#yona x original character
lemonblender · 1 year
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I COULDN’T HELP BUT MAKE A CONTINUATION (to this) they’re just so cute and i just love yona a lot
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scr4xd · 4 months
Link meeting Solaine!! YIPEPEEE!!
(if you haven't seen my other post, solaine is a sidon x yona fanchild!! XP)
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i honestly wanted to continue this but this already took like 9 hours out of me so im gonna leave it as is, im like, obsessed with doodling her now 🤕
paper sketches under the cut!!
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foxxiatto · 2 months
While I had planned on doing future art raffles, I unexpectedly landed a job. So my question is if I still did them, would you be okay waiting longer for your requested piece since I'll have less time? Typically I wanna finish before the month is over but it will likely take longer now.
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venomouschocolate · 9 months
once again feeling insane
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nomenomens · 2 years
Chapter XV - Save Yourself, I'll Hold Them Back
CW: none for now, but please, read the 'About Nomen' section for more informations
WC: around 2300 words
Previous Chapter : XIV - Lithium
Next Chapter : XVI - Visiting Hours
March 28, Monday, 11:37 (present time)
“What? Now?”
“But it’s earlier then-“
“I know, I know. But I need them to trust you, so I thought to give you more time to bond, without me.”
“I don’t think that’s wise, they could just leave and go back to Paradis or follow you to Marley as we know they will eventually do.”
“That is why you’re going to be our means of communication. You saw in the files that I’m going to send letters from inside Marley to them and gradually explain my plan with Zeke.”
“Yes, and risk your friends’ lives.”
“They’ll be fine, they are strong.”
“That doesn’t mean shit and you know that! Not everyone will come ba-“
I stopped. I realized the tone of my voice was startled and too loud and the lady who was hanging the laundry on her balcony almost in front of mine was trying to sneak her nose into my businesses. Fortunately, I was speaking in English, and I hoped with all my heart that she hadn’t understood a word of our conversation. I grabbed Eren by his sleeve, careful not to touch his skin, and lead him into my room and closed the window, hoping to get a little more privacy. As I closed the window for a moment I noticed a figure on the roof of the building in front of my apartment, three flats above the one of the lady who was doing her laundry. I tried to look with more attention in correspondence of the shadow I saw moving but found nothing. I gave up and took my phone, writing to Sebastian that Eren was in my room but someone probably saw him with me from the roof. He replied immediately promising he would look into it. While I was writing, Eren was growling a series of words I wasn’t listening to, so I abruptly interrupted his speech. 
“Shut up! Someone was on the roof and saw you and probably heard us. What if someone of your squad listened to us?”
“They didn’t follow me and you were the one raising your voice on the terrace!”
“Maybe you were too full and sure of yourself to notice you were being tailed!”
My phone vibrated. I looked at Sebastian response and laughed hysterically while showing to Eren the message. It was confirmed that someone used the tridimensional maneuver on the roof. We both let ourselves almost fall seated on my bed, looking at my bookshelf in front of us, in silence. I replayed our brief conversation in my head, trying to find a solution to explain the situation without exposing the possible future the files indicated and Eren’s plan, which was actually part of that possible future. After a few minutes where no one dared to speak, I started to reason out loud. 
“Part of our agreement stated that I wouldn’t lie to them, but since I can’t reveal any clue about the possible future written in the files, I won’t be able to answer all of their questions anyway. So the truth about your plan is still safe. Were you going to tell them about your little trip to Marley to speak with Zeke?”
“Not now. I was planning to send them a letter I already wrote in a couple of months.”
“What have you written?”
“That I needed to see Zeke and discuss with him as a brother and as a titan with royal blood, that he has a plan to end the Titan’s war, but would only speak with me. I was going to listen to him and if the plan was good enough I would have needed them to trust me and follow my instructions. If they refused to help me, I would still go on, even on my own.”
“Right, insubordination. Give me that letter, I’ll show it to them right away and explain that you wanted to secure them enough arms and protection with other resources apart from the Azumabito’s ones. You trusted me and wanted them to do the same, so you were going away without telling them anything to give us time to build a proper relationship. I’ll tell them I was screaming at you because I know it will be dangerous. They know about my files, right?” “Yes, Sebastian explained the rules the other day. Even the fact that you can’t reveal the future, which is uncertain. So you’re suggesting to go all honest about this?”
“I won’t lie to them so that’s the only way. Besides, it would be difficult to find a proper and convincing lie when they probably already know what we were saying. I’ll also tell them that you will only send letters to me so you can hide better your identity in Marley. This way maybe they will decide to stay here.”
“I should go.”
“No, now they’ll be looking for you trying to stop you. You’ll hide for a while.”
“In your room?”
“Of course not. Sebastian or Mizuki will lead you to a secret place downstairs from where you can reach a safe location in the woods nearby, there’s a small group of friends there. I’ll speak to your squad and when they will stop to search for you, you’ll move to Marley. Is that a plan you could go along with?” 
“I could just-“
“You’ll break their heart next time. You’ll have plenty of time for that when you’ll get back from Marley. For now I suggest for you to let them down easy.”
“Why what?”
“Why are you doing all of this? You hate me and yet…”
“Because my conscience wouldn’t let me do otherwise. And because I don’t hate you. I hate your plan, that is true. But you know, Eren, I just think you have a great burden upon your shoulders, I don’t wish for you to hurt even more. That doesn’t mean I won’t fight against you when the time comes.”
“Why don’t you just kill me now? You could do that.”
“As if you would let me stand between you and your principles.”
“I mean, you could at least try to.”
“Because I have no interest in postponing the problem for another 13 years, because I don’t want to kill you and I still hope you’ll change your mind one day and stop this madness.”
“You’re delusional.”
“And you’re a jerk, Eren.”
He laughed at me and I did the same. For a brief moment I thought we could’ve been good friends in another life. Our smiles faded and he looked at me with his big honest emerald eyes, sharing for once a look that wasn’t filled with rage.
“Thank you. Nanami. Was it ‘Nanami’, right?”
“Yeah. Now go, and please don’t stare at Kija’s arm.”
“You’ll understand when you’ll meet my friends. Ah, they’ll refer to me as Yong-Hi.”
As he moved towards the door to start his escape, some lyrics popped inside my head and I blurred them out without thinking much.
“You’re the broken glass in the mornin’ light, 
be a burnin’ star if it takes all night,
so just save yourself and I’ll hold them back tonight.”
He looked back at me and added a few words before closing the door behind him.
“Nice song. Fitting.”
Mizuki was waiting for Eren outside my room, alerted by Sebastian, who decided not to leave my side since he was the referent between the Survey Corps’s squad and me. Even I didn’t know about the passage they used to escape, but for now I just needed to buy some time. Surely the squad would get here before their scheduled time and I needed to prepare myself. I let myself fall on the bed and I was so lost inside my head that I didn’t even heard Sebastian knock on my room’s door. I looked ad the clock and noticed an hour had already passed.
“May I disturb you?”
“You may.”
“Mizuki has left the passage, we should hear from him in the evening.”
“I’ll let you rest.”
“Thank you. Oh, Seb?”
“Yes, A-Li?”
“Do you think I should’ve stopped Eren and killed him now?”
He closed the door behind him. Maybe I wasn’t looking at the bigger picture. Sacrificing Eren would’ve been better than look at him from a distance while he was about to start the Rumbling and destroy humanity. I was also aware of the fact that Eren would’ve been stopped before doing too much damage because his squad would’ve killed him before he could reach a populous land. I made him swear to take as much time as possible while crossing the Ocean with his future horde of titans, even if it would seem pointless from a strategic point of view. I laughed at myself for how naive I was: still hoping for Eren to change his mind, talk with the others about other options and forget about genocide. Deep down I understood all of his reasons and so I perceived the tragedy he brought along with himself, but his plan was still shitty. 
Spring, almost seven years ago
“You always see the good in people. That is why you were deceived by that vicious snake.”
“You should really start calling him Mizuki.”
“No way in hell I’m going to. He’s a snake, why do you even take his side?”
“I’m not picking sides, I just say that he’s also my familiar now, maybe it would be for the best not to insult each other every five minutes. Apart from that, do you think it’s a bad thing? To see the good in people?”
“I think it could come back to haunt you.”
“Cesare says it’s a bad habit, not necessarily a bad thing.”
“Mh. Maybe he has a point. But I have to say, that’s what makes you ‘Nanami’.”
“So you think it’s a trait I have developed as ‘Nanami’?”
“I only know you as ‘Nanami’. I can’t speak for your other aliases.”
“I’m always the same, Tomoe. My name may change, but I’m always the same.”
“Then I would say that’ what makes you ‘you’. Is it better?”
“Only if you really think that.”
March 28, Monday, 12:58 (present time)
Why was I recalling that conversation I had with Tomoe? Was I searching for a way to feel good about not killing Eren? Was I searching for an excuse? Did I want to be recognized as “good” instead of “inept”? Was I really that shallow? I covered my mouth with my hand, suffocating the whimpers that accompanied my thoughts. I couldn’t even believe I was just searching to be praised or reassured that what I was doing wasn’t wrong. Just what kind of life was I leading? I was almost in my mid-twenties and I shifted between being just an ordinary college girl, still living with her parents in a suburban apartment, with only two close friends, too lazy to find a job and stuck in studies she wasn’t even talented enough to pursue. On the other hand I had multiple names and stories to face, with a life that was already written, at least in part. I was nobody and one-hundred people at the same time, invisible and important, useless and full of responsibilities, satisfied and frustrated. I wanted to care of everything by myself but still needed someone to pat my head and tell me I was doing good. I was offended by my own thoughts and I was close to wanting to tear my head apart, wanting to force myself to be strong, be something else, being someone else. Because even if I had multiple names, my temper was still the same, I was still the frail and stupid little girl who sometimes amounted the right amount of courage to do senseless things. I wanted to scream and let all of that pain out, but I wasn’t even capable of that and so I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I just started to rock my upper body while my hands found their own way to my scalp and my nails dug in it. I rested like that, with the elbows painfully placed over my knees, curled at the foot of the bed. Then I heard my phone vibrate and looked at the notification. It was my mum, asking in I had already had lunch. Everything felt surreal. I answered her and then started to collect myself, remembering this wasn’t the moment to break down. I still had to meet the squad and I was sure they were coming ahead of schedule. 
“A-Li, they’re here, in the walkway.”
“Let them up immediately. Living room.”
I looked at my figure reflected in the mirror. I grabbed my cheeks and give a little hit to red them and collect myself. As I stared at my own eyes I remembered something Tomoe made me do once, when I was nervous and unconfident about my capacities to handle the difficulties in front of me. I draw with my finger the same symbol he traced on the palm of my hand that day and swallowed it while in my mind still played his words of back then.
“You’re getting nervous because you’re only thinking of achieving perfection. It is this fear that is causing you to lose focus. When you are nervous, this is what you should do. It is a spell with a storied history at the shrine. Swallow this. Well? You feel calmer, do you not? It is used to help swallow fear. It also serves to remind you of your divinity. You should be able to do well now.”
I kept my hand over my mouth, my eyes were closed trying to visualize the memory of my Tomoe. His soft white hair, his lilac eyes, his gentle touch and the tickle he provoked when designed that symbol on my hand. In the silence around me I tried to hear his voice again and I was hoping to feel his hands on my shoulders as encouragement, but it was all vane. I opened my eyes and found again my reflection in the mirror, alone. His voice though, was still inside my head. 
“You feel calmer, do you not?”
Not even a bit. You were the one to make me calm.
“You should be able to do well now.”
I don’t think so. But I have to do my best. 
I heard the main door open and so I took a deep breath and left my room to meet the rest of the Survey Corps. 
Author's note: I'm sorry if it's starting to get confusing. To summarize: Roni/Nanami/Lucrezia can't reveal to anyone about what's in her files and so can't tell the squad about Eren's plan, that is the Rumbling (and everything that's before that, like what he'll do in Marley with Zeke). So yes, before she and Eren stopped talking on the terrace, she was hinting at Sasha, Hange... I'm still crying for them btw. Anyway, the song is pretty explanatory as a reference and as always, i'll link it here below (MCR finally!) So happy also to have some memories of Tomoe and yes, his speech was taken directly from the episode of the anime (I think it was the 11 or 12, now I don't remember for sure). As always, thank you for reading, and I hope you'll enjoy the next one!
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softxsuki · 9 months
Reader Surprises Shin-ah For His Birthday
| Pairing: Shin-ah x Gn!Reader | Genre: Fluff | Post-Type: Drabble | Word Count: 510 |
Warnings: None
Note: Happy Birthday to our favorite blue dragon, Shin-ah! MY PRECIOUS ANGEL. Someone needs to yell at me and get me to start reading Yona of the Dawn again. I'm SOOOO behind. Hopefully he's still in character though! Hope you guys enjoy :D
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You were soaked from head to toe as you ran past the trees and greenery, rushing back to the camp after voyaging into a nearby village alone. You needed to find something to give your lover, something meaningful to celebrate his birthday. 
And at last, you had found it. It was a charm, a small pendant of the moon with a blue gem attached to it. It had instantly reminded you of Shin-ah, something he could tie to the hilt of his sword, you only hoped he’d like it. 
The merchant had swindled you for a few extra coins, but at the time it started to pour and you didn’t care, so you gave him everything you had left, running back to camp before anyone realized you were missing. 
But you had failed as you spotted Shin-ah outside his tent already, eyes on you. He had probably spotted you from miles away, keeping his eyes on you to make sure you were safe. Thankfully, the charm was tucked away, hidden from his strong gaze. 
He’s quiet as his gentle hands meet yours, pulling you into his warm tent. Once alone, he lifts his mask, eyes examining your soaked appearance. 
“Where were you?” He questions finally, using a spare cloth to help you dry off a bit. 
“I needed to get something,” you explain with a smile, digging around in your layered clothing for the wrapped charm you had bought for him. “Close your eyes.” 
He does as commanded, but tilts his head in confusion, closing his eyes. You take his hand and open it, placing the charm that was wrapped in cloth in his palm. 
“Okay open,” you whisper, looking at him in anticipation, hoping he likes it. “Happy Birthday, Shin-ah!”
He carefully unwraps the cloth to reveal the beautiful charm, his jaw dropping slightly in surprise. 
“It’s for your sword, think of it as a token of protection from me. No matter where you are, I’ll always be with you,” you explain embarrassed, feeling like your gift wasn’t as great as you originally thought. 
But Shin-ah thought otherwise. He brings you into his arms, embracing you tightly, not caring that your soaked clothes were now also getting him wet. Before meeting you, and your comrades, Shin-ah was alone on every birthday. People feared him and he was raised to believe he was worthless and a monster, something you helped him get over. He was beyond touched at your gift. 
“I love it,” he says softly. And he truly did adore it. 
He immediately ties it to the hilt of his sword, lifting it up as slivers of light soak through the tent, “I’ll never take it off.”
He felt protective of the charm on his sword, truly believing it was good luck as he had won every battle the Happy Hungry Bunch faced since receiving it. But most of all, you put your heart into that gift, and that was something he’d cherish forever. You made it a memorable birthday that he’d look back on for years to come.
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Posted: 1/3/2024
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mubabee · 11 months
Shows/Games I’ll draw if Anyone Wants to Request
If you request, I’d prefer for y/n to be included as that will mainly be what this account is for. Male!reader is allowed but you must specify. Female is usually the default.
Demon Slayer
Zenless Zone Zero
My Hero Academia
Path to Nowhere
Jujutsu Kaisen
Wuthering Waves
Heart Cage
Avatar The Last Airbender
The kid at the Back
TOUCHSTARVED(Red Spring Studio)
Spiderverse(only atsv characters)
Honkai Star Rail
Meiji Tokyo Renka
Genshin Impact
Tears of Themis
Undertale(and any other verse)
Kill la Kill
Scissor Seven
Death Note
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Mr Love Queen’s choice
The Promised Neverland
One Punch Man
Yona of the Dawn
Danganronpa(Only 2 and 3)
Teen Titans
Sonic X
Buddy Daddies
14 Days With you
Lego Monkie Kid
Cookie run kingdom
Dragon Raja
Forgotten Anne
#Me(the mobile game)
TMNT(2012 and 2018)
Welcome Home(only original and opposite au)
My yandere OCS(press the tag ‘my ocs’ to check them out)
If you ask for something romantic with a female character, I will most likely genderbend them. (Platonic is fine) If the request is vague and I don’t know the character much, I will ask you to specify what you want me to draw.
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dailyfigures · 8 months
processed requests ☆
an alphabetical list of the requests i've received and added to the queue. this saves me the time of having to answer every request one by one, and allows you to see what has already been requested!
has been posted ;
☆ arknights ; lappland
☆ banana fish
☆ b project
☆ brand new animal
☆ my hero academia ; fatgum
☆ my little pony bishoujo line
☆ nakano miku fallen angel figure
☆ nichijou ; minakami mai
☆ precure
☆ princess tutu
☆ project sekai
☆ stone ocean ; jolyne
☆ tekken
☆ toilet bound hanako kun
☆ tokyo mew mew
is in the queue ;
☆ .hack
☆ 22/7
☆ 86 -eightysix-
☆ a3!
☆ akira
☆ amnesia
☆ a place further than the universe
☆ arknights ; muelsyse
☆ astra lost in space
☆ atelier series
☆ attack on titan ; levi
☆ azumanga daioh
☆ bandori
☆ belle
☆ black butler
☆ black rock shooter
☆ bloodborne
☆ blue exorcist
☆ blue reflection
☆ call of the night
☆ canaan
☆ card captor sakura
☆ case closed
☆ castlevania
☆ chainsaw man ; denji
☆ di gi charat
☆ dorohedoro
☆ dragon ball ; launch
☆ dragon quest
☆ dragon themed figures
☆ durarara!!
☆ enstars
☆ eureka 7
☆ evangelion ; asuka
☆ fairy tail
☆ final fantasy
☆ fire emblem
☆ frieren: beyond journey's end
☆ genshin impact
☆ girls last tour
☆ guilty crown
☆ heaven burns red
☆ hello kitty to issho!
☆ helltaker
☆ high card
☆ hololive
☆ how heavy are the dumbbells you lift?
☆ humanity has declined
☆ hypnosis mic
☆ idol figures
☆ idolish7
☆ the idolm@ster
☆ ike musume
☆ in/spectre
☆ inuyasha
☆ is the order a rabbit?
☆ izetta the last witch
☆ kageki shoujo
☆ katamari damacy
☆ kill la kill
☆ kingdom hearts
☆ kirby
☆ k-on!
☆ konosuba
☆ kyoto animation
☆ last exile
☆ league of legends
☆ legend of heroes
☆ love live
☆ lucky star
☆ lupin iii
☆ lycoris recoil
☆ madoka magica
☆ megaman x
☆ mo dao zu shi
☆ my hero academia ; deku & fatgum
☆ nier automata
☆ no.6
☆ original characters
☆ oshi no ko
☆ ouran high school host club
☆ pokemon
☆ psycho pass
☆ slayers
☆ sonic the hedgehog
☆ squid girl
☆ tokyo ghoul
☆ sss gridman
☆ summer wars
☆ terror in resonance
☆ the world god only knows
☆ touhou project
☆ ultraman
☆ undertale
☆ vocaloid
☆ yuezheng ling
has no figures to post (keeping my eye out for future releases) ;
☆ bludgeoning angel dokuro chan
☆ d4dj
☆ ergo proxy
☆ kaiba (2008)
☆ kaiji
☆ shy
☆ the arcana
☆ the disastrous life of saiki k
☆ vocaloid ; fukase
☆ yona of the dawn
☆ ys viii
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j0kers-light · 2 months
Heyyy! I hope your week is going great! I’m writing this in the early morning since I’m working on a movie set, well it’s more like a yt series… sorry if this doesn’t make sense (I’m hella tired)
I have no idea if someone already asked this, but for this weeks fun question would be:
What inspired you to do/create lighthouse? What was the thought behind it and how did you start it? 😸📚📖
My week is kicking my behind @yona-luvs-u she got heavy hands and I hardly have time to sit down and write.
Movie set? Yt series? 👀👀 Chaos is intrigued. Do forth explain.. MOVING RIGHT ALONG! I wanna answer your weekly ask while I have the chance!
What inspired me to create His Lighthouse? Short answer? A dream. Long answer? 🖤✨
I explained it a bit in the author's notes of Following Orders.
At the beginning of 2022 I had ongoing dreams about Joker falling in love with an original character. Lol I still do! but at the time I didn’t have the confidence to start writing but I kept post it notes with ideas on what would happen between them by my nightstand. Each time I had a dream, it turned into an idea. I’m running out of notepads! This chapter dives into the first dream I had. You can say this update is what started this journey.
This is 1000% true. After watching The Dark Knight for the millionth time, I went to bed and woke up from a dream (Following Orders) and wrote down everything I could remember which was A LOT.
Then I sat on the storyline for what felt like forever. 🙃
I didn't have the confidence to write for a new fandom but my friend Cindy (yest thaT one) read my outline and immediately told me to start writing or she'll bust in my car windows.
So here we are two years later and my windows are still intact! Oh and I run a Joker x Y/n blog. 👩🏾‍💻
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hauntedlovecrown · 2 months
》 Roleplay timeeee 《
HELLO EVERYONE- hope everyone's doing well, wishing everyone a happy and healthy life.
I have been very into roleplays recently, and honestly find myself missing them quite a lot. I'm sure there are many on the same boat, therefore if anyone is interested, please hit me up ^~^
○ Fandoms ○
-Naruto (Naruto Shippuden) : I'm a huge Naruto fan, so honestly I never really get tired of this one XD
-OHSHC : I've never actually done a roleplay for this, but I can already imagine how comedic it might be.
-Jujutsu Kaisen : So this is more of a newer anime for me, but I do have enough knowledge to carry out a roleplay- and damn, the characters are hot-
-Yona of the Dawn : This is gonna be a unique one, I'd be quite excited to try this one out.
-Black Butler: My knowledge on black butler is not too up to date unfortunately, but I'm willing to rewatch anything and everything to get a solid idea.
-Otome/Voltage/Shall we date, etc. games: Anyone into them anymore? I don't know about anyone else, but honestly I'm still obsessed with them. Here are ones I'm absolutely obsessed with;
-Ninja love : One of the first ones I've played and honestly? In love.
-Kbtbb : This one is just...amazing.
-Scandal in the spotlight : HEAR ME OUT- this one is just so cute I don't know-
-Love letter from thief x : Please...just...please. This one? I'm beyond obsessed.
-Destiny Ninja : ✨
-Wizardess heart : Please- cutest game I know.
-Sleepless Cinderella : So as far as I know, this game has like 2 versions or so? I'm not sure, but they're basically both the same. The other one I believe was called seduced in the sleepless city? I'm not sure, but yeah. Pretty good.
-Teen titans : The original teens titans is everything- have you all heard the Japanese version of the theme song? It's awesome.
-I'm also a huge fan of Manhwas/Manhuas/Mangas- so honestly I'm willing to do those too.
-I'm up for original roleplays too if anyone would like to do those- that can of course be discussed though.
○ A few things to know beforehand ○
-When it comes to fandom roleplays, I'll be completely honest, I'm not a huge fan of Canon x Canon. So, I'd love either Oc x Oc, or Oc x CC is also fine, I'm always up for doubling at anytime. That's not to say that I'm completely against Canon x Canon, but I'm unfortunately just not a huge fan. I'm willing to compromise though.
-Not that I have anything against one liners, but please...at least give me something to work with. Everyone has their own amazing style, yes, but it'd be lovely if I was given more details than just "He waved".
-I might sometimes be a late replier, and I apologize in advance. I'm not disinterested, I promise. Please bare with me.
-The rest can of course be discussed later on. Thank you for your attention, and take care ^~^
Byeee <333
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underneaththefloor · 3 months
Roleplay Fandoms
As I do not only do fandoms I'm opened to fandomless if the base of the plot and characters are well thought out. (This post may be altered and changed)
Certain ones will have certain symbols of bullets if they are more popular for me to be interested at the time. It doesn't mean I won't role-play the others, but it would just mean I would need more motivation to do so. (But as of now I'm open to a lot)
MCU(Marvel Cinematic Universe, up to Endgame)
Harry Potter movies
RENT(The musical)
Interview with the Vampire
Lord of the ring movies
The Hobbit movies
Ultraman Rising
The black phone
-Bohemian Rhapsody
Rock of Ages
Súīvîde squad
Rocky horror picture show
The breakfast club
The hunger games
-Star wars
TV shows
-The vampire diaries
-The originals
-Interview with the vampire the series
-Game of thrones
-House of the dragon
Fear the walking dead
The boys
-Criminal minds
Sofia the first
Julie and the phantoms
-Once upon a time
-Stranger things
Kamisama Kiss
-Kamagami no asobi
Demon Slayer
-Uta no prince sama
My hero academia
The wolf children
One piece live action
Spy X Family
-Hypnosis Mic
-Hunter X Hunter
Full metal alchemist
Kiss him not me
Fairy tale
Black butler
Ouran highschool host club
Yona of dawn
Yuri on ice
Your lie in april
Death note
Attack on Titan
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scr4xd · 4 months
fanchild alert!!!!!!!! im so silly about them
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i wanted an excuse to draw them again + i joked about how if they had a kid and it was yellow they'd be called the traffic light family - and i think this turned out pretty cool!!
i JUST realized her name would go in-between mipha and sidon with the solfège (mi, fa (sol, la) si/ti, do) which i honestly did not plan for LMAO
anyways yippee sidyona my beloved uhh idk what else to say!! :d (slightly untinted ver of full drawing and solaine closeup of solaine under cut!)
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foxxiatto · 1 month
It’s that time again when I re-update this thing.
I’m Foxxiatto, and for those who have asked me, my name comes from a love of FOXXes  and machIATTOS. 
I am a fandom and original character artist. I also like to write, but due to time constraints I place more focus on my art and/or RP Characters
I try to do a monthly art raffle for my followers, so keep an eye out for those posts if you would like to participate! That aside I don’t typically do free requests. However, I am open to doing a commission. DM me if you are interested! <3
You can also follow me on Twitter(X), Insta, or Deviantart.
If you would like to support me you can donate to my Ko-Fi <3
I have mostly done work for the following fandoms:
Angels of Death
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Fairy Tail
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Original Characters
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Spy x Family
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World of Warcraft
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Yona of the Dawn
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My DM’s and asks are always open so feel free to DM or ask any questions! I am a bit reserved, but I like to think I am a relatively friendly person 🙂
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Below are the main tags by medium and under the link to the tags, all the fandoms I've posted about in alphabetic order. The fandom and the characters that appear are tagged too but you're gonna have to look into my blog search function. You can also search the tags by canon art, gif, collage or doujinshi (for fancomics).
anime (aka. all animation bc I'm too lazy to modify the tag with the proper name)
alien stage, blue eyed samurai, code geass, castlevania, link click, mawaru penguindrum, mononoke, puella magi madoka magica, shojo kakumei utena, trigun stampede, yuuri on ice
all for the game, all of us villains, a song of ice and fire, bartimaeus trilogy, captive prince, dark rise trilogy, edas, greenwing and dart, harry potter heptalogy, kane chronicles, kingkiller chronicle, kusuriya no hitorigoto, les miserables, long live evil, nine worlds, omniscient reader's viewpoint, percy jackson universe, silmarillion, the scholomance, the folk of the air, the locked tomb, the raven cycle, the vampire chronicles, villains series, wheel of time
dc universe
bing an ben, erha he ta de bai mao shizun, golden terrace, liu yao: the revitalization of fuyao sect, modao zushi, mo du, mozun ye xiang zhidao, tian guan ci fu, tian ya ke, qiang jin jiu, qian qiu, scum villain self saving system, yuwu, zhen hun
dune 2021, star wars, the handmaiden
akatsuki no yona, banana fish, berserk, bleach, blue lock, blue period, boku no chikyuu wo mamotte, boku no hero academia, bungou stray dogs, cardcaptor sakura, death note, detective conan, d.gray man, dungeon meshi, eroica yori ai wo komete, fullmetal alchemist, hetalia, hikaru ga shinda natsu, hikaru no go, hunter x hunter, jibaku shonen hanako-kun, jujutsu kaisen, kaze to ki no uta, kuroshitsuji, magic kaito, naruto, one piece, pandora hearts, poe no ichizoku, ranma 1/2, rg veda, shaman king, showa genroku rakugo shinjuu, spy x family, soul eater, tsubasa reservoir chronicle, uruwashi no yoi no tsuki, vampire knight, vanitas no shuki, witch hat atelier, xxxholic, x/1999, yugioh, yu yu hakusho
original art
tv show
dark 2017, dead boy detectives, house of the dragon, interview with a vampire, nirvana in fire, the untamed, wheel of time, word of honor
video game
genshin impact, persona 5
girl genius, homestuck, tower of god
Enjoy! And remember it's always nice to like, reblog or comment if you loved the art!
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chuuyadelune · 9 months
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hello and welcome if you’ve come across my page! this is the long overdue introduction + organisation post for this blog (2 years late. but oh well)
ABOUT ME: you can find a more detailed profile on my carrd — but here are the basics.
you can call me jem, i use they/them, and i’m 21. i am currently a music student—if ever i suddenly disappear for like, a month or two, just know it’s because of school, lol.
i can also be found on:
twitter / @ chuuyadelune (where i’m more active)
youtube (i post an edit once every 6 months)
FANDOMS: i mostly engage in bungo stray dogs content, but i’m also a fan of skip to loafer, chihayafuru, moriarty the patriot, mob psycho 100, chainsaw man, yona of the dawn, witch hat atelier and a whole lot more —a more comprehensive list is in the carrd (since i have not updated my MAL in a very long time)
WHAT I POST ON THIS BLOG: beyond reblogging a bunch of fanart/theories, i have posted a variety of things, which include:
manga colourings (i don’t really do these anymore, admittedly)
written theories/analysis on the BSD manga
half-fleshed out analysis of the BSD anime’s cinematography (lighting, composition, etc)
general ramblings about the BSD anime’s music (because i am nothing if not a huge nerd about this sort of thing)
i have tried to organise things via the tags in the past but not all of them show up, so i’m leaving all the links to everything here—alongside the tags i used—for posterity and so i can find things when i want to. everything is below the cut:
the tag i use is jems bsd theories, but not all of these show up all the time, unfortunately. so here’s the list:
(a very silly post about) vampire chuuya (chapter 98)
(a very shitty) attempt at breaking down BSD 101
sigma is the key to winning meursault, and the why in relation to the BSD themes
[BSD 113] the fyodor jesus references go crazy ngl (less analysis more a list of things i noticed)
both this section and the one below (music ramblings) can be found under the tag jem rambles, but here are the links for everything anyway:
the use of levels and how it links to ranpo’s character in S4 E2 (untold origins)
the effective use of lighting in yosano’s backstory, S4 E9
visual parallels in the shin soukoku fights, S1 - S5
i really like screen mode BSD ops
BSD S5’s opening fucking bangs thank you kisho taniyama i love you
i used the tag jems colourings for this, but some of them don’t show up, so i’m listing everything here.
smiley kenji from 100.5
fyodor drowning from 101
hunting dog tachihara from 68
fukufuku (fukuchi and fukuzawa) from 103
chuuya entrance from fifteen manga phase 1
chuuya stopping bullets from fifteen manga phase 2
titan chuuya from fifteen manga phase 3
that’s what makes me love you skk from fifteen manga phase 5
spy x family mission 15 cover page
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gamebunny-advance · 2 years
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"Plants" Process (Initial Sketch | Layers)
Sure, might as well talk about this one, because I actually have a bit to say about it.
So the title I uploaded this with, "Say you will about NSR..." was originally a (*mis)quote he says in the game when you fully unlock the Natura district. The line isn't especially significant, but I've always thought of it as surprisingly "quaint." It's very small, but it serves to humanize him just a little bit when up to and after this point he's dipped into cartoon-style villainy. These brief moments of honesty within his duplicitous nature is a part of why I find him to be an endearing character.
*The actual quote is, "Say what you want about NSR..." but I mistyped it when posting it. The meaning of the line is basically the same, though.
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Due to this line, I've had the idea of drawing him surrounded by plants for a while. My first iterations of this idea usually involved him on an apartment balcony adorned with plants and overlooking the city. Sadly, my visions for the scene exceeded my artistic ability, so it's an idea that's been on the back burner for a while.
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[A sketch I did last year based on the idea.]
It wasn't until I just randomly thought to come back to this idea that I sketched this piece.
But tbh, I don't think my vision was very clear. There's no sense that he exists in a real place (why in the world would a hanging planter be hung so low, XP). All I knew was that I wanted to draw him surrounded by plants, and that originally I wanted the color palette to be very limited.
Very recently, the SiIvagunner channel had uploaded a parody video of the Yona Yona Dance MV, which led me to listening/watching the original video (which I somehow managed to never see up to that point).
I found the limited color pallet of the video to be very striking, and I wanted to make something inspired by it combined with the experiment I did with my recent Kliff x Tati piece, which also only used about 4 colors.
However, I am abysmal at color picking, so I grabbed a color palette from @/color-palletes (link) to help the process along. In the end, I couldn't keep myself from trying to use all possible colors. Strictly speaking, there's a shade of every color in the rainbow in the final piece, which is about as far from a "limited palette" as it could be. Nonetheless, I think the darker tones of the colors do help to tie everything together, so it feels more limited than it actually is.
To return to discussing the sketch itself, there were a few ideas that changed and evolved throughout the process.
Besides moving some of the plants around, an idea I had that didn't get fully realized was that the three smaller plants in front of him were supposed to represent the game's rockstars: Mayday, Zuke and Tatiana. I had difficulty making that happen with the limited palette: since May, Kliff, and Tati share a lot of colors (notably red), and one of Zuke's main colors is green, the same color for the plants, it was difficult to main the references while still having them all not blend into each other. Perhaps with more time to think through the idea I could have reached a compromise, but as things are, that reference was more or less lost.
To get it out of the way: there isn't any real symbolism behind the plants chosen. They were picked strictly on their aesthetic value/ease of drawing them. If you wanna stretch, the Zuke vase is holding red flowers (poppies), so it's kinda referencing that time his hair was set on fire, but that's totally incidental~ However, I will say that originally that vase was supposed to hold orchids since it's apparently a flower common in Malaysia, but I had difficulty drawing them and settled on poppies. Hibiscus plants were also considered for similar reasons, but as someone who's actually grown up around hibiscus flowers, I knew I didn't really have another place to put them since those plants actually get really friggin' big.
Something else that was lost was the poster behind the snake plant. Originally I had thought to put a poster of Kul Fyra on the wall, but I honestly got pretty lazy about adding the details. That and Kul Fyra's colors would have blended into Kliff hair since she's a combination of reds and yellows. But that space felt so empty without *something* there, so I messed around with random shapes and eventually just landed on putting up some records. It's a generic detail, but I do feel like they add a "pop art" quality to the piece.
To conclude, this was very fun to work on and the turnaround on it was fairly fast. Usually for pieces like this, the process takes me a few days, but I sketched and finished this all in the same day. Had I given myself more time to sleep on this, I might have worked a little harder to incorporate some of my other ideas and clean it up a little more. That said, this is still one of my favorite pieces as of late, and I hope that I'm able to make more things like it.
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