#yknow sometimes i feel like there's no point in anything anymore
scatterpatter · 6 months
Every time i cringe when old of mine gets notes again, I then get this kinda swell of pride
Like man I never would've thought that a silly doodle I did in the middle of a hyperfix in 2019 would over 4 years later bring a smile to someones face
Like how many times I've gone down internet rabbit holes and found fanart over a decade old but still managed to bring a smile to my face, how many abandoned fics and comics and art people dont really think abt anymore still bring me joy when I stumble upon them
And I might not be proud of my old work because I've improved and I get embarrassed because I know I could do so much better if I re-did it nowadays, but like thats not the point. When I made it way back when it made me happy, and while it's not up to my personal standards anymore, it still makes other ppl happy. Other ppl arent holding my old art to the standards i am.
My one lil moment of joy that sparked a doodle inspiration kinda went across time and brought a smile to someone else's face way down the line when im not even really in the fandom that doodle was for anymore
AUs I've since gone back and went "eugh" with because I know I couldve approached them with better designs and writing nowadays, even tho I don't think it's good enough, someone else does, and like. thats just. thats just nice.
Idk. I dont have a point to this. I just hope that stuff i make today makes ppl happy years down the road. That's a nice thought.
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peribirb · 1 year
gettin a real Maybe It's Just Not Worth It vibe tonight, enjoy tagspam 👍
#im so fucking sick of wishing i was happier or in a better place or just#better in general#it feels like that's all i can do. just wish that i wasn't miserable and clinging to the will to live every single fucking day#and get lost in the daydream of “wow maybe i won't want to kill myself one of these days that'll be neat!”#but i just don't think it gets better i think that's bullshit#i think that sometimes a person can just waste their life and be miserable and then die and that's just how their story goes#like statistically speaking not all of us can follow our dreams yknow#fuck i don't even HAVE dreams i don't even have that guiding star of like something im interested in or something i want to do with my life#nothing's driving me i'm literally just Here#“staying alive is all you have to do <3” okay that's a nice sentiment but what happens when every day of staying alive is fucking miserable#every fucking positive affirmation just slides off of me i can't believe that shit anymore#i feel like at this point i should make clear that i'm not like Planning Anything Drastic#i don't want to be dead i just desperately want to not be my fucking self anymore#sick of that asshole tbh#i just want to spend a day feeling neutral about myself. just not wishing i was dead#not mentally self harming by looking at other people living lives i feel like are out of reach#man it's not even extravagant stuff it's like one-bedroom apartments with a modest kitchen#like that's what daydreaming is for me it's fucking sad#like what's the point in trying to get better if that's all i'm aspiring to and i can't even manage to pull that shit off :/#anyway#that kinda night#personal#vent
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sabertoothwalrus · 2 months
do you think Falin's chimerism would affect her lifespan and behaviors? or just her body? maybe she can make more animalistic noises or has vague dragon-like instincts?
that’s a really good question! I think we could probably figure this out by taking a look at what we know about Falin, what we know about red dragons, whether these things would apply to Falin, and go from there.
The obvious external changes Falin has are: her eyes, her teeth, and her feathers.
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It’s hard to pin down what Falin is like! Throughout the duration of the manga, she wasn’t really a character so much as a plot device. We have almost nothing told from her point of view, and the majority of her unbiased (as in, we’re seeing her through a neutral lens and not another character’s perception of her) characterization is from the post-canon omake.
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Even Falin believes that her wanderlust might come from her dragon side, but she's not sure. Personally, I think it’d make a lot of sense if it kind of does, in the sense that she has 20/20 vision now, haha! For most of her life, she could probably only see clearly within a relatively small sphere surrounding her, and now she can see everything. She can look up and around freely in a way she couldn’t before. Fuck man, if I had magic lasik I’d probably go out more too.
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Some other quirks that are really unclear whether it’s typical for Falin or chimera-influenced:
she enters rooms through windows, sometimes. And given the leaves in her hair, I think it’s reasonable to assume this is not the first floor 💀 But who knows! Maybe that’s not new for Falin.
She points out that Laios’s scent could deter monsters. Maybe she has enhanced smell. But again, it isn’t unreasonable to think this is something she would have said before. (I think even Chilchuck and Izutsumi, whose senses of smell are enhanced, can’t identify scents well. Kuro, however, can.)
VIOLENCE! But again, we’ve seen her beat shit with her staff before, and she also used to wield a flail. It IS a trait for red dragons to fight any large threat, so if anything, she’s got even better monster fighting instincts than before. I don't think this would carry over to people. Falin has always been better with people, and I'm personally not a fan of seeing her depicted as territorial or possessive. Marcille is already the possessive one, and didn't need dragon blood to be like that.
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Ultimately, I don't think her dragon traits extend much farther beyond this. Especially when you consider How Little the dragon is represented as in her conscience.
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it's not like it's a 50/50 split. She's like a person with a dragon ratatouille. I don't think she'd be able to make dragon noises. I don't think her body is built for that. I know there's like, a set list of tropey characteristics that are given to almost every non-human character in fiction. and sure that's FINE but they tend not to be especially personalized to the character, and tend to just be an excuse to write them OOC. Like, sure, dragons may have instincts regarding sleep habits, hunting, courting, raising young, etc etc, but so do humans! And we don't compulsively act on every instinctual whim we have. I don't see why it'd be any harder for her new dragon instincts.
If anything, I think she'd feel more affected by the fact that she has part of the demon in her.
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I don't think Falin's in any sort of trouble. All the demon was was a way to communicate with people. Here, it's representing Falin's tether to the infinite realm, to mana itself. The winged lion no longer has the desire to consume anymore because, yknow, Laios has that now. This is very likely why she no longer needs to chant to cast magic.
But what else does this mean for her? She already had unusually high reserves of mana + an innate connection with spirits, but is her mana essentially limitless now? How would that affect her lifespan? I'm leaning towards, it wouldn't really?? But is she immune to mana sickness now? Is it more like her magic is just sort of amplified like it would be in a dungeon?
We can infer that having more mana doesn't increase your lifespan, because-- while elves and gnomes have both naturally high levels of mana and longer lifespans-- dwarves live longer but have lowest levels of mana of all.
So to answer your question! Maybe a little bit?? But I don't think she'd change a whole lot.
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migueloharaslave · 5 months
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WARNING!!!!!!!!! NSFW WILL OCCUR HERE SO SKIP IT IF U WANT OR WHATEVER (obv it's not the best cuz im still new to this pookies)🗣🤪🫶
"You always do this shit. Why do you keep asking me that?" Shawn groaned in annoyance as he slammed the refrigerator door.
"Well I can't help it. Sometimes it just feels like you don't even love me anymore. You haven't even took me on a date in a fucking year." You choked back tears as you studied his movements. Shawn then decided to walk up to you, he pushed you down onto a chair, pointing a finger at you. "You're a bitch. You constantly fucking say 'do you even love me anymore?' Of course I fucking do. I don't take you on dates because your always busy with that dumb job. Plus, I think your cheating. Who's that guy you've been texting.. Miguel? Yeah, you didn't think I saw that on your phone? What fucking guy asks a girl 'You free tonight?' You got something you wanna tell me?"
You stared up at him, you felt tears form in your eyes as you stared at him. "M-Miguel is a friend. He's just a friend I've met at work! I wouldn't cheat on you and you know that. I see him nothing more than a close friend. Sometimes we hangout and eat dinner together that's it." You choked back your tears as she you stared at him, fidgeting with the bottom of your shirt.
"Uh-huh. Whatever you fucking say. I'm going out, don't call me." Shawn scoffed as he stormed off out of the apartment, slamming the door behind him.
You stared off into the distance before bursting out into tears, all these bottled up emotions were now coming out. You've been dealing with this toxic relationship for so long.. You didn't know how to get out of it though. You felt so attached to him.. emotionally. He's the only boy to ever lay eyes on you, sure you may had a huge glow up since highschool, but deep down you still felt insecure. You sniffed as your last few tears dropped, then you heard your phone vibrate against the table, you picked it up and saw it was Miguel. You wiped your tears away as you cleared your throat and answered.
"Hey." You said in a soft voice.
"Hey.. You sound weird. Are you alright?" Miguel responded, furrowing his brows at the tone of your voice.
"Yeah, just allergies." You giggled.
"Yknow.. If anything is bothering you, you can always talk to me." Miguel spoke in a stern voice.
"Tell me."
"I don't know.. I just don't want anything bad to happen."
"Nothing is going to happen, I wouldn't let a thing happen to you. Talk to me."
"It's my boyfriend."
Miguel scoffed.
"Well anyways, Shawn is accusing me of cheating. Just because we hang out. He thinks just because you asked me if im free tonight that I'm hooking up with you or some shit, it's annoying. I would never cheat, I love him so much."
"Oh... I see. So, he's jealous of me?"
"I guess."
Miguel smirked, "He's jealous because I'm treating you the way any other man would treat a wonderful woman like you. 8 years together and still no ring, he's not worth it. Not at all."
"But I love him. He's just going through a lot.."
"And he takes his anger out on you."
"Well.. I don't mind."
"Are you being serious right now?"
"Yes, I'm not a good girlfriend to him anyways."
"Whatever, stop talking about him. Let's focus on us, hm?"
"Great. Soo.. still gonna go out with me tonight?"
"We're not going out together. We're two friends hanging out."
"Still, you wanna go? I have no plans.. "
"Yeah, I'm going still."
"Great, I'll pick you up."
"Okay, bye."
"Bye." You hung up.
"Love you too." Miguel whispered at his phone. He sighed and sat it down on the table. He chewed on the inside of his cheek. God, he was head over heels for you. Although you two barely even met, he felt so close to you already. Call him obsessed with the way he remembers every single detail. Miguel stood up, and walked over to a window, looking out at the city. He had a great paying job, which was the reason he would be able to afford all of those dates. And there should be no surprise that he lives in a penthouse, his apartment was black and red themed, definitely gave off a romantic vibe.
..You put on a white sweater with a casual jean skirt along with white legwarmers to give it a more cozy vibe, and black boots to top off the outfit, the outfit was cute so of course you did a half up half down hairstyle while slipping a white bow in your hair. You were fixing your lashes that you were putting on before you heard the doorbell ring, you gasped when you knew it was Miguel. "Shit!" You scattered around the room to find your purse, you snatched it up when you found it laying on the ground. You made sure to spray yourself with some perfume before dashing out to the door. You took a deep breath before opening it, looking up.. you saw Miguel.
Miguel.. That man knew how to take your breath away. He wore a white sweater and jeans.. just like you did. You glanced down at what was in his arms.. purple roses?
"Heh, seemed like we decided to match." Miguel chuckled to himself as he invited himself in ,walking past you  he looked around, peeked around the corner, then back at you. Scrunching up his nose he asked, "Where's that boyfriend of yours?"
"He went out.." You closed the door and bit your lip as you watched him, eyes examining his strong build before he handed you the flowers.
"Purple roses, just like you told me you liked. I thought since you liked the color purple and roses that'll I'll get you both instead." Miguel hummed.
"Thank you, they're beautiful." You smiled to yourself, you grabbed a empty vase, feeling it with a little bit of water. You sat it down on the middle of the table, taking the roses out of the plastic before slipping them into the vase smiling at them.
Miguel looked at you, his eyes seemed to narrow as he watched the way you moved across the kitchen. You were kinda like a swan, all graceful and soft with your movements better yet you could be a goddess. A goddess who deserves more in her life then some poor idiot. Miguel scoffed and looked off to the side as he just thought about your boyfriend, the way he treated you.. he hated it.
"What's wrong? You look upset." You looked at him before stepping close to him. Miguel turned his head to look back into those eyes of yours, he licked his lips as he felt his throat go dry.
"Nothing." Miguel closed his eyes and sighed, that vanilla perfume you wore was starting to drive him crazy. "Let's go, Hopefully you don't mind walking. It's not too far from your apartment."
"Fine with me." You smiled.
You two made your way out of the apartment making your way down the streets of Nueva York, the streets were crowded so you held onto Miguel's arm as in hopes to not lose him. Soon, you two made it to the restaurant. It seemed to be a fun little colorful spot filled with laughter and a live jazz band playing.
Your eyes widened with excitement at the vibes this whole place gave off, it was so colorful.. it smelled absolutely amazing, there was nothing but happiness all around. You and Miguel found a spot to sit next to near the band so you could watch them play.
Miguel pulled out your chair, when you sat down, he pushed it in before sitting down himself. He watched you as you smiled watching the band play, seeing your smile.. the way your smile stretched across ear from ear, the way your dimples showed. It felt like he was trapped. Trapped in this curse you had put on him, he bit his lip as you looked over at him, you two locking eyes. He felt his heart pound in his chest, only God knows how long he has been staring at you.
You looked up as a waiter walked over with a big grin, handing you two a menu. "Hello, hopefully you two are enjoying your evening so far. I'll be your waiter, any drinks I can start you guys off with. We have soda, water, some wine.. and don't miss out on our little deal for couples!"
"Oh we're not a couple. Just friends." Miguel cleared his throat, you nodded your head in agreement.
"..Oh. Well, how about you skip over that deal." The waiter chuckled nervously.
"Uhh.. I'll have a coke. You, Miguel?" You smiled at him.
" I'll have iced tea." He looked back at you.
"Okay, okay.. I'll get those ready right quick!" The waiter walked off.
"Thank you for bringing me here. I like it.. It's been awhile since my boyfriend and I been out together, it just feels nice to not be trapped in that apartment." You sighed as you looked into the distance.
Miguel reached his hand across the table, placing his hand on top of yours. He dragged his thumb across the back of your soft hands. "Leave him."
"What?" Your frowned at him. "That's a weird thing to say." You laughed.
"No, I'm being serious."  Miguel squeezed your hand, "I.. I think I'm in love with you. You're so beautiful and just overall perfect, someone like him doesn't deserve you. I can treat your better, I wanna be yours."
You stared into his eyes as you listened to his love confession, you shook your head. "No.. No I can't. Miguel.. I have feelings for you too but I just can't leave Shawn. He's.. He's my boyfriend, he's the only guy I've ever been with."
"Let me be the second and last guy you'll ever be with."
"Miguel." You cocked a eyebrow at him.
"Y/N." Again, he rolled your name off of his tongue in such a way that it made your body ache for him.
The waiter came over and sat your drinks down, holding up her notepad as she smiled at you both. "What can I get for ya?"
..About a good hour and a half later, you and Miguel were walking down the street. "Wanna come over to my place, maybe we can watch a movie or two..?"
"Sounds nice" you smiled softly.
"Great. Let me call a uber."
And after a good ten minutes, you finally arrived at his place. When he opened the door, you gasped. "Oh my god.. It's like a vampire lives here." You joked, looking around. Everything was so nice, way better than your old apartment. You started to walk around, dragging your hands along the wall as you made your way over to the window that overlooked the city. It was night, so the city lights were so bright, everything looked like dream as if it could take your breath away.
Miguel followed you, moving to stand right behind you. "Nice, isn't it?"
"Yeah.." You whispered, looking up at him.
Miguel brushed a strand of hair out of your face as you two locked eyes, his lips parted as his heart nearly skipped a beat. He felt as if his heart was running laps around his lungs as if it was going to do a back as if.. and something soft touched his lips before he knew. Suddenly, his hands found their way to your waist, pushing you closer.
You wrapped your arms around Miguel's neck, closing your eyes as you leaned into the kiss. It was so passionate, you had to part your lips just to deepen the kiss. The feel his hands on your waist was driving you crazy.
Suddenly, Miguel pulled away, He stared into your eyes. "God you drive me crazy.."
"Where's your bedroom?" You asked with a smirk on your face. Suddenly your at home life didn't exist, suddenly Shawn didn't exist. Suddenly Miguel was the only man you wanted, suddenly.. you were in his bed.
You two continued to kiss, practically trying to eat each other's face off at this point. You were desperately lifting Miguel's shirt up, trying to get a glimpse of those muscles. Miguel pulled away, lifting up his sweater and tossing it aside. He exposed those strong abs along with those strong pecs, god the way his body slimmed down at his waist honestly drove you crazy. You bit your lip as you caressed those strong arms of his giggling as you sat up, allowing Miguel to take off your sweater too.
Miguel leaned in, pecking kisses along your neck. He mumbled soft praises along your tender skin, hands on your waist dragging down to your skirt. You couldn't help but feel desperate, the way he unbuttoned your skirt with ease, nearly tearing it off he finally toss them aside, exposing your panties to him. Miguel kissed your ankle before pecking kisses down to your inner thigh, he looked up at you with hungry eyes. He licked his lips as he leaned forward, catching your lips in a kiss once again as he brought his hand down, pressing his palms against your clothed cunt
You let out a small whimper in response which caused him to chuckle. You felt your body heat up as you started to grind your hips against his hand, god how long has it been.. your boyfriend hadn't touched you in what felt like forever, better yet he never made sex feel this exciting. Miguel's pulled out off the kiss to catch his breath, his eyes narrowed as he stared into your eyes. He hummed as he leaned down, pecking kiss down until he reached your lace trimmed panties, he pulled them down gently. He looked up at you, smiling softly. "Tell me when I should stop. I want to make you feel good, not hurt you. You're everything to me.. I want you to have every good thing in this world, mi amor." His words was so smoothing and comforting, the way he talked drove you crazy.
You bit down on your lip as you sat up on your elbows watching the way he propped your legs up on his shoulder. You gripped down onto the sheet when you felt him lick at your slit, your voice hitched when his tongue started to circle around your clit. "M-Miguel.." You whispered, bringing you hand down to grip onto his hair as he started to gently suck on your clit. Miguel pulled away and giggled, dragging his tongue along your clit before pushing it inside of you drove you crazy  the way he gently pushed in it out, flicking against your pulsing walls.. everything was pushing you to the edge.
Suddenly, Miguel grew bold, which is exactly why he pushed a single fingers inside, watching your reaction before he slipped a second inside. "Oh g-god.." You cried as you leaned your head back, your walls clenching around his fingers. Miguel started to thrust his fingers in and out at a gentle pace, then he started speeding up as he leaned in and started sucking your clit again. He looked up at you, watching the way you reacted to the way he made you feel.. you were so beautiful, the way your chest heaved when you took a deep breath.. he couldn't help but chuckle.
Suddenly, his pace quickened even more, his pace quickened suddenly and you let out a cry. "M-Miguel..!" You cried out his name, gripping onto the silk sheets of his bed, wrapping your legs around his head as you groaned. "I'm.. I'm gonna c-come.." You whined. You felt your thigh twitched, biting down on your lip you threw your head back, crying with pleasure. Suddenly, just as you were getting close, it all stopped.
Miguel had pulled away, "Not yet." He spoke softly, leaning in and gently kissing you, making you taste yourself on his lips. "But.. Please, Miguel.." You whined.
Miguel smirked as he leaned over, "You might as well get ready.." He grabbed a condom from the night stand, "It's gonna be a long night."
..After a night of nonstop loud moans and the sound of skin slapping against each other, it was finally morning.. and oh boy you woke up to something crazy. Not Miguel, but your boyfriend or.. ex spam calling your phone. You groaned as you sat up, glancing over at Miguel who was still sound asleep. "My god.." You hissed as you felt your thighs feel numb as you tried to stand up. Maybe you should start doing yoga again because you were not ready for this. You grabbed your phone and sighed, you stood up and answered the phone.
"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU? You haven't been answering your fucking phone, You weren't at the fucking apartment. Your friends said you aren't with them. Where the fuck are you? Huh? Answer me damnit." Shawn grinned his teeth to try and keep his composure.
Just as you felt tears fill up your eyes.. and just as you were about to speak, Miguel snatched your phone. "Hello?" Miguel asked.
"Who the fuck is this? Why the fuck are you with my girlfriend?"
"..The same guy she told you not to worry about." Miguel hung up the phone.
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love-toxin · 2 years
ok hear me out - fruity four but with a ‘good friend’ reader who knows they’re poly (aka we all have a crush on you hngghhg pls let us love u pls)
ok so, maybe someday, readers feeling a little more emotionally vulnerable, and while on the topic of nighttime routines, when it comes to ur turn, ur like “oh yea i get ready in like, complete silence, lol im so in my own head, I’ll go through the motions of braiding my hair so it doesn’t get in my face, filling my hot water bottle up bc im icicle cold, filling my drinking bottle up cus i wake up randomly super thirsty, making sure i do alllll of my skincare and maybe get a little snacky snack” and they’re all like 😍😍 yeah? until you end the little explanation with “a lot of the time, i pretend someone else is just doing all of that for me, yknow, like taking care of me and being all soft and not forgetting a step, like I pretend that my heads just empty and I don’t have to think, but then when it comes to sleep-bed-time, it makes me a little sad when I realise that no one’s actually there to cuddle me to sleep, so I try not to do that anymore! :)”
and they’re all like??? mortified. horrified. their sweet, sweet ‘friend’ (dear god pls like us pls) is all alone??“ur lonely? :(“ but reader so immediately denies it like nope. me? no ofc not im just extra soft and sensitive sometimes so it helps to pretend it’s someone else - pretend silly!!
and then it begins. Eddie hands you a water bottle. Normal, until he insists, quite silently, to be the one holding it while u drink from it, tilting his head down to ask a little “enough?” when he senses ur done
and then there’s that one time when nancys going through ur wardrobe after turning up at the ass crack of dawn and ur still half asleep in ur pjs, “looking” for a sweater she coulda sworn she left here that one time, just for her to slyly build your outfit for the day, all casual like “hey, here u go, and I’m gonna do ur hair this way too, could help u put it on if ur still sleepy? :)”
steve knowing ur indecisive - he use to not wanna make u uncomfy and overstep by being a bit dominant and assuming how you’d want things, but now has no qualms abt take out. the usual back and forth over “what do u wanna eat” “idk steve, u decide” “well idk what I fancy, what do u fancy” “I’ll have whatever Steve i promise” and when u do decide on a place, the whole other back and forth over what to actually order.
So now he just lets you know with a soft smile like “just ordered a chicken korma in, made sure to get u that nice mango chutney and a couple poppadoms, we’re watching greese too in a sec :)” and u feel.. weirdly safe. comforted? u can’t put ur finger on it so u try not to dwell on the feeling.
robin gets so touchy. they all like to be touchy with eachother, and at this point ofc are as touchy as they dare with you, but my god robin kicks it up so many notches. thinks nothing of biting u. which the first time she does it ur all like “ 0-0 huh?” until she explains that she cant sit still and ur literally right there so she’s naturally gonna get all chompy, and ur nice enough to be like “ohhhh alright” cus it’s not like she’s doing anything heinous, it’s just one of her quirks, right? always putting her legs over urs until she can find a way to get urs on her own, leaning into ur side until she can casually figure out how to make u do the same.
oh god. a sleepover. the thing they’ve been building up for. All of this? layered on THICK. you know they’ve been meticulously planning every single step of the night and planning everyone’s roles
(so so so many disagreements cus Eddie and Robin both wanna braid ur hair, but nancys the only one who actually knows how to braid. or Steve and Eddie fighting tooth and nail over who gets to do ur skincare until they decide that Steve can do all the washing and Eddie gets to do the nice soft pat pat pat towel drying)
They try and be smooth abt it but ofc it’s so different to other sleepovers. and u sorta just let them do it. u feel so selfish but it’s like.. the second Steve and Eddie pull u into the bathroom and Eddie picks up ur toothbrush to do ur teeth before ur facewash, u tear up a little. u feel selfish for indulging in their kindness but don’t wanna stop them. u wanna be cuddled by them all to sleep so badly but also not overstep relationship boundaries
WOOOOOF!!!! WROW!!!! IM......MELTING......no,, I'm too soft for this, im......sobs.....
being so vulnerable with them and getting rewarded for it.....it's like laying a present in their laps--they've loved you so much for so long, they've always wondered what they could do to show that, and now you've just dropped the answer right in front of them without even realizing it. them hoping you realize what they're doing when they fulfill all those dreams of yours, when they care for you down to the littlest detail, but in some ways they almost hope you don't, because it's almost better to watch you be so shy around them when they're doing things for you and be moved nearly to tears when they insist on taking away any stress you might be subject to. and then you feel selfish, you worry you're getting in the way of their relationship, and all four of them know they have to make it clear to you that you're one of them. they've just gotten what they wanted--to dote on you and be the ones you rely on completely--and they're not letting that go because of some silly worry you have of taking advantage of them. you could never do that, ever, they can promise you that.
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subskz · 9 months
i don’t know why, but jisung gives off serious energy of someone who’d say, “ooh you wanna kiss/fuck me so bad~” during an argument… and he’d be so fr abt it too 😭 severe brat behaviour smh. honestly he’s too cute so if he said that, i would just prove him right… </3 omg i am always caught lacking on this blog when it comes to him 😮‍💨
we’ve established that he’d appeal to your soft (n maybe not-so-soft) side by crying when you’re angry, but other times, i think he’d also try childishly teasing u nonstop in order to get out of an argument, so that u finally reach the breaking point and snap, releasing all your frustrations by ruining him into tomorrow (reminds me a bit of ‘pay attention’… pls excuse me as i go reread that masterpiece of a fic for the nth time)
yknow, with minho being the funky lil guy he is might say it too just to throw u off, i mean god knows he does the most outta pocket things sometimes. would say it with that trademark straight face, but then ! then see the little pastel blush tinting his ears !! how could u ever take his little facade seriously when his body tells all his secrets ♡ gets unreasonably surprised when u actually follow through with his snide remark, like he would get so shy if u pulled him by his shirt collar into a kiss even though was the one who initiated it
same goes for seungmin when he gets into one of those hyperactive puppy moods of his n just wants to play with u, so he’ll bother u out of affection n say whatever he thinks will get the best reaction out of u
waitt i could also picture chan saying it in the heat of the moment if you’re just playfully bickering bc secretly he’s always wanted to say smth like that but then immediately getting SO embarrassed n shy with himself ^^; cue him hiding in his sweater paws n letting out soft, high giggles of embarrassment (i know you know the kind i’m talking about </3)
— 🌸
we must be on the same wavelength bc i immediately thought of jisung lino and seungmin when someone asked a similar question as well 😭 our insufferable lil trio
hannie would be so fr abt it…the moment he realizes he’s losing the argument he’d say it without an ounce of shame lmaoo it can be so hard to make him take anything seriously esp when he can get a lil petty when he’s emotional…he is not above resorting to crying (sometimes he doesnt even mean to…sensitive baby) or throwing out the most childish retorts to try n get the upper hand, but he’s kinda endearing abt it and laughably obvious abt what he really wants. he might not be content w losing the argument but he is content w surrendering the moment u decide to put him in his place and wreck him until he can’t run his mouth anymore 🙏
what u said abt lino got me so good also…it’s the most lino thing on earth to throw out a provocative comment like that just to get a reaction out of u, and then crumble the instant u actually return that energy to him…like the way he gets all up in ppl’s faces then shies away when they actually lean in…kitty can dish it but he cant take it! the lil sputter of surprise he’d let out when you pull him in and kiss that crooked smirk right off his face would be so adorable, he breaks instantly ): and his ears would absolutely be on fire!! no matter how smart his pretty mouth is, his body is always betraying his true feelings~
seungmin’s hyperactive puppy moods 💔 he can be just as good at lino at saying exactly the right thing to get u riled up…but in his case you’d get that irresistible proud puppy grin bc he knows exactly what he’s doing n isn’t even trying to hide it! but what he doesn’t expect is for you to follow through n leave him w the cutest wide-eyed, open-mouthed expression staring back at you…the one surefire way to make him short circuit so he has nothing clever left to say anymore <3 he’d definitely try to use it later n claim that he won the argument w his irresistible puppy charms
and CHANNIE! i hadnt even considered him but ur absolutely right…him and his tendency of not thinking it through before saying the most deranged things known to man and flustering himself so bad 😭 u wouldnt even have to do anything for him to just fold immediately and break out into those infectious squeaky giggles, cringing so bad…he’s losing the war against himself but just like jisung he’s cute enough that he gets away w it every time ㅠ imagine how shy and red-faced he’d get when you pull his sweater paws from his face and kiss him just like he wanted…i think his brain would fizzle out!! never has an attempt at teasing backfired so spectacularly
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dufferpuffer · 16 days
your thoughts on tiktok-fanon alpha male lupin? because i find it SO out of character
My engagement with tiktok is exclusively the 10min meme compilations on youtube I watch with my partner before bed. But if its the same as the depictions on here of a teenage Remus who is tall, muscular, dark and sorta grumpy/cocky looking... with a skinny, pale, manic pixie Sirius covered in cutsey muggle tattoos...
...I don't recognize these people. Whatever fanfic or AU it is from... I just assume its a really specific re-imagining...? To the point where I question how much can even be called 'Remus' or 'Sirius' anymore. And that's being flattering. I don't understand it so I don't engage with it, apart from reblogging the occasional pretty fanart.
They are both OOC - and not in interesting ways. I love headcanons. Exploring a character so hard that they don't look the same anymore, because they take on different forms, for different situations... I'll never fault people for having fun like that. You know how there's like... 10,000 different Sans Undertales? They typically still feel like Sans. I like the one where Sans and Papyrus swap personalities, and the one where the monsters are 'more evil' - and more red.
That doesn't mean it can't be done in a way that's boring and lame, that is less exploration of a character and more a destruction. Personally - this version of Sirius and Remus is boring and lame.
I don't understand why they have scattered muggle tattoos. There are 100 ways you could imagine the Wizarding World having cool tattoos... or at LEAST better designed muggle tattoos? Movie Sirius has these chunky amateur looking runes on his body, like he drew them himself with his finger... but fanon Sirius, and sometimes Remus, look like a kids gone crazy with a ballpoint pen - and not in a way that adds childish teenage character. In a way that looks like they've been scrolling pintrest. It sucks the individuality and character OUT of them. Makes them look like a sample book. You could give Sirius a really cool looking sleeve that incorporates his interests and personality in a tight, unique pattern... or you could draw a bunch of disjointed icons and words.
I don't understand why they often have cigarettes. Why cigarettes? Snuff, chew, hookah, cigars, pipes... ANYTHING you could imagine with a wand or magical tool - but they use cigarettes specifically...? Like... I don't HATE it... There is character, story and interest you could add via habits. But it's not used like that. It's used as short-hand for 'sexy rebels'.
Why is Remus so stern? Why is Sirius a manic pixie dream girl? How do these boys grow up into the men we can recognize...? Or... is the world so different that every narrative thread is snapped? In which case: Why are they Remus and Sirius? Whats the point?
It's like the passably-drawn porn that is just a stock position with two characters put in it - but doesn't resemble their personalities or mannerisms at all. Yknow what im talking about ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) It's hard to have an opinion about that other than 'thats not them.' You wanna see Whitebeard fucking Nico Robin? And Nico Robin has an expression she'd never pull? And Whitebeard is like 6ft tall - instead of 22ft tall? But they're doing reserve cowgirl, if you're into that. ...They're just filling the roles of 'masculine dom' and 'feminine sub'. If that's what people wanna do... ok. They can have fun. I just wish it was tagged it as whatever AU or fanfic its based on rather than just the character names.
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ticklishfiend · 8 months
this is a different anon but on the subject of lee!aziraphale... I'm a sucker for the sappiest shit, like just a whole fic of crowley fawning over his angel and telling him how cute he is while tickling him would be adorable if you're open to it
hey anon sorry for leaving this in the inbox for so long, took me a min to feel like writing again! but i hope u enjoy nonetheless :) ty sm for submitting this it was such a cute prompt!!!
. . .
It was entirely unfair how adorable Aziraphale could be. The angel radiated joy and love, pure traits left over from his days under Heaven’s reign. Yet even under his true angelic ways, Earth had given him these humanly qualities that left Crowley filled with a fluttery energy that made him want to kick something til it breaks under his foot (in the most loving way possible).
Crowley decided today was going to be a binge-watchathon of only his favorite angel in the entire world. He walked into the bookshop with his eyes already set, subtly following Aziraphale wherever he went just to get his fill of cute moments for the day. He wasn’t stalking him, Aziraphale knew he was there and was quite happy about it actually, so if anything it was more like the demon followed the angel around on his day like a puppy dog to its owner.
“I thought I’d pop by the coffee shop today,” Aziraphale said as he dusted one of many bookshelves, Crowley watching him with a slight smile from the couch. “Nina put out some chelsea buns I’ve been absolutely itching to try.”
“Sounds like a plan, angel,” Crowley hummed, happy to follow Aziraphale wherever he went.
At the coffee shop, Crowley thought he might’ve melted into the floor. He knows it’s possible for demons to do that sometimes, and nearly checked in his shoes for the gooey remains of what used to be his feet. Aziraphale was going to kill him one day being this cute.
“Oh they’re even better than I imagined!” Aziraphale giggled in glee, clapping his hands when he put down his fork. He gave a little wiggle when dabbing his face with the napkin, and Crowley bit his cheeks hard suppressing his smile.
“They look pretty plain to me,” Crowley took a sip from his espresso.
“See, but that’s the beauty in it. It’s plain and simple in its make, and yet still the tastebuds delight in the flavor. Humans are so good at that sort of thing,” Aziraphale said, humming in delight as he took another bite.
“Suppose they are. Making boring things just a little less boring,” Crowley leaned back in his chair, arms crossed, happy to watch Aziraphale finish his snack.
Aziraphale nodded enthusiastically, eyes nearly rolling to the back of his head when he bit into a piece of warm apple. “Just the best at it.”
Crowley watched and listened as Aziraphale lit Nina up in praises, gushing over something Crowley found so simple and honestly boring. He caught himself nearly laughing at one point, only stopping because he didn’t want to hurt Aziraphale’s feelings. It wasn’t like he was going to laugh at him, the angel just made him too happy to contain himself sometimes.
When Aziraphale wasn’t paying attention, Crowley asked for a box of chelsea buns to go. Just, yknow. For later.
Back at the shop, Aziraphale kept himself busy with a book for a while. Crowley was happy to watch him read, lazing about on the couch next to him.
Aziraphale would gasp, and giggle, shake his head and scoff; he reacted to everything he read so sincerely and Crowley could just eat him alive.
Eventually Crowley couldn’t take it anymore and needed to be as close to his angel as possible. He stretched casually, trying to be subtle as he changed positions, maneuvering himself under Aziraphale’s arms holding the book to lay down in his lap. Aziraphale merely gave him a fond smile, propping the book on Crowley’s shoulder and giving his scalp a relaxing scratch.
Crowley let his face practically smush into Aziraphale’s tummy, breathing in the smell of vanilla and old paper. He wrapped his arms around the angel's torso, smiling at the chuckle that received. It made his arms jiggle with the force of it.
He continued to listen as Aziraphale responded to his book, each gasp and scoff making him want to tighten his hold. He could tell things were not going well in that book, and it was downright precious how obviously upset it made the angel.
“Oh come now, that’s just…” Aziraphale grumbled with an aggressive page flip. Crowley couldn’t help but giggle at him.
Aziraphale raised his brow down at the demon in his lap, “What’s so funny?”
Crowley hummed, pinching Aziraphale’s side and smiling at the yelp, “You.”
If Aziraphale’s wings were out, his feathers would’ve ruffled, “How am I being funny? And don’t do that!”
“Don’t do what?” Crowley teased, using both hands to pinch at the backs of Aziraphale’s ribs.
He arched forward with a yip, grip tightening on his book, “Crowley I swear-“
“Oh I’ve got the angel swearing now, have I?” Crowley grinned, squeezing Aziraphale’s sides over and over again, elbows crashing down to stop him (they failed, miserably, so he happily continued his little tickle attack).
“Nohoho—I’ve lost my pahahage-!” Aziraphale giggled, hands darting down to push unsuccessfully at the ones tickling his sides and ribs. He squirmed against the back of the couch, feet rapping at the floor.
“Doesn’t sound like my problem, now does it?” Crowley said in a teasy tone, shoving his hands into Aziraphale’s armpits. He beamed at the squeak that got him, delighting in the giggles and pleas that followed. “You’re too cute for your own good, y’know that? You’re actually pissing me off with how cute you’ve been today,” Crowley growled, tickling out all the cuteness aggression he’s built up today on his adorable angel.
Aziraphale’s pale cheeks turned pink, head shaking side to side as if to argue. That’s only because he couldn’t exactly argue verbally with how giggly he’s become with Crowley’s hands under his arms.
“Are you saying no to me?” Crowley sat on Aziraphale’s lap properly now, face to face with the angel he intended on turning to putty in his hands. “What, you don’t think you’ve been cute today?”
Aziraphale pushed weakly against Crowley’s chest, as best he could with his elbows glued to his sides, “Crowley!” he tried through his giggle fit.
“Not an answer, angel,” Crowley grinned, moving his hands down to pinch at Aziraphale’s thighs. The angel barked out a belly laugh before toppling onto his side, his giggles overtaking him. Crowley just followed him down, sitting comfortably below his waist. He wished he could tickle at Aziraphale’s belly (oh how it made the precious bastard giggle like crazy there), but his many layers of clothing were still on at this hour, so Crowley would just have to make do.
He tickled and tickled, teasing his lover about his adorable laugh and precious blush all the way, feasting on Aziraphale’s pleas. He was still a demon, after all, so begging of any sort made the butterflies in his chest dance wonderfully.
“Okay okahahay! Crohohowley—I can’t breheheathe-!” Aziraphale pleaded through giggles as Crowley tickled his hips, grasping onto the demon’s wrists like a lifeline.
“You don’t actually breathe, we both know that,” Crowley rolled his eyes, letting up anyways to let Aziraphale have a moment to cope he supposed.
Aziraphale was glowing with fluster, throwing his hands up to cover his warm face. “That was quite rude,” he said, words muffled behind the palms
Crowley just chuckled, pulling Aziraphale’s hands away to smile at his pout. “Sorry, angel, but I think I might’ve died if I didn’t squeeze you soon as I did,” Crowley punctuated the word with another pinch to Aziraphale’s sides, cooing at the angel’s whine.
“But why must you tickle? I do love a tight hug, you know,” Aziraphale huffed, pushing onto his elbows as if to sit back up, but was quickly pushed back down as Crowley shoved his shoulders to the cushion. Aziraphale giggled nervously, “Crowley plehease-“
“Because tickling-“ he fluttered his fingers against Aziraphale’s ears and neck, eliciting giggles and squeaks he could die for, “means I get to hear you laugh. And nothing—nothing—could be any cuter than that,” he gave an eskimo kiss as he tickled, and nipped gently at the tip of Aziraphale’s nose with his teeth.
Aziraphale scrunched his nose, “Nohoho-! You dehehevil!”
“How’s this then,” Crowley stopped tickling for just a moment, but moved his hands to set still claws on Aziraphale’s ribs to keep him squirming. “I bought a few extra chelsea buns at the coffee shop earlier to take home. You let me tickle you, and I’ll tell you where I hid them.”
Aziraphale whined through a nervous giggle, smacking softly at Crowley’s shoulder. “Using baked goods against me shouldn’t be allowed.”
“Is that a yes then?” Crowley’s fingers twitched, itching to get going again.
Aziraphale only giggled harder, before giving a small nod. Crowley got back to work quickly, gently vibrating his claws into Aziraphale’s ribs and relishing in the angelic laughter that followed.
He basked in Crowley’s gentle tickling and flustering compliments for who knows how much longer. When Crowley gets in these moods, there’s really no use in stopping him because he absolutely refuses to. But honestly? Aziraphale knew his feux complaints only stirred the demon on more, so if he continued to whine and groan about the gentle affection, it was just his little way of giving permission and soaking up every ounce of it.
Plus, really, who could say no to a box of chelsea buns?
. . .
a/n : idk wtf a chelsea bun is i googled “english baked goods” and used the first thing i saw
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
apologies if someone’s already asked before but; does raph ever feel guilty he didn’t “stop” leo from becoming a little monster as the oldest sibling. obviously there’s not much he could’ve done, plus he’s only like a year older
they’re all so mad at leo and rightly so because she mistreated them badly, but do they realize she’s also a victim, just differently? or does it take them longer to realize this.
i keep thinking about the bit where you said leo promised to be on her best behavior at the farmhouse but since she didnt know how to behave normally she just started treating everyone the way she treats splinter. that is so heartbreaking for everyone involved. terrible implications for leo but also imagine being one of her brothers and she starts treating you the way she treats your abusive parent. i imagine it would be confusing at best
YEAH I MEAN YEAH I MEAN. yeah. yes to all of this.
Raph feels bad about it sometimes but he's gotten more ANGRY than self blaming in the past few years. he remembers Leo being nice and he hates that Leo is just kind of a dickhead now. he wonders if there's anything he could have done but, oh well, nothing he says matters to Leo anymore. it's too late :( (or so he thinks)
And yea, I think they all sort of vaguely know that Leo is also a victim. especially Mikey, who's the most aware of how fucked up and abusive their situation is. But it's hard to remember that when the abused person in question is actively tormenting you. there's only so much sympathy you can have before you tell him to fuck off haha.
no spoilers, but they DO learn more about the specifics of Leo's abuse/fucked up upbringing when they go into her mind but uh. that's a comic for another time!
Leo treating them like Splinter mostly means being really good about doing... basically whatever they want. which is weird and kind of nice at first (hey, leo is getting me a cup of water! that's nice! And he's helping with dinner, cool!)
but it's also being very formal and respectful, and they very quickly get uncomfortable cause Leo is like.. openly desperate to not have his devotion questioned. he wants to prove he's a good brother, he wants their approval so bad it's painfully awkward. he'll stand off to the side separated from them as if he's their servant who's only there to fetch things. he doesn't know how to joke around with them and treat them with "respect" (aka like Splinter) at the same time, so he just temporarily stops acting like their peer and instead acts like hes beneath them. like a tool or something.
Which makes them realize that is if this is how Leo acts when its just him and Splinter then,,, like, fucking yikes, yknow?
but pointing that out just makes Leo feel like he's failing at Being a Good Brother fadshfuahsghusadg. rough times.
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enchantedmirage · 1 month
New Living Conditions | Katsumi Story 1 (pt.2)
// previous //
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"This dorm is really spacious hm, doesn't seem like there's anyone here."
".. Katsumi-han?"
"Oya, Sakura-chan, perfect timing. Jun had to go run some errands so I'm idling by till I settle into our room ~"
"Huh, our?"
Ko: If your stayin with him.. it means you're stayin with me too, yknow that right?
Ka: It's only for a couple of days.. Saegusa-kun told me.
Ko: Err.. how'd ya get in anyway?
Ka: Got a pass after Jun convinced the guards.
Ko: Kohkohkoh. Really?
Ka: I don't think my appearance was that suspicious, a lot of idols are effeminate-looking really..
Ko: That's true I s'pose.
Hopefully ya won't face any trouble here though, your main concern is probably the others here.
Ka: Pfft.. I can tell how chaotic it must be.
Ko: Anyway, I'll lead ya to our room, there's probably a rolled up futon in the closet somewhere I think.
Ka: Thank you.
Ka: (He has his back turned on me so easily.. if I was actually someone dangerous, would he notice?)
Ko: We're here now.
Ko: Can I ask ya why you're suddenly rooming with us then?
Didja live alone?
Ka: Technically.. It's a really long story, I don't know where to start.
Ko: Just go with what comes to mind, if that helps?
Ka: Well.. it started with.. leaving home one day, yknow?
Ko: That's a bit earlier than I'd thought..
Ka: The pressure was too much and I.. no, it wasn't a sudden thing.
I planned it for so long.
Ka: But going into the city unprepared was an experience.
Ko: (I could say the same too, really.)
Ka: Ever felt like that too?
Ko: Ehh?
Ka: You seemed to react familiar to it, haha~
Ah, I'll skip over to when I started living in cybercafes.
Ko: You.. wait what?
Ka: I had to switch which one I stayed at every night but it was cheap, even if the air was clouded with smoke.
Saying these things.. makes my heart ache a little, but back then I don't think I felt anything.
It's confusing, but it's what 'home' was now.
New cafe, same atmosphere. But today, I happened to stay in one near the manga cafe Jun frequented at and was caught red-handed~
Ka: I've been using my current salary to pay for my classes in Yumenosaki, an apartment was out of the question.. especially in this economy.
Ko: Don't ya have your parents, or someone to support you?
Ka: ..Not anymore.
Ko: (....)
Ka: Don't worry, what they think won't affect me anymore. I don't want it to~ Lalala~
Ko: ..You're quite strange, Katsumi-han.
Ka: Is it that foreign to not want to be hurt anymore?
Ko: You've got a point.
Ka: Atta boy ☆ (pats his head)
Ko: H-Hey! I know you do this often but would it hurt ya to ask first?
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Ka: I'm not making you too uncomfortable, right?
Sorry, sometimes my older sister instincts rise up and I can't help but dote on you.
Ko: Do you have siblings?
Ka: I'm the oldest, could you have guessed?
Ko: I don't think so... you act pretty lively.
Ka: Are you just saying I'm not mature enough!?
Ko: Kohkohkoh~ Maybe that wouldn't be a stretch.
Ka: I.. suppose. People have always said that.
Ka: At some point in time, I stopped being viewed like an 'older sister'
Perhaps it was because I wasn't reliable enough, not as responsible for someone dubbed the eldest.
And maybe.. I'm like this too others, like a little sister figure. Like "Please dote on me" yknow?
But.. I always catch myself going back to when I was called "Big sis" I don't think I can ever forget that.
To work hard, provide and take care of, I was the shield that protected my siblings from the pain of this world
And I... left them there. Aren't I /so good/?
Ko: Then tell me what you could have done.
Ka: ..?
Ko: The past can be full of regrets, and it's unhealthy to get yourself wrapped in them.
Ka: I'm just frustrated on a lot of things.
Ko: Bet ya I'd know a thing or two of how that feels.
Ka: I know deep down.. this is all that I could do.
Ka: I don't think my siblings would receive the same treatment as I did anyway, my folks tired themselves out, hah~
Ka: I'm free now.
Ko: It's like you could finally spread your wings huh?
Ka: I suppose!
// next //
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foxythesimp · 2 years
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(Sorry if the “art” is wonky i am in desperate need of ✨ibispaint X✨ Also I did have to find this from like 50 different blogs (to like get the copy and paste for the Alphabet) so Credit to all of them!)
A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about their partner?)
Your Hands. When he holds your hand it assures him your not leaving or going anywhere, it’s also fun to just grab your hand and drag you around.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
I feel like he would want a family. Not like a big big family maybe like a kid or two, but be warned because as soon as these kids are born/adopted he’s molding them to be a mini-him already. Teaching them pranks and probably trying to give them panta which you have to make sure he doesn’t.
C = Cuddle (How do they like to cuddle?)
Kokichi likes to sleep basically on top of you, he’s pretty short and doesn’t weight much so it isn’t that uncomfortable. He likes to have his head on your chest, while the rest of his body is half on top of you and half awkwardly sprawled off of you.
D = Dates (What kind of Dates do you go on?)
Kokichi really loves going in Carnival Dates He loves Going on rides, eating Cotton Candy, drinking Panta, and Playing games with you at the Carnival (Bonus Points if you decide to help him out with a prank or two for Unsuspecting Victims.) But sometimes he just wants to spend time with you alone in your room, cuddling, watching movies, or really anything like that.
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…)
You are my Second in Command!
F = Feelings (When did they know they’re in love?)
When you Offered to Help out with some of his Pranks. That moment when you were laughing alongside him, he could’ve sworn you looked so angelic and his heart fluttered. At that moment he knew he was in love.
G = Gratitude (How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their S/O does for them?)
Oh boy, he is so grateful for you. I mean like- Your his second in Command, His partner in Crime. To say he’s grateful is an understatement.
H = Honesty (Do they have secrets they hide from their S/O?)
Obviously, he’s Kokichi Ouma. No matter how deep you two go into your relationship, there are some secrets he will never spill to you.
I = Impression (First impressions?)
At first, he’d think nothing of you, see you as another target but after a bit he starting thinking your more interesting then you look.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous? How do they deal with it)
oh this boy gets so jealous. Not always, but definitely a lot. When he starts feeling jealous his first attempt to get your attention is to try and pry you away from the person your talking to.
“s/ooo! I’m boredd…Let’s play a game together okay?”
He’d say with his signature grin, only to groan in annoyance when you wave him off, telling him ‘Later, I’m busy’ or something. When he starts to get desperate it’s really Just him fake sobbing and pulling on your arm
he’d Yell until you give in and pay attention to him.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss you? How do they like to be kissed?)
Around the others (D.I.C.E) he enjoys giving you random pecks throughout the day, just to fluster you, But in Private he’ll wrap his arms around your neck and pull you in for a passionate kiss that he’ll definitely tease you for. It’s mainly just because of how much blush you have but also to draw more attention to your face then his raging red cheeks.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
he probably says it a few times before, in a joking matter, until one day you seemed particularly down. He pulled you aside to see why his Second in command was acting so strange and when you explained your problems, his toned dropped and his face went serious
“s/o, Yknow I love you right? And I don’t like it when people I love feel bad.” he’d say before immediately going back to his normal tone and smiling. “So why don’t we take the day off, I was getting bored anyways.”
M = Memory (What’s their favorite memory together?)
You weren’t feeling good, and as Kokichi’s Second in Command, Feeling Down is a No-Go. That night you and him stayed up til 3:00 am drinking Panta and playing random games. You were the first to fall asleep, Leaning onto Kokichi as you lightly snored. It’s those little moments Kokichi Cherishes
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Well Kokichi Certainly isn’t the wealthiest, but he isn’t overly poor either. He’ll probably spoil you with things like snacks or drinks he knows you like.
O = On Cloud Nine (What are they like when they’re in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?)
It’s really hard to tell if Kokichi actually likes you or if he’s just being an obnoxious little shit. He starts to get bolder and teases you a lot more. Nothing terrible, just- like teasing you in the flirtatious way. He also wants to be around you 24/7 like a clingy toddler.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
Second in Command, Partner in Crime, Dear, Babe.
Q = Quaint (What’s their favorite non-modern thing)
I don’t know if this counts but Kokichi really likes going to Arcades, if an Arcade even CROSSES his line of vision, you best believe all of the plans are cancelled and your spending the rest of the day in the arcade with him.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Rainy days are kinda like Lazy days for him. He’ll probably just host a big movie night for everyone as you all drink random drinks and watch childrens movies. At the end of the night he’s normally cuddled right up at your side.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/S/O up?)
He tries to lighten the mood. Teasing you a little, but if it’s really something bad he’ll bring over his Switch and a four litre bottle of grape Panta and clay down with you while you two play games and drink Panta to clear your mind.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
Pranks and things that fall into that category, that’s excluding you. He doesn’t like taking about you, he LOVES talking about you- or more specifically, bragging about you.
U = Understanding (How well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?)
Kokichi probably knows you better then you know yourself. It’s almost as if his emotions are in tune with yours. When your uncomfortable in a place, he’s uncomfortable, your getting pissed off, hes getting pissed off, ect.
V = Value (How important is the relationship to them? What is it worth in comparison to other things in their life?)
you are VERY important, and so is your relationship. Sure Kokichi isn’t very open and sure he keeps secrets but it’s all to keep you safe, and partially so you don’t hate him. Of course D.I.C.E still matters, their practically his family! but that doesn’t mean you arnt important!
W = Wedding (When, where, and how do they propose?)
You two would be at a Carnival date. he’d literally force you onto the Ferris wheel, wait til you two are at the top and hold your hands, flashing a small smile as he slips the box into your hands. He watches you open the box, then when you look up, he’s smiling lovingly at you as he says 5 words in probably the most sincere tone you’ve ever heard him.
“S/o will you marry me?”
X = XOXO (How affectionate are they? In public/in private)
he is very adamant on PDA, unless your really uncomfortable with it then he’ll dial it back a few notches. Of course if your not and are also a firm PDA lover, he is all on you, jumping on your back for piggyback rides, kissing your cheeks, holding your hands, hugging you tightly, all of the things you can imagine, he’ll be doing. In private his affection is like dialed up to 1000 because this man will be all over you, your hanging out in your bed, cool but remember that your his personal pillow, oh your eating? Well he wants a kiss, Literally is all over you and he just wants to kiss he living face off of ya!. Kokichi does have intimate moments though! Sometimes he’ll just lay with you, put on a movie and mumble how much he loves you as he lightly peppers your face with kisses.
Y = Yearning (How well do they cope when they’re separated from their S/O?)
Well Kokichi HATES being separated from you, your like- His other half! He can’t survive without you! He ends up complaining a lot to dice and crying for you all the time. When you come back he’s already on top of you and hugging you, saying how you can never leave him again.
Z = Zeal (Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship?)
Kokichi would take a bullet for you, he would protect you with his life and that’s a fact. No if’s, and’s, or but’s. He loves you too much and cannot stand losing you. If you and him get into an argument, he’s already regretting it. if he really hurt you or ends up driving you to tears, he’ll instantly be by your side, apologizing in a joking matter and start kissing your tears away.
AAAAND DONE!! This took me a while and I’m really sorry if there are any grammar mistakes or if this is really shitty- I struggle with motivation a lot, and it’s hard to write digitally because of autocorrect and sometimes words just cross my vision or I misread something and miss the error! Anyways thanks for reading and don’t hesitate to request!!
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nicollekidman · 5 months
can we hear the lyra lore 🥺🥺🥺 pls
omg bestie.... i'm still actively working it out which is why i keep talking about journaling but bare bones.... she's the only child of a powerful elf family in baldur's gate, her mother is a mystery to her and her father is in Money, she's always been weird and withdrawn but like. a Dreamer in some sense.... she learns archery early and spends a lot of time alone. i don't think she's ever particularly happy or emotive but she enjoys exploring (and she's terribly vain... wants to look just like her mother). then she gets a baby sister and dotes on her to the point where she's basically raising her alone in kind of an obsessive way. when her sister is young, things start to get weird with her parents, they're gone more and more, and when they're home they're.... strange. but they want for nothing, and lyra and her sister are happy and inseparable (i'm still deciding on her name). when her sister is 20ish she's murdered, and through some set of circumstances i haven't fleshed out yet, lyra figures out it was her parents, as a sacrifice to bhaal. she kills both her parents and burns down their entire house for good measure, both so that there is no trace but also for herself.
i think she spends the next 40-50 years alone, basically doing bounty hunter work for money and drifting along. she only speaks when necessary, becomes ruthlessly pragmatic and essentially uninterested in the general population. she's basically turned off everything except her Life Functions. she gets a reputation in the lower city as the Ghost and people leave her alone because she minds her own business unless provoked or on a job (and sometimes the kids will manage to get gifts from her... they learn to read her body language and approach on good days). she keeps her rich clothes and facepaints and always looks immaculate (when you look both dead and rich, no one gets close). i think she also sometimes lets herself be bought when she's bored but if she ever ends up genuinely vulnerable or lets anything personal slip to a patron, she kills them. i think probably she's looking for something/someone to make her come back to life but she doesn't know that's what she's doing..... like being so hungry you can't feel it anymore. she's not evil and she's not robotic she's just kind of in an emotional coma, she's not even really seeking revenge bc she knows it won't bring her sister back and she can't bring herself to care enough.
i want to flesh out more of who she was before the murder but i'm waiting for her to tell me lol.
but yes, this is why she is such a freak with astarion + the party, but this post is long enough skdjfghjfkdsl canon timeline lore is insane in a different way but who doesn't want to be murdertwins with a random traumatized vamp you stumble upon, yknow.
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alstroemerian-dragon · 10 months
man. thinking about how the survivors all desperately need new hobbies
like. okay. sonia’s a great example. off the top of your head what are her hobbies? probably learning about and researching true crime and the occult, and watching j-dramas/anime, right? but if you really think about it, her fascination with japanese culture very much feels like her just desperately wanting to fit in and massively overcompensating. so while i do think she probably enjoys those shows, theyre definitely not as popular in her kingdom as she claims (not that im saying she’s lying on purpose, just that. well, when you feel embarrassed about someones reaction to you liking something, sometimes you’ll try to make an excuse for why you do yknow), and plus, its not like they have access to a lot of entertainment media for a while post program. as for the occult/true crime stuff…
look me in the eye and tell me junko did not use that against her. do you really think junko enoshima would not see a girl obsessed with the study of serial killers and not try and warp that into a fascination with her?
i think that stuff leaves a bad taste in her mouth now. and after committing and being complicit in the committing of the kind of crimes she used to be fascinated by, its kind of hard to find the joy in that anymore, yknow? the occult stuff could maybe still be enjoyable, but with how often it feels like there are ghosts lurking around every fucking corner and her dreams are filled with screaming corpses its kinda hard to be fanciful about that stuff.
so. girl needs some new hobbies.
its not much better for the others, either. akanes hobbies were basically working out, doing parkour, eating, and sleeping. the first two are downright impossible for the first several months after waking up, and for the foreseeable future any kind of physical activity is going to be, to an extent, difficult just due to how much chronic pain and weakness she’ll probably suffer the rest of her life. she can get to a healthier weight and a stronger muscular build, but its not going to change the fact that she gets out of breath and sore much faster than before. as for eating… well. thats gonna be a sore subject for a while. so all she has left is sleeping, and sleeping all day is, as ive been told by many people, kind of a depression symptom? and theres no way the others would sit back and let her do that.
girl needs some new hobbies!
kazuichi, from what we can tell, had a few more normal hobbies. in game you can find him gaming with chiaki, and he seems to enjoy coming up with schemes and plans for silly stuff, but overall he just loves his tinkering. he may be the ultimate mechanic but first and foremost he just loves fucking with machines and engines and finding out what makes them tick. but even that isnt gonna work anymore. sure, he could game. if they had any fucking consoles. or a working computer network. or any games. but none of that is happening for a while, if ever. as for his tinkering, it’s gotta be a similarly sore subject to sonia’s training and tutoring as a princess. its too closely linked to what he did as a despair, too closely linked to his talent, to not make him feel like screaming when he smells machine polish. i think he definitely could get back to a point where it genuinely brings him joy again, and before that he definitely forces himself to use his talent and knowledge because they need it, but. its a complicated problem.
the guy needs some new fucking hobbies.
and of course… fuyuhiko.
fuyuhiko… doesnt have any hobbies.
like okay can you think of a single thing from the game (or fuck even the anime) that implies that he has anything he actually does For Fun. he has a sweet tooth. hes dedicated to his clan. he went to the zoo with peko one time. he got in fights at school. thats… those arent hobbies. fuyuhiko doesnt have any hobbies!!! someone get this boy some fucking knitting needles or a book to read!!!! please!!!!!!!!!! i think it would genuinely help him a lot to have something to do instead of just sitting and stewing in his own trash fire of a brain speaking from experience. learn to sew, read some fantasy novels, learn to play the guitar, something. im begging you.
and hajime is his own fucking can of worms.
he probably had hobbies before the Horrors. right? he probably played some video games, maybe liked martial arts films, maybe sketched in the margins of his notebooks. rode his bike sometimes. but now? nothing keeps his interest that long. everything becomes monotonous after a while, and sure, sometimes thats the draw. with stuff like fiber crafts the point is sometimes making it muscle memory so you have something to do with your hands. but other times its not. and his ability to basically excel in most things you put in front of him has to be so fucking boring after a while. a lot of the point of having hobbies is that you arent perfect. the draw is learning, is getting better. even reading can become nothing when any nonfiction book has knowledge in it you already know and any fiction book you can intuit the ending from the first few pages. he probably reads Lightning Fast now too, so it cant hold his interest for long.
he probably has to constantly be switching hobbies and outlets. cant stay on one thing too long, or the ennui starts to set in. that sounds miserable.
someone get these kids some hobbies, man
#personal#meta#danganronpa#sdr2#neo survivors#MAN. YOU EVER THINK ABOUT HOW MISERABLE THE SURVIVORS ARE AT FIRST#BECAUSE I DO!!!!!!#personally i think sonia gets into painting. i think its fun if she specifically gets into mural painting#and starts decorating the facilities walls#i think she also gets really into helping build stuff and working with her hands because she never did that as a princess!!!#fuyuhiko i think gets into fiber crafts. specifically i could see him doing embroidery and shit#and reading. i think he develops a very embarrassing love of romance novels#but mostly he likes detective and mystery fiction yknow#kaz of course figured out how to make tinkering work for him again. he has to#but i think they also get into like. soldering as an art thing too#sculpture and stuff!!#and they and sonia are both really into fashion stuff so when the foundation sends them more clothes#and more materials#they both go ham making new clothes and outfits and shit#the two of them both learning how to sew <3 bonding experience.#akane definitely also figures out a way to get working out to work again. just slightly different from before#more stretching and stuff. i think she could also benefit from some meditation techniques! maybe she gets into yoga#and of course when they all finally get shipments of movies and tv shows from before the tragedy they all eat that shit UP#OH and akane LOVES taking care of the animals. like yeah a lot of them are probably gonna end up getting eaten eventually#and she definitely is a benefitter of that. but that doesnt mean she cant care for them now!!!#she takes point on feeding and caring for their livestock and chickens and stuff <3#hajime of course. uh. jumps around. he does a lot of stuff.#anything to keep the darkness at bay ykwim!!!! haha#i do think he reads. and i think he does do art too because even if you have the ultimate artist in you#its always gonna turn out a little different
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munsonssub · 2 years
Oh shit - Joseph Quinn x fem!reader
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Well shit part 2. Read part one here
A/N sorry it took so long to come out! My daughter got sick and my husband has been working a lot so i haven’t had the time. Also let me know if you want a smutty part three.
Please give me feed back, idk how I feel about the ending. Idk I like leaving things open also can someone tell me how to add a read more I’m dumb
Warnings: drinking, sexual tension, swearing. Idk about anything else
Word count: 1,975.
You’re finally going on your first date with Joseph. Hopefully you don’t embarrass yourself.
Nervous, that’s all you could feel. A sense of uncertainty inching up your back as you got dressed. Simple and sweet. That’s what Chloe told you to go with, easy peasy. You could do that.
You haven’t gone a proper date in three years, your ex wasn’t a fan of spending money for no reason, even if quality time was the reason. So after the first year he had decided going on dates wasn’t needed anymore. Which is fine, honestly you were only with him for the comfort of not being alone.
That being said you had been talking to Joseph for the last week through text any chance you got. The man was a natural flirt, better than Chloe almost. It left you stumped more times than you’d like to admit. It wasn’t like you aren’t attracted to him, you are, how could you not be. All that’s been on your mind for the last seven days is his eyes, and his hair, and his smile. So yknow maybe sometimes your brain short circuits when he compliments you, or asks for a selfie just because he can, or when he says a little less than appropriate joke. Which is fine! Totally totally fine.
You can get through this date with out embarrassing yourself, easily, sure.
So here you are, standing in front your mirror looking up and down at your simple black dress. Chloe in the kitchen getting you a glass of wine for confidence, at least that’s what she said. Honestly if he liked drunk you sober you doesn’t have to do a lot of work.
Quickly checking the time as you mess with your hair to get it in your favourite style. 5:45, fifteen minutes till he’s here.
You’ve got this. You can do it, easy peasy, simple and sweet, smart and charming. No problem.
“Hot damn Y/N. if he doesn’t try to sleep with you I will.” Chloe says from your bedroom door, wine in hand as she sips from the bottle.
“Clo shut up. Who’s says we are gonna sleep together the first date? Besides what if I don’t wanna give it up.” You say checking yourself out one last time before grabbing the wine glass from Chloe’s hand. Confidence, yup, totally.
“You know what, that’s valid but from how he’s been texting you AND how he was looking at you at the bar after you guys came back from your smoke?? Yeah he wants to sleep with you.” You blush at her words. Glaring as you take a bit of a too big sip of the wine.
Just as you are about to snark back you hear your door buzzer go off. Your heart plummets as Chloe’s eyes go wide and she turns and starts running towards it.
“Chloe I swear to god!” You yell just as she hits the button.
“Hello hello, you have reached the cave of despair, two reside, Chloe and Y/N. what can I do yah for?” She singsongs into the speaker. You finally reach her, hands out ready to fake strangle her as a voice comes back through.
“Uh yeah hey, it’s um Joe, here for Y/N. hopefully not too much despair about that.” You hear him chuckle before it cuts out again.
She smirks as she hits the button to open the door before skipping back over to the kitchen to grab a wine glass for herself.
“I need my shoes, please open the door and don’t be fucking weird Chloe.” You point at her heading back to your room to grab your black heeled ankle boots and purse.
“Hey I can’t be weirder than you thinking he was Scott! Even after he told you his name you still thought he was Scott!” She shouts back at you.
Groaning you rubbed your forehead as you slipped one shoe on. You heard a knock at the door and Chloe yell “imma coming imma coming!” Sighing you quickly slide the other shoe on and grab your purse and a sweater before closing the door and heading towards the front door.
You could hear Chloe talking to Joseph, something about not murdering you, as you got closer, rolling your eyes you turned the corner and looked up from your purse. Heart momentarily stopping as you took him in, in person for the first time sober.
He’s wearing a striped salmon coloured button up, and light off white dress pants. His shirt is slightly unbuttoned letting you peak at the chain around his slightly sunburnt neck and chest. His hair is perfectly messy but still pushed back, he hadn’t fully shaved but definitely trimmed his facial hair up. His eyes were slowly looking you up and down when you finally looked in them. Your greeting dying on your tongue as he meets your gaze.
“Holy shit,” he slightly whispered. Making you blush. “Hey uh you look…. wow. I mean, beautiful. You look beautiful.” He stumbles out at a louder volume.
“Thank you, you don’t look so bad either josi.” You wink. Easy peasy flirting is easy peasy. You see his cheeks slightly flush as he wiped his hands on his pants.
“Are you guys just gonna eye fuck each other or you gonna go on your date?” Chloe smirks from behind her wine glass, watching from beside Joseph.
“Chloe shut up.” You blush and try to glare at her. Joseph clears his throat before saying.
“Cars at the front door if you are ready to go?”
“Yeah, yeah, let’s go, leave the peanut gallery.” You smile and start waking towards him.
He extends his hand out to you for you to grab as he reopens the door. Lightly smiling you grab his hand and begin your walk to the car.
Once in the car and situated he starts the drive to the restaurant. The car ride is filled with quite conversations, he asked how work was and you the same. He told you work was crazy and overwhelming but he loves what he does. You agree with him saying you feel the same, though it would be easier if you didn’t have your boss.
You arrive at the restaurant. Exciting to finally being eating, doing a small happy dance in your seat as Joseph mumbles for you to stay put so he can run out and open the door for you.
“Quite the gentleman. Thank you Joe.” You smile as he helps you out of the car.
“Always for you, excited?”
“Of course, first thing to know about me is I am a foodie and will never say no to some grub.” You rub your tummy as he smiles.
“Oh you are the woman of my dreams.” He smirks, his hand going to your waist as he opened the restaurant door for you.
“Every kind of dream?” You wink and bite your lip at him. He jokingly scoffs and tightens his grip on your hip.
“Don’t even start you minx.” He smirks down at you before talking to the hostess.
Once seated across from one and other, with the menus and your drinks your conversation fully resumed.
“So, Joe, you’ve been very coy about what you do for work. Besides it being sometimes overwhelming, so tell me, what does the great Joseph Quinn do?” You smile at him as he puts his hands on the table, slightly drumming them.
“You really wanna know? Because once you know all bets are off.” He looks at you expectantly. You slightly blanch, little nervous with what he’s gonna say.
“Lay it on me josi. I can handle it. Unless you’re a mob boss and this is actually you telling me you’re gonna kill me.” You laugh lightly, reaching out to grab one of his hands and play with his fingers.
“Well, I’m an actor,” he stops, gauging your reaction. As you stare at him trying not to show the shock on your face he continues. “I wasn’t very well known but uh, it’s kinda picked up a little bit since my last job premiered.” He finished, biting his lip with nerves rolling off him.
“No shit? Jesus that’s cool. What have you been in? I’m kinda jealous.” You laugh, hoping to ease his nerves. You can tell it helps a little with how his shoulders relax and his smile towards you.
“Uh a few things, Howard’s end, which is a tv show, Make up, a movie, um les mis, not the movie, tv show, and recently Stranger Things.” He rattles off a few of his works, easing his nerves down more.
As you are about to reply the waitress comes back to take your food order, you give it to her. Smiling and handing back your menus you grab Joseph’s hands before he can hide them.
“So I haven’t seen any of the other ones you said but I have watched stranger things except for season four because my friend, Shelly, said it was heart breaking. And I’m not ready for that.” You tell him while rubbing the back of his hands.
“I’m in season four, I play this guy Eddie. And she’s not wrong it is heart breaking.” He chuckles.
“Noooo why would you say that. You were in it so now I know it actually is.” You whine slightly. “So then mister star, what made you want to go on a date with little old me?”
“I mean you make quite the impression,” he laughs as you groan. “But really how could I not? Look at you, freaking beaming light of beauty and you’re fun, carefree, it’s nice to be around people like that.” He told you honestly. You could feel yourself blushing, looking down at the table you look back up.
“Well thank you, you’re making the right moves there josi.” You wink.
He goes to reply but your food is now being set down in front of you. Thanking the waitress you look at Joseph who returns your gaze with a look of ‘this conversation is not done’ and something a little darker in his eyes.
You guys hold quite conversation as you eat, you groan at how good it is. The conversation is easy and relaxing as you finish up and Joseph pays for the bill much to your dismay after you told him you could cover you side of the bill, only to be shut down with ‘you, pretty girl, do not need to pay.’ The nickname making you blush and heat up.
You walk out the the car together, his hand around your waist again, slightly squeezing. He helps you into the car and closes the door before rounding the car to his side. Getting in he starts the car and buckled up before letting his hand rest on your bare knee.
“So Y/N do you want to keep this date going or do you want me to take you home?” He asks you as he pulls out of the parking spot and back on the main road. Putting your hand on his you look up at him.
“What do you have in mind josi? I’m all for anything.” You smile.
“We could go back to my place? Or is that to forward?”
“Joseph! Who do you think I am?” You fake gasp and put your hand on your chest.
He looks alarmed before starting to laugh as you broke into giggles. Slightly shoving your knee he shakes his head at you.
“Well then what do you have in mind then miss.”
“I mean, my house is free and I have a bottle of wine and maybe some other things.” You smirk, winking at him.
“Say less baby say less.”
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no1ryomafan · 10 months
Yknow for most of my tumblr rants I like to keep stuff vague even when it’s apparent what thing I’m aiming at because I don’t like to trash talk people openly who I don’t know or formally knew especially on the most mundane subjects but there’s one particular thing that has been bothering me about fandom culture that I’ve noticed as of late that I gotta rant about:
And that’s the whole ordeal of “you need to consume this series in a certain way” mindset as apart from leading into general bad traits fandom culture has-toxicity and gatekeeping-I feel this is just another reason why some people get easily scared off by getting into certain things.
To further elaborate I wanna first say there’s nothing particularly wrong with advising a set order of things to consume in a series under the context of either:
<someone asked to begin with what order to watch/read/play something <a series has multiple sequels that are connected in some capacity so advising the correct order because sometimes it’s not the “chronological” that’s the correct way
Those cases you are making sure the person gets into a series by following the story the way it’s intended, that’s fine, I’m more so talking about how a handful of certain fandoms are centered a series with multiple canons and they don’t really overlap yet fans try to act authority over how you should consume the media when at that point it’s just a matter of “which series looks the most interesting too you”.
I’ve seen this behavior pop up a bit in getter fandom and while it’s not anything toxic-thankfully-I really don’t agree to the notion of you need to read all of the mangas JUST to understand the Animes when they’re ALL in their own canon. But this post isn’t actually about Getter because the general atmosphere I’ve seen in my own circle is “we really don’t care where you start as long as you’ve seen Getter” which I appreciate and can’t really get too upset over the series discourse, I’m more so noticing this happening in a different older anime fandom I was kinda apart of being Soul Eater.
Now I’ve only seen this said by two people so I’m not gonna claim this is a general thing by the fandom-fuck knows how many soul eater fans there are anymore even if it’s more recognizable than getter-however I get the vibe this is something fans when newbies get into the series advise: To not get super into SE as it be unnecessary, for those who don’t know it’s one of those animes that was unfortunately cursed with “starting off a solid adaption for the first half but by the second half it completely diverted from the manga and the anime content is not only different but inferior from its source” which from what I seen, had a lot of old SE fans advise newer fans to watch the anime up to a certain point aka right where it changes from the manga and than going to read the manga with the stuff the anime didn’t adapt, and than after you finish the manga you can go back to watch the anime if you so choose.
I really, really, REALLY do not like this approach and despite what I said early about “different iterations” this one even worse given the context SE doesn’t have that many canons outside of these and a spin off series.
Literally this entire process could be avoided if someone just said “don’t watch the anime because it’s not a good adaption, read the manga” because even if that sounds gatekeepy it’s at least not a unnecessary back and forth process with the anime being CLEARLY redundant. Sure, SE like 100+ or so chapters but even if watching the anime adapt the first half is faster than reading it, it just makes things needlessly complicated to newer fans.
It’s also not the end of the world if someone watches the show and never reads the manga because guess what? We all like stuff that is FUNDAMENTALLY flawed. People are too worried about their media being perfect when no series is and there’s nothing wrong with liking something that’s a bit messy because people still keep up with series that are hella fucking messy. If they complain about the anime sucking but refuse to read the manga that’s on them, not your issue because they knew what they were getting themselves into if someone was warning them. We also just gotta deal with people not giving stuff we like a second chance after the first time because needlessly shoving a “order” in their face isn’t gonna make them feel inclined to check it out again.
My only advice I can give from this long messy rant of a post that went too far on tangent about something I don’t even know is said by many fans-and if anyone finds this and is active in the SE circles please feel free to correct me-is NEVER advise someone a order of getting into a thing unless there IS canons that do connect with each other by being direct follow ups. Don't get mad at someone for getting into a series from the most confusing or hated iteration, because if they are actually interested they'll want to consume more of it even if they have a weak first impression.
Never force anything onto ANYONE and just welcome new fans with open arms, thats a way to make a safe space even in some of the worst fandoms.
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vivacissimx · 15 days
I genuinely love anything related to ASOIAF world. Still, due to the ongoing drama and harassment I've seen writers experiencing on Tumblr I decided to withdraw myself and protect my peace. Lately, I've been missing it here, but I'm still sceptical about jumping and pursuing writing for the fandom again. Can I ask you how you manage to stay drama-free and have a peaceful blog that I truly enjoy, despite the ongoing situation?
I definitely understand where you are coming from and have been in that position before, where the personalities of the fandom got under my skin. Existing in a community requires a balance that varies from person to person & you alone can know what works for you. What works for me personally is to have a circle, or several circles, of people who enjoy the characters/themes you enjoy. Having people to bitch about fandom with is not this! In my experience, your relationships need to have a positive foundation. And, yknow, these are people who you should show up for when they create things too. You don't have to force yourself to do more than you want to, but engaging with their metas, artwork, fics, headcanons, even just adding a bit in the tags/comments or having an open mind to something you hadn't considered before is a great way to foster good times in fandom! Being positive and generous is the best way to invite positivity and generosity back.
Which is probably the other thing about enjoying fandom-- you should be a creator! When you create and grow and share it'll naturally attract similar energy to you. There are people I've never had a conversation with ever, but they show up in my comments sections sometimes and that alone makes fandom feel like a place where I can connect with other people who nerd out in the same direction as I do. Not only that, but you'll hone a creative skill in ways that surprise and excite you. Learning about writing by writing fic & learning how to read by constructing meta has been hugely rewarding for me. Of course, harassment is a different thing. I have had to moderate my comments or turn off anon at different points. "Don't feed the trolls" is golden advice, in my experience. When they don't get the attention they want, they tend to disappear.
And, because I'm not delusional, I suppose the last thing is to just ignore 99% of the bullshit. It doesn't matter. It'll blow over. It'll start up again. It's a constant cycle. Block liberally. People talk online in ways they never would dare in real life. When you catch yourself getting mad and gearing up to say something, just leave it for 24 hours. Chances are you won't care anymore. That's not me saying to tolerate bullshit, but engage with fandom on your terms and not because you feel cornered by someone else's ridiculous opinion. If I'm really incensed by someone's hot take I will open a new text post and try to formulate a meta about the process of how I came to my (diametrically opposite) conclusion. That's way more productive/effective than engaging in discourse, I've found. On the flip side, if you catch yourself in a weird situation with someone you consider a friend and you're starting to resent them: communicate, communicate, communicate. I can't stress it enough. Don't let things fester to the point that it's tainting your relationship to something you love or someone you care about. There is no relationship on Earth without it's disagreements and it's equally as toxic to try and create total uniformity as it is to constantly argue with people.
That's pretty much how I find my balance. I still take steps back from fandom when I need to or when I'm not having fun, and that's healthy. Hobbies in general should happen at your capacity, on your schedule. Now your balance will be different than mine, most likely, but I hope there's something here you can use regardless!
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