#yes I included shade
sketchingstars03 · 2 months
HAPPY (very late 😭) BIRTHDAY INK SANS!!!!
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WAUGH I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS PIECE INK BC I SPENT WAY TOO MUCH TIME ON IT (despite forgoing lineart in an attempt to make things easier for myself 💀)
Either way, I’m really proud of how it turned out! 😅
Happy belated birthday to the guy who started it all for me! And here’s to all the fandom memories that were and will be made!
(credits and more 👀 under the cut)
Ink and Aster (ZT! Gaster) by @/comyet
Dream by jokublog
Swap/Blue by the community
Cross by @/jakei95 (slight outfit change by me)
Undertop Gaster by @/undertop
…Acrylic??! by @hexcia
and we all know who made Splatter here ;3
Anyways, some silly tidbits about this piece
The different papers don’t represent AUs, but fanart and fanfic that’s been produced by the fandom! The very thing that keeps Ink going!
I snuck in a couple subtle references to a few Ink-centric fics that I hear are pretty good 👀. Look for the initials
There’s a couple classic UT references in here as well, golden flower, save star (behind the text) and a doodle of the human and monster from the intro cutscene!
Also you can probably notice the silly cameo of Acrylic from my friend’s AU, Hexverse!
The final paper Ink is holding, the rainbow heart doodle, sorta represents the idea that art, creativity, the fandom itself is their “soul”, and also it signifies the love we’ve given to this super cool character! <3
If you’ve read this far, tysm for listening to my rambles!
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happy halloween! hope everyone watched a scary movie that'll keep you up tonight but was nonetheless enjoyable! i sure did!
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thebramblewood · 8 months
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Jamie outtakes. This photo shoot actually made me fall in love a bit. It obviously doesn't take much. 😭
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wolfsbanesparks · 1 year
*politely raises hand* Ayo do you have any thoughts on if fear toxin is even anything to worry about in the face of the Courage of Achilles?
Like Billy Batson would obviously have a terrible time if he’s exposed to it but would Captain Marvel, setting aside the fact he doesn’t need to breathe, be fine?
I don’t have a penny to give but I request thy thoughts.
Hey there!
So my answer here is two fold:
Technically there have been canon comics where Captain Marvel is affected by fear toxin (Shazam #12 i believe), bringing his greatest fears as Billy to the surface despite him being powered up. There have also been other non fear toxin induced events to a similar effect.
But to be perfectly honest, the comic I'm thinking of largely included him being affected by fear toxin as an excuse for a more experienced Batman to save the day and highlight his own inexperienced fighting style.
So as with most things, Cap's immunity to toxins (including fear toxin) varies based on what the writers want to happen in their story.
Personally, I think that he should be immune to standard fear toxin or at the very least be able to power through the hallucinations because of the courage of Achilles. I mean what's the point of having supernatural courage as a power if you can't overcome a chemical to induce fear? Especially if perfectly ordinary human Batman can do it with sheer willpower?
Mostly I think a lot of people have the tendency to downplay Cap's abilities while at the same time hyping up Batman and his rogues. If Cap's powers are actually understood and respected by the writers there really shouldn't be much to worry about with fear toxin (unless there's a a team up with a magical villain enhancing it or Billy is caught in it before he can transform. Then we might have an interesting story).
So that's my two cents on the subject! I'd love to other people chime in!
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storfulsten · 11 months
colorful funky space friends
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hm kinda sus tbh
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grahamcarmen · 1 year
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distfae · 2 months
to be honest i like to say alfonse is closer to 5'10 without those heels... theres no way that guy is reaching 6 ft tall in my mind
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wrenverse · 5 months
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I dressed my team very appropriately, yes
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tellmegoodbye · 1 month
Thinking about how Buck always had a reputation as a womanizer when what Eddie is doing now is more fucked up than anything Buck ever did
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roguetraining · 2 years
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Sometimes you obsessively design a character that's not even yours and then you tap out when you start shading
Dale from Nothing's Wrong with Dale by @moonshine-nightlight or at least, how he lives in my head rent free
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mutxnts · 2 years
man the artists for aa4 really went nuts with the details on necks and collarbones in this game like look at phoenix and klavier
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Wind 🤝 Twilight
Sees ghosts
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enjoy some pencil drawings for once
screenshot study and what amounts to a conceptual illustration of a writing idea
#bravely Didn't try working on the ol wip last night; drawing program needed the laptop restarted anyways; dicked around thusly#like Yes i wanna draw my funny little guy who is the heart & brain's default lately (last several years) nice to do anyways#and naturally imo you can see the [been working on that animatic] influence. don't often manage to draw a thusly stylized winston#he would have the winstache here theoretically but no way was i trying to draw that in lol. nigh guaranteed erasing & v little space for it#for the erasing i mean. further disclosures for Interest: negligable / par for the course digital cleaning up includes getting rid of Some#stray marks like particularly annoying out of place specks. hard to do any of that & pick a stopping point though. yet i did...#more significant tweaks were moving winston's mouth up & one pupil iris Mark over both by like 5 pixels tops lol. still better =)#& then naturally the second pic's Colors are all added digitally. texture & that like shade gradient from top to bottom are courtesy of just#the lighting in the pics picking up paper texture / being itself uneven so there was more shadow further down....#pic one only had lighting & contrast adjustments (slight increase on both)....i don't think any of this was very interesting lol but hey.#winston billions#corned beef#technically:#riawin#i don't know if i quite adequately indicated winston as upset in a frustrated kind of genre as well lol....#but then i reacted afresh to The Pic as i was adding the colors like ah it conveys the intended emotion To Me...& i am the intended audience#could look like oh he's just like very elevatedly & transparently like ''ah jeeeez *Eye* messed up [pensive]'' lol but isnt meant to be so..#hand on back of head not to be sheepish or chastened but rather an ''agh christ i wanged the back of my head'' kneejerk reaction lmao#for once in our lives the fun lil stars are the comic strip language of Oof Ouch Physical Pain indication#the other half of [reacting to what literally just happened / has arisen] being like And spilt my drink on my self#and b/c it's winston & it's his life there May be undercurrents of ''ah jeez. did *i* mess up here / so as to be at Ultimate Fault''#that is the assumed interpretation of Anyone Else at him at any time. [Autistic Character Alert] babes....#meanwhile. re: pic one's ref i took the screenshot for whole other fun casual reasons & eventually realized like oh hey fun bust profile. so#an exercise in Shading. which is sure smthing i'm a lot more practiced doing via pencil than digital means
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pinkhysteria · 1 year
one thing i will forever appreciate about katherine girls is we all collectively decided to ignore her finale look. won't be in edits, won't be in gifs, won't be in anything. wish more people were as sensitive to awful wigs in media!
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leatherbookmark · 2 years
in all aspects but physical i am plastering my self to the windows of people who have just watched cql and hissing READ THE NOVEL incessantly
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headspace-hotel · 4 months
The USAmerican imagination cannot consider land that is multi-purpose.
A corn field is Corn, an endless monoculture, and all other plants must be eliminated. A residential area is Houses, and absolutely MUST NOT!!! have vegetables or fruits or native plant gardens or small livestock. A drainage ditch is only a drainage ditch, and cannot harbor Sedges and native wetland plants, A sports field is for A Sport, and let no one think of doing any other event on that field, shops and storefronts must have their own special part of town that everybody has to drive to, which requires parking lots...and God forbid we put solar panels on roofs or above parking lots or anywhere they can serve an extra purpose of providing shade, instead of using a large tract of perfectly fine land as a "solar farm."
Numerous examples. But it is the most annoying with agriculture. The people who crunch all the numbers about sustainability, have calculated that a certain percentage of Earth's land is "Used up" by agriculture, which is troubling because that leaves less "room" for "Wilderness." It is a big challenge, they say, to feed Earth's humans without destroying more ecosystems.
Fools! Agriculture is an ecosystem—if you respect the ways of the plants, instead of creating monoculture fields by killing everything that moves and almost everything that doesn't. Most humans throughout history, and many humans today, sustain themselves using a mixture of foraging and agriculture, and the two are not entirely different things, because all human lifestyles change the ecosystem, and the inhabitants of the ecosystem always change themselves in response.
Even if you are a hunter-gatherer that steps very lightly in the forest and gathers a few berries and leaves here and there, you are being an animal and affecting all other parts of the ecosystem. By walking, breathing, eating, pooping, drinking, climbing, singing, talking, all of those things affect the ecosystem. If you gather leaves to sleep on, that affects the ecosystem...if you pile up waste, that affects the ecosystem...if you break a tree branch, that affects the ecosystem...if you start a fire, if you create a small shelter, if you cut a path, that DEFINITELY affects the ecosystem.
This idea, that human activity destroys the ecosystem and replaces it with something Else, something Not an ecosystem, is so silly. "But you just said that even the earliest most technologically simple human societies altered their environment!"
Yes, I did. Because we believe that "pre-agricultural" humans could have no effect on their "wilderness" environment, we ALSO believe another false idea: That when humans affect an environment, they destroy "Wilderness" and change it to something else, like Agricultural Land, that can never have biodiversity and never benefit many life forms.
I think it is the European idea of agriculture that it always involves people settling down and relying on a few special plants that are domesticated intentionally and grown in specially dedicated fields. After all, this idea of an agricultural lifestyle, is in contrast with the "hunter-gatherer" lifestyle, which is assumed to be what humans do before they "figure out" agriculture. The European mind imagines "pre-agricultural" folks ignorantly bumbling about, thinking plants and animals conveniently pop out of nothing for their benefit.
Bullshit! I shake my head in disappointment when I see websites describing Native Americans using wild plants as if those plants just-so-happened to grow, when those same wild plants just-so-happen to thrive only in environments disturbed by humans in some way, and just-so-happen to have declined steeply since colonization, and just-so-happen to be nonexistent in unspoiled "Wilderness" locations, and (often) just-so-happen to have an incredibly wide range where they either once were or are incredibly common, making it very...fortunate that they just-so-happen to have a wide range of uses including food, medicines, and materials for clothing and technology.
Accidentally of course, without any human impact from the humans that were impacting everything. /s
"But if it wasn't an accident, how did it happen?" Here is how to understand this idea: Look at the weeds! The weeds will teach you.
Look at the plants you always see growing without being planted around human buildings and roads, and learn their history. Often you will learn that these plants have many marvelous properties, and have actually been used by humans for thousands of years.
In fact, some of the most powerful and difficult to control weeds, were once actually some of the most essential and important plants for human civilizations to depend on. The dreaded Kudzu, in its home in East Asia, was one of the main plants used for clothing for over 6,000 years, and not only that, it has been cultivated for food and medicine for millennia. You can make everything from paper to noodles out of Kudzu! And Amaranth, the most expensive agricultural weed in all the USA, produces edible and healthy grains as well as several harvests of greens per growing season, and several species of the genus have been fully domesticated and formed a staple crop of Mesoamerica.
Meanwhile...some people have come up with this neat "new" idea called Polyculture, which is where you plant a field with two crops at once and somehow get better yields from both of them. WITCHCRAFT! Unrelatedly, there are other ideas like "Cover Crops" and "Agroforestry" that for some reason have the same beneficial effect.
Wow...It turns out, sterilizing the whole environment of every plant except one crop...isn't actually a good way to do agriculture in many places in the world.
Just think about it from an energy point of view...
We have some places used for "Agriculture," where we wring the land as violently as possible to squeeze green vegetation from light energy.
And we have other places for Other uses, where we spend massive amounts of fossil fuels mowing, chopping, poisoning and trimming to STOP the land from producing its incredible bounty of green vegetation.
And in the agricultural fields, we spend even MORE resources killing the unwanted plants that grow spontaneously
This system is hemorrhaging inefficiency at both ends. It simply isn't a one-to-one conversion of land and fossil fuels to food energy. The energy expenditure of agriculture is mostly going into organizing the vegetation's energy into the shape and configuration we want, not the food itself.
In the Americas, indigenous agricultural systems involve using the plants that exist in the environment to construct an ecosystem that both functions as an ecosystem and provides humans with food, clothing, and other important things. This is the most advanced way.
Most of our successful weeds are edible and useful. A weed is simply a plant that is symbiotic with humans. My hypothesis of plant domestication is that it was initiated by the plants, which became adapted to human environments, and humans bred them to be better crops in response. Symbiosis.
Humans did not pick out a few plants special to intensively domesticate out of an array of equally wild plants, instead they just ate, selected, and bred the plants that were best adapted to live near human civilization. That is my guess about how it happened.
Just think about it. Why would you try to domesticate teosinte (Maize ancestor?) It sucks. Domesticated plants in their wild form are usually like "Why would you put hundreds of years of effort into cultivating this?" Personally I think it's because the plant grew around humans and humans ate and used it a lot because it was abundant. So we co-evolved with the plant.
Supporting this hypothesis, there are many crop plants that mutated and evolved back into weeds, like "weedy" rice, "weedy" teosinte, and "weedy" radishes. Also weeds develop similar adaptations to crop plants to survive in the agricultural environment.
Consider Kudzu. Everyone in the USA knows it as an invasive weed, but since ancient times in China, it was a crop that provided people with fabric from its bast fibers, food from its enormous starchy roots, and many medicinal and other uses. Kudzu is not evil, it simply has a symbiotic relationship with humans, and just as any other species might serve as a biological control, the main biological control of kudzu in nature is the human species.
Think of the vast fields and mountain sides of the South swallowed by thick mats of Kudzu covering lumps that used to be trees. Think of the people toiling away to clear the Kudzu, while wearing clothes made of cotton that was grown in a faraway place using insecticides and depleting fresh water, using energy from their bodies that came from crops grown in fields far away.
Now imagine people working to harvest the Kudzu, to cut the new vines and dig up the starchy roots and use the plant the way it is used by the people who know its ways. Imagine the people using the starch from the Kudzu root to make flour and noodles and sweet confections. Imagine workers processing the vines into thread which is woven into fabric. The hillsides and fields flourish with plants that used to be suffocated, and hillsides and fields in faraway places also flourish with their own plants, instead of being made to grow cotton and crops to provide for the needs the Kudzu provides for.
Imagine the future where we accept our symbiotic relationship with the plants!
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