#you are so cool for being excited about my grace blog too
f10werfae · 2 years
Chris Evans Dad Scenarios #5
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pairing: Dad!Chris Evans x Mom!Reader
summary: EVEN MORE adventures of Chris taking on one of his best roles yet, a father
Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4
- Requests are open!
Likes, Comments and Re-blogs are appreciated♥️
Chris Evans Masterlist🌟
Full Masterlist ✨
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Dad!Chris Gets hella jealous at the game
(Y/n's P.O.V)
The loving cool spring air was refreshing especially while watching my 5 (and 3/4, it counts) year old run after the ball with all his might, his tiny legs carrying him from one end of the pitch to the other. Leo was definitely a little ball of joy, his excited laughs and shouts being 'awed' by the other moms on the team. All of us standing per usual at the fence closest to the pitch, cameras out constantly at the ready.
The dads had made it their thing to bring camping chairs and just sit back a bit behind us. Usually bringing juice boxes or bottles of water to the game, with the occasional barbecue going on. I sighed feeling a slight kick to my stomach, baby girl always gets active when we’re at football, almost as if she’s here to support her big brother. I rubbed over the soft cotton fabric of my white maternity dress, thumps following my hands wherever they went.
“Ya alright Y/n, you look like you’re boutta pop” Janice commented looking at me with a smile on her face, she had become one of my closest friends ever since our sons started playing for the same soccer team.
“I know right? But i’m only 8 months along, so 1 more to go, hopefully she doesn’t come too early”
(Chris' P.O.V)
Sitting in my camping chair I couldn’t help admire my wife standing a few metres in front of me, her hair flowing freely, her face glowing and her hand cupping the bottom of her bump. God she just looks ethereal right now.
She turned her head back round to me, only for me to send her a wink causing her face to go all red and blushy.
“Hey Chris man, not to burst your bubble or anythin' but that guy from the other team keeps eyein' up Y/n”
Anthony whispered, his head indirectly nodding towards a random dad from the opposing team. His eyes very obviously trained onto my wife, his buddies slapping his back laughing as they waved their hands to imitate slapping someones ass.
“The fahk?” I whispered, Y/n oblivious to what was going on decided to walk back towards me, with her famous penguin waddle. A gorgeous smile gracing her lips as I offered her my water bottle without a word.
Spreading my legs a bit I patted my thigh,
“C'mon babe, sit right here. Know baby bub has got you all tired out”
(Y/n's P.O.V)
Looking at my husband’s handsome ass face, how could I even say no? Sitting down onto his lap I leant back into his chest, Chris now taking off his baseball cap to put it onto my head, the smell of his woody cologne overtaking my senses in the best way possible.
“Leo is playin so well out there baby, he’s definitely our kid” I joked leaning my head onto Chris' shoulder, my eyes closing peacefully
(Chris’ P.O.V)
“Oh baby he’s an Evans, course he’s talented” I laughed rubbing my hand up and down her back, feeling her physically relax into my touch.
Turning over to look at the random dad from earlier, I now could see him stealing multiple glances, clearly not happy at what he was having to see. Smiling fake at him, I watched him scoff and shake his head before facing the pitch again. Damn I knew my wife was beautiful but I did not sign up for this.
“What a bastard”
“What was that Chrissy?”
“Nothin babe, you just relax yeah?”
A few seconds later the referee blew her whistle signifying the end of the match, all the kids screaming and rushing to their parents. I watched out for Leo, his vibrant red soccer uniform coming closer towards us. His wild tufts of hair and big eyes became more visible, his toothy smile brightening up everything else around him
“DADDY DID YA SEE ME KICK THE BALL” He said excitedly, his arms waving about the place trying to show the way he kicked the ball about.
“Ya kiddin? Of course I did. You scored the first goal like the Evans you are” I said scoffing at his statement, feeling Y/n shift slightly in my arms, a small smile on her face as she ruffled Leo's hair and brought him into her arms between my legs. All of us now embracing lazily in this camp chair.
- Chris' little girl is growing up
(Y/n's P.O.V)
“Dada I wanna mawry Peter pan” I heard my daughter Eleanore swoon, her eyes glued to the T.V as the red headed cartoon flew about on the screen. Her giggles making me smile as she cuddled into Chris' chest, his lips pursing as he looked on disapprovingly.
“No boyfriends till you’re 40” He said coldly, Eleanore instantly whining and jumping out of his arms, walking towards me on the other sofa, cuddling into my chest hiding her face
“Wha- hey baby, you really gonna leave daddy over here without his baby?” Chris whined jokingly, clutching his heart dramatically dying.
“Mama I can mawry Peter pan right?” She asked looking up at me with her doe eyes, gosh how could I say no to them. Nodding at her I smoothed down her crazy hair, seeing Chris shake his head laughing in the background
“See dada, mama said I can”
She replied sassily blowing a raspberry towards Chris, her face instantly falling when Chris stuck his tongue out to fake die, Eleanore clambering to get off the sofa and run to her daddy.
“Dada wake up, me no wanna mawry Peter anymore” She whimpered cupping his face with her small hands, Chris opening one eye “really?”
“Mhm I stay wif you and mama forever” She said latching on around his neck, Chris chuckling picking her up and turning off the T.V,
“Hey where you going with our daughter?”
“She deserves a cookie after that answer bub”
- Daddy duty calls
(Y/n's P.O.V)
“babe where’s Elliana” I heard Chris ask coming out to the back yard, where I sat with my juice and new novel. The beautiful summer sun casting down enough warmth that I was able to wear a sports bra and shorts.
“Our baby is over there” I laughed nodding to the other side of the porch where Elliana's baby mat was.
It was too warm today so all she had on was a diaper, something she took advantage of, so she was wreaking havoc everywhere she went knowing she had nothing to get dirty.
I looked over to see her using Dodger as a back rest as she leant on him, holding up her own bottle as she drank away, her other hand reaching up for Chris’
“Aww pumpkin are you relaxin with Dodger and momma?” Chris asked sweetly sitting down beside them on the soft play mat, our soft curled bundle of joy tottered away from Dodger and decided to collapse onto Chris' lap.
“Baba?” Elliana asked holding up her now empty bottle, her eyes widened naturally with a small pout on her lips.
“N' here I thought you wanted to cuddle with dada” Chris scoffed setting Elliana back down by Dodger, heading inside along with her now empty bottle. A small laugh leaving me at my daughter's antics.
“Oh baby you are so smart, got daddy wrapped round your lil finger” I cooed getting up and picking up Elliana, her arms holding onto me as I put her onto my hip.
“You wanna sit with mama?” I asked watching her nod, her attention clearly on all the birds currently singing away on the trees in our yard. Her curious eyes darting all over the place as I sat her down beside me on the swinging porch bench, her body leaning onto mine as the both of us were basically laying down.
“One baba per request” Chris sighed coming out to hand Elliana her bottle, his hands resting on his hips watching her take her first sip.
“Is that good enough for you little lady?”
“Mhm baba dada” Elliana said passing her bottle back to her daddy, Chris then scooped up the little thing and put her to lay in his arms; his hands holding up the bottle for her as she drank away. Her little hands holding onto Chris' fingers,
“She really has me wrapped around her finger doesn’t she” Chris whispered out, Elliana's eyes slowly lidding closed
“Mhm she has Dodger the same way too, she’s a clever little girl. Gets it from me of course” I laughed brushing my hand through my husband’s hair, his head leaning on my shoulder, Elliana peacefully asleep in his arms despite it only being 2pm.
- Stepdad Chris comes to the rescue
(Y/n's P.O.V)
Today was the first day of the fall fair, so as tradition our little family was going to its opening. With little 6 month James strapped to my chest, we walked around the fair filled with rides, food and kids. My 6 year old Leanne held onto my hands shyly, she was exactly like me, introverted to the core.
My husband Chris on the other hand musta been on a sugar high, buzzing about the fair like a kid at a toy store.
I met Chris a few years ago when he came into the hospital I worked at, and it just went on from there. Leanne was 2 at the time so she basically grew up around him, her biological father not being in the picture. Although I did know she struggled a bit when we decided to relocate to Boston, something Chris and I had discussed for a while.
“Ya aright baby?” I asked swinging Leanne and I's hands back and forth, slowly following Chris when he moved from stall to stall.
“Mhm i’m ok mommy” Her quiet voice said, a small smile resting on my face as she squeezed onto my hand tighter. Chris finally stopped at a darts table, a selection of ginormous toys surround and hanging on the table, Leanne's eyes sparkling at them making me giggle.
“What about this one hey?” Chris asked looking at us
“I wanna big monkey daddy” Leanne said pointing up at the huge pink fluffy gorilla hanging by the other prizes, this was one of the few times she’d ever asked Chris for anything; any other time he’d just get it for her without her even asking.
“Alright baby, daddy’s gonna get it for ya” He said handing over money to the attendant, grasping the darts tightly and hitting every single balloon perfectly, looks like his practice at home really came in handy.
“That pink gorilla please” Chris said smiling smugly, watching on as the man took it down and handed it straight to Leanne, the massive thing was practically double her size.
(2 Weeks Later)
“Babe we gotta get her back on pillows” Chris whispered as we peeked into Leanne's room, she has started to use the gorilla as a portable bed. Over the week she had also put on a captain America shirt on it, a secret between us is that this is her way of keeping Chris around even when he is away.
Taglist Tags (Form is up there^^): @patzammit @pandaxnienke @sairsei @madebylilly @bxdbxtxh15 @tojisbabymommy @dumb-fawkin-bitch @vrittivsanghavi @chrisevansdaughter @kimhtoo17 @itsaylayay1213 @evanstanwhore @mrspeacem1nusone @thereisa8ella @seren-a-ity
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buzzingblues · 4 months
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georgie, georgette if youre weird.
— seventeen
— they/she
— 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 🩷💜💙 ??? understandable ???
— hatchetfield hs, class of ‘21. GO NIGHTHAWKS!
as in the arts kids, fuck football.
— you will most likely find me in the auditorium, somewhere in the witchwood, a smoke club meeting, or on a shift at pasqualli’s (gag)
#georgieblr: my tumblr 💫
#losers club: talking to friends! 💐
#i love music: current listens and/or recs!
#rb: reblogs
[ ooc info under the cut ⤵️]
hii this is @exalt1ora (maxie) !! this is my hatchetfield oc roleplay blog im very excited about it yippee
Georgie Davidson is a 17 year old student at Hatchetfield High School. She lives with her parents, Mr. Ken Davidson and Mrs. Carol Davidson, in a suburb near the outskirts of Witchwood Forest. She’s a music + theater nerd, a stoner, and an avid researcher of urban legends and local history.
Her relationships differ based on timelines and circumstance, but there are some through-lines.
- Best friends with Alice Woodward. They met at a CCRP take your kid to work day as elementary schoolers and have been inseparable since. Bill is also like a second father to her.
- Close friends with Ruth Fleming. Georgie started doing school theater very young, and pretty much knew everyone involved. Ruth joined the tech crew in middle school and, being a certified chatterbox, Georgie regularly spent her breaks trying to talk to the new girl. Eventually, she broke her down and they’ve been close since.
- Drifted apart childhood friends with Richie Lipschitz. In middle school, they rode the same bus and both ended up sitting next to each other one day. Georgie struck up a conversation out of boredom and something just stuck. They kept sitting with each other and talking more in school, becoming closer friends. But, Georgie started developing feelings for Richie and she didn’t understand them, so she began to distance herself. Now, they don’t speak at all.
- Family Friends (?) with Paul Matthews. Georgie was babysat by Paul as a child, often alongside Alice, as she’d frequently stay at the Woodward place. She still calls him Uncle Paul, a childhood habit.
- Charlotte Sweetly babysat Georgie once in a while, too. Mr. Davidson asked the employees of the office to look after his daughter as a last resort, and offered to pay as overtime. Charlotte accepted happily, and spent the night braiding Georgie’s hair, making cookies and singing with the girl. They did this regularly, until Mr. Davidson became uncomfortable with Georgie being around her husband, Sam. But, like Paul, she’s still Aunt Charlotte.
- Second-cousins with Zoey & Zach Chambers. They don’t see each other or talk like, ever. But, it makes Georgie feel very starstruck to be related to Hatchetfield’s finest actress.
- Friends with Deb, Trevor, Caitlyn, PJ, Reese, Rose, Ziggs, Sof, and Danny
- Dislikes Max Jägerman, Kyle Clauger, Brad Callahan, Grace Chasity, Brenda, Ted Spankoffski, The Metzgers
anyone not mentioned she has neutral feelings towards and would gladly be their friend <3 (ppl she dislikes feel free to interact still💪)
okay now some OOC maxie things !!
~ i’m new to tumblr rp so if i’m not great pls be understanding LOL thank u
~ multi-timeline blog, will try to appropriately tag specific timelines
~ open to multi-shipping on both ends like idc if you have other ships and i’m cool having more than one bc of the multi-timeline thing
~ as you can see i do have like. specific relationships planned out for her in MY story but anything can happen so i’m open to everything!! i honestly don’t care how u interact with them. befriend them, romance her, bully her, plot to kill them! do what you please
~ she is a minor character so no hardcore nsfw stuff
~ anyone can interact !! obviously not like, basic dni stuff. if ur a bigot and/or a sicko leave me alone. but like i said im new to this and as long as you’re a hatchetfield rp blog you are welcome PLS send me asks or dm or anything!!! love ya
i don’t really have separate timelines yet, so for rn, general in-world action will be tagged #hatchettrash
will tag ooc posts #ooc !!
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Ooc: @hoopa-is-hoopa blog owner here. Here's my writing prompt. Clive trying to help hoopa getting better at imitating him
//Your Hoopa is so fun to write! They're just a silly little guy. Thank you for the request!
“Oh, so close, Hoopa! It’s more like a…”
Clive mimes slicking back his pompadour one more time, far more confident than any 50-something-year-old man should be in such an action. Luckily, nobody has to know how many times he’s rehearsed that in front of the mirror, as a teenager and again as a middle-aged man. The mythical laughs joyously at this action, as he has the past five times. 
“Okay, Hoopa thinks Hoopa understands what to do!”
The little one runs their hands over their tiny ponytail, face smug and body swaying in midair just a little. 
“Do I… actually sway like that, little guy?”
“Yeah, a little! Don’t worry, Hoopa thinks it’s cool!”
The old man under the disguise grimaces a little. Okay, maybe it’s time to lose that part of the “swag”. Even a man like him can tell when something’s run its course. 
“Nah, nah, you can drop that. No need to be ‘try hard’ about it.”
“Ooh, are the air quotes part of being like Clive too? Hoopa can do air quotes!”
Hoopa, with his free hand, excitedly mimes air quoting at his conversation partner, missing the context of mockery that comes with them. 
“Hoopa thinks air quotes are ‘super cool’!”
Clavell, for his part, tries to imagine exactly how sarcastic he should expect a small genie that hops from world to world to be. Eventually, his mental math settles on “they’re trying to be nice”.
“...That, um… no. You don’t need the air quotes.”
The little genie crosses his arms and grumbles, though he doesn’t seem genuinely mad. 
“Oh, oh! Does Clive like donuts?! Hoopa can try to copy how Clive eats donuts!”
The ‘student’ chuckles. It’s a pretty thinly-veiled excuse for Hoopa to bring out a box of donuts from their rings--something that still intrigues Clive every time he sees it--but from the way his stomach growls at the sight of them, Clive decides to reserve any snide comments. 
“Sure, little guy, I could go for some donuts! Pass one over here.”
Hoopa throws, and Clive catches. With only a little bit of fumbling between his hands. Pretty impressive if you were to ask him. Then the man stops. How does a ‘cool guy’ eat a donut? …Leaning against a wall? Sure. Leaning against a wall. 
Clive leans so far back he nearly trips over thin air, before narrowly saving himself. He points at Hoopa with a grin, like it never happened, and tries to nonchalantly take a bite of his donut. Crumbs spill all over his borrowed school uniform. 
Hoopa again laughs in long, loud peals that he takes a few seconds to calm from, and Clavell’s only a little insulted. Finally, Hoopa pumps their fists in excitement, and tries their own imitation. It’s strikingly on-point: the initial swagger. The fall from grace. And finally, the recovery, still tinged with a little embarrassment. So accurate, and so vivid. 
“How was that, Clive?”
“That was great, Hoopa! Never do it again.”
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thefreakhouseband · 2 years
Welcome to the Freak House!
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About Us
Audrey Arson
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I'm the oldest of the band. I'm a bit of a self-proclaimed older sister to the others and I feel super protective of them. When I'm not making music with the band you can usually find me working on my comic or some other artistic pursuit. I'm a chronically exhausted college student. You can tell what songs I wrote by them having a more jazzy or melancholy tone to them or just being bat-shit off the walls insane. Some of my inspirations are MCR, Scene Queen, , Set It Off, and Demi Lovato (for some reason).
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-Your resident garbage girl
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I’m that guy with the neon green hair in the blog’s pfp lol. pronouns are he/him, xe/xem/xyr, and it/its. I take a lot of influence from older punk rock and, surprisingly, country and folk music. my favorite bands are My Chemical Romance, Oingo Boingo, They Might Be Giants, The Cure, Talking Heads, Bikini Kill, Shilpa Ray, Black Sabbath, Rainbow, Iron Maiden, The Magnetic Fields, The Daniel Pemberton TV Orchestra, Lemon Demon, Man or Astro-Man, Radiohead (not in a pretentious way, I swear), Will Wood, Creedence Clearwater Revival… oh boy, there’s a lot. I like music! I tend to disappear at unpredictable intervals due to chronic pain/fatigue and parental restrictions, but I always come back. I like writing songs about things I’m passionate about, which is often personal, sometimes political, and every now and then a ballad about freaky-looking deep sea creatures. or weevils. I keep my dad’s old stenobook by my bedside to write lyrics in - he wrote lyrics for the Panama City punk bands he was in in 1990-ish in there, and I figured I could put it to good use again after all these years. he’s cool with it. see you around, and stay safe out there 🪲
Harley Homicide
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I'm sassy, I'm trashy and (if you pay me enough) I'll let you put it in my ass-y. I'm the band's second oldest and the token British person. I use any pronouns, I literally don't care what you call me xx. My music taste is all over the place, having been raised by a metalhead and a former chav during a time where pop punk and emo were more mainstream. I'd say my biggest inspirations in terms of performing are Freddie Mercury and Ronnie James Dio. You'll be able to tell which songs are written by me because they're shit! I'm not much good at writing, but I'm great at partying like I'm Paris Hilton. When I'm not doing band stuff, you can find me shopping, watching/reading/playing anything DC comics related or just sorta... Staring into space. I don't do much, but I'm still your fave member fer sure! Thanks for visiting The Freakhouse! We hope you enjoy your stay!
Xoxo Harlz <3
Dart Darling
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Hi I'm Dart, I'm genderfluid (any pronouns), and I'm from under the ground at your local graveyard! I'm one of the youngest, and that's super tragic because I'm an undead zombie who died from being too damn glamorous. My idol is Melissa Marie and i love the Millionaires. Also, my ghostly tendencies give me a lot of appreciation for the dramatic, and as well as all things scene and crunkcore I love theatre, cabaret, and steampunk. I've been producing music for about a year now so if the synths crunching, just know it was me, tapping away and not understanding what the equalizer does. I'm bringing you Dead Girl Couture 25/8, 366. Don't mind all the Sanrio merch around the Freakhouse, I started a cult for Hello Kitty! I mean church. You should definitely join us 😁
Til death do we party,
-Dart <3
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YOOO WASSUP!!! X3 My namez GRACE! (if you dont know me, pls call me Grace, not Gracie)
I'm gendersylphen (he/they/neos) and I'm a super cool alien with adhd from OUTER SPACEEEE! My fav colors are all of them except brown, my special interests are space and doraemon, and I LOVE SCENE SM! Crunkcore 4 LYFEEE! I wanna be an astronaut when I grow up! Also I'm the youngest here 💀💀💀💀💀 (btw im a minor so plz don't be a weirdo, tyyyy)
I'm mostly new to music and I'm SUPER excited!!! X) Ik this is gonna be rllyrlly fun!!! For me, my music stuff is gonna be super bouncy, upbeat, happy, optimistic, full of rhymes, so tht's when yk smth's by me! My fav bands/artists are Amy Can Flyy, Green Day, Nikasaur, 4*Town (4townie 4 eva!!! Aaron T is best boy) and a LOT of other stuff.
When I'm not with tha band, you can find me playing with my sibs (including my dog), doing stuff with my homiez, reading/watching Doraemon or abt space, or doing idk whatever bc I do alot. XP
So ye! Thts a bit abt me! Tysm for reading abt us, may God bless u, follow ur dreams, and have a super duper fun day! 😄
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tau1tvec · 1 year
Dead ass I've been following you for years. YEARS! Every time the blogs been wiped I get so excited to see you've come back. You are literally one of my favorite simblrs around wo I just wanted to say tham you for sharing your beautiful content and also just for being such a kind person.
Thank you !!! 🫶🫶🫶😭😭😭
I love that you’re still around too. Like don’t get me wrong, I adore that this community keeps growing through the years, but there’s something just so cool about still seeing your old faves daily.
We’ve built memories, and it’s nice to be reminded of them every time I see you, and others from 2010’s simblr still gracing my dash.
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prettyswellaus · 1 year
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Originally I posted this on my art blog, but since I decided to just make her part of the Eddsworld Monster High AU instead of Monster High in general, I'm reposting her here.
Originally I was going to make Blaze a fire elemental, but that's already been done twice with Holt and Heath (not that's there's anything wrong with making same-species monsters) so I decided to make her a Phoenix, a species that's rare since there's only one character that's a phoenix (and a hybrid(?) no less), Flara Blaze. Anyways, onto the bio!
Bio, abilities, bonus notes, version without text and skullette, and skullette below!
Bio Parents A Phoenix Age 16 Killer Style I prefer coats and jackets, even if it’s really hot. Shorts are always my go-to pair of pants, I’m a fan of sneakers and boots, and I can’t go wrong with some fingerless gloves. I don't know what you'd call it, perhaps "causal but adventurous"? Freaky Flaw I get easily frustrated, whether it be too many people or things overwhelming me, something doesn’t go according to plan, or someone is giving me some unwanted sass, It’s easy to get me fired up, but hard to keep my cool. Pet I have this adorable cat named Felix, he’s still young, fiery (quite literally!) and feisty but he’ll cool off at some point. Favorite Activity I like to draw, listen to electronic music, and play video games, I especially like platformers and RPG games. But if we're talking about a more specific one, I love to fly! The feeling of freedom soaring through my heart and the touch of winds gracing my wings makes me feel so...alive! Pet Peeve When people give me lip for acting the way I do, It's none of your business if I'm being introverted, desperate, feisty, or sensitive sometimes! Did nobody tell you you can't control a fire?  Favorite Subject Art, you can say that I’m the creative type. Film, Horror Literature, and History of the Undead are also pretty interesting. Least Favorite Subject Any classes that are really boring tend to get an slight ire out of me, But out of all of them...Swimming. Not only do I struggle with swimming, but the water doesn’t do my feathers any good. Favorite Color(s) Orange (and Black) Favorite Food(s)
Oh that's a toughie. But my current favorite is macaroni and cheese, especially if it’s homemade and a bit spicy. My favorite drink is lemonade in case you’re curious.
Friends Edd Goldberg Tom Ridgewood Matt Hargrove Tord Karlsen Holt Hyde Elle Eedee  Robecca Steam Twyla Dusk Evans (OC)
Pyrokinesis As a phoenix is made/born of fire, Blaze has power over fire, usually from her hands. 
Flight Blaze is able to fly using the wings on her back.
Longevity Phoenixes can live for 500 years
Immortality Blaze is technically immortal, as she, like all phoenixes, cannot permanently die. See below for Reincarnation. 
Ash Resurrection and Reincarnation When phoenixes die, they disintegrate into ashes. From which an egg (or for humanoids such as Blaze, a baby) will rise from them. However, when they reincarnate, they have no memory of their past life or identity. 
Bonus Notes (More to possibly be added in the future)
Blazes wings and tail (and on rare occasions her entire body) will flare up if excited, angered, or lovestruck. The intensity of the flames depends on the intensity of the emotion 
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artistsfuneral · 2 years
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I posted 987 times in 2022
That's 2 more posts than 2021!
466 posts created (47%)
521 posts reblogged (53%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 858 of my posts in 2022
Only 13% of my posts had no tags
#reblog - 264 posts
#the witcher - 235 posts
#rambles - 221 posts
#artistsfuneral about the witcher - 185 posts
#witcher - 113 posts
#geraskier - 109 posts
#artistsfuneral draws - 101 posts
#self reblog - 86 posts
#jaskier - 85 posts
#geralt - 85 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#im about to finish my uni stuff and then i will start working on a super long (haha) new fic that i'm very excited about and that hopefully
My Top Posts in 2022:
It's Ciri's sixteenth birthday when she asks her Dad for a polaroid camera. Geralt raises an eyebrow at her, the sentence "I'm not a stupid hipster, Daaaad!" engraved in his mind. But it's her birthday, so he can't really say no, can he?
"If you really want one," he says, "then go up to the attic and look through your Mom's highschool boxes. You can have hers."
Ciri's eyes widen in wonder. She doesn't remember much about her parents, most of it comes from stories other people told her. Often being told how much she resembles her mother, Ciri has started to mimic Pavetta - hoping to connect with her in some way.
Ciri spends her morning in the attic. Sitting on the floor and carefully going through some of the boxes that are labeled "Pavetta - senior year". There's a lot of memories hidden in cardboard treasure chests and she takes her time to enjoy a bit of her Mom's life.
She finds the camera. It's a charming old thing, safely put away in a brightly colored shoulder bag that is adorned with stickers and pins and doodles. It's well loved.
She plays around with it for a bit and to her joy it still works. Then she notices the side pocket on the bag where a little stack of photos must've gone unnoticed. Ciri carefully pulls the pictures out and her heart flutters with excitement as she sees her Mom wildly grinning at her, Ciri's father Duny, standing in the background, talking to somebody.
Flipping through the photos she gets a great inside of what her Mom's highschool time must've been like. The best thing about the find, though, are the pictures Pavetta took of Geralt. She knows Pavetta, Geralt and two other friends were a band in highschool, but getting to see it is a whole new experience. To her surprise, her Dad looks kind of cool behind a set of drums.
And then she sees it. Her eyes grow huge and in disbelief she pulls the photo closer to her head. It's a band picture. Her Mom, her father, her Dad, another girl and an awfully familiar face grin back at her.
Ciri does what every teenager would have done. She pulls out her phone and takes a picture of the polaroid, posts it online with the caption
"so apparently my Mom was in a band with leadsinger (at)JaskiertheBard"
Her post goes viral over night. A few days later her favorite singer and songwriter has sent her a chat request.
Ciri accepts.
part 1?
(read full fic here)
1,212 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
What if "I'm from Lettenhove" is a sort of codeword in the royal class for children that have fallen out of grace with their court/family? And the higher your rank in Lettenhove, the worse the thing you have done is?
1,352 notes - Posted April 21, 2022
Jaskier walking through a market place past a pen where a bunch of horses for sale are kept. A horse neighs. Jaskier stops, turns around with a grimace on his face and looks at a chestnut mare. "Roach?" Roach nods. "He's lying in a ditch somewhere, right?" Another nod. Melitele above that horse has always been too smart for his own comfort. "I will have to steal you back now, I guess?" Roach neigs rather dramatically and Jaskier sighs. So much for a calm evening. A few paces behind the guy who sells the (stolen) horses backs away, suddenly having decided that that particular mare is not worth the trouble.
2,058 notes - Posted April 18, 2022
So Jaskier, completely shitfaced, is sitting somewhere on the dirty floor near a tavern in Oxenfurt, when he meets Vesemir for the first time.
He instantly recognizes the old witcher and loudly calls him over, something along the lines of "Hey! Hey you- you, wolf! Papa wolf! Yeah, come on, I need to have a word with you about your son. The- the stupid one-"
Vesemir is obviously not amused, but he comes over nonetheless because for some reason that drunk kid knows him.
Then, Jaskier proceeds to ramble on about Geralt and it gets very close to trash talk, but Vesemir keeps his cool and reads in between the lines. What he finds out is this: Geralt - who up to this point had been his favorite - had somehow managed to break this poor kid's heart, not once, not twice but "at least five times". Said kid had apparently "spent more than half of his life" following his son like a lost puppy. He mumbles something about elves and djinns and then tells this elaborate tale of a golden dragon. "And then he left me on a fucking mountain!" Vesemir for his part would have not believed any of this, if the name Yennefer hadn't fallen. Many of the unreasonable things Geralt does are related to Yennefer.
The old witcher then takes a closer look at the sod on the floor and oh yes, didn't Geralt say something about a bard?
Then suddenly the kid stops mid sentence as if remembering something important. He waves at one of the other young men and loudly asks "Oi Mikael, is there- is there class tomorrow!?" Vesemir doesn't show it but he's kind of shocked. The drunk kid is clearly a student at the Academy, way too young to be traveling with a witcher. What ln earth is Geralt thinking?!
When the other man, for some reason looking as shocked as Vesemir feels, answers the kid's question with "yes", the bardling seems to sober up by a lot. He staggers up, wishes Vesemir a good night and starts to stumble towards Oxenfurt Academy, quickly followed by the other student.
The last thing Vesemir hears before they walk out of side is how the student asks the bard "Does that mean we won't have to write that test tomorrow, professor?"
Professor. Vesemir needs a break.
2,813 notes - Posted February 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
"Kaer Morhen Stables, this is Geralt Rivia on the phone, how can I help?"
"Hi, yes um- This is Jaskier, from the uh- cottage down the road?"
"The one with the flowers? Is there a problem?"
"Yes um- You see, this may sound a bit crazy but uh- there's a horse in my garden. My fenced off garden. And while that's not exactly a problem, the last time I checked I didn't own a horse so-"
4,589 notes - Posted January 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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seelestia · 2 years
pssst hey your cool(?) virtual cousin here. would u like to visit my virtual house this weekend my husband will be cooking his signature slow-cooked bamboo shoot dish oh and also bring ur detective bf too, i'd like to interrogate talk 🙂nicely🙃 to him - yknow just some family bonding time <3 /j
pffffft i'm imagining poor zhongli having to take care of two hu taos sldkslkdls he's going to grow some white hairs lmao
childe helps him out to create a youtube channel and sends him scripts for zhongli to read.... some lines sounds a little questionable for an audiobook but what does he know, maybe it's just how young ppl these days talk? some kinda slang he doesn't really understand? but why do they all sound so romantic???
meanwhile childe cackles as he watches zhongli's latest asmr video goes trending and people are having a mental breakdown over his clueless friend's voice saying "welcome home, would you like to have a bath first, or dinner, or perhaps... a kiss?" slfjslkskdsl
hmmm i see i see *notes down on clipboard*
hhhhhhh yes i saw that trailer last night with my brother and i was like 'hmmm ok al haitham kinda cool' while he was all 'wow dehya girlboss badass'... 
i'm pretty sure they have a bot (or some kind of automation?) for monitoring the blogs :/ yeah i heard about that too hence the usual 'no spam liking!' rule on most blogs... but like, how many likes are counted as spam?? and within how many seconds?? ah well... i think i've moved for good anyway, tumblr can do whatever as long as my new blog is safe lol
me: m-mono anemo? / hyv: mono anemo :)
(pls hyv mercy i don't have any vayuda turquoise gems anymore xiao and jean and kazuha ate all of it-)
hskdjskdks probably... oh well i guess i'll just settle with seeing him from time to time on the rare times my brother kindly graces my noob acc with his fully built teams... one day, diluc will come home. that day might not be today. but one day....
LOL IKR shameless behavior i swear /lh and thank you!!! may all zhongli wanters be zhongli havers!!! i am crossing my fingers for everyone who pulls for the ceo of geo himself!!! hmmmm maybe i should try the 'apply element to character to increase the probability of the gacha' approach hshdjhd zhongli come home the power of money compels you
ah ok that's good! gotta eat your meals when you're still growing!! hehe zhongli wouldn't need to worry i always eat my meals altho i only have them twice per day - but i'd like to think that he'd watch contentedly as i happily nom on things tho he will probably give me a disapproving frown when he sees that i'm holding my chopsticks incorrectly oops
how dare you put the question next to the cool because i can vouch that it is the absolute truth. (/lh) i can visit but i must warn you that heizou said he is very much looking forward to it i am concerned. will our family bonding time become a heated debate... i'll go make some tea when that happens.
zhongli and constantly being surrounded by gen z's in modern au gives me life, and then we have venti who has perfectly integrated into the said generation without fail 🚶 oh, zhongli, the way you can put us all to sleep with just a few words <//3 (maleficent's spinning wheel could never fkekkdkfks) and childe definitely promised him a box of imported limited tea for it JFKWKKDS
v3.0 hype, aaaaa !! i didn't get to watch the livestream in real time, but i heard it crashed for a bit??? 2.8 flashbacks it feels like yesterday when people were fawning over inazuma's release and thinking that miko was the electro archon fwjfksjedk. sumeru just arrived, but it made me more excited for fontaine now because i just know i'm going to vibe with the city !! and it makes me think of a historical au with nobleman!ayato *COUGH*
and you're not just going to get diluc too !! tighnari and albedo will be added to the standard banner soon, so that's some new varieties to lose our 50/50 to ;D
mono anemo until there is a commission titled emergency and it's an eye of the storm FWSKDKS PHYSICAL XIAO, LET'S GO. (/j)
i usually have kokomi to heal heizou or klee when they take damage, but having zhongli will definitely and significantly increase the survivability of the team !! >:) my hp artifacts that i saved for yelan are waiting for you, grandpa. (/lh)
i shall need all the calcium and protein !! but the pride i feel knowing i'm the same height as xiao SENDS ME EVERY TIME. indeed, you are the super cool virtual cousin who has me on a leash and i thank you deeply for that, rin, nyehehe <3
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p/s: your dynamic with zhongli reminds me of the down bad enthusiastic talker + the listener who sips tea who admires said talker fjwkdkkas
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livingwithlosingyou · 2 years
Living with Losing You - 9/19/2022
Grief is a bitch.
But not actually. It’s truly just displaced love that will never find a home. To grieve is a beautifully tragic phenomenon. It is the purest emotion to show how much you truly loved and cared about someone. I’ll get into why I started my blog with this later on. 
This morning I finally woke up feeling like I had gotten decent sleep AKA more than 4-5 hours like I had been the last 4 nights. I quickly got dressed, and then dropped off Sadie at camp for the day. I needed to go into the office, so I wanted to make sure she as not bored at home. Plus, she primarily hung out at home yesterday with all the storage fiascos. After I dropped her off, I quickly ran to PS to grab breakfast before starting my back to back work meetings this morning. After those meetings, I packed up my things and drove to our Mission Valley location. I like going into work every so often / as needed. It gives for a nice change of pace, and it’s always great to see my coworkers. 
After working and getting things done in the office, I realized I was cutting it close for practice. I still needed to go home and change too. So, I took my last meeting of the day in my car and headed home to change before heading to the high school. Today’s practice was mile repeats. The boys did pretty well, I was impressed with their ability to stick with it. The main critique I had was I kept telling them to “hug lane one” (if you know you know) and they insisted to continue to run their repeats in lane 2-3. I mean, if they want to run extra that’s fine by me. Between the warm up, workout, and cool down, they all did somewhere between 7-9 miles total. Luckily it was not too hot today, so we did not have to worry about heat warnings or anything like that. I had a pretty good run myself (but actually not really). My first mile was pretty quick, and then I just got super tired out after it. I need to be better about pacing, I just get very excited when I run and it can be hard to tone that down at times. I will get my fitness back though. I know I have to give myself grace. 
After practice I quickly ran to get Sadie, and then we picked up In-n-Out for dinner. I forgot to mention this earlier, but while I was at work I did eat, and had ordered a salad. i realize I definitely have an eating out problem, but I also hate cooking, am too busy to have the patience for it, and enjoy efficiency. I want to look into HelloFresh or some kind of meal prep box. It would save me money and the meals seem fairly simple. Which I like. 
Anyway, when I got home I fed Sadie and then fed myself (lol). I am really not sure why, but my depression has gotten pretty bad the last couple of days. Well, maybe I do know why, it was very triggering to go to the storage unit and start to organize, prep donations, prep what I am selling, etc. It’s been all so much to emotionally take on. 
I had one of the worst breakdowns I have had since you died. This blog is all about being honest and vulnerable, so I will be. I want to reiterate that I do see hope, and that I do know there is so much that God wants to use mw for in this life. But, this does not mean that the depression doesn’t creep in and make you feel like you want to die. Especially when someone who you loved more than anything died. This panic attack included intense breathing, hyperventilating, lightheadedness, lots of tears, etc. It was very hard to get out of it. I had to use sensory and talk to myself to get out of it. I am just so anxious. I can’t even imagine what you felt like. 
I really need to get some sleep, I have a webinar at 7am that I have to help run, among all the other meetings that I had to move from Wednesday to tomorrow that I need to prep for. Even just remembered that I forgot to send an email to the team. Oh well. See - it’s those things in life where it truly doesn’t matter. I am not going to worry about it until I log on. 
I love you so much, James. This pain is the worst pain that I have ever felt in my entire life, and again, my mom left me at a young age. And then left me again when I was 18. It’s been hard for both myself and those around me to understand that reflecting and moving forward can coexist. Being happy while also being sad can coexist as well #mysecretdepression But hey, it’s not a secret anymore because I am #breakingthestigma
Both of the animals are sleeping on either bottom side the bed. I miss the days when we would all just hang out together and lounge on the couch, watch a movie, build legos while they tried to play with the pieces, etc. 
So many memories keep you alive in my heart. 
We will all be reunited again, one day. 
God is good, always. 
Rest in Peace, James Burton Nichols
10/1/1993 - 7/16/2022
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haikyuu boys as expecting fathers
characters: TimeSkip!Tsukishima Kei, Bokuto Kōtarō, & Ushijima Wakatoshi, all with a Fem!Pregnant!Reader
warnings: pregnant reader and mentions of having a baby so pls be mindful if this makes you dysphoric or if you’re not in a good headspace for it. But otherwise, it’s all fluff so I hope it makes you guys smile!
a/n: everyone around me irl is having babies so here is the result of that LOL i love cute stories about expecting families and shit. All of these are obviously with TimeSkip! characters! And none of the following gifs are mine so credits to the original creators! Hope you guys like it :) 
haikyuu masterlist
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Tsukishima loves to tease the shit out of you, and that hasn’t really changed since you started getting bigger. But now, he’ll hide your cravings in the top shelves of the pantry so you have to make him come get it. He can’t help it, it’s that angry pouty look in your eyes - he’s so in love with you, even when you look like you’re about to murder him.
But despite him hiding everything you could possibly crave, he is an absolute sweetheart. He calls his mom every now and then to update her about you and the baby, probably asks about what she liked when she was pregnant. She tells him stories about liking to read to him and his brother, or how she enjoyed a nice bath if she was particularly sore that day. She even joked that she found it really hard to put her shoes on so typically she just wore slippers or easy to slip on shoes.
Cut to the next day, you wake up to Tsukishima reading a book of dinosaur facts to your belly. He’s not so much reading it as he is disputing and/or explaining further the facts that are written in it. He doesn’t notice you wake up while he waves away the book and states, “It’s fine. When you’re here, I’ll just bring you to my museum and I’ll show you in person. I can sneak you out of daycare, just don’t tell your mom.”
You had hoped to be able to keep your independence for longer than this, but found yourself struggling to properly put on your shoes. You huffed, muttering something to your unborn kid about how you’d hold this over their heads forever, and just waddled about with the backs of your shoes folded under your heel. Tsukishima raised an eyebrow as he noticed, waiting for you to sit down in the car before holding the door open and bending down to properly put your shoes on.
“Kei, what’re you doing?” You laughed, watching him swiftly tie up your laces. “They’re fine, they’re old shoes anyways.”
“If you wear your shoes like that, you’ll fall and hurt yourself,” he shrugged. “I can’t have you hurting the little Tsukishima just because you can’t put your shoes on.”
His expression was the same plain emotionless face as usual, but you smiled anyways because here he was, kneeling in front of you and helping you with what is supposed to be a simple task.
The day went on as usual, but you definitely weren’t prepared for your husband to call you into the bathroom and display the little bath he had drawn you with your favourite candle lit.
“Did you do something?” You asked him with narrow eyes, making him scoff.
He rolled his eyes, helping you out of your clothes gently, “Am I really such a bad husband that you think I’d have to be feeling guilty to be nice to you?”
You thought about it for a moment before nodding playfully, “Yup. So what did you do?” You laugh and he just flicks your forehead before helping you into the tub.
You watch as he smirks a bit, holding your chin for a second and watching your eyes, “Well I’m the reason you got knocked up so I supposed I have to take care of you don’t I?”
He doesn’t hold that sultry teasing look on his face for too long, especially when you splash him with water, drenching every part of him you could reach 😂.
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Bokuto is in a PANIC the closer you get to the due date. You once just felt a bit tired after vacuuming and the boy thought you holding your front meant you were going into early labour.
You let him run around because he honestly is so entertaining to watch while panicking. He pouts about it later, talking shit about you to your belly, “Your mom’s a big meanie. You need to be born quick so we can team up on her okay?”
“Kōtarō! Don’t you dare try to turn my baby against me!” You laughed, swatting at his head.
Man is overly prepared for any sort of situation. He already set up all the safety baby measures, like corner cushions and outlet covers, though now he’s considering locking up all the knives into a cupboard.
“Kōtarō... how am are supposed to cook like this?” You asked, raising an eyebrow at the lack of your sharp cooking knives.. and the butter knives.
The grown man just poured some more, “I gotta keep both my babies safe alright? I’ll cut everything for you so you don’t cut yourself.”
Except for the fact that Bokuto is definitely more accident prone than you are and has a few bandaids on his fingers now.
As an expecting dad, Bokuto found himself getting more and more teary eyed at any situation that involved a family or a baby. Whether that was just seeing kids and families play in the park that the two of you walked past sometimes, or seeing a commercial for diapers with happy bouncy babies, you would turn to see a misty-eyed Bokuto who would then turn to you and wrap you in a tight squeeze.
He was beyond excited at this point to meet your little baby - he wanted to know what they would look like. The perfect mix between the most perfect woman in the world and him, who was pretty cool thank you very much. This baby was going to be the cutest most amazing kid ever, who would definitely play a really great game of volleyball, Bokuto was sure of it.
Let’s be honest though, pregnancy is not an easy journey. Bokuto loved seeing you grow the baby but he knew that it was a difficult process for you. You were always sore and at the beginning you were always sick. And there were some days where you literally didn’t feel attractive or beautiful at all, but Bokuto would praise you as high as he always did regardless.
“You are the most perfect lady I have ever laid eyes on. The most gorgeous being to ever walk this universe!” He told you one day, pressing kisses all over your face as you laid across a couch.
“Thanks,” you tried to give him a smile - you always appreciated his compliments, even if you didn’t necessarily agree.
“What’s wrong?” He asked you with a small frown, noting your forced smile.
“I just… feel bleh. Not at all like how you’re saying I look,” you admitted with a small smile.
Bokuto’s eyes grew wide in shock, jumping over the couch to sit down on the floor next to you. He clasped your hands in his, pressing kissing to them gently as well. “I know you might not feel it… but I hope you know that I still think it. I don’t even have to force it. You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met, and that hasn’t changed even though your body is changing a bit. I don’t need you to wear the most perfect makeup or the best dress for me to think you’re gorgeous. You’re perfect just laying here in my old sweats and I’m happy that I get to come home to see you like this every day,” he grinned, touching your cheek affectionately.
You loved this man. He was so sweet to you in every way possible. But sometimes…. sometimes his sweetness just went a little too overboard. You tried to insist to him that you were pregnant but that didn’t mean you couldn’t do anything. Man refuses to let you do anything for yourself. No lifting boxes, no lifting anything in fear that you might hurt your back.
“Kōtarō, it’s just my purse,” you tried to point out in a laugh, trying to reach it as he held it above your head.
“Nope! Not happening. What if you hurt yourself?”
“... with my purse?”
“Kōtarō, I have to go shopping for food or we won’t have anything to eat. And baby needs to eat!”
“Well I’ll come with you then!”
“You’ve got practice!”
“It’s fine, I’ll tell them I’ll practice another time! My perfect wife and baby come first,” he’d grin at you and insist on opening all the doors as you two made your way to the car. You fall in love with this man more and more every day, even if he keeps stealing things from your hands.
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Ushijima is a really nervous new dad, even if you can’t really tell from his stoic expression. He listens intently to all of the parenting advice people give, bought a few books about newborns, and has hundreds of tabs on his laptop of ranging topics from baby products people insist are necessary, mommy blogs about what is important to do when pregnant, and research that he doesn’t quite understand but feels is important nonetheless.
Ushijima isn’t necessarily a man of words all the time, so you were surprised to find that he started to talk a lot more after finding out that your child could hear him.
“You don’t have to play volleyball if you don’t want to,” he told them quietly one day while the two of you were on the couch. It came so out of the blue that you actually thought he was talking to you.
“... do you think they’d want to play volleyball?” He asked you sheepishly, glancing at you with a shy expression.
You thought about it for a moment and slowly started to smile, “Well they’ll be attending every single one of your games so I’m sure they’ll be at least interested in learning!”
Ushijima nodded and you watched as a soft smile graced his face. You kept your eyes on him for just a moment longer, seeing a flicker of uncertainty on him.
“Wakatoshi, don’t you dare think for one second you’ll be a bad dad,” you warned him, poking his side and making him jump from surprised.
He stared at you for a moment, blinking, “You know what I’m thinking?”
“I know that you’ve been worried about being a good dad ever since I told you I was pregnant. I know that you’re nervous about being the kind of dad you always wanted to have growing up. I know because I’m terrified of being a good mom too,” you admitted with a nervous sort of smile, interlacing your fingers together. “We’ll be okay together though.”
Ushijima nodded and hummed softly, “We’ll have to take them to France.”
“Satori wants to meet them too. He said he would make them chocolate.”
It wouldn’t just be the baby that Satori is constantly trying to spoil, but you as well. He sends over packages of his chocolate for you to try, grinning ear to ear when you call him for a catch-up call.
“Do you like them?” Tendō asked, and you could hear him humming to himself as he moved around a kitchen.
“I love them! But you’re going to make us fat if you keep sending them! They’re much too yummy for me to stop eating!” You laughed, eyes wandering to the kitchen where you knew you still had a few bits of his chocolate left.
“No no no no. I’m just trying to make sure your baby is a cute healthy plump baby! They’ll grow nice and strong!”
It always made you smile, knowing that all these people who loved your husband wanted to love you and the baby as well. Even Ushijima’s new teammates would come by and bring snacks or anything they thought might aid you in your pregnancy. Though, Kageyama wasn’t really sure what pregnant people or babies liked, so he just brought a whole bag of the milk boxes he liked.
“You’ve got to grow big and strong so that I can defeat you in volleyball one day. I can’t defeat your dad right now… cause he’s on my team. But I’ll defeat an Ushijima one day for sure,” he muttered to your belly with a fierce intensity in your eyes that made you laugh, making his ears turn red as he realized that you also heard him (Kageyama, the baby is attached to her, of course she heard you lol).
As it neared your due date, Ushijima prepared himself mentally every passing day. He wanted to be 110% ready so he went over your birthing plan mentally at least 10 times a day and reread over all the articles and information he had gathered over the months. He wanted to be the best father possible, but you insisted to him that you weren’t worried about this at all. After all, he was already the best husband you could ever have asked for.
haikyuu taglist (let me know if you’d like to join!)
@al0ehas @aurumk @neko-chii1 @thisnoodlewritesao3 @satan-ruler-of-hells @trashy-simp @jeppiet @tobi-momo @darkvadeeer @haikyuutothetop @livy384 @babyshoyo @jesssobs​ @b-bakana​
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zorlok-if · 2 years
Your Blog looks so freaking cool holy moly- also. Could you tell us a little bit about the poly romances? like what kinda vibes/flavours/themes are they?? I am very excited to put my grubby poly hands on all of them
Okay, I've been working on this one for a while now cause it made me realize that I had to think about these more. I think when I originally put the poly route options in the masterpost I'd just copied and pasted them from a list called "potential Z poly routes?" So, here's an answer and list that I've actually put a lot of thought into:
🌹 Dev and Adam/Eve: Finally resolving years of hatred and misunderstanding, their mutual feelings for Z are the common ground they need to also find each other once more. Lots of pent up tension (and you get to enjoy all of it).
Intense emotion, tender, forgiveness, warmth, fluff, passion, (re)discovery, curiosity, understanding
Can be: romantic + asexual, romantic + sexual, platonic + asexual, or platonic + sexual
🌹 Dev and the Celestial: Friends w/ benefits turned poly QPR. Just a couple of people who want to have fun, cause trouble, engage in mischief, and not take existence too seriously while being with and supporting the people they love.
Mischief, chaos, adventure, indulgence, exploration, curiosity, pranks, respect, encouragement, schemes
Can be: romantic + asexual, romantic + sexual, platonic + asexual, or platonic + sexual (romance just between Z and Dev)
🌹 Danny and Adam/Eve: Protectors protecting each other. Individuals who are concerned with morality and have a tendency towards self-sacrifice. Very emotional, deep care and understanding. The sweetest and most adorable coupling (+ moments of intense angst).
Caring, healing, inquisition, fluff/angst, heroism and martyrdom, protection, safety, help, gentle
Can be: romantic + asexual, romantic + sexual, platonic + asexual, or platonic + sexual
🌹 Adam/Eve and the Celestial: Develops from a fascination with one another and an immense respect for the differences between you all. Challenging each other intellectually and morally, posing questions each other never thought to ask. (Also can involve lots of discussion on gender and identity.)
Respect, understanding, ideals, searching, mystery, discovery, debate, morality, challenging
Can be: romantic + asexual, romantic + sexual, platonic + asexual, or platonic + sexual (romance just between Z and A/E)
🌹 Danny and Ciel: Forced. Proximity. A relationship that deals mostly with helping one another, understanding each other, and working through parallel situations with care, respect, and understanding.
Change, health, saving people from themselves, caring, fluff/angst, mystery, curiosity, complexity
Can be: romantic + asexual, romantic + sexual, platonic + asexual, or platonic + sexual
❤️‍🔥 Ciel and [Secret RO]: An intense, passionate affair. A power triad looking to bring the world to its knees.
Heat, fire, passion, strength, resolution, wild delight, overindulgence, burning, conquering
Can be: romantic + sexual or platonic + sexual (secret RO only interested in bringing Ciel in as a sexual partner, never has feelings for them as they do for you)
Poly routes I'm also considering adding:
These may be added or swapped for some of those above if I decide they make more sense or would be more compelling.
🌹 Danny and Dev: Another heavy mystery and intrigue one, big on discovery, mutual respect, and helping one another through grave trials
🌹 Danny and the Celestial: Slow burn for the Celestial to finally trust Danny, built out of immense personal respect and great trials
🌹 Adam/Eve and Ciel: Only like a darkest timeline kind of situation, falling from grace, solace (highly unlikely to implement just a kind of evil AU that lives in my head)
🌹 Dev and Ciel: Same as above, The Darkest Timeline's Sexy Mad Love Triad™️, corruption, destruction, power and hunger, supporting one another unconditionally
🌹 Adam/Eve and Danny and Dev: Little sleuth polycule (probably won't implement because it's just a lot to code but this is super cute to me and has a positively lovely little vibe)
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luimagines · 3 years
Sorry in advance for the length!!!
Since the day he met the rest of… well, Him- Twilight hasn’t thought much of his life back in his Hyrule. His political life, that is. He always thinks about his family and his home back in Ordon, but in no way was he excited to take part in the “responsibilities” of being the “Hero”. Don’t get him wrong, He loves and appreciates Zelda for all that she does for his home. It’s when he’s dragged into meetings or political campaigns across Hyrule that he starts to resent his position.
That position didn’t come without perks, though. He’s treated almost like royalty when he visits Castle Town, and as much as it rubs the humble country boy in him wrong, he appreciates it. He CERTAINLY appreciates the warm, fluffy bed he gets to return to after a long day of stuffy debates. It’s after one of those long days where he finds a suprise waiting for him in that fluffy bed of his.
He and the group of heroes were passing through Twilight’a Hyrule, then they -somehow- received an urgent message from the Princess, requesting “Link” in the castle as soon as he could arrive. Twilight scoffed, uncharacteristically bothered by the news.
“Not so happy to see your Zelda? I thought you two were all buddy-buddy”
“Not the best timing…” Legend nudges Warriors, somehow getting him to shut up.
Tense, twilight leads the group toward Castle Town. Wind could feel the confusion and tension in the group.
“So uh- how are we going to explain that when the Princess asked for Link, she’d be getting all of us?”
Sighing, Twilight trudges through the cool stone halls of the castle. When the group had arrived, it seemed like the entire castle was on high alert. Small groups of guards were stationed at every corner and in every hallway. The cleaning staff were running around, preparing Hylia-knows-what. Kitchen staff were on overdrive, and the Princess herself was in the eye of the storm, giving orders and making requests to a small crowd of people infront of her. Somehow the entire throne room went silent as the group of nine heroes walked in. Taking the lead as to not cause too much alarm was Twilight. Zelda had excused herself to privately greet the Links, which is where Time explained the groups situation. As confusing as it was, Zelda seemed unfazed and almost grateful to have the extra help. Twilight was not.
Thus started the long, arduous day that Twilight had come to dread. Per-Usual, he was stuck running around at the Princess’ beck and call. Discussing training, reviewing documents, prepping speeches, and anything else one could think of Twilight did either with or for Zelda. Thank Hylia the leaders of the other domains weren’t going to arrive at the Castle untill the day after, or else he swore he was going to strangle the rest of the Links who were complaining about their predicament. Time, Warrior and surprisingly Sky were as helpful as they could be, as they were also used to the mess that was running a Kingdom- or the likes of one.
When the day was done, the others were shown to their rooms, which were mostly simple guest rooms for lower-profile travelers and messengers. Twilight was then finally dismissed to his room, a ways away from the rest of the group. He was thankful to have some privacy for a bit- or at least He was, until, he arrived in his room.
He swung open his door, closing his tired eyes. Relying on muscle memory, he closes the door and strips himself of his armor. He sighs as he sheds his tunic and shirt, left comfortably in his pants. He turns to fall into his bed- but instead falls onto the floor. Baffled and now angry at this point, he looks up to see that he tripped over- a basket? With his clothes and sheets? He then notices the small bucket and broom discarded behind him as well. Standing, he is absolutely stunned to see something on his bed.
Rather, someone in his bed. That someone, dressed in the castles’ maid attire, was starting to stir from their position draped across his bed. “Hmm? Who is it? I swear I was just finishing up the- OH!” A Gasp erupts from them, making them shoot up from his bed faster than he thought they could move. His anger dissolved into general irritation as he watches the maid get more and more flustered.
It’s kind of cute to watch, he wonders.
“Oh by the goddess- I’m so sorry! The Princess asked me to clean up the room before the hero arrived, I swear I was almost done- cleaning…”their eyes wondered about him, he could almost feel their embarrassment grow as they started to realize who he was- and how he was dressed. He lets a small smile grace his lips as he crosses his arms over his chest.
“I’m sure the hero is very thankful for your work” his smile widens at the shock on their face. He swears to the goddess he wasn’t enjoying this.
“Wait, you’re- you ARE- oh no…” They shoot up from his bed, stumbling over themselves to seem presentable, utterly embarrassed by their unprofessional first impression. “this is embarrassing… goddess, please don’t report me, this is only my third week and I can’t-“
His laughter rings out and stops them in their tracks. He stifles his giggles and waves his hands
“No no, I promise it’s really ok. After the day I’ve had- and the day I’m sure you’ve had, I’m sure we both could use a nap”
Suddenly aware of himself, he clears his throat and holds out a hand. They hesitantly take it, their grasp soft and warm.
“I’m Tw- Link. You can call me Link”
Here’s my Twilight/Maid! Reader hyperfixation/daydream/story/ Brainchild/ thing…. Tempted to continue this 👀 (also for @linked-heroes cause I bothered jonk with it haha)
Shirtless Twilight Shirtless Twilight Shirtless Twilight Shirtless Twilight Shirtless Twilight Shirtless Twilight Shirtless Twilight Shirtless Twilight Shirtless Twilight Shirtless Twilight Shirtless Twilight Shirtless Twilight Shirtless Twilight Shirtless Twilight Shirtless Twilight Shirtless Twilight Shirtless Twilight Shirtless Twilight Shirtless Twilight Shirtless Twilight Shirtless Twilight
won't stay off of this blog for long will he
Yo- it's been dropped.
"I'm sure the hero is very thankful for your work."
He's such a jerk- I love it.
76 notes · View notes
xmint-conditionx · 3 years
《the emperor’s dagger》 ch1 | myg
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❦ pairing: emperor!yoongi x concubine!reader ❦ w/c: 4.5k ❦ summary: you recall the first night that you began to love your emperor more than your job required. you find yourself in a dangerous situation that surely means death if mistakes are made. being careful is your first priority, but it’s easy to forget where and who you are when you lock eyes with him. ❦ tags/cw: 18+ please, smut, the tiniest bit of fluff you ever saw, brief blood/gore descriptions, derogatory names but not in the way you think, fingering, slight begging, slight nibbling, “be quiet or people could hear” trope, a little adorable aftercare yoongi is here uwu ❦ a/n: guys get fuckin PUMPED okay. i am so so so excited to bring you this crazy story. as far as i have planned, there are 15 chapters. this has (kind of obviously) been in the works since daechwita dropped, so i’m sure you won’t have any trouble picturing our lovely king. this is a complete fantasy setting, so please do know that i am not trying to emulate any particular culture or time period. 
also, please note that this is a repost of my work from a previous blog, so if it looks familiar to you, that’s probably why lmao
anyway, thanks luv, enjoy!
- minty
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Blood stains your blade, glistening bright crimson in the hot sun. You’re surrounded by anguish, pain, the sounds of final breaths and final cries. The dead soldier that lies on the dirty brick in front of you, who had been alive and trying to claim your life only moments before is staring lifelessly into the middle distance. You fight the urge to close his eyes; you two could have been friends, after all. You probably have even crossed paths before. A shudder runs through you at the thought. How many of these men that will meet their end at your sword will you have known? How many of your people will have to die? Are they still even your people? You don’t want to know the answer to these questions.
What had he called you? What had he said before his sword clashed with yours?
That’s right.
You never anticipated being in this situation. You had never wanted to have to fight; you only had wanted to look as beautiful as he had wielding a sword. Fighting was always something that was necessary for your people, but it was never something you would have to be doing yourself. You’d heard palace guards talking about some distant battle and thought it might be a fun adventure-- going off to war. You were wrong. You were naive. About a lot of things, it turns out.
That was a different time, when your only adventure came in the form of a secret romance. When the riskiest thing you did was love an emperor. Your emperor. Your Yoongi.
Where is he?
You look back to where you had last seen him on the battlefield. His long blonde hair shines like gold in the midday sun, only rivaling the sheen of his trusted blade. He cuts down his opponent with a decisive swing, the sick squelching sound of innards falling onto the hot stone as the man cries out. You watch as he expertly scans his surroundings, looking for anyone else that would dare challenge his skill in the chaos. He’s missing an earring, you realize. Both of you are heaving under the stress of battle. This is more than you’d ever prepared for. You don’t know if you’ll make it. 
Your hesitant eyes meet his assured ones, and for an instant, sword in hand, it’s like the first night you’d snuck up to meet him in his chambers.
The dark wooden floorboards of the upper palace creaks, and you scold yourself for not being more quiet. Being caught will at the least result in a very long and extensive round of questioning by the royal guard. Trouble is the last thing you want to stir up. 
Emperor Min had specifically requested you come to his private room in secret tonight, and that is a little strange to you. He has the power to have any of his women whenever he wishes, and he has asked for you to come to him under the cloak of night. Why must this time be a secret? He has had you many times before, so why must this time be hidden?
In his handwritten note that he had slipped to you earlier in the day, he instructs for you to wait until all the other concubines are asleep before you leave your wing. If you are careful, you can take a shortcut through the North Wing Tearoom and pass the guards who only patrol the center hallway. So that’s what you do. 
You see that they’re far enough down the corridor that they won’t be able to detect your movements, and so you silently slip through the large ornate wooden doors. You’ve been in this room many times before, but it feels like your first time here. Everything looks so different without the familiar warm glow of lantern light. The moon’s shadows are cold and sharply cast, and a chill runs up your spine. You don’t have to even look to feel his presence. To feel his eyes on you.
He’s waiting for you, sitting at the bottom edge of his large, low bed, chin perched delicately on his folded hands. The cool metal of his many rings shine in the moonlight, and past those adorned hands, he is staring right at you. His stare is one that is unreadable to most. Nobody is ever really able to know what is going on in his head. Nobody could ever know what emotion lies behind the stare. You wonder how much time he spends in thought. 
“Come,” he says, motioning in his direction.
You obey your king, stepping forward a few paces. Something on his bed catches and glints in the moonlight. A sword? You stop, only halfway to him. You could already be in trouble. If he had heard your conversation with another concubine a few days ago, heavy questioning by the easily fooled palace guards will be the least of your worries. They won’t ask questions before they kill you.
“Your Majesty,” you say to the ground, too demure to look him in the eye as you speak, fearing what he might say and do, “why have you invited me here like this?”
Emperor Min stands and almost silently completes the distance over to where you stand. His calloused palm gently grazes your jaw, thumb on your cheekbone as his fingers wind through your hair. His touch calms your racing heart, and fills your belly with strength and boldness. You finally find the courage to look up.
“I have a surprise for you, my dove,” the emperor says, and you think you see a hint of excitement in his dark brown eyes. 
He quickly spins around and guides you over to where he had been sitting moments before. He picks up the hilt of the sword that was laying next to him and places it delicately into your palm, enclosing his hand around yours. You had expected him to pick up the sword, but to put it in your hands? Impossible.
“I heard you say you wanted to learn to sword fight,” he says, smiling gently down at you.
Your mouth drops; your worst fear has been realized. He had heard your hushed conversation. Surely, you were about to die. Maybe if you groveled and flattered him enough, he would spare you.
“Your Grace, it was only a passing comment. I was only in awe of how skillfully you were practicing out in the gardens. I did not mean for anyone to hear; I was simply awe-struck by your deftness. I do not truly wish to learn. It was a foolish slip of the tongue. Please, forgive me.”
Please, don’t kill me.
“My dear, are you worried about your life?” he asks.
“Yes, Your Majesty. I am,” you say, looking to the floor again. Hoping to pull out any sympathy he may have.
“I do not want you to lose your life. I want you to learn how to properly wield a sword,” he says so quietly it’s almost silent-- as if he’s afraid to even say it himself, “if that is what you want. And I would like to be the one to teach you.”
Women aren’t supposed to learn anything related to warfare, especially not something as dangerous as sword fighting. A single mistake could mean the loss of a limb, but being discovered in practice could mean the loss of a life. Even teaching was punishable by death, although you’re sure the Emperor himself would be able to keep his life intact if discovered. If anyone else had heard your words to another concubine, even if you were able to convince them it was an innocent mistake, you would likely be thrown out of the palace immediately. 
Concubines don’t snitch on the little things, but if any of them had reported you sneaking out tonight, your head would surely be on the chopping block first thing in the morning. You’re all allowed so much. You live in luxury, you’re able to roam most of the palace grounds as you please, you’re dressed in some of the finest fabrics, given plenty to eat, gifted spending money, and on top of it all, you get to lay with the king. Anyone fortunate enough to be chosen for this position doesn’t do anything to risk it. 
The emperor must sense your unease, because he puts his hand on your shoulder and gives it a light squeeze. 
“I won’t tell if you won’t,” he says quietly. 
What has to be hours later, you flop down on his bed; your labored breaths are the only thing that can be heard in the broad expanse of his room. You haven’t even crossed blades with him, and you’re exhausted. He only taught you how to hold it properly, how to angle a strike, and how to move, but your body pounds with soreness. Your arms and your legs are heavy with fatigue, and the cool plush comforter is a welcome sensation to your aching body. As you lay, you look up to the ornate ceiling trimmed with gold and you begin to settle your breathing. You lay the sword down between you and the side of the bed; at the beginning of your lesson it felt light as a feather, but as you were instructed to keep it up, it now feels as if it were made of lead. 
He delicately sits down by your side, barely disturbing the fabric; you lock eyes with him and have to hold back a laugh. For some reason, you feel silly. You have never truly imagined that you would be in this place or situation. A woman? Sword fighting? Not just a woman, but a concubine? And with the king himself? If you had been told as a young girl that this would happen, you’d laugh so hard that you’d wet yourself. It was simply impossible! Or so you had thought. 
You and many other concubines had watched Emperor Min practice his sword fighting out in the royal gardens countless times, and all of you were consumed with the grace and proficiency he could demonstrate. You were the only one, however, who ever wanted to be down there with him, taking part in the mysterious dance he was so fond of. You were the only one who had dared to speak your hidden desires, and it seems that you lucked out. You certainly served a gracious emperor.
His eyes turn into crescent moons as he beams down at you, showing off his gummy smile. You wonder why he rarely displays it; he’s always so serious when he’s in the public eye. The only other time you’ve seen as much as a smirk is when he bests his opponents in practice, his pretty lips curling into a snarl as he holds them at the point of his blade. You’ve only seen him smile when doing what he loves.
The way you look lying on his sheets, your heaving chest covered in little more than your underclothing and moonlight. Your hair spilling out in shining pools around your delicate face, which is flushed from exertion. The way you look up at him with pure bliss in your eyes. Perhaps he smiles because he likes what he sees, He licks his lips as he lets his hand wander across your decollete, which has collected a thin layer of sweat. 
“I hope you haven’t tired yourself out completely,” he says, leaning in closer to you, so close that you can smell his naturally musky scent, “You’re a quick learner. You are quite good with your hands, my dear.” You flush further at his words, deep with insinuation. You would be lying if you weren’t thinking of other activities you could be doing with him, too.
“I am good at a lot of things, My King,” you return, tone laced with venom as you look up at him through heavy lashes. The chemistry between you both had always been electric. What one would put down, the other would pick up. Flirty banter was as easy for you two as  breathing. Innate. Inherent. Natural. As if you were born to do it.
His hand travels down your chest and curls around your waist, giving your lax form a gentle tug upwards, so that your lips can meet his. He had only begun to kiss you recently, and as far as you can tell from the stories from the other concubines, you were the only one. You aren’t sure exactly what that means, but you also aren’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth. Or question why you’re the only one who gets to kiss the Emperor. The way he kisses you is nearly indescribable. He always starts off delicately, as if to test the waters, or as if to tease you. You haven’t decided which one it is yet, so you relish in how his lips play with yours. But you want more.
You push yourself upwards and deepen the kiss, and he responds in kind, sucking in your bottom lip to coax you into opening up for him. He has never been pushy; he has never pressured you - or any other that you knew of - into doing something you didn’t want. He has always been respectful of you and the others, which is the last thing you had expected. After all, you are just a glorified whore. And he is a king.
You part your lips and allow his tongue to dance with yours, each silently fighting for dominance. You let him win, and he takes the opportunity to climb over your frame. Noticing the sword by your side, he tosses it onto the floor. It hits the rug with a soft thud, as it has done many times that night when you had dropped it. He continues to deepen the kiss, and you can feel yourself beginning to get damp. Feeling that familiar tingling sensation run up your spine, you feel the need to reach under his silk robe and run your hands up his chest, which sends him moaning into you. He involuntarily pushes his hips against you, and you can feel how hard he is behind his night robe. It’s not like him to take his time, like this. Usually, he would have already put you in his desired position and… well, gotten on with it already. He might need some inspiration. You break the kiss by tilting your head up, and he begins kissing down your exposed neck, and fuck does that feel good. 
“Your Majesty,” you whine, fist full of his soft blonde hair, “How would you like me tonight?”
He speaks in between kisses.
“What… ever could you… mean?” he says warmly against your neck.
“Would you like me on my stomach tonight? I know you’re fond of the view,” you say, playfully wiggling your hips. He pauses for a beat, and pulls back to look at you. He chuckles a little.
“I’m quite fond of this view, too,” he says, showing off his gummy smile again and leaning in to cup your breasts as he trails kisses down into your cleavage. He begins to nibble softly at your flesh as he pulls the fabric down, exposing your nipples to the night. He pinches one roughly, making you pull on his hair a little harder, both of you having to stifle a moan. How dangerous to be doing this at the risk of guards hearing! His hand wanders down your frame and then up into your underskirts, cupping your heat gently as you open your legs for him. 
His fingers graze against your clit, and you feel the cool metal of his rings slide against your damp folds as he teases your entrance. You bite your lip and hold back a moan. You wish you could just tell him to hurry. 
As if answering a prayer, he slides his finger into your waiting slit, coaxing more of your wetness out of you. He adds another finger, curling them up gently and pushing up against that spongy spot that drives you wild. You buck up your hips in response, and you feel him smirk into your chest. He continues to gently bite around your areolas, never quite reaching your peaks as he sets an agonizingly slow pace with his fingers. The sensations that spark through your body at his ministrations are dizzying, but they’re also incredibly frustrating. He’s keeping you just on the edge of satisfaction. What does he want you to do? Beg? You’ve never felt like you could do such a thing, but this evening has made you bold. And his touch has turned you needy.
“Your Grace, pl-please,” you plead quietly into the night.
He looks up to your face scrunched in desperation. “Oh, are you suggesting your king hurry?” he asks with a smirk, “What if he wishes to take his time?”
“Hi-His Highness may have me any way he wishes, of course,” you reply, biting the inside of your cheek to distract you from the torture, “But are the tales of your generosity false? Are you a merciless ruler, set to torture those who would only want to bring you pleasure?”
His eyes on you darken, and he pokes his tongue in the side of his cheek. 
“Hm,” he considers, “I suppose I can afford to be kind tonight. After all, you’ve worked so hard already, haven’t you?”
He wastes no time in pulling his fingers out, and you clench at the loss, another groan almost leaving your lips before you’re able to swallow it. He lines his head up with your aching slit, using your wetness to coat his cock. The delicious friction against your clit makes you whine ever so gently into the space between you both, another small beg for him to fill you. He presses into you, the familiar stretch making you dizzy with lust, and buries himself in your neck once more. He quickly sets a brisk pace knowing that you both are eager, and it’s not long until you can hear how wet he makes you. The obscene wet slaps sound like bombs going off in the quiet, and your cunt drips with your slick. You briefly wonder who is the unfortunate servant who will have to clean these bed linens, because you always leave them completely ruined. The way he fucks into you makes you fall apart every time, fitting together like a lock and key.
The king’s lips find yours again, his kisses hungry and wild. You remove your hands from his hair that’s now cascading around you, falling in golden waves onto your shoulders. He’s more ferocious now, biting your bottom lip and then nibbling up your jaw where he sucks your bejeweled lobe between his lips. His hands grasp tightly around your jaw as you take him, every thrust making you more putty in his hands. His free hand curves around and cups your ass, hoisting you up and changing the angle of your hips. With every thrust, his tip grazes against your sweet spot, causing a loud moan to escape your lips, echoing in the large space. Your moan dies as soon as you register it; you shamefully tighten your mouth so that no more noise may escape, but it’s too late. You’ve already been too loud. He looks back towards his bedroom doors, and then back to you. 
Something in his expression changes, and his eyes are churning with something devilish. He swiftly covers your mouth with his palm, making sure it’s firmly fastened there before speaking. 
“Scream for me, little dove.”
You try to hold back as best as you can, but a particularly hard thrust breaks your resolve. Once you let out that little yelp, it opens the floodgates. Your voice is muffled by his hand as he fucks into you harder and harder, almost painfully. His tip is pounding against your cervix, and dark spots flash in your vision. You continue to lose yourself in him, eagerly meeting his thrusts with ones of your own. His other hand that was once cupping your ass, now finds your wrist and hoists it above your head, as he continues his unrelenting pace. You scream into his hand, and clench around him to bring you right up to the edge. 
He leans down to your freshly-nibbled ear, and in a gravelly voice says, “Come. Come around my cock.”
As soon as his hand lets go of your wrist and makes contact with your sensitive clit, you come undone. You scream completely unhinged into his palm which is placed firmly over your mouth, and he too groans as he finishes inside of you, riding through both orgasms until you’re both exhausted. And you thought you were tired before. His heavy breaths meet yours, and you float back down from your high to find yourself resting on his comforter. He gives your jaw a final nibble, and hoists himself off of you.
You hear his soft footsteps padding on the floor as you look up at the ceiling again. The beautiful gold trim you had noted before is a large dragon, spiraled around an inset in the ceiling. He brings back a damp cloth for you to clean yourself with, and he gathers your night clothes from the floor where you had discarded them some time ago. Sword fighting in a dress is not easy, and besides, you look much better in your undergarments. He starts putting your sleepwear back on you, gingerly helping your arms through the holes. He doesn’t have to be doing this. He has never helped you get dressed before; that was a task left to each woman on their own. They had a separate and luxurious bath suite dedicated to their self-care, so why would he bother?. Sometimes the concubine mother would help if things got… interesting, but you scarcely needed help with this. Tonight was surely a night of firsts.
“Uh, thank you, Your Majesty. You didn’t have to help me dress after you finish,” you say, a little flushed from how delicately he treats you after how thoroughly he had just fucked you. 
“Yes, I’m aware,” he says, hoisting you up off the bed and leading you towards his doors, “We can’t have you cleaning yourself in your wing’s washroom. You’d probably be dripping all the way back. We can’t have that now, can we?” he asks as he runs his hand down your arm, smirking lightly and raising his eyebrows, “Especially if you’d like to have another lesson.”
You gasp.
“Another? Your Highness, are you certain? Why do you risk getting caught doing this for me?” you ask, not concerned with your own safety, but of his. Even if his life isn’t at risk, the public humiliation that would surround him would be too great. Especially not now. Not in the middle of a war. The subjects of the kingdom are already on edge as it is. The trust in their Emperor cannot falter. Not now.
“Ah, come now. Don’t worry. As long as you stay light on your feet and I ensure that the worst guards in the command are at my post, we are as safe as my blade is sharp. Plus,” he adds, kissing gently against your fingers,  “getting to see your beautiful skin glisten with sweat, and then getting to have you all to myself is reward enough for me. It’s definitely worth the risk.” 
“My King, you can always have me all to yourself in whatever way you desire,” you say, “There’s no limit to what I can do for you. You know that.”
“Yes, dove,” he says, “I do know that, but there is one thing your king is not allowed. Something that nobody may know of. Your king is not allowed a favorite.”
You know this already. It is why the concubines exist, why you’re able to be here with him at all. You know that it is dangerous to have a favorite. Emperors in your kingdom are unable to wed, and it has always been that way. Spouses are a vulnerability, something an enemy can easily exploit. The concubines exist, like the guard, to protect the emperor in their own way. By allowing him freedom of sexual expression, he is less likely to feel the need to have a romantic partner. Having a person be treasured by the emperor only makes them a weakness. Especially now.
“Nobody can know that you are important to me. Nobody can know that it is you who holds the king’s favor; that is why we must meet mostly in secret going in forward. You’ll be removed from the palace if the officials get a notion of my fondness for you,” he says, holding both of your hands in his, “and I never want you to be missing from me, my dove.” 
You understand. You have to. It’s part of the job. You knew all of this going in and you were okay knowing that you would be one of many. You didn’t come to the palace with only the clothes on your back to find a chance at love. You’re smarter than that. You’d be lying if you said being treasured by the king didn’t light a small fire inside of you, though.
You nod and give his beautiful, calloused hands a squeeze. 
“I cannot keep you any longer,” he whispers, “you deserve your beauty sleep, especially after all the… exertion you’ve just done. You think you can keep quiet on your way back?”
“I think I can manage, but,” you say, “if I may be so bold, next time, I don’t want to be able to sneak back to my room. I don’t want to be able to even walk after the next time you’re done with me.”
“You’re going to be the death of me, woman,” he says, hiding a soft smile, “but even then, I would welcome it if it came from you.” 
You think of the risk you’re both taking, and the consequences of being found out.
“Let's hope it doesn’t come to that, yeah?” you delicately ask, eyes asking a question you’re afraid to give voice to.
“My dove,” he says, “as long as I can help it, no harm will ever come to you. Now, get on to bed.”
You didn’t want to leave, but you know you needed to. The emperor opens the door a crack and nods at you, a silent confirmation that the guards were at the other end of the hall. A silent nod that said it was time. 
You ease yourself through the small crack in the door and slowly pad toward your Northern Tearoom shortcut. You look back once more, and you see him mouth “goodnight” with a smirk before shutting the door.
Your return trip to your wing of the palace is much quieter than your first trip, and for that you are thankful. You sneak back into your room where the rest of the concubines lie fast asleep in their own beds, some of them quietly snoring. As you curl up into your bedsheets, you drift asleep thinking about how sweet his smile is. He never shows it to anyone, so why are you the one who gets to see it? After all, you’re just a whore. The emperor’s favorite whore.
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witchofinterest · 3 years
It’s my birthday! well, i’m making this post in advance, but i’m gonna post it on my birthday! i haven’t liked my birthday in years, but i love you all, so let’s talk about it!!! okays, it’s today! god, i love you all so much, and you’ve all given me a real sense of belonging and i wanna say thank you again! and if i somehow missed you, know i love you too, i just have a bad memory.
@foxesandmagic hey birthday twin!! yiu have lovely and you are so so nice i love any chance to converse with you!
@twinmasks you were the first person i was really friends with on here, and a big part of me feeling welcome in the community and i think you should know that! also, you are just so cool and talented, and i am always in awe of everything you say and make!
@nolanhollogay water sign besties! i adore you, it feels like we’ve been friends for 20 years allready! i hope we are friends for a lot longer, also you are one of the best people i know, and i want you to know that!!!!
@luucypevensie grace you are the sweetest girl ever!!!!!! ever!!!! you are sunshine in human form!! i love you so much!!! 💛💛💛
@whindsor hey nich!!!! i love you so much, you’re an excellent and amazing friend, and i adore you beyond words!!! god, i love you so much and i am so so proud of you, from your consistent updates to finishing your story!!!!! you put so much into life, and yiu deserve nothing but the best back!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@kazinejghafa keke my beloved!!!! you are like, a real life disney princess! i mean, birds should follow you around if they allready don’t! i love you! you always make me feel like: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💛💚❤️💛💙💛❤️🧡💛💚💚🧡🧡🧡🧡❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@ocfairygodmother you absolutely live up to your name! you are the backbone of this community and i couldn’t be more grateful to have you as a friend!!!
@anotherunreadblog you are the mutual!!! you are so nice, sweet, cool, talented, cultured, and i could keep going on forever! love you!! 💙
@darknightfrombeyond you are the cool, slightly intimidating because their so good, mutual!!! you are also one of my sweetest mutuals, with the coolest updates! you’ve got it all! love you! ^ _ ^
@water-writings hey mel!!!!! you are so sweet and supportive to everyone and your are so talented too and i love you!! and i am so happy your at a better job now!!!!! 💙
@elenapetrova hey tessa!!! god, we’ve been friends for so long now! this is the second birthday i’ve been your friend and i hope many more to come!!! you are so strong and so good and so so amazing!!! i love you a lot and i hope you know that!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@taylorswiftrulestheworld heather! we just started talking, but your really sweet and talented and i had to include you!!
@perhapspearl pearl!! hello friend!!! i love whenever you rb things, and wow your writing is so good, regardless of whether it’s for your wonderful ocs or canon! and you have a gift for gifs too!! you are wonderful and talented!!
@richitozier hey mara!!!! you are so cool and you have such good taste in like, everything, and you are so fun to interact with!!!! love you!! ❤️
@lizziesxltzmxn hey Ali!!!!! you are a beloved mutual and i love talking to you and i love when you update about the things your watching/reading/etc, bc i always love to hear your thoughts on things!!!!
@starcrossedjedis hey sara!!!!!!! you are one of my favorite people ever, and even if your going through a rough time right now, your still the best, and ill always believe in you! love you a lot!!
@aceyanaheim hey acey!!!! you have the coolest ideas and i am so excited whenever i see you in my notifications and on my dash!!!! i love you!!!
@wokenhardies hey Siobhan!!! taking with you is a treasure!!!!! in fact, your a treasure!!!! i love you a lot!!!
@squirrelstone Squirrel!!! my cherished friend!!! i love you and all of your creations so so much!!!!!!! also, you are just the best!!!!!! this site wouldn’t be the same without you in it and i am so glad your here!!!
@alghulnyssa hello Flop! you probably didn’t know many others on this list, but we’re buddies and i wanted to put you here! you have the best taste in so many things! and the prettiest edits!!! your last nyssa one lives rent free in my head! and you are part of the reason i made this blog! also, i am gonna to try to be on instagram more, im sorry.
@randomestfandoms-ocs hey maddie!!! ah, you are such a good friend and i love you so much!!!!!!!!!!! you are the sweetest and super talented!!! ❤️❤️💖💖💖💜💜💜💜💜
@iron-parkr hey Rory!!!!! i am super proud of you and how you handle all your responsibilities!!! all of your stories you have out are so good and i love them all! and even more, i love you!!!!
@myoc-eansmind hey sof!!!!!!!! we haven’t been friends for too long, but you are such a good one and i love you!!!! also, you are just the sweetest!
@nightwingshero hey jodeci!!!!! your writing is so so good!!!! and i love your ocs, they have such cool and unique storylines!!! also, you are so nice and cool!!!!!!! :)
@ceruleanmusings mack!!!!! hello friend!!!!! i swear, reading anything you write is an absolute privilege i’m glad you allow!!! also, talking to yiu is always a highlight of my day!!! 💙💙💙
@raging-violets hey Ri!! Hey Rhu!!! god i love you both so so much!!!!!! from bonding over to shared interests to learning about things like narnia! being your friend is so so good!!! riley i admire your confidence in life! rhuben i admire your ability to never give up! and i love both of you so much!!!
@ben-bcrnes hey becca!!! you are so passionate about so many things and i love seeing you on my dash!!! ❤️❤️❤️
@stanshollaand hey!!! your blog and your ocs are so so cool, and even there only half as cool as you are!!! i hope to interact more in the future bc your awesome!!!
@cecesxwickedxocs hey cece!!! you are one of the most creative people i know!!!!!!! also, i love hearing about how your days going and your interests!!!
@fiercefray rachel my beloved!!!! i love you so so much!!!!!! you always come up with the coolest stuff for your ocs, and you have so many awesome interests!!!! and behind that, i just really love you a lot!!!!
@inkoutsidethelines ink!!!! hey buddy!!!!!!!!!!! you are so so amazing!!!! i love learning about you and your ocs and i hope to more!!!!
@padmeisqueen aaron!!!!!! we don’t talk a lot and i hope to change that, but from what i know you are super sweet and nice and make the prettiest aesthetics!!!!!
@the-october-reviewer hey ash!!! it’s been a minute, but if course you’d be on this post!!!! we’ve been friends for about 2 years now, if i’ve done my math correctly, and it’s been amazing!!!!! i love you so much, and i always love hearing about what’s caught your eye!
@pock-galliard sairaid!!! you are so cool and i love seeing all your posts on my dash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@codenamekryptonite V!!!!! hey, love. it’s been a minute since we’ve talked, but i love you so so much, so i had to our you in this post!!!!!! you are such a good person and i love you and your ideas so so much!!!!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
@superspookyjanelle hey janelle!!! you put out so much quality content and i admire you so much for it!!!!
@ofbadcharacters hey gabbie!! idk if you still check your blog, but i love and miss you, and you made me feel so welcome last year, i had to include you in this post!! you are such a good friend and i really miss you! love you! ❤️
@phoebestarks hey phia!!!!!! you have the best, super intricate plots and i am constantly in awe!!!! also, you are so nice to converse with!!!
@whctsherncme-archive hey madi! you de-activated, bir i love you and you belong on this list!!!! you were such a good friend with the best ideas and i miss talking to you, and you, so much!
@mystic-scripture gwen!!!! it’s been a minute since we’ve talked, but we’re friends!!!!! i love you and your ocs so much! you always knock it out of the park from the mcgrath clan to alex!!!!! your so good!!!!
@avengiers hey ari!!!!!!!! you are so so cool, and everything you make is so so pretty, and i just wanted to tell you that!
@shanaoharas hey dylan! you stopped using this account, but i wanted to include this bc we were good friends! and i have been meaning to catch up on your excellent stories! love you a lot!!!!
@cassercole hey lizzie, you are no longer with us, but i didn’t manage to make this post when you were like i meant to, so I wanted to add you. you were the first oc creator i followed (first account, actually) and you always made me so welcome in everything! you introduced me to so many things i love and i really miss you.
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sylvies-chen · 3 years
Communicating through eye contact in a crowded room - for Severide and Kidd 💕
Ok so fun fact: this is actually the first time I've ever written uniquely for Stellaride. I loved getting to write for these two! More Stellaride prompts are more than welcome, I seriously do not talk about them enough on my blog!
Stella mastered the act of subtly sneaking off with Severide pretty quickly when they first started dating.
Ok, so maybe subtle wasn't exactly the right way to describe them. Once they were together, they made no attempts to lower the volume or be discreet. In fact, making noise while they were in the firehouse seemed to breed very positive reactions from Kelly. He always was a bit of a thrill-seeker, she thinks, and she'd never really been ashamed of sex. (How could she be? No one could blame her after taking one good look at Kelly Severide and his piercing eyes.) But they were subtle in alerting each other of when they were in the mood to goof off and fool around-- in his quarters, in the showers, in the laundry room. Anywhere, really. They'd mastered the ability to quietly communicate their pent-up energy to each other and slowly slip away for some alone time.
This time, a wave of that pent-up energy hits her pretty hard.
She doesn't really know why. She's been on sort of a high ever since they got engaged, and ever since they'd pulled Severide out of that sinking boat three months ago. The relief of him being alright along with the excitement of being engaged could be enough. She's also been taking about wedding plans with Sylvie all morning, which is most likely the cause. Either way, come lunch time when everyone is crowding the common room and causing a huge ruckus to get to the trays of tamales that Gallo made, she feels the undeniable urge to slip away with her fiancé and jump him. Hard.
But there's at least a dozen people in between them, bumping together and scuffling to get to their food. When did these firefighters suddenly get so damn hungry?
Kelly's over by the island, she notices all of a sudden. From across the room, she can see him scooping out his tamales onto a paper plate and back up so he can let the rest of 51 have their share of the food. Cruz, Capp, and Tony are next to him, joking around and poking at his sides teasingly. He shoves them away, chuckling slightly. Something about it just feels so... him. Her love for him is constant, she knows that by now, but that moment makes it feel especially prominent. His eyes then move from the food, to the crowd, then over to her. That's when it happens.
She doesn't know what it is, exactly, but she's learned the exact change in her gaze that happens to let him know what she's hoping for. He tilts his head curiously, his eyebrow lifting ever so slightly as if asking for confirmation. She smiles, her lips arching more downward then they do upward as she gives a small, subtle nod. For a minute, she's worried he didn't pick up on it but then he starts pushing his way through the lunch crowd and over to her and she knows he's picked up what she laid down. Kelly Severide is all about wordless communications, after all. Sometimes, it's vague and confusing as hell but in times like these, it's their saving grace.
He finally reaches her, shaking off the crowd and then inching closer to her. He gives her elbow a small and playful pinch, grinning wide. "Hey there," he greets her.
"You called me?" He asks.
"Right, I was just wondering what the Squad guys were teasing you about," she starts, playing it cool. Severide knows it's far from what she was thinking though, and happily plays along with it.
"Just wedding stuff," he tells her. "They keep calling me Mr. Kelly Kidd."
Stella laughs through her nostrils, her smile growing even wider. "Kelly Kidd," she echoes with a chuckle. "I don't know, that sounds pretty hot."
"It does?"
"Uh-huh," she nods, grabbing onto his hand and lacing their fingers together gently. Her brows furrow after that, feigning seriousness. "Y'know, I think we should go to your quarters and test that name out. You know, so we can hear it without all these other loud people around."
He gives a sly smirk, nodding amusedly. "Definitely."
After that, he moves the entrance of the common room and motions for her to walk by. "After you, Lieutenant."
"Ooh, I like that one too," she replies teasingly as she walks by, already starting to kiss his cheek and neck as they stumble down the halls and over to his quarters. It doesn't take long for their CFD standard-issue uniforms to be ripped off after that. Quite literally, she should add-- Kelly's navy polo gets a slip tear in the collar from her excitedly ripping it off his shirt. He doesn't get angry though, just sits there and chuckles before laughing into the trail of kisses being pressed along Stella's neck.
And hey, if this is what a little glance in the common room gets her, then she considers herself the luckiest woman in Chicago. She'll take a fraction of those kinds of moments with Severide over a lifetime of anything else. Although, preferably, she'd really like it to be a lifetime of those moments with Severide. 'Til death do them part, right?
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alexiaugustin · 3 years
Tumblr media
good morning mutuals and everyone else on tumblr who is cool and made my year! this is gonna be my mutuals appreciation post 2020 because if anything good happened this year then it's getting to know all of you guys so there's that. i love you all so so sooo much and always love to see y'all and your gif sets / memes / crack posts /rants / edits and so on and so forth on my dash. you made this year beautiful and i just wanna thank u for that!💘💘 (also im sorry if the picture above activates anyone's fight response i just thought that it would fit if i went back to where it all started)
@engelkeijsers mare my love i don't even have words to describe how much i love you and am happy to have you in my life. i consider you one of my closest friends by now and that's why i always message you whenever exciting shit happens in my life (or whenever shit goes down that ofc depends🤪). our phone calls were so fucking funny and i loved talking to you sooo much i can't wait to meet you in real life one day!!💖 please feel hugged you're such a beautiful human.
@dreamaur ann my beloved mutual i love you from the bottom of my heart and just wanna thank you for being the cute bitch that u are who always remembers our mutuals anniversary like....🥺🥺 i just love that we always watch and read and stan the same things like what kind of soulmutuals behavior is this?. can't wait for s&b to air so we can always freak out about kaz and inej and everyone else together. i'm kissing your cheek and wish you the absolute best for 2021 because u deserve the best😽
@sotorubio silja i love you and your blog so much you just have such a galaxy brain and you're so eloquent and your blog is one of the few that i check on regularly because i don't wanna miss a single post you make. here's a fun fact before i properly got to know you i thought that you were sooo intimating i don't even know why and then we started talking at some point and i was like "hold on a second they are SO lovely and warm actually and not intimating at all hdhdh" as you might have figured out by now i always love talking to you about skames or rant about 13rw and everything else. i just love u!!!🧡
@helmtaryn aurore you are probably the first person who ever started talking to me on here and so it all began and we always talked abt skam france before s6 started and during and you're just such a wonderful person!! thank you for always being there for me and helping me with my french homework i truly cannot thank you enough for that because you're constantly saving my ass jdhd. you're just so fun to talk to and such a talented gif maker like... for real your gif sets always knock me out and you're always so original in what you gif🥺❣
@geminibf i know i've told you that before but your blog is my comfort blog on here literally just seeing your posts on my dash always makes my day and you're one of the most beautiful ppl i've ever known like how do you even manage to do that🥺💘 plus you're sooo talented at this point im convinced that there's absolutely nothing that you cannot do so yeah i have no idea where this sentence is going but i guess what im trying to tell u is that i love u and im so happy to be ur friend
@alterlovex niiiii❣❣❣ you're not even like a tumblr mutual you're like my tumblr sister (figure out what the hell this is supposed to mean jdjd) and you were one of the first people who hyped my stupid posts up and it always made me go 🥺😭. i started following you despite the fact that u had a wtfock icon (honorary) and i absolutely never regretted it. you're so beautiful and warm and so is your blog and i will try to talk more to u again in 2021. im virtually sending you so many flowers🌷🌻🌸💐
@jorgecrespo you're just the coolest bitch alive. i followed you for your skam rankings and stayed for your whole entire personality. every post you make truly just slaps, you never miss, and i relate to you so much jdjd. the way you answer anon messages will forever be my favorite thing about your blog and just the way you talk in general like without even seeing your url i always know when it's you who wrote a post. i love you❕❕💖
@jusdekiwi you and aurore are the reason why french people deserve rights, you are such a lovely and genuine person and i absolutely love you and your chill vibes on your blog. also thank you for helping me out with my french homework thingy once like. thank you so so much for being so lovely and taking your time julia!🌻
@suburbanenigma carmen i love you and all of your posts and just the vibes on your blog!!! also omfg your riverdale side blog always makes me laugh soo much i truly cannot wait for s5 to air so we can make fun of it together because i will live blog the shit out of it too!! you're just one of the coolest bitches ever i don't know how else to say it. i love you and cant wait to talk to you more next year. you're such a blessing for this hellsite🦋✨
@sundaymorninghangover julian you are one of my oldest friends on here and i've loved you ever since i found your blog and figured out that u were a part of the having taste club (skames fandom) too!! you're so chill!!! i love your brain!! i love your posts!!! and most importantly i love you. please keep on blessing my dash with your cool posts because they are definitely appreciated and loved in this house. also i miss your frog icon (please don't hit me in case it wasn't a frog) it just spoke volumes about your vibes but i love ur new one too!! still associate the purple heart with you so here it is 💜💜
@lesbeanfatou clara you simply are an angel. you used to have a nora grace icon and i went: that's it, she's the one, she has taste im gonna follow!! and look it was one of the best decisions ever. you're my favorite chaotic n cool mosquito hater and i just love you so much and you made my year beautiful!! thank you for always listening to me when i came into your inbox to have a break down (positive or negative) over the we feel in love in october girl and thank you for teaching me how make edits!!!💐💘
@aoixe you're one of my favorite skamfr hate blogs and certain men hate blogs (if u know u know) i always love talking and ranting with you and am so glad that we're sometimes just dming!! you're vibes are so cool a d you seem like such a chill person i love you and wish you all the best for 2021!!❣❣
@fatoudixon ana i love you and your blog so so much and especially your druck reaction videos on youtube!! you seem like such a genuine and beautiful person and even though we're not talking much please just know that im always happy to see you on my dash. happy new year to you!!💘💘
@cash-queens sam🥺 you're so sweet and kind this hell site truly doesn't even deserve you but we all love that you're here anyway!! i would protect you with my life and i hope that we will get to talk more in 2021 because you're such a lovely person and for now im just gonna wish u a happy new year✨
@avaceleste sophiaaa💌 you've been here ever since the very beginning of skamfr season 6 and i always love talking to you and long live our eliola jokes, you were probably the person i started this cult with so here is our eliola emoji starterpack one more time in 2020 💏🌧🎬
@hashtag-ohboy-nicetry i have no idea whose side blog this was but the url alone made my entire year🤭🤞
@ random love anon❤ i love you and hope that 2021 will be a good year for you because you absolutely deserve it!!! wishing u nothing but the best i always love to see you around!💐💘
all the other amazing blogs i love and am always happy to see on my dash (doesn't matter if we're mutuals or not)
@floraflorenzi / @bi-kieu-my / @gumptin / @thegirlnooneknows5 / @littleweirdoss / @sohereisthisasshole / @noramachwtz / @nori-in-pink / @ayellowcurtain / @mailinrichter / @ijzermanora / @fudgetunblr / @lesbianfatous / @norgestan / @cfgc / @avaspereira / @theflowerisblue / @smblmn / @jon-astronaut / @amiraamore / @parelmoer / @stqrz 💘❣💐🦋💌🌸
i wish all of you a very happy new year and thank you for all of your gifs, posts, translations, fanfics & edits you all truly make this place beautiful❕💘
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