Feb 16, 2019, 3:09 AM
MANIAC Sean King (USA) NY Screened Sat. Feb. 16 Someone fucked up. Make that two. Feb 16, 2019, 3:06 AM
THE UNTOLD STORY OF ROMEO AND JULIET John Tso USA (CA) Screened Fri. Feb. 15 Shakespeare meets Adult Swim Feb 15, 2019, 11:59 PM
THE WAITING José Betancourt Soler Mexico Screened Fri. Feb. 15 A daughter worries that she’ll miss her flight because of her father... Feb 15, 2019, 11:45 PM
Eternal Paradise Walter Becker Argentina Screened Fri. Feb. 15 After his girlfriend is brutally mugged, a young man is compelled to continue his father's research on the after life. Eternal Paradise Walter Becker Argentina
Screened Fri. Feb. 15
After his girlfriend is brutally mugged, a young man is compelled to continue his father's research on the after life.
Feb 15, 2019, 1:35 AM
DOME OF THE UNIVERSE Mahmoud Nazeri Iran Screened Thurs. Feb. 14 Aerial Tour of Damavand Province in Iran. DOME OF THE UNIVERSE Mahmoud Nazeri Iran
Screened Thurs. Feb. 14
Aerial Tour of Damavand Province in Iran.
Feb 15, 2019, 1:28 AM
MONARCH BUTTERFLY Deborah Kuhn USA (NY) Screened Mon. Feb. 11 A man is unable to cope with his wife's imaginary friend which leads to a showdown. MONARCH BUTTERFLY Deborah Kuhn USA (NY)
Screened Mon. Feb. 11
A man is unable to cope with his wife's imaginary friend which leads to a showdown.
Feb 12, 2019, 12:25 AM
THE PRIDE OF WISDOM dharani rajendran India Screened Mon. Feb. 11 A controversial, and polarizing filmmaker makes a comeback after a few box office bombs. THE PRIDE OF WISDOM dharani rajendran India
Screened Mon. Feb. 11
A controversial, and polarizing filmmaker makes a comeback after a few box office bombs.
Feb 11, 2019, 11:47 PM
THE LOWER PLATEAU Liz Singh Canada Screened Mon. Feb. 11 A musician who resorts to dealing pot after one of the members of her band goes onto stardom struggles to find happiness with the help of her friends. THE LOWER PLATEAU Liz Singh Canada
Screened Mon. Feb. 11
A musician who resorts to dealing pot after one of the members of her band goes onto stardom struggles to find happiness with the help of her friends.
Feb 11, 2019, 12:30 PM
THE BESTOWAL Andrew de Burgh USA (Los Angeles) Screened Sun. Feb. 10 A man is visited by an inter-dimensional being before committing suicide. Feb 11, 2019, 2:11 AM
BLOOD FALLS Joe Leone NYC Screened Sun. Feb. 10 A young woman goes away to watch a relative's house with her friend where she is tormented by witches. BLOOD FALLS Joe Leone NYC
Screened Sun. Feb. 10
A young woman goes away to watch a relative's house with her friend where she is tormented by witches.
Feb 10, 2019, 12:19 PM
THE BABYSITTER Greg Klepper NYC Screened Sat. Feb. 9 A girl thinks she's lucked out with a babysitting job but if it's seems too good to be true... THE BABYSITTER Greg Klepper NYC
Screened Sat. Feb. 9
A girl thinks she's lucked out with a babysitting job but if it's seems too good to be true...
Feb 10, 2019, 12:42 AM Transparent Film Festival updated their status. THE DENTAL PLAN Wayne Diu Ottawa CA
Screened Sat. Feb. 9
A maniac takes over a dentist's office.
Feb 10, 2019, 12:26 AM
Battledream Chronicles Alain Bidard Martinique Screened Sat. Feb. 9 Similar to Tron, people from the real world have to fight to survive inside a game. Battledream Chronicles Alain Bidard Martinique
Screened Sat. Feb. 9
Similar to Tron, people from the real world have to fight to survive inside a game.
Feb 9, 2019, 3:44 PM
FIRST SEATING Mac Brydon USA (NYC) Screened Sat. Feb. 9 Quirky, off-beat comedy about two couples (neighbors), who try to resolve their differences at a weird little bar restaurant. FIRST SEATING Mac Brydon USA (NYC)
Screened Sat. Feb. 9
Quirky, off-beat comedy about two couples (neighbors), who try to resolve their differences at a weird little bar restaurant.
Feb 9, 2019, 2:05 PM
LESS HEAT IN ARIZONA Tom Wardach USA (NJ) Screened Sat. Feb. 9 An unlikely group of criminals deal with the ramifications of a heist that doesn't go according to plan. LESS HEAT IN ARIZONA Tom Wardach USA (NJ)
Screened Sat. Feb. 9
An unlikely group of criminals deal with the ramifications of a heist that doesn't go according to plan.
Feb 9, 2019, 1:56 PM Transparent Film Festival updated their status. Before I continue with the Screening Notes I just have to pause to say OMG - the quality of the films we are getting are now on another level.
Feb 9, 2019, 1:50 PM
PAIR DOWN Jim Menza USA (Chicago) Screened Fri. Feb. 8 Sort of a faith-based version of Dogma. PAIR DOWN Jim Menza USA (Chicago)
Screened Fri. Feb. 8
Sort of a faith-based version of Dogma.
Feb 8, 2019, 3:39 PM
ALL OF THIS Daryl Jones USA (Oakland, CA) Screened Thurs. Feb. 7 A series of vignettes about a group of artists who face challenges and rejection. ALL OF THIS Daryl Jones USA (Oakland, CA)
Screened Thurs. Feb. 7
A series of vignettes about a group of artists who face challenges and rejection.
Feb 7, 2019, 9:23 PM
THE OFFICE PARTY Paul West USA (NJ) Screened Thurs. Feb. 7 A recovering addict waxes nostalgic for the 80's but it's back to the future in his Soho Office. THE OFFICE PARTY Paul West USA (NJ)
Screened Thurs. Feb. 7
A recovering addict waxes nostalgic for the 80's but it's back to the future in his Soho Office.
Feb 7, 2019, 8:43 PM
JIGSAW Paul West USA (NJ) Screened Thurs. Feb. 7 A priest struggles with his fleshly desires. JIGSAW Paul West USA (NJ)
Screened Thurs. Feb. 7
A priest struggles with his fleshly desires.
Feb 7, 2019, 7:40 PM
DOME OF THE UNIVERSE Hamzeh Mohammad Hosseini Iran Screened Tuesday Feb. 5 Beautiful documentary about Iran, its history and its people. Feb 5, 2019, 7:21 PM
JOURNEY OF LIFE Paint VK Thailand Screened Tues. Feb. 5 A young girl learns a hard lesson about self reliance. Feb 5, 2019, 6:45 PM
DML Tone Davies United Kingdom Screened Tuesday Feb. 5 A young girl’s boyfriend isn’t who she thinks he is. Feb 5, 2019, 6:14 PM
FRIEND SPIRIT Paint VK USA (Burbank, CA) Screened Sun. Dec. 3, 2019 A student is visited by the ghost of someone he once wronged. FRIEND SPIRIT Paint VK USA (Burbank, CA)
Screened Sun. Dec. 3, 2019
A student is visited by the ghost of someone he once wronged.
Feb 3, 2019, 5:56 PM
THE MEETING Vito Sugameli Italy Screened Sun. Feb. 3, 2019 Two old friends can't seem to get past an old grievance which leads to tragic consequences. THE MEETING Vito Sugameli Italy
Screened Sun. Feb. 3, 2019
Two old friends can't seem to get past an old grievance which leads to tragic consequences.
Feb 3, 2019, 5:36 PM
14+2 Days erfan ghasempour Iran Screened Thursday Jan. 31 A worker, working on a gas platform in the Persian Gulf, may not make it home for his wedding ceremony. Feb 1, 2019, 12:01 AM
The Deepest Cut Alexandra Guillossou USA (Missouri) Screened Jan. 29 2019 A sobering but warm portrait of a man and his family who are coping with him having MS. Jan 29, 2019, 12:24 PM
Life In A Tiny Town Dhara Visual India Screened Monday Jan. 28 Colorful and visual slice of life in rural India. Jan 28, 2019, 11:52 PM
Our Latest Logo Our Latest Logo
Jan 28, 2019, 12:59 AM Transparent Film Festival updated their status. I can tell everyone now... one of the countries with the strongest films is Iran.
The stuff I'm seeing out of Iran is superb, made by young filmmakers. It's a total disconnect for me given what we hear, see and read about Iran in the news.
Jan 23, 2019, 5:44 PM
Met@slash Sotiris Petridis, Dimitris Tsakaleas Greece Screened Tues. Jan. 22 The debut of Emoji face. Chilling Met@slash Sotiris Petridis, Dimitris Tsakaleas Greece
Screened Tues. Jan. 22
The debut of Emoji face. Chilling
Jan 22, 2019, 7:10 PM
Squeeky Keys Virginia Cook USA Screened Tues. Jan. 22 Story of a piano player who attempts to make it into the Guinness Book of World Records. Squeeky Keys Virginia Cook USA
Screened Tues. Jan. 22
Story of a piano player who attempts to make it into the Guinness Book of World Records.
Jan 22, 2019, 7:02 PM
Now that we have a Facebook page - we will be posting our notes here - one post at a time rather than as part of one thread.
To see the proof of screening of all submissions up through today - you can go here:
https://www.facebook.com/palmaislespictures/photos/131724617593081/329511651147709/ Updated Jan 22, 2019, 2:16 PM
Jan 22, 2019, 2:16 PM Transparent Film Festival added a cover video. Click for video:
Jan 16, 2019, 1:53 PM Updated Jan 16, 2019, 10:58 AM
Jan 16, 2019, 10:58 AM
Going to start posting these thank you notes. It’s why we do what we do. Nov 4, 2018, 3:05 PM Generated by Brian McLane on Wednesday, September 2, 2020 at 2:04 AM UTC-04:00
0 notes
thatdogmagic · 2 years
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Day 18: Underground (feat. Charlie and Lex)
Twitter trying to actively murder artist engagement brought 'werewolf art bootleggers' to mind so I kinda had to run with it.
387 notes · View notes
thatdogmagic · 2 years
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It's Werewolf Wednesday, the year is 2010, and @argylewerewolf's Lex has just finished watching a certain series finale.
288 notes · View notes
thatdogmagic · 2 years
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The prompt was “Lost.”
387 notes · View notes
lovelyrocker · 5 years
Love Is Blind Ch.4
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~Warnings: Jared being extremely sweet.(yes, that needs a warning!), Teenage intimacy,       Jealousy 
~Characters: Jensen, Jared, Lexi(OFC), Spencer(OC),
~Pairings: Jared x Lexi(Eventually)
~Word Count: 2,435
Lexi rolled over in the giant bed, the feeling of warmth wrapped around her. She nestled her head into the warm feeling, relaxing into the curves that molded against her. She slowly blinked her eyes and was greeted by Jared’s warm golden skin. His eyes were still closed as he slept and his face lay inches from hers. 
“Jared.” She whispered as soft as the wind.
“Hmm?” He hummed lightly, lifting his brows.
Lexi reached her index finger and poked the tip of his nose. “Wake up.” She whispered again. “I need you to let me go so I can go to the bathroom.” Jared hadn’t realized when he first woke that he had his arms around Lexi, holding her. 
Jared rolled over to his back and stretched his long arms over his head as Lexi crawled out the foot of the bed to the bathroom. A few minutes later, she crawled back into the bed and under the covers.
“What time is it?” Jared mumbled.
“The sun’s barely up. How is it always so much colder in the morning here? It wasn’t even this cold a few hours ago when we went to bed.”
“Come here.” Jared slid his arms around her body. “You’re shivering.”
“God, you are so warm.” Wrapping her arms around his long torso she welcomed his body heat.
After a while her body stopped shivering and began to relax against him again. Jared leaned his head on hers and swallowed hard, his adam’s apple bobbing against her head. 
“Lex?” His voice cracked as he lay there with open eyes.
“Mmhmm.” Lexi hummed drufted off again.
“About earlier… umm...”
“Don’t worry about it, dude.” Her voice was sleepy and she squirmed a little. “No biggie.”
“It’s okay, really. Now stop stressin’ and go back to sleep.” She felt Jared grin into her hair as she snuggled a little closer.
“Lex, did you see this?!” She heard the bedroom door burst open and then felt the bed sink.
“What?!” She said sleepily as she tossed the blankets off her face.
“Your party is the IT thing on instagram right now!” Ellie handed her phone to her.
“Not just Instagram but Twitter, too!” Cassie added jumping on the bed.
Lexi opened her phone and saw hundreds of notifications on both her Twitter and Instagram, tags of #AcklesSweet16 were plastered all over. She flipped through her news feed on both pages and saw numerous pictures of her and her friends at the party last night, dancing and laughing. Jared walked out of the bathroom, toothbrush in his mouth and paused when he saw the three girls in his bed under the covers.
“What’s with the squealing?” Jensen questioned as he walked into the room rubbing his eyes.
“I don’t know. I walked out of the bathroom and they’re all in here.” Jared took his toothbrush out his mouth and walked into the bathroom and spit the reemerged. “You know, if we were normal people, this would appear so wrong.”
“Nah, No one would look twice at three teenage girls in a thirty two year old man’s bed.” He  joked, slapping Jared’s back then hopping on the bed. “What’s the noise about?”
“Jay, my party is all over Instagram and Twitter!” Lexi squealed and handed him her phone. 
Jensen flipped through her notifications. “Damn, you are quite the social butterfly.” He smiled at her.  “Breakfast is just about done, ladies. Gen and Dee made a southern buffet.” He hopped out of bed.”So I hope y’all hungry.”
The smell was traveling quickly up the stairs as they followed Jensen down. Lexi, however waited at the door for a moment as Jared finished up in the bathroom. “Thanks.” She said softly, Jared glanced up to her. “For sharing your bed.” She gestured in the direction in which they’d slept.
A little grin crept across his lips. “Anytime.”
“I, uh, I have that photo shoot you set me up with tomorrow after school.”
“Oh really? Are you nervous?” Jared asked closing the bathroom door.
“A little. I haven’t modeled in a while.”
“You’ll do amazing, I know it.”
“You should swing by, if you finish shooting early enough. See your friend.” She added before walking out.
Classes seem to fly by as Lexi was greeted by her party guests telling her again how much they enjoyed the evening. After school, she hopped a bus to where she needed to be and immediately got to work. She fell quickly into the routine the photographer wanted and was fast with her wardrobe changes. Make up was fun, as she got to pick out the colors she wanted. As the shoot went on, she gave pointers to the other girls who weren’t used to the chaos of a photoshoot.
They were on their last rounds of photos when Jared and Jensen showed up. They watched Lexi, dressed in blue jeans and a grey sweater, as she posed. The bright smile she flashed as she played around in the fall leaves being used as a prop made Jared’s heart sink. It damn near dropped to his feet when she changed into a short cocktail dress and posed with a young man. A young man that held her close and gazed into her eyes deeply, the two looking as if in love. Jared couldn’t identify the reason his heart began hammering in his chest. But, he was doing a damn good job at hiding it.
“Oh, she is having so much fun.” Jensen leaned to Jared a proud look about him.
 “Yeah, she is.” Jared smilde shoving his hands in his pockets.
Jensen didn’t notice the way Jared watched Lexi. How he noticed her every hair flip. Every bat of her eye. Every pout. He noticed it all and he hated that he did. He hated that he was so intrigued by her. That she made him feel like a dumb kid at times. She left him not knowing how he was going to feel at any given time she was around.
After about an hours wait she finished up and quickly changed into her regular clothes. “Where did Jay go?” She asked, walked out and pulling her hair from her shirt. 
“He ran ahead to get some take out.” He nodded his head in the direction of the exit. “Before the diner time rush. I told him I’d take you home.”
“So instead of volunteering to get the food you volunteered to drive me home?” She smiled at him. “Awe, I feel so special.” She poked fun. “I’ll grab the rest of my stuff and we can go.”
“Jared!” A voice called. It was Marissa, Jared’s friend that ran the shoot that day.
“Hey, Marissa, how are you?” He asked pulling her into a hug.
“I’m great! Thanks for sending Lexi our way! She is amazing!” Marissa beamed. ”I didn’t know Jensen had a sister that young.”
“She looks older than she is.” Jared said only half sarcastically.
“Tell me about it. Such a natural, too. Made our job easy today.” She smiled at Jared but their conversation was cut short as she was called away.
“Ready?” Lexi asked walking up to Jared.
“Marissa just bragged about you.” Jared said with a pleased grin. “Said you did amazing and made her job easy today.”
“Yep. You should be proud of yourself.” Reaching the car he opened the door for her and she climbed in.
“I am, actually.” She beamed. “I really overcame my self doubt today.”
“That great!” Lexi’s phone buzzed then dinged in her lap. “You’re popular tonight. That’s the fourth time your phone has gone off since we walked out of the building.”
“It’s Ellie. She is bugging me about Spencer.” Lexi rolled her eyes.
“What about him?” Jared tried not to sound too curious.
“He, uh, he asked me out. On, on a date.”
Jared, being overly curious, pushed the conversation farther. “Well, do you like him?”
“I guess so, yeah.” She answered honestly.
“Then what’s the issue?”
“I’m just cautious, I guess.”
“My opinion, if you like the guy and he likes you, go for it.” Jared encouraged.
Yeah, go for it, he thought. Maybe her being with a guy her age will get some of those odd thoughts from his head. At least he hoped.
*4 Months Later*
 Although their chemistry was undeniable, Lexi still insisted on moving slowly. The attraction between them was based on mainly physical attraction but still. They got along and were sweet on each to an extent. Other than that, things sizzled out. The constant texting and hours on the phone eventually slowed but the sexual attraction was still very much there. Spencer had agreed to take things slow with Lexi, being satisfied with their heated make out sessions. But growing temptation led them to where they were today. On the couch in the living room tangled in a heated mess of grouping hands, Spencer pulling at her clothes, legs tangled in one another. They were oblivious to anything around them. It was just them getting lost in each other. Which is why they didn’t hear Jared when he came home.
Jared casually walked into the house after filming since dawn and he was exhausted. He tossed his jacket over the back of a chair a rounded the corner of the living room when he saw Lexi and Spencer. Jared’s blood ran hot and he felt his face burn at the site of the young boy on top of Lexi.
“What the hell are you doing?!” He all but shouted.
“Jared! Wh- what are you doing here?” Lexi asked, caught completely off guard as she hurriedly covered her protruding cleavage.
“I live here!” He scolded.
“We, uh” Spencer began to stutter as he stood up from the sofa. “We were just-”
“You were just going home.” Jared said grabbing Spencer’s jacket from the floor and shoving it into his hands. “Bye!”
Spencer took his jacket, slipped his shoes on and was gone before Lexi even had time to fix her hair. As soon as the door shut behind the boy Lexi turned her attention to Jared.
“What the hell was that, Jared?!” She snapped with her arms in the air.
“I should be asking you that!”
“I was making out with my boyfriend!”
“Boyfriend?!” Jared scoffed. “Since when?!”
Lexi rolled her eyes. “Okay, maybe he isn’t my boyfriend,” Her voice calmed. “but you still had no right to do what you just did!”
“Oh, I had every right to do that.” Jared pointed a finger.
“No, actually you didn’t.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “Just because you’re Jay’s best friend does not mean you have a say in what I do.”
“I know I don’t. But I do know you. And I know you well enough that you are more than what you were doing. Besides, I’m pretty sure Jay wouldn’t like that fact that you were letting some little punk feel you up on the couch.” He walked past her. “Excuse you?!” She twisted her head back to him.
“Don’t even try and deny it. I saw where he was trying to put his hands.” Jared scolded.
“Trying, I wasn’t gonna let him.”
“So you’re a tease?”
“Screw you!” Lexi turned and stomped upstairs.
Jared winced when she slammed her bedroom door. He didn’t think she was a tease. He knew her better than that. He had gotten to know her quite well over the past seven months. Seven months. Wow, time flew by. Over those seven months, he and Lexi managed to build a really good friendship. She confided in Jared and he even opened up to her about some things. He was the one that gave her the advice to go for it with Spencer. Now he was giving her crap about it and he didn’t know why. He shut the cabinet door he was absentmindedly peering in with a little more force than needed and began up stairs. He was annoyed and agitated as he thought about Lexi on the couch with Spencer. They way he was on top of her, his hands sliding up her legs. Gripping at her full curved hips. That’s when it hit him. He was jealous.
that night, a knock on her bedroom door pulled Lexi from her journal. Jared pushed open the door and looked at her laying on her stomach, the journal he’d gotten her laid out in front of her.
“I see my present is being useful.” Jared said, leaning on her desk. “Using it to write about how much of a jerk I am?”
“What do you want, Jared?” She closed the journal and sat up
“To apologise. I shouldn't have called you a tease. I know you better than that and I'm sorry.” He looked ashamed, like a wounded pup.
“Why did you get all pissy about it?” She sat up in bed. “You could have been a whole lot nicer, you know.”
“I don’t know.” He lied. 
“Jared?” He lifted his eyes to her. “Does this have anything to do with what happened?” Lexi tried to keep eye contact but Jared wouldn’t hold it. “The night of my party when we-”
“No.” Jared spoke abruptly. “I just didn’t like seeing him have his hands all over you like that. I know how sixteen year old boys think. I used to be one.”
“Are you sure that’s all it is?”
“Yeah.” He lied again. “Just, I know you two kind of have a mostly physical thing going on and just sometimes- I don’t know.“ He pushed his hair back. “Ever since we’ve gotten closer, I just feel like I have to protect you.”
“You don’t. I’m a big girl.” She stood in front of Jared, arms crossed over her chest. “Don’t do that.” She pointed in his face. “Don’t do the puppy eyes. You know I can’t stay mad at you when you do the puppy eyes.” He pushed out his bottom lip in a pout and Lexi through her hands up. “Fine, I forgive you,” She said as Jared snaked her into his arms for a hug. “God, that’s not fair. You know the puppy eyes get me.” She backed up.
“My secret weapon.” He grinned up at her.
“You know I can’t take it when you’re mad at me.”
TAGS: @saxxxyjared @xostephanie
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