#you can dm me I’ll explain why
yoohyeon · 5 months
Mutuals read this please👇
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salemlunaa · 2 months
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so in my asks i have alot of people going “sai, you always go on and on and on and on about the void and different problems people may have, but you never explain what it is and how to get there”And to be honest with you, most of my posts were meant to be that way because i knew of other blogs explaining the void and my blog was just meant to be follow up posts for those who already knew about the void. Although, now i feel more confident and equipped to explain the void in its entirety.
so strap in for this long ass post because this is a gonna be THE guide (if you can’t tell i’m very excited for this post)
i just wanna say that this post is an inspiration and a remix of all those that have inspired me
1. What is the void?
so as you can see yourself and life right now is you in the physical plane (the notorious 3D) you are experiencing the world as *your name* *your lastname*, and your experience is confined by the way that you initially came into the world, being y/n y/ln . The void, originally known as the “I AM” state is when you leave that experience behind, you leave the physical world behind and become nothing and everything at the exact same time. And doing so you can create and destroy absolutely anything in your experience = your reality which is why people call their destination after the void their “dr”=“desired reality”.
2. Why the void?
This method is seen as very effective and efficient once you know how to do it right because it’s a “method” in which your subconscious mind is in full control, which means you can do absolutely anything and that’s not some conspiracy or belief, it is a fact that when entering this subconscious-based meditation state that you can do absolutely anything, which is why i said that you have the power to create and destroy anything in the physical plane, altering your experience. You can change your genetics, your family and friends, your wealth, gender, where you live and much more. You can also redesign things, like a country for you to live in, your age, your s/o’s age, your memories and just your life in general. Just one trip to the void and all that you dream of is yours.
The void doesn’t have to be pitch black you can design it anyway you like, i see alot of people in my dms and asks, saying that the pitch black scares them, but your void can look anyway you want.
personally i’m not scared but i just wanted my void to look cute so i added pink stars to the pitch black
3. How do i get to the void?
There are many ways to get into the void, you can follow a guided many meditation, you can listen to subliminals or waves, you can simply affirm, you can visualise, or you can simply do none of these and go into the void with just the intent, KNOWING that it’s apart of you. You don’t need any method to tap into the void, all you need is yourself and the intent, knowing it’s apart of you and not some magical fairyland. You can enter at anytime of day, because you’re a god and don’t need to be confined to “time”. “Time” is a malleable concept and i’ll be dammed if you guys waste your days because you only believe that you can tap in at night.
4. Problems people have with the void
3 things: wavering, laziness and putting the void on a damn pedestal
a lot of you guys fail to enter the void simply because you try to enter. all the things i have said about the void make it almost impossible to believe, a golden ticket to your dream life with one trip to the void. And because of the fact that we have been conditioned to believe that we have to work for everything we have, this just seems to good to be true. and you see the void as some magical place when it’s YOU, the void is YOU, why do you think you affirm “I Am”? well it’s because the void is literally the state of you being everything but nothing, it is not a place it is a state, hence the void STATE, the “I Am” STATE. it’s a meditative state and that’s it.
When you enter the "I AM" state, why do you affirm phrases like "I am, I am pure consciousness, I am the void, I am unattached to any reality, I am faceless and formless"? It's because these affirmations align you with your divine essence, your true God Self. However, this practice is often short-lived. You enter this state briefly, and when you don't experience any immediate changes or wake up in the same shitty reality, you begin to doubt. You think, "Why hasn't it worked? I must be doing something wrong. I'll try again tonight." This is what wavering looks like. You declare yourself to be in the "I AM" state, but when it doesn’t immediately manifest, you believe it hasn't worked and attempt to re-enter it repeatedly. This endless cycle of trying can confuse your subconscious mind. Instead of truly embodying the state, you're constantly oscillating, creating inconsistency and doubt.
the void is the easiest thing ever and it is owed to you, because it is you
you can literally enter right now and have every single thing you’ve ever wanted, with just a meditation state, the void isn’t the one with the power it’s you. The void is inside of you and it is lifeless, the only time it gains any power is when YOU step into the equation. As i once said, the void is your bitch not the other way around.
5. Unhealthy relationships
Although the void is one of the best methods i know, i would hate for anyone to accumulate an unhealthy, toxic relationship with the void. The void is as easy as breathing, i know, but it can be alot for some of us to wrap our heads around due to the way we have been conditioned to think (which hurts my heart more than you know). I see people spend months and years trying to get into the void going through an emotionally taxing experience with it. Although i tell people it doesn’t matter how much time you’ve “wasted” and not to let that discourage you because you could really enter now if you put your mind to it (no pun intended) , if you know that it has been eating you up trying for the void going around a constant cycle, please take a break or use other methods.
now with that i say go, go and redesign yourself, deconstruct yourself and create the new you, start from scratch and make your dream self, go to the void and get your dream life.
don’t try, just be 🌊💋
i really hope you loved this as much as i do, now go get your dream life -salem ᥫ᭡
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callsignrooroo · 2 months
You Never Left Me
A/N: Eeee! Here it is y’all! So excited to for this be out there. This was my first time writing straight smut, so I hope I did it justice!
Minors and ageless blogs do not interact!
A big thank you to @hederasgarden for being my beta for a large portion of this fic!
Word Count: 3.7K
Warnings: Parent loss, p in v sex, AFAB reader, mentioned birth control, unsafe sex (don’t be silly, wrap your willy), dirty talk. I think that’s it, if anyone sees anything else please feel to dm me!
Coming back home always felt heavy. It had been five long years since you lost everything you knew, including your parents, to a tornado that happened faster than you could blink. Five long years since the last time you saw your one that got away– Tyler Owens. 
Blinking dust out of your eyes, you jumped out of your truck. You were right down the road from the motel where you were staying and had stopped to get some snacks for the morning. You had to be at the bank first thing and knew you wouldn't have time for breakfast. Just as you were walking up to the gas station door, it burst open and before you could get out of the way, you knocked into two figures. 
“Lily, you dumbass, I told you to slow down,” Boone snapped. 
“Oh shut it, it’s not like you are in any less rush, you're just as much a sucker for Tyler's cooking as the rest of us,” Lily grumbled. 
All three of you stopped in your tracks as you made eye contact.
“Shit”, you said.
“Shit,” Lily and Boone echoed simultaneously. 
You heard someone grumble from behind your two friends, and you quickly stepped out of the way, pulling them both with you. 
“So, uh, I thought you guys were in Enid,” you said awkwardly. 
Boone started sputtering and Lily cut him off. “Boone, you're going to catch flies. And, you, after five years of not seeing each other in person, that’s all you have to say,” she exclaimed. 
You cast your eyes downward.
Boone, however, finally seemed to get his tongue in working order. “Does Tyler know you're here?” he questioned. 
Your eyes snapped back up at the mention of his name. “No,” you emphasized.
Boone got a distinct look of disapproval on his face, and Lily looked at you like she knew something you didn’t. 
“Oh, this is going to end well,” Boone said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. 
Lily shoved him and he huffed. “You have to tell him,” she said, her eyes on yours.
This was precisely what you were afraid of and exactly why you planned your trip around their posted schedule on  YouTube. You weren’t sure you'd ever be ready to deal with him, not after you left.  “No, I don’t. I’m leaving in two days, and as much as I wish I could stay,” 
Boone scoffed, and Lily shoved him again, 
“I have work to get back to,” you explained. 
Lily crossed her arms and her expression shifted to hard determination. “If you don’t tell him, I will,” she stated simply. You blinked hard, and even Boone looked surprised by her boldness. 
“Lily, please, nothing good will come out of this,” you begged. 
The black-haired girl shook her head. “I mean it, he deserves to know,” she said seriously.
You felt tears prick your eyes. “Lily, please, I can't do this now, it’s been too long,” you pleaded. 
Her dark eyes softened and she reached for your hand. “Trust me, he needs to know,” she assured. Your eyes flicked to Boone’s and you could tell he agreed. 
“Fine, I’ll tell him,” you relented. 
“You promise,” she questioned, eyebrows raised. 
“I promise.”
She smiled brightly and pulled you into a hug. “Good. Text me before your flight and we can all get breakfast before you leave,” she chirped. 
You glanced at Boone, and before you could open your mouth, he hugged you and squeezed you tight. “You better text us,” he said into your hair. 
You smiled. “I promise.”. 
Lily looked at her phone and cursed. “Shit, we have to go, Tyler needed the milk to finish the food.” Boone rolled his eyes and grabbed the keys from her.
You shook your head as you walked into the gas station.
Later that night, you stared at Tyler’s contact photo. It was an old one, a picture of him right off a bull, smiling wide, before his injury. You watched the blinking cursor, waiting for some grand thought to strike you on how to tell him you were home. Eventually, you sighed and turned the lamp off.
You closed your eyes as you leaned against your motel door. The morning had been long, and all you wanted to do was sleep. The bankers had been patient with you when they explained where the money in the found account had come from. You were thankful they didn't make things awkward when you started to cry when they explained the money was from a fund your parents set up as a child. You were wiped emotionally, but you knew if you didn't keep your promise to Lily, she would tell Tyler you were in town herself, and you knew that wasn't the right way for him to find out. 
Your phone dinged, and you glanced at it.
From: Lillypad :): We all just left, now’s your chance babes :*
A second later, another text came through. 
From: Booney: he never stopped
You blinked as you stared at the text. Never stopped what? Caring? Missing you the same primal way you missed him? Hating you for leaving him behind after flying out of town like a bat out of hell? You weren't sure, but you knew it was time to find out. 
You slipped out of the dress you wore to the bank and slipped into a tank top, your favorite pair of jeans, and your worn boots. It was now or never. 
To: Lilypad :): He’s still at his mama’s house?
From: Lilypad :): Like he’d ever leave
You felt your heart rate increase as the house came into view. You had so many memories of this place. Memories of the four of you piled up in the living room as kids, memories of you and Tyler sitting on the roof talking about going to college, memories of hugging him as he sobbed when his mama died, and then him holding you in his strong arms after your parents funeral. You shook your head to clear your thoughts, but the one you never stopped thinking of popped into your head instead. 
 The last memory you had of Tyler and this house was five years ago, on the day you left for Texas, and how you swore you saw tears in his green eyes as you drove away from the porch you had both sat on together so many times. You glanced in the visor mirror and realized your eyes were damp. You swiped at them before stepping out of your truck. When Tyler didn't immediately materialize on the front porch, you realized he must be at the back of the house on the sun porch. You took one last deep breath before taking your boots off at the door. You walked in, and a wave of nostalgia hit you as you spotted the magazines by the kitchen sink. You slowly crept through the house, memory after memory hitting you, until you reached the doorway of the sunroom. 
The second your eyes landed on him, it felt like a piece of your heart clicked back into place, and you knew you were exactly where you were meant to be. Thoughts of Texas were forgotten, and you just took him in. He looked good, even better than you remembered. He had a pencil in his mouth, and his brows were creased as he stared at his computer. You stood there and just took in the sight of him until eventually, he looked up.
He blinked several times before getting to his feet. He stood there for several long moments before crossing the room in a few quick steps to stand in front of you. He went to reach for you and then stopped himself. “Are you real?” he whispered into the silence. 
“Hi Tyer,” you murmured. The second his name left your lips, he was pulling you into a crushing hug. You immediately relaxed into his arms, overwhelmed by the feeling of his solid chest against yours and the smell of him; fresh laundry, wind, and something that was so intrinsically Tyler, you could never pinpoint it. 
“You’re here,”  he breathed into your hair. 
You nodded as best as you could pressed so close. “I’m home,” you said, voice laced with double meaning. 
“How? Why? Hey, look at me,” he said gently when you looked down at your feet. 
He hooked his thumb on your chin and brought your head up so you could look up into his eyes. “The bank,” you explained lowly.  He gazed into your eyes, patiently waiting. “The bank found an account, and I had to come sign for it,” you told him. 
“Your parents?” he questioned softly. 
When you didn't answer, he just continued staring into your eyes. He moved closer to you and caressed his thumb over your cheek. “You are one of the strongest people I know,” he said, voice laced with awe. 
You shook your head, temporarily dislodging his fingers from your face.  “I’m not,” you uttered. 
He brought his other hand up to your face and cradled your face. “You are,” he admired. 
You felt moisture gather in your eyes. “How can you say that, I left,” you sniffed. 
He shook his head and brushed a thumb over your cheekbone. “But you came back,” he muttered. The to me went without saying. 
“Tyler,” you said softly, letting yourself trail off.
“You came back,” he emphasized.
“I wasn’t going to,” you whispered.
You felt him flinch. “I wasn’t going to say anything to anyone, and I thought y’all were in Enid wrangling tornados, but then I saw Lily and Boone, and then Lily said if I didn’t tell you, she’d tell you herself, and I knew that wasn’t the right way to find out, so I came here to see you,” you said in a rush.
He glanced away from you, your face still in his hands, before looking back down at you, and you could see the moisture in his eyes. 
“You weren’t going to tell me you were home?” he asked. 
You couldn’t bear to look at the heartbreak in his green eyes, so you broke out of his embrace and sat on the worn sofa in front of the window. “I didn’t know how and wasn’t sure if you still…” you trailed off again. 
He gingerly sat near to you, close enough that your thighs were touching. “If I still what, sweetheart?” he asked as he leaned closer. 
You shrugged, and you both sat in silence for a few moments. “Boone said you never stopped,” you said quietly.
He moved even closer, tugging your legs so they lay over his lap.  “Did he elaborate?” he pressed. 
You shook your head and looked back into his eyes. Just then, you saw all of him. The softness he held for you, how he was letting himself be vulnerable, and the love he felt for you all shining through his eyes. 
“He didn’t have to,” you admitted. 
“Darlin, I know you know,” he said. “All those nights we watched the sky, and all the days spent in this very room, you have to know,” he said. 
You squeezed your eyes shut before opening them again and leaning closer so your foreheads were touching, leaving you practically sitting in his lap. “Of course I did, I’ve always known Tyler since we were kids,” you said emphatically. He let out a shuddery breath but you continued. “But then I lost everything, and it felt like everything changed, and I had to get out, to get away from the grief. I know now, I left you but you never left me.” You had tears running down your face, but Tyler wiped them away with his thumb. 
“Can I kiss you?” he questioned, his lips millimeters from yours. 
Instead of replying, you leaned forward to close the minuscule gap. He groaned into your mouth and you wrapped your arms around his neck. When the two of you had to part for air, Tyler immediately ducked down to suck on your neck. 
“Tyler, the marks,” you said weakly. 
“Yeah baby, I bet you’re gonna wear them like a trophy,” he hummed against your throat. You moaned and pulled him back up to your lips by his hair, and he groaned into your mouth. “That’s it, sweetheart, let me hear you,” he mumbled. You moaned again when he gently bit your lip, his tongue quickly coming behind to soothe it. “Tell me this is okay; tell me I can show you how much I’ve always loved you,” he begged.
“Show me, please. Show me, Ty,” you said softly.
He went back to your neck, peppering you with small kisses and intermittent sucks.
“Tyler, I need more,” you whined. 
“More,” he wondered. 
“Please Tyler, don't tease,” you begged, tugging at his hair. He shifted you so you were straddling his sweatpant-clad thigh, and smirked when you moaned at the friction. 
“Fuck,” you whimpered. 
“Is that what you needed darlin’?” he teased. 
You bit your lip and brought your hand down to cup him through his sweatpants and he groaned, his forehead coming to rest against yours. 
“Is that what you needed, darlin’?” you parroted, eyebrow raised. 
“Oh you little-,” he cut himself off by rolling you both over so you were caged underneath him, quickly adjusting so his knee was connected to your core. 
“Sweetheart, I’ve waited too damn long for this for us to tease each other,” he confessed as he kissed down your neck. 
“Why don’t you do something about it then cowboy?” you asked, smirking. 
“There’s that fire,” he chuckled. He sat up on his legs, pulling you with him, and in one fluid motion, he had your tank top on the floor. He attached his lips to your newly revealed collarbone, one-handedly unlipped your bra, and added that to the quickly growing pile of clothes. You kicked your boots off and turned back to find him staring.
You shivered under his stare. “Your turn cowboy,” you told him, tugging on his shirt. 
In one move his shirt was on the ground, and he was pressed up against your bare chest. 
“Kiss me, please Tyler,” you pled. 
He kissed both of your cheeks before capturing your lips in a passionate kiss. You moaned as you pressed down against his thigh harder, slowly starting to grind yourself down. A second later he was kissing his way down your chest, stopping to circle his tongue against your left nipple, and then the right one, before going back to suck the left one into his mouth. 
You moaned in pleasure and your hand shot up to grip his hair, causing him to moan against your skin. “Fuck,” you cursed, arching your back as he gently bit down. He crept lower, kissing along your stomach as he went. He kissed along the edge of your jeans and raised a hand to undo the button. He let his head fall back down and leaned in, slowly bringing down the zipper with his teeth. 
“Tyler, holy fuck,” you groaned. You could practically feel his smirk against your thigh.
 “Yeah? I thought you might like that,” he chuckled. 
He peeled your jeans off and then stood up. When you looked at him with confusion, his smoldering eyes softened. “Sweetheart, as long as I've waited for this, you can bet that sweet ass of yours that the first time I get inside you will not be on a couch. 
You giggled as he pulled you up into his arms, your legs automatically wrapping around his muscular hips. You buried your face in his neck as he carried you the short distance to his room, sucking and biting your marks into his perfect skin. 
You whimpered at the loss of contact as he lowered you to the bed. He kissed you softly, and you sighed happily as his tongue brushed against yours. He brushed his hands over your shoulders, down your arms, and to your stomach. He rubbed your clit through your panties, and you arched into his touch. “How long has it been, sweetheart,” he questioned with a kiss to your hip bone. 
“Too long,” you panted. 
A moan broke out of your throat when he sunk his teeth into the meat of your thigh. 
“Tyler, please, I need you,” you begged brokenly. He hummed again as he hooked his fingers on the sides of your panties, slowly peeling them down your legs, leaving wet kisses as he went. 
“Fuck honey, look at you,” he said in awe. “Prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen,” he said.
You groaned and threw an arm over your red cheeks.
“Nuh huh,” Tyler admonished. “Let me see all of you. I’ve waited so long for this, sweet girl,” he said as he slid his fingers over your slicked entrance. 
“Shit, Ty,” you breathed. 
“There we go,” he said, his eyes alight, “let me hear you.”
He dipped his middle finger inside you, gathering your wetness, before he got down on his stomach. He slid his finger in and out, his mouth just a breath away from where you needed him the most. 
“I thought you said no teasing,” you whined as you moved to tug him where you needed him. Before you could, he licked a stripe right through your core. “Fuck,” you yelped.
He didn't say another word, just clamped his large hands around your thighs and licked at you like a man starved. 
“Ty, Ty, Ty,” you chanted. 
He mumbled something against you, and you groaned at the vibrations. 
He pulled away just long enough to suck in a deep breath and murmur, “Sweetest pussy I’ve ever tasted.” before attaching his lips to your clit. He eased a finger inside of you, and then moments later, he added another. 
“Ty, fuck, please, I'm ready, I need you,” you sobbed. He withdrew his fingers and crawled back up to pull you in for a kiss. 
You both simultaneously groaned at the taste of you on your tongues. 
He pressed himself against your dripping core, and you gasped into his mouth. Even through his sweatpants, you could tell he was big. 
“Darlin’,” he started, hissing when you pushed your hips down onto him, “I want this just as bad, but I’ll let you know when you can take me,” he finished. 
You ground down on him again, and he hissed through his teeth. “Tyler Owens, if you don't finish what you started in the next five seconds, I'm going to leave and finish it myself,” you threatened. You both knew it was an empty threat; you wanted each other too badly and had waited too long to call it quits now, but the empty threat seemed to put him into overdrive. He peeled his sweatpants off and went back down to suck at your clit. 
“How about this honey? Give me one, and I’ll fill you up like you need,” he bargained. Before you could respond, he was face-first into your pussy, two fingers curling just right. 
“Fuck,” you screamed. 
He pulled away to watch your face, his fingers never stopping. “That’s it, darlin’, come for me, come for me, and I’ll give you my cock,” he crooned at you.
Your arm shot out, and your nails dug into his bicep as you screamed out your orgasm. Before the after-shocks even subsided, Tyler was kissing you hard as he lined himself up with your entrance.
You both groaned when he finally sunk into you. “Fuck darlin’, if you keep squeezin’ me like that, this is going to be over faster than we both want,” he cursed from above you. 
“Fuck Ty, I can't help it,” you whined. It didn't take long for you to adjust, and before you knew it, you were begging again. “Ty, move,” you begged. He started slow, building up a rhythm, and before long, he was letting out small groans in time to his thrusts.
The two of you fell into a breathless rhythm of give-and-take, sweat shining on Tyler's temple and your hair like a halo around your head. 
On a specific stroke, your eyes rolled back into your head. You shouted and dug your heels into his back. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you squealed. 
“Yeah, right there, honey. Did I find your sweet spot,” he crooned. 
You clenched down, and he cursed. “Don't stop, Ty,” you cried. Your whole body felt lit up from the inside out. 
He pulled almost all the way out and swiftly pushed back in. Your bodies moved in tandem, a give and take until all you could do was grip his sweat-slicked bicep and hold on. 
“Fuck, I'm close, sweetheart. Give me one more, one more. Let me see you come undone for me,” he moaned. 
He reached down to rub your clit, and your back arched, your whole body like a live wire.
“Fuck, fuck, where,” he stammered. 
“Inside, fuck Tyler, please, give it to me. I’ve got an implant. Give it to me, baby,” you chanted. 
He groaned and fell forward to rest his head on your shoulder as he came. You both lay there for several moments, breathing harshly into each other's ears. 
Eventually, Tyler pulled you close and gently pulled out, shushing you gently as you whined. “I’ll be right back, darlin’,” he told you. You smiled to yourself and sunk deeper into the mattress. A second later, Tyler exited the in-suite bathroom and gently wiped you off with a warm washcloth. When he was done, he threw it in the hamper, crawled behind you, and spooned you close. He kissed your head and sighed in contentment. You both lay there in silence for a while, soaking up each other's warmth and drawing random patterns onto each other’s skin.
After a while, you pipped up. “I have to go back to Texas.” Tyler’s whole body tensed, but before he could say anything, you rolled over to face him and silenced him with a kiss. “I have a job to quit and a lease to break,” you told him gently, smiling. 
He grinned at you. “I think I know a place you can stay at so last minute,” he told you before leaning in for a kiss.
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cutielando · 7 months
when two world collide | c.l.
social media au
synopsis: in which a singer and a formula 1 find solace withing each other
my masterlist
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liked by landonorris, selenagomez and 13,284,576 others
📍Las Vegas, Nevada
yourinsta thank you so much for last night, Vegas!! you were an incredible crowd and i can't thank you enough for supporting me always. Europe, here I come !!!!
view all 4,385,294 comments
user1 OMG MOTHEEEEEER 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
selenagomez forever proud of you !! 💖💖
yourinsta thank you, love !! ❤️
landonorris great job, bugger!! give me a call when you can so we can meet
yourinsta thanks hahaha i will 🫶🏻
landonorris try not to forget this time
yourinsta it was ONE time lando 🙄
landonorris doesn't matter
user2 not lando shading y/n 😭😭
user3 she's outdone herself with this tour fr
user4 MOTHER
arthur_leclerc you were awesome! ❤️
yourinsta thank you arthur !!!
yourmother so proud of you, sweetheart! ❤️❤️❤️
yourinsta i love you mom !!!!! ❤️❤️
charles_leclerc great concert ! liked by yourinsta
georgerussell63 you actually made it, proud of you nugget 😇
yourinsta thanks georgie 🥹🥹
user5 george calling y/n nugget >>>>>
charles_leclerc started following yourinsta 5:19 P.M.
yourinsta started following charles_leclerc 6:01 P.M.
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liked by carlossains55, yourinsta and 3,284,469 others
📍Las Vegas, Nevada
charles_leclerc Very special weekend for us, good pace and in the end a very good result. Thank you Vegas, you were a gem. See you next week! ❤️
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scuderiaferrari ❤️❤️
joris_trouche amazing weekend, well done mate🙏🏻🙏🏻
charles_leclerc thanks mate 🙏🏻
yourinsta congratulations !!! you were great !!❤️
charles_leclerc thank you !!!!!❤️🙏🏻
user2 Y/N, what are you doing here girl 🤔🤔🤔
leclerc_pascale je suis fier de toi, mon ange!! (i am proud of you, my angel) ❤️❤️
charles_leclerc je t'aime, maman ❤️
carlossainz55 congrats, hermano. we both know why you performed so well this weekend 😏😏
charles_leclerc yes mate, the car had good pace. thanks
carlossainz55 whatever you say, hermano
charles_leclerc i'm telling the truth
arthur_leclerc no, you're not
joris_trouche arthur and carlos are right, just saying
charles_leclerc i'm blocking all of you 🙄
user3 carlos and arthur exposing charles 🥲🥲
user4 there are rumors that Charles has a crush on Y/N and she attended the race in Vegas
user5 really?
user4 yes, apparently she couldn't make it originally but then her schedule changed and apparently she was there
user5 oooh i see, that would explain why Charles pushed so hard the entire race
instagram dms
hey y/n. hope i'm not bothering you or anything
hey charlie. not at all, what's up?
i had a really good time last weekend in Vegas, you're amazing. i was wondering if you'd consider going out with me this weekend? so we could get to know each other better?
of course ! can't wait :)
great!! i'll text you all the details soon
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liked by yourbff, charles_leclerc and 9,284,581 others
📍Lusail International Circuit, Qatar
yourinsta i'm starting to think red suits me best. thank you for having me, ferrari!!! ❤️ tagged: scuderiaferrari
view all 2,381,573 comments
scuderiaferrari always a pleasure to have you in our garage !! ❤️
user1 i'm starting to smell a Ferrari romance here
carlossainz55 thank you for supporting us this weekend!
yourinsta of course !
charles_leclerc you might have been my good luck charm 🤔
yourinsta always 😏
user2 UM EXCUSE YOU???????????????????
arthur_leclerc i was wondering where all that pace came from 😆😆
charles_leclerc shut up
yourinsta happy to be of help
francisca.cgomes we need to hang out again!!!!!💖💖
yourinsta we doo!!!! ❤️
selenagomez red really does look good on you 😏😏
yourinsta i know 😮‍💨
user2 i’m really starting to smell a new relationship here
yourbff i’m actually jealous 😭😭
yourinsta i promise i’ll bring you with me next time🫶🏻
user3 we're just waiting for an official launch at this point
user4 i wanna be her
user5 i wanna be charles, tbh. she's so gorgeous 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
landonorris i'm very hurt by this, y/n
yourinsta i'm so sorry, i promise i'll be with you at the next race
landonorris papaya is a much cooler color than red
charles_leclerc not true mate
landonorris get out of here, leclerc
yourinsta boys, behave
landonorris yes ma'am
charles_leclerc yes y/n
user6 the comment thread >>>>>>>>>
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liked by yourinsta, joris_trouche and 3,283,173 others
charles_leclerc feeling lucky lately
view all 482,174 comments
yourinsta i work wonders, i know 😏
charles_leclerc you do
user1 UM HELLO?????????
landonorris you're torturing the poor fans
charles_leclerc i don't know what you're talking about
landonorris you're like little kids
yourinsta shut up
joris_trouche you really aren't that good at this
charles_leclerc i'm trying, okay?
scuderiaferrari we love seeing it! ❤️ liked by yourinsta and charles_leclerc
user1 ferrari is loving it
user2 he seems happy, ngl
user3 this couple is everything, he seems genuinely happy to be around her and vice versa
user4 she deserved to be happy, i love them 😭😭😭😭
arthur_leclerc not suspicious at all
joris_trouche that's what i'm saying
charles_leclerc stop attacking me
carlossainz55 now we all know why you've been doing so well
charles_leclerc are you shading me?
carlossainz55 i don't even know what that means
user5 carlos is so confused help 😭😭
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liked by leclerc_pascale, yourbff and 12,184,376 others
yourinsta in my lover girl era ❤️ tagged: charles_leclerc
view all 5,284,689 comments
charles_leclerc you make me the happiest i've ever been
yourinsta i love you ❤️
landonorris finally, keeping this a secret has been tough
yourinsta thank you lil lando
landonorris take that back
yourinsta i won't
user1 LANDO KNEW???????
user2 PARENTS 😭😭
user3 GIRL, really, the vroom vroom guy? 😭😭😭😭 liked by yourinsta
yourinsta what can i say, he makes my heart race
charles_leclerc damn right
user3 charles 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
arianagrande so happy for you, my love!!!!!
yourinsta i love you !!!
scuderiaferrari we can't wait to see you in the paddock, y/n! ❤️
yourinsta i can't wait either!! ❤️❤️
landonorris ...
mclaren ...
yourinsta ...sorry guys...
landonorris the betrayal 😭
selenagomez i'm so glad you're happy!!!!
yourinsta thank you, honey !!❤️
charles_leclerc thanks !
user5 selena's one of y/n's best friends, doesn't really surprise me
user4 i know, but it just seems so unrealistic, like 2 worlds colliding
user6 seeing her this happy makes me want to cry😭😭😭😭😭
leclerc_pascale thank you for keeping my boy happy ❤️
yourinsta je t'aime, maman !!! ❤️❤️❤️
user7 y/n and charles' mom, i can't-😭😭😭😭
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liked by yourinsta, arthur_leclerc and 4,912,482 others
📍Monte Carlo, Monaco
charles_leclerc tu es l'amour de ma vie ❤️ (you are the love of my life) tagged: yourinsta
view all 928,174 comments
yourinsta you're going to make me cry 😭😭😭
yourinsta i love you so so much, charlie❤️❤️❤️❤️
charles_leclerc i love you more ❤️❤️
arthur_leclerc simp
yourinsta don't make fun of my bf
user1 ooooh, protective y/n sticking up for her man
landonorris he stole you from me :(
charles_leclerc i did no such thing
landonorris yes you did, she never has time to hang out with me anymore because she's always with you
yourinsta i promise to hang out with you soon lando
landonorris lies
user2 seeing lando being sad because y/n doesn't hang out with him is so precious 🥹🥹 their friendship is everything
user3 imagine living the dream of being y/n's bestie
user2 i'd kill to be in his shoes
user4 mother is mothering as usual
leclerc_pascale je vous aimez! ❤️ (i love you two)
yourinsta nous t'aimons aussi, maman!! ❤️❤️
charles_leclerc ❤️
joris_trouche you're more annoying now than you were when you two were still private
yourinsta deal with it
charles_leclerc what she said
joris_trouche yourinsta i thought you were on my side?
yourinsta those days are long gone after you made fun of us
user5 she's literally so pretty and nice ❤️🥹🥹
user6 seeing them happy warms my heart 🥹
user7 did he seriously leave Charlotte for her? talk about a downgrade...
user6 excuse me? he's so much happier with Y/N now, it is not your business who he decides to date. plus, she's A GORGEOUS WORLD-RENOWNED SINGER and you're just a sorry excuse of a fan if you would rather bash his girlfriend than actually be happy for them
user5 THIS !!!
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comments and re-blogs help us grow!
much appreciated!!
662 notes · View notes
End Game 5
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, age gap, stalking, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Your gaming buddy asks to meet up but it doesn’t go exactly as planned.
Characters: Andy Barber
Note: 😘
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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There’s another tap on the window. You shake your head, ignoring it. Go away, go away, go away. Another comes, this one louder and you turn, ready to shout at him to leave you alone. Why is he there? Why is he bothering you? 
You spin and stop short. A little boy smiles from just over the little ledge and his dad stands behind him, his hand hovering at the window. You blink and move forward to slide open the glass. As you do, you peer around, searching for the bearded man in his button-up. He’s gone. You think. You hope. 
“Sorry, I was cleaning,” your voice tremors before it evens out, “how can I help you?” 
“What do you want, kiddo?” The man puts his hands on his son’s shoulders, “rocky road?” 
“I want choccy!” The kid demands. 
“Double chocolate or chocolate chip or chocolate brownie?” You prompt, smiling as your eyes continue to rove around, waiting for any glimpse of that man. 
“Double,” his dad answers for him, “I’ll have a scoop of praline and cream.” 
“Sounds great? Bowl or cone?” 
“Sugar cones are fine,” the man replies as he takes out his wallet. 
You go through the transaction on habit alone. The man seems slightly agitated by your twitchiness but still drops a tip in the jar. You thank him and lean out the window to see along the side of the booth. Is he gone? Really gone? 
You can’t shake his shadow. You just can’t believe he would show up like that, then act so casually. Like you’re old friends. You chatted for one year and you didn’t even know who he really was. That’s not a friendship, that’s just strange. 
You don’t close the window. You’re already nervous about having it closed for so long. Your manager takes complaints very seriously and you can’t exactly afford to drop one job when you’re considering a second. 
You check the time. Right. A couple hours. You can make it through. If you see him again, maybe you’ll call the cops. Won’t that be funny to explain? Maybe he could use the humiliation of fessing up to his betrayal. 
You don’t feel better about the back-up plan but at least you have one. Sort of. It all depends on if they even believe you. 
The after-dinner crowd begins to burgeon and you find yourself forgetting the unwanted customer for a whole line of new ones. You scoop and scrape and dish out the flavours with a faulty smile. When you’re through the rush, the tip jar is close to full. At least you had a fruitful night. 
You hope that the locals scared Andy away. Or your reaction. You don’t think he came all that way expecting that. Surely, he wouldn’t bother if he thought you were just going to turn him away. Yet why would he expect anything else? 
You really don’t understand. 
As your shift comes to an end, you’re anxious to lock up. Leaving is another matter. You can’t help but look over your shoulder as you twist the key from outside. You turn your back to the wall and wearily wade through the dark. You won’t be caught off guard again. 
You take a different route than usual. You don’t know why but it seems like a clever idea. You keep in the sheen of the street lights. You keep your phone in your hand just in case. You remember all those precautionary safety presentations they had on campus about walking home alone. 
You let out a sigh as you reach your street. Your grandmother’s house sits nestled behind the overgrown walnut tree. You feel safer in sight of it.  
You slow as you sense something off. There’s a car you don’t recognise. An SUV that doesn’t fit in the neighbourhood. He wouldn’t be there. Then you think of the flowers. He knows where you live. 
Your name makes you yipe as a shadow emerges from the silver vehicle. Your feet tangle and you stumble. Keep going or go back. Either way won’t be an escape. You stop and face him wide-eyed. 
“Please, leave me alone,” you beg. 
“Honey, please, I’m not here to do anything but apologise,” Andy strides across the street and you can’t help but shy away. “Won’t you just hear me out?” 
“No, I told you--” 
“And I sat and listened. Don’t you think you owe me the same courtesy?” He insists. 
“But-- I already told you, Andy, what you did--” 
“I know what I did,” he breathes, “I think about it constantly. Every second of every minute of every day. I think of you and I can’t get you out of my head because I know it was wrong. I can’t stand that I hurt you so bad. You don’t deserve that. After everything you’ve gone through--” 
“I only told you those things because I thought you were someone else,” you hiss, “I can’t... I can’t forget the lies. I can’t move on, alright? And honestly, I don’t think we have much in common. We’re in different places.” 
“That didn’t matter before. We got along--” 
“Because you--- you were pretending to be a teenager,” you bluster, “how old are you? Can’t you see how insane this all is?” 
He winces and his jaw ticks. In the glint of the streetlight, his eyes sockets are dark pools and his broad shoulders seem even wider, his figure even taller. You lean back on your heel and sway, looking towards you grandmother’s house. 
“It’s not... I never meant to hurt you.” 
“You did,” you shrug, “Andy, I don’t know you and you don’t know me. We were just gaming, shooting the shit, that’s whatever. The best thing you can do is get help. Talk to someone.” 
“I want to talk to you,” he says. 
“A professional,” you insist, “I’m nineteen. I can’t help you.” 
“But you did,” he snips. 
“Not how you need to be helped, okay? I’m asking you to stop. Go. It’s over. It never really was. I was friends with Jacob, not Andy. You chose that.” 
He hangs his head and heaves. You stand in silence. Slowly, you sidestep and flinch as he mirrors you. He reaches for you and you back away from him. He retracts and pushes his fingers through his hair. 
“Sorry, sorry, I just...” he croaks, “honey,” that word, again, “if I get help, will you talk to me? If I go, get some pills or something, will you just give me a chance?” 
You huff and shake your head, “Andy, there’s lots of people online you can game with. People your own age. Maybe you should try the discord--” 
“No, not them. You.” 
“Andy,” you plead, “I’m... no. No. You can’t do this. You can’t just show up and make me listen. You can’t send me flowers and come to my work and force me to be your friend. Alright? That’s not... healthy.” 
“I wanna be better. For you. That’s what I’m telling you,” he steps closer until you’re against the prickly hedges. “I wanna do everything for you. I can make your life so much better. Honey, don’t you want that? Don’t you want someone who wants you? For once?” 
You’re quiet, stunned by the insinuation, of the truth in it. 
“That’s cruel,” you whisper. 
“I don’t mean—not like that. I only, I’m trying to show you what I can give you--” 
“I don’t want anything from you,” you sniffle, “or anything to do with you. Can’t you get that through your head?” 
He staggers back as if he’s been struck. He shakes his head and stammers, “what-- why? Why not?” 
You blink, long and hard. How many times do you need to repeat yourself? You roll your eyes and turn on your heel. You brace yourself for him to follow but he doesn’t. 
His shadow looms just along the edge of your peripheral and as you turn into your grandma’s yard, you glance back. He watches you but stays where he is. He just stands there. You shiver and raise your phone, lighting up the screen, hoping he gets the idea. You could call the police. 
He takes a step back then pivots sharply. He crosses the street back to the SUV and the door slams behind him. You jump in your shoes and quickly scramble up the walkway to your grandma’s front door. You’re hoping that’s the last time you have to tell him to go away. Next time, you might just have to be mean about it. 
You try to sleep. It comes in shallow spurts that leave you more and more tired. You don’t have a shift, thank god, but you’re also not so grateful to be left without distraction. You give in to futility as the sun peers in between your curtains and you groan at the dull weight in your temples. 
You creep out quietly to make a coffee. Just instant powder so the machine doesn’t wake your grandma. You go back to your room and sit in a groggy daze, waking yourself with the warmth of each sip. You sigh out and hang your head. 
There was enough to figure out a week ago. Now, you don’t know how many problems you truly have. You’re not so certain last night got the point across, especially after the first two times didn’t work. Third time’s the charm, right? Besides, how much effort are you really worth? 
You can’t just sit still. Your eyes keep itching to look at your Switch, a now cursed item in your collection. You finish the coffee and change out of your pajamas into a pair of sweats and faded tee. You’ll catch up on some chores, keep yourself busy and grandma happy. Besides, you’re not brave enough to venture outside just yet. 
You grab your head phone and pop them over your ears and search through your phone for your cleaning playlist. You’ll start with the living room. Give it a sweep and a mop, wait until grandma’s up to do the vacuuming. Dishes next and the kitchen. Scour the fridge for the forgot produce in the back and take out the trash. You have more than enough to do. 
You wipe off the end tables then the coffee table, sorting the clutter and clearing the trash. You dust the television and the shelves of knickknacks and the ornamental fireplace against the wall. No matter what you do, there’s always a slightly dingy smell to the place. 
When the living room is decent, you move into the kitchen. You turn up your music and drown out the house around you. Dishes, floors, cupboards, cobwebs... You feel the effort in your muscles as you stretch out the kinks from your pitiful sleep. 
You’re entirely obliviously to the existence of others until your grandmother appears with a scowl, pinching your arm as she glowers in her house robe. You glance at the time. You’ve been at it for a few hours. You pull your headphones off your ears and pause your music with a tap of the button on the cord. 
“Oh, morning, do you want some coffee?” You offer. 
She’s unimpressed by your efforts as she crosses her arms. It is kind of early for her to be up. Her nostrils flare as she sniffs. 
“You better make a full pot for your visitor,” she sneers. 
You blink at her and scoff, not understanding her, “visitor?” 
Her eyes are narrowed and her lip curls, “the one who’s been pounding on my door while you’ve been listening to your racket.” She jabs an ear of your headphones, “damn woke me up.” 
“I don’t... who?” 
“Says you knew his son. The dead one,” she shakes her head, “sad, I suppose.” 
You stare at her. You hear movement in the front room, just on the other side of that wall. You glance through the archway and see a shadow shift. She’s not lying. How else would she know? 
“What did he tell you?” You breathe. 
“More than you, eh,” she snaps, “what are you doing gaping at me like a fish, I need a damn coffee. Too early for this nonsense. A dead kid, some stranger in my front room... what trouble are you getting into?” 
“N-nothing, grandma, I don’t... get him out of here. I don’t know him--” 
“He knows you. Knows your name. Says you and his boy were at school together. ‘Splains the flowers, I guess. Condolences, not that you cared, did ya?” She shakes her head, “you always were off in your own little world. Well, I’m not doin’ your dirty work for ya. You ain’t gonna be your mother if I can help it so you want him gone, you tell him you didn’t give a damn about that dead one.” 
You frown. You don’t understand why she’s so callous. She’s never shown any concern about anything but her books. It’s not your fault your parents didn’t want you. Or that she doesn’t either. You only ever begged for her attention, for a sliver of her approval. 
You blow out between your lips. You won’t argue. There’s no use in it. Besides, it’s a small house, you know he heard all that, that he knows you’re on your own. Maybe that’s why he came all this way. Because he knows you have nothing. 
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alphajocklover · 10 days
Commissions, Rules, Story Index and Other Information ----
Commissions Information
I only have 3 slots at a time, but that may expand one day. I charge 1 cent per word. Below is a link to my ‘commissions page’ (it’s a google doc) with all the details, including a list of what I won’t do, what I definitely will do, and how to contact me. If you’re interested, please DM me and let me know!
Firstly this is a Jockification blog. It’s mainly about turning nerds into alpha male jocks. That doesn’t mean I won’t do other transformations or go into other kinks. I’ve already done some slightly different things like the macro tf and the Muscle daddy tf stories, both of which I loved writing. But most of this stuff is going to be jock tfs. Just wanted to make that clear.
Now, onto what I absolutely will not do. These are off limits, and I’ll explain why too. I’m not here to kinkshame or anything but I write these stories for fun, and if I’m not into something then it’s so much harder to write about.
Anything that’s not 18+. I know this is a very controversial topic, and I want to be clear. I do not have issues with age play (although personally I don’t love to write about that stuff either). As long as there are no actual children involved in the making of an erotic piece of fiction, or you are encouraging people to actually do horrible things to kids, you can write whatever you want. But since it’s so controversial, and it is way too easy to write something that makes light of a traumatic experience, I would rather avoid that all together.
Rape. Once again I am not going to kink shame anyone. A lot of people have a rape kink, and that’s perfectly normal. As long as all parties are consenting and of age irl, you can do whatever you want in the bedroom. But once again it is incredibly easy to write something that offends and hurts people, and on a personal note I just don’t feel comfortable writing something like that. I’m not gonna claim that everything I write, with all the reality bending and changing identities, is perfectly consensual, but there’s a big difference between writing about impossible magic powers and writing about realistic rape, and I don’t feel comfortable crossing that line.
Beastiality and Animals. Once again not going to kink shame anyone. And I want to stress I’m not talking about furrys or pup play or whatever. I’m talking about actual beastiality. You can write and read whatever you want as long as it’s not hurting people, but as far as I’m concerned animals can’t consent, so I won’t be writing anything with them in it. I’m also not entirely comfortable with human to animals tfs. Those are just not my thing.
Bathroom stuff and Smegma. This one is less complicated. I just don’t write this kink because I don’t like it. Watersports and scat and smegma all do nothing for me. Just a personal preference.
Real person Fiction. Once again it’s nothing personal. Plenty of people love real person fiction. I just feel so awkward writing about real live people. So I avoid it. Fanfiction about characters is another story.
Inanimate and Body part TF. I don’t really understand why, but these types of transformations make me uncomfortable. Really it’s just my preference.
Entirely Female Focused TFs: I am a gay man, and have a harder time writing erotic stories about women. While I can write about straight sex and women, I prefer to keep men as the focus, or at least have them heavily involved.
Gender TFs: I know this will probably upset some people, but I’ve personally just never enjoyed gender change tfs. Perhaps I will experiment with it one day, but not now.
Racial Slurs: While I do like raceplay and racial changes, I will not include slurs I cannot reclaim in my work. 
That’s all there is for my big limits. If theres anything else you’re unsure of and want to check, just DM me. I won’t judge, the worst I’ll do is say no. I hope all this serious talk didn’t upset anyone. More stories coming soon!
Will update as needed!
Just a reminder that I am up for story suggestions, questions, and DMs. I especially want story prompts because I’d love the opportunity to make more stories for you guys. I’m also open for trades if anyone is interested
Story Index
Below is a list of my bigger stories and ongoing series. I'll be doing this chronologically, and adding to it periodically! I'll be listing some kinks that are controversial or unusual for my blog next to each story they are in. I won't be marked G2S because I use that a lot. I hope this helps you guys get around my page better!
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SuperNova TFs | A person makes a wish on a SuperNova
Older Brothers (My first story!) (involves incest)
Unmoved (involves bisexual sex)
Professor to Frat Bro
Supernova Comedian (Political Play)
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Wake Up | The true self awakens, and spreads
Wake up Bro
Wake up Pops
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Marvel TFs | TFs themed around Marvel Characters. Not all connected
No longer a Spider, finally a Man (Implied relationship between a student and teacher)
Possessed by the Power of Thor (Giantism)
Like the Hulk
Like Wolverine
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InstaJock TFs | A mysterious app that jockifies users.
InstaJock Introduction
InstaJock: A Small Glitch
InstaJock: On The Go
InstaJock: Details and Settings (Race TF, Asian)
InstaJock: Payback
Revert Mind
InstaJock: Preview
InstaJock: Research and Frats
InstaJock: Tricking a Thief
InstaJock: Regional
InstaJock: Secondhand
InstaJock: Girls
InstaJock: Boyfriends
InstaJock: Double Friend Request (Race TF, Asian)
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Alpha with a Capital A | A look into literal Alphas
Alpha with a Capital A intro
Alpha with a Capital A: Sexuality
Alpha with a Capital A: Alphas and Gender (Transgender Character and physical gender transition)
Gay Couple to Straight Beta Bros
Greaser Alpha
Alpha with a Capital A: Big bro and Lil bro
Asian Alpha Bro
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Jock Studies | Coaches and their brainwashed Jocks
Jock Studies: Swimming Coach
Straight to Gay
The role of Coaches
Assistant Coaches and Baseball
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Eye of Beholder (EB) Jewelry | Jewelry Company with a secret
Science Teacher to Football Coach
EB Jewelry: New CEO
EB Jewelry: The New COO
EB Jewelry: My Friend and Gauges
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The Best Club in Town | Gay clubs and their members are turned straight
The Best Club in Town
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The Douchebag Revolution | Time traveling fight over your right to be a straight douche
Welcome to the Revolution
Douche Rehab
1,000 Follower Special, The Douchebag Revolution Begins
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The Hometown Hex | The town where everyone is a jock. Everyone
The Hometown Hex
Baxter Beach
500 Followers Special: Wally's Visit
Made for This Town
The Hometown Hex: Exports
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BDE: Big Dick Energy | Literal BDE causes changes
An intro to BDE
BDE: How it Works
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Retsam Mirror | Swapped with your selection. By force
Retsam Mirror
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My Uncle | Lore on my character, and his journey to save his Uncle
My Uncle
My Uncle: A Follow Up
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Nick the Devil | A friend (Boyfriend) of my characters Uncle, whose a literal Devil
Nick the Devil
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The Church | Evil Church converts people into new member
The Church (Semi-religious themes)
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Potions Set | I gave an Actor a bunch of potions. I hope it works out...
Getting the Role
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Camous | Those who change to fit in
Personal Transformations | Transformations my character performs | references other stories
Personal 1
Personal 2
Magic Spell
Time Travel
Biker Badass
Family Tree
Miscellaneous Stories | Stories without a series or common theme
You Already Are Straight
Sometimes it just happens
Magical Mishap
Genie Glory the Game (A trade with @bigwishes)
Transforming Transform4U (Based on a prompt by @transform4u)
Exchange (Race TF, Black and Argentinian)
Neanderthals! (Caveman TF)
I hope you guys like this! It took a lot of work putting this index together. If you have any questions or ideas, or just want to, dm me! Total stories: 78
77 notes · View notes
punksocks · 1 year
Astrology Observations No. 8
*based on my personal experiences, take them with a grain of salt
-I wanted this to be my 18+ edition bc 8th house but I don’t have enough spicy observations yet lol
-Virgo placements & Scorpio placements having 100 invisible tests some has to pass before you let them get close to you
-Why yes my Jupiter is in my 3rd house. Why yes I did start recommending documentaries to documentary students because I watch that much educational content for fun.
-Cancer suns can beat out Leo suns for being the most charismatic one in the room and that’s coming from someone that loves Leo suns.
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-Someone said to be a full time artist you either need the external structure of a rich sponsor/family with money/sugar daddy or the internal structure of being an earth sign and I love that lol (Idek how to explain how I got to the mad men zodiac roast where I saw that line lmao)
-Geminis lie but get so boldfaced they often contradict themselves a lot. And Cancers manipulate but often go so hard on it that it starts to become pretty obvious. Pisces can actually be the best at both, especially if they don’t have any earth placements, no energy to ground those illusions.
-Ok I’ve been googling birth charts to practice reading them (thank you for your dms I’ll reply soooon!) and I was surprised Robert j Oppenheimer (the guy that spearheaded making the atomic bomb) was a cancer moon because of all the destruction the bomb caused (and from the beginning they knew that was going to be a destructive endeavor) BUT Cancer’s are very nationalistic so I could see this being his rationale. Until all the violent consequences, of course. (Very specific but he may have been apart of the scientists that advocated for peace after the bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki but I don’t know fs)
-Also a LOT of actors have aries moon and/or Leo mars (including aries moon for Cillian Murphy who’s playing Oppenheimer in that new movie, full circle connection)
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-Virgo mars people can embody a certain gender fluidity. The women can dress in masculine clothing and carry a certain tinge of a masculine vibe and vice versa for feminine energy and virgo mars men. (Not sure if this applies to all mutable mars or not).
-Scorpio rising/pluto in the first house and wearing sunglasses on the streets just to avoid weird eye contact with strangers
-Saturn conjunction moon/Capricorn, Aquarius moon/Aquarius and/or Uranus 4th house - what was it like not having a childhood? (Gang, gang)
-*reads that Capricorn Mercury is straight forward*
Me with Capricorn Mercury rx:
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yizmiu · 7 months
SITUATIONSHIP 〻ᯇ # lee heeseung
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001. BOMBOCLAAT | smau + written 760 wrds
IN WHICH ✶ y/n loved the idea of love, simply because she hadn’t experienced it yet. She hoped and prayed that love would come to her at the perfect time of her life where she’s mentally stable and ready for it. So when she suddenly gets attention from Lee Heeseung—she can’t tell if she likes this or not? This sudden attention, he was extremely sweet to her, way too sweet that it was suspicious. Given his reputation, Heeseung wasn’t the type to settle. So why was he all up on Y/n? and just why was Y/n enjoying it? She was confused with herself and her new situationship, maybe she’s just overstimulated by everything and scared to commit.
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“Oh my god, Hani! You just stole my kill.” Y/n groaned in disbelief. “Oh, I’m sorry.” The boy laughed, “I’ll let you have the kills, I'll just assist you now.”
“There’s shooting to the right, let’s rush!” Seunghan said as his and Y/n’s characters sprinted towards the shooting. “Okay. You got that, Y/n!”
“OKAY NEVERMIND PLEASE COME HELP ME!” Y/n shouted as everything went downhill as soon as she started shooting. “I DONT GOT THIS I DON’T THINK I’M THAT GOATED.” She rapidly spoke as she tapped quickly at her mouse.
“I got it.” Seunghan said as he quickly killed the team that was attacking Y/n. “Thank you, Hani. You’re my savior.” Y/n sighed in relief.
“Of course, we just have one more person now. Let’s go to find them.”
“Hi, chat!” Heeseung waved to his webcam. “Me and Jake are gonna play a little fort today, maybe some roblox if I feel like it.” Heeseung explained the game plan for his stream today.
“Hi, chat.” An Australian accent spoke out, breaking the sound barrier which hurt Heeseungs ears, along with chat’s. “Jake, your mic is so loud bro.” Heeseung laughed as he switched the screen to discord, where you could see Jake adjusting the volume of his mic.
“Is this better?” Jake asked, Heeseung nodded his head approving the sound quality of his mic.
“Chat, I was just peacefully playing Sims 4 when Heeseung-Hyung suddenly tweets saying we are playing fortnite? I didn’t agree to this at first, I was busy making the boys.” Jake argues. “Jake likes to also give himself a girlfriend, right?” Heeseung teases, with a smirk on his face.
“Hyung, you know my dm’s are crazy filled.” Jake tried to show off. “Whatever, let’s just play fort, is your update done?”
“Okay, do you want to play squads for the shits and giggles? We can just hope they have mics.” Heeseung suggested. “Yeah, playing with strangers…can be interesting sometimes.”
“Okay, ready up.” Heeseung says and Jake does so.
The two loaded into the game, being put into a squad with the users, “HaniHehe” and “FashionQueen127”.
“FashionQueen127? What kind of username is that?” Heeseung asked. “Says you, KittyDestroyer.com??” Y/n asked in confusion.
“I’m a kitty destroyer, it’s very literal.”
“And I’m a fashion queen, it’s very literal.” Y/n said seriously which made Heeseung and Jake laugh.
“I’m only playing around.” Heeseung chuckled. “HaniHehe, is your name Hani?” Jake asked. “It’s my nickname, my name is Seunghan.” Seunghan answered. “That’s cool! I’m Jake, duh, it's in my username.” Jake scoffed at himself.
“I’m Heeseung, what’s your name, FashionQueen127– Do you like NCT?” Heeseung asked mid sentence. “I do like NCT!” Y/n said with some excitement. “Oh, and my name is Y/n.”
“I’m streaming right now, say hi to my chat.” Heeseung said as he pinpointed “Fencing Fields”. “Let’s go to “fencing fields.”
“Hi, Chat.” Seunghan and Y/n said at the same time. “What’s your twitch username?” Seunghan asked. “It’s just my name Lee Heeseung.”
Y/n and Seunghan knew who Lee Heeseung was, hello who didn’t know Lee Heeseung?
The two went silent for a second, debating whether or not they should mention the fact that they both go to the same college as him.
“What’s your twitter?” Y/n asked. “It’s heeseung2earth! Do you listen to wave2earth?” Y/n loves wave2earth, she even saw them live once. “I love them! I saw them live before! I’m about to follow you.”
“Me too!” Seunghan said as he pulled his phone out. “Hey, I want new followers too. My user is jaeyun.sim!” Jake said.
user ynzhng has followed you!
user honghani has followed you!
Heeseung looked at his phone, looking at their profiles before following. Stunned at Y/n’s profile, he thought she was pretty.
“You guys go to Primrose? We go to Primrose!” Heeseung gasped as he followed the two. “Small world.” Y/n awkwardly chuckled.
“You knew who I was, didn't you?” Heeseung smirked. “Yeah, we did.” Y/n confessed, “You don’t know who we are– who I am at least so I didn’t say anything.” Y/n chuckled.
“What do you major in?” Heeseung asked as he looked around for loot. “Fashion.” Y/n answered plainly.
“And you major in dance right, Seunghan?” Heeseung asked, Seunghan was a familiar face to him.
“Yeah, I do.”
“You’re in…the Riize crew, right?” Heeseung tried to remember what dance crew the other was in. “Yes, I am!”
“That’s cool! Chat, we just made new friends!”
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m.list — previous — next
ᯇ ೀ jayjay note ; yasssssss first chap, feedback is always appreciated!
ᯇ ೀ taglist ( open ) ; @lilacnini @haechology @heegyuwrld @wonyoungsvirus @enhaz1 @sparklingsjy @skzeyeu @euncsace @hotsforikeu @simjyunnie @yenqa @eleanorheartschishiya @ahnneyong @teddywonss @parkwonbinluvr @k1ttylvr @doulcie
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gingiesworld · 10 months
We Are Bonded
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Wanda Maximoff x Werewolf GN! Reader
Warnings: Fluff
AN: This is a one shot I am thinking of making a story for. Except it may be longer than my Nat x Werewolf reader fic. Please let me know if it is something you will want :)
Taglist : @natashamaximoff-69 @canvascoloredin @wizardofstories @louxbloom @wandanats-goodgirl @the-ox-fan20 @ladyqueenxoxo @aemilia19 @wandaromamoff69 @mfd-101 @dorabledewdroop @marvelogic @dopeyouth @karsonromanoff @bimad (if you want to be added to my taglist, please DM me or comment)
It was no secret that Y/N had an attachment to the witch, although she had something with Vision, who disliked Y/N’s need to be near her. He would scowl everytime the two would cuddle, Wanda loved to run her fingers through their hair and even scratch behind their ear.
“It’s not right Wanda! This moronic claim they have on you is wrong!” He yelled as Wanda was preparing dinner, slamming the knife down as she turned to face him.
“There is nothing wrong with it!” She told him angrily. “Y/N and I are friends! And guess what? Friends cuddle all of the damn time!”
“Wanda.” Vision took a deep breath. “Y/N is a mongrel.”
“I’m a what?” Y/N questioned, hurt laced in their voice.
“Y/N.” Wanda tried as Y/N shook their head, walking away from the witch and Vision. Wanda glared at Vision before speaking. “We’re done.” She told him firmly.
“You can’t be serious?!” He yelled as she nodded, pursing her lips as she looked in his eyes.
“You have disrespected my closest friend.” She told him. “I can’t be with anyone who would hurt them.” Wanda turned away to look for Y/N.
“What about dinner?” He asked her as she turned back to him.
“You’re all knowing. I’m sure you can figure it out.” With that she left the room, wanting to find Y/N as she searched the compound, only coming up empty. She moved to search outside, where she bumped into Natasha.
“Are you ok?” She questioned the witch.
“Have you seen Y/N?” She asked her, ignoring her question.
“No, why?” She asked her, her brows furrowed in confusion.
“Vision and I got into an argument.” She started.
“About Y/N I presume.” She said as Wanda nodded.
“Then they overheard him call them a mongrel, then they left.” She told her.
“Ok, let’s find Y/N before I kill Vision.” Natasha told her.
“I’ve already searched inside the compound and they aren't there.” Wanda told her.
“Ok.” Nat nodded as she led Wanda towards the lab. “Tony, we need to search for Y/N.” She explained everything that Wanda had just told her, the two of them watching as he searched for them.
“They left at around 3pm.” He pointed at the screen showing them leaving. Moving onto another camera to see Y/N get tranquilized and put into the back of a waiting van.
“Do you think you can find them?” Wanda asked, worry laced in her voice.
“I can try to narrow it down to possible locations, but that was hours ago. It can take a while.” He told her.
“Just do it.” Nat told him. “I’ll tell the others we have a situation.”
As soon as everyone was notified of the situation, everyone started to make preparations and plans for when Tony has a location.
“Their ring.” Maria blurted out as everyone looked at her confused. “I gave them a ring, they always keep it on and it has a tracker.” She moved towards one of Tony’s computers as everyone watched as she typed away. “So they are now in Virginia.”
“It looks like an old abandoned factory.” Tony pointed to the screen. “So, I should be able to get the blueprints.” He mumbled as he typed away himself. Soon enough everyone was on the jet and going over a plan. “You are staying on the jet Vision.” Tony stated as they neared the location. “We can’t trust that you will make sure Y/N is safe.”
“You can’t be serious?!” He yelled as Wanda laughed.
“It appears that is your favourite sentence.” She mumbled as she moved to stand beside Nat.
“We’ll get them back.” She reassured the witch who just nodded, ready to rain fire if anyone had harmed a hair on Y/N’s head. Once the jet landed safely, everyone ran towards the base, taking down anyone who stood in their way. What they never expected to see was Y/N being tortured in their human form.
“Y/N!” Wanda yelled as she heard them yelp as a whip came down on their bare back. She used her powers to throw the agents as far away from them as possible. “Hey, it’s ok.” She cupped their tear stained face. “You’re safe now.”
“Wanda?” They whispered unsurely. “Are you really here?”
“Yes.” She told them. “Let’s get you home.” She helped them to their feet, with the help of Steve, they hobbled their way onto the jet. Wanda came straight to them with the first aid kit.
“Just give it a moment.” They whispered as Wanda tilted her head in confusion.
“They will heal in a moment.” Maria informed her. “They heal faster than Steve and Bruce, but not as fast as the werewolves heal on those TV shows.”
“Oh.” Wanda was shocked, her eyes watching as the wounds slowly healed before her eyes.
Once everyone was back at the tower safely, Wanda made sure to stay with Y/N, waiting as they showered. Sitting on their bed as she stole one of their hoodies.
“Hey.” Y/N greeted her as they left the bathroom. “What’s on your mind?” They asked as she looked at them confused.
“Since when are you a mind reader?” She teased as they dried their hair.
“I guess I can sense your emotions.” They told her nervously. “I feel when you are happy or sad, I can sense when you are angry or calm.” They threw the towel in the hamper. “I don’t understand this connection we have, I haven’t really come across another of my kind to even learn more of who I am.” They sat beside her on the bed. “But I know I am drawn to you, like we are bonded in some way.” Wanda took a deep breath before looking into their eyes.
“I feel that too.” Wanda admitted. “I just, it’s this feeling I just can’t shake.” Y/N watched her intently as she spoke. “I loved Vision, before you came along, I really did but.” She took a deep breath before continuing. “You have changed something in me, like I feel for you what I felt for him, and I don’t know what to do.”
“We don’t have to do anything.” They spoke softly. “Not if you don’t want to.”
“But I do.” She told them. “I am just not ready yet.”
“That’s ok.” They smiled as they wrapped their arms around her. “I will wait as long as I need to.”
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adrienneleclerc · 5 months
So American
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Hispanic/Latina Singer! Reader
Summary: Y/N and Henry have been dating for a year and they’re invited back on the Graham Norton show when Y/N writes a song about Henry.
A/N: I know my writing has been shit lately and I’m sorry about that. I’m currently getting into Formula One, I’m a Charles Leclerc, Ferrari girl and a Lando Norris, McLaren girl. I Don’t think I can write about them but I LOVE reading about them, can’t wait to watch the Shanghai Grand Prix, I’ll be taking naps during the day so I can stay up watching everything.
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Henry and Y/N were backstage together.
“Can’t believe we’re back here. It’s been a year and I still feel nervous about being on live TV.” Y/N said, applying the finishing touches on her makeup.
“You’ll do great, my love. Your first tour is in a few weeks, this would be great publicity. The questions will be mostly about our relationship anyway.” Henry said, kissing Y/N’s palm. They stepped outside the dressing room and waited until Graham announced them.
“Let’s welcome everyone’s favorite couple, Henry Cavill and Y/N L/N!” Grahams announced and they came walking in hand-in-hand, the crowd was cheering. They sat down on the couch. “Welcome back guys, I like to think I am responsible for you two dating.”
“Well you introduced us to each other so we wouldn’t have gotten together otherwise.” Henry said.
“So true, there was no way I would have shot my shot by sliding into his DMs, soy atrevida pero no tan atrevida, you know?” Y/N said.
“Well I wanted to talk to you about your new song, ‘so American’, now it is obviously written about Henry here, but how did you come up with the song.” Graham asked.
“I think it started when decided to do a road trip on our sixth week of dating. I know, it sounds horrible, 6 weeks of dating and you’re gonna be stuck with a guy in a car for hours, but it was actually really good.”
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“Okay so I went to Shop Rite and got your snacks, I loaded the cooler with some drinks, I even got those pumpkin seeds that you are somehow obsessed with. Can you tell me why we are driving to Las Vegas?” Henry said.
“Well i already spent so much money on these Paddock Club Rooftop experience passes, I finally have enough money to watch a fucking Grand Prix in person. There’s also no way I was letting pay for plane tickets, and this way I can go shopping in the Vegas strip and not worry about having too much luggage.” Y/N explained, loading the snacks and cooler in the backseat
“I can’t believe we’re driving to Las Vegas just for a race, you are insane.” Henry said.
“I prefer dedicated. I really want to see the Ferrari garage. Now let’s go, we’re burning daylight.” Y/N said. Henry rolled his eyes and was going to the driver seat but Y/N stopped him. “Where do you think you’re going? You are my passenger princess today.
“I thought we agreed that once we’re dating, you are my designated passenger princess wherever we go. So go to your spot.” Henry said.
“But this is my car.” Y/N said.
“And that’s my shirt you’re wearing but I’m not asking for it back, now am I?” Henry teased. Y/N pouted but Henry kissed her until she smiled, “You look beautiful wearing my clothes, they look better on you anyway.” Henry kissed her one more time before getting into the driver seat. “Damn you’re short.” Henry said before adjusting the driver seat.
“And this is exactly why I wanted to drive my car,” Y/N said before getting into the passenger seat.
When Henry was driving, he placed his hand on Y/N’s thigh.
“Why the hell are your hands so hot?” Y/N asked, moving his hand so it was intertwined with hers.
“Why the hell are your hands so cold?” Henry asked laughing.
“Don’t know. Do you think we can stop somewhere so I can go to the bathroom? And can you add more gas to the car?” Y/N asked.
“You mean petrol?” Henry asked,
“No, you crumpet, I mean gas.” Y/N said.
“You are so American.” Henry said chuckling.
“You bet your ass I am. Oh I’m sorry, I mean arse.” Y/N said,
“Hilarious, love.” Henry said.
They stopped at a gas station, filled up the car, went to the bathroom, and switched seats. Y/N and henry readjusted their seats and Y/N started driving. There was a moment in the drive where Henry had his feet on the dashboard, sunlight shining on him, his curly hair in the wind.
“Having fun over there, fortachón?” Y/N said.
“A Little.” Henry said.
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“You’re a formula 1 fan as well?” Graham asked Henry.
“She’s got me rooting for Ferrari actually, but I got her rooting for the Kansas City Chiefs so I think it’s a fair trade.” Henry said.
“I still can’t stand American football though.” Y/N said.
“Well then I guess you aren’t as American as I though.” Henry said.
“Bro, im Latina too but I still can’t stand watching soccer. Sorry, y’all call ‘football’, I forget.” Y/N said, Graham and Henry laughed. “Anyway, that Las Vegas trip gave me the first verse of the song. The second verse really isn’t inspired by anything in particular. I think it was a combination of moments Henry and I had. Basically, our relationship is in that song.”
“That’s really great you guys, honesty. Now the real question is who said ‘I love you’ first?” Graham asked.
“That would be me.” Henry admitted.
“Yeah, by accident.” Y/N said.
“It was not by accident.” Henry said.
“Oh so you meant to say you loved me when you were drunk?” Y/N asked.
“Whats the story behind that?” Graham asked.
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Y/N was in her apartment eating ramen when she gets a phone call from Henry. She wiped her mouth and pushed the bowl aside.
“Hey, fortachón, how’s the bar?” Y/N asked.
“Hey Y/N, this is Sam, I’m a friend of Henry, you need to come pick him up.” Sam (Claflin) said. Y/N stood up from the table.
“What happened?” Y/N asked.
“He finished the bottle of tequila.” Sam said. “He’s been asking for you too.”
“Is that Y/N? Baby, I want you here!” Y/N heard Henry shout.
“You see? Come get him, the bouncer is this close to throwing him out for being rowdy.” Sam said and Y/N rolled her eyes, grabbed a jacket, and got her keys.
“The man can’t even handle 8 shots. Why did he drink the bottle?” Y/N asked, leaving her apartment and walked to her car,
“I Don’t know, because of a bet, he lost at Pool.” Sam said.
“Men never truly mature, do they?” Y/N asked, unlocking her car and getting in, her phone connecting to the speaker.
“Not really, I’ll send you the address,” Sam said and hung up.
Y/N drove to the bar, showing the bouncer her ID and when she got in, she saw Sam holding Henry upright while Henry sings one of her songs, very poorly.
“My love! You came for me.” Henry said, walking to Y/N nearly tripping over his own feet until Y/N got closer to him.
“Alright Fortachón, let’s go back to your place, I’m sure Kal is worried about you.” Y/N said. Sam helped Y/N walk out with Henry and got him into her car.
Y/N was helping him into his house while he tries singing another song of hers. When she got the door open, Kal started barking.
“Hola Osito, i need you to move so I can get your dad inside.” Y/N told Kal and surprisingly Kal listened to her. Y/N closed the door and walked Henry to his bedroom. “Okay fortachón, I need you to get undressed.”
“Mm, you wanna see me naked, darling?” Henry asked.
“I need to get your pajamas on. Unless you wanna wear khakis to bed?” Y/N asked,
“No thank you.” Henry slurred and Y/N got him undressed and in his pajamas. “You take such great care of me darling.”
“It’s nothing, querido.” Y/N said,
“Mm, i love you so much.” Henry said, Y/N stopped what she was doing.
“You don’t mean that.” Y/N said.
“But I do, I love you so much, you are the best girlfriend I ever had.” Henry said.
“Go to sleep, Fortachón.” Y/N said.
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“But he did say it again the next morning so he redeemed himself.” Y/N said.
“I made her breakfast as a thank you as well, told her I loved her over breakfast.” Henry admitted.
“Like the true British gentleman he is, haha. Our relationship is actually pretty strong, I even met his parents.” Y/N said,
“They love her, honestly. I’m pretty sure they love her more than they love me, whenever I go home and Y/N can’t come with me, they always ask for her.” Henry said.
“I just think they like my food.” Y/N said.
“She is an amazing cook. I never had flan before I tried hers, it is amazing.” Henry said.
The rest of their interview , they talked about their relationship and it was time for her to perform “So American”. The crowd LOVED IT, the showed ended, and Henry and Y/N were in Henry’s car.
“Did you mean what you put in your song? You really think about marrying me?” Henry asked.
“One day, if we’re still together after a few more years.” Y/N admitted.
“I think we will. Who knows, we might have a few kids in our future.” Henry said.
“Can’t wait.” Y/N said, Henry kissed Y/N and he started the car, driving home.
The End
Taglist: @warriormirkwood @alwayzmsbehavn @just-callmeanna @kingliam2019
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babydollmarauders · 10 months
au masterlist
notes: this is short but i needed it out and i’ve been much too busy to write lately and i’m running on very little sleep and can barely keep my eyes open
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liked by jackhughes, ehaula, and 428,715 others
y/ndevils00 we’re not back
we are SO not back.
despite the unfortunate 5-3 loss against the dish rags, we did get a few good goals tonight, starting with one from everyone’s favorite previously injured man, JACK ROWDEN HUGHES!!!
babygirl also assisted on Uncle Haula-hoop’s goal (the third and final Devils goal)! and in between those goals, Pally pocket got a goal!!
however, towards the end of first, we were down by one, and despite my strongly worded advisory, coach bark pulled my main man Vitek and let the rags score an empty netter….
anyways! bestie number 1 was wrongfully accused and jailed in the second— his crime? his flow was too nice. not very jail worthy, but the bald bitch from the other team had it out for him.
goodnight and please enjoy the last couple photos i took of my sassy boy toy during his post-game interview where he couldn’t keep his eyes off me— can’t say i blame him 🤭
tagged jackhughes, pally_18, ehaula, and dawson1417
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user93 the red m&m in the 3rd pic is sending me 😭
y/ndevils00 give him some respect! he assisted on that goal!
jackhughes i didn’t realize you were saving the cheez-its!
y/ndevils00 they were my work snack! i need food in order to keep my energy to run around the arena!
jackhughes i give you $30 before every game for you to buy snacks??
y/ndevils00 i prefer to use that money for drinky drinks
lhughes_06 that explains so much
dawson1417 he can’t have my hair!
y/ndevils00 baldy should’ve thought about his flow before he shaved his head! i’ll protect your hair!
john.marino97 and how will you do that?
y/ndevils00 @/john.marino97 the same way i get rid of all the men in my dm’s— beat ‘em off with a stick!
jackhughes MEN IN YOUR DM’S????
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes oh don’t act so surprised! i’m a catch and everyone knows it!
trevorzegras @/jackhughes damn dude, better get a move on with ‘plan alpha-alpha’ before someone snatches up your girl
user66 i love the jack-centric posts! y/n feeds us 🙏
ehaula did you know there’s other players on the team besides your boyfriend?
y/ndevils00 did you know i don’t care about anyone else?
ehaula trust me, i can tell
y/ndevils00 then why are you asking stupid questions you already know the answer to?
ehaula i’m disowning you
y/ndevils00 you can’t do that!
ehaula pretty sure i can!
y/ndevils00 nuh-uh! tell him @/kristen.haula
kristen.haula you can’t disown our niece, Erik!
y/ndevils00 TOLD YOU! NA-NA-NA BOO BOO!
ehaula i can’t believe you’ve wormed your way into my family and won’t leave
dawson1417 yeah, that’s what happens
john.marino97 my mom calls her the daughter she never had
john.marino97 excuse me, where am i?!
y/ndevils00 idk, your couch?
john.marino97 IN THE POST! where am i IN THE POST!
y/ndevils00 oh, you got no points. do better and maybe you’ll be featured
john.marino97 i tried!
y/ndevils00 so try harder?? idk what to tell you
john.marino97 why am i friends with you
y/ndevils00 because i’m hot and funny and smart?
john.marino97 no, that’s not it
user20 poor dawson in the box 😭
_quinnhughes i’ve missed your chaotic energy! can’t wait to see you soon, Dove!!
y/ndevils00 aww! so excited to see you soon huggy! 🥹🤍
jackhughes not once have you said you can’t wait to see me?
lhughes_06 you’ll see your brothers too??
_quinnhughes @/jackhughes @/lhughes_06 okay?
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes @/lhughes_06 i’m lost on what that has to do with me?
lhughes_06 NOTHING! it has NOTHING to do with you!
y/ndevils00 @/lhughes_06 yeah, so it’s irrelevant
nicohischier i hate not playing, but i won’t lie, i love not being on these posts
y/ndevils00 it’s only a matter of time, captain slut!
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jeongintwenty3 · 2 years
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pairing: bangchan x fem!reader
genre: angst, fluff
warnings: mentions of tears, sadness
author’s note: hello! how’s everyone doing? decided to write this hurt/comfort imagine of chan cause i just cannot accept the fact theres only one chan in the world. pardon for my poor grammar and mispellings if present, other than that, happy reading! <3 remember, it’s just a bad day, not a bad life; it shall pass to. my dms are open if anyone wants to talk ab anything (:
nobody said marriage life was easy. the day you said yes, the both of you were expecting the ups and downs, the happiness and sadness.
“i’m home!” chris exclaimed as soon as he stepped into the house, one of the few places the both of you feel comfortable enough to call home.
silence from the other side, he was baffled. confused was an understatement, why isn’t his wife scrambling to his arms? you’d usually greet him in ragged breaths, as if you’ve just completed a marathon.
going up, unsettling thoughts clouded his mind. although he knew deep down it will never happen, everyone’s gotta prepare for the worst, right?
opening the bedroom door oh so quietly, he managed to make out your figure huddled under the thick comforter. oh, you’re sleeping.
but it’s just 4 in the afternoon?
deciding to kneel so he could be at eye level with you, he froze upon the sight.
chris felt his heart shatter as the seconds passed by, this is never a sight he wants to come home to. why is his favorite person in the world crying?
you’d be lying if you didn’t notice chris entering the room; you tried to play it off by pretending to sleep. but boy, did chris see through you.
he shook you gently, not wanting to invade any further into your personal space. looking up at his pretty eyes, your tears started to well up for the 3rd time this afternoon.
“oh no,” chris started to panic. “what’s wrong babe, hmm? talk to me,” he tried to coax you into reaching out to him.
you covered your face with your 2 hands, not wanting the man that stood beside you see the woman he married.
if chris had to list the top 10 most heartbreaking sights he’s ever encountered in his life, this will be the first. never in his life, he saw you this vulnerable. you always had this strong facade; but even strong people can crumble too. they just decide to not show it.
sitting on the edge of the bed, he guided you onto his lap; he knew, his woman needed his physical affection to ground her.
while patting your head with a few kisses to your temple peppered here and there, he tried to keep his guard up; as much as he wants to cry too, he needs to be strong for his one and only. silently praying the pain in her heart will subside soon, he continued his loving acts.
“deep breaths baby, you can do it,” chris whispered, ensuring the person cradled in his arms is still getting sufficient oxygen. “i’m here now okay? you can rely on me, you can talk about it, you have me,” chris continued, not wanting to aggravate any painful memories.
“i- i’m sorry,” you managed to blurt out while trying to keep your shit together. you knew he was exhausted, visible from the eyebags and the way his shoulders sag. “i know you’re tired, i’m sorry you had to come home to whatever this is,” you continued. “i’ll be better.”
chris wanted to explode; who the hell made his wife feel like this? she’s everything he’s ever dreamt of; kind-hearted, a little clumsy, very dreamy, independent, smart, adora-
his train of thoughts were cut short when he hears your crying started to worsen.
“no,” chris said firmly while still holding your frame. “you, my love, are the definition of an angel. now, before your thoughts get the best of you, let me explain.”
hearing no response from his woman, he let out a small okay, to make sure you were fine with whatever he said and will say — which you were.
“who isn’t tired? we all have our own problems, some we can fight alone, some we need others to help. whatever you’re thinking now, it’s all the exact opposite of what i think of you. you’re perfect, and before you start with your nobody is perfect speech, to me, you are perfect. heck, i often ponder to myself, what did i do in my past life to deserve such a woman?”
responding to what he said, you simply held him tighter and buried your face in his neck. now only hearing sniffles, chris felt relieved you’ve calmed down.
chris had to get to the bottom of this — “is there something you want to tell me?”
after a good 2 minutes, you lifted your face so you could stare into his face and man, nothing ever prepared chris for what his love was about to say next.
“this morning, i went to my pilates class as usual. there were these group of women, i don’t know them at all since they’re new,” you paused, needing a breathe because you felt your throat closing up again.
with a nudge to your side and a kiss to your forehead, chris encouraged you to continue.
“i heard them talking about how they were able to travel around the world with their partners, having the time of their lives, while i’m rarely at home for lengthy times due to work. it’s not that i want to stay away from you, if i could choose i swear i’d choose spending time with you over anything else in the world. i’m sorry, i’ll be home longer, i’ll make you happier.”
a single tear rolled down your cheek, and at the speed of lightning, chris managed to kiss it away.
looking into her eyes with so much adoration one can ever have, chris replied, “you’re enough for me, baby. we have holidays where we can spend time with each other 24/7 and we communicate with each other pretty well. you make me the happiest man alive and don’t change yourself; you’re perfect just the way you are. i understand your feelings, but please don’t ever underestimate yourself, you’re literally my favorite person in the world and i don’t like the person i love the most get hurt because of her thoughts, okay?”
resorting to a nod to respond to his answer, chris felt his heart swell looking at his wife. someone so selfless, she even let her thoughts get the best of her.
“like we agreed, let’s talk about whatever’s bothering each other yeah? no secrets between us, i know you trust me as much as i trust you,” chris concluded, not wanting another wave of sadness wash over his beloved.
“i love you, chris,” you whispered as to not ruin the comfortable atmosphere blanketing the room.
“i love you most, my beautiful wife,” chris replied, with a kiss to your forehead, cheeks, nose and lips.
nobody said marriage life was easy. but one thing you learned was, it’s always the two of you versus the problem, and with the right person, marriage life can feel comforting, like hot chocolate on a snowy day. with chris, you always felt at home.
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annabannnananana · 1 month
Why did you reblog that 50 fucking times.Do you ever think of the people that follow you?
it wasn’t 50, it was over 200, because jk rowling is a problematic bitch who deserves to step on all the legos. if you disagree just block me and move on, don’t cause unnecessary drama for yourself….. like hopping into my ask box just to be a bitch. if you don’t like it, unfollow me??? it’s so easy????
and if you have the balls to say this to me at all, you should have the balls to not hide as an anon. don’t hide as an anon. be open about your stupidity and arrogance! 🤗
the anon option in my ask box is not for you to be a little bitch, its for you to say non-hateful things you don’t feel comfortable or are too shy to say off anon. if you don’t like me or the things i do, it is so fucking simple and easy that i’m genuinely disappointed that i even have to fucking say this: just block me and forget about it! don’t waste your time or mine bitching at me about the stupidest, silliest, pettiest shit that you can so easily avoid by just blocking me and not starting shit with me.
so don’t come in my ask box just to bitch at me about something that is really not that serious at all. like. come on guys can common sense be common again please 😔 you don’t like that i reblogged that post a ton of times??? ok. great. block me so you don’t have to see it. it’s so fucking easy and simple, it physically pains me i have to actually explain such a simple concept to an anon invading my ask box for the stupidest and pettiest of reasons.
and yes, i do think of my followers! which is why i reblogged that post so many times, so they could see it and hopefully reblog it at least once each (because, again, jk rowling is a transphobic bitch who deserves to step on as many legos as humanly possible).
if you don’t appreciate that i reblogged it so many times, once again, just block me. then you won’t have to see anything like that from me everything again — or anything at all from me ever again. “wahhh, i wanna block you because i’m upset over this silly petty little thing which will not actually negatively affect me for more than like 30 seconds, but i like all the other things you post too much to block you!” then suffer and scroll past all the reblogs.
you’re upset enough over this petty little thing, having to scroll past a bunch of reblogs (a silly and very small problem which is really not important at all in the grand scheme of things), to literally come into my ask box just to be a little shit hiding as an anon. if you’re that upset, you should be upset enough to just block me and move on. but if you’re not, then either a) come to my dms to be rude and petty at me, so then if you’re not willing to block me, i’ll just block you! or b) just don’t bitch at me over this silly shit at all. it’s really pointless and just wastes my time and yours.
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ilexdiapason · 1 year
(part one here)
Martyn, as it turns out, only has three phone numbers memorised.
One of them is his own. The second is his mother’s, which he tries, and receives the unfortunate information that the number has been disconnected and leads nowhere.
He finally has some luck with the third, the landline phone number of his house - while nobody picks this up, either, it does connect to somewhere at least. Martyn is able to leave a voicemail explaining that he’s out of the situation he was in that meant he couldn’t come home, and that he’ll be there by tonight.
“Where’s there?” Oli asks, kind of hoping Martyn won’t need a lift to Bristol or anything out of the way like that.
“Nottingham,” Martyn replies, guarded.
Oh - that’s not so bad, then. “I can give you a lift down, if you need?”
“Aren’t you busy?”
“Oh, no.” Oli’s remote working today; as long as he keeps an eye on his emails, nobody should even notice he’s gone, and if he can always call in a family emergency if Martyn does take him up on the offer to drive. It is a family emergency, after all, it seems - just not Oli’s family.
Martyn perks up at the response, though. “Oh, I getcha. Job market, eh?” He makes a cutting motion across his throat, with noise to match.
“No, I’ve got a job! A pretty good one, actually. That’s why I can afford living on my own.”
“Ah.” A silence, and then Martyn flicks the phone back on in his hands. “Oh, god. December 2023?”
“... Yes?” Why did you not know what month it was? Or, from the sounds of it, what year?
“God, my mum’s gonna be out of her wits, that’s awful.” He flicks at the screen - then, sheepish, asks, “What’s your passcode?”
“Here, I’ll -” Oli takes it out of his hands, taps in the shape of a circle “- what d’you want?”
“Oh, I was just gonna google myself.”
Oli pulls up Google. Waits, expectantly.
“Er - Martyn Littlewood.”
And oh, jesus, yeah, that’s a missing persons case. Last seen April 2021, no wonder he was bloody worried about the year, suspect investigated but no proof identified, case well and truly cold.
Martyn must see it in his face the way he’s started, because he grimaces. “That bad?”
“About what you’d expect,” says Oli, turning the phone around to face Martyn. He snatches it, which is unexpected but honestly not out of character for the stuff he remembers from Martyn in-game.
“Hold on - how were you getting on SMPs with us lot if you were… whatever you were?”
Martyn grimaces harder. “Long story. Difficult, too. Let’s just say there’s a lotta people who I last saw lunging for my neck, and they’re not gonna stop because I’m here.”
“Are you a wanted man? Do I need to barricade the doors, close the blinds, what?”
“Nah, nah - just keep me away from your computer.” He pauses again to consider that. “Actually. If you’re here, does that mean everyone else is too?”
“What, the other people on the server? Well, they’re not here, but I could message people if you want, say you’ve… I don’t know, turned up at Sainsbury’s?”
“I’m an ASDA man myself,” Martyn cracks, and then frowns at the screen. “So can I go on your Discord? I won’t send anything. I just want to know.”
“Erm - sure.”
He taps through, immediately lights up. “Scott!”
Ah, yeah, he had been DMing Scott this morning. Something about axolotls, if he’s not mistaken. “Yeah! He’s all the way in Brighton, though, I don’t know if I could swing that much of a lift.”
“And Bek. And Eloise, and - oh my god, I need to know what Sausage’s real name is.”
“I’ve never asked.”
“You just call him Sausage, all the time?”
“S’funny, innit?”
Martyn nods solemnly. “It is funny.”
He sits like that for a while, scrolling through Oli’s DM history, muttering names under his breath. “I mean,” says Oli, “we can add you, if you like.”
“God. Yeah, you prob’ly can. Let me try it.”
A few seconds later, and Martyn’s handing back the phone to Oli with a pending friend request to InTheLittleWood in tow. “Don’t know why you didn’t offer that before, if you’re so excited.”
“Couldn’t,” Martyn says nonchalantly.
“Right, and does that have something to do with this missing persons case of yours?”
His face falls. “Yeah, actually. Something like that.”
They decide to wait until either his mum calls Oli back or Oli is officially clocked out of work to get back in the car. Until then, it seems like it’s time for Oli to get Martyn up to speed on the last… two and a half years, good lord, that’s a while…
(part three here)
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In Bloom 5
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, allusions to trauma, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: After wasting much of your youth in a toxic situation, things are starting to look up. That’s until you meet a certain flower seller.
Characters: Cole Turner, short!reader
Note: My sweet pathetic man.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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You’re silent as you walk next to Cole. He’s so much taller than you. The sun beats down and adds to the heat beneath your flesh. You fold your hands together as your eyes scan the fields and pollen tickles your nostrils. 
“So... you have a good week?” He asks, his voice crisp yet brittle. 
You nod, “mhm.” 
“Everything okay now?” 
“Uh...” you blink and shake your head. “I guess.” 
“Just that last time, you sort of... ran away from me. So if I did anything, I’d like to know so I can apologise,” he explains. 
“Oh no, you didn’t... do anything. It’s just me.”  
Another lull rises around you. You twine your fingers together and wring your hands until your knuckles hurt. He steps ahead of you as you approach the greenhouse. 
“It’s hot inside so if you need a break,” he says. “Let me know.” 
You nod and go through first as he waits. He follows and you look around at the tables full of long planters. Some are just sprouting, others are about to bloom, while others are overgrown. He points you along a row and you gratefully latch onto the distraction of the flowers. 
“You know, I was really looking forward to this,” he says. You glance at him in surprise. He grins and his blue eyes meet yours. “Really. I’m not just saying that. I don’t meet a lot of people very interested in all this. Or who know so much.” He turns and puts his hand on the table, “Maybe I forgot to say but your garden is beautiful. I can see all the care you put into it.” 
You look back to the pansies, “it’s Aunt Bev’s.” 
“Yeah, but she said you do all the work.” 
“She’s nice that way,” you shrug. 
“You’re too humble.”  
You shake your head and look closer at the petals. 
“You can touch. It won’t hurt them.” He says. 
“Oh, no, it’s...” you sniff. “Smells nice in here.” 
“Yeah,” he wipes his forehead, “but hot as hell.” 
“Ha, yeah,” you tug at the collar of your shirt. “A little.” 
“Well, you can look around as much as you like. And after, I’ll show you the loft.” 
You keep your eyes on the table, “the loft?” 
“Yeah, sure, it’s neat. You’ll like it,” he says. 
You continue to wander down as you admire all the different species and stems. Cole gives you your space. You’re thankful for that. Not just because it’s warm but because you’re not quite sure about all of this. He’s nice, his Aunt Jill too, but you’re just not used to all this. 
The longer you linger, the thicker the sheet of sweat that drenches your body. You feel it seeping into your clothing. You head back to the door and peer around. You don’t see him anywhere around.
Did he leave? Why would he do that? You don’t know where to go? You could get lost here! 
He pops up from behind a table, “oop, you all done?” He asks as he swipes back a shank of hair from his forehead. “I was just transferring some bulbs.” He bends and lifts a large planter up beside the others. The strength in that act further echoes your size difference once more. 
“Mhmm,” you confirm. “It must be a lot of work doing all this.” 
“I have help. Ma and Dad. They do what they can, you know? But I wish they wouldn’t. They deserve to enjoy their retirement.” He goes to the door and pushes it open. He holds it for you again. Outside, a breeze cools you. 
“Right,” you agree. 
“You know, if you got the time...” he begins then waves away his words. “Nah, you know what? I was just thinking out loud. Never mind.” 
“Wh-what?” You ask nervously. 
“Really, it’s nothing. I don’t wanna be too much. You know,” he hooks his fingers in his pockets and pushes his shoulders up. “I’ve been told I can be.” 
“Ah, er, right. Well... okay.” 
“Look, I should just ask,” he points you along, past the greenhouse. “I could use some help so you could maybe stop by and—I'd pay you. Obviously. It’s work. Is it like rude to offer you a job?” 
You stare at him. It’s unexpected but not really rude. It does make you feel lesser. You know it’s not his intent but you can put the puzzle together. He knows you don’t work, that Bev takes care of you, and a few extra bucks would be a help. Plus, it will get you out of the house. 
“Can I think about it?” You ask. 
“Oh, yeah, sure,” he agrees eagerly. “Take as long as you like.” 
“Erm, thanks. It’s nice of you to... ask.”  
The wind rustles the green grass as you sink back into nervous tension. He guides you along to a barn and you near curiously. He steps ahead of you and slides open the large door. He turns back and smiles at you. 
“Come on,” he beckons you with his hand. As he enters, he shrugs out of his denim jacket. He hangs it on a peg. “How about you? You wanna put your sweater up?” 
“Oh, I guess,” you look down at the crochet; it’s itchy from the heat. You slip it off and hand it over. His fingers brush yours as he takes it and hangs it over his jacket. 
“Just up there,” he points to the ladder. 
“Oh? Okay,” you eye the rungs and rub your palms together. 
“Need any help?”  
“Um, no, I can...” your voice trails off and you reach for the ladder. 
You climb and your uncertainty ascends with you. What are you doing here? You’re suddenly afraid at the realisation that you’re all alone. That you don’t know how you could get out if you need to or if anyone would hear you cry out. 
No, this is Cole. You don’t have any reason to expect that. Aunt Bev says things are different now. Not all people are bad. Not like your mom. 
Cole follows you up. You stand and look around the loft. You see the dim shapes of furniture set across the wooden slats. 
He shuffles by you and opens the window, pushing the doors outward. The sunlight streams in and limns the space. There’s a day bed on a worn rug right in the center, a table to one wall with chair, a basket of apples on top, and a shelf of books.  
“Sometimes I just need a space of my own,” Cole says. “I thought, I don’t know, you might like it. You seem like the type to appreciate solace... you’re so quiet.” 
“I’m sorry,” you murmur. 
“For what?” He blinks at you. His eyes catch the sun with a twinkle. His hair curls with the humid sheen on his skin.  
“For... being quiet.” 
“I don’t mind. I’m sorry for talking so much,” he grins. 
You nod and bite your lip. You look around and pace along the floor, each step creaking. You go to the shelf and browse the book spines. 
“Do you read a lot?” He asks. 
“Sometimes,” you answer. “More now...” More now that you don’t have to hide your books. 
“You got a favourite?” He comes up next to you. Close. Too close. You don’t want to embarrass him by stepping away. 
“I don’t know. I read... I read Murder on the Orient Express. It was interesting.” 
“Wow, that’s a good one,” he praises. “I’m kinda into anything. Don’t get much time to read but I take my moments.” 
“Mmm, yeah.” 
Again, silence. You look down. You don’t know what to do or say. You feel like you have to explain yourself. You’re making him uncomfortable. Your mother always told you how weird you are. 
You both try to speak at the same time. He gestures with his hand, “you first.” 
“I...” you breathe. “I only really hang out with my aunt so... so... so...” you start to panic. You’ve already said too much. 
“Hey, it’s fine. I spend all my time with plants and at the market. By the time I’m done selling, I’m too exhausted for friends,” he says. “So, no pressure. You never have to talk for no reason. It’s always quiet out here. It’s nice.” He stares at you a moment before he looks back at the shelf, “I’d say it suits you.” 
You exhale. You feel a little better but still on edge. You teeter on your feet. 
“Can we go back inside? I don’t want Aunt Bev to worry.” You utter. 
“Sure, of course,” he answers, “you’re gonna think about it? Working with me?” 
“Yeah, I’ll think.” You agree. 
He moves first. He goes the ladder and turns. He starts down as you approach. You follow as his boots hit the ground. You descend, rung by rung, but you can’t find the next as you get halfway. You slip and gasp, Cole echoing you. 
He catches you as you fall and flail. You let out a squeak as he holds you in his arms, hiking you up so you don’t drop. Your shoulder is crushed to his chest. He’s touching you. Your hair feels like it’s going to fall out of your head. 
“Um, sorry!” You squeak. 
“Don’t be. That was close,” he sounds breathless himself. “I’m just happy I caught you. You okay?” 
“Y-yeah...” you stutter. 
He stares at you and you gulp. You stare at the collar of his shirt. His throat bobs and you squirm. 
“Oh, yeah,” he chuckles and sets you on your feet. “There ya go.” 
“Thanks,” you cling to his arm as you steady yourself. You let go and fold your arm against your chest, hugging it with your other. 
“Come on,” he says and puts his hand behind you, not touching you.  
You emerge from the barn back into the yellow daylight. There’s a steady hum of insects and the soft flow of wind. You follow the beaten path back to the house. He lets you up the steps first and you go inside. He’s right behind you as you enter. 
“Sweetie,” you aunt surprises you as she appears in the archway to your left. “There you are! Did you see all the pretty flowers?” 
“Mhmm,” you nod and give a tight-lipped smile. 
“Everything alright? You look flustered?” Jill nears from behind her. 
You keep nodding. Cole laughs softly, “she had a bit of a slip but she’s okay. Maybe a bit of the heat getting to her too.” 
“Oh yes, it’s so hot today,” Jill agrees, “honey, how about something to drink? Maybe one of those delicious muffins you made?” 
She comes to you and squeezes your arm. You flinch and pull away. You’re still tense from falling. Right into Cole’s arm. You swear you can smell him.  
“Mom,” he warns. 
She looks down at her hand and retracts it, “sweetie, I’m so sorry. I forget. I can be so touchy-feely.” She shows her palms. “I’m surprised Cole’s keeping his hands to himself. He’s the worst for it, you know?” 
“Ma,” he coughs again. 
“Oh, that sounds worse than it is,” she cackles. “No, what I mean is he’s just a hugger, you know? He’s always been one. And he does give the best hugs.” 
“Ma,” he says a third time. 
“Right, right,” she huffs, “so, how about some iced tea?” 
You look at her, then Aunt Bev. You’d hate to be rude and you are a bit thirsty. Especially after being out in the dry heat. 
“Yes, please, thank you,” you say. 
“Not at all, sweetie,” she smiles, “Cole, would you like some?” 
“Sure, ma,” he says, “thanks.” 
Jill preens and struts away. Aunt Bev comes closer, “I am so happy you two are getting along. Oh, Cole, thank you for showing her around.” 
“Not at all. You know, I don’t get to show off very often.” 
“Really? But this place is so pretty. Isn’t it, dear?” She asks. 
You blanch then nod vehemently. You just want to fade into the background. You’d hope with your aunt and Jill, it’d be easier to do that. 
“Oh, and your muffins are fabulous. You really should have one,” she insists. 
You try to smile but your cheeks pinch tightly. 
“You know, I might just do that,” Cole intones. “Can I get you one?” 
You shake your head. He lingers, waiting for an answer. You choke out your voice at last, “no, thanks.” 
“Right,” he accepts and turns away. 
You peek over at Aunt Bev as she smiles after him. She likes him. If she likes him, he can’t be very bad. She’s not always so happy either. Especially since you came around. More often, she’s worried. You don’t want to always be a problem for her. 
“Um, Aunt Beverly,” you say, “I... Cole said I could come help out. He’ll pay me.” 
Her brows rise and she turns to you, “oh, really? And you want to?” 
You stare at her. You don’t know that you want to but you know you should. 
“I’ll do it,” you say at last. “I like the flowers.” 
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kookidough · 3 months
random rant about tbp tiktok cause i’m actually Sick of it at this point💆‍♀️💆‍♀️ these issues probably exist Outside of tiktok as well but i only ever see them on there so thats the platform i’m gna talk about
before you read i just wanna say warning for mentions of sa!!!!!
first of all i dont want to jump straight into the serious shit so the unoriginality is actually INSANE like ive been seeing the same jokes since 2022, can we Please get something funnier than “griffin does gymnastics / is a ceiling fan” 😭 the amount of times recently i’ll see a tbp tiktok and then get someone copying the idea and making the Same exact post like 3 scrolls later is insane like Pls can we be original Pls this movie is so sad i need something to laugh at
outside of being totally unoriginal some of the jokes tend to be Really Fucking Disgusting like straight up joking about assault, i shouldn’t even have to explain that thats not funny in the slightest?? this one person made a bunch of really gross ones and kept blocking people who called them out in the comment section, my friend had to dm them Several times and all they did was take down one post, the rest are still up with a ton of views :/ i know its like shock humour or dark humour or whatever but i dont see the ‘funny’ side of a grown man forcing himself onto a child and i think if youre laughing at that you should sit down and ask yourself why you think thats so funny.. people in the comments are always like “i shouldn’t laugh” so they Know its wrong as well which just ugh the whole thing just really gets on my nerves
another thing that gets on my nerves is the lack of media literacy and straight up spreading misinformation, maybe on the media literacy part i’m just a hater but i see so many questions being asked or theories being posed when all of the things mentioned were… literally answered in the movie?? “whats up with finney and gwen’s mother” it’s literally said in the movie that she has the same ability as gwen and she killed herself bc of it, next question, “why was max so interested in finding the missing boys” maybe because he was a coked up conspiracy theorist who saw a serious crime happening in his brother’s area so he decided to be a genuine concerned citizen who wanted these boys to be found💀 “why did the grabber kill max” because he had evidence of the highly awful crimes he’d been committing and was about to let his latest victim free?? the list goes on and on but those r the main ones i see all the time
as for the misinformation. Ough. it annoys me So much this is a hill i will die on😭 i dont know if its people’s half-baked theories or personal headcanons that just got way out of hand but i see so much stuff being spread that just Isnt true, it gets spread so far that when you google these things it appears as true when its not which is annoying !!! i actually was gonna make an entire rant about one theory in particular that pisses me off so bad but i can fit it in here alongside my list of “other theories presented as facts that i Absolutely Despise”
first theory, the one i was gonna make an entire post over, is the theory that vance is the grabber’s son. if i see one more tiktok of those two with that marina and the diamonds song im going to fucking lose it😭 i have no idea where people got this from but its so fucking popular that it comes up on google and i Hate it, i think it comes from the fact that in gwen’s dream sequence, which, might i add, WAS A DREAM, it looks like the police drop vance off outside the grabber’s house and he goes inside there, which… apparently automatically makes them related…?? it takes like one ounce of media literacy to realise that Obviously he’d be getting dropped off at his own house in real life, but as a ghost he’s centred on the place he died and is showing that house to gwen in her dreams, like how every other ghost shows that house to her. awful theory awful take i hate it, if its ur personal headcanon sorry but i do Not fw that
the other theories i have like. not much to say about other than the fact that they’re Not true, i see a lot of stuff about griffin for some reason? the number tends to change but a lot of ppl say “he was kept in the basement for 4 years” like . Huh. where is your proof???? i know the missing posters are insanely unreliable but if you literally read them griffin went missing on april 2nd and billy went missing on may 4th so highly likely griffin was only in the basement for like. a month at most, no idea where ppl are pulling 4 years out of💀 i also see people say griffin has broken legs or a broken back Just because of the first scene where we see him doing a backbend but . if that was the case then he wouldnt be able to stand with the other ghosts when they show gwen the house, i think the backbend was just the position he died in and thats why he first appeared that way to finney but Hey thats just my opinion! last two i have like no rants over but just. firstly people saying robin never made it to the basement for some reason but clearly he did otherwise his ghost would not be down there with the rest of them😭 secondly the theory that vance was kept there the longest “because he’s the most feminine” which. just makes absolutely zero sense to me whatsoever idk whos random headcanon got popularised but i dont like it
okay getting serious again, while this one does not make me angry its like. just really weird to me? i think its common knowledge at this point that both the book and the movie are inspired heavily by the john wayne gacy case, with the grabber literally being inspired by john wayne gacy himself (you Cannot argue with me on this one its literally confirmed and theres a boatload of evidence supporting it). i guess its natural to see people making comparisons between the movie and the case because of the inspiration but i’ve seen Several videos recently of people taking photos of jwg victims and putting them next to tbp characters and saying thats who theyre inspired by and i think thats . Really coming across as insensitive i cant lie😭 we know the grabber was inspired by jwg and its heavily thought that billy was inspired by johnny gosch but theres not much about the others and i think its just really distasteful to compare real life murder victims to fictional horror characters just to get views/likes on tiktok, it comes across as insanely disrespectful to me but idk i havent seen anyone else talking about it so i might just be being sensitive
last thing that really really bothers me is grabber simps. while i do see it on tiktok i see it on here, tumblr, most often and its… so odd to me…. like why are you thirsting over the paedophilic serial killer… so so strange to me… i want to see art and character analysis and silly little posts about all the characters but every time i open the tbp tag i’m jumpscared by someones weird ass grabber x reader oneshot and its SO GROSS get that shit away from me😭😭😭😭 also saw this one girl on tiktok one time whos literal entire account was dedicated to the grabber and she defended this by saying the sa in the movie was “just a theory” which is so victim blamey girl i do not trust you there is so much evidence for it in the movie, again w the media literacy point, just because something isnt directly shown to you doesnt mean it isnt shown in other subtler ways… anyway i get if people like the grabber as a villain but actually like. loving him and thirsting over him is weird as fuck to me
so um ya the fandom is a trainwreck can we go back to there being like 3 of us please and thank u. if you actually read all this then Wow thank you its literally just me being chronically online and ranting about stuff that doesn’t matter in the real world at all
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