#yes i am a hijaber
evilsartcorner · 10 months
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fricklefracklefloof · 11 days
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[ID by @hijab-described: A four panel comic. A woman in a white hijab stands inside a classroom. Text reads, "A year ago, Eslam was teaching children in schools."
Framed family pictures in front of a cracked wall. Text reads, "She was a mother of two girls and her husband was a successful business owner. She had a beautiful home and family."
The four of them, huddled together in front of the ruins of a building. Text reads, "On October 7, 2023, everything changed. In December, Eslam and her family were displaced from their home. Then, her husband's learning center was blown up. By March 2024, Eslam's family had found their home completely destroyed.
Two sleeping children. Text reads, "Eslam's family has been living in a tent ever since. Her daughters have suffered from multiple skin diseases because the costs of soap and food are extremely high. With your help, Eslam's family can have better chances of living, or even evacuating Gaza. Please donate to their campaign if you can." /end ID]
for @eslamfamily3
eslam reached out to me recently asking if i could illustrate her family and of course i said yes. she has been so effortlessly kind to me even though it took me a while to get this finished. please, please listen to her family’s story, share and donate if you can. it would mean the world to us both.
you can visit eslam’s blog @eslamfamily3 for more information, she is also on instagram here.
as of now, eslam’s family has received $7,991 out of their $50,000 goal.
verified on entry #308 on @el-shab-hussein ‘s spreadsheet here.
also verified on entry #175 on the bees and watermelons spreadsheet here.
campaign has also been shared by @90-ghost
tags (thank you endlessly):
@pocketsizedquasar-3 @pomeg-glitch @ramshackledtrickster @atlas-of-galaxies @mxwhore @gasterofficial @samwise1548
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i-cant-sing · 4 months
Salauddin screaming and THROWING UP because Princess reader won't stop picking up stray animals from outside and bringing them into her bedroom because "it's too hot for them outside ;( " "you said my room was the coolest soo..."
on the contrary, Salauddin himself is an animal lover. They're Allah's creations that cannot speak, that cannot ask for help, they're just vulnerable. He cares for his horses very greatly, no expenses are spared for the their stables, their caretakers and the best medicine from around the world. The pain of thirst, its one of the worst ways to dies, so Salauddin makes sure no one in his kingdom ever goes to sleep hungry or thirsty, humans or animals. He's had special water systems and pots designed practically everywhere in Egypt so birds and dogs and other animals get to drink their fill.
BUT as much as Salauddin cares for animals, he doesnt... exactly appreciate his palace turning into a zoo because of all the animals you keep bringing in. Its kinda his fault really. All Salauddin did was get a pretty white kitten that had blue eyes- it was so cute, so he gifted it to you. When you asked him why, he couldnt say that its because the cute kitten reminded him of you. So he said that it was too hot outside for small animals like Fatima (as you had named her) and he saw the realisation dawn in your eyes as you looked out at the pyramids, nodding your head along.
Salauddin sighed in irritation as he felt something furry rubbing against his legs. He looked down under his desk to see a black kitten with green eyes- Bilal. You took him in and said "but Salauddin! Fatima is all alone and she needs a playmate! Besides, Bilal is bullied by the street kids cause he's black and they think that he was a jinn!" You used such excuses to adopt 3 more cats (Mustafa, Haider, Zahra) and now you spend dressing them in cute hijabs- yes even the males.
He picked up the black cat and tickled his chin as he began making his way towards your- or what used to be your room. On his way, he passed by servants chasing after your chickens- Emir, Ahmed and Riyaan.
The doors opened as he entered, the room was in complete chaos. Feathers were falling down as birds flew around the room with the maids hot on their tails. Your cats were resting in one corner with your dogs- Shams and Talia standing guard over them. And you? You were in the center of all this chaos, sitting on the ground with a pet sheep- Mihirmah in your arms as you sheared it carefully. You had found her last night on your way home, not even bothering to ask if you could keep her along with your rest of the petting zoo.
Then again, why would his wife need to ask him? Whats his, is yours.
He walked over and sat down beside you and you finally looked up.
"I found Bilal." He stated, petting the kitten that nuzzled his face against him. You smiled sweetly at him. "Thank you! I was so busy with Mihirmah, I didnt realise he had left. I think he escaped when they took the chicks out for a walk."
He hummed before nodding his head at the sheep. "And how many that makes it now?"
"One." "Y/n." He deadpanned. "Well, one sheep. In total, 52 animals."
"Y/n." He looked at you in disbelief. "How- what- it was 45 last week." You looked at him sheepishly. "Well... its not my fault, really. You see- um, well you know how we thought Shams and Talia were just siblings? I think they were confused and um, Talia just gave birth to 6 pups." You avoided his eyes as he stared at you.
"I am not getting rid of them, Salauddin." You warned him, petting the sheep in your arms. "They need us to care for their babies! They're new parents!"
"Yes, Yusuf?" You used his name, batting your lashes at him. You know how to get to him.
Ya hayati. (My life)
He sighed, petting Bilal in his hands. "I'm going to put Bilal down for a nap."
"Yeah! Just put him with his siblings-" "No. I'm going to separate him and his brothers. They will not be giving babies to their sisters." Salauddin grumbled as you pouted and muttered about how cute new kittens are.
Maybe he can give you a litter of your own to keep you preoccupied. (Not because he likes you or anything- he just doesnt want you to fill his palace with more animals.)
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Despite what Salauddin says, he still remembers each name of all your pets. All of them. He also talks to the cats, especially to Bilal about how he needs to behave for him mama and protect her and stuff.
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radfemsiren · 3 months
🤍A basic rundown of my beliefs as a radical feminist 🤍
(I don’t represent every radical feminist, but these are usually the standard opinions you’ll find of many radfems. Hate or disagree with them, that’s fine! But know the truth of who I am and what I stand for beforehand)
- there are 2 sexes, the male sex is oppressing the female sex
- femicide, rape, child sex abuse, hijab laws, female genital mutilation, domestic labor, trafficking, war crimes, revenge porn, prostitution… women and girls around the world are being exploited, tortured, and killed because of this oppression, and it must end.
- female oppression is sex based oppression, meaning a woman can’t just identify out of her oppression (for example hijab laws)
- sex is biological and an immutable truth, gender is a social construct
- gender should be done away with because gender roles are male supremacist and result in women and girls being stereotyped, dehumanized, barred from education, safety, bodily autonomy, etc.
- defining women with anything other than biology is misogynistic and relies on stereotypes
- the biological differences between men and women must be acknowledged in order to effectively end patriarchal oppression
- radical feminism is getting to the root of female oppression (radical -> root)
- misandry is not real and is just an extension of misogyny (for example, “men are told not to cry!” Yes because women are seen as inferior and any trait associated with us is seen as degrading/emasculating for men. This is why there is no female equivalent to emasculation.)
- all current religions are patriarchal and made by men to exploit and control women
- access to abortion is a human right and should never be threatened, women are the creators of life and deserve to gatekeep it, as well as exercise full autonomy over our own bodies
- Using sexist gender roles to define yourself is giving these misogynistic stereotypes power (wearing makeup or dresses doesn’t make anyone less or more of a woman, this is misogyny)
- the beauty industry is patriarchal and exploits women, our bodies and our money
- sex work is not work, it’s always exploitation (consent can not be bought)
- the porn industry is patriarchal and relies on trafficking, coercion, and rape to function. It also conditions its watchers to be aroused by violence against women, and results in more real life consequences for women and girls
- women’s spaces and institutions must be protected. Women’s safety is more important than catering to male feelings
- marriage is a patriarchal institution made to exploit the domestic labor of women for her entire life
- BDSM/kink are patriarchal and only center the pleasure and well being of men.
- hookup culture is patriarchal and the risk to reward is not worth it for women to engage in it
- gender ideology is patriarchal and is a direct hindrance to female liberation (we can’t define ourselves or our oppressors, we can’t create spaces away from our oppressors, we can’t create laws and policy based on these definitions, people who are gender non conforming are pressured to alter their bodies to conform to a rigid standard and become lifelong medical patients, etc)
- choice feminism and liberal feminism caters to conforming to patriarchal standards and institutions, and refuses to examine why women make choices under patriarchy
- women of color face oppression on the axis of our sex and race, men of color only face oppression on the axis of their race
- non white patriarchal institutions must be criticized: a mullah is just as dangerous to the liberation of women as a pastor is
- women should decenter the men in their lives just as men have done with women. That means prioritizing us! Engaging in women’s media, art, stories, fostering female communities and support networks, uplifting and empowering their sisters around the world
- being a radical feminist means consistently taking radical action, big or small, we all can do it! Go support a female artist, go donate menstrual products to a shelter, go tell off a man when you see him making a woman uncomfortable. We all can make a difference!
…My feminism focuses on criticism of Islam and middle eastern patriarchy, but there are radfems with many focuses/passions… some in eco feminism, some on uplifting Romani women, black women, neurodivergent women, women with disabilities, prostituted women… some are passionate about women’s sports, women’s art, women’s writing, women’s history, lesbian and bisexual women’s stories… everyone has their passion on here, so before you come to attack, just check out my blog and click around at the different profiles on this corner of the internet…. maybe we might not be the terrible witches you thought us to be. Or maybe we are, but witches are awesome so who cares lol
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lilghostiequinni · 1 month
Just Am
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Main Masterlist Lando Masterlist
Pairing: Hijabi! wife!female reader x Lando Norris
Warnings: Fluffy,
Summary: Lando can be overprotective a lot, though he will say it's only a little. He knows the hate that could happen with his wife's beliefs and her wearing a hijab, but he loves her, and that's what matters.
Requested: no / YES by @animeandf1lover
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Lando can read you like a book.
Sometimes, it's excellent and a wonderful thing, and others, it's not.
Today, though, is one of those days when it's a wonderful thing that he can read you like a book.
This man came up to you and made subtle hints that he's interested in you, while also being a total dick about your hijab.
He started with, "You'd be prettier without the scarf thing" or "If you wore something else that showed more skin, like a sundress."
Lando was caught with some fans when the man came over to you, and he could just see it on your face that you were visibly uncomfortable.
He gently tried to excuse himself from the fans to help you, but this one fan wouldn't let him leave, so Lando said, "I really need to go. I'll be right back; I need to help my girlfriend."
The fan loved you, looked to where Lando was looking, and immediately backed off and let him through to get to you.
Lando walked right over to you and put his arm around your shoulders; at first, you tensed because of the touch but immediately relaxed because you just knew without looking that it was Lando.
"Hey baby, some fans want to see you," Lando said, not really looking at you but the man in front of you.
"Oh, Lando, I'm sorry I didn't know she was with you," Then the man all but ran away.
He kissed you forehead and said, "I love you, my wife."
"I love you too, husband." You had a smile of you face as you did, kissing his cheek before letting him lead back to where he was.
The public knew you were dating, but not that you were married, which only happened over summer break, less than 2 weeks ago.
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A/N: I hope this is to your satisfaction. I'm sorry if I got anything wrong. Also, sorry it's 2 weeks late.
Tags: @poppyflower-22 @samantha-chicago @barcelonaloverf1life @tallrock35 @ellen3101 @llando4norris @mcmuppet @issi-loves-dannyric @hellothere9597
If you want to be removed from a tag list, let me know so I don't keep tagging you. If you are striked through, I don't know if you want to be tagged, but just let me know if you want me to continue or stop
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idohistorysometimes · 2 years
So what is going on in Iran right now?
I am pretty sure most of you who are either on TikTok or keep up with international news have heard about the massive protests happening in Iran right now. Its a pretty big deal. But what exactly are these protests for and why are they so important?
Hopefully, for those who dont know whats going on I can explain it all here.
Who is Mahsa Amini and what happened to her
Mahsa Amini was a 22-year-old woman traveling from Kurdistan to Tehran (the capital of Iran) to visit family and was stopped once she entered the city by something called “the morality police” (yes this is a real thing). They claimed Mahsa Amini was wearing her Hijab incorrectly and that she would be arrested to undergo “reeducation” at the police station (which would result in her being released after an hour or so). Mahsa’s brother was with her when she was arrested and waited at the station for her to be released.
It is unclear what exactly happened between when Mahsa was arrested and the events of her death (mostly because we do not have any video of these events), but the women detained along with Mahsa reported for similar offenses reported Mahsa was violently beaten by said “morality officers”. This was supposedly for resisting their insults directed toward her. This story is corroborated by her brother’s report of Mahsa having bruises all over her body and the hospital where Mahsa was staying reporting she was brain dead upon arrival along with reporting signs of skull fracture and bleeding in her brain both on social media and in leaked medical reports.
Mahsa died of her injuries 2 days after she was admitted to the hospital on September 16th of 2022. 
The official cause of death as reported by both the morality police and Iranian government has been extremely suspicious since the ‘official’ story claims she died as a result of a random heart attack/seizure combo. However, as stated before, there is plenty of evidence that Mahsa was violently attacked which includes (but is not limited to): the skull fractures found, the bruising around her body and face, the bleeding found in her brain and ears, and the fact several other witnesses have either said they witnessed the assault or have seen the previous things. Mahsa’s father also reported she was in perfect health and did not have a history of heart or seizure issues.
Why are people protesting?
For the people of Iran, instances of violence like this are not an unheard-of occurrence. Since the revolution of 1979 and the creation of this “morality police force” women were forced to wear the Hijab regardless of personal choice and had to adhere to a strict modest dress code lest they face similar treatment to Mahsa. To quote an actual penal code enacted in Iran post-revolution:
"women who appear in public without religious hijab will be sentenced to whipping up to 74 lashes"
Violence against women for this reason was now, in a way, much more normalized. Some of these dresscodes did apply to men, sure, but they were primiarly created expressly to control women with the use of fear and force by way of the Hijab. To also directly quote Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei (who has been in power since 1989):  
"improperly veiled women should be made to feel unsafe"
Is this an anti-Islam protest?
The protests surrounding the death of Mahsa Amini have definitely gained international attention by what many people are doing in them. Many women are burning their hijabs in the streets, cutting off/shaving their hair, and otherwise just doing a lot of things that, traditionally, would be considered taboo under this system that's currently in place. However, this does not seem to be a direct rejection of Islam and rather a direct rejection of control over women by the use of the Hijab as an avenue for that control.
As stated before, this is not a new issue. There have been anti-hijab protests going on since the revolution in Iran back in the 70s. There were even protests pre-revolution FOR veiling since the leader at the time wanted to strictly stick to western norms. Iran shifted from one major extreme to the other. And in both these extremes choice on the part of the woman in question is completely taken out of the equation. It has been men making these choices for women in a broad universal way without giving women the ability to decide what they want for themselves. There is more than 1 way to veil in Islam. There are also many women who do not veil at all but are still active participants in their faith. There is not one specific way to do this correctly within Islam because modesty as a whole is a subjective topic. So the fact this police force exists in the first place is less about keeping morals ‘secure’ and more about exerting control through these rules via more extreme interpretations. 
It would however be unfair to say that these protests and the cultural revolution happening because of these protests do not diametrically oppose some parts of Islam and the culture surrounding it. These beliefs are incompatible by virtue of them being polar opposites of each other. These protests, like it or not, have western influence on them and this influence threatens certain parts of Islam because over time certain aspects of culture have become rooted in these controlling methods. Its pretty unclear how this will all play out. However, it is safe to say this will be shaking up things both within Iran and in the world of Islam as a whole. 
Why are Non-Iranian women also cutting their hair?
Ever since the protests have gained international attention many women outside of Iran (both ethnically Iranian and not) have also been cutting their hair to various degrees to stand in solidarity with protestors. 
This is significant symbolically for a few reasons. In many cultures, long hair is directly tied to one's femininity, attractiveness, and even in some cases where one comes from. Like it or not hair is culturally and socially important and the loss off it can be a very big deal for those living under these cultural expectations. In Iran doing something like this subjects you to harassment from the morality police. It breaks the morality code and challenges the idea of what a woman should be and look like. Outside of this context, the removal of hair can be a sign of mourning, fear, anger, and a rejection of femininity (or in this case, the control brought on by strict gendered dress codes). 
There has been a lot of controversy around this act since many people currently participating in these protests feel this act is performative activism on the part of western allies. Cutting one's hair is not really on the same level as donating money to a cause or protesting yourself. But others believe this is an important act of international solidarity. If you reading this decide to do this: do it at your own discretion and be sure your act of solidarity does not outshine the actual protests going on.
Why are people asking to blur/delete protest footage posted online?
It should go without saying that the people protesting right now are putting themselves in very real danger. What happened to Mahsa Amini is now happening to protesters who are speaking out about Iran’s harsh morality laws. Many people have died already as a result of participating in these protests and many more have gone missing. When you are dealing with an oppressive system like this they are not going to take too kindly to opposition. And if they are not afraid to beat women simply for wearing their Hijab ‘incorrectly’, they are not afraid to do much worse to political rivals. 
Out of respect for the protesters and their safety: please blur out any faces, names, and remove all metadata from any protest photos/footage you decide to share online. Because if I can find one of the protestors on Instagram simply by looking at their face and general location so can the morality police. For those around during the Black Lives Matter protests, the Russian anti-war protests, or any other media-sensitive protest use those same rules when posting footage/reporting on them
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stuffforme2 · 6 months
Okay listen I lvoe the pjo books and series with all ym heart but.. everyone talks about them like they're perfect WHICH THEYRE NOT any problems are kinda brushed under the rug and I find thst kinda werid? Like you'll see other books and TV shows get dragged and canceled for the stuff in Riordan books and yet pjo doesn't?? So.. uhhHHHH yeah that's jsut something I noticed.
The weird relationshipd ynamics. Rick is like allergic to someone bring okay with being single or jsut aromantic like you can say Reyna but her having a crush kn Jason?? Yes she rejected Apollo but her relationship with Jason deterioted brcuz she had a 'crush' on the guy and that doesn't really amke sense to me (I can go into so much detail kn this)
AND LEO AND CALYPSO OMFG that is a toxic relationship. The age gap. The way calypso treats Leo. The fact Leo SHOULD NOT be with someone like this man hasn't dealt with his attachment and Abandonment issues like st all?!
The literal only black character in the pjo books being beckendorf.. then he dies. Then the Korean/Asian (I'm not sure sorry) character dies, Ethan. And like I understand Percy is hinted st being Hispanic (have seen many ppl talk about this dont mnow if it's common knowldhe) but it's never confirmed or added??? I know Rick fixes it later but it's still weird to me lmaoo
Rick unable to keep consistent personality. Woobigying Nico OH MY GOD NICO HE BECOMES GAY AND THSTS WHDT EVERYONE FUCKING FOCUSES ON AND HE SHOULD'VE NEVER GOTTEN WITH WILL ATLWAST NOT THAT QUICK it's not healthy. Their relationship was rushed and didn't make sense I felt like people only like ot becuz it's a gay relationship??
And oh mygods— Samirah. I am not Muslim and I am not an expert on the Nuslim religion but there is so much shitbthatbeas wrong in thst book that I even knew was incorrect and jsut weird to happen?! The AMOUNT OF TIMES HER HIJAB CAME OFF and I'm also like "yaayyyy representation" but it could've been as easy as one Google search. one.
Jason. Jason as a whole. He had the most potential out of ANYONE and personally I think he had more potential then Percy like his story is so INTERESTING and then.. Rick knocked him iut with a brick multiple times, didn't work kn his sotry or trauma at all, then KILLED HIM. Same with Ethan. I am so Vitter about these two.. HELL EVEN LEO AND FRANK.
Also the way he made Annabeth first quest (first quest SHE IS LEADING AND IS HER PROHECY) all about Percy. I was reading it and I was like "bitxh— this is Annabeth Quest?!" LIKE he it pissed me off that Annabeth was swept to rhe side as Percy's lvoe interest giving her knly enough personality and stary to make her jnteredting enough to eb loved but never delving jntk it into Mark kf Athena and even at Mark of Athena it all rounded back tk her and Percy's relationship LIKE JESUS CHRIST DO THESE MFERS PASS THE BELLDAN TEST?!
The low key incest at the beginning ricj writing that all the demigods had the same impish features at rhe start and then.. jsut.. CHSNGING IT?!
Not letting a virgin goddess who has no history of having children have.. children.. NOW you may be wondering 'but then how would we get Annabeth?'— JUST GiVE ATHENA HER FAVOURITE CHOSEN PPL LIKE SHE DID WITH ODYSSEUS let her stay childless. Jsut let her choose some children she'd like as hers wonce they're Bron and she then blesses them as her heroes, that's how she treats them any way and it also gets rid of the incest?!
Also the fact it's implied that Annabeth is only smart becuz she's a child of Athena.. Rick made a virgin goddess technically have children so he can have a smart women character and that's just.. EuGGHHhHHh JUST LET HER BE SMART IT NOT THAT HARD "Oh, no, I'm not smart because Athena chose me.. Athena chose me because I was already smart" Smacks you with common fucking sense.
The whole apheodite cabin. The whole aphrodite cabin. The whole aphrodite cabin.
The fact it's clear Rick doesn't think girly girls cant be strong or into fighting or able to wield a fuckign weapon. The way he makes nearly every girly girl into a total mean bitch or ruins their characters.
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🌙 Ramadan Mubarak - Books ft. Muslims
🦇 Good morning, my beautiful bookish bats. To celebrate this Islamic holy month, here are a FEW books featuring Muslim characters. I hope you consider adding a few to your TBR.
❓What was the last book you read that taught you something new OR what's at the top of your TBR?
🌙 A Woman is No Man - Etaf Rum 🌙 Amal Unbound - Aisha Saeed 🌙 Love From A to Z - S.K. Ali 🌙 Hana Khan Carries On - Uzma Jalaluddin 🌙 Yes No Maybe So - Becky Albertalli and Aisha Saeed 🌙 Evil Eye - Etaf Rum 🌙 I Am Malala - Malala Yousafzai 🌙 Exit West - Mohsin Hamid 🌙 Written in the Stars - Aisha Saeed 🌙 The Night Diary - Veera Hiranandani 🌙 Much Ado About Nada - Uzma Jalaluddin 🌙 The Eid Gift - S.K. Ali 🌙 More Than Just a Pretty Face - Syed M. Masood 🌙 Yusuf Azeem Is Not a Hero - Saadia Faruqi 🌙 If You Could Be Mine by Sara Farizan 🌙 Snow - Orhan Pamuk 🌙 Sofia Khan Is Not Obliged - Ayisha Malik 🌙 The Proudest Blue by Ibtihaj Muhammad 🌙 And I Darken - Kiersten White 🌙 The Last White Man - Mohsin Hamid
🌙 Hijab Butch Blues - Lamya H 🌙 The Bad Muslim Discount - Syed M. Masood 🌙 Ms. Marvel - G. Willow Wilson 🌙 Love from Mecca to Medina - S.K. Ali 🌙 The City of Brass - S.A. Chakraborty 🌙 The Love Match by Priyanka Taslim 🌙 A Map of Home by Randa Jarrar 🌙 A Very Large Expanse of Sea by Tahereh Mafi 🌙 An Emotion of Great Delight by Tahereh Mafi 🌙 The Love and Lies of Rukhsana Ali by Sabina Khan 🌙 The Moor’s Account - Laila Lalami 🌙 Only This Beautiful Moment by Abdi Nazemian 🌙 Salt Houses by Hala Alyan 🌙 When a Brown Girl Flees by Aamna Quershi 🌙 Jasmine Falling by Shereen Malherbe 🌙 Between Two Moons by Aisha Abdel Gawad 🌙 Sea Prayer by Khaled Hosseini 🌙 A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini 🌙 The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini 🌙 Unmarriageable by Soniah Kamal
🌙 Home Fire by Kamila Shamsie 🌙 All My Rage by Sabaa Tahir 🌙 The Bohemians by Jasmin Darznik 🌙 Ayesha at Last by Uzma Jalaluddin 🌙 A Case of Exploding Mangoes by Mohammed Hanif 🌙 Chronicle of a Last Summer by Yasmine El Rashidi 🌙 A Girl Like That by Tanaz Bhathena 🌙 Other Words for Home by Jasmine Warga 🌙 The Mismatch by Sara Jafari 🌙 Does My Head Look Big In This? by Randa Abdel-Fattah 🌙 You Truly Assumed by Laila Sabreen 🌙 Saints and Misfits by S.K. Ali 🌙 Once Upon an Eid - S.K. Ali and Aisha Saeed 🌙 Tell Me Again How a Crush Should Feel by Sara Farizan 🌙 Alif the Unseen by G. Willow Wilson 🌙 The Henna Wars by Adiba Jaigirdar 🌙 A Show for Two by Tashie Bhuiyan 🌙 Nayra and the Djinn by Michael Berry 🌙 All-American Muslim Girl by Lucinda Dyer 🌙 It All Comes Back to You by Farah Naz Rishi
🌙 The Marvelous Mirza Girls by Sheba Karim 🌙 Salaam, with Love by Sara Sharaf Beg 🌙 Queen of the Tiles by Hanna Alkaf 🌙 How It All Blew Up by Arvin Ahmadi 🌙 Zara Hossain Is Here by Sabina Khan 🌙 Punching the Air by Ibi Zoboi & Yusef Salaam 🌙 She Wore Red Trainers by Na'ima B. Robert 🌙 Hollow Fires by Lucinda Dyer 🌙 Internment by Samira Ahmed 🌙 Against the Loveless World by Susan Abulhawa 🌙 Love in a Headscarf - Shelina Zahra Janmohamed 🌙 Courting Samira by Amal Awad 🌙 The Other Half of Happiness by Ayisha Malik 🌙 Huda F Are You? by Huda Fahmy 🌙 Love, Hate & Other Filters by Samira Ahmed 🌙 Mad, Bad & Dangerous to Know by Samira Ahmed 🌙 Muslim Girls Rise - Saira Mir and Aaliya Jaleel 🌙 Amira & Hamza - Samira Ahmed 🌙 The Weight of Our Sky by Hanna Alkaf 🌙 Nura and the Immortal Palace by M.T. Khan
🌙 As Long as the Lemon Trees Grow by Zoulfa Katouh 🌙 Counting Down with You by Tashie Bhuiyan 🌙 Zachary Ying and the Dragon Emperor by Xiran Jay Zhao 🌙 The Yard - Aliyyah Eniath 🌙 When We Were Sisters by Fatimah Asghar 🌙 The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi by Shannon Chakraborty 🌙 Maya's Laws of Love by Alina Khawaja 🌙 The Chai Factor by Farah Heron 🌙 The Beauty of Your Face - Sahar Mustafah 🌙 Hope Ablaze by Sarah Mughal Rana
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gryficowa · 1 month
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Random rant: I'm an agnostic who was raised Christian, as I've mentioned many times, but it doesn't change the fact that it pisses me off when people write to Muslim women, I love it when they say Islam is misogynistic and then write misogynistic comments about it being " "Take care of your husband", or texts about cleaning the house, or classic texts about September 11… Yes, I often see such comments in shorts and it's a problem that is not talked about (You don't have to mention the texts about taking off the hijab… Because you can see that women can wear whatever they want, unless… that he doesn't agree with your fucked up social norms…)
The very fact that misogyny is accepted as long as it is directed towards Muslims is fucking fucked up (For me it's on par with religious fanatics, they piss me off just as much), and the worst thing is that many people are silent about it (Especially radical feminists…Although they prefer to attack trans and intersex people…)
Yes, it was a rant, I just saw so many comments towards Muslim women on YouTube shorts that I'm fed up (And these are not isolated cases, they are frequent and it sucks, I also see queerphobia, but it is at least publicized, misogyny while towards Muslims it is passed over in silence and it's fucked up)
If the argument for being misogynistic towards women is their head covering, then fuck you, you prove that it's not Islam that's the problem, it's you
If we fight for women's rights, let's fight Islamophobia mixed with misogyny (as well as trans misogyny), because what I see in the comments on the short is too common and we should stop being silent about it, if you are silent, you are not a feminist
Now that I have your attention:
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lucianalight · 1 month
I want to first apologize for my ignorance, which is why I am asking the question. 😅 Is music allowed in your country?
It's ok we are talking about a backward religious fascist regime ruling through sharia law and there are lots of misinformation and disinformation in media around it. The short answer is yes music is allowed but it's under strict state regulations and censorship. Like any other content really. Everything from art to even science. Art and artists specifically were one of the first groups that were harmed after 1979. Because one of the main things totalitarianism targets is individuality and the ways to express it. And the Islamic Regime is against anything that makes people happy or has anything from Iranian culture and history. They hate Iranians.
Their problem with music was mainly the fact that music and musical instruments and singing are haraam(forbidden and doing it is a sin in this context) in Islam. They believe music is the song of Satan. So for the first years after 1979 coup any song that wasn't a choir or classic and soft instrumental was forbidden. Paradoxical? Yeah because they couldn't remove everything music related and a culture that has always thrived on celebrations and dancing and music would not back off. People still listened to pop songs from before 1979 or new songs from the singers who had fled the country. In their cars and houses and parties. They would have been punished if they were found out and yet they still did it.
So forbidding it didn't work and they started to use the genres that they considered proper and traditional music in the state media. Slowly pop singers were permitted to release some of their songs. But they are all strictly regulated. The lyrics, the song, the theme everything can be rejected if some random person in the ministry of culture and Islamic guidance decides it has improper, anti religion and anti regime content. They still don't show any musical instrument on state tv because they're haraam. Moreover, women aren't allowed to sing or dance in public because it's haraam if a Na Mahram(I can only loosely translate it to stranger in this context. I'm not getting into a concept English doesn't have) man hears or sees them and get sexually provoked and commits sin.
So there are underground music and singers. Some leave the country just to be able to make the music they want freely. And the ones who don't and don't obey the laws and make music for people, for the victims of the regime get arrested, imprisoned and tortured like Toomaj Salehi.
Despite all of this, people still listen and sing and dance to "illegal music" openly and in public and at every chance they get, even though they can get arrested or beaten up and tortured. A lot of women do it without the forced hijab which has more serious consequences. It is a way of resistance and they can't erase us and our culture.
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magpod-confessions · 6 months
Honestly? I hate that the majority of the fandom thinks of Basira as a Muslim, ESPECIALLY a Hijabi.
I am an Arab Muslim woman. I don't relate to her AT ALL. People just started drawing her like that based on nothing but her name & I assume whenever anyone else didn't, they got called an Islamophobe or something.
Like her name is a bun in Arabic actually. Basira بصيرة is the exaggerated form of the word Basar بصر (Sight) meaning the Gaining of Knowledge. Jonny "just one more Michael" Sims probably only chose her name because of that.
Also she drinks, she is a cop, a corrupted one, and like yes of course there are corrupted Muslims. Of course there are people who just have their religion in their id and nothing else. But like why is this the one thing that you choose to keep? The Hijabi, really?
And when someone headcanons her in a relationship with Daisy and still in the Hijab. .......It's like yeah sure makes so much sense.
People can do whatever they want (and I know it is out of ignorance not malice) (It is only a horror podcast at the end of the day) but it feels like they think the Hijab is only a piece of clothes with only cultural significance and not religious one. It annoys me.
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i-cant-sing · 5 months
Queen, how many likes, comment, ask do you need so that we can have chapter 4. As a peasant I will be happy to oblige about how many more are needed
I am on cloud 9 rn, okay? Because I just attended a desi wedding, and yall know how brown people go all out on weddings, proper fancy shmancy, right? So here I was dressed up in a HEAVY LENGHA CHOLI, MY MAKEUP WAS POPPING, FOR THE FIRST TIME MY HAIR WAS GOOD, and I wore GOLD JEWELLERY TOO, but the thing is.... I dressed up like it was Indian desi wedding.
It was a Pakistani desi wedding, and not only that, but it was a proper Muslim desi wedding, so even though it was just close family and friends, many women either wore hijabs or niqaabs, or dressed modestly (I was so envious of the niqaabis, they looked so cute with their eyes popping out. God please, I also want a niqaab 😭😭😭)
The music was good, food was amazing, people turning their heads to look at me was an ego boost, the wind breezing in the back of my dress made me cool down, some aunties asked for my name, profession, details (looking for proposals for their sons)
So with my self esteem through the roof, I'm going to tell u that yes, I need a lot more of your comments and likes and asks. And they better be good.
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intimate-mirror · 22 days
hot take #1: it is indeed kind of ironic given what the official point of them is that throwing in a token woman in a hijab is like standard corporate wokeness practice for illustration
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ummmmandy · 1 year
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I've been doing about 30 hairs (plus 1 or 2 hijab options) for the last 3 games. I try and split it evenly, 15 straight or wavy styles, and 15 curly/coily textured styles (which includes braids, locs, and twists). 15 isn't a huge number, so I focus on trying to add variety in styles while hitting a decent mix of short and long choices.
For this last game for example, each hair style has 14 color swatches, which is 14 layers in the photoshop document. 14 swatches x 32 hairs is 448 layers in photoshop. My hair category is duplicated for layering reasons, so that's 896 layers in photoshop for just the hair category. (am I doing this math right that seems crazy). Since this category gets so big I try and stick to a number of hair styles that I feel tries to get enough variety but still gives me a limit, since every hair option adds 28 layers.
All this just to explain where I'm coming from on how I choose which styles to include. Not to say I couldn't add more styles!! If people feel like something is lacking there, then yes I want to know so I can address stuff like that in future games. I don't want people to feel frustrated or let down by that sort of thing, especially if they feel all hair textures aren't being represented equally.
Also, I don't upload/tag the game myself on any site that isn't meiker.io, so that tag wasn't put in by me. But I think the afro hair tag is meant to describe the texture of the hair and not necessarily afro as a hairstyle (& if that's not what you meant but that then I apologize for misunderstanding that point).
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pluto-sims · 2 years
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BOO! Simblreen Treats + Updates!
Hello hello! I hope you all had/are having an awesome, super spooky Simblreen! I had such a blast! Today I'm sharing two of my Simblreen gifts. There was a problem with my day 2 treats, and whilst I've fixed one of them (the Hijab), the other is giving me a lot of problems, but I'll share it as soon as I have it fixed, I promise! If you trick-or-treat-ed for the Halloween Hijab, please download the updated version and replace the old one, as it was faulty and won't show up properly in game. I'm so, so sorry! The curtains are fine and don't need replacing.
Anyway, here's the treats I'm sharing with you all today! Details and downloads under the cut!
@maxismatchccworld @emilyccfinds @mmfinds @maxismatch @mmoutfitters
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Halloween Hijab
UPDATED so please redownload if you got it via trick-or-treating during Simblreen!
BGC Hijab with 32 patterned swatches
Custom thumbnail
Sheer Spooky
yes this is a halloween version of my sheer hubris curtains im so sorry asdfghjk
Sheer curtains with 13 Halloween themed swatches (skeletons, spiders, pumpkins, cats, and more!)
Parenthood is required
Custom catalogue thumbnail
Download (separated, so you can pick-and-choose):
(Both are 100% free to everyone, always!)
Once again, I am so, so sorry about the issues with the treats from day 2...i'm really embarrassed lmaaoooo and I'm so sorry for the inconvenience! I had such a lovely Simblreen, and I'm so thankful for every single one of you! I can't wait to do it again next year (hopefully with more gifts that aren't broken lmaoooo where is my clown nose)
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As a disabled revert, i feel like i will be told im wearing my hijab for attention.
Content warning: Ableism, Islamophobia
I am a wheelchair user, and i am muslim. my school does not believe i need it, and i know they believe i do not need it. The way the staff speak to me, even if it’s just a “yes” or “no” says everything i need to know. i can tell they think it’s an attention thing.
now, i want to move forward in my religion. i feel wearing a hijab will bring me closer to Allah SWT. I actually feel guilty for not wearing it, but the fear of being kicked out of my school is greater.
i cannot express my religion without fear, and that will forever be the worst feeling.
Disabled Muslims are no where near as represented in media as they need to be. i cannot help my disability, nor can i help knowing that my faith is what i truly believe in.
We deserve better. Please take time to tell your disabled and/or Muslim friends that they are loved.
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