aphrosine · 11 months
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practicing artstyles and that jazz!!!! i think I like this a lot? i'll be using it for fandomless ocs, though some ocs specifically like this one candy mahou/magical group i have contain a signficiantly more cartoony/"anime"-esque artstyle. even still, I love this??? hello?
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easyface · 15 hours
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I just realized that Lupa is fucked! I mean this girl has a transformation once a month. But she’s ALSO female. Meaning she gets periods and all the shit that comes with it.(yes, my time of month is now and is being shitty so I’m venting while realizing what poor Lupa has to deal with) The child has CRAMPS! And CRAVINGS. Lots of mood swings. And deals with the werewolf transformation shit.
That sounds horrifying. Dear Merlin what if the two times overlap. And that might even be preferable - otherwise there would be two times of the month she needed to track for...can a wolf get PMS? Oh Merlin, I do not like the sound of this one bit. Let us add this to the list of why I despise werewolves. 
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manchesterau · 3 years
nap time
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indigo · 3 years
yikeessss just saw my future law classmates insta story where he threw a pint of Ben & Jerry’s in the trash and flipped it off, next post was him playing anthem on the piano with an Israeli flag emoji over his shoulder
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lyn-z · 6 years
nigga, how do you mistake a weed pipe for a fucking cigarette. sis it don't fucking add up???? you aint that slick honey, sit down t h i r t e e n y e a r o l d
🤦‍♀️ her pipe was shaped and LOOKED like a cigarette...you weren't there sis 😬😬
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ghost--ranger · 4 years
rumours were in the beginning of S4 they weren't going to go with Kara and Brainiac out of "respect" for Chris Wood who had recently left the show. It's the same reason Kara didn't get a drunk hookup to help her move on in a fun and creative way, yet they wrote that for Alex. Kara was to remain pure and loyal in case Mon-el got written back in.
Theres like 17 things wrong with this if true
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raevfitta · 4 years
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I have over a million words on AO3 so I needed to break it down. Yikeessss
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mckorney · 2 years
Puro kayo away bat di nyo nalang ako mahalin. Yikeessss
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eta--piscium · 3 years
How's your finals going luv? You pulled another all-nighter again last night? Please take care of urself. :( u know that ur nose bleeds when you're too stressed, yeah?
Hey luv!😳 uh yes? Actually no, I was planning to but didn't went through it because someone got upset.😳 I'll take care of myself I promise!!
Yeah, I know it does. It actually happened last night, I was studying when all of a sudden I felt my something warm on my lip and then I saw a droplet of blood on my notes. Yikeessss hahahaha. But it's okay now!!! Thank you for checking up on me!!😚
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Hi tumblrrrrr !!
So I woke up around 3:52 today, basically fucking 4 pm. I didn’t get around to sleeping till probably 2 last night. So in total I must’ve gotten 12-13 hours of sleep.... yikeessss.
I woke up feeling sedated, as usual. This can happen because of either excessive sleep, adequate amount of sleep, or lack of sleep. I believe it’s from insufficient and low vitamin d levels. It’s really bad. My eyes can’t focus on anything, I can’t look up at the normal sky, my eyes are always heavy, I have slow brain function, and no amount of sleep can make me feel rested and energized. It’s a problem I’ve had for 2 and a half years now. I thought it had to do with my diet but it’s definitely lack of sunlight to the eyes and body.
When I woke up I listened to Lana’s new single on repeat and her other one she releases as a cover for that movie. Sooooo good.
I made a smoothie with 6 or 7 strawberries, 2 mangoes, water, and my herbs. That’s all I’ve had and it’s been extremely filling. I’m down to 125. This is a water weight week. Next week I will try to tone up and lose actual fat. What I don’t want to do is lose muscle mass, but that wouldn’t be for a long time and I’m not trying to get to that point.
I have work tomorrow at 8am till 6pm so I have to wake at 7. I already {656} want to go to bed, but I have to let wait it out for longer so I don’t wake up too early at 3am or something. There are so many songs I can put into a full album. I can’t wait to record them well.
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simscastaway · 3 years
Lmao ngl I really gotta learn to actually do some self reflection because fuckkkking hell 😂😂😂
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santonali · 7 years
helloooo i have working wifi pls send me asks????
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babyi · 8 years
The fact that all the top comments on the everyday video are negative...yikeessss
I finally went and looked
they’re not that bad- I saw a lot of arianators in there yelling at haters
but they’re not the best for someone trying to sell a single
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thanialis · 4 years
yikeessss i still haven’t done my ap work 🤧🤧🤧🤧
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shrivinglust · 4 years
The bullying was from fans of Terrace house and specifically about an episode that hasn't aired in the US. So it couldn't have been international. Not that it matters, cyberbullying sucks anywhere.
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