#you can separate them or smth. temporarily that is.
baby-xemnas · 1 year
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them 💛🧡
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merrysithmas · 2 years
Do you think OBK broke canon by obi leaving tattooine? also, do you think canon should be flexible to allow these kinds of epic stories to exist? personally, i don't see what's wrong with it when OBK didn't subtract from the main SW story at large, it added to it in my opinion
no i do not think it broke canon at all. he did stay, live, and meditate on Tatooine, finding inner peace for 20 years, finding his answers and learning from Qui gon. nowhere did it say he never left, temporarily, here and there, for any particular reason like any other citizen. i like to think he spent about 95% of time there, only leaving for concerns about Luke, Leia, or Vader (therefore sticking hardest to his characterization). that's perfectly reasonable.
and yes, i 100% agree canon should be flexible to allow this. it's a fan-centric problem honestly. some people are so rigid they leave NO room for a franchise to grow AT ALL and strangle it to death. Star Wars fans are notoriously like this. it's like the people who claim (if youre in the USA) that the Constitution can never ever change -- like, times change. more stories should and can be told. 100%. it's immature and honestly limiting and boring to think otherwise.
if it sticks to the characterization and overall timeline, we should absolutely get further stories.
i look forward to MANY more stories like OWK with our favs. frankly - i think they can push the envelope even more with surprises (like Vader and Obi-wan unexpectedly having to fight a third enemy in the middle of a duel .. like in the RotS concept art! before they turn their backs on one another again etc).
the one thing i 100% do not support is adding to "canon" by giving characters who do not have a traditionally cishet romance in original media a cringeworthy cishet romance for the transparent sake of hetero-ing them up for popular consumption. example Jughead from Riverdale (an aro ace character), spock from Star Trek (in canon his wife is T'Pring but they part ways and he never has another romance for many reasons), Bucky Barnes (a fan favorite of queer fans who are the whole reason he became popular).
this is because ALL characters that are not given straight up cishet partners on film USUALLY VERY MUCH gain a huge following from LGBTQ fans. we pretty much make them popular and iconic. this clearly because we can relate to at least someone who is in someway conceivably like us. even if it is never shown because of homophobia or queerphobia of any kind. it's disappointing and gross when a company marches all over that to please a cishet status quo and also, nearly always, obliterates what made the character intriguing in the first place.
so like if they tried to give an established Jedi character like Obi-wan a cishet romance i'd be disgusted. he's a jedi, he is a hermit, he lives a spiritual life, his canon female LI was Satine who died and he refused to even be with her (because of his principles!), his obvious preoccupation with Anakin/Luke/Leia/Vader etc. it doesn't fit based on his creed, personality, history, and what the fans want. so that would be an example of smth i'd find useless and disrespectful to canon - and pure status quo cishet pandering. TCW did it very respectfully by making him have a distant past as a padawan with someone he refused to be with and she refused to be with him in return based on their beliefs - they went their separate ways. very nicely done. it never muddled with his characterization and could be argued to have helped it along.
so there's many, many ways to respectfully add to canon - just look at all the James Bond movies for one - and ways to fck it up. but mostly it's a good idea if ppl are caring about it as Chow & co were.
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thelost-in-time · 2 years
I've tried making them talk it out but they started arguing more and ended up ignoring me
Lots of people tried making them talk it out but they ignored all of them and they ended up continuing it in dms
they're ignoring each other now and everyone's quiet because they don't want another argument to happen
I don't get how they can keep aruging so much. It's over the littlest things too.
I think they need a break from each other
I don't wanna say anything tho bc they might start yelling at me
I'm pretty sure they know they need a break from each other so I'll let them handle it this time
I'm sure they'll forgive each other soon (and if they don't I'm stepping in)
I'll just do smth to take my mind off of it
- not so secret ☹️ anon
😭 that sounds really stressful to be around, so try and take it easy, okay?
If you need to temporarily separate yourself from that situation, if you think it does you good, then go for it.
If not, then maybe focus on stuff you like doing.
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I saw (part of) a video compilation of plant tiktok yesterday and I got annoyed so here are ACTUAL basic plant care tips & also some mythbusting:
-misting plants does absolutely nothing for increasing humidity, and can in fact be incredibly counterproductive since constantly wet leaves massively increases chances of pests & diseases like mold & gnats & lice. If you have a plant that does best in humidity, put it on a pebble tray with water or keep it in a terrarium of some sort. If you have a couple, group them closely together, since that will increase humidity too. (That said, most commonly available plants that like humidity will do fine without it too. They might not thrive as much, but most of them will be okay.)
-that said, do clean off leaves every now and then, and either rinsing them off in the shower/sink/bathtub or putting them out in the rain in summer (my preferred method) ocassionally does wonders for them. Plants need clean leaves for good photosynthesis, and rainwater has lots of good nutrition for them (plus it’s free water!). there’s some debate going in plant world right now about using wax shine and other products on leaves. I personally just grab either a damp cloth, some dry tissues, or a small paintbrush, depending on the plant and how much effort I want to put in that day.
-things you need as a beginner in my opinion:
a plant you like and that’s easy to take care of
a pot to put it in (get an inner pot with holes in the bottom for drainage, and an outer pot to catch the water that drains out)
a place to put it
(if you get a cactus or anything with spikes/poisonous juice: gardening gloves)
that’s it. I saw someone say you need ph-level kits and hygrometers and different kinds of soil and all kinds of products, and I seriously wonder if that person was sponsored or actually an employee at some company because that’s some bullshit right there. I do absolutely recommend researching plants before you go to the store, to make sure you’re getting one you can actually take care of in the long run, and also so you don’t get overwhelmed by all the choice. but you don’t need all kinds of fancy equipment unless you’re not a beginner and you’re maybe specializing or going pro in some way. Honestly, I don’t even have a proper watering can??? I use old drinking bottles that I stopped using because I didn’t like them lmao. I use 2, because I have 2, and now I can keep different fertilizers separate, but honestly if necessary you can even just pick up your plant and put it in the sink for a bit. we do that all the time in this household.
-before you bring a plant home, check it - IN the store - for visible pests/diseases. A lot of lice will be on the stems/on the bottom of leaves. don’t get that one. (I very often forget to do this, don’t be like me.). If you have the space, I recommend quarantining plants in a separate space for a week or two after you bought them, just to see if anything shows up you couldn’t see in the store. you’d be surprised at how often you accidentally bring home lice with your cool new plant.
-instead of getting a hygrometer, if you need to know if your plants need water, just stick a finger into the soil about one or two knuckles deep. is the soil dry? water it. is it a bit moist? wait with watering. tadaaaaa done. and for free!
-contrary to popular belief, cacti & succulents DO need water fairly regularly. aside from the part where there are succulents native to almost every environment on the planet, it does rain in deserts sometimes too. Don’t spray them with a mister, just put some water on the soil around them/on their roots. Mine get almost no water in winter because a lot of plants go into a dormant phase then, about once a month in spring, and weekly and sometimes more in summer. A lot of succulents will actually show when they need water, because they’ll get all wrinkly and thin and sad instead of full and plump. don’t overdo it, because they tend to be prone to rootrot, but definitely do give them water and even some fertilizer every now and then.
-speaking of dormant phases: a lot of plants go dormant in winter. look up if this is the case for your plant too, and adjust how you take care of it. some might look like they’re dead but come back in spring, some might need to be cut back a bit, some want less or even no water. depending on what kind of plant you got and where you live, you might also want to move your plant to a different spot temporarily (windowsills get much colder than the room, and cold climates can completely kill a tropical plant that was doing fine all summer)
-you WILL have to deal with pests & diseases and you WILL lose plants at some point. doesn’t matter how experienced you are, these things just happen. best to just accept it, you literally can’t save every plant, try as you might. learn to identify what’s going on quickly, and by all means experiment! but if it’s not going to work or your other plants (or you yourself) are in danger somehow: chuck it out. losing a plant doesn’t make you a bad plant parent, it just makes you a normal plant parent like the rest of us.
-EDIT BECAUSE I FORGOT: sometimes you will get a bit of fungus/mold on the top layer of the soil. this is generally fine and completely harmless, though maybe a sign you’re overwatering. if you want to get rid of it, try putting some cinnamon on the soil. it’s worked for me so far, though I won’t make any promises it works for everyone and every plant. (also, coffee grounds can help against lice, but I do recommend just leaving it in spoons or smth and putting those near/on the soil and not putting the grounds themselves directly on the soil. coffee is toxic to a lot of living things, including some plants.)
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derireo · 4 years
may i request,,soff hugcanons for itaru,misumi,tsumugi and azuma after they havent seen reader for awhile (sorry if thats too much its fine if u wanna shorten it thank u 💕)
np!! i got everything for u right here <3
Itaru, Misumi, Tsumugi, Azuma: They Miss You
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He doesn't like showing it, but he's one of the needy types when you two haven't seen each other for a long time. Either because of work or because your schedules overlap, Itaru gets quite frustrated when he doesn't see you every two or three days.
He starts cursing under his breath more and runs his fingers through his hair, and you two normally don't text because he's always playing a game on his phone and can't afford to be interrupted during it.
At times, when he feels that he's had enough of this separation, he'll text you late at night when he has nothing else to do: 'Yo. Let's meet at the convenience store or smth."
And then he'll don his usual tracksuit combo, but sub the jacket with his bomber. U know the one.
He breathes a huge sigh of relief when he sees you waiting for him at the front of the store with your hands in your pockets and your cap on low. You almost look like a sketchy stranger, but Itaru knows better
"You look creepy like that, Dummy." He'd tease you and flip your cap off your head with a cheesy grin. You'd scurry after him when he enters the store, cap on his head as he bites into a lollipop he had saved in his pocket earlier.
He buys whatever snacks you're craving for and adds an energy drink for himself. When you've got all your supplies, the both of you share a seat outside, with you curled up in his lap.
You're feeding both him and yourself as he plays a game on his phone, wrapped up in his jacket and arms as the cool night breeze rustles your hair.
This becomes the usual routine whenever you guys are stuck with a heavy schedule during the day.
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Surprisingly, Misumi is someone who doesn't show he misses you until he actually bumps into you.
It's almost like he completely forgot LOL
Okay, but fr, when he bumps into you he gasps.
"Ah!!! I missed you!!!" He exclaims and launches himself at you with a laugh. It's so all of a sudden that it makes both of you nearly topple over, but he saves you with his quick reflexes.
He's been so busy looking for triangles (and sleeping) that he almost totally forgot about you. No offense, really, but his mind is so taken up with triangles, acting, and onigiri that he'll temporarily forget about anything else.
When he does see you, you take up all of the space in his head!!!! He's basically got tunnel vision on and he can only focus on you!
"Where have you been?" He'd ask curiously. I don't think he has a phone (unless it's canon) so it's pretty difficult to contact Misumi at all. Most of the time you get updates from Kazunari since he's closer in age with Misumi than the other troupe members, but they're all weird messages lol
You explain why you have been so busy lately, but Misumi waves it off since it's not really a bother. Literally he couldn't care less, he just wants to talk. Idk why he asked pft I'm writing this shit
He takes you on a walk since whenever he goes out, the weather is always super nice! Not too hot, not too cold, but just right!
He's always holding your hand; he's a bit worried he'll lose you if he doesn't.
You go eat snacks with him at some point and he babbles on and on about how he was thinking of you and was trying to figure out a way to track you down.
You cough,,, Ahem . . . Bebs u don't have a phone....
You actually offer to give him one of ur old phones so you can talk through a messaging app but he quickly makes an X with his arms to decline.
"It's fun when I talk to you with Kazu!" He beams and you don't have the heart to say anything but....
Kazunari had the same idea as you though so the very next day you actually receive a message from Misumi himself LOL
'There's triangles!!!!! ∆∆∆☆'
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He gets fidgety when you're not around; doing things like fiddling with the watch on his wrist, readjusting his sleeves, or tapping a pen on his leg. He got real used to you being in his arms most of the time, and he doesn't know what to do when he's not doing it.
Tasuku ends up noticing right away and he rolls his eyes, suggests that Tsumugi make the move first and see you at whatever place you're chilling at.
Tsumugi gets flustered when he's caught thinking about you, and he shakes his head and slaps the back of his neck with an awkward smile as he claims that he doesn't want to disturb you.
"Look. I don't really know much about dating, but if you want to see them just say something."
So with what little skills he has with technology, manages to call you! And even manages to set a time and place to meet the next day!
His heart flutters when he sees you at your designated meeting place and immediately starts to walk faster to greet you!!!
He brought a couple of flowers too because he passed by a flower shop on his way to you.
You jump up when you see him come inside and both of you immediately latch onto each other for a hug. It's a warm, very tight hug that smells like vanilla and cherry blossoms and you're getting happy just because of it.
You're both giggling excitedly when you pull away, and Tsumugi cups your cheeks in his hands to give your widdle nose a kiss!
"I missed you." He pouts and you pout back at him, motioning for him to sit in the seat that was across from yours.
His energy never dissipates as you both talk about how your week has been going, and you know he's listening in earnest when he brushes his thumb along the back of your hand while staring at you with wide, sparkling eyes.
You guys definitely have the best dates when you haven't seen each other in a while.
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Azuma's emotions are really difficult to pinpoint. Not many can tell when he's missing you other than Sakyo, who spends the most time with him out of all of the dorm members.
He tends to stare off into space when he's thinking about you, and it looks really poetic when he has a mug in his hand because he traces the rim with his index finger as he looks lost in thought.
The corners of his mouth will be tilted upward as his mind races with images of you laughing and smiling, and he slumps forward in his seat as he cups his mug in his palms. He really loves it when you look at him like that.
Sakyo gets a little disgusted sometimes and tells him straight away that Azuma needs to go and see you or something.
Only thing is that Azuma isn't fond of going out during the day because of the sun (it's canon don't @ me) so you two actually have a bit of trouble seeing each other considering you don't find it safe to venture outside at night.
BUT!!!!!!!! Azuma drives! :o
It'll take him some time to find the location you send him on his phone, but he . . . . . gets there
His smile is all coy when you enter the car, but the 'I've missed you.' that falls from his lips is unmistakable.
You two go out and eat at one of those nice cafes that are open late at night as bars aren't in question anymore. He used to go and drink with clients, but it wasn't something he wanted to do with you. He felt you deserved more than just a couple lousy drinks at some stinky place.
And once you guys find a nice seat at the window, he's all over you <3 He wraps his arm around your shoulders first and scoots your chairs closer so that they're touching. He waits for you to lean into his side on your own, and when you're relaxing, his other arm comes, a hand resting on your thigh as you tuck your head against the spot between his neck and shoulder.
It's very chill, and you two talk idly about what has been going on lately as you take sips from your drinks.
You two end up staying very late at the cafe... ;; Haha
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lobanri · 3 years
untitled asscreed & one piece crossover
Desmond Miles dies using the Eye in an attempt to save the world form the Sun. When he awakens it’s to a completely different world, filled with pirates and marines and powers that seem magical. The marines find him, and he awakens when a pirate crew decides to attack the marines and ends up finding him and freeing him. At least he’s lucky enough that Edward Kenway was a pirate, even if one very different to the crew he’s now a part of.
this goes in a couple different ways, too.
first idea was that the OP world is Earth after the Calamity, so DFs are what happens when the Pieces of Eden get assimilated into fruits- thus they affect Desmond by making him have the whole ‘golden circuitry’ thing whenever he touches a DF user and can potentially… temporarily use their abilities? Steal them? Idfk, ok. Something alongside those lines. Whatever. Or maybe he can get parts of the Piece of Eden they came from originally? And like, Mythical Zoans are Apples or pieces of the Eye and they affect him more, Logias can be Apples or the Scepter or the Belt, Paramecias are the Shroud or the Scepter, etc. So now he has to go touch enough DF users to have a whole Piece, and they’re tattoo like, gradually appearing on his torso until he has the whole Piece and they can leave his skin and appear in his hands, bc i apparently thought it was cool? i mean, i wasn’t wrong, it sounds dope.
so there was that, and the idea that genetic memories can result in a pseudo-reincarnation, so their memories make some renown Assassins make a resurgence. i thought about making it like they only half-remember them and get the full blast when Desmond- key that he is- comes back. 
i made a plan for this, y’all. i had a list. it’s mostly ‘cause i’m kinda crazy, but jeez. looking back i was way too willing to actually write this out. sadly i probably won’t.
1-      desmond dies and lays forgotten in the grand temple. marines/pirates find him and decide to kidnap him bc he has golden circuitry under his skin and his arm looks a bit weird and who the fuck knows. then the withebeards find him and save him. he becomes friends with most of them but gets along w/ace pretty well (weird childhood buddies!)
2-     thatch dies via teach, ace sets out to get revenge and desmond goes ‘what the hell, why not’ and goes with him. during the trip, he starts getting weird dreams about the other assassins (originally this was just ezio but i think it’d be better if he’d get snatches of what each of them is doing, based on how close to them he was physically) but sees hallucinations about Edward instead and tires not to let it affect him. ace is busy w/revenge, but can tell smth is off. they arrive at an island in which desmond sees a wanted poster of himself next to one of another man in a with hood called ‘the assassin’. he has the same scar. cliffhanger. (this could be either ezio or altair, but it just proves that he’s not the only one from the Brotherhood here)
3-     we change pov to ace, who is watching his new friend/brother become increasingly frantic about this ‘assassin’ and tells him some about his family to try to distract him from the dreams he keeps getting and the things he sees. ace keeps getting more worried about his hallucinations bc they can’t find any doctor to do anything about it and kureha left the island- then someone in sakura island tells him that the strawhats have ‘the doctor’s apprentice’  so now ace is trying to both hunt teach and find someone to heal desmond so we see him having a moral debate about what’s more important to him- his revenge or his family’s lives.
4-     we see a mysterious scene w/ ezio in which he talks to someone- nico robin- and we reach the conclusion that he wants to join crocodile for some reason??? which is that he wants to get info and money but when he sees what’s going on he plans on murdering croco. the strawhats end up interrupting him anyway so when he sees robin sneak into the ship he goes ‘eh, well, whatever’ and goes with her in a weird parallel arc that mirrors desmond’s decision to go with ace, except that desmond goes because he’s more of a passive person but was worried about ace and ezio goes because he’s an active person who wants to know why; why is he here? why can he remember? why is he not dead? why does he keep thinking about some strange man he sees in his dreams sometimes? he decides his new “dream” is to get justice for everyone- remake the brotherhood- when he learns about the crew’s stories.  
5-     we come back to the disaster duo, who are now each other’s other half in being a complete and total mess. desmond is still hallucinating Edward and his search for ‘the assassin’ finally gets him a place: alabasta. they arrive just as the strawhats are in the middle of defeating everyone, so ace decides to butt in and desmond just doesn’t want to see his friend get eviscerated so he helps out in the shadows. desmond is quiet and kinda unassuming the whole time that ace is talking to the strawhats so they don’t really notice him much or anything. this makes it much better for when robin shows up, introduces herself and then ezio steps out and does the same (strawhats: ‘what!? another one!??’) and then asks “and who is that gentleman, if I may ask?” to which desmond steps out. “desmond miles. I’m the key. glad to finally meet you properly, prophet.” cliffhanger.
6-    look the first part of this is various ppl just going
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then some weird explaining and desmond finally getting someone to look at his head when ace remembers that “oh yeah btw my friend’s been having vivid hallucinations for a couple of months/weeks. is that normal or…? because he keeps telling me not to worry about it and that it’s been happening for a couple of months but im pretty sure I should be worried about it” and chopper trying not to have an attack then and there while the strawhats that have braincells just look horrified .
7-     so moving on from explanations arc- now we reach…uh. ace and desmond separating but promising to check in with each other every day, because I think that’d be a neat way to cut between scenes- they’re all retellings of what hijinks went down that they’re giving each other, and occasionally they comment on some detail and it gives you a break for bickering from all the drama. they buy snails ig.
  this is also when i ran out of plot, but! i do have like, two pages of notes about what some of the others are up to, so i’m gonna add that at some point later. 
(if anyone sees this [which i doubt, but you never know] and wants to use it, feel free! just @ me!)
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mifhortunach · 5 years
@thaliatimsh​ - im so sorry!!!! a vague ‘riffing off of (tm)’ what i was saying? (trying to say) last night  - but Mostly// word splurge everywhere :/ - unsure if theres either a/t Clear or!! tbfh a/t of worth here, but yk :T :S !
thaliatimsh said: I thiNK you are RIGHT re: distance n i wonder. … why. Considering distance in gibson bein murdererererd scene… tins of mystery… (like a week previous MAX). I wonder. Why. Im not very good at bein clear anyway im. Fffff.
=> fgksdhfg, idk if youve had the same thought w this as i have, or mabs,, its lead to/from the same thought but like. Hickey’s plan was always probs gonna end/hinge a lil on cannibalism? [‘Lads Gotta Eat! People Made O’ Meat!’; Hickey’s Personal Sledge Hauling Song, 1847.] Ofc they all already know tht the cans are making them Weak & WEird™ .
so im Not getting confused!!! Just #FAx: at some point theyre gonna run out of food With Them, so Options~: 1) take tins proffered by crozier, 2) somehow they manage to find game! 3) boys were made for eating
So assuming tht no ones gonna keel over anytime soon, theyre deffo gonna have to kill /Someone/
Once gibson ‘runs out’ [[ :(( ]], they gotta go back to tins, or they gotta get another Body p much. ppl who CAnt be ate!: Hickey (ofc), Diggle (For Now/, until Armitage gets his HACCP qualifications), Goodsir (butchers are hard to train up, lads might get queezy chopping up their M8s)
Gkdsfhgk, distance as a food preparation method, a book by cornelius (EC) hickey !! - is what im TRYINBG to get to as my point !!! jfc, idek
but idk if thats rly necessarily a v strong (or tbf, Accurate) Take yk? i gotta think it over, & leave this pot boiling someplace else temporarily or smth
[[i think,, what i meant w/ Deliberateness, as much as i like. ½ tried to articulate it there last night (& now having read over a lil of tht, have v little clue WHat Exactly i was trying to be saying there tbfh), is that Of Fckn Course// hickey is deliberately setting him Apart “DELIBERATE isolation of hodgson during that scene (plate, cutlery, separate space, different /meat/)” like u said!! But i think up Til tht point, its one of those weird cases where its not being Enforced~ as such? [tht might just be my own reading tho? Which are.. while Not ~Notoriously Off-Base? But often taking the ‘’wrong part’’ of a thing as the important element, or just straight up Confused, rip lmao]
Like /Like/. The Hodgester™ has just turned up into a place already filled w dudes who are all a lil asshole-ish & starving! - & enough of them are running from a hierarchy issue, rather than a deep abiding love for EC, i suppose? Uhm - && they all wanna Be There (for want of a better descrip/). So, i was ½ at it thinking(?) abt if it was mayhaps (originally) one of those things where u accidentally(?) isolate yrself from the rest of the group bc u dont wanna bother/intrude/dont feel welcome [The Sk00l Feelingz] & thru that slight gap you end up falling thru the cracks as twere & /Actually/ becoming Set Apart. 
&& like. Idk, on #mutineers side; hes just turned up! Hes Hierarchy!! & yk still,,, Officers/Men Divide~ the line drawn in the 6ft X 4ft ice-cave separating the messdeck & the wardroom ! which despite no longer /Rly/ being in place now, or honestly nearly as much as gone post-walkOut, has gotta be subconsciously embedded ? dunno [tbfh, im word vomiting rly Badly// now - i think u were & Are!! Right abt it, & yr fic Felt Right// abt it!! Which means it may as well be True & Canon & Real, etc: Often Always thinking abt the different ways of saying lieutenant, oof :( ] ]]
maybe what i mean is like; I'm Not Sure! (personally :S ) if it started out Accidentally, Deliberate Banal, or Deliberate Malicious, yk??
&& Whether its been a gradual progression, or happened much more Starkly when they decided to captainnap crozier, or spatchcock chicken gibson & other stuff? dunno
((i gotta [REally Gotta//] rewatch the last couple of eps, so i get the planning/timing etc right in my head? bc idr if the plan to marry tuunbaq was ‘hatched’ pre or post captainnapping, or if they were related At All -> do feel like the hermitage i mentioned going on has gotta be extended just so tht i can think things into #clarity, as well as actually watch the show again before making up shit, lmao)) 
--- thinking abt: 
possibly hodgester’s confession & inability to kill hickey in contrast w fitzy’s confession & offering up of his body? but idk what that IS or MEANS, or if its even THERE [yr talk of him as,, ‘the average mans james fitzjames’ is,, im Lov,, Truly Banger & Deeply Upsetting :( ]
smth poss to be said abt how Much// of what george says/dialogue is abt food & his big monologue is abt cannibalism & transubstantiation yk? Idk [hodgester, location: North Artic Circle, likes: etymology, religious guilt, languages, musical instruments, food & learning abt how its prepared :(( ] other than, yk, Mood, Big Same There Lads
To Conclude, yr 100000% right, Magnus Manson Good Boy, Packed The Plates & Forks
#ppp#lb#long post /#thaliatimsh#* i think what I'm meaning w the isolation as meat prep - bc idk if thats clear to /ANYONE/ but me - is tht w/o gibson's oh so generous deat#*death - they'd've had to get someone to eat sooner rather than later? & it DOes// :( make sense to start w someone who isn't close w#*close w the rest of the gang#but ofc!! thats Speculation!! and Depressing Speculation @ that!! - obvs would eaten the dead 1st idfk#i v v v much hope this is okay? dunno - both in terms of Action & Content erhm#i dont wanna accidentally come across s dickhole megee yk#id have left until i was Surer (TM) but it just wouldntve happened yk? idk#. im gonna.. go back to this mabs once I'm clearer & cleaner abt what I'm taking fromit & post Actually Rewatching The EPs omg#[showing my hand Terribly// here im SO! Unsure as to how to read a lot of either george/later eps/scenes]#[idk how much attention i was rly Paying @ the time for one thing & bc idk. having a lil pre-knowledge of parts kinda changed the viewing ]#*[the viewing sitch - so like. I'm STILL! not 1000% certain on what I'm meant to take from the confession scene yk? its abolsutely ]#[WOEFUL! but idk what i meant to read/take from tht other that I'm now Weeping & Rending my hair + garments yk]#[[couldnt articulate thouhghts wrt mutineers & etc beyond: god!! teh marines had a shit time of it which ill totes admit might need to do ]]#[[better]]#terror meta#bc its good to keep things in the same place & One DAy~ ill vom smth REadable
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slashtakemylife · 5 years
Voltron x ATLA x LOK fusion
A prompt or idea of sorts of the Voltron characters that follows a bit on the ATLA and LOK storylines with little changes, I also added a bit of Voltron’s lore into it
It’s a bit long and I in fact cover 3 arcs from beggining to finish but there are some blank spots which is why it won’t be made into a full fic but I hope you enjoy the ride
Allura, an airbender and the Avatar finds herself in the last and most prominent of the Air Temples being decimated by the Fire Nation, in order to protect her from the Fire Lord’s rage, her father, knocks her out and send her with Coran and her bison away, they catch a storm and when they go down the water she freezes them
- time skip of only a few years - (10?)
Keith, is a firebender from Republic City looking for his missing brother Shiro, his last clue sent him to the South Pole were a stranded Fire Nation boat may have more information on his wereabouts, he sees a south pole-ner? looking at his reflexion on an ice, he tries to bypass him but Lance, a waterbender from the South Tribe spots him, he then wants to capture Keith, who he thinks is a Fire Nation soldier, to impress the ladies and fellas at home however Keith gets the upper hand and easily defeats him, leaving him on the floor covered in snow, Lance in a tantrum brings forth a giant ice that has Allura and Coran along with their bison, named something that I would love if it sounds similar to the Castle of Lions (Cas? just straigth out Castle?)
Allura doesn’t trust Keith because he is fire nation, Keith doesn’t give af and leaves them to reach that ship and they separate, Allura goes with Lance, however Lotor, the exiled prince shows up, Allura can easily beat Lotor but he sends his soldiers to attack the village.
After Keith finds what he needed in the ship, he knows Lotor is attacking them due to the smoke of his ship so he goes to help, that is how he gains Allura’s trust, Keith tells them he is looking for Shiro, he is an important metalbender that has helped keep Republic City safe, however he was sent to Ba Sing Se to help protect it with a few of their squad, they succeed but he ends up captured, there are rumors on him being alive but no one can do anything, thus Keith leaving, he knows he is close
Allura, Coran, Lance and Keith go save Shiro from an ice prision, (long haired Shiro), he has no arm but when he finds metal he uses his bending to create one, while his metal arm works as a natural hand, he still needs some adjustment time to get used and learn how to bend with just one arm, he tells them their most important task is to protect and train the Avatar, Republic City is the most advanced, heavily protected city and is filled with masters that would gladly teach the avatar, btw Allura can’t reach the pasts Avatars and her Avatar state is either weaken or she just can’t reach it, they think it’s a spiritual thing, remember this detail ;)
And then this is the reason this is just like a prompt because basically the next part is just Lotor giving chase and shenanigams happen, in the middle they find Hunk, an earthbender who’s village has been taken by the FN and took his father, they liberate them all and he joins them in their quest, they go to an air temple were a group of non benders has taken over the temple, they were seeking refuge from the fire nation and found the temple, they are tech junkies, once the FN took notice there was someone in the temple they attacked, their inventions helped protect them but with little resources they knew a second wave would decimate them, Sam agreed to be taken away so long as the temple was spared, his son was also taken away as guarantee, Katie Holt just knows his father and brother mysteriously disappeared, leaving Colleen in charge, she escapes as goes by the name of Pidge to avoid being discovered and joins the team
So they reach Republic City (I have to say it’s mostly Adashi but there is story, bare with me please) were Shiro (obviously) reunites with his husband Adam and gives them a place to stay in their home, he wants to announce Allura as the Avatar and begin her training, Adam tells him not to, apparently there is a new issue
Sendak, the equalist, they say he can take bending away and has been kidnapping benders and striping them of their bending to create a benderless world, the kidnappers are expert at close combat that use chi blocking and electricity to kidnap them, this makes Shiro nervous, so they wait out
Next day finds Adam not going to work, Shiro asks if it’s okay given the situation and Adam says he is just a worried husband caring for his recently appeared husband
The truth is the next, Adam is the highest ranking non-bender in the police force, they obviously prefer benders and of course there is the police force of only metal benders, Shiro is a high rank officer (even Chief maybe?) before he was deployed to aid Ba Sing Se from an incoming attack, Adam had a hard time proving himself as a non bender in the police force, the way he reached the top was with his amazing fighting skills and chi blocking, he uses the later to handle benders, so many people in the police force were wary of him, everything Adam fought for, all the time he took to convince the benders he was equal to them, died in 5 seconds when this radical dude showed up (ADASHI TIME! Can I interest you with in-training yet prodigy metal bender Shiro crushing hard on also in-training Adam as he decimates his 5th bender opponent with his bare non-bending hands?)
While they had yet to investigate him fully, he feels uncomfortable since everyone is suspicious of him, some think he is their true leader. So Adam is using Shiro as an excuse to ask for an early vacations to take care of him and also, Adam does want to take care of Shiro, come on! He hasn’t seen Shiro since his deployment nearly four years ago and after he was announced as missing in action, his little brother who lives with them, just dissapears as well so yeah, Adam is not letting his boys out of his watch Ever Again
Again there’s a reason this is a prompt or I don’t know but smth smth happens, Allura is discovered to be the Avatar, they find Sam, he knows part of Honerva’s plan I’ll cover in a few, smth smth, time skip XD then Adam is having an interview done, since he is the highest rank non-bender they want an interview regarding the recent equalizer events, in reality they just give an introduction on who Adam is, the interviewer does the “what you think” question and goes to commercial
There in the radio booth is Sendak and he wants Adam to support the movement since he is one of the most prominent non-benders there is, transmission comes back and instead of a pro-equalists speech, Adam makes a pro-benders one (even mentioning how the love of his life it’s a bender for extra tears)
So anyway, Shiro realizes it’s a trap and he desperately tries to reach Adam but unfortunately Adam gets kidnapped because he refused to bow down to the equalists
In reality, Sendak takes them to Haggar, she is in Republic City because it has the biggest concentration of benders and the most powerful as well as diversity, so the bending is just her taking out their spirit energy/quintessence, leaving them benderless, she trained Sendak to be a blood bender in order to temporarily chi block their bending and make them faint enough for her to act
They go to save Adam but in there, Shiro finds Adam, he is brainwashed and tells him he should allow Haggar to take his bending away so they could have a happy benderless life, away from the battlefield like Adam always wanted, Shiro is one of the strongest benders there is so they do use Adam as bait for him, he has no choice but to shock Adam unconscious, still he losses his bending before Allura can get there, Haggar with so much spiritual/quintessence energy from taking the benders and now one of the strongest, Shiro, goes against Team Avatar until only Allura is left and she also sees she can energy bend even if it’s a little so she is able to defeat her but she escapes, she restores Shiro’s bending as well, btw Lotor also reached Republic city and gets a redemption ark, he changes like Zuko in Ba Sing Se and goes to Team Avatar to reveal that Haggar wants to release Vatu and make Zarkon a dark Avatar
The third ark is they discover the story behind it all, so here it is:
We go back to the paladins of old, GoodZarkon is the Avatar, great friends with the previous Paladins of Voltron, a group of representatives of each nation that helps the avatar with it’s affairs, they had the issue of Vatu being released, you know the 10,000 y/o, it was with them that happened so they make plans to imprison him again
However GoodZarkon’s wife, Honerva believes she can put an end to this cycle because every 10k years each avatar has to deal with him, you just need one avatar to fail for everything to be over, she has been studying spiritual leaves and vines from the spirit world and finds their energy source, which she names quintessence, we all have it, in fact that is what allows benders to bend but spirits can use quintessence at will for so much more, she actually wants to release Vatu and make something with him, not imprison him
Vatu could have tricker her into thinking this would put and end to the squabble, of course they all disagree but shit happens and Honerva is badly injured, maybe a spirit passes through her and she get’s weird? Vatu tells GoodZarkon that with the combined power of him and Raava inside him, they can heal Honerva, so he releases him and tries to contain both entities inside, but only works for them to fight inside GoodZarkon, Vatu just wants to have his cycle like Raava and have her be locked away, the paladins come over and manage to separate both entities out of GoodZarkon, they imprison Vatu and release Raava for her to look for an Avatar, since it was Alfor the one who physically releases her to the world, unbestknown to him, it makes Raava latch onto his energy signature and thus falls into a days old Allura
Leaving GoodZarkon “dead” and out of the cycle but actually he and Honerva both survive as Zarkon and Haggar, since Zarkon had Vatu inside him and Honerva is now kind of spirit crazy Haggar, few years later they kidnapp the current Fire Lord and go to the spirit world were they find the face swapping spirit and they exchange the face to that of the current Fire Lord into Zarkon so he becomes Fire Lord
Zarkon slowly begins his quest of conquering the world but really he is looking for the Avatar because he wants to be the Avatar again, he wants to drag Raava out of Allura and into him again or, release Vatu and take him instead, Haggar is in charge on finding where he is and how to release him, the old paladins sealed the entrance
There was peace in between the old Paladins fight with Zarkon and his supposed ‘death’ were Allura grew but one day the Fire Nation went crazy (they face swap, it’s Zarkon now) and started to want to conquer the world, they were able to keep him contained but they struggle and Zarkon is incredibly powerful due to having previously had both entities inside his body, he retains his core element bending which is fire, and lays waste on the air nation, the paladins join once again to defeat him but without the avatar they can’t do a thing, Alfor knows Allura (now grown up) is the avatar but he considers she’s still to young, Allura wants to fight, wants to fulfill her destiny but one day Zarkon finally lays waste on the final air temple, Alfor sends her and Coran away
Back to the present, The Paladins knew the Fire Lord was previous Avatar Zarkon but said nothing to no one, they just said he died while saving the world from Vatu, that is the reason Allura can’t reach the previous Avatar since the link is broken since Zarkon is not really dead but he’s no longer the Avatar? She finally strips away any connection and finally can connect to previous Avatar and reach the Avatar state at it’s full potential
Big fight, they win, end
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muzzleroars · 7 years
raelis1 replied to your post “Do you think Mika and Yuu will eventually end up opposing each other,...”
i don't necessarily think yu and mika turning on each other would destroy the theme of family because even if they do end up on the opposite sides, i could never seen them genuinely hating/not caring about each other. it could be more like 'i'll stop you because what you're doing is wrong, but i want to save you from yourself as well'. it's a cliche, but kagami is very fond of cliches like that.
there’s a lot good stuff here in your replies, so i’ll link it and my response under a cut so the post isn’t too long ;;
i think there's enough foreshadowing for yu becoming the antagonist eventually (and that's some VERY unsubtle foreshadowing to boot!:)), but i am convinced the series will have a happy ending. kagami doesn't even have the guts to permanently kill any of his important characters.:) he loves to revel in tragedy, but by his own admission he loves happy endings, so i'm not worried.
i'm not sure one single confrontation could address all the issues between yu and mika, and i don't really think the theme of family is best served by mika resigning himself to always chasing after yu and trying to save him from himself, so at this point i wouldn't really mind if they are separated by their very different worldviews and morals, with the story leaving a chance for them to get together again later.
plus, their relationship has to change in some way - the way it is now, it's not only deeply unbalanced, it's also static and leaves little room for growth. unfortunately, i can't see the story addressing their issues in any way other than temporarily drive a wedge between them. that said, i've been wrong many times before (i thought guren's actions in nagoya would have some consequnces, for starters), so maybe the issues between y and m will be handled the same.
tbh mika and yu drifting apart (temporarily!) would sadden me less than if their relationship always remained as it is now. i still think mika got the short end of the stick in this friendship, and i'd love the story to address that and do smth about it.
well, that's just my two cents. i thank you for your excllent meta! it was a joy to read.
ohhh i see what you’re saying now, and that’s a lot of good points! i definitely agree with the idea that mika desperately needs some character growth outside of yuu at this point. it’s sad to see him just continuously trying to change yuu’s mind and continuously getting brushed off for his concerns. it’s just a cycle of mika being invalidated constantly with really...nothing else to him. so looking at it from that perspective, i think you’re right in saying yuu and mika need some temporary time apart. mika’s entire existence for the past four years has been centrally focused on yuu and after their reunion, that theme has just continued. mika obviously has different views and different concerns, but he is continuously silenced for them, including by yuu himself (seeing the interactions in chap 52 and 59 was just...yikes in a lot of ways). i’m still not quick to blame yuu for this treatment, because of how i view his own mental state, but the way he constantly invalidates mika’s concerns and his very real feelings (like insisting how much he’ll love guren eventually) is terrible for mika given his own current state, and it just feels grossly unfair.
i probably have to say too that one big confrontation wouldn’t be enough, and i wouldn’t mind if it was more than that, especially because there is that tension between them that hasn’t been addressed. yuu has been entirely dismissive of mika’s concerns from the start of their reunion. i guess i approached the original question from the idea of “do you think mika and yuu will become enemies”, which i can’t see, but having them be opposing forces while still caring for each other might actually do good for their characters. mika can finally grow a little, he can hopefully realize that his viewpoints have value, and he can understand that he can make his own decisions without deferring to yuu in the end. yuu, on the other hand, would need that level of opposition at this point to maybe snap him out of things. in chapter 59, yuu insisted they stay together, that mika just save him if he thinks he’s in trouble. what would happen if mika finally refused to do that? yuu is insistent they stay together (something yuu is persistent with with his entire family), and if a family member chose to refuse that, maybe it would finally make him think. i like that idea, and i think it gives them room to grow. 
while i believe that mika and yuu care for each other just as much as the other, it is true that at this point, mika has made all the concessions in the relationship. mika has shown consistent discomfort with the choices yuu has made, and while some were necessary (like having mika drink human blood to survive), there’s just always been a weird undercurrent of dismissal on yuu’s part. i feel like mika is so scared to make his own decisions because of his trauma, but i can’t keep watching him give up repeatedly on things that are so important to him. so thinking it over this way, i agree with you. they should oppose each other for at least some amount of time in the series so that they can come back together and have an equal relationship. because while i believe yuu cares deeply and fiercely for mika, he can’t keep treating him the way he does. it’s unhealthy, and it’s hurting mika. 
so thank you for the different viewpoint! it makes a lot of sense for mika’s growth, which i’ve honestly been worried about. i’m tired of watching him be the only rational character only to have all of his concerns constantly dismissed (at best, made a joke of at worse). this would be a good way of fixing it, and offer up a lot of angst at the same time. like i had said, i tend to stay overly optimistic about relationships, but thinking it over, i would prefer mika take a stand. i want to see him do what he believes he’s right, no matter who disagrees with him. honestly at the end of the day, i just need to see mika be right, or at least be taken seriously. 
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tofu-beifong · 7 years
A challenge for u and ur followers (cus i like ur plot ideas): give a plot/premise that has smth to do with a wall :D anything.
Hohohoho I got one for u
(I’m a sucker for fantasy AUs) Imagine Bakugou and Kirishima are from neighboring countries/kingdoms that may be at war, or there’s tension between them and there’s a big intricate wall that separates them
Bakugou is a little boy and he kind of escapes/runs away from his family temporarily (possibly because he’s mad at his parents or to escape doing chores or something) and he runs far far away and gets lost. He sees the wall that forms the border between the two kingdoms and runs toward it out of curiosity and amazement; there are windows and gaps in the wall so he can see what’s on the other side. And so he looks through the gap and there’s another boy his age with red hair
“Who are you?” The red haired boy asks
“I’m Katsuki! Who the heck are YOU?”
The red haired boy smiles and says “I’m Eijirou.”
They talk for a long while and become friends and agree to meet each other like every night or something; they talk about their families, swordfighting, girls that annoy them in their villages; They grow up like this, until they’re teenagers still meeting each other at the wall that separates them that they can never break. and although they don’t say to each other out loud, the fact alone that they’re from conflicting countries makes them both sad that it keeps them from meeting each other, and they realize they’re in love with each other.
I could go even further than this I can see myself making this plenty angsty (as if it’s not enough already) ha ahHha
If anyone else has ideas for the wall premise take it away *finger guns*
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First of all, I like your writing so much, it's so great ! W/ the last Overwatch comic , I had an idea that I wanted to share w/ you : characters on a kind of diplomatic mission (just choose whoever you want ???) trying to charm the fuck out an administrative to get informations/access to smthg. Some of them would be brilliant about it and others would fail so much (while probs thinking they are nailing it). Basically just OW babies trying to use their brains and charisma to do smth. Thanks !
thank you!! and oh man I love “socially awkward character has to charm their way into a base” situations this is great (just picking a few people because clearly I cannot do all of the characters or we’ll be here all day lol)
Widowmaker is obviously amazing at social stealth – she’s as deadly on the social field as she is in battle. She’s charming and intelligent and good at reading people and manipulating them, plus she’s not afraid to use flirting to get the information or access she needs.
It is kind of a pain to have to cover her ENTIRE BODY in foundation, though. Blue skin tends to draw attention, which isn’t exactly conducive to a successful infiltration mission. 
She’s an expert at hiding in plain sight. I imagine her showing up to a black tie event in a scandalous little black slip dress, with a coy smile and a confident sway to her hips. All eyes are on her – and yet, all they see is a beautiful woman. A potential conquest, maybe, but not a threat. And she’s more than happy to use that to her advantage.
This is good for Talon, because Sombra and Reaper are both hopeless when it comes to social infiltration. Even without the purple side shave, Sombra is TERRIBLE at keeping a low profile, and she genuinely does not understand why she needs to be at the event in person when she can just hack the security system and get everything she needs remotely (and she doesn’t even have to change out of her pajamas!). Reaper, for his part, is really, really good at stealth stealth, but terrible at social stealth; even without the mask and hood, he’s just too intimidating. And it doesn’t help that he ends up glowering at everyone who comes within three feet, no matter how hard he tries to appear friendly.
I feel like McCree is lowkey really good at social stealth? Like yes, the whole Future Cowboy Aesthetic™ does draw a lot of attention, but that just means that people never recognize him without the hat, serape, and wild west persona. Unlike Widowmaker, his method for undercover assignments is to avoid drawing attention to himself. When he wants to, he’s really good at blending into the background of a party or event, and no one even knows he’s there until after he’s gone.
This only works if he’s able to keep his distance, though. He is AWFUL at undercover assignments that actually require him to talk to people. And if he has to flirt with someone to get information out of them, you can just forget it. He’ll stumble over words, go bright red, and totally forget what information he was supposed to be getting from them. And if they actually flirt back? The poor boy is done for.
You know who is shockingly good at charming information out of people? Ana. With a classy evening dress, hair in an elegant updo, and her eyepatch temporarily swapped for a high-tech cybernetic eye that almost looks like the real thing, she’s the picture of class and grace, with an air of mystery thrown in to boot. People can’t help but feel drawn to her, and she’s an expert in gently steering the conversation in the direction she wants it to go. She doesn’t need to flirt – people just want to trust her, which is what makes it lowkey terrifying to watch her work undercover. 
(On a separate note: the Overwatch crew once had to flirt some information out of a target via email. It was a collaborative effort between Winston and Tracer. Neither of them likes to talk about it.) 
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