#yes they were sneaky sneaky in episode 3 lol
meganechan05 · 7 months
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Plans on Taking Back Gokkan
I'm pretty sure since Zaiban Castle is a fortress, there would be hidden passageways known only by the Kings and those they can trust with the secret. Rita doesn't disclose their locations to the others but will try to use them to their advantage to sneak through the castle or a means of emergency escape.
Morfonia knows a few so Rita would bet on her hiding in one for her own safety.
And the planning takes place in Ishabana bc Himeno invited Rita to stay there. Rita agrees bc they can't stand staying in the bug caves longer than they already have 😂😂
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maespri · 7 days
bela talbot . . .
so i just got through rewatching season 3 of supernatural and. i'm 300 years late to the party and fixating on a character from literally One season but man bela talbot will always be like. in my top ten characters in that whole show. because i think complex morally grey female characters should be absolutely worshipped and loved. but in all seriousness- i love her character and the way she was written (which is a high compliment for supernatural lol) and i juuust need to get my thoughts out.
she's obviously written in at first just to bring some sort of chaos to sam and dean's lives and to be an antagonistic figure in bad day at black rock, and she makes that whole episode absolutely hilarious. like, of course she pretended to be a hot waitress and stole a rabbit's foot from sam's pocket and made his life comically difficult for a few hours by doing so. and of course bobby immediately knows her when dean calls to ask if he has any idea who would want the foot. she's so prolific that bobby's literally like, "some freaky woman stole a rabbits foot from y-? oh my god it's probably bela." and of course dean broke into her house to get it back and of course bela has a cat. and the episode ends with bela literally shooting sam while dean is talking about how "i happen to be able to read people. you're a thief, sure, but you wouldn't shoot someone-" while she's actively firing off a round into sam's shoulder. and then she steals $46,000 from them in lottery tickets and drives away. she's hilarious.
but then there's also this underlying parallel that i think is beautifully, and maybe unintentionally at some points, drawn up between dean and bela. viewers are obviously meant to root for dean and dislike bela, but if you squint... they're really not all that different. they just happened to go down two different paths, with dean choosing to use his knowledge of the supernatural to help other people, and bela using hers to help herself.
i'll touch on those comparisons in a second, but going into bela's backstory for a moment- her parents abused her, so she made the deal with lilith, the crossroads demon, to have them killed. what makes that even sadder when i think about it is the fact that bela could've easily killed her parents herself. you don't need a demon to slash the brake lines on your parents car. she was fourteen. she must have been beyond desperate if she were willing to exchange her soul, and agree to live for only 10 more years before going to hell, just to have them killed.
but with that in mind, back to my point about how similar dean and bela are... dean's father was also abusive in many ways- dean just struggled to see it that way. bela is a thief, yes- but dean manages to steal the rabbit's foot from bela, sneaky and undetected practically right from her damn pockets, and wave it in her face while leaving her house unharmed. she's conniving and lying and she doesn't use it for good, but dean is a liar as well- he just does use it for good, whether it be lying about being an FBI agent to get details on a case or lying to sam to try to stop him from worrying about him.
and they are both endlessly stubborn. in red sky at morning, when dean gets in her face talking about how the spirit only kills people who have killed their family, bela just tells him she had a good reason. she doesn't tell him her story, because she doesn't owe that to him, why should she? and in time is on my side, when bela is quite literally living through her last day alive, when her 10-year deal with the crossroads demon is coming to head, when dean has her up against a wall with a gun in her face, insulting her for what she did to her family, saying she makes him sick- bela offers no context. she loathes pity, doesn't want it. she lets him believe she did it for the inheritance when that isn't true at all. and she dies carrying that with her.
and all of that isn't to say bela is excused from what she does, or that she's really good deep down. she did irreparable damage to sam and dean and other people's lives. she's a conniving thief. she only uses the supernatural for her own personal gain. she doesn't really care about how her actions might affect others. and she doesn't have much regard for other people's lives.
but she's still so... human. and the fact that she's so morally grey is what makes her so wonderful. you don't want to like her but somehow a lot of people end up doing just that.
underneath that confident untouchable front she puts up, she's so helplessly human. she goes to sam and dean in red sky at morning to ask them for help because she's literally going to die, and she pays them when they do help her, awkwardly stating she "doesn't like owing people favors." she calls dean three minutes before she's literally going to die and go to hell. he's her last resort. and she begs him for help, and he tells her he can't, not anymore. she had her chance and she sold the colt anyway. in jus in bello (if i'm remembering correctly... i could be wrong), when dean calls bela and is all, "i'm gonna kill you," bela actually seems genuinely distressed and calls him back to tell her that she doesn't like having grudges with people, and she does something to try to make it up to him.
also let's talk about the fact that dean just has bela's number in his phone and that she has him in hers. and one of, if not the only time, we actually see him call her is to be like "hey bela! i'm going to fucking kill you i'm not even joking. bye!" kind of hilarious to me actually.
anyway. i think she's such an interesting character. she had her reasons for doing what she did the same way sam and dean had their reasons for doing what they did. and i really wish we could've gotten more backstory on her character. but yeah thats my thought dump for tonight.
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Just finished reading your Bon Voyage 3 ask and I wanted to enquire about a moment Vkookers claim for themselves. So when V comes late they've all picked rooms and JK is on his own. According to Vkookers JK signaled V to choose his room. (Not sure how) Seems like that's what happened though coz RM then goes "it was your idea to not tell him anything" or something like that. Is that how you perceived the situation while you were watching? Would love your take on it 😊
The way that shippers all take the same moment and make it about their ship is FASCINATING to me. I've seen theories about this exact same moment where it's about confirming vmin, vkook and taejin.... fascinating truly. The only one that I think don't just sound.... well over analyzing everything. Are vminnies. I'll give them this one. Because vmin flat out said it themselves. Lol
This was episode 4 of season 3 of BV. Tae had just arrived late and was picking his room. The very first door he opened was going to be his room. Yoongi had just left, so now the rooms at this point were jinmin in one room, namseok in another and JK had a room to himself. When they get back to the house, Tae starts asking questions and trying to get hints. He asked if the rooms had a bathroom. They answered those 2 do, and this one doesn't and uses the Hall bathroom.
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JK ends up slipping and gives away a roommate hint. They (vague motions to 94z) use that bathroom when talking about the hall as a correction about they all have to share that bathroom. We (the others) do not. So Tae then goes oh got it. And JK looks minorly disappointed with himself when RM teases him about giving away hints and he realized that he did in fact, give away hints.
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Tae then goes upstairs and starts trying to peep through the window, to see whose stuff is in the room and if he can guess who he would room with that way and narrow it down even more. Lol he walks nack down the stairs saying that Jimins stuff wasn't in that room, so that one isn't his. Lol which Jimin then jumps up going "OH you wanted to share with me??" Which Tae confirms, yes, he does
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So Tae is over here trying to scheme his way into getting hints about which room is Jimins so that he can stay with his soulmate. Lol Jimin then cracks himself up laughing by pointing upstairs and telling him to go in there. Tae confirms and asks more. Jimin just laughs and laughs. Probably because he is giving it away and Tae doesn't believe him. Thinks he is joking or something. I don't even know
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And then Tae opens JKs door with a flourish! And looks very confused to not find Jimins belongings in there. Lol everyone tells him he failed (at Finding Jimins room) Hobi congratulates JK on sharing his room with Tae and JK just goes "no" and looks disappointed at losing his single room. Lol
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So to me, it looks like Tae went in there with the hope to share a room with Jimin and didn't want to end up with Namseok as they had the smallest, most crowded room with no bathroom. He ended up getting a good room with good space to share. But not what his goal was, so he "failed" and i don't think JK was signaling hints to get Tae into his room since he was super pumped at not having to share and then lowkey disappointed at no longer having the bed to himself. I think he was just answering bathroom questions more honestly than he had anticipated. He was trying to be sneaky and wasn't good at it 🤣 Jimins giggles give me life. Vmin reunited and he just wanted some soulmate roommate time. Lol
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But they were all cute and taekook roomed so nicely together. JinMin got the best deal in the end with those big beds to themselves even if they shared a room 🤣
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captaincassianandorr · 5 months
Australian Survivor: Titans V.s Rebels Ep 3
-Middle Aged Mafia is a cool name for an alliance honestly. -Also Peta tattoos are not that intimidating really. Between her and Kelli my nerves are grating -Omg Kirby I love her. "This is not Love Island. This is Survivor." -I'm loving the tribe dynamics and how normally what would happen is the young people would band together and vote out the weak and on both tribes, it looks like the older people are banning together (banning? banding?) instead. Which I love to see. -Peta "Come into the majority," to Kirby. Peta...you are FOUR out of TWELVE. 4/12 is not a majority. -Purple edits do make me sad. We've not heard ANYTHING from Scott, Aileen or Kitty really. I mean I know Kitty is there but I don't know anything about her REWARD -Viola is a beast. I love watching her in competitions. -Battle of the Speedos here with Nathan and Alex. Nathan was so quick there. -I like Feras more than I thought I would. I thought I would hate him from the bios/videos lol. -Mark was so quick there at the reward. -Lol Nathan saying it's his charm that's helping him in the game. Haven't they written your name down twice? -And Peta finds an idol. -Immunity challenge time. -AND we actually hear from Garrick! He speaks! And Aileen speaks! (briefly no confessionals yet) -Rebels trying to throw the challenge but doing horribly at pretending they are not. It's not usually a very smart idea to throw a challenge. -Jaden just went through the bag like it was nothing. -And the Titans still almost losing even though Rebels are trying to throw the challenge lol. -Tobias also doing awfully on the slingshot challenge. -Kirby <3 Doing what a guy couldn't and shooting the stacks of blocks down easily. -LOL this is so chaotic and funny with Rebels trying to throw it but Titans possibly ruining their plan. But the Titans win immunity for the first time. -"We threw the challenge," Yes yes you did Alex, but you almost won it anyway which made it funnier. -Trying to get rid of Kelli does make sense to me in a way. The way she talks about the guys is just a bit ick. -Garrick is definitely suspicious about the throwing of the challenge saying that he and Feras were the only ones pushing the cart. And he got a confessional! -Loving this blindsides. Actually all 3 of these episodes vote outs have been fantastic. -Kelli is not the best actor in the world. Had to agree with Garrick when he said she's hopeless mate lol. But on the other hand I'd usually prefer chaotic/hopeless players over boring ones. -Peta asking if she's missing something. Yes, you are missing something. 4 is still not a majority. -I'm loving Kirby's gameplay here. Sneaky and puts her in good position in both the cuddle crew/the other alliance. -Kelli's bad acting at the tribal omg. no one is safe. I hope Peta doesn't play her idol -Feras is interesting me. He's so chaotic and thriving in the chaos. -Time to vote. -HEHEHEHE a blindside coming. I love a blindside. -Raymond is so awkward "I hope it's not me going home." Well I did see a few votes for him in the votes -The editing of these vote readouts is beautiful because it makes it seem like Kelly/Raymond are going home and then Peta gets votes lol. -And then the cuddle club was 3/4 (learn what a majority is guys) -Oooh the preview for next episode ahhh how can I wait until Sunday for that? WHAT IS IN THAT BOX? I want to know! Never seen that before on Survivor. -And Peta saying the "minority" rose up to take control lol Peta no you were in a minority but thought you were in a majority.
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grigori77 · 1 year
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 53
What the ... Sam is OUT OF THE STUDIO ... why is it suddenly gone all Spinal Tap? This is a strange skit ... but chaotic fun too ... XD
Xandis! Yay! Cool D&D movie plug ... and WHY os he going all FRENCH all of s sudden, Matt? Travis (cry laughing): "Wha ... he's evolving!"
Oh my ... Laura, your voice is sounding SO MUCH BETTER!!! :3 I'm so happy for you ... and yes, that IS so cool ... whoa, AABRIA IS LAYING CLAIM TO IT!!! XD D'awwww ...
Okay, so are we FINALLY gonna get to know what's happening with the others? Please, they have no healers, it's not safe for them right now ... HELP THEM!!!
What? NOOOOOOO!!! I mean SURE, I'm loving Aabria and Christian, but STILL ... come on guys, we can't just LEAVE the others like this! Orym must be going NUTS right now ... and LAUDNA!!! Not fair!
Chetney doing a feral murder hobo walk of shame ... yeah, FRIDA ... yeah, the shame is heavy and we feel for our boy right now ...
And there we go. Now he's thinking between his legs and it's all fine again. XD
Hmmmmm ... this is the question, is she REALLY all right with this or is she just humouring him?
Ah yes, Chetney's kinky thing again ...
Chetney's in a permanent condition of "half fucked up and half fuckable" ... yeah ...
It's the Solstice, it's fucked EVERYTHING up ...
FRIDA actually ENJOYED that? That is WEIRD ... Chetney: "You SHOT ME?!!!" FRIDA: "A few times, but I missed you more than I hit you."
Matt is STILL VEHEMENTLY AGAINST the tongue thing, Sam! XD
Okay, so we have A PLAN!!! Excellent. Let's get to it, there!
Fearne you unapologetic chaos gremlin, don't toy with our boy like that! XD
Deanna: "Do you think we BANGED IT OUT while you were asleep?" LOL
Come on, is there really ANY chance that FRIDA would actually become a robo-werewolf? Seriously? Meanwhile OH MY GODS these two are so adorable, FRIDA thinks this is fun and Deanna's having a mental HEART ATTACK ...
Smooth journey, at least. I thought 11 was supposed to be a less than stellar roll ...
Fearne going totally googoo about the goats ... :3 I love how it almost gets her shot as well XD ... good thing she's do strange, it's a good distraction.
Oh, here we go, these guys look a bit ... problematic ...
Under the jacket? Oh ... wow, that is actually REALLY COOL ... AAAAAAND he's asleep. XD
Oh wow ... Uthodurn is GORGEOUS ...
The Volition Disc ...
Knitting ... cool.
Okay ... clearly SOMETHING is off. Is this anything to do with the Solstice? Yeah, if in doubt just cast a Light spell. :3
"The Temples"? Hmmm ... that's ominous ...
Matt: "There's too much stuff in my brain! Sometimes it just leaks out!"
Good reminder, Chetney is EXHAUSTED, he NEEDS TO roll with disadvantage right now ... good roll anyway, though.
Ah yes ... that's true, Deanna and FRIDA don't really know about the baggage ... oh yes, and there we go, Imogen's breaking. I was expecting that at some point ... yeah ... Fearne hugs are good, yeah. I'm sure Laudna's fine ...
Wow ... Sam is REALLY walking a fine line with THAT flask ... XD
Titanic style gates ... and HERE WE GO, the Deliberation Disc ...
The varying scents of fear, according to Chetney Pock O'Pea ...
Oh ... the way is BARRED?!!! Hmmmmm ... yeah, this seems like a major thing ...
Ah, Chetney backstory! Yeah! Nice ... ooh, metal toys, not a good thing. I can see why it's a trigger for our gnome. Hmmm ...
The Vellum Steeple ... okay then ... and it's OPEN!!! Thank the gods ...
Shit. Once again something is OFF ... not a good sign.
Oh, this guy is clearly a bit much ... or maybe he's just overwhelmed, it certainly sounds like it.
Matt: "One of you make a deception check." Fearne: "I AM a professor!" XD
Ah yes, here we go, sneaky Chetney. Meanwhile 200 gold to Deanna! Awww ...
Chetney: "Can you hear my thoughts?" Imogen: "Yes." Chetney: "Balls. Wang."
The flask gets WORSE! Aabria is amused, in sn exasperated way. Matt: "Welcome to my world."
Dope ass Elven pompadour ... aaaaaah, Tilda Swinton, good choice!
Wow ... that revelation is NOT impossible for her to swallow? Damn ...
Oh, so it's not JUST the god-based stuff ... it sounds like this is BIG ...
Ressia? Yes, that's good, because the rest is a MOUTHFUL.
"Applebee's Solstice?"
Okay, here we go, the big rundown. Yup ...
Oh yeah, the Keyleth and Vax development, yeah ... that was SO BAD ...
FCG: "Can you nake magic work again?" Coin flip. Oh my gods ... "Nope."
Ancient bindng enchantments are now failing ... oh, now THAT is a MAJOR problem, isn't it?
Oh boy ... so what is THAT about out there?
Meanwhile invisible Chetney's just eating Skittles ... XD
Ah ... "fear reading" ... yeah ...
More sneaky Chetney ... yeah, he just can't help himself ...
Funky little vial ... headache medicine? Yeah, sounds about right.
Chetney (to Imogen): "The delay on your mind shit is WEIRD."
XD Chet being a scary ghost troll on Ressia ...
Is the rumble coming from BELOW? Southward ... hmmm ...
Cinnamon raisin bagels from FCG's magic oven ... crazy ... XD
FRIDA's arcane core? Hmmm ... sounds potentially useful, but also potentially DANGEROUS ...
They've SEALED the gates to the Grand Disc? Oh, that can't be good ...
Oh ... so they're EVACUATING the Disc? Okay ... so this is actually REALLY BAD ...
FRIDA takes up a snipers roost ... cool ...
Okay, this is getting crazy ...
A warning shot? REALLY?!!! Whooo ... but it clearly WORKS ...
Wow ... THAT is a bold bluff indeed ... FAST FRIENDS?!!! SERIOUSLY?!!! I can't believe that actually works ...
AAAAAAND now they're all going inside ...
FRIDA has WINGS?!!! Holy shit!
Oof ... this is gonna be a SQUEEZE ... and now they're just HANGING there ... oof ... oh, that was a BAD ROLL ... crap ... and that must HURT.
Oh wow ... saved by a bluff ... okay ... of course now FRIDA's clearly stuck OUTSIDE ...
Oh, this could work ... just let the robot through! OH FUCK, now Imogen's getting pulled OUT!!! CHARGE, FRIDA!!!
That was INSANELY hairy, I can't believe it actually WORKED ...
So ... this is NOT good place to be right now ...
Wow ... so there's like something REALLY nasty in here then?
Ouch ... poor kid ... CAN THEY help her?
A STATUE did this? Ooooh ... whoa, it's still here? Scary ...
The Great Beasts? None of that sounds ar all good right now ... oh boy, does that actually suggest there might be MORE THAN ONE of these things in here?
Time for a break ... okay ...
D&D Movie trailer getting me in the mood fir Saturday night ... I can't wait!
Matt: "And we're back!" Sam belches ... oh, you can just FEEL the DM's disapproval ... XD
"The power of friendship"? REALLY?!!! Oh, AND the element of surprise? Oh, well then it might work, then ...
Pass Without A Trace? Good ... FRIDA rolls a 36 on stealth? Holy fuck ...
Ah, Hamilton ... melting into George Michael ... hmmm ...
Oh shit ... is this thing like some kind of gigantic stone bull? Is that it?
Oh my fucking gods, that is so cool ... the Citadel is HANGING DOWN from the CEILING if the cavern! Awesome!
So there are still people here ... great ...
Yup, I was right. GIANT FUCKING BULL. Yikes. And it's strangely ethereal? It gets worse ...
And it's looking at them ... crap ...
Aren't they all talking awful loud for folk who are trying to be stealthy right now?
They're gonna try and READ about what this thing is ... yeah, that's gonna work.
And now it's back in the Citadel. Okay ... time to evacuate the survivors ... and they're all some very selfish bastards ain't they? Typical. And now they're all being noisy too ... oof ...
Guardian of Faith? Cool ... cute little mini Dawnfather avatar. Awwwwww ...
Into the Citadel, then ... and it's a fucking maze in here. With a bull monster ... huh, Labyrinth, cute ...
Throne room, okay ... and there it is.
Imogen tries to sense its thoughts ... hmmm ... it is WEIRD, purely emotional ... so this thing is just CONFUSED, it sounds like. Interesting.
Is there a plaque? Oh my god THERE IS ONE!!! But it's in elvish ... CRAP.
Fearne is seriously suggesting Imogen try PETTING IT. Right ...
Oh ... that was INCREDIBLY bad timing ...
Gloomscale Breastplate? Sweet.
Trying to creep in ... with really crap stealth rolls ... bugger ...
Oooh ... another sweet Battlemap! And ZEE BOOL is there! It's all sleak and shiny! And BIG!!!
Shit, the Bull goes FIRST?!!! Crap ... and it just charges STRAIGHT into Fearne ...
That protective thing would have been SO COOL, such a shame the rules are MEAN right now ...
Oh fuck that is A LOT OF DICE ... 42 points of damage? OH GODS ... AND she goes flying back 20 feet! Ouch!
Deanna manages to deflect the back-kick but she's STILL driven onto her back ... oof ...
Dominate Beast? Go Fearne! Please nake this work ... Holy shit, Matt rolled an 8? It counts as a CELESTIAL?!!! Ooooooh ... Holy fuck, it WORKS!!!! They have one minute where it's just docile ... cool ... time to do ... SOMETHING ...
Fearne starts PETTING the bloody thing. Crazy.
FRIDA finds its heart and sets up for a killshot fir the moment it's NOT charmed ...ruthless!
FCG casts Tongues ... okay ... here we go ...
Ah yes ... send it to Wall Street ... XD cute ...
I love that Fearne gets an advantage on Animal Handling because she's Fearne ... LOL
It speaks! Sort of ... it really is just lost and confused and doesn't know WHY it's here ... wild ...
Yup, it's definitely MALE ...
Deanna reads the plaque ... "in memory of Molaesmyr"? Hmmmmmm ... that's entirely useless right now.
Wow ... this might actually GENUINELY be working ...
Oh thank the gods ... that Nat1 could hsvd been SO BAD ...
Dominate Beast is gone ... but it's calm now ... it wants to be shown how to get out ... hmmm ...
Umudara ... cool ...
Seriously, they need to clear a path for them yo get out without trouble ... OH!!! The Gusrdian! Yes! Try that!
Okay, it might still work ... Imogen and FCG go ahead to warn them about all of this ... okay ... now communicating through the gate ...
Yeah ...this is gonna take a BIG persuasion check ... 29? Fuck ...
I can't believe this ACTUALLY works ... Calm Emotions? On TWO HUNDRED soldiers? Hmmm ... Matt rolls a 2? Wow ...
FCG: "It's the power of friendship! We just talked to it!"
David Bowie ... wait, so this guard is LITERALLY Jareth! I love it! XD
Oh my gods ... Fearne is tying a fucking RIBBON around its neck to make it look cute ... and it LETS HER!!! OMFG!!!
This is one truly BIZARRE entourage ...
Travis: "This thing killed Carl!" XD
And now it's turning into this whole bizarre event as they parade through the city ... this is CRAZY!!! Still can't believe it's STILL working ...
I mean honestly this us actually turning into something quite beautiful. Nice ...
So they're going to direct it to the Savalirwood? Cool ...
Meanwhile Chetney's still in the Palace throne room ... hmmm ... and he is stripping anything he can from the throne. Of course he is ...
Chetney shreds himself as a cover before going down into the secret passage ... it's a hidden escape! Nice ... so he uses it as intended! XD
Nat1 on a stealth check? Oof ... at least he's a bloody mess so he just BRAZENS his way out of getting caught ... XD
Nice place to end ... and that wasn't even a battle! Nice way to circumvent any real combat, guys!
"Power of friendship!" Holy fuck YES!!! LOL ... yes it really was ...
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cabbageslost · 4 months
Reacting to live action AtLA - ep 7
Spoilers, yo. So many spoilers.
Since the last episode didn't leave me feeling like I needed to take a moment to pause and process my "I'm bummed they missed this" stuff, and life is giving me a calm Saturday, I'm just gonna plow ahead while I have time.
Ooo.. suspense, subterfuge, sneaky-ass Zhao.. lol
Hmm, holding back thoughts on NWT. Gonna need them to let Katara get pissed before I can like this. The make-or-break of this episode for me, for real.
Still weirded out by the decision to have Azula not be the golden child. It's another way I think knowing the full story is hindering me. Having her be daddy's favorite all-in in the original set up the events of book 3 perfectly (where he had no issue with giving her his place while he declared himself Phoenix King.)
Okay, so Pakku still sending her to Yagoda. She does still need to learn to heal. Guess this is where that happens? And I still have hope that she'll get frustated and chew Pakku out for not teaching her actual bending.
Was Yue a bender in the original? I don't remember that being the case, but I don't hate it. Even kinda makes sense with the moon-spirit connection (assuming that still turns out to be there.)
Ah, here it is. Women aren't allowed. Get 'em Katara.
Wow.. were betrothed, huh? So you're saying she's available.
Aw, I was looking forward to the Spirit Oasis. This shrine's neat and all, but the oasis was lovely.. could have looked so cool in this. Dangit Kuruk, why are you adding to the people telling him to be alone?
I'm.. not minding this twist to Yue. it's kind of--wow, that escalated quickly. LOL Go get 'im, Yue.
"It's stupid and it's wrong." YAS!! They better let Aang back her--wait, WHAT?! What the actual everloving hell? I could probably forgive about any other change. Unwavering support of each other between Aang and Katara being tossed aside is not one I can forgive.
Azula vs Ozai, okay.
At least Sokka's got Katara's back. I will forever be salty about not hearing Aang support her, cheer for her on this, from moment one. Also stupid that he keeps getting told to do it alone, since that was never a thing. Roku actually made sure to focus on not just his relationship with Sozin (which bit him in the butt) but on mentioning Ta Min, who he was in love with and lived a long life with. Clearly not someone focusing on being alone. Anyway, cool fight with Pakku, but it can't hit the same if only 1 of the 2 in her crew are cheering her on.
This one shocked me. I thought so long as they gave me the fight, I'd be fine. They did, and really the rest of it I'm okay with... but Aang not believing in his friends? No. Not a decision I can get behind, no matter if you eventually end on him getting talked back into it. It's doubly awful because they honestly haven't shown that much interaction between the Team Avatar trio, and having us finally get some and THIS being it... yes, I will need a moment to steam.
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macaron-n-cheese · 2 years
Ok I just finished the RevWar episode in the Washington miniseries and am on the next one. I have lots of thoughts! I'll add photos once my computer works!
- Elizabeth Powell, Maria Reynolds, and James Monroe? I came for a biography not a drama!
- Why does it start with horse breeding?!?!?!
- They're playing Hail Columbia so much <3333
- There's so much tension between Jefferson and Hamilton already
- James Madison is so wholesome yeahhhh fight the speculators!
- "William Duer an honorable man" - Alexander Hamilton. I am crying he is so wrong sjdjsjdjsjdj swindled idiot Hamilton.
- Hamilton is just getting shadier and shadier "If I pass this investigation will I be the one who is the villain."
- Madison and Jefferson are such besties I love it!
- Hamilton: "Are you alright?" Washington: "yes" *collapses for the millionth time this series* Why does he always get to sick!?!? Poor Washington:(
- I like how Washington calls Hamilton "Alex," good son
- Jefferson: "Washington wants to talk to you" Hamilton: "I hate you" Jefferson: "shush please" Martha Jr.: ( 0_0)
- Fishing scene <3
- AU where Jefferson and Madison predict the Great Depression so they oppose a National Bank
- Jefferson and Madison: NOOOO STONKS!!!
- Awww at least they make Maria Reynolds sweet wait oh no now she is a simp :(
- Reynolds affair :((((((((( I like the theory that is just made up by James Reynolds and Hamilton
- Everyone hates Hamilton lol
- The Gay Trio II: hehehe sneaky we hate Hamilton
- Washington: "Hamilton and Jefferson, talk to me." Them: *fight*
- I love that Hamilton calls Jefferson a Caesar even though Hamilton's alias was Caesar
- Death threats to Hamilton <3
- Hamilton receiving his 3rd death threat in a week: I've been a naughty boyyyy
- Maria: Gaslight, Girlboss, Gatekeep (toxic type). This is the most toxic someone can get.
- Gay trio ii: Omg lol Hamilton is spiraling ehehehehe
- BETSEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Ooooooooh Hamilton is in trouble
- They just are like "wow we didn't think that you were that bad"
- Jefferson is pretty chill :) also nice funny coat
- Monroe and Jefferson are great
- Monroe: "This could be our only chance destroy him" Jefferson: "Haha there will be many more"
- Washington: "Here Hamilton take apple" Hamilton: *throws*
- Hamilton is being so mean to his "dad" :(
- Poor Washington and the newspaper. Shut up Jefferson.
- The way the French people call each other "citizen" reminds me if people calling each other "comrade."
- Thank you Jefferson for urging neutrality
- They're being so mean to Washington >:( meanies. Democratic-Republicans being so mean and ignorant! No wonder why they had an electoral college, common people didn't know what was going on in the government!
- I love that when Washington comes they all leave in shame
- I love that both Jefferson and Washington give the French ambassador the death glare. I'm happy that Jefferson and Washington cam agree on that XD
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ageless-aislynn · 2 years
Being A Fan of The CW’s Reverse Flash These Days
A story by me
SPOILERS for The Flash up to 8x05 and Legends of Tomorrow up to 7x11
1. I’m SO excited for the Flash episode titled “All’s Wells That Ends Wells” because “they’re probably going to bring back all the Wells in Nash’s head now!” and “I wonder they’ll give us a new Wells for the season or if we’ll still have Nash?” I also kiiiiinda thought we’d discover that Eobard was still lurking about in there OR that however the Wells got their bodies back, he’d sneak in and get his body back, too. ‘Cause he’s sneaky like that and I love him for that. 😍
Annnnd instead they kill all of the Wells to start the Artificial Speed Force, a sacrifice that is totally made moot in the next episode and Nash gets the ol’ “Redemption by Death” plotline. 😐
But! Is that the original Harrison Wells???
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Oh, we’re going to get to finally get to know OG Wells, that’s something at least, right?
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OG Wells leaves, too.
2. But we’ve got Eobard back in the fight against Godspeed, teaming up with Barry, which is something I LOVE!
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Yes, you lovable Murder Boi, I’ve missed you dearly!
It did not end well for him but... Well, it’s about time that Barry set him back on his heels for once, I suppose. 🤷‍♀️😉
3. We’re going to get him back for the “Armageddon” 5 episode arc, that’s going to be awesome, right???
And he’s living Barry’s his best life, stealing his girl, stealing his place at the head of Team Flash, just in general having a grand ol’ time messing things up for Barry, whom he makes be the Reverse Flash.
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Ohh, don’t you know he looooooved that? “Who’s the villain, Flash? WHO’S THE VILLAIN???” 😉
But then we end up, after all is set right with the timeline again, with Eo in the new Reverse Flash suit.
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Now, look. I love him and nothing will make me not love him. But I have to admit: I don’t love this new suit. The old one was VASTLY superior IMO, both in color and fabric. This one looks like it’s made out of some sort of sports foam, something he put on to go work out in or something, I dunno, lol! Yes, it’s comic accurate and I appreciate that but I just don’t care for it, especially in comparison to the old one. Maybe if we’d gotten a season of him wearing it, I would’ve come to like it? 🤷‍♀️
4. The way “Armaggedon” ended deserves it’s own category because, WHAT THE HECK, Eobard?
Here was a chance to do another villain-hero team up or to have them working together for a similar purpose. I expected Eo’s fate to somehow to be tied to ~the fate of the world~ or something so that, to save everybody, they had to save him, too. But, okay, just putting his fate alone in his enemies hands could be interesting, right?
Except. Come on. Eobard is SMART. He lived a very successful double life for 15 years, he knows how to play the game. He knows how to manipulate these people. Essentially going, “Na na na na NAH NAH, you all have to save me because OF MORALS and then I’m going to kill you all, yay!” was just dumb. They were thisclose to letting him die because there was no downside to it for them. He’s threatening to kill them, he’s done horrible things to them already and he’s going to continue to do horrible things to them if they give him the chance. Letting him die would’ve been the smart play.
(Sorry, Eo, I’m just telling it like it is. You know I love you, babes. 💋)
The way he weirdly went after Caitlin deserves its own post, IMO, and I’m still planning on doing that because... I just want to, lol. 😉
Anyway, he lives but they strip him of his speed. He IS SHOCKED at that. I mean, I guess he just honestly expected them to save him in a way that let him just stroll on out of there to make good on all of his threats? That makes no sense! Eobard’s too smart to have acted like this, which makes me wonder if this particular version of him has had his eggs scrambled one too many times?
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5. Now, I’ve been wanting an Eobard team up since s1 and this might give us the perfect chance for it, right?
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Who better to bust him out of jail than himself! Yeah, I’m still crossing my fingers for that, what can I say? I’m prepared for my inevitable disappointment because this is not my first rodeo, as the ol’ saying goes.
6. In the meanwhile, though, we get a surprise Eobard appearance on Legends of Tomorrow! (I legit screamed out loud when this news dropped, fam. I cannot TELL you how excited I was by this.)
I expected just a quick shot of him at the end of LoT 7x10, then a more fleshed-out part in 7x11. Which goes to show that, despite this not being my first rodeo, I am still ridiculously optimistic on how I think they’re going to handle him. 😐
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He’s now working for the Time Wraiths (who apparently have their own agency and agenda these days since all of the Death of the Speed Force/Look Here’s An Artificial Speed Force/Here’s a Bunch of Other Forces Along With The Speed Force/I Guess His Negative Speed Force Is Gone Now?). He’s lost his speed (which is so weird that they depowered him both here and back on The Flash, isn’t it???) but he seems oddly content in his new life, protecting this fixed point in time.
Is he lying? Is he up to some Nefarious Plan or has he really finally found some sort of peace and purpose? Maybe could he join the Legends for a while, that would be cool seeing Actual Heroic Eobard Thawne! 😍 I couldn’t wait to find out the answer in 7x11 because it was going to be awesome!
But nah, they killed him off in the first, what? 5 minutes of the ep. Does he go down in a blaze of glory? Nahhhhh, he gets fooled by Sara’s evil robot doppleganger and is stabbed. And just...dies.
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So, in conclusion, the Powers That Be at the CW have been making it REALLY HARD to be an Eobard fan these days. Look, writing out Tom Cavanagh because he wants to leave is one thing. I don’t blame them for that and I don’t blame him for wanting to do other things or being tired or wanting more time with his family or whatever his reasons were. I’m sad, sure, but I understand. But HOLY GUACAMOLE, fam, WHAT have these other story and character decisions they’ve been making for him (both) even been????
Through it all, though, I continue to love my Murder Boi(s) and hope for better for them. And if TPTB won’t give it to me, well, that’s what fanworks are for, right? Let’s not give up, fellow writers, vidders and artists! Eobard neeeeeds us! *fist thump*
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larentsaloud · 2 years
hiii i love your posts about f4 thai so much!!! may i ask you a favor to make analysis posts about gorya's relationship with kavin and mj as friends? i find it very heartwarming that gorya has gotten close to these two and their relationship growth as friends from kavin and mj doubting about thymegorya to helping gorya solving the hana's problem one and now they are completely besties! i hope you have a nice day thank youu~~
hiiiiii why thank you for enjoying these unhinged moments deep from my psyche!
this is hard, because i’m not sure i can rewatch all the episodes to do them justice, but i’m just going free style from top of my head the moments when MJ and Kavin really created the #ProtectGorya #TeamGorya movement.
1. MJ x Kavin rooting for Gorya back when Hana started playing her twisted little game... inventing the protect Gorya tribe.
2. MJ x Kavin baby sitting Lita in order to exhaust the energy ball and thus keep her occupied lmao and AWAY from Thyme.
3. MJ x Kavin grunting with disapproval when Thyme “moved on” with Lita and MJ famously declaring himself as #TeamGorya. (also bonus coins to Ren shaking his head in that episode for like the whole time. his expressions were WTF and perma-annoyed.
4. MJ X Kavin investigating Talay. Bonus coins to Ren again for actual saving Gorya.
5. MJ x Kavin baby sitting Thyme in a bar and beating up bunch of people to protect Gorya. can't remember what Ren was doing? was he away? oh yes he was overseas. altho bad boi MJ lost track of Thyme since skirts appeared... so much minus points for that...
6. the hospital prank being their idea— i just know it! MJ x Kavin prank Gorya into confessing her love to Thyme, taking notes from daddy Ren.
7. MJ finding Gorya and letting her know where her crush Ren was. what a sneaky and cute behaviour that was. LMAO. MJ truly be captain of all ships while sailing solo huh.
8. MJ appointing Kavin as the deputy commander of our thyme x gorya ship by sending him deep behind enemies lines ie the floral shop to get saucy detail from Kaning not anticipating or perhaps foreseeing LOL thus formed another ship 🚢
9. MJ x Kavin used to seeing Thyme get beaten up don’t even bat an eye lid when his “gf” leaves him on the floor injured by kicking more than once... and just honour the development by simple remark: what have you done wrong? it's like become accepted that Thyme deserves it. LMAO.
10. Kavin lifting Gorya and handing her as a birthday present has to be my favourite moment of all i think!
Although Ren has done LOADS to help our love birds too! so overall. hope this is what you were looking for bestie. 💕
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sixteenthshen · 3 years
my rant on episodes 31/32
I feel so conflicted about them.
On the one hand, I wanted to watch the shared horse scene so much. On the other,  there were so many inconsistencies and WTF moments. I can't bring myself to touch those episodes again to make more gifs, which is such a pity because WKX falling down the cliff? SO PRETTY. 
Spoilers behind the cut. If you do follow the drama with Chinese fans, you’ll probably have heard the same things like a million times. To save yourself more angst/stress, skip my post. 
The upside is that the director took the fans complaints to heart. They were making edits until 2am last night. I heard it’s already live, but I’m still trying to prepare myself. There’re some things that can’t be fixed >< 
*hopes for the best on Tuesday* 
In episode 11, WKX wanted to tear the Scorpion assassins into ten thousand little itty bits because ZZS had some blood on his lip, which made me mentally scream so much from joy. In episode 31, he  LETS Duan Pengju, that evil dickface(TM) go, just like that? Where's the rage? Where's the anger? Do you see the colour of ZZS's face? Can you see what he's wearing? Do you know what dickface did? 
Although it's a very touching moment when WKX decides to acknowledge the shixiong/shidi relationship, it's super weird that the ghosts are behind. I mean, I suppose it can make sense if we focus on the fact that he's planning to "retire" from being the big bad CEO of Ghost Valley. But it seems careless to expose a weakness in case someone tries to take advantage of it since they have to kill you to get to be the new CEO. 
There's no follow up on the injuries sustained from being tortured by the evil dickface(TM). How could they make WKX seem so callous? Maybe a scene where ZZS asked Wu Xi to hide his injuries from WKX, but WKX's right outside. He overheard ZZS telling Wu Xi to hide it from him, so he pretends not to know. *cue angsty scene for WKX here* 
The only thing related to injuries was when Wu Xi said ZZS could be saved from his self-inflicted nailing. Okaaaay. What about the piercing of the scapula? (穿琵琶骨 (piercing pipa bones) - it's supposed to cripple your martial arts ability until you heal ok) 
WKX suddenly decides to go off and be a career man, which is perfectly fine. But he suddenly has Gu Xiang watch over ZZS like a hawk, not letting him drink. (Seriously, I forgot if this belongs in TYK or if this is yet another thing stolen from Sha Po Lang) Where is WKX showing any concern over ZZS's total loss of 2 out of 5 senses? I ASK YOU MS. SCRIPTWRITER. What have you done to WKX's character??? Poor WKX, poor ZZS. 
And did everyone laugh off the fact that ZZS can't taste, so why should he drink wine? Ok, I can make myself accept this if I remind myself that ZZS would not like people making a fuss and pitying him anyway... (but shouldn't someone, anyone care???) 
We get many hints that WKX has a sneaky scheme, but he doesn't tell Gu Xiang, his closest friend since childhood. He doesn't talk to his soulmate about this either. 
WKX and ZZS's dialogue just before he falls down the cliff... Seriously reminiscent of Silent Reading, when Fei Du makes the same self-flagellating confession & Luo Wenzhou stops him. 
ZZS draws his sword and stands beside WKX. What is going on?! How does he still have his martial arts ability? Did months pass since WKX saved him from evil dickface (TM)? Nothing makes any sense!  
ZCL's hidden weapon is what forces WKX over the cliff. If ZCL did not know about the sneaky scheme, then WTF is this kind of scriptwriting? ZCL's character turned from a good, young child to a prop-causing drama and angst. Even if he felt betrayed, was he not there to see how depleted WKX made himself trying to save Han Ying? Did he not see how WKX tried to keep his shifu safe? Or taught him how to fight? Did ZCL become stupid all of a sudden just to create angst? 
 It only makes sense if ZCL knew about the scheme because of all the info he was privy to, such as Zhao Jing as the villain behind it all (when he heard WKX and ZZS talking). How would he go from knowing that to thinking ZJ should be the new head of the alliance? As a matter of fact, how could Shen Shen?  
Ye Baiyi has to be in on it unless WKX suddenly gained so much martial arts ability in the short time since they last fought. I mean, it only makes sense that WKX got so much stronger because he got injured by YBY, then depleted his strength saving Han Ying. 
So ZCL, YBY, Scorpion King and his buddies, fellow ghosts, possibly Shen Shen... WKX only kept it from the two people closest to him? The two most likely to do something stupid when they find out? *flails at this logic* 
The scene where ZZS's nails magicked their way out of his body... It's so awkward!!! I mean, we're supposed to feel emotional, but the special effects are just awful. I tried not to skip through it, I failed. 
So now what? ZZS essentially sacrificed himself to help WKX complete his goal. He gave up on his chance to be saved to fulfil WKX's pursuit of revenge (and take revenge for WKX's death). And it's all because of a misunderstanding. 
Between ZZS's nails and the ZCL-issue, I'm drowning in dog blood. What happened to WKX and ZCL's characters/personalities???? 
Also episode 32 is VERY choppy, it seems like we’re jumping to scenes randomly, the flow isn’t there. 
I can only say that the "Priest" spirit is gone; it's not a bad drama by any means. I'm still watching & I'm still going to buy the new episodes on Tuesday. But the random angst and abusive scenes inserted without no reason nor much logic are very un-Priest-like. 
I feel a little cheated about the scriptwriter being a fan of Priest. Priest's novels always feature couples who communicate. The supporting characters can come off flat in a drama sometimes because they're so normal. They don't have ridiculous backstories that make them tragic villains, and they behave logically. 
The angst "created" in Priest's novels makes sense. Characters don't suddenly change their personalities so that we can watch something exciting. The "dog blood angst/drama" is the big failing of so many Asian dramas. *CRIES* 
WKX SAVING A-XU. *heart eyes* 
NGL, no matter how short it was, I liked the horseback scene 
There was a cute moment between Qi Ye and Wu Xi, scriptwriter knows how to ship!! & knows how to make it clear who’s gong/shou lol. 
Even though I’m 90% sure the no-alcohol thing is copied from Sha Po Lang... I have so much love for Gu Yun and ZZS that it made me happy. My drunkards <3 
Did I mention WKX looks extremely pretty when he falls down the cliff? How do you fall so prettily? Plz teach me. 
WKX also looks pretty fake-dead. ZZS looks pretty when he’s heartbroken
I ship xiangcao so hard even though I know what’s gonna happen. (Cao Weining & Gu Xiang) They’re too cute.
I love the Poisonous Bodhisattva, I thought the Tragicomic ghost would be my favourite because of how gorgeous she is, but she’s too tragic & not enough comic. Poisonous Bodhisattva is my new goddess.
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caribbean-ace · 2 years
Hello folks! Life has been quite hectic and i’m catching up on the latest of our favorite chaotic group of queer people😂 so jumping right into Legends Of Tomorrow 7x09 as usual spoilers ahead:
1. Lmao Nate’s reaction was pretty accurate + i’m guessing we’re missing something important here + oh no Gwyn stop it! + Ava is so brilliant i love her + poor Gideon :( + Gideon and Gary are a very odd pairing + what the hell is going on👀 + oh my god what the hell😂 + WHAT!? + no😩 come on Behrad i love you but, Astra is kinda taken you know?
2. “Thank you but i hate that” that has to be my motto + gilfriends saving poor Gwyn + spooner is like: don’t Esperanza me dude🙄 + robots and hell just what legends needed + oh no + is this like the sex spell that got around in season 4? 😂 that was WILD + NO WAIT I DON’T WANT TO SEE THIS! + what the hell is going on + LMAO this took a wild turn + bruh Astra was ready to pounce same sis + THIS IS SO WILD😂 + i was slightly distracted by Astra’s arms
3. This is oddly funny😂 poor Gwyn is so lost + Spooner you should have gone with your best friend to keep her safe + lmao Sara is pushing for a vacation and Ava is worrying about being murdered + i love Ava so much😂💕 + seriously what the hell not this😩 + if they sleep together i’ll be so angry🙄 + Sara is like: i just want to get this done i want to get laid with my beautiful wife + OH MY GOD + Astra would have dropped dead lol Spooner you sneaky person! + Astra my queen😍 so powerful please slam me to the floor + i really hope Behrad drops the idea of dating Astra🙄 + i’m hating this🙄 + “i thought we were friends” YES THAT’S ALL YOU ARE + i wouldn’t mind Gary and Gideon being a thing if Gary didn’t try to sleep or lust after every single member of the crew
4. Oh i love this Gideon + i love this interaction, Gideon and Zari being besties + Gidget™️ is back + is Spooner still naked around? + oh boy this is so chaotic + to quote the very wise captain Bishop: “this is why women shouldn’t date men” + Spooner is just so comfortable being naked😂😂😂 + lmao Ava😂😂😂 + i love Ava’s hair i’m distracted + Astra: you did exactly what i told you not to + lmao Sara😂😂😂 + Ava is totally gonna lose it + Sara looks so weird with that make up + oh boy😂 + Astra: come here my child we’re fixing this + bruh this took a deep turn but also i’m laughing my ass off😂 + oh boy don’t make this a thing pls + this is like Nate and Zari 1.0 all over again + Astra is like: Gideon my child 🥺 + oh no my babies :( + yay😍 they are back on track + missing Zari 1.0 hours + oh boy noooot thiiiis agaaaain😩 + no you don’t🙄
5. Yikes Gideon😂😂 that was wild + everyone’s reaction was on point lmao
Bonus: hell censoring the cross sign and the word god was pretty funny lol😂
So that was a very very interesting episode, i had so much fun! I love how Legends always get to explore feelings and bring the conversation around certain characters and keep it fun. All jokes aside even tho i’d like for Spooner and Astra to be something (we know that’s unlikely to happen but one can dream) i gotta say i don’t like how they try to make a pairing out of thin air, it’s like repeating what happened with Nate and Zari 1.0 all over again and i’m just not fully into it. Same as Nate, i adore Behrad but i just don’t think he and Astra would make a good pairing (but hey that’s just me). I’m interested in seeing how they will get out of there and how they are going to fix the chaos that Android!Legends are creating…
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orionsangel86 · 3 years
100% agree on the selfcest, like
Marvel don't have the balls
They're don't have gay people because they're afraid of backlash, you really think selfcest is the way they're going to go????
Things I wanna know:
They??? Kidnapped an CHILD??? how the fuck did a child step out of your ridiculously drawn boundaries??
Of course they were androids, can't be that easy to contact them. That basically means that Ravonne(?) was in charge. Get the truth out of her, Sylvie
Actually, does this mean that "Time Keepers" don't exist at all?? And this is all a play by a mortal Man™ to keep Order™? A Thanos 2.0?
Fuckin' KNEW pruning wasn't death. Like FIRST of all - pruning? Weird name and in Gardening doesn't it mean to cut away the extra leaves to allow new growth? That doesn't mean the cut part of the plant is dead
What do you think that place is? Also, can't believe they Wandavision and didn't bhage mid credit scenes until EP 4
Ahhh I've only just seen this ask and OOooh I have sooo many of the same thoughts here!
On the selfcest - I don't think using their lack of gay people is actually a great argument against them going for it. Remember that this is selfcest between a man and a woman (well, a male presenting and female presenting Loki anyway which means straight people get to look at them and consider it "normal")
I actually totally think Marvel WOULD choose selfcest between a male and female presenting Loki over any "gay stuff" because I just think Disney are that nasty.
Remember how in Supernatural The CW signed off on Dean textually showing sexual attraction to a DOG (which was very clearly shown to be a female dog) and yet threw a MASSIVE homophobic hissy fit when the show tried to imply he reciprocated Cas's gay feelings to the extent that they totally butchered and ruined the plot of the last two episodes of the show to cover up the gay?
These networks are more willing to support the concept of bestiality between male and female presenting different species than explicitly gay scenes between two consenting men (Looking at you Beauty and the Beast)
So yeah, I would totally believe that Disney would choose the path of "heterosexual appearing" selfcest over anything remotely gay
(yes I know that Loki being attracted to women doesn't make him heterosexual yes I know bierasure is a very real problem and as an actual real life bisexual person I am well aware of this but do NOT give Disney this pass okay.)
That being said, whilst I totally think Disney WOULD choose this route over say, canon romance between Loki and Mobius, I still don't think Loki and Silvie will be a thing. Mobius even called it out in the episode as being twisted and nasty (it IS guys even if you think it's in character for Loki, it's just weird and icky...) so I think it's a misdirect. Its basically this:
"I have feelings for you!"
"I have feelings for you too!"
Narrator: "The feeling was friendship, but neither of them had ever experienced it before."
Anyways, enough about the selfcest!
2. Oh I actually think there is gonna be a good explanation for that based on Ravonna's refusal to tell Sylvie what the reason was. (Still think maybe it has something to do with the fact that Sylvie isn't actually a Loki? (Please Disney, if you are going for the Loki/Sylvie love pairing route at LEAST reveal her to NOT be a Loki but the Enchantress instead! THAT would make sense!!!)) Otherwise it's probably going to be because she was a GOOD Loki. Like, a Loki who was raised with love and knew who she was and was growing up to make good choices and be a good person and that just didn't fit the timekeepers narrative (which actually makes the whole child abduction thing even worse...)
3. Yeah the time keepers being fake seemed a bit obvious to me, but I still don't think its Ravonna who is in charge. I think it's gonna be a wizard of Oz type situation where it's just some man with an over inflated ego in charge of the whole thing. I've heard rumours about a dude called Kang? But I don't know enough about the comics to really going into any further detail about that.
4. OMG that is such a great point about pruning. You prune plants to keep them neat and growing the way you want them to rather than leaving them to just grow crazy and chaotically the way nature intended. The point is that pruning is a form of control which is technically against nature. But you're right that the pruned pieces aren't dead technically, you can prune, propagate, and regrow.
I think that place is gonna be some sort of dumping ground for all pruned things, both pruned people, and the items on the timeline that were "reset". So you know how young Sylvie was playing with the toy ship? They took Sylvie, and "reset" the timeline which caused the toys to disappear. I think the toys will also be in this place that Loki is now in with all his alternate versions. It's gonna be like a weird pocket dimension or something.
I was so annoyed about that midcredit scene lol! I wasn't expecting it so just stopped watching when the credits first rolled and didn't know Loki came back at first! It was only when I saw people talking about it on here that I was like wait a sec... and went back and watched it! Urgh! What a sneaky trick!!! Lol!
Aahh this answer got long and rambly but please let me know what you think about all this! I am still really enjoying this show even with the icky selfcest implications and can't wait to see the next episode!
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beeexx · 3 years
911 lone Star episode 3 thoughts:
These are just going to become a recurring thing now, 3 weeks in a row haha.
-Okay, so all in all it was actually a pretty good episode I thought and I did like it. Only now when I’m supposed to write something my brain is kinda coming up with nothing to analyse because maybe there wasn’t that much to analyse? Or I could have an off week too...
-As always there is too much Owen...we really out here looking for breadcrumbs when it comes to the other characters, *sighs*. It’s hard being a fan of a network television show that only cares about Rob Lowe.
-Marjan and Eddie though, that was amazing. That’s probably the highlight of the episode. They had really good energy together and I actually really liked that the both of them were very impressed by the other, even though it was for very different reasons. I mean Eddie definitely thought she was cool, no surprise there, because she is bloody awesome, and a bit of an adrenaline junkie. But she was obviously equally impressed that he was so calm throughout a lot of what happened and when he saved the guy’s life by cutting him open. But the cutest thing was of course the instagram exchange, it was stupid, but a fun little lovely moment to give some levity and then in the end with the photo. I liked it a lot.
-TK and Buck, lol, the chaotic duo or disaster squad. I love how everyone thought that Buck recognised TK but it was actually Marjan that he was looking at. Lmao that made me chuckle. Sneaky FOX. Yeah they were good together, I had hoped for more or longer scenes with them, but apart from that I thought it was a very good pairing. There are some similarities in them and they’re both clearly dumbasses that don’t think things through from time to time. But I liked that they were given both fun scenes and more serious ones!
-Mateo remains a sweet little one brain celled cinnamon bun that needs to be protected. His obsession with Buck knowing his cousin, I cackled when they referenced that to be honest, and him wanting to know if Buck had been to any calls on Disneyland. Oh and also his very on point reference about Captain America and Iron Man when Buck and TK were being silly with their little comparisons and flexes about best saves. (Also team Iron Man for the record).
-LMAO okay so Judd continues being in charge of the dumbass squad. Dumbass and dumbasser, god that really made me laugh. He’s like yeah this is stupid, if we’re gonna do stupid, we’re gonna do it right. Yes, tell em!
-Paul....for fucks’s sake give that man some more lines and things to do and STORY. I miss him....
-Some teasing about Judd’s past too. I want more than breadcrumbs.... I hate breadcrumbs...sighs.
-No Carlos or Grace....well we better get what has been promised to us for next week’s episode, that’s all I am saying...
-All in all I liked it. And the 911 characters worked really well into the narrative too. Sometimes it can be different and hard writing other people’s characters into another show, but they handled that really well. I hope 911 lone star goes to LA at some point. I would honestly love for Carlos and Athena to meet. I think that would be incredible, and he could learn a lot from her.
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thelivebookproject · 3 years
Talking Books With @backlogbooks!
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[What is this and how can I participate?]
Important note: I haven’t changed or edited any of the answers. I’ve only formatted the book titles so they were clearer, but nothing else. Because I’m incapable of shutting up, my comments are between brackets and in italics, so you can distinguish them clearly.
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[Image description: a square titled “Know the blogger”. Name & pronouns: Mary Emma, she/her; country: United States; three adjectives to describe her: Lowkey-extroverted, crafty, and sneaky athletic /end] 
1. What is a film adaptation you hate of a book you like?
I’m usually pretty flexible with book-to-movie adaptations because I love movies (man i miss going to the movie theater) and i know things have to be changed for the new format—buuuuut i am super bitter about the Percy Jackson movies, because they could’ve been so good! they didnt have the same vibe as the books at all 😔
[My opinions on the PJo movies can be found on my interview of the 6th of January with @auraseeingcoffeebean! But mainly, yes. The films and the books have nothing in common except the characters’ names, which is sad.]
2. Last "impulse" book you ended up liking?
The Lying Game by Ruth Ware!! It was one of those previously-read books in airport bookstores that you can get half off, and I’m apparently a sucker for two things 1. bargains 2. books with “lying” in the title (a while ago i checked out One of Us Is Lying based on title alone lmao idk why im like this).
It’s a really good thriller/suspense/mystery book—sometimes with books that center around characters’ ~mysterious past~ i feel like i get answers either way too quickly or way too slowly, but this author did it just right imo, and i was satisfied by the answers we got. It’s also a book that’s centered around female friendship, which is my jam. 
3. Do you use NetGalley or similar websites for reading ARCs?
Nope—I don’t do book reviews much atm (i did more when i started a couple years ago), focusing more on like, smaller posts about specific details of books, or recommendation posts, so I leave the ARC finding-and-reading to bloggers who know how to do more official/detailed reviews. I do own two ARCs but they were both found in used bookstores well after the books had been published lol
4. Paperback, hardcover, ebook or audiobook?
Can i say all of the above 😂 
Overall favorite is paperback probably, because i love the way they feel in my hands & i like the way they look when they’re worn from being read a lot (or from being read in the pool since theyre the only kind i can bring in the pool lol).
I’ve also started to love audiobooks—Terry Pratchett’s books & A Series of Unfortunate Events were both especially great as audiobooks imo. Hardbacks are good if it’s a super pretty book that i want to keep in Good Condition. Ebooks are great if i want to get a book from my library, and if i want to read a book super fast—i swear i go thru ebooks 10xs faster than any other format and i dont know why. 
[I like all formats except audiobooks, which is mainly because I can’t focus on them... I can barely listen to a podcast episode, much less an audiobook!]
5. Is there anybody that is absolutely spot-on for you when they recommend books?
My mom actually! When she finishes a book she thinks I’ll like she puts it on my shelf for when I come home from college, & she hasn’t steered me wrong yet 😊 
[This is so sweet!]
Free space!
And all I’d like to add is that it’s been really fun to get into the booklr community! I followed book blogs for a long time before I actually made my own, & I’m really glad I did because I love talking books with people, and it helped me get back into reading for fun during college, which has helped me not lose my mind while reading academic papers lol
You can follow her at @backlogbooks and on Goodreads. 
Thank you, Mary Emma! This was delightful.
Next interview: Saturday, 6th of February
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angelhummel · 3 years
hairography :)
My favorite song: All the music in this episode slaps, and I’m tired of pretending it doesn’t. I love True Colors, Papa Don’t Preach, and yes even (especially) Hair/Crazy in love
My favorite quote: “You think I’m living in a fairytale? If I were second, or if I were fiftieth, I’d still be ahead of you because I’m a girl” like damn idk why that scene gets me but it does
My favorite moment: When Naya over enunciates “sexts”. All the boys in their wigs, it’s so chaotic and fun. When Quick are babysitting the triplets and they’re running around crazy and Quinn gets their attention and they stop moving and THEN Puck just slaps one of them in the head lmao. Also I think it’s an unpopular opinion but I love devious Kurt. He’s literally one of the most selfless, generous, giving characters on the show. Let him be a self serving little asshole for an episode or two, thanks <3 Oh and the sad little Hummelberry wave at the end </3
My least favorite moment: The inherent racism in the whole damn plot. It can’t possibly be accurate, that all these girls that just haaappen to be mostly nonwhite, are actually talented performers?? No, no, they’re just shaking their hair around and distracting you from their lack of talent, clearly. Like ugh give me a break. Also the fact that Mr. Schue is so damn insecure in his teachings and his group that he sees someone else doing something they haven’t done and he’s immediately like “we must do that!!” then they do it worse and then he’s like “this isn’t us :(” and then they drop it. Same in End Of Twerk too
My favorite character: Kurt. Like I said, let him be devious and sneaky for once lol
send me a glee ep!
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thegeminisage · 3 years
are we allowed to ask about the merlin fic still? if so A &E
omg yes ofc :’) aw it makes me happy people still think about that fic (how arthur got his groove back)
A: How did you come up with the title to [insert fic]?
i had a real bad day 2018 and lost my ability to write fanfic or just function in general for awhile. and then i got hyperfixated on merlin and decided to write a 130k epic! exciting! and i was like >:) got my groove back. and then i thought that’d make a good title for the fic, since it’s also sort of about arthur having a real bad day and then landing on his feet anyway. the boy <3
E: If you wrote a sequel to [insert fic], what would it be about?
lol sneaky. for anyone not familiar w/ the fic, it it pre-slash but doesn’t involve any explicit romance bc it was already 130k without it and there just wasn’t Room. and a bunch of people asked for a sequel but i always said that even tho i knew what happened after the end of the story, it wasn’t really worth writing. so here are the things that would have happened in the sequel that i will never write:
arthur and merlin growing apart because of arthur’s duties as king + merlin reluctantly becoming court sorcerer + pressure on arthur to find a queen
the gang goes to find balinor so he can release the dragon safely, and arthur comes along because he misses hanging out with merlin. hunith comes along bc that’s her husband. this is how hunith finds out that merlin is gay. morgana and gwen come along because i like them. this is how arthur finds out that morgana and gwen are gay. this is also how arthur finds out arthur is gay
(like merlin and gwen and arthur are bi. i meant the collective umbrella gay. morgana’s def a lesbian tho)
except at some point during the trip merlin makes a move on arthur and is firmly rejected bc arthur is repressed and thinks he needs to find a queen. arthurs arc in this would be about getting free of his father’s ghost/shadow, so to speak. unrepressing. unclenching
joyful father/son reunion between balinor and merlin but when they get back to camelot uther finally dies of old age or his crazy or whatever (or maybe he died while they were gone for extra ouch)
so merlin’s like living it up cause he finally has TWO PARENTS and arthur has NONE so he decides that actually he hates balinor and doesn’t trust him, especially not to free the dragon
merlin and arthur fight! this story has no overall Plot Arc aside from the dragon but they would fight about the Plot as a stand-in for actually fighting about parents and THAT’S a stand-in for actually fighting about romantic intentions. maybe merlin is jealous of whoever arthur’s new servant is lol
shit hits the fan re: the Plot. if we’re using the dragon, maybe someone tells him arthur has decided not to free him because of his weird misplaced hate-on for merlin’s dad, and then somehow he gets free another way and tries to trash camelot anyway?? i really don’t know, i’m making this up on the fly
however i am also a grade-a certified FREAK about the episode where arthur brings back uther’s ghost so i could also vibe with the shit hitting the fan somehow involving a ghost summoning
uther’s ghost? the dragon?? por que no los dos.gif
anyway, merlin almost dies saving arthur and/or camelot. and he’s in a coma or whatever. and arthur realizes that actually life IS short and finite actually and he can’t just find a queen bc his dad so if he wants merlin to blow his back out then by god he should be selfish for once. and he says this big beautiful speech like full maleficent except instead of mother/daughter vibes it’s romantic
maybe it literally is like a sleeping beauty coma actually that would fuck. and so then ofc the thing arthur has to do to wake merlin is kiss him - a physical action representing that he’s gonna be less repressed now
and then merlin and arthur save camelot together and they kiss and live happily ever after. the end.
so this was just done off the top of my head in like 20 minutes but as you can see mainly the purpose of a sequel would be to involve the three big things i didn’t have room for in the original 1. releasing the dragon + finding balinor 2. merlin/arthur romance + YOU CAN BE GAY?? and 3. arthur grieving his father’s passing. (this last one was why i was DETERMINED that uther should live and not die in the original, no matter how difficult that would be to pull off believably - there just wasn’t room for such enormous and complicated grief when arthur already had so many enormous and complicated emotional beats to hit realizing magic isn’t evil and that his father is a genocidial maniac and he is complicit in that genocide.) the fic was already 130k, if i had included those things we would have hit 200k for sure and also trying to do that much at once would have been so messy we would have for SURE lost the plot, so to speak
this is actually the most i have ever thought about what happens after the end of that fic LOL like i really didn’t have a clear start-middle-end before this. so now that i theoretically have an outline i COULD write it, but i won’t bc i’m kind of over merlin. sorry. like never say never but i don’t see myself coming back. but now you know what happens at least! i hope that makes the people who wanted to see a sequel feel better and not worse <3
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