#you can think that I’m a sadist in a real life. But this is not true
dairine-bonnet · 1 year
Hardly a fairy tale
Looking back, Malak sometimes wonders how real their feelings for each other were. Or they simply reveled in forbidden desires, condemned by the masters, conscious violation of the rules of the Order and passion caused by the excitement of the competitive spirit, which might have easily mixed up with something more menacing.
P.S. Here Malak is thinking about Revan and their relationship, of course.
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thisautistic · 7 months
thinking about vegaspete what else is new?
No one has ever LIKED what vegas does to them before. 
Like. intellectually i know everyone knows this but
Have we thought about it enough?
Imagine you’re vegas: pretty clearly a sadist, right? 
Legit it doesn’t seem to me that he’s ever met a masochist before. 
So. you’re vegas. You get off on hurting other people. Be that emotionally, physically, mentally etc.  
Everyone hates you for it (because let’s be real. VEGAS IS NOT A CONSENT KING) 
That’s THE ONLY DIFFERENCE. (at least when it comes to the sex)
So. you meet someone. You hurt them enough to keep them in therapy for the rest of their life. You almost kill them. You find you LIKE THEM ENOUGH TO NURSE THEM BACK TO HEALTH. 
So you think ‘i’m really sorry. What can i do?’ Certainly not say sorry because you are incapable of that.’ you drop hints: there’s no one guarding the place YOU DROP THE LITERAL KEY TO YOUR CAPTIVES FREEDOM. 
But he can’t possibly like you right? You’re unlovable. You’re a monster. So you (think) you push him away. 
And then you find out he literally gets off on being in pain? The thing you get off to inflicting?
Literally how on earth could he have ever let pete go after that?
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whyse7vn · 8 months
[ !fwb jhs pjm ksj jjk kth x reader ]
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hobi: hi
y/n: ur texting me before 5pm should i be scared rn….
hobi: i miss you
y/n: oh i’m terrified
hobi: can’t a man simply miss his girl???
y/n: i’m shaking in my boots dni
and ur girl???
shut the hell up
hobi: i miss you
y/n: STOP
this is really weird
hobi: ok i’m never being nice again
y/n: 💜
hobi: i lied i’m just a nice guy at heart
i miss you my pretty little petal 💘
y/n: this is a new low for you hoseok
hobi: i told you about saying my name
i’m trying to be sweet to u rn
not horny
y/n: our relationship is literally built on being horny wtf are you talking about
hobi: do you miss me
say yes if yes and no if yes
y/n: ok that is real unfair
hobi: yes or no
no jungkook
y/n: speaking to you before 5pm truly feels illegal
hobi: i talk to you before 5pm
like all the time
don’t make me look bad rn
we literally work together
i talk to you all the time???????????
y/n: u sound like ur trying to convince urself you talk to me
y/n: ok yeah you do but you only message me to fuck after 5pm
hobi: i never said i wanted to fuck?????
y/n: so you don’t want to fuck??
hobi: ok yes
y/n: knew it
hobi: yeah whatever
i just thought i would try and be a sweet loving man for u
y/n: well don’t do it again
freaked me the hell out
hobi: u wanna be my girlfriend so bad i’m gonna throw up
y/n: ???????????
hobi: ok sorry
y/n: freak
hobi: miss ur pussy on my face
y/n: i’m literally blocking you
ur so gross
hobi: ok wtf
how do i win in this life
cant be sweet
cant be explicit
y/n: ask to fuck nicely
hobi: may i please indulge in the sexual intercourse with you at 1400 hours
y/n: and normally
hobi: can we fuck in like 20 minutes
in my studio preferably
pls and thanks 😝
y/n: sure
that was really easy
y/n: did you just call me easy?????????
hobi: NO??????
y/n: you definitely did
i’m just saying like normally i’d have to beg a little
ur kind of a sadist like that
you didn’t make me beg today
dare i say
dot dot dot
ur stating to fall in love with me wink
y/n: did you just type out dot dot dot and wink???
hobi: say yes if yes and no if yes
y/n: stop breathing
hobi: hard
and no not by shinee
this one is by hoseok
but WAIT
(no dino)
if we think about it is by you
hard by you
wink lol
y/n: ur so fucking lame it’s unreal
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jimin: miss you
wanna kiss you so bad
y/n: personally i wanna fuck
jimin: …
is it really that hard to act like you were loved as a child for even a little bit
y/n: all i’m hearing rn is you don’t want to fuck
jimin: do you not miss me back?
y/n: next question
jimin: do you miss me???
y/n: purple
pull ur dick out
jimin: i’m getting real upset
what if i cry rn
y/n: lowkey
jimin: stop talking
y/n: it WOULD be real hot
jimin: …
i’m trying to be cute and love on u rn
y/n: gross
love on ur girlfriend or something
jimin: ur my girlfriend
y/n: i’m ur girl friend you fuck sometimes
the big space was on purpose btw
if you didn’t get that
jimin: ok fuck????
i get it
so like do you fr not miss me back or what?
y/n: for someone who said they get it ur not acting like you get it
jimin: i get it
y/n: get a guitar
jimin: what
y/n: riize
jimin: rise?
y/n: talk saxy
jimin: tf are u talking about
y/n: ur so annoying
jimin: can you say you miss me back
y/n: no!
jimin: i’m gonna stop fucking you
y/n: ok
jimin: ok i lied but were you scared for a second
y/n: not really
jimin: ok idc
y/n: who is ur riize bais
mine is shotaro
he’s a real cuite
jimin: mine is i miss you jimin
y/n: i’m not saying i miss you
jimin: why not?
y/n: why?
jimin: because you miss me???
y/n: i saw you last week??
jimin: LAST WEEK
oh my chest hurts
the walls are caving in
y/n: are you done
jimin: should we just make it official
y/n: if ur this annoying and a fuck buddy i don’t even want to imagine what ur like as a boyfriend
jimin: better
y/n: i doubt that!
jimin: let’s find out challenge go!!!!
y/n: i do NOT consent
jimin: hello girlfriend do you miss me like i miss you????????
y/n: i’m gonna start fucking joon
jimin: say sike
that’s not funny at ALL
say sike rn
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jin: miss you
y/n: ☠️☠️☠️☠️
just send that to jimin
he’s laughing at you
jin: wtf is ur problem
y/n: why are you messaging me during works hours??
jin: cuz i missed you???
yeah i said missed
not miss
cuz fuck you
you made me look weak in front of jimin
you bitch
y/n: what if i said i missed you too?
jin: ofc you miss me
that was a given
i was just letting you know the feeling was mutual
y/n: that’s crazy cuz i don’t miss you at all
jin: ????
are you proposing to me rn?
y/n: ?get a grip
jin: need you here rn
y/n: i’m trying to work
jin: ok?? idk what that has to do with anything
y/n: i’m working
jin: are we role playing??
y/n: no.
jin: omg i was just kidding lighten up a bit geez
pretty girl i miss you
no even joking
y/n: pic with tears or ur lying
jin: you make missing you not fun at all
y/n: is missing ur fuck buddy supposed to be fun??
jin: we’re still calling it that?
y/n: ??
jin: it’s fine
i’ll indulge you and ur games
y/n: LMAOOO ???
ur age is really showing
talking like a fucking vampire
jin: yeah yeah
what time do you finish
y/n: in exactly an hour
jin: i’ll pick you up
will bring the nice car and everything
y/n: all ur cars are nice
jin: i know
just wanted to hear you say it
y/n: eat the rich i say!
jin: i’ll let you eat me
let’s go bite for bite
y/n: jimin would have a field day with that
jin: i don’t want to talk about jimin while i’m seducing you thank you very much
y/n: ur seducing me??
jin: yeah
you couldn’t tell?
y/n: no?
jin: ur lying
y/n: maybe i am
jin: that’s what i thought
y/n: maybe i’m not
jin: you are
y/n: but what if i’m not
jin: no you are
y/n: am i?
jin: shut up
it’s like nice when you just don’t talk
and stop pretending you hate me
y/n: hate is a strong word
jin: so you love me?
y/n: love is a strong word
jin: fuck you
jin: not true
jin: i’m outside
y/n: ??????? HOW
jin: god knows
y/n: i said an hour
jin: an hour is too long dont you think :/
y/n: UGH
give me 5
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jk: come see me
jk: ok i’m sorry i though you would find that really sexy and cool
y/n: that was really funny
imagined you saying that in real life LMSKDKKDF
wow ur really silly
jk: i miss you
like so much
y/n: do you miss ME or do you miss fucking me
jk: is this a trick question?
y/n: not at all
jk: both?
y/n: are you sure
cuz you don’t sound sure
jk: it’s a trick question
y/n: i’m telling you it’s not
jk: if i say i miss fucking you ur gonna think i’m just using you for sex and that i’m horrible person that should die
but if i say i miss you ur gonna think i’m a stupid idiot loser who can’t control his feelings and should kill himself
y/n: is this u projecting rn??
jk: can i come over please
y/n: answer my question first
jk: i did !!!! i said both
y/n: you said
jk: ok now i’m saying both!!!!
y/n: your just saying cuz you want to come over
so you miss fucking me
i see
jk: NO
well yes
your smile
your voice
your like overall presence???
y/n: why is everything a question with you
stand on business kook
jk: you make me second guess everything
y/n: okay let’s not shout now
jk: ok i’m sorry
i’m really sorry
hey i’m sorry
y/n: guys i think he’s sorry
jk: guys??? who is there? don’t tell me it’s yoongi he’ll bully me
y/n: you want come over?
jk: so bad
y/n: ok
but you have to pay me in like
jk: you said pay
jk: oh
my fault
i’m sorry
i’m really sorry
you can keep it
for rainy day or something?????
carry on what were you saying??
i didn’t mean to interrupt
y/n: wow ok um i was just gonna say tteokbokki or something
jk: with cheese right?
you like it with cheese yeah?
i’ll come over and make it for you i’ll head to the store rn
anything else???
y/n: ummm no
jk: ok i can start making my way right?
y/n: yeah…
jk: cool ok see you soon
y/n: cool
cool wow yeah cool
that’s cool
wtf just happened
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14 miss calls from tae
tae: throbbing rn
y/n: it’s 3 am what the fuck is wrong with you
and throbbing?????????
i don’t even want to finish my sentence
jump of a bridge cut ur dick off idc leave me alone
tae: i miss you
y/n: no shit
tae: told my parents were engaged
y/n: convinced all you do all day is pop percs and take punches to the head
tae: you can give me head
i miss ur head
and you ig
but like ur head 😍
y/n: meow???
y/n: what do you want??
it’s 3 am
tae: head???
are you stupid
wasn’t i clear enough
i miss you🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
what did nct say that one time
girl your my favourite 😋😍💗
y/n: i should call mark
you think he’ll sing a bit for us
wait no???????
don’t call mark
are you sick
are you out of ur mind
i just called you my favourite and now ur calling mark?????
y/n: puka puka pow pow 💚
tae: ok but i said i miss you
y/n: k
tae: me missing you
like that’s what’s happening rn
ME missing YOU
do you understand
y/n: yess thank you ur so kind !🌷💞💘
tae: ??????
say it back maybe
y/n: no thanks!
tae: okay lol
the more you deny my love
y/n: yuck
tae: ok never interrupt me again
or we WILL have issues
y/n: are you talking to me rn…
tae: NO LMAO WHAAAATTT i must of forgot where i was for a second why would i ever threaten my beautiful amazing queen
y/n: ok not too much
tae: love you!
y/n: ur making me sick gonna throw up
tae: i’ll catch it
with my hands
y/n: stop
tae: eat it if you want me too
y/n: you lack serious amounts of self respect and it’s extremely worrying
tae: will you give me head
y/n: only if you never speak ever again
tae: ohmygod literally call me ariel babe like you give me head and my voice box will literally melt out my body
ever again NO JOKE
y/n: the way you lie so easily is kinda scary
tae: i’m not lying
okay I AM lying but like how am i supposed to call you at 3 am and beg you to come over if i can’t speak
y/n: that’s the point!
tae: ummmmm
that’s mean
like you would so miss my voice if i didn’t have one
y/n: if you didn’t have a voice how could i miss it if you never had one???
tae: what
y/n: like ur saying if you NEVER had i voice i would miss it
but i can’t miss it if i’ve never heard it before
tae: that logic is stupid cuz ur saying you can’t miss things you’ve never had
y/n: you can’t
tae: i miss our wedding night
y/n: shut up
tae: throbbing
you make me throb
y/n: shut up shut up shut UP
tae: totally random pov ur boyfriend calls you 700 times and messages you at 3 am telling you he’s throbbing and is offering himself to you on a silver plater fuck the the knife and fork he wants it messy
what you doing in that situation??
y/n: sending a swat team to his address
tae: i’m your boyfriend???
y/n: ?
i win
i would like to thank yeontan and my parents and hybe and son heung min for this win
i owe it all to you guys
i promise to keep working hard
and never let any of you down i’m just so extremely grateful
and i just wanna add that
SMS ERROR: The phone number you are trying to reach is no longer in service!
tae: gf so crazy like 🤭
yessss this was half a draft for the first fwb work i did so if you see any similarities that’s why but this is also half a request cuz somone asked me to make a fwb piece about them missing you but i lost the little ask thingy i’m so sorry don’t shoot me ALSO obviously all the members aren’t here cuz this was a scrap but then i was like omg this is too silly to throw away so i posted here hope you like >.<
tags: @piw6n @92jinnies @birdie-vhs @kooksmilitarywife @hob3loveofmylife @jujubiism @bloopkook @ratchetpizza1 @myntalks @arloo00 @watamotee33 @y2kcy3brz @taiwan0618 @freyadanvers @gguksbeloved @raetf @bbsantc @winuvs @medicinemybish @bxnnyhime @leleluvsbts @baetukki @zyaaaszn @thelilbutifulthings @jazminethecreator @k4ngelz @jmnscutie @sopebubbles-replies @cynicalyoongs @lightningpussy54 @eunthv @gigiiiiislife @lowkeykin
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yukinarinn · 7 months
nsfw alphabet with ethan?? fem reader preferred <3
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A/N: NAH CUZ I’VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT WHAT IF SOMEONE WOULD REQUEST THIS RIGHT AFTER I POSTED THE GALE ONE. Thank you so much!! also I’ll be definitely looking forward to your oneshots.
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Very caring. He isn’t going to sleep with you until you take a shower together and clean each other up, while giving you sloppy kisses. But this might lead to another round…
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Chad literally had to “boost” Ethan’s confidence somehow by complimenting him, so he doesn’t really have a favorite body part.
But he definitely has one when it comes to you. I’d like to think he’s more into thighs and ass.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Ethan loves cumming inside of you (when you’re on birth control) but is also fine with cumming in your mouth. Seeing you swallow it will most likely get him hard all over again.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Has a plenty of dirty pics/videos with you when you were touching yourself, and all of them are saved in one of the folders from his laptop.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He never had a girlfriend before, so everything he knows now is just what he experienced with you.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Probably missionary. He loves you clinging onto him while he enters you.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He’s quiet and like pretty quiet since he’s shy and doesn’t want to embarass himself in any way. But as long as you’re the one who makes jokes, he will keep going!
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Ethan does have some but not too much.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He’s very gentle at first, sweet kisses and love bites all over your body while he’s inside of you, or, eventually, his fingers doing the job. He can get a bit aggressive but he also calls you a good girl and tells you how good you feel/take him.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He jerks off when he opens his laptop and accidentally clicks on that folder (or on purpose) He just likes seeing you all vulnerable in his bed.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He’s got so many kinks (that I’m probably not even aware of myself) since he used to be a virgin and have never been touched by a woman so he just googled them and saw what it fits for him the most. One of the kinks might be the daddy kink one, he gets hard when you call him daddy out of nowhere or in bed.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
In the living room since it’s more spacious for you to fuck. Or in the bathroom, he will force you to look at yourself in the mirror while doing it.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
He gets turned on easily, especially when you walk past him wearing those cute lengerie just for him to see.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He might be a sadist, but he wouldn’t actually be too rough with you since he doesn’t want to hurt you in any way, unless you want to.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Receiving. It’s just that he still doesn’t know much about females organs so he’s scared he will mess things up if he ever tries to eat you out. He watched several porn that contained it, but he knows porn is different from the real life.
However, you get turned on by giving him oral since he pulls your hair and degrades you and whimpers (🧎🏻‍♀️) when he’s close. It’s a win-win situation.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
As I said, he won’t get rough unless you want him to but usually he’s gentle and pretty slow, he likes taking his time and seeing you turned on and wet just for him. It gives him so much confidence to see that he’s really worth your time (poor guy haven’t dated anyone before you)
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Pretty often if you ask me. You both go to university and you don’t have much time to do anything. However, you wish you had more free time and not use the weekends mostly for sex.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
YEAH, especially when Chad isn’t out with Tara. Chad might be in the kitchen cooking something and Ethan sometimes asks you to let him fuck you while he’s at home but with one condition, holding back your moans. Which you can’t.. but that’s the interesting part!
Talking about other risks, he breeds you and he knows you might get pregnant even with birth control on since the condoms are “out of stock” for y’all 😭 you don’t really use protection. He gets off at the thought of you having his kids. And you probs do too. Fucking weirdos. (hj)
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Many rounds. He can’t get enough of you. If a round you and he think is too short, you’ll go for another one..and another..and the cycle never ends. Till you fall asleep.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He does own a mini vibrator with a remote control. You can’t even imagine how hard he gets when he sees your tired face while he’s overstimulating you with it.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
I wouldn’t call it teasing, neither would he. He just likes taking his time!!
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He does whimper when he’s close and curses, stuff like that. At first he tried to hold in but you told him you get turned on whenever you hear those erotic noises he makes.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Phone sex. That’s it.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
I gotta ask, how could you even take it? he’s like 6’5 and has a 7 inch dick, not to mention he also goes to gym and you fold everytime you see him doing push-ups, let alone doing you in bed. (smash)
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Very high. I don’t know what you’ve expected.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Right after you. But he’s a worried cutie patootie so he might ask you several times if you’re okay!
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clairewritesjjkxreader · 10 months
Sukuna’s Wife and Yuuji’s Onee-chan (Sukuna x Reincarnated!Y/N) au headcanons
Other snippets of this au found here
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When Sukuna awakened, he didn’t yearn for the scent of battle or the blood of the innocent. Before everything else, he felt your soul, and then he saw your face. Not an exact replica from the days gone by, but tiny pieces resonate here and there, beautiful in every way. 
Far from a romantic, Sukuna had little interest in the arts outside of cooking. 
Yet as he slaughtered the lowly thing that dared to lay eyes on you, the words of a dead emperor echoed in his mind:
Though a swift stream be
By a rock met and restrained
In impetuous flow,
Yet, divided, it speeds on,
And at last unites again.*
After a thousand years of fruitless searching, he has found his other half. The swift waters, long separated, have finally reunited.
“Nee-chan, do something about this guy, he keeps talking crap about me when I’m trying to sleep!” 
“You’re the King of Curses? So lame, can’t even take over a teenager? Boring. I could take you down.”
He could handle the annoying pink-haired brat’s yapping, and he will take care of the polished turd that called itself “Gojo Satoru” in due time. Sukuna’s main problem was something far more depressing.
“Darling, please feed me too,” he requested from Itadori’s cheek.
You lifted a piece of bread but instead of offering it to Sukuna, you directed it to the brat’s mouth. 
“Beloved–” he would start, but you’d turn away with a harrumph. Then the white-haired turd would burst out laughing. 
“Sweetheart, if you won’t look here, I will make sure this brat won’t get a wink of sleep.” Your only reply was a chilly snarl.
Of course, any husband would be disheartened by the sight of his wife glaring, but Sukuna was a special case. 
He loved the attention. He’d rather you slap and hit him than ignore him. He preferred your warmth more, but this poisonous disdain of yours burned him in a deliciously different way.
He yearned for your gaze, no matter the cost.
It’s easy to look at Sukuna and think that he is a mega super sadist dom. Well, you’re wrong. He is a total wife-con. His greatest earthly treasure is you, so of course he will treat you with care. You’re the only one who will ever have him on his knees. You could snap him in half and he’d lick your toes in gratitude.
As stated above, he yearns for your attention, so he will do and say anything to have that. A millennium of loneliness has twisted his desires in the most grotesque way possible. He doesn’t want you to hate him so he can’t bring himself to kill the brat you cherish, but he will maim Yuuji just to hear your voice crack from screaming. 
He really wants a physical form. One he can freely move in, so he can court you properly, like he did way back when. If words cannot convince you, then maybe he can remind your body why you loved him so much in the past.
If you were miraculously able to return his affections, he’d be waaaay easier to manage. One word from you can stop his rampage. Even if you were deceiving him to control him, he wouldn’t mind so long as you stayed by his side.
[1] A poem by Sutoku-In. Lifted from: The English translation of Ogura Hyakunin Isshu from Hyakunin-Isshu (Single Songs of a Hundred Poets) and Nori no Hatsu-Ne (The Dominant Note of the Law) by Clay MacCauley Yokohama: Kelly and Walsh, Ltd., 1917. Source: https://jti.lib.virginia.edu/japanese/hyakunin/macauley.html. 
If you have any questions regarding this Sukuna and this version of Reader, feel free to ask cause I’m running out of stuff to say unprovoked.
@shadowywizardarcade @hannya-exists @nineooooo @lilachaeyo @pumpkindudeishere @jessbeinme15 @fluffy-koalala @cringeycookies @frogzxch @isimpfordanielpark @marvelsgirl4ever @sanzusmom @sheccidoscar @marvelsgirl4ever
A/N: My unhealthy obsession with yandere fluffy husband Sukuna is the epitome of #ICanFixHim. (Disclaimer: This should go without saying but in real life, don't ever stay with a guy believing you can fix him. You’ll end up dragging each other down.)
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januaryembrs · 4 months
trouble almost all my life chapter seven teaser.
“Practice run, I see,” Spencer said with a chuckle, shoving his hands in his pockets, and watching her scramble to set the ball back on the marker, “So out of interest, how many of these practice runs are you getting,”
“Just the one,” She said, hitting the plastic globe again, though this time it barely made it half way up the incline before it rolled right back down again, “Two, I get two. This one’s the real one, starting now,”
“The real one? So this one’s really the one that counts, right?” He teased, and she glared thinly at him over her shoulder. He stepped closer, a look of the cat that got the cream smeared all across his face as he took a stance behind her, wrapping his arms around hers with the oldest trick in the book, “Why don’t you let your dearest husband help you out, huh?”
“I have a masters and half a degree in medicine, I think I know what I’m doing,” She hummed, though the feeling of his hands resting over hers soone quietened down whatever fire was stoked in her belly from losing their game. Spencer was so close she could feel him breathing down her neck, feel his chest on her shoulder blades, and worst and most heinous of all, feel his crotch pressing against her tailbone.
“Alright, alright. Just humour me,” He murmured, a new found confidence in him that he only seemed to get whenever they were playing the part of being other people. He gave her a salacious lick of his lips, smiling at her with a pink parted mouth, his eyes dark in this light like he knew what she was thinking as well, and he couldn’t help but think she looked so pretty when he flirted with her a little. He’d always thought that when she was stunned into that quiet tone, the mousy look she got on her face was rather cute.
His hands engulfed hers with a mesh of pornographic veins and sadistically handsome knuckles, his mouth at her ear as they lined up the shot together.
It was as if a murmuration of birds had flocked together in her chest, dipping and diving and creating all manner of shapes in her stomach as she felt it flip three or four times, his body so entirely pressed against hers she never wanted to move a muscle. She’d had the odd thought pop into her head about what sex with Spencer Reid might feel like, and yet all she could think about in the haze of the putter and fake grass beneath their feet was how delicious he felt pressing into her like that.
He leaned in, his lips brushing against her ear as she looked forward again, and she could have sworn she held back a moan when he breathed out down her spine.
this is a little teaser for the 15k chapter that is on its way as an apology for delaying it so many times. My mom has broken her nose so I’m really trying to help her out since it’s just the two of us, and as much as I try to cram writing into my days, I’m struggling to manage everything at once so take this as a sign that a big chapter is on its way!!
hope you guys can forgive <3
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glossysoap · 1 year
I’m back to cause more angst in my sadistic heart, I will send you my medical bill when I get out of this 9th circle of hell /lh
For rtc; imagine ghoap, in their grieving, having dreams where they think reader is “alive” and with them and the three are living a domestic life in some quaint home and they think “wow I was just in some horrible dream, they’re alive and we’re together!” and they go to dream reader and just tell them how much they love them and it’s all going so well until they try to touch reader and reader isn’t tangible and says “if only you told me that when I was still around” and it just spirals into some horrific nightmare and they just relive watching the video of reader getting stabbed but it’s like they’re right there-
Ahem… I’ve totally not been thinking about them all day today at work, nope nuh uh very normal thoughts in this house
all an illusion
this is literally god tier, you're a genius <3
i can just imagine one of their dreams being so vivid (they all are but you know what i mean) and it’s a dream where you’re with the 141 just like normal!
this is going to become canon to the main fic very soon*
you were treating a patient that needed to be on a med-evac. it was almost a deja-vu from what led to your disappearance, except instead of you going alone, ghost and soap tagged along with you on the helicopter!
in this dream, the patient was completely different than nat. it could’ve been a child, or even a grown man. whatever the case, they were completely different than the redhead.
you would be sitting next to the patient, holding their hand and looking down at them with a sympathetic gaze, trying to calm them down.
ghost and soap would be sitting across from you in the helicopter, looking at you with love in their eyes. admiring how caring you were and how you were still so hopeful, even after seeing so much bloodshed from war zones. they would watch how you would let the crying patient squeeze your hand when they were in pain.
after a minute, you would feel their gaze burning into your head. you would look up at the two soldiers with a grin on your lips and raised brows. “what is it?” you would ask them with a chuckle, voice wary with nerves.
soap and ghost would be quiet for a few moments in the dream, the whirring of the helicopter blades filling the silence. in the dream, they were overwhelmed with a feeling that they could only describe as relief.
but why? why were they so relieved to see you? why did tears prick at their eyes while they watched you? nothing bad happened, right? you were just fine in real life. they were sure that if they woke up right then, you would be safe and sound, asleep in your quarters.
when you called their names, they were brought out of their thoughts.
“nothing. we’re just glad to have you, y/n.” soap would force out, his lips stretched into a grin. “we couldn’t imagine life without you, bonnie.”
“couldn’t have said it better than johnny, love.” ghost would croon, with a lilt to his voice, his honeyed eyes boring into your eyes. “you mean so much to us. more than you could ever know.”
they would both watch your face, taking in every detail in your expression as if you would disappear from their clutches again. committing every inch of your face into memory. every line, wrinkle and freckle. the way your brow furrowed and the way your lips quirked into a shy grin.
so when your brows relaxed almost instantly and your shy grin morphed into a sickly sweet smile that just didn’t quite reach your eyes, their hearts dropped. something wasn’t right.
“if only you told me that when i was still here.. when i was still alive.” you would drawl out, your smile turning into a snarl as you spat the last word.
the second that the words passed your lips, the entire scene around them changed.
in the blink of an eye, the dream shifted into the exact scene from the video tape of your capture. except they were stuck there in the helicopter — unable to save you.
they couldn’t even speak, let alone shout your name. their mouths felt like they were stuffed with cotton.
the climate changed from the sweltering heat to a biting blizzard. the pilot that was once a stranger was replaced with nikolai. the patient that was once a little boy was now that same redhead who tricked you, who captured you.
they were forced to watch that same redhead jump up from her gurney and break your left arm. they were forced to hear the sickening crack that resulted from it, and the cry of pain that left your lips.
“ghost! help me!” you would cry out, sending a knife through ghost’s chest.
“soap, please! help me!” you would sob, your eyes filled with tears as you pleaded for them to save you.
they were forced to watch as the redhead pulled a knife out of her pocket and plunged the blade into your abdomen, pulling a sob of pain from you.
“why won’t you help me? you’re just sitting there!” another punch to the boy’s guts.
they were forced to watch as she yanked, twisted the blade out of your wound and threw it at nikolai, killing him.
“why won’t you help me!?”
they were forced to hear your gut wrenching screams and see tears stream down your cheeks. the same tears were mirrored on soap and ghosts face.
“i thought you cared about me! you don’t care about me at all.”
they were frozen in their seats as blood pooled from that wound, drenching your uniform.
“i’m dying and it’s all your fault!”
then they would wake up, every time.
©️ glossysoap 2024. please do not steal, copy, plagiarize, translate, or repost any of my works without my permission. do not steal any elements of my theme without permission.
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ketamineprincxss · 4 days
just think someone should be benefiting from all the grooming and brainwashing/reprogramming i already have
i just want to exist as a man’s punching man stress relief toy. i want you to leave me bleeding and broken. i want us to have to rehearse how we explain my injuries at the hospital. i want you to take away my rights and break my brain.
force me to cam online or pimp me out. make me use my real name so everyone knows exactly what i am and i can never hide it.
use my body to get ahead in life. offer my holes to your boss, our landlord, whoever you think it would make your life better to force me to service.
i love painal. i crave being punched in the face. i think id look so pretty with a black eye and a split lip.
i’m already broken where my heart and brain crave the most toxic sadistic controlling love. it’s like if someone isn’t abusing me i don’t believe they actually care.
please i want to be someone’s perfect scared broken house pet. i want to try to be perfect for you knowing i’ll never be good enough and only deserve pain and abuse.
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gracelaurie · 9 months
Falling into your ocean eyes 🌊❤️ | Orm Marius x Fem!Reader
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Part 5
Warning : just harsh words, no other warning. The next part would be a real smut
A/N : This is set after the end of the Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom movie. 🥰
for the next part ➡️ masterlist
She put all her clothes in the cupboard into her suitcase. She had to admit, for the past 4 years living without relying on her magic powers had been very difficult.
She has 3 large ones containing her clothes. She works as an accountant in a fairly well-respected company. That made her have quite a lot of money. But yesterday she just officially left her job because she was going to face something new.
She realized that he couldn’t hide forever as an ordinary human being, and that was not her way of life. Her current path in life is with the son of Queen Atlanna and Arthur Curry's half-brother…Orm Marius.
She closed the zipper of his very large suitcase, then took it out of the house.
“Do you want to go now?” Mera asked Y/N while she holding her baby who’s crying more and more. She motioned to her younger-sister to come back into the house for breakfast.
“Yes, I know it's early, but I can buy breakfast on the street.” Y/N replied with a smile.
“Well, I think you want to meet someone…” Y/N heard Arthur's voice say that, then she quickly turned her head.
She saw a man with blonde hair, ocean blue eyes that looked like waves caught in sunlight from the morning sky. His body looks muscular and healthy, and once again for good measure... his eyes look happier than before. A pure happiness. She didn’t see any sadistic or evil King in those eyes. All she saw were calm ocean blue eyes. Calm waves.
Orm wears shirt with a picture of a whale and pants like most surface dwellers. That simple thing made Y/N laugh softly. It’s funny for her to see Orm who now really looks like a surface dweller even though he was previously the evil king of Atlantis and wanted to start a war with the surface.
It’s different now. And she really liked that.
Y/N and Orm simultaneously ran over like children and hugged each other. This was completely beyond his expectations. Orm tucked a strand of Y/N’s brown hair behind her ear then kissed her lips gently.
“Your lips taste the same as in my dream,” said Orm, stopping the kiss.
Y/N smiled, “because it was real.”
“But how?” Orm asked then continued the kiss.
Y/N postponed the kiss and said, “you can never think about it logically. But it was all real. I deliberately made you think that it was just a dream.”
“So you bewitched me 5 times, basically because you really have a huge crush on your Ocean Master?” Orm teased Y/N, then Orm kissed her passionately.
Y/N stopped kissing, “That's not really the main point. I’m even a surface-witch how can I like you that much?” Y/N smiled holding back laughter.
“You may be able to bewitch me very cleverly and play with my mind, but you are not good at lying.” Orm answered. When Y/N tried to deny it and wanted to say something, Orm quickly kissed Y/N so that her mouth was covered with Orm's lips which were full of hunger and desire.
“Okay this is enough.” said Arthur objecting. It turns out they just realized that there were still other people around them.
“Are you coming in for breakfast or…..are you guys leaving straight away?” Arthur said that because he saw his brother's closeness to Mera's very romantic sister. This will seem strange, but there are no specific prohibitions in their relationship. King Nereus and Queen Atlanna themselves even matched them.
“Are you really asking that?” Mera asked with a smile indicating that she knew that Y/N and Orm would soon be spending time together.
Y/N quickly hugged her sister tightly. She felt guilty at the same time. She indirectly became Orm's mistress when Orm was still engaged to Mera. Y/N knows that Orm and Mera don't really love each other, but Y/N still feels that she has betrayed her own sister.
For the past 4 years, Y/N has lived in the same house as Mera on the surface, but the two of them never really talked about Y/N's relationship with Orm, but now it feels like Mera and Orm had forgotten their past events as if the engagement had never happened.
“Take care of yourselves….” said Mera while looking at Y/N and Orm alternately.
“And let us know when you guys ready…” said Arthur teasing them about the wedding plans ordered by Queen Atlanna.
Orm and Y/N simultaneously shook their heads. Y/N said, “Definitely not now.”
“Definitely not.” Orm agreed.
The burger they ordered was delivered by the waiter. Orm was impressed by his burger and potatoes. Actually, Y/N is not used to having breakfast directly with heavy food, but to satisfy Orm's curiosity, they had breakfast with burgers and potatoes that morning after leaving Arthur’s house.
“Do you like it?” Y/N asked with a smile.
“Yeah.” Orm said briefly because he was still trying to digest the taste of the burger.
Y/N smiled at Orm who was the first to eat surface food. Again it was really funny to her.
“How do you stay skinny when everyday surface foods are like this?” Orm asked confused, but at the same time he really enjoyed his burger.
“I don't eat food like this all the time. Arthur is like that,” said Y/N smiling faintly, “I eat a balanced food, such as vegetables, fruit and fish.” Y/N said.
“Fish?” Orm raised an eyebrow.
“Yes, you can’t be angry because that is also our staple food. but we don't eat it raw, we usually process it.”
“Process it? How?” Orm asked.
“Well, we are usually fry it, or you can also—“ Y/N's words were cut off when Orm suddenly took the cockroach that was next to Y/N’s hand.
She screamed because she just realized that the cockroach had been beside her all this time. It’s kinda weird because she is literally a powerful witch but still has a huge phobia of cockroaches.
“Why are you screaming?” Orm asked in surprise then put the cockroach into the burger.
“Why the fuck you put that dirty cockroaches in your own burger?” Y/N screamed.
“This is mainland shrimp, right?” Orm asked innocently then chewed the burger containing cockroaches with a crunchy sound.
Y/N held back her disgust and said, “Please don’t tell me Arthur fooled you again?”
“What do you mean?” Orm asked in surprise, and finishing his burger.
“Well actually it's up to you, but some of us surface dwellers are disgusted by cockroaches.”
“Why? You should eat it next time. It’s delicious—“
“No thanks.” Y/N said quickly.
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fanofstuff01 · 5 months
So recall for people who didn’t read the first part: Adam fell and accidentally sold his soul to Valentino, he became one of his favorite whores. And became coworkers with Angel. Also this has 2 more chapters. (first part second part)
Does this include a liitle Adamsapple? Maybe one-sided? I have no idea
This has little to no in real life Valentinos, just whatever trigger warning you think that one Angel voicemail scene has applies here. Also you can punch me, I’m an ignorant on alcohol and I might’ve wrote Angel’s exact same voicemail scene on Adam…
Tags: @woah-why-i-am-here @rius-cave @candyhoiic @puparella @fightinsoda @foreverpeachy2010 @dlf24866
I hope you all have a fantastic day/night <3
“You are NOT pretty by any way!” A pink figure screamed.
Angel was running away from an exorcist. He was out of the Hotel and to his luck, he stumbled to her. Normally he’d shoot her, but he knew she wouldn’t hesitate to bring him with herself to the double death. He saw someone trying to stab her, but she just killed him. He guessed she wanted to see Angel try escaping, get tired and then kill Angel sadistically, because she wasn’t flying.
“Oh shit.” He stared at the wall. It was a dead end. This was it. End of his 138 years. He leaned to the wall and closed his eyes but the pain he expected didn’t came. Instead, he felt something on his legs. It was the exorcist. She was unconscious. Maybe even dead.
“I’m sorry Daisy.” Someone familiar spoke. “Come here bitch.”
“Adam?” He asked. He couldn’t believe it.
“I told you to come here. You are fucking bleeding.” He held his hand out to him and Angel took it.
“Did you just..?”
“Don’t think you mean anything to me. Valentino would fucking end me if he finds out I let something happen to you.” He helped him getting up and led him to a place nearby, it seemed like a hotel.
“How did you even know I was there?”
“L- Some other of them chased me down. You were near my hotel. I saw you.” He simply said, looking away. “Are you gonna get inside? You need treatment.” He stood at a door.
“I-I guess.” He was still shocked. What?
“Good. Follow me.”
He kept following the first man and inspected him. Most of the feathers on his right wing were torn off, his clothes were ripped and he had lots of tiny scars all over his body, one on his forehead looked a bit serious, still sort of bleeding. Why is he is more caring about me when he himself is bleeding? He definitely went through something. Maybe something with the angel he said that was following him?
“How did you even managed to take her down so fastly!?”
“I was their fucking leader. I trained them before. Of fucking course I know their weak spots.” He opened a door for Angel. “Get inside.”
“Ooh.” He sat down to a messed up bed as the sinner went to get medical supplies.
“Give me your arm.”
Firstly, he cleaned and disinfected his arm, causing a low hiss. He then took a bandage and started bandaging his left arm as he just stared at him.
They weren’t exactly on the term of friends at that moment. Angel still didn’t forgot who he was, and the other sinner was still hating the whole hell, so they just tolerated eachother. However, he was on the gray area for now to Angel. He knew it could be hard to drop your pride and accept this was your place now.
But no matter which area he was in, he would NOT expect him to be the one to protect him.
“What happened to your wing?”
“None of your fucking business.”
“Are you going to fix that?” He pointed to his head.
“Why did they even show up? Today’s not the extermination day!” Angel was starting to get annoyed.
“I have no fucking idea. And done. You have to be more careful, slut.”
“Ii… Will.” He looked around the room as the former exorcist went to put the supplies back. It was a cool room at all, but it was messed up as hell. Maybe even worse than the one they were in.
“Soo… Do you think there are more of them?” He carefully asked. His colleague didn’t seem to be in the right mindspace. Not that he cared though.
“As I said, I fucking have no idea.” He lied down to his bed and pulled his blankets, completely ignoring the other demon.
“Do you want me to go?”
“Do whatever you want. I don’t care.” He closed his eyes, supposedly trying to go to sleep.
“Hey. Get up.” Angel realized the torned part of his wings were bigger when he lied down, and so was the bleedig point.
“What the fuck.”
“I dunno much about wings, but DO know you can’t ignore the blood lake on your forehead. Sit down. I’ll take care of it.”
“Why would you do that.”
“What do you think Val would do to me if he found out I let YOU die? Was that because of angelic steel?”
“Oh. Yes.” All of his words were blank and emotionless. Even when he asked questions, he wasn’t curious or surprised or any other kinds of things a question could carry. He just wanted the information, and when he got it, it was over. No reaction.
“Okie.” He brought back the supplies he used to the bed. Like he did, he cleaned the blood first. But the other porn demon didn’t flich like he did when he pressed the disinfection cotton to his face. Just one of his eyes twitch. Lastly, he bandaged it. “Is there somethin you can do for your wings?”
“No there isn’t.” He lied down again. Well he could use something to ease the pain but he deserved it.
“Okay… I guess I’ll go then.” He collected the medic kit and put it back.
See you tomorrow?”
“I guess. Goodbye.”
“Bye” What the fuck happened to this fucker?
— Continuing —
“Seriously, you need to stop drinking THAT much at nights. One day you’ll get a hungover on a work day and Josh says Valentino becomes an even bigger piece of shit if he realizes.”
“C’moon, I AM being careful! I’m almost as old as the fuckin Earth is!”
“Just a warning.” They sat down at the bar and Adam put his mask on the table. “Where’s Husker?”
“Him and Bambi left for some important shit I gue-“
“Hey gays!” Someone behind them cheerfully said and alarm bells started to scream in Adam’s head as he recognized the voice. “Why are you so dirty? Do your clothes need washing?”
“Hi Niff! And no, we’re fine. Did you saw that GIANT cockroach on the third floor second bathroom?” Angel calmly said while Adam was frozen.
“No, I haven’t. I should end it!”
“I will never get used to that gremlin.” Adam watched her spinting away, subconsciously putting a hand on his stomach. There were like 9 x’es as a reminder of what got him there. He shook his head and got up from his seat, wanting to get him and Angel a thing or two.
“Can’t expect you to I guess.” He took out his phone and checked his noftications. “Hellify says Verosika released a new single… 10 messages from Husk… I can check them later…”
“You have to right?” He teased. He couldn’t help himself. They weren’t dating at the moment, but he knew how the cat and the spider had a special bond.
“Can you not.”
“Okay, okay. Do you want some? I’m filling for our missing bartender today.”
“I can have one glass. Wine.” Adam took a bottle for himself and one to prepare Angel’s.
“Here it is.”
He took a mouthful and opened his own phone. He didn’t have a lot of messages. Just Valentino’s. Luckily there were only five. He sighed, he’ll listen them later. He put the phone away and watched Angel who looked like he was waiting someone. Well he did.
“When do you think they’ll be back?” The spider drank down his glass and kept looking at the door.
“I dunno. Sad because your bartender is not here to listen you and tell you sweet shit no friend says?” He smirked.
“I am. Sad because you don’t have someone to do that for you?” He said mockingly.
“Meh. Who needs a partner. They always end the same anyway.” He looked away from his friend, drinking endlessly.
“I saw Steve looking at you like that last week.” He scoffed.
“Steve can lick his ass. I’m not gonna get together with anyone. I’m fine like this.” He pretty much muttered the last part to himself. Well he DID wanted someone in his life… But it wasn’t gonna happen. There was no way he’d ever view him in that light anymore. And Adam was not the type to chase impossible dreams.
“Your subconscious hugging your pillow says otherwise though.”
“WHA- Do you fucking watch me when I sleep?!”
“Relaax, I went to wake you up once. You were snuggling to it too much that I was surprised you weren’t tryna fuck it.”
“Oh please.”
They chatted together for a while when they saw someone unfamiliar. A short blue angler fish demon with big red glasses. He looked at the pornstars suspiciously. They returned the favor.
“Who the fuck are you?” The first man asked. Though he seemed familiar to him.
“Who the fuck are YOU? I came here today. I’m a guest.” He coldly asked.
“So are we, smartass.” Angel rolled his eyes. “He asked your name. Mine’s Angel and that’s Adam.”
“Adam? As the-
“First man, yes.”
“Oh. Baxter. Can you give me a whiskey?” He sat down to a seat of the bar. He still didn’t looked like he was comfortable.
“Suure.” He still tried to recall where he remembered the guy. And it hit him.
“Here Val. My best inventor did what he could do in three days. Right, Bax?” The screen-face said, handing out Adam’s new torture to his owner.
“I did, sir.” He said. He looked as bored as Adam was.
“Awesome! You know Voxy, you should let me borrow your employees more~” He purred.
“Nuh-uh. This guy is useful. Come Baxter. We have our own job. See you Val.” They walked away, leaving Adam with the worst boss in the world.
“Waait… You work for Voxtech don’tcha? You are the fucker who designed this torture!” He pointed at his mask.
“Yes, and? My boss just gave me what I needed to do, I didn’t even knew it was for you.” He looked bored. “Now can you please give me that whiskey?”
“How about-“ He was gonna tell Mr Serious Shithead to go grab it on his own, but Angel gave him a “Just fuckin do it, Charlie would be happy” look. He groaned, he was right. Princess Rainbows wasn’t that bad when you get used to her, not to mention she was the only fucking person in the hotel -besides Angel- who understood he was in depression when he showed up for the first time and didn’t bother him until he was in the right headspace again. He could at least try being nice to her guests.
“Here.” He forced himself to smile “What are you doing here so late anyway?”
“Last time I checked 10 wasn’t late.” He sipped from his glass.
“Whatever.” He shrugged and finished his own bottle. “I’m heading off to bed now. And,” He took his belongings from the table. “Don’t come into my room ever again.”
“What? Worried because I can saw you doing unspeakable?”
“Please.” He chuckled and went to his room. Locking it in case the cyclops might try some shit again when he swas asleep. He lied down to his bed and took his phone out, smile fading. Do it. It’ll be over. He said to himself. It’ll only be worse if you don’t.
He sighed and opened the first one. 
“I’m sorry I wasn’t around that much for the last few hours, I missed you so much… But they told me you went to your stupid little hotel early when I finally managed to go there… And that makes me sad…”
“Of course I get it, you were tired… But you could stay for another hour right… Do you want to play my nerves on purpose..?”
“Oh don’t you worry your head about this baby, I WILL FUCKING MAKE YOU PAY FOR THAT!”
“See you tomorrow, Addie~ And don’t forget: People like you CAN’T have healthy relationships. Partners of people like you are ALWAYS pretending. They are always lying to your face, always knowing you are not ‘special’ for them, always just wanting a piece of a good cake, always using how naive you are, always-“
He got up harshly and threw his phone to the wall. When the fuck did he start crying?
Lilith, Eve, Lute… They all left him. For something better. Something more worthy than him. They saw nothing in him but a toy to play with. And then there was him… Of course he would chase something better, SOMEONE better, he was just dumb enough to think it meant-
Alcohol. That’s what he needed. It might not be a solution, but it was an escape. Escape from reality. Things hurt less when he wasn’t in control of his body. He went to his closet and took out five bottles, completely ignoring the Angel-voiced part of his brain.
Did ya like it? :>
I gotta say this might be my favorite AU of Adam.
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whyse7vn · 1 year
[ ot7 x reader ]
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jk: i’m sorry
jk: didn’t mean to make you upset :(
i hope i die
i should get jumped
barely survive
be on life support until i’m 50
and when i wake up die from the most painful heart attack recorded
i hope no one attends my funeral and i’m publicly and privately made fun of even after i’ve passed
hope my parents are ashamed and i hope that whenever the name jungkook is said people feel sick to their stomachs
i’m gonna throw up
gonna choke myself to death
i have the tightest grip on my throat rn
i’m going red
it’s fading to black
i’m sorry i wasn’t being a good boyfriend
tell bam that his dad was an asshole who didn’t deserve any rights
don’t even let him remember me as his father
i don’t deserve that title
i don’t deserve anything
not after what i did
burn all my clothes
delete all my pictures
tear my face off all posters
cross my name off all paperwork
i am not worthy of anything
y/n: shut up
jk: i’m sorry
y/n: i can tell
jk: i didn’t mean it
y/n: i forgive you
jk: really?
y/n: yeah
jk: do you really or are joking?
if ur joking it’s not a funny joke
y/n: you can come back home now
jk: really 🥺?
y/n: don’t ever use that emoji again
jk: sorry
i’m coming
i love you
this is so great
y/n: you’re so dramatic
jk: i’m sorry
y/n: stop apologising
jk: sorry
i mean
love u
y/n: hurry up
jk: 🏃‍♂️
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jin: can you talk to me now
i’m going to kms and it gonna be all your fault if you don’t reply to me
y/n: record it
jin: hey loml 😘😘❤️❤️❤️🤗🤗
THATS SO SICK?/?:£:££.&.&.&&.
y/n: what do you want?
jin: i love you ❤️💓🩷
y/n: bye
jin: WAITTTT :(((((((((((((((
y/n: what
jin: i’m outside 🤭🤗❤️
y/n: stay outside
jin: am i a dog?????
i’ve come to see you princess 😘❤️‍🔥
y/n: gross
go home
jin: i am home 🥺
y/n: ur at MY home
jin: tu casa es mi casa 😚
y/n: that is not how that phrase goes
jin: let me inside pookie it’s cold 😍
y/n: you should have a key if it’s ur house
y/n: it took you 3 minutes
to be an asshole again
jin: :((((
i really tried that time
i can’t help it
this is real this is me
i was born this way
you can’t change me
ur the asshole if we think about it why are you trying to change people?? let the world know you LOSER
y/n: fyi you can stay outside
y/n: “pls” doesn’t really sound like sorry to me…
i love you
this is kinda sadistic if you think about it
didn’t know you was a freak like that bae
it’s okay i kinda like it
how about you let me in now
or do you want me to beg more???
pls oh plsssss let me in 🥺
i’ll never be mean again i promise 😇
pls 😚
fr this isn’t funny
i’m fr sorry
i mean it like genuinely
okay let’s stop now
fuck you
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hobi: this fighting stuff kinda boring now
i’m sorry
y/n: you can’t just walk out the house mid argument
hobi: in my defence u were being mean
y/n: so were you???
hobi: ??
y/n: be honest are you fr gonna just leave like that when things get hard?
hobi: i mean i might
y/n: …
hobi: things were pretty hard
y/n: fuck you don’t come home
hobi: i would never lie to u bae 🙏🏼
and i would never suppress a moment for a woman to feel empowered
y/n: don’t actually fucking speak to me
hobi: ily
cheer up baby cheer up baby
y/n: picked the wrong member
jungkook would of helped me
hobi: omg????????
are you fr?
y/n: would never lie to you bae 🙏🏽
hobi: ….
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y/n: ???
jimin: are you still mad at me?
y/n: yes jimin wtf
jimin: do you want to have sex?
y/n: yes jimin wtf
jimin: love you
y/n: whatever
jimin: say it back
y/n: i won’t
jimin: you will
y/n: definitely will not
jimin: i’ll sing for you
y/n: no thanks
jimin: no thanks?
y/n: no thanks.
jimin: you say that like i’m bad at singing
y/n: eh
jimin: eh?
y/n: eh.
jimin: i won’t have sex with you
y/n: aw man
jimin: don’t sound too sad
y/n: ok
jimin: you should be
y/n: i’m not
jimin: i go crazy in bed yk?
y/n: that is the ugliest thing you have ever said to me
jimin: if ur not in love with me just say that
y/n: i won’t
jimin: so ur IN love with me is what i’m hearing
y/n: ur not hearing anything cuz we are messaging rn
jimin: can you just tell me you love me like a normal person?
y/n: you don’t deserve it
jimin: okay maybe that’s true
but you should do it just once
pretty pls with a cherry on top 🥺
y/n: i’ll punch you
jimin: maybe i’ll enjoy it
y/n: nasty
jimin: kiss me
y/n: where are you?
jimin: ur really gonna kiss me?
y/n: ur talking long to tell me where you are so ig i’m not
jimin: joon’s studio
y/n: maybe i’m omw
jimin: ur so in love with me it’s kinda gross 🤭
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yoongi: :3
y/n: die tbh
yoongi: :3
y/n: your stupid faces mean nothing to me
yoongi: :3
y/n: …
yoongi: :33333
y/n: i hate you
yoongi: :Ɛ
y/n: ew wtf how did you do that
yoongi: Ɛ:
y/n: stop omg
yoongi: i’m sorry :3
y/n: cool
yoongi: i’m fr :3
y/n: idc :3
yoongi: you used the face :3
ur not mad :3
y/n: ur logic is wrong
yoongi: bring the face back :3
and it’s not logic it’s common sense :3
y/n: ur wrong
yoongi: never been wrong a day in my life :3
y/n: that’s crazy
so when you shouted at me for no reason you weren’t in the wrong?
good to know
yoongi: okay i never said that :3
y/n: but you did
yoongi: ur being annoying :3
y/n: fuck you
yoongi: did i? :3
y/n: you can’t just buy my forgiveness
yoongi: i can’t? :3
y/n: this is not how relationships work yoongi
yoongi: this is how our relationship works :3
y/n: no it’s not
yoongi: :3
y/n: you are still not forgiven leave me alone
yoongi: unforgiven i’m a villain :3
yoongi: ur making me real upset rn :3
y/n: go back to work
yoongi: stop being mad at me :3
y/n: die
yoongi: don’t say that i’m about to get on a plane :3
y/n: now i feel bad
yoongi: say sorry :3
y/n: nvm
yoongi: :(
look you’ve made me change faces hope you feel bad :(
y/n: i don’t
yoongi: ur sick and twisted :(
y/n: cry about it
yoongi: really hope i survive this plane ride :(
y/n: i will not be guilt tripped by you
yoongi: you told me to die knowing i was getting on a plane :(
y/n: bye
yoongi: what if i had a deep deep fear of flying and u made that fear 10x worse rn :(
y/n: you don’t
yoongi: you don’t know a thing :(
y/n: fuck you
yoongi: do you really want ur last words to me be fuck you :(
y/n: fly safe
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y/n: no
tae: hiiiiiiii
wtf how did you know
y/n: blocked
y/n: you have one minute
tae: i am walking alone rn
y/n: ???
tae: on the street
y/n: ok?
tae: alone
y/n: you said that
tae: ALONE
y/n: right
tae: it’s not right actually
do you know what could happen to me rn?
i could literally be snatched up off the street by anyone
y/n: hopefully it’s a rehabilitation centre 🙏🏽
y/n: ur one minute is up
tae: no it’s not
can you pls care for me rn i’m stressed out
y/n: it was pretty stressful when you stood me up yesterday
but i powered through 💪🏽
i’m sure you can do the same!!!
tae: that never happened
pls let’s pretend that never happened
i’m the perfect boyfriend i swear
y/n: get lost
like actually
never come back
tae: 😢
you don’t even mean that
y/n: are you sure?
forgive me
y/n: no
tae: you can have my card
y/n: don’t want it
tae: take my house
i’ll give you my keys rn
y/n: i have ur keys
tae: you do?
you thief omg
give them back
y/n: you left them here???
after YOU stormed out my house after you made ME upset
tae: oh yeah
i’m coming back now
y/n: asshole
tae: let’s put this behind us and move on
that’s a great idea i say
y/n: you are single
tae: don’t say that
y/n: said it
tae: we are actually engaged and expecting our 10th child
y/n: you are single
tae: top 10 singles
made a few of those in my time
i’m funny right
say i’m funny
y/n: it’s painful talking to you
tae: painfully in love with me are you?
y/n: it’s like i’m taking to a brick wall
you have like selective hearing
tae: what i’m hearing is you want to kiss me on the lips?
y/n: call an ambulance
tae: feeling so much love for me ur throwing up?
maybe i do deserve this
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y/n: would you now like to explain why the hell you sent halsey flowers on MY birthday??
namjoon: it wasn’t just on ur birthday i’ve been sending them all week for like a month now
y/n: namjoon what the fuck??
namjoon: i’m confused
y/n: UR confused????
do you like her or something?
namjoon: ofc i like her!
y/n: so ur cheating?
namjoon: what
y/n: ur cheating on me and you have no shame???
what the actual fuck is wrong with you??
namjoon: i’m not cheating?
y/n: for a month now you’ve been sending another girl that you like flowers
namjoon: every friday
y/n: fuck you
namjoon: i’m confused how that’s cheating when you told me to do that?
namjoon: you literally said you loved how halsey’s bf gave her flowers every week and that you wished i did that?
y/n: ….
there is no way
oh my god
kim fucking namjoon
namjoon: what??? i’m so confused pls tell me what i did wrong
i would never cheat on you
ur freaking me out
y/n: think about it
why would i wish you sent halsey flowers?
like really think
namjoon: IDK i was confused as hell but you seemed like you really wanted me to
so i did
y/n: i meant i wanted you to buy ME flowers you idiot omg
namjoon: oh
that makes a lot more sense
y/n: yeah
you are the dumbest smart man i’ve ever met
namjoon: my fault
i get confused sometimes 😞
y/n: i love you
namjoon: i love you too
ur not mad anymore?
y/n: could never be mad at you silly
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assortedvillainvault · 5 months
Hello! If it's okay to request/ask, headcannon of TFA Blitzwing (each of his personalities) x Reader? Reader has a split or multiple personality. Kinda like Jekyll and Hyde (but sometimes a softie w/ close/loved ones, family/friends), if you're familiar with it. Can be Romantic and/or platonic…
(Gender-neutral/Female) Reader's a human and they aren't involved with any cybertronians situations…
(PS. Thank you if you answer this! if not, I'll enjoy your stuff either way.)
Hi Anon! I’ve been thinking about this one for a while! Sorry for the wait, I have a little bit of history with DID (as in I don’t suffer personally, but have been close with others that do), so wanted to get this one right. Blitwing was unironically a comfort character originally due to said struggles and trying to strike a balance between ‘funky space-german giant robot villain’ and ‘this is a serious real life condition with a lot of misinformation and prejudices’ can get a tad challenging.
Anyhoo, Long post alert. DID is discussed but no real warnings for this one. Lets go!
Blitzwing x DID!Reader
- DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) results in humans having multiple, distinct personalities – from as few as 3 or 4 (like our favourite triplechanger) to up to 100 in some cases. The Jekyll & Hyde - esque nature of yours is something you’re at least slightly grateful for – at least it’s simple!
- Granted, it doesn’t really help when your city is attacked by giant space robots. Repeatedly. Every week. Both personalities agree it’s a pain in the neck – switching out and coming-to mid war zone with no warning isn’t exactly relaxing.
- Your first meeting was very subtle. Crawled behind overturned cars and bridge rubble, ducking down as the buildings behind you were ripped up with a squeal of steel and concrete. An enormous giant tank/plane/robot shaking the ground, hollering with rage at a bright yellow little car zooming in the distance.
- “JOU PATHETIC LITTLE BUG!! I’LL - cUt JoU iNtO iTTy BiTtY stReaMerS!! HAhAha vE’re gOnNa haVe a PaRty – at jour base, perhaps, now zat ve know where it is, Autobot~”
- You couldn’t believe your fucking eyes -
- “Holy Shit SAME HAT?!”
- Red eyes snap to your dumbfounded expression, narrowing.
- Yeah. Maybe hollering it across no mans land wasn’t the smartest move.
- He had no idea his affliction could be shared with organics. He didn’t even realise he was witnessing DID at first as you can’t literally switch faces. Come to think of it – I’m not sure cybertronians even have a word for it. He adopts your terms like a duck to water.
- Of the three he’s the most fascinated observer. He’s quick to document any minor tone shifts or facial expressions to indicate a switch between your two personalities – as well as the speed at which you change, your stressors and mannerisms. He can’t imagine dealing well if someone were to – somehow – get his alters mixed up, so he takes pains to greet both personalities properly.
- Is more likely the one to ask questions and approach the subject scientifically: though he will back off if the ‘Jekyll’ personality gets in his face about being treated like a science experiment. He knows the feeling and despises it.
- Just because he’s calm about it though, doesn’t mean he’s moralistic. Icy has a known sadistic streak and enjoys setting up situations to hurt people (see: the almost-murder of the Constructobots) so he’d be… intrigued to see how far your aspects were willing to go. He’s an enabler of destructive behaviour that specialises in not getting you caught.
- Hothead, by contrast – is much more reactive: blunt and easily confused.
- He will likely get your alters mixed up and become flustered and annoyed until he gets the hang of who is presenting when. Give him a bit, he despises asking Icy for help with anything.
- Yeah, of course he can – what do you MEAN you can’t communicate with your alters internally?? Do organics not come with a built in comm?? What the FRAG-
- He doesn’t like feeling out of sorts about finding someone with his condition. As far as he’d known, they were the only one ever to be split as they are. Someone who knows what it’s like, while desperately needed, is now almost unnerving.
- But he is an excellent vent buddy about multiple personality issues. If your alters want to chat shit about each other then Hothead is DOWN, he has a list of complaints about Icy and Random a mile long – even though airing them gets him interrupted by said alters all the damn time.
- Hothead will encourage violent coping mechanisms to your problems: if you have someone bothering you with some horror-movie assumptive bullshit about your disorder he is 1000% percent encouraging you to lure them behind a building for him to grind under his pedes.
- NEW FRIENDS?! New friends INSIDE of friends, oh he just wants to stuff you in his mouth and unravel you -
- Random is probably the first of the three to recognise your shared disorder. And when he gleefully tells his alters they don’t believe him (at least at first). Which doesn’t matter because you are now BEST FRIENDS. He’s gonna scoop you up and stuff you in his cockpit and make you a little hole in the mines riiiiiiight next to his berth. Don’t worry about telling him yes - he already knows your address!
- No matter how threatening you might think yourself to be, to Random you are the most adorable schmoopsie moo in the whole galaxy and he will commit war crimes to have you tucked into his pockets.
- Do not. Try him. In one-upmanship. Random knows exactly how far he will go to keep you with him and unlike Icy, who prefers to observe from a distance, Random will actively engage in finding very uncomfortable boundaries very quickly. Pretty much the only way to reign him in is to not play along in the slightest.
- He hates being ignored.
- He wants to hear and know everything about you, and will hop between subjects to a pattern only he knows. He’s exhausting, but probably also the most honest and vulnerable of the personalities.
- With Random, it’s most obvious that Blitzwing has total, universal acceptance of your personalities as they are. No dismissal, no belittling, no questions and no doubt.
- I’d say thats a breath of fresh air.
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whomstress · 10 months
Keeping the Skies Clear
One shot of Ragatha and Jax! @estro-gem Thank you for finally pushing me over the edge with your amazing fics! to finally start writing for my current hyperfixation. (I was the fan anon this is just my side blog)
Anyway, this about year before the pilot. Zooble's the new kid in town and pushes a dumb bunny just trying to do his "job" keeping a close eye over a devastated Ragatha at another lost friend. I would say poke the bear and find out but Zooble's tough as nails, they can handle anything thrown at them.
Ragatha was the nicest and most stable of them. When Zooble first came, Ragatha was the one to calm her down, as she often did for everyone who allowed it. And, despite how many times it happened, she was always so sad when another one of them abstracted. She was here the longest next to Kinger, yet she was still the most sane one here.
Zooble would like to be in the same mood that Ragatha was always in, but they also knew that behind closed doors she was one of them who was struggling the most. She cared too much about other people before herself. She found this out after Zooble saw their first abstraction. They couldn’t sleep that night, so they wandered the circus until they finally decided to head back to their room in the middle of the night, thinking everyone was asleep by now.
Only when they crossed by Ragatha’s room and heard muffled, sorrowful sobs dulled by a pillow did they figure out the truth. Zooble was never the first person to comfort someone; in fact, they hated being a shoulder to lean on, considering Ragatha had been by their side since they first got there. They felt a kind of guilt for not returning the favor.
As they were about to knock on the door, a gloved hand caught theirs. They nearly jumped in shock, only to realize it was Jax, and the shock was replaced with a glare. “What the-” They said before he gave a hushed “Shut it!” He pointed to the door with his thumb, obviously telling them to be quiet, or Ragatha would hear.
Zooble once again looked at him in shock before he grabbed them by the elbow away from the door a little before Zooble yanked away. “What the @#!$ Jax?” Zooble said, annoyed, but still made sure to keep their voice to a lower volume. His smile seemed to widen at their annoyance.
Even after two months, they still didn’t really care to get to know anyone beyond surface-level things, except Ragatha, who did her best to keep the unwilling newcomer company. Jax was only what they saw on the outside. A mythic A-hole.
So without beating around the bush, they cut to the chase and asked, “Why do you even care?”
His face drops for a nanosecond before he switches back to his regular yellow grin, looking bored at where his finger nails would be. “I actually don’t, for your information.”
Zooble scoffed, rolling their eyes. "It doesn't seem like it. You’re the one stalking her door in the middle of the night to stop anyone from seeing if she’s okay, Jeez. I knew you were a sadist prick picking on the only person who no doubt deserves to be here all the time, but I didn’t think you actually hated her.”
A loud thump on the floor snapped their vision back to the rabbit man. His slightly tinted purple face suddenly filled with a darker purple angry flush, and the rabbit ears that shot up past his hair pulled back. His smile finally turned downward as they glowered over Zooble. “You’ve been here, what? A month, and you think you know me? Get real, @#$%@.” He pointed a gloved hand in their faces.
Despite the slight surprise of seeing him for the first time, seeing him actually pissed off Zooble’s face remained in a glare that matched his slapping his hand out of their face. “You have all of two seconds to get out of my face, or you’ll wish you were the one to go today. Maybe everyone else puts up with your #&^$ but not me %#&*!^.”
He scoffs and backs off, making his face go back into a neutral expression. “*@ off, the only reason I’m not making your life more of a hell than this place is so you don’t wake up. Raggedy dumb@$%.”
Wake up? Zooble only just noticed the sobbing had stopped, replaced with an oddly louder snore. “She’s been crying for like two hours; she thought she’d never stop.” He said it once again, looking bored, but as he listened to her snore a bit more, they could see he was visibly almost completely back to his normal relaxed and annoying nature.
“Why?” They asked.
They knew Jax didn’t need a clarifier but asked, playing dumb anyway. “Why what, Crabby?”
Zooble once again cut straight through his bullshit, “Why do you care? Really.”
He scoffed and placed his hands in his dumb, cartoonish overall pockets. “I told you I don’t.” He looked at Zooble's deadpan face and knew they wouldn’t drop it until they got an answer. He almost told her to buzz off again before they threatened to ask the whole circus if he wasn’t going to give them an answer. “Freaking nark”.
“Fine.” He rolled his eyes until they went almost to the back of his head. “If I tell you, you can’t say jack. If Rags finds out, this will all be for nothing, got it?” Zooble stayed silent but nodded.
“When she gets this way, if anyone says a word to her, she’ll get even more depressed for, like, a week.”
“Some dumb need to never ‘upset’ anyone. The one thing she hates more than anything is thinking she hurt someone. Which is dumb as hell. I get she has this bleeding heart or whatever, but the woman needs to seriously bite the bullet and be an @#$hole one of these days.”
He continued after a moment of silence, “When she’s all depressed, everything and everyone feels like shit. I hate to admit it, but she kind of makes this place bearable for everyone. like the sun through the clouds or whatever that dumb poet said. Anyway, this place gets dark as shit at that point. And doing funny things to people when they have a reaction of a brick wall is boring as hell. Messing with people is the only thing that keeps me from going insane in this place. That’s why.”
Zooble stays quiet for a moment, like they're processing everything he said before they nod, brushing their pink hair out of their face. “Makes sense. Kinda.”
He rolls his eyes again, not caring whether they approve of his reasons or not. Until they broke the silence again, “Like the sun through the clouds, huh?”
His head snaps to theirs, and they let out an amused exhale through their nose before speaking again before he can retort. “Don’t worry, Romeo; the secret's safe with me.” They laughed as they walked away.
He actually almost strangled them at that moment, but was interrupted by a particularly loud, pig-like snort/snore from across the hall, and he rolled his eyes, smirking a bit. Before catching himself and pitching the bridge between his nose trying to stop the oncoming headache. Whatever she’s asleep, she’ll be back to her cheery facade in the morning. He’d done his personal job of keeping the sanity in this place level.
His personal job of keeping the sun out of the clouds.
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sepublic · 1 year
            I’m probably late in suggesting this but… King James I published a whole book about witches, a guide of sorts, called Daemonologie. Published in 1597, it saw another reprint when he became king in 1603. James was said to have a fascination with witches and demons, to the point that it’s claimed Shakespeare wrote in an additional scene with the witches in Macbeth to pander to James’ tastes. The thing is…
         James thought witches were evil. And his Daemonologie book explained how to recognize witches, how they worked, the animal familiars they used, all that stuff, ultimately to give witch-hunters an idea of how to find and kill them; Because the main solution to witchcraft in this book was execution. Daemonologie was meant to expose the existence of witchcraft to the common people, and prove it.
         Philip and Caleb Wittebane entered Old Gravesfield in the year 1613. Just a decade after the Royal Re-Release of Understanding Witches (So you can kill them). Philip documents a lot of the stuff he sees in the Boiling Isles, to a scientific degree, cataloguing, categorizing, etc. And in the first diary entry we hear, Philip ruminates on how he wishes humanity could see the Boiling Isles and understand…
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         @fermented-writers-block already suggested this to me a while back, the idea that Philip initially wrote his journal as proof of witchcraft and especially the demon realm’s existence, so he could convince people to help him eradicate the alleged threat, and/or prove he went on a successful crusade that saved the world. Granted, the people of Gravesfield seemed like earnest believers by that point, but I can imagine Philip taking real-life inspiration from King James I to convince others around the globe, who may not be as receptive to his claims.
         Anyhow, I think it deeply re-contextualizes our understanding of Philip’s diary entries in a complete 180 way; Most of us were under the initial impression that Philip’s fascination stemmed from a place of genuine wonder, curiosity, and appreciation for the Boiling Isles. But knowing he’s a witch hunter, it seems his interest came from a place of condemnation; Wanting to understand the witches so he could kill them. Whether James actually believed in witchcraft, I’m not sure, but to Philip, it was lore contributing to his favorite game of destroying the Bad Guys; Cowboys VS Indians, basically. The Collector accuses Philip of having fun destroying Grimwalkers, and they’re not even his main target.
         It’s a borderline fetishistic attitude towards witches; Philip is enamored, he wants to know and understand and figure them out. But he’s so deeply committed to dehumanizing and hating them, wanting their utter annihilation. Witches exist as the enemy NPCs in a video game where Philip immerses himself into their lore and in-universe dialogue, even as he slaughters them in droves. It’s a sick and sadistic pleasure at the expense of others he loathes, paradoxical in the way fetishization is; Philip’s previously-shown interest is not a contradiction, at least not from a writing perspective.
         It works as a way to trick the viewer while still making total sense. A brief outside glimpse might suggest to the unsuspecting that Philip DOES like witchcraft, but no, he’s an objectifying colonizer who wants to own and appropriate, not learn and engage with on the same, humble level as a learner. Philip sees himself as a conqueror looting knowledge instead of riches from his victims, and he gets just that from people like Luz and the Collector.
         He doesn’t really understand what he’s playing with and he doesn’t want to; He’s the White Dude who indulges in ethnic stereotypes and cuisine, in the tourist-y commodification of cultures, while at the same time voting for minorities to be outlawed. I would even compare Philip to a trophy hunter, knowing all the stuff about his prey, writing comprehensive guides… all for the purpose of how to kill and destroy them, as part of some big game.
        I get the feeling that Philip ultimately WANTED witches to exist; Because if he was truly genuine about saving the world, about protecting people, it’d be a relief to find out there was no threat after all. But Philip wants for there to be a threat, never mind what it can pose to others, because then he gets to be the hero!!! He gets to be chosen one who goes on a sick adventure beating people up! He goes on rants about a hidden threat beneath our very eyes, not because Philip actually wants to warn people, but because he sees this as his opportunity to be the savior; So really, Jacob Hopkins IS Philip, isn’t he?
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theladyofdeath · 1 year
Better or Worse {19}
Nessian. Angst. Modern AU.
@snelbz x @theladyofdeath collab
Better or Worse Masterlist
A/N: Two more chapters! Thank you all for sticking along for the journey. Enjoy!
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The weeks have passed by quickly and in less than twenty four hours I’ll be standing at the altar with my husband, renewing our vows.
Throwing a ceremony together so quickly has been exhausting, especially considering my book released last week, but I’ve actually enjoyed the chaos. My sisters have helped tremendously, even in the moments that I’ve insisted that I didn’t need their help. Nonetheless, tomorrow's success will go to them. We’ve all worked hard as hell, which is why the three of us are currently dressed in our finest and sitting on the rooftop of one of Velaris’ most prestigious restaurants. 
While Cassian, Azriel, and Rhysand are surely at some shithole bar, the three of us decided on a little class in celebration of tomorrow.
As the server fills our glasses and leaves the remainder of the bottle of wine in an ice-filled chiller, Feyre raises her glass in a salute. “I know toasts usually come at the end of the night, but we’ve never been the most conventional bunch. Nes, you and Cassian have been the pillar of strength for our group for so long. When shit gets hard, the two of you are the ones to step up and handle it. Your marriage is no different. Things may have gotten rough for a bit—” I roll my eyes at her understatement, but can’t pull the smile from my lips if I try. “But you didn’t let that break the two of you, you didn’t let that tear you apart like so many others would have. You never gave up on your love, on each other, and I’m so glad we get to celebrate that tomorrow.”
I clear my throat to push away the flood of emotion and we clink our glasses together. “Thank you. But the real toast should be for the two of you because if I had to plan this damn thing alone, I would have died.”
They laugh but it’s no joke.
I think it may have killed me.
Although tonight is supposed to be all fun and games, we go over our checklist one last time. We’ll have to get to the venue early tomorrow and finish decorating, but it shouldn’t be too bad.
“Is it weird that I’m nervous?” I ask, fiddling with the stem of my wine glass. “I mean, we’re already married, but this feels different.”
“I don’t think it's weird,” Elain says, cheeks already pink from the wine. “I think it’s nice. It just means that it means a lot to you.”
“I bet Cass is just as nervous,” Feyre says, chiming in. “And just wait until he sees you in your dress. I’ve never seen anything so sexy and elegant in my life.”
I grin. I’d be lying if I said that I haven’t been dreaming about Cassian's reaction when he sees the dress I bought. “Having to make it through the entire ceremony and reception is going to be torture for him, and I can’t wait.”
“Sadist,” Feyre mumbles, and Elain chokes on her last drop of wine.
She’s not wrong. The sheath of lace fits me like a second skin, the only ornamentation the occasional pattern of intricate beading and the sweetheart neckline dips just low enough to be alluring without being obscene. The lingerie I’ll be wearing beneath it is another story entirely.
Reaching for the bottle, I refill each of our glasses, setting it down at the edge of the table when it’s empty. “Listen, if he isn’t feral by the time we get home, something has gone horribly wrong.”
Home, because we aren’t going on a second honeymoon. We aren’t taking a trip or going anywhere, that’s not what this renewal was about. Sure, we’re having the ceremony and the party afterwards, but it’s to celebrate us.
Home, because there’s nowhere else we’d rather go and no one else we’d rather be with.
The food is earth shattering. By the time we’re done eating, I’m so full that I can hardly move. Cassian will be jealous that I ate so luxuriously without him, but it was too delicious for me to care. I feel a slight buzz from the wine, but nothing too daunting. I feel carefree and completely excited. 
With our empty plates in front of us, Elain asks, “Any news on the adoption front? You haven’t mentioned it in a couple of weeks.”
“We have a meeting with an agency set up for next week, actually,” I say, almost hesitantly, which earns two sets of worried glances in my direction. I shake my head. “I just kinda wanted to see how it went before mentioning it, I guess. I don’t want to get anyone’s hopes up.”
Mine included. I have learned through my struggles with infertility that nothing is to be expected.
Elain reaches over and squeezes my hand. “We only want to be there for you. We’re here with you both on this journey, Nesta.”
Knowing that was the point of telling our family about our past struggles, I nod. “I know, and we've been talking a lot about it for the last couple of weeks, Cass and I. I’m getting…excited.”
The agency we’ve been in touch with works mostly with young, unwed mothers in Velaris who aren’t ready for a child. They know that there are loving families, like us, who would do anything to find that missing piece and they help connect the mothers and families. There’s no guarantee we’d meet the mother, as some women opt for closed adoptions, but we don’t care either way.
We haven’t even been approved to work with the agency yet, so I try not to get ahead of myself.
“We’re meeting with them at their office and if that goes well, we’ll have a home visit a few days after that.”
“A home visit?” Feyre asks, eyebrows rising. “That seems a bit quick.”
“Oh, I’m sure it won’t be,” I reply, swirling the wine in my glass. “This is to see if we even get accepted into the program. I’m sure there are going to be plenty of things we run into in this process that are frustrating, but it’s all going to be worth it in the end.”
“I think it’s beautiful that you want to adopt,” Elain says, eyes misty once again from those mom-of-infant hormones. 
We leave soon after and take a walk around the city before I’m back in my car, driving home. I love spending time with my sisters and I’m thankful for all that they’ve done, but I can’t wait to get home, can’t wait to get in bed. The sooner I’m home, the sooner I’m asleep, the sooner tomorrow will be here. 
Once I’m home, the house is dark and quiet. Greg is sprawled out on the couch and hardly stirs as I pass him to head upstairs. I’m not sure what time Cassian will be home but hopefully it isn’t too late. If he’s drinking, which I have no doubt he is, he needs time to sleep it off before the morning.
We’re not twenty-one anymore.
I sneak a peek in my office where my dress is hanging on full display so that the wrinkles are all out. Cass has been banned from this room and he’s done very good at avoiding it like the plague. He won’t be seeing me in this beauty until tomorrow. 
After I shower, I throw on one of my favorite t-shirts, one of Cassian’s, and brush my teeth and hair before sinking into bed. I just open my newest read when the front door opens and closes. It’s not long after when I hear a bang, clatter, Greg’s pissed off noise, and Cassian’s string of filthiest curses.
Maybe I should’ve left a light on.
I hear noises from the kitchen, noises that sound suspiciously like pots and pans being pulled out. I wait, listening, my book open on my lap, waiting for him to come to bed. Then I hear the microwave open and close.
Sighing, I throw the blankets back and head downstairs, making sure he hears me as I descend into the living room.
I hear a cabinet slam followed by another barked curse. Entering the kitchen, I lean a hip against the table and cross my arms, taking in the carnage around me.
The perks of having a chef for a husband: he makes delicious food for every anniversary, birthday, party, you name it.
The cons of having a chef for a husband: he makes questionable food when he’s drunk.
There’s a pot on the stove, pasta boiling away, while a pan filled with an unknown brown sauce simmers nearby. His trusty colander is already in the sink, waiting to be used, while he’s on his hands and knees, digging through the cabinets, looking for something. The microwave beeps, letting us know its contents are ready to be removed. He doesn’t even hear it.
I cross my arms and wait, thinking he’ll realize I’m here eventually. After another minute, listening to the microwave beep as it reminds us it’s done, I ask, “What are you looking for?”
A loud thump carries through the kitchen as Cassian bangs his head on the underside of the shelf he was searching through. He scrambles backward, which is honestly comical, before getting to his feet and facing me.
He freezes as his eyes rove over my body, taking in the t-shirt and the fact that I’m wearing nothing underneath it. “Mother’s tits, you’re so fucking hot. I’m the luckiest bastard on the planet.”
I smirk, welcoming the praise, but just then the microwave beeps again and he gasps. “Cheese toast.”
Blinking, I wait, making sure I heard him right.
Sure enough, he pulls a plate out of the microwave, consisting of two pieces of sandwich bread with cheese melted over it.
“Hungry?” I ask, chuckling as he tears into the cheese toast.
“Carbs,” he replies around a mouth full of cheese and bread, pointing a flailing arm at the pasta boiling on the stove, as if that explains it all. “Need carbs so I’m not hungover tomorrow.”
“You know another way not to be hungover?” I tease, sauntering over to him. “Don't drink your weight in liquor.”
“Baby, if I drank my weight in liquor I’d be dead,” he says, shoving the rest of the toast that’s not really toast in his mouth. “Have you seen me? I’m gigantic.” 
“Mhmm.” I’m close enough to him now that I brush his hair out of his face. “Where did those idiots take you?”
“The bar.”
I laugh, quietly. “I can tell that much. Which one?”
“Rita’s,” he croons. “They told her I’m renewing my vows tomorrow, and she gave us a free round of shots…multiple…multiple free rounds of shots.”
“Explains the whiskey on your breath,” I chuckle. “Well, I’m glad you had fun. Eat your noodles and come to bed.”
“You’re not staying?” He frowns. “Stay. Eat.”
I roll my eyes. “It’s after midnight. I’m old. I’m tired.”
“You’re not old, you’re…sexy in my shirt.” He grabs the old, thinned fabric and pulls me back towards him, but before he can make his move, the water boils over on the stove.
The words that come out of this man…I married a sailor. 
Despite being three sheets to the wind, Cassian is able to clean up quickly and salvage his meal. He plates his pasta and pours his sauce over it, which is a mix of barbecue sauce, honey, and orange marmalade, and smells much better than it has a right to. Just as I’m about to head upstairs, I pause to drop a kiss to the top of his head, telling him to hurry up, but his arms snake around my waist, pulling me down into his lap.
“Stay with me,” he grumbles, pressing his lips to my neck. “Please?”
“Eight o’clock is going to come super early,” I grumble, leaning back into his embrace.
With his free arm, he twirls the pasta on a fork and takes a big bite. “Sure as fuck is.”
We stay like that until he finishes eating, clearing his plate. I stand to take it to the sink, but as soon as I’m on my feet, he’s sweeping me into his arms.
It’s romantic, but with how much he’s had to drink, likely ill-advised.
“You better not fall down the stairs while you’re carrying me,” I threaten as he heads up to our room.
For a moment, he wavers, but just as I gasp he starts to laugh and straightens himself.
“Just kidding.”
I smack him on the arm which only seems to bring him more joy as he reaches the second floor landing and pads down the hall and into our room. He doesn’t drop me on the bed but brings me into the bathroom with him instead. He sets me on the vanity before pulling his shirt over his head and taking off his belt, giving me one hell of a show.
He knows I’m watching and he loves it, both of us shameless. 
After brushing his teeth and washing up, he kicks off the remainder of his jeans and scoops me up, yet again.
“Your hair is still a mess,” I grumble, my lips pressing against his shoulder.
“Sexy mess or disgusting mess?” He asks, and now that the alcohol is beginning to wear off, I can tell he’s exhausted. 
“Somewhere in the middle,” I say, and he chuckles as he lays me down in bed and crawls up behind me, wrapping me in his arms.
His body is warm, safe, my own personal haven. I don’t even think he realizes it, don’t even think he knows the magnitude of what his arms around me brings. I melt into him and close my eyes, sighing contentedly.
“Remember the night before our wedding?” He whispers into the darkness.
Laughing softly, I nod. “Yes, but I’m surprised you do.”
If I thought Cassian was drunk now, it was nothing compared to the state he was in when showed up on my doorstep at three in the morning. More specifically, the doorstep of my father’s house, where I was staying with my sisters that night. Feyre and Elain were both still in high school and I was never the best at making friends, so rather than going out and getting drunk the night before I got married, I hung out at home with my sisters.
Cassian, on the other hand, hung out with his brothers in our brand new apartment off campus and got trashed, thanks to one of the older guys in his fraternity buying them whatever they wanted as a wedding gift.
Rhys and Az had passed out in the living room and Cass decided it would be a good idea to come see me. So he called a cab and then he was there, drunk and stumbling and making so much noise that I’m sure my father heard him sneaking in. We fell asleep, just like this, in each other’s arms, just like we did every night. We didn’t care about any old wives tales about staying apart the night before. We wanted to be together, so that's what we did.
My father was not thrilled the next morning when he woke up and found Cassian sitting at the breakfast table.
“Dad was pissed.” I can’t help but laugh. “I knew without a doubt at that moment that I was making the right decision, marrying you.”
He hums. “Were you doubting it before my drunken escapade?”
“No,” I say, and run my fingers across the arm that’s slung around my waist. “But that just proved my feelings right. Validation.” 
He kisses the back of my neck. “I didn’t think I could love you more than I did back then. Didn’t think it was possible. But I do. I love you more now than I did then, and I’ll love you more tomorrow than I do today.”
I swallow as my eyes line with tears. “Save it for your vows.”
He huffs a laugh. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. My vows are way more romantic than that.”
I can’t wait to hear them, can’t wait to stand with him hand in hand and celebrate our marriage after all that we have overcome. As I drift off into a deep sleep, I once again know, without a doubt, that Cassian is my one and only, the other half of my soul, my lifelong partner and my best friend. 
I don’t know what I did to be this damn lucky.
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
Hiiiiii, yandere veteran here! :'DD
I saw your post about yandere and stuff, so i thought i could explain a few things! Firstly, there are different types of yandere out there! Clingy submissive type, sadistic yandere, the subtle manipulator yandere, possessive, obsessive, Yangire, Yeredere, Delusional, Intelligenct, quiet etc.
You can even combine two archetypes together, for example, Tsunyandere (Tsundere + Yandere) and kuuyandere (Kuudere + Yandere). There's even a slight difference between female and male yandere! Male tend to be more violent and possessive meanwhile Female yandere tend to be more passionate and submissive.
Generally speaking, the term "Yandere" associate with someone who is so into you and possessive that they would go to great lengths to monopolize you. Yanderes start sweet and overly affectionate, and then they get possessive and possibly violent. A classical yandere goes after the people surrounding their target first and tries to separate the love interest/target from everyone else. If that means locking them in a cage, so be it. Doesn't necessarily have to be bloody and/or gore. Again, it depends on the yandere type!
This is gonna be a little personal, but for me, I like yanderes a lot because I like the idea of someone loving me so much they'd do anything for me. I fell in love with the idea that someone loves you so much, they're willing to do insane, socially unacceptable things for your love. Of course, this doesn't supply to real life.
Anyway, moving on to Belphegor, i would say he's more of a "mild yandere" and possibly leaning more towards the "Nonviolent/Manipulative yandere" those types of yandere never bring direct harm to someone, and never will directly kill someone themselves, but will manipulate others to achieve their goals. It's the psychological and emotional manipulation that makes it so interesting. And seeing how much of a brat he can be, i would say that fits him the best.
Fun fact: There's an old devilgram story, i forgot the name, where belphegor poisoned Satan bc he was flirting with mc, lol.
Moving on to Barbatos, the reason fans suspect him to be a yandere is bc of his character song "Crazy About you," in which he sings the following lines:
"My heart in turmoil
Having you with me makes me want you
I’m crazy about you
I, too, cannot stop this billowing feeling
I wish to please you always
Please leave everything to me
But your poor manner will not be tolerated
Not matter how many times
Let me give you a lecture in calm
I will not hand you to anyone else, oh
I can’t take this
My feelings for you
I’ll make you mine"
"Crazy About you" does give off some yandere vibes, but does that make Barbatos a yandere? I don't think so. Considering all the characters had their "yandere" moments doesn't make them Yandere per say. But Barbatos does seem to be possessive in his song about Mc. Honestly, considering that his sin is greed, that makes quite a lot of sense. If i had to categorise him to a Yandere trope, then he would be the "Intelligenct/quiet yandere." Those types of yandere plan far in advance and fight more with their brains than with their brawn. It's almost similar to the "Manipulative yandere."
He could be absolutely terrifying, a yandere able to manipulate time and space? That's absolutely scary IF he was a yandere.
unironically, the closest thing to a yandere in Obey Me has is Mammon. He's shown that he constantly wants Mc to himself and seeking their attention, even getting in the way of his brothers and constantly reminding everyone that he's Mc first pact demon. In the beginning of the OG, obey me, he even said “I want to be the one who saves you, and if I can’t be, just die already" and remember that ONE NB lesson where he lost control over his Greed and wanted Mc to himself? Yeah, yandere moment definitely.
Anyway, what i'm trying to say is there are different types of yandere, and not everything has to be bloody. Sometimes, yanderes can be subtle with their motives.
Hello there, anon!
Okay see I had a feeling there was more to it than what my basic search of the term had indicated. I have seen some of the other -dere types because someone asked me about that and I had to look it up lol. But my knowledge of the different yandere types is pretty much nonexistent, so thank you for this explanation!
Okay, okay, so I wasn't taking Barb's song into consideration at all. The songs are all fun and there are certainly parts that are informative of character, but generally speaking I don't really think about them in terms of their characterization. (Not that it's bad to do that or anything, that's just a me quirk lol.)
That being said, I think any character can be written as a yandere if that's what the person writing the story wants to do. I would say most characters edge on some of those qualities, which really just boils down to them being a well rounded character.
Especially because Barbatos has this kind of vibe that's he's always holding something back. Not just truths about himself, but his own feelings, too. I think it'd be easy to say that he just doesn't allow himself to act in the way he really wants to.
And in that case, I think the concept of subtle yandere could apply to him. But again, this is all something that I think would need to be explored in fanfiction. I just don't think that in the story itself there's any indication of Barbatos having secret yandere motives. But I don't think it's a stretch to give him some in a fic by any means.
Interesting point about Mammon, though! I think his general tsundere personality probably overshadows those other yandere moments lol. I've never seen anyone refer to him as such, but it sounds like it fits to me! Then again, as I stated, my knowledge of these terms is very limited.
I like what you said about Belphie too - his whole thing is manipulation so that checks out to me!
Anyway, I like when characters have flaws and act jealous or possessive because it makes them feel more real to me. But that means it's only one aspect of who they are, so I don't tend to focus only on those traits when I write about them. But this is just a personal preference and I think that if you like yandere characters, it's perfectly reasonable to make your faves yandere even if they aren't in the source material.
Thank you for this thorough explanation, anon! I'm glad someone who knew more about it was able to add more insight and nuance to the discussion! It sounds to me like we're in agreement that Barbatos has some yandere moments, but in general is not a yandere.
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