#you cannot. understand. how deep the madness goes
dailyoyo · 5 months
hi again dailyoyo (mostly directed at mod noname) i have 2 question
1) would you ever be up to making a jsr/yoyo tidbits blog or post someday? you find a lot of 'hidden' jsr stuff and i think a masterpost to links and images or something if you're up to it would be really nice
2) WHERE the fuck does yoyo come from like what do you think whats your general consensus. does he have a family. is he not an earthling. why is he here??? is he homeless??? does he avtually have a lovintg family and became a gang member for shits and giggles??? why???
if i made a second blog it would die probably. also i wouldnt really say i find "hidden" jsr stuff per se, almost everything i know about is either just from the games or other sources linked/mentioned on the wiki! i don't Find this shit i just overthink it and peel it apart with my teethhhhh. @dedtoot would probably be a better person to ask abt niche jsr oddities i think esp cuz iirc they own the wiki? IDK WHAT ELSE TO REC SORRY
oh god this is gonna get long i think. you opened the fucking can of worms YOU HAVE NO IDEA ok so there's two things about this. the first is that like. i tend to think of pretty much All the ggs (excluding roboy on account of hes a straight up robot) as like. Just Guys. just mundane homeless outcast or runaway kids who are doing whatever the fuck. iirc in Paradox we hc'd Soda (and maybe Boogie i dont remember?) as having homes and jobs but barely being able to keep up with them, and Cube and Combo and Coin HAD a shared apartment deal but Coin's dead and Cube and Combo are in japan now, and i think we said Mew has a home and family that's just REALLY hands-off, but like aside from that they all kind of just Live at the garage. the second thing is that me and pseud keep backstory headcanoning to a low level, because whatever like. You don't end up as a homeless street teenager for fun reasons. in our interps like despite the more fantastical elements of the setting, these are all traumatized youth who ran from stark, brutal, mundane problems that we don't especially prefer to puzzle out and examine too much in this particular fandom. (paradox!Beat gets more backstory than everyone else because of plot relevance (beig gouji's kid) though. rip lmao) this even extends to an in-universe extent of the ggs kind of being like. "We dont ask each other about our backstories. If someone wants to volunteer that information they can but otherwise IT IS NOT OUR BUSINESS" which brings us to our headcanons about yoyo. paradox!yoyo on top of whats been said prior is also an intentionally "mysterious" individual. he's also fucked up in the head in ways that are genuinely concerning. he treats the idea of him having a past as a joke - he will make shit up, he will feed you 20 different fake backstories. sometimes they'll be obvious jokes, sometimes he'll say something really horrible to make you feel sorry. and if you mention something ACTUALLY from his past, he will either deny that ever happened or say you're thinking of someone else entirely. there are a few things we HAVE overtly established about paradox!yoyo's life before the GGs: - he's probably been in tokyo-to his whole life. he's been around most of the city (often scamming people lmao) - he has been homeless since he was 12, though we do not know WHY - he is transgender, but he may not have called himself that until the GGs, and we do not know WHEN he started presenting as male or why. - "yoyo" is just one in a LONG line of pseudonyms and false identities he has made up for the sake of convenience. he refuses to claim any of these past names as having been him and has even figured he'll just stop being "yoyo" and be someone else if things don't work out with the ggs. - he's dissociative as shit so HE might not even remember his backstory so like. we don't know where yoyo came from in our hcs. we don't know what his life was. that said? it was probably very bad. a happy and healthy childhood does not turn you into someone who believes they're a hollow shell playing pretend at personhood in a neverending social game of chess that you can only win by cheating. At the age of 16. SORRY IF YOU WERE HOPING FOR SOMETHING GOOFY BTW . i feel this blog really does not let on that me and pseud's idea of fun is doing straight up paranoia agent shit to joke characters. We dont got that #vreepypasta tag for nothing
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astr0logywh0r3 · 8 months
astro observations pt. 2
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1.) venus square mars ppl have trouble with balancing their masculine and feminine energies. they can feel this internally and it can make them feel insecure. one second they feel hyper feminine and the next they feel more masculine. they wish they could find a way to balance both sides of them but it’s a struggle. they could come off too strong from time to time as a result of their inner conflict (might come off too strongly feminine or masc in the moment) and then they’d feel bad ab it later
2.) i think neptune in the 1st/conjunct the asc might be good at making other people feel special 🤨
3.) mars-pluto ppl have that confident inner power within themselves
4.) cancer risings remind me of fluttershy from mlp 💀
5.) saturn conjunct asc/in 1st house might have been extremely shy kids. they have a lot of determination within themselves though. makes a very strong-willed person. go after what they want with resilience and understand the importance of taking calculated steps to achieve their desires. definitely the no-bullshit type
6.) pluto on the ascendant always reminds me of tony montana from scarface for some reason 😭. i guess it makes sense since al pacino has pluto conjunct his asc so idk. it’s just that archetype. tony wasn’t afraid and didn’t stop at anything to reach where he got. a phoenix risen from the ashes. stubborn. that “don’t tell me what tf to do” type energy. intense, babe. their eyes are crazy too (it’s like they store all their inner intensity and deep emotions in their eyes ..lotta depth). also the no-bullshit type. if they’re mad at you ……be afraid 💀 they will plot revenge and start conspiring some shit
7.) taurus risings are pretty in a “oh, they’re cute” way. they have short little noses and pretty eyes
8.) pisces risings… are y’all good at telling stories? 😭 i think you guys get a little sidetracked
9.) chart ruler in the 9th makes someone adventurous… they just wanna explore and do everything. try everything there is at least once. could have a great sense of humor too
10.) scorpio moons are really protective of their family. they guard their families just like they guard their emotions
11.) unpopular opinion but scorpios aren’t mysterious to me 😐 i’m not sure id call any zodiac sign mysterious tbh it really depends on the whole chart. scorpios to me are just super honest people who have pragmatic opinions that they aren’t afraid to state out loud. if a scorpio has an opinion they feel strongly about they won’t be afraid to let others know how they feel, which i admire about them to an extent. they like getting to the nitty gritty of situations. some of them can actually be very kind people. funny as well due to their honesty and boldness. oh, and they just love dark reds. search up “maroon” and that is literally their staple color you cannot tell me otherwise
12.) i’ve met leos who i’ve found boring before which goes against their stereotype 💀 sometimes their personalities are just the bare minimum honestly unless the rest of the chart says otherwise
13.) mars in the 11th have big dreams for themselves. they wanna make a difference.
14.) 8th house sun makes someone intriguing and mysterious. it can also be a placement that grants beauty.
15.) moon in the 4th just wanna belong.
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hey! I saw your writing for Miles earth 42. I was wondering if you could write what it would be like dating miles earth 42. Like some headcannons. Thank you!!
(hello! Sure I can and here ya go! Enjoy!)
Dating Earth 42 Miles Morales
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I not gonna lie, he can be an ass at times
Especially when mad or annoyed or in arguments
Tries not to but is late or sometimes can't make it to daes and feels so bad
Tries to make it up to you the best he can
But other than that, he's probably the best boyfriend to have
Obviously before he was the prowler and before his canon event, he was just our Miles
After the canon, that changed but with you sometimes old peeks of that Miles bubbles up
He's protective
But in no way is possessive
You could do whatever you want and he would let you
Nobody is willing to mess with him or you because as you're doing your thing, he's nearby and watching you
If anyone looks at him and then to you, they can tell you're together
He's willing to fight if someone ever talks shit about you or makes you uncomfortable
Let's you braid his hair as long as you don't mess it up or pull on his hair too hard
He likes the feeling of sitting between your legs, his head like resting on your thigh as he just feels your hands making their way around his hair
It's a very comforting feeling and don't be surprised if he puts little pecks onto your thighs
Will not let you feel insecure, especially in like revealing or tight clothing because you just look so good
A sorta deep and sorta rough kisser at times, especially in the moment but in more soft and intimate times a slow and passionate kisser
Likes having his hands on your waist and sorta leaning you down as he kisses you, your arms around his neck and shit
Favorite place to kiss gotta be your neck and your jaw, he just has too
A hand always in your hip or on your back
Arm around your waist or around your shoulder
If you steal his clothes and he sees you for the first time in them he's gonna stare for a moment
Then just watch the smirk form as he comes up to you, kisses you and oh my Lord
Or he's hugging you from behind
Likes having his hands like roam your sides
Slips his hand onto your neck or weaves his hand into your hair, pulling you closer when you guys kiss
You can kiss him for an eternity and then some
Kissing you is like addicting to him
He always wants to make sure you're safe, and can handle yourself so he likes you to carry like a pocket knife or he taught you some shit
And if you get into fights he's obviously proud of you because you bet your ass you won
Makeouts are actually pretty common as he makes up kisses he missed
he either is hovering above you while you're on your back and kissing you
Or you're straddling him and kissing him, his lips slip down to your neck or your collar bone mind you
Or you're against a wall or he is against a wall
He likes flirting and making you flustered
He's an asshole with that shit
Calls you nicknames in Spanish or says stuff in Spanish, if you don't understand he does it even more
I feel after his dad he was more closed off, a wreck inside but wanted to be strong for his mom and you
You need to help with that and you di, you're practically his rock now who he goes to for anything, even when he doesn't want to talk
Just being around you helps him
He likes laying his head in your lap
It's just so nice and comforting to him, kiss his knuckles or play with his hands
"I love you, you know that, right?" Or "Don't worry, you got me." Is stuff he says on the daily
Hold his hand and run your hands over his knuckles and feel how relaxed he gets
He can hug you from behind, put his head on your shoulder and just stay there for god knows how long
He buys you a lot of shit to make up for what he cannot say as sometimes he can't say how much he loves and appreciates you
So he does stuff to show it
If you like cuddling he likes either having you by his side, arm wrapped around you with your head on his chest or him laying on your chest
Spoon him from behind, he loves it but will deny it entirely
Make him flustered, he'll be frozen for a minute before a real smile comes onto his face
On days where some shit is hard, either by being the Prowler he likes laying on top of you as you whisper shit into his ear
He needs stuff like that
If you got on with his mama he is not letting you go
Especially if his mom liked you because that shit is rare
Let's you steal his clothes on the daily
He sees you eyeing something when out with him, or he sees you about to buy something or have a new interest?
He's buying you it and buying you whatever you need
Go nuts, baby, he loves seeing the smile on your face
Play fights with you, likes pinning you down and just kissing you or tickling your side
He loves hearing your laugh and seeing your smile as they just calm him at the worse times
Likes sneaking away with you from anything possible
Little compliments mean so much from him, makes you feel good about yourself too
Arguments don't happen often but he doesn't yell at you when they do
He raises his voice but never yells at you
Some shit may slip, inconsiderate shit that makes him an asshole but he knows that immediately
Not the best at apologizing so give him time when he does come to apologize
Make him grovel ISTG
Nicknames from him are just so smooth and so- oh my god
Head on your boob and hand on your ass
I say no more
Will not let harm to you come no matter what as long as he breathes
He didn't plan on telling you he was the prowler for a long time
You had to find out yourself and he thought the relationship was over
He was saying over and over it was okay, he does it to protect his family and you, that he wouldn't hurt you and so on
You may need time but he understands
Always is sneaking in through your window also
If you have siblings and they meet him prepare because they now love him more than you
Babysits them with you and is now their partner in crime against you
He's so husband
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mykoreanlove · 5 months
i need skz angst like rn??😭
hyunjin x female reader, and they maybe decide to go out to like a club or something, and some guy hits on the reader and hyunjin is like “you were flirting back!” and the reader is just very confused bc they tried to let the guy know as kindly as possible that they are taken, but hyunjin is still really mad and it results in them fighting
and then maybe hyunjin decides to go home but not like a shared apartment thing like he goes somewhere reader doesn’t know about
and then a day passes and he’s like “oh no i fucked up” and comes to readers apartment to apologize
happy ending? tysmmm🎀
I was like sure, let's writing something short and quick but somehow it turned into 6 pages lol. hope u enjoy it :)
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The pros of being an insanely hot couple? A lot of sex and affection, a lot of people wanting to be like you and a lot of praise and admiration.
The cons of being an insanely hot couple? A lot of people trying to take your place, a lot of jealous envy and a lot of insecurity.
“Baby, you look incredible”, Hyunjin whispered into your ear as he hugged you from behind. You were standing in front of the mirror, admiring your look for the night. “I wanted to look good for you”, you shyly admitted as you leaned into him. “There is absolutely nothing you have to do to accomplish this, y/n. Nothing, you hear me?”
Ever since you met Hyunjin a couple of weeks ago your whole world turned around. You were used to dating a lot and having fun, but this was different. He was different. Both of you fell for the other rather quickly, a romance that revealed a hidden side within you.
“I want to kiss you so badly”, you whined.
“Why don’t you?”
Instantaneously, you pointed to your lips covered in deep ruby red.
“Ah”, he nodded understandingly. “Is it okay then if I do this?”, Hyunjin asked before kissing every inch of your collarbone, slightly sucking to mark his territory.
Hyunjin was a confident guy, knowing damn well that he was good looking and talented and still he felt conflicted at times. What if this was not enough? What if he was not enough for you? Since you were in your early dating stages, he never had vocalized his concerns, but his body did. His need to be near you, touch you and possess you was evident from the start.
“Jinnie, stop”, you giggled as you pushed him away.
Irritation grew on his face, not understanding why you were distancing yourself.
“I’m gonna be covered in marks that everyone is going to see”, you teased.
He felt his chest tighten. Did you not want others to see them? Did you want to be perceived as single? His own sparks of insecurity got ignited again, waiting to turn into a full-size fire.
The club was crowded with people of all kinds – dancers, jocks, hot models, a real feast for the eye. You were used to people turning their heads, especially when you were together with Hyunjin. It never bothered you that much since you knew how devoted he was to you.
“Can I tell you something?” You were laying on his chest, watching him breathe calmly. “Sure.” “I found your old DVDs in the basement, and I started watching them while you were at work. Binging them, really. And I saw something that really stuck with me”, he explained silently. “What was it?” “Ever thine. Ever mine. Ever ours”, he explained softly. You turned your head and gazed into his teary eyes. “We haven’t been together that long, I know. But this is exactly how I feel, y/n. I can’t imagine my life without you anymore. Cannot. Do not want to. Impossible.” You started tearing up as well, finally feeling at home with another soul. You placed a soft kiss on his plush lips and whispered: “I’ll be your Carry, baby.”
“Come dance with me”, you shouted as you pulled him to the dance floor. It was hot and sticky, but you didn’t mind, in fact you loved it like that. The music was energetic and vibrant, filling the whole room with energy and life force. You only had eyes for Hyunjin, watching his body move gracefully to the music. When he danced, he became one with the tunes, one with the movements. He smirked as he caught you staring, knowing damn well that you were weak for his dancing. As the song changed into a slower, sexier one you found yourself in front of him, grinding on his muscular body. All the other people were forgotten as you swayed your hips on him, feeling him getting hard behind you. His hands on your body and his hot breath on your neck was all you needed to know.
Hyunjin however was more prone to your surroundings. He enjoyed having you like that, but he hated sharing you with others. He was too aware of the other pair of eyes that was set on you. Like a reflex, he pulled you closer, grabbed a bit harder and provoked your surrender, demonstrating whom you belonged to.
“Fuck, baby, if you keep this up, we have to go”, you moaned into his ear.
“Let’s do that”, his whole face lit up. “Let’s get out of here, y/nnie.”
“But we just came?”, you whined in annoyance.
Hyunjin’s eyes darkened as his gaze pierced through you. Just like that, goosebumps formed on your skin, electricity cursed through your body making you feel all hot. He knew exactly what he was doing to you.
“I’m going to the bathroom really quick to fix this situation right here”, he said as he nodded to his crotch, “and when I come back, we leave, you hear me?”
You swallowed and nodded, already anticipating the night ahead.
“Good girl.”
He placed a kiss on your forehead and turned around, quickly looking for the bathroom.
You walked over to the exit and leaned against the cold wall, waiting for your boyfriend, already picturing him doing unspeakable things to you. You were so engulfed in your naughty daydreams that you didn’t even notice the guy from the dancefloor approaching you.
“Oh, hi”, you replied politely.
“I saw you dancing earlier, damn you got moves!”, he complimented you.
“Thanks”, you replied drily.
“So uhm, would you like to have a drink with me?”
“No”, you shook your head.
“Why not?”
“Well, if you saw me dancing earlier you must have seen my boyfriend behind me, right? That’s why.”
“Shit, sorry. I kinda hoped that he was just another guy hitting on you.”
“Far from that.”
“He’s that great, huh?”
“Y/N”, Hyunjin called out angrily while glaring at the other guy.
You were taken aback by his tone, feeling anxious so you followed him without saying a word.
Fumingly, he marched to the car, while you were trying to keep up. Hyunjin placed both of his hands on the cold metal of the vehicle as he was trying to calm himself.
“Jinnie”, you called out softly.
“Don’t fucking call me that, y/n.”
He turned around and faced you, his pupils were dilated, and his nostrils flared – he was angry as fuck.
“Don’t fucking call me that when you were flirting with some dickhead behind my back!”
“Are you serious right now?”
“Of course, I am. That bastard was eye-fucking you while we were dancing, and I left you alone for 5 minutes and you were already cozying up to him?”
“Cozying up to him? Cozying up to him? Are you out of your fucking mind?”
“What? I know what I saw!”
“Enlighten me, then. What did you see?”
“I saw you all smiley and giggly, you were practically shooting heart eyes emojis at him! Is that why you hated me giving you hickeys on your collarbone? So, everybody could see you were available?!”
You felt the punch to your stomach, making it harder to breathe. Every single word of his was laced in the most painful accusation, one that you had been familiar with way too often.
“Yeah, you’re right. I was flirting back and shooting heart eyes emojis at him. It was so much fun! And I was damn grateful that my body was free of your damn hickeys!”, you retorted angrily.
Hyunjin was about to explode, not being able to differentiate between your lies and his perceived reality.
Wordless, he turned around and got into the car. You looked at him one last time, hoping that he would come to his senses – but he didn’t. The loud sound of his engine disturbed the quiet of the night and not seconds later he was gone.
What should have been a fun night out for a young couple turned into a vicious disaster. One was crying hiding in the dirty toilet of a club, while the other was crying racing down the highway. Promises of forever love turned into accusations of unfaithfulness, painting your rosy world of adoration into black loneliness.
You had no idea how you made it back home, nor did you care. The following day was torture – you were ruminating over everything, trying to understand what had happened yesterday. Deep sadness filled your whole being. Hyunjin did not call, nor text. He vanished out of your life, just like he vanished into the night air yesterday. Was that it? Was it over?
“Damn, you look like shit. Why are your eyes so puffy?”
Hyunjin pulled the covers over his head, trying to dissolve into thin air.
“Hey, come on. Talk to me”, his friend encouraged him.
“I may have made the biggest mistake of my life yesterday.”
“Oh my god, did you cheat on y/n?”
“What? No. Of course not. I would never do that”, he explained.
“What did you do then?”
“I accused her of cheating on me.”
“Shit, sorry.”
“Don’t be. This was the last time I let my demons take over”, he mumbled as he left his room.
By evening, you felt better – at least good enough to go for a walk and clear your head. Minutes after you left Hyunjin appeared at your door – holding a giant bouquet of flowers in his trembling hands. He rang your door hundreds of times, knocked on it until his knuckles were swollen and called out for you until his throat was sore. But nothing.
Defeated, he slid down to the ground and thought of what to do.
“Y/N, I made a big mistake yesterday. I am so sorry. I should have never accused you of shit like that.”
He was wiping away his tears again, the thought of loosing you made his heart break every single time.
“You see I’m not perfect. Far from it. Yet somehow you seem to think that way. And I just… I just wait for the shoe to drop. For you to finally realize that I’m nothing special.”
“Jinnie”, you called out his name while stopping in front of your apartment. His eyes widened in surprise, immediately followed by relief. “You didn’t open up because you hated me but because you weren’t home…”
“Don’t flatter yourself, hate is on the top of the list right now”, you glared angrily.
He lowered his head in defeat.
“Are those for me?”, you nodded to the bouquet of flowers.
You opened the door and passed by him. “Put them in a vase, then.”
Surprised, he got up on his feet and followed you inside.
“Can we talk?”
You sat across from him, giving him the cold shoulder.
“Y/N, I am sorry. Please believe me, I am so sorry. I was seeing things, I let my insecurities win and I accused you of shit you didn’t do. Please, forgive me.”
“What did you think happened there?”
“I saw you guys talking and then I saw red. Like, you were smiling from ear to ear, practically shooting heart eyes emojis at him. I just, I just saw red.”
You sighed deeply, finally understanding where he was coming from.
“You’re right. I was shooting heart eyes emojis at him.”
“What?” Hyunjin’s heart was about to explode.
“But only because I was talking about you, Jinnie. He asked me out for a drink, and I explained to him that I already found the greatest guy on earth. I was gushing over you, like a freaking fan girl.”
“He’s that great, huh?” “Oh my god, yes. He is the greatest. No really, he is great at everything. Dancing, painting, loving? The best. He is also the kindest and loveliest guy I ever met. Always caring for the ones he loves. Never a dull moment with him. He makes me laugh so much. I swear I got abs because of him. And did you see how handsome he is? Fuck me, it’s like God created him himself and brought him to earth, so we could adore him. Fucking masterpiece, that man.” “Okay, okay, I got it”, the guy gave up. “Must be one hell of a lover.” “One hell of a lover. One hell of a soul. My soul, actually.”
“I feel like the biggest idiot right now”, he admitted ashamed.
“Yeah, you should feel like that.”
“I’m sorry, y/nnie. Can you forgive me?”
Silence lingered between the two of you, only for a moment, until you got up and walked over to him. You put your arms around his lean torso and hugged him tightly, willing to put this past you.
Hyunjin’s body finally relaxed, as he hugged you back. His lips landed on the crown of your head, simply resting there, and holding you close.
“Jinnie, wait. There is something else you need to know.”
He released you from his grip and looked at you anxiously.
“What is it?”
“When I was younger, I got bullied for hickeys. My first boyfriend always left them on my neck and the others harassed me for it, calling me slut and all sorts of names. So, it’s true, I don’t like them being visible.”
Hyunjin’s heart broke once more – for one because you had to endure this harassment, but also because he bullied you himself.
“I’m sorry, y/nnie. I won’t do that ever again.”
“Wait, no. I love your hickeys. I love your lips on me, I really do. But can we, maybe, agree to leave hickeys in places only we can see?”, you asked shily.
Hyunjin chuckled and pulled you in for a kiss, promising to do just that.
“I really meant what I said. I can’t imagine my life without you. I really can’t.”
You grabbed his hands and squeezed them, agreeing you felt the same way.          “I feel like we should talk about your insecurities, but I’m drained from last night.”
“Let’s relax for now, baby.”
“What do you want to do?”
Hyunjin’s lips turned upwards, forming the loveliest yet sneakiest smile.
“Okay, fine. I get the popcorn and you switch on the TV. Sex and the city marathon it is”, you rolled your eyes at him teasingly.
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weebsinstash · 8 months
hi! I cannot understand Val’s personality at all, and you’re my favorite writer for him, so I was wondering if you could tell me how he’d react in a situation where his darling is being harassed at a bar he’s not at? Like darling obviously has a tracker on their phone and they know it, but they also can’t leave the bar because that risks them getting kidnapped
maybe Val has already started calling them and leaving voicemails because they no showed, so you know that if you don’t call him and have an immediate reason for not responding you’ll probably be in for a very painful night, so you tell whoever is harassing you that you need to go into the bathroom, and it’s very obvious that they followed you but aren’t in the bathroom, so you just take out your phone and finally answer one of Val’s calls, and you make it obvious your crying, but you also hold the phone away from you so it doesn’t seem like you want Val to know your crying.
after that I’m kinda stuck on how he’d react, but if you’d rather not add to this it’s fine, this was part me wanting a response and part me wanting to tell someone my ideas
If it makes you feel better I also find Val's personality to be levels of inconsistent however I kinda interpret it being inconsistent because he's um an extremely emotional person and also an alcoholic addict and he's constantly pinballing between "oooo this will make me money" to "oh you've pissed me off PERSONALLY therefore I will rain fire upon you", like we have several instances of Valentino potentially sabotaging his business for kicks and Vox has had to reign him back in, and he still gives Angel actual fucking black eyes even when there's still filming, he doesn't even care about not leaving marks since everything will heal eventually
I feeeeeeeel like... it really depends on how his darling grovels to him and explains what is happening. You ditched him, you're out at a bar, you were ignoring his calls, and now you're telling him you're with another man. An abusive man would usually automatically assume "oh you're in a bar? Fucking slut trying to find other men, this is what you fucking get" but since we're having, you know. The Yandere Talk, I feeeeeel like.... it goes one of a few ways
One is he's absolutely pissed in general, at you, at the guy, just misfiring rage and snapping. You're bawling ti try and explain your situation and he snaps he can barely understand you because he can't regulate his anger and, it isn't INHERENTLY being mad at you, he's mad he can't understand you, but he's horrible at communicating that, so he shows up to rescue you and (unintentionally) has you trembling in fear of him because he's speaking to you like "where the fuck are you hurt?! Show me? Ugh, this bruise is huge, it's so fucking ugly, UGH-" and he's like not blaming you but is being so terrifying about it that, you're pretty convinced you'll be hit by him at any moment and maybe it would be you FLINCHING HARD at a sudden movement of his for him to, finally take a second to begrudgingly take a few deep breaths and his tone finally softens and he can stop freaking you out even more than you already are
Option 2 I see is that you answer the phone when he's in the 'love' of the love and the hate he switches between, so you catch him in the middle of one of his "baby you know I care so much about you, it just makes me a little wild when you leave me waiting" sort of voicemails. You finally pick up and you get this slightly catty "ohhhhh, look who it is,you remembered how to answer your phone! I missed you" and the second he can tell you're crying, you're just like, hearing all this stuff in the background and he sounds like he's been drinking but when is he ever NOT drinking "awwww, baby no, that's terrible! *heels clicking wayyy to fast for him to not be literally power walking his stiletto ass somewhere* I'm sure Daddy will be able to get everything sorted out *car door slams* and I'll show this lowlife fucking freak exactly what he deserves *moves the phone away from his mouth to HOLLER at his driver to 'get a fucking move on or I'll fucking kill you'* so don't you worry, ok baby? ❤️ make sure you stay on the phone with me, mhm? *click click click of him loading bullets into a magazine* so what's this motherfucker look like, he's uglier than me, right--"
And then I guess another unique outcome would be uh. You pick up the phone and he's just instantly shouting screaming fuming at you so much that he's like screaming for a few solid minutes before he's finally like "are you even gonna say anything you dumb whore?!" and that's when he finally hears your voice but it's not even your voice, it's your breathing, like you can barely even get any air out, like you're having a panic attack, you can barely even raise the volume of your voice above a whisper and your voice just keeps cracking and shaking, "v val" and like, the very first SYLLABLE out of your mouth he knows something is BIG WRONG because you sound TERRIFIED and you can barely even speak, "some-someone's outside the bathroom.... he says he'll hurt me... I don't know what to do....!" and like that's it. It takes Val from 100 to 0 real fast. He goes from "if you're not on your way home in five fucking minutes-" to "what did you just say" and he's completely quiet as you're like struggling to speak, "i-i'm in-in a stall, but he's... OUTSIDE.... WAITING..." and you just sob with a hand over your mouth but he can still hear it and he's already on his way
Do you think Val knows how to fight and I mean like BRAWL. Valentino's still on the phone with you and he can barely even hear you and he suddenly hears the man's voice, he's come INTO the bathroom now, he's OUTSIDE your stall, antagonizing you, scaring you, grabbing the top of the door and shaking it like it's nothing. You're SCREAMING because you're in A FUCKING STALL and he could either rip the hinges off or just like COME UNDER OR OVER and then you're done for so you're like TERRIFIED WAILING I mean shrieking like a murder victim because oh god oh god oh god you're gonna double die--- and you just hear the door to the bathroom get kicked open and the guy is just like RIPPED away from your stall and CHAOS follows. You hear all these thudding, smashing, crashing, breaking sounds and when you finally hear nothing but Val's voice telling you to come out he's just standing there covered in blood and the dude is on the floor with his face an unrecognizable SLUDGE because Val grabbed him by the back of the neck and slammed his face into the edge of the sink until it was knocking teeth out of his mouth. Valentino is over here, reaching for you looking like that scene from The Witch of Mercury
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Except unlike in Mercury you're like, only temporarily in stunned silence before you're like, RUSHING to be held by him because you're just scared and bawling and he SAVED YOU and you're so happy you didnt get hurt. Like the duality of him touching you to comfort you but probably getting blood on you maybe even ALL OVER YOU because he's just touching you that much and you're clinging to him that much
I feel like there are times where Val may intentionally NOT save you to use it as some sort of punishment/lesson to manipulate you with later but I feel like the ways in which he would knowingly allow his darling to be hurt are nuanced and contextual. He'd pay a guy to mug you and rough you up to teach you a lesson about leaving the studio on your own, or set up a fake kidnapping, but you come back into the studio ACTUALLY hurt? Stabbed, limping, whatever? He's furious. No one gets to hurt you. Everyone in this entire fucking circle of Hell should know who you belong to by this point and if they're hurting you, they're disrespecting HIM
..... and also you're his cute widdle baby and he doesn't want his boo getting hurt, at least not in a non fun non sexy way 🥺❤️ see sweetie, this is exactly why you should listen to him at all times and never argue with him on anything ❤️
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queen-of-scissors · 2 years
What happens if creator has a lot of squishmellows and misses them?
Heres a challenge for you: The characters cannot and i mean cannot make another set of squishmellows the reason for this is because the squishmellows the reader has are gifts from there family.
Challenge accepted.
İm huggable too!!
You let out a dreamy sigh, and they were at your side as soon as they heard you.
"Your highness? Are you alright?"
With a forced smile, you looked at them from where you sat, "No need to worry, I'm fine!"
"Realy..? But you don't look fine."
"İ just-"
"Do you feel unwell?!" Green-haired man in the crowd, Baizhu, split the group to get near you. "Please tell me the symptoms."
"No, i-"
"Are you bored?" The boy with blue braided hair, Venti, teleported beside you with a gust of wind "shall I sing for you?"
"Perhaps you are experiencing the feeling of being burnt out" the god of mora gently spoke, "May I suggest some calming tea? Brewing them shouldn't take long, only 4 hours should be enough"
"Will you hear me out?"
The room goes silent, they were embarrassed to realize they acted before giving you a chance to explain. How childish it was of them.
Don't be mad at them pls they are just trying to help ;; they can't stand the thought of you feeling down!
You sighed once again.
"...i just missed my squishmellows"
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"I missed my extra fluffy, stuffed animals"
Zhongli looked at you sweetly "is that all? Well then, you need but ask"
"Noooo they won't be the same as my babies ;;"
Everyone turned their head to face you, faster than how Ei turned back to her creation. You had a child?!?! When?! How?! Do you have a court in another world?!
"Ok, before you take everything I say literally again, let me tell all of you this;.
No, they are not my actual children. İ call the pillows this because I love them so much"
Ohhh, oh ok they did NOT understand
"Now that won't do~" Yae Miko cooed "Leaving Their Highness deprived of the warmth and fluffiness they need is absolutely unacceptable! Hmmmmm"
She looked at you, seemingly lost in thought, but you could see the mischievous look in her eyes. Which also made you realize the light purple glow coming from her back.
"Perhaps," she stepped forward, making her tail more visible for all to see, "you might find my fur more huggable than your pillows~ would you like to try?"
"THE AUDACİTY-" one of your acolytes screamed, though they seemed redder than you are.
"Excuse me??" Tighnari let out an offended gasp "You think you can replace the holy object that they hold near?"
"Well, could you? Please spare yourself the embarrassment and don't act like you would not like to be at the pillows place as well~"
"Ok- listen here- what kind of a fake hybrid doesn't like being petted?" He admitted, blushing.
Gorou shifted uncomfortably, he also wanted to at least tell you that he would love nothing more than being your personal cuddler, his pride doesn't let him be teased about it. Yae picked up on that, however,
"Hmm? What is it general? Do you have something to say?"
You see him tense up so you decided to take the situation over
"Thank you Miko, knowing that you got my back makes me feel better haha!"
She smiles "anytime your Grace, my offer still stands if you choose to take it whenever you May need it ~"
"Hey creator~"
Your head instinctively turns to one of your titles being sung.
Venti, who is now in his Archon form, decided to fluff his wings in your direction.
"My feathers need a bit of brushing, it is such a pain doing it by myself, would you help this frustrated Acolyte with your divine touch?~"
You hear a deep growl from behind you.
"Foolish Bard. Stop this nonsense this İNSTANT"
"....Said the dragon Archon in his dragon form waiting for pets." He mumbled
I don't know about you, but if I Heard that Zhongli is in his dragon form? İ would turn my head so fast that even xiao would be jealous of my speed-
But for the sake of keeping it all reader-friendly, and keeping in mind that not everyone is a simp, let's just say the reader decides to stop the chaos.
To stop the chaos, you have 3 choices
1- pick one of them
2-pick all of them
3- shut everyone up and wait for albedo to open a portal to get you your squishmellows back.
Warning: option 3 May cause them to get damaged in some way. But don't worry creator! Your acolytes are here for comfort :D
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hanjisunglover · 8 months
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pairing: han jisung x chubby fem!reader
genre: fluff, best friends to lovers
summary: y/n always hated her body, she doesn't like her thick thighs, or the way her tummy looks, her arms, her face more round than the others. she tried so much to change in the years but every diet was nothing, jisung on the other side loves her with all of her heart.
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Jisung it's like your safe space.
You know that with him you feel safe, he's not gonna judge you if you wear a pair of shorts, he's not gonna stare at you with different eyes if you're changing in front of him, because you guys knows each other since you guys were middle school. You can tell that the way that he's looking at you that he's feeling safe and comfortable too. But..
But you still feel like someday, he's gonna wake up and change his mind, deciding to leave your side. To walk out of your life like nothing really happened and you're gonna be heartbroken after loosing your only friend and only person that you ever loved.
That what insecurity is. You feel like everything it's fine for a short time, and then your thoughts are sticking in your mind, filling your mind with things that normally you wouldn't thinking about jisung or you.
You are in front of the mirror, your shirt lightly move up to reveal your tummy, chubbier than other people. Your thighs that are thick and something that you always felt insecure in, covering them with long and baggy pants. Your hips that are more curvy than others, you just feel that everything on you it's too much. too much to handle, too much to love.
"y/n? whatcha doin?" Jisung's voice makes your shirt goes down again and your cheeks slowly get red, he caught you as you were hating every single inch of your skin. "nothin, waiting for you."
His eyebrow moves up, giving you a suspicious face that you wash off with a fake smile, you move your shirt as down as possible. "you're being weird, why?"
You shake your head, walking toward the bed as you press your lips together, squeezing your thick thighs together, just the movement makes jisung blush. He loves the feeling of your skin against his, it's just refreshing for him. He put his phone away and he sits next to you, with a light smile.
That's when you start to talk, "I just, you know that I don't like my body," jisung's hand reach your thigh, squeezing it in his fingers as he pass his thumb over and over your smooth and warm skin. Because just the touch makes him feel so alive. "yeah and literally I don't understand why."
His chuckles surprises you, his hand feels so good against your skin that you almost forgot what you were so mad about your self. "what? you cannot be serious, this is gross-"
"This, is what I love the most about you," His voice it's like honey straight out from the battle, making you blush because you never thought that Jisung could see you like that, "it's, cute.. and ugh, adorable. it's soft, I can hold so much when I hug you."
He moves his arms around your waist, making you blush harder when he gets so close to you, his head lean on your shoulder as you get so shy and blushy, "you.. are damn gorgeous, pretty girl."
"I'm not," you whispers, almost too quiet for him to actually get what you said but it's fine, cause jisung always knows what to do or say to make you feel right. He stroke your back with one hand as he lift you up like nothing, "w-woah.. hey let me go."
Your eyes are wide open as you look at him, your cheeks red as he place you on his lap, you try your best to let you not totally on his thighs, to not let him really feel how heavy you can be. His hands finish on your hips pushing you down. "Sit damn comfortably y/n, com'on it's just me."
He murmurs as he moves some hair from the way, looking in your eyes with a deep affection, your breath get sharply as you try to not say anything back; cause it's a real dead war. You're never gonna change his mind about that, he's too stubborn. "listen I, I really love you. Not because of your body - even if I love this damn curves more than you can imagine - or because your look. I love you because you are you. I love you. I love your talk. the way that you explain things to me even if I already know them, the little giggle that you make when I share music with you. Your fingers between my hair, you're sing when I play the guitar, you are the movies that you quote and the smile in your face. you're my person."
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ireadwithmyears · 3 months
You’ll learn to bounce back just like your trampoline
written for the summer of bad batch 2024 challenge, week two. @summer-of-bad-batch
word count:1.4 K
prompt: injured
A swimming lesson on Pabu goes wrong. Luckily, Omega has great brothers who are there for her when her attempt to do something beyond her skill level to look impressive backfires. (Title lyrics are from Robin by Taylor Swift)
Tags/warnings: descriptions of minor injuries/blood, minor descriptions of medical procedures/stitches, fluff, hurt/comfort.
also read on AO3
Omega, I need to see it, kid. Just let me have a look.”
Echo’s voice is kind and even, but still holds the signature arc trooper “that was an order” tone that he uses when he’s asking for something non-negotiable. It holds absolutely no room for argument, in spite of how much she wants to
Hunter, for his part, is holding her in his arms, feeling her sniffling and whimper against his chest, and wondering what the hell happened. 
It had been a simple, straightforward swimming lesson, beneath Pabu’s serene skies and warm sun as they swam in calm waters. Omega already knew how, but her technique and endurance could use work. On an island, surrounded by water and waves and the opportunity, she had excitedly jumped at the suggestion when Tech had proposed it, seeing it as an alternative to her normal educational study time. He could tell that being surrounded by nature and so many new things to explore was making her antsy and unable to focus on her normal tasks. So this had been his compromise.
A compromise that he was quickly coming to regret, as he joggs back towards the Marauder to retrieve their medkit. 
They had taught her how to properly jump, off the side of the dock, always under careful supervision for now so that one of them could check the alignment of her toes before she jumps, to ensure its success on the takeoff. 
He cannot begin to understand what, exactly, had possessed her to attempt jumping off the side of the dock backwards when everyone’s back was turned, nor does he pretend to. 
“Come on, ad’ika. Echo just wants to have a look, that’s all,” Wrecker encourages, gently coaxing her face upward by cupping her cheek in one of his large hands, being very careful to avoid her chin.
Her chin that is now split open by a large gash from when it had collided against the hard dock, the result of not pushing back far enough when she had taken the jump.
Wrecker cringes at the site, letting out a sympathetic hiss and ruffling her still wet hair.
Echo, for his part, winces but is otherwise unfazed, having seen much worse as he carefully inspects the damage. “It’s deep enough to need stitches,” he reports, gently tilting her head back.
Her eyes, that had up until this point been leaking with silent tears, quiet sobs occasionally escaping her lips, go wide, and she sharply turns to bury herself back against Hunter’s chest, seeming to shrink and attempt to hide against him.
“No,” her voice is high-pitched and frantic with fear. “No. Hunter, I’m sorry, please don’t be mad. I didn’t mean to, please I don’t, I don’t want stitches please.” 
Her cries are insistent and pleading, words escaping in a rush that he’s pretty sure he can only understand because of his enhanced senses, and his heart breaks for her, even as he shakes his head regretfully.
“Hey, no, hey, shh. I’m not mad, Omega. I promise, no one is mad at you. You just made a mistake, kiddo, that’s all, happens to all of us,” he soothes, words whispered softly against her forehead as he holds her to him, gently rocking her back and forth. “But, kid, there’s no avoiding stitches. It won’t be able to heal properly without them.”
“B but that still means needles,” she whimpers, and he’s not sure if she’s trembling so violently because the water has made her cold, or if she’s genuinely that scared. Regardless, before he has room to answer, Tech is there, unpacking supplies with a practiced, familiar ease of someone who’s done this many times before.
“Which is why I will ensure you are sufficiently numbed beforehand,” he interjects.
She doesn’t mean to flinch away from Tech, really, she doesn’t. She knows it’s Tech, it’s her brother, and he’s going to keep her safe and ensure that her injury is treated with the upmost of care.
But being raised as a Kaminoen science experiment, the familiar sound of the catch the medkit makes as it opens makes her entire body go rigid, stiffening within hunters arms as she hides her face against his shoulder, heedless of the blood. She must make some sort of noise, some pathetic whimper that she is beyond caring about, because Hunter, his hand gentle as it cups the back of her head and smoothes over her hair, speaks softly.
“Come on, ner cyar,” he coaxes, gently shushing her noise of protest as he moves to re-situate her in his lap, holding her with her back pressed against his chest, his arms wrapping around her securely. “Tech isn’t gonna let anything bad happen to you, sweet,” he promises, only feeling her settle when his lips press to the top of her head, leaving several soft kisses just to pull The ghost of a smile out of her.
“I d didn’t mean to,” she repeats, sniffling softly as she looks up at Tech, eyes watery.
“I would imagine not,” he says dryly, using a cotton pad to gently dab numbing gel over the long, jagged cut. “One would assume that you would not intentionally smash your chin off a hard wooden dock while attempting to jump off the side of it backwards,” he quips, and there’s an amusement in his voice that makes her giggle in spite of herself, his lips almost imperceptibly pulling into a smile when he hears it.
Her cheeks flush with embarrassment, and she averts her eyes.
“We all make mistakes and errors in judgment, Omega,” he says steadily, carefully beginning to clean the wound, removing small splints of wood and debris from the dock with a set of tweezers, observing her face for any signs of discomfort as he works.
“You don’t,” she points out, raising a sceptical eyebrow at him.
Tec Looks thoughtful as he responds, gently dabbing at the cut with a disinfectant. 
“Perhaps, the errors I make are not as frequent nor perceptible discrepancies now,” he allows. “But that does not mean that I am in fallible. I can assure you, I am not above making mistakes, despite my exceptional mind often times preventing me from making such errors,” he says with a smile. “And perhaps Wrecker can regale you with some of my most noteworthy risks that I thought had been calculated at the time, but in hindsight, were not as well thought out as I had initially intended.”
Wrecker, who is a naturally energetic and engaging storyteller, takes the hint, observing his brother reaching for the local anaesthetic. He leans forward with a mischievous gleam in his eye, gaining the child’s focus and holding it so well that she doesn’t even notice when Tech
Injects around the cut with the numbing agent. 
Tech issues a soft warning as he prepares to thread the needle through, asking her to tell him if she feels any discomfort Beyond slight pulling and pressure, so that he may administer more local anesthetic, if needed. She nods, eyes nervous and wary, but as promised, she has been sufficiently numbed. 
They get through the sutures easily this way, his brothers occasionally chiming in to add in details, or Tech, eyes never leaving the wound as he closes it intently, corrects something one of them had said that was, in his opinion, extremely over exaggerated, or factually just entirely wrong.
The brothers, all working together to describe their days as cadets, outlining their own mistakes they had made and stupid injuries they had gotten as a result, are so good at keeping her occupied, that at several points, Tech has to remind her to keep her chin still in spite of her urge to laugh or smile, patiently pulling the sutures through her skin.
When he’s finished, expertly tying a knot at the end of the row of sutures to hold them together, he gives her a smile. 
“Well done, Omega,” he says softly. “You did well.” 
She sniffs, giving him a small smile and a knot before pressing her head back against Hunter’s chest, looking up at him after a moment with pleading tooka eyes, still watery with the remnants of tears and even before she asks, he knows he won’t be able to say no to whatever she’s about to beg for.
“Did did I do well enough to deserve an ice cone as a treat?” She asks, voice small and hopeful.
“Yes,” Tech is the one to respond, voice matter-of-fact but pleased smile on his face. “I believe that an ice cone would be an acceptable reward.” 
Hunter lets out an exaggerated grown, pretends to roll his eyes and smack a hand against his forehead in defeat, then picks her up into his arms, holding her close. 
“If it’s ice cones you want,” he grumbles playfully, gently bouncing her just to hear her laugh and smile. “Then ice cones you shall have.”
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lastoneout · 2 months
I actually do think like the basis of the argument biphobes use about bi people only facing homophobia and never facing any backlash when we are single or in an m/f relationship is because they just fundamentally do not understand what bisexuality actually is and don't care to correct that.
Bi people have been screaming forever about how we aren't half and half anything, we are an entire new identity based on being attracted to multiple genders, but the queer biphobe doesn't believe that. They see us as half gay and half straight. Without even realizing it they are openly admitting they do not listen to bi people when we talk about our identity and then they weaponize their willful ignorance to harm AND silence us at the same time.
They do not conceptualize us as a new identity, we're basically just a fucking math problem to them(and since these types also tend to lean aphobic and truscum and radfem they think of all oppression like a math problem, but I digress). Like their logic goes: no one hates people in straight relationships but they do hate gay ones, and gay people obviously would never hate another gay person for being gay just like straight people would never hate you for being straight, so you are clearly only experiencing homophobia and maybe some misogyny and that ONLY comes from cishet people, any "bigotry" coming from the queer community is just you being a whiny homophobic loser with passing privilege who is pretending to be oppressed and mad gay people don't want to date you because again, you can only be hated for your gay half and gay people don't(or can't) hate other gay people for being gay.
But there's no math to do. You can't do math on oppression anyway, but bi people are not half anything. Again, we are a whole new identity in of itself. "Half gay and half straight" is not the definition we use, we have almost NEVER used it except in like, jokes and memes and shit. The way we define ourselves is as people who expirience attraction to two or more genders, and that doesn't even always mean being attracted to both men and women! There are loads of genders, bi doesn't inherently mean men and women and thus "half gay half straight" can NEVER be a definition that encompasses all of us. And you'd KNOW that if you actually LISTENED to us.
We are hated because our society still expects people to be attracted to one gender. Even in monosexual queer spaces there is the expectation that you only like women or only like men or only like nonbinary/genderqueer people, you HAVE to pick one. Refusing is deviation from the norm and is punished with violence and exclusion and bigotry from BOTH sides. And until biphobes can finally get their heads out of their asses and actually LISTEN to us when we do something as basic as DEFINE WHO WE ARE ON OUR OWN TERMS WITH OUR OWN LANGUAGE they will never be able to accept the existence of biphobia or their ability to take part in it.
They don't believe it exists because deep down, they don't believe bi people exist. We're just two identities in a trenchcoat, that can be easily divided with simple oppression math. We are not whole people with a whole new identity, we're a gay person and a straight person trapped in the same body, pretending to be something we aren't, facing "half" the oppression, if that(OR we're really just a confused gay or straight person who will figure it out eventually and give up that "bi" nonsense). And they don't care if they're wrong because that would mean they're bigoted and doing harm and they can't possibly accept that they are capable of being bigoted and causing harm, especially to other queer people.
Anyway, listen to bi and other multisexual people when we talk about our identities and problems. It's not hard. We're begging for people to take us and our problems seriously instead of pretending we don't exist or trying to fit us into a framework that cannot fully express our existence and acting like that means we can't be oppressed for being attracted to multiple genders. And tbh I don't think that being biphobic is something you can't come back from, but you have to sit down, shut up, LISTEN TO US, realize that you don't fully understand what you're talking about, accept that you have held harmful beliefs, and then work to be better.
It's hard, but bi people need allies. So please, at the very least just listen to us when we tell you who we are and what we go through. Just listen.
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kingmagnificoofrosas · 4 months
Further proof of Our King's anxiety and trauma: His body language. He has a habit of putting his hands behind his back. It's a self-soothing and self-preservation gesture. But then when he's more relaxed, he doesn't do that.
Case in point: Look when he meets Asha. At first you don't see his hands. They're behind his back. When he does bring a hand out briefly, it goes behind his back again. But when he warms up to her, his hands come out.
The same goes with when he's addressing his people about the magic. His hands are behind his back, and they stay there unless he brings one hand out to do something and then he puts it right back. He's uncomfortable, he's guarded and it shows.
Which is why his people should have known that something was VERY wrong when he came out on stage possessed. His body language was VERY different. He was stumbling around drunk, but his hands were both visible. His body language had drastically changed because he was essentially inebriated on dark magic. That should have been a BIG clue in that something was WRONG, not that the king was suddenly evil.
I've been stressing from the beginning about this! While hands loosly clasped in the back can be a sign of confidence and relaxtion, Magnifico's way of hiding his arms is different most of the time.
Now, I have always been good at reading people but then I studied psychology for a while and trauma conditions, the mental impact it has and how it shows.
Magnifico oozed trauma the very first minute I saw him. And when he mentioned what happened, plus the burned wall-rug, I knew it was deep! All his behavior clicked for me.
That is also a big part why haters villanizing him gets me fuming mad. If I was to follow their logic, then Elsa is a villain for running away and leaving her kingdom to freeze die, or Maui, who stole Tefiti's heart and caused destruction, or abuela Alma, for treating Mirabel like trash, or Imelda for forbitting music in her family, Abuela Elena for smashing Miguels guitar!
The hypocrisy is off the charts!
And the worst thing is exactly what you mentioned last. The people of Rosas not being able to see that something was horribly wrong with their king. He was so clearly not himself and no one gave a toot. It's easy to explain though. The didn't know their own king and nor did they care. All they cared about was their wishes. Their needs. Their desires. Magnifico was just their source for favors and when that well ran dry, they dropped him like a stone. Talking about selfishness!
Magnifico was never evil. Did he make some wrong choices because of his trauma? Yes. But nothing he ever did made him a villain. The only villain there was, was the book! The book, or rather, the evil force/entitiy in in! And yes, we saw that demon-thing drawn on the page. Not to forget the green clawed hands! No, magic itself isn't a conscious living, thinking being, it's a supernatural ability used by a fessel. And as a christian I can tell you the only thing behind "dark magic" are demons.
You will see this whole topic deeper explained in the upcoming cooperation post "the Magnifico case". But here is a little thing from it.
This isn't Magnifico
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This is!
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This isn't him
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This is!
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The fact that people cannot differentiate between this and understand what a possession is ...
Anyway. Anothing very interesting thing I wanna draw attention to is what comes out of Magnifico's mouth once he is full on possessed. He says things that are 100% contradictory to everything he stood for and fought for.
See the reflection thing in the fountain? It's where the quote "I win!" Falls! Why is this so deeply unsettling? Because there is nothing he won! All Magnifico ever truly wanted was happiness and savety for others around him. Magnifico's trauma had caused him to be immensly fearful and paranoid when it came to the savety of others because what happened to him left scars in his soul as deep as a canyon and he wanted no one else to ever have to suffer like he did. He didn't want power, he didn't want fame! He only wanted what's best for others and in return get some love and respect for what he did. Which, yes, he deserved anyway!
Back to my two cents of my christian opinion. It's pretty clear that the evil side does nothing but steal, kill and destroy. It's all it ever wants. To hurt and wreck. That thing that has been trapped in that book must have waited eagerly for who knows how long to get a victim it can use to destroy and use to destroy. So when that thing had taken control over Magnifico's clear consciousness, it obviously said "I won!"
Even sadder is that we could see the exact moment, the entity leaves Magnifico and he is left with confusion and panic because all he sees are the wishes floating away into the nightsky.
Also, where did the green enter and leave? Into and from his heart!
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This is the same fear only increased!
And NO! God NO! It is not "Ah, no, I don't wanna lose my power and control over the people because I'm a malicious beast and I wallow in their suffering and enjoy them not being able to make one of their wishes come true!"
No. Just. No. This is ignorant, this is stupid nonsense. This is seeing evil where there is none. This is villanizing trauma!
And then some people go "Oh God, what a monster! What a evil man! Poor kid! It deserves to swim! How dare he not let the kid swim!"
Compare this to a father, who previously had lost a brother or even his first child to a drowning accident. Now the next child is old enough to swim and is running towards the water. Everyone knows the kid will jump in, swim and have fun, but all the father can think of is the potential danger of his child drowning as well. Maybe it will get a cramp, or a shark will bite it, or it gets stung by a jellyfish, steps on a venomous sea urchin, gets a heart attack, gets pulled away by a current ...
You see where I'm going?
And then the father runs, sweaps the child in his arms and forbids it to go near the water and swim because it is too dangerous. He tells his child.
"You stay here with me, as long as I deem it saver! I'm your father, it is my responsibility to keep you as safe as I can! I only want the best for you!"
And of course the child is pouty.
"Well, if there is a shark, it can be stopped. I might just bite one leg off of the child ...oh well...The father clearly doesn't know what he's doing! And I must know, I don't even have children!"
"Everyone call the police! Let's put this father behind bars! He's so cruel and abusive to his poor child!"
"And good heavens! He snapped at the child for saying it is old enough to decide if it wants to swim or not! And he replied that he decides if the child swims or not! What a narcissistic psychopath! He needs to be stopped!"
Anyway, I'm very excited to soon share that big boy of a post with you, where I dive into each and every aspect as deep as ever with the help of Magnificolover from instagram. 🎶
How does that sound? And now imagine one of these judgemental, entiteled, selfrighteous, ignorant people calling the police. And the police arrests the man and no one at the beach does anything. No one thinks "wait a minute! This is wrong!"
I can already smell the haters cooking new arguments 😂 feeling snubbed at their toes cause we defenders are right! And you know what? We will only get louder! We are already the vast majority! Including children!
They're mad at us and our defense? Good! Maybe then it is time to ask themselves why it is that the majority is on Magnifico's side! Or why children starting by the age 5 (my cousins son for example) can clearly conclude that the only reason Mags went nuts is because of the evil book. Better yet, they see that Asha and the people of Rosas are in the wrong how they treat their king. And children are brutally honest.
Stay loud my fellow defenders! 🔥
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lillie98 · 2 months
An excerpt from a Fic I wrote a while ago centering on Autistic!Mike. I wrote it from my perspective as a late-diagnosed female who found euphoria and purpose from this one little word. I hope you take the time to read it and understand the life-changing power of diagnosis. Autism is not a tragedy. Rather, it is a difference in the Human Condition that deserves celebration.
"Hey…Will, I almost forgot. I need to tell you something important". Will immediately flinches awake and startles, scanning the room for threats.
"What? Is something wrong? Are you okay?"
"No, nothing's wrong," Mike assures him, running his hand down Will's cheek. Embarrassment and shame course through him. He wishes Will’s nervous system didn’t overreact this way. He speaks quietly and clearly, emphasizing his words. "I'm okay. We’re safe.” Will leans into Mike’s touch and anchors himself in the present. He is safe, Mike is safe, and they are together. His eyes slip closed as he takes a few steadying breaths. He then shifts to his side to see Mike better, turning on the small lamp on the nightstand and propping himself up on his elbow. Mike looks anxious. Tears prick the corners of his eyes as he stares at the ceiling. Will places his hand on his boyfriend’s shoulder.
"Hey, whatever it is, you can tell me, okay?” he reassures Mike. “I won't be mad. We'll work through it together. You know how much I love you.” Will's words ease Mike's anxiety. Here goes nothing.
"I talk to Robin a lot–just like you–but we don't just talk about boyfriends. We…we talk about…other things, too.”
"What kinds of other things?" Will probes. Mike swallows hard.
"We…we talk about…fuck, this is tough….about my…my brain.” He can't believe he said it. Will is even more confused. His brain? What about his brain? The last time he checked, Mike's brain was perfect. Why does this involve Robin? Mike cannot make eye contact. Will eyes stare directly into his soul. If he looks back, he will lose his sanity. His hands white knuckle the sheets–anything to ground himself.
"My brain is…different from most people's.” Mike’s not sure how to explain this without sounding completely insane. “I have difficulty connecting with people and holding on to relationships. I'm blunt and straightforward, and people think I'm rude. That's why making friends is hard for me. People don't understand how to interact with me.” The words are slow and halted, forced out like a reluctant child. Will hangs on every one. He has yet to see the whole picture but will keep listening until he does. Mike continues as bile creeps into his throat.
"I also struggle with change. I need routine and structure; it keeps me safe. When that structure changes, it takes me longer to adjust. Like when you and El moved away, or Max joined our Party.” Words come faster now. He’s held this pain inside for too long. “I don't understand why things change and how everyone moves on while I'm stuck in this perpetual loop. I get scared that everything will change because one thing is changing, and it’s too much to handle. I don't want to be hostile, but my brain tells me to protect myself. Routines also help me not feel overwhelmed by the world. Everything is loud…and bright…and fast. It's terrifying.” Tears spill out, emotions too much to contain. “If I stick to my routine, some of that stuff fades into the background. But as soon as it changes, that all comes rushing back in. My body shuts down, and I can’t stop it. I lose control, and it's scary, Will. It's…It's so scary!"
Mike breaks down and rolls into his boyfriend’s waiting arms. Will is dumbfounded. He had no idea. How has Mike survived this long? He rubs deep circles into Mike’s back, attempting to ground him. He wishes Mike had told him sooner. He would have helped him through it, been there for him when it was all too much. How did he miss it? Something so central to Mike's being unknown to the people he loves most. Will's mind drifts back to their childhoods when Mike would fall apart on the floor. Will would hold and rock him until he calmed down–not dissimilarly to what he did last week at the hospital. Then it clicks. Mike is describing those moments. Nights spent on the kitchen floor crying over a scratchy shirt tag or "wrong foods" touching. He got angry because Will canceled plans they made a week ago, even though his PTSD flared up and he was too weak to go out. His head swirles with examples, and each one makes more sense than the last. He holds Mike's face, wiping tears with his thumbs.
"Mike, I understand. I see how scary those moments are for you. I may not feel what you feel, but I see your pain, and that’s enough. You are not broken, and there is nothing wrong with you. Do you understand me?" Mike tearfully nods. "I love you so much, and I am honored that you feel safe enough to share this part of yourself with me. I will always be here to help you, just like you help me. We need each other, and I am so thankful to have you in my life. I do have a question, though. Is there a name for this, and why do you discuss it with Robin? Isn't that something a doctor tells you?"
Mike laughs at Will's innocent questions. "You should talk about it with a doctor, but most don't know much about it. It's called autism, and I talk about it with Robin because she has it, too. She's the one who saw it in me. The first time she explained it…I cried, Will. I had never heard a word describe me so perfectly.” As he remembers the moment, new tears form, and a smile radiates through his body. “It was like…I had a missing piece, and Robin found it. She unlocked me. I finally have permission to be myself. All of these struggles, all of this pain, it's real. It has a name. I've never felt this way, and I want you to know so you can feel it, too. I love you so much, Will.” Autism. Will rolls the word around in his mind. He's never heard it before, but it makes sense. It explains Mike. His bluntness, his temper, his everything. He pulls Mike close and hugs him tightly, tears mingling in their embrace as they celebrate the moment. It is not sad. Instead, it is euphoric.
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yandere-paramour · 27 days
I love how Atalanta and Noelle are almost perfect mirrors of each other. They are both hard asses who just melt for their darling (with some stipulations that cannot be negotiated). But where Atalanta zigs Noelle zags. The best example would be with how they approach the whole dynamics with their Darlings.
Atalanta essentially front loads the yandere. There's the kidnapping, up to a year or so of resistance (probably closer to 6 months), another year of mild discontent and by the start of year three there is at least some kind of affection on the Darling's side. Other than the whole "I own this town" thing the Montclair's have going on, it's a relatively normal relationship with a pretty bad start. Atalanta is a bit naive and her world view has been hand crafted by her mother, but at the end of the day her point of view is that she's just trying to give her love the best life possible, even if she goes about it in the wrong way. This shouldn't excuse her actions but rather give context to who she is.
Noelle on the other hand is methodical in her madness. Her entire plan is to slowly strip away any ties and before her Darling realizes anything is wrong it's already too late. She operates almost in reverse of Atalanta, getting more and more possessive as time goes on. And rather than this coming from a place of naivete and tradition, Noelle has seen the world at the base level and is desperate to keep a shiny jewel unmarred. She slowly picks her target finding the perfect person at the perfect time and like a fly trap, encloses without the victim noticing. Then one day in her Darling's little paradise called their apartment, they wake up in the middle of the night and realize what they have lost. They destroyed their career and their support system at the behest of a controlling manipulator. But it's hard to confront Noelle about it. She works so hard and is not entirely wrong, independence isn't all that great. It's a pretty sweet gig. There's no cleaning or work or anything hard. Just sit around and be showered in gifts and affection. Where would the Darling even go? There's no choice but to shed a tear and lie back down.
I just like how they complement each other makes it very believable that they would be so close. They both are serious and intelligent. But how they differ is also complimentary, where one is rash the other is calm and vice versa.
I love having fun with blorbos as much as the next guy (I'd give my last buck to hold Noelle's hand), but what I love about this genre is how terrifying it can be. The idea of Stockholm syndrome (no matter the validity of it) is horrifying. But what really gets under my skin, like the tiniest splinter deep under a toenail, is the inverse. A perfect wonderful relationship spiraling lower and lower to the point that the once unexcusable becomes normalized. Not knowing what kind of danger you're in and once you figure it out there is nothing to be done.
I know the horror isn't the main point of these guys but it sure is fun to think about.
I have been thinking about this ask for literal days.
It is so profound and insightful, I want to tattoo it on my skin.
You are the only mf who understands.
I can't even properly respond, you got everything right. That's exactly how I see them. Everyone who wants an in-depth analysis of my girls, here it is.
Zaz you have been promoted to the top 10 fans list, congratulations.
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angelisalynn · 9 months
i truly cannot comprehend how richard was able to go back to hampden to finish school after all that. i know i shouldn’t be as attached to henry as i am, but were it me i’d have gone mad with grief constantly being on that campus, constantly being where he isn’t, not just because he left, but because he’s dead. constantly being reminded of it all. and to make matters worse, not only does he go back, he goes back alone. none of the others are there. i don’t think i’d be able to deal with going from my friends (if you want to call them that) constantly coming by, having a sense of community (however fucked up it may be) to just being by myself, alone with the memory of it all, all the time, no one to call in the middle of the night when i feel like i need someone. (i know he dates sophie later but that’s beside the point) and i know you can build new friend groups, “communities” again when your original crumbles, but nothing ever really compares to the original, no matter how deep you try bury it, no matter what you try to tell yourself, even if you know the original was bad news, there’s always a sense of emptiness, a shadow, a longing for what was, looming in the back of your mind, haunting your heart. in fact, sometimes you feel more alone in the new group than you did alone somehow, some strange sense of alienation. not only that, but i think i’d be paranoid as fuck all the time, i genuinely think i’d be worse than francis. honestly, i think with time i’d be more likely to mirror them alone than were i with them. a chronically anxious substance abuser who eventually turns cold, meeting the same unfortunate end as henry, though for different reasons. whether it be due to crushing grief or no longer wanting to he alone (aka wanting to be with henry) i couldn’t tell you. probably both. but the point is, i understand why the others didn’t go back. i couldn’t do it either. i’d go insane. insane!!!! the fact that richard manages it is baffling to me. i also feel like i expected to see more grief on his part. maybe it was there and i somehow missed it.
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sky-kiss · 11 months
hello it is me ehuehuehue. if your requests are open, can I ask for a uhhh Priest!Raphael x Tav who's come to pray for repentance? Something really evil and manipulative with double meanings >:3
(Also if it's not too much trouble, maybe some Brother!Haarleep and Sister!Korilla cameos :3)
A/N: I failed the secondary objectives, babe. I failed them. And I don’t know if this is what you want but it had a vibe, ya know? Followed that vibe.
“Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.” 
Cliche words. They sound contrite, though Tav struggles to mean them. She thinks she does. The young woman worries her hands together, kneeling before the altar. It’s been years since she last straggled into a church. Just a girl, just as unknowing; the words had even less meaning for her then. 
And now, it’s desperation rather than faith. She wonders what the gods think of that. 
She wonders if the gods truly call such places homes. Tav doesn’t think they do. The church is cold and empty, and its beauty speaks to fading wealth and prominence. The statues are grim-faced, dour, and forbidding. She does not know them; she doesn’t want to know them.
But Tav prays. She remains prostrate in front of the altar until her knees ache from the cold stone. The silence is oppressive, a near physical weight. No one is listening, it says. No one hears you, little girl. 
And from the shadows, an answering thought worming into her skull: ah, but I hear you, pet.
“Forgive me, Father,” she says, starting again. “For I have sinned.” 
“So you have said,” a deep, smooth voice interrupts her petition. The richness suggests a natural warmth, like smoke and fire. But there is something else. There is an undertone she cannot place; it is that secret note which makes all the difference. Edged, something colder, crueler. It is poison slipped into a luxurious wine, nightshade mixed with black currant. “And at length, sweet child. But how can he forgive that which he does not understand?” 
Tav stiffens, gooseflesh licking across her forearms. “Am I trespassing?” 
“The hour is late, yes. But I have only just arrived. I have a sense for lost lambs, you see.” Fabric rustles behind her, a robe dragging across the stone. The nearer he comes, the colder she feels. The stranger moves until he stands in front of her, hands linked at the small of his back.“Tell me your name, lamb.” 
Her mouth goes dry. And something else, something worse, twists in her guts. The priest's eyes are beautiful, she thinks, the warmest shade of brown, almost honey. She wants them; coveting is a sin, too. The right corner of his lips (full and lovely) twitch up. The priest is handsome. Tav chews the inside of her cheek until she tastes blood. It grounds her. 
He sneers. “God affords second chances, my dear, but man is imperfect; he will not punish me for judging you harshly. Answer me now, or begone from this place.” 
“Tav,” she says, committing each of his features to memory. 
“Good girl. I am Raphael,” he bows; the gesture is deceptively smooth. The fabric of his dark robes falls around him like water, hiding the bulk of his figure. “Overseer of this fine flock.” He motions to the empty church, chuckling.
“I’ve never seen you before, Father.” 
“Is Father what you would call me, sweetling? There are other monikers I would prefer to trip from that lovely tongue.” She shivers, glancing up at him sharply. Raphael looks unrepentant. He leans on the altar, resting his chin in his right palm. With the left, he motions for her to continue. “Your sin, child. Elucidate, entertain, enrapture me.” 
“And you offer forgiveness?” 
“Forgiveness is outside of my jurisdiction, pet. Let us only say I may provide a...deferment.” 
It is more than she currently has, preferable to the madness in her head, the hunger, the nightmares. Tav swallows. “I’ve killed, Father. I killed…” she flinches. “Gods above, I don’t know. I couldn’t control myself.” Her vision is red; her hands are red. The taste in her mouth is red.
Raphael clucks his tongue. “Tell me how.” 
Agony in her voice, “Does it matter? I have taken a life, Father, many lives.”
“Mm, and you believe a few pretty words in an empty house will wash your hands clean?” He kneels before her, finger curling beneath her chin. “Lovely as you are, dear, do you believe a few crocodile tears equal to a mortal soul?” She has no answer. Raphael strokes her cheek. Exhausted and broken, Tav leans into the touch. She feels raw. Empty. His skin is warm by comparison, smelling pleasantly of cherries and musk. And brimstone. 
Brimstone in the Lord’s house? 
He presses his thumb to her lower lip, voice pitching lower. “And what if I told you, my sweet sinner, that the god of this house has fled? That the halls are empty, and there is no one to hear you?” His touch ranges back into her hair, fingers curling at the base of her scalp. Nails dig into her flesh, sharper than she would have imagined. “But I am listening. I hear you.”  
She sags into his touch. He’s warm; Raphael coos. 
“I would never judge you. You mortals are so delightfully messy. And you, my lamb, are no different. Only a product of your environment.” 
She is innocent. No guilt. Not here with Raphael. Tav blinks her eyes open, staring at him. And how could she think his eyes were honey? They are gold. And a second set of gold eyes stares at her from the shadows on her left, waiting. Another priest, perhaps. “You forgive me?”
“As I said, I cannot forgive. But I might protect you.” His voice is silk. He leans in nearer, near enough that his lips track across her cheek. She turns into it. “And I would never ask you to change. To me, you are perfect.” 
Pretty words. She’s drunk on them, swaying badly. Raphael's hand clasps her bicep. The pain is far away. “Perfect. Father, what must I do?” 
“The eternal question, little lamb. And such a simple answer: swear yourself to me now. And I,” his tongue flicks out, tasting her skin. “Will deliver you. No more tears.” He corrects himself, laughing. “Well. For tonight.”  
The church is empty and cold. Raphael is warm and present. 
And she is tired, so tired, worn thin, hollow, and he looks at her with such promise. 
Tav swears herself to him with blood. Raphael laughs. It is a high sound, wild and inhumane. The smell of brimstone intensifies, and the gravity of what she’s done hits home. 
The gods had fled, yes. The devil remained. 
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f1amboyant · 1 year
Take what you deserve, baby
“You don’t have to,” he sighs. “I’m not mad at you, you know?” “I know. But I want to. Please?”
OR: Charles thanks Carlos properly after the Austrian GP 2023
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smut, bj, angry sex, teammates with benefits
Read it on AO3
Charles finds Carlos in his driver’s room before he can leave and flee the paddock. His teammate’s eyes are deep pools of darkness when he glances up at Charles.
Fuck he is hot.
So hot.
“I’m not in the mood,” Carlos grumbles.
Charles knows him well enough to know he’s in one of his moods. Understandable. He would probably be too in his place.
Still. He steps into the room and closes the door behind himself.
Carlos sighs.
“What do you want, Charles?”
“I saw your race.”
Charles takes a tentative step forward. Carlos doesn’t throw him out, just sits back, thighs spread wide. Charles’ gaze is immediately drawned to his crotch and he can’t help but gulp down.
“You were truly amazing today. Drove so well. So fast.”
“Obviously still not enough for the team.”
Charles moves one step closer again. The room is so small, his legs are almost bumping against Carlos’ knees already. And his teammate still doesn’t budge, just looks up at him with his furiously hot and dark gaze.
“That’s not true,” Charles whispers. “Xavi says you protected my P2. Perez would have caught up with me if you hadn’t defended like that.”
“Like what?”
“So beautifully.”
Carlos scoffs, turning his eyes away. Charles bridges the gap between them and touches Carlos’ knee with the tip of his fingers. At the contact, Carlos looks back up at him, eyes still dark and hot and drilling right through Charles’ soul. His heart skips a beat. Or a hundred.
“So I came here to thank you,” Charles says.
And he sinks onto his knees right between Carlos’ parted legs. His hands come up to the inner thighs on each side of his head, kneading the flesh softly through the red racing suit. Carlos is suddenly panting above him, eyes dark for a whole new reason. Charles licks his lips.
“Can I?”
Carlos keeps quiet for a few seconds then exhales deeply.
“You don’t have to,” he sighs. “I’m not mad at you, you know?”
“I know. But I want to. Please?”
Carlos holds his gaze when he answers.
Heart racing, Charles practically pounces on Carlos, a starved man facing his favorite meal. And at that moment, Carlos’ dick might very well be Charles’ favorite meal.
“You were so good today,” Charles mutters.
His hands are quick and agile, undoing Carlos’ already half-unzipped racing suit all the way down and moving it around until he can free Carlos’ cock from its confine. The hot flesh starts to harden in Charles’ hand as he gives a few slow strokes.
“So so good, today,” he praises.
He is rewarded with a soft gasp that goes right to his heart (and to his dick). Fuck Carlos is so sexy like that, legs and pants open, dick rapidly hardening and already panting under Charles’ ministrations. Eyes dark with fury and lust, so sexy. Driving like a lion on track. So so sexy of him.
And Charles is only a man. He can fight his teammate on track, but he cannot suppress his desires now.
“So good for me,” he whispers leaning down. “So sexy,” he almost coos against the tip of Carlos’ cock, and Carlos shudders under him.
“Charles,” he sighs. “Please.”
Charles can’t keep him waiting much longer (can’t keep himself waiting much longer), and he finally takes Carlos into his mouth.
“Fuck! Charles!” Carlos gasps.
One of his hands grips the seat of the couch under him tightly, while the other goes to Charles’ head, threading through his hair. He tugs, a slight sting on Charles’ scalp, as Charles swallows him deeper and deeper and deeper.
“Fuck, Charles, yes.”
The cock is deliciously hot and heavy on his tongue. Charles could die choking on that massive thing and still be happy. Carlos is just so damn sexy. How did anyone expect them to be teammates and not end up in bed together? Truly ridiculous.
He lets him go with a wet pop, a string of saliva still connecting him to the head of Carlos’ cock. And he looks up at Carlos’ pink cheeks, at his blown pupils, his messy hair and his panting breath. That man will be the death of him.
“You deserved it.”
“I deserved that podium,” Carlos agrees, voice all raspy and straight from Charles' dirtiest fantasies. His pants are getting tighter and tighter by the second.
Teasing, Charles leans back down, licking a broad stripe over the length of Carlos’ erection, before moving up and sucking at the tip lightly. Then he stills, mouth open and ready for Carlos, the head of his cock right at the entrance.
“Take what you deserve, baby.”
The hand at the back of Charles’ head tightens as Carlos tentatively thrusts once. Then twice. Testing Charles’ limits. Then a third time, pushing a little more.
Charles just takes everything, swallowing him hungrily, letting Carlos set his pace and fuck into his open and waiting mouth, slowly at first then faster and faster.
And faster.
“Fuck. I deserved that podium,” Carlos grunts above him. Charles hums in agreement. “I wanted it.”
Carlos’ second hand cups Charles’ jaw, feeling himself through his skin, angling him as he wishes to chase his own pleasure, his own thrill, his own victory.
Charles takes it all, wants to offer him everything.
“Fuck! I was so close. I wanted it. I deserved it.”
Through pants and groans and moans, Carlos’ voice stutters then breaks. Charles looks up, through long lashes, admiring as his teammate, his Carlos, his everything, is fucking his despair and frustration away. Using Charles in the best way possible.
His eyes shine with unshed tears of frustration and a deep hopelessness that Charles can feel in his bones. His own eyes water (from empathy, lack of oxygen and the strain of controlling his gag reflex). It feels like too much and not enough.
Still offering his mouth to Carlos, Charles sneaks up a hand to Carlos’ chest, spreads his fingers above his pectoral and his heart racing like crazy in his chest. Trying to convey what he cannot say out loud.
Carlos, his teammate, his friend, his everything.
They race and they battle on track. But here, in between them, only them, Charles would offer him everything.
Je t’aime, he says with his heart, with his eyes, with his mouth around a hard dick, with his throat swallowing precome like it’s the sweetest nectar.
Je t’aime, he says with his hand over a racing heart and tears in his eyes.
“Fuck, Charles!” Carlos grunts. “Yes, fuck, yes, yes.”
Maybe he heard Charles’ silent confession somehow. His hips stutter, his pace becomes erratic. A couple of deep and hard thrusts, and he explodes in Charles’ mouth. A shout and a cry on his lips as he paints Charles’ tongue with his orgasm and his despair and his frustration. Charles swallows it all.
It takes a moment for Carlos to catch his breath and slowly come back to his senses. He pulls out of Charles’ wet mouth with an obscene squelch and an oversensitive gasp. His eyes never leave Charles’ face. His thumb traces along Charles’ red lips.
“Charles.” His name in Carlos’ mouth sounds so soft. Like a prayer. No one says it like he does. “Are you okay?”
Charles just nods. He cannot trust his voice just yet. Cannot trust his stupid, fucked out, infatuated mouth to not utter words he cannot say yet. Words he cannot say ever.
Je t’aime.
Another swipe of Carlos’ thumb over Charles’ mouth, a sweet stroke on his cheek, then Carlos tugs him up. Charles obediently follows, landing on Carlos’ lap. He tucks his head into the crook of Carlos’ neck.
“Want me to give you a hand, cariño?”
Charles shakes his head.
“’m okay.”
If Carlos understands the implication, he doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t ask either. Charles isn’t sure he could have answered truthfully anyway. Not sure if he wants Carlos to know he came into his pants already, too turned on by what happened, by his own teammate and friend (more than friend) to restrain himself.
But still. When Carlos closes his arms around Charles’ body in a tight and sweaty embrace, Charles melts into him, burrowing deeper into the cradle of his arms.
“Thank you,” Carlos whispers.
“I would have preferred you on the podium with me,” Charles mutters back.
“Yeah.” Sigh. “Me too.”
“Next race?”
“Next race.”
It’s a promise they know they cannot keep but they will try their damnedest.
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codename-adler · 10 months
My AFTG take is that I'm actually baffled by how little people see the Riko/Kevin dynamic as having a sexual undertone. Like they were romantically involved in previous drafts of the story and for me it shows? And I don't even mean as they necessarily being exes or even an unrequited love situation, I just think Riko comes off as someone who feels entitled to ALL of Kevin. They are sooooo toxic codependent teen girl friendship to me.
(prefacing this by, again, admitting to not reading the EC. it's starting to feel a lil shameful in here... but i'm stubborn like my mama (she's actually not, that's just what the father says) so i'm still putting that off for as long as i can)
you is absolutely right. it's not a coincidence AFTG's antagonist is a man who has no concept of boundaries whatsoever, and that the main characters, and main couple, are people who have been severely hurt and traumatized by others disregarding their boundaries. it's the whole goddamn shtick of the story.
Riko knows no limits. i don't even believe he knows he can, and should, have his own. "no," "stop," "too much," "wrong," and "boundaries" are simply not part of his vocabulary, and i mean that. these words mean nothing, represent nothing; they're completely foreign, because he hasn't been taught, hasn't been shown, what their meaning is. nobody ever told him no, but nobody ever heard his no either. nobody ever told him to stop, but nobody ever stopped when he told them either. so when you give him a team, when you give him a toy, a pet, a companion, it's only natural he does unto them what he's only ever known. and i'm not saying that to take away his responsibility, to pity him. i'm trying to articulate how genuinely he believes he has access to another person. Riko is terrifying because he truly knows no limits. he cannot be taught. he cannot be changed, persuaded, helped. not in the short time the story unfolds. everything is happening so fast, Riko is so unrelenting, the threats are coming from everywhere and taking Riko in, helping him and undoing his toxic psyche is just not a viable option.
and so with Kevin... Kevin being the only remnant of normalcy and good Riko has been allowed to keep from his childhood? but Kevin refusing to be the way Riko is? it's an exposed, raw nerve begging to be pulled. does Riko keep digging deeper into his monstrous self in the hopes to corrupt Kevin? or is to force Kevin to watch and hope, despite all, that he'll still stand by his side and love him? Kevin does not know how deep his claws are buried into Riko. he doesn't even know he has claws, and much less powerful enough to grip the entity that is Riko. but Riko knows. imagine being a limitless man whose one thing holding him back isn't even aware it's doing so. imagine having the one thing you could consider your other half not giving his all like you do in everything. you go mad. and you don't care. you go all the way, because it's the only way you know how to do anything.
the lines from psychological violence and manipulation to physical violence to sexual violence are only lines to us. to Riko it's all a blur of the same thing. to Riko it's not even violence, it's the natural way things go. they're not "new" methods of torture; if one goes, anything goes, it's only a matter of what is available to him in the moment. everything is dark, everything is toxic, everything is pain.
"Riko comes off as someone who feels entitled to ALL of Kevin."
yes. that's exactly it. you cannot reason with him why certain things he is not allowed to have when Kevin has given him other parts of himself. why couldn't he touch Kevin like this when Kevin has given him his game? why couldn't he be allowed to have Kevin like this when they share a locker room and public showers? why could Thea kiss him just so and make him moan like that and not him? Riko does not know the difference. does not understand the intricacies, does not see the nuances. his world is divided in this is mine and this isn't mine yet.
and Kevin. Kevin, Kevin, Kevin. a childhood with Riko and a passion for the game is not enough to justify the tension he's got with Riko. but that's the Nest for you. it's not called a cult for nothing. the tension tumbling into sex or sexual is inevitable. Riko managed to break Kevin's mind, break his game, his body. all that Kevin can get back with the Foxes. but a broken heart? a broken intimacy? only Riko has that powerful hold on Kevin. only him could potentially heal Kevin. but the thing is, he doesn't see those things as broken. they're simply done, and his.
Andrew's promise to Kevin wasn't to physically take on the Moriyamas. it was to push Riko out of his head when things got hard. Riko is so deeply embedded into Kevin's being, his veins, his stomach, his back, his tighs, his hands, his eyes, his neck, his chest. Riko is so much part of Kevin that Kevin himself starts to fade, and when his feet take him back towards Evermore, it's not because Riko's voice convinced him to, it's because Riko is in Kevin, and Riko belongs in the Nest. that is what Andrew has to protect Kevin against. that is the job he's been dealt: untangle Riko from Kevin.
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