#you are the shell of a human
sowhatnotcreative · 1 year
Men be like: "Not all men but also I specifically do not call out any men for any behavior up to and including sexual assault and violence against women. I don't commit it tho so not me!"
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kasumingo · 10 months
A lot of older TMNT fans dislike the ROTTMNT designs for making the brothers barely look like turtles but actually I enjoy them looking mostly humanoid
They resemble the person they were mutated with a lot, they look like new species entirely and they went into drastically different direction with sharp, pointy dynamic lines, rather than huge round blobified shapes the other series were going for
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Plus the designs and thought process behind each of them are amazing
Like, I could rant about Donnie's design quirks for ages
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uter-us · 3 months
radfem question!!
i'm having a conversation with someone about female only spaces (this specifically pertains to bathrooms) and they said that the rule of having female-only bathrooms would "act more like an enforcement of femininity more than anything else."
I think their point is about butch lesbians and/or women who present "masculinely," and so because there is ofc no female identification at the door, and policy would likely just make it more acceptable for women and girls to report if there was a male in the bathroom (without having to determine if the male identifies as a woman), this could end up hurting "masculine"-presenting women (implying that they could be mistaken as male), and in turn just reinforce femininity. Thoughts? (mine are in tags)
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ancientbygone · 4 months
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shall we renounce
from where we've come
and who we were?
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wlwaerith · 9 months
i’m aware i’m 100% alone in this, but i genuinely adore ascended astarion (especially when romanced) because of how—frankly—horrific it is. it’s simultaneously so cathartic in its brutality but so unsatisfying personally while managing to be narratively satisfying (just as his other outcome is, of course).
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hailsatanacab · 1 year
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@the-witchhunter - this is incredibly disturbing, i love it. fair warning, i took it more in the direction of that oglaf comic (nsfw) where Vlad fully doesn't realise that this is a love shrine, this is a completely normal thing that you do for your arch enemy!
“Daniel! I can explain!”
“Oh… my… God...”
“Daniel, really, it’s not what it looks like!”
“Really?” Danny breathes, shocked and honestly kind of fighting down the urge to vomit. The thermos slips from his fingers and clatters to the ground, the sound echoing far too loudly in the enclosed space. “Because it looks like you have a shrine dedicated to my dad in your closet.”
“No, that’s not—it’s more complicated than that, Daniel. You wouldn’t understand.”
“I don’t think I want to understand.”
“Your father is a ridiculous man, Daniel. I hate his stupid face so much. Look at him!”
Vlad turns back to the actual shrine, with actual candles and actual flowers and actual photos of his dad with… Holy crap, did Vlad cut out Mom in each of the photos? What the fuck? 
Wait… Look, Danny tries not to look too closely at the weird things Vlad has hidden around his mansion dedicated to his mom, but he’s fairly sure that the pictures of her he’s cut out (in heart shapes—yeah, Danny’s definitely going to barf) are the ones Vlad’s put in his other weirdo closet shrine that Danny also wishes he’d never seen.
“Why don’t you just have one shrine? Why have—no, you know what, I don’t want to know. I think I’m just gonna leave.”
Yeah, that sounds like the best option. Danny takes a cautious step back, very ready to get back home, bleach his eyeballs and maybe never look at his mom and dad ever again. Or, at least, not until he has successfully blocked this from his mind forever.
He only gets one foot out the door when Vlad lashes out and grabs him. The day just keeps getting better and better, really, doesn’t it? Even as he twists and turns, he can’t get out of Vlad’s ironclad grip and he’s pulled even farther into the closet. 
Panic rises in his throat as Vlad shuts the door—what the fuck is happening? He doesn’t want to be dragged into Vlad’s creepy shrine to his dad, what the fuck? What the fuck!
“I loathe your father, Daniel, I hate him with the very core of my being. Look at him!” 
There’s no goddamn way in hell Danny is looking at any of the pictures, no thank you. He squeezes his eyes shut and wishes he were somewhere, anywhere else, when Vlad jerks his arm forward so he comes nose-to-nose with the largest framed portrait of his dad in the very centre of the table, smiling with his doctorate and a very unfortunate 80s mullet. Dear God, no.
“I hate his smug face! I hate his stupid fashion sense, you have no idea how much I detest that orange jumpsuit of his, how much I want to claw it off him and tear it to shreds! If I have to listen to him say another boneheaded, idiotic, ridiculous thing, I will—I’ll rip his throat out with my teeth! You don't know how long I spend here looking at him, imaging all the ways I'll have him grovelling at my feet. One day, Daniel, I'll have him one day...”
The sun was going down when Danny finally managed to escape and find solace in Sam and Tucker. He's not going home. Not yet.
“Danny, are you okay? We were so worried, we couldn’t get hold of you for hours! Where were you?”
“Sam, Tuck… Vlad, he…”
“Holy shit, Danny, you’re shaking, are you alright? What happened, what did he do?”
“I think… I think he wants to fuck my dad.”
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homosekularnost · 6 months
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pov youre having another meeting with the annoying academics & this person in the back looks kinda familiar
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phoebepheebsphibs · 2 months
So this next update is the BIG FINALE and as such it is... uh... really long. There's a lot of extra characters in the story (because I am DEAD SET on having an Avengers Endgame moment lol) so that means extra introductions and explanations for a few and etc. etc. etc.
Remember the last really long update I gave? The one that was over 7000 words? I crossed over that mark a while ago, and I'm only ONE THIRD OF THE WAY THROUGH.
It's a big update, so it's taking a while.
Snek pek! ↓↓↓
"...Very well, then," rhg!Donnie exhaled, finally admitting defeat. "In that case, I'm not sure I know how to tend to 'mystic' injuries."
"I got it," Ghost volunteered, searching in the first aid for anything especially sparkly or glowing. That would be a good sign. After some rummaging, he managed to procure some mystic cream and began to salve the cuts and sores.
rhg!Donnie watched with interest and concern. He studied the label for future reference. He memorized the patterns in which Ghost anointed the child. He took internal photographs of the angles and shapes of Mikey's scars... and prayed that he would never have to see them on his baby brother back home. He had been concerned that this was the same Mikey he'd met earlier... they looked very much alike upon first glance. But after closer inspection, he saw that they had some differences. The scars were obvious. But this one was younger, and much smaller. Not just shorter, but skinnier too. He looked a lot like his brother in that sense. As for the Leon beside him -- the one that kept giving rhg!Donnie dirty side glances -- he looked like his twin brother. Except bald. No sign of the beautiful and soft hair that rhg!Dee used to braid and style for him before he'd left. He was frightfully thin, too. A thick scarf surrounded his neck to help insulate the miniscule amount of warmth his body could provide. rhg!Donnie happened to glance over at him when he didn't expect it, and saw him pocket a few extra medical supplies, subconsciously stuffing them into his pants. There were quite a few things already in his pockets, rhg!Dee realized. This kid was a thief. Not that it bothered him, he and his Leo had been sneaky like that on more than one occasion. District 12 wasn't a very generous place to live.
rhg!Donnie found himself reaching for his hand the next time he went to snatch something. Not so much to stop him as to simply just... hold something that was so similar to his brother. He knew he wouldn't get a chance like this again for a long time. If ever. It might be stupid, but for a moment he wanted to pretend that this was his Leo. It worked for half a moment, he could almost see his brother here in the room with him.
Leon turned to him as he grabbed his hand, wide-eyed in surprise before realizing that he'd been caught.
"Oh... Old habits die hard, I guess," he explained, sheepishly dropping the tube of ointment he'd taken.
"Next time, try it like this," rhg!Donnie whispered, showing him how to take the tube with better efficiency, while simultaneously distracting the victim while you repurposed their possessions. But he got the feeling this teen already knew all the tricks of the trade.
Leon smiled weakly at him.
"Thanks, but... well, there's not really supposed to be a 'next time'," he explained, while looking back at DvD and 'Phael. "I kinda have a family now... and a home."
"Congratulations," rhg!Donnie said, hoping the genuine delight that this Leon had his family all around him came through, despite the monotonous tone in his voice.
"The kleptomania just sorta... flares up when I'm stressed," he mumbled. "When I feel like I'm not safe. I take stuff so I can pretend that I have everything I might need in an emergency." He laughed as he pulled out all the band-aids and alcohol wipes and gauze from his pockets. "I don't even know what I'd do with half of this stuff!"
"It's better to have most of this than not," rhg!Donnie mentioned, taking half of the pile and stuffing them into his own pockets, despite knowing that if he were to be portalled home again the items wouldn't be going with him. "Just in case..."
@daboyau @boots-with-the-fur-club @amevello-blue
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foileadeux · 1 year
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more hk gijinka babyyy! white lady jumpscare bc ive been sleeping on her. adapting her tree...things was interesting, and i wanted to give her face a doe kinda appearance. hope that came across. she looks detached since she's so enigmatic ingame. tell me more about her team cherry!!! + some extra pk
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jazzy-a · 9 months
Do you ever spend hours searching through Pinterest, through the same sets of pictures, until you manage to find this one golden nugget that you somehow haven't found anywhere else and as soon as you click "Save" you think:
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garbagequeer · 9 months
loving the vibe of people who havent watched riverdale and havent watched the finale posting to complain about how they had a very normative ending because it reinforced the idea that characters have to be in relationships to be interesting. like my man fuck 86 year old single mother by choice and feminist magazine editor with no regrets about never getting married whose dying wish was to see all her old friends again betty's entire life just because she was in a quad for a year 67 years ago i guess. it's not enough that narrator jughead erased her whole shit now people on the internet who dont even care about betty my friend betty are doing it too. and the core four arent even in set relationships in the big pop's in the sky because they're juniors again. but you dont get the big pop's in the sky you don't care about the big pop's in the sky. i do
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tennessoui · 1 year
doctors need to do part of their residency at Starbucks or something they should not graduate before being tested in customer facing services roles ok I don’t need my doctor to have empathy for the human condition or whatever but I damn well need them to be able to fake it
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ecto-stone · 7 months
You know sometime you just didn't realize how similar Vlad and Danny are. Until you tries to write them as friend. but they keep graviting toward each other evolving into something more. Like this is like my 17 re write now and it still resulted in Vlad sacifiescing himself so Danny could live caused Danny importance and impact on his life is way more importance to him then his own well being. And don't get me started with the Groundhog Day where Vlad leaving caused they have a bad fall out essentially caused the worst timeline.
Danny even copy Vlad pun as a coping mechanism and Vlad adopting Danny old stoic behavior.
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junipershouse · 1 year
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a collection of funny brainstorming doodles
first one is thinking a little bit about kkariko writing/symbology. atm, i'm focusing on rrikrik's cultural background, as kkariko are generally pretty diverse and live widespread on their home planet, which has resulted in a huge spectrum of cultural diversity. as for writing specifically, i was thinking that kkariko would probably find it best to use their "palps" to perform delicate dexterious tasks such as writing as they would have be more flexible than the exoskeleton coverings on their feet. for this script, i was thinking about a kkariko wrapping their palps in a soaked cloth and making long swooping marks on the page with them.
also thinking about the way kkariko and ki move. kkariko have four pairs of legs and for balance it would be better if they walked on two. however, i think they can run on all four pairs and stand up on one pair when threatening. their big long tail probably prevents them toppling over. as for ki... i haven't done as much thought. bipedal species are kinda tough because there's always the fear of just defaulting to human gait. i wanted ki to have super long arms and "fingers" though, so decided to give them a transitional gait for now. also look at soh's cute little tail. the off-model soh is really bad tho. but it shows the size comparision between the twos.
kkariko coloration. they have two main pigments on their bodies - one blue/gray and one pink. rika (their home planet) is very metal-rich and the metals which kkariko eat go to their shells, which take on different tones dependent on their diet. i was thinking about how these shell colors would interact with their base pigmentation as well as the effects of oxidization, as rika also has an oxygen rich atmosphere. i imagine that shells showing off rare metals and low levels of oxidization are a huge status symbol. for rrikrik, their diet is very varied in metals and they don't tend to have the luxury of staying inside, so their shell is patchy and covered in rust.
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whatudottu · 7 months
I haven’t read the books so perhaps I don’t have the full context for what TFP Shockwave’s experiments were like, whether he went in with a question to be answered or coming up with a hypothesis after the fact to justify the means, but I’d think it’d be interesting if he kinda had like… all the scientifically proven basis to form a question and ask a particular bizarre scenario.
Like for instance, Shockwave might have countless evidence that torture is not as effective of an interrogation technique as apparently both sides make it out to be (if OP’s threat to Soundwave was any indication of anything), but instead of testing a much nicer method, Shockwave develops the cortical psychic to GUARANTEE the authenticity of the information instead of idk, appealing to the captive. Might even suggests that the evidence points to flaws on both the tortured (prone to lying just to get out sooner) AND the torturer (subject to distraction and accepting conflicting statements), rather than solely one party or the other.
The thing is though, it’s hard to wonder WHAT questions Shockwave may seek an answer for, unknown questions that somehow connect with just a lot of predacon DNA (either their revival or in hybridisation). Because offering the alternative - senseless scientific violence - seems a very bland motive or whatever this would be ESPECIALLY for Shockwave; the cold pursuit of science is his mojo not to affront it.
Eh, whatever. Guess this is me just thinking about the logic tree Shockwave might follow to get a new experiment running, and doing so in a way that doesn’t just amount to ‘mad scientist for the sake of a smart guy torturer’ or whatever lmao-
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dollsome-does-tumblr · 2 months
i decided to watch the taysway concert movie today and i've still got 2 hours and 18 minutes left but i had to take a break because it's giving me anxiety to even witness another person doing this much stuff for this long
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