#ymir saturn
brot-dae · 10 months
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His very first successful spell, his moms are very proud of their adopted demon son.
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actually-titan · 14 days
Are you able to name all of Saturn's moons?
I can try there's a lot of names to remember-
There's me the best one and Saturn's favorite
... That's a I can remember for now-
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system-help-things · 4 months
Hey could you help us? One of my Dalek alters wants to change their name because the name that they currently have was given to them by a bad person. Do you have any space/galaxy/cosmic themed names to give me? All options you post will be given to them for them to decide ^_^
⚞ Oh boy do I have some names for you! (This is just a huge list of space themed names and sense there is so many I disregarded putting the meanings next to each one but they are names of stars, planets, galaxies, and other space related things!)
Blitzar (a neutron star that spins so fast it collapses into a black hole)
Nash (name of a star)
⚞ Apologies if there are any repeats! And sorry I know its a lot....
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sailorspica · 2 months
its scares me that a good chunk of the characters.(notable ones too) we need to delve deeper into them ie july leos vs august leos. also how yams is a virgo himself but putting like 2 of the arguably worst characters (karina and rod reiss) as virgos. also if yams is the creator of the world, that means aot world's god is a virgo?????
begging for astrology asks
yams put himself in a sandwich between a cop (MP ralph aug 26) and karina (sept 3) like?? virgo is notably the least populated of all the signs in my all character breakdown, like he wanted to avoid himself, but the narrative weight these virgos pull does the opposite imo
on leo: you have fallen into my trap of advanced/esoteric soapboxing: decanates. so! each sign is a 30 degree wedge in the sky. the sun moves about 1-degree per day, hence why each sun sign "season" is a month long. astrologers divide these 30 degrees into 10-degree (in sun terms, 10 days) slivers called decans. there are different ancient systems of assigning planetary rulers to these decans, but the most popular, chaldean, has uses in tarot
1st decan (mostly july), ruled by saturn: willy, niccolo, sasha, dina fritz, zeke, reiner
2nd decan, approx. aug. 2-11, ruled by jupiter: onyankapon, pieck, marcel
3rd decan, approx. aug 12-22, ruled by mars: colt, keith shadis
the decans create basically 36 mini-signs, which neatly corresponds to the minor arcana of tarot without the court cards. for leo, we're in the fire suit of wands that is the most MARtial:
1st decan = ♄ = 5 of wands
2nd decan = ♃ = 6 of wands
3rd decan = ♂ = 7 of wands
the pamela colman smith cards:
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the five of wands shows a kind of pointless fight. night of the end vibes. aggression for aggression's sake, prolonging a conflict because well! we're in it. i like seeing niccolo and reiner here as soldiers who came to paradis and were challenged and changed, much like the joining the cadets did for sasha and her libertarianism. but also, doesn't it look like stage combat like from stupid willy tybur's fuckass play?
the six of wands is so painfully what all the warriors, or soldiers in general, are taught to aspire to: surviving war, returning home, and earning recognition. it's a card for honorary marleyans, but the trio of characters whose birthdays are here is kinda sad: marcel never made it home; ony's home country is presumably rumbled; pieck only cares about her dad, not any wider renown or the myth of eldian atonement
the seven of wands is so... so... colt and shadis. oh my fucking god. i'm kinda ill looking at it ngl. they both could have saved themselves, if colt literally just ran for cover from falco's transformation, if shadis jumped ship like magath told him to, but they go down fighting, to protect other people. kids! shadis still looks at the 104th as his students. jesus christ
further things about leo in AoT:
of my chosen major characters the only paradisians are sasha and shadis
three sets of warrior + parent: dina fritz and zeke, reiner and sperm contributor, and pieck and her dad. we can throw in colt grice and his uncle
zeke, marcel, and colt. two brothers GOAT chapter episode
i've said this elsewhere but i'm quite sure the return to shiganshina arc happens in the fall, zeke, reiner, and pieck all had birthdays back to back on that docked marleyan warship, i assume. do they actually celebrate? doubt it
and not to be dark on your last point: virgo is a maiden, the mutable earth sign. i think it's genesis 7 where a million different translations say the abrahamic god made adam out of dust, clay, soil, etc. if there is a creator god, it's founder ymir.
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kashisun · 1 year
question if you don't mind: how do you come up with character names? all my names for my ocs are like "macy smith" or something idk, i feel so uncreative. >:T
Of course I don’t mind! So honestly when i make a sim i try to always have at least a last name that goes with their ethnicity.
If i’m using a traditional first name i’ll just look up Mongolian first names for example.
If it’s for a random name then i’ll either use a character name that i like or i’ll search moons of saturn or jupiter and it’ll give me a cool name.
Ymir is one of saturn’s moons
But i also know trust there are some creators that have a huge list of names that you can go through! Just search name list and you should get some i think!! I hope this helped dear stranger 😌
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mask131 · 2 years
Masterpost: Cold Winter
Here is the masterpost for my Cold Winter series, my seasonal series about the snow and the frost, about the long nights and the northern countries.
Norse mythology:
Ymir, Thor, Sleipnir, Fenrir, Yggdrasil, Tyr, Skadi, Heimdall ; Andvari (and Alberich) ; Fylgja
Lords of the cold:
Pakkanen, Jack Frost, the wendigo, Boreas ; the Wintersmith
The queens of winter:
The Cailleach ; Frau Holle ; the Snow Queen ; the White Witch
Christmas season:
Krampus ; the Père Fouettard and more about him ; Saint Nicholas ; Santa Claus and Frank Baum's version ; los Reyes Magos ; and the Befana (plus more about her)
Ancestors of Christmas:
The Mithraic mysteries ; the Jolnir theory ; Saturnalia and more about Saturn ;
Legendary warriors of the north:
King Arthur (and more), the Fir Bolg, Beowulf  and Wagner's Siegfried (plus more about him)
Fantasy warriors, barbarians and northmen:
Prince Caspian ; Conan the Barbarian ; Red Sonja ; Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser
French BD:
Ghorghor Bey ; Thorgal ; Asterix and Obelix (and more)
Tolkien's Legendarium:
Hobbits , Gollum and the children of Hurin
Other folkloric/mythological/religious beings:
The dahut (French folklore) ;  Tekkeitsertok and the angakkuq  (Inuit beliefs), trolls and more about them (Scandinavian folklore) ; Chernobog (Slavic mythology) ; Tezcatlipoca (Aztec mythology)
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itsactuallynebi · 2 years
hey! been working on a new au since september, here are the list of characters !!
Fleur Fujichiba | Ultimate Actress
Leah Bonneville | Ultimate Journalist
Zoey Fontaine | Ultimate Astrologer
Mae Adair | Ultimate Lucky Student
Eliza Fiore | Ultimate Florist
Mimi Aikawa | Ultimate Ice Skater
Gem Kobayashi | Ultimate Photographer
Lindsey Fukushima | Ultimate Model
Junior Saturn | Ultimate Affluent Progeny
Luca Sallow | Ultimate Pop Star
Leo Zhao | Ultimate Inventor
Lux Zhao | Ultimate Weapon Smith
Sean Williams | Ultimate Gamer
Joseph Wiley | Ultimate ???
Mini Starr | Ultimate Caretaker
Kacy Ymir | Ultimate Explorer
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aquanauty · 3 years
Awful Fucking Day
What an awful fucking day…awful awful awful day. I couldn’t break through the impermeable surface of my ugly sad thoughts today so I just sat at the very bottom of this sad pathetic pool and stared at the ugly impermeable surface to crack open. Just one hairline crack and I would have pushed through and broken free. But not today, Eye. Today you were meant to feel the weight of existence and carry it from the cold kitchen to your depressing bed and to the not-so-bad-I admit bathtub. I’m just so tired of feeling. And crying. And feeling so much all the fucking time. I just want this to stop. To get out of my own stupid fucking mind. Hope broke a million times today in front of me. I rebuilt hope a million times today. Like Ymir, who makes those fucking ugly titans in that whatever-its-called blue dimension. With her tiny hands. N does such a cute impression of a subdued Ymir molding clay into legs and hands. I called Ymir lazy for blindly following instructions; N defended her for being extremely hardworking. That’s when he mimicked her making legs and hands of titans from scratch. I was Ymir in both senses today: I sheepishly followed all known cookie-cutter self help strategies to manage my feelings (I cooked, meditated in the bathtub, read some poems, discussed those poems with an acquaintance); and I worked super hard to make it without resorting to self-destructive behavior. Man, I was a good girl today. Some innocuous oversharing here and there but nothing too major. Nothing risky or damaging. I’m getting better at this. But these episodes are getting worse at the same time. So tragic--I love (only in theory though).
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frankendavis · 4 years
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It's time for my annual Advent calendar of sorts. This is Number 17 in a series of 25, 26, or so bits of holiday nonsense that I've put together over the years. :)
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brot-dae · 10 months
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Ymir and Luz. Why? Read below.
Sometime after Emperor Belos rose to power on the Boiling Isles, he had a castle built for himself. While digging underneath it to build a basement, the workers found a child, buried deep in the ground. At first they thought the child was dead, but then it's nose came in contact with the Isles' air and it started breathing. The child was brought before Belos, for him to decide what to do with it, and seeing as it was very obedient, the Emperor decided to make it his personal servant. It only responded to the name "Ymir" or "Saturn", so it seemed that was the child's name. Ymir worked for Belos for a very VERY long time, and tried to betray him many times, he failed etch and every time. Etch time he tried to betray Belos, he would make Ymir hit and scratch himself until he was a bruised, bloody mess. Then Belos would heal Ymir right up, to show how "good" and "merciful" he is being. Since he was healed so fast, Ymir retained no phisical damage, but it messed him up big time mentally.
Another reason for not trying to take down Belos as often is that Ymir saw what happened to all the Golden Guards before Hunter. He saw firsthand what happened to those who crossed the Emperor.
When Belos was finally defeated, Ymir remained in the castle ruins, hiding in the shadows and surviving on rotten scraps left in the kitchens. After a while the castle started being renovated for new rulers, and Ymir was eventually found. He was found by Titania and King, and brought to the Owl House, since he couldn't stay in the castle anymore. There he met Luz Noceda, and really imprinted onto her. He would follow her around and do anything that she would request, even as a joke. When Luz reached 18 years of age, she and Amity decided to legally adopt Ymir, which he was very happy for, especially since they were nice to him. Way nicer than Belos, that's for sure. They eventually learned about all the abuse he suffered at the hands of Belos, and got him into therapy, as well as enrolling him into Hexside as a student. But they also tried finding more about his origins, which proved to be quite hard, since Ymir couldn't quite remember anything from before being dug up from the ground. He only has a faint recollection of his birthmother's face and voice, calling him "My little Ymir, the Saturn to my Sun."
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er-cryptid · 6 years
Ymir is a moon of Saturn.
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lostbbygorl · 3 years
✨ So Connie being Connie made another plan for the squad. There was a new club opening in the city and he wanted to try it out. But going to the club alone is pathetic, according to Monsieur Springer, so ofc, the entire gang is pulled into this
✨ Levi is your boyfriend. He loves you to Saturn and back. He'd take time out of his life to take care of you anytime but god he hates it when ppl are intoxicated, especially if it's you ✋
✨ Reason being: He can just roll his eyes and ignore it if a stranger or acquaintance is drunk. But if it's his lover? Naur he has to put up with that bs for as long as they make him
✨ " No, Y/N. Absolutely not" Levi shook his head.
" But, Levi, everyone's going. Not hanging with your friends when you're free and available and everyone else is there is so uncool. It's just sad. Come on, pleeaaasseeee", you begged and pouted.
✨ Levi had no choice but to say yes. He couldn't help but smile when you gave him a kiss on the cheek
✨ So Levi watches Sasha's car leave the parking lot till it's out of sight and goes back to his desk where he has remaining paperwork to do
✨ Levi doesn't like it, but he knows youll be back late. By now, he trusts your friends. You're going out with your closest ones. He knows young guys can be asshats, but not the ones you hang with. They'll take care of you (he's jealous of that)
✨ It's 12.00 AM and he's still awake. Insomnia really sucks and he'd NEVER admit it but being....reasonably active on social media isn't so bad. He doesn't mind social media at all actually, and he feels more in touch with the world after downloading Instagram
✨ He's scrolling through his explorers page. Searching up popular figures (90% of them being politicians). Then he decides to check his stories. OFC Eren and Historia couldn't wait till they reached home to upload shit on their stories. The squad respected Levi and loved him but they're scared shitless at the same time. Levi is mutuals with everyone though they don't talk
✨ He clicks on Eren's story to see you crying about a dead mosquito on Mikasa's shoulder Mikasa is like 🤨
✨ Levi rn:
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✨ He was fearing this very thing. Now he must prepare for battle. Levi vs drunk Y/N
✨ Levi was mentally prepared to face your drunk self.
✨ " I know" Levi deadpanned when Jean was about open his mouth with a very sheepish look on his face. Levi could practically read minds and it intimidated Jean.
" Yes. It must've been Eren and Historia's stories. She has stopped crying about the mosquito. She has now convinced herself that she is a celebrity living a double life. They played Hannah Montana music at the club".
✨ Jean and Ymir somehow dragged your ass to the front door. THEY BASICALLY RAN TO THE CAR AND RUSHED OFF AS SOON AS LEVI SUPPORTED YOU ON HIS CHEST
✨ After several minutes of convincing you that no, your cover isn't blown and the paparazzi is gone, he managed to take you to bedroom
✨ You were about to say smth when he flicked you forehead. Then, you passed out
✨ Levi sighed, watching you gently snore. He put a blanket over you. He's so soft for you, he just had to caress your cheek. No matter how annoyed he got
✨ In the morning, you have the WORST hangover
✨ But never fear, a very grumpy Levi is waiting beside you with a glass of special hangover juice he invented. It's the only one you want and the only one that works well on you
✨ You rn:
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wontokki · 3 years
Fellow Anime/Manga Roleplayers on Discord! Also here on Tumblr AGAIN!!
Hello , my fellow anime/manga rper of Discord! If you are looking for fellow rpers feel free to add me on discord at Kaneki's_Tragedy#9125
Or you can send me a ask here! Some of the main characters I rp are: Suna Rintarou Ymir Ken Kaneki Dabi Toge Inumaki Giyuu Alisa Haiba Miwa Kagayama Sebastian Michaelis L Hinata Hyuga Ban Sailor Saturn also my main two OC characters: Raven Suzuki Jayden Suzuki
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Attack on Tuition
An Attack on titian Modern College au
Sorry if it's too American, I’ve only ever lived in America so that’s all I know.
Let’s start off with the main three Eren, Mikasa, and Armin
So in high school, Armin got a job at a Starbucks inside a target, eventually, Mikasa decided that she also needed a job and Armin told her they were hiring at his work so they then worked together, they are often the only two who work during their shifts.
They still have these jobs when they move to a college close to their hometown. By now Armin is a shift manager of Starbucks. And Eren has realized that he needs a job and his friend always talks about their job so he tries to get a job at the same place.
Eren tried his best but he ended up works at target instead of Starbucks in target. He hates that he has to wear red, he thinks it’s a stupid color and that being a target cashier is the worst job.
He spends his break at Starbucks complaining that he doesn't get to work with his friends
Back to Starbuck pair. Armin often works the cash register because he's better around people while Mikasa makes the drinks. Armin actually attracts some people, he's the cute barista at Starbucks that you think likes you back( he doesn't).
Even older women see Armin as the cute barista and try to flirt with him. he plays along for tips and is afraid that if he doesn't they'll Saturn Karen on him. I've actually thought of a small scenario that has 100% happened
Older divorcee soccer mom who is also a regular
Armin: Good afternoon Karen, how can I help you today
Karen: Oh I guess it is afternoon Armin, I'll have my regular for the kids, and I'm gonna try something new, any recommendations
Armin: Well of course are you looking for something bitter, sweet or maybe something fruit based
Karen: Definitely something sweet, do you guys have anything that is as sweet as you, I doubt it, your are just too sweet
queue Mikasa rolling her eyes
Armin: oh why thank you, I would suggest the strawberry funnel cake frappuccino
Karen: Well if you’re suggesting it then, of course, I’ll try it.
Mikasa: Armin I don't know how to make that yet
Armin: oh well ill make her order, just finish ringing her up
Karen looks back to the cashier, after checking on her children and getting her credit card out.
Karen: Oh where'd Armin go
Mikasa: He's making your drinks for you. I can finish ringing you up ma’am
Karen: Well you don't have to take that tone with me I was just wondering
Mikasa: *sigh* Sorry ma’am, what size would you like that frappuccino, and will that complete your order
Karen: A grande and Yes that's all for today
Mikasa: Your total is --.-- ( idk)
Karen: that's outrageous, it’s normally less than that
Mikasa: well today you ordered something different
Karen: but I got a small size than normal so it should cost less than normal
Mikasa: well the frappuccino cost more than your regular drink because there more ingredients along with it being a special item
Karen: well it shouldn't be that high
Mikasa: would you like me to edit your order, maybe change the size of something
Karen: no ill just pay for this, and you should smile more and talk nicer, people will like you better that way, like Armin.
Karen pays for her drinks and goes to sit and wait. Mikasa now avoids the cashier job as best as possible.
Moving on to Ymir and Historia
Ymir and Historia went to the same high school.
Ymir’s parents were both military and moved a lot, at the end of 8th grade they moved to a small town, where they stayed for four years/ till Ymir graduated.
This small town was historians home town, and she had never gone far out of the county her town is in.
In high school the two meet and fall in love, becoming high school sweethearts.
in junior (11th grade) year the two already plan to move in together after graduation. But things go amiss when Historia is forced to go to an ivy league college across the country and Ymir, doesn't have the grades or money to follow her.
the two break up and don't stay in touch. It’s too painful for the both of them to only be friends.
Ymir takes a year before going to college, earning money for the future, she applied to as many as she could, and by some fate ended up at the same college as Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Jean, Sasha, Reiner, Berthold, and Annie.
She becomes close with these people, and eventually builds a band with 2 of them, as much as she didn't expect or want she was in a band with Eren and Berthold. Ymir is a bass player and singer and she needs at least 1 guitar player along with a drum player, and Berthold was the only person who wasn’t just decent but surprisingly amazing at the drums. While Eren tried to be a drummer thinking it was cooler. But he has no talent as a drummer but when Ymir asked if he already knew how to play an instrument he plainly explained that he plays guitar, and she had him play and as much as she disliked it, he was better than the other guitar players she was looking for.
Also, Mikasa will sometimes help with duets or background vocals. And later on, they meet Annie and she becomes their second guitarist.
So Ymir’s band has started to grow some fans and historian finds out about this band and watches a video only to find that the leader and singer is her ex. Historia still loves Ymir and now that she knows that there is a way to see her again she had to try. so she researches the band’s upcoming shows, and plans a way to get plain tickets without her parents knowing it’s too visit her ex.
She decides she wants to surprise Ymir so she doesn't tell her.
Historia watches Ymir and her band performs, she’s so enthralled by Ymir and the love that she feels for her. shes doesn't even realize the songs are mostly about her.
At the end of the show, Ymir is sitting at the bar ( not drinking) when a short blonde female approaches her, started flirting. the short blonde isn't Historia but Historia can see and hear this interaction. So when Ymir not so kindly rejects the girls by saying
"I’m not interested girlie"
Historia hears a flirtatious tone behind Ymir’s voice, the same tone that Ymir used to use on her. So Historia doesn't approach her, she just leaves, realizing that she has no claim to Ymir.
the truth is Ymir put no flirtatious tone behind that sentence, her flirtatious tone and serious tone are basically the same, Historia was mistaken.
Ymir only realizes that Historia was at one of her shows a few weeks later when she receives photos ( that were taken of the band and crowd for future posters) and recognizes her ex-girlfriend in the crowd. She is unsure how to feel, she was happy but also disappointed and angry that Historia never approached her
Oh also Jean, Connie, and Sasha all went to the same high school but Connie goes to a fancy private college that's less than an hour away from jean and Sashas collage, jean and Sasha make fun of how he has changed ( he has elbow pads on all his sweaters).
that's it for now and I made a playlist of what I think Ymir’s band sounds likes
Ymir and the Cadets link!!!
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theotherackerman · 3 years
My Mind Turns Your Life Into Folklore
My Mind Turns Your Life Into Folklore
COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: Any recognizable elements belong to Attack on Titan.
Saturday, January 23rd
chapter twenty-six: when the butterflies turned to dust that covered my whole room
There was a problem with medication. Once one took it, people seemed to get the idea that one was cured. All those feelings one had earlier were simply gone. Disappeared into some sort of blackhole.
But they weren’t.
The medication stabilized, it made it easier to deal with.
This was the problem that Eren Jaeger was wrestling with today.
Grisha’s birthday creeped near.
It started Friday afternoon and continued into Saturday.
Eren couldn’t tell you why but suddenly he could hear Grisha’s voice in his head. Telling him the music wasn’t good enough. The music would never be good enough. Nothing Eren ever did was good enough. He would never be good enough for anyone. For Mikasa. For Armin. For Zeke. He didn't deserve any of it.
The same things Grisha would say when he was alive.
It didn’t take long for Zeke to notice the change in Eren’s mood.
“Eren,” Zeke said as he sat down on the couch next to his brother. “How are you?”
“I’m not good. Dad’s birthday is coming….I know it’s stupid….I’ve been thinking of him a lot,” Eren muttered before he looked down.
“It is not stupid, Eren. Is there anything I can do to help?” Zeke’s hand rested on Eren’s shoulder.
“I don’t know. I just...I’m going to go upstairs,”Eren said before he stood.
“Well, if you need anything…”
“I know. Thanks, Zeke.”
Zeke Jaeger didn't drink that much.
For obvious reasons.
Much like his brother, it took far too many drinks to make him drunk.
But right now, he would give his left arm not to be sober.
Eren was breaking down as Grisha's birthday came closer.
Pieck was wrecked over Jean.
Niccolo was feuding with Sasha.
Reiner's aunt was in the hospital, dying.
The only sane ones were Marcel, Porco, and Bertolt who were far too wrapped up in a mix of school and work to do anything else.
This was insanity. It was the literal definition. Doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.
Zeke pulled out her phone and clicked on the contact.
"How do you do it?" Zeke asked.
"Are we friends now or something?" Levi's voice rang in Zeke's ear. "Because I thought you were somebody I paid hourly to listen to my bullshit "
"Okay, fine. Whatever. I am at the end of my rope here and you are the only semi sane person I know. I have two broken hearted people, another kid was a dying aunt, and my brother is going through a mental health crisis because of our piece of shit father's birthday is coming! So a little friendship and compassion would be nice!"
Levi laughed.
He laughed.
Zeke wanted to commit murder.
"Hmm...seems like your kids are as bad as the ones here."
"They are not my ki…."
"I'm sorry, what was that?"
"Alright, Captain. I see what you did. But what do you do? I cannot deal with this level of heartbreak from all of them."
"Nothing. You do nothing. You listen, you let them cry. You hope they get through it. They're all past needing us to fight their battles. I see the guilt you have for Eren. Not getting him away from Grisha soon enough, saving him. But you've got to let that go. You can't save everyone. And you're there for them. That's what counts. Besides, you and I have bigger things to disassemble."
"I believe I gave you that advice."
"Learn to practice what you preach, doc. Also get more fucking friends. You think Eren wants Mikasa over there sooner? Would that help or make it worse?"
Zeke sighed. He thought about it.
Eren had improved since having Armin and Mikasa back into his life. That improvement was directly from their influence.
"If she does not have other plans, it could not hurt."
"How's he holding up?"
"Well, he has not injured himself or drank. So that is an improvement from last year."
"He injured himself?"
"Not on purpose. He slipped and fell. He hurt his arm. It looked very strange for a bit there."
"I'll tell Mikasa you called because Eren isn't doing well."
"Thank you. I just have to work and I worry while I am gone."
"Whatever. I'm hanging up now."
Stay stable.
Don't relapse.
Easier said than done when it came to the struggle with his bipolar.
Eren was walking a fine line recently. One between his sanity and his past.
The past was harder to deal with than Eren thought.
His phone rang.
It was Mikasa.
"Hey," he said after he answered the call.
"Hi. Zeke called Levi. He said you weren't doing very well."
"Yeah. It's not a big deal though. It's just...my dad's birthday."
"Do you want me there?"
"More than anything.  I mean you don't have to be here but I wish you were. Besides, it's getting late. I don't want you driving in th dark. I know how much you hate it."
"It's okay. I can come."
"No, don't. Tomorrow. Come tomorrow."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. Just...stay on the phone with me, okay?"
"Thanks, Mikasa."
"Anytime. Anything you want to talk about?"
"Hmmm….distract me. Tell me something I don't know about you."
"Eren, you know almost everything about me."
"Come on, there has to be something."
"Let me think...oh. When we won battle of the bands, we all went and got tattoos that sort of go together. They're all space themed."
"Oh. That's why you have a moon on your ankle."
"You noticed?"
"Of course, I did."
Eren noticed everything about her. How she laughed and the way her nose crinkled.
"Yeah, so I have a moon, Historia has the sun, Ymir has Saturn. Sasha has a galaxy and Annie has a star," Mikasa explained.
"Why the moon?"
"I don't know. I guess because I've always liked looking up at the moon."
"What about you? Any secrets I don't know?" she teased.
"Oh. I've got a bunch."
"No. I wish. I've told you all mine. No secret tattoos."
"As you said...there has to be something I don't know "
"Uh...well I guess I have always wanted a tattoo especially since you and Armin have them."
"Wait! Armin has a tattoo?" Mikasa exclaimed.
"Oh. I thought you knew. With him dating Annie, I thought she would have told you. He's got birds on his shoulder."
"Huh. I never knew that. What would you get if you could?"
"Well, at first, I wanted birds. Now...I'm not so sure. I guess that's why I haven't got one yet. Maybe something to mark everything I've been through, you know?"
"I do."
Eren and Mikasa talked all through the night about everything. About how Zeke let stray cats come into the house. They talked about writers block and how they both failed at getting rid of it. They talked about what Zeke's house was like in the winter.
They just talked.
Eventually, they both fell asleep on the phone together.
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gizaoyas · 4 years
Tagged by Minnie @honeymeh for the "this or that ?" Thank you 💕✨
sage green or baby blue | moon or stars | paperback or hardback | piercings or tattoos | drawing or writing | saturn or jupiter | line without a hook or mr.loverman | ancient greece or ancient egypt | prague or amsterdam | dark academia or light academia | indie aesthetic or cottagecore | stargazing or late night drives | strawberries or watermelons | rings or necklaces | extrovert or introvert | dragons or griffins | ocean or mountain | silver or gold | dawn or dusk | creative or free spirit | early bird or night owl | cook or bake | dagger or sword
It was fun 🤭
I'm tagging @zmieciony @kagehjna @tadokorojin @jeanbo-kirschtein-blog @ymir-me if you want to ☺️✨
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