#yes i am currently scrolling through tumblr
baekuras · 2 months
Started AFK Arena, got Eugene as my first Legendary, liked his design but was worried I might not like his story bc I haven't yet read many of them and it didn't seem like a story/event heavy game, finally gave in 3 days later Anyhow order of operations: -love it, joke around why there isn't a series about it -no there actually is a comic and other ones too -read them all -actually go back to read Gavus and the kids stories as well -learn you basically JUST missed all them being introduced like 4 months ago -hide your pain by consuming everything NOW -it's 7 am i haven't slept since yesterday where am i
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incorrect-belgariad · 3 months
crawls out from the rubble. Barely
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lacefuneral · 7 months
ok i've seen some posts about the tumblr alternative cohost but none that were actually helpful so!
(disclaimer: i am very new to this website. users who have been there longer can and should chime in with additions and/or corrections)
Cohost Introduction Post
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What is cohost?
Cohost is a fledgling website that is essentially a tumblr clone, but with its own culture and site-specific features. It is also very much a work in progress. You are encouraged to talk in the cohost forum to suggest changes for devs, report bugs, and upvote other people's suggestions. This website WILL grow and change over time. And as such, I do not know if/when the information I share here will be outdated. Edit: To answer an ask I received, anyone can join cohost without an invite. It used to be invite-only. It is not this way anymore.
Is "adult content" allowed there?
Yes. Cohost is not on the app store, meaning that it is not subject to Apple's specifications. You can post illustrations, writing, and photographs (cohost does not support any video formats at this time, just gifs). Cohost has an elaborate filtering and trigger warning system (moreso than tumblr), and you can disable adult content for your entire account or for individual tags. I actually don't engage with the adult content at all on there. Visual CSEM (both real and fictional) is specifically forbidden (although frankly I think the guidelines could be stricter wrt written content. Still, does seem to handle this better than AO3 does, going as far to say that written content about real minors is forbidden.)
How are minors protected?
The minimum age to join cohost is 16, and requires proof of parental permission to join. Users who are under 18 are automatically age-gated and cannot view adult content.
If cohost isn't on the app store, how is it used?
You can, of course, use cohost on a computer, but it is designed with mobile in mind. Opening the website on any IOS browser, clicking "share", and then "add to home screen" will install an app for you to use. The same can be done on an android. There is a guide here.
How does cohost work?
First, you create an account. Then you wait for approximately two days (read: weekdays) for the account to be activated. This is done to prevent spam bots. In the meantime, edit your profile. List some interests, your pronouns, your other social media links. Give yourself an icon. Note: icon and banner file sizes are small. You may need to shrink and compress images.
After the two days are up, make your first post! Write a basic introduction (with what you feel comfortable you feel sharing) and list some interests you like, maybe some hobbies, media, etc. And then tag this post with "#welcome to cohost". This will let existing members know that someone new has joined, and they may initiate conversation and/or follow you.
Next, go to the search and type in "The Cohost Global Feed" and click on the tag. Bookmark this tag. This is essentially one giant community space where you can find random users. (There is currently some discourse on the website as to whether this tag existing is a "bad thing" or not because "cohost isn't supposed to have a global tag". Just ignore that lol). Next, go back to search and type in things you like. TV shows, maybe. Video games. Music. Anything. See if people have posted in the tags. Follow them. Comment on their stuff. Click "like" to bookmark the post if you want to.
Most crucially, make sure that you bookmark the actual tag so you can look in that tag again later without having to manually type it each and every time. Also, you get a feed called "bookmarked tags" which allows you to scroll through all of them at once, which replaces the "for you" feature other websites have.
You can "share" a post (called "rebug" in user slang) which serves the same purpose as a reblog on tumblr. In a rebug, you can add your own tags or comment in the body of the post. Cohost users do not talk in tags as much as tumblr users - they tend to prefer to speak in the body of a rebug, or in the comment section (replies). At this time, you cannot view all reblogs. But you can view all comments in the comment section. Any post that is rebugged will preserve the tags of the OP, with any additional tags added being attributed to you. Rebugs are named after the website mascot Eggbug, a purple bee-like insect.
Posts are called "chosts" - and shitposting is called "shitchosting." Two examples of global shitposting tags are "#css crimes" - which is when a person does goofy things with the HTML/CSS editor to make colorful text, fake chat windows, and such - and "#shitchosting" which is a general shitposting tag. I've also seen people use tags like "#random".
If a post makes you laugh, check out the OP's profile. See if they post frequently, and if you have any common interests. If you realize you want to block or mute someone instead, you can.
You can send asks just like on tumblr, but your inbox must be manually opened first. So remember to do that.
How do I look at my own blog?
This is one of my gripes about the UI. You would think, intuitively, you would click here (at the top of the screen). But you would be wrong!
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It is ACTUALLY under the sidebar menu, called "Profile." And I'm not the only one to to complain about this. (To get back to your dashboard, by the way, you click on the cohost logo.)
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Are there sideblogs?
Yes! Each sidepage (sideblog) has its OWN set of likes AND followed pages (blogs). This allows you to easily switch between multiple sets of dashboards. A lot of users use this to have a SFW dashboard and an adult content dashboard. But it works like tumblr, too. You can have a side page/dashboard for whatever you'd like. Maybe one of your pages is for programming. Maybe another is for photography. You switch between your pages by clicking the arrow next to your icon/username at the top of the screen. ("Ohhhhh.... THAT'S what that's for.")
What's the userbase on there like?
Mostly programmers. Trans people. Furry artists. Plural systems. Furry trans plural programmers. Certainly a lot of shitposters. The website is trans-run and, as such, has zero tolerance for TERFs. Everyone seems pretty friendly from what I can tell. And there's very much a culture of "follow someone randomly based on their vibes" that doesn't happen as much on tumblr. Tumblr is more like "I really like this TV show, I'm going to follow 40 blogs about just this interest." Because the cohost community is so much smaller, there is a lot less content overall, especially fandom content. You can't follow 40 fandom pages because your fandom tag has a total of 3 posts, all made by one person approximately a year ago (well. for me anyway).
Cohost, then, actually has much more in common with real-life socialization. You seek out people with interests that may be very different from your own, and to find a common interest is very exciting! Unlike tumblr, you are encouraged to tag as much as possible. This allows your posts to be seen, to find common interests. And, of course, don't forget to look in "#Welcome To Cohost" too! You may find some new friends there.
What file formats can I post in?
Currently, I am aware of basic image formats working (like jpeg, png) animated gifs, and mp3s. You currently cannot upload videos to cohost. I believe the reason is not related to server costs, but rather as a way to curb the uploading of copyrighted content.
How does cohost make money?
There are no ads, and yet, as far as I am aware, cohost is operating comfortably. There is, however, an entirely optional "cohost plus" that is $5 USD a month. Currently, there are a few perks, but not enough to convince me.
What if I think something about cohost should change?
Cohost has a forum where users can submit ideas for features and other users can discuss/upvote those ideas.
Here is a list of posts made for newcomers to read:
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storiesbyrhi · 9 months
Following up on this anon message, here are some Eddie fic recommendations on AO3.
I tend to read on Tumblr a lot, so if you really want the shit I love, have a scroll through the #RhiReblogs tag.
To everyone: feel free to comment your own links and recommendations too!
I have just thrown this together last minute, so I have probably forgotten so many amazing stories and writers, and for that I am very sorry.
Sea Foam // Sharp Teeth by @kookygranger
Seeing Stars by @boogiewrites
The "Yes" Policy by @pinkrelish
the shire is burning by @ghost-proofbaby
And I Need You to Know by @the-unforgivenn
Between The Pages by VibraniumVirgo
Boycott Love by munsondumb
Look through these writers' catalogs:
Bewildered Bunny @bewilderedbunny
blue_mossbird @blueywrites
fairyysoup @fairyysoup
Jo_Harrington @jo-harrington
Hellfire_Cult @hellfire--cult
Loveshotzz @loveshotzz
LunaLove4537 (@abibliophobiaa)
manicpixiedreamcurl @manicpixiedreamcurl
neonghostlights @neonghostlights
myosotisa @myosotisa
word_wytch @word-wytch
Bettyfrommars @bettyfrommars
RIP_quizlla @rip-quizilla
somnambulic_thing @somnambulic-thing
Tumblr links to writers I love but I currently don't have the energy to find AO3 links for:
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*worried mom mode activated*
Asmi, honey, please know that it is okay to take a break.
My tumblr is flooded with posts from you and I am having fun being called a maggot and so far it seems you're having fun with this (in a masochistic way), but also clearly this is swallowing up a whole lot of your time.
So if you ever stop having as much fun or if it's getting too much, know that you don't owe us anything and step away.
We love our mascot, but remember to take care of Asmi too.
Just wanted to remind you of that, if not currently relevant feel free to ignore the advice.
Hello maggot and internet mum thank you for this I needed this reminder. I'm definitely having so much fun, because Tumblr is basically how i socialise since I'm currently not in education and too tired to go make new friends offline, so I'm very very glad I found this batshit family online. Of course that joy is balanced by the very very masochistic brainrot and intense hysterics over Crowley and Aziraphale and I will never recover from this.
But you know what yes I'm gonna be a good kid for once and try to go do things off tumblr today. I need to clean my things oof and it'll be nice to go learn about English lit or something. The idea of trying to be productive is horrifying, especially during the start of the year when everyone tries to be, but I'm sure I can manage to be a degenerate too.
Thank you for this! It's a little past 10 am here, I think I'll return to tumblr in the evening or night (am I addicted? yes. do I regret it? no, because before I'd spend all this time scrolling through tumblr screenshots on pinterest, but now I am interacting with the lunacy wahooo).
Take all the love. Maggots, if you've been scrolling or typing too long, I hate to be responsible but maybe you should take a break and step outside and uh... drink water? eat sunlight? do a little dance? (I'm so good at being responsible see)
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bizarrementation · 5 months
> Enter Name.
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Your name is ICHOR ROSE "RHOSE" "JASPROSE" LALONDE. You are 20 YEARS OLD (9/19) and use SHE/IT pronouns. Currently, you are on your LAPTOP SCROLLING TUMBLR as usual. You have a variety of interests. You have a passion for PSYCHOLOGY. You enjoy writing cards and are NOT SO SECRETIVE ABOUT IT. You have a fondness for the BESTIALLY STRANGE AND OCCULT. You are SOMEWHAT NEUROTIC from time to time. And on occasion, if just the right one strikes your fancy, you like to play VIDEO GAMES with your friends.
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TERFS, pedophiles (yes, you, MAPs, and pro-fiction freaks,) LGBTphobes, and racists get humiliated, (IP) blocked, and/or reported to staff and/or authorities. I don't care about other kink. Everyone else is on a case-by-case basis. Yes, I will go through your blog personally. Consider it an honor to have the kinnie freak to do it.
Professional loser. Professional fingers in many pies haver. Professional huge bitch. Speaker of far too many 50 cent words. Active from time-to-time and inactive other times. I get my way or I throw a hissy fit and then get over it.
I don't like people who won't let me say slurs I can reclaim, and I don't like people who believe in "problematic media."
This blog is run by a psychotic addict system. Obviously. Correlation or causation? We have known we were a system since 13; don't like self diagnosis? Block us. Spend enough time around us and you may get to know who is who. Since apparently every system must have a stance on this, we are traumagenic/psychgenic, endo-neutral, and anti-syscourse.
Things will not be tagged unless I like you or you ask nicely. I may forget because I have memory problems, so just remind me.
Feel free to screenshot and mock my about on your blog. Or block me. I don't care. I'm an adult and have better things to do these days than have a panic attack over Tumblr anymore.
All of this being said, I swear I am a really nice person/people. If you read through all this, here is your prize.
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yin-shimo · 6 months
Collective (and final) Post
- because I'll be deleting the previous posts and hoping this singular one is good enough for everyone.
Let's get the biggest issue out of the way,
Yes, I am a proshipper and no i don't care how you feel about it. As always, please feel free to block me now and not bother to read the rest, its the reason i was open about being one in the first place.
I never cared i was banned from yoonie's server. i never talked in it and i wasn't there to make friends. I was in there solely to see if they said anything about me and yeah they did. You can go crazy and call me a stalker for that too, I get it. What they said is irrelevant (such as my cc, i don't know why its made out to seem like im upset abt that..) to why im upset, i just disliked them viewing my account like stalkers even tho none followed or liked me. Thats it. I would have never called out names etc if yoonnie hadnt vague posted me.
secondly, for all the csa and sa mentions and me supposedly posting weird ships or whatever. Please, please actually scroll through my account and show me where i have EVER talked about any ships (aside from wx), posted images abt the topic, or anything similar.
while youre at it, please show me where it was that i failed to tag such 'problematic' nsfw posts. you do know i only tag them with #xian: spice, my oc tags and occasionally #simspice, right? My pinned says im an 18+ blog, my description says 18+ only, how many warnings are expected of me?
next, where and when did i ever interact with anyone, especially from that clique, that made them so uncomfortable? it couldnt be in yoonie's server. i didnt talk about my self or interests and no one ever posted in the nsfw channel of my own server when it existed. so again, it couldnt be there either. I dont even interact with minors on discord or tumblr!
please, please understand that i KNOW there are many many topics people arent comfortable with (i have some too) and theyre 100% valid! especially to block/unfollow me for! Aside from one recent render, I have never posted anything worth a CW (and the render is properly tagged with #cw: implied abuse) and if i do again, it will always have the proper CW. I am not trying to trigger anyone.
If somehow, my pfp, description, etc, is enough to trigger you, please please just stay away from my account for your own sake. and the yarichin argument is weak and only proves the people so uncomfortable and 'triggered' by me apparently still look at my page and saw my current pfp lol
the only post that will be left is the ask i answered showing how harmful corona 'jokes' are towards all asians whether theyre chinese or not
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tessa-quayle · 1 year
FanFiction Recommendations
before I disclose my favorite Pedro Pascal character-related fan fiction here, a few caveats and disclosed biases: I’m a woman of a certain age.  I was your average English lit major.  I’m the dork who - upon listening to Jewel’s debut album and hearing the lyric “you can be Henry Miller and I’ll be Anais Nin” in the mid 1990s  - legit hauled my ass to the local public library and looked up Anais Nin - using the Dewey Decimal system - to read her elevated smut.  Right now I’m a content but exhausted, ragey American woman in a mid-life crisis.  I hate bullshit, I have an ok attention span, I scroll/read after the family’s gone to bed.  
if you look at my semi-neglected Tumblr page, you’ll see I’m relatively new to the Pedro fandom.  What a privilege to dive into really superb writing.  This is clearly not an exhaustive list and reflects my tastes (and to each her/his/their own)!  But if you’re an exhausted parent in a mid-life crisis and have no time, this may be for you! 
in no particular order...
@fuckyeahdindjarin - masterlist - Cee describes herself as a writer who pens romantic comedies - and she does a stellar job with them - but she sells herself short and fails to mention the sex scenes she writes are hot.  especially love the consent series (dieter bravo), the grays 2-part series (frankie morales), and of course, the ongoing joel miller/pin series.  a delightful mix of angst, sweetness, spice.  and a thoughtful writer with an inclusive mindset. 
@absurdthirst - masterlist - if you told me Keri has a few stories published in several “best of erotica” anthologies, I’d believe you.  good smut is fucking hard to write.  this is great smut.  this is smut you read and then take a cold shower afterwards or do whatever it is you like to do to get yourself off.  it’s smut that even as a non-smoker and knowing all the terrible health risks you may think goddamn I need a cigarette.  I'm partial to a few Javier Pena and Agent Whiskey pieces, but you’d be satisfied reading any of her stories.
@something-tofightfor - masterlist - Rachael should give a master class on how to write the best slow burn.  Her Joel Miller stories stand out for several reasons including - 1) she thoughtfully incorporates elements of the original canon/game into her fanfic which is uncommon in the PP fandom (from what I’ve seen/read at least), 2) every Joel story/chapter is compelling and well imagined.  Her current series on Tim Rockford has me on the edge of my seat and I'm eagerly awaiting the next installment.  And judging from the titles of her stories, we have similar music tastes (ha!). 
@disgruntledspacedad - this writer hasn’t updated in several months, but their Javier Pena multi-chapter fic (and folks, there are MANY out there) called Better Love is the one that kept me going and going and wanting to read more (see mention of short attention span in a tired mama above).  being in the healthcare field, I also arch my eyebrows out of curiosity when someone weaves medical stuff into their writing and wonder what line of work they do.  (yes I'm a terribly biased nerd, I’m a sucker for when someone puts a f!physician reader into their PP-character related drabble).
@jomiddlemarch - she is a great friend and a gifted, amazing writer who always makes me wonder “how does she do this and how does she do this so well and so quickly while the rest of us plebes are just getting through our day.”  she writes for MULTIPLE fandoms (and judging from the notes on her posts, I think her readership is more into those than Pedro and the Last of Us but it’s ok!), and started writing Joel Miller and an OFC (she created!) named Grace Yang (NOT ME - but maybe there’s a chance she created this OFC to shut me up since I’ve been rambling on and on about how besotted I am with Pedro 😂).  If you’re into OFCs, read her stuff.  Check out the (ongoing) entire series on her AO3 here.  Here’s one story that you can find on her Tumblr.  Two of the five stories are Ted Lasso crossovers - all her stories are written so richly and so layered - she’s the star in your writing workshop who’s showing and not telling - I’m still thinking about how there’s so much to unpack in the latest one. :) 
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wishingstarinajar · 11 months
Sometimes I am a little upset that I'm out of the loop on many things and people because Twitter/X is the place where the activity is really high. It was so easy to keep track of what was happening.
But on the other hand, I'm also not really upset about missing out on a lot of things. Yes, the place is active but it shovels a lot of bad stuff through that high activity. Every time I check in, there's something going on that is either related to drama, toxic, or just depressing.
You can say "oh Wish, just scroll past that!" but I'm kind of tired of that quick fix. I don't have to do the "quick scroll" every day on other websites (like Tumblr) so why should I accept that as a norm for Twitter/X?
Yes, it's awful to miss out on what other artists or whoever else I'm following over there are doing. Yes, I often wish the people I want to stay on top of would just come here instead. I'm a wishing star in a jar, I wish a lot of things. But what I don't have to wish for is the fact that I'm mentally doing better because I'm checking Twitter/X less and less.
I love reading informative posts here on Tumblr. Twitter/X can't beat that with the limited tweet/xeets and enforced (and at times broken-up) threads. I love how people can go into detail about whatever, like after someone sent in a question or reblogged a post with specific tags. And it's not just Tumblr, there are other sites with good systems, though Tumblr is the current comfort zone for me.
But as said, I'm a wishing star. I will continue to wish, and I wish there was an easier and healthier way to keep track of the online people you aren't friends with but still want to indirectly keep in touch with, without needing to visit several different websites/apps every damn day.
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talkingismylifewrites · 2 months
Literally the only reason that I still have a tumblr account is so that I can occasionally scroll through your blog to see if there’s a dyldyl update, and I just saw your post from the end of January! I’m so happy and grateful that you’ve continued working on it, thank you thank you thank you!! I’m so excited to read it 🥰🥰
Okay so I tried replying to this like six times (five of which I was very drunk on Easter Sunday with my family so that could be why it wasn’t working) but every time I’d press post it would just delete. Could it be that tumblr refuses to spread the dyldyl word? Maybe it was the eight bottles of champagne my family consumed or maybe it could be that I hadn’t updated tumblr since the year of our lord 2022. Whatever the reason apologies for the delay.
Now onto the dyldyl update: yes!!! I finished the honeymoon!! It took me three years but I did it!!! It’s currently in editing hell where it most likely will continue to live for the next few months. Lo has a big girl job while I am currently in between jobs so we’re crawling along with the editing it deserves. Right now it sits at 38k so it’s gonna take a while for us to chip away at it :)
Thank you so much for sticking with me this long you have no idea how much it means to me! Dyldyl is my baby and while it’s slow going it’s still something that i want to finish so it truly means so much to me that you’re still sticking with it!! Thank you thank you!!
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madstronaut · 4 months
it is currently madstro'clock and it is FaFiCoWriYear in this house
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the original FaFiCoWriMo post feels too long to keep reblogging but I'm choking laughing right now because I decided to link it and this image above is what I see - FUCK IT WE BALL 😂😂😂😂😂😂 (truly my whole tumblr vibe)
me: gonna plug away at commenting on all the fics I’ve read lately that I love hmm should take a break 
also me: *takes break by looking for other fics to read*
I was completely taken off-guard by stumbling on this fic while mindlessly scrolling on tumblr and having it show up in my recs, so yes i live-blogged by reading even though I HAVE SO MANY OTHER DRAFTS OPEN BUT IT'S COS I END UP RE-READING CERTAIN FICS OVER AND OVER AND I KEEP FINDING NEW COMMENTS TO WRITE IM STILL THINKNIG OF COMMENTS I MISSED ON FICS I ALREADY COMMENTED ON BUT ANYWAY AHEM- 
without further ado, pls stay for the rambly thoughts, then flee in fright because of the increasing levels of unhinged commentar-
Reading: Touch-starved Nikto fic series by @keysorsomething
- "his current running theory was that you must have some form of brain damage. Perhaps you were dropped as a baby."
hehehehehehehe i swear nikto writers capture what i think would be his sense of humor with bullseye accuracy imho
- “His bright blue eyes broke through the dim lighting as if they were backlit by two LED bulbs in his skull.”
“You crack your eye open, meeting his piercing blue stare, like hot water down the back of your shirt.”
- “Maybe you could weird him out enough for him to leave you be..?”
literally held my breath reading the next few paragraphs til I read “He’s very gentle”
I don’t know what exactly it is about gentle touch but it can cut through people’s armor & walls like butter IRL and in fic and I JUST *am exploding, cannot type further*
- “His eyes looked like he was blinking on occasion, which was actually mildly upsetting because there goes your Christmas present for him.”
honestly what a thoughtful gift for the reader to get him eyedrops lmao *tell me u have a crush without telling me u have a crush, oh nothing just got you an extremely specific gift cos I noticed small details about you*
- “Did this count at fraternization?”
- “I wanna know what’s up-” you pause “-man,” you tack it on, but quickly feel like you shouldn’t have. Who the fuck calls a guy like this man?
omg I am alr in love i fucking looooove awkward!readers
- trope alert trope alert trope alert STORAGE CLOSET READER? REALLY? (yes please god yes im so happy rn)
i would like to kneel before this all-powerful goofy ass awkward adorable reader who has nikto scared in a closet looking for ways out 
- “Not like that,” You correct, and he just eyes you more confusedly. “I mean, not yet..? Look,” You sigh,”
the “i mean, not yet” - like omg nikto if i was in ur shoes hearing this i would have to suppress the strong urge to immediately make out and probably fail to stopper the hearts exploding from my body (and ofc hide the involuntary boner popping maybe hello?)
- ““See you tonight,” Klaus mocks.”
i pity these fools, reader has just tamed nikto, i would beat all their asses immediately singlehandedly from the sheer high and power trip i would be on
- if someone referred to me as ‘one of the three snoopiest bitches on base’ i would get it tattooed on my collarbones probably
- ‘being called into König’s office and being scolded about fraternizing’ - thisisaniktoficstopthirstingforkonigthisisaniktoficstopthirstingforkonigthisisaniktoficstopthirstingforkonigthisisaniktoficstopthirstingforkonigthisisaniktoficstopthirstingforkonigthisisaniktoficstopthirstingforkonigthisisaniktoficstopthirstingforkonig
- ‘His guns are neatly lined up against the wall, biggest to smallest.’
CUTECUTECUTECUTECUTECUTE omg i just know he prob has nicknames for them too
- ““Нет,” He replies firmly. He’s in more comfortable clothes, something you’ve never seen before.”
i am probably dating myself here but at the tight t-shirt and sweats description all i hear is BOWCHICKAWOWOWOWWWWW
- “Your eyes stay on him intensely as he lays down in the bed, sliding under the covers. “You are here to help us sleep,”
ok all my horniness left me (ok almost all not all of it of course not i would die) and i just felt so tender and awwwwwwww of it all, esp. the reader comparing his grip to a child with their lovie :( 
- “You see the faint, deep-brown shaping of his brows, his long eyelashes, the scar that covers the right side, but most importantly, the pale gleam of his skin in the little light.
He had washed the eyeblack off. And he had done it just for you.”
I am left speechless here; the buildup to this scene is storytelling and climactic perfection in my opinion
then i clicked on next part and it is titled “caught” and i screamed out loud lol
- “You dare to even think you want the world to melt away, for time to be this moment and this moment alone, always and forever, but should you really let him boss you around like that?”
looooooooove, totally captures that feeling when u have one of those 'time stands still/you wished time stood still' moments IRL
- also as much as ive somehow developed a bizarrely unquenchable thirst for graves (do not @ me, i know, i have problems and I love it) canon graves is exactly how id imagine he’d be like in this fic esp with the constant mansplaining
- "How do you deny a masked man who’s speaking in his mother tongue?"
- “When you look into his eyes, you feel like he wants nothing more than to touch you, and you feel he agrees that this moment is ever so precious. But he doesn’t want to touch you. Perhaps he’s afraid, or perhaps he doesn’t like his face being touched, so he won’t touch yours. The Golden Rule and all that.”
“It’s all the best thing to ever happen in this place, and you have a feeling it’s the best thing to have ever happened to him.”
““Nikto?” You ask, voice soft and wavering, like if you speak too loud you’ll create a rip in space-time and it will have never happened.”
again i feel like someone has snipershot me to the heart with tenderness, everything about this fic and the premise just speaks to a core desire i have to create moments like this, to bypass someone’s armor and touch their heart, and be a source of healing for hurt just by the gift of our mere presence and vice versa - and have this moment and memory become an indescribable source of light and strength in dark and dreary times to be taken out and relived over and over again as needed (or is it just me that does this lol idk)  
fanfic writers never change and keep creating pls <3 ur words create worlds that inspire and brighten our IRL world <3
- i am deeply moved by the indescribable tenderness of nikto waking reader up by softly patting their cheek - this man known and infamous for his harshness and aggression - UNF
-  “As always, they are an icy blue that doesn’t match the feeling of having them on you at all. But by now they feel so much cooler than before, like a warm hug or a heated blanket instead of a hot iron.”
if you’ve known any blue-eyed folx up close i have most def seen their eye color change with emotions, sooo fascinating and hot
- ummmmm my jaw fucking dropped when i realized he leaned in…TO KISS HER? I THOUGHT HE WAS ALSO GONNA REST HIS EYES AND JUST SLEEP FOR A BIT NEXT TO HER? OMG the emotional rOLLERCOASTER THIS STORY HAS TAKEN ME ON *running to download it as we speak*
- omg when reader starting sniffling i just want to hug her and also go back in the room and yell at konig OMG YOU MADE OUR HIGHLY TRAINED PMC-LEVEL KILLER READER CINNAMON ROLL CRY I WILL HURT YOU SIR IDK HOW COS IM LIKE 5’2 BUT IF I HAVE TO CLIMB U LIKE A TREE TO DO SO I WILL TO GET IN YOUR FACE-
- “Who the hell can you trust? Both not to talk, but also with Nikto.” - ends up being Velikan meanwhile me busy shredding the post-it behind my back hoping/suggesting it’s dmitry bale and trying not to cry- (ignore me dmitry is my current hyper fixation)
- i wont lie i am both so heart warmed by how tender and sweet reader is for being so good at reading body language and also laughing my ass off at her having this kinda complicated conversation with velikan who does not talk, mostly growls also while typing this his name autocorrected to pelican and i cannot stop fucking laughing
- omg DMITRY REFERENCE I SCREAMED OUT LOUD (it’s like 1130pm where i am, sorry to my apt neighbors)
- also omg i am crying at this allegiance letter with sputnik, i love both how thoughtful and it is and how it highlights each member and their personality - and that the return of sputnik returned some good memories back to nikto <3, shoutout to any PTSD folx who also deal with blankouts, flashbacks, and having good memory recall be a total struggle street - i think i would openly sob if someone did for me the emotional equivalent of what velikan (and allegiance and by extension reader) did for nikto here with sputnik <3 (and now im remembering IRL times people have done this for me and now im crying omg THE POWER OF FANFIC Y’ALL)
- also i love how Velikan is written here - “This motherfucker was going to get him put on Fatal Attractions.” i would chill and fuck with him and also probably kill for him hahaha jk or am i-
- very into this irresponsible driver yet simultaneously responsible dog dad rodion rn
- also love the small touch of velikan removing his mask to look yegor in the eye asking if krueger is dead or not
the absolute ride this fic took me on???? incredible incredible incredible this is going in my list of top favorite COD fics @keysorsomething and if i could boost this in the nikto fics tag i would but i'll mostly just be salivating here in the corner over this fic in the meantime, tyvm <3
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kimmiessimmies · 1 year
Just a ramble about aesthetics and things
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Like most of us, I also saw that aesthetics question going round and since reading it and the responses to it, I've been thinking about it more than I should, which in turn got me thinking about other things Simblr and community related and I decided to share my two cents about it as well.
The question stated in the poll was "How important do you think 'aesthetic quality' is in the simblr community?" and the answers varied immensely. Doing a quick Tumblr/Simblr scroll, the answer would have to be 'very important', because most images showing up are very gorgeous: beautiful colours, great compositions, perfect lighting. However, when I check the tab that shows which posts I have liked, the pattern changes: it's the storytellers who get most of my Tumblr hearts. And then it doesn't matter whether it's part of an elaborate story that's been going on for years with several plot twists, or just a family having breakfast. I like both equally, because both tell a story. Sure, I like a nice Sim picture as much as the next person, but for me, it will always be about the story it tells much more than the aesthetics of it.
The same is true for my own posts: I just want to tell my stories, share my Sims, my town. Yes, I sometimes post picture posts of lots I've built. At first glance, you could say that's about aesthetics more than storytelling. But it's not. Because of the way I play, everything is connected: the story is Honeycomb Valley and everything from the lots to the Sims to the seemingly random things that happen to them are all part of it. Sure, I love creating beautiful lots, but that's mostly because I like realism in my game. I like to see my sims in places that look true to life. And because this is a self-created world, it can look like the best version of that life. 😉
In taking pictures, I try to get the best angle and before posting I run my pictures through Picmonkey to do a bit of basic editing, which is mostly just an auto adjust of brightness and shadows. Literally two clicks and I'm done. I hadn't even heard of Reshade and all those other -shades until a month or two ago. 😄
I read another reply saying how everyone who has a Simblr does so for the notes, because if you're not in it for the notes, why have a Simblr in the first place? This made me laugh. I get the point, but if I was in it for the notes, I might as well leave today. I averaged around 20 notes per post during my glory days and only around 9 since returning after my hiatus. I can think of many reasons why this is:
My posts can seem very incoherent: I can be posting about James Wyler one day and about Luke Bennett the next. These two have never even crossed paths and their stories have no apparent connection whatsoever. I can imagine how this makes my stories and my Sims hard to follow for most.
I don’t post my full stories on here. Reading them requires a visit to my WordPress blog. I understand how most people just want to do a quick scroll, read, like, and move on.
I am and will forever be TS3 player. And we're simply a smaller crowd in the Simblr universe currently.
I was gone for five years.
Now, I could change all of this (except for that last one) and possibly get more followers and more notes. But I don't want to. Yes, of course, I love getting a notification saying someone liked my post. I appreciate the support and the love and it makes me very happy to see there are people out there who like the stories I write, the lots I build and feel connected to my Sims to some degree. So in that sense, I get why someone would say we're all in it for the notes. But I don't care about the quantity. I love those 9 just as much as I love the 195 I once received on my much-reblogged post of The Greenery.
So, I'm not changing a thing. I'm keeping my WordPress blog as my main Sims home because that's where everything connects. Where it does make sense that I'm posting about James on day 1 and about Luke on day 2. Where the story is Honeycomb Valley. Where you can click from a story to a Sim profile and vice versa. And my Simblr will remain a place to just post bits and pieces (and rambles like this) and to stay connected to the ones who are interested in me, my stories and my Sims. I love my 9 notes and I love the 3 people who click on to visit my WordPress blog and read my full stories a little bit extra. 😉❤️
One last thing I would like to add to this already much too-long rant is how much I miss the old Sim community. The days of the forums and the tight-knit online group us Sims veterans were. Discovering and becoming a part of the Sim community back then has meant a lot to me. I miss that. I realise I sound like a grandmother now, reminiscing about the good old days, so maybe it's time to end this post. 😄
Anyway, that's my ramble of thoughts on aesthetics, Simblrs and community. Thanks for reading. 😊
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mysterypigeon · 19 days
hey sorry I was scrolling through the crane wives tags on tumblr and saw that post that you then reblogged about the seven potential new songs. I don't have any crane wives enjoyer friends so I'm leaving my thoughts with you instead...
before the pandemic happened they were talking about songs like nobody, volta, high horse etc (basically all the songs that are currently released as singles) all being on their next album, and they seemed very sure of it in some recordings I've seen
unfortunately then the pandemic happened and the new album never got finished :/ but I wonder if they're still holding true to that original plan, at least somewhat
on one hand I think getting the non-live versions of some of the singles would be hype. it would mean they'd get to play around more with arrangements, extra instruments and various sounds
on the other hand it'd also mean we get less new music which I would be ok with but admittedly would be *mildly* disappointed
or maybe they could just do another set of sister albums like they did with coyote stories and foxlore lmao
idk just some thoughts that I've been thinkin'
THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!!! god i wish my inbox was full of crane wives asks all the time
okay so first off yes sister albums would be ideal for maximum crane wives music. that would also be so funny to pull when no one expects it
i do have some bad news. i went to their april 4th concert, and before playing Nobody, they said "We're releasing an album in the fall. [crowd screamed] This next song won't be on it. But- yeah, I know. I didn't want to set expectations in case. Yeah... We are intro-ing it like it will be on the album. Sorry to disappoint you. But there will be, like, brand new music, which is good."
however! Nobody was one of the songs that got a Dogtown recording. you mentioned Volta and High Horse, but while Volta did, High Horse never got that kind of recording. others like Daydreamer, Here I Am, Hollow Moon, Taking Turns, Drown You Out, Empty Page and Sowing Seeds didn't either. it could be that some of those will show up on the album
still, i think it's going to be the seven we know about (Arcturus Beaming, Bitter Medicine, Mad Dog, More Time, Say It, Scars, and The Well) plus maybe five more secret songs (their albums are usually twelve). if Mad Dog and More Time don't make it i'll be quietly devastated, but the others are definitely on the album.
or maybe they will release a thirty-song album with every song they've written since 2016. we can only hope
thank you :)
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vegaspunks · 4 months
'Deadly' Iconic (literally)
I came across an intriguing post while scrolling through my Twitter—or X, whatever you call it—timeline. The post shows a picture (shown below), with this caption:
Which character is this?
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Since I was in the mood to type a rather long thread at that time, I wrote—or typed—my ass off in my private Twitter account (which only has 4 followers). It was only a week later that I thought, "I probably should have posted it on Tumblr instead," so here you go.
Note: Since I originally posted this on Twitter, the writing was not good (I tend to just typed down whatever I have in mind when on that app), so I edited it to make it more readable.
Well, since I'm still in the after effect of Strangers from Hell, I'd say it's Seo Moonjo. His role is so damn iconic that I, and probably many other watchers, didn't even realize that his screentime was only around an hour... in the whole goddamn series that's about 10 hours long in total. In other words, his screentime was just one-tenth of the whole show, very contrasting to the fact that he was literally the second lead character in said show. What is even more mind blowing is the fact that I only realized how short his screentime was because the actor himself mentioned this, not because I realized it on my own.
To quote, the actor, Lee Dong-wook, said: "I'm not greedy for screentime. I used to be, but when i was playing in Strangers from Hell, I only appear in the show for about an hour in total, but it turns out people like my character so much, and the feedback was so good... Since then, I am never greedy of main character roles anymore and always try to make my own character special, in their own way, instead."
To conclude, he said that it doesn't matter (anymore) to him which role he got to play. In a good show, each character always has their own appeal, and as long as the actor/actress plays the character well, that character will shine no matter how trivial their role in the story is.
I (as a spectator who merely watches movies or dramas and read books then try to analyze them in the most objective way) think that this is very true. A lot of characters in iconic books and shows are dead already in the plot's current time, and are only shown in flashbacks, but they are imprinted on the readers' or watchers' mind more than the living characters do.
A very good example is the character Donquixote "Corazon" Rosinante in the manga (and anime) One Piece. He was already dead long ago and was only shown in Trafalgar Law's childhood flashbacks, but damn i think more than half of the One Piece fandom love him so much, and the other half really like him. (there's even a saying that goes, you are not a human if you hate on two One Piece characters; Corazon (Rosinante's nickname), and Bon Chan.)
Another One Piece character (yes this is the manga I love the most) is "Red Haired" Shanks. He was the father/mentor/role model figure to the main character, Monkey D. Luffy, and he first appeared on the story in Luffy's memory of his childhood.
Since then, he only appeared in like two to three panels (around 10-20 seconds in the anime) for every 100 chapter/episode (I am not even exaggerating), but still, he is actually one of the most iconic and awaited character in the whole manga/anime, which has more than 600 characters in total. He even quite easily places in "Top 10 Most Iconic One Piece Characters" lists no matter who made the list.
This, in it's own way, is quite like what happened with Seo Moonjo's character in Strangers from Hell, who only appeared in one-tenth of the show but at the same time is also the number 1 most iconic and memorable character there.
Anyway, in the same way that Shanks is similar to Seo Moonjo, I think Corazon's character is similar to Jeong Jinman's in A Shop for Killers (also played by Lee Dong-wook). They're both dead characters that only appear now and then through one of the main characters' memory, but they're so iconic that, in Jeong Jinman's case, it sometimes make the watchers forget he's not actually the main character.
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tazdrgaoneyetagain · 10 months
i canNOT deal with looking at the outdated one much longer so its new pinned time!
HELLAO! i go by taz, jevil, or if youre feeling sillay, you can call me drgaone! or just dragon. if youre normal. also any variation of the word dog
☆ he/it/bark, transmasc and pan!
☆ furry and therian (black wolfdog) and otherhearted (dragon of course), selfshipper!!!1!1!
☆ not whatsoever diagnosed but everyone who talks to me agrees theres some divergent on that neuro
☆ taken and very loud about it i love bird sm
☆ chronic epistaxis i am the number one bleeder
《FANDOMS :3333》
◇ wings of fire
◇ pjsk/vocaloid
◇ fnaf, specifically the dcas
◇ hfjone
◇ the walten files
◇ chonny's charming chaos compendium
◇ regretevator its birds fault
◇ kinitopet!!!!
《F/OS !!》
♡ sun (five nights at freddys, romantic f/o)
♡ six-claws (wings of fire, father f/o)
♡ sayori (doki doki literature club, romantic f/o)
♡ shadow bonnie (five nights at freddys, platonic f/o)
♡ the heart acoustic (cccc, platonic f/o)
♡ kinito (kinitopet, romantic f/o)
♧ drgaone roars -> og posts
♧ drgaone snarls -> asks and answers
♧ tax evasion -> art tag! i used this one across all my past blogs (@taz-drgaone, and the one i had to deactivate womp womp) so going through a tag for a literal felony is fucking flooded with fruity dragons. in retrospect i should have made it drgaone draws
♧ manatee the silly! -> manatee my blorbo my silly. also used across all blogs but you dont have to scroll past political shit
♧ drgaone scrawls -> poetry n fanfic !!!!!!!!!
♧ saveforlater -> imagine me curled up on a pile of these posts like a sleeping dragon atop its horde of treasures
♧ holy shit the images are moving -> animations i post
♧ partnerposting -> me being in love
♤ feel free to send asks requests dms whateva!!!1! i thrive off interaction its my fucking lifeblood
♤ ask about my ocs.
♤ my discord is assignedmuckaatblucka PLEASE ADD ME.
♤ tazzerjevil on ao3!!! read my fics boy but maybe not the smut. currently workinf on a jashling chatfic im v proud of
♤ my biggest trigger is the military PLEEEASEEEE dont send me shit related to it. or i kill you wigh my teeth
♤ PRO-PALESTINE. except i cant post much abt it because my pro-israel mother knows my tumblr. and also the above
♤ i am worlds most annoying dog. i will spam you with barking and yap about my partner so much
BASIC DNI SHIT! pls if ur a jackass do Not follow. also anyone against cannibalism, transspecies people (not one myself but its such a cool concept), mspec lesbians, xenos or neos. also if youre gonna tag me in a reblog chain plEASE dont do one of those ones where it says "tag [insert number of people]" i panic and have no clue who ta tag,,, also no reblog bait please!
OKAY GO LOOK AT MY SHIT HAVE FUN!!!!!! yes i changed this. slay
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thatsexcpisces · 6 months
❤️‍🔥 Tarot + astrology readings (info + prices) ❤️‍🔥
• if you want me to do a reading for you, dm me here on tumblr
• you can ask me your question and send the payment through CashApp. As soon as you contact me, I will send you that info
*** • you can even pay me after I send you the reading, don’t feel rushed, I’m completely okay with accepting the money later on as long as you get your reading first 💕 ***
• once im done doing the reading for you, I will send you or email you a google doc or some kind of a word doc with the full explanation of your answer and further details. Or If you want I can just send you an entire message of the answer on Tumblr lol
• I will most likely need your full name in order for me to be more specific in the reading and for it to be easier for me to access your energy. For example, if I am doing a reading for you and a love interest, I need your and their first and last name and the zodiac signs and your & their birthdays. (I could also do initials if you want but preferably full names cause it’s more detailed)
• I promise that these details and your info will be absolutely confidential and I will not share them anywhere or to anyone. I just need them for the reading. So make sure you’re okay with & you agree to that before asking for a reading💗
Scroll down for prices and explanations of the types of readings you can ask for! 💫🤍🪐
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• Yes or no (elaborate) $5 : you can ask me any question (has to preferably be a question that can be answered with a “yes” or “no” tho lol) and I will give you that kind of answer but explained in a detailed way with further info on how to have that outcome
• Concise advice (on a certain situation)$8 : you can ask me for advice on anything happening in your life at the moment or any question about a specific topic or situation and I’ll tell you how to approach and handle it
• Past, present, future $10 : I will do a layout about your past and present and what to expect in the future
• Full Relationship spread (you and other person) $25 : I will do a full card spread of you and your person of interest (can be romantic or platonic) and talk about the Overall Details, feelings, and energy of the relationship.
• Love life $15 : a full spread on aspects of your love life and what can happen in the future regarding your love life, things to focus on, new people, etc.
• career spread $15 : An Overall Look on your career and where it stands, advice, what you can do to improve, best career areas for you to focus on, etc
• full overview of your life/current situation + guidance & more $30 : this means I will do a deep explanation of everything that is currently happening in your life and ask questions to better understand what obstacles are in the way and what you need to focus on. I will tell you what you should start planning and looking forward to in the future and provide guidance on personal situations you’re curious about. It’s a very general and open reading to all aspects of your life.
• outcome $7 : I will tell you the expected or possible future outcome of any situation or event of your choice in your life
• I will need your birthday, exact birth time, and birth place.
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• big 3 reading explanation $5
• big 6 reading explanation: $7
• general natal reading overview $12 (here I will do a reading based off the more important planets and aspects in your birth chart and those with the strongest influence that affect you the most along with other placements and asteroids that are key in your life)
• ‘everything’ reading $22 (I will do a full and deep reading of your whole birth chart and explain in detail what your birth chart means and provide info on your past and future based off important placements and other aspects of the chart)
• general/concise persona chart readings $7
• partner/love life/future spouse interpretations in the natal chart $8
• full synastry chart reading $20 (you & other person)
• composite chart reading (you & other person) $15
• brief progressed synastry reading $7
• solar return chart reading $13
• astrocartography reading $10
**** please note that these might take some time as I am trying to be as organized as possible with your readings and want to make sure the info is detailed and fully gathered but I will send them to you as soon as I can so please be patient 💘💘
Thank you so much & let me know if you have any questions 🤍❣️🤍❣️
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