#yes pris the answer is yes
killianxswan · 10 months
24 please? 7 if it doesn't exist
24. Are you open about your sex life and sexuality?
as for 7...I don't want to say but seven is a number of mine...
What's the soonest after meeting someone you've slept with them?
.....we'll just say too quickly
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carlyraejepsans · 1 year
I’ve started watching Utena because of you. What. Is going on
HI. WELCOME TO THE CLUB, watch the trigger warnings. but yeah, revolutionary girl utena veers more and more towards surrealism the further you get into the series. it often and voluntarily forfeits narrative/logical consistency in favor of visual storytelling, metaphors and symbolism. i was just talking about it with nic the other day, and if the story weren't so harrowing, i would recommend it to everyone who wants to get into literary analysis, because it is SO packed with symbolism EVERYWHERE that it actually encourages you to try to decode it.
whatever you think utena is about, it is NOT. you can't go in and treat it like your 49293th classical shoujo. utena is a firework show of visual symbolism and it very rarely, if ever, explains itself to the viewer. it refuses to handhold you, but it never berates you for trying and getting it wrong either. there is SO much handholding in modern day media, but utena trusts its viewer to take away something meaningful from itself and to piece its message together on their own. it's one of my favourite pieces of media of all time just for that
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insidi0summoved · 1 year
@divinehr 〃 starter call : not accepting
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" Look me in the eyes.  Do you truly believe I could do something like that ? "
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reidmotif · 4 months
Dialing up for Trouble
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Summary: Reader and Spencer were fuck-buddies, until Spencer cuts her off quite suddenly. A party and some risque images may be enough to get them back to their old routine.
Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader
Category: Smut
Content Warning: semi-public sex, sexting, mentions of nude images and descriptions of generic lingerie, masturbation (f!receiving), penetrative sex, semi-dom!spencer
Word Count: 3.5 k
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Clichés bothered me. There was no other way to put it. I’d grown up hating the likes of love triangles, meet-cutes, chosen ones, and right now, I was being reminded more than ever of that hatred because, what the fuck? 
“Too much of a good thing” was the reasoning Spencer had cited when he proposed we stop sleeping together casually, and return to our previous relationship of  “just coworkers”. I’d let him know how ridiculous I found his sentiment, and attempted every possible method to continue our secret rendezvous, but he was absolutely dead-set on his decision, it seemed.
 No more sex. No more late-night calls. None of it. It was all over. All because of a cliche. 
We seemed to agree on one thing, and that was, yes. The sex was fantastic. It really was that good. While I’d never wish weariness on Spencer Reid, I couldn’t deny that in the aftermath of stress and frustration from whatever life had chosen for him, the way he’d deal with that was absolutely electrifying for me.
I’d find myself constantly breathless, pulled into hotel rooms, storage closets- anything resembling the barest hint of privacy, and allow him to use me as he saw fit. I gave him complete trust and control over my body, and in turn, he rewarded me with some incredibly life-changing orgasms. And for what it’s worth, he seemed to get an equal amount of satisfaction out of our hidden trysts, which only made his recent decision that more devastating.  
It’d been roughly a month since we’d had sex, or anything resembling the sort, and I found myself absolutely deprived. When the FBI gave out invitations to its semi-annual gala, I imagined the festivities would be enough to distract me, but I was completely in error for assuming so. Amidst drinks and conversations, there was the occasional lull where I couldn’t help but absentmindedly imagine the feel of his hands over my skin, squeezing the fat of my hips. His lips trailing up and down my neck, focusing on spots only he knew about. The way his hair would tickle against my thighs when he’d bury his head-
The voice breaks me out of my thoughts, and I have to remind myself not to choke on my beverage. There he was. The current subject of my thoughts, standing in front of me, live and in the flesh. Spencer Reid. 
“Hey.” I mirror back, taking a sip of my drink, acting as lax as I could, given the circumstances. “Enjoying yourself?” I ask, gesturing to the party in front of us, the general ambience. 
“You know me.” He replies, pausing for a second, keeping his gaze trained on mine. “Not my scene but.. doable.” 
I chuckle for a moment, understanding perfectly. Spencer wasn’t exactly the most social guy out there. I was honestly surprised he’d chosen to come to this thing at all in the first place. 
“You look nice.” He says, suddenly. “Your dress. It’s nice.” He rushes out the words, as if he’s scared to say them in the first place. 
I smooth down the fabric instinctively, nodding. I try not to let the compliment affect me so much, keeping my head down for a split second to hide the creeping heat emanating from my cheeks. 
 “Thank you. I appreciate it.” 
I surprise myself with my own answer. The silence for that tick is horrible. I appreciate it? Jesus. I couldn’t think of the right words anymore. The correct and witty response that would allow this conversation to flow smoothly. 
 I truly wanted to fuck this man so bad, it made me look stupid. 
And stupid I was, because yet again, I attempted to test the current parameters of our relationship he’d put us on. I swallow my pride, lifting my head to meet his eyes with mine. 
“If you like it so much, you could- you know. Take it off.” I say, biting my lip. There’s a light tease in my voice, but it’s obvious I’m being as forthcoming as I possibly could. No games. No jokes. I didn’t want to dance around it, and I hoped my boldness would reward me as it did previously in the past. 
But no, it seems that fortune does not favor the bold, because Spencer’s immediate response was to shake his head, lowering his voice. He pulled on my arm to decrease our proximity, to the point where it was ensured no passer-bys could possibly hear our conversation. 
“Come on.” He pleads, almost looking desperate.  “I told you we should stop- hasn’t that worked out? We can be coworkers. This works.”
I roll my eyes, letting my displeasure show plainly over my face. “This works?” I say, and the sarcasm is clear in my voice. “Sex worked too, you know.” 
“I know it did!” He says, in a hushed whisper. “But- we can’t. No. It’s not right. Too much of a-” 
“If you finish that sentence, I swear to god.” I say, my expression turning much more volatile. I forcibly shrug his arm off me. “This is stupid.” I continue, trying not to let my voice rise. “I see the way you look at me. I know it was good for both of us. I know you’re thinking about it just as much as I am, so why not!” There’s a hint of hurt in my voice as well. Underneath all the sex, I’d grown to miss the interactions after. The giggles under covers and the feel of his hair in my fingers. I missed him. All of him. 
There’s a miserable pause on his end, and I hold my breath waiting for his next words. Spencer sputters, looking absolutely defeated. “Because- because we just can’t, okay?” He replies, helplessly, stepping back from me, as I’d done with him. “Look. I’m just going to enjoy the rest of the party, okay? Take care of yourself, yeah?” 
Before I can get in another word, demanding a real explanation from the man, he leaves me alone, replaying the words of his confusing outburst in my mind. 
I take a short time to myself, electing to go use the restroom and take a breather from the party, a bit on edge after our exchange. Was it possible he was completely fine with what the loss of our arrangement had done to us? Was I the only one absolutely losing my mind? Any attempt to diverge my attention from the topic proved futile, and  I remained in the closed room, mindlessly adjusting myself in the mirror with no real rhyme or reason. There’s an eventual use of my phone, focusing the camera directly on my face to make sure nothing had smudged or looked off on my face in the time I’d last checked my makeup. In the use of the device, I remembered the pictures I’d taken before coming here. 
The pictures weren’t meant to serve any true purpose. I’d bought new lingerie for this dress, as my previous bras weren’t suited to the cut and shape of the specific piece of clothing, and decided to take a few pictures for myself. It was lacy, and pretty, but nothing truly special. The bra had a slight push-up effect, and the panties were a bit cheekier than my normal, day-to-day undergarments.  The actual lingerie was innocent- harmless, even. Looking at the images right now, though, a salacious idea creeped into my head. 
Under the right circumstances, these could be exactly the catalyst to finally receiving what I wanted. 
I open the messaging app on my phone, finding Spencer’s contact, and beginning to type out a simple message. 
The response is immediate. 
What’s up? 
You good? 
Where’d you go? 
I laugh a little. I imagined him scanning the crowd for me, trying to figure out where I’d gone off to. 
all good, don’t worry
so we’re still sticking to the no sex thing? 
I see his typing bubble pop up, then pause. Then starts up again. 
Trust me, it’s for the better. 
I groan internally. Of course he thinks that. Always thinks he knows what’s good for everyone. 
trust me 
if you knew what i had planned for us
you wouldn’t say that
I feel my phone vibrate in my hand, indicating he was now calling me? I hadn’t planned for this. 
“Spencer?” I remark, waiting for his voice on the line. 
“What do you mean?” He says, quickly. I can no longer hear the bustle of the party in the background, so it’s only reasonable to assume he’s moved somewhere quieter. Still, I ask. 
“Are you around other people?” I murmur, keeping my voice low. 
“No. Alone. What did you mean by your last message?” He repeats, quickly. 
There’s my in. I respond, feigning an unmistakable innocence in my voice. “Mind if I show you?” 
“Show me?” The confusion in his voice is palpable. 
“Show you.” I reply, more definitively.  “Check your messages.” 
I bring my phone away from my ear, electing to send the first picture I saw in my camera roll,  which prominently featured my breasts- a feature of mine I knew Spencer was quite interested in. I return to the call, my heart pounding wildly. 
“Did you see?” I ask, hesitantly, when all I can hear is his breathing on the other line. 
The response is a choked out, breathy mess of a sentence. “Yeah- I did. Jesus.” 
“Want more?” I murmur, biting my lip as the realization dawned on me that this possibly had a chance of working. 
There’s a delay in his words on the line, before I finally hear:
“Yes. God, yes.” 
I grin ear-to-ear, beginning to send an assortment of pictures I’d taken previously in the day. Knowing this was having an effect on him, that somewhere in this party Spencer was sitting alone, his gaze trained on his phone intently, did something to me. He was behaving this way because of my body, because of what I could do to him. 
It was hard not to get wet at the thought. 
“You look so good.” He breathes out, and the desire in his voice is unmistakable. 
“Yeah?” I mumble to the speaker. “You think so?” 
“Mhm.” He murmurs. “You’re wearing this right now?” He asks, seemingly needing that confirmation at this moment.  
“In all its glory.” I try not to giggle before murmuring teasingly, “What, you wanna see?” 
“Where are you?” He asks, suddenly seeming very determined. I can hear the shuffling on the other line, indicating he was now starting to move from where he was currently situated. He was completely, and utterly serious about this. 
“Bathroom, on the left corridor of the entrance.” I say, feeling exhilarated at the thought of him meeting me here. This was happening. 
“Stay.” He replies, and the call cuts. 
There’s an impatient itch that creeps up on me during the two-minute wait for him, before I hear a solid knock on the door, and my name being whispered through the door, belonging to a voice I’d grown so accustomed to and fond of. 
My fingers undo the lock, opening it just enough so that he could squeeze through without drawing too much attention to ourselves right now. 
And as soon as he’s managed in, he’s practically on me, devouring me with a kiss with a passion I’d never felt from him before. My hands go to wrap around his neck, pressing our bodies flush against each other, every ragged breath of his shooting directly to my core, which was now throbbing with need. 
“Fuck. Missed this so much.” He breathes out, gasping for air in between our kisses. I couldn’t so much as get a whimper out, before he’d dive right in again. It’s like he wanted to eat me alive. 
And I’d let him. 
I moan softly into his mouth, starved for more contact between us. It’s as if he can read my mind, because in an instant,  he guides us from the center of the bathroom, towards a wall, slotting his thigh between my legs. He takes a momentary break from ravishing me with his lips, now adopting a slower, more sensual pace as he works down my neck, each soft kiss leaving me craving him even more.  
His hands drift down to my hips, keeping me pinned against the wall as he murmured soft praises. My legs felt wobbly, absolutely taken aback by how quickly I could go weak for this man. 
“You like this, mm?” He mumbles, letting his teeth nip over the lobe of my ear, before switching to a more neglected side of my neck. “Like me that much, mm?” 
I don’t care about the cockiness in his tone. I don’t care how smug I render him. I just need him to continue this, for as long as I can have him. 
“Yes.” I breathe out, my voice higher-pitched than it normally would be. “God. Love this so much.” 
There’s a flash of hesitance from him, as he pulls his face away from my neck, staring at my eyes with his own. I can’t dwell on the pause, because for once, I’m finally seeing him. His hair was absolutely ruined, sticking up wildly in different directions. His cheeks were a light pink, serving to make his features even prettier and doe-like than before. But what got me were his eyes. His pupils were blown out, the normal honey-hazel I’d seen on a daily basis replaced with an absolute abyss of black. The darkness served to cause a surge within me, practically launching forward to meet his lips with mine. 
There are no words required for what happens next, as I feel his hand creep up my back, pulling me away from the wall and towards the closest surface, which happened to be the sink. He guides me to bend over, and I do so with no resistance.
 He could have me, whichever way he wanted, whenever he wanted. All I needed was his touch. 
I can feel him crouch to his knees, slowly reaching under my dress to hook his fingers around my panties, slowly pulling them down. I can feel a string of my arousal clinging to the fabric, and it seems Spencer can too, because he practically moans as he drags the soiled piece of lingerie down my thighs. I step out of them quickly, and turn my head back, fast enough to see him stuff the proof of our debauchery down his suit pocket. 
“Eyes ahead.” He whispers, leaning down close to my ear to nip at the sensitive flesh again. 
“Okay.” I murmur, slipping into a more submissive version of myself that he seemed to bring out in me. There’s a sense of relaxation and excitement all at the same time, and I’m absolutely wracked with lust for him. 
His fingers stroke my clit for a moment, applying pressure in just the right way. The movements are practiced, precise and guaranteed to hurl me off the edge if he continues this way. 
“You’re soaked, sweetheart.” He murmurs, almost amazed,  letting his fingers slip away. “All this for me?” 
I can barely respond, whimpering and nodding. “Yes. Please- Spencer.” I beg, needily. 
“I know, I know.” He replies, and I can hear how pleased he is. There’s a certain delight he derives from my submission, and while in any other circumstance, the smugness he displays would turn me off, right now it only served to further my hunger. 
I can feel him start to work on his belt, sliding the coarse material of his dress pants just enough, so that his cock could spring free. I can’t see it, but I can feel it, his tip sliding through my folds, and I clench at the thought of him finally being inside of me. 
Just when I believed his teasing to be done, there’s a knock at the door, and we both freeze. Spencer swallows, and quickly raises his voice. “Occupied!” 
There’s silence, and that previous sense of lust and content drifts back into our bodies, Spencer’s fingers trace up to my face, and he lets his finger slip into my mouth. I can taste my arousal on his fingers, and there’s a genuine struggle on my end to stay upright. How could I, when the man behind me rendered me so indisposed? 
He draws his fingers out of my mouth. “Good girl.” He whispers.
It seems the universe has other plans though, because yet again- a knock sounds at the door. I can hear Spencer’s groan, and watch through the mirror as he attempts to come up with a response that would give us the seclusion we required. 
My patience however, had worn thin. His cock was right there, and I’d be damned if I was forced to wait any longer. I turn my head towards the door, complacency and submission gone from my voice. 
“Do you mind? I’m trying to fuck him in here!” I say, snarking out the words. 
There’s a silence, and a murmur of mortification on the other side of the door. Footsteps. And then at last, silence. 
Spencer quickly leans down to kiss my cheek, mumbling out an “I love you.” 
Before I can even comprehend the words, he’s guiding himself into me, sliding his cock through my walls, and I have to bite my lip to keep a scream in. He feels so fucking good inside of me, stretching me out in ways no man ever could. I can feel the underside of his cock hitting that spongy spot deep inside of me, and my breathing turns rapid in mere seconds. 
“There we go, relax for me baby, yeah?” He mumbles. “Nice and slow.” 
I moan out my affirmative, gripping onto the sink as I let my jaw drop, eyes squeezing in absolute ecstasy. “So good for me.” He murmurs. “So warm and wet, Jesus.” 
And with that, he starts a pace that works for both of us. It’s hard and fast, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. The feel of his cock gliding through my puffy walls is intoxicating, and I can only wonder how I went so long without feeling it. 
It seems Spencer’s having similar  thoughts, because through my moans and his occasional groans, I can feel his grip on my hips get more bruising by the second, marking me as his own. I can hear occasional fragments of words through his noises. 
“Never letting you go. Oh fuck. Fuck.” He mumbles, and despite the overwhelming amount of arousal shooting through me, my heart swells. 
“Me too.” I whimper out, gripping the sink even harder. I can feel my wetness seeping all around us, splashing against my thighs with every movement he drives into me. “Need you so badly.” 
“Rub your clit for me.” He demands, whispering out the words. “Need to see you come on my cock first, pretty girl.” The words are strained, and I can tell he’s doing everything to keep from spilling inside of me prematurely. 
There’s no reason to temporize, and my fingers make their way down to the sensitive bundle of nerves, and the effect is almost immediate. It takes roughly a minute of my incessant rubbing and the feel of him inside me before I’m coming with a soft shout, growing limp against the sink as my muscles twitch and fill me with a deep sense of relief and satisfaction. 
Spencer isn’t far behind me, humping into me a few more times before coming inside of me, the release signified with a loud moan and a sense of warmth flooding my deepest point. He slumps against my back, pressing a few, soft kisses to my neck. 
As we both come down from our highs, I recall the words Spencer mumbled in my ear previously. I let out a self-satisfied giggle, which Spencer smiles at. 
“Mm. What’s that about?” He murmurs. 
“You love me?” I ask, softly. 
A pause. 
“A little.” He responds, voice equally as soft. 
“Is that why you stopped having sex with me?” I mumble out, gently. 
He presses another kiss to the nape of my neck. “Mhm. Please don’t be mad.” 
I let out a soft chuckle. “Not mad. The opposite, really.” 
He pulls me up, causing us both to look at each other. “You feel the same way?” 
I nod, biting my lip. “We could try this out, I think. I want to, Spencer.” 
I stop, and decide I do need to tease him a bit, especially after the sex-less agony he put me through for a month. 
“Though, I do recall someone telling me too much of a good thing can go bad..” 
His lips part in confusion, before he picks up the teasing nature of my words and leans in for a soft, simple kiss. He keeps his forehead on mind, his eyes staring into mine with a gentle reverence. 
“Let’s indulge just this once.” 
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holy shit has it been a long time since i've written a fic!! i'm so sorry?! i've been dealing with life and other assorted things and writing sort of took a backseat in that period of time <3 i hope this was okay. as usual any feedback, likes, comments, reblogs are so so greatly appreciated. i love writing for spencer, and i hope you guys like that writing too <3 i'm sorry that the two previous fics i promised seem to be delayed, i swear i'm gonna write those next, but inspiration sort of just struck on my end f or this, and i hope it was good <3 but yeah!! thank you so much for reading and interacting with this in any way you choose!! i appreciate it greatly!!
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moonstruckme · 3 months
Thanks for being patient with me! This is edited on about four hours of sleep so apologies for any errors <3
part 1 │ part 2 │ part 3 │ part 4 │part 5 │ part 6 │ part 7 │ part 8 │ part 9 │ part 10 │ part 11 │ part 12 │ part 13
roommate!James x shy!reader ♡ 1.6k words
Water sizzles on the stove. You reach over to turn down the heat, your side heating from its proximity to the boiling water, before spinning back around to keep speed-chopping onion. This is a result of poor planning. 
It’s possible that some of your nerves could be reinterpreted as excitement. Giddiness, even. You’re finally—finally—doing something to try and repay all the kindness James shows you. You’ve felt like such a mooch, eating his cooking and stealing his time with his friends, but last week had been too much for you to take. He’d discovered the stomach bug you were weathering, and James had completely devoted the next two days of his life to making sure you were looked after. 
Your fever had gotten so out of hand he’d very nearly followed through on his favorite threat (going into your phone while you’re sleeping and phoning your mum), and though you’d done your best to downplay it at the time there are admittedly gaps in your memory wherein you think you were simply too out of it to know what was going on. It’s not a very comforting thought when you’re harboring a humiliating crush on your roommate; you may well have been just as talkative as James always is, you don’t know. At least he hasn’t said anything. 
He had, thankfully, managed to avoid catching it. You’re not sure how he managed what no one on your shift at work did, but you assume it has something to do with all that kale he eats. Which is why you’re doing your best to make the thank-you meal you’re making him as healthy as might suit his standards. 
You hear his key in the door, and a little frisson goes up your spine. 
“You’re early,” you accuse as he walks in. 
“Since when do you know when my training ends?” James asks. You sound like you’re sniping at one another, but as usual the joviality in his tone is unmissable. 
The sounds of his entrance are familiar, perhaps more ingrained in your mind than they ought to be. Keys jingling as he hangs them on the hook, shoes toed off and left by the mat, heavy footsteps headed for wherever you are in the apartment. 
When he finds you in the kitchen, you both speak at once. 
“What happened to your shoulder?” 
“You know how to cook?” 
“Hurt it at training,” James answers, shrugging with the shoulder that doesn’t have an ice pack held to it. He’s probably too nice for it to occur to him to withhold his answer until you’ve given yours, as had been your first thought. “What are you making?” 
“How did you hurt it?” Worry pries at your tone. Your hands have stilled on the cutting board. 
“We had a scrimmage, and I got shoulder-barged.” He gives you a smile, a shadow of the real thing, but gentler. Reassuring. “It’s not bad.” 
You frown. “I don’t know what that means.” 
“Didn’t expect you to, love.” 
“Why do you need to ice it if it’s not bad?” 
There’s a look in James’ eyes that’s wavering between smugness and softness. You balk at the sight of it. “I need to be a bit careful with it,” he hedges, “but it’ll be good by morning. Now, you’ve distracted me. Do you mean to tell me you’ve known how to cook this entire time?” 
“Yes,” you concede with a laugh. “I’ve always said I cook for myself when you’re not around.” 
“And here you are, doing it right before my eyes.” James leans on the counter with his good arm. He looks immensely entertained. “I’m honored.” 
“This isn’t just for me,” you say, looking down to resume chopping onion as your face warms slightly. “It’s for—” Another remonstrative hiss from the stove, and you whip around, moving the pot off the hot part entirely. You’re a bit relieved for the excuse to face away from him. “It’s for both of us. Also, I just want to provide a disclaimer right now that I never said I was good at cooking, only that I knew how.” 
James’ laugh rumbles behind you, just as you knew it would. He’s too easy. You can practically feel the force of his smile hitting your back, like the sunshine brought inside. 
“Here,” he says, taking a couple of steps toward you, “let me help.” 
“No!” You whirl again, stopping him before he can actually enter the kitchen. “No way. James, I’m trying to do something nice.” 
“And it is very nice,” he says, earnest. “It just seems like you could use a hand.” 
“I’ve got it,” you insist. Your hands are up to ward him off, but you put them at your sides when you realize how close they’re hovering to his chest. “It doesn't count as doing something for you if you do it yourself. Anyway, you’re incapacitated.” 
“I’m…” James looks confused, but then he glances down to his icing shoulder. “Oh, come on. I’m hardly immobilized.” 
“For all intents and purposes, you are.” You do your best to infuse your voice with conviction. You’ve found that’s usually the way with James. If you show any hesitation, he’ll turn on the charm and have you eating out of his hand before you know what’s happened. You herd him away from the kitchen. “Go sit down. Dinner will be ready soon.” 
You can’t help but be aware of him as you finish up, knowing he has to hear the sizzling when you accidentally spill things onto the stove or the one mumbled curse you’re not quick enough to bite back. All evidence that you’re not nearly as practiced a cook as James. You can practically feel his grin from a room over. Still, when it's done you’re fairly proud of yourself. 
James is beaming as he accepts his bowl. He hikes his knees up so you can pass between the couch and the coffee table, making a show of sniffing the steam rising from the food. 
“Is this risotto?” he asks, waiting for your little nod before his mouth drops open in astonishment. “You are so sneaky! I didn’t know you could cook at all, let alone fancy shit like this.” 
“It’s not that hard to make.” You look down at your fork as you raise it to your lips, blowing. 
“Sure it is! Loads of people have a hard time with it.” 
“Do you?” 
James grins, caught. You feel your own smile tugging at your lips as you take a bite.
He follows suit, forking a bit of the risotto and blowing to cool it before taking it in his mouth. His eyes dip closed, head lolling back, and he moans. 
“Oh my god, this is good. I’m never cooking again, now that I know you can do this.” 
You take another bite to avoid a response. You’re fairly sure the heat from your face could power the apartment for a month. 
James makes a few more over-the-top compliments of your culinary skills, which you deflect as best you can. As always, you eat mostly silently while he chatters, but when you look over your attention gets snagged on his shoulder. 
He’s only using the one hand to eat, bowl resting in his lap while you hold yours up closer to your face. His ice pack sits beside him now that he can’t hold it on anymore. You catch yourself gnawing on the inside of your lip. 
“Does it hurt?” you ask. 
James looks over, following your gaze. “Yeah,” he admits. “Nothing I’m not used to, though.” 
You feel your eyebrows pinch. “You get hurt often?” 
He smiles bemusedly. “It’s rugby, love. Getting a bit roughed up is part of the deal.” 
This doesn’t sit right with you. Though you hadn’t pondered it much before, you realize you’ve sort of been thinking of James, with his muscles and constant smiles and easygoing manner, as somewhat invincible. He seems like such a source of light in the world, it hadn’t occurred to you that anything bad could happen to him. You don’t like the idea of him being hurt. In any capacity. 
You realize this is likely playing out on your face when you notice James watching you. His eyes are soft. “As much as I would love to milk this for attention and maybe a sponge bath,” he says, setting his fork in his bowl, “it’s really not that bad. See?” 
He pulls down the sleeve of his shirt, and the effort to placate you is wasted. You take in a quiet, horrified gasp at the deeply colored bruise on James’ shoulder. One of your hands raises as if to touch it. It hovers in the space between you. 
“That’s not that bad?” you look at James in alarm. “It looks broken.” 
“It’s not,” he laughs. It’s a bit awkward, as close to self-conscious as you’ve ever seen him. “Trust me, I’ve had a couple broken bones in my time. It’s only bruised, and the muscle’s a bit strained.” 
The muscle, you’re noticing now, is quite substantial. Your focus is on the bruise, but the shoulder beneath it is eye-catching as well, hefty and taut-looking, presumably from the strain. That, or James is flexing. 
You raise your gaze quickly to his. Brown eyes tinged with smugness. 
“You’re worried about me.” His lips stretch into a grin. Not your favorite one in his arsenal. “Aw, sweetheart, I love you too.” 
You direct your attention back to your food, face hotter than hot. “I have justification for worry,” you say, the teasing tone you were going for undercut by the unintentional softness of your voice. “You’re voluntarily participating in a sport that seems like it’s trying to kill you.” 
James takes a self-satisfied bite of his risotto. “I don’t know, I was pretty worried when you fainted in my arms last week.” 
You side-eye him suspiciously. “I didn’t actually do that.” 
“Guess you’ll never know.” 
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arafilez · 6 months
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ー☆ㅤㅤ [ skz ot8 x reader ] ㅤ੭𓂃 ㅤfluff, estb. relationship 𓏧 reaction ㅤ warnings none ㅤ﹢ㅤ0.2k / mem wc ㅤ𓏧 ㅤ req
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੭ㅤ𝅄ㅤ ꒰ BANG CHAN ꒱
Chan opens the door to the apartment and says, “I am back,” in a sweet manner and an adorable grin, only for everything to go futile. He doesn’t hear you answer him making him tilt his head in confusion. He looks around and notices a dim light from the bedroom door despite the dark living room.
It is too early for you to be sleeping!
He keeps his bags down and walks towards the bedroom slowly prying the door open and a gasp leaves his mouth at the adorable scene that unfolds in front of him. You, lying on the bed, eyes closed and soft snores leaving your mouth and a half-done crochet top in your hands.
He walks towards you slowly, and gently removes your fingers off the pastel green material, giggling at how cute the sweater looks and then looks at you. He circles his arms around your waist trying to get you to a sleeping position but that gets you up as you jerk up.
“Woah, okay love, slow down," he replies and you stare at him, still in a bit of a haze as he coos at you, “Let’s get you to sleep, my crocheting star.”
“Mhm, good idea,” you whisper making him stare at you with half-moon eyes before a full-blown smile etches his face and he pulls you closer to get comfortable.
੭ㅤ𝅄ㅤ ꒰ LEE MINHO ꒱
Minho comes back home and his eyes narrow at his two cats sitting on the floor with crocheted cat sweaters on them. They nuzzle against his ankles and he crouches down and pats their heads saying, “Where’s Doongie?” Where is his third cat anyway?
“I can’t believe you come home and the first thing you ask for is Doongie and not the person who made those?” you fake-scoff making Minho turn in his heels and look at you holding Doongie, who is happily nuzzling against your arms. He purrs lightly in his sage green clothing and on top of it stays in your arms when Minho tries to take him.
“Someone appreciates this, at least,” you smile making Minho roll his eyes affectionately. He gently pries Doongie off your arms and places a chaste kiss on your lips saying, “Yeah, but I love you so that makes up for everything.”
“Hm, does it?” you tease but kiss him back as his head leans against yours and he holds your waist, stroking gentle lines against it. As you part away you watch him take out his phone and take pictures of his three cats before sending it to his friends.
“They look so cute,” he giggles looking at the matching and adorable sweaters and then turns to you, “You’re so cute.” “And you’re cheesy,” you giggle as he laughs along with you in the quiet home.
Changbin enters the apartment after his evening gym routine only to find it oddly quiet. He looks around and spots the muted T.V. and you lying down on the couch with a half-done crochet top in your hands.
He smiles at your adorable figure with an equally adorable piece in your hand before he walks up to you and sits beside you. Closing down the show, he picks out his phone and clicks a picture of you. His giggles are what wakes you up and you blink before getting up.
Rubbing your eyes you ask, “Binnie, when did you get here?” “Long enough to see you sleeping with that and take the cutest pictures in the world. I might win a Guinness World Record for capturing the cutest person.” You slap his arm and he laughs as you look down at the half-made top in your hands and feel the tiredness taking over.
Putting your head on his shoulder as he rounds his arm around your figure asking, “Tired?” “Yes, gonna finish this tomorrow,” you yawn halfway through your sentence and he replies, “Okay cutie, let’s so sleep.”
“Hyunjin, Hyunjin, Hyunjin,” you jump around excitedly as soon as he enters the room and looks at you, a small smile etching his face at your sight. You are wearing a fluffy crochet cap, is that what it is called, Hyunjin wonders and a piece of crochet material is lying on the table in front of you.
His loose clothes on your body makes him giggle as you happily bounce towards him saying, “Look what I made.” His eyes land on the hat and the pale colour and intricate designs and he says, “It’s adorable!”
“I know, right?” you jump and he holds you and kisses your lips lightly making you calm down. “Let’s take some pictures,” you nod happily at his idea before you two pose for the camera and take them at weird angles just to get a good laugh.
੭ㅤ𝅄ㅤ ꒰ HAN JISUNG ꒱
“Baby, this is hard,” Jisung’s whine doesn’t go unnoticed by you as you finish the sweater you were making and grin at him. “That is because you are new at it,” you say making him pout more.
He tries for a good fifteen minutes before slumping back on the couch and keeping the crochet hook and yarn down. “Woah, did I finally find something Han Jisung, our ace, is bad at?” you giggle as he glares at you.
“I am not bad, I simply don’t have the patience right now,” he replies making you shrug, “Same difference.” You laugh loudly as he pounces on your body, tickling you, god knows how he found your weirdest tickle spots too, making you squirm and apologise at his giggly face.
Needless to say, a week later Jisung pops into your work-room with a smirk on his face and a fully crocheted sweater in his hands with the most intricate design as you stare in awe. “Told ya,” he says with a smug smile as you stare at it dumbfounded. He truly is an ace.
੭ㅤ𝅄ㅤ ꒰ LEE FELIX ꒱
Felix tiptoes into your room to surprise you after work but the scene takes him by surprise instead. He chuckles lightly at you, currently asleep with a plushie beside you and a crochet piece on your lap. Fishing out his phone he quickly takes some pictures and then wakes you up to make you sleep properly.
The next morning you wake up to a smiley Felix as you stretch lightly and ask, “Why are so shining before the sun baby?” “Because of you,” he replies making you snort, “Cheesy ass.”
“I took some interesting pictures yesterday,” he whispers before reaching out for it and you blink trying to adjust to the light. You look beside at his cheeky grin and a picture of you sleeping which is clearly from last night making you gasp. Holy shit! You are drooling there and that picture is literally his homescreen? Is he out of his mind?
“Lee Yongbok, you will remove that from your home screen right now,” you say, trying to climb over him in vain as he pouts, “What no, you look so cute.” “I am drooling,” you reason, eyes moving frantically and he kisses you before you burst into palpitations saying, “Yeah that is why it is only for my eyes to see love.”
Seungmin enters the building and reaches the apartment putting in the lock-code. He looks around in confusion as the empty living room greets him and your abandoned slippers lie on the floor. “Y/n?” he calls once before his eyes land on the dim light coming from the bedroom door.
Walking towards it he looks inside as he watches you sleep with a small crochet top half-done. He chuckles lightly as he watches a bit of drool around the corner of your lips. Softly sitting down on the bed, he leans to the side and strokes his fingers over your cheek. You hum in your sleep leaning into his touch making him look at you endearingly.
He shakes you lightly and the movement makes you open your eyes, a hazy vision of Seungmin’s face and you stifle a yawn saying, “Hi.” “Crocheting?” he asks, in a soft and quiet tone and you murmur ‘yes’ and tilt your head against his shoulder as he wraps an arm around your waist easily.
“Keeping this aside for tomorrow,” he murmurs to mostly himself as he shuffles around in the bed, your light snores reaching his ears. He holds you and your head nuzzles against his neck as you two get into a comfortable nap.
“Never making stuff with you ever again,” Jeongin complains making you roll your eyes at him. All this drama is because of a crochet hook. “I would rather die than crochet,” he continues and you sigh, there he goes again!
“Yang Jeongin you are insufferable,” you whisper lightly tapping his cheek as he narrows his eyes and says, “How are you doing it anyway?” “By having patience and not sighing with every minor inconvenience,” your snarky reply makes him grin and say, “Well there is my talented person.”
“Buttering me into completing yours won’t work,” you exclaim and he promptly replies, “How about a nice little date with greasy popcorn and cheesy rom-com?”
“Keep talking, it might be working,” you reply and he takes the opportunity to slide his arms around you saying, “All for my pretty baby.” “A kiss on lips and sold,” you whisper making him peck you immediately and you giggle, “Fine we can do this later.”
He enthusiastically puts the items away before running to bring popcorn as you select a show.
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ー☆ㅤㅤ [ ara's notes ] ㅤ੭𓂃 ㅤi am sorry but i don’t even know if this is good. i am sorry for the wait too but it was written in the guide i searched up pictures to get what you mean and I hope you like it. ㅤ𓏧ㅤ libraryㅤ skz shelfㅤ navi
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੭ 𝅄ㅤ ꒰ TAGLIST ꒱ ㅤ⏤ㅤ @haneagerr @kyrjnie ㅤ𓏧ㅤ fill this or comment or ask to be added
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ㅤㅤ(ㅤㅤ© arafilez on tumblrㅤㅤ)
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ddejavvu · 4 months
What about stepbro!Steve who asks to share you with his friend Eddie just to show him what a good girl you are and how amazingly he treats you. Maybe even how only he can make you feel good
this post is 18+ (and dark), minors dni. Don't like, don't read. Block 'dark mei' for no more dark content.
Steve does an excellent job of holding your attention, but the fifth time that Munson groans to your left where he's tugging at his cock makes you glance over. He's hunched and his hands are shaking slightly, the head of his cock an angry red as he brings himself to the tipping point and refrains from cumming only because Steve hasn't yet. You assume it's some infernal game, a test of masculinity to see who can hold out the longest, but Eddie's face is bright red and his grip on his cock looks painful.
"You wanna show the Munson freak what he's missing?" Steve scoffs, pressing a large hand onto your cheek to turn your head towards Eddie. He pries at your swollen lips with a rough thumb, gaping your mouth open for Eddie to see.
"Wanna stuff it in there, Munson? Or here?" Steve's hands flit to your tits, one leaving your hip where he'd been holding you steady while pounding into you. He presses your tits together, "Wanna shove your dick in there and see if you can hit her chin? Or here?" Steve grabs your hips again, lifting them at an angle that drives his cock oh-so-deep into your sloppy cunt, eliciting a cry from you. It gives Eddie a clear view of your cunt sucking Steve's cock in, swallowing it whole and spitting it back out again slick with arousal. Eddie's hips begin to stutter as he loses his willpower, and Steve's face curls into a dark sneer as he turns back to you.
"Pathetic. Wants his dick in you so bad just seeing it makes him cum in his pants. You want him, baby?"
When you don't answer, stuck between hesitance and mind-blowing pleasure, Steve's thick brows raise, "Hm? You want him? Wanna let the freak fuck you?"
No is rude, yes is unfaithful.
"Wh-what?" You try, but Steve's eyes darken with wicked delight.
"You do want him to fuck you, don't you? You gonna take pity on him, honey? Gonna let him get his dick wet? You're such a saint."
"It's your lucky day, Munson," Steve snaps, hands cupping the underside of your ass as his hips snap into you, "You get my sloppy seconds. But don't think for even a second that you'll get her to cream like I do."
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sugawhaaa · 3 months
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Just want attention, fuck this tension
{{Part 1}}
Genre:: nipple play, teasing, that's about it for now
Pairing::ot8!ateez! X fem!reader
A/N:: Tumblr decided to enrage me and POST THIS EVEN WHEN I TOLD IT NOT TO. So now this is going to be split into two parts 💔 I am so mad rn
You knew what you were doing was quite terrible. This job was almost like a last resort that you managed to get through pretty privilege. You basically kissed your human decency away as soon as you agreed to the job. You were going to be a sex toy for the one and only ateez.
They're all grown men after all but they don't have time to meet women and actually hook up with them. Sure they can often go to clubs but they get tired really quickly from all the partying that comes along with it. They just needed someone they could casually have sex with whenever they wanted and somehow the company agreed to let them pick out a girl to ask. You were that lucky girl and today was your first day as…a whore.
Considering the circumstances you were given a key to access their house and a room of your own to live in. It wasn't much and of course you'd be allowed to leave quite frequently but when night rolled around you were completely and utterly theirs.
You hesitantly stuck the key into the door and pried it open to find the house empty and quiet. You called out softly into the empty room. “Hello?” You step into the entryway and shut the door behind yourself. You put the keys back in your bag and saw a little space where they put all their jackets, shoes, purses, and bags. You slipped off your shoes and set them in the pantry before hanging up your bag. Their house was fancy yet it still held this homey aura. It was calm and cozy but when you got to the kitchen you noticed a pile of dishes that were probably put off for days due to their busy schedules. You decided to put some calm morning music on as you did the dishes for them almost as if to say thank you for letting you into their private life.
Midway through doing the dishes you heard someone stirring away. You had to mentally prepare yourself to talk to them and try not to sound creepy for letting yourself into their house. A tired Hongjoong stepped into the kitchen, startled to see a woman in their house. “Good morning,” you smile with pink cheeks.
“Morning?” Hongjoong chuckled as he walked up to you. “You must be Y/N right?”
“Yes,” your eyes scan his body up and down. “No one answered the door so I thought I'd just…” your words trail off as the embarrassment sinks in.
“I don't blame you,” Hongjoong swished his hand, brushing off your embarrassment. “So, have you done this kind of job before?” He crosses his arms, raising a brow. He wanted to get to know the girl he'd be offering to his members, perhaps even going for a test drive.
“Well not necessarily, I'm not a…virgin but I haven't had many jobs that would include a skill list of these things,” you chuckle and finish rinsing the last dish. “The way the company described it, it didn't seem like I had to have any previous, serious, experience,” you explain as you start drying dishes. Hongjoong seems interested in your words, leaning against the wall and nodding. “It sounds like I'm mainly just to be used…for my body,” you explain, avoiding eye contact. Hongjoong was bare faced, with messy hair and still in his pajamas. This was enough to make any woman fold.
“I see why you would think that,” he starts before walking over to you. “But, I at least, don't think of you like that,” he smiles. “I want to spoil you, I want to care for you,” Hongjoong gently brushes his hand on your shoulder comfortingly. “I want to give you all the attention you deserve,” he brings his hand from your shoulder to your chin, making you look up at him. He smiles softly as he analyzes your features. Then you hear the sound of someone clearing their throat.
“Ya done?” San stands with a mug of coffee and a purple housecoat draped around his body. His hair was also messy, spikey almost, and his bare face was going to make you do backflips. Hongjoong chuckles and turns to San.
“San, meet Y/N. She's the girl I was talking to you about the other day, our little dove,” he pats the back of your head as San walks over to you. It was clear San wasn't fully awake, not in the right headspace, as he analyzed you.
“She's pretty,” he smiles softly before walking off to make some breakfast. As the morning goes on the members all arise, most of them are in similar conditions as the first two. Two of them however wake up full of energy, Wooyoung and Yunho. Wooyoung is over the moon excited to have a girl in their home to hang out with, sexually or not he's excited. Seems like not only Hongjoong was excited to have a girl to watch over. Yunho was nervous at first but he quickly adjusted and got comfortable with you.
Wooyoung was the main one to show you around their humble abode. It wasn't massive but it was homey. On your little tour you finally met Mingi. He was in the washroom with the door half open, brushing his teeth without a shirt and sweatpants. That was something you were going to have to get used to when living with a bunch of 20 year old men. Mingi was unphased, giving you a little smile and wave. You could only blush and wave back. Wooyoung then dragged you down the hall telling you which room was who's and helping you settle into your own room.
Their house was kind of split in two. Furthest to the left you had a hallway with a bathroom and five rooms, one a massive storage room. Then there was the massive living room with beautiful windows. On the other half of the building it was much the same. Five bedrooms, one a guest room, one washroom, the kitchen and dining room. In between both sides was a gaming room or just a place to hang out. Their house wasn't the cleanest you've seen but it was very clean for a kpop group you must admit.
After your encounter with Mingi, Wooyoung took you to the living room with a TV and a very long couch. Wooyoung sat you down, gave you the remote, and asked if he could get you a snack or drink of sorts.
“Give the woman a minute to breathe,” San ruffled Wooyoung's hair, leaning over the back of the couch. You were startled by his sudden voice and turned to look at him.
“Yeah don't worry so much Wooyoung she'll get used to it all,” Jongho said, sitting next to you with a plate of breakfast.
“Dude, how many times do we have to say you shouldn't eat in the living room,” San sighs with a shake of his head. You watch back and forth as the members converse. The members were quite entertaining even when they were just talking like this. Surprisingly the day went on quite normally for them, or at least a normal vacation day for them.
After lunch you went back to the couch and opened your phone. You went to the notes app and started writing down some speculations about each member. Based on the conversation you had with Hongjoong he seems to be leaning toward the dominant type. He's definitely got a possessive side to him and maybe even controlling in some ways. He could potentially have a thing for “daddy” type prompts, but it's definitely not set in stone.
Seonghwa so far is a closed and locked book. You haven't talked much with him and he doesn't even really seem interested in you. Not a good sign, that's for sure considering your job is to make them want you basically.
Yunho was shy at first but quickly got used to you after some small chatter. He is pretty mysterious right now but something tells you he's gonna be an interesting card in bed. He definitely knows what he's doing.
Yeosang is also kind of a mystery. He doesn't talk much which doesn't give you many leads at all. The less a person talks to you, the less you get to grasp their personality and make some guesses on the intimate life. He seems pretty shy and timid which could leave the door open for being dominant with him. Or he could be the type of guy who's all cute and rainbows until they're pounding into you. Once again, he's a mystery.
San is pretty relaxed, a chill vibe flows from him. This could be brought into intimate hours as well. He's probably the type of guy who likes lazy sex or pure intimacy and love. Something deep downs telling you he likes spoiling his girl as well but there's no actual lead to that yet.
Mingi is a wildcard as well. He wasn't shy at all when you saw him half naked but that means nothing about him. You get the vibe from his energy that he's pretty rough in bed, doing all kinds of kinky things but deep down he's gotta have a submissive side. There's no way he can't.
Wooyoung is a gleaming ball of energy when it comes to you. Whether he's excited to fuck you up or be fucked by you is once again a mystery. The first time with him will probably go something like, you touch one part of his bare skin and he'll shatter beneath you.
Jongho seems to not really care much for you either, which is also bad. But you can't ignore the way he acts with you. He may treat you like a big sister most of the day but there were odd times where he'd look your body up and down in a hungry way. He's interesting for sure…
As you type out these notes you feel eyes peering over you and turn to see Mingi intently reading each word. Your face turns red and you shut off your phone. Mingi looks up at you with a frown.
“Hey I just started reading mine,” he pouts and you sigh in relief. How embarrassing would it be if he got to read his own.
“Good,” you retort back and he gasps, over acting way too much.
“Oh you wound me princess,” he puts a hand to his head and you sigh. Mingi chuckles before leaning closer to you again. “So you think Hongjoong has a daddy kink?” He tilts his head and you instantly freeze up.
“W-Well it's just an assumption, I don't know for sure yet. These are all things just to test out,” you explain and Mingi nods.
“Well I can say for sure that Yunho's is pretty damn accurate,” he smiles and looks at the TV. He takes the remote from the side tables and turns it on. “Yunho is a huge flirt when he's alone with someone he likes. From what I've heard and seen he seems to be kinda rough as well,” Mingi informs you as he scrolls through Kdramas.
“Why are you telling me all of this?” You raise an eyebrow as you turn your phone on, writing down all of Mingis comments on Yunho.
“Why not?” Mingi shrugs and you hum. Yup that sounded like a good answer. You turn your phone off and shove it in your pocket. You stand up before turning to Mingi.
“Does it matter which washroom I use?” You chuckle and Mingi shakes his head. You rush to the washroom and try to compose yourself. These men were going to be the death of you. Constantly creeping up on you and blinding you with their good looks. You needed to get a grip, it was your job to be flirted with, used and essentially fucked. You needed to get yourself together. While you wash your hands you look over at their shower. Maybe it'd be a good idea to get a shower and clear your head. You nod to yourself and dry your hands.
When you exit the washroom you look down the hall to Hongjoongs room. You gently peer in with a little knock. Hongjoong looks up at you from his phone. He takes off one headphone before saying “hey Y/N, what's up?” He smiles and you chuckle softly.
“Hey uhm would it be alright if I got a shower?” You smile.
“Of course,” he says as he stands up off his bed, taking off his headphones and leaving them on the bed with his phone. “Here I'll help you get it ready,” he offers and you thank him kindly. He gets you a towel and hangs it up for you before telling you how the shower works. The shower head had three different modes but the temperature handle worked like any other. He shows you the shampoos and conditioners they have that you can borrow. They get a lot of samples of stuff from skincare and haircare places for you to use. He nods before closing the door. “Have fun,” he laughs and you laugh back.
“I'm sure I will,” you smile before undressing. You turn the shower on to test the temperature. Absolutely scorching, perfect. You use the sampler hair products and borrow some of Hongjoong body wash that he said you could use. When you got out of the shower you used the prepared towel and as you dried off your hair the scent of the ateez members filled your lungs. The towel smelt just like them and it made your heart skip a beat. It's a no-brainer that the towel would smell like them, or more so their laundry detergent, but it felt amazing. You felt like a part of their crew now. You dry off and wrap the towel around your body snugly
You turn the shower on to test the temperature. Absolutely scorching, perfect. You use the sampler hair products and borrow some of Hongjoongs body wash that he said you could use. When you got out of the shower you used the prepared towel and as you dried off your hair the scent of the ateez members filled your lungs. The towel smelt just like them and it made your heart skip a beat. It's a no -brainer that the towel would smell like them, or more so their laundry detergent, but it felt amazing. You really felt like a part of their crew now. You dry off and wrap the towel around your body snugly. You collect up your clothes and phone before walking out to your room. When you open the door simultaneously, one of the bedroom doors opens. Yeosang innocently looks at you, his eyes traveling down slightly.
Yeosang chuckles before running off to the kitchen. You brush it off and go to your room. You dry your hair, brush it, put it up and start unloading some more things from your bag. For today you didn't bring much but in time there would be much more in your room. As you unpack the scent of cooking meat fills your nose. It's not long after you hear a knock on your door and Seonghwa creeps the door open.
“Dinner is ready,” he smiles warmly. He was wearing a cozy sweater and his hair was half put up by a claw clip. Strands of his black hair remained in his eyes and face. You thank him and go out to the dining room. San from the kitchen asks you how much and what you'd like.
“We have bulgogi set out on the table but we also have some glass noodles and mandu back here because somebody couldn't choose just one thing to eat tonight,” San scowls at the younger two members. You chuckle and ask for a mix of everything. San comes out with two plates in hand. As he puts the plate in front of you, you can't help but notice his muscles in his tight black shirt. Your eyes linger over his pecs for a moment before he sits down next to you like a smile. You look up at his face with pink cheeks and he playfully raises his eyebrows before digging into his food.
On the other side of you was Wooyoung. You look over at him eating before shifting your gaze over to Seonghwa who was looking right back at you. His chin was tipped down and he looked up at you with hooded eyes. You blush and look away but unbeknownst to you he doesn't. Next to Seonghwa is Hongjoong, eating elegantly but quickly. On the other side of Seonghwa is Yunho, sophisticatedly eating his food as well. You pick up your chopsticks and look down at your food before hesitating.
“Do you not want this?” Wooyoung looks at you with worried eyes, gesturing to your plate.
“No, no I'll eat it, it's fine,” you smile and bring your chopsticks down to your glass noodles, mixing them around.
“Here try some of the mandu,” Wooyoung picks up some Mandu from your plate and holds his hand under it, in case anything spills or he drops it. “Open~” he smiles and you hesitantly do as he asks. You open your mouth and he guides the food into your mouth. Your eyes widen. The flavors dancing on your tongue. “Good right?” He smiles and takes a napkin, wiping your chin and bottom lip from the soy sauce. You nod with a smile and you can feel a gaze piercing your soul from behind you. You swallow your food and go to pick up your glass. San picks up the cup before you can.
“No, no, let me,” he sits up and gently holds your chin, guiding the rim of the cup towards your mouth.
“I-I can do it myself san,” you chuckle with pink cheeks as the members watch the kdrama unfold.
“Stop talking or you'll choke,” San chuckles before bringing the glass to your lips, tipping it up so the water flows into your mouth. He pulls the cup back and lets you swallow. He smiles, satisfied with his competition with Wooyoung. Wooyoung clears his throat before continuing to eat. You look around awkwardly before continuing, the entire time you could feel their eyes on you, especially Seonghwa's. His gaze didn't feel the same though. It felt more predatory.
After finishing eating Wooyoung and Sans antics don't cease, only begging for your attention more. You stay at the table in respect, waiting for the rest to finish. San brings his hand up to your hair, brushing it out of your face. “Your hair is so soft dear,” he smiles and Wooyoung frowns.
“Don't put your hands in her hair, you just finished eating. What if you get soy sauce in her hair?” Wooyoung interrupts your intimate interaction.
“You put your hands all over her face when you were feeding her,” San crosses his arms. Hongjoong groans and leans back in his chair.
“You two stop bickering,” Seonghwa chimes in. “Or take it to another room. Everyone's finished eating now,” Seonghwa says before taking a sip of his water. San and Wooyoung mumble under their breath before parting ways.
“I'm going to workout, you wanna join Y/N?” San leans over the back of his chair as Hongjoong starts collecting up the plates.
“Thank you but I'm good, I need my food to sit for a while,” you smile and put your hand to your stomach. In truth, seeing San in that state might just make you go feral, lose your train of thought and act on impulse. San shrugs and heads to the active room. You help the two eldest members clean up after dinner and as the night grows near you feel butterflies stirring up in your stomach. You needed to talk to them about what they wanted to do to you but how could you casually bring that up? After contemplating for a while you go to Hongjoongs room, knocking on the door as you enter cautiously. “hongjoong? Can we talk for a minute?” You ask and Hongjoong instantly helps you into his room.
“Sure Y/N, come in,” he smiles and guides you to his bed before shutting the door behind you. “What's up?” He asks softly as he sits next to you on his bed.
“Well I have been thinking about plans for tonight,” you explain and Hongjoong nods. “There are many ways we can go about it but…I thought it'd be a good idea if I started with you,” you explain and Hongjoong turns to you, surprised by your offer.
“As honored as I am to be your first out of all the members, I have to say…I think it'd be best if we talked to them first,” he smiles and brings a hand up to your hair. “All of them want you so bad, they can hardly control themselves. Myself included,” Hongjoong laughs.
“Really? Even Seonghwa and Yeosang?” You look at him surprised and he nods.
“Of course, especially Seonghwa. Have you not seen the way he's been looking at you? The poor guy can't keep his eyes to himself,” Hongjoong laughs. “During dinner he kept staring at your chest and lips. When you helped us clean up his eyes were glued to your ass, attentively watching it,” Hongjoong chuckles as he calls out his friend. You blush, shocked to hear such things about seonghwa. “Trust me all of the members are going crazy over you,” he smiles and twists a strand of your hair around his finger. “Why don't we call them all out to the living room and we can talk?” Hongjoong proposes. You nod softly and Hongjoong kisses your cheek before standing up. You're taken aback by the sweet gesture but quickly follow after him.
You eventually get all the members together in the living room and Hongjoong gets the ball rolling for you. “So our little dove here wanted to know what approach you guys wanted to try tonight,” Hongjoong explains as he looks at you. “I know you're all itching to give her all the attention she deserves but we need to be gentle with her at first remember,” he reminds everyone and you blush. They made you feel so delicate and cherished.
“We could start with something simple to ease into it, just start by stripping and getting comfortable with touches and stuff,” Yunho proposes and Hongjoong nods his head.
“That's smart. What do you say Y/N?” Hongjoong turns back to you and you smile with a little nod.
“We can start now if you want,” you stand up with a smile. Hongjoong blushes but eagerly agrees. You stand in front of the surprisingly large crowd of men before taking off your shirt, pulling it off your head. Most members have a similar reaction, hungrily watching, except for one. Yeosang sitting on the furthest side of the couch, nibbling on his nail or finger tip while he bounces his knee. His eyes are glued to you but he seems more nervous than the rest. You pull off your socks and unzip your jeans, pulling them down until they pool at your ankles. You step out of them and put your clothes in a small pile on one of the furthest ends of the couch.
“You wanna stop here or keep going?” Jongho asks as you set your clothes near him.
“Let's stay like this for a while,” you chuckle before sitting back on the couch. Their couch was large, definitely enough to fit all of you with a lot of room to spare but suddenly Seonghwa and Hongjoong were sat closer to you than before. The other members all leaned forward to see better and you chuckle softly. “Don't be shy, you can move around to see better if you want,” you chuckle and Jongho instantly does as you suggest, sliding off the couch and sitting in front of your knees. You chuckle softly before feeling a hand come around your back to your waist. You turn and see Honjoong eyeing you up as he strokes your skin.
“Your skin is so soft baby,” he whispers in your ear, making your skin crawl. Seonghwa is suddenly unable to control himself. He leans down and bites your neck, sucking on the soft skin. You let out a small gasp at the feeling of his teeth and mouth on your skin. He begins to roll his tongue around your sensitive skin. Hongjoong is still rubbing your back and waist, searching for a soft spot or a weak point. Jongho just watches intently, watching all of your little reactions. Your eyes flutter shut from the feeling of their hands on you, their bodies pressed against you. You then hear whining. From one of the maknaes.
“Why do you guys always get to go first,” Wooyoung whines. You chuckle as he pouts.
“You can come over Wooyoung,” you smile as you look over at him.
“But where would I touch you? Seonghwa has your neck Hongjoong has the other side of your neck and your torso and Jongho is in the way of everywhere else,” Wooyoung crosses his arms and Jongho scowls at him.
“We'll make room,” you smile as you wave your hand for him to come closer. He Saunters over and you encourage him to sit on your lap. He sits down, embarrassed by how submissive he looks. You kiss his lips softly and he looks at you wide eyed. The two of you make out while you feel numerous sets of hands coursing over your body. You've lost track of whose hands are who's. You feel a hand, most likely Hongjoongs, come up to the back of your bra. He undoes each clip, one by one, giving you time to refuse if you wanted to. Finally all the hooks come undone and your bra loosens off your body. Surprisingly San is the first one to slide it off of your body.
His hands come around from behind you, sliding the silky fabric off your shoulders. He pulls it off your body before throwing it in the pile of clothes. Seonghwa instantly moves his lips from your neck to your chest. He circles his tongue around your nipple, biting it softly, licking all around the plump skin. His right hand comes up to your opposite breast, pinching and sandwiching the nipple between his fingers, occasionally groping the your entire boob as well. This leaves an opening for San to come in and bite at your neck, leaving his own marks before whispering in your ear ever so softly.
“We're going to make you feel so good tonight baby,” he smirks before running his fingers through your hair. You lean back as your eyes flutter shut. So many touches, so many lips, teeth, pinches, it was all so much but it felt like heaven itself.
As the group of them shower you with kisses and attention Yeosang and Yunho sit to the side. Yeosang seems a lot more shy and reserved than Yunho. Yeosang has a pillow brought up to his face, hiding himself, but his eyes are still glued to the scene in front of him. Yunho on the other hand is leaned back as he watches, his erection straining against his pants.
Yunho would hate to be the one to take things too far or move too fast but he can't resist discreetly touching himself through his pants. Yeosang glances down at Yunho but quickly adverts his eyes.
Mingi is on the other side of the couch from Yeosang and Yunho and he is barely keeping himself together, doing very similar things as Yunho except more discreetly. Mingi moves his hips slightly making his erection rub against the inside of his boxers.
You can physically feel the arousal growing in the room. You can taste it, you can feel it, you can hear it, you can smell it.
The group of men surrounding you start getting into as well, their bulges impossible to ignore. The pure lust in the air begins to engulf you, falling into the fantasies, bending to their will. Hongjoong is the first to initiate the real sexual touches. His hand trails down to your panties, gently searching for your clit. He feels the bud and presses down on it, electing a gasp from you. Hongjoong smirks widely knowing he's found the spot but Wooyoung remains in his way. Hongjoong removes his hand before pushing Wooyoungs chest lightly.
"I can't touch her when you're in the way," Hongjoong whines, and Wooyoung reluctantly joins Jongho on the floor. Jongho loves the sight above him, soaking in your lustful scent while watching the way your body squirms beneath the member's touches. Wooyoung on the other hand, not so much. He feels discarded, he wants to be the one touching Y/N, he wants to be the one making her whimper and squirm.
Hongjoong goes back to what he was doing, rubbing up and down your wet folds through your panties. "She's so wet already," he grins. "Look at her~" he cooes and the members are intrigued. Seonghwa is still occupied by your tits and San can't even see your core but Jongho and Wooyoung get a perfect view.
"Damn," Wooyoung says, hypnotized by the wet patch on your panties.
"Spread those little legs baby, show the Maknaes how wet you are for Daddy ~" hongjoong whispers into your ear making your stomach flip upside down and your pussy throb even more than it already was. Mingi catches wave of Hongjoongs words and runs over to you, sitting next to Jongho. to see your wetness, slightly nudging him. Mingi curses under his breath before extending his hand
"Hey we've been waiting patiently this whole time and you just barge in here and start feeling her up?!" Wooyoung whines but Mingi tunes him out entirely.
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itsthestutterforme · 6 months
Terrible Liar (Jack Reacher Drabble)
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Summary: You were sparing with a coworker when he got a little rough, leaving you with a bruised cheek. You avoided Reacher for as long as you could but it didn’t last very long.
Warnings/Notes: GIF is not mine, all mistakes are my own, protective Reacher, soft!Reacher, and a little sub!Reacher 👀, sexual themes (riding, p in v penetration), MINORS DNI
Prompt credit @writing-with-emy : “Are you sure I can’t punch him in the face?” “Yes,” “What if I just break his nose a little?”
“He’s wound up tight again. This is our second missed bust and he’s starting to get a little angsty.” Neagley explains to you over the phone.
“He’ll catch on if we keep doing this, Neagley.” You tell her.
“Or maybe he already knows and doesn’t mind seeing your pretty face.” She jests and you grimace, staring at your reflection through the glass in your cubicle
“What just happened?” She asks. “What are you talking about, Corporal?” You fire back.
“You just made a face,” “And the how did you- I’m not going to ask. I was sparring with Tiago the other day and his elbow clipped my cheek.”
“Yeah,” you said with a sigh. You’re not proud of it, but you’ve been avoiding Reacher for this very reason.
It doesn’t matter if you said it was an accident or not. If it was a man who did it, he would hold him responsible. Everything was black and white with him.
Your relationship with Reacher teeters between friends and.. something else.
Neither of you or him decided to put a label on it. But two things are known to everyone with eyes.
You don’t mess with the special investigators.
And if you touch Y/N, you’ll end up with a broken jaw.
“Well if anyone can keep him relaxed, it’s you.” “Come on, please.” She adds when you hesitate and you let out a groan of frustration.
No one could miss the way Reacher’s shoulders relaxed when he walked back to his desk to find you sitting in his chair sipping on your milkshake.
Neagley and David found it particularly fascinating to see the hard, mountain of a man turn to mush at the mere sight of you.
“Isn’t it my favorite mountain man,” you tease, sliding the to go box from his favorite soul joint across the desk.
You place a brown bag on top of the to go container and a smile threatens to spread on Reacher’s face.
“Are those..?” He starts.
“Of course,” you take another sip of your milkshake and he digs into the bag, popping a hush puppy in his mouth with a satisfied hum.
“Is this to distract me from the fact that you’ve been avoiding me?” He starts, reaching back into the bag.
“I have not been avoiding you, Reacher.” “No?” “No,”
He stares at you for a moment and when you realize what he was doing, you set your milkshake down. Standing from the chair, you crossed your arms as you neared him.
Neagley and David watch the entire interaction like it’s their favorite sitcom. Which it is.
“You’re not trying to intimidating me like I’m one of your soldiers, are you Reacher?”
“Not at all,” he examines your features, his gaze falling to your bruising cheek that you covered with make up this morning.
“Please tell me you’re a better liar than this when you’re on missions,” you retort.
“I’m a better liar than you. That’s for sure.” “Do you really want to talk about who’s better?”
He reached back into the bag but you snatched the hush puppy out of his hands and took a bite out of it. He was shocked but not entirely surprised at the betrayal.
“I’m going to take a wild guess and say that the reason why you’re avoiding me has something to do with the make up on your face. Am I right?”
You finished the hush puppy and reached for your milkshake. “It’s just a scratch,” he finally pried out of you.
“From?” “Sparring with a friend,”
As amazing as the food smelled, it was long forgotten at his point. “Which friend?”
“Reacher,” “Answer the question,” he crosses his arms. “It was an accident,”
“No, the person was irresponsible when they weren’t practicing self control. It’s sparring, not boxing.” He seethes.
“He didn’t mean to. He apologized.”
His face hardens when you mention a him, although he suspected it was a man.
“I don’t care. I bet it was his idea, wasn’t it? To spar with you.” “Yes, but-” “Because he found you attractive and wanted an excuse to touch you,” he said matter of factly.
You were about to object but then you pondered about the past interactions you’ve had with Tiago.
You guess you could say that he’s been testing the waters with lingering touches and you subtly created distance between you.
You didn’t see Tiago as anything else besides a coworker honestly.
“You think so?”
“One hundred percent. In their eyes, you’re attractive and single so you’re considered free game.” He clarifies, clenching his jaw.
“That would be their mistake, wouldn’t it?” You state, causing him to look at you. He didn’t miss how your eyes drifted to his lips before returning to his eyes.
“Fuck, keep doing that.” He groans, his grip tightening on your hips as you bounced on his cock. His body twitched when you clenched around him hard.
Throwing your head back when the tip of his cock thrums over a gspot deep inside of you. His hands slide from your hips and wraps his arms around your chest to hold you in place when he drills into you from below.
You bounced quicker on him and a breath gets caught in his throat when he cums into the condom.
Your legs started to tremble when you slow your movements and rest your hands on his thick chest as you both tried to control your breathing.
Leaning up, he cupped the back of your head and pressed a messy kiss on your lips.
You lift your hips a bit and he slides out of you, not breaking the kiss just yet. He finally pulls away from you and takes off the condom before tossing it in your trash can in the bathroom.
“Well that was..” “Long overdue?” You finish and he chuckled before adding, “Definitely over due,”
You rolled on your back when you felt a cold air blowing from the vents. You snuggled deeper into the sheets but goosebumps still littered your skin.
“Cold already?” He states when he comes back into the bedroom to see you shivering under the covers.
“Don’t patronize me, mountain man.” You retort and he shakes his head at your antics.
He slides under the covers and wraps an arm over your frame to effortlessly pull you into his side.
You sigh when he rubs his warm hands over your smooth, bronze skin all the way to your ass.
“You’re really good at that you know,” “Mm, I know.” You smiled, relishing the moment his eyes rolled back when you first sank onto him.
“You’re really pretty when you do it too,” he brushes his nose against yours against yours.
“Don’t start something you can’t finish, Reacher.” You say against his lips, not wanting to kiss him just yet.
“Give me ten minutes and I’ll gladly finish it.” He kisses you slow and passionately, his tongue smoothing over yours.
He cups your cheeks and you wince when his thumb grazes over the sensitive skin on your cheek.
“Sorry,” he apologizes when he pulls away from your face.
“It’s okay,” “No it’s not. Tell me who did this to you.”
“I’ll find out either way, Y/N.” He adds when you hesitate. “I’ll only tell you if you let me handle it first.”
“Fine,” “It was Tiago,” “That fucking prick,” he says lowly, gripping your thigh harshly.
“Are you sure I can’t punch him in the face?” He attempts to negotiate. “Yes,” “What if I just break his nose a little?”
“Reacher,” you scold.
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rosemaze-reveries · 6 months
During an interview, the manor guests suddenly get a question about you.
this is def an experimental format!! i got this idea while reading the character letters. in the POV of an unknown interviewer (not reader). reader uses they/them.
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Q. Could you describe your relationship with (Y/N)?
🔗 Ada - "Yes, that's my lover. I would say our relationship falls within the typical scope of that sort of thing. Of course, I believe we share something special, but everyone does when they're in love, don't they?" She covers all her bases in one decisive breath, leaving little room for me to comment.
⚰️ Aesop sits perfectly upright, fingers threaded at his knees. His eyes drift to the side and he seems to begin speaking mid-thought. "I had... cautioned myself not to upset their perception of me," he explains. "But they pried, and stayed, regardless of what they found... For that, I'm grateful."
📰 Alice has kept a sharp eye on me the entire time, but it's at this question that she drops the formalities. "I wasn't aware you would be prying into my personal affairs. Where did you learn that name?" Her frankness pins me in place. For some reason, I end up apologizing.
🔮 Eli can't help a sheepish smile from blooming across his face. "Well, truthfully... I don't use this term lightly, but they might be the love of my life." He has been consistently grounded with his responses, so I'm surprised to catch him flustered, however subtle it is. Personally, I'm touched.
❤️‍🩹 Emil considers for a moment. He doesn't meet me in the eye, instead pinning his gaze on nowhere in particular. A faint smile ghosts his lips. After a while, he answers, simply, "Safe."
💉 Emily's hands are folded neatly on her lap. At the mention of that name, her shoulders tense, but she otherwise maintains her composure. "Someone I trust." Her answer is vague and cautious, but acceptable. I'll try to uncover a deeper meaning behind that 'trust'.
🌪️ Ithaqua - "Mine." He is curt and to the point. Yours? I echo, hoping he'll elaborate. His head tilts to the side, and while I can't see the face behind his mask, a sense of dread suddenly overcomes me. I decide not to press further.
✂️ Jack stretches out his hand of blades, flexing each finger in front of him. I can't deny the cold sweat that drips down my spine just by being in his presence. "May I respond with a question of my own?" he says to me. "Suppose a butterfly loses its way, and winds up caught in a spider's web. Wouldn't you agree that the more it writhes and struggles, the more exhilarated the spider becomes?" I don't have the courage to hear out the rest of this analogy.
🍀 Lucky - "I've always been known as a pretty lucky guy, but the luckiest day of my life was when I met them! I remember it was the—" He drags me down a long-winded story about their life together. I get the idea. Eventually I'm forced to cut him off.
🩰 Margaretha twirls a curl of hair, a meek blush dusting her cheeks. "Have you ever been in love before? You're never prepared for the magic of it all. I feel a new rush with them everyday. I know, realistically, all good things come to an end, so I tried to remind myself to expect the worst, but they've proven over and over that... I'll never feel safer than in their arms." After rambling for some time, a look of surprise flashes across her face. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to go off like that. Oh, but I've just never met someone who feels so much like true love before."
🔫 Martha doesn't miss a beat. "Sorry, I don't know anyone by that name." I look down to double-check the name written in her file. Her watchful gaze follows my line of sight. Are you sure? I try. "Must've been some confusion somewhere," she insists. The next day, I realize all my files on her and (Y/N) have gone missing.
🪡 Matthias - "Wh-What?" he starts, but keeps going before I can repeat the question. "Oh, uh, an ally, I guess." Well, I gathered that much. When I press for more details, his head sinks low, fingers grasping at the armrest. "I don't know what they saw in me. Was it out of pity?"
🤹 Mike's eyes light up and he blinds me with a contagious smile. "(Y/N)'s a sneaky one, and I mean it—they've got me under the trickiest spell of all. Guess what happens every time I think about them?" Egged on by his grin, I take the bait. You get lovesick? I guess. Suddenly, he tosses a handful of butterfly glitter in my face. "I get butterflies!" Very funny, I sigh, exasperated with these carnies. Why did he have that on hand in the first place?
🧲 Norton leans back in his chair, scowling. "What's that got to do with anything?" He snaps a couple times in my face, urging me to "stay on topic." It's hard to say if this question struck a nerve, as he's been uncooperative for most of this interview, but my suspicions point me to prod further. After all, it'd have been much easier if he just said he didn't know them.
🦋 Vera's face contorts into a leery, hostile glower. "Why do you ask that?" Before I can say anything to mitigate the rising tension, she catches herself, and her expression softens slightly. "I'm sorry. That's... someone quite dear to me, so your question took me by surprise."
🐍 Yidhra's follower goes pale, clearly unnerved. "She won't answer that," she tells me through shallow breaths. "Th-This isn't my place to say, but I'd advise you not to involve yourself with that person." As if on cue, I get a sensation I can only describe as a hand slowly wrapping around my neck. It disappears when I move to scratch it. Must've been my imagination.
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Part 2
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tetsuskei · 9 months
belonging - portgas d. ace [nsfw]
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synopsis: it’s never the best time when it’s his birthday, but luckily he has you to show him differently
notes: two days late, but this is the bday fic dedicated to my soul, my luvr boy. poured so much into this that it kinda doesn’t make sense but we will roll with it <3 kicking off the year with him and wouldn’t have it any other way !
warnings: unprotected sex, creampie, self doubt, depression (ace has some dark thoughts), anxiety, praise, nipple biting and sucking, body worship, barely edited so probably lots of typos, reader has fem body parts
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ace always assumed that ‘falling in love’ was something that happened to other people, not to him.
his entire life had been a series of doubts and questions to himself. doubts about if he deserved the good things that came to him and the people who entered his life.
but gone were the days where ace let out all his anger towards anyone and everyone in the world. if you could ask anyone about him now, they would have only amazing things to say about him. many see him as a brilliant leader, one not to be meddled with. his brothers admire his never ending strength and courage. his spirit was always there to uplift others.
so who would be there to lift him up?
only you have seen who he is once broken down. once he’s out of the public eye, and behind closed doors, he’s a much more sombre person. he’s clingy, and soft. sad, and vulnerable.
it’s not a surprise to you that he struggles with his mind sometimes. that there are days where he may spend too much time in his head, fighting off demons.
“what am i doing here?” he asked one time. it wasn’t a question directed towards you, and from the empty look in his dark brown eyes, you could tell he was having trouble answering himself.
having the blood of a devil circulating in his veins is a double edged sword. he always told himself to not let where he came from hold him back. that mentality had gotten him this far, after all. it became a driving point for him.
but after quickly rising up in ranks and making a name for himself just like so, his mindset started to change. he began to not really know what he was after. yes, he wants to be more famous than his father, but so what? what would come next?
he focused on a much simpler task. he wanted to live each day without regrets.
many considered ace like the sun. he shined so brightly on his own (literally and figuratively), but in a way, it was a curse. he shined so brightly that if anyone came too close to him, he would burn them. they’d scorch up in flames within an instant.
but you were different. despite how brightly he shone, you didn’t let that stop you. it scared him, to say the least. the only people who he was comfortable being vulnerable with in his feelings were his brothers, and yamato being another person. now you were the fourth.
you had picked and pried at him in a way no one ever had before. getting scorched (literally and figuratively) in the process. you showed him kindness and affection that he only saw in the pages of fairytales.
he knew very little about gentleness. but it didn’t mean it was impossible. the feeling of your finger tips running over his bare skin is enough to soothe him. it makes him feel like he is at home and belongs. and in return, he wanted to give you that same feeling.
he wanted to live, and always come back to you.
ace always seemed more tense around this time of year. a little more gruff, and on edge. but not in a way that makes him dangerous. or, at least to you. he just seemed a lot quieter, and more consumed in his thoughts.
his birthday, as it turned out, had always been a sore subject amongst the whitebeard pirates. no one ever pried too much into his past. even after he told you and several others of his father, of his mother, no one wanted to push him to speak more about it.
you don’t make the most grand gesture out of his birthday, only requesting help from thatch to make a grand spread of all his favorite foods, and small decorated cake.
“i’m not going to ask anything of you, but only for you to have a good time. no sulking, kay?” you told him that morning.
when finally getting time alone with your boyfriend that evening, you sat with him, holding him in your arms as the two of you watched the stars.
ace loved when you talked about the stars to him. you told him once that the constellations that sit in the sky are the same ones projected onto his face in the form of freckles. he thought it was the most ridiculous thing ever, until you said one thing.
“the stories written up in the stars are no different from the ones that live in your eyes.”
his eyes always told you what he was thinking. after all, you read him so well. you long since noticed the troubled look on his face, but remained impassive as you know he’ll come to you when he’s ready to talk. for right now, having you as his support is the best thing you could give him.
eventually, he told you that he ‘just wanted to forget about things’ and while you understood what he meant without a full explanation, you wanted to make it known how thankful you are that he’s here. that he was born. that he’s a gifted presence in your life—and so many other people’s.
one thing led to another—shared kisses and words of declarations as you shedded each others clothes off.
right now ace lays under you, a complete mess as you ride his cock. his hat was on your head at first, but now it lays somewhere on the ground.
“ahh~ fuck!” a pretty gasp leaves his rose colored lips, his eyes glazed over with tears. his adrenaline has his blood pumping like crazy, and his cock is of course no expectation to that rule. he’s twitching erratically inside of you, more than likely leaking heavily as he holds back his orgasm. his chest feels tight from how much your cunt is gripping him. it’s like you’re sucking the life out of him.
funnily enough, he’s already cum once, but his stamina, is unlimited. he’d be able to go for hours on end. that doesn’t deter you from your goal of completely fucking him stupid.
ace thinks you look beautiful above him the way that you do. like an angel that descended from the heavens. he doesn’t think he believes in any gods, but he knows surely you were sent by some celestial being to be the best gift he’s ever had in his life.
“you’re doing so good for me, ace.” you hum, leaning over his muscular form to kiss the shell of his ear. he keens when your lips then meet the sensitive juncture of his jaw and neck. your tongue swipes up any access sweat and you hum, cheekily biting him. “taste so good, too.”
his whole body is boiling to the touch, to say the least. black, greasy hair matted to his forehead. his brown eyes are blown out in pleasure, and he thinks he’s dying.
it shouldn’t be possible that he feels this good.
“don’t say that.” he grumbles shyly, hiding his face behind his hand. you pin it down to the bed, eyes glaring down at him.
“it’s true, though.” you argue, “and you feel so good too. always fill me up so well.” you moan, letting your head fall back as you grind down on him, pleasure crawling up your spine as his cock rides up against your cervix, kissing your gummy walls lovely.
“if you keep talkin’ like that i’m gonna cum again…” he warns, whining slightly.
you grin, “that’s the plan.”
ace groans, letting his head fall back on the pillows, “jesus christ, woman, you’re going to be the death of me.”
you laugh, “i would say death do us part, but i’d like to think we’d follow each other into the afterlife. i feel like that’s the true meaning of a soulmate.”
ace can’t help the tears that permeate at his ducts when he feels overwhelmed with love by you and for you.
“well, i hope that if we’re reborn, we find each other in the next life.” he says breathlessly.
you hum, smiling, “of course we will.”
he’s silent before his hands guide your hips, helping you bounce on him. there’s a deafening squelching sound from the combined slick and it drives both of you crazy.
“you’re so pretty, ace.” you say, kissing the freckles on his face.
he frowns, glaring at you, “the correct term is handsome or sexy. men aren’t ‘posed to be ‘cute’.” there’s a pout on his face and it only adds on to your statement.
you laugh, “sure, baby. whatever you want.”
“‘whatever’ my ass,” he says crudely, “why don’t you make yourself useful and cum on me?” he isn’t asking though, and brings his thumb to your clit.
a sharp breath of air escapes you as you realize how much your impending orgasm is creeping up on you.
“wait…” you start, hand reaching out to stop his own.
he swats its away. “you said to make sure i’m having a good time, and this is helping.” he smirks, “no ‘sulking’, remember?”
you don’t have time to answer when your boyfriend leans over you, taking one of your breasts in his mouth to suck.
a loud moan escapes you once a euphoric pleasure washes over you. you quickly seize up before you realize your cumming hard on him.
ace grunts, closing his eyes once he feels you milking him. you’re a walking sin, and the grievance between your legs would be his downfall.
he hooks his hands under your legs before flipping you over to lay you on your back.
“a-ace…” you stutter, looking up in shock at how much his energy has suddenly changed.
“my pretty girl.” he smiles, kissing your nose, cheeks, and finally your lips. “just relax.”
his hips began to steadily rock into you as he takes over the pace, his hefty balls slapping loudly against your ass.
still sensitive, you twitch and jerk under his grasp, feeling helpless and near limp as he rails you.
“nothing ‘cute’ about the way i’m fuckin’ you, now is there?” he grins, hand titling your jaw to the side before proceeding to suck marks into your delicate skin.
a keen slips from your mouth and you try to catch your breath, “o-okay, you proved a point.”
“damn straight.” he moves both of his hands downwards, holding onto your thighs before moving your legs over his shoulders.
the new angle feels as if the wind is knocked out of you. with the way he’s looking at you adoringly, and damn near shattering your pelvis you might as well be conflicted on if he loves or loathes you.
“always feel so fucking good. wish i could stay in you forever.” he moans, biting his lip. “so perfect like this. i’m so lucky.”
you gasp, your toes curling at the way his tip drags itself seamless over your insides. your eyes threaten to roll back but you fight it, seeing how ethereal your boyfriend looks when he’s feral.
he’s never been the best with words, but with the way he takes care of you, especially in the moment you share right now, you can feel the essence of his love. the way his hand reaches grips yours to kiss your knuckles.
“thank you…for always loving me.” he pants, “and for showing me things in life i never thought i’d be able to see.”
“thought i told you to stop thanking me.” you hit him on the head. you pull on his hair but he only groans, cock twitching.
ace pulls back from your neck, “i’m serious, i…i’ve never been this happy before.”
you only smile at him before grabbing his face with both of your hands, kissing him long and passionately.
he ruts into you, chasing his release. his vision is nearly spotting with how sensitive his nerves are, but his body has a mind of its own as it craves endless pleasure.
“s-shit! i’m gonna cum!”
shamelessly, you lock your legs around him, pulling him in closer wordlessly.
he laughs, sweat trickling down his brow, “ah~ you want it again, yeah? can’t get enough of my cum, can you?”
“always need to be filled by you, ace.” you moan, nails clawing helplessly at his back.
you lean forward before your teeth gently sink into a pert nipple, making him shout and swear as his orgasm is triggered.
and as he spills into you again for the second time that evening, you find yourself following him in suspension of death.
ace lays his weight on you, not crushing you, but knowing him and his narcolepsy, he just damn near will in a second.
you use all your strength to turn both of you over, and he grunts. if it was wet before between the two of you, it’s soaking now as his cum trickles down your legs.
“you’re wastin’ it…” he grumbles, holding your hips tight.
“not my fault you’re a human cum geyser.” you retort. “now let me get up.”
he pouts, “just…stay like this for awhile?”
“fine, but you’re cleaning me up.” you warn. “happy birthday, you animal.”
a sleepy grin appears on his face as he kisses the top of your head. “yeah, i love you too.”
and so maybe after all, he could learn a lot more about what life has to offer, especially if that means you’d be by his side. there’s nothing he truly wouldn’t fear anymore. not in life or in death.
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dolene · 8 months
pairing: charles leclerc x singer!reader
summary: from all the great melodies, there is the artist and her muse who's doing the work.
content warnings: her face claim is laufey, supportive bf charles, she has a sister, cursing (but just for a bit)
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liked by radvxz, phoebebridgers, and 217,190 others
yourusername guess where am i (slide 3)
show all 15,582 comments
landonorris the king of atlantis's museum
⤷ yourusername good answer but no
     ⤷ landonorris oh cmon😔
phoebebridgers that fit chic is so brocolli core
     ⤷ priscillawesley More like an e-coli core
     ⤷ yourusername WATCHA MOUTH -nicki minaj
logansargeant Florida, wasn't it?
     ⤷ yourusername no americans allowed
     ⤷ logansargeant Ouch 🤕🤕🤕
     ⤷ yourusername kidding, but yeah you got it so 100
     ⤷ username Y/N IS IN FLORIDA & POSSIBLY W LOGAN 🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅🦅🦅
radvxz I love the slide one and two... But then there's three existing 😔
     ⤷ yourusername that is literally the point
username She just randomly there and Pris is taking the pics
     ⤷ yourusername she's a lifesaver 😇
     ⤷ priscillawesley Surely I am. Imagine her posts without me😎
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liked by yourusername, scuderiaferrari, and 469,661 others
charles_leclerc Strolling around Rome
show all 16,437 comments
carlossainz55 suddenly i'm into bossa nova
username y/n typical red shoes fit is always hits no matter what
username Charles, you sure it aint Pris who took this
     ⤷ priscillawesley He should be grateful I have a class today
username mm i smell new album announcement
     ⤷ priscillawesley Keep being delulu, honey
     ⤷ username 😭😭😭
username it's been so long i memorized typical of me in one go
     ⤷ username no she gonna come to grammy first and announce her new album js like taylor would do
     ⤷ username WHTS WRONG W YALL AND HER NEW ALBUM??????😭😭😭😭
username charles and y/n collab when?
     ⤷ username he should be featured in her new song
     ⤷ username Pris as a violinist and Charles as a Pianist, what a combo!
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liked by carlossainz55, sebastianvettel, and 680,536 others
yourusername i've never done anything so fast like this before
show all 12,572 comments
username Y/N WHAT😭
lewishamilton direct offense to you charles_leclerc
charles_leclerc Oh this is just so low
username i know how his cooking gonna end up, so i'll be her if i were there
username That emoji gonna say that "i'll make u my pasta disaster, honey"
username idk why is she even post this but this is definitely hilarious 😂
priscillawesley But I can't lie, that looks really delicious
     ⤷ yourusername the art of rush cooking is just so😌👌
     ⤷ yourusername even i was surprised😭 i didn't expect this at all
     ⤷ charles_leclerc Same
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liked by reneerapp, honeymoon, and 592,551 others
yourusername look at my facebook mom boyfriend 😚😚
show all 22,619 comments
charles_leclerc Is this a flattery or a mock?
     ⤷ lilymhe Flattery definitely
reneerapp why did u take this?
lilyzneimer 😂😂
username facebook mom charles is confirmed a long long time before this event even happened
     ⤷ yourusername this was truly a canon event
username but whys he looking so good tho
username What is he taking picture of?
     ⤷ username them in meaning is no one
     ⤷ username his camera roll is filled with him and the empty space
scuderiaferrari At least he's fashionable 😉
     ⤷ username is fashionable at the room with us?
yourusername added a photo to their story!
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caption: hehe 😉
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liked by xtina, charles_leclerc, florencepugh and 759,100 others
yourusername charles said it's a ✨picture-dump✨
show all 956 comments
landonorris i can't unsee what i see
maxverstappen1 Enjoying your meal by yourself, Handsome?
     ⤷ yourusername wrong person, sorry
priscillawesley Charles, what are u talking about? It's obviously a memory-burn 🙄
     ⤷ yourusername no, and we've talk about this before
username what is that strawberry with a head on
     ⤷ username y/n for x men is real
username okay now say whoever stick that head into the poor strawberry
radvxz Oh no...
taylorswift I'm living for the aesthetics.
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liked by taylorswift, normani, sza, and 1,529,807 others
yourusername after a long while of waiting and teasing, the cat has finally out of the bag! and i present this to all of you.
Bewitched out February 13th! 🤎🤍
show all 45,239 comments
radvxz 😭😭😭
username WE ALR GOT THE VINYL???? best moment of my life
charles_leclerc 😚🥰
     ⤷ username i'm forever gonna live for supportive bf charles
arianagrande soo excited!!
username finally the album we're deluluing is real
lola.tung AHHHH amaaaazingg
maisiehpeters big year for witch girls 😭♥️
amandarachlee omg u look amazing
username Okay now where can i listen this on orchestra?
jeremyzucker GO Y/N!!!!
landonorris was listening to your song until you distract me with this🙄😌
username she said worry no more, i got u covered *wink*
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450 notes · View notes
lzlxmuse · 17 days
Just a Kiss
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sakura haruka × f!reader ▪︎ the way he gets all shy with a kiss makes you want to tease him even more.
contain: suggestive work, shy sakura, reader is a tease.
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It started with a simple kiss. Just a peck to his lips when you saw how adorable Sakura was as he grumbled over another loss from the game against you.
A grin emerged as you saw how he still goes all red up to his ears when you kiss him. Just like the first time when you took his first kiss. Still as shy and adorable as ever. Your boyfriend, your Haru.
Seeing him like that made a thought wander into your mind. How red could he get if I pushed him? And so you did it again. You gave him another peck to his lips. This time, your lips stayed flush against his for a while. You felt the heat on his lips transferring to yours before you backed off. Lashes fluttering open, you glanced up to see him even redder than before. Wow!
“Wh–what was that for?” Sakura turned his head away in embarrassment. One of his hands covering his own lips. The other gripped the controller so hard you heard it creaking.
You easily pried it off his hand and placed it down. It would be bad if he actually broke it. It's not cheap at all! The fleeting thought then went away, and your focus came back to him.
“Do I need a reason to kiss my boyfriend?” You tilted your head in an innocent manner, but the curve of your lips betrayed the facade.
You looked at him in silence as he pretended to cough and tried to compose himself. Once he finally managed to meet your eyes and said, “Well, I guess it's fine. But! You gotta tell me about it before! Or else–”
“Or else what?” You parroted back.
“Ugh! Or else… I–I…” Sakura's face started going all red once more.
“Hm?” You waited for his reply.
“Or else I'm gonna get all shy and wouldn't know what to do! Damn it!” Sakura squeezed his eyes shut and finally vomited his embarrassing words out. He had even panted at the end as if he had lost all his breath.
“...Oh, I see.” You replied in a calm manner. Well, as calm as you could fake it. It may be embarrassing for him, but to you, it was basically like a declaration of love. It was his sincere feeling.
You felt your heart going all excited from his sincere words. Well, not just your heart actually. Somewhere down there was also getting excited. You felt it squeezed at nothing before a wet trickle seemed to seep out. Whether it got all excited because of Sakura's sincere words or because of how embarrassed he looks, you weren't sure. Maybe it was due to both.
Taking a deep breath, you leaned closer to him and traced your fingers over his clenched fists. You could feel the raised veins over the back of his skin. You tilted your head a bit to the side and looked up at him. “Then, can I kiss you now, Haru?”
You felt the shiver rising over his skin as your fingers now traced over his tense arms. He knew you only called him Haru when you were excited.
He got all quiet before finally answering with a, “...yes.”
A smile bloomed over your face, and then you closed the distance.
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the20thangel · 3 months
The Dragon and The Raven Ch3
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Chapter Summary: We will see Daemon's reactions, who does not seem happy with Aemma's news, and a surprise reaction from someone not close to Aemma's family. I hope you liked the little plot twist. 
Keep track of the story: masterlist
The next day, Princess Aemma lay on her guest bed in Raventree Hall, repeating the events that transpired the day before. She made a marriage proposal to Lord Benji-Benjicot. The Lord answered in accepting the proposal. She worried that she made her decision too hasty; at least, that is what Ser Lorent told her after the feast. Now, she knew her knight was speaking out of worry. He had protected her ever since she was a babe, but she couldn’t seem to agree; just thinking about the Lord of Blackwood made her stomach flutter, more if he graced her with his cunning smirks. No other lord or heir has ever made her feel like she was the moon… well, maybe once in the past, but it no longer matters. 
She knew that if Sliverwing had allowed someone not with dragon blood close to her, he must be someone worthy of her hand or just crazy. She giggled at the thought, for not even Cregan Stark was willing to risk himself when Jace had asked him to meet Vermax. 
A knock on the door made her rise from the bed. She found a maid there telling her that many were breaking their fast in the feast hall, including her betrothed. Aemma nodded and told the maid that she would make her way soon. Before she left, she grabbed a piece of paper and a quill. It was better to let her mother know quickly and in her own words than from someone else. 
Walking through the hall during the day allowed the princess to see the castle more clearly. Raventree Hall was glorious, with its ancient history etched in the walls. She could not help but gape at the beauty. Once she walked into the hall, everyone quickly rose to bow and greet her, which made her flush; yes, she was a princess, but she was still not used to having so many bows to her. She spent most of her life at Dragonstone and was used to not seeing many people. Scanning the room, she found her betrothed sitting at the table with his aunt as he smirked at her, eyes glistening with mischief. If she had not seen his sweet side yesterday, Aemma knew it would have bothered her. Aemma walked towards to sit next to Benji as his aunt greeted her. 
“I hope you had a pleasant sleep, princess. We apologize if something in the chambers was not to your liking,”  stated Aly as she searched the princess's face to see more of her personality. 
Aemma glanced at Benji, noticing he ducked his head and quietly at his food as Alysanne waited for a response. Aemma smiled and clarified, “The room was beautiful; your beds are quite comfortable. Raventree Hall is gorgeous, with so much ancient history; it reminds me of Dragonstone.” 
Alysanne smirked as she nodded in thanks and agreement. She turned to her nephew and noticed his ears turning red, knowing he remembered their conversation from yesterday. Before she returned her attention to the princess, she saw the princess looking at her nephew with a confused look. 
“Yes, us Blackwoods are proud of our history; our house has ancient roots, just like our weirwood tree. We came from the north before we were forced to relocate to the Riverlands, and we proudly still follow the old gods of the north.”  
Aemma gleamed at the new information; she loved learning more about the Westeros houses and their history. 
“I would like to hear more of your house’s history, seeing that we will be joining soon,” asked Aemma, looking more at Benji than Alysanne. 
Alysanne, noting the princess, kicked Benjicot to make sure the lord answered the princess. The lord of the House Blackwood, jumped from the injury and quickly glared at his aunt before turning to his princess. Benjicot gulped as Princess Aemma graced him with a small smile, waiting for his response.  
“Of course, Pri- Aemma, all you need to do is ask me,” he stated as Princess Aemma’s smile grew to the smile he so desperately came to love and started to break her fast. 
Between her breakfast, Aemma quickly wrote to her mother about last night's success, stating that Lord Benjicot and his people were grateful for her thoughts and actions. She also reassured her of her safety and welcoming environment. Ending it by saying that she had done her duty in finding a husband, she proposed her hand to Lord Blackwood and hoped her mother would accept it. Aemma was nervous, as her mother’s only surviving daughter, besides her stepsisters, Rhaenyra, was quite protective of her. She hoped her mother would understand it was not a proposal made in the spur of the moment. The ones who truly worried her were Jace and Daemon.  Jacaerys hoped she might still choose the lord of Winterfell, as they became quite close in the north. While Daemon was another story, no one seemed good enough for her and Rhaena, especially if they weren’t Valyrian blood. Aemma hoped that since House Blackwood still followed the Old gods and ways of the First Men, it would ease her kepa , but Aemma couldn’t be sure. 
After Breakfast, Aemma asked Benji if she could borrow a raven to send a letter to Dragonstone. Benji chuckled and told her there were many ravens for her to choose from, Which made Aemma flush with slight embarrassment as she glared at him—causing him to laugh more as he led her to the weirwood tree. Instead of leaves, a few ravens and crows stared at the lord and princess from the tree with piercing gaze. Benjicot knew not many people outside of his lands liked seeing so many ravens, but looking at Aemma, he saw instead of her discomfort, she was staring in awe at the birds. Guessing that being a dragon rider, not much could scare her. Confident, Benjicot raised his arm and let a raven perch on him before he turned to Aemma. Aemma, in awe, reached to pet the bird, making sure not to startle or hurt it. 
“Here, take this one; he is young and strong enough to make the long journey to Dragonstone,” Benji explained as he held the bird to his betrothed. 
Aemma gladly took the Raven and fastened the letter to its leg. Before sending him off, she turned to Benji and expressed thanks for letting her borrow a raven. Benji shook his head. 
“No, Aemma, he is yours now; think of it as my first courting gift to you,” explained Benjicot, but he was nervous. Would she like the gift? He didn’t have any fine jewelry to give her as he probably knew she has many fine riches, being a princess. 
Aemma was touched; many men thought that because she was a princess, she only wanted the best jewels to offer. In truth, this was better because it meant he truly cared enough to know her. Given how much Daemon spoiled his daughters and mother, she had all the riches she needed. Aemma felt her heart flutter, and she sent off the raven, confident, deciding to step closer to Benjicot and kiss his cheek, which reddened when he felt her lips on him. 
“Thank you, Ben. This is better than any jewelry,” Aemma shyly whispered as she gave her heartwarming smile. Benji smiled back and retook her hand to kiss the back of it.
Their comfort was, however, broken when a man came to Benji, letting him know that they had started the funerals of the men. Benji frowned and asked Aemma if she would like to go back to her chambers, but she shook her no; she would stay with him as comfort as he buried his twin and father. 
As they returned to the hall, he asked the men to carry his father and brother to the weirwood tree; he would bury them there instead of in barrows. Once they dug two holes on each side of the tree, the men lowered their bodies to the ground. Alysanne was with his father, throwing in the dirt, while Aemma and he stood by his brother. Again, looking at his brother's face on the ground made him want to weep, but he tried with all his might to hold it in. 
Aemma squeezed his hand and whispered, “It's okay to cry; it shows how much you love him…” 
With that he did, he cried for his brave brother and promised to be the best warrior and lord of House Blackwood. 
 The day after, the Blackwood men went to Harrenhall to meet up with those of the Vale and the North. Aemma decided to ride next to Benjicot and Alysanne instead of meeting them there with her dragon. Sliverwing also decided to soar slowly on top of them, keeping an eye on her rider. 
The men were continually impressed with the princess; she was certainly not what they expected from her. On the journey, the men would ask Benjicot when he would display his sword skills to the princess, which only made him grin widely, but he never answered. This intrigued Aemma, who heard of Davos and Benji’s sword skills. She thought maybe in Harenhall, she would challenge him to a duel; she was trained by the Rouge Prince, after all. 
Once they were close enough to the meeting point, Princess Aemma was tired of horseback and decided to greet her father on a dragon. As she readied Sliverwing, she had an idea and turned back to where Benjicot was resting before they would continue. Once he noticed her, he smiled in greeting, asking her if she was departing. 
She nodded and answered, “Yes, but I was hoping you would accompany me on my dragon to Harrenhall.” 
The men were awed as they cheered on their lord to go for it. As Benji paled at the invitation to ride a dragon. Aemma smirked, asking a bit tauntly that she wanted to see how brave he was. This made Benji answer with a wilder grin as he foolishly or courageously agreed and followed the princess, depending on who you asked.
With that, the princess led her betrothed to her dragon, and she explained to her dragon in words and through their bond that they would have another rider. The she-dragon only huffed as she lowered herself to allow the princess and lord to climb her back. 
Aemma sat at the front, with Benji in the back; she explained that he should wrap his arms around her waist and hold on tight, especially during take-off. Once she felt his arms around her, she straightened her back and gave her dragon the command. 
“ Sōvegon , Sliverwing!” 
As the she-dragon launched herself, Benjicot squeezed the princess's waist to ensure he would not fall off. At the same time, his men cheered for him and the princess as they flew to Harrenhall. 
Once they were soaring, Benjicot took the time to take his surroundings in awe. The view was beautiful from a dragon's or raven’s perspective; he could understand why Targayens loved traveling on a dragon’s back. While Aemma was pleased, Benji took to the sky like his ravens; it was like second nature. She grew even more confident in choosing her future husband; she felt this meant their future children would also take to the skies should they be graced with dragons. 
Once they reached Harrenhall, they were greeted with a high-pitched screech, Caraxes, as Daemon Targaryen flew to greet his daughter, only to see a man sitting behind her, which made him frown. He signaled to land as Caraxes and Sliverwing flew down to land. Once he was off his dragon, he turned to see Aemma helping, which he could now see as Lord Blackwood off her dragon. The boy look at his daughter like she held the moon and stars. 
Daemon waited for his daughter to come to him, with the boy following close behind. Aemma smiled at her father as she embraced him, missing him terribly when he abruptly left after he and her mother had fought.  
“ Kepa, eman missed ao sīr olvie,” whispered Aemma. 
“Eman missed ao hae sȳrī, ñuha byka embar zaldrīzes.  Yn skoros iksis iā valītsos doing riding lēda ao va aōha zaldrīzes? Hmm… Asked Daemon as he stared at the lad who, in turn, instead of ducking, met his gaze with the same intensity
Aemma knew it was better to come out blunt for Daemon and not use sweet talk, especially once he started getting annoyed. 
“This is Benjicot Blackwood, the new lord of Raventree Hall…” she explained, pausing while staring at her father, who only raised an unimpressed brow. 
“He is also my betrothed.” 
Daemon inhaled sharply as he stared at his daughter in disbelief, then at Benjicot, his eyes narrowing like a dragon looking at his prey.
 Meanwhile, in Kingslanding, the Green Council was meeting when a letter was brought to Maester Orwyle. 
“My king, forgive the interruption, but it seems that Princess Aemma has given her hand to Lord Benjicot Blackwood.” 
Sharp gasps were heard, and everyone stared at the king in tense silence, who just stared at his hands. 
After a few beats, Alicent, pale, took a deep breath and stated, “The Blacks are preparing for battle with this engagement. House Blackwood will be most devoted to Rhaenyra and her cause now that they have a princess. We must prepare and-” 
“Everyone get out,” stated Aegon, finally raising his head. His eyes were red, and Alicent saw them well with tears. 
“Aegon, we have not yet finished this meeting; we need to-” 
“I SAID EVERYONE OUT!” exploded Aegon, his face reddening as he threw his cup to the wall.
Quickly, everyone hurried out of the council room, leaving Aegon heaving as he walked back and forth, stopping at a window. How could she do this, thought Aegon, marrying a Blackwood? Had she forgotten their promise? Aegon knew he was thinking selfishly about a childhood promise and chaste kiss. When they were younger, and Aemma and her family were still living at the Red Keep. Aegon and Aemma promised each other they would love no one else. A promise to marry and love each other was sealed with a kiss, but it would not come true as he was forced to break the pledge when his mother forced him to marry Heleana. 
However, Aegon thought Aemma knew that his heart was hers and hers alone, that no matter how much he had to do his duty, his love was meant for her. When did that change? Was it when he married Heleana? When Aemond killed Lucerys? Or…. was it when he drunkenly threw a feast for his brother after killing Lucerys? Aegon sobbed as he closed his eyes. Aemma loved fiercely and was protective of her brothers.  
He never meant to cause her pain, but it seemed that was the only thing he was good at doing. He caused the break, and now his Aemma was getting married to another, and a Blackwood no better. Aemma deserved far better than some lowly lord from the Riverlands. Aegon sat in his chair as he continued to grieve over the loss of his love; he caused her to marry someone beneath her, all because he was too much of a coward to fight for her.
253 notes · View notes
xoluvx · 2 months
Giiiiiirl ur work....pffffffff! Love it sm! wonder if you could write a fic where Billie gives a massage to her best friend after a hard day. Nothing "bad" on her mind but suddenly it turns into something else.
Thank u baby! I love this request, enjoy! <33
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“Is your neck hurting again?” Billie asked glancing at you as you sat up in bed, tilting your head to the side rubbing your neck.
"Come here, I'll massage it for you," Billie extended her arm and you moved closer to her sitting so your back was facing her. She knelt behind you, the mattress dipping. Her thumbs rubbed the back of your neck as you tilted your head forward instantly feeling relieved.
She wrapped her fingers around your neck moving it side to side very carefully. Then she massaged the area again, this time applying a little more force. She was no masseuse by any means, but she always did give the best massages.
"Does that feel good?" Billie asked moving her thumbs to the base of your neck, her hands now massaging your shoulders.
"Amazing," you replied sighing contently as her fingers worked your shoulders then your neck then her fingertips were on your head and you don't know what came over you, but it felt so fucking good a small whimper escaped your body.
Billie took that as a sign to continue massaging your head. You felt your body slump, it felt so good.
"Lay down," Billie's touch disappeared as she tapped on the mattress. You obliged laying on the soft sheets, your arms at your sides, face turned to the side.
You felt Billie get on top of you, the pressure of her body felt comforting. You hummed when her hands spread over your back, fingers working meticulously. Her fingers wrapped around the sides of your body, thumbs tracing the path of your spine until she was gripping your hips. She rubbed circles over your shirt and there it was again. This time a full on moan.
"You okay down there?" Billie teased placing her hands on your arms gently before smoothing over them, her hands disappearing under the sleeves of your shirt squeezing your shoulders.
You held your breath feeling her hands on your bare skin.
"Is this okay?" she asked, her voice low, fingertips trailing back down your arm before touching your hips again.
"Yeah," you whispered, your cheek pressed to the mattress stifling your voice. This time her fingers toyed with your shirt exposing part of your skin. She looked at it as she rubbed circles with her thumbs. It was teasing her.
The sudden shift in tension was palpable. You brought your arms to the side of your face fisting her sheets as you waited to see what she'd do next. Her thumbs dance along the waistband of your yoga pants.
The was a heat forming between your legs. Your bottoms felt uncomfortable. Your chest felt tight. Your breathing was growing ragged mixing with Billie's own uneven breathing.
"Can I touch you?" Her voice was low and .. scared? Her hands rubbed your lower back waiting for your answer.
"You already are," you teased closing your eyes imagining the goofy smile that was probably spreading on her face when you gave your response. But there was no goofy smile or grin, just a desperate Billie longing to feel your bare skin. She bit her lip asking again and you said yes this time. You wanted her to touch you.
Billie ran a hand under your yoga pants. You skin was cool, she could feel the goosebumps forming upon contact. She rubbed your ass for a moment before removing her hand and hooking her fingers in the elastic of your bottoms. She pulled them down, your ass breaking free only covered by the tiniest seamless thong she'd ever seen.
"Fuck," you heard her mutter to herself. She pulled your yoga pants down to your knees running her hands up your bare thighs, cupping the bottom of your ass. Her thumbs pried them open squeezing your thighs and the softest moan slipped through your lips.
You felt the mattress move. Then you felt her breath on your skin and you crossed your ankles feeling her proximity.
"Mm," you whimpered when you felt her lips on the back of your thigh. They were so soft, pillowy and gentle. She placed opened kisses up to the bottom of your ass before performing the same action on your other thigh.
Your heart was beating rapidly. You could hardly stifle your moans anymore. But this was all so different, you'd lost the ability to speak. Your mind was racing with thoughts.
"Bil-" you managed to speak.
"Yeah?" she asked running her hands under your underwear and around your hips lifting your waist off the bed so you were partly on your knees, face still planted on the mattress.
"I-" you whimpered.
"I can stop," she muttered removing her hands from your body and moving them to your pants to pull them up.
"No. No, please don't stop-" you begged and she groaned listening to the desperation in your voice. She hooked her fingers on the sides of your underwear pulling them down to join your bottoms. She cupped your ass slapping it gently before jiggling it in her palm.
You moaned her name when her thumb brushed between your folds. She could see your eyelids fluttering, your lips hanging open as you fisted the bedsheets struggling to breathe. She pushed her thumb into your pussy and gave the same reaction and opened your legs wider. She could see your glistening pussy ready for more.
She aligned her face with your pussy, tongue peeking out ready to taste you. When she made contact with your pussy, you both groaned. She replaced her thumb with her tongue burying it in your pussy as she held your thighs pulling you closer to her face.
You were a whimpering mess now, not afraid to let her know how much you were enjoying this. How good she was making you feel.
Billie worked your pussy so gloriously. Her tongue running purposeful strokes up and down your pussy. She placed a hand on your back and you arched it so she had better access to your throbbing clit.
Her fingers entered your pussy as her tongue rotated on your sensitive bud. She moved her fingers so slowly still wanting this to be an enjoyable relaxing experience for you, but you were so eager to cum you were chanting her name begging her to go harder.
She did only as she was told pushing her fingers faster and harder in your pussy, her lips slurping on your swollen clit. She could feel you clench around her fingers. A wave of impending relief washed over you as your toes curled.
It wasn't the massage you planned, but it was certainly one you needed.
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bigtedbear · 2 months
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“ 𝐮𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐯𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 “
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𝐩𝐫𝗼𝗺𝐩𝐭 : 𝗺𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐥𝐲 𝐲𝐚𝐧! 𝐝𝐚𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐠 𝐠𝗼𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝗼 𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝗺𝐢𝐝 𝐜𝗼𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐢𝗼𝐧
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Content warnings : nsfw content ahead, 18+ 𝐌𝐃𝐍𝐈, dragon anatomy..., breeding kink, unsafe sex (don't be silly, wrap up your willy), yandere themes, implied intent to baby trap, mlm, bl, gay sex, anal sex, idk if this counts as dubcon on either end??? (reader says no a lot but it's out of respect for dan heng rather than not wanting to????" ~7.5k words? (don't quote me, I'm guesstimating)
“ new contact noted! caller 𝚒𝚕 𝚍𝚊𝚗 𝚑𝚎𝚗𝚐 has been added to your phonebook - love, 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑡-19 “
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"Please remember, this conversation isn't meant to make you feel uncomfortable in any way possible, I understand the questions we're moving onto may be..." Your fingers halted on your keyboard, mulling over your choice of words carefully. ..."uncomfortable to answer or inappropriate to ask." You finally pried your eyes away from your screen to make eye contact with the archivist. "So, please, please, feel free to decline to answer any questions, ask to take a break, or end the questions entirely."
How lovely; that you were so oblivious, Dan Heng noted in his mind. He'd been clearly eyeing you up over the table for the entire hour the two of you had discussed the history of the Vidyadhara. Yet, despite the glances you stole at him to make occasional eye contact while you took your notes, you had yet to notice anything amiss.
Not the abundance of information flowing past his lips, eager to please and more than willing to tell you anything and everything you wanted to hear from him; not the hopelessly lost look in his eyes, turquoise tracing each and every little different movement you made as you typed away; not even the clear and obvious rubbing of his thighs together; the clammy, shaky nature of his hands and each and every one of their careful movements; not even the obvious red hue that blotted his cheeks and flushed the tips of his pointy ears a bashful pink.
"Of course."
You nodded, a silent acknowledgement as you consulted a clipboard you'd pushed off to the side for the relevant questions you'd been meaning to ask. "You stated previously that the extent any Vidyadhara manifests more draconic features is reliant on their previous lives, is there any distinctions between those who outwardly display these traits?"
"Yes, no new Vidyadharas can be born, only through rebirth do any vidyadhara children come to be." He bit his lip, letting his thoughts ruminate, "Because of this, those who hold certain titles and authorities maintain this authority in all of their lives once they've regained memories of their past. While there are distinctions between Vidyadharas, it's not so much based on how we present but how we present is related to how strong our affinity is to certain rites and abilities related to our predecessors."
He tried to wipe his clammy hands off on his pants, but felt no relief at all. There was some kind of anxiety brewing inside of him and he couldn't pin what was causing it. It didn't help that you were moving onto the biology section of your questions, intimate knowledge of his body that nobody else knew. It brought him some comfort that your own cheeks were tinted a light pink out of general embarrassment.
He felt himself settle down more, but he also knew these would be the easy questions. It wasn't as though things would get more simple, to come up with complex questions, you'd need to know the basics.
Aeons, the things he would do just to steal your attention for just a few, fleeting moments.
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Dan Heng's stomach dropped.
It shouldn't have showed up for at least another month, he realized. There hadn't been any sign of his heat rearing its ugly head in the slightest as of late.
He would know, he consistently tracked any and all symptoms for cases like this. He dreaded the idea of being stuck on a trailblazing mission and suddenly going into heat, but this was arguably a million times worse.
Dan Heng's idea of the most attractive man in the cosmos, sitting across from him with only a small coffee table separating them. He'd let out his horns and tails so you could sketch them down on a spare sheet of paper and you were far too close for his self-restraint's comfort. He carefully licked over his teeth in his mouth, hoping to find some kind of way to slip away from the conversation in due time. However, all hopes of this were dashed when you sheepishly made a small request of him.
"Do you think I could get a look at your fangs?"
He felt his entire body light aflame with red, hot desire tucked beneath a careful casing of embarrassment entwined with dread.
Upon noticing his apprehension, you were careful to notify him that he didn't need to do anything for you in the slightest. "I understand if that's uncomfortable, I would never want to force you to do anything that would cross any boundaries of yours. You can say-"
You blinked at him owlishly, snapping your jaw shut quietly. Doing your best to not miss a beat or make Dan Heng uncomfortable, you tried (and failed) to regain your composure and reinstate your more professional demeanor. Much to your chagrin, your pink cheeks and stammering gave you away. "Oh, I, uh, Alright-" you cleared your throat, gazing down at your clipboard nervously, "Whenever you're ready."
He opened his mouth slowly, allowing his fangs to be put on full display. His breath hitched in his mouth when you stood up from the couch across from him to sitting on the couch next to him. He could feel his heartbeat picking up and more heat pooling between his thighs when you started scooting in closer.
He squirmed under your watchful eyes, pitifully aroused and unbearably hot, but unable to do anything about it. You made quick work of sketching the basics of his dental layout, noting sharper fangs but also his forked tongue. You made a quiet observation, but you were hesitant to ask for further clarification.
"I- Nevermind."
Dan Heng did his best to keep his voice and breathing steady, but he couldn't help the tremble in his voice when he asked "What is it?"
You shook your head, "Your dental structure and the curvature of your fangs is similar to that of a few snake species I've had the ability to work with." You hesitated again to continue. But the sharp turquoise eyes on you made you feel an obligation to explain yourself, "I wanted to see if you, well, if you might have a Jacobson's organ but-" you cut yourself off again. You bit the inside of your cheek, squeezing out the last bit of your explanation quickly, "the location of the organ is in a bit of a compromising positions and it'd be so, so inappropriate of me to ask if I could see it-"
"I'm fine with that."
You froze, your face erupting in a flaming red as you stuttered over yourself, trying to explain the implications of looking at someone's Jacobson Organ. The little sadist in Dan Heng's heart was ecstatic to watch you get flustered, to watch you try to be as respectful as possible and keep that platonic wall firmly between the two of you.
He could feel it slowly starting to crack, continuing to shift in his seat as he waited for you to quiet down and actually get on with it. He murmured out a quiet affirmation that he truly was fine with it.
"I know what it means to look at it, I'm telling you I don't mind."
You averted eye contact for a moment before gulping down some spit and carefully setting your pen down on your clipboard, you hesitantly reached towards his face. You stopped about a foot away, inquiring meekly, "May I?"
He was quick to nod, a little too quick to be completely innocent. You didn't seem to pick up on it though, capturing his jaw between your pointer finger and thumb. He relished the skin on skin contact, drunk on the way your skin felt cool and welcoming on his own burning temperature.
You tilted his head up to get a look at the roof of his mouth, spotting the small mass behind the top front row of his teeth. You did your best to make quick observations so you didn't need to embarrass dan heng anymore than he most likely already was.
He, on the other hand, didn't want the moment to end. You were so close to him, your face just barely a foot away from his, looking at an intimate part of his anatomy. His eyes were half-lidded, sweat accumulating on his forehead rapidly. He didn't know why he didn't check out of the questionnaire the moment he knew his heat was coming on, but somewhere in the haze of his brain there was a small inkling as to why.
The longer your hand lingered on his chin, he could feel your pheromones start to waft up his nose and it was getting hard to see straight. The Jacobson's Organ itself was an organ meant to signal and interpret both signs of aggressive from others of your species, but also to signal a willingness to mate. Dan Heng's was sending electric signals pulsing through his cranium every second you peered at it from his jaw.
When your hand tried to retract from his jaw, he grabbed your wrist and pressed it onto his cheek.
It was only then you realized just how quickly his skin was rising in temperature.
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He writhed on your mattress, your smell wafting addictively through the air as he did his best to peel his clothes off. He wasn't having much success, the sweat having just about fused it with his skin. You had rushed off earlier somewhere with a few words he couldn't hear over the pounding of his heart in his ears.
He only managed to yank off his large overcoat and kick off his shoes and socks when you returned to the room. He was fumbling with various buttons and zippers on his top when you burst through your bedroom door with just about as many pillows and blankets as you could find in the short time you were gone.
You were fumbling over your words apologizing for not realizing sooner, saying you assumed Vidyadhara didn't have heat periods because they reproduced asexually. Your voice was in one ear and out the other as his fingers weakly and clumsily tried to pull his shirt over his head, but he noted that your arms were loaded to the brim with plush, soft, luxury pillows and blankets.
Nesting materials.
He was growing more and more desperate to get his clothes off of him as you dropped the pillows and blankets on the bed, apologizing over and over with a red face. He gave a needy huff when his fingers dropped the clasp of his shirt again. He couldn't get it off of him and he could feel frustrated tears settling in.
That was, until you started helping him out of his clothes.
You noticed his struggles and tentatively asked him if he needed help in this honey sweet voice, always stopping between each and every article of clothing you tenderly stripped off of him to make sure he was sure he was okay with you helping him out.
Soon enough he was left in nothing but his boxers as you excused yourself to start building up his nest for his comfort. You promised him you'd contact Caelus or someone else from the express to pick him up or at the very least explain the situation. He didn't answer, just about writhing in the middle of the bed, mind going fuzzy with the overwhelming feeling of you surrounding him.
He felt comfortable as he watched the plush walls being built around him, clutching on your blanket in particular as he could feel his hips begin rutting pathetically against the mattress. He buried his face in the soft fabric to try and hide his shame, all while huffing in your scent like cocaine.
Too many sensations, to many sounds, to many smells, his body concluded; throwing him into a haze of seeking blind release on your blanket. He hadn't even noticed you calling for his attention from next to your nightstand, setting down a pager and some water.
"-an Heng! Dan Heng!"
He finally snapped his eyes up to gaze at you, a little bit of drool leaking from the corner of his mouth and his eyes glassy.
You gulped down some saliva to wet your dry throat before continuing, "I'm leaving, but there's a pager on the nightstand if you need anything."
There was some kind of deep noise that escaped from his throat, at the thought of you leaving. "Where are you going?"
You raised a hand, trying your best to dissuade his worries. "I'm at fault for this mess, I can just crash in Arlan's room or find a temporary one. I can't possibly ask you to move during your heat period."
He dragged himself closer to the edge of the bed, closer to you, as he tried his best to stop his hips from rutting against the wall of pillows and blankets you hastily built up for him. "You can st-stay." There was rumbling in his throat, one you realized was purring. He was trying to entice you into bed with him.
Your face pulsed a deep crimson as you vehemently shook your head, "You aren't in your right mind, I would never even think of taking advan-"
He whined, grabbing blindly for your arms as his hips started to move against the wall of pillows. "Need- Need something, someone, need you-" he cut himself off with a curse as he felt a growing knot of arousal build up more in his stomach.
At this point he was pulling on your arms, trying to pull you in closer, down into the nest. His torso lunging forward to press his face into the skin of your neck, he was just about whimpering directly into your ear while humping the bed.
"D-Dan Heng, you're in heat, I couldn't do something like that to you-" you stammered, trying to draw away from him. His insistent groveling was starting to get to you.
He tried pulling you down into the nest again, hands reaching up to your shoulders to push off the pristine white coat you usually wore. His little whimpers were growing desperate, practically begging for you to take care of him.
Your hands gripped his wrists, sending another spark of arousal up his spine, he couldn't even hear your next words, "This isn't right, you probably wouldn't be talking to me like this if you weren't in heat."
His thighs shook under him, looking at you with half-lidded eyes as you put your coat back on your shoulders so you could leave. "Wait-Wait, please don't go- ah~"
"If you need anything, I left a pager on the nightstand. When your heat is over we can talk-"
He whined his protests, but you adamantly let go of his wrists and he could feel himself getting more and more desperate to keep you in his nest as your delicious scent wafted away from him. "I think of you so, so muchhhsh, it's not just the heat." He mewled when he brought your blanket to his nose.
He let out an unintentional purr when you stopped just short distance away from your door. You turned to look at him. He pushed his hips against the fabric of the blanket and the sheets, already soaking both his boxers and your precious blanket with the scent of sex. "Y-You never talk to me unless you need to know something- agh~" his hips stuttered against the mattress again. "Have you ever considered my feelings?" He let out another moan when he ground particularly hard into the bed.
"What are you talking about?"
He keened when he felt your attention on him again, really playing up the pathetic act he was putting on. "Twice a year- hah~" he practically melted against your bed when he found the right angle to move his hips at, picking up the pace quickly. "-you're all I can think about. Alone in my room while the others are gone and I'm making a mess of myself."
He let out another drawn out whimper when you stepped closer to the bed, "Y-You never even spared me more than a glance- hngh~" he grunted when your blanket slid against the mess he was making of your bed, "I wanted you soooo ba-had~"
He crawled over to the edge of his nest to where you were standing, doing his best to reach out to you and make some kind of contact with your skin. "I want you- mmmnnhg~ right now, I n-need you here-" he gave a whine when you interlaced your fingers with him, his hips growing faster against the wall of the nest. "I want y-your, ouhh~, want your heellpppp-"
You considered your options carefully. Dan Heng certainly wasn't bad looking, in fact, you could feel yourself getting a less than respectable boner at the sight of him basically bashing his hips against your blanket. You had his prior consent, knowledge of an... intimate attraction at the very least. Last but not least, you felt partially responsible for the state he was in, despite his heat cycle having nothing to do with you.
You sighed, biting the inside of your cheek as Dan Heng put the hand intertwined with his own to his nose, sucking in the smell of your skin harshly. He was basically having the time of his life, eyes squeezed shut and his grunts and groans getting pitchier and pitchier with each passing moment.
You supposed you had to take responsibility for his little mess.
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You let out a little groan of pain into his vent when he tugged harshly at your hair. He was just about jerking you further into his nether regions with one hand while he looped his fangs around one of his fingers on the other. His tail squeezed your upper bicep. You were laying on your stomach, going down on him with his legs thrown over you shoulders.
His little whimpers and whines weren't much to go off when it came to seeing what he liked most. Instead, you would go off the little things like the twitch of his thighs around your head or the way his hand tightened in your hair. There were actually a few things you figured out would get him to jerk his hips up into your mouth. Specifically, he really liked it when you managed to get your tongue inside his cloaca and tease the tips of his cocks.
You pulled your mouth off of his hips, relishing in his small protest. He keened, his hips chasing after your slick stained lips. You ignored his nonverbal begging for more, instead snuggly wrapping your biceps around his hips and squaring them back down on the pillow he was propped up on. You hadn't exactly done anything like this before, but that definitely didn't mean you weren't willing to learn.
Instead of going back in to continue teasing his slit, you focused your attention on what was slowly everting out of it. Your thumb traced over the slit of the dick that had just barely begun poking its head out his vent. You earned a muffled groan from Dan Heng, who was doing his best to muffle his noises on his finger. For his own dignity, you let him.
You tentatively licked over the tip just to gauge his sensitivity and were kindly rewarded with more of his cock sliding out and the second one just barely sliding emerging as well. The precum oozing off the tips tasted just like his slick, mouth numbingly sweet. It wasn't any kind of flavored sweet, actually it was almost like drinking a mouthful of sugar water; something you mentally took note of.
His fingers were just about digging into your scalp now, pushing your face down closer to him. He was trying to wiggle his hips up closer to your mouth, but your arms kept him firmly pressed down as you continued to mercilessly tease him. He sucked in a sharp breath when you finally took one in your mouth, going down slowly until your nose was flush with his pubic bone. You traced over the underside with an experimental flick of the tongue.
In turn, his thighs twitched to clamp your head in place, delivering a delicious pressure that kept you locked in between his legs. You felt the heel of his foot push into your back right between your shoulder blades. He tugged on your hair again, letting out a pathetic hiccup when you maneuvered your hand underneath his little leg lock to tease the opening of his vent.
He shivered deliciously when you groaned against him again, finally prying his thighs away from the sides of your head. You traced the outline of his cloaca slowly, sensually; causing his other hand to join in on tugging your head closer to his dripping sex. You rose off of his erection with plenty of spit and precum dangling from your lips, glinting in the low light.
His fingers carded through your hair as you finally got up from between his legs, crawling on top of him and pressing a chaste kiss to his forehead. Your breath was hot on his face and he could feel the sweat dripping on his brow as he locked his legs around your waist to pull you down on top of him.
One of your hands traced little patterns up the outside of his thigh and up to his little hip dips. You kept your voice low, trying not to overwhelm him since he was already trying to force his hips up higher to grind on your own erection. "As much as I'd love to keep going like we were, I want to hear what you want to do."
He seemed to lack the ability to answer, coherent thoughts transitioning to jumbled syllables and begging the moment they moved past his lips. He finally managed to raise his hips high enough to rut on the inside of your thigh, tears slowly welling up in his eyes. He was getting overwhelmed, your scent and your touch and the things you were making him feel drowned him in an ocean of white hot flames, boiling him alive with all the sensations sending a pleasant buzz through all of his nerves.
"Hm? Dan heng?" You cooed into his ear, he took in a sharp inhale, letting out a breathy huff in response. He kept rutting up against the inside of your thigh, his dicks standing at full attention and weeping precum all over your skin. Once again, he couldn't respond, letting out little huffs and groans into your neck while he tried to chase the feeling of completion.
You used the hand that was gently caressing his thigh to push his hips back down towards the bed. Chastising him gently for not answering you, "C'mon, I can't help you if you don't tell me how I can help, sweetheart."
He could feel the hot wet trails of tears running down his face as he started crying. He sniffled pathetically as his hips struggled against the strength of your arm keeping them pinned down by the waist. His hands moved from your hair to your shoulders, trying to use them to get more leverage to try and fight against your grip. "I- I-"
"Yes?" You purred, placing a kiss to the side of his neck. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, eyelids fluttering shut as he tried to put more effort towards thinking. "What do you want from me, Heng?"
He whimpered at the mention of his name, "I don't know- I don't know-" he hiccupped, his fingernails leaving crescent marks in your shoulders, "I want to feel good, I-" a sniffle, "-touch me, please touch me agaainn..."
"Good," your murmured against his skin, "Just a little bit more, you're being so good for me," you placed a few more kisses up his neck until you met his jawline, "Where do you want me to touch you? How do you want me to touch you?"
His tail squeezed around your thigh, shaking as tried to ground himself enough to answer. He pressed his foot further into your back to bring your body down closer. He whimpered, "-Inside" his fingers trailed up to your jawline, "I- I want it inside." He held your face in his hands to make eye contact with him.
In all his teary eyed glory, you still managed to find the willpower to hold back and tease him just a little more, "What do you want inside?" He whined, roughly bringing your forehead to touch his. You pressed an innocent peck to his lips, "Last question, Heng, What do you want inside?"
He keened, chasing after your lips, almost yelling against your mouth, "YOU! I want YOU insiiihiidddeee~"
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You curse against his lips, "...ah fuck," you suck a sharp breath between your teeth. You dot kisses on his face, holding him in a soft missionary. "How are you feeling, sweetheart?" You were scared to hurt him, trying to help him relax a little bit.
Dan Heng, on the other hand, was barely cognizant, eyes squeezed shut as little tears poured down the sides of his face. Was it from the pain? No, rather it was from relief.
"good, good, so good-" he babbled, arms looped around your neck as he tried to push himself backwards and further up on the pillow propped under his pelvis.
You gently stroked his hair away from his face, thumbing away the tears on his cheek. You gently pushed another couple of inches into him, causing him to let out a shaky moan. You kissed him on his sweat-caked forehead, shushing him as he cried pathetically underneath you. "You're doing so good, such a good boy, almost there, promise."
"Ahnnn~" he squirmed under the praise, drool leaking from the corner of his mouth, "deeper, please," he sniffled, "-please, deeper,"
You nodded, starting to push just a little bit in further, stopping when his tail smacked unceremoniously against your back. His back arched up against the bed in an open mouthed scream, just about seeing stars when you brushed past his prostate. He kept drooling, hiccupping and whining for you to keep going.
You finally bottomed out, ultimately noticing just the smallest bump protruding on his mid-section. His hands were scratching lines down your back, his mouth pressed shut tight and his jaw tense. Tears continued to stream down the side of his face as muffled murmurs and whimpers bounced around the inside of his taut lips.
You latched onto the side of his neck, placing a delicate kiss before starting to suck a light hickey into his pale, pale skin. He shuddered under the simple touch, a broken, humiliating purr resonating from his throat.
He sniffled again, sobbing, "P-Please, just move, I can't wait- ouhhh~"
You unlatched from his neck, kissing the just barely red skin gently before drawing your hips away from his pelvis. He let out a long drawn out moan, his voice cracking in the middle of it. You pulled until your length was about halfway out, snapping your hips forward as gently as you could.
He let out a yelp, thighs twitching and clamping down on both sides of your waist. After a small pause, you repeated the same thing, earning another broken squeak. You set the pace slower just so you knew Dan Heng wouldn't be too overwhelmed. He laid there, largely limp for a short period of time, voice cracking and tears streaming down the sides of his face.
Eventually, when he seemed to get used to the feeling, his broken moans turned into purrs and huffy groans. His hips started to rock back against yours, hands balling up and relaxing into fists behind your neck. He reached for your face, a little bit less out of it and pulled you in for a sloppy kiss.
The first thing you were met with was his teeth clacking against yours before his long forked tongue ran over your bottom lip. You teasingly nipped at his lip, earning a purr as he parted his tips more the let you take control of the kiss.
It was around then that you got a more devious idea. You played nice to begin with, feeling around the inside of his mouth with your tongue, but eventually, when his whines started to get louder, you decided it'd be the right time to push him over the edge. Cheekily, you smiled into the kiss before pressing your tongue right on top of Dan Heng's Jacobson's organ.
You only had a split second to register that you'd actually done it before Dan Heng all but screamed into your mouth and the two of you were graced with white painting both of your chests.
You rocked your hips forward slowly working him through the intensity of it. You finally bottomed out again and stilled, pulling away from his lips.
To your surprise, however, Dan Heng's fingers moved from the back of your neck to tangling themselves in your hair. He was panting, teary eyes glassy and glazed as he pushed his chest closer to yours.
His lips parted, ghosting over your own lips as he begged, "Do that again, Ouh~ Please, please do that again, mhhhh~" His hips continued to rock back against yours but they weren't getting all that far; he was basically just grinding himself on the based of your cock.
You hesitated for a moment before tentatively locking lips with him again. At his insistence, you started to move again, but shallowly and slowly. He grunted into the kiss, tugging on your hair to show his disapproval. You huffed into the kiss before almost completely pulling out before shoving your hips forward harshly. He made a choked noise, just about having the wind knocked out of him at the sudden change.
You pulled away from the kiss, feeling a little mean as you rested your head in the crook of his neck. "Wow, I didn't know you could be so greedy, Heng. You already came once and you're begging me to go harder?"
"Please- hah~ please, I feel like I'm going crazy-"
You kissed the shell of his pointed ear, drinking in the little noise you got in response before humming and catching his lips again. Maintaining about the same pace as before, you started knocking the air of him continuously with each thrust. You started toying with the forked tongue in his mouth and slyly sliding your tongue over his fangs.
He let out a drawn out moan into the kiss, pushing his face against yours harder. He tried coaxing you further into his mouth, just about begging you to inject the bundle of nerves with just about the highest concentration of your pheromones he could get.
Still, you played hard to get, wrapping your tongue in his. In your focus on him, you didn't notice your pace was picking up as you got closer to your own orgasm. Eventually, when he gave a particularly harsh tug to your hair did you finally relent.
However, while you gave into tonguing over the roof on his mouth, you also wrapped a large hand around the two painfully red cocks bouncing against both of your stomachs. He squealed into your mouth, thighs trying to squeeze shut and protect himself from the onslaught of sensations. When he finally forgot his requests for you to put your tongue on the little bump on the roof of his mouth, did you let him have his way.
His eyes snapped open, pupils rolling up into his skull as you continued to stroke him and shove your tongue into the top of his mouth. He fell limp in your arms, fingers only staying attached to your hair because they'd just about knotted themselves in your locks.
You felt the pit in your own stomach starting to get tighter, eliciting a set of groans into Dan Heng. You sped up your pace, knocking Dan Heng out of his little stupor as his hands tugged about as hard on your hair as they could without pulling out any chunks. He was back to crying while you were just about fucking him open and drinking in the noises he was screaming out into your own mouth.
Finally, you let out a finally, deep, guttural moan as you bottomed out and finally spilled your seed inside of him. His back arched and his mouth fell open in a lewd moan, tongue lolling out of his mouth as he spurted all over your stomachs again.
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You panted as you shoved his face into the pillow by the neck with one hand while the other carved bruises into his hips in the shape of your fingers. It'd been a couple hours later and Dan Heng was absolutely insatiable.
You supposed you should've expected it, seeing as he's in heat and all, but you didn't expect him to have nearly enough energy to keep going for the rest of the afternoon and into the early hours of the morning. Well, it was probably easier for him to keep going than you. After all, you were the one that was actually putting in the majority of effort to keep pile driving him into the sheets.
You grunted as you pressed your chest onto his back, watching the way his tail rattled in the air in contentment. Your hips were consistently slapping against his ass, his hands clutching at the pillow you'd shoved his face into mere seconds earlier.
His happy, fucked out noises were difficult to hear from the plush, comfortable pillows, but more audible now that you were closer to his face. You pressed a handful of kisses down his spine before reaching your hand around to his front. Originally, you were going to try and stroke him through another orgasm, but instead, the hand that was formerly on his neck ghosted over the bump you were creating in his stomach. He let out a noise into the pillow that was as delectable as sin. His entire body spasming when you applied pressure onto the same point.
After a couple of hours in, his cum had thinned to the point he was just shooting blanks at this point. His cock was an angry, crimson red from the amount of times it'd actually gotten off. Just like now, his entire body tensed, but nothing actually came out.
So instead, you pressed harder on the bulge, watching in delight how his body fell limp and he stopped rocking back to meet your rough, quick thrusts forward.
It was cute for the first couple of minutes, watching him weakly moan into the pillow and claw at the sheets underneath him to try and ground himself from the heaven you were currently sending him to. But as of now, your own hips were starting to get tired. Your thighs were burning after about three hours of copulation, but you also knew the moment you stopped, Dan Heng would be alert again, demanding your attention again. Sigh, so needy.
Taking matters into your own hands, quite literally actually, you traced up his stomach before curving it around to the side and resting it on his hips. You starting tugging his hips back onto your dick, listening to the sweet mewls he let out as he turned to press only one side of his face into the pillow.
Still not quite satisfied with the amount of friction generated from using his hips as handholds, you turned your attention to the rather large solution position just a few inches away on his spine.
A devious grin broke out on your face before you ghosting your hands over the base of it, taking special satisfaction from the way his eyes widened. The next moment, your hand was wrapped around his tail and his eyes were rolling back up into his skull, low moans turning into high pitched squeals as the end of his tail rather weakly whacked against your shoulder.
Once again, you were just so close to getting to your own peak, you meanly wrapped your other hand just above the other one, sending him jolting forward towards the headboard. He finally picked his front half up from the bed sheet and clutched the top of the headboard, resting his head on it as his nails dug into the wood. You were a little concerned when you heard it start to splinter, but you dismissed it for when your thoughts were cloudy with making sure Dan Heng definitely wouldn't be able to think about anyone else during any of his following heats.
Finally, the moment came when the pooling heat in your stomach exploded and unleashed another load inside of him, prompting him to scream as just the tiniest few drops of crystalline cum shot from his angry red tip.
Once again, when you stilled to try and catch your breath to see if Dan Heng was finally satisfied, the way he looked back at you, despite the drool dripping down his chin and dried tear tracks on his cheeks, was pleading with you to keep going. He punctuated it with pushing his hips back against your softening cock again.
Horny little bastard.
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During the last few rounds, Dan Heng had started becoming rather verbal. Not to be confused with vocal, he was vocal since foreplay started. No, he started talking a lot the more and more energy you were losing.
At this point, you were much too worn out to wonder why. A few flitting thoughts trailed through your head, but were quickly knocked out of you the more you snapped your hips forward and the sweet sound of Dan Heng's hoarse cries replaced them.
"Sooo fullllll~" he mewled, riding slowly. The height he was rising was getting less and less as his pace was getting slower. His voice was slowly starting to slur the longer he was on top. He held an inflated stomach with one hand, using the other shaky arm to support himself on your chest.
Soon enough though, his arm gave out on him and let himself rest his head on your chest, hips still insisting on moving, though he was barely rising. "Ghonna get pregnaannnttt~" he purred into your ear. You lazily hummed an affirmation in his ear. Eyes half-lidded in exhaustion as you watched him use the last bit of energy he had to try and reach one more orgasm.
"Ghonna have your babyyy~" he cooed, his hips finally resting on your pelvis. He moved his pelvis in little circles, what little energy he had left diminishing exponentially the longer he went on. He whined out your name when your eyes shut.
"I'm listening, Dan Heng," you affirmed, sleeping hand coming to rest on the small of his back while the other cupped his cheek.
"You have to stay with me if I have your baby~" he complained, "you can't ever leave me."
You raised an eyebrow at his words, but chalked it up to a horny dragon that was giving into his mating instincts. "Yes, Heng. I won't leave you or the baby."
There was a weak purr that emitted from his throat, his hips finally stilling flush with your own. "Would jyou make me yohur wifeee..."
You hummed into his skin, "Mhm..." you rubbed a thumb across his cheek, letting him settle into his cute little domestic dream. "My pretty wife and our baby."
You could feel a smile stretch across his face against the skin on your chest. You absentmindedly ran your fingers through his hair. His hands pressed up against your abdomen, resting there as you felt him burrow his nose right in between your pectorals. "Prhomishe?"
You twirled a piece of his hair around your finger, mumbling out a half-awake, "Promise."
With that, you could feel his breathing relax and small snores emit from his mouth. Without moving all that much, your own arm lazily grabbed at a blanket, throwing it over the both of you before letting yourself also drift off into the land of dreams.
Before that though, there really was only one thing left on your mind...
How exactly were you supposed to survive the rest of his heat if this was going to be your everyday?
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there a small note on the side of the phone booth, read it?
" i fear this is the filthiest thing I've ever written and I will be doing it again soon. "
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I USED TO BE FOUND AT @steadybear
Part 2 here: " results: inconclusive "
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