#yogurt marker
kannabia · 1 year
Microwaves, coffee makers, and other household appliances that can be used with marijuana
Our kitchens are filled with a great variety of devices that make our lives easier, but did you know that some of them can have a special relationship with cannabis? Microwaves, coffee makers, ovens, or even yogurt makers can be used in different ways to create synergies (both good and bad) with our favourite plant. Here we show you how.
Some people take weed extremely seriously. Beside buying the latest and greatest cannabis strains, there is also a thriving market of kitchen appliances for fans of this plant. From specific models to create edibles to the latest portable extraction technology, this is a booming sector that continues to grow in places like the U.S.
Read the article here
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darewolfcreates · 2 months
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Goodnight Splatoon 1's server's and thank you for everything.
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I remember seeing the first trailer for Splatoon. At first I wasn't interested at all... a shooter game? Not my style of game play... But then I kept watching and wow... I just got so captivated by what I saw that it was the first game I had ever pre-ordered that wasn't a Pokemon game. I used to do something called the "24 hour challenge" something that no one else but me did because I made it up. I would stay up the full 24 hours for Splatfest for the first handful of Splatfests and play the wholeeeee time. Or at least until my brother wanted to play and I'd take a nap, haha. That stopped once school started up again but those memories of my 24 hour challenges are still ones that I hold close to my heart. My first real Splatoon friend was Nick! We would play the new stages together in recon as soon as they would come out and we were both online. We still talk and I'd still consider him one of my closest friends. Thanks for sticking with me all these years Nick, I appreciate you more than words could ever express. I've made more Splatoon friends over the years and I'm happy to have every single one of you. Here's to the future!
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brightclaws5tudios · 3 months
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Although nobody likely cares, I'll post some OC lore. Because I have COVID and will be confined to one small room for many days, and my neurodivergent ass can't handle that.
The character's name is Nairin Chauveron, and he's from a species called Shadows. These creatures have the ability to use magic and live for a very long time, and can also become Beast creatures. His, for example, is some weird giant white fox thing. However, Shadows are prone to a disease widely known as Corruption, which screws up their magic and can alter their forms.
They have crystals on their bodies, usually their chests, made of similar materials to their bones and horns. When a Shadow has Corruption, these crystals, or Cores, as they're known, fill up with dark magic when they usually contain regular life force. This makes the Shadow have a lot of negative effects, which I might explain later if prompted. (Although I most likely will not be prompted.)
Anyway, Nairin is pretty much the new king of the mountains, and I call him the bean man because he has paw feet with toe beans. He's also a slut. If you want to read the story I wrote featuring him, here's the link: https://www.wattpad.com/1318871197-mirror-dreams-not-this-dream-again-chapter-1
The story posts irregularly and it's mostly so I can get myself to do things. The first pic was drawn by me a while ago, the second is in a Picrew, the link is here: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1414503
I might post more about him later, and I had another, newer image somewhere, but seeing as I can't find it, that'll have to wait.
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yogurtea · 5 months
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big things happening………
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hexcodesims · 10 months
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mikhail is unsure about 95% of the foods he's tried but boy is he cute about it huh
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chaosandmarigolds · 22 days
hi!! and here i am again, asking for the same thing, but I just love it so much and-
can we have more of ghost and his adopted daughters? 👀
(Spins dramatically in chair) yes. Because I have been thinking about it.
Adoptive dad!Simon, who really didn’t think of himself as the ‘daddy-daughter date type’ until Macey
Or more of until she randomly mentioned it during dinner.
“It-it’s weird ya know?” She mumbled as she picked at the food on her plate, “Jane said it-it was-It’s stupid. So so stupid.”
So, like any sane person, he made it his mission.
Now he knows Macey, or he knows her enough, she doesn’t want a little dinner and movie (quality time in that sense)
Nor would she want to get ‘dolled up’
What she would want was a trip to the local skate shop and get some new shoes, and the sporting goods store for some new gear
So, when he picked her up he gave her a crooked smile which she seemed taken back by-
“Is Miss Riley okay? What happened?” Macey was quiet as she buckled herself into the car and she sinks into the cushion.
Simon shakes his head, changing the gear, “Thought ya might wanna go by tha’ place you like on third? Then we might get some dinner fore’ goin to the skate park, yeah?”
He would let her pick everything out, and even if she told him to not get anything- oops he already bought it
And yes, he did let her teach him how to skateboard-and yes, he did bite the dust at least two times before
Now- Macey is his girl and Taylor- she’s his princess
Taylor is basically stuck to his hip, she clings to him like a she has Velcro or something
It’s a sight to see too, especially when he’s in his gear (and darn that was a woozy to calm those two down the first time they saw him in that gear- sobbing for hours) and her with her bright pink dress and pigtails each with mismatching bows she picked out
Unlike Macey, Taylor went straight to calling him dad after a week and a half
“Daddy can we go to the ice cream store?”
“Ice cream store? Ya mean the frozen yogurt place?”
“Noooo!! Yogurt yuck, ice cream!”
Macey? It’s on and off, sometimes on the days where she’s really relaxed it’ll slip out, which it was obvious by her reaction that it was an accident
She would stiffen and her posture would all of a sudden straighten
And obviously he gets it, it’s not like she has to- but he does have to hide his smile whenever it does happen (and yes, he does full on smile- a bit crooked due to the scarring around there but nonetheless)
On that!! The girls quickly realized that the ‘scowl’ they were getting was actually a smile that was altered to a nasty scar running down the face
Taylor uses colored markers to color in his tattoos, will sit for hours, even did it during the final adoption court
(Annnnnyway that’s all I got for right now! Comments, feedback and all that jazz mean so so so much! <33)
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starrystevie · 1 year
"ids?" the curly headed bouncer asks and honestly, for a seedy hicktown bar, steve's surprised they have a bouncer at all, let alone one who looks that good under dim neon lights.
he can feel robin, ever the queen of nonchalance, freeze next to him before shoving her hand into her vest pocket and fumbling around for her fake. steve on the other hand pulls his license confidently out of his wallet and holds it out for the guy to see, turning to ask robin a question.
"so what are you going to get first-"
"no good, buddy." the bouncer looks regretful and already has his sharpie in hand to mark the back of his hand. steve sputters and drops his hand before double checking that he pulled out his id and not something dumb like a frozen yogurt punch card or family video membership card.
"what do you mean, 'no good'? how can it be no good? robin-"
his license isn't expired, it's not a fake, his face is clearly there and visible in all it's beautiful glory, and it should be able to get him into some shitty dive with no problem. the bouncer already has robin's hand in his and making a large black x on the back as she grins sheepishly at steve.
"sorry, i had to cave," she whispers while inspecting the marker lines under the dingy street light. "it's not exactly the most convincing fake."
"and you," the bouncer interrupts with a finger pointing in steve's direction and a very attractive smirk that steve is absolutely not going to think about later, "are a few weeks shy of 21, so give me your hand."
steve scowls, eyebrows pulled together and crosses his arms over his chest. "oh, come on man... look. i wasn't even going to get anything hard, just a beer or something. gotta be good to drive this thing home, you know?"
he hears robin squawk at being called a thing and bats his hand away from where he gestured to her with his thumb. he hears the bouncer laugh at either steve or robin, he's not sure, but he's very sure that he wants to hear the laugh again. he smiles in return, tries to flash the harrington charm to worm his way out of being resolved to ginger ale all night and he thinks he might have cracked the guy but then-
"nice try, pretty boy." his hand is being pulled up and the cool tip of the sharpie is pressing into his hand. steve rolls his eyes, ignores robin cackling in the background and crowing something about how it serves him right, and looks down to see the bouncer writing even more on his hand than just an x.
there's a scrawl of numbers underneath the black lines that force him to stay sober followed by a name, eddie, and a smaller x followed by o. cute, he thinks, and feels his cheeks flare up like a light.
"steve, let's go!" robin yells through the doorway as the band they came to see kicks up, the smooth voice of their singer already greeting the crowd through the tinny speakers.
"for later, if you want." the bouncer smirks and pats the back of steve's hand, his fingers trailing over the drying marker in a very not subtle way, leaving fire in it's wake. "i get off at 1 and i have beer that i'm willing to share without the eyes of the law following us. consider it an early birthday present, steve."
steve gives him a smirk in return and nods before turning to follow robin into the bar, throwing a wink over his shoulder. "happy birthday to me, then."
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lefteagleblizzard · 1 month
𝕭𝖊𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖊𝖘𝖐
Derek danforth x gender neutral reader
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Summary: as Derek’s personal assistant, it’s your job to do whatever you need to in order to make your boss’ day run smoothly.
This is like a continuation of the other story that I wrote for Derek, but can also be read as a standalone.
You can also read this on wattpad or ao3
Warnings: gender neutral reader. No use of Y/N. Smut! Oral sex (reader giving). Dom Derek. Boss x advisor relationship. Sorry for bad grammar. Sorry if it’s cringe. Enjoy :)
Word counts: 3000+
The coffee pot is already halfway empty when you walks into the staff kitchen at half past eleven, the handle of your green and white spotted mug hanging loosely from your fingertips. You nod a greeting at a coworker of yours, scrolling through her Blackberry as she sips from her own orange mug, and step up to the counter. Setting your cup down on the linoleum surface, you grab the pot and fill the cup two-thirds with the liquid energy that doesn’t work as well as it used to.
The office is abuzz with the usual hustle and bustle. People huddle around the coffee machine, tapping away at keyboards, and discussing weekend plans.
You could hear whispers barely audible from behind you.
You strut past, your chin held high. You catch their stares but don’t flinch.
They are more than likely talking about the purple constellation that adorned your neck.
Courtesy of the esteemed boss, Mr. Danforth. They are like a badge of honor, they show how dedicated to your job you were.
You open the cabinet overhead and digs out three packets of sugar and a stirrer. Tossing them next to your mug, you traverse the small space to the fridge and pull open the door to grab the hazelnut creamer off the side. When you turns around, closing the fridge door with your elbow, Mickey is squeezing into the room around the woman as she leaves.
“Need a boost already?” Mickey asks with a bit of laughter in his voice.
Mickey is one of the members of the UDG and, although he and you aren’t particularly close outside of the office, he makes for good company during the day.
You offers up a smile before returning your attention to your coffee. “I’ve been running around all morning coordinating the arrival plans of various investors,” you explain, opening the creamer and filling your mug the rest of the way. “And there’s that joint meeting with Production after lunch so I can’t risk passing out.”
Putting the creamer aside, he tears open all three packets of sugar at once and pours them in.
Mickey hums sympathetically even though he’ll be sitting in on the meeting as well. He takes a quick look at the side of your neck, rolling his eyes at the indecency in trying at least to hide obvious things. He goes to grab a cup of greek yogurt with his name written along the top and side in thick, black marker, nabbing the creamer on his way to the fridge to put it back.
You gently stir your coffee to dissolve the sugar. You curl your fingers around the handle, careful so they don’t brush against the burning stoneware.
“Long night, eh?” He said while glancing back quickly at your neck with his eyes.
“Oh, you have no idea.” your eyes gleaming as you remembered the party that occurred the night before.
You raised the mug in a wave and laughed at the annoyed pinch of Mickey’s eyebrows. Lifting the mug to your lips, you take a sip off your coffee as you turn to walk through the floor back to your own office. It’s still much too hot, and you may have overdone it on the sugar, but you need the caffeine to kick in sooner rather than later.
You walk past, triumphant, leaving behind your coworkers still whispering behind your back, unapologetically proud. Because sometimes, in the corporate jungle, you’ve got to wear your bruises with pride.
The department is in a casual disarray with the preparations for the afternoon meeting, the potential launch of a new line of products the main stressor. It’s still rather early in discussion; all of the serious panicked overtime work won’t happen for another couple months.
Taking another sip of your coffee before placing your mug down on the coaster you drunkenly stole from a sports bar a few months ago, you drag over your tablet. You tap and drag your stylus over the screen until you pull up your email. There’s already five new emails in your inbox.
You sigh from annoyance.
At the light call of your name, you push out of your lazy lean over your desk and straighten up. Turning over your shoulder, you lock eyes with your boss. The slightly older man rests against the open doorway, a hand tucked into the pocket of his light green slacks. He wears a light smile that quirks into something of a smirk.
His pupils were dilated.
The fucker was already having fun without you.
“Yes, Mr. Danforth?” you answer, fully facing your boss with your head resting on the back of your hands closed with your fingers intertwined. Your eyes start to wander toward the floor but you drag them back up to the older man’s face.
Your boss looks you up and down with purpose. “Come into my office for a moment, please?” He talked with that preppie teenage snot voice that you’ve come to like more and more.
“Now?” You hide a grin behind your hands. You could hear footsteps of other coworkers.
“If you have the time.”
Nodding, you keep your eyes on your boss as the older man steps out of the doorway and walks across the hallway to his own office. Once he’s out of sight, you heave in a deep breath.
You grab your coffee, taking one last drink while it’s still warm because you know you’re not going to be back before it cools.
For being the CEO of a ‘successful’ company at the young age of twenty-eight, Derek Danforth has a unique head on his shoulders.
As his personal advisor, you know a lot of Derek’s quirks — the signs he’s not as indefinitely happy as he seems and wading in stress. Signs like the way his eyes were iced over a moment ago, and like the way his fingers twitched where they hid in his pocket.
And it’s your job to keep Derek ‘in check’.
It had started with a stealthy look during a meeting, when you were still relatively new to the job.
Then with a stolen smile in the hallway.
Then with a light exchange of words while you were still working at night.
To then sex whenever the two of you wanted to.
Every encounter was a risk (at least for you in the beginning), but the thrill and the passion had overwhelmed you two like a stormy wave.
You step into Derek’s office, eyes on the tips of your shoes. You drag the door shut and twist the lock behind your back without raising your chin.
“Yes, Sir?”
Derek’s fingers tap along the surface of his desk, the skips in rhythm a confirmation that he’s under stress. They stop, and then you hear the slide of a computer mouse over a mouse pad followed by a click and a flurry of typing.
And you wait, playing with your fingers behind your back where Derek can’t see. (Although he probably knows that you are fidgeting. You always had a problem with fidgeting.)
The tip tap of Derek’s fingers moving over the keys echoes in the spacious expanse of his office and the lack of immediate attention leaves you to hover between alertness and disconnect.
“Come sit,” Derek says at last, tone conversational.
You lets yourself disconnect a little more, the command enough to push you into a pleasant haze. You bobs your head in a nod. “Yes, Sir.”
Derek isn’t one for flair but the visitor’s chairs in his office have cushions like clouds. You leave a subtle hint every once in a while that you want to know where they came from but Derek has yet to divulge.
You want to reach out to touch the back of one of the two chairs, but you keep your hands to yourself as you round the desk and stop at Derek’s left. You catch a glimpse of Derek’s desk as you drop to your knees.
There was some strange paper that looked like a sort of message but you had no time to read it as the paper was instantly crushed by Derek’s fingers and thrown to the trash.
Derek sinks his fingers into your hair with an approving hum.
A quiet exhale blows over your lips. You lean into the touch, letting your eyes fall shut as you’re petted. When your mind starts to wander, you lose track of time, so you don't know how many minutes pass before Derek turns in his chair and guides you between his spread legs.
“Do you mind helping me out?” Derek asks in a needy voice, massing his fingers into your nape.
You hum, pleased. The fingers at your neck press harder and you pull your eyes open. “Of course.”
Derek’s hand leaves your neck and travels to his belt.
“Actually...” you meet Derek’s eyes for the first time since entering his office. The heady gaze of hunger makes your cheeks tint and your heart soar. At the quirk of an eyebrow, you know to continue. “I was waiting until after the meeting but I have a proposal for you.”
Derek’s right eyebrow raises to join the left. He leans back in his chair and props one of his elbows up on an arm rest. “Show me, then.”
You rise to your feet. You preen under Derek’s attention, squirming cutely as you undoe the button and zip of your pants and inches them down to your knees, along with your underwear. Waddling to face the desk, you spare a glance back at your boss before moving his laptop off to the side.
Resting your weight onto your elbows, you leans over the desk with your unbuttoned slacks held up by spread thighs. You swipe your tongue over your lips and shifts your weight onto one arm, reaching back with the other to spread yourself open for Derek to see.
The chair creaks a bit when Derek raises out of it.
“You’ve been stressed as of lately and it’s okay if you don’t wanna talk about it to me. I was hoping I could—”
Pressing your forehead against the desk, you bite back another whimper and clamp your lips shut.
Derek’s fingers are cold as they trail down the slight exposure of your back and over the curve of your ass. Already properly ready to take him thanks to you.
“How many times have you come today?” He rubs his finger up and down.
You shake your head.
Clicking his tongue, Derek bears his hand down on your ass, the slap light but scolding.
Your breath hitches and you exhale out a small giggle, soaring a little higher after the hit. “Zero.” You answer properly.
“I’d love to fuck you loose and then turn you over the other side of my desk. Unlock the door and let anyone who comes in see how beautifully you gape.”
Whimpering, you clench around nothing under the effect of his finger. Derek rubs circles into the small of his back, shushing you under his breath.
“You want it that badly, eh?”
His words get lost in the clouds filling the space between your ears, making his voice a dull noise that sounds like it’s happening outside the walls of the office.
Giggling, you press your cheek into the desk and tries to look up at your boss.
Derek pokes the tip of his nose and chuckles when you scrunches it. “You went down further than I thought you would,” he mumbles to himself. “That’s fine. I guess we both need it.”
You stare at him starry-eyed, grin uncontrollable, as Derek retrieves his fingers and yanks your pants up.
Beginning to work at his belt, Derek nods at his advisor. “On your knees”
A part of you wants to whine at the command — wants Derek to touch you, wants to be able to touch yourself — but the gruff voice of your boss’ voice scrapes over your skin and leave you warm and obedient. You push yourself up and easily return to your position on the floor, back pulled straight in attention and arms folded behind your back, hands curved around your elbows, in denial.
Derek brushes soft fingers over your cheek and under your jaw. “Aren’t you so beautiful like this, sweetheart?” He slides his belt free and loops it around the back of your neck. With a harsh tug, he pulls your face to his crotch.
“We don’t have a lot of time, so you’re going to suck me off and then I’m going to send you out,” he explains. “But since you prepared such a nice present. Sit close to me during the meeting so it won’t be as boring. If you can make it through without needing to excuse yourself, we can just leave, maybe go back to my place and fuck over and over. I don’t need to explain to you what happens if you can’t resist, clear?”
“Crystal,” you slur, mouth smushed against the stiffening swell of Derek’s erection.
Derek releases the belt, leaving it hanging around your shoulders, and let you work at the button of his pants.
You lower yourself to sit back and to be in line with Derek’s hips.
Without answering, Derek opens his pants enough to pull himself free. His cock hangs heavily between the green flaps of his slacks, already hard enough to hook to the right. Leaving one hand loosely curled around himself, he presses the fingers of the other to your lips.
You part them, still looking up at your boss with starry eyes. Derek teases a finger along your bottom lip.
He chuckles brightly but a second later his entire face closes off. “What are you smiling for?” His voice sinks nearly a whole octave and, as expected, your tiny grin drops.
Breath quickening, you quickly lower your gaze and try to straighten your back impossibly more, the sound of Derek’s voice hitting that particular low knocking you into another level of submission.
The fingers at your lip hook over your teeth and pull his jaw open wider.
“Excited to have my dick?” Derek angles his dick up and rubs the shaft, already smelling thick with arousal, over the ball of your cheek.
Your eyes begin to glaze over where they’re glued to the fall of Derek’s light green or seawater tone dress shirt over the base of his cock. You try to blink yourself out of it, faintly aware of where the two of you are and your limits, but when the hand at your mouth leaves and drags back along your jaw to settle like an anchor at your nape, the desire to sink is so inviting.
“You’re my sweet, little cockslut, aren’t you?” Derek punctuates the question by slapping the side of your face with his dick, the sound made hollow by your open jaw. “Always so good for me.”
Sucking in a shuddering breath and letting your eyes drift shut again, you nod once. “Yes,” you exhale and turn your head to press your nose into Derek’s shaft.
Derek’s grip softens and he grazes lines into your skin. “Haven’t had you like this in a while,” he says, and then reestablishes the weight of his hand.
He presses the tip of his cock to your lips, which part once more without instruction, and slides into your mouth.
“That’s it,” Derek sighs. He draws out before guiding you down his length again, giving little time to allow his slut to relax. “Take all of it.”
The bit of coarse hair at Derek’s base that pokes out over the hem of his pants tickles your nose and if you hadn’t fallen deeper, you probably would have laughed. But you’re quiet as Derek holds your face flush against his hips that shallowly roll forward, pushing his cock as far into your mouth as his limits will allow.
He sighs again, more labored, and you peel open your eyes to glance up at him.
Derek’s own eyes trail up from where they were watching your mouth to meet his slut’s gaze.
You blink three times, your signal for an okay when he can’t use his hands or words.
Derek inches out, checks his hold on you, and slides back in, gaining speed and ending up choking you as he uses your mouth to get off.
And you take it so well, hollowing your cheeks on the backstroke and swallowing around the head of Derek’s cock when it bumps the back of your throat, even as the rough treatment steals the air from your lungs and builds tears in your eyes.
Sporadically, Derek murmurs a compliment in between the low groans and hushed curses, so proud of his precious advisor, his sweetheart — and every word makes you ache between his legs, makes your hands tighten where they’re clamped around your elbows, makes you skyrocket.
The ringing of Derek’s office phone goes ignored as he focuses on the moist warmth of his slut’s mouth and chasing his end. It’ll get him in trouble one day, maybe, but here in this moment, with your throat working around his dick in that way he likes and the blood in his veins singing, he can’t be bothered with caring.
Derek doesn’t always warn you before he comes, but you know all of the signs. Signs like how he presses his nails into your skin or how his left knee trembles the slightest bit. And when he sucks in his cheeks and hum, Derek comes warm and thick on your tongue.
Some of it leaks when Derek pulls out of your mouth, sliding over your swollen lips, but the older man is quick to catch it on a finger and feed it back to you.
“Tuck me in” Derek demands after you swallow, voice still husky but now light. The corners of his lips rise into a satiated smirk.
Unfolding your arms, you shake the crawling feeling out of them before tucking Derek back into his underwear and adjusting his pants. As he redoes the buttons, Derek rubs all over your neck, upper back, and shoulders. “Was I able to help?”
With a gruff he managed to pull you on his lap, not that you showed any sign of protest. “Not too bad so far. We’ll see how I feel later tonight”
All you do in response is tuck your nose into Derek’s throat and enjoys being held.
“Can’t wait,” you exhales.
Note: thanks for reading. Criticism is completely accepted
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rederiswrites · 4 months
HEY who wants another gardener question the rest of you can just watch with confusion? Me, anyway.
What do y'all use for plant tags? For markers I'm fairly happy with my fade-resistant garden markers, but tags are elusive. Popsicle sticks mold in the damp pots and then there's goddamn mold. Plastic tags break and then there's plastic. In your garden. Metal tags? Sound expensive? I use so many tags?
My current favorite solution is cutting up plastic food tubs from yogurt, sour cream, etc. The plastic actually holds up better outside, and at least it's not one-use. I'm totally open to a magic no-compromise solution, but I don't really think there is one.
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staytinyville · 7 months
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↣ Summary: You’re the glue who keeps the boys all together. And maybe the one who fancies Beomgyu  just a bit more than the others. 
↣ Characters/Pairing: Choi Beomgyu x gn!reader
↣ Genre: fluff
↣ AU/Trope info: 6th member!au, idol!au
↣ Word Count: 1.085k
↣ Warnings: None
↣ A/N: Beomgyu is chaotic but we are here for him. I will be honest some self insert was shoved in here and idk maybe that’s not how Beomgyu acts but it is how I am. I share the same MBTI as him and honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of people get overwhelmed with him and tend to lash out. I get that a lot of the time and it does make me upset. But that’s just what I think. Maybe it’s not how he is and is quite content. I hope he is. 
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Balance, Moderation, Patience, Purpose
This card shows that you have balance, patience and moderation in your life. Your energy has been running free but now it is time to bring it back into you. You must get a hold on it once more.
You are the kind of person who understands what it's like to be open minded with what others have to say. And because of this now is the time to use it if you are dealing with two different sides of a story.
You are also at a point where you would need to act with a calm and even mind. Be sure you stay calm even in a time of stress. Because what you show others, they might just show back.
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You could remember the first time you had ever met all the boys. They were chaotic and had their own feelings towards each other that weren’t the best. However over time you got them to loosen up and now they couldn’t live without each other.
You were their mediator–the one who made sure all their fights were resolved and there were no hard feelings. Sometimes arguments were harder to fix than others, but you always wanted them to make up. Mostly because you guys all lived together so it was best to fix your problems than let them fester in your own personal space.
While fights were few and far between, there were still those petty ones that only lasted for one conversation before they were back to poking fun at each other. In these cases, most of the time they were between Beomgyu and Yeonjun. You loved both of them but they clashed so much. You had no idea why but it probably had to do with the fact that Beomgyu was a chaotic boy and Yeonjun had thin patience.
They still loved each other though and that was all you tried to care about.
“I told you it had my name on it!” You squeezed your eyes shut at the sound of Yeonjun’s annoyed voice.
“No it didn't!” Beomgyu retorted back. “Look!”
“Beomgyu! It's right there.” Yeonjun retorted.
“How do you expect me to see it when you wrote it in the same color!?” You got up when Beomgyu shouted.
“Guys!” You told them pointedly walking into the kitchen. “Stop screaming.”
“But (Y/N)—”
“Stop.” You raised a finger, watching as they both began to pout. “What happened?” You asked them.
“He ate my yogurt.” Yeonjun told you.
“I did.” Beomgyu admitted. “But I didn't see his name on it.”
You held your hand out for the cup, trying to find where it was that Yeonjun had put his name. While you did find it, Beomgyu had been right to say that it was hard to see. He had used a red marker on a red label.
While you knew Beomgyu should've thought for a moment that if he didn’t buy it, it wasn’t meant for him. However there were occasions the boys would buy things and share with the others so the possibility of eating something meant for all of them was there this time it wasn’t the case.
“Yeonjun, you did write it in the same color.” You told the boy, handing him the cup. “Soobin could've eaten it.”
“You're just taking his side.” Yeonjun pouted.
“Yeonjun, don't argue with me.” You told him with a stern look. “It wasn't intentional. Beomgyu will buy you another yogurt.” You looked over at the other boy who avoided your stare.
Yeonjun watched as you waited for Beomgyu to look up at you and acknowledge your agreement. While they all knew about how you babied the boy a bit too much, they also knew you were the only one who he listened to.
You had always known how to settle arguments and how to make them all get along. You were someone who held them all together. The shoulder they needed to lean on. Especially when Beomgyu overwhelmed them.
While Soobin was the leader of all 6 of you, it was clear you were the motherly type. You always worried about them–telling them to be careful when they left the house, asking where they were going just in case something happened. You weren’t over bearing but it did bring them happiness to know that someone was at the dorm making sure they were healthy boys.
It also assured their parents.
“Fine.” Yeonjun sighed. “I'm sorry for yelling at you.” He told Beomgyu .
“I'm sorry for eating your yogurt.” The boy said back.
“Good!” You grinned. “Now hug!”
They looked at you with sneers on their faces. “Too much.” You rolled your eyes. “I want a hug though!” You held your arms out waiting for the large boys to cuddle you.
Yeonjun scoffed but wrapped his arms around your middle before kissing the top of your head. “Love you.” He told you before leaving the kitchen.
“Love you too.” You called with a smile.
When you turned around, your breath was nearly knocked out of you as Beomgyu was crouched down and rubbing his cheek into your chest. “Hi, Gyu.” You giggled, messaging his scalp.
“Can we cuddle?” He asked shyly.
“Are you okay?” You asked him, pulling his face to look at you.
“Yeah, I just feel tired.” He sighed, his cheeks squished between your hands.
You smiled softly, nodding your head. You knew what it was like to suddenly feel anxious over being scolded, especially when being yelled at. Beomgyu was a soft boy who got sad easily. So maybe that's why you paid a bit more attention to him than others. You knew his personality was a bit too much for others which led to being scolded a lot and that made him shrink in on himself.
He just needed someone with patience and luckily you had a lot of that.
“Let's go watch some dramas.” You smiled at him.
He grinned widely before skipping off to your room. You shared it with Soobin but seeing as he was currently out, Beomgyu took the time to cuddle with you in a sacred space. He grabbed your laptop and started to set it up before you made your way into bed and huddled up at the headboard.
Like a small child, Beomgyu enjoyed being the small spoon so he laid his head on your shoulder and placed a leg over your waist. For a large man he was extra cuddly but that was okay, if he wanted to be babied you would do that for him.
“I love you, (Y/N).” He spoke up, cheek squished against you.
“I love you too, Beomgyu.” You chuckled, kissing the top of his head.
“More than the others?” He grinned, looking up at you.
“Don’t ask me that.” You lightly swatted at his head.
“Sorry.” He cackled. “But seriously?” He added, going back to squishing against you.
“No, I don't love you more than the others. I love you all equally.” You admitted. “But maybe I just like babying you a bit more.” You smiled softly.
“I'm the best.” He giggled quietly.
“No, you just need someone watching you 24/7.” You laughed.
“I do not.” He gasped.
“Hush now, lay on my chest.”
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Tags : @cultofdionysusnet , @sandsofire , @k-vanity
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whumpacabra · 6 months
15. Road Trip
Head injury, blood loss, loss of consciousness, referenced captivity and torture
AU Masterpost / Previous / Next
It was when they turned onto a paved highway that Harrison found himself laughing, whooping with joy.
“Fuck that place!” He felt lightheaded, the vehicle swerving slightly as he reached for a water bottle from the duffel wedged between their seats. “Oh god. Oh fuck - fuck - Christ.” His laughter died down, but the smile didn’t leave his face.
“Okay. Okay - okay. We - first we gotta get you to a hospital.” The Wolf whined at the suggestion, words slurred.
“Mm-nope. They’ll be looking.” His breathing was too fast and too shallow for Harrison to agree.
“Unless you want to bleed out, we need to - at least an emergency clinic, yeah. Yeah, clinics - a small one - they won’t need too much documentation.”
“Hm. If you say so.”
Harrison tempered the anxiety bubbling in his chest as they passed a mile marker. They were definitely in the western US. It made him nauseous to try and wrap his mind around what they had left behind in that desert dust. That was a problem for a well rested, well fed, and well provisioned Harrison to tackle.
That hard drive held everything.
He hoped it did, at least.
“Hey, you gotta keep talking to me Wolfie.”
“Don’t call me Wolfie.” The growl was playful in its aggression. Playful. What a word to use to describe a man who had nearly drowned him. A man who had tortured and murdered his friends.
Harrison glanced at the Wolf from the corner of his eyes, the man fixated on the passing scenery outside. As much as sand and dried prairie brush counted as scenery.
“I can’t wait to get a hot shower. How about you Wolf? What luxury do you want to indulge in?”
“Soap would be nice. You smell awful.”
“Hey - ”
“I think…I would like a new shirt.”
“You grabbed a few - they’re in the duffel. We can get changed. Maybe find a gas station to use.” The Wolf hummed in agreement, but his face was twisted in thought. “What else? A new shirt - you had those in the supply closet. What’s something you haven’t had in a while?”
“Hm…” The Wolf’s eye flicked up, watching fluffy white clouds against an aegean sea of blue. “Sleep in a bed, by myself.”
“Yeah, that sounds nice.” Harrison’s voice nearly caught in his throat, words tight. He wasn’t supposed to feel bad for this - this torturer and murderer - but how could he not with what he had seen? “What about food - I, it’s ridiculous, but I’ve been craving frozen yogurt for days now.”
“Frozen yogurt?”
“Yeah like ice cream or gelato.”
“Mm, gelato…I think vanilla was my favorite…”
“C’mon everyone knows chocolate is the best.”
“I don’t think so. Strawberry is better than chocolate.”
“Hey! You take that back - I can understand vanilla but strawberry? Really? That’s the hill you’re willing to die on?”
“Chocolate is simply not that good.”
“You just haven’t had the right kind - there’s this local brand my sister gets when I’m home…”
“Wolf. Hey, Wolfie, gotta stay awake for me, alright?” Harrison wasn’t sure how long they had been driving or how long it had been since Wolf responded. All he knew was the last few times he reached over to swat at the man, he hadn’t responded beyond a weak moan.
Harrison was starting to get worried.
(He had been worried - but now he couldn’t talk the nerves away and reassure himself by listening to Wolf’s slurred and choppy answers.)
They were going well over the speed limit, the highway completely barren. Once, he saw a tractor trailer with Arizona plates heading in the opposite direction. The Wolf had been awake then, watching it whip past with sharp eyes before shrugging and telling Harrison it wasn’t something worth worrying about.
Now the Wolf was quiet, breathing steady but so so shallow. The next exit seemed to appear miraculously: Cedar Hills, Population - 48. They might not have a hospital but - there had to be something - they had to at least know where the nearest hospital was -
Because Harrison wasn’t so sure the Wolf would make it much longer.
AU Masterpost / Previous / Next
(An AU of my Freelancers series)
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balkanradfem · 1 year
What it takes to grow little transplants in my apartment!
I'm starting my first plants of 2023, and I'm going to go thru every single step I have to take in order to have them grow! This is extremely diy, no budget, we use resources we find on the street, I picked out these seeds from a vegetable I got from a friend, type of thing.
The first step is creating the place to put the plants. They need to be inside where it's warm, but get as much light as possible. I have these big french windows in the kitchen, and it’s the place that gets the most light in the morning. I will often carry the plants to the other side of the apartment for the afternoon, especially if there's sunlight! I don't have enough space on the windowsills to put all the plants there, so I have to create a makeshift table for them.
Now the way I usually make a table is I go to the basement, pick out a board (I collect abandoned boards next to the trash), and put it on the top of a big cardboard box. The cardboard boxes can actually take a lot of weight, so they work fine as a table stand, especially if the board is heavy. I found the board I used the last year, and then realized, that my roommate took all of my cardboard boxes when she was moving out, and I do not have an appropriate box to use! I went outside to see if anyone had abandoned a cardboard box, and in about 10 minutes, I found one:
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And this is how the construction works:
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Now that is taken care of, I need to decide what seeds I'm planting. Have I ever shown you my seed box? This is my seed box:
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It looks messy, but all of the seeds I collected are in little packets I made from envelopes, and then they're sorted into categories, and each category is kept together by a piece of elastics. I just had to take out the brassicas (kale, cabbage, broccoli) and some early tomatoes, peppers and basil. I decided to sow a lot of kale and cabbage, and 5-6 little dwarf tomatoes, they’re an early variety and they'll give produce as early as May! I've had both basil and peppers successfully grow, sown as early as January, so I'm taking a chance at them again. These plants may not make it, since there's not a lot of light yet, but if they do, they'll give me the earliest produce in the year, and it's worth the effort. If it doesn't work out, I'll sow them all again in February.
Now the next step is finding the containers for them; I have lots of both found and gifted stuff, but my favourites by far are the yogurt cups, they're the ideal size for a pepper or a kale plant, and I can just fit a lot of them next to each other! I'm also trying these tiny black containers, to see how I like them. I'm using the food container with a lid to grow basil, because I've noticed basil germinates more willingly in damp conditions, and once I close that lid, the water won't be able to evaporate. Also all these containers need to have a decent sized hole on the bottom!
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Now before I go on to get the soil and start planting, I figured I should make the labels! Once my hands are dirty I will be unwilling to wash them just to cut some labels out. My labels are just a random piece of thin cardboard (like from a chocolate box) cut into a strip, and then I write the name of the plant there. Otherwise I will immediately forget what I planted where. These are short-lived, for a lasting one, I've seen people cut out plastic containers into strips, and write on them with a permanent marker, that would last! But I only need these temporarily, I don't mind if they decompose later.
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Now, the soil! If I hadn't been prepared for this, I would have to go to the forest, or some area where a lot of leaves were decomposing, to get my soil, but I always remember to take some home in the fall, so I already have a bucket filled with soil here.
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This bucket is great for it because it has a lid I can close, and soil can't dry out in there. Soil benefits a lot from being kept damp, so all of the useful bacteria can keep living inside it. If it goes dry, it loses a lot of its biodiversity! This specific soil is from the forest, dug from under a rotten tree trunk. There's a lot of clumps and pieces of bark and roots, so I'm taking a minute to clean it out a little, I'm taking bigger pieces out so they can't obstruct my little plants. When it's all good, I'm mixing it with some more water! Ideally, your soil would be nice and warmed up before you're about to plant, because seeds like warm soil to grow in. But, if it's not, you can cheat and mix it with warm water to warm it up!
Now to fill the containers:
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And now I have all of them filled up, I can finally plant. These cabbage seeds on the picture are new and untried, I ordered them online because I want to try and make sauerkraut this year! I'm excited to see if they grow well.
The only thing you really need to know about sowing seeds, they're supposed to go twice as deep as they're wide. Since all these seeds are tiny, all I need to do is to gently push them under the soil, and then pepper some soil on top. Like this:
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I put two seeds in each container, just in case. Now they're all sowed, I'm spraying them with water gently, so that the soil would properly settle on top of them. If you were to water them with pouring water, it could easily displace the seed, so it's recommended to just gently spray on top!
There's one more important step to this; all of these containers have holes at the bottom, and they need to be put in watertight containers, so that they wouldn't leak when you water them! I always have bunch of old food containers on hand for this purpose:
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Now with this setup, it's very convenient to bottom-water them. This means you never water the top of the soil; instead, you pour water in the watertight container, and all of the soil in the containers with holes will soak up exactly as much water as they need. This takes care of the risk of overwatering, your plants will not drown in this way, and also their roots will be encouraged to grow deep down to the source of the water.
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And now they’re on their makeshift table! All the attention these need now is to get some water every few days, and to be in the brightest place possible.
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caffeinated-beverage · 2 months
First, though, let me list their names:
Ąžuolas: 1p Liet
Tatjana: Nyo Liet
Raivis: 1p Lat.via
Rebeka: nyo Lat.via
Motega: 1p Ame.rica
Kima: Nyo Ameri.ca
Kateryna: 1p Ukr.aine
Jomari: 1p Phil.ippines
Hiraya: Nyo Phil.ippines
Hafoca: 1p Ice.land
Björk: Nyo Ice.land
Madam Chaikova: 1p Bel.arus
Anastazy: 1p Pol.and
Kaishek: 1p Hon.g-Kon.g
Karling: Nyo Hon.g-Kon.g
-Ąžuolas gets airsickness when flying in the plane. HE DOES LOVE VISITING OTHER COUNTRIES THOUGH but flying in the plane makes him feel nauseous. Good that he can teleport though, yea? :D Ofc, he's technically not SUPPOSED to TP into another country bc of things like,, visas n whatnot. But unless someone snitches, no authorities will ever know :P
-When Tatjana was in the hospital for a recent major surgery, there was someone visiting her & trying to make her laugh, at a point where it was still painful for her to speak, let alone *laugh* 🤦 they meant well, ofc. but still.. that hurts.. :(
-Raivis stims by stretching out his hair curls, fluttering his eyes, rocking side-to-side, rolling his eyes (he's not trying to be rude, i promise you! it's subconsious, and means absolutely nothing!), crossing his eyes, rubbing his hands together, clicking his pen (this drives Ąžuolas NUTS, but he tries not to say anything), whistling, shaking his head, etc. He toys with his bracelets, sits there are stares at the little dust particles floating around in the light, and loves to try and balance the light switch and watch the lights flicker in rooms (this also drives Ąžuolas absolutely BONKERS!!). He also likes to open and close the fridge door and just watch the light in there go on and off. And whenever he walks past any fences, trees, or bushes, he has to run his hands on them.
-Rebeka enjoys herbology, and likes to make potions :)
-Motega actually really dislikes pickles. He also doesn't rlly like sour stuff, but his reaction to tasting something sour is absolutely hilarious xD
-Both Motega & Kima really enjoy playing baseball, but they don't play it professionally
-If you go tipping Kateryna's cows, she'll tip YOU over next >:(
-Ąžuolas & Motega are gossip buddies.
-Ąžuėlis & Mote skype each other every night (or day), and just chat about general things, AND ALSO spew about whatever gossip they heard recently.
-Tanja is the type to make sure nobody who comes to her house will ever starve while they're there
-Raivis & Hafoca are QPR partners who have sleepovers as often as they are able, give each other "tattoos" with markers, cuddle on the sofa watching cartoons, etc.
-Rebeka has abit of a crush on Karling. Karling barely knows her 😂
-Motega & Ąžuėlis kiss each other goodnight
-Kima would buy you a new ice cream if u dropped urs on the floor
-Kateryna is the type to lie and say she's already eaten a big meal when she goes to someone else's house & they offer her food, bc she doesn't wanna be a burden :((
-Both Jomari & Hiraya know about mythical sea creatures, know they exist for real n whatnot, but they don't tell anyone bc they were required to keep their sightings secret
-Hiraya is the type of person who is making spam musubi at 2 in the -freaking- morning 😂
-Raivis & Hafoca like watching & poking fun at those fake 3AM videos together
Madam Chaikova is the type of person who always must have either a scented diffuser, or scented candles going in her house
-Anastazy has two yappy pomeranians who will bark at literally anything & everything, and somehow ALWAYS know when he spills his drink or drops his food/snack.
-Björk secretly enjoys kids' cartoons
-If you were to read Jomari's diary, you will see several hand-written articles in full-detail about his encounters with mythical sea-creatures, which might not be so "mythical" afterall..?
-Hiraya is an AMAZING cook. Could go professional if she ever wanted to. She makes god-tier halo-halo, puto, & pan de coco.
-Hafoca's favorite drinks are apple juice, yogurt smoothie, & coca-cola
-Madam Chaikova has a itty-bitty black cat that is missing one eye. Her name is Rybka, and she helps her with alchemy <3 and, unlike her MOMMY, she is a very sweet lil' cat (madam chaikova is a grouchy old lady lol)
-Anastazy doesn't know what to do with flowers when they are given to him, so he just eats them 🤦
-Björk really does not like to go swimming, because ✨ insecurities ✨
-Karling is the type who gets to go on a vacation once per summer (so jealous fr)
-Ąžuolas plays basketball as a recreational activity. Also, he gets really into it when watching basketball on the tv. He be yelling at the tv screen and everything
-If you have to confess something to Tatjana, DO NOT approach her with an "I have to tell something to you, but pls don't be angry 🥺 ", because if that's the first thing you say to her, she will already be heavily suspicious, and also way more likely to get mad if you tell her something slightly anger-inducing.
-Raivis can see ghosts, but he's been seeing them for so long, he is too used to them to get scared. He knows every ghost that lives in his apartment building by 1st & last name, age, gender, and appearance. And, if one of his plates suddenly crash onto the floor for seemingly no reason, he knows exactly who is to blame for it.
-Rebeka loves boba tea. Also, her favorite candies are always chocolates. Also, she tries to cook & make concoctions, but it always gets really messy. She does try to clean up after herself though, but she still manages to leave something behind, proving that she's been up to something
-Kateryna grows corn, wheat, & soybeans in her farm, and also has some apple trees.
-Motega isn't really too much into drinking, but he may have an occasional drink during social occasions. Also, he's slightly addicted to energy drinks. And when it comes to pepsi vs coca-cola, he is 100% with coca-cola, but his boyfriend ĄŽUĖLIS prefers pepsi >:(( But they both love cream soda tho
-Kima has a dog; she's a pitbull/rottweiler mix named Brownie. Brownie, despite being a big & muscular dog, thinks she's a lapdog and has a habit of jumping up into EVERYONE's laps, even guests. Also, headcanon Eng.land screams like a little girl every time that dog jumps on him 😂
-Jomari is an ocean fisherman. He's been in this profession for a long time, too, so he even knows how to handle the types of sea creatures everyone is afraid of, such as sharks, squids, crabs, etc. He knows the best spots to catch the most fish, and the best methods for getting them. Also, he ironically owns & wears this hat:
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-Hiraya owns a motorcycle, but she still uses public transport sometimes.
-At some point, Hafoca was in archery classes. He was the top student in these classes, but he was always incapable of taking compliments/praise from others 😂
-Madam Chaikova has very granny-type hobbies, such as; knitting, embroidering, gardening, baking, reading, birdwatching, crotcheting, hiking, quilting, alchemy (potion-making), witchcraft, etc.
-Anastazy drives a motorcycle. And, there have been many occasions where some assholes stole his motorcycle despite him using a lock for it, but he has always managed to report it & get his motorcycle back. But in the meantime while his motorcycle was missing, he'd carpool with Ąžuėlis.
-Björk is the type who always oversleeps & is grouchy when she wakes up, and also gets difficult whenever someone tries to get her up. But then, when she wakes up & sees the time, she freaks out and is like, "OMG NOR.WAY!!! WHY DID YOU NOT WAKE ME UP?!?!" whilst she runs around like a chicken with her head cut off trying to hurry up & get ready. Also, she always has messy hair due to her usually waking up late & not even having time to brush her hair a bit, let alone style it in any way. There have even been a few times when she showed up mildly smelly, bc she was in such a rush that she forgot to put on deodorant 😭 She's always atleast a little bit late to wherever she was going, too 😂
-Karling snores like a train 😭
-Kaishek is the type of kid who takes his nintendo switch with him everywhere
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zeeposting · 1 month
ok so important thing. i wrote down random charcter ideas i had qhile going through my desk but theres NO WAY im drawing all of these??? soo which ones do you want me to draw?
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theres the list!!
but since tumblr only allows 12 poll options... im gonna do multiple polls i guess! ok so theres 43 items listed.... ok so each option will have 5 except for one which will have 4! haha loser actually wait im gonna remove some i dont want to draw and im gonna rearrange them so uhh yeah ok done woohoo!!!
im hoping people will actually vote,, otherwise im just going to be picking m yself or something
yeah idk what im doing
yk what? i think im actualyl going to draw all of the ones in the group that wins!!1 why not
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babydollmarauders · 10 months
in honor of the ending of my last full week of nannying this child, here’s things i’ve said as a nanny that i never imagined saying:
“please don’t eat that marker, it doesn’t taste like watermelon, it just smells like it.”
“did you just lick the dogs nose? please don’t do that”
“no, you can’t eat the dog food because you wanna see if it’s yucky. i can guarantee you it is.”
“aww you’re so swee- … and you just licked me.”
“don’t squeeze me there… no, seriously, please stop.”
“get down from there! no, not by jumping!”
“we can’t go jump in muddy puddles, it hasn’t rained in 2 weeks. there is no mud or puddles.”
“please don’t drink your bath water.”
“are you drinking the pool water? i give up.”
“i’m sorry, you can’t help me make my bagel this time. last time, you licked all over it.”
“did you just get that yogurt cup out of the trash? yes? okay, let’s not eat that.”
“get your tongue off of the cat please.”
“where did the play-doh go? ….. is it in your tummy? yeah, i feared so.”
“don’t lick the egg yolk off the floor! ….and you did it.”
honorable mention:
(orange is the child)
“careful!” “no!” *falls down* “okay”
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inscrutable-shadow · 1 year
Mediwhump May Day 3 - Seizure
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This is canon-compatible with Five Card Draw and therefore does not have any AU markers. The 'Suit Booster' drug is more explained in unposted sections of that manuscript but basically, it's a performance enhancer that the Suits can take when they've pushed their bodies as far as they can and still need more, it removes the pain and fatigue temporarily and kickstarts their regeneration factor.. Jack helps the Doc with testing because he forgives easily and the promise of food is enough to get him to at least consider pretty much anything.
“So, Doc, what are we testing today?” Jack’s feet barely brushed the floor as he kicked them gently. They should really get the Doc some new equipment in here; a guy’s feet were definitely not supposed to reach the floor when he was sitting on an exam table, and he wasn’t even the tallest person in the Deck.
The Doctor was in a good mood, as was typical on a testing day, their smile real and their glasses on, which meant they were actually trying to be able to see him. “This is another drug trial. The formulation is not overly different from the previous test, so I will mainly be looking at the efficacy of the-“
Jack yawned loudly. “I’ll be honest with you, Doc, I just got off of a triple, so if we could skip the long-winded explanations, I’d really appreciate it.” He leaned back heavily on the reclined table, half-wishing he could go to sleep right there. Why did they have to call for him now, of all times?
The Doctor, of course, had the answer to that question. “That is actually why I asked you here today. My hope is that this new iteration of the ‘Suit Booster’ drug, as you insist upon calling it, will activate more quickly, remain effective longer, and have less of a rebound effect. Your fatigue is vital to the experiment.”
Sure. Whatever. Jack couldn’t bring himself to sweat the details. The sooner he did what the Doc wanted, the sooner he could be in his bathtub and then his bed. “Cool. So I take it like a normal booster?”
“Yes!” They handed him a palm-sized capsule of dark purple gel. “Just rate the change in your fatigue level and the monitors will do the rest.”
“Aren’t these usually blue?” he asked before sucking down the liquid. The texture was like drinking yogurt, not unpleasant, but also not grape-flavoured like his brain was telling him it should be.
The Doctor shrugged. “Would you prefer another colour? The blue dye was added at the Queen of Diamonds’ request when I was developing the original formula. She thought the four of you would prefer it to dark yellow.”
Well, she’d been right. Jack couldn’t think of many things worse than sucking down a tube of viscous piss-coloured fluid when he was already at his limit. He’d take any colour but that. And any taste in his mouth other than the suddenly overpowering grape flavouring. “Mother’s veil, Doc, that grape stuff comes on strong. It’s giving me a headache.” the lights were too bright suddenly, and he shielded his eyes with his hand.
The Doctor’s brow furrowed, and they set a hand on his shoulder in concern. “Jack... I haven’t added grape flavouring to the formula. I have not added any flavouring. Are you sure you’re- where in the blazes are you going?”
Jack’s head had snapped up and he was already halfway to the door before the Doctor’s hold on his arm stopped him. “Something’s here. Something’s coming.” His instincts had been honed by fifty years of being the Jack of Clubs, and he never doubted them anymore. The feeling of unease usually wouldn’t be this strong or come on this quickly. He felt close to a panic attack and nothing had happened to cause one of those. He realised that his breathing had become erratic, was vaguely aware of the Doctor calling his name, and then a sensation like falling off of a cliff before darkness.
When he became aware again, the first thing he noticed was how badly his head hurt. If this was what a migraine felt like, he had much more sympathy for Queen now. It was the sort of headache that made him feel like removing his jaw might help more than it would hurt. The next thing he noticed was that he’d been put into the recovery position. That was nice of whoever had done that. Was he on the floor? He guessed he must be. It wasn’t as dusty as he would have expected. Did the Doc spend all of their time in here cleaning?
Oh! The Doc! they must be worried sick if he’d passed out. He forced his eyes open a bit further. There they were, sitting on the floor next to him, uncharacteristically attentive. “Wha’ ‘appened…” His voice sounded strange…
They sighed in relief. “Welcome back. How much do you remember?”
Jack swallowed thickly. His mouth was so dry. How long had he been out? “Not much. We were... testing something, right?”
“Mhm. You had a temporal focal followed by a generalised tonic-clonic seizure, and, rather impressive one too, I might add. Not one of the anticipated side effects. I apologise, I rarely make such a severe medical error…” Their expression was neutral, but he could tell that they were furious with themselves.
“Not your fault, Doc. My head hurts…”
“I will be the judge of that. And yes, that is a standard after effect. You must be exhausted. I would like to keep you overnight for observation, if you feel up to getting up off of the floor.”
Jack did not, in fact, feel up to that. He’d much rather go to sleep right here. The last thing he heard was the Doctor’s “Hell’s teeth...” of affectionate consternation. Taglist: @youareshauni @arieadil @i-eat-worlds
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