#yes exams plural. two of them
axe8472 · 1 year
once again considering faking my own death instead of doing exams on friday
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Hey, Professor? I heard a rumor that you have 101 dogs back home, is this true?
If so, lucky!
Canonically, Crewel has yet to reveal exactly how many dogs he owns! However, we know it must be more than one since he often refers to them as a plural.
If he doesn’t scare you, no evil thing will.
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“… What kind of rumors are swirling around the schoolyard now? No, I do not keep that many dogs in my home. The number has been greatly exaggerated.”
Ah, but how blissful it would be, were it the case.
"No? Not 101?" you asked, tilting your head to one side.
"Not 101," he confirmed. "I doubt my minions could handle looking after a litter of that size. The dogs would eat them alive! Those two nitwits can barely tie their own shoes without tripping over themselves."
"By minions, do you mean your old classmates from Night Raven College?"
"Yes, them. They dogsit for me while I'm here on Sage's Island teaching. I visit my dear dogs on the weekends."
"That's such a long time to be away from them."
And a long time to trust his friends to not screw up. If only there was a way to bring Crewel-sensei and his dogs together more often. He obviously can’t leave mid-school day, but maybe if it were the other way around and the dogs could come to him…
A lightbulb suddenly went off in your head. "I know! Why don't you bring your dogs into class one day? To set the record straight about how many you have. I’ve also heard that petting dogs is a good way to help students destress before exams.”
“Hmm.” Crewel turned the suggestion over in his head, then back, as if inspecting an item’s quality. “That’s not a bad idea, provided I can secure permissions for it from the headmaster.”
“Oh, can you?!” you asked excitedly. “I’d love to meet your pets!”
“No promises, but I can certainly put in the proposal.” Crewel ran a hand through his hair. “Introducing my good boys to my… not-so-good boys, what a concept. If that becomes a reality, my dogs may just teach you pups a thing or two about good etiquette and grooming.”
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thisfairytalegonebad · 5 months
"One more chapter." Noctis & Prompto & Ignis, Brotherhood era
Prompt #30 of the Love List.
Read below the cut or on AO3 here.
Chapter Text
“If you wish to try out your game before supper, I strongly suggest you put your phones aside and get to work.”
Noct flinches, only barely managing to catch his phone before he drops it on the floor.
“He’s not even looking at us, how does he know?!” Prompto whispers at him, furiously gesturing at Ignis’ back with his own phone.
“Hell if I know,” Noct mutters back. “He’s always like this, dunno how he does it.”
Ignis doesn’t react to that, but there’s no doubt he’s heard. Noct can practically see the pleased little smirk he won’t allow anyone to witness, the bastard.
The game lies on the table right in front of them, still in the bag but deliberately placed just so that they can peek inside and see the shiny case, still wrapped in plastic and everything.
It’s not even officially out yet, at least not for people who aren’t game reviewers, and Noct was fully prepared to wait out the remaining days until his preordered copy arrived in the mail. He’s been looking forward to it, sure, but because he didn't expect to get it early in the first place, the anticipation remained mostly in the back of his mind.
Today, however, Ignis came sauntering in with several bags full of groceries and the one smaller bag that’s currently taunting Noct from across the table.
Turns out, if you’re purchasing for the Crown Prince of Lucis, you can get your hands on a game early if you promise them the Prince is gonna write a review for it. Who knew?
(Honestly, Noct’s a little mad he didn’t think of that himself. So many games he could’ve had early access to, and somehow Ignis, who hasn’t held a controller in his life - apart from putting them back where they belonged, Noct - was the one to think of it. Go figure.)
Prompto damn near lost his mind when he saw the game (game s plural, actually, because obviously, Ignis got a second copy for Prompto too), and Noct lost his mind in a slightly cooler, more aloof kind of way, but then Ignis dropped the bomb on them: the gift comes with a caveat.
“The exam isn’t even for another two weeks, Specs, come on, ” Noct pleads. “We’ll even start tomorrow, promise.”
Prompto, quietly vibrating in his chair next to him, nods furiously, even though Ignis is still pointedly facing away from them.
“Oh? And you suppose you can put the game away long enough to start studying tomorrow?” Ignis challenges. He’s chopping something at a frightening speed - Noct saw the carrots peeking out of the grocery bag, no matter how finely Ignis tries to cut them to hide them in the food.
Noct opens his mouth to tell him that yes, if they could just try it out now then they could wait a little to keep playing after, realises that Ignis won’t believe a word he says (because none of it would be true) and closes his mouth again.
With a frustrated groan, Noct lets his head drop onto his hands. It doesn’t even produce a dramatic thud or anything, it just hurts his knuckles, ow.
“Fine,” he huffs, because there’s really no arguing with Ignis, picks up his pen and stares at his textbook.
Prompto slumps in his chair, defeated, and grabs his own pen. He’d never argue against Ignis, even though he’s long since stopped being scared of him. So Noct’s been fighting a lonely battle from the very start, and without a reliable ally, all hope of convincing Ignis is lost.
Easier to just get it over with, then.
Reluctantly, he starts reading, highlighting the important passages and copying them into his own notebook. Prompto, meanwhile, starts at a different chapter so they can later swap out their notes. It’s a pretty efficient system, even though sometimes it takes longer to decipher Prompto’s chocobo scratch than it would to just read the whole thing himself.
For a while, they work in silence and Ignis chops, and the radio, set to Specs’ favourite station, plays quietly and it’s honestly pretty nice. The peaceful atmosphere almost makes him forget about the game, at least until he finishes his notes for the chapter he’s been reading and his eyes stray to the bag again.
“Specs,” he tries again, and this time, Ignis actually turns around. Score. Now, if he can get Prompto to get out his famed puppy eyes, they might just stand a fighting chance.
“Yes, Noct?”
Ignis’ face is the picture of innocence, as if he doesn’t have a clue what Noct is going to ask - or beg, maybe - of him.
“We’ve finished our chapters. Don’t you think that’s enough?” Noct holds up his notes for emphasis, then goes to grab Prompto’s notebook too for good measure and holds that up too. “See?”
“I do.” Ignis nods thoughtfully. “And how many chapters have you managed in total?”
“Five, between the two of us,” Prompto pipes up. And, yes, here come the puppy eyes. Noct knows Ignis isn’t immune to them, no one is.
Ignis observes them carefully, leaving them hanging for an answer just long enough to make Prompto squirm in his seat.
Finally, he lets out a long-suffering sigh and says firmly, “One more chapter.”
Out of habit, Noct groans, but it’s honestly a better deal than he hoped for. Prompto’s puppy eyes did something after all, it seems. And one more chapter isn’t so bad, if they split the work, they’ll be done in no more than half an hour.
“Deal!” he says, determined, and flips the page to the next chapter with renewed energy.
They do manage to negotiate a short break to start the game’s download first so that they can start playing immediately once they’ve finished. Fueled by the prospect of getting to play their new game, they’re done in no time at all, and they’re on the couch before Ignis can even finish telling them that they’ve done a good job.
“Oh man, Noct, I knew there had to be some benefits to being friends with you!” Prompto sighs happily, controller in hand and eyes trained on the screen.
“What, my personality not reason enough?”
“Sorry, but I’ll take this game over your sparkling personality any day.”
Noct shoves him into the arm of the couch for that and immediately earns himself a pillow to the face, but their tussle is immediately forgotten when the game’s title screen appears.
“Hey, Specs,” Noct calls towards the kitchen as he clicks through the game’s main menu. “Thanks for the game!”
“Yeah, you’re the best! Thanks, Iggy!” Prompto echoes.
“You’re most welcome.”
Ignis sounds pleased with himself, and Noct kind of wants to make fun of him for being a big softie who isn’t fooling anyone, but he did get them early access to the game and he even lets them eat dinner in front of the screen - “But this is an exception, do not get used to it.” - so Noct decides to let it go.
Just this once.
Read the entire project here.
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Okay so at 4.4k words I'm done.
The fic is with established mammon × mc + an unnamed male oc
• New OC info
* I made the oc cis male because that's what I initially reached for and I'll post that fic today after the original poll finishes.
* But to make it inclusive do you want me to add this to a series and post an alternate version of the fic as well with an afab second person pov MC?
* Tagging this as various versions of "mammon x reader" even though I know technically it's not so that anyone who's into that maybe interested in the ^ second poll.
• Do you want to name the new sad male oc who was created purely to get dicked down?
* Send me name suggestions (asks and anon open) and I'll make a third poll for it.
* Read the fic first though please? so you can think of a name to match his ✨️vibe✨️
• Do you want to see this sad wet man (or a possible afab 2nd pov version) get dicked down with your kinks?
* Asks and anon are again open.
• Is it hot?
* ....I have no fucking clue. I have never written straight up smut before and turns out that like when I write fics that are supposed to be funny and am unable to tell if it's actually funny, I can't tell if this is actually hot.....
* Please lemme know...
• Will this eventually lead up to mammon × unnamed gn! mc smut?
* Duh. This is me testing the waters in my smut writing skills. So....feedback pls?
• When will the fic be posted?
* When the original poll finishes. So in a couple hours. Super embarrassing though if after all of this the majority of y'all told me to go to sleep in that
• MC used for this fic
* I tried writing it without giving MC a name but turns out when your threesome has two unnamed characters outta the three it's.....actually stupidly hard to write. Specially because there are times where I refer to Mammon & MC as an unit with the plural "they/them" and the only way I could differentiate the plural from MC's singular "they/them" use was by using a name for MC.
* I used my own MC for the fic because they're genuinely just gen OM! MC with a name & look and I wanted to keep their personality as close to canon as possible (yes, I use my own MC as a template in my unnamed MC fics as well so that I have something to compare against to know I have a consistent characterisation)
Here's the closest I could get to their appearance using a picrew and some additional information if y'all want:
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Eliza Ramskin (they/them || 26yrs || 5'10")
Scar over eyebrow from peanut butter accident and top surgery scars. Freckles everywhere. Eyes a shade more honey-brown.
Have fun ig I'm gonna go study for that looming exam I just spent the whole day ignoring🥲
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softyoongiionly · 5 years
Will You Make a Mess Now?
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Jungkook’s never been touched before and, after a hectic end to his semester, he thinks he wants that to change...
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Virgin! Jungkook, established relationship au, college au, smut, fluff.
Word Count: 4.7k
A/N: HELLO YES I MISSED YOU. Guys, I swear i’m working on updating my series (plural) but, I’ve been out of writing for a while and, I needed something to get me back in the groove. What better way than to continue to affirm that my love for Jungkook is unavoidable and, unstoppable. i love youuuuu. This is unedited for now, please forgive any mistakes, I was too excited. 
Warnings: smut, language, 18+ only please.
After 4 grueling months of relentless studying and lectures, you can finally say that your second to last semester of university is finally over.
Finals week is still at the entrance of your subconscious as its literally all you’ve been able to think about for quite some time. You haven’t been able to unwind or see your friends and, if you’re being honest, you don’t remember the last time you actually slept for more than four hours at a time.
The good news is…
All of that is now behind you.
The exams have been taken, the textbooks have been returned or re-sold, the mountain of instant meals have been cleared from your kitchen (for now) and, you are currently on the subway headed to celebrate with the only person in the world that could properly bring you out of your post-exam haze:
Your boyfriend, Jungkook.
Jungkook is a kinesiology major, whom you met in one of your labs nearly two years ago. The two of you were friends for a long time before you finally got up the courage to kiss him at a party 5 months ago. And by courage, you mean you had a little too much to drink and, Jungkook looked way too good in his university crew neck so, you awkwardly leaned in to kiss him and he, being the absolute angel he is, pecked you on the lips before explaining to you that he wouldn’t kiss you properly until you were sober.
The next day, you woke up in his bed, alone. Your first response was to panic but, upon slowly sitting up in his sheets, you find Jungkook curled up on the floor amongst a pile of blankets. After a few slightly uncomfortable conversations, the two of you arranged a date and, started…you know…falling in love
Or whatever…
Fun fact: Given the fact that you’ve only been with Jungkook for a few months, the two of you have yet to be intimate. Jungkook stated early on that he wanted to take things slowly and, of course you were more than ok with that.
He’s been more and more comfortable with heavier petting so to speak as of lately but, the farthest you’ve ever gone was having his hand down your panties, and your hand over the seam of his jeans. And you’re fine with the progression of your sex life with Jungkook but, he’s only ever made you cum before and, every time you try and return the favor he politely declines.
“It’s ok, I just wanted you to finish jagi…”
“I’m ok, don’t worry, it will go down soon. Do you feel good though? Did I do it right?”
“Soon baby, I promise, it’s just not the right time yet.”
Once again, you’d never push him into something he didn’t want to do but, you were slightly confused as to why he never wanted you to reciprocate. 
Jungkook is quite frankly the best boyfriend in the entire world. He’s all of the cheesy stuff and, more. Things have been progressing slowly but, you didn’t mind. Whatever you have with him, it feels real.
And to be completely honest, you miss him so much that it’s starting to really get to you.
20 minutes later and, you’re in front his place and sending a quick text to let him know you’ve arrived.
You: I’m outside
You: please save me, it’s freezing  :’’’(
Not even a full minute goes by before you hear the fumbling of the lock and, you quickly prepare yourself to latch onto your boyfriend like a freaking spidermonkey.
It’s been almost a month since you’ve seen him face to face so, you can imagine your confusion (and disappointment) when you’re met with the face of his older brother instead.
“Hey,” Namjoon’s dimpled smile is a sight for sore eyes but, it does nothing to wane your confusion, “Kook is passed out upstairs but, he told me earlier to be on the lookout for you in case he fell asleep, which he did.”
A smile is passed to Namjoon as he holds the door open for you, “Of course he did, thanks Joon, is it just you guys right now?”
Jungkook has six brothers and, they all live under the same roof, so the rent is split in seven equal parts.
It’s the only way for them to afford a house off campus.
“Nah Jin and Tae are upstairs too, everyone else is out.” He murmurs and, its then you notice the dark circles decorating the space beneath his eyes.
“Gotcha, are you excited to be done with finals? I feel like I could sleep for 15 years…” You jest, nudging him gently, knowing full well that Namjoon was feeling the same sense of exhaustion you were.
He chuckles and nods immediately, walking with you to the bottom of the stairs, eyes flitting eagerly towards his bedroom.
“That is literally my plan for the rest of the day. I have an adjustment on my project and, after I get that submitted, I’m falling asleep and not talking to anyone for at least 24 hours.” He declares, the seriousness in his tone causing you to giggle.
“I’ll make sure to thwart any of the guys that try to fuck with your beauty sleep…” You vow, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“You’re one of the good ones Y/N…” He laughs, jerking his chin towards Jungkook’s door, “he’s missed you a lot.”
Namjoon’s response is unexpected and it warms you from the inside out.
“Yeah? Did he say something to you?”
You feel like you’re in middle school again, attempting to figure out if your crush likes you.
“He was whining about it the other day, he’s really into you.” Namjoon smirks, before sending a pointed look your way, “don’t tell him I told you that though, he’d kill me.”
The smile on your face probably looks a little ridiculous but, you don’t care, you’re only concern is getting up these stairs and into your boyfriend’s bed.
“I wouldn’t want to expose you for breaking the bro-code.” You return his smirk, passing him to ascend the staircase, “Get some rest, thank you for letting me in.”
“You got it. Have a good night.” Namjoon disappears behind his bedroom door rather quickly, eager to pass out and, you suddenly feel your heartrate increase as you grow closer to Jungkook’s room.
You really did miss him and, the urge to jump into his arms is stronger than you’d like to admit.
Especially given that you know he’s asleep and, you’d have to wait for him to wake up. And you would, cause you know, he deserves to sleep as long as he wants.
You’re not certain that you won’t fall asleep with him.
The door to his room is opened carefully and quietly and, shut just the same.
His bedroom is almost too dark due to the blackout curtains that hung over his windows; a birthday present from his brother Yoongi, they are his new favorite thing.
Jungkook must have shut them in a haste however because, there is a tiny sliver of light shining through which thankfully provides you with a clear path way to his bed.
Soft snores emit from the pillow closest to the windows and, all you can see is Jungkook’s mop of black hair peeking out from underneath his covers. The hum of his noise machine is a comforting sound and, paired with the woodsy vapors coming from his diffuser (a gift from Namjoon), you could feel the sleepiness beginning to tug at your body.
With your overnight bag placed on Jungkook’s gaming chair, you make your way to his bed and slowly peel the covers back.
Despite the fact that it’s freezing outside, your boyfriend has unfortunately decided to sleep shirtless, his toned body clad only in his favorite grey sweatpants and, a pair of black socks.
He looks like a god but, you know, that’s totally fine and, not at all distracting.
His brows are furrowed in deep sleep, his cherry lips formed into a slight pout, snores still rumbling deep within his chest. One of his arms is bent at the elbow and, tucked firmly underneath his pillow, his other arm stretched out across the expanse of his bed.
Which of course, poses an issue for you since you don’t want to disturb his sleep but, you want nothing more than to snuggle up to him.
Jungkook is a pretty heavy sleeper so, the likelihood of waking him is pretty slim and even if you do, you can at least take comfort in the fact that he’s expecting you.
So you slowly lift his arm, quickly tucking yourself into the warmth of his bed and, move the covers back to their original position. It isn’t super comfortable but, you’re afraid to move anymore in fear of waking him up.
Your hands absentmindedly trail over his forearms, admiring the warm, caramel undertones in his skin and, the veins which protrude gently underneath the surface.
His hand is still covered in the temporary tattoos he got nearly two months ago.
Being the Virgo that he is, Jungkook wanted to insure he liked the chosen designs before deciding to get the real thing. You certainly aren’t complaining but, you are secretly hoping he decides to keep them.
Jungkook and tattoos: a lethal combination.
You lay like this for awhile, admiring your boyfriend, listening to the various white noises echoing off the walls, enjoying the scent of his freshly washed sheets.
He washes his bedding once a week.
Sure enough, you feel your lids grow heavier and heavier, the temptation of sleep growing ever so slightly at the back of your mind.
However, Jungkook’s hand twitches at your side and, you feel movement beside you, causing your head to tilt in his direction.
You’re met with a sleepy smile and, a gaze so endearing, you might just die right then and there.
“You’re here…” He murmurs, voice raspy and decorated with sleep.
It doesn’t take you long to get closer to him, his free arm not leaving your body in order to hug you against his bare chest.
“I’m here…” You answer, a smile in your voice, pursing your lips to place kisses on  his skin.
Jungkook smiles properly now but, you don’t see it, your face tucked firmly into his neck.
He’s so happy you’re here.
His arm moves out from underneath his pillow to envelope you completely, shy lips pressing a few kisses to the top of your head as he shifts onto his back, taking you with him.
“Missed you..” He mumbles almost, coy and unsure but, genuine.
As he usually is.
A smile erupts on your mouth now, as you look up to face him and, for whatever reason you’re overcome with the need to feel his lips against yours. So you do just that and, secure your mouth to his, letting a deep breath out through your nose. His quick too, big hands sliding down your back to hold onto your hips.
“Missed you more” You whisper against his lips, a little breathless from the depth of the kiss you’ve just shared.
His nose wrinkles in disgust as he shakes his head, leaning in to kiss you again, “No…me…”
The childish nature of his response makes you giggle, accepting another kiss eagerly.
“If you missed me so much, why did you make Namjoon let me in hm?” You tease, still kissing at his mouth, one of your hands sliding over his ribcage.
He nibbles at your lip in retaliation, a slight smirk on his mouth, “Cause I was tired and, you were taking forever…”
Jungkook chuckles at his own whining and, you follow suit whilst shaking your head in disbelief.
“You’re only further proving my point, I rode the silver line to get here, just because it was faster and, I walked through the cold just so I could see your stupid face…”
By stupid, you mean beautiful but like, he doesn’t need to know that.
Jungkook laughs harder this time, its higher pitched and more genuine, his hands that are on your hips squeeze in retaliation.
“My face isn’t stupid….you’re stupid…” He chuckles, teasing you because, its one of his many ways of coping with how he feels for you.
Before you can respond, he kisses you again, your comeback dying in the back of your throat as your hand comes up to rest against his cheek.
The two of you can’t stop smiling and, giggling as you indulge one another, ignoring the clumsy way your lips connect.
“You look so beautiful like this…comfy…” He adds, his tone taking on a shyer tone as he nudges your nose, eyes half open, “I really did miss you jagiya…”
His words send emotion careening into your chest and, you can’t help the way your lips respond more eagerly against his.
“You make comfy look like a Calvin Klein campaign…” You retort before adding, “I missed you too. You’re staying home this winter too right?”
It’s a rarity for both of you stay on campus during winter break but, this year your families had decided to come to you.
He nods, eyes still soft as he tucks your hair behind your ear, lips pouted that you stopped kissing him for a moment, “Mhm…we’ll be here together…”
Jungkook has his moods like most people do but, there is a certain way he gets that you swear he reserves only for you. Being the youngest of seven boys, he’s used to being the source of a lot of banter and, teasing so, being with you is no exception but, recently he’s been getting softer and softer.
Sweeter and sweeter…
And you’re not complaining…
“We will.” You affirm, pecking his lips again, “we can go on all those dates we’ve been promising eachother.”
He nods, pulling the duvet up higher over the two of you, “Yeah, I have a lot of ideas but, I want to hear your ideas too…but I’m excited for mine…”
Another giggle leaves your lips at his almost jovial tone, his competiveness sneaking through a bit.
“I’m happy I get to spend the night with you more, you keep me warm.” You hum, delighting in the fact that Jungkook blushes at your statement.
“I keep you warm?” He checks, securing his teeth to his bottom lip, nibbling on it nervously.
With a nod of your head, you snuggle into his body, taking in the scent that was uniquely Jungkook: woodsy and clean, free of any harshness.
“So warm.” You whisper against his neck, pressing a gentle kiss there.
Though, as gentle as the kiss was, it doesn’t stop Jungkook from immediately plumping up from within the confines of his sweatpants. His neck is his weak spot.
You don’t feel him yet but, you do notice a reaction from him: his head tilts back ever so slightly, feet rubbing together at the end of the bed. The teasing words stay trapped in your throat as you decide to push your luck and, kiss him there again, letting your lips linger longer than before.
He doesn’t stop you when you place a third kiss into the sweet spot on his neck, or a fourth or a fifth but, soon enough he feels his dick filling out the empty space in his sweat pants, the sensation of your lips beginning to get to him.
“Jagiya?” He croons into the darkness of the room whilst his heart beats wildly in his chest, his hands sort of fidgeting against your hips.
“Hm?” You hum, kissing up his neck towards his lips, “Are you ok?”
He isn’t, he’s hard and, there is four months of stress sitting on his shoulders that he is certain your lips will melt away but, he’s so nervous.
“Uh…I’m…” He stutters for the right words but, you already know what he’s trying to say because, you can feel him now, pressing into your hip.
“Do you want me to stop?” You place a gentle kiss to his stuttering mouth, wanting to check with him before you continue.
“No…yes, shit I-“ He looks torn, glancing down towards his dick before looking back at you, “I don’t know jagi, I’m sorry…”
Immediately, you shake your head, pulling back to look at him, “Hey…hey it’s ok, you have nothing to be sorry for ok? We don’t have to do anything until you’re ready. I should have asked you if it was ok to kiss you there…”
He shakes his head now, pulling you closer, “You didn’t do anything wrong, I want you to kiss me and…touch me, I just wish I wasn’t so…” He sighs, biting his lip, dark eyes flitting nervously around, “I’ve just never…let anyone make me cum before…”
You have to admit, this shocks you.
Jungkook was obviously a campus heartthrob, literally everyone had a crush on him, even the Dean and, while you didn’t think that made him into some kind of Casanova, you had been certain that he had some sexual experience before meeting you.
But clearly, you were wrong.
Reaching out to touch his cheek, you pull his gaze back to yours, “There’s nothing wrong with that babe. We all do things at our own pace. The two of us have all the time in the world, you can wait as long as you need to…”
His fingers curl slightly against your hips, shifting you until your sitting in his lap, causing you to ignore the way his length feels pressing into your core. A deep breath is needed but, it doesn’t last long because, Jungkook speaks again, surprising you.
“Noona I-“ He kisses you again, trying to focus on anything other than his throbbing dick, “I don’t want to wait anymore though…I’m just really nervous.”
It hits you like a ton of bricks but, you remain focused, allowing him to take all of the time he needs.
“That’s ok, it’s ok to be nervous.” You assure him gently, kissing between his eyes, “Can I ask what you’re nervous about?”
“I just don’t know what it’s going to be like and, I don’t know…my hyungs say it feels amazing but, I don’t want to do the wrong thing or what if you use your mouth and, it tastes bad or something, fuck I sound really dumb, I swear…I’m ….”
You cut him off with a gentle kiss to his forehead, smiling fondly into his skin as your hands come up to rub tenderly at his back.
“Slow down for me baby.” You whisper and, the words along with your touch are enough to calm him slightly, “you say you don’t want to wait right? So, what would you be comfortable with us doing right now? It doesn’t have to be all at once, we can take things slow.”
His fingers explore the skin on your hips, as he wears a nervous but eager expression, “I don’t want our first time to be…here or like…after all of this.  I don’t think I’m ready for the way you’ll make me feel, I can barely hang on when you’re sitting on me like this but, I…”
His eyes flit down to your center for a moment, as if the thought of being inside of you overwhelms him. He looks back up at you, lips swollen from all of the kiss, his timid expression tainted with lust.
“I wanna feel what it’s like to have someone touch me…I want you to touch me really bad.”
The world could be ending beyond Jungkook’s blackout curtains and, it still wouldn’t be enough to stop you from honoring his request.
Your finger tilts his chin towards your lips, “I want to touch you too. Can I touch you right now?”
He nods immediately, swallowing around a dry throat and an unsteady heartbeat. To soothe himself, he kisses you again before, nudging your nose playfully, trying to ease the tension he feels.
“Ok, I’m going to get behind you alright?”
Your response confuses him and, you can tell but, you know he’ll catch on soon enough. He leans forward, allowing you sit directly behind him, your legs on either side of his silhouette, your body encircling him with your warmth.
“Lean back against me…” You whisper in his ear, causing him to shiver as he obliges, his bare back now flush against your chest. “Comfy?’
He chuckles, his cheeks on fire at the position you’re both in but, he nods none the less, his hands moving to the outsides of his thighs and, then to tops of your knees, rubbing the skin there.
“Now, I want you to show me how you touch yourself ok? So I can see what you like and, then, whenever you’re ready, I’ll touch you.” You explain gently, kissing around the shell of his ear, your hands coming to brush over his hips.
Jungkook already feels like he could cum, he just can’t believe you’re about to touch him.
He has no idea what to expect.
“Ok…” He tilts his lips to mumble against your mouth, his tone boyish and jovial, “ You promise you won’t laugh right?”
At his question you giggle, kissing him and shaking your head, “Of course I’m not going to laugh babe, I’m here to make you feel good.”
He chuckles too, relishing in the way you make him feel: comfortable and comforted.
“OK, I’ll uh…I’ll start now…” He whispers, his shaky and quite frankly clammy hand leaves your knee and, slowly travels to the band of his sweatpants, tucking underneath for a moment before bringing his dick out from it’s confines.
It’s bigger than you anticipated and, as hot as any dick can be. Swollen and curving slightly at the reddened tip, it makes your mouth water; literally every inch of your boyfriend is beautiful.
Jungkook takes a shaky breath in through his nose as he encircles a hand around his length, squeezing tentatively right underneath the tip, the sensation makes his head spin.
He stays silent as he finds a rhythm his comfortable with and, you admire the way his toned stomach trembles with his own ministrations. You take note that he pays careful attention to his  frenulum, his thumb rubbing over it continuously as he strokes himself.
After a few moments, you start pressing kisses into his neck, allowing your hands to wander over his hips, tracing patterns into his skin.
“Jagi…I-“ He mutters before his words catch on the softest moan, the sound of course caused by you nibbling on his neck, “You’re making it so good for me…”
He sounds helpless, like he knows that you touching him is going to ruin him because, you touching on him whilst he jacks off is already fucking him up.
“Yeah? It feels good?” You reaffirm before sucking gently on his sweetspot, a motion that causes his hand to stall right underneath his tip, his head falling back against you.
“Mhm…” He hums and, if he wasn’t reigning it in, he would be whining but, he stops himself, trying to gain some sense, “Do you know how to touch me now?”
He’s starting to feel impatient, because he knows the way your hands feel on him now and, his dick is so hard he feels like he could burst.
You smirk fondly against his neck as you nod slowly, your hand trailing over his wrist which is still working on his length, “Are you ready?”
“Yes…” He answers immediately, letting his hand fall to the side, his eyes closing tightly as he prepares himself for your touch.
“Just relax for me ok? I’m going to make you feel so good.” You coo into his ear before slowly resuming the touch on Jungkooks length.
At the first squeeze of your hand, he’s quite certain he has never felt more pleasure in his entire life, as you slowly drag your fist up his aching dick, his mouth falls open in complete awe but, when you begin the same rhythm he had just performed on himself, Jungkook swears his going to melt into a puddle on the bed.
“Oh-“ He huffs, his eyes popping open to zero in on your hand because, watching you touch him is enough to fill up his spank bank for the rest of the year. “Oh my god…Noona…you’re touching me…”
He’s in disbelief. In 22 years, his never let anyone touch him like this before and, although he can’t believe he ever lived without it, he’s glad it was you who touched him first.
“Mhm…” You hum in his ear, kissing gently on the side of his face, “Does it feel good baby?”
As your thumb repeats his early movements, his brown eyes roll to the back of his head, his adams apple jumping around his throat as he swallows.
“I can’t…feel anything else but, your hand on my dick I-oh my fucking god…” He whimpers, his eyes popping open again to watch your pace increase.
His words surprise you, he’s never been so vulgar before and, now you know why but, you’d be lying if you said you didn’t want to hear more.
“Nothing else huh? Do you think you’re gonna cum for me baby?” You’re egging him on, wanting him to cum his brains out for you.
You gotta make a good first impression after all…
He nods, his hair stuck to his forehead with sweat, his abs trembling even more so with your motions, his toes curling painfully against the sheets.
“Yeah…really soon…for you..” He gets out, not thinking clearly enough to form full sentences.
“Yeah? What if I went a little faster hm? Would that do the trick baby? Will you make a mess now?”
Oh he’s fuck now.
As your pace increases on him, you focus more attention on his throbbing tip, pulling and squeezing him to the point of no return. Jungkook feels nothing but, pleasure as he starts to rock his hips up into your touch.
“I’m gonna cum…I’m gonna cum…oh my god you’re so good…” He mutters before a whimper takes over his speech, eyes squeezing shut as his head falls back against you once more, “fuck….thank you Noona…god thank you so much…”
Those are his last words before his release comes, the sweltering pleasure consuming his entire being, starting up from his balls and, shooting up his length. Jungkook knows in his heart he’s never cum so hard in his life. Nothing could ever compare to the way you make him feel.
“There you go…let it out baby…” You whisper, kissing at his cheeks as you stroke him through his release.
Once his hips begin to twitch with sensitivity, you slow your pace on him, easing off his dick.
Jungkook’s breathing his erratic and, he feels drunk off of the pleasure he’s just received but, he knows for a fact that he came all over himself and, all over your hand.
You wait for him to open his eyes so, he can watch you lick his release from your fingers, taking time to show him the skills of yours he’s yet to experience.
“holy shit…” He mutters, eyes completely glazed over before leaning in and capturing your lips between his and, kissing you with everything he has.
You giggle against his lips before, squealing unceremoniously into the kiss as Jungkook turns quickly in your grip, falling back towards the foot of the bed and, taking you with him. He just chuckles, kissing you harder as he lets his hands run a little more freely over your body.
“I’m guessing you liked it?” You tease into the kiss before he leans back, his expression completely offended.
“Liked it? You’re guessing I liked it???” He blazes dubiously before, pinching your sides and, suddenly leaning into kiss all over your face, nibbling on your cheeks, “You almost made me cry…”
“You cry all the time…” You point out, pinching his side back, causing him to gasp in mock horror.
“Shut upppp…” He whines, smirking as he tucks his face into your neck, nibbling on the skin again and, while it seems innocent, soon enough Jungkook’s nibbling turns into kissing and, his playful touch on your hips turns to caressing.
“Noona?” His tone has shifted lower, it shoots straight down to your core.
“Yeah?” You breathe, eyes shut against the sensation of his lips.
“Will you make a mess now?”
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sokkas-sword · 4 years
flickers (chapter three)
sokka x female reader
summary: y/n ‘properly’ meets her new acquaintances (my worst summary yet but i spelt acquaintances wrong about fifty times so i dont care)
warnings: blood, injuries, scars (tell me if there’s something i missed)
wc: 2.8k 
prologue --- chapter two -- chapter four
a/n: i’m alive!!! sorry for not updating in like a month (i think ?? im terrible with the passing of time) but my mental health is currently spiralling and has been for a few weeks and is about to get worse as my exams are about to start and my university is hell bent on ruining my life so i wont be updating again until like february when they’re finally over so apologies in advance. anywaysss i hope you like this :)
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The sky bison landed in front of her, the avatar and water tribe siblings’ eyes going wide when they recognised her.
“Y/n!” Aang jumped off the saddle and looked like he might even hug her (why would he do that they have literally met once? Was he always so positive and smiley?) but he stopped in his tracks when he saw the blood on her neck, “Spirits are you alright?”
Before she could answer the water tribe siblings had approached her as well, Sokka eyeing the soldiers on the ground, “You did all that?”
“We heard fighting from up on Appa and were about to come and see if anyone needed help, but you apparently didn’t need any help,” Aang smiled at her, “why were you fighting though?”
“I was in the village nearby helping a family and wanted to get the soldiers away, but they spotted me before I came up with a decent plan,” she pointed to her neck in emphasis, “and so I ran and faced off against them here.”
“Wow, you must be a great fighter!” Aang was beaming at her again, but the siblings did not seem to share the avatar’s enthusiasm - Sokka had his eyebrows raised almost looking impressed, but she guessed by his crossed arms he still didn’t like her, Katara on the other hand seemed slightly concerned by y/n’s injuries but this was overshadowed by the scowl on her face, her hand on her water skin as if she was ready for her to start fighting them. Like that would happen - even if she wanted to she no longer had the energy to fight two benders and another warrior.
“I was trained young.” She shrugged at the avatar in answer, hoping they would either help her or leave her alone - was everything always such a long conversation with this group?
Aang hadn’t seemed to have noticed the tense air around the siblings, instead he turned to the younger girl, “Aren’t you going to heal her Katara?”
Heal her? She was certain she hadn’t been able to do this all those months ago when they initially met.
Before Katara could say anything y/n held her hands up, “She doesn’t have to do anything it’s fine - I’ve got bandages in my bag and can treat my injuries myself.”
“Wait, injuries? As in plural?” The water tribe boy asked, much more concerned than he had been a moment ago.
“Um, yeah, one of them got my back as well.” She turned to show them the injury, and judging from the sharp intakes of breath it was much worse than she initially thought.
Katara’s voice was surprisingly soft when she spoke, “I can heal them, they could get infected or scar otherwise.”
She let out a low laugh, “Trust me I’ve dealt with worse and what’s another scar to add to the mix?”
The trio all furrowed their brows at her response - it would have been funny, the way they seemed to act as one, if their looks weren’t aimed at her. But before they could persist on the point any longer a low groan came from where the soldiers were laying.
Their eyes widened, Aang turned to her, “Come with us.”
“What?” Y/n, Sokka and Katara all responded at the same time - she was shocked but the other two seemed downright offended the avatar would even consider asking her.
“You’re injured and they’re waking up,” he grabbed the girl’s hand, pulling her towards his sky bison.
“Wait! I need to get my bag.”
Sokka’s hand was outstretched for her to grab as she ran back towards the bison, a fire blast came from behind her, causing her to stumble but luckily the boy’s hand had grabbed hers and he pulled her up with a surprising amount of strength. It took her a moment to realise she was on top of him though and when their eyes connected they both launched themselves away from each other, pink on their cheeks.
In her haste to put some space between her and the water tribe boy, she had forgotten all about her injured back, which met the saddle before she could correct it and she let out a small gasp of pain before she blacked out once again.
It took a few moments for any of them to realise what had happened, the trio had all looked at the fire nation girl when they heard her gasp, all confused as to what to do.
Katara was the first to regain her senses, already uncapping her water skin and moving over to use her bending to heal the girl.
Sokka grabbed his sister’s wrist, “What are you doing?”
She rolled her eyes, “I’m going to heal her, obviously.”
“Oh, right. Didn’t she say she didn’t want to be healed?.”
“She also said she could wrap them herself, but she can’t exactly do that whilst unconscious can she?”
He let go, watching his sister bend the glowing water around the girl’s neck.
Sokka may not like the Fire Nation, but he was still worried about the girl in front of them - he barely knew her but he knew she must dislike the fire nation as much as them if the scene they had found her in was any indication; and he remembered how desperate she was to help heal someone back when he first ran into her. Maybe she was a good person, but due to Aang’s optimism and trust in people, and Katara’s hatred for the fire nation, Sokka was going to judge for himself when she was awake to see if they should trust her.
He watched as his sister cut the fabric off y/n’s back, already done with the injury on her neck, and Katara let in a sharp inhale at what she saw. Both Sokka and Aang moved to see what had happened, only to be met with a deep gash, still leaking lots of blood. But that wasn’t what had caught their attention - no, when the girl had mentioned scars, none of them could have imagined that her skin would look like this. There were so many marks across her back, some were obviously caused by burns - small circles of darkened skin and a few longer scars that reached her shoulders, but there was also a few thick and ragged marks that were likely caused by a weapon. Some had seemed to fade with time, but that only troubled the group more as it implied she was young when she received them.
Maybe there was much more to the fire nation girl than any of them had initially thought.
Katara, after noticing the boys looking over her shoulder, had shooed them away to give the other girl some privacy as she set to work healing the cut across y/n’s back. Her face was concentrated on the process but her mind was spinning. She hated the fire nation, she really did, and she knew nothing about this girl, only meeting her briefly after saving her from drowning the last time they had ran into her, but she couldn’t help but soften towards the girl in front of her who clearly had a troubled past. Perhaps if the girl proved herself to be a good person, Katara could even come to care about her, but she still hadn’t decided on whether Aang was right to invite the fire nation girl with them yet, so any friendship or feelings that aren’t distrust and hostility were a long way off currently.
She finally finished healing y/n and turned to Aang and Sokka, “What are we doing with her when she wakes up?”
“Um, I kind of hoped she could join us, just listen-“ Aang put his hands up to silence the siblings’ protests before he was finished speaking, “She’s an amazing fighter, she doesn’t agree with the Fire Nation and the war from what I can tell, and I have a feeling it’s more than just a coincidence we’ve come across her multiple times now - it’s like fate.”
“Yeah well fate hasn’t always worked out well for us, has it?” Sokka crossed his arms as he spoke.
“I understand it’s your decision Aang, but I don’t trust her - she’s still Fire Nation at the end of the day.”
“I agree with Katara,” Sokka said, “And we don’t even know if she wants to stay with us, so I say wait until she wakes up and then we can ask her and make a decision.”
“Fine.” Aang turned back around to focus on where he was steering Appa, he really wanted her to stay with them - she seemed nice, he remembered how she had risked her life for the goat-dog when they first met, and she was clearly a talented fighter - all good qualities in his opinion.
Y/n could feel a breeze on her face as she began to stir, it was nice - wait, why was there a breeze? Where am I?
She sat up, reaching for her dagger so she could defend herself but paused when she was met with the three faces of the avatar and friends. It all came back to her - the fight, the injuries, the avatar asking her to come with them.
She carefully reached around her back, trying to feel the bandages that covered the cut that had been inflicted on her - but she found nothing, only the bumps of her old scars. Oh right, they said the water bender girl could heal her and apparently they had taken the liberty to do that whilst she was unconscious. Why do I always seem to be injured and unconscious around these people? Maybe they’re bad luck or something?
Putting her dagger back down, she turned to face the trio properly. The young monk was grinning at her, but the same couldn’t be said for the other two, they both had their arms crossed and neutral expressions on their faces as they watched her.
“Uh, hello?” She gave a small awkward wave to the group, internally cursing to Agni that she didn’t have better social skills.
“Hi! How are you feeling?” Aang asked, unfazed by the tension rippling off the siblings.
“Much better,” She turned to the younger girl, “thank you for that by the way.”
The girl nodded at her, turning to raise her eyebrow at the avatar as if she expected him to say something.
“Oh right! Do you want to travel with us?”
“You want me to travel with you? The avatar?”
She heard the older boy mutter “no” under his breath but she ignored this, focusing solely on Aang.
“Yes! You’re a great fighter and you could really help us in our fight against the Fire Nation. So, do you want to?”
Maybe this was what she had been looking for - originally helping in small villages on her journey to Ba Sing Se had felt like enough, but working with the avatar himself, she would truly be able to use her skills in the war. But as she looked at the two water tribe siblings, she was cautious - they clearly didn’t want her around, and she said as much to Aang.
“I’m sure they will grow to like you if you join us - they just don’t know you yet.”
“Neither do you.”
“True - but I’m a great judge of character!” Judging by Sokka’s scowl at this statement, she guessed that was not the case but her heart still warmed towards the young boy who was looking at her with hopeful puppy-dog eyes.
“If your companions are fine with it, I would be honoured to help you in your fight against the Fire Nation.” She directed a small smile towards Aang which only grew as he jumped in the air, letting out an excited ‘whoo’ at her decision.
She looked at the siblings to see if they were alright with the decision, neither of them looked too pleased but they nodded nonetheless, turning to talk between themselves - leaving her to look at the sky around them.
She would never admit it, but y/n wasn’t a huge fan of heights, not being near the ground felt unnatural and as this was her first time at this kind of height she couldn’t stop her heart rate from quickening as she looked over the edge of the sky bison’s saddle. Yeah, not doing that again.
Just as she moved away from the edge, a small animal jumped at her, almost knocking her back over the exact side of the saddle she wanted to stay away from.
The animal looked at her with its big green eyes before pulling at one of her dark curls, and apparently satisfied with what he found, turned around and curled up in her lap, a soft sigh escaping its lips. Y/n looked at the others in confusion.
“That’s Momo, he’s our flying lemur.”
She looked down at the lemur and patted its head softly, “Hi Momo, I’m y/n, but my friends sometimes call me Lia after my favourite flower, and we can be friends if you’d like?”
Too focused on the animal on her lap, y/n didn’t notice the other three exchange amused looks - Aang was beyond happy at the tenderness she showed the flying lemur as it seemed to prove he was right about her, Sokka and Katara were both happily surprised at the interaction, even more so as they kept watching the girl talk to Momo, as if no one else was around.
The ride was silent as the group made its way further across the Earth Kingdom - Aang was at the front steering Appa, Sokka was sharpening his boomerang, Katara reading and y/n was deep in thought, absent-mindedly fiddling with the locket around her neck which she always did when nervous or thinking.
Sokka raised his gaze from his blade, looking down at the swampy forest they had been passing over, and were currently getting closer to.
“Hey Aang, you taking us down for a reason?”
“What? I didn’t even notice.”
The conversation broke y/n out of her thoughts, moving to Sokka’s side to see what was going on.
“Well are you noticing now?” The older boy waved his hand around to make a point, almost hitting her in the face.
Katara had moved to her brother’s other side, “Is something wrong?”
“I know this is going to sound weird but I think the swamp is…calling to me.”
She raised her eyebrows at this, were these guys always so weird?
“Is it telling you where we can get something to eat?” Y/n coughed into her hand to try and conceal her laugh at the water tribe boy, but he noticed and smirked at her before turning back to Aang.
“No, I-I think it wants us to land there.”
Um that seems like a bad idea.
“No offence to the swamp, but I don’t see any land to land on.” The fire nation girl nodded as Sokka spoke, glad he was thinking similar things to her.
“I don’t know. Bumi said to learn earthbending, I would have to wait and listen. And now I’m actually hearing the earth. Do you want me to ignore it?”
Absolutely, she thought at the same time the siblings spoke,
“There’s something ominous about that place.”
Aang turned to her, “What do you think y/n?”
“Oh,” she hadn’t realised she already had a say in things this early on in the journey, but it was nice he wanted her opinion, “I’m with Sokka, besides,” she pointed at Momo hiding in her tunic, “Momo doesn’t like it here and I don’t think Appa does either.”
As if in response, the sky bison let out a small roar showing he agreed with her.
“Okay, since everyone feels so strongly about this, bye swamp. Yip yip.” He moved the reins to move the bison further into the air, and she had never been more thankful for the increased height as the mysterious swamp became smaller underneath them.
There was a loud rumbling behind them, y/n turning at the same time as Sokka, eyes widening at the sight of a tornado approaching them with speed.
“You better throw in an extra ‘yip’. We gotta move!”
They all held on to the side of the saddle for dear life as the wind picked up, Appa moving back and forth trying to get away from the tornado.
The force of the winds lifted Sokka away from the saddle, both Katara and y/n jumped to grab one of his hands, their other hands clinging to the saddle to try and keep them from getting blown away as well.
Aang, hearing the commotion and Sokka’s yelling, jumped onto the saddle, creating a ball of air around the bison, cutting off the strong winds and causing Sokka to fall back down into the saddle face first. The avatar’s eyes were tight shut, his teeth gritted in exertion as he tried to combat the tornado, but it was no use and the protective ball of air fell away and she screamed in terror as the tornado tossed the four teens and Appa into the trees below.
fyi the nickname Lia is from the Camellia flower found in the fire nation, and using it will let me use y/n less which i prefer :) and it might have some relevance to the story later on *wink wink*
taglist: @kaylove12 @bestyearsof5sos @neemonroe @aangsupremacy​ @ladylizzieofdarbyshire​ (i think this all the people who have asked me to be on the taglist pls tell me if you have and im just being dumb and i’ll add you to it)
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mandarinclass101 · 2 years
Should beginners learn Chinese words or grammar first?
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————From the point that the purpose of learning a language: words
If your purpose of learning Chinese is to travel abroad, foreign trade, and business. The importance of Chinese words for beginners is self-evident. Because what you value most at this time is communication. If the vocabulary is not enough, the communication efficiency will be reduced.
If the purpose of learning Chinese is to take the HSK test and get a certificate. Beginners should also focus on the accumulation of vocabulary and sense of language, not grammar.
The reason is very simple: with the accumulation of vocabulary, we can gradually cultivate the sense of language through various methods, and the acquisition and comprehension of grammar will be a matter of course. Conversely, students with good grammar may not necessarily pass the exam, let alone the proficient use of language.
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Many Chinese learners think that Chinese grammar is simple, so learn grammar first
I have always thought that Chinese grammar is particularly difficult.  recently, Chatting with some of my Chinese-learning students I find that thouth they think Chinese characters and pronunciation are really difficult, Chinese grammar is very simple for them. Take a close at research on the Internet, there are quite a few people who agree with this view.
The reasons for this feeling vary, and can be divided into the following perspectives:
English, French, Spanish native speakers’ perspective:
Most of the people who think Chinese grammar is simple are beginners who have just started to learn Chinese words and making sentence. What they initially feel is: no need to memorize femenino and masculino, singular and plural, no need to master the verb conjugation table, no need to pay attention to Subject predicate agreement, you don’t even need to figure out the part of speech, there is no tense deformation at all, Under any circumstances, the use of each Chinese word is the same…
But as they learn more, they will gradually realize that it is only a small part of Chinese grammar.
The main reason is that when they say Chinese grammar is simple, it is compared with Chinese word writing and pronunciation. When they were tortured to death by Chinese characters and Pinyin, they found that Chinese words did not need to be deformed,Thank God.
Comparing Chinese grammar with other languages, it is indeed one of its simplicity that words do not need to be inflected. Of course, it also has its complexities, so complicated that the native Chinese cannot understand it.
For example:
Generally speaking, “了” means completion. Such as: “这本书我看了三天”, the book is already finished. But why “这本书我看了三天了”, with two “了” in the sentence, which means that you haven’t finished reading the book?
Spoken Chinese is full of sentences like this:
“星期天不上班”(“who” does not work?)
“我头疼”(Indo-European language generally needs to find out whether it is我疼在头上 or 我的头在疼, in short, the relationship between “我” and “头” should be clear…)
Back to the original question:
Should beginners learn Chinese words or Chinese grammar first?
From the perspective of an experienced language teacher, not letting students feel the difficulty of Chinese is the greatest achievement. Since the logical problems in the grammar are hard to be  understood and take a lot of energy and time,why do beginners choose the hardest path? For beginners , nothing is more important than happy learning method.
Is there a good way to make it easy to understand these grammars, and to ignite their interest in the language and quickly apply it?
Yes, and it was mentioned at the beginning of this article: Start with Chinese words.
Imagine how we learned our mother tongue when we were young? Imitate some simple words and repeat if wrong.
It is not difficult for non-native speakers to create and simulate such a learning environment,
Here is a method suitable for the general public:
1: First learn pinyin (introduced in the article on pinyin learning)
2: Search the movies you are interested in and watch them repeatedly (easy to be interested)
3: Summarize the vocabulary and grammar points in the movie (preferably with a teacher)
4: Find professional textbooks and read them intensively (cultivating depth of study, improving language sense and understanding of grammar)
5: Find extensive reading materials (build breadth of knowledge)
Students who do the above will not only unconsciously increase their Chinese words, but also easily break through difficult grammar. The reason is that they have mastered the most important essence of language skills: language sense. It can even be said that if you have accumulated a certain degree of language sense, you can use the language skillfully even if you neglect the study of grammar. The importance of language sense training will be introduced in a large part later.
If you already know the importance of Chinese words and realize that the way to learn is very simple, then go for it, starting today, starting with Pinyin.
If you have been hit hard by learning Chinese words and pinyin before, it is likely that the method is wrong. We provide a half-hour trial class to help you plan a more reasonable learning method.
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Finally, give you a little motivation to learn Chinese words:
it is good for your health. watch the news:
1998-05-06 Source: Guangming Daily Ke Rong
A teenager named Minnie in Philadelphia, USA, unfortunately suffered from “dyslexia” due to traumatic brain injury last year. His parents sought medical treatment for him, and they went to almost every major hospital in the United States and tried countless prescriptions, but Minnie’s disease still did not improve. A person said: “Chinese people have the least dyslexia in the world, followed by Japanese. This is probably related to their reading of Chinese words.” Many scientists also believe that Europeans and Americans use phonetics. In words, they use only the left hemisphere of the brain to memorize the sound and meaning of words. The Chinese use square Chinese characters. The left hemisphere of the brain is used to record the sound and the meaning of the word, and the right hemisphere is used to record the shape of the word. The two hemispheres work together and coordinate evenly. Compared with those who only use the left hemisphere, the brain uses much more finely and effectively. As a result, psychologists in Philadelphia decided to adopt a new “treatment plan” for Minnie. They first taught Minnie to learn Chinese words and then Chinese. Despite the difficulties, the two sides cooperated tacitly and were very effective. Then, their formal experiment began: on a piece of white paper, English sentences were written on the upper row, and Chinese sentences with the same meaning were written on the lower row. Ask Minnie to read Chinese characters first, and then read English sentences by “looking at Chinese characters”. The trial went well and the results were much better than expected. At first, Minnie read English by “looking at Chinese characters”, from simple to complex, from familiar to unfamiliar. Mini said: “I used to read only a single word in English and couldn’t read it. Now, I can read it without using a cane (Chinese words). I am really grateful for the Chinese characters and China!” The psychologists announced the success of the experiment The news caused a sensation in the medical, psychological, linguistic, and informatics circles. When reporters asked the reason for “Chinese characters for dyslexia”, an expert who participated in the trial said: “Minnie slowly recovered his English reading ability under the constant ‘reminder’ of Chinese characters. With the use of Chinese characters, the right hemisphere of Minnie’s brain can be developed, and the function of the left hemisphere can be gradually restored.” This matter has attracted attention in Western countries. Many experts believe that the biggest difference between Chinese words and other ethnic groups in the world is that square characters not only have the linear beauty of calligraphy, but also convey rich information, which is both readable and associative. Learning to use can make the two hemispheres of the brain develop evenly. It has been suggested that learning Chinese words can improve the recreational level of western children and the elderly.
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80s-roger · 4 years
Flirty & Insistent
Pairing: 70s!Roger Taylor x Fem!Reader
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note: female reader's ethnicity will not affect the person who reads it. She's just greek and she already has a name but the POV will be in second person.
also, i won’t post smuts/series as often as i did until next month, due to uni’s exams period. but i’ll reblog and stuff, u kno. I’ll work in the meanwhile your requests xx love you all 
ps i worked hard on this one, i hope you like it as much as i did. feedback will be massively appreciated.
requested by anonymous:
"Plss write something smutty about roger being a massive flirt and being soo cheeky the reader(after trying acting indifferent and unimpressed) eventually gives in to the temptation of letting him have his way with her?? 💕💕 "
masterlist // dialogue prompts
summary: you left your country a decade ago to study in the UK and after graduating you established in Mallorca, Spain to work as a mixologist. That summer night, you're working for a party arranged by Queen's management to celebrate their "A Day At The Races" era success. The blonde drummer notices you fixing drinks with confidence and doesn't lose the chance to flirt with you. He's just trying too hard because you play it uninterested until he has his way with you.
word count: 3,933
warnings: surface sex, slow burn (becauase they were talking a lot before, idk if it really is a slow burn tho)
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A huge party was taking place in Mallorca, with the famous rock band Queen being the main guests of the event. You were one of the bartenders so all you had to do that night was fixing drinks for every person until they'd be shitfaced. The preparations were ready: the event was hosted at the beachside, opposite the calm waves and the golden sand. The sunset was magical to stare at, ready to welcome the bright moon. You had a moment to appreciate it before guests would come at any moment. It was the only thing that reminded you of your ex without feeling angsty about it; you gotta admit you didn't break up with good terms. It was toxic, yet heartbreaking. You loved that man but he left after cheating on you. It's been half a year and you needed to give yourself a break from dating and making out regardless of how social your job is and how much flirt you've received.
The guests arrived, minute by minute they'd get from fifty to hundred. Many people were coming to your counter to order drinks and cocktails. Beautiful women and attractive men would try to flirt with you but turned them down politely saying while you're working you can't do otherwise so they respected it. All these people were actually invited by Queen, their management and the entire record company. They were all celebrating Queen's "A Day At The Races" success and certainly the band which were yet to be seen until midnight.
You were working your ass for a couple of hours now until the band showed up. You could tell by the huge welcoming. The applause, the cheers and definitely women cajoling over them. Here they were standing in the centre of attention, thanking everyone for supporting them and buying their records. Their music was playing at the stereo and you couldn't prevent yourself from jamming to their songs.
When their speech was over, everyone was free to do what they wanted so your bar counter was full again with people chatting and drinking. You saw the entire fucking band coming to your place, obviously for an order. You tried to stay calm because hands-off, you liked their music and fangirled a lot when you saw them live last year in London with your boyfriend.
"Hello beautiful, can I have some Moet & Chandon, please? I really need to celebrate!" Freddie spoke first, carrying a wide smile on his face.
"Sure." You kindly accepted his offer.
"I'd like the same with Freddie." Brian interrupted when you moved behind to grab the expensive bottle and open it.
"So do I." John added and you nodded to grab three glasses, for now.
"And you?" You turned your gaze to the blonde handsome drummer who was already checking you out, focusing especially on your face.
"What do you suggest?" He asked with his eyes being totally flirty.
"Ah, darling, just give us the bottle. Roger is kind of undecided when it comes to drinks." Freddie felt the weird vibe growing between Roger and you. John and Brian giggled, looking whether at Roger or you.
"Eh, our waiter will do it for you. Just sit at your table and he'll take care of you." You kindly warned and he laughed.
"Oh, alright then love. We'll wait for our bottle." He laughed and left with his bandmates, leaving Roger and you alone.
"So? What do you suggest?" Roger turned his gaze back at your eyes.
"What do you feel like drinking? Something sweet, strong, alcohol-free?" You asked trying to help him but he was certainly not trying to find what to drink. He was clearly trying to flirt with you.
"Something to keep me up all night, I guess. But don't make me feel dizzy." He put on a crooked smile and hell, he was attractive as fuck. He knew how to play.
"Right, how does a mojito sound?" You recommended.
"Sounds nice and local." He smiled and you turned around to grab the ingredients. "Are you local? 'Cause your accent doesn't sound British to me." He asked, trying to start a conversation.
"Eh no, I am from the Mediterranean area though." You laughed after turning again to him.
"Italian?" He guessed.
"Greek." You answered.
"Oh, I've been to Greece twice." He started.
"Really? When?" You turned your gaze surprised. You had no idea he has come to Greece for holidays.
"Two years ago I was with my ex-girlfriend, in Santorini. The sunset there is amazing. And the next year I went with John and Brian to Crete. We needed a dose of some Mycenaean civilisation. Thankfully we weren't noticed by fans or anyone else. We were clearly there for tourism." He explained. You were impressed he's seen your country, visited two of the many islands your country has.
"Well, we had some political issues when you guys came to Greece. We were recovering from the junta and had some important historical issues by the end of 1974 so I doubt they'd run behind you, no offence." You laughed while fixing his drink.
"Oh, that's bad. But I understand. How come you're here in Mallorca being a bartender?" He asked and leaned closer to you. There was a nice conversation going on.
"Before junta ruled my country, I was sent to England to study because my parents thought I would be privileged. Now you see me in Mallorca because I work here and besides, I wanted to live somewhere that reminds me of Greece. Studying abroad has the privilege of learning a new culture, a new way of life and so on. Which is so wrong for the locals back home." You explained and cut a slice of lemon before having it ready for him.
"Wait, by saying it's wrong, you mean that..." his brain stopped working for a second trying to understand what you meant.
"Patriarchy is the keyword. They want women to get married at 18 and start a family. But obviously, women have to stay home." You were triggered at your words and internally thanked your parents for giving you the chance to go abroad.
"Cheers to your parents then. I wouldn't get the chance to meet you tonight." He was impressed by your short storytime. "How do I say bottoms up in Greek?" He laughed after you placed him his drink.
"It's pronounced áspro páto." You smiled after saying a Greek word. It must have been a year since you last spoke Greek. You haven't visited Greece for a long time. You found yourself in Mallorca. It's spiritually free and not restricting.
"So, I haven't asked you yet. What's your name?" Roger asked after drinking. He made an oddly satisfying grimace which meant he liked your drink.
"Oh, it's Ellen." You answered. His gaze was literally focused on you the entire time. He wouldn't give up this easy.
"So Ellen, make yourself a drink. It's a treat for you." He offered and you kindly accepted. It's not bad, you've been offered many times. Besides, you needed a drink to stay energised.
"Thank you, Mr Taylor." You thanked him and then his smile vanished.
"If you want us to be in good terms, it's gonna be Roger." His hand was warning you.
"Thank you, Roger." You slightly smiled. "It's just that..." you stopped and checked around if your boss is nearby. "We are obliged to speak to our guests in plural." You whispered and he nodded. Possibly understood the situation.
"So what are you doing later?" He asked after swallowing a sip of his mojito.
"We're cleaning the mess and we're heading homes." You said after drinking a shot. A treated drink.
"I'm not talking about your colleagues. I'm talking about you." He was straightforward. He was so into you, it was obvious.
"Oh well, I'll clean up the mess and I'm heading home." You changed the point of view trying to cut off his flirty attitude.
"When's that time? Dawn?" He guessed.
"Probably at the morning. It's a Queen party, I doubt people will leave before the sun rises." You rolled your eyes sarcastically.
"So..." he started. "Have you been listening to our music?" He asked.
"Yes, since your first album. It was brilliant for a newly formed band." You said with a huge smile on your face and he appreciated it. He appreciated that you didn't fangirl in front of him, having that humble and uninterested attitude. He liked feeling like a predator trying to catch his bait.
"What's your favourite song of A Day At The Races?" He asked. He likes talking to people about his music.
"Definitely Somebody To Love." You affirmed, feeling passionate about your answer, that it seemed you could relate your existence to this song.
"Oh, it's a band's fave too. Well, you relate to this song, don't you?" He asked and his body was closer to yours. The counter was the only thing beside you.
"I guess I do." You looked down for a moment, thinking of your ex but his hand touched your jaw trying to lift you up. Your eyes were looking into his and this is how you noticed how blue they eventually are. An ocean.
"Is it about a guy? I'm sure he doesn't deserve you." He tried to cheer you up with his soft smile.
"It's not that. It's..." you sighed. "Well, this is getting too personal." You pulled back trying to stop the situation. But he wouldn't abandon his try.
"Do you have any specific lyric of the song you relate the most?" He asked.
"Yes, there is that one: I've spent all my years in believing you but I just can't get no relief, Lord." You kind of explained the situation within a couple of lyrics. "He cheated on me. He had the audacity of saying it to my face and left without looking back or apologising." You nearly tore but tried to keep it for yourself. This is getting too personal and you're opening your heart to a stranger that you feel comfortable with. Maybe because you've been listening to him and his bandmates for years and you've seen him live too.
"You know..." he looked down for a second trying to find the words. "At least he was honest. He could keep you for his entertainment if things didn't work with the girl he possibly slept with." He tried to wake you, but he was right.
"I don't even know how long he was cheating on me. However, I did notice a weird behaviour in the last couple of months we were together." You answered.
"Be happy that you're not with him anymore. He took your love for granted. This is not how it works." He said with his eyes still focused on yours.
"You know, we once saw you live. Last year." You tried to avoid talking about your ex the entire time.
"Oh! That's great! Did I look nice?" He joked and he gained a laugh from you. That made him feel nice.
"Definitely, you always look nice." You took a moment to check him out. And hell, he looks and smells so nice.
"I'm flattered." He smiled and you pulled back again to do your job. You could see your boss staring at you. That wasn't good.
"You better get going, my boss is supervising us." You said and he got the hint. You were as cold as you could be.
"Sure, will I see you later?" He asked and stood up from his chair, ready to leave.
"No. I'll be too tired by then." You answered and he was saddened by your reply. He thought he had you. His flirting wasn't sufficient. Which means he had to try again.
He left and walked to his bandmates, they were there talking about their success until Roger joined their conversation but it changed as soon as he sat on the sofa next to Brian.
"So, how did it go Rog?" Freddie asked and they were all ready to hear.
"She seems so uninterested and hard to get, I have to try again." He took out one of his cigarettes, ready to smoke and think.
"Ah, your type of girls Roger." Brian laughed. "You like feeling a hunter don't you?" He added.
"Of course I do. But she recently broke up and I reckon she's still into him. How do women's brains work anyway?" He asked, frustrated.
"Oh darling, I don't see her as stuck with her ex as you think she is. She's been avoiding your flirting because she works here." Freddie had a point and John nodded.
"Just wait for her shift to end and make a move. She noticed you were flirting with her." John suggested and they all agreed to it.
"It's gonna take hours. She said it's possible for the party to end after dawn. She also has to clean up with her colleagues." Roger explained and turned his gaze back to you. But you were already looking at him and when you noticed, you turned back to your counter.
"Fine, then do it now," Freddie advised and Roger looked at you considered. "Wait where's she going?" Freddie asked after noticing your figure leaving your position.
"James, would you mind taking my place for a moment? I really need to use the bathroom." You called for your colleague who politely came to your counter.
"Sure, go ahead. I'll be here as long as you need." He smiled and you left for the bathroom to take a very needed pee.
"Shall I go after her?" Roger asked.
"Fucking go!" Freddie pushed Roger to run after you no matter how awkward it would be.
You walked in the staff-only bathroom, rushing to the toilet. After drinking a few shots, you needed to pee like a champion. When you pushed the flusher you unlocked your door and the very first thing you saw, was Roger standing at the wall.
"What the hell are you doing here, get out!" You were shocked by his presence and he wouldn't move.
"This is the only chance I have with you right now. Your boss can't see us." He came closer to you.
"No, but he'll get suspicious!" You tried to pull back until you reached the counter. Now you were sandwiched between Roger and the counter. There was no space between you. His face was coming closer to yours.
"I locked the door in any case." His nose tickled yours and his hands placed you on top of the counter, sitting now and having his bulge, against your area. That feeling is the shit.
"I work here, I can't..." you tried to refuse but the feeling of getting fucked couldn't stop you.
"I can't be in this toilet too, but here I am." His lips touched yours with passion and lust. His arms wrapped your waist and lowered down to your arse, squeezing it gently and your hands moved to his neck and his cheeks, trying to hug most of it. You haven't gotten kissed nor fucked for a long time.
Living on the west side of Europe had given you many opportunities. The situation you're currently now couldn't even be referred to Greek religious people as a joke. They'd freak out and tell you crap like you ashamed your honour, your family and your future husband. Your parents were too open-minded to let you live in West Europe and live your life as you wanted to. You had sex with your boyfriend at nineteen, with no need to be your first wedding night, you wear shorts on summers because you feel like it and now you're having a one night stand with a rockstar of a band you like and it's never gonna be the same anymore. You played it hard-to-get because you felt it was wrong. But it wasn't. It's just one more experience to add to your diary.
"Are you sure you want to do this, here?" He stopped the kiss for a second, to ask for your approval.
"Yes, but let it be fast, or I'll be in trouble." You checked at the door. "Are you certain the door's locked?" You asked.
"Yes, I am. It's just that..." he stopped.
"What?" You were scared he regretted it and he'd leave you like the mess you already are.
"I want to get more of you, but in this counter, I don't have the chance. I'll cope with it." He unbuttoned your suit while your hands tried to unzip his jeans.
"If you stay a little longer in Mallorca, you can get more of me." You winked and he smiled, thinking he has more chances with you.
"Works for me." He whispered and turned to your lips again for a passionate kiss.
He helped you with taking your suit off, now staying on your bra when your hands put his jeans down. "Mind taking your bra off?" He asked while his mouth travelled your neck, giving it soft kisses.
"I'd rather wear it..." you refused taking it off after gaining a lot of insecurities because of your ex-boyfriend. You remember him saying how small your breasts are and with that, no other man can see it. Your A-cups haven't be seen by any other man. Not even by your ex after the second time, you had sex with him.
"As you wish..." he didn't insist and pulled your skirt up, on your waist, with his bulge rubbing against your core and turning you instantly wet. "How long has it been?" He asked after noticing the humidity between your legs with his hand.
"Must be eight months. I'm out of practice." You sighed.
"Don't feel bad about it, I'll do the work. You're already wet for me. I like it." He bit his lower lip and turned to your lips again, for a deep kiss. "God, you are fat-bottomed aren't you?" He smiled between the kiss after squeezing your thighs and your small waist. "I'm starting to have a thing for greek girls." He complimented your body type and that boosted your low confidence level. With a simple move, he placed you against the mirror, taking your thong off your left leg to have clear access inside your wet area. His hand pulled his erected penis out of his black underwear, ready to thrust inside you.
"You better start before I cum untouched." You exhaled and balanced yourself at the counter.
He smirked and trusted inside you, feeling him completely weird inside you, maybe because you haven't had sex for more than half a year. The sensation was amazing and penetration was always the thing that released you from thoughts. His hands squeezed your thighs and each thrust was a try to pull you closer to his pelvis. You couldn't stop breathing heavily. You had to be quiet and so did he. It was a staff-only bathroom and the key was turned horizontally so no-one could break in with a spare key.
"Oh god, this is amazing..." you moaned at every pleasuring wave while your hands played with his blonde hair.
"Fuck, yes, you're so tight and wet for me." He tightened his teeth as he exhaled into your ear.
His thrusts were giving you the orgasm you haven't had for a long time. It was the tension between you, that made it more passionate but fast enough to make you come earlier than you thought. Soft whimperings coming from your mouth sent him the message that you were close enough and so was he. You could tell by his sharp thrusts, getting smoother and sudden. His gaze was focused on your eyes. Your sight was getting blurry and your legs began to shake; it happens when you reach your orgasm and it feels terrific.
"Ah, God..." you moaned and tilted your head behind, where the mirror is. "That was so refreshing." You gasped after wearing your thong again.
"Ain't gonna lie, but this WC shag was the best I had." He laughed and wore his underwear and jeans again.
"I can't make comparisons to it, I've only had two boyfriends in my life and this is my first time fucking a stranger at my workplace's restroom." You buttoned your suit and stood up from the counter to fix yourself.
"Stranger?" He asked confused.
"Stranger, Roger. I mean, I do know you're a rockstar, a member of my favourite band and I've seen you live once but it won't change the fact you're a stranger. I know you as a persona, not as a person. You get it?" You tried to explain how it feels.
"Oh, I see." He nodded. "Will I see you again? I want to know you as a person if you want that too." He suggested.
"Sure." You kissed his cheek gently, letting him take the lead. You wanted him to make the move. "I'll just walk out from the WC first and make sure no one sees you when you get out." You said and walked through the door until someone tried to get in. A knock on the door was heard.
"Ellen, are you still in there?" It was James.
"Yes, I'm coming." You internally panicked and hinted at Roger to hide in the toilet. "Hey James, is everything alright?" You asked after opening the door.
"Yes, I wanted to check on you. You were absent for a quarter. Are you okay? You look like a mess." James liked you for a long period of time but he wasn't your type. He's way too cute for your standards.
"Yeah, I'm fine... I just felt a little dizzy and wanted to wash my face with cold water. I needed it." You lied after checking your face in the mirror. You were red as a tomato.
"Oh, fine then. You should get back to your post. The boss has been looking for you." He pointed outside and you felt really bad about it. Your boss suspects you since the moment you started chatting with the blonde man hiding in the toilet.
"Alright, I'll be back in a minute." You closed the door to his face and rushed to the toilet where Roger was hiding.
"You're a cute little liar, aren't you?" He teased and gave you a little slap on your butt cheek.
"I won't be anymore if my boss finds out." You rushed, trying to leave the toilet.
"How will I reach you?" He asked trying to learn your phone number.
"Just come at my post and I'll hand you a drink." You declared and left the room, heading fastly at your post. You stared at the Queen members, looking at you all smiles and winks. They probably knew what happened a quarter ago.
You fixed another drink for Roger, trying to look calm and relaxed. But you weren't. You were tense and it could be seen. Two minutes later, Roger came to your counter again with a crooked smile on his face, waiting for the drink. He was looking whether at his bandmates or you. There was absolute silence.
"Here's your drink." You smiled and handed his drink with a small paper around the glass. He carefully grabbed the paper so it couldn't be seen and walked away, heading to the balcony.
He grabbed the paper, unfolded it and there was your phone number and a note in it: "thanks for giving me a good time Rog"
He smirked at your note and placed it in his pocket, anticipating the moment he'd call you.
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April Fools Special Review: Part 1
I had some ideas regarding this day. I initially was going to do a spoof review of a hypothetical Session 3 arc, but given that its looking that the Puppetmaster is gonna be a big wham arc, I think I’ll hold off because if I write say how Kana manages to deduce where Iroha’s family hideout is located and then she freaking dies, that kinda kills the joke. Then I was going to do a spoof review on why Oncoming Storm is the best arc ever, but then it would be too obvious that this was a joke. So instead, because I said I was going to do a new ‘style’ of reviewing, how about a test drive of that? After all reviews aren’t just about the Arcs overall, you can also do reviews on various characters.
So, this is going to be a non-jokey review on an individual character. This is just a test run to see what general reception of these character reviews are. If you guys like them, I have a few characters lined up for this to sprinkle in if the Mod feels like they want a break at some point. If not well…you just get a one-shot character review and that’s that. With that out of the way who is going to get the honours of getting the character review treatment?
Let’s start things off with a strong one. It’s widely accepted that the best Arc overall is the Concert Arc, so naturally the focus should be on one of the Otonokoji Twins and because Kanade looks like she is still got more to bring to the table, lets focus on who’s had the best character development by far, the would have been Ultimate Vocalist, and Death herself; Hibiki Otonokoji!
Important Note: This review is factually accurate up to Connections. As Puppetmaster, the current Arc is still in progress I’m not counting that so if something big relating to Hibiki occurs there it won’t be included in this.
Shattering the Bird Cage
Out of all the SDRA2 characters, the character who got robbed the most in terms of development was Hibiki. I’m not happy with Nikei’s ultimate fate or the fact that Iroha got zero character development but overall, I do feel satisfied with their character arcs, and can see what LINUJ was trying to do. Hibiki never got that chance as she died in Chapter 3, y’know that one chapter which has a notorious reputation for robbing characters of their character developments? *Taka, Hiyoko and Tenko coughs* I already had bad feelings that something was gonna happen to the twins because I seriously thought LINUJ was going to kill one off, and then the other would be a survivor. And it could have worked both ways, Hibiki being offed and Kanade learns to be more assertive of herself, or Kanade dies and Hibiki realises she needs to mature as an individual. As the game progresses though, you get the sense there’s something wrong with the twins. Kanade seemed too calm and too useful and as I mentioned in a previous arc review, I thought that Kanade was lying about her talent as that’s a common occurrence in Danganronpa. But Chapter 3 changed all that. After realising the previous two murders were indirectly caused by her immaturity and that she needs to take responsibility for her actions, Hibiki starts to go through some character development and becomes more useful to the group overall. But then the motive videos and her bitch of a sister slam-dunked that.
Point is, Hibiki couldn’t break away from her sister even if she tried. Heck, the Otonokoji Twins share their FTEs so you CANNOT do Hibiki and Kanade individually. As I pointed out to the Mod, I understood from a lore perspective why this was done, but I still found it very frustrating. But one of the main goals of ASOOT is that characters who got little to no character development or were done dirty, got their redeeming chance. And by heck did we get it. Nikei may have been the first Another character to make an appearance, but he wasn’t the first Another character mentioned, heck he was only the 4th character, as the Twins and Kanata came before him! When Hajime was searching information on people who would get caught up in the Tragedy during the Practical Exams arc when recovering from his ankle injury, he came across information that the Otonokoji Twins as part of their nationwide tour, were planning to visit Tokyo on July 5th. After hearing from the Anons how much of a bitch Kanade was, he made notes to do something about it but nothing much came from it. But as we know the Practical Exams had a heck of a fallout as Hajime revealed his superhero persona Kasugano for the first time to the general public, and the fallout of his exposing the teachers’ abuse meant that a third of the facility staff got fired, including the school’s guidance councillor. This meant Hope’s Peak brought in more people, mainly alumni from previous classes, and among them was Yoruko Kabuga, the former Ultimate Hostess. She requested to see Hajime which seemed very unusual. Sure, Hajime had a bit of a reputation in Hope’s Peak at that point as his preventing of Natsumi and Sato from killing themselves was extremely well known in the school and he has a few friends from the Main Course, but a newcomer like Yoruko wouldn’t have known that, it’s got to be more than that. And when talking to Yoruko, she accidently slipped and called Hajime ‘Kamakura’, but she shouldn’t have known about Hajime and Izuru being linked. Firstly, knowledge on the Project shouldn’t be known to her, and secondly Hajime cancelled his participation in said project. The only way that Yoruko could have known is if she is like Hajime and came from the future. A quick trip to the Physics building and a scan from Umeko confirmed that yes, Hajime isn’t the only time traveller around and Yoruko is another fellow resident from the OG Timeline.
Yoruko now being a fellow time traveller, obviously meant she threw her lot in with Hajime and joined the Quantum Crew. With that Hajime was able to get more details about the Void Killing Game from her, trying to persuade her that Void CAN be redeemed, and said they are no different from him and his friends, who did more fucked up shit then they did. Yoruko was relucent but she did relent in the end. And with Yoruko, Hajime was able to get precise details and after hearing how deprived Kanade truly was and that Hibiki was the biggest victim in all of this, he decided to go to the concert for two reasons. Firstly, to expose to the world Kanade’s true nature and get her arrested, and secondly to rescue Hibiki.
Naturally things didn’t go to plan at first as Kanade showed precisely WHY she gotten away from killing for so long as she tricked Hajime and Chiaki into eating poisoned chocolate and they died slowly and painfully. But little did Kanade or Hajime know is that he had a special power. When bathing with his girlfriends, yes plural, they noticed that Hajime had 9 glowing dots on his back and they are emitting concentrated Tachyonic energy that Umeko couldn’t figure out why this was going on. But when Kanade killed Hajime, he suddenly found himself outside of the hotel with Chiaki and the twins a few hours earlier. He hastily changed his plans and once back at the hotel he looked in the mirror and saw that his once 9 dots are now 8, implying he has up to nine lives, and he used one up. It’s a cool mechanic and it makes sense because whatever power bestowed Hajime with this ability also knows that Junko is a very tough opponent to defeat. It also gives Hajime a bit of a safety net so if things go really wrong, he can just reset and try again.
But eventually Hajime and co succeeded in nailing Kanade and getting her arrested, and Hibiki’s worldview just shatters. Imagine if you are Hibiki for a second. Throughout your entire life your parents have neglected you and all you had was your twin little sister. You did a lot of activities together and eventually discovered you two are really good at music, and thus decide to put a band together, and it became so good and popular that you decided to hit the idol industry. Your band, Melody Rhythm, topped the charts and your nationwide tour is a huge success. Sure, there is that annoying ‘curse’ rumours about how everyone close to you disappeared or committed suicide, but those are dumb rumours by haters, you don’t let that bother you. Then in Tokyo, you meet up with some students from Hope’s Peak Academy and they are looking to scout you and your sister for the prestigious school that graduation guarantees success for life. Hajime, the Ultimate Detective, said that those ‘curse rumours’ aren’t mere rumours, there is in fact a stalker that is after you and your sister and they are responsible for all the disappearances and suicides that have plagued your life. That’s…worrying but surely with the Ultimate Detective on the case, the stalker will be caught, those nasty curse rumours will disappear and you have new friends in Hope’s Peak Academy, right? And you get along really well with him and his girlfriend Chiaki, the Ultimate Gamer. Then one day you and Chiaki are shopping and meet up with some of Chiaki’s friends, who also seem like nice people. You are a bit worried where Kanade is but Chiaki said she’s with Hajime so they will join up with you two shortly. And then Chiaki goes to the bathroom and suddenly, the speakers in the shopping mall come to life. A conversation between Hajime and Kanade is broadcasted across the entire mall, and the truth comes out. All those disappearances…all those suicides…all those accidents…all of them were caused by the one person you trusted above all else, and worst of all, she did it because she had an incestuous lust over you and would kill anyone who gets close to you in order to degrade your mind into a subservient ‘puppet state’ where you do EVERYTHING she asks for. And just like that life as you knew it was OVER.
Unsurprisely Hibiki does not take the news well, so badly she takes it she immediately turns into the ‘puppet state’ where in her catatonic state, Chiaki and Mikan had to carry her to Yoruko’s car, thankfully, Hibiki is a short and light girl so this task is a lot easier than it could have been. I mean if Iroha of all people was able to carry Kanade back to the Monocruise in SDRA2, then I’m sure the combined efforts of Chiaki and Mikan could cope. After Kanade is tied up having been beaten to near unconscious by Sonia, clearing up all evidence that Hajime was there, and Gundham having finished leaving the evidence behind for the police, everyone then heads back to Hope’s Peak, where Hibiki is brought before the psychologists of the school, Koroko and Miaya. Neither of them could make heads or tails of the ‘puppet state’ and for the first few days, Hibiki was stuck in the Puppet State, being fed IV drips to keep her alive. Despite all the best efforts of Koroko and Miaya, they couldn’t snap her out of it, or even figure out what it was. Yoruko though had an idea to restore Hibiki. According to Kanade, the Puppet State does wear off after a while but we don’t know what the time limit is at the moment, or if the shock of finding out her sister’s true nature regressed to into a permanent Puppet State. Yoruko then over the course of the next few days, went through various interviews that the Otonokoji Twins had and got some voice clips of Kanade together in order to digitally construct a command for Hibiki to wake up. Once she got it together, it worked and Hibiki was now awake, having been in the Puppet State for 3 days.
//And so it begins!
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osamusriceballs · 3 years
Eve!!!!! How are you??? I missed u, how was ur day? Week? How’s school/ work(if ur still doing those!)? Have u changed ur hair color again? Stay hydrated and eat tons!!-🧚🏼‍♀️
BBY!! 💖💖
I missed you too!! 💖💖🥺🥺 my precious sunshine 🥺🥺
Okay, okay, let me give you an update!!
I‘m good, I’ve been eating well, and taking good care of myself- AND YOU BETTER DO THE SAME GIRL, I‘M KEEPING MY EYES ON YOU 👀
Right now I have school from Monday till Friday morning, and work on Friday afternoon and Saturday, so I basically only have Sundays for me 🥺🥺 but the semester is already halfway over, I just need to stay strong for the exam phase at the end of July ✊🏻✊🏻
HAIR COLORS- well ... two weeks ago I had like a one hour break between classes, and I was like: Hey. Wouldn‘t it be cool to have short hair?
- and then I cut them to my chin and dyed them purple. No regrets.
That was a wild day omg- but I’ve been trying a lot of colors recently, I went from blonde to pink, to purple, to blue, to washed out blue (aka green), to purple again, then blue again and then we have my current color: washed out blue once again 😂😂 but it looks kinda cool, and my father is not complaining anymore at this point (I think he just gave up). He does criticize my pants with holes though, and last week he literally asked my brother to get some tape to fix my pants 😩 AVSJSISKEKW LET ME BE COOL FOR ONCE, OKAY 😫😫
Okay, okay, it’s your turn now!! Spill that tea- how are you, how does your hair look like, what color is your shirt today, and HOW MANY LITERS DID YOU DRINK TODAY? 👀 (yes, plural, two liters are a good amount!!)
I hope you‘re also well and that school is not too tiring!! 💖💖 SENDING YOU LOTS OF LOVE!! 💖💖 and a hug! Or two!! 💖💖
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goodtimingz · 4 years
dreaming you would come true
intro. pt1. pt2. pt3. pt4. pt5.
AN: i’m writing these everynight instead of writing my essay. plz feel free to send in your relationship goal prompts c: i’ll write them in this universe or i can do it for another idol!
tags: studentlife, jae day6, fluff, college!au
: the one where you meet jae in your second year of college and it’s basically love at first sight. just little excerpts of what i think a relationship w jae would be like c:
1.7k words
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Hi, hello. Every time I say hi to you it makes my heart flutter.
It was Saturday night and finals were over. 
On any other day you'd be celebrating, out with the group for drinks like everyone else was. But tonight you just weren't feeling it. Maybe it was the chicken you'd ate at dinner, the fact that you hadn't slept enough or the fact that finals being over meant you had no more reason to meet Jae. 
You missed his laugh already, and the way his elbows hit yours when you wrote notes beside eachother. The bee line for the boba shop that shut at 11pm on Fridays, and waking him up after watching him fall asleep from a 20minute online lecture. You missed him and you felt under the weather.
Wonpil had been hesitant to leave you, your close friend and classmate. You both lived in the same dormitory building and had met on the first day of class. "Y/N are you sure you don't wanna join us?" he had asked pouting, hand already on the door handle. You had to reassure him that you were fine and come up with some lie about needing to call your mom. This was a time to celebrate and everyone deserved a break, including Wonpil who had worked his ass off and probably got all A's. 
Your mind wondered to Jae, picturing him out at a bar with his mates. He probably forgot about you right? Maybe he'd been hanging out with you for the past 2 weeks because you helped him study better... (not sure about that since you'd always bother him with deep questions related to your psych class just to hear his voice abit more.)
Stuck in your thoughts, the knock on your door almost sent your soul out of your body. Ever since you were woken up by the staff during a false fire alarm the knocks had always made your heart race. You hauled the heavy ass door open with a sigh, expecting your drunk best friend or another random drunkard knocking on everyone's doors.
Instead you came face to face with Jae. Well, more like chest to face since he was ridiculously tall.
"Ayee Y/N, you didn't think I'd skip a day without you right?" His playful voice and the sweet words were like music to your ears .
Without a second thought you smiled at him and every worry went away, replaced with burning red cheeks. "What brings you here?" You questioned bashfully, opening the door wider for him to get out of the hallway.
"I was thinking you'd be boring and stay in tonight, so I asked your friend Wonpil what room you were in. You know he's in my Music class right?" You roll your eyes and nod at him as he places a plastic bag on your desk.
You couldn't lie, you were beyond surprised and happy he'd come. But it was more surprising to watch as Jae pulled out three bottles of soju and searched your shelf for cups.
"How about we cheers? You've been working your ass off and I need to drink to forget how bad the last exam went. Leshgoo!"
Your eyes widen before you realised you were laughing. "Jae do you honestly think we can finish 3 bottles? I heard from your friend Younghyun that you're a light weight as heck!" Coincidentally (or not), the day after you met Jae, Younghyun had sat beside you in one of your stats classes. 
Since then you had been sent a handful of snapchat's of Jae sleeping in awkward positions, so you assumed Younghyun had heard about you through Jae.
Jae looked at you sideways, fiddling with the lid of Soju. "Ehh Younghyun's a machine that's why. Anyone is a lightweight beside him." He was already pouring you both a drink and before you knew it 3 bottles were gone. You were a light weight too, so that was definitely not a good decision.
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Jae looked so cute. You're not sure how you got here, sitting on the floor of your bedroom cross legged, facing the cutest guy, but boy were you glad to be.
"Y/N, you always look so pretty, I wonder if I can see you when you don't look panda-ish." Jae mumbled, his eyes smiling sleepily. He was a sleepy drunk, or maybe that's just the 8hrs he slept for the past week. He sure loved the panda idea, and had even drew a panda on your notebook during one of your study sessions.  
You laughed at his sweet expression, pushing him softly on his shoulder. "Try again in a month, but I might blind you with my beauty. You should know I'm just like the 9-tailed fox when I’m not sleep deprived."
Yeah, you were drunk, in fact you both were. You tried your best to send him a sexy wink but you ended up laughing at yourself because no matter how drunk you were, you were still shy. 
"Does that mean you'll eat my heart? I did not sign up for this!"Jae's cute eyes turned to slits with a suspicious scowl. (You took a mental picture of it, saving later for a rainy day.)
"Only if you let me..." You sent him a suggestive look and laughed as he covered his chest. Anyone looking in would probably think you two were insane. You weren't sure what time it was, and if it hadn't been you're own room you probably wouldn't remember where you were either. There were boxes of chinese food you’d ordered and random things everywhere around the two of you. 
"I don't think the 9-tailed fox asked her victims for permission Y/n..." He had a point. "Okay then, mind if I just-" you reached out to his chest, pretending to cut a slit with your nails and reach in to grab his heart while he giggled the whole time.
"WOW, with that precise cut you should've been a surgeon!" Jae teased, his cheeks were so flushed and you took both of his hands in your own.
"You should know that is what I always dreamed to do, but here we are, 2 years into a psychology major. Thank me later when you have identity issues next, I'll be your certified therapist friend." You found the most dramatically serious voice you could while thoroughly drunk, and sent another wink Jae's way before lazily reaching for his hair. 
He dodged your hands feigning offence. "OUCH, you friend-zoned me? Well, I guess you won't be able to dye my hair pink anymore, that's saved for my girlfriends." 
"GirlfriendS??? As in plural? Wow Jae I should be the one surprised, I didn't know you were a player... But I guess it makes sense since you're so cute."
Friend-zoned? Who was talking about friend-zoning here? You weren't. Jae loosely put his hands up in defence, "Your homeboy is loyal to the day he dies!"
You move his hands out of the way shuffling so your knees were touching. You already knew he was loyal, he had a niche personality that could vibe with others but you never seen him disrespect a women.
"And why would I friend zone you? You're so cute, Have you seen this?" Cheek pinch. "And this?" Nose boop. "And these!" Your fingers brushed his lips, unknowingly a pout had formed on your face. "It's not fair that you always look cute. Save some for the rest of us Jae."
Jae felt his heart beating faster as you moved closer to him. The way you touched him with that smile and then the pout, it was enough to sober him up. He reached out to hold your face with both of his hands, watching as your hands dropped to your sides and your expression grew bashful.
"I think you're one to talk Y/N" He spoke so softly, noticing just how close you were. You looked so adorable, he could swear your lips called his name.
Who was he to deny it?
He leaned forward, gently kissing your lips. They were soft and tasted like peach soju. He could only think of you, if after this you never talked to him, slapped him or acted like it never happened he would accept it. But he liked you, and he couldn't stand denying it anymore.
To his surprise you kissed back softly, tentatively as if you were afraid.
When you pulled away his eyes searched yours, afraid he would find regret. "Will you remember this in the morning?" He asked you nervously.
"Jae, I'm pretty sober right now, and I like you." Your words were so sure and the shy smile you sent his way sent a wave of relief over him. Thank gosh.
"10 points! that's exactly what I wanted to hear because I like you too Y/N." Okay, his pulse had definitely increased to double speed and his hands were sweaty. Even though he knew your feelings now, it still felt so nerve-wrecking to confess. He tried hard to keep eye contact because some dating advice website said it was important, but it was hard.
You let out a breathy laugh before it turned into a genuine one. Was that so hard? Hell yes it was, your heart was beating out of your damn chest. Anyone with ears could surely hear it, which meant Jae could surely too.
"So... we good?" You managed to find words but it felt like trying to speak another language. Suddenly the room looked a mess and you got to your feet, starting to clean. "Of course we're good Y/N, we always are." Jae spoke comfortingly, a bashful smile resting on his lips as he followed your acts. Perfect. You nodded with a grin, taking the bottles from his hands to throw away.
When you turned back to face him, he looked so shy smiling at the ground. He was so Jae, so cute, so your type. You could not resist resting your hands on his neck and pulling him down for another kiss, this time you were sure to let him know you liked him. 
When your lips touched everything except Jae left your thoughts. The way his lips moved against yours felt so right. When you two separated his hands rested on your waist and you never wanted them to leave. Up close Jae was so beautiful you couldn't help but smile.
"So... can I dye your hair now?" 
Jae laughed at your asking eyes, nodding as he pulled into a tight hug. With your cheek resting on his chest and his chin on your head, a buzz of excitement rushed through you. The future suddenly looked less black and white, and more blue? Yes, rather than pink you think Jae would suit blue.
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whats-the-story-tc · 5 years
22nd of January, 2020
"The One with the Madhouse and Her Eyes"
Another day, another flannel. Huh. All I needed is to complain.
Last night, at about 11:30 PM-ish, my cousin (who lives with us) came in, and we had a good long talk about what I'm planning for the future. When I mentioned the A level Literature thing, and that I'm scared of it, but I found it important to add that "my teacher is a fantastic person", so the only reason I was scared is my own abilities. Which is quite right. But on to today, the proof to my statement.
Pocketwatch Friend needed to talk to V, so there we were again, seeking—but this time, finding. She stood in the huge bunch of people in the part of the corridor designated for teachers, as with the second term starting soon, everyone is going slightly mad and needs to talk to everyone all at once. When we showed up, V greeted us with a "What can I help you [the plural] with? I don't have any time by the way, but what can I help you with?" Then I backed away, outside the glass door separating the teachers' area from the other half of that floor and let them speak. Later, when I saw V leave, she was visibly quite moody.
We spoke about her, Pocketwatch Friend and I. She brought how scared she was of V at first, like I was, but when she was taking an exam and V was very kind to her and tried to comfort her with things like "It's okay, I forget what the examples of this and that are, too...", she grew to love her. My case is quite the same although a little different.
Lunch break after fourth period, in front of our classroom. V is listening to people from the other class in our year recite their poems, I'm waiting for my friends. As we gather up and talk, and V is alone, she comes up to us with her personal schedule in hand to tell us the bad news—when our classes will be. Tuesday 5th, Thursday 3rd, Friday 7th-8th double. Yes, you've read that last one correctly. They put a double lesson of an important subject into the time slot where all the school celebrations are and where it gets cancelled most of the time, so basically, they ensured we will get fucking nowhere with the curriculum. V wasn't at all happy about it (she explicitly stated she didn't ask for this), even though she tried to be in good spirits for our sake and even grinned as we spoke to her. But when I looked into her eyes, I could see how tired she was.
Her eyes are a bit cat-like when she's tired or not feeling well, that's something I noticed. Her gaze is very sharp and kind of intimidating at first glance, but if you look long enough, or know her well enough, you can see all that weight of whatever's wrong in them. This is why I used to be so scared of her, because the piercing look is all I saw. But when she's feeling well, you can see all that wisdom and all that beauty I never really saw before I met her properly, in class. Now that is what got me sold on her, long before I even realised it. I have never met someone so beautiful before. And I might never will.
And now, something(s) that absolutely had my jaw on the floor and my heart pounding in the best way. The title of this blog has never, ever been more fitting.
New schedule for the new term. New teacher coming in for foreign English (from now on I'll just say foreign English and V's English to help differentiate), everything is a mess and not even the teachers understood what was going on around them, much less us. So some of us, in absolute hysterics because of the buffoonery going on, just went to V as soon as we saw her, as she was nearest. She made this face of "oof" when Debate Friend told her about some changes that were made. Then I asked her about the new teacher. She was the only one who knew this is a whole new guy, then told us "but don't storm your homeroom teacher. She's really not doing well." And there they were again. The concerned eyes. It was just a short look, mostly directed at me, but we understood immediately.
I kept on fuming the whole German class through, then immediately headed towards the teachers' lounge with some of my friends, to look for my (now ex-)foreign English teacher. Poor thing didn't even know our classes with her today got cancelled. She then went along to hug me and say "I won't teach you anymore", which threw me off, as I thought she hated my guts in the past 3 years. I'm gonna miss her a lot, and it's a shame our group got taken away from her, which neither us, nor she asked for.
But onto V. As we were waiting by the stairway leading up there, my homeroom teacher and V were walking there together. They may have just met on the way, but I honestly think V accompanied her on purpose, because... that's her. She would do it to anyone in a heartbeat. Plus, V is kind of our surrogate homeroom teacher mainly for this reason—to help the actual one, as she can't deal with everything all at once alone. Later, as our homeroom teacher came to us with "Don't ask anything", then proceeded to tell us everything that was wrong, V walked by briefly upstairs, shooting us a look. But as I was walking home, ranting to my Dad over the phone in tears from frustration, as the situation really was that chaotic, something else also happened. I'll just translate what Pocketwatch Friend texted me when I asked her to tell me. (Don't worry, she knows about the blog, though she's never read my posts as of yet. She knows I'm writing to you guys about this, and she consented.)
"I'm going down the stairs, there's [a girl from our year], [friend of ours] and Art Friend. I'm telling Art Friend that you spoke to [ex-English teacher] and she doesn't know what's really up, when V comes down the stairs with her cute little hat and looks at us. She shoots a small smile so maybe she can brighten the situation and joins our little circle, then says 'Don't be nervous, okay?' [...] Then I added that we're fine, but this uncertainty is a bit concerning. And that not even the teachers know what's going on. Her face lights up, I could almost hear her mentally yelling 'Finally someone normal!' #noego I can't exactly remember what happened then, but that much I know that after a short exchange she looked back at me/us from the bottom of the stairs saying that 'Don't stress and TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES'"
She then proceeded to tell me that she finds her cute and now she totally understands me because to her, V is like a big sister she can't wait to ask how her day was and if she could help her with maths. She really does understand the love part, too, though, and tells me every time she wishes she could help. (And called what I wrote about V after Friday beautiful, as I showed her the more private part you guys didn't get to see.) Though I think my case is just a step or maybe two less platonic than hers is, as I actually call it love, it's probably still just more of an extreme case of admiration.
But like... how could I not admire (or love or whatever this is) her? How could any sane person not? I called myself a guardian angel yesterday, but... I'm a demon compared to her. I'm in awe of her kindness each and every day, I really am. Hence the title. "All the little ways she cares."
I have no idea what I'd do if she was the one they swapped out without warning. But if we're going with the demon metaphor... I was frustrated and angry today. But then, I'd raise hell. For her? Without question.
~ S ♡
[Every story I share here, no matter how specific I get with my wording, depicts actual events from my own life.]
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My last 10 years, a little catharsis by me
In the last 10 years happened a lot and I changed so fucking much. I just wanted to write it down before going crazy with feelings
Trigger warning
School years
10 years ago I had just changed schools. I was twelve and my new school was Catholic. I’ve never believed in anything. It was the first time I went to Mass, and I remember confusing the word "Osana" with Obama. Everyone laughed, myself included. In my old school people were not very nice and education was deplorable. But I had one or two friends, and my crush, who was also my friend. The first year after changing schools I lost contact with all of them.
In the first year of school I met who I considered my best friend for the longest time. For two years she was my only friend. At that time, I was extremely afraid to speak out loud, I was afraid to look people in the eye, I was afraid not to think like the rest. In retrospect, my social anxiety began at the time, but I didn't know it. Not yet.
Two years passed and the school made us decided between 3 modalities of studies: “Social Sciences”, “Natural Sciences” or “economics”. I chose social and my best friend economics. We were separated, but I thought it would be fine. I made a new friend. A girl I connected with right away. My old crush from the other school texted me, and we became friends again. My grades were decent and life was good ... And then naughty rumors spread about me. My new friend stopped talking to me, and started bullying me like the rest of the school. They made me trip over on the stairs, nobody talked to me, everyone laughed. The school never intervened. In fact, they blamed me. I remember that on a 15th birthday, the birthday girl had a giant screen where people could send messages to be projected. All were congratulations on her birthday. And then, suddenly a humiliating message addressed to me appeared on the screen. More than 200 people saw that message. Sometime later my crush got a girlfriend and stopped talking to me. And shortly after that I discovered that my father cheated on my mother with more than one woman.
For a full year I was alone and scared all the time. Alone at school, alone at home. I only had my dog. For a whole year I was almost mute. I start writing suicided notes, that then I would burn. My depression started at that moment. And yet, I didn’t know it.
When I turned 16 bullying decreased. My new friend, the one who had also made fun of me, apologized and we became friends again. It was a… decent year, I guess. My father knew that I knew, but he never said anything, and I kept hiding the secret, feeling how it was eating me alive which each day passing.
I was 17 in my last year of high school. It was a good year, full of decisions and emotions. I felt comfortable, comfortable to be myself for the first time in my life, even when I didn't know who I was. At the end of that year, my classmates and I went to the typical “graduation trip” that every school makes in my country. A trip to the snowy mountains of Bariloche. For a week we were going to ski during the day, and go clubbing at night. During that trip I got drunk for the first time, and in tears I confessed to my friends (yes, plural!) that my father was cheating on my mother. It was the first time I said it out loud and I felt liberated. When we returned from the trip we continued studying. I started going out to clubs to dance and gave my first kiss one of those nights with a drunk idiot. When the year ended I only failed of math, but I was already used to it. In my graduation I fought with my mother and ended up crying.
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I decided I was going for a 4 years’ degree, Im not sure how to called it on English, in Social Communication.
But first I went to study English in New York for a month. During that month I lived in the campus (We don’t have campus in Argentina, so it was crazy for me!!), and my roommates were from Peru and Brazil. There I met 5 girls who changed my life. The six of us became very close, even though we have lost contact in the present day. During that month I felt a freedom that I had never felt. I felt really alive. Live to not be afraid to express myself, live to defend myself and make me respect, live as if to forget, for at least 4 weeks, that I had anxiety and depression. That month was the happiest of my life.
Then, I had to go back to Buenos Aires. I tried to get accepted into university to study "Social Communication", and I had to take 4 exams. I passed 3 with honors, but I failed in math. But it didn't matter because by the time I failed the exam I didn't even want to study that anymore. I decided that I would be a film student. And I did it. I enrolled for a 3-year film degree.
In college I met my best friends. The two girls I met at school are my oldest friends. But the people I met in college are my family. And when everything finally seemed to be calming down ... my father left us, my aunt died and my dog ​​died. All in less than two weeks. I remember that my aunt died a week before Halloween. Because I went to a party at the house of a friend's acquaintances and got drunk. I ended up making out with a guy who had been flirting with me for a while. It was my first and last made out session to the date. He tried to contact me after, but I never answered his texts. I still think about him.
My mom fell into severe depression.
I had to take care of keeping my father away, and going to appointments with the lawyer with her for the first few years. I lost contact with my paternal grandparents. My grandfather stills ignore me when he sees me.
I still miss my dog ​​every day and I know that I am guilty of the circumstances of his death.
But I keep studying, becoming my mother's emotional rock, and allowing her to heal. I was 18 and alone, dealing with everyone emotions, and just wishing to die. My father harassed me in the meantime.
But I keep studying and graduate at the age of 21.
My mother never thanked me, with words or actions. Now she is obsessed with living the perfect life and dating a bunch of men. She is unstable and sometimes I don't sleep waiting for her to come home safely. I don’t feel attracted to anyone, I don’t feel like having sex. I’ve never had my “sexual” awakening so Im starting to think Im in the ace spectrum. She said Im just frigid ad Im gonna die alone if I don’t star using my body to get men… We live fighting and I'm exhausted. Im not the daughter she wanted, and she is not scared of telling me that.
This past year I specialized in script writing along with a friend. But I'm still unemployed, and all my free time makes me think things I shouldn't be thinking. My depression evolved. Before it was just sadness and now it's also rage. But I no longer feel guilty for speaking my mind or looking people in the eyes. I'm fed up. All my life I lived feeling bad, but what these last years’ taught me is that I am worth more. And although anger is not the right way, it sometimes helps you to leave behind those negative feelings that people like me usually have about ourselves. I was so fed up, so angry, that I start speaking my mind. Yes, my anxiety is still there. But I came a long way from that shy girl who would talk for a whole year. Im watching my cousin grow, and the inspire me to do better. I fight with my friends but I love them, and I know they will always be there for me. I feel numb most of the time, thanks to my depresion, but at the same time I cant deny Im changing in some way.
And that… that think is a good start.
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You Look Like Trouble (Morning Glory Wine - Cable/OC
Here’s chapter seven!
We’re getting close! Three more chapters after this one! (And don’t worry, the next chapter will be long. An apology for the long wait.
(And as always, not to be that person but if you’ve got the time and the inclination, kudos or a comment would be greatly appreciated.)
Taglist: @this-that-and-every-thing-else  @ptite-shit  @lesbianyondu  @chromecutie  @gallifreyangrandtorino  @ra-ra-rasputiin  @akihecko  @bigstarlightkingdom  @buckyjefferson  @lenavonschweetz
Colossus wasn't expecting Vivian to return to the mansion so soon, but when she rang the doorbell of the X-Mansion, he welcomed her with open arms. She'd been to the mansion twice in one year, an unprecedented event. Colossus was almost astounded - almost.
Colossus brightened considerably upon answering the door. “This is unexpected.”
Vivian had made her decision. Colossus knew what her answer would be, it was just a matter of when. And apparently when was now.
Vivian raised an eyebrow. "Is it unexpected, though?"
Colossus shrugged. "Not really. But I am glad to see you!"
"I'm glad to see you, too," Vivian replied. She crossed her arms, peering past Colossus into the depths of the mansion. “Can I come in?”
Colossus sensed that something was wrong, but he knew Vivian. She wouldn't answer his questions if he asked her how she was doing. She'd have to tell him on her own, if she told him anything at all.
“Of course.”
He put on a pot of coffee, busying himself with finding two clean mugs. "Am I correct to assume this is about our previous discussion?"
"You are correct, as you always are," Vivian replied, taking the coffee mug from him. The mug was purple with little flowers that spelled Ellie on it. The coffee was just how Colossus knew she liked it - black, two sugars. "I'll do it."
Colossus was quite honestly surprised to get such a glib answer from her. She could be blunt, but this was decisiveness to the point of uncharacteristic. "I will be honest, Vivian. I did not expect your answer so soon."
She almost rolled her eyes. "You knew I would say yes."
"Hoped, not knew."
Vivian swirled the coffee around in her mug. "Well, as soon as my lease is up, I'll get moved in here."
Colossus didn't drink coffee. He'd made tea for himself, which he took a delicate sip of. "That is more than acceptable. I will have your room ready."
"Rooms, as in plural. I need your help."
Ah, there it was. Colossus was surprised that she'd gotten to the point so quickly. It made him nervous.
"Anything, Vivian. You only need ask."
"Benji and Shelly both have mutations. I need to get them away from Jack."
Colossus set his mug down on the kitchen table. "Has something happened?"
"No, Shelly says he doesn't know." Vivian drained the rest of her mug. "But accidents happen, and if he finds out… You saw what he did to me. I can't imagine what he'll do to them."
"You do not have to lift a finger," Colossus replied. "We will go get them. No court order has bearing on us."
"Just get them away safely…"
"And I'd like to speak to Jack myself... You never let me near him."
Colossus being his gentlemanly self... It was the first time in a week Vivian had smiled. Perhaps she should have let him confront Jack all those years ago. It didn't matter now, and it was probably better that he hadn't. Colossus would take care of whatever she needed.
"Don't kill him, big guy. Although I appreciate the brotherly sentiment."
Colossus looked appalled, though it was mostly just a put-on. "Kill him? Never! Hurt his feelings... different story."
Vivian started collecting the mugs from the table to put them in the sink. If she was going to live here again, she supposed that this was just the beginning of her chore list. "I trust you, Piotr."
"I know. I will see that they are safe. It won't be today, but once I have a plan, I will take care of it."
Vivian hugged him, the first time she'd done so since she was a teenager. "Thank you."
Wade never claimed to be much of a planner. He was more of a do-er, a man of action - shoot first, think later. His method of firing random bullets at life had worked well for him for the past few decades, although “well” was more or less a subjective term. Nevertheless, his man-of-action method usually got him about as far as he needed to go. In fact, sometimes it worked so well that he could even talk a girl as stubborn as a mule into going back to work.
Wade managed to talk Vivian into pulling her shift that night via his "shoot until you hit something" method. He had to cry a little bit to convince her, but once he got one of those Cry-Baby tears to roll down his cheek (he could see his handiwork in the window reflection behind her head), Vivian gave in. And he may have threatened to tell Weasel her address.
Vivian had taken up her usual spot in the backroom. She’d had more than enough clients for the night to make up for her absence over the past week. In fact, some of the usual miscreants had let their minor wounds fester until she came back. Puckered, greenish stab holes were not what she’d hoped to see that night. Really, she’d hoped to fix a few broken bones, grab a drink, and make Wade or one of his buddies drive her home.
But things never really seemed to work out the way she wanted them to.
Both Weasel and Wade had been in and out of the backroom all night, which was strange because usually Wade had a job well before midnight and Weasel was too busy managing the bar. But they’d both been fluttering in and out, asking if she needed any supplies or a drink. She couldn’t tell if they were catering to her because she was back or because they were afraid she might leave. Wade had even sat in on a meeting with a patient who had to get his broken arm reset (the screaming was awful).
In any case, Vivian usually closed up shop around 2:00 AM, so when she got a knock on the door directly after that, she was a little perturbed. And it didn’t get any better, because when Vivian opened the door, it was Cable on the other side.
She paused, sighed, and shook her head. “Not happening.”
She shut the door again, but try as she might, she just couldn’t ignore the soft knock that sounded about a minute later. Like he’d hesitated, maybe even turned around to walk away, but thought better of it.
It was only when he knocked a third time, even more softly than the last, that she finally opened the door again.
She crossed her arms and stared him dead in the eye, wondering idly how many people had ever done that and not been stabbed. “If you’re not bleeding, the answer is no, you can’t come in.”
Cable grimaced a little, but didn’t flinch otherwise. “Can I at least apologize?”
“I don’t want an apology. I want an explanation.”
“The explanation is part of the apology.”
She signed again, more out of annoyance for herself than anything, but she stepped aside to let him in. “Fine. Come in.”
Honestly, Cable didn't have much of a game plan. He didn't think he'd get this far. He didn't think he'd even make it through the backroom door.
He hovered next to the examination chair, supremely uncomfortable. “I guess you have questions.”
Vivian stood directly in front of him, arms crossed. She glared at him, incredulous. “Uh, yeah?”
“Look, I’m sorry, I just-” he sighed. “Maybe if you just ask me-”
“Alright. Why did you kiss me if you’re married? Why didn’t you tell me that you’re married in the first place? I would have left you alone and I wouldn’t have embarrassed myself.”
"I... I don't know how to explain-"
"You've got ten seconds to figure it out before I walk out that door and leave you here to mop the blood off the floor for Weasel."
She tapped her foot, waiting for his response.
“I’m from the future,” he began, finally sitting down in the exam chair. He'd been on the receiving end of interrogations before, and this sure did feel like one. “I came here to save my wife and daughter. In my timeline, they were murdered.”
“Well, I’m sorry to hear about your family.”
“I saved them - I think,” Cable replied. He stared at the wall, as if his mind was somewhere distant. “I had one charge left to get home, but I made the choice to use it to save your buddy Wade and stick around to stop the world from going to shit.”
Vivian, ever relentless, continued. “So if you consider yourself to be still married then why did you even entertain the idea of being more than friends?”
Cable stared back at her, doing his best to maintain the air of cool, calm, and collected - none of which he could say he actually was. “I take solace in the hope that I did my job and saved my family. My wife... I don’t think she'd want me to be stuck here miserable and alone. I don’t… But I didn’t think I’d even meet someone here I could… feel something for… in the way that I felt for her.”
She stared at him silently for a while, brown eyes searching his face for something unknown. She'd long since memorized the lines of his face - every scar, line, and mark - from their talks. She was looking for something more than skin-deep.
“I’m sorry Wade pushed you into my lap.”
“He didn’t push me," Cable said. "And I’m glad he brought me here.”
Vivian sat down in her chair, finally at eye level with him. She stayed a careful distance away - a safe distance away. Enough distance that she didn’t feel like getting up to hug him.
“I was raised in the X-Mansion. I left when I was eighteen because I was determined to go off to college and become a doctor. I got pregnant when I was twenty, got married, had my son. Made it through college. A year into medical school, I got pregnant again, which leaves something to be said about the quality of sex education at the X-Mansion because I obviously didn’t know how to make my ex-husband put on a condom.”
Cable’s eyebrow was quirked, but he didn’t say anything.
“When my son was nine, he got hit by a car. I came home to a yard full of sirens and flashing lights. I never thought he would be in the back of one, but he was. His leg was crushed and his lung burst. I managed to heal his lung and correct some of the damage to his leg.”
“I’m sorry.”
“He’s fine now. My ex-husband found out. He didn’t know I was a mutant, you see. He figured it out because how does one explain this kind of miracle, but for mutant abilities. He served me with divorce papers the next day, took both of my kids, called the hospital where I worked and had them fire me. I lost my kushy, fancy job that I loved and worked hard at, and I lost my kids. They live about two miles from here, and I don’t get to see them unless my ex-husband doesn’t show up to something.”
Cable didn't quite know what to say to that.
“We make a pair, don’t we?”
"Seems that way, doesn't it?"
They sat in silence for a while, not much else to say. Finally, Vivian reached out and took his hands in hers, but didn't say anything.
“I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. What do I have to do to fix this?”
“Take me home.”
Again, he raised an eyebrow but said nothing.
“Not like that. I’m done for the night and I haven’t slept in days anyway. Just come and spend some time with me away from this dump where we can talk. This is not unsalvageable, but we need to work through some things first.”
Cable nodded. “Alright.”
When Vivian opened the door, she found a wall of people with their ears pressed to the wood. Several of them teetered and backed up, one of them fell flat on his face. Wade and Weasel were at the forefront, bar abandoned.
She rolled her eyes. “Y’all are some nosey bastards.”
Vivian climbed into the cab of Cable’s truck. The seats were soft, cushioned leather upholstery, cracked from age and peeling in places. The dash was equally as cracked and peeling - and a little sticky from sitting out in the hot sun. She had no idea what model it could be; she barely drove enough to know the model of her own car. Nevertheless, the front cab of the truck was comfortable and smelled like leather.
“I like this truck. It’s got character.”
When Cable crunk it up, it stalled a bit before roaring to life. “Stole it about a year ago from some hicks outside of town.”
“Yeah, seems more suited to hauling around a dog and a cooler of beer than Marty McFly and his futuristic supersoldier weapons.”
“I don’t know who that is.”
Vivian kicked her shoes off and put her feet up on the dashboard. “Back to the Future? Don’t worry, Wade and I will make you watch it. Are movies even still a thing where… when… you’re from?”
He smirked, amused by her familiarity. “Yeah, but I never had much time for them.”
“Well, you do now.”
Vivian rolled down her window to breathe the night air. The city was stale and damp, but the smell got less and less oppressive the further away they got from the red light district where Sister Margaret's was located. Skyscrapers gave way to office buildings and medical facilities. Parking decks became gated lots. And the closer they got to the interstate exit, the more Vivian didn't want to go home yet.
They rolled to a stop at the light.
Vivian caught his attention. “Hey, turn left here.”
“I thought we go right?”
“Just go with it.”
He turned left.
They drove until they were no longer in the city, until the skyscrapers and concrete and steel gave way to rolling hills and green fields and unnamed crops. Both of them had been silent since they left the city. They filled the silence with the sound of the radio, the breeze rushing through the open windows, and the cool night breeze filling the cab of the truck.
“Pull into that field.”
Cable did as she asked and pulled into the field, careful to tread only where he could already see the tracks of some farmer’s truck. Vivian reached into the backseat and grabbed her bag and jacket, along with a couple of Cable’s utility rolls and a worn denim jacket she found wedged up next to a pillow.
Cable watched her collect all of the stuff from his backseat. “What are you doing?”
“Humor me.”
She got out of the truck, let down the back gate, and threw everything into the bed of the truck, arranging it until the makeshift bed was relatively comfy. She marched back around to the passenger’s side and stuck her head in the window. She reached across the cab to turn up the radio, fiddling with the knobs until she found a station she was satisfied with.
“You coming?” she asked.
Cable blinked, but the corners of his mouth turned up into the barest hint of a real smile. “Yes, ma’am.”
Vivian crawled up into the bed of the truck, clutching the denim jacket like a blanket. She leaned against the back window so that she could stare up at the sky. Cable climbed into the bed after her and settled in close next to her, his arm just barely brushing hers. The stars were bright, glittering like diamonds in the night sky.
“This makes me feel like a kid again,” Vivian said, pulling the denim jacket up under her chin. It smelled spicy - not dirty or musty, but worn and masculine and comfortable. “Growing up, my friends and I used to ride out into the fields and sit out arounds for hours listening to music and staring up at the stars.”
“Did you grow up here?”
“I grew up down south, until my mutation showed up. I think I was twelve or thirteen when I went to live at the X-Mansion. We used to sneak out late at night and come out here.”
“You can’t see the stars in my time.”
Vivian looped her arm through his, tucking his arm under the jacket with her. “Ten points for the past, then. It’s not so bad here.”
Cable looked down at her. “Not so bad at all.”
The song playing over the radio was an older country song - maybe Patsy Cline or some other old crooner. Vivian almost never used the radio anymore (too many commercials, not enough music). And she’d be hard-pressed to choose a country station if she did choose the radio, but there was something pleasant about the late-night country music radio shows - the ones that played the old, slow songs rather than the cute, pop-country party songs.
“You never really answered me earlier," Vivian said. "Why didn’t you tell me you were married? What made you think about… this? About me, I guess.”
“What would you have done if I told you I was married?”
“Honestly? Wouldn’t have come near you - beyond a professional capacity, of course.”
“I thought I’d processed things," Cable replied, staring off into the sky. "Come to terms with the fact that I’ll never see them again - that she wouldn’t want me to be alone and miserable.”
“She sounds lovely.”
“She is.”
“Why me, then?”
“You have compassion. Determination. Patience. I respect that. Why’d you reciprocate?”
“You’re heartfelt, even when you don’t mean to be. You’re not pushy. And you're funny, in your own way.”
Cable chuckled. "I've never been called funny."
"And I've never been called patient, but we see things in others that we don't see in ourselves." Vivian took his hand, lacing her fingers through his. “Anything else you need to tell me?”
“Name’s Nathan. Nathan Summers.”
“Duly noted.”
Vivian snuggled into his side, the weight of his arm warm and comforting. They stayed like that for about an hour, until Vivian was starting to doze off.
Cable carefully extricated himself from her grip, gently nudging her awake. “I guess we should go.”
Vivian yawned. “Yeah. I’m gonna end up falling asleep on the way back.”
“Go ahead - I’ll get us back to your place.”
The ride going home was much longer than the ride out to the field, as it always was. Vivian must have slept the whole ride because she didn't remember ever giving Cable directions. Nevertheless, Cable got them home in one piece and without shaking her awake.
When they pulled up to Vivian's apartment, Cable parked in one of the front spaces. He waited for her to grab her bag and jacket out of the back of the cab. She started to shrug the denim jacket off.
“You can keep the jacket,” Cable said. “It looks good on you.”
Vivian couldn't resist teasing him a little. “So you like when I wear your clothes?”
“Well, I guess I do.”
Vivian climbed down, and before she shut the door, she had a thought. Normally, she'd wouldn't be quite so keen on having someone stay the night right after an argument, but with his job being as dangerous as it was and her inability to stay awake some nights, now seemed as good a time as any.
She turned back to look at him. "Hey, uh, it's late, and I'd hate for you to have to drive back to… wherever you live… So, if you want to stay…"
Vivian couldn't call it a smile, but the corners of his mouth turned up in something close. "I've got nowhere to be. Be glad to."
She mirrored his grin. "Well, come on in then, cowboy."
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fourmodules · 5 years
IELTS General Reading: Tips to improve Band Score.
If you are a type of student who wants to persevere his or her education in a foreign country, then you must be familiar with a renowned & the most widespread exam called IELTS test. It is an abbreviation for International English Language Testing System and is accepted globally by countless universities and educational institutions. Furthermore, this test is also of two types, like any other English proficiency test: IELTS General and IELTS Academic. However, both the examinations are very different from each other, especially in terms of their Writing & Reading sections. Notably, the IELTS General Training Reading Section is very different & distinct from the Academic reading in a number of ways.
If we talk about the differences in both the modules, the general one is different from the academic test in the context of its language, difficulty level, & content. Although, it also asks 40 questions from a student and he or she has to answer them in a complete one hour. On the other hand, there are three sections included in its format, and they increasingly get difficult as we move forward. Furthermore, if we consider the format of the IELTS General test, the first section is comprised of 2-3 texts. All these texts are based on English life are not very long. Rather they are quite descriptive in nature. Moving forward, Section 2 can have more than one text and as said, is somehow difficult than the previous section. At last, the third section is the most challenging and has one long & hardest text. Moreover, the scoring pattern of this examination is also very unlike the academic test. To elucidate, you get a band 9 if you are able to achieve a score of 39-40. On the contrary, you manage to get a band 9, only if answered each question precisely. For a score of 39, you will earn only 8.5 bands.
In addition to it, comprehending different types of questions that may appear in the exam is also very imperative to improve your score. This helps you to do your IELTS Practice more efficiently. Some general types that have been noticed to come in your IELTS GT test are :
True/ False/ Not Given or Yes/ No/ Not Given.
Match Headings.
Summary Completion.
Multiple Choice Questions.
Fill ups.
Sentence Completion.
Diagram Labelling.
Table/ Flowchart Completion.
Short Answer Questions.
Choose an appropriate title.
....and many more.
Consequently, it is essential to develop separate & valuable skills for each type of question. Moreover, finding a strong strategy to tackle each question type can support you to ace the test effortlessly. Some strategies like elimination theory for the MCQs, collocation for fill-ups, Complex structures for short answers and many others can help you to understand & solve every question type flawlessly.
Subsequently, to improve & enhance your performance level, one must develop various skills for the exam. The aforementioned are numerous tips & tricks that one can implement during his or her IELTS Exam Preparation, thus further leading to a great and higher score. The first and the most central tip that should be taken care of is skimming. It refers to the reading of the passage so that one may get a general idea of the passage & what the writer is trying to depict. One must upgrade himself or herself in such a manner that he or she must be able to sense the topic & the layout of the passage without reading every single word of the comprehension. On the other hand, it does not mean that you spend most of your time skimming the passage only. You should not consume more than 2-3 minutes on it. This technique is especially helpful for MCQs, choose a title, and match headings. It helps you to get the overall idea of the passage and thus makes it easy for you to solve them. Another strategy that follows it is scanning, when you have to quickly scan & locate the answers accurately in the given text. Additionally, you can underline any of the important keywords or headings like dates, names, numbers, places, if you want. As a result, it helps one to be more precise and practical with this reading section as it is way too impractical to read every single word of passage just to find the answer to some questions. Moreover, an aspirant also has to follow a strict time limit of one hour, where he or she has to read, understand, and attempt all the questions correctly at the same time. Consequently, this module directly challenges the ability and eligibility of a student. Therefore, you should do an efficient preparation using some certified IELTS Reading Practice Material in order to develop speed reading skills to locate the answers quickly.
Further scrutinizing some other techniques, vocabulary is also a key component that contributes a lot to your IELTS Scores. You must polish and develop your area of vocabulary and grammar efficiently as one cannot understand a word without knowing the meaning of it. Apart from that, you must also embrace when & where you should use the words. This will help you to conjecture the passage and it's meaning. Along with the meaning, vocabulary is also inclusive of collocations, verbs, nouns/ nominals, etc. Now, to uplift your vocabulary strength, you can either sustain a self-made dictionary or learn new & different words on a daily basis. On the contrary, grammar is also the core of the English language. It is very essential when you have to put words or fill the gaps. Moreover, it also ensures that you are making correct use of tenses & singular/plural while filling up the gaps. Notably, one can notice each of the mentioned things when you will do IELTS Practice. Moreover, it is also very crucial to expose yourself to a variety of articles and passages on a range of topics. Also, you will receive ample easy and hard comprehensions, thus you should also prepare with the texts that have different difficulty levels from each other. Apart from that, facing more of the complicated passages will groom yourself positively as you will get habitual of reading, skimming, and scanning complex passages more often. In this way, this can be a perfect tip for your IELTS GT Preparation and refinement of your English skills.
Jointly with all of them, practice is also very substantial as it is said that without practice, you won't be able to gain anything. For practice, one can do countless things, He or she can read a newspaper regularly to be updated or can read headlines below the TV News channels to increase reading speed. All these types of daily exercise boost a candidate to come out with flying colors to a great extent. However, along with all these activities, one should also not forget to keep solving IELTS Sample Papers to get familiar with the test, its question types, & format. This is a very imperative step toward success as without solving a simulated version of the test, there are complete chances of getting confused during the original exam. Moreover, not only the structure but this attemptation also helps one to manage his or her time accurately and know the instructions to solve the question papers effortlessly. Similarly, you can find a plethora of IELTS Test papers and IELTS Practice Tests that can teach you various things and tips that should be taken care of while appearing for the examination. Specifically, IELTS Online Preparation is also considered very prominent and friendly by various students as one can access it from anywhere at any time. Contradictorily, don't forget to subscribe to the Test Evaluation feature of the fourmodules.com where you can get all your response checked & verified by the experts. Later, this evaluation will support you to know your weaknesses and how to improve them by using an Improvement Planner (also available at this renowned website).
In conclusion, it is not impossible to get high scores in any of the exams you appear for. The only thing that matters is that you must be realistic while predicting your scores. In brief, everyone is aware of his or her current or performance score, thus if your English level is okay, you should not aim for 8 or 8.5 bands. However, it does not mean that you are discouraging yourselves. It refers to a mental strategy of not getting disappointing in the future. In a nutshell, you can achieve any score you want only by practice and by improving your performance level (and basics).
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mentalcurls · 6 years
6.5 Effettivamente
I’ve been waiting for this clip ever since 3.4 Argentina (which took place a month ago today btw), but in my soul I’ve actually been waiting for this coming out since forever.
my 💔 poor 💔 heart 💔 broke 💔 seeing Martino watch his friends interact from afar
they’re relaxed and comfortable with each other, their relationship is as close as ever while Marti’s relationship with them is in tatters, he barely speaks to Gio and that’s it
this is even worse than the picture Gio posted on IG on Tuesday, when Martino was supposed to go to Elia’s to prep for the exam and didn’t go
my 💔 poor 💔 heart 💔 breaking 💔 again because, despite Giovanni’s reassurances on Monday, Martino doesn’t believe Elia has forgiven him so he chooses to stay away from him... and let’s not forget Elia sits next to Marti during classes
Elia leaves, Martino finally approaches Giovanni, but he looks like he’s going to his death, look at his face, my poor baby
has he ever been bluer?
deep breaths baby, deep breaths
JEsus, the awkwardness between them kills me
the seconds of silence between the greeting and Marti asking the first question, Martino licking his lips and swallowing like he’s gathering the courage to say something monumental despite it being a silly, innocent question
THE STILTED CONVERSATION oh God why, I’m hurting
“Ma non penso che ti interessi, no?” (But I don’t think you’re interested, right?) is Martino twisting a knife into his own wound because he’s saying: you don’t want to go out with the radio guys, you don’t want to get involved into something I’m doing (and I like, because we’ve seen he’s putting more effort into it with the Virginia Woolf thing on Wednesday - though it might also be something to keep his mind occupied on something that is not his crumbling relationships), you don’t want to spend time with me
I mean, Marti obviously knows, intellectually, that Gio doesn’t want to go to radio things because of Eva and because it’s just not his thing, but deep inside it’s just another refusal, one which Martino preemptively steels himself for
That “se… se ti va puoi… puoi venire da me” (If you’d like you can come to mine) is said in the same tone Martino has when he tells Filippo he’s seeing a boy in 5.5 Pride and when he asks Sana about homosexuality and religion in 4.3 Evoluzione
“Pizza, mortazza e City-Real” ICONIC
Marti asks Gio to hang out with a half smile (!!!) but Gio remains impassible and Martino’s smile falls
when Giovanni asks about their score, it’s as good as a YES FINALLY, it’s the rebuilding of the bridge between them and Martino smiles fully possibly for the first time in weeks because that’s their game, their ritual, their friendship going back to normal
Marti and Gio who are still laughing and making fun of one another while playing FIFA
(FIFA is a big bonding ritual for the boysquad, it’s the way they settle bets, it’s one of the topics they tease each other about, they play tournaments when they don’t know what to do, they keep long term score of who’s best and it’s something they all love, it’s a place of comfort for them)
(FIFA is a football/soccer game, which is imho significant as the setting Marti picks for his coming out, he’s trying to reinforce the idea that he’s still a guy who loves “boy things” like sports and videogames, despite his sexuality - as well as trying to reinforce that he’s still the same guy who played the previous 47+56 games he and Gio kept score of)
(the fact that Gio hesitates before starting to play FIFA again after Martino tells him he likes boys probably ups the level of panic in Marti’s head, because what if he’s gonna be excluded from something as important for their group and as “masculine” as FIFA now??)
(when Gio starts to play again AND ASKS MARTINO ABOUT NICO AT THE SAME TIME it’s such an important thing for Marti because he finds out can have it all)
I would like to thank not only God but also Jesus and LudoBesse for the closeups of Ludovico Tersigni’s face when he smiles 🙏
Their knees touching just gets to me, for no real reason, and I kinda wish we were able to see if they kept touching for the whole time or if Marti retracted after coming out
EFFFFFFettttttivaaamenteeeeee (make it last longer c’mon, Marti, I know you can)
is it me or does Marti look a tad disappointed when Gio asks him if the person he likes is Emma? maybe it’s just nerves
Marti who keeps stealing glances at Giovanni, checking in constantly
Gio senses Martino is uncomfortable, especially after the “ma non l’hai capito?” “no non si capisce un cazzo” (“don’t you know?” “no, I can’t understand you for shit”) exchange, and cracks the Sana joke to make him relax a bit, you can see he’s trying to keep a straight face long enough to speak without giving himself away (he should learn to deliver jokes from Nico, I mean, he kept a straight face for the whole Maddalena and hypertrichosis thing)
“Non *swallows* non è una ragazza” (It’s not *swallows* it’s not a girl) POOR BABY DEER HE CAN’T EVEN SPEAK  his throat must be so dry, he must be trying to keep breathing normally so hard, he’s probably shaking and THEN HE CLENCHES HIS JAW
once again Marti is steeling himself for the worst
and Gio just goes... slack, is the best way I can think to describe it, for a second. I don’t think it’s surprise? At least not for the gay thing, maybe for the fact that Marti actually confirmed it for him. It may also be relief
it’s just a second, then Gio gathers himself and thinks, looks at Marti who can’t meet his eyes
“Sono io?” (mind, non-Italian fans, it’s not a “Is it me?”, it’s more of a “It’s me?”)
I LIVE FOR MARTINO OVERCOMPENSATING WHEN HE DENIES IT to hide the fact that he did, indeed, crush on Gio for a long time 😘
the smiles. their smiles. Marti is slowly relaxing, Gio is finally understanding what’s going on with him and they feel like THEY’RE FINALLY FRIENDS AGAIN✨
Marti thinks it’s over, the three most important things he can see Gio wanting to know about (why’s Martino hurting, that Marti is gay and that he’s not in love with him) are out there and cleared between them now, and Gio smiled! And had nothing bad to say! Except he won’t play. Uh-oh.
HA, Giovanni Garau, patron saint of best friends, does it again! He’s put together all the little pieces, all the scraps of interaction, all the tiny moments when something he couldn’t quite pinpoint happened and BAM! He gets it, he knows.
Martino’s wry smile and nod
Gio mirroring him and nodding as well, halfway between “Okay, I can see it” and “Dude, well done, I’m actually kind of impressed”
and then Gio comes in like a wrecking ball against toxic masculinity and compliments Marti on his choice of man
Marti who acts like he’s never even noticed whether Nico is attractive or not
Marti looks so embarrassed, he should have been blushing (FE_CESARI UR GOOD BUT WHERE ARE MY BLUSHES ARE YOU A REDHEAD OR NOT????)
I wonder how closely Gio is mirroring the comments Martino usually makes when Gio himself tells him he’s attracted to a girl, maybe even when he told him about Eva? He tries his best to be supportive even though he doesn’t really understand, the exact same way Marti has always been supportive of him despite not understanding girls’ appeal
“Che fate, state insieme, uscite, COME STAI?” (What’s happening there, are you togethere, are you dating, how are you?) COME STAI GUYS most supportive best friend ever
“È un po’ strano lui” (He’s kind of weird) is such a weird way to put it? I mean, sure, you could say Nico acted weird, but not for the reasons Martino gives Gio, imo; he’s “weird” for changing schools in his last year, for his granddad’s puppets, for asking Marti to ditch a party he himself had asked him to and for dragging him to an abandoned pool of all places; Marti instead describes his as weird for appearing undecided, for seemingly stringing him along
is that a hint of disgust, almost, I detect in Martino’s voice while he quotes Niccolò’s text? Is he that fed up?
Gio makes a sound at that, that I can’t decide if it’s just an encouragement for Marti to go on, or if it’s an “okay, got it” while he plans Niccolò’s demise for daring to string Martino along
still, Giovanni sides with Martino but doesn’t tell his best friend he’s better off without Nico or make any threats of retribution or promises to fight for Marti’s honour or smth, because he’s a supportive pal who will trashtalk Marti’s s.o. when he acts like a dick but will still support Marti’s feelings for him and believes in Martio’s ability to take care of himself
I have Questions about Luchino’s voice message, specifically: who was this message sent to?
not Gio directly, because Luca asks “Voi c’avete”, second person plural
did he send it to the group with all four guys? but Marti’s phone didn’t ring, so either he’s got the group conversation muted (💔) or Luca sent it somewhere else
is there a group with only Gio, Elia and Luca in it to whom the latter could have sent the voice message? again, my 💔 heart 💔 breaks 💔
anyways, Marti is the best bro because despite not talking to Luca for two weeks he still offers up his notes
Gio taking advantage of Martino leaving without pausing the game to score on him lol
Gio asks Martino what he’s found while Marti is looking at the flipbook thingy... how much do you want to bet that by the time Marti answers nothing with that big smile on his face, Gio has seen the thing, what Marti was doing with it and the way he was smiling and he’s put everything together without Marti saying anything? that’s why he doesn’t press, as much as in recognition of the fact that Marti already opened up to him so much today
I 100% love the way both Marti and Gio start their sentences when they’re saying something important with “Comunque” (Anyways) as if it’s just a continuation from one long conversation between them, or as if they’re just stating for the record something that is obvious
Marti was definitely not expecting at all Gio to actively tell him he’s better than whoever Niccolò’s girlfriend is on principle, which in my experience is a very common best friend thing to say, and that hurts
Gio grabbing Marti by the neck and ruffling his hair is such a friend/brother thing to do, it’s a fond and exasperated thing in the way only siblings’ touches can be, halfway between an attempt to strangle you and a caress
This clip was so beautiful, the friendship between Giovanni and Martino is so beautiful, their ship is so beautiful! I’m so happy and so thankful for LudoBesse 🙏
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