#yondu udonta x y/n
theycallmequeenie · 3 months
Yondu X Reader Part 6
Master List
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6:
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A\N: AS always I did not create the Gif I do not posses those skills I used the gif search bar. If you are the creator of any of the gifs I've used and would like to to Gove you proper credit please let me know and I will edit to tag you for the credit. I know I’ve been gone forever and I’m getting flakier and flakier and at this point I’m truly surprised if anyone still follows any of my stories. Again, I apologize the headspace has been utter garbage and I’m fighting as hard as I can to get content written and posted if only, I could get the headspace and the family to cooperate at the same time that would be wonderful. After all that rambling, here’s the story, enjoy and happy reading. 
Yondu began to talk to Y\N trying to calm her anxiety that seemed to spike out of nowhere in the middle of the night taking her hand from his thigh and bringing it up to his lips to place a gentle kiss on the back of it before placing it over his heart.
“Darlin’ I don’t know what’s got you fretting all of a sudden, but I want you to listen to me. As long as that heart right there is beating you ain’t ever gotta worry ‘bout nothin’ getting you in the night. I promise you that.”
Yondu, as gently as he could, pulled Y/N to his chest and slowly rocking her back and forth trying to calm her as quickly as possible. He didn’t know what she may have been through, but he knew it had to have been something terrible to have her this out of sorts from simply being in a different bed than her own. Why hadn’t she realized yet that she and the boy were the two safest ones on that ship as long as he was around. Yondu would rather sacrifice his own life than to ever let either or those two get hurt in any way, shape, or form. 
If Y/N questions, her safety still after being on his crew for this long, could something have happened with them or was this something from her life back on Terra messing with her still? Yondu made a mental note to try and ease her into opening up as to why she had this reaction later when she was actually awake enough to delve into potential past traumas. 
Yondu managed to get her calmed and back to sleep within about an hour of her waking as she had, and it was a restful rest of the night. As the day started it came with the sounding of alarms to wake and get to work on the ship. More maintenance for the ship and caring for Peter he was still young and needed taught the basics or everyday life all be it not the everyday life that was expected by him and Y/N. 
Yondu carefully woke Y/N and handed off her daily Ravager attire of her denim coveralls with the Ravager emblem over the part that rests over her heart and the pants and plain white tee she wore under them. She offered a small smile as she took them and hurried off to the captain’s bathroom to ready herself for the day.
Once dressed she left the captain’s quarters, checked in on Peter, and started on her daily tasks. She did her best to avoid Yondu all day and for the most part she was successful until it came time for the nightly meal. 
Yondu basically cornered her asking her why she had been avoiding him all day to which she tried to get away without responding. She wasn’t ready to talk about what had happened the night before and was going well out of her way to avoid it. She just wasn’t ready for that particular conversation with Yondu. She thought if he knew what caused her to wake the way she did in his bed he would see her as ‘soft’ and that would be the end of their relationship. Something she wasn’t ready for, nor did she want. 
Yondu decided to let her avoid their conversation at that moment but was determined to at least find out what had happened last night that she had woken up so terrified. He left her eat and socialize like she normally would, but he watched her closely. Waiting for her to decide to call it a night and retire to her quarters for the night after making sure the boy was in for the night. Once she had tucked the boy in then Yondu would make his move and get her to talk to him. 
Yondu was waiting outside of Peter’s quarters for Y/N to finish up the boy’s nightly bedtime routine. A fact that Y/N was unaware of until she exited Peter’s room. Upon realizing Yondu was waiting for her startled her which caused her to let out a little yelp of surprise before greeting him.
“You surprised me Cap. Wasn’t expecting you to be lurking just outside the door, Sir.” She spoke barely loud enough to be heard by him and made no efforts to make eye contact. She wasn’t entirely up for the conversation she knew was about to be had but she knew Yondu was like a bulldog with a bone when he wanted answers.
“Well Darlin’, you’ve done an excellent job of avoiding me today and I needed to talk witcha ‘bout las night…” He stopped and gave her a knowing look he had a feeling this was going to be a hard conversation to have with Y/N, but he needed to confirm his theories about his love. Deep down he wanted to be worried over nothing more than a simple bad night but something in his gut told him there was more to it. He really hoped it wasn’t as bad as he feared.
With a sigh Y/N nodded and agreed to talk with him only in his private quarters as to not risk the rest of the crew overhearing the conversation. She motioned to Yondu to lead the way back to his room as she was clearly not in any hurry to have that conversation.
Her childhood was the one thing that she never talked about. It wasn’t a good experience and not something she enjoyed revisiting. It was a harsh reminder that she was damaged goods. A fact her father would remind her of almost daily. Y/N was starting to feel the anxiety build at the thought of telling Yondu what caused that nightmare the night prior. The fear of her father’s words ringing true was weighing heavily on her. What if they were true what if once Yondu finds out about how damaged she was and decided he wasn’t interested in her anymore because the trauma was too much to deal with on top of everything else on his shoulders. What if he agreed with Y/N’s father, that she was in fact completely unlovable…
To Be Continued…
Part 7
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samantha-rae-velcher · 7 months
Master List Pt. 2
Streamers Dream - smut
Games of the many - smut
Joysticks and pushing buttons - smut
Sticks and stones - smut
That one look - smut
The punishment unforgotten - Violence/smut
A need for it and her - smut
The stress is real - fluff
"Im sorry, honey" - fluff
Roomies or More? (Egos) - smut
Yancy NSFW alphabet - smut
Love mistaken for hate (Wilford Warfstache) - fluff
Don't fear the reaper (Darkiplier) - smut
Dark lust (Darkiplier) - smut
Static (Darkiplier) - smut
Warp core breech Pt.1 (ISWM) - fluff
Warp core breech Pt.2 (ISWM) - fluff
Seeing Stars (ISWM) - fluff
Blue tint and cold tiles - smut
Me and the Devil walking side by side (Daredevil) - fluff
Sorcerer Supreme (Doctor Strange) - smut
More like Einstein (Tony Stark) - smut
Two tons of iron (Tony Stark) - smut
Green-ish (Bruce Banner) - smut
Tender Touch (Scott Lang) - smut
The speed of light (Pietro Maximoff) - fluff
Courts of Green Pt.1 (Bucky Barnes) - fluff
Courts of Green Pt.2 (Bucky Barnes) - fluff
Courts of Green Pt.3 (Bucky Barnes) - Violence/ fluff
Feathers and Swords (Clint Barton) - smut
Hawks gold (Clint Barton) - fluff
As beautiful as an angel (Yondu Udonta) - fluff
Fear makes love (Ronan the accuser) - smut
Sharp as steel (Wolverine) - smut
Blades that steel the heart (Wolverine) - fluff
Obviously not that obvious (Drax the Destroyer) - smut
Tattoo Buddies (Chato Santana) - fluff
Soldier Boy (Rick Flag) - smut
Slice and dice (Captain boomerang) - smut
Scars and stripes (BOP Victor Zsasz) - smut
Guns of blazing love (Aaron) - smut
Maybe evil Maybe not But just about (Shane) - smut
Barbed Wire Pt.1 (Negan) - smut
Barbed Wire Pt.2 (Negan) - Smut
Barbed Wire Pt.3 (Negan) - Violence/fluff
Barbed Wire Pt.4 (Negan) - Violence/fluff
Barbed Wire Pt.5 (Negan) - smut
Barbed Wire Pt.6 (Negan) - Violence/fluff
Barbed Wire Pt.7 (Negan) - Violence/fluff
Barbed Wire Pt.8 (Negan) - fluff
Star Wars
The light within (Qui Gon Jinn) - fluff
The force of two (Qui Gon Jinn) - fluff
The force binds all (Obi Wan Kenobi) - smut
The intimidating side of things (Boba Fett) - smut
Orders (Poe Dameron) - angst/ fluff
Black ink (Darth Maul) - smut
The Witcher
How The Witcher men react when you cry - fluff
Bard and Bells (Jaskier) - fluff
Gotham Villains teaching s/o to shoot a gun
Gotham Villains when s/o doesn't answer the phone
How Gotham Villains react to their s/o getting shot
Sexting with Oswald Cobblepot - smut
Gotham's King and Queen (Oswald Cobblepot) - angst
I will kill you (Oswald Cobblepot) - fluff
Emperor Penguin (Oswald Cobblepot) - smut
Smoking Roses Pt.1 (Victor Zsasz) - smut
Smoking Roses Pt.2 (Victor Zsasz)- smut
Tainted Riddle (Ed Nygma) - fluff
What am I? (Ed Nygma) - fluff/Violence
Five-O (Jim Gordon) - smut
Stalked (Jeremiah Valeska) - Violence/fluff
Fantastic Beasts
Blue fire and silver smoke (Gellert Grindelwald) - fluff
Heaven without fear (Credence Barebone) - smut
Boardwalk Empire
Gentleman with a dark side (Arnold Rothstein) - smut
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hellboy-enthusiast · 3 months
I need more people to be in love with Yondu. I appreciate all the age gap fics, but we need the fics where Yondu and Y/N are a badass old couple :(( GIVE ME MY SASSY WIFE Y/N
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chubbyreaderwriter · 5 months
Too Long
Yondu Udonta x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
Imagine: You and Yondu used to date when Peter was first taken in onto the ship, but things didn’t work out after you left the Ravagers, but when Peter finds you again on a mission, he makes it his goal to get the two of you back together.
Word Count: 1.8K
Warnings: None
(Takes place after GOTG 2 but Yondu lives obviously)
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You stopped unpacking your latest shipment of inventory when the chimes rang on the front door to let you know you had a new customer, “Just one second!” You called out as you hurried out of your stock room and behind the counter where you saw a very familiar face. You gasped in shock, but smiled nonetheless, “Peter? Is that really you?” The boy- no man now, nodded his head and opened his arms, an invitation for a hug which you gladly accepted. You held him tightly, “Look at you! You’ve grown so much since the last time I saw you, you’re actually taller than me now.” Peter grinned, “It’s awesome right? Oh right, let me introduce you to my..crew, this is Gamora, the purple hothead is Drax, the tree is Groot, the trash panda is Rocket and that’s Mantis.” You smiled and waved at them all, “Hello, nice to meet you, I’m (Y/N), I’m surprised Peter managed to make some friends with that big head of his.” Peter rolled his eyes, “So how’s business here? You still keeping in touch with Yondu?” You glanced at the people watching you and Peter, watching as they all awkwardly turned away as you replied to Peter, “No, we uh, we haven’t talked ever since I left.” Peter furrowed his brow in confusion, “What? But you guys were together for like...forever, why not?” You sighed, “Sometimes things just don’t work out and if it’s alright with you, I’d rather not have this conversation right now.” Your eyes darted towards his friends as an explanation. Peter sighed, “Fine, then will you meet me on my ship tonight so we can catch up? I’ve missed you mo- (Y/N).” You smiled, it was softer this time though, it had been a while since you heard Peter call you mom. You gently swiped a little bit of dirt from his shoulder, “You can still call me that if you want honey.”
After a little catch up before Peter had to leave, he gave you the directions to his ship and told you to meet him there at 6pm. He had called out “See ya later mom!” as he had left which put a smile on your face for the rest of the day. You were looking forward to catching up with Peter, he seemed different to the little boy you used to take care of but still almost the same in a way too. At five o’clock, you closed your shop and headed home to get ready to meet Peter. You took a shower and got dressed in black leather trousers, a long sleeved dark blue shirt and black boots, complete with a leather jacket. You put on a bit of light makeup, still wanting to look nice since you didn’t really go out much anymore. It took you a little while to find Peter’s ship but you got there in the end, finding said man standing looking at his watch, knowing you were rarely late. His ship was much bigger than you were expecting and you were proud of him for that, he must be very successful in whatever he does. You were sat down on a padded bench of some kind listening as Peter rambled on about one of his adventures to you when you heard heavy footsteps, “Boy! What have I told you about touching my controls!” You froze in your seat and Peter shrugged, “Oh no.. I must have forgotten to tell you that Yondu is with us. Oh well.” You glared at him and got up, planning on leaving but your body didn’t move as you saw someone walking down the stairs and familiar blue skin when he turned around and came face to face with you. An awkward silence filled the air as the two of you looked at each other. For the both of you, it was as if the rest of the world didn’t exist anymore, you could see only each other. Your heart was pounding in anticipation and you felt your mouth go dry and your palms turn sweaty.
Yondu was speechless for once in his life. He had never expected that he would be able to see you when he woke up this morning. Of course, a day never went by when he didn’t think about you but to actually have you in front of him was a whole different story. The others grew uncomfortable with the silence until Rocket made it worse, “Well this isn’t awkward at all,” Peter jumped onto his feet, slinging his arm around you, “Look who’s here, and she’s single.” You turned to glare at Peter, before walking away, “I should go, I need to..” you didn’t finish your sentence as you rushed down the stairs and out of the exit, about to hurry home. You had barely taken two steps outside when a hand yanked you back around to pull you against a hard chest. You gasped in shock as you looked up at Yondu, “Seven goddamn years you’ve been gone and now you show up, don’t even say nothin to me, seven years without a word.” Your eyes prickled with tears but they were a mix of sadness and anger. You pushed yourself away from him, “You don’t think I wanted to?! It was horrible being away from you and Peter, I loved you both so much you have no idea how much it hurt to leave.” Yondu wasn’t backing down, not that you expected him to, he had every right to be angry after you left without saying goodbye, just a note with an apology written on it. He grabbed your wrist, getting in your face, “Why did yer leave in the first place, you could at least have the decency of telling me that.” You sniffed back your tears, you weren’t going to show your vulnerability so easily, “Because the crew told me that Ravagers aren’t allowed to be in relationships and that you could’ve lost your title if word got out. It would’ve been too hard to stick around and seeing you every day if we broke up so I left, I’m sorry. I did it for you!”
Yondu loosened his grip on you and you took a step back, wrapping your arms around yourself in a pathetic attempt comfort yourself to stop the tears rushing to your eyes, “Those days on the ship with you and Peter were the best I ever had. It broke me to leave, but I didn’t want to risk your position, I know how much being a Ravager means to you and I wasn’t worth jeopardising that.” You looked down at your feet and after a few moments of silence from Yondu, you moved to leave, only to once again be pulled right back into that same hard chest. This time, Yondu wrapped his arms around you, holding you close and you couldn’t stop the sobs coming out your mouth, your hands balling up into his jacket.
Yondu hesitantly raised a hand to gently stroke your hair, waiting for you to calm down before he spoke. “I obviously wasn’t a very good boyfriend if yer thought I would’a chose being a lonely Ravager over having yer by my side.” You sniffled and felt your heart break all over again, finding out you put yourself through all that misery for nothing, though you still would have felt unmeasurable guilt had you been the cause of Yondu being stripped of his title. You wiped your eyes carefully, trying not to smudge your mascara even more than you were sure it had already. “I’m sorry Yondu. Will you ever forgive me?” Yondu scoffed, his blue hand coming up to cup your cheek, “Only if yer forgive me for not coming to find yer and haul yer back to where you belong, baby.”
You bit your lip to stop yourself from crying once again, but your sadness disappeared from Yondu’s next question, “Have you really been single all this time? A fine woman like yerself?” You couldn’t help your smile as you traced your fingers over his collar, “I’ve had a few offers..” Yondu instantly tensed and you saw anger in his eyes as you riled up his jealous streak, “Offers huh? Did you take em?” You rolled your eyes at him, “Of course not, no matter how long it had been, a certain blue whistler kept the key to my heart.” Yondu frowned, “Good, yer my woman, always have been and always will be.”
You couldn’t help the warmth that rushed through you from his possessive statement as you but your lip, “Oh yeah? Prove it.” Yondu grinned wide, his crooked teeth exposed as he did. “Gladly babe.” He placed his left hand on the back of your neck as he leaned down and kissed you with a familiar passion it felt as though no time had passed at all. His right hand placed itself on your wide hip, using his grip to pull your body flush against his. You’d missed the feeling of his body against yours. Your mouth opened into a moan and Yondu wasted no time in letting his tongue inside your mouth, deepening the kiss. Your hands came up to rest on his shoulders, feeling his broad muscles once more. Yondu released a soft groan as he tightened his grip on you, “Hey get a room you two!” You pulled back to see Peter hanging out of the ship’s window and once he caught your eye he motioned you to come back on board. Yondu ignored his adoptive son’s exclamation and made a move to start kissing down your neck. You stifled a giggle from how ticklish his stubble was against your sensitive skin as you lightly pushed on his chest to get him to pull away.
“Come on, I wanna spend time with our son and his new friends.” Yondu scoffed and huffed in annoyance but you could tell it wasn’t real anger, he was just annoyed to be cockblocked. Yondu leaned down to speak in your ear, “Fine but yer spending the night with me, yer got seven whole years to make up for darlin.” You blushed as you started walking in front and let out a small squeak as Yondu’s hand sharply connected to your plump rear as you walked up the stairs. It was amazing how quickly you fit in within the group and you loved seeing Peter so happy with Gamora, happy to know that he had found someone. You only wished that Peter had stumbled across you much much earlier.
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robin-the-enby · 3 years
Your fault
Pairing: Yondu Udonta x gn!reader
Summary: Yondu finds out that Kraglin got the reader a gift and it makes him feel strange, so he decides to do something about it!
Warnings: Jealousy, cursing (I think), usage of they/them pronouns, mentions of anxiety
A/N: I am filled with so much love for this man, you wouldn't even be able to comprehend it. It's such a shame he's such an underrated character, because there's not much content for him. But Imma try and change that!
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"What'cha got there (Y/N)?"
You whipped your head around and smiled at your captain, who was looking at your new trinket with interest. It was an elastic ball that you could squeeze without it popping with a little lightbulb inside, that, if you squeezed it just right, started flashing colourful light in all directions, lighting up the small ball.
"It's just something that Kraglin got for me." you beamed up at your captain, who averted his gaze from the toy in your hands to your smiling face. Usually he would smirk at the sight of your smile, one corner of his mouth lifting up and showing his jagged teeth just the tiniest bit, but not today.
"Tha' right?" he mumbled, seemingly in thought, a slight frown on his face. You were the newest member of the crew, mostly joining, because you had nowhere else to go, but you weren't bad enough to be a nuisance. You knew the basics of shooting and other types of combat, you weren't too bad of a cook or a medic, so you helped here and there, did what was needed and looked after the ship when there was a mission to go on. And Yondu and his crew, along with the first mate, got back from one of those missions yesterday. Kraglin must've picked that up on their way back, the captain thought.
Normally, he wouldn't stick his nose into your business, but you just looked so enamoured by the damn thing, just barely touching your breakfast, that Yondu felt the need to check what was going on. Like a good captain, he assured himself, nothing more. The whole time he was eating breakfast, he kept studying you. He couldn't help it! You just kept playing around and squeezing the fucking toy, not touching your breakfast once. Something about it just rubbed him the wrong way. Maybe he was just that the toy would distract you from work, but Yondu knew better than that. Also, he couldn't bring himself to tell you to throw it away, or to even put it away. 'Sides, it wouldn't be fair, wit' those buggers I got, he thought. But gods, why did Kraglin even give you such a thing?
Even after breakfast, back in the cockpit, he kept thinking about it, while looking mindlessly at his trinkets on the control console. There was still a weird, unpleasant feeling in his chest and he couldn't put a finger on why. Surely there couldn't be that many things that could piss him off just because (Y/N) recieved a gift from her friend? But, what if there was more to it? Before thinking twice, he turned on the communicator, quickly connecting with Kranglin's and ordeing him to come to the cockpit.
When the younger crew member announced his presence, the cold stare he recieved from his captain was nothing he had ever experienced before. Yondu sat in his captain chair, turned to face his first mate, arms folded over his chest and the deepest scowl on his face, making his wrinkles more prominent than ever before. "So," Yondu began slowly "Tell me boy, why did'ya get (Y/N) tha' knicknack, huh?"
Poor Kraglin looked lost for a moment, so Yondu added "The one they've been playin' wit' all mornin'?" It didn't go unnoticed by the captain how the Xandarian's eyes sparkled when he mentioned them clearly enjoying his gift. For some reason, the nasty feeling in his chest grew stronger. "They did?" Kraglin asked hopefully. "That ain't important now!" Yondu yelled. The first mate shook his head, as if shaking off water and finally answered "When we were refilling the M-ships, I jus' saw it at tha register. Tha cashier told me it was good fer someone who's stressin' a lot, so I thought..." his rant was interrupted by the captain waving him off "Alrigh', tha's enough of yer yappin'." Yondu growled and dismissed his first mate.
Swirling in his chair to face his collection again, he thought once more about what Kraglin had said. Were you two a thing? For some reason that idea really bothered him. But it was probably just because if you two broke up, he'd probably have to let one of you go. And if things came to that, it would have to be you. And that bothered the blue alien even more. And while Kraglin seemed innocent enough, Yondu could read you like a book. It would be easy getting the truth from you. He got up, and with a determined face he started his search for you.
When he found you, you were in the medbay, disinfecting the utensils. When you saw him, you flashed him a wide, toothy grin and waved at him "Hello captain! Long time no see!" you joked. You always liked your captain. He was funny and even though he could be an asshole at times, you somehow knew that under all that rough stuff and behind those thick walls there was a loving and caring heart. Hell, you saw it every time Peter and his friends came to visit! But seeing his frown made you stop. Did you anger him? Did you not do something you were supposed to do? Did you do something you were not supposed to do? One question after another ran through your head like ants while Yondu came to a stop in front of you.
The captain decided it would be best to not beat around the bush "Are ya an' Kraglin seein' each otha'?" he gruffly asked. The question left you gaping at him like a fish, before you burst out laughing. Yondu's expression changed from determined to shocked as he watched you nearly collapse from how hard you were cackling. After your laughter died down and you caught your breath you looked at him "We're close, but not that close!" you smiled. Gods, he really loved your smile, Yondu thought and for a second he felt like he almost figured out why he was feeling so awful this whole day. Like he almost touched the reason. It was like you were the cure to all his bad moods. And there was it again. He frowned "Then why's he bringin' ya gifts?" You giggled "Because that's what friends do! Have you never recieved a gift from a friend? Like for your birthday or anything like that?" you tilted your head at him. To Yondu, you were the cutest thing in the universe. He could swear that if you were tiny, like that twig of a friend that Peter had, he would just put you up with the rest of his collection and he'd be the happiest man in the universe, because you'd finally...be all...his...
And then it dawned on Yondu.
The whole time, the key to this whole mess was you! You were the culprit of his strange emotions, you were the key to his happiness and his fear, you were, very possibly, his everything. He didn't know whether to be mad at you or to laugh, but he definitely knew what you could do for making him snap at Kraglin like he did. Because, it was your fault, right? Yeah, definitely.
And it was decided.
When the characteristic smirk returned to Yondu's face, you were glad and smiled even wider. "Nah, I neva' recieved nothin' from mah friends. But maybe you could change tha'." Yondu drawled and you blushed at his words, thoughts not fit for this situation filling your mind. "And-and what would you, uhm, like?" you stammered. Yondu didn't answer, only gestured for you to come closer to him. So you did. You stood in front of him and stared into his deep red eyes. You've always dreamed about being able to do that and now that you had the chance you had to admit, it was better than anything you expected.
Then you felt Yondu's hands lightly grab your waist and you shivered, but you still held his gaze. Even as he began to lean closer, giving you time to back away if you didn't feel the same. Oh but you do and you're about to show him.
And then you did.
And it was wonderful.
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randomperson1me · 3 years
plot: Yondu finds out he has a daughter thats missing after the kree killed her mother, aka his past lover
info: reader has wings and red eyes like yondu, tw for swearing and death. M/N means mothers name and F/C means favourite colour
Yondu played the message again as he walked away from the house of his past lover, The kree had gotten to her before he could save her. She had sent him a message of how she was being hunted and she needed him to take care of their daughter, the daughter he never knew he had. He didn't know what he was more angry about, M/N not telling him about his daughter, or the fact that the kree stole the arrow necklace that he had given her before he left.
So here he was, walking through the woods of M/N's home planet to find his daughter who he didn't even know if she knew he was alive. He was about to call the girls name when he saw the kree in the distance, and what he saw made his blood boil. Three kree men stood around a young girl who was around 13, she had a chain around her neck that one of the kree was holding, and two more on her wings, she desperately tried to fly away but they'd just laugh and pull her back so she'd fall to the ground, her red eyes filled with tears as she tried to escape.
Yondu let out a loud whistle and his arrow went right into the kree's head. The girl looked up in fear and desperately tried to get the chain off her. Yondu felt his heart skip a beat as he saw the arrow necklace that he had given M/N on her neck.
" Calm down girlie, Hold still" Yondu told her roughly making her stand still. He took a lock pick out of his pocket and jabbed it into the lock of the chain, after a few seconds of moving it around the chain unlocked itself and he took it off her. The girls hand instantly flew to the necklace but yondu caught her hand. " Where'd ya get that?" He asked, referring to the necklace.
" My mother gave it to me, she said my dad will know its me when he sees me cause of it" She told him. He chuckled. " Nah the wings slightly gave it away" He told her. Y/N's eyes widened. " Wait your-? " She asked. " Yep, now lets get these shitty things off ya" He said as he took the chains off her wings. The girl moved her wings a bit as soon as the chains came off.
" Ya hurt?" He asked. The girl shook his head. "Good, c'mon.. we got a lot of talking to do. " He said as he walked back to the ship, the girl following beside him with a smile.
authors note: Hope you like it! if you would like to see more of my writing my request are open! I do a lot of fandoms so check the pinned message on my page.
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bongbottom · 3 years
Imagine meeting quill and joining his group then meeting yondu and it's immediately looking at quill like "I'm about to be your step mother, I don't care if we're the same age"
☆ pronouns: she/her
☆ word count: 298
☆ pairing: yondu udonta x reader (implied chubby reader)
☆ warnings: a sex joke or two but nothing too bad
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(Y/n) flipped her laser gun around in her hands a few time before putting it back in its holster. She looked at Peter, confused at what he had just said.
"What do you mean we're about to meet your father? I thought we were about to rob this ship! Plus I thought your father was a terran?" Gamora hit her, giving her a 'why would you add that last bit look'.
"Well he is- was- that's not the point! Yondu raised me practically my whole life since I left earth. Look there he is now!" looking from the air headed man, her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach. Yondu was a tall older man with blue skin and a space like fin on his head. Whistling some she eyed him up before turning to Peter once more.
"Yeah I'm sorry but your dad is a daddy! Should've never brought me to him because I'm gonna be your momma in a few years give or take...hopefully take." she whispered, causing his eyes to go wide. Before he could cuss her out or make a scene she stepped in front of the group, taking a place before him.
"You new, kid?" he asked, eyeing her up. The suit that she wore was a tight one, clinging to every curve and roll on her body. It made her light weight and quick on her feet, but it wasn't hard on the eyes either.
"Of course I am! Don't you think you would've remembered someone as hot as me?" she gave him a cocky smile which he matched, slightly impressed. "I'm (Y/n) also known as Peter's best asset to the team and hey, maybe after a drink or two the best fuck you've ever had."
Peter made a fake gagging noise as rocket covered groots bark, glaring at her. Yondu however licked his lips before walking past her but not before a quick brush of his hand along her side.
"We'll see, kid, we'll see."
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annoyedfanfiction · 3 years
Yondu x reader
CW: violence, cannibalism mention, self-hatred, self-esteem issues, mission gone wrong, self-harm, shouting, misunderstanding, anger, ravagers
“Eat ‘er!” Taserface sneered, all too close for comfort. Narblik had tried pushing them away, but to no avail, and you’d quickly told him to leave it as you made your way to the bridge. You knew what was waiting for you. “Throw ‘er out!” Brahl countered, leering on your other side. Similar jeers patterned around you, but you held your head high, unmoving. “Take ‘er rags!” someone roared, and there was a tugging on your jacket. In an instant, Retch had been tossed back into the crowd and the door to the bridge was opening. “Enough!” And there was the voice you had been waiting for. A jolt of anxiety shot through you and you thought for a moment you would be sick. “Clear out. The lot o’ ya!” Disagreement surged from the crowd, then there was a whistle, a flash of red, and silence. “I said CLEAR OUT!” And they did. Jostling past you, sending sneers your way, but still, they left. It was almost worse with them gone. Only Kraglin remained, ever at his Captain’s right hand. You met Yondu’s scarlet eyes, begging. Pleading. You would never put it into words but he knew what you were asking. “You too, Kraglin.” Kraglin’s eyes fell to you and you saw worry in them. “Yer not gonna hurt ‘er, are ya, Cap’n?” You were surprised Yondu let him finish the question. He didn’t like being questioned. But Kraglin got away with almost as much as Quill, you supposed. The silence stretched, heavily. “I said clear out, Obfonteri,” Yondu repeated, quieter this time, but still dangerous, and you shook your head at Kraglin when he opened his mouth again. A man, now, but still almost your son. You wouldn’t let him get hurt defending you. Reluctance traced his gait, but he was gone. The door slid shut behind him and you waited. What else could you do?
You waited, as he crossed the room and dropped into the captain’s chair. Waited as he kicked his legs up onto the console, and settled back into a deceptively comfortable-looking position. Waited as he sighed. “It were a simple mission.” You couldn’t deny it. How hard was it for someone who had spent their life fighting and stealing to steal one damn jewel? “There was five guards, (L/N). FIVE! An’ Narblik still had ta bail ye out!” There was no point apologising. You knew that. “I oughta have yer rags right now. You got anythin’ to say fer yerself?” You shook your head. “Speak.” “Nothin’, Cap’n.” Even to you, it sounded pathetic. “M’sorry Cap’n.” “Rags.” Even with just that word, you knew what he meant. You could feel him watching you as you peeled the red leather jacket from your shoulders. “I trained ye maself, (Y/N). I know what ye can do, so why ain’t ya doin’ it?” he demanded, now, leaning forward. You didn’t answer. “ANSWER ME!” “M’sorry Cap’n.” What could you tell him? Him, with his whip scars and his battle scars and his strength. Him, who had invested so much time in training you to be half as good a second mate as he needed. Him, who had a crew to keep alive and a ship to run and– “Sorry ain’t gonna bring back our bounty, girl!” he snapped, and then he was surging to his feet. Before you could even think about moving he was standing before you. “Is it?” You fixed your gaze on his boots. And you didn’t see his hands coming until he grabbed your wrists, forcing them above your head. “Is it?” You couldn’t help the wince of pain which caused confusion to litter across his brow, loosening his grip a little. “No Cap’n,” you murmured, hoping he wouldn’t think too much of it when he released your wrists, letting your hands drop back to your sides and your gaze back to your feet. “M’sorry Cap’n.” But he wasn’t listening anymore, too focused on the red stains on his rough, blue hands.
“(Y/N).” Something in his voice made you look up, and you immediately wished you hadn’t. Hurt and fear weren’t expressions that often crossed Yondu Udonta’s face, but there was no other way to describe his expression right now, as his gaze flickered from his blood-stained hands to you. You looked away. “(Y/N).” His tone grew more determined, but you just kicked your rags away from you, pulling your arms close to your chest. “(Y/N), please.” That brought your gaze up. “Di’n’t think ye knew tha’ word,” you muttered, in some kind of half-hearted attempt to change the subject. Never in the decades you had known the Centaurian had such a word fallen from his lips. “Why di’n’t ye say ye were hurt?” Oh. He was almost as good at denial as you were. You saw the tears before you felt them, vision blurring against the sudden flood and you could only look away. You felt yourself shaking your head, felt his silence weigh in upon you. And then his hands were on your arms again and you couldn’t even flinch away as he pushed up your long sleeves, revealing the ridged scars and pulsing bruises that scattered your arms. You weren’t sure if it was you or him shaking more when he pushed up the second sleeve, revealing the messier, jagged scars made by your non-dominant hand.
“Why?” You didn’t know. You had asked yourself that question innumerable times and come up empty. What were you meant to say? Something within you remembered that the rest of the crew was undoubtedly as close as they could be, listening to what they could catch. But you couldn’t suffocate these sobs as you had for so long. You were clawing at your arms and then you weren’t, as a solid blue mass clasped around you and you were pulled against a firm chest. You didn’t bother to stop your shaking, to stifle your sobs, you knew there was no point. You had already lost your rags and his respect, what more did you have to lose? “Don’t play,” you managed, through the limited breath you could manage. The room was swimming around you, Yondu nothing more than a blur of red and blue. “Jus’ send me away. I know yer gonna.” For some reason, the arms around you tightened. “No.” A kiss – rough, but gentle – was pressed into your hair. “Ye ain’t goin’ nowhere.” You shook your head, sobs deepening. “Don’ play the pity party,” you rasped, breath shallower by the moment. “Ye need to breathe, darlin’,” he warned, pushing you back from him a little. His hands came to cup your face. “Listen ta me. Breathe.” You couldn’t. You couldn’t. You just shook your head as his face began to flicker in and out of your vision. “(Y/N).” There was something almost desperate in the way he said your name. “Damnit.” You weren’t sure if you were being lifted or if you were just so lightheaded the ground alluded you, but the door was definitely opening and another voice was definitely saying something when your vision faded out.
You came to and you weren’t alone. Kraglin, baggy-eyed and clearly exhausted, was leaning over your bedside. He looked at you, fearful and angry, opening his mouth to speak. “I’m sorry.” There were already tears in your eyes and his jaw went slack. “M’so sorry.” “Wha’? Hey, you don’t gotta ‘pologise,” he assured you, voice quiet. “Why would ye– he hurt ya and yer ‘pologising ta me?” He hurt you. Something in you froze, and it was your turn to look incredulous. “Yondu di’n’t– it wasn’t him.” Kraglin frowned, but wasn’t quick enough to respond when a shadow fell over the doorway. “Cap’n.” Kraglin jumped to his feet as Yondu entered. “Go ’n git some rest, boy,” Yondu instructed, gruffly. Kraglin looked like he wanted to argue. “Ye look like yer ‘boutta fall asleep on yer feet,” you told him, avoiding Yondu’s gaze. He shot you an unhappy look, but left anyway, smothering a yawn. 
Tension settled across the room as Yondu took Kraglin’s seat at your bedside, and cleared his throat. “Wha’s all this then?” he asked, vaguely. Yondu was a straightforward man, but clearly out of his comfort zone. “S’nothing,” you answered, unconvincingly. “Nothin’ generally don’t end up w’ you in th’ medwing.” You could hear the eyeroll in his voice, but just continued fiddling with the bandages around your wrists. “Jus’ let it go, Yondu. Ye can drop me at th’ next port and never think ‘bout me again.” “Yeah, like I’m jus’ gonna let ya kill yerself and not do nothin’!” You didn’t understand why he was so angry. Why did he care? “What’s it to you?” you snapped, finally meeting his gaze. You could hardly bear the hurt in his scarlet eyes, but you didn’t understand why it was there. “‘M disposable. Ya said it yerself, I let tha clan down an’ I almost got Narblik killed on a simple mission! Ya can’t trust me anymore! I can’t even trust maself!” Your voice cracked and you looked away again, burying your face in your hands. “I ain’t worth it. I don’t care ‘bout maself and you shouldn’t care ‘bout me either.” “But I do!” Your head jolted up in a shock. “What? Y’think I take th’ time ta train people I don’ care ‘bout? I thought I trained ya ta be safe from any weapon.” His gaze drifted down to your wrists, melancholy smile fading into sadness. “Di’n’t count yer own.” And you broke. You felt the dam walls shatter, felt the sorrow and pain and guilt you’d pushed away come crashing in on you. And you felt him pull you to him again, as though it was the most natural thing in the world, fitting you into his lap, his fingers soothing through your hair. “‘M sorry I let ya down.” His words were almost enough to shock you into silence, but your breathing wouldn’t slow. “We’ll do better. Can’t be losin’ ma best damn thief.”
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guardianspatrol · 3 years
“ He’s gone , ( y / n ) ! “
“He doesn’t have to be.”
As if find myself rewatching WandaVision, I also find myself itching with another idea for a mini series. It is HEAVILY inspired by WandaVision but it instead evolves around the death of Yondu Udonta and how the reader insanely grieves over it. Feel free to keep reading on if you’re intrigued !
Yondu Udonta is dead.
You watched as his cold, lifeless body was brought back aboard by Peter Quill. You felt the raging warmth of tears fall down your cheek. The violent pain of screaming escape from your throat. You spent days on end crying, yelling, and aching for the loss of your beloved. Only to one day be overtaken by a numbness induced by your newly dead soul. A numbness that drove you away from the Guardians of the Galaxy, no matter how much Peter they protested.
Yondu Udonta is gone. But he doesn’t have to be. Not if you don’t want him to be.
You’ve spent all your years loving him. Holding onto the hope— the promise that one day, you two would set aside your undesired lives to live ones you’ve always dreamt of. You can’t just leave that promise to die. Not like he left you to selfishly die. The galaxy is filled with endless possibilities and you’re filled with endless grief determination to find a way to keep this promise alive. And one day, you finally do in the collection of the Collector.
Yondu Udonta was gone. But now he’s back in your arms.
He’s whispering sweet nothingness into your ear as the two of you live lives only seen in the movies. “Yondu” is begging you to let him go from this wrapped reality. He’s reciting every cheesy thing the two of you had ever heard Peter quote from Terran sitcoms. You two are living out the promise made to each other in the loneliness of your broken days. And you couldn’t be happier, even if those around you are suffering.
I’m not sure how helpful that “summery” was. Y’all probably got the idea after I said it was inspired by WandaVision. And I would give away the actual twists to this but I don’t wanna give anything away in case I do write this. Will I write this ( or any of my ideas ) ? High chance I won’t because of the lack of motivation & time I possess. But will I keep sharing these ideas with y’all until I can ? Yes <3
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shyficwriter · 3 years
5-line Fic Masterpost
I saw @cas-kingdom use this format to organize a list for her Sentence Starters, and thought it was a good idea so I'm gonna adopt it lol (I'll also be adding it as a page to my Masterlist)
Hope you enjoy reading!
Drax x Reader (“You’ve been annoying the whole team for the whole time, there are going to be consequences.”)
Yondu x Peter ("Don’t think I can’t see you making those faces at me!”)
Reader x Peter, Yondu, Kraglin ("You're all boring as hell.")
Gamora x Peter ("What was that noise, did I hurt you?”)
Yondu x Reader (“Yeah? Well, you... you look like a smurf! So there!”)
Yondu x Peter (“Did you just throw your damn shoe at me?”)
Yondu x Reader ("Of course I don't expect you to choose me!! I wouldn't even choose myself!")
Reader x Peter & Drax (“You can’t hide behind him forever! I’ll get you sooner or later!”)
Reader x Rocket ("Put me down! I'm not a damn three year old!")
Yondu x Reader ("I'm not a damn grump, you big blue idiot")
Yondu x Peter ("Is that a damn dog on my ship?")
Yondu x Reader (“Sweetheart, did you just call me ‘dad’?”)
Peter x Reader (“You want me to tickle you? Cause I will.”)
Yondu x Ravager (“What don’t ya understand about the fact that she’s my kid?”)
Kraglin x Reader ("If you act like a child, I'm gonna treat you like a child.")
Reader x Peter, Yondu & Kraglin ("You three are being huge dicks right now.")
Reader & Peter x Rocket ("Are raccoon's ticklish?")
Yondu x Peter (“I didn’t mean to shoot you in the foot.”)
Peter x Reader ("Really? The silent treatment? Dumb choice..")
Peter x Kraglin & Yondu (“Well. This is new, and adorable!”)
Peter x Reader ("I'm not telling you my secret and that's final!")
Kraglin x Reader ("I didn't mean to tickle you, it was an accident! I swear!")
Reader x Mantis & Yondu ("Hey, Mantis? You know how Yondu said only Quill and I...or Terrans in general were ticklish? He was lying, he's t- oh...hey Yondu...")
Yondu x Reader ( "Hey da- uh, Yondu? Where's Pete? He was going to let me use the blasters!")
Peter x Reader ("Coochie coochie coo~")
Peter x Yondu & Kraglin ("Only Terrans are ticklish my ass, Udonta! What about you?! What abo- is Krags ticklish?")
Kraglin x Reader ("Kraglin, you ass! Give it back!")
Rocket x Reader ("And just what do you think you're doing?")
Peter x Reader (“Why’d you never tell me you could paint like that?”)
Yondu x Reader ("I'm not a little kid! I don't need to be tickled like one!!")
Yondu & Kraglin x Reader (“Look, for once, I’m not *actually* trying to tickle ya. Just sit still.”)
Gamora x Reader ("Hey, Gamora! Are you ticklish?" You asked.)
Reader x Kraglin & Yondu ("Oh, are you ticklish?" Kraglin asked, after noticing you flinch when he poked you.)
Peter x Reader ("Can I pleaaase borrow your walkman?")
Peter x Reader (“This little piggy went to market...”)
Kraglin x Peter ("Ho-Ho! What do we have here?")
Reader x Yondu, Rocket, Peter ("Please don't tell Yondu, i'm begging you guys!-")
Kraglin x Peter ("What's so funny?")
'Thor' x Reader ("Thorrr! Help me quick, hide me!")
Loki x Reader ("Oh darling... did you really think you could prank the god of mischief?")
'Thor' x Reader ("Hey Thor? Have you ever realized how alike Loki and Rocket are in some senses?")
Reader x Loki & Thor ("How old do I look to you?! I'm not five!")
Reader x Loki & Thor ("Turn me back into an adult now...reverse that piece of shit! I can't be stuck as a dang 13 year old!?"
Loki x Reader ("Think you're ready to apologise now, y/n?")
'Thor' x Reader ("Thor, do you wanna help me prank Loki?")
Tony x Mantis & Rocket ("Tony I'm sorry. I didn't mean to turn your suit purple.... I wanted to turn it pink.")
Steve x Morgan ("Rogers, Morgan took your shield out sledding.")
Steve x Reader ("Y/N? Have you seen my...shield...")
Steve x Reader ("Y/N you can't outrun a super soldier!")
Peter Parker x Rocket ("Did you just throw a water balloon on Captain America?")
Bucky and Steve x Reader ("Where do you think you're going?")
Bucky x Reader ("Buck, I must say I strongly disagree. Your metal arm looks soooo much better in pink")
Bucky x Reader ("You only have one arm right now, so it wouldn't be fair. I would simply win too easily")
Bucky x Reader (“I guess you shouldn’t have done that, huh y/n?")
Aragorn x Reader (“Aragorn, I swear I haven’t touched your sword! Pippin did it!”)
Aragorn & Legolas x Reader ("Aragon, Legolas, wait let's talk about it! Please I'm sorry!")
Aragorn x Reader ("Aragorn, I'm basically an adult. So stop treating me like a child")
Pippin x Merry ("Im boreddd... I dare you to try a sneak attack on Aragorn", Pippin whispered.)
Pippin x Aragorn ("I'm so hungryy. I would KILL for some raspberries or something")
Reader x Legolas ("Get off me, you big... elf!")
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lothirielswanmarvel · 4 years
Imagine: The Guardians of the Galaxy Taking Care of You When You’re Sick
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Peter Quill: This one is a little like Schrödinger’s cat: you can come out at the end alive, or as dead as Drax’s grasp of metaphors. One thing is for sure: you can’t scare off Peter with any sickness (living with the Ravagers has made him immune to many discomforts). Peter will never stop worrying if you’re sick, and will probably be around at all times. He’ll make sick jokes (heh), and he doesn’t mind making run-ins to nearby planets to grab some cough medicine for you. He will buy the wrong thing, so mind the labels. 
Peter Quill: NyQuil? How about some Real Quill? Y/N, stop barfing, that was really funny. 
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Gamora: Let’s be honest here, Gamora’s not used to keeping people alive. She’s more familiar with. . .the other way around. But Gamora cares about you, and will stay by your side with a soft tenderness that no one in the galaxy thought was possible. She will still threaten anyone who dares to disturb you, and will hit Quill if he cracks another sick joke.
Peter Quill: I heard you caught a cold, Y/N, I hope it FLU away. . .GAMORA STOP THROWING Y/N’S USED TISSUES AT ME
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Groot: They say the outdoors cure any illness. Groot, no matter what stage of life he’s in, will be a boost for morale. He’ll shower you with flowers (that make the Milano smell wonderful) and play video games with you on the couch. He can grab whatever you need without leaving your side, and he can carry you around the ship for a change in scenery. You’re in good hands, erm, branches, I mean. 
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Rocket Raccoon: Despite the backtalk here, and the comments on whatever disgusting illness you’re suffering from, Rocket’s not too bad a caretaker. He’s been watching over Groot for years, so he’ll complain if you try to do anything in your sickened state. Rocket’s also the fluffiest Guardian to cuddle with.
Peter Quill: Never knew you were a cat person, Y/N, lol.
Rocket, from your lap: HISSS
Peter Quill: Man, no one on this ship has a sense of humor. . .
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Drax: Drax was a husband and a father before, so your weakened state may bring out a gentler side to him. Drax will lay with you, stroke your hair, and tell you the stories of his people. He’ll tell you of great warriors, reminding you how strong you are, and that this sickness doesn’t stand a chance. 
Drax: You remind me of a powerful warrior I once crossed paths with, Y/N. He was a man. A real man, that was the baby of a pirate and an angel—
Peter Quill: Will you shut up about Thor?
Drax: He made weaklings like Quill cry.
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Mantis: The best chance at survival. Mantis is probably the most caring of the Guardians. She spent many years looking after Ego; she will make sure you’re comfortable at all times. Mantis is a delight to be around, and her fairy-like voice still manages to be softer when speaking to you.
Tony Stark: She works faster than Tylenol and Antidepressants. I think I’m in love—
Pepper Potts: TONY!
Tony Stark: Coming, dear. 
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Nebula: Nebula might occasionally pat you on the head with a “there there” (that sounds rude, but to be honest, that’s the closest she comes to saying “I love you”). Nebula may attempt to make you soup and lend you blankets, stealing everyone’s bedsheets to make a nest for you. There’s one emotion that Nebula knows best: pain. She hates to see you suffer. You will find Nebula staring at you every now and then, thinking of how Thanos would punish Nebula for her weaknesses. She will always be nearby; she may not be able to guard your immune system, but she will protect you from the cruel Thanoses of the galaxy. 
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Yondu Udonta: Yondu is a businessman who doesn’t take crap from anyone, especially whatever germ that decided to pick on you. He will see to it that you recover: he will order the entire Ravager fleet to be at your beck and call. He’ll show you all of the trinkets he’s collected from his travels when you’re bored and bedridden, recalling old adventures. He’ll shower you with gifts to make you feel better, no matter how bizarre they may be. 
Yondu: I found this on Tera, they call ‘em uh...what are these widgets? Books! You said you like ‘em. I bought five boxes—don’t you be worryin’ about where to stick ‘em. We’ll turn Kraglin’s quarters into a library for ya!
A/N: Hi Awesome Adventurers and thanks for tuning in! The Avengers taking care of you when you’re sick is also out now, and soon we will release what the X-Men and Wakandans would do to boost your mood during flu season! Stay healthy, loves! Love, fortune and glory to you!!
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Tender touch - Scott Lang
Two tons on iron - Tony Stark
Sorcerer Supreme - Dr. Strange
Obviously not that obvious - Drax The Destroyer
Beautiful as an angel.....but sure as hell ain't one - Yondu Udonta
The blades that steel the heart - Wolverine
The Walking Dead
Barbed Wire Part 1 - Negan Smith
Barbed Wire Part 2 - Negan Smith
Barbed Wire Part 3 - Negan Smith
Barbed Wire Part 4 - Negan Smith
The 100
Harps and Angel's - Bellamy Blake
Poison in his words - Ashur
You take the pain away - Gannicus
Forbidden Love - Gannicus
In the shadow of the sun - Ashur
Star wars
The force binds all - Obi Wan Kenobi
The force of two - Qui Gon Jinn
The intimidating side of things - Boba Fett
Black Ink - Darth Maul
Games of the many out weigh the games of the few.....or of the one - Markiplier
The punishment unforgotten - Markiplier
Blue tint and cold tiles - Jacksepticeye
A need for it.....and her - Markiplier
The stress is real - Markiplier
Sticks and Stones - Markiplier
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blaszczu2500-blog · 5 years
Honest Talk (Nebula X Male Reader)
Word Count: 2 462 Pairing: Nebula X Male Reader Plot - A week after joining the Guardians of the Galaxy, you and Mantis have a game of War, which you let her lose. The reward she chooses is you to let her check how you feel, because otherwise you wouldn't let her, which only leads to her telling everyone that you have feelings for Nebula. 
"... And my last card is... Queen." You said, putting your last card on the floor, as you played War with Mantis who sat before you. A huge pile of cards was in her right hand.
"I have this guy next." Mantis said, as she put her next card on the floor. It was King Diamond, and it meant that she won this game.
"You call him "King", Mantis." You reminded her.
"King." Mantis repeated after you, as you grinned. Sometimes, you found it adorable by how innocent can she be at the moments.
"And that means that you won." You said to Mantis, who smiled widely at the news, before you extended your hand towards her, "Congrats."
Mantis slowly extended her hand, and shook yours.
It's been only a week since you became a part of these Guardians of the Galaxy, after you helped them destroy Ego. But you weren't the only person who joined them after that. Gamora's sister, Nebula joined as well.
Speaking of Nebula, you actually knew her and travel with her, before you met these Guardians. You've met each other, a few days after The Battle of Xandar when she came into the town where you used to live in, looking for a new arm, but unfortunely for her she only found a thing that even you wouldn't call an arm.
Once she got it, she wanted to leave the planet as fast she could, but you had somehow conviced her stay, by asking her if she's hungry.
in your house, you gave her food, which also resulted in her making comments that she'd prefer to be homeless than having to live in your house, and you couldn't help but agree witth. Your was one of the worst places you could live in that town, but it was for free and you'd have a roof over your head. That was the only reason you stayed in that place for that long, when the others would leave it after a week.
The day after you let her stay in your home, you asked her if you could come with her, and she was really suprised that you asked her about that.
Even though, she seemed a bit hesitant about that idea, Nebula let you come with her, and first two weeks of traveling with her were nothing usual, both of you barely talked, but after you played a card you started to talk with each other more, and sometimes it amazed you, by how you can start bonding with people who wouldn't speak a word to you over a game of cards. After letting her win the game (her reaction made your whole day), you two started actually becoming closer.
She started teaching you how to use sword, because you used your blaster for most of the time, since you had found yourself away from the Earth. It another form of bonding you two had, and as the time passed she started to tell you her history, which included her, of course, her adopted sister Gamora, and her adopted father Thanos. You have heard of him before, you didn't know any details of him, before she told you them, and words couldn't describe how much you started to despise that being, and how much you felt sorry for her, especially after she told that you were the only person that showed her kindness, which was the only reason why she let you come with her
Things only got more interesting when you both were caught by the Sovereign, and taken to a prison on Xandar, by the Guardians of the Galaxy. Fortunely for both you, the ship never made it to Xandar because you were attacked by the Sovereign, who attacked you because that talking raccoon who didn't like to be called raccoon stole some of their batteries, and it was punishable by death on this planet.
And since then, everything seemed to go downhill, which lead to you finding yourself on the planet of the celestial being called Ego, and you couldn't even count the time you could die on that planet, because they were too many of them.
Eventually, you had managed to destroy Ego, which costed the life of Yondu Udonta
At first she didn't want to stay with them, even though her sister offered her to stay, but after you talked with her, and even though you did your best to hid the fact that you wanted to stay with them, managed to convice her to give it a chance, and it worked out well, so far.
Since then, you had talked with every Guardian, mostly with Peter Quill, who like you was from the Earth. You two mostly talked about the things you missed the most from your home planet, which ended up with you two planning to return to your planet, to see how much it has changed since the last you were there.
Was this journey dangerous? Of course it was.
But would you trade it for something else? Not in million years.
"Y/N" The sound of Mantis' word took you away from your thoughts.
You skook your head, before you responded, "Yes, Mantis?"
"What about my reward?" Mantis asked you, as you reminded yourself that the winner of the game you had with the bug-eyed girl would give the winner whichever reward he, or she wanted.
"Oh, right... What kind of reward do you want?" You asked her.
"Can I check your emotions?" She answered your question, "I checked emotions of almost everyone on this ship, except you and Rocket. Everytime when I try to do it to Rocket, he jumps up at me and almost bits me, as for you, you just said no."
"...Sure. Go ahead. It's your reward." You replied, after a second of hesitation. You've been told about her ability by Peter, but you declined any attempts of her trying to see what you felt, because you were... nervous? You had no answer to that.
Mantis gave you a small smile in appreciaton, as she looked down at your hand and began to lower her hand towards it. As she touched you could feel the interested glances of Drax, Gamora, Peter, and Nebula. Rocket and Groot were in the other at the moment.
Mantis' antennas began to glow, before she looked up at you, a wide grin spreading on her face.
"You feel love." She said after a moment of silence, as you had admit to yourself. You started to get nervous, once she said it.
"Yes. I feel love towards everyone in the galaxy." You quickly said, trying to sound as believable as you could.
"No. Romantic. Sexual love, just like Quill feels for Gamora." Mantis added.
"No. You must be wrong." You said, trying to hide that you were nervous from everyone.
"No. I'm not." Mantis said with a small shook of her head, as he pointed at Nebula who stood right behind both of you, as she was leaning against the wall, "It's for her!"
"No." You shot up, as you removed Mantis' hand from yours, "That is not..."
You didn't had a chance to finish as you were cut off by Drax's laughter, "HAHAHAH! She just told everyone your deepest darkest secret!"
"Drax! Shut up!" You shouted, feeling angry and embarassed at the same moment.
"You must be so embarrassed!" Drax added, as Mantis stood up, and made her way towards him, before putting her hand on his stomach. Her grin grew wider than it already was, as she pointed her hand towards you and began laughing as well, much to your irritation.
"Can someone just kill me and end my misery..." You thought to yourself
Their laughter was cut off by Nebula's groan, as she turned to leave. What all of you didn't know that it wasn't because she was angry or disgusted, she just wanted to hide the fact that she was blushing from everyone.
It didn't too long before you went to your room as well, telling them that you wanted to finish the book you were reading.
You have never felt so embarassed in your life and you wanted to be alone for the rest of the day...
What you didn't notice was that Gamora left soon after, and headed towards Nebula's room.
Over an hour has passed since Mantis told everyone that you had feelings for Nebula, and the embarrasment and anger hadn't washed off during that time, and Drax's and Mantis' laughter weren't making this situation any easiere for you. Words couldn't describe how much you wanted to kill these two at the moment said when you fely towards Nebula, despise how you found it hilarious when Drax was struggling with metaphors how adorable Mantis could be by how innocent she was.
At this moment, you laid on your bed as you threw the small red ball against the wall in front of you, and the impact was making her come back to you. It was one of not many things you had with yourself from the Earth. and when Nebula's
But you seemed to be cursed, because throwing this ball was the only thing you did for over an hour and it didn't work.
Then, there was a knock on the doors, followed by the sound of someone opening them.
"Whoever it is, leave me alone. I'm not in the mood to talk." You said, not caring who it is, before a familiar voice sounded in your ears, and it made you drop the ball on the floor.
"Y/N. We need to talk." You looked up from your bed and saw Nebula, standing in the doorway. As she came into your view you could feel your heartbeat getting faster with each second.
"About what?" You quickly asked, pretending to not know the answer, as you sat up on your bed.
''About what Mantis said." She replied, as you came over to your bed, "I can come later if you want.''
"No." You said with a shook of your head. You wanted to get over with this conversation which was going to happen sooner or later, "Let's talk about it."
Nebula gave you a quick nod of her head in response, before she sat down on the bed, right next to you, as you started to prepare yourself for whatever was going to happen in the next few minutes.
"As I said before, Y/N, is it true? What Mantis about..." She cut herself in the middle of the sentence as she could feel her face getting hot. She couldn't remember the last time when she was that nervous.
"You told me to not to lie to you, no matter how truth would hurt you and I promised to do so." You pointed out, before you let out a deep breath, preparing yourself for you were about to say, "It's true. I do have feeling for you. I don't from where they came from, but I developed them as I spent more time with you. Regular things like playing cards with you, or you teaching me how to fight became a big deal for me, and I actually could get really nervous during them."
Nebula nodded her head in understanding, before a very awkward silence between you both filled the room. Neither of you knew what to say to another, but thankfully Nebula broke it by asking.
"Y/N. I've been wondering for a while now. When everyone, even my sister were treating me like I was some kind of monster, you were nice to me, even when I got both of us caught by the Sovereign and almost got both of us killed when I flied into my sister on Ego, despise you telling me not to. I want to know why. Why were you so kind to me." She wanted to know.
"It's because I didn't saw you as a monster. I only saw as a person that who had a tough life and people done things to her that she didn't deserve." You answered.
"Thank you." Nebula said. It was the first time you heard her say those words ever since you met her.
You said nothing, just smiled at her.
"And there's something I must tell you." She stated, "You're not the only person in this room that feels something towards someone."
Your eyes shot open, as you could feel your face getting red, "W...What?"
"Y/N. I think I feel something towards you. As much as I found you annoying when we first met a few days Ronan's fall, the more time we spent with each other on the ship that I stole from the Ravagers, the more I started to like you. You made feel how it is when not all people think of you as a monster, you made feel how it is to win, even though it was only a card game and I think that I'm want to try." She said, as she shyly said put her hand on yours, "I like you too. I like you a lot."
"I want to try too. I'll be more than happy to see if it'll work." You smiled at her. A small spread all across her blue face, before she began to lean forward. You began to lean forward as well, and your lips finally met and the metallic taste began to fill your senses. The kiss was a little awkward since you and Nebula didn't kiss many folk, but you both really enjoyed the first kiss you had with each other.
However, the moment was interrupted when Nebula heard two familiar voices from behind of the doors.
"The kissed! I can hear it!"
"Mantis! Be quiet!"
"What is it?" You asked her, after she pulled you away from her.
"Did you heard that?" She replied with question, before a sound of walking down the hallway away from your room sounded in your ears.
"Were they listening to us?" You stated the obvious.
"It appears so." Nebula agreed, as you stood up from your bed.
"I didn't killed Drax or Mantis earlier, but now I'm going to do this." You stated, as Nebula quickly joined your side, before the both of you left your room and went towards the direction where the other Guardians went, almost hand in hand.
As you were walking in their direction, you didn't saw Gamora, standing in the corner as she watched you walk pas her. A huge smile was on her face, as she was happy to see her sister happy.
Then, she quickly followed you two to stop you both from doing what you were planning to do to the rest of the crew for eavesdropping the conversation you had.
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don’t touch my stuff
Rocket Raccoon x Reader
Summary: requested by anonymous. the milano crew are stuck paying taxi to yondu, who quickly takes a liking to the reader. only problem is, she’s already involved with a certain raccoon, even if the others don’t know it yet.
Characters/Pairings: rocket x reader, peter quill x gamora, yondu udonta, drax, baby groot
Warnings: minor explicit language, unwanted flirting
Word Count: 2,346
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You sat cross-legged and comfortable on the floor of the Milano’s main room, your paperback laying abandoned by your side. You’d intended just to read for a while, content to keep Rocket silent company as he worked on whatever new device he was creating. The two of you spent a lot of time like that; while neither of you addressed it, the friendship between you had grown into something more emotionally intimate in the last month or so, something neither of you had named. Still, you’d stopped picking up men at bars while at port, and Rocket slept curled against the small of your back more often than not. Whatever it was, you were keeping it to yourselves; you were still trying to come to grips with your feelings for the raccoon, and you didn’t need input from the others until you both knew where you stood.
Nothing had really changed between you outwardly; you still shared a bunk, you still sat by his side at dinner and you were still the one most likely not to suffer a shot from a blaster if a drunken Rocket had to be manhandled out of a bar. The others were in the cockpit, and you’d had about ten minutes of quiet (aside from the quiet backdrop of Quill’s mixtape) with your partner and book before you’d gotten distracted.
Not by Rocket – he was still fiddling with spare parts – but by the tiny tree that shared your bunk and would wake you up at night to beg for candy.
Your hands were raised in front of you, fingers twitching in the gestures you always used to shape and control your projections on a small scale. The mid-level ability to create psychokinetic force fields came with its perks, and while you didn’t have as much control as you liked, entertaining Groot on long treks between planets was definitely one of them. It might not have been the usual purpose, but you could always chalk it up to honing your reaction times. Besides, the little guy loved this game.
You were projecting a small, saucer-sized field about a foot or so above you for Groot to use as a platform. With a joyful cry he leapt off it blindly, and you quickly closed your fist to dissolve it while summoning up another with your other hand. You caught him about eight inches down and further away from you. He giggled as he landed, standing again and jumping on it excitedly. Every time his feet met it, ripples of blue-tinged energy would dance through it. Rocket glanced up at the two of you, an amused, affectionate expression on his face, one that he only let cross it when you were alone.
“I am Groot!”
“Yeah, I saw it, little man.” Rocket assured him, like a dad tiredly watching his kid on a diving board.
You wiggled your fingers experimentally, the shield expanding. Groot bounced around the edges of it happily before leaping off again. You caught him hastily with another projection, a few inches above Rocket’s head. The raccoon smirked up at him as Groot waved at him through it. You bit you lip and released the energy suddenly, bursting into laughter as the Flora Colossus fell straight onto your partner’s head.
Rocket cursed as his little friend tumbled down into his lap, glaring at you. You winked teasingly at him as Groot babbled away laughingly; the little guy immediately began tugging at the edge of Rocket’s jumpsuit, eager for him to join the two of you.
“You’re a frickin’ pain, you know that?” he huffed, trying to hide his smile. He shook Groot off and poked him in the belly when he pouted. Groot laughed again, wriggling away. “The both of ya.”
“Oh, please. You’ve been paying more attention to us than whatever the hell that is.” You taunted playfully, gesturing at the half-finished device in front of him. “Which is…?”
“How enlightening.”
“Shut your mouth, I’m workin’,” he grinned.
You snickered, beckoning Groot towards you. He scampered over excitedly. “Again?”
“I am Groot!”
“How about a speed run?” you suggested and he nodded, bracing himself like a runner at the starting line. You turned to Rocket. “Do the honors?”
He sighed and rolled his eyes. “On your marks… Get set… Go!”
You summoned a force field, dissolving it and creating another in front of it almost immediately after Groot jumped upon it. He ran over each of them, and you both continued all the way to the table in the middle of the room. When Groot’s feet met the tabletop you both cheered, Rocket clapping behind you in amusement. You stood and stretched, stiff from sitting on the hard floor.
“Well, ain’t you just full of surprises?”
You turned around, caught off-guard. Yondu Udonta was leaning against the wall by the cockpit’s ladder. Quill followed him down and gave you a friendly wink, taking a seat at the table and planting his feet on it.
He was doing his old captain a favor – Yondu needed to get somewhere Ravager ships weren’t welcome, but thanks to the events on Xandar, the Milano was the exception. So, you were all stuck playing taxi for a while.
You flushed and stiffened uncomfortably; you weren’t used to people seeing you use your abilities, not in a personal setting. You saw Rocket straighten in your periphery, ears up, no doubt noticing your wariness. “Can I help you with something?”
Yondu smirked widely at you, touching his tongue to a canine. “Haven’t decided yet. I’m Yondu.”
“She knows who you are, ya moron.” Rocket interjected sarcastically as he tossed his work aside and moved to your side, arms folded. You coughed to smother a laugh. “How many ugly-ass blue guys you think Quill knows?”
“Rocket…” Quill groaned, exasperated.
“Missed you too, Rat.”
You rolled your eyes. “I’m Y/N.”
“Ain’t you just…” Yondu replied, giving you an appraising look that made you very aware of the tightness of your jeans. It was kind of strange; he had the same kind of charm to him that Quill did, and you had to wonder if Quill had purposely picked up Yondu’s mannerisms, or if it had been subconscious. Either way, it was uncanny; the look he gave you was the same one Peter had once upon a time, and just like then, you ignored it. You saw Quill shake his head exasperatedly out of the corner of your eye. “What exactly is it you were doin’, darlin’?”
“I, uh…” you cleared your throat. “I make shields.”
“Like… force fields.”
“Out of thin air?”
“…with my brain?”
“You just think it and ‘poof’?”
“Something like that.”
“She’s a hell of an asset in a fight,” Quill interjected, and you shot him a small smile. “Stand out in the open with her and they can’t land a single shot.”
“And what does that make you exactly, girlie?” Yondu asked, stepping away from the wall and towards you as Drax descended the ladder.
“She’s Terran.” Rocket said sourly. He knew, as did the rest of crew, that you’d had a hard time coming to terms with your mutant genes back on Terra. Your time at the Charles Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters had helped you learn to control and appreciate your abilities, but the idea that people would consider you abnormal still stung. “Just like Quill.”
“Except for her mutation. Quill doesn’t have one of those.” Drax pointed out casually, and you glared at him. The smallest of growls rumbled through Rocket’s throat. “What?”
“You one of them mutants, then?”
“If you want to get all technical about it.”
“Wanna show me what you can do?”
“You get any closer and you’re gonna find out.” you dead-panned, and Rocket sniggered. Quill coughed to cover a laugh of his own.
“Is that a promise?” Yondu said suggestively.
“Ugh,” you groaned. “I’m going to my bunk.”
Yondu paid particular attention to you over the next few days; dropping comments whenever you came in the room. It was easy to ignore, but you could tell that it was starting to get to Rocket. He tensed every time Yondu came into the room, so you’d taken to avoiding him just to keep Rocket relaxed.
It wasn’t until his third night on the ship that it became an actual issue. Quill, Drax and Yondu had broken out some of the heavier stuff early in what would be considered the afternoon, the roar of their laughter and macho posturing echoing through the ship. You’d eventually convinced Rocket to join them, insisting he have a good time.
You had joined Gamora in the cockpit and taken the opportunity to ride shotgun and get a kind of intro course into flying. You’d spent a few hours with her, Groot scrambling happily underfoot, and while Gamora was quieter than your male cohort, she was wonderful company. She’d watched with interest as you’d tried projecting a shield around Groot instead of in front of him; she’d offered to help with more hands-on training once you were planet-side.
Quill had called you both down for food some time later, and while Gamora had rolled her eyes at the slurring of his speech, she’d set the Milano to auto-pilot and the two of you had gone down to join them, Groot riding on the assassin’s shoulder.
The four of them were sitting around the table, drinks in hand. Rocket stole a quick glance at you as you passed, a drunken, affectionate smile on his mouth and a twitch in his ears. Gamora touched a hand to Quill’s shoulder as she passed, and his came up to brush over it.
“Is this a liquid dinner?” you asked in amusement, noting the complete lack of food on the table. “Cause if you’re expecting us to make it… Well, Gamora won’t be impressed.” You caught her smirking at that.
Quill looked sheepish, but Drax had no qualms about speaking up. “Gamora is too formidable to expect that from, Y/N. But you are much more suited to domestic work.”
Quill let out a dramatic gasp at that and Yondu snorted. They’d had more than you’d thought.
“Thanks, buddy.” You said sarcastically, but you rolled your eyes and headed for the kitchen. “You’re gonna pay for that later.”
“I am not afraid of doing battle with you!” Drax declared loudly.
“Oh, not in battle, my friend,” you told him as you returned, hauling with you a bunch of snack food. Not the healthiest dinner, but maybe the salt would help sober them up. “Get used to freezing showers.”
Rocket laughed at that, and you winked at him as you passed around food.
“Thanks, darlin’.” Yondu drawled, and you faltered as you felt his hand caress your backside. You spun around, instinctively summoning up a force field between the two of you. It stretched floor to ceiling and was big enough that it knocked him off his chair, and Drax roared with laughter at the bewildered expression on the blue man’s face.
“What the hell’d you do that for?!” Yondu said, clambering to his feet.
“You don’t touch me,” you said, voice hard despite its wavering. You weren’t used to projecting shields so large, and you realized it had been hours since you’d last eaten. Your head spun slightly.
“What’d he just do?” Rocket demanded, standing on his chair. His voice was still thick with alcohol, but his tone was serious now. “What did you just do?!”
“Rocket, man, what’s your problem?” Quill had straightened slightly in his seat, but Gamora looked surprisingly calm beside him. Maybe even a little proud.
“Did you just touch her?” Rocket was off his seat and in front of you before you’d even realized it. You felt dizzy, and your hand found the tabletop for support. Low blood sugar was a bitch. “You don’t get to touch her.”
“Man, relax!” Quill was now out of his seat, hands up in a pacifying gesture. Last thing he needed were holes in his ship.
“You got a problem with that, Rat?” Yondu challenged defensively, ego bruised.
“Yeah, I got a problem, asshole.” Rocket slurred angrily. “You don’t get to touch what’s mine!”
“What’s yours?” Quill repeated, the slightest hint of amusement to his words. “Rocket, have you got a crush?”
Drax’s laughter renewed, almost painfully loud, and he almost fell out of his chair himself. “The rodent has feelings for the Terran!”
Rocket snarled, hackles raised as he turned on the two of them. Despite the increasingly uncomfortable dizziness you were feeling, you held out your hand and projected a small shield in front of him, barely the size of a baseball. Still, he stopped, glancing down at it and then at you.
“It’s okay, Rocket. I’m fine…”
You closed your hand, the shield dissipating, and reached out shakily to stroke the fur behind his ear. You gave him a small, reassuring smile. “It’s okay.”
“Uh, Y/N…?”
You stiffened slightly, hand halting, before turning to face the others. “You got something to say, Peter?”
He hesitated, before shaking his head. “Nope, I’m just very, very, drunk.”
“Good.” You nodded, turning to the Destroyer. “Drax? You laugh at Rocket one more time and I find out what happens when I project a force field inside someone.”
Oh my God, you actually made Drax the Destroyer gulp. Gamora, who seemed to be taking this revelation pretty much in stride, looked somehow more proud than before.
“You—” you pointed a finger at Yondu, who was watching the whole situation unfurl with a mixture of confusion and amusement. “Touch me again and we’re gonna have a problem. Otherwise, we’re all good.”
“’ppreciate it.” He replied, nodding and helping himself to another drink. “Tell you what, Rat. You got yourself a hell of a spitfire there.”
There was a cockiness in Rocket’s expression that almost made you roll your eyes, but it disappeared under the blooming affection he wore as he looked at you. “Yeah. She’s got me, too.”
tags: @lovely-dreamer19 @spacesuitsforemergency @wittyforachange @moon-tastic
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robin-the-enby · 2 years
Punk s/o headcanons
Pairing: Yondu Udonta x gn!reader
Warnings: none :)
A/N: I feel like this is getting out of hand. But I just got so many ideas for fics, what else am I supposed to do than write them?? Besides, there is so little content for this man, it's sad, really...
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Ok, so his first impression of you is...well, complicated. Like, don't get me wrong, he is amazed by you and how you look, but also, isn't it incovenient? To that you could say his belts and buckles also seem inconvenient, but he'd just wave you off, saying they all have a purpose.
But a bigger part of him is amazed I must say. He really likes what he sees, your hairstyle, the colour of your hair, your piercings, if you have any, your tattoos, again, if you have any. Your clothes also amaze him. How can you make something that looks like it was pulled out of a dumpster, and possibly could have been, look so good?? But your chains and pins make him uneasy, because it's easier for enemies to take ahold of you.
However, when he sees you absolutely shut down someone making unwanted advances at you, his fear dies down a little. Now he's impressed with your courage and your attitude.
He really likes your sharp tongue and carefree approach to life. You two make great friends at first. You're loyal, fierce, courageous and witty, while also thoughtful and kind and fair. Basically just his type.
He's glad when you show him your soft side, it really means a great deal to him, because it shows you trust him and feel comfortable around him. You also take off all that gear, as he likes to call your leather/denim jackets and spiky clothing/accesories. This might be the point where he slowly realises he might be falling in love with you.
If you decide to show him punk music or take him to a concert, he would fall in love, while, again, be a little concerned. He loves the wildness and anger of it, but seeing you throw yourself into a crowd of total strangers that could possibly stomp you to death is a little frightening and he asks himself if you've lost your mind. He might not join a mosh, but he'll be on the sidelines looking out for you. Also, he's not the type of person to delve deeply into the meaning of a song, but rather enjoys the feel of it, so he won't really care if the song is about police brutality, systematic racism or sexism, or if it is about being sad and smoking to cope (I'm looking at you fellow folkpunkers), but as I said, he'll enjoy the rawness and agression of it. Anyway, he likes punk a tiny bit better than Peter's music, but just because punk tends to be very lyrics centered.
If you ever decide to cut your head into a mohawk, he'd make fun of you for sure. After he'd calm down, he'd frequently and quite cheekily point out that you two are matching now. But all of your hairstyles make him interested, as well as your makeup looks, if you wear makeup. Whether you decide for liberty spikes, a mullet, mohawk, or shave your head completely, he is amazed.
The two of you are a very sassy couple, who take no shit from anyone!
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rootbeergoddess · 6 years
Yondu’s Baby
@athena83 wanted some Yondu x Reader fluff so I wrote this adorable fic in which the reader has Yondu’s baby. If you like this fan of this, you can get a commission from me and leave me a tip.
“There, did you feel it?”
Kraglin’s eyes went wide as the baby kicked. You smiled as he rubbed your stomach, feeling the small child within you. This was new to him. Ravagers didn’t have babies normally. Granted, Kraglin and Yondu weren’t normal Ravagers. He leaned forward, placing his ear close to your belly button.
“I feel it!” He said. “Holy shit, it’s really in there!”
“Yep,” You smiled. “And they’re kicking up a storm.”
“Is it gonna be a girl or a boy?” Kraglin sounded giddy.
“Doctor said a girl,” You rubbed your belly. “You’re going to be an uncle Kraglin. How do you like the sound of that?”
“An uncle? Me?”
“Hey, what’s all this?”
Yondu entered the room, plastic bags in his hand. Normally, Kraglin would be on his feet with a Ravager salute but he was still listening to the baby. Yondu wore a scowl but it vanished quickly and was replaced with a smile. He couldn't be angry.
“Boss, I felt it! I felt the baby!” Kraglin sounded like a child. “She’s moving and everything!”
“Yeah, babies do that,” Yondu said. “Help me wit the groceries boy.”
Kraglin got up and took some of the plastic bags. You had only asked for ice cream so you weren’t sure what the rest of the bags were for. Surely, one tub of ice cream didn’t fill up six shopping bags. You went to get up from your chair but Yondu ran over to you, taking your hand.
“Ye don’t need to stand up,” He said gently. “If you need something, lemme get it fer ya.”
“Yondu, we’ve been over this. I’m pregnant, not dying.”
“You’re not just pregnant. Youse pregnant with mah baby,” Yondu made you sit down. “And that means ya gotta take it easy.”
Never in a million years did you think Yondu Udonta would be such a worrywart. The man who helped kill a Celestial was worrying over you. The elderly Centaurian who had a whistle that could kill a fleet of men was protective over his little, Terran wife. A younger Yondu would have denied it, saying he didn’t show affection. Ravagers weren’t supposed to be soft and weak. Now, Yondu openly admitted that he cared. He said he was too old for the macho bullshit act.
In all honesty, Yondu hadn’t seemed like your type. The two of you had worked on a job before and you thought that would be the end of it. Ravagers weren’t fans of bounty hunters. A month after the first job, Yondu gave you a call, asking if you wanted to work together again. Credits were credits so you agreed. After that, he kept calling. A year later, you decided to just join his crew. You told yourself it was for the money. Of course, that had been a lie. Once Taserface had engaged the mutiny, you knew where your priorities were.
Now, you were pregnant with Yondu’s baby. When you told Yondu and showed him the sonogram, he almost started crying. Since then, he waited on your hand and foot. There were times where you felt like you were being needy, asking for snacks or something to entertain yourself but Yondu didn’t mind. He would have kidnapped Nova Prime for you. It was overwhelming.
“Yondu, we’re not having this conversation again,” You stood up. “Besides, my legs are cramping up. I’ve been sitting for too long.”
“But--” Yondu began.
“No buts,” You stretched. “Ah, that’s much better.”
“Cantcha sit down just a bit longer?” Yondu fretted.
“Oh my god, Kraglin tell your boss to stop treating me like a child,” You said, walking over to the groceries. “You know I just asked for ice cream.”
“Well yeah but they was having a sale on them cookies yew like. The black ones with the icing in ‘em.”
“Oreos?” You asked, reaching into the bags. “Yondu, you bought four bags of them.”
“I tolda ya, they were on sale,” Yondu shrugged. “Also got you some gummy worms.”
“You bought five bags of those.”
“They were also on sale.”
You were pretty sure Yondu was lying. You had been with him long enough to know when he was hiding the truth. Part of you enjoyed this extra attention and another part of you hated it. Was Yondu overdoing it? Yes, in a big way. You understood why he was doing it. He wanted to keep you happy and he wanted to make sure the baby was happy too. It wasn’t like you didn’t want the baby to healthy either but you didn’t want Yondu stretching himself to thin. He had a job to do as well. If he wasn’t focused, what would happen?
“Kraglin, could you give us a second?” You asked the first mate.
Kraglin nodded before leaving the room.
“Yondu, you know you don’t have to do all this right?” You said.
“I dunno watchu talkin’ about.” Yondu gruffed.
“I know you want me to be happy,” You continued, going up to him. “And I appreciate all the effort. But I don’t need so many sweets.”
There was a pause. You hated it when there was silence between you two. That meant he was thinking. Sometimes, when he thought, he got caught up in his own mind.
“I just don’t wanna fuck this up,” He finally said. “I’ve never done this before.”
“Neither have I baby,” You wrapped your arms around him. “I’m new to this too.”
“Yeah, but youse ain’t me. I didn’t have a conventional childhood. You had a normal Terran upbringing.”
“For the most part,” You turned Yondu around to face you. “But that doesn’t mean having a baby doesn’t scare me.”
“Still,” Yondu cupped your face. “I’m a fuckup. I’m a natural at it.”
“We all are honey,” You kissed his fingers. “Just know that we’re going to do this together. You’re not alone.”
“I know,” Yondu pressed his forehead to yours. “I love you babygirl.”
“I love you too.”
Yondu winced slightly as Y/N screamed and squeezed his hand. The baby was coming early. The little bugger was supposed to be due in two weeks but here they were in the hospital.
“C’mon baby, breathe,” Yondu wiped away sweat from her brow. “You can do this.”
Y/N started her breathing again, straining and sweating as she pushed. Kraglin was no help, having already passed out in a chair. It was up to Yondu and the doctors to get this baby out.
“I see a head. Keep pushing!” The doctor shouted.
“I can’t!” Y/N whimpered.
“Yes, you can baby, push!” Yondu squeezed her hand.
Y/N exhaled before grunting, pushing as hard as she could. As she did, crying was heard. The doctor pulled the baby out, holding the screaming infant carefully in his hand. Yondu was in awe. He watched as they cut the umbilical cord and cleaned off the child, he couldn’t believe it. That baby was his. After months of hanging out in Y/N’s stomach, their baby was finally here.
“Congratulations, it’s a girl!” The doctor handed the baby over to Y/N.
The baby’s cries became softer as Y/N held her. Her skin was a pale blue color yet she had her mother’s hair color. The baby continued to cry until she opened up her eyes and looked at her parents. Slowly, her cries vanished and she was quiet, silently looking at them. Yondu wanted to cry. Their baby was perfect. He couldn’t believe how tiny she was. Grinning, he reached over with his finger and caressed her face.
“Hey there ya lil’ bugger,” Yondu said. “I’m yer daddy.”
“Yondu, she’s beautiful,” Y/N sniffed. “I can’t believe it. She’s here.”
“We did it babe,” Yondu kissed Y/N’s head. “I’m proud of you.”
“You better be. That was hard work,” Y/N giggled. “But was worth it.”
“Totally worth it.”
“Okay, the camera’s on!” Y/N said. “Alright, look the camera guys.”
Baby Azure sat on her father’s lap, happily sucking on her hand. Kraglin was crouched down on the floor, hiding his face. Azure smiled as Kraglin uncovered his face and she laughed. Kraglin grinned as he hid again.
“Where’s Krags? Here he is!” Kraglin declared.
Azure gurgled, clapping her hands. Yondu, of course, was smiling like mad. Being a father was both exciting and terrifying. The ship had already been baby proofed but Yondu doubled checked everything daily. He would die before he let anything happen to his darling baby girl. While Azure was still mostly eating mushy foods, Yondu double pureed her baby food just to be safe. His sleeping schedule was somewhat erratic due to the fact he woke up and ran down the hall just to check on his daughter.
Azure was a doll. She cried but only when she was hungry or in need of changing. She was content to just sit on your lap and cuddle. She was slightly messy when it came to eating but Yondu joked is was her Ravager instinct kicking in. Azure was also very loving and one of her favorite people was Kraglin. Lucky for her, the feeling was mutual. Kraglin took his role as the uncle very seriously. If Y/N or Yondu were too busy, Kraglin took over. He’d feed her, change her diapers, play with her, do everything he needed to keep her happy.
Azure reached towards Kraglin. Kraglin took her and laid down on his back, holding the baby up in the air. Happily, Azure cooed and giggled.
“Lookit, she’s flying! Ain’t that something?” Kraglin smiled up at Azure.
“So as you can see, Azure is growing up fast,” Y/N said. “She enjoys playing with her daddy and Uncle Krags. She’s gotten bigger, she’s learning how to crawl and she’s just being a good girl. Azure, can you say hi to Peter?”
Azure looked towards the camera. Kraglin sat up and held her up.
“Hiya Pete!” Kraglin spoke in a funny voice. “I miss ya! Come back and visit me!”
“You heard her, come back soon Peter, she misses you!” Y/N said before turning off the camera. “And that’s a wrap. Whose ready for lunch?”
“I am! I’m ready for some cute baby!” Kraglin started kissing Azure’s face. “Nom nom nom!”
Azure squealed in delight, gurgling as Kraglin showered her with kisses. Yondu’s smile continued to grow as he watched them. So this was what he it was like to have a baby. There was a hard work and sleepless nights but Yondu realized he enjoyed being a father. He enjoyed having a family in general. Was it sentiment? Probably. He was too old to care about showing feelings. It was exhausting to keep up a facade.
“Penny for your thoughts captain?” Y/N sat down on his lap.
“Just thinkin’ about how goddamn happy I am,” Yondu wrapped his arms around Y/N’s waist. “I gots a lovely lady, a nice family. My life is fuckin’ perfect.”
Y/N smiled and watched as Kraglin continued to shower Azure with kisses. The baby’s smile was huge and she giggled with glee.
“Yeah, this is the life isn’t it?” Y/N said, leaning back.
“It sure is,” Yondu kissed his lover’s cheek. “I love you.”
“Really? You love little old me?” Y/N turned around to face him. “Well guess what? I love you too!”
“Hey, what about us?” Kraglin asked.
“Gah!” Azure exclaimed.
“Yes, I love you too Kraglin and my little bundle of joy,” Y/N giggled.
“You better love us. Epsically Azure. Since ya’ll made her.”
“C’mon Kraglin, you can be our son!” Yondu pushed Y/N off his lap. “C’mere boy!”
“Y/N, help. He’s being weird again.” Kraglin held Azure up in defense.
Azure reached out to her father. Yondu chuckled and took her. He gave his daughter a kiss on the cheek and she smiled.
“How about I make us all some lunch?” Y/N got up. “We can have a nice little family lunch.”
“I like the sound of that.” Yondu said.
He wrapped his arm around his lover, gave her a kiss and let her lead the way to the kitchen.
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