#yes she’s forgetting Steve on purpose because she’s spiteful
bowiebond · 2 years
@emeraldwitches said Carol has Gina Linetti vibes so here’s some shitty quote edits
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jjuzoir · 4 years
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Random Kageyama Tobio HCS
Word Count: 1851
Warnings: just... me being in love with a m*n other than masumi 😔 also! these are my headcanons as in,,, what i personally i think he’d be like ‼️ also me projecting my ideal man into him (as if he wasn’t it already 😋)
A/N: i... i love tobio so much it’s literally unreal... i couldn’t wait for a request (i’m still working on the remaining 4 too lolol) so take me projecting my love for tobio >:(
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— Kageyama normally wears loose fitting clothes or athletic-style clothing. His favorite go to outfits tends to be a loose tee, some loose pants with an obnoxious Nike logo he swears are super cool but look like two garbage bags sewed together, and running shoes. Throw a hoodie in there for colder weather, even then he still manages to look good.
— He takes very good care of his hair, like freaky good care, because of Miwa. Once she enrolled in cosmetology school and she saw Kageyama use the same baby shampoo from when they were kids she freaked out (if she’d been any later he’d start using 3-in-1) and chewed his ear off about hair care. His hair is super shiny and there’s literally no freeze, he uses nice smelling shampoo and conditioner too. Ugh, I love him.
— He has a very sensitive nose but it gets clogged easily so he doesn’t notice much unless it miraculously unclogs itself and he’s complaining about everything.
— “Eh! Hinata, why’d you smell like a fucking axe bottle?!” “Why does no one say anything about Tsukishima smelling like strawberries?” “Yamaguchi smells like... milk.” “Hah?! Sugawara smells bad-?!”
— He says he’s a picky eater to appear cool but as long as you don’t say what’s in the food he’ll down it. He’ll say he doesn’t like carrots but if you give him a salad with carrots he might even say “it’s the best salad he’s ever had”.
— He’s a hot sleeper, and not in the “oh he’s sexy” type of way. I’m talking, he’ll sweat buckets if he sleeps with anything other than a flimsy white t-shirt and his underwear.
— Might be me projecting my love for bunny teeth but he has bunny teeth, his front teeth are a bit bigger than average (not to the point it’s super noticeable but it’s still something Miwa teased him about), his aunties probably squeezed his cheeks and called him “baby bunny” when he was younger.
— He doesn’t go to sleep later than 9PM, he thinks if he does it’ll ruin his schedule (which it will) and fuck up his body - he’s seen Miwa screw up hers after she pulled a bunch of all nighters in her third year in high school and has been afraid since.
— The type to forget people were coming over and come out of his room shirtless asking for his clean underwear.
— His sister forced him to let her cut and style his hair which led to many questionable hairstyles. Tsukishima is genuinely so grateful to Miwa, especially when she was first starting - he’s got some pictures of Tobio with the shortest most embarrassing bangs ever saved in his phone in a file for blackmail if the need for it ever presented itself.
— Likes pissing people off on purpose sometimes, during one of the training camps he probably walked into the bath with socks on and was made fun of but out of spite he just… never took them off. Said he’d done it on purpose and all too. Tanaka cried out of fear for like a hot minute when he saw him standing under the shower with Iron Man socks on.
— He’s so petty too, if you make fun of him for messing up he’ll remember until you embarrass yourself to make fun of you. And when I say he remembers, I mean it - he can’t for his life remember when to use make and do in english but he remembers when Hinata made fun of him for wearing different socks back on their first year and yes he will bring it up on their second year when he did the same thing what are you going to do about it?
— Probably got scouted for a modeling agency once and began running away because he thought they were trying to kidnap him.
— If he had Tiktok… he would’ve gone viral after posting a video of him practicing, he posted for a while for fun and to flex on people that he was hot but then he saw a comment saying they wanted to drink his milk under a video of him drinking milk and he deleted his account, he can’t buy from that brand for a while.
— He’s got a video of a gorilla walking in two legs saved on his phone for when he’s feeling down and watches it whenever he’s not going well. People think he’s texting his S/O but no, he’s just watching a gorilla walk like minecraft Steve.
— He can’t pose for pictures to save his life, his default pose is an NPC stance with his arms stiffly hanging down and his eyes wide in surprise, don’t ask him to smile or else he will look like a serial killer.
— He’s got a bit of baby fat on his cheeks that won’t disappear no matter what. It’s become a pre-game ritual to pinch his cheeks. He’s also got dimples you can really only see when he smiles naturally but he doesn’t know and he’d get shy if he knew and try covering his face so don’t tell him, that’s a fact he told me so himself.
— Cannot dance to save his life. He’s so long (?) his limb control is non-existent, it appears in game and vanishes when he steps out of the court. He really just bounces on his heels and moves his arms like a t-rex, don’t ask more of him.
— Buys his clothes one size bigger just in case and Miwa teases him saying he’ll need them when he gets old and fat.
— Gets asked out often but always rejects, then has the audacity to complain he’s never dated anyone like he hasn’t turned down half of the school's population.
— Can’t sing. He’s got a nice speaking voice but ask him to sing and he’s out of tone, out of sync, out of breath, and out of the room in 5 seconds.
— Sugawara joked about having him singing as his alarm clock and Kageyama actually believed him, probably sent him a new recording as a gift after he annoyed him during practice.
— Surprisingly funny when he wants to but most jokes fly over people’s heads since he seems so serious most of the time, it annoys him to no end. Yachi still struggles differentiating when he is and isn’t joking because his tone literally doesn’t change at all and she doesn’t want to offend him.
— When he was younger he liked to collect rocks, not even the pretty ones he’d pick the most average, raggedy rocks off the ground and clean them up and tuck them to bed because he saw Miwa play with her barbies like that. Still owns his first rock, he named it “Johnson” after Dwayne Johnson, aka the rock (he’s had to explain it so many times he’s exhausted).
— Accidentally drank expired milk once and didn’t notice until his stomach began hurting and he thought he became lactose intolerant and he was inconsolable for days until he realized it had expired like a month ago - he went on a milk shopping spree and the milk sales that week saw a 20% rise from the last few months.
— Tobio had bad handwriting until he was in Junior High because his teachers couldn’t understand him and had him practice calligraphy, his handwriting is now one of the prettiest ones in the team and he’s the official inker of the VBC posters (as designated by Goddess Yachi Hitoka herself).
— His biggest fear for a long time was getting eaten by piranhas because he saw it happen so often in cartoon shows he genuinely thought it was going to be a bigger deal than it turned out to be but for like a solid 6 years of his life he avoided suspicions puddles just in case.
— Kageyama has a habit of rolling and unrolling his sleeves when he’s deep in thought, it soon made way to a habit of checking his wrist watch (he absolutely has a wrist watch, you cannot change my mind on that) but not actually reading it.
— His nails are very pretty, like most setters, he takes very good care of them. They’re filed down to a perfect length and he puts oils and creams, his hands in general are so nice. He takes a lot of pride in them, you know his cuticles are pushed back and trimmed and he could absolutely be a hand model. Kags’ hands are calloused, he’s a volleyball player of course they are, but it’s not to the extent of Ushijima or Daichi’s hands.
— Talking about hands, it’s probably one of his favorite features on people. He loves holding hands with his S/O and tracing the wrinkles in their palm, being able to interlock fingers with them and feel the bumps in them.
— Mumbles to himself when in thought too! Very nonsensical if you’re not informed on what he’s thinking about, if he’s thinking about you he’ll mumble your name or something like “pretty eyes”.
— Has a very healthy diet, like extremely healthy and thought out. He won’t eat anything too sugary or that could throw off his body, but he does have cheat days (which are rare but exist). He also doesn’t drink much soda or alcohol (once he’s of age).
— Things like smoking are a big no, he takes so much care of his body he wouldn’t even touch a cigarette or be near a smoking area, lowkey paranoid of ingesting the smoke too.
— When he’s older I can see him having a dog and a cat, the dog would be a big dog; if they stood on two paws it’d be the same height as you, he’d name or something like Tobias and think he was super clever and funny, the cat would probably a small cat he’d name Milk (it probably would be a black cat too but he does not care).
— Probably tried baby formula because he heard it was a substitute for breast milk. No further comments on this.
— I feel like he doesn’t listen to music, but if he had to choose something he’d pick instrumental music - not orchestral music or anything like that - but more of a chill, no deep meaning just guitar and piano track. I could see him listening to Shego Sekito or Joe Hisashi on occasion, he might even listen to some 2000’s pop if he wants something to pump him up during training (he works out to Brittney Spears’ “Womanizer”).
— A cuddle-bug when he’s sleepy, he’ll throw himself across his S/O and not move at all, he just wants to stay there and not move ever again (or at least until he’s not feeling like passing out). He’ll like to wrap himself around them and cuddle their neck, he’ll attach himself to their arm like it’s a lifeline.
— In other words, Kageyama Tobio… b-boyfriend material.
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strangertheory · 4 years
"It's bullsh*t!"
I've been pondering the Flayed eating toxic substances in Stranger Things 3, combined with the noteworthy increase of "junk food" in the characters' diets as portrayed on-screen as the seasons progress.
Hopper enjoys a lot of chips and junk food in season 3, and it's highlighted on sceen immediately in episode 1. We see Mike consuming junk food messily while laying on the couch complaining about how he doesn't understand El. Then we have Lucas's "New Coke" scene.
I am curious if the writers intended to tie the consumption of "junk that is unhealthy and has chemicals" to the concept of junk media's influence as well, and if that will become a more overt theme in s4 with the new Video Store.
Arguably, the writers have already established that the media is directly influencing the character's thoughts and feelings about their relationships. (Re: @kaypeace21 's observations in this post and many other thoughtful posts that she has written. What the characters are watching on tv is inherently intentional, the question is: to what end?)
We know that El's understanding of culture and society outside of the lab is learned mostly from distanced observation, and she watches a lot of television. She has known incredibly few things about society until recently because she was an abused and exploited prisoner at the lab for most of her life, and many things that she learns will undoubtedly be from television.
Will the themes of ingesting chemicals, eating junk food, and consuming media (and its impact on the characters) kick into higher gear in season 4? Or was that the focus of season 3, and season 4 will reveal more of the consequences of these "chemical leaks" ?
El enjoying Eggos has been a cute character trait since season 1, but I wonder if her enjoyment of a stack of Eggos covered in whipped cream and candies while sitting at dinner with Hopper (in season 2) is going to prove more symbolically insidious by the end of the series.
Many fans have pointed out that a recurring theme in Stranger Things is how what society tells you is best isn't always actually that great. Nancy and Jonathan discussing their unhappy parents (how Joyce and Lonnie "must have loved each other at some point, but..." and how Ted and Karen thought they wanted the stereotypical, picture-perfect family but are miserable) is my favorite example of this, but there are dozens of other examples throughout the series.
I think the themes of consuming cheap romance novels, soap operas, bags upon bags of chips, microwave meals (washed down with a glass of wine), New Coke, and even cleaning chemicals (and fertilizers!) ties back into the theme of societal overconsumption of unhealthy things (or ideas) that the media and society tries to sell to you as something that will make you truly happy.
As a jaded American myself, I find it particularly fitting that this critique of the consumption of trash is being made during the 4th of July festivities in the series. Ah, yes. Let us celebrate what truly makes America Great: New Coke. Flashy, pre-packaged, mass-marketed food and ideas that you need to have in your life. And if you don't, you're unAmerican! It's the appearance that counts, not the true value and substance, right? The Mayor literally tells Hopper that the Hawkins community will forget about the police arresting protestors after they see the spectacular 4th of July festivities that he has planned. Nevermind the rot and the rust, just slap a new coat of paint on things and pretend everything is Great!
I'm curious to see if there is a thematic purpose in the Flayed devouring toxic things that extends beyond season 3. It felt kind-of inconsequential and like a comedically bad, cliché horror movie trope when it was first introduced to me in the season. I kind-of eyerolled. ("Aaa! The toothy blob-monster feeds on chemicals and poop!") But the more I think about it, the more I suspect it's intended as not only a campy horror movie trope but also as a deeper analogy to other kinds of toxic things that people gobble up that don't enrich their lives: like toxic ideas.
And this is why I personally think season 3 was incredibly calculated, and not badly written as some fans suggest. I believe that season 3, and the characters, were very much intended to feel cheap and shallow at certain points. Characters seemed out of character because they were written to be that way. The prioritization of superficiality and appearances rather than sincerity and depth of understanding and honesty. Characters were actively trying to look a certain way, or fit a certain role, repeatedly miscommunicating, often lying to people they claim to care about, and often expecting each other to conform to societal clichés in spite of already openly discussing and contradicting them (re: Hopper's outrage at Joyce for standing him up at their verbally agreed upon definitely-not-a-date dinner.)
Robin keeps a tally of how many times Steve "sucks" as he attempts to flirt with girls visiting the ice cream shop by lying to them and putting on an act, and when Robin suggests he be himself and be honest Steve laughs and shoots that idea down immediately. (Be yourself? Be honest? Why would that work?) Thankfully by the end of the season Steve recognizes how much bullsh*t he believed in that was holding him back from being happy. But I don't think all of the characters have reached that point yet in the series.
Season 3 was a candy-coated mess that had deeper, darker issues lurking just beneath the surface. And that was done on many different levels, both literal and symbolic. Something is not ok in Hawkins, and the Flayed aren't the only ones that are devouring toxic things.
I look forward to enjoying a much-needed respite in future seasons if and when the characters start to communicate better with those they love, sort-out what truly matters to them with real heart-to-hearts, and choose to live their lives authentically and with sincerity in spite of the toxic and superficial trash that society and the media throws at them.
I could be wrong, but I think there were a lot of parts of season 3 that we as fans are set up to ultimately question, and that will be revealed in future seasons to have been "bullsh*t."
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oliverwxod · 6 years
Protector (Part 2) Bucky Barnes imagine
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings: SMUT, swearing, kinda toxic relationship
Summary: thanks for reading part 1! and thank you for all your lovely comments! hope you like part 2! feedback always appreciated! xx
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"please" she found herself almost whining, she hated the effect he had on her. The last thing she wanted to do was show him how weak she really was for him.
 "Beg for it" Bucky growled, pushing her flat onto the bed before roughly flipping her onto her front, grabbing both her arms and pulling them behind her back, pushing her face further into the pillows. 
 "I said beg for it" he spoke harshly, one hand still resting on keeping her hands behind her back, the other now pulling her hair, yanking her head up and making her back arch towards him. 
 "Please Bucky"
 "Please what? You want me to treat you like the bad slut that you are huh? Or are you gonna be good for me and listen?" He spoke, lifting her dress up her body to rest above her hips, exposing her backside to him.
 "Good. I'll be good for you" she spoke, moaning as his grip on her hair tightened.
 "Good for who?" He asked.
 "Good for you, Captain" she spoke, trying to wriggle her arms out of his grip. He just held on tighter, making her cry out.
 "Then I suggest you be quiet, understood?" He asked, pulling her underwear down her legs, tossing them somewhere in the room. She nodded. 
 "Use your words" he growled.
 "Yes captain" she said compliantly.
 "Good girl" He hovered over her, leaning down so she could feel the heat of his breath on the back of her neck.
 He released her hair, pushing it to one side so he could place a small kiss to her skin. Probably the only soft gesture she would be shown by him tonight.
 She felt helpless beneath him, but the sense of excitement and overwhelming butterflies she always got when with him were present. Bucky felt alive. The feeling of power and dominance he had over her never changed.
 "Shut up” he growled grinding against her from behind. 
"I’m gonna show you who you belong to and you better not fucking forget it” He chuckled before running his finger up and down her clit before forcefully pushing two fingers straight into her. Squirming at the unexpected action. His fingers paused there movements as he shoved her hips down onto the bed. 
 “Don’t move” he whispered before continuing to pump his fingers in and out, slowly with purpose.
 He knew when she was about to cum as he removed his fingers. He knew her body too well, knowing how she reacted to his touch. He looked up meeting her eyes to check if she was alright before lining up his length, teasingly dragging it up and down, between her thighs before suddenly roughly slamming into her not giving any time to adjust to his size.
 He groaned as she purposely clenched around him. Turning her head over her shoulder to give him a smug smile which soon faded as he stopped completely, stilling. She tried to move back against him but he grabbed her hips harshly so she couldn't. 
 "You're being so much trouble today" he smirked, a deadly look in his eyes. Within seconds his movements turned harsh, pulling out and slamming back into her with force, pushing her further up the bed. 
He moved fast, his hips thrusting forwards in a rapid pace, one hand still gripping tightly onto her hips pulling her flush against him. The other hand now back in her hair, his fingers tracing around the back of her neck, tugging at the strands that fell down her back.
 "Fuck" he mumbled under his breath, hips stuttering slightly. Normally Bucky wasn’t very vocal in bed. But He couldn’t stop the low pitched moans tumbling from his lips, his eyes closed in ecstasy. 
 His hand moved round to the front of her neck, clasping gently at first around her neck with no pressure. Slowly his hand tightened, a moan falling from her lips. 
 "I told you to be quiet" he spoke darkly. Hand tightening even more around her neck, making her clench around him tighter. 
 "Sorry... Captain" her voice was hoarse, struggling to speak with Bucky's hand still wrapped around her neck. 
 "You will be" he growled, pushing her dress further up her body, his hand now resting on her waist to pull her even closer to him than he thought were possible. She tried to hold back the whimpers of pleasure at the new angle but was finding it increasingly difficult.
 Bucky could sense how hard she was trying to stop her self from making any noise, smirking to himself before releasing her neck from his grip, both hands now on her waist as he pounded into her inhumanly fast, her elbows giving way making her face drop into the pillows.
 Bucky watched as she turned her head to the side so she wouldn't end up smothering herself. He watched her eyes shut tightly as her hands fisted the material of his bed sheet. The sight alone was enough to get Bucky off.
 "Let me hear you" he spoke, slowing his thrusts down. "Want you to moan for me".
"Buckyyy" she whined.
 "Come on doll, cum for me" he demanded "show me who you belong to".
 "F-fuck" she cried clenching tightly around him, her vision almost fading from her as she came, crying out loudly. 
 "Good girl" he said watching her intently. 
With one last thrust Bucky came inside her, pulling her tight against him as he stilled inside her. Dropping down on top of her from tiredness, he rolled to the side of her, pulling her dress back down into place. They lay next to each other not speaking, taking a couple minutes to get their breaths back. 
 "Hope you've learnt your lesson" he spoke. Knowing that she probably hadn't and that it wouldn't be the last time he would have to show her who she belonged to.
 She stayed quiet. She wasn't sure how she was feeling. Not thinking before she did anything ever. Y/n had told herself after knowing he had slept with the lords daughter, that she wouldn't end up in his bed again, not when another woman had been there just days before. 
 "Doll?" Bucky asked, sitting up to get a look at her face. He frowned when he saw her expressionless face, blank of any emotion. 
"Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" He asked suddenly worried. Had he taken it too far? Been too harsh and rough?
 "No, m'fine" she mumbled, wanting nothing more than to sleep. "I'm tired" she spoke sitting up, smoothing her dress down before standing up. 
 Bucky frowned again.
 Normally she would fall asleep next to him, she never left straight away. 
 "Where are you going?" He asked standing up and following her towards the door. 
 "To my room, I'm tired" she spoke. It had a double meaning, she was tired from the day's events and tired from the emotional distress Bucky caused her.
 "What's wrong with this room, you never leave after" he spoke confused. 
 "You want me to stay?" She laughed. It was a spiteful sound. "You want me to stay  just so you can use me again in the morning! Well you have other women for that. You've punished me and now that's over I'm leaving to go and sleep in my own room" .
"You're not serious are you!" Bucky groaned.
 "Yes. I am. You don't need me. You've made that clear so I'm just leaving before you ask me to" she spoke. 
 "I've never asked you to leave before" Bucky stated. It was true, he hadn't. She shrugged. 
 "It's always felt like it though" she spoke, insecure, wrapping her arms around her waist. Bucky sighed. Running his hand through his hair.
 "I know what you want." Bucky said softly. "But you Know that I can't give you it" as much as he wanted to, he just couldn't. 
 "Why? Why can't you just let yourself" She asked, her eyes starting to tear up. She didn't want to be rejected again. It humiliated her every time they had this conversation, leaving her empty and to cry Steve every time. 
 "You know I adore you Y/n" Bucky spoke softly. "But look at me. I'm in no position to love you.".
 She swallowed, her throat dry from holding back her cries. Y/n nodded.
 "O-okay" she stuttered. Bucky sighed again, running a hand through his hair.
 "If I was a normal man, one who lived on solid ground, a man who didn't have thousands of enemies and appearances to up keep, I would marry you straight away." He spoke, looking at her intently, wanting her to know that he meant every word.
 "Don't say that" she spoke.
 It made her feel worse. How Bucky had basically admitted that he could love her but was holding himself back because of what other people may think.
 Bucky didn't know she had interpreted everything he said wrongly. Truth was he was meant to protect her and he knew he couldn't protect her from himself if she was to ever give him her whole heart and soul. He knew he would easily break it. He had to make sure he wasn't too distracted by her so he could do his proper job and protect her fully. 
 "You can't say that after always telling me that I belong to you! It's not fair that I belong to you and you don't belong to me" she spoke.
 "I don't belong to anyone doll, I won't ever belong to anyone" he said his face set in a deeper frown.
 "Well- I don't belong to you then!" She spoke, her voice rising in anger as her sadness turned into a defensive mode. 
 "You're on my ship." He stated blandly. He hated hearing those words coming from her mouth. She was his, he wouldn't let her be anyone else's. 
 "I told you I don't want to be anymore" she spoke.
 "We're not doing this again" Bucky sighed, tiredly now. He just wanted to sleep, preferably with her next to him. He always slept better with her company. 
 "I will keep doing this until I get what I want!" 
 "You're being a brat again" he spoke, his tone threatening as he eyed her up.
 "I'm not. I just don't want to stay on the same ship as the person who has rejected me more times than I can count. You don't know how much it hurts having to see the person you love everyday when they constantly tell you they don't love you back!" She cried.
 "I've told you time and time again that you don't love me. It's in your head. You've fooled yourself into thinking it because you've never been with another man." Bucky spoke. "There's plenty of men out there that can give you what you want."
 "But everytime I try to get another man on land or in the crew you go mental!" She said frustrated at how much of a hypocrite Bucky was.
 He sighed again and Y/n swore if he sighed one more time she would strangle him.
 "You're confusing me so much Buck." Her shoulders dropped in defeat. "I don't know what to do anymore." .
"Come here" Bucky spoke, patting one of his legs.
 She made her way over, sitting on his lap and cuddling into him, her face buried in his neck as she closed her eyes, embracing the feeling of his arms holding her tightly.
 "We keep going in circles" he spoke softly. "How am I meant to protect you when I'm breaking you apart".
"You don't have to protect me" she mumbled, Bucky could feel her breath brush over his neck making him shiver. 
 "Let's just sleep for now" he suggested. "We're both tired and it's been a long chaotic day." .
"Promise we can talk about it tomorrow, so we can stop going in circles" she said. 
"Yeah. We'll talk tomorrow doll" he spoke, holding her closer to his body.
 He helped her pull off her dress, his trousers and shirt following, before they climbed into the bed and under the covers, bodies pressed against each other. Bucky's face buried in Y/n's neck now, pressing a few soft kisses to the skin. She hummed happily before falling asleep.
 Bucky stayed awake longer, relishing in the feeling of her in his arms. She seemed relaxed and calm and he couldn't help but smile. She had been a bag full of stress the past week and he knew he was to blame. He had a lot to think about and talk about if they were both ever be truly happy.
Tagging people who asked for a part 2, message if you want to be untagged x
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tonystarkjr · 6 years
Be my Captain?
Pairing: Steve / Tony
Warnings: NSFW / Howards A+ Parenting / Uniform kink / sub!Tony / dom!Steve / Brat!Tony
Word Count: 5.363
Square Filled: Boss’ son
Summary: Steve’s life is boring. He has a boring job at Stark Industries and his daily routine couldn’t be more uneventful. That is until he meets his Boss’ son Tony, because the little Brat seems to make it to his mission to annoy Steve and it seems like Tony has more than one secret.
A/N: Well what can I say? Maybe that I do hate Howard, but there is nothing funnier than clingy and bratty Tony, paired with a softer side that he doesn’t show anyone.
This is for the @marvelfluffbingo
Link on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18224546
Steve sighs when he gets the mail from Mr. Stark. He started working for ‘Stark Industries’ exactly 6 months ago and while it pays his bills, it’s not what he wanted for his own life. He spends the whole day behind his desk and answers questions he doesn’t understand.
“Stark again?” Bucky asks when Steve gets up to leave the tiny office they share. Steve wouldn’t be working here anymore if it wasn’t for his best friend sitting right next to him. While Bucky was mostly working on new weapon ideas, Steve thought about new defensive mechanisms.
“Who else.” Steve mutters and shakes his head at himself when he walks up the stairs towards the bigger offices. Since Howard Stark is the owner of ‘Stark Industries’, he has the biggest office at the end of the hall and Steve was here more times than he can count.
“Good morning, Captain Rogers.” The secretary in front of his office says and Steve nods his head in greeting. There was once a time when Steve fought in the army and was the captain of his unit, long before he and Bucky came back, even before Bucky lost his arm in a mission. Most people here still call him by his title.
“Good morning, Ms. Potts.” Steve answers and she smiles at him. Next to her sits a young man on her desk. He seems rather uninterested in Steve and so Steve ignores him as well. Maybe she finally had met someone. Steve ignores his thought of having someone of his own and knocks on the door.
[Watch out for the cut]
“Come in.” Howard says loudly and Steve doesn’t hesitate to open the door. Just as he walks through the door, the young man presses himself through the crack of the door as well, and walks into the room as if he owns the whole company.
“Mr. Stark.” Steve says a bit irritated when the young man just walks past him and then sits down at Howard Stark’s desk. Seems like he doesn’t understand the purpose of a chair and Steve waits calmy for Howard to throw him out of the building.
“Oh please, you can call me Tony, sugar.” The guy says and before Steve can choke on his spit in spite of an answer, Howard turns around from where he was standing in front of the big windows that shows him half of New York.
“Anthony!” Howard barks and now Steve understands. The guy is Tony Stark, Howard Stark’s only child and according to every paper in the city, a human disaster. Steve wants to roll his eyes, because he hadn’t recognized him. Tony looks almost ill in front of him, even though he’s still grinning, his skin too light and his hair a mess.
“Dad, I told you not to call me that.” Tony says, but he gets up again and then sits down on a chair that is behind Howard’s desk. Howard seems to be angry already and Steve wishes he could be anywhere but here.
“And I remember that I told you not to call me ‘Dad’ either.” Howard says loudly and for a second the easy grin on Tony’s face vanishes. Steve wants to smile at that, but Tony looks almost afraid. His big brown eyes wide and glassy.
“Anyway, Captain Rogers, please sit down.” Howard says and he points at the last empty chair in the room. Steve walks over there and does as Howard says. He isn’t sure why he wanted so see him anyway and the presence of Tony makes it worse.
“Oh this is Captain Rogers, well it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Tony says and the smile is back on his face. Steve ignores him.
“How can I help you, Mr. Stark?” Steve asks and he looks to Howard, who slowly sits down in his big leather chair. He seems a bit worried and Steve is unsure what to make of it. Howard just watches him for a moment before he sighs.
“Captain Rogers, I asked you to be here, so we could discuss a few new projects. As you may know, my failure of a son works for the company since last summer and he finally made a few good attempts at building useful weapons.” Howard says slowly and Steve can’t help but glance to Tony.
Tony looks a bit hurt at his father’s words, but Steve can see that he tries to pretend that it isn’t bothering him at all. Just when Steve focuses back on Howard, Tony seems to see Steve’s glance and wink at him. Steve snorts quietly.
“I don’t think I understand.” Steve says, because why would Howard want to tell him those things. Steve doesn’t really care about the Stark family. He always thought they were just being showoffs.
“Anthony thinks that he has found a solution for our new weapon and would like to discuss that with you.” Howard says and Steve frowns only more. He hasn’t the slightest idea how any weapon works, or at least only an idea of it, but he never invented anything.
“I thought your experience with fights that end up disgustingly bloody could help.” Tony says grinning and before Steve can say anything to that, Tony gets up and pulls bright blue sunglasses out of nowhere.
“The next weeks you will spend in Anthony’s workshop together. Captain Rogers, you can always take Sergeant Barnes with you if needed. Otherwise… enjoy your time.” Howard says and he sounds more annoyed than anything. Steve wants to object, but Howard is already on the phone with someone different.
“I promise you, it will be fun.” Tony says and there is this smirk again. For a tiny second Steve wonders if somebody ever pulled Tony over his lap, just to show him how to behave. Instead Steve gets up as well and follows Tony out of the door.
“When do you need me?” Steve asks and Tony raises his eyebrows, just so he can waggle them. Steve rolls his eyes.
“Oh I need you anytime, Captain Rogers, but 8am should be fine.” Tony says and he licks over his lips. Steve hopes he doesn’t blush and before he can snap something at the son of his boss, Tony turns around and walks away.
Steve watches him go, until Ms. Potts coughs and Steve hastily goes back to the stairs. He didn’t think he could hate his job even more, but here he is.
“Steve, seriously, I’m not gonna come down to Stark’s workshop and hold hands with you.” Bucky says for the tenth time and Steve sighs loudly. Since Howard had said he could take Bucky with him, he had thought that would be the perfect solution.
“But you didn’t see him, he is such a… brat.” Steve finishes lamely and Bucky tries to hide his laugh. Steve pushes Bucky, while they walk towards their office, but Bucky doesn’t even trip because of it. Too used to Steve’s behaviour.
“I’m just saying, if he is really horrible, I will accompany you tomorrow.” Bucky says and with that he is already through the door. Steve grinds his teeth and then turns around to get back to the stairs. He had never been to Tony’s workshop before, but he finds it easily enough.
It’s in the basement and it occupies the entire floor. Steve just walks down the stairs and stands in front of a huge glass wall. Steve isn’t surprised that the walls are blurred, since for sure nobody should see what Tony is working on.
“Captain Rogers.” A voice says and Steve turns around, but there is nobody. He even looks up at the ceiling for some speakers, but there is nothing either.
“Uh yes?” Steve says and then he sees a light blue light.
“Apologies, Captain Rogers. My name is Jarvis and I’m an Artificial Intelligence Mr. Stark Junior built. I just wanted to let you know, that Sir is now ready to see you.” Jarvis says and Steve is still a bit overwhelmed, but he nods.
The door to the workshop opens and Steve enters it slowly.
“Oh wow.” Steve breathes quietly and if he was overwhelmed before, he is nearly unable to cope now. There is so much to see in the workshop and in the middle of it is Tony. He doesn’t seem to see Tony and works on some blueprints.
“Hello?” Steve asks more than he says it and Tony looks up.
“Oh Captain, my captain.” Tony smirks and with a tiny movement of his hand all the blueprints disappear into nothing. Steve can even see a few cars behind Tony and he tries not to be jealous. He doesn’t even have enough money for one car.
“Tony.” Steve says, because he would for sure not call this brat by his last name, or even worse address him with ‘Sir’. Tony doesn’t seem to mind and walks over to him. Steve glares at him, when he sees how Tony’s gaze wanders all over his body.
“Nice suit.” Tony says and Steve frowns at those words. He knows it’s nothing special, just a black suit and he actually hates to wear it, but Stark Industries has a clear ruling in their company.
“Wish I could say the same.” Steve says and Tony’s eyes widen, before he actually ducks his head. Tony isn’t wearing a suit at all, instead just some black work pants and a white tank top that had seen better days. There is even oil all over him.
“Anyway. You can forget everything my father said. I don’t have any weapons ready.” Tony says and when Steve looks around he really can’t see anything that looks like a weapon and even if it does, nothing seems finished.
“Then why am I here?” Steve asks and he hopes he can just go back to his deck. He had never thought there would be a day, where he actually thought this.
“Why do you think?” Tony asks and he sits back down on his table. Steve’s fingertips itch to touch Tony, when he sees what a nice sight he actually makes in the sunlight. Then again, Steve wouldn’t fall for this.
“I think the spoiled rich boy is bored and wants something to play with, but I have to disappoint you, you’re not on my level.” Steve says and with every word he can see how much smaller Tony curls into himself.
Seems like nobody ever told him before, what an asshole he is.
“This is not… “ Tony tries, but Steve holds up his hand. He doesn’t want to hear what Tony has to say and if he would lose his job over it, then so be it. Bucky would be pissed, but he also knows that Steve would never let himself be used like this.
“I don’t wanna hear it. Goodbye Tony.” Steve says and he already turns around. Just as he makes it towards the door, there is a hand holding him back at the elbow. Steve sighs.
“Please wait.” Tony says and his voice is a lot softer. Steve really wants to leave and it still seems like Tony doesn’t know what respect is.
“Did I say that you could touch me?” Steve says a bit harshly and he turns around, just to see Tony swallowing dryly. He seems to be a bit overwhelmed and Steve raises his eyebrows. Not so confident now, huh?
“Uhm no… Sir.” Tony mumbles and he hastily pulls his hand back, as if the contact burned him. Steve is a bit speechless at the tone and also how Tony looks only at the ground now, so before he can do anything, Tony goes back to his table. This time, sitting on his chair, not looking up.
“Tony?” Steve asks, because now he is worried.
“It’s okay, I’m sorry for bothering you.” Tony says, his smile shaky and not even directed at Steve. With another sigh Steve comes back into the room and stops in front of Tony’s desk. There are schemes all over it and … are those robots?
“Tony, what are those?” Steve ignores him and then points at the schemes. Tony swallows again and he takes on of the papers into his hands. It shows a man in a new kind of uniform and even though Steve knows it’s only a sketch it looks beautiful already.
“It’s uhm… a uniform for… you.” Tony says and he holds the paper out for Steve to take it. Steve is a bit surprised but eyes the uniform more closly now. The uniform has the color scheme of america and there is even a white star on the chest.
“For me?” Steve asks and he carefully strokes over the paper.
“Yeah this is maybe a bit crazy, but I’m planning to topple my father.” Tony says and even though the sentence has a huge meaning, Tony’s voice is soft and he sounds at the verge of tears.
“Are you crazy?” Steve asks and Tony hiccups. This is not the man Steve met yesterday and he almost believes Tony has an evil twin, but then Tony gets up again and walks over to one of the walls.
“I… I know how it sounds, but my father and Obi, they are not trying to end the war, they only make it worse. I hate weapons and I don’t wanna own all of this one day. I wanna… I wanna help people not kill them.” Tony says and he isn’t looking at Steve.
“And you can’t talk to your father about that?” Steve asks and Tony huffs. Steve nods, the question was kinda stupid, since he knows how much of an asshole Howard is. There is a button on the wall, right next to Tony and Tony’s hand hovers over it.
“Steve, I need you to promise me that you won’t tell this anyone.” Tony says and he looks back to Steve.
“I promise.” Steve answers and Tony nods before he presses down on the button. The whole wall opens up and Steve’s mouth falls open when he sees all the suits behind the glass.
“Six Months ago a man named Nick Fury came to me and told me about…” Tony starts to say, but Steve shakes his head and comes closer.
“The Avengers Initiative.” Steve says and this time it’s Tony who is surprised. Nick came to Steve and Bucky almost six months ago as well and told them about S.H.I.E.L.D and their ideas.
“You know him?” Tony whispers and Steve nods. He goes over to the uniform that he had just seen on the paper and puts his hand on the glass. It looks beautiful. When Nick had commissioned Steve and Bucky to work for them, Steve had finally felt like he had a purpose again.
He had thought Tony would be just as bad as his father when he had been such a brat yesterday… Steve shakes his head at his own thoughts. Bucky told him more than once not to judge people too fast.
“He came to me and Bucky and we’re… part of his team.” Steve says and Tony seems really surprised. Nick never told them who else would be in the team and Steve never asked. He had thought time would tell them.
“So, you are here to what… spy on my dad?” Tony asks and Steve shrugs.
“More or less.” Steve only says and Tony doesn’t answer for a long time. Instead he goes back to his computer and now the glass in front of the uniforms vanishes as well, Steve nearly falls into it.
“The one you’re looking at is all yours.” Tony says and Steve steps carefully into the hidden room and pats over the uniform. The fabric isn’t really thick, but he knows it’s bulletproof, or at least could prevent bad injuries.
“You made all of these? That is amazing.” Steve says and the smile he shows Tony is a real one. Tony blushes badly at that and tries to hide it when he looks away and rubs over his nose. Steve’s smile turns into a smirk.
He had always known Stark junior was attractive, but then again the whole city wanted him. Now… while the brat from yesterday riled him up, this sweet young man in front of him, pleases him even more.
“The black one with the shiny silver arm is for your friend.” Tony says and Steve hadn’t even seen the uniform for Bucky. Oh his best friend would be over the moon to see this all black suit.
“They look like superhero suits.” Steve says when he looks more closely at the star on the chest of his new uniform.
“Well they kinda are, I mean they can do a few things. Nick only told me that we are seven people at the moment, but I don’t know who the others are. Well he did gave me some records about all of you, but there weren’t pictures.” Tony says and Steve counts the suits on the display.
“Seven? There are only six suits.” Steve says and Tony nods.
“Yeah I’m not exactly… part of the initiative. Just here to make you all look pretty.” Tony says and his eyes get glassy again. Steve feels bad, that he ever thought so little of Tony. Maybe yesterday was just an act in front of Howard, so he wouldn’t become suspicious
“So, you didn’t build something for yourself?” Steve wants to know and Tony smiles a bit cheekily, before he opens another hidden door. The suit in there is red and golden and looks so amazing, that Steve is a bit speechless.
“Yeah, I know it’s a bit much.” Tony says and he even blushes all adorably. Steve shakes his head.
Who would’ve thought Tony Stark would be the death of him one day? *
“Captain America?” Steve asks in disbelief, when they have the first try on of their suits two weeks later. Bucky snickers quitely from where he sits on one of the chairs, while Tony smiles openly at him.
“Don’t you like it?” Tony asks and he even blinks all innocently up at Steve, from where he kneels in front of him, because he has to finish getting Steve’s boots ready. Steve hastily looks up again, before his blood rushes southward.
“Isn’t it a bit much?” Steve asks back and when Tony gets up again, his hand brushes over the star on Steve’s uniform.
“You are never too much for me. I can take it.” Tony whispers and Steve looks over to Bucky, who is luckily in the process of testing out his new metal arm. The last two weeks were just like this Tony would behave like a brat around him, but as soon as they are alone, he would turn into this shy version of himself.
Maybe the real version.
“I like it Steve. Fits you.” Bucky says now and he gets up to look at himself in the mirror. Fury told them he had their first mission ready in a week and Tony had been stressing about their suits since then.
“And you are the Winter Soldier.” Tony says and is already tinkering on Bucky’s arm again. Steve snorts at that name as well, but Bucky only shrugs.
“What would your name be?” Steve asks and Tony smiles a tiny bit while he pats over Bucky’s arm again and again, to see if it works. Steve would need to talk to Fury, because Tony should be officially on the team and not just their mechanic.
“Iron Man.” Tony answers and Steve nods, before he looks back to the wall, where the suit is well hidden. Steve relaxes as he watches Tony work on Bucky’s uniform and looks down at himself.
He can’t wait to be back in the game. Fury still keeps everything a secret, but Steve can’t wait to leave his small office upstairs and never come back. He would be sad not to see Tony everyday, but if Tony would be a member of the Avengers as well, he could always see him.
“Steve. I asked if you want some food, too.” Bucky says and the way he rolls his eyes, tells Steve that he already asked the question more than just two times. Steve nods, because he is always hungry, and watches how Bucky leaves.
“So… you like the suit?” Tony asks and there it is, the shyness in his voice and he can’t even look Steve in the eyes.
“Oh I like it, but maybe I like you even more.” Steve says easily and he can see how Tony’s eyes widen at that, even though he is still not looking up at him. Steve is still wearing his uniform and he can see how Tony had looked at him, when he had dressed in it.
“S-steve?” Tony asks and now those big brown eyes look up at him. Steve smirks.
“That’s my name, don’t wear it out.” Steve says and Tony gasps quitely. Normally Tony is the one with all the pick-up lines, but apparently he didn’t know that Steve isn’t shy. He was just annoyed of Tony, before he had learned how sweet his boss’ son could be.
“What are you doing?” Tony asks, when Steve comes closer until, Tony’s back is right up against the wall. Steve leans even closer, until he has both of his hands pressed against the wall as well, just right beside Tony’s face.
“What does it look like?” Steve whispers closely into Tony’s ear and he loves how Tony shudders at the rough sound of his voice. Steve really hopes Bucky is taking some time getting food for them.
“We can’t do that… my f-father.” Tony stutters, but at this point Steve decides they already talked enough. So when he looks down to Tony’s sinful lips and Tony doesn’t try to duck away, Steve closes the last of the space between them and finally kisses Tony quiet. Much better.
Steve kisses Tony slowly at first, just a firm press of his lips against Tony’s. Only when Tony whines quietly, almost inaudible, Steve carefully changes the angle and licks over Tony’s bottom lip. Tony opens up without a second thought and Steve finally kisses him deeper.
He didn’t know how long they kiss like that, but after some time he has to breath and breaks the kiss. Tony’s eyes are much darker now.
“He isn’t my real boss and I don’t care, but I care about you. So tell me Tony, do you want this?” Steve asks and while he talks he presses light kisses against the side of Tony’s neck. He chuckles, when he realizes that Tony is already squirming.
“Fuck yes!” Tony says and he sounds wrecked, even though Steve hadn’t gotten started. Tony out right mewls, when Steve sucks at the skin right under his pulse and he rips Tony’s shirt open. It was torn at the shoulder already anyway, from when Tony had worked with his welder earlier.
“Will you be good for me?” Steve asks huskily and he carefully strokes over Tony’s side, discovering that Tony is ticklish, while he sucks another bruise on Tony’s shoulder.
“Please, yes. I’ll be so good.” Tony whispers and his hands finally find Steve’s uniform. He clutches at the fabric and Steve has to chuckle at that. He knew Tony was all sweet and shy underneath his reputation.
“Move to your desk.” Steve says and with that he takes a step back, Tony nearly falls to his knees, when Steve isn’t holding him up against the wall and he hastily gets over to his work desk.
He sits down on the desk, just like he did the first day they met on Pepper’s desk. It should be illegal, to look this seductive while just sitting. Steve licks his lips and puts his hands on his own hem, so he could get rid of the upper section of the uniform.
“C-can you leave it on?” Tony asks shyly and Steve smirks, while he nods. Why not. He can just open the zipper of the uniform, that would work too.
“Anything for you, doll.” Steve says and he watches how Tony blushes a dark red. It’s not exactly the same color his iron man suit has, but it looks wonderful on him. Steve wants to kiss him again. Wants to worship Tony.
“Don’t say that.” Tony mumbles, but he sighs happily, when Steve comes over to him and kisses him slowly. This time there isn’t as much heat as before.
“Why not? It’s true Tony. You always try so hard, but you don’t have to do that with me. I already fell in love with you.” Steve whispers against Tony’s lips and he smiles, when Tony gasps again. He seems so surprised.
“What?” Tony asks back and he seems more afraid than happy. Steve presses another kiss to his cheek.
“It’s okay, I’m telling the truth.” Steve shushes him and Tony relaxes. Steve carefully helps him to lay down on the desk, while Tony shudders at the cold of the wood. Steve smiles and helps him to get rid of his tight pants as well.
“Me uhm... too.” Tony says and he is bright red. Steve knew Tony would be so cute like this, but he is also sure that Tony never had someone caring for him before. Steve would change that. He would give Tony the world.
“Good, because right now, I really wanna fuck you.” Steve says and Tony whimpers at the words, but he also spreads his legs a bit. Steve licks over his lips, his own erection pressing against the firm fabric of his uniform, while Tony’s dick seems even harder underneath the tight boxer shorts.
“Yes please!” Tony says, when Steve presses hot kisses against Tony’s thighs.
“Oh I will and later when we have time, I will make sweet love to you, just like you deserve. I will fuck you slowly and so intense, you won’t be able think to think about anything but me.” Steve whispers against the soft skin and Tony moans quietly.
Steve would be careful with him right now as well, but he doesn’t tell Tony that. Instead he carefully gets rid of Tony’s boxer shorts too, while he looks into Tony’s brown trusting eyes. Tony still seems a bit nervous, but Steve smiles softly at him.
“Steve.” Tony whispers and when he doesn’t say something else, Steve carefully curls his fingers around Tony’s cock. It’s hot and heavy in his hand and the tip is already a dark red. Seems like somebody can’t wait.
“You got stuff here?” Steve asks, because for Tony would have some lube here and while Tony writhes under him, he nods.
“Top drawer of my desk.” Tony stammers and Steve smirks. Just like he had thought. He opens the drawer with his free hand and pulls the lube out, while his right hand is still stroking over Tony’s cock. Slowly. Oh so slowly.
“So good for me right, Doll?” Steve asks and he opens the lube, so he can pour some of it on his left hand. Tony whines, when he stops touching his cock, but Steve ignores it and opens his own zipper.
He sighs happily, when his cock is free and strokes over it. He can feel Tony’s eyes on his cock and winks at Tony, when he finally looks up again. Tony blushes even more and strokes over his own hair.
“Come on.” Tony says and he actually pouts up at Steve. While he feels like he should tease Tony for hours, Steve can’t wait himself anymore. Bucky should be back soon as well and he doesn’t want anyone to see Tony like this.
It’s a beautiful sight that is only reserved for him.
“Patient.” Steve says and Tony shudders under the strict sound. Steve lets go of his own cock and leans over Tony again. For a second Tony seems confused about this, but Steve already said he would fuck him for real later.
“Oh.” Tony makes, when Steve lays on top of him, carefully so he wouldn’t completely squish Tony under his weight, but so that he can take both of their cocks in his hand and rub them together.
“Just like that.” Steve whispers, when Tony tries to fuck up into his hand and Steve knows that this won’t take long. Tony is moaning loudly and he really hopes Jarvis soundproofed the room, otherwise the whole company would hear them.
“Please, Steve. Please I’m gonna come.” Tony babbles again and again, until Steve kisses him quiet, but he does speed up his movements a bit.
“Did I say you could?” Steve growls and Tony moans so brokenly, that Steve is the one who has problems now to go for a while longer. He tries to distract himself and kisses all over Tony’s face.
“Love you.” Tony mumbles shyly again and so quiet, unlike his moans before and this is enough to make Steve come all over his fist and Tony’s tummy. Steve even bites into Tony’s shoulder, while Tony groans loudly.
“You are so wonderful, doll. I’m so lucky to see you like this. You are all mine now Tony. My sweet little Tony, I love you too.” Steve mutters against his skin and then he jacks Tony off even faster. Tony’s eyes are full of tears now.
“Please?” Tony begs and when he looks back into Steve’s eyes, Steve nods. That is all Tony needs and he comes over himself. Steve is careful while he strokes Tony through his orgasmn and mutters sweet nothings into his ear.
Tony is breathing hardly and Steve chuckles.
“Was that good?” Steve asks and he gets up again. In the drawer he finds some wipes and while he winks at Tony, he carefully cleans him up. Tony seems a bit ticklish and Steve chuckles slowly, while he makes himself decent looking again.
“Perfect.” Tony whispers and he is slow when he gets up and pulls his boxer shorts on again. They are backwards, but Steve doesn’t say anything and watches Tony getting into his pants as well.
“I’m glad.” Steve answers, before he goes over to the chair to get Tony his sweater jacket, since he had really destroyed his shirt in his hurry. Tony smiles, when Steve dresses him and when he closes the zipper of the jacket again, he presses another kiss onto Tony’s lips.
“Did you mean it?” Tony asks quietly and Steve nods, because he knows exactly what he means. Tony’s smile is breathtaking and Steve presses his forehead against Tony’s. They stay like this for a while.
Just getting lost in each other's eyes.
“I fell in love with you the second I saw you. I actually tried to impress you when we first met.” Tony mutters embarrassed and Steve laughs. He had thought so much.
“Well you did. I mean you riled me up, but I can’t really complain.” Steve says and Tony grins.
“For your information. I wasn’t worried about Howard being your boss. He just… I was worried what he would think if he’d find out that his son is, on top of everything else, gay too. But I don’t care anymore. Not when you are with me.” Tony says and he looks so young and soft when he says it. Steve has to kiss him again.
Gentle and slow, like Tony deserves it. Loving.
“I promise to stay with you, Tony.” Steve whispers back and Tony smiles so cute, that Steve wishes they could kiss for the rest of their lives.
“So, next time, we should totally fuck on his desk.” Tony smirks and Steve laughs. Oh yeah he had known, that Tony was a brat, so he isn’t really surprised. No. He likes it that way.
And while he loves the side of Tony, he is much more in love with his real side. The shy one, that only Steve gets to see.
When Bucky comes in ten minutes later, Tony is sitting on Steve’s lap, happily working on new blueprints for his own suit.
That’s it ! :) Hope you like it!
I just opened commissions, so you can check this out here and my kofi page is here! Thank you so much!
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HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY (Castiel X Arrow Ficlet)
I know it's maybe more serious than just a oneshot, but I hope you like it!
You were a regular at that Gas ‘N Sip. It was close to your house, and Nora had known you since you were a kid, and your mother since they were kids - so there were more than one reasons that you showed up there, that afternoon, when he did.
The moment your eyes fell on him, out-of-place in spite of being in uniform, you knew there was something about him that stood out. It wasn’t just the way in which he moved, stiff movements and careful gestures, and it wasn’t just how he looked, face all hard lines and eyes so blue and sad. It was just how he was. Stocking the tuna cans on the far end of an aisle, you knew you had to go talk to him.
“Hey?” You began, trying for a smile that’d make him feel comfortable. He did smile back, but no tension in his spine was resolved. Well, at least that softened his features a bit, accentuating his eyes some more, and lips curling into a tired smile.
“Hello.” He replied mechanically, his voice so gravelly that it astounded you a minute, to hear it in a monotone. “What can I do for you?”
“Nothing.” You replied, shoving your hands in your pockets, and leaning back on your heel. “Just saying hey. You join today?”
“Yes.” He staccatoed.
You both stood silent for a while, looking at each other, and waiting for the other one to speak. At least, you were waiting for him to go on. Introduce himself some more, say something about the store, comment on the weather even. He, on the other hand, kept looking at you - not even trying to conceal the fact that he was staring. It wasn’t creepy, but it was at least awkward.
“Are you sure I can get you nothing?” He added, finally.
“Pfft,” You grinned, it coming more naturally now. “I bet I know the place better than you, dude. Been coming here since I was in highschool, and you came sometime between my visit yesterday and now.”
“Do you really know the place very well?” His eyes begun to light up, and probably for the first time, it struck you that he was really good-looking.
“Why, you need my help?”
“I might.” He admitted, putting the last can in place, and turning fully towards you. “Like, is the magazine display supposed to look like that, or is it an accident?” You blinked, taken aback. “I’d ask Nora, but I’m afraid I’d offend her, if indeed she did it on purpose.”
It took a beat, but you began to laugh. “I’m pretty sure she never paid attention to it. But you know what? You work here, and I’ve known Nora forever. Together, we get to change stuff in the store, if we want, I’m pretty sure.” You shrug. “It does look like it toppled over, really. We could make it good again. You in?”
“Of course.” He smiled, enthusiastically. “Thank you for indulging me.”
“Nevermind.” Another shrug, and you’re beginning to like the way he looks when he’s enthusiastic. “Now, do you have any ideas, or were you just dissing the old one for fun?”
“I’m Arrow, by the way.” You hold out your hand, when you realize that you haven’t introduced yourself to each other yet. Sure, you’ve seen his nametag and it says ‘Steve’, but that doesn’t really count.
He seemed to have forgotten that exchanging names is a thing people do, so of course you make the first move. “And, you?”
He takes your hand, his palm warm against yours, and makes a gesture of looking down at his nametag in a classic attempt at humor - because who forgets their name? “I’m Steve.”
When the magazine display’s done, and in the stretch of the moment, you two even redid the cash-counter candy section, and you’ve both talked some more, you realize that it’s getting late. It is, after all, a Gas ‘N Sip, and not the mall that you can just hangout at all day.
“I should be getting home.” You tell him, with raised eyebrows. “But, we ought to do this again, sometime.” He grinned at that, and you felt proud of yourself. “Hope I didn’t distract you from your customer-service duties this last hour, anyways.”
“No, on the other hand, I should thank you for a great time.” He simply shook his head. “I wasn’t supposed to be stacking those anyways. It’s not my shift.”
“So then, why were you -”
“Getting acquainted to the place?” He offers.
You stare at him in disbelief. “Seriously?”
He nods this time. “Is that so unbelievable?”
You sigh, and pat him on the shoulder. “I guess not. You do you, man. And hey, the next time you’re hanging out at the tuna section and feel like you’re not in the mood to spend your free time at work? Give me a call.”
And, without hesitation, but a hint of an understanding smile, he hands over his mobile to you, to save your number.
“What do I save it as?” You joke. “Magazine-display guy? First-day guy?
“If you have to, you can add an emoticon after your name. But I’m sure I’ll remember you from just your name, Arrow.” And that’s the first of many times that he says your name, and makes you smile instantly.
You start hanging around the store more often. Steve is weird, but fun. He’s wired different from the rest of you, but he has a deadpan sense of humor, and he’s beginning to get open around you. He smiles when you enter the store, and you’ve had lunch together a couple of times now. You, on the other hand, have begun to enjoy his company a lot too. Somehow, you trust him, and that’s saying a lot. He’s slow with opening up, but when he does, he gets sad - so you never push him. You respect each other’s boundaries, and slowly grow closer.
You call yourself his best friend once, purely on accident, while teasing him on how he talks to no one else. The rest of that day, he’s almost silent. You wonder what you did wrong.
“Do you know anything about the recent murders, Arrow? The victims, maybe?” Steve asks you one morning, when you’re comfortable in Nora’s chair, and busy on your phone as he attends to the cash-counter. It’s a slow day.
You tell him that you don't. He hems and haws for a while, before getting serious all of a sudden, and asking you. “I’m worried these aren’t just normal deaths. But I can’t decide if I should call my friend or if I’m just being irrational -”
“What’s this friend do?” You look up, your interest piqued.
“Hunte - I mean, he’s with the FBI.” He turns away from you.
“Steve.” You say, and he looks at you again. You stand up, walk towards him, and put a hand on the desk. “What’s up?” He breathes out, and maybe he looks scared. Your instincts fire up. “Are you okay, Steve?” You ask, more urgent.
“I’m fine.” He promises. “I should call him. I’ve decided. My own issues shouldn’t stand in the way of helping people.”
What issues, you wanted to ask, but reined it in. You didn’t want him to feel forced to tell you things. So you merely stood there, maybe shuffled a little closer until you were chest to chest, and spoke in the most soothing voice you could manage. “I’m sure you’ll make the right decision.”
“I never do.” He almost whispers back, but doesn’t move from where he’s almost pressed up against you. “But, maybe I will. Thank you.”
You clear your throat, taking a step back, and running a hand through your hair as you sit down again. “Hope you know the FBI doesn’t work that way, though. You can’t exactly have your guy here at your beck and call.”
“...he works that way.” And he takes out his phone from his vest-pocket. Maybe you’re a little bit jealous of the way Steve talks about him. But you’re mostly worried. “I should make the call now.”
“How long is it going to take?” You ask, trying to sound absent-minded.
“I do still want to have lunch with you.” He lets out, looking embarrassed at the confession. “If you’ll wait for a few minutes?”
“I can wait.” You smile, again, and he smiles back. “But, wait. Are we gonna have hamburgers again, Steve?”
He leaves you with a sheepish smile, that only affirms it. You roll your eyes, and get back to your phone.
“How was your day?” He asks, like he always does, when you’re sat across each other another day, having coffee before he returns to the store for his real shift. He always asks, and maybe you like that he does. Especially how he listens with rapt attention, every time you answer. Like every syllable matters.
“Nothing special,” You reply, sipping from your drink. “Though yeah,” You remember, and smile as you recount it. “I got a fresh wave of inspiration last night and woke up at 3 because I couldn’t sleep with a damn tune in my head.”
“I’d love to listen to it,” He admits, eyes not meeting yours. “I’ve always meant to ask to hear whatever you produced, but you never made it sound like you wanted anyone to hear. But, I do. I want to hear everything you’ve made.”
“You do?”
“Perhaps you could sing it.” He even grinned, and yes, he often did that now. “Could you?”
“No, that’s ridiculous.” You dismiss the idea, and his face falls. You quickly make an attempt to make it better. “Or, you could come back to my place after your shift tomorrow afternoon. And listen to it on my laptop.”
Steve blinked. “Really?”
“I mean, if you want -” You deflect.
“Thank you.” He lets out, and he sounds so goddamned touched that you wonder if you said something wrong and he interpreted it as something other than an invitation to your house to listen to your music. “I do want to.”
And you like him a helluva lot more after that happens.
It’s a beautiful morning, and it’s still Steve’s shift, but there’s no one in the entire store this early and you find him sitting outside, leaning against the glass wall with the OPEN sign. It’s early for you to be there too, but you were out for a morning walk. It’s not like you knew that he’d be there. It’s not like you memorized his shifts.
“Arrow,” He lightens, seeing you walk towards him. “Good morning.”
“Hey, is the store really open?” You laugh, an idea striking you. And he nods, seriously, so you push through, and pick out two popsicles from the freezer. You dump the money in the drawer, and walk back out to Steve, knowing his eyes were on you the entire time. “It feels like a day for ice-cream. Chocolate or chocolate?” You hold both of them out for him.
“I don't -” He begins to reach for his wallet, but you swat at him.
“My treat, idiot. Remember how you didn’t make me pay for the mints on Monday, because I wore the wrong pants? This is how I pay you back. Tell me, chocolate or chocolate?”
“I’ll go with chocolate then.” He plays along, and smiles really bright when you both’ve unwrapped yours and have gotten to eating it.
He copies you, when you lick it dramatically - and it’s hilarious because he’s got his sincere face on, and weird because it makes something in your stomach drop. You may be beginning to like him more than you thought.
Later that day, his friend shows up. You’re passing by, on your way to your mother’s workplace, and think of dropping in to say hi. But he’s busy, you observe through the window, talking to the tall, handsome man in the camo-green jacket across the cash-counter - and talking like they’re discussing something other than prices and discounts.
You know it’s the infamous Dean WInchester - who Steve has only mentioned a couple of times, but with much gravitas - by the gorgeous Chevrolet vintage in the parking lot.
On your way back, you stop there again, and can neither see Dean Winchester, nor your friend. Sure, his car is still outside, but you can’t stop yourself, and you go in.
Distractedly waving at Nora, and pretending to select from the array of toothbrushes in aisle 6, you keep a lookout for them, and when you’re trying to choose a frozen meat, you’re able to see them, way away in the corner. It’s not as though you’re jealous - they’re just talking - and you can just see Steve some other time.
When you’re all ready to back off, and buy the stupid toothbrush and the chicken, the other guy raises his voice. “Come on, Cas! You’re above this!”
Nobody’s above any profession, jackass. And his name’s Steve, you correct him mentally. Before you suddenly are struck with a strange afterthought. Right?
Frozen there, you consider for a moment, butting in. You can picture a scene. You can picture yourself saying hey, Steve, is this guy bothering you? You can picture what follows only too well. You’re actually inclined to do it, for a minute, before you drop the idea.
It’s stupid. And, it’d be like you’re poking your nose in something that's not your business. Maybe this Dean guy was a regular dick, but they were friends. Hell, maybe he was even an ex. The murders were not on your mind at all, so to hell with the fact that he was apparently
But you were going to do something at least.
You walked over to the cash desk, where Nora was. “Hey,” You put on a genuine look of concern. “I was just in the washroom, and I think one of the toilets are clogged. There’s a lot of water everywhere.”
“Thanks, Ar.” She smiled back. “I’ll ask Steve to take care of it.” And she left in his direction.
Put off a little by everything, you walk out.
Steve calls you, and he doesn’t often do that, so you pick up instantly, with a frown. His shift has ended a long while back, and it’s almost eight - but knowing him, he’d probably be rearranging the supplies in the back or some crap. Unless he was out with his friend.
“Hey there,” You greet. “All good?”
“I need help.” He sounds scared, again.
“What happened?” You straighten, your mind leaping to the worst case scenario like it always did. You can’t stop your heart from racing in your chest. “Are you alright, Steve?”
“It’s Nora’s baby,” He admits, and maybe he tones down the panic. “I’m with her, and - and she won’t stop crying!”
There is a pause.
“You -” You almost swear at him, for making you lose it for a moment over something like a baby crying, but stop yourself, only finding his awkwardness endearing. Come to think of it, he doesn’t sound terrified, he just sounded helpless. You misunderstood. “Did you just call me because Tanya is crying, Steve?”
“I apologize, were you busy?” He placates, as if that were the issue.
“Oh, shuddup.” You shush him, and roll your eyes. “How are you on babysitting duty, anyways?”
“Please don't ask me that.” He begs. “But, you have little siblings, who were once the same age as Tanya - so I thought you’d know. I tried singing, but it isn’t working.”
“You tried singing?” You lean back on the bed.
“And it worked for a minute, but then I put her down, and she started all over again.”
You bite your lip, wishing you could see him like that, panicking over a baby’s crying like the weird guy he is.
“Are you there, Arrow?”
“Yeah.” You sigh, smiling. “You know what? Let’s try the singing again.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, what’s the harm? And hey, keep me on speaker, so I can tell you what to do next if that doesn’t work.” And so that I can hear you.
Without warning or preamble, he launched into a slow rendition of Joey Scarbury’s Believe it or not. It started off unsure, off-key, and interrupted by the baby’s crying - but then she calmed down, and he got on scale, and continued singing hesitantly.
I never thought I could feel so free
Flyin' away on a wing and a prayer
Who could it be?
Believe it or not, it’s just me.
You could even hear the hitched breaths every couple of seconds, as he bounced her in his arms. And you could picture him, pacing around the nursery with Tanya in his hand, singing but so scared, and hoping that you would be able to help the baby quieten down.
You really liked him a lot.
That very day, when it was late, and it was just you in the house, there was a knock on your door. You were settled in your bedroom, and you froze on hearing the knock. With half a mind to ignore whoever it was, you waited for a second knock.
There was a second knock, followed by a third.
You dragged yourself to the door to open it, ready to swear at whoever it was, to leave you alone at this hour. It was almost ten thirty in the night, and not the time for guests.
But you opened the door, to find Steve.
Your heart stuck in your throat, where it wasn’t supposed to be in the first place, as your eyes ran him up and down. This was the first time you were seeing him without the vest. The top buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned and gave a generous view of the tanned, hairless skin beneath. He was heaving, and his eyes shone.
Behind him, was the Chevrolet Impala, and the guy from before - offering you a thumbs-up.
“Arrow.” Steve breathed out, because he never did call you by anything but your full name.
You nodded. “Steve. You’re here.” It was a statement.
“Please.” He interrupted. “Call me Castiel. I can’t - I want you to know my real name.”
You drew back a step. “C-Castiel?”
“Or Cas.” He added, and goddammit, he was practically glowing. “I like Cas too. One of those, please. Not Steve. I’m - I’m done with you calling me by the wrong name.”
“Okay…” You replied, uncertain. What was happening?
“Can I come in?” He finally asked, looking back at the guy in the car just once, only to wave him away impatiently. “I have - I have to tell you something.”
“Yeah?” You took a few more steps back, and Steve - Cas followed you in, and you closed the door behind him. “What do you have to tell me?”
“Uh,” And for almost the first time, he stuttered in front of you. “I…I’ve never done this before. In all - all of my years, I’ve never done this ever.”
Was he going to -
“Arrow,” He finally burst out, as if launching into a monologue. “There’s a lot of things I have to tell you, but if I begin from the start, I’m not going to make it to the end tonight. So, let me start at the end.” You nodded, breathing faster and faster. “I walked out of Nora’s house, and I got in Dean’s car. He asked me, ‘where to’. And after all that’s happened tonight - and no, I’m not going to tell you everything right now, but I promise I’ll tell you everything soon - there was only one place I’d like to be. And that’s - that’s with you.”
You didn’t know how to react, and he went on, flustered.
“I will accept if you do not feel the same way, but I must tell you how I feel, because it may be my first time, but I swear I can tell. And, Dean says that I can’t - I can’t not tell you, because that’s unfair to both of us. He told me that I should -” He went on and on, blabbering now. It was so out of character, that it hit you like a brick, that Steve - dammit, Cas - was saying these things. To you. He felt the same way. “ I should -”
It was like he ran out of breath.
He stared at you, and you stared at him, and then he whispered, as if it were a secret. As if he were sorry for asking, as if it pained him to trouble you with his burdens. “May I kiss you?”
Unable to still compose yourself, you could just nod.
And then, it happened.
He advanced a step, put his hands on your biceps and drew you in the rest of the way. Your lips fit perfectly over each other, sloshed together if only for a moment, and you could feel all of yourself coming alive like you’d never known was numb, when Cas pushed into the chaste kiss.
He tasted like caffeine and a little of men’s cologne, but mostly of Cas, and that was all there was.
It lasted not even for a single minute, but made you happier than you could ever have imagined. Your head was a mess of feelings and your chest a lair for butterflies, as you stared into the beauty that was Castiel, and drew apart, his eyes fluttering open.
It was perfect, soft and sweet, caressing and light. That is, until he finally reopened his eyes, and in them was an emotion you had never seen on him - maybe you’d label it euphoria and be satisfied and not bother yourself with deciphering it anymore, as Cas straightened, and stared at you motionlessly for a beat.
It was the first kiss of many.
“I-” He began to speak, but you couldn’t just let it be one, for the evening. This one was all him - sugary sweet, and wonderful - but the next one, you led.
You cupped his jaw with both your hands, your fingers splayed over his neck, and captured him in an open-mouthed kiss, with your eyes screwed shut. Your lips crashed together with a passion you’d always felt around him, but never tried to show. He was tall and wide, but you towered over Cas in force if not might, and he reciprocated with the same passion and charge, eagerly kissing back, nibbling at your upper lip and sucking at the latter.
You could bet he had never taken a step back, but he was soon against a wall, as if somehow you’d flown both of you there. He was pinned against you, and you savored the feel of his lips on your skin. Your hands, scrambling for purchase, locked at the small of his waist, before they began their own expedition up his torso, their lips still engaged, pulling apart for short, inadequate breaths before returning to their rightful place against the other’s.
It was perfect.
When you separated, only enough to keep your lips off each other, Cas’ forehead leaning against yours, his entire body draped over yours with his hands on your shoulder, you mustered, with a voice that you could barely recognize.
“Cas.” Now that you knew, of course you needed an explanation, of course you needed a lot of filling in - but for the moment, you were content in saying it aloud. “Cas. Castiel. Cas. I love it more.”
“I mean, no offense to all the Steve’s of this World, but the name was too mellow for you. Names are an important part of our identity, Cas. You should’ve told me your real name, it’s more fitting.” You went on, trying to find the emotions in you to frown, but they were so far from the surface that you gave up trying.
“I’m really so sorry.”
“Not right now,” You shook your head. “We can talk later. Hell, we’re in for a lot of talking tomorrow. Right now? You want to move this to...my bedroom?”
Cas nodded, and you shifted away to give him space to move. It seemed as though he was insistent on holding onto you, by the way he cupped your hands. “You’ll forgive me, won’t you, after you hear my story?”
“You kidding me? You're still going to be you. So you could tell me that you’re not of our Earth, and I’d probably be okay with it.” You were half-sarcastic, mostly teasing.
But he paused. You stared at him, incredulously. He bit his lip, and looked down at your shirt, refusing to speak up. You almost shrieked, when it finally seeped through you.
“Not really!?”
“I'm here!” You nearly announce, walking into the Gas ‘N Sip, and in your boyfriend's direction. He's clearly visible, stuffing god knows what crap into a duffel that used to be yours.
He smiles on seeing you, one of those private smiles that are the last thing in your head each night, and waves at you.
You greet him with a kiss on the lips when you get to him, before returning his smile wholeheartedly. “Thanks for waiting.”
“I wouldn't have left for the case without telling you.” He declared, and you grinned broader at that.
“Damn straight you wouldn't’ve.” You say. “I would've made you sleep on the couch when you returned.”
“I'm used to not sleeping, you know.” Cas winked. “Aeons of practise.”
“Yeah, alright, but not anymore.” You caution him. “You better sleep at least 6 hours, or more, because being the badass knight-in-shining-armor of the people of Illinois needs you to be healthy.”
“Okay.” He replies fondly. “There's no need for you to ask Sam to look after my sleeping schedule, like you did that time.”
“Oh no, you're perfectly capable, Mr. I-hate-urinating.” You return, hugging him from behind as he finished his last-minute packing and zips up the bag. You run your hands down his forearms, and entwine your fingers.
“Take care, Cas.”
He leaned back against your chest, allowing you to dig your chin in his shoulder. “It's Steve when we're not home.”
The word resonated in your head, and made you love him some more.
“Steve, Cas, whatever.” You squeeze your arms around him, making him turn a light shade of red. “It's not my fault that you didn't tell me your real name for the first month of knowing me, and now I can't stop using it.”
And it was true. Cas. Cas. It was beautiful.
“I should leave now,” He murmurs, and makes no indications of leaving.
“Uh-huh,” You whisper back, content in that moment.
“I could stay here forever.” He says, like it's a secret, like he's the only one who felt that way.
“The Winchesters are not going to be able to do this without you.” You let out, trying to convince both of you.
Somewhere in between, the back-hug turns into an actual one, and soon you're kissing each other goodbye.
It's when Dean presses the horn one too many times, that with a flustered expression and vague eyes, and perfectly disheveled hair, Cas leaves you.
And he's going to come back.
Because it's home, isn't it?
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storywool · 6 years
Happy Birthday, Cap
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Request:  Hey! Can you do Steve Rogers x reader? They fight, argue and tease each other, but secretly in love in love with each other and then one day somethaang happens and it slips?
A/N: So, I kind of went overboard with this one. It was too much fun writing not to go overboard, though. Let me know what you think!! 
Word Count: 5,621 
It comes once a year, like all holidays do, but this one has a different style. For instance, Christmas is usually characterized by family, love, warmth, and presents. Halloween is characterized by costumes, candy, and the things that lurk in the night. Valentine’s Day is characterized by love, candy, and happiness.
But the fourth of July, aka America’s Independence Day, is characterized by alcohol, grilling, and fireworks. Its energy is chaotic and wild, and takes no prisoners. Even if you’re not American, you celebrate the fourth of July, and if it’s ironic celebration, no one really cares.
Y/n was the latter type of person. She was American, born and raised, but didn’t honestly celebrate the fourth of July with pride. The America she lived in was nothing like the America the founding fathers wanted with they signed the Declaration of Independence back in 1776. The America she knew was tyrannical, evil, and spiteful. The America she knew cared more about its corporations rather than its people, and hundreds of thousands of Americans didn’t even have the resources to celebrate this day. How could they afford fireworks, food, beer, and all the other things associated with the fourth of July when they couldn’t even afford a roof over their head?
Though Y/n felt this way, she did still celebrate the fourth of July. She just kept the heavy chip on her shoulder as a reminder that she’s celebrating what America could have been, not what it currently is. Plus, it was Steve’s birthday, his 100th birthday at that. That was something she would celebrate wholeheartedly. Sam and Y/n worked all night decorating the common room with decorations. The most notable decoration was a piñata of an eagle wearing Uncle Sam’s hat. Y/n found it at a party store and just had to get it. They filled it with red, white, and blue themed candies. They also got loads of streamers, balloons, and a ‘pin the shield on Captain America’ game. She knew Steve would kill her for that one, but it was too good to pass up.
At nine AM that day, most of the compound (Y/n, Sam, Bucky, Wanda, and Natasha) dressed to the nine’s in America themed gear, grabbed noise makers and a speaker, and barged into Steve’s room blasting “Team America”. Y/n, Wanda, and Nat jumped up on Steve’s bed and blew the noise makers in his face until he had no option other than to wake up. When he was mostly awake, they sang “Happy Birthday” at the top of their lungs.
“Hey do you remember that one time I punched Hitler in the face?” Tired Steve asked.
“It’s not like you let us forget it.” Y/n replied as she took a seat on his bed.
“That’s because I want to remind all of you what I’ll do to people who piss me off.” He sighed and pulled the covers over his head. Y/n rolled her eyes and yanked the covers down so he would have to look at her.
“I guess you’re just gonna have to punch me in the face then because I’m not leaving until you get out of bed.” She grabbed Steve’s hand and pulled him up to a sitting position.
“Come on Grandpa, it’s not every day you turn 100!” Bucky cheered. Steve traded an ‘eat-shit-and-die’ look with Bucky before sharing that look with Y/n. She just smiled at him, loving the misery she was putting him through.
“Says the guy who is older than me.”
Bucky scoffed, “By one year asshole.”
“Steve, come on. We’ve got lots planned for today!” Y/n pleaded.
Steve groaned loudly before throwing the covers off of himself and exposing his bare chest and boxer shorts. Y/n took a few extra moments to admire his chest and muscles, which were deliciously defined. The group cheered sarcastically as he sluggishly got out of bed.
“Can I have some privacy to get dressed?” Steve asked.
“I guess we can make that happen.” Y/n responded and jumped up from her spot. The group filed out the door, but Steve asked Y/n to stay back for a second. She really didn’t want to just because she knew she’d end up staring at his chest too long.
“Yeah, what’s up?” She tried to sound nonchalant.
Steve grabbed a t-shirt from his closet and threw it on over his head quickly. Y/n involuntarily sighed, letting go of a breath that she didn’t realize she was holding. “What embarrassing things have you planned for today?” He only partially smiled.
Y/n scoffed and crossed her arms. “I’m offended! When have I ever purposely embarrassed you?”
“Every time we go to the grocery store you try to embarrass me.”
“Well maybe they shouldn’t play such funky 80’s music. If they didn’t play that music, I wouldn’t dance in the aisle.”
“That’s a damn lie and you know it.” Steve laughed. Y/n smiled and blushed slightly.
“You also just make it so easy.” Y/n leaned against his dresser. They always bickered like this, ever since Y/n joined the Avengers. It was usually fun, sometimes even flirty, but Y/n and Steve were known to get into an argument every now and then. They often had the same points of views on issues, but they had different ways of going about it. Steve just did whatever he felt like doing, while Y/n paid a little bit more attention to the rules. “Plus,” she added, “You know how I feel about birthdays. I gotta go all out.”  
At least he should know how she felt about birthdays. She loved them and loved celebrating them. Life was something to be celebrated, and the day you came into this world should be part of that celebration. There didn’t have to be a big party or lots of presents; as long as you have your friends and loved ones, that’s all you needed.
But a big party definitely helped, especially when you’re Captain America and your birthday is Independence Day. This was New York City, home of Elise Island, so the city tended to go all out with the fireworks and celebrations. Y/n knew that Steve didn’t like fireworks because the noise reminded him of the war, so she thought a party would help to distract him from everything else. At least that was the plan.
“Yes, I do, but you still haven’t answered my question.” Steve said as he tied his shoes.
“Don’t you want to be surprised?”
“Y/n, I hate surprises.”
“No you don’t. You just hate the bad ones. Now come on.” She reached out for his hands, and he placed his in hers hesitantly. She pulled him up from the bed so he was standing and towering over her. God, he was so tall, she thought as she very obviously stared at his plump lips. She had thought about kissing those lips so many times.
Y/n, focus, she told herself.
They exited the bedroom and walked straight into the decorated common room. Steve’s first and only reaction was him rolling his eyes and sighing. “What’s all this?” He asked rhetorically.
“We were just getting ready for tonight.” Nat replied.
He turned to Y/n, “Um, what?”
“Your party, duh.” Y/n answered matter-of-factly. “Big day, lots of stuff planned, remember?”
They all headed to the dining room where they had a delicious breakfast prepared by the onsite chefs. They had eggs, bacon, waffles, and lots of other decadent delights. Once satisfied and full, Y/n clapped her hands, excited to get the attention of the group.
“Okay, so as we all know, we’re celebrating Steve’s 100th birthday today. Not many people make it to 100 and get to look the way he does.” Y/n and Steve traded a small grin, “And as much fun as birthdays are, they’re also reminders that life is short for most people who aren’t genetically modified super soldiers.” Steve and Bucky raised their glasses to each other, which earned a laugh from everyone at the table. “And because life is so short, we- and I mean Bucky and myself- decided that today, you should embrace life’s brevity.” Bucky turned around to a table behind him and grabbed a piece of paper that he handed to Y/n. It read ‘bucket list’ in big, messy handwriting that belonged to none other than Steve Rogers. Y/n turned the paper to face the group.
“Where did you find that?” Steve questioned with a smile on his face. He hadn’t seen that list in forever.
“I was going through some stuff a while back and found it in a box in the back of my closet.” Bucky said. He was also smiling.
“God, I think I made this my senior year?”
“Yep, on prom night after your date ditched you and we decided to get drunk at a park instead.” The two old timers laughed at the memory. Y/n couldn’t help but smile and giggle with them. She loved seeing this side of them. It was so un-Avengers like.
“Buck went on and crossed out anything you’ve already done, like win a metal of armor or,” she pointed to one of the lines and chuckled, “fly in an airplane, and crossed out things that aren’t relevant, like meeting FDR. Anyways, today, Steven Grant Rogers, you are going to complete your bucket list. Well, as much as we can complete before your party at eight.”
“Are you serious?”
“Oh, Dixie Chick serious.” Y/n said. Steve only understood the Pitch Perfect reference because Y/n forced him to watch it on several occasions. Even though he wasn’t a fan, he liked spending the time with Y/n. She was such a touchy person that they’d almost always end up cuddling in some way, shape, or form on the couch, especially if one of them fell asleep. Honestly, if it weren’t for Y/n, Steve would still be very poorly versed in modern pop culture.
She handed the list to Steve, “Pick which one you want to do first.” He scanned the list, looking for something that stood out to him. He didn’t know which item he wanted to do the most, so he did what any indecisive adult does: he placed the paper on the table, closed his eyes, circled his finger around the paper, and placed his finger on a random spot. He opened his eyes to find his finger on item ten: get a tattoo.
“The finger has spoken.” Y/n joked.
“What’s it saying?” Sam asked.
Steve cleared his throat and dramatically read it. There wasn’t a member in the group that wasn’t super excited. The fossil known as Steve Rogers was going to get a tattoo today.
“Do you even know what you’d get?” Bucky questioned.
Steve chuckled, “Actually no.”
“You could add a layer of excitement and let someone pick it for you.” Nat suggested. Steve mulled the idea over in his head; it would be exciting and spontaneous, both things Steve was notorious for.
“I don’t trust any of you to pick something that will be on my body permanently.”
“Eenie meenie minie mo it.” Y/n recommended.
“Well seeing as you’re the only person at this table with a tattoo, I guess I’d trust your judgment the most.” Steve said, motioning to Y/n. Her face transformed into one of shock. She was certain he would have asked Bucky to pick it out for him, seeing as they were best friends.  
“Wait, you don’t want your best friend since high school to pick it for you?” She asked.
“I know nothing about tattoos, especially tattoos in this day and age. You’re the man for this job, Y/n.” Bucky replied. Y/n sighed at the heavy load on her shoulders. She had to pick the perfect first tattoo for Steve.
“Are you okay with that?” Steve asked.
“Oh, definitely. Just give me…an hour to think of something and draw it up.” She got up from the table but turned back to the group before she left, “I can’t go to a tattoo shop and not get one, so Steve, since I’m picking one for you, you have to pick one for me.”
Steve tried his best to hide a smile that was creeping onto his face, but he wasn’t doing a good job. Honestly, he was kind of flattered that Y/n wanted him to pick a tattoo for her. It didn’t help that he was helplessly in love with Y/n, either. To Steve, deciding a tattoo for her was an intimate and personal thing. Y/n was a thoughtful person and deserved a thoughtful tattoo.
“Aye, aye captain.” Steve said.
After their allotted hour passed, Steve and Y/n jumped into the car to head to a shop outside of Manhattan. The others decided not to come so they wouldn’t overcrowd the shop. The shop was owned by one of Y/n’s college friends, so she had been there before and knew it wouldn’t take long. It was also the only place open on a holiday.
To add even more excitement to the experience, Y/n and Steve decided they weren’t going to show each other what they picked out. It took a lot of trust, but Y/n trusted Steve more than anyone else. She knew he wouldn’t pick something she wouldn’t like.
“Is that Y/n Y/L/n?” A guy at the front desk with huge gauges in his ears and sleeves of tattoos on both of his arms asked when the pair walked in.
“Live and in the flesh.” She said as she ran over to give him a hug. “How’ve you been Nic?”
“Eh, can’t complain, just working mostly. What about you?”
“Good, good. Yeah, I actually got recruited to the Avengers about a year ago.”
“No shit, that’s awesome! Always knew you’d go far with that brain of yours.” Nic grinned from ear to ear. Y/n was a genius in school, and though she wasn’t technically a superhero, she was an incredibly useful asset to the Avengers team. Tony recruited her after hearing her graduate school thesis defense on using magnetic waves as intergalactic communication. Tony thought this was important after Thor and Bruce disappeared for months. Her research ended up being crucial for a lot of the work Stark Industries was doing.  
“Yeah and this is my partner in crime!” Y/n gestured to Steve.
Nic looked starstruck as his brain processed who was in front of him, “Holy shit, you’re Captain America!” Nic stuck his hand out and Steve shook it hesitantly. He didn’t really want to be nice to someone who appeared to be flirting with Y/n, but this was also the man who was going to permanently paint his skin.
“Pleasure.” Steve said coyly.
“Steve’s actually here to get a tattoo.” Y/n told Nic, breaking the awkward interaction between Nic and Steve.
“Righteous! What are you wanting to get?”
“We actually picked out tattoos for each other, and we want it to be a surprise.” Steve said.
With that, Y/n offered to go first since she knew what the experience would be like and apparently, her tattoo wouldn’t take as long as Steve’s would. Y/n let Steve pick out the spot too, and he picked her inner bicep on her right arm. Steve put a blindfold over her eyes too so she wouldn’t be able to take a peek at it.  
“Alright, you ready?” Nic asked.
“Born ready.”
The engine of the tattoo gun hummed deliciously, sending chills up Y/n’s spine. The things people said about getting tattoos were true: once you get one, you can’t stop. It was less painful than it was irritating, but was worth it in the end. Your body is a temple and you should be able to decorate it the way you want. That’s why Y/n had so many tattoos (she had nine and this would be her tenth).
After about thirty minutes, Nic wiped the tattoo one more time. “Okie dokie, you’re done! Go look.” Y/n took off her blindfold and practically ran to the mirror, Steve right on her heels. It was a triangle with a black and white mountain landscape inside the triangle. In between two of the mountain peaks was a rising sun with cute little sun rays coming off of it. There were trees lining the bottom of the mountains with delicate flowers underneath some of the trees. Y/n audibly gasped when she saw it.
Instantly, she knew why Steve picked this tattoo. Y/n very rarely went on missions with the Avengers because, unlike Tony, she didn’t have a super suit. However, one time, they had a mission in Wakanda and needed all hands on deck. Y/n worked in the lab with King T’Challa’s sister, Shuri, on some new technology. During this trip, they had a little downtime, and Y/n really wanted to explore since she had never been to Wakanda. Steve and Y/n went on an expedition to the mountains and they hiked to the highest peak. They had some dinner and a bottle of wine while the sunset; it was absolutely breathtaking and romantic. It was also the first time Y/n realized she was in love with Steve, and the first time Steve realized the same about Y/n.
“Oh my god, I love it.” She whispered breathlessly. Words couldn’t even being to describe the love she felt. She turned from the mirror and threw her arms over Steve’s neck. His hands wrapped around her waist and held on tight- just the way Y/n liked it.
“Thank you.” She whispered in his ear. He didn’t respond, but he didn’t need to.
Nic finished cleaning up the mess he made during Y/n’s session and called Steve over to the chair. Steve let Y/n pick the location too, and since it was his first tattoo, she picked somewhere that wouldn’t be super obvious- his right shoulder.
Steve’s tattoo took almost an hour once all the shading and line work was said and done. Steve didn’t feel any pain but could tell with a simple glance that his skin was bright red. He jumped up and jogged to the mirror. His breath hitched in his throat when he saw the work of art forever etched into his skin. It was done in the traditional style, which was very common back during World War II, and he knew that’s why Y/n picked that style. The tattoo itself was an orange and red phoenix that was surrounded by a white ribbon that read “still I rise”.
The quote came from Steve’s favorite poem, “Still I Rise” by Maya Angelou. He first read it shortly after coming out of the ice, when he was catching up on things he missed. After meeting Y/n, who was very involved with civil rights issues, he gave the poem another read, and he realized the importance of it, not just for black people but for women as well. No, Steve was not a black person or a woman, but he grew up poor and sickly, was bullied his whole life, and was an orphan. He understood some of the struggles people could face. That poem resonated with him.
Adding the quote with the phoenix, the symbol of rebirth, was surreal for him. He knew that the phoenix was supposed to symbolize his return from the ice, to emphasize his resilience. The phoenix gave the quote even more personal meaning; like a phoenix from the ashes, still he’ll rise. Also, the traditional style was one of his favorites, and one of his best friends drew the tattoo.  
He was at a loss for words. It was everything he had expected and more. It was pretty badass, too, which was essential for America’s favorite superhero.
“You like?” Y/n asked at Steve’s unusual quietness. He turned from the mirror to face Y/n; their eyes made contact and it seemed like the world around them completely disappeared. It was just them, sharing this unintended intimate moment.
“It’s amazing. Thank you.” He said in an almost sultry voice. Chills ran up and down Y/n’s spine, and she did her best to conceal the shiver. It didn’t really go unnoticed by Steve.
A loud noise behind them pulled them from their weird trance. The noise was just Nic cleaning up and he accidentally dropped something. Y/n and Steve awkwardly paid and made their way back to the compound. Y/n stared at her saran-wrapped arm the whole ride home. She couldn’t get over how good it looked and how well it matched her aesthetic.
“You really do like it, right?” Y/n questioned, filling the silence in the car.
“No I hate it. I already scheduled an appointment to get it removed.” Steve traded a glance with Y/n. She laughed sarcastically.
After arriving home and showing the rest of the group their new tattoos, the group decided to tackle another bucket list item. This time, everyone could participate, since item fifteen- ride every ride at Coney Island- was something everyone could do. Coney Island had expanded a lot since Steve’s last go around on a rollercoaster there, so there would be plenty of fun to be had. They even bought express passes when they got there so they didn’t have to wait in the crazy long lines that holidays usually brought to Coney Island.
Y/n knew being back here would be weird for Steve and Bucky, since the last time they were here was back when Bucky went into the army. If it was bothering them though, they made no indication of such. The group was thankful for this because they could all have fun. Even the crowds were having fun seeing these large, built men and women trying to fit in the little rollercoaster carts.
The best part of Coney Island though was the photo booth that was set up near the food vendors. Y/n loved those things and excitedly tugged on Steve’s sleeve like a child when she saw it. “Can we do it, please?!” She begged. He tried to act like he didn’t want to do it, but Y/n knew he was just as excited as she was.
The photo booth was too small to fit anyone other than Steve and Y/n in it, but the others said they were fine with not being in the pictures. They climbed in the booth and Steve fed the machine a dollar, giving them no time to prepare the pictures. In the first one, Y/n slugged her arm around Steve’s neck and pulled him into a side hug while making whatever weird face she could. The second picture was of Y/n with her arm still around Steve, but she did bunny ears behind his head. The third picture was the funniest by far because when Y/n was removing her arm, she accidentally punched Steve in the face right when the camera clicked. They were laughing too hard to do anything for the last one.
When they saw the pictures though, Y/n knew instantly that the last one was her favorite. Her eyes were closed because she was laughing so hard, but Steve was staring at her with this look in his eyes, like he had never seen anything so beautiful. Y/n looked at the picture and saw love in Steve’s eyes. Of course, she didn’t say anything to Steve about it for fear of making things awkward. She was content, for the moment, with the fact that she knew what the look was about.
They stayed at the park until about six, when Y/n suggested they head back to the compound to get ready for the party. They packed into cars, drove to the Avengers compound, and went to their separate rooms. Y/n took a shower, making sure to wash her tattoo well, and dressed in a casual, but cute outfit. She knew she’d be doing a lot of dancing, plus no one dresses nicely for a fourth of July party. She put on a nice, loose navy top, denim shorts, and brown sandals. After dressing, she put a little bit of makeup and blow dried her hair. It was almost 7:30 by the time she was done.
When she was finished getting ready, she went out to the common room to finish setting up. Since they put up most of the decorations earlier, it was quick and easy. They just had to set up the food table and take the cake out to thaw. They also got coolers filled with alcohol ready.
Steve came out not too much later, dressed in a gray v-neck and dark blue jeans. The shirt was cut just right, so anyone looked at him would see a good bit of his defined chest, and his jeans hugged him in all the right places. His hair was still messy and wet from his shower, and Y/n could tell he touched up his beard a bit. Y/n had one thought when she saw him: snack. He was looking so delicious she just wanted to grab a fork and dig in.
“Is anyone home?” Steve waved his hand in front of Y/n’s face. Apparently, she had zoned out while she was thinking about all the things she’d do to Steve if she could.
“What?” She shook her head to bring her back to reality- and sanity.
“Do you need help?”
She glanced at the time on her phone. It was about ten minutes until eight, which is when people were supposed to show up. All the Avengers were there already, as was some none Avengers like Scott Lang, Maria Hill, and Sharon Carter. Y/n was wary about inviting Sharon since Steve had a weird history with her, but he said that they both agreed to just be friends. Y/n hoped things wouldn’t get awkward between the two tonight.
At eight o’clock sharp, people started to file into the large room. The walls vibrated from all the noise and the temperature in the room seemed to skyrocket. Never before had this many people occupied this room, and none of the Avengers really knew how to feel about it. It was exciting, but weird. Thankfully, the alcohol was flowing and for most of them, that was a good thing. Unfortunately, Steve and Bucky couldn’t get drunk, but that didn’t mean the others couldn’t have some fun.
Y/n was feeling a pretty good buzz by about nine o’clock. The sun had set completely by that point, and firework shows all around the city were starting. Most of the party guests had moved on to the deck- except for one. Y/n found Steve resting on the balcony outside of his room, which was away from everyone else.
“Why is the birthday boy not at his own party?” She asked when she found him. He jumped, not expecting someone to walk up behind him.
“Jesus, Y/n, you scared me.”
She apologized as she took the seat next to him. “What are you doing out here? I’ve been looking for you everywhere.”
“Hiding from you.” He said jokingly. “No, I just needed a minute. Lots of people.”
“Oh I know right. I did not expect this many people to say yes.” She took a swig of her drink Sam made for her; he called it “the Capsicle” and boy was it strong. She handed the cup to Steve but he shook his head no. “Suit yourself.”
They sat in a comfortable silence for a little bit just watching the fireworks explode all over the city. Steve was the first person to break the silence, “You know, I used to love fireworks. I used to act like they were a little birthday present for me.”
“Dude, you’re the human embodiment of America. These fireworks are for America, so in some ways, they are for you.”
“It’s not the same anymore. Maybe I’m just an old man, but they’re too loud nowadays…reminds me of bombs.”
“So why are you out here alone then?”
“I’m not alone now am I?”
“No one’s ever truly alone, especially you Steve. You have an army of people behind you that would do anything for you. That includes distracting you from things you don’t like. Why do you think I threw you this party?” Y/n said sincerely. She would genuinely do anything for him. She knew only a handful of others that she would do just about anything for. The great thing was she knew Steve would do the same for her in a heartbeat.
Steve looked at her, waiting for her answer. She rolled her eyes, “I knew you didn’t like fireworks, so I threw a huge party with all these people hoping it would distract you. But then you had to come out here and be all mope-y and brooding…defeats the purpose.”
Steve stared at her, similar to the way he looked at her during their photo booth shoot. She had the biggest heart of anyone he knew; she was so compassionate, empathetic, and loving. She always found the positives in life, even when the whole world around her was dark.
“Thank you for the party…actually for everything.” Steve said so quietly that the moment turned from friendly to intimate. Steve was being sincere and he needed Y/n to know that. “You’ve completely changed my life since Stark recruited you, and I know the others feel the same.”
Y/n was touched but found it hard to believe. “You’re just saying that.”
Steve angled his body so he was facing Y/n directly; Y/n mimicked his body language unconsciously. “No, I mean it. Y/n, you keep us human. You help to remind us, to remind me, that there is still good out there. Every moment, no matter how terrible, has something positive about it. Stark has said multiple times that Stark Industries and the Avengers would not be where they are today if it weren’t for the work you’re doing. And he’s not just talkin’ about work in the lab. You’ve changed every one of us in some way. Stark’s nicer, Bucky smiles more because of your dumb jokes, Wanda’s more sociable-”
Y/n cut him off, “And you? What could I possibly change about you?” She had to know since his opinion of here was the one she cared about most.
Steve stared into her eyes. He knew what he wanted to say, but didn’t know if now was the time. If Y/n has taught her anything though, it was that life is short. ‘Embrace life’s brevity’ was what she said early. She was right- Steve needed to embrace life’s brevity. He never knew if he was going to get another tomorrow, or even another tomorrow with her.  
The words ran off his tongue, like these were the words he was always meant to say, “You’ve helped me fall helplessly in love with you…not that that was hard to begin with.”
Y/n was dumbfounded. Out of all the ways she imagined tonight to go down, Steve admitting he was in love with her was not one of them.
“What?” She said in a voice barely above a whisper.
“Y/n, I’m in love with you, and I have been since I met you. I didn’t want to say anything because I didn’t want to ruin things, and because things are just so great the way they are, but I can’t deny myself the simple pleasure of admitting my feelings to my best girl.”
Y/n blushed a hundred shades of red and felt tears sting her eyes. She couldn’t believe that he was being sincere. Captain America was in love with her- a nerd from upstate New York with a bad temper and the coordination of a baby deer. Steve Rogers, in all his 6’0” glory, was in love with her. It just didn’t make sense. Yes, she was completely head over heels for him, but for him to feel the same way felt foreign.
Y/n was sure she was dreaming, but even if it was a dream, she didn’t want to wake up anytime soon.  
Steve was taken aback by her silence. He was sure she felt the same way; all the signs were there. He was starting to grow embarrassed at the thought of him emptying his heart out to someone who didn’t feel the same way.
He opened his mouth to say something, but in a moment of pure courage (and maybe with some help from the alcohol), Y/n crossed the space between them. She took Steve’s face between her hands and brought his lips to hers, crashing them together in a kiss that knocked the wind from her lungs. On instinct, he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her onto his lap while her hands found their way around his neck and into his hair.
The stolen kiss tasted like salt but felt sweet as chocolate. It was passionate, fervent, and delicious, but also delicate. It felt like worlds were colliding in the kiss. Neither one of them really wanted to pull away but had to once breathing became more difficult.
“I love you, too.” Y/n whispered lovingly after a few moments had passed. She cupped his face gently and stared longingly into his eyes. Oh, how she had waited for this moment. She pulled him into another, calmer kiss. She smiled a playful grin, “Come on, time to open your present.”
She climbed off his lap and pulled him up by his hand. “Oh really? What is it?”
“It’s less of a what, and more of a who.” She replied seductively. Steve was no longer fighting her grip and let her drag him into his bedroom.
“Happy birthday, Cap.” She whispered before they became consumed with lust, with each other’s bodies. They found their way between the silk sheets and for a moment, everything was exactly as it should be: pure and raw and full of love.
Tagged: @mickeyimagines
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mickeyyasi · 7 years
Tomorrow (Does not) always come
This came out one night when I thought about the possible scenarios for this couple in Infinity War, and although I have my opinion of why would hire twins for the 4th installment, I really hope that these two end with a happy ending instead of the one they had in the comics I take two iconic phrases in the comics of these two to write this, the first is from Vol # 1 of Avengers and the second if memory doesn't fail, it is from Vision # 7 both said by Wanda towards Vision.
I hope you enjoy it.
Vision writes a letter for Wanda on their last night together in an attempt to show how he feels about her and in case Thanos and his evil plans to conquer the Galaxy end up working:
To the love of my life, Wanda. 
Maybe at this moment while you read these lines, a series of events occurred that led you to know this through this letter and not in my person, I'm probably unable to do so, or I'm no longer here, but in essence, it's me.   
  You may ask why a letter if in all the time of knowing us I never made one, but in this moment, when you are lying  between my chest, I can feel the soft warm skin of your back increases my senses and I think it's the perfect time to write a letter with words I may never tell you, dreams that may never come to fruition, and that doesn't mean that I didn't want it, believe me, I do it and a lot. I'm a being born of logic, guided by it, but you, you beat my logic and now there is only what is in my synthetic chest, and that can't be quantified because there is simply nothing I can use to do justice for gauge my feelings for you, not even an exponential figure such as pi, or infinite could, and that is that from the moment your mind touched mine the day I was created, my love for you only started to growing.   
    You don't know how much I regret not telling you this before, I guess being new in such an old world made me think that someone as wonderful and beautiful as you wouldn't feel the same for a machine like me, I know that thought is not justification and you detest when I say these things, but I bring the subject afloat because without you. I wouldn't feel that I can be something beyond why I was created for, you make me feel like a complete man, your man.
    Still, thanks for emphasizing that I am different from anyone, I’m happy to be it, because I assure you that I love you more than any human heart would do. If I had known you felt the same, and I had been brave, tonight would not be our first night together, and I think it was just my fault, at some point between the Accords and the Raft, I made so many mistakes thinking that I was protecting you and then thinking that it was not the moment to tell you what should not be silenced; and wasted the few days we had until tonight, I guess we lost a lot of time.  
 But in spite of everything, I don't regret anything because you have given me the most beautiful moments of my life, my first kiss, my first sigh, my first in everything, and I need you do not forget it, you always be my first and only love, forever and ever and neither the Accords, nor Thanos can ever take that away from me. I also don't regret the worst moments we lived because the pain of your loss made me more human, you don't know how much hurt lose you in Leipzig, with the uncertainty of not knowing if I could hold you in my arms again, then I had to bear that you were not by my side and I missed you too much, cursing not being able to sleep every day to find some peace, I felt terribly miserable for not taking you away from everything when I had the opportunity and instead I put you in the middle and I lost you. The months you spent in the Raft were incredibly slow, and I being unable to do anything to get you out made me feel the most useless being of existence; The only thing I thank Steve Rogers for all that conflict is that without his help you wouldn't have been free and we would have missed all this time too.  
  I don't want look back on the past because that is not the purpose of this letter, I mentioned it because the only time we talked about the Accords and the breakdown of the team I told you my perspective of the conflict but I didn't tell you how I felt and you deserve to know that I was not indifferent. Not when I couldn't have you by my side. I don't know what will happen tomorrow when we all meet again as a team, I know that you had that vision of the end and you promised to protect me, but when the time comes I will not allow you to do it. I care too much for you to sacrifice yourself for someone who puts you in danger every second that passes since they attacked Earth. I hope that one day you can forgive my decision and understand why I did it, and that is that I cannot lose you again, even though physically could do it.   
 I don't know what you see when you look at me, but when I see you, I see only my home, in your eyes, I see happiness, through your eyes, I can find myself, I can return to you where I belong where I always have to belong. Your smile, always sincere and sometimes sarcastic. The way you frown when you focus, the way you laugh, the way you sing or dance and play the guitar, I've seen people doing all that and yet none of them compares to you and I like having I had the opportunity to be with someone as unique and irreplaceable as you are, Wanda Maximoff. 
   Last night I had a beautiful dream, one where the pain did not exist and you woke up in my arms, I held you strong, but I no longer had or felt the fear of losing you, there was nothing that could take you away from me as in this moment. I don't know if it was your dream, mine, or both that was created as one, but in that dream you woke up and you looked at me with your beautiful smile, you tenderly kissed my lips, and I wanted to show you that I was yours, but you stopped me and with a little laugh you said, "You will wake them up." At that moment I didn't understand anything, but it wasn't a confused feeling but rather happiness, and as the dream went on I understood why. 
Yes, twins, they were identical but not for their hair, one of them had your brother's hair and the other yours before you dyed, one had my smile and the other my chin, both were more than ready for a Picnic in what appeared to be our garden. You wore a long yellow dress that fluttered in the wind, then one of the twins lay asleep in your lap between your arms, I played with the other and we laughed at his frustration at not putting the correct figures in a box, he had the same face that puts a woman who fought against an army of evil robots but can't open the jar of pickles after an Asgardian closed it. At some point in the dream you looked at me and smiled, we were really happy.    
  Then I woke up and even though you were by my side, I had to accept the reality of the situation, I know we will win, although the recent breakdown of the team does not favor us and we do not have the best odds, we all still have hope and that's enough, although to win sometimes sacrifices are made and not all of us will be there to see it, but I know and I firmly believe that you will be there and I want you to have all this that I dreamed, even if is not with me.   
    Today, this night I choose to think that there are alternate universes, those of which you like so much and I read to you on nights when you have nightmares. I want to believe in them and maybe in some of those universes, we will continue dancing on the roof in the light of the moon as we once did in the complex, that you will eat your breakfasts I made you even if they are horrible and you only do it because you love me, that you will give me the best years of your life and I live only to ensure that you don't have any bad and make you happy as much as you make me with your simple existence. Wanda, thank you for teach me that love is for the soul and not for the body, thank you for being my love and my soul itself, thank you for loving me in the way no one else could.
 In case tomorrow doesn't come, I give you my last today.
 I love you 
Yours, Vision.
It was the hundredth time read it, and she was sure that she could never tire of reading, again and again, the same lines written neatly for her, all the love he could give her had been expressed in that letter.
 “Wanda, are you ready?” Tony asked as he peeked through the door of her temporary room in a complex that was being rebuilt for the remnants of the war.
 “Yes.” She answered wiping the tears from her cheeks.
 “You're fine?” 
“Yes, it's just the emotion of the moment.” 
“He will be fine, Helen, Banner and I did our homework.”
 “What will happen if he´s not the same again?”
 “We will find the way to him return to us. I promise.”
 In complete silence, they went to the improvised laboratory, Wanda walked with slow but firm steps with her hands on her chest trying not to let her face reflect her fear, Tony pointed to the entrance and inside she spotted the people who helped create the man of her life the first time,  surrounding him expectantly because Vision had just awakened and was sitting motioning insecurely, looking at his arms, hands, and legs with amazement, He seemed to be the same Vision that came out of the cradle three years ago. Suddenly, he stopped and looked towards the entrance where Wanda was. And he stared at her.
 The sun was beginning to show signs of hiding, the birds were still singing merrily, even if enough attention was paid, an owl could be heard, the smell of flowers, and a nearby forest was unique, toys are overflowing the garden grass, and a small indoor pool, Leonia was a really charming neighborhood, or maybe just the house, the house they could call home. She had Thomas curled up in her lap while caressing his white hair. He had William exhausting his last energies playing with wooden chips. Suddenly he noticed that while caressing their son she was staring at him.
 “Definitely Billy has your scowl, not mine, the one you use when you are slow to solve something” His wife spoke looking at the little baby who was playing settled between his dad.
 “And Tommy definitely has your smile, especially the smile you make when you sleep.” Vision answered. 
“I thought I was snoring, I don't think that counts as a smile.” Wanda answered with a small laugh. 
“After these years I learned that your sleep patterns change with certain situations, not regularly, but you only snore when you are tired and sick with the flu.” 
Wanda smiled.
 “Is that how your dream was?” Wanda asked in the hope that he will remember.
 “You remember? Did you read the letter?”  Vision asked with surprise in his voice.
 “Of course, is a very beautiful letter, in fact, I keep it.” 
“You never told me.” 
“You never asked” 
“I, I don't know what to say, I remembered that letter some time after you told me that we would have our children.” 
“I keep it very well after your reconstruction, you know, to try to recover your memories and show it to you when you were ready.” 
Vision recalled those moments, wake up after the war and without memories, for a time, the only thing he managed to preserve from his old self, was the love towards her.
 “If I had known that I just needed to tell you I was pregnant with your children for you come back to me and be your again, I would have confirmed my suspicions weeks before and not two months after it was obvious that they were coming.” 
“The memories came to my mind one after the other and suddenly they were so fuzzy that they could not stay. But the ones I had with you were different, yours were like following your voice home. And our children were the final piece to return.”
 “I'm glad you came back.” 
Vision smiled with the best smile in years. The one that was only for her and their children. 
“I love you.”
 “I love you too.”
 “And you were right...” Vision affirmed.
 Wanda tilted her head without understanding still looking at him.
 “Tomorrow always comes”.
 The End.
Well, according to the rumors and statements of Paul, our actor for Vision, is a possibility that at the end of one of the two films, Vision and Wanda end up being a family that sits in the suburbs and then have their twins, but what I know and investigate about Marvel movies, usually they hire twins when it comes to ONE child character, for example, Lila Barton's daughter the actress girl has a twin, but Cassie's actress Scott's daughter, she doesn't have it, so everything can happen, right? Another of my theories is that if there really is that of time travel or What if? in the movies, maybe the role for these twins is that of a Tony Stark child who has a Steve Rogers uncle who never ends frozen or that Tony himself travels to that time of his life to find the key or something that may be useful to stop Thanos, anyway, if you have another theory let me know
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demiebby · 7 years
A New Flame (Avengers x POC!OC)
Genre: Action, Drama, Romance
Characters: Madison Faye Jones (OC), Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, Vision, Sam Wilson, and other characters
Summary: Meet Madison Jones, she's a troubled girl with a dark past. A former member of HYDRA, Madison finds a new home within the arms of the Avengers. Can she get them to trust her and not think of her past? Or will it all end up in flames?
Warnings: Swearing, fighting, mention of death
A/N: Madison’s face claim is Logan Browning. Sorry if the fight scenes sound of, it's my first time writing this sort of thing. And yes the summary is so fucking cliche omfg.
Chapter 1
The skies are clear and the sun is spreading its bright light upon the desert. There's not many people outside as working in this type of heat would prove disastrous. In this state people appreciate being inside more than anything because of the sweltering summer heat. A nice cool air conditioning system blowing a light breeze on a sweaty forehead. Tall, cold ice glass of sweet yet sour lemonade. Not to forget sitting underneath an umbrella or tree in the cool shade. That's a luxury the people of Arizona require.
Unfortunately, for our heroes the Avengers they all have to put up with it. The group was set for a mission to take down H.Y.D.R.A. the German organization that tried many attempts in “taking over the world” Attempts that would have been successful if they weren't so egotistical and had weak soldiers fight enhanced individuals. The men and women of the Avengers were posted at their positions. They were watching the building from the outside if anything were to come. Last time they had a mission similar to this, H.Y.D.R.A. infiltrated a facility using a ram truck to break the gate. It would be too much of a coincidence if they went to do it again.
Clint, or Hawkeye, stood atop of a building intently observing the research institute. His hand firmly holding his bow, ready to take down any enemy or threat. Wanda and Natasha took solace in disguising themselves discreetly as simple civilians visiting the institute. They sat in the courtyard, Wanda on a bench on the West end and Natasha on the Northeast end. In spite of a 100 foot distance they were still visible to each other since there were hardly any trees or shrubs. Sam, the Falcon, stood on a building across from Clint’s, he too watching over the building. Steve and Tony took place on the roof of the institute. Steve surveying the area for any suspicious activity.
“Oh boy, I could really use a glass of water right now.” exasperates Clint into the earpiece. He tilts his head up at the sky, squinting his eyes when he saw three birds flying around above him.
Natasha spoke into her earpiece, “Steve did Fury say H.Y.D.R.A. were going to be at this specific location?”
Steve responded, “Yeah. He said H.Y.D.R.A have been working for weeks to get some serum. I don't know what for though.”
Sam commented, “Probably one to enhance their soldiers again.”
“That could be the reason. What if the serum is something to be used for enhancing people? Then what do we do?” Natasha inquired.
Steve responded, “It's our job to make sure they don't get it. If you guys want to know what it's for then you might wanna ask Fury. He may have the answer.”
A sigh came from Clint, “I guess I'm not getting that water after all.”
“Don't worry Robin Hood, sooner we stop these assholes sooner you can get that crystal clear water.” mused Tony.
Clint murmured, “I may need something stronger than water but clear as it.”
Inside of the building a dark-brown haired woman strides down the corridor. The woman wears a long white coat, eyeglasses, and her long shoulder-length hair pulled into a low ponytail. She heads to the staircase, and takes long purposeful steps to get to the third level. As she goes up them she is joined by three men in bulky armor carrying guns. She pauses in front of the door, looking through the window of the metal entryway, there's two scientists. Silently, she opens the door signaling for the men to stay back.
When she comes close to the scientists, she stealthily puts them into a choke hold and maliciously snaps their neck. The sickening sound of bones snapping and the body topples on the floor. The other scientist screams after witnessing the act. She tries to flee, but the woman in the lab coat is faster. Taking hold of her victim by the arm, she repeatedly slams the scientist head on the countertop till she's bleeding and her head is caved in. It's like someone stepped on her face countless of times.
The brown-haired woman signals for the men to enter and they rush up to her. One of the men hands her a small round disk. She goes to a tall, big silver safe. She plants the device on the door of the safe and hides behind a counter with one of the men.
There's a loud explosion followed by the sound of an alarm going off. The Avengers all look to the building, seeing a window shattered after the explosion came.
“Did you guys hear that?” Sam asked.
Steve picked up his shield, “Heard it. They must have infiltrated from the inside.”
“Right underneath our noses.” Clint added.
“Yeah,” Steve jumped from the roof to the side of the building. He grabbed onto a window on the third floor and used his vibranium shield to shatter the glass and enter.
A brown-skinned woman sheds off her lab coat. Then her ponytail before removing the eyeglasses. She stands in a fighting stance as she glares at Captain America. Her slim athletic-built body wears a black jumpsuit. On the right sleeve is H.Y.D.R.A.’s symbol. Around her hips is a holster with weapons and utilities. Her hazel green eyes stare at Captain America waiting for him to make a move.
“Ma'am if I were you, I'd put down that suitcase before someone gets hurt.” Steve demands.
Though sure enough she hands over the case to her ally and they take off with it on the other end of the corridor.
Steve talks into his ear piece, “Nat, I got three guys with the serum make sure they don't get out of this lot.”
The first to make the move was the woman. She charges at Steve, and leaps in the air, in midway she kicks out both legs at his chest. He stumbles back; he didn't see that coming. Her fist aims for his face but he uses his shield to defend her quick and ruthless punches.
“I'm a little busy out here Steve!” Natasha shouts into the mic.
Steve deflects another punch with his shield and then swings it towards the woman. She catches it and flings it back at him. Steve dodges the shield causing it to get lodged in the wall behind him. He looks back at it for a second and then he's kicked in his stomach several times. The man grabs her foot when she tries to kick his jaw. He smirks at her, winks, then flips her over on the floor. Steve cocks his arm out to punch her but she grabs his fist. His arm trembles and then she pushes him off using both of her legs. The girl rolls over on her stomach, and stands back on her feet.
“I've had enough of this.” She says. Her body engulfs into a huge flame and she shoots fire at him.
Quickly, Steve covers himself with his shield. The pressure of it is strong to push him out from the building and onto the ground.
The fire woman flies out of the building and out onto the fighting field. “Have you left off with the serum?” She says into her earpiece. Her body going back to its normal state.
“We handed it to Agent H, the Black Widow incapacitated us.”
Speaking of the woman, she appeared right in front of her. Natasha checked her out. “Nice suit.” The woman lets out a snarl as she aims a punch to Natasha. The redhead dodges her punches and counters with punches of her own.
“Come on, is that all you got?”
Once again she engulfs into fire and eerily floats above Natasha. The redhead stares slack-jawed, “I shouldn't have said that.”
Preparing to shoot out fire the woman gets distracted when an arrow inflicts her. She growls when she sees Clint casually waving to her from atop his position. She flies towards him the heat energy in her hand getting immense. Just as she was going to burn Clint into a crisp, Tony in his Iron Man suit, protected him by spraying extinguisher at her. It stopped her from attacking Clint and change her target to Tony.
Meanwhile Sam and Cap are chasing after the soldiers. They rode off in three trucks and it was difficult to see which vehicle had the serum.
“I can use one of my birds to blow them up.” Sam suggests as he flies through the air with Steve in his arms. “You need to cut back man you're heavy.” Steve chuckles.
Tony narrowly avoids getting himself burned and then he responds, “No don't do that! The serum can’t be destroyed. It'll have to be obtained and transmitted back to the institute.”
Natasha elbows a soldier in the face and kicks one in his face. “He's right. The researchers need it to complete their analysis.” She leans back when a man tries to punch her and she counters with several strikes to his face. He falls out. “We've already destroyed their lab. Destroying one of their synthesis will result in chaos.”
“As if we aren't in chaos now.” Sam said. “Alright Cap, have a nice trip.” He lets go of Steve when they're hovering above a silver vehicle.
Steve lands on top of the vehicle. He smashes the dash window with his hand. Glass shatters, the driver grabs his gun and aims at Steve as he crawls into the car. Steve grabs a hold of the gun aiming it away from him. The car swerves left to the right on the bridge as the two push and shove at the gun. At some point, Steve reaches over to open the driver's door. The door swings open on the road, and Steve kicks the driver out. The guy rolls out of the vehicle while Steve chases down the other two.
“I'm empty in this car! Sam do something to make them stop!”
“On it, Cap!”
Sam presses a button on his arm and a “bird” deploys. It flies under the bridge and underneath it. The bird detonates and there's a break in the bridge. The cars all stop. Steve leaps out from the car, rolling on the ground, until he comes to a sturdy land on his feet. The soldiers exit the vehicles drawing their guns at Steve. Steve covers with his shield, charging towards them. Their bullets bounce off Steve's shield. When he's close he kicks the gun out of one of their hands and knocks him with his shield. Sam joins Steve in fighting the men. Within minutes the soldiers are incapacitated and are down on the ground. Sam takes out the suitcase with the serum from one of the cars.
“We've got the serum.” said Steve.
Tony blasts at the woman chasing behind him. “Yeah? Well, I got a hot head on my ass. Anyone wanna help me in calming her down?”
“Bring her to me,” Wanda responds as she readies herself. Her fingers twirl and dance creating a red misty ball. She watches as Tony soars by and behind him is the fiery woman. Wanda throws her shot at the girl and it hits her target.
The woman suddenly stops chasing after Tony, she idly floats in the air her eyes fixated on nothing. She abruptly screeches, holding onto her head and her fire growing bigger.
Her family. Their charred bodies inside of the house. Her mother's inside of the bedroom beside her father. Her older brother in the living room on the sofa. She was crying in the corner of her bedroom as the fire surrounded her small body. The flame reached her but it didn't affect her like it had her family. Her clothes were singed. The firefighters came to rescue her and she remembered one of them saying “three dead bodies”
“Mama! Daddy! Noah!” She bellows.
Natasha, Clint, Wanda, and Tony watch the girl break down in front of them. Her body is surrounded by a large round ball of pent up fire. Just at any moment it'll burst.
She is suddenly thrown onto a metal bed. A man leering down at her. “You will be a weapon of mass destruction.” The image flashed of her loved one's charred bodies. “A great step,” the firefighters running into the house, “Into the extinction of the Avengers,” her seven year old self crying on the floor, “And the rise of a stronger H.Y.D.R.A.”
“STOP!” She shrieks and releases her fire.
“Take cover!” Tony shouts and he quickly snatches up Natasha.
Wanda creates a barrier around herself and Clint hides behind an air conditioning unit.
The girl’s fire scorches an area up to 10 miles around her. When she has exhausted herself, she collapses on the ground on her back.
When the air has cleared the Avengers, including Steve and Sam, circle the body of the girl. Tony lifts away his helmet and then comically shoots extinguisher at her.
He looks around to see eyes glaring at him, “What? I'm making sure fire head here is all put out.”
They shake their heads at Tony then turn their attention back to the girl. Clint asks, “What do we do with her?”
Steve suggests, “Let's bring her back to S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.”
Tony snorts, “Bring her back? Cap, she's a fire hazard to us all. Put her anywhere near oxygen she is likely to cause a wildfire. She's dangerous.”
Steve replies, smiling cockily, “I'm pretty sure the room they'll give her -- she won't even cause a flicker.”
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