#yes thank you it's called Patience and it has been a ROUGH journey
amtrak12 · 9 months
Pour one out for my past self who thought this would be a 100k-and-some-change long fic. I've already hit 7000 in the second draft of this chapter that marks the halfway point in the story and I still have 1300 left to rewrite. I only needed 7700 total to put me at 100k -- again -- at the halfway point. Folks, we're officially in 200k territory for the whole shebang. O_O
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arminbitchlover · 3 years
reincarnated lovers (1)
armin arlert x f!reader
summary: in their past life, reader and armin's love journey is cut short with the tragic death of reader from a deadly plague. now, they are once again reunited, but somehow everything feels wrong between them.
word count: 2.5k
content warnings: death
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"Armin... it hurts." You dazed off and felt nothing but sharp pains all over your body.
Your throat was dangerously dry, and your stomach grumbled from the lack of food you couldn't properly digest. You suffered from the feeling of a knife being pushed into your lungs and when you tried to pick up your head, black dots overtook your fuzzy vision. Every time you tried to move a muscle, the pain would exponentially heighten, and experienced your abdomen compress with an exorbitant amount of pressure.
"N-no please don't leave me yet. What about all our plans together? Going to the beautiful forest behind the hills for our anniversary next week, building a house to move in together, getting married, a-and start a family..." Armin's voice cracked as tears cascaded down his cheek and dripped onto your arm.
You sensed a soft warm hand grab yours which caused your heartbeat to quicken as you felt it coarse throughout your body.
This is the end.
You knew this was your last few moments on earth with your soulmate. It was over so fast. Too fast. You couldn't believe you wouldn't be able to fill the promises you made with your lover. This was your only and last chance at this life, and it was over in nineteen years, only four of them being spent with the person you thought you would grow old with
"Stay away... get sick..." You jerked your arm away from Armin unaware that you didn't feel the need to chug a gallon of water to quench your throat and that the nauseating feeling from hunger completely vanished as you kept slipping in and out of consciousness.
"Don't do this shit to me right now, I'm staying by your side no matter what." He lightly caressed your face not caring about the black lumps that engrossed your skin.
He knew he would become infected sooner or later and understood that this would be it for you even though he couldn't find it in himself to believe it.
"I-I-I'm sorry." You felt the back of your throat get knotted up but couldn't produce any tears.
You slowly moved your hand back down to your side, not feeling the aching pain that had taken over your body, as you barely brushed his fingertips.
"Baby, what are you apolo... not your fault." He looked down to your palm and intertwined his fingers with your cold limp hand. He trailed his eyes back up to your face and saw your closed eyes.
"Y/n?" His breathing became shallow and irregular as he gently shook your body in an attempt to bring you back to consciousness.
You lightly squeezed his hand with the last bit of energy you had in you; letting him know that you were still with him.
This isn't the last time... swear to you we'll find each other again... I'll... protect you. I lo..."
And that was it.
The last words you heard.
Passing away was more peaceful than you imagined. It was just like going to sleep, except you knew that you wouldn't wake up with Armin by your side.
...we'll find each other again...
His last words kept replaying in your mind before your brain completely shut off. It made you happy. He made you happy. You died happy knowing that there was a chance to meet him again, but who are you kidding, this was it. It's over now.
Present Day
"I don't know if going on a date is the best thing to do right now, Sasha. I just got out of a three-year relationship with Jean and that was really rough." You grab a bag of chips and plop yourself onto your bed.
"Comeeee onnnnnn, y/n, I think you would really get along with this guy. I mean he's smart and kind anddddddddd has a pretty face!" She walks up to you and quickly steals a chip from you.
"Hey! Well as tempting as your mystery man sounds, my professors decided to assign a shitload of work, so I have to get busy." You pull out the box of textbooks from under your bed as you mentally prepare yourself for a draining weekend.
"Ugh, you're hopeless. Well, I'm going with Niccolo for a while, so have fun with... that! But if you change your mind, I'll text you his number." She grabs a Twinkie and skips out of your dorm room.
You figure that maybe she's somewhat right, but you know it's too soon to go out with another person. You and Jean had been together since high school and only broke up because you agreed that both of you needed time to find yourselves in college. It's very apparent that you still have some type of feelings for him even if it isn't love and it certainly didn't help that he goes to the same school as you.
But it is college. Even though the love you have towards Jean is still slightly there, maybe going out with another person was what you need to get over him. Even then, you wasted all your high school years getting good grades and being an A+ student that you never got to enjoy yourself and you weren't going to mess it up again. Besides what's the worst thing that could happen?
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roomie <3
Today 5:12 PM
can you send me his number
here ya go ;)
contact sent
ur a pain but thank u
you better tell me how it
love u
love you moreee
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While gazing at the contact, you can't quite explain the feeling you have in your stomach and could only call it excitement, but why?
You're just going out with a guy you've never even met before and for all you know, he could be some creepy perv who just wants to make you feel extremely uncomfortable for his own liking. You giggle to yourself as you keep on thinking of worst-case scenarios and become very aware of how in need you are of getting out of your dorm.
You sit and stare at your phone, wondering how to text someone who may not even remember his conversation about you with Sasha. But fuck it, it was just a date.
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Maybe: Armin Arlert
Today 5:20
hey armin, i'm y/n and i don't
if you recall giving your number
to sasha but she said we would make
a great match so i would love to go
out with you later today !
Hey y/n, I do recall Sasha
talking about you and everything
so I would be honored to take you out! (:
Do you want to go out for
a coffie in about an hour?
yeah, that sounds great !
We can meet at the library.
alright, see you then (:
Read 5:31
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You feel your face warm up, excited to finally do something out of school and maybe have the possibility to meet someone who could be special. You waste no time sitting around, given that you had only an hour to look your best, and got ready.
You have ten minutes to spare after prepping yourself and decide to walk to the library a bit early. You head out of your dorm, still in disbelief that you're going out with someone who was a stranger. It's definitely more of an exhilarating feeling than a nervous one; this would be the second person you've ever gone out with, Jean being your first and only partner and you have to admit that you feel good. You could feel yourself growing as a person even if this was just a silly first date that could potentially mean nothing.
You make your way to the front of the library and right when you were about to open the door you hear your name being softly called out. You turn around and see a blonde boy with a blue-collar shirt and khakis.
Damn, you have no idea who this boy is and you don't care, but why is someone this gorgeous calling out to you? His doll-like skin complexion looks so soft and smooth while his shirt matches his blue eyes perfectly, and his khakis just adding on to his soft persona.
"Are you y/n?" He snaps you out of your thoughts and back to reality.
"Oh, um yes, and you're Armin? How did you know it was me?" You can't keep your eyes off of him. This is the mystery man that Sasha fixed you up with and, fuck, he's more beautiful than you could've pictured.
"Sasha showed me pictures of the two of you and I must say you're more stunning in person." His cheeks turn into a bright pink as he looks down, feeling as if he's embarrassing himself.
"Thank you and you're a lot more attractive than I ever imagined." You give him a friendly smile when he looks back up as he hears your compliment.
"The uh coffee shop is not far off-campus so we can walk if you like." He rubs the back of his neck, unsure how to begin your date.
"Yeah, that sounds great." You both walk together in awkward silence, not knowing how to start a chat with each other.
"So, Armin, what are you majoring in?" You turn your head towards him, but Armin seems to not want to make any eye contact with his hands in his pockets.
"That's cool, have you always loved the ocean or are you just experimenting with different fields?" You try to carry on with the conversation, hoping he would open up to your about his studies at the least.
"I've always loved the ocean."
"Are the classes you're taking pretty difficult?" You feel your face heat up as he continues to be difficult about continuing your attempted dialogue.
You start losing your patience with this boy. It frustrates you that no matter what you did he can't try to at least engage in the conversation. You knew from the beginning that this could've been a disaster, but it hadn't even started, and it's already exasperating.
You start to genuinely think of ideas to bail yourself out before it could get any worse, but no, you're going to finish this date whether it's awful or not and move on with your life. You told yourself you were evolving as a person and to bail would only be taking you a step back from the new you.
"How do you know Sasha," you ask him, making it your last-ditch effort to start a conversation as you arrive at the coffee shop.
"We met through a mutual friend at a party." He opens the door for you and both of you enter the cafe.
You and Armin are kindly greeted by the barista as you walk to to the cashier. Both of you order your drinks and sit at a table that's next to the glass wall.
"So, did you meet Sasha because you're dorm mates?" He finally ignites some type of conversation as he fidgets with his fingers.
"We actually somewhat knew each other through my ex-boyfriend and we randomly got paired to be dorm mates." You grin to yourself, thinking about how close you and Sasha got over the year.
Even if it was a bitter-sweet moment mentioning Jean, that you realize may not have been the best thing to do. You hear you and Armin's name being called, but right when you're about to get up Armin quietly spoke, "Stay here, I got it."
You watch him get up from his seat and walk back over to the cashier. He pulls out his brown leather wallet, pays for both of your drinks, and makes his way back to the table with a cup in each hand.
"Thank you for paying, you really didn't have to do that." You feel your cheeks get hot as you grab your drink, slightly grazing his fingers.
"It was no biggie." He shrugs his shoulder and slumps back to his seat.
Subsequently, the awkward silence is back, but a lot stronger than before. You can't understand why it's so difficult to get along with him if this was the date where you're supposed to get to know each other and have endless topics to discuss. You keep reassuring yourself that this would be over soon anyway and now you know that Armin just isn't the one for you and you're completely fine with that. At this point, you only see Armin as the boy you went on the most awkward date with and didn't even picture him as a friend.
"Sorry about this, I've never done anything like this before," he mumbles while tapping on the side of his cup, not wanting to look at you because he felt ashamed.
"O-oh, don't stress about it too much, it's my first date after getting out of my relationship so we're on the same boat." You both exchange warmhearted smiles, trying to break the tension but nothing seems to work.
"We can go back to campus. I have some assignments I need to finish up anyways," he suggests and you feel the weight being lifted off your shoulders. Even though Armin seems like a great person, both of you assume that your wavelengths couldn't match, and it was just best to end it.
"Yeah, that sounds good. I also need to catch up on schoolwork as well." Both of you grab your drinks and head back to school without trying to strike a conversation, knowing that it would just make the tension even more awkward.
As soon as you make it back to your dorm, you must say that you never feel happier to arrive in your shitty box.
"Well, thank you for the coffee and I hope you have a great weekend."
"Yeah, you too." You both wave bye and you walk into your dorm, feeling displeased.
While you didn't expect your date to be completely perfect and for you and Armin to fall in love, this was by far the last thing you wanted to happen.
It didn't take long for you to forget what had transpired as you change to comfortable clothes and start heavily working on your assignments. While you were finishing up on one of your worksheets, you feel your phone vibrate and see a text from Sasha.
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roomie <3
love you moreee
Today 7:47
you better still have some energy
left in you
i'm heading back to get dressed
cause we're going to go PARTYYYY
oh god sasha
i don't do well at parties
i can introduce you to my friends
they're really cool
okayyy sure
so get dolled up
i'll be there soon <3
Read 7:53
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four-loose-screws · 3 years
FE8 Novelization Translation - Chapter 15, Section 2
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I call this a “section” because it is not a separate part of the chapter in the book, but divided from the rest of the chapter by a scene break.
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Chapter 15 - The Day the Empire Fell (con’t) The unthinkable happened in Port Taizel.
Myrrh disappeared.
Their difficult journey to the capital had Ephraim's head full, so much so that he even forgot to keep an eye on her. When he thought about it after the fact, she looked like she had been trying to tell him something multiple times, but he didn’t listen. There was too much on his mind, and though he didn’t mean to, he ended up putting off whatever she needed from him. 
What could she have been trying to say? For what reason would she leave without saying anything? Could she have run out of patience with him and left when he didn’t listen to her…?
‘No, Myrrh isn’t like that.’ Ephraim reassured himself, but his worrying only continued to worsen. He felt sorry for being so indifferent to what she wanted to say, but no matter how much he regretted what he had done, it was too late. With things as they were now, he had to search for her.
With eyewitness testimony from one of the locals that said they'd seen Myrrh wandering east, Ephraim’s army headed east. The person said that she'd been seen walking alone, so it seemed she had not been captured by bad people again, but left of her own free will. However, though they were gaining more information, they still didn’t know anything about the reason why she left.
Along the way, every time they passed through a town or village, they explained to the locals what Myrrh looked like, and gathered eyewitness accounts. 
She had originally run off on her own, but at some point, seemed to have joined up with another person. 
“A girl with indigo hair? Yeah, she was with Lady Selena.”
“...Selena, you said?” Ephraim’s face became pale. Did this mean that Myrrh had been taken by an imperial general? What could an imperial general want with her?
“Yeah, you know her, right? She’s called General Selena, the Fluorspar, and is a beautiful, strong, and charming woman. Though I wonder why such a beautiful person would become a general. I think it’s a waste…” Said a villager they passed by on the street, becoming completely distracted from Ephraim’s original question.
“Why was Lady Selena in this village?”
“She was shopping. A gemstone being sold here caught her eye, and she left the capital just to buy it.”
“A gemstone?”
“I don’t know what it’s called, but it sure was pretty. It was too expensive to sell right away, but word of it got to the capital, I suppose. Lady Selena is a soldier, but she’s still a woman. She likes gemstones, so she came here to buy it.”
The villager said with a laugh, but Ephraim couldn’t imagine that this was the sort of time for a soldier to leave the capital for personal reasons like a shopping trip. This stone could not be any ordinary gemstone.
“So then what did General Selena and the girl do…?”
“Hm, this happened right after Lady Selena bought the gemstone. The indigo haired girl came up to Lady Selena and started talking to her about something. She’s not from this village. In fact, I’ve never seen her around here before at all. I don’t know what they were talking about, but they had really serious looks on their faces. In the end, Lady Selena took the girl with her and left the village. I don’t know anything about what they did after that.”
Based on this story, Ephraim was able to piece together a conclusion.
The “gemstone” was likely the dragonstone that Myrrh was searching for. It was a precious gem to those of the dragon tribe, but Myrrh’s was stolen on her journey, and she’d lost all knowledge of its whereabouts. A merchant, not knowing just how valuable dragonstones are, sold it as a gemstone.
Meanwhile, General Selena had been called back immediately from Bethroen to the capital. 
That was probably because she’d received the information that the dragonstone was being sold as a gemstone. The Sacred Stones, the Dark Stone, and now a dragonstone… the emperor seemed to be drawn to stones with great power hidden within them.
When they had arrived at Port Taizel, Myrrh had likely already sensed that her dragonstone was nearby. She'd tried to tell Ephraim that, but he didn’t listen to her, so she had no other option than to go out alone. That led her to this village, where she met Selena just after Selena obtained the dragonstone, and decided to talk to her...
The details were all consistent with each other. The problem was why Selena had taken Myrrh with her… and where they were now.
He explained the situation to Duessel, who crossed his arms and started to think.
“I can’t imagine that she would harm a civilian. Her demeanor and way of speaking are rough, but she has a kind heart. She probably wouldn’t do anything violent.”
“Then why would she take Myrrh with her? She doesn’t intend to hand Myrrh over to the emperor, does she? If anything happened to her, I....” Ephraim couldn’t calm down, and paced around as he shouted. This was all happening all because he hadn’t listened to her… That regret was still torturing him. “We may have to fight General Selena. General Duessel, it may be difficult for you to do that. Please stand down this time. You do not have to participate in the battle.”
“What are you saying? I have dedicated myself to your service. Whoever your enemies may be, I will fight them. Even if my opponent is Selena, I will not hesitate.” His tone was firm. He was probably thinking that if he hesitated, then it would dull Ephraim's will to fight as well… so he wanted to go out of his way to make his thoughts clear.
Ephraim was thankful for his teacher's thoughtfulness.
The next day, Ephraim’s army finally found Myrrh. Or rather, she came back on her own.
She appeared from within a forest that followed along the main road. When Ephraim saw her, he rushed over to her, and she looked up at him with large tears in her eyes.
“Myrrh! You’re alright!”
“I’m sorry, Ephraim! All I ever do is cause trouble for you��� I didn’t want to make you hate me again… but I still left anyway…”
“What are you talking about? You could never make me hate you or anything of the sort. I’m the one who was in the wrong. I’m sorry for not paying attention to you.”
However, they had no time for a joyous reunion. 
A flustered soldier ran up to him to report, “Lord Ephraim! The Grado Army is coming this way! Their commanding officer is an imperial general, Selena the Fluorspar!”
“Let’s go! All units, get into battle positions!”
Ephraim tried to grab his weapon, but Myrrh grabbed his clothes tightly and pleaded, “Please wait, Ephraim! Whatever it takes, don’t fight her! She’s not a bad person!”
“Who? You mean General Selena?”
“Yes. She helped me run away. And told me to return to you…”
“But she took you away. Even if you say now that she told you to run away…”
“You’re wrong! She listened to what I had to say. She loves the emperor… and is suffering greatly. Please don’t fight her! Please…” Myrrh was always so quiet that this was the first time she’d ever shown any emotion like this. 
Ephraim was taken aback by it, but he nodded. “I understand. I’ll do everything I can to try and persuade her.”
“Thank you, Ephraim…”
From what Duessel and Myrrh had said, General Selena didn’t seem to be a bad person. There was a very good chance that they could talk things through.
Ephraim was optimistic, but the expression on Duessel’s face was grim. 
When he asked why, Duessel said with a pained look on his face, “Selena has a very pure and genuine personality. Her loyalty to His Majesty is steadfast. No matter how unreasonable the order, if it is what he wishes, she would happily dirty her own hands… That’s just the kind of person she is. I don’t believe that she will lend an ear to your plea.”
“Even if you did your very best to persuade her?”
“I am a traitor. She is the person who first declared that I should be executed. She is probably still suspicious of me.”
“So that means…”
“Yes. It is unlikely that we will be able to avoid fighting her.”
Still, Ephraim did not give up hope. He wanted to grant Myrrh her wish.
Selena’s army was in battle position in a marsh. Ephraim’s army had to trudge through sopping wet mud as they marched onwards.
He stayed away from the oncoming Grado soldiers as much as he possibly could, and avoided fighting as he searched for Selena. She was deep within the center of the marsh, riding atop a white horse and surrounded by her soldiers.
Ephraim continued to dodge the Grado soldiers, and approached Selena. 
Selena also noticed him, ordered her soldiers not to fight, then neared him.
 He’d heard that she was beautiful, but he was surprised at just how true was. Although her appearance was plain in her soldier's uniform, she couldn’t help drawing in the fascination of those around her. Her glittering eyes were befitting of one called “Fluorspar.”
“Are you General Selena?" Ephraim asked.
Selena nodded and answered, "I am indeed. And you are Prince Ephraim, correct?"
"Yes. I'd like to talk to you.” Ephraim put his weapon behind his back to show that he had no intention of fighting. 
Selena's soldiers broke out in a commotion, but Selena stopped them, then she looked at Ephraim. "What about?"
"I want you to withdraw your soldiers. A battle such as this one is meaningless. Emperor Vigarde is not in his right mind."
"...I know." Selena nodded, and Ephraim breathed a sigh of relief. However, her following words betrayed all of his hopes. "But I will not withdraw my soldiers."
"Why not?"
"I am an imperial soldier. His Majesty's orders are absolute."
With her unshakeable words, Ephraim was the one to flinch.
Was she some sort of fanatic? No, he saw none of that distinctive insanity in her quiet eyes. 
"How foolish… you know the emperor has descended into madness, yet you still swear your loyalty to him even now?"
"A noble like you could never understand. To us knights, this is our way of life."
"General Deussel deliberately disobeyed Emperor Vigarde. You may think of him as a traitor, but he chose that path because of his sincerity as a knight."
"I know that. I was wrong to call him a traitor. He loves Grado from the very bottom of his heart, and grieves his emperor's fate. He is truly a loyal retainer."
"If you know that much, then why wouldn't you do the same?"
"I am different from General Deussel. I respect his way of life, but I can only choose my way of life."
"You are a fool!" He shouted at her.
Selena nodded gently. "You are right. I agree with you one hundred times over."
"Surrender, Selena! I don't want to have to defeat you!"
"You, defeat me? Don't patronize me, Prince Ephraim. I have no intention of dying here. Now ready your weapon!"
It was already impossible to persuade her any further. Ephraim drew his lance back out from behind him.
Selena swiftly chanted a spell. Ephraim jumped the moment before fire shot from her fingertip, and avoided the attack.
The Grado soldiers initiated their own attacks to guard Selena. The Frelian soldiers standing behind Ephraim also readied their weapons and rushed forward.
Selena expertly steered her horse while also launching attack spells one after the other. Her speed and power amazed Ephraim.
The power that had elevated her to the title of imperial general at such a young age was of course not just for show. To Ephraim, who knew nothing about magic, taking just one good hit would very likely be fatal. 
Ephraim cut down the oncoming Grado soldiers as he avoided Selena's spells. He trudged through the mud-soaked earth, and was soon covered in mud himself.
He was overcome by intense anger so great that he wanted to scream. He did not want to kill a person like Selena. But if he did not kill her, then he would be killed.
His anger gave him strength. He stabbed each Grado soldier that came at him at random intervals, then charged at Selena. The Grado soldiers did not fear his great force, but still slowly backed away. He did not slow down.
"Lord Ephraim…!" His attacks looked so reckless that his allies started to yell at him.
Selena stared down at him from atop her horse with her eyes open as wide as they could be.
He glared at her beautiful face and screamed, "You're such a fool… You're an absolute idiot!"
The moment Ephraim leapt into the air off the muddy ground, a ball of orange fire shot from Selena’s fingertip.
Ephraim did not dodge it. That had never been his intention.
His lance stabbed deep into her side. Her body slumped over, and she fell from her horse.
The soldiers all stopped moving. Ephraim was still breathing heavily when he looked down at Selena. She was trying to get up, but no longer had the strength to do so.
When she lost her remaining strength in her arms and back, the pained expression disappeared from her face. In its place, for the first time since Ephraim had seen her, she was calm.
Her lips moved slightly, so he bent down to try and hear her final words.
 "I'm so tired…" she whispered.  Her eyes slowly closed, and she stopped moving.
"The enemy general has fallen! My army is the victor!"
Ephraim stood up and declared as loudly as he could, causing the panicking Grado soldiers to drop their weapons one after the other. Some of the Grado soldiers fled, but most of them surrendered to Ephraim’s army.
"Please let us heal you, Lord Ephraim!"
The healers called out to him, and Ephraim finally noticed his wounds. The stress he’d been experiencing mentally had kept him from feeling the physical pain, but Selena's fire magic had covered half of his body with serious burns.
Before retiring to his tent, he ordered his soldiers to search Selena’s belongings. They quickly found the stone that she had gone to the village to buy.
If one was told that it was a gemstone, then they could certainly see it. It emitted a strange light, and was very beautiful. Ephraim put it in his breast pocket.
Duessel and Myrrh came to visit Ephraim while he was in the healing tent. It was hard for him to face her.
However, he couldn’t look away. Ephraim pulled the dragonstone out of his pocket, and handed it to Myrrh. “This is your stone, isn’t it?”
Myrrh wrapped her hands around it and took it. “...Yes. It is my stolen dragonstone. But…” Her large eyes were filled with tears. “I am sad. I have gotten back my precious dragonstone, and yet… I am so very, very sad.”
“I’m sorry, Myrrh. I wanted to persuade her somehow, but I couldn’t do it. I… had no choice but to defeat her.”
“I understand. It wasn’t your fault. It is just sad. Even though she was such a good person… Even though she looked so happy when she talked about the emperor…”
Ephraim closed his eyes. The image of Selena, the woman who was still proud to be the emperor's general despite knowing full well of his insanity, was burned into his mind.
“Why can’t it just be bad people, but also good people who must fight? Why can’t we end this without any good people dying?”
Ephraim closed his eyes and shook his head. “I don’t know why either, Myrrh. But I’m going to the capital to search for answers. That is where everything will be made clear.” Ephraim shifted his gaze over towards Duessel, who was standing quietly behind Myrrh. “General Deussel, Selena said that she was wrong to accuse you of being a traitor. She fully understood your true intentions.”
Those words only made Duessel’s expression grow darker. “....When Glen died, I turned my back against the emperor… So she had to bear the weight of all of that all by herself. The only people left around His Majesty now are wicked men like Riev and Valter. Amid all of that, she fought to try and defend her loyalty to His majesty. She couldn’t help having regrets, but… she did not pity herself.”
“I’m so tired…” Ephraim remembered her final words.
Her voice had sounded like all of the life had been sucked out her, but he thought that he had seen peace in her expression. Perhaps it had been the relief of finally being freed from her grueling fight?
Ephraim stood up. Thanks to the diligent care of the healers, he hardly felt the pain of his burns at all any more. “I don’t understand. She was a smart person. She saw that the emperor was not in his right mind. Then why did she continue to serve the emperor, despite that? Surely she should have known that was not the right path…”
“Lord Ephraim. I was born into a family of knights that has served at the capital for generations. I wanted for nothing, and studied combat under a great teacher since I was young. It was obvious that I would be inducted into the knights.”
Ephraim looked straight at Duessel, wondering what he was telling this story for.
“But Selena was different. She was born in a poor, deserted village. She wasn't one to talk about it much, but I heard rumors. The area was always plagued by famine, and they had to sell off their young children just to survive… That is the kind of village I was told it was."
Myrrh timidly opened her mouth. "It's true. She told me about it as well. When I told her about the terrifying powers of the dark stone, she looked very sad… She told me why she continued to trust the emperor. She said that when she was poor, didn't have anything to eat, and everyone was starving and freezing, he sent food…"
Duessel nodded. “I remember that period very well. One year, a terrible cold front assaulted all of Grado, leaving the remote villages in a state of ruin. And the worst among them all was Selena’s birthplace. His Majesty immediately decided to rush to their aid. Most of his vassals spoke out against using any funding for such a reason. It is embarrassing to admit it, but the nobles and officers, living carefree lives in the capital, did not care what happened to the people living in those regions. They would rather thousands of people starve to death if the opposite meant cutting into their incomes and making them do more work… There were many who thought like that. His Majesty rebuked those rotten nobles and had large shipments of food and clothing sent to the remote villages. I served at his side, so I know this very well. His Majesty… what was happening made him cry.”
Ephraim was reminded of Lyon. Knowing that the ordinary citizens suffered and lived in poverty also pained him. That kindness was likely a trait he had inherited from his father. “So Selena became a knight to repay that favor…?”
“That is correct. For a starving, freezing young child who could only wait for death to come for her, nothing could have made her happier than the food sent from the capital… Selena came to the capital only wanting to serve His Majesty, and knocked on the door of the knights’ barracks. When I first met her, she was a raggedy, thin little girl. Some of the knights even laughed at her. They said this child, who was so poor she couldn’t even buy a decent outfit, must be out of her mind. However, I thought she had promise. There was no one else as passionate and pure in their loyalty, even among the knights. She stood out above all others, and gained His Majesty’s trust. Some were envious that she became a general so young, but I thought she was a perfect fit for the promotion. There was no one better to be Grado's… no, His Majesty’s knight." Duessel closed his eyes to hold back his tears.
The emperor, compassionate towards his citizens, who would cry at just the thought of their suffering, had completely and suddenly changed on that fateful day into a cruel invader. Ephraim could only imagine the extent of Selena’s despair and suffering.
“I’m so tired...” It would be nearly impossible for Ephraim to ever erase her final words from his memory in his entire life.
“And it’s all because of the Dark Stone… right? Does this Dark Stone that Lyon created really possess such terrifying power?” Ephraim looked at Myrrh. “Is there any way for us to return the emperor to who he once was? If we destroy the Dark Stone, will the evil controlling him disappear? He'll return to normal, won't he?"
“That… cannot be done.” Myrrh shook her head with a sunken look on her face. “The ominous energy does not simply control a person. It completely changes them. It is as if the stone breaks who they once were, and plants a new personality within them…”
“Are you saying that in other words, Emperor Vigarde’s kind personality is already completely destroyed?” Ephraim whispered with a sigh.
This meant that Selena had died for an emperor who had become an entirely different person on the inside, even though he still looked the same as always on the outside. There was nothing in the world more pitiable.
“Anyway, we will hurry to the capital, and figure out a way to stop Emperor Vigarde’s tyranny. We cannot allow anyone else to become a victim to the Dark Stone.” Ephraim declared, and walked out of the tent.
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calypsoff · 3 years
Eighty Two.
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Bora Bora is coming to an end, the end I don’t want to happen but it’s getting there because I mean Rylee needs her parents back, she is missing us and my mother said that last night. I think that may have been her way of saying, please come back. Rylee may have played up, I am not sure but my mother does what us back and I think I we need too now so we are having our beach meal, the meal we didn’t have but we are having it today “you are glowing, you pregnant” Robyn said to me, licking my top lip as I fixed the top buttons on the bottom of my shirt “yeah, I am. A month actually” I chuckled “you have really changed a whole skin colour baby, I like it. It looks nice on you, it suits you” I smirked “don’t, you are turning me on” rolling my eyes blowing out air “ain’t your pussy sore from all the sex? On a real” she shook her head “you’re not hitting the sides Chris, oh yes. More wine, please” Robyn is terrible “you take me on a holiday every year, I demand it” nodding my head, I guess every year I will need too because other than that I think Robyn and I may be busy with work “thank you boss” sitting forward, grabing the flute “wait, I want to take a picture of you” here we go “Chris, I really think you should keep up with having a tan, you look so sexy. Silk shirt is making it even better too, I really like this outfit. Who dressed you” I shrugged laughing “me of course, do I look like a pimp. I thought last day here, why not go all out. I look good, thank you” Robyn lifted her phone up and also picked up her flute glass “I want you to clink your glass with me” nodding my head as I sat forward, Robyn clearly pressed record because her camera light came on, picking the glass and clinking it with Robyn “mhmmm” Robyn moaned out loud “freak” drinking from the flute, all the contents were gone because I wasn’t playing “refill boss” I lifted the glass but the waiter left, I was just playing.
Robyn went to the bathroom, so I am just waiting around for her, placing my shades over my eyes looking around the place. It’s beautiful here, it’s quiet, serene. Privacy has been key here, like we been having so much fun and it’s been all in private too so I like that. Taking in a deep breath, she is taking ages in that bathroom, I swear to god “oh my god, aren’t you Chris Brown” looking behind me, the hand tattoo” the white lady said, looking at my hand like an idiot, like it’s my hand of course “oh yeah, yeah” I laughed “I love your clothing line, you need to do a women’s line too” nodding my head “I will, yeah” this is so weird for people to recognize me like this “can I take a selfie with you” I let out an oh sitting up in the chair “sure, come over” I laughed, this white lady really likes me, she really does and she has big boobs, huge, they look kind of fake actually” she ran over to me with her phone in hand, her friend is laughing she leaned over my shoulder her phone in my face, I smiled a little as she took the selfie “thank you so much” looking behind me “no problem” I chuckled, that was so random. Shaking my head laughing to myself “got fans now?” Robyn would come then “you saw?” Robyn raised an eyebrow “I saw her put her boobs on my husband yes” she pulled back the chair “what happened to you?” I questioned “just was cramping a little” nodding my head “you need the toilet for a poop?” Robyn giggled “no, not like that. Just a different cramp, thought I was starting on my period, that is all. I am back now” she is cute.
This has to be the sweetest thing that we have done, I love it here “second home here” looking around “it’s beautiful, but I want to say a big thank you. For you having so much patience with me, being understanding because I know at the end you had enough, but you were holding back to not upset me, also thank you for just being the best you with me. Constantly just spoiling me with love, and for showing so much concern, like the way you are with me. I have never heard a story with my besties that their men did what you did for me, you are truly a role model man Rylee is going to want as her husband, she is going to have a high standard for a man because of you. I didn’t, I admit it but than you. You are so good to me; I pinch myself thinking how. I am annoying, I know Chris I can be but it hans’t altered you, it’s hard adapting to fame and being famous with so much to have, the attention too but you never let it get to you. I am thankful for you, and the way you are honestly just. I can’t describe it but I was feeling self-conscious, scared to show me to you, my body and you just been understanding and constantly just holding me, kissing the parts I felt I hated. We needed this more then we knew and it’s a trip I am going to remember” I chuckled, nodding my head smiling “that is so sweet, you don’t need to be saying that to me, I am your husband. I am always supportive of you, I am over protective of you too. It’s ok, I love you rabbit” licking my lips, Robyn held her hand out. Reaching over and holding onto her hand “them nasty white girls near you” I snorted laughing, I knew she would mention it.
Holding Robyn’ hand as we walked back to the bungalow but took the scenic route on the beach “have you ever tried anal?” Robyn asked looking up at me, looking over at Robyn in shock she even asked that “I mean spending my time in jail, I didn’t want to ever think of anal, there was gay niggas out there that were doing that. Nah, and no I didn’t with her either. You ain’t done it, I mean I know of course” I winked, Robyn giggled “but like I wonder how it feels, you know? You think it would be good?” nodding my head, your hole is tight Robyn. I am going to be busting quick, I know it” Robyn poked her lips out “I have been curious you know; I remember that an ex wanted to try it. Not naming names but I freaked out” nodding my head “so you why are you asking now?” I questioned, it’s odd she is “I am comfortable with you, I would like to try it with you” my smile grew “then we can, aye. Don’t get shy, it’s cute” placing my arm around her shoulders with our hands still connected “you’re so annoying” she is here getting shy asking me.
Robyn gasped “are you watching porn!” Robyn came out from the bathroom “no” I laughed “stop it, I just clicked on a video, just checking” Robyn came rushing over “you ass! That is porn” I busted out laughing “I am off it now but what it says, first time you can bleed you know? You sure? But I need to be slow and steady, lots of lube and I got that and also foreplay, but I need to be slow. You sure? I don’t want to hurt you” Robyn cooed out “you won’t I trust you, don’t you dare watch porn” she pushed me lightly, I chuckled “I won’t” walking back to the bed “also we shouldn’t have normal sex, just don’t want you to get an infection. Just precaution” look at me being all careful “and this is why I trust you Chris, don’t worry about it. I can’t wait, I will be out” sitting on the bed, Robyn got me researching this. Robyn just ain’t any bitch, I wouldn’t have cared really. I would have fucked the fuck in her ass and pussy, the fuck I care but this is my wife. I will be the most careful with her, she wants to try it and I am there to do that journey with her.
Robyn had a bath “I am starting to think you know more then you are letting on” she is doing everything I read “Chris, it is called reading. Reading is key boo, come on” she took her towel off, already naked “what was that?” even I heard that, it was like someone, or something fell “put a towel on, let me check” we have been leaving the door open every day and night so it’s weird to hear anything out there, making my way out of the double doors, looking around the wooden deck. Stepping outside and looked around seeing nothing “can you see anything?” Robyn said behind me “no nothing, let’s just go inside” making my back in, closing the doors and locked it “let’s close the curtains now” I don’t want nobody to see “who fucking cares, I don’t” she says that, but I do, I don’t want no man looking at my women. I don’t like that “come on” Robyn fell on the bed waving me over, pushing my shorts down, luckily I wasn’t walking around naked yet. I was going too, but luckily I didn’t because what the fuck was that.
Moving back from Robyn, I had to eat her out from the back once again. I had to prepare it and please Robyn of course, I hope I do this right, if I fuck up I am going to be so mad at myself. Coating my two fingers with lube, leaning down and giving her a last lick, I think I do enjoy it now. Coating her hole with lube, with little warning, while I knew Robyn was still basking in the bliss of orgasm, I let my finger find its way into Robyn’ tight hole, slowly pushing it in, little by little. I wasn’t going to be rough, no way would I do that to her, it’s not me with Robyn. I am going to cum so quick, it’s so tight “taking your virginity here Robyn” I laughed to myself “I don’t know how to feel about that” Robyn chuckled, she then let out a moan at the intrusion. I hissed out “fuck, you are so tight!” I spat once I had my finger halfway in. I started to slowly pull it out “man, this is different, this is going to have me bust so quick” all Robyn could do was moan at my words. I continued to put my finger in and out slowly, I then gradually added another finger. Her butt is slowly relaxing, it is getting there “you are so relaxed about this, I can feel it” she isn’t tense, she wanted this. Grabbing the lube, adding a little more so I can more easily thrust another finger inside and twist it a little “ah” Robyn let out as I did twist a fingers a little “too much?” I asked “no, I like it” nodding my head, she likes it so who am I to stop, she is really ready for the moment.
I slipped a condom on my dick, I am honestly going to bust so quick, Robyn is tight as hell and this is not going to be long, I just know it. Once I put my condom on I used my hand to gather some of Robyn’ juices, gently rubbing her core, and then she used those juices to coat my dick ready “you’re so wet that I used your juices to coat my dick” I said “because I find this a turn on actually” but of course I used lube too, I do not want Robyn to be pain, she needs to be lubed up. I don’t want to risk hurting Robyn. Once I was ready I lined myself up with Robyn’ ass, peaking over as I slowly started to slip into Robyn wanting to see her reaction. It was just the head at first, I pushed my dick in slowly, to allow Robyn time to get used to it, to allow herself time to enjoy the sensation. I looked down and the sight of my dick halfway in Robyn ass made my dick twitch “oh” Robyn gasped, I pulled out a little then thrust myself back in, further this time. I repeated this motion. Again. Again. Again. I could see Robyn begin to grip the pillow, could feel her tighten on my dick.
Robyn is really gripping the pillow “you good?” I asked, I have to ask “yes, it’s a good but weird feeling” nodding my head, quacking the speed a little and Robyn breathed out “oh my!” Robyn spat, bringing my hand around her and started to rub her slit as I pushed in deeper, I ain’t even that in yet but I need to try and get my dick in more, Robyn literally screamed out and I froze “keep going” she then said “just keep rubbing my clit, faster and harder” licking my lips as I kept going further in, Robyn moaned out and so did I, I fuckin love this. This feel so good, feeling myself getting and I fell forward into her “ah!” I cringed at myself when I did do it “oh shit” pulling myself out, oh her hole is getting wider, licking my top “my god” Robyn mumbled, she arched her back “keep going” she is a trooper “are you in pain?” I don’t get it “just keep going” she does not want to hear me; she just wants me to keep going so I will obey of course.
Robyn and I fell to the on the bed, my dick slipping out of her as we fell on our sides. We did it and we made it “I need to wash my hand, Robyn done came on it “don’t move” she said but I do need to take my condom off “ok, let me take the condom off first” pulling off the condom and tying it at the top before throwing it on the floor, I will pick it up after “are you sure, you are ok?” I have to ask because she seems a little different now, maybe I hurt her “no it’s ok” Robyn mumbled, wrapping my arms around her tighter “I didn’t hurt you” she shook her head “I am just tired now, that is all” taking in a deep breath, pressing a kiss to her shoulder “I love you” I mumbled, I really do and honestly it is something I would like to do again because to me that felt so good. I really enjoyed it immensely too, everything felt so nice. I am shocked that Robyn even wanted to do this, I can’t believe it but we have been doing a lot of sex and a lot of things, so this was on the list.
Robyn and I are now stuck in our phones and back on the jet, back to real life with us and back to work I guess. I think a lot of people have been after us in terms of work so I am just look through messages, I have niggas asking me to model their stuff, seems like a joke to me. Locking my phone and looking over at Robyn “you look so stressed out, are you ok?” I am concerned “no, I am not. Trust me, I have had such a good time in Bora Bora. Yes including the fact my ass feels weird, don’t you dare say it” I snorted laughing “does it feel airy?” Robyn rolled her eyes at me “airy? Boy fuck you” I busted out laughing, getting up from the seat “I am joking with you, I love you so so much” leaning down to her “I love you too” she looked up at me and I pecked her lips, nuzzling her nose grinning “you going to sleep?” Robyn said “no, I am going for a pee, be back” I swear I don’t think I could ever fly economy now; I am not bougie, but I can’t do it now because I am so used to having this space and having the freedom to be us, I like it.
Sitting back down across from Robyn “oh my god” she said “mhmm?” I said all confused “ok, yes show me” Robyn disconnected the phone “I just went for a pee and come back, you look angry” I am confused “well, I thought we had privacy. Someone as sold pictures of us when we went to the lagoon, I thought we had nobody else there! Unless that fucking boat driver did it. I am so pissed off. I am scared to see the pictures, Tina said they are shocking” Robyn’ phone pinged “just look at them, I can’t. I am scared” taking her phone “Robyn, I am sorry for whatever the fuck happened. It must have been the boat driver or whatever” tapping on the first picture, I couldn’t help but laugh. I knew straight away what these are “what is funny?” sliding across onto the next pictures “oh my god” I am laughing but I don’t know if she will find it funny, it’s just funny how you keep sliding across and then Robyn’ head disappears behind the rock, least my dick on show “well uhm, it’s not bad. So it was when you were giving me head behind the rock” passing the phone back “as you go across you see your head go behind the rock” I chuckled, Robyn gasped taking her phone. I honestly love the picture set, I will be posting about this.
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everything-withered · 4 years
Hold me anyway, a Cherry Magic fic
Ever since Adachi had come clean about being able to hear the thoughts of the people who touch him, and admitting to him how badly it affects Adachi when compounded with his anxiety, Kurosawa knows not to just. Touch him anymore.
At this moment though, Adachi wishes Kurosawa still did.
Read on ao3 or read it under the cut
It's no secret that Adachi is an anxious mess. He's accepted that this is who he is as a person. It's manageable to some degree, he's been anxious as long as he can remember, but being able to hear other people's thoughts is a layer of stress he isn't used to.
Sure, he's done what he could when he first got his powers to work around it, waking up early to avoid the morning rush being the main one. But with today requiring him to be at work later than usual; it was withstand the foot traffic or show up two hours early for the meeting and leave work two hours later. The logistics decided it for him.
That, and Kurosawa's good morning message and subsequent phone call that assured, "I have the utmost faith in you."
Though, perhaps Kurosawa believes in him too much.
Adachi himself had forgotten how awful it is to be constantly touched and flooded by the inner voices of everyone around him. It certainly didn't help that he was two for two with rush hour both in the morning commute and the evening one.
He's so desperate for no one to touch him for at least a minute that he gets off the elevator two floors below his actual destination just so he can sit on the staircase, his head between his knees, and hyperventilate.
Adachi doesn't know how long he's been sitting there, or when his breath finally goes back to normal, but he's exhausted.
Realizing that he's two floors away from his bed doesn't help.
With a sigh, Adachi hauls himself up on unsteady legs and makes the journey up. About halfway through, his stomach growls, and he feels a little sick at the thought of food: though whether it's the thought of eating it, making it, or just the concept as a whole, he isn't sure.
He's still deciding which, and if it's worth skipping dinner over when he's already skipped lunch because of the meeting when he finally puts his key into the door and shuffles in.
Miserable and tired, finding Kurosawa in his kitchen is a strange relief.
It wasn't, not so long ago.
Adachi is hardly at his best, at the moment, and Kurosawa is. Well, Kurosawa. He'd gone to see a client in person today and hadn't been at the office, but he's already changed out of his suit and waistcoat, is wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants instead, but even casual, he looks perfect and soft, and he's smiling at Adachi and-and --
"Adachi!" There's a clatter as Kurosawa hastily sets aside the spoon he'd been using to stir dinner with, and closes the short distance between them, though he doesn't touch Adachi right away. 
For a moment, Kurosawa's hands flutter.
Ever since Adachi had come clean about being able to hear the thoughts of the people who touch him, and admitting to him how badly it affects Adachi when compounded with his anxiety, Kurosawa knows not to just. Touch him anymore.
At this moment though, Adachi wishes Kurosawa still did.
He was always quite affectionate before Adachi had told him, not in any way that would have normally stressed Adachi out before he'd gotten his powers, but. Well. Thinking on it now, he misses how casually Kurosawa would walk close enough that their shoulders would brush, the back of their hands would touch, their fingers overlap. And now he doesn't. Not unless Adachi makes the first move.
And it's great, usually, it's a relief to not have that pressure, to not be taken by surprise at someone's inner monologue in Adachi's head, but. But.
"Adachi...what's wrong?" Kurosawa asks, twisting at the dishtowel he usually keeps over his shoulder when he's cooking, for a lack of an apron at Adachi's place. Adachi should've gotten him one. He'd been meaning to, for Christmas. But then things had gone side-ways and Adachi had almost ruined everything, he'd almost lost --
"Adachi, hey," Kurosawa coaxes, trying to meet his eyes, and conveying as much calm as he can manage when he doesn't know what's going on. Because Adachi can't even breathe right let alone string a sentence together to explain and he's just -- a disaster. "Can I...what can I do? How can I help, Adachi?" And he's shuffling, Adachi realizes, fighting his natural urge to come closer with Adachi's usual desire for him to keep his distance when Adachi gets like this, and that's-that's.
"Hold me," Adachi finally manages through a jaw that feels locked with the tension built up in his shoulders. "Please Kurosawa, I --"
He doesn't need to be told twice.
Kurosawa guides Adachi's face to the lee of his neck, an arm wrapped around his back while the hand from earlier soothes through his hair. It's probably a mess. It usually is. Kurosawa's fingers going through it won't tidy it up, but it does make Adachi feel a little better.
That, and Kurosawa's murmurs against his temple, "I'm right here. It's just you and me, Adachi. Just you and me."
The longer they stand there together, embracing in the kitchen, the calmer Adachi starts to feel. It helps that he's getting no other thoughts from Kurosawa but a still picture of a pond, the vague impression of a gentle breeze. It's...strange.
But when Kurosawa pulls away to meet his eyes again, his expression too is serene and patient, and Adachi finds himself blinking away the vestiges of a haze Adachi is groggily realizing had been Kurosawa's thoughts.
"How did you...what?"
With just the barest touch to stroke back Adachi's hair into some semblance of order, Kurosawa smiles. "I've been reading up about calming techniques. I thought, maybe they would help." Looking a little sheepish he adds, "I thought I'd have to describe them to you, not. That. But, I hoped they helped."
Dazed, Adachi nods. "I...yes, thank you, Yuichi."
At that, Kurosawa's cheeks go pink. "Ah," he says, lightly scolding, "that's a rude way to thank me."
Adachi fumbles, his face heating as he stutters an apology, hands reaching out of their own accord before he's even thinking of it. "I didn't -- I wasn't -- not in a bad way, Kurosawa, I -- "
Kurosawa chuckles; his smile widening, his blush brightening his eyes. "I'm just teasing you, Adachi-kun. Do you...do you feel better?"
"I do...thank you," he replies, feeling embarrassed at how earnest Kurosawa is, an emotion that doesn't dissipate when Kurosawa says, "Good, I'm glad." Before standing there and staring fondly at him.
Standing so close together, it's inevitable that the calming projection of Kurosawa's thoughts give way to his actual thoughts; namely about Adachi: him standing there all shy and awkward before the mental picture shifts to Kurosawa sweeping him up to feed him, and take care of him, and hold him close and --
Adachi feels his whole body go hot. "Ah," he says, disentangling himself from Kurosawa, a little alarmed at the fuzzy feeling in his belly and his head, no longer able to tell where his thoughts begin and Kurosawa's end. "I'm just going to...yeah, thank you," Adachi says, trying to make a respectful escape without making it seem like he doesn't want to be around Kurosawa.
Which he does. More and more every day.
But even with Kurosawa knowing about his powers, Kurosawa never seems to run out of sweet things to think about of Adachi. It's...it's flattering and lovely, and Adachi doesn't know what to do with it, only that he's got a threshold for how much he can blush and Kurosawa regularly exceeds it.
There's a small part of Adachi that worries Kurosawa will lose his patience, that one day Adachi will touch him and Kurosawa's thoughts will not be so kind, but.
Kurosawa doesn't appear offended at the sudden distance Adachi has put between them, a staple really, for when Adachi gets startled and overwhelmed. He only hums, flashing Adachi a relieved smile before nodding at Adachi to go into the adjoining room to change with the added comment thrown in that "dinner will be ready soon".
Now that Adachi is feeling better, he finds that he's hungrier than he thought.
Dinner is amazing as always. Adachi wonders aloud if Kurosawa's got powers of his own, he's constantly surprised at the caliber of food Kurosawa comes up with on the meager stock of Adachi's kitchen. 
Kurosawa, humble as always, merely waves off his compliments, though a brush of their fingers reveals how much he revels in pleasing Adachi. It makes them smile at each other.
When it's time for bed, Adachi is watching Kurosawa settle into the futon on the floor after he'd insisted on checking that the front door was locked because "you've had a rough day, go on and get comfortable, you need your rest" when Adachi realizes just how wonderful Kurosawa is.
It's a fact he is always aware of. Double mayo is the best flavor, rain falls down and Kurosawa is perfect; unquestionable, unshakeable, constant.
He thinks of ways to help Adachi, always thinking of Adachi, always trying to make him comfortable, always caring for him.
Kurosawa is still smiling at him when Adachi reaches for the bedside lamp and hesitates.
He's had a lot of physical contact today, a lot of thoughts that aren't his own occupying his head, but thinking on it, A decides that he wouldn't mind if...maybe...
"Does Yuichi want to..." Kurosawa is so startled he sits up. Adachi stutters, "Not to. Do anything. Just. Uh. Hold me. Like...like earlier."
Kurosawa doesn't look disappointed, in fact, he looks even softer and gentler than before. "Are you sure?"
And Adachi is glad he asks, but he is. He is sure. His nod is decisive, and Kurosawa wastes no time in getting up completely and abandoning the futon. He still telegraphs his movements, always conscious that A might change his mind. However, this time Adachi is sure.
He's sure when he and Kurosawa switch places so that he's against the wall, and if it gets too much for Adachi, he can get up. He's sure when he settles back into the bed, moves Kurosawa's arm around him, and lays his head on Kurosawa's chest. And he's sure when they're lying there -- almost nose to nose.
There's something very delicate, very raw on Kurosawa's face.
In the dark, Adachi watches him blink, hears him swallow before, "You should warn me before you do things like this, I don't think my heart can take it."
Adachi can hear the way it races beneath his ear and doesn't think Kurosawa is lying. Though Kurosawa is also warm and pliant all around him, and with Adachi getting nothing from Kurosawa's thoughts but a comforting, tender haze that Adachi is in danger of sinking into and never coming out of, he doesn't think Kurosawa actually minds.
Though, if he does, Adachi brushes their noses together and says, ''It's okay, Yuichi, it's just you and me."
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serararku · 3 years
Where the Wild Things Are Pt 3
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The pool beneath Valhaas Barrow came from a subterranean river said to stretch all the way from the Black Shroud. The source of nearly every oasis in Thanalan, it remained the sole reason why the Miqo'te and various beast tribes could even survive in the dust-swept wastes. This water was as precious as it was sacred, reserved only for those closest resembling the divine image of Azeyma. The punishment for any Tia, slave, or outsider in this holy place was death.
The walls were painted by the many hands of women who came before. Some told tales of legendary heroes, others of harrowing tragedies; but the space along the ground was reserved for the kittens, who doodled rough paintings of flowers, or the sun, or even each other. Era wanted to place her mark in this place too one day, but she wanted to make it count- she wanted it to mean something.
“Well?” Her mother asked, catching her attention. She stood with two aunts, and all three stared at the woman expectantly. “We can’t get you clean if you’re not naked.”
Era was hesitant, but begrudgingly obeyed, starting with her boots before working her way up. When she first left her family to search for Tage, she had only a few scrapes on her hands from pulling feisty rodents from their tunnels and homes; but the more skin she revealed now, the paler her mother became. Era had her shirt halfway over her head when she was swarmed by her and her aunts.
“Were you stabbed?! Beaten?!” Yuun traced a few scars on Era’s stomach with her finger. “Gunshot wounds… did the shelled men do this?”
Era was barely able to get a word out when their hands began poking and prodding at all of her past injuries; something about this made her feel more vulnerable and ashamed now more than ever. “Y-yes, the Garleans-”
“What happened to your arm?!” Her mother grabbed her by the elbow and held her forearm close to her face. “Is this a burn?! How did this happen?!”
“Mom, please!” Era yanked her arm back and slinked away from their incessant touching. “It’s a long story… all of it is…” Telling them about how ‘Had-rel’ commanded her to stick her hand into a crackling fireplace was the last thing on her mind. Or the time she was shot during her ambush against that Garlean century. Or the time she got smacked in the side of the head and lost consciousness for a minute. Or all the times she was beaten during her many training lessons.
She aptly decided to change the subject before they continued to pelt her with questions.
“Do I have to do this? I don’t… I don’t want to mate with him, mom…”
Her mother’s face was still flushed with worry, but a reassuring smile began to creep along the corners of her lips. “Leave us.” She commanded, sending the grumbling women back upstairs to give them the space they needed. Era flinched and looked away when she casually pulled off her clothes; she knew she would have to be naked, but she wasn’t expecting her mother to do the same. Her skin was like polished porcelain, with her rich brown hair ending in small curls that almost reached to her knees once she let it all down. Even after giving birth seven times, her body remained a work of art. It was hard not to stare, harder still not to be envious; Era could only hope to have half a body like her mothers in twenty years. “We used to bathe all the time naked together, dear. Why are you so nervous now? All that time in those tribeless cities has affected you.” She reached over and gently took her daughter by the hand. “Come come, into the water while it’s still warm.”
Getting washed by her mother made her feel like a kitten all over again- a recurring theme since returning to her home. The water was warmed by dropping smoldering rocks heated by the bonfire into the depths, but the pool itself was surprisingly shallow- barely reaching over her hips while sitting down. Era definitely remembered being able to float in this exact pool when she was just a little younger. Did she really grow so fast? Or has the pool been shrinking since she departed? 
Her mother started with her hair, massaging raw honey into her scalp until it ran down her chest, shoulders, and back. “You need to grow out your hair. Keeping it short is cute... but there isn’t a Nunh alive that wouldn’t kill to gaze upon your body with hair that reaches the floor.”
“Mmmn…” Was all Era could mumble in between licking at the honey dripping too close to her mouth; the little bit of boar she ate from her mother’s helping wasn’t nearly enough.
“Era…?” Her mother started, causing her ears to perk. “You have been mating in the cities?” She did her best to conceal her startled shock, but her flattening ears and her tail thrashing about in the water beside her mother gave away the truth. Era’s mind frantically raced as she tried to conjure up a convincing lie, but her sudden silence only further proved her guilt.
“W-what are you t-talking about…?”
“I know bite marks when I see them.” She gave her daughter’s shoulder a few sharp pinches. “These ones look recent… very recent. You were supposed to save your first time for your Nunh.”
“W-well, I… I figured… w-why not practice…? F-for when I’m with my Nunh, I mean…” Era didn’t dare turn to look her mother in the eyes; the heat searing her face, neck, and now shoulders, was enough to boil this water. “That makes sense… r-right…?”
“A man has patience for a maiden.” She started, with the tone of her voice darkening. “Don’t tell Vahli about your ‘practice’, I don’t know how he will react.” Her mother paused to gather her hair in her hands to expose Era’s shoulders and back. She then plucked a lump of cactuar flesh out of the water to rub against her skin; with luck, the rejuvenating flesh would help conceal her more recent love marks. “What is his name?”
“Zevi…” For some reason she decided against revealing his tribe, not that it mattered; he cut all ties with them long ago.
“A Tia from the tribeless cities.” Yuun mused, working down one of Era’s arms. “He must be quite something for you to abandon your duties to the tribe. What is he like? Is he handsome? Strong?”
Era bit her lip for a moment in silence, but the silence did only last for a moment. “Brown skin burned by the sun. Black hair like raven feathers… and looking into his eyes is like staring up at the bright blue sky. Is he handsome…? Mom, he’s gorgeous…” She blinked a few times before clearing her throat. “And um… he’s strong enough to punch a deeproot tree out of the ground with a single punch. He was with me when I stormed that castrum to avenge Tage’s dea-...” Mentioning his name again put a dull ache in her heart; she thought she was over his death, but being here… where her journey all began… and it almost felt like she was right back in her apartment, staring at his ruined corpse all over again.
“I’m so sorry, honey…” Her mother leaned forward and wrapped her arms around her. “I know you wanted him. But he is with Azeyma now… hunting in Her endless fields of eternal sunlight.”
Era leaned into her mother’s embrace and closed her eyes. “Mom… I… I don’t want to lose Zevi. But if I defy the Nunh… I’ll lose my family…” Slowly she turned to look her mother in the eyes. “What do I do…?”
She planted a wet kiss on Era’s temple before sitting upright to continue scrubbing her daughter’s skin. “When your father became the tribe’s Nunh, he had to kill my father to do it. I was… I was so angry that this overgrown brute murdered my father and expected me to have his children in return… like I should be thanking him for taking my father away from me. I planned on killing him before it was my turn to pleasure him, you know. I almost went through with it.”
“What stopped you…?”
“My mother did. Killing him wouldn’t bring my father back… and it would only put the entire tribe in terrible danger. Any Tia could walk in and claim us as their wives without having to fight for it. No… instead of that, my mother suggested a better way. I learned Rarku’s secrets, memorized what made him tick, and discovered his deepest desires. I did my duty as his wife, and eventually had him eating out of the palm of my hand. Men are simple creatures… and easy to please. I guess what I’m saying is…”
“To do my duty and stop complaining?” Era groaned. “I don’t know if that’s something I wa-ow! Ow ow ow!” Yuun gave her daughter a warm smile as she continued to pinch and twist her ear.
“Let me finish.” She firmly spoke, eventually releasing her. “You can’t have your family and your forbidden love if you don’t have his favor. Do what us wives do best, dear… turn your will into law.” She took Era by the chin and turned her head toward her. “If you’re successful, you may even be able to convince him to let you visit the tribeless cities every few years or so.”
They remained quiet for the rest of the bath. Yuun washed the honey from Era’s hair thrice over, until her locks shimmered in the flickering torchlight. She ran a bison-hair comb through the fur on her tail until it glided effortlessly from base to tip, and lastly she scrubbed Era’s face with hardened animal fat and spearmint leaves. As soon as her mother rinsed her face, she shot up to her feet in a hurry. "What-?! Where do you think you are going without your clothes?!"
"There’s only two things I can do that shouldn’t be done with clothes on." Era called back, turning to look down at her mother. “If I want Vahli to do what I want… I need to leave an impression. Goodbye, mother, and thank you for the bath.” Without another word she spun on her heel and began marching to the exit, foregoing her clothes and leaving her mother and her dignity behind.
Walking among tribekin topless or wearing little more than war paint and boots wasn’t an uncommon sight for this sect. The concept of modesty was a little more ambiguous around here, with many kittens running around butt-naked during the summer migrations. But for a fully grown woman strutting her stuff and soaked from bathing in the blessed waters was, well, just strange enough to garner attention. 
Era held her breath and stepped beyond the curtain dividing the sacred pools from the rest of Valhaas Barrow. The searing heat returned to her face and shoulders the moment she saw familiar faces down the hall, but it was too late to turn back now; she was in deep, and if her confidence wavered now, she wouldn’t be capable of seducing Vahli, and her chance of keeping both her tribe and Zevi in her life would blow up in her face. “If I refuse Vahli, and return to Ul’dah, I would never see my mother and family again. If I fail to impress Vahli, I wouldn’t be able to be with Zevi.” Era had to focus on organizing her thoughts to distract her from the gawking stares. Most of the slaves averted their gazes when she strode into view, while many of the warrior women nodding approvingly. “I need to blow his mind to keep both my tribe and my love. Gods… I hope he’s not worrying about me…” She caught a glimpse of Denoh sitting alone in the corner with his boar scraps in his grasp, but she looked away before their eyes met. Despite the audible gasps or faint whispers, Era found herself handling this situation quite well; at the very least, nobody was trying to stop her, or call her out by her name-
“Yeah-hahah! Errraaaa!” Chaje Koss hollered and shouted when she briskly marched by, holding a half-empty skin; with three empty skins littered around her staggering feet. She was as sloppy drunk as you could get on fermented goat’s milk without also getting food poisoning. “Go get you some! Hahaha- yeeeeaaaahhhh!” Soon others joined in, giving the ‘champion of Azeyma’ a round of applause. Era wanted to wither away and die, but she couldn’t stop herself from smiling at her aunt’s slurred encouragement. She awkwardly waved at them before reaching the bottom of the incline, and the spiraling tunnel that led to her destination.
Era stormed into his personal chambers by nearly ripping the leather curtain from the ceiling. Vahli was hunched over the stone table with Auntie Shepka, the Lady of War, at his shoulder when they both looked up at the same time to witness her and all her splendor. She stood there in silence as she caught her breath, letting her Nunh’s gaze follow the beads of water trickle down her shapely form. Era could feel his eyes on the bullet scars dotted on her stomach, the discoloration from the old burn halfway up her forearm, and the deep scratches covering her fingers. Judging by his ears flattening against his head and his thick tail twitching under the table, he clearly liked what he saw. Yet she couldn’t tell if he was speechless or not; he wasn’t exactly a chatterbox when they first met out by the bonfire. 
Fortunately Shepka was willing to break the awkward silence. “Ahem… you should tend to this…” She reached over and rolled the leather up before tucking it under her arm. “We’ll discuss our plans later when you have more time.” Vahli still didn’t speak- he simply nodded in her direction, but his gaze never left Era. In fact they kept their staring contest going as Shepka walked past her on her way to leave, and the naked woman didn’t blink until the two were alone at last.
Vahli pushed off the table and stood up straight. His pointed ears were only a fulm and a quarter away from brushing against the ceiling. “Your scars… you’ve seen many battles…?” Era caught on to the tone of his voice almost immediately; he was distracted… surprised… nervous. She could use this. It felt like that time she seduced that Lalafell in the Gold Saucer, but she knew he wasn't lonely enough for her to come on that strong. She closed her eyes, took a few deep and steady breaths, and relaxed; the rest came naturally.
“I didn’t come all this way to talk.” Era stepped back and reached behind her to make sure the curtain was fully closed. A shy smile spread across her face once she began walking along the wall, plucking each torch up and blowing them out like candles; one by one she dimmed the room, until only a single torch resting on the table beside Vahli remained.
Era emerged from the dark, her blue eyes reflecting the only light source left in this chamber. There were no chocobo down beds, and no cotton pillows or wool blankets for them to rest on; only the loose dirt floor and the hard stone table. "I will return to you…" She reached up and grabbed her Nunh by the bone necklace, and pulled him down into her awaiting kiss.
"Whatever the price… I'll pay it!"
Mentions: @rzevi-tia-ffxiv​
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bgn846 · 4 years
If Only It Were That Simple
Summary: Ignis and Gladio go on a diplomatic trip together in place of Noct. They are alone and having to make do with what little amenities are available. Que some angst and a few misunderstandings, what else could happen?
Unable to understand why Gladio still had a smile plastered on his face; Ignis tried his best to not scream out loud. First, they’d been drenched while waiting at the train station for a ride.  Then, the car that had come to get them, suffered a flat tire.  Gladio had of course offered to help the lone driver in switching to the spare, which meant Ignis felt the need to get out and help as well.
So, here they were, ninety minutes later, standing in what was most likely the town hall, waiting to meet with the man in charge. This was supposed to be a diplomatic mission to strengthen ties with an outlining village north of Insomnia. The nifs hadn’t made it out that far, so the place was left relatively untouched. Ignis suspected it was left alone simply due to the fact that it was so difficult to get to! Protected by mountains and only accessible via one poorly maintained road, this village was the epitome of off the beaten path.  
Working to suppress his shivers Ignis tried not to pace the small space as they waited to be seen. The driver had shown them into the cramped space and promptly disappeared. Most likely to go find whoever was supposed to greet them.
Breathing deeply through his nose, Ignis attempted to calm his nerves. They’d been chosen to come out here on Noct’s behalf. The prince’s royal advisor and shield held some clout in certain places. It made sense why Regis had been reluctant to send Noct. They were in the middle of nowhere. Any visit from the crown was good, whether or not it featured an actual royal. Ignis was proud to serve his friend and prince in any way.
Despite this sentiment, he was struggling with his emotions. He should feel special that the king trusted him enough to handle this mission. However, as the rain continued to pour down outside with no other signs of life appearing, Ignis was beginning to wonder if they were being laughed at back in Insomnia. He could almost hear Regis and Clarus debating how they’d handle the trip ‘let’s send the two youngins’ out into the field and see how they do’. His daydream of their current nightmare ended soon enough, he had other things to worry about.    
When he’d first been debriefed for the mission, it had sounded like the perfect escape, a far-away place, no prince to take care of, and pure unadulterated alone time with Gladio.  Now, as he fought to keep his composure, he wasn’t so sure.  The part of his brain that handled his ever-growing crush on his friend, and fellow crownsguard, wasn’t being very helpful either. Having to constantly tramp down on the barrage of ‘you’re finally alone with Gladio’ thoughts was a challenge. He was on a diplomatic trip, not in some romantic fueled fantasy land.
“I see why they didn’t want to send Noct,” Gladio offered quietly as they waited. “It’s a little rough n’ tumble out here.”
“Yes, well, I don’t see why they had to send us instead,” Ignis hissed under his breath, his self-doubt kicking in.
“Aw come on Iggy, it’s an adventure. No boring council meetings or pampering a grumpy princess for the next week. Relax and have some fun.”
Ignis tried desperately to cling to those words of encouragement.  He managed to survive the introductory meeting with Bhanis, the man in charge. They sat in soaked clothing for nearly thirty minutes as Bhanis talked and talked.  The guy either didn’t care that they were clearly uncomfortable or hadn’t noticed. Ignis was leaning on the side of hadn’t noticed, since Bhanis’ own appearance indicated that he’d also gotten soaked through with the rain. Perhaps it was a normal occurrence in this place. Sitting around and having meetings in damp clothing.
Though, Ignis’ patience was wearing dangerously thin as the leader of the small village showed them to their rooms.  Or rather a room. Turns out when you call someone by their official title and fail to add more detail, misunderstandings can happen.
Staring at the lone bed in the space Ignis tried to think of something to say that wouldn’t come off as being rude. Thinking fast he blurted the first thing that came to mind. “Is the other room nearby? I’d like to have a debriefing meeting with my collogue before dinner.”
Bhanis furrowed his brow and frowned. “This is the only room, we only have one.”
Did that mean they’d only prepared one room and they had others, or this was literally the only guest room in the whole village? “I see; might there be another room available with two beds?” Ignis tried hoping he wasn’t sounding too dense. The man had just said it was their only room.
“No, sorry, we only have this space to house our guests. Your communication only mentioned one person coming so we thought it would be alright. I think it had noted an advisor and a shield.” Bhanis paused and looked over to their bags. “Though, that’s an awfully small shield if you’ve fit it in your pack.”
Realization dawned on Ignis. They’d thought he was talking about a thing, not a person. Vowing to go back and reread his letters to Bhanis, Ignis was sure he’d clearly mentioned two people. “No problem, we will make due,” he replied with a forced smile.
“Good, good, we’re all very excited to have someone from the crown visit.  Not many people make it out this way.” Bhanis announced with a grin. “Rest until dinner if you’d like, I’ll send someone to fetch you when it’s ready.”
The moment the door closed Ignis began apologizing, “I’m so sorry this has happened, I didn’t think they’d misread what I’d sent over. I can sle--.”
“Iggy, calm down, I’m not complaining,” Gladio interjected. “This is fun, it’s a new place with new things to learn.”
Groaning by way of an answer, Ignis threw himself into a nearby chair and sulked. This was his first mission away from Insomnia and he’d already screwed it up.  He was only nineteen and still working hard to earn the respect of those at the citadel. Did it matter that he’d been personally chosen by the king to stand by Noct? Not to everyone else it seemed. Lost in his own mental battle, Ignis missed Gladio walking over.
“Hey Iggy, you should take a hot shower and change, hanging out in these damp clothes for too long isn’t good.”
“Hrm, oh yes, quite right.  Where’s my bag?” he asked looking around in a daze.
Gladio motioned with this thumb where the bags were but didn’t step away, “You okay? You seem a little frazzled.”
“It’s nothing, I’m fine,” he lied.
“Hey, I’m not one of the council members, you don’t have to lie to me,” Gladio replied with a reproachful tone.
“Apologies Gladio, I’m merely lost in my own thoughts, do forgive me.”
“Go, hop in the shower, I’ll see what’s on tv, and then maybe we can relax a little before dinner.”
Taking the opportunity to be alone, Ignis quickly got up and rushed into the bathroom. Praying for hot water Ignis turned the taps on and began getting ready.  He needed to get a grip. Worrying about what everyone else thought wasn’t going to help. Ignis needed to have a successful trip and not act like a total idiot in front of Gladio. How hard could that be?
Ignis discovered that not acting like an idiot was in fact, very hard. Ten minutes later as he stood with nothing but a small towel wrapped around his waist, he realized his mistake. The bag with his clothes was still in the room. Why did the Eos hate him today? Before he could fret any longer a knock sounded at the door.
“Hey, you forgot your bag, do you want it now?” Gladio asked.
“Yes, please, and thank you.” If his voice cracked, Gladio didn’t comment.  Soon the door opened and his bag was handed off. Ignis could feel his face burning from the embarrassment of it all. Thankfully, he stayed hidden behind the door and promptly snapped it shut when Gladio’s arm was clear.
What more would he have to endure before the night was over? Then, in a flash, Ignis remembered what his brain had so craftily pushed aside earlier. There was only one bed; they were going to have to share.   Normally this wouldn’t have been an issue, they’d gone camping together before and shared a tent, but this was different. The camping trips had been a long time ago when they were younger before Ignis had developed his crush.
He was already feeling bad about the room mix up, the last thing he wanted to do was add to the misery by making things awkward between them.  Nothing screams this is completely casual like accidentally dry humping your best friend in the middle of the night. Unsure of how to handle the situation, Ignis got dressed and put on his best ‘I’m totally fine’ face, and left the bathroom.
Surviving dinner was his first real challenge of the night. He’d weathered the aforementioned tv watching by sitting in the lone guest chair, while Gladio lounged on the bed. This place really was devoid of any luxury items, it was no wonder since they didn’t have many visitors.  
Hoping that Gladio wouldn’t notice his odd mood, Ignis forged ahead and continued on with his normal duties. They were here on a diplomatic mission after all. He had to get something right before they left this six-forsaken place.
Roundabout what would have been the dessert course in a fancy meal, Gladio began to worry about Ignis. His friend was acting very odd and almost giving him the cold shoulder.  He could understand if Ignis was focused on making sure he paid attention to Bhanis and the few others in attendance. That still didn’t explain why he wouldn’t make eye contact with him.
Thinking back to when they started on their journey that morning, Gladio wondered if he’d done anything to upset Ignis. Resigned to waiting until later, after they’d retired for the night, Gladio forced a smile and kept quiet. He could at least let Ignis do his job without interruption.
Thankfully, their hosts assumed they were both tired from the long day of travel and ended dinner with little fanfare. Though, Gladio wasn’t sure he was looking forward to sharing the room with Ignis anymore. The advisor held his stone-faced expression the entire walk back to their room.  The rain had stopped finally, but it had turned the village into a veritable mud pile.
Sighing heavily he trudged after Ignis; whose’s shoulders were squared, in a very unfriendly gesture. It was almost as if he was going to his own death sentence. The sooner Gladio climbed into bed and fell asleep the better.
Going for the bathroom first, he got ready for bed and decided to ignore Ignis. If his friend was bothered by something, then he better damn well tell him because Gladio had no clue what he’d done wrong. Looking only at the bed when he exited the bathroom, Gladio quickly got in under the covers and rolled on his side to face the wall. He’d left enough space for Ignis, there wasn’t much more to do.
He heard Ignis clear his throat once but didn’t bother to acknowledge it. If he had something to say to him it could wait until the morning. This was bullshit. This trip was supposed to be fun, not whatever this had turned into.
“I’m going to sleep on the floor, to keep from --.”
“Do whatever you want, I don’t care,” Gladio grumbled before he could stop himself. He was upset and not in the mood to hide his emotions.
“Oh,” was all Ignis weakly managed.
Tuning out the small noises Ignis made as he got ready, Gladio tried to force himself to fall asleep.  He wanted to go home and forget this whole stupid trip had ever happened. Time drug on after that, his mind refusing to calm and give him peace. Every little breath or sigh from Ignis felt amplified in the tiny room. Gladio wasn’t even sure Ignis had lain down yet.
Gladio knew he wouldn’t be able to get a proper night's rest if he let whatever this was fester. Sighing loudly he flipped over and scooted closer to the other edge of the bed. “Hey, I can’t go to sleep when we’re mad at each other, think you cou--.”
“Mad?! What? Oh, astrals I’ve really screwed things up haven’t I,” Ignis spit out as he resituated himself on the floor. Gladio had been correct Ignis was still sitting up and leaning against the bedframe.
“What are you talking about? What did you screw up?”
“This whole trip is my first diplomatic endeavor and I’ve gone and screwed up the accommodations and I don’t think Bhanis likes me, and now you’re mad at me.”
“Whoa, wait a minute, what do you mean I’m mad at you? You started it.” Gladio huffed while waving his arms around frantically.
“I’m not mad at you,” Ignis replied sincerely.
“Then why the hell are you acting like a dolt, come on get up off the floor and get a proper night's rest.”  Before Ignis could comment Gladio had reached out and grabbed his arm. “Come on, up you get.” Being strong helped when manhandling a slightly dazed person. Ignis tried to fight him but eventually gave up and allowed Gladio to drag him onto the bed.
Pulling the covers up with a quick pat on Ignis’ chest, Gladio smiled at his handy work. “There now you’ll sleep better.”
“I’m sorry I made you think I was mad at you.”
“Don’t sweat it, next time let’s talk sooner. I think I understand why you were freaking out earlier though. I didn’t get how upset you were about the room.”
“I don’t want everyone to laugh at me,” Ignis whispered after a moment. “I’m supposed to be Noct’s advisor and I can’t even handle simple room accommodations.”
“Seriously Iggy, that’s a load of bullshit, you are great at your job. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Are you actually worried about this, how the hell would anyone find out anyway?”
“You mean about the room?”
“Yeah, I doubt Bhanis is going to send a letter to the king about how you should’a booked two rooms. I mean they don’t even have more available.  The only thing that would have changed is maybe bringing a sleeping bag or somethin’” Gladio paused and waited for Ignis to think about what he was saying. “I wouldn’t have let you go alone so don’t go assuming that outcome either.” When Ignis finally laughed, Gladio knew he’d broken through the fog that had consumed his friend most of the evening.
Even in the dim light from the night sky outside, Gladio could make out Ignis’ face clearly.  He still had a smile on his lips and that made Gladio feel so much better.  “So we good now, no more weird shit?”
“Oh yes, I’m sorry about making you feel like I was mad at you, it wasn’t my intention. I was simply lost in my own head.”
“I don’t like it when you’re angry, you have enough stuff to stress about in life as it is. Now, relax and get some sleep.”
Ignis hummed in response and let out a deep breath. It seemed he was starting to calm down in an attempt to sleep. Rolling back over himself, Gladio closed his eyes and promptly passed out.
For the first time in ages, Ignis awoke feeling well-rested and warm.  The body pillow he usually used was very comfortable this morning. Not paying much attention to the improvement he slowly opened his eyes and froze. He was not at home in his own bed; he was hundreds of miles from Insomnia, currently draped over Gladio like a bloody blanket.
Why had he not slept on the damn floor?! Swallowing hard Ignis breathed in once and attempted to slowly pull away. This was when he became aware of Gladio’s muscled arm holding his shoulder. Six, was he actually using the shield’s arm as a freaking pillow? Figuring he could slide out from the bottom of the bed, Ignis began to wiggle ever so slightly.
However, when he went to untangle one of his legs that was wrapped around Gladio’s thigh, something terrible happened. Gladio moved.
“Oi, where do you think you’re going?” he grumbled before swiftly rolling over and pinning Ignis beneath him.
“For—forgive me I didn’t realize,” Ignis stammered.
“Is that why you wanted to sleep on the floor last night?” Gladio asked nonchalantly, his expression almost smug in nature.
“Shit,” was all Ignis’ brain could conjure, “shit, shit, shit.”
“Oh really, that bad huh?” Gladio replied with a smirk as he rolled his hips.
Ignis had been thinking of what he could say, but Gladio’s simple movement caused his brain to short circuit. What had been the start of morning wood, before the shield surprised him, came back full force.   Unable to bite back the moan at the sensation, Ignis turned his head in embarrassment.  Maybe if he closed his eyes he’d wake up from this nightmare.
“Iggy, Ignis, come on, look at me,” Gladio requested after a moment. “Get outta your own head, look at what I’m doin’ to you right now!”
“I’ve got you pinned to a fucking bed and I’m enjoying it.”
That statement got Ignis’ attention, Gladio was enjoying it too. Feeling like a colossal idiot Ignis opened his eyes again and looked directly up into the two amber eyes staring at him with lust. “I’m afraid my skills of observation aren’t working as they should be,” he mumbled hoarsely.
Gladio barked out a laugh and grinned, “No shit Sherlock.”
Ignis watched as Gladio’s grin faded into something softer. The shield was slowly closing the gap between them.  His eyes were darting up and down, most likely caught on Ignis’ lips. He could attest to that desire as his own gaze flickered between Gladio’s eyes and his mouth.
“Can I – can I kiss you?” Gladio breathed out, barely audible.
Ignis didn’t bother answering; he rushed up to meet Gladio’s mouth instead. It was like a dam breaking, he couldn’t get enough of the shields lips on his skin. They spent the next few minutes trading kisses like drowning men. All the while Gladio continued moving his hips around.  It was almost too much to handle, but somehow not enough at the same time.
Reaching up to pull at Gladio’s hair, Ignis was working to remove his t-shirt when a knock sounded at the door. Freezing in place, Ignis waited. Whoever it was knocked again and announced that breakfast was ready. Listening intently to the sound of steps walking away, Ignis let out the breath he was holding. “We can’t, not right now. We can’t keep them waiting,” he rasped.
“That’s okay, I mean, we’ll be sharing the bed again tonight,” Gladio teased as he claimed one last kiss before breakfast.
Gladio couldn’t believe his luck. He’d always entertained the idea of liking Ignis as more than a friend. The time and place hadn’t come about to broach the subject until he’d woken up with Ignis clinging to him. Never having seen his friend look so peaceful before, Gladio had taken the time to enjoy the moment before Ignis woke up.
Even after he’d made his move Ignis still doubted the facts in front of his perfect face. Watching him practically melt into the bed was such a rush. Now, his only issue was how to act professionally in front of their hosts for the rest of the trip, when all he wanted to do was kiss Ignis silly.
Despite Ignis’ attempt to get them ready in a timely manner, they were still late for breakfast. Not by much, mind you, but enough to make Ignis glare at him across the table as they ate. This time Gladio could tell the look had no heat behind it. Most likely because the reason for their tardiness had to do with the mini make-out session they’d managed after brushing their teeth.
Gladio almost forgot they were here for other reasons when Bhanis started talking about their excursion for the day. They’d be visiting a farm in the mountains and not returning until later that evening. Curious as to what was so important that merited an all-day trip, Gladio easily listened to Bhanis as they all walked outside.
Grinning excitedly when he spotted a few motorcycles in their path, he turned to Ignis to comment but stopped dead when he noticed Ignis’ expression. Ignis was wide-eyed and looking at him imploringly. He knew Ignis knew how to drive a car among many other types of vehicles, why would a motorcycle freak him out.
Stalling so Ignis could catch up, he raised an eyebrow in hopes Ignis would spill the beans. “I don’t know how to ride!” he hissed quietly.
“Oh, that’s easy, start looking in your satchel, think like a nerdy professor,” Gladio offered before he strode away towards Bhanis. “I love to ride, which one do we get to use?” he asked happily.
“They are all the same, please choose anyone you like.”
“Great, I think Ignis and I will fit on that one alright,” Gladio announced while pointing to the nearest bike.
“Oh, you don’t have to share this time,” Bhanis laughed. “Bikes we have plenty of, just not extra rooms.”
“Nice, but I think Ignis really wanted to document the trip and he’d be better able to do that if he wasn’t driving.” Looking over to Ignis, Gladio waved his hand around to indicate the scene before them. Ignis picked up quickly and pulled out his phone and a notepad.
“Yes, I was hoping to get a good record of the trip, can the bike handle two riders?”
“Oh sure, that makes sense,” Bhanis replied easily.  “We’re very excited to have more people know about our efforts here.”
Nothing more was discussed as they got on the bikes and started out. Gladio could tell that Ignis was relieved at not having to learn a new skill in less than five minutes. Though, he was sure the advisor would have picked up the basics in no time.
The ride was rough over the rocky terrain, which made handling the bike a little tricky. He knew things were getting bad when Ignis would squeeze his legs together slightly as if silently telling him to be careful. After about forty minutes a small building came into view, followed by a long wooden fence. Given how far out from civilization they were, nothing could have prepared Gladio for what lay on the other end of the fence.
“You breed chocobos?” he asked in disbelief when a whole herd of the birds crossed their path a few minutes later.
“There must be hundreds of them,” Ignis added as they took in the sight.
Bhanis smiled proudly as they looked over the landscape filled with the giant birds. “Yes, this is how we make our living.”
“Why don’t more people know about this?” Gladio asked in wonder.
“We use third-party sellers to broker deals, so that means not very many people make it out here.”
“Forgive my lack of understanding, but how do you manage to sell enough birds to make it profitable?” Ignis asked kindly.
“Ah, our birds are raised in the best conditions,” Bhanis announced. “The mountain air helps them gain a cold tolerance that other breeds don’t have, and we feed them nothing but the highest quality food.”
“I see, so that makes your birds desirable over other breeders.”
“Exactly, our birds are the best you can buy.”
“Hey, wait a minute, do you all specialize in anything, like race birds?”
Bhanis’ grin grew even bigger; it was all starting to make sense. They were visiting a premiere chocobo racing breeder. No wonder it paid the bills, racer birds went for thousands of gil.
“What other jobs can the birds do?” Ignis asked quickly, Gladio could tell his mind was working overtime.
“Oh they’re sturdy; if the crown were to ever need any good birds for the military we’d be happy to be your supplier.  You can’t get a better chococbo than this.” Bhanis supplied as he looked out over the sea of feathers and yellow beaks.
“I would very much like to discuss this with you in greater detail,” Ignis added excitedly. “I can see us having an en excellent partnership in the future.”
The rest of the day flew by after that. Ignis spent their time at the farm taking pictures and talking to farmhands. They even had a chance to see a rare black chocobo, the bird was truly magnificent and seemed to like Ignis. It would follow him around as they toured the farm.  The spunky bird even tried to steal his glasses at one point. The advisor ducked out of the way just in time and promptly put his glasses away for safekeeping.
They ate as the sun began to lower into the afternoon sky, Bhanis wanted to get back to the village before sundown so they’d have to leave soon.
Gladio was happy to see Ignis finally getting into the trip. It seemed the prospect of bringing back such a treasure trove of information to the king had made him feel better. The ride back was pleasant enough, despite the bumps and dust in the air. Thankfully, Bhanis had given them visors to wear during the ride, it kept most of the debris away. Though Gladio was sure his hair was one giant knot and Ignis looked really cute all windswept and rosy-cheeked.
He wanted to get back to their room and pick up where they’d left off that morning. They had so many things to catch up on and discover. Overall, this trip was a success; Gladio knew Ignis would get high praises for his efforts when they returned home. Brokering a deal for military stock chocobos would ensure a leg up if they went to war with Niflheim.  He was proud of Ignis and how he handled everything. The advisor was a hard worker, and Gladio hoped he would be able to show him how much he admired him.  They were at the beginning of a new adventure together, one that Gladio couldn’t wait to get started.
 Thirteen Years Later
The sun glittered across the newly installed glass of the citadel as Ignis stood waiting for Gladio.  He had a lunch packed for them and was ready to get going. They were exploring some of the outlining areas of Insomnia to check the damage level. Life was bustling again for most of the city, but some areas still hadn’t started rebuilding.
When the rumbling of a loud engine reached his ears, Ignis looked up and watched Gladio ride across the parking lot on a comfortable looking cruiser motorcycle.  Smiling at his lover, Ignis then turned to wave goodbye to Noct.  The king insisted on seeing them off since he was still a little clingy after being stuck in the crystal for ten years.
The king narrowed his eyes and pointed to the bike when it rolled to a stop in front of them. “Why only one bike, you know how to rid--,”
“Shhh,” Ignis interjected smoothly.
“What, excuse me, did you just shush me?!” Noct exclaimed. “I only wanted to know why you aren’t riding your own bi--.”
“Nahhhhhh Majesty, shhh.” Ignis could hear Gladio laughing behind him.
“Leave him alone princess, he wants to ride with me.”
“You too are so gross, don’t forget to take pictures,” Noct chided. “And I mean pictures of the city not of you two making out and being cuddly.”
“What, no pictures at all?”
“Nooooo, I’m already a nervous wreck when you two go out exploring without me, be safe, and have fun okay.”
“Will do majesty, don’t give Prompto too much of a hard time, he’s a good stand-in shield, let him do his job.”  
“Yeah, yeah, heard, get outta here before it gets too late.”
With a simple nod, Gladio and he set off into the morning light, ready to explore their newly liberated city.  Life had been rough, but they’d handled it the best way they knew how. Together.
Relaxing into the seat Ignis closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensation of the wind in his hair and Gladio’s sturdy body between his thighs. This was going to be a fun day.
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A Complicated Profession - Part 2
A/N: How amazing was episode 3?!? Not my best writing but really wanted to get this update out, still getting use to reader inserts! Also, this is way longer than I thought it would be! Hope you enjoy!
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Binders still on, the Mandalorian quickly shoves you into the cockpit of his large, beaten down ship.
“Who hired you?” You ask with little patience
“If you’re asking who put the bounty on your head, I don’t know, take a seat,” Mando replied sharply, pointing to the chair behind the pilot's seat and not even bothering to look at you.
“Well, who gave you the puck?”
The Mandalorian ignored you as he messed with the controls and lifted the ship into the air.
“Greef Carga. I’m in the guild; he gives me the pucks.” He finally responded.
“And what were you told I was wanted for?”
You couldn’t contain the laughter that erupted from you, finally causing Mando to turn his head towards you.
“Smuggling,” You repeated through the laughter, “That is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Please tell me you saw straight through that when I saw I lived on a farm.”
“Yes. It doesn’t change that you’re the highest bounty I’ve seen in some time.”
“How much?”
“That’s nothing you need to worry about,” Mando had run out of patience with you, “Now keep quiet before I make you.”
He turned his complete attention to the controls has the ship left the planet’s atmosphere. You set your thoughts to the events that had just occurred. Somebody is lying to get to you, and whether it’s a careful friend or foe wasn’t clear yet. Cases could be made for each. Silence had taken over the cockpit when the hologram of an older man appeared on the dash.
“Mando! Have you obtained the quarry yet?”
“Yes, not without some trouble from other hunters, though.”
“That’s what I was afraid of. Another bounty has been placed on her, and it’s twice as high. They want proof of death.”
Your heart plummeted, the wind completely knocked out of you. The Mandalorian’s head was again turned towards you, just over his shoulder. You did your best to keep a neutral expression, but who exactly was after you was starting to click into place and you couldn’t push the fear away for much longer.
“I’m bringing her in alive like I was hired to do.”
“Good. The client has offered to bump up your reward if you bring her straight to them alive. Safe passage, Mando.”
With the ship now on autopilot, the Mandalorian spun his seat towards. He didn’t speak, just stared, seeming to study you and wait for something but you weren’t sure what.
“Are you expecting a thank you?” You asked firmly, wanting to break the growing tension.
“Who wants you dead?”
“I don’t know.” You lied.
“For some reason, I don’t believe that,” He leaned in closer, “I also don’t believe you’ve been a quiet farmer all your life.”
“Well, I’m not concerned about what you believe.”
In a flash, he has his blaster drawn and aimed towards you “I could use a vacation, and the reward for your proof of death would be more than enough.”
“Oh stop with the dramatics, you’re not going to shoot me or you would have done so already,” You leaned in even closer to the Mandalorian, so you were only a foot away from his helmet, “Besides, you don’t seem like the kind of man who is fond of vacations.”
There was a pregnant pause as he seemed to calculated his next move before slowly placing his blaster back into his holster and turning his attention back to the controls, quickly sending the ship into hyperspace.
“Whatever it is you actually did, you’re lucky those you set the original bounty seem determined to keep you alive.”
“I don’t think it’s that simple. It’s never simple.”
In your few experiences with bounty hunters, they never seemed to ask questions like this one does. Most wouldn’t give a second thought about who would want you dead. Even more confusing, most would jump at the chance for a high bounty. You should be dead by now, but here you are, still among the living. Maybe it was just a Mandalorian thing. This was your first time meeting one.
Neither one of you speaks for the rest of the journey, but he does occasionally look over his shoulder at you, making sure you didn’t magically disappear, you guess. He exits hyperspace, and you’re not sure what city, let alone what planet you’re descending on. The sky is clear, but yet a gray fog seems to cling to the air. As the ground comes closer, you can make out a handful of figures appearing to be awaiting your arrival.
“Those the clients?”
The ship is now close enough that you can make out their faces, and the overwhelming feeling of panic takes over. These were no friends. You haven’t seen him since the day the Death Star was destroyed, and the Empire fell when he helped you escape and parted ways. His face tells you everything you need to know. He knows the truth, and there is no way you are walking out of this alive.
The ship lands, and you are desperate. “You can’t hand me over to these people please, please listen to me!”
Without a word, he effortlessly lifts you out of your seat, and the door of the cockpit opens. You try to plant your feet, but it is no use. You spin so you’re face to face with him, “Look, I’m sorry I called you a shitty bounty hunter and have been overall very aggravating, but these people will kill me, and I know bounty hunters never care, but there is something bigger at play here!”
The Mandalorian pauses, seeming to take in your words before body stiffens, “You’re right, I don’t care.”
You squeeze your eyes shut, preparing for what is lying ahead. You take in a few deep breathes, thinking about your peaceful farm, the clear skies, and wind blowing through the crops. You think about the handful of happy memories you had before the war. You guess this is what it is like to have your life flash before your eyes. You try your best to hold back the tears you feel forming, but one escapes anyway. You knew the dangers of the game when you agreed to play, and now you are meeting them face to face. Lifting your chin, you open your eyes to see the Mandalorian still staring down at you but with a tilted head of confusion.
“Let’s get this over with, show you I’m right.”
You turn to leave the cockpit when something catches your eye in the corner, “Can I at least have my staff and blaster back?”
The ramp descends, and you feel him right behind you, grabbing your arm and leading the way because apparently, you can’t handle walking on your own. You roll your eyes and take a quick peek at him behind your shoulder; his body is still tense. He’s on edge, and you can tell he trusts this situation as much as you do. You feel slightly less annoyed that he is holding on to you.
You used to be the best of the best, that is why they sent you, but that was years ago. However, as you make your way down the ramp, you start calculating the possible outcomes, and you can feel the old training beginning to kick in. You counted eight of them with your old pal, Ragnar, in the middle. All but Ragnar had their weapons drawn, clearly ready to take you in peacefully.
“You’re going to want to get out of here as soon as possible after you hand me off.” You whisper to Mando.
“Yeah, tell me about it.”
You couldn’t help but smirk at the sarcasm.
The two of you came to a halt a few feet in front of the group. Ragnar bore holes into you, waiting for you to blink first, but you didn’t, you refused.
A sudden smile appear on his weathered face, “Well there you are,” He held out his arms like he was about to embrace you, “I’m so glad we found you before those who wanted to harm you, I couldn’t even imagine.”
The Mando pulled you back, just out of Ragnar’s reach. Acknowledging Mando’s presence for the first time, he gave him a quick look of confusion before clearing his throat, “Ah yes,” He nodded towards one of his men, “You want payment before handing her over.”
A large man stepped forward with a steel case, setting it down in front of Ragnar.
“It’s not as much as the bounty put out for the others for proof of death, but it is higher than what you were promised. We appreciate your integrity.”
Mando’s grip on you tightened just enough for you to notice, and you heard a faint click from your binders. You kept your eyes locked on Ragnar, steel demeanor unchanged. A few tensioned filled seconds passed until Mando slowly started pushing you forwards to Ragnar.
An unkind shove officially transferred you to your enemies. Without another word, Mando turned and made his way up the ramp of his ship, picking up his payment on the way.
One of Ragnar’s men grabbed hold of your arm. His grip had a roughness to it that Mando’s did not. No one in the group moved, but all blasters were aimed at you, seeming to wait until the Mandalorian was good and gone before they killed you. But instead of the ship lifting off, Mando reappeared moments later with your staff in hand.
In the blink of an eye, he tossed your staff to you and while everyone was caught off guard, you spun and struck your captor across the head before swiping Ragnar off his feet. Your unlocked binders fell off with ease, and the sounds of firing blasters rung out around you.
Mando had already taken out two men by the time you grabbed Ragnar’s blaster, taking out the two men that were charging and firing at you.
“Get back on the ship!” Mando yelled at you.
Before you did, you looked back down at Ragnar, his eyes now filled with rage.
“They are coming for you,” He spat, “You will burn for your treachery.”
“Give it your best shot.” You spat right back before firing the blaster right at his chest.
“Let’s go!” Mando yelled as more of Ragnar’s men were charging at you from the city.
You sprinted up the ramp as he fired upon the incoming attackers. Suddenly Mando yelled in pain. You turned and saw him clutching his arm, struck by the incoming fire. You sprint towards, firing back at the men getting closer, giving him cover to get on the ship.
Arm now profusely bleeding, Mando closes the ramp and stumbles into the cockpit.
“Let me help.” You said, right on his tail.
“No. Sit.” He grunts, clearly in a tremendous amount of pain.
The ship roars to life, and you fall back into your seat as Mando roughly lifts the ship into the air. He ascends as quick as he cans before anyone can follow you. Within moments he had made the jump into hyperspace. For a moment there is peace in the silence, the calm beeps of the ship soothe you but still feel like you haven’t exhaled. Unsure of what to say and still trying to comprehend what just happened, you aimlessly stare at the back of Mando’s helmet.
“If I’m going to continue to risk my life for you, you’re going to have to tell me why.” the Mandalorian’s smooth voice behind the helmet brought you out of your trance.
Clearing your throat to respond, you notice the blood on his left arm, “Your arm needs looked at, do you have a medkit somewhere?”
“I can take care of it myself.”
“But you don’t have to.”
He turned towards you, and you could feel the frustration emanating from him.
“I need answers.”
“Sometimes it easier for me to talk when my hands are busy. Less thinking goes into it.”
Mando, once again, tilts his head and studies you, trying to figure you all out.
“Just outside of the cockpit, on the wall.” He sighs.
You give him a small smile and make your way to the hallway. The medkit is precisely where he said it would be, and he is already on the bench waiting for you.
You take a seat next to him and starting cleaning off his wound, ignoring his winces of pain, his helmet staring down at you the entire time.
You let out a deep exhale. You don’t recall telling the full story to anyone before, but this bounty hunter that you’ve been on the run from for months, just risked everything to save your life. He deserves to know.
“That man, his name is Ragnar Syyn," You began, "He was an imperial officer." You paused to see if you make out any sort of reaction behind the helmet but there was none. He was listening, not judging so you continued. "For the past few years, since the fall of the Empire, I’ve been hiding away on my little farm in the outer rim. Hoping to find some sort of peace and to live out the rest of my days.”
“Hiding because you were part of the Empire?”
“I was a spy. I was a rebel who was able to infiltrate the Empire successfully, and it appears the remnants just found out, and they’re not going to like the information I have.”
Tag List: @sargesbestgirl​ @zoogrl05​ @poisonivy123​ @maryan028​ @thefandomzoneisdangerous​ @loveharrington​ @reblogin-manic
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ravenempress101 · 4 years
~Revolution Of Maddness~ Dionysus Greek Imagine Chapter 1
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Authors note: finally made a Greek imagine. the legends of tomorrow did that on the episode. they picked my favorite love child to be Dionysus and had to write about it so here it is a new update and it will be a series cause it deserves one so enjoy my sweethearts! With everything going on have to spread happiness and love all of you my followers people who come across my story and heart i love you and truly be safe and love you! <3
Warnings: mind control, pure temptation, no smut, alcoholism, parties,swords
Words: 4.2k
"en grade newbie" "i am gonna kick your ass' Sara began to toss her frame in air cartwheeling her legs. her formation was about to take a final destination, she pulls her sword and swings upon y/n's side. y/n retracts her back inches toward the ground from the blow. as y/n stands up at Sara, the sword swings toward Sara's right side. the blow broke her defenses. twirling in the admits, her body collides with the floor. clenching her soft jaw at a winner of the sword fight. nick appeared from the door cups in his hand emblem with a mermaid locos monster on them.
"ooooo Starbucks thanks Nate"
Nate nodded at both of them while preparing the projector for the seminar. y/n paced over toward the cups capturing one in her hand, and niche her metal blade down onto the coffee table. Sara stood up and capturing one of the coffee. as she sat sat down sipping the espresso. Nate began to say 'your welcome i got you guys, double shot of espresso over ice, an american with a dash of mint, and a green tea with a hint of spearmint cause i was feeling freaky fresh today'
a mild chuckle escaped from y/n's lip at Nate. Sara slapped your arm to hide the laugh as she raised her cup in toast formation a smirk plastered on her lips commending Nate for the peace offering.“okay Nate no more reading joke books for a while”
as she takes another gulp of the raven liquid,he threw his hand up in embarrassment everyone making there way in the assignment lab. a meeting for a new mission were under there belt. as Nate said his hello to everyone for showing up to the meeting. capturing the red folders in his hand he gave a folder to all the members. y/n reaching for a red one Nate having one more folder with black and gold symbols on it. he placed it in your hand. y/n captured the folder in her hand wearing a puzzled expression.
"i think you gave me the wro...'
"alright case no.177 Dion's returned to his father Zeus by Dion or to be known as Dionysus" Nate flicked the screen. the screen appear to have a royal cup from the era of 950 BC. y/n blinked her eyes, refocuses to her folder opening it. there was a photograph of a young man with raven loose curls, deep dimples that covered his cheeks on his caramel cast a minority of freckles. "wait the god of winery is at a university, interesting" y/n scanning at a picture with the boy Dionysus with a basketball jersey of no. 52 in black bold on the front. Hes smiling but somethings off about how he poses for the picture.y/n was astound by the Greek god of winery. Zeus's son behaving like a animal. it was impossible for Dion to have any manners.
"sure is very" "that is an awesome cover up" Sara booming scribbling characters on her paper. Nate change the slide, the university and the sigma fraternity of the college that Dion was ruling over appeared. Dionysus was a regular kid on the outside but on the inside a bloodline of 1,456  years of pure immortality youth. 
"not so awesome, y/n you would have to get Dionysus in your corner, his father Zeus needs him for his kingdom' y/n stalking off in a pointless huff. her anger burning at the words from Nate. "really me" "Oh no" "why me?' it's my first day"
Nate claps his hand together as rambling stopped. strutting over toward yourself placing your hand on your shoulder "you'll do great if i didn't know i would have never recruited you, this will prove to us and you that you can handle anything" a slight grin creep on her face at his encouragements. y/n knew she had a flame in her to fight but the god of madness was unknown to her. y/n praying that her charisma must prosper on him.
therefore, they appear a few days later at the university of the sigmas. college kids sprinting through campus. the teachers pulling out pink slips and the teachers sprinting after the kids, the smell of rose perfume in the air of the sorority woman dressed up in dresses of coordinating pink.y/n rolled her eyes of the desperate childishness memories  that back when she was a 23 year old. The tables of the fraternities, sororities, and forities. mission was calling her name to sign up for one of the Greek organizations. Dionysus has to be in one of the big Greek leads.
"where is the god of destruction' a pink set of shirts wore by girls past her. y/n scanned her surroundings for the mysterious boy Nate set for her. the smell of dark chocolate feeling the air as Nate and her distracted by the rumbles of there stomachs. "dang can't believe it's been so long, they used to call me shot gun Nate'  Nate walked over to one of the fraternity beer coolers and captured a beer. poking a hole in the side of the can and then cracked the seal at the top . downing the beer in seconds, y/n heart stopped at Nate her words held captive at what he did. the empty can collided with the floor and a 'woo" erupted from him as the students clapped an cheered "shotgun Nate" at his reenactment of his college days.
"shot gun Nate really" y/n giggled at the praised man. leaving the college students with amazement. "yes could drink a whole keg in three minutes or less, that was the big bang and then Dion.." college men with bullhorns started chanting"delta sigma phi" from across the sanctuary . men dressed in college t-shirts in formation convey a perfect angel from above.
"there he is"
y/n pointed at the tint shades being his hidden drunken state. His tan chubby frame leap off the throne.strutting over toward Nate and you at the sorority table you signed up for "where here, i love this day where i can meet all the fraternities and sororities with sweet alluring angels, hello angel whats your name' his orbs dance on your masterpiece. y/n nausea creep up at her throat. she took a big gulp forcing the food back down in her. y/n knew she was sick from his cockiness of attitude.y/n whispered to herself while Nate overheard her. "I'll break your bon...
"wow wow aye now" 
Nate raising his index finger and gave her a death glare.y/n smiled innocently at her mentor transforming her attitude to positive. returning back to Dion’s gaze at her chubby frame while capturing his bottom lip in between his teeth. curves carved by Aphrodite herself set Dionysus in a vibe. "i mean hello and what is your name sir" "well its Dion and i see your participating in the zeta omega the charlie's angels of the sorority' Dion purring at her.the god of ecstasy pools of chocolate appear slight soberness toward y/n as she side eyed Nate. Nate couldn't get her out this one. it was time to prove her worth. "yes i am and what fraternity yourself apart of" y/n placed her free hand underneath her chin. soaking up Dion's beauteous features he portrayed "the sigmas also known as the forbidden fruit of the campus but Hun i'll make arrangements for you" Dion stepping closer toward y/n. his slender rough finger guided along your arm. y/n's body quaked from the touch of Dion. y/n stepped back from the gorgeous man.
"ugh i’m good Nate, i am done with this mission' a fire-seed rose up in y/n, as she began gritted her teeth. silence fell upon her as she stormed off. her footsteps were acid like movements burning the ground she walked on. the sparks in her brain at Dion's actions where uncalled for. Nate chased right after yourself. furrowing his eyebrows your way.being selfish was the only option y/n had made this whole mission.it was time for y/n to be selfless this one time for the legends. "then your kicked off the legends, y/n hes not that bad' Nate placing a burden upon y/n. Dion as went through nails and dirt and y/n couldn't even pushed down her ego.his attitude toward girls can change for the better. a journey for the both of them was underway.
"yes he is, a childish boy that thinks hes so awesome but really not look at him" both of you glanced at the Greek god as he downed his golden cup of wine that he created from his vineyard. the 5 gentlemen that followed him waved there hands in front of his chiseled face. a smirk came your way as he waited for your presence to disrupt his atmosphere.Dion wanted yourself so bad and he would do anything to get you sprung over him.time and patience is all he needs. "just try the best you can do with him we need him for Zeus and he needs care' as Nate scanned a cocky Dion placed his finger pointing at y/n wiggling it for a gesture of "come my why" y/n clenched her jaw as she saw red giving him the death glare on the naive men. Nate jumped right in front of her for a distraction. he soothed her anger.
"ugh fine' y/n through her ego away and walked back over to her project. "alright Dion i'm y/n do you wanna help me pick out a sorority crown i have to wear' capturing the catalog in her hand. scanning at all the majority diamond crowns and looking back up at Dion with a shy smile. side eyed the followers of men for agreement.they all nodded Dion captures his arm in yours. 'oooo first day and you wanna hang with me leggo' y/n and Dion walked out into the building and on the sorority neighborhood he owned.
"great!' victory was at hand for y/n and she couldn't be more happy next, Dion sitting in the kitchen chair. a laptop placed on his lap as he organized a guest list for his ultimate party of the century. the god of ecstasy made euphoria a place for all his parties. "so y/n coming to my party tonight since i helped you pick out the tiara for your sorority" "mhmmm i don't know i have to get stuff together for this sorority' Dion and you were in his house. a silent whisper fell upon both you.y/n thought Dion had classes but he skipped and bride somebody to go to his classes for him. 
"it will be fun if your there, sound like the party type and it will get me a better chance of having fun if your there with me' 'mhmm i don't know i have to get stuff together for this sorority" pointer finger captured in between her teeth as she bite tiny marks on her fingernails. Dion plastering a smile convincing you to his rage. y/n didn't sign up for a drunken teenager as the mission went on. staying on her feet and having her senses high alert was her main priority. "okay okay stop your begging Dion i'll go" "that’s what i do best and great i'll save you a spot" while Dion winked your way. his head found his way onto your shoulder. once came in contact with yourself y/n's organs shivered. her soul glowing from the Greek god that touched her. as Dion was scanning his computer screen. y/n forehead flared up with sweat droplets. puzzled on how her body react with his touch was amazed. 
Stumbling over her "great" the words stayed in her throat. Dion retracts his touch from her and y/n inhales deeply as her insides stood at a still. everything going back to normal, and the sweat disappear. Dion getting up from his seat and walking into the kitchen. y/n looks over her shoulder while capturing her iPhone from her pocket. as she unlocked her phone. started typing a message to Nate, "omg Nate i have to go to the party Dionysus is planning really???" the iPhone buzzed and y/n scanned at the text  that he left on her phone "yes you do! the mission must be going really well, don't drink to much" cursing under her breathe. as she typed away the next text and pressed send. "omg fine you owe me one"
Dion made his way back into the room. a plate of rice in his hand and chop sticks in the other he sat down and took a bite and held the plate to your face. as y/n shook for a refusal he went back to planning. the darkness filled the air as the stars decorated the sky. y/n walked toward Dion's fraternity house. two boys Turing up beers and smashing the cans on there heads while shouting violently. wandering eyes landed to the lawn of all the toilet paper from the trees and the signs the sigmas created for there fraternity. y/n turned on her heels and walked back over toward her sorority house. y/n was in defeat at the accomplishment "look who made it, know you show up' Dion wrapping his words around your body. pulling yourself back towards the fraternity house. Dion ran down the steps capturing your hand  guiding yourself into the sweaty body's grinding on each other. "hey Dion yes i'm here' "good i'm very glad you are,we have a long night ahead of us, lets get a drink shall we?"
"its a very special drink i want you to try' Dion forcing your body to his wine table. the table was covered with Hennessy and vodka. the bottles labeled with his name on them and sliver ribbon were around the alcohol bottle. "you have a lot of wine' guiding your free hand over the wine. y/n capturing one in hand and about to slip it in her pocket. Dion captures both of your hands in his some grapes from the table and starts smashing it between his rough palms with your soft ones. a fine liquid filled the glass of the self made wine that he mastered. "yea i make it here try a sip' the navy blue liquid filled to the rim. y/n captured the glass from his hand and placed her nose above the special drink. the contents were sweet but a bitterness tickled her nose. "cool so how long have you been part of the fraternity?" y/n scanning down her glass while mixing the drink. the drink was filled with darkness. a raven liquid filled with night. "a few years, i really find myself humble while ruling over the campus, drink up sweetheart"
placing the wine glass toward her heartshappes and tossed back the glass. the bitterness wine gliding down her throat. a Delicious taste invade it her taste buds. as sweat flared up on her forehead. her body temperature rising. "i feel hot Dion' Dion took a sip.the alcohol entering both of your bodies.y/n body felt hot to the touch. she felt like she wanted to strip all her clothes and jump in the pool just to release the steam she was feeling inside. "oh you'll cool down, how’d that taste?" Dion's cup colliding with the floor and he took your cup and the cup following behind. y/n's mouth erupted with coughs. pupils dilated and a source of enlightenment to her frame. her body floated from the high that his drink possessed. 
"well tastes... awesomely delicious and i feel..' y/n's word started to muffle out her mouth. placing a foot in front of the other sounds of the crowd becoming a blur. her foot steps boomed in her ears. her heart at a slow steady speed. a clogging feeling to her ears. Dion's smiled turned dark staring at your frame. "Free almost right?, i'm going to ask yourself some questions" y/n felt like her body gave up on her conscious and were following her new leader. Dion, his voiced boomed in your soul. her orbs made its way toward Dion's chocolate ones. swimming the the looseness he conjured upon yourself. "are you really here for a sorority?' y/n blinking her eyes, refocusing on coming back to her body. the siren he position was a strength like no other. y/n mentally fighting but physically giving into the temptation. fading out of conscious.
"y-y-e... no' Dion strutted over towards yourself. Dion found pleasure in what he was doing. "tha’ts it baby girl cmon' "really why are you hear of all places?" his concerning question filled with care.y/n was becoming in denial and trusting of him in all one sitting. y/n chasing her thoughts back and slowly backing up from Dion for ehat he was did. stuttering forcing on her lips. the cover couldn't be blown. 
"Hun don't struggle, you'll  tire yourself out, just let go" senses shifted from his words as y/n's legs gave out. her frame collided with the floor. trembling filled her body as Dion crouched down to her level. her eyes started to loose her natural color and form into Dion's his rough fingers landed underneath your soft chin. y/n relaxed under his touch as Dion scanned for any control your body, soul, and mind for him to rule over. her blinking ceased and tears welled up in her eyes. one tear escape from her orb and found its way down its cheek. "i'm not here for this sorority, please see your dad he needs you" the moment Dion realized what had came from your mouth is heart broke. his feeling like he was drowning underwater. as Dion paused in front of yourself at the information he gathered. his rough palms trailing up and down your arms. warmth fell upon yourself. 
"now isn't that better, the truth is better and look princess your reward is being here with me don't need you running off now your special just as your mind is" Dion's eyes filled with a soft venom of anger and a clenched jaw. a daze came over y/n as she nodded at the command. "yes i will be he-rr-e for you and only you Dion" shoulders relaxed. as a questionable peace came over her. as y/n began to embrace Dion she felled straight to the floor in front of him. her body knew his commands right away. a bow she took. Dion thoughts in his brain of your schedule he place you on.
"that’s so very tight to hear, can' wait to hear the little cries as you worship me' Dion taking your chin forcing yourself to look up at his gaze. Dion summoned one of his followers to him and Dion whispered in his ear "get the legends of tomorrow on the phone, they will be proud of me and her for what i done" Dion evilly grinned at yourself. all the thoughts of you and him were causing excitement for him.y/n trapped with the caramel man side. the euphoria crashing through  her body and Dion was the supplier toward that feeling. Dion shouted and men appeared from the shadows toward his command "men, help her change into something sexy, i found what i need and shes the kindest goddess ever. the men nodded there way toward him and captured your arms in there hands leading yourself in a room as yourself left. Dion waved his free hand at yourself of a gesture of welcoming to a new home.  
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luna--reading · 4 years
Hello lovelies~ ♡
This is a pick a card reading for “Does he like me or nah?”. This is a timeless reading, you are meant to see it right now. Please do find peace if it doesn’t resonate with you~
So take a few minutes to mediate on these 4 piles:
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Pile 1 – 4 (from left to right)
Once you’re ready, just scroll below to find the reading that you have chosen!
You can always leave a comment or simply like the post if it resonates with you, thank you so much~ ♡♡♡
Pile 1:
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Tarot: King of Wands, Page of Cups, King of Swords, The High Priestess, 7 of Wands
Oracles: Romantic Feelings – Your feelings are real and worth exploring. / LOVE / COURAGE / Treasure Island (9) / All That Glitters (16)
Okay to start off, this person on your mind does have romantic feelings for you. This is evident from the oracle cards Romantic Feelings as well as Love. I feel a very strong sense of passion from this person to you as well. With the High Priestess, I’m getting that you might already get this feeling and you’re clicking on this reading for more confirmation – so I’m here to give you that confirmation that yes, the person on your mind does have feelings for you.
But if you are not here for confirmation, then with the High Priestess, there is also this feeling of being secretive. This person might have been vey secretive in hiding his feelings towards you. Together with the King of Swords, I see logic taking over as compared to emotions. This person is someone who does not believe in love at first sight, his logic weighs heavily against his emotions and maybe this is why you tune into this reading because it might get confusing for you. Because on one hand, with the King of Wands, I see passion and enthusiasm towards you but on the other hand, sometimes, it seems as if he is holding back a lot of his emotions.
He sees you as someone who is almost like a treasure to him, someone that really stands out from the crowd and I just feel like his emotions are very strong towards you. The energy is almost as if they feel like you are too good to be true or that you might not feel the same way about them because they just aren’t as good as you are. He holds you in very high regard, darling, because with the Page of Cups, he feels like his cup of offer of love is just too small to something that he knows you are worthy of.
With the 7 of wands, I see him fighting hard against these insecurities of him. And in fact, I see him plucking the courage to take this connection into a higher level. He knows that this is a connection that he really wants and he is willing to fight for this connection. In fact, I see the possibility of the both of you fighting and defending for this connection because both of you know that the other party is worthy of you protecting this connection.
Pile 2:
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Tarot: 2 of Cups, Death (Rebirth) [Judgement, Justice, Ace of Pentacles], 7 of Pentacles, Page of Cups, 3 of Cups, 9 of Cups
Oracles: Past-Life Relationship – You have known each other before. / NEW BEGINNINGS / PATIENCE / COMMUNITY / No Place Like Home (50) / To The Sea (7)
To start off, with the Past-Life Relationship as well as the 2 of Cups, I’m getting very strong sense of some kind of soulmate energy (or twin flame, whatever definition you have for it). I’m not exactly getting it as some kind of ex, but I’m getting this sense of someone that you probably know in your past life and have very strong soul ties with this person, if you believe in this saying.
But let’s carry on, with the strong Cups energy, I feel like this person has feelings for you. They do, their emotions for you are running high, to be honest. I see that he sees you as someone who clicks in very well with him, it’s like both of you make very good friends and lovers (if this is brought to a higher level of commitment) at the same time. He is someone who has big dreams about love and relationship with the Nine of Cups – he yearns for this wish fulfilment in his relationships.
But right now, maybe things are a bit stagnant, which is probably why you are currently feeling a little confused at how things are being progressed right now. With the Death card, as well as the butterflies’ imagery on the Community card, I see a major transformation that is occurring in this person right now, which is probably bringing this whole situation into a standstill.
This transformation could be his mindset in how he sees relationship. For some of you, I feel that there has been some experience in his past relationships that make him rethink and re-evaluate the way and his mindset in dealing with relationships. I see that he sees you as someone that is capable of going long-term with him, and maybe in the past, he has never once thought of being in a long-term committed relationship. But upon meeting you, upon interacting with you, he sees it as a possibility. For others, there might be a past energy (possibly an ex, or just someone from the past) returning and he is now trying to “settle” it, clean up those energies, so that he is capable of bringing back that balance between the both of you. He sees you as someone who doesn’t tolerate nonsense, really, you are probably someone who is very clear on your own boundaries, and you would definitely not tolerate any lingering feelings or even slight interaction with exes or past energies. So, as he ends these negative energies, he is attempting to bring back the balance so that he can make that offer to you – this offer, I do see a long-term commitment growing. It’s going to be a start of a solid foundation in this connection.
So darling, I understand that you might feel frustrated, things seem to be progressing but now things just come to a standstill and you are confused at why is this happening. Understand that he sees you as someone that he is comfortable with, he can be at home with and that really changes him. It’s a major transformation, I have to say, that high level of emotions and even love for you has changed him and he wants to change himself for the better because he knows that you are worthy of it and you deserve this better version of him. Have patience with him and in this connection and trust that new beginnings are on its way. He does have feelings for you, but he needs time to get his life sorted out before he can start this new journey with you.
Pile 3:
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Tarot: The Star, 6 of Cups, The World [Queen of Wands, 5 of Swords, The High Priestess], Ace of Pentacles, Strength
Oracles: Trust – This situation is calling you to have faith. / VOYAGE / POTENTIAL / Tick-Tock (30) / Orphaned (5) / A Leg Up (34)
Okay, I was very confused at the start of this reading to be honest, because on one hand, it seems like he does have feelings for you and that he sees a potential in this connection but then on the other hand, I am getting a very strong vibe of wanting freedom.
So let’s first talk about this person, with The World as well as Voyage, I see him as someone who loves to travel. He likes to go places to places, and it’s kind of like he would have travelling plans almost every year, that kind of love for travel. I see him as someone who craves for freedom as well with the Queen of Wands, he loves the feeling of being free, not being trapped or stuck in one place and just simply having fun by himself. At the same time, I see him as someone who is very independent, like it’s almost as if shouting out to me that he is okay being all by himself, being the bachelor that he is currently right now, with nothing much to worry about and even more not being worried of being tied down by a committed relationship.
In fact, I see him being very confused about his own feelings towards you as well with the 5 of Swords as well as The High Priestess, and this kinds of draws me back to the question, I feel like yes he does have feelings for you, and these feelings might even be deeper than you can imagine. As previously mentioned, he is someone who really places great emphasis on his freedom, someone who might have flings here and there, but just won’t be so keen on settling down. But when you came into the picture, it caused a great conflict for him, he senses this great potential to start a relationship with you and in fact, with the Strength card, he is actually holding back a lot of feelings for you.
He sees you as The Star, someone who brought in renewed hope and light into his life, someone who gave him great possibility in believing in love again. And I do see him as someone who might have gone through rough times in his past relationships (romantic or even family) which could have led to this possible wanting to be free and not wanting to settle down kind of personality. He sees you as someone who is brighten up his life upon entering it, which is way, he is probably currently confused as well. He yearns for independence but he sees being in a committed relationship with you. He yearns for freedom but he sees himself starting something long term with you. It’s kind of like there is this strong pull towards you especially with the 6 of Cups, coming up together with The Star, it’s almost as if you are the one for him.
I feel like currently, you are asked to have faith in this situation. Tuning into this reading I’m assuming that you do have feelings for him as well and you are confused about things, but I just want to say, he is currently confused as well. He doesn’t know what he really wants or what he should do next. Is he willing to give up his freedom and independence for you? But I do see that in time to come, things will be changing and you will get the answer soon enough. So darling, yes he does have feelings for you but whether or not, he will truly go within himself to find the answers to his feelings for you is up to him entirely.
Pile 4:
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Tarot: 10 of Cups, 10 of Swords [The Fool, 8 of Wands, King of Wands, Page of Swords, The moon, Queen of Wands], The Lovers, Queen of Swords, 2 of Cups
Oracles: Engagement – Your love life is ascending to a higher level of commitment. / COMMUNITY / FULFILLMENT / FREEDOM / No Place Like Home (50) / Loyal Heart (35)
Okay to be honest, I’m seeing this as like you guys already being in a relationship or somewhat a committed situation. So, if you are not, maybe this pile won’t resonate with you and you can click off to pick another pile! But if you are interested in knowing more, you can just see what resonates and take it, and leave those that doesn’t in peace!
So, moving on, with the 10 of Cups, The Lovers, 2 of Cups, Loyal Heart, King of Wands + Queen of Wands, it’s really shouting out to me that you guys are really in a relationship or that at least the feelings are mutual and it’s of equal levels. Especially with the King of Wands and the Queen of Wands, you guys have very strong mutual attraction and passion for one another.
Okay but with the 10 of Swords, I see things that are worrying you. I’m not seeing a betrayal or anything but I just see a lot of worries in you, in this relationship. Even though it’s not the 9 of Swords, but I get that energy, that vibe to be honest, I’m seeing you losing sleep over something. This can be something small but it’s major in your eyes, you are worrying and being panicky about this particular situation.
Now, what is interesting is The Moon card here, I see that there are fears within this relationship. There are fears or just things that are not being stated clearly or seen clearly and it’s creating this spiralling effect of like you losing sleep over this particular situation. One such situation that I see is that maybe he is this Fool energy whereby he tends to “disappear” halfway through text messages or through the day and you just cannot find him. The Fool is a rather immature energy and that he does value his freedom in any kinds of relationships, he doesn’t want to be tied down too tightly and that there is this reckless feeling. In a way or so, maybe this relationship progressed too quickly, and now you are starting to wonder if it will continue on because things that started off too quickly ends quickly as well, right? Well, in a way, yes but honestly, with the number of Cups energy as well as Wands energy, I see an equal level in terms of love and passion. Yes, maybe this whole relationship did start off as something passionate, as something more to the attraction end, but I feel like he does have very strong feelings for you and that this is something that gives him the fulfilment that he yearns for in any relationships (especially if he really does embodies The Fool energy).
Or another situation could be that you are afraid that there is someone hidden behind the scenes. With the Page of Swords and the Queen of Wands, I see that you might be fearing that there is someone younger than you, more intellectual than you in the situation. Someone that you feel like is there but you just cannot seem to “see” her. Now, I’m not saying that you are delusional or anything but it just feels like maybe things have progressed too smoothly for you and advanced too quickly for you that you are feeling that sense of uneasiness within you. Maybe there is really such a person but this person might just turn out to be a friend or a colleague. So I see that with the Queen of Swords, especially, you are asked to speak the truth. Communicate clearly with your partner and speak of these fears that you have because I really do see your partner caring for you. They have very strong feelings for you and I just see you guys being so comfortable with each other already that maybe sometimes, you might neglect the other party because you just feel like “she will understand” or “he doesn’t need to know because I know he doesn’t mind”. But really, communication is key in every relationship and this is something that you have to get your mind off.
So darling, I do see that he has feelings for you, strong feelings in fact but it is only right to keep up the communication with one another and not let this relationship go down to waste because of miscommunication.
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lover-of-skellies · 4 years
Totally okay if you don’t want to, but what about a 15 that turns into a 7 prompt with HT sans? I hope your day was nice!
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Pffft it's alright dude, no worries X3
I know I made you wait a while on this, and I'm sorry for that ^^"
This definitely needs a cut, and if you keep reading, you'll see why. It's not straight up smut, but it's pretty suggestive, not gonna lie. Simply because, y'know, one of the prompts you asked for was "makeouts" :P in any case though, I hope you like it!
//If you're under 18, I would advise you not to click the link//
This wasn't so bad. Not nearly as bad as it could've been, at least. You kept telling yourself this, slowly shifting your gaze to the sleeping skeleton who was sprawled out beside you.
In your bed, of all places.
You'd been seeing him for quite a while, doing your best to help him grow more accustomed to life on the surface and being as patient as possible, staying beside him even when he had told you to leave. He didn't trust himself sometimes, and you could tell he was worried that he might hurt you. You gave him reassurance each and every time those concerns surfaced, a small smile and numerous kisses usually accompanying your words and actions of choice as you looked for ways to distract him and get his fragmented mind to focus on something else.
Sans, though very damaged from his time underground and a bit rough around the edges, had not only provided you with a best friend and sense of security. He'd also already shown you more patience and understanding than anyone you'd ever met before, which you appreciated immensely.
It was just one of the many reasons why you loved him.
As he began to stir, your lips curled into a small smile and you spoke, being sure to keep your voice low in an effort not to spook him, "Well hello there, handsome. Did you have a good nap?" The skeleton stretched his arms and legs, muffling a yawn with the sleeve of his jacket before he hummed softly, his singular scarlet iris flickering upward to focus it's attention on you, "Mmhm... sure did. Thanks for lettin' me crash here with ya, Shortcake."
Your cheeks gained a light blush at the nickname and your smile grew somewhat sheepish, "No problem. You looked like you weren't gonna make it to the door, let alone back to your house, and I just didn't want you to doze off anywhere weird again." Sans chuckled, his gruff voice still holding that edge you loved that only seemed to happen when he was tired, "Point taken."
He seemed completely content for a moment before his sockets widened in panic and he began digging through his pockets, "Shit, shit... Have you seen my phone, Sugar Cookie? I gotta call Pap, gotta check in with him-" You gently shushed him, reaching out to delicately cup his face, running your thumb over his cheekbone, "Shh, hey, it's ok, Sans. Your phone's on the bedside table. I sent Pap a text after you dozed off, so he knows you're here. He knows where he can find you, if he really needed to for whatever reason."
His movements gradually came to a halt as he met your gaze, and he frowned, "And he knows how to get here? He has your number too, right?" You nodded, humming in confirmation, "Of course. He's come over here so many times with you that he probably memorized the route, and he made me put my number into his phone a while ago." The skeleton remained tense, his sockets holding a nearly tangible amount of uncertainty as he searched your gaze, staying silent as he slowly nodded, processing your words.
Entirely aware of his concern, you tilted your head, offering him a half smile and playfully arching a brow, "...Do you need a distraction again, Sansy?" His cheekbones dusted a faint shade of blue and he briefly glanced away from you, his voice a mumble, "...Yes please."
Smile widening slightly upon seeing his blush, you laughed softly, leaning over him and gently pressing your lips to his teeth. He was quick to respond to the kiss, eagerly returning it and lifting a hand to delicately touch your face.
Although you were the one that'd deepened the kiss, he slid his hand from your face to the back of your head, his grip on you firm but gentle as he held you in place, his teeth nipping at your bottom lip just hard enough to elicit a soft whimper from you. In response, the sapphire tongue he'd already manifested began to trace over the spot he'd bitten, almost in a soothing manner, and you parted your lips, allowing his tongue access to yours.
As he felt your tongue eagerly greet his, he began to shift beneath you, releasing the back of your head to firmly grip your hips and tug you on top of him. As you got yourself situated and straddled his hips, he let out a hum of satisfaction and deepened the kiss further.
You found yourself growing captivated by his kiss and you slid your hand from his cheekbone to his chest, clutching his jacket as one of his hands left your hips and made its way to your thigh. His other hand caressed your side, slowly travelling up and down, and you could feel him smile against your lips as he shifted a small bit, earning a tiny whine from you.
Sans ducked his bony hand beneath the fabric of your shirt, taking a moment to bask in the softness of your skin before it journeyed further up, settling on your chest. As he began thumbing at your nipple, you let out a faint, surprised gasp, which in turn, earned some soft chuckling from him.
You pulled away from the kiss and sat up, your knees still planted in the mattress on either side of him. As his thumb continued to tease your already very sensitive nipple, you bit your lip and began to squirm, your cheeks stained a bright shade of red. His grin had shifted into a mischievous smirk as he watched you, his sockets narrowing the smallest bit.
You were going to be so much fun to mess with... he could already tell.
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lu-undy · 4 years
Hi!❤️. Spy is a romantic. He always makes nice things for Sniper, and the dates he plans are amazing. Sniper wants to be romantic too, so, this time, he wants to surprise Spy with his own planned date. He'll take him camping and they'll watch the starry together. Convincing Spy to go camping was a little hard, but totally worth it, Spy completely loved that date.
Alright, a date in the forest it is! I hope you’ll like it!
“Non, Sniper, I cannot accept.”
“How can you not like it if you’ve never tried it?”
Spy got up from the shade of the van and walked further away, his more-than-friend on his heels.
“Let us be serious, Sniper. Do you see me in the middle of a forest with squeaky plastic green boots?”
The Australian sighed and let his shoulders sink. He put a hand on Spy’s back who had just lit a cigarette.
“Spook, please… You always take me to wonderful places I’ve never been before, luxurious hotels and restaurants, and there was the tailor too, that fancy hairdresser… I want to try and open yer horizons too. I-I’m sorry I’m not a fancy city man like you but-but I’m sure I can make it worth your time.”
Sniper saw the cloud of smoke float in the air like the steam of an old train. Thoughts were racing in Spy’s head.
“Please, Spy. It’s not all about dirt and wilderness. There are beautiful things outside of a city’s walls.”
The Frenchman turned to face the reason his heart was beating for and Sniper put his gloved hand on his cheek.
“Like you, right now, you’re in the middle of the desert and uh… Y-you… You’re just beautiful.” 
Spy raised his eyes to Sniper. His lagoon blue eyes shone so gently that he didn’t find it in his cold stone heart to refuse.
“Oui. Let us go camping tomorrow.”
“Thank you so much!” The Australian squeezed the slim Frenchman between his arms.
“Ah, yeah, sorry, the suit, alroight, I’m sorry.” Sniper took a step back and wrapped his arms around his own self, lowering his head. He knew the Frenchman didn’t like anyone to touch his absurdly expensive attire.
“Sniper, look at me.”
The Australian shyly raised his eyes.
“I don’t like when other people touch my suit…” Spy added a smug smile, for good measure.
They had spent the night in Sniper’s campervan and when the sun rose up, the Frenchman found himself entangled in his lover’s limbs. His first reflex was to free himself certainly out of professional habit but then he realised that he liked that embrace more than he could admit. The warmth of his lover, the comfort of his soft body, the touch of his rough skin against Spy’s…
“Mornin’, Spook…”
“Oh, you woke up?”
“Felt you movin’ on me.”
“My apologies, I didn’t mean to disturb your sleep. You may go back to your dreams if you will.” Spy took Sniper’s hand in his and kissed his knuckles. He couldn’t see it but the Australian’s eyes snapped wide under the gentle touch.
“Not a chance. I’m likin’ this way too much…” The embrace tightened.
“So, when are we going to the jungle, Tarzan?” 
“Oi, I’m no Tarzan and I’m takin’ you to a forest, not a jungle.”
“I don’t see the shadow of a difference.”
“Between me and Tarzan or between a jungle and the forest?”
“You’re a bloody mystery and a half.”
“It is indeed my job title.”
About an hour later, the van was crossing the empty golden, flat desert, on the thin strip of grey asphalt.
“Are we there yet?”
“Spook, not yet.”
A few seconds passed and the van's engine was roaring.
“And now, Bushman, are we there yet?”
“Do you see anythin’ that looks like a bloody forest?”
“Non, I can only see the dull, boring orange desert.”
“Well then that means we’re not there yet, roight?”
“How long is this journey, Bushman? Are we going to make it before you get baby kangaroos?”
“Oi! A bit of patience, Spook!”
The Frenchman sighed and let his head fall back on the headrest.
“Also, I can’t get babies on my own, this isn’t how it works.”
“Is this an invitation?” Spy smirked.
“Shut up!” Sniper nudged him with his elbow.
The journey took an extra hour before they could see the end of the orange and the beginning of the green. The Australian lifted his foot off the gas pedal and eventually parked somewhere that the Frenchman would describe as “the middle of nowhere”.
“Roight, this is it.”
“Ah, oui, merci Sniper, for this delightful ride to the middle of nowhere, forest edition.”
“Oh get out and cheer up, I’ll show you some nice stuff!” Sniper answered and cut the engine off.
“After you, Mister guide…”
They got off the van. 
“Uhm, I am not really dressed for this, Sniper.”
“Come ‘round. I can lend you some clothes.”
“Non merci.”
[No thanks.]
“You’d rather walk around in yer suit and nice shoes, then?”
“I did not say that.”
“Then c’mere.”
They walked to the van’s back and Sniper jumped in. He rummaged through his belongings and found an old flannel shirt and a pair of jeans as well as some white trainers.
“Here, wear this.”
“I do hope that you are kidding me, mon beau.”
[my handsome one]
“Nah, I’m not. It should be yer size more or less and it’s fine to get them a bit dirty, although you’ll see that we’re not gonna go through any survival things. This is just to show you that you can find as many beautiful things in nature as you can in a city.”
The Frenchman winced.
“Alroight, I can uh… I mean if it helps, I can… Ahem…” Sniper put a hand on the nape of his neck. 
Spy jumped in the van and got close to his lover. 
“Tell me, what is it?”
Sniper glanced over his lover’s shoulder and seeing the door shut, he lowered his head and whispered.
“I… I can remove yer suit for you and dress you up… I-if that helps I mean…”
“Oh I don’t know if that would help.” Spy smirked and put his index finger under Sniper’s chin to push it up until their eyes met. “On one hand, if you do remove my clothes, I might get carried away. Should you proceed anyway, I would find it most enjoyable.”
“Is that a yes then?”
A few minutes later, both men were out in the green. Spy kept his gloves and balaclava on. He took his lover’s hand in his.
“Show me then, please.”
“Alroight, see those trees here, well, you gotta understand somethin’ about the way they work…”
It wasn’t a visit, it was a trek, an excursion, a hike across the green. The Australian unveiled the secrets of the forest, the local wildlife as well as the typical flora around this parts.
“Oh and what is it about the mosquitoes! it’s getting worse!”
“Ah that must mean one thing, Spook, we’re getting closer to some water. Oh, look here, on the ground.”
“What are those fluffy, uhm, mille-pattes?”
“What do you call those insects with a lot of legs?”
“Ah, caterpillars. These are called caterpillars.”
“Why are they so fluffy? Can we touch them?”
Spy got his finger closer to them.
“No, no, don’t! They’ll sting you!”
The Australian took his lover’s hand away.
“And why do they walk in a line like this? They look like they’re queueing for something…”
“Haha, my poor city man, they’re blind, that’s why they follow the only one that has any idea where it’s going!”
“Oh… I see…”
“What do you think about’em?”
“They look actually quite pretty. And very organised.”
“Glad to hear you say it, they’re amazin’ these creatures, see? Blind but they know what they’re doing! Let’s continue.”
“Fine, I’ll follow you.”
The guided tour lasted the entire day and to Spy, it seemed that he had received an entire encyclopaedia of information about the place. Everything had been accounting for, every straw of grass included. The sun was now gently setting in the distance.
“Hungry, luv’?”
The Frenchman raised an eyebrow.
“Did you just call me…?”
“Oh, uhm, sorry, that came out like that, I didn’t think about it, uh…”
“Don’t apologise, now I am quite hungry indeed…”
Spy winked at his lover and Sniper’s cheeks turned red instantly.
“R-roight, uhm, I-I’ll get the fire goin’ uh…”
“Let me light the fire, please.”
Sniper’s eyebrows jumped.
“You know how to do it?”
“May I try?”
“Alroight, go ahead. I’ll get to the van and arrange some stuff meanwhile.”
A few minutes later, the Australian exited his van again.
“Crikey, you did it! You lit a fire!”
Sniper jumped out of his van and leapt at his lover.
“Mon amour, non-oof!”
[My love]
The momentum of the Australian’s jump made them both tumble and fall on the grass. The Frenchman rolled his eyes.
“Oh now even my balaclava will be dirty…!”
“Yeah, but it’s protecting yer hair! Why are you always seeing the glass always half-empty?”
Spy smiled.
“I guess you are right.”
“Also, did you just call me-?”
“My love, oui, I did.”
“I… I love you.”
Sniper wrapped his arms around his lover and buried his head in his chest as he laid on top of him on the earthy ground of the forest.
“Sniper, y-you are crushing me…”
“Don’t care, I just love you.”
They enjoyed their sausages and marshmallows, sat on a tree log, Spy leaning his head on his lover’s shoulder. The sun had now fully set and the sole source of light on which they could rely was the dancing flames of the campfire that the Frenchman had made. 
“It’s cold now, mon amour.”
“It is. Climb up the van’s roof, I’ll be a minute.”
“The roof?”
“But it’s cold!”
“Trust me, Spook, please.”
“Fine. I have been so far so why not go all the way?"
A few minutes later, both men were on the van’s rooftop. Sniper had put the flames out and only the smoke floated in the air, evaporating through the darkness of the night. 
“Here, a duvet, we’ll be a bit warmer.”
The Australian sat next to his lover and threw the cover on their shoulders. Spy snuggled up against his taller man.
“Now look up, luv’. See those stars in the sky?”
“I see them in your eyes.”
Sniper looked down and saw the Frenchman’s eyes riveted on his, his wide black pupils reflecting the moonlight. 
“Oh, uh, they must look tiny on my eyes, uh, y-you better look at the sky to see them better, I think.”
“You are adorable.” Spy took Sniper’s arm in his and looked up. 
“See those stars shaped like a saucepan?”
“That’s the Great Bear.”
“It doesn’t look like one, does it?” Spy tilted his head left and right, trying to see where on Earth anyone could see a bear up there.
“Nah, it’s true… And that one there, the upside down saucepan, that’s the Small Bear.”
“It doesn’t make any sense, Bushman. Who are these people who decided on that, their vision is terrible! Have they ever seen a bear in real life?!”
“Oi, don’t blame me, I have nothing to do with that, luv’! I’m just explaining it to ya.”
“I know, but still. They should have called it the saucepan and the upside down saucepan.”
“I agree with ya. Now there’s that one there, that’s the Dragon.”
“And unsurprisingly, it does not look like one.”
“Oh cause maybe you have seen a dragon in real life?”
“And what if I did.”
“Oh, shut up and c’mere…!”
They snuggled up closer to each other under their white fluffy blanket and  the dark one God had laid above their heads.
“So what about today? Did you like it?”
“Oui, I think I did. You know a lot of things about this… Nature business…”
“Well, yeah, I’ve lived most of my adult life outside and in me van, so I guess it makes sense.”
“I find this interesting.”
“Is that a way to say that you would like a second trip some time?”
“Maybe, Bushman. It all depends on one thing, you see.”
“Oh, what’s that?”
“The way that you decide to spend this night with me.”
“Well, we’ve got the cover here and no one around for miles…”
The gaze they exchanged in the night sealed their decision and as the day had started with their limbs entangled, it ended the same way. 
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crestomanci · 3 years
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             “The Lost Princess” follows the story of Nick Sullivan, a girl that finds out, on her sixteenth birthday, that she is the daughter of a queen and is summoned to ascend to the throne as the princess of Combellmont island. She initiates, then, a difficult and dangerous journey that could put not only her life at risk as everyone’s she loves.
Chapter 1
           What do I know about my mom? What a tough question. Besides all the biological processes I’ve learned in school, like genetics and stuff, I only know some physical characteristics: she was tall, the prettiest lady my father has ever known, and she smelled like mint. And that’s all I know because whenever I talked about her, my father always was already drunk and I needed to help him out and take him from his armchair to his bed.
           I’ve never tried to pressure him in order to get information, though, since he always looked so ashamed of himself the next morning and I didn’t want to make him feel sad… Or make me sad. After all, the feelings I’ve grown towards my mom were migrating between sadness and anger. How could someone leave their child with some guy she’d only met once and then never tries to keep in touch? Okay, I was lucky enough that my dad was a cool guy and took me in, but this doesn’t make her less guilty at all.
           I wonder if she ever wanted to know where her daughter could be for these past 15 years. If she has ever asked herself if I was okay, if I went to school, if my dad treated me nicely… Nothing? Then, after a while, I started to believe that she never loved me. That I was a mistake she made during a U2 concert after tons of beer and that I didn’t matter to her.
I got up from my bed and decided not to think about her. The less I knew, the less it would hurt, and today I was supposed to be happy, right? Because it was my sixteenth birthday. “Happy Birthday, Nick”, I said to myself. My dad was surely still asleep and I would only see him at night.
           “Oh, crap!” twenty minutes late meant that I was late to school and this would be my third time this month. I ran as fast as I could and was able to catch the bus. Luckly, the driver was George and he always stopped for me, even when I was running late.
           “Andy again, Nick?” he asked.
           I nodded, not wanting to talk about it. Third delay of the month… This would make me stay in school after class and then I would be late for work at Tiffany&Thommy, which would not please Miss Picket. Will “I’m so so sorry, but today is my birthday and everything is nuts” work as an excuse? No. Everyone in town knew me and my dad, so it was known that whenever I was late it was because of him.
           George offered me a little red box with a white bow wrapping it around and a tiny card. “Hey, you didn’t think I'd forget, did you?”
           “George, you shouldn’t have! Thanks” I thanked and my cheeks turned red while I was getting the present, in a mist of hurry and happiness (after all, I was already late and he had taken his time to hand in the present despite knowing everyone was waiting to carry on the trip!).
           “That’s nothing, Nick. Tomorrow, tell me if you liked it. Have a great day and a happy birthday!”
           I thanked again while I started to look for a seat. The real bus to Abeley High School was deactivated because no one used it. Most of the students didn’t need to use public transportation since they had their own cars or chauffeurs, and so every single day I had to take the only bus that drove all the way to my school, when, in reality, it dropped me off two blocks away.  After spending a whole life in Abeley, I was already used to it, but I wished - as if I was about to blow my birthday cake candles - this year I’d get a car. Or that at least my dad would accept that I should start to study at the school he now works at.
I got up when we were getting closer to the stop and hurried up while going down the stairs, and ran to school.
Yeah, I was definitely late. And obviously I had to face Mr. William, after going to the principal’s office. I smiled bluntly, and then tried to sneak into his class.
“Oh, Nicolle! I can’t believe someone hasn’t given you a clock yet. I mean, we have been starting the classes at the same time since 1864, and yet…”
           I heard my entire class smothering a laughter as I gave Mr. William the piece of paper that allowed me to take his class, which was prior given to me by the principal, and, then, I went to my desk.
           Today’s history class was about smaller islands and countries all over the world. Internally, I kept telling myself that there was no use to learning all of that, once we lived in a small city closer to New York, so that subject should have been self-explanatory to us and, even though Abeley should be a school for rich people, the greatest part of us, including me, would never travel abroad. Like ever. Let alone stepping on a small island somewhere that was probably built to make money from tourists. Whatever. Mr. William had already had his moment of glory today and I didn’t need a lecture anyways, so I decided to loosen my hair and put on my earphones again, as I kept pretending that I was paying attention.
           Everyone’s goal in Abeley was to get into an Ivy League and, for the unlucky ones like me, the ultimate goal was to get a scholarship or a way out of this town. It felt weird not knowing what to do or what I’d like to become, but when people ask me about what I would like to be when I grow up, I used to lie and say I’d like to become a lawyer. Knowing my dad’s behavior, it would make total sense and that was enough to get me out of that subject during conversations, after being told that I should “hang in there” in order to become what I used to say.
           The truth was that it would be enough if I turned eighteen and convinced my father that we should leave this town or state. To build a new life in which we weren’t pity case or a subject to gossip spreaders.
           Tiffany&Thommy was a library and bookstore two blocks away from my school. It used to be owned by two brothers who have lived here since the city was founded, and I was a part-timer there. After Mr. Thommy Picket’s death, his sister needed help and I offered myself, as I needed money because my dad’s salary as a Spanish teacher was not something we could brag about.
           I apologized for being late to Miss Picket and she (with her always pleasing humor) told me to find my computer and sit down before her nephew could find the cash register and steal everything they’ve made so far, like he did last month,
           “Good evening, Nick. Are you early again?” I hear Rupert saying with his annoying British accent. He was sitting on my chair, staring at me with his weird brown eyes and dark hair.
           “Yes, Rupert. And thank you for keeping my seat warm. Now you can go.” The best solution with him was to use irony and sarcasm. After all, wanting or not, he was the future owner of that store and his aunt wasn’t looking that good anyway.
           “I don’t know why my aunt keeps you here. Or why did she hire you in the first place.”
           “Your aunt knows me since I was born, we live in the same neighborhood and she trusts me.” I was as rough as possible and then started to browse through the record book on the decrepit computer.
           He kept there, looking at what I was doing, as he was laying on the counter. I waited until he left for five minutes, but I was never known for my patience.
           “So? Do you want a book or something?” I asked, trying to smile.
           “Not really.” he replied and kept staring at me. Then, he nodded and left.
           I took a deep breath, trying to calm down, while I watched him leave.
           On my way home, I decided to open the present given by George when I was already on the bus. It was a little pendant shaped like a heart. Those in which you can put a picture on both sides. I loved it. I’m going to choose a picture of me and my dad, I thought as I got off the bus.
The weather was terrible as always and the fog made me put on my hood. When I was close to my building, I saw a man wearing a suit leaving and getting in a luxury black car that was parked on the other side of the street. I had no idea someone in town had something to do with the White House, I thought, trying not to laugh as I passed by the lobby.
The elevator was, once again, being fixed and it would take at least forty-eight hours return, so I went up the stairs hearing some of my neighbors complaining about the elevator like that would fix it faster.
After finding my keys, I saw my dad sitting on his armchair that, this time, was facing the door. He looked more tired and sadder than usual and was holding a letter.
“Dad?” I called, leaving my backpack in the hall and getting closer to him.
“Oh, Nick, you’re here” he answered and I could see that his eyes looked swollen and red. He has cried. I sighed and looked at the table, but I didn’t see any beer bottles there.
“What happened?”
“I need to talk to you. And I ordered pizza, so you don’t need to cook today. Change your clothes and take a bath, I know you must be tired.”
“That’s okay, dad. I’m fine” I claimed, feeling a little bit afraid.
He didn’t say anything else, just stood up and went to his room. I kept staring at him while he closed the door.
Ordering pizza on my birthday was almost a habit, but the conversation part… I started to bite my upper lip and picked up my backpack on the floor, but refused to take a bath. I felt nervous and anxious and waited to hear if his bedroom door would open so that I could leave mine.
When I left, he was in the living room. He had opened and served himself with a pizza slice and soda. He looked a little better as he smiled, so I sat down.
“Happy birthday, kiddo.” It was all he said, giving me a sad smile. We started to eat after that.
After I finished, I felt like something bad was about to happen and I realized he was looking at me, God knows for how long, and that the letter he was previously holding was still there, in his hand. I stopped and looked at him, wanting to know for how long he would stare without saying anything.
A couple minutes had passed, but it felt like an eternity to me. Then, he finally started:
“Nick, did I talk about your mom yesterday?”
I took a deep breath and felt a little bit relieved to realize that it wasn’t something that important after all. I was used to that kind of conversation, even though it made me sad, since he usually stood up for her in the end.
“Yes, dad, but just the usual, you know, blond, tall, smelled like mint” I remembered while I was taking my dish and got up.
“Nicolle, sit down, please” he stared at me with his blue eyes and it looked like it was an order.
I had no idea what was going on, but if it was serious enough for my dad to boss me around…
“Okay.” I agreed, sitting down again.
He looked like he was trying to control himself so that he could continue his speech.
“Nick, you know your mom handed you in when you were only six months, right?” he asked and I nodded, leaning on the couch. “Child, what I have to say is serious and I need you to handle it until the very end.”
He paused. The pizza I ate started to move around in my stomach, bothering me.
“Your mom didn’t leave you here because she wanted to, but because she needed to keep you away from the place she lived in. She had to leave you here, with me, so that I could take care of you and make you a good person. When I met her, we spent the whole week together. She told me about her world and I realized it wasn’t easy. Our story wasn’t just a concert and a single night, and I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you sooner. Actually, I’m sorry about everything I have to tell you today… You can’t imagine how much it hurts to tell everything like this. But the point is: she loved you, as much as I do love you. And last week, I discovered that unfortunately your mom has passed away.” He told me with every strength he had, even though he let some tears roll down his cheeks, which he cleaned fast. Then, he took a box from the table, one I haven’t seen before, opened it and showed me everything that was inside.
“I thought that it wasn't a good idea to tell you, dear. You always seemed hurt about your mom, but, then, today I received a message and now I have no other choice but to tell you the truth. The man that came here earlier wanted to wait for you, but I begged him to let me speak with you first. I needed to tell you the whole story. You’ve probably already studied about Europe and must know that there are a lot of small countries there. Your mom lived in one of those countries. Actually, your mom ruled one of them. When I met her, she had just received a convocation to claim the throne of Combellmont and, like any 18-year-old girl, she wanted… An adventure before her real life began. Like in the romances she used to read.
“We met when I went to live in New York. She came on a trip, running away from her hotel, and we met in the middle of Central Park. It was love at first sight and we had the best week in the world. Nine days, to be exact, but she always needed to go back and sleep at the hotel, so I left her on the street corner so that the guard that escorted her would be aware of me. Until the last day, when her sister saw and denounced us. She was grounded after that and I got beaten up by her guards. And well, I thought I’d never see her again, so needless to say it was a surprise when she came back, fifteen months later, knocking on my old Brooklyn apartment with you in her arms. She asked me to take care of you, keeping you safe and sound, away from her world. She asked me to give you a normal life until the day she would come back and explain everything. That she would do it once you turned 18… I wished she had time to do that…
“Ever since, I could only watch you grow and kept collecting everything that I saw about her. Her marriage with an ambassador that was twice her age, her coronation as queen, the birth to her first child for the media, the death of her husband and, most recently, her own death, not long after giving birth to her second child. Oh, Nick, I would have loved to tell you all of this at the right time, but it so happens that you need to know it now. This afternoon, your mom’s kingdom counselor came in and brought this letter to you. You see: with her death, it would be pleasing if her oldest royal child ascended to the throne, but she’s only a kid! And as you are, in fact, the oldest of them all… They demand you there for some kind of training. And, being crystal clear: you are obligated to do this, or they will appeal to judicial measures to make you do it anyway. They can even take you by force, Nick.”            After hearing all of that, I ran to the bathroom. My head was spinning, my face was wet with sweat and tears, and I wanted to throw up every slice of pizza I ate. My dad didn’t even dare to chase me, he just let me go.
I was overwhelmed, to say the least. My head was exploding with the wave of information I’ve received and I’ve never been so shocked in my entire life. I don’t know how long I’ve stayed there, hiding, puking, crying. I was hugging my knees against my chest, just hearing my heartbeats. How come my life turned upside down in less than one hour? My mom, a queen. Country, children, baby, my dad, kingdom… Those words were spinning in my head and making me dizzy. How come my father hid everything from me? How come my mom found it better that way? And, mainly, what was I supposed to do now? I had no clue how someone could actually obligate me to do something, after all, besides taking care of my father and the house, I’ve never had to lead, or been a leader.
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9uk · 5 years
The Stranger I Met On The Bus
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⌲ summary : Your life became a mess of colours the day you decided to leave the luxurious comfort of your home and board the same bus a wandering Namjoon was on.
⌲ pairing : namjoon x reader
⌲ word count : 12.6k
⌲ genre:  slow burn......fluff, angst, smut, strangers2lovers...? or not. unrequited love but fate does it thing ye
⌲ warnings : rough times man, sexual scenes
a/n: it’s super messy & horrible i know...but i’ve been dying to get this out and i’ve been feeling all sorts of things as of late :’
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“Is there something you need?” He starts, after having mulled over the reason behind your incessant gawking for long.  
You blinked.
Something you need? Was there something you need? Why was he suddenly questioning you?
How are you going to tell him that he looks so much like somebody you used to know?
The both of you stayed right there, staring at each other with an equal amount of confusion.
You couldn’t take your eyes off him the first time you saw him. It was a brief, yet impactful eye contact shared. The split second his eyes locked with your own had your insides whirring like a washing machine. He looked around your age, perhaps a little older. Obvious dimples and agonisingly familiar mono lids. Something about the way he left your orbs as fast as they landed on them made you feel like something was going on.
It was too quick.
Too fast till it exposed his scheme. The guy had been watching you the whole time, and you had successfully caught him red-handed. Or maybe you were seeing things. Feeling things. Things you could not decipher what were.
Coincidence is a strange occurrence not many have in their lives. Some call it fate, but really you’d like to believe it as just pure luck. It’s baffling how a mere stranger could be the reason behind your insides shimmering with excitement again.
The bus station was bustling with business men rushing off to their destinations, families making their way back home, or even, wandering souls who have lost their sense of direction in life, travelling far away from their abodes to seek comfort in the beauty of escaping. Take you, for example. To sum it up, you were running away from some family matters back at home. Ones that require way more energy and attention than you can handle.
You were just in line to collect your ticket for the entire bus journey. Quite a long and drawn-out ride, you would say. You silently thanked your brain for the abrupt cue to bring your book along just as you stepped out of the house. 11 hours. What on earth were you going to do spending half a day coped up in a long, empty carriage?
“Nothing,” Your lips finally discovered the courage to open up and let a word out. The exchange of weirded out, perplexed faces of expression resumed.
He raises his brows slightly, expecting you to provide the actual cause as a continuation.
It was a millisecond away from him turning his head back into his own business. But a millisecond seems a tad too long for your short fused patience on a Friday morning.
“What? I said nothing.” The last word is shot like a poison dart to the neck—attack acting as the best shield—and the stranger is utterly surprised by the switch in attitude.
He gets the red-light, diverting eyes to the front in an instant and pressing his lips into a firm line. Your feistiness cooled down and regret immediately settled in as your tone replays in your head.
You absolutely hated repeating yourself and towards the man who resembled him too much, you lost all the rationality you contained. It probably looked like you were a temperamental piece of shit who obviously had some serious anger issues, making it tough to convince him otherwise. You want to apologise straight away, you really do. But you find yourself tongue-tied wondering if you should say it with the pronoun or not. By the time you’ve arrived to a decision, it was too late. Apologising a few minutes after the outburst of questionable annoyance would just seem...weird.
Like you have been thinking about him all this while.
Which isn’t true, at all.
A tiny seed of ego sprouted until you were crossing your arms in fumes, mainly irritated at your own cranky behaviour.
You swore to the heavens that you were much nicer than the nasty impression you left on him.
It was just, a slip of the tongue. At an absurdly wrong timing.
Yet, you couldn’t bring yourself to tell him those two words that could clear your name.
Two hours of terrible attempts at falling asleep. The interaction with the handsome lad troubling the entrance of your dreams. The initial road is a bumpy one, the movements of the vehicle not coordinating with your pulse. One hundred and twenty minutes of stressing over the stranger of familiarity just inches away from you. He smelled like Seven thousand and two hundred seconds of—
“Excuse me, I want to get off.”
The lids you have been trying to press shut to let the unconsciousness close in on you flew open. Back jerking straight up, you realise you were in his way of leaving his seat.
The bus was almost empty, randomly splattered with a few passengers who did not need anything outside of this carriage. Vision a blur, you can only make out a big bright red panel that signified a gas station. He is a man patient enough to let you settle out of your trance before making space for his exit.
You snatch your purse and decided to get out of the bus as well.
From behind, a giant figure looms over yours and a sense of smallness washes over you.
Was your seat buddy always this tall?
You never noticed.
The mart at this particular gas station sucks. Out of 10, it barely even made pass 4.
You scanned the rows of snacks once more, as if doing just that would bring your cheese rings into existence. Forget about cheese rings, there weren’t even cheese balls available! The staple of snacks, king of crunches—to you, at the very least.
Shoving your hands into the pockets of your hoodie, you sighed in exasperation.
It is then you are suddenly reminded of the encounter with the guy sitting beside you.
It was time you got rid of the perpetual habit of yours to unleash your annoyance on anyone or anything.
After carefully reviewing every item under the snacks section, you ended up furrowing your brows at a bag of sour cream and onion chips. The grumble rolling off your stomach forces you to grab it off the shelf.  
The kiosk is filled with people who were in the same bus as you, but yet you find yourself searching for a specific someone. You remember paying him no mind when you made a beeline for the mart, not wanting to waste anymore time from this precious brief stopover. For the familiar face that you still cannot put together the similarities. The uncanny resemblance in both their heights. It’s a funny thing because you always have a thing for guys around 6 feet tall.
The aluminium crinkles in your grasp as you fail to spot him. And there you are, left wondering about where the tall guy had went.
Placing your sole purchase onto the counter, you glanced over the lollipops decorated in a spiral. You absentmindedly stare at the wide array of bright colours with the beeping sound of your chips being scanned into the register.
Your focus seems to drift away, for you don’t seem to notice the cashier announcing the price of your potato chips.
“I’ll have this too,” Snapping out of the sandcastle building, you fish out a five dollar bill to the poor shop assistant who only just began her shift. “Thanks.”
Stepping outside, a fresh breath of wind whooshes past your face and you never felt this alive. Mainly because you’ve also never been up this early for so long and the morning air really hits different. It’s been forever since you actually witnessed the sun in its early form. It’s been also so long since you’ve had breakfast, and it being a bag of chips is fabulous and says a lot about your eating habits.
Most of the passengers are queuing for the public washroom, some are still lingering in the store heating up a grilled cheese or whatever. And so you drive yourself out of the lane and wander around with the remaining time left.
That would be a lie, truth to be told.
You weren’t just basically wandering around.
You were wandering around in hopes of bumping into that man.
Your legs brought your idling form to the corner of the walls of petrol kiosk.
You were not wholly surprised when you saw exactly what your mind pictured; him standing there leaned back against the white bricks and maybe, a cigarette in hand.
Except there was no tobacco or the cap he was wearing earlier on in sight, just him lowering the cellphone from his ear with dejection written all over his face. Did someone just relay a piece of bad news to him? Or did his girlfriend break up with him over the phone?
You stand there, taking in his gorgeous side profile and the cute tip of his nose you want to kiss. His Adam apple bobs as he swallows and tucks the phone back into the pocket of his navy pants. No one else has the ability to wear an outfit so baggy and casual and look like they belong on the runway. It’s like he knows which style suits him best and puts each piece of clothing to their fullest potential. His exposed brown locks fall over his eyes and your fingers itch to run through them and sweep his hair back.
It is in the middle of your not-so-subtle gawking when his gaze rises and falls onto you.
The expression on his face drops even further if possible, and he stumbles for the right words. The following squint of his eyes tells you that he did not thoroughly enjoy your presence. You roll the ball of the sweet in your palm nervously.
“W-Wha—How long have you been standing there?” The doubt flows out of his mouth and a clear displeasure in his tone.
Shorter than he thinks, definitely. You’ve only just arrived.
“A couple of seconds ago.”
The suspicion of you eavesdropping is not completely wiped off his face despite your answer. The despondency from before has somewhat grown into vexation, and he is ready to leave you alone in this alley.
The tension between the two of you is unbearable, like he has nothing to say to you or even annoyed by your existence while your fingers wrap around the lollipop stick even tighter.
“Hey,” You step in his way, but bodies not touching at all.
Gulping, you raise the candy in front of you.
“I-I wanted to apologise for earlier on,” You ignored the stammering and carried on. “I was being plain rude to you for no reason at all. I was having a bad morning and you just look so much like someone I used to know I-” You’re rambling and he cuts you off deadly.
“Is that all?”
Your breath hitches in your throat and you realise there’s nothing else left to say. God, the lollipop in your hand makes you feel so stupid now. He’s trying to dismiss you as quickly as possible while you wish to become acquaintances with him. You were overthinking it. He is saving the embarrassment for you. This man was driving you crazy. Firstly from how scarily similar he looks to him and second from how you wanted to know everything about him now. The impression he left on you is near perfect—patient, understanding and  an offbeat sadness adorning his features.
And the impression you left on him is a horrible, distasteful one. A kind of impression you would never want anyone to have of yourself, let alone the guy who looked so ravishing and have been nothing but nice towards you.
Why would someone acting blue be any of your business?
Precisely, because it’s this guy who you caught staring at you in the bus interchange and it’s the same guy who you lashed out at and again, the guy who you are currently offering a goddamned lollipop to.
You wanted to know who he was calling and why he looked so sad. You wanted so badly to wrap him in your arms and tell him that everything’s going to be fine. The important question however, remains untouched. Why were you trying to fix somebody when you were so broken yourself? You have been so deprived of proper love and care that you want him. It’s a rash burst of infatuation for that man.
If this is what the hours at the start of the day did to your buzzed head and racing heart, you finally understand why you constantly slept in till the peace of afternoon came.
All in all, you just needed him to accept the apology and move on.
You painfully muster the courage to avert your eyes from pink ball and look up at him.
“Yeah, that is all.”
A lie, because you have so much more to say to him and is in no position to put the thoughts out like that. There was no other way to explain a peculiar connection you one-sidedly felt with him without sounding creepy as hell.
He simply takes your answer as it is and receives the strawberry lollipop from you.
The way his slender fingers brushes over the back of your hand sends a shiver straight to your spine. He was warm and cold, polite yet dismissive. A walking contradiction, truly. A contrast that has you secretly swooning over him even more.
Nonetheless, you were glad he did not shove a rejection in your face.
Of all things that you could have done, you foolishly got yourself into a predicament with him like this.  
Once everyone was comfortably seated, the bus driver hops on and whirs the bulky engine to life once more.
When you returned to your seat, the wrapper had already been ripped off and the lollipop was being savoured in his mouth already. You try to hide the blooming smile on your face.
You were busy plucking the petals of a non-existent flower in your mind, contemplating at maximum whether or not you should strike a conversation with him.
If you did, you played out the different possibilities of responses he could have and how to carry on talking no matter what. It’s been quite some time since you’ve actually tried to talk to a stranger, and it was hard. But the desire to get to know him is diminishing all the worries bubbling inside you. When there’s a will, there’s a way indeed.
Rehearsing your voice in your head, you wait for the perfect timing to start speaking.
He was not doing anything much, still suckling on the ball of sugar and looking out the window.
You can’t help but admire his angelic features for a while. The cosiness of this coach granted the close proximity you had with him, allowing you to be able to catch a whiff of his smell. He didn’t smell like the sharp colognes of business men that flooded office areas, but rather, he had a soft lotion scent that was not too thick for your nose to hurt, yet subtle which has you craving for more.
Topped off with that coldness in his attitude and gentlemanly ways, you really are beginning to develop a tiny crush on him.
Very, tiny.
You have not much time left, it was easy to figure when someone was shamelessly planting their eyes on you.
He had no earpiece on, which was a good sign because you hated it when people tried to interrupt your music. And end up asking something so stupid, like your name.
“I never asked, but what is your name?”
Loud and clear, not wanting any slip-ups. The thread of tension that was initially pulled taut between the two of you seemed to have loosened on your side.
Like mentioned, you’ve actually browsed through all types of replies he could give.
He could have probed about the reason behind you wanting to know, or he could play games with you and not tell you, keeping it as a mystery unsolved so that you wouldn’t stop talking to him about it.
But no, his answer was the most difficult for the continuation of a conversation.
He is deeply distracted by the greenery outside, peeling his line of sight off the window pane and finally directing it to you.
He thinks—for whatever reason in this world you can about your own name—before gently replying.
A blatant response which leaves you with not much options left to venture.
However, it doesn’t stop you from appreciating each syllable of his name. Nam and Joon just goes so well with each other just like how the colour of his cap matches his pants and you are naturally repeating after him, his name leaving your lips in such a blissful way. You are officially going bonkers for this man.
He doesn’t pay any more attention to you, turning to view the scenery that runs past the moving vehicle. The passing trees and blue sky are more interesting to look at than talking to you very apparently.
“That’s a nice name.” You pointed out and he flashes you a faint smile before going back to the window.  
You note that he doesn’t ask for yours and an unexpected feeling of hurt thuds at your chest.
You take it as a telltale sign that Namjoon, is not interested in you like the way you are in him. All practice of the conversation gets deleted and thrown into the trash bin like a child’s silly doodling, and you sink back into your seat, trying to not feel all stupid and crestfallen.
Nothing else is said between the both of you until the next rest stop.
This time, you buy a packet of bread and a hotdog bun because it’s lunch.
He is no longer standing at some secluded corner of this new gas station, just shifting on both feet just outside the doors of this e-mart.
From inside, you spot Namjoon at the same place from before. You tear the package of the ready-made bun and observe him for a moment.
Namjoon had been repetitively trying to call someone. Each time the line reaches nowhere, his jaw clenches even harder and he tongues at his cheeks in a disputable infuriation.
Though, that is all you can see. You have yet to fully understand his actual situation.
The bells jingle as you push through the glass doors to exit.
Again, he removes the phone from his ear and angrily taps on the screen as if that would help his call get through.
“Here,” You offer him the bread. Butter flavoured, nothing too much to be disliked by anyone. You haven’t seen Namjoon eat anything from the start of the journey up till now and you are genuinely concerned about his hunger.
“Oh, no thanks. I’m not hungry.” You know that phrase too well. A statement someone would say even when they in fact are hungry, but the loss of appetite is too overwhelming for the empty stomach. The loss of appetite can be caused by several factors—like one being too bothered about something on their mind.
You retract the bread in hand from him, and fall silent.
“Do you want to use mine?”
You considered for a long moment before raising the suggestion.
The rest stop in the middle of nowhere would destroy reception for some phones, but yours could call from almost anywhere. Well, as the line contract promised.
Namjoon looks up and at last, a glint of care swirling in his orbs.
You wonder who he is trying to dial.
“Really?” It’s like he cannot believe the small offer you made, different from the other times you buy him food. You guess Namjoon really did not have a thing for food at gas stations.
“Yeah,” You click your phone to the dialling page.
“Mine should be able to get through.”
He swipes the device off your hand faster than light, not caring about the desperation he is displaying.
“Thanks.” He mumbles as he hastily keys in whoever’s number that was. It is soft, but it could still be heard.
The call seems to really manage to get through and he mouths an ‘excuse me’ before striding off to somewhere more private for the conversation to happen.
Munching away at your hotdog bun, you watch him grow frustrated as the call goes on, Namjoon crossly gesturing with his hands to try to get his point across and the locking of his jaw every time he spat out a word. Then, his eyebrows are knitted in fury, like he had just met with news of anguish. He stomps around, sometimes even yelling into your phone and at some point in time, you were afraid that he would smash your phone into pieces. The vein at his neck visibly pops and you could tell how many emotions he was trying so hard to contain. Emotions like anger, disappointment, confusion—all at once, bombarding poor Namjoon.
The person on the other end likely ended the call, for Namjoon stares ahead at a red stationary motorcycle with emptiness crowding his eyes. His lips were no longer aggressively moving to negotiate whatever that was, his hand turned motionless as well—and the phone lowers, just like the previous times. This time though, with a knowing answer and clarity clouding his glistening eyes.
His hands were tightly balled into fists and your phone almost gets crushed. Even from afar, you can see the rapid rise and falls of his chest and the grief stinging his eyes. You skipped through the hesitation and made your way over to the bull.
“Hey are you alright—”
“Thanks for the call.”
He is quick to shut you off, slamming the device onto your palm and strolls away to probably hide his moment of sorrow.
Namjoon looked more upset than anything you’d imagine. And it broke your heart to see him this unhappy.
“Namjoon!” You yelled after him.
Tracing his footsteps, his back faces you.
You can’t explain the need surging throughout you to just step forward and smooth your hand over the broad expanse of his back, the itch to calm him down and ask what was wrong. But you weren’t really in a position to do so.
The clock ticks a whole silent round before he slowly turns around with a long exhale.
The sight of his tear-stained cheeks and red eyes wrenches hard at your heart.
Strangers had boundaries, and you yearned to cross them with Namjoon.
“Do you…want a hug?” There was much nothing left on your plate that you could offer.
Awkwardly natural, the distance between your two bodies closes.
Everything afterwards happened in a blink; his head sinking heavily onto the blade of your shoulder, his arms wrapped around your body and your face smashing into his well-built chest.
Heaven, that’s the best description you can make of burying yourself into Namjoon arms.
You were supposed to hug him, and not the other way around.
He takes a deep breath, tightening his hold on you and his nose digging into your hair, making you fight back a shiver as you carefully rest your hands on his lower back. The smell of his lotion grows even stronger when you are this close to him, and you wished you could stay like this with him forever.  
His breathing was still hard and you could feel his heart frantically hammering onto yours, as if having suffered a major attack.
The hug was quiet but comfortable. Everything with Namjoon felt comfortable if you even make sense.
“I needed this.” He mumbles into your skin, pulling away seconds after, causing you to cling onto every last bit of him.
The two of you returned to the bus straight away, with no words exchanged.
However, you can feel Namjoon beginning to open up to you.
Still, you’d like to take your time to understand him.
Feelings settled and heart at ease, the subject of the call and his breakdown was never broached again.
He was, as usual, peering at the outer layer of the woods along the road. Namjoon observes them with a concentration not to be disregarded.
It almost feels like he was scripting every line and carve on their barks, counting the number of leaves on each branch and watching how mighty they stood tall—which was technically impossible, but with Namjoon, one would never know.
“Ah, by the way,” You try to casually start a conversation, but at the same time you feel bad for interrupting his tree-watching session. “Where are you headed to?”
“Uh,” He hesitates, the area between his eyes scrunching up. “I… actually have no idea.”
He knew where he was going. But it looks like plans got ruined midway.
Was it because of the phone call? You promised yourself not to poke that matter. Not now.
“Huh. Same here. Probably the last stop or something.” You shrugged, nonchalant.
This huge bus was driving from the city to various locations—from small towns to farms and other districts basically.
You didn’t have a place in mind; you just needed to get out of that hellhole.
He widens his eyes at you because it is not all the time you randomly find someone as lost as you are.
Namjoon really has nowhere to go now. The most he could do would be to buy another trip back into the city—but that was the option he’d leave for last. Other than the mortifying decision to backpedal into your old routes, he could only face frontwards and hope for the best. It would be so easy to return to his hometown—which was along the way—where his parents would more than gladly welcome him with open arms, but the last thing he wanted was to become a burden to his family.
“You really don’t know where exactly you are going to?”
Taking in his words, you had to double confirm. Namjoon looked like someone who clearly knew all the directions in his life, knew for sure what to do and what not to do. Looks can be deceiving, after all.
“I wish I did.” His body turns to face you now, away from the window and the sudden attention is making you panic a little.
“Honestly, there aren’t many places I could go to either, so.” He points out, acting more like he was engaged in a conversation with himself rather than you.
At that, you could only smile in relation. Strangely, the both of you were very similar in thoughts but worlds apart in expression.
Namjoon enclosed his heart and mind, choosing the appropriate timing to open them and to specifically who. Meanwhile, you consistently let yourself out there even though you try not to, it just happens without intention. But the outgoing exterior eventually fades as you start becoming comfortable with keeping low and quiet as well. Many people would be shocked upon witnessing a whole 360 change in your demeanour, just as they would with Namjoon turning talkative.
“I wish I did too.” A light chuckle spills past your lips and as well as you are attempting to hide the misery suffocating your lungs, you don’t think you’re doing a great job at it.
Namjoon inspects your expression for a fraction, not adding on to the conversation anymore, before he throws his attention back at the greens.
Somehow, there formed an unspoken agreement between the two of you that the last stop would be your destinations.
As the trip went by, the number of passengers onboard gradually decreases, each and every one of them assured of where to alight and where they must reach. You were slightly envious of, especially the complete families who got down the bus with joy spread across their faces. They must have a home that is like a safe haven to them, one where the members could retreat to after a long day in comfort and bliss.
One you could never afford to have, despite how fortunate you were.
There was never an end to the screams and fights, the smashing of objects and the destroying of furniture like they costed nothing. The amount of terrible sleep you get every passing day, progressively shredding your sleep schedule to uneven strips.
It wasn’t until the start of spring when you arrived at a decision to leave home. School was still ongoing, but a break was urgent. Anymore of the nonsense you receive at both your workplace and home, you’re afraid you might just turn haywire and end up being sent to the mental hospital. Throw your mentally and emotionally unstable ass into the asylum—your parents had every aspect to perfectly do so.
“But miss, you can’t just leave like that.” Jungkook, one of your dad’s most trusted security personnel and chauffeur begs you to stay put in your sickening stuffy room with his undying persistence.
“Yes I can. Watch me.” He refused to open the gate no matter how hard you try to plea him and this was your final resort. Flinging your bag over the barrier, it lands on the other side of freedom with a heavy thud and that’s when Jungkook relents.
“Oh my god, Y/N!” You know he’s pissed when he says your name.
 Jungkook was slightly older than you, but the both of you grew up together. The family feuds put him in an uncomfortable situation at times, but he wasn’t to step into matters as such. 
Although maintained at a professional distance, it doesn’t stop him from bringing your favourite cake into the bedroom you would always be found hiding under the sheets from all that fighting. After the storm subsides, Jungkook always appeared with a cake and drink in hand to appease your frightened form, the desserts acting as a type of consolation he couldn’t provide. He was a sweet guy, but you never saw him that way. Jungkook was like an older brother to you. And he wasn’t that good at covering up his silly crush on you.
“Fine!” He unlocks the gate in the most passive-aggressive way ever and you only giggle.
You have him wrapped around your finger and it was no doubt an advantage to you could use all the time.
“Stay safe, regardless.”
You hold both his hands in the most dramatic way ever, swaying up to him like a Disney princess.
When you lean in close to his face, Jungkook is rendered speechless, a flushed mess.
“I will and thank you.” You hum sweetly and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.
“Byeeeeee!” You sing and happily leave the stifling confines of the house, as well as an embarrassed Jungkook standing rooted to the ground.
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Your eyes never leave Namjoon on the third rest stop.
The both of you sat in the convenience store, devouring bowls of instant ramen.
You wonder how one phone call can lead to all of this.
Everything Namjoon did was hurtingly adorable to you. Your heart twisted in a wickedly joyful manner when he furrowed his brows. You swear your eyes were pooling with endearment when his cheeks were stuffed full of noodles. The type of attraction you were having for Namjoon was fascinating, like never before. A kind of flower you’ve never had blooming wildly in your chest for a long time. You wonder how he feels about you. Whether he sees you in the same light or not.
The bowls sitting in front of the two of you are now empty, stomachs filled with content.
You stared at Namjoon and Namjoon stared back at you, your eyes never averting because you feel like you could drown in his pretty brown orbs forever. Namjoon breaks the contact and raises a question before you could.
“Is your shampoo jasmine?” He flickered his gaze to your hair, arms coming up to rest on the small table barely enough for two. His face suddenly grows bigger, featuring becoming clearer as the gap in between is shortened.
“Yeah,” You breathed out when he moving towards you. He was leaning so close to your face, you feel yourself unknowingly reversing a little.
Then, everything vanishes and he relaxes back on the chair again.
“And h-how did you know?”
“Someone I used to know.” His voice comes out quiet.
The both of you grabbed lollipops before returning to the coach.
This was the final stretch before the journey ends, the longest one amongst the rest and the fatigue is starting to consume you whole, eyelids feeling heavy.
You don’t know how or when, but a shoulder is pressed to your cheek as hand lightly shakes you.
“We’re here,” He says, stirring you awake.
The driver is long gone, in the restroom or something. 
You jump off the coach, butt and neck feeling sore. 
The two of you stood in front of a shredded motel. 
“Looks like we’ll have to make do.”
The room was smaller than it could have already been, the ceiling paint flaking like horrid dry skin and the cream wallpapers looked like they were going to crumble into dust by a touch of the finger. The first blow is delivered to the layer of glass, cracks beginning to form in the center. Something smells. There’s a distinct stench lingering in the atmosphere of this room. Your eyes dart over to the bathroom. A dirty sock naps comfortably on the rusty towel rack—no, hibernates—because the navy piece of laundry seems to be having the time of its life stinking up possibly the entire motel with its century-old odour.
You switched your life goal to become as unbothered as that abandoned sock.
A second hit to the fragile material, completely falling apart but still you try your best to hold it together for the sake of Namjoon’s optimism.
“Sure we do.” You mumble, but it is amplified in the tiny space.
The volume of your voice was one thing, but Namjoon feels more gigantic than ever, his large frame towering over yours and unknowingly you shrink. He looked so much bigger than you noticed from before and it is evident that you have definitely been noticing him for quite a bit. It must be the size of the room, and not the rapid blossoming of your attraction for him.
The only bed sandwiched between both your standing forms was yet, another issue to be solved. There wasn’t even a couch to be spared, you had to place your bags on the crusty floor. You can’t even hide the grimace crumpling your features when you spot a black dot faded under the white sheets, crawling its way to the pillow. That sight itself, shattered the already broken glass pane of tolerance into fragments.
“Trust me when I say this isn’t the worst I’ve seen.”
Namjoon chirps in, trying to lift the frown off your disgusted face. “Honestly, for a place beside a gas station, this is-”
“Not okay at all.”
You arrived at a decision. And that is to get the hell out of this trash can before Namjoon’s witty tongue and strong cologne persuades you otherwise.
An idea flashes in your mind.
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No one would have guessed that you were the daughter of a pair of millionaire parents.
Dressed humbly in a hoodie and leggings, you passed off as any other normal person. You did not fancy the wealthy status plastered onto you since birth. Instead, you actually wished for a simple, blissful life. It was true that money could solve most problems, but you were seeking for another kind of happiness. A happiness so genuine and pure. The grass is always greener on the other side. You weren’t planning to let Namjoon know about your family background at all, but the circumstances the both of you were caught in left you with no other choice.
As soon as you laid your eyes on the bed bug having the time of its life under the sheets, you boldly grabbed Namjoon’s hand and flew out of the musty motel.
The sun was already diving into the horizon, daylight beginning to feel insufficient.
The haggard old man manning the petrol kiosk watches the two of you exit the rundown building and if your vision did not fail you—he sniggers to himself.
Namjoon seems to have noticed this as well, head still turned to face the disheveled man after the two of you made your way to the grass patch by the main road. You stare at Namjoon looking at the man. He was unpacking some boxes of food, and you wonder what is so intriguing about that that Namjoon can’t peel his eyes off of him.
“It’s not easy,” He finally faces front, upon reaching the road. You tuck your fists into the warm pockets of your hoodie.
“What is?”
“Working at a gas station.” Namjoon mumbles lowly, fallen deep in thought.
You contemplate for a while before choosing to not say anything to that. You don’t know how to reply to that anyway.
The air outside was not the freshest, but it was heaven to your lungs compared to the interior.
Your first instinct was to call Jungkook.
This subconscious behaviour of yours has yet to be eradicated, and you figured it must have to do with the fact that Jungkook was the man who could do anything and everything in your eyes. Plus, he was someone you turned to habitually whenever you were met with a crisis. Major or minor.
“Y/N! You better get your ass home by midnight or else your father will behead me!”
“Woah, chill Jungkook. Can you help me see if there are any decent places nearby to stay at?”
Jungkook could easily track you down, a feature your parents granted him to better watch over you.
“What in the world are you doing there?!”
“Sorry. But please help me?” That is all you can provide. Namjoon raises a brow at your conversation over the phone. Darkness was racing to swallow the sky whole and there was not much time left for you to find shelter. You mentally prepared yourself for a sleepless night ahead.
“You’re kidding. There is literally nothing but dirt on that piece of wasteland. What did you expect? One of your father’s lavish villas to pop out magically in front of your eyes?” Jungkook sounds extremely frustrated with the situation you landed yourself in. What he doesn’t and wouldn’t need to know, is that you have someone by your side.
All hope is not lost.
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“Tell me more about this fantastic idea of yours.” Namjoon’s incessant questioning sparks an urge in you to just go up to him and shut him up with a kiss. Out of annoyance, of course. Containing the thought, you continue denying him of an answer.
“Just wait and see,”
You can’t believe it slipped your mind that the last stop was on the outlines of this town, which meant that the sea was close.
The beach that barely had any visitors was probably just a few miles away from this polluted gas station. The only staff who worked there was the old man from before reaching seventy, unkempt appearance for wandering spirits in this isolated town to see.
The place was derelict and untidy. Litter scattered across the road and the walls reeked of rotten flesh.
Finally, the sea approaches you and Namjoon. Compared to the gas station, the area wrapping the beach was spotless and your mouth falls open slightly. Walking towards the edge of the small cliff, down below laid the fine sand that reflected the dusty evening glow who’s rays of pink and purple are slowly overshadowing the initial golden.
It was then you realised the sun had never meant to eagerly head to bed, it was instead fighting against time, refusing to fade into the sea line this early.
Namjoon must be as struck as you are by the sight, for he doesn’t say a word, only calmly tracing your steps.
The both of you sat on the short grass, quietly admiring the sunset-tainted coast and watching the waves accumulate strength each time it leaves and arrives.
Legs dangling in the air and bags thrown on the ground, you wonder when a time like this would ever happen again. The orange sky gently toasting your eyes and the prickly sensation on the hamstrings. A guy who resembled your ex-boyfriend sitting by your side.  A possible tent in your backpack.
A smile stubbornly grows on your face and you let out a soft giggle at the strange events of today, shaking your head at the foolishness.
“What’re you gleaming about?”
The tranquility is not broken by his voice, only further accentuating it.
“Huh? Oh. Nothing much really, haha…just everything maybe,”
You turn your head to look for his reaction at your contradiction and his eyes capture yours in bewilderment.
“I see. Don’t worry, I understand.” He smiles and the world vanishes, your heartbeat—the only thing you can feel.
“Sometimes the only thing you can do is laugh. When everything’s too painful, when everything’s too joyous, when everything’s going downhill or when everything’s so…serene.”
His fingers clutches onto a random stone and he begins meddling with it.
“Maybe all at once.” You lean back a little, easing into the conversation.
Namjoon chuckles.
“Sometimes though, you gotta vent it out!”
He swings his arm back and throws it forward, catapulting the innocent stone into somewhere in the salty water. It disappears from sight, so you would never know.
When the second-hand hit a quarter to eight, the moon’s motherly appearance persuaded the mischievous yolk to fully drop into the ocean. Nightfall pays a visit.
The possible tent in your backpack.
The only times you have ever slept outside of the neatly painted walls of your enormous room (excluding the walk-in wardrobe), would be sleeping over in the marvellous pink doll house bedroom belonging to your best friend. That counts…right?
There were a few camps here and there in your entire education journey. The thrill of water rafting with the bumpy rocks, the struggles of kayaking and capsizing in the dirty river, the tall grass that crept up your knees and the mud your track shoes sank into. You wish you knew how all of those felt, because every time your class was required to have the time of their lives in a camp site, your teacher would never pass you a consent form for that. Dejected, you already knew the reason behind the disallowing of your participation. It was too harsh for your body and health, they’d always repeat to you and you would stomp to your bedroom and make a mess out of your sheets with piping hot tears.
You hate living a sheltered life. You detested it, even though some may cry for days to have a pampered life like yours. Call it ungrateful, but you would rather live a simple life  with simple happiness. Because money may be the manifestation of bliss, but it also creates problems that it itself cannot be able to solve.
However, money helped Jungkook to create this circular object to pop into a tent once you push the button located inside the mechanism.
“Why and how do you have this?” Namjoon sends you a questionable look.
“Don’t ask. I…uh, like to come prepared.”
You lied. Jungkook sneaked this compacted tent into your bag without you even knowing.
But he informed you about it over the phone and it came in handy at the very least.
“Well then, go ahead and press the activation button.”
“Erm…” You hesitated. What if this was some kind of abduction assistance for Jungkook to bring you back home to your fuming parents?
“I’m having second thoughts about this—Wait no!”
Namjoon yanks it out of your hands and slams the button.
The sphere starts beeping, a red light flashing on the top.
Paranoid, you subconsciously grab onto Namjoon’s hand like you always did to Jungkook when your father raised his voice.
A loud noise erupts from the transformation, and you screw your eyes closed in fear.
The round device jumps and explodes harmlessly, the surfaces opens and nylon sheets are spiralled out into the shape of a tent.
“Y/N,” Namjoon squeezes your hand.
“I think it’s done.”
The both of you view the tent, then the interlocked fingers.
Redness graze your cheeks and Namjoon clears his throat.
You quickly let go and step to inspect the inflated tent.
You silently thanked Jungkook as your body plopped onto the clothed base. Lying on the thin material with the cold ground just beneath it, you are able to feel the earthiness seeping through your skin and the softness of the soil as a bedding. The feeling was no match to the fluffiness of your blankets and bouncy mattress.
Namjoon had gone out to grab booze and a couple of ready-made food from the store earlier and you happily agreed. You haven’t got much of a choice actually, but you were grateful for an opportunity like this with him.
A buzz coming from behind interrupts your stargazing session, you pull your sight away from the deep black sky to realise that it was your phone.
Curiosity overruling your judgement, you reached for the phone.
It was a text from an unknown contact.
Your eyes doubled in size at the series of notifications.
Visiting the petrol station again caused a bitterness to rise up his throat.
He wonders if he will end up like the old man behind the counter in the future.
Namjoon was an aspiring producer and lyricist.
He hasn’t shot to fame with his completed works yet, but he has a strong belief that he eventually will, one day. He struggles with the low income the job as a gas pump attendant, taking care of his ill-stricken mother who had been diagnosed with lung cancer as of last year and all hope seemed to be lost.
The news came off as no surprise to him because his mother turned into a heavy smoker after his father abandoned the pair of mother and son for some other woman. The nicotine helped her relieve her stress and depression that consumed her heart, so Namjoon as a young boy couldn’t really say anything to stop his broken mother.
His only parent had insufficient funds to further continue his education after high school so he was left with no options but to work many part-time jobs to support himself.
As time flew by, Namjoon grew into a man that had no direction in life.
He worked in a polluted environment, paid for his mother’s chemotherapy, ate, slept and wished he’d never wake up to see the light of day again.
His apartment was filthy and small, but he was barely keeping up with the rent payments on time. Medical bills placed a huge burden onto his shoulders but he could not give up on his only family who always looked at him with sympathy and hatred.
Hatred because she had told him that life would be much better without her, and Namjoon was stubborn in not willing to let her life end even if it was for good.
His girlfriend did not improve the situation of his life.  
If anything, she only worsened it.
She blamed him for being incompetent and unable to bring her happiness as a boyfriend.
She constantly gave degrading remarks and once mentioned that she felt humiliated by him. If anything, she made him feel shittier about his life than he already was.
She was toxic and he knew it but he was still unable to cut ties with someone who loved him back and was willing to stay with him for so long.
He was a man of strong will and he believes that once he succeeds in his ambition, all the problems he was facing at that moment would disappear.
His girlfriend would stop looking at him like he was a loser and his mother would recover faster in a cleaner and better environment.
This week was a turning point in his life.
His mother overdosed and Sunbin cheated on him a few days after.
To think that his own mother gave up on herself and him when he persevered was heart-breaking. Losing his only kin drove him to the point of insanity.
Beyond devastated, he was a step away from falling off the roof of his apartment.
But something about the bright full moon watching over him that night tweaked his decision.
The wind caressed his cheeks as a form of consolation and the stars sang in the gloomy moonlight for him.
Namjoon thinks, that maybe the occurrence of these events was a sign.
Maybe the heavens were trying to tell him something.
He climbed up the wall of his dead end and saw something greater.
His strength was back when he stepped down from the platform.
That is why the morning after he was at the bus station, waiting for the vehicle that will carry him around to clear his thoughts.
Being on a long bus ride relaxed him and for some reason, made his heart feel at ease.
Perhaps it was the trees passing by or the sun that stayed still in position when he was moving, but it filled him with happiness to distance away from the cruel reality for a while in the comfortable seats of a bus. Bus rides were so peaceful and he enjoyed them to the fullest every time without fail.
As he tossed the lollipop stick into the trash bin, his eyes skim across the people at the station, it hooked onto a book he had been wanting to read for a long time.
Jung’s Map Of The Soul: An Introduction was a book that summarises Jung’s vision of psychological and spiritual life.
He hadn’t got the time or money to think about a book, but now that he had seen the actual copy, he was intrigued.
His gaze travel up to the owner of the book, then to the book, then to your face again.
He wasn’t gawking creepily or anything, but your features were rather beautiful. Not that he went up straight to your face and told you that. But he stared for a while, switching between the book and you before minding his own business again.
Looking at you reminded him of his past and only girlfriend. A book in hand, warming her hands over a cup of coffee as he strikes a conversation with her over the book. Later on he found out that she was not into reading at all, and the precious book was a prop in her scheme to get Namjoon to notice her. He didn’t express the wryness he felt tugging at his insides, but he was a little shocked by her deceiving appearance. He wonders just how many more things she was hiding about herself. The only exception with you is that he did not walk towards you.
His girlfriend had just left him.
Sunbin called and he tried his hardest to not care.
It was impossible. He had to hear her out, know what exactly he did wrong, where it all started.
When you lent him your cellphone he keyed in her number like it was the only thing he memorised by heart and frustratedly waited for her answer.
Sunbin was the type to lie in order to achieve whatever result she wanted, but when Namjoon demanded the truth or she was exposed, she would tell him things from the bottom of her heart.
It was after her true explanation behind her abandonment of the relationship that Namjoon lowers the phone in hand and ends the call with a cold farewell.
It wasn’t anything that had to do with her character. It was about the money and status.
That was the time she informed him about how ashamed she was when she introduced Namjoon to her parents or told her friends about her boyfriend.
Namjoon realised that he had nothing to say about that, only silently agreeing and nodding in understanding.
But he wished that his own girlfriend would have a little more faith and pride in his passion and dreams. Not to the point where she’d went out and slept with another man.
His heart broke even more when she confessed that she brought the man home to meet her parents instead of him because he was more capable, as she stated.
Namjoon loved her like she was his everything and yet, she treated him like nothing.
Sunbin made him question his worth and drive all the time. He should be grateful that the poison in his life had been removed.
The third time you try to talk to him, he gave in to your advances.
Namjoon was just going to let whatever happen happen, not purposely going out of way to shut you out or anything.
He was single and available.
He could do anything he wanted now like a man with freedom now.
He’s got nothing to lose.
Namjoon returns with some greasy mac ’n cheese and some bottles of beer.
He finds you inside, full attention on the book that you did not even realise he entered.
The temperature was dropping and the inside of the tent felt as cold as outside.
“Don’t you find it a little cold?”
He ducks and steps inside with bags of food and drinks.
You put your book down.
“Do you want me to set up a fire or something?”
He pauses, fighting back a smile.
Before challenging you.
“Do you even know how to?”
He snickers and takes out the container, allowing the smell of cheese to roam the confined space.
“Right…you have a point.” You pout, the imaginary little campfire bursting like a bubble popped in your head.
Something even better comes to mind.
“Maybe we can… cuddle or something.”
Namjoon freezes, unable to make proper eye contact with you.
“It’s a friendly suggestion.”
You say that, but your eyes glimmer with hope and admiration for him.
After a long awkward moment, Namjoon seems to have set his mind onto something when he finishes his meal.
“We’ll see about that. Here,” He hands you one of the bottles of booze and you gladly accepted it.
The two of you sit at the exact spot from before, this time with the company of the moon and stars.
Namjoon looks at them like he did with the trees and you concluded that this man must carry a deep love for the nature.
“I have a question,” You take a swig of the beer to give yourself alcohol courage.
Should you ask it now? Or are you taking things too fast, considering that you’ve only met this man today and letting him know that you would give him the world?
“Moon or stars?”
You ask quietly, careful to not ruin the placidity of the hushed waves and bristling trees.
“The moon.”
“Why?” You chuckle at how his reply was almost instantaneous.
“The moon, you see. Stars, there are plenty of them. But the moon is the one and only. It may sound quite stupid to you, but I like special things. Especially when people don’t pay much mind to them…little things. Like the moon.”
You watch and listen to him speak attentively.
The moon isn’t exactly little, but you hold back your interruption to let him finish.
“Everybody is so caught up with their business—be it work or play—that they don’t care about the little things that much anymore. One day, if the moon turns slightly yellow, probably five in a hundred people would only notice. The rest don’t take the time to look at the surroundings, the peaceful nature that is with them in life. Which is quite sad actually. Why is stargazing so popular but moongazing isn’t? They come in a package, it’s unfair to exclude her from the word.”
At that, you burst out into laughter.
“That makes sense,” You laugh again. “Stars appear and disappear all the time, that is why. The moon…well, the moon is sort of always just there. People tend to take these things for granted you see.”
Namjoon turns to face you, allured by your explanation.
“Why do you think it’s whale watching and not fish watching?”
You tilt your head at him, providing an analogy.
“Because we don’t see whales all the time…” He mutters, staring into the distance as if he had just got a math equation figured out.
“Precisely. It’s a strange world.”
You were different.
It was silly of Namjoon to automatically assume that you were the same as his ex-girlfriend, because the both of you were total opposites.
She would have just actively dismissed him before he even started on his thoughts on the topic—no, she wouldn’t even ask a question like that.
Namjoon was sure that she did not even know about his love for the moon.
And here he was, with a stranger he met on the bus, pouring out his opinions and questions about stars and moons. He felt like he was on cloud nine to be able to talk to someone so comfortably about something so random. Something that not many would even give two hoots about.
Your fingers drum on the surface of the ground, your hands propping your body to sit upright on the edge of the cliff.
“Then,” You start again.
“Desert or sea.” You point out to the ocean, which was barely even visible under the shade of night.
“Can I choose beach?” Namjoon chortles, placing his hands behind as well to lean back, brushing over yours accidentally.
His fingers graze and land over your smaller ones, his big hand trapping yours in an almost uncertain way.
He didn’t move, you didn’t move. He just let his hand rest near yours, slightly touching but never mentioned.
You shake your head in response, grinning.
Namjoon was just about to answer with the latter but you beat him to it.
“I’d say desert. When you have everything… it could just drown you.”
You say this and bite on your lip, like having everything actually hurt you before.
Namjoon disagrees, a man who tasted the feeling of losing everything.
“Having nothing is just as equal.” He rebuts, washing the sadness stinging in his veins with a full mouth of beer.
Like a man suffering a drought.
A silence of mutual understanding blankets the conversation, staring at the glittery sky and listening to the rushed waves of the sea, and drinking booze.
Unconsciously, you slip nearer to him.
Blame the alcohol, because the feeling of his thigh touching yours was electrifying.
Somewhere into the slow night, you and Namjoon talked about all sorts of stuff without returning to the tent. The night breeze was cooling to the skin and you enjoyed it very much. Still, your thighs were still touching but no one got onto each other’s lap or avoided the skin contact. You placed the last bottle down carelessly, the clanking of it against the hard rock warning you of the close breakage—but honestly you couldn’t care less.  
Namjoon was on his third bottle of Soju and you were on the second, but the answer was clear as to who was the lightweight.
“I think lobsters are immortals,” You made a brave statement, puffing out your chest.
“I think the fuck not, Y/N.”
You never liked your name being called by someone this much.
The way it perfectly flows out of his mouth, his thick voice and blank expression. Heat began creeping up to your cheeks—you’re unsure if it’s from the anger of retorting or your name on his lips.
You’re a little tipsy to be thinking coherent thoughts, but screw sobriety.
“Technically, there is evidence—”
“Oh, why don’t you just shut up and own some crabby petties?” You sassed back at him, ignoring his substantial proof of lobsters dying of age.
“And, leave. My. Lobsters. Alone.”
You draw your face closer to his as you tell him that, the realisation of the proximity  between both your lips not dawning right on you yet.
You were in the middle of a discussion on crustaceans with him, and suddenly your face was pulled so close to his own.
Namjoon looks you in the eyes, something fiery can be sensed through his brown orbs and you can feel his breath on your cupid’s bow.
His gaze kept flickering between your lips and your eyes, and you dark your tongue out to lick at them, feeling slightly self-conscious.
Then, he makes home at your eyes.
“Did you just make a pun,”
His voice falls an octave, a hint of raspiness hidden behind his throat.
Both your bodies were leaning so close to each other now, arms behind each other’s backs to keep near.
“Yeah I did. So what.” You breathed out shyly yet your words bagged a heavy tut. You were surprised that you even managed to form a response being this close to Namjoon.
You swear your nose was bumping onto the tip of his now, the one you had so badly dreamt of kissing from the gas station earlier on.
You fired the last question.
“Kiss or be kissed,”
And your heart lurches when he steals the period of the sentence away, by dipping his head to snatch your breath away.
He was nothing like the kisser you imagined with those plump lips; rough, urgent and sensual all at the same time. Namjoon slants his lips with yours fervently, hand coming up to hold your neck firmly as he kisses you.
Fluttering your lids shut, your place your hands on his firm chest before smoothing them up to wrap around his neck. The action made him growl lowly before lunging onto your body like a beast starved.
A light whimper leaves your throat as he moves his lips rhythmically against yours, teeth clashing and breaths exchanged. Your moans in his mouth seem to encourage him further, but still his tongue makes no appearance.
He knew how to take things fast and slow at the same time, and you loved every moment of it.
Namjoon gains full control over you by tilting your head the angle he wants to devour you and he melds his lips with yours like you were going to disappear by the second.
He had pushed you onto your back onto the rock platform already, whole body caging yours when he finally breaks away.
You were a panting mess from his rushed kissing, lips swollen from how hard he had bit onto it and hair slightly tousled from his fingers running through it.
“Kiss. I want to kiss you all night.”
Inside you beamed like the brightest star alive and this time, it was you who captures his lips again.
Namjoon tasted like a mixture of bitter and sweet, he was soft in his actions but his mouth was relentless.
It took you a lot of willpower—with his face stuck to yours and hands caressing your jaw— but you succeeded in pushing him away to get inside.
“Namjoon,” You barely pronounce his name right, because he takes your gesture as a sign to continue his ministrations on your jaw.
“Do you wanna go into the tent instead?”
He plants a final kiss onto your lips before standing up and offering you a hand.
The buzz invites itself onto your phone once again and you internally groaned, wishing he’d heard nothing.
“I think that was your phone,” He alerts you, and you pretend to not care.
“It’s nothing important.” You say as you lean in and press your lips against his cheeks.
He shoves you away gently.
“Wait, what if it’s for me?”
In no time, he let go of your hand and went on his knees to search for the resounding device.
The same cold Unknown flashed on the screen and you tongued at your cheek.
Namjoon stares at the phone for a while, biting the inside of his cheek in contemplation.
“I…I have to take this,” He stammers and it was all you needed.
You reach for his hand and held it calmly.
“Don’t,” You have no idea what you trying to tell him but you knew that he should never pick up.
“You looked so pained whenever you’re on that call…”
His hair reflected a streak of gold under the mini lamp and his features were so dangerously beautiful. He was still, in one way or another, a stranger to you but you were eager to learn about his world and dive into the deepness of his soul.
You could feel it—from the bus station, to the gas pumps and now by the beach with him—that he was so lost and broken, just the way you were.
You wanted to be the light to guide him out of this darkness but he always deemed it impossible by returning to the old ways.
“Then why are you here?” You take a step, decreasing the space between.
“Isn’t the purpose of this whole short escapade to renew and start afresh?”
You released a sigh, not navigating where exactly this was headed towards.
“It’s your life… It’s yours to decide.”
He doesn’t look at you, only thinking about it hard.
That is before he returns the phone to you and mumbles that he’ll head to bed first.
You rarely stopped yourself from asking questions when curiosity consumed you. But when it came to Namjoon however… you stay silent.
You did not want to intrude more than you should, but you also knew that Namjoon, the guy you’ve been crushing on since the start of the bus ride, would never open his mouth unless you asked him to.
Seeing Namjoon being so despondent reminded you of your situation with your family.
Thoughts about your parents, Jungkook, Namjoon…Namjoon.
The way he kissed you a few minutes ago soared you to heaven temporarily.
Was he ever this attracted to you as you were all along?
The more you think, the more things seemed bizarre and did not make any sense at all.
You wonder what sparked the sudden urge to pounce onto you like he did last night when he wouldn’t even spare you a proper glance on the bus.
You did not want this day to end on bad note.
If this was the first and last time with him, you wanted to make it worth while.
“So…you don’t mind cuddling, do you?”
The body beside you stirs awake.
Seems like you were not alone in failing to catch some sleep.
Namjoon doesn’t reply to that, only proceeding to finally wrap his arms firmly around you. You resist the squeak of excitement popping out of your chest as you feel his muscular chest press against your back. He hums in response, the low vibrations travelling down your spine and you fight back a shiver. Namjoon seemed too tired to say anything else.
You keep still, not wanting any small movement to disrupt his rest.
He falls asleep in two seconds while you carry on with your attempts.
You couldn’t sleep despite the fatigue rinsing you and draining your head of any sensibility.  
Clamping your lids shut, you try to focus on the rhythm of your breathing instead to ease yourself into a slumber as well. This time, it twitches against your ass and you can no longer close one eye to the situation at hand.
Bucking your hips back into his, he involuntarily lets out a deep groan at the feeling. Whether he was still in his sleep or not, the noises Namjoon made sent your mind spiralling into a pool of lust.
His dick grows even harder, pushing against the material of your shorts.
“Namjoon,” You try to flip over to face him, but failing to do so as he steadies you in place.
“Namjoon,” You whine in protest, the feeling overwhelming and you have to do something about it.
The second call of his name stirs him slightly awake, hand accidentally sliding down the curve of your thigh and a shudder rumbles throughout your body as he touches the sensitive skin. He seems to get the reaction, doing it again, and this time skimming over the inside of your thigh. He’s doing this on purpose, to tease you to the end of your wits and you are not going to lie there and take it.
You swear you were about to throw yourself over and pin his cheeky hands down, but he beats you to it by a step. His lips ghosts over the shell of your ear, grip tightening on your thigh and you let loose completely.
“What is it that you want so badly,” His mouth travels to the exposed skin of your neck, tongue darting out to give you small licks. “That you keep waking me up?”
“W-Why do you have a boner?”
“It happens when I’m tired.”
“Oh,” You blinked, remembering the feel of it against your ass.
Long, thick and heavy. Throbbing, even. You couldn’t register the fact that you were salivating as he crashes his lips onto yours once more, savouring all of you.
“I want you to fuck me so good, Namjoon.”
He shoots his head up from the curve of your neck, expression laced with confused and shock.
“No pressure.” You blurt out to save yourself when he stares at you like you’ve made a bad joke.
“Say that again.”
He startles you by using his fingers to rub circles onto your clothed clit.
You let out a squeak when he applies more pressure onto the sensitive nub, drawling a moan to spill from your lips.
“What do you want?”
He’s getting impatient, shoving your panties to the side and sliding a finger inside of you.
You sighed and held onto his shoulders when he started pumping the digit in and out of your wetness.
“Can you fuck me please?” You look him in the eye as you say this, making him hiss and groan in satisfaction.
“Since you asked so nicely…”
His finger picks up a rapid pace, your juices smeared messily over his hand.
“Fuck baby, you’re so wet already…”
He sticks his tongue out and you oblige by sucking on his wet muscle.
Shortly after, he replaces it with his soaked finger and you take the whole length of his finger into your mouth and swirled your tongue around it.
Namjoon feels more blood rush to his cock if that is even possible, because he is so hard, he doesn’t even know if he can feel his dick.
You slowly let your oversized shirt fall off your shoulders, sliding down to expose your breasts.
Namjoon rips the shirt apart instead and latches his mouth onto a hardened nipple.
He cups the other breast in one hand, passionately massaging it while his other hand runs up and down the slickness of your heat.
“Everything about you…Mmm—so perfect…” He hums and sucks on your breast.
You were going to explode.
He was touching you in so many places at once, his hard length brushing against your torso occasionally and his hands possessively roaming over every inch of your skin.
“Namjoon,” You whined out to him again, wanting more than just touching and kissing.
“Turn around,” He commands deeply and you hurry to his desired position, giving him a full view of your ass.
He slaps it on instinct, before coming up to rub the sting away.
Namjoon doesn’t give you a heads up before sliding his cock into you easily.
Screaming, he starts off rough like his kisses and you can’t help but feel tears pricking at the corner of your eyes.
The pain was forced into pleasure as he continued to piston his hips into you relentlessly, the thickness stretching you out and filling you up so good.
As he slammed into you harder and harder, you felt like you were being used as a sex toy. Like he was only venting in the sex with you.
You hated it, but it still felt impossibly good and irresistible.
“Ah, god. You feel so fucking tight—argh!” He moans and you clench around him even more at the noise he made.
“N-Namjoon,” You repeated his name for as many times as you could, enjoying the way you can call him like that, in this manner.
Namjoon was close. He could feel it just by seeing you sprawled out naked for him, ass up and head smashed onto the pillow. The way your ass jiggled every time his hips smacked onto them, the pretty little noises you made with every thrust.
The way his name sounded falling from your lips.
He came inside of you, right after you climaxed with the help of the rubbing of your clit with your own fingers and the both you plopped down next to each other, beat from the sex.
Moments like these; him lying next to side half-naked and smiling away about nothing at all, and the small giggles that erupt from your lungs, the accidental light grazes of his hand over yours, his dimpled smile that rarely showed up.
When you wake up to the sun that glared fiercely through the nylon sheets of your temporary shelter, Namjoon was watching you.
Jumping back, you grab the blanket as a form of protection.
“What… are you doing here?!”
He looks down, trying to contain his laughter.
“Wait, where am I?”
The memories start running back to you piece by piece and you nod in realisation.
“Ah, right.”
Namjoon flashes the last of his full smile that is equivalent to the sun.
Moments like these, are short-lived.
“Y/N,” He says, tone somehow serious but casual.
“I’m leaving.”
You gather yourself and listen.
“Last night, was spectacular.” He tells you confidently. A shade of coral brushes over your cheeks.
“Not just…that, of course. I really enjoyed every second spent with you and I’m so glad you came into my life. Even if it was just for a night. Or day, whatever.”
Because nothing ever goes smoothly in life.
Even Alice had to leave Wonderland.
“I’m going to find her and get her back.”
Happiness was still something you were going to continue searching for, while Namjoon fights for his own.
“Oh,” It’s all you can reply, your head a pool of thoughts, words, feelings and emotions. But you wouldn’t voice them out. You couldn’t.
“Goodluck. I had a fun time as well.”
Even though you wished for more.
“I hope you’ll be heading wherever you need to be as well?”
Namjoon stretches his hand out and you slap it.
He was inserting all this platonic gestures to not make it feel weirder than it already is.
“Yeah. Will be on my way.”
You can already sense a Jungkook driving his way here to pick you up according to the summon of your father. While Namjoon will look for his lover and seek the clarification he needs.
In fact, the both of you will be on your separate ways now.
This, is where the true journey of a bus ride with him, ends.
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It’s been exactly ten weeks since your strange encounter with Namjoon.
An encounter that consisted of almost everything an adventure had in store.
All of this is not a coincidence , you like to believe.
Every single time you were on a bus, you can’t help but wonder if Namjoon would magically pop out and turn your life downside up. Cause the butterflies in your stomach to form again. You want to know what he’s doing. If him and his girlfriend are well now.
Even as of right now, you can’t help but anticipate the next bus ride to happen, rejecting Jungkook’s offer for a ride.
At night, you cannot sleep without thinking about the moonlight that shines in his eyes.
The way your name falls from his lips.
His soft touches and gentle caresses.
His sweet and plump lips with his big hands on your hips.
As much as you’d like to forget, no one has ever brought you to close to euphoria before.
It was considerably the happiest moment in your stagnant life.
Being with Namjoon made you feel like achieved something great. The strong thumping of your heart, the words that flowed so smoothly out of your mouth, your jumbled thoughts coming together perfectly with him around.
It just felt so right.
A tap on your shoulder caused you to remove an ear bud.
“Excuse me, miss. Is this seat taken?”
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mercury-minded · 5 years
Message from Your Spirit Guides - Pick A Card 🔮
When setting this reading up, I asked my own guides how many cards and groups I should utilize: “6 and 6” - when I double checked the meaning of angel number 66, I was not surprised! This is a powerful number symbolizing unconditional love and trust in the Divine. This is no coincidence - they want you to know they are right there with you! Using your intuition, pick a card (left to right: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) and see what else your spirit guides wish to tell you ✨
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Group 1
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There is quite a bit of air energy emanating from this group! Your guides are recognizing and acknowledging your feelings of stress and being overwhelmed. You seem to not only carry your own burdens but take on other people’s problems as well. You have a lot of drive and passion but your guides warn that even someone like you can get worn out. They’re really reminding you that you don’t have to do everything alone. There’s a lot of pressure that you put on yourself, you may feel like you often have to defend your choices and you hate to ask others for help. You’ve set the bar so high for yourself…don’t be afraid of making mistakes and being human. For some of you, this lifetime may be one of the first times you’re having a “human” incarnation. It’s important that you find “home” here, and become comfortable in your own skin. There’s a compromise to be found in regards to using your intuition and logic, don’t be entirely dependent on one or the other. Utilizing both will help transform you from the Page to the Queen: someone capable, independent, perceptive, and sensible. One last thing I’m picking up is your guides admiration for your fighting, strong-willed nature, and your free-spirited, idealistic tendencies. They don’t want to see you lose that!
Group 2
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A very active heart chakra was something I noticed about this group right away, along with a strong fire and jupiter influence (so sagittarius especially!). You have so much to offer but are you giving it to those who really deserve it? Your spirit guides are emphasizing travel to me(for some of you this may be literal). Whether it’s getting out of the house, out of town, out of a relationship, or out of a career, they are stressing to me that better opportunities may lie elsewhere. Currently, you may be very drawn to someone/something…you have such a strong belief in them/it that it’s like you’re giving them/it your power! Is what/who you’re so drawn to worth it? Your guides are really giving me the sense that getting away or letting this thing go is really going to free you of expectations. There is freedom, patience, healing, and peace of mind to be gained when you move on. You aren’t going to feel so tied down or constrained by other people’s opinions. Breaking free of this illusion you’ve found yourself in is going to allow you to identify and follow a path better suited for you. Something else that is standing out to me is 44 - this angel number signifies that your guides are close to you and trying to communicate…they want to encourage and reassure you that you’re not alone on this journey. 
Group 3
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Holy cups! I would not be surprised if some of you have a strong water influence, or a connection to water in general. This spread is really indicating to me that your guides are preparing you to wake the hell up, essentially. There seems to be a lot of untapped spiritual potential that they want to introduce to you. The rainbow symbolism is pretty evident here as well - a reminder of the beauty and mysticism that can be found after periods of unrest and darkness. I’m really sensing that whatever bad times you were going through are soon coming to an end. A new beginning with creativity, love, and generosity are waiting for you. Your guides insist that whatever it is that is bringing you joy or making you happy: keep pursuing it, keep focusing on that. The money/abundance is sure to follow. Your guides are also reassuring you that it’s okay to feel naive, inexperienced, or unprepared right now. They want you to allow your curiosity and intuition to guide you. Being fluid, adaptable, and open to change is paramount for you - just relax and keep going. This spread also speaks to completing a cycle - and in this case, I’m getting that it’s in regards to your emotional nature. Your guides admire how deeply you feel things, but they also want to help you control and manage this…a certain level of emotional maturity and understanding is to be found at the end of this particular cycle.
Group 4
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Something I’m getting hit with right away is your feeling of hurt. Your guides are trying to help you see that feeling trapped by your negative memories is a choice. Yes, you were let down (perhaps repeatedly) and/or deceived by someone/something, but you have it in you to start over. There is the possibility of new love/opportunity in the future, but you have to allow yourself to seize it. Your guides are also really stressing that the universe is on your side - it wants to help you create the reality you desire. Find a way to utilize what you’ve experienced and gone through without letting those feelings hold you back. Balance those memories with what you hope to achieve. The message I keep getting is that “it’s been broken, but not beyond repair”. You survived everything up to this point, and you have it in you to keep pushing forward. Identify what motivates you, what inspires you, and dedicate yourself to this fresh start. Your guides really don’t want to see you give up or call it quits. For some of you in this group, the arrival of a new relationship is very promising. It feels like a new, serious thing, not some casual fling (ayyy rhyme lol). Others who are already in relationships may see it improving as well. If you were fighting with one another or going through a rough patch, I do see it working out (if that’s what you want) - one of you is still very keen on trying. One last thing I’m getting is that you have something very magnetic about you - utilizing manifestation would probably work out really well for you!
Group 5
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There is so much pisces, aquarius, and MOON energy radiating from this spread! This group definitely has roots as star children or moon children. You may feel “not from here”, or like you don’t really belong - something may feel missing or off. Staying grounded and realistic may really prove to be a challenge for you. Your guides are acknowledging your spiritual gifts and tendencies, but also warn not to push yourself too far too fast. It’s like you often fluctuate between the conscious and subconscious realms, but you may not always take proper care of yourself as you do. Breathe and let your guides help you navigate the metaphysical. You may have some fears about not having enough time to do everything you have your heart set on - that you are “too late” or overwhelmed by the mundane, everyday things of this reality. Don’t abandon this world for the one in your mind’s eye - you have plenty of time for both. You can tap into the wisdom of the subconscious realm, and draw inspiration from it, but don’t get lost in there. For some of you, your spiritual journey may have just started. Your guides know how eager and excited you are but they also want you to be careful. Understanding the forces you’re dealing with is important - don’t go rushing into anything unprepared. Your spirit guides are also really trying to tell you to take care of and nurture your childlike wonder and fascination - it feels like your energy can get easily bogged down and “muddied”…don’t quit dreaming!
Group 6
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This group is feeling very emotionally “pent up” - your guides have seen and felt your pains and frustrations, and they’re telling me what you’ve gone through is more like a blessing in disguise. If you’ve been obsessing, jealous, or holding grudges, sooner or later you’ve got to let those things go. You can still view things critically and discerningly (as you tend to do!) without being paranoid. Your guides are stressing that all these negative feelings are temporary, and it’s important that you don’t become numb, or reluctant to feel. You have such a great capacity for love, and they’d hate to see you keep that hidden away. You may be finding yourself at a crossroads, stuck between feeling like an outsider and having the emotional and physical intimacy you want. Your spirit guides are really stressing that that choice is entirely yours, you just have to make it. There’s a stubborn energy coming from this group - it gives me the feeling that some of you may have the fixed signs in your natal charts. Don’t let that stubbornness turn into “walls” you keep around yourself. In every life there is pain, and from it we are able to grow, mature, and gain perspective. Your guides are enforcing that you have a powerful transformative ability within you, and challenging times provide that catalyst for such change.
Thank you so much for letting me read for you! Please keep in mind this is a very broad and general reading - so not all aspects may resonate with you. If you’d like a personalized spread, my tarot services can be found here xx
If you’d like to support me and what I do, please consider buying me a coffee ☕️💕 
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chrysalispen · 5 years
xviii. now ever suns smile true
Aurelia stared morosely through the only window in her bedchamber. The work on the aetheryte plaza had seen its completion a scarce sennight past, though its heart still bore no crystal, and an out-of-season cold front overnight had dusted the rough oak planks of the deck with a thin layer of snow. A small cluster of children, delighting in the rare sight, quickly discovered the novelty of tossing handfuls of the powder at each other while shrieking in raucous joy to the sky and the bared branches outside.
Outside, where she was currently not allowed to go. She envied them.
“What?” Keveh’to shook his head at her, laughing and dismissive, barely even setting his spoon aside. She felt her stomach drop in disappointment, realizing that he didn’t believe her. Not really. “Come now, that’s impossible. Everyone knows you lot can’t-”
“So they say, and apparently ‘everyone’ was wrong.” 
“Right. Well… what now?”
Aurelia stared into her teacup, the world spinning enough to make her feel sick, knowing she’d faint if she tried to stand on her own but unwilling to be sent back to her bed. 
“I don’t know. What am I supposed to do?”
Her minder’s response was a mere lift and drop of the shoulders, expression strangely unreadable. “You’re asking the wrong man; I just point and shoot. Mayhap the will of the elementals or somesuch-”
“Aurelia, you should not be out of bed!” Miounne was already wrapping an arm about her shoulders and lifting. “Back to the room with you!”
She’d protested. Or tried to protest. But the moment she tried to stand under her own power her legs buckled, unwilling to carry her weight, and the Elezen woman had scooped her into her own strong arms like a mother coeurl hauling a recalcitrant cub back to the lair.
Recovery had proven, thus far, to be a slow and tedious process. 
By and large Garleans were a robust people; such a hardy constitution was key to survival in the extreme climes of the far north. Aurelia was no exception. She had enjoyed the luxury of good physical health for most of her life, and the strength she had always taken for granted felt as though it had all but abandoned her in the first few days after that close call. 
Worse than the full-body weakness and fatigue was the confinement, as Mother Miounne soon saw fit to forbid her from leaving the Canopy until she was deemed fit for duty. Even as a child Aurelia had hated the many restrictions on her comings and goings. Knowing the city harbored people in the quarantine tents in need of aid only added to her mounting anxiety, and the sense of helplessness combined with enforced indolence quickly turned her temper waspish. 
“Hells below,” she snarled aloud, glaring now at the window and its squared panes as though it had done her personal injury through its mere existence, “this is ridiculous.”
“What is?” 
She glanced over one shoulder to see her companion slouched in his chair, as though he hadn’t a care in the world. The sight somehow served to annoy her further. 
“Must I remain ensconced in my chambers like some invalid in a shoddy romance novella?”
Keveh’to - who had borne the brunt of her outbursts in the last fortnight, and was likewise at the end of his patience - merely shrugged and went back to the newspaper he was reading. She could see the lettering from here. The Raven, a small tabloid rag that had reported on the arrival of the imperial prisoners and the refugees alike with breathless aplomb (and no small amount of exaggeration). 
“Would you prefer a gaol cell to your current accommodations?”
The emphasis he placed on the word was not unlike an epithet. Aurelia scowled, and when he didn’t look back up, made a rude gesture in his direction, then pushed her chair back until there was enough room to stand. 
His ears flickered at the sound and he finally peered over the corner of the paper. “And where are you off to?”
“The common room.” The room spun precariously as she gained her footing. Grinding her teeth, Aurelia reached for the head kerchief sitting on the edge of her desk. “If I am to slowly perish from boredom then I might as well do so in public.”
“Not without me, you’re not.”
“Then you had best make ready, because I’m not waiting on you.”
“Call me dense if you like,” Keveh’to grumbled as he hastily tugged his boots back on, “but I thought I was your minder.”
“My minder, not my gaoler.”
“Aye, well, I’m starting to wish I had told Commander Heuloix where to shove this assignment,” the flat fall of his boots were close behind as she thrust open the door into the hallway, “playing nanny to a spoiled, demanding imperial with all the graces of a screeching haaaeeello Mother Miounne, how do you fare this fine morning?”
Accompanied by a nervous chuckle, the hissed tirade at Aurelia’s back wound its way upwards, not unlike a teakettle removed from a stove just as it had reached its boiling point. They’d all but run face-first into the proprietress of the Carline Canopy in the midst of their hushed bickering as they traversed the hallway. 
“Ah… yes, hello, Sergeant Epocan,” Miounne blinked at the false note of cheer, “a very good morning to you too…?”
Keveh’to’s ears were twitching wildly, as was the tip of his tail. Aurelia covered her sudden peal of laughter with a discreet cough.
“Miss Laskaris and I were just about to take a morning constitutional.” He nudged her in the side with one elbow, glaring pointedly at her - whereupon she pretended not to notice, “Within the building, of course.”  
“Mm. I see that.” The Elezen’s attention turned towards Aurelia, the twist of her lower lip caught between her teeth to hide her smirk. “And how do you fare this morning?”
“I’m well, thank you. I should be better once I am allowed to leave the Canopy,” she ventured cautiously, “but I am well regardless.”
“Indeed. I take it you are feeling ready to return to your duties?”
She would like naught better. “I think I might be convinced to perhaps take the risk, yes.”
“Excellent. E-Sumi-Yan has been quite insistent in asking after you.” She was no longer hiding her smile. “I daresay he’s chomping at the bit for someone new to train.”
“Or a likely test subject,” Aurelia said wryly. 
“Well, if you think you can manage the journey to the Fane then I shall ring him on linkpearl ahead of your arrival.” Miounne’s smile faded, replaced by a vague sort of consternation. “Pray do not let me detain you.”
She hoped the woman wasn’t overly taken aback by her wide smile and effusive thanks. 
With considerable effort she restrained herself from bolting out the door into the cold morning air, for too much sudden movement still made her lightheaded. But the cold air was fresh and bracing, and whispered pleasantly over her bare arms, and she could almost feel the lift in her mood as she took a deep breath and exhaled.
The trek to the glade that housed the Conjurers’ Guild passed in relative tranquility - though by the time they arrived at the narrow and winding path that led to Stillglade Fane, Aurelia was leaning upon her minder’s shoulder for support. Except this time, she knew, it was not the lingering effects of aether depletion that ailed her.
Keveh’to frowned at her and wrapped an arm about her waist. 
“...Perhaps we ought to make our way back to the Canopy. Brother E-Sumi-Yan should be told you haven’t fully recovered.”
“I’m fine,” she bit out. “I’ve made it this far; I think I can manage a few fulms to the bloody tree.”
“You know you’ll have to go inside, don’t you? Are you s-”
“Let’s… just get on with it.”
She wasn’t looking forward to this at all. She could do this, she knew she could, but the conjurers had finally stuck her with menial tasks when it became apparent that on most days she simply couldn’t bring herself to enter the Fane. 
Beneath the bracing chill of the morning she could smell the fetid air wafting from the entrance to the guild’s headquarters as they drew close. Aurelia drew to an abrupt halt, heart pounding and stomach twisting in knots. Keveh’to, seeming to realize it would do no good to press her, waited at her side, eyes on her face. She didn’t even glance at him.
“Mistress Laskaris?” he prompted.
Metallic taste on her tongue: blood and stagnant water and burnt ceruleum. Her fingers dug hard into the meat of the Miqo’te man’s arm, enough that she felt him flinch under her grasp. Beneath the impending sense of terror she felt a frustrated anger so overwhelming she wanted naught more than to take her fist to the nearest hard surface and curse her own weakness. 
Seven hells, it had been moons now since Carteneau, and every time it was still the same, every godsdamned time, the horrible sinking feeling, the foul taste in her mouth, the sensation of slowly choking on her own breath. 
Everyone else can ignore it so why can’t you just get over it, Aurelia, get over it-
She swallowed. 
“I’ll be fine,” she said hoarsely. The look Keveh’to gave her was dubious. 
“If you say so.”
Their sojourn down into the bowels of the Fane was torturously slow: only a few minutes, but it felt like years. Each step felt as though it dragged her to her death and the acrid chemical stink in her nose was overpowering.
By the time they reached the bottom of the stairwell at the entrance to the ceremonial chamber she could stand the roiling of her belly no longer, and staggered forward, ripped the kerchief from her head, and retched into the fabric. 
Keveh’to reached for her, cursing. 
“Damn it, I knew this was a bad idea. Let me just call-”
“N-no,” she coughed weakly, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. “I-I’m all right. I just… I need a moment, that’s all.”
It wasn’t a lie; she did feel a bit better for having emptied her stomach. She could still feel the sense of heavy walls in and over her, pressing down, and that rancid taste still tainted her tongue- but nothing had happened. She could force herself to ignore it for a little while. 
There was little else to be done, after all. 
E-Sumi-Yan was awaiting them, standing alone upon the dais with his slender hands clasped before him, though his smile faded instantly at the sight of her, pale and trembling. “Aurelia,” he said urgently, “if you are unwell-”
“No, it’s… it’s not the aether. I’m all right. I swear it.” 
She stared dully down at the soiled kerchief in her hands, and with a grimace and a sigh, Keveh’to plucked it from her hands. 
“Right, well… so I’ll just… go take care of this, shall I? I hardly think I’m needed here. Please contact me when it comes time to escort the lady home.”
“By all means. Thank you, Sergeant.”
The Keeper grunted, his expression locked in a distasteful grimace. He stalked back towards the door, bushy tail lashing and carrying the item between a thumb and forefinger as if it were a piece of carrion, grumbling all the way. 
Aurelia turned away once he had exited to look at the youthful figure of the guildmaster. The Padjal was watching her with open concern. “If you are certain…”
“I am,” she coughed again, wincing at the lingering burn in her throat, “and even were I not, I daresay I should accomplish more good here than if I continue to languish in a sickbed. Please.”
After a moment he nodded. 
“Very well, but I would have us go outside.”
Aurelia almost laughed. Almost. After all of that-
As if he’d read her mind, E-Sumi-Yan said, “You look as though you could use the fresh air, and there are things I must needs teach you which are most easily done in the open. Do you require assistance to navigate the stairs, Aurelia?”
She would like naught better than to be shut of this stifling place, though she wasn’t about to say so - her problems were hardly his fault, after all. Still, she was not quite able to hide that enthusiasm when she smiled at him, the twitch of her lips small and trembling and relieved. 
“I will be fine, I think. Lead the way, Guildmaster, by all means.”
A year ago, had someone told her she would one day find herself able to access her body’s aether, she would have laughed at them. Of a certainty, she would have not believed that a beginner’s lessons in wielding aether would become the most enjoyable part of her daily routine. Her uncle had quickly killed what small pleasure she had received from her studies. 
But her mornings spent in the Twelveswood with Brother E-Sumi-Yan - and occasionally a small collection of youngsters - brought back the freedom and the joy of discovery she remembered feeling as a child. There was a serenity she could not deny, sitting in a sun-dappled glade beneath the dancing shadows of leaves and letting the whisper of the land sink into her bones. Just as delightful was the practice of beckoning forth aether from her surroundings, able to make the intangible tangible for the first time in her life. Feeling power spill in soft, cool waves over her bare hands while silently marveling at the realization that this was something she could do now, that this was hers, brought with it a sense of genuine excitement.
Kapna Kugi and Kupto Kapp had been quite concerned as to her whereabouts, and after a long and very stern lecture in which she had difficulty restraining her laughter at the sound of their squeaky little voices, Aurelia promised the two moogles she would never do anything so foolish again, and moreover, that she would take them along with her on her “adventures.” 
So it was that she explored this small part of the forest in the company of her companions as the autumn months began to wind into winter. Keveh’to was rarely far out of sight, watching her as he had been bid to ensure she did not break her bonds and run- but even he became more lax as time went by, and no longer felt so keenly the need to trail close at her heels.  
As soon as she was able, the guild returned her to duties at the temporary shelter outside the city gates per her plea agreement. Although E-Sumi-Yan had forbidden her from using any healing magicks, she could yet render aid with her hands… for all that her work was largely menial, and involved barely any healing, for there were now not nearly as many in need of a healer’s attention. 
Either Edwin had passed along her concerns or the conjurers had found the source of the water contamination while she lay bedridden and recovering: by all accounts, the worst of the outbreak appeared to have passed. Many surviving refugees, discovering there was neither employment nor succor to be had in the Twelveswood, had moved along down the road towards Thanalan to the south. The only souls left in the tents were those too ill to move or those given leave to remain, and most of the noise was little more than subdued chatter. 
One blustery morning she ventured down the worn stone path to the tents, huddled in a cotton-lined robe for warmth, bearing a crock full of frumenty from Miounne’s kitchen for the refugees. Most of those who were still in the care of the conjurers had long since run out of food, and although Aurelia had caught the Canopy’s proprietress casting worried glances at her dwindling larder the woman knew how to stretch a bag of oats when needs must. 
Some kind soul had already set up the stove for use and inserted the chips of fire-aspected crystal into the heating unit. Smiling, Aurelia set the earthen vessel down with a soft grunt, then began to pull fresh bowls and spoons from a nearby crate to stack on part of the open table space. Once those who could help themselves had come to get their porridge, she’d grab one of the other novices to help her distribute food to those still bedridden.
She leaned back with a sigh, exhaling a cloud of white, and pulled the coat around her torso a bit more snugly. For this blessed handful of weeks, little had been expected of her beyond healing and learning. Her nightmares did not cease but they were fewer and farther between. While people in Gridania were still not precisely what one would call friendly, there were no more thrown bricks, and she supposed that was a measurable improvement.
Aurelia blinked at the pretty face of the Gyr Abanian Miqo’te who had approached the table in borrowed robes with a little boy in tow. More to the point, she was pretty and familiar, and it took her only moments to recall the woman whose son she had nearly killed herself to save.
“J’nehda,” she said, and watched those golden eyes brighten with surprised pleasure. 
“You do remember!” she blurted, then faltered, her cheeks flushing. “...Apologies, miss, I’m so sorry. I hadn’t thought you would… not many city folk have had time or kindness to spare, and you were ever so ill…”
“A bit difficult to forget that day, methinks,” Aurelia said wryly. “Thank you for your concern. I am… not quite recovered, but I am much improved. The conjurers think there will be no permanent damage to my aether. And your boy? How does he fare?”
“J’yefah is well.” Her arms draped protectively about the little boy’s shoulders. He stared up at her with wide and watchful golden eyes perhaps a shade or two darker than his mother’s, clutching a small and tattered stuffed rabbit to his chest. It was then Aurelia realized the child’s ears had not moved in response to their voices, not even once. 
“This is the healer who helped you,” J’nehda said to her son. “Tell her thank you.”
The lad nodded, then turned towards Aurelia. Still juggling his toy, he lifted one small hand and touched his fingertips to his mouth, then extended the hand downward towards her, palm facing upward. His tiny face was a perfect picture of gravitas, ears flattened near to his skull. 
“Thank you,” he added, his tongue seeming to stumble over the words as though he did not speak them often.
With a gentle smile, Aurelia repeated the simple gesture back to him. 
“Thank you, Yefah.” 
The boy’s solemn expression melted into a shy grin, and his tufted ears swiveled immediately forward with a happy flicker she remembered well- before his attention wandered and he had returned his focus to poking at the weathered eye-buttons on his stuffed rabbit. 
“Your other sons. You said they were conscripted?”
“Aye, miss, that they were.”
“Then I am full glad you were able to cross the Wall.” She shook her head. “The Empire does not treat aan kindly.”
She didn’t elaborate. The Garlean Empire was not wont to spare much kindness for the children of those nations it occupied via subjugation, and it afforded even less to those it considered unfit to serve in its legions. ‘Twas like to be the reason J’nehda had taken advantage of the chaos in Mor Dhona to flee, and Aurelia knew she had already given away far more information than she had intended about herself. 
Quickly she decided to change the subject. 
“Have you chosen to remain, then? Will the Hearers let you?”
“I don’t think so. They keep saying’ it’s up to the elementals who stays and who doesn’t.” J’nehda sighed, taking the bowl and spoon Aurelia offered, then knelt before her son, whose grip tightened about his stuffed toy. “Yefah-- Yefah, look at Mama- you can play with Aslan after you eat. Let me take care of him for a while.”
The boy pouted briefly, but let his mother exchange the toy for his breakfast.
“A good lad,” Aurelia said as they watched him traipse across the path, carrying his steaming bowl in his little hands, tail swishing with vague irritation.
“He’s a very good lad. This journey has been hard but he’s taken to it with little complaint. I’m proud of him.” J’nehda crossed her arms. “...And I know that accent, miss. You hide it well, and it’s faded a fair bit, but you can’t fool my ears.” 
Oh shite and hellsfire, here we go. She let her breath leave her lungs in a slow and soft exhale, as she suddenly found the act of scooping frumenty into a bowl very interesting. 
“I know an Ala Mhigan lass when I hear one,” the Miqo’te continued, and Aurelia nearly sagged in her seat with relief. Somehow, she still hadn’t been recognized… though her provincial accent, as slight as it was, certainly had been clocked. 
She forced a smile, passing the filled bowl and its spoon across the table. 
“Caught me out, did you?”
J’nehda laughed. “Aye, I did. Though it seems you’ve been gone a long while.”
“I left seven years ago, after my father’s death.” It wasn’t a lie, though she cringed inwardly with guilt at the naked sympathy she saw in the woman’s eyes. “I’ve not been in Gridania very long, only a few moons. I came here right after the moon-”
“The red moon.” J’nehda turned her head and spat into the frost-rigid grass. “Godsdamned imperials couldn’t be satisfied with just taking our lands, eh? Had to set their eye on the whole of bleeding Aldenard. But I’m guessing that means you aren’t in any more of a position to speak to this lot on my behalf than anyone else.”
“No,” Aurelia said, “I’m really not. I’m very sorry.”
“Ah, don’t apologize. It is what it is.” She shrugged, smiling. “We have to look out for each other where we can- and you’ve already done plenty for me and my boy. I’m sure your da would be that pleased, knowing he raised a good woman like you.”
Left truly at a loss for words, she could only nod.
“Well,” J’nehda lifted the bowl in her direction, “I’m off before he gets hot oats all over the tent floor. Destroyer bless you, girl. And keep your chin up, eh? These storms are always darkest right before the dawn.”
Aurelia had to suppress, fiercely, the hysterical laughter that threatened to escape her lips even after J’nehda had gone out of earshot. Seven hells, she thought. Did she believe in such things, she would have called this naught save a cosmic jest, and a poor one at that.
Long after she’d lost sight of the woman, she turned those parting words over in her mind.
‘The storm is always darkest before the dawn.’ An old saying she’d heard once as a child, though she could hardly recall the circumstance now - and in this case, imminently applicable. There had been so much hardship already, and with winter oncoming she suspected still more lay upon the horizon.
Always darkest before the dawn. She could only hope, for the sake of these people, that it would ring true.
Please--let it ring true. For all our sakes.
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