#yes i live in a land locked state but when you find a lake that looks like a cove you take advantage of it
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The Captain and her First Mate.
33 notes · View notes
wayward-dreamer · 3 years
Life’s Lessons - Good Enough
Pairing: Mechanic!Dean x Female!Teacher!Reader
Word count: 6,372
Summary: Y/N and Dean are planning their wedding, but a reminder from the past gives him doubts about his relationship and whether he’ll ever actually be good enough for her.
Warnings: Swearing, Dean’s past with Lisa comes back to haunt him, ANGST, Tears, Dean’s self deprecation rears its ugly head, Making up, Fluff.
Music: Love Of My Life - Queen (Dean bar scene)
Life’s Lessons Spotify Playlist
A/N: The next time stamp is here! Stay tuned for another announcement soon about the saga! Hope you all like the time stamp! As always, happy reading and enjoy! :)
Life’s Lessons Saga Masterlist
Divider by @firefly-graphics​​​.
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Y/N pressed the ‘end’ button on her phone, throwing it beside her on the couch with a loud groan of frustration.
Looking down at the coffee table in front of her, she shook her head at the sudden overwhelming feeling. The whole surface of the table was covered in bridal magazines, brochures, printouts of venues, her laptop with multiple tabs open, and everything else that came with planning a wedding. She kept hitting brick walls with every place she was looking at being unavailable for the date that she and Dean had decided on. The only thing she had managed to do was finalize the guest list, which was at 80 people. It wasn’t a big number, but knowing she would have to do the invitations as soon as a venue was decided, it was a lot of people. Luckily, it was everyone she or Dean cared about, without having to make sacrifices for their special day.
Y/N heard the key in the door and Dean’s boots on the wooden floors as he walked through the house. He smiled when he saw her, walking over quickly and leaning down, kissing her softly.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he muttered against her lips, kissing her again.
“Hey,” she sighed, a relief washing over her now that he was home. “How was work?”
He huffed out a breath as he leaned back against the couch. “Busy. Having the new guy on today didn’t help. I felt like how you must feel with the kids in class, keeping an eye on him most of the time.”
“He’ll get better soon enough, don’t worry,” she reassured him, leaning over and kissing his cheek.
Dean glanced over the coffee table, leaning forward and resting his forearms on his knees. “That looks like a lot. You okay? Anything I can help with? Not that I know a damn thing about weddings.”
He smirked with a small laugh, kissing her cheek. Y/N smiled and shook her head, looking down at the table and sighing heavily.
“I keep hitting dead ends with venues, that’s all,” she stated, shrugging.
“Hey.” Getting her attention, he cupped her face in his hands and looked into her eyes. “Everything’s gonna work out. We’ll find something and it’s going to be amazing. I know it.”
She nodded, even though she didn’t really feel better despite his comforting words. “I guess I’m just worried about a lot of this.”
“You know whatever you need from me, I’m here, right? Say the word and I’ll do it,” he told her, his hands leaving her face and taking hers.
“I know,” she whispered, smiling softly at him.
“Don’t worry about anything, sweetheart,” he said, smiling at her. “We got this, okay?”
“I know, I just…” she stopped herself, unsure of how to express herself.
“Something’s wrong,” Dean frowned, sensing something wasn’t right. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing,” she reassured him, smiling softly. “But… I just need to know you want all of this. I know you keep saying you want me to have the wedding I want, but I want us both to have that, Dean. I want what you want too.”
“Don’t go thinking I don’t want all of this. I wanna do this for you. For us.” he said, smiling reassuringly. “I do. I promise you, I do, sweetheart.”
“Okay.” She nodded, her worried expression morphing into a soft smile.
“Okay, good. Now, take a break from all this stuff and let’s make dinner. Sound good?” he asked, smirking.
“Yeah,” she replied, smiling wide as she leaned in and kissed him.
As they got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen to start cooking, Y/N breathed a sigh of relief, as she felt a pressure lift off her. Dean always had a way of doing that. It was incredibly cute to see Dean so excited, even if he didn’t understand what she was saying when she mentioned something to do with the wedding, but he secretly loved getting involved.
They couldn’t wait to get to the big day and start the next part of their journey together.
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The doorbell rang, alerting Y/N that her guests for the evening had arrived. It was a Saturday, and unfortunately Dean had to go into work because of some problem with one of the cars, so Y/N was left to do more of the wedding planning herself. Dean felt guilty as he left, but she had assured him that it was more than okay.
She walked to the door and opened it, smiling wide as she saw Mary and John on the other side. They all hugged each other, before Y/N led her into the house.
“So, how are things going?” Mary asked, as they walked into the kitchen where Y/N had been making dinner.
“Things are… stressful,” Y/N replied, huffing a small laugh. “Though I managed to book a venue yesterday, and that’s taken a lot of pressure off. I was going to tell Dean first, but do you guys wanna know?”
“Oh, that’s wonderful!” Mary exclaimed. “Yes, absolutely!”
Y/N opened her laptop that was kept to the side on the kitchen bench, bringing up the photos of the outdoor venue. “Dean was telling me once that you guys used to drive up here a lot when he and Sam were kids, and I thought I’d try it out. The land is owned by the ranch close by that’s a wedding venue and I asked if we could use this space. They said they had an opening for our date, so I booked it straight away.”
She showed them the photos of a beautiful location, surrounded by trees and a lake. It was perfect for the ceremony, and the clearing nearby would be perfect for the reception.
“Y/N, this is…” John shook his head, speechless as he looked over the photos. “God, the boys used to love going there.”
“Y/N, it’s stunning! Oh, it’s going to a beautiful wedding,” Mary told her, her smile radiant as put her arm around Y/N and brought her close.
“Do you think Dean will like it?” Y/N asked, nervously.
“He definitely will. We used to take the boys fishing there. They never caught a damn thing, but they always loved going,” John replied, reassuringly.
“Okay, good.” Y/N nodded as she closed her laptop. “Because we initially thought about having it here, we don’t have room for 80 people.”
“Well, this is perfect,” Mary said, smiling.
“It is. I can’t wait to show Dean,” Y/N smiled, before standing up and walking into the kitchen to finish preparing dinner.
“Anything I can help with?” Mary asked, leaning against the kitchen island.
“Nope, almost done,” Y/N replied, smiling over at her. “John, there’s beer in the fridge. Mary, wine?”
“I’ll take care of that,” John insisted, taking a beer out before finding the wine Mary liked on the small rack.
In the garage, Dean pulled the Impala up and cut the engine, turning off the car. He sighed tiredly as he leaned his head back against the seat, closing his eyes. It had been a long day, and the last thing he had wanted was to go into work on a Saturday, but being the boss, he was needed. He hated that he couldn’t stay home and help Y/N out with whatever she needed and enjoy time with her, but at least he was back in time to have dinner with her and his parents.
Getting out of the Impala, he locked it and walked around the back of the car to the other side. He tried to slide past his work bench, but rammed right into it, cursing as the edge dug into him, sending a few tools flying to the floor.
“Fuck,” he groaned, closing his eyes.
He blinked a few times, crouching down and picking up the screwdrivers that fell on the floor. As he did, something that had fallen behind the bench caught his eye. He reached behind it, taking out the notebook that had gotten stuck. Opening it, he flipped through the pages, seeing old calculations and notes of his, knowing that they weren't of use now. Suddenly, a page fell out, falling at his feet, with unfamiliar writing on it.
“What…” he mumbled to himself as he held it up, reading over the page properly.
His face fell as he read over the words that were no doubt written by Lisa, recognizing her handwriting now that he could see it properly. She must have used this from his office in their house when she couldn’t find anything else.
Stubborn. Too close to his family. Doesn’t earn enough. Just a mechanic.
It was a pros and cons list. She had made reasons for whether she should stay with him or not. The only thing written on the pros list was that he was a good father figure to Ben. However, the cons outweighed everything as he read over them again. He didn’t earn enough. His job wasn’t good enough. And if that was true then that meant he wasn’t good enough. He knew he shouldn’t care what it said considering he was with Y/N now, and they were engaged, with his relationship with Lisa practically ancient history by now. Yet he couldn’t stop reading over her words.
Crushing the paper into a ball and shoving into his pocket, he shut the notebook, tossing it in the paper basket kept next to the bench. He walked over to the door that led into the house, closing it behind him and walked down the hallway, hearing Y/N’s infectious laugh coming from the living room.
“Hey!” she exclaimed, seeing him enter the room.
“Hey,” he said, walking over to her, kissing her softly as he leaned down. He went over to his parents and hugged them before sitting down next to her.
“How was work?” she asked, smiling at him.
“Tiring,” he replied, huffing slightly, but offered her a smile. “But good. Glad to be home though.”
“Well, I was telling your parents, but I can tell you now,” she started, sharing a smile with John and Mary before she turned back to him. “I found a venue for the wedding.”
“That’s great, sweetheart,” he said, smiling softly as he kissed her again.
Y/N frowned slightly as he pulled away, sensing something wasn’t right with him, but she let it go for now. She hoped that he was just tired from work and that was it.
“Do you want to hear about it?” she asked.
“Yeah, of course,” he replied, too quickly. “Actually, I’m gonna wash up and why don’t you tell me over dinner.”
“Sure,” she agreed, nodding. “Well, food’s ready. We were just waiting on you.”
“Okay,” he muttered, standing up and walking out of the room.
“Does he seem a little off to you?” John questioned, frowning as he looked between Mary and Y/N.
“Something must’ve happened at work,” Y/N sighed, worriedly.
“Well, let’s just hope it’s nothing too serious,” Mary added, her expression matching Y/N’s.
Dean returned after freshening up, just as Y/N, Mary and John walked over to the dining table. They all sat down, each of them taking turns to put food on their plate. They ate in silence, worried eyes glancing between each other and discreetly looking at Dean as he ate. Sensing they needed a distraction first, John and Mary exchanged looks, before she cleared her throat.
“So, we actually have something for both of you,” Mary announced, looking at John, giving him a firm nod.
The elder Winchester took out a small, folded piece of paper from his shirt pocket, and slid it across the wooden table to his son. Dean frowned curiously and Y/N’s eyebrows furrowed, as she looked over Dean’s shoulder. He opened it, both of their eyes widening as they saw what it was. He opened and closed his mouth several times, unable to speak.
“That’s from us, and after we spoke to your mom and dad, we decided to split things between us, so there’s should be coming to you soon,” Mary told Y/N, smiling.
“Mary…” Y/N trailed off, shaking her head as she was still in shock. “We can’t accept this cheque-”
“Guys, this is insane,” Dean finally said, frowning as he looked up at his parents.
“I thought you’d say that, but-” Mary started but Dean cut her off.
“We’re not taking it, mom,” he interrupted, his frustration getting the better of him.
“Dean,” Mary sighed, thinking about how to make him understand. “We’ve been sitting on this money since before you started renovating this place. We tried to hint then too, but you didn’t take it, wanting to do everything yourself. Had you never had this place we would’ve given it to you on your wedding day to put towards a house, just like we did with Sam and Eileen. Considering you have this place now, the least we can do is help with the wedding.”
“You’re really sure about this?” Y/N asked, completely unsure if this was a good idea. Clearly Dean wasn’t accepting this.
“Absolutely,” Mary replied, smiling. “And don’t even think about paying it back, it’s for both of you to use, however you want. Put it towards the wedding, if there’s anything left, put it towards the honeymoon, or savings… whatever you want.”
Dean shook his head, the frown still evident on his face. “So what? This is a pity offer?”
“No,” Mary gasped, eyes wide with shock. “Of course not, Dean. How could you think we would do that?”
He scoffed, turning to glare at Y/N. “I don’t make enough money, right? That’s what this is. You asked them for money.”
Y/N looked at him, unable to get over her shock at the way he was reacting. “What? No. No! Dean, how can you think that?”
Dean chuckled bitterly. He looked down at his food, suddenly losing his appetite. He quickly stood up, pushing up his sleeves as he pushed his chair out. Y/N felt her heart banging repeatedly against her ribcage, as she watched him get up.
“We’re not taking this. No fucking way,” he hissed, pushing the cheque back across the surface.
“Dean,” John’s voice bellowed around the room, staring up at his son with a stern expression.
“Dean, we just wanted to contribute, that’s all, honey,” Mary reasoned, trying to calm the situation. “If this is how you feel, then it’s put to bed. Let’s just enjoy dinner.”
“Yeah, damn right that’s how I feel,” he snapped, as he turned to face her.
“I’m sor-” Mary started but he cut her off again, turning to Y/N.
“Do you think I can’t do this for us?” he asked, his voice eerily calm but the shakiness gave away how upset he was, as he faced Y/N.
Her eyes narrowed in upset as she stood up too, looking at him. “Of course I think you can do this, Dean. How could you even question that?”
“Because it’s exactly what it looks like, Y/N!” he yelled. He scoffed and shook his head, scrubbing a hand down his face. “What I do isn’t good enough. I’m not good enough.”
She visibly flinched; her eyes widened as she looked at him. She had never seen him this upset. She felt tears brim her bottom lids, threatening to fall. John and Mary watched on in horror, unable to understand what was going on with their son.
“What?” she scoffed, shaking her head. “How could you possibly think that?”
“Because it’s true,” he muttered, looking away from her, his jaw clenching tight. “And if you haven’t already, you’ll realize it one day.”
“Dean,” she breathed, a tear rolling down her face as she saw how dejected he looked.
“That’s not true.”
“If you don’t want this anymore, Y/N, there were easier ways to tell me,” he spat, turning away from her and storming off.
“Dean, stop! What’s gotten into you?” she yelled, following behind him.
“I can’t fucking do this right now,” he scoffed.
Mary and John were hot on their heels too as they stopped in the entrance, watching Dean pick up his keys and make his way to the door.
“Dean, where are you going?” Y/N asked, choking as a wave of sadness washed over her.
“I can’t be here,” he muttered, shaking his head. “I need to think.”
“Think about what?” Her voice was cracking, the tears finally falling down her face. Everything was falling apart in the span of a few minutes, and she had no idea why. Why was he acting like this?
“I don’t know, Y/N, okay?” he snapped, turning to pin her with a scowl. “I just… I gotta get outta here.” Gesturing around him, he turned to open the door.
His mind was cloudy with all the doubts he was having at that moment. He needed a drink and some time to cool off. He walked through the threshold, not looking back at Y/N.
“Dean, wait-” she started but the door slamming as he left, cut her off.
Y/N felt knots in her stomach, tightening and moving into her chest. She tried to breathe normally but started to feel as if her throat was closing off, cutting off her air supply. Tears stung her eyes as they continued to flow down her face. She began hyperventilating, her hands cupping over her mouth as she began to cry. Her body shook with the force of her sobs. Her legs felt like jelly, like any minute she would collapse and wouldn’t be able to get up again.
“Oh, honey,” Mary whispered, as she wrapped her arms around Y/N tightly.
“I don’t… k-know what I did to-to make him think-” she stuttered, stopping as she sobbed.
“You didn’t do anything, sweetie. I just… There's something wrong. I didn’t think he would act like this. At most, he would be annoyed and then eventually give in. But this?” Mary tried to figure out what was going on, but shook her head as she couldn’t think of what could be wrong with her son.
“I’ll go talk to him,” John offered.
“No, he just needs space to process whatever’s going on in his head,” Y/N sniffled, pulling away from Mary as she looked between them. “You can head home if you want to. I’m so sorry.”
“You have nothing to apologize for,” John stated, wrapping his arm around her shoulder, and hugging her as she was between him and Mary. “Everything’s gonna be okay, don’t you worry.”
The silence made her mind wander off into irrational directions. Had she done something to make Dean this upset? Had she said anything to make him think he wasn’t good enough? She loved him so much, and she wanted nothing more than to be his wife, but if she had really made him feel that way, then she was the one who wasn’t good enough for him.
She managed to convince John and Mary that she was fine enough for them to leave, insisting they take some food home with them. They said their goodbyes, and Y/N headed upstairs, completely exhausted after the whirlwind evening. As she got changed in the walk-in closet, she felt more tears sting her eyes. They rolled down her face, but she didn’t make a move to wipe them away as she changed.
She just wanted Dean to come home so that they could talk and forget about what just happened.
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Dean drove around town for a while, the words he said to Y/N plaguing his mind. He was just so angry after finding that list from Lisa, it just came out in the worst way possible. He reached the regular bar that he would go to with the guys, needing at least one drink to calm himself down.
Sitting down at the bar, he ordered a whiskey double, neat, and gulped the first one down in one shot. Asking for another, he nursed it as he thought about everything that had happened in the past half hour. His anger had dissolved quickly and had morphed into fear. Fear at what he would or wouldn’t find when he got home. As a Queen song played in the background from the jukebox, he quickly realized how much it was mirroring the situation they had found themselves in.
Love of my life, you’ve hurt me
You’ve broken my heart, and now you leave me
Love of my life, can’t you see?
Bring it back, bring it back
Don’t take it away from me
Because you don’t know
What it means to me
He realized how he had overreacted, that his parents, just being the people that they are, would just give the cheque to them. He shouldn’t have taken his anger out on them and Y/N. Hell, she didn’t even know what he was upset about. That considered, he knew that he wasn’t good enough for her, especially now. Taking out his phone, he looked at the screen and saw a few missed calls from her and a few texts. Gulping the lump in his throat, he opened the messages and felt his heart sink into his stomach as he read over them. There were three, and as he read the words over again, he felt tears prick his eyes.
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She had nothing to be sorry for. He was the asshole that let things blow out of proportion, all because he let one stupid note get to him. Determined to make it home and fix everything, Dean paid for his drink and left the bar.
He hoped like hell that he hadn’t ruined his whole future in one evening.
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Dean entered through the door from the garage. Not a single light was on as he walked further in, seeing the kitchen, dining and living area completely dark. Taking a deep breath, he turned towards the stairs and began the climb to the second floor, knowing he had to face whatever came next, even if he was fearing it so much that his stomach was in knots.
He walked towards their bedroom and stood at the threshold, his heart breaking at what he saw. Only one of the bedside lamps was on, providing the only light in the room. Y/N was lying on the bed, her back to the door, her knees drawn up as she laid in the foetal position, her shoulders shaking. She was sobbing quietly, the sounds low but somehow so loud in the quiet room. With every cry, a piece of his heart felt like it was shattering into smaller shards.
He moved slowly towards the bed, sitting down on the edge, watching as her head slowly turned. Her eyes were red and puffy, wet from the tears she had shed. She looked at him, sitting up slowly, their eyes meeting. Suddenly, she launched herself into him, wrapping her arms around him tightly, crying into the crook of his neck. He felt tears prick his eyes, letting a few escape as he felt his sadness wash over him.
“Y/N,” he choked out. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I never should’ve said the things that I did, I shouldn’t have reacted that way.”
“I was so scared,” she whispered, her voice breaking. “I’m sorry for whatever I did, please, just tell me.”
“Sweetheart,” he whispered, pulling her away and cupping her face, looking her deep in the eyes. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m so sorry.”
“How could you ever doubt how I feel about you?” she asked, her voice croaky from how much she had cried. “How could you ever think you’re not good enough for me? What did I do to make you think that?”
“You didn’t do anything, sweetheart. I promise. This was… this was all me and my crap,” he said, shaking his head.
“What did I do to make you doubt me?” she cried, fresh tears making tracks down her face.
“Nothing, sweetheart,” he reassured her, frantically moving towards her, grasping her shoulders. “You didn’t do anything, okay? This… this is the reason I overreacted.”
She frowned as he handed her the paper, but opened the folded page and read over the words written on there. She was confused, knowing she didn’t write this, her eyebrows lifting in realization as she read over the “pros” column.
“I’ll kill her,” she growled, looking up at him with a ferocity in her eyes. “I’ll… God, I wanna hurt her!”
Y/N stood up from the bed and paced the floor, her whole body shaking with how angry she was at that moment. She couldn’t believe that something like this could come between them, showing that Lisa still had a grip on Dean’s mind.
“She doesn’t get to do this to you anymore, Dean!” she yelled, holding up the piece of paper. “She doesn’t get to ruin our future!”
He scoffed a chuckle, shaking her head. “I nearly let her.”
“So, don’t,” Y/N said, walking up to him. She cupped his face in her hands, making him look up at her as he sat on the bed. “You are good enough for me. Every part of you. I love you for exactly who you are, and if I have to spend the rest of our lives together trying to convince you that you’re my one, my everything, that there’s not a doubt in my mind that you’re so right for me, then I’ll do it.”
Wrapping her arms around him, his forehead rested against her chest as she laid her cheek on his head. She held him tightly, neither of them wanting to move away from the other.
“I’m sorry, I’m an idiot,” he muttered, his hands on her hips, feeling the material of his black t-shirt she was wearing against his skin. “I just saw that cheque, and I thought about that list, and I just overreacted.”
“No, you’re not,” she stated, kissing the top of his head. “You were upset.”
“That’s no excuse,” he whispered, hating himself for taking it out on her. “You didn’t deserve that. I uh… I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to end this-”
“Dean, stop,” she choked out, pressing her forehead to his, combing her hand through his hair.
He shook his head, lifting it to look into her eyes. “I’ve been… I’ve been thinking about this even before finding that list. I’m always scared I’m gonna say or do something to give you a reason to leave me. If that happened… I know I wouldn’t survive it.”
Y/N frustratedly wiped her tears away, looking around the room for her sweats. Finding them, she roughly pulled them on and slipped on her sneakers, putting on a light shirt over the black t-shirt she was wearing. Dean watched her; confusion riddled his face as she moved around the room.
“Sweetheart, what are you doing?” he asked, his voice wavering as his mind started to make up horrific scenarios.
“Come with me,” she said, firmly, a determined look on her face as she held her hand out.
“Where are we-” he started but she cut him off, grabbing his arm and pulling him away from the bed.
“Shut up,” she muttered, scowling as she dragged him behind her, down the stairs and out of the house, just as she picked up her keys from the table at the entrance.
Knowing he couldn’t argue when she looked so distressed, he followed behind her as they made their way to her car.
“Get in,” she demanded, harshly.
He was shaking, wondering what the hell had come over her suddenly but again did as he was told without saying anything that would possibly make her angrier than he already had. He couldn’t tell what he had done, but she was upset with him.
Dean looked on in silence as Y/N backed out and turned the car, the tires screeching as she sped off down the road. He gulped as she drove, his mind trying to talk itself out of thinking she was possibly going to kill him and dump his body somewhere. However, he also found her anger strangely arousing. They drove ten minutes before he recognized that she wasn’t going to do that, and that she had turned down a very familiar street. They drove past several houses before she stopped, pulling the car up to the curb and cutting the engine.
“Get out,” she ordered, leaving the keys in the ignition and opening the driver’s side door, slamming it shut as she stood on the road.
He got out, closing the passenger door and following behind her, looking around the dark street and quickly realizing they were standing in front of her previous rental house, just across from his and Lisa’s, all that time ago. She pulled at his jacket and he stumbled, straightening when she pulled him to stand in a specific spot next to the curb. She looked up at him, standing directly in front of him as the deep glare, her eyes riddled with sadness, was still on her face.
“Do you remember what happened here?” she asked, her eyes welling with unshed tears.
Frowning, he shook his head as he was unable to think straight, his mind clouded by the sudden change in her demeanour. “Y/N, I-”
“Do you remember what happened here, Dean?” she repeated, her voice cracking slightly as she raised it.
He sighed, glancing between the two houses, giving her a curt nod. “Of course I do.”
“Tell me,” she ordered, not breaking her eye contact with him, the scowl still present.
“It’s…” he cleared his throat, pushing down the lump in his throat as he looked at her. “It’s where I helped you with your stuff. It’s… it’s where we met.”
“Yeah,” she whispered, a tear rolling down her face as she nodded slowly. “And it’s also where my life changed forever. Even if I didn’t know it at the time.”
“Y/N,” he breathed, trying to reach for her hand but she pulled away, making his heart sink. She had never done that. Never.
“Do you remember what was happening in that house?” she asked, the tears flowing freely down her face as she looked across the street.
He looked over, breathing heavily, his breath shaky as he exhaled but said nothing. He remembered all too well.
“You thought you were happy. You thought everything was fine… but you were losing yourself because of-” she choked, shaking her head, overwhelmed as she thought about those early days and her first impressions of his relationship with Lisa. “Because of her, and you didn’t even know it.”
He was silent, unable to say anything or even try to deny it, because he knew it was true. Turning his head to Y/N, he saw her looking up at him, the glare finally disappearing, her eyes holding a determined look despite the tears.
“And now, you could lose yourself because of her again if you don’t stop yourself from thinking that she's right,” she stated, stepping closer to him. “She was never right and she never will be. She didn’t know you like I do. She didn’t love you like I do. She’s gone from our lives… so don’t bring her back into it by going back into the shell she put you in.”
His jaw clenched as he shut his eyes, squeezing them tight as a tear slipped down his right cheek. Lifting her hand, she cupped his cheek and brushed it away with her thumb, stroking his jaw. She pushed up on her tiptoes, capturing his plump lips between hers, kissing him hard and desperately. She needed him to see there was nothing there to leave him over.
Pulling away from the kiss but keeping close, she looked at him as her thumbs stroked along his cheeks. “You’ll never give me a reason to leave you. Not now, not ever.”
“You got a lot of confidence in me, sweetheart,” he muttered, a slight scoff in his tone.
She smiled softly, knowing that if he couldn’t see it himself, she’d spend forever showing him he was worth more than he gave himself credit for.
“Yeah,” she said, nodding. “I do.”
“I’m so sorry,” he whispered, leaning his forehead against hers.
“Don’t be,” she whispered back, her eyes closing, content to be close to him again. “We’re going to be okay.”
“You think so?” he asked, his voice laced with hope, as he lifted his head to look at her properly.
“I know so,” she replied, a soft smile on her face. “You’re not getting rid of me any time soon, Winchester.”
“You still wanna marry me after that?” he asked, a small smile tugging at his lips.
“Yes,” she said, simply as she pushed herself closer into him. “You can’t let something she thought affect you because it’s not true. It doesn’t matter what she thinks. So… promise me, right now, that you’re going to let this go. All that matters is you and me.”
Looking deep into her eyes, he remembered everything they had been through together, and thought about all the amazing things they still had to experience. He wasn’t going to let someone from his past ruin his future.
“I promise,” he said, firmly.
She smiled up at him, moving in and capturing his lips, kissing him passionately. “I love you.”
“I love you, too, sweetheart,” he whispered. “So fucking much.”
“Let’s go home,” she whispered back, stroking her hand lightly over the back of his head. “I think I need to show you just how much I love you.”
He hummed against her lips, kissing her softly. “Yes, please.”
She laughed, biting her lip. “I scared you a little, didn’t I?”
“Well, when I didn’t think about how you could be plotting to kill me,” he joked, smirking as she chuckled, “it was kinda hot to see you pissed off.”
She shook her head, rolling her eyes as she giggled. “You’re crazy.”
“Hey,” he called out, pulling her closer, his hands sliding down to her hips. “I can’t help the fact that it turned me on, sweetheart. It’s just the magic of you.”
She felt her cheeks heat up, pressing her lips together as she tried not to smile. “Let’s go before someone sees us out here.”
Hand in hand, they walked back to the car, separating as they got in. He glanced back at the old house once more, feeling an enormous weight lift off him as he looked at the place that held a lot of pain before Y/N came along. That weight had resurfaced when he saw that list that Lisa had made, but as she always did, Y/N had been there to stop him from losing his way. She was the one who built him back up to the person that he used to be, the one who reignited his spirit. He had known early on how special she was, and she proved time and time again that she was there to stay.
And now, he was never going to lose sight of that. He let Lisa get into his head again, but for the final time, he was putting an end to that. He had someone by his side who wanted to be with him forever, and he was never going to forget that ever again.
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Y/N sat at the dining table the next morning, her coffee in hand, all of her plans for the wedding spread out in front of her. She smiled as she sent a few texts out to the girls, asking them if they were available the next weekend to start looking for her wedding dress. As she was looking at photos, she flinched slightly, feeling Dean’s lips against her neck, moving down to her exposed shoulder, the sleeve of his t-shirt she was wearing having slipped down.
“Oh my god, Dean, don’t look!” she yelled, hiding her screen with her hands.
He chuckled, shaking his head as he sat down beside her. “Babe, you haven’t even found a dress yet. I’m pretty sure it’s okay if I can see those.”
“I know, but I don’t want you to see in case I do find something like this,” she explained, smiling sheepishly. “I want to surprise you.”
He smiled as he leaned forward, kissing her softly. “You’re gonna knock me out no matter what dress you pick. Just sayin’.”
“Even if I look like a frosted cupcake?” she teased, giggling.
“Well, yeah,” he agreed, his lips hovering close to hers. “‘Cause then you’ll look good enough to eat.”
“That’s so cheesy,” she snorted, laughing.
“You love it,” he grinned, chuckling along with her.
She pressed her lips to his, kissing him lightly but he had other plans, his arms wrapping around her and pulling her off her chair, onto his lap. She moaned softly against his lips as his fingers ran lightly over her bare thighs, the t-shirt riding up as she straddled him.
“So…” she pulled away from the kiss, reaching for the cheque on the table and showing it to him. “What do we want to do with this?”
“We use it,” he replied, nodding confidently as he smirked. “If there’s any left, we save it for the future, including anything your parents are sending.”
She beamed, brushing her knuckles against his cheek. “Sounds good.”
As they sat there together, having breakfast and coffee as they talked about the plans, Dean was leaving all the negative thoughts behind with the confidence that the woman sitting next to him wasn’t going anywhere. With the promises already made the previous night, he smiled as he thought about all the new ones he would make on the day she finally became his wife.
On the day the next chapter of their lives started.
A chapter he couldn’t wait to explore with Y/N by his side.
Tags: @deanwanddamons​ // @winchest09​ // @downanddirtydean​ // @jensengirl83​ // @wonder-cole​ // @that-one-gay-girl​ // @whatareyousearchingfordean​ // @flamencodiva​ // @danneelsmain​ // @ellewritesfix05​ // @roonyxx​ // @akshi8278​ //@hobby27​ // @michellethetvaddict​ // @spngirl05​ // @kyjey​ // @440mxs-wife​ // @stoneyggirl​ // @stoneyggirl2​​ // @deanswaywardgirl​​ // @redbarn1995​​ // @marianita195​ // @babypink224221​​ // @deans-baby-momma​​ // @parinarain​​ // @thoughts-and-funnies​​ // @mandalou29​​ // @jerkbitchidjitassbutt​​ // @supernatural-love14​​ // @vicmc624​​ // @prettyboyswow​​ // @lunarmoon8​​ // @irmcpar​​ // @compresshischest09​​ // @weepingwillowphoenix​​ // @xlynnbbyx​​ // @whiskey-infused-dreams​​ // @perpetualabsurdity​​ // @verytoadpapersoul​​ // @pink-sparkly-witch​​ //
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feralrosie · 4 years
Fairy Lights
Hewwo @damagecontroldumortain happy (late) valentine’s day! I’m sorry it took so long, but here’s your @loveinwayhaven gift ♥ hope you like it!
The Wayhaven Chronicles Adam/Janey (F!Detective) Words: 2600 Rating: G Tags: Fluff, lots of fluff; Valentine’s day Read on AO3
On second thought, maybe she was the one delivering spring to that place.
It took them a little over one hour to arrive at the botanical garden just outside Wayhaven, although Detective Kingston insisted that they could have done it in less time, if it was not for Adam’s careful driving. Of course, he was very confident in his own skills, but it was the reckless attitudes of humans on the road that could endanger this trip—mission. That could endanger this mission.
“You know that I’m going to drive on the way back, right?” Janey joked as soon as they parked by the gates of the garden, where vines intertwined along the fences, chipping the white paint to expose the coppery colour of the metal underneath.
“I am far more qualified to drive. I have better reflexes, sight and training.” His tone was as stiff as his muscles, button-down shirt marking every line of his chest as he turned off the Agency’s SUV. “And besides, a vehicle this size is too big for you. You wouldn’t reach the pedals.” 
“How dare—” 
“Let’s get going.” A hint of a smile formed on his lips as he pushed his aviators up the curve of his nose and got out of the car. Was fast enough to walk around it and open the door for the woman, offering a hand for support as she jumped out of it. “Mind your step,” he mumbled, but her attention was already focused on the garden ahead. 
Despite the ancient appearance of its entrance, the place itself was impeccable. A path of cobblestone, with no signs of moss, guided the guests among thousands of trees, contouring an icy lake in the middle of the park. The woods, dark and imposing, also had trails of its own, winding through in irregular shapes. In a bright late afternoon such as this one, the scene was idyllic. The sun leaked through the canopies, trying to deliver life to the garden, but meeting the silent landscape of dormant bushes and leafless trunks covered in glittering snow instead. Only the pine trees tried their best to add some colour with strokes of dark green reaching the clear blue sky.
Must have been a gift for the garden to welcome the deep red of Janey’s hair among them. Adam noticed, as she led the way in front of him, how contrasting she was to the scenery, bursting with life and colour. Even the soft breeze that danced around them and waved her locks seemed to agree that whatever beauty nature had was no match for her.
“Alright,” Janey clapped her hands while turning on her heels to face the Agent, pulling him back from his thoughts in a startle. “What are we looking for, exactly? What do we need for this mission?” 
Ah, yes, the mission. It was more like a simple task, really. Recently, a lesser kingdom of fairies took residence in Wayhaven, attracted by the Detective’s powerful presence, but even a small town like that could overwhelm such tiny creatures, and so the Agency needed to find another place for them. 
“The Firefly Fairies will need a place safe from humans,” Adam stated, wrapping his coat around his torso and crossing his arms. “But it must also be a place safe from this weather. Perhaps somewhere distant from the pathway.” 
She agreed with a simple nod, and in no time they were walking side by side into the woods. If it was just her body heat or something else, Adam could not tell, but the cold was not so harsh next to her. Maybe this was the reason for the fairy kingdom being drawn to her in the first place; she felt comfortable and welcoming to everyone with her charm and friendly personality. It was impossible to not let yourself be engulfed by someone like her, and Adam wasn’t the only one who felt like that… Right?
“I must apologise, Detective.” He broke the silence between them after a few minutes, not because it made him uneasy, but quite the opposite. Janey aimed a puzzled look at him, waiting for him to proceed. “Surely I impeded other plans you must have had for today.” 
“What do you mean?”  
“It is Valentine’s Day, is it not?” The words almost got stuck in the back of his throat, suddenly dry. “I believe many consider this to be a special date.”
“Oh.” The sound escaped from her lips, and Adam couldn’t help but to look at her for just a moment. Her heart was beating a little faster, which explained the rosy colour forming on her cheeks—delicate and unexpected, but not slightly fragile. “Don’t worry, I didn’t have any plans.”
“Hard to believe—” 
“And even if I had,” she bursted, shoving her hands inside the pockets of her jacket. Their gaze met for such a brief moment that he thought he imagined it when those light brown eyes faced the path ahead once more. “I would rather spend the afternoon with you, anyway.”
He came to a halt, as if the words had taken him off balance. The idea of inviting her to spend a couple hours with him, not for a mission but for leisure, was not new, and crossed his mind multiple times (it was, what, the third time that week?), but the implications that Janey might actually have accepted if he asked sent a wave of electricity down this chest. Could it be that she also noticed the date on the calendar and agreed to come along in this foolish mission because of him? 
True that her presence was everything Adam had in mind when preparing for it. He was hoping that she would accompany him to this botanical garden, under the excuse that she, as a Wayhaven citizen, had been there before and could guide them better. But he was an agent and had a job to do. No matter how much she instilled wonderful and alarming new sensations in him, he should focus on the task ahead.
“How about this place?” Janey was a few meters away, and Adam didn’t have to force his feet to reach her. She was pointing at a lonely oak tree, large enough to accommodate a house for humans. A kingdom of fairies would fit there just as well, except… 
“This tree is in a clearing,” he said, resting his hands on his hips and taking a look around the place. “They would prefer a denser area, with more flowers.”
“What about that one?” 
Adam’s gaze followed where she was pointing, taking its time to also notice that she was not wearing any gloves. Felt an urge to hold her hands, take them closer to his lips and blow gently a warm breath to provide her just a glimpse of the comfort she brought him. 
“Adam?” He might have taken too long admiring her fingers, and when Janey called again, the icy green eyes finally landed on their next destination.
A greenhouse on the other side of the park.
“Worth assessing the place. Lead the way.” 
Janey’s subtle frown, followed by an amused smile also did not pass unnoticed. Adam knew she was studying him, from the way he talked to how close he was to her—that’s how Janey was, always attentive to people, always curious—and should probably have figured out he was acting different. His mind was not where it should be, and it was showing. 
So much so that Adam couldn’t even describe the landscape on their way to the greenhouse. As they crossed the garden, only the sound of Janey’s voice asking questions about the fairies would take shape in his memory. Her voice, and the feeling of their elbows touching here and there occasionally, fluttering the rhythm of their breaths.
The last rays of sunlight had sunken down behind the trees by the time they arrived at the greenhouse. The place was enormous, made entirely of glass and decorated with an iron structure painted in white in art nouveau style. The rounded edges and curvaceous geometry felt organic, as if the building was a living part of the garden, housing an astonishing amount of plants like a nursery. Adam had to take off his aviators to take a proper look at the explosion of colours and shapes of every single bloom, realising in a second that Janey didn’t have the same advantage. 
“Well, it’s dark here.” She pointed out, pursing her lips while looking up as if to check for the lightbulbs. “Weird that there’s no one here. I was expecting some couples, or at least the scientists that work here.” 
I’m glad there is no one else here, Adam wished to say, but instead he followed the obvious, most logical response, “It is already late to be so far away from the city. Everyone must have left a few hours ago.” 
He searched for the switch, a small thing hidden behind a bush by the front doors, and turned the lights on. Expected to see the usual fluorescent white from the Facility, but watched as hundreds of tiny yellowish spots popped to life all around them, bathing the greenhouse in warmth. Strings of fairy lights followed a design like the canvas of a tent from the external walls to the central piece: a weeping willow tree, so tall that its canopy filled the space of one of the three glass domes on the roof. 
Upon reaching the tree, the lights seemed to transform into vines, embracing the branches and falling along the dangling leaves like a waterfall. There was no magic in the entire botanical garden, but the look in Janey’s eyes as she admired the images around said otherwise, as if Adam had just brought her spring itself as a gift. He might just have, if such a thing was possible.
“Will this be enough for them?” Janey asked, voice low and smooth, lost in the glittering lights.
“For whom?” Adam returned, lost in the shine of her eyes. 
“The fairies, of course.” And she giggled while approaching him, suddenly locking her gaze on his. “What else do they need?”
“Well, they have enough water and flowers here,” his feet moved by an unconscious desire, “There is shelter from the external weather and…” he swallowed hard, unsure if he should continue but, eventually, he did, "A lot of space for partying." 
“They are known for hosting week-long dances. Love to drink and to waltz.” 
“I never really learned how to waltz.” Janey’s voice was only a whisper, eyes drifting away from Adam’s and reflecting the hundreds of lights around. He, however, was not paying attention to anything else but her and the way her lips curled up, almost in slow motion, overflowing with warmth. On second thought, maybe she was the one delivering spring to that place. “Must be wonderful to see.”
“Truly beautiful.” Not even Adam could conceal what he meant. He had no interest in the practices and lifestyle of fairies or of any other creature, and despite being an admirer of arts, it was clear that something else was marvelling him. Someone else. His breath of confession drew her back to him, and disarmed by hypnosis, he bursted, “Would you like to try?”
“What?” She took another step closer, graceful as a ballerina.
“Waltz.” Words seemed to tangle on each other before leaving his lips. “With me.” 
From the moment he suggested going on that mission, Adam had done nothing but improvise. All the control he kept for over nine hundred years was slipping through his fingers, he could not think strategically anymore, and it was infuriating how he could not—simply could not—keep himself away from the detective. She was a fire burning inside of him and he should be turning to ashes by now. And yet there he was, surrounded by light and that warmth that was not coming just from her body heat. 
He waited for an answer, pursing his lips in a thin line, questioning his careless attitudes, feeling like his chest was about to set alight, and—
“Yes. I would love to.” 
A sigh of relief came from both parts, tension crumbling like a sand castle. If Adam was going to be that reckless, then so be it. 
He ventured forth, right hand falling featherlight on Janey’s waist. She held his other hand, resting her palm on his and falling into his arms completely. Not once they took their gazes out of each other, eyes heavy-lidded when Adam began to lead them in circles carefully, slowly, like she was made of crystal. Terrified of breaking her. 
It was nothing close to the waltz of the royal palaces of Vienna during the New Years, and much less to the Russian ballet, but still nothing felt wrong. Janey was tiny compared to him, his large hand spread almost entirely over her upper back, but it was her delicate fingers pressing into his shoulder that made him feel safe. The way she would not shy away from him, how she would spin on her axis every time he stretched out his arms just to pull her back closer and closer, was like magic of its own. Perhaps he was enchanted. She could have bewitched him. Or maybe, just maybe, it was something else. Something he was afraid of saying out loud, of letting it take form, but undeniably something he could not, would not, control. 
Their feet moved together with remarkable precision, as if the spring of the greenhouse itself choreographed their movements, and even the floor felt softer. Janey slipped her fingers up to his neck, brushing his skin and leaving a tingling sensation before resting on his nape. A shiver ran up his spine, sharp enough for her to feel the dark blond hairs rising. 
Their dance concluded slowly when Adam bowed down, holding her firmly in his arms as if laying her gently on a mattress of clouds. Janey held on to him, trusting him entirely, and didn’t let go afterwards. With no one to witness, their world felt silent, existing only in each other’s embrace. Adam saw when her lips parted just enough, hesitant, getting closer, increasing the thundering sound, trying to tear open her chest like a war drum so powerful that it could make him dizzy.
“Do you hear my heartbeat?” she whispered, eyes locked on his.
“Can I listen to yours, too?”
Janey wrapped both arms around his neck and rested her head on his chest, nose tip carefully fondling his sternum. Only then, with her cheek pressed against his white shirt, Adam realised that the drumming of hearts was a duet. His own perfectly synchronised to hers, still dancing, and he couldn’t help but to wrap his arms around her as well. In a garden of blooms, they formed a bud—secret, beautiful and new. He wished to stay in spring, with her, forever.
Alas, they were both ripped apart from dreaming when a too-loud bzzt bzzt emerged from the agent’s pocket. Distracted by each other, both rushed to untangle themselves quicker than their blood could colour their faces. Adam turned on his heels, reaching for the damn phone and answering the call.
“Commanding Agent du Mortain.” 
“Adam, it's Nate. I’ve been trying to call for a while, is everything ok?” 
A deep sigh left his lungs, “Yes, Nate. Everything is fine.”
“Are you still with Janey? Did you find a good place?”
He looked over his shoulder, gaze meeting Janey’s again. A shy grin on her rosy cheeks invited him to smile too, and so he did.
“Yes, Nate. I believe we found the perfect place.” 
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blackevermore · 3 years
x Secrets of The Lake: The Company of Misery and Pain
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{ Chapter 12 }
Summary: Vladimir Masters’ family tree has always been tainted by secrets swept under the rug. From generation to generation there have been countless reasons the Masters’ family had seemed to keep private from the public. Even to this day, Vladimir was no exception. But what was one to do when a restless spirit from the settlement years finally breaks free from restraints and demands you answer for your ancestor’s crimes? Vladimir doesn’t know. However, Clockworks does.
Notes: We just having fun, rewriting some of the canon, new adventure new characters. I will apologize now for any grammar, spelling, weird sentence structuring in advance. My brain writes faster than my fingers and even when I go back through to reread it I still miss things. Sorry about that!
Word Count: 3992
P.s: This chapter was...something to say the least. Maybe a bit out of place but I promise I'll make up for it.
He didn’t know how long he stared into his computer screen, watching the cursor blink impatiently for the rest of the email. There were only three lines worth reading and the first two were introductions of having a good day and hoping to be found in good health. After that, he couldn’t remember his mind fading away until he heard the sound of his office phone ringing. Blinking a few times and determining the email could wait till later. He closed the laptop and turned towards the phone to check the small caller ID screen. It was another business call that the secretary pushed through and Vlad didn’t really feel up to answering it. He pressed the wait button then switched the lines to call to the secretary desk.
“Yes, Sir?” The chipper voice answered and Vlad winced, she was always too happy for his liking.
“Hold all my calls.” Vlad loosen his bowtie from around his neck and shrugged off his suit jacket.
“Of course, Sir.” Vlad hung up the call and leaned back in his chair taking a deep breath and letting it out. Ever since he left the house he could feel a small throbbing pain in his core. He did his best to ignore it, waving it off as nothing more than a phantom pain from a few days ago. But as he tried to go about his day he found himself wincing and clinching his chest every so often. The amount of ‘are you okay’ and ‘do you need a moment’ were getting rather annoying, and thus an hour ago Vlad locked himself inside his office. A slow hand made its way up to his chest once more and Vlad held it there. Tayonna must have really tied herself to him during their first meeting for pain like this to continue. As another faint throb did its course, Vlad felt himself being somewhat paranoid and worried. For who or for what he didn’t know, but the emotions were there and he didn’t know what to do with them. And then, like a snap of a finger, the emotions and the pain in his core were all gone, leaving him breathing heavy.
He sat up and rubbed his temple trying to figure out what was happening. He couldn’t continue like this until the end of the day. Making up his mind he grabbed his jacket and headed towards the door.
“Sir?” the secretary jumped as Vlad stormed past her.
“I’m ending my day early, any messages or papers that I need to review I will do so tomorrow. Good day Mrs Andrews.” Vlad didn’t care that he was yelling halfway across the office space as he headed towards the elevator. When he hit the button for the elevator he quickly grew anxious as he watched the floors ding one by one. Cursing the world he turned on his heels and walked over to the stairwell. When the door closed behind him and he peeked over the railing to make sure he was actually alone, he turned ghost and zoomed down to the last floor. Turning human again he quickly walked out the emergency exit towards the parking lot. It was when Vlad finally made it to his car and into the driver's seat that he realized he didn’t want to go home. Naturally, he would be on autopilot after work to get in and drive home. But right now, in the newfound free time he has given himself, he didn’t want to go there. Empty or not. Starting the car Vlad chose not to make any real decisions and drove any which way he felt like turning the wheel.
For three hours Vlad mindlessly drove around Amity enjoying the scenery. Even in places he visited constantly he found new hidden beauties. Has the town always been this lovely? Vlad couldn’t recall nor really remember how often he was able to go out and actually look. Of course, Vlad made sure to do his mayoral duties while in office which consisted of many community projects. But he never truly got to see the outcomes of them, this was amazing, more so than he imagined. He made a mental note that he would have to put time aside for himself to go out in nature. By boy scout honour Vlad swore it that he and nature would once again connect in dear time. As Vlad continued to drive around somewhere on the lower east side of the town a call came through his car’s display. 
“Masters speaking,” Vlad answered.
“I called your office and Almeria said you ended your day early?” Kate sounded a bit breathless on the other end, she was most likely walking somewhere. Vlad huffed quietly.
“Today doesn’t seem like my day either.” He grumbled.
“Water pipes still busted?”
“Hmm...yes and it cost so much to get them repaired.” Vlad had nearly forgotten the lie he had told everyone. Between the morning meetings, the concerned employees, and the pain in his core, Vlad didn't really hold that lie up as important to remember since no one had asked.
“You’re rich, you should be fine. I called to tell you I finished meeting with one of the historians at the Virginia State Library.” Kate pulled away from the phone to give a quick ‘pardon me’ then continued. “There weren’t any recorded documents of any members of your family settling nor doing business in central Virginia during the 17th century. As you know the records the state library has ranges across the whole state. However, there is another library that I’ve contacted that has another set of records that covers small businesses and land that also date back as far. I’ve already set up an appointment to meet with them tomorrow.” Kate pulled away from the phone once more to order a small coffee and a cookie and Vlad felt his sweet tooth spring to life.
“Well good news to you, Miss Way, I have a name that will narrow your search. Vladan Masters, or at the time Masters would have been spelt M, the A and the E would have been mashed together, G I S T E R. Look closer to the end of the 1600s as that’s when he would have been of age or so.” Vlad felt a weird shiver crawl up his back as he spoke the name. Almost like hands latching onto his shoulders and shaking him a bit. He quickly rolled his shoulders and tried to shake it off but it still lingered.
“Right, thank you, Sir, I’ll let you know what I find.” Vlad hung up the call and before he could actually figure out where he was during his little drive. He was parking his car right outside his home. Vlad didn’t want to go in, but he couldn’t sit in the car the rest of the day. ‘You seriously can’t allow some ghost to kick you out of your own house’ Vlad thought to himself taking another look out the side of the passenger window up towards his mansion. 
“Of course not,” Vlad scoffed and got out of the car and headed up the stone steps to his front door. Looking around for any nosy neighbors to make sure the coast was clear. Vlad ghosted through the door and hung up his jacket on the coat hanger. He couldn’t feel any form of energy on the main floor, the house felt almost as cold as it did a few years ago. Vlad hated to remember how empty and alone he was during his darker years of self isolation. He could remember how sad he actually was when the only person waiting for him was Maddie the cat. But when she passed the home grew cold till Dani was brought back and welcomed Vlad’s offer. Vlad teleported into the kitchen in a poof and looked around, nothing, he poofed to one of the living rooms and still no one, he did this all over the first floor until he confirmed the ghost wasn’t around. He floated upstairs and towards the guest room and looked inside and that’s when a feeling of calm settled through his body. Tayonna sat on the bed looking out the windows down towards the garden.
“Evening Miss Tayonna,” Vlad cleared his throat and walked inside but stayed close to the door. The ghost turned around from the window and Vlad could have stumbled over himself at the sight of her. The sun was high in the sky and hung over her like a halo and made her seem to glow. Specks of the sun peeked through her curls warming her skin into a soft brown with red undertones, and her eyes seemed to glow a soft green. She has always taken my breath away. She still wore her stoic expression of wariness and yet it made her seem untouchable. Vlad didn’t know he was holding his breath until his lungs began to scream for air. He tried to not make it obvious as he exhaled and nodded towards her.
“Masters.” Tayonna nodded back towards the man then turned back towards the garden. Vlad felt his heart sting in pain at how cold his name came from her lips. Had he wished for her to call him the wrong name again? Or maybe just not as bitter? He was used to others calling him Masters in an aggressive manner but with this ghost, Vlad knew he didn’t like it.
“I would like to talk to you about this problem you are facing and see if I will be able to aid you.” Vlad didn’t move from his spot, he knew moving closer wouldn’t be a smart move, and the last thing he needed was a blast to the face. One less fight was best for the both of them. 
“Help me? How can you help me when you-...when he isn’t here to be held accountable for his crimes.” Tayonna’s words were bitter and came as more of an attack on Vlad even when she corrected herself. She pulled her knees closer to herself and tucked her head into the space between her body.
“Well for starters you could begin with telling me where you’re from and how you became a part of my family.” Vlad tested the water by taking a few steps closer towards her but quickly stopped when he saw her jerk up and narrow her eyes at him. He held up his hands and raised his eyebrows to show he meant no harm and Tayonna seemed to let her guard down. “May I?” Vlad pointed to the edge of the bed and Tayonna pulled her feet in so there was more space between them. Vlad took that as a yes and sat down comfortably on the edge. He crossed his legs and waited for the other to respond to him. He hoped it would be soon because his tolerance was low and he wouldn’t be doing this all night if he didn’t have to.
“I was brought from the coast, stolen from my people and bought by yours.” Vlad wanted to correct her, his family hadn’t done it, but he knew she meant more so the colour of his skin. “Luther picked me like a friend and his parents were against it.” Vlad wanted to cheer for the fact he had been right. “But he begged them and eventually I was brought to their home. I was ordered to stay by Luther’s side and aid him.” Vlad was surprised by how much he was getting from her. He was sure all day yesterday it would have been hard to get her to talk. But he supposed it was better than having to build up trust over the course of days then finally getting somewhere.
“Do you remember where the family lived?” Vlad turned more towards the girl in hopes he could read her expression. He could tell it pained her to talk about it. Before Vlad could register what he was doing he stuck out a hand and took hers, flipping it over so her palm faces upward and used his thumb to rub circles in the middle. Tayonna gasped softly and she looked between him and what he was doing before yanking her hand back towards her. “I-I’m sorry, I have no idea why I did that.” Vlad held his head and quickly turned away from her. At that moment he had a strong thought that he knew how to calm her down. He knew exactly how to use his thumb to draw small circles and how it would make her feel a bit better. When he touched her, he even felt calmer, relaxed and dare say remorseful.
“No, I don’t,” Tayonna answered and turned back towards the window. Vlad nodded and shot to his feet to leave. He didn’t turn back as he strolled towards his bedroom and slammed the door behind him. Vlad quickly kicked off his shoes and fell into his armchair. His mind was now a scattered mess as he scolded himself for doing something inappropriate, if he kept feeling this pulling feeling towards her he was going to get nowhere. Every time he got too close, Vlad’s mind would draw a blank and he would feel and think things that weren’t true. He felt dangerous emotions he would consider private and untouched that would muddy and mix. Vlad grumbled a fruit and snapped his fingers. A ghost maid was quick to manifest beside him and he told her to bring him a drink. Within seconds the maid was back with a tray of not only a full glass but also the whole bottle. Vlad smirked and silently thanked her for being so generous. 
He slowly took sips as he thought of something else to distract him. Work, no, the drive home, not enough, how annoyed he was, that was never a good one. Then finally he found it, though he had told himself he had moved on slightly he still couldn't help himself to think of Madeline. The way her beautiful blue eyes shined as bright as the moon, or the way her now short fiery hair framed her much more mature face. The way she laughed, the way she carried herself with so much power and confidence, the way she could be so serious and yet so caring. Surely it had to be from having children that made her softer but underneath she was hellfire and Vlad could only dream of having her. Dream of what it would have been if he had had the chance to truly woo her.
I have to say sorry, she has to understand. There it was, the little voice in his head that he couldn’t make vanish. Understand what? Vlad shook his head and took another sip of his drink trying to get back to his little fantasy. ‘Maybe two drinks would be better than one’ Vlad thought to himself and finished off the rest before pouring more. I was scared, we both were scared. ‘Scared of what?’ Vlad didn’t want to acknowledge the voice, he didn’t care, he wanted nothing more than to forget about it. He tried to down his second glass but the burn in the back of his throat made it a bit impossible. Vlad was never a heavy drinker unless time called for it, but he always had to drink slowly even then. ‘What were you scared of?’ Vlad grumbled and tried his best to ward off the voice and his lingering questions. She has to know why I did it. Vlad quickly figured out the voice in his head spoke of something else. But of what was still a mystery.
“Shut up,” Vlad grumbled but that only made the voice get louder and louder. It had started as a whisper yards away, but now it was as loud as someone speaking right into his ear. “Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!” Vlad covered his ears as the voice started to ramble on and on about forgiveness and how sorry it was. Then like an ice shower, the voice in his head changed and sounded just like him. I love her. Vlad felt something standing behind him and jumped from his seat and turned around to shoot off an ectoblast. He manically looked around and soon landed on the red mist floating down towards the ground and slipping out of the door.
“Get away from me!” Vlad's ears rang in slight pain as Tayonna’s voice rose to a dangerous scream. He stumbled over his feet to get out of his room, the red mist was slowly making its way towards the guest room and Vlad heard Tayonna scream again. I had to protect her. Vlad knew these weren’t his thoughts but he felt the pull of energy flowing through him to aid Tayonna. He turned into Plasmius and shot through the walls until he arrived in the room. Vlad gasped as the room was filled to the ceiling in the red mist swirling around like angry thunder clouds. Tayonna was no longer on the bed but the floor on her knees holding herself. Vlad flew down and tried to touch her but a force threw him back against the wall. 
Vlad groaned and got back onto his feet, in front of him the mist pulled together like a thick wall between him and Tayonna. Tayonna was beginning to cry and Vlad felt his body act on its own as he tried to shoot down the wall with an ectoray. But like jelly, the mist gobbled up his shots and swallowed them. As he continued his attacks the mist twisted inwards forming into a face. Vlad’s face but in a way he was unfamiliar with, pure anger and laced linings of betrayal. The mist then began to shrink into a silhouette of Vlad and slowly stocked its way towards him. Vlad gritted his teeth and clenched his fists as he activated his electric powers. He could only faintly remember Tayonna doing this so it had to work. As the mist got closer Vlad shot at it, stunning it a few times but never stopping it fully. The closer it got the angrier Vlad was and a bit worried about what was going to happen. Tayonna was still too choked up on the ground to do anything, not that she could with the collar on. 
“Blasted!” Vlad yelled cursing himself for putting that thing on her. She would have been so helpful right now. “You’re nothing but memories of the past! You’ve done nothing but make her restless and cause trouble for everyone.” Vlad didn’t know why he spoke to the mist as if could hear. But somehow he knew it understood him by the way it would stop a few times. He watched as the mist’s face would halt then twist back into anger, his anger, his rage, Vlad felt it. “Memories can be destroyed, forgotten, and even replaced! You are nothing!” Vlad yelled out once more but that seemed to only make it worse. Within a few quick like static steps, the mist took hold of Vlad by the neck in a vice grip. 
Vlad’s eyes widened as the red mist started to turn human, starting from the fingertips the mist vanished and a tan hand gripped tighter. Like water being sucked out of a stream the mist finally reached the face and Vlad’s heart stopped beating and his core ran cold. He was staring a variant of himself right in the eyes, like an angry lion who had finally had enough of its prey. The doppelganger was every bit of Vlad had he never been shot by Jack’s prototype. Tan skin that saw the softer days of being outside, vibrant cold blue eyes, and dark raven hair that fell a bit beyond the shoulders. But this Vlad seemed so out of place by the clothes he wore. Like a puzzle solving itself Vlad knew now. This was Vladan. This was the person Tayonna was looking for. 
“Then we must help her forgive.” Vlad felt the chills run down his back as he heard his own voice but with a thick German accent. As he tried to pull away and attack once more his doppelganger pulled him closer and squeezed his neck. Vlad gasps and he wishes he hadn’t as he felt the mist starting to fill his body. Vladan began to fade away but the grip on Vlad’s neck stayed as all the mist was sucked into his body like smoke. It burned the back of his throat as the fire in his body became sporadic. He felt a clench on both his heart and his core as mist filled his lungs and seeped into his bloodstream. Every muscle in his body began to clench causing him to fall to the floor only being able to catch himself with his hands. Vlad’s vision began to blur in pure red and he was blind to everything around him. Vlad felt himself fighting and losing control over his body as the pain shot up and down, finally nesting into his chest. He couldn’t scream, the only sound to leave his body were broken breathless grunts and pants. His airways were beginning to collapse.
“Let go of him,” Vlad could faintly hear Tayonna’s voice getting close to him. “Get away from him or I’ll take all of us down.” Tayonna crawled towards Vlad and shakenly placed her hand on his back. She said something in a language Vlad couldn’t understand before a wave of pressure shot Vlad down completely to the ground. The hold on his body released as Vlad heard himself scream above him. The mist lifted halfway out of Vlad’s body with a painful scream then dove back in. Tayonna said the same words over and Vlad felt the weight of the world push him down again. He didn’t feel any pain anymore from his chest but whatever Tayonna was doing did start to hurt. Vlad tried to push himself up to stop Tayonna but she pushed him back down with the same line of words. 
“Tayonna wait,” Vlad said breathlessly and weakly as he once again tried to get out of her hold. “Tayonna stop.”
“Get out of him!” Vlad had somehow managed to roll away before Tayonna could mumble her words again and send him slamming into the floor. Vlad felt his powers cave and he turned human. His hair had managed to fall out of its ponytail and pool in front of his face. Vlad didn’t have the strength to push it out of his way as he felt Tayonna move closer to him. He felt her hand inch closer and he quickly spun around to grab her wrist and pull her down. He rolled them on the floor so he was now on top of her with a tight grip on both of her wrists. He panted hard, he felt so tired but yet he had to keep her down. Inside his body he could still feel the mist travelling through him and then settled into the middle of his core. With a deep gasp, Vlad felt the mist absorbed itself into him. Still breathless and near the brink of passing out, Vlad let go of one of her wrists and brought his hand to her cheek.
“Meine Geliebte,” Vlad knew it wasn’t he who whispered it but he felt the power behind it as he finally felt his body give out and roll off of Tayonna. Tayonna was frozen to the ground as she replayed the words over and over in her ears. Through the same colour eyes, Tayonna saw the man she had once loved. A single tear rolled down her cheek as her eyes stayed wide and her body became numb.
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Final Resting Place
Dean looked at his brother with tears in his eyes. He clasped Sam’s shoulders as he struggled to say what he had to say. “I’m proud of us. I’m proud of you. You’re not my dorky little brother anymore. You’re a badass, take no shit hunter who’s gonna be just fine without me.” Dean took a shaky breath before continuing. “After all this, you find Eileen and you two go have a life. You’ve sacrificed enough Sammy, it’s time you get what you want. What you deserve. I love you.” He pulled Sam into a bone-crushing hug, knowing it was the last time he would ever see his brother alive.
Sam held tight to Dean, trying to put off the inevitable. Tears were streaming down his face, but he made no attempt to wipe them away. He closed his eyes as he savored being in the arms of his brother one last time. “I love you, too, Dean.”
When they finally separated, Dean smiled at Sam before turning to the man behind him. Cas stood there, stoic and proud as ever regardless of the tattered wings folded close to his body. He stepped towards Dean, a melancholy smile on his face. He grabbed Dean’s hand in his as he said, “I’ll go with you.”
If it had been another time and place, Dean would have told Cas no. He would have told the angel to stay behind and watch over Sam, but not this time. This time he pulled Cas against his body and pressed his lips to the angel’s. “Ok,” Dean said simply.
Cas and Dean faced Sam and Jack. Cas hugged them both, holding onto Jack just a little bit longer. “I’m proud of you and I know Kelly would be to. You’ll make a wonderful God.”
“Thanks, Cas,” Jack said, his voice thick with tears.
Dean hugged Jack, whispering in his ear, “You’re gonna do great! Take care of Sam for me.”
“I will. You take care of Cas,” Jack said as they parted.
Dean snorted at the irony. “I will.”
Jack stepped back to stand next to Sam while Dean moved to be next to Cas. The four of them exchanged final looks with one another before Cas grabbed Dean and they were gone with a flap of wings.
Dean stumbled as they landed, the flight much more bumpy than normal. Cas grabbed him by the shoulder to keep from falling. “I’m sorry Dean. With my wings in the state they are, flying is difficult at best.”
“It’s ok, baby. You ready?” Dean asked calmly.
Cas pulled the gun from his pocket and handed it over to Dean. “Are you sure about this? You know... you know there’s no coming back.”
Dean nodded solemnly. “I could say the same thing to you. My soul and your grace, hell of a combination.”
“It was the only way to keep the Empty from collecting on our deal. With no grace left in me, I won’t go there. Since we are bonded, I will automatically follow your soul wherever it goes.” Cas reached out and trailed his fingers softly from Dean’s temple to his jaw. “Spending eternity with you in Heaven is a reward I’d never thought I’d get.”
Dean shifted his head so he could press his lips to Cas’ palm. “C’mon, we’ve got God to kill.”
They walked hand in hand through the rusted gates of Stull Cemetery towards the biggest bad of them all. Chuck stood in the middle of the cemetery, staring at them with a mocking smile. He was dressed as casually as ever: jeans, shirt, converse, and hoody. “Poetic is it not? To end where it was all supposed to end in the first place,” Chuck sneered.
“It ends Chuck. Here and now it ends. Your lies and manipulative ways end today,” Dean called.
Chuck spread his arms wide in invitation. “I’m God, Dean. You don’t have the Equalizer, so I really don’t see why I need to worry.”
Dean looked at Cas and nodded. Cas reached for Dean’s hand, intertwining their fingers together. They heard Chuck’s scoff but paid it no mind. “I love you,” Cas whispered.
A single tear fell from Dean’s cheek as he replied, “Love you too, angel.”
With a surge of grace allowing Dean to move at inhuman speed, he pulled the gun from his pocket and fired it at the malevolent god. He heard the crack as the firearm discharged and watched with satisfaction as Chuck’s head slammed back on his shoulders as the bullet buried itself in his forehead.
Dean was able to make out the blood spilling from the wound before he collapsed to the ground. Cas fell with a thump next to him a moment later. Dean turned his head to look at the angel as he felt the life quickly leaving his body. They smiled at one another as they each took their last breath. Dean’s eyes fell closed and blackness engulfed him.
When Dean opened his eyes, and all he saw was a bright, white light. A light so intense, it burned his retinas. He slammed his eyes shut but the light somehow permeated through his eyelids. He groaned as he rolled over, trying to escape the brightness.
When the spots quit dancing in front of his closed eyes, Dean slowly blinked them open. He was surprised to see bright green grass beneath him. As he slowly adjusted to the extreme brightness, he looked around at his surroundings. He saw nothing but wide-open spaces. He rolled over and forced his body to sit up, searching for anything but sky and grass.
Dean’s face erupted into a large smile as his gaze locked on the single stretch of asphalt and the black muscle car that was sitting on its surface. He pushed to his feet and walked towards the Impala with a spring in his step. His hand slid along her side lovingly as he gushed, “Hey Baby, did you miss me?” Dean slid into the driver’s seat and patted the dashboard with a grin. “Alright, girl, where to?”
He turned the key and listened as the engine roared to life. He pushed his foot against the gas pedal and down the road he went, to a destination he knew not. Dean drove for what felt like hours before finally coming to a small cottage on the edge of a lake. He looked around but there was nothing else in sight.
He shut Baby’s door behind him as he walked up to the quant little house. “Hello,” he called out, dread starting to form in the pit of his stomach. He froze when he heard the door creak open.
Relief flooded Dean’s body as he took in the man in front of him. Castiel was dressed in his usual suit, tie, and trench coat with one extra addition. The large wings behind him were no longer broken and burnt, instead they were fully feathered and shining a gorgeous iridescent black. Cas stepped onto the porch, a large gummy smile on his face. “Hello Dean.”
Dean rushed onto the porch into the outstretched arms of his angel. As soon as he was pressed against Cas’ chest, arms wrapped around his waist and wrings encircled his whole body. Dean sought Cas’ lips and they met in a tender embrace. Their lips moved against one another gently, soaking up all the love and affection the simple gesture could offer.
Dean whimpered at finally being back in the arms of his angel and Cas took the opportunity to slip his tongue into the hunter’s mouth. Their tongues danced together before they finally broke apart, gasping for air. They stared at each other, passion sparkling in their eyes.
“This is Heaven, isn’t it?” Dean asked softly.
Cas nodded, his smile faltering. “Yes, Dean, it is. From what I’ve been able to gather from the angels, the gun worked. Chuck is dead and Jack is the new God. Sam and Eileen have already burned our bodies and they are back at the bunker. This is our final resting place for all eternity.”
Dean felt his heart clench, knowing he was truly dead and that he might never see Sam again. But it had been worth it. Chuck could no longer control and manipulate people or angels just for his pleasure, and Jack would make a much more benevolent God. Sam, Eileen, and the rest of their friends were safe and would be able to live their lives in peace. If Dean and Cas’ lives had been the cost, then they were happy to pay it.
As if able to read his mind, Cas kissed Dean gently before saying, “When Sam’s time comes, you will see each other again. Apparently, Jack is reworking Heaven so that we may visit our friends and family.”
Dean slid his lips against Cas’ before saying, “We’ve got some visiting to do but right now, I just want to spend time with my angel.”
Cas smiled, “We have all eternity with each other.”
“Wouldn’t have it any other way.” Dean captured Cas’ mouth, losing himself in the feel of their lips against each other. They were done, it was time for peace.
Tagging: @lonewolf34500 @notwithd @multifandom-fanatic @flowersforcas @cockleslovesdestiel
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cinderella1181 · 4 years
Battle Cries Chapter 2
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TITLE: Battle Cries
CHAPTER NUMBER: Chapter 2 /?
AUTHOR: Cinderella1181
WHICH Henry/CHARACTER: AU Henry Cavill /Juniper Denholm
GENRE: Romance/Comedy
FIC SUMMARY: Henry Cavill is the fourth son of the Lord and Lady of St. Helier. He is also now 37 still living at home and has no plans to move out. His father, recently retired, is forcing Henry to live on his own. Set up nicely, by his parents Henry has to find his place in the world and find real love for the first time with a girl he didn’t necessarily think he would even like. 
PREVIOUS:  Chapter 1
RATING: M (sex, language)
WARNINGS: Lots of Language in this! (Also, Joey is adorable)
AUTHORS NOTES:  Feedback is always appreciated. Especially since it’s been a hot minute since I’ve really written anything!
 Juniper was sitting cross legged on the couch, the end of the movie fading into the credits. She sighed.  “I could watch that movie over and over.” She reached over and put her cup down. She stood, stretching.  “Do we want to watch another, or head to bed?”
Madeleine looked at her and shrugged.  “I’m not very tired. We could get some more snacks and then watch another movie.” She stood. “I can’t imagine we have many left, though. we have done a fine job.”  
“Madeleine!!!” A voice called from outside.  “MY LOVE!!! OPEN YON WINDOW!!” 
Madeleine looked at her.  “Oh no, what did…” She went over to the window and threw it open. “Joey, what are you doing?”
“I’ve come to profess my love for you!!” he screamed out, supported by Henry. “Let me go! I can do this!”
Henry looked up at her.  “I’m sorry... He had a little too much mead.” 
“I did not! I had just enough to come home and tell her…” He stopped and turned to Henry. “What's I going to say?”
He shook his head. “You loved her.”  
“Yup! Madeleine, I love you. You make my heart soar!” he called. 
She laughed.  “Joey, I love you, too. Go back to Hen’s, and I will see you in the morning, you romantic git.” 
“No! I need a kiss first,” Joey said, and before anyone could stop him, he started climbing up the trellis. “I’m coming, my fair maiden.”
Juniper appeared next to her, and Joey continued blathering, “Oh, good! Juni, this is Hen, you should use him to get over… My dear, what was the wanker she was dating, Lakes, Streams, Rivers? Fuck, I don’t know! There was water involved,” Joey called.  “Hen, this is Juniper…” He swung one arm off the trellis, and as he did, the movement took him further back and Joey quickly lost his footing. 
The three less inebriated people watched in horror as Joey fell, landing loudly in the bins.  “Joey!!” Madeleine called out. 
Joey didn’t move and let out a moan.
“Hen! Don’t move him! Call 999!” Madeleine called out and came back in the window.  
Juniper grabbed her sweatshirt and threw it on, following Madeleine out the door and down to the ground level. Joey was sitting up.  “I’m fine, Hen! I am fine.”
Henry looked at Madeleine.  “He won’t let me call.”
“He’s going to call, you daft git!” she said. “I swear!”
“I am fine, my love.” Joey said. He tried to stand up. “Oh, I think I will just sit here for a few moments. I feel a little woozy.”
“We can just take him to the A&E, “ Juniper said. “I can drive us.” 
Joey pointed at her. “Yes! That is a grand idea!” 
Madeleine shook her head.  “Fine.” She looked at Henry.  “Can you help get him up? I’ll grab your keys and lock up.” She disappeared.
Juniper went over to her car. “Bring him over here.”  
Henry looked at her, one of his eyebrows up.  “Um, are we all going to fit into that...what’s the word I'm looking for, Hot Wheel?”  
She looked at him, frowning.  “It’s got plenty of room, and I’ll have you know it’s very efficient in London.” She ran her hand over the top of the car.  “Don’t listen to him, Petunia.” 
“You named your car Petunia?” Henry asked.  “Seriously?”
Juniper rolled her eyes at him. “What do you call your car. Car?”  
“I don’t call it anything. I get in it and I drive.” He maneuvered Joey so he was on the passenger side in the back. Madeleine, by this time, made her appearance and handed the keys over to Juniper.  “I say we put him and Madeleine in the back.”
“Why don’t you sit in the back with him?” Juniper asked. 
“I’m not going to fit in the back with him. I am barely going to fit in this car as it is.” He shook his head.  “This may come as a shock, I am a large man. I suspect Waterfall was not in any way... impressive.”
“He was smart, and a wonderful man,” she replied. “And his name was Rivers.”
“And that is why you are single,” he said. 
“Let's just get him in the car and then you can go back to hiding under the rock you came from,” Juniper said. 
It was Henry’s turn to roll his eyes and he began to maneuver his friend in the back of the car. Soon, after a great deal of grunting and positioning, he was finally in and moaning in pain.  “I think I’ve broken something,” Joey said quietly.
“I am sure you have,” Madeleine said.  “Hen, you are going to have to come with us, there is no way the two of us can get him out. You ride up front with Juniper.” Before either of them could protest, Madeleine finished her statement with a definitive. “Now!”
Juniper sat in the driver's seat. Henry sat in the passenger side and went to buckle himself in. His elbow swung up and connected with her cheek. “Watch it!” she cried out. 
“Watch what?” he said, frozen in space. “What did I do?”
“You hit me in the face!” Juniper exclaimed. 
Henry brought his arm down, hitting her again.  “Oh... uh... Sorry.”
Juniper sighed. “Let’s just go, you brute.” 
Juniper yawned and sat up the next morning as the sun streamed in through the window.  She wasn’t sure what time of the day it was, because once they had returned from the hospital, Madeleine had taken Joey to bed. She had finally crawled into her own bed, just as the light was starting to change. 
She sat up and put her feet on the floor, getting her bearings before heading into the bathroom. She didn’t bother to look, or even knock, when she opened the door up and was hit with a wall of steam in her face.  
“Um, it's occupied!” A deep voice said. 
Juniper stood there a second, gazing at an almost completely nude Henry standing in the shower, a towel barely covering him. She quickly turned and shut the door.  “You should have locked it!”
“You should have knocked when you saw it was closed.” He called out through the door.  “Manners would state that you would.”
“Why are you even still here?” She asked. “And are you going to be very much longer? I have to use the loo.” 
She could hear him muttering from the other side of the door. He opened the door, looked down at her, now fully dressed.  “I am still here because after you just unceremoniously went to bed, someone had to stay up with the invalid.”
“I heard that…” Joey’s voice came from the bedroom at the end of the hall. 
He sighed.  “Someone had to help Madeleine make sure he was okay. And since I was the first one up this morning, I figured I could grab a shower after my run. As it is, I’m going to have to go straight to the comic book store when I leave here.” 
“Why would you have to go… OH MY GOD!” she said and lunged out of the way as a huge black and white dog ran toward her.  “WHAT IS THAT?”
Henry looked at her as she hid behind him.  “That is my dog.”
“It’s fucking huge!” she said.  “Keep it away from me!” 
“Kal, go lay down,” he said. The dog turned in the hall and trotted back to find himself a spot on the carpet. 
Madeleine came into the hall. “It’s about time you got up.” She smiled.  “Brekkie is in the kitchen. I am going to check on Romeo,” she said as she glided past them and down the hall. 
He nodded at her and turned back so he was facing Juniper.  “As you were going to ask me why I was going to the store. I work there,” he said.  “That is why I am still here and why I have clothes and things for a shower here.” He leaned in to her, his blue eyes staring into her hazel ones. “Nosey.”
She gasped. “I am not!”
Henry didn’t reply and headed out to the living room.   “Kal, come on boy, let’s go,” he said and opened the door to the apartment.  “Bye!” He called out behind him.  
Juniper stomped her foot. She had never met a man who so infuriated her to her very core. She went into the bathroom and slammed the door, hoping to never see him again. 
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Can I get uh,,,, provoked with a dash of aren't we a thing, then why are you flirting :0
Oh gosh yes, I need this. Lets get this roller coaster goinggg because im a sucker for jealous steve!
Steve wanted to blame Nancy for taking him to Jocelyn K’s house party, because Jocelyn was on the cheer squad (popular in the school) and Steve knew she had a thing for bad boys which explained why Steve wasn’t invited since being demoted from Keg King to Babysitter. But Jocelyn definitely had an obvious thing for not just any kind of bad boys, no, more specifically a bad boy with unruly blond locks and tantalizing sapphire eyes, Billy Hargrove.
And Steve couldn’t really blame her, Billy was something else entirely. Most people considered Billy a selfish, prideful jackass, and they weren’t wrong to some extent but there was a lot of sides to Billy. Sides that Steve got to find out in secret, like Billy liking camping and swimming in lakes, making fires, and hiking–he always has a morning cigarettes at the lake shore at the crack of dawn alone. But Steve would bring him coffee and they’d watch the sun rise together. 
But right now, Steve watches from across the living room Jocelyn playing with her long brown hair, giggling extra loud to make sure the whole party knew that she was hitting on Billy ‘bad boy’ Hargrove.
Steve’s gut burned, watching Billy talk to her with no apprehension and a cigarette between his lips; the mixture of alcohol and jealousy was making him shake the red solo cup in his hand. Because despite how much time they spent during spring break together, they still acted like strangers at house parties in Hawkins.
 Then, Billy’s eyes swept the room, finally landing on Steve’s, of course Billy’s gaze would make Steve’s feet stay rooted to where he stood, he always got stupidly choked up with Billy’s intense eyes. He watches Billy put out his smoke and take a swig of beer, there’s a playful smirk on his lips as his eyes trail back to Jocelyn. And Steve is seeing red as Billy leans down to let Jocelyn whisper in his ear, and the smile grows on Billy’s face–no, no, no, her arms were wrapping around his bicep and it all felt wrong as Billy let her.  
The burning sensation travels up to Steve’s throat and he’s fuming. What. The. Fuck.  
Before she can take Billy and lead them into some random room in the house, Steve weaves through the crowd towards them with tunnel vision. Once he got his hand on Billy’s arm, he could see the entertained grin that danced across the teen’s smug face.
“Harrington, I’m busy here.” Billy teases, making it seem like he cared about Jocelyn. Steve knew better than that, because he knew Billy didn’t have eyes for anyone at this party but him. 
“We need to talk now, Billy,” Steve slurred out, shooting Jocelyn a warning look of ‘don’t try me right now’.
Steve could blame the obnoxious amount of alcohol he had consumed, or the brooding jealousy that made him want to punch Billy for looking at anyone but him. Steve knew it was unfair, but fuck if he didn’t feel hurt seeing Billy smile down at Jocelyn and the intrusive thought of him sleeping with her–no, Steve wasn’t okay with that no matter what state his mind was in. 
It didn’t take long for them to find an empty room and locking it behind them, “Alright, Harrington, what is it?” Billy took a seat on the edge of the bed as he observed Steve pace the room. 
Steve finally managed to stop himself from pacing and stood in front of Billy, both setting their drinks down as they soaked in each other. 
“Isn’t it obvious?” Steve retorts in the same insincere manner that Billy did. “Or do I have to spell it out for you, Billy?” 
Billy rolled his eyes, “You’re mad about that chick from downstairs?” 
Steve felt his cheeks burn and his throat tighten, he wanted to slap Billy right then and there. Their eyes meet as Steve shudders out, “What are we, Billy?” it came out like word vomit, and right now, Steve kind of wished it had just been vomit because it would be easier to clean that mess up than this emotional one.
 Billy’s brows raised, a sudden realization sweeping over him, “… Steve…” 
“I want to know, aren’t we a thing? Since spring…, or did you do all this just to mess with my head?” Steve managed in a low, broken voice. He wanted to be angry at Billy but all he felt was a pain in his chest. 
“I’m not trying to mess with your head, Steve…” Billy grabs Steve’s hand, pulling him between his legs as he stares up at Steve with a particular look of earnest. 
“Then why did you flirt with her?” Steve looked away, down at the floor, somehow feeling ashamed that he was this invested in Billy when they hadn’t even made things official.  
“She was flirting with me but I told her I only got my eyes on one person,” Billy slowly reaches his hand up to cup Steve’s face and firmly guide the older teen to look at him. “And that’s you, Pretty Boy.” 
“Don’t lie to me, you smiled at her,” Steve retorts bashfully, suddenly feeling self-aware that he was pretty drunk and getting lost in Billy’s eyes. 
“Because she was asking me to introduce her to Tommy,” Billy shakes his head and grins, “you know, you’re hot when you get jealous, Pretty Boy.” 
Before Steve can manage anymore words he’s roughly shoved into a kiss that makes him see fireworks as he closes his eyes. God, he wanted it, no, needed Billy on him now. The feverish pressure of Billy’s persistent lips makes Steve moan, inviting Billy to deepen the kiss; tongues hotly mingling and a mixture of cigarettes and alcohol flood their senses. 
When they finally pull apart, Steve whispers against Billy’s lips, “Mine.” and Billy nods his head with a smile. “Yeah, feelings mutual, Pretty Boy.” 
 This was so much fun to write!If you wanna send me anons, or prompt requests, feel free to! This one was from this post! 
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annhellsing · 5 years
notes: i gave up near the end and this sucks but have the first original thing i’ve written in two years. it sucks, ha. rating: teen af pairing: dracula kinda / female reader. word count: 3,284
Autumn slouches in to the city a little late this year. The leaves don’t turn until halfway through October and you were doubtful that homey, fall chill would come at all. The mad sprint towards winter is awfully hard for the weather to pass up, you imagine.
But in the middle of the month, you’re greeted with red leaves and grey skies. It rains every other day and any lingering humidity evaporates into a wet kind of cold. It sticks to your clothes and your hair, a sharp breeze blowing off the lake freezes your fingers on the walk to work.
You have your phone in your hand on the 31st, outside the warmth of your jacket pocket. It rings for longer than you expect, the noise rattles around in your head this early.
So when it stops and the call time starts ticking, you almost don’t register the hesitant, “Hello?” on the other end.
“Oh!” you exclaim, “hi, I know it’s a little last-minute but I was thinking about being a vampire this year. But the thing is, I can’t find anywhere that’s still got teeth in stock. Could you check if you have any for me?”
There’s a long silence on the other end of the line, you’re almost certain you can hear someone whispering. You hold the phone a little closer to your ear, tilting your head to try and hear what on earth is being said.
“It’s okay if you don’t—” you start, but there’s a sound like a frenzied gasp before the voice from earlier replies,
“You want to become a vampire?” they ask. It sounds like a man with an accent you can’t place. Without thinking, you laugh.
“Ideally, yeah. But all the usual places tell me it’s too close to Halloween, there’s nothing left. Shame on me for waiting, I guess. So, you got what I need?” the voice goes quiet again, but there isn’t any whispering to listen to.
“It can be arranged,” he says. You find yourself giggling again.
“That’s great, I’ll swing by around five,” perhaps the disembodied voice seems to sense the end of the conversation. There’s something frantic about the response.
“You know the way?” he says, “it’s quite remote,”
“Yeah,” you sound bemused. The man on the other end doesn’t sound so old to be unfamiliar with Google Maps. “Don’t worry about it. I’m in the area.”
There’s a muffled sort of sound, you can almost distinguish a, “Ah, yes, in that case—” before you’re greeted with more silence.
“I— cool, then. I’ll be there later on today. Have a good one,” you take the phone from your ear and tap the red button. The conversation ends.
Local costume stores are the weirdest, little places.
Have a good what? Dracula wonders why you were not more specific. His phone goes silent, the sound of a stranger’s voice still ringing somewhere in the high ceiling. It was like cold water thrown over him, both the scream from his device receiving a call and the idea of speaking to another person.
It’s dark in the chapel, lit only by braziers before the dilapidated organ at the end of the aisle. The sound of him playing nearly drowned out his ringtone, if it were for the infernal buzzing he might’ve missed the call. Fear grips him at tat.
He looks up at the bell tower that extends forever, turning over the conversation in his mind.
A hundred years of silence gave way to a very pleasant numbness after a while. His need for companionship dwindled, or perhaps he only wished it would. He grips the phone in a cold, tight fist and wishes he asked the name of his newfound companion.
But you’ll be here by five o’clock, apparently, though he knows not how. The why, on the other hand is clear. You wish to be like him.
He shoves the phone in his pocket, where he’d forgotten it for decades. How remarkable that its first and only connection would drag him forcibly from isolation. A century ago he might’ve been annoyed, might not have agreed so easily to such a commitment. But the promise of contact dissolves any hesitance on his part. He couldn’t feign disgust if he wanted to, not when this is perhaps his last chance.
The door to the main hall is ajar, spilling candlelight onto the stone. Worse still than the cathedral is the rest of the castle, he knows the state it’s in. And it won’t do for guests, certainly not ones who’ve expressed interest in staying here forever.
He takes two steps and thusly dematerializes, turning to smoke in a blink because he wills it so. The door is shut with a loud bang and a scattering of dust, Dracula’s allowed the place to crumble around him with no thought to its presentability.
There is a great deal of work to be done. He crosses the great hall in a blink, moving over old, brown bloodstains scattered on wood and a faded carpet.
It might, he thinks, be time to wake some help.
The costume store was a bust, the bell rings over your head as you leave empty handed. A bored teenager manning the front desk gestured vaguely to a picked-over rack and an absolutely tragic lack of something to pass as a vampire costume.
You thought it best not to ask after the man on the phone, she went back to browsing a magazine while you put up the pretence of shopping. Now, the cold bites your cheeks as you make the trek home.
Disappointment hangs heavy, but what did you expect? It’s the day before Halloween, the whole situation just snuck up on you. The sky is charcoal above your head, the light deciding that it’s had enough even on an overcast day. Soon, you’re walking in the dark down an abandoned street flanked by townhouses.
You can pick yours out of the bunch, it’s the one with the kitschy Halloween decorations scattered lovingly in the front yard. There’s an orange glow welcoming you, you consider that might just be more fun to stay in and hand out candy if you’ll be spending the holiday without a costume.
It doesn’t sound too bad, you suppose. You put your key in the lock and jiggle it slightly before it can turn. Inside is just as dark but decidedly warmer.
More important than any existential crises about what you’ll wear is how you’ll squirm out of the party you’ve been invited to. It seems like something of a cruel joke, to finally have plans only for life to eclipse them. You barely remember the host from high school and contemplate for a moment the embarrassment of being asked by strangers who you’re dressed as.
It’s not life-ending, but it wouldn’t be much fun.
You settle on the couch, reaching without looking to turn on the table lamp. In your other hand, you unlock your phone. It opens to the same page you landed on just before that strange, brief call earlier this morning.
The phone number’s written out on the costume shop’s website. Out of pure curiosity, you dial it up again.
“Corrine’s Costume Castle,” a familiar voice says over the phone. But it isn’t the man, you must be speaking to the girl at the counter. “How can I help you?”
“Hi— uh,” at this distance it might be safer to mention the other person you spoke to, “I had a chat with another employee earlier today, we talked about what was in stock. Could I speak with him?”
A pause, then, “Nobody else’s been in today,” the girl replies. She sounds like her nose is still half-buried in the magazine. “Maybe you got the wrong number? There’re a couple other costume shops, like, a stone’s throw away.”
“That’s probably it, whoops,” you tell her, perhaps a little too quickly, “thanks, have a good one.”
The line goes dead. You pull up the list of recent calls, looking to the one right below what you just dialled. You grip your phone a little tighter.
There’s an extra digit. Whatever number you called this morning, it wasn’t anywhere local. You were tired, your finger must’ve slipped and hit one number too many. And it made a great deal of difference.
He keeps time with the grandfather clock at the end of the dining room. Its large face and iron hands tell him it’s nearly nine in the evening. Long, thin fingers tap glass-like nails on the table. The blood in his glass has coagulated.
And still you have not arrived. Dracula is too cynical to be panicked, or to assume you’ve somehow lost your way. If it weren’t for the single number, your number trapped in his phone screen he might wonder if he imagined the whole thing. All his excitement and for nothing.
Glaring at the top half of his flip phone solves nothing, however. He shoves the glass of blood away and it falls over onto the table with a thud. Red blood gone cold and slimy trickles out, on to the tablecloth. In a flash, a man materializes and quickly removes the unwanted offering.
But the stain will stay, Dracula knows. He glances at it before turning his eyes back to your number. A brief pause before he decides what he’ll do.
Inhaling needlessly, he clicks the redial button and watches his phone spring to life. It doesn’t feel like very long at all, despite his mounting anxiety, until you pick up.
“I’m sorry,” is the first thing he hears. No hello, no hesitance.
“You are late,” he replies, keeping his tone very cool. Despite his inclination to think the worst, Dracula is coldly polite. You sputter on the other end of the line, it’s not exactly encouraging.
“Oh, man, listen—” you cut yourself off, “your area code is in Romania and I am decidedly nowhere near there.”
“Why would you insist you were nearby if you were not?” Dracula asks, the ice in his voice unmistakable.
“I didn’t actually know it was you I was calling,” you try to explain, “I dialled the wrong number, I just didn’t realize it.”
“It was a mistake?” he asks. And, just there, just around the edges is the faint trace of disappointment he’s tried to conceal. Perhaps you realize how much he’d been hoping.
“I thought you were a costume shop I live near, I wanted to go as a vampire for Halloween,” he exhales sharply, just as needlessly. As if what you’ve said is preposterous.
“I should have known,” he grits his teeth, the ends of his fangs press against his bottom lip. Such is the sudden pain in his chest that he can’t bring himself to care if you can hear it.
“Who are you?” you ask it, very slowly. He considers what he’s saying, what you must think of him and his jaw unclenches. You might hang up if he scares you, he grips the phone tight enough that the plastic is in danger of giving way.
“The name may not be familiar to you any more,” he begins. But to his great surprise, you laugh uneasily.
“That’s kind of the point when talking to strangers,” you tell him.
“In this case, it is somewhat different,” he says, “I asked if you wanted to become a vampire because it is a wish I can grant.”
“You’re a vampire?” you ask, sounding more bemused than incredulous. He doesn’t know why he cares if you believe him. “Like, Dracula? That isn’t your name.”
“How astute,” he replies, “yes, like Dracula. But that is my name.”
There’s a clunking sound from the other end of the line. What you say is rude and barely audible, he pushes his chair back from the table and stands.
“Pick up the phone,” he says, to his horror it’s more of a question than a demand, “please?”
“Shit, that’s—” your voice gets closer again. And though it sounds breathless and disbelieving, it’s still beautiful to hear. “You have to be kidding me.”
“I assure you that I am not,” he replies. He’s greeted by your nervous giggle.
“That’s— shit,” you finally decide. Dracula’s laugh is significantly more stilted, like the rustling of reeds.
“So you have said,” he seems just as startled by his own laughter as you.
“I mean, the logical progression of that is can you prove it?” you ask, but some of that earlier mirth slips back into the way you say it.
“Well, if you cannot make the journey here—” he starts.
“You think I’m going to let a vampire in my house?” you tease. Part of him wonders why you’re still on the line, even Dracula’s aware of the dissonance. “And one I barely know at that?”
“It was only a suggestion,” he replies.
“I want to believe you, actually,” you say, your voice sounds softer. Perhaps a little sad, “for a lot of reasons.”
“Why is that?” he reclines in his seat, propping his elbow against the armrest. The phone is still clenched in his hand.
“Maybe I’d be less alone,” you say it like it’s nothing, but his still heart gives a strange lurch.
Dracula’s hand errantly finds his chest, he presses his palm to his sternum but finds no movement. There is no source of the sharp pain in him, so distinct from but nevertheless in conjunction with loneliness.
“I am not lying,” he sounds perhaps more insistent than he ought. He worries briefly that he might offend or terrify. “I swear it.”
“On what?” you ask. To his delight, you brighten a bit.
“My own grave,” he replies, to a specific end. And it works, he hears your soft shout of laughter so many miles away. It’s a warm sound.
“Do you get lonely? In Romania?” you sigh and seem to regret saying it the second it’s said. Dracula hums.
“You are the first I have spoken to in a century,” he admits, “I think I am only beginning to understand how lonely it can be.”
“Wow,” you sound less incredulous, unflinching, “will you laugh at me if I offer up comfort?”
“Why would I do that?” he knows before you answer.
“In case this is a prank,” you tell him, “or you’re not who you say you are.”
“Whatever you choose to believe, I will not laugh,” is all the reply you get.
“That sounds like a level of isolation I don’t fully understand, honestly,” you seem to make your decision, “provided it’s true.”
“There is a reason I do not want you to hang up again,” he says, “considering I will be receiving no company this evening.”
“I won’t hang up,” you tell him, “I haven’t talked to anybody I know since I got an invite to this Halloween party.”
“Which is why you needed the costume,” he says, the pieces start to fit together. You hadn’t meant to call, that’s true, but he has a promise from you.
“Yeah, exactly. I put it off and now I’m stuck,” you say, “I wanted to be a vampire but it didn’t work out.”
“What I offered is considerably more permanent,” he says, he can hear the smile in your voice.
“I guess so, but I don’t know if I stand by my original hesitance,” you say, “unless you’re actually just crazy. Now you’ve given me hope!” you exclaim. But you sound uncertain, especially uncertain. “It’d solve a lot of problems, being a vampire.”
“Perhaps, but it creates many of its own that are distinct,” Dracula says. He’s become careless with his tone, settled into his chair.
“Oh, yeah,” you say, “but it’s been such a long time since anything happened to break up the monotiny. It’s just nice to dream.”
“I have been without companions like myself for considerably longer than a hundred years,” he says.
“Don’t you have brides?” you ask. Dracula hums and the sound is humourless.
“An exaggeration,” he dismisses. You choose not to press it.
“At least I go to school with other humans,” you tell him, “would you really turn me after a half-hour conversation?”
“If that is what you wanted after all,” he replies. Dracula blinks and shifts again in his seat.
The conversation is one he never expected at all, he hadn’t the faintest idea where it would lead. But it has turned sharply, come full circle with a new understanding shared by the both of you.
But then, there is a change.
“Oh, dammit,” you mutter, sounding distant from the speaker.
“What is it?” Dracula asks, “what is wrong?”
“Nothing, sorry,” you reply, “I just got a look at the time and the party—” the dread in your voice does something special again to him. There is another lurching that he still fails to anticipate. But Dracula does not assume that he is dying again a second time. “It starts soon and I’ve got nothing.”
“That is unfortunate,” he sounds at a loss. Perhaps now you will break your promise.  His heart sinks and the sensation is intense.
“I don’t know if I want to go, now,” you admit with a sheepish softness to your tone. “But I probably should, I can throw something together.”
“I understand,” it isn’t that he’s run out of words to say, but he knows when the fun’s ended.
“It’s been nice talking to you,” you tell him. He thinks you might just mean it.
“And I to you, my dear,” Dracula holds the phone to his ear, even as you say goodbye. Even as the sound of your voice and the slight static is interrupted by nothing.
He flips the infernal thing closed after a few moments of silence and sets it on the table. Dracula lifts his hand, debating summoning a minion to bring him a fresh glass of blood.
The buzzing from his phone is short and amplified by the hard wood underneath it.
The party is loud, painfully loud but you breeze through it easily. While the dark corners look appealing, you do have someone to greet. You see your friend through the crowd, Marnie’s wearing a red wig and you couldn’t miss her.
A few people turn to stare as you weave between bodies. The alcohol is flowing and the world is all dazzling colours. Distantly, you hear Monster Mash pouring from someone’s speakers.
Arms are around you as soon as your in range. Marnie’s always been friendly, even more-so when tipsy.
“I was fully expecting the text saying you weren’t coming,” she says with a laugh in her voice. You know what she means.
“I almost did,” you tell her. She holds you suddenly at arm’s length.
“Oh, my god, you look incredible,” she exclaims. Her head lolls, she looks you up and down with a beaming smile.
“So do you,” you reply, “you’re a perfect little mermaid.”
“The wig’s from Party City, you don’t have to lie to me,” but where the fuck did you get those contacts?
“My friend knows a guy,” you tell her, glancing over your shoulder.
Marnie’s eyes follow you over the sea of people dancing and enjoying the revelry. Tucked into a corner that you found more than appealing is a man. He’s tall, death-pale in a way that only makeup can explain. He stares off into the middle distance but suddenly and sharply turns to look directly back at you.
“Who’s he?” Marnie asks, “is he in one of our classes?”
“Not exactly, it’s a little more complicated than that,” you say, but you don’t turn back to look at her. You smile, showing fangs.
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hockey-fics · 5 years
Just Once ~ Vince Dunn (Part Two)
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Summary: Your history with Vince resurfaces when you both end up back in your hometown over the summer.
Word Count: ~4,200
Warnings: Pretty much the same as part one. Drinking. Language. Talk of, references to, and insinuations of sex (still nothing explicit though).
Part One | Part Three 
A/N: Just want to say thank you for all the positive feedback I received on part one, I really hope you enjoy part two! There will be a part three, no guarantees on a timeline for that though. 
“I can’t believe you’re doing this again,” your friend, Sarah, says as she pulls on her shoes by the front door of your house, leaving to let you finish getting ready for your date. To be completely honest you could barely believe you were doing this again either. “What’s the plan anyway? You going to move back to St. Louis with him?” she asks sarcastically, tying her shoes before standing back up. 
“The plan is to go on a date,” you deadpan. “It’s not serious, we’re just having fun.”
Sarah sighs, shaking her head. “Whatever you say,” she tells you with a look of disbelief. That was one thing about Sarah, her inability to ever just say what you wanted to hear. She wasn’t about to act like she thought this was a good idea unless she really believed it. “Why couldn’t you have just had fun with a guy you weren’t infatuated with in high school?”
“I was not infatuated with him,” you defend quickly. 
Sarah scoffs, rolling her eyes. “You absolutely were. You had a crush on him from the minute you stopped thinking boys were gross. Do you know how many people I liked as a teenager?” Sarah asks, exasperated as she waits only a second for the possibility of an answer before continuing. “More than I can count. But you, you had one. Vince. And you were so ridiculously in love with him until-.”
“Until he moved to play in the OHL. Yes, I know, I was there.” You fold your arms across your chest, defensively. She was only pointing out everything that had already crossed your mind, but you didn’t like dealing with the reality of the situation when someone else was pointing it out. “We were also sixteen so I’m fairly sure I was never in love with him.”
“Whatever capacity of love you can have for someone as a teenager you had for him. So maybe it’s not the same but it was very real,” Sarah tells you. “Just be careful with this, okay? You don’t need to have your heart broken by the same guy twice.” 
Sighing you reply with a simple nod, saying a quick goodbye to her as she heads out the door. Sarah’s words fill your mind as you get ready for your date, doubt about what you were doing swirling. But you push it back as best you can because you had already said yes. Had already made a commitment. But it was just one date. 
Hearing a knock on the door you head down the hall, pulling it open and taking in the sight before you. How Vince managed to only seem more attractive every time you saw him was simply unexplainable. “Hi,” you say, stepping back to pull on your shoes and grab your purse. 
“You look gorgeous,” Vince says, voice almost hushed as he watches you step out through the front door. “Dressed up this nice just for me?” he phrases it as a question, though both you and him knew it was a statement, a smirk on his lips. 
“For my second date later,” you joke, locking the front door. “Speaking of, we should get going and get this over with, I don’t want to be late for that,” you say, smiling teasingly at Vince. 
His hands land on your waist quickly, pushing you gently back against the door. “You should cancel that, I’m going to be keeping you busy tonight.” It’s frustrating how enticing his lips are, how badly you want them on your own, even standing in front of your house, fully in sight of anyone in the neighborhood. 
“My parents could get home at any minute,” you tell him. It did feel weird to say that, to have that concern after years of living away from your parents. But then again, this summer had felt like you had figured out the secret to time travel. Vince, on the other hand, had decided to find a short-term rental condo for the time being. It was a decision you assumed had been based around the fact that he had already thrown many a party in it since being back in town and perhaps he hadn’t been planning on it being with you, but the frequent hookups may have been a motivating factor in not staying with his parents as well. 
Vince chuckles and leans closer, pressing a quick kiss against your lips before pulling back and slipping his hand into yours. “Later then,” he comments, guiding you down the driveway to where his car was parked. 
Your lips tug into a surprised smile as he walks around the passenger's side of the car. “Did you google how to be a gentleman before this date?” you ask teasingly as he opens the door for you. 
“Was I really that shitty of a boyfriend back then?” Vince asks in a serious tone, hand resting on the car door. 
Laughing softly you shake your head. “No, you were sweet,” you say gently. “Just immature and a little stupid,” you add with a playful smile before getting into the car. 
Vince shuts the door for you, walking around to the driver’s side. Your eyes follow him as he walks around the front of the car, taken aback by this side of Vince. When you said yes to a date you expected to meet him somewhere for dinner, rush through it and then head back to his place. But then he said he wanted to pick you up, told you he was planning the date and now he was opening the door for you, concerned with whether he had been an okay boyfriend. It feels nice for a second, until Sarah’s words come back into your mind. Be careful with this. As Vince gets into the car you try to draw yourself back into the moment, pulling your seatbelt on. 
“Everything okay?” Vince asks. Another surprise. It wasn’t that he hadn’t cared about your emotions before, but it would have been a strange day for him to have noticed such a subtle change in them. 
With an, admittedly forced, smile you nod. “Yeah,” you tell him simply, hoping it’s enough. And thankfully it is as Vince starts the car, backing out of the driveway. 
“You want to pick the music?” 
“Vince Dunn is relinquishing the music rights to me?” you ask in disbelief, laughing as you reach for the aux cord. 
Vince glances over at you, smiling as he watches you happily plugging your phone in. “It was part of the google search,” he jokes. 
Scrolling through your music selection you make a decision before turning your attention back to Vince. “Setting the bar high.”
“Yeah, I don’t know what else I can do to top that,” Vince chuckles. 
“You’ll have to give me something else later tonight.”
Vince glances over at you, checking to see if he was correct in his assumption of what you were insinuating. “I don’t think that was on the how to be a gentleman list.”
“You’d have to google something else to get that as your suggestion,” you comment, quickly hitting skip on a love song that comes on shuffle. Unfortunately, it’s not quick enough for Vince not to notice, evident by the look he gives you from across the car. “So, where are we going?” you ask, trying to take the focus off the song you had skipped. 
“You’ll see,” Vince tells you vaguely. 
Shortly after Vince turns off the main street, the concrete giving way to a packed gravel side road. “Vince,” you laugh, looking over at him. “Where are you taking me?”
“Do you not trust me?” Vince asks, reaching across the car and taking your hand in his, fingers folding over yours. 
“Yeah, of course I do,” you reply without hesitation. It was the truth, but a part of you wondered if you had responded too quickly. 
Vince runs his thumb across the skin on the back of your hand. “Good.”
“Yeah,” you mutter, not entirely convinced that it really was that good. 
Shortly after you’re standing by the car watching Vince pull a blanket out of the trunk of the car, laying it out on a patch of grass not far from a cute little lake. “This was your idea?” you ask in shock as Vince places a selection of food and a bottle of wine on the blanket. 
He glances over at you with an almost sheepish smile. “Not exactly,” he tells you, picking up the bottle of wine and opener. “You’re going to have to thank Adam.” Opening the bottle of wine Vince reaches for a glass, pouring some of the dark red liquid into it before handing it to you. 
“Ah,” you state, as if it were a revolutionary confession, reaching over and taking the glass from Vince.  “Maybe I should date Adam,” you joke before faltering under the realization of what you had said. “I don’t mean that we’re, uh, dating. Obviously, this is just a date, we’re not dating-.” You stop talking mid-way through your rambling sentence, bringing the glass of wine to your lips and taking a fairly significant drink in order to keep yourself from talking yourself further into the hole you were headed down. 
Vince looks at you with a playful smirk. “Should I have brought more than one bottle of wine?”
A relieved breath of laughter leaves your lips as you nod. “Probably. I can’t believe you drink wine now.”
“I don’t,” Vince admits, joining you as you sit down on the picnic blanket. 
“Oh, you’re trying to impress me?” you tease. 
“Always,” Vince comments smoothly, an arm behind him as he leans against it, looking over at you. 
You gesture to the empty glass beside the bottle wine. “You actually have to drink some of it to impress me.”
Vince reaches for the bottle, pouring some into the glass, swirling the liquid around inside of it before taking a drink. “It’s fine,” Vince says with a shrug. 
“I think it’s good,” you tell him, taking another sip. 
“Then I’m sure it is,” he says, chuckling as he sets the glass down. You take a moment to glance around. At the small, still lake. The sun beginning to make a slow descent. The birds chirping were some of the only sounds you could hear. When you look back at Vince your eyes meet his immediately, staring unabashedly at you. You can’t stop the smile that forces its way onto your lips, your body reacting to his attention without your brain thinking it through. 
“It’s rude to stare,” you tell him, your smile not fading as you lean back on one arm, staring right back at him. 
“You’re too pretty not to stare at.”
“Sounds like someone’s trying to get laid,” you tell him teasingly, taking another sip of your wine. The sun feels warm against your skin, the stillness of the world around you easing any worries or concerns you could possibly be having, and you couldn’t deny how comfortable and content you felt, with Vince. 
Vince reaches over, his fingers running along your leg that was stretched out in front of you, fingers grazing along your thigh. To your surprise, his hand stops progressing long before you were expecting. It was shockingly innocent for the two of you, a simple touch without intent of anything more than that. As if to prove you wrong, that he wasn’t just trying to sleep with you. At least not right in that moment.  
Your conversation carries easily through the evening. Reminiscing about old times, sharing stories from the time you two had been apart, about your university experience and his season with the St. Louis Blues. Before long the sun has almost fully set, temperature dropping as the sky is alight with a collection of red and pink hues. 
Silence falls over the conversation as you look at the sky over the lake. “Tonight was really nice,” you eventually say, looking away from the sky and back to Vince. 
“Yeah, it was,” Vince agrees. “Adam should charge for his services.”
Laughing quietly you shake your head, sliding onto your knees and moving closer to Vince. “Tonight was nice because I like you, Vince, not because I like picnics that much.”
Vince is quiet but the gentle smile that forms on his lips says enough for you to know that the silence isn’t a bad thing. Leaning over he presses his lips to yours, the first kiss of the night that you can feel any sense of urgency behind. His hands move to your waist, pushing you down onto the blanket. You land gently on your back, supported by Vince’s arm around your back. Pulling his arm out from behind you he uses it to support himself as he remains over you, lips moving with yours slowly. There’s intent in his actions, you can sense that as his fingers slip beneath your shirt, but there isn’t a rush to it. Every time he touches you feels like the first time, just as electrifying, just as exciting. 
Despite the anxiety you were feeling about the location Vince manages to make you forget all about that.
“I can’t believe we just did that,” you say, breathless as you glance around as if you were about to suddenly discover that someone had been watching. There hadn’t been a single other person around the whole evening but the worry was there that someone may have stumbled upon the two of you. “I’ve never done anything like this,” you tell him. 
Vince chuckles, pressing a quick and gentle kiss to your lips. “I like being your first.”
Rolling your eyes you let out a breathy laugh. “Always did.”
Vince swallows heavily, the moment suddenly heavy with the reminder that this was all cloaked with so much history. Quickly you place your hands on his chest, pushing him back. “Can you get off me so we can put our clothes back on?”
Vince rolls off you and the two of you get redressed in relative silence. A few minutes later your attention is caught by the sky, by the stars, shining bright in the cloudless night sky. Smiling softly you glance over at Vince, moving closer and pressing your hands against his shoulders. “Lay down.”
Vince lifts his eyebrows, laughing softly. “Ready to go again?” 
“Shut up,” you laugh, laying down beside him, settling your body next to his. “Just look at the stars with me.”
Vince runs his fingers gently along your arm. Unbeknownst to you most of the time you spent looking at the stars Vince spent looking at you. 
A couple weeks pass after the date and as much as you wanted to say that you had managed to put some distance between you and Vince you simply hadn’t. Movies, dinners, everything you had said you wouldn’t do. The one date quickly led to the two of you spending more and more time together. Though neither of you would admit that the subsequent times spent together were, in fact, dates. 
Music loudly fills the condo at a volume that should warrant a noise complaint. Fortunately, the neighbors had been more than understanding of Vince’s frequent parties. Standing in front of a tall blonde guy named Jared with sparkling blue eyes you giggle at something he said. It wasn’t truly funny, but he was trying and you didn’t want to be rude. He checked the boxes. He was attractive, kind, and at the very least trying to be funny. And he was giving you his full attention, conversation peppered with compliments and flattering comments. But he wasn’t Vince. You were trying though, trying to remind yourself that what you had with Vince was casual and that if you wanted to flirt with this guy, hell, if you wanted to sleep with him there were no rules against that. 
Suddenly Vince is at your side, as if thinking about him was enough to manifest him into reality. He wraps an arm around you, standing slightly behind you as he pulls your body against his. “Come with me,” Vince whispers. 
You should say no, tell him you’re busy having a conversation. But what you should do and what you want to do were not in alignment and the desire to follow him wherever he wanted to go was incredibly strong. “Sorry,” you say to Jared as you take a step away from him. “Maybe we can finish this conversation another time, later tonight, or something.”
“Don’t count on it,” Vince says to him and you glance up at Vince in surprise. His hand slides to your hand, gripping it as he pulls you quickly through the condo and up the stairs. In the bedroom he closes and locks the door swiftly before pressing you back against the door. 
“Vince,” you whisper, his lips already on your neck, hands tight on your hips. “Slow down, what’s going on?”
“I want you,” Vince mumbles against your skin, hands fumbling with your clothes, moving with a speed and urgency that you hadn’t experienced with him this summer. Something beyond just desire was driving this. “I want to be the only one to have you.”
There’s a lingering scent of liquor from him and you wonder if that’s where these words are coming from. “We’re not together, Vince. You don’t get to say that.”
Suddenly Vince’s hands are on the back of your thighs, lifting you up. Clutching at his shoulders Vince turns around, carrying you over to the bed and dropping you onto your back on the now familiar bed.  “No? You want to be with someone else?” 
“Don’t,” you whisper, propping yourself up on your elbows. “Don’t be like this.”
“Like what?” Vince asks, running his large hands along your thighs. 
“You know the answer to that so don’t be an asshole about it.”
Vince slides his hand around your back, pulling you to sit up and look at him. “I’ve had too many drinks to follow this conversation,” he admits, sitting down on the edge of the bed, clearly waiting for you to spell it out for him. 
Shifting on the bed you slide one of your legs over his lap. “It doesn’t matter,” you say quietly, lips moving along his jaw.
Vince groans quietly, hesitating before pulling back. “Why are you lying to me?”
“I’m not...I’m not lying.” 
“Don’t try to talk yourself out of this because I’m drunk,” Vince says with such seriousness that you have to laugh. 
“You being drunk is exactly why we’re not having this conversation tonight,” you tell him, leaning in and kissing him gently. “We probably shouldn’t do this right now either, this is your party. Go make sure people aren’t lighting the furniture on fire or anything,” you tell him lightheartedly, hoping to clear some of the intensity. Pulling yourself off him you sit down on the edge of the bed, watching Vince stand up slowly. 
“You’re going to stay here tonight, right?” Vince asks, glancing back at you with a smirk when he gets to the bedroom door. “You coming?” 
Placing your palms on the bed you look over at him. “I’ll be out in a minute.” 
Vince falters before ultimately nodding and leaving the bedroom, the door closing with a soft thud. Sighing heavily you flop back onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling in the dimly lit bedroom. You sit in silence for a couple minutes, thinking, processing. When you sit back up your eyes are caught by the small table beside the bed, your phone charger, a half-empty glass of water you had put there the night before. The night before which you spent in that bed, and the night before that, and almost every single night since you went on that date a couple weeks before. Each time you convinced yourself it was just what was easiest, if you were sleeping with him it was just easier to spend the night than it was to head home so late. But you had gotten too comfortable, you knew that now. 
Quickly you stand up, grabbing your phone charger and the glass of water and making a hasty exit. Down the stairs you get to the kitchen, leaving the glass in the sink and searching the house till you find Vince. 
“Hey,” you say to him, smiling apologetically to the guy he was talking to. “I’m going to go home now,” you tell Vince, voice quiet to keep your conversation between the two of you. 
Vince furrows his eyebrows. “Why?”
“Because I don’t want to be here right now,” you say, words and tone much too harsh. “Sorry,” you immediately add, not wanting him to assume you were upset with him. Because you weren’t. It wasn’t his fault that you couldn’t keep things casual. That was on you and it wasn’t fair to take it out on him. “I’m just not feeling it tonight.”
Vince places his hand on your arm, gently pulling you off to the side of the room. There were still plenty of people around, but between the music and conversations, nobody cared to listen in. “The party? Or us hooking up tonight?” Vince asks, hand dropping from your arm. “Because we don’t have to fuck every time you spend the night, you know that, right?”
Swallowing hard you shake your head, not holding eye contact as you step away from him. “That’s the problem, Vince.” Fidgeting with the phone charger in your hand you finally look into his eyes. “This isn’t casual anymore, this was supposed to be casual. We need to stop doing this.”
Vince glances around, seeming lost and unsure of himself. “I-.”
“We can talk about this another time, just have a good rest of your night.” With that you turn around, taking the quickest route through the condo and out the front door. Pulling the door shut behind you your eyes meet with those of the guy you had been talking to inside, leaning against the metal railing around the small front patio, cigarette in hand. 
“I know I shouldn’t,” Jared says sheepishly, flicking some of the ash from the end of the cigarette. 
Shrugging you take a couple steps away from the door, which also meant a couple steps closer to him. “We all have our vices.”
“Hard to imagine you have many.”
Laughing sarcastically you stand a couple feet from him, hands resting on the railing. “Oh, I do.”
“Want to tell me about it?” he asks, bringing the cigarette to his mouth, blowing the smoke in the opposite direction to keep it from you. 
Taking a deep breath you look back at the house, mind flashing to Vince. “Not really,” you tell him, looking back and noticing the lopsided, amused smile on his face. “Nothing against you,” you add. 
“No, I get it,” he says with a laugh. “Is your boyfriend going to come and whisk you away again?” 
“He’s not my boyfriend.”
“Really?” Jared questions, eyebrows raised. “Might be the best news I’ve heard in a while.” 
Laughing you push a piece of your hair behind your ear. You aren’t sure what fuels what you say next. Perhaps it was feeling like you needed to get over Vince, feeling shitty about yourself for letting it get to the point that you needed to get over him for the second time in your life. “Do you want to get out of here?”
Jared quickly puts his cigarette out. “Definitely,” he replies and the two of you head down the driveway to where his truck was parked, only getting in after a promise that he hadn’t been drinking that night. 
It’s a short drive to Jared’s apartment and the conversation flows steadily though not easily, everything feeling just a bit forced with him. Climbing out of the truck you follow Jared into his apartment. “Bedroom?” he says, gesturing down the hall. 
“Mhm,” you hum, following him down the hallway. It’s all a little too formal, procedural. 
You can’t keep yourself from thinking about Vince when Jared kisses you for the first time. You wish you could say that it was just one thought of Vince. But when Jared rolls off you later that evening, looking beyond pleased with himself, while you were left entirely unfulfilled, you couldn’t stop yourself.
“Was it good for you?” Jared asks as you get off his bed, reaching for your clothes in the dimly lit bedroom. 
Half of you wanted to laugh in response, half of you felt bad because of the insecurity evident in his question. “Yeah,” you lie, pulling on your underwear and bra. 
“Good,” Jared replies. You can tell that even he, no matter how badly he wanted to, didn’t believe it. 
“Well, uh,” you mumble once you were fully dressed. “I’ll just, um, let myself out,” you say before making a quick retreat from the bedroom. 
Leaving his apartment you’re filled with an unshakeable feeling of regret. For some reason you felt like you had done something wrong. No matter how many times you told yourself that there was nothing wrong with what you had done it was ever-present, nagging. Walking home you find it hard to stop your mind from repeatedly going back to the one person you wished you could stop thinking about. Because it wasn’t supposed to be like this. It was only ever supposed to be one casual hook up. 
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emocean-is-trash · 5 years
when a friend of mine requested the prompt “Under The Cover Of Darkness” i had a really fun idea planned out. i hope you enjoy this royalty au with a twist!!
you can also find this on my ao3 @emocean_is_trash
if you’d like to request a prompt (the list is on ao3 in chapter 1) you can send me a comment there or message me here~ :) i’ll get to your prompts as soon as i can. thanks!!
“Psst Blake! Look out your window!”
Blake’s ears flickered and she opened her eyes from where she was sitting in her bay window, now looking outside into the darkness of night. Yang was crouched in a nearby tree, waving goofily and grinning from ear to ear. Blake unlocked her windows and slid the glass open as quietly as possible.
“How did you get up there?” Blake frantically whispered as Yang almost lost her balance on the branch she was perched on.
“Don’t doubt my climbing abilities!” Yang shouted in a hushed tone as she gave Blake a mock salute and smiled even more. “Were you asleep?”
“Well, you took especially long to get here, so I ended up dozing off while reading.” Blake sighed, a small smile appearing on her face.
“Nerd. You better hurry up or I’m gonna leave without you!” Yang chuckled as she began her descent to the ground.
“Like I would ever let you beat me.”
Blake stepped outside of her home onto the nearby ledge and closed her window. She rapidly climbed down the side of her home, using the support beams as a guide on where to land. After thirty seconds of waiting, Yang landed beside her and held out her hand.
“Ready to go?”
Blake took Yang’s hand and nodded.
“Where are you taking me today?” Blake asked as the two of them began to move at a slow pace across her backyard.
“I was thinking we’d go to our secret lake. Menagerie doesn’t have many places left to explore.” Yang explained, her tail swaying behind her.
“Sounds good.”
Blake squeezed Yang’s hand as they continued to stroll towards their destination.
Ever since Blake had laid her eyes upon Yang for the first time, she knew that the dragon-faunus was the most gorgeous woman she had ever seen. Her wild golden hair was left untamed and flowed freely in the mid-summer air. Her lilac eyes practically sparkled in the blazing sun. Yellow scales of many shades and hardened skin littered her right arm and were exposed freely. But besides her extremely toned body, a large golden-scaled tail swung behind her back. Yet for whatever reason, this beautiful woman wanted nothing more than to be with Blake.
As they continued to travel to the lake, the two of them exchanged more small talk and banter until they could clearly see the water and pier in front of them. Yang sprinted across the decking and cannonballed into the frigid waters before emerging and beaming at Blake.
“Can you blame me for wanting to take a swim? It’s really humid out tonight. Why don’t you join me in the water?”
“If you insist. Just let me take off my yukata. I had a feeling you’d want to swim tonight so I put a bathing suit on underneath.”
After Blake removed her clothing, she rushed forward and did a graceful dive into the lake. When she breached the surface a few seconds later, Yang whispered something along the lines of “show-off” before wrapping an arm around Blake’s shivering form.
“Hey, I never said that the water would be warm. But it’s okay! I’ll keep you warm!” Yang held Blake closely and rubbed a hand gently over Blake’s cat ears. Blake sighed at the motion, relaxing against Yang and looking out into the horizon.
“Yang, you do know that the ceremony is in two weeks right?” Blake’s gaze now focused on Yang, who appeared to sag at the admission.
“Yeah, of course I know. We’ll just have to spend as much time together as we can before then, Kitten.” Yang stated with a solemn look on her face. After a few minutes of silence passed between them, Yang spoke up again.
“Blake, can’t you just skip the ceremony?”
“You know that it doesn’t work like that. My parents will find a way for me to be there no matter the cost. They’ll send out an entire rescue team if they have to. Becoming the next chieftain is kind of a big deal.” Blake sighed, though Yang’s offer was quite tempting.
“I just...This isn't what you really want, is it?”
“No, it’s not. But there’s nothing I can do. If only you had been born into wealth...” Blake shut her eyes and grimaced at her confession. She knew that Yang understood where she was coming from, but she still felt bad that she couldn’t do what she truly wanted to.
“Why don’t you just run away with me? I don’t have much, but my family will take care of you. We can take a boat to Vale and find somewhere to stay off the grid.”
“Yang...we can’t. I don’t want to force you to live the rest of your life in hiding just for me. That would be unfair to you.”
“We’ve been meeting in secret like this for two months! And in those two months, I’ve realized that I don’t care if I have to give up everything. I want to be with you. I love you.”
“Yang...I’m sorry. You know that I am.”
“If you really care about me, then stop playing with my heart and stringing me along. Just give me a chance! Tell your parents the truth. If you try and it doesn’t work out, then I’ll be okay with that. But I’m not going to let you get taken away from me without a fight!” Yang shouted as she motioned her fist upwards, pulling Blake closer and staring intensely into her amber eyes.
Blake shivered and felt tears forming in her vision.
“I’m so sorry. I don’t think we should see each other again until after I become the chieftain. I can’t do this.” Blake pushed Yang away and rose out of the water, leaving Yang alone in the lake as she sobbed and ran back to her home.
“Blake…Don’t leave me...”
The next two weeks went by extremely slowly. Blake’s entirety of her time was spent rehearsing for the big day. She tried on several different dresses, she spoke to Sun’s parents about their living arrangements, and now she was in the midst of practicing her speech in front of her mother, Kali.
“...and when my father has stepped down as high leader and handed the torch for me to follow, I will continue to uphold his honor and legacy faithfully. I vow to lead with respect and valiance, to keep our country safe, and to protect us from the onslaught of war. Our enemies will always continue to spite us. But even so, I will stand strong in the face of adversity, for the bettering of all of us. This time of peace and acceptance will continue to flourish under my leading and beyond, forevermore.”
“Blake, that was wonderful! I’m sure the people will love it just as much as I do.” Kali praised, although Blake didn’t care about the ceremony at all at this point.
“Thanks mom.”
“Of course sweetie. Now, are you ready for the rest of your new life? You only turn 18 once, and even though you are spending a majority of the day receiving the crown, it is your coming of age. I’m sure that your vacation with Sun will be lovely. He’s a great guy for you.”
“Yes, I am ready. It’s my duty.” Blake answered shortly, looking out at the sun and sighing.
“Blake, is something wrong dear? You seem upset about something.” Kali questioned concernely, walking over to her daughter and placing a hand on her shoulder.
“No, it’s nothing. I was just thinking about Sun.” Blake lied, shaking her head and plastering a fake smile on her face. The only person she was thinking about was Yang, and she couldn’t seem to get the blonde out of her head no matter what she did.
“Aww, you really do like him huh? I knew he was going to be a good partner for you.” Kali cooed while squeezing Blake’s shoulder, reaching one hand up to nuzzle Blake’s cat ears.
“I guess so.”
Suddenly, a guard bursted through the door to the study and stepped inside, cutting off Blake’s train of thought.
“Miss Belladonna! We caught some scoundrels trying to sneak into the house from the back way.”
“Oh dear, lead me to them. Blake, would you join us?”
Blake could only nod and follow along as a sudden wave of nausea washed over her. It couldn’t be Yang, right? Yang knew better than to try something so stupid. Blake could hear a commotion going on in the living room, which was probably where the intruders were being held for the moment. Before she came to the conclusion as to if it was Yang or not, Blake had already stepped into the room and saw what was going on.
There Yang was, being held by the back of her shirt with her father Ghira’s right hand. Being contained in his left fist’s grasp was Ruby, Yang’s sister, her wolf ears twitching at Blake’s entrance into the room. Another guard held Taiyang’s arms and dragon tail behind his back, Yang’s father and her only other family besides her sister.
“This girl claims to know you personally.” The guard holding Taiyang stated, tightening his hold on the man’s wrists while gesturing to Yang who had a sheepish grin on her face.
“Let them go. Yang, come to my room. Send Ruby and Taiyang home.” Blake responded sternly.
“You’re just letting them go?” Kali asked while looking over at her daughter in confusion.
“Yes. I’m sure that they have learned their lesson by now. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have business with Miss Xiao Long.”
“Okay dear, if you insist. Guards, leave us. Blake will take care of it.” The guards exited the room and escorted Ruby and Taiyang out of the house. Ghira finally set down Yang, and Blake grabbed her wrist and pulled her up to her bedroom. She locked the door and slammed her hands on the wall surrounding Yang, cornering the blonde against the wall behind her.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing? Do you know how much trouble you could’ve been in? They could’ve taken you to jail!” Blake yelled as she felt her eyes begin to tear up. “They could have hurt you, Yang.” Blake practically whimpered as she dropped her arms to her sides and started to cry.
“Oh Blake..” Yang whispered as she wrapped her arms around the cat faunus and rubbed small circles into her back with her fingertips. Blake continued to sob into Yang’s shoulder for a few more minutes as she tried to take a few deep breaths.
“I don’t wanna be the chieftain, I don’t want to be with Sun. I just want to be with you.” Blake choked out between sobs as she buried her face in Yang’s shirt.
“I know baby, I know you do.” Yang whispered in Blake’s ear as she continued to draw circles on Blake’s back. After a few more minutes of crying, Blake finally calmed down and looked up at the dragon faunus.
“I think... I’m finally ready to tell my parents about everything. About us.” Blake mumbled as she sniffled and took another deep breath.
“Okay, good. I’ll be here for you every step of the way.” Yang smiled gently and grabbed Blake’s hand, reassuring her.
Blake smiled back at Yang and closed her eyes, trying to clear her mind as much as possible of her current nervous energy. After a few seconds of silence, she reopened her eyes and looked over to Yang earnestly before unlocking and opening her bedroom door. They walked out into the living room, still holding hands.
“Mom, Dad? I need to talk to you. It’s important.”
“Blake? What’s going on? You just stormed off to your room for no...” Kali started to say until she realized that the two girls were holding hands.
“I’ll get Ghira.”
Blake sighed and moved to the couch after Kali left the room, tightening her hold on Yang’s hand and sitting directly next to her.
“You can do this Blake, everything is going to be fine.” Yang reassured Blake again as she smiled at her.
“I hope so.”
“Now… who’s this supposed guest in our house that Kali mentioned? Oh. Hey there sport, what are you still doing here?”
“Dad, this is Yang. She’s...I’m in love with her.”
Ghira sat down on the chair across from the two of them and Kali did the same, a look of concern evident on their faces. A few minutes of awkward tension and silence occurred as Ghira and Kali whispered to each other, Blake not being able to totally pick up on what they were saying. Finally, Ghira turned to face them and cleared his throat.
“So Yang, how long have you been seeing my daughter?”
“It’s been..about two months I’d say.”
Kali sighed at Yang’s response and a saddened look passed over her face.
“Oh Blake, honey, you spent two whole months keeping this from us? You do know that we’ll always accept you no matter what you choose to do with your future, right? Nothing is set in stone.” Kali explained as she reached out and placed a hand on her daughter’s knee. Ghira chimed in next.
“If you truly care about this girl, and she promises to take good care of you, then you have our blessings. I don’t care if she’s poor or rich or who she is at all, if you love her then go for it.”
“Of course I’ll take good care of her! She means a lot to me.” Yang responded while beaming at the pair in front of her.
“Dad...thank you so much.” Blake exclaimed as she let go of Yang’s hand and stood up to give her parents a hug.
“Of course, my daughter. This is a bit last minute as your ceremony is tomorrow, but we’ll let Sun’s parents know of the change. Sun may be a little upset, but as long as you’re happy I am too. Now go spend some time alone with your girlfriend, you won’t need to sneak around with her anymore.”
Blake smiled and grabbed Yang’s hand, running out of the room into the backyard.
“Where are we going?” Yang asked in between long strides.
“You should already know by now.”
They had arrived at their secret lake again, Blake sitting down on the edge of the pier and motioning for Yang to do the same.
“First of all, what were Ruby and Taiyang doing in my house? Did you rope them into kidnapping me or something?”
Yang laughed out loud at Blake’s question.
“Ruby has this ingenious plan to try and break you out secret agent style. And Taiyang wanted to see if it would actually work. I agreed to it because why not? Any consequence would be worth it for you.” Yang recalled, wrapping her arm around Blake’s shoulders and swinging her legs over the pier.
“I guess I’m not totally surprised. Ruby would think that some plan like that would work. I’m just..I’m so glad that things worked out.” Blake answered while leaning into Yang’s touch.
“I am too. You know, things might be complicated right now, but we’ll figure this out. Together. I love you.” Yang turned Blake’s head and pulled her in for a tender kiss. They pulled away after a few moments and Blake leaned her forehead against Yang’s, smiling the most she had in months.
“I love you too. Now that I can be with you, that’s all that matters to me. As long as you’re by my side, we can get through anything.”
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katastroficwriter · 5 years
Cutscene #5
*Once again, I apologize for the late update. This update would feel very rushed--but that’s because of my inexperience with writing action/fighting scenes. And because I needed to push the story to where it needs to be as soon as possible. I hope this fact won’t reduce your enjoyment of my au. ^^;
May 18, 20xx, 4:43 pm
“Hey, Kiiboy?”
“Not now.”
“Yes now.”
Kiibo leaned against his seat, sighing in exasperation as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “What do you want this time? Can’t you see that I still have a lot of schoolwork I need to catch up on?”
“What I see is that you are in desperate need of a good walk in the park, my friend,” Ouma shamelessly plucked his roommate’s reading glasses and wore it on his head. “Getting stressed about doing work while doing work is hardly productive, you know.”
They spent a couple of minutes in an impromptu staring contest, to which Kiibo eventually forfeited.
“Fine. I suppose I do need a breather,” Kiibo snatched his reading glasses back from his roommate’s head. “As long as we don’t stay out too long, I guess it’s okay.”
“Great! There’s this good hotdog stand by the park. My treat!” Ouma grinned. ‘Step one--cleared.’
Kiibo shook his head. “No. I’ll treat you. You took care of me while I was sick.”
Ouma blinked in surprise before moving to cover his pleased smile. “Be careful there Kiiboy. Keep doing this and I might just fall in love~”
The albino simply rolled his eyes as he pocketed his wallet. “Ha, ha. Anyway, are we going or not?”
“Heck yeah we are!” Ouma skipped towards the doorway after shrugging his backpack on.
“What’s the backpack for?” Kiibo asked as he locked their room.
“It’s just in case something happens! Like sauce spilling on my shirt. Also first aid kit in case you...I don’t know, slip and fall or something. You’re just so clumsy that I can’t afford to be confident that you’re getting out of this trip unscathed.”
“Is this how you see me?” Kiibo huffed.
“I’m just stating facts, my good sir,” Ouma tipped his invisible hat. “Anyway we better hurry! If we wait around any longer they might run out of the good stuff!” He grabbed his roommate by the wrist and made a dash for the school gate.
After paying for their hotdogs, Ouma led Kiibo farther and farther from the crowd of people and into the forest. Which normally would raise alarm bells in any sane person who was being tugged into a forest. But this was Ouma. If Ouma wanted to murder him, he would have done so as soon as he went to sleep.
“Why are you taking me into the forest?”
“I usually go for walks while eating, and I happened to find this great spot to watch the sunset. There’s also a bench there! The best part is, no one really wants to walk all the way here just for a seat. So it’s practically all ours,” Ouma grinned.
“I see...”
“Oh it’s here! Man the light reflects really well in the lake--”
“A lake?”
“Yeah, a lake!” Ouma grabbed Kiibo by the wrist for the umpteenth time that day and led him to the bench with unbridled excitement.
Kiibo had his doubts, but the sunset view had rendered him speechless. Ouma wasn’t lying--the view was gorgeous. The way the sun’s rays bathed the forest with a soft yellow glow was something worth painting. Oh, if only he were a painter...
“You sitting or not?” Ouma punctuated his question by shoving the hotdog in his mouth as he patted the free space beside him.
“Ah,” Kiibo shook his head a little to snap out of his daze. “I’m sitting.”
Ouma simply smiled at him with his eyes since he was still busy chewing. At least he still had the manners to not speak while eating.
They spent time eating their snack in comfortable silence as they watched the golden orb that is the sun slowly sink under the horizon.
“Soooo...whatcha think?” Ouma tilted his head as he grinned--cheek stained with ketchup and mustard. Not at all ashamed of breaking the silence.
“...I think you need to clean your face up,” Kiibo heaved out a sigh as he made a move to wipe the other man’s face with a tissue. “And...you’re right. It’s pretty good. The price is affordable too.”
“Riiiight?! I always try to drop by their stand everyday--except when my schedule doesn’t allow me at all,” Ouma grabbed the tissue from the albino and started wiping his face on his own.
“By the way, there’s something I’ve been wondering about.”
“I still find it weird that there’s a bench all the way out into the forest.” Kiibo looked around their vicinity. It was his first time visiting the forest area located in the park, and he wasn’t too sure if it’s normal to find a well furnished bench hidden by trees and foliage.
“No, actually,” Ouma paused to finish his last bite. “It wasn’t here before, but maybe I’m not the only person who found this spot after all. Probably asked some of the people in charge to move a bench here.” That’s a lie, of course. This was simply Step 2 of his plan.
“I see...I suppose that makes sense.”
“Well, at least we benefited off of it,” Ouma smiled, stretching his arms over his head before standing up and walking towards the lake. “I wouldn’t have brought you here if it weren’t for the bench.”
“So the bench was the most important thing here and not the view?” Kiibo quirked a brow.
“Of course! My comfort--and in this case, our comfort is way more important than watching the sun,” Ouma wagged a finger as though he was sharing valuable wisdom. “We can enjoy the view better if we’re comfortable.”
“You’re right,” Kiibo then crumpled the hotdog wrapper and shoved it in his pocket. “...Anyway, it’s getting dark. We should head back now.”
“No! Not yet!” Ouma puffed his cheeks. “We’re not here just to watch the sun set. We’re also here to watch the moon rise!”
“The moon...you do realize it would be really dark in the forest if we actually wait for the moon--”
“I know! That’s why I packed a flashlight in my backpack,” Ouma waved a hand in the general direction of his backpack which was resting on the bench.
“You’re awfully prepared for this. Did you plan to lure me out here from the start?” Kiibo shook his head in mild disbelief.
“What if I was? It worked, didn’t it?” Ouma winked. Now this was definitely not a lie. “Relax. Just stay in your seat and watch the moon, alright? We’ll go home as soon as it’s over.”
Aquamarine eyes stared into amethyst. He’s really doing a bad job at winning in conversations today. “Alright. Dinner’s going to be on you tonight.”
“I accept your terms,” Ouma could see it--how relaxed the albino was. His pupils were slowly dilating--the moon wasn’t out yet but the dark sky was starting to affect him. His body knows what’s about to come. Fortunately for both of them, Ouma knows too.
Truth be told, the thought of watching the moon rise filled him with dread.
Kiibo found it odd how he couldn’t remember anything that’s transpired during nighttime for the past few week. He can’t trust himself to study at night because of this. Which is why he rescheduled his studying time to the afternoon. It scared him a little--feeling this way. But surely there wasn’t anything wrong with him? Maybe he was falling asleep without him realizing which is why he doesn’t remember much about the night before…
“Kiiboy, it’s here.”
Prompted by his roommate’s voice, he looked up at the rising moon.
That was when he felt completely odd. His body froze at the sight of the glowing white orb on the darkened sky. His body felt hot. Extremely hot. His bones were aching. His entire body was shaking. His mind was growing blank the longer he stared at the glowing celestial body.
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The worst part were his thoughts.
Tear it to shreds!!!
Such violent words invaded his mind. Words that have never crossed his mind were filling his headspace. Commanding him to obey. He moved to stand up, trying to steady himself with the bench.
The pain that followed was sharp. Excruciating. It felt like he was being ripped apart and then later reassembled into a form that’s only vaguely his. Much like a badly sewn ragdoll that was given the Frankenstein treatment.
“Gghhk!!” The pain was unbearable. He couldn’t hear himself. But he could feel it. He could feel his throat growing raw from all his screaming. He felt like he was being slowly ripped apart from the seams.
Deaf to his own screams of agony, Kiibo didn’t realize that the sound that left his mouth were no longer screams of a pained human being--but rather the angered howls of a wild beast.
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The soft rustling of the trees and the sight of leaves falling like gentle rain did little to calm the situation.
“Heh...not a bad form at all, Kiiboy. You’re honestly a lot bigger than what I expected you to be.“
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“But size has never stopped me from putting a pup in its place.“
Their battle was without ceremony. What else do you expect when one of the parties is a rampaging werewolf?
Kiibo was completely acting out on his new instincts. The instinct to kill any and every vampire in sight. Despite his rather large form, his agility was not to be underestimated if Ouma wanted to live. Which he does.
Ouma swiftly transformed into his bat form and flew above his rampaging roommate before reverting to his previous form and landed a strong kick across the werewolf’s torso--sending it flying into a lake. He took this chance to catch his breath and to assess the damages he’s sustained.
“Tch...I won’t be able to hold out for too long at this rate...” he panted. “The one thing I desperately needed but failed to get a hold off--blood. Fucking awesome.” He glared at the torn sight of his navy blue hoodie. “He owes me a new hoodie too.”
The werewolf let out a furious howl as soon as it got out of the lake’s watery depths. It seems kicking him in ice-cold water only made him angrier.
Ouma cursed his exhaustion when he lost his footing mid-dodge. He grunted as his head collided against a tree before getting pinned beneath the growling creature.
“Shit--!!!” Ouma screamed when he felt Kiibo’s canines dig in his right shoulder. “Get off me you dumbass!” he aimed his punches at the albino’s eye in the hopes of making it lose its grip on his shoulder. Fortunately, it worked.
The vampire then struggled to move his legs upwards until his knees are pushing against his chest. “I said get off!!!” He kicked Kiibo on the chest with both of his feet as hard as he could.
Ouma then grabbed a fallen tree by its roots and smacked Kiibo away from him, not giving the werewolf time to recover at all. With a palm resting against his bleeding shoulder, he teleported on the werewolf’s back and dug his nails into its shoulder, eliciting a pained howl followed by another angrier one.
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“Oh shut up! I’ve had enough of your BULLSHIT!” It had been centuries since he’s had his fangs out in its full length. It almost felt alien to him. Almost. He made sure to put in all of his strength into this one bite.
The deliciously rich flavor of werewolf blood mixing with Kiibo’s human ones filled his throat much to his content. His strength was returning and he could already feel his wound closing. Even Kiibo was having a hard time getting him off his back due to his growing strength.
Ouma only let go once he felt the muscles and bones beneath him shifting and crunching. He licked his lips as he watched his roommate slowly revert back to his original form. His naked and shivering form.
The vampire then moved to grab his backpack from the mess of fallen trees and pulled out a fresh change of clothes he got for Kiibo. He didn’t miss the confusion in the albino’s eyes when the latter saw his bloodied form approaching him in calm strides.
“What...happened?“ Kiibo’s voice was hoarse. Raw from all his screaming and howling before, during, and after his transformation.
“Oh, nothing much. Just had some intense make out session that got of hand. Ended up destroying a few trees here and there because of how amazing a kisser I was,” Ouma deadpanned. “--Of course that’s a fucking lie! You turned into a werewolf Kiiboy! I could have died!” He tossed the clothing at the albino with a frown.
“A...a werewolf...?” Kiibo blanched at the thought.
“Wear your clothes first. I’ll answer your questions later,“ Ouma idly rubbed his right shoulder, hiding his satisfaction of finding that the wound was no longer there.
Due to the roughhousing earlier, the bench got wrecked into mere splinters, and so they had no other options but to sit on the grass. As Kiibo listened to the voice recording Ouma took with his new phone, he felt dizzier and dizzier. The screaming was definitely his. And although it was a little vague--even during the growling parts, he could still hear traces of his voice coming from it.
Ouma’s bloody face and clothes were an indicator that this wasn’t an elaborate plot just to mess with him.
“I...how? This never happened before!” Kiibo regarded his companion with panicked eyes. “How could I...how could I suddenly turn into a monster?!”
“The ‘dog’ you took care of was a werewolf, you ding-dong,“ Ouma huffed. “How could you even mistake a wolf for a dog!?”
“It was barking, Ouma-kun. Wolves don’t bark! They howl, they growl--they don’t bark as often as dogs do!” Kiibo hissed, faltering a little when the pain from the previous skirmish was finally registering.
“Tch. Terrific acting from an old bastard, I see,” Ouma bit on thumbnail. “...In any case, everything’s going to be okay.”
“Okay? No I’m not! How am I supposed to deal with this?!” Kiibo grunted when he felt a slightly dislocated shoulder pop back into place. One of the perks of his new predicament is his enhanced healing. Not that it made him any happier. “There’s going to be another full moon tomorrow and--I still have a lot of schoolwork to do! I can’t--I can’t possibly juggle being a student and a monster at the same time!”
“Of course you can! All you need is some proper training and you’ll be able to keep your self-awareness even during a full moon,” Ouma patted him on the back. “Dogs can be trained. And you’re practically a big dog. Chin up!”
“Training. I don’t even know where to start.... For one thing I won’t be conscious tomorrow to even think of training, am I?” Kiibo groused, burying his face in his knees.
“It’s fiiine. Because I’m a vampire. I can keep you in check,” Ouma smiled.
Kiibo lifted his head to glare at him. “Look, it’s nice and all that you’re trying to cheer me up. But cracking jokes like that just makes me want to smack you. Because now is definitely not the time for jokes like that.”
“Huh? But it’s not a joke though! See for yourself!” Ouma tapped his neck on the left side, prompting the albino to do the same.
Kiibo froze when he felt two deep puncture wounds on his neck which was still in the process of healing up. He looked up at Ouma, eyes widening in shock when the latter unabashedly showed him his fangs.
He knew that he really should be more shocked--but the revelation that he’s going to be stuck as a werewolf monster for the rest of his life took the brunt of his shock. Not to mention how it felt like he had solved a mysterious riddle surrounding his odd roommate.
“Is that why you’ve been going around licking my wounds all this time?”
Kiibo hid his face in his hands. His days of peace are now over.
“Nishishi! Don’t worry, I know a thing or two about werewolves~” Ouma snickered. “I’ll train you in exchange for your blood!”
“M...my blood?” Kiibo gulped.
“Mmmhm~” Ouma placed a finger against his own lips. “Now that you’re a werewolf, I could feed to my heart’s content without worrying about turning you~”
“I...I see...” Kiibo’s mind was reeling from the new knowledge. He knew he didn’t have much choice. Ouma was a vampire--another monster. He was pretty much the only person who can restrain him in his werewolf form as proven by this night alone. This was his only bet of maintaining his normal life without causing trouble for everyone. “...Alright. I accept.”
Ouma’s pupils narrowed into slits as he smirked. “That settles that then.”
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blankdblank · 5 years
Anaticula Pt 21 b
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Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - Pt 6 - Pt 7 - Pt 8 - Pt 9 - Pt 10 - Pt 11 - Pt 12 - Pt 13 - Pt 14 - Pt 15 - Pt 16 - Pt 17 - Pt 18 - Pt 19 - Pt 20 - Pt 21 - Pt 22 - Pt 23 - Pt 24 - Pt 25 - Pt 26 -  Pt 27 - Pt 28 - Pt 29 - Pt 30- Pt 31 -
Because somehow i managed to screw this up, here is what was supposed to be pt 22.
Barty, “If I was a giant invisible bird, where would I build a nest?! Think like a bird, think like a bird!!!” he muttered to himself making you all chuckle between your ragged breaths while more streaks of lightning lit up the sky between the hail stopping in the hidden onset of snow.
“Oh wow.”
Their heads turned asking, “What, what is it?!”
Barty, “You see them?!”
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You pointed at the lake as you skidded to a stop panting while they all eyed the growing cave of ice growing over the surface before a streak of lightning crashed into it parting your lips as you saw the Thunderbird dive through the cave breaking it apart and sending it and another bird into the water. Wetting your lips you saw the pair of birds breaking through the layer of ice on the surface sending water into the air that spread into large frozen pillars and you asked lowly, “Can you see them?”
Collectively they said, “No.”
Nodding your head you watched the pair firing bursts of ice and lightning at one another, “Ok, this is not happening!” your hand twitched and your broom was wrapped in your hand. In a hop you were on it racing towards the storm they all now saw as a giant duo of birds you were soaring towards.
Cedric whispers, “What are you doing?”
Twins, “Winging it.” Making the boys snicker softly to themselves.
Loudly their screeches sounded in your weaving flight to avoid their battle until you managed to get between them and shout out, “Excuse me! But we live here too!”
Steadily they flapped their wings eyeing you in your glances between them, in the gusts from their flapping wings your bangs whipped across your face back and forth as you said through the low hum of the Ice Bird in recognizing you. “You need nests, we can help give you the perfect habitat for your eggs. Just, stop tearing ours apart.” At the growth of two pillars of ice they landed looking you over. “That is our nest, we are the eggs. You need to stop fighting or others will come to trap you again. We’ll free you both, but you need to stop fighting!”
Their heads cocked to the side and the storms dropped revealing the stars on the cool chilly night, and you said, “Does it need to be near water?” The Ice Bird nodded his head saying while you saw the guys mounting their brooms as you said, “There’s another lake in the forest, should be enough room for the pair of you.” They took off again and followed after you eyeing you all and the forest below.
Off on the far edge of the Centaurs’ borders you found a cliff side over the side of a river feeding into a small lake fed from a waterfall from above farther down the cliff. All around the lake you saw the birds eyeing the walls as the water frosted over, the Thunderbird eyed a platform above a little farther down the wall with the Ice Bird wanting the spot where it stood. Landing beside you the guys eyed their beaks tapping the walls.
Peering up at Barty you asked, “Do you think we could take the vaults out of the school without it collapsing from some spell?”
Barty chuckled, “Only one way to find out.”
Turning your head again you spotted the Dragon in her path to you holding her own nest in her hand eying the chosen location. All in agreement you inhaled deeply clapped your hands and summoned your draconic magic book from home that flipped to the right spell, slowly you read over the page and eyed each spot with the great birds turning to look at you. Softly they chirped feeling the magic swirling around you all until behind them in their chosen spots their own vaults appeared with doors open for each of them to inspect, including the Dragon, who thanked you for her own vault off to the side from the Ice Bird’s keeping the connecting hall but granting her her own exit as well.
Wetting your lips you asked the Dragon, “I was wondering.”
A grin eased onto her face, “Yes little Phoenix?”
“I have a friend, would you mind, that is, he would love to see you, meet you, all of you. Would you agree to meeting him?”
Looking at each of them they nodded and you grinned in their move to head into their vaults that the doors sat open but sheets of crystal coated strands fell from the sides sealing the entrance allowing them through freely. With a chuckle the Dragon reached up touching one of the crystal patches of scales to inch a loose one free that it handed to you saying, “If you need us, call. You are always welcome here. We hope to hear you sing some time.”
You nodded, “Thank you, and you are always welcome in Hogwarts too. If you change your minds, we can move you back again.”
She chuckled saying, “The woman who opened our door, she is nothing like you. Had you found us, or your mother, we could have found peace. But to open our doors in greed, it festers and spreads through the innocents around us. With the eyes of a wonderer, I apologize for the pain it has caused. There are many doors in your nest, you are in danger from that woman.”
“We know. Do you know where those doors are?”
You nodded and smiled at her, “I will let you rest and inform you when my friend can visit.”
She nodded her head turning to her door, “Sleep well little one.”
Barty grinned when you got back to their sides asking, “Comfy cozy out here?”
You nodded, “Yes. They even agreed that we could come visit with Newt.”
The twins chuckled, “Oh he’ll love that.”
Wetting your lips you fidgeted with the ends of your sleeves as you pocketed your crystal scale alongside your feather making Cedric ask, “What else did she say?”
Your eyes met his, “She said if I had opened the door the sickness, it wouldn’t have spread.” Their lips parted in shock, “Said Patricia opened it out of greed. Let out the sickness. If a wonderer had opened it they could have stayed peaceful. But because she wanted something everyone suffered for it. They said there are many doors in the castle, didn’t know where to find them, but they said she’s dangerous.”
Barty nodded and he said, “Perhaps its best we have a chat with Dumbledore then.”
On your brooms again you took a lap around the school seeing the giant hole in the tower Barty easily mended again with a wave of his wand in your circle to head back again to the main courtyard to head through the school to go and inform the Professors all locked in a huddle of what you had seen and done.
A wave of relief washed over them that the creatures were safely moved and content again but the tentative glances still flashed at the reminder that Patricia might just know where these other doors might be. In their move to guide you to the dinner they had prepped for you in the Great Hall, across from the usually empty hall where the Phoenix had moved to for extra space and quiet near the duo, who had used two of the chairs to perch on for the night.
With a giggle as you eyed the trio you turned your head to Professor Kettleburn who asked, “Any clue as to, what might be behind these doors? More importantly, if they are, that large?”
You shook your head, “Sorry. We will try to look into it some more. See what can be dug up.”
He nodded, “If anyone can.” He sighed painfully shuffling his way to his room, “You four can.”
Students moved back, and by noon the very next day flooded copies of the creatures were sent out on your school papers that eagerly Luna had sent off to the Quibbler as a boy named Doyle had sent his copies off to his mother who works in the Daily Prophet. No doubt there was question raised as to what had set the creatures off, and in means of tracing Patricia yourselves and not to raise suspicion her name was left out of it. But the silence past yourselves and the Professors brought up a creeping suspicion from you ringing eerily familiar from the younger trio who had been up to mischief the year before as well.
Things seemed to dip into a new sense of normal while you continued to delve through the library in school and at home in hopes of finding more clues on the vaults. Meanwhile the next Quidditch game was coming up fast. Between your prepping and Luna’s inching closer to you through Neville’s spare time being spent in helping Professor Sprout along with the other Puffs to aid in stocking up on herbal remedies and supplies for any potion necessary. Snape as well used his weekends to his advantage to stock up through the frequent letters from Alastor and Newt as well hoping to schedule a visit as soon as could be managed, to see the creatures you had detailed for himself.
Lunches meant you were nearly all crammed in one another’s house tables, though today at the snapping of Draco’s patience from Luna’s latest conversation with Ginny he gripped the straps of their bags guiding the girls towards your group. Peering up at him you caught Neville’s slight blush and dry swallow as Luna was moved closer to him, all but nudged onto his lap. Through an un-amused tone he plainly stated, “You’re dating now.” Drawing out his wand he shot up a confetti spell making you glance between the blushing pair as the other students did as well wondering what the celebration was for. “There, now everyone knows, yay! I’ll go make the cake and get onto my studies!” Turning around he walked out the hall after setting off another confetti charm, halfway to the door when he waved his wand that set off a rain of crimson heart shaped confetti marked with ‘Neville & Luna Forever!’
A soft giggle left you and Ginny inched closer to your side to sit on Fred’s knee at his gentle pat while Neville made room for Luna to join in on the studies into the school’s secrets. Dozens of artifacts and heirlooms had been uncovered, a good deal of them charmed and cursed that were properly housed or had the curses broken in moving them for display. Yet in all this still no door was found leaving the younger group to wonder just what you were searching for.
In your moving up to the RoR for another study session with the younger years you caught Neville walking bashfully beside Luna, who kept stealing glances up at him beside her. In passing the knight’s portrait Neville swallowed and asked her, “You, you like Quidditch?”
Luna’s head nodded, “It is an interesting sport. I heard Draco is going to be Seeker this year, and is quite eager for the first game against Hufflepuff in December. I supposed that I should join Ginny in cheering on Gryffindor.”
Neville nodded, “Oh, ya. So you’re going with Ginny then. Sounds, sounds like fun.”
Her head tilted and she said, “Though Ginny seems a bit uneasy on teaching me the rules.”
Neville’s eyes lit up, “I could teach you!”
She smiled at him, “Would you?”
He nodded, “I know all about Quidditch. I could have you a master of it fully by December if you’re willing?”
She nodded and he inched closer to her side on the next flight of stairs at her hand folding around his elbow met by another at the top for her to subtly lean against his side in waiting for the enchanted door to open.
The match went smoothly, at least you caught sight of the same redhead mingled in the audience parting your lips as you spotted the hexed bludger soaring after Harry. In a race down the steps to the pitch with the twins after you a final blow and crash to the grass had Harry on his back beside Lockhart. His hands folded around the boy’s arm between them a charmed pendant that lit up to a bright red at the raining bits of the bludger Hermione blew up. At once the pendant pulsed and then split in half in Harry’s gasp when his arm went limp.
“Harry, let’s get you to the Hospital Wing.” You said helping him up.
Behind him Terrence climber to his feet peering at you curiously only to flinch away from Lockhart in his approach to pop up flinching at putting weight on his badly dislocated knee, “All good, yup.” His eyes darted over to your back as his broom shot over to him easing his hop onto it to follow after you and Harry on his broom towards the castle. A single dose of Skel-A-Grow and a Hospital bed later found Harry laying up sleeplessly in the Hospital Wing wondering just what had happened today and why you were glaring at that woman seated by an odd gangly looking hook nosed man with sunken cheeks and dark eyes that both seemed to vanish into thin air when he was with you flying to the school.
Harry, “What could have been so bad about those two to set Jaqi off them?”
Ron shook his head in a shrug of his shoulders, “Not a clue.”
Hermione, “She does look familiar.”
Harry nodded, “Yes. She can’t be a Gryffindor.” He said patting his hand on the pile of books holding pictures of each student graduating from Gryffindor each year with pictures to capture each of their years in the house.
Ron, “Well we could easily check the ones from Hufflepuff and I’m sure Ginny could lend us the ones from Ravenclaw.”
Hermione pursed her lips as Harry said, “How would we get into Slytherin though?”
Ron, “Doubt Percy would help. He only helps Jaqi and the twins when it suits him.”
Hermione, “Perhaps there’s another way to find out.” Instantly she gripped their arms guiding them to the library where she was off in search of the proper book while they slumped in their seats and plopped their arms and heads onto the table in front of them while waiting for Hermione.
“Serpensortia!” Draco shouted in the now weekly assigned Dueling Club meetings straight at Harry making you grumble from the seating along the wall to wait for your year’s turn to duel so you could leave, a freedom nearly granted to the first years at the near final pairs being called up.
Stepping closer to the snake Harry began to whisper in Parsltongue, the simple urgings to leave Justin alone were answered and at an irritation for the spectacle continuing any longer Snape called out, “Vipera Evanesca” sending the snake back from where it came.
Curiously the first years looked over Harry until the Ravenclaws from your year chuckled at the teasing comments on just having another Parseltongue speaker from your family and you could have dressed like a Runespoor for Halloween. The jokes calming the mood as the youngest students were reminded from upperclassmen that you were Slytherin’s Heir and had found the Chamber of Secrets and Basilisk inside.
One after another you paired off until the final group and you were all released to spend the rest of the day how you wished, fleeing Lockhart’s company before he could force more onto your free hours. For three weeks you continued to tolerate him and his weekend lessons between stolen glances at the out of place cauldron brewing up a polyjuice potion in Myrtle’s bathroom.
The night before your latest trip to Hogsmeade you laid up sleeplessly wondering at the aloof responses to your request for lists from the trio as to what they wanted from Hogsmeade near the end of November. Even on their worst days they were thrilled to get a supply of sweets and prank products and yet they said nothing past a few random bits and bobs. At the foot of your bed you eyed Fred and George with their maps between them saying, “Something’s up.”
Sitting up you tilted your head to eye each corner of the maps they showed, Fred pointing to the boys hurrying into the Slytherin dorm and George pointing out Hermione alone in Myrtle’s bath. “What are they doing?”
Together you gasped, “Polyjuice!” Instantly you three raced barefoot in your pj’s through the common room out to the halls, leaving the boys to their own in full speed for Hermione. Taking each back path you could you finally found the bathroom you raced into calling out, “Hermione?”
Soft sniffling was heard echoing over the sound of Myrtle’s cackling and timidly you walked around the broken glasses you charmed to shift to dirt so none would get hurt from the glass. Around the first corner you spotted the only locked door where you gentle rapped your knuckles, “Hermione.”
“Please, go away.” She sniffled again.
George, “Oh Hermi, come on now.”
Fred, “Only two things could have gone wrong with that potion.”
George, “Either you grabbed animal fur, or,”
Both, “You tore your clothes.”
She sniffled again and you said, “You know the first time Percy tried Polyjuice potion a feather from Errol fell in. Sprouted wings and wouldn’t stop screeching for weeks. We found the potion to reverse it you know. I’m certain even Madame Pomfrey has seen this a time or two.”
George, “Please come out sweety.”
Fred, “No laughter here.”
Sniffling again you could hear her stand up and move to unlock and open the door that shifted back to reveal her coated in fur with cat ears and a tail and bright yellow eyes. Looking her over you asked, “Slytherin robes?”
She nodded and stepped out, “We wanted to see who the woman was.”
“Red hair?” She nodded again and you sighed holding out your hand gesturing her closer out of the stall to guide her to the sinks and you sighed, “Patricia Rakepick. She went to school with me and Harry’s parents in Snape and Professor Tennant’s years. Caused up a stir, Alastor asked us to let him know what she does in her visits to the school.”
Eyeing the mirrors Hermione turned her head saying, “I don’t need to see my reflection. I won’t do it again.”
You chuckled, “That’s not why we’re walking to the sink.” Turning your head you whispered in Parseltongue making her lips part at the sinks separating, in her glance up at you your smirk deepened, “Let’s go get that potion started and then we’ll take you to the Hospital Wing. I’m certain the boys can manage tonight. If not, detention with Lockhart will set the straight.” Making her chuckle as you shifted to Phoenixes and carried her down the tunnel into the Chamber.
At your feet hitting the ground she glanced up seeing the light from the tunnel cut off at it sealing again and she asked, “This is the Chamber of Secrets?”
You nodded and the twins answered, “Quite handy for our workshop till we open our own shop.”
Anxiously her hand folded in yours and you rubbed her arm saying, “No need to be nervous, it’s cozier through here.” Eyeing her stare up at the open mouthed snake statues all around the pathway you were on that calmed at the warm office she gladly settled into the arm chair by the warm fire that lit itself to heat up some tea in your path to your workstation.
Through the book you flipped until you found the right potion you then began to brew up noting the week long process for it to be complete. A noted herb to reverse the fur was found in your supply and passed to Hermione on your way to guide her up to the Hospital Wing. Past the stern gaze and raised brow of Madame Pomfrey you watched as she passed over another potion to help the herb take effect reversing most of the effects, leaving just the eyes, ears and tail which Hermione would have to deal with until your potion had finished brewing.  
Again another trip to Hogsmeade was coming up and in the passing on of fact for who you were upset with the name of her accomplice, Dolph had been uncovered by the boys just leaving why Alastor could be looking after the duo and had asked you to do the same. A simple list of treats from poor bored Hermione was carried out of the Hospital Wing as you tried not to giggle at the ridiculous get well card propped up and open on her bedside table she kept hidden from Ron and Harry in their visit that Lockhart had sent her. The outside had his face on it and inside read,
"To Miss Granger, wishing you a speedy recovery,
from your concerned teacher,
Professor Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defence League and five-time winner of Witch Weekly's Most-Charming-Smile Award."
The first weekend in December was upon you soon enough and in the usual blustery blizzarding conditions you sat atop your broomsticks wondering just where Professor Dumbledore had been. He was never one to miss a game and yet his seat sat open and all the Professors seemed uneasy about it. But it wasn’t until you were helping Draco to warm up after your win that your teams both gathered in the separating hall to your locker rooms at Minerva’s place there with a worried expression on her face.
Draco, “Professor?”
Minerva drew in a breath then said, “I wanted to tell you all first since we’ll be making an announcement in the Great Hall over cocoa. Professor Dumbledore has been placed on suspension.”
You all asked, “What? Why?!”
She shifted on her feet then said, “A group of Aurors have convinced the Ministry that until the situation with the Ice Bird and other creatures have been explained fully he should step aside.”
“Who is taking over?”
Minerva, “I will be holding those duties along with my own until they come to their senses.” She motioned her hands, “Now, change and come back to the Great Hall for cocoa.”
Lingering behind a glance from her assured you that two of those Aurors were the two that had arrived the prior week and just why they wanted Albus out of the way, so he couldn’t help you at all.
Cocoa erupted into chaos that was eventually calmed until you split into your own house groups wondering just what the plan was, other than your group that delved once again into the seemingly endless list of books to explore for secrets. But as always Hogsmeade the following day broke through the worry as plans for the trip began to form distracting the great majority.
In the dark of night horns erupted from the forest tearing you from sleep. Blaring through the common rooms Minerva’s voice once again sounded over the intercom, “All students remain in your dormitories all midnight classes are cancelled.”
Upright you sat turning your head to see the trio of boys doing the same, all at once it seemed along with the other students you all hurried into a frenzy to get dressed. Hopping on one foot you eyed Dobby in his spin that stopped with a grin watching you tug on the laces to your boots you then hastily tied, “Mister Draco sent Dobby with a task to inquire what is going on.”
Shaking your head you switched feet lifting your second boot to add, “Um, we’re not exactly certain. Just waiting to hear from the Professors. Just tell them to stay in the common room until told otherwise.”
He nodded and zapped back to Draco as you finished tying the double knot freeing you to lower your foot to move to Fred’s side peering at the map he had opened out on your benches. George across from you said, “Doesn’t look like anyone’s left their beds.”
Cedric, “Just Professors on their rounds.” Curiously he unfolded the flap for the forbidden forest seeing the frantic paths of the centaurs, “What are they doing?”
Softly you mumbled, “Forest Vault.”
The twins gasped and joined you in the race out to the common room where you found the friar on his path to the hall through the entrance, “Friar! ‘Scuse me!”
A grin ease onto your face and he turned to say softly, “Headmaster McGonagall said to remain in the common rooms.”
You nodded and leaned in urging him to do the same, “The second vault, the Forest Vault,” his eyes flinched wider, “The Centaurs are taking frantic paths. They may need help.”
He nodded saying, “Please,”
You four nodded, “Stay here.”
He nodded saying, “I will pass on the message.” Promptly turning to rush his way towards the gathering group of Professors in their night gowns and pajamas wrapped in robes with shoes, slippers and boots alike added hastily over. Anxiously you turned back to the common room seeing the anxious first years as your fingers smoothed over the rubber duck charm around your neck. A grin eased back onto your faces and you led them to the couches where you and the other older students started a round of stories to calm them while a kettle of tea started to brew with biscuits and muffins arrived from a line of House Elves from the kitchens.
Pt 22
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qhostqizmo · 5 years
“She is a beautiful woman.”
“Alarmingly, her heart is somehow even more beautiful then she is. You can see it when she smiles, that rare and reclusive charm of someone far wiser then the world is old. It takes my breath away. Through the window of her eyes alone, I’ve seen a compassionate soul of intelligence and kindness veiled beneath those dark lashes she tries to use to hide behind her mesmerizing golden eyes. It’s difficult to avoid peeking into them. I can’t explain what I see, but it fills me with hope, and a warmth I’ve never known.”
- - - - - - - - - - -
Her nobleman had only been gone a few minutes, but it already felt like an eternity. All she could envision every time her eyelids closed was the appalling images from events past. The cave in Beggar’s Hollow. The ferry ride across the lake towards the capital. Visions from other struggles come and gone and some not even real; merely illusions conjured out of fear.
Any of them gone too long from her sight twisted Essätha’s stomach. She worried for them all; her kindred allies in their mission to take down a cult and remove its head, but if one were to pick at her long enough, she would eventually relent, she grew most anxious when he wasn’t around at all. It was impossible to forget Amon’s tormented, lonely, stricken gaze or the pale-washed complexion of the man nearly dying in her arms, staining her clothes crimson.
A shudder involuntarily ran down her spine. The sorceress’ kept her eyes open until they burned, trying not to think on the dreadful, awful day. How helpless she felt, wanting to cradle him protectively in her arms and hold him; wrap him tight in his blankets and promise him it would be alright, and be able to keep that vow most of all.
Before the Yuan-Ti, the door was pulled open by a housemaid with a gracious dip of her head. A rather stout older man with a fiery beard and hair looked towards them as they entered; tearing his eyes from the housekeeper he was already speaking with. His eyes moved over them all; darting from one member of The Hand of Jubata to the next with a steadily growing smile and twinkle in his tawny eyes. It distracted Essie for the time being, to see someone so immediately enthused to see them.
“My word! Yes yes, come in, please, welcome!”
Ushering eagerly with his hands, the man encouraged them to step within the large room. A quick flicker of her gaze around, and Essätha realized this must be some sort of work space. There were bookshelves, and shelves with figurines. A war-table with models and banners was surrounded by two sofas and a single, throne-like chair near the middle of the room, and towards the back near the window was a desk. Not a cozy environment, but nothing screamed shady.
At last she looked back to the tall fellow, who Lord Amon seemed inclined to believe was a trustworthy associate. He had cherry colored cheeks from grinning so wide, and a pleasant aura about him. Again, nothing struck her as disturbed or unsettling; but from exposed practice, she kept her guard up anyway.
“It’s good to meet all of you,” the man animatedly announced, reaching out to grab the nearest person’s hand, which happened to be Penimra’s. “Welcome, welcome! I am Master Eliwru Figgenbeard, the pleasure is all mine!”
Grimacing, the warlock struggled to free his gloved hand. It began to slid down his arm instead, so he begrudgingly and limply allowed the handshake, his eyes narrowed behind the avian-shaped mask.
“It most certainly is.”
Cutting in, Abernathy practically shoved Pen aside; saving the uncomfortable looking high-elf to offer his large hand. “Greetings and well met!”
“Ah! You are…?”
“Abernathy Harding; and the fellow’s name here to my left whose hand you just shook is Penimra Korvis.”
“Yes yes, pleasure to you both!” the hearty man sang joyously. With a twist and a yank, he managed to free his hand fairly quickly from the elder paladin, to extend it to the younger.
“You must be…?”
“Sulhadur, sir.”
“Ah, a pleasure. And you’re the jeweler, the uh… pardon, your name escapes me…?”
“Adela; thank you for seeing us on such an unexpected visit.”
“Lovely to meet you as well, miss. And you?”
Accepting the man’s hand, Ravamora’s eyes darted from his, to the gleaming rings on his hands. “Ravamora Carnivale.”
Essätha watched, tensely, awaiting to be recognized. It was neither a relief or a curse for him to instead, be drawn to the shine reflecting off of their cleric’s carapace. For a brief moment though, it gave her more time to collect herself and straighten her posture.
Delighted, the husky man extended his chubby fingers towards the Thri-Kreen. “Me oh my, I know just who you are! You are Pri-… Pri….?”
“They call me Pri’cha Sunspot,” chirped the bug, wiggling their antenna joyfully as they accepted the hand. “My friends do call me Pri too, on occasion.”
“Curious. This is… incredible. You are quite incredible, Pri’cha; what an honor!”
Pri’ sheepishly dipped their head as the man vigorously shook their clawed appendage. Briefly, the entire clustered group watched the interactions with mixtures of surprise and ease.
Finally, Eliwru’s eyes landed on Essie’s as he retrieved his hand from the cleric. His lips parted into an open-mouth grin of awe, and he rushed forward at her; making her freeze anxiously. The man smelled heavily of ginger, for some odd reason, and this close she could feel the fanning of his breathlessness against her face.
“Essätha Meduza as she lives in the flesh!” The man boisterously grasped her hand, squeezing it tightly. “I know exactly who you are!”
As if she wasn’t nervous enough, her legs felt wobbly and she offered a tense smile, barely holding to the man’s vice gripe.
“The letters did not lie; his description does you a great justice.”
“I…” she swallowed, forcing down the lump in her throat and the squeaky tone in her voice. “I’m sorry … Pardon? Letters?”
Puzzled, Eliwru knitted his brow. His grip relaxed. His tone still warm, he responded: “The posts I received from Master Illiad. Amon stated Essätha; that you, were a very fine, beautiful woman; with a breathtaking smile to match and mesmerizing golden eyes.”
Promptly, her features grew flush and rosy. She gaped at the man, hardly hearing the quiet snickers from her friends. They were sharing glances; most of them knowing, and impish little goblin grins.
Eyes widening, the man quickly picked up on her distress. He released her limp hand, gaping at her like a fish out of water.
“I- I-”
The door opened once more, an older woman stepping promptly towards their throng. Whatever she said next, Essätha did not hear. Her head was throbbing, and thankfully Abernathy seemed to perk up and immediately take charge of the conversation.
Still staring at her, conflicted, Eliwru wheezed. His tongue darted over his lips, looking as though he was trying to pay attention to the lady speaking to Essie’s backside, but he kept returning his gaze to her.
She was like a statue, frozen by pure shock. Everyone else had already, and thankfully, forgotten her for the woman and the news she brought, but Essätha could not get the man’s words out of her head.
Her Amon had called her what?
“Miss Meduza, I apologize,” the burly man whined, fidgeting. “I hadn’t meant to cause you harm. The letters you see, I- I thought-” he swallowed, “I t-thought you knew what he was writing it- it all seemed rather intimate I thought you two w-were-”
He thought they were what?
Eliwru never finished; a high-pitched keening sound like a deflating balloon expelling from his lungs slowly. He was positively red as the hair upon his head as he stepped away from her. With hands behind his back, he dipped his head respectively towards the door.
“Master I-Illiad how nice to s-see you again-!”
As though shaken awake, Essätha blinked rapidly and turned to face the threshold this time.
It was indeed the Briarton Protector; wearing a dull and uninterested neutral gray-tone today. His collar appeared a big tight, which added a rigid and dignified appearance to his posture as he glided in the room. The depths of the nobleman’s locks were somewhat mused, as though he’d ran a hand through his hair recently. His dark eyes skipped from the woman who had been speaking over to Eliwru as he was greeted.
Essie took it all in; but as she saw was perfection. It made her knees weak.
“Master Figgenbeard,” Amon greeted politely, accepting the man’s hand as he squeezed through the others. The man commented something quietly, and clipped, before quickly adverting all of his attention and conversation to the adjacent woman who had come with information.
Thoroughly perplexed, Amon looked after him a moment at the suddenness of the greeting, and quick dismissal. His regard swept the crowd, landing last on her.
He smiled, and Essätha’s heartrate dashed wildly.
What else were in those letters? What in the God’s creation had given him any impression? What impression?
Amon murmured his apology and quietly slid by the respectable crowd. He took a stand at the back, right beside Essie, as she stiffly wrung her hands. He leaned in close, his breath tickling her ear as he whispered, “Sorry I’m late.”
She nodded, finding herself lacking the bravery to look directly at him. “That’s alright. I’m glad to see you whole, and safe.”
A brief silence. From her peripherals, she could see him reach for her hand. A small part of her wanted to recoil; edgy and weary, but she did not. His rough hand gently took hold of hers, holding her with care. Again, her heart fluttered.
“Everything alright, Essie?”
Nodding once more, she glanced up at him. Oh Jubata he had such welcoming stunning eyes; kind and considerate.
“Yes, m’lord Amon. I was just thinking of you; concerned for your safety and well-being.”
She was suddenly and acutely aware of the way Eliwru glanced at her as she refereed to her nobleman by his retracted title. Even more then his glance, she was more aware of the softening in Amon’s features; the way his eyes closed a fraction and how his smile grew softer. Everything about the way he appeared now was something normal to her; his vulnerable features, the admiration in his gaze, but under the eyes of another came to her awareness equally how unnatural his appearance was.
Lord Amon Thomas Illiad was openly fawning over her.
“You don’t need to worry yourself over me, Essie.”
“But I do. I will anyway.”
Her words were louder then his whispers; almost blurted out, and part of her party distractedly looked over at her.
Timidly, her eyes wandered until they all stopped staring upon her and her deep maroon blush.
Trying to hide his raspy laughter, Lord Amon squeezed her hand with reassurance. “I’m fine,” he mouthed, “We’ll talk after this?”
Remaining mute and happy for it, Essie bobbed her head in answer.
Again with the bright smile, and he turned his attention back towards the lady droning on.
Exhaling a ragged breath, she turned her gaze back towards the woman as well, first catching their host’s wandering eye before he turned away, beet red. He fumbled with his hands, like he had been caught spilling some incredibly illusive secret.
Her complexion still tinted scarlet, her eyes flickered from her nobleman, back towards Eliwru.
As curious as she was to know what he had intended on saying; and humiliated by the situation, above all she was glad to simply have Amon back by her side. That was the best, most secure, most uplifting feeling of all.
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lokispettigerr · 6 years
In The Flesh (Part 2): Darkest Depths- Loki x OFC
Word Count: 2,825
Timeline: The Avengers movie
POV: Original Female Character- First Person POV
Fic Summary: The OFC that Loki dreamt of in Part one is confined within S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters because Nick Fury wants to use her and her abilities. While in her prison cell, she receives a dream from the Tesseract about Loki. The Tesseract (represented by a serpent) implores her to find Loki, because he is the only one that can help her.
Warnings: Angst, Violence, Blood, Self-harm
A/N: Loki’s POV pops back up later. Please note OFC has a number for a name because I suck at name creation... It will happen later. I really hope you all enjoy this. 
Taglist: @njavezan @arttasticgreatnessoftheawesome77
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I could feel a cold gaze penetrating the glass walls of my cage, and I shielded my eyes with my scarred and bloodied arm to see through the harsh buzzing lights to out beyond my confinement.
I knew who was there, but out of hope or habit I looked anyway.
His voice interrupted my thoughts, “Have you given anymore thought to my offer #140278, and your return to freedom” Nick Fury asked.
I am a number here, #140278. I have no name here, and I don’t mind. In truth, I prefer it.
“And what is ‘your offer’, exactly?” I asked. “You haven’t given me a straight answer, or perhaps you want more than you are able to say…” I said with a smirk, licking my lips.
Fury. It was always him, and no one else. I had grown tired of his greed, and bored with his empty visits. I needed something exciting, and a game of cat and mouse would do the trick. Except who ever heard of a cat in a cage? I leapt up, the chains that bound me rattling. I stood, stretching, my long hair the only thing that covered my naked body and began stalking towards him, my bare feet gliding over the cold floor.
My gaze locked with his, “World peace, Fury? A team that assembles whenever you pucker your lips together to sound a whistle without them ever even asking for a bone?” I purred.
My eyes sized him up, and I tilted my head to the side, a smile playing on my lips “But no, that isn’t what you want. Is it?” I continued faster now, “That’s what you tell people you want because you know that’s what they want to hear.” I took a finger and gestured at him, “What you want is a weapon Fury. A war machine that instills fear and loyalty in the hearts of men, giving you all the power.” I continued, “A weapon that—“ I paused searching his face for the answer, “listens to you.” I chuckled. “What kind of weapon would it be then?”
Fury didn’t say a word, he stared at me, unblinking. “What is it Fury?” I asked, “Cat got your tongue?”.
“You know very well how this will end Fury. I will never be free. I have never been free.” I was now standing directly in front of him, the glass the only thing that separated us.
He sighed, “You’re right, witch, if that is even what you are”, he spat, “more like beast, monster. You have continued to disappoint me. You could be so much more.” He shook his head and turned on his heel, his trench coat tails catching the air as he turned to walk away.
“Until next time then #140278” he called over his shoulder, his voice fading as he continued down the hallway and out of the room.
When he was gone I shrank back down exhausted from the encounter, and my present circumstances.
I continued to stand there, thinking. It didn’t matter what I wanted. I should be here; locked away for all eternity to pay for my crimes. His treatment of me did not matter, or how I felt about this place. I deserved all of this, I deserved even less after everything that I had done.
I stuck out my index finger, and brought it down quickly striking the soft flesh of my forearm with enough force for the skin to tear. It left a red, weeping tear there, and I let out a hiss through my parted, red lips, my eyes shutting, rolling back. The sudden sting from the wound sent ripples of ecstasy rolling through my body. I threw my head back exposing my neck, a smile whispering on my lips, pride washing over me. I deserved that too. I wanted the outside of me to mirror what was under the surface.  
I backed away from where I stood at the front of my cage to return to my corner, and slid down the wall. My hair fanning out behind me.
My blood trickled down my arm, to pool down around me, and I smiled.
Everything was quiet again. My mind slowed and I began to dream—something that I lived for in my confinement. It was my only reprieve, and the only way the world would to remain safe while I walked it.
There was a snake, a giant serpent, larger than me. Her scales had an unusual, unnatural color—ice blue, with a ghastly glow. She looked like some magical, otherworldly, age-old stone—something timeless. The serpent’s body had a shine to it from the sunlight pouring down, and its voice was an odd rasp; somehow I could understand what it was saying. Rather than understanding with my ears, I understood with my mind. The giantess’ body was surrounding me, circling me all the while impeding any movement. Even as this serpent trapped me, blocked me, I wasn’t afraid. She was a queen, something terrifying yet beautiful to behold. And her raspy voice whispered in my mind, her voice tendrils stroking me.
“She sees you are having a hard time child, and she knows the way” she blinked at me, willing me to understand. She began to move then, her coils turning around and around me, making me dizzy.
“There he is to help you. She knows Loki. She knows him to help. Loki desires you—to help you, child” she climbed her own coils, her face coming closer to me, reaching my eye-level. I could see the iced sapphires she had for eyes. Her pupils were not elliptical like most venomous serpents, not even round like their non-venomous counterparts. No, they were shaped like a cube—an ice blue cube in a sea of sapphire. This was something both perplexing and disturbing to me.
“You want to live child”, she stated. She must know something that I do not.  “If you want, you go to the water edge and find him. Loki waits, child.” She said this moving her head to the side looking into my eyes with one of hers to see if I was understanding her.
“You need him, and you must child, if you desire” … she paused, “to live.” Her eyes blinked at me.
The serpent closed her eyes then as if she was listening to someone. While she looked with her eyes closed, I studied my surroundings. The sun heated my skin and poured into my eyes where I had to squint to make anything out. While the space surrounding me was fairly open, there were pines, giant, towering pines here and there. They threw shade around, swaying in a breeze. Surrounding the grassy land that I was on was a cool, sandy bank—the only thing cool to the touch, but at the same time cooling the air. There was a murky, dark river or lake surrounding the land, swallowing us.
“She hears he likes the shade, for now.” The serpent spoke again, blinking, intrigued by me, almost scrutinizing why she was having to share this information with me.
“You want to live child” she nods, almost like she knows my answer would be yes—she doesn’t expect an answer, that much is clear. “Go”, she urged, forceful now. “She sees. Find Loki in the shade at the water” She continued, “He goes by many names, titles, but for now he is Loki, he has been waiting… for you”.
“Do not give up… child”. To this I wasn’t sure what she was saying. Was she telling me to not give up on searching for him—whoever he was? Was she telling me, perhaps, to not give up on my life. Suddenly, I could feel the tendrils on my mind let go. She reared her head back away from me turning, uncoiling herself from around me.  The only sign of her left was her otherworldly blue glow, which soon faded from my view.
I took my first step; to what I knew not. The tall grass allowed me to continue on, engulfing my feet and legs not wanting me to turn back. Everything there was urging me on, who knows what they would do if I turned back.
At the water’s edge I used a tall pine next to me as an anchor, partly because the footing at the water’s edge was slippery. In truth, I needed something to steady me because I was deathly afraid of open bodies of water after being nearly drowned as a child at the hands of a caregiver.
I slowly picked my way closer, going deeper into the shade at the water’s edge, looking for the man the stone-serpent sent me to find. The water was dark and murky. There was no sign anywhere of Loki. I began to wonder if he had grown tired of waiting for me, and had decided to go for a swim. I stood up on my tiptoes scanning the water, detesting even the idea of wading out into the mysterious, dark depths of the river. Finally, I spotted someone a few yards out. A head popped up out of the water. He moved towards me, but at a slow pace, letting the small current of the river push him to me. I was growing impatient. I parted my lips to shout out to him when I noticed that there was something peculiar about the head bobbing over towards me. The head was the color of the mud beneath my feet, and was turned at an odd angle, I looked past it, scanning the rest of the water. The head out in the distance was not alone. My back went rigid, and chill bumps spread along my spine. It occurred to me then, the head coming towards me was not Loki—it belonged to a corpse, one among many.  
My eyes grew wide, and I backed away from the water, my back hitting the pine tree behind me, a let out a squeal. ‘Only a dream, nothing more’, I thought to myself. I pushed off from the tree with the heel of my hand, biting my lip and shaking my head, hoping the image of the corpses would soon stop haunting me.
I continued checking each shady spot at the river as the Serpent had ordered. Each time I searched and waited for the man the stone-serpent told me about, with no luck. The more I searched, the more I was certain that Loki was at the first place I went to—the darkest depths of the river that was filled with death…
My eyes snapped open, my pupils growing smaller against the overly-bright lights. I ruminated on my dream, the stone serpent, the corpses, and Loki—Loki most of all. If he was at the water where the corpses had been, what did that mean for me?
I wondered then just how badly I “wanted” to live, and drifted back off into a restless sleep.
I awoke to the sound of footsteps approaching, more than one set. My eyelids snapped open and I rolled over, moving into a low crouch position.
“Knock, knock”, Fury’s voice called out as he approached my cage. “Seeing as you like to play games, and seeing as you are non-compliant I thought you might enjoy a play-mate.” He gestured to a large brute next to him.
“Richard here, is going to take good care of you #140278, and make you nice and comfortable in your new home”. I glanced at Richard, and he smiled at me, cracking his knuckles. I did not take this as a good sign.
While I wondered what game Fury was playing at, he continued, “I don’t have any use for you in your current mental state, so I gathered a team of masters to create a gas that will come into your humble abode through those vents there”, he pointed, “and there as well”.
I looked up towards where he gestured at the ceiling at two sets of vents on each side of my cage.
“This gas should weaken you enough for Richard here to do what needs to be done” he rubbed his hands together.
“Any questions?” he asked, only pausing for a moment before continuing, “No?” He clapped his hands together then, “Good, well Richard,” he looked at Richard made a sweeping motions towards me, as if handing over a one trick pony, “#140278 is all yours”.
Fury bowed, the grin never leaving his lips, he turned and began to walk away, and I spoke out, my voice ringing in the glass confines of my cage.
I stood quickly. “You think you can hurt me Fury?” I called after him. He continued walking, without acknowledging that he heard me. I raised my voice “This is nothing I haven’t already been through before!” I finished my jaw clenching, my eyes burning with hatred and unshed tears.
Fury waved his hand at me as, batting away my words—like he was hushing a child throwing a tantrum. His footsteps echoed as he retreated.
A loud beep rang out and the vents began to hiss and spit their toxins. It was no use trying to hold my breath so I stood there, in the corner, the walls to my cage the only protection I had.
Within moments my head was swimming and my vision began to blur, I swayed and placed my slender hand on the cool glass to steady myself.
I looked for Richard, hoping to judge his reaction to see if I was responding the way he expected me to with the gas pouring into my confines. Richard approached the door of my cage and strapped on a gas mask, his arms going behind his head to tighten it. The door slid open and the chemical mist from the vents spilled out into the hallway.
Richard began stalking towards my corner and I stood, blood rushing to my head, my chains rattling and rubbing loosely at my ankles.
Richard never said a word, but as he got closer his hand shot out and grabbed my hair. I tried to move away from his grasp, but the gas had slowed me tremendously. He swept me off my feet, and I immediately tried to tap my rage, my power, but nothing happened. He should be screaming by now, falling to the floor, curling up begging for his mother or for it to stop, crying out to his “God”. I got no such response, and felt only my own pain.
He dragged me to the center of the cage, while I was kicking and trying desperately to loosen his grip on me. Everything was futile. His boot met with my skull and I stopped momentarily as everything went black. “Ppu—Please” I mouthed, tasting blood on my lips. In response to my plea, he gave a sharp yank to my head. I began to scramble trying to get up to fight him or stop him, but he threw me across the room. I slid across the floor only to be drug back again to the center by my chains. As I reached the center he knelt down to where I was on the floor and straddled me, he began to hit me then, beating my face from one side to the other as my legs continued kicking and my hands clawed at him.
He paused, and my eyes shot towards his face, expecting another hit to slam into my jaw, but instead he was wiping blood from his nose. It was just a few drops at first, but the more pain I experienced the more profuse his bleeding became.
Richard’s enthusiasm outweighed his fear or concern for his own safety, and he continued, his blood spilling and mixing with my own.
He struck me with less force now, and my head slammed to the side again. There, in the hallway outside of my cage I saw a man. He was dressed in a brown and green leather suit with a long green cloak, fastened to his shirt by two metal clasps. He had shoulder length, inky, black hair. He was surrounded by several guards of S.H.I.E.L.D., I imagined they were the same guards that brought me here. He spotted me and stopped abruptly, his body tightening, and his green eyes darkening as if a thunder cloud had moved overhead. My view at the stranger was broken when Richard struck my head again. I spit blood and turned my head quickly to catch another glimpse of the stranger. He was continuing down the hallway, his back to me. He never once looked back in my direction, but I could feel something settle on my mind. A comforting caress mingled with pure rage and despair. I held onto it, until I lost consciousness. One thought came to my mind before, one word escaped my bloodied lips, in a raspy whisper, “Loki”.
   ****If you would like to be on the general taglist OR the taglist for this fic please leave me an ask in my ask box. I will make it happen and would be happy to do it! You all make me so very happy! If you enjoyed this, please comment, like, and/or reblog. I love hearing from my readers and LOVE reblogs because it helps me out so much! Thanks friends. Until next time!
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Loki’s Pet Tiger
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butterflyblaze69 · 6 years
gratsu :you own my heart   (59)
Gray walking in with the book of E.N.D in his hand ready to destroy it but known to him Zeref was chasing him.
"Hey guys look what I found, " Gray said looking for his team  and to his surprise, Natsu was not there 'look like I will not get to tease him about I got it first ' Gray thought  as he turned to leave the guild someone stop him and that someone was Zeref  "what  are you doing here" Gray  shouted getting everyone attention  "is that the black wizard Zeref " whisper thought the guild hall  "yes I am oh and Gray can I please have that book " Zeref ask knowing what the response he was going to get  but it was worth it as it meant he could play with Gray mind  as well as the  hole of fairy tail  
Zeref's point of view
"so I let you all in on a little secret of mine, " I said leading them one like lost sheep Gray look annoyed but 'oh well ' "you see E.N.D is initial of the name, "I uttered " what that supposed to mean " Gray and Cana both shouted at the same time. "also you mint need to know that my last name is Dragneel by the way " I was almost at the point of laughter  "Natsu and you related no chance " lucy call out I could see she was second-guessing her self  "we are and it time you knew mine and Natsu past " I said look around till I spotted Mavis she look upset "I sorry Mavis but it needs to be done "I call out "but Zeref there now need at least tell him when he back " mavis cry out "who him Zeref " Gray shouted   'I told Natsu  but I don't think he believes me ' I though "oh Charla could you go find them"I ask hoping she would "why should i " Charla shouted in discusted  but then got a small smille from wendy  "look it ok charla you can go I will stay here but hurry " wendy wisper to her Exceed "that grate " i said  as charla  flew reluctantly
"as for now, we will just wait till Natsu returns "I uttered I could her the muddling of the guild it was great
Charla point of view  
"where would they be, " said thinking out loud looking for any sine of the tomcat and his partner. after an hour of looking she found the two sat by a lake looking like he was in a small fight. "what are you two arguing about now "I ask "don't worry Charla " Natsu said  in a small voice "Charla, Its not fair Zeref said...." happy was cut by Natsu shouting "quite it happy " I wanted to help but I knew what must be done "you need to go to the guild "I let out. I could tell Natsu could pick up my fear but "why I don't feel like going " Natsu wisped I could see the tear that he was fighting to protect his little bubby "oh Natsu why "I ask thinking back to the guild and Zeref  " I just can't " Natsu said with a plaining voice I knew I was going to breaking by telling him where Zeref was but it needed to be done. "Zeref at the guild hall " I let out only for Natsu fascicle exception to change to one of shock "we need to go now happy " he shouted as if his life depended on it.
as we all neared the guIld I could tell that Natsu was getting more nervous  he looks like was going to tear up any minute "Natsu what wrong "I ask but did not get a reply as I ask his Exceed "happy is Natsu ok" happy look at me for help 'happy know but can't tell me why Natsu must you do this to him ' "Natsu and Zeref are brothers " he let out "and Natsu is  E.N...  " was all happy could say before he was cut off by Natsuu again "happy I said drop it "I knew what happy was trying to say and what Zeref was leading us on about  
we landed at the guild and not a thing had change I ran back to wendy I needed to know if she was ok. but as we opened the door happy flew off again Natsu opened his mouth to call him back but shut it again  an contued walking in to the guild
Zeref point of view
yes everyone is here "glad you could join us Natsu" I uttered he looks like he would kill me which was part of the plan but still "or should I as E."I was cut off by Natsu saying "it not true and you know it " he looks like he was going to cry  "why are you doing this to " a new voice cry out if the form of the ice mage  "have you still not work it out "I let out   "I will spell it out to you " I continued  "Etherious is the first word Gray" I shouted the guild look more puzzled by the minute "and I said me and Nastu are both  Dragneel did I  not"I laugh  Natsu walk up to me and punch me but I hurt but I deserve it after humiliating him in front of his friends but oh well " wait the 'N' is for Natsu then "  Ezer said this last line must of tip both Natsu and Gray off "is it true Natsu " gray ask trasproming in to his devle slaing mode "not it not i or igneel could of kill me"  natsu look scareed and he should be for what I have palned but before I could stert I was cut off by
natsu pint of view
"Gray don't hate me for this but I love you Gray "I shouted  with tear filling falling I knew the truth but I wanted to die as Natsu of fairy tail, not as some  demons  that was created over some bereavement going too far I looked up to see Gray and Zeref fighting over the book   but as Gray got hold of the book Zeref shot an arrow through the book  as it did I felt my heart skip a beat "he.." was all I could say before falling to the fall all my strength  was gone I look up to see Gray drop the book and run over to me pulling me up and supporting me "Gray if you doing this just to kill me " i wisped the guild look on in shock as Gray held is his so call enemy "look I said I would kill E.N.D but I can't kill you Natsu not now  " his voice gave me hope
Gray point of view
we must have stood there for no longer than a minute before I notice that Natsu breathing was now irregular 'oh Natsu why does this have to be you ' I places my and on Natsu chest where his heart was it was beating  way to fast to point it not being safe  "Natsu you need to stay calm or you will die "I wisped  he screed face was too much for me  to take  "he will die Gray I know you what you was thinking " Zeref mock . "why would you do this " Gray shouted  but  I hard Natsu winces in pain "levy move Natsu life force on to me " i shouted she looked confused on what I was asking her to do but the only way Natsu could ever live a normal life was by being connected to some and I know he loves me just I never told him that I had him as a crush for almost all my life so it works out and at the same time E.N.D power where still sealed in the book so there for no e.n.d  i could feel natsu hart getting weeker to the point I lower him to the floor. I keep my hand monitoring  Natsu hart  "fight Natsu fight " I wisped as levy prepared a book enchantment at the same time freed lock Zeref in an enchantment so he could only spectate what was happening  
natsu was going very pale but I knew it was just an effect of the spell I hoped "i.. don't think I can stay awake much longer " Natus wispier slipping into an unconscious state I look over at Wendy and Charla "hay Charla is happy ok " she looks at me with a sad look on her face "honestly I am not sure Natsu and happy was fighting when I found them " she let out "Wendy will you help me look for him" Charla asked Wendy nodded and they both flew out the guild
3 hours later
not much has changed, the magic council now have Zeref which is good. but Natsu well he not woken up they said he could be out of a few more hours wendy and Charla found happy asleep so they took him back to fairy hill to rest and carm down.
I was beginning to feel sleepy wan I heard a grown for the boy "hay Natsu" I wisped "don't rush take it easy " I continued but I knew Natsu would not listen to the last part of my sentence he opened his eye feel with onyx the should have been feel with.  "Gray " Natsu said he looking  screed at first but that change to one of happiness "is Zeref dead and how am I still alive " he    question "don't worry it sorted just get some rested, "I said   "but if I am supposed to be dead I would like to know " Natsu argued back "fine if you must know your life  force is part of mine ok Natsu " I told him out straight "hu?"  Natsu question "as long as I am alive  your alive ok flame brain "  at this point I was shouting.  "oh so my heart belong to you now " he wisped
"I am sorry Gray I love you  "
flashback ended
"Natsu it sure doses" I wisped Natsu look at me with a sad eye " I never gave you my answer to your question  " I whisper Natsu look more confused "yes I do love you that why I saved you "I pull Natsu into an embraces "thank you Gary  " Natsu whisper "can we cuddle " he asks looking  shy like I nodded and climbed liting Natsu on top of me and place his head on my neck " I will not let anyone try and hurt you again " I wisped as we fell asleep I continued rubbing his arm to converting
the end   
by butterflyblaze 
will be on wattpad
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dolphinitley · 6 years
Arthur Morgan x Female Reader
The Best Sleep in Years
Reader awakes at Clemens Point by Arthur’s side the morning after he escaped the O’Driscolls.
Word count: 1,979
Master List
“What are you doin’ on the ground, girl?”
You awoke with a smile to Arthur’s gravelly voice. You lifted your right hand that had been resting on his hip while you slept.  He was weak but in a much better state than when he collapsed from his horse at camp last night after escaping the O’Driscolls.
“Takin’ care of your sorry ass,” you replied jokingly. The late morning sun felt nice on your face. You rose and began peeling off the bandage on his bullet wound so you could put on a fresh one. “You cauterize this wound yourself, Mr. Morgan?”
“Yes ma’am. With a file and a candle.”
“Oh, I saw the wax.”
“Thank you for cleanin’ up the wound.” Arthur looked at you, waiting to catch your eyes.
“You’re welcome,” you said softly with a concerned look. You finished up with his bandage. His gaze was fixed on your face and hands the entire time. He had always respected your medical skills, but watching you care for him now made his heart warm. He was also impressed because removing pieces of a bullet from a cauterized wound was the most complicated procedure you had done with the gang thus far.
“Why you lookin’ so damn sad, girl? I ain’t dyin’ am I?”
“No.” You lightened up a bit. “No, you’re not dying just yet Arthur Morgan. You do got a couple broken ribs, though.” You showed him the bandages around his ribcage. “Gonna have to take it easy for a few weeks. Let people help you get around.”
He grunted in response. “Well, who am I to disobey the doctor’s orders?” he replied with a wink, which earned a smile from you. It was a relief to joke with him again after his absence. Everything was okay for a moment, but then your stare drifted to the sparkling lake.
“I’m gonna kill Micah.”
“It’s gonna be alright.” Arthur was gently stroking a loose strand of your hair in his fingertips. He’d never done that before, but it was soothing to you.
You heard footsteps approaching.
“Y/N? I can sit with him for a while if you wanna take a break,” Karen offered.
You looked to Arthur and he nodded back to you. You accepted Karen’s offer and headed over to the horses. You checked on your horse and had a healing hug with her. Then you stroked Arthur’s horse, gave her a sugar cube, and thanked her for bringing him back safe. 
In the following weeks that Arthur took to heal, you were by his side. You felt pleasure in doing extra chores around camp that he was unable to do. You were constantly thinking of a way to leave and start a different life. Arthur’s injuries weren’t life threatening, but when he was a hostage he was in grave danger and could have easily been killed. The incident got into your head. This man was extremely important to you. You hadn’t felt like this for any man even before you started living on the run. You wanted Arthur to run away with you but you knew how fiercely loyal he was to Dutch and Hosea. So, you decided to stay for now and just keep going. 
You were playing with Jack on the morning that Arthur was officially healed. Arthur walked toward you and Jack and was smiling. He’d let you cut his hair while he was healing, but he wanted to grow his beard out. There was something a bit different about him now. The time he spent resting allowed him to do a lot of reflecting. He was wiser now, and stronger. He finally looked put together again. He was wearing a red shirt with the sleeves rolled up and light wash jeans. He looked very handsome to you. You loved to watch him play with Jack. You caught yourself imagining what a good father he would be, but then snapped out of your pointless daydream.
“I’m gonna head into town later,” Arthur told you. “Help Dutch with some things.”
You were the slightest bit annoyed at his show of loyalty to Dutch but knew you had no real reason or right to be angry. Arthur was going about his normal business that he’d always done before he’d gotten captured. It didn’t bother you before. The time you had spent together during his healing was so intimate and delicate. It affected you and you wondered how much it had affected him. Maybe you just needed time to get back into the normal routine of things.
Unfortunately, that couldn’t happen. Only a few days after Arthur’s full recovery, the law had found your camp. They tried to make a deal with Dutch and he refused. They left, promising to be back with 50 men. At that, Arthur and Charles went out to find a new camp location. You helped everyone quickly pack up over the next day and get ready for the move. Arthur and Charles returned, saying they’d cleared a huge abandoned house. You couldn’t believe it had been years since you called a house your home. Sure, the area was swampy and humid, but at least it was warm and the land was beautiful and secluded. The camp was happier for a while, but of course that never lasts. You thought you’d escaped the problems in Rhodes, but the Braithwaites had other ideas. They kidnapped Jack in the night and handed him over to a rich and dangerous man in Saint Denis. Dutch, Arthur, and John set out to find him. You tried to comfort Abigail as best as you could, but there was no consoling a mother whose child was missing. You loved Jack, too. He was a great kid and your friend. If those idiot Braithwaites could steal Jack in the middle of the night without anyone knowing, this camp was obviously much more vulnerable than you thought. You kept your gun and axe on you at all times now. You were very alert and could feel it affecting your stress level and emotions.
The men finally returned with Jack, safe and sound. Everyone in the camp could breathe again and you spent that night drinking and singing by the fire. At first you had a spot by yourself by the fire, smiling at the happy gang. Arthur came up behind you and nudged your shoulder blade with a beer. You looked up and smiled at each other. He sat down next to you and you clinked bottles.
“Nice job getting Jack back. I can’t put into words how relieved everyone is that he’s home and safe,” you said.
“I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if we hadn’t gotten him back,” replied Arthur. “I hate to say it, but this whole thing brought that family a lot closer.”
You looked at Arthur intently. He met your gaze and quickly ran his tongue over his bottom lip. You gripped his bicep and shook him a bit with a smile. He smiled back and took a swig of his beer.
The next day you decided that if you were going to ever have a chance of leaving, you’d have to start saving up more of your own money. You were going out alone a lot more often and Arthur noticed, but didn’t question you.
Arthur thought of you even more than you thought of him. He thought of how smart, gentle, and beautiful you were. He thought of how careless it was of him to develop feelings like this and become vulnerable. This was a dangerous life and he knew he could lose anyone at any moment. He couldn’t stop himself from getting closer to you. You were his best friend. Your presence was one of the few things that elicited genuine smiles from him. When you were resting or otherwise busy, he’d spend time with your horse, talking to her and brushing her. When you caught him doing it once, you smiled.
In the following months you had gathered quite a lot of money for yourself from hunting and scavenging. You hid it in a lock box inside a hole in a tree by the house. You were just putting it away one evening when you heard a scream. You ran to the front of the house to see Kieran’s body and decapitated head propped on a horse that was sent into camp. Your hand went to your gun. Then O’Driscolls began emerging from hiding spots, one after another. You took cover behind a shed and saw Sadie running toward you with her gun out. You and Sadie took out O’Driscolls one a time until you saw Arthur sprinting through the cross fire to retrieve you and Sadie.
“What are you doin’ out here?!”
“Takin’ care of these dumbass O’Driscolls!” replied Sadie.
You all sprinted inside and finished off the attackers. You cleared the area all around the camp and made sure everyone was accounted for. Nobody was hurt, but you were all a bit shaken. The attack strengthened your doubts about Dutch and your thoughts about leaving.
That night you lied awake even after everyone had fallen into restless sleep. You stared into the crackling fire in the fire place and ran through the events of the past few months. You tried to convince yourself that things would work out here. You couldn’t help but think that there must be a better life somewhere. A life where you weren’t in a constant feud with another gang. A life where you weren’t always checking that nobody was following you home or trying to scam you.
You lifted your blanket off yourself and put on a cardigan over your knee length nightgown. You padded to the staircase and quietly climbed up to the second floor. Your felt your heart beating harder, a lump in your throat, and butterflies in your stomach. As carefully as you could, you opened Arthur’s door and stepped inside his room, but the floorboard creaked. Arthur turned on his side and saw that it was you in his room.
“Y/N? What’s wrong?” He was visibly concerned.
“Nothin’.” You shook your head and tried to give him a comforting look. You took a breath and focused on what you needed tonight. At this point, in this world, nothing mattered but for you to be held by Arthur Morgan. You walked over to Arthur’s bed and got under the covers as if it were natural. You turned on your side, away from Arthur, and grabbed his arm to wrap around your waist. He was still and puzzled for a moment, but then relaxed into the embrace. He brought his chest to your back, his knees to the back of your knees, interlaced his fingers with yours, and rested his lips on the back of your head. There was so much warmth shared between the both of you. With his lips gracing your head, Arthur whispered, “You sure you’re alright?”
At this question, you thought of how wonderfully ‘alright’ you were in this moment. The satisfaction of sharing such genuine affection caused you to tear up. You nodded in response to him. When he lowered his nose to the crook of your neck, you shivered at the tickling sensation of his scratchy beard on your shoulder. Your squirming caused you to push into his body more and he held you tighter and began tickling your sides. Your shared laughter was so childlike and joyful. You turned to face him and he allowed you to grab hold of both of his wrists, finally stopping the tickling. You released his wrists and he cupped your face and kissed your forehead. You wrapped your arms around each other and exhaled in the pleasure of feeling affection. You talked for a while, and then had the best sleep either of you had in years.
Tags: @igotshinee 
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