#yes i know todd is not left handed its just the drawing looks weird flipped
manilovedinosaurs · 8 months
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anderperry woohoo i have no idea how tumblr even works
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thegoddamnfangirl · 4 years
Pairings: Damian Wayne x Reader
 Requested by anon: Hello there! Could you do Damian Wayne x Reader where the reader is super sweet and cute and stuff but she's also really ditzy so everyone (including the rest of the Batfam) thinks she's dumb and it's weird, because Damian hates being around dumb people, but then they find out that she's actually like a genius and she just comes across as ditzy like that because she just really loves being around people. By the way, I love love LOVE your writing!! Every story of yours I read makes me so happy
Thank you so much, anon! I hope you’re safe and healthy, wherever you are. I’m sorry I’ve been inactive forever, and this fic isn’t my best work, I’ve gotten really rusty- but it was really a pleasure to write this for you, and I’m glad you enjoy my fics!
“Father, I’ll be having a friend over today,” said Damian, looking keenly at Bruce across the dinner table.
Bruce looked up from his food, a bit confused.
“A friend that isn’t Jon?” he asked.
“No, she’s a classmate, she- don’t look at me like that Father. Stop. Stop smiling, it’s uncomfortable!” said Damian, scowling.
“What? I’m not smiling!” said Bruce, with humor in his voice. “It’s just, it’s good, I’m glad you’re making friends. I’ll tell your brothers to not walk around in their uniforms.”
Damian shrugged in response, hoping his father hadn’t noticed the slight redness in his cheeks.
“(Y/N)!” sighed Damian, grabbing her by the arm as she half-fell over the threshold.
“Sorry!” she laughed. “I’m hyper when I’m excited.”
Damian didn’t respond. Not letting go of her arm, he led her into the manor, towards one of the more favorably furnished drawing rooms (there had been several incidents some others, including someone absolutely ravaging one of the stiffly furnished ones, and one of the sitting rooms being converted into a slobby, messy, caffeine scented “family room”).
“I’d take you to my room but I’m afraid my father wouldn’t permit it,” he sighed.
“That’s alright, Dami,” she responded, smiling at him. “Is everything good with you and your dad?”
“As good as it ever was,” responded Damian, glancing quickly around the room as they entered it. Then he lowered his voice, and said-
“I’ve found that it makes him…warmer, somehow, if I engage in typical adolescent activities. It’s…nice, that way,” he said, his voice catching on the last part as if he wasn’t quite sure what he was saying.
She squeezed his arm, eyes bright.
“I’m glad. See, I told you- with family, all it takes is effort.”
“Yes, well-oh,” Damian stopped mid-sentence, his eyes on the door.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt,” said Bruce, with a small smile at (Y/n).
“Oh, that’s okay! I mean, hi- hello, Mr. Wayne-“ (Y/n) said, or rather jabbered, words tumbling one on top of another as she got up to shake his hand.
“It’s nice to meet you, (Y/n). Damian-“ said Bruce, looking towards his son, “I just wanted to tell you that I’ll be flying over to Metropolis tonight, but Dick-“ he was interrupted by a giggle from (Y/n), which he chose to ignore “-will be coming over to stay till I get back. No staying out too late, okay?”
“Yes, Father,” said Damian, shooting (y/n) as amused look.
“Anyway, (Y/n), it was great to meet you, I have to get going-“ Bruce began, just as (Y/n) backed up a little and rammed into a small side table.
“WeLP-oh my god, I’m sorry,” said (y/n) as the table fell over. Luckily, there was nothing breakable on it.
Bruce made sure, in a few short words, that (Y/n) was okay, and left the two to their own devices, wondering how it was that Damian had not uttered a single disparaging remark the whole time.
“Damiiiii I’m hoooome~” sang Dick, deliberately adopting the high, jaunty tone of voice he knew Damian hated so much.
The manor seemed pretty much empty, so Dick checked all the training rooms, and then he checked the Batcave. No sign of his little brother.
He was just about to call Damian when he heard a resounding thud from upstairs, followed almost immediately by a clang.
It sounded like it came from the little attic room that Damian would use as a studio, so Dick rushed directly upstairs, and shoved the door open to see-
A girl around Damian’s age, sprawled on the floor, her legs dripping with white paint. She was laughing, and a large can of paint was lying toppled on its side. Damian was looking at the girl with a mixture of exasperation and- amusement?
They both immediately looked up when Dick entered the room, and the girl hastily got to her feet.
“Hi!” she said, in an excited, chirpy tone. “I’m (Y/n), and you must be…Dick?” She extended her hand, which Dick took without thinking.
“Oh, shiz, sorry!” exclaimed (Y/n)- her hand was covered in paint, and now, so was Dick’s.
“Heh, that’s alright, kid,” said Dick, slowly processing the scene. Damian’s eyes were set intently on his face.
“Yeah, I’m Dick, you’re a…friend? Of Dami’s?” he asked.
“Yeah!” she nodded, previous embarrassment forgotten as she began to bounce a little on her heels. “Damian’s doing a portrait of me,” she added.
“That’s really nice of him,” Dick said, looking at Damian with incredulity. “I mean it, (y/n)…Damian isn’t nice at all, not ever!”
“Shut up, Richard,” growled Damian. “I need to get back to work.”
Dick laughed, with (Y/n) smiling as she assumed her position on a small stool in front of Damian’s easel, which faced away from the door.
Sometimes, when you really, really, like a person, you don’t want them to meet your family, or your family to meet them. The smaller your family, the larger the chances that this person will quickly be exposed to your entire family, but with a large family, you may hope to keep them hidden from some members, at least for a little while.
Damian hoped. He hoped in vain.
“She visited you? She visited you? Why?” hollered Damian.
“Relax, I liked your sister! She’s not a woman of many words, but she seems really nice,” said (Y/n), sincerely.
“Cassandra is not nice,” grimaced Damian. “She’s feral.”
“Damian, that’s not nice,” said (y/n), leaning forward in her armchair.
It was one of those really nice days when everyone was busy in their own thing, and Damian and (y/n) had a little privacy in a sitting room.
“Besides, Jason seems really funny,” (y/n) added.
Damian sat up straight in his chair, eyes flashing.
“Todd came to see you? WHY?”
“He was with Cass when she came over to give me the book I left at your place!” said (y/n). “I like your siblings, I really do.”
“That’s because you don’t know them,” whined Damian, knowing full well the real reason why Cassandra and Todd went to (y/n)’s.
Todd would call it reconnaissance. Damian called it being a busybody.
Within less than a month, through some excuse or the other, (Y/n) had been exposed to his whole family. The whole nuthouse. All Damian really needed at this point for his mother to go barging into her room at some ungodly hour and take her for blackmailing him or something, and the picture would be complete.
Damian’s real problem wasn’t what (y/n) thought of his family. It was more the way they had taken to teasing Damian, randomly whispering her name through the comms, asking him about his giiiiiirlfriiiend, someone (and he suspected either Stephanie or Todd) had even left an elaborately embroidered handkerchief with her initials on his bed. Even his father had joined in the joke, occasionally asking him if he needed any “tips” and whether he wanted to be taken to the jewelry store to scout for rings?
It was insufferable.
What bugged him the most, however, was the little talk he had had with Richard.
“Damian…listen. You really seem to like this girl,” Dick had said, making himself comfortable on the bed Damian had just made.
Damian had just shrugged.
“Look, I know what it’s like to really have a crush on someone, but she’s been coming over a lot, and before you start to get serious, I want you to think about how much you really like her. Do you think you’ll, erm, continue to like her?” Dick had asked, a little confused as to how to ask Damian the awkward question.
In spite of himself, Damian had asked what he meant.
“(Y/n) is very sweet,” Dick said, “but she’s a little, she doesn’t really seem your type.”
Damian had stared, as if waiting for him to continue, and he did.
“She’s adorable, Dami, but do you really have fun with her? I mean, not that kinda fun, just, I know if you’re going to seriously like someone they need to challenge you, they need to be sharp and-“
“Are you calling her dumb?” Damian had snapped, feeling his defensive hackles rising.
“No! It’s just, she seems a little scattered and, I dunno, ditzy? I know for a fact that you’re intolerant of anything but the very best in people, both intellect wise and strength wise.”
Damian had just sighed. “She’s much smarter than she looks.”
Tim and Bruce were staring.
(Y/n) was sitting cross legged on the carpet, flipping through a case file they had told her Richard was “going through for work, consulting a bit for the GCPD while he took some time off of his job”.
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure,” she said, a goofy smile on her face as she put the file back on the central table.
She had come over to see Damian, and had been talking to Tim and Bruce whilst she waited for him. She’d gotten curious about the case file lying on the table, looked through it, and-
“She might have solved it,” Tim murmured to Bruce, half wondering how he had missed the subtle details (y/n) had picked up.
Bruce looked thoughtful.
“You seem quite observant, (y/n),” he said. “Would you like to give your input on some of the other cases we have? It would be quite helpful for the, uh, the GCPD to gain some fresh perspective.”
“Oh, sure,” chirped (y/n), entirely oblivious to all the surprise she had occasioned. “Let me just-“
She stood up sharply, forgetting that she had sidled almost entirely underneath the extended arm of a hardwood chair.
“Ouch!” she exclaimed, rubbing her head where she’d hit it. “Damn, I need to stop being so hyper,” she grumbled, earning a look of amusement from Tim.
Damian was quite pleased to hear that all of Dick’s previous doubts had been removed, and that the GCPD has received a sudden influx of invaluable input helping them solve at least two cases gone cold.
Okay, so i got a little awkward at the end. I’ll get it with practice, though.
Requests are open! Give me something to do y’all I’ll be in complete lockdown for a few more weeks! 
Also, for Damian x reader fics, could you guys please specify in the request roughly what age you’d want him to be around?
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