#yes he's an idiot who made a lot of bad decisions but i said what i said lmao
dulciedeleche · 2 years
ON THIS DAY, THREE YEARS AGO, Cadence of Hyrule DLC “Octavo’s Ode” released!
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And once again, I couldn’t be happier that it exists. It gave the villain, Octavo, more development and shared his side of the story as well as his own outcome. Not counting the trailer or his boss fight, we finally heard his voice. We found out he may truly be related to Vaati via the locket. And you know what else?
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We saw him reform. WE SAW HIM SMILE. We may never see him again, but I’ll always be grateful and happy for what they gave us
I’ve also decided today’s Octavo’s actual birthday as well so HAPPY BIRTHDAY OCTAVO!!
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dira333 · 5 months
No Dating Allowed - Ginjima x Chubby! Reader
Words: 6k, angst to fluff
Warning: Fatphobia but not from the Inarizaki Volleyball team - Also the boys are idiots but they're teenagers so that's to be expected.
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“You’re so fat. You’re like a cow. Mooo!” You duck your head at the comment, try to let it slide off you. It still hurts, even if your face doesn’t show. Crying only eggs them on.
“You wouldn’t be so fat if you actually participated in some sports.”
“Like any Club would take them in, she’s too fat to even be a manager.”
You can barely read the words in your book now, the letters blurred by unshed tears. 
You don’t believe that what they’re saying is true. What they are saying is not true.
But it still hurts. Oh, does it hurt.
If only you could make them believe.
The idea is so bad you can’t believe you’re going through with it. 
It won’t change anything. 
If your classmates find out that you tried and failed, the bullying will surely get worse.
But still… what if it works out?
Your heart’s beating like a jackhammer in your chest as you approach the door of the third-year classroom. You’ve never been here before and you’re not sure how this is going to go, but you have to at least try, right?
“Can I help you?” A girl asks, her smile open and friendly.
You nod. “C-Can I… Can I talk to K-Kita-san for a… a minute?”
“Oh, sure. Stay right there… Kita-kun! There’s someone here for you.”
The decision to ask him first wasn’t made lightly. You don’t know much about Volleyball other than what you’ve seen during Gym Class. You don’t have to run around much - which you prefer - but you’re not good at jumping. But all the other Captains are way scarier than he is and when you’ve seen him around he’d always been surrounded by an air of calm indifference. If he doesn’t like you, he’ll at least be polite about it.
“Yes?” He’s tall, looming over you like an attractive shadow. You swallow thickly.
“I-I wanted to ask… if you needed… a manager? For Volleyball, I mean.”
Kita blinks.
“You’re a first-year, correct?”
You nod.
“How about we walk for a bit and talk about it?” He leads you down the hallway, away from the prying eyes of his classmates. 
You’re not sure how he does it, but you find yourself talking, explaining, rambling at times about the reasons you have to ask. But when you bite your lip in panic, clearly having overshared, he just nods and urges you to go on. 
“Practice is every day after school. When does your last bus leave?”
You look it up on your phone and he nods. 
“It might happen that we train a little longer, especially the twins. Don’t let them rope you into staying longer. If you do have to stay longer for any reason, don’t hesitate to ask any of the boys to walk you home, okay?”
“Good. I have to get back to class now. I will see you after school. You can see if you like it and decide later.”
You nod, speechless. To say that this has gone better than expected would have been an understatement.
No one saw you change into your gym clothes in the bathroom and you’re thankful for that. 
You’re not ready to let anyone from your class know you’re doing this, if ever.
Maybe that’s a bad idea, maybe that would make them see you differently, but with how things are going right now they might just use it as another way to bully you.
It’s so weird to approach the Gym alone. No one’s waiting outside and you panic a little.
Did you get the time wrong? But Kita said after school, right?
You rush to the door to find him in there with three other boys, all of them taller than you.
A dark-skinned boy spots you first.
“Hey!” He waves at you. “I’m Aran Ojiro. You must be the one who’s trying out for manager.”
You swallow hard. This is a try-out? Like a test? What if you fail?
As if reading your thoughts another boy steps forward, his face serious but his words kind.
“Don’t worry too much. Since you’re going to spend a lot of time with us we have to make sure you’ll feel comfortable doing so. You can try out what it would be like.”
“He’s Ōmimi, I’m Akagi,” the last one steps forward, shaking your hand eagerly, “It would be so cool to have a manager again and a cute one too!”
You shy away from his touch and step closer to Kita who simply nods in greeting.
“Aran will show you around and explain the basics to you. As soon as the whole team is here you will get to know them and the official training will start.”
You nod and follow Aran who explains everything thoroughly.
“Can I ask you something?” You speak up when he shows you where the water bottles are kept and how to fill them up and wash them after use. 
“Of course.”
“Kita-san said you don’t have a manager yet. Why is that?”
“Well, Shiraishi graduated last year and after it became clear that Kita was going to become the Captain, he wanted to wait a bit before we got a new manager. I don’t know if you’re aware, but our setter is pretty popular with the girls and I guess Kita didn’t want us overrun with fangirls.”
“Why? Who is your setter?”
Aran stops and turns around. “You don’t know?”
You shake your head, already panicking. Should you know?
“Oh, Samu’s going to love this. Well, we’re finished here anyway, so let's go meet the rest of the team. Just a fair warning, they are a rather rowdy bunch.”
But as you step back into the Gym, the boys are sitting on the floor, quiet like mice. 
Kita’s standing next to what must be the trainer and waves you over.
“I’m Kurosu Norimune, First Coach.” He shakes your hand with a smile as you whisper your name before he turns around and announces it loudly to the students.
Some of them nod and at least Aran and Akagi smile up at you. 
A boy with light brown, messy hair looks up at you with wide eyes and you wonder what’s so surprising about you. Is it your height, or lack thereof, or your weight? 
You swallow thickly and miss at least half of the introduction.
And after that, everything comes to life.
“Hi, I’m Ginjima,” his eyes are still wide, but he’s smiling, a light blush adorning his face. You take a step back and his brows furrow. “I didn’t want to scare you, I just wanted to ask if you want to help me get the ball cart in? That’s usually my job.”
“Oh, of course.” You nod and trod along, trying not to lose him in the bustle of boys running around, setting everything up.
A few minutes later you’re standing on the side and watching, trying to gather their names from when Coach is shouting at them.
“Stop playing around, Atsumu!” That’s the guy with blond hair.
“Osamu! That was also meant for you!” He’s got grey hair.
“You could have gotten that, Suna!” This one turns and looks over as if you’d said it instead of Coach. He looks tired, but at the same time, a little… mean?
Too soon it’s break time and they all gather around you, pulling water bottles from your hands.
“Hey, I know you!” You blink up at the guy but you can’t really place his face. “You’re in Class 5, right? I’m Riseki!” He holds out your hand like he wants a high five and you cautiously tap his hand, not sure if that’s what you’re supposed to do.
“You’re cute,” he says, grinning from one ear to the other. Ginjima clears his throat pointedly next to him and your eyes drop back to the floor and all the water bottles you still need to pass around. Right. Work.
As it turns out, being a manager is a lot more work than you thought it would be. But it’s also a lot less hard than your classmates made it look like. You could totally do this every day. And why shouldn’t you, if they let you? You usually don’t like the books Literature Club reads together and you’re handwriting is too awful for that Club.
“What do you think?” Kita asks as he shows you how to disinfect the Volleyball’s one after the other. “Do you want to continue?”
“If I’m allowed to?”
He smiles and you can’t help but smile back.
If you’d get to have an older brother, you’d want him to be like Kita.
- - - xxx - - -
Droplets of water run down his back. It tickles, but he cannot focus on that right now.
“Are you sure Kita said that?” Ginjima asks again, hands practically folded in front of him.
“Absolutely positive,” Akagi confirms, “As soon as she was out of sight, he told us that no one was going to be allowed to ask her out. I mean, he said that we couldn’t make her uncomfortable by any means, but you know Kita, that’s what he meant.”
“Yeah, but he didn’t say it like that.” Tsumu declares pointedly, slinging a sweaty arm around Ginjima’s shoulders. “And you’ve seen our dear Ginjima. He’s fallen for her, he’s a lost cause already.”
“Ah, shaddap.” He throws him off, but Samu’s already there. “Hi, I’m Ginjima!” he teases, voice high. They all laugh, but Ginjima can’t help that he’s blushing. Again.
“I want to make clear,” Kita starts the next time they’re all at the Gym, no sight of you, “That no one is going to ask our new Manager out. I am aware that this affects your private life outside of Volleyball, but we don’t want to make her uncomfortable. If you cannot focus on anything but her, you have nothing to do in this team anyway.”
Suna whistles low through his teeth. “Damn, do you want her for yourself?”
Kita stares at him instead of answering and Ginjima swallows thickly, pulling his head in. So much for a chance at love.
But still, he can’t help himself. 
Just because he cannot ask you out doesn’t mean he can help you, right? Get to make you smile or even laugh, maybe?
“Here, let me help.” He’s got an eye out for you, making sure you don’t overdo it. “That’s too heavy for you anyway.”
“I’m stronger than I look.” You protest and he has to force himself to look away when you flex your arms. He’s a little jealous and a little thankful that he’s not seen you in your uniform yet. He’s not sure what he’ll do if he does. Probably have a spontaneous heart attack.
- - - xxx - - -
“Where are you going?” You freeze, even though you shouldn’t. 
“To my Club,” you say, your voice barely above a whisper.
“What Club? Who’s accepting Fatties?”
You swallow harshly, grab your bag and leave, hoping you can outrun them. 
They don’t bother to follow but you know this isn’t going to be over soon.
But just for a little longer you want to have this for yourself, just be happy with how things are. 
The boys are nice, Kita-san especially. He never gets mean and even when you get something wrong he just explains it calmly to you.
“We use this for disinfecting. You won’t get the same result otherwise.”
Aran’s super nice too, patting your head every time he walks past you like he’s blessing you. He doesn’t mind when you ask questions about Volleyball even though he’s probably explained most of it twice.
“Got that now? No. No problem at all. Maybe it’s easier if you picture the people. Kosaku and Riseki for example, are pinch-servers. Do you remember what that position means?”
Riseki, funnily enough, always asks you for help.
“Did you go over the math lessons already? You did? Sweet! Can you help me with them after training? We can do it here if you want. Kita doesn’t mind when we do our homework in here as long as we don’t disturb the others.”
Then there’s Ōmimi with his serious face who likes to trade books with you and Akagi who’s a bit too loud for your taste but always greets you with a joke.
“Where do the cows go to have fun? The Moovies!”
The second years, though you find the most difficult to work with.
The twins are loud and rowdy and Suna always gets this scary look on his face when he gets quiet. Ginjima always wants to talk to you and you don’t know why and Kosaku doesn’t talk at all.
You prefer to stick with the third years where you can and the first years when they call for you. No one from the Club is in your Class but just because you’ve made it one month doesn’t mean you will make it forever.
Eventually, you’ll be found out.
“Where are you going?” 
You try to dash away but this time you’re not fast enough. You hear fabric rip, feel the rush of air around your legs as your skirt drops to the floor. 
Laughter rings out in the mostly empty classroom as you gather the remnants of your uniform around you, leaving with tears streaming down your face.
You won’t be late, you promise yourself, even if you have to explain to your parents later why you need yet another expensive garment. You won’t be late, even if you have to wash your eyes with cold water in the bathroom to make sure you’re not found out.
“You okay? Your eyes are kinda red,” Ginjima points out the second you step into the Gym.
You nod and the lump in your throat makes your voice sound nasally.
“I’m fine. Just allergies.”
“Are you sure? If you’re sick you should go home and rest,” Kita had been in earshot, it seems. You shake your head. Home is the last place you want to be right now. 
“It’s fine, I was just… my eyes were tearing up a lot.”
Kita doesn’t look convinced. He turns to the boys. “Start training. I’ll be back soon.”
Without another comment he grabs you by the arm and gently drags you outside.
“I’m really fine,” you insist once you’re outside and you can trust your voice again. “It’s just allergies.”
“You don’t get allergies from one day to the other. You can tell me what’s wrong. No one’s listening in.”
Fresh tears fall. “My skirt ripped.”
“Oh.” A pause. “That’s unfortunate. Can I see it?”
You freeze, shoulders pulled up. “What?”
“Can I see your skirt? I’m not that good at sewing, but Kosaku is. Maybe we can do something about it.”
He inspects the garment for a second before he tells you to wait here. When he comes back, he’s got Kosaku in tow who looks not the least bit confused.
“Oh yeah,” Kosaku inspects your skirt as well. “That’s an easy fix. I can mend this after practice if you want.”
“You can?”
“Of course.” He sounds a little displeased that you’re questioning his abilities and you bow, immediately apologizing.
“It’s fine. You can buy me some snacks as a thank you… Or not, nothing’s fine too.” He adds hurriedly but when you look up nothing’s amiss. 
“Are you sure? I could bake something.”
“Only if it’s not too much trouble for you. I think all of the boys have a sweet tooth, so I wouldn’t be able to hold onto it for long.”
“They do?”
“Oh yeah. Especially Samu. Though to be fair, he devours everything edible.”
You’ve learned your lesson. You’re the first out of class and the last to step in. 
Still you know you won’t be able to get away forever.
But you will enjoy it as long as it lasts.
“I made something,” you exclaim when it’s time for the first real break. You pull the large container from your bag and prop it up, open it to reveal a small mountain of sugar cookies. They’re not in season, but they’re easy to make.
Just as Kosaku predicted, Osamu’s the first to grab one. His face lights up like firework as he tastes it.
“Hey, leave me some!” Atsumu pushes him to the side and you flinch.
“Behave!” Ginjima crows and half of the team turns to look at him, his face turning almost as red as the Inarizaki tie. “We don’t want crumbs in the Gym,” he tries to explain. You offer the box to him next and his hands shake funny when he takes a cookie. 
Maybe he’s just as anxious as you are, you think and send him a small smile. It only deepens the red on his face and you turn back, glad to see Aran approaching. Aran is safe.
- - - xxx - - -
“Does anyone know how we got her to make cookies?” Samu asks, licking the last remnants of his fingers. 
Ginjima listens only with half an ear. You’re sitting on the other side of the large Gym, head bent over Riseki’s books as you explain something.
Why are you just so cute??? “I told her we all like sweets,” Kosaku explains simply.
“And she brought in sweets?” Suna’s voice is teasing enough to gather Ginjima’s whole focus.
“What are you saying?” He asks, voice skipping an octave.
“What do you think I’m saying?” Suna asks back.
“It’s just cookies,” Tsumu argues, clearly annoyed, “Can we get over it and start playing again? I’m getting bored over here.”
“Ginjima?” Kita’s voice cuts through the noise and he turns, half expecting a stern reprimand.
Instead, his captain stands stiff like a board, waving for him to come over. Next to him: You, head bowed.
He rushes over, heart thundering ahead.
“Yes, Captain?”
“Our dear manager isn’t feeling well. I trust you to walk her to the bus station.”
“Of course!” His heart beats in his throat now, but at least he managed to get that out. “Can I carry your stuff for you? That’s absolutely no problem!”
“I’m fine,” you whisper, but when Kita clears his throat pointedly you relinquish your bag to him 
Ginjima makes sure to handle it with the utmost care, trying not to smile too brightly as he walks you out. Kita chose him for this job!
“Do you have a cold?” He asks as you walk. “Tsumu had it last week.”
“No, I don’t have a cold.” Your hands press against your stomach.
“Oh, a stomach bug then? Did you have the curry too today? I heard it wasn’t very good.”
“No… No, I didn’t.”
“Oh, what is it then? Do you have diarrhea?”
Your face pales and he goes almost cross-eyed looking for a trashcan to puke into. Instead, he finds a girl who’s pointing… at you.
“Are you for real?” She asks, voice shrill. “You’re a manager?”
“Who are you?” Ginjima asks, already pissed at the way she asked. 
“Who are you?” She asks back. “And what lame kind of sport do you do that you allow Fatty over here to join?”
“What the hell-” He starts, hands balled to fists. “Who do you think you are?!”
She scoffs. “Like you need to know that, loser. Bye Fatty. I’ll see you.” She laughs and runs off and Ginjima has to grind his teeth to keep where he is instead of running after her.
After all, you’re still sick and Kita entrusted you to him!
“Are you okay?” He asks, turning back to you. “Do you know who that bitch is?”
You gasp.
“What?” He asks. “Like she didn’t deserve that title! You’re not fat. My uncle is fat but even if you were that’s no way to talk about you like that! She needs a good beating if you ask me.”
You look up at him, eyes welled up with tears. Your mouth opens and closes and he kinda has to guess what you want to know.
“My uncle?” He guess. “He’s got a disease… I can’t name it properly, but when he was my age he couldn’t move at all because of it and he got so depressed only food gave him a source of comfort. He’s a lot better now but he’s still got plenty of weight. Not that that drags him down if you’ll excuse that joke.” Ginjima can’t help but smile as he thinks of Uncle Keiji.
You shake your head and sniff.
“Oh, you need a tissue?” He pats down his jacket but comes up empty. “Here,” he slips out of it, “Just wipe your nose on it, I’ll wash it today, no problem.”
That’s when you start laughing, his jacket clutched in your hands.
He laughs along, a little confused, but hey, he got you cheered up again.
You don’t look up when the door opens. But the rest of your class does.
“It’s Miya Atsumu!” One of the girls whispers, clearly shocked.
“And his twin!” Someone else mutters equally impressed.
Ginjima leans around them and finds you easily, head bowed over a Bento Box.
“Hey!” He calls out to you. “You coming? We’re going up to the roof to eat.”
Your mouth opens and closes like a fish.
“Come on,” Suna’s voice drawls out lazily, “We don’t have all day.” 
You nod, clearly confused, and grab your stuff, rush toward them.
“Who did you say was that bitch again,” Atsumu asks just as you’re a few steps from the door. 
Ginjima pokes his head in again and smiles at the girl in question, baring his teeth. 
“If you guys mess with our manager again,” Samu declares calmly, inspecting his fingernails, “Getting banned from our games will be the least of our problems. Are we clear?”
- - - xxx - - -
“Thank you for taking the time,” Kita closes the door behind him and smiles. The little storage room is cramped but filled with light from the evening sun.
“You wanted to talk to me?” You ask, hands fiddling. You haven’t lost your anxious ticks even after all these months.
“I’m resigning today,” he explains calmly. “It’s time to graduate. I thought Atsumu would be a good Captain. What do you think?”
You blink away a stubborn tear that won’t stay inside.
“He’ll need a little help,” you sniff, working against the lump in your throat. “But I’m sure he will do great.”
“You’ll help him, right?”
You nod, swallowing thickly. Kita’s warm hands land on your shoulders.
“Do you have any plans for the break?”
“No, not really.”
“Would you like to stay with us for those few weeks?”
You freeze. 
“Are you… are you sure?”
“Yes. Granny would love you. I’m sure your parents won’t mind and you can help me with the harvest if you want. Or stay inside and help Granny with the house.”
Silence enfolds between you. 
Eventually, with the warmest voice you’ve ever heard from him, he says “I’ve never had a little sister, but if I did… I’d want her to be like you.”
Ginjima’s eyes zero in on yours - surely red rimmed from all the bittersweet tears - but he doesn’t say anything. 
Not long and Tsumu’s crying too, wiping his nose on his sleeve as Osamu blinks up into the sun, acting like he doesn’t care at all - the liar.
It’s hard, saying goodbye to the third years.
It will be different with them there, Aran’s daily blessings and Ōmimi’s book recommendations, Akagi’s silly jokes, and Kita’s calmness. 
It will be different, but it won’t be bad. Not with all your friends around you.
“I entrust this Club to you,” Kita reminds Tsumu again as he leaves. “Every member and our shared goal. And don’t forget our dear manager.”
“What are you doing over the break?” Ginjima asks later as you wait for the bus.
Your hands fold around the seam of your skirt and you pinch it as if you remind yourself that this is real.
“I’m staying with Kita,” you tell him proudly, “He asked me to come.”
“Oh,” he makes and falls quiet.
“And you?”
“Training, I guess.” He pulls his shoulders up. “Text me when you get back, okay?”
- - - xxx - - -
Another graduation comes much too soon. 
Riseki’s crying this time, the captain’s title heavy on his shoulders.
“Ah, like you’d forget us,” Tsumu says but his voice is heavy with emotion.
Samu’s looking up and squinting into the sun, one of his eyes impressively bruised to match Tsumu. They’ve gotten into a fight this week and even though they refused to talk about it, everyone knows what it’s about.
“You coming in tomorrow?” Ginjima asks as he walks you home, the last bus long gone.
“For your graduation? Like I’d miss that.”
He smiles, fiddling something between his hands.
“You know, about that tradition… the second button… Did you get one so far?”
You laugh. “A second button? No way I’d get one.”
“But would you want one?”
You blink up at him. “Why would I want one?”
“Ah,” he smiles, “Just asking. Don’t all girls want one?”
“I dunno. Depends on the boy, I guess. Would you want one? From a girl, I mean?”
He blushes furiously and you snicker, digging your elbow into his side.
“Come on, tell me. Who is it you like?”
His smile turns pained and you step away. 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t want to push you. It’s your decision to tell me.”
“Thank you. Though, I guess…” He holds out his hand. In it lies a button. “I think I should give it to you. For safekeeping, you know.”
“You don’t think she’ll accept it?”
“Doesn’t matter,” he tells you, voice strained, “I’m not allowed to date her anyway.”
“Oh, that sucks.” You pick the button from his hands and hold it up to the light. “But if you entrust me with it I will keep it safe until it changes. Would that be okay?”
He nods, redfaced, clearly unable to speak. 
You tap his elbow with yours and walk on, slowly. 
“Did I tell you about my summer plans?” You ask. “Kita got me a job at an accounting firm in Osaka. It’s nothing much but he thinks I might like it. What are your plans?”
Your hand is on Riseki’s shoulder and you’re crying along. 
It’s different when you’re the one who’s leaving. Fresh-faced first-years look back at you. The second years mourn the games they could have played - lost to Karasuno yet again. 
A new manager will help them go on and though you doubt the friendship will stay beyond these gym doors, you’ve burned her kindness into your heart.
“And don’t forget,” Riseki reminds them one last time, “Kita-san’s rule! Do not date the manager!”
You stop and turn, the tears forgotten for a moment.
“What?” You ask, not unlike a few of the boys who’ve been eyeing sweet Oyama for the better part of last year.
Riseki stumbles, clearly confused by the question.
“Yeah, he told us when you came in. It was very important to him so it must be important for the team. Keep that in mind, will you!”
They agree, some more, some less eager. 
You resolve to ask Kita about it the next chance you get. After all he promised to come in tomorrow for your graduation.
- - - xxx - - -
“Ginjima!” You hug him, tears streaming from your eyes. “You came? What a surprise!”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world!” He says, proud that it succeeded. “The rest of the gang is also here!”
“Heeeyy!” Suna waves lazily. There’s also Tsumu and Samu, fighting over a Bento Box like in the good old days, and Aran who’s blessing you with one of his well-missed head pats. 
Akagi drags Ōmimi and Kosaku over and for a moment, too short but still so precious, it feels like nothing changed.
“These are my parents!” You introduce them, grinning from one ear to the other. “Do you mind if I go out to eat with the boys?”
The boys. Ginjima’s heart sinks and lifts at the same time. He’s nothing but one of the boys.
Not like Kita who addresses your parents by first name.
But, he thinks when you fall into step with him, whispering how you’ve still got that second button if he needs it, not all hope is lost, right?
“Sit next to me,” he asks when you find chairs at the Izakaya. Half the team grins knowingly but you still don’t get it.
“No, no, I insist,” He pushes your hand back when you try to pay for your food. “It’s on me.”
“Let me walk you home, please.” He asks when they gather outside. 
Tomorrow he’s going to be back in Osaka where his job waits for him. 
Tomorrow you’ll be nothing but a too vivid memory of something that never got to be real.
Tonight you’re the prettiest thing he’s ever laid his eyes on.
“Sure,” you say, waving at the others, promises of meeting up soon hanging in the air. It’s been a year. It never gets easier.
But still, he leaves without a kiss, without a confession, without anything that means anything.
Because he can see it in your eyes, wide and warm and lovely, that you don’t get it. Maybe you never will.
But that’s okay. Or at least it will be okay someday.
- - - xxx - - -
“So you’re staying?” Samu asks as he plates the food. “For real?”
“For real!” You agree, breaking apart the chopsticks. “What should I try first?” 
“Whatever you want. Everything’s good.”
“Wow, what about being humble?” You ask, digging in.
He laughs. “When have I ever been humble?”
“A lot,” you point out, mouth full. “Gosh this is good. Tsumu was always more arrogant.”
“True,” he jokes. “Have you seen him lately?”
You shake your head. 
“Suna? Aran? No wait, Kita.”
You snort. “I see Kita at least once a month. That’s not news.”
“Ah yes, Kita, the love of your life.” Samu swoons, clutching his chest. You furrow your brows.
“What do you mean?”
“What?” Samu grins. “You’ve been a thing since when, his graduation?”
You choke on a bit of Onigiri. “What?! No! EW!”
“What?” Samu laughs disbelievingly. “I mean Ginjima told me you went to his place for the break. That’s kinda like making it official.”
“NO!” You belt out, horrified. “That’s what you all thought? But I was… But he is… We’ve always been more like brother and sister.”
Samu shrugs. “I mean he never seemed to mind that Ginjima was head over heels for you, so I didn’t bother-”
Your jaw slackens. “What?” You ask, voice breaking. “Ginjima was what?”
Samu halts, bottle of soy sauce in his hands.
“Don’t tell me you didn’t know.”
“How would I know?”
“How would you not?! He’s got a crush on you since the day you started! Kita made it very clear though that no one was allowed to ask you out and Suna thought it was because he called dibs on you… Are you okay?”
You shake your head.
If he’d pulled the floor from under your feet you couldn’t have been more at a loss.
“Oh my god. I still have his second button.”
“Who’s?” Samu asks, taking a piece of Nigiri Sushi from your plate and popping it into his mouth. 
“Damn. That guy was bold. I mean I was never fully sure you were dating Kita after all, but at least Ginjima was convinced that you liked him more than him.”
“As a brother, maybe.” You huff, heart beating. Everything looks different now, looking back, with that information in mind.
“You need Sake?” Samu asks, voice comforting. “Or Soju?”
Sleep isn’t coming to you these days.
Kita’s explanations made sense - you had been afraid of everyone breathing back then, scared shitless every time someone other than him or Aran tried to speak to you - and you couldn’t hold it against him that he tried to protect you.
You’d have to talk to their current Captain though, to make sure that ridiculous rule wasn’t still in use.
You’d have to talk to Ginjima too at one point. But you don’t know what to say yet.
If you think of him now, all the moments you’ve been through together, the little things stand out so much more.
How he’d always been so eager to help, always wanting to talk.
How often he blushed around you. 
How he defended you, told the other second years - no doubt that whole plan had been his idea. 
You can’t think about all those quiet walks home, side by side yet barely touching, how he asked about your day and told you of his, without curling into a ball, warmth filling you to the point of overflowing.
If Kita’s the warmth of a fireplace in winter, a spot to stay safe and comforted, Ginjima is the warmth of the spring sun, guiding you outside. He’s the bright blue sky on summer days that makes you want to stay awake forever.
And every night, without fail, you pull his second button from its safe place and rest it where it had been on his blazer, on the place closest to your heart.
Ginjima works as a Gym Instructor now, not far from where you work.
Twice you’ve walked by and chickened out. You’re not sure you’ll be more successful today.
This time, though, you spot him through the tall windows. 
He looks just like the last time you were a team, a towel slung around his shoulders.
It’s that sight that gives you the push you need and you step into the Gym, heart beating in your throat.
He turns and spots you, surprise widening his face. It reminds you of the first time you’ve met and your heart beats even faster.
“Hey!” He rushes over, almost tripping over a weight. “What brings you here.”
“I have something for you.” You stretch out your hand.
Ginjima stops and stares.
“I…” He starts, face split between confusion and pain he’s trying to hide. “I don’t understand.”
“It’s mine,” you explain nervously. “Samu told me… That you had a crush on me.”
“What?” He blushes furiously. “He told you what?”
“And that everyone thought I was dating Kita. We’re just... We’re just friends. Like brother and sister, actually. I didn’t know… I didn’t know you liked me,” your voice is getting lower but his eyes are wide.
“How could I not like you? You’re literally perfect!” He shouts and from somewhere behind him you can hear a voice shushing him.
You snort and he laughs, flustered, hand moving to take yours - and the button.
“And the No Date Rule?” Ginjima asks as if he’d only just remembered it.
“Officially no longer valid.”
- - - xxx - - -
“Lovebirds are in!” Tsumu declares loudly from the bar as the door opens. Ginjima shoots his cap at him, whistling in victory when he hits him square in the head.
“Don’t fight,” you chide behind him, your hand in his. “Are we late?”
“Nah,” Riseki waves from the other side, “Like you’d ever be. Ginjima should be glad to have you.”
“I am!” He declares. “Who’s questioning it?!”
“No one,” Kosaku drawls, hugging you as he moves toward the bathroom. But have some mercy on the single guys.”
“Hey, I could have a girlfriend if I wanted to!” Tsumu points out, followed by laughter.
On nights like this, when they all get together to watch one of them on TV - today it’s Aran - things hardly ever calm down.
But he wouldn’t change this for the world, not even when he has to work a shift tomorrow.
It reminds him of being young and a fool like he’s got nothing to lose and yet so much to fight for.
And when you curl into his side on the Couch, cheer him on when he manages to eat his bowl of soup faster than Tsumu, or defend him against Suna’s jabs he knows that nothing much has changed.
He’s still a fool in love.
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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michanvalentine · 6 months
Things about Vincent Valentine that I read around and piss me off. Vol.2
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"Vincent was too shy and passive. He is an idiot."
Usually in reference to his attitude towards Lucrecia after the breakup. As if he could somehow save his relationship with her (and thus prevent everything else). I say yes, perhaps he could have sought further clarification, but for me the situation has never been so simple and linear.
Ok, let's start from the beginning. First of all, Vincent is a sensitive and intelligent person, with an above-average education. A person who thinks a lot, even too much. So calling him an idiot, especially in such a context, is really having a superficial reading of the character. Honestly, this statement bothers me a lot even when it is extended to the other part: Lucrecia. But that's another story... Secondly, let's remember that the two had a real relationship. In DoC Vincent was never a sort of stalker fixated on Lucrecia despite the unrequited love, as he might have appeared in the OG (unless the remake wants to tell yet another story.) Even Hojo was aware of their love story, in fact when Lucrecia pronounces the fateful "Yes, doctor" he says: "So you've come to your senses and chosen me." And I don't think Hojo was exactly the type to care about gossip.
That said, I would add my interpretation on Vincent's "passivity". A while ago I read a comment, something like: Lucrecia went with Hojo to gauge how much Vincent cared about her, since she thought he hated her due to the Grimoire's death. So she was waiting for Vincent to react and take her away from Hojo, but Vincent was just too shy and passive to do something so outrageous. I couldn't help but respond to this comment like this: This would be a really sick way of demanding attention. In this case Lucrecia would be truly mentally ill and Vincent would simply be a sane person who behaves properly. I believe there are several biases in this regard. First and foremost, the old-fashioned concept of Prince Charming rescuing the damsel in distress. Which I hate. Secondly I don't think Lucrecia left Vincent because she thought he despised her for the Grimoire incident. Otherwise she wouldn't have needed to push him away, because in that case Vincent himself would have been the one to leave her. No, the reasons are different:
Feelings of guilt led her to think she couldn't be by his side. As if Vincent didn't deserve someone as bad as her in his life.
Every time she looked at Vincent, given the extreme similarity, she saw Grimoire again and remembered the event that had traumatized her.
Obviously Lucrecia didn't put Vincent to the test, she was determined to put as much distance as possible between her and Vincent because she felt it was right for him and too painful for her to continue. Stop. The relationship with Hojo is an addition, but also desired for other reasons. She neither expected nor wanted to be saved. Not to mention that Vincent is not Lucrecia's father and had neither the responsibility nor the duty to do so. She is an adult. Certainly, by breaking off their relationship, Lucrecia has also made a decision for Vincent. He didn't object, he passively accepted and stepped aside. But are we sure he could have done otherwise? Are we sure he could change Lucrecia's mind? How exactly? Young Vincent was naive and introverted, but Vincent's passivity in this case was also determined by other factors. Maybe he could have made his feelings about Grimoire's death and about Lucrecia more clear. But at the same time I think it wasn't necessary, because they were obvious. It's Lucrecia who no longer knows what her true feelings are. And she will only be able to clarify them for herself later, in fact at the end of DoC she will confess to Vincent: "I finally realized my true feelings. Even if you may never understand them".
But let's analyze the facts and see how they unfolded. Given the above, at first Lucrecia was so focused on herself due to guilt that she was numb to everything else. Even to Vincent. In DoC, when Vincent discovers the file on Grimoire, Lucrecia yells at him to "stop it". She doesn't want to listen and at the same time she doesn't give him a chance to express himself. Likewise, after apologizing to him, she ran away without giving him a chance to reply. And let's remember that out of the blue he was left by the love of his life for no valid reason, at least from his point of view. Not to mention that Grimoire's death must have been painful for him too. Reacting is not easy when you are confused, grieving and heartbroken. From that moment on, Vincent Valentine was completely cut out of Lucrecia's life. Lucrecia keeps him at a distance, due to points 1 and 2 above, and as a final barrier she puts Hojo in the middle (of course, the scientist is there too for other reasons). In the scene around the table, when Vincent asks her "if she's sure", Hojo really seems like a wall between the two that still prevents direct confrontation. And Lucrecia appears clearly angry that he has come forward with objections. At the Shinra Mansion Vincent Valentine seems to have no say in anything. Lucrecia doesn't give him the chance to argue, Hojo first rudely silences him because he's just a Turk and then definitively closes his mouth with a bullet. But even if silenced, Vincent's feelings and intentions remain evident. Even Hojo knew them, in fact when he discovers that Lucrecia is experimenting on Vincent's body he says: "How happy this fellow must be. Helping his beloved even after he's begun rotting away." Lucrecia herself, through her data, at a certain point in DoC will say: "I pushed you away, but… now I realize, I never wanted to lose you." And again later: "I made so many mistakes. And I hurt you so, so much. Why did I do what I did?" Deep down Lucrecia knew she had pushed him away for her own personal reasons, and not because he despised her or anything. She knew she had made a mistake, of having been blinded by fear and guilt, that she had mortified his feelings and that she had made him suffer for it, especially because the breakup had been practically forced on him. So I repeat: should he continue to chase Lucrecia, proclaiming his love like a crazy in the hope of changing her mind? Let's pretend he had the opportunity (always excluding kidnappings or ambushes). He could have to, yes, but in addition to reiterating the obvious and saying things already known even to the person concerned (after all, if there is something imperishable, capable of overcoming pain, time and even death, it is the love that Vincent Valentine feels for Lucrecia), she probably wouldn't have listened to him anyway. Because, as Vincent would say, "she was always like that, only believing what she wanted to."
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mouthofsillyness · 4 months
sometimes i wish people could talk more about the other aspects of half life, the main characters are fun yes, but could we also think more of Black Mesa? the fact that they were experimenting with Xen BEFORE the resonance cascade? how in game you can notice when the HECU are loosing to the alien species, how it wasnt their decision to clean up the mess by killing anyone in it and was the government decision (still this doesnt mean there werent soldiers who dgaf about killing people), basically anything that happened in Black Mesa during the resonance cascade, the nihilanth trying to invade earth not exactly because of them waiting power but to be safe from something way big (as speculated according to the Nihilanth dialogues), that something being the combine (problably), this interdimensional alien empire is the most interesting thing to me, the combine took opportunity to conquer earth because of the resonance cascade, the combine took earth in 7 hours and that says a lot about it, how Breen took his change, but did he really did it because of selfish choices? sure, he had power by negotiating with the combine, and is kinda his fault what happened in Black Mesa, you can think maybe he feels guilty about it but i believe he doesnt actually accept that, he doesnt accept his negligence about the experiment, Breen is a somehow complicated character for me, he is an asshole, dont forget that, but he was never in power, he was a puppet for the combine, i dont even believe the combine sees him as worthy, the combine problably sees him as just the propaganda for humanity, Breen neither had many opportunities, if he ever tried to rebel against the combine he will sure be dead, and is not easy to do that in his position, he doesnt even believe entirely in his speeches, he is an idiot who knows how to choose words and how to manipulate, also, he probably didnt wanted to loose that power the combine gave him (as like, he wanted to save himself, why risk it trying to save humanity?), Breen is not entirely bad but that doesnt mean he is good, he is what you can call... selfish? i dont know if that is the right word, i made this more about Breen again (sorry but i find him quitte interesting, if you give me the chance to talk about breengrub i would go nuts) other interesting factors in the half life story has to be the combine advisors, we dont know too much about them, they are problably another enslaved species of the combine, (which talking about, it is so interesting how combine is this interdimensional empire, enslaving species which combine can use as a tool, using resources from whatever place for its own), but they are intelligent species, talking about aliens lets not ignore the vortigaunts and the species that habited Xen, ohh Xen... another place i like (not the levels though) it was a safe place for the aliens species, but that place couldnt be safe forever, as i said, the Nihilanth wanted to invade earth for their own safety, rather than wanting power, all of this because of the force when wouldnt know until half life 2, of course im talking about the combine, i love a lot how the combine is written, valve writters did a really good job into writting the combine as one of the most oppresive empire forces, i love a lot to speculate the lives of the citizens, the lives of the metrocops, the lives of the rebels and many things.
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figgymoto · 3 months
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Bestie, no. You can make him worse.
Actually, scratch that – that boy needs no help being worse. He can do bad life decisions on his own. Ash Ketchum needs no help in being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
He's the equivalent of one of those haunted dolls your grandmother buys at a garage sale – the one that haunts your home for generations to come and looks smug as fuck while doing it.
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But this isn't about him, not right now. I'll get to him. I'll be living up to my equal opportunity hater M.O. don't worry. His time will come — depending on who you ask, his time has already happened. Cough cough -- learn how to write your character's journeys linearly pokeani -- cough cough
No, this is about Serena and how she got jipped by the anime. I'm not much of an anime watcher, haven't really seen much beyond the first ten episodes of DP – before you come here with, "oh, figgy, you don't know anything about XY."
Listen, figgy knows shit. Maybe not a lot of shit about the anime, but figgy knows their shit about the games. And XY are still some of my favorite games in the series. I like the story, the villain, the ending. And I fucking love Serena in these games.
She's a strong female character. Not much unlike Misty in the os. She has a path already set up for her – mother a Ryhorn racer – she has a PATH. And yet, she defies it. She doesn't want to be a Ryborn racer, she doesn't know what she wants to be.
But, she learns.
Game Serena has her friends to help, her friends to be her rivals -- she has growth. She grows. Sure, anime Serena has growth in the Pokémon Showcases, those are sexist af and make the horrors that are Hoenn look like a fucking sanctuary.
And then pokespe Serena. Oh, Yvonne Gabena. My dear.
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Yvonne would have kicked Ash's ass if he ever made her feel like a glorified coat rack. She chooses violence. As she should, honestly.
Yvonne outright goes against her mother's wish for her to follow in her footsteps — she becomes a flying trainer on her own, of her own volition. She makes and carves her own path without the pressure of outside forces. Does she have her friends by her side? Yeah. Do they help her to see her wishes come to life? Yes. Do they outright change her trajectory or make her be something Yvonne is not? No.
And that is how a strong, female heroine should be. This is the Serena that we should have seen in the XY anime — the strong, female lead who makes her own story.
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If the drug dealer knows you fucked up, you know you fucked up.
Serena should have thrown that backpack and jacket right back at Ash, then gone to kick that trainer's ass just to prove a fucking point.
Listen, all I'm saying is that if pokeani weren't such fucking COWARDS, we could've had another badass female character who was in control of her own story – not just a stepping stone for the haunted victorian child to get another notch in his uber haunted belt.
XY should've been a series that looked at Serena, even Clemont or Bonnie, and said – haha, get haunted, idiot. It's a massive disservice to both the Pokémon company and to the fans who have gotten them this far.
Anyway, that's all for now. Figgy out.
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s9e9 holy terror (w. eugenie ross-leming, brad bruckner)
embarrassing but even though i've read a lot of fic for seasons i haven't watched yet, i didn't even consider until that recap put those bits side by side (angels conning people into saying yes + ezekial) that the angel inside sam was like. up to no good in some fashion?? LOL. me n dean. i think i even know the bad angel's name because i've definitely seen it mentioned in fic 😂🤪 this is like how i was kind of on sam's side about ruby, like i know she's up to something but we can make this work!! haha
SAM No, it's more than Vesta! I mean, this kind of thing's been happening to me. Like, like, there are chunks of time just … missing. Like there are times when I'm… not here.
💔 sam has a lot of reasons to worry about the state of his mental health, mad at dean, mad at the show. etc etc.
DEAN Yeah, because … damn straight the trials. They whacked you, man. You're not up to warp speed yet, okay? But you will be. Would I lie?
more mad at the show/dean. like, why make him say that. why make sam feel that way, doubting himself and trusting dean when he shouldn't. a pal said it was the righteous man's turn to fuck up now and dean's doubling down
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literally just yelled "oh COME ON" i forgot about this. it was in the recap, but i already forgot. dean made that face and i was like, did he lie about something? i can't remember that either.
heaven politics have my brain glazing over yet again
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other than giving dean the much needed turn to fuck up and need to grovel and beg for forgiveness, the only thing i like about this ezekial situation is dean's increasingly flustered reactions to him popping in
CASTIEL It is so good being together again. You know, this is my first beer as a human. I hope it's okay, me joining you? SAM Why wouldn't it be okay?
i'm happy that sam's happy to have cas around, and i feel like he'd have reason to be not happy with cas but honestly i have no idea where things were left between them. i lose track when it's a plotline every several episodes.
EZEKIEL-IN-SAM I told you. When I chose to answer your prayers and heal Sam, I chose sides. That means I'm not in good standing with certain angels. DEAN Okay, well, you know what? Cas isn't in good standing with any angel, all right? But here he is, ass on the line, fighting the fight. So tell me, what makes you so special?
what indeed! dean and i are both idiots 😂
METATRON Well, I'm really looking forward to this. EZEKIEL-IN-SAM Excuse me? METATRON Oh, please. I know who you really are. And it isn't Ezekiel. NOT-EZEKIEL-IN-SAM looks constipated.
got another funny transcription, thank you. gadreel reveal??? i'm going to be way less impressed with myself when it's someone else
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CASTIEL You said the angel, Ezekiel, helped heal him. DEAN (looks down, avoiding the question) Look, I got to do anything I can to get him back. Now, if that means that we keep our distance from you for a little while, then... Then I don't have a choice. I don't feel good about it, but I don't have a choice. It's great to have your help, Cas. Okay, but we just can't work together. CAS looks sad.
understatement! good job dean, made him make the sad wet kitten face.
METATRON And yet you spent countless thousands of years locked in Heaven's darkest dungeon. And now you're hiding in this human, posing as Ezekiel.
i did not know that! i know nothing about gadreel just bad+sam. lol (and yet that wasn't enough of a clue!!)
METATRON And so … Plan "B." Rebuild Heaven as the place God envisioned it, only with a handpicked few. No more anemic functionaries like Bartholomew. And no more stupid angels. (consideringly) Maybe some funny ones.
i'm not down with calling cas stupid, and i don't know if this was meant to be a little shade on cas per se, but i did appreciate it nonetheless. because cas consistently makes the worst decisions. but he was funny there for a bit! let's go back to that
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LOL this framing he looks like the big robot
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the day the earth stood still (2008)
GADREEL-IN-SAM Humans do seem chaotic, Metatron. METATRON Which makes them fascinating, but... All that emotion. Geez. And the wasted energy. It's just... exhausting. GADREEL-IN-SAM I know. Sam Winchester... It is a mess in here. And the brother – I do not know where to start.
low hanging fruit but i'll take it
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pretty shot
wanna know a secret? i force myself to pay attention to the goings-on with cas and make sure i include bits of it whenever he's around only because he has such a large presence in fandom's mind. otherwise i kind of tune him out like i do the political machinations. he's around more than people like jody, his storylines never make much sense because he just makes the most batshit decisions, they talk about his relationship with dean more than they ever show it. it's such a weird combo. it's like we're all pretending he has a bigger part in the story than he ever does on screen. but we (the show) talk about it, and the fandom talks about what the show talks about. i may be too high for this thought process
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see i forget about kevin too! and i like kevin. i love how completely fucking over this all he is. but he keeps plugging away, forgotten, somewhere.
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no pressure. just a bunch of kids died too.
was cas trying to get caught? i'm confused
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????? okay. needed to fill that torture quota
CASTIEL I've explained in detail. I don't know how Metatron's spell worked. Therefore, I can't assist in reversing it. I was an unwitting accomplice. MALACHI Ohhh. A dupe. The great Castiel. Valued and trusted Castiel. Top-of-the-Christmas-tree Castiel. No more than a dupe.
MALACHI Just following your example, Castiel. How many did you kill in Heaven? How many in the Fall? Oh, you didn't know? A host of angels died when they fell – Azrael, Sophia, Ezekiel
i was like, he got you there, cas! about the following your example thing but now cas finds out about not-ezekial, ok
i am so confused. cas sucking this dude's grace out
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very domestic and sweet.
CASTIEL I… I did what I had to. I became what they've become. A barbarian.
i mean, not the first time, amirite
all right, dean and i got with the program, not-ezekial==bad.
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DEAN You're gonna have to trust me, okay, trust that I told you everything that I can for now. Can you do that? KEVIN I always trust you. (DEAN nods.) And I always end up screwed. DEAN Oh, come on. Always? Not always.
cute cute. kevin's fun
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i compulsively screenshot the bunker too because i'd like to try to understand the layout but i'm useless at it. i should just cheat and look it up. anyway, what's up with the weird bathroom vanity sinks in not-bathroom rooms. one in the kitchen, one in the war room place
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s8e15 (mentioned it here too :p)
DEAN (hurriedly) No, you don't. I mean messed you up like almost dead. No more birthdays, dust to dust. Well, that messed me up, so I made a move, okay, a tough move about you without talking it over because you were in a coma.
oh, dean.
DEAN I tricked you into saying yes. It seemed like the only way. SAM (sighs) So... Again. You thought I couldn't handle something, so you took over! DEAN No, I did what I had to do! You would've never agreed to it, and you would've died. SAM Well, maybe I would've liked the choice, at least. DEAN We can do this – later. You can – you can kick my ass all you want. Right now, we got bigger problems.
i can feel that longstanding frustration-rage bubbling up that's so particular to a familial relationship
oh, gadreel fooled me too. i thought maybe he popped back in because dean was too slow.
and i knew kevin died (only recently read something that mentioned it, i generally avoid stuff around the time period i'm watching when reading but oops) but like. anticlimactic? :\ and as always, ALWAYS just when i start to really enjoy a side character they get killed off. womp womp. at least i didn't cry, that's something
instead i just sighed because "trust me, kevin" and "i always end up screwed :)" so now dean's gonna feel guilty. he's already feeling guilty enough, did we need that too? when they push too hard on the excessive dean whump, i get annoyed. like the whole 4 months=40 years, i enjoyed torturing people, etc. edgelord bullshit :P
the single tear of man pain has returned
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bring it on (2000)
what i think of every time
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mauerblumchen07 · 2 years
Our quiet friend [P.2]
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(y/n) was so unbelievably embarrassed she couldn’t bear to look at him. She hoped he didn’t think she was ignoring him but if she looked at him she would remember the events from this morning and get embarrassed all over again. She felt something on her leg and looked down to see Keegan's hand on her thigh. She bit her lip to try to calm her nerves. He’s so perfect she thought. She bit so hard she drew blood, her entire mouth tasted like metal now. (y/n) put her hand on his after a lot of nervous decisions. “Something bad is going to happen,” Keegan had said, breaking the silence between them. 
“Like what?” (y/n) asked, confused by what he meant. 
“I just have this gut feeling something bad is going to happen today, Not sure what though,” Keegan said while he passed a slow driver on the highway. He hated slow drivers. 
“Are you alright Keegan”
(y/n) asked with a questioning tone, he looked over at her as his face shifted under the mask “ ya I'm alright kid, don’t worry about me,” he said as his grip tightened on the stirring wheel as he drives
“ what you did back on the field for me was brave, but idiotic you could have gotten yourself killed,”
 he said with a stern tone, (y/n) looked down at her feet to avoid eye contact with the man in the driver's seat as played with her fingers or anything to occupy herself “ I'm sorry Keegan, I know what I did what pretty dumb I just wanted to-” 
    she was cut off “ what, you just wanted to protect me?” 
he asked with a sharp tone “yes sergeant. ” 
she said with a soft voice, he sighed and pulled over into an open parking lot “ look, I'm sorry for snapping at ya kid, it’s just you could have actually hurt yourself, and I thank you for trying to keep me safe but I can do that myself,”
 he said as he patted her on the back, she looked up at him with a sorry look on his face “I was just scared for you to know you mean a lot to me.” she said looking back at her feet “ what do you mean by that?” he said with a questioning tone
She looked up and sighed “ Merrick always gives me shit about it but I look up to you, you're like a role model to me”  Keegan chuckled at the reply, he thought it was cute, you a rookie look up to him.
"We should head to the base, or will be late," he said as he pulled out of the driveway and was back on the original route to the base.
(y/n) looked up and shot him a questioning look " who's gonna be there?" she asked
"Merrick, Hesh, and Logan," he said as he made a turn to the right, the base slowly but surely came into view, big but not too big, there were people running around from behind the gate doing their jobs or just checking on the needed things.
the car stopped at the gate, then they had to go through the identification process then they were finally let in.
Once they finally got into the meeting room it was just Merrick, no hesh, and no logan.
"uhm Captain, where are logan and hesh?" she asked looking around, maybe they are just late! wrong.
"oh they won't be joining us for this mission," he said as he paced from the left to the right side of the room
that's when Keegan chimed in "is it just me and (y/n) ?" he looked nervous, you can tell that the bad feeling he was talking about is starting to sink into him.
"no, it'll be all three of us," he said while sighing
" logan and hesh are on a different mission, they are also helping us on this mission, by getting us intel on our target, we will be gone from home for about two months"
and with that, you knew this was going to be a very different mission than usual.
I'm so so so so sorry if it sucks or it's too long- Mauerblümchen
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ingek73 · 6 months
Public Relations Pros Are Spilling Alllll Their Thoughts On The Kate Middleton Situation, And I'm Somehow More Intrigued Than Ever
"I did a lot of PR work in London, and from what I understand of the British press, this is not a fumble."
Julia Corrigan
by Julia Corrigan
BuzzFeed Staff
At this point, everyone and their mother knows about the mystery surrounding Kate Middleton's whereabouts. Why did William suddenly cancel his appearance at his godfather's memorial service? What was up with the whole Photoshop scandal? And don't get me started on the discourse about the TMZ farm shop footage.
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@princeandprincessofwales / Via instagram.com
But no matter which way you spin it, you can't deny that this whole thing has been a PR disaster. So, when Reddit user u/butteredgrapes asked members of the subreddit r/PublicRelations, "What are your thoughts on the Kate Middleton situation as a PR professional?" I couldn't help but read through all the commenters' opinions. Here are some of the most interesting:
1. "I would have never issued that short statement signed by 'C' (Princess Catherine) owning up to editing the photo. Bad move. [It] would have been better to let it fade to the next news cycle."
"What was already weird was made weirder, and provoked more criticism. They are also adding gasoline to the fire by not being transparent about her stomach condition or King Charles's cancer. Transparency is key to avoid speculation."
2. "Their strategy here is baffling; they're acting like people are asking her to post a video of her colonoscopy or something, when a vast majority of people want to know if she's okay."
"Charles's team handled [his medical issues] great! They said, 'It's cancer, but we're not going to tell you what kind! Get your prostate checked!' and posted pictures of him reading 'get well' cards, confirming he's alive and okay. Chef's kiss.
The obfuscation and weirdness from Will and Kate's team only created a vacuum that started this whole mess in the first place. Signs [indicate that] the most recent paparazzi shot in the car was at least tacitly approved by Will and Kate, and I can't for the life of me understand why she wouldn't just wave to the cameras to be like, 'I'm alive, move along!'"
3. "On the PR side, [I think it's] totally idiotic that [the palace] released such a botched photo. This tells me they either have people around them who are just seeking to please them and say yes to everything, or Kate and Will are handling more of the day-to-day on their own than we think."
"To make this blow over, Kate needs to make a public appearance, but again, my sense is she is personally resisting. She has been such a trooper for so many years. One human can only take so much."
4. "Just goes to show you should not capitulate to Twitter mobs. They should have never posted a photo in the first place. If they were going to post a photo, it shouldn't have been doctored. If they were going to post a doctored photo, they shouldn't have admitted it was doctored. Stop trying to appease the mob."
5. "The statement admitting to the doctoring of the photo was absurd. Why say that? It’s like they're liking this cat and mouse game with the public."
6. "CNN is now reporting that they are reviewing all past photos submitted by the palace for fraud. This is so much worse now. [The] truthfulness [of the palace] is now being called into question."
7. "I roll my eyes every time I see someone blaming the 'PR team.' Internal politics [are] generally [what] dictate an organization's crisis communications decisions, and competing interests within that organization are generally invisible to the public. We can talk about the best way to handle this from an external perspective, but we have no idea what the true goals of the most powerful people within the institution (i.e. the King) are."
8. "I did a lot of PR work in London, and from what I understand of the British press, this is not a fumble. They always purposely create big discussion points and controversies to keep the general public distracted from something else, often at the expense of one of the women in their ranks, [like] Meghan [and] Kate."
9. "If I were her publicist, I would have had her make a 15-second video a few weeks after her surgery, in her garden, that said don’t worry everyone, I’m fine and just need to rest and recover. I’ll see you soon. Boom. Done. These vague statements, weird sightings, and long periods of silence are making it soooo much worse. Be first, be right, be credible. They have done none of those things."
10. And finally: "While I understand that the palace wanted to control the narrative, and gambled that the current action of saying nothing might have been (marginally) workable, things were changed by a raft of bad news from other family members: The King’s cancer, Sarah Ferguson’s cancer, and most tragically, the death of Thomas Kingston. This has led to a lot of speculation in general that has grown to the point where it was used as fodder with US chat show host Stephen Colbert. Hence, I think clear and plain communications from the start would have been (and still would be) best. Instead, what exists now is a furor amongst the press and the public who have been excluded."
Overall, it seems that with the Royal Family right now, about five stories are unfolding at once, and the details look messy. Hopefully, Kate's okay. Tell me your thoughts in the comments below!
Note: Some comments have been edited for length and/or clarity.
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anewbeginningagain · 8 months
There is that aspect of the fandom, yes, but there's also a flip side where people are deliberately playing dumb about backstage stuff that goes on and give the benefit of the doubt to the skating establishment when it doesn't deserve it. There is absolutely vile stuff that goes on and a lot of fans are uncomfortable even discussing it because they need that veneer of sort of respectability they're trying to project onto skating in order to enjoy it. There's a tendency to believe whatever PR spin is put on things because "well, the skater themselves said it so that's what must be true", when they've so often come out later and said they'd felt like they had to say that but it wasn't the reality. The most worrying example for me rn is how bulletproof I.AM's reputation seems to be and how people will eat up anything they put out or at the very least won't question it as much as other camps. You don't have to outright abuse your skaters in order to fail them. Lbr, if Nikolaj was with any other school, they'd have gotten torn to shreds and he certainly wouldn't be competing. Personally I don't like being treated like an idiot by people who only care about medals and their own bottom line. Critical thinking and a healthy dose of skepticism about anything that goes on in skating is key. Inventing fanfiction narratives and putting them out there as fact is wrong, but so is turning a blind eye to shady shit that goes on just because we'd rather live in la la land - that's how the status quo is maintained and bad actors get away with victimizing skaters at scale.
Sorry, but you are truly mostly proving my point.
I don't think anyone is playing dumb about the realities of figure skating, especially given so many things that have been made public. But to pretend we actually know a lot of the "backstage stuff" is very much a big part of the problem. No one is disputing vile stuff is not happening, but fans a) not privy to this information and tend to make a lot of it up or just project their line of thought on skaters or their surroundings b) only seem to care when it's comfortable and fits their narrative around their faves or supply them drama. Obviously, we need to take what skaters say with a grain of salt, but the alternative of declaring them as liars and coming up with alternative realities with zero proof is worse. It's critical thinking to take everything with a grain of salt, it's not critical thinking to spread negativity over unbiased things over realities we know little about.
Let's break down what you just wrote:
"Lbr, if Nikolaj was with any other school, ... and he certainly wouldn't be competing"
I'm sorry but what? The school does not decide if he gets to compete. The ones who can stop him are his federation or the ISU and they seem to be waiting for the OSIC (or whatever they're called) decision to be able to act.
You could argue that any other school would have dumped him once the allegations came up and it would be a more valid line of thought, but honestly, even that is false, no way in hell will I believe Barb or Igor or Carol for that matter would have dumped a long-time skater if allegations came up, we all saw how the long time coaches of Morgan Cipers and Joh Coughlin reacted. I disagree with that but I'm also realistic and veteran enough to know the reality.
As for I.AM, they deserve a lot of criticism on several things, on sticking by Nikolaj (even if I think Gracie Gold's book did a good job explaining the complexities of the reality), on not making a public comment when they have minor training in their school at the same time as a skater with severe allegations made against him, on having a disturbing record of injuries among their top skaters, especially concussions. All of these issues are topics that should be raised, however making up stuff regarding any of these issues is counterproductive and simply wrong.
But if you think the situation is better in any other school then I have zero faith in it. Gracie talked in length about pretty much every coach she ever had, we know how toxic so many parents and coaches are and the price of being an elite athlete is massive. I have no illusions about it.
So your definition of la la land is one I strongly disagree with as I think it's more harmful than has the potential to do any good.
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afreakingdork · 1 year
how do i even start.
Miss Dork, do you realize you make me miserable? how am i supposed to wake up everyday and deal with the fact that i'm deeply in love with a man that doesn't exist.
How am i supposed to cope with the fact I will never hold him on my arms or hear his voice say my name? I will never be able to ask him how his day is and ask wtf he meant when he uses his nerd words.
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Having said that
3. THAT FUCKING BITCH HID HIS IMPLANTS!!!!! MAKES SO MUCH MUCH SENSE OMG!!!!!!!!!! I NEED TO HUG HIM SO BADLY (had to look up for that on the google, i've been reading the chapter with the browser and traductor open as always lmao)
5. Reader: "didn't u said u named urself?"
donnie: *ptsd*
(splinter splinter splinter splinter??????????????? i can smell daddy issues, I KNOW THAT SMELL SO WELL)
6. tbh donnie is so lucky to have reader. can a person fall in love with the reader? well, seem like it's possible, look at me. Theyre so sweet.
7. "If all of this hasn't finally cemented your decision otherwise..." YOU WISHED BITCH UR NEVER GETTING RID OF US
8. "it will aide my explanation and give me achance to itemize all the individual apologies necesary" fucking nerd i love u so fucking much for that you have no idea i will kill for you.
9. I love mikey but "orange oaf" sound really fitting. At least coming for someone who doesn't entirely understand the weight of the insult sdgjh´guj.
10.All of the conversation about the bastard's three (i'm starting to have question about this name) is just so sdhgusdghhsfhdfhusg
12. Donnie: "fucking botched bullshit rescue attemnt. He's utter scum. I'll"
Me: u///u
13. "Sort of.. kicked him off the roof?" "Oh and I called him carrot cake and told him to get lost"
"kiss me"
17. Donnie being seduced by reader insulting his (not) brothers
18. "I had made it to 30" the exact moment I started to cry.
19. "I will never be more than a deplorable villain." YESYESYESYESYES IT'S HAPPENING
20. "Your blind eye will get you killed and I will decimate this planet for even considering bringing harm to you" THIS EXACT MOMENT FREAKING DORK, THIS EXACT MOMENT MADE MY BRAIN STOP FUNCTIONING.
21. the final scene is so touching. I really love those two and I know they'll be together again but part of me feels so bad for them for having to be apart for so much time ("at least a few weeks" it's a fvcking lot). I wonder how will reader process al this information when she's away from all of this. I wonder what will happen with dispute of donnie and his (not) brothers.
My asks are getting longer and longer BUT THERE WAS SO MUCH I NEEDED TO YELL ABOUT I SWEAR TO GOD
i hope you have a good day bye!!!!!!!
You miserable? I'm the same way! It's excruciating to be in love with a purple turtle. He is both everything and some how nothing when he is so real in my dreams 😩😩😩😩
S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. is the best white noise machine. There, i said it.
Daddy issues, huh? 👀👀👀
Mr. Alliteration over here has a color insult for each brother. Oaf is a little lighthearted overall, but from Donnie it's straight hate.
Ahhhh!! I'm not commenting on every item, but you highlighting them makes my heart swell!!! I can't thank you enough! This really made me smile!! You have a wonderful day as well!!!
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lady-amethyst18 · 2 years
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(During the clean-up, Cal looked around the room to see how much had been done.)
Cal: Ah, yes. The lobby is looking a lot cleaner. I think now we can finally focus on the repairs.
Balan: How do we plan to fix the walls, beams, and household essentials? Can we even do it ourselves?
Cal: Some of them, yes. The theater may be in bad shape, but it's still sturdy. Honestly, this all could have been worse.
Balan: Huh?
Bruce: I think he means it's not as bad as it looks. The two big things we're worried about are the plumbing and the heater. Everything else can be fixed with a bit of elbow grease.
Balan: Boy, something about that makes me feel better. Knowing that my theater is not totally ruined gives me some more hope.
Emma: But it doesn't mean we're finished. We're just getting started. The building is enormous. There are rooms that we still need to look into. And I'm almost afraid of what we're going to see.
Iben: I have to admit those spiders gave me the creeps.
Yuri: You're just lucky I haven't found any black widows or brown recluses. Those things can pack a mean bite.
Balan: (shudders) Eugh! Don't even put that energy out there. I wouldn't want any of my friends to get injured.
Leo: Is there anything else that needs to be cleaned?
Sana: These windows look like they could use a good scrub.
(Sana looked at the tall stained glass windows. Their colors have gone gray because of the dust and dirt.)
Cass: Ew! They're filthy!
Emma: These poor windows. I bet they used to look beautiful before they got this way.
Balan: They did. I commissioned a window artist to make them. I feel so ashamed I let them get this way. I feel like I'm disrespecting the artist.
Leo: Aww, don't be like that, Balan. We'll get these cleaned up. We still have some window cleaner. We'll make them shine so bright they'll look like new.
Haoyu: They're... Kind of tall... Like... W-way high up.
Balan: Wait! I have a ladder! That way, we can reach them!
Eis: Well done, Balan. For once, you were actually prepared.
Cass: Someone should go up there and clean the windows. But who?
Leo: Could you do it, Haoyu? I bet you could reach them.
Haoyu: (scared) ME?! No way! Don't even think about sending me up there!
Leo: What's wrong? Are you afraid of heights?
Haoyu: (yells) Yes, I am! Could you not tell! How do you think I broke my arm!?
(Everyone stopped what they were doing. Haoyu felt embarrassed when all the eyes locked on him. Balan slowly approached the boy.)
Balan: Haoyu... What have you done?
Haoyu: (groans in defeat) 3 months ago, I attempted to build an airplane for the science fair at my school. A real one. My dad and I always loved inventing together, so we got to work. We built a shell around my bike to make it look like an airplane. And it was a real work of art if I do say so myself.
Leo: Wait a minute... I remember that science fair! You and I go to the same school, remember? But I didn't see you. Did you get sick or decide not to go?
Haoyu: I couldn't go... Because I made an idiot decision.
Cass: Like what?
Haoyu: I got so into building the plane I installed jet engines and turbines on it. Something my father told me not to touch. I thought touching the sky on a standard bike would be great. After all, everybody wants to fly. And I wanted to fly since I was a kid. So I took it out and flew around the neighborhood... But then... Catastrophe.
Fiona: What happened?
Haoyu: (sounding a little sad) The shell around my bike was just that. A shell. It wasn't built for aerodynamics; it was supposed to look cool. So I fell out of the sky. I was in the hospital for weeks with a concussion, cracked ribs, a bleeding leg, and an arm broken in several places. (gestures at his cast) The doctor said I was lucky to be alive. That's why I'm so afraid of heights. I could have died!
Fiona: Oh, Haoyu, that's terrible!
Balan: (grabs the boy and hugs him tight) Oh, Haoyu, you poor boy! I can't believe that happened to you! It must have been traumatizing! But I'm so glad you're still alive. It would break my heart to see you get hurt so badly. (gets a little teary) I don't know if I could handle that.
Haoyu: Balan, no waterworks... (sighs) But yeah. Ever since then, I've been so scared of heights. I can't even go on a swing without feeling like I'm in danger. I'm such a fool.
(Feeling terrible for the boy, Balan sat down with him and held him in his arms.)
Balan: You and I have the exact same problem. We take action before we think things through.
Emma: What do you mean, Balan?
Balan: The moment I graduated college, I had just enough money to buy the theater, hire a crew, and new furniture. But I never thought that the audience would leave me.
Sana: You couldn't have seen that coming.
(Balan ignores her remark and keeps talking to Haoyu.)
Balan: I had no backup plan for when things went wrong. So, like a fool, I wasted all my savings on everything at once.
Emma: Is that why you're poor?
Balan: It is... And it's something I'll regret for the rest of my life.
(Haoyu saw himself in Balan. He was right. He didn't think things through before he took action. But he smiled at last.)
Haoyu: Well... There's this saying in my family when we do something wrong.
Balan: What is it?
Haoyu: Lesson learned.
(Balan smiled and hugged Haoyu another time. Haoyu even hugged him back.)
Leo: I'm sorry, Haoyu. You don't have to wash the windows if you don't want to. We all want you to be safe and secure. Tell you what, I'll clean the tall windows. There are others that are lower to the ground.
Haoyu: Thanks. I appreciate it. And Balan, thanks for the pep talk. You're a good listener.
(Balan smiled and ruffled Haoyu's hair before standing up again.)
Iben: Alright, everybody. Let's get back to work.
So here's the context
The theater is a lot cleaner, thanks to everybody pitching in. Some repairs still need to be done and windows to be washed. Luckily, the damage isn't severe. Just some paint chipping off and small holes in the wall. But let's focus on the stained glass windows first.
But just as they would do so, Haoyu refused to clean the tall windows. The reason why is that he's scared of heights.
Haoyu took his airplane for a science project out for a spin, but it wasn't aerodynamically fit to be in the sky. It was meant to be a decoration. So he fell out of the sky and hurt himself. That would explain his broken arm.
Balan is horrified that Haoyu got hurt so badly and how he was thankful to still be alive. They both even have a heart-to-heart chat about taking action before considering a backup plan. But as the saying goes, lesson learned.
Hopefully, the two will be much wiser about their future actions.
This is my Lonesome Maestro AU. When Balan's first show was a disaster, and everyone left him. He's become very lonely and sad due to no one being around. Until Leo and Emma showed up and try to change his life for the better.
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violetjedisylveon · 9 months
Amnesia Chapter 14 - Change On The Way
Omega centric bad batch AU
Summary: The Bad Batch decide to move on their fresh lead. Meanwhile Omega is hanging out with her new big sister.
Word count: 2.3k
Warnings: Hunter is extremely sleep deprived and guilty about this whole situation so he is still not making the best decisions, also sleep deprivation can cause aggression so keep that in mind
A/N: Happy New Year's Eve! Remember Cid isn't the asshole she is in canon, she's your shrewd prickly business woman aunt and she will tell you when you are being an idiot because she has no time nor patience for your bs.
Also art of Freyu's armor/Freyu pissed off
Bad Batch Amnesia AU Masterpost
Cid scowled as she sat down at her desk, large claws tapping on Tech's datapad, hooked up to the holo projector.
"So you think you've found Tiny, eh?" She asked dryly.
"Yes, I believe so." Goggles said.
"Uh huh, and you think this kid, who's an entirely different species, is your kid?" She gestured to the projection.
"Yes." Goggles said again.
Dark and Moody glared at her, she rolled her eyes. That clone is extremely obsessed with this, it's making him a bigger headache than normal.
"We're going. Do you know anything about that planet or that Pantoran she's with?" He demanded rudely.
"Ask nicely and I might remember something." Cid growled.
In the corner of the room, Scomp sighed in annoyance at his brother.
"Please, I want this over already." Scomp groaned.
Cid huffed and glanced at the photos provided, Goggles had done a bit more digging and discovered they were taken on Massanii. She knew someone on that planet, but Cid liked having both her arms and they liked their privacy.
"I've heard of it, an old acquaintance settled down there, pretty nice planet. Good people there, it's the capital of its sector and never been a part of any larger galactic government." Cid said.
"Do you know who that is?" Muscles asked, pointing to the other person.
"Nope, and if I did, these are bad angles or it's been a while since I've seen 'em. Sector's known for lots of Jedi, maybe it has something to do with that." She shrugged.
"So you don't have anything useful?" Dark and Moody growled.
"I know that attitude won't get you anywhere, especially on that planet, those people are stubborn as fuck, shoving only gets you a harder shove back. Act civil." Cid warned.
"We're going to a very defensive sector filled with very defensive people who definitely don't want clones fucking around in their business, great." Scomp sighed.
Moody turned on his brother.
"Got a problem with that?" He snarled.
Scomp pinched the bridge of his nose and gave Moody an unimpressed look.
"Yes. It's a very big risk with very little chance of working out the way you want, and even if, in the infinitesimally small chance, that is Omega, why should we bother? Look at that kid and tell me she doesn't have everything she needs right there." Scomp ordered, pointing to the happy, satisfied child in the image.
"We made a promise. We won't leave her behind." Moody insisted, his hands were shaking.
"So you'll take her from something better?" Scomp challenged.
Evidently, Moody was done talking. That possibility wasn't one he was willing to confront yet.
"We leave tomorrow." Moody growled.
Scomp stared down at the younger clone, sighed, then shook his head.
"Whatever, you are the sergeant, you know best." He said with just a hint of pcondescension in his tired voice.
"What can you give us?" Moody asked, not even turning around to face her.
I hope Scomp knocks him down a few pegs. Cid thought as she rummaged through her desk for a blaster.
"I'll get what you need sorted out with Goggles, it'll cost you though." She said.
She set the blaster to stun. Moody must have been really tired if he didn't notice that.
"Your usual rate?" He asked dryly.
"Nope. Take a nap." Cid stunned the over exhausted clone before he could react.
Scomp caught him before he hit the ground. The two other clones looked mildly amused and concerned at the same time.
"I suppose it would be beneficial that he rests before a mission like this." Goggles said.
"You think?" Cid remarked.
Muscles took Moody out to rest, and Cid did her job and told Goggles almost everything she knew about Massanii. She left a few details that were far from hers to share out, they weren't too important.
Unless these boys really fucked around and find out.
Something shifted.
Freyu sensed it.
It was as if a hefty decision had been made.
Hefty decisions got made all the time, if she was sensing this one… then it had the possibility to affect her, and Omega.
The younger girl had been acting q bit off since she got back, she couldn't quite put her finger on why.
Freyu hummed to herself as she worked on her medicine orders, she had been doing better than before that imperial interrogation bullshit over a week ago. She suspected some of the locals had overheard her conversation.
Alask kept delivering her plants. Some were utterly useless for what she was trying to do and had the clear hallmarks of young, untrained hands plucking them, likely children who thought they were helping by picking random plants, but a lot of the others were useful to her in some way.
She was thankful for the help, it took the stress of foraging off her back for the moment. Tesi was handling inventory and helping process new plants, which the droid insisted was only so she could get back on training.
With the feeling she had deep in her gut, she just might have to do that. Tesi had moved her armor chest from storage in the house's former forge and into the basement so she'd see it whenever she trained. Tesi kept telling her she should start refamiliarizing herself with how it felt to fight in armor.
An armorless Mandalorian was a dead Mandalorian afterall.
She definitely would do that. Better be safe than sorry, that's why she always had a protective plate under her clothes, even at home.
Her alarm went off, Freyu finished the last steps of this particular ointment and left it to sit for a bit. Then, she left her workshop and headed upstairs to find Omega.
She grabbed a Mandalorian children's book on her way up.
"Meg'ika! It's time to read." She told her vod'ika.
Omega immediately jumped up with excitement and rushed to her side. She had been teaching the younger girl how to read Mando'a, she was a very quick learner and already had some level of understanding of the language.
"What are we reading today?" Omega asked, peering at the book.
"Ade version of How To Train Your Mythosaur." Freyu answered, showing the book to her.
"Dragon!" Omega squealed.
"Mythosaur, but close enough." Freyu shrugged.
She set the book down at the edge of the counter so Omega could read while she worked on dinner.
"What's for dinner?" Omega asked as she peered over the counter.
"Hetikleyc kai'tome(spicy food)." Freyu flashed her a grin.
"Uh… food?" Omega guessed.
"Nadala(hot)." Freyu said.
"Nadala? What's that mean again?" Omega asked.
Freyu shook her head and started prepping the ingredients.
"Hot! Hot! Nadala is hot!" Omega shouted proudly.
"Very good Meg'ika, hetikleyc comes from hettir, that's burn." She told her.
"I overheard Xillyn talking with Moshee about Celimine, Quacey, Sommyur and Vettel getting to see dragons, do you have dragons here?" Omega asked.
"Yes, Pahyyd Dragons, they're the oldest species on Massanii, and they live deep in the Mother Forests, they're very important to Massii, and they make a visit to specific dragons once they reach the age, usually groups of siblings or cousins somewhat close in age to each other go on the journey together." Freyu explained.
"Xillyn will go with Silen and Moshee, Sydel will still be too young by the time she goes." She added.
"You get to go see dragons?! That's the coolest!" Omega cheered.
"I guess it's pretty cool." Freyu shrugged as she sliced the peppers.
"Did you ever go on a dragon journey?" Omega questioned.
Freyu nearly cut the tip of her finger off, her foresight had her moving her finger out of the way just in time. She cleared her throat and avoided Omega's eagerly curious gaze.
She had gone on that journey, she had been thirteen at the time and Maatsu had gone with her, he'd never done it himself so it was a rite of passage for both of them, and a bonding experience since they really didn't know each other that well. But there were several things she couldn't tell Omega about that journey, for security reasons.
"Yes, I went with Maatsu. He hadn't done it before either… admittedly I was doing it a little early. Guess I really needed it." She said with a smile.
"Why didn't you go with Ikurrece?" Omega wondered.
Freyy jolted at the question and nearly burned her whole hand on the stove trying to balance herself.
"Xillyn told me about him, she says Cai taught him and you to hunt with birds." Omega said.
"Ah." Freyu nodded.
"Well, Ikurrece had already gone on it, so he couldn't go with me." Freyu said.
"Why did Maatsu go then? Isn't he older than both of you?"
"He hadn't gone on it, cause of the whole Jedi thing, so he could go with me." Freyu answered.
Omega opened her mouth to ask another question, Freyu held out her hand to stop her.
"Ah, no more questions, get reading." She pointed down to the still unopened book.
Omega pouted but dutifully opened the book up.
"Wer'cuy… maan… Mand'alor… olaror… Manda'yaim…(direct translation: it was long ago, first sole ruler came to Mandalore) uh… first sole ruler… came? Mandalore?" Omega read, then looked up at her uncertainly.
"Wer'cuy, it was long ago." Freyu told her.
"It was long ago, when the first sole ruler came to Mandalore!" Omega said.
Freyu ruffled her vod'ika's curly hair.
"Good job." She praised.
Omega beamed up at her.
"Mand'alor… may'eyir… dral ulik… kot… werlaara…(sole ruler found beast/animal with strength of myths)..."
It was a very calm, peaceful evening. They read some more once dinner was over then watched a few holovids after Freyu did her nightly check of the house and security systems.
Yet even as she put Omega to bed in her room, which the girl had a blast decorating and setting up with all sorts of fun things, Freyu still felt a lingering sense of unease in her gut.
She waited until she was sure Omega was asleep before she went to the basement.
The armor chest sat innocently against the wall, the intricate patterns and details that had been painstakingly applied with the utmost attention to detail and care glinted softly in the low light.
Her mom had carved and built the chest with Wroshyr wood, and her Buir(mom) had forged the armor inside. As the head of their family, clan and house, her Buir was given the task of an armorer as well. It was a bit of an older clan structure, but having the head and main protector of the family be the one to forge their armor that protected them in battle made sense.
The person who forged your armor cared about you and your survival deeply.
Buir had been quite good at it, her foresight certainly helped.
Freyu ran her fingers along the lines of a flower carved into the lid. The carvings were a mix of symbols significant to Mandalorian and Pantoran culture. She opened the armor chest.
The helmet was neatly wrapped and nestled on top of the rest of her armor, also wrapped with careful precision.
She carefully unwrapped the helmet and stared into the dark visor, her own reflection stared back at her.
Maker, sometimes she hated looking at it.
She often hated how her eyes were so much like her Buir's, though hers were "brighter, more vibrant with more contrast between the yellows and oranges." in Maatsu's words. Her mothers used to say her eyes were twin suns. Sometimes she really hated those suns.
She more closely resembled her mother in all other ways, down to what neither of her mothers hoped she would inherit.
Lucky her.
She traced the petal pattern on the helmet; the teal flowers were an iconic part of her clan's aliik(sigil).
Gently, she set the helmet aside and unpacked the rest of her armor, laying it out so she could see it all at once and remember which pieces went where.
Her family's armor style differed from the more modern design, it was more like the full body armor of the crusader days, adapted of course for maximum flexibility and protection.
It also differed from modern design in the way it was colored. Most Mandalorians now painted their armor various colors to signify their clan and allegiances, while the metal of her armor had been dyed varying shades of red while it was in the liquid phase. It was a long standing tradition in her clan.
It was one of the first things her Buir showed her how to do.
The aliik was dyed separately and welded onto the chest plate and helmet. Her gaze was inevitably drawn to the center of the aliik, a wide open two toned yellow eye with the red kar'ta(heart) as the pupil.
It was a little on the nose, but only if one knew what it meant. The last time she had checked most Mandalorians, even in the former new Mandalorian society, knew and revered the iconic aliik.
Over four thousand years of history tended to have that effect.
She took in a deep breath and armored up. She was slow this time, she'd have to practice getting it on faster, just in case.
The armor was heavy but it didn't feel like it was weighing her down, it felt oddly natural for something she hadn't worn before, and it fit her perfectly.
Buir's foresight sure was something. She chuckled to herself.
She grabbed Maatsu's lightsaber from its resting place, she looked into the empty visor one last time before pulling the helmet over her head and waking up Tesi.
The droid looked her up and down for a moment before her mouth lit up with a smile.
"Now that looks right on you." Tesi said.
Freyu couldn't stop herself from smiling or speaking.
"It feels right too."
Happy New Year!
VJS Out!
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knize-strachkvas · 1 year
so under the influence of local anaesthetics and pretty strong painkillers, i made the very questionable decision to watch fantasy boys. it was a mistake and you're going to suffer with me.
first things first. i dont think the editing is bad? surprisingly it doesn't look like they are trying to evil edit some trainees? which is surprising and it also shows how low the bar is lmao (im looking at you mnet).
the first two eps were okay. they showed a lot of performances without evil editing them that much? i hated the way they made myungjae look incompetent but he was the only one used for the drama value? i think? as i said i was not really focused while i was watching it lol. also the way they sorted them to the grades using the id card was very dramatic and i like the idea
the most questionable thing is the dorm situation. that one trainee saying it look like the squid game room was not far from the truth lmao. them sleeping in one big room is just creepy, especially when they don't really switch the light off during the night in the halls?? i would not be able to fall asleep in such an open space. and them having to spend their free time there? nope NOPE :D
their idea for the visual battle was cool. them knowing only the visual concept and choosing without knowing the song was evil. and the songs seemed equally impactful. whoever chose them did a good job.
now the participants. maybe im just way too old but why does it seems like the majority of the trainees have an extremely huge ego? i know that this is survival show and pretending you are better than you actually are and creating an interesting persona is literally part of their job but boiiiii its so annoying? i have zero interest in stanning a 15yo who thinks they're best at absolutely everything while lacking a basic human decency. idk im just not vibing with this attitude. most of the teams had very bad teamwork bc they are all self-centric and not able to cooperate with the rest of the team. they are all there to become a part of a boy group. that's literally an endless group project where you need to be in close proximity with your teammates 24/7. sounds like hell but as far as i know they all went there willingly.
mentioning annoying participants, it's time for the defenestration team, also known as the participants somebody should throw out of the window as the human garbage they are. the honourable members of this excellent team are the stealer team (except for ivan, ling qi and wooseok) and ksoul. the stealer team is here for obvious reasons. they are a bunch of xenophobic idiots. yes, if you're already debuted idol in korea and you can't speak korean at all - that would be a problem. but neither of the chinese boys was already debuted idols and they still have time to perfect their korean. they were just a bunch of insecure meanies who were jealous that some foreign kids were better than them. and with ksoul. god, i can't stand the kid. well....kid. uhm how old is he really? that's the real question here lmao. anyway, ksoul is an annoying, arrogant and self-centred jerk that does not have an ounce of will to cooperate in his body. that boy is not fit to be in a boy group consisting of 12 members. he needs to be permanently the centre of attention, being the best and not having any competition. having him in a team would be a punishment to the rest of the team.
other trainees i would love to talk about santa and yacht (no i will not call him yaya). wabi sabi what the actual fuck. why. i have so many questions. (ksoul immediately knowing who they are was the only funny thing ksoul did on that show). with santa, i kinda get it. he is good, his skills on the same level as some of the other trainees and there is a potential for him to blend together perfectly. but yacht? he is the oldest here and his skills are lacking in every way possible. i read somewhere that yacht is there just to accompany santa and that sounds about right to me. them leading the global voting even before the 1st ep airing just showed that having a solid fanbase (consisting mainly of bl fans) can do a lot. the ranking was not deserved at ALL, especially yacht's. (would also like to mention that being on a survival show and having to communicate constantly in a language you're not familiar with is hard and all the foreign trainees are brave for going for it. the stealer team situation just proves it. and the fact that they actually show it there is a miracle.)
right now (ep4) this is my top 12. surprisingly, after only 4 episodes, there are a lot of trainees that are a good choice for the debuting team. it's more about not letting the red flags (aka the defenestration team) debut and not giving them more attention than is necessary. top3 caught my attention during 1st episode (i knew junwon from &audition), the rest of them did great during the visual battle, especially jinho, seunghyun and myungjae.
okay that's it for now. can't believe i now need to watch eight (?) more episodes. i love to make myself suffer :))
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anonymousfoz · 1 year
More Incorrect Quotes of the Crimson Gang
Most quotes are edited because it's more funny and why not a Y/N? And Writer might appear. This is pretty long because it's been planned for a long while.
Luna: How long does it take until you start hallucinating from sleep deprivation? Crimson: Oh, it's- Sunny: 72 hours Crimson: ... Luna: ... Crimson: How did you- Sunny: There are multiple Tacos running around. Taco: Meow :3
Luna: Would you rather kill Viktor, or— Lilith: Yes, kill them. Luna: I didn’t say the other thing— Lilith: I don’t need to hear it. Viktor: …I’m feeling a little unsafe. Lilith: Good.
Viktor: I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally. Luna: Hallo! Taco: Meow :3 Viktor: I hate almost everyone equally
Sunny: Viktor is okay. Y/N: They're okay? They said they were going to break my legs! And don't tell me they didn't mean it, okay?! 'Cause they gave me the mackerel eyes, they meant it! Sunny: Y/N, Viktor threatened me. They threaten Crimson every day. They probably threatened Lilith before breakfast this morning. It's what they do. Grow a pair.
Viktor: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I’ll wait. Sunny: You and me! Viktor: *tearing up* Ok. Y/N: You guys are crazy.
Crimson: You gave me up, you let me down, you turned around, and deserted me. Viktor: But did I make you cry? Crimson: *cries on the spot* Viktor: ...Shit. Don't tell your mo— Lilith: VIKTOR! YOU'RE A DEAD MAN!
Writer: You need to stop swearing so much. Sunny: Shut the fuck up. Writer: Yeah, that's not how you do it. Sunny: Alright sorry. It's just that it's hard not to swear. The words just creep up on me when I least expect it. Writer: Now now, don't be like that. Just replace the swear words with 'beep' and you'll be fine. Sunny: Shit the beep up. Writer: ... Sunny: SHUT, DAMMIT! I MEANT SHUT!
Lilith: Why were you up yesterday until 3am? Crimson: How did you know I was up until 3am? Lucifer: We could hear you clapping to the FRIENDS intro every 25 minutes.
Kidnapper: I have one of your family members. Luna: Which one? I have seven. Kidnapper: The loud, annoying, rowdy one who never shuts up. Luna: Which one? I have seven. Sunny, distantly: HEY!!!
Viktor: .. .----. -- / … --- .-. .-. -.-- (translation: I'M SORRY) Crimson: What's that? Viktor: Remorse code. Crimson: I'm even angrier now.
Luna: Don't break someone's heart, they only have one. Viktor: Break one of their bones instead, they have 206 of them.
Lucifer: If you took a shot for every time you made a bad decision, how drunk would you be? Crimson: Maybe a bit tipsy? Luna: Drunk. Sunny: Wasted. Viktor: Dead.
Viktor: Okay, can we all stop saying stupid shit for a moment, please?! Crimson: Alright. Sunny: Hey, I- Viktor: SHUT UP! Sunny: I HAVEN'T EVEN FINISHED MY SENTENCE!! Viktor: It was bound to be stupid. Sunny: LOOK WHO IS TALKING!
Crimson: Seriously, all you do is bitch. Viktor: I happen to bitch the perfect amount for someone in my situation. Sunny: Which is? Viktor: Shut it.
Crimson: I've met a lot of pricks in my time, but you, Viktor, are a fucking cactus. Lilith: Explains why he is touch deprived Sunny: *Dying in the background*
Y/N: *watching the squad's shenanigans with concern* Do you feel like this has gotten out of hand? Luna: I don't know. Feels normal enough for a group that's on 911's blocked callers list.
Luna: Good morning. Crimson: Good morning. Taco: Meow :3 Sunny: You all sound like robots, try spicing it up a bit. Viktor: MORNING MOTHERFUCKERS!
Viktor: Hey besties- Lilith: Die. Viktor: What did I do to you-
Lilith: Luna, I know you love Viktor. I mean, we all do, they’re a very nice person, I think, and I respect them immensely. Lilith: But I think they might be a fucking idiot.
Lilith: Can you pass the salt? Viktor: Can you pass away? Lilith: Too much salt. Luna: Why can't we have one normal meal?
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the-hype-dragon · 3 months
Books I read in June
Good god I got kinda burned out this month, I made the dumb decision to read a bunch of doorstoppers and made the mistake of forcing myself to finish a book I didn't think was that great.
uhhhhhh anyway here:
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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling - reread, 3/5
Confession time: I've always kinda disliked DH and my opinion has not changed lmao, I thought it wrapped up the series okay but there are a lot of things I just don't like about and never have. On the other hand I'm one of those people who actually likes the epilogue. Had some genuinely great writing for a YA series and certainly was not a bad book, I just never had as good a time reading this as I did the other Potter books.
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The Broken Sword by Poul Anderson - 2/5
There were things I liked about this while I was reading it but overall it was not an enjoyable experience and as I sit here typing this I can't even talk myself into saying there were any parts I really enjoyed, although I know I did WHILE I was reading it, or else I wouldn't have finished it. Like I would start to think "hmmm maybe I better DNF" and then something interesting would happen, rinse and repeat for 260 pages. I can't believe people think this is better than LOTR (which I am also not a huge fan of so don't @ me lmao). Yes I understood what Anderson was going for, I just didn't like it. Maybe I would have Gotten It if I was a man, who knows. There are like eighty covers of this book but I was blessed with a copy bearing the above image, which just... idk it's that distinct 70s-era corniness, I can't help but love it.
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Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling - reread, 4/5
I've always liked HBP but it's been a hot minute since I've read the latter half of the HP series and I forgot just how weak HBP's denouement is. That said it's still pretty entertaining and the cave sequence was as harrowing to read now as it was when I first read it back in 2005. Slughorn is my favorite Hogwarts professor, he's just so mundanely unlikable and imo a good example of Rowling's talent for character writing.
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The Burning Stone by Kate Elliott - 5/5
For about 90% of the book I was willing to say this was just a solid 4/5, but the last chapter really blew my mind lmao and that's saying something because much of the rest of the book is full of crazy plot twists. I did have some issues with it like an increasingly dragging pace (thanks to the ever-growing cast of characters) but otherwise it's a pretty great book, the good parts are REALLY good and the few parts I had issues with weren't because they were outright bad but because the stuff happening wasn't really my cup of tea. Also this book is pretty poorly-edited (at least the 1999 edition I have) with many noticeable typos but that didn't detract TOO much from the story imo. Still pretty solid and the climax was amazing, ended up really loving it.
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The Seventh Son by Reay Tannahill - DNF, 1/5
The War of the Roses was a legitimately interesting period of English history with actual larger-than-life personalities involved and not a single author I've read has been able to truly capture it effectively in fiction. My problem is basically this: in spite of what records exist about the women involved in the conflict very few authors manage to make them anything but man-obsessed nonentities, and most of these books focus (or over-focus, I'd argue) on the military campaigns. Anyway The Seventh Son is just more Richard III apologia and I hate that too. And in spite of a strong beginning focusing on the dumbass laws these idiots made to hoard as much power for themselves as possible (which I genuinely find interesting) it quickly devolved into typical boring historical fiction trying to flaw-scrub the men while also listing off the horrible ways men were legally allowed to treat their wives, and how not even women of high rank were exempt from this treatment. Made me feel physically ill. Overall disappointing.
so now that I'm completely fried here are the books I plan to read in July:
The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin (which I started in the third week of June, but I was also trying to finish The Burning Stone and that took precedence)
A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O'Connor
Child of Flame by Kate Elliott
Nine Layers of Sky by Liz Williams
And there may be others, sometimes I'm just seized by a whim and cannot stop it. But we'll see!!!
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xneontragedyx · 6 months
Is it emotional abuse if my boyfriend says he hates me, doesn’t want me, and that I’ve been nothing but a shit girlfriend?
Yes it is. When someone puts you down and attempts to make you feel less than, it is indeed abuse. You don’t need that in your life. If someone cares for you, they will motivate you and lift you up, not tear you down. If you hear something enough, you will begin to believe it. If he feels that way then why is he with you? Better still, whey are you with him?
Move on and leave that abusive idiot to his own misery. Never let anyone break your spirit or your heart. You are worth more than that. The fact is that he needs you a lot more than you need him. Personally; I wouldn’t waste my time, but that is a decision you will have to make. Would you want your daughter to be treated that way? I don’t think so. Then why would you permit yourself to be? Np man is worth that Dear. Walk away now. There is no happily ever after to this.
Yes, it is.
Tell him if he's that unhappy, and if he thinks you're such as awful person, that he is more than welcome to walk his ass out the nearest door and get the fuck out of your life, and the sooner, the better.
Or you can leave him. Whichever is most convenient for you. Either way, dtmfa.
My ex was mad at me because apparently I was stupid and blind for not seeing the truth because he directly told me in his own way what he was doing but you know I don't speak cheater so I didn't I mean when you're not the other way over my head I didn't get it but yeah he he used to drop him some stuff and I just wouldn't get it cuz like I thought we were fine but yeah he would have a girl on the side and when I went to work on my daughter went to school she would come over from like 8:00 in the morning till like 3:00 or something maybe like 2:30 or whatever sometimes he would get her like a taxi like a taxi f I don't know I saw this online taxiF. I don't know what that is but it seems like a really shady like delivery of thing like a drivers and stuff I don't know it doesn't really explain what it is you know but it seems shady he also had on his thing had privacy.com which is you can like buy things hotels go out to eat pay for whatever but it's connected to your bank account but it's under like an alias like a hidden name so he had that and then he had live 360 which is a GPS for whoever signs up it's supposed to be like a positive thing right but he managed to like do something to the GPS where it gave off false locations to where it look like he was working but he was really like doing something else so he was doing all these things and then like he was cheating on me for a year and a half I think he got fed up because the girl was like waiting for him to like break up with me so he started getting really like like totally like a dick just so mean I try to work things out with him and but he finally like I don't know he was like I can't do this anymore and he broke the lease he broke the lease and that was that. Later on I found out that he was talking like mad s*** about me and my daughter saying that I was like a bad mom my daughter is a spoiled brat and lazy probably has ADHD or something he said I was fat ugly and dumb that all I was good for is the money he pretty much called me a cash cow and he said I had nothing of value to offer
Yes . This is so very sad. Learn the grey rock method here on Quora to help you. If possible , get into some therapy. He’s insecure and wants you to be also. He will not change , in fact this kind of person will become worse. The worst thing about this , is now you’re questioning yourself. He wants this …. Now he’s made his goal. Which is to upset you , confuse you , & to have you wa...
My boyfriend said he hates me during an argument. Did he mean it?
My boyfriend always says he hates me when he gets angry, but then tells me he didn’t mean it. Why?
What do I do with my boyfriend who treats me like he hates me and emotionally abuses me, then the next minute he's sweet? I've asked him to move out, but he won't leave, or tell me what he wants. Just silence and no love, but won't leave, why?
I might classify that as emotional abuse.
The more important issue is why are you still using the term “boyfriend” to refer to this person. How about promoting him to “ex-boyfriend”? Problem solved!
Break up with him.
He is, in the simplest human terms, a monster.
You don’t allow this.
You do not love him. You may have become desperate for his approval but he is unworthy of anything but contempt.
Save yourself. This is NOT love.
Honey do yourself a big favour and trade this fool in for a real one who will want you and respect you for who you are.
He is not your boyfriend, he is a boy who is abusing you to make himself feel better about himself.
Get rid of him dear.
I would definitely grant his wishes for being single! What an ass he is!!
You’re going to be so much better without him!!
Best wishes
Girl, Get you another boyfriend. Right Now!. You don’t need abuse from him. If you don’t get rid of him. He is going to start physically abusing you. I know you don’t want that to happen to you. So get rid of him now. Good Luck
What do I do with my boyfriend who treats me like he hates me and emotionally abuses me, then the next minute he's sweet? I've asked him to move out, but he won't leave, or tell me what he wants. Just silence and no love, but won't leave, why?
Because he’s a selfish jerk, that’s why.
First, I’m going to tell you this: I’m 65 (female), married four times and several lovers. That’s my experience-and “hard education”.
Now, I’m going to tell you something that you don’t want to hear, but I say it to help you. Which I take it- is the only real reason that you are writing here.
Every time, from what I have experienced myself or observed in another’s relationship, (did I say EVERY SINGLE TIME), this behavior from a man meant that he was “cheating”.
I’m truly sorry to tell you-no woman wants to hear it. And many, MANY will just not let themselv
Yep. And you should leave his sorry pathetic abusive ass ASAP! He is an insecure loser who is taking out his feelings of failure and shortcomings out on you. You are nobody’s whipping post and you shouldn't accept being treated less than a person. Pack your stuff and get out before he takes it to the next level—and he will.
Good luck.
You would be abusing yourself if you remain in that relationship.
Why does my narcissistic boyfriend give me the feeling he hates me?
Because he does.
You are whole and he is sucking off your qualities and abilities, and he hates you for being better than him.
He resents you for being weak and a fool and letting him use you at the same time.
Please ditch that waste of human breath. Being alone is far better than being a narc feeder.
My boyfriend said he hates me during an argument. Did he mean it?
It doesn’t matter whether your boyfriend meant he hates during an argument. The fact that he said it should be enough to turn you away from him, Let your life change to something good you deserve.
My boyfriend says really mean things to me. Like, he hates me. But when he’s not mad, he says he didn’t mean it. What should I believe? It seems like some of the things he says are true.
Original question: My boyfriend says really mean things to me. Like, he hates me. But when he’s not mad, he says he didn’t mean it. What should I believe? It seems like some of the things he says are true.
44yr old male answer.
Get rid of his tailend. I told both of my boys if you want to be treated like a King they had to treat their ladies like Queens.
If he hit you and later said he didn't mean it I would hope that you get the hell away from him. That's what he is doing now but with words. I'm not saying he will turn physically abusive but the possibility of him becoming that way if he is verb
My boyfriend said he hates me during an argument. Did he mean it?
My boyfriend always says he hates me when he gets angry, but then tells me he didn’t mean it. Why?
What do I do with my boyfriend who treats me like he hates me and emotionally abuses me, then the next minute he's sweet? I've asked him to move out, but he won't leave, or tell me what he wants. Just silence and no love, but won't leave, why?
What should I do if my boyfriend says he hates me and doesn't want me right now, but will soon, and to just give him time?
Why can’t I leave my narcissist boyfriend? I am miserable. He mentally and emotionally abuses me. Why do I keep letting this happen?
My boyfriend says really mean things to me. Like, he hates me. But when he’s not mad, he says he didn’t mean it. What should I believe? It seems like some of the things he says are true.
Why is it that when my boyfriend gets mad at me he says he hates me and I’m a worthless person?
What should you do when your boyfriend hates you?
What do I do when my boyfriend is all I want in a guy but has anger issues and emotionally abusive when he gets angry?
Why does my boyfriend treat me like he hates me but says he doesn’t, but treats me that way?
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