#you can just tell no one involved wanted to be there
This fandom created a myth about Lady Whistledown. Sometimes i wonder if i watched the same show. Let me make myself clear: While Penelope has to tell Colin the truth, because she loves him and he deserves it, LW helped the Bridgertons a lot actually. It saved them to have Daphne married to a creep ( and see how Violet wanted people to talk to reach LW and spread), saved Colin from a loveless marriage with children that he didn't know anything about it and saved Eloise. Yes, it saved Eloise. Eloise created and kept pushing the situation in her reckless pursuit. Eloise also didn't think about the consequences of her action towards the people working for LW, didn't listen to Penelope, didn't think about the risk she was putting people at. And while i understand her anger in not knowing, had she been a better friend, many other things would be different, because she truly never paid attention to what Penelope feels or want, she molded Pen to be whom she wanted and be her audience. And then, she left Pen with the choice of losing all she built and suffer consequences or pick the less harmful option: to make Eloise's scandal about politics, not romantic and save them both, plus Theo. The real ruin for Eloise would've been her being caught with Theo, something that was bound to happen as she was not careful at all. Why should Pen sacrifice all for Eloise? Would any of you sacrifice all ( job, family and possibly your liberty) for a friend who caused the bloody situation? I'm no hypocrite, i know i wouldnt. Not to mention Eloise bravado, to Pen she would say she wants to challenge society and doesn't care about what they think...but folded the moment she received a frown from the Ton. Shall we see who are LW victims, people that suffered real consequences? Lord Beerbrock. That's it. Marina is married, despite her lies and deceit. Colin? Nothing as well, in fact, happier than ever. Eloise? A few weeks of ostracism and she's back without a problem, without a romantic entanglement to ruin her. One that she clearly didn't really thought was deep enough to face society. The Bridgertons have more to thank LW than to hate her. And Violet and Anthony, i bet your asses, do think so, and see it. And The Queen? Are you watching the show? Have you seen Charlotte's personality? That woman loves the whole game with LW. And She loves to take it all, to receive the laurels of that society. As long as she can make it look like the won, and she can, easily, by revealing or be involved in revealing who is LW. See the whole KatexEdwina, how she handled the Ton there.
Anyway, just wanted to say something because some people have dreamed a LW that doesn't exist at all. Created on their own minds a boogeyman that wasn't simply reporting the truth with witty opinions but fabricating stories and lies to ruin lives, and that's simply not true. Never happened. There was never a lie created there. Only the truth, even about herself, as Pen was often damaged by her column.
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sickslimez · 2 days
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SYNOPSIS...after still messing around with your ex husband, you began to wonder if you’re still in love with him after finding out about his new girlfriend…
INFO...ex husband!toji x fem!reader, reader & toji have two kids, megumi is readers bio son, jealousy, smut, angst, arguments, alcohol, drinking problem, family problems, arguing in front of kids, toxic behaviors, crying, mentions of divorce
OTHER...likes and reblogs are appreciated
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Toji stood in the empty living room, the light illuminating from the television as it played some random show that you were watching before he came. It’s been so long since the last time he was here, at least that’s what it felt like. Nothing really changed for the most part, still the same decor, the layout still the same. He couldn’t help but notice the set of fresh roses that sat on your dining room table, paired with a detailed glass vase. He already had his guesses on who gave them to you.
Toji looked over his shoulder towards the corridor that led to the bedrooms, you were still busy helping Naya wash up. He walked over to the table, fingertips gently touching the delicate petals. There was still regret and jealously that bubbled in Toji’s chest. When it came to you, he was selfish, never thought in a million years he’d lose you once he had you. That was his problem. With each longing look at the roses, it reminded him of when he did have you, the beginning of things. He used to buy you flowers just for the hell of it, buy you small trinkets he knew you’d like, addicted to your smile when he’d handed them to you. But like almost everything in this world, things fall apart.
Those moments turned into him coming home while you were in the kitchen, eating dinner with Naya and Megumi, not even glancing your way. Not a word to you or his kids all because of an argument you had before he left for work that morning. Of course he regrets it all now, when it’s too late for something to be done and said. It’s cliche, but it was true.
His eyes flickered towards the small card by the roses, his jaw clenched as he grabbed it, slowly opening it to read:
Beautiful flowers for a beautiful woman — Kento
“Hey.” The sound of your voice snapped Toji out of his thoughts, quickly placing the card down and facing you. “The kids are, uh, asleep.” You nodded.
“Should we talk here or?” Toji cleared his throat, stuffing his hands back into his pockets.
“Bedroom should be fine.” As you walked down the corridor, Toji followed behind you. There was still that picture of you and the kids on the wall, the one that he took when you all went to the water park. It was a bittersweet moment, but he’s glad that you still had it up despite the memory that came with it.
He shut the bedroom door behind him as you stood in the middle of the room. “So, you wanted to talk about the kids and us?”
“Yeah, I just want us to find a level placement where we can co-parent healthily. You know…where we don’t fight and argue every time we talk to each other,” you explained with a slight chuckle. “I just want better communication. Like if you can’t or can take the kids, if you’ll be going to their school events or something.” You fiddled with your hands.
Toji stared at you even while you avoided eye content with him. He took notice you how you played with your hands too, something you always did when you were anxious, thinking about things. He could tell something else was on your mind. Something else was on his mind too.
“What I’m saying is, I just think we should strictly keep communication minimal. Just about our kids. What we do with our personal lives should be kept private unless it involves Naya and Megs somehow.” You inhaled, tucking your bottom lip between your teeth.
Toji’s brows furrowed at your statement. “Isn’t that what we have been doing?” He questioned, leaning against your wall.
“Despite what you might think, no. And to be honest, I know that you know that not what we’ve doing, Toji,” you scoff.
“If this is about what’s been going on the last few months, I apologize,” he spoke.
“It’s,” you sigh, “it’s more than that. Ever since the divorce, we never acted divorced.”
“You mean how we were still sleeping together,” he bluntly said.
You rolled your eyes at how honest he was, but you should know by now that he was no different from when you first met him. “Yes,” you answered.
“We haven’t slept together in months—”
“And about the unresolved feelings that we still hold for each other. That needs to stop. All of it,” You interrupt.
Toji was at a loss for words, staring at you, and finally for the first time in this conversation, you locked eyes with him. “You’re really taking this guy seriously, huh?”
You sigh, plopping down on the edge of your bed. “He’s a good guy, Toji.”
“I never said he wasn’t.” He shrugged, standing up straight.
“Okay, but you’re acting weird about it. Why can’t you accept that I’ve moved on? You should do the same.” You stood upright. “Me and you,” you gestured between you and Toji, “it won’t work out.”
Toji knew in the back of his head that you were right, but to hear those words out loud felt like a knife to the heart. Both of you stood in silence. All kinds of thoughts were running through his head, every single of them screaming at him to say something, to try and get you to change your mind. He doesn’t want to argue or fight, not anymore, so he holds his thoughts and feelings back even if it does hurt.
Say something. Don’t. Say it. Just keep quiet. Tell her.
“I’ve tried to move on just so you know. I’ve really tried, y/n.” And there it goes. There goes the words spilling out of his mouth despite what may come next. He just needs you to hear him just this one last time. He doesn’t care if it doesn’t change a thing between you two, he needs you to know regardless. “Trying to get with different woman, having sex, drinking, pretending to be who I was before I met you. But where did I end up each time? Right back to you, right back in your bed, in your home, holding you, kissing you, regretting everything bad I’ve ever done to you, to our kids.”
“We were together for 10 years, married for 8 . As soon as you told me you were pregnant with Megs, I knew right then I wanted to make you my wife, to build a bigger family with you, to do right by you and our kids. I can’t just throw all that away, all those memories. Even the bad ones. You changed me, made me want to be better. No other woman has done that but you.” Toji walked closer towards you. It felt like your feet were glued to the floor, incapable of moving.
“Then why did you treat me that way?” Your voice slightly broke as you held back tears. “Like you were beginning to hate me, to hate us.” The thought made you clench your eyes shut as a frown formed on your lips. You hated to remember. Your should began to shake as a sob racked through your body. “You don’t understand how that made me feel,” you whimpered.
Toji looked at you with soft eyes. “I never hated you or the kids, not a fucking second. That thought would never even cross my mind. Hate the woman who brought me the most beautiful thing life can bring you? Hate them? Even though they can be a pain in the ass,” he chuckled. You laughed along with him, nodding in agreement. “Look at me, mama.” Toji lifted your chin, wiping the tears off of your cheeks. “I can never hate you or our kids. Tell me that you understand that.”
“I understand.” You sniffled.
“I know the way I started treating you and our family towards the end is what caused everything to fall apart. I don’t know why I did what I did. Arguing with you over stupid shit, acting like a fucking asshole, not being there when I should’ve. You had every right to leave. It’s my own fault that I didn’t realize what I had before it was gone. I’ll live with that for the rest of my life. You’re an amazing woman, a beautiful person, a wonderful mother. You were everything I could ever ask for. I’m sorry for making you feel like you were any less than that.” He wrapped his arms around you, hugging you tightly while you cried into his chest. “I’m so sorry.”
For the first time in years, you and Toji had a conversation without it turning into a heated argument. It was like a huge weight lifted off of your shoulders, like you could finally take a deep breath of fresh air. Toji just held you while you cried it out, rubbing your back gently. Though it hurts, he’s glad he was able to tell you, to apologize. “Mama, you deserve to move on and be happy. It’ll hurt like hell for me, but that’s what I deserve for what I did. My karma. I’ll level with you, I’ll do what you want.”
You pulled away from him, teary eyes staring up into his. “You mean it?”
Without hesitation he replied, “of course.” If it wasn’t painfully obvious already, Toji was still in love with you. How could he not be? He’ll miss you, miss the times you spent together. He wishes he could make up for all those bad times, replace those memories with good ones.
“Thank you, Toji.” You softly smiled.
“Dont thank me. It’s the least I could do.” He held onto your hand, his warm touch lingering on your skin before he pulled it away. “I’ll see you around, y/n.” Before he said anything else, he needed to walk away. Opening your bedroom door, he disappeared from your sight down the hall. You bit down on your bottom lip, brows furrowed as you sat there and began to process everything that happened.
Toji sat in his car outside your house. “Fuck,” he sighed. It should be him. You and him. He should be buying you flowers, kissing your soft lips, holding you tight, making love to you, telling you he loves you. His grip tightened on the steering wheel as looked at your front door. In front of him, a familiar car pulled into your driveway. Toji sat and watched closely, noticing it was the man he caught a glimpse of in your house, your new boyfriend, Kento. As he walked up the steps, you opened the door for him before he knocked, wrapping your arms around him and kissing his lips with a smile. His hands were on your waist as he kissed you back, pulling you closer towards him.
Toji tore his eyes away from the sight in front of him, jaw clenched as he started his car. You were his karma and the woman he was in love with.
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࿐°♥ Dates with the Hoo boys! ࿐°♥
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♥ Jason Grace ♥- would love restaurant dates and picnic dates. Anything that involves food. Camp Jupiter had never really allowed Jason to 'devour' meals because "he had to maintain his body" and he mostly had to eat extremely organic/healthy stuff. So sometimes he likes to go crazy on nice food to fill the void that has left him all these years. He'd also LOVE vacation dates like boating in Venice and all that cool stuff. According to him, life's way too short to not travel the world. Dates with him would be so calm and chaos free because he has everything planned so well :( he wants your dates to be perfect and doesn't want you to get stressed with the packing/planning. One thing about Jason though is that he's a worrywart, so he'd always be stressing out about the airplane schedules and when it would depart and stuff lol but love to be cheesy like kisses you whenever there's a fancy fountain in the name of being 'romantic' 🥹💝 also buys you souvenirs and cute lil stuff. Also, museum dates, he's a history nerd!!
⟢ Leo Valdez ⟢ cooking dates!! Or amusement park dates, but Leo, as social as he is, prefers staying at the comfort of home because he's gone through so many foster homes. He loves cooking Mexican food and loves to use you as a taste test participant haha, if he's feeling energetic then he'll probably go to a carnival with you, trying out all flavours of cotton candy, all the rides, and would even do cute shit like win you a plushie from the games :(( he would be dedicated! Also he loves celebrating latina holidays with you, if you aren't latina, he would love to teach you about the festivals and the cultural practices and stuff! He's a very proud man of his culture
𓇼Percy Jackson𓇼 - as opposed to the fandom's popular opinion, i personally think Percy would hate aquarium dates. He would hate aquariums in general tbh. They're basically just tanks with sea creatures confined in them, Percy hates that canonically, doesn't he? Anyways, I'd say Percy loves the arcade/movies, and for some reason he's definitely a skater boy, so he'll talk you to skate park dates where he teaches you how to skate, so cute!! So far he gives off the most "american teenage boy" vibes. Just youthful and cheerful dates. You guys eat blue popcorn while watching romcoms and sitcoms together, skate at night where New York is just bustling with city lights, also baking dates!! You both have a competition on who makes better blue food and Sally is the judge ahh
𓃰 Frank Zhang 𓃰 - hiking dates and camping dates! Frank is definitely pro! wilderness (duh) so he loves the outdoors, also hiking is super fun with him because he can change into whatever animal he wants and takes you on cool rides as a big swamp lizard or a crocodile lol roasting marshmallows with him while telling him scary stories>>>. Frank and you have a huge picnic in the middle of a forest, and you both sleep in the same tent, cuddling <33
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catch1ngmoths · 2 days
Hi my pookie 😏 Can I request a Joost Klein x fem!reader where it's unrequited love, reader likes Joost, and she's about to give up because he doesn't feel the same but something happens to the reader which causes Joost to panic and confess he's always loved her?
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𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋ “So come inside and be with me, alone with me, alone with me, alone. If you would let me give you pinky promise kisses, then I wouldn't have to scream your name atop of every roof in the city of my heart.” -Mitski𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋
Summary: your in love with Joost and do everything to try and show your love for him but he doesn’t seem to reciprocate your feelings and even gets involved with another girl. Talking about her 24/7 but suddenly you finally boil over and snap at him. Not knowing your standing in the middle of the street….
Note: THIS ONE IS DRAMATIC AS HELL LOL, anyways finally have the energy to finish a fic! I might post another one soon also, hope yall didn’t miss me too much ;)
Warnings: just straight up y/n and Joost hurting and y/n kinda sorta gets hit by a car (ಡ᎔ಡ)
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Pain. That’s all this brought you was pain. Being joost’s best friend and loyal companion was the best and worst thing you’ve experienced. Joost was your favorite person, and you were his. But what he didn’t know was how you felt, how you stared at him longingly every chance you could.
How desperately you wanted to snuggle close to him and explain all your feelings to him. But you couldn’t, not when all he talked about was her. Louise. A girl he met and was how infatuated with, or that’s how it seemed in your eyes. He talked about their relationship and how it kept building day by day.
Today was just another day you felt the familiar tug at your heart, “-and then she said she loved my glasses, it was so kind!” Joost says, laying back as his head rests in your lap, eyes looking straight up at the starry sky you both sat under. Your body tenses and you let out a soft sigh but you quickly recover and look down at him with a smile.
“I’m glad she likes your dorky glasses, might be the only one” you say with a teasing snicker, making Joost look up at you with a faux offended stare and a pout. It wasn’t true, you loved his glasses, you always have. But I guess he never payed any mind to your compliments towards the thick black glasses that sat on his face, but he did for her. Funny isn’t it? Your snapped out of your thoughts as Joost speaks, “ha ha, very funny.” He says as he reaches up to pinch your cheek with a small chuckle.
You smile apawn the contact and lean into his touch that’s quickly stolen away as he lowers his hand back down. The warmth leaving your cheek and making your heart clinch and you look up at the stars as well. You could never tell him, you couldn’t ruin this for him.
Little did you know joost wanted nothing more then to sit up and kiss you in that moment, your teasing words and soft smile made his head spin. He was so in love with you but he couldn’t tell you. Not when you were so out of his league, I mean you’re you and he’s…well he’s him. You were way too good for him. He could never tell you, he couldn’t take you when there’s someone out there that was way better looking than him.
So Joost was willing to try and move on, when he saw Louise and noticed how into him she was he took his chance. He wanted you to do the same- well not wanted. He needed you to find someone like he was, someone that was better than him so he could at least try and get over you. He hoped him always bringing Louise up would push you in that direction, he didn’t know it would hurt you the worst you’ve been hurt in your life.
During present time, were at your breaking point, you couldn’t listen to it anymore. So you snapped, you snapped at Joost when he brought up Louise once more. “We held hands today, she said my hands were very soft and warm?! Can you believe that- my hands are neither sof-“ he’s cut off by an aggravated sigh and he looks up at you immediately.
“What’s wrong?” He asks as he tries to scan your face to get information on what exactly you’re feeling. “Are you done?” You spat aggressively, you didn’t mean to be rude. Truly you didn’t! But you were just so filled with jealousy and envy that you snapped. Joost looks taken aback and stayed silent for a bit before speaking again, “am I done…?” He says in a tone that very stern.
“Yeah, are you done talking about her all the time?!” You replied as you rubbed your temples and stood up from where you were sitting right next to him on his couch. “Uhh…what the hell is your deal?” He says with furrowed eyebrows, starting to become frustrated at your sudden hostility.
“My deal is that you’re always talking about her! I get it, you’re in love with her but I don’t wanna hear it anymore! Okay??” You say as Joost also stands from his spot on the couch, “in love-?! Wha-“ he’s cut off by you again, “always talking about how great she is while I just sit here feeling like a third wheel!” You continue as he scoffs, “okay well I thought you were happy for me!?” He says, both of your voices raising.
“I am!! I’m just tried of hearing about how awesome and smart and beautiful she is!” You reply as you roll your eyes. “Jesus why are you acting like this?!” He says, making you scoff and cross your arms. “Uh what the fuck is that supposed to mean!!? I’m just sick of hearing about it!” You narrow your eyes at him.
You rub them bridge of your nose before you start walking towards his front door, leaving. “I’m just gonna go.” You say coldly making Joost shake his head. “What?! You can’t just leave like this?!” He says as he follows after you hastily. You don’t turn and continue walking, were you being a little dramatic? Sure. But the feelings you’ve bottled up for so long were finally erupting and you weren’t thinking about that.
“Watch me.” You snarl as you walk down the street, you didn’t know where you were going…hell you were staying with Joost for the time being, you just needed space. Joost didn’t understand that, knowing you had nowhere else to go. He didn’t want anything to happen to you so he follow behind you but you picked up the pace.
“Why the hell are you so adamant about this?! What the fuck is your problem” he says as you groan in annoyance and swiftly turn to him, standing in the middle of the empty road. He finally sees your eyes that were filled with tears, some rolling down your cheeks. It broke his heart as his eyes widen.
You laugh bitterly and sarcastically, “what is my problem?!” You raise your voice, “my problem is that you love this girl and you don’t even realize how I feel about you!! How much I love you, but you’re too busy with her to even realize! I’ve tried everything, everything joost! But your too busy with her to ever notice me so I’m don’t trying to get you to notice me!! ”
You weren’t thinking, you were just rambling as you spoke, Joost froze, not that you realized. Your vision was blurry from the tears in your eyes. Something else you failed to realize was the car coming right in your direction. (I know this is so dramatic (ᵕ—ᴗ—) I couldn’t think of anything else to happen to reader! Plus who doesn’t like a little dramatics!)
You both noticed too late, once you noticed the approaching lights you swiftly turned and saw the car speeding towards you. You have no time to react before your eyes widen, you hear your name being screamed and then everything goes black.
Your eyes crack open as you feel blinded by a bright light, you groan and try to sit up but you feel a pair of soft hands wrapping around you. Your breath hitches and eyes widen as you hear soft sobs coming from the person holding you.
Your senses finally come back to you as you see the bright blonde hair that you could recognize anywhere. Your wrap your arms around him as well, “j-Joost..? What happened?” You say weakly, your whole body hurt. But Joost finally stops hugging you, holding your cheeks in his hands as tears roll down his face.
“Your dumbass got hit by a car” he says with a shakey laugh, “god I’m so glad your okay” he finishes as he presses soft kisses to your head, your memory coming back as you groan and burry your face in his chest. A soft chuckle coming from the man in response. He sighs and lifts your chin up, looking deep in your eyes
“I’m not…I’m not talking to Louise anymore.” He says and your heart drops, you did this, you made him stop seeing the “love of his life” Joost immediately notices your widened eyes and shakes his head, “because…I figured out who I’m truly meant to be with.” He says with a soft smile as he presses his forehead to yours
“W-who..?” You say as your heart feels like it’s beating out of your chest. “How about I show you huh?” He says with a smirk before lowering his head and connecting his lips to yours, you both part with shallow breaths, ““I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry. I didn’t know you thought of me like that, Louise was just a distraction because-“ he pauses and looks away
“Because I was trying to distract myself from how much I love you. God I’m so sorry this is all my fa-“ he’s cut off by your soft voice, “shut up and kiss me again” he smiles before pressing his lips gently back to yours and suddenly, even being in the hospital, everything doesn’t seem so bad..
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This fic actually sucks ass, I’m sorry for the bad fic lol I promise I’ll try to lock in 🙏🏻🥲
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petew21-blog · 22 hours
Workout routine
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My best friend from school, Emily, married last summer while still being at university with me. She is still young, but claimed that her boyfriend truly loves her. Bullshit if you ask me, he never respected here and treated here like a trophy wife since the beginning. Yeah I hated him. He was a homophobic asshole and acting like some fuckin' alpha male. Why Emily dated him I never understood
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One day we were on their garden studying for an upcoming exam. I was nervous most of the time cause James was working outside fixing stuff and eyed me like a prey. Emily went to get us some snacks and drinks.
He came up to me and started some homophobic talk how I could choose this path of sin and so on. I couldn't look up at him. Cause he was very close to me, very shritless and VERY sexy. Way too much. If I looked up even for a second, I would immediately get hard.
"You gays are the worst thing about this generation. You can't even work, y'all do your artsy useless shit and nothing usefull"
"Can you just let me live and go on about your life? I don't want to listen to this."
"Well you're on my property so you'll listen to whatever I have to tell you"
A call from inside the house. Emilly called him
"You're lucky. If it weren't for her you'd be already on the ground biting dust"
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What an idiot. I was raging. I think I'll just leave and go home. I can't calm myself down and I don't want to cause any drama with Emily. Even if I think her husband is horrible, I don't want ot loose her a s a friend"
Emily came out of the house, smiling. She brought the snacks and water. She looked at me "Sorry for... taking so long. I had to sort something that couldn't wait. Now drink up, you haven't drank for hours. I should have brought drinks sooner."
I took the glass and took a sip. But then I felt really nauseaous. My vision was blurry now and I felt like vomiting. All I could make out of Emily's face was that she was smiling.
Then my vision started getting clearer again. But it was strange, I wasn't outside anymore. I was in their kitchen, holding a glass. "How did I get here?" went through in my head. As I looked for the nearest surface to put down the glass I noticed that I was shirtless.
Wait, what?!? This isn't my body!!!
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I let go off the glass destroying it. But nothing could have prepared me for being this ripped in the matter of seconds. This is something I always wished for, but never thought I would get. I was always the skinny twink trying to build more muscles, but couldn't. And now, I have massive muscles.
I found a mirror in the hall. No, this can't be happening. I am James. I can't be him. He is an asshole. A homophobic asshole.
But his body thought otherwise. His dick got hard. And it isn't small. Which might be cool to play with, but now I was still angry everytime I looked at the mirror.
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"Enjoying yourself?" Emily asked as she entered the house
"What have you done, Ems?"
"I gave you a new body. The one you have been lusting for. And as a side effect I got myself an improvement for a boyfriend. I loved him before, but I was blind and deaf to all the things he said on your account and to all the things he commented about me. Never appreciated me. But you are the best man I ever knew. And I wanted to be with you even if I wasn't your type. But now, I think I might be" she said as she placed her hand on my new crotch.
I thought I wouldn't like this, cause I was gay for my entire life, but James's body is still straight. But in my mind I could even picture myself with a dude and not be disgusted
"Ems, I think you didn't turn me straight as you wished for. I think I'm bi, actually"
"Whatever is best for both of us. I got a cute gay friend who you might like and who would love to explore your body, with me. But I think there might be some emotions involved, you know. Cause of the previous ownership and so on." she said and laughed out loud.
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I took her up and put her on the kitchen table. Embracing her and going for a kiss.
"Ems, you are the best friend I could have ever wanted. I love you and I will love you now as your husband"
We could hear a scream outside coming from the garden. We could only smile at each other as we knew what was coming
Two months later:
"Hey, my name is James and this is my colleague Robert. Robert is a small gay dude friend from my wife. We are going on a road trip to get to know each other better with the permission from my wife. So we would like a room"
"Oh, there's only double bed? That's absolutely fine with us, right Robert? Bro's will be bro's and NO HOMO. Hahaha"
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A story request from Inbox: Could you do a swap with a Twink and his best friend’s bodybuilder husband?
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a thought about kabru and mithrun and their time in the dungeon. (I love kabumisu but this is more about their canon relationship)
I have seen several people say that they dont think that kabru really cared about or liked mithrun. that he was just doing things cause he had to, etc. but I feel like this ignores something pretty cool about kabru. Kabru always has an inner monologue going on, one that we get to see.
several times when we see kabru doing nice things we can see that his inner monologue doesnt actually match. we see him kindly doing things that actively distress him several times. we as an audience are made very aware when kabru is doing something he doesnt really like.
so what kind of an inner monologue does kabru have when he performs caring tasks for mithrun? does he think about the advantages of having mithrun or the canaries on his side? does he think bitterly of mithrun? does he think about how much he hates this? the worst he thinks is "to think I'd get roped into this for the sake of that lot." and "this isnt seeing to his needs, this is nursing!" pretty early on in their journey together. this is while he is still digesting the full picture of mithruns condition and all the things hes going to need to do, the full weight of the situation now apparent.
after this, all we see is compassion. him thinking he would like to make mithrun something nice to eat, even if it wouldnt matter to him. him empathizing and reflecting on how not having desires would be really rough. him coming to understand where some of mithruns quirks, like his sense of direction, come from.
by the end, he has trusted mithrun enough to tell him about laios, and mithrun has given him all the information he has been searching for for YEARS.
and this is just the dungeon. kabru continues to involve himself with mithrun when its not his problem anymore. when really, he should be doing anything but. and after everything is done, if he truly did not care about mithrun, he has NO reason to do anything he does in chapter 94.
they are FRIENDS okay??? Kabru cares about him. it isnt just obligation. ty.
as far as mithrun goes, he gives kabru information, he asks him what he wants to do with that little smile (doesnt wait for his squad), slaps him out of his panic attack, and then kabru is the person he eventually confides his true desire to.
theyre FRIENDS and Im tired of people acting like they dont even like each other just bc they dont like the ship. you dont have to ship it, but if you think these 2 didnt drastically change each others lives in a positive way and that they dont care about each other...you maybe need to read again.
and also I think a lot of these takes veer on dehumanizing mithrun. like how could kabru even like him or see him as a friend when hes like that. like do yall forget mithrun was busy keeping kabrus ass from getting killed. or the way he perceptively sees straight through kabrus bs every single time until kabru finally tells the truth? I know kabrus confession to laios is a lot more emotionally intense, but laios isnt the only character that forces kabru to be honest.
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taintedtort · 2 days
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"i think i’m in love with you," kyotani blurts, not being able to hold the words in any longer. he’s blunt, he always has been, he always says what he’s thinking. well… unless you’re involved, you get him all tongue tied and soft. he hates it. for the longest time he didn’t know why you made him feel like this, but finally he came to the conclusion that he likes you, loves you, even.
your constant babbles and attempts to befriend him got on his nerves at first, but you stuck around. you kept trying even after he pushed you away and said mean things. you’re always the one that sticks by him and stands up for him, even when he’s done something wrong.
he hates feeling vulnerable or anything similar to it, so he took a while to finally accept that he has feelings for you. he wasn’t gonna say anything at first… but the words just came out, he said them without really thinking. he shakes himself out of his thoughts, waiting for your reaction with narrowed eyes.
you‘re silent for a couple seconds, just staring at him in… shock? surprise? disgust? he isn’t sure. he really hopes it isn’t the last one though.
"what?" finally comes your reply, your eyebrows scrunched in confusion. his heart immediately drops. he really messed things up. he mentally curses himself, feeling stupid for letting the confession slip out.
"i— nothing, i just thought… you felt the same. never mind, forget it," he shakes his head, his words a bit bitter. had he read you wrong? everyone on the team always tells him you obviously have a crush on him. he brushed it off for a while, but he’d held onto the hope… till now. he feels so stupid—
"no! i mean— yes! i do!" you suddenly blurt, your hand shooting out to grab his shoulder, forcing his attention back on you and pulling him out of his thoughts. "i just didn’t expect you to say that, i’m sorry," you apologize, feeling rude for your delayed reaction.
he stands stunned for a moment, not really sure what else to say. you like him back, that’s good… now what? a kiss feels like too much, too soon. he did just confess that he’s in love with you though… that was probably too soon.
"kyotani?" you say, pulling him out of his thoughts once again. he’d been staring dumbly for several seconds, and suddenly you’re much closer than before, your hand still on his shoulder.
"go on a date with me," he states, not even asking. when he wants something, he just takes it.
he watches once again as your eyebrows go up in surprise, but a smile quickly forms on your face. god, he loves your smile, he always has.
"okay, sure." ♡
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☆ i love him, but no one really writes for him!! figured i would, hopefully some other kyotani lovers see this ^^ (i wasn’t sure how to end this, can you tell? lol)
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wuwapetal1s · 2 days
write anything abt geshu lin or calcharo im begging on my hands and knees ill give u my first born or a kidney whichever u want
I don't need any organs can I have a pair of knees maybe (ty for the request anon :3)
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Love languages
content: sfw, rambling-ish format, not entirely proofread (it's midnight currently), swearing used, etc.
reqs open!
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— Calcharo.
Calcharo is an ‘acts of service man’ through and through. To me, he doesn't seem the best at giving affection verbally though he thinks he's *very* good at it personally. As in, you will ask him for comfort or reassurance and he'll give it to you readily… But it will sound so stern coming from him.
“I feel uncomfortable with [such and such]..”
“I understand. I will rectify/fix that.”
Communication KING, though I imagine it can still feel very intimidating to bring stuff up to him. It will always be met with understanding, and he certainly would try his hardest to accommodate what language/tone you'd rather hear in those moments (autistic.)
Getting back to the original point, he will do just about anything for you. There's hardly any limits or rules to that fact. He will kill for you, he will fight for you, he will get in trouble with the law for you, etc etc. He'll also grab extra of your snacks the moment he's back in town and stops at the market before he goes to visit you.
Tired from a long day at work or studying? He'll clean up as quietly as he can while you sleep. You'll wake up to all the dishes done and your living space looks pretty much spotless.
He's the kind of man to learn how you organize things pretty easily, even if you're a very messy person. He's very clued in on anything that involves you (smitten, much?) and he's also just got a keen eye on him.
"Ugh, I can't find where I left my-”
“Bottom drawer of the nightstand.”
“Oh.. Thank you!”
He loves holding and kissing you as well, it's his favorite thing to be welcomed home to. Just the ability to sink into your arms is like heaven to him. Receiving, he probably likes physical touch a lot more, but he feels 100x more satisfied doing something for you to show he cares :).
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— Genshu Lin.
Genshu Lin is a possessive man. It's subtle, but it's definitely there. Above all else, he adores you. He's a deeply devoted person when in a relationship, though I don't feel like he's had a lot of experience to pinpoint that exactly, but it's his nature. I believe he enjoys gifting you things he gets his hands on, trinkets or otherwise.
He mostly enjoys giving you things you can make use of or wear. He always gets a warmth in his chest when he sees you in the bracelet he got you (one that matches his that he keeps tucked away for safekeeping) or using pens he gave you after you kept losing your last ones. As long as it works, suits you, and it means a lot to you, he's snatching it up.
I also believe he's a sucker for stealing kisses in private. He may not seem it to anyone else, but he's a softie. Just for you though. Cooking something or simply sitting around? Funny how his lips just found their way to your cheek!
He's a bit more apprehensive about receiving it unless it's the time you two lay in bed together, then he'd let you rub his back or play with his hair. In return, he most enjoys quality time.
Even if it's something as mundane as running an errand or having to pick something up from the pharmacy he wants you there. He'd tell you “I don't need your presence, I just prefer it” if questioned, but he does need it. More than he knows or even lets on, he wants you and needs you there. He hates having to be away from you. It drives him up a wall almost. Like nearly insane.
After long hours working or even days/weeks of it he wants nothing more than to just lay with you and bathe in your presence as if it's a balm for his soul :’).
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I love these men they're so fine
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canonizzyhours · 2 days
I'm a professional screenwriter. I know nobody reading this has any reason to believe that, and I work pretty hard to keep my fandom activity separate from my professional identity, so I'm not going to offer any proof that would doxx me here, believe me or don't. But it's true and I don't just mean I'm trying to get hired as a screenwriter, I mean I am pretty well established in the industry and I've worked on some stuff big enough you've probably heard of it. I've also been active in OFMD fandom for about two years now, since nearly the beginning.
The canyon really freaks me out because seeing it up close makes me worried I've drastically underestimated audiences' empathy gap around characters of color and tendency to sympathize with and excuse the actions of white characters. I've always tried to be conscious about that sort of thing in my work but now that I'm seeing the whole process up close it's so much worse than I always thought.
I think a lot about what I would have done during season 1 of OFMD, if I were in the writers' room and I'd wanted to make sure it would be clear to the audience that Izzy was Ed's abuser and wasn't acting out of secretly sympathetic motives and we're supposed to be genuinely horrified by his actions. I'm in writers' rooms workshopping issues like this all the time. I know the kinds of suggestions I'd make.
Like, if we were worried that the audience would think Izzy's hostility toward Stede was about class instead of homophobia, I might have suggested we make sure Izzy's dialogue never has any reference to Stede's class at all, and that we might do a subplot in one episode where Izzy is equally hostile toward Lucius, since Lucius clearly isn't rich but is extremely gay. But that already happened, and it didn't help.
If I wanted to make sure the audience understood that Izzy is bossing the crew around and screaming at everyone to work harder because he's a petty little bully on a power trip and not because the work actually needs to get done, I might have suggested a scene where Izzy deliberately makes a mess on purpose just so he can order the crew to clean it up. But that already happened, and it didn't help.
If I wanted to make it clear that Izzy has always been awful toward everyone around him -- especially his colleagues of color -- since long before the show started, I might have suggested we repeatedly emphasize throughout the season that while Fang is willing to work with him, he doesn't like or respect Izzy and this is because Izzy has always treated Fang very badly. Have him pull on Fang's beard for no reason and have Fang explicitly say he hates that but knows it wouldn't help to complain. Have Fang tell strangers jokes about times Izzy humiliated himself in public. Have a scene where everybody unanimously VOTES TO MURDER IZZY and someone explicitly stops to ask Fang if he's cool with this and Fang explicitly says yes this is absolutely fine with me and then he actively participates in the murder plan while smiling. But all of that happened and I still see the canyon insisting that Izzy was a much nicer person before the events of s2 when he wasn't under so much stress and has always been liked and respected by the PoC around him, including specifically Fang!
If I were worried that the audience might take seriously the idea that Izzy is motivated by "loyalty to your captain" -- well, honestly I don't think it ever would have occurred to me to worry about that, since he says that in a scene where he's in the middle betraying his captain and I'd probably assume people are capable of picking that up and understanding that when someone says they're abusing you for your own good you should not believe them. But if someone else insisted we address the concern, suggestions I'd make would include: make sure some of the first interactions we see between Ed and Izzy involve Izzy complaining about how he doesn't want to do the job Ed just gave him, then half-assing the mission and lying to Ed's face about it. Show Izzy deliberately undermining Ed to the crew by telling them he's half-insane, then insist to Ed that he's the only one keeping the crew loyal when they're worried about his judgment. But they did that stuff and we still have people thinking Izzy's central motivation throughout season 1 is selfless devotion to Ed.
The show did every single thing I would have suggested, and none of it worked. So what does it say about all the stuff I've already worked on, whenever I've written a scene where a white guy was being a dick to characters of color? Have I just been embarrassingly naive this whole time? Have I undermined my own work by not getting this?
You can't control audience reactions, I know that, that's part of what's great about art, you have to let go and accept that people will interpret things in ways you never intended, I get it. But if it's THIS impossible to choose words that will create the kind of feelings you meant to, what's the point? Is it even possible to write about the kind of abusive relationship Ed and Izzy have, where the white guy thinks he's entitled to control a brown man's life "for his own good" and that the brown guy is obligated to be grateful and reciprocate his "love" and not have a huge group of people creating elaborate justifications for the white guy? What else could they have done? What else can I do, when I'm writing about characters of color? I'm seriously asking. If anybody reading this has advice I want to hear it. What could I do?
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Indigo Park: Salem is Important
I've already done a post on why I think Lloyd is important. I go over how I think he's the first mascot and the OG face for the Indigo brand. Not to mention, drawing a parallel to Mickey and Oswald. You can read it here.
There is also this picture at the beginning of Rambley's Railroad can suggest that Lloyd is giving the deed to the park to Rambley. I.e. transferring ownership to him, as seen here.
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We also see Lloyd as a statue that's very similar to the style of the Rambley and Isaac statue we see when entering the park. I haven't seen this mention with people, but I think the biggest case for the other important mascot is Salem.
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(Lloyd's statue in his maze)
Anything regarding to Salem is a mystery. Salem's part in Rambley's Railroad is completely destroyed. There's splats of blood, Rambley glitches out, Salem's cutout is ripped in half, and hints that Rambley's Railroad used to be Lloyd's Limos, in the backrooms.
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(Salem's section destroyed in Rambley's Railroad)
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(Lloyd's Limos in the backrooms)
Any important lore drop for Indigo Park, Salem is somehow connected. In the video game portion, where it's revealed Salem was the one who was corrupting the squirrels, then goes ahead and corrupts Mollie.
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This is hinting to something big, something that possibly happened to the mascots at the park. Rambley did say, in a way, the mascots are like their cartoony selves. Via when he tells Ed the truth and in the credits song. Something either corrupted them or it could be symbolic to how trauma changes you. Within the same game, if you drop near the first half off of it, we see Mollie's sprite in a cage.
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I mention trauma is because I think it's obvious that Mollie and the other living mascots were physically and emotionally abused by the staff and the on-goers at the park. Mollie can repeat things that were said back to her.
"I wanna play with the birdie!" "Don't touch that thing, son." "It barely hurts at all..." "Get up, you stupid freak." "Get back in your cage, bird." "The customer is always right." Mollie and Lloyd are conscious beings who were tossed around and mistreated from the employees to the people visiting the park. They treated them like they were just props, things. The parent calls Mollie a THING. The employees called Mollie a "stupid freak" and for her to get back in her cage. As shown in the video game. They were treated like rag dolls and if they didn't do want the employees wanted, they would get beat or screamed at, or left to rot in cages. It just makes the line "It barely hurts at all!" more dark.
It barely hurts at all.
She's convincing herself that the abuse she is going through is fine or that she's used to it. Or an employee saying the abuse she is going through isn't hurting her. It barely hurts at all. I wouldn't be surprised if Indigo Park's underlying horror is mistreating people as just tensions of the park to sell a fantasy towards parent for a quick buck, instead of, y'know, treating them like people.
Not to mention, Salem uses potions. Magic. A possible hint to how the mascots were brought to life. They aren't robots or anything, but they're conscious, living beings. Now, let's take a look at Salem's intro card. It was censored before chapter 1 was released, but I believe it is important.
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Note of some important things here. They are a major trouble maker, super quick, and cunning. Interesting. Personally, in a speculation of mine is that Salem was the first one to act out and think what the employees and on-goers at the park treating them and the other mascots were wrong. Anytime something of lore is dropped or something of importance, Salem is involved. Salem is important.
Either or not they're an ally or enemy to Rambley and Ed, we'll see. Heck, Salem doesn't have any merch minus a keychain. So, whenever Salem is on the screen pay attention. Isn't it odd that Rambley NEVER mentions Salem? Like, the dude mentions Lloyd and he hates his guts. Interesting.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 11 hours
Yes! So, Eddie decides to take his girlfriend on a fancy dinner date, maybe at Enzo's and clean up as best as he can, but he's still Eddie, and when they walk inside, the host is sneering at him and talking down to him because of that and it makes reader pissed of, giving him a piece of her mind, and perhaps then she tells Eddie "let's go get a burger or something instead, these snobs aren't worth your money!"
Can lead to them have sex in the van because Eddie is so in awe of her defending him. Request by @somethingvicked ❤️
Mdni, 18+, the reader is extremely protective of Eddie, a little smidgen of ronance, fluff, angst and comfort. A little bit of smut.
It was your fourth date with Eddie tonight and you couldn't wait. The anticipation had been building up inside of you all day, you could barely concentrate on your shift in Family Video, and you were so excited.
You had recruited Robin and Nancy to help you pick an outfit, discussed every moment of your last date with Eddie and listened to Robin gush about Vickie.
There's this look on Nancy's face when Robin is talking about Vickie that makes you intensely curious, the tightness of her smile and a flash of something in her eyes. It looks a lot like jealousy.
Oh, you two are absolutely discussing this development later.
Exactly one hour later you're ready for your date and hear the telltale sign of Eddie's van as it parks in your driveway. The sight of Eddie takes your breath away, he's dressed up. Not dramatically or anything, he's still undeniably Eddie but he's wearing a black button-down shirt, a leather jacket and black jeans, his hair is in a neat bun and he's carrying the prettiest flowers.
He looks amazing and you take the flowers, tug him close to you for a kiss and thank him for the gorgeous bouquet.
"Hello handsome" You grin and love the way he blushes, his eyes darken as he takes in your outfit and he groans.
"Princess, we won't make it to dinner with you dressed like that" he growls and it leaves you aching with want. You're seriously considering dragging him into the house and spending all night in bed but you don't think Robin and Nancy would appreciate that.
So you take his hand, wave goodbye to the girls and head out. He's a perfect gentleman while, opens his van door for you to get inside and kisses your hand before rushing to join you on the driver's side.
"I um, booked a nice place for us sweetheart. Enzo's thought we could go somewhere fancy, treat my princess" You melt at his sweetness and feel a thrill through you. No one has ever been so sweet to you, so willing to be romantic and treat you like a princess.
But Eddie is different to any other guy you've dated and you wish the two of you had met sooner, maybe in a scenario that didn't involve monsters and shit, but if the whole upside down stuff didn't happen then you wouldn't have found the family you have now or the man who you're going to spend the rest of your life with. You know deep in your bones that he's the one.
You're soon at Enzo's and that bubble of excitement has increased tenfold. This would be a magical night...
The host annoys you from the moment you walk in, the way he looks Eddie up and down and sneers at him, that's the asshole's first and second strike.
"Hi, I have a table booked here under the name Munson" Eddie's all smiles and clutches your hand, rubbing soothing circles on your palm. It grounds you and calms you for a minute but the host is quick to piss you off.
Magical night indeed you scowl.
"You have a table here? I think you're mistaken sir. This is an expensive establishment" Eddie frowns and looks confused, he clears his throat and speaks again.
"Uh, yeah. If you could just check" he trails off as the host snorts and looks down his nose at Eddie.
"Let me be clear. We don't have your sort at this establishment" Anger slowly builds in your stomach at the stupid, smug look on the host's face. Eddie is still smiling but there is a faint tinge to his cheeks and his posture is tense.
How dare this asshole act like he's better than Eddie, that Eddie is less than him. You try to hold your tongue but that resolve lasts for only a moment. Then you snap.
"Excuse me, sir! How dare you act like my boyfriend is beneath you, where is your manager because you bet I'll be telling him about this" The host pales and that smug look is wiped off his face.
"Ma'am" you cut in before he can say any more bullshit, quite frankly you're in no mood for it.
"Don't you Ma'am me. Eddie is an amazing man, he's kind and caring, and he doesn't deserve to be judged by assholes like yourself. Maybe you should have some self-reflection and realise who the horrible person is here because it's not my Eddie"
Eddie is staring at you stunned, the faint blush is gone and is replaced by a bashful grin and big brown eyes full of adoration.
"Come on Eddie, let's go get a burger or something, these snobs aren't worth your money, first things first though, I want to speak to your manager" the host mumbles under his breath but when he sees that you aren't leaving he nods and comes back with his manager.
The manager's name is Harry and you complain about the host whose name is Jeremy. You can tell the report is taken seriously but you still don't plan on sticking around.
With a last parting glare at Jeremy, you take Eddie's hand and you're out the door.
You're so angry that you don't realise you're crying, Eddie does though and his eyes widen at your tears.
"I'm so sorry princess, this is my fault. I just wanted this night to be perfect" he sighs and runs his hand through his hair frustrated.
"Don't you apologise Eddie. It's that asshole host who is to blame. I hate people like that, who judge without even knowing the person. How amazing they are. I never ever want you to apologise for being you. I adore you" Eddie blushes at your compliment.
"So uh I know this diner that isn't far away, burger and milkshakes sound so good right now" It does and you have an intense craving for chocolate milkshakes and maybe some waffles too.
Smiling you take Eddie's hand, kiss his cheek and the two of you make your way to the diner.
"You're a goddess" Eddie sighs in reverence as you straddle him. His hands work their way up your body and he's murmuring words of awe and tenderness.
The two of you are in the back of his van, in a clouded haze of lust. Eddie's mouth is everywhere on your body that he can reach, softly suckling at the skin and leaving little love bites.
You rock against him, enjoying the way his eyes roll back and the noises that leave his mouth are sinful.
The two of you couldn't keep your hands off each other and you had tugged Eddie inside the van the two of you giggling, giddy to be with each other, literally the moment that the two of you left the diner. Eddie was still gazing at you like you were some sort of deity, awed at the way you instantly spoke up for him.
No one got to treat Eddie like that, you would still be angry now if it wasn't for Eddie's very skilful tongue and fingers making you see stars. Now you were on top and in charge and Eddie was grinning up at you eagerly, brown eyes blown wide with lust.
"Hope you're ready to have your world rocked Munson" you tease and nip at his jaw.
Two hours later you and Eddie come out of his van still grinning like idiots and Eddie smirking like the Cheshire cat.
"World officially rocked sweetheart"
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eregyrn-falls · 13 hours
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Gravity Falls Revival Prospects Teased by Disney TV Boss (Exclusive)
By Russ Milheim Posted: June 05, 2024
(From "The Direct", original article linked above.) While Gravity Falls may have ended in 2014 on the Disney Channel, fans are still hoping for a revival—thankfully, that doesn't look too far out of reach, at least according to an update from a top Disney executive. The series may have ended in 2014, but since then, creator Alex Hirsch has published several books in the universe. This included Gravity Falls: Tales of the Strange and Unexplained, Lost Legends, and Journal 3. In fact, another book is even coming out later this year, called The Book of Bill, which tells the story of the show from the perspective of the big bad. However, while books are great and all, a continuation of the show would absolutely thrill the franchise’s fanbase. In an exclusive interview with The Direct’s Russ Milheim while promoting the release of Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation, Executive Vice President of Television Animation and Disney Branded Television Meredith Roberts gave a hopeful update on a possible Gravity Falls revival. She confirmed that they’re “in conversations with [creator] Alex [Hirsch]” before ending with an encouraging “never say never:” “You know, we're in conversations with Alex. He's about to publish a book with Disney on his project. And we also do some shorts. So never say never.”
What Could Be Next for Gravity Falls? While the update is a small one, plenty of fans will be thrilled to see even a slight glimmer of home. Sure, the new book releases are exciting, but not nearly as much as having the show back. If the show were to return, creator Alex Hirsch would likely want to introduce a new threat other than Bill. Admittedly, that's a high bar to clear. Perhaps a continuation would also age its leading characters, Dipper and Mabel. However, having older leads could transform Gravity Falls into a much different, more adult-based narrative. Either way, there's plenty of demand from fans to see the world of Gravity Falls again. Hopefully, that's something Disney can capitalize on sooner rather than later.
Since this is going around, and I haven't seen it posted here... well, here you go. What does it mean? Nobody knows! It may not mean anything. It's hard to tell whether this is just a Disney exec making noises for promotional purposes or what. I honestly would take this with a grain of salt until or unless Alex himself posts or tweets about it.
(My own thoughts: to be worthwhile, I strongly feel that any new Gravity Falls content would need to have the involvement of Alex Hirsch AND a good chunk of the other folks who worked on the show. People like Rob Renzetti, and others like Matt Braly, Alonso Ramirez Ramos, Emmy Ciceriega, Dana Terrace, Matt Chapman, Jeff Rowe, etc. etc. It would probably be difficult to impossible to get everyone back, unless it was for a very limited project, like a TV-movie or something.
I'm not saying they would ALL need to be back, and I do also think you could find some new folks to work on the project who would be very good replacements for some of the original crew who might not be able to come back. But, I've said many, many times: Gravity Falls was not the work of only one man. I respect the hell out of Alex Hirsch, but, the show that we love had contributions from a lot of other people that went into creating the final product. If what we want is something as good as the original show, then I think it would need input from those people.
And even then, we still have to keep in mind that it can be difficult to recapture lightning in a bottle. Even if they got back a majority of the original team, it's 10 years later (ish), and all of those folks have been through a lot, and most haven't been working with each other. There's a groove that the crew of the show got into at the time, and they'd have to recapture that groove. It would be different in at least SOME ways. Maybe a GOOD different! A lot would depend on the enthusiasm they had for doing it.)
So, we'll see! Keep an eye out, though, for more news.
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too-antigonish · 2 days
How to Seduce Endeavour Morse: A Guide for the Perplexed
The ways are many and varied. Your chances of success are—unfortunately—highly dependent on factors outside of your control. You can, however, learn lessons from those who have tread this path before you.
1) The "I-Forgot-to-Tell-You-I’m-a-Killer" Approach
Comments: Used with surprising frequency given ultimately low success rate.
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Rosalind Calloway (S1E0 Pilot): First, become a world-famous opera singer. Your artistry will convince him that life is worth living. When the time comes, gently but firmly rebuff his rather innocent advances. Be unmasked as murderess and crush his will to live via the revelation of your utter lack of humanity and subsequent suicide.
Susan Fallon (S1E0 Pilot): Be at Oxford. Have snobby parents and lots of snobby friends. Be his first great love and agree to marry him. Then abandon him very publicly and with maximum cruelty for your first great love. Many years later become murderess (although Lewis will never allow him to find that out). However, still successfully crush him to pieces again by committing suicide.
Isla Fairford (S6E3 Confection): Live in a charming small village with adorable son and amiable veterinarian father. Have an appealing origin story involving cruel abandonment that reminds him of his own life experiences.  Go on intimate date where you seem to be everything he could hope for and then share a sweet but chaste kiss goodnight. Oops, murder someone…again…sort of. Suddenly transform into personification of vengeance.
2) The "It-Never-Hurts-to-Ask" Approach
Comments: Success rate zero, but very high entertainment value.
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Pamela Walters (S1E1 Girl): Like it says on the tin: Just ask. She asks, “Will you take me to bed?” Sorry sweet girl. He won’t—but he will read you a very nice bedtime story
Kay Belborough (S3E1 Ride): Play flirty name games and ask him breathlessly if he’s falling in love with you. Share a romantic kiss under fairy lights at a party.  Eventually tell him he can “have you.”  He won’t—but by then he will have saved you from a suicide attempt so I think he’s done enough really…
Annette Richardson (S3E2 Arcadia): Request help with home security. Tell him you can’t possibly undress yourself. He won’t bite—but he will come maddeningly close to nibbling on your neck and you’ll refuse to believe that he won’t come calling, ”…when he’s ready.”
Bettina Pettybon (S4E2 Canticle): Just show up at his flat looking generally bedraggled. Tell him how your mother forced you to spill the beans and get him kicked off the case. Down some hard liquor. And then—tell him you love him. When he’s gobsmacked by your revelation, assume it’s because there’s “someone else” and not because he barely knows you.
3) The "Let’s-Just-Go-to-Bed" Approach
Comments: Has an impresseive 100% success rate but never ends well.
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Alice Vexin (S1E3 Rocket): Secretly crush on him for years. Go on one quasi-date where you dissect his personality quirks in excruciating detail. Show up at his door when he’s emotionally vulnerable and then sleep with him. Promptly abandon him with maximum cruelty. Be sure to tell him, “It’s not me. It’s you,” in the form of, “You’re just not ready yet.”
Carol Thursday (S5E2 Cartouche): Be very attractive. Be suddenly, unexpectedly available. Be directly in his path. This means you can skip the date part (a drink will do). Go straight to sleeping with him. Then go straight to the realization that this might be…one of the most awkward situations you’ve ever gotten yourself into. Manage to handle it all with amazing sweetness and grace nonetheless.
Claudine (S5E3 Passenger): Be very attractive. Be suddenly, unexpectedly available. Be directly in his path. Bonus points if the woman he actually wants practically throws you into his arms. Go straight to sleeping with him. Tease him. Toy with him like a capricious child. Play games for your own amusement. Abandon him with maximum cruelty. 
4) One-Off Approaches
Comments: Technically not actual attempts at seduction so...
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School Girls (S2E2 Nocturne): Talk about how dreamy he is like we do on Tumblr. Given enough time, write “Love you” in eye liner on your eyelids as per: Indiana Jones movie. Blink very slowly during all interrogations.
Anna-Britt Clark (S4E2 Canticle): Be very attractive. Despise tan lines. Work on said tan next to swimming pool at rock-band-murder-mansion. Show him your (tan line free) naked torso. Find his very “English” discomfort perplexing but charming.
Eve Thorne (S5E1 Muse): You don’t actually *want* to seduce him. He’s a cop *and* a condescending prick. However, the seduction will happen anyway. You won’t sleep together. You won’t even touch. But the hate-flirting will be amazing.
5) The "Let's-Try-a-Normal-Relationship-Just-Once" Approach
Comments: She was too psychologically healthy for you. In the end it was for the best (...except for the murder and prison parts).
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Monica Hicks (S2E3 Sway): Find yourself recruited for some light caregiving. Be absolutely charming. After tactless date mix-up and adorable mattress incident at department store, proceed to have actual healthy relationship. Hang out listening to music, discuss your future together, buy him a cute scarf. Then wake up one morning to find out he’s in prison—and about that scarf…
6) The "This-Doesn't-Happen-in-Real-Life" Approach
Comments: It was opera—and by opera rules he actually got off pretty easy.
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Violetta Talenti** (S7E1: Oracle): Engineer improbable but spectacular first encounter—twice. Finagle one in Venice and one in Oxford. Overcome all of his valid moral objections and engage in a lengthy, passionate affair. When the moment of truth arrives, reject him with maximum possible cruelty. Die in his arms. Use your last words to ensure that he spends the rest of his life feeling conflicted and confused about the true nature of your feelings towards him.
**Also might fall into "I-Forgot-to-Tell-You-I’m-a-Killer" but we will never know for sure
7) The "We-Aren't-Explicitly-Saying-It-But-You-Know" Approach
Comments: Don't try this at home kids. It will end badly for you. Highly effective, however, when Morse and Thursday need to make up and be friends again.
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Joss Bixby (S3E1 Ride): Be the UK Great Gatsby. Invite him to your over-the-top parties. Gracefully take it in stride and allow him to appear extra-clever when he points out that your latest art purchase is a forgery. Manage to be charming and self-deprecating while flirting outrageously with him. Offer him jobs. Give him cars. Have lots of emotionally charged moments (especially on dark docks) and say incredibly poetic things. Die tragically so he can mourn you forever but also use your passing as an excuse to reconnect with his former mentor.
Ludo Talenti (S7E1 Oracle): Be evil. Come up with an evil plan. Get your wife to seduce him. Then (ha, ha) you will also seduce him. You will both succeed beyond your wildest dreams. He will be the most thoroughly seduced man ever. However, once you have rejected him with maximum possible cruelty by pretending you actually care that he was sleeping with your wife, he will discover your secret life of crime and come after you. You will die (justifiably, not tragically), after killing your wife and your death will providing yet another opportunity for our hero to reconnect with his estranged mentor.
8) The "Be-the-One-That-Got-Away" Approach
Comments: Definitely the method of choice for Morse seduction. 100% effective. Hands-down winner!
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Joan Thursday (S1E2 Fugue): Be very attractive, articulate, and idealistic. Be the daughter of his mentor/best friend/father figure/brother-in-arms. Have lots of incredibly charged emotional encounters but never say anything directly to him about your complicated feelings. Be together during highly significant moments in your lives, but don’t ever go on a real date (pedestrian!). Touch in a variety of meaningful and sometimes even affectionate ways, but never engage in anything blatent. A passionate kiss would be unthinkable. And never, ever sleep together! Still manage to abandon him with maximum cruelty. Still manage to be the love of his life. Well done you!
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totothewolff · 3 days
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Grand Prix Elite Academy (4/10)
+18 | professor!Toto x reader fem!student, sewis, carlos x reader, collegue au | romance, smut, comedy, gossip, betray
Summary: Your life turns 180 degrees after receiving your acceptance letter for the Grand Prix Elite Academy, the most exclusive and prestigious Formula One College, designed to shape the future drivers of the motorsport world. You will try to navigate your new life among the Monaco elites, survive the campus dynamics and rivalries between the faculties, and try to win this year's Elite Cup to beat an undefeated Mercedes, all while befriending your eclectic classmates, join the wild parties, have a couple of make-outs under the racing circuit benches, lose your v-card and get over that stupid crush you have on professor Toto. Will you make it alive to graduation? Race to Greatness! Author's note: This is a Formula One college AU fic set in an elite academy in Monaco, where the F1 Teams are Faculties, their Team Principals are professors, the FIA is the college board, and all the grid drivers are your classmates. You are accepted under a scholarship program called WomenOne and have lots to catch on to after years of putting your racing dreams on hold. Becoming the outcast new girl is always challenging, especially when all of you live on one campus.
< Previous chapter | Masterlist | Next chapter > Chapter 4: The Kids Are Not Alright
As the morning sunlight streams through the grand staircases of the main building, you sit with your group of friends, placed on different steps, almost forming a circle as you chat with excitement and laughs with some racing gear and helmets scattered around them.
Other students pass you by, entering the large double doors to the main hallway entrance.
The scent of freshly brewed coffee wafts from Lando's and Charles's Starbucks cups as they sip and joke around, discussing their latest racing strategies and sharing stories of their weekend adventures.
The sound of revving engines at the distant hum as you all wait for their morning classes or free practices to begin.
"That fucking bitch I'm going to cut her in half! And I will tear that wig off Britney's head," Leandra lets out.
A bald Nico is a funny visual.
"I'm not trying to play the devil's advocate here, but are we sure she was involved?" Max asks out loud.
Leandra rolls her eyes at him, as does Seb.
"Still, she can do no wrong under your eyes after all these years," Carlos points out.
"Just saying! Please don't kick me out of the group! I need friends." Max goes a little red with embarrassment.
"Calm down! No one is going to do that!" Charles quickly adds. There was a time when Max was the odd and unexpected link in the group; now, everyone is fond of him. "But, it's just facts, bro. She's the one who knew about Y/N being a sad virgin."
"THANK YOU CHARLES!" you add while he giggles.
"The knowing about Y/N being a sad virgin, I get it. Naya also knew the part about Y/N being broke and this year's "Charity Baby," but we all also knew that." Lewis joins in the fun.
"AW GUYS, YOU ARE SO SUPPORTIVE!" you interrupt them with murderous eyes.
Lewis holds his chuckles as he continues: "But the part of Y/N wanting Toto to deflower her, Naya wasn't there to witness her telling that to him." he points out.
"WHAT!?" you scream. At that part, you throw your arms in the air to everyone's amusement.
"Don't you remember?!" Mick says, amazed.
"Please, be joking." you start praying.
"He is not. We all heard your drunk ass asking Toto to fuck you."
"OH MY GOD!" At that moment, you want to get run over by the McLaren car roaring in the distance at the circuit track.
"If you want a life-changing first-time experience," Lando says. "I mean," he looks at his crotch and back at you, then winks. "I have cock to spare."
"Cock to spare," Leandra repeats, bursting out laughing. "How do you come up with this shit?!"
"How does that shit work with girls?! That's the real question," Carlos adds, laughing too.
"SERIOUSLY! THANK YOU GUYS!" you squeak, furiously red.
"Yes, but Nico was there. If Nico is there, Naya is there, and vice versa," Seb says, sounding extremely unhappy with Lewis.
He had remained quiet so far before he let it all out: "Didn't I tell you? Don't invite him! It doesn't matter how much Nico swears he has changed, he is always trouble!"
The couple starts to argue.
It's the first time you witness them acting other than being utterly in love with each other.
Lewis and Seb tend to get lost in each other's eyes for hours, feeling like the world is non-existent around them while sharing soft chats and sweet kisses around campus.
"Honey, I asked for your forgiveness times enough already. What else do you want me to do..." Lewis replies, getting exasperated with him.
"Well, now that you are friends with Nico again, why don't you go and ask him about it?! Ask Nico if he is the one behind the printed posters addressed to Y/N pinned all over the hallways! OH! And in that process, why don't you warn him to stay the fuck away from her!"
"Like that would work," Lewis says, sighing.
Seb then gets on his feet and suddenly climbs up the stairs in a rush, looking really mad. His short skirt sways in the wind, his boots' heels echo on the stairs, and his bag moves violently behind him as he opens the big double doors.
"Honey!" Lewis calls for him, gets fast on his feet, and goes after him.
You give them enough time before following their steps. You deeply care about Seb and want to make sure he is okay.
He is also your project partner in Christian's "Race Engineering" class, your first subject of today, and knowing how prickly of a professor Christian is, you want to make sure everything is fine.
You find the couple in the hub of the old library. Walking inside there feels like stepping into a time capsule.
A retro vibe wraps you as you step on the blue carpeting on the floor; a golden glow emanates from the large windows.
The shelves there are lined with worn, leather-bound books that seem to hold secrets and old stories, while vintage posters and track maps adorn the walls displaying the bygone eras of Motorracing.
This small library is always empty since the main one is way bigger, more stylish, and modern. People sometimes use this one to hook up, hiding among the tall bookshelves in the many corridors.
You catch them talking almost mouth-in-mouth. Seb is lean on a study desk, ass on it, legs hanging.
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And Lewis is resting his hand on Sebastian's Aston green pleated mini skirt. Lewis's other hand caresses Seb's hair and cheek as he whispers soft things to his lips, like, "Nico doesn't mean shit to me. I love you. I will make it up for you. You are my rock. I need you by my side" you are able to hear him as you approach them.
Then the bell sounds, Lewis kisses Seb goodbye, grabs his helmet on the table next to Seb's legs, and gives you a warm smile on his way out while pulling up half of his racing suit on his way out.
"He is going to spend the entire day on track! My poor baby always ends up exhausted after that. I won't be able to join your study session tonight. I will be preparing his ice bath for when he returns." Seb tells you as he hops off the study table.
Seb is so dedicated to Lewis and is so adorable to witness. "All good with you two, then?" you ask shyly.
"Always, dear." Seb reassures you, sounding all happy now.
"I wanted to make sure you were doing okay. You looked distressed for a minute. You know I care about you, right?"
"I know. You are a good friend, thank you." Seb squeezes you in his arms for a brief second on your way down back in the main hallway, and then he explains to you. "It's this Nico thing. He always tends to get under my skin. I hate throwing tantrums at Lewis like that, but I can't help it sometimes!"
"I get it, now. Hey! By the way, with all of this, I haven't been able to tell you yet how hot you look!"
"Thank you!" Seb twirls for you, grabbing your hand in the process.
"Your legs look unbelievable!" you add. "Fishy, fishy"
You two keep walking hand in hand until you reach the classroom's door. "I know, thanks! Lewis agrees with you. You know? He is in this phase now that I drive him crazy when I wear mini skirts. The other day, he was barely able to hold himself. He almost takes me raw at my desk in the student affairs office. He felt so hard under those pants. Mmm, delicious." Seb lets out a long sigh.
"Hey! Don't eat bread in front of the poor!" you complain, slightly jealous but in good faith.
"Oh, shit, I forgot about your virgin-ess! Sorry! I hope you find the cure soon." Seb jokes with you.
"I just need to convince Toto to supply me the injection to solve it!" you fool around.
"Slut!" Seb playfully tells you as you two grab your seats inside the classroom.
"Ough," Seb moans in a low voice for the fourth time, trying to make you lose it sitting next to you at Toto's class while the professor turns to face the screens again, his firm ass and muscular back in display for you two to enjoy the view.
"As you can see, class," he says, gesturing to the complex graphs and charts, "these simulations show the effects of different wing configurations on downforce and drag. The blue line represents the current setup, while the red line shows the potential gains we could achieve by modifying the wing's angle and curvature." His voice is calm and authoritative, but his hands move quickly and precisely as he uses a laser pointer to highlight key points on the screens.
Some of your classmates lean forward, their eyes fixed attentively, as they write notes on the complex data and ask questions about its implications for their racing strategies.
Toto asked the class to come up with an example by reading the intricacies of the data displayed on the screens in front of him to form a decision on a fictional course of a race.
"Shut it! You idiot, you will get us in trouble. I'm already standing on thin ice with him," you silence Seb, trying to keep your composure.
After what Mick told you, you haven't been able to focus the entire class nor look directly at Toto, fearing crossing his gaze, with your mind going back to that night, trying to puzzle all the shit you did under the alcohol influence.
Every time Seb moans for you in a low voice as Toto turns his back for something or moves suggestively, you struggle to hold your chuckles.
"Miss Y/LN, Miss Vettel, do you have anything you want to share with the class?" his deep, powerful voice addresses you.
You feel Toto's eyes set on you. His glasses slightly sliding on his appealing nose.
You go all pale, darting "Don't you even dare!" eyes to Seb.
"No, sir." you quickly reply.
"Miss Y/LN, why don't you come sit right here?" he commands you more than asks you, pulling a single chair and placing it in the middle of the room, at the front, near where he stands, in a place where everyone will notice your slightest move. "Since you appear to be on the moon this entire class, this is the best spot to get you back on track, and Vettel."
"Yes, professor?" Seb answers.
"Last warning, another distraction, and you go out."
Nico looks more than pleased that you two are getting scolded.
You have been avoiding going to your dorm all day long. You even tried to get transferred to another room at the Student Affairs front desk, but they informed you it wasn't an option since you were under no harm and because you are located in a dorm that belongs to the scholarship students housing program.
Then, why is Naya in there with you? It makes no sense; her parents are wealthy.
You close the entrance door, returning from the long study session you organized in the main library for the "Trackside PU" extracurricular, and you enter your dorm without making considerable noise, going straight to the kitchenette to place your tumbler inside the small dishwasher.
Naya is studying and writing notes on her iPad at the round dining table. There's a lot of tension in the air as you both become aware of the other's presence.
She's wearing reading glasses. You have never seen her with those before. She looks even hotter.
After a few minutes, you hear a clear "It wasn't me" that she lets out loud enough for you to listen.
You send her a look.
"Nico was inside my bedroom when you came in here. He heard it all. I told him not to do it," Naya explains.
"It's the truth!" She holds your gaze. "Torger is also mad at him for doing that, but he doesn't know how to address the matter with you yet."
"Can't Toto speak for himself, or does he pay you to act as his messenger?" That sounded harsher than you expected, but she pushed you to react like that.
Naya gives you no comeback. "Now that I cleared things, I'm going to bed. I had a long day," Naya says while stretching. Good night," she tells you as you look at her short grey skirt and Mercedes' blazer uniform. She is looking on point but with her tie loosened. Then you remember, you still have no faculty.
"You tell me."
"Just ignore her! Naya hates that, not feeling relevant enough. Maybe just try to move on." Lea advises you while attempting to remain empathic but being honest.
As you all condition in the sleek, high-tech training center, pushing yourselves to the limit, your sweat-drenched bodies showing your intense workouts.
The sounds of pounding music and clinking weights fill the air as you all tackle your individual routines.
Lewis grunts with effort as he lifts the massive dumbbells, his piercing gaze focused on the weight above him.
Sebastian, meanwhile, is on the stationary bike, his powerful legs pumping away as he sprints through a virtual reality course.
Lea, ever the showgirl, is working on her agility and flexibility. She leaps and spins through gymnastics-inspired exercises, exchanging suggestive looks with the trainer she banged at Lewis' birthday party.
"What if Nico tries to blackmail me?!" you ask the trio as you go all cheeta on the treadmill. "He has the photos." you sound way too overstressed. "I fucked it big time! I'm so losing my scholarship due to all this! I shouldn't have gotten drunk! I'm going to disappoint my dad!" you struggle to speak, tears running down your face as you fully panic at the high-end training facility.
Not even a week has passed by since the incident, and you have been receiving lots of DMs on your GPEA app of guys offering to deflower you and a couple of nasty dick pics that you had to flag and report.
"It's not coming to that. We have your back!" Seb reassures you.
"It's best if you speak with Toto about it. It's making you feel miserable," Lewis says. "Niki is the only one who puts Nico in place. Toto could talk to Niki to make him stop the gaslighting. And also, Toto can deal with Naya's antics."
"Maybe she didn't do it herself, but I doubt she feels bad for it. She lets no one get near her precious Torger," Lea adds and imitates the way Naya says Toto's name with her accent and all.
"Just remain cautious around her, please," Seb asks you.
That night, you have the most bizarre dream.
"You're a virgin!" Massi screams at you, his voice dripping with condescension. "How can we expect you to be a top-notch driver when you don't even know the thrill of passion?"
The room erupts into laughs and snorts. All your classmates go into a chorus of mocking jeers. "Virgin! Leave!" they chant, waving their hands in ridicule.
Before you can protest or defend yourself, Massi slams his fist on the table, and you feel yourself get dragged out of the GPEA.
"TOTO!" You try to reach for him as everyone laughs and points at you in the hallways.
Then it morphs to visuals of Toto's strong hands pressuring your hips, pulling your skirt up, and roughly fucking you against his desk.
Your bodies moving in a fast and desperate rhythm, throwing papers, pencils, and stuff all over the lecture hall floor, your moans and his grunts echoing in the empty room, skin slapping against skin hard, he going deeper inside you, pulling your hair, forcing you to arch your back.
You wake up with a cold sweat and wet panties, feeling disoriented, scared, and horny at the same time.
You rub your eyes, trying to shake off the vivid memory of the crazy dream that had just left you.
You get off the bed.
You lace up your running shoes and step onto the misty veil that shrouds the campus racing track surrounded by the woods. It's early morning, and the skies are still dark. The air feels crisp and cold.
You went out for a jog because you could not sleep a minute more after having those crazy dreams about you getting expelled from the academy and that triple x with Toto.
You set off briskly, your footsteps echoing off the asphalt as you weave through the deserted track.
The sounds of nature gradually replaced the silence as the skies became washed blue, preparing to welcome the sun.
There's nothing that motivates you like hate. You feel now a rage to shut their mouths, to show them.
You don't notice how hard you are running till tiny gravel debris starts peeling off the track under your tracking shoes, and you feel your legs tensing in your black sporty booty shorts.
At the same time, your iPhone bounces violently on your arm holder, and your headphones are about to fly out of your ears.
You drop yourself out of breath on the grass next to the chicane, exhausted and unable to move further. The perfectly maintained green grass feels cold and wet against your ass. 
You are struggling to catch your breath, and rage tears are coming out of your eyes. Your strong, fast strides left most of your fury leave of your body.
"You good?" you hear a deep voice from a distance.
You feel another panic attack coming your way and start bracing for impact, shrinking.
"Yes, it's nothing," you quickly reply, struggling to talk. You sense an instant and desperate urge to keep running even if you feel about to puke just to avoid Toto right now.
"So, you casually hyperventilate on cold mornings?" Toto asks you, approaching you, arching an eyebrow.
He calmly keeps jogging till he closes the gap between you, now able to observe your face and features. You look like a distressed mess.
So Toto is an early bird?
You don't notice the tears falling from your eyes until they blur your vision, and your body starts shivering under the cold breeze, running out of warmth.
Toto unzips his sports jacket and offers it to you, grabbing your attention.
You instantly are about to reject it, but he knows it beforehand and tells you, "Take it," before you can even wave your hand.
It sounds more like an instruction.
"I think I know the reason behind those tears, and I'm deeply sorry for the situation. I heard the gossip. It's a small campus." Toto drops himself on the grass beside you, bending his knees. The muscles in his toned legs look so fine.
Before he explains, "Nico is a highly competitive and strong-willed student. He plans on graduating from here with a deal and a seat on an F1 team secured. He has this unhealthy way of dealing with those he considers threats."
Toto notices you shaking your head.
"How am I a threat? No one even wants me on their faculty, puff" you laugh it off.
"Nico knows you got here because there's something special in you. And I believe so, too," Toto replies, encouraging you.
You give Toto an "Are you kidding me?!" look.
He smiles brightly at your reaction, with his gorgeous teeth showing. "I'm rooting for you!" he adds.
"The one who called me a small-minded quitter or that I had no mindset, how was it? I don't recall exactly."
Toto rolls his eyes at the pettiness. "Anyway, Nico likes mind games, that's all. But that mixture makes him a ruthless fighter and a true champion. He has that fire! Nothing gets in his way. Not even Lewis' raw talent or Naya's strategic mega-mind."
"...And also make him an awful human being!" you add in a funny voice, full of dislike.
Toto tries to remain diplomatic, so he doesn't give you an answer to that.
"So that's what Nico wants? To play his games with me and watch me fail? Sorry, but I'm not giving him or you all the pleasure."
"Did I truly offended you that much? With just some words and facts, mostly facts." Toto asks you, a bit skeptical.
"You made it personal. You threw my mom's passing as a low punch, basically."
"Wasn't my intention you perceived it like that. I get what you went through more than you imagine."
He sounds sincere.
"Just so you know, I didn't give up my dream. I choose to help my father achieve his. You judged me way too soon. I do have a hunger to win and push for more, but I need a chance to do so."
"Is that so?! Was I wrong, then?"
"I think you should apologize."
"To you? What for?"
"Didn't you listen to a word of what I said?!" you let out. Shit! You went too far again. "...sir?"
"I find you so intriguing. You feel the need to add a sir to address me when, almost a week ago, you wanted me to fuck you right there, and now you are fighting me when I try to look after you. What's on that head of yours?"
"About what I said that night at Lewis' birthday party, I was..." You are now totally red.
"...You were completely drunk. I would never accept you that invite, not under that state."
"So all good?"
"All good."
"Puff, great." You look relieved.
Wait, under that state... So... Is a yes when sober?!
"You know, most people get burned falling into Nico's games," Toto warns you.
"I'm not most people." You hold his gaze.
Toto looks at you in a way you can't read as he sees the fire burning in your eyes, your rage on display, and your hunger to show something.
Your eyes wander to his lips. You can't help it. He notices this and slowly leans towards you, closing the gap between you as if a magnetic force pulled you closer.
As he is near your mouth, he whispers to your lips. You feel his breath brushing your skin. "Is that all you can jog?! You are not even halfway through the circuit. If you want to put people in shame, you better jack on," Toto teases you before getting on his feet.
"Eat my dust." You follow him and start jogging faster than him, passing him by.
You sense his eyes going all over your body as he enjoys the view of a sweaty you in those tiny booty shorts, ass, and hips swaying around meters in front of him.
You turn around to see Lance running your way, crossing the gardens.
"Hi, Sir Lancelot!" you offer him your hand after stopping your scooter.
"Ma'lady," he kisses it, greeting you. "All better now?"
"Slightly, yeah," you let out a sigh.
"Since you have been all stressed out lately, I thought inviting you to decompress at our Bonfire Night the following weekend would be nice. I hope you can join us."
"Sounds excellent, but what's a Bonfire Night, and who is "us"?"
"I always have to remember you are new around here! It's like talking with a baby! Always in need of explanation," Lance says.
He is such a sweetie but terrible with words.
"Every year, my dad hosts a bonfire party at the beach for friends and family, like many of our neighbors on that night. We spend the entire evening there, having the best time, eating, dancing, and drinking until sunrise. It's at our house in St. Tropez!"
"Oh, it sounds so cool!"
"The guys are coming, Charles, Yuki, Pippa, Lea, Sewis. So what do you say? We leave next Saturday at 4 p.m. on my dad's yacht at the harbor here."
"Count me in!"
"So, I told Lance I'm coming! I had no idea the rich did that bonfire thing-ritual every year."
"It's a tradition! We have many," Charles corrects you while trying to assemble a sandwich, smashing mayo on the bread with a knife. "I'm glad you are in the mood to join us! You do need it."
"Give me! What you are trying to do is just sad." You wash your hands before grabbing ingredients and starting to prepare a decent Saturday morning breakfast.
"Can I have one? Please!" Lea smells and sees you perform magic in the pristine kitchenette at their dorm, handling bacon, avocado, eggs, pepper, olive oil, and toast bread like a pro.
"Coming right your way!" you slide a grilled sandwich on each of the three plates.
"It's like the Upper East Siders' going to the Hamptons to act even richer near water, but in this case, it's in our mansions by the beach at St. Tropez," Charles says while biting the perfectly made sandwich and making pleasure gestures.
As Lea almost finishes hers, she tells you. "Feel like joining me today? I'm going to buy my outfits for the bonfire night. I would love a second opinion."
"I would love to, but I promised my dad I would visit him and Diesel."
"Who?" Charles asks.
You pull out your phone to show them pictures of your dog.
Massive squeals and aws come out of their lips.
"I need to meet him!" Lea says, "We could go to your dad's after shopping!"
After spending hours going from shop to shop and stopping for a well-needed boba, you arrive at your family's components store, and you two wait for your dad to join you.
"Could you please stop playing with the labeler?" you ask Lea, amused and almost laughing as she goes all over the shop, holding the labeler gun in her hands, nearly James Bond-style, tagging random stuff.
"But I love it! Beep, beep," Lea says as she presses the button and throws more product labels.
"Hey! Don't dare to label Diesel!" you warn her as she aims it in his direction.
"Never. Besides, he would be priceless, right? You little, sweet, furry baby!" she bends to pat Diesel and says with the most ridiculous voice.
Diesel quickly turns his head your way when he hears his name, bandana swinging in the air. He then runs like crazy to the doors as he smells your dad approaching. He goes all nuts as your dad enters the store, then runs to push his bowl with his nose, knowing it's lunchtime.
"Dad!" you give him the biggest hug as he pulls you off the ground in his arms.
"Our world champion is in the house! Hi, baby, how are you? We missed you."
"Splendid!" you lie, after almost having three panic attacks in just one week. "Dad, I have so much to tell you! That campus is to die for!"
Let's better not mention the parties, the nasty gossip, all the alcohol consumption, and the drugs.
"Hi, Mr. Y/LN. It's nice meeting you, sir. I'm Leandra de Vries," She approaches you, returning the labeler to the counter.
Your dad offers her a handshake.
"Nice to meet you, Leandra. You are in great luck today! I made my signature lasagna for lunch. It's Y/N's favorite!"
"YES!" you throw a fist in the air, already tasting the flavors in your mind, all excited.
"Oh great, I love Italian!" Lea says.
"Let's go upstairs, girls, lunch is waiting. Come on, Diesel, come here, let's go!"
Diesel goes first on the stairs. He used to be scared of stairs, so he takes his time climbing them before entering your small loft on top of the store.
"This is where I live, welcome." You receive Lea inside and give her the tour. It takes little time.
"I had a closet about this size. It's cute and cozy in here. I like it," Lea says, bouncing on the sofa before taking her time to look around at the pictures you have on a shelf. "She's your mom, right? You look like her. She is beautiful."
"Yes, thank you, that's her, the one and only. God, I wish she was here to see all of this."
"She is so proud of you, and she is watching it," your dad says, gesturing with a finger to the sky before returning to serve the dishes.
You three spend a great time chatting up and filling your stomachs with delicious food and some wine.
On the ride back to campus at night, Lea asked her driver to pick you up, she jokes with you in the backseat of the luxurious car.
"You forgot to mention your dad was hot and single!"
"Girl..." you look straight at her, smirking.
"I already love you like a daughter..." Lea teases you.
A hysterical laugh escapes your lips. "Please don't!"
"I'm joking, I'm joking," she bumps your arm softly with her fist. "I have limits. I would never! You know, it's just my dark humor," she tells you.
"I live for your dark humor."
The highlight of your week is that letter from Williams offering you a place on their faculty, which you immediately accept.
You can't believe you are going to use the same facilities Senna did during his time here.
You call your dad full of excitement!
"Congratulations, Miss Williams!" Charles tells you as he opens the door of their dorm, welcoming you with a hug.
"Congrats!" Lea also comes to hug you. "It's super difficult getting in that one. They are super duper hermetic! By any chance, do you have any link with the Williams family?" she looks surprised.
"Maybe it's due to Claire being in charge, you know, since I'm a girl and I'm here because of the WomenOne program, maybe she gave me a shot."
"Sounds unlikely," Charles agrees.
"To be accepted or invited there, you have to have stellar references or be close to their family, which you have to be insanely rich or Formula One royalty basically," Lea explains.
"They rejected Naya, even being a Lauda! Go figure," Charles tells you the gossip.
"Oh, but that was because Frank and Niki are opponents!" Lea addresses you.
"Then who knows, but I'm so excited, I can't believe it yet! I hope it's not Nico pulling me a joke." You roll your eyes.
"Please don't mention that name again; maybe he could Beetlejuice here! God forbids!" Charles jokes.
"Well, let's get ready. The chauffeur is picking us up at 3:00 p.m."
"Y/N, so that you know, it's the third most demanding faculty. You got this!" Lea encourages you.
"Understood, thanks. It's a really exciting day!" you let out, all happy.
"Oh, Charles is the most excited!" Lea throws him a dirty look.
"Okay..." you look back and forth between them. "What's the tea?!" You instantly ask, watching the interaction.
"He is Lance's aunt's lover."
"No shit!" your eyebrows go to the roof.
"I... I... WAS... we don't do that anymore." Charles quickly adds, starting to pack his things in his duffel bag.
"Come on! You always end up fucking no matter what! He always says that," She looks incredulous at him. "That's a cute duffel!" she points to your purple packed bag.
"Not this time!" Charles sounds so sure.
"Let's bet! One on, he gets no action tonight. Two on she will suck the collagen out of him."
"Show me your outfit for tonight! You asked me to help you with your makeup, right?"
"You can't seriously be wearing that! Whose swimsuit is it? Your grandma's?!" Lea looks you up as you exit her bathroom in your bathing suit with the dress you are to wear on top hanging in your left arm.
"Why?!" You thought you looked fine. "It's Victoria's Secret!"
"It's huge! And ew!"
"No way!" You look at your reflection in the large mirror. You are wearing a two-piece electric blue bikini with a twist-front top and matching boy short bikini bottoms that cover you up to your belly.
"Also, you need to moisturize that skin properly. It's looking a bit dry." She handles you some jars with creams.
"Really?! Oh thanks"
"You always give me no time!" She goes inside her closet. "I'm again pulling a miracle!"
"Fairy godmother, please help me!" you beg, now getting self-conscious while applying the cream to your legs and arms.
Be careful with what you wish for.
"Are you serious with this, Lea?! Why do you insist on having my ass on full display every time!"
"Because it makes you look so hot! That high-cut V-shape is so flattering on you! Besides, all cheeky thong bikinis are so sexy!"
"For sure, one of my titties is flying out of here at some point," you say as you fix your top to hold the girls in place better.
"Your skin looks so shiny and fresh now," she says, and you agree. "You look so fucking hot!"
The two-piece monochromatic green strap bikini Leandra gave you has a tie knot front and cutout design, revealing a bit of extra skin up there. It matches the high-cut leg and cheeky back bottom that accentuates the best out of your curves; the high-waisted Brazilian thong is very revealing.
"I trust you fully, okay? Thank you," you say, feeling confident with yourself now; the workout routine you have been under is showing.
"Carlos is going to get rocket hard when he sees you!" Lea lets out, all excited.
"Shut up! He is going, too?" you squeal, eager. "Lance didn't mention him."
"Carlos Sr. owns the house next door. Carlos and all his hot Spaniard cousins and friends will be there like every year. I'm almost 100 percent sure he will try to hook up with you tonight. I manifest it. It's in the air."
You look at yourself in the mirror one last time and from all angles.
You look and feel good, and you hope Lea is right. You want some action in your life.
You observe in awe the majestic, three-story-high yacht that's way bigger than your house, with its gleaming white hull and gleaming chrome railings sparkling in the afternoon light.
After passing the security check, you board with your friends and start searching for Lance inside among the guests who have already arrived.
A luxurious Mercedes car pulls over, and a hot, tall man descends on the dock and boards the yacht with an air of confidence and sophistication. He is wearing a light linen shirt, blue swim trunks, sunglasses, and espadrilles men's shoes.
All the wealthy elites are wearing their finest beach attire, diamonds and pearls glinting in the sunlight.
Lance is inside the ship, standing beside his stunning mother and billionaire dad in the main salon, which has comfortable seating areas where guests can mingle and socialize over champagne and canapés. The yacht's interior is opulent, with lavish furnishings and sparkling chandeliers.
After chatting for a minute, he lets you know he has to stay there to welcome all his guests but that Lewis and Seb are on the upper deck.
So you all choose to go hang out with them and take in the breathtaking views of the Mediterranean Sea.
The waiter offering the cocktails around blocks your view of Toto boarding the ship as you grab one of the glasses.
Then you turn your back in his direction, quickly catching Charles's step. You finish climbing the stairs just as Lawrence welcomes Toto with a "My good friend!"
The sun is setting rapidly now, and the yacht is beginning to move out of the harbor. Its engines are purring smoothly as it cuts through the waves, picking up speed.
Lewis's abs look great in that see-through "Sea Maiden" Burberry t-shirt paired with bright orange pants.
"Are those real?!" You feel his abs, greeting him, making Seb laugh as Lewis has him wrapped around his arm. Seb's chin resting on Lewis's shoulder.
"Lucky me!" Seb says, wearing a beautiful two-piece ensemble: a cute baby blue and white stripes bikini top paired with a Miu Miu white mini skirt. This time, he has natural short hair and sunglasses. His waist looks tiny.
The drinking and partying started from the get-go, with music and laughter creating a relaxed vibe.
Lance and you dance around for a while, holding your drinks in hand before you need to pee.
You go down the narrow, long hallway to the bathroom when you see a girl closing the door going in. "Dammit!" you let out before turning back around.
As you exit the hallway, Toto enters it on his way to the same bathroom door, only to find it's in use.
As you approach St. Tropez, you can see the many bonfires on the long beach coast twinkling on the horizon.
The yacht docks at the Stroll mansion, where a staff team had set up a massive bonfire and a beach party like no other.
There are food tables, a very famous DJ, gift bags with everything you need plus luxury items, beautiful white and natural wood-looking outdoor sitting areas with stunning flower decor, and Cantoya lights that give the place such a vibe.
You and your friends disembark last. You are already having a good time on deck. As you finally make your way down to the beach, you are welcomed by the smoking hostesses in bikinis, who offer you roasted marshmallows.
"Follow me! I asked our people to set us our own bonfire in a spot far away from my parents!" Lance informs you.
And he was right. It was less crowded and far from the main action but still on site.
As you walk there, feeling the still warm sand on your feet, you pass a breathtaking house with an oceanview front and an open concept.
Carlos waves his hand from the pool there, grabbing the group's attention.
"Where are you going?!" he screams.
"To Tortoise," Lance screams back. "See you there?" You assume it's a reference. Carlos nods his head.
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Ten minutes later, he arrives with some of his cousins and Lando. They all get introduced, and the boys choose to start playing beach volleyball. It turns out Tortoise is the nickname of that court.
The sound of the waves crashing against the shore and the distant hum of the DJ's music create a pulsating atmosphere.
As you sip your cocktails, Lance's team goes back and forth from the bar to your location. You all enjoy the music and cheer for Lewis and Lando playing against Carlos and his cousin.
Nearby, Yuki and Pippa are going at each other, sharing passionate kisses, she is sitting on his lap, wearing a tiny bikini, and Yuki's hand is all over her ass.
After Lewis falls on the sand and misses the shot, Seb laughs really hard, making Lewis go after him.
Seb starts running to the sea in his cute two-piece bikini. Lewis catches him midway, pulling him up from the ground and into his arms before taking his top off.
Seb lets out a small scream, quickly placing his hands over his chest, covering his nipples, and looking your way, making you all laugh.
They start playing in the waves before Seb pulls Lewis down to the wet sand with him.
They start caressing each other, making out hungrily, their hands going everywhere before they go behind some palm trees.
Lewis stays on his feet, back leaning against them in complete pleasure.
The volleyball game's second round caught your and Lea's attention.
A group of guys, all lean and muscular dudes living nearby, are playing a fierce match against the double C, Charles, and Carlos.
Their sweat-drenched faces and glistening skins make them look like they've just stepped out of a fitness magazine.
You two can't help but watch as they leap and dive for the ball, their muscles flexing with every movement.
One of them, a tall, big, blonde-haired guy with piercing green eyes, caught Lea's eye. He couldn't help but be drawn to her, feeling a spark of attraction ignite within them.
"Boys, you look so heated! Why don't we go for a dive-in?" Lea says, getting on her feet once the game ends, pulling off her clothes, and locking her eyes with the hot dude.
You all watch Lea run naked into the waters as you all scream and whistle, mesmerized by her openness, cheekiness, and hot body.
The blonde dude wastes no time following her. They get further into the waters, now barely visible; she grabs herself tight to his neck, her face buried in his shoulder as they fuck.
Everyone in here is making you so horny, and you can't keep ignoring Carlos' sweaty and delicious body.
You need some fresh air! What are you saying?! You can't get fresher air!
Before you leave to get a drink, Lando approaches you. "What are you hiding beneath that?! You are the only one still with clothes on."
"A cute and hot swimsuit," you say, all confident and playful.
"LET US SEE!" Pippa turns her head still on Yuki's lap.
You slide down your dress slowly.
Carlos devorous you with his eyes.
"WOAH! WOAH!" Lance lets out.
Lando throws a kiss in the air as you walk to the bar to get a drink on your own.
You notice, when you turn back a few steps away, Carlos biting his fist, watching your ass sway as you go.
The music gets louder as you reach the house's massive pool. The modern Stroll mansion is a work of art.
The bonfire roars to life, sending flames shooting high into the air as the beach erupts into a frenzy of activity. People laugh and dance, others gather around the fire, and some jump into the pool.
Toto can't believe his eyes. That's you, and a lot of you is on display. He feels an instant sensation traveling through his body.
Toto's eyes wander all over you as you pass before him on the other side of the pool. He gets on his feet and jumps into the pool.
Heading toward the bar, swimming across to catch you in there. Just as the bartender gives you your drink and you sip it, you turn around to witness Toto stepping out of the pool, water running all over his muscular body. You can't help but follow the water down with your gaze.
"But if it's the Williams girl!"
"Hi, Mercedes boy!"
"Boy?!" he laughs a bit at that.
"I didn't see you at the yacht!"
"We were upstairs."
"And where are you now?"
You point in the distance to a miniature bonfire.
"Feeling better, then? I hope you are having a good time; you look like it." You sense his eyes going all over you without discretion.
"I am! You?" you suggestively bite and suck your straw. Is that how you are supposed to flirt?!
"Meh. Lawrence is a friend."
"You can join us if you want."
"Sure, I can pop by later. Don't drink too much," Toto says, stealing the drink from your hands, putting the straw in his mouth, and sipping it.
Toto wanders away from the party as he takes an important call. Being the boss requires 24/7 availability.
He is close to the Sainz Mansion, enough to overhear Carlos and Lando's conversation.
"Y/N looks so appetizing," Carlos says.
"The way he looked at you, man, she is just waiting for you to fuck her." Lando agrees and adds.
"Right?! I felt the same! I'm going to take Y/N to my bed as soon as I see her. I think I still have condoms upstairs. See you around."
Since everyone but you seem busy fucking and hooking up, and Carlos is nowhere near, apparently, you go for a walk to take in the beautiful surroundings.
It's your first time at St. Tropez, and it's as gorgeous as you heard. You venture to go exploring further past the Stroll's house.
Toto watches you from a distance, wandering all by yourself. He catches your step, and you more than gladly invite him to join you.
Soon, it's just the two of you alone in front of an empty mansion. It's a quiet, lonely beach, just for your voices and laughs as you talk about life, finding things in common, and starting to know each other.
He gets near the sea, dipping his feet in the water as he slowly walks in. You follow his steps. The wet sand feels soft against your toes.
Soon, you are standing before him, half your body inside the water, with the moon reflecting on the surface.
You feel Toto slowly pulling the string off your top, unwrapping the tight nod in your back and causing it to fall down to the sea.
The cold air hardens your nipples as well as your excitement. Toto looks down at your breasts.
The waves move your bodies against each other.
"Beautiful," he lets out and kisses your neck. Before cupping one of your tits and rubbing your nipple with one of his thumb fingers, licking it with his tongue, moving it in circles, playing with your nipple, arousing you before claiming your lips.
You kiss him hungrily, dancing on your tip toes, stroking yourself against him.
He pulls you tight against his naked, firm chest in a fast move, and proceeds to place a trail of kisses from your temple to your shoulders, where he starts to move down to your chest. His lips biting and sucking your nipples.
He wraps your legs around his waist, pulling you by your thighs with a firm grip, and carries you deeper into the sea.
You feel your breasts rubbing on his skin, your naked skin brushing, making him get hard, or so you feel against your inner thigh.
Toto holds you in place by the ass as he starts pushing your body against his, up and down, slowly, as you two make out, your hands going all over his wet hair.
He then puts you down before making you turn around; you back against him, and you feel his now full erection on your ass cheeks as he rubs you against it while kissing your neck, squeezing and cupping your tits with both his big hands before moving to play with your nipples again.
The sensation sends you to heaven.
He starts sliding his big hand down your body, leaving a trail of warmth on your stomach. You feel his fingers sliding your bikini bottoms' light and small fabric to the side.
You sense the water brushing your pussy as Toto's index finger starts caressing your folds while he bites your ear lobe.
"I couldn't resist not being your first," Toto confesses. "You are an enigma that I want to unwrap slowly," he whispers to your ear.
You moan for him several times as he slowly and tenderly pushes his finger into you, exploring your insides.
"Warm and wet for me," he whispers, hot against your ear. You place your hand on his forearm with a tight grip.
"It feels so good," your voice is barely a whisper. Toto inserts a second finger inside you, giving you time to adjust to the feeling.
Then he starts fingering you, making you moan and say things that for sure will make you die of embarrasment tomorrow. He is torturing you with the pleasure of his different speed rhythms.
Just about when you start gasping for air, he leads your right hand inside his swim trunks to wrap it around his hard cock.
"Do it this way," Toto guides you as he reads the hesitation in your eyes. You start rubbing his dick as he keeps finger fucking you.
"Faster and in a twirling movement like this," he shows you how he likes it. It's great that you are a fast learner; you soon make him groan.
As you go on him, jerking him off, he bites your lip.
Minutes later, he pulls his dick out of his swim trunks and starts rubbing the tip of his cock between your ass cheeks as he groans loud and cums on you, grabbing your tits tight as you arch against him.
He softly pats, slaps, and squeezes your ass a couple of times as he claims your lips. You make him wrap his toned arms around you as you slide your hands all over them.
You keep kissing till you start to feel the chilly air. You get put together before Toto carries you back to the beach, where your bikini top is nowhere to be seen.
You can't return to the bonfire party topless like that.
He picks up his white linen shirt from the sand, places it on you, and buttons it up for you. Your naked breasts are still visible under the fabric.
You pull him closer, stealing him many more kisses. "Don't leave yet," you whisper against his lips.
You two lay on the sand. Well, Toto does. He places you on top of him as you keep exploring each other's bodies, tasting every corner and spot with your wet tongues, leaving traces everywhere.
You break the hot, wet kiss you are sharing to catch your breath.
"You should go back to your friends before they worry," he tells you, unconvinced.
"Oww," you whine.
"Okay, you win" he smiles against your mouth and continues kissing you, his hand squeezing your ass.
After a couple of minutes, he tells you. "I'll see you around, okay? We will make time for ourselves this week."
"Like, ahem, when?"
"Whenever you like."
You give him a couple of "final" goodbye kisses before he buries you beneath his body, shifting positions, placing himself on top of you and in between your legs, kissing you passionately, unable to pull away.
"Go," you push him away playfully. "I can't quit you". You steal him another quick kiss before he gets on his feet, dick looking hard again.
You return to your now completely drunk friends bonfire party with the biggest smile on earth, wearing a sizes bigger man's shirt with visibly no top beneath.
Seb and Leandra give you THE look.
And you go all red under their stares.
To be continued... < Previous chapter | Masterlist | Next chapter >
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drdemonprince · 2 days
Anon who yearns after his boss here with a follow up.
First of all, thank you so much for taking the time and effort to form such a detailed reply and to include your followers, I really appreciate it!
I’d like to elaborate on what I meant when I said it would have no impact on my job. I do volunteer work, so I am not financially dependent on this job, and my boss unfortunately leaves the company in a month and I would probably wait until then to make any sort of move. So no matter how this plays out, it will pose no risk to my livelihood.
To answer your question, this is a pretty common dynamic for me. For some reason I have been in a lot of work/school/etc. settings where an attractive older man sees potential in me, I start working extra hard because of it and he starts giving me lots of attention and we fall into a really intense mentor/mentee relationship. This dynamic is so hot to me that I just end up in top of my class or employee of the month or whatever from being fueled by pure lust lol. Nothing compares. But I’ve never managed to take it to the next level because I either chicken out or play it too straight forward, which doesn't work like you said.
As for what you said about straight men looking for attention from queer men to fuel their ego, that is a very real possibility. He hides his insecurity well by being a jokester, but he's obviously a sensitive guy. It wouldn't surprise me if this is more about his ego than about attraction.
Him not viewing me as a guy is also a possibility, but I don't care too much. I get so horny that I lose any sense of self lol. He does treat me like a man though. I work at the furniture department of a second hand store and he never underestimates me to be able to lift something heavy or assemble something. He also compliments me all the time on getting stronger and handier, and all the progress I’m making.
Then on the other hand, he treats me with a certain gentleness and intimacy that I don't see him portray to my other male coworkers. We’re able to confide in eachother and get vulnerable. He tells me secrets no one else knows, like how he'll be leaving the company soon.
There's all these little moments throughout the day, like we'll be assembling a bed together and he jokes about how it has a certain eroticism to it, or how it turns him on when we work well together lol. When he sees me implement something he taught me, he's beaming at me with the biggest smile. We also have this running gag where I pretend to be his boss and tell him what to do, and he's always very obedient which is hot but also shows that he trusts me.
I love your idea about meeting up outside of work, because that's exactly what I was planning lol! He's really into photography and I asked him if he wanted to meet up sometime to show me the ropes, and he very enthusiastically agreed! So if I were to make any sort of move, it would be then.
Anyway, I’m really curious to see what you and your followers think now with all this extra information.
this is only a volunteer position?? he's leaving in a month?? he compliments you on getting stronger??? and says that assembling a bed together has a certain intimacy to it???
waht the fuck dog. my only concern now is that he's being weird and unprofessional af with volunteers. but no concern for you. you're clearly creaming your drawers for it. i say play ball.
you made this sound more forbidden than it actually was because that's exciting to you, you little minx. i see you. you've gotten us all involved in your erotic game, now you can go enjoy it.
let's re run the stats on this
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earthtoharlow · 17 hours
Don’t Like The Lights
Sequel to Flashing Lights series, must read Flashing Lights first to understand
Series Masterlist
4. Flights Booked
When last did we feel this close together? Chasing sunsets in California. Don't make me wait, babe, it's been forever
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Jack taps his fingers along the steering wheel as he waits for his phone to connect to the Bluetooth in his car. “Hey, CoCo, it’s Jack Harlow”
CoCo answered, her tone teasing. “Do you always answer the phone by saying your first and last name?”
Jack chuckled, “Only when I want to make a good impression. Got a sec to talk about Maryse’s schedule for the next two weeks?”
Her tone shifted to one of curiosity. “Sure thing, what’s up?”
“I was hoping to plan a surprise vacation for us before things get too hectic,” Jack explained. “Just wanted to know if she has any free time coming up.”
He heard shuffling on the other line before CoCo said, “Hmm, let’s see… Well, she has a couple of interviews and a few studio sessions lined up, but nothing that can’t be moved around. You’re in luck—she’s relatively free the next two weeks.”
“That’s perfect! Can you shuffle things around without giving away the surprise?”
“Consider it done,” she replied with a smile in her voice. “And just so you know, this is incredibly sweet of you. She’s going to love it. I’ve been begging this girl to go on vacation for years now!”
Jack profusely thanked her before hanging up, he then called Doja’s number, hoping she’ll be up for the challenge. He knew that keeping a secret from Maryse was no easy feat, especially when it involved her wardrobe.
“Hey, it’s me,” he greeted Doja, who answered on the second ring. “I need a favor. A big one.”
“Uh-oh, what did you do?” Doja teased.
“Nothing bad, I promise. I hate to interrupt the girls trip but I’m planning a surprise vacation for Maryse, and I need you to help pack her some clothes. Just tell her it’s a surprise if she asks,” Jack explained.
Jack could hear Doja’s excitement through the phone. “That’s so sweet! Of course, I’ll help. When do you need this done?”
“As soon as possible.” He tells her. “I’m still in Kentucky but I’m going to surprise her at the airport when she’s on her way back. From New York we’re going straight to our destination.”
“I’ll get Saweetie involved, and we’ll handle it. You just focus on making this the best surprise ever!”
“Thank you, you guys are lifesavers,” he said, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders.
“Anything for you two. She’s going to be over the moon.”
After they hung up the phone Jack started booking the private villa and making sure his plane was ready for the two of them. He wanted this vacation to be perfect.
A few hours later as Jack was finishing up packing for the trip, he heard his phone chime with a text and he knew it was Maryse. “What are you planning, white boy?!
Jack snickered, texting back “What are you talking about?”
He laughed out loud when he saw the string of angry emojis she sent his way. He proceeded to send her a voice message letting her know that he loved her and that he couldn’t wait for her to come home. Jack stayed up a bit longer to organize a few more details for the trip before he finally turned into bed knowing he would have to get up early to make the short trip to New York to surprise Maryse.
Maryse walked into the airport, tired but happy to be heading back home. She still couldn’t believe Kentucky was home now. She had no idea what was in store for her. As she made her way through the terminal, she spotted Jack waiting for her, a huge smile on his face. She quickened her pace, her own smile spreading as she approached him.
“What are you doing here?” she asked, surprise and delight in her voice as she leapt into his arms and squeezed him tight.
“I fucking missed you.” Not caring that they were in a crowded airport, and crashed his lips against hers. Jack could have stayed there just kissing her forever and it seemed like Maryse was intent on doing that but Jack pulled away, saying, “I have a surprise for you.”
Maryse looked at him curiously, but nodded. “Okay, lead the way.”
Jack couldn’t wipe the grin off his face as he led her through the bustling New York airport. He could tell the suspense was eating at her. Maryse kept glancing at him, eyes wide with excitement.
“Where are we going?” she asked for the tenth time, her voice a mix of excitement and impatience.
“You’ll see,” he replied, squeezing her hand reassuringly.
Finally, they reached a secluded part of the airport. Maryse’s eyes widened even more when she saw the sleek, private plane waiting for them on the tarmac. She stopped in her tracks, looking from the plane to Jack in disbelief.
“What is this?” she asked, her voice barely more than a whisper.
“This,” Jack said, turning to face her with a wide smile, “is our ride. We’re going on vacation.”
Jack was living for the look of pure joy on her face. He swore he would have done anything just to see that look on her face that only grew when he explained, “I called CoCo and got everything taken off your schedule for the next two weeks and we’re going to Brazil right now.”
“Right now? I haven’t even packed, and do we have somewhere to stay?” The planner in her was stressing out as she began to ramble.
Jack pulled her back in arms as he brought his lips to hers, kissing her deeply. “Everything is taken care of, Doja emptied out your suitcase while you were out and put everything you’ll need for the trip in there.”
“You did all this?” Maryse asked, stunned. They had talked about taking a vacation a couple weeks ago but Jack hadn't brought it up again so she thought he forgot about it.
He nodded, his smile widening. “Yep. Just for us. I wanted everything to be perfect.”
Tears welled up in Maryse’s eyes as she threw her arms around him. “You’re amazing. I can’t believe you did this.”
Jack hugged her tightly, feeling the warmth of her embrace. “You deserve it,” he said softly. “We both do.”
They spent the 12 hour flight cuddled up on the couch of the plane, trading kisses back and forth. Their phones were off, they were in a plane alone, and they had nothing on their schedules for the next two weeks. They were truly going to be able to relax.
Hours later, they landed at a small, private airport in Brazil. From there, they were whisked away to a stunning, secluded villa. The moment they arrived, Maryse's eyes widened in amazement at the sight of their temporary home. The villa was nestled on a pristine beach, with crystal-clear waters stretching out as far as the eye could see.
“This is unbelievable,” Maryse said, her voice filled with awe. As she looked out the balcony of their bedroom. “It’s like a dream.”
Jack wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close. “Welcome to paradise,” he said, his eyes sparkling with excitement. “I wanted to give us a place where we could really relax and reconnect.”
She looked up at him, her heart swelling with love and gratitude. “You’re incredible,” she said, standing on her tiptoes to kiss him. “Thank you.”
“I need to see what Doja packed for me.” Maryse said, pulling away so she could go to her suitcases. “She didn’t pack one bikini that will even cover my ass, and I’m pretty sure the rest is just all lingerie. There’s only like 3 dresses in here!”
Jack put his hands on his hips looking at the clothes. “I don’t really see the problem.”
Maryse shook her head at him. “I guess she doesn’t expect me to leave this house based on what she’s packed for me.”
Jack grabbed her hips, pulling them up against his own while he told her, “I’m still having a hard time figuring out what the problem is.”
“Of course you wouldn’t, but can we take a nap before we start exploring? I’m sleepy,” she said, turning in his arms and snuggling closer to him.
“Yeah, c’mon,” he replied, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. “We have all the time in the world.”
He helped her to her feet. The bedroom was just as luxurious as the rest of the place, with a king-sized bed that looked incredibly inviting. Maryse sighed with contentment as she crawled under the soft, white sheets.
Jack joined her, wrapping his arms around her as she settled into his embrace. “This is perfect,” she murmured, her voice already drowsy.
“Just like you,” he whispered back, planting a soft kiss on her forehead.
She smiled sleepily, not even having the energy to call him out for being corny. “Thank you for this. For everything.”
“Anything for you,” he replied, watching as she drifted off to sleep. He stayed awake for a while, holding her close and listening to the sound of her breathing. It felt surreal to be here, in this beautiful place, with the woman he loved more than anything in the world.
As he finally closed his eyes, he felt a sense of peace wash over him. They had gone through so much, but they had come out stronger on the other side. And now, they had this time together to heal, to reconnect.
Maryse woke up before the sun had full risen, she turned to see Jack still asleep beside her, his mouth slightly open, soft snores escaping his lips. A smile tugged at her lips as she watched him.
Unable to resist she leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. Jack stirred slightly, his eyes fluttering open. “Good morning,” she whispered against his skin, trailing kisses down to his cheek and then his lips.
Jack groaned softly, a lazy smile spreading across his face as he woke up to her tender kisses. “Mmm, morning,” he mumbled, reaching up to pull her closer. “This is the best way to wake up.”
She laughed softly, her fingers tracing the lines of his jaw. “I thought so too. How did you sleep?”
“Perfectly,” he replied, tightening his hold on her. They lay there for a moment, wrapped in each other’s arms, soaking in the peace of the morning. The sound of the waves crashing gently against the shore outside added to the calm atmosphere.
“I love you,” she whispered, her heart full.
“I love you too,” he replied, his eyes shining with sincerity. “So much.”
“Let’s get up and shower together. I want to start our day right.”
He chuckled, stretching his arms above his head before pulling her closer for a lingering kiss. “That sounds like the perfect way to start the day.”
They untangled themselves from the sheets and made their way to the spacious bathroom. Jack turned on the shower, adjusting the temperature before they stepped in together.
Maryse tested it with her hand and frowned. “This isn’t hot enough,” she complained, turning to Jack with a playful pout.
Jack laughed, shaking his head. “The temperature doesn’t need to be in hell, you know.”
She giggled, rolling her eyes. “I like it hot.”
“Clearly,” he teased, but he adjusted the temperature a bit more to her liking. “How’s that?”
“Better,” she conceded with a satisfied smile.
The shower seemed to grow warmer around them, the steam mingling with their breath as they held each other close. Jack’s hands roamed her back, and she felt a familiar thrill of excitement and comfort all at once.
Maryse leaned into his touch, feeling the warmth of his hand against her skin. She closed the distance between them, pressing her lips to his in a slow, passionate kiss.
The kiss deepened, and Jack backed her against the shower wall, his arms coming up to cage her in their bodies pressed together. He pulled back slightly, his breath mingling with hers. “Tell me you love me,” he said, his voice a husky plea.
“I love you,” she responded without hesitation, her eyes locked onto his, as she slid her hands back up his chest, resting on his shoulders as she pulled him closer, pulling him back into the kiss.
Breaking away for a moment, Jack pressed his forehead against hers, both of them breathing heavily. “Is it bad that I wanna keep you just like this for the rest of the trip?,” he whispered, his voice barely audible over the sound of the water.
“Not bad at all,” she said, pressing a kiss to the freckles on his shoulders. “In fact, I was thinking the same thing.”
“I mean, exploring Brazil is great and all, but being with you like this… it’s perfect.”
“Perfect, huh?” She teased, her hands running up and down his chest. “I like the sound of that.”
“But we should actually shower before we turn into prunes,” Maryse said, gently pushing him back with a playful smile. “So, keep your hands to yourself.”
Jack grinned, reluctantly letting her go. “Alright, alright. But only because you asked so nicely.”
She laughed, turning to adjust the water temperature. “It’s not that I don’t enjoy this,” she said over her shoulder, “but we did come here to see more than just the inside of this shower.”
“Fair point,” he admitted, watching as she rinsed the shampoo out of her hair. “But just so you know, you’re making it very hard to focus on anything else.”
“Focus, mister,” she teased, handing him the body wash. “We’ll have plenty of time for that later.”
He sighed dramatically, but took the body wash from her. “Fine. But I’m counting down the minutes.”
She rolled her eyes affectionately. “Of course you are.”
After the shower, they decided to put on their swimwear and take a walk along the beach. Maryse slipped on the only one suit that her friends seemed to pack while Jack donned his favorite swim trunks. Now afternoon the sun was shining bright.
“Ready to go?” she asked, adjusting her sunglasses.
As they made their way to the shore, Maryse stopped and tugged on Jack’s hand. “Wait a minute,” she said with a playful grin. “Let me put some sunscreen on you so you don’t turn into Larry the Lobster.”
Jack chuckled. “Larry the Lobster? Really?”
“Yes, really,” she replied, reaching into her beach bag and pulling out a bottle of sunscreen. “Your skin’s too nice to get all burned up.”
“Alright, alright,” he conceded, turning his back to her. “Lather me up.”
Maryse squirted a generous amount of sunscreen into her hands and started applying it to his back. She took her time, enjoying the chance to touch his skin and make sure he was well protected. “You know,” she said as she worked, “I always thought you had great skin.”
“Is that so?” he asked, looking over his shoulder with a smirk.
“Yep,” she confirmed, moving her hands up to his shoulders and neck. “Now turn around so I can get your chest.”
Jack obliged, turning to face her. As she applied the sunscreen to his chest, he couldn’t help but admire her concentration. “You’re really taking this Larry the Lobster thing seriously, huh?”
She laughed. “I am. Can’t have you looking like a cooked crab.”
“Well, I appreciate it,” he said, leaning down to kiss her lightly on the lips. “Now, your turn.”
“Oh no, I’ve already put some on!,” she started to protest, but he was already squirting sunscreen into his hands.
“Turn around,” he instructed with a grin.
With a resigned smile, she turned her back to him, and he began to apply the sunscreen to her shoulders and back. His touch was gentle but thorough, and she closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of his hands on her skin. “You only wanted an excuse to touch me.”
Jack laughed, not denying it. “Can you blame me?”
“Not really,” she admitted with a smile, feeling her cheeks warm under his gaze. “Now, make sure you get every spot. I don’t want any sunburn.”
“As you wish,” he said, his hands moving gently across her back, spreading the sunscreen evenly. “Just doing my duty to keep you safe.”
“You’re such a hero,” she teased, feeling more at ease with each passing moment.
“Since day one.” Jack said, pressing a kiss to her head.
Once they were done they walked further down the shore “This place is beautiful,” Maryse remarked, looking out at the horizon.
“Not as beautiful as you,” Jack replied, giving her hand a squeeze.
She rolled her eyes playfully. “Corny.”
Just as they were getting comfortable, Jack suddenly stopped and turned to her with a gleam in his eye. “You know what this beach walk is missing?”
“What?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.
Without warning, he scooped her up and threw her over his shoulder. “A little fun!” he declared, sprinting towards the ocean.
“Jack!” she shrieked, laughing as he ran. “Put me down!”
He charged into the water, the cool waves crashing around them. When they were waist-deep, he gently set her down. The surprise and exhilaration made her giggle uncontrollably.
“You are such a kid,” she said, splashing him with water.
“And you love it,” he replied, splashing her back.
They played in the water, their laughter echoing across the beach. For a moment, all past worries and concerns were washed away by the ocean. It was just the two of them, enjoying each other’s company and the simple joy of being together.
Jack watched as Maryse people watched from her beach chair, he couldn’t help but take his phone out to snap a photo of how beautiful she looked. Knowing this would be his only time on social media for the whole trip, he wanted to make it count.
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liked by urbanwyatt, yungskylark, dojacat,joeywagner, torikelly, jaytatum0, lifeofmonet and 856,789 others
jackharlow: if you need me….
view all 7,456 comments
user: the world is better now that y’all are back together
user: finally taking a vacation? I’m shocked
CoCoGram: thank you for getting her out that studio
urbanwyatt: oh so that’s where you escaped too
user: you get to wake up to that every morning and it’s not fair
dojacat: 🇧🇷
lifeofmonet: do not disturb 😌✌🏽
Maryse was doing her makeup in the bathroom mirror, carefully applying the final touches to her look for the evening. She was focused, making sure everything was perfect, when she glanced up and saw Jack standing in the doorway.
He was dressed in all white, looking almost god-like. The sight took her breath away. For a moment, she wished she could skip dinner altogether and have her way with him right there.
“You look incredible,” she said, unable to hide the admiration in her voice.
Jack smiled, walking over to her. “You’re not looking too bad yourself.”
Her cheeks warmed, turning back to the mirror to hide her smile. “You’re going to make it hard to concentrate on dinner.”
He leaned down, his breath warm against her ear. “Maybe that’s the point.”
Maryse shivered, a thrill running down her spine. “We have reservations, you know,” she said, trying to keep her voice steady.
“Reservations can wait,” Jack replied, his hands gently resting on her hips. “But if you insist, I guess we can make it quick.”
She laughed, playfully swatting his hands away. “As tempting as that sounds, I think we should at least show up before we cancel all our plans.”
Jack sighed dramatically. “Fine, but you owe me later.”
She turned to face him, their eyes locking. “I think I can manage that.”
They shared a lingering kiss before finally pulling away. With one last glance in the mirror, Maryse took Jack’s hand, ready to head out for their dinner date, even though part of her wished they could stay wrapped up in each other all night long.
As they sat down for dinner, Maryse found herself seated across from Jack, enjoying the cozy atmosphere of the restaurant. However, Jack had other plans. With a mischievous grin, he motioned for her to switch seats and sit next to him, wanting her closer.
Maryse laughed, but obliged, sliding into the seat next to him. “You just can’t bear to be apart from me, can you?” she teased, nudging him playfully.
He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. “Not even for a second,” he replied, planting a kiss on her cheek.
As they perused the menu, Maryse noticed that parts of it were in Portuguese. Having picked up a bit of the language from her time during tour last year, she was able to help translate for Jack, pointing out dishes that looked promising.
“Here, this one looks delicious,” she said, tapping on an item. “It’s a local specialty.”
Jack grinned, grateful for her help. “Thanks, love. I don’t know what I’d do without you,” he said, giving her a squeeze.
Like always when they went out to dinner, they always ended up switching plates. As Maryse was taking a bite of his food she felt a chill run through her. Looking up, her heart dropped as she saw Nate walk into the restaurant, holding a girl's hand. What were the odds that he would be here at the same time as her? 
She froze for a moment, feeling a surge of unexpected emotions. Despite the time that had passed, seeing him brought back a flood of memories of their last encounter. 
Jack noticed the change in her demeanor and followed her gaze, his expression turning serious as he saw her ex enter the restaurant. “Is everything okay?” he asked, concern evident in his voice.
Maryse took a deep breath, trying to compose herself. “Yeah, it’s just… I didn’t expect to see him here,” she admitted, her voice slightly shaky. 
He squeezed her hand reassuringly. “Hey, you don’t have to worry. You’re with me now, and I’ve got your back,” he said softly, his gaze steady and supportive.
They both continued dinner with Nate in the back of both their minds. Maryse decided to go to the restroom just as they were getting ready to leave the restaurant. She cursed to herself when she realized she would have to walk past him to get there. 
She tried to maneuver past Nate, hoping to avoid any interaction, but he reached out and stopped her.
“Maryse, wait,” he said, his voice pleading.
She turned to face him, her expression guarded. “What do you want? And let go of me.” she asked, her tone curt.
Nate immediately dropped his hand from her wrist. He then took a deep breath, visibly nervous. “I just… I wanted to apologize,” he began, his words coming out in a rush. Maryse had never seen him this nervous in her life. 
“I’ve been going to rehab and therapy, and I’ve been working on myself. I’m actually in a new relationship now. I know I messed things up between us, and I’m sorry. I just want you to know that I’m trying to be a better person.”
Maryse listened to his words, feeling a mix of emotions stirring inside her. She appreciated his efforts to change, but she couldn’t ignore the pain he had caused her in the past.
“I’m glad you’re getting help, and I really hope you’re treating her a lot better than you treated me,” she said finally, her voice tinged with resignation. “But the damage has already been done. I need you to respect my boundaries and leave me alone. I’m trying to move on with my life.”
Nate nodded, his expression crestfallen. “I understand,” he murmured, taking a step back.
She gave him a brief nod and turned around back towards the table deciding she just wanted to go back to her villa with Jack. As she got back to the table she could tell he had caught the tail end of her conversation with Nate. 
Jack reached out, gently squeezing her hand in reassurance. “If you ever need to talk about it, I’m here,” he said softly.
“I know.” Maryse said, bringing his hand up to her lips and pressing a soft kiss to the back of his hand.
On the walk back to their villa, Maryse couldn’t help but be amazed at how much she had grown since the breakup with Nate. A year ago, an encounter like that would have sent her spiraling into a whirlwind of emotions, but now she felt a newfound sense of strength.
Jack was relieved to see Maryse handle the situation with such grace and composure. She seemed unfazed by Nate’s presence, and her boundaries she sat spoke volumes about her growth.
However, he couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that her Nate’s reappearance might stir up old wounds or trigger insecurities. He made a mental note to keep a close eye on Maryse in the coming days.
When they got back to their private villa from dinner, Jack carried Maryse in his arms, her laughter bubbling up as he strode through the doorway. He gently threw her onto the bed, a playful gleam in his eyes.
“Don’t rip my dress,” she warned, a teasing smile playing on her lips. “It’s expensive.”
He leaned over her, his breath warm against her skin. “I’ll buy you a new one,” he whispered before kissing her, silencing her protests. His lips were urgent, as he kissed her and she melted into him. His hands roamed her back, unzipping the dress with a practiced ease, his lips never leaving hers.
Maryse found herself caged in his arms, feeling the intensity of his need for her. “I love being in your arms,” she whispered, her voice barely audible against the rush of their shared breaths.
“And I love having you in mine,” he replied, his words a vow as much as an expression of his feelings. He kissed her again, slower this time, savoring the taste and feel of her, and she knew that this was where she was meant to be.
Hours later they were tangled into the sheets as they listened to the waves hitting the shore. “I’m obsessed with you,” Jack murmured, his lips brushing against her ear, sending shivers down her spine.
She looked up at him, her eyes softening. “Good, because I’m obsessed with you too.”
“Say it again,” he demanded softly, his hands tracing gentle patterns on her skin.
Maryse loved how he always asked her to say it again, as if he needed to hear the words to believe in their reality.
“I’m obsessed with you,” she repeated, her voice filled with emotion. “I always have been.”
He kissed her deeply, a kiss that spoke of love, longing, and a future they both yearned for. In that moment, nothing else mattered but the two of them, together, wrapped up in their own world.
“I don’t ever want to be without you again,” he whispered against her lips.
“You won’t be,” she assured him, pulling him closer. “We’re in this together, now and always.”
As they drifted off to sleep, she couldn’t help but think about how much they had been through together, and how much stronger they were for it. The road to get back to this point wasn’t easy but it was worth it.
AN: I love them I really do let me know your thoughts!!
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