marsixm · 1 year
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maxphilippa · 11 months
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rakishhellion · 2 months
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fenikorg-talks · 1 year
I just read the last bsd chapter and... what??? what the actual heck is asagiri plotting here??? damn, I'm still stuck in this panel like dude...
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I havent recovered from this i got stuck I cant think normal after this. fuck dazai's holes may atsushi go to hell I WANT BRAM'S BACKSTORY
i would REALLY appreciate it if JUST BEFORE AYA DIES he gives us the REASSON. yk I had already resigned with asagiri keeping her alive, the man keeps doing whatever he wants with his children BUT AYA MY GIRL I KNOW BRAM CANT MOVE BUT DO SOMETHING MAN she doesn't even have enough weight to pull that sword out HEPL
and is this...? this is obviously the introduction of someone, c'moooooon
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please,,,,,,pleaseee,, pleeaaasaseee im not asking for much but.... verlaine......adam....... someone pleaaaseeeeeeee
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friesian · 2 years
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erotesianangel · 11 months
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conceptmobius · 2 years
Sonic Frontiers' Update #1 has arrived.
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viky2318 · 8 months
Chapter 3: your best friend
It had been a few days. Alphys tried to explain to him what happened back when he first woke up. She said he was the result of an experiment of hers: she was trying to create a monster from scratch and that she decided to make a skeleton because it was all just bones and so simpler than other monsters, but she remained pretty vague about how she did that or any other detail. She said he felt weird because she probably messed up something, but she didn’t specify what she may have messed up. Alphys did her best to help him heal up that huge hole he had in his chest, but sadly she hadn’t been able to completely close it. She also kept calling him Duo: he didn’t feel like it was actually his name, but since he couldn’t think of anything better he simply decided to go with that one. “Duo”. A short and simple name. He remembered perfectly, the day when he woke up, hearing Alphys calling him “D-1”. Maybe she just misspelled it out of nervousness. Alphys constantly seemed nervous. Almost anxious. Especially when Duo was around. Maybe she was like this with everyone, but the skeleton never saw anyone else in the laboratory and therefore had no idea. Yes, laboratory. Duo spent the last 4 long days in the laboratory. Aside from the “surface lab”, there was an underground area which was huge, with many rooms (some of them open and some others locked) and interesting things in nearly each of them. Alphys gave him a small spare room with a table and a bed she brought in (it looked kinda like a hospital bed, but he didn’t mind). Somehow, the skeleton found all that place and the machinery terribly familiar. He had no idea why, but it was interesting and unsettling at the same time. Maybe also that was just a “mistake” made by Alphys while creating him? he didn’t know, and he was pretty sure if he asked her he would just get a vague reply without clear explanation.
That day, Duo was alone. Alphys went out to meet the king and talk about some things, so the skeleton was free to do nearly whatever he wanted without her getting concerned because he moved too quickly. In the previous days he explored all the available rooms and all the interesting machines, so it was time to take a look at that big bookshelf on the upper area of the surface lab. At first sight the bookshelf was split in two: the left side had human comics and DVD’s of cartoons, divided by series and in alphabetical order, and the right side had books of many other things: anatomy, mechanics, chemistry, magic, history, electronics… all of them neatly organized in alphabetical order by author and by subject. Duo took a book from the right side and read the title. “Robotics- book 2”. Oh, he knew that book! He read it so many times when-
wait what.
The skeleton sat at a working table nearby, reading the first page of the book. Then the second. Then the third.
He knew that book. He couldn't remember it, but when he read the pages he felt as if it wasn't the first time. Even more interesting was the fact that, despite this book explaining very complex and advanced concepts, the moment he read those he realized he already knew them. He kept reading, trying in the meanwhile to understand why. Alphys said she created him, so maybe she programmed his mind to know that stuff?
Duo got so lost in the reading he didn’t notice the completely out of place golden flower looking at him. “Why, howdy!” the flower exclaimed, taking the skeleton completely by surprise as he shouted. He looked down at the flower, his eyes wide in surprise. “wha- I- who are you?!” he exclaimed, confused and surprised. Another monster? Here? wait- monsters usually don’t look like plants- he didn’t even finish formulating his thought the flower spoke again. “Golly, I’m sorry friend! I didn’t mean to startle you!” he explained, frowning a little. Duo took a few breaths, calming down again. “... n-no worries. I just… really wasn’t expecting it”, he replied. The flower huffed in relief. “oh, thankfully. I thought you were scared of me! I don’t even know why I thought so, but for some curious reason it still concerned me”. The skeleton frowned, then shook his head. “no, no, I wasn’t scared of you. Though you still scared the hell out of me…”. The flower chuckled, then climbed up the table and got a little close to the skeleton. “Alright, then let’s do this all over: Howdy, I’m Flowey! Flowey the Flower!”, the flower exclaimed. He seemed like a pretty cheerful guy. Flowey extended a leaf as if he was offering it for a handshake, looking at the skeleton with a friendly smile. “... I am Duo, nice to meet you”, the skeleton simply introduced himself, taking the leaf and shaking it gently. “Duo, huh? Nice name! Are you new around here? I never saw you, and trust me when I say I know everyone”, Flowey asked. Duo was about to explain to the flower what Alphys told him, but then thought that before spreading an information it was better to make sure it was correct. “well- uhm- I honestly don’t know. I probably- uhm- hit my head and… yeah, I just don’t remember”. Geez, that sure was a bad lie. He was a terrible liar. The flower remained silent for a moment, frowning, but then unexpectedly said: “I’m terribly sorry to hear that, friend. I’m sure you’ll remember one day”. Was that guy serious or was he just making fun of the skeleton? How on earth could he believe such a bad lie?? Duo decided to not question himself any further and hope this guy actually believed him. “... so, what are you reading? looks like a nice book”, Flowey asked. The two ended up spending a lot of time chatting. Flowey was a surprisingly good listener, and also one of a nerd. He knew almost more stuff than Duo! and sure that wasn’t a simple task since every time the flower mentioned a concept Duo almost always remembered what that was. He seemed like a friendly guy. a bit childish from time to time, but still a nice person to be around. After a while he went away, saying that he had stuff to do “stay safe young man! I'll be watching you”, he added before disappearing into the ground. Nearly at the same moment, the door of the lab opened and Alphys came back. “H-hi Duo!” the lizard started as she quickly came to him. “T-the king was so happy to know you’re-
Duo opened his eyes, feeling slightly tense. He sat up and looked around, feeling like someone was watching him. 
Just a dream. It was just a dream. Just another damn dream.
He didn't like the fact that he was dreaming so much lately. Usually he had blank nights where he dreamt nothing. This sequence of dreams was starting to concern him. Those weren't even casual dreams like- I dunno- whatever a normal person would dream. Those were memories from the lab. He hated that place. People died there. Dozens of innocent monsters. He just couldn't figure out why on earth he would dream about-
Focus. He had better things to do than to bother because of some old memories. He got up and noticed Kate wasn't sleeping. Did he wake up late again? He walked downstairs and saw her sitting on the couch with  Paps as the two chatted quietly. “Oh- Duo! Good morning! I'm sorry if I woke you up, but- I was having hard times sleeping. I'm so excited for today's second trip!” The human exclaimed the second she saw Duo coming in. Trip? What was she- oh right. The Ruins. The skeleton felt a little nervous at the idea of going there again, the simple thought of that creepy pile of dust laying straight at the entrance giving him goosebumps. He gave a glance to the clock: 6:32. He woke up at a decent time today. Still too soon, but better than the day before. “I'm happy to know you're excited buttercup, but next time try to sleep a bit more. It's not healthy to sleep too little”. Paps glanced at Duo with a severe frown. “says the one who woke up at nearly 5 am and didn’t even think about going back to sleep”, he commented. Kate gave him a curious look, hearing nothing but garbage noise, but Papyrus didn’t translate.
Napstablook came by around 8:30, and the four ended up reaching the Ruins’ entrance around 10 am, Kate continuously talking about this awesome place in there without describing it, saying she wanted to keep it a surprise. Duo took a deep breath before walking in the long corridor that led to the house, but when he opened the door… the dust was gone? There wasn’t even a grain of it, as if it was never there. Did he imagine it- yeah no, he wouldn’t imagine seeing a corpse laying on the ground. Where did it go? Not that he wanted to go look for it now, but he seriously felt concerned. Duo ended up letting aside that unsettling thought and kept going, not wanting to let Kate get lost in there. The place was as beautiful as the day before, with its ancient walls and breathtaking views of Home. This time the group didn’t linger around as much as the day before, mainly because of Kate’s energical walking- almost running- to this mysterious awesome place. She didn’t slow down a single time, but this didn’t bother the three monsters- two of them floated and the third had a good physical resistance. After some time, the human girl started walking even faster. She turned around to the others for a second, smiling widely. “I know this place, we’re close! c’mon Duo, walk faster! You won’t regret it, I promise!!” she exclaimed. The skeleton raised a brow, but did as she told him to not lose her in that labyrinth of corridors. Then…
A huge, circular room. The walls were made of pure gray stone differently to the ones in the rest of the Ruins, and some old pillars stood straight under the delightful sunlight that came down from a hole hundreds of meters higher. And straight under the light… Golden flowers. Big, soft, slightly cartoonish and yet real flowers, their petals colored in a bright yellow shining under the sunlight. Truly beautiful flowers… and yet, with a taste of bittersweet. Golden flowers were the King’s favorite flowers, a symbol of rebirth and hope, and a Golden flower was the one and only talking flower the skeleton knew and hated. What an ironic coincidence, right? Duo sighed quietly, looking at those wonderful plants gently swinging in the delicate wind present in that room only with a slight frown. Suddenly someone pulled his sleeve, forcing him to walk closer. “Look Duo- look! I fell on these from up there, and they were still perfectly intact! And I didn’t get a single scratch, you know? every one of these flowers feels like a huge pillow!” Kate eagerly exclaimed, looking at the skeleton with a bright smile and an excited look. Duo took a few seconds to get what she said, but then smiled gently at the girl and crouched next to her, taking in his hands one of those flowers without ripping it from the ground. “Of course. It is because Golden flowers are made of 50% magic, and so they feel way softer than normal flowers. Not only that, but Golden flowers’ petals are this soft also to better absorb the Barrier’s magic radiations in order to live for centuries”. Kate sat on Duo’s leg, listening to him with eyes wide in wonder. She loved every time someone explained her things, either them being things about science, magic, mechanics- everything was fine. She said it was because a lot of things worked differently on the surface. Because on the surface there was no magic. Of course, when humans locked the monsters away all the magic got locked with them. Human wizards casted spells thanks to wands and scepters that stole magic from other beings. Without monsters and their magic auras, magic plants soon stopped growing up there and magic stones lost their enchantments. The girl once told them how humans started hunting down other humans that still had magic powers, either out of fear of those almost rare people or out of hate towards what others didn’t have anymore. They burned their bodies and left the ashes to the wind, uncaring if these people tried to help others with their powers or if they kept them for themselves. The surface this little human knew was truly different to the one described in monsters’ history books, and even more different to the Underground. That was also the reason why Duo liked listening to Kate. It was difficult for a mind like his to reason without applying the magic factor to things, and there were so many things that humans discovered in the past decades that seemed like coming out from a fantasy book.
The four hung out in that little corner of the world for a few hours, either chatting about whatever went through their mind or simply enjoying the place. For a little while they laid down with Blooky to do what they called “feeling like garbage”. Duo wasn’t sure why they called it that since it was nice laying down with friends, but he didn’t bother asking them. They said it was a family tradition, so maybe the reason got lost with time or never existed. The skeleton, most of the time, looked up to the source of the light. It was so high he couldn’t see the top of it, but Kate said that hole was inside of a little cavern close to the top of Mount Ebott. but if it was inside of a cavern, how did the light reach them? Did the cavern have another hole that went to the surface? And even so, wasn’t the huge hole too deep to let the light reach the room? Was the sun really that bright? The skeleton kept making himself questions, sometimes asking them to Kate out loud, and he was so taken by the nice environment that he didn’t even notice time passing. After some time he fell asleep, the warm light feeling comforting and the sound of the flowers to the breeze soothing.
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knightobreath · 10 months
FIONNA AND CAKE SEASON 2???????????????????????????
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grimmpheonix · 11 months
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girlmetalsonic · 1 year
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swan2swan · 2 months
Oh, also, I Loved It when our Big Bad, our Super Scary Villain, the Menace who will bring Doom to the Galaxy, caught a whiff of what--or who--was coming and went
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chronicas · 6 months
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frodo-with-glasses · 2 years
Scouring of the Shire/Right-Hand Man Part Six
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“I warned you not to come back here.”
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Close-up on Merry and Farmer Cotton and their smug little faces.
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scionsthings · 2 years
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fxa · 2 years
list of equivalent life-changing visual experiences
the wizard of oz changing from grayscale to color in 1939
the flash expanding as jack uses the red miles in cascade
rose destroying the animaker logo in verticle movements
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