#yn pov
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Nighttime story
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alchexmy · 10 months
we love insane König here.
tw | obsession | stalker tendencies
The Beginning.
It surprised him. The lengths he would go to, to feel close to you, the way he would degrade himself to quench his desires.
It really surprised him.
Wired eyes with pinprick pupils staring into the harsh blue light of his computer screen in the office, looking through your file, figuring as much of you out as possible without even having to be near you. Not that he didn't want to be near you. Oh, he very much did. But he had no real reason to be, you were just the intelligence officer, a quiet girl, absorbed in paperwork, rubbing your temples when you worked too late. And you always worked late.
That's when it had started.
All it took was one night, him planted at his desk, you at yours. Everyone else had finished up hours prior. His gaze had been enamoured by your every movement. Captivated. You didn't even notice him staring, eyes narrowing, assessing you. For some reason that lack of attention really irked him, it got right under his skin.
Then you had looked up.
"Colonel, can I ask you something?"
He had rolled himself back in his chair, wheels bumping on the uneven carpet, silently gesturing his acceptance of your question with hands open.
That slender figure of yours had rose from its stationary position, fingers selective over the sheets they picked up, neck flexing to stretch out the long hours of arduous work. It took seven strides for you to be right beside him, the scent of your skin filling his nostrils, the undone top button of your shirt just loose enough to provide the most fleeting distraction for his mind.
You had been speaking to him with a determined, stressed tone, arms brushing. He had listened to your every word, but he had also been admiring your details. The way your nails were in perfect manicured condition, yet the skin around them bitten and picked until they were red raw. The slightly oval shape of the mole which decorated the back of your hand as it flexed, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear, index finger pointing out that highlighted section and this highlighted section, there is a connection here right? Your handwriting in deep black ink small, neat, cursive even, at times. It made sense, it suited you.
The conversation was brief, hands tapping the sheets on his desk to straighten them into a bundle. Do you mind? You reached over him to borrow his stapler, binding them irreversibly, putting them back on your desk. The ladder in your tights as you walked away, what had you ripped that sheer black nylon on? 
When the door swung closed 43 minutes later, he raised that stapler to his mouth, breathing in the trace of you left behind. It's not like it even smelt of anything, he could barely understand the compulsion to do it.
And so the obsession had begun.
Your mug, swiped from the side of the sink one day.
That had been him.
The kettle boiling as eyes scrutinised where your lips had been, those faint marks from your lipgloss. His only desire to emulate you, copy your actions, pouring the water in, steeping the tea and drinking from exactly where you had.
But the simple thrill died off quickly, so he had to ramp it up, needing his fix. The more he fed it the more it grew like a malignance, uncontrolled, invading every single second of his thoughts. Thus, the more he needed you, his drug.
It surprised him, how a man of such stature could creep so unnoticed through the corridors at night. It actually took him a couple of tries to get the courage to follow through, his heart pounding, a sensation so intoxicating. The third night, his fist enveloped the door handle, carefully pressing down until it clicked and he could swing it open with ease. And there you lay. His heart hammering so loud he could actually hear it echoing gently within those four walls, your four walls.
In the end, you only noticed what he had done because all of your underwear was matching, the easiest way to pack for work. And suddenly, there was an odd number.
He found new excuses to be near you, to talk to you, to smell you, to watch you. Even if you didn't see him. The middle of the night, first just standing against the door, watching you from afar as you slept, your chest slowly rising and falling. Then he would sit on the floor, his face inches from yours, the exhilarating rush making him electric. You never stirred.
Everything was mesmerising, the way you sat, the way you chewed the inside of your cheek when concentrating, the tone of your voice, the flush of your cheeks, the way you walked, the way you ate. It consumed him. He needed you. But he would never touch you, not yet. The thought of requite was tempting, yet would kill off the private intense pleasure he got from knowing you didn't know.
It didn't take long for him to figure your whole routine out. Every night around 8 you would retire from the office and head to the shower block, you would take 20 minutes to wash the day off and then leave. And you always left your caddy of stuff there until the following morning.
So he would wait 10 minutes after you finished before going to the block and lathering his body in the same cubicle with your scent.
But you see, he needed his fix.
8.30 turned into 8.29, and he used your shampoo to wash his hair.
8.29 turned into 8.25 and he scrubbed his teeth clean with your toothbrush, still damp, faintly tasting of mint as he ran it over his enamel.
But he needed his fix.
So at 8.21 he went in, practically walking into you as you left, your small body colliding into his mass. It had shocked you. Sorry, Colonel.
You had simply no idea.
No idea as headed straight into the same cubicle as always, this time, fully clothed.
No idea as he knelt down, leaning his chest forwards, his nose millimetres from the acrylic base.
No idea as he stuck his tongue out and licked where your feet had been, lapping up a little of that stagnant water infused with you.
Now it was his turn to stay late in the office, turning all the lights out, basking in the darkness.
He leaned back taking in that f—king scent which lingered all over his skin, legs spread, staring at your file in the darkness. Large hands ran through his hair as he shifted forwards, clicking on your profile photo.
He could feel the twitching, begging for release, begging for the stroke of his palm to alleviate the tension. A single digit outlining your jaw on the screen. God he wanted to finally touch you, finally have you.
The door opened, that silhouette unmistakable, making his throbbing c-ck scream.
"Colonel, I need to ask you something."
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patrickispinky · 11 months
Derek: are you the big spoon or the little spoon?
Emily: i'm the knife
Jj: *from across the room* she's the little spoon
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sourlemonadez · 8 months
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cake batter goes boom and then splat
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simkaswriting · 9 months
♡dating jacob elordi♡
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tiegyen · 3 months
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POV : you're his OBSESSION.
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so386700 · 2 months
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“Eyo meet me back stage!”
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saintobio · 2 months
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐃 & 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓. (sneak peek)
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Sylus had carried you through the corridors of the base, his steps heavy with guilt and his shirt drenched in blood as you remained unconscious in his arms. The hunter girl had followed him in his spiritless steps, her eyes wide with confusion over his anguish.
Didn’t I do the right thing? she must be thinking, but he was too laden with grief to pay her any attention.
“Sylus, why are you doing this?!” she demanded, grabbing his arm to halt his progress. “She would’ve killed you. Did you forget?! That girl’s a traitor!”
Although he stopped in his tracks, he couldn’t really return her gaze. His eyes could only look at your lifeless ones. “That girl you shot in the head,” he spoke low and in despair, “is my woman.” 
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sleepy guy
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cursedkeyboard · 8 months
BIG BROTHER'S HERE ● Older brother!Suguru & Baby sibling!Reader
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You've been having nightmares about monsters lurking in your closet for a couple of days now. Suguru, your older brother, knows something is wrong with you.
Pairings: Platonic Geto Suguru & Baby sibling!Reader
Warning: Not proofread. Expect mistakes and edits!
If there's one thing Suguru had always been sure of, is that he knew you
Your parents had you when he was nine, most ten, so innocent and excited to be a big brother
He got to see you when you were just a bundle of hospital cloth, loud whines, and large eyes
No, really, your eyes took half of your face
You were the cutest thing he'd ever seen
From that day on, Suguru had sworn to be the best big brother to ever exist
He'd teach you everything he knew, help you with anything you wanted, and always protect you
Family and friends even called him your "second dad" whenever they saw Suguru putting you to sleep or feeding you or playing with you or...
Yeah, the kid loved being glued to you
Sure, he still had friends and his own interests like any other kid his age
But Suguru would rather be caught dead than to give up chances to spend time with you
He even begged his parents to let him take you outside in your stroller for sunlight and fresh air
It took then a little bit, but they eventually allowed him
Their neighborhood was safe, there were rarely any kidnapping cases around, and they only let him once you were one and he was eleven
As you grew up, Suguru definitely honored his promise by being the closest person to you
Always near, always helping, always nurturing
He knew your favorite type of baby food, the exact warmth you liked it at, the blankets you favored and the toys you never allowed anyone to take
Suguru would take naps with you on his chest, sing you to sleep when you woke up screaming, and play with you until you exhausted yourself
He was always there for you, especially when your parents were busy
So much so, in fact, that your first words weren't mama or papa
It was gu–gu
Yeah, some could say you were just being a baby and babbling, but he knew better
Because you had looked up at him, grabbed his hand with your tiny ones, and said it with a big smile
Don't tell anyone, but he definitely cried while hugging you
You'd eventually be able to say Sugu, then Suguru when you learned to roll your tongue, but Suguru would always hold that memory dear to his heart
And so, years passed quickly
Perhaps too quickly for your big brother, who would always feel his heart ache a little when his baby sibling didn't need help to do basic things anymore
But he was happy, overjoyed, that you grew into a happy and healthy child, always so energetic and ready for any play or challenge
Of course, you two had your disagreements at times, because kids will be kids and Suguru reached puberty when you were four and learning how to be bratty and contrary
However, compared to so many other siblings in the world, Suguru was proud to say you were definitely the closest of siblings
There wasn't a single thing he didn't know about you
That's why, now that you were seven and learning taking a more introverted personality like his own, your big brother immediately knew something was wrong with you once you started getting sleepier throughout the day
Blinking slowly, barely eating, nodding off whenever the two of you watched cartoons
And, now seventeen and keenly aware of so much evil in this world, Suguru immediately sought to fix the problem
The moment Suguru picked you up from school he knew he was going to talk to you about what was happening. It didn't seem to be the kids or teachers in your school, since the moment you walked out and saw him you were smiling and happy like aways, that rush of energy still in you from playing with your friends.
"Suguru!" You called out for him, quickly saying your goodbyes to the kids around you and running towards your tall big brother who stood out in the middle of all the waiting moms. "You're early!"
Suguru picked you up the moment you got close enough, making you squeal and giggle as he settled him on his broad back, smiling softly at how your small hands settled on his shoulders.
"We got let out earlier," He explained and waved a quick polite greeting at your teacher before leaving, beginning the trek back home. "Satoru wanted to go to the arcade but I missed my baby today."
You giggled again, a sound that never failed to make Suguru relax and forget all his troubles, if only for a moment, and rested your head in the crook of his neck. "'Toru is a big baby, not me!"
"Hmm, maybe you're both babies?"
"No, not me, 'Toru," You shook your head and Suguru avoided people walking around easily, being so tall and nimble had its advantages. "I'm getting bigger and bigger, and Toru acts like a child when I do not."
Well, he couldn't argue with that.
Instead, Suguru started asking you about your day like he always did and, like he expected, you couldn't even make it through half of your rant about the teacher taking away the yellow sharpies from everyone before falling asleep on his back, completely out.
Which, that in itself wouldn't be bad, but you used to spend hours after school talking his ears off, drawing, and insisting to watch cartoons. He sighed and moved you to his front, hugging you to his chest protectively, so worried he could feel a headache stab the back of his head.
Suguru was a special grade sorcerer, top of the class, and the most reliable when it came to problem solving skills, but most of all Suguru was the best big brother there is and he was going to fix whatever was wrong with you.
Like he always did.
That day, after you napped for a couple of hours, Suguru sat you down on the couch once he made sure you ate and showered
While he detangled your hair from the mess it had became in School, he started slow
Asking you if there was anything going on these days
If you were having any troubles in school
Maybe a bully or a new interest that was keeping you up?
It took a bit of digging, because Unfortunately, you two were very much alike
Which meant you also hid your anxieties and problems, even if Suguru always ended up finding out anyway
With a couple of deep breaths, you explained why you hadn't been able to sleep these days
Every night for the past week, you were getting nightmares
Nightmares about monsters, hideous creatures that would suck people's happiness then eat them bit by bit
And every time you woke up gasping and afraid, the door to your closet was open the slighest bit
Hesitantly, like you were afraid of being called a liar or made fun of, you told you brother you swore you saw something inside
Watching you. Waiting for something. Hungry.
And Suguru?
Not once did Suguru stop gently brushing your hair, keeping his hands steady and movements soft, which had a calming effect on you
But god, he could feel his body shaking under his skin
Fury threatening to bubble and spill over
Because those vivid nightmares, your exhaustion, the way you always looked so drained each morning...
He knew exactly what that meant and he couldn't possibly be angrier
Instead of scaring you with the face he was doing, Suguru started drying your hair, and once you finished talking, he hugged you close, comforting you
"It's alright, little one, I got you, big brother's got you."
That night, Suguru easily convinced you to have a sleepover in his room, full of your favorite stuffed animals and blankets
And when you were all tuckered out after talking tons and watching your favorite movie, snoring softly under Suguru's heavy covers, the teen left his room quietly
Slowly, he made his way towards yours
Shadows followed his every step, licking at his feet and dancing with each breath he took
The air shifted as he made his way inside, closing your door behind you, like it knew he was there
He pulled the door to your closet open, his movements ghostly as rage made his purple eyes almost glow in the night
The curse inside, a weak, puny thing he hadn't been able to sense, trembled under the taste of his erratic cursed energy
So pathetic and small
Fucking inconsequential
That thing dared to mess with his baby sibling
Make his baby sibling lose sleep as it sucked happiness and energy
So he did it slowly
Ripped it in pieces, bit by bit, until it was but a splatter on the floor
That night, he went back to his room after washing his hands and face, heart beating fast from the hatred coursing through his veins
Suguru lifted the blankets and tucked himself by your side, pulling you gently until he was curled around you
Then, only then, as you slept fitfully in his arms, safe and peaceful, he was able to calm down and relax
He would do better, grow stronger, kill every curse that dared to step food in a 100 mile radious of you
But Suguru knew there needed to be change
Curses had to disappear completely, one way or another
And Suguru would find a way, if not for the safety of his friends, then for yours
He would never let anything hurt you
No matter the cost
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Question! How does our beloved captain darling feel when his treasure peppers his face with kisses? (Lowkey something I'd love to do to my romantic partners if I ever had one lmao)
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Probably pretty lucky, since- well...
There's plenty of fish in the sea, but you chose him.
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alchexmy · 10 months
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he’s just a wee clean guy in a towel.
Hello, I’m Alex, your resident cod fanfic writer/bot creator. I will begin transcripts soon, pinky promise 🫶🏻✨
In the mean time, you can find me here:
“Y/N + core”
“Y/N + baking”
“Y/N + season”
“Y/N + pet”
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patrickispinky · 11 months
Spencer: You're the love of my life, my best friend. I would do anything for you.
Y/n: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a descent sleeping schedule.
Spencer: Absolutely not.
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sturncrazy · 9 months
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( prt 2 )
- Chris Sturniolo x y/n (fem)
- warnings: mentioning of drinking, language, kissing, some making out
- authors note: this chpt is pretty pg nothing beyond a little heavy kissing….things don’t heat up until the next part. you gotta have some build up yk…
summary: you attended an end of year party for your school with your friends but run into chris who you don’t get along with. someone has the bright idea of starting a game of spin the bottle and your whole night changes…
word count: 2,224 w
It was one of the last friday nights of school before your summer vacation started and you were trying to make the most of it by dragging yourself out to a party with you friends. It was a small party, all things considered, with only about 25 other people there, but it was still enough bodies to make the basement setting a bit stuffy for your liking. The room buzzed with voices and shitty rap music from some of the boys being on aux. The dim orangey old lighting made the room feel extra hazy. You sat on a couch surveying the group and fussy with your skirt that was a little too short to sit safely. The group was full of familiar faces from your classes, some more than others. You noticed your friend Madi, who’d wanted you to come here in the first place, already stumbling and slurring a bit in the corner by some guys. Staring down at your lukewarm half empty white claw, you decided to go get something stronger…it would be an awfully long night if you ended up being the sober one. As you headed towards the table with the drinks you bumped into Matt.
“Hey y/n! You okay?”
he asked giving you a half hug. you and Matt had been friends for a couple years now after you’d gotten close to his brother nick. Matt was a sweetheart and always had a reassuring presence.
“Yeah! Hey Matt! Yeah no i’m good just need somethin else to drink”
“Gotcha. Well Chris is lurking over by the drinks so tell him i said to stop being a dick to everyone when you see him” He said letting out a small snort and then running off to catch up with his friend Nate.
Perfect…you’d have to interact with Chris. You couldn’t understand why, but you and Chris never clicked. It was strange since you were so close with both his brothers and Madi, who was basically his sister, was your best friend. But the two of you never got along. He was snarky and condescending. You didn’t like his whole superiority complex. And you knew it was a mutual issue. He always made underbreath remarks about you being a “tight ass.” Even though that wasn’t the case at all, you were just shy. Whatever, doesn’t matter what he thinks you thought to yourself as you built back up the will power to continue your mission to get another drink.
You tried to avoid looking at Chris as you scanned the half emptied bottles of various liquors, all probably snagged from oblivious parents collections, but you could feel his eyes drilling into your skull.
“Another drink already y/n?” Chris snarled at you.
“What? you expecting me to hand you a drink voucher or something?” you spat back still avoiding actually looking at him.
“No need to get all huffy. just thought you’d be shitting yourself after a sip of a claw is all” he snickered at his own comment.
“You know I can drink, Chris. You’ve seen me drink before” You said snagging a solo cup and pouring some juice in it.
“Oh no….do we need to have an intervention is it time for the AA meeting?” he teased, mocking you, as you started to unscrew a bottle of vodka. this made you snap.
“screw you you know what i meant. Don’t give me shit. at least i’m actually fun at parties” you said, finally looking up at him. He stood lazily leaning against the wall. he wore loose fit black jeans that sat on his body casually with air forces peaking out of the bottom paired with a simple white t shirt. a stupidly simple outfit that had no business looking that good. You felt a lump in your throat as you scanned his face. Wide blue eyes, slightly hazy from whatever was in his own red cup he’d been toying with, gazed at you with a sarcastic glint through a curtain of mussed brown hair. You hated the fact that for some reason actually looking a Chris always made your stomach do a little cartwheel.
“Like you weren’t just off in the corner just like me a few minutes ago” he retorted
“What’re you watching me?”
“Just observing my surroundings” he lifted his glass to you in a phony cheers before taking a sip, annoyingly unbothered by your attempted jab at him.
“Well it’s not my fault that the party’s been a little dull” you sulked and let a few too many glugs of vodka slam into your cup
“Don’t blame the party. we both know even if this was a rager you’d be clinging to a wall. You’re not capable of letting loose, but hey not everyone in this world is meant to have fun. it’s why we have like math and shit”
You knew he was doing whatever he could to just get under your skin and it was working. You hated how much you wanted to prove him wrong, but you knew another word out of you in protest would only make him cockier. You slammed your revolting concoction to try to suffocate the things you wanted to spit out at him. Shivering slightly, you made another cup full, aware of the fact that his eyes were still on you. Luckily, in that moment a plastered Madi came bounding over to you with Nick not far behind.
“Y/N cmon we’re gonna start a around of spin the bottle so I can try to kiss the boy from my biology class i was telling you about”
“But shhhhh donttell anyone cause it’s a secret” Nick added drunkly giggling and clinging to madi
“I dunno guys isn’t that game kinda childish” you said mostly fearing the idea of getting stuck kissing some gross slobbery drunk guy
“oh cmonnnnn y/n don’t be boring it’ll be funnnn it’s always fun to stir the pot at parties” Nick continued whining
“Yeah don’t be boring y/n” Chris chimed in, clearly listening in on this whole conversation.
“Chris come on you come too!” Madi said attempting to drag him in
“If i have to watch him kiss anyone i will puke on the spot” Nick said grimacing at the thought
“Yeah i’ll pass” Chris said pulling back
“Ugh whatever, you coming y/n?” Madi asked pleading with you. You hesitated. Chris let out a small chuckle
“What?” you asked him.
“Nothin. Just the day I see you play a game like that i’ll shit twice and die.”
“hmmm. your funeral. yeah madi, let’s go” you said taking your friends hand and shooting him a look. for a second you thought you saw a wave of actual surprise flash across his face.
“REALLY?! YAY!!!” Madi cheered doing a little dance and pulling you to follow nick who’d already darted off to collect other people to play. Chris stood there looking unsure of what to do, but unfortunately Madi saw this too. She grabbed him by the wrist with her other hand yanking him along too
“Cmon chris if you’re such a lady’s man u can’t back out of a little game”
The three of you joined a cluster forming on the floor of people surrounding an empty pink whitney bottle. Chris had managed to break off from Madis grasp, but hadn’t decided to leave the circle. Instead he headed towards a few of his lacrosse friends. You carefully sat on the floor beside Madi as Nick started the game.
The beginning part was boring— mostly suffering through watching other intoxicated teens smush spitty mouths together. you found yourself continually reaching for your little red cup to make the experience more tolerable. It had started to have its effects on you and you were sitting in a blissful bubble of your own fuzzy buzzed state when you became aware of madi poking at you.
“Cmon y/n go! it’s your turn to spin” she slurred as your face flushed hot with embarrassment from delaying the game. you heard chris and one of his friends snicker and you shot him daggers from across the room as you reached for the bottle. You gave it a solid spin and watched it rotating, making you dizzy. slowly it began to end its journey and pick your fate. it stopped. you heard an “oh shit” muttered from close by your side as your gaze followed the direction of the bottle cap…to a pair of white air forces sticking out of black denim. No fucking way. you thought to yourself as you were met by the same wide blue eyes from earlier looking at you. Annoyingly unfazed yet again. Chris.
“Puckerup Chrissy” one of his friends laughed shoving at him
Your body froze as he actually began to move forward towards you. He was close enough you could smell the exhilarating sent of his cologne. Your breath hitched as you realized maybe there was a part of you excited for this kiss.
“let’s just get this over with, yeah?” Chris said before leaning in and giving you a heartless peck on the lips. Your heart sank and you felt a flick of shame and rage heat the back of your neck.
This was only made worse when a few turns further in the game chris landed on a different girl and you watched in horror as they sloppily kissed far longer than a first land in the game was supposed to call for. As he pulled away from her you could’ve sworn you caught him look at you for a reaction. A desire to get back at him bubbled inside of you. When your next turn came you spun the bottle as hard as you could, trying to ignore the jittering mix of nerves and anger in your body. slowing slowing slowing…..stopped. You looked. on the other end of the bottle was Nate. Chris’s best friend. Bingo. The spin the bottle gods had been on your side.
Nate gave you a small smile as you two met in the middle of the circle. You leaned in for a heated kiss which was met by nate eagerly pushing into the early stages of a make out. A series of “oooooo”s let out across the room at your display. You pulled away and were pleasantly surprised to see a disgusted glance from chris. he slammed the rest of his drink and attempted to look distracted.
the rest of the game was taking far too long for your liking as people started having repeats which lead to make out sessions. but you knew the worst would be when the 7 minutes of heaven rounds started for the poor unfortunate suckers who got stuck with the same person 3 times. Your third turn came and you gave the bottle a pathetically weak spin…probably a result of your beverage. it gave a half-assed scooch.
“NO WAY” you heard madi chuckle and to your horror you saw it was Chris…again. But this time there’d be no escaping it with a peck. You’d be counted down for 10 seconds to make out. 10 whole seconds. you’d rather die.
“Cmon Chris don’t mail it in this time pussy” you heard his friend taunt.
If you hadn’t known better, you would’ve said he looked almost nervous as he approached you again. This gave you a strange sense of confidence and you wanted to embarrass him some more. You leaned in and gave him a passionate kiss. Charged by the rage and disgust for him and desire to prove him wrong…or so you told yourself…you felt him freeze on the other side of your lips as the group chanted “SIX FIVE FOUR” but in those last four seconds something shifted. Suddenly his lips relaxed and molded against yours. You felt a him take a small inhale before diving back in with force against your mouth. for a moment you forgot this was ever a game. The two of you pulled apart from one another and you scurried back and started at your shoes in a desperate attempt to avoid any eye contact with chris after that. What was that. Something had felt like it was on fire during that kiss. It felt hungry and desperate. Not like a drunk make out or any stupid game. Mulling over what had happened you lost track of the game until you heard someone say “ok chris your go”
your head shot up. chris’s eyes were on you as he reached for the bottle. you watched as he gave it an oddly light spin. it landed on you.
the room was met with a deafening amount of “whoops” and cheers at the first 3rd land.
the first 7 minutes in heaven land. you thought you would throw up on the spot as your entire body froze.
“Into the closet you two” one of the girls said as she rushed over to open up a door to a dusty looking pocket of a room across the basement. you watched chris stand up and casually saunter over towards the storage space. Hands on your back shoved you forward…probably madi. swallowing, you forced yourself to move your legs hesitantly.
“what’re you afraid i’ll bite you? just fuckin get in” Chris said irritability, causally leaning back with his arms folded in the closet. You headed to the opened door.
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simkaswriting · 9 months
♡dating jacob elordi♡
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hollowfyshunsuikubo · 7 months
Mayuri Kurotsuchi Headcannons
A/N: Thie fic itself is going to take a while (Uni started up again and I am Suffering) so to feed yall before the self-indulgent smut im going to write, here's some SFW and NSFW headcannons. NSFW (and NSFW contents + warnings) is below the cut!
Mayuri Kurotsuchi x Gn!Reader (but Fem!Reader mentioned for NSFW)
Warnings: Smut, general Mayuri insanity, Slight Yandere themes, mentions of minor surgery, goofy silly moods
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You and Mayuri tend to have a very argumentative relationship once you've been dating for a few years
In the beginning, he was very possessive but also distant
He was very in denial that he felt anything, but he opened up after a while
You two have lots of arguments over morals and people
He believes that as long as you're safe, everything is fine
You're just trying to tell him that yes, you're safe. But the damned shinigami noble on the table getting a second heart because they paid for a years worth of funding is definitely not at that particular moment.
Hes often rude and blunt, but he means it in a good way. He'll often sound disinterested, but if you ask him about what you were talking about, he'll repeat it word for word and ask if you're going to continue or if he can keep working.
His version of being sweet is showing you his Lans and creations, but keeping you close my his side, his long nail always touching you if he needs to move forward or a little further away to show you something
Has definitely tried to show you how to dissect something odd, like another shinigami he picked up stole from the 4th Division. Needless to say, a fight broke out between you two, which ended with a scalpel and Akon both being thrown.
He also likes to have you sit on his lap while he's working.
Did he make a chair that he can sit in comfortably while you sit on his lap? Yes.
Does this chair have more comfort than any other chair in the 11th Division? Also yes.
Hes quite big on quality time you see, mixed with physical affection
Though some days, when he's more on edge than others, he'll opt to keep you in sight, but doesn't want to be touching you.
Like cuddling with you at night, when he can be bothered to sleep.
When he is very busy and can't make it to bed, he'll send Nemu with his regrets. He'd prefer to go himself, but it's far too busy.
He has contemplated installing a lavish, closed off, private, quadruple password locked room for you in his lab, just so he can see you easier, but he felt it may be too dangerous for you
He also enjoys seeing you chat with Nemu, though he does reprimand her if she gets too 'free' with you. Nemu is just happy her master is happy.
Nemu treats you like a mother. Yes I believe that Mayuri and Nemu are father daughter and not husband and wife come @ me. She enjoys going on "surveillance trips" with you (AKA walks around the Seireitei)
Moving on to nicknames and pet names, he doesn't really use them, but he does have clear favorites when he's in the mood. Baby and my dear are his go-tos if he feels mushy, but sweeting and rabbit are for his muh softer moments. He likes using rabbit as a teasing word. Not bunny, rabbit. He doesn't like bunnies.
He likes making sure you have things to do if you want to spend time alone, or if he's too busy.
His Captain's salary used to fully go towards funding the lab, but buying you things you want is also a good use of his money.
Hes never overstepped that particular boundary of excessive buying, though, especially if you're money conscious (all my people raised poor wya!)
Being with Mayuri is generally just an odd, but fun, if a little strained, time.
Tiny drabble:
It was cold today. You were bundled up as warmly as possible, attempting to not freeze before you go to Mayuri. You'd hoped to see him last night, you even stayed up far past your usual time, but Nemu poked her head around the corner and said that he'd regretfully be spending the night in the lab. You were welcome to join him, though.
You declined. It's been getting much colder, so you stayed in bed.
Now you wished you hadn't. You're tired and cold. A few Division members say hellos to you as you walk, and when you finally reach the lan, you see Mayuri in his chair, hunched over the console, looking at data.
"Nice of you to join me. Come, sit, now." He waved you over, not taking his eyes off the console. When you pause to wrap yourself up a little more, you hear the clacking of his fingers on the keys stop. "Sweeting, come here."
You forget about how cold you are and hurry on over. He's already leaning back in his seat, his hands away from his console, his brow irritated that he has to wait for you. You slide into his lap, and the smart chair registers that you're there. Another back pops up behind you, soft and squishy. But you opt to snuggle into Mayuri. His headpiece is a little annoying, but it's more endearing knowing you've seen what's underneath. That handsome face, alongside the soft lips that aren't covered with paint. He is finally able to get back to work, not saying another word.
That is, until he notices how many layers you're wearing.
"This lab has the best technology in the entire Soul Society, underfloor heating, and is warmed precisely so nobody is every distracted by the cold. If you're feverish or sick, go back to my room. I will provide you with warmth and a cure-all for your sickness." He doesn't look zt you just yet.
He feels a little insecure. How would you get sick? Is he not doing enough to keep you safe and healthy? Does he need to strengthen your immune system so he can spend more hours like this with you?
"I'm just a little cold, that's all." You reply gently. "There's nothing wrong with it. I'm not sick." Your reassurances did nothing to persuade him, but he supposed he could at least keep an eye on you while you're with him. At least you're with him. If you weren't, he have to take drastic measures to make sure you were. Nobody else was going to have you, that was for sure.
"Hmph. Fine." His clacking increased in speed. You closed your eyes, ready to finally cure the tired part of you, when you heard the clacking stop again and fabric wrap around you.
You opened your eyes to find he's wrapped his Captain's cloack around you, pulling you closer to him while also keeping you warm. The combination of his body heat the warmth of the cloak, and the renewed rhythmic tapping of his fingers on the keyboard fixed all your ills. The cold and your tiredness ebbed as you fell asleep in his arms, nestles close to him.
Despite the fact he was still working, he cursed you fot breaking his concentration. You were a little pest sometimes.
But at least you were his pest. He'd been working all night, after all... having you asleep with him, providing hum some much deserved affection as a reward for his hard work was worth it. After all, he was the most intelligent man in the Soul Society. He deserved to have a beautiful woman on his arm, in his arms, providing him with pesky emotions he didn't exactly not like, but rather enjoyed. He especially liked the strange fuzzy feeling he gets whenever he sees your peaceful sleeping face. What was that feeling called again?
a/n tried to keep it as gn!reader as possible, but there is ONE mention of a womb and pregnancy. (I fully believe Mayuri would give a biological male a working uterus and womb just to get them pregnant though)
WARNINGS: Sex toys, marking, nipple play, slight exhibitionism, breeding kink, degrading, power play, mentions of branding, mentions of knifeplay, semi-public sex, creampies, mentions of cock, womb mention/s (f!reader), masturbation, implied yandere in drabble
So, he likes toys.
Hes even made them for you.
Vibrating dildos in the shape of his cock to keep you coming while he's not there.
Vibrating panties that are so silent you can't hear it when you're right next to them.
A little toy kind of like the rose toy, except it's unsettlingly like his actual tongue
Needless to say, he's got you covered while he's away
When he's with you?
Throwing it out there: he's a scientist. He's made his dick bigger. We've all seen how he carries Ashisogi Jizo. BDE.
So: 8.5 inches (cut, he likes to be clean) he keeps it unpainted (most of the time) and his balls are clean shaven, having slightly low. Good girth on him, enough to be somewhat of a stretch but not unpleasant. Really good hygiene down below too.
Anyway, he likes to study your reactions
The first few time you had sex, all he did was watch you. He even took notes.
You can't find the notes he took but you're sure that if you can't, nobody else but he can.
He's memorized your weakest, spongy spots
knows you live having your nipples sucked and licked and gently pulled.
those first few times were just you orgasming over and over and over again
loves biting. Marking is a big thing for him, as it shows that you belong to him.
Doesng like to mark with you cum though, as he feels it's a waste
Breeding kink? No
Hatred of wasting perfectly good seed with the potential to grow a genius nearly at his level within your womb? ✨️yes✨️
Is a more dominant man in bed, though likes to power bottom if you really want to ride.
The few times he's properly subbed for you, he didn't mind it, but he'd rather not
You made your sexual boundaries clear, but he's always asked permission to test them. A small brand he healed and got rid of here, a few interesting nights with knifeplay there...
Mayuri may be off the rails, but he'd do anything to keep you by his side. He knows your boundaries, and he knows his.
Moving on, he loves to degrade you.
Filthy slut, naughty whore, stupid bitch, and little cumdumpster seem to be his favorites
He loves the risk of being caught, as he loves the risk of you being humiliated
But he always makes sure you're never caught.
You'd be in an alley way, his cock thrusting in and out like a piston, one leg hoisted into the air, the cold air hitting your most sensitive part while he uses you like a toy, his other hand gripped firmly under your chin to tilt your head back to look at him.
You're dripping everywhere, the sounds of his dick going in and out of you something so lewd and pornographic you can't even contain your moans.
"You'd like to be caught, wouldn't you, you little whore? Go on, cum then, give the men who will walk past something to lick up and stare at."
When you cum, he shoves two fingers in your mouth, causing you to choke a little. He doesn't stop his hips, but you can feel your eyes rolling as he keeps abusing that sweet, sensitive spot inside you
Without warning, he's all the way in, his tongue running down your neck to bite the junction between your shoulder and neck as he cums deeply inside you.
Theres always a lot of it, to the point where it's almost like hes got years worth just stored there (even though your sex life is somewhat regular)
Oh yeah. I don't think Mayuri has a high sex drive, per se, I just think he likes to be close with you. Any chance he gets, he's like to be spending quality time with you and touching you in some way, and sex is quite good for that.
aftercare is pretty odd tbh
"You did better than I thought you would."
he generally likes to hold you close, and uses his captains hoari to wipe you down, if you want to be wiped down.
not many kisses, but he'll talk about the most insane things (i.e, how exciting it would be to study Ichigo Kurosaki, how annoying Captain Shunsui is, nitpicking over Akons work in the lab) quietly to help you get to sleep
once you're asleep, that's when the real aftercare starts
If your an afab, as much as he hates wasting it, he gives you a little injection to prevent his seed from taking hold in your womb
because of course, he's modified his semen to bypass any and all forms of birth control
after that, he cleans himself up, becayse he actually hates feeling sticky (as fun as it all was, that's one of his few icks when it comes to sex) he gets all the cum, the bodypaint, the sweat, and blood (if there is any) off before going back to bed
lastly, he'd make sure the bed was comfortable enough for him to settle down into, and he cuddles with you for as long as he can before either morning comes or he has to go back to work
he likes to cage you to him while you sleep, making sure you really can't escape
Tiny nsfw drabble:
His mouth devoured yours, much like how a lion would devour it's first meal in days. In the tiny corner of the lab, a hidden room long covered over but with no dust on any surface- he must have planned this, you think -he presses you against the wall, kissing you with such passion yet such possessiveness, you wonder if this is how the moon feels knowing the sun chases her. Knowing such heat is so close, yet only the sun can demand when you shine from it.
Everything in your mind turned into mush as he shoved you further against the wall, the pommel of Ashisogi Jizo pressing into your stomach, pushed a little further out than normal from his hard cock, still confined into his pants.
You tried. You really did. You knew his rule -"No touching until I tell you," -but it was so hard to abide by when you hadn't had him in over a week. It had been so busy, what with his newest big project...
So your hands moved to the front of his hakama, gently cupping his growing bulge through the fabric. You were rewarded so kindly for your disobedience, with a low growl from him and a hand flying to your throat to stop you from moving anymore, but the gentle grinding of his clothed cock against your hand. His lips nipped at yours and when you opened your mouth to gasp, he slipped his tongue inside, Ashisogi Jizo pressing painfully into your stomach as he leaned his entire body against you, quite desperate now to relieve himself of how hard he was. When he took his hand away from your neck, for a brief moment you had perfect clarity, and realized he wasn't going to punish you today.
Mayuri needed you. Over a week of yearning, battling himself and working so hard for his projects costs and hard work to pay off, he deserved to just stop talking. He deserved to not have to speak, to not say any words or make any sound. He just needed you.
The air was hot as you two writhed. His needs were coming and coming fast, much before yours, but when he dipped his head to bite and suck on your neck, his headpiece digging into your jaw, if felt as if you were about to orgasm just from that.
His hands were rough, pawing at your waist and ass, as if he could tear off your clothes and skin and get to the bones underneath, and make messy, bloody, raw love to your insides. Mayuri was a mess, to the point where he himself, who prided himself on his sharp mind and ability to be clear-headed through anything, began just desperately thrusting his clothes cock into your hand.
Your moans and little gasps when he kept attacking your neck with his lips and teeth, his body pain leaving marks of his lips all over your skin, but not marks like he loves to give, bruises formed by his lips that both adored and condemned you. Lips that lied and manipulated and coerced you into staying once, lips that now tried to make up for all lost time.
As soon as Mayuri found that sensitive spot on your neck- he didn't go straight for it this time, odd... -you scrambled wit your hands to pull down his hakama pants and grabbed ahold of his bare cock. The fleshy hardness of it, the girth, and the length... you couldn't do it alone, but he would help you out. He groaned into you neck, the second sound he's made since he dragged you into this small, abandoned room, pleased with you. He began thrusting, sloppily, into your hands, as you tilted your head back as he kept on kissing and marking your neck. One of his hands moved to paw at your chest, blindly reaching into your shihakusho to toy with one of your nipples as his tongue lapped at your neck.
You're breathy moans and whines, mixed alongside his occasional grunts, echoed in the room, and despite the locked door, he selfishly wished he'd dragged you anywhere else, just so nobody would hear you but him.
At the reminder to himself that you were his, his alone, and his until he chose to discard you (which he would never do), he grunts then exhales from the back of his throat, his cum coating your hands. He slowed his thrusts down, he stopped kissing your neck so hungrily, and he withdrew his hand from the inside of your shihakusho. His breathing was heavy still, and he looked at you with half lidded eyes filled with fire.
You felt a pull in your gut as his cock, which had been softening ever so slightly, hardened again. Mayuri kissed your neck softly, featherlight, before pulling his head back, but he didn't move his hips, or try to escape the grasp your hands had on his dick.
"You're not going to waste the next few, are you, my dear?" His voice is husky, raw with emotion. The look in his eyes reminds you of a man starved, a softly boiling rage born from need of something just beyond his reach. Mayuri leans forward to brush his lips against yours, his long nail on his right hand slowly tracing down the front of your disheveled shihakusho, opening it for his eyes and his eyes only. To see your skin, unmarred for over a week, displayed before him...
"I won't."
Your voice breaks him from his thoughts, and his gaze flicks to yours again. He grins, a predator, a man who will take what he needs to soothe his hunger.
"Good. On your knees then, and don't be wasteful."
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