#yes I'm writing zelda fic now
skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years
Secrets of the Shadows Pt 3 (Wolf Link Reveal Fic)
(@ludoluck @goosekee @artisticgamer)
Summary: When Link goes missing shortly after his adventure, Rusl is worried. Preparing to leave and search for him, he stumbles onto a wolf. This has to be a sign of trouble, right? Rusl thinks it is, and the swordsman attempts to eliminate the threat... and then realizes that there is far, far more to this beast than he thought possible.
(Click here to read on AO3)
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4
Rusl’s neck was killing him. Probably because he’d fallen asleep in a chair and his head was bent forward at an awkward angle. He stretched, feeling his neck pop uncomfortably, and he grimaced. Then he looked down at the bed to check on Link.
His boy was quiet. Still. Entirely too still. Entirely too pale.
He wasn’t breathing.
“Link?!” Rusl immediately yelped, leaping towards the teenager, shaking him. “Link!”
His fingers slid clumsily towards Link’s neck, knowing there should be a pulse point there somewhere, but he felt nothing. His world started spiraling, and he called out for Renado. He didn’t know what to do, he—
Pulling back the blanket, he saw blood everywhere. Link’s wound—hadn’t it been healed? Why was it—he’d been bleeding all night and—goddesses no, no—
Rusl let out a cry of despair, holding his child and sobbing.
Gasping, Rusl nearly fell to the floor from the chair he’d been sitting on. He looked around wildly, adrenaline still surging through him, and saw that the bed in front of him was empty.
No. No, no, no no no no nonono—
Rusl leapt to his feet, dizzy for a moment but ignoring it in lieu of searching for Link. He couldn’t have—that was just a dream, right, there was—the bed wasn’t empty because Link had been taken away, because Link had died, it was just—
Panting for air, Rusl rushed down the stairs of the inn where he had carried Link last night, and he nearly fell flat on his face when he saw his boy standing in the foyer.
“Link—what are you—are you okay?” he asked breathlessly, running to him and putting his hands on his shoulders. Before Link could even get a word in, Rusl added, “You almost died, Link, you need to rest!”
Renado walked up beside him, his calm demeanor bringing down the frantic energy in the room as Rusl finally got his wits about him. Link hadn’t died, he was fine, he was standing here, which was a huge improvement, but also—why was the boy out of bed he needed to recover—
“I was going to say that you should get back to bed,” Renado said serenely, a small smile on his face. “I admire your tenacity, Link, but your father is right. Give yourself another day to recover; the potions healed your wound, but you still lost a lot of blood.”
Link, already starting to look tired from the exertion, nodded reluctantly, allowing Rusl to guide him back towards his bed. He started leaning heavily on him and the railing by the time they got halfway up the stairs, panting for air, and Rusl just picked him up and carried him the rest of the way. When the boy was placed gently on the mattress, Rusl saw that he had a guilty expression on his face.
“What’s wrong?” the swordsman asked as he helped him lean against his pillow and the headboard.
“I didn’t mean t’ cause all this fuss,” Link said very quietly, eyes downcast.
Rusl felt his heart nearly stop. He what? What was he talking about? What would even—why would he—
“Spirits, Link,” Rusl said, his mind whirling. “You didn’t—this isn’t your fault.”
And then the emotions from all of it returned in an instant, and he finally, finally found the words to at least attempt to apologize, to at least try to address all the damage he had done. Rusl wasn’t sure he wanted to have this conversation, but Link’s seeming guilt about the entire ordeal was enough to spur him into action, even if he would rather disappear into the shadows and never have to see his boy look so hurt and scared again.
“I-it’s my fault,” he stammered. “I’m the one who hurt you, and—and I—Link, I—"
Link watched him, his guilt turning into worry and pain, and Rusl nearly lost his nerve right there.
“Damn it, Link, I—I didn’t know,” he choked out, fumbling to make his point. “I—how could I possibly know that you—Link, I am so sorry—”
“Pa…” Link whispered weakly as Rusl cried silently. The boy’s own eyes started to well with tears, and his bottom lip trembled. “P-Pa… Pa it’s okay… you d-didn’t know…”
Rusl continued to cry, his shoulders shaking. He attempted to pull Link close until the teenager winced in pain, and his guardian froze, feeling sick and horrified all over again. He bit his lip to stop himself from outright sobbing in front of the boy. This was not how this apology was supposed to go.
Link watched him, his face pinched in discomfort, and his own tears began to overflow as he clearly started to feel even more guilty. “Pa I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”
“Don’t,” Rusl immediately cut off, his voice shaking. He wiped a few stray tears off his boy’s cheeks. “Don’t you dare apologize, Link. Don’t even think about it.”
“B-but you—you think I’m a monster—”
The rest of Link’s ramblings fell on deaf ears as Rusl stared at him with his mouth agape. Did… what?! What in the world would compel Link to think Rusl thought—he—why would—
Was that why Link had been recoiling from him all this time?!
Goddesses. Of course it is. I called him a beast the first time. I almost killed him the second. Of course he thinks I view him as a monster; how many others have called him that?
Rusl placed both hands on Link’s face, cupping his cheeks and wiping the tears away with his thumbs before his hands slid down to grip the boy’s shoulders firmly. He looked him straight in the eye, feeling himself shiver, fighting his own emotional turmoil. He couldn’t even put into words how much it hurt his heart and soul to see Link making such an assumption, to see him suffering from the thought that his loved ones were afraid of him.
To know that he himself was the reason Link felt that way.
Why else would Link not speak of this strange ability of his? Why else would he hide from his family?
“Get away, beast!!”
Rusl bit his tongue, trying to steady his breathing as Link watched him pitifully, eyebrows crinkled together, cheeks puffed, face flushed.
“I’m not afraid of you,” Rusl said softly, breathing as evenly as possible to ensure his voice didn’t quiver. “No matter what form you take, no matter what befalls you, I will never think you’re a monster. You’re… you’re like a son to me, Link. You always will be. Don’t ever think otherwise.”
Link sniffled, biting his lip in an attempt to get a hold of himself. Rusl’s heart ached at the sight, and he pulled his boy to his chest, holding him tightly. “I love you so much, Link, and I’m so very proud of you.”
Link shivered, crumpling in the embrace and holding onto Rusl’s tunic with a weak grip. He shook rhythmically with quiet sobs, and Rusl held him even more tightly. He wanted to give him all the comfort in the world, but a sliver of fear slid into his heart like a dagger made of ice.
Memories of those wretched nights came back, memories of swords and torches and a terrified wolf, and Rusl felt he didn’t even deserve to be holding Link.
“You know I would never willingly hurt you, Link,” Rusl said, dread and a sickening self-loathing filling him at the thought of Link believing he hurt him knowingly. He pulled away to look his boy in the eye. “You know that, right?”
Link’s lip trembled, his eyes filled with tears, and he nodded, saying thickly, “I know, Pa.”
“Don’t lie to me,” Rusl argued, shaking his head as his own voice trembled. “Tell me you know.”
“I promise,” Link insisted, wrapping his arms around Rusl’s neck and hugging him. “I promise I know.”
Rusl sighed heavily, still feeling like the worst guardian in all of Hyrule, but also released from the terror that had been gripping him since that first night. He held Link tightly, carding a hand through his hair and kissing him gently on the head as the tears fell. There was a silent peace between the two, washing away the terror of the past couple days in a way that words could never do. And then Rusl had another thought pop into his mind, and he had to break the moment.
With a morose laugh, he asked, “Any other secrets I should know before disaster?”
Link pulled away a little, hiccupping and looking thoughtful. “W-well… I was trained in more sword skills by a skeletal version of the Hero before me. And he could turn into a golden wolf.”
Rusl stared at him a moment, dumbfounded. Then he decided he didn’t care. Pulling Link back to him, he commented, “At this point, I’ve heard of stranger things.”
Link giggled weakly into his chest, a bubbly, thick, almost carefree sound, and it released the last vestiges of tension in Rusl’s heart. The swordsman smiled to himself, closing his eyes and just living in the moment of having his boy back safe, alive, and no longer afraid. He massaged the back of Link’s neck, feeling the tension slowly drain out of the teenager, and as Link’s hiccups and sniffles settled into soft, relaxed breaths, Rusl felt the boy’s body melt into his arms in exhaustion. Giving him one last kiss on his head, Rusl gently laid Link back on the bed, tucking him in as he slept soundly.
With that heavy conversation finally addressed, Rusl felt simultaneously light and so, so drained. He watched Link sleep for a while, his mind buzzing with different thoughts.
Link had been trained by a legendary hero? Probably the same one who had wielded that sword, right? How did that work? And he could turn into a wolf as well? Was this part of the hero package or something, being able to turn into a beast?
Did that mean Link was doomed to haunt the land for centuries until the next hero came around?
Rusl swallowed thickly, his heart aching as he watched his boy’s soft face. He stood abruptly, filled with anxiety, and stepped out of the room.
He didn’t really know what any of this meant, but he could at least try to sort it out and move on to more practical things. Rusl was fascinated by the world around him, but he wasn’t going to get lost in hypotheticals.
Heading for the sacred spring at the edge of the village, Rusl knelt in the water, listening to it lap against the shore absentmindedly. He felt too tired to come up with words, but the single desire of protect him, don’t let him have such a terrible fate repeated in his mind and heart and soul as he closed his eyes and bowed his head in prayerful petition to whoever might be listening.
He couldn't change the fate of a hero, the destiny laid out by the goddesses, but he could still pray for mercy.
“Rusl, are you alright?”
Renado’s deep voice caught Rusl unawares, and he jumped a little. Turning, the swordsman saw the healer standing at the edge of the spring a few paces from his home. He watched Rusl observantly, mild concern furrowing his brow.
Standing, Rusl sighed, rubbing his face tiredly. “It’s been a long few days.”
“I imagine so,” Renado said sympathetically with a small smile. “Your son will be alright. I believe he’ll be fit to return with you to your home tomorrow. Colin will no doubt be pleased to see him.”
Rusl wanted to smile warmly at the remark, but he couldn’t quite do so. He was eternally grateful to Renado for watching out for his son and the other village children, and he was happy at the thought that Link would be healthy enough to return to Ordon tomorrow. But… the thought of explanations that would have to be made upon returning also weighed on him.
At least he had Uli for support, and she would be so relieved to see Link well.
The smile finally came forth, and Rusl nodded. “Yes, he will be, as will his mother. Thank you so very much for all of your help, Renado.”
The healer tipped his head with grace. “It is always a pleasure to help others.”
The pair spoke for a short while as the sun started to dip towards the horizon when Rusl heard Epona whinny excitedly. Turning, he headed for the area close to the graveyard where she had been grazing and found a teenager who very much should be in bed petting her and smiling.
Rusl sighed heavily, an old exasperation bubbling up inside of him. “Link.”
Link jumped, startled, and then smiled again. “Hi, Pa. I just wanted to see her. I bet she was worried.”
Approaching the pair, Rusl reached out and let Epona sniff his hand, and the horse nibbled it tentatively in expectance of a treat. He looked Link over and was relieved and pleased to see that he wasn’t quite as pale as he’d been, though he was still a good few shades lighter than his usual tan complexion. Link held himself steady, though he was leaning on Epona for support.
“I know,” Link immediately said before Rusl could get a word in. “I need to rest. But… but we can go home, right? I can handle the ride back to Ordon, I promise.”
Rusl watched him worriedly. “Link, not tonight. Why are you in a hurry?”
Link bit his lip. “It’s… I know Ma is alone and caring for Colin and Hana, and I… I don’t wanna be the reason you can’t be with her and help her and she—”
“Link,” Rusl interrupted firmly. “You are the priority right now. It’s okay that we’ll be gone one more day. Uli understands, and she wants to see you come back well, not passed out from exhaustion.”
Brushing hair out of the boy’s face, Rusl softened his tone. “It’s okay to rest.”
Link leaned into the touch, looking a little sad and put out, but also clearly still desperate for reassurance from Rusl that everything was okay between them. The sight broke his heart anew, and he pulled the teenager into a hug.
This was going to take a while to recover.
Rubbing the boy’s back, Rusl whispered, “Come on, let’s get back to bed. We can have some pumpkin soup and you can tell me all about your adventure.”
Link nuzzled into the hold, swaying in Rusl’s arms, clearly sleepy. “Pumpkin soup…?”
The light hint of excitement, blanketed in sleepy slurred words, made Rusl chuckle. “Yes, pumpkin soup. Come on, son.”
The pair walked together back to the inn, bathed in twilight, and for once, Rusl was not overwhelmed with the usual sadness that accompanied it.
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mrghostrat · 10 months
📌 Current WIPs/AUs
When is the next ATWS update? i'm currently taking a break from it because i'm not in the mood and writing it isn't enjoyable. maybe a few months at least.
Can I use your art? Can I make something from one of your AUs/fics? yes please!! you can do ANYTHING with my good omens works as long as there's no profit involved. this includes using art for icons, cosplaying, translating, podfics, inspired works, bookbinding, etc!
browse all my art in high res here. credit can go to "mrghostrat" or "ghostrat"
What brushes do you use? "Mr Natural" from Kyle's Adobe brush collection, the default Clip Studio "design pencil", and the default "gouache blender", with some slight settings tweaks. (full equipment list) (download my brushes for $1)
How do you outline your fics? check out my writing process tag for all the advice i've shared about fic writing and good omens characterisation
Who the fuck are u you can call me rat or bilvy. i'm australian, ace, nonbinary; they/them (acquaintance) or he/him (familiar). fine with any gendered terms for jokes and shit (queen, dad, sis, etc)
Do you have Twitch/Patreon/Instagram/Twitter/etc? find me here!
I can't afford anything off Throne! Where's your P.O. box!!!! i'm sorry i've taken my address down because the post office won't let me pick up items unless they have my full legal name on them 🫠 if you'd like to send me something, please ask privately so i can supply you the address x
Wow ur kind of annyoing haha ikr anyway here's all my tags so u can block or stalk to ur hearts content:
WIPs & AUs
#ratwips ideas and snippets
streamer AU: (synopsis) (ao3) (tag)
reversed BNF: (bnf) (reverse bnf)
author/editor: (synopsis) (tag)
rockstar crowley: (synopsis) (tag)
#good omens
#ofmd (our flag means death)
#very good sir (jeeves & wooster)
#holmes (sherlock holmes adjacent)
#zelda (the legend of zelda games)
me and stuff
#nsft (nsfw themes)
#ghost scribbles (personal & junk posts)
#ask a rat (answered asks)
#behold the rat (selfies)
#live rat reaction (stream related posts)
#oliver (my dog)
#this kills the bilv (nice things people have said & made for me)
stuff i make
#rat draws (my art)
#rat writes (my fics)
#libratian (book binding)
#oc (original characters)
#mister b (my oc/sona/vtuber)
#live2d (vtuber rigging)
#timelapse (art timelapses) (mostly shared on discord now)
crowley + aziraphale emotes
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thekrakenlolz · 7 months
Start up Fic - Ellie Williams x Reader
Tumblr media
part 2
Summary: You switch dorms at your boarding school after you and your girlfriend go through a messy break up and you no longer can handle being roommates with her. Only your new one is a different kind of problem
a/n: I wrote the first chapter only to realize I have no idea what comes next. So here's my plan: if y'all like the set up, you can give me suggestions for what you want to happen next. I basically just laid down the base. So you can read it if you want and see if you have any ideas. But just as a warning, I'm not gonna write smut without a plot, I'm not about that life. I have a vague idea of what I can put next but it's very cliche and overdone sooooo yeah, thanx in advance<3
Also, English is my third language so expect bad grammar
Your eyes wandered over the walls as you walked along them. The paint was starting to flake off, revealing the concrete underneath. Your school was old. Like old, old. Like Victorian ages old. Something most of your friends scoffed over, but you personally liked. You thought it gave it character. Of course a little bit of a touch up wouldn't hurt, but bathroom doors that are actually still attached to the stall hinges were overrated anyways.
You were following Miss Jenkins, your housemother, hunched over as you were balancing three of your bags on your back. Uncomfortable, yes, but you were trying to minimize the amount of trips you had to make to move all your shit over to your new dorm. Anything to avoid seeing Samira more than absolutely fucking necessary.
"Here we are" Miss Jenkins sighed, stopping in front of one of the gray doors. It took everything in you not to roll your eyes. You were still pissed that you had to put in 4 requests over the duration of 2 months before they finally assigned you a new room, but now she was acting like she was doing you a huge favor. Like taking 15 minutes out of her day was so much to ask for. But you kept it down, thanking her again before opening the door and stepping in.
The lengthy process of actually getting a new room gave you plenty of time to stress over who your new roommate would be. This girl, however, didn't even come to mind. You weren't even sure what her name was, your social circle and her's didn't interact much. E-something? Or was it L?
Mystery girl was sitting at her desk, headphones in, and carefully shading out something in her notebook. You noticed she had tucked her left leg under her, a bad habit you also possessed. She didn't register your presence, her eyes still fixed on the paper. You threw your bags next to your bed, which finally caught her attention. "Oh fuck" she jumped up from the desk and hurried over to your bed, picking up the stuff she dumped on it. "Hello to you too" you mused.
Sweatshirts, textbooks and pencils started flying over onto her bed. "I'm sorry, I thought I had until Sunday to get my shit off your side" She explained, tossing a hairbrush across the small room. You watched it hit the wall and fall down onto her Zelda themed sheets. Cute, you noted. "No worries, take your time, I still have stuff to move over"
So you were back in the hallway, slowly but surely making your way back to your old dorm and with that, to Samira. Now that you were by yourself, you took the time to think about your new roommate. You still didn't know her name but one thing was for certain: she was incredible looking.
Her thick straight auburn hair cut off above the shoulders and her cheeks were densely dotted with freckles. She was very toned, especially in the arms. She was probably in the lacrosse team.
You did notice she was more on the masculine side, so might maybe even be gay. You full stopped, forcing yourself to remember, that's exactly the type of shit that got you in your current situation in the first place. No fucking your roommate, dude, we talked about this.
You took a moment to collect yourself before entering your old room. You drew a breath in, scanning the ugly grey door that separated you and her. 12B the lettering read, touched up with some sharpie. You reached for the knob.
She was sitting at her desk, scrolling on her phone and demonstratively ignoring your presence. You bit down on the inside of your cheek. This wasn't what you expected. Somehow you preferred another stupid fight over this new silence.
You stacked two backpacks on one arm and three bags on the other. The weight made your walk out rather inelegant. You stopped in the doorway. "Goodbye Sami."
You could practically feel her hesitate.
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bokettochild · 2 months
I absolutely love fics that give all the Links different written languages.
For the ones that don't...
Who do you think can or can't read/write cursive? I firmly believe that Wind's grandma taught him how to read it, but he never writes in it so he can't without double checking certain letters multiple times.
Yes, Wind is quite proficient in Hylian cursive! He and Aryll actually both are since Granny doesn't really use anything else except back when she was first teaching them how to read, and even then, her letters are all swoopy and graceful (they love that). He reads it well, but his handwriting is still awkward and crooked (JoJo had it overlapped onto Warriors'). Aryll spends more time writing things down so she's a bit better than he is, but only a bit.
Four is familiar with cursive, since he spends a lot of time at the castle and most of the royals use it. he can read it well, and he can sort of write it, but Blue finds the excessive loops to be ridiculous and while Red thinks they're pretty, it's too tricky to do all the time, so only really Green uses cursive, and only when split. Vio likes how it looks, but he writes to get things down, and he thinks too fast to care about how his writing looks (it looks like chicken scratches).
Legend is also quite used to cursive, and he can write in it, when he takes the time to try. Most of the time, he's like Vio and just trying to jot things down, but if he's writing a letter or a note to someone, he tends to at least try and make it look nice, and cursive does a decent job of that. I'd like to note, also, that since he's a bit of a book collector too, Legend is very good at reading even the crappiest of handwriting, not just cursive.
Hyrule hasn't got much expose to written materials, but most of what he has seen are old books with the gilded letters and the like, so he doesn't even know cursive is a thing until Aurora introduced him to it. He's not very good at reading it, and definitely can't write with it, but he's getting better.
Wild might have been able to write in cursive before he lost his memories, but he doesn't any longer. Most of Hyrule doesn't bother with cursive, not even Flora, since she, like Legend and Vio, has only the intent of writing things quickly and no longer has anyone to tell her to make it look nice. Purah and Robbie are the same. Sidon and the Zora do use cursive, but Wild doesn't really care enough to try reading it, since most of the time anything they bother to write is just official mumbo-jumbo to him anyway. He does have rather neat printing though!
Sky can read cursive, as can all the students at the academy, but he prefers to print things out, because it's easier and he was always a rather lazy student. Zelda feels the same way, but Groose actually has the best penmanship out of them all (he wanted to be better than Sky). They can all write cursive, but again, Sky never cared to practice enough to make it look very nice, so he sort of struggles to do it.
Twilight on the other hand! Twilight has the fanciest gosh-darn handwriting out of the whole chain! Since he's a total book nerd (look at his house), I'd say he's probably been exposed to all sorts of handwriting, and as a kid decided he would make his handwriting look like the stuff in fancy books. Ulli helped him to learn, and he now writes with a very neat hand indeed. Most of the time he prints things, to save time, but this man could be a calligrapher if he so chose! He really likes to do those embellished first letters like in old books, and while sometimes he gets teased about it, Shad may or may not have asked him to help with some of his publications because of his skill.
Warriors has very neat handwriting, but unfortunately, cannot read or write in cursive. I'm a street-rat Wars truther, so this man probably only recently learned to read in my take on him. He makes sure his handwriting looks nice, but cursive is a bit too much for his needs. Soldiers don't get sent things with cursive most of the time, so when he does, he can usually just ask Impa to help him read it, as it's usually in regards to an official frivolity anyways.
Time cannot cursive. Malon can, but she's not very good at it either (reading or writing). Time doesn't care to learn, Malon doesn't really care to improve, and the only way to get Time to even try would be to tell him he could use it top mess with Wars.
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tryan-a-bex · 2 months
100 fics
Today I posted my 100th fic on Ao3!
My first was Pottery; or Function, Purpose and Heart on Mar 11, 2023. It was a retired Dreamling fic with Destruction (who I call Joe) as the main character.
I moved fairly quickly into my Spy x Family crossover series. Anya is so cute, and throwing her in with Dreamling and the Endless family led to a lot of fun shenanigans! (Generally you don't need to know Spy x Family canon to follow these.)
Next I started on my Sandman x Scooby Doo shenanigans! I really like the Scooby Gang, and there are definitely some mysteries to solve surrounding the Endless! (With awesome art by @sab-draws!)
Gaulcienne caught my eye next. Lucienne, my beloved librarian, and the shape-changing dream-fairy? Oh yes! A Quiet Love with Wings has most of my commissioned art, with pieces by @athymelyreply for Sometimes when You Fall, You Fly, @ibrithir-was-here for Fireflies and a Missing Person, and @designtheendless for The Dragon Rider!
King of Night and Prince of Day, for @nathanwonderwolf's wonderful art, has the second highest kudos of all my fics.
Then I invented an OC who is the preteen personification of the consciousness of humanity, aka Social Media. I thought this was pure crack but people liked it and now it's a series! Dinner and Play was created with @carnelianmeluha's food ideas in mind!
My Dreamling works tend to be short and sweet, often prompted by something on tumblr or discord, and are collected as Dreamling vignettes.
I have recently written (but not yet posted) my first honest to god smut, but early dabbles in the craft were mostly crack, like my Helm Fucking Crack series. I'm unreasonably proud of how cracked it is, and thank everyone who enabled me (notably @sleepsonfutons, @windsweptinred, @tickldpnk8, @zzoomacroom, read their fics!).
My obsession with Fuckboi Dream (mind the tags) is ongoing, and included creating a chapter index with notes so I can find things, a series about Murphy's childhood (somebody please read these, they are so cute), and others, fanart as well!
In The Dragon's Tongue, Lucienne takes on Titania! I commissioned @lostelfwriting to write the bdsm continuation of the scene, and she did a fantastic job!
A Reunion in the Dreaming (picnic recreated here) was the first fic in Walking with the Walkers, my series about Rose, Jed and Unity. It features Rose and Ara (Barbie transformed in Life is but a Dream), Rose and Jed meeting their Endless family members, Jed and Gault having adventures, and Unity throwing family parties in the Dreaming (with art by @ilya-halfelven).
Trials of a Shapeshifter in Love (in which Gault tries to surprise Lucienne with a romantic dinner) was my favourite fic from October 2023 -- Femslash weekend (by @sandmanfemslashfans ) and Monsterfucktober (by @seiya-starsniper and friends) made it a really fun month! I also wrote Chantal and Zelda, Johanna and Death, and zombie Lyta (my most angsty fic, I believe).
Just Get Me Off the Damn Mountain was written for designtheendless' contest and omg, I won! It is my most popular fic, at 185 kudos!
I also wrote an OG story for NaNoWriMo! At 23k, Wander Witch is by far my longest story (the next longest is under 9k).
After a bit of being stuck, I got started again by writing continuations of @gabessquishytum's asks! Thank you to Gabe and to all the anons and contributors who allowed me to post their parts of the story!
Asmi, @weirdly-specific-but-ok, argued that he does not have a fandom, so (with permission) I proved him wrong by writing fanfic where he meets Crowley and the Maggot Fam. I love you, Asmi and the maggots!
Heading on an Adventure, the story of Rose and Orpheus' road trip, led to a series of library adventures for Lucienne (often featuring Meowpheus), starting with The Library Cat and continuing in the Lucienne my Beloved series.
I wanted more Lucienne and Walkers content, so I started a side blog, @lucienne-my-beloved, and am open to prompts there! On ao3, the series is called ficlets for lucienne.
Hob Meets the Doctor June 7, 2389 and The line I will not cross and the line I will (Gaulcienne) are my space fics, and I am unreasonably happy about them!
I'm now writing for @augustwritingchallenge! (They got me over 100 in my wips a week or two ago!) I combined prompts so you'll see a fic every 2-5 days in various series and fandoms, including Good Omens (Aug 30) and Dead Boy Detectives (soon).
And my 100th fic! Why are you whispering? a Jed and Rose fic for the late night call prompts. Woohoo!
Thank you so much to everyone who has supported my fandom journey! I'm the least depressed one in my long covid cohort, due to your support and friendship! I cherish every kudo and comment and bookmark and reblog, and the art and fics you all create as well!
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arecaceae175 · 3 months
Hi I'm sorry if this is random but do you have any LU Sky headcanons that you like and would like to share? No pressure if you don't want to ! (/genuine)
I have two other asks in my ask box about LU Sky headcanons that I am saving for when I come up with more headcanons (from @taddy-cat and @majorproblems77 hehe).
In no particular order here are some of my favorite Linked Universe Sky headcanons:
He is bisexual and polyamorous and in a relationship with Groose and Zelda!! They're all dating each other. Groose is also bi, demisexual, and poly, and Zelda is onmisexual and poly. I love them your honor. Groozelink my absolute beloved.
When I feel like letting Sky be trans, I enjoy having him be bigender (man and woman) and use he/she pronouns interchangeably.
I like calling his Loftwing Crimson. They're best friends. They like to go exploring together!!!
Sky's mother died when he was too young to remember her. Sky's father was a knight and Sky inherited his love for flight tricks! Before Sky and Crimson were old enough to fly on their own, Sky would ride with his dad and they would do awesome tricks. After Sky's parents died, he was kind of collectively raised by Skyloft, which is why no one is surprised to see him just show up and use their beds in the game. He lived with Zelda's family before he was old enough to live in the Knight Academy, and he also spent a lot of time at Pip's family's house.
I Imagine the Sky islands are much larger and much more expansive than we see in the game. Skyloft is the biggest Island and the capitol, kind of, and there are a lot more islands with people living on them.
Chronic illness Sky my beloved. I enjoy seeing him with any disabilities, but I am partial to POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome). It would explain his low stamina and chronic fatigue and sitting to regenerate hearts :). And there's a whole lot of other symptoms involved too. The heartbreaking part about this though is as the condition progresses he would gradually lose the ability to fly with Crimson. The forces and the erratic movement would make him pass out and that is super very dangerous to do on a bird. I'm going to write a fic about this one day
Autism. Yeah. Sky has a Loftwing plush that's his comfort item and he brings it everywhere. He gets VERY easily overwhelmed on the Surface because there just so much stuff. The first time he went down to the Surface he pretty much immediately had a meltdown and Fi had to guide him to a safe place for it. When he's either overstimulated or understimulated and needs noise he tugs on his ears. Sometimes he accidentally scratches them and makes them bleed. He's used to the constant noise of wind in the sky, so on the surface when he doesn't have that and hears all the small sounds of nature he gets very stressed and shuts down a lot. His happy stims are flapping his hands or flapping his arms like a Loftwing!
He loves art and crafts!!! Woodcarving is the easiest to do on adventures, but he also likes painting and coloring. If he lived in modern times he would have so many coloring books.
Sky is squeamish :( Sometimes when he got injured during his adventure he would just. Pass out. Or if he stayed awake and had to deal with the injury there was a lot of crying and vomiting involved. Poor guy.
He thinks in statistics now, even after Fi is gone. It's comforting to him. <3 He misses her so much
He's the best swordsman of the chain. Sometimes he goes fucking feral and the rest of them are like o.o and it's awesome. He killed a god, he deserves to go bonkers mode as a treat. But after he does that he WILL need 2-4 business days to recover
HE LIKES BUGS!!! He and Wild and Twilight go and collect bugs together sometimes and its adorable.
Sky is claustrophobic! It causes a lot of problems. I've got a claustraphobia Sky fic rattling around in my brain rn :)
Sky is the heaviest member of the chain. He is not the tallest (Time) or the most muscular (Twilight). He is relatively tall and strong, but he's also fat and I love that for him. Skyloftians naturally have more bodyfat to stay warm, but even by their standards Sky is big. (Fat is not a bad word <3). Draw him fat and I will love you forever <3
Hmmmmmm that's all I can think of right now!!! I have an easier time answering asks about specific questions than I do general ones, so if anyone has any specific headcanon questions I will answer those much more quickly than the abstract ones (which i still love and appreciate) that have been sitting in my ask box for months lol (it's an autism thing).
BUT YEAH I love Sky. Thank you so much for this ask. You caught me in the right mood to ramble about him hehehehe <3. SKY
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forabeatofadrum · 5 days
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It's Wednesday My Dudes! Thank you @that-disabled-princess, @nausikaaa and @cutestkilla tagging me. Time is an illusion.
I was out and about, not doing much, since it was my birthday. I watched the digital ticket of Starkid's new musical Cinderella's Castle, and I enjoyed it, and I played some viddy games, namely Cult of the Lamb and Splatoon 3. Splatoon 3's come to an end with the great Grand Festival. I hope Kurt and Blaine are bopping to ANOTHER version of Ebb & Flow. Off the Hook keeps releasing new versions of that song and it still slaps.
And after last week's poll, I started The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker. So far, it's not going well for me, up to the point I'm looking into cheats. I can't believe I am unbelievably stuck on the first dungeon.
But because of Wind Waker, I have returneth to writing with the thing no one asked for, me included, namely a Zelda fic!
A little background, but back in 2021, I wrote Any way the wind blows, a fic that's set in Breath of the Wild and it's about Link reuniting with his sister after a hundred years. Then, fast forward to 2023: Tears of the Kingdom came out and the character of Purah has been doing scientific fuckery with her age. Maybe some of you remember this, but after that game came out I spent some of these SSS/WW posts talking about a possible sequel for Any way the wind blows. Welp, seeing the Link and Aryll of Wind Waker interact brought all of those thoughts back and last night, underneath my blanky, my mind started writing it. So under the cut there's some words of Easy come, easy go, will you let me go, because yes, I even came up with a title.
Kiana knows Aryll is old. Everyone in Lurelin knows Aryll is old. She's called the village elder for a reason. She'll be turning a hundred and twelve. If she manages to make it. Everyone's noticed that Aryll's grown even more tired than before. She spents most of her days inside, even though the villagers have made the outside more accessible. A few weeks ago, she only went outside when her brother came to visit. The two of them would sit by the ocean. But now, that's also stopped. To be fair, now that the Calamity is over, Link spends more time at Lurelin. Before, he would only visit once a week. After, he practically moved here. But Link and Aryll spend most of their time inside Aryll's hut and Link's also started roaming around Lurelin without her, because she's often asleep when he's around. Kiana knows Aryll's lived a good life without regrets. If it hadn't been for Link returning, she'd be at peace with Aryll slowly fading away, but Aryll's had to miss her brother for almost a hundred years and it feels cruel to have it end. Sebasto argues that maybe this is the way it is. The Goddesses have kept Aryll alive so that she could be reunited, but now that's happened, and it's time to move on, but Kiana cannot accept that. Kiana knows she can't stop death. No one can, not even the most advanced scientists in Hyrule, but when she overhears Zelda and Link discuss the aging experiments of one of their friends, Kiana starts to think.
I'd like to write this fic in the same style as the first one, which alternated between the present and Aryll's stories about the past, but I have no clue how to do that. Ah. We'll see. I gotta finish it first.
And now, the weather: @quizasvivamos @coffeegleek @caramelcoffeeaddict @raenestee @tectonicduck 
@nightimedreamersworld @urban-sith @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @bookish-bogwitch @confused-bi-queer
@special-bc-ur-part-of-it @larkral
@artsyunderstudy​ @facewithoutheart​ @shrekgogurt @rockitmans @bitbybitwrites 
@whatevertheweather @shame-is-a-wasted-emotion @esilher @kurtsascot @blackberrysummerblog 
@nightimedreamersghost @ivelovedhimthroughworse @thnxforknowingme @martsonmars
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dreadfutures · 6 months
Fanfic Writer Questions
Tagged by @plisuu and @rosella-writes - and tagging the whole rest of the DA FanFic server crew:
@warpedlegacy @rakshadow @effelants @bluewren @breninarthur @ar-lath-ma-cully @ir0n-angel @inquisimer @crackinglamb @theluckywizard @nirikeehan @oxygenforthewicked @exalted-dawn-drabbles @melisusthewee @blarrghe @agentkatie @delicatefade @leggywillow @about2dance
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Maximum Ride, Pokemon, Spirited Away, Zelda, Pathfinder CRPGs, Elden Ring, Dishonored, and of course, Dragon Age
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Dead Pasts and Dread Futures (Dragon Age)
Hero of the Wild (Legend of Zelda: BOTW)
When the Wind Whispers (Legend of Zelda: BOTW)
The Brave Guide (Dragon Age)
Light in the Dark (LOZ)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I try to. I fall behind very frequently but I always try to say thank you. So many people tell me why these stories touch them, and to share that with me, is such a gift that deserves acknowledgement.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably 'The Hope of Fen'Harel' (on AO3) or the scene where Solas finds out that young Ixchel is dead (here on tumblr).
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
the road seems too wild for mixing it with blues (Dragon Age) - literally it is a Solavellan happiest of happy endings. There are brown butter donuts.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yes. Not infrequently.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Sometimes! I do try to write titillating smut but if it's in my longfics, it's got to be for character reasons and serve the plot. But I have more than one smut oneshot that's just there to get people hot lol.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I have had ideas copied wholecloth.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of, but you are free to do so as long as you tag me and properly credit via the "inspired by" on AO3
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! ALL of my Maximum Ride fics were co-written. Literally sending passages back and forth over *yahoo instant messenger.* It was an absolute fucking joy. Those fics are gone now though lol.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
Prooooooobablyyyyyyy Haku/Chihiro. I will read absolute drivel if it's got them in it.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I WILL ABSOLUTELY FINISH MY BOTW FICS I AM WORKING ON THEM OKAY?! The one i don't think i will ever do is my young!Ixchel fic. It's too fucking sad. But it lives in my head and calls to me.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dreamy prose, evocative horror, and really motivated plots.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm verbose, I have a hard time connecting scenes / passing time without it feeling like it's dragging.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
So, for fantasy languages that you have to conlang -- I think you should just write it in English. Especially if you're not making up YOUR OWN conlang and instead relying on the work of a notorious jackass. I have taken to "[[brackets and italics]]" to indicate when dialogue is happening in Elvhen. In real life languages, such as Spanish, the current movement in ownvoices communities is to include the dialogue in its original tongue, with no italics. Readers are smart. They can look it up. And they need to get used to languages other than their own without it seeming other, alien, or magical. In my original novels, where Spanish is often used, I stick with this rule.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Maximum Ride or Spirited Away.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
it ends or it doesn't (Dragon Age), my Felassan-as-Benoit-Blanc arlathvhen murder mystery!
blank form below:
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you've written?
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Yo! Just saw your blog pop up on my reccomended feed to read and saw the fics you write! I love the portrayal of nonbinary and neopronouns in all your fics and thought, "hey, I'm a trans dude who uses enby pronouns, lemme read." So far, I'm in love!
If possible, may I request one for LoZ? I thought it'd be neat to read a fluff piece with Sidon x trans masc reader, who's perhaps a little clumsy and gets Sidon's help via dance lessons? 👀 I may request something with Ganondorf later so keep an eye out, anyways! Have a wonderful day/night/whatever time of day it is for you! Kachow!
Thank you very much! I hope you have yourself a wonderful day as well! Please enjoy your order~
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Title: 1-2-3. 1-2--Oof!
Characters: Sidon x transmasc!reader
Contains: fluff <3, dancing
Fandom: The Legend of Zelda
Full request below the cut
All characters are 18+
MINORS, FEM ALIGNED, AGELESS/BLANK BLOGS DNI (This may not be smut, but I still want the above to be followed)
Reblogs > likes
"Alright, the steps are simple." Sidon cued the director, who tapped his baton.
As the music started, he put his hands into position on your waist and hand. You followed suit, grasping his hand and putting your hand on top of his arm due to his height.
How did you end up dancing with the Zora Prince? Well, you had always wanted to dance, but the instructions never felt clear. That being said, Sidon took it upon himself to being your teacher, especially after you asked if he knew how to dance. He wouldn't dare miss up a chance to give his assistance.
"One two three, one two three." The music was slow, and Sidon's steps were clear after he gave the instructions. Move your foot like so, one. Step down, two. Move your body. Three. Going this speed, it wasn't so bad. You could actually move with some semblance of grace. "Yes! Wonderful! You're doing amazing!"
Sidon's praise made your cheeks a rosy pink, a shy smile growing on your face. "I-It's still slow. This really isn't much."
"Shall we go faster?"
Sidon raised a hand, signaling the director to pick up the speed. With increased tempo came increased movements.
"One two three, one two three."
"O-One two three, one t-two three."
You tried keeping up with Sidon, the slight increase of speed already messing with your stepping. Your legs became tangled, and while trying to fix it, you stepped on Sidon's feet.
Panicked, you stumbled back, hands over your mouth. "I-I'm so sorry, your highness!"
Chuckling, Sidon hopped on his good foot for a moment, lifting the stomped one to gently rub at the spot. "N-No worries, friend! It all comes with learning!"
A sense of guilt began to wash over you. Was this a bad idea? Did Sidon think you were too clumsy at this point to learn? After all, you barely just now got the slow steps down. How were you supposed move faster after just learning that?
"Shall we try again?"
...Should you? You nervously rubbed your arm, shyly looking away. "I-I think...maybe this was a stupid idea..." You took a step away from him as he approached you with an equal step.
Sidon's face fell into a look of hurt. He was hurt by your words, but not on his behalf. It was more like a worry for you. You had merely asked for assistance, and the way you were changing your mind startled him. He motioned for the band and director to take a break, telling them that he'll come and get him when they were ready. As they did, you found a seat on a large, nearby rock, facing away from the prince. You sat there alone for some time until Sidon sat beside you on the ground.
"...You want to know something?" he asked softly. "When I was learning how to dance, I stepped all over my sister's fins"
You kept your gaze ahead, but you listened.
"Yes I was much shorter than her, yet I insisted on learning the proper way. Such an inistance led to her poor feet being covered in little bruises from me stepping on her. She offered to hold me and take me through the motions, but I told her I wanted to learn properly."
You wondered why he was telling you this. At the moment, it just wasn't clicking in your head.
Sidon looked over at you, giving you one of his comforting smiles. "What I'm saying is, no one is going to get things right away. There will be trials, there will be hardships, even with something as simple as dancing."
You started to understand, sighing out and rubbing the back of your head sheepishly. "I-I just...I don't want you to see me as some klutz...I want to seem elegant to you, match the energy you have..."
"Oh, my dear. I am far from what elegance you think I have." Sidon let out a chuckle, gently rubbing your back for reassurance. "Trust me, I often wish the same from my father, to be as elegant and dignified as him. I still work on it everyday."
Sidon? In a similar position as you? It felt impossible but...well...it did feel reassuring to not be alone. And he was right, these things take time after all.
"So...Shall we work on our steps again?" Sidon asked with a more signature grin of his, holding out his hand.
You gazed at the extended limb, sighing out with a small smile.
"Y-Yeah. Let's try again."
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margindoodles2407 · 5 months
Hey I came across your post on the BOTW-Speedrun-Link thread. Where can I find your fic about it?? I'm in desperate need of this
Hello lovely anon! I will paste the ficlet into this post. I'm a bit sheepish to admit, but after a while I kind of forgot about this AU. If you'd like to see more of it, though, I'd be more than happy to keep writing it!
Oh, one more quick note: It’s not exactly how I’d rewrite the story of the game from Speedrunner!Link’s perspective, it's more like how the aftermath would go if you took the speedrunner approach. I hope that's okay :)
It’s over, it’s finally over. The thing that had loomed over Hyrule Castle ever since he woke up two days ago was gone- hopefully for good.
He gazes at the girl across from him- Zelda, the old man had said her name was- the girl covered in malice and the grime of a century of hatred. Her blonde curls are matted and tangled and she’s covered in what looks like burn scars as she stares back at him with eyes the color of things that are alive- the only bright spot in her tarnished facade.
She blinks, hesitant, as if she’s not sure whether to stand there or run to him and fling her arms around him. He doesn’t know which he wants. So he stands there catching his breath, and she stands there dithering, and then the fleetest flicker of a smile crosses her colorless lips, and she says:
"May I ask... Do you really remember me?"
He stands there, because he doesn't really know what else to do. How could he? Her smile is widened in anticipation of what she wants to hear, a smile so warm and bright and hopeful that it makes him want to say yes, of course I remember you and see that smile turn to tears of joy that they can cry together.
But he can't. He couldn't lie to her. It would break her heart. He doesn't remember a thing about her- everything he knows about her he's learned in the past 48 hours.
So it's all he can do to clear his throat and stammer out, "No."
The smile vanishes in an instant, replaced by knitted brows and eyes full of concern. “Oh- oh, I see.” She crosses the field, her luminous gown flapping in the evening twilight like a tattered battle standard, and she halts in front of him to cup his face in her slender hands and gaze into his eyes- as if she could figure out what’s wrong with him simply by staring hard enough. 
“Do… if I may… can… do you remember anything? Anything at all?”
He screws his eyes shut and tries to reach back behind the curtain of blackness, but as hard as he tries, the furthest thing he can grasp is a sweet voice- her voice- begging him to wake up, to find her. He shakes his head in wordless apology, opening his eyes just in time to see hers cloud with disappointment. 
“I’m sorry,” is the only thing he can think to mumble.
“Not your fault,” she mutters back, almost to herself. She’s lost in a reverie, thinking of what next to do, and then her eyes snap back to his and the disappointment is replaced by determination. 
“You know what? That’s not important right now. We’ll figure something out. Just… come with me; we’ll make camp somewhere and pick this up in the morning.”
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skyloftian-nutcase · 5 days
Since I see you've asking lots of people this, I'm throwing the love right back at ya!
It’s “appreciate yourself” hours! Pick five pieces of writing/art that you’ve done that you love and talk about them! ❤️❤️❤️
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aowhebfofhsnwowuwbe AHHH YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY THIS MADE ME ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for asking ❤️❤️❤️😭
Well, let’s see…
I know this isn’t a popular AU of mine, but I really love the Imprisoning War AU (and, consequently, Golden Mercy as well) with my whole heart. Also it has invaded my brain so freaking much I might actually explode LOL. Idk, my mental health and life in general have been not as optimal as I would like, and this AU has been my outlet for that, which is why it’s far more hurt and less comfort than most people like. But I relate to the characters in different ways (people pleaser Link my beloved haha dude I get trying to make everything work for everyone and trying to say yes to everyone and burning yourself out; forever alone and somehow the most rational one Hemisi I feel you girl; everyone relying on you and you have to do it because when you don’t the world falls apart Zelda keep up the good fight girl), I like exploring what happens when you really push the “Zelink has to happen every time, even at the expense of other relationships” agenda that sometimes is tossed around (no hate to Zelink or its shippers, I enjoy some Zelink ships and I know many Zelink shippers who are wonderful. I just hate the idea of forcing them together all the time when there are other relationships that are clearly there lol, I’m salty about how Hyrule Warriors handled it but it was fan service so whatevs. ANYWAY. It creates great drama), and I like showing a realistic depiction of the absolute, if you’ll pardon the expression, shit show that would be left behind in the wake of such a disastrous war that Ganondorf created. It also sets up Ganondorf’s expectations, worries, and views really well for Golden Mercy, and I’m pretty excited to write a Hyrule Warriors long fic and try to redeem that giant jerk while still making it realistic and recognizing he’s a complicated guy. :) They’re all complicated, and I love characters so it’s just so much fun for me. Also, making anybody turn into a good Dad is obviously a passion of mine LOL. I’ll shut up now, but I really love this AU. ❤️ (technically I lumped two stories together for this but they’re all part of the same AU so… there lol)
Blood of the Hero is probably my current favorite long fic that I’m actively updating. The LoZ fandom is sorely lacking good parental figures (and I understand part of that is because Link just doesn’t have parents in his games and partly because people are projecting and that’s understandable), so I wanted to fix it dang it. LET LINK HAVE PARENTS WHO LOVE HIM. BOTW TALKED ABOUT HIS FAMILY. Anyway, I also love letting adults actually have a role in saving the world instead of always leaving it to the poor overwhelmed kids LOL, making them middle aged parents is an absolute bonus. And Abel being constantly tired and burnt out and done with the world speaks to my soul, and Tilieth being the one to hold on to hope despite everything and still have sensitivity and femininity to her while still being a strong character also speaks to my soul. I love them both, and I love showing how determined they are to protect their kids, as any good parent should be. They’re heavily inspired by my own parents, as well as myself, and what I would interpret Link’s parents to be like based on his upbringing and personality, so it was really fun creating their personalities. :)
I have so many Sky-centric stories that I love, but I think my favorite is probably Paradox, I had such a fun experience writing it and loved the idea of giving Fierce Deity an origin story while creating a sense of urgency and confusion and mystery and wrapping it all in a sickfic. :) I cranked that sucker out in thirty minutes and I still think it’s one of my best one shots.
I can only take partial credit for this since @nancyheart11 came up with the original premise, and because @smilesrobotlover has contributed so much as well, but I do love Dad Squad with all my heart. They’re such idiots, I adore them and their quest to save their sons who already technically saved themselves because they’re heroes. Also, the latest development in my brain of including TotK Ganondorf as the main villain from Hero of Shadow seems appropriate in making the big baddie a Bad Dad in a Dad Squad story LOL. Having Majora’s Mask in the hands of Kohga gives me life, though, and I will forever be grateful to Nancy for coming up with that premise HA. I haven’t written much for it lately, but I do love it so much. Also props to her for publishing it on AO3, I could never LOL, I’ll just throw random things on tumblr hahaha. Also, just all the fun we’re all having - the fact that multiple people have written/drawn for this AU makes it all the more precious to me, they’re our collective characters and we all get to play in the sandbox. ❤️
I don’t do much art, I’m not very good at it, but I do want to share one since I’ve shared a bit of it. I have a few pieces I’m actually really proud of, and it’s equal liking for all of them, but I’ll share just one so I don’t talk too much.
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I really like this one because for once I kind of drew a face well?? And it’s at an angle I don’t usually draw and it turned out ok?? Also I’ve never drawn rain or wet hair, and I think it turned out well. And I just like Power’s design, especially at this stage in his life where his war attire/design is mixing with his royal attire/design, even if I can’t give it justice. :) Also, I think his tired expression turned out pretty well? Like he has an actual expression?? Anyway. I think it’s decent, I like it. :)
Thank you for this ask, it made me really happy and I couldn’t wait to answer it! :D But I have like 60 works on AO3 and even more here on tumblr, so there was no way I could narrow it all down, but I think I’ve listed most of my absolute favorites. :)
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Would love to learn more about each of the bullet points, but if I had to pick just one, the pantheon around the world sounds interesting
You can send in as many as you like, I will absolutely answer them all. It's one of the reasons I set up the Tumblr blog for my fics, asks like this help me do character voice and worldbuilding and it's good for warmups & breaks from the main writing itself. Very "so y'all found the one NPC I forgot to name" kind of GM exercise. I did it for my book series and I got more worldbuilding done that way than I had in ages, so genuinely, there's not an upper limit to these, I might just have to put them in queue.
That said, I'm going to hand this over to the princess and Marela, I think they'll have the most insight on this topic.
The Pantheon Around the World w/ Princess Zelda & Marela
Zelda: "That is an entire field of discussion. It would take books to cover the full breadth of theological differences across the world. I can give you a summary to the best of my ability, but some topics do require further reading to explore.
"There are some matters of religion that are easy to define in our world. For instance, we have definitive proof of the Golden Goddesses; Din, Nayru, & Farore, along with a handful of other divine beings, like Hylia. But different cultures will value these divines, well, differently. While they all generally share worship for the main Three, and with secondary worship to Hylia for Her connection with the legends and the cycle, it can manifest uniquely based on a culture's primary relation with divinity.
"Take Hyrule for example. Due to our proximity to the Sacred Door, our kingdom has been central to the cycle and the legends as the source of magic evil has always sought out. For this reason, as well as for Her sacrifices, worship for Hylia is more prevalent that in other nations. Many Hyruleans take Hylia's story, of being mortal and of achieving ascension through the forging of the Master Sword and the imprisoning of Demise, as an act of inspiration, of Hope. Now, more recent study would suggest Hylia was already incredibly powerful, of at least two Sage lineages before Her ascension, but Her story still proves primary in Hyrulean faith. That isn't to say that the Golden Trio aren't still highly revered, but many in Hyrule find Hylia to be more..."
Marela: "Personable? Relatable? Achievable?"
Zelda: "Perhaps not the last one, but yes. In that vein. Hylia was the most like us, Her story is the one also most intertwined with our culture, so entangled with the legends as it is. But it's certainly not the only one. And other countries will favor other Goddesses. Unsurprisingly, Rahaal sees Din as a primary inspiration, as does Teromac. Farona chiefly holds Farore in worship."
Marela: "And Naydrana and Kohno hold Nayru in higher esteem!"
Zelda: "Precisely. Then there's Lyberic, which holds the Goddesses in equal value. And Holan, whose current theological debates have put the eight Sages of the Convergence in higher value. For similar reasons that Hylia is favored here, current leading Holanii ideology views the Sages as the most achievable, and thus the mantle most worthy of respect and reverence."
Marela: "It's hard to imagine not having the Goddesses so central to worship. Particularly living here. I know it's true. My family visited the coves in Kohno once. Seeing Din's underwater was a surprise! The lava fissure certainly sold it, if the fire coral hadn't."
Zelda: "Every culture has different centered fixtures in their worship with the Goddesses, none more correct than the others. Like our connection to the Sacred Door."
Marela: "You've been to the other great temples, Zelda. I think you could give some examples."
Zelda: "I have. The closest to us would be the Arborage, the temple within the boughs of the Great Maru Tree in Farona's capital, Pabatta."
Marela: "Great Maru Tree? Like the Great Deku Tree?"
Zelda: "Older even. As old as the Creation, so the stories say. She is an infinitely wise being. And not the only one in the nation. At each of the Goddesses' glades in Farona, one of her daughters has grown. Pilgrimage to them is of both religious significance and part of the ceremony for becoming ruler of the country. Unsurprisingly, Farore holds significant sway. Though I've been to the Endless Ember, it's definitely connected with Din."
Marela: "What about our other friendliest neighbor, Rahaal?"
Zelda: "In Rahaal, the high influence of Gerudo cultures does hold Din in the highest esteem. The Temple of Radiant Fire is said to contain the flames that were used to forge the Master Sword, though the sanctum where they would be held has long been sealed. But in Rahaal, theology and science are opposite sides of the same coin. There are universities built around each of the Goddesses's forges, the University of Arcanum & the Metaphysical for Nayru, the University of Practical & Material Sciences for Din, and the University of the Natural Order for Farore, divided across the nation. Only the University of the Forum is separate, and that's because the Temple of Radiant Fire is so sacred."
Marela: "There are different titles, I've noticed as well. Here in Hyrule we call spiritual leaders priestesses. But in Kohno, they were called anchorites or by a familial title."
Zelda: "It does vary widely. In Naydrana, they call their spiritual leaders mystics, in Farona attendants, and in Holan ministers. Like I said, it would take books to truly delve into this topic, and how widely is varies. I'm afraid I only have so much time to give to this answer, as interesting as its discussion might be. We haven't even had time to discuss the Dreeka and their Goddess, there is truly so much more to explore."
Marela: "I would look forward to continuing this discussion in the future though! Perhaps when we've had more time to travel. And after this little plan of yours in Hylia's temple-"
Zelda: "I think we're getting ahead of ourselves there, Marela. Somethings are better left unsaid, I think."
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Mark of a Hero (Updates on Tuesdays & Fridays, 1 of 9)
Hyrule is at peace, or so the Royal Family would have its people believe. Something is afoot in the kingdom, and someone needs to do something about it. Least likely would be Marksmen Link Sayre- a mercenary and monster hunter doing his best to get by. Until a job goes wrong, and he gets roped into the secret plans of Hyrule's princess. Now Link must play the part of the Hero to dive deeper into the mystery, and maybe stumble into a legend of his own.
AO3 - Wattpad
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spaceorphan18 · 3 months
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Since there's been a huge influx of new people I thought I'd do an official welcome page! Hi, I'm SO (or you can call me Pam). :)
I'm terrible at 'about me's -- I'm old enough to remember all of the 90s, live in a place that looks like your hand, and run a bookstore for a living (which is not as glamorous as it sounds, but yes I get a really good deal on books).
I'm super into media and literary analysis and if you're looking for a place to find all my writing : YOU CAN FIND MY MASTER LIST OF WRITING HERE (I'll try to get this updated soon, it's somewhat out of date.)
I also write fic! : My Ao3 Page Yes, I have a lot of WiPs, yes they are all being worked on. ;)
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Pretty solidly a Pen and Colin girly, but I like most of the characters on the show, and am pretty respectful of all other ships
General tag is : bridgerton and Meta tag is : polination
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Rogue has been my girl since I was a child and I am 100% here for all the Rogue and Gambit. I'm a really huge fan of X-Men in general, as well as the greater Marvel universe. I also really enjoy the MCU (even if it is in a questionable state at the moment).
General Tag : xmen, Meta Tag : Marvel Meta, MCU Tag : mcu
Also check out The Rogue and Gambit Project where I'm talking about Rogue and Gambit's 30 year comics relationship.
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That probably means you’ve been here a while, and I’m so sorry I changed all the decorations on you. Please know that Klaine will forever have my heart. And I’m still reblogging plenty of Glee related things.
Celebrity Kindred Spirit - Chris Colfer related things
DC Appreciation Hour - Darren Criss related things
That’s How S.O. Sees it - My tag for general meta-y thoughts
Glee - general tag
(plus see the main master list of writing for ALL the rest of it)
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That’s your own damn fault for befriending me and now you’re stuck with your life choices, get used to it.
I’m pretty multi fandom these days and in addition to the above, will discuss non stop The Office, Parks and Rec, Lost, Legend of Zelda, and all things Tolkien, as well as whatever else suits my fancy. I do try to tag things in a general fashion so it’s easy to black list anything you don’t want to see.
I also have a tag for writing advice I’ve collected over the years : S.O. Writes
As well as a book blog where you can check out what I’m reading : SBC Bookclub
My Ask Box is always open, but don’t be an asshat on the internet, you’ll either be deleted or ignored. I do try to respond to everything I get as long as you’re polite!
Come say hi! I’m pretty friendly and I do love chatting with everyone!! Thanks for coming to my blog!!
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starrose17 · 3 months
10 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @boredintjqueen
How many works do you have on AO3? - On AO3, 10, but in my life time of fic writing MANY more in other places.
What's your total AO3 word count? - 944,654. But A LOT more than that in general. I'm a one-fic wonder writer, as in I tend to write one MASSIVLY epic long fic per fandom and that will be it.
What fandoms do you write for? Oh god loads over the years. Loki, The Witcher, Supernatural, X-Men: First Class, Vikings, Good Omens, Black Sails, and that's just AO3. Off of that I've written for Harry Potter, Pokemon, Legend of Zelda, StarGate SG.1, Rurouni Kenshin, Fruits Basket. I'm sure I'm forgetting some.
Do you respond to comments? Always yes, receiving comments is a BIG thing especially these days when no one wants to, so I always interact back and thank people.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Oh yes *sigh*
Have you ever co-written a fic before? No.
What's your all-time favourite ship? There is no such thing as an all-time favourite ship. I've learnt this being almost 40 years old now, fandoms come and go, ships come and go. They're all your favourites.
What are your writing strengths? I'm told from comments left that I write emotion REALLY well, I make people cry all the time in my fics apparently. Also that any sex scenes are not just sex they are romantic and feel real.
What are your writing weaknesses? Fight scenes lol Can't direct action in my own head let alone in words.
First fandom you wrote for? In 1997, Pokemon. Or possibly StarGate SG.1, was around the same time can't remember which came first. Pokemon I think. ROCKETSHIPPER!!
Tagging @trulydesperate @littlebean2905 @8080green @dreamycloud
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onewomancitadel · 8 months
A smattering of general updates:
I played Tears of the Kingdom. I didn't really enjoy it. I understand why it was popular though; I'm just not the demographic for these types of video games anymore. I didn't find it creatively rewarding and after a time I sat there thinking 'I would rather be writing right now', and since then I have learnt that writing is made easier by doing things which are not writing, because it makes me miss it. My dad also doesn't really like it but for some reason has played hundreds of hours in it. I don't know either - I think he will take anything called Zelda at this point.
I spectated the Doctor Who David Tennant Special and watched some clips of the new season. I'm not a fan of RTD, and not a DW fan anymore (not for a long time), but it was an interesting study in how studios try to attract old and new fans.
I read a lot of books, and that lie people tell you about all books being good for you is a lie, because a cyberpunk anthology of short stories made me so angry I got heartburn. I think people who say that are saying so because they wish that they could read a lot, in which case I say, yes I think reading is a gift and we should engage with it, however, sometimes I get so physically angry from something stupid/bad I've read because bad writers exist that it gives me actual pain. I am reading Howl's Moving Castle right now and it's very joyful; I am very surprised by the liberties the animated film took! However so far I do think both experiences are worthwhile, and if you enjoyed the Ghibli film, I very much recommend checking out the original book if you want to revisit that world again. The prose is straightforward but a little whimsical, and Howl is very, very funny. I have laughed aloud a few times.
Well, you know I rewatched Dark, and it's funny that during my exile I said 'this is like if RWBY got the ending it deserves' and then, er, I found out it's not renewed yet, and that's still up in the air, which for the entirety of RWBY I have only had one true moment of doubt of such a thing, and that was a while ago.
On that topic, yes, I still ship Jaune/Cinder, believe Cinder's redemption is likely, etc., although there are some more external concerns I would wager now than before. Before I thought it very possible to do without any commercial influence, and it depends what compromises they do or don't end up making or having already made. My analysis of Jaune's arc in V9 may not hold water as much (e.g. if you lean towards the view there were rewrites to cater to growing the audience, or perhaps it's two ideas married? I'm not sure) so I'm going to think about it more, and there always has been a tension in RWBY between what is being expected/baited and what is foreshadowed/said/actually happens.
I figured out how to write again and what was blocking me, so there's that. To talk about it a bit more, since my break I have worked every single day on writing. My key takeaways are that you need a delicate balance of delusion and self-doubt to get anything done - you don't know you can do something until you actually do it - and every excuse I invented for not writing was not the reason I was not writing. I can write with a migraine beginning to set in on an uncomfortable desk where I can't even rest my elbows properly on the end of a bed with no back support without aircon in the middle of summer before I've even taken my hair out from bedtime plaits in my pyjamas. I didn't even expect to get my fic done right before midnight, actually I was like 'well lol that's not going to happen, I'll write anyway though, fuck New Year's' because I wasn't doing anything, and then I finished and looked at the time and was like ooooh. I actually completed my goal! So I'm very proud of that. Anyway writing is breathing, to me, I go crazy if I don't do it, no matter what it is, and every single piece of nonsense advice of productivity was not helpful, ever, but I did figure it out. Also admittedly I got a fire burning under me again because I found out I was actually right about Raven, in which case I took that as a sign from heaven I was on the right track. One should hope.
I am excited about Dune Part Two, yes, although I am trying to avoid Villeneuve talking about the film because I know all the marketing is basically directed at people who aren't Dune fans, and I have to see it for myself to see what it's worth. I enjoyed the first film, and Villeneuve seems excited to direct Dune Messiah, in which case I am willing to do whatever possible to make that happen. Because that's about as complete a story you're going to get in a major motion picture adaptation and it would be So Fucking Good.
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weemssapphic · 1 year
hi, can I ask for your top ten favorite fics ? :)
hi! you absolutely can :) here are some fics that literally altered my brain chemistry. this is by no means an exhaustive list. some of these I have mentioned before, some I have not. the order is also completely random, as I would die if I had to rank these - they don't deserve to be pitted against one another and, in any case, many of them are so different from one another that it would be impossible to choose which is "better".
anyway, gonna put this under a cut!
Little Cat by @lady-dimimi when I tell you every single chapter of this fic has me giggling and squealing and kicking my feetsies - it's so sweet, the idea of Larissa turning into a cat (and having such gay panic) is something I never knew I needed but now cannot live without. so well-written and every time a new part comes out I literally drop everything to read it.
Life Eternal by @milfsloverblog I've linked the first part but there are 4 parts in total which can be found in her masterlist. oh boy. I have never sobbed this hard at a fic before. I cry quite easily anyway but something about the beautiful way this was written just had my stomach in knots and tears streaming down my face. but I would read it over and over again because it's just that good.
Hot Chocolate on ao3 by AllTheMoreSapphic, Yennefer Payne (madamspellmans_met_tet) Larissa Weems is a virgin and Zelda Spellman is a dominatrix and jfhlkjdshagkdj this fic has me in a chokehold okay I cannot explain it you just have to read it, you won't regret it I promise. it's so well-written and there's just something about it that scratches an itch in my brain.
Heat by @rippersz a (so-far) 2 part series with a third part perhaps coming. quite literally one of the hottest things I have ever read, dear lord. jaw-droppingly hot. but seriously all fics by @rippersz are an absolute delight to read, one of the most talented writers I have ever had the pleasure to come across. would devour anything they write.
Find What You Desire by @pro-weems-places super hot smut with a hint of fluff and just the best vibes overall, I re-read this one so often because it's absolutely amazing. @pro-weems-places characterization of Larissa always makes me fuzzy inside, one of my favorite writers truly <3
push me gently (into love) by @yourlocaldisneyvillain one of my fav fav fav writers, her writing is so unique and so immersive. and this fic is EVERYTHING. so silly, so much fluff, some of the most divine smut you'll ever come across. Larissa deserves her goth gf okay??
Anticipatory Grief by @wh0re4women such an amazing author, all of her fics are incredible. but god this fic HURT. had me bawling like a baby. and you know what? I loved every second of it. so well written that you can feel the grief coming off the page in waves. highly recommend if you need a good cry.
Warmth of Your Doorways by @alexusonfire and @daydream-cement have I mentioned this fic multiple times already? yes. and I will continue to do so until I'm blue in the face because I love Jane Murdstone and I love the writing and I love the plot and this fic will always have a place in my heart and my brain. <3
Shapes of Love by @dianneking Morticia x Larissa wherein Larissa is a sex worker and is hired by Morticia. this fic literally has everything I could ever want in a fic and it's finally (and kind of sadly tbh) complete - queue me re-reading this gem over and over again (all of their writing is fire though by the way)
Sugar Mama on ao3 by valda (need an ao3 account for this one) I have mentioned this one before but it will always be one of my favorites. Phasma x Rey sugar mommy AU that unfortunately I think has been abandoned, but I just love everything about it. rip never forget.
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