#yes i cheated sorrynotsorry
nikkiruncks · 3 months
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Zaya's season premiere & finale appearances (Next Class)
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kjack89 · 2 years
We'll Be a Dream
For @themiserablesmonth Day 19: Reincarnation (not sure if crossovers are allowed or not!)
Half-cheated again with this one, insofar as I expanded on something I had already half-written. #SorryNotSorry
E/R, The Sandman fusion. Implied character death, reincarnation AU.
Read on AO3.
June 5, 1832 Paris, France Night
As soon as night had fallen on the barricade, as soon as the fighters, exhausted and hungry, made what beds they could among the rubble and spent ammunition, Grantaire had known he would come. For years now, Grantaire had avoided any who slept, for fear their slip from waking to dreaming would provide an easy path for the one he had been avoiding to find him at last.
He could no longer avoid him, drawn as he undoubtedly was by the dreams that lived still and the ones that lay shattered on the barricade. Still Grantaire kept his eyes closed, as if keeping them shut might keep him at bay.
“If you wish to avoid me, feigning sleep is not the wisest idea.”
Grantaire cracked one eye open, then the other. “Who said I was feigning?” he asked, a weak attempt at humor, as if that too might keep the tall, thin man standing next to him from his purpose. 
The man did not smile. “That you managed to slip from the Dreaming into the waking world is feat enough,” he said, his voice low. “That you have continued to evade me these years is even more remarkable.”
“Can you blame me?” Grantaire asked, his voice no more than a whisper.
If the man had any response to that, it did not show on his pale, thin features. “You are a nightmare of the Dreaming,” he said. “Your purpose is to haunt dreams, not this place.”
“You are the master of stories as well as dreams, are you not?” Grantaire replied. “And this – this is a story that deserved to be told.”
“A story, yes,” the man said. “But one that would have been told without your part in it.”
“You will see.” The man’s fathomless eyes stared at him and Grantaire wet his lips before starting, “Please, let me just—”
“Just what?” asked Morpheus, Dream of the Endless, Grantaire’s maker and, in due time, Grantaire was certain, his unmaker.
“Let me see his nightmare through to the end,” Grantaire pleaded. “Let me stay until Enjolras finds himself in your sister’s realm. Let me see if there is any role yet that I have to play in his story.”
For a long moment, long enough that Grantaire was certain he would be refused, Morpheus’s eyes bore into him. Then, when Grantaire could almost take it no more, he nodded. “Very well.”
Grantaire gaped at him. “You mean—”
“You may finish what you started,” Morpheus allowed. “But I warn you, should you fail to find yourself back in my realm where you belong—”
“I will not,” Grantaire said, practically tripping over himself to assure him. “And I will face whatever punishment you have for me, I promise.”
Morpheus said no more, just disappeared into the shifting sands of his realm, and Grantaire all but collapsed against the table in relief. His relief was short-lived as another figure stepped out of the shadows, scaring him half to death.
Of course, as he saw the ankh pendant that swung around her neck, he supposed that was half the point.
She studied him for a long moment, and he wondered just how much of his conversation with Morpheus she had overhead. “I will be back for the rest,” she said finally, and he recognized it for the gentle warning that it was.
“I know.”
“But not for you,” she continued. “Nightmares do not belong with the dead.”
He nodded, his throat suddenly tight. “I know that, too.”
She looked at him closely, a frown puckering her forehead. “If you are worried about my brother—”
“No,” Grantaire said, a little too quickly. “It is not Lord Morpheus that I fear.” 
“Then what?”
For the second time that night in the presence of one of the Endless, Grantaire wet his lips before uttering something so foolish even he could hardly believe it: “May I ask you for a favor?”
She stared at him as if he had grown a second head, not that he blamed her. Grantaire doubtedly highly that Death was used to being asked for favors by nightmares. 
Then, to his surprise, she smiled. “Yes,” she said simply.
Grantaire blinked. “Yes, I may ask, or yes, you will grant my favor?”
“Both,” she said. “Depending on what the favor is, of course.”
“Why?” Grantaire blurted.
“Because I suspect that whatever favor you’re going to request will provide my brother with a certain amount of, shall we say, consternation,” she said cheerfully. “And I rather think my brother could use some consternation.”
Grantaire tactfully chose not to comment on whether he thought the King of Dreams needed additional consternation in his life. Instead he met Death’s eyes and took a deep breath before starting, “It’s about Enjolras…”
— — — — —
February 22, 1848 The Dreaming
“My Lord?”
Morpheus did not look up from his work. “No,” he said, in a tone that brooked no argument.
But Lucienne held her ground. “He is most insistent.”
“Meaning you no longer wish to deal with him,” Morpheus said evenly, “which would appear to be your problem, Lucienne, and not mine.”
“So it might be, my Lord,” Lucienne said, pleasantly enough but with an edge of steel to her voice, “save for the fact that it is not my library that he is waiting outside of at the moment, but your throne room.”
Morpheus glowered at her, but she did not seem particularly impressed. “Very well,” he said finally. “Let him in.”
Lucienne inclined her head, and within a few moments, Grantaire stood in front of Morpheus, looking almost nervous. “My Lord,” he said, wetting his lips before blurting, “I know I have no grounds to do so, but I have come to request a favor.”
“A favor?” Morpheus repeated, a dangerous lilt to his tone.
“Yes, my Lord. I have come to ask—”
Grantaire broke off as Morpheus stood, his black cloak billowing impressively as he glared at Grantaire. “A favor?” he repeated, his voice low. “Is it not enough that I did not unmake you, when it would have been a just punishment for escaping the Dreaming?”
Grantaire looked discomfited but to his credit, did not flinch or look away. “It would have been, yes, but—”
Morpheus cut him off. “And then you had the nerve to ask a favor of my sister to intervene on behalf of the human you are infatuated with—”
“I don’t know that I’d go so far as to call it infatuation—” Grantaire started, though Morpheus again did not let him finish.
“And yet you still seek an additional favor from me?”
Grantaire lifted his chin defiantly. “I suppose I do, yes.”
Morpheus glared at him. “And I shall assume that this favor is the same as what you have always asked.” He did not state it as a question, and as such Grantaire chose not to answer. Morpheus sighed. “Grantaire, no other nightmare besides you is as preoccupied with the waking world.”
Something like a smile twitched at the corners of Grantaire’s mouth. “Well, the Corinthian might give me a run for my money in that regard.”
“And is that the sort of company you wish to keep?” Morpheus asked flatly.
For perhaps the first time, Grantaire seemed slightly cowed. “No, my Lord,” he said quietly, before again setting his shoulders and lifting his chin. “But there’s something happening in France right now, and—”
“What is it about this human?” Morpheus asked, exasperated.
Grantaire considered it for a moment. “I don’t know that I can explain,” he said finally. 
This answer didn’t appear satisfactory to Morpheus, who pursed his lips. “You know that he is not the same as he was when last you were in the waking world.”
Grantaire nodded. “I know that.”
“That he will have no memory of you,” Morpheus pressed.
Grantaire swallowed before nodding again. “I know that, too.”
“And yet still you wish to seek him out?”
Again Grantaire considered his answer before speaking. “The parameters of the favor that your sister granted were clear,” he said carefully. “Enjolras will die, but he has the choice to be reborn until his cause of freedom succeeds. If this, the revolution that stirs in France, might be the one to fulfill his cause, then I would wish to see him one last time before Death claims him.”
Morpheus’s expression was curiously blank. “Do you not see him when he dreams?”
“I do, but…”
“But what?”
“But my presence in his dreams is not a pleasant one,” Grantaire whispered. “When I am there, I cast nothing but doubt, and trepidation in his mind.”
“You are a nightmare, Grantaire,” Morpheus said wearily. “That is your duty.”
Grantaire jerked a nod. “I know that. But when I am in the waking world…”
There was something almost wistful in his tone, but it was not enough to soften Lord Morpheus’s resolve. “Your place is here, in the Dreaming,” he said, with an air of finality. “If fate should decree that you see him again in his dreams, then so be it. But you are not to return to the waking world.”
For a moment, it looked as though Grantaire might argue further, but then he inclined his head once more. “Yes, my Lord,” he said quietly, not waiting for Morpheus to dismiss him before turning away and slumping out of the throne room. Morpheus watched him go, his dark eyes unreadable.
Then his eyes dropped again to his work, and all thoughts of Enjolras and Grantaire were quickly forgotten.
— — — — —
Over a Century and a Half Later The Dreaming
Morpheus stood in his throne room, surveying the damage that still remained following his imprisonment in the waking world for the vast majority of the twentieth century, and the better part of the first quarter of the twenty-first. 
Lucienne joined him. “I have completed the census you requested, Lord Morpheus,” she said, and he turned to glance at her.
“Good,” he said, knowing how important it was to determine what dreams and nightmares had escaped the Dreaming during his absence. “And?”
“I have accounted for 11,062 of them,” Lucienne confirmed. “Some minor nightkind are missing, a few of the lesser dreams and creatures.”
“Some minor nightkind,” Morpheus murmured, more to himself than to Lucienne, a glimmer of awareness in his pale features. “Very well.”
Lucienne glanced at him before starting, almost hesitantly, “Sire, about the missing nightkind—”
“One of them is Grantaire,” Morpheus supplied, more a statement than a question. Lucienne nodded and Morpheus sighed. “I suppose the temptation would have been too great for him to resist the opportunity to slip back into the waking world.”
“Will you go after him?” Lucienne asked.
Morpheus considered it for a moment. “I have more pressing matters to attend to,” he said. “But I will find him eventually.” His expression darkened. “And when I do, I will not make the same mistake of mercy that I did last time.”
— — — — —
Sometime Later The Waking World
Grantaire knew without seeing him that he was there, knew it as surely as a man being led to the executioner’s block or hangman’s noose. He pressed the hand of the man walking next to him. “Give me a moment,” he murmured, before stepping away to face his fate like a martyr.
“Grantaire,” Morpheus said, disapprovingly. “I assume you heard that I was freed from my captors.”
Grantaire nodded. “Yes, my Lord.” He managed a small smile. “Just as I assume you heard that I left the Dreaming. I am surprised it took you this long to hunt me down.”
Morpheus looked distinctly unamused. “I had more important things to deal with, and a dream vortex to stop,” he said. “But you had to know that our paths would cross eventually.”
“I have never doubted you would eventually find me, yes,” Grantaire said honestly. “Just as I expected always that this would be my fate, whenever you did.”
Though Morpheus nodded, he looked past Grantaire, examining the man he had been walking with, a man whose once-golden hair was now shot through with silver. “He is old this time, your human,” he said to Grantaire, whose smile widened.
“Yes,” he said. “I think the fight for freedom looks much different now than it used to. A lot less deadly.” He shook his head. “Though that which he has survived in this lifetime – wars, and protests, and a plague…”
“A plague?” Morpheus repeated.
Grantaire made a face. “Remind Lucienne to tell you about the AIDS crisis that happened while you were captured.” His expression evened out, a small, wistful smile returning. “But yes, he’s survived so much and still he’s fighting.”
Morpheus nodded. “That is his burden,” he said. “Just as yours—”
“I know,” Grantaire said softly. “I am sorry that I have failed you, my Lord.”
Morpheus looked closely at him. “But not sorry to have left. “
“He and I have spent almost an entire human lifetime together this time,” Grantaire said quietly. “I don’t think I could ever be sorry for that.”
For one long moment, Morpheus was silent, his expression as unreadable as ever. Then he sighed. “I am not the same as I was when last you and I spoke of your human,” he told Grantaire. “My captivity, and all that has followed—”
He broke off, and Grantaire frowned. “My Lord?”
“I understand better now,” Morpheus told him, saying more in those four words than he had perhaps ever offered as explanation to any of his own creation. “Why you have done what you did.”
Though he still looked confused, Grantaire nonetheless nodded. “For me there was no other choice,” he said simply. He hesitated before adding, “I understand better now, too. Why dreams and nightmares belong in the Dreaming. Why I will always be the doubt to his belief, the cynicism to his hope.” His expression softened, just slightly. “But still I tried in this lifetime to be a little bit of his dream instead of his nightmare.”
Morpheus nodded slowly, something flickering across his expression that Grantaire couldn’t quite place, almost as if he had heard those words before. “And yet still the price must be paid.”
“I understand, my Lord,” Grantaire said. “And I will face my unmaking in such a way as to make him proud.”
“I did not say the price would be your unmaking.”
Grantaire stared at him. “My Lord?”
Morpheus’s expression was as impassive and unreadable as ever. “I can unmake you, and perhaps even one day remake you as a dream instead of a nightmare, a dream that will be as beautiful as the one your human sees.”
Grantaire blinked. “But you are offering me a different choice?” he asked, not trusting to hope.
“Yes,” Morpheus said. “Just as your Enjolras is offered a choice by Death every time he dies whether to return, to continue his fight, or whether to go to the Sunless Lands, so too will I offer you a choice.” He looked impassively at him. “As I have said, I can unmake you, and you can be the dream you wish to be. Or you can remain, knowing you will always be his nightmare.”
“You would let me stay?” Grantaire whispered. “For the rest of his lifetime, or…?”
Morpheus nodded. “Until you wished to return to the Dreaming and be unmade,” he said. “I have come to be reminded that dreams have their place in the waking world, and perhaps you will yet convince me that nightmares do, too.” He raised both eyebrows. “Provided that is what you choose.”
“Yes,” Grantaire said instantly. “Yes, I will stay. I will be the nightmare that tempers his hope if it means that I can stay with him, in this lifetime and whatever ones there are to come.”
“Very well,” Morpheus said. “Then Grantaire, the next time I see you, you know what fate awaits you.”
Grantaire nodded, looking back over his shoulder at Enjolras. “Yes, I—” He broke off when he glanced back, and realized that Morpheus had disappeared.
He could not stop his smile as he returned to Enjolras, who smiled back at him, though he also looked a little puzzled as he again took Grantaire’s hand. “Who was that man you were talking to?” he asked.
“An old friend,” Grantaire told him, meaning every word.
Though Enjolras still looked confused, he didn’t question it any further, just squeezing Grantaire’s hand as he jokingly scolded, “You were gone so long, I was beginning to think you weren’t coming back.”
“Don’t worry,” Grantaire told him. “I’m not going anywhere.”
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onlymorelove · 3 years
fave trope tag game
@dirigibleplumbing, thank you very much for tagging me!
found family or soulmates || slow burn or established but complicated || enemies-to-friends-to-lovers or best friends-to-lovers || love at first sight or get back together || morally grey character or unreliable narrator || sunshine character or sarcastic character || self-sacrificing or teamwork || fire-forged friends or childhood friends || description-heavy or dialogue-heavy || fluff or angst || high school au or college au || flower symbolism or color symbolism || hero from the start or reveal the hero near the end || body swap or gender swap || bed sharing or clothes sharing || magic au or human au || de-aged or future fic
I cheated and chose both for some of these. Sorrynotsorry.
I’m tagging you — yes you — so if you see this and want to play, please do. You can say I tagged you. :)
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chaoticspacefam · 4 years
OC Wedding Meme Tag!
I was tagged for this by *checks notes* @palepinkycat & @rainofaugustsith, thank you both! :’D So of course in true me fashion, I’m using this as an excuse to do the meme twice, and of course of course it’s gonna be the twins XD
This one was super cute and fun! No pressure tags, but if you feel like it :3 @walk-ng-d-saster​ , @mercurypilgrim​ , @a-muirehen​ , @berriku​ and anyone else who feels like doing this one! Yes, I promise I mean you <3
On image search type in:
(Oc Name) + Wedding Dress/Suit
(Oc Name) + Wedding Ring
(Oc Name) + Wedding Bouquet
I totally cheated for Saarai, because she and Sash have already had their canon wedding and that’s what these screens are from owo I should revisit that sketch and finish it sometime really I just loved the concept so much, sorrynotsorry...I followed the rules for Kas tho! :P
Wedding Dress: 
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I was adamant she wasn’t gonna wear red cause it would be too much red given her skin and hair are...also red LOL buuut then I saw this one and I just couldn’t not imagine Saarai in this dress, it’d look so ✨preettyyyy✨
Wedding Ring:
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Rai and Sash have mis-matched rings, because to them it was more important for the other to have something to remind them of their wife whenever they were apart, so Saarai’s is a fairly simple and minimalistic gold band, but it’s shaped like an ocean wave, which will of course make her think of her favourite Nautolan ❤️ Sash’s ring is a little more elaborate, with a red stone (for obvious reasons hahaha), and some Sith runic inscriptions of Saarai’s wedding vows engraved along the sides.
N/A. Rai and Sash didn’t do bouquet’s, buuut they did get married on the beach on Rishii too (snap, Viri! hahaha) since Saarai grew up there, and being a Nautolan anything that involved the ocean in some way was a win-win for Sash, so they had a lot of the pretty, glowing Rishii flowers all along the aisles, and decorating the trees and tables (along with other lights etc.), it looked really nice, something like this:
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So! I haven’t gotten as far as planning Kas and Andronikos’ wedding yet, so I followed the meme rules this time!
Wedding Dress:
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I actually...really like this one. I could absolutely see Kas wearing something like this. It’s classy, elegant, and a tiny bit revealing, but not overly so. Definitely very much her aesthetic, she might’ve liked a little more glitz, but otherwise it’s pretty perfect :’DD
Wedding Ring:
N/A, Kas and Andronikos didn’t do rings, but he did lift that ceremonial Sith warblade for her instead, which FWIW, according to my headcanon’ing, was basically the equivalent of a wedding ring ;)
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A little more pastel in colour choice than I would’ve figured for Ni’kasi, but you know what, it’s pretty and elegant and I could see her liking it, probably owo
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preempire-a · 3 years
 💖 (hmmm)
How likely they are to enter a relationship with them:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Would they…
Make the first move? Yes | No Jys would make the first move in my mind, except I also think Din wouldn’t compute it as a first move until like. Much later. Because he’s hopeless. Say “I love you” first? Yes | No Even if Jys never says it back, man... Cheat on them? Yes | No Be the jealous type? Yes | No Plan the dates? Yes | No I like the idea that Jys wouldn’t know how to react if Din ever actually went to the effort to plan something special for them. LMAO. Initiate the first kiss? Yes | No Remember anniversaries? Yes | No
Their Relationship Is:
friends to lovers | rivals to lovers | enemies to lovers | still just enemies | mutual pining | star crossed lovers | old married couple (Jys will tease him FOREVER and Din knows it is their love language) | perpetual honeymoon phase (not to be crude but Din’s head will live between their thighs) | stable and boring | stable but not boring | secret lovers | best friends hiding their feelings | and they were roommates | friends with benefits | coworkers avoiding HR | one-sided affection | weird sexual tension | it’s complicated | toxic relationship | a secret affair | an actual dumpster fire | other
PUBLIC Displays of Affection:
hand holding | kiss on the hand | kiss on the cheek | kiss on the forehead | kiss on the lips | cuddling | hugging | affectionate messages or comments | pet names | pictures together | no displays of affection
I can see Jys calling him pet names in public just to tease him? But they don’t strike me as very PDA in general, since all Din would really do is handholding and that seems too lovey dovey, almost.
PRIVATE Displays of Affection:
hand holding | kiss on the hand | kiss on the cheek | kiss on the forehead | kiss on the lips | cuddling | hugging | affectionate messages or comments | pet names | pictures together | no displays of affection
Meanwhile Jys gets absolutely fucking pounced in private, #sorrynotsorry.
Do they stay together?
yes, this is endgame | yes but someone is gonna die tragically | something is keeping them apart | they part ways as friends | they part ways as enemies | they’re on-again-off-again | they have a super messy breakup | it was just a fling | other
What terrible pet names would they give each other?
Jys has a whole rolodex of weird pet names that they go through with Din, I imagine. There’s the typical “babe” and then there’s “babycakes” and “sweetcheeks” and “hotbuns” and Din NEVER knows where they pull all these names, but he’s come to accept that anything that sounds mildly confusing and embarrassing is probably in reference to him.
Meanwhile one day Din says “baby” in public and Jys is like HELLO?? DID HE JUST SAY THAT???? IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE MANDALORIAN COUNCIL??????????????? (The answer is yes.)
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daisylincs · 4 years
30, 48 + 75 for Staticquake
30 = Holiday AU, 48 = Fake Dating and 75 = Bed Sharing. 
Well wow, this ask combines some of my favourite tropes ever! So I guess it's really not all that surprising that it got totally out of control, and instead of the nice, moderately long fic plan I had planned, I have an absolute beast of a bullet-point fic for you. 
I’m not even kidding - this baby was eleven pages long in Microsoft Word. Eleven pages of pure fluff and smiles and fake-dating shenanigans under the Grecian sun. 
Now, I would say sorry for letting it get so out of control, but I'm afraid I enjoyed myself far too much! #sorrynotsorry. Here's to stories that write themselves! 
Daisy works as the chief programmer for Shield Incorporated - works so hard, in her friends' opinion, that she'll pass out on her desk before admitting she needs a break. (Daisy would argue, but… it's probably true.) 
So when their boss, Coulson, announces that the company will be sponsoring a trip to Santorini, her friends are all over her that she HAS to go. 
"Come on, Dais," everyone from Jemma to Mack cajoles. "Your next project can wait a week, and besides, this is the chance of a lifetime. You'll regret it if you don't go." 
"Guys, thanks for caring, but I'd really rather finish this -" she tells her assembled friends, but trails off as she notices Ward making his way across the room to them, clipboard in hand and sneer firmly in place on his face. 
Her friends’ mood instantly changes from oh-let’s-tease-Daisy to let’s-all-stand-in-front-of-Daisy-scowling. It gives Daisy a little warm glow to see that she has so many people who care about her, and are literally willing to jump into a fight for her, if the fierce look on Bobbi’s face is any indication.
In fact, if the air of hostility around them was any more obvious, Ward would literally drop down dead of it. But, somehow, he still manages to be oblivious.
“I’m here to write up who’ll be going to Santorini with us,” he says, smiling around the group.
Bobbi raises her hand, and Daisy has never seen the simple act look so threatening before. May, she thinks, would be proud. 
In stony silence, the rest of the group raise their hands, too, and Ward shifts just a little uncomfortably as he notes it down.
He turns to Daisy, looking her up and down slowly, and she’s already itching to slap him. “Of course, Daisy won’t be going,” he says, as though it’s obvious.
Now, Daisy really had been planning on saying no - right until he said that, at least.
“Actually, Grant,” she says, emphasizing his first name because she knows he hates it (she did pick up a few things, at least, before she found the cheating bastard in bed with another woman.) “I am going on the trip.”
 She pretends not to notice how her friends are exchanging gleeful glances, keeping her attention focused on Ward. 
“Really,” he drawls.
“Yes, really,” she answers calmly. “Why is that so shocking?”
Ward is smirking, and she hates the way he seems to have one over her. “Well, because this trip is specifically for couples.” 
Daisy’s jaw drops, and she catches Jemma’s eye over Ward’s shoulder. Why the hell didn’t you tell me this sooner??? she asks with her eyes.
I didn’t know you were going to do this!! is Jemma’s nonverbal reply. 
Daisy huffs and tries not to fume, which fails miserably when she sees just how smug Ward looks. Little alarm bells start going off in the logical part of her brain, but the emotional part - the far bigger part - drowns them out.
“That’s no problem,” she says, keeping her voice light and casual. “I’ll just go with my boyfriend, then.”
Over Ward’s shoulder, she sees Jemma choke on her lemon water, and Bobbi reaches across to pound her on the back till she recovers. Once Jemma has stopped trying to swallow her own lungs, both girls give her WTF??? looks over Ward’s shoulder.
Daisy ignores them. “Yes,” she says as calmly as she can. “I’ll be going with my boyfriend, Lincoln.” 
She just blurted out the first name that popped into her head, but when she sees the looks on her friends’ faces - a range of you’re kidding, right? to I fucking knew it - she knows, oh dear God she’s going to regret this.
But it’s too late to take anything back now. 
At least she gets to enjoy the look on Ward’s face as he writes it up - like he’s simultaneously sucking on a lemon and stepping on a cactus. 
Just as soon as he’s gone, her friends round on her. 
"So," Mack says, his voice heavy with scepticism, “you and Lincoln are dating? Congratulations." 
Daisy feels her cheeks flame, and tries not to notice how Hunter is unashamedly sniggering into Bobbi’s shoulder. "Shut up,” she grumbles. “I wasn’t thinking straight, okay? Ward just drives me so mad, and I…”
She trails off as it really hits her what she’s done - she told Ward she was dating Lincoln, which she most definitely wasn't, no matter how much her friends insisted they were perfect for each other. And that would be bad enough on its own, but to make things even worse, she also can’t let out the truth, otherwise Ward wins.
"Well, shit," she says succinctly. 
Her friends are all shaking their heads at her, but most of them are hiding smiles. Daisy scowls, knowing full well this is only going to make the teasing about oh-you-and-Lincoln-should-totally-get-together ten times worse.
“So, do you want me to call Lincoln over?” Jemma asks, definite smugness in her grin. “I think he’s still working on that biomolecule project.”
“Thanks,” Daisy grumbles. 
Her friends all smirk at her, and Hunter being Hunter can’t resist getting a dig in: "You know, when we said we wanted you to come along, this isn't quite what we meant.”
Bobbi punches him, but she’s smirking, too. “Good luck, Daisy,” she says. “Have fun explaining.”
Daisy scowls at her friends’ retreating backs. Oh, they’re a bunch of assholes. They’re enjoying this. 
Lincoln’s voice snaps her from her thoughts. “Jemma said you wanted to see me?”
Oh, joy. How the hell does she explain this? She can't exactly say, oh, hey, Lincoln, I kinda told Ward we were dating, mind pretending to be my boyfriend for this trip I booked? 
"You can't be serious," Lincoln says incredulously, and Daisy's cheeks simultaneously burn bright red and blanch ashy white as she realises that shit, she said that out loud. 
"Um… Afraid I'm dead serious," she says, and winces. 
Lincoln's expression shifts into the special Daisy-what-the-actual-hell look he's perfected over the years of being her friend. "Are you crazy?" he asks, politely. 
She winces again. "Um, probably." 
He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. “You know,” he says, and she prepares herself for the inevitable Daisy-this-is-a-terrible-idea-what-were-you-thinking speech, “as ideas go, this isn’t your worst one yet.”
Daisy starts to nod, putting on her best contrite expression, but stops mid-nod as she realises what he actually said.
Wait, what?
“Wait, it’s not?” she asks.
Lincoln shakes his head slowly. “Incredibly, no,” he says. “It actually kind of makes sense.” 
Daisy narrows her eyes suspiciously as a thought hits her. “Hang on a second. You’re just saying that because you want me to go on a break.”
“Of course not!” he denies immediately. “Okay, well, fine, maybe. But it also makes sense Ward-wise, if you think about it.”
“Oh?” she asks, folding her arms.
“Well, this way he might finally stop creepily following you around, trying to get back together with you and persuading you that the breakup wasn’t his fault,” Lincoln lists.
Daisy can’t hold back a snort at that last one. It’s true, Ward does seem to think their breakup wasn’t on him - even though he had literally been sleeping with another woman for the entirety of their relationship!
Honestly, if dodgy relationship ethics were reason enough to fire someone, Daisy was certain Coulson would have kicked him out a long time ago.
“And anyway,” Lincoln continues, snapping her back to the present, “it’s not like we’ll even have to work all that hard to convince him. All we’ve got to do is hold hands and take a few cheesy selfies.” His eyes light up as an idea occurs to him. “Oh! And we can call each other really cringey couple names.”
She can feel the grin spreading across her face, because if you put it like that, this actually sounds really fun. “You can be snickerdoodle, and I’ll be honeypie.”
He snorts. “Snickerdoodle?” 
She bats her eyelashes up at him, stepping right into his space and talking in a baby voice. “My one and only snickerdoodle, I wuv you so muchhhh!”
He rolls his eyes, shoving her playfully away. “Okay, so we’re going to be one of those really cringey, clingy couples, then?”
“We are going to be the clingiest, most cringey couple in the history of the world,” she says gleefully. 
And oh my God, this is going to be the best thing ever. She can already see the look on Ward’s face.
She never thought she’d say it, but she’s counting down the days till the trip. 
Now, the company arranged for them all to meet up an hour before their flight at the airport. Daisy and Lincoln, however, arranged for her to be late, so they can greet each other in the cringiest way possible.
Exactly as they planned, she makes it just-just in time for the meetup. She drops everything and runs into Lincoln’s arms, and he picks her up and literally swings her around. 
“Oh, babe, I’m so glad I made it,” she says breathily when he puts her down, dramatically flinging her arms around his neck.
“I thought I was snickerdoodle,” he murmurs into her hair.
“I wanted to give Jemma a break,” she explains, resting her forehead against his so it looks like they’re Having A Moment.
“Fair enough,” he concedes, stepping away and going to pick up her bags. 
“Oh, you didn’t have to!” she cries in her most girlish, ridiculous voice, rushing to his side and giving him the most sappy, stupid smile she can call up. Oh, hell yes, she’s going to milk this cringey girlfriend thing for all it’s worth. 
Lincoln rolls his eyes, but plays along. “Of course I did, honeypie,” he says, reaching for her hand and returning the heart eyes.
Daisy has to muffle her laughter in his shoulder when she sees Ward flashing them an annoyed look.
But Ward hasn’t seen anything yet. Plan Cringe is only just in its starting phases.
They sit next to each other on the plane, and Daisy makes a big show of getting out her dual headphone adaptor so they can watch movies together. (She also makes sure they pick out the cringiest rom-com available, and coo over it together in the most obnoxious way imaginable.)
When they’ve finished three movies like that (Daisy can see Jemma wincing from the aisle in front of them, and honestly it just makes the whole thing better) she lifts the armrest between their seats and rests her head against his shoulder. He spreads his crappy plane blanket over them both, and Daisy falls asleep in seconds. 
But before anyone gets any ideas - looking at you, Jemma, and you, Hunter - this doesn’t mean anything’s changed between them. It just means they’re good friends, and comfortable with each other, despite this crazy prank they’re pulling. 
The next morning, they land in Greece - and oh my God, all her friends were right. Daisy has been stuck in front of a computer for too long, and she has been missing out. This place is absolutely breathtaking. 
And absolutely perfect for cringey couples selfies.
 Seriously, they couldn’t ask for a better backdrop - Albuquerque-style white buildings with bright blue roofs, bright pink bougainvillea flowers, and the teal-blue Aegean on the horizon. 
They get a few really good ones - like that time when they climbed all the way to one of the buildings on the very top of the mountain. Hunter, who had a surprising eye for it, posed them, having Daisy wrap her arms around Lincoln’s neck and him pick her up and look adoringly up at her. The result is every bit as nauseatingly lovey-dovey as she could have hoped. 
(Daisy’s pretty sure Ward excused himself to go throw up.) 
So all in all, it’s been a great day.
Then they get to the hotel. 
"Here's your key," the receptionist lady tells them pleasantly. Then, because she's some poor, misguided soul who just wants to be nice, she adds with a wink, "the honeymoon suite is the best, I'm sure you two will make good use of the bed." 
Daisy almost chokes on her welcome lemonade. “Honeymoon suite?” she splutters.  
"Of course!" the reception lady says, mistaking her horrified shock for the delighted kind. “Only the best for our guests from Shield.”
Daisy takes their key, feeling as though her cheeks have actually lit on fire. This was not the plan!
“Have fun!” the haplessly oblivious receptionist calls after them, obviously thinking they’re one of those new couples who are still adorably shy around each other. “I’m sure you’ll make some unforgettable memories here in Santorini.” 
Lincoln follows her into the elevator, and neither of them can look each other in the eye. 
That only gets worse when they see their room.
Oh, dear God, the receptionist lady wasn’t kidding. This is a honeymoon suite and a half! Rose petals, candles, soft mood music - you name it, this room has it. 
“Okay, seriously?” Daisy asks, picking up a heart-shaped chocolate. It’s a bit of a desperate attempt to lessen the awkwardness of the situation, but Lincoln catches on gratefully.
“That’s taking it a bit too far,” he agrees, taking the chocolate from her and studying her. 
Dear heavens, it actually says To your true love on it.
“So, um,” he asks, very deliberately looking at the chocolate and not at her, “how are we going to do this?” 
“Well, I’d suggest just taking the wrapping paper off before you eat it,” she says.
Lincoln gives her an unimpressed look. “Not what I meant.” 
“I know,” she says, scooping up some of the rose petals and scattering them on the floor. “Well, uh. So. Obviously, this is awkward.” 
He mutters something that sounds like “yeah, no kidding.” 
“But,” she soldiers on, “we’re both adults, right? And we’re both capable of basic maths?” 
He nods slowly, clearly not sure where she's going with this.
“Well, then,” she explains. “You stay on the left half of the bed, I’ll stay on the right.” 
Something indefinable - a mix of relief and regret, maybe - flits across his face, but it’s gone before she can be sure. “That sounds fine,” he says.
 It’s a little awkward as they change, definitely definitely not looking at each other (okay, fine, it’s a lot awkward. But, seriously, what was she expecting?) 
Then they have to turn the lights off. 
There’s just no way this can not be awkward. They’re sharing a bed, for God’s sake! And no matter how much Daisy can go on about maths and being adults, she knows she’s a snuggler and she’s 99% sure they’re going to end up spooning at some point.
So she takes a deep breath, steels herself, and says it. “If I… come lie next to you, um, can we pretend it never happened in the morning?” 
She feels rather than hears Lincoln exhale in the dark. “Okay,” he agrees quietly. 
She shifts over to his side of the bed, settling until she’s found a comfortable spot (conveniently with her head pillowed on Lincoln’s shoulder.)
Now, Daisy has always had trouble falling asleep - the consequences of bouncing from foster home to foster home, where any night might be her last there. 
But tonight, with Lincoln’s one arm thrown around her waist, she falls asleep in seconds.
The next day, when they go down to breakfast together, there’s a genuine fondness in the way Daisy laces her fingers with his. There aren’t many people who would pretend to date you and spend the night snuggled up with you without giving you any issues about it.
That fond feeling stays with her for the rest of the day, and she finds herself secretly quite enjoying all the cringey couple-y things they do together. Sharing ice-cream? Awesome. Bumping shoulders as they walk? Great. Pressing a kiss against his cheek in their latest Santorini-selfie? Sure, why not! They’re friends, and she really appreciates him, so it’s only natural that she wants to show it, right?
The next day passes in much the same way, and the next - sunshine and happiness, ice-cream and laughter, white beaches and blue waves and smiles that she doesn’t have to fake at all. 
Then comes the double whammy: the Santorini Annual Summer Ball.
It’s only the most romantic night ever, and it’s pretty much tradition for couples to kiss after every dance.
Daisy tells herself she’ll talk to Lincoln about it as soon as they get to their room that night. 
Only… she wasn’t expecting how different the room would feel, knowing what she’s supposed to talk to him about. 
They’ve done a lot in this faux relationship, but never that. Sure, she’ll kiss his cheek, and he’ll kiss her forehead, but they’ve never actually, you know, made out.
And they’re going to have to tomorrow, otherwise there’s no way Ward’s going to believe they’re a couple. With how stupidly romantic and clingy they’ve been acting, they basically have to kiss at this dance. 
Which brings her back to this damned room, with its rose petals and candles and bloody romantic atmosphere. 
“Daisy, are you okay?” Lincoln asks when he comes out of the bathroom, snapping her out of her thoughts. 
She swallows as she sees him - the soft blue of the sweatshirt he sleeps in really brings out the colour of his eyes, and the way his damp hair sticks up is oddly adorable.
“I’m fine,” she manages to say. “Just… we need to talk about the dance tomorrow.” 
Lincoln freezes with his towel halfway up to his hair. “Ah.” 
“We have to kiss,” she tells him, trying to make it as matter-of-fact as possible but finding herself irritatingly breathless about it.
“Daisy, no, I don’t want to pressure you into anything -” he says immediately, but trails off when she steps forward and presses a finger against his lips.
“Shut up,” she tells him firmly. “If anything, I pressured you into this. I started the fake relationship, and it was my idea to be so clingy.” 
He gently shifts her hand away from his lips, keeping a hold of her wrist for a second longer than strictly necessary, and Daisy’s breath did not just catch. “I didn’t exactly complain,” he says wryly. 
“Well, that’s because you’re a good friend,” she says, and he gets that strange expression on his face again, like he’s trying to tell her something but can’t quite find the words. 
“Yeah,” he says at last, strangely reluctantly. “We’re friends. Good friends.”
She chooses to ignore the strange tone for now. “A good friend,” she says, “who I need to kiss right now.” 
“Now?” he asks, and surprised is a good look on him. His eyes flick inadvertently down to her lips, and she tries not to be too pleased about that.
“Yes, now,” she says, and dammit, her voice has gone all breathless. She clears her throat, forcing herself to remember why she’s doing this. “So we can be sure we’ll look alright when we kiss in front of everyone else. We’re a couple, we’re supposed to have kissed many times before. It needs to look natural.” 
“Good point,” Lincoln agrees, his eyes flicking down to her lips again.
Daisy shifts a step forward, just enough that she’s in his space. “So,” she says softly. 
“So?” he repeats, looking slightly amused as he copies her, closing the distance between them even more. 
Daisy’s breathing hitches again. This slow buildup, coupled with the romantic feel of their room, is doing really funny things to her heart. 
Breathless, tingly kind of funny things.
She can’t take it anymore and closes the last step of distance between them, bracing her palm against his chest as she stretches up on her tiptoes to kiss him.
He kisses her back immediately, wrapping an arm around her waist to steady her as she leans into him. 
It’s soft and slow and romantic and really, really good.
After a minute, Daisy pulls away reluctantly, her lips tingling. “I can… work with that,” she manages, only she’s looking at his lips instead of at him. She clears her throat and steps away.
Lincoln looks about as wrecked as she feels. “Yeah,” he says softly, touching one hand lightly against his lips. 
Daisy swallows as her own lips tingle slightly in response. She ducks her gaze away, sure she must be blushing like crazy. 
“So, um,” she says, and her voice is a lot less steady than she’d like, “shall we go to bed?” 
Lincoln’s gaze is far too soft as he looks at her - she thinks she might melt. After a second that seems to stretch out into eternity, he shakes himself and gives her a small smile. “Of course.” 
That night, she struggles to fall asleep. Memories of their kiss keep playing in her mind, and it doesn’t help that she’s resting her head against Lincoln’s chest, surrounded by the comforting smell of him. 
She keeps telling herself to stop thinking about it, that it didn’t mean anything, that it was just to keep up the charade. 
But when morning rolls around and she still hasn’t slept any (but has managed to come up with more and more ridiculous theories for why she’s feeling this way, including, bizarrely, an invasion of blue-skinned aliens) she’s forced to conclude that she feels this way because she loves him.
Not even likes him - loves him. It’s the only explanation for the warm, glowing feeling she gets when he brings her her ridiculously complicated coffee order, or when he casually slings an arm around her shoulders when they’re joking with their friends.
She tried to tell herself that it was just fakery for Ward’s benefit - and while that might be true for him, it’s not true for her anymore.
Every cheesy couple thing they did together? She wants to keep doing it. Every time they bump shoulders or share ice-cream or splash each other with blue sea-water? She wants to keep doing it. Every time they kiss each other on the cheek? She wants to keep doing it!
And above all, she really, really wants to kiss him again, the way they kissed last night.
Lincoln’s still asleep next to her, and Daisy panics as she looks down at him. Shit, shit, shit. Oh, this is so bad. How did it get so bad? 
There are literally a thousand reasons why this would never work out, first and foremost being that he probably doesn’t feel the same way - he’s her friend! He confirmed that last night, right when he also confirmed that they were just doing this for the fakery.
Daisy doesn’t really know what she’s doing, just that she can’t be in the same room as him anymore. So she jumps out of bed and runs to find the person she knows will always be there for her in a crisis - Jemma. 
“Daisy!” Jemma exclaims, surprised, when Daisy bursts into her room still in her nightclothes and with her hair wild. “Uh, what…” 
“Jemma, I have a problem,” she announces, standing silhouetted in her friend’s door like she’s in some incredibly dramatic action shot in a movie (except for the fact that she looks like a mess.) “I’m in love with Lincoln.”
Fitz, sweet soul that he is, takes one look at Daisy and tactfully decides to make himself scarce. “I’m going to go… watch football… with Hunter,” he says, squeezing past her, and Daisy is too riled up to even bother herself about the lame excuse. Who watches football at seven in the morning, anyway?
“I think you need to come sit down,” Jemma tells her, pulling her firmly over to her and Fitz’s bed. “Tell me the whole story.”
Daisy hesitates, chewing her lip… and then it all comes spilling out. “Lincoln and I kissed last night,” she blurts. “We said it was just to make sure we’d look natural for the dance tomorrow - tonight - but it meant more than that for me. And, Jem -” she paused, hiding her head in her hands, “I’ve gotten myself into such a mess. I’ve fallen in love with my friend who’s only pretending to love me.”
Jemma is quiet for a few beats as she processes this information. Then, gently but firmly, she lifts Daisy’s head out of her hands. 
“Daisy,” she says, quiet but firm, “you are not in a mess.”
Daisy makes a sound that’s half a laugh and half a sob. “Haven’t you been listening to me? I love Lincoln, who’s only pretending to love me back.”
“Pretending… because you asked him to,” Jemma reminds her. “Now, why do you think he did that?”
“Because he’s a good friend?” Daisy replies, not sure where Jemma is going with this.
Jemma rolls her eyes. “Well, yes, there’s certainly that. But, Daisy, d’you think he’d agree to be my fake boyfriend if I asked him?”
“Why would you ask him?” Daisy asked, more confused than ever now. “You have Fitz!”
Jemma throws up her hands. “You’re completely missing the point here! Daisy, you oblivious, wonderful idiot, the reason Lincoln agreed to this whole fake relationship thing is because he loves you too.”
Daisy shakes her head. “No, he doesn’t, he can’t, why would he -”
“Why wouldn’t he?!?” Jemma practically yells. “Have you even met yourself? You are literally one of the most amazing people on the planet.”
That shuts Daisy up. “Really?” she asks weakly.
Jemma shakes her head, disbelieving. “Really, Daisy,” she says firmly. “Are you kidding me? Who wouldn’t be in love with you?”
“I don’t know, Ward?” Daisy says, half-desperately gesturing with her hands.
Understanding dawns in Jemma’s eyes. “Oh. Oh.”
And then, “Daisy.”
“What?” Daisy asks, not liking the sympathetic expression on Jemma’s face one bit.
Jemma sighs. “Just because Ward was an absolute dick to you doesn’t mean Lincoln will be. You can let yourself trust that he loves you too, you know.”
Daisy’s surprise at the word dick coming out of Jemma’s mouth is seconded only by her surprise of what Jemma is actually saying. Of course she wasn’t being distrustful because of what Ward did to her… was she?
“Daisy, you are not unlovable or any such total rubbish,” Jemma says, and her British accent somehow makes the word rubbish sound so much better. “Ward not loving you right had absolutely nothing to do with you.”
And Daisy… believes her.
Jemma obviously sees the acceptance in Daisy’s eyes, because she presses on, “and while we’re at it - I don’t think either of you were pretending this last week.”
Daisy splutters - “what?? Of course we were pretending, don’t be…” 
But then she trails off as she remembers thinking how she secretly enjoyed doing the couple-y nonsense, and how after just a day she wasn’t faking a single one of her smiles.
She snaps her mouth shut. “Well,” she says. And blinks. “You really think Lincoln loves me too?”
If looks could kill, Daisy would be stone dead - of pure and unadulterated exasperation. “Yes, Daisy,” Jemma says in that tone that implies that even the patience of saints can be tested. “He loves you too. There is literally no doubt. Ask anyone.” 
Hunter chooses that moment to pipe up, “yeah, no, you two are definitely in love.”
Daisy’s jaw drops as she realises that her friends have all gathered in the doorway. “How long have you guys been there???”
“Just long enough to hear that last sentence,” Mack says reassuringly. He raises his eyebrows at her. “But it’s true, you know. You two are nauseatingly in love.”
If there had been any doubt in her mind, well, it’s gone now. Her friends are some of the most intelligent people in the world - they can’t all be wrong.
And they all think Lincoln loves her, so…
“What do I do?” she asks.
It’s Bobbi who replies. “Well, no offence,” she says, looking Daisy up and down, “but you look like shit.”
“Get some sleep,” Elena chimes in. 
“We’ll make up some excuse for Lincoln,” Fitz promises.
“And tonight,” Jemma says, taking her hands, “you blow us all away.”
All their supportive wonderfulness (and the fact that she is functioning on zero sleep) is too much for her emotional state. “Thanks, guys,” she says, and to her total embarrassment, she starts to cry.
Jemma just hugs her, though, and within minutes Daisy is fast asleep. She really was exhausted.
The good thing is, her friends let her sleep as long as possible.
The bad thing is, her friends let her sleep as long as possible.
As in, she now has five minutes to get ready for the dance.
Luckily, Jemma, Bobbi and Elena are really good at splitting up tasks - Elena somehow manages to transform her hair into soft, silky curls that beautifully frame her face, Bobbi does her makeup like a pro, and Jemma helps her get changed into a floaty, summery blue dress that looks stunning on her, if she says so herself.
But even with all their best efforts, she’s fifteen minutes late to the dance.
It’s held on the beach, under the light of the moon and stars (and some fairy lights in the trees, but shhh.) It takes her a moment to spot Lincoln, but eventually she finds him, standing on the far side of the beach and looking worriedly through the crowd.
When he spots her, his face relaxes into a smile that’s so perfectly and effortlessly happy that Daisy can’t help but smile back.
And she thinks, you know, they were all right. 
She walks slowly across the beach to him, and cliché as it is, she really does feel like Cinderella (minus the glass slippers, of course, because glass slippers plus sand? Can you imagine?) 
When she reaches him, it feels like the most natural thing in the world to step right into his embrace. “Dance with me,” she says, offering him a dazzling smile.
He settles his hand at her waist, clasping the other one in hers, and oh, it’s so perfect she wants to explode into a cloud of rainbows and sparkles.
 When the song ends, she doesn’t think twice about leaning up and kissing him.
It’s only when he tenses, just slightly, that she remembers. She hasn’t actually told him yet!
He pulls away from the kiss, looking conflicted. “I need you to know,” he begins, “those last few days… they weren’t fake for me. And I’m sorry if I’ve ruined our friendship, but not seeing you for the whole day today made me realise it would tear me apart if I lost you. Daisy, I,” he stops, swallows, and says it, “I love you.”
Daisy bites her lip, but she couldn’t stop the smile that spreads across her face even if she had tried. “I love you, too,” she tells him.
He’s smiling, laughing even, happy and disbelieving, “Really?”
And she’s laughing too, “yes, of course, yes!”
Then they’re kissing again, and there’s nothing fake about it for a second. 
And as for Ward? Well, Ward can go fuck himself.
Even though they do, technically, have him to thank for this.
Daisy shudders. Ugh. Imagine being grateful to Ward!
She’d really rather not think about it.
So she kisses Lincoln again.
A song begins to play in the background, soft and slow and sweet, and Daisy smiles against his lips as she recognises it. Perfect, by Ed Sheeran. 
Well, she thinks, isn’t that just perfect. 
And that Grecian night on the beach, the soft glow of the moon turning the waves silver, and the scents of the bougainvillea flowers sweet on the breeze, really is the closest thing to perfect that Daisy has ever experienced.
The End.
10 notes · View notes
NSFW Character Trait Meme con el dante, la eden y la belle también :B
Respondo en inglés para no repetir porque paja.
Preference for top or bottom?: mostly top, but sometimes when he’s with men he likes to bottom.
Favorite type, looks and personality wise?: He’s basic af, he’ll fuck pretty much anyone if he’s horny. Now, having said that: he likes big breasts, firm butts, cute smile and crazy.
Get up and shower after or bask in the afterglow all sticky and wet?: get up and shower.
Deep and slow? Hard and fast? What’s your character’s preference?: hard and fast.
Favorite sex position?: doggystyle.
What’s your character’s favorite kink?: he likes to be called ‘daddy’ #sorrynotsorry.
How active in bed is your character? Do they like to lie there and take it or do they like to get the most bang for their buck?: he’s v active, he’s an asshole but he would never let a woman leave without an orgasm, he’s not that kind of asshole.
Kissing during sex, yes or no?: yeah
Clothes off or on during sex?: Off, but a quickie in a public place is a quickie in a public place.
Lingerie? Yes or no?: on women? hell yes.
Would your character join a threesome if given a chance?: Y E Sx100.
Your character’s Penis size?: he has an average size, but he’s thicccccccc af
Preference for penis size?: he’s cool with average tbh.
Does your character like to roleplay? If so, what?: I fee he’s not v into roleplaying.
Does your character prefer condoms or bareback?: bareback, but he uses condoms with strangers, no need for stds.
Your character’s most private sexual fantasy?: he likes to bottom with men I suppose...
How sexually active is your character?: fucking sex addict, smh.
When did your character lose their virginity?: 15 with an older girl from school.
Kinks your character would participate in?: daddy kink, bondage, spanking.
Kinks your character would not participate in?: nasty stuff like watersports, scat and pain play. He also doesn’t like humilliation.
A character that yours fantasizes about coupling with?: when he was a kid it was Jessica Rabbit asjdkjdh. Now that he’s older he would say probably Tokio from Money Heist.
Preference for top or bottom?: bottom 100%.
Favorite type, looks and personality wise?: She likes masculine men with a rough look. She wants a gentleman who loves her for who she is and treats her right.
Get up and shower after or bask in the afterglow all sticky and wet?: give her all the cuddles.
Monogamous? Open relationship? Polyamorous?: Monogamous.
Deep and slow? Hard and fast? What’s your character’s preference?: Deeep and slow, give her all the softness and romance.
Favorite sex position?: tbh any position that she’s able to be hold by her partner.
What’s your character’s favorite kink?: she wouldn’t mind being blindfolded or tied up at all.
How active in bed is your character? Do they like to lie there and take it or do they like to get the most bang for their buck?:  she likes to please people, so I would say she’s quite active.
Kissing during sex, yes or no?: yes pls.
Clothes off or on during sex?: Mostly off, but there are times where she just can’t wait.
Lingerie? Yes or no?: she likes to wear them, they make her feel sexy but she doesn’t wear them all the time.
Would your character join a threesome if given a chance?: nope, although i’m sure one of her shitty exes made her do it and she agreed bc she didn’t want him to be upset smh.
Your character’s Penis size?: no penis
Preference for penis size?: she’s cool with average tbh, but she wouldn’t reject a bigger one.
Does your character like to roleplay? If so, what?: she’s too shy for that tbh.
Does your character prefer condoms or bareback?: safety first, unless you are with your bae and you know he’s clean.
Your character’s most private sexual fantasy?: sex in public places oops.
How sexually active is your character?: eden is not into one night stands, so I would have to say bellow average.
When did your character lose their virginity?: 16 with an asshole boyfriend.
Kinks your character would participate in?: bondage & public places.
Kinks your character would not participate in?: nasty stuff like watersports, scat and pain play. She also doesn’t like humilliation and feels weird af with the daddy and breeding kink.
A character that yours fantasizes about coupling with?: Captain America.
Preference for top or bottom?: bottom 
Favorite type, looks and personality wise?: She likes older guys who can give her attention and treat her right. She likes beards and nice fashion taste.
Get up and shower after or bask in the afterglow all sticky and wet?: Depends on the partner tbh.
Monogamous? Open relationship? Polyamorous?: Monogamous.
Deep and slow? Hard and fast? What’s your character’s preference?: She says yes to both.
Favorite sex position?: Doggy style or cowgirl, but she isn’t picky.
What’s your character’s favorite kink?: she enjoys a bit of spanking ngl.
How active in bed is your character? Do they like to lie there and take it or do they like to get the most bang for their buck?:  v active, likes to recieve as much as she gives.
Kissing during sex, yes or no?: yes.
Clothes off or on during sex?: Mostly off, but there are times where she just can’t wait.
Lingerie? Yes or no?: yes, she loooooooooves lingerie sm.
Would your character join a threesome if given a chance?: probably not, she doesn’t like to share
Your character’s Penis size?: no penis
Preference for penis size?: she’s cool with average tbh, but she wouldn’t reject a bigger one.
Does your character like to roleplay? If so, what?: she likes to wear her cheerleader uniform oops.
Does your character prefer condoms or bareback?: safety first, unless you are with your bae and you know he’s clean.
Your character’s most private sexual fantasy?: i’m not really sure, she’s v open when it comes to her sexuality and desires.
How sexually active is your character?: as active as she can
When did your character lose their virginity?: 15 with a senior student.
Kinks your character would participate in?: daddy kink, bondage & public places.
Kinks your character would not participate in?: nasty stuff like watersports, scat and pain play. She also doesn’t like humilliation.
A character that yours fantasizes about coupling with?: Ragnar Lothbrook, Oberyn Martell.
2 notes · View notes
wittywallflower · 5 years
One day at a time
My favorite Episode:
I could not pick. Really could not. My top 3 favorites scenes aren’t even in the same season, let alone the same episode.
My least Favorite Episode:
Schneider’s relapse. :’(((
My favorite Arc:
Penelope going off her antidepressants and everything that results from that. I found it all really relatable to my own depression, and it fosters a lot of really great moments like Lydia learning to accept that things she doesn’t believe in (like drugs and therapy) can be useful or even necessary for others; and people showing support for Penelope even after she hurt them during her episode (Max forgiving her for standing him up, Schneider forgiving her for being mean) and that is just… really important for me as a person with depression to see. Both as a reminder to be mindful of my words and actions when i am in a depressive episode, and as a reminder that people will still love me even if I’m temporarily terrible.
My least favorite Arc:
Penelope’s whole thing with Mateo. It was kind of obvious to me from the start what they were going to do with Mateo so i never bothered to care about him. Nothing with him ever felt more than mildly interesting. He just kindly quietly drifted in for a few episodes than quietly drifted away again.
My favorite ship:
Alvareider, obviously. If you want to insist on only canon ships, then Penelope/Max. I do love Max so much. (this isn’t Elena/Syd erasure, I just feel weird shipping teens cuz I’m old)
My favorite character:
Shit, that’s hard. I love ‘em all. By a tiny margin i am going to say Elena because I relate to being an obnoxiously gay feminist SJW who passionately wants the world to do better and be better.
My favorite season:
Also hard to pick because I find them all enjoyable but s2 has Max and so takes the lead. I really liked Max.
My least favorite:
Not Applicable. all 3 seasons are aces.
Who I wish would have stayed till the end:
Who I wish would have left the show sooner:
Victor. Sorrynotsorry.
Or Schneider’s dad could have been trampled by a moose during his first 5 seconds on screen. that would have been excellent.
Who I think is the most cheated character:
Leslie Berkowitz does not deserve to always be the butt boy, but i guess someone’s gotta do it….
Who got more screen time than they maybe should:
Victor because his screen time was too often spent being a major disappointment to everyone who loved him. Even his apologies and things he did to make up for everything felt… kinda weak.
What drew me to it:
Got into it because of Tumblr yelling about all the great PoC, female, mental health, and gay representation.
What kept me watching:
The show being legitimately excellent and well written and also busting tropes regularly. I watch a lot of TV and am good at pattern recognition, so I am known among my friends as someone who can see most plot points coming a mile away. ODAAT was constantly subverting my expectations by not going for the most obvious joke, and there is never once one of those misunderstandings-for-comedic-purposes, where the plot of the episode hinges entirely on two character just not talking to each other about whatever the issue is. cuz ODAAT characters have amazing communication with each other that every one of us watching should aspire to.
If I would recommend it:
Yes, 13/10, will binge many times again.
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midnight-witchyhour · 6 years
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Uhhh... Hell nah!!!
Ok, i did like them only when kelso wasn't being a freaking cheater and when Jackie was actually nice to him... Well, ya, the "i choose you" scene was hella cute: 10 points for that. But that's it, #sorrynotsorry but they didn't deserved to be endgame.
Kelso was mean to jackie, he cheated on her, lied to her and a bunch of more horrible things to, with the exception on "i dId iT BeCaUse yOu aRe mEaN to mE" honey nooo. And yes, Jackie was also mean and shallow with kelso, they were both too young and inmature to be "in love", yes, they had cute moments but they basically hurt each other non-stop. Kelso became more mature within the next seasons and jackie became less shallow and happy because of STEVEN MF HYDE. He was the one that made Jackie better. Not kelso. So ya... Don't say that they deserved to be endgame just because they had more history or whateva... They just weren't GOOD for each other.
K, also i know i sound really agressive in this -i am- but if you ship j&k or think they should be endgame, i would really like to know your opinion. So feel free to re blog or answer (?) this so ~maybe~ my mind can change.
Alsooo, english is not my first language and its the first time i write something "long" on Tumblr so the redaction and some words may be wrong or idk, but i hope i made my point clear, love ya.
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achublesumi · 6 years
Gay Pride Month 2018: I am Fluxsexual
So, I've decided to write about my pride, but not the boastful "Oh I'm perfect," pride. I'm talking gay shit. I don't know if that's really any better, but, honestly, it's one of the bigger facets of my being. I had always been gay and trans. Some of the earliest memories was me dressing as a boy, trying to pee standing up. They are memories I smile at and remember fondly, though I also have the scary, anxious memories as most of us LGBTQI people do. Remembering things like having my mom tell me I need to get a training bra (it literally wrecked my world because I had always seen myself as more masculine). Having to come out over and over again every time I found out something new about myself. That's always nerve-wracking.
So, I'm coming out again. Or, at least, explaining my seemingly complicated sexuality and gender. Do I need to? No, but I want people to understand me. I want to be open to those that have inquiring minds, or even harsh words. I want ignorant people to read this and scream at their god about how sinful I am. At least they now have some knowledge of our struggles as a community, even if they act like they don't. The main point is, this is for me. I don't care what others have to say or what they think. This is me. This is for those that wish to get to know me and to scare off those that thought they did. I don't need negative people who can't accept my fluctuating self. I am a creature of the universe and I will forever keep changing and growing. Get over it. #sorrynotsorry
I'm water, okay.
My gender and sexuality have changed many times. I started as a "straight", unknowingly-trans-cis female who didn't even really believe gay people existed. (Long story short, I had a very religious sperm donor who preached the words of his god and said how bad gay people where.) As I went through elementary school awkwardly I had a bad experience with a cis-male person. (I will need to write about it another time.) It left me fearing cis-male persons (and maybe even others). Though I didn't realize this fear until I was in high school. So, not knowing it was fear I chalked it up to hating men. Which I gave into. I would say things like, "All men are terrible/mean/gross/other means adjectives." I then just started saying I was a lesbian, cis-female throughout most of my high school years. I dated a female friend of mine eighth grade year, though our relationship was secret except to friends. People still somehow heard or assumed and picked fun at us. It was difficult. That was the first time I came out to my mom too. It was a very anxiety filled build up only to be told, "That's nice." I believe I eventually told her I was lesbian, but she would always tell me to, "Do whatever made me happy." I had also met my first actual gay person in seventh grade. At the time, she was a lesbian and talked about her girlfriend. I believe that got the wheels turning for me.
My freshman year of high school I was more "out". I would wear rainbows, but I was still a little nervous when others asked me about it. I had wanted to join my school's GSA, but was too nervous about it at the time. I also had a "boyfriend", but I never saw him because of the fear I was hiding. I avoided him like the plague and any guy that said they liked me. I would purposefully take a longer route to get to class to avoid any guys in that category. Eventually, though, I had to go to the library with a friend. He was there. My heart and mind started racing, I started sweating. I froze as he came towards me and wrapped his arms around me. I was like a scared rabbit or deer. If you had felt or heard my heart, you would have thought it was going to explode. He tilted my head up and kissed me, but all I did was freak out more. I buried my head in his chest and wrapped my arms in a vice like grip around him. I was internally freaking out. I literally didn't know what to do. Typing this now and remembering is giving me the same panicked feelings. Luckily, my friend must have noticed or felt how freaked out I was and grabbed me from him to drag me somewhere else. My savior. I don't know what happened to him, but I never saw him again after that.
I started going to anime conventions a lot with a friend as well and meeting people through that. I started dating a girl we had met at one of those events. She was nice, but lived in Phoenix. And had a boyfriend. She had, of course, cleared me with him first, so that was fine. I didn't mind at all. My first experience with an open relationship. That ended with her cheating, of course. We did try again after, but ended it about a month in. Distance is a killer for me. I also dated that same friend from before (my savior), though, looking back, I feel she is more asexual/aromatic. We broke up soon after dating.
I was a band geek as well, but only sophomore and junior years. Being in band is much like being in a really weird, sexually charged family. Especially with so many of us going through puberty and trying to find ourselves. A few guys in the band liked me, but I eventually became relaxed with it. They didn't do anything unless I told them it was okay. But I was still "lesbian". I had a couple weird experiences with guys through out my high school years, but I brushed them off as flings. I never had sex (and didn't until after I graduated HS). I also dated quite a few more females. Most, again, cheated on me. Sigh.
Through the Gay Straight Alliance club I was president of from sophomore to senior year, I was introduced to the Gay Lesbian Education Network (GLSEN) who would organize a little seminar for GSA's in Tucson. That was where I found the terms genderqueer and genderfluid. I feel I still embody both of those terms. I have feminine and masculine qualities, but I am also fluid through all sorts of genders. They also had meetings in Tucson to plan things like that and our GSA would go often and try and participate the best we could. I was also able to go to a retreat they put on up in NY right outside of NYC. It was a wonderful experience. It was where I had met my first trans people that were looking to transition. It was very eye opening. Hearing their stories started stirring something in my brain. This was the summer before senior year and I was 17 years old.
Though I had come to accept myself as gender queer/fluid, I had never really thought of myself as trans. I think it's because I really only thought of transsexual, as most people do. The night before we were supposed to leave, I had a break down. I sat outside on some grass and just started crying as realization set in. I had always been trans and I could actually see myself transitioning into a male. I don't think I was sad or scared from that, I was just sad because it had been repressed for so long. That, and the fear I had tried so hard to push down came bubbling up. I didn't hate men, I feared them. That ended up helping me define my sexuality as pansexual. I was able to go as Addem the next day as well as use male pronouns. It was so refreshing and felt nice. During senior year, my friends called me male and Addem sometimes. I was even marked absent one time because I was dressed and looked so masculine a substitute teacher would not accept me as who I was! I came out to my mom as well. She took me to a department store and bought me all kinds of male clothing. It was a better response than I could have asked for. Though everyone did not respect my pronouns and what not, I was still just happy. Sure, I had some kids make fun of me throughout my high school career, but kids are just dicks in general.
As an adult, I've also fluctuated. I had sex with a male at 19. We dated for almost 5 years and were even engaged. Though I had always wanted to have sex with a girl first, I was fine with the experience. I had told him I was into open relationships and he didn't seem opposed (when he actually was). I had met a few girls off of Craigslist (yes, I was one of those). We didn't really do much but hang out a few times, but it was still nice. Eventually, my fiance invited another female out for a night of drinking and sex with my first girl happened. She was ideal physically, though she really was not there to be my partner. She wanted just A as a partner, so we ended the relationship. Though she was the one that introduced me to FetLife. I was also on antidepressant/anxiety meds and put myself on Depoprovera shots. My sexual urges took a nose dive. Besides that point, A making me feel gross as a female and never respecting my gender identity. We didn't have sex often and I guess that made him feel I didn't love him? Thanks for the talk...
I got a coworker of mine into FetLife and going to meets. We played with her a few times and she expressed she was interested in being in a relationship with us. There was a couple of others we were in a temporary relationship with that ended soon after we started dating her. We'll call her AB. She had lied the whole time and just wanted A, to no surprise. What was surprising is how they cheated (there's a writing about them somewhere).
Now, my current partner(s), one of which is my spouse (@ekelarsons). Arson is an amazing human being and has helped me grow and express many of my suppressed dimensions. I'm able to say no without feeling bad. I am allowed to dress masculine and be called male pronouns. He uses my preferred pronouns which are "They/Them". It's beautiful.
Now, the point! I am water. I am forever fluctuating, flowing, bending, changing. "My sexuality is as fluid as my gender." is always something I like to say. I go from being hypersexual one week/day/minute to being completely asexual the next. I prefer female bodied partners, but have never been with a MTF person nor a FTM. Cis-males (and maybe FTM?) still scare me to no end, though I am sometimes sexually attracted to them (though older men scare me most, probably because I relate them to my sperm donor). I am usually demisexual with men, but sometimes I just want asexual relationship with one. I am usually highly sexually attracted to most female bodied people, but I get scared or nervous when being sexual with them (though I have had sex with women more than men). I also do this thing where I tell people I have a crush on them so if nothing can happen, I get over the feelings more quickly. I am an enigma. I am complex. My sexuality, gender, and attraction fluxes.
I am gender queer/fluid. I am fluxsexual. I am coming out once again with this term I was trying to make up, but also see others using on the internet. It fits since omnisexual is actually differently defined than what I was using it as.
Thanks for reading. :)
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cherryscape · 7 years
So I decided to look through some very popular sasunaru blogs. And one of them stood out to me (I'm not gonna say who) but this person made an elaborate analysis how Karin COULD be the mother and how sasuke is only with sakura BECAUSE of sarada. Honestly these analysis barely bother me because I have seen them many times. But I don't get why SNS fans support SK so much? And why do they want sasuke to become this unfaithful bastard and Karin to be this homewreker just because they don't like SS?
Ahh I think I know which blog you are talking about anon(That post was the reason why I blocked them tbh call me petty? But I can't stand those types of bloggers #sorrynotsorry)I don't think people realize that all the hints that were given in gaiden about how Karin can be the mother? We're nothing but red herring. I don't like it but it's true (Kishi is a master of red herring. Did with NS and did the same with SK. Must have been revenge for all the death threats by extremists🤔) the whole "Sakura avoiding questions" "No birth certificate" "Karin wearing same clothes as sarada" "DNA test" and "Kain having the umbilical cord while it's tradition for mom's to have it" etc were just red herrings.And it's been said by karin's own mouth that sarada is sakura's. Mentioned by kishi in so many interviews. But hey if they still want to cling to those red herring? Let them.And I love when people say that sarada is the only reason why sasusaku is together. Funny cause sakura and sasuke travelled together BEFORE sarada was born. They were married FIRST. I mean Is sasuke really the type of person who will be with someone he dosent Like? Sarada asked sasuke if his heart was connected to sakura. (Meaning if he loves her or not) he replies with yes (yes I do love her) but than sarada asked him how can he be sure (What's the proof) for which he replied "because you exist" ( you are the proof of our love) the conversation states that sarada is the proof of their love and connection. A love child you can say.Kishi said that sasuke and sakura are connected thoroughly. The VA's say the same thing. But no the FANS know better than the PEOPLE who worked and CREATED the story! Eveyone is wrong! Only they are right! Sasuke is only with sakura BECAUSE of sarada! Even though kishi says the opposite! Even though the VA's say the opposite! But their all wrong! Only the antis are right! I mean if they believe they know the story better than the creator? Well..........what can I say?I'll just stick to the truth and facts. Not ones own interpretation and headcanons. And as to why SNS fans want sasuke to be a cheating bastard and Karin to be homewreker?(horrible things you want someone to be. Kishi states himself that cheating=a scum.) Better than being with sakura you know. These people rather their favs become the worst of the worst than be with someone they don't like. (And they call themselves TRUE fans😂) honestly sasuke is happy with his marriage with sakura. Kishi says it. They say it. VA's say it. And even Karin says it! And I'll choose to believe these sources than some people who have no credibility to judge a story they dream they can come up with but love to rant on it for fun. And I feel like you should do the same anon.
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samthewrestlingfan · 7 years
DIVE Part 4
It’s Monday! You know what that means, Lovebugs! 
Time for a DIVE update!
This one is so angsty...#SorryNotSorry
But for real guys, please enjoy! Remember your feedback means the world to me, so let me know what you think!
Thank you as always for taking the time to read my lil story. 
I love you all! <3
TAGLIST: @wrestlingbabe @alexahood21 @caramara3 @panda-girl1999 @isawthesights @blondekel77 @ravishingrandall @sxrxndipityy @camm-wow 
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I stood in front of the door, feeling like I forgot how hands worked. I had been standing here for 10 minutes, and still hadn't knocked on Seth's door.
How could he think what he did was justifiable? There is no way. I began to walk away from the door, when I saw Sami coming out of his room.
"Ella! How've you been? Good?" Sami asked happily.
I smiled hugging him, "Yes! I've missed you though, how are things?"
"You know, ever changing, but always good." Sami's eyes drifted to my bump. "Are congratulations in order?"
I nodded, "Well then congrats, Ella! This is a surprise, but baby's are blessings after all."
I heard the click of the door behind me open. I turned to see Seth step half of his body into the hallway and keep his eyes locked on Sami and I.
"Sami, I don't wanna keep you..." I murmured.
He glanced over my shoulder, and made the connection. "Of course, Of course! Have a good night--see you soon!"
Sami headed for the elevator as I spun around. "Hey, Els."
I smiled softly, the universe was really testing me tonight..."Hey, let's go inside, I don't want to wake anyone up."
He nodded and moved to the side, giving me space to walk in.  I instantly walked to his bed and sat down, leaning against his pillows.
"Feeling okay?" Seth asked genuinely.
I rubbed my legs, "I'm just so tired, and the travel isn't helping the swelling. Everything hurts and I'm blowing up like a fucking balloon."
He let out a soft chuckle, "Please, you look beautiful. But I am sorry you're in pain, anything I can do?"
I shook my head, "Nah, It will go away once I get a good night's sleep." I leaned my head back closing my eyes momentarily.
"Well that's good. Did you like your flowers?" Seth asked almost sounding nervous. "Of course I did, you know white tulips are my favorite." The fact that he remembered it actually shocked me a little bit.
He smiled ear to ear, sitting down in front of me on the bed. "I'm glad I didn't forget that one...I take it you read the note?"
I opened my eyes, and picked my head up off the pillow. "I did." I scooted forward, adjusting the pillows so they were supporting my back.  "I'm a little offended that you think you have a right to justify--"
"I'm not trying to justify it. I cheated on you, and no matter what I say or do I can never take that back. I wish I could, Ella, every fucking day." He spoke like he was frustrated with himself, but I could see the sadness on his face.
I crossed my arms as best I could, "Why am I here then? Why did you write that note?"
He sighed, "I don't know, Els. I just wanted to tell you why I did what I did. I need to get it off my chest and maybe it will ease your mind a little too, I know that sounds bad, but I don't know how else to word it."
I rolled my eyes, "Well go ahead then, you have my attention." I folded my hands over my stomach and rested them there.
He rubbed his palms together. "Okay I just wanna start off by saying despite what it may have looked like, I didn't enjoy what I was doing."
I internally groaned, I promised myself I'd let him finish. "The bitch you saw me with was Marissa Malone from that stupid trash site, WrestleWrecks or something."
I nodded, before connecting some of the dots in my memory.  I couldn't stop the look of disgust from creeping its way onto my face, "Oh my God, Seth...she's the cunt that leaked Paige's sex tapes! All those photos! How coul--"
He put his hand up, "Please Els, just--please." He continued, "Well for months she would show up to every show, every live event, and just watch you. She'd watch you, me, and anyone she thought had a skeleton or two in their closet."
I scoffed, "And you thought you could solve that by putting your dick inside her?"
Seth sighed, "Please let me finish?"
My emotions were getting the better of me, and I was regretting coming here. I don't know how much more of this story I can take.
"It was one Monday, after Raw. You had left with Nia 'cause she was new and didn't want to drive alone. I was waiting in the lot for Dean to come out when Marissa walked up to me."
Seth began to recount that night to me from his point of view...
"Hey Seth...beautiful night, isn't it?" Marissa was dressed in a tight black dress that barely went to the middle of her thigh.
Seth sighed, "Was about 30 seconds ago...what do you want?"
"Seth, I don't know why you're so frustrated, not getting any lately? Is that why Ella sped off so quickly without you?"
She held a tape recorder against her breasts, Seth bent his head down to it, "Uhhh no...fuck off."
Seth moved to walk away, but she called after him, "I'm not so sure Ella would be happy knowing you personally gave me these photos and videos for the website..."
Seth turned around to her, anger spreading across his face, "What the fuck are you talking about?"
Marissa slid her perfectly manicured finger across the screen of her phone. Seth's eyes were greeted with photos of Ella. Naked photos. She scrolled more, and pressed play on one of the videos that popped up. It was Ella giving Seth some head, then there was the lap dance she gave him, along with more nudes.
"How the fuck did you get those..." Seth damn near growled. He knew since Paige's iCloud was hacked, Ella felt uncomfortable with them being on there so she deleted them. The only evidence of those were on Seth's personal phone.
A pure evil smile spread across her overly-made up face. "How did I get them? Why you sent them to me, from your very own phone...see?" She turned her phone to show him the sender and it indeed was his number at the top of the screen.
With trembling hands, Seth pulled out his phone and saw that he had a thread of sent photos and videos to what he assumed was Marissa's number.
"You did this didn't you? What, did you fucking steal my phone from the locker room? Did you pay someone to do it?" Seth was shaking with anger.
She laughed sarcastically, "Sethy now come on, you know I can't tell you that! But just some advice? I'd start making sure your locker was locked from now on..." She finished with a wink.
"You can go fuck yourself..." He sneered. "You know I'll sue you right? I'll make sure you're fucking destroyed."
She laughed, "Seth do you know how many lawsuits people have tried to put against me? Guess how many I've lost?" Marissa held up a '0' with her fingers.
Seth groaned, "What do you want? How the fuck can I make this go away."
"Oh Sethy, this is too good to get rid of I'm afraid. I just wanted you to be the first to know what was coming. I would have told Ella myself but she left so quickly."
Seth took another step towards her, "You leave her alone."
"I will! I don't need her anyways, I have what I need. My followers are going to go nuts..." Marissa began to walk away, strutting towards the car.
"Please." He begged, "I'll do anything, anything to keep you from doing this to her."
She froze in her tracks, "Anything?" she questioned. Seth nodded as she walked back to him. Marissa through her hand on his shoulder and ran it down his chest, playing with the zipper on his jacket.
She rolled her red-painted lips together before she spoke, "I know just the thing."
As Seth spoke, I felt like I was going to throw up. How could a person be so vile and so cruel?
"Basically she told me if I slept with her, she would delete the messages and any backups that she had. I did it at our home so I could make sure I would have control over the environment and that there wouldn't be any planted cameras or some shit like that. She was supposed to show up right after you left that morning, but of course she was late. Part of me thinks that was on purpose too, I don't know."
I squeezed my eyes through the stinging tears. "I-I don't know what to say..." I sobbed.
Seth's eyes softened at the sight of my tears, "Oh, baby please don't cry. You don't need to say anything."
Baby. I didn't even object when I heard it. It was so comforting. Seth moved up next to me and held me as I cried. "Ella I'm sorry, I really was just trying to protect you. I didn't think it through--all I wanted was to stop her from destroying your life and your career."
I was shaking, and sobbing into my hands. The poor baby must be so scared inside me. "I just did what she wanted and I went through her phone and checked iCloud upload history--every trace had been deleted. That's all I wanted."
"I want to say thank you, but--"
He stroked my hair, "I know, I know." Seth gently pushed me back, "I'm sorry I did it, and I'm even more sorry you saw it, but I would do anything to keep you safe. I didn't know what else to do, Ella. I really didn't enjoy it. I couldn't even cum, hell it took me 20 minutes to get hard cause I felt so guilty. Not to mention she looks like a fucking troll."
I let out a small laugh as I wiped my eyes. "I just needed to tell you that, Els. Thank you for listening." He wiped a tear off my cheeks and rubbed my stomach.
Seth leaned down towards the bump and whispered something I couldn't make out. He gave small kissed to my stomach that cause the baby to start kicking.
I craned my neck and kissed the top of Seth's head. He sprung up as I moved back. "What was that for, Els?"
I shrugged and let out a yawn, "I don't really know to be honest. I just felt like it." I hopped off the bed and stretched before looking at myself in the mirror on the wall. "I need to get some sleep. All of this wore me out today."
Seth shot off the bed and grabbed my hands in his. "You could stay in here? Ya know if you-if you want."
I hesitated for a moment, "Seth..."
"Look, I'll sleep in the chair, I just...I wanna be near you guys. I missed so much of your pregnancy already I just want to spend some time with you while the baby is still in there."
I nodded, "Okay, that's fair. I'll stay in here tonight."
He opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him off, "and no, you don't have to sleep in the chair." I smiled softly.
After Seth helped me grab my things from my room, I threw on my long night shirt, put my hair up in a bun, and brushed my teeth.
I flipped the switch in the bathroom off and walked out to see Seth laying on the bed. Shirtless. In his boxers.
"See something you like?" Seth asked with a wink. I swallowed hard, shocked at the feeling I was feeling. "No..." I lied hopelessly. "I'm just--listen there's a lot of hormones running through this." I joked, gesturing to my whole body.
Seth laughed and lifted the covers for me, "Come on, crazy...you need some sleep."
I went over and flopped into the soft bed, instinctively on both our parts, Seth's warm arms enveloped me as I laid my head on his hot chest.
He lifted his arms, "Sorry..."
"No," I spoke quickly, "I haven't been held in a long time, I guess with you and I in the same bed instinct just kicked in."
I scooted away, but Seth held me still. "Would you mind if I held you?"
I blinked, and shook my head. "Not at all actually." He smiled pulling me into his embrace once more. Seth kissed the top of my head, and soon out breathing was in sync.
"Night, beautiful." Seth whispered softly.
I sighed in contentment, not knowing what this meant or why I was so happy. "Goodnight, Seth."
A moment of silence passed before we spoke together, "Night, little one..." I looked up at Seth as he looked down at me. We both let out a chuckle as he rubbed my back.
Soon after I was asleep; and it was the most comfortable, deep sleep I've had in months.
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thingsthomaswrites · 5 years
Love Island Winter UK- Episode 1 and 2: The Shaughna Show.
After pleading with myself not to get sucked into Winter love island, I did. Long story short- ITV have expanded my Love Island obsession beyond the Summer Holidays and have now made it into an all year-round obsession that triggers major procrastination from uni work. I am ridiculously invested and its episode 2. Thanks a lot ITV! Also, shoutout to Laura Whitmore for being a presenter that makes me feel more at ease when surrounded by the villas lamps- you’re the best!
Aware that I’ve failed to review the first show I have decided to cram reviews of the two episodes that have aired into a long rambling article putting into words my professional Reality Tv Binger opinion so buckle up buttercup #sorrynotsorry! Nevertheless, don't worry too much as there isn’t a whole lot to say on the first show. The two contestants I initially warmed to were Nas and Shaughna due to their bubbliness! I could go on a night out with both of them without too much awkwardness- Las Iguana’s 2 for 1 cocktails ladies? Regardless, there are a lot of contestants grating on me already, including: Max Branning, Lewis Capaldi’s ex (who she NEVER mentions) and Mr Bean. I’m excited for trophy-hunter Branning to do drugs on the beach and get disqualified on the day off they have quite frankly. I’m also undecided on ‘The Shining’ twins, Siannise (who seems nice enough but fake enough) and Leanne (who I’m certain will grow on me). Roche-Sophie needs to run a mile from The Cheshire Cat...Aka Mr Bean...Aka the owner of the worst teeth in Love Island history. I sincerely hope he kept his receipt from his dodgy veneers that he got off Google. 
Day 2 is ridiculous for various reasons. WHY is Connor being so full on two days in? Shaughna is very full on also but is EXTREMELY likeable somehow- how does she manage being such an absolute queen?! Between opting to “drown” opposed to simply “drowning her sorrows” and retorting the brilliantly overdramatic line: “so basically that’s my man and you’re taking my man” she has gained a supporter in me. Go on you dozy cow! Meanwhile, Mike says that it “must be crazy for you guys [the twins] because you came in late to the party” and it shouldn’t be but it is. This is mainly because of a number of bitchy girls this series… ESPECIALLY Leanne and Paige who moan about the twins for standing upstairs to have a PRIVATE conversation with Mike who- as far as I was aware- isn’t engaged to Leanne after a day of -what I can imagine behind the scenes- consisted of Leanne shutting him down for not being a plumber and Paige shutting down Max Branning for being a class A Tory t- pardon my French. The twins- despite being initially annoying- are delivering in terms of not caring and why should they? Really? Some of these girls are acting as if they’re married!
The challenge was- in typical love island fashion- meant to be sexy but I see nothing sexy about grown adults pretending to be tea bags. Sorry. As Shaughna said “being dunked in a cup of tea…it’s not my thing”. Surprising revelations from the challenge? No. Did Paige mention Lewis Capaldi again? You betcha’. Is Max Branning even more of a c- pardon my Spanish- than previously imagined? Yes- he cheated 8 or 9 times- or so he says. I hardly expected him to be a respectful guy mind you. Is there a liar who says they’ve slept with more people than they actually have? Yes. Connor has fulfilled the role of Love Island douchebag this year very early on! Leanne warmed on me throughout the episode and it appears that she genuinely likes Mike. Shaughna is being desperate but its entertaining to watch her give a cringeworthy parting kiss to ‘mark her territory’- reminiscent of the moment Yewande sat on Danny. Iconic.
Jess and Eve have been briefed to argue. It MUST be fake. Love Island can break a twin bond that has been developed since birth? Nah- they live together for crying out loud! No way! Fake! They chose Callum and Mike, leaving the two girls with the biggest story arc this episode boy-less. “I’ve got a text… Not a man!” is another corker delivered by Shaughna tonight. She’s fantastic- I hope she stays longer! There’s no gifs as of yet so have a picture of our early queen herself! x
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submissivejungkook · 7 years
Get To Know Me Pt. 2 (sorrynotsorry)
Wait, these are actually hella cute questions.”
— 1. Who was the last person you held hands with? : I haven’t held anyone’s hand in a long time. 
2. Are you outgoing or shy? : Shy af
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? : Hopefully BTS again. Saving up to go to another concert!
4. Are you easy to get along with? : Of course! 
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? : I would hope so xD
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? : People who are honest, respectful, and intelligent.
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? : I very highly doubt I will be. 
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? : Currently Jay Park. Damn that man-
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? : If it’s with any of my family members, it’s very awkward for me. 
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? : My aunt
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? : “Damn that sucks”
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? : 1- Yes I Am by Mamamoo, 2- 2! 3! by BTS, 3- Sorry Not Sorry by Demi Lovato, 4- Closer by The Chainsmokers ft. Halsey, and 5- Red Flavor by Red Velvet
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? : Yes! I love it~
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? : Sure
15. What good thing happened this summer? : I.. met one of my longtime friends irl for the first time~
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? : I haven’t had my first kiss yet. Oops
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? : Maybe
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? : Nah. He hates me because I’m pansexual
19. Do you like bubble baths? : God yes
20. Do you like your neighbors? : Not really
21. What are you bad habits? : When I’m talking to new people irl, I tend to talk fast and stumble over my words.. I also bite my nails and twirl my hair when nervous.
22. Where would you like to travel? : Korea, New Zealand, Japan, UK, Paris
23. Do you have trust issues? : Sadly
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? : Going to bed 
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? : Everything except my eyes and hair. 
26. What do you do when you wake up? : I go to the bathroom.
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? : Neither??? I may be uncomfortable with myself, but I don’t want to change my skin tone. Everyone should be proud of their skin color despite what ignorant cunts say. 
28. Who are you most comfortable around? : My aunt
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? : Yeah, one of them has. 
30. Do you ever want to get married? : It would be very nice to get married, but I stopped worrying about it. It just worsened my depression.
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail? : Yesss
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? : Namjoon and Jimin ; Hwasa and HyunA
33. Spell your name with your chin. zas,lyhgszxszZ - well that’s a disaster
34. Do you play sports? What sports? : Nah, I used to. 
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? : TV
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? : Yep
37. What do you say during awkward silences? : I don’t. I just look at my phone
38. Describe your dream girl/guy? :  Honestly, as long as the person has a wonderful personality, is very respectful to others, faithful, and intelligent then.. I’m good to go. I try not to be too specific/picky when it comes to this and especially about the outer appearance. Most of the time when someone is asked this question, they start naming off physical attributes. I do have some preferences but if they aren’t what’s being offered, I won’t get upset about it. Like, I love taller men and women, but I won’t make a fuss if they’re a little shorter than I am. Just.. have a big heart, a brain that is used all the time, and eyes for me and me alone. That’s what I want❤
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? : Earthbound, Dress Barn, Hobby Lobby, Hot Topic, and BAM
40. What do you want to do after high school? : Well, I graduated in 2015 and am currently at a university.
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? : Depends
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? : That I’m being myself. I’m always quiet unless I’m fangirling. 
43. Do you smile at strangers? : I try to
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? : Bottom of the ocean
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? : BTS
46. What are you paranoid about? : Too many things to list.. 
47. Have you ever been high? : Nope
48. Have you ever been drunk? : Nope
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? : Yeah
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? : Black
51. Ever wished you were someone else? : All the time
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? : My weight
53. Favourite makeup brand? : I don’t really have a preference 
54. Favourite store? : Hobby Lobby
55. Favourite blog? : I like so many blogs tho
56. Favourite colour? : Red, black, white, purple, and blue
57. Favourite food? : Sushiiiii and steak
58. Last thing you ate? : Doritos 
59. First thing you ate this morning? : I didn’t eat this morning
60. Ever won a competition? For what? : I don’t think I’ve won any competitions 
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? : Nah
62. Been arrested? For what? : Nope
63. Ever been in love? : Yes
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? : I haven’t had my first kiss. 
65. Are you hungry right now? : Yes *casually munching on doritos*
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? : I like them equally. 
67. Facebook or Twitter? : Twitter
68. Twitter or Tumblr? : Tumblr
69. Are you watching tv right now? : Yep~ Fresh Prince is still the shit
70. Names of your bestfriends? : I don’t wanna give their names out
71. Craving something? What? : Sushi, affection, and a shitton of cuddles
72. What colour are your towels? : We have different colored ones.. White, teal, beige, and blue
72. How many pillows do you sleep with? : 5
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? : Yep, 2 of them 
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? : Plenty
75. Favourite animal? : Panda!
76. What colour is your underwear? : Black
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? : Chocolate
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? : Strawberry, strawberry cheesecake, or mint
79. What colour shirt are you wearing? : Green
80. What colour pants? : black
81. Favourite tv show? : Impractical Jokers
82. Favourite movie? : There are so many
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? : Mean Girls
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? : Mean Girls
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? : Damian
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? : Dory
87. First person you talked to today? : My aunt
88. Last person you talked to today? @ya-boy-bambam
89. Name a person you hate? : ----
90. Name a person you love? : Namjoonie
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? : Yep 
92. In a fight with someone? : Not currently
93. How many sweatpants do you have? : Plenty 
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? : Not enough
95. Last movie you watched? : Wonder Woman
96. Favourite actress? : Park Min Young
97. Favourite actor? : Ji Chang Wook
98. Do you tan a lot? : Nope
99. Have any pets? : One pupper
100. How are you feeling? : Tired and a little depressed
101. Do you type fast? : When I’m angry I do 
102. Do you regret anything from your past? : Of course
103. Can you spell well? : Yeah
104. Do you miss anyone from your past? : Mhmm
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? : Yes! I love those
106. Ever broken someone’s heart? : Probably
107. Have you ever been on a horse? : Yeah
108. What should you be doing? : Sleeping
109. Is something irritating you right now? : Eh, not really
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? : Yep
111. Do you have trust issues? : Sadly
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? : My dad
113. What was your childhood nickname? : Lilo - I was called Lilo because I was always outside and I ended up getting dark. My hair was long and dark, and not to mention I was pudgy and loved Disney. I watched Lilo and Stitch so much when I was little so it just stuck. 
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? : Yep 
115. Do you play the Wii? : I used to
116. Are you listening to music right now? : Yep
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? : Gross no
118. Do you like Chinese food? : Mmmm yesss
119. Favourite book? : Dark Song by Gail Giles
120. Are you afraid of the dark? : YES
121. Are you mean? : I can be when given a reason
122. Is cheating ever okay? : Hell fucking no
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? : I’d be able to if I wore white shoes
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? : Nah. I don’t focus on the outer appearance
125. Do you believe in true love? : Of course
126. Are you currently bored? : Eh, not really
127. What makes you happy? : Kpop, writing, roleplaying, and talking to my friends
128. Would you change your name? : I used to want to change my name so bad, but I’m finally starting to love my name.
129. What your zodiac sign? : Gemini
130. Do you like subway? : Eh, not really. 
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? :  Well, I would be completely shocked and have to be reassured because it isn’t often guys, or really anyone, likes me romantically. I would wait it out for a little bit before talking to him about it. I’d be cautious because I mean.. that’s my best friend. If we date then break up, our friendship will probably be gone, too. We would really have to think about the consequences of dating before deciding anything.
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? : My aunt
133. Favourite lyrics right now? :  It’s okay come on when I say one two three forget it Erase all sad memories Hold my hand and smile It’s okay come on when I say one two three forget it Erase all sad memories Smile holding onto each other’s hands - 2! 3! (This song will always make me cry. Just typing up the lyrics made me tear up. Love you ARMYs, Love you BTS)
134. Can you count to one million? : I can try XD 
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? : When I was younger, maybe around 13, I was caught watching porn. I was asked what that was and I said, “..I don’t know? I thought they were fighting!” LMAO I wasn’t the brightest okokok
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? : Closed
137. How tall are you? : 5′3 or 5′4
138. Curly or Straight hair? : I used to have curly but now it’s more so wavy. 
139. Brunette or Blonde? : Brunette 
140. Summer or Winter? : Fall
141. Night or Day? : Either
142. Favourite month? : October or December
143. Are you a vegetarian? : Nope
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? : ALL 
145. Tea or Coffee? : Both
146. Was today a good day? : It was alright
147. Mars or Snickers? : Snickers
148. What’s your favourite quote? : “Love is louder than the pressure to be perfect.”
149. Do you believe in ghosts? : Yep
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? : I had no choice but to follow her as she headed farther into the old servants’ wing.
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kristsune · 7 years
Last Words
Cite the final line of five of your fics - your favorites, or the most recent ones. Tag five writers who should do this next.
Tagged by the lovely @punsbulletsandpointythings Thank you! Gonna tag @thebisexualmandalorian @itsybitsylemonsqueezy @cryingcryptids @wolveria and @sleepy-skittles no pressure if you don’t want to <3 (also i totally cheated and mostly did last paragraph for two. sorrynotsorry)
Wolffe’s Scars (one of my fave endings tbqh)
“The only thing that allowed me to live with myself after 66 went out,” Wolffe whispered into the quiet of the room, “was when I saw his ship go down, I could hear him in my head. Like he used the last of his strength to make sure I knew.” “What did he say?” Gregor asked, genuinely curious. Wolffe replied while hearing its echo rattle around in his head, “‘I forgive you, my son.’”
Sucker Punched 
Atin smiled at Sev as they walked off, “Fuckin’ ARCs, man.” Sev just shook his head, “Fuckin’ ARCs.”
What is a name?
“Fives! Fives, brother.” Rex’s voice sounded strange coming through through the ray shield. It was all warped and didn’t sound like Rex at all. Though, that may have been the ringing in his ears, and the pain radiating from his chest. Fives was glad that Rex was the last person he would ever hear say his name. Rex was a good brother. They had seen a lot together. Hopefully Rex would heed his warning. Hopefully Rex would remember him, and remember who he was. He was Fives.
Black Holes and Lost Time
After a moment Jesse moved his arm to wrap around Kix’s waist, and kissed his temple, “Come on, let’s see what we can do to be useful again.” Kix shifted so he could put his arm around Jesse’s shoulders, “Yes, let’s.”
A Gentle Awakening
He stood there, at the edge of the field, until the last flame went out. Until the heavy black smoke cleared. Heavy and dark as he felt. He wished he could clear his mind as the smoke cleared the sky. Rex turned from the field, the field of his brothers, and never came back.
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(How to Change a Fuqboi- between the lines)
Word Count: 2.1k
Request: @baekinacupoftae​
Ok so I’ve read the fboi series… THEY WERE LIT despite being frustrating bc why the cliffhangers? u make me wanna cri. Nah, jk. But if you do have time, a sequel/closure would be nice. Only if you want to :) *whispers (especially Taehyung’s)
A/N: So! I have officially made a fan theory for my own story! Does that make me conceited? 🤔 or just a proud author? 😂 Haha~ This story comes from an “all one main character” timeline/theory for the Fuqboi series. I also included Jackson cuz why not? 😉 enjoy and as always, make sure to pay attention to details 💖
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The light sprinkle of spring rain had ceased a few hours ago, but the damp smell still floats into your olfactory system with a vengeance, especially as you walk out of the department store for the last time, clutching your coat tighter around your frame. Thankfully, Namjoon hadn’t been scheduled to work today, so you were able to clean out your locker in peace.
Submitting your two weeks notice had been easier than you thought, especially with the excuse of “I’ve decided to focus on school” sitting on the tip of your tongue. It wasn’t a lie. You’ll be transferring to a different university this fall, but now you’re completely free.
Free to do what? Besides spend more time on campus, you aren’t exactly sure. Forget Namjoon? Yes. And his petty, disgusting denial of his true, selfish identity. Forget Yoongi? Yes. He was only a one time mistake you made because you were so desperate to get away from…
The name sends a wave of nausea through you, forcing your body to double over as you reach your car. You swallow hard around the urge to dry heave, refusing to cry. Still, the memory strikes you hard like a punch.
You tapped your pencil against the surface of your desk, trying to concentrate.
Annotating poems was one of your least favorite things, but your literature class demanded it, so annotate you would. Maybe.
The loud buzz of the dryer gave you just the excuse you needed to abandon the task momentarily. With too much enthusiasm, you emptied it of its contents, suddenly deciding that pristinely folded clothes were a top priority.
This load of laundry had been a mix of yours and Tae’s. The two of you shared a hamper, after all, and the duty to empty it out often fell on you- not that you minded. Living at his parents’ house rent free was compensation enough.
As you made your way through the pleasantly warm pile, something unexpected made you stop.
A pair of lacy red panties.
They definitely weren’t yours, and this observation began the chronic downward spiral. Where did they come from? Taehyung? He couldn’t have…? Not again. Could he? Even after MONTHS of being faithful? Usually you tried to classify these thoughts as benign, unjustified unease. But this time, THIS TIME, you had something solid, tangible evidence to ignite your anxiety.
You hadn’t caught Taehyung cheating for months. You barely even saw him LOOK at other girls since the compromise. But this? The underwear of another girl?
Anger flared in your system just in time for the front door to open. You could hear it along with his deep voice, which called out, seeking you, “Baby, I’m home. How’s the homework? Will you be done soon or do you want to…?”
His question trailed off as he found you in the living room, pinching the article of clothing in question like it was a creature about to bite, yet also an object so fragile that it would shatter with the slightest movement.
Taehyung’s boxy smile immediately dropped when he saw the expression on your face.
“Baby, that’s not…” he started, but you raised your hand to cut him off.
“Please don’t speak to me right now.”
“But I didn’t-”
You placed the underwear down on top of his pile of clothes, shaking your head, “I gave it everything I had, Tae.”
“I don’t know-”
He seemed genuinely perplexed, but something inside of you had already broken.
“I just… need to leave,” your voice sounded hollow even to your ears.
“I don’t know where those came from,” he blurted, raking his fingers through his hair as the severity of what you said dawned on him. “Really, honest to god. Are you sure they aren’t yours?”
You didn’t even take the time to respond, picking up your pile of clothes to go to your room. Following, but giving you a few steps of space as if he wouldn’t dare CHANCE touching you, Taehyung started rambling.
“They could be my mom’s,” he offered desperately, voice cracking as you began sifting through your closet and drawers, starting a small pile on the bed. “I- I haven’t done anything. I promise- I SWEAR.”
You wanted to listen to him, to hope, to forgive, but you COULDN’T. Whether or not any of what he said was true, whether or not he HAD actually cheated again… you were done. You had given him everything. Your time, your heart, and later with the compromise, your virginity. Yet none of that could heal the wound of mistrust he’d inflicted. He’d made you feel cheap, like a slut, an enabler who knew her boyfriend had a history of sleeping around but STAYED ANYWAY.
So you had to do it. You HAD to leave. The waiting, the wondering, it was all too much. You couldn’t trust him, no matter how much you thought he loved you. Or worse, no matter how much you thought you loved him.
That had been half a year ago.
You take a few deep breaths, steadying yourself before climbing into the driver’s seat. Your fingers find your phone and dial the first recently called number.
Jackson picks up on the second ring, “Dude, I’m a little busy?”
“Sorry,” you sigh, resting your head against the steering wheel. “I just wanted to make sure you left the door unlocked.”
“Oh,” he clears his throat, “I MIGHT have forgotten… But I’ll be home in like twenty minutes, okay?”
Seven months and he still hasn’t found the spare key.
Living with Jackson had been third on your list of preferences, but it beat other options like staying at home or at Taehyung’s. Jisoo, your first choice, already has five people living in an apartment clearly meant to comfortably fit one. And Chaeyoung’s parents hate you for reasons you suspected have everything to do with her constant complaining to them about your “toxic” relationships.
So here you are, crashing in a two bedroom condo with your “third” best friend.
Needless to say, you don’t really get out much.
You pull up to the curb, lucky to find a parking spot in this mess of a complex, and with heavy limbs, practically drag yourself to the correct door just as Jackson’s shiny black truck haphazardly screeches to a halt. He tumbles out of it to sprint toward you, key raised like an Olympic torch.
Judging by the redness of his eyes, he’s either high or drunk, but this isn’t anything new.
“I got it! I got it,” he stumbles up the few steps before shoving the key into your palm. You can suddenly smell the alcohol on his breath. “There. No harm no foul.”
“Thanks, Jackson,” you sigh, giving him an awkward pat on his ridiculously muscly shoulder. “I’m glad you got someone to drive you here too.”
“Oh right,” he spins on his heel, abruptly yelling at the driver, “Just park it anywhere.”
You watch the truck lurch forward and roll down the street at an unsteady pace. Unsure what to make of it, you shrug and unlock the door, letting Jackson stumble in first, massive smile spreading across his lips.
“So, Namjoon or no?”
The name sends a prickle of irritation through you, “No.”
“Dude, I’m telling you. You should’ve just asked him to fuck.”
An angry blush colors your cheeks, “I didn’t WANT to fuck him.”
“Right, you had Yoongi for that.”
And this is why you don’t want to live with Jackson.
Despite the comfortably warm temperature, you suppress a shiver, namely because you know he’s right. Yoongi was just the consolation prize for the gap that Taehyung had left in your heart and Namjoon was the desperate attempt to fix your self image. Even so, you’d prefer not to think about it.
“Will you STOP?” you huff, throwing the keys onto the small table near the door.
“Sorry,” he cackles, giving your arm a humorous punch that (probably unintentionally) HURTS. “Okay, okay. I’ll leave you to your stupid books.”
Sometimes you swear that if you hadn’t been friends with him since before he turned into a grossly typical “bad boy” in high school, you would’ve never spoken to him in the first place.
Still, at least he wasn’t a fuckboy.
“Wait, want a cig?” Jackson offers as he pulls the pack from his shirt pocket, flannel buttons off by one near the middle.
“No thanks, I don’t smoke.”
“Eh, someday you’ll try it.”
You trek down the hallway to your room- well, less “your room” than Jackson’s storage closet that happens to have a bed in it. Walking around stacks of papers, boxes, and other random CRAP, you throw yourself down on the mattress, letting your book bag drop to the floor.
What you wouldn’t give for one of Taehyung’s thermoses full of homemade noodles.
Your heart aches.
Flipping open one of your textbooks to distract yourself, you stare blankly at the words, eyes skimming across them but brain absorbing none. You decide to give up as soon as you hear the front door open and an unfamiliar voice saying, “I left the truck in the parking lot down the street near the liquor store. There weren’t any spots open.”
“Did you hit anything?” Jackson asks in his easily identifiable slightly raspy voice.
“I may or may not have backed into a shopping cart…”
It isn’t unusual for one of you to have friends over. What IS strange is the fact that you have no idea who is speaking. Your friend circle is very small, consisting of Jackson, Jisoo, and Chaeyoung. Your housemate has a few regulars that frequently stop by too, Mark, Jaebum, and some guy they call Bambam- who you’ve always suspected is their weed dealer.
This voice is too soft to be Jaebum, he’s too talkative to be Mark, and Bambam never stops by unless all three are in the house. This leaves mystery guy peaking your interest.
You abandon your textbook, slipping off of the bed.
“Dude really? You backed Marci into a SHOPPING CART?”
“My baby, my ride, MY BEAUTIFUL TRUCK.”
“Jackson, chill.”
Classic Jackson, screaming, but not actually upset.
“Why did I let someone drive who doesn’t have a license?”
You stop in the hallway, leaning against one of the walls, content with observing. The boy with Jackson is beautiful to say the least. Smooth features, hair pulled up in a snapback, kissable lips, dark eyes, killer smirk-
That’s when you realize you’ve been staring… and he’s been staring RIGHT BACK.
A blush floods your cheeks, but you decide that because you’ve already been caught in the act, there’s no point in trying to hide yourself.
“You MADE me drive because I wouldn’t let you leave intoxicated,” the boy says, amused, but not breaking eye contact with you. Oh no. He’s hot and he KNOWS it.
“Ah, that’s right,” Jackson nods, tapping his finger to his forehead, big grin plastered all over his flushed face. “I’m so smart and responsible.”
You decide to not remind your friend that the reason he’d had to leave the party was because he failed to unlock the door.
“Definitely…” mystery guy trails off before clearing his throat. “You didn’t tell me you had a girlfriend.”
“That’s cuz I don’t,” Jackson laughs, glancing over his shoulder to follow the boy’s gaze. “She’s just a good friend who needed a place to live.”
Sometimes, you loved Jackson’s obliviousness. Other times, it bothered you immensely. Why wouldn’t he introduce you formally?
Mystery guy’s kissable lips form into a small “o,” and he cocks his head slightly, finally letting his gaze wander away from your eyes- only to explore the REST of your body. Heat shoots straight down to the pit of your stomach, making your legs weak.
Jackson seems to get momentarily confused, then scoffs, “When you’re done eye-fucking her, let me know and we can go get food.”
Unabashed, the boy nods, “Sure thing.”
Your friend wanders past you toward his room, letting the door close behind him and leaving you alone with mystery guy. Something pinches your throat, slowing time to a hazy halt, each breath teetering on the edge of possibility. The tension in the air is palpable and with each step he takes toward you, a pleasantly uncomfortable knot in your stomach tightens.
For a moment, you forget Namjoon, Yoongi, and…Taehyung.
He stops only two steps away, catching your hand in his to bring it up to his lips with another terribly beautiful smirk.
He kisses the knuckle of your middle finger gently, voice dropping to a whisper, “Well hello there, love. I’m Jimin. Who might you be?”
EOPQ 12: So in what order (chronologically) do the Volumes occur? Think you can piece it together? 😉
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