#yes I'm watching Overly Sarcastic Productions
the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
starting to think novel fans should chill out about inaccuracies in lmk like it’s doing its own thing like china, japan, and others have. it gets weirder when they use a shield like ‘protecting chinese culture’ like i understand with smth like the disney adaption, but not with a show that’s popular with chinese kids.
I mean… I think it is less with how inaccurate it is and more than it kinda getting the message of the novel is being spread as something that it is not. There are a lot of Westerners for whom this is their first introduction to Xiyouji and, yes, there is a lot of misinformation going around because of the creative liberties but I don't think it's coming from a place of "Oh it's different and it's bad," but more "People that are watching this cartoon should understand that this is a reimagining of the world and shouldn't take it so seriously when they try to critic Xiyouji despite never reading it."
Let me start that taking a new twist on Xiyouji media is nothing new. Like I get doing new things is fun and interesting and draws in a new audience and Xiyouji fans are NOT unused to having different Xiyouji re-tellings that range from horribly inaccurate but something being the most beloved things to be very accurate and being mid.
But that is because of how the characters are driven and what I think is the biggest issue that LMK has had with its storytelling. They have been making a lot of character choices that I think really undermine what Xiyouji is about and how it kinda is disrespectful to use something so deeply ingrained with Chinese culture and almost sweep away any reference it has to Daoism or Buddism and make it very… one-sided in that regard.
Like for what LMK is… it's fine. REALLY. It's a cute cartoon. A lot of Chinese people enjoy it and no one is trying to say that isn't true.
But what is true is that a lot of Westerns are being introduced into Chinese culture and folklore and there have been many cases of… insensitivity to say the least to blatant racism to say the most.
But I think a lot of fans of Xiyouji understand that there have been centuries of misrepresentation of Chinese, and other Eastern cultures, in Western societies and the response to wanting to correct inaccuracies comes from simply wanting to be represented in a good light. I would think that if Flying Bark was to take a new spin on other media without so much cultural significance they can do amazing but I can see where a lot of misinterpretation of the source material in Western fans is leading to high tensions.
The issue I've seen is how Western fans have really taken things like LMK or Overly Sarcastic Production, both Western adaptions of the novel, and taken that as pure fact. Again I'm not trying to say they are bad, I am saying they are interpretations all on their own and shouldn't be considered 'canon.'
I think fans trying to correct these inaccuracies in the fandoms as a way to try to say "Hey this culturally important piece of literature actually has a lot more meaning and ingrained messages that cannot be separated from the source material and shouldn't be interpreted as such by Western standards." and most cases being blown off for trying to correct these takes in Western fan bases.
Personally, I think that there has been lack of Wukong or his journeymates' perspectives has caused more confusion than anything else. Also with the depictions of heaven as well. And trust me this would not be the first time that Heaven was seen as 'the bad guy' in Xiyouji media but…. they just make it so clear that Wukong in this series has nothing working for him and it's because this creates a lot of discourse.
I do genuinely do enjoy LMK Sun Wukong, he isn't a fav but he is a delight, but I think the narrative that he is incompetent, incapable, illiterate, and a one-noted character has been taken too far at this point. I know this is not his story but, it's Xiaotian's, but it really feels like the studio is so insecure that Xiaotian can be a good hero on his own that they need to make Wukong seem more incompetent to make Xiaotian the one to fix his mistakes.
It is a very unbalanced dichotomy that I feel Flying Bark is not handling well personally, always pushing aside Wukong's point of view in favor of villains for the sake of "drama" and suspense and while that can be interesting… the balance just makes it feel too one-sided.
I also feel the crew of LMK has gotten too involved with Fandom culture. Reminds me a bit too much of Legends of Voltron fandom and how that kind of fan to Creator communication can be… dangerous to say the least.
I can't say I can agree with you anon with the amount of disrespect I've seen from some fans in the LMK fandom with its treatment of Eastern regions, customs, and even the language itself. I think that LMK fans trying to dissuade these attitudes are trying to stop the wave of disrespect by using the book but really reducing such a culturally important piece of media to just 'silly little legos' does reflect in reducing Chinese culture that is ingrained and cannot be separated from the original source material into something like an aesthetic really does damage.
Chinese films that play around with the idea of Sun Wukong can do so successfully because the established idles of Xiyouji are never changed while I feel that so many LMK fans taking the show too seriously in their interpretation of the novel and even Buddism, Daoist, and Chinese folks lore can be damaging.
Lego Monkie Kid as a show is fine. It's not the most groundbreaking or even the biggest Xiyouji media I've seen here but it's a fine show.
But I think some fans are trying to dissuade Western fans from reducing Chinese culture to something 'otherly worldly’ just being of the colonialism connections that the West has had with taking Eastern media and reducing it to products.
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littleliongirl16 · 7 months
Tagging YouTube channels I like (or in some cases liked) as TMA fears because I have so very many hyperfixations and have no choice but to combine them...
disclaimer: I don't know anything about most of these people outside of their youtube channels, it's really the channel and how they are on the channel specifically that I'm tagging as a fear
Overly Sarcastic Productions: End & Eye
This one was a bit hard to tag because they make so many different things, but I think the Mischellaneous Myths videos that really stick in my brain are the ones where Red is trying to puzzle out information about a god or story and how it developed and the information is just gone. I think there's also some of that in History Summarized on Blue's end. I think OSP as an embodiment of fears of knowledge being lost, that tries to prevent knowledge from being lost, but also feeds on the horror of everything that's already gone because it's End aligned would be very cool.
Kennie JD's Bad Movies And A Beat: Stranger
This is specifically bad movies and a beat because I don't watch most of her other stuff and can't speak on it. A lot of Bad Movies And A Beat involves movies that are badly written and acted in a way that you could easily push towards human imitators and the uncanny valley and "why does this writer write like he's never met a human being? Because he hasnt". Also like! She doesn't always do her makeup but I feel like the fact that Kennie is changing her appearance with makeup, especially since her look is heavy foundation, very extreme, very far from how she looks without it, really does add to the stranger energy.
Film Theory (and that whole quartet of channels): Spiral/Eye
Matpat is elbow-deep in red string and thumbtacks, he is claiming that the Cars in Cars are actually insects, he is giving in to the madness. I think there's something inherently very spiral about trying to find patterns in details that in many cases probably just weren't well thought out by the original creators of the media. (like the scratches on Rubble's helmet in paw patrol when it should be new). At the same time, fiction is maleable, and sometimes he's trying to create a story that arguably makes more sense than the original using thoughtless details thrown in by the creators. There's another Spiral component of there being no "real answer" in fiction and it not mattering what the author originally intended if Matpat can use clues they accidentally left to create a different story. And then there's also an Eye component in that sometimes he is looking at details the author intentionally left and piecing together a story they intended to be found! And an Eye component in that some of the other channels, like Food Theory, do have more objective answers, like yes, the best thing to eat with spicy food to make it less spicy is something that can be scientifically found.
iilluminaughtii: Stranger... because everything was plagarized...
Kurzgesagt In A Nutshell: Extinction if it's real! Probably Desolation if it's not but Kurzgesagt has elements of almost every fear when I think about it.
I cannot think of anything more Extinction-coded than Kurzgesagt. I don't even like the Extinction that much but I want it to be real just so Kurzgesagt can belong to it. This channel has a video called "How To Kill The Universe". It's almost a running joke that 70% of their episodes are about an apocalyptic scenario, from the heat death of the universe to "what if we set off all the nukes. what if we turned all the uranium into nukes and then set off all those nukes" to horrifying antibiotic resistant pandemics to "what if we turned the earth into gold" to climate change bad scenarios. Kurzgesagt wants to end the world so bad. From impossible hypotheticals for funsies to things that could happen to things that will happen.
If I'm not allowed to say Extinction I guess the raw destruction for the sake of it of Desolation maps to that the channel the best? The more heat-death type scenarios read as End. They do a lot of astronomy content and also have some scale of the universe episodes and episodes on how the size of an organism affects its biology dramatically, which all feel Vast to me. They explain how a lot of pathogens and notorious diseases work, which is obviously corruption. Then there are a lot of more human psychology videos that dip into Stranger and Lonely. This channel has bits of all of the fears but I'll reluctantly go with Desolation.
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pisoprano · 8 months
I got tagged 4 times between @ladyofthenoodle, @bittersweetresilience, @maridotnet, and @rosie-b, so thanks guys for inviting me
Get to know you game! Answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to know better.
Last song listened to: You spin me round Literal Version (Yes, the version that narrates what happens onscreen of the very cheap music video, not the actual song. Don't judge me.)
Currently watching: A little while ago I started rewatching (well, mostly it's been relistening, but I'm going to count it anyway) to Overly Sarcastic Production's Trope Talks series again, highly recommend.
Currently reading: I feel like my reading has been sorely lacking in recent months (even fanfics from my favorite creators have their email alerts sitting unread in my inbox since as early as November), but I did make some progress on The Sunlit Man (aka Secret Project 4) by Brandon Sanderson today.
Currently obsessed with: Loveybug AU. I've got some stories in the works for the Loveybug AU Week that @asukiess is throwing next month. Most of those are just giving some of the writing I've done on tumblr a spit shine, but there are some expansions on snippets of dialog I wrote in the tags, plus a brand new one-shot or two. I don't quite have fics that match up with all the prompts, but I think I'll be able to post something Loveybug-related on each of the days.
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Got double-tagged by @sanhatipal and @werewolfcoochie , so here it goes!
Last song: Valhalla Calling by Miracle Of Sound
Currently watching: ...what am I watching hold on *rummages through my brain* the Kara no Kyoukai movie, I still need to watch the rest, Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury yes I know it's finished but I still revisit the series a lot, Overly Sarcastic Production's videos certainly, Hello Future Me's On Writing And Worldbuilding series too
Currently reading: Arslan Senki, A Stepmother's Märchen, Mairimashita! Iruma-kun, The Lady's Secret, plus a bunch of fics but I'm name-dropping @akatsukitrash 's Far Beyond the Woods of Dawn just because.
Current Obsessions: Arslan Senki (of course), Naruto (naturally), G-witch, drawing Farangis' design sheet, @akatsukitrash and @concernedbrownbread 's Naruto AUs, and the fic @innerchorus posted
Tagging... @marchdancer @concernedbrownbread @innerchorus @meridiageek @aroacecat @mitotic-catastrophe @niaswish @summer-time @lordgrimoire @0hmydekiru @yonokomizuka @honig-bienchen
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luciddreamingstuff · 1 year
Niche Under the Magnifying Glass Lamp
If there is one thing I can take away from being in some smaller fandoms, or niche hobbies: You take what you can get and There are people out there who need their medical bills paid for carrying the fandom on their backs.
My two babies are the Lego Monkie Kid:
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If you loved Lego Ninjago as a kid and still do to this day, I highly recommend this show. You can find the first couple of seasons on Amazon Prime. Seasons 3 and 4 are gonna be a bit more difficult, and this is what I mean by some needing their medical bills paid. Because the only reason I was able to keep up with the show with it being poorly marketed and dubbing is slow, folks came together to not only find the episodes, but also do their damnedest to fan sub these. I've already written a post about this show and why you need to watch it somewhere on this blog. Anyways, my next baby, and the one I have sunk so much money into already, is Zoids:
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Most would be familiar with Chaotic Century or New Century Zero, as the Liger Zero (not depicted here) is the poster boy of the franchise. And with the 40th anniversary upon us, I'm glad I get to experience this niche franchise/hobby in general (My wallet not so much). I say that as I have a few kits that are sadly yet to be built. Right, Zoids if you don't know, started out as a sort of model kit toy line-up with a whole story between two warring factions and the mechanical beings known as Zoids. Most of it takes place on Planet Zi, with the exception being Zoids Wild Zero (and I swear to the gods above, I have been trying to watch this series for years now but finding episodes has been extremely tricky. That or I have just been extremely unlucky.)
Anyways, all that aside, insert here how even small fandoms have their problems and blah blah blah. But in general, I found the hardest part of being in smaller communities is mainly finding the content for them. Again, Zoids just isn't a big thing here in the States, so finding kits can be a little hit or miss. I say this as someone who fell into the pit trap of knockoffs (three to be exact.) and yeah, still new to all of this, only started building the kits recently. And as for Lego Monkie Kid, thankfully the internet exists, and the dedicated fans who work their asses off to find episodes and get them translated? Hats off to you my friends and thank you for all you do. It's always so exciting when you find someone out in the wild, so to speak, who knows about some of these smaller properties. And again, just being in these smaller fandoms, you have a slightly different perspective on Things you wouldn't think about being in bigger fandoms. I never thought I would be building model kits because of my horrible coordination and the fact that a disability I have makes it a little difficult to handle the tiny pieces. But then I discovered Zoids: New Century Zero on youtube some odd years ago and then learned about the model kits. Liger Zero was the first kit I got. Sadly him and my knockoff Mugen Liger took a tumble and are now in Model kit hospital trying to fix the broken parts. And even now, I still hunt for new kits, droll over some I could never hope to own. And I've rewatched Zoids Genesis at least 4 or 5 times now. And before anyone says anything, Yes I have seen Chaotic Century, and I do love it, don't get me wrong. But my favorite Zoid happens to be the Murasame Liger and its evolts. So you can imagine why I would watch Genesis a few more times than the others. And then there's Lego Monkie Kid. See, I loved Lego Ninjago as a kid, always diving into each episode and recording them on the VCR to see anything I missed. And then one day, scrolling through TikTok, I came across some clips of this new Lego animation that was essentially a sequel (I'm not calling it a fanfiction, I swear to the gods I refuse) Of Journey to the West. Which I learned about through Overly Sarcastic Productions. And doing my usual thing, now that I know how to surf the um . . . Okay let's be real here, pirating sites for cartoons and then Amazon Prime for this show. It was so easy to catch up on and the animation was eye candy, the characters and story were amazing, sound design and all.
Anyways, if you made it this far into my rambles, I applaud you and hope I convinced you to go searching around the deeper waters a bit. After all, you never know what you're going to find. Whether it be a gold mine, okay but still a guilty pleasure, the downright bad, or just the strange of the strange. Either way, happy exploring and I'll see you on the other side.
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junsei-draws-rotasu · 2 years
MONKIE KID S3E2: Great Grand Dragon of the East (Live blog) SPOILERS
Kinda hard to concentrate watching right now since I have my Mother and my sibling watching Kung Fu Panda content and I'm tempted to watch it as well lol
I'm still not over the new intro! 🤩
They're going to drown!😨
I'm more surprised a human (Tang) survived! I mean, Mei and MK are humans too but still! They have their mystic stuff... Maybe because Tang is the reincarnation of Tripipaka?
Sandy is hitting himself to overlook such thing! Considering he is a water demon
Thank you for remembering that.
Yeah, MK is done
A snake!? Wait for the title! THE DRAGON OF THE EAST!?
I don't think you can call them friends if they're afraid of you, Wukong💀
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Well, the father and son are on par with it comes to Wukong's BS😒
Now I really want to read JTTW to actually know what happens. Sure, Overly Sarcastic Productions is funny and great and all, but I need more context than summaries
But you can't execute an immortal
Whispering blatantly? Isn't that disrespectful?
Wait does the dragon recognise Mei's sword?! Then again, Mei came from a family of Dragons...
Ngl I forgot what dragon Mei's family came from
Hey! She doesn't need to prove whether or not she's the descendant of the Dragon of the West! The legend of the sword said it can be held in worthy hands of the family!!!
Oh thank god it's just the scroll
It's good to bounce it off, but the words have a dent in your wound MK
Wukong can communicate telepathically?
Sheesh, poor Sandy
I just realized the warriors have shells! Does that mean most of the guards are turtles?
A spoon?
How many plastic spoon your going to break, Pigsy?
Daaaamn! Mei out here getting new fits!
Ugh 😑
So what it seems wrong to have a weapon on a dress? I think they look badass! Let some modern influence!
Why would she give it to you?
Hah? What?
I don't think you are important enough to get a rightful complaint on the Dragon of the East about his great.... something grandneice
Love Mei
Sandy is working hard while Mo is being pet by the gaurds
Of course, there'll be a protection in the treasure room
Oooh, getting some dragon lore of never going to a dragon hoard/lair?
Hey! Friends are family!
I wonder what are Mei's personal opinion of SWK considering she agreed with the Dragon of the East's opinion on not to trust Wukong.
Aw, you can tell grandpa Dragon doesn't want to fight Mei🥹
What can not be!?
Mei, are you hiding something!?
Wow, that's a considerable amount of being scooped... But how long did it take to be that far?
"It's not like the hole can magically make itself" Well, it just did
"We're freeeee! *dies*"
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Wukong, why are you making that face?
Not Tang using teen slang like Slay💀
Nice job, Sandy!
Damn it. Of course, it wouldn't be that easy
I was about to comment that Grandpa dragon looks about to say yes when Mei pleaded but HOLY SHET MACAQUE!?
Just, please don't die. I would hate to see Mei sad
So, we're not going to see the fight? Laameee!
But I swear, if you lose this fight Mac, I'm going to have serious doubts of the claims on being Wukongs reflection or how you're in equal strengths of.
And finished!
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shinysora · 2 years
My biggest flex is that I knew about Zagreus before the game came out
ANYWAYS mythology rant:
Zagreus and Dionysus are the same person, but history wise they are different.
Dionysus came after Zagreus history wise.
But before I get into that let me teach you history:
BASICALLY there are 2 Zagreus', and I will call them Orphic Dionysus and Zagreus.
Orphic Dionysus was mean, alot more associations with death and rebirth amd madness rather than wine, but wine was still there. He also had a good following, but remind yourself that the following for this specific Dionysus was NOT a cult. He was usually the son of Zeus and Persephone.
Zagreus was more of the god of the underworld and death and rebirth rather than wine. We dont have alot of context behind him since things werent written, but we do know that Zagreus was called "the king of the gods" at some point. Usually the son of Persephone and Hades.
Orphic and Zagreus was considered the same person, and as time went on they just kinda got smashed together into one god, and that god was Dionysus.
Note- everyone forgets that Dionysus is still the god of death and madness, not only wine. Yes he can be a party animal but if you cross him he might drive you insane.
ANYWAYS let me get to the facts; Orphic and Zagreus got kinda mashed together, then created Dionysus, but this Dionysus was meaner and very rude, heavily associated with madness, death, horned animals, and wine. and if I remember correctly this was when he finally got his cult.
In the Bacche story (btw Bacche was nickname for Dionysus), one thing he does that terrifies me is that he told people he is the son of Zeus, but people did not believe him, so he drove them mad to the point the people ate their own babies, and then he claimed them as followers.
Another time in the same story he drives a king mad by making the king hallucinate and seeing Dionysus have horns.
Anyways after all of that, kings got kinda tired of fighting & shit and they had alot of money to party, and guess what? Theres a god that's about partying!!!
And this was the time that the cult of dionysus got accepted into the public instead of ostracized.
And that's the small history of Dionysus and how he turned into a death and madness god to a still death and madness god but mostly associated with partying rather than dying.
So that's why whenever I see dionysus and Zagreus talk in the Hades game it makes me laugh because they're the same person talking to each other but from different time periods
I'm sure I missed alot so if your interested in more just watch the video that "Overly Sarcastic Productions" made about the god!!!!
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dabookgoblin · 2 years
tagged by: @silvergifting Thank you! I've never done one of these before!
favorite time of the year: Autumn! It's literally so pretty, THE VIBES, Halloween and when everybody starts selling the drinks I like. I can also begin hibernation. 11/10
comfort food: My mom has this recipe for these frozen no-bake Buffalo-chip cookies and they are chocolatey goodness.
favorite drinks: Orange Juice/Orang Julius (anything with citrus really)
do you collect anything?: [glances at my shelves] Definitely not books... Various Office supplies? (I type this at my desk that is drowning under the assorted tools for the five projects I have going on all at once rn😅) All jokes aside my personal goal in life since I was four was to have my own library in my house. So I have books. Many more books than I (currently) have space for them. Yes, I blame Disney's Beauty and the Beast for this.
Seriously tho, I can only put my shelves in one corner of my room so lemme show you how bad this is getting:
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It is so hard to write digitally omg T-T
current song on repeat: I finished watching Jackcepticeye's playthrough of the latest Dark Pictures anthology so "O Death" the ending credits version for The Devil in Me has been on repeat constantly for the past 4 days. (also the soundtrack for God of War:Ragnarok, STUNNING) (also Blood on the Snow by Hozier is amazing)
favorite fic: I don't read a lot of fanfiction so I can't really give an answer. (feel free to give recs!) Red from Overly Sarcastic Productions had a charity livestream read of My Immortal that I really enjoyed and StrangeAeons is planning on doing one too so I'm looking forward to that.
favorite video game: The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild! I can loose SO many hours to that game lol
tagging: @grsnbriar @ra-grace @kalopziaa
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melancholypancakes · 1 year
The Untold Myth of “Dream of the Endless and Aphrodite the Goddess of Love”
Author note: This is going to be told in 3rd person by a narrator of the “Myth” and I imagine “Overly sarcastic productions” as the narrator, to be honest. 
This is a link to their Aphrodite video https://youtu.be/JIUq0pfAskU 
 Also, you might be wondering “why Aphrodite?” 
Well, I choose her as a topic of the idea Morpheus had a friend in ancient times before Hob Gadling.
Aphrodite fits the Naive trope of getting into a friendship for the first time since she was considered a little girl in the mind of the Endless and Mortals mentally at the time. 
I'm also using Canon from the DC comics and some I made up.
This takes place when Aphrodite is born, father Zeus and Mother Hera
Imagine Wednesday and Enid (Gothic and Pastel friendship) while reading this. Yes, Morpheus is an asshole since he was cruel, insensitive, and lacked an understanding of humanity and friendships in the beginning.  
Also, “Origin” stories of them are discussed before the story just to let you guys know :) 
Greece names of the endless
Oneiros = Dream
Thanatos = Death
Olethros = Destruction
Epithumia = Desire
Dusthūmíā = Despair
Delirio = Delirium
{Narrative POV} 
Not many of you know this but have you ever heard of the story of Dream of the Endless and Aphrodite’s Friendship? 
Yeah, there is a reason for that. There is not a lot of storytelling books of the tale, It only exists in historical witch books and it is rare to find. 
First off, Let me explain the two people in this story first Aphrodite was the goddess of love in Ancient Greece’s Mythology. 
She was known to be petty, jealous, selfish, self-center and unfaithful but there are however many versions where she is kind, selfless, and loving towards mortals, her loved ones, and her friend Dream or in this case Oneiros as they called him in ancient times. 
Now, there is not much known about Dream of the endless. Only in witchcraft history books can you find him. 
you see, There were two cosmic beings Time and Night who were married and Night gave birth to six beings. 
Destiny, Death, Dream, Destruction, Desire, Despair, and Delirium once used to be Delight, but how she changed is very vague.  
So, Dream and Aphrodite kinda make sense sounds like a wonderful and peaceful thing mortals go through when thinking about love. 
Fun fact, Dream is actually the first “man” Aphrodite did not have sex with but gained a friendship with despite being polar opposites of one another in a way of appearance. 
Aphrodite is seen as a beautiful and stunning woman filled with love and helping people while Oneiros’s purpose is to watch over dreamers during dreams and nightmares. 
Unfortunately, he is not the best guy to be around due to his lack of kindness and empathy toward others and he appears as a skinny, pale man, wearing a black hooded robe with wild raven hair.
So yeah, people would automatically be scared of Oneiros based on how he appeared. 
So, much like Aphrodite’s Origin story, this takes place after she’s born from Hera and Zeus.
Aphrodite was raised in Mount Olympus until she was a grown woman, finding her own home in the Island of Kythera where she made her home before making her way to Mount Olympus. 
Just so everyone knows, Aphrodite is a child but mortals prefer seeing her as never seen as a full-grown adult woman representing Adult Love and sexuality. 
As for Dream his origin story is unknown to our knowledge. 
As said before, all we know is that Night and Time made him and his siblings but what timeline specifically...no one knows. 
The Endless are definitely older than the gods though, So when Aphrodite was a child Dream basically babysat her.
So, now you know the origins a bit of the Goddess of Love and Dream of the Endless. 
Let’s talk about the friendship of Aphrodite and Dream of the Endless, Our story begins when Aphrodite is a young goddess.
While she made her home in Kythera, she would always enjoy her time in Mount Olympus.
She loved visiting her family and the other gods.
Aphrodite was really naive, optimistic, and sweet. The Gods were enchanted by her beauty and how sweet she was. 
Unfortunately, she never got along with her sister Artemis for various reasons due to being polar opposites of each other. One being for virginity and the other for Love and sex. 
Anyway, It became known to Aphrodite the gods did not get involved with Endless and only mortals. 
Aphrodite was always confused by this, The Endless never really bothered anyone especially mortals.
Zeus had told the young princess many times in the past, they are beings older than the gods and titans; they are not ones to take lightly which is why they don’t engage with Endless. 
Aphrodite didn’t take this seriously, so Aphrodite was being praised by mortals and answering prayers happily of love. 
She answered a Mortal prayer and not long before she saw a very pale “man” just brooding. 
He looked very miserable and without thinking she engaged in a conversation with him. 
Dream wasn’t too keen on talking to anyone, based on what he could tell this woman was wearing pink all over and bubbly almost like a child. 
“Dear girl, mind telling me your name? If you intend to bother me so much,” he said rudely but Aphrodite just brush it off. 
“Aphrodite, The Goddess of love. Oneiros don't you recognize me?” She asked as he examine her. 
Then the being realized this was the wman he used to help her sleep with she was a little goddess.
“Ah...you've grown up young princess. So, You're the new goddess the mortals have been fawning over with..." he said sounding almost dismissive but meant a greeting.
Aphrodite giggles, "You haven't changed a bit, it's really good to see you too" She says understanding how he's still trying to understand humanity.
Gods don’t usually engage with Endless since they were terrified of them and really didn’t want to piss them off. 
But Aphrodite was naive and had a mind of a child in a body of a full-grown woman. 
Needless to say, Oneiros, Tolerated Aphrodite as the conversation continue on.
Aphrodite against the gods, wishes. She kept talking with Oneiros despite what they said about the Endless powers, and abilities, and how they were beyond their knowledge and darkness. 
Oneiros didn’t admit it, ever. But he was actually beginning to like Aphrodite maybe if he ever acknowledge it, he considered her a friend. 
Aphrodite also plays a big role in the Iliad as she is almost single-handedly responsible for kicking off the Trojan War. 
For those unfamiliar with the premise, Eris the Goddess of Discord gets pissed when she is not invited to Achilles’s parents’ wedding.
So, she hucks a golden apple at the Olympians and says it’s for the hottest goddess. 
Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena get hung up in the competition and recognize there is no safe answer to that particular question. 
Zeus fobs the responsibility to this random Trojan kid name Paris. 
The Three Goddesses appeared to Paris and tells him which one of them is the fairest. 
To sweeten the deal each Goddesses offers him a gift/bribe, and Hera offers to make him ruler of all of Europe and Asia. 
Athena offers him wisdom, and battle tactics, and Aphrodite said she’ll give him the most beautiful woman in the world.
Paris picks the hot woman, and Aphrodite collects her prize and gives Paris what he wanted. 
Helen of Troy, who happens to be married already, to the volatile Spartan King Menelaus, is additionally a subject of a giant treaty offering to order every Greek king under the sun to side with her husband if anything bad happens. 
So, this divine kidnapping unsurprisingly kicks off the Trojan War. 
This puts Hera and Athena firmly on the opposing side against Paris, which having the Goddesses of rulership and battle tactics against you in a war is not a good thing.
So, Aphrodite claimed the hottest trophy by throwing a cute couple together, with no regard for the potential repercussions, and kicked off a war as a direct result. 
Great. This shows her as flighty and impulsive for general with regard to consequences. 
Oneiros know this, even after saving her from the consequences and her life during the war. 
He was amused and disappointed by the whole war going on and warned her not to do this again. It was honestly like he was treating Aphrodite as a spoiled brat that needed to learn her actions have consequences. 
On Aphrodite’s side of her friendship with Oneiros, she always thought of Dream of the Endless as her friend, father figure and only friend, so when she was to be engaged by Hephaestus. 
By cost to set Hera free from a golden chair, he had trapped her by her throwing him off Mount Olympus as a baby because he was ugly. 
Aphrodite invited her best bud, Oneiros to her wedding, however, the Gods never allowed it which is why he never came. 
Aphrodite was disappointed but It couldn’t be helped. But hey, at least he gave her a wedding gift. 
Golden emeralds, shaped like a heart, symbolize her marriage. 
However, during her marriage, she began to be unhappy. 
At first, she thought she and Hephaestus would be happily married and together always. 
She truly did love him, even if he wasn’t handsome there was once upon a time, she loved him but that faded as he neglected her for his duties.  
Aphrodite needed love and attention from someone willingly which is why she had an affair with Ares the God of War. 
They were an unlikely pair due to Love and War differences but it was lust and emotional love and Ares had been wooing her with flowers, gifts, and chocolates. 
Ares and Aphrodite were kicking off a steamy romance but it was kept hidden and hush-hush low. 
when Hephaestus found out from Helios, the sun and Hephaestus are very displeased about this. 
So, he sets up a trap with invisible golden chains but also unbreakable which is in the shared bedroom between him and Aphrodite. 
Ares sneaks into the room with Aphrodite so they finish off their twister “game” but they find themselves scuttled by the golden net which tangled them up and leaves them completely trapped. 
He was enraged by Aphrodite for being unfaithful, and he summons all the Olympians to see what he caught, Poseidon, Hermes, and Apollo come in to see what’s going on. 
However, the other gods don’t want to see that. 
This even becomes known to Epithumia, Desire of the endless, and tells her brother Oneiros who was laughing her ass off. 
Oneiros was not pleased or amused, he didn’t even want to get involved with “Aphrodite’s Affairs” but he had to know if Aphrodite was in deep shit. 
So, upon going to Mount Olympus, the gods were terrified but some were too focused on how to deal with the Aphrodite Situation. 
Oneiros pops in and witness a naked Ares and naked Aphrodite tangled up Aphrodite is clearly embarrassed and nervously smiles seeing her friend unamused by what she has done. 
Hephaestus is pretty pissed off by this whole ordeal. Just because he isn’t handsome like his brother doesn’t mean this isn’t a violation of the marriage agreement. 
So, he plans to keep Ares and Aphrodite in the net until Zeus agrees to refund the dowry he paid when married Aphrodite. 
Yes, It implies he brought his wife is definitely 100% fucked up. Much like the situation, Apollo and Hermes, think this situation is Hilarious! 
Poseidon and Dream of the endless on the other hand are taking it more reasonable trying to get Hephaestus to let them go. 
one, to reason with Hephaestus from Poseidon, and two, for him, to let Aphrodite go on Dream’s part. 
So, Poseidon tells Hephaestus he’ll get Ares to pay instead of Zeus since it’s more Ares’s fault but Hephaestus is more reluctant “What if Ares doesn’t pay?”
Oneiros can’t even believe this is even a conversation as Poseidon is just frustrated and tells Hephaestus he’ll pay for it if Ares goes back on it. 
So, Hephaestus is satisfied he’ll get his refund either way and decides to release the lovers. 
Oneiros is just straight-up disappointed and frustrated by Aphrodite, hell I be too. Now he gotta return the wedding gift. 
However, Oneiros ain’t a saint either, while Aphrodite is embarrassed she still attends to continue the romance which would lead to her having children of various lovers besides Ares. 
 Eros, Phobos, Deimos, and Atlantiades.
Now, Back to Oneiros and Aphrodite, seems like their friendship meant “I Get you out of trouble” and “I help you find love!”. 
Though very opposite of one another, Gothic being and Pastel Goddess; they actually got along quite fine. 
Aphrodite just had a hard time understanding Oneiros but still became his emotional support. 
Aphrodite actually had the idea to get Onieros a lover, she thought he could be truly happy that way. 
So, she played matchmaker. 
 That was when he met Nada, She was a princess from Africa, the Queen of a tribe. 
Aphrodite thought they make a cute couple upon meeting her, She was a pretty young mortal. 
What she didn’t know unlike the other gods and nymphs, it was forbidden for an Endless to be involved with a mortal romantically. 
So, when the sun punished the Queen by melting her kingdom, the mortal killed herself, and in the afterlife, in Death’s realm, Oneiros went after her to ask her to be his Queen. 
Which, she declined and Oneiros did not handle that rejection well so he banished her to hell until he could forgive her and would she truly be set free.  
Aphrodite was needless to say, freak out she knew she was petty but her friend took the cake. He was way pettier than her. 
But she still wanted to help Oneiros so she emotionally supported him after this. 
After a while, Aphrodite found an orphaned baby, Adonis, and gives him to Persephone to raise in the underworld.
 It was very selfless and sweet of her until when Adonis grows up to be super hot.
Aphrodite and Persephone ended up getting into a fight about which one of them gets to keep him. 
On behalf of Zeus, Calliope came to be the judge of this and Zeus decided how this was going to go. 
“Adonis will spend four months with Persephone in the Underworld then four months with Aphrodite and the remaining four months will be however he wished.” 
Aphrodite and Persephone agreed with these terms and Adonis would spend four months with Aphrodite since he was taken aback by her charm and spent less with his “mama” Persephone. 
Then, Aphrodite’s romance with Adonis began. 
Aphrodite and Adonis would spend months together before Aphrodite was called in for business and asked her lover to be careful on his hunts and not fight a beast he could not chase off. 
Adonis held Aphrodite’s cheek and promised her he’ll be careful which caused her to smile and believe him... 
So, on one hunt Adonis was fighting beasts left and right chasing them down until he came across a boar. 
This boar didn’t run off though and Adonis with his hunt behavior didn’t want a hunt to waste so he fought the boar but ended up being gored by the boar. 
Adonis wasn’t thinking straight and was all about the hunt but he should’ve listened to his lover’s wishes. 
Adonis screamed in agony and screamed his lover’s name for help, Aphrodite heard his call and rushed out to the forest only to scream in terror. 
As she saw her lover all bloodied, bruised, and bleeding to death he nearly choked on his blood as he look for his lover. 
Aphrodite cried in horror as her lover was barely recognizable, she ran towards him and kneel before him. 
She placed his head on her lap, “Adonis...my love...please don’t talk” she pleas as she holds his head. 
Adonis looked into his goddess’s eyes as she cries and cries; wanting to end his pain. 
“Oh, Adonis...why...why didn’t you” she chokes up as she whimpers and cries at him as he takes his last breath. 
Aphrodite cried on his corpse as her tears fall down non-stop, the mix of his mingled blood and her tears turn him into the anemone flower. 
She lay beside that flower for weeks, Ares was the one disguised as a boar and out of jealousy killed Aphrodite’s lover. 
She whimpered at the mere thought of Ares killing Adonis and blame herself.
 Soon, she declared the Adonia festival commemorating his tragic death, but she didn’t have the time to grieve and held it in as she answer mortal’s prayers until she visited Oneiros in the dreaming realm. 
Aphrodite claimed she was fine when Oneiros asked her how she was, even after knowing what she’s been holding in. 
She eventually broke down into tears, she whimpered as she held onto Oneiros’s shoulders screaming Adonis’s name. 
Aphrodite was vulnerable and needed comfort which Oneiros badly sucked at. He didn’t know how to comfort people, unlike his sister Death. 
All he could do was hold her and pet her hair slowly, as she whimpered and tears falling.
Needless to say, Aphrodite was grieving for many years, and even though Oneiros didn’t know how to comfort didn’t mean he didn’t care for her. 
Oneiros even invited her to come over to his family get-together parties, think of a friend inviting his friend over for the first time to hang out with his family. 
Aphrodite actually went to dine with an Endless family; she met Death, Destruction, Desire, Despair, and Delirium. 
Aphrodite and Epithumia did not hit it off, it was obvious they didn’t like each other. 
But there was a lot of lesbian tension during that dinner and also the fact Epithumia kept bullying Oneiros and Aphrodite didn’t let that slide. 
Aphrodite actually stood up for Oneiros and this wasn’t the first she was on his side. She even went against her fellow gods about him. 
Oneiros was very pleased by Aphrodite’s loyalty to their friendship and how sweet of her to stand up for him since no one ever has besides Death.
Aphrodite’s attitude got noticed by Epithumia as she was blushing at Aphrodite’s fire attitude and was jealous that her own brother had someone like this.
For a while, Epithumia stopped picking on Oneiros and for the rest of the dinner, it went well Oneiros wanted to invite Aphrodite all the time as their friendship grew and grew. 
It was not long before, Aphrodite hooked up Oneiros with Calliope a goddess she knew of but did not have a one-on-one conversation with before. 
Aphrodite felt like they fit each other perfectly, she had hoped this relationship will last longer and maybe Oneiros would be happy. 
However, that was not the case as soon their love would drift apart when their son, Orpheus had been lost to the underworld when he denied his son any aid from him. 
Calliope was devastated, she left Oneiros and never wanted to see him again while Aphrodite was disappointed in her friend. 
Now, we are getting close to why Oneiros is a dick and an asshole of a friend Aphrodite ever had.
Aphrodite wanted to talk to her friend and try to get his perspective but all he did was snapped at her. 
out of his own rage and grief, unbeknownst to him Aphrodite was dealing with Ares who was abusing her physically. 
Her home life wasn’t well and many of her children tried to protect her against the war god but it was no use unless she left herself. 
However, at that moment all Aphrodite saw was Ares towering over her. It was in her head but Oneiros was scaring her.
Oneiros was telling her how insignificant she was, how she was beneath him. he didn’t need her, care for her, he tolerated her, she was annoying, she forget her place, he was better off without her, how he wanted her out of his realm, out of his affairs and business. 
The last straw was when he said, “You mean nothing to me. Your nonsense about being the goddess of love...yet all you do is lay with other men like a whore.” she gasped as she was tearing up. 
“No! no, no you don’t mean that! I know you’re angry and grieving and that’s okay! but Oneiros I’m your friend...aren’t I-” she tries to say but is cut off by Oneiros’s dark laugh. 
“ "Friend” is that what you think you are, little Goddess? Do you honestly think you mean even that much to me? how could I even consider someone as so selfish as you...” he said darkly as a threat or a fact. 
Yeah, this guy is an asshole but what he said was true about Aphorodte being selfish and laying with other men, but she was only trying to help her friend by falling in love for once and getting a life so to speak. 
So, uncalled for dude. 
After this, Aphrodite stares at him intently.
Shr breathes in hard and looks at him, “I've tried, really, REALLY hard to be your friend." She glares ar him.
"Always put myself out there for you, stood up for you and thought of your feelings" She continues.
"Told people "I know he seems like a serial killer but he's just shy.""
" I never asked you to do that." Oneiros says with anger.
"You didn't have to because that's what friends do!!!" She yells as her eyes glows pink.
"They don't have to be asked." She states looking at Oneiros angrily.
Oneiros looks at her silently as his eyes get glossy as he started to realize what Aphrodite meant.
"And the fact you don't know that says everything!" She says
"You want to be alone, Oneiros? Be alone!" She says purposely bumping into him as he pushed back.
Aphrodite walks away and before leaving the dreaming realm, "I won’t be here to bother you anymore and I pray you to get your heart broken over and over unable to love another.” she growls, cursing him as she storms out of the dreaming.
Oneiros kneels down and hugs his knees as he cries for Aphrodite regretting for what he has done.
So, Oneiros was cursed by the Godess of love and Aphrodite never wanted to see Oneiros again.
After the loving friendship between the dream of the endless, King of dreams and nightmares and Aphrodite the goddess of love ended.
Anger and darkness clouded her judgement and mind.
She was less focused on her duties as the goddess of love and letting couples break up. 
This worried her son, Eros, but Aphrodite wasn’t the same anymore she had become cruel, selfish, manipulative, petty, and rude. 
So, we finished Oneiros and Aphrodite’s story.
Yes in the story with Aphrodite and Oneiros, the goddess of love is meant to be a victim of toxic friendship do we can feell bad for.
While most of her actions don’t justify the storyline showing how she became, even more, pettier, manipulative, and cruel to others, especially mortals.
So, basically, after two toxic relationships Aphrodite never trusted anyone ever again. 
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eolewyn1010 · 2 years
Oh, wow, our Victorian himbo makes another entry! Didn't think that'd happen. Hi, Jonathan! Mina tells him of what went down, and having van Helsing confirm all the horrors Jonathan went through as a reality, he can finally be sure of his own mind again and starts to feel better. So of course, van Helsing is delighted to get another virile young specimen of healthy man meat. Eh, anyway, they get on like a house on fire, especially in their opinion that Mina is just the bee's knees. Jonathan hands him all the papers that might be of interest regarding Dracula, the three of them have breakfast together and then Jonathan sees van Helsing off at the station. Van Helsing is upset about the newspaper articles; he should know of Lucy's postmortem activity now. And he's still speaking German, not Dutch...
Jonathan is not the only one who has picked up on his diary habits again; Jack is back to journaling, too. Renfield is back to flies and spiders and apparently behaving well enough, Arthur and Quincey have written from their gay little mutual comfort party and seem to be recovering okay-ish, Jack uses odd words again - his pain over Lucy has become "cicatrised"? Had to look that one up. But then van Helsing comes back with newspapers and is all, "call in the dude squad; your shared girlfriend is a vampire!" Jack doesn't catch on immediately, he just thinks the kids' puncture wounds have a common cause with Lucy's, and when van Helsing finally gets to facts, Jack has a hard time believing him. Van Helsing even chastises him for being too narrow-minded and not having cottoned on - DUDE. You knew all the time and didn't open your friggin' mouth! There's a lot of bs from Victorian para-sciences, and I hope Stoker didn't believe half of what he wrote into van Helsing's mouth there. Jack asks to be his "pet student" again. That's... kinky? Or sycophantic. He has van Helsing run him through the entire explanation, and is left baffled.
Van Helsing takes him for a visit to the latest kid Lucy has hurt, and then to the cemetery to see Lucy. Who has made quite an impression on her kids-for-drink btw; the hurt child just wants to go see her again. After that, van Helsing buys Jack dinner and brings him for some twosome time to the Westenra tomb. Ehm, okay, not so twosome. Also, sperm from van Helsing's candle dripped down in white patches? Sperm?? When has that ever been synonymous with wax? I can't even make a queer dreams joke; this is just weird. Oh, Lucy's coffin is empty; that's also weird, I suppose. Jack correctly deduces that the absence of the corpse means only that the corpse is not there. Way to go, smart guy. Then it's churchyard watching time and I wanna point out that Jack is seeking cover under a yew tree, so he might be inhaling taxines and be not quite there. He's also getting pissed at van Helsing. Eventually they see a child slipping into the cemetery, and van Helsing brings it out again deeply asleep. Lucy hasn't had the time to hurt the kid and... these fucking idiots don't even hand it over to the police! Because they don't wanna make statements on how they found the child (that's not sus at all, you guys), they just leave it lying around somewhere a policeman can find it once they've gotten away! Assholes!
Van Helsing wants to take out Jack for another date soon, but Jack is not too thrilled, and frankly, I agree. This was a moronic nightly enterprise. Does Abe actually think this is convincing of anything, really??
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theshy1sout · 3 years
My YouTube channel:
My Ao3:
My Patreon:
My dragonfruit discord:
Dragonfruit playlist:
XD just to let you know, here is a list of fandoms I'm in (which means I’m up to date and maybe make content sometimes):
Lego Monkie Kid
Sky x Family
Miraculous Ladybug
Infinity train
Pixar movies
And things I’m also fan of (which means I will reblog those occasionally):
Kaguya Sama
MCU (well, everything)
DC Comics (Comics mostly. Batman and Flash mostly)
Star Butterfly
Lord of the Rings
How to train your dragon
Gravity falls
Steven universe (especially movie and Future!)
Hollow Knight
Scott Pilgrim
Lore Olympus
The Lego movie (both parts :3)
Journey to the West
Overly Sarcastic Productions
Adventure Time
Avatar the last airbender
The Dragon Prince
Also, things I watched/read/played (I rarely reblog those):
Every Disney and Dreamworks movie
The owl house (only season 1 xd)
Kipo and the age of wonderbeast 
Star Wars (only movies)
Kimi no na wa
Studio Ghibli's movies (but not everything yet)
Cookie Run Kingdom
John Mulaney (yup XD)
BNA (currently watching, not finished yet)
Carmen Sandiego
One-Punch Man
Life is Strange
Portal 2
The Chronicle of Narnia (all books)
The Series of Unfortunate Events (all books and the movie, love those!)
Phineas and Ferb
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Ender's game (love it, I read everything)
Percy Jackson (and everything else)
TheOdd1sOut (yes, you see this, it's very obvious)
My little pony
....i'll be honest with you, I have no idea if this is everything. Of course I watched/read/played more, but the rest I won't reblog at all. I did those lists cause someone suggested that I should. Well, I found it funny when I reblog sth and someone asks me “OMG you like this too??” XD
Im updating this list once per month
I won't tag it, bye
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spadaaces · 3 years
Hi, so i've been watching a youtube channel called "Overly Sarcastic Productions", which summarised a lot of old legends, myths, and stories into shorter animatic-style videos, and i've just watched the videos they've got out so far of Journey to the West. so after having seen you post about the "lego monkie kid" show for a while only now do i realise that it's inspired in some way by journey to the west, and the monkey i've seen in the gifs is probably Sun Wukong. so since i've now gotten invested in the cast of Journey to the West (and though i realise Monkie Kid is probably a next-gen show?) i'm just wondering is Lego Monkie Kid worth watching?
Oh absolutely!! It’s a really really good show and I highly reccommend it to *everyone*. It is a jttw adaption, being a quote-un-quote fan continuation of the original story - though it does change up a lot of details and is doing it’s own thing in certain places. If you have an interest in jttw def give it a watch, but also be careful not to take it as like. Oh this is what jttw 100% is and is The Definition of these characters (same w osp’s series). Like make sure to look into the og jttw too!! But yes 100% lego monkie kid is VERY good you should absolutely watch it. Flying bark studios deserves all the love.
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daisybeewrites · 4 years
Sorry, I’m Married
word count?: 3.5k
warnings: canon-typical violence, i don’t describe it graphically tho, just a minor skirmish. happy ending :)
requested? no
ship: dousy/daisy johnson x daniel sousa & dad!coulson
hey guys! i wrote this on a whim after hanging out in a dousy group. i was inspired by the chat at the end of the fic. as always, thank you for reading!! and drink some water ;) fic under the cut!
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Neon lights reflected off rough concrete walls as Daisy’s combat boots walked down the steps to the underground club. Light up signs glowed and glittery heels flashed as crowds of people surged and stepped on the technicolour dance floor. The sequins of her dress reflected spotlights that roved the entry area. There were booths with cushy red banquettes lining the walls near the bar, giving college girls a place to rest their feet and hotshot businessmen a table to sip beer. Currently, the club was full, young men and women crowding the bar and dance floor. Decades night, Daisy deduced, as most of the inhabitants were wearing flashy dresses or denim bell bottoms. Deke would’ve loved this, she thought. I wonder how Deke is doing…
Daisy’s mind drifted as the light up jukebox in the corner switched songs. She didn’t spot the target anywhere, so she pushed in a quarter, chose her favourite 80s hit, and watched as the jukebox queued her song. The vibrations of the speakers were reverberating through her, pumping her adrenaline up. Good, more energy for a fight if I need it. 
Three leather stools were open at the bar—one by itself, and two side by side. She nodded at the bartender and sat in the single empty seat. Her comms crackled in her right ear, reminding her of why she was here in the first place. 
“Dais, can you hear me?” She located where Coulson was speaking across the room, sitting in a wooden booth near the side exit. He casually leaned back and sipped his drink. 
“Loud and clear,” Daisy mumbled. 
“New intel from HQ just came in. The weapons the target is dealing? Alien tech.”
“Great, she said sarcastically,” said Daisy, clearly annoyed. 
Coulson laughed. “On your 3.” 
Daisy rested her elbow forward on the bartop, scanning the selection of alcohols as a premise to look down the row of people to her right. She noticed two young lads dressed in all black suits, carrying briefcases. There was no way these guys were in charge of the illegal operation. Well, at least they won’t be a problem if it comes down to a fight, she thought.
As Daisy’s eyes roamed the club, she locked eyes with a muscular, bodyguard-type with a small, raised scar over his eye. She smiled then turned around. She recognized the uniform he was wearing as standard bouncer garb, but his side-piece was not. CF380, Princetown standard issue. Daisy signaled his presence to Coulson. 
“These guys? Again?” 
Princetown was a group of rich, privileged sons of international diplomats and of heads of large corporations. They slipped through the FBI’s fingers like sand. Now, they had alien tech. No diplomatic immunity would allow them to get out of an arrest now. 
Coulson nodded behind her. She subtly turned her head and glanced in that direction. Wearing an overly expensive silk suit and holding a glass of champagne, stood Luca Casagrande. Son of the Italian Minister of foreign affairs. Notorious for his parties, wealth, and lack of self-control. He winked at a blonde waitress who slipped him a piece of paper, which was very obviously not a bill. Daisy rolled her eyes. Criminals these days are so stupid, she thought. 
Coulson bit back a laugh at Daisy’s reaction. “Alright, Daisy, you’re up.”
“Remind me again why I was chosen for this part of the mission?” she murmured while sipping her drink to hide her words.
“Because, you’re good at it.” Coulson went quiet for a second then added, “And I'm not Casagrande’s type.”
Daisy flashed her eyes in Coulson’s direction, frustrated. She mentally went over the calming exercises May taught her. Deep breath, exhale. Let’s do this.
Daisy slid off the barstool, and approached Casagrande slowly. He only looked her direction when she sidled up next to him. 
“Hey, sweetheart. What’s a beautiful girl like you doing out here all by yourself?” A smooth, accented voice inquired.
Daisy bottled up a sarcastic remark and stocked it on the shelf for later use. Only Daniel is allowed to call her sweetheart. 
“Well, I was hoping,” she blinked up at him, batting her eyelashes. “to find some product. Heard you had all the good stuff. I'm lucky I even caught you here, considering your reputation.”
“Geez. Laying it on a little thick aren’t we?” Coulson couldn’t help it. The snort Daisy covered up as a cough was too hilarious.
Luca smiled. It was charming, but unsettling. “Oh? And what reputation would that be?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Daisy countered. She looked around before continuing, “Look, I've got pressure on me to deliver. I’d appreciate it if we talked business before pleasure.”
 “Hard to get.” Luca’s eyes sparkled. “Alright. Let’s talk business.”
He leaned over the bar and signaled the bartender to bring him two glasses of whiskey on the rocks. Once a glass was in his hand, he gestured to Daisy’s. “You don’t drink?”
“Not when I'm on the clock. My employers frown upon it.” 
Casagrande nodded. “I see. So, what type of product were you looking for?”
“Anything I can sell. Uncle Sam called and said they need a next gen advantage for soldiers. Weapons, maybe?” She ran a finger down the lapel of his suit. “They pay generously.”
“You work for the US military.”
“We have a... mutual understanding.” Daisy flashed a brilliant smile. It was kind of fun playing an undercover persona. 
Luca studied her face. “I don’t get details?”
Daisy scoffed, “Of course not. Son of a foreign diplomat, it’s a risk the US can’t take. If other countries found out…”
“Yes, I understand," He responded carefully. 
“And I understand that you also do some dirty business with governments.”
A menacing half-smile rose on his face. “Only the beautiful ones.”
Looking up into his eyes, Daisy felt the same disgust that had been worn by everyone at the mission briefing. Au contraire, Luca seemed to find Daisy extremely attractive. 
“Why don’t we—”
“No.” Daisy internally cringed, but on the outside she seemed relaxed and blasé. She risked a glance at Coulson, to see his reaction. His entire body was rigid. She didn’t blame him. Hearing some douchebag proposition your daughter...yulgh. She wished Daniel was here to watch her back, too... this guy was getting under her skin. Everything about Casagrande pushed her buttons. 
“No,” Daisy affirmed, tilting her head. “Business first. We can talk about any other deals after.” 
“But there is a possibility?” He cheekily remarked. 
Not a chance in hell, Daisy thought. “Maybe. But for now, I need to move product ASAP.”
Luca mulled thos over and sipped the burning whiskey. “I may have some contacts that could help you. In return, what will you give me?”
Though the question was innocent, his intentions were obvious. That was exactly what she wanted. 
“Depends on how good the product is.” She stepped a little closer “It’s a little crowded in here, don’t ya think?”
He pushed off the bar, inches from her. He smelled like overly expensive cologne, and not the good kind. “I'm meeting some business associates out back in a few minutes. We’ll make a deal after that.”
“Would they happen to have anything I could—��
“Sorry, sweetheart, I do business privately.”
Daisy faked a sweet smile and resisted the urge to punch him. 
Luca took two steps toward the back door, then turned around and strutted back. He tilted his head towards her. “A good luck ki—?”
BRing. BRing. Bzzzzz. 
Best. Timing. Ever. Daisy shot Luca an apologetic look before picking up. 
“Hello? Oh, Dad! One sec.” Daisy took the phone off her ear, and whispered to Luca, “It’s my Dad. He’s in the hospital. Doesn’t know what my real job is.”
She brought the phone back up to her ear as Luca irritatedly glanced around. 
“Dad? Yeah... No, I'm fine, how are you feeling?... That’s great, Dad.” She winked at Luca and held up a finger. Daisy was glad he didn’t notice Coulson over her shoulder, also on the phone. 
“I'm with some friends…” Luca raised his eyebrows. “Luca Casagrande... He does business with my marketing firm.”
Daisy waved Luca away after noticing him checking his Rolex twice in ten seconds. He nodded and headed out back. She made sure he was out of earshot before alerting Coulson.
“Coulson, he’s headed out.”
“Yup, QJ-6 is on the way. I’ll stay to watch his lackeys.”
Daisy gave the bartender a tip and walked towards the back door, grabbing her gauntlets from behind the bar. He dipped his chin and continued wiping down the counter.
As she walked into the chilly night air, Daisy was greeted with silence. Droplets of water dripped onto the leather of her boots from the rooftop. The concrete crunched in the darkness of the alley. Light from the streetlamps was scarce, melding shadowy corners with the dim alleyway.. Daisy could hear faint music through the brick walls of the club. A smirk formed on her face as her pick from the jukebox played. Walking towards the street, she checked behind the moldy trash bins for a sign that Casagrande was hiding. The opening guitar grew louder as the safety of a gun clicked off behind her. 
“So,” Daisy raised her hands up. It was a trap. “what happened to your business associates?”
Luca chuckled behind her. 
“You’re not stupid. You can figure it out.”
Daisy slowly turned around to face him. 
“You bluffed to see if I would follow you.” She wasn’t surprised. She had counted on this. “You’re a decent liar.”
“So are you.” Luca lowered the gun a bit. “Who are you? CIA?”
“That’s classified.” 
Luca laughed, haphazardly slinging the pistol to the side in a grand gesture. “Of course it is.”
“I wasn’t lying when I said that the government and I have a mutual understanding.”
“But that isn’t the whole truth, is it?” 
Daisy smirked. “Of course not.”
Technically, this was true. Her status as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent was protected knowledge, no one but people inside her agency and a handful high-ranking world intelligence officers were aware.
Daisy decided he might as well know who she was. He was going to be locked up in a max-security cell pretty soon, anyway.
He fell against the wall as Daisy hit him with a small quake, just enough to get her point across. His expression was one of pure shock.
“You- Y- You’re…”
“Daisy, what’s going on?” Coulson must have felt the vibrations. She didn’t think she had hit Luca that hard. Daisy could hear the quinjet approaching, the comforting vibrations of the engine helping to calm her nerves. She stepped toward Luca.
“You have two options: come peacefully with me, or I call the cavalry to take you in by force.”
Luca stayed on the ground, silent. He reminded Daisy of a pouting toddler. 
This toddler had a few tricks up his sleeve. 
Coulson’s voice came through her ear. “Daisy, do you ha—”
Daisy’s blood ran cold as she received static from the other line.
“Coulson? Coulson?!”
Wide brown eyes turned to watch Casagrande’s smirk grow. 
“Problem?" He said smugly. 
Daisy quickly knocked him out with the mini-ICER she kept inside her boot and ran back inside. Opening the solid metal door to the inside of the club, she registered the panicked screams from the main room. As she hurtled through the plain hallway towards the crowds, she wished she had a way to tell the backup team that they were flying into trouble. He must’ve known we’d be here. How did he know we’d be here? 
The walls were a blur as the confusion and fear from the civilians in the club became palpable. The door squeaked on its hinges as Daisy threw it open. She didn’t see Coulson anywhere. Actually, she couldn’t see anything at all. An EMP. Cool. Fun. Alright. That’s fine. 
It’s all fine.
Wandering the crowds, Daisy tried to find a way to contact the team. Surely they had a landline in here? 
The bartender pulled her aside as she passed him. He silently pointed to the jukebox. It was the only thing still on and functioning. Of course, Daisy didn’t know how she hadn’t seen it before! 
She walked to the jukebox and searched the sides for a dial, a button, something... Aha! She unlatched the panel and bent down to dial Piper’s number. She pressed the call button while her vision grew blurry. Her eyelids drooped. A sluggish head turn towards the dance floor gave a view of unconscious bodies asleep next to each other. Daisy tried to stand, to walk to the nearest victim of the sleeping gas. A burning zap that seemed to travel through her veins rendered her unconscious. I have to find Coulson…
Daisy knew she probably shouldn’t have left Casagrande in the alley by himself. She was playing right into his hand.
Coulson was more important.
Coulson. What would he do?
Daisy slowly tried to open her eyes. She felt like she had a hangover. The light was dim, the floor beneath her cold as ice. Her hearing slowly came back as she took in her surroundings. A pair of black dress shoes blurred into her frame of vision. 
“Hey, you’re awake.” Coulson’s voice flooded her with relief.
“What happened? Where…?”
Coulson helped her sit up against a rough stone wall. “I have no clue. Best guess? An Italian castle.”
Daisy was suddenly very awake. “We’re in Italy?”
“Hey, I said best guess.” Coulson pointed his fingers to the ceiling. “I heard footsteps up there earlier.”
Daisy just nodded. Last time she was in Italy, she had a hell of a lot better time. For starters, no one zapped her with— wait, what was she hit with?
“What was that weapon I was hit with? It felt like it was melting my insides.” The thought scared her. The only other time she had felt that type of pain was when... she didn’t like to think about it. 
“You know the alien tech that Casagrande was running?” Daisy nodded. “Yeah, it was that.”
A loud groan solidified Daisy’s frustration. Her eyes closed while she tried to concentrate. She tried to feel any vibrations near her, to soak up anything that could signal where they were. Instead of feeling the vibrations of a mountain or a plane, she felt footsteps. Coming closer, closer... Daisy opened her eyes. 
Luca entered the chilly cell through the thick steel door. She would have quaked him back about a hundred feet if it weren’t for Coulson’s hand on her arm. 
“You two seem comfortable. Can I get you a drink? Water? Coffee?” His smile was smug and irritating.
Coulson replied before Daisy could. “No, we’re good thanks. How about instead, you give us some answers. Starting with: where are we, and who’s your source?” His voice got harder and colder as he went on. Luca acted unfazed. 
“No. You are insurance. You have physical evidence of my illegal trades. I was going to leave you on the curb, but then this guy,” Luca pointed over his shoulder at a soldier then slapped the short lad on the back. Daisy recognized him as one the short lads with briefcases at the bar. “This guy had to go and shoot you with the Widow’s Bite!”
Coulson's eyes grew wide in recognition. Daisy could connect the dots herself.
“You stole Black Widow’s weapons?” They said in unison. Coulson and Daisy looked at each other and fell silent. By Daisy’s profile, if they kept acting surprised and in awe, he would keep giving them answers. 
“Yes, I did. Amazing right?” Luca stared off into the distance. “Last month I hired a thief to get into the Avenger’s Compound. She got a copy of Stark’s old hard drive, picked up some old relics, modified them with alien metal stolen from Hydra. But every time I tried to open it, it would corrupt my servers. I took the damn thing to every hacker I knew, now they all want to kill me because I crashed their servers. Some of them used to be part of the Rising Tide, when they were still young and hotheaded. They told me about a hacker named Skye. She disappeared, never heard from again. She has no information on her. She has no records. Not even in the top intelligence departments of America. She doesn’t exist.
“But Daisy Johnson does. Daisy Johnson, a hacker who rose in Skye’s place. Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.”
“And you need us to get to her,” Coulson finished. “I hate to burst your bubble, but we’re expendable. You’re better off throwing us in the ocean than you are waiting for her to come.”
Luca seemed to be seriously considering this. Then he nodded. You’re right, I need to up the ante. Raise the stakes a little.”
He jerked a thumb over his shoulder as he turned on heel and swaggered down the hallway. “Bring them.”
Two soldiers came in to get Daisy and Coulson. They reached down to grab Daisy, and she swiftly brought her head forward to hit theirs. Stunned, the soldier took a step back, giving Daisy time to stand up before she gave a hard kick to his stomach. The other soldier was similarly impaired, having taken a startlingly strong punch to the jaw from Coulson. The crack! of the bone echoed off the stone walls. Daisy quaked them against the wall for good measure, realizing they hadn’t taken her gauntlets. Coulson was waiting by the door. 
“Let’s go.” 
They ran through the halls, following where they thought Casagrande might have gone, stopping in several rooms on the way to hide from Casagrande’s soldiers. They ran into him at the front of what was, indeed, a stone castle. He stood on the uneven steps gazing out at rolling hills and cottony clouds hung high above a choppy lake. The wind blew hard, just enough to make you wish for a sweater from someone warm and comforting. It was all quite picturesque. 
Except for the criminal standing in front of them. 
“Congrats, you escaped! I’m so glad.” Luca smiled and opened up his arms. 
“Somehow this guy still sounds smug. We just escaped from his prison and this guy still thinks he’s won.” Coulson turned to Daisy. 
Daisy shook her head and shouted, “Hey, Luca! The fight’s not finished yet!”
“Really, sweetheart? Because it looks to m—”
He was interrupted by a violent quake in his direction. She strided over to where he was struggling to get up. 
“It looks like what? I can’t hear you.” Daisy rested her hands on her hips. 
“It looks as if you are lost. Even if you escape, you have no way to get home,” he wheezed. 
Daisy rolled her eyes. Coulson walked up behind her, squatting down beside Luca and using a hand on his shoulder to keep him in place. 
“We’re resourceful. And while we were hiding from guards in some of your fancy tech rooms, we found an old sat phone. They’re easy enough to use, all we had to do was phone a friend and tell them exactly where we are,” Coulson explained. 
“Ah, but you don’t know where we are, sweetheart.” His rebuttal was pointed at Daisy. She decided it was her turn to prove him wrong. 
“See, that’s where you’re wrong. You counted on us not being able to crack your hard drive’s encryption and get past your feeble firewalls. That took less than five minutes. The only remotely hard part about hacking you to find our coordinates was trying to read everything in Italian.” Daisy laughed. 
Luca tried the wiggle away from them. “If you have my hard drive, then you know there isn’t anything of importance on there.”
As she pulled a pair of handcuffs out of her boot, Daisy exchanged a look with Coulson. 
“You’re right, there isn’t anything of value on that hard drive,” she said. “There are about 100 other files I downloaded from your personal computer that do have important intel, though.” 
Coulson pulled a face and sucked in a breath. “Yikes.”
“So, I guess if you’re arresting me, there isn’t any chance we could ever do business, if you know what I mean?”
Daisy mentally pulled that bottle off the shelf and dusted off her sarcastic remark. 
“Sorry, I’m married.”
Daisy locked the cuffs into place and stood Casagrande up. Two quinjets touched down thirty minutes later, one with a team of agents to search the castle, and one to take Daisy and Coulson home. Agent Piper met Daisy on the ramp of QJ-6, something metallic and glittery in her hand. 
“Thanks for holding onto it.” Daisy hugged Piper before taking her ring back. 
“No problem. Wouldn’t want this rock to get lost in the field!” she laughed. 
Daisy slipped the smooth metal on her finger and sagged into the jump seat next to Coulson. She rested her head on his shoulder, softly gazing at her hand. 
“I can’t wait to be home with Daniel.”
A/N: heeeey! this fic was inspired by @starkmaiden ‘s post in a dousy group i’m in. thank you!! if you have a request, question for me, or want to be added to my taglist go visit my ask box! i love each and every one of you :)
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camdennightingale · 3 years
100 random questions,
Part 1: 1-5 & 19,20
Part 2: 6-8
Part 3: 7-13
Part 4: 20-26
Part 5: None
Part 6: 4, 10
Part 1; ask me about myself.
Question 1: Do you like the way you look?
Sometimes. Most of the time I'm very much happy with the way I look, but I do have a skin condition that I hate with a burning passion.
Question 2: Have you ever cut your hair yourself?
Technically yes. I set myself on fire with a candle and sliced off the burnt bits so no one would notice.
Question 3: What’s your Instagram @?
I do not have an Instagram.
Question 4: Favorite console to play video games on?
My tablet. I'd like to play on something else, but alas...
Question 5: Do you collect anything?
Semi precious stones and plushies!
Question 19: Are you a fan of theme parks?
I have never been to a theme park. I was never allowed as a kid, and I haven't had a chance since the pandemic happened.
Question 20: Have you crossed anything off your bucket list in the past 2 months?
I don't have a bucket list sadly.
Part 2; ask me if I'm a believer.
Question 6: Do you believe in karma?
Uh... Not really. I've seen people who had a good go at destroying my life living happy and fulfilling lives, but I've seen instant karma happen in video games to the point where you couldn't time it any better.
Question 7: Do you believe in witches and/or magic?
I don't know, I'd like to.
Question 8: Do you think ghosts are real?
You don't live in a house as old as mine without seeing something strange once in a while...
Part 3; ask me about relationships and love.
Question 7: Have you ever had a crush on someone that, now as you look back, is completely embarrassing?
Pffft, yeahhh. For one, my best friend's older brother. He was a gymnast and I was impressed by his skills.
Question 8: Explain your dream date.
Anything really, as long as she's happy. But I'd love a day out doing something fun, fancy dinner, then go home and watch a movie by the fire.
Part 4; ask me about my favourite things!
Question 20: Favorite person you know?
A couple of people! Known as: ❤️, 🧡, 💙, 💖.
Question 21: Favorite blog(s) here on Tumblr?
@uwujustsoftthings @bloodhaven99 @ei-encora @electricpentacle @uupiic @the-wandering-fire @maggy07 @a-wonderful-yellow-horse @zargothraxcore @mittenharket
Question 22: Favorite Youtuber?
Red from Overly Sarcastic Productions!
Question 23: Favorite place to shop?
Online. In person shopping makes me anxious...
Question 24: Favorite book?
Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver.
Question 25: Favorite musician?
Currently it's a tossup between Stam1na, Sabaton and Powerwolf.
Question 26: Favorite city you’ve been to?
Maastricht in Holland.
Part 5; ask me would you either or.
Ohhhh thank you so much, those questions make me super uncomfortable!
Part 6; ask me if I've ever.
Question 4: Have you ever done anything illegal?
Who's asking? Yeah, no, I've never done anything illegal in my life. I'd probably die of anxiety before I could ever even try something like that.
Question 10: Ever lied straight to someone’s face?
I have very strict parents. That should answer the question, but yes, I can lie to someone's face and not blink.
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abri-chan · 3 years
Reading that Hellsing post made me think of this one bit from Don Quixote. I recommend watching the Overly Sarcastic Productions video on it, the section I'm talking about is at around 5:40 minutes in.
Damn, Marcela didn't take no shit. Good for her.
But yeah, men really be thinking just bc they want to get serious with a woman, that is reason enough for her to say yes.
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hi! can i have a matchup for pjo and sherlock? i'm female, she/her, and i'd like to be paired with a boy. i'm 5'0, filipina, with dark hair thats dyed blue at the ends, brown eyes, and tan skin. i wear blue thin-framed glasses, and i'm pretty girly fashion wise (pink sweaters, skirts) i'm really loud, sarcastic, and kind. i love poetry, painting, horror movies, and i have a passion for theatre. i speak english, tagalog, and spanish. i like to think i'm smart, so i tend to show it off.
hello, yes you can! thanks for your patience (one of these days I’ll learn how to keep a consistent updating schedule)
Percy Jackson and the Olympians
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I ship you with Apollo!
yes, I know he’s a god but nobody said I couldn’t ship ya’ll with the gods? you two seem like a good match. also, I have not read Trials of Apollo so I’m not basing him off of that, I’m basing him off of Apollo in the PJO series
he is ridiculously extra, with literally anything he does. he goes to every end to impress you even though a simple smile from him sends your heart fluttering
he is identically loud and sarcastic, and the two of you have so much fun messing with and getting him in trouble with the rest of the gods.
you like poetry? you shouldn’t have ever told him that. everyday you wake up to a note from him with some ridiculous haiku and a little heart drawn in the corner it’s kind of cute though, you have to admit
multi-lingual? he thinks it’s hot. He can speak them all, so he loves to have conversations with you in each one let’s be real though, he uses this specifically to whisper terms of endearment to you. his favorite is “mi amor”
he loves it when you show off your intelligence he thinks it’s sexy and will definitely tell you that
he’s enthralled by your love of painting and will compliment and critique your work. he’s not afraid to let you know when he thinks you should do something different or change something, and he does it in such a loving way and you can practically see the passion in his eyes. half the fun of it is watching him analyze your work and his smile that lights up the room
dates with him are typically casual, something sporty, but occasionally he dresses up and takes you to a theatre and the two of you watch a production together
he loves your girly sense of fashion! especially the skirts
he will watch horror movies with you, but if you’re watching them late at night, don’t expect this boy to stay awake. he’ll claim that it’s because the sun’s gone down and he’s got to be “rested for the next dawn” but don’t buy into it, he’s just trying to cover up the fact that horror movies scare the shit out of him
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I ship you with Sherlock!
he’s not a people person, and opening up is hard for him, so be patient with him
it would take Sherlock a while to realize that you hold a special place in his heart. the first time he met you was probably during a case. you were drawing some conclusions from the evidence given and he disagreed on one, which led to a heated argument. you managed to win, and it left him speechless and frustrated, so logically he went home to 221B and was on the couch mulling over it until John came home and made him get up and eat something.
the next day, he asked you to come and help him analyze some samples of materials found at the crime scene. you accepted and the two of you spent the whole afternoon and well into the night in the kitchen analyzing and discussing the case. by 2 am, you had solved it. afterwards, solving cases together (along with John) became a regular occurance and you joined their little crime solving duo.
eventually, he would begin to find himself smiling around you. and that’s when he knew, although John’s the one who finally made the two of you admit your feelings for each other after a particularly dangerous case
while you two make such a good team, you’re a nightmare to work with. it’s almost like having two Sherlocks with all of the sarcasm and showing off of your intelligences. however, where he lacks in showing kindness, you step up and bring a gentler side, and the people around you appreciate that greatly.
if when you live at 221B, chances are you have paintings spread all over the place, and Sherlock likes them there so he can always look at one and appreciate it’s beauty. he plays his violin while you paint and/or read/write poetry. when you need a specific word for a piece of poetry, just describe it to him and he’ll give you a few options to work with he’s like a walking dictionary
you watched a horror movie with him once, and it was the worst decision. he pointed out every flaw and figured out the ending of the movie within the first ten minutes and chose to do all of that out loud. he promised not to do it again, but you’ll probably play it safe and just stick to watching them with John on nights Sherlock is out/in his mind palace
he’s also not an overly affectionate person, and isn’t big on touch, so it’s most likely that you have to be the initiator. while he wouldn’t admit it he loves when you play with his hair. when you two are alone, he’ll lay his head in your lap and close his eyes. it’s times like that that you think it’s the most peaceful he’s ever been.
he’d love for you to teach him the languages you know. he has a knack for picking up things, so he’ll learn quickly and soon you two will be conversing solely in that language much to John’s annoyance
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