#big big big yikes
elfgrove · 1 year
New Things to Beware on the Internet
On May 3rd, Google released 8 new top-level domains (TLDs) -- these are new values like .com, .org, .biz, domain names. These new TLDs were made available for public registration via any domain registrar on May 10th.
Usually, this should be a cool info, move on with your life and largely ignore it moment.
Except a couple of these new domain names are common file type extensions: ".zip" and ".mov".
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This means typing out a file name could resolve into a link that takes you to one of these new URLs, whether it's in an email, on your tumblr blog post, a tweet, or in file explorer on your desktop.
What was previously plain text could now resolve as link and go to a malicious website where people are expecting to go to a file and therefore download malware without realizing it.
Folk monitoring these new domain registrations are already seeing some clearly malicious actors registering and setting this up. Some are squatting the domain names trying to point out what a bad idea this was. Some already trying to steal your login in credentials and personal info.
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This is what we're seeing only 12 days into the domains being available. Only 5 days being publicly available.
What can you do? For now, be very careful where you type in .zip or .mov, watch what website URLs you're on, don't enable automatic downloads, be very careful when visiting any site on these new domains, and do not type in file names without spaces or other interrupters.
I'm seeing security officers for companies talking about wholesale blocking .zip and .mov domains from within the company's internet, and that's probably wise.
Be cautious out there.
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taiyo-tenebris · 3 months
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My two pieces for the 2024 Pokemon TCG Illustrator Contest! I didn't place in the top 300 but I still had fun drawing it anyway.
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fox-and-the-hound · 5 months
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What if Twilight and Rarity swapped cutie-marks, but their personalities stayed the same?
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Most Pikmin fans don't know that Olimar should divorce his wife and take the kids and the dog too
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power-chords · 11 months
The thing about 12-step programs is that the basic model involves getting a bunch of vulnerable, impulsive nutsos together in a plausibly cult-y atmosphere where they're likely to have already burned a lot of social bridges. That it doesn't turn out to be a hotbed of abuse would be the more farfetched assumption.
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clove-pinks · 2 months
me: I'm so mad at the 1860s!
time-traveler from the war-torn United States of 1863 who is listening to me vent: It is a time of madness indeed. The bloodshed, the senseless ruin of men in the prime of life, for so base of a cause–
me, interrupting: Uh no this is about the stupid baggy men's clothing lol. Did you guys forget how to make clothes that fit?
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devilart2199-aibi · 2 months
F4 gem?
What is she reacting to? 😲❗️😬
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notajoinerofthings · 1 year
finds absolut deprimierend, dass migration (und lbr, eigentlich gehts da ja vor allem um die begrenzung von migration jeder art) von so vielen anscheinend als das thema und die ultimative krise der gegenwart in deutschland empfunden wird, obwohl die klimakrise, unser marodes bildungssystem, steigende kinderarmut und der pflegekräftemangel einfach right there sind 🤷‍♀️
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ladylannisterxo · 3 months
I haven't read Fire & Blood. I'll start with that. But, at the end of S1, I was curious and I spoiled myself on some of the details and what I do know is that what played out in the last 10 minutes of this episode is so far removed from how it played out on the page.
It was uncomfortable in the worst possible way. While I was expecting hysteria, bargaining, desperation, I received none of that. I have never seen a mother be so calm during the slaughter of her child. And while I understand that Helaena has never been overtly emotional, it didn't feel like I was watching her character at that moment, it was like it was someone else entirely. You could literally hear the sounds of him being murdered and she didn't even react, she just... left.
And then it ends with, "they killed the boy." "The" boy, not "my" boy. It was the most surreal experience and I can't seem to wrap my mind around this decision to change it up. I usually don't get too up in arms when changes are made from page to screen, but this just feels wrong.
I mean... if this was the premiere, how is the rest of the season going to play out? 😬
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sttoru · 3 months
ppl folding bcs mcdonalds is collaborating with jjk is so funny (in a dumbfounded way) yet sad to see 😭 yall so weak ..
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dabblingreturns · 4 months
How horrifying those first few days at caanan house must have been for the sixth house as they relized that the only thing that Gideon nav and Palamedes seamed to have in common for Dulcinea was thier shared youth.
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makosgotmoxie · 2 years
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when Imogen’s mom is a bit too pro the entire world ending
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freaky-flawless · 1 month
Does Mattel think people dislike Clawd?
Do people dislike Clawd???
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cirrus-grey · 11 days
From everything she said it sounds like Celia doesn't know the apocalypse was reversed so like. She was absolutely prepared to sacrifice Sam to a full-on Fearscape to stay in this dimension.
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strunmah-mah · 6 months
Obscura is weirdly high stakes for a visual novel. Most vn's the end you get is an accumulation of the decision you make, Obscura? Make one wrong choice and you're DEAD.
Anyway, in unrelated news, I've somehow managed to get the bad end in 3 out of 4 of Obscura's routes. Whoops.
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yikesharringrove · 1 year
This is based off something that happens nearly every day in my place of work.
“Steve!” Heather hissed from her corner desk. “H.D. is out there!”
Steve stood up from his stool quickly, nearly sending it toppling to the ground. He raced around the tables in the room, settling near Heather’s desk and looking out the window. Robin had followed his steps, looking out from behind him.
“What in hell are you two on about?” She asked.
“Hot Dad.” Steve pointed out the window, at the man he and Heather has christened Hot Dad last year.
The preschool parents always grouped up outside the secondary entrance near the end of the day, waiting from their little ones to come out from the lower level preschool classrooms. And there, every single day, was Hot Dad, picking up his littlest girl, waiting for the older two from the main elementary.
Robin sighed, slinking back to her desk. The Special Ed classroom had an excellent view of the parking lot, and meant Heather and Steve had ample opportunity to stare at Hot Dad.
Today, was an especially good day. He was wearing shorts.
As in, short short
The gray athletic material was riding up on his thick thighs, a pink sparkly backpack slung over one shoulder, his hand in his daughter’s.
His three girls were nearly the spitting image of him, long, curly blond hair. Giant blue eyes that always crinkled up with chubby-cheeked smiles.
Steve had only interacted with him a handful of times, when he had opened up the car door to let the kids out of the back during the morning drop-off rush. He always said hello to Hot Dad, wishing him a good day as Hot Dad called to his girls, telling them he loves them.
“Why is it kinda extra hot that he’s a girl dad?” Steve said to a Heather, staring intently at H.D.
“I don’t know, but I get what you mean. And I mean, three girls is a lot for one man.” She sighed. “Do you think he reads them bedtime stories?”
“Oh, definitely. And I bet he does voices for all the little characters.”
“And he probably plays whatever they want.”
“Yeah, and I bet he’s all about making sure they’re tough. I’ll bet he wrestles around with them and wants to teach them how to fix cars and shit.”
Steve and Heather sighed, embarrassingly, at the same moment.
“Jesus, you two,” Robin chimed in. “Can you two go somewhere else to be this gross about a father at our school?”
“Nope! Not when it’s Hot Dad. Listen, you know I don’t want kids of my own, but a for Hot Dad, I’ll be a step mom. For sure.” Heather grinned at Robins wrenching sound. “I mean, they won’t have to call me Mom, but the youngest is only four, so it may be natural to her!”
Steve cackled, gently pushing Heather.
Steve returned to his desk, trying to ge Hot Dad out of his mind. He really needed to focus, and finish these accommodation letters to send out to the teachers, and he needed to-
“What?” Steve turned to Robin. She turned her laptop around, one of Hot Dad’s precious daughters on the screen.
“His name is Hargrove. Billy, I’m assuming.” She turned the screen back towards herself. “And, he’s the only person listed as a parent for all three girls. They’re emergency contacts are listed as Father, Aunt, and Grandmother. Nothing maternal to speak of.”
Steve’s eyes lit up.
“What do you think are the chances he’s in to men? Because like, I’m not a classroom teacher. I don’t even have any of his kids in the program, so it wouldn’t be weird.”
Robin rolled her eyes at him, returning to whatever she was typing on her computer before the HD distraction.
“Yeah, because that would be weird. Yelling about how hot he is in front of an open window, that’s normal. But teaching his kids? Too far.”
Steve stuck his tongue out at her.
And then her words settled in.
“The window’s open?”
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