#you can make home movies w your kids but by god if money is changing hands...
Only barely relatedly but one other opinion I have is that child actors should be limited to one role. There's a maximum filming hours limitation so they can't be on 15 seasons of a television show. Like, I think if a kid wants to be an actor, they should be able to try it out, and I think that if you want to make a movie w a kid in it, you can do that, but children Cannot be professional actors.
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piss-pumpkin · 3 months
ok i’m very curious - can i ask abt spatial horror? 👀
Omg hi I’m gonna go off about it now
Spacial horror describes how the physical space/setting in a piece of media is used to enhance/convey the horror. And idk I’m a huge slut for it here are some of my fav examples of things that have great use of spatial horror below the cut (my ass did not proofread)
House of leaves:
one of the main ways this book creates horror and conveys its main theme is through the house. The house reacts and responds to the characters deep rooted trauma and insecurities and warps around them. The horror builds from the idea that it’s wrong. At first, the house expands by like 1/4 of an inch, and it’s like bait, just a little taste because the house knows that Navidson is easily tempted, and once it has him, it creates a physical abyss that parallels the mental one he’s trapped in.
The labyrinth spaces of house are constantly described as cold, vast and dark and used to create an oppressive and foreign feeling, turning the image of a suburban home into an alien entity. That turning of normal into alien starts in the 5 and a half minute hallway, but it quickly spreads through even the unaffected areas of the house as the characters both desperately try and make it normal, or chase the abnormal to a dangerous degree. Their whole lives become dangerous and alien within the confines of the house.
The way the house creates space and danger runs alongside the way space and distance and conflict is created between the characters. Caution and exploration create expanses and voids, confidence creates clearer paths, confusion creates winding mazes, and when Navidson decides to venture in for his last time, the house envelopes him and destroys him. (But love creates doors and openings)
There is no monster in House of Leaves, no Minotaur in the labyrinth, just the characters and the things that a cruel place brings out of them.
“Gods a house. Which is not to say that our house is Gods house, or even a house of God. What I mean to say is that our house is God.”
Honestly my read of this movie is different then a lot of what I’ve seen on Tumblr,,, like the idea that it’s about like the liminal feeling of being awake at a time you aren’t suppose to as a child never rlly connected w/ me, so I interpreted it different.
I read Skinamarink as a commentary on horror as a genre. Most of the shots of this movie are of the house, whether a wall, window (or lack thereof) or corner, the house is the star of the film. The movie makes us hyperaware of the space the kids occupy.
Since it’s a horror movie, we go in with the expectation that there is a monster, ghost, supernatural something, whatever, and the film uses out expectations against us. It’s like the camera, in its obscure focus on dark corners, invites us to look for a monster. Like that’s what horror fans are trained to do when we see shit like that.
Skinamarink utilizes the expectations of a haunted house to make us want to see a monster. It’s a slow burn, but my thesis on this movie ultimately comes to how the direction makes the audience the monster, and it ends up as a commentary on horror as a genre. And the use of expectations for the house makes that possible. In the beginning, the windows and doors vanish, trapping the kids inside, so we’re primed to think there’s some sort of ghost or smth, and we carry that expectation throughout the film. I come to the conclusion that we create the monster with those expectations.
“Put the knife in your eye”
Fear and hunger:
This game has one of the most oppressive atmospheres ever it’s so crazy. The dungeons of feta and hunger are a crushing and evil place that’s been transformed and mutated, and change the people who venture into it.
There is no good end to fear and hunger. Even the best ending for the characters, where they achieve their goals. If cahara escapes with all the money, he’s forever haunted by the dungeons. If d’arce revives l’garde he has forever changed for the worse and they will wreak mayhem until death. By playing the game, you’ve already doomed the characters.
There are monsters inside, but the true horror is the dungeon itself. The creatures inside have been trapped, allured, tormented, and they fight you, but the true enemy is the space itself, and is inescapable even when you get out.
The dungeons of fear and hunger are the scariest part of that game and story. And you have to watch the character grapple and try their best under the crushing weight of an evil place.
“A terrifying presence has entered the room…”
I love when physical space is used for horror. Like there’s so many ways, whether by warping around the characters, twisting something familiar into something foreign, forcing the viewer into it, playing with expectations, or just being a crushing and evil place.
When a place is an entity in itself, whether literally or metaphorically, it’s really juicy for me idfk. Everyone should read house of leaves it made me cry like 4 times in my first read.
Spatial horror I find far more inescapable, too. You can run from a killer, or fight back, but can you fight against your own home? You’re one person, can you tear down the dungeons of fear and hunger? The camera forces you into the Skinamarink house, there nothing you can do. And the house traps the kids real good.
Idk man spatial horror just scratches that itch for me
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hyuckssunchip · 3 years
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Pairings: Johnny x Reader, ft. nct 127
Words: 4.3K
Warnings: Language (there is almost always language in my writings), angst, some fluff
Request:  Angst 42 and 48 ➵ “You promised.” “Give me one reason why I shouldn’t leave.” / @jungcherie​
(im so sorry i took so long.... i turned a drabble into a story... oops)​
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Johnny Suh had a reputation that was unmatched.
There was no other way to put it.
And a reputation like his left trails of tears.
A pool of tears that you were currently drowning in.
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It was obvious Johnny was dangerous, perhaps that’s why you were drawn to him. While every single one of your instincts had you fighting and rejecting him, you were desperate for him all the more.
It was March 13th that you lost your first will.
“Y/N, right?”
You turned around to find a familiar face towering over you.
It was that stupid smile that had you. 
“Hey, we have have Communications together. I was wondering if you wanted to do that project together?” He scratched the back of his neck like he was embarrassed. “I just know that you’re insanely smart so... Sorry, wait, that sounds like I’m just talking to you for your grades.”
You giggled nervously, a habit that you did when you were uncomfortable.
“Look, I just... do you? You know, wanna do the project together? I mean, I’m a pretty smooth talker so I can do the presentation. I get good grades too...”
Stupid smile.
“Alright. There’s actually a little party at my frat tonight, you maybe wanna come? Get to know each other before we drown in work?” 
Fucking stupid smile.
“Yeah. I’d like that.” You blushed at the idea, cursing at yourself for being so obvious. 
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Parties weren’t really your thing. 
But at the time Johnny Suh was.
Your ears were pounding because of the insanely loud level the music was at. You were actually shocked that no one had called the cops with a noise complaint, but the fact that they were on frat row made more sense.
“Y/N. You made it.” A arm was flung over your shoulder and, thankfully the lights were both dim and flashing enough that he couldn’t see the way that you blushed at the action.
“Yeah. Is it always this loud?” You asked, still not so comfortable with the atmosphere.
“What?” Johnny yelled, pointing at his ear, indicating that he couldn’t hear you. Of course he fucking couldn’t. Then he jerked his thumb to the right, nodding at the backyard, which was seemingly empty.
With his hand placed on your back, he guided you outside, your head already thanking him from the escape of noise pollution. It was far better outside of the house.
The two of you collapsed onto the swinging chair, sighing as you cleared your head.
“So parties aren’t really your thing?” Johnny leaned closer, noting the look of relief that you had donned the moment you exited.
“It’s not that I hate them... I’m just not a fan. I mean a bunch of sweaty, horny drunk people grinding on each other. I just like smaller things.” You explained, staring up at the dark sky, shivering slightly at the cool breeze.
“You didn’t have to come.” Johnny suddenly looked guilty, “I didn’t mean to force you into coming, I just... thought I’d invite you.”
You quickly backtracked, “No, you didn’t force me. If I didn’t want to come, I wouldn’t have.” You ignored the voice in the back of your head that begged to differ.
“Right.” He grinned, as if he could read your mind. “You’re not great at lying, but I’m gonna pretend that I believe you.”
You felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment.
“Were you playing beer pong?” You asked suddenly, causing him to look at you in confusion.
“Yeah, how’d you know?”
You laughed, looking away from him, “You have quite the reputation Mr. Suh, even someone like me knows the extent of your skills.”
Johnny smirked, liking how easy you were making it for him. “Is that so? Is that the only skill of mine you’ve heard about?”
You raised your eyebrows, hating the turn that your mind took. “W-what kind of other skills did you have in mind?” You stuttered out.
Suddenly it felt like you were caged in, his arms tense around your frame, causing you to lean back against the back of the swing.
“Tell me what you’ve heard.” 
You averted your eyes, unable to take his heavy gaze. His eyes had turned dark, full of lust, and you tried desperately to forget the effect they were having on you.
As if sensing how uncomfortable you were getting, he backed off, dusting off some invisible dirt on his shoulder. He cocked his head to the side with a sly smile, happy with a new challenge. 
Things weren’t going to be as easy as he thought they were, but that’s what made it fun.
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“No that’s so stupid. Are you kidding me? Robin could absolutely never beat Batman. Is that even a question?” Your hands were waving animately, far too much for an argument about fictional superheroes.
“Sure. I’m just saying that Robin could totally catch him off guard, like out of the blue, you know.” Johnny slurped on his drink shrugging his shoulders like he didn’t care. 
“No. Absolutely not. First of all Robin doesn’t have the guts to do something like that and second of all Robin doesn’t have any powers. How on Earth would he beat him?”
“Umm... Batman doesn’t have powers either.” He made a duh face at you, which you chose to ignore.
“Yeah, well he’s got money, and that’s basically a super power.”
“Let’s be real, Batman isn’t even really a real superhero. He’s just a hero. Period.” 
You huffed, rolling your eyes at the argument. “That’s a whole different story.”
“I’m just saying.” He sang back teasingly.
“And I’m just saying that this is stupid. How did we even get here?” You laughed, trying to remember how this conversation came about.
“Uh, you made the bold choice of saying that the Batman vs. Superman movie was shit. Very controversial by the way.” He frowned at the memory.
You let your bag fall heavily on the library table, earning you a few glares as studying students dug into their books.
You sent an apologetic look before sliding into your seat. “Let’s just get this presentation done. Our presentation date is the 23rd and I don’t even have a clue of what to write it on.”
“Well the topic is influencers that change your life. Do you have anyone in mind?”He asked, flipping through his notebook, which didn’t really have anything but drawings in them.
“Not really, is there anyone for you? I mean influencer is kind of vague isn’t it? We could pick like an athlete too, or a musician. Those are technically influencers right?”
He nodded, resting his chin on his hand. “Yeah. Influencers don’t even have to be famous do they? Like they can just be someone in your life that made a huge impact on you. Like your parents or something.”
“Yeah, I guess. But that’s kind of hard when you’re working in groups. Like you’re not gonna want to talk about my grandma, you know. Like you don’t even know her. It’s probably just easier to use a famous icon.”
“Okay, so who?” He leaned back in his chair, staring at the ceiling like it would give him inspiration. 
“Hmmm... maybe we could do someone like Michael Jackson. Like he may not have affected us personally, but he affected the way that the music and performance was seen afterwards. That’s influential and life changing right?”
“I guess.” He cocked his head, “We could at least start with brainstorming ideas for him and then if we feel like it’s not working we can change it.”
“Cool. I guess we can start with that then.”
And you did. You spent every afternoon for the next week and half with each other in the library, and a little more outside of it.
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“That one’s the big dipper.” 
You grinned following his finger, but had more difficulty finding exactly what he saw. 
“How do you know it’s not the little dipper?” You teased, squinting in to the dark, the scattered stars really just looking like paint splatters to you.
“Because that’s the little dipper.” He laughed, moving his index finger slightly to the right.
Johnny leaned back into your space, smiling at you look of concentration quickly falling as you gave up.
“Where’s the North Star?” You asked turning to face him, but sucking in a harsh breath when you found your nose just centimeters from his. 
Johnny lowered his voice, whispering and pointing without even turning away, “Right there, it’s the tail of the little dipper.”
It took more effort than you thought to pull away, eyes searching for it.
He leaned back, resting his body weight on his hands. “See it? It’s the brightest one.”
“No,” You pouted scooting forward, as if that would help you see it. “Oh, wait! I see it!”
Johnny couldn’t stop himself from grinning as he saw your face light up.
“Wow.” Suddenly your tone turned more mellow, still in awe. “I’ve always wanted to find the North Star.”
Johnny’s chest rumbled with laughter. “Why?”
“Well you know. They say if you get lost, just follow the North Star home.” You turned to face him, eyes sparkling with excitement, but the sound of your voice had gone quiet, almost somber. The smile on your face faded into a sad smile as you all but whispered your next words. “Now I can go home.”
Johnny frowned next to you, not liking the sudden turn in mood. He sat up, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and pulling you against his chest.
“What makes you think that you’re not home right now?” He mumbled on the top of your head, staring straight out in the dark.
“I don’t know. I can just feel it, you know? Like I’m just constantly uneasy.” You sighed, digging your face into his jacket. “I think I’ll be able to tell when I get there.”
There was something in Johnny’s chest that suddenly ached, and he felt a sharp drop in his stomach at the thought.
“Maybe you’ll only ever know once you’ve left home.” He muttered, “Then you’ll know that this is actually what it feels like, and it’s so much worse when you leave.”
You stilled against him for a moment before relaxing, mulling over the thought. “That’s so sad though. Why do we only know we’re happy once we’re sad?”
Johnny shook his head slowly. “I don’t know. Why does God make us hurt to only to help us heal?”
The sound of the wind passing through trees was the only thing that comforted you at the thought.
“I don’t want to have to heal, I don’t want to hurt in the first place.” You whisper out, feeling the most vulnerable you had in a long time.
“I’ll never hurt you.” He rubbed at your arms soothingly, feeling a lump in the back of his throat, but he pushed it away not liking the unfamiliar feeling.
“Of course.”
You let your eyes fall, enjoying just the silence and comfort of each other’s arms and minds.
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You woke up wrapped in Johnny’s arms, although it was an unfamiliar feeling you welcomed it with open arms. 
Lost in your thoughts for the time being you were suddenly reminded of the conversation you had a couple nights ago. 
Was this home?
You had never felt so safe before and it scared you. But you weren’t one to run.
“Good morning.” Johnny mumbled out beside you, his morning voice raspy to the ear.
“Morning.” You whispered back, letting his arm flop over your waist.
“Do you like pancakes?” He asked, letting his eyes fall close again.
“Yeah. Taeyong makes some bomb ass pancakes.” 
You giggled, “Yeah, I like pancakes. Especially bomb ass pancakes.”
But he didn’t move and it was only after you tapped him questioningly did he speak up. “Do you think he’ll bring them up if I yell loud enough?”
You smacked his chest. “Stop it. We should go down.”
“In a bit.” He answered, nose buried deep in the crevice of your neck.
A few minutes later you heard the clinking of kitchen tools from downstairs and you stirred. “Johnny?”
“Johnny. Let’s go.”
“Five more minutes.” He mumbled, but he let you out of his grasp anyways.  
“Fine. I’ll meet you downstairs.” You paused as you passed by the mirror, eyes tracing over the marks on your neck that Johnny had left the night before. You blushed, realizing that you didn’t have anything to cover it up with, but quickly moved on, attempting to find your shorts that were discarded in the frenzy of last night.
“Check under the desk.” Johnny said, sitting up and watching you.
Sure enough that’s where they were, although you weren’t really sure how they managed to get there. 
You shrugged on the last of your clothes, turning to find Johnny doing the same. It took him less than three steps to get to you, landing a soft kiss on the top of your head. 
“Let’s go.”
Taeyong was undoubtedly the closest of Johnny’s frat brothers to you. He had this really calming and sweet aura about him that just made you want to be friends. 
“Good morning Y/N. Blueberry or chocolate?” He asked grinning as he took his eyes off the pan for a second. 
“Blueberry please.” You slid onto the bar across from him. “Do you need any help?”
Johnny rubbed your lower back comfortingly, “No, you don’t want to get in his way. That’s when he loses his temper.” He whispered the last bit to you, but Taeyong obviously heard it, sending a sharp glare at him.
“Only when there are incompetent people in my kitchen.” Taeyong muttered back.
Johnny ignored the comment, shaking his head at you, “I’ll have chocolate.”
“You’ll get what you get.” Taeyong piped at him, still not over Johnny’s teasing, who grinned in response. 
Both of them knew that Johnny was getting chocolate, Taeyong was really bad at being mean.
“Where’s the others?” Johnny asked, sipping on a cup of coffee.
“At school, as they should be because they are college students.” Taeyong answered, sliding a plate towards you. “Enjoy.”
You thanked him and bit into a piece, almost moaning at the taste. “Damn, Johnny told me they were good but I didn’t think it would be this good.”
Johnny swiped a piece from your plate. “What are you talking about? I told you he made bomb ass pancakes.” 
Taeyong slid a plate towards Johnny.
His grin widened. “Thank you. You’re my favorite Taeyong ever.”
“I’m the only Taeyong you know.” He put his hands on his hips. “I should be the favorite.”
Johnny sent a wink in his direction before stabbing a piece. 
“So I was thinking, that little bakery next to the park, do you wanna go? They just opened and I’ve been dying to try it.” Johnny asked around a mouthful of pancake.
“Yeah, sure. That sounds good.” You felt your stomach flutter, you were sure whether it was the pancakes or Johnny, but you had a pretty good guess. 
“Sweet, we can swing by your place first if you want to get a change of clothes or something.” 
You nodded, “Yeah, sounds good.”
“I’m glad that sounds good.” He teased you with a smile.
“Sorry, but it just sounds good. What else do you want me to say?” You pushed back, opting to add another piece into your mouth.
“I don’t know, maybe-”
“Okay, sorry to interrupt your little flirt fest, but can you start that after I leave?” Taeyong asked, making a few pancakes for himself.
“Sorry.” You giggled, sending him a genuine apologetic look.
“I’m not sorry.” Johnny said, shrugging.
You smacked him lightly.
“I’ll take away pancake privileges for a month.” Taeyong quipped, focusing on flipping the pancake.
“Sorry.” Johnny mumbled out under his breath, not one to admit defeat easily.
You laughed at the sight of a pouty Johnny, enjoying the view for the time being.
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Waiting for Johnny had become a routine, but honestly you didn’t really mind it. Hanging out on the couch, you had met and befriended quite a few of his frat brothers. 
Currently you were sprawled out on the couch with Jungwoo, who was retelling a very interesting story about his trip to the grocery store last week that involved a cereal box and a banana. Although it was a bit of a reach, you nodded and smiled at the right times, not really following the order of events, or really the importance of them.
“What does the fact that you were wearing- and I quote - ‘an incredibly sick pair of joggers’ have anything to do with your story?” You asked, tilting your head in teasing confusion.
“Oh, it doesn’t. I just thought you should know.” He replied matter-of-factly, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Right. And I’m so better off now that I know.” You taunted him, voice dripping in sarcasm.
Jungwoo shot you an annoyed, and yet hurt look, before finishing his story. “And that’s how Johnny found out he was allergic to shellfish.”
“Okay. What the fuck? I’m literally so confused.” You cut him off before he could recount his story again. “I don’t really need to hear it again though. Thanks.”
He whined before laying his legs over yours, giving up.
For a few moments, things were quiet as you checked the time. It had already been thirty minutes, where was he?
You rolled your head to the side, finally focusing on the whiteboard that had what scribbles of writing over it. 
“What’s the tally for?” You asked, scrunching your nose at the whiteboard that was situated on the far wall of the room.
“Hmmm? The tally?” Jungwoo glanced around looking slightly nervous which had you even more curious. “It’s just a game.”
“Game? What game?” You laughed turning back to see the strikes adorning the board. “It looks like Johnny’s winning.”
“Uhh...” Again with the nervous glances.
You giggled, “You’re losing, aren’t you?” The spot under his name had the fewest tallies and you figured that’s why he was being so shy about it.
Jaehyun entered the room, seemingly in a very important conversation by the way that he was speaking animatedly.
“The game’s over on Friday and Johnny’s gonna win.” 
“That’s so stupid. He hasn’t bagged any since Y/N, how is he still gonna win?” Yuta complained all but scowling at the floor, neither of them had yet to notice your presence.
You frowned at the mention of your name, not liking the term ‘bagging’ to be in such close proximity with your name.
“Oh, Mark has a new strike, looks like he finally got Claire into bed.” Yuta continued snorting, “Took him long enough.”
“Wait, what the fuck? How the hell did Taeyong get two strikes?” Jaehyun, squinted at the board.
Yuta snorted, “He had a threesome last night. Can you believe it? This close to the end? It’s like he’s actually trying to compete now.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” You muttered, effectively catching their attention.
“Y/N.” Jaehyun breathed out, eyes wide and darting between you and Jungwoo who was obviously trying to get them to stop talking. “Hey... what’s up? When did you get here?”
“Ummm.... no. What the fuck is going on?”
“What do you mean?” Jaehyun cocked his head, doing his best to pretend like he wasn’t panicking.
“No, I don’t want your bullshit. Just tell me what this game is.” You were using anger to hide your fear. You could feel the pounding of your heart in your head, a throbbing sensation that gave way to a sinking feeling of realization. 
At that moment, when his eyes finally met yours. Not Jaehyun’s, not Yuta’s, but Johnny’s as he walked in the room with that fucking stupid smile you felt your last will got out the window. It was at that moment that everything came crashing down. 
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“Y/N, please can’t we just talk?” Johnny chased after you, begging you to turn around.
“You promised.”
Johnny’s heart dropped at your words, and his chest started closing in in fear. The burning feeling in his throat had him choking, panicking in belated realization.
It wasn’t just the words that you said, it was the way that you said it. So defeated, so broken. So betrayed.
“You promised that you wouldn’t hurt me. Do you remember that? Did you even mean that?” You felt the tears brimming, and you fought the best you could to keep them down. But your wobbling voice let him know.
“Of course I meant it.” He answered breathlessly. “You know me, I don’t say things that I don’t mean.”
“Do I? Do I know you?” You huffed out. “Because I really thought you were someone different.”
“No, I- I’m still me. I’m still Johnny. I just...”
“You just what? You just lied about our entire relationship? If it was even that, because I was just another tally to you wasn’t I? Just another tally on a stupid whiteboard for a stupid game.” 
You choked back the tears that were burning in your throat, not bothering to wipe at the ones that managed to escape.
“You know what hurts the most? I actually thought you liked me. I actually thought that you meant all those things that you said to me.”
“I did mean it. I meant every single word, and I still do. Nothing was a lie, my feelings were real. Please just listen to me, I can explain.” He stepped closer, but you took a step back, keeping the distance.
“Explain what? I already heard everything for myself. What are you gonna say, that Jaehyun and Yuta were lying? Hmmm? That it wasn’t a game? That that’s not the reason that you approached me?”
“I...” He couldn’t find any words, because you were right. Every single word that you said was right. He struggled to catch his breath, panicking. “Please don’t leave me.”
“Give me one reason why I shouldn’t leave.”
“I love you. I need you. I can’t- I can’t imagine life without you.”
“That’s not enough.” You clenched your jaw, face going slack. It was as if you were losing the will to even be heartbroken over this.
“Please, I-I’ll do anything, what do you want me to do?” He begged, eye brows nearly touching as they furrowed.
“I don’t want anything from you, just stay away from me.” You mumbled out, avoiding his eyes.
“Baby, please.”
“Don’t fucking call me that, I’m not yours, I never was.” You snapped at him, backing away.
“I’m sorry.” He mumbled under his breath and he wasn’t sure if it was meant for you or himself.
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“So I’m kinda going rogue here. I know you already hate me, but try not to hate me anymore than you already do.”
Johnny didn’t look anywhere except for you.
The professor seemed to humor him, allowing one of his favorite students to continue with an amused smile on his face.
You on the other hand did not. 
You stared at Johnny with a straight face, trying your best to not look flustered.
“The whole point of this assignment was to find someone that changed our lives. But my partner and I struggled to find someone. It’s not that we didn’t have great people around us, its not even that we don’t have people that we admired. It was because no one we came up with really seemed genuine to us. But I found someone. I finally found someone that I could trust, that I let in. But I did something really stupid and fucked it up- excuse my language.”
You watched him stand behind the podium, looking smaller than he ever did.
“You know, before I met you I didn’t think that my life needed changing. I thought I was doing just fine. But then I realized that I wasn’t. I was struggling to even feel normal, to feel like I was living for something. Y/N you helped me find home. Remember when I said that you only understand that you were already home until you lose it? Well I feel it now. And it feels like shit.”
You sucked in a sharp breath, a feeling in the back of your throat burning.
“Y/N. You’re the person who changed my life. And I don’t even deserve that. But I’m here, standing in front of you like a fool because I’m whining about losing the best thing that ever happened to me.” 
For a moment you thought he was done, because the silence was deafening.
“Even if you sill hate me after this, I want you to know that you mean more to me than anything else. You are the person that changed my life. You are my person, and I want so badly to be yours.”
There was a beat of silence as he ended abruptly, taking a seat on the other side of the room, eyes still locked on you.
Your professor stood up with a clap. “Well, thank you Johnny for that... interesting presentation.” A wide smile was still on his face despite his word choice. “I guess we should end on that then. Second batch of presentations is on Friday, please be prepared.”
The students of your class stood, shuffling out the exit, voices murmuring to each other. 
You sat on the bench outside your lecture hall, watching as Johnny made his way nervously to you.
“You’re an idiot.” You told him as he approached you, bottom lip wobbling against your will. Eventually you broke. “But you’re my idiot.”
Johnny felt a drop of relief in his stomach as he felt like his heart would burst.
“You’ve totally botched our presentation by the way. If we fail it it’s on you.” You shoved him away teasingly.
Johnny grinned, throwing his arm over your shoulder. 
“Yeah? Well, I think we did better than you think. I think that things are gonna turn out just fine.”
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(sorry, i was supposed to write a full angst, but i couldn’t help myself.)
© Copyright 2021. hyuckssunchip. All rights reserved.
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milkacchan · 4 years
Request for anon: Can I have Present mic, Aizawa, and all might where they learn their young student is fatherless? Like... their father walked out/went to prison when they were young. I'm sorry if this is time consuming, but I can't stop sobbing over my father.
I'm the situation baby but remember it wasn't your fault
I changed it up a little bit with Mics- I hope you don't mind
Present Mic:
• from the getgo something was wrong
• The moment you walked into class he could tell
• You looked like shit
• Dark bags under your eyes, hair messily brushed, just to get it out if your face, and your eyes were a light red.
• You didn't look particularly happy to be there either
• something turns in his stomach, a gut feeling that something really had went down
• And he hated seeing his students upset
• but he was relatively close to you to begin with, his felt different
• He felt like he had to do something
• Everyone settled into their seats as the bull rung but his eyes remained on you
• You honestly didn't pay attention during the lesson
• He could tell as much
• class finishes and the bell rings but you sit still, and it's not until most of the students have trickled out of the room do you start packing up
• He walks over and kneels in front of the desk "You okay there? You don't look so good," he looks concerned and his heart drops when he sees your lip start to quiver
• It takes you 0.27 seconds to break and you're frantically wiping your eyes as sobs wrack your body
• He's got his arms wrapped around you in seconds and you're leaning into his shoulder.
• He isn't sure exactly how long you're crying for but eventually you calm down enough to get out a coherent sentence
• "My-My dad was arrested Friday night. He won't tell me why- he won't let anyone else tell me why and I don't know what else to do," you cry, "I miss him so much and its only been a few days- I don't- I don't have anyone else, Mr. Hazashi,"
• And you're crying again.
• He has you take the rest of the day off, in fact he takes the day with you
• He calls in a sub (you don't know what strings he had to pull for that but you don't ask, at this point you don't care) and you two dip
• He takes you to get food, real food, that'll make you feel better
• He knows that'll help a little
• and after that he takes you to get something sweet- that tends to help mood and blood pressure and anxiety
• So he does his best with you
• He nutures you the best way he knows how
• if you need anything and I mean ANYTHING this man has you covered
• He does his best to step up in any way he can
• first off he extends his assignment deadlines and cancels two tests. Who needs them anyway.
• And you eat lunch in his classroom because he can well tell you don't want to talk to anyone else right now
• He closes it off (seemingly) so in reality its just you and him
• He'll probably tell Aizawa too but on the downlow (just so he knows)
• When holidays roll around, the dorms close.
• In this case- he let's you stay with him. He has an extra bedroom. He doesn't want you to stay in an empty house.
• You also get his phone number (which you gladly use) for anything really
• Bored? He'll deliver some shitty puns.
• Confused about homework? Text him.
• having a mental breakdown? He's got you covered.
• You got memes? Please for the love of God send them to him.
• The dynamic eventually shifts to a VERY father daughter relationship.
• He knows he'll never replace your dad. He understands that wholeheartedly, but he wants you to have someone
• He actually gets a letter from your dad, thanking him for taking care of you
• but he really doesn't mind
• He had a feeling that there was something going on at home. Or rather, a lack of something.
• He's dealt with it in the oast- with himself and with past students and current ones
• Shinsou
• I mean, aside from that fact whenever parents were mentioned, you'd either stiffen up or wrinkle your nose
• You didn't really like the subject of parents
• There was an essay prompt about parents (nothing too personal) nd you ended up writing it on the extinction of dinosaurs and why God fucked up instead
"It'd be absolutely stellar to see huge lizards roaming the earth and occasionally stepping on people, you know? Jurassic park was onto something."
• Man's couldn't even fail you on it because it was written v well
• Anyway, he doesn't pry too much. He just silently figures it out by process if elimination and pattern.
• He doesn't really care too much
• In the sense if it doesn't define you and he doesn't help you because he pities you
• he helps you because he seems potential
• He takes you under his wing with shinsou
• Yall spend a whole summer training
• And that's when it all came out
• It was an accident really.
• Shinsou was tired, exhausted really
• and when people get tired- that tired- sometimes they spout random shot they wouldn't usually say
• and thats what he did
• he went on about his home life
• and if he could, you could too right?? You could trust them.
• "My dad walked out when I was a kid. Little, like 3. I have a few pictures of him holding me, but I guess it wasn't enough. I don't have any desire to meet him. Not anymore. But it left me feeling like I did something wrong? I guess? Which I suppose is why I train. Because then I feel strong. Which is a good difference from how it usually feels."
• He knew it.
• He called it.
• He was right again.
• He reassures you that you are good enough, strong enough, and his decision to leave had nothing to do with you
• and when he saw you give him a soft smile, he warmed.
• I mean really, it only goes up from there
• he'll deny it, or grumble under his breath, but he seems you two as his own
• Like these aren't my kids but they are my kids
• When dorms close on holiday yall get to stay because that's where he lives too
• Like if you chose too
• he's not gonna force you to stay but if you don't want to go home, you don't have too
• He has that power
• He will buy you food
• all you gotta do is ask
• and he'll roll his eyes and grumble something he doesn't really mean, just secretly happy that you feel comfortable enough around him to ask for something
• lmao family group chat
S: 'Hey Mr. Aizawa I found this cat. Hold on lemme send a pic'
A: 'Dont need a pic. Bring him home'
Y: 'What if he's ugly??'
A: 'gremlin. Bring him home.'
Y: 'Hey I saw this tweet that said 'kids be like watch this and do a half roundhouse spin kick clap and waste my fucking time' and it make me think of you.'
S: @ mr. Aizawa when he has to watch deku do sumn
Y: Lmaoooo like when he threw the baseball
A: Me watching you too try to figure out how to beat me in training
Y: Yikes bro
S: That was a rough one
• Does he regret giving you and shinsou his number??
• Maybe
• Not really
• Lmao super secret lunch movie days
• Every week on wendesday yall watch a movie. Usually it takes 2 or 3 days to watch the movie since lunch is only 70 minutes
• @ you accidently calling him dad one day and shinsou snickering but it stuck
• dadzawa lmaoo
• Man's has 2 underlings.
• You and Deku.
• Picked you up when he started teaching at UA
• Ion know let's say one day you popped off bc he said some dumb shit and you were like no sir that's clearly wrong
• schooled him in his own damn subject
• the other kids were like 😳
• what the fuck
• Anyway
• He see's you have potential
• And though he's not the best teacher, you seem to respond better to the way HE was taught
• So tbh its easier to teach you
• 'okay, now I want you to beat the shot out if that wall,'
'Okay lmao bet'
• Midoriya is like, hey mayhaps we should analyze the situation
• N ur like noe
• You just don't give a fuck
• about anything really
• other than moving up the ranks
• But even then- its not a super super big deal, you're just gonna do your best but you aren't gonna stress
• However he noticed a pattern w you (even before Midoryia brought it up to him)
• You don't let anyone in
• Midoryia knows a bit more than the other students but that's really only because he's always with you
• a good majority of the week he's w you
• but its not really a deep connection
• you don't rely on either of them
• You do your best to do things on your own.
• He knows midoryias life story
• he knows why he acts the way he does
• but he doesn't know why you do
• he has a gut feeling it could be the same as midoryia
• I mean he already had one kid who's dad dipped
• he'll surely be able to figure out you too??
• So he makes himself a promise that he'll figure it out and he'll become someone you trust
• And he does just that
• When you tell him about your nightmare of a family history he's like mm, makes sense
• but he's happy that you trust him!!!
• He's a BIG suckered for movie nights
• he's got popcorn, snacks, candy, chocolate, soda- he's prepared
• list of movies lined out all ready
• I lowkey feel like he'd be into lord of the rings or fast n furious
• fast n furious at LEAST
• He's really into American action movies
• and he has no problem sharing those movies with you
• he doesn't have a whole ton of money, like he's not rich, but if you or midoryia need something he's definitely there to get it for you
• even if ur like fam no you don't need too
• he'll buy yell food a lot
• a l o t
• and cards
• when you and midoryia get him a father's day card he thinks he's gonna cry
• You guys also have a group chat
• 'da faemilee'
• Y: "Hey dad do you have milk?"
A: "???? Do I have milk????"
Y: "ya I'm looking in your fridge n ion see any???"
A: "How'd you even get in????"
Y: "Izuku."
I: "lmaoo"
Y: Izuku you dumb bitch I left for ONE day
Y: And you got into a fight with Bakugou
I: He wanted to throw hands. I just did what you would do.
A: He's got you there
A: What do you guys want for dinner
I: Sushi
Y: Chicfila
Y: Izu square up
I: K
Y: Izu is fighting kacchow again
A: Beat his ass young midoriya
Y: Lmaoooooo
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champagne-bucky · 4 years
The Things We Do for Money
Summary: Your boss is a pain in the ass… sometimes 
Warnings: Chris Evans x Reader, smut, oral (female receiving), a bit of drunk! Chris
Notes: I know Chris Evans has big brat energy and I needed to get it out of my system.
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There was no one on this planet who could hate their job as much as you hate yours. Sometimes you’d curse yourself out for agreeing to take on this stupid assistants job, but you were in a pinch and desperately needed the money. Now here you are, stuck three months in with the most absurd and demanding boss. He always has you doing his bitch work for him.
Okay, you’ll run out and get him a coffee from time to time when he’s at work. You’ll go run the errands and make the phone calls he’s unable to make, but you drew the line the second he asked you to do the most dumbest tasks for him. 
He started acting ridiculous literally a month into the job, when he called you at the ungodly hour of 5 a.m. Turns out the dumbass couldn’t find his running shoes and you had schlepped yourself half an hour to his house only to find them under the bed the first minute of your arrival. Then, he’d call you for things like tying his shoe laces “because his hands were tired”, whatever the fuck that means, or picking out his evening wear when he’d go out with the guys (and he’d never end up liking what you picked out!)
Now here you are, in your cold ass car in the middle of a Boston winter, driving to your bosses house at the crack ass of dawn. You were annoyed because the night before he’d kept you up till late rattling off your To-Do list for the very next day, half the stuff would probably be scratched from the list anyways. 
Your phone started to ring and you groaned knowing exactly who it was... BECAUSE WHO ELSE WAS UP THIS EARLY!?!?
“Yes, Chris,” you grumbled.
“Whoa, whoa, someone’s a little grouchy for 5:30 in the morning. Speaking of, you’re 30 minutes too late,” you wanted to cure the bastard out, but then he followed up with a laugh.
“Kidding, kidding, anyways, Assistant, I need a favor,” here we go…
“I’m your assistant, doing you favors is my job description, and I have a name you know.”
“Eh, Assistant suits you better. Anyways, if you could run to the shop and pick up my shoes for that award show I have later, oh, and schedule me a haircut would you? You know what to tell them,” this man was way too cheery for this early in the morning.
“No, it does not, the award show is three months away, and no, I do not know how you get your haircut, and I don’t want to know,” Chris responded with a low whistle.
“Gee, someone’s a little cranky monster. Let’s fix that frown before you come over okay?” you grit your teeth. Chris didn’t like a nasty attitude and he had the power to fire you for it.
“Yes, Mr. Evans,” you huffed and he hung up the phone after telling you a few more demands.
As much as this man was slowly pushing you towards your breaking point, the job came with perks. One of those being travel. You never had an opportunity to travel a lot and working for Chris gave you the chance. From Singapore to Australia, you finally got to see what was beyond your small town of Massachusetts. 
Right now, you were in Atlanta where Chris was filming a new Marvel movie. You didn’t get to see much of the set, or the cast, or the inside of your bosses trailer, but you did get to see a lovely highway every couple hours while running around for that pain in the ass. However, when you got done you got to have lunch in Chris’ trailer without him, which was a big plus. Actually, every moment away from Chris was a true blessing.
“ASSISTANT” you groaned as you heard your name being called from outside the trailer. You put down your half eaten sandwich and swung open the trailer door. There stood Chris in his Captain America suit, arms crossed and tapping his foot.
“Yes, Mr. Evans?” Chris put a smile on his face and motioned you to come closer to him. You stepped closer, but he made you come even closer. You came as close to his mouth and he whispered in your ear.
“Do you know what time it is?” you pulled back from his lips with a confused expression.
“Uh, no. W-What time is it?”
“Time for you to help me out of this tight ass costume,” your eyes went wide in horror. Not this shit again.
“No, no, please Mr. Evans, can’t you ask someone else, like a male, to take off your costume,” you pleaded as marched past you.
“Nope, that’s why I hired an assistant, Assistant. Now hurry up, the boots are the hardest to get off,” you groaned and stepped into the trailer.
Chris sat down on the couch and motioned for you to get by his one boot. You grimaced and got to your knees and started to take the boot off. You tugged and tugged until it loosened a little. When it finally did, the whole room filled with a stench.
“Mr. Evans, ew, can’t you wear socks with these things,” Chris let out a deep chuckle and shook his head.
“Can’t do that or the boots will be too tight on my poor little feet,” he put out the other boot clad foot.
“Little is an understatement, sir,” Chris covered up his small groan with a clear of his throat.
“Well Assistant, you know what they say about big feet,” you choked on your spit and looked up at the man.
“They sign you big paychecks. Now hurry up, I’m getting drinks with the guys tonight,” you groaned again and worked the other boot off.
When the costume was fully off, averting your eyes where necessary, Chris was changing back into his regular clothes while a knock sounded at the door.
“Get that for me, Assistant,” you went to the door and swung it open and were faced with two of his co-workers, Anthony and Sebastian.
“Oh, assistant girl? We aren’t interrupting anything are we?” Anthony winked and Sebastian chuckled. Your cheeks were heating up at that comment when you felt Chris behind you.
“Yeah guys, just one second I gotta put on a shirt,” your eyes noticeably widened knowing Chris was right behind you, shirtless. 
The men suppressed their laughter at your shocked expression. They probably thought you were sleeping with your boss! Oh god, listen, Chris wasn’t an unattractive man, hell no, but he was your boss (and also a pain in the ass), you couldn’t cross that sort of line. 
“I’ll be going now, Assistant. Clean up for me and finish up that list,” Chris grabbed his wallet and left the trailer.
“Yes, Mr. Evans.”
Anthony and Sebastian stopped in their tracks to laugh a little. When Chris turned around to give them a ‘what’ look Anthony finally spoke. 
“Yes, Mr. Evans. I’ll clean up the trailer and then clean you up later, sir,” Anthony mocked your voice as Chris punched his arm lightly.
That blare of your ringtone made you shoot up out of your peaceful sleep and clutch your heart. You peered over at the time to see that it was 3 a.m. Groaning, you ignored that call without seeing who it was and tried to sleep again, but then they called you back.
You turned your light on and grabbed your phone and saw that Chris was calling you. Pissed off and tired, you answered the phone with an angry ‘what’.
“Oh, Assistant, I need you,” Chris sounded like he was slurring his words. He was still at the bar?
“Mr. Evans? Are you drunk?”
“Yessssss, I made an oopsie and had tooooo much to drink. Can you pwetty pwease come pick me up. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee…” he dragged out the last vowel as you started looking for your keys.
“Fine, but you’re paying me overtime for this,” you slide on your shoes and run out of the hotel room to go get the big drunken baby.
It took you awhile, but you finally found the bar Chris was at. Luckily, he has always shared his phone location with you for emergencies like these. It didn’t take long to find him either seeing as he was moping on the curb nursing a beer in his hands. 
You rolled your eyes and got out of the car. Chris’ ears perked up at the sound of a door slamming shut and he immediately was smiling like a dope. 
“ASSISTANT!” He screamed and held his arms out for you. The people passing by on the sidewalk gave him dirty looks.
“Chris, shhhh, let’s get you back into the car, okay?”
“HEY! THAT’S MR. EVANS TO YOU or sir if you want to spice things up,” he barely whispered and gave you a wink. Scoffing, you shoved him into your tiny car before he took off down the street.
The drive back to Chris’ Atlanta home was a bit of a drive, but there was not much traffic on the road so it would be quicker than usual. Chris was falling asleep in the passengers seat, but would come to every so often to slur something stupid. This time, when his head went up to speak to you his words were loud and clear.
“You’re pretty,” your cheeks were heating up, but it was too dark to see.
“Thank you, Mr. Evans.”
“And kind, sweet, lovely,” he was showering you with compliment after compliment and you didn’t know how to respond.
“I like you, Assistant,” you tried to keep your composure, but you were stunned. He was drunk so that meant nothing, right?
“I would figure since you keep me around all the time,” you laughed off.
“Noooo, I really like you. Not in a “like” you, but in a “like like” like you way,” his body was now fully turned to face you. 
“Oh, well, Mr. Evans I’m flattered, but you’re my boss. I can’t ruin our professional relationship,” Chris let out a whine just as you were pulling up to his house and getting out of the car.
“Then as your boss, I demand you to like like me,” you laughed as you opened the car door for him to get out.
“Mr. Evans, you know we can’t allow that,” you tried your best to joke with him, but he kept up pestering you.
“How about a thank you for helping me get home,” you furrowed your brows as Chris unlocked his door and was leaning up on the threshold.
“Umm, Mr. Evans I-,” you didn’t get a chance to finish because Chris grabbed your face and was leaving a sloppy kiss on your lips.
Your eyes were probably wider than they have ever been in your lifetime. Chris Evans was kissing you. Chris Evans was kissing his assistant. Chris Evans was drunk and kissing a woman who he signs her paychecks for every week. 
He pulled back a few moments later with a satisfied look on his face. He was still stumbling drunk, but it seemed as if he didn’t care. Chris had a cocky grin on his face while looking at your frozen expression.
“Um, Mr. Evans, um. I’ll see you tomorrow,” and you sprinted back to your car and pulled out of the driveway, not even glancing back at your boss.
It had been a while since the whole drunk kiss incident. The day after that night you didn’t bring up what had happened and neither did Chris. 
You assumed that he was so drunk that he probably forgot about the kiss. To be fair, he didn’t even remember him calling you to come pick him up or the whole drive back home. He must’ve forgotten about the kiss and you intended to never bring it up.
Things between you and your boss went back to normal after that. You were still dealing with his antics and absurdities, but it paid your bills so you couldn't complain. However, Chris seemed to be lenient with you nowadays.
You couldn’t put your finger on it, but he definitely changed his demeanor recently. He let you come into work an hour later than usual, anytime you said you were unable to do something he let it slide, and he also had given you a raise out of nowhere. Maybe he was changing…
“ASSISTANT,” nevermind…
“ASSISTANT!” you followed Chris’ voice to the backyard where he was standing by the pool.
“Yes, Mr. Evans,” you rolled your eyes.
“Assistant, can you do me a favor?”
“Will I get fired for saying no?”
“Then what is it,” you walked over to him as he started to take off his shirt.
“I want to go for a swim, but I don’t want to miss an important phone call I should be getting.”
“And I want you to sit out here and watch my phone till it rings,” you looked at him in disbelief. He really wants you to babysit a phone?
“Are you serious? You just want me to sit out here and stare at your phone?”
“Well, I’d invite you to join me in the pool, but you don’t have a swimsuit,” Chris scoffed and jumped into the pool.
You rolled your eyes and took a seat on the lounge chair. If you were going to babysit his phone you might as well relax a bit. Plus, you didn’t mind the little show you were getting courtesy of Chris.
About an hour went by and still no phone call. Chris had been busy swimming laps in his pool and playing with Dodger who would jump in for a swim. Either Chris was pulling your leg just so you could watch him or this phone call was never happening. You’d think after an hour someone would call soon.
You moved to get up and go back in the kitchen to answer some emails to the rest of Chris’ team when he called for you to come back.
“Mr. Evans, it’s been an hour and no one has called. I have work to do, I can’t stand around all day watching you swim and wait for your phone to ring. You’re a big boy you can do it,” you didn’t hear him get out, but Chris was hot on your tail as you entered back in the house.
“So, you were watching me, huh,” you tried your best to hide the blush creeping up on your face.
“Not the point, sir. I need to get back to work,” Chris clicked his tongue between his teeth. 
“Alright, while you get back to work, I’ll be in the shower,” you went back to your computer and hummed in agreement with his plans.
You heard a ruffle of clothing hit the floor as you looked up from your laptop screen. You gasped in horror as you saw Chris had shucked his bottoms off right in front of you and turned to walk to the bathroom. You put your head down as he turned around to look at you with a satisfied smirk. 
The faint sound of the shower running filled the silence for a few minutes as you contemplated your next move. The swim shorts stayed where they were and you refused to pick them up. You still couldn’t get the image of your boss and his bare ass out of your head. 
What did this mean now for your job? 
“Assistant,” you froze at the sound of Chris’ voice, “I need you.”
“Yes, it’s urgent,” he sounded anxious.
“Yes, Mr. Evans,” you said from behind the cracked door.
“Can you get me a towel from the closet? I forgot mine.”
You went to grab him a towel and stuck your hand through the door. When you didn’t feel him take the towel from you you got worried.
“Mr. Evans,” you called out.
All of a sudden the door opened and you were face to face with a naked Chris Evans. You kept your wide eyes on his and pushed the towel to his chest.
“Assistant, I need some help getting dry,” you were stumbling over your words, but not for long until Chris pulled you in the bathroom with him and brought your hands up to his chest.
You kept your eyes on him and you dried off his upper body. Chris looked into your eyes with adoration and a hint of lust. This was getting too serious way too fast, you went to pull away, but he grabbed your wrists.
“You know, I meant what I said. You are very pretty,” you gasped. 
“Chris,” he pulled you closer until your lips touched. Fuck it. You couldn’t fight this anymore. This gorgeous man wanted you and a part of you wanted this pain in the ass too.
The kiss started slow, but descended into something so raw and animalistic. Your tongues were all over each other’s mouths and your teeth were scraping and hitting together. Chris pushed you up against the bathroom door and moved his lips to your neck.
“So good, wanted you for so fucking long,” he continued to kiss down your neck to the collar of your shirt.
“I want this off, now Y/N,” you gasped again. That was the first time he ever used your real name.
You couldn’t deny his orders, so you happily took off your shirt, bra included, and threw them on the floor. Chris went to praise you for being so good and attacked your sensitive buds. 
He scraped, licked, and sucked gently on each nipple, giving him all the attention they deserved. You moaned loudly and he went to kiss you again. He pressed himself into your thigh and started to grind.
“All for you, baby. It’s all for you,” you let out a breathy moan.
“Please, Chris, please, sir. I want it,” Chris growled in response.
His hands began to wander. They rubbed up and down your sides before they inched their way towards your center. Chris took his one hand and put it under your shorts. You whimpered as he went and rubbed your center in teasing strokes.
“Chris, please,” he removed his hand and opened the bathroom door.
“Patience, baby,” Chris picked up your shaking body and carried you throughout the house towards his bedroom.
He kicked opened the door and laid you down on the bed. Chris removed your shorts and stood back to admire your bare body. His thumbs drew small circles around your hips as he looked up at you with dark eyes.
Chris connected his lips with the top of your belly button and started to kiss downwards. He came in contact with your pussy, but wouldn’t kiss it. His lips ghosted yours, his beard was scratching the surrounding area. It seemed as if time had stopped when all of a sudden he attacked your core. 
Your hands flew down to his hair and began to pull at the roots. Chris groaned into your pussy as you arched your hips into his mouth. He brought his thumb to your clit and started to rub fast and hard circles. You were so close to cumming, but you could barely form the words.
You tried to tell him, but it felt so good and he was doing all the right things to restrict your speech. The tiny bubble within you had grown bigger and bigger and was going to pop any second. Chris started to thrust two fingers in you while his lips sucked your clit and that’s when it happened.
“Holy fuck,” you looked up with a heaving chest to see Chris’ beard, lips, and fingers soaked. His eyes grew darker as he grabbed your chin and kissed your breath away.
“Fucking squirted all over me baby, how you gonna clean me up?” He nuzzled his face into your neck and started to pepper kisses all over.
You were at a loss for words, but your body was doing all the talking. Your hips started to thrust up into Chris’ thigh and he looked down with a smirk.
“I know you want it, honey. Give me one second,” Chris moved off your body and made his way to his nightstand drawer. He pulled out a condom and rolled it on.
Now, he was back on top of you and drinking you in. You kissed one more time before he lifted your leg over his shoulder and positioned himself at your sensitive entrance.
“You sure?” You shook your head rapidly at his question.
“Yes, get on with it, sir,” he smirked as he entered you.
The stretch hurt, but the pain was replaced with pleasure as he started to thrust. He started off slow, careful not to hurt you, but he was going deeper into your pussy. You cried and slapped his bicep, urging him to go faster.
“If that’s what baby wants, then that’s what baby will get,” and Chris went into overdrive.
You screamed his name and moaned so loud that you were sure the neighbors would hear you. Chris loved hearing those sweet noises and was doing all he could to make them louder. You were reaching a second high, but Chris was still keeping a brutal pace.
“Chris, I’m about to cum.”
“Hold on, sweetheart. We aren’t finished this just yet,” he grabbed your other leg and threw it over his shoulder, attempting a deeper angle.
Chris kissed you with all his might. His tongue evaded your mouth once more and his thrusts were getting faster and faster. A sweat broke out on him and he was getting close. 
“Baby, you can let go whenever you want,” a final scream ripped through you as you arched your back and came for the second time.
Chris fucked you even harder through your orgasm. He wanted to fuck your pussy so that it was be sensitive for the next couple days. He wanted you to never forget this moment.
Tears formed in your eyes as he kept going. You were trying to keep up, but your body started to get weak. Chris noticed this and worked faster to get himself to the edge.
When he finally came, it felt as if his eyes had rolled back up into his head. He was sweaty and growing tired, but he didn’t want to leave your pussy yet. He knew he had to because the position you were in was starting to get uncomfortable. Chris finally removed himself and threw the condom out.
He saw your eyes were dropping and quickly picked you up to take you to the bathroom. He let you do your business and went to grab you a bottle of water. 
When you came out of the bathroom, with shaky legs, Chris was there with a water bottle  by the bedside table and the sheets drawn back waiting for you to get in beside him. You gladly accepted the comfy spot next to him and soon you drifted off to sleep.
When you finally woke up, you felt something heavy weighing down across your abdomen. Your eyes shot up as you looked around a room you didn't recognize. As if right on que, Chris groans beside you and opens his eyes. He smiled and pressed you closer to his body and gave you a sweet kiss to your temple.
“Evening,” Chris buried himself in your hair as you lifted your head to look out the window, confirming it was night.
“What time is it?” your voice was strained.
“Close to 11. Didn’t think we’d be out for this long,” he winked and for a moment you forgot why you were in his bed.
“OH MY GOD,” you gasped and shot up and Chris followed suit.
“I KNOW I WAS THERE. WHY ARE YOU YELLING?” Chris matched your voice.
“I’M YELLING BECAUSE YOU’RE MY BOSS. I SLEPT WITH MY FUCKING BOSS,” you slammed your head back down on the pillow and buried your face in it. You only lifted your head off the pillow to hear him laughing at you.
“I get why you’re laughing, but I’m not. I’m a slut,” Chris laid back down next to you and pulled you into his arms.
“Hey, hey, you are not a slut. Please don’t think of yourself that way,” he cradled you into his arms.
“I did the one thing that nobody is supposed to do. I shouldn’t have ruined our professional relationship,” you tried to break free from Chris’ hold, but you wouldn’t let you go. 
“Listen to me, you did not do anything wrong. I wanted to ask you out for a long time… I just, well, you see-”
“You got piss ass drunk and ruined your plans,” you giggled into his bare chest. 
“That’s one way of putting it, yeah,” and he laughed along with you.
“So, I guess this means I should resign now shouldn’t I?”
“Not necessarily no, I still need my assistant.”
“So I get to sleep with you AND be on payroll? Wow, what a dream come true,” Chris laughed some more.
“We don’t have to tell anybody for a while. I’ll help you find a new job so it won’t look so fishy whenever we tell people we are dating.”
“I don’t know, I am gonna miss that fat Christmas bonus I get every year…” 
“I think I can think of a way to make up for that,” Chris’ hand was stroking up and down your thigh which made you shudder.
You turned to kiss him as you hummed in agreement. Things started to get hot and heavy once more and soon the sheets were pushed off the bed, Chris was attacking your lower half with kisses. Right when he got to your center, his phone rang.
“You wanna get that for me, Assistant?” 
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Home Sweet Home: Kill ‘Em
Summary- 3.1k Andy Barber x You. You and Andy almost have it all, married and with a jointed family consisting of Andy’s teenage son Jacob, as well as your two younger children John and Cassidy. Looking to add another member, your family is in need of a bigger house, a forever home. You find just the place, 112 Ocean Avenue in Amityville Long Island.   
Home Sweet Home
Written for @optimistic-dinosaur-nacho​ Spooky Scary Stories challenge. Divider by @firefly-graphics​
Warnings- Fighting, child endangerment, violence. 
A/N- I chose Amityville Horror for the challenge because its one of my favorite Spook Stories growing up. When reading you will find a lot of similarities to the 2005 Movie, some of the scenarios and dialogue are specifically from that film. Other parts of it are from the book itself. The family name was changed for my own personal reasons. Happy Haunting!  🎃
A/N 2- Thank you Everyone who stuck with me through this and have made comments about the story! You all are the very best, and I appreciate all of you. 
Chapter 4 / Masterlist 
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The next morning you woke up groggy and looked over to see Andy’s side was untouched. “That idiot must have stayed in the basement.” you say with a groan, and move to sit up, rubbing your face. Grabbing a robe you slip it on, and head out of the bedroom. You peek in on Cassidy as you pass her room, and see John is in with her. Together they are sitting on her bed playing together and you step into the room. John looks up when he hears you and clears his throat. “Are you and Andy still fighting?” 
“Oh baby, I don't know. But it will be okay, I promise.” You tilt your head to kiss the top of his head and Cassidy squirms a bit. 
“Is Andy mad at us? Jody says he is.” She looked miserable at you, since she loved Andy like he was her father, and didn't want him upset with her. You reach to hug her and smile. 
“Andy loves you very much, I know he does. He isn't mad at you. He's just being a grumpy bear lately.” you wink and that seems to ease the kids. “I'm going to go downstairs and make breakfast, come down when you're ready.” 
Leaving them to play, you run into a sleepy Jacob headed to the bathroom. 
“Hey Jake.” You pause him and he rubs his eyes to look at you. “You okay?” 
“Yea, Y/N. I'm gonna go see Sammy later to see how she is doing.” He smiles weakly and you approach him and give him a hug. 
“I bet she will really like that. Also bring her a little something. Maybe flowers or a teddy bear. Us girls like to know we're being thought of.” you suggested while unknowingly lifting your hand to your ear lobe, rolling Andy's diamonds before smiling. “I'm gonna go risk seeing how your dad is, wish me luck.” 
Jacob snorted before going into the bathroom. “You are gonna need it.” 
Downstairs you went into the kitchen to see Andy sitting there, just staring at the wall. You worry your lip before deciding to take a chance, and moving a chair to sit next to him. 
“Andy can we talk?” You reach to take one of his hands in yours and he pulls it away without looking at you. 
Great, he's still pissed off, you thought while pulling your hand back. “Somethings not right Andy.” 
His eyes dart to you from the corner of his eyes. “What do you mean, something isn't right?” 
“Something with this house, it's not okay. It hasn't been in a while. I think… I think we should leave, sell this place and move.” You finally confess the thought that has been on your mind for a while now. Andy’s head whips around to look you up and down, and you could see the way they were red rimmed like he was once more sick. “God Andy, you look terrible, are you okay?” 
“Fine, never better. You can't just run away from your problems Y/N.” He bit out, and you recoiled a bit at the harshness of his tone. 
“Please, Andy. Lets just go. You're not well, and you haven’t been since we moved in.” You are blinking back tears now, worried for Andy and it was hurting to see him like this. Gone was the man you married, and everyday he was turning colder to you, to Jacob and the kids.
His head whipped around again, his eyes roving along the wall. “Y/N, you hear that? Someone is whispering.” You shake your head confused, and Andy whispers under his breath. “Catch ‘em…” His hands come down hard on the table and you jump, flinching away from him. “Gotta find that noise, these houses are big big projects Y/N, we can't just walk away from.” His hand snakes out and grabs yours, squeezing painfully, and you jerk it back from his hold with a cry. He sneers at you. “When did you get so fucking stupid Y/N?” 
Your mouth gapes open, and wipe away the tears. “W-What?” 
“We have everything in this house Y/N, every fucking god damn penny for Christs sake. I don’t even have a proper place to work and get the fuck away from all of you cause of this house.” 
“I don’t care about the money Andy!” you protest and he pushes away from the table, and goes to turn on the stove to put his hands over the flames. 
“I don't care about the money Andy.” He mimics you. “My money Y/N, mine. I made all the sacrifices for you to have this fucking house.”
You are fisting your hands together trying not to scream at him. “Andy we are losing each other here, don't you see? Turn off the stove and talk to me.” 
He jerked the stove knob off and twisted to face you. “YOU WANTED THIS GOD FORSAKEN HOUSE Y/N, NOW YOU GOT IT.” He snarled out, thumping his fist against the counter, and you jumped, hiding your face in your hands. All three of the kids had at some point come downstairs and were standing in the doorway witnessing it. Andy’s eyes roved over them with a look of disgust, then back at you, and he shook his head. “You all are so fucking pathetic. Home sweet home.” He went down in the basement, and Jacob went past the kids and shut the door, tempted to throw the lock to keep his father shut down there. 
“Y/N, are you okay?” Jacob sympathetically comes over and takes Andy's seat. You lift your head and wipe at the tears. 
“Yea, yea I’m okay. Jake, I think I'm going to take John and Cassidy to my moms for a little bit. I just can't keep doing this right now. It’s killing me, it’s killing me he's become this person who I don't know. I have had news I was going to tell him last night, and I don't dare now.” you hung your head and Jacob leaned forward, taking your hand in his. 
“What kind of news?” he tilted his head in question, and you lifted your head to look at him, giving a little sad smile. 
“We’re pregnant, I was going to tell him before we went to bed, but with everything going on.” You wandered off, and Jacob gave a smile. 
“Y/N, that's great news. Dad will be happy, I just know it.” his hand gave him a squeeze in reassurance. 
“I don't think he will be.” You sigh and let go of his hands, wiping your face. “If you want me to drop you off at Laurie’s, I will.” 
Jacob looks back at the basement door and gives a nod. “I think it's for the best right now. Besides, it's been a while since I have spent time at Mom’s.” 
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Downstairs Andy paces back and forth, now the figure that has been tormenting him is following, no longer hiding. It slides up his back and clings like a second skin, whispering repeatedly in his ear. 
Catch ‘em, Kill ‘em.  
Andy repeats it to himself, his mind sinking further into madness. “Catch ‘em, Kill ‘em.” His head snaps up the stairs, and he sees the glowing red eyes, and the form takes shape at the basement door. It's forked tongue sticking out, while hissing his name. “Andy, Catch ‘em, Kill ‘em.” 
Andy smirked, advancing up the stairs. Each step alternating. Catch, Kill, Catch, Kill. He shoved open the door to see the kitchen was empty. Going into the entrance, he paused at the steps, listening. Your voice is distinct while talking to the kids. 
“Just your clothes and sleeping toys, everything else stays.” you said, and Andy starts up the stairs, pausing as he sees John packing in his room, and then Cassidy is in her room gathering her stuffed horses off the bed. Finally he ends up in the master bedroom, seeing you frantically gathering clothing from the dresser. 
“Running away I see, typical.” Andy spat out, his tone filled with venom and disgust towards you. 
“Don’t Andy, we're going to my mothers for a few days, Jacob said he wants to go stay with Laurie. We all need a break from each other.” you are so matter of fact about it while folding your shirts. Andy doesn't even pause as he stalks forward and when you turn around to go back to the dresser, he is right there blocking your path and he backhands you to sprawl against the floor. 
You yelp in shock, and he's on you with his hands wrapped around your throat, squeezing till you start struggling, pounding on his arms to get him to let go. He’s shaking you hard enough so your head bounces off the floor. “You were going to run away and not come back bitch, think you can get away from me? I OWN your fucking ass.” he snarled in your face, spit flying from his anger, and you can just see black dots. From somewhere you hear John screaming Jacob’s name, and it all starts to fade out. “Don't worry, I will take care of the kids.” 
Dropping your body, you roll away coughing and gagging while Andy pushes up and goes to look for the kids, who both had run to Jacob’s room. Jacob is squatting next to them, listening to what was going on, when he caught sight of Andy stalking down the hallway. Cassidy looked as well and screamed. 
“Jody! Jody is on his back!” Cassidy for the first time looks at Andy and Jody in fear. Jacob couldn't believe what he was seeing. Just over Andy's shoulder was something following him, looming over him with a grotesque face, fangs bared which Andy also was baring his teeth at the children, glowing red eyes flared and both Andy and Jody shouted at the same time. “Catch em, Kill em!” 
“Run guys, get out of the house!” Jacob pushed the kids towards the stairs, and they started racing down. Jacob felt Andy’s hand grab the nape of his neck and drag him back to slam him forward once more. Sending Jacob flying forward and colliding with the other two children, all three landing in a heap at the bottom. 
He scrambles up, trying to get John and Cassidy on their feet when Andy is about to start down, but you moments earlier had gained strength to get moving. Racing forward, you grab the back of his shirt around whatever the horror is that is clinging to his back and yanks backwards to try and stop him. 
“Andy! Stop! Those are your kids!” you scream, and he whips around, grabbing your arm to wrench it viciously, and slams you into the wall. 
“No no no. Those little ones are not my fucking responsibility. But I will be sure to take care of them once I get my hands on their necks.” He grinned coldly, the creature clinging to him hissed again. “Catch em, Kill em.” 
You sobbed as he fists a hand to hit you with and you sob out. “Andy, fuck Andy don't. I’m pregnant. With your child. Don’t hurt me.” Below you can hear the door open and the only thing you can think of is at least the kids escaped, because from the look in Andy’s eyes, you weren't going to. 
But they cleared a bit, he blinked in surprise. “You are what?” His hand loosened from the first about to pummel you.  
Taking a shuddering breath, you say again. “Pregnant, we're pregnant Andy. You are going to have another child.” Hoping beyond anything that it would be enough for him to break out of whatever the demon spawn grasp. It finally clicked for you that it must be Jody. The thing your daughter had been conversing with. Jody screamed in rage, and Andy turned cold again, his and once more locking into a fist. You heaved a shove at his chest to break loose while he seemed confused, and started to half run, half stumble down the steps. Andy's heavy footfalls are not far behind, and you try to get out the door, but it slammed shut on you. Twisting to get away from Andy, you race into the living room where Jacob is prying open a window. 
“Y/N! Hurry!” He reaches in and grabs your arm, helping hauling you out. Andy grabs your leg, and you kick out with the other one, catching him in the face. You felt the crunch of bone where his nose gave way, but he let go enough for Jacob to continue pulling you towards the car. 
He too is stumbling out the window, and when you look over your shoulder, you put on a burst of speed down the driveway, and both of you dive into the front seats. Your hands shaking, you grab the keys from the visor and try to get the car to start. 
“Hurry! Y/N, he's coming.” Jacob yells, and you cry out. 
“I'm trying! Oh god, Andy STOP!” In the backseat John and Cassidy are screaming in fear and you get the car in drive, slamming on the gas pedal while you are screaming at your husband. The sudden surge forward happened to catch Andy, sprawling him across the hood, and then shooting him forward to land in a heap. You slam on the break and stare at him, your mind whirring so fast you cant believe your saying what's coming out of your mouth. 
“Jacob, there is rope in the trunk, get it. We have to get him out of here.” 
“Y/N, are you crazy?! Dad was just about to kill us!” Jacob shakes his head in a no and you pop the trunk. 
“It's the house Jacob, it's not your dad's fault. We have to hurry before he wakes back up though.” You urge and are going out your door to check on Andy, and Jacob hesitates, and then follows, grabbing the rope out of the trunk and racing back. 
You roll Andy to his stomach and yank your unconscious husband's hands behind his back and once Jacob comes over, you tie them as quickly as you can. Beneath you Andy starts groaning, and he’s saying something. But it's slurred, and you get up to grab his shoulders. “Come on, let's get him in the trunk.” 
It felt like it took forever, Andy was so heavy and you both struggled getting him around the car. When you start to push him into the trunk, you see a shadow figure lurking just at the edge of the house, still chanting “Catch ‘em, Kill ‘em.” 
With a heave, you shove Andy in, and he twists, wild eyed. “Y/N, Y/N, Baby, just fucking kill me, I’m not going to stop. It's trying to take me again.” You look down at him, and shake your head, your tears streaming down your face. 
“I’m getting you out of here Andy.” Slamming the trunk shut while Andy starts screaming your name. Ignoring the thing lurking along the shadow of the house, you get back in the car and whip it around, 112 Ocean Avenue House in your rear view. 
You drive, as fast as possible away from the town. Once you feel you are far enough away, you go to a hospital and get the whole family into the emergency room, including a half out of it Andy. “Please, please I need help. My husband was hit by a car.” You try to stumble Andy in, but he collapses, weakened from the whole ordeal. 
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There is a noise, it's annoying Andy as he starts to come back. It was a buzzing in his ear and a steady beep. He can tell he's not in his bed, this mattress was much too hard. His thoughts race all before he gets the energy to pry his eyelids apart. Trying to remember what happened. It was hazy, he remembered being in the basement, his mind heavy with the liquor and rage at his family, at you. You were leaving the house and him. After that he didn't want to remember, it was a sickening drive to choke the life out of you, the kids, and Jacob too. 
Andy eventually blinks his eyes open, and the first thing he sees is you sitting by his bed, holding his hand. “Y/N?” he says hoarsely, and you nod, squeezing his hand with a smile. 
“Hey Andy, I’m right here.” you say and he lifts his hand to cup your face, tracing your bruises gently as his eyes well up. 
“Oh babygirl, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.” He drops his hand and you shift from your seat to sit on his bed and cup his face, now the tears were soaking in his beard and you could see he was remembering everything that happened, what he was almost made to do. 
“Andy, hush baby hush. I knew that wasn’t you.” You ease down, your head on his chest, and he buries his face on the top of your head, still crying unable to help himself. He could have lost all of you, in seconds. He fought it, tried to. But that thing, Jody was stronger then he was, and shame filled him that he would have killed all of you. Uncontrolled sobs wracked his body harshly, harsher than that cough ever done to him. He clung to you for a few minutes till the overwhelming emotions backed off, and he eased his hold. 
You shift a bit to sit back up and take his hand in yours. “Andy we got out, all of us. You're in the worst shape, Jacob and the kids are all perfectly safe. We never have to go back to that place.” 
Andy shook his head, fear filling him at any of you returning. “God fuck no. None of us are ever going back to that house. Destroy it. Tear it down.” 
You nod, your fingers tracing his hand and you smiled. “Hey, I have some good news. Something to make today a bit better.” You take his hand and press it against your belly. “You're gonna be a daddy again.” 
His fingers flexed slightly, and he moved to sit up with a shudder. “Oh fuck, I didn’t hurt you there did I?” His other hand cupped your face and you shook your head. 
“No, actually when I told you, you snapped out of the control. How I knew it wasn't you. You did your best to stop it.” your hand rubbed over his pressed against your stomach. “I'm going to go get the doctor, let them look you over.” You kissed his forehead and moved off the bed, leaving the room. Andy eased back against the pillows. You were sure he was fine before you closed the door all the way, heading towards the nurses station. On the way, you had to pass the room that had the children in it, and as you were passing it, you distinctly heard Cassidy’s voice chant. “Jody, we can play Catch ‘em, Kill ‘em later, right now I want to watch Blue’s Clues.” 
Your throat closed up, and when you eased the door open, there was Cassidy sitting in the middle of the bed sipping on her juice box. 
“Hi Mommy, Jody’s back to play!”
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nctzendreamz · 4 years
off the table — lee taeyong
genre: angst w/ hints of fluff.
warnings: language, mentions of drug abuse, and mental illness.
featuring: nct members + chan and felix from stray kids.
authors note: taeyong was perfect for this in my head. also, thank you ariana grande.
is love completely off the table?
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will I ever love the same way again? will I ever love somebody like the way I did you?
it had been almost a year. almost a year since he had heard your laugh. you know, the one only he was capable of getting out of you. it was gentle, yet so vibrant that it could color even the most plain and unpleasant rooms. he had seen you do it a million times, but his favorite work of art of yours was the one you did on his heart.
obviously, he couldn’t see what the inside of him looked like. but he could feel it. before he met you, he was certain everything was pitch black. to be specific, the darkest shade of the night sky one could possible fathom. so much pain resided in him. some he brought to himself, some he did nothing to earn. regardless, it was there, and as anybody with demons did, he found coping methods.
that’s how he met you, actually. holed up a strip club he had no business being in. one, because there was no one here he truly wanted. he would never admit it outloud, but the thought of love warmed him. not much, but it did. more than silly one night stands that have soul ties no one wanted to keep.
you were clearly out of place in the building filled with the scent of marijuana and flashing lights, although it did perfectly consume your complexion in the most beautiful way. he observed you for what felt like hours, just admiring you. he had no idea he would want to do this for the rest of his life.
it didn’t take much liquid courage for him to approach you. he could sense your fear when his slender fingers touched your exposed shoulder. for some reason though, the minute your eyes locked it was as if you were looking at someone you had known for a million lifetimes. or maybe that was just Taeyong’s point of view. maybe, everything was all an illusion. meeting you. falling in love with you. you falling in love with him.
“it’s been awhile.” a voice snaps Taeyong out of his deep thinking. the minute his concentration breaks does his surroundings suddenly blast into the center of his cortex. the volume increases. he is in the real world again. he isn’t high, yet.
“yeah.” is all he can spit out. all of the different coversations he could hear take place all of a sudden was making him extremely frustrated and unable to form coherent thoughts. or maybe he wanted it that way so he wouldn’t have to think about you.
you loved coming here. he hated coming here. but he loved you, and your favorite thing to say to him was, “when you love someone, you do things you hate. just like me sitting and watching you smoke for hours without stopping.”
he never realized how much you hated his distractions.
the here, was a restaurant that resembled a sports bar back where you are from. the food was less Korean and more greasy chicken tenders. and you really admired their honey mustard. it was kind of ridiculous how much you loved this place. it was always crowded. the smell was odd - a mixture of people who can’t seem to do anything but drink beer and yell, and foreigners who hated living in Korea. this was the only taste of home they got, so they took advantage of it.
did you feel that way too?
he doesn’t know. and he doesn’t want to think about it. some soccer game was on. people were cheering. he was just waiting on his to-go order.
“how have you been?” the familiar woman asks behind the counter. she was definitely in her mid-50’s. he assumed. she always would be here when Taeyong was dragged along, and she was always nice. who wouldn’t be with all the money you gave to this place.
“i’ve been fine.”
taeyong feels a little cheery conversating with another human. if it wasn’t his dealer, there wasn’t anything to say if he was being quite honest. his relationship with his family died out a long time ago. the only person that he could talk to was himself. the guys who were constantly down in the basement at his dealer were cool, but they never really got him. they thought he was weird, violent. only you cared enough to see how sweet he was. to paint him.
“good to hear. you tell your lover that i miss them!”
his heart, still colored from the mention of you, breaks. it had broken many times from your presence on this earth being acknowledged. everytime his chest would explode into his stomach.
he couldn’t say anything.
he simply walks out the place, not caring about manners. he just wants to go home. he doesn’t even like these fucking chicken tenders, but he’s going to go home and eat them. in your honor.
“excuse me.” a voice exclaims as he finally makes it outside.
once again, words don’t leave his mouth. the woman was probably lost. he truthfully didn’t care. he didn’t care about anything anymore.
“sorry,” she begins. her hair is almost a white color. it’s clearly dyed, but she might have been naturally a darker shade of blonde since the coloring seemed too perfect. “i just...i’ve been watching you - wait, that sounds incredible creepy—“
no one could compare to you, but she reminded him of you. you always did this when you were nervous, or had a severe lack of sleep. you would say things you considered to be silly. fumble with your words. and you would always ruin it more by acknowledging it.
but he was never irritated. he thought it was the cutest thing in the entire world. you were the cutest thing in the entire world.
even now, he’s okay. maybe because he was reminded of you, he can appreciate the art.
“you’re really cute.” she finally spits out.
he couldn’t respond, for the third time today.
why was this so hard? it has almost been a fucking year. a year without you. a year without touching you.
yet, no one could ever compare. not the blonde woman standing in front of him. not the sky. not the stupid bar. even his drugs seemed lackluster to the high you gave him whenever you told him you loved him.
he walks away. he needs something. something to make him unable to think for the rest of the night.
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never thought you’d be so damn hard to replace. i swear I don’t mean to be this way, if I can’t have you? is love completely off the table?
“y/n? you there?” you feel vibrations from snapping on your face from the man sitting beside you. he snapped three times, to be exact.
“yeah! yes.” you quickly correct, adjusting your posture along with it.
“i know you appreciate the arts, but that painting is nothing to stare at.”
the painting chan was referring to, seemed plain to a simple eye. it simply, was a black square. but you saw worlds in it. you saw him.
“you know christopher,” you cooed, giving his slim cheek a quick sqeeze before continuing, “just because something seems boring to the naked eye, doesn’t mean it actually is. sometimes, a simple work of art such as that lame black square can hold a thousand meanings.”
he smile is radiant. honestly, the neon colored walls in the movie theater couldn’t compare to it no matter how hard it tried. lately, you had been trying to predict what he would say when you tried to be somewhat of substance around him. you were truthfully scared of boring him.
maybe you saw yourself in the black square as well.
“you really find it interesting, love?”
his accent - God his accent. it had an effect on you that truthfully wasn’t healthy, but even so you always felt guilty when your heart would papilate as it touched your eardrums. but why? you were single. you were moving on.
you can’t even look at him anymore, so you settle on the painting once more. now that you think about it, it was kind of scary that it was in a movie theater. maybe chan was on to something - what was its purpose? to simply cause you pain? to make you think about things and people you could no longer have? a person who is the worst possible thing for your growth, but the best food for your pitiful, lonely soul?
“never mind, you’re right.” you stand promptly, suddenly wanting to get as far away from the evil on the wall. it didn’t matter how chilly it was outside.
“woah.” chan chases after you. you’re too quick though. you’ve practically swam through the crowd to escape into fresh air. what is wrong with you?
it doesn’t take long for you to find yourself at his car. his pride and joy by the way, in which he never let anyone else ride in yet. he had been saving for so long to get it. you didn’t know the model, all you knew was that it made loud noises when he wanted it to. the car was originally white, but the two of you agreed that it was the worse possible color for a car, so he got a paint job and now it was as black as a dark hole.
the stars are beaming, and it’s odd. you used to love nights like this. you preferred the day time, but it was something about a light in the dark, such as the moon that pulled you in. it always destroyed you in the end though.
“what did I do?” his voice snaps you out of your thoughts.
“huh?” you wizzle in confusion, not understanding why he believed he had done anything but gave you a peaceful night not lost in your thoughts.
his eyes tell you everything you need to know before his mouth does. he isn’t questioning your ever changing emotions and happiness to hear satisfaction from your mouth - to boost his ego. he truly feels as if he’s ruined any chance he’s had with you simply from being himself. even so, as he waits for you to answer he’s taking his bomber jacket off for you to wear. he was sweet like that.
“chris, you are always perfect. why would you think anything different?” you say as you put the jacket on.
he’s holding back a smile, but you can tell it’s more so from your proper word choice, and not what you said.
“you trying to sound English?”
“no.” you giggle, pushing his shoulder lightly. “I’m just trying to communicate with you.”
“then tell the truth.” he prompts, taking a step closer to you.
“can I lean on the car?”
“yes.” he laughs in a low tone. “you can lean on the car.”
silence is filling the air, and it’s making you sick even though it shouldn’t be.
“y/n.” he finally speaks. you decide you have the balls to look at him even though it feels so wrong. the stars - they’re sparkling right into his eyes and you know you are the dumbest idiot on earth.
why can’t you just choose him?
the question is repeating over and over in your head, but no answer comes. well, no answer you want to hear comes. this should’ve been easy money. the perfect guy, with a good family and solid morals is madly in love with you. he’s still here, even when you barely give him anything to work with, and you’re thinking about others who were nothing close to that no matter how they made you feel.
“my confession ruined everything, didn’t it?”
it was about two months ago that chan confessed his love for you. you laughed a bit, as it made no sense. the two of you had been in the same circle for awhile, and you had been notified of his appreciation for you long ago, but he had seen you break. he watched you go from happy soul to broken and he still liked you? in what world?
you enjoyed his company. that’s why you began to hang out with him practically everyday - doing whatever you two wanted. most of the time you two just watched movies, or played silly board games. but sometimes you would go shopping, or he would play you his music he worked on. you could tell he lacked confidence on what he could become, but you knew he had the potential to be so great.
his confession was short and sweet. and the way he approached you, you could tell he was somewhat confident that you would feel the same. you did feel the same, but you also still had feelings for others. when you declined his request to take things to the next level, he didn’t get upset. or at the least he didn’t show it.
he promised the two of you would move at your pace. and that was all you needed to hear to know that maybe one day, when you got yourself together, the two of you could be something.
chan always protected you. you never felt endangered, or unsafe when you were with him. to you, he was sweet, to others he was still sweet, but he knew when to be stern.
“no. i promise.” is all you answer. “it’s cold.” here you go again trying to change the subject. this wasn’t like you.
he promptly unlocks the door to his car, opening it for you as well. it isn’t long before he’s on the drivers side turning on the car so you could feel some heat on your body.
“i won’t bring it up anymore.” he sighs.
“no chris. you bring it up everytime you feel it. i like you, okay? i do. i know I’ve never said it out loud before, but I do. i just...i don’t know what I’m doing right now. there are some things I have to get over you know?”
you can tell the amount of words you used - probably the most you had spoken to him in months shocked him, and made him feel extremely guilty. you know he didn’t want you to feel like he was trying to pressure you. all he wanted to have was something. something that made him feel as special as he knew you had made others feel in the past.
“y/n I’m a fucking idiot. God, don’t listen to me. you are perfect okay? we are working at your pace and we always will. i - fuck.” his face goes directly in his hands.
it’s cute - the way he cares about his every move around you so deeply. you remember what it felt like to feel like that. it was the most nerve wracking, yet butterfly giving thing to experience when around someone you admired so much.
“chris...” you whisper, removing his face from his palms. he had the softest hands ever. “hey, don’t beat yourself up okay? i know what you want and I know you have nothing but the purest intentions. if I didn’t feel that way I wouldn’t want to spend everyday with you okay? whatever you think this is, it is. i promise.”
“okay.” he sighs the biggest breath of relief you had heard in a long time. “okay. i know what we need.” he offers. your hand lingered on his, and he decided it would be best to hold yours as the opportunity presented itself. it’s nice - the warmness. yet, it feels incredibly wrong.
you truly didn’t mean to be this way. you would do anything to not be this way.
“let’s go cop something from felix. hm?”
what chan was reffering to was the good ole’ mean green, weed. you smoked a lot more in the past than you did now, but you were still no angel. especially tonight did getting high sound like the best decision you could have made.
“yes please.” you say without hesitation, leaning back in the seat. your left hand is still in chan’s right, and you don’t plan on letting go. felix’s house isn’t that far from here, so you know your pleasure will be coming sooner or later. chan starts the car and begins the journey. usually, the two of you drive with music on, but tonight the silence was what the both of you wanted.
secretly though, chan snuck his AirPod into his left ear. he loved music, but he could tell you weren’t in the mood. and he didn’t mind that. he would do anything for you. the lyrics resonated with his with his soul so much that he felt it ache, even though he felt he had no right.
i’ll wait for you
even if I always feel like I’ll be number two
to someone you can’t hold anymore
Tumblr media
taeyong can’t even recall how long he had been pent up here, high as hell. intoxicated as fuck. the chicken tender meal he brought had been long gone, but not from his mouth. the junkies smelt food, and took food like the animals they claimed to be.
this all sucked so bad. he hated being here. but he couldn’t move.
it was so loud in here. the boys he knew - johnny, mark, and jaehyun were all present. they seemed to be the leaders of the basement and they also seemed to be functioning quite well considering how high they also were. taeyong couldn’t fathom or make out what their conversation were, but he assumed it was about girls. he caught, “they’re supposed to be here any minute now.” from jaehyun’s lip. he seemed to be the strongest ladies man. all taeyong knew, was that he wanted no parts of the drug induced orgy he knew was going to take place. he also knew if he didn’t leave, they didn’t care. they were going to give a show regardless.
“taeyong!” johnny yells, bringing him back to focus. johnny was always very intimidating. he wore a smile when he got what he wanted, but if he spoke to you and you didn’t listen, he quickly got upset. maybe he was different when he was sober, but that was never.
“what’s up.” taeyong answers dryly, still not looking at him.
“you know,” johnny sits down in the dirty floor right beside him. “you’ve never been fun, but you were more fun before than you are now.”
“i went through this phase.” mark interrupts, taking the seat on taeyong’s opposite side. “what is it? mommy issues? a girl? or a boy? if you get spicy like that.” he chuckles. he coughs right after.
“how about everything. except the last part.” taeyong whispers.
“oh...you have it rough. was your mom a druggie too?”
“no - well, I don’t know. i met her like once when I was younger. she told me ‘i did it for your good’ and left.”
“so you were in a foster home? or did you get adopted?”
“foster home. neglected, so now I’m like this.” he chuckles. he’s laughing, but in reality to admit these things out loud hurt, even though he was sure the other boys had similar or worse stories.
“and the girl?” mark asks. he had began to roll up another blunt in the midst of taeyong’s life story. maybe it was too much for him. or maybe he was just an addict.
“i cheated. and i was mean. she was the best thing ever though. she got me clean.”
“for what? a day?” johnny laughs outloud.
“well, not clean clean.” he explains. “but off the hard stuck like coke, and lsd and shit. we both smoked weed. and I smoked cigs.”
“ew!” the two of them exclaim. “cigs?”
“so you’re telling me that the two of you do every drug under the sun, but cigarettes are where you draw the line?”
“have you seen all the commercials? with the person with the hole in their throat sounding like the old shriveled lady from spongebob going ‘chocolate!’ we don’t want that!”
“cigarettes aren’t the only thing that can cause that, you know?”
“whatever.” johnny shivers as if he had just gotten the worse news ever. “so this girl wasn’t a druggie? why did she even like you?”
“i don’t know. still to this day I don’t know. but she did. and she tried everything to make me happy. it just felt too good to be true, so I ruined it.”
“damn bro.” mark sighs, taking a deep puff of his blunt. “i thought people only did stupid shit like that in the movies or tv shows.”
“hey hey now, markie.” a voice speaks out of the corner. “be nice to our new friend.”
it’s jaehyun. funny enough, jaehyun tried to get at you once long before you met taeyong, but you had no interest in him once you found out his issues. then again, while he was attracted to you, he didn’t want you to love him. he just wanted to corrupt you.
“our boy is broken hearted. seems to me like he just needs some fun.”
“relax, jae.” johnny explains. “he’s not there yet. let him fall for us on his time.”
“what are you on right now?” jaehyun inspects.
“just a couple of blunts.”
“so just a starter?”
“hyung...” mark sighs.
“okay okay. fine. but when the heartbreak starts to kick in more, i got something that’ll change your life. you just let me know.”
“he will.” johnny and mark say once again in unison.
“boys!” a voice yells. it makes everyone stand up minus taeyong, as he had no idea who it was. he can hear feet coming down the steps. there’s a boy with blonde hair. the same boy who let him in. he was a new face, but clearly an important one from the way even jaehyun was waiting for his comment.
“hi felix!” everyone begins to repeat after eachother.
his voice is deep as he speaks, and his accent is thick. his face itself may have not been scary, but the way he carried himself was.
“clean up this fucking mess. i know you can’t do anything about the shitty couches, but make an attempt. i got some good people coming over and I need quiet. when I bring them down here to show them the product, i need everyone on their best behavior.”
“what exactly does that mean?” taeyong speaks. maybe he shouldn’t have, because everyone is looking at him as if he just called the president a bitch to his face or something.
“you’re new here.” felix explains as he finishes his strut down the stairs. he can be seen more clearly now, and his outfit reminds taeyong of someone you knew. he couldn’t remember his name, but it was chan or something. “well, new to me.”
“and...” felix crouches to his level. “im the boss. and all of you do what I say. my brother ran this like a crackhouse. i want us to make some real money, therefore you all will be getting cleaned up. there will be people coming in and out, looking at what we have, so try not to act like the druggie you are. thanks.”
“yes sir.” taeyong says, although he has no intentions of respecting this felix cat.
the doorbell rings promptly. the house wasn’t so big that they wouldn’t be able to hear. clearly this felix had plans to change that, but for now he had to settle.
“that’ll be them. look like friends so they won’t be scared. they’re not like us. or, what you will be.”
with that he leaves. everyone is silent as they want to know who exactly is this person. they all expected some rich man with a million connections to be at the door. they hear one voice - an accent is present. he’s laughing, and they hear the sound of them dapping up.
“friend.” the voice says. they must have not seen each other in a long while. “what’s up? how have you been?”
“oh, I’ve never been better.” felix says. “and y/n.”
the sound of your name makes taeyong’s heart stop in his chest. what the? how could you of all people be here? you hated drugs. this was clearly a trap house. this is where taeyong would go to get everything you wanted, but you always refused to go with him. what male had you here?
jaehyun is smiling as he recognizes your name too. taeyong can’t notice though as he is genuinely about to have a panic attack.
“come downstairs will you? since chan told me it was a special occasion, I decided I’d let you two take a look.”
“felix...are you running a trap house?” you joke, not realizing how true your words were.
“not at all, sweets.” he relaxes you. “i just have good shit from my brother that needs to be sold. this is our little secret though.”
“we know.” chan answers for you. “snitches get stitches.”
“and end up in ditches.” felix finishes. “there are people down here, but they’re just chilling. don’t be scared.”
the three of you make your way down to the basement. jaehyun is the first face you recognize. you feel sick, but he didn’t phase you that much.
the black haired boy though, sandwiched between two other guys, makes your trip and fall on the disgusting floor.
it’s him. it’s really him.
why? all you wanted to do was have fun. all you wanted to do was forget him.
you can see in his eyes does he want to explode. but this was his fault. this was all his fault.
to be continued...
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thorniest-rose · 4 years
reddie halloween prompt #4 candy
It all happens in the small pocket of time between advanced math and the dirge of gym. Jimmy’s dragging his heels, hanging back in the bathrooms on the second floor, trying to delay the inevitable jeers of all the boys in his class. As they mock him for his weak knees and his protruding ribs, pinging their towels at him and asking him how small his dick is, if it’s even big enough to get hard.
But Jimmy knows it’s coming. After years of falling victim for his chronic acne, and his high-pitched voice, for sometimes just existing, he’s come to expect it.
What he doesn’t expect is to be cornered by Richie Tozier, the weird loudmouth with the dark eyes and the wide grin, who laughed like a jackal at his own vulgar jokes and could outsmart all of their teachers without trying.
Jimmy hadn’t spoken to Richie in more than two years, had done nothing to warrant the boy’s wrath. So he doesn’t know why he’s here now, wedged back against the window as Richie grins down at him. The wacky kid with buck teeth and bottle glasses who had somehow transformed into this tall, moody, striking teen with the cheekbones that could cut glass. Who all the girls secretly looked at as he walked down the hallway.
He asks, “W-what do you want, Richie?”
Richie grins at him like they’re friends. “I just thought we could catch up, Jimmy. I’ve seen you hanging out with your new girlfriend.”
Jimmy swallows hard. Was that what this was about?
“Oh yeah…”
“Oh yeah,” Richie mocks. “What, you think no one had noticed? That one of the hottest girls at school is suddenly hanging off your dick and no one would say anything?”
Jimmy shrugs, but his mouth has gone bone dry. He’d been dating Cindy for the last three weeks and it had sent ripples through school. Everyone was shocked. That someone as beautiful and popular as Cindy would even talk to a guy like Jimmy, let alone fall head over heels for him. At lunchtime she now ditched all her friends to sit in a corner of the cafeteria with him, and after school walked home with his hand in hers. At the weekend, they got ice cream and walked to the lake and sat in his backyard, and the entire time she looked at him with her big blue eyes, and told him she never wanted anything else. 
“It’s just curious, that’s all,” Richie continues, eyes glinting. “Pretty sure she hated your fucking guts a few months ago.”
“Things change, Richie.”
“Is that right,“ he replies, his dark eyebrows raised mockingly.
And Jimmy’s had enough. He gets enough shit from jock assholes as it is, without a weird fucking kid like Richie joining in.
“Richie, I really have to get to class. Gym is starting and if I’m late-”
Richie pushes him back against the wall with one hand to his chest. The skin on the back of his hand is mottled, scarred, and Jimmy’s chest tightens. The skin looks like it was run over with a sheet of barbed wire. 
“Hold your horses,” Richie says, “we haven’t finished catching up yet.”
Jimmy blurts, “Are you… are you jealous or something?”
“Nice try, dipshit, but no, I’m not jealous that you’re with a blonde airhead like Cindy. I need to know how you did it.”
Jimmy feels the bottom drop out of his stomach.
“Come on,” Richie says, his mouth unfurling into a slow, smoky grin, “don’t wuss out on me now.”
“Cindy has feelings for me.”
Richie barks and rolls his eyes. "Unless you’re seriously packing down there, I doubt that.”
“I mean it, we have a real connection.”
The good humour drops from Richie’s face.
“Bullshit,” he hisses, making Jimmy flinch. “I know you did something. No way would she even fucking look at a little creep like you if you hadn’t done something to her. So you’re either paying her, but I know your parents are piss poor so it’s not that. Maybe you’re blackmailing her, but you’re too pussy for that too. So it has to be something else.”
“What do you mean?” Jimmy splutters, feeling like he’s going to wet himself. 
He’d heard things about Richie over the last few years. That he got his scars from some unknown childhood trauma, that he’d been kidnapped and tortured by a crazy man. Jimmy didn’t know how true any of that was, but he couldn’t deny the mad glint in Richie’s eyes. That his smiles were always slightly too manic to be good-natured. That when he laughed it sent chills through him. 
“Are you going to beat me up? Tell Cindy? Try to reverse the spell?”
He regrets it the second it’s out his mouth, but Richie’s eyes shine, like he’d guessed the twist in a movie before everyone else. 
“I knew it,” he says.
Panic grips Jimmy; it catapults him halfway across the bathroom, but Richie is too fast for him. Before he can make it to the door, he feels a hand on his backpack and a second later he’s being thrown back towards the sinks. He crashes back, stumbling, and almost falls to the floor. And Richie just stares at him, a dead heat lighting up his eyes. One brown and one blue. 
“Please, let me go, Richie,” Jimmy says, half crumpled against the sinks. He cringes at the whimpering note in his voice, how close he sounds to begging.
“I don’t think so.”
“Why? Are you going to blackmail me?”
“Something like that, yeah.”
“What do you want? I don’t have anything to give you. I don’t have money.”
Richie’s lips draw back in a snarl. “Are you really that fucking stupid? I’m here because I want you to do it for me too.”
Jimmy blinks at him. He didn’t think Richie would have any problems with girls. Not with the way they had started to look at him.
His mind flicks through the girls in their year, tries to settle on anyone Richie might like. But he’d never seen Richie pay attention to any girls he knew. Come to think of it, he didn’t think Richie ever had a girlfriend.
“You do…? On who?”
Richie doesn’t hesitate as he says, “Eddie Kaspbrak.”
Jimmy feels his mouth drop open. He says, “You’re… you’re a fag?”
Richie’s face goes dark, and Jimmy’s vision blacks out as Richie’s fist smashes into the side of his mouth. He staggers back, his head cracking against the wall, and distantly he hears himself cry out as a searing bolt of pain shoots through his skull.
When he comes to, his vision blotting hazily at the corners, Richie’s wiping his bloody knuckles against his jeans. 
“Maybe we should try that again,” he says, tone mild, like he hadn’t just punched Jimmy in the face. “But if you say that fucking word one more time, I’ll push you out the window.”
Jimmy’s eyes prickle hot as the blood drips down his mouth. He thinks he might cry.
Richie notices and he sneers at him. “God, you’re such a fucking pussy. I could do a lot worse than that, you know.”
“I don’t know if I can do the spell again.”
And he didn’t. Jimmy had found the spell in an old tome he’d found in a dark basement bookstore two towns over. A place he heard whispers about. He hadn’t even thought the spell would work. But it had. He’d walked out of his house the next morning and Cindy had been on his doorstep, so happy and eager to see him Jimmy initially thought it had been a joke. But it hadn’t. She was besotted.
Richie looks unamused as he pulls an old lighter out of his pocket. 
“You better remember,” he says, as he flicks it on, the orange flame making Jimmy jump. “Or I’ll have to help you jog your memory.”
“I… I guess I could try,” he mumbles as he watches the flame burn in Richie’s hand.
Richie shakes his head. “You’ll need to do better than that.” He flicks the lighter off and on again. “Have you been burned before? I read once that being set on fire is the most excruciating pain you can ever feel. I wonder if Cindy will still feel the same about you if she can’t recognise you. Spell or no spell.”
Desperation claws at Jimmy’s throat and he quickly blurts, “Okay, I’ll do it, I will.”
Richie flicks the lighter off. “Good,” he says. 
And a part of Jimmy, though surprised, gets it, because Eddie was beautiful. Over the last year he’d blossomed from a sick little boy into something slender and sweet, with long tanned legs and the thickest lashes Jimmy had ever seen. There was a rumour going around school that Eddie was prettier than most girls, and that they all hated him for it. Not that he seemed to notice. He went to his classes and ran with the track team, and was always quiet and serene, apart from the times he saw Richie. When his expression went icy and his tone turned brittle.
Jimmy still can’t help but ask, “Why him?”
"Because he’s everything,” Richie replies. 
Jimmy doesn’t know what to say to that, so instead he says, “I’ll need something of his. For the spell to bind to him.”
“No problem.”
Richie takes a small locket of dark hair out of his pocket. Jimmy stares at it. He doesn’t want to know how Richie got it. How he already had it on him. 
“There are risks, I need you to know that,” he says as Richie hands it to him. 
Richie just stares at him, looking bored. “I don’t really care.”
“But it might not work. Or it could go wrong. Sometimes these spells… sometimes they don’t turn out the way we expect them to.”
And Jimmy was telling the truth. He’d heard some terrible things. Sometimes the spell didn’t take, and sometimes it took too well, driving the enchanted lover to the edges of hysteria, so obsessed with the object of their affections that they couldn’t eat or sleep. That they couldn’t function without being with the person who had cast the spell.
“Just do whatever it takes,” Richie says, his brown eye so dark it looked almost black. “I want him to be crazy for me. So crazy that he needs me, all the time. I don’t want him to think of anything else but me. Got it?”
“Got it,” Jimmy says quietly. And for some reason he feels ashamed. 
He jumps again when he feels Richie clap his hand down on his shoulder.
“There we go, that wasn’t so hard was it? You have a week. Or I’ll tell everyone what you’ve done. And your cute new girlfriend won’t be able to stand the sight of you.” He grins at Jimmy. "Sound good?”
“Yeah,“ Jimmy says, head nodding stupidly even as his stomach churns. “Sounds good.”
“Cool, I’m glad we’re on the same page.”
On his way out, Richie gestures to Jimmy’s nose. “You might want to clean that up by the way. Get a cotton bud up there.”
In the silence following Richie’s departure, Jimmy stares at himself in the mirror and doesn’t recognise the pale, pleading face staring back at him. He thinks he might be sick, but instead he mops up the blood oozing from his nose and goes to gym.
A week later, he hides around a corner as he watches Richie hand Eddie the candy: a little bag of pink love hearts knotted at the top with a ribbon. Inside, one of the love hearts is special. Nestled inside the sugar is a drop of lamb’s blood, crushed belladonna, and the membrane of a baby bird. The potion Jimmy had made and injected into the candy the night before, the potion that would turn Eddie’s blood molten for Richie.
Eddie asks, "Why, Richie?" 
"Can’t I treat you, baby?” Richie replies.
“Don’t call me that please.”
Eddie looks at the candy dubiously at first, but eventually he can’t resist, and he takes it from Richie with a mumbled thanks.
Jimmy has a thought of ducking round the corner and running down the hall, slapping the candy from Eddie’s hands just in time, of saving him. But he doesn’t. Because he’s a coward. So he hangs back and watches instead. Watches as Eddie takes the special love heart, the one that’s pinker and plumper than the rest, and pops it into his mouth. 
The change is instantaneous. Eddie’s body goes suddenly taut, as if his limbs are being pulled together by a string, and his eyes go bright and glossy as he stares up at Richie. The frown between his eyes melts away, and in its place his expression softens, his mouth pink and lax as he mouths Richie’s name. 
Jimmy feels like he’s going to throw up. He spins around and starts walking away just as he hears Eddie say, “Richie,” like he’s seeing the other boy for the first time. Like Richie is a bright, burning sphere of sunshine in an endless night. He walks down the hallway and all the way home. Tosses and turns all night with half-snatched dreams.
And the next day, when he comes across the two boys making out in the woods, Eddie’s mouth so wet and red as Richie bites at it, his hands grabbing as Eddie through his jeans while the smaller boy gasps, Jimmy doesn’t do anything. And when Richie’s eyes meet his over Eddie’s head, swimming with mirth, and something like greed, Jimmy stumbles and runs. He runs and runs, and not once does he ever think to look back.
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endydancer1 · 4 years
We used to be strangers | Part 6
Pairing: Tom Holland x Y/N Lincoln
Summary: Tom has just finished his latest movie and his heading back home to London. While he is passing the high building, suddenly something happens what changes his life completely. What is the shadow up there?
WARNING: Mentions of injuries, blood, depression, thinking of suicide.
"Tom, get the fuck out of the bathroom! You are having a shower for almost an hour! There are 3 other boys living in this house if you haven't noticed yet!" Haz was forcefully knocking on the bathroom door. He had been standing there for good 20 minutes. Tom had went to the shower at 10 am and it was almost 11! Finally the lock clicked and the door opened showing naked Tom  wearing only a towel around his waist.
"Holy Odin, thank you. What did take you so long?! Don't tell me you were actually showering 60 minutes!" Haz looked at me a bit annoyed.
"I was. I am sorry. I needed to shave and clean myself properly." I glanced innocently at him.
"Oh so you had to shave. Why?  Are you going on a date? You normally don't spend that much time in a shower even if you are shaving. So what's up?"
"No, I don't have a date. I just.. Want to look nice, you know? I am coming to hospital to see Y/N."
"Oh, I see now. So you are finally falling for someone new. And while she is in hospital she can't run away from you when you would want to play with her, right?" Haz teased.
I just rolled my eyes and pushed him out of my way.
"Yeah, that's my dark plan. But it's a secret, don't tell anyone or I will be forced to play with you too." I smirked and walked into my room.
"You need someone to play with you already cuz you are unbearable." I heard Haz laughing before I closed the door behind me.
"Well, what should I wear?" I was standing on one place for good 3 minutes directly looking into my closet. - What am I doing? I have never been thinking that much about what should I wear on the regular day. I don't even shower that long. Was it really an hour?- I looked at my phone. - It was! Oh God. I wasn't that nervous and didn't care that much about my look even when I went on a first date with Anna. And another thing is I don't even have a date today! It's just.. Casual visit of someone I saved, right?- I just sighed and took step closer to my closet.
"Hmm, what about this? Jeans with denin jacket. It's a bit casual, but hey, I won't spoil anything with that." I dried my hair, dressed myself and walked out of my room. There was no one except me and Haz in the house.
"Harrison? Are you ready? Can we go?" I shouted waiting in front of his room.
"I am waiting for you in the living room you div!"
"Sorry! I thought you were still in your room!" I came down to living room.
"Well not everyone is as slow as you." He stood up and took his car keys. "Let's go!"
After lunch we went to the shopping centre, because I needed to buy something for Y/N.
"Uhm, Haz? What should I buy for Y/N? I promised her to watch movies with her, but I don't know which she would want to watch."
"Well, you probably should have asked her."
"You are not helping mate!"
"I am sorry, I am sorry, I am just messing with you,haha. Well, from what you have already said about her, she doesn't know you are an actor. So probably you can show her one of your movies."
"I don't think it would be a good idea. I don't want to look like a selfish prick. And.. What if she is that kind of girl who would want me only because of my money and fame?" I glanced at my feets and played with my fingers nervously.
"Tom, I understand, but you said she sent you a heart emoji and it's a good sign!" Haz poked my arm gently and a laugh a bit.
"Yeah, but she probably saw my Instagram profile and she probably knows I am famous by now."
"Well..it's also possible, but maybe she doesn't know yet. You know what then? Take one or two Marvel movies. Iron Man or Thor, or Avengers, to see if she like these kind of movies, take some romantic comedies, you know, because girls like them, right? Take your favourite movie and maybe.. Oh yeah, try any of your movies where you were young. If she notices it, you know? The Impossible or In the heart of the sea? "
" That can actually works. Thank you Haz, what would I do without you." I smiled at him. "And we should borrow it from movie rental, because I doubt they have Netflix in the hospital." I chuckled. We borrowed 5 movies.
"Mate look at this hoodie! I need it! Haz, I need it!"
"Oh God Tom, you have tons of Spiderman hoodies! You really don't need another one..."
"But look at it!"
"It's just saying Mr. Stark I don't feel so good! Tom, this meme is over."
"Well not for me. I am gettin' it and you can't do anything about it!"
"God, fine! Buy it, but hurry up if you want me to take you to hospital." Haz rolled his eyes and waited for me outside the shop.
"I've got it! Yay!" I rushed out of the shop full of joy from my new purchase.
"You are such a kid Tom, you know? How old are? 5?" He laughed at me. "Let's go. You should buy some snacks."
"Why? I am the snack, she can eat me" I joked.
"Or you can eat her, huh?"
"Harrison! But yeah.. Maybe I will!"
"One day.." Haz sticked his tongue out.
We teased each other the whole ride to the hospital. Harrison told me to call him when I wanted him to pick me up. We said our goodbye and I went into the building.
"Good afternoon Mrs. Brown. How are you? I know I am here a bit early, but I here to visit Y/N." I smiled at young lady at the reception. Her face had already dropped while I spoke. Sad smile appeared on her face.
"I am sorry, Mr. Holland. You should go home and rather forget about her."
"W-what? Why? What happened? Is she okay?"
"I shouldn't be telling you this, but she probably won't survive much longer."
"What? You have to be joking? I was talking to her yesterday. She was fine. What happened? If it has something to with that Melendez guy I am sorry. But ple, don't joke about her dying, I.."
"I am not joking, Mr. Holland. I would have never joked about such a thing. She is my best friend. And she is dying. So please,don't make it even harder for me."
"C-can I.. Can I at least see her? One last time?"
"I am sorry, you can't. She is on fluid resuscitation right now."
I could feel my eyes started watering. I felt familiar anxiety and my heart almost stopped working. My palms started sweating, I felt dizzy. I had to sit down for a moment.
"Do you need water, Mr. Holland?"
I wasn't able to speak. My voice was caught deep in my throat. My eyes were blankly staring at the wall in front of me. I didn't even notice when she left to grab me some water.
"Here, drink it." She handed me cup of water and crunched in front of me. "Listen, I know how you feel. Y/N is amazing person, you don't know her for a long time, but I am sure you could see that. She doesn't deserve to die like this and this soon, but it's what it is. We have to deal with it. She wouldn't want you to cry over her death. She would want you to continue your life with joy. Let's honour every moment we could spend with her and if the worst comes, we should let her die in peace. " She gently rubbed the back of my hand. I looked at her with puffy red eyes.
" I don't want her to die. " I said with raspy voice.
" I know. Me neither, but she was diagnosed with severe damages to her body, her condition is really miserable and there is only a small chance of her to survive this even with the best doctors and facilities."
I growled and put my head into my hands. I didn't even try to keep my sobbs quiet. Mrs. Brown hugged me tightly.
" Psst. It will be okay. I feel the same. You are not alone. But you should go home now. Spend some time with your family and friends. It's okay to cry, but don't let it affect you in other ways. Do you have someone to pick you up?"
"What's her diagnose? What happened? Can you at least tell me so I know when she.. When she dies what causes it?"
"She suffers a septic shock. It's severe condition when 50% of patients dies, because of multiple organs failure."
"But.. She was okay yesterday. How could it happened?"
"Septic shock is caused by sepsis which does not respond the treatment.  Your blood pressure drops to a dangerously low level after sepsis."
"Oh my God." I gulped and felt dizzy again. My skin was pale.
"Mr. Holland, look at me. Do you have someone to take you home? Can you give me your phone so I can call you someone?"
I can't remember properly how I managed to unlock my phone and handed it to her. Her voice was muffled and my head hurt. I didn't know how much time passed, but suddenly Harrison appeared in front of me.
" Hey, mate. I am here, I am here. Can you stand up? I am taking you home." He helped me to stand up and led me in the car. He managed to sat me on the front seat.
"Wait for me I need to speak to the nurse. Can you do that?"
I nodded absently. He walked back to the nurse I was talking to, Mrs. Brown. She explained what happened and what he should do with me. After a minute or two, Haz took me home. I cant tell you how long the ride was, because only thing I could think about was Y/N. She was dying. Dying and I couldn't help her. I only spoke to her for a few hours, but I had already felt the bond between us. I couldn't lose her. I didn't want to be sad, broken. Not again. Not after Anna. I prayed in my head. I prayed so hard. - Please God, I have already lost the love of my life. Please, I don't want to see another person die. I have just started to have feelings for another woman, after years of being alone and crying over my sweet angel, I found another one, or at least I think I found. And you want to take her from me too? -
"Tom, Tom, please look at me. Don't cry mate, I know it's hard. I am here. Please look at me." Haz was looking at me, obviously worried. Somehow he managed to lay me down on my bed.
"Tom, do you need something? A water or something to eat?" he sat next to me on bed. I stayed quiet, not really listening what he was saying. He just sighed.
"I will give you some space. You should sleep a bit. I will be downstairs if you need something." He stood up and walked to the door.
"Stay.. Please.. I need you."
A/N: Let me know what you think about this story so far. Sorry for my English, it's not my first language and I am new with this. So I would be happy and thankful about the feedback. Have a nice day! 😊
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dommexbritt · 4 years
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FONDUE FOR TWO W/ SUE SYLVESTER // Fri. Feb 26th release
Hello, and welcome to the first ever and extra special edition of Fondue for Two on the Fondue Pot Podcast. A show where I, your host, Brittany S Pierce will ask the burning cheese melting questions so that you don’t have to. Today we have a line up of parents to shed a little light on their feelings on campus, school policy, and their terrible children... 
Now, first we have a well known alumni, renowned cheerleading coach, and all around bad guy... according to a whole slew of lawsuits but don't expect her lawyers to say so. 
Hello, welcome, I hope your time here this week has been as exciting as it used to be back in your day. Just as a background on you and to start, can you please introduce yourself to our listeners?. Let us know how many children you have attending the school and because you're an alumni, anything about today's campus that looks a little different now than how it used to....
Sue: It's good to be here, Miss Pierce, and thank you for the warm welcome.  First off, before I introduce myself, let me just say that none of those allegations were ever proven in a court of law. 
To the point, though, if your listeners don't know me then they should.  Sue Sylvester, cheerleading icon, one of the most successful coaches in the history of our sport.  I have two children attending this school, although whether I acknowledge them as such depends on their grades.
As for this campus...well, Brittany, frankly it's hideous.  This used to be a place for the elite.  The best of the best.  Scholarships?  What is this, Communist Venezuela?  I'd be willing to accept the kids who can pay for themselves, because why not let them spend their money, that's the American way.  But a scholarship?  Embarrassing.  Those kids drag this entire campus down.
B: You heard that Devereux? Sue Sylvester herself, coming at you. 
I know your daughters. 
As far as the rest of the campus and scholarships, that seems like a totally weird thing to be bothered by but I know a lot of people in your generation have a lot of anger issues from the prohibition days. I'll try not to ask too many rage inducing questions, to be accommodating. 
But while we are on the topic of progressive and dynamic school changes... In regards to the retesting that has been and continues to be issued, do you have a stance on the new tests validity? This has been a hot topic on campus for months since the holidays last year, and I'd love to get some parent perspective on it.
S: Prohibition?  How old do you think I am, exactly, Brittany?  That was repealed in 1933, and I certainly wasn't around to see it.  Tragic day anyway, this country would have been far better off it weren't filled with alcoholic louts. 
See, a person might think I'd be against something like that - after all, your mark is your mark and it's as simple as that.  But I am in favor of tests.  If someone really doesn't have what it takes to be a Dominant?  Tell them so.  Make them a submissive, slap some cuffs on them, and go on with your life.  And those people who show that they're more than just a submissive?  Good for them!  Upward mobility, Brittany, that's what this country was built on.
B: 1933. Yeah I totally know. This campus must have been, like, an entirely different walk of life back then. 
That is really understanding of you. I bet a lot of the students who are listening that might of retested feel pretty reassured that you think so. 
Follow up question, if you were still a student and faced with a retest yourself do you suspect it would impact your current role?
S: I...was not here in 1933, Brittany.  I wasn't even born. 
As they should be.  They should understand, like everyone else in this great country, that testing is the backbone of education.  If you test well, it means that you're a good student, and simple as that. 
Absolutely not.  I was born a Dominant, I will die a Dominant, and there is no test on Earth I could take that would ever say otherwise.  Sue Sylvester does not fail.
B: Uh-huh.  All of that is a totally interesting theory. 
It's pretty cool to be secure in your role. Would you like to share a fist bump with me on it?
S: A theory?  Brittany, unlike the president I can show you my birth certificate.
 Yes, of course - much more hygienic than a handshake, I believe.
[ * muffled fist bump sounds ] 
B:  Moving on... 
 Any feelings on the class list not including French courses or modeled under typical French curriculum here at Devereux Academy?
S: It's the best decision they could have made.  What was a student in Florida going to need French for?  I'm sure if they wanted to say "I surrender," or ask for cheese and a baguette, they can do that just as easily in a proper language.  And what did their curriculum ever teach them?  How to cut the heads off of women who were only enjoying a delicious piece of cake?
B: OH! Thank you for saying CHEESE.
 [ * buzzer sound ]  
That is the HOT WORD today and lined up perfectly with the fondue pot being just warm enough. Please help yourself. It's my own cheddar gouda blend and there are plenty of dipper items to dip. I recommend the marshmallows... 
The HOT WORD [ * buzzer sound ] brings the focus in on you personally and I have one very burning question for you that I'm sure a ton of our listers who know anything there is to know about you are on the edge of their seats wondering. 
 Is it true that you are legally married to yourself?
S: I haven't had a proper fondue since the seventies.  And now that I think about it, Dick Cheney never did pay for the vegetables.  
[ muffled chewing sounds ]
 [ loud swallow ] 
That is completely true, in fact.  I have some lovely pictures from the ceremony here, if you'd like to look them over.  Isn't that tracksuit stunning?  I mean, it's more me that's stunning than the tracksuit, but still.
B: Wow..it.. it actually is super good looking. Did you save it for any of your daughters to wear at their wedding?
S: Thank you - I'm glad that you can appreciate how tasteful it was.  I did save it, but not for them - it's in a glass case on a mannequin of my exact proportions in my office at home.
B: Oh, right of course. 
I'd like to also ask, since you're solo-married, would you ever consider entering into a long term claim with yourself as well?
S: Oh god no.  I would never wear a collar for anyone, not even myself.  I can't even stomach the thought of it.
B: Thank you for answering those. That was the HOT WORD [ * buzzer sound ] and a dip into Sue Sylvester. 
Now, we're nearing the end of our time here, there are just a few more things I feel we should cover while I have you here. 
As a Legacy I'm sure you're super aware of the type of pressures that can bring but, do you have an idea or a guess of what it might be like for a child of a well known individual like yourself to be wading through gossip and the literal meaning of the word legacy in your wake?
S: Of course - it's been a true pleasure knowing there are talented journalists like yourself on campus, Brittany. 
I have no doubt that it's the most difficult thing in the world to follow someone like me.  Knowing that everyone who looks at them is constantly comparing them to me, wondering when they'll follow in my footsteps and become more like me, I cannot imagine that sort of pressure.  But I trained them, molded them, just like any legacy parent should do, and I believe they're capable.
B: Thank you Sue, I super appreciate you saying that. I'm going to save it as a sound bite to play later. 
You heard it here folks, one Sue Sylvester believes her daughters to be trained an capable. It totally sounds like you're super proud, that's amazing. Speaking of when you were attending though, there is one more personal item my assistant has pointed out to me that I have yet to touch on and I think everyone would like to hear your side... 
I heard that when you were here at Devereux the then Intro to Dominance teacher reportedly had a public breakdown and resigned. Through the help of school records I have tracked down and reached out to said retired teacher and although they sounded ancient like the skeleton from tales from the crypt. They had this to say about it, and I quote:
"I never thought that the devil walked on Earth, and then I met Sue Sylvester.  How Devereux managed to survive her long enough to let her graduate, I'll never know.  That woman tried to kill me on at least three occasions, and whether anyone could prove it or not I know the truth.  She said on day one that I sounded like a Hippo wheezing in a desert, and from then on she had it in for me." 
 Do you have a comment?
S: Oh, them being capable doesn't mean that they'll actually put in the effort. Only that I gave them every tool possible to help them on their way.  What they do with that is up to them. 
 [ sound of Sue, laughing uproariously ] 
I can't believe that old bat hasn't keeled over in her study, surrounded by her little ceramic figurines and being gnawed on by the eighty seven cats I'm sure she owns.  I do have a comment, actually.  Now that the statute of limitations has expired, I'll say that I actually tried to kill her on at least seven different occasions, and she must have missed the other four.  And with the benefit of hindsight, she sounded less like a hippo wheezing than like the musty specter of death in a Vincent Price movie.
B: Seven.  Well. I don't know if legally I should air that but I bet your lawyers will be on it if there is any trouble. 
I also want to take a moment and add a disclaimer here, this podcast or any part of Devereux administration does not condone the use of violence or bullying against their employees. 
Well, that has been a ride. And I'd really like to thank you for taking the time to talk with me and give us your sizzling take on current goings on of our school. 
Before we go, and last of all... off the top you your head, what’s the hottest dish you have to serve up for us? Any context.
S: I, on the other hand, absolutely condone the use of violence.  How else do people learn? 
It's been a genuine pleasure, Brittany, and thank you for doing the good lord's work and getting the news out to your fellow students. 
The hottest dish I've got for you...oh, I've got just the thing.  I bet no one who goes here has ever figured this out, so consider this a Sue Sylvester exclusive.  If you find just the right brick to press on in the library, you can open a secret door.  Inside is a private gym and training facility that I dubbed "the room of pain."  The first one to find it will find a one hundred dollar gift card for Bullwinkle's Restaurant hidden somewhere inside.
B: WOAH. Completely unexpected dish!! You heard it here first people, a treasure hunt on our very own campus is now afoot. 
That was Sue Sylvester, this is Fondue For Two, and I am Brittany S Pierce. 
Signing off.
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Survey #405
“today i went to therapy, told him the embarrassing issues that i’m having with my life  /  he told me that i need to change; life is not a video game, so stop playing & open up your eyes”
What was your favourite sweet as a child? Things like Baby Bottle Pops, Ring Pops, Airheads, etc. Do you like to wear socks to bed? NOOOOOOO. I don't wear socks unless I have to. What’s your favourite berry? Strawberries. If you have a job, how long is your shift? I don't. Do you like sunflowers? Well yeah. Are you counting down for anything? No. Are you watching TV? What’s on? No. Do you have make-up on? No. I haven't worn makeup since last October. Are you any good with kids? People have told me I am, but I beg to differ. What if you had a baby with the last person you kissed? We're both cisgender women, we physically couldn't. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years time? It'd be nice honestly, but I kinda doubt I will be. What is your favorite card game? Magic: The Gathering. What is the weirdest thing you’ve done in public? Ha, probably the times I've gotten down on the ground beside the road to photograph roadkill... More than once has someone stopped and asked if I was okay, haha. Favorite sleeping position? Twisted half on my side and stomach with my legs just sorta splayed out. What is your dad’s name? Ken. Have you ever been on a diet? Multiple times. Do you own any jersey shirts? No. Are you proud to be of the nationality you are? There are two moods I have on this: I'm either neutral or embarrassed. Can you remember what you last clapped for? Omg the woman who facilitates my TMS treatment was telling Mom and me about this one time a tiny snake got in the lobby and I did a lil squeal and clapped a bit because I was just excited to hear about a little snake, haha. What is the geekiest part of your music collection? *shrug* Maybe game soundtrack music. What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night? Well, not really the fridge, but w/e. I'll usually get a granola bar or something of the sort. What is the little physical habit that gives away you're insecure moment? Kneading/wringing my hands together is a dead giveaway. Do you have too many love interests? No. How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year? If you want honesty... probably no amount would lmao. I rely way too heavily on the Internet for so many things. Do you talk a lot? It depends on my mood and who I'm around. Do transient, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? What a fucking awful question. They don't annoy me. It can be awkward driving past them, but they're in no way annoying. Do you consider yourself to be a nice person? I definitely try to be. What is your ideal marriage location? Either a gothic-looking mansion or something of the sort or a wooded area in the fall. Do you tell your friends about your sex life? I don't have one to talk about. Would you ever admit to having done plastic surgery of any kind if confronted? Yeah? No shame. What kind of watch(es) do you wear? I don't wear watches. What do you cook the best? My family likes my scrambled cheesy eggs... basic as that is, haha. When my sisters would go to Taco Bell all the time and save the hot sauces for later use, I would use some packets in the eggs I cooked. Honestly amazing. What's one car you will never buy? "Anything that is two door, or low to the ground." <<<< This right here. On the other end of the spectrum, I also won't ever buy a car that's high up. I need a good medium so I can actually get in with ease. What's one thing you're a sore loser at? Hm, I dunno. What kind of first impression do you think you give to people? "Wow, she's awkward." What's one thing you like to do alone? Draw. When's the last time you cried? Not long ago at all because I was just so exasperated over my weight gain. Do you think you're cute? God no. Do you have problems changing clothes in front of friends? I don't change in front of anyone if I can avoid it. Did you like kissing the last person you kissed or the one before that more? The last person. I gotta say I was not a fan of kissing Girt because for whatever reason his lips were ALWAYS wetter than lips naturally should be and I just didn't dig it, man. That and every kiss with him was awkward. Whose bed other than yours did you last lay on? My mom's. What turns you off immediately? Acting sexist, to name one. Which city do you particularly enjoy visiting and for what reasons? I don't like going into cities. Do you often take pictures with the camera on your phone? No. I don't like the camera on my phone. In the past year, have you lost weight or gained weight? How much? Gained. You don't need to know. What year was the last car you rode in/drove? I have zero clue. What’s your worst/funniest experience with one of your neighbors? "Worst" and "funniest" are very different... but I can tell you the worst easily. At my childhood home, our next-door neighbors had a pair of Rottweilers in their back yard within a chain-link fence, and we had a LOT of outdoor cats at the time. (I will emphasize every time I bring it up to NOT keep cats outside.) Somehow the dogs got loose and went on a rampage trying to kill our cats; one young one was killed, while our fearless mother cat, Chance, literally fought them off to defend her new kittens. More were maybe killed, I honestly can't remember. My mom was hysterical and threatened to call animal control if it ever happened again. I was absolutely, utterly heartbroken. The last time you burned your tongue or mouth, what were you eating? Ummm I want to say it was some sort of pasta that I didn't let cool long enough. Honestly, are you shallow? Far from it, honestly. Can/could your parents tell when you were lying? Not always. Besides clothes, shoes, and accessories, what’s your favorite thing to shop for? I love window-shopping at Morph Market, haha. AAAAAAAAAALL those ball python morphs, man... *drools* Does/did your parents ever go through your computer or cell phone? When I was younger, Mom was very intent on figuring out why I was always so secretive about what I did on the computer (mostly RP-related things) that ohhhh yeah, she'd do some digging. The night she finally snapped, demanding I tell her my passwords to everything, and she ultimately found out about me being a forum RPer, was literally almost traumatic to me, I think. I know, that sounds INCREDIBLY overdramatic, but I'm not fucking joking. I was in my room SOBBING on my best friend's shoulder, who was spending the night. I was just so embarrassed, and I *still* am when I share that fact with people I know, even though I have no reason to be. Like I don't do any weird or kinky RP shit, it's just genuine, artistic writing with actual, well thought-out plots, but I still feel like people would think it dumb, childish, and just weird. What song reminds you the most of a particular day in your life? Why is that? "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin. I've talked about it a few times before and really don't feel like doing it again. Do you have any close friends that were adopted? I don't think so. Who, in your opinion, is the best thriller writer? I don't know. Does your mom eat meat? Yeah. Was your dad ever on a sports team? Lots in high school, I believe. Do you prefer thick or thin crusted pizza? Thick, by a long shot. What do you have in your fruit salads? Not a fan of fruit salads. Have you ever spent more than two weeks in a wheelchair? I've only needed a wheelchair once in my life, and that was just to get inside and maneuver around the doctor's office when I tore a ligament in my foot. So no. What are your favorite word? Serendipity, tranquility, lucid, etc.; pretty, peaceful words like those. Is there a lot of drama in your life? Nope. I don't do enough or have enough people in my life for there to be. What are you listening to? An extended version of "Nightsong" from WoW. Do you hear any animals right now? No. I'm sure I'd hear birds if I didn't have my earplugs in, though. Have you ever played fetch with a dog? Yes. Have you ever pet a stingray? No. Who is the last baby you held? Emerson, my youngest niece. Do you have any scars from an animal? Yeah; I've got looooots from my cat playing too rough. Have you ever seen an Igloo? I don't believe so. Do you like Korn? They're high on my list of faves. Are you more afraid of tornadoes or hurricanes? Absolutely tornadoes. Do you like mushrooms? Ugh, NO. Have you ever been on Omegle? No. So do you have a favorite M&M? Just the regular ones. Have you ever snuck out? No. Do you currently feel like you have pretty stable career goals/a pretty stable life plan? Have you ever felt this way? I don't know, man. I know what I WANT to do, I just don't know if I'm ever going to get there. Or if what I want will be financially supportive enough, now that I'm really losing interest in photographing people. I might just have to if I want to be financially stable with photography, which would be okay, but bleh. I'd much rather just work with nature. If you could buy an android that was was convincingly human and could be tailored to be your perfect partner, would you want one? No. I don't want to build my own partner, nor do I want my romantic partner to be an android. I want life to just introduce me to a person who is uniquely themselves, who have built themselves from their own life experiences, and not just have a perfect spouse tailored to everything I like. If you do not identify as being “straight,” can you remember back to your childhood some things you did that were, in hindsight, possible indicators of your future sexuality? Yes, especially in middle school. I thought women were prettier than probably a straight kid would, and looking back, I definitely found the natural curves of the female figure to be attractive. When you consume media (movies, books, etc.) with a romantic element, what sort of romance scenarios interest you most? Hm. I know I prefer serious ones over silly; like I'm a sucker for Nicholas Sparks' style, if that says anything. If you are female, do you feel connected to other women as a class? What sort of things make you feel a strong sense of sisterhood or female empowerment? This is too big of a question for me to feel like delving into right now, haha. But I can say it more so depends on the individual than the gender when it comes to feeling connection over anything.
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ziracona · 4 years
Do you have any post ilm Myer sibs (Quentin counts too 👀) hcs? I live for your Myers sib content and it is so gooooood I loved the little tidbits at the end of ilm :)
Sure! I love them so muc TuT. I’ve posted some before, but I can’t remember off the top of my head always which things I have and haven’t said already when it comes to post-ILM headcanons, so apologies if I repeat myself a little.
Michael takes a while to be comfortable around other people in general, but gets there pretty well eventually, and becomes a normal part of the gang. Philip is especially helpful (both to him and all the other past-killers) in working out ways to get through that past.
His cat almost dies the first year he has it, but Claudette is visiting the day it happens and saves it, and he and the cat both love her after that.
Michael has a really weird relationship with Nancy bc her introduction to him was not as The Shape but as “Oh this is Laurie’s weird brother,” but somehow they turned that weirdness into a really great mechanic and vibe well together.
Since Michael thinks Quentin is biologically his brother, then half-brother after he meets Alan Smith, he considers Alan kind of a weird step-father and Anna kind of a weird step-mother. Luckily for everyone involved, he doesn’t think about this much.
Laurie and Michael go mma on each other sometimes after the first few years just for old time’s sake and it’s kind of amazing to watch.
Everybody in the group gets pretty fluent in sign language after a while to communicate with Michael easily. It’s much appreciated by Laurie.
Michael is successfully able to learn how to read and write at adult levels after a few years with Laurie’s help and she is unbelievably proud of him and not afraid to show it, which he finds both embarrassing and enjoys.
Both of them come to stay with Quentin a lot, and it’s really nice for all of them. Alan does a very impressive job of being welcoming to the two murderers his kid has made part of his personal life 🤣 (poor Alan, without context getting Michael and Anna—thank God he has his kid who will give him the world’s most in-depth and sympathetic explanations). Michael gets interested in art by the stuff Nancy keeps/makes out in the shed, and she talks him into trying his hand a little. Sometimes they go do that together, or talk Quentin & Laurie into joining and do a group drawing party while talking or listening to music.
The headphones were a good gift, and listening to music/tuning things out is very helpful to Michael sometimes he finds, when dealing with psychosis symptoms. Sometimes if he’s having a rough time, he will go sit out on the porch in silence and listen to music, and Quentin started going to join him when that happened if he was visiting, and would just sit beside him in silence, listening to his own headphones as a move of solidarity. One time a month or so later, Quentin was having a really bad week and couldn’t sleep, and got up and was just chilling downstairs on the couch, listening to headphones, and Michael came over wearing his and sat with him. Now they regularly both do it as a solidarity act together if either of them needs a break from life. They never really talk about it—just go sit on the porch together and listen to their own music—but they don’t have to. They know. :’-]
Laurie & Quentin have both physically attacked strangers more than one for stuff they said to Michael.
Quentin takes Laurie (and Michael, if it’s a kind he could enjoy, which is unfortunately rareish) to concerts, and does insist to her dismay on bankrolling stuff for her whenever he can once he’s eventually a doctor. Laurie gets this with both barrels, because David constantly does this too, and she appreciates it, but is also low-key stressed sometimes.
Laurie: I’m gonna grab a smoothie real—
David&Quentin, shoving handfuls of money her way: “Here, for the”—“I’ll pay”
Laurie: O_O
Its a little weird for Michale when David & Laurie start dating, and he feels threatened because the man had less than nothing in the entire world before his sister and he worked things out, and he does not want things to change back, but he is assured by both Laurie and David that nothing will change, and after experiencing that/seeing it is true for a few weeks/months, he calms down about it. Eventually kind of likes the idea of having a 2nd brother, as Quentin puts it to him. Already liked David pretty well and gets to know him even better, now that he has a level of personal interest in him, and they get along pretty well. It’s weird, because they are incredibly awkward @ each other, but that gets better and all four of them (sibs + David) have a lot of fun doing things as a group.
Michael got to see like, none of the world at all most of his life, so he greatly enjoys travel/sightseeing, and is interested by most of what is out there to see. The first time he went boating was a really great day for him, and kind of a fantastic experience. David took them out on a lake (p early on, year 2) and it was one of the best feelings he’d experienced. Since age 6, all he’s really gotten to see or do was walk around and stab people in small realm cages, or sit still in a white room from age 6-21, and the world couldn’t be a lot more full of wonder. Laurie takes to casually explaining how things work a lot out loud when they go places as little fun “did you know?” Kinds of facts, so that in case he doesn’t know, he won’t have to ask or feel embarrassed about it. Several of the others start doing this too after a bit.
Laurie plays piano, and Michael is fascinated by that, so Laurie teaches him how to do that too. Sometimes he and Quentin, who is still learning guitar, will practice together. Laurie tries to pretend she doesn’t love listening as much as she does but it kills her w happiness when they do.
After quite a few years, Laurie tries out teaching literature, history, and philosophy at a local high school. She’s incredibly nervous. Technically she doesn’t have a college education and is using forged documents, and just has private study and some courses in those areas specifically out of love for the topics/interest, and she’s afraid she won’t be good at it. Her friends try to talk her up and reassure her. Quentin and David throw a celebration for her first day when she gets back, and all her friends/the realm fam & extended family (Nancy, Alan, etc) come. The biggest help is Michael, though, who just goes and stands outside all day near the school where she can see him through the window—which should be horrifying, all things considered, but actually helps. It’s just incredibly funny to her, because it’s visually so similar and contextually couldn’t be more different from the last time he stalked her at a school, so she chills out and gets through the day fine. Runs outside and hugs him at the end of it. Michael is very proud of himself. Then Laurie has an amazing surprise party when she gets home.
Laurie does not stay a high school teacher for that long, but she really enjoys it while she does it.
While Quentin is at school with Nancy and Claudette and Philip, Laurie and Michael come to visit quite frequently, and sometimes the whole group of six has game or movie or book nights, or goes off on a mini trip or night out.
After a couple years of their tradition with Judith, Michael and Laurie start to invite Quentin along too and he is both touched and nervous, but goes, and comes to quite a few of the picnics regularly, because he’s a sibling of the family too. Michael is excited to introduce him to her. :’-]
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orange-waterfalls · 5 years
Say It Back (2/2)
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The Host x gender neutral!reader
@thekillingjoke-haha ty for the request(still)
Part 1
A/N: ok i know i made a playlist called "songs to cry to" and listened to it while writing a sappy fic but..... I didn't think I'd actually cry??? I had no idea how to end it I'm sorry ahvsgsvs. also I feel like should point out that I do headcanon that Host is on the aromantic scale, so that's why you are the literal only person who he has fallen in love with. Because. You're special???? I guess????? But uh I hope u like this. Rated T for cursing. Enjoy???
Word Count: 2.4k
Requests are open!
“Host, what the fuck are we doing?” Illinois asks with his hands on his hips.
Host sighs and stops pacing the floor. He turns to the egos- excluding Bim, who is behind him- who he has lined up in the living room. A day has passed since you went on that date with that guy. Host has no idea who he is, but he doesn’t like him.
“Host needs you all to help him,” Host states, his voice managing to stay flat though he was experiencing many emotions at the moment. Not all of the egos were present. The more serious/dangerous ones(i.e. The Googles, Darkiplier, Yandere, etc.) were not there. He’d also kicked out the ones he didn’t trust with something this important(i.e. Ed, Silver Shepard, King of the Squirrels, etc.). There is still a fair amount of them, however.
“Help? Wit what?” Yancy asks. The Host takes a deep breath.
“Host… wants to tell Y/N he’s in love with them…” A series of cheers, groans, and sounds of money being passed follow his statement.
“Okay, but what do we have to do with this?” Dr. Iplier gestures to himself and the nearly identical people next to him.
“Host… is not the most familiar with romantic relationships…” Host explains softly, “He does not know what to do… he needs help…” The room is silent and the Host’s heart beats softly in his ears.
“Oh, hell yeah!” Bing cheers. The other egos join and agree to help. Host swells with joy. These people are maniacs but, dammit, they’re family. Basically, anyways. “So, what do we do?”
“Hm?” Host is snapped out of his thoughts.
“Well, what are we supposed to do? Is there a plan or something?” Host stares at Bing. He… hadn’t thought of that. A plan… would be useful… in this specific situation… hm…
“Uh…” Host scratches his neck while he thinks. Bim rolls his eyes.
“Oh, Christ. Fine,” he pulls a chair up to the coffee table in front of them while the others sit across from him on the couch and in the seats.
“Does… Does Bim have a plan?” Host’s eyebrows raise in surprise.
“I have a lot of free time and believe you me, I knew you wouldn’t be able to do this yourself,” Bim explains. Some of the egos chuckle while Host blushes.
“Now,” He leans forward, as do the rest of them, “Here’s what we’ll do…”
Host does not know how he let himself get into this situation.
He is holding a bouquet of flowers, standing in the middle of your house, wearing a bowtie, of all things, waiting for you to get back. And when you got back, he’d take you to the movies, then to dinner, then the park and he’d finally confess his everlasting love for you while you watched the sunset. And then he’d go in for the kiss. Perfect.
Except… not perfect. Bim neglected to explain what he was supposed to do while all these activities were taking place. He didn’t do romance! He didn’t know how to talk to people! What is he supposed to talk about? The weather? His job? The goddamn election? What?!
Host took a deep breath to slow his beating heart. He could feel the blood threatening to drip from his eyes. He squared his shoulders and faced your door. You should be here soon. Bim said you’d be here soon.
Bim had a plan. Like, a plan plan. An “I have been waiting for this moment for so long that I already have every single detail planned down to the letter” plan. Illinois and Yancy would pretend to get in a fight outside your work. You’d go outside and break it up. You’d ask them what the fight was about, they’d give a stupid answer and you’d tell them to go home. Then Eric would show up, tell you that he thought he left something at your house the last time he was there and he really, really needed it. You’d tell your boss you needed to go home. You’d go home, open your door, and boom! Host takes you out. On a date.
Bim, King, and Dr. Iplier would take care of the rest. Bim would make sure the theater was clear… by doing whatever he does… Dr. Iplier would call the people who reserved a table at a fancy restaurant that they’re dying and need to get to the hospital immediately. King would make sure the park was clear by getting his squirrels to scare people away. It was perfect.
What the hell is he doing? He isn’t… like this. This is false advertising for what would actually happen if you two are to date. He’d probably spend a whole day writing and then hug you when you went to bed. Maybe a kiss.
But this? Movies(that he can’t watch)? Fancy restaurants? Watching the sunset? This isn’t him. Is it too late to cancel?
Host stiffens when he hears your car pull into the driveway.
30 seconds to make a decision. A) He can stay and go through with the plan or B) he can throw himself out the window.
He hears your keys in the lock and there is apparently an unforeseen third option where he walks out the back door like a sensible person. He breathes heavily once he’s in your backyard.
Okay. Bim’s plan is officially ruined. Great. What now?
He can go home and tell the other egos how he’s an absolute failure and literally cannot do a single thing right.
Or he could ask you out. His way. On his own, without any help from Bim. He heard you walk around your apartment, talking with Eric.
“So, what did you leave?” You ask. Host feels the dopamine flow through his brain at the sound of your voice. Unknowingly, he smiles.
“I-I-I don’t know. B-But it w-was i-important!” Eric stutters. He’s a really bad actor…
“Okay, it’s okay, we can look,” You respond gently. Host clutches the flowers tightly. You’re so… gentle. You’re so wonderful with Eric, so patient with the kid. You know what he’s been through, and you try to help and understand him. You did the same thing with Host. Maybe that’s why he likes you so much…
“U-Um, I-I think this is it,” Eric says after a few minutes of rustling around.
“Really? I thought this was mine…”
“O-Oh, uh… m-maybe i-it’s n-not--”
“No, no! You have it! Better safe than sorry.”
“O-Okay… um… a-are y-you sure?”
“Yeah, absolutely. I can get another one, it’s fine.”
“A-Alright… thanks!”
“No problem. Bye, Eric! Have a great day! Don’t forget to take your meds!”
“Okay… B-Bye, Y/N!”
Host bites his lip to suppress the happy chuckle that threatens to come out. He thought your interaction was the purest thing in the world. You’re… so… great.
Great? Really? That’s the best word he can come up with? Not “exceptional”, not “tremendous”, “marvelous”, “magnificent”, “stupendous”, “extraordinary”, “outstanding”...
He’s an author, for Chrissakes!
How was it that you took away all of his cognitive ability by just… being you?
Goodness, he had it bad, didn’t he?
Host jumps at the buzzing on his thigh. He takes the phone out of his pocket and answers. He hesitantly brings the phone to his ear. He has a feeling about what’s going to happen.
“Um… Hello?” He whispers.
“What the fuck are you doing?!” Yancy yells. Host flinches at the volume.
“What the hell happened to the plan? What is your problem?” Illinois interrupts.
“Dude, we were rooting for you!” Bing takes the phone next. Host frowned, starting to get annoyed.
“We’re trying to help you,” Dr. Iplier said, calmer than the rest.
“Everything was ready,” King said from somewhere in the background.
“Host,” Bim finally took the phone, “What happened?” Host was silent for a minute. “Host?”
“Oh, is Host allowed to speak now?” He teases. Bim chuckles.
“Yeah, sorry… Just… what happened?” Host sighs.
“Host… realized… he wants to do this… his way. Without help. He doesn’t need it. Y/N will either like him, or they won’t. All this… fancy stuff won’t change that. Host needs to do this on his own,” Host explains. The phone is silent. He’s begun to realize that silence does not equal upset. Bim snorts.
“Well, you could’ve fucking said that before we convinced that young couple that they’re dying,” He laughs. Host flushes and he’s glad no one’s around to see it.
“Host is sorry…”
“Eh, it’s fine. I’m sure if I ask Wilford, we can do all the shit you were supposed to,” Host can hear Bim’s smile when he talks, “Good luck Host.” He hangs up, and Host is left sitting on your back porch.
Ok. New plan.
Host tears the bowtie off and throws it in your trash, along with the flowers. Hopefully, you wouldn’t mind.
He straightened his back and cleared his throat, raising his fist to knock on your door. He paused.
Wait. What if you didn’t like him? What if you were already dating the guy? Did romantic relationships work that way? He wouldn’t know.
He shook his head and knocked three times. He’d deal with that when he got to it.
The door opens to reveal… you. You’re wearing sweatpants and a Pokemon hoodie. You raise an eyebrow at him, a slightly annoyed look on your face.
God, you’re perfect.
“Host? May I help you?” Your face softens when you see who it is. The Host swallows nervously.
“Uh… may the Host come in?” You nod and step back, allowing him to step into your house. His knees would have buckled with the sheer smell of the house if he hadn’t been here before. The whole place smells like you and he nearly collapsed the first time.
“Would you… like a drink?”
“No, thank you.”
“Okay, well…” You both stand across from each other, a few feet apart. “What would you-”
“The Host likes Y/N,” Host blurts out. You blink at him, hand in mid-gesture.
“What?” You ask quietly. The Host takes a shaky breath and grounds himself. He is going to get through this, no matter how embarrassing or traumatizing it may be.
“The Host… I… I like you. I love you. I am… in love… with you…” He says slowly, not fully comprehending what’s coming out of his mouth. “I like you. Say it back, please.”
“Say it back, please”? Really?! Could you sound any more desperate?
He looks up to see your head tilted slightly. Why were you so cute?
“Okay…” You furrow your eyebrows, “Elaborate?” Host takes another breath and swallows. His throat is very dry. Maybe he should’ve said yes to the drink…
“Host… is in love with you. He has been for a while. He’s not sure when it started, but he knows it’s a very strong feeling. He loves to hear Y/N talk and laugh and… walk around and… do anything. And… he thinks they are such a wonderful person and he wants to be the one to make them happy… he wants to be the one they go on dates with and come home to… because… he loves them…” Host holds his breath while he waits for the response. The suspense might actually kill him at this point.
“I… like you,” You finally say. Host knits his eyebrows together.
“What?” He asks.
“You… you said to say it back…” you whisper, “And… if it happens to be true… that’s not my fault…” Hosts eyebrows raise as high as they can go.
“What?” He repeats, barely louder than a whisper. He hears the floor creak as you walk over to him and he breathes heavily in response. What’s happening? What are you doing? What’s going on?
His breath hitches when you take his hand and intertwine your fingers with his.
“I love you too, Host.” You whisper. The Host feels extremely light headed. You love him? You love him? No, no, no… but…
“But… date… with… guy…” Host murmurs. There goes the brain function.
“I went out with him to try and get over you…” you admitted, “I didn’t think you actually liked me…”
“Why… not?”
“I’m not… anything special--”
“Yes! Yes, you are!” He raises his voice, “You are… exceptional! And tremendous! And marvelous, magnificent, stupendous, extraordinary, outstanding… and… so much more!” You stifle a laugh.
“You really think so?”
“Yes!” You chuckle. You shift your hand so that you’re holding his fingers in your hand. You rub your thumb over his knuckles. He begins to shake slightly. Too much. He was going to pass out.
“So… what now?”
“Hm?” Host turns his head from your hand holding his to your face.
“What do we do now?”
“Host is not sure, he didn’t think he would get this far…” You laugh out loud this time and a smile appears on the Host’s face.
“Well… do you want to awkwardly kiss?”
“That… It would be nice…”
You shuffle forward a bit so you’re very close to the Host. He stands completely still, not exactly sure what to do with himself. You lay a gentle hand on his cheek and kiss him. Not deep, not… sensual, just… a small kiss. Host still gets very flushed by it and his cheek is very hot on your hand. You pull back after a few seconds.
“How… was that?” You squeak.
“Good… it was… it was good…” He pants. You both stand there, unmoving. Then, you start to giggle.
“We… are adults… and we’re acting like teenagers…” You laugh. Host smiles.
“That… we are…” Host starts laughing as well. You laugh at each other and how ridiculous you’re being before you remove your hand from the Host’s. He immediately misses the contact. You wrap your arms around him and hold him tightly in a hug. Host hesitantly wrapped his around you. You stood, swaying a bit, feeling very comfortable.
“This is nice,” you sigh.
“It is.”
“What do you wanna do now?”
“Host is… a bit hungry…” You snicker.
“Alright. I’ll make something.” You pull away and Host chases after your warmth. You lead him to the living room and sit him down on the couch. You go to the kitchen, leaving the Host alone with his thoughts.
You… like him. You… love him. How long have you loved him? Why didn’t he know? Is he really just that stupid around you?
He sighs and traces his knuckles with a finger.
He loves you… you love him…
He couldn’t remember the last time he was this happy...
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chwesolai · 4 years
change up. | lee chan
inspired by change up by seventeen and grease, yes, the movie (you’ll understand why in a second don’t you worry)
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university au!
nerd!chan x class clown!y/n
chan spent his times in his books, in his studies, in ‘always looking in the future’. he never took a break. but towards the end of his senior year of high school, his parents wanted to reward his hard work and studious efforts. it was post-finals, he finished, he got into the university he dreamed of. 
he was free, finally.
so the trip began, his family packed their bags and the road trip to Daecheon Beach from Iksan. chan and his younger brother remained silent most of the ride, chan's brother playing on his phone, occasionally showing chan the new character he unlocked.
"you're going to fry your brain because of those games," chan scoffs, lifting his head up from reading.
"you're going to become evil because of all those scary books you read."
"then, let me."
the two brothers laugh and slowly immerse themselves into their activities and as the sun sets, the two fall into a deep sleep.
four more hours later and the sun began to warm chan's face, they have arrived.
y/n's parents allowed her to pick this year's summer family vacation, her older sister picked last year and her older brother did the year before. they've been to the us, europe, japan but she just wanted to stay home. but her family just didn't allow that so she picked the beach. 
"THE BEACH? Y/N ARE YOU KIDDING?" her sister wasn't here for that, but her brother backed her up, "hey less money spending for us then. we wouldn't need to exchange money, buy flight tickets, bla bla blah."
"exactly." y/n proud of her decision.
"alright, i guess we could go visit my hometown's beach then," y/n's dad shrugs looking at her mother, who was nodding in agreement, "ok, saving money this trip, I like it. we could stay at mom's house then," it was set.
y/n packing her bags, excited to just bathe in the sun, swim, eat her grandmother's food again, this was her trip.
the car ride was absolutely chaotic.
y/n gained the entire back seat to herself with her two older siblings stuck ripping each others' heads off in the middle seats.
"ok bet," her brother held out his hand as his little sister handed him a strawberry pocky packet and her older sister then received her chocolate pocky.
"thank you," y/n bathes in the silence as she goes back to her drama.
the two met at y/n's grandmother's restaurant. y/n was peeling oranges as chan's family walks in, if you're offered to earn some money on vacation, you take it, y/n dropped the peeler, telling her grandma she can take this table.
chan pushed up his glasses as he looks up at the possibly cutest girl he's ever laid eyes on. she was definitely she was shorter than him, her hair held back in two braids, she kept her pen behind her ear and she looked just like how chan envisions the female characters in the classic novels he reads.
"hi welcome to kitchen by paradise, i'm y/n and i will be your server today and if you have any questions about any items on the menu, i'll be more than happy to recommend you anything! now, could i get you all anything to drink?"
chan's mom ordered water, his dad got a cola, his brother banana milk and chan didn't have a clue.
"and for you?" y/n says as she turns her attention towards chan.
"u-um. um. do-do-o you guys have any specialty drinks?"
"oh yeah! we grow our own oranges so we have a whole specialty of drinks. we have an orange-hibiscus iced tea, an orangeade, an orange-pineapple refresher and an orange mint sunrise."
"could i get the orange-pineapple one? please?"
"of course, that's my personal favorite," y/n smiles and chan could've sworn his heart melted, "i will get those ready for you guys and again, if you guys have any questions, call out for y/n!"
"thank you!" chan's parents chimed in as y/n walks away.
"channie has a crush channie has a crush." 
"i will drown you." chan glares at his little brother as his cheeks began to flush.
chan never knew he could fall so easily, i guess this is what happens when you're not focused on studying instead of girls, but this charismatic waitress got his attention.
chan watched y/n peel oranges and make the drink he had ordered, almost feeling bad because the drink looked so tedious to make. he saw the tray of drinks coming their way as she finishes pouring the yellow-orangey iced drink.
"here we go!" she places the drinks at the table, handing each drink to its rightful owner, "so are we ready to order?"
y/n took everyone's orders and y/n couldn't help but giggle at this nerdy guy stuttering ordering his seafood bibibimbap.
he's cute i can't deny it.
"alright let me repeat your guys' order and i'll send this to the kitchen!"
chan's family finished their meals and had left while y/n was on her break, disappointing chan, so he jumped to this opportunity. his 18 y/o heart couldn't believe himself that he left his number for this cute waitress he just met, i mean she probably is a local here and i'm here for the next two weeks.
y/n couldn't believe either. she smiled that that dorky kid thought she was cute, so she saved his number, texting him around sunset.
to orange boy: hey! this is y/n!
to server girl: hi! i'm chan i can't believe you actually saved my number ha
to orange boy: i just had to thank the guy who called me cute and also thinks my favorite drink is good because its our least popular haha
to server girl: thats surprising its rly good omg
to orange boy: so are you free tomorrow?
to server girl: i think my family is just hanging out tmr why?
to orange boy: my grandma is sending me to the market tomorrow to pick up some ingredients and i know you're here for vacation and i know im just a stranger but idk want to explore the coast tmr?
chan couldn't believe it, in his 18 years of his life, he is being asked to go out. with a girl. and she isn't trying to steal his study book.
y/n couldn't believe herself, she just asked a stranger to go out with her.
to server girl: i'm down wanna pick me up?
to orange boy: tmr 12pm i'll bring us lunch 
to server girl: sounds like a plan, so whats your favorite color?
the two spent all night getting to know each other, learning they're the same age, chan was older by a month and a half, y/n's favorite color is every color and said some picasso joke making chan laugh in his hotel room. they both felt like they've known each other for years.
the next day came and y/n packed her backpack and her scooter for the day, writing down the list her grandmother has told her the night before and then sending a text to chan for his address.
"I'M TAKING THE SCOOTER!" y/n yells as she runs down the stairs, "TEXT ME IF YOU NEED ME!"
her family all replying as they hear her leave.
as she makes it to the garage, she ensures she brings the second helmet.
this is a vacation. the wind blowing in her hair as she follows the directions to chan's hotel. her dark blue scooter shimmering in the sunlight and she arrives in front of chan's hotel, rich kid huh?
to orange boy: outside by the lobby!!
chan was already in the lobby for the past ten minutes, didn't want to look like a complete weirdo and come out right when she texted so he waited for a good minutes before walking out. he was wanted to be casual, didn't want to screw anything up with her.
"hey! chan over here!" he walked out seeing the pretty girl from the restaurant on a blue electric scooter? taking off her helmet waving her hand around. he smiled and waved back as he walked towards her.
"this is tomi, my trusty stead," she smiles proudly at her scooter making chan stifle a laugh, leading y/n to laugh at his poor hiding of a laugh, "this is yours, hop on!"
"did not expect this to be the start of my day," he laughs as he puts on the helmet, he gets on the back of the scooter and before y/n turns on the scooter, she grabs chan's arms and to his surprise, wraps them around her stomach, "we're going fast so i don't want you falling off," she turns and smiles at him. what am i feeling right now? butterflies swarm around the two teenagers' stomachs, falling in love before they've even gone out.
"oh o-ok."
and they were off. 
y/n parked the scooter in her usual spot, the noise of the market sang to her and before getting off, she introduces the market, "welcome to daecheon market where old men try to peddle tourists and where local teenagers find the best clothes AND one stand has the BEST fruit produce." 
"y/n i think i should just call you fruit girl because you seem very enthusiastic about them," chan smirks
"i dare you to, orange boy."
"alright fruit girl."
the two laugh as they barely even notice chan's arms are still around y/n, y/n begins to take off her helmet right before she bumps chan in the face with her helmet.
"OH MY GOD! i am so sorry chan oh my god im sorry oh my god i-"
"y/n its ok really," chan laughs at her worried look, "i'm all good no bleeding see?"
"alright im still super sorry i kind of forgot i had a passanger with me," she nervously laughs, im such an idiot what is wrong w me wtf y/n
chan hops off and helps y/n down, "thank you, sir," y/n bows.
"you are very welcome madam," chan bows back, leading them both to laugh once more because of their dorkiness.
"here hold this," y/n opens the scooter compartment and hands chan a camera, "thats my prized possession, keep it safe." she pretends to glare at him but ending up laughing anyways, "you're on picture duty and i am on food duty," y/n pulls out a picnic basket and a large water bottle, "before we explore lets eat!"
y/n leads chan down to a secluded area next to the market, "my siblings and i love coming down here and eating lunch and playing ball. its our secret hideout, and you are a new member of paradise cove, mr chan."
"i'm honored," chan couldn't believe how comfortable he felt around her, a stranger that he had a very long text conversation last night about their favorite colors and whether or not aliens exist. y/n couldn't believe either. why did she feel so bubbly around a kid she met on the job at her grandmother's restaurant?
chan helped her put out a small picnic blanket from the basket and y/n began to pull out the food, “so i remembered your order from the other day and grandma pulled through and made some more this morning and a special touch, an orange-pineapple refresher. dig in!”
their picnic was nothing but boring, time passed so quickly while they talked more about the city and high school and where they want to go for univerity, and what they want to be. a convesation nether of the two have had with another human being. they both took some pictures while they were at it, y/n always doing some silly pose when chan had the camera and chan always looking away from the camera. they were comfortable with one another. 
“so, let’s explore the market shall we?” chan standing up, offering his hand to her, she was hesistant at first, “come on y/n i don’t bite,” he laughs, looking away. feeling odd with  his hand out for so long, he looks back at her smiling this time, “i’m feeling a cramp coming on”
standing up, she grabs his hand and pulls him close to her, both of their faces flushed now. y/n had NO idea what she was doing, “can i?” she looked at his lips and then back up at his eyes, prepare for any reaction
“yes,” once y/n heard his answer, his hand caressed the side of y/n’s face and pressed their lips together, almost melting into the kiss. y/n felt her cheeks burn up, the kiss lasted a few seconds but felt like an eternity. pulling away, the two laughed with their eyes closed and foreheads pressed against each other, “so the market?” y/n slowly opened her eyes, seeing the flustered boy in front of her interlocking their hands together.
“i thought you were the romantic,” he smiles back.
two spent nearly everyday together. y/n told chan she didn’t live in daecheong, they both knew they were both on vacation and the day one of them was leaving was soon appoarching them. “what will you do without me?” “cry.” “shut up chan” “you asked i answered~!”
chan didn’t want to believe but neither did y/n. their two weeks was up, y/n helped chan pack. “are you really going to cry?” “y/n you’re my first kiss, my first love, my first crush, the first girl that actually has gotten my attention so what do you think?” “now, you’re going to make me cry.” she pouts “y/n you have my number, i have my license, you have a kickass scooter. we have ways to still see each other even if that means our universities are miles apart, we can do this.”
to orange boy: i miss you
they couldn’t do it. the long distance lasted about a month and then school started.
to server girl: i’m sorry
chan was at yonsei university and back to his old ways. head in the books, no partying no social interaction just studying. this physical therapy major wasn’t moving an inch.
now, what chan didn’t know was y/n was ALSO at yonsei. this visual arts major was the biggest party animal on campus. she ruled frat parties and she was a good students. her professors loved her and her charm.
- ten months later -
“CHAN! you have to come dude!” chan’s roommate, xuxi, begs him. xuxi was the polar opposite of chan, same age same major COMPLETELY different social class.
“no ‘xi for the last time, i’m not a party guy.”
“chan please dude, its a costume party, nobody will know its you.” chan began to consider it, when was the last time i had fun?
“what are you dressing up as?”  “i’m going to be capt. american because im going as the avengers with mark and the other guys. if you don’t want to be recognized then wear a mask, be a masquarade ball dude? idk wear a suit and a mask, be that DUDE”
“i’m in.” here we go lee chan
to server girl: finally going out with the boys for the first time hope you’re well i miss you
y/n read the text almost immediately, “i wonder where he’s going?”
“who?” y/n’s roommate jungeun asled as she’s doing her makeup.
“some summer fling, he just texted me after like three months.”
“he’s more than a summer fling hon if you saw his text so fast.”
“shut up”
“kiss me,” jungeun stuck her tongue out at her, “so what are you dressing up as y/n?”
“poision ivy, mark said they’re going to be the avengers and so i’m showing him up and being dc’s sexiest villian.”
“you’re such a heartbreaker miss y/n let the boy breathe, he may have cheated but-”
“but nothing! he treated me like a one night stand and i wanted more! im going all out!”
chan looked at himself one more time in the mirror and xuxi walked behind him in his captain america outfit, “my son you look so fucking good,” pretending to tear up
“shut up,” chan rolled my eyes, sitting back down on his bunk, “should i still go?”
“YES! you look good dude! can’t even recognize you, you look so different and the contacts? you’re really hiding your identity with this one channie.”
“this is the only night we get to be other people so,” he puts on his lacey masquarade mask he bought from target, ‘let’s go.”
xuxi wraps his arm around him, “LETS FUCKING GO!”
jungeun and y/n nearly in shock of how well this costume curves around her body.
“green is your color girl,” jungeun sighs, “you knock them dead baby.”
“you look amazing yourself j OMG ms daphne over here.”
“I’m finding my fred tonight ok?” she smiles as she ties her scarf around her neck.
y/n places her red mask on, “i’m heading out!”
“HANG ON!” y/n was practically out the door before jungeon runs out, “ok ready.”
“let’s go fuck shit up.”
the party was everything chan was not used to, drinking, loud music, people EVERYWHERE, you could say he was slightly overwhelmed. 
you could say he also wasn't used to the attention around him, girls coming up to ask if they wanna hook up or take a shot with him which he declined all of them until she walked in.
ms poison ivy walked in.
it was about 30 minutes after the party started and y/n walked in like she owned the place, jungeon next to her, y/n walked in red heels and green latex in its full glory.
"i'll go get us drinks!" jungeon pracatically screams in y/n's ear.
"OK!" now alone, chan saw this as an opportunity, still not knowing who that was or even who he was in this moment he walked up to her.
"hi!" y/n was drawn back but the handsome stranger in front of her
the music got increasingly louder as this conversation went on so chan yelled back, "NOT EXACTLY, IM A MASQUERADE BALL HOST"
y/n felt eyes beaming her up and down and she saw him, mark, and before he could come any closer, y/n kissed this handsome stranger in front of him.
chan had no idea what was going on but he really didn't care anymore, this kiss began to be a full makeout session in the middle of the dance floor.
 both of them walk out of the loud frat house, "so who do i owe this honor to mr masquerade man?"
"chan, i'm chan. how about you?"
"i'm sorry did you say c-chan?"
y/n hasn't heard that name in what feels like ages until today.
"yes? is something wrong?"
was it really him?
"no its just i knew someone named chan awhile back, ha." she sadly smiled.
it can't be him chan was never this bold.
"ah i see, how about you ms poison ivy?"
"y/n huh?"
"yes, what about it?
"do you still have that blue scooter?" chan takes off his mask and turns to face the girl he's been wondering about for so long.
"long time no see huh?"
"i-i-i didn't even recognize you? where're your glasses? did you get your braces off too? your hair's lighter, you look really good, chan," she sighs in disbelief.
"college does stuff to you i guess," he nervously rubs the nape of his neck, "and you? wow. i didn't think someone could look so gorgeous in latex." he smiles all goofy.
pulling herself into his chest, "i've missed you, im sorry for being an asshole, im sorry for saying those things i shouldve held on im sorry im-"
"nothing is your fault y/n, look at me," he pulls her out of his chest, "i'm here now! we just needed time i guess," he lets out a small laugh.
"now you're the jokester mr lee."
"lets restart. hi im chan."
"hi im y/n," she smiles and takes his hand in hers, "lets never leave again."
"yes ms poison ivy."
“never call me that again.”
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sheepyships-archive · 4 years
what if you.....answered all of them......for tsuki 😳 — @cringyalienships
t...tsukishima?? oh my fuckin god ofc scout you know me so well. thank you for sending an ask! @cringyalienships (gonna be answering w my self-inserts/ocs bc they’re basically me just look not like me shhdgsj-)
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strawberry: before getting together, how did your F/O realize they had a crush on you? How did they act around you once they realized they were head over heels?
uhh, well, it’s tsukishima, it was probably something that built up that he tried to repress it and brush it off like it was nothing, but when he couldn’t and he realized it was romantic feelings, he was probably like, “fuck my life.” and he couldn’t bring himself to hate aika for it, because she was just being herself and doesn’t have control over his feelings. as much as he wanted to avoid her, or be cold to her, he also couldn’t bring himself to do that either(he believed that he didn’t deserve her(BRUH), but even though he thought that, he wouldn’t go out of his way to hurt her to make her avoid him), so he just continued on with life, but eased up with teasing her than with others, and even joked with aika to try and get closer. he just waited to see any signs of her feeling the same way. (LET KEI TSUKISHIMA BE SOFT 2020 I WILL FIGHT ON THAT)
rose petal: what traditions do you and your F/O share? 
for holidays, they definitely celebrate halloween together, aka: aika forces tsukishima to wear a costume while saying “i got this for you with my money, you have to wear it” and he just groans and puts it on reluctantly while complaining. but usually they go to a store and buy a bunch of candy instead of going house to house(they both agreed that it's better if they just went and bought candy than walking around for two hours). occasionally they will hang out with some of the others. just normal traditions between them are probably doing things like listening to music together, or talking about music or suggesting/showing music and bands to each other(this happens a lot more than they like to admit), and this can go on for HOURS.
cherry vanilla: how does your F/O show their affection for you?
they both show it in small ways in public by helping with schoolwork/studies, sharing earbuds, even just looking at each other, they don’t want a bunch of people to flock around them just to ask about their relationship, so they aren’t super affectionate. but when they are alone, they act like they’ve been touch-starved for their entire lives, and are basically holding onto or resting on the other at every moment, and a lot of the time they nap or spend the night at each other’s houses. but, whenever either of them get hurt, whether they’re in public or not, they will immediately go to them and patch them up/help them feel better the best they can(whenever tsukishima’s hands get injured while playing volleyball, she’ll kiss the spots that hurt, and tsukishima will kiss the callouses on aika’s hands from playing guitar, or any other injuries or scars). 
coconut mango: what mementos do you and your F/O treasure? 
they definitely cherish letters/origami crafts they give each other(aika makes origami gifts for tsukishima, tsukishima writes letters, i don’t make the rules). but the one they both treasure the most is a small dinosaur plushie that aika was able to get at an arcade, which she secretly bought with the arcade tickets that she won. as they were leaving she looked at tsuki and said, in the most serious tone she could muster, “i have to admit something to you.” at first this kinda freaked him out at first until she took out the dinosaur plushie with a huge grin, that earns her a glare and a elbow jab to the shoulder which made her laugh. aika always brings it to tsukishima’s house with her and he teases her about it.
nectarine: do you and your F/O live together? If so, what does your living space look like?
while they don’t live together at the moment, they definitely plan on living in a small apartment and aika has more experience in getting an apartment and living in one. they kinda just knew their plans without ever talking about it, and when aika does mention it to him, he just says, “i mean, it doesn’t need to be a mansion or a big house, we don’t need a whole lot. i definitely don’t, just you... and your snake.” aika falls in love for a second time, but also smacks his chest and is like, “YOU JUST WANT ME FOR MY SNAKE!!!” which makes them both laugh.
pineapple: what toppings does your f/o like on their pizza? what about you?
tsukishima is the basic bitch who would only like plain cheese on his pizza(i can’t say much though), and that’s it, he thinks it’s too much of a hassle to ask for extra shit on his pizza. aika likes those burger pizzas, where they have burger shit on a pizza, she is in love with it and tsukishima definitely makes fun of her for it and they get into small debates about which is better.
lemon sorbet: does your F/O get jealous easily?
i don’t see tsukishima getting jealous easily, and if he does, it’s rare. he knows that aika is SUPER loyal to him and their relationship, and would probably insult someone if they tried to get her to break up with tsukishima or if they began to flirt with her(something she definitely adopted while being with tsuki), and he’d never do it to her either and doesn’t see the point in doing it when he has a girlfriend who he cherishes a lot. they are both head over heels for each other.  
key lime: how would you describe your self-ship’s aesthetic?
tsukishima literally IS the smart cocky kid aesthetic, blonde bitch boy, but with the glasses. now aika is literally an emo but also a chaotic mom friend, but she also has a pinch of pastel goth. both together they probably have the intimidating “we look like nerds, but we could beat you up, and we will depending on the situation.” but they’re also super chill so they won’t unless it’s necessary(aika will throw hands for tsuki if you push her to that point, so don’t test her).
pistachio: when was the last time that you or your F/O cried during a movie?
one night aika probably brings over the land before time(my childhood movie it is so good) and forces tsukishima to watch it, and after some convincing they do. at the hella sad scene at the start(if you know you know), as they’re watching it aika starts to tear up, and buries her face into tsuki’s shoulder to hide it, but her crying was a mix of the scene being sad, and it reminding her of past shit that happened. tsukishima realizes she’s crying and before he thinks about teasing her, he realizes that it’s not just because of the movie and just hugs her instead while pausing the movie, waiting for her to calm down. but after she does, he teases her jokingly to try and make her laugh, it works, of course. (you can see where the angst side of me came out)
matcha: what kind of gifts does your F/O give you? Are they always buying you little presents or do they invest only in larger items for birthdays or holidays?
they’re never really buy gifts unless it’s a special occasion, but most of the time they’ll make playlists for each other since they both like music, and like i said before, aika gives me the vibes that she would make origami-themed things and break into tsuki’s locker and leave them there, or she’ll just leave them on his desk, or in his room, etc. OH AND AND!! whenever the earbuds/headphones they have break, they definitely end up with a new pair by the end of the day with a note that says ‘try not to break these ones, love you. <3′.
blue moon: is your F/O very routine-oriented or do they like to go with the flow? How routine-oriented are you?
tsukishima is semi-routine-oriented, go to school, go to volleyball club, go home, study, listen to music, sometimes it’ll change depending on what happens or what is occurring in the future. he probably doesn’t mean to do it on purpose and doesn’t stress over a schedule, it’s just what comes to him naturally.  with aika, she just goes with the flow, she used to be more heavily routine-oriented in middle school because she was more popular then and felt pressured to be “perfect”, and went through life on a schedule. but after meeting the people she hangs out with in highschool(aka monti), she fell out of it and began to just, not really care?
cotton candy: post the last picture of your F/O that you saved! 
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i don’t think y’all realize how much i love this and how many times i have this picture and the gif saved, it’s not healthy.
teaberry: where would you like to travel with your F/O someday? 
honestly, they probably try to look up museums to go to that are more based around dinosaurs and dinosaur fossils, where they are, how much it would cost to go there, etc. they want to make sure everything is perfect if they do ever travel anywhere. but honestly, even if everything went wrong, they would both probably think it was perfect anyways because they’re together.
raspberry swirl: how does your F/O cheer you up when you are feeling down?
usually whenever aika is feeling down out in public, even if they’re in the same room, tsukishima will shoot her a text with a link to a song he found with a text that reads: ‘reminded me of you, i hope you know that i’m here if you need someone to talk to. i love you.’ after sending it, he watches her reaction and relaxes when he sees her smile and look at him. but in private, he’ll hug her from behind and hold her, letting her do what she needs to do to feel better, whether it’s crying, sitting there in his arms, hugging him back, etc. after awhile he’ll start to kiss her face, shoulders, hands while mumbling ‘i love you’ after every kiss. then afterwards he’ll say, “this stays between us.” and this makes aika almost cry laughing.
red velvet: what is your favorite food to bake with your F/O? 
they for sure make cookies together, specifically chocolate chip cookies, they both agree that chocolate chip is the best and make them together. usually, it’s tsukishima doing most of the cooking because aika is goofing off, or gettng distracted by her friends, and she will definitely steal cookie dough and be sneaky about it, but tsukishima catches her EVERYTIME, even when he’s not looking he just knows, and can sense it. but when they finish, they are super good and aika always praises him about it. aika also definitely makes tsukishima dino-themed treats and food in general, which makes tsukishima glare at her and say, “y’know i like other things, right?” and aika just shrugs and comments, “dinosaurs and reptiles remind me of you, sooooo...”
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missnxthingg · 5 years
screen partner | tom holland
AN: I really was pretty bored before doing this, but I’m trying to increase my imagine portfolio since I’m on my vacations, what means, I have no fucking thing to do but writing and reading. I hope you like it. Also, sorry if the “keep reading” doesn’t appear. Somehow this thing really doesn’t like me and doesn’t want to pop out when I add it to the text.
Warnings: SMUT and unprotected sex (just don’t do it kids), swearing, angst, alcohol.
Words: 3.7K
Work was tiring, at least like this after a few weeks of non-stoping filming and lots of flights to promote your new movie. It was a sci-fi movie, where you were one of the main characters, and had way too much screen time on the movie. You’ve been everywhere, Spain, The States, Japan, Brazil, Portugal, Italy, and now you’re back at your own country, England. It wasn’t exactly your hometown though, you were from Sheffield, and now you were in London, hometown for many of your coworkers, like Tom Holland.
He was having an amazing time now, and that bothered you most of the times. He usually hosts many “after parties” for when the press day is done, just to chill out with the cast, the crew and now that he’s home, with his friends and family. As much as you love to party, you were tired and also, you kind of hate him. Not like hate him, you somehow just don’t like him that much. He irritates you and is always flirty and needy, a thing you personally don’t like that much. But anyway, you didn’t think he was that bad, but the rest of the cast was pure shit. You didn’t make any friends, and he was the closest to a friend you had made over the whole year working with them, but really, the parties were stupid.
That night you were wondering throught the hotel halls, carrying your heels, and slowly walking to your bedroom, located at the end of the corridor. You moaned at the distance, but kept going. The entire floor was reserved for the cast and crew that were working along with them. Your assistent was out with her boyfriend, so you had the bedroom all for yourself tonight, which you enjoyed very much. As you got closer to the middle of the hallway, music started to play, a really loud and annoying one. It had a really bad lyric and bass line. You moaned in disgust and kept going, hoping to find your hot water shower and your comfortable bed. As you passed through the opened door, you could hear your name being called in the middle of that awfull song.
“Y/N, already going to bed?” You would recognize that voice anywhere, since you’ve been working together a lot now, once he is your romantic pair in the movie.
“Long press day Holland. All I need right now is my bed.” You said, shortly and trying to completely show your lack of interest.
“Come have a drink, darling.” He said, running his fingers through his hair, giving you a shy smile and looking directly into you.
“No, thank you.” You said and started to walk as quick as possible, but once you heard your name again, you came back in a heartbeat.
“Forget about Y/N, she’s boring as hell. She can’t have a good time like us. I’m not even sure of she has ever been to a party.” That voice cut through the air like glass, and you immediately got that throw up feeling you always feel when you hear it. Sierra was supposed to be your best friend in the movie, but in real life all you wanted to do is choke her so she could stop talking. She was the only american in the cast, but her forced british accent was getting on your nerves, but you had to admit, you two were perfectly great actresses, since it seemed like it was a solid friendship in the movie. You turned back and with one hand on the door you said.
“Excuse me. I know how to have a good time and sure I have been to plenty of parties. I’m from Sheffield, we get fucked up and listen to Spice Girls.” At this point you were already into the room. Tom was looking at you with a small smile on his lips. “I just don’t enjoy the people around here, specially you. But i could perfectly stay and be as cool as you all think you are.”
You turned your back for a dramatic outing, but once you heard her voice again, your blood started to boil.
“Prove it.” She said and you turned your back. Sierra turned her eyes to the girl doing body shots with one of the actors in the movie and you laughed.
“You’re fucking kidding me, right?” You cursed, rolling you eyes.
“You said you could be as cool as we are.”
“As you think you are.” You approached the table and got the vodka bottle on your hands.“Pick someone.”
She looked around the room. Anyone she would pick around there would be the worst to you. Everyone there only thought about the money and fame and you hated it. Her eyes scrowled through everyone, but finally landed in the guy standing right next to her.
“Tommy, my love, do you mind?”
“Fuck.” You whispered, praying that she didn’t hear you.
Tom sat at the couch and reclined on the seat. You rolled your eyes and gave her the bottle. The room went loud, and everyone was just waiting for something great to happen. You got down and helped him remove his black top, revealing his body. “God, he’s fit”, you thought, but kept going with it all. You were glad she picked him, because you knew she was in some kind of insane love about him and you wanted to provoke her. So you ran your hands down his body and looked at him, paralized and looking at you.
“Are you sure?” He asked and you agreed with you head.
“Do it.” You looked at her and she approached him and poured some of the liquor in the area close to his neck. Before it reached his trouser, you started to lick it all, slowly going up through his body. But when you were done, you just kept going. You sat on his lap, one leg on each side of him, and started to leave kisses over his collarbone, neck and jaw, where you stopped and left a hickey behind. You got away from him and cleaned you mouth.
“Wow.” He said, still paralized on his spot.
“Good night.” You said before getting your shoes back on your hands and walking off there, leaving a really jealous Sierra behind and everyone screaming in excitement. You kept walking, you were so close to your room, but you heard your name again, but this time you decided to ignore it.
“Y/N, wait.” He said reaching you and holding your wrist. You looked at him. Tom was now wearing his shirt back on.
“What is it?” You asked, kind of bored.
“What just happened?” He asked and you rolled your eyes and crossed your arms on your chest. “Why did you do that?”
“To fucking shut Sierra’s mouth for once. She’s such an idiot that it makes me want to tie her mouth up.”
“Really? Cause I kind of think you wanted to do it.”
“It wasn’t me who got a hard while I was sitting at your lap.” You said, getting away from there, and you could feel him blushing even though you couldn’t see his face.
“Look, i know she’s annoying, trust me, even I can’t bear it anymore. But was that actually just to bother her, because this right here…” He said pointing to his jaw and you opened your room’s door.
“Was just a reminder to everyone that I can do anything, including what I just did.” You entered your room, and he followed you inside. “What in the name of sanity are you doing?”
“Trying to talk to my friend.” He said and you laughed.
“You’re not my friend, Holland.” You said and you started to take off your jewerly and placing it on their original cases.
“That hurt.” He said and sat down at your bed. “Where’s that ginger one that’s always following you around?”
“She’s out on a date, won’t be returning any time soon.” You said getting into the toilet, slightly closing the door and changing your dress to your silk nightgown. He nodded in response when you got out of the toilet. “Aren’t you coming back to the party with that blonde one and your brothers?”
“Oh, they left a few minutes ago. Also, it’s really nice in here.” He said, lying down in you bed.
“Fuck off!” You said, pointing to the door.
“Noooo, Y/N, we never really got the chance to bond. Look, I know you think I’m annoying…”
“Yeah, you’re right.” You interrupted.
“But I’m trying to be nice to you. I know I messed up when we met, but I’m trying to make up for the shitty comment I made about your hometown and your accent.”
“It’s not nice to treat a woman like that.” You said looking down to the floor.
The first day you two met, Tom made fun of your strong South Yorkshire accent, and so he asked where you were from, and so when you said Sheffield, he started to laugh and told some joke about the Arctic Monkeys. You were pissed, and to you, he instantly became a bore. You never really talked after that one time, or at least you always tried to ignore him.
You left to get rid off your makeup, washing your face with some products made specially for this kind of thing. He stood at the toilet door, watching you clean your face.
“I’m sorry. Sheffield’s nice, and about your accent, it’s the cutest I’ve ever seen in my entire life.”
You could feel your face blush even underneath the cold water. So you dried your face and glanced a look at him. He had a crooked smile on his face.
“It’s okay Holland.”
“You can call me Tom.”
“Right, Tom.” You said emphasizing the Tom. “Could you please leave, I really fancy a sleep.”
“No, I want to stay here.” He said, coming back to your bed and taking his shoes off.
“God, I really can’t stand you.” You said massaging your temples and he left a place by his side.
“Come to bed, darling. I promise not to do anything.”
“You could do nothing in YOUR fucking bed.”
“Come on, babe. There’s a shitload of people partying at my room, and I’m trying to hide from Sierra.” Oh, that girl always had to pop up eventually in everyone’s conversation.
“Fuck, okay. You can stay back, but no funny things and no TV, I really need to rest.” You said lying down at your side, turning around and giving him your back. You both stayed silent for a while, but once he said.
“Nice tattoo.” He referenced to the small flower at the back of your ear.
“Shut up.”
“Why are you always so mean to people? God, you’re so pretty, but so rude.” He said and you turned back to him.
“You think I’m pretty?” You asked, feeling something at the bottom of your stomach. It wasn’t the first time you got that feeling. The first time was when he shared a doughnut with you and cleaned some sugar out of your bottom lip. It came around a lot, and just came to say hi to you.
“You’re gorgeous.” He said and you smiled, making him do his surprise face, but smiling afterwards. “See, much better than screaming and eye rolling.”
“Sorry, is just that everyone on this movie never was nice to me once. You’re the first one.”
“I’ve been trying to be nice to you for so long, but you never let me.”
“I guess I was just hurt.” You said and turned your back to him. “You’re alright, Holland.”
“Hey, I know you’re tired, so I think I’m gonna leave. Sorry for bothering.” He got up, but you turned back to him.
“Stay. I could really talk to someone right now.”
He got back to bed and you sat right next to him, playing with the cheets around your legs. You kept looking down, thinking how to start a conversation.
“I though that maybe talking would make us connect a bit more.”
“So what do you want to talk about?”
From that point on, you talked about everything, about your early lives, your friends, your work, what did you like to eat, do, watch, listen. You kept talking until you heard that the music stopped and Tom went to check if everyone was gone, but he came back holding the keys to his room.
“All gone.” He said and you were now scrowling through Netflix, looking for a movie to watch. You just went with Mean Girls, a movie you always watch when you have nothing more to watch and you’re really bored. It always made you laugh a lot, so it was nice. He lied right next to you and you started to watch it. You turned your back to him, covering everything but your shoulders. You really got distracted with the movie, and didn’t realize how close he was to you right now. He stroked you hair and got it out of you way, exposing your shoulders to him. Your body trembled, and you were enjoying his touch. So he started to leave kisses on your back, collarbone, neck and finally, he got to your ear.
“What are you doing?” You asked. By now, he had his hands all over your tights.
“Getting revenge from the hickey in my jaw.” He left a small one being you ear and you moaned in response.
“So it was all to get into my panties, really nice Holland.” You said getting away from him, and turning to face him.
“No, fuck… I really wanted to be your friend. But God, you drove me insane back at the party. I can still feel your tongue burning through my body. Didn’t you feel something there too?”
You thought about the moment, and hell, of course you did feel something. You wanted more of that, his body was flawless and you were kind of needing a bit of sex. It’s been a while now. So you lied back down and pulled him closer. He got over you and his hands went for your waist and yours went for the hair. He came closer and brushed your lips together.
“I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time.” He said.
“You already kissed me on the set.” You said between your heavy breath.
“It isn’t the same.” He said and finally connected your lips.
It was different from when you kissed on camera. You felt something, a thing you’ve never felt before. You’ve kissed plenty of people, but he was different. Your started rubbing your waist on his, and his hand went down to your booty.
“Fuck, I hate you.” You said between kisses.
“That’s not what your body is telling me.” He said and his hands got into your panties, and his fingers touched your lady bit and he moaned. “Fuck, Y/N, you’re so wet.”
“Look what you made me do baby.” He got your night gown off, and was really glad that you weren’t wearing a bra. He was hypnotized by your tits, and he sucked it like it was going to be the last thing he was about to do on his life. You moaned in response, leaving scratches on the back of his head.
“You’re the worst.” He said and came back to your mouth. You helped him take his shirt off, and ran your fingers through his body once again.
“Your body is so amazing.” You said, analizing every bit of it.
“It’s yours tonight, love.” And so he began to thrill his way to your down, leaving kisses all over your belly and tights. He got rid off your panties very quickly. His fingers met your heat very soon, and he moaned once again on how wet you was. He stimulated your clitoris, and swiped one finger in, slowly, making you go insane. You moaned and he smiled, looking at you. “Look at me when I do this to you.”
“Shit!” You screamed and he swiped another finger in, pumping harder than before. You let your head go back and your eyes rolled. Your fingers were holding the sheets so hard you thought you were going to rip it. “Oh fuck! Tom, please, fuck me.”
“Not yet, darling.” So his lips met your parts and you could feel his tongue slowly traveling to every bit around your lady part. Your couldn’t stand it anymore and you let a loud moan come out of your mouth.
“FUCK!” You screamed and he stopped. “Why did you stop?”
“Be quiet or daddy will punish you.”
“This won’t work with me.” You said and he laughed.
“Oh, it will.” So he started from where he stopped, going faster than before. Your fingers met his hair, rolling the small curls around them and pulling them, but something making him go deeper.
“T-Tommy.” You said and bit your bottom lip. “I-I’m gonna cum, fuck!” You said once again.
“Cum for me baby, cum for Tommy.” He said using his fingers again, and you felt it. You couldn’t hold it anymore and you exploded on his fingers, letting a lot moan echo through the room. “Do you still hate me?”
“Sooooo much.” You said almost breathless. He sucked the cum out your bottom and went to kiss you again, so you tasted yourself on his mouth. “But now it’s your turn to hate me.”
Now you were on top. You sat on his lap and moved your hips for a while. You could feel his hardness on yourself and you loved how your body had this kind of effect on him. You got down and got rid off his pants. You used your hands to provoke him a bit more, running them on his member from above the underwear.
“Fuck babe, you’re driving me insane.” He whispered and you kissed him, shortly. But got down to him again.
This time you took his underwear off and started running your hands through his length. He pushed his head back, closing his eyes and moaning. You could feel his dick pumping on your hands. So you took it to your mouth, going up and down, making him moan even more, and say dirty things to you. It was getting thicker and thicker, and you saw he wasn’t going to take it any longer.
“Not yet.” You said and stopped playing with him and just lied on his arms, where he kissed you gently, but the desire was always present.
He got on top, and used his hands to explore your body, and you were loving it. No one did such a thing to you in a long time. He positioned and slowly got his length inside you. You both moaned together.
“Oh baby, you’re so tiny.” He said very close to her ears. “Shit, I never would have imagined you and I would have ended up like this.”
“Neither would I.” You said and he started to go faster, making you moan even more.
“Shit! I forgot the condom!” He said, but didn’t stop.
“I’m on the pill.” You said and pulled him closer, using your nails to scretch his back. “You’re clean, right?”
“Yes, very clean, and you?”
“C-clean as a-always. Fuck.” She moaned. “Oh darling, you’re so good.”
“You’re the best, love.” He moaned.
Never in a lifetime you would have imagined to be like this with Tom Holland. You used to unbare him, but you had to admit, you were just being the boring twat you always are. Now he has proven to you more than ever that he’s a nice guy. He pumped into you a few times more, but he knew he wasn’t going to last longer.
“Fuck! I’m gonna cum.” He pratically screamed, going as fast as he could.
“Cum outside me.”
He got out of her and started to pump himself, until he came all over your belly, moaning more than before. When he stopped, he used a towel to clean him and you up. And so he got down to you again.
“What are you doing Tommy?” You asked.
“You didn’t cum yet.” He said, letting two fingers come into you. He was as fast as he was before, and it was driving you insane. He started to kiss you again, and you couldn’t help but stop the kiss sometimes to moan. You were close, but you were trying to hold it so it wouldn’t be over. He kept saying dirty things to you like “Cum to me princess”. Once you couldn’t stop it and exploded a second time that night on his hands. He cleaned it up with his mouth and towel.
“Come here, love.” You said and he lied on you chest, and you let your fingers stroke his hair.
“We came from dickwad to love. I loved how this night turned our lives sideways.”
“Yeah, me too.” You said smiling. He started to draw little hearts with his on your belly. “Tom.”
“Yes, love.” He said looking at you.
“I really want to keep up being your friend.”
“I would prefer to have something better. Fancy a dinner sometime?”
“Sure, why not?” You said and he cuddled you for a bit more, but so he got up. “Are you leaving?”
“We need a bath, we’re disgusting.” He said and you laughed following him to the toilet. He was now looking at the mirror and you hugged him from behind.
“You’re really fit, Holland.”
“Thank you.” He said looking at you through the mirror. “And I just realized something.”
“What is it?” You asked.
“I prefer when you moan Tommy instead of calling me Holland.”
“Dickhead.” You cursed and laughed.
“Come on, let’s do it together.”
He pulled you into the bath and you both had a lot of fun playing with each other and with the soap and shampoo. Nothing sexual, just bonding. That was the moment you knew it wasn’t just about sex, it wasn’t just to provoke Sierra. It was something more and you loved the idea of that new friendship, or just like he said, something else.
I don’t have a taglist yet, but if you would like to see some more of me, send me an ask.
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