#yj season 4 spoilers
wonds-troy · 2 years
When you mess with Superboy, you mess with Miss Martian. She already lost him once and she will NOT lose him again.
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cj4747 · 2 years
⚠️Unpopular Opinion⚠️
If Wally ever comes back from the dead and Young Justice get a season 5… Wally shouldn’t get back together with Artemis.
Linda Park supremacy.
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gyroshrike · 2 years
Me, going into GLtAS having watched all of Young Justice already: Oh... Razer fans must have experiencing Feelings during That Episode :)
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kidflashimpulse · 2 years
Rewatching scenes with Jay in them from Phantoms while anxiously thinking about your fic. It’s a whole experience to be honest. Many emotions. Many thoughts.
omg (✧ ω✧) anon… this is the both the highest honor ever and also i’m so sorry lol
cause by not even over-reading into things, that literal one scene of jay walking into his empty home and taking into account everything that has happened to his family till that point, it’s rough 😭 bart’s disappearance is just objectively a low point for him no matter how u look at it
so adding all the angst from aait onto it, well i can’t imagine it being fun 😭😭 however, i would love to read those thoughts of yours 😁 cause ultimately, don’t we all exists to consume content of our faves and their friends and family going through it lol
i’ll also take the opportunity to share a tiny semi spoiler (not rlly but just for the sake of expectations lol) of the next upcoming chapter (hopefully posted soon pls writing gods help me) that jay himself won’t be appearing, but there will be some (quite a bit) general flash family introspection. but honestly that’s just lowkey every chapter of AAIT so 😭
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ivysangel · 3 months
Omg I’m watching yj rn cuz I haven’t seen the show since maybe 2012 or 2013 so it’s been a while for this girl and I have no one else to talk to about this.
~Mild spoilers ahead for those who haven’t caught up~
But I just have to say that the writers are gonna be fending off more then just these hands for the bloody time skips they did. When s1 ended I was so excited for season 2, and then after a quick recap of the new years scene we get blasted 5 years later!!!?!?!?! uHMMMM HELLO?!?!???? WTF IS THIS ??? I WAS EXPECTING TEAM BEHAVIOUR AND THIS IS SO NOT TEAM BEHAVIOUR!!! I WANTED GROWTH!! I WANTED TO GET TO LIKE THESE CHARACTERS MORE AND UNDERSTAND THE RELATIONSHIPS!! And they hit us with the oop aqualad is now an enemy, yeah Tula joined the team but died, Dick and Zatanna aren’t together but he’s with Barbara now, Barb is also disabled, Jason was a part of the team for a while but of course died, etc etc like it was huh after huh after HUH cuz a lot can happen in 5 years and I’m cheesed we didn’t have season 2 to ride the wave a little longer with the team while they were midteens before we got a switch up and suddenly they’re in their 20s and mentoring, and we got introduced to a new team like 2 or 3 times
And with each time skip I’d just get more and more steamed cuz this feels like when you have a friend that you’ve known for ages but suddenly decides to drop new lore and you’re like 👁️👄👁️ what do you mean you were pregnant at 15 and found out at a Wendy’s bathroom????? Like it felt like being hit with a truck hearing all the things that happened during the time skip cuz as of right now I’m on the latest season and there’s queer relationships that were dropped like a bomb. Don’t get me wrong I’m not mad about it at all but with kal I was like who?when?? And with Lagoonboy I was like aww he looks so happy with her! Wait did she just say husband??? But that’s not….. omg this dude is a home wrecker!!! ohhhhh ok he’s in a poly relationship…. WAIT A MINUTE A POLY RELATIONSHIP??? It was just coming out of nowhere unless I missed hints being dropped in earlier episodes or seasons. Probably the sap in me but I would’ve liked to be introduced to these other characters and see how they caught feelings and got together instead. We’ve had a few episodes about Halo figuring herself out both with sexuality and gender preferences, and her religion as well which does make sense when you were previously a living machine. But nothing for Kaldur or lagoonboy???? I would’ve loved to have seen that unfold instead of some other episodes that were more of a snooze fest for me
hihihi sorry this has been sitting in my inbox for so long, i got this crazy influx of yj related asks that were all so long so i've been spacing out my responses!!
but you are so right, the time jumps are so heinous because half the time we don't even get flashbacks to supplement any of the missing plot. they fully just drop bombs on the viewers and expect everyone to just accept it. it's very jarring to get attached to a team and then see the whole team split up the next season with absolutely no warning.
(also idk why this just came to mind but does anyone else remember when orm was camped out in that house trying to kill everybody at that birthday party???? what the fuck was that about??? was that crucial to the plot...did i miss smth)
BUT YEAH. there's a whole lot of "did i miss something"s floating around for s2-4. i would literally sit in front of a paused screen and try to figure out if any dots connected bc i was so lost.
i also really liked how we got halo's sexuality and gender identity arc but i do wish they had done the same for kaldur since he's such a massive part of the show. i wouldn't be mad at one for lagoon boy either, but his plots generally don't mean as much for me since he was really only there as a piece of the m'gann + conner plot.
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azurecanary · 1 year
Alright, since i haven't to hand in anything else for college (yet) I'd figure I'd spend some time developing some fics I've had bubbling in my head for a while. I can't guarantee a length of time that they'll be written and published, but this gives me The responsibility to start working on one or more.
So i thought I'd place a poll of the different fic ideas i have to see which is more popular so i can decide which gets priority. The options are:
1. Agents of SHIELD S5 (and maybe 6&7) rewrite (includes Ben as a mainstay character and defocusing on Fitzsimmons among other changes that I'II happily elaborate if asked)
2. Tyler Lockwood/Josh Rosza fic (basically Tyler sticks around for all of S1 and he and Josh bond and get together, focuses on those two as protags)
3. Post TVD canon wherein Bonnie and Jeremy break away from the MFG and get some more exploration in terms of powers and romance Bonnie explores more uncommon types of magic and meets a female witch, Jeremy learns he can still see Tyler and now has a connection to a deeper afterlife
4. Young Justice Season 5 stories mainly focusing on the Outsiders (Cassie/Wonder Girl, Tim/Robin, Jaime/Blue Beetle, Virgil/Static, Bart/Kid Flash, Ed/ El Dorado, Courtney/Stargirl, Steph/Spoiler, Kara/ Supergirl)
5. Protean City finale in Apocalypse Sonata style tying up all the loose ends and character arcs that the podcast deprived me of (istg, if only one person votes for it I'll still write it, cause let's be real this fandom is basically an endangered species atp) (focuses on Night Owl, Puck, Arcana, Crosswind, Sohcahtoa and Frequency and the assorted ships within)
I can't promise they'll all have a single cohesive story, in fact there's a good chance it'll be anthology style, but I have not written before so this is completely new territory.
And one more reminder, i can't guarantee WHEN these will be made, this is just so i know what people want the most.
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imjusthereforyj · 1 year
YJ Season 4 Arc Rankings Part 1
Since it’s almost been a year since Phantoms ended here’s my personal ranking of the arcs for that season
 spoilers ahead
 #6- Kaldur‘s  Arc
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To me this arc just felt kinda slow and not very necessary as it didn’t tie in with the over all plot of the season. It felt like it’s job was to just justify the extra history lesson we got on Vandal Savage on how he’s also the father to Atlanteans and the whole story with King Arion. The story was slow because it took unit the third ep for them to actually go on a mission to find the lost crown and that felt kinda basic of mission with the only real threat that they faced was a giant fish. I think most things just solved themselves and there wasn’t a lot of big change that happen that would impact the rest of the season. I don’t think much will change with Mera being the new king of Atlantis I think she will have similar policy's as her husband did.I did like how they brought up wealth inequality in the different kingdoms of Atlantis and getting to see La’gaan family as well as seeing him show regret over Conor’s death. We love a fish boy that can show growth yayy.😊 And our boy Kaldur finally learned to take a break and sit at home with his boyfriend.
Kalder gets a 4/10
#5-Zatanna’s Arc
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Zantanna definitely had a lot more going on with her arc with two chaos lords fighting, another Vandal Savage history lesson, and the origins of the magic school bus. To me the story of Klarion and Vandal meeting was so funny, like Klarion just killed him over and over for a year until Valdal said “wait, I think we can be business partners”. I understand why Nabu hates his dad when he completely ignored his advice not to work with the kid that sunk a continent and killed millions the last time they hung out.😒 I was pretty hyped to see the phantom Stanger and everyone favorite rhyming demon Etrigan but Etrigan only got to be in one fight and he was just used as a distraction. I felt like Zantanna also had one too many apprentices, just along with the other magic users we met it felt a little crowded. I thought it was intreating how they brought religion into it with Kahlid trying to find the balance between magic, medicine, and his Islamic faith. Giovanni being the Italian man that he is held strong to his Catholic faith but idk if he should of did the Lord’s prayer in found of Nabu who was born in 1,836 BCE. I like that the fight between child and Klarion was so big that other heroes had to come to pick up the pieces and now we got 4 new doctor fates on ration and Zantanna can finally hug her dad again. RIP to Teekl #1 long live Teekl #2
Zantanna gets a 6/10
 #4 -Artemis’s Arc
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This was really close between Artemis’s Arc and Zantanna Arc but I’m getting the high ranking to Artemis. This arc had hard act to follow with Conor dying in just the ep before. I think this arc did really good with showing how Artemis was dealing with the grief of losing another team member and how she copes by helping others. But girl idk if you can get away with saying that Conor was like a brother to you when everyone on the mind link heard you checking him out. 🙁 I also really like how we got to look at Jade and Artemis relationship and their childhood together and we see more of how Jade really did care for Artemis. We also see Jade struggle with wanting to be a good mom and being an assassin. But she ain’t the only ninja mom as we see Lady Shiva try to get her daughter back and I really need a season 5 so I can see Talia al Ghul eat her words about not giving up Damian. I don’t have much of an option on them changing Barbara Gordon story on how she end up in a wheelchair. I did like how they brought back Cassandra Savage and I was really questioning if she was gonna turn on her dad or not. Onyx was just kinda there but it was good to have her there to question if Cassandra was legit or not. I do wish they would of just let Jada go back to Will and Lian instead of going to therapy island with Jason Todd and Onyx. I think it would just clean up the loose ends of her story more and it would feel more complete for her to find peace with her family. Also finding out that Artemis’s new boyfriend is 31 is kinda a trip when you realize he was 21 when she was 15 in season 1.
Artemis gets a 6.5/10
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rappaccini · 1 year
travis martinez is a much more interesting character thematically than i think anyone in the yj fandom has thus far given him credit for.
putting aside that he is 1) a teenager 2) full of 90s-era toxic masculinity 3) who is going through the same fucked-up experience as the girls, 4) with the added stress of losing his father and trying and constantly failing to take care of his kid brother (because he is a traumatized teenager)...
ok. the thematic purpose of travis, beyond being nat's Fridged Wife Who Motivates The Plot in the present, in 1996 is to be the lynchpin of the subversion of the gender-imbalance group dynamic.
(an aside: hilarious in a meta way how the fandom treats the one underwritten male char in a mostly female cast the same way they usually treat the one underwritten female character in a mostly male cast: with anger, hatred and refusal to examine him with any nuance, especially as it pertains to being in a relationship with someone he isn’t ‘worthy’ of. aside over.)
to put it simply: flip the genders. imagine that the yellowjackets are an all-male team, and travis is the only teenage girl alone for months in the woods with a pack of hormonal athletic teenage boys who are going feral.
now you get it.
i think it's brilliant that that isn't even a possibility in the audience's minds at first that the same danger we automatically attribute to 'teenage girl alone, surrounded by boys with no one to help' goes completely unnoticed, when you know the first thing we'd all think if the genders were swapped would vary from 'haha hope nothing happens 🙂' to 'you're in fucking danger.'
it's so ingrained in us to assume, because of all the notions about teenage girl behavior vs teenage boy behavior, that travis will either be totally safe with them or The Man (jackie's 109 'dude stranded with a bunch of babes' comment, anyone?) who's gonna have an incredible time hooking up with all these girls.
and it doesn't occur to anyone watching to think that he might be in just as much danger, or that the girls might be capable of having the exact same bad intentions and being willing to act on them... until it already happens in doomcoming. (and even then, i don't see anyone in the fandom discussing this at all, or considering how they'd feel about that scene if it were a group of boys doing it to a girl)
so uh. a theory, about what travis's role in the wilderness cult could be:
[spoilers for seasons 1 and 2 up to 205]
the communal boyfriend. i am 100% serious. here's what i'm basing this off of:
the yellowjacket symbolism. it's the title of the series, the mascot of the team, and therefore should be examined more closely for symbolism and potential plot revelations.
yellowjackets in nature are particularly vicious species of wasp. they are a cannibalistic, territorial species who can sting many times without dying, who have an almost entirely female social structure-- queen, workers/soldiers-- with the only males being drones used only for reproduction. they live underground, hibernate and breed in spring. only the queen breeds and she disposes of any competition.
if the show's going to take the symbolism to its logical conclusion in terms of parallels, the girlcult must resemble a yellowjacket hive: we already have mostly-female cannibals occupying a territory that they are beginning to map in s2. they have retreated indoors during winter.
going forward, it'd make sense if
with javi's mysterious survival outdoors in a climate we know that will kill anyone who sleeps outside overnight, all these mysterious trees with melted snow, lottie envisioning underground tunnels, (and to a lesser extent the girls finding a stream running red and the compass not working, which could be caused by mineral runoff + the plane likely crashing in british columbia, which is full of defunct mines)... there is some kind of bunker, underground cave/cave system or mine that the group will find.
if the showrunners aren't lying, the group will split, ergo one needs to find a shelter other than the cabin. that underground lair will become the base camp of one of the two clans, probably lottie's if the symbolism will be at its strongest.
they will likely begin shrooming and dooming in earnest in spring/s3.
lottie is the only character who is built up enough and has the sufficient motivations and sway with the group to be the yellowjacket queen. it can't be any of the jv girls because they aren't developed enough. it can't be mari or van, because they're consummate followers. it can't be akilah, who doesn't have any interest in leadership, or misty, who no one would follow. it can't be nat, because she's a loner. it could be shauna, who has moments of leadership potential (see: starting the midnight snackie, being the source of the group's hope via her pregnancy), or taissa, who wants to lead the group badly (and whose fugue personality is connected somehow to the cult).
but so far, the only character with a built-up support base who buzz around her protectively, who keeps being framed with antlers around her head, is lottie.
so. lottie is the closest thing to a queen the group will have. whether this means she's literally delegating tasks, or behaving as an oracle figure is irrelevant. she is the leader.
the previous yellowjacket queen was jackie, who lottie humiliates and dethrones during doomcoming, when she crowns herself with the antlers. and what was jackie up to during doomcoming? fucking travis. we'll get back to that in a sec. first:
lottie will have some involvement in the death of shauna's baby. maybe she and her cult sacrifice it. maybe they smother it. maybe they leave it outside so ~the forest can decide what to do with it.~ hopefully it isn't justified as ~just a misunderstanding~ -- if the symbolism is at its strongest, the queen, who at this point can't be anyone other than lottie, will make the choice to kill or in some way cause the death of the baby because it isn't hers, in order to keep control of the group and weaken shauna (who is showing moments of strong leadership potential).
since the yellowjacket queen is the only one to breed (see: jackie getting angry at shauna for getting pregnant/having sex before she could, and taking travis, the only eligible guy, away for sex during the party), and since we've already seen travis show attraction to lottie, and lottie attempt to fuck travis during doomcoming...
and since the only male yellowjackets are drones used only for sex...
my guess is that travis's role in this society is as, well, community dick. this isn't gonna be the bachelor. this is going to be dubconny, creepy and deeply disturbing.
that was my main point, but here are a few others.
2. consider teen girl hierarchy: the highest-ranking teen girls are always in relationships, and within teen girl social groups, boyfriends are more like accessories than partners. a teenage girl's status is increased among her peers if she has a boyfriend, and if that boyfriend is desirable.
it follows that whoever the leader of the cult is (... almost certainly lottie), a symbol of her power over the others would be having (sexual) access to travis, and, if doomcoming is foreshadowing, being able to bestow it on others in her inner circle as a reward.
3. back on travis as a subversion of gender roles: instead of being a hunter, i think it'd be a natural reversal for him to end up being the one who stays at home and has to provide sex for survival. (recall his comments in 105 re men vs women and the role of the hunter)
4. if nat's s1 comments about travis not believing in lottie are going to make sense, he has to at some point before the rescue turn on lottie and her belief system and return to nat and her side of the clan divide.
the obvious breaking point would be javi, who seems afraid of lottie in particular (and likely witnessed her doomcoming activities) and may not want to go along with her activities. if lottie or her followers harm or kill javi, travis has to have a crisis of faith.
for what its worth, i also think that if he ends up in this ‘arrangement’ with lottie's cult, or realizes where it's going, that stands as sufficient motivation for him to break away from them and return to nat's side. it's not Why I Think It'll Happen, but it does strengthen the idea.
5. the writers say that the girls do far more transgressive shit than cannibalism.
sure, rape/coercing sex from someone doesn't have to be it, but it's definitely in the ballpark. especially if it's girls doing it to a boy, because of how little people are able to wrap their minds around it and how uncomfortable it would make them.
i mean, again, look at how people react to doomcoming and just consider: if it were a group of drugged-up feral teenage boys trying to have sex with an equally drugged-up teenage girl, pinning her down, ripping her clothes off, biting her, and then responding to her running from them by hunting her through the woods, tying her down, gagging her, and nearly slitting her throat... i don't think people would be brushing this aside as much. let alone insisting the ringleader is just misunderstood and well intentioned.
not exactly sure how to end this, so i'll just boomerang back to the lord of the flies question that got the story started-- why would we expect teenage girls to behave any better than teenage boys if traumatized and left to their own devices in isolation?-- ... why wouldn't this happen?
and as a depressing addendum, since he comes home in the 1990s, if this happens, he can literally tell no one because no one would believe it, or he'd become the punchline to a terrible joke.
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Warrior Thoughts
Season 3 Episode 4
Spoilers ahead
Ah Toy/Nellie/Lai—The beginning of the episode broke my heart all over again. So much death and destruction! Even worse is the rift it caused between Ah Toy and Nellie. Ah Toy blaming Nellie and herself for indulging in this fantasy that was too good to be true. In season 2 she pushed Nellie away because it wasn’t safe in Chinatown. Now she’s pushing Nellie away because it’s not  safe for them outside of Chinatown. Ah Toy leaving after telling Nellie “Happy mean nothing if you are dead.” Fucking hell. 
Chinatown is more dangerous than ever, but it’s Ah Toy’s domain, where she feels in control. Staring in the mirror, covering up her wounds and trauma with makeup, wearing her dress like armor. Back to square one again and it sucks. I agree with Ah Sahm, let’s go after those bastards!We also see the darkness in Lai rising again, poor baby. I guessed that Ah Toy’s line was gonna be the title, “In Chinatown, no one think about forever.” More bad news from Bill when he told her he can’t protect her from the new police chief. Our girl can’t catch a fucking break.
Finally, Nellie is crushed when that judge took her away their land as “imminent domain.” She starting to see the limits of her power as a wealthy white woman, because of sexism duh. The fucking audacity of Dickhead to be like “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Nellie was unhinged and dragged his ass in front of everyone. Flashbacks to Penny and Buckley last season…please don’t throw her in an asylum! It wasn’t surprising that he bribed the judge. If he did that, then what’s the point of attacking the vineyard and killing innocent women?? Male ego and pettiness, that’s what! I hope we’ll see Ah Toy and Nellie  together again next episode. They need each other more than ever now! Ah Toy is understandably shaken, but she’ll get her revenge! I hope they make it slow and painful for Dickhead. Though, I’m worried about his whip-wielding evil henchman.
Hop Wei— This money printing scheme was clearly trouble from the beginning. Especially because YJ wasn’t even trying to be subtle or careful. Still, watching racist cops raid the Hop Wei and beating YJ was beyond awful. Warrior has never pulled any punches regarding the racism and corruption in this era. Which, sadly, still happens today. Bill is starting to grow on me, only because Atwood is so incredibly terrible. If words and spit counts as “assaulting” then he’s a weak ass punk! In the end, YJ is taken away by the police.
Ah Sahm/Yan Mi— Meanwhile, Ah Sahm and Yan Mi are trying to sneak away with the press and evidence. Ah Sahm has to knock out some cops along the way. Very satisfying to watch, after all the shit they were doing to the Hop Wei. Thank Chao for being in right place at the right time. Yan Mi is understandably upset at being dragged into danger like this. On the other hand, they’re a Tong what did you expect? She and Ah Sahm argue, then kiss, then have sex. It’s the second time Ah Sahm had gotten sticky while YJ is having a crisis (FJ nearly dying in season 1). Really curious how this is gonna play out. Ah Sahm doesn’t have the best track record with romance.
Long Zhii—*Sigh* Mai Ling, Mai Ling, Mai Ling. Cockiness is a family trait with her and Ah Sahm, huh. I understand her idea of doing business with white people, but she was getting waaaay too comfortable. Yeah you’re a big deal in Chinatown, but white people will only see you as a Chinese woman. A pity project for them to indulge, or an exotic sexual plaything. Mai Ling had to learn that the hard way. Still, she didn’t deserve to be arrested and deported because of a white man’s lies!
Other Thoughts— Power, who has it, and how they use it is obviously the main theme this season. Marginalized people who cultivate even a little bit power are always at risk of losing it. Rich white men at the top are the real enemies (aka water is wet). Both YJ and Mai Ling are in jail, I wonder what will happen to their tongs. Will they finally establish a common ground after this? How will these characters fight back against a racist and corrupt system? They’ve endured so much pain and trauma in these past episodes. Hopefully things will improve for them later on.
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mag200 · 1 year
i’ve been tagging “yj spoilers” for anything in yellowjackets season 2 and “succession spoilers” for anything in succession season 4 but im wondering how long i should keep that up. im not gonna do it indefinitely but they will still be tagged under just the show names so people can block the “yellowjackets” tag or “succession” tag entirely if they dont want to see spoilers from me. anyone have thoughts?
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my-taste-in-music · 2 years
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captain-azoren · 3 years
Take a wild ride with Klarion as he educates a bus full of terrified kids and a poor bus driver on the secrets of time and space.
(I know there’s already a version of this online. Mine is different.)
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rhaellatully · 2 years
About this last episode of the season, I have to say I am super happy for Icicle Junior! He got invited to the wedding and every thing! That’s so crash
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kitzatara · 3 years
SPOILERS FOR YJS4 EPISODE 11 and my first thoughts/reaction
What a beautiful narrative showing Traci, Khalid, and Mary’s struggles. We need more Zatanna so I bet the next episode will be her flashback? And then the last episode is the battle.
Nabu’s origin was fascinating, does he technically count as the 9th lord of order?
BIG SPOILER!!!!!!!!!! I can not believe teekl died. Omfg that was so sad
And finally
Me at the end credit scene for this episode of Young Justice
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That got horrifying real quick oh my GOD
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skull-gem · 2 years
I can just sense that Artemis is moments away from finding out how much effort it took for Zatanna to find (or rather not find) Conners spirit, and how she didn’t need to do any of that to “find wally” and she’s going to be like guys what the fuck
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stuckonherefornow · 3 years
Artemis infiltrating the shadows in her orange fucking suit, like bestie pls, wear stealth
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