#you changed almost immediately and it gave me whiplash
insanechayne · 1 year
~ ~ ~
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sluttywonwoo · 2 years
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no nut november — i.n (loser #2)
pairing: yang jeongin x fem!reader
warnings: swearing, smut (18+), dry humping, messing around with clothes on
a/n: part of @gimmeurtmi and i's collab <3
word count: 2.9k
To say you were suspicious when Minho approached you at the surprise birthday party Jisung threw for him (over a week late) would be an understatement. He was one of the friends who would only come to you when he needed something, and you assumed this time was no different. 
“Happy birthday?” you offer, wondering if that’s what he was expecting. 
He’s unfazed by your greeting in the form of a question and just smiles, slipping his hands into the pockets of his jeans. 
You stare at him for a moment, waiting for him to get to whatever it was he wanted from you but he stares right back with that stupid grin of his.
“So, um, were you surprised?” 
“Not really. Hannie talks in his sleep and he crashed while we were watching a movie together the other night. But hey, anyway, you like Jeongin, right?”
You’d have whiplash by now if you weren’t so used to Minho’s abrupt subject changes. This one, however, did manage to catch you a bit off guard. 
“Of course I do. He’s a good friend.”
“But you like him as more than a friend.” He wasn’t asking, he was stating. 
You blink, stunned. “Wh- I don’t-”
“Come on, don’t play dumb. I can see the way you look at him when you think no one’s paying attention.”
Well fuck. If Minho of all people had noticed your crush on Jeongin, who else knew? Did Jeongin know? Did everybody know?
“Relax, I'm not going to tell him,” he continues when he sees the look on your face. That wasn’t necessarily what you were worried about but good to know nonetheless. He sneaks a look at the younger member from across the room as he talks. “I just thought that you should know that he likes you too.”
“What? How do you know that?”
“You know I’m like one of his best friends, right?
“I-I mean, yeah, but...”
“And we live together, he literally never shuts up about you,” Minho adds. He raises his eyebrows expectantly but you don’t say anything. You don’t know what to say. “You don’t believe me?”
“No, it’s not that I don’t believe you… it’s just, why are you telling me?”
Minho shrugs. “Think of it as a favor.” 
“Since when have you done anyone a favor?”
“I’m serious,” you insist warily. “You’re acting weird. Why are you suddenly so invested in me and Jeongin? You have to have some kind of stake in this.”
Minho sighs and drops his head, which confirms your suspicions. “Okay, fine. Here’s the deal...”
Jeongin’s pleasantly surprised when you approach him at Minho’s birthday party. You’re one of his good friends but it’s rare that the two of you ever spend time alone together. It’s not that he doesn’t want to, he just gets so nervous around you. He can barely get a word out when you’re in the room, which is why when he sees you making your way across the room he prays for strength and holds his breath. 
“Hey,” you say casually, sliding into the seat next to him, and Jeongin feels his heart rate pick up almost immediately. “Bored already?”
Jeongin chuckles. “What gave it away?”
“Well, you’re sitting over here all by yourself. It wasn’t very hard to guess.”
“Yeah, I guess I should mingle more,” he sighs and puts his hands on his knees to push himself up.
“Wait, but not now! I just got here.”
Jeongin’s half-relieved he doesn’t have to move from his spot, half-panicked because now he’s forced to have this one on one conversation with you. He started sweating the minute you walked in the door how the fuck was he supposed to get through this in one piece. 
“Oh, right, sorry.”
“Did you get Minho a birthday present?” you ask, thankfully skirting right past Jeongin trying to ditch you. 
He nods. “I did.”
“What’d you get him?”
“It’s a secret.”
“You didn’t get him anything, did you?”
“Would you believe me if I said it was in the mail?”
“I forgot,” Jeongin admits sheepishly. “I always get the guys birthday gifts after the fact. I’m terrible at that stuff.”
“You can just add your name to mine, if you want,” you offer. “People group us together all the time anyway.”
“Wha- they do?” 
“Yeah, you know like whenever I show up at the dorms the boys are always like ‘Jeongin’s in his room’, ‘Jeongin will be right out’. ‘Jeongin isn’t here right now, I thought he’d be with you’. Do they not say that stuff to you?”
“Uh, no. Not really.” 
Probably because they all know about his giant fucking crush on you. 
You sound disappointed. Fuck. How does he always manage to put his foot in his mouth? 
“I mean, because they just tease me right in front of you anyway.”
“They just like giving you a hard time,” you reason. 
“So you’re on their side now?”
You crook an eyebrow. “I didn’t realize there were sides.”
“There are.”
“Then I’m on your side, obviously.”
“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Cause you’re friends with all of us, not just me.”
“Yeah, but you’re my favorite.”
Jeongin isn’t sure if he totally believes you but he’s elated regardless. He beams at you. 
“You’re my favorite too.”
He doesn’t know why, but after Minho’s birthday party, things between him and you feel different. The next time he sees you is on that Saturday, the fifth. You come over for game night like you do every weekend, and you take your spot next to Jeongin as usual. Everything seems normal. But it isn’t. Jeongin can feel it in the stiffness of your posture, in the nervous tapping of your foot against the hardwood floor. 
The night progresses as smoothly as any other game night, with Jeongin losing every single one, but he can’t shake the feeling that something’s off. 
You’re not mad at him, he knows that. You still laugh at his dumb jokes, you still let him cheat off of you, both good signs. 
When Felix calls for a break, Jeongin takes the opportunity to lean over and check in. 
“Are you okay?” he asks. 
You jump in your seat a little like you hadn’t been expecting him to address you, which was fair because he was usually too much of a coward to, and turn to face him. “Hm? Oh yeah, I’m fine.”
“Just fine?”
“Yup. Just fine.”
“Not good?”
“Neither good, nor bad,” you say with a shrug. 
“Why? Is something wrong?”
You open your mouth to answer but Felix’s voice from the kitchen cuts you off as he calls out to suggest that the group of you watch a movie instead of finishing the game of Uno you were currently playing.
“You never want to watch movies,” Hyunjin says, scrunching his face in confusion. 
“Yeah, you’re only suggesting that because you’re losing!” Seungmin adds.
Felix comes into the room, hands on his hips, and lips pursed. “Do you want to watch How to Train Your Dragon or not?”
Seven and a half minutes later, you’re all on the couch watching Hiccup struggle with his daddy issues. Jeongin didn’t have much say in the matter but you had seemed eager to watch the movie so obviously he was… also eager. To watch the movie. 
A lot of the guys’ girlfriends were over so you asked Jeongin to share a blanket with you, seeing as there were only so many to go around. 
He agrees, of course, even though he isn’t cold. If anything, he’s overly warm. He hopes you can’t feel the heat radiating from his body. 
It’s hard to focus on the movie with you so close, not that he was really interested in it in the first place, but then you snuggle close to Jeongin and rest your head on his shoulder and his brain short circuits. You must feel his body tense because you sit back up immediately after, frowning. 
“No, you can lay back down,” Jeongin insists, going as far as craning his neck in the opposite direction to give you more room. 
“I wouldn’t want to make you uncomfortable,” you mumble. 
“Why would I be uncomfortable?” he asks.
“Because you’re being all weird.”
“I’m not-”
“Hey, you two,” Jisung hisses from the other couch, “could you keep it down? Some of us are trying to watch the movie.”
Jeongin apologizes and you shift away from him, crossing your arms over your chest. He’s really done it now. He tries to remedy the situation by scooting closer but you don’t even look at him. 
From across the room, Jeongin makes eye contact with Minho, who gives him a look as if to say what the fuck are you doing? 
Minho’s been trying to get Jeongin to make a move on you for months now, claiming to be tired of listening to him pine over you from afar, but Jeongin knows his friend really just wants him to be happy, put himself out there and all that. Minho’s been especially insistent ever since the eight of them made that stupid bet. He’s somehow under the impression that if Jeongin tells you how he feels it’ll eliminate him as competition. But for that to happen, you would have to like him back. 
He doubts he’ll win No Nut November anyway, girlfriend or not. Hell, half the reason he acts so strange around you is because he’s using up all of his energy trying not to get hard. All you have to do is smile at him and his dick will twitch in his pants. In fact, he knows tonight after you go home he’ll just lay in bed, hard and aching with thoughts of you as he wills his cock to soften on its own. 
But at least he wouldn’t be the first loser. Jisung made sure of that by losing on the second day of the month. Everyone saw it coming. 
Jeongin’s pulled from his thoughts by the sound of you yawning. 
“Are you tired?” he asks softly, not wanting to get scolded by his members for talking again.
“A little.”
“Do you want to lay down in my room? You could stay the night if you want, I know it’s getting late.”
“That’d be great, Innie, thanks.” You smile sleepily at him and reach for his hand. “Will you come with me? I don’t want to go by myself, I’d feel weird.”
Jeongin nods, brain going on autopilot as he takes your hand and leads you to his bedroom. No one questions where the two of you are going, either too engrossed in the movie to notice, or too uninterested to care. 
You flop down on his bed as soon as the door’s shut behind you. Jeongin chuckles. 
“Make yourself comfortable.”
“I will,” you hum. 
Despite the fact that the two of you don’t spend much time together, it isn’t uncommon for you to end up in Jeongin’s bed. He offers it to you whenever you decide to stay over because he doesn’t want you driving yourself home if you’re tired or if you’ve been drinking. He always takes the couch even though you’ve pointed out that his bed is big enough for the both of you. He doesn’t trust himself not to embarrass himself if he were to entertain the idea. 
“I know you wore jeans tonight so you can borrow something of mine to sleep in if you want.”
“Oh, that’s okay. I can just sleep in my underwear,” you say as you start to unzip your pants. “Unless that bothers you?”
Jeongin’s eyes widen at the sight and he spins on his heel to face the wall and give you privacy. 
“N-no, that’s fine,” he squeaks out. 
“You don’t have to turn away, Jeongin. It’s not like I’m a stranger.”
He ignores you and only turns back around once he hears you slide underneath the covers, knowing that he’d instantly get hard if he did any sooner. 
“I know, I just... uh, let me know if you need anything else,” he says and heads for the door. 
“Wait,” you call after him. “Won’t you stay with me?”
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” he says slowly. 
You huff in frustration and throw back the covers. “I-I don’t understand. I should have never listened to Minho-”
“Minho? What’s Minho got to do with this?”
You look guilty all of the sudden, and Jeongin’s drops as his brian conjures up every possible scenario that involves you and Minho talking about him. None of them are good. 
“Y/n?” he prompts again. 
“He told me that he knew I had feelings for you and that you had feelings for me too, and then he told me about that idiotic bet you all made and tried to get me in on it, I guess to seduce you or something? But obviously he doesn’t know what he’s talking about because you don’t even like me!”
It’s entirely too much information for Jeongin’s brain to process at once. All he can focus on is that you have feelings for him??? 
“You have feelings for me?” he asks, dumbfounded. 
“Did you listen to anything else I just said?” you huff. 
“Not really.”
“Yes, I’ve had a big fat crush on you for forever now, thanks for noticing.”
“Really. Are you going to make me say it again?”
“I kind of want to,” Jeongin admits, finally feeling brave enough to approach you on his bed. 
“That’s mean.”
“Why? I have a crush on you too, silly.”
You blink in surprise. “What?”
“Minho wasn’t messing with you. He was right.”
“You like me?”
“How could I not?”
“You have a funny way of showing it,” you scoff. 
Jeongin rolls his eyes at you and pouts. “You just make me nervous, okay? I can’t function around a pretty girl.”
“You think I’m pretty?”
He nods and takes your hand. “The prettiest.”
He’s not sure who makes the next move, probably you, but then you’re kissing. Your arms are wrapped around Jeongin’s neck, pulling him down close to you as he slips his tongue into your mouth. Clumsily, he climbs onto the bed with you and slots himself in between your legs, moaning into your mouth a little when his hand brushes against your bare thigh. 
You already sound breathy and desperate for him and it spurs him on further, hips grinding into you instinctively. He’s practically fully hard in his sweats, there’s no way you can’t feel it, but you don’t seem to mind. If anything, it turns you on even more. 
You’re the first to break away, though, pushing on Jeongin’s chest to put more distance between you. “Wait, wait, the bet! Don’t you want to win?”
He doesn’t even need to think about it. “Fuck the bet.”
Jeongin kisses you again, letting his hands travel beneath your shirt and up to your tits. He traces your curves, outlining each one, before moving down to your underwear. It seems that you have a similar train of thought because you reach for the waistband of his pants at the same time, but he stops you with a sheepish grin. 
“This is really embarrassing, but I haven’t jerked off in like a week so I won’t last long.”
You smile against his lips. “It’s okay, Innie. We can just go again if you cum too fast. We have all the time in the world now.”
The assurance is all he needs to relax. You begin to palm him over his sweats and it becomes very apparent to Jeongin that he’s going to cum way faster than he wants to. He whines, actually whines, and bucks his hips into your hand. 
“Shhh, the others are still outside,” you remind him. 
You giggle and pull him in for another kiss as he fumbles for the waistband of your panties, wanting to make you feel good too. He dips his thumb beneath the fabric, lower and lower until you’re moaning and arching your back off the bed. 
“Fuck, yeah, just like that,” you whisper. 
Jeongin keeps his thumb on your clit, rubbing slow circles, while he works the rest of his hand into your underwear. He figures that if he can’t make you cum on his cock, his fingers will have to do. He’s been told that he has nice hands on more than one occasion, and he’s gotten good reviews from partners in the past, so it’s kind of like a failsafe for him. 
“Shit, you’re wet,” Jeongin breathes.
“Do you believe I like you now?”
For some reason, that’s what does it for him. He shudders and falls forward into you as he cums in his pants. 
“Oh god, sorry, sorry,” he groans. 
There’s so much of it too, it seeps through the material of his sweatpants and onto your hand and he’s mortified.
“Don’t be sorry, baby,” you soothe, rubbing his back as he comes down. “You told me it was going to happen, I expected it.”
“But still.”
“It really isn’t a big deal, Innie. If anything, I think it’s hot that I have that effect on you. And you can go again right?”
He nods eagerly. “Yes! Yeah, just give me like, ten minutes.”
You laugh and pet his hair. “Well in that case, I can think of a lot of things we can do in ten minutes, can’t you?”
nnn tags: @doesthismeannothingtoyou @yellowroses-world @allyoops @thelostverse @karlitaburrito @lydataylorsversion @septemberkisses @caticorn61 @multifandomtrash-dree @cixrosie @mchslut @cutiequokka
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imsosleepyofyourbull · 2 months
Rewatching KNY and seeing Zenitsu again is almost giving me whiplash, because he went from being one of my least favorite characters to one of my most beloved in a flash. It sucks that his defining moments are so frequently interrupted or otherwise disturbed by his obsession with finding a wife, and that it kept me from analyzing him the way I should’ve been doing at the start. Because, at his core, Zenitsu is a lesson on weakness — on learning to live and adapt when you can’t immediately overcome it.
This is evident from his very first appearance, where he’s shown mumbling about his inevitable death and his fear of demons after surviving final selection as one of the five senses (the hearing to Kanao’s sight, Tanjiro’s smell, Inosuke’s touch, and Genya’s taste.) It continues on in his actual introduction in the Tsuzumi Mansion Arc, where he spends the majority of his time crying or in various other states of terror. The two exceptions to this are when he falls asleep for the first time and when he defends Nezuko’s box from Inosuke.
The former is part of a larger discussion on his sleepwalking habit and its impact as a coping mechanism, so I’ll be talking about the latter;
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Zenitsu outright says that he has a habit of trusting the wrong people, and that being able to hear their sounds hasn’t done him any good in remedying that. He’s known Tanjiro for maybe a handful of hours at this point, but he throws himself on Nezuko’s box anyway. Not because he likes her (not yet) but because she matters to someone he wants to believe in. For someone who clearly hates being in pain, that says volumes about who he actually is as a person. He might be a coward, but he’s also loyal and self sacrificing.
He earnestly follows behind the people he cares about even when it might get him into trouble. The fact that he’s a demon slayer at all is evidence of that — a testament to his love for Jigoro for believing in him and continuing to believe in him even when he seemed hopeless or tried to run away. There was nothing keeping him attached to the demon slayer corps after his gramps wasn’t there to drag him to the final selection or his missions (and we know from Aoi that he could definitely retire early) but he stays.
He runs and cowers and cries and he keeps moving forward, because his gramps gave him the courage to try again and again after failure;
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This, I believe, is the reason behind his sleepwalking habit. It’s a response to his desire to change and grow as a person, manifesting in an unconscious state where he forces himself to shed his terror and pain so that he can actually work at his full potential. It doesn’t just apply to his body either, given that (as the series goes on) his sleepwalking also allows him to access his natural analytical abilities where his panic might have blinded him. He couldn’t get rid of the weakness that hindered him, so he adapted to it;
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And then — when he learned what became of Kaigaku and that their shared mentor had given his life in repentance — he finally overcame his cowardice altogether and stopped sleeping;
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He beat Kaigaku entirely awake, and he fought Muzan the same way. Being with Jigoro and Tanjiro and Nezuko and Inosuke and everyone else didn’t rid him of his fear, but it did teach him to adapt to and then overcome it. To push it aside to achieve his goals, protecting the people he cares about as more than the human shield he was when he held onto Nezuko’s box and desperately hoped that his body could withstand Inosuke’s abuse. More than that, they also taught him to be more comfortable in his own skin.
I’m not going to say that Zenitsu can’t be an annoying character — I can’t stand his behavior toward women and rather disliked him for the longest time — but he’s much more interesting than his initial impression would have you believe. He’s loyal, protective, self sacrificing, insecure, and surprisingly taciturn when he wants to be. The fact that he sleepwalks for every battle before the final arc and his resolution with Kaigaku really hammers his character themes home, and I find that he’s genuinely interesting to think about!
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poguesofthebau · 1 year
microscope, part two
read part one here :) summary: you and steve had just enough privacy to have an actual relationship, but your friends still didn't fully understand your boundaries. slowly but surely, their tendency to barge in started to drive you insane.
word count: 6.5k pairing: steve harrington x fem!henderson!reader tags: @nix-rose-q @anea08
"seriously, y/n. all i'm saying is that i think you'd really love d&d if you gave it a try. don't knock it 'til you try it!"
you scoffed from your place in the driver's seat of the car, throwing your brother a dubious look as you took a right turn. there was only about another minute left of your ride home from school, and you'd been bickering the entire time about your steadfast refusal to learn and/or play dungeons and dragons. "dustin, our lives are like an actual game of d&d. fighting demogorgons and the mind flayer and vecna might be a cool concept in theory, but i think experiencing it in the flesh kind of ruins the fun."
although he didn't notice until after he was done talking, dustin's response was mostly lost on you. you'd been listening intently at first, fully prepared to carry out the lighthearted debate to its end, but the familiar brown bmw that suddenly appeared in your rearview mirror quickly took precedent over bickering with your little brother. you found yourself donning a giddy smile at steve's impressive timing-- he'd opened family video that morning and worked until 2, giving himself just enough time to stop back at his house to shower off the smell of vhs tapes and strangers before meeting you at your house as soon as he possibly could-- and almost running the last stop sign on the route to your house to get to see him faster. you took the final turn into your driveway a little fast, slightly jerking dustin around in the passenger seat as he made his concluding points about the joys of playing d&d. it was only when he looked at you to see what had caused the harsh turn that he realized you hadn't been listening to him at all, and before he could question it, steve was pulling into the driveway behind you.
"jesus christ," dustin remarked dramatically. "you gave me whiplash because steve is here? you saw him yesterday!" you spared a brief moment to stick your tongue out at dustin in a childish response before swinging open your car door and seeking out the boy you'd been waiting all day to see.
you'd slipped into steve's arms as soon as you wriggled out of the car, ignoring your brother's groan as you greeted your boyfriend. dustin made a few disapproving comments as he ascended the stairs to your house, not bothering to offer his older friend an actual greeting before heading inside. waiting until you heard the click of your front door shutting behind the boy before releasing steve, you leaned up to peck him on the lips a few times.
"hey, baby," steve said contentedly, leaning in again to kiss you on the cheek as you smiled up at him.
"hi, stevie."
once you'd been greeted sufficiently, he reached into the backseat and retrieved your backpack, slinging one of its straps over his shoulder and sliding his opposite hand into yours. from there, you guided him into your house, only pausing on the walk to your room to call out a warning to dustin, who was now in the kitchen searching for an after-school snack. "do not come in my room. for anything. don't even knock. got it?"
"ick," he said, making a disgusted face at you over the fridge door. "like i want to know what the two of you do behind closed doors."
and with that, you escaped into your room, steve discarding your bag and his keys by the door and immediately climbing into your bed as you changed into sweats. once you were redressed, you crawled under the comforter with him, shifting around for a few moments before finally settling into the perfect position for doing absolutely nothing.
the peaceful bliss lasted all of twenty minutes.
you laid with your head tucked under steve’s chin and his arms wrapped securely around your waist, eyes closed in content as you listened to the older boy describe his day at work. you weren’t falling asleep to his voice, but the sound was distancing you from the day’s previous challenges. that was the thing about steve: he didn’t need to try, but he always remedied a bad day, or brightened a dull one, or calmed a chaotic one.
he was in the middle of a story about his worst customer of the day when the sound of the doorbell ringing through your house interrupted him. your closed bedroom door kept the noise from being too loud, but it was enough of a distraction to make him pause and look to you as you cracked your eyes open in annoyance. "dustin will get it. go ahead, keep talking," you insisted when your eyes met steve's. he nodded, fighting a smile of adoration as he watched you nuzzle a little closer to him and close your eyes again.
just as he inhaled and opened his mouth to continue, the doorbell rang again, three times in a row. a low noise escaped from the back of your throat-- steve would later refer to the sound as a growl-- and flipped over in steve's arms to face your bedroom door. "dustin, get the door!" you yelled, knowing the boy could hear you at that volume regardless of where he was in the house. you hesitated then, making sure the doorbell wasn't going to ring again before looking at steve over your shoulder. "it would be a god damn shame if, after everything we've survived, i was driven to murder dustin over a doorbell."
"i don't think anyone would blame you," steve joked. "anyway, it's probably just a girl scout or something. but i mean, we'll never find out since you forbade dustin from coming in here." before you could ask if he'd rather be hanging out with your little brother than laying in a bed with you, he quickly added, "not that i'm complaining."
you huffed, leaning back until your body made contact with the pillows behind you. steve reached out a hand to grab one of yours, gentling tugging your arm up until it was extended enough for him to kiss the hand as you spoke. "i don't want girl scout cookies. i want an hour to lay in this bed and do absolutely nothing with you before i start to think about how much homework i have to do."
steve let out an exaggerated sigh, still holding your hand to his chin as he looked off into the distance dramatically and shook his head. "i remember when i had homework to do," he said longingly. "seems like it was a hundred years ago."
you laughed heartily, just beginning to call him on his bullshit-- "you never even did your homework, steve!"-- when there were three loud bangs on your bedroom door, followed by a momentary pause, the squeak of the doorknob turning, and a slight gust of air as the door swung open. "what the fuck--"
"is everyone decent? why don't you people answer when someone knocks?" to your complete surprise, it was max. she had one arm tossed over her face to obstruct her view, and her tone was demanding but also slightly playful. when neither you nor steve responded, she peeked over her forearm, confirming that everyone was clothed, and dropped her arm altogether. "of course you're in bed together. what's it been, two months since you two made it official?"
"five months, and we're not doing anything," steve immediately rebuked. he still had his fingers laced through yours, but he'd dropped your clasped hands onto the bed between you when max had burst into the room. "and even if we were, you're not supposed to be here!"
"max," you interjected before the two of them could engage in any more bickering. "i assume dustin told you we were in here and aren't looking for any more company, so what's so important that you put his life in danger by coming in anyway?"
the redhead huffed, dropping her backpack onto the floor beside yours and moving to your desk. she plopped down into the chair, spinning until she was facing you and steve again. "i need advice." again, neither you nor steve responded, both wearing expressions of anticipation as you waited for more details. she rolled her eyes, sighing again before admitting the full truth. "relationship advice."
"oh," you said, once again surprised by the younger girl.
clearly just as dumbfounded as you, steve still needed some clarification. "from us? why us?"
"i don't know, because you guys are, like, totally and completely in love and obsessed with each other and talk about everything and never seem to have any relationship issues?"
"i wouldn't say we never have issues," steve said thoughtfully. "there was that time you slept through our date night and all my phone calls and the sound of me ringing the doorbell eighty times."
"that was an accident! it had been a long day," you whined, whacking steve in the chest when he laughed at you. "okay, well what about the time you got that girl's number in the parking lot when you were picking me up from school?"
"hey, hey, that wasn't my fault! and i told you about it because i didn't want you to think i was--"
"o-kay," max interrupted, clearly running low on patience and not quite in the mood for a recap of all your past relationship drama. "will you guys help me, or not? because if you're too busy cuddling or whatever it is you're doing under that comforter, i'm gonna have to talk to nancy, and that will just be... weird."
you sighed, closing your eyes for a second to reminisce on the past twenty minutes when you'd been alone with steve. it wasn't that you didn't want to help max, or weren't willing to hear her out about her problems; she was like a little sister to you, and you always wanted to be there for her. however, her timing was absolutely horrendous, seeing as all you were currently interested in was looking at and talking to and being near steve. nonetheless, you bit back your selfish desire to send her away and nodded solemnly. "sure, we'll try. what happened?"
and so the next 45 minutes were spent with you, steve, and max having an in-depth conversation about communication and boundaries and compromise in a relationship. you and steve had listened intently to max, his hands busying themselves by gently fiddling with your hair or your fingers as you tried to focus all your attention on the younger girl. (by the end of the explanation, steve felt strongly as though he knew way too much about max and lucas's relationship.) when she finished explaining her fight with lucas, the two of you gave her all the relevant advice you could muster up.
with the right words of wisdom and affirmation, max seemed to relax enough to conquer her initial panic over the situation. a sense of accomplishment washed over you as she stood up and retrieved her backpack, thanking you for your help as she headed for the door. just before she walked out of your room, max paused to take in the sight of you and steve with an indecipherable expression. all she said, in an approving and matter-of-fact tone, was, "you two are cute," and then she was gone, seeming determined to solve her problems with lucas sooner than later.
feeling slightly confused but glad to be alone with your boyfriend once again, you turned in steve's arms to face him with another stunned glance. he smiled down at you, leaning in and kissing you sweetly. against your lips, he muttered, "we are cute."
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the following day was friday, and you couldn't have been more excited for a week to end. school had been hellish for you recently, and you hadn't been completely certain that you would survive the week. luckily for you, the universe allowed you to function long enough to fulfill your plans to spend the weekend at steve's house while his parents were away. for obvious reasons, your mom was under the impression that you'd be spending the weekend with robin, but you'd given dustin a heads up on the ride home from school that if he had any sort of supernatural and/or otherworldly emergencies, he'd be able to get a hold of you at steve's.
much like steve had done after work the day before, you rushed home from school to shower and pack a weekend bag. not wanting to waste any extra time by going into his room to have an entire conversation, you called out a quick, "i'm leaving!" to dustin and hopped in your car.
it was a fifteen minute drive from your house to steve's; with a reasonable amount of speeding, you made it there in ten. you could feel your heart twitching in your chest at the thought of how close you were to quality time with your boyfriend as you pulled the keys from the ignition and yanked your bag out of the passenger seat.
the front door of the house was swinging open as you approached the porch, and you and steve were exchanging goofy, excited grins the moment you made eye contact. "hey there, handsome," you called to him. you ascended the small set of stairs and dropped your bag by your feet, stepping into his open arms and feeling yourself relax completely. the anticipation was over, and you were nothing but satisfied to finally be with steve again instead of just looking forward to it.
you retreated from the hug slightly to peer up at steve, earning a grin from him as his eyes met yours. before any words could come out of his mouth, though, his face completely transformed; all traces of his lovesick smile were lost and any endearing greetings were forgotten. his eyes had darted to something behind you, and steve remained frozen with you in his arms. you looked at him quizzically as he stared behind you with his brow furrowed, quickly opting to spin around in his arms to see for yourself what was so shocking.
the sight that met your eyes when you turned was one that made your heart sink to your stomach within a millisecond, panic immediately flooding through your body as your eyes settled on the area steve was staring.
it was dustin.
he was riding his bike as fast as he possibly could-- probably faster than he should-- and you could hear him panting in exhaustion before he'd even rode onto the driveway. he stumbled off the bike clumsily, knocking the kickstand down haphazardly and rushing up the porch steps until he stood right in front of you. "i-- have-- an emergency," dustin said through heavy breaths. he was visibly distraught, covered in sweat but also donning a crazed look in his eye that he reserved for especially urgent moments.
you stepped out of steve's arms then, reaching out and grabbing dustin, turning his face in your hands and scanning his body for injuries as you questioned him. "what's wrong? are you hurt? did something happen?" you couldn't find any external wounds on the boy's exposed skin, nor any rips or tears in his clothes, which was a good sign. still, you were anxious to hear whatever it was that had led your little brother here so soon after you'd left him at home.
he exhaled and inhaled deeply, putting in visible effort to slow his breathing as he looked between you and steve. "it’s suzie— she’s pissed at me,” he said breathily. “we were supposed to talk last night but i totally forgot because i was busy doing my stupid latin homework and then i crashed as soon as i finished it and now she thinks i bailed on her, which is ridiculous, because there’s no one i’d rather talk to than suzie, but still, i’m screwed. i need advice.”
you let your hands fall to your sides, blinking slowly as you took in everything the boy had just rapidly word-vomited to you. you could've been mistaken, but you didn’t think you’d heard anything about supernatural and/or otherworldly attacks. “dustin,” you said blankly. “i told you to call me if you had a real emergency. this… this does not qualify. and even if it did, that’s what phones are for.”
dustin began to protest, saying something about how his love for suzie was otherworldly, but was cut off by steve. “hey, hey, you little butthead. no back-talking to your sister, you hear me?” if you weren’t so frustrated by dustin's interruption, you might’ve smiled at steve’s protective instincts. instead, you raised your hands to your head, massaging two fingers against each of your temples and trying your hardest not to strangle the only sibling you had. as you self-soothed, steve continued to bicker with dustin. “what the hell is with you kids and coming to us for advice, anyway? we’re not running a couples’ therapy service here, you know!"
“yeah, i know that, jackass,” dustin responded sarcastically. the boys each displayed their designated ‘brotherly fighting’ grimaces for a moment, and dustin eventually admitted to what had led him there. “max told me about how you two helped her figure out her shit with lucas. so i thought, i bet my big sister and my old friend could help me out too, but apparently i was wrong. god forbid the two of you spend a little time guiding the youth of the world into adulthood instead of sucking face in a dimly lit room.”
you narrowed your eyes at him threateningly as you responded. “we only helped max because she barged into our house unannounced and guilt tripped us-- kind of like you’re doing right now. has anyone ever told you alone time is essential for a good relationship?”
"look, are you gonna help or not? it's fine if you don't, i'll just have to live forever with the memory that you value max's happiness more than mine even though you don't share a bloodline with her. no big deal."
you took a deep breath, mentally cursing at yourself for your inability to say no to any of those little hyperactive children, and gestured for dustin to follow you and steve into the house. "let's go, my little idiot. and get my bag, too."
you heard dustin murmur something that sounded like the word bullshit but decided to let it go as you followed steve through his front door. dustin was close behind you, still grumbling under his breath as he lugged along your (admittedly, overpacked) duffel bag.
"and, by the way, how the hell did you bike here so fast?"
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saturday morning was deemed a rest period for you and steve.
it had taken just over three hours for dustin to leave steve's house the night before. he ended up cooking and eating dinner with you-- which was quite awkward, since steve had decorated two of the table placements to set a romantic atmosphere-- and then helping clean up afterward at your insistence. even once he claimed he was leaving, the boy lingered for another half hour, asking 'clarifying questions' until you finally threatened to call suzie and sort it out yourself. by the time dustin was on his way back home, you and steve felt more like exhausted parents than a teenage couple who had a house to themselves for a weekend. beyond a few loving moments while you got ready for bed together, the remainder of your night was uneventful.
upon waking up the following morning, the two of you moved with the utmost leisure. time was plentiful enough that you let steve try--and fail, as you knew he would-- to make you pancakes before you properly remade the batch for the both of you. once you'd both finished eating, steve convinced you to hop in the shower with him for a little morning reset.
at one point during your time in the shower, you both heard steve's landline ringing from the room over. you'd pouted and asked if he needed to answer it, but he brushed off the idea immediately, claiming, "if it rings again, i'll answer." the phone let out a few more rings before falling silent again; once it stopped, you and steve completely forgot it had rung in the first place.
around fifteen minutes later, you'd both exited the shower and were back in steve's room. you were in one of his t-shirts and a pair of pajama shorts, propped on the bed as you watched steve move about the room. the sweatpants hanging from his hips were all he'd dressed himself in, not having bothered with putting on a shirt, and he was doing every simple task from tossing dirty laundry into a hamper to spritzing cologne on himself to rubbing a towel into his hair to dry it off.
"okay, sweetheart," he said, suddenly stopping at the foot of the bed to face you directly. "what's the plan for the day?"
you let out a whine, dramatically flopping backwards on the bed into a laying position. "i don't want to do anything today." steve laughed at the claim, trailing around the side of the bed and crouching down until his face was level with yours. when you met his stare and saw the disbelieving smile playing his mouth, your expression shifted to something more of a stern pout. "i'm serious, harrington. my plan of action is me, you, and this bed for at least 60% of the day."
"hm, that doesn't sound too bad," steve said ponderously, reaching out a hand to brush back the hair framing your face as he feigned thought. "60% of the day; how long is that? 13, 14 hours?" steve was standing as he spoke then, gradually shifting positions until he was sitting on the bed with his face hovering a few inches from yours. "i can think of a few good ways to pass the time, if you need some ideas."
you leaned forward the slightest amount, your head lifting off the pillow just enough to goad steve into closing the remainder of the gap between you. his mouth pressed against yours, lips slipping into place so naturally that steve couldn't even remember what it was like to not be kissing you. within a few seconds, he wasn't sure whether or not he was breathing anymore; if he wasn't, though, he was sure that you were doing it for him in some magical way that only a soulmate could. there were no thoughts in his mind aside from you, and how you tasted like the toothpaste he kept in his bathroom and smelled like his body wash mixed with your lavender shampoo and how your skin felt like home underneath the old t-shirt you'd grabbed from his dresser and how much he loved you. as far as he was concerned, the rest of the world had fallen away for the time being and there was no one or nothing else, not even gravity holding you down or stars floating in the sky. you wanted the day alone with him, and, yes, steve was very much willing to spend the rest of his day doing nothing but kissing you.
neither of you were sure how much time had passed by the time steve made the effort to slip your shirt up your body. he used the hands he had resting on your hips to push the fabric upward, and only paused to trace his thumbs over the bare skin of your chest, a sensation that made you part your lips and gasp lightly. a low chuckle escaped from steve's mouth-- his natural response to getting any sort of rise out of you-- and he moved to lift the shirt over your head. just as you shifted forward to help him out a little, a shrill sound was blaring from steve's bedside table.
the phone was ringing again.
steve pulled away from you, prompting yet another whine to make its way past your lips. "sorry, babe. just a sec, i swear." his hands slid back down your sides as he apologized, fully disentangling himself from you and moving to answer the phone. "hello?"
you muttered something snarky under your breath as he engaged in conversation, tugging the t-shirt back down and crossing your arms in annoyance. yes, steve had said that he'd pick up the phone if it rang a second time, but you'd kind of assumed that the idea of getting you naked twice before even leaving the house was something he would've been more invested in than taking a phone call.
a tiny voice in the back of your head was scolding you for being mad, reminding you not to blame steve for the lack of privacy you two got. it wasn't like he wanted to be interrupted every time he got you alone. it was just the way things went with a friend group that functioned so much like a family; everyone wanted to get a hold of mom and dad for one reason or another.
you glanced over at the brown-haired boy in an attempt to distract yourself with the forever-entertaining activity of admiring him, but the expression he now wore made it kind of difficult to focus. his eyes had widened and his brows raised, and the 'o' shape of his mouth immediately told you that he'd just heard something startling and, most likely, disruptive. before you could ask who it was or get close enough to overhear the other person's voice, steve was speaking again. "i-- yes, i heard you! jesus christ," he said rashly. his tone of voice narrowed the list of potential callers down to one of your close friends; if you had to guess, you would've put your money on it being dustin again. "okay, fine. i just need a while to confirm. yeah, yeah, robin. i'll call you back in five minutes. bye."
"robin?" you asked when steve looked at you again. "why are you confirming something with robin in the next five minutes, steve?"
"well, apparently we both forgot," he started to explain, putting emphasis on the reminder that you, too, had the same lapse in memory as he did. "but the plan for today is actually to hang out with robin!"
you opened your mouth to deny his claim, only to spontaneously recall exactly what steve was talking about. instead of speaking, you dropped your head into your hands and let out a pitiful groan. "i can't believe i forgot about that."
it had slipped both your mind and steve's, but robin had indeed insisted that you both spend a day with her that weekend, and you'd all settled on saturday. part of her justification, which you'd deemed valid earlier in the week when steve wasn't milliseconds from taking off your clothes, was that she 'hadn't spent enough quality time with the two of you outside of work and school during the last few weeks.' the other part, which steve consciously chose not to relay to you, was that she 'needed to revive her hope in true love by being around your true love, which is the truest love she's ever seen.' mostly, steve didn't ever want to repeat that sentence due to how ridiculously dramatic and mushy it was. on top of that, though, steve knew you, and he knew that you hated being the center of attention. having your friend surveil and analyze everything you and steve did was a surefire way to drive you absolutely insane. you wanted to be able to fly under the radar sometimes; not to be invisible, necessarily, but just to blend into the background of a moment without your actions being spotlighted. so, in order to prevent you from feeling any impending dread before or during your time with robin, steve decided to spare you that one detail.
peeking out from behind your hands, you met eyes with steve. "do you think we could get out of it?"
scrunching his nose, steve shook his head lightly. your head slid back behind your hands in response, and steve sighed. "unfortunately, i think the longer we put it off, the worse it'll be when we finally do it. i mean, you know i love robin, but she's pretty obsessive." when you didn't react to words, he reached out and grabbed your wrists, gently pulling on them until you submitted and dropped your hands altogether. once your face was exposed again, steve's hands found his way onto either side of your head and he leaned in close before speaking again. "if you really don't want to go, i'll call her back and cancel. she'll have to get over it eventually."
for a few seconds, you just looked at steve. it seemed like a second chance at the effort you'd made a few minutes earlier; there was a lot to admire about him, and in just a moment you were able to take it all in and soak in how much you loved him. without thinking, you suddenly careened forward and pressed your mouth to steve's hastily. he was visibly surprised by the display of affection when you withdrew, which earned him an amused smile and another peck on the lips. "call robin back and tell her we'll be at her house in half an hour."
and so, the plan to spend the day in bed went down the drain.
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"you're sure you're not mad at me?"
"no, steve, i'm not mad at you. i'm mad at everyone else."
it was the next day, and the likelihood of you finally being alone with steve for more than twenty minutes at a time was beginning to feel more and more unrealistic. (sure, the two of you were currently alone in his kitchen, but you wouldn't have been surprised if you blinked and suddenly another person was in the room with you too.) the last three consecutive days had been tainted with your friends' problems, and the inability to turn any of them away was officially impeding your happiness. you'd thought you were doing a decent job of keeping your dissatisfaction hidden from steve, but the questions he began asking on sunday morning clearly proved otherwise. so, not only were you gradually losing your composure, but steve was also noticing how on edge you were feeling.
"is this about what robin said last night?" you glared at him from across the kitchen table, a pointless attempt to scare steve into dropping the subject. instead of shying away as you'd hoped he would, he gave you a knowing look and continued to press the matter. "we both know it is, so why don't you just admit it?"
"fine, steve," you said harshly, crossing your arms and leaning back in the wooden chair you were sitting in. "i'm mad because robin basically said that we're not significant as individuals and that us being a couple is the most interesting thing about either one of us. are you happy now?"
he sighed, leaning forward and resting his forearms on the table. "that's not what she said, y/n. you know she doesn't actually think that."
"maybe not consciously," you argued. "but the only thing she thinks about when she sees one of us is that we're dating the other. ever since we told them we're together, everyone just thinks we're, like, some token flawless soulmate couple that never has problems and never needs to spend actual alone time together because, 'their relationship is already so perfect!' and yeah, i love you more than i ever imagined i could love another person, and i don't ever plan on losing you because you are my soulmate. but that doesn't mean i don't need you to take me on dates sometimes, or spend an afternoon doing nothing in bed, or whatever else stupid fleeting high school relationships are about, because i do! but, no, we can't have any time for any of that because everyone just wants us to exist near them so they can have their faith in love restored and have us magically give them all the answers to being in a relationship."
there was a brief pause when you stopped rambling; steve wasn't completely sure if you were finished with your monologue, and he knew better than to interrupt when you were on a verbal warpath. he was certain you were done soon enough, and a rush a guilt accompanied the words he carefully selected in reply. "i knew they were getting on your nerves, but i didn't realize it was bothering you this much."
it was you who sighed this time, feeling your own shudder of guilt as you processed the upset tone in steve's voice. "i didn't want you to realize it. i was hoping they would eventually ease up a little, but it turns out they're just as invasive now as they were before we were official, and it doesn't seem to be getting any better."
"what can i do?" steve asked, moving around the table and toward you. within a moment he was standing beside you, and you had to tilt your head slightly upward to clearly see his face. "i know you said you're not mad at me, but i still feel guilty about you feeling this way and not being able to talk to me about it."
"i should've talked to you about it," you admitted. "i know i could've, and i feel better now that i have. i just didn't want to complain about them, because they're our friends, and my little brother, and i am glad they trust us enough to talk about their problems with us. but sometimes i just want to be with you. only you. does that make sense?"
he smiled at you softly, reaching out and pushing your hair away from your face. "yeah, that makes sense." his hand dropped down to your shoulder and slid halfway down your upper arm. "just try not to be mad at them, y/n," steve gently insisted. "you know they mean the best. christ, they can save the world time and time again, but they're not too great at just being normal. i just don't think they really get it. i mean, dustin and max are basically just kids, and robin is... hyperactive. they know you care about whatever they have to complain about, so you're the first person they want to tell. and it just so happens that i'm always with you when they come around. they don't really consider any other factors."
suddenly your brow was furrowing, and you were slowly shaking your head. "no, i don't think that's it."
"you think they're intentionally venting to you just so they can get on your nerves?"
"no, not that. what you said about them wanting to tell me things and you just happening to be there. that's not true." steve was clearly uncertain of what point you were trying to make. his hand fell from your arm as he tried to process what you were getting at. instinctually, your hand was grabbing his again as you fought back a smile at how unknowing he was; he really had no idea how the people he loved so dearly saw him. "those kids love you, steve. and you're robin's best friend. yeah, they want to tell me about whatever's going on in their lives, but they want to tell you just as badly."
steve's expression transformed from clueless to appeased in the blink of an eye. he grinned at you foolishly, giving your hand a squeeze. "you think so?"
you couldn't help but laugh, a boisterous sound that filled steve's heart to the brim with adoration. "yes, steve, i think so."
sparing a moment to admire you as you caught your breath from laughing, steve leaned down to press his mouth to yours sweetly. when he pulled back a few seconds later, you grabbed onto his shirt, using the fabric to guide his lips back to yours again. you kissed him until you felt a little lightheaded in the way only steve could make you. even then, you kept him close. his face was only a few millimeters from yours when you locked eyes with him, and he flashed you another grin. "my parents' flight won't be in until late tonight. wanna go back upstairs?"
you flashed him a smile of your own, kissing him chastely before standing from your chair. "we're definitely going back upstairs."
he began to lead you out of the kitchen, moving swiftly toward the stairs that led to his bedroom. to no one's surprise, his movements were halted when the sound of the landline ringing was echoing through the room. you could faintly hear the same sound traveling downstairs from steve's room. he looked back at you, wearing the look of a deer caught in headlights as he tried to decode your expression. you dropped your head onto his shoulder, eyes falling shut as you released a giggle. at this point, all you could do was laugh. "we're cursed, stevie."
in a sudden shift of emotions, steve recomposed himself and took a step toward the ringing phone. you looked to him in surprise, but knew he had no intentions of explaining his plan to you beforehand. in response to your joking comment about being cursed, he said, "not if i can help it." then he snatched the phone off the hook and uttered a quick greeting. his eyes closed momentarily as he listened intently to the voice on the other line. (it was lucas this time, calling with what felt like a centuries-old request for advice from you and steve.) you laughed at his intense concentration, using the hand that wasn't wrapped in steve's to cover your mouth and stifle any sound. "nope!" steve was suddenly shouting into the phone. "i'm not available, and she's not available. unless you want to deal with me, try again tomorrow. get on your stupid walkie and tell that to everyone else, too! don't call back!" and with that, he slammed the phone back onto its hook.
"wow," you said through yet another laugh. "i thought you said we shouldn't be mad at them?"
"yeah, we shouldn't be mad. that doesn't mean we should be nice when they call." by then, you' were'd begun guiding steve along the path through his house to the stairs. clearly, he'd handled the issue of being interrupted for the day, so there was no good reason not to follow through on your plans to head upstairs. "they're worse than the god damn telemarketers."
"agreed," you said, turning the final corner and starting to head up the carpeted steps. "they're lucky we have better things to do than spending the day yelling at them."
"much better things to do," steve echoed as he cheerfully followed you up the stairs. "but they still might include some yelling."
needless to say, the phone didn't ring again for the rest of the day.
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mgc02 · 3 months
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Other Motives
Part 3
Yandere Vox x ftm delivery driver reader
Tw: toxic relationships, toxic behavior, forced relationship, power dynamic, invasion of privacy, controlling behavior, depictions of a car accident, needles, description of injuries
Things took a 180 ever since you sold your soul to Vox. He insisted on spending every spare second with you. But you no longer felt the sway of his hypnosis and no longer wanted to be around him. You did move into one of the employee apartments. And he was free to pop in as often as he felt.
There was even a camera in your living room. You expressed to Vox that made you uncomfortable but he told you it was "for your protection". You didn't believe a word of it. It was obviously so he could watch you. Over time more cameras were installed in your apartment making the only truly private place your bathroom. You were grateful for that. You even changed into your pajamas in there. You used to change in your bedroom. Whenever you went out on deliveries Vox would call you and his face would pop up on the screen in the car. One specific day he called to remind you of your dinner plans...
"Remember baby, 7 sharp at the harvest garden." He said. You tried not to cringe at the pet name and the way he said it. He noticed the lack of immediate response. "Are you sure we shouldn't just ride together? You'd think with all the driving you do, you'd kill for a break" he spoke as if you were a long time couple. You were absolutely sure you wanted some time to yourself. Driving was really the only independence you had left. You relied on Vox for practically everything. You wanted to hold on to the only sense self you had and you feared he'd take that away too. But you were relieved he seemed to respect at least SOME of your boundaries. For now anyway.
You finished your deliveries and returned to your apartment to find a polished black suit waiting for you to wear to your "date" with Vox. And after you went to the bathroom to try it on you tried not to think about how it fit so well it seemed... tailored. You got ready and tried to get yourself in the mindset. He owned your soul. There was nothing you could do to change that. It's best to comply so he doesn't make you miserable. Although you kind of already were miserable.
More miserable. You thought. You could very well be more miserable than you are now. Don't upset him. It won't do any good.
You hopped in your car. You put the coordinates into the VPS. And you drove out. You knew if you were a minute late it would not go over well but you couldn't help but drive slower trying to procrastinate being forced to have dinner with him. You noticed the clock and decided to speed up.
What you didn't notice was a drunk driver running a stop light. In seconds which felt like hours, like slow motion, you turned your head to see it barreling towards you, you attempted speed up to avoid being side smacked, you felt the impact and a wave of whiplash before blacking out
You awoke to a slightly familiar voice. You couldn't pin point where you heard it from. "You're Voxs little boy toy right?" The tall stranger in pink and drag was assessing your injuries. "Angel Dust?" You said head kind of fuzzy. "What are you doing here?" You mumbled. "Working" was all he said. Before he helped you out of your now totalled car.
You limped on out, using the spider as a crutch before he sat you down on the curb. You looked on to see the vehicle in shambles. You doubted Vox would replace it. In fact, you doubted Vox would ever let you get behind the wheel again after this. This. This was just the excuse he needed. You started to cry.
"Does it hurt? Hang in there ok." He had no idea what to do. Angel seemed almost uncomfortable at how to console you. You could understand that.
"He's never gonna let me do anything on my own ever again!" You sobbed. Angel gave a look of surprise. "You mean Vox?" You didn't get a chance to answer before the man himself showed up and budded in immediately.
"I'll take it from here Angel. Really appreciate you looking after him" Vox straightened his tie and gave Angel a serious look which was his hint to leave. Angel gave you an apologetic look but clearly wasn't ready to challenge Vox. So he simply wished you well and went away
Next thing you knew you were in the back of a car being checked for your injuries on your way to the studio to be treated. There were no hospitals in the sinner part of hell but there were medical professionals (for the right price). While in the car Vox discussed what was next.
"You really scared me." He said almost scolding you. "I don't know what I would've done if anything happened to you." Something did sort of happen to you but you were to tired too object at the moment. "I think I figured out a solution. You won't have to make deliveries anymore. You won't struggle with anything ever again. I'll pay for your testosterone, your surgeries, all of it."
You dreaded to hear what he had in mind. What could he possibly want from you that he did not already have? You got your answer and you did not like it.
"You'll come live with me. It will be just the two of us. You will never have to worry about anything." You jumped in panic and the nurse looking you over tried to calm you. You felt a rush of adrenaline suddenly kick in and your heart began to race. You couldn't communicate or form coherent thoughts as you tried to speak but it came out sounding delirious. You felt a sharp pain in your leg and looked down drowsily to see the needle before everything went dark again
You woke up in a bed... in someone else's room. Someone else's apartment. You were sure you knew whose it was. Vox sat at the edge of the bed perking up when he noticed you were awake
"How are you feeling?" He asked caressing your face. You tried to pull away but didn't have the energy to move an inch. You were too sore. "Vox?" you spoke up. "Yes" he leaned in at the sound of your voice. "Can I please just live on my own? I... I want to be independent" you thought maybe that since you were in such a state he would take pity on you. But you were wrong
"No. You're going to stay with me. I'm done with your rebellious behavior" he said coldly. This was a side of him you hadn't seen before. But then again you'd always done exactly what he wanted. Rebellious? You thought. I've been doing everything he asks.
"What are you talking about?" You questioned him confusion clear in your voice. "I didn't expect that once I owned your soul that I would no longer be able to hypnotize you. I wouldn't have taken it had I known. You were so good for me then. I would never have set you up. I would have found another way."
Set me up? You thought. Wait a minute! Your landlord.... "You did that?!?! I lost my apartment! You did that so I would... I hate you!" It was finally out. You finally lost your temper with him. He thought your behavior before was "rebellious" well you were gonna show him rebellious.
"Hate me?" He chuckled darkly "You have no idea how much you could hate me. But if I can't hypnotize you any more there's another way I could make you behave the way I want. You may hate me first but you will love me. I have an eternity to wait. Now I'll see you again soon my love... until then I would stay in bed. You wouldn't want to further injure that leg of yours" and that was the moment you noticed you couldn't feel your right leg. And you felt horribly alone as he left you to your own devices. This. This was the beginning of something truly awful
Keep an eye out for part 4
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idkirdkok · 4 months
Rewatched the ep for like the 100th time and needed to categorize the major points. So here are the major mistakes they each made throughout the last 5 minutes, and why they made them
Mistake no.1: stolas calling off the deal and springing the confession on blitz without any buildup or warning
Why i think he did it: he was nervous as fuck, he'd been thinking and overthinking about this for a very long time, and blitz was trying to get them into bed and stolas saw how he almost gave in, so he immediately started talking to avoid temptation. He was also, judging by the duet at the beginning, a bit hopeful that blitz would stay. So he wanted to get to that point quick, to "set them free" as soon as possible. I also think that maybe he (wrongly) assumed that blitz would be expecting it, since stolas kept canceling their fullmoon plans and instead invited him just to talk? And blitz mentioned to fizz that stolas kept asking him about how his day etc. Stolas doesn't know that Blitz firmly believes that someone like stolas couldn't care for someone like him, or that he never entertained the possibility of stolas actually caring about him.
Mistake no.2: blitz taking the confession as a joke/roleplay
Why he did it: "am i not fucking you good enough?" "I can always do better" he got a whiplash from thinking he was being thrown away cause he, once again, wasn't good enough, to stolas suddenly saying what he said. Given how things went at Ozzie's, he was still under the impression that "it's nothing more than stolas wanting blitz to fuck him". Again, Blitz never thought someone like stolas would ever actually care about someone like him, and he also didn't want to lose stolas. So he immediately convinced himself that 1)it must've been a joke and 2)he HAD to do something to change stolas' mind and keep the deal, to keep stolas around.
Mistake no.3: stolas dismissing blitz and walking away instead of giving him time to process
Why he did it: stolas saw blitz' reaction not just as a rejection, but basically a confirmation of what he was worried about, which is that it's always just been about sex, and he's been forcing blitz into this transaction, that being with him was never what blitz wanted. Which is why he immediately tried to leave, he wanted to "set them free", as he said in the duet.
Mistake no.4: blitz yelling and getting aggressive, kicking the door and swearing at stolas.
Why he did it: for one, he doesn't know about Stella and how abusive she was, so he had no way to know that acting like that would cause stolas to shut down. He also was feeling frustrated with how stolas didn't give him a moment to process, he even said that he needed time to think. He actually wanted to have the talk, after he was done yelling, he waited for stolas to snap back, and the moment he saw stolas cry, he went to apologize. He didn't want to actually hurt him.
Later things got worse because Blitz, in not knowing about Stella and how her abuse and literal attempt at killing stolas was affecting stolas, accidentally triggered stolas' flight response by yelling at him. I'm almost fully sure stolas didn't register anything from blitz' yelling, other than the insults and the general aggressiveness of his tone.
Also, about what stolas said before teleporting blitz away:
"I think so very highly of you" was in response to blitz implying that stolas thought blitz was "smaller and not as important". He needed to let blitz know that that wasn't the case at all.
"I didn't realize you think so low of me" as a statement/observation, because he never actually knew how blitz saw him. It hurt him. Which is why he immediately sent blitz away. He most likely didn't want blitz so him break like that.
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itzynabi · 6 months
born to be world tour: seoul
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— if you thought a little extreme physical exhaustion was gonna stop her from performing with her members, you were wrong
— but she also rested the entire week except for practices (she only did one music show perf for until spring on mucore)
— she didn’t use as much energy as usual just because her health rn is 👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾 but best assured she is a performer
— mr. vampire is HER song guys, like, the babygirl that she is OMG😩
— and then the little break before the solo stages
— when i tell you this girl was snacking backstage during chaeryeong’s performance (after changing into her outfit ofc)
— granted her snacks were to ensure she’d have enough energy, but miss girl was swinging her feet and twirling her hair as she ate her snacks
— she’s no fucking angel, she’s no fucking goddess‼️‼️
— nobody thought she was gonna swear but she did
— and the choreo *chef’s kiss*
— then back to backstage to change and rest some more
— she almost took a power nap, but all her naps turn into 4 hours of unconsciousness
— listen she’s a dynamite truther so you know she slayed during that performance
— and she’s also a not shy girlie so… the dance was dancing
— time for ments
— nabi: honestly, the number one song i was looking forward to performing was icy. i was looking forward to performing it, but it isn’t on the tracklist 😔 it breaks my heart, but at least not shy is here 😕
— during the more freestyle stages (no choreo just fun) the members checked on nabi’s condition
— at some point ryujin pulled her to sit down together and just vibe
— during the encore stage, her and yuna swapped mics so they could hear each other in their in-ears
— and it was chaos😭😭😭
— nabi’s voice is naturally a bit loud so yuna was suffering (one reblog is one prayer for yuna 🙏🏾)
— day 2 let’s go!
— since it was the second day she was better at controlling her energy
— you can say many things about nabi, but you cant say she isnt a performer
— bcs how the hell did she turn born to be into a babygirl anthem 😭😭
— the transition from the other members being girl crush personified to her smiling so big and being so cute gave everybody whiplash
— but then she started being on her hot girl shit immediately after
— and second day of no angels and no goddesses
— dynamite was made for her
— perfect balance between girl crush and cutie girl galore
— and psychic lover her beloved
— nabi singing love is to yeji with the biggest smile the world has ever seen
— ment time lets go!!!
— “the members are very… i’m very grateful to have them in my life. i hope we stay together for a long time and continue to love each other the way we do now. thank you for allowing me to be in your lives and to cry with you, laugh with you, sing with you… thank you for everything. crazy things are going to happen this year, but all six of us will get through it together”
— and she started tearing up as she was speaking🥺🥺 but she couldn’t handle the attention so “that’s all i have to say, stop looking at me”
— then she made eye contact with lia in the crowd and started crying
— nabi: and you havent *sobs* even been *sobs* to *sobs* my apartment yet *sobs*
— then it turned into yuna and nabi hugging each other while crying
— yuna: unnie *sobs* said if lia unnie doesn’t *sobs* like her *sobs* apartment *sobs* then she’ll move out
— then you’ve got ryujin “but when we sent jisu unnie the photos, she said it was cute”
— it was just crying and crying
— yeji, ryujin, and chaeryeong trying to get the oldest and youngest to stop crying
— chaeryeong: unnie, your parents are telling you to wipe your tears and stop crying
— “my parents are here😭😭? do you WaNt Me To CrY a RiVeR??”
— somebody please get this girl tissues bcs it was getting ugly atp😭😭😭
— and midzys are watching all of this happen mind you
— tuna crying and holding onto each other went viral and you know it!
— but then they both calmed down
— nabi: i need to take a nap
— and lets go home everybody!
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tagging: @seolboba // @ateezivy // @ateezjuliet // @cafemilk-tea // @smh-anon // @alixnsuperstxr // @cosmicwintr // @girlzwfun // @txt-yaomi // @moongrlz // @novwonia
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©️ kim nabi
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irrevocableloves · 1 year
violent delights
twilight rewrite! edward cullen x fem!witch!reader
chapter five: blood type
previous chapter ౨ৎ masterlist ౨ৎ chapter six
summary: edward gives in, no matter the efforts it took to keep himself away from her.
warnings: swearing, fluff, blood, gore
words: 4.9k (unedited)
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Throughout the entire night, Edward’s words replayed in my mind. It's better if we're not friends. What did that even mean? That he wanted to? That he felt this pull just as I did, but was too afraid to embrace it? Or was it just me? My stomach twisted. He must’ve noticed how engrossed I was by him and didn’t want to lead me on. Perhaps he was a mind reader. Oh god. The pathetic thoughts I’ve had towards him… I was considering it.
Normally, it was so easy for me to read people. For all my life, I was able to take in someone's thoughts from just their expressions whether it was genuine or forced. I knew someone was so annoyingly obsessed with me or completely hated my guts. Lauren wasn’t even a good example, anyone could see right through her act even though she tried to hide it with fake smiles and interactions. She didn’t like me and even the entire school could catch onto that. My dad always wondered if I could hear his thoughts because of how in tune I was with his emotions. He was closed off, which was part of the reason him and my mother ended things, but for me? I could always see right through him and know exactly what to say to him. But, Edward on the other hand? He drove me absolutely insane.
My thoughts were thankfully interrupted by a buzz on my cell.
jess &lt;3: Mike said YES!!!!
And then an immediate call afterwards.
Jess had me on the phone for almost an hour talking about Mike, the dance, Angela and Ben, and then of course, the so-called ‘tension’ she felt with Edward and I. But, I quickly changed the subject to shopping for dresses which kept her occupied for another hour.
Finally, she hung up and I went onto doing homework and answering emails from my mom before eventually passing out.
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Turning into the school lot, I made sure to park even farther than usual from his Volvo for my own sanity. Getting out of my car, I realized I’d left my keys and yanked it out a bit too swiftly, the keys flying into a puddle just outside my car. As I bent down to get it, a white hand swooped in and grabbed it, causing my jerk upright. I looked up, seeing Edward Cullen casually leaning on my car, my keys just dangling in his hands for me to take.
“How the hell do you do that?” I ask with an exasperated huff.
“Do what?” He held out my keys for me and I snatched them. He gave a light-hearted chuckle.
“Appear out of thin air.” I spat out.
“Y/N, it’s not my fault that you’re exceptionally unobservant.” 
I didn’t want to have this conversation again. I was tired of it. Instead, I walked past him. This time not even bothering to serve him a glance towards his way, no matter how much I wanted to.
To my surprise, he jogged towards me.
“So, why the traffic jam yesterday?” I huffed. “Thought you were supposed to be pretending I don’t exist, not deliberately annoying me.”
He gave a light chuckle. “That was for Tyler’s sake, not mine. Seems like he wanted a chance with you.”
That’s when I finally faced him, finding the urge not to hit his perfect face or perfect anything for that matter. “You’re fucking kidding.” He only seemed amused by my response.
“And I’m not pretending you don’t exist.”
“Oh, really? So you’re trying to annoy me to death? What? Since Tyler’s van didn’t do the job?” This anger was new to me. Usually, things didn’t bother me this much. But, Edward was different.
I expected anger from him as usual, but he only looked down at his feet, before muttering, “Y/N, that’s not–”
“I don’t care. Can you just leave me alone? Please? I just can’t keep up. One minute you're angry and the other you're consoling me. Your mood swings are giving me whiplash.” I interrupted him, not daring to look him back in the eye.
Silence followed, which was my que to head off to English.
I hadn’t realized class started by the time I walked in, Mr. Mason gave a huff with a “Thank you for joining us, Miss Y/L/N.” I headed to my seat in a rush. 
The entire class, I spent the majority of the time zoning out, thinking about what Edward had said. It wasn’t until class ended that I realized the seat next to me wasn’t occupied by the usual Mike, who would whisper my ear off for a straight hour. The silence was quite nice, but it worried me a bit. Once we all walked out of class, Mike’s spirits seemed to have lifted somehow as Eric mentioned the beach trip. Even with your sixteen years living here, it amazed you how Jess and the boys enjoyed surfing in this weather. No matter how much you favored Forks, California sure had Forks beaten with beaches. Most of the beach trips at Forks consisted of Angela and I waddled up in blankets at the back of Tyler’s van and watching movies off of one of my old DVD players.
The rest of the morning passed in a blur. Now, it was lunch. With my shaking nerves, I attempted to keep all my focus on Jessica’s babbling instead of searching for those golden eyes. I could hardly keep up with her pace as she rambled on about the dance plans, even convincing Angela to ask out Ben. I couldn’t help but wander my eyes towards his table. He wasn’t there. His four siblings sat in their usual spots, the only one with eyes on me was the one with a pixie-cut, Alice, with a slight smile curving on her lips.
“Edward is staring at you again,” Jessica said. I broke eye contact with Alice, bringing my attention towards Jessica. “I wonder why he’s sitting alone today.”
I followed her gaze from across the classroom. There he was. Edward. His crooked smile widening once he’d caught my attention. Suddenly, I’d lost my appetite. He waved his fingers towards me, motioning for me to join him, then a wink. Fuck.
“Does he mean you?” Jessica’s voice staggered. I’d forgotten we weren’t the only people in the room for a moment. “Told you he was into you.” she whispered, fighting through her giggles. I swore he heard that asI saw him fight a chuckle.
I shoved Jessica with my shoulder, hesitantly walking towards Edward with Jessica’s giggles in my rear view. When I reached the table, I didn’t sit, instead I stood behind the chair waiting for him to speak.
“Why don’t you sit with me today?” he asked, smiling. I eyed the chair, pulling it opening and sitting on the edge of it. His smile felt unreal, as if it was another ploy to reel me in again and push me away just as hard.
“Thought you didn’t wanna be friends?” I questioned.
“I said it would be better if we weren’t friends, not that I didn’t want to be.”
“What does that even mean?” I couldn’t read him. Why put so much effort into someone he hardly even knew? Why was I doing that?
“It means if you were smart, you’d stay away from me.” I tried.
“Haven’t I tried that already? You’re the one who wanted me here.”
“Well, I’ve decided to hell with it. As long as I’m going, I might as well get to know you better.”
“Hell? Now you’ve just expanded my theories.” I had none. No logical ones at least. I couldn’t even think them, let alone say them out loud, it was too bizarre.
“Oh, really? Won’t you tell me then?” he asked, tilting his head to the side with a tempting smile.
“Nope.” I shook my head, giving him a malicious smile.
“That’s really frustrating, you know?” So was he.
“Well that’s too bad.” I snickered. I decided not to make a scene, I could’ve bursted to him about the many ways he’s frustrated me. For starters, him being absolutely disgusted by me, ignoring me, then suddenly being enamored by me, then saving me, then ignoring me again, then suddenly he wants to get to know me? But, I wasn’t about to let the entire cafeteria know my frustrations with him.
“Fair enough.” He chuckled, then moved his gaze towards my original table. “I think your friends are angry with me for stealing you.”
I looked towards them. Angela and Jessica wore the same attitude: smiles and a fit of giggles. Lauren was angry as always, forcing herself closer to Tyler as he watched Edward and I with careful eyes. Eric pretended he wasn’t looking at all. Mike on the other hand, thankfully Jess hadn’t noticed, was burning holes at the back of Edward's head.
“They’ll survive.”
“Your boyfriend seems to think I’m being unpleasant to you – he’s debating whether or not to come and steal you away from me.” My face fell.
“He’s not my boyfriend.” I mumbled.
“He sure acts like he is.”
“Yeah, well that’s not my problem.”
Our table fell silent for a moment, until he spoke, “Aren’t you hungry?” No. I was full of nerves.
“No,” I said plainly. “You?” I knew what the answer was. It was embarrassing how attentively I watched him. He had food and he nibbled at it, but he never once ate. Same with his family. Emmett always carried a large amount of boiled eggs for whatever reason.
“Can you do me a favor?” I breathed out, hesitant to even say anything at all.
“Depends on what you’re asking for.”
“Not much…” He waited for my response. “What is this? What are we doing? Are we friends? Cause I don’t wanna waste my time if you’re just gonna ignore me again.”
“I told you – I got tired of trying to stay away from you. So… I’m giving up.” His smile was almost contagious, but I can see the pained look in his eyes.
“Giving up?”
“Yes, giving up. I’m not good for you, I know that. But, for some reason, I can’t seem to stay away from you.” He said softly. My breath hitched. I can’t seem to stay away from you. So, I wasn’t the only one.
“So…” I breathed in. I could hardly even bring myself to speak. “Friends?”
“Only if you tell me one of your theories.”
“Maybe later. Too many people around.”
He’d gotten up, I assumed that he’d wanted to leave. Instead, he moved his arm in front of himself, gesturing for me to go in front of him. “Lead the way.”
“You can’t be serious.” I laughed. The entire cafeteria’s eyes were on us, even his siblings and the stare they wore seemed unwelcoming, besides Alice, who tried her hardest to not break out into a smile.
All he did was give me another famous smirk. I practically jumped out of my seat, feeling all eyes on me as Edward and I left the cafeteria. We walked until no one was in sight, leading me to the back of the school on a hillside.
“Now, just one theory – I won’t laugh,” he said, plopping himself down in the grass.
“Yes, you will.”
“Please?” he breathed, leaning towards me.
I froze. My mind had gone completely blank. It took me a minute to recuperate before responding, “It’s dumb. I–I don’t know? Bitten by a radioactive spider?” It didn’t even sound better in my head at all.
“Well that’s not creative at all,” he scoffed.
“Well that’s all I’ve got. You haven’t given me much,” I laughed.
“You’re not even close,” he teased.
“No spiders?”
“And no radioactivity?”
“Dammit,” I sighed.
“Kryptonite doesn’t bother me, either.” He chuckled.
“Hey! You’re not supposed to laugh, remember?”
He struggled to compose his laughter.
After a few moments of silence, I started up again, “I just feel like… this doesn’t feel real. I’m here guessing which superpower you have and it sounds ridiculous, it really does…” I was caught up in thought, not even realizing the words I was saying aloud. “But I know what I saw. I just need a little help feeling a little less crazy here.”
“I wish you wouldn’t try.” His tone was serious again.
“You say superpower, as in superheroes, but what if I’m not a hero? What if I’m the bad guy?” He tried to hide his remorse with a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.
“No.” He seemed surprised by my remark. “I don’t believe that you’re a bad person. Dangerous, maybe? I don’t know. But not bad.”
“You’re wrong.”
Before I could even respond, the bell had rang, not even allowing me to process my thoughts.
I got up, offering my hand to his. “We’re gonna be late.”
He ignored my offer, gracefully standing up on his own.
“I’m not going to class today.”
“Why not?” I said, trying to hide my disappointment.
“It’s healthy to ditch class now and then.” He smiled, but still had a look of uneasiness.
“Not me. I’m gonna go,” I said. I couldn’t miss any more school than I already did, plus, I was a coward.
“I’ll see you later, then.” I wanted to stay with him. I considered it about fifty times in my head, but once I heard the first bell, my feet moved to its own accord.
As I fast-walked to class, I couldn’t help that my mind wandered to Edward. How none of my questions were answered, how I wasn’t afraid of him, how he thought of himself as a bad person. Only one question had been answered: I wasn’t the only one who felt a mental and physical pull towards him.
Lucky for me, Mr. Banner wasn’t in the class yet, so I hurried to my seat, hearing Jessica and Angela plead to come to their table for ‘deets’. Mike on the other hand looked resentful as he stared at me with his dejected eyes. I hushed them before Mr. Banner finally came into the room, juggling a few cardboard boxes in his arms, ordering Mike to pass them around.
“Okay, guys, I want you all to take one piece from each box,” he said, pulling a pair of disposable rubber gloves from his desk onto his hands. “The first should be an indicator card,” he went on, grabbing a white card with four squares marked on it. “The second is a four-pronged applicator –” he held up what looked to be a nearly toothless hair pick “– and the third is a sterile micro-lancet.” He held up a small piece of blue plastic and split it open. The barb was invisible from this distance, but my stomach flipped.
It happened when I was 12. I always saw my dad watching sports, but no matter how hard I tried, I was never engaged. One thing I did love: tossing around a foam football in our backyard. It was something that I could be a part of, rather than being lost in all the rules and regulations, tossing around a ball with my dad was almost effortless, with either no rules at all or ones that I maliciously made up on the spot. One day, my dad’s hand was far too strong, throwing it far into the woods. Normally, there was never an issue. Either one of us would run over and pick it up because what was the harm? It was only our backyard after all. So, I ran to get it. I found myself wandering a bit too far off than usual, hearing my dad’s shuffling and yells to head back. When I turned to head back, on my left there was a foot in the distance. I ran to it, calling out to my dad over and over to help the poor person who laid motionless in the middle of the woods. But when I reached them, they were far from gone. There was blood, a lot of it. I could hardly stand the gory horror movies with the blood even knowing it was fake. But this was something entirely different. Blood was absolutely everywhere, pooling from the neck. I was mortified. I ran back screaming, fully broken out into sobs as I tried to explain to my dad what I’d seen. That was the first animal attack in years. Ever since then, I’ve had what the doctor’s called ‘hemophobia’. It had gotten better over the years, the only exception being television or movies where I mostly closed my eyes, but physically? Needles and blood draws were a different story entirely.
“I’ll be coming around with a dropper of water to prepare your cards, so please don’t start until I get to you.” I felt like all my senses had heightened. At Mike’s table again, he started by carefully putting one drop of water in each of the four squares. “Then I want you to carefully prick your finger with the lancet…” He grabbed Mike’s hand and plunged the spike into the tip of Mike’s middle finger. Fuck. I felt sweat accumulate on my body, my hands leaving marks on the black countertop.
“Put a small drop of blood on each of the prongs.” He demonstrated, squeezing Mike’s finger till the blood flowed. That was it. The entire room spun around me and I couldn’t move a single inch. The words of Mr. Banner turned into a mumble as the ringing in my ears rang at an uncomfortable volume. I squeezed my eyes shut, attempting to tune out the entire world. A flash of red floods through my vision, not blood, but hair. A fiery red shade that complimented her pale skin and dark lips. She ran through a forest, impossibly fast, never breaking a sweat. Next to her, a man, just as pale as her, blonde with his hair tucked away in a ponytail. Then a third, one with much darker skin, but they all shared the same quality: red, bloodthirsty eyes. Then there’s water. A dock. A boat. Then, blood. Lots of it.
“Y/N, are you alright?” a voice said. I opened my eyes and I was back in the classroom, Mr. Banner hovering over me. What the fuck.
“I– uh– I already know my blood type,” I said in a weak voice, wiping the sweat from my hands on my pants.
“Are you feeling faint?” I nodded in response. “Can someone take Y/N to the nurse, please?” I didn’t even have to look around to know that it was Mike who volunteered to take me.
I attempted to stand, but Mike had practically ran to my side, putting his arm around my waist and my arm to his shoulder, forcing me to lean on him on the way out of the classroom. While he lugged me across campus, my mind was moving faster than my body, which had almost completely shut down from the shock.
“Can we stop for a minute, please? I– I just need to sit.” I yelped out. He brought me to a bench on the side of the building before I begged, “And p-please, keep your hand in your pocket.” I didn’t know what would happen if I saw blood again. I shivered at the thought.
“Bella?” his voice called from the distance. No, please, no.
“What’s wrong – is she hurt?” His voice was much closer, a voice filled with worry?
I didn’t even bother opening my eyes, instead I rocked my body back and forth, knocking my head on the wall, hoping that by some miracle, I was dreaming.
“I think she fainted. She didn’t even stick her finger, I don’t know what happened.” I could hear the stress in Mike’s voice, also the anger. He wanted more than anything for Edward to go away and so did I.
“Y/N.” Edward was inches away from my face. “Can you hear me?”
“No,” I groaned. “Go away.” A chuckle left his lips.
“I was taking her to the nurse,” Mike explained defensively, “but she wanted to stop.”
“I’ll take her,” Edward said. Please, no. “You can go back to class.”
“No,” Mike protested. Oh god, here we go again. “I’m supposed to do it.” Even with my eyes closed, I could picture Mike attempting to stand his ground against Edward, who was probably three inches taller than him. If I wasn’t so mentally and physically drained, I would’ve giggled at just the mental picture.
Suddenly I didn’t feel the bench anymore. My eyes shot upon. Edward had effortlessly scooped me up in his arms as if I weighed nothing at all.
“Put me down!” Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
I could hear Mike yelling in the back, but Edward had already strode quick enough to the point where he was only a mumble.
“You look awful,” he said, grinning.
“Edward. Please put me down.” The rocking felt worse. He wasn’t listening, so I settled my arms around his neck to steady my movements. I couldn’t help but notice how much his body had gone rigid. 
“So you faint at the sight of blood?” he asked. Yes... and apparently have freaky visions too… I didn’t answer. “And not even your own blood,” he continued, obviously amusing himself.
“Oh my,” I heard a female voice gasp.
“She fainted in Biology,” Edward explained.
Opening my eyes, I found myself in the office with Edward already making his way to the nurse’s door, to which a lady opened for him. Edward gently placed me on the cot, moving only just inches away from me.
“She’s just a little faint,” he said to the nurse. “They’re blood typing in Biology.”
“Just lie down for a minute, hon. It’ll pass.” I nodded in response. “Does this happen a lot?”
“Hasn’t happened in a while.” I couldn’t help, but notice Edward from the side of me, barely being able to contain a laugh.
The nurse faced Edward. “You can go back to class now,” she told him.
“I’m supposed to stay with her.” The nurse didn’t seem to argue with him. How did Edward have such a way with people?
The nurse had left the room to get ice, to which I laid down on the cot, groaning, “You were right.”
“I usually am – but about what in particular this time?” I didn’t have the energy to argue.
“Ditching is healthy.”
“You scared me back there.” His tone surprised me. The way his breath hitched, as if he was confessing his deepest darkest secrets; that he was worried about me. “I thought Newton was dragging your dead body off to bury it in the woods.”
I stifled a chuckle. I tried to imagine poor Mike Newton, anxiety and all, trying to cover up my murder.
“How’d you see me? Thought you were ditching?” I sat up, facing him. Finally, the dizzy spell had passed.
“I was in my car, listening to a CD.” For some reason, it surprised me. So, he was normal-ish?
The door opened, revealing the nurse with an ice pack in hand, laying it across my forehead. “You’re looking better,” she chirped.
“Yeah, I think–” I was interrupted by the door opening, the receptionist had her head peeking through, claiming there was a boy waiting at the door for me.
The door fully opened to reveal Mike, awkwardly walking through the door, glancing from me to Edward, a look of loathe stretched across his face.
“You look better.” I nodded in response. He continued, “So, you ready to go back to class?”
The nurse interrupted before I could reply, “I think it would be best if she stayed. What’s your next class, dear?”
“Oh my, Ms. Cope here will get a note right out to your class, dear, don’t you worry about that!”
Mike left awkwardly, mumbling, “Feel better. See you at the beach.” before heading back to Biology. I didn’t even realize Edward had left too. I took the time alone to lie back down, placing the ice pack back on my forehead, hoping the ice would numb my mind too.
I felt the cot from beneath me disappear and was once again surprised to see Edward scooping me up in his arms. I yelped, “What are you doing?!”
“Taking you home.” As it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Once we were through the doors, I could feel all eyes on me, both the nurse and Ms. Cope looked at me in admiration. I could feel my cheeks burning red from the embarrassment.
“I can walk, you know?”
“Yep.” I didn’t miss the smirk on his lips, especially when we’d passed Mike, who’d become even more red from the sight of us. Edward simply laughed it off.
As soon as we got to the parking lot, he set me on my feet, leaving us both to walk side by side until we reached our cars.
“You’re enjoying this aren’t you?”
“A little, yeah.” That damn smile. 
When I went to walk over to my own car, something caught my jacket, yanking me back.
“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked, his eyebrows completely raised.
“I promised I’d safely take you home. You think I’m going to let you drive in your condition?”
He was right, as much as I hated to admit it. Not even twenty minutes ago I was recovering from a dizzy spell, accompanied by whatever the hell I saw when I closed my eyes. I only asked, “What about my car?”
“I’ll have Alice drop it off for you after school.” He loosened his grip on my jacket, placing his hand on my back to guide me to his car, to which he opened and closed for me once I’d gotten in.
He got into his car and settled his keys in, cranking up the heat. I didn’t even realize how freezing I was until he cranked up the heat, which eventually settled down my shivers. Before we set off, I told him my address. Then, a familiar tune flooded my ears.
“Clair de Lune?” I asked, surprised. When he said he was listening to a CD, I didn’t know what I’d expect to blare from his speakers, but it definitely wasn’t the elegance of Claude Debussy.
“You know Debussy?” He sounded just as surprised as I was.
“From my mom.” I nodded. “She plays a lot of classical music – I only know a couple of my favorites.”
“It’s one of my favorites, too.”
I leaned back into the gray leather seat, watching the rain, and letting the music soothe my nerves. The view outside had blurred completely into green and gray streaks, showing just how fast we were going, but the ride had felt as smooth as ever.
“If you don’t mind me asking… Why are you sensitive to blood?”
“Um…” I paused. For some reason, I felt alright with telling him. No one else had known besides my dad, the doctors, and the occasional therapist. “When I was 12, I saw an animal attack. It was in the woods by my house. There was a lot of blood… and since then, I don’t know… I just freak out.”
“I’m sorry,” he said sincerely.
I let silence invade the space, before mumbling, “Your turn.”
“What?” He looked terrified. As if I’d just asked him to reveal one of his deepest and darkest secrets.
“Tell me something about yourself. It doesn’t have to be as deep and traumatic as mine… What about your family?” I deserved to know even a portion about his life at least.
“What do you want to know?”
“The Cullens adopted you?” I confirmed.
“Can I ask what happened to your parents?” I didn’t expect an answer. Even after all that I’ve told him, it seemed too overbearing.
“They died a long time ago.”
“I’m sorry.”
He shook his head. “I don’t remember them much. Carlisle and Esme are all I’ve ever known really. I couldn’t imagine two better people.”
“I’m glad.” I continued on, “And your brother and sister?”
“My brother and sister, and Jasper and Rosalie for that matter… they are going to be quite upset if they have to stand in the rain to wait for me.” He chuckled.
“Oh, shit.” I hadn’t even realized we stopped, let alone in front of my house already. “Sorry, yeah, I’ll um– see you later?” 
I didn’t get out of the car yet. I wanted to ask him something, even if I ended up regretting it later.
“Did you wanna come with us to the beach?” I breathed out.
A smile littered across his face. “Which beach?” Was he considering it?
“La Push.”
His smile lessened. So I asked, “Something wrong?”
“No, sorry.” His eyebrows furrowed intensely. “I just remembered Emmett and I had plans. Hiking in the Goat Rock Wilderness.”
“Oh,” I said. “Well, have fun.” I tried to hide my disappointment, but I don’t think I fooled him too much. A smile was still spread across his face, almost amused by how I reacted.
Just as I was about to open the door, he said, “Maybe another time. Just the two of us. Somewhere more quiet.” I felt shivers down my spine.
“Y-yeah.” I stuttered. “Thanks for the ride.”
Slamming the door shut, I turned to face him, his smile still radiating even after he drove off.
next chapter
a/n: this one is a lot longer than the others and i had to rely on the book a lot for some of the dialogue, but just some little changes here and there! i hope you all like it!
tags: @measure-in-pain @brekkers-whore @rejectedbimbo @leilanileila
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goldensmilingbird · 4 months
Am I tripping or new Ladybug and Carapace suits are very similar? In the way they're colored, I mean.
There's the shape of the front, the darker parts of the sides and arms, the distinctive "waistband" on the sides, the darker toes (and maybe heels)
I don't think it's bad, it works! I especially like Nino's suit. Just gave me a whiplash 😅
What are your thoughts?
Huh, I can kinda see it, now that you pointed it out
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Tbh I didn't even notice the differences in the suits at first, just their faces and change in style
I have to put the old suits side by side for comparison
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Okay, I can see he has more darker sections in his suit now, and it seems bulkier
And LB now has this detail that I liked in Shadybug design
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I like the waistband thingies they have too
Overall they look nice (though I'm not sure I like Nino's new face, he seems younger now)
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I have to compare Adrien and Alya too, of course, because I love these two
I think the thing that bothers me is - why are their faces so...slimmed down
Chat immediately gives off Felix vibes to me: just the sharper chin and the hair swoop, do you see it??
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Like what the heck
It again makes me wonder what Felix would look like
It's not at all what I expected tbh - since they're kinda mixing the show's style with movie style, I thought he would still have that babyface. But since I heard we'd see the characters older in the new season, I guess it makes sense they'd try to make him look more mature (even though Nino looks younger?)
Idk how to feel about it yet
(My friend whose favourite character is Adrien and who's the one that let me know about the designs is kinda freaking out now. I can see why, it's a drastic change)
About his suit - I feel like I don't have much to say, it seems less shiny and I think he doesn't have the big cuffs on his legs anymore? But I'd need to see it in better quality (the lines and zippers on his suit are almost invisible to me here)
Alya is pretty, but why does she look slimmed down :( It was already a point of discourse before, how her figure changes between Alya and Rena, but here I put new and old versions side by side and I can definitely see it
Also her ears are much bigger for some reason, the white shape on her suit is different and so is the design of her flute, but these don't bother me as much
I hope in her civilian model they don't straighten her hair like it was in the movie
Overall, I like Marinette's and Ladybug's renders the best so far, I feel like they probably put most effort into her since she's the MC, I'm more mixed on other redesigns, especially Adrien and Alya
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cxpidsrevolution · 2 years
Wink Murder
Chapter 1: The race begins
WC: 1.3k
CW: Mentions of death, strangling, violence
Taglist: Open
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"Did- Did you?" speaking suddenly in a panicked tone you took a second to organise your thoughts before finishing your question, not having fully taken in the situation yet. Although it seemed as though you didn't need to finish as the boy simply shook his head. He didn't seem quite so off guard in this situation as you were but something in his body language told you that he was also uneasy about the suddenness of the circumstance you had found yourselves in. Perhaps that was what made you trust his answer.
“I could be asking you the same thing. Although I doubt that if you had killed our victim you would still be hanging around to be discovered by yours truly.” Any sign of nervousness he had previously shown seemed to dissipate the moment he opened his mouth, instead being replaced by the calculated and almost presumptuous manner in which he spoke. The quick change gave you whiplash and as you tried to adjust he continued his thought track, his attention back on the scene in the bathroom. “Do you happen to know who this girl is? Knowing the victim could really help us with solving this crime.”
“What do you mean ‘us’?!? The only thing we should be doing is calling the police!!” You spoke immediately without even thinking, the position you were in addicting your tone of voice more than you wanted, your words coming across more aggressive than intended. With a deep breath you steadied yourself and tried to think through your reasoning carefully before speaking again “I think we are a little out of our depth trying to solve a crime, surely they will be better at their jobs than us and plus I don't even know who you are.''
"Shikanoin Heizou." He extended his hand to you in an almost joyful manner, an out of place tone in his voice, "We needn't worry about being out of our depths, I happen to be somewhat of a prodigy in just this area. I believe it best to narrow down suspects so as to not create hysteria or suspicion that would allow the culprit to slip away."
"So instead you suggest we leave this poor girls body here and investigate?! Do you not register how insane that sounds?" You were basically yelling these words and it prompted him to shive his hands towards your face in an attempt to quiet you.
"You'll alert the entire party of what's happened if you keep screaming like that. It's in your best interest to try and figure this out before involving officials as well, especially since you were the one in the room with a dead body acting all nonchalant," Heizou took a brief pause to remove his phone from his pocket, a conspiring look plastered across his face, "But if you insist on calling the police immediately then you can be the one to explain that to them. I'm sure it would go down just fine for you."
"Fine, fine. We can hold off on calling the cops so just please put your phone away, okay?" there was a sense of urgency in your voice, you had to admit that he was right, playing along with him would be in your benefit as well, being a murder suspect would not look good for your future. This was not the situation you really wanted to find yourself stuck in but you would be a fool to not see how suspicious you seemed by just being in proximity to this girl's body.
"You really don't think it was me?" 
"I'd like to think myself a good judge of character, call it intuition but I don't think you're quite capable of this kind of malice." He spoke as he made his way towards the body to examine it, crouching down beside the girl and reaching out to discern a cause of death. His movement triggered a jerk reaction as you grabbed his wrist.
"Don't touch the body idiot. God for some genius detective you were about to make a very basic forensic mistake. Are you trying to incriminate yourself?" You couldn't help but roll your eyes at his foolish actions. 
"Oh yeah," Heizou said. He bit the inside of his cheek for a moment as if pondering an alternative without forensics equipment.
He looked towards your hand that was still firmly planted on his wrist, "Are you going to let go off me or do you want to continue to hold my hand? Either way I shall not complain, I never was one to reject the advances of a pretty person" Heizou spoke with a teasing smirk, punctuating his statement with a wink that made your cheeks burn slightly.
You shook your head, promptly releasing his wrist from your grasp and averting your gaze from his to maintain composure. 
"It appears our victims death was due to asphyxiation. The redness and bruising on the neck as well as the slight subconjunctival haemorrhaging are consistent with that cause of death," it was as if a switch had been pressed in his brain, his flirty and joyous demeanour disappearing for a more serious one as Heizou switched his attention back onto the girl "There doesn't seem to be any external injuries outside of that, the killer will have had no need to hide a weapon it'll make them harder to find."
"She does however have a broken nail and what seems to be blood under her nails. Guess she didn't go down without a fight, the perpetrator must have some scratches from the struggle, right?" You waited for an answer from him and he simply nodded.
"You're actually pretty good at this," Heizou took a pause realising he never got your name "What is your name? I don't believe you've told me"
"It's YN. I wouldn't say I'm good at this, I’m just applying common knowledge to the situation.”  
“Whatever you say, regardless YN tonight you have the pleasure of being my assistant while investigating." He said with a smile as if he had just bestowed upon you the greatest opportunity imaginable.
"Assistant?" You sounded almost taken aback by his labelling of you, "You said so yourself, I'm good at this. I bet I could solve this crime quicker than you ever could!"
As you exclaim this the boy in front of you burst into a fit of laughter wiping his eyes as he let out his last chuckle.
"What's funny about that?"
Heizou quickly piped up, "Nothing." He took a second to catch his breath after his laughing, "I didn't mean anything bad, it's just like I said I'm a prodigy at this, and I doubt you could do better than me. Honestly it's quite the amusing notion."
That cocky fucker.
"How about I prove it to you?" You spoke with a confidence in your voice.
"Huh?" His initial jovial tone had been overtaken by a surprised one as he tried to register what you had said.
"I'll prove it to you. That I could do better," you crossed your arms gazing towards him.
"And how do you plan on doing that?" The smile on his face was damn near arrogant at this point.
"I'm going to solve this case before you."
You expected him to laugh or have some condescending retort but Heizou just let out a sigh and nodded his head.
"Fine, fine. If you truly think you can, I would love to see it." His voice sounded cheerful again but his body language still displayed his confusion in being challenged.
"And you will!" 
As you finished speaking a knock came from the door. You had been too caught up in your bickering you had forgotten that you were at a frat party. You swiftly look at Heizou with a concerned look as the knocking got louder and louder. 
Summary: When a murder occurs at a college party you're both at, you and genius detective prodigy Heizou race to solve the crime faster than the other without arousing suspicion from the other guests
A/N: This Chapter took me forever because I ran out of motivation half way through but it's finally here and I hope you enjoy!!
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3rdbogwitch2theleft · 9 months
So we finished season 5 episode 7 of Smallville "Splinter" and the whiplash I felt seeing this one come right after the "Dukes of Hazard reunion & Lois goes undercover at a strip club" episode. Just wow.
I had no memory of this one. So much so that I think maybe I missed it when it originally aired.
This is the one where Brainiac exposed Clark to silver kryptonite and Clark becomes paranoid, delusional, and violent. It's shot like a horror film and as a horror episode it is extremely effective. The changes in perspective conveyed by the changes in camera angles so you know what's real and what's Clark's delusions. Clark's progressive deranged sweatiness. His little half smile when Lex pulls a gun on him. Unsettling to the core.
Clark is terrifying in this episode. Truly, honestly terrifying.
He nearly chokes Lana to death because he thinks she "betrayed him" and it's horrifying to watch. And I it baffles me to my core that this was not the immediate end to their relationship. She just forgives him instantly. Girl. Girl he almost killed you ON PURPOSE in a jealous rage.
It could have worked better if she was like "hey I was possessed by a homicidal witch last year I know all about coming out of an altered state disoriented and plagued by guilt and I know how it feels not be be able to trust my own mind", but they didn't bring any of that up they just had her say "Chloe told me the meteor rock made you violent and delusional and gave you temporary powers. I know you'd never hurt me" except he did hurt you Lana. You're in a hospital bed Lana. Had he not be interrupted you would not be alive, Lana!
I like Lana and I want good things for Lana and the men of Smallville are just not it and it's so hard to watch.
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cherokeecharles · 1 year
#Hottakes #10: Men are scary AF!
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You give an inch they take a mile is how I can describe men’s behaviors at the moment. I’m pretty sure everyone is well-educated in sexism and misogyny, but it seems like it’s ramped up over the last couple of years. Whether it be actively supporting an abuser, the podcast man, or just being downright nasty to women men have been scarier lately. The recent Jonathan Majors news, and push us to the forefront that we don’t know who these men are in real life, or what’s their true nature. Men in positions of power are notoriously protected by media and their rabbit fan bases, but the case of Jonathan Majors makes this a bit more sinister.
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Jonathan Majors has just had a breakout year by starring in the movie Creed III alongside Michael B Jordan. The publicity was high, and praise was raining in from all corners, yet somehow black men did not like him. Black men often criticized him for being way too feminine and pandering to the female gaze. Women often defended him against the misogynistic comments that were made towards him and supported him while people were being nasty. While not being the traditional beauty standards, women also went out of their way to complement his unique look and uplifted him rather than join in with the people who were bashing his looks. All of this came to a screeching halt on March 25, 2023, when it was reported that he was arrested for assaulting his girlfriend. It almost gave me whiplash to see the public opinion change on him within minutes. The same women who supported him in the past were shocked and disgusted that they even supported him in the first place, understandably so. But with me, the situation, just a little more sinister was the increased support that he got from black men, the very black man that didn’t like him, because he was pandering to women.
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As the details were released about Jonathan Majors, dynamics shifted immediately. Black men who were the ones who didn’t support Jonathan Majors at all, and did not see the height behind him were all of the sidings championing him and protecting him from whatever backlash was to come from his actions. The ‘protect black men’ posse was out in rare form, trying to rehabilitate his public image while it was progressively getting worse. Multiple people who have worked with Jonathan Majors has alleged he wasn’t who he seemed, and yet you have people defending his name like their life depended on it. The bigger question that I asked is why black men amp up the support when the black man and question is being called out for their abusive behavior. Up to last weekend, Jonathan Majors was not a favorite amongst black men and now we’re being told that he’s the second coming of Emmett Till just because his accuser is a white woman. The accuser could be a textbook victim of domestic violence, and they wouldn’t care just because she’s white and white women and black men have a troubled past. This leads me to say that this builds somewhat of a distrust between black men and black women.
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The relationship between men and women has been strained especially within the black community. The Jonathan Majors situation puts a light on the underlying issues that we have between black men and black women. Why are black men only in support of other black men when they’re being abusive towards women? Jonathan Majors expressing his femininity and then being an abuser is scary af. Of course, we don’t know who these celebrities are in real life but it’s almost like he knew exactly what to say to a particular audience that he knew would support him. Not too long ago he was talking about black men showing their feelings and emotions in an interview for the Creed III movie just so he could be an abuser.
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To be clear, I know this isn’t every black man who acts like this, or who is an abuser. The problem lies is with who women can trust. As a woman growing up, we all are taught every cautionary tale possible about how men are untrustworthy, and men are this and that. But when do you teach those men to do better? Jonathan Majors is just one of many celebrities who have been protected after showing an abusive nature towards women. At what point does it end? It’s almost like abuse and Hollywood go hand-in-hand. At some point, these behaviors will be called out and will have an in-depth discussion that isn’t coddling abusers.
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Happy Women's Month! I hope you all had an amazing month and celebrated womanhood as best as you know how. What do y'all think about the Jonathan Majors story? Are we surprised? Did we expect better? So sorry for the late post but life has been life-ing lately so I'll keep everyone updated on that soon! See you guys next post!
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gracefullou · 1 year
I loved every moment you mentioned too! The greatest is so good, it was one of my immediate favourites on the album on first listen so hearing it as the opener was awesome. SIBWAWC delivered as expected!!! So good. It was just such a strong setlist! I agree about the 1D songs, I never really listened to 1D (other than how everyone my age did, in the sense that the music was everywhere so you picked stuff up) so I wasnt that familiar with WDBHG but Louis made it fun! I'd be fine with only one 1D cover (especially if it gave us headline, common people or TTWLG which im keeping my fingers crossed will get rotated in)
The production was really good, I'm a fairly new fan so haven't seen too much of Louis' last tour (mostly just clips) so it was really cool to see all the screens and lights. You can tell a lot of thought goes into making it feel cohesive.
I was soooo pleased to hear Copy, it's just SUCH a good song and he looked confident singing it.
Also back to you!!! I really didn't expect that, it was such a good version. And "Miss you" was one of the first Louis songs I discovered and really loved (very late discovery as this was like...last year? Haha) and I've always thought it would be SUCH a great song to experience live so that gives me a bit of hope that maybe we'll get a version of it at some point on this tour. (Whishful thinking maybe!)
Also got to mention going from saved by a stranger (Also so good) to WAOYF...the emotional whiplash!!!! It worked though!
Honestly, I could probably run through every song with something I liked (I've barely mentioned HOTH and Saturdays and silver Tongues!) but I've already ranted in your inbox enough but what a great first show!!!! So excited for the next one!!!
I'm glad to see the greatest appreciation, it was one of my favs at first listen too. Louis writes the best tour openers. He really did transport us to another world with sibwawc didn't he 😌 his mind is just superior. The production was mind blowing and a true step up from last tour (ltwt's production was still amazing though). Copy is a masterpiece no doubt about that the imagerie of the lyrics is insane. BTY in 2023? If someone told me that before the show i would never believe them but it made me so happy for many reasons. There is hope for miss you after all 😭 ( i think at some point he's going to replace bty with miss you and if it happens idk how i'll survive). There was so many surprises last night but honestly the biggest one for me was him singing saved by a stranger ❤️‍🩹(the bravery, the grace!!). Not only that he also made it kind of rock and followed it with waoyf (that fan in the live stream who was silent the whole time but felt the need to shout "can we pls go back to fucking" instead of " loving" didn't go unnoticed🔪🔪). Tbh, i always thought if he really had to perform a 1d song, night changes would be a good one (his solo is so angelic in it) and i enjoyed it when he performed it in the past. But this time, even i was surprised that the 1d covers didn't work for me. I think fitf is just a beast on a whole other level and performing 1d songs among such a brillant setlist emphasizes the quality differece between Louis' solo songs and the band's, sorry. Night changes followed by Chicago and wdbhg put between ooms and saturdays (and then silver tongues) was almost humilating for them if it weren't for Louis' perfect delivery and witt (and angelic voice). I can talk about the show forever and in detail about each and every song but i didn't want to make this any longer. Feel free to rant about Louis' music and performances in my inbox i love those kind of rants 🥰. The second show is today and i couldn't be more excited 💙
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byeol-ssi · 2 years
Byeol~ I hope you're having a lovely time wherever you are!! You can do this when you're not busy, but I wanted to make a drabble request with the "there's only one bed" prompt with Ayato and Childe <33 I'm stuck between Diluc and Scaramouche (since your characterization for them is to die for) so you can choose whoever you like more for the last. Thank you so much and have a good time!
underneath twilight ♡ part one
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✦ ayato. childe. diluc. scaramouche. x gn!reader | part two.
✦ tags: sharing a bed (completely SFW) + various tropes.
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ayato *. ⋆ lord and employee relationship
your eyes bounce between the extravagant king-sized bed and sofa. immediately, you make a beeline for the latter and promptly sit down on it. 
as you fluff the cushions on the sofa, AYATO's shadow casts over where you are. aside from his clean, familiar scent that was enough to scramble your brain whenever it enveloped you, he was the only other person in the room. 
the room he insisted you stay in — reasoning that it was reckless for you to sleep with the other male housekeepers, and that no one would wait on him. 
wasn't it the same though, staying in the same room as him? you wanted to question, but refrained, biting your tongue instead. he'd most likely find another way to have the last word. he always did. 
you look up at him, folding your hands in your lap and offering him a polite bow. "i bid you goodnight, milord. please do not hesitate to wake me if you require anything." 
ayato hums, tilting his head in your direction playfully, before elegantly taking a seat next to you. he crosses his legs, blatantly making himself comfortable. 
you blink dumbly. what was he up to now? squirming slightly under his gaze, you cautiously approach, "my lord?" 
"go ahead. sleep," he taunts airily. his voice drops an octave lower when he follows his challenge with, "i'll move you to the bed once you do." 
your stomach knots furiously, and it only worsens when he leans in abruptly. the commissioner seemed to have no concept of personal space, as he always lingered a little too close — never at a distance that could allow you to form coherent thoughts. 
the only problem was, you didn't mind this as much as you should have. 
"is that what you were hoping for?" he asks, tone changing from teasing to innocent so startlingly it almost gave you whiplash.
but after working alongside him for several years, you knew that ayato was never innocent — no matter how much he tried to hide it behind an innocuous facade composed of eloquence, grace, and close-lipped smiles. 
"i wouldn't dare!" you refute a tad too late. and with the cheery grin on his face, he knows you had considered it. sputtering out, "i could not possibly allow you to sleep here!" 
"i never mentioned that i would." he stands up, finally giving you a chance to breathe again, and makes a show of clambering into bed. laying on his side, his eyes shone with a gleam you were all-too-familiar with. "i'll stay right here. beside you." 
the long whoosh of air that gets knocked out of you a second time leaves you speechless, and all you could do was stare at him, open-mouthed, from where you sat. 
when you don't move, ayato sighs. "would you rather i turn this into an order?" he says it good-naturedly, though you knew firsthand that he'd make do with this threat. "i will not lay a hand on you. quite frankly, i cannot be bothered with the paperwork if you do report me for harassment." 
and even though ayato was never innocent, he's never placed you in harm's way. so, you slowly make your way to the bed with your back against the wall, arms slightly raised in apprehension.
still, you wonder if you could get away with strangling him in his sleep. you're pretty sure you'd be doing everyone a favor. perhaps a generous reward awaits you from guuji yae. 
ayato only tracks your figure with a lazy, amused smile. like a fox waiting for its prey. 
eventually, you find yourself under the covers. exhausted from today's activities and not wanting to deal with the man next to you, you fall asleep rather quickly after a murmured goodnight.
propping his head in his fist, he gingerly pulls the blanket closer below your chin. his hand lingers there for a second, thinking about how easily you'd fallen into his whims. 
his hand trails down to your jawline, tracing it as you slept. his heart is barely beating when a content sigh leaves your lips, feeling as if he could stay in this moment forever. 
in this moment, where you felt within his reach. and although you always were, given your occupation, tonight felt like he was hanging by a thin thread — suspended in time.
a place where status did not matter. a place where he did not have to mind prying eyes, and meddlesome mouths. a place where, even while you were asleep, his touch could cause you such contentment. 
and that was enough for him.
for now, at least.
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childe  *. ⋆  childhood friends to lovers
"leave that for tomorrow," CHILDE complains, calling out to you from the other side of the room.
"i know, i know," you mutter to yourself, rubbing your eyes tiredly as you finally switch the lights close. "'m coming." 
it's almost pitch-black, and the cool weight of evening and fatigue fall on your shoulders. only silhouettes dance within the shadows as you maneuver in the dark to locate your bed. 
your knees hit the edge of its frame, and you pat the surface blindly. childe lets out a small grunt, "that was my stomach," he all but wheezes. 
"sorry," you snickered, not sounding a bit apologetic.
childe coming over to sleep was nothing new. the two of you were inseparable when you were younger, and you shared many other things besides a bed growing up. 
that is until he disappeared from your life for quite a while, and this little sleepover would mark the first time in a long time again.
though not much has truly changed. 
he's still insisted that you take the side that's right next to the wall, with him closest to the door. he explained that he'd be able to protect you much more quickly if ever someone intruded.
and like before, you're always the last to come to bed, so you always find yourself crawling over him to get to your spot. 
but the passage of time does not keep everything the same. it's inevitable — something that goes by unnoticed when you don't pay attention. not until the shifts are right in front of you.
because now, you've forgotten that childe's taller. much broader. and before you realize it, you clumsily fall over half of his body. he lets out a second grunt that night, and with a strength you don't recall he possessed before, he keeps you there by draping an arm over your hip. 
you strain your head up to look at him, the tip of your nose brushing his neck. this too, seemed like a new development. one you weren't overly opposed to. hesitantly, you whisper, "childe ... ?"
"stay there," he mumbles, releasing you momentarily to fix your positions and the blanket over both of you. you bury your face in his neck as he holds you in an attempt to become snug. 
"good?" he asks quietly. his fingers thread in your hair, featherlight touches as they dance atop your scalp.
you hum an affirmative reply, clinging to his shirt just a little more.
"good." there's a fond lilt in his voice, and you knew that he'd probably give you shit about this tomorrow morning, but you couldn't help it. 
despite the changes, despite all the years that passed, he still felt warm and familiar. solid and safe. 
"i didn't know you missed me this much," he teases. apparently, he couldn't wait until tomorrow. 
"i did," you admit, and childe is partly taken aback, not expecting you to humor him with blunt honesty. "more than you know." 
the arm around you tightens, pulling you even closer to his side. feigning his laid-back demeanor, he easily replies with, "oh, i know." 
you huff, managing a retort despite your weariness. "you're so annoying."
he laughs, and you feel his entire upper body shake. his hand goes to your upper arm, rubbing it up and down mindlessly. "but you love me." 
"i do," you whisper. the confession is so delicate — so raw — that his hand stills in their movements while sleep drags you deeper into its hold. "more than you know." 
vaguely, you feel him angle his head to look down on you. something damp presses against your forehead so lightly, that you almost believe that you were dreaming already. 
but childe's lips murmur against your forehead.
"i love you more." he breathes.
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diluc  *. ⋆  fake dating
DILUC pinches the bridge of his nose in aggravation. he didn't account for how kaeya and the others would actually go this far. 
it started with a straightforward proposition. a simple scheme to get elzer and kaeya off his back, but he didn't foresee this far ahead into the future, nor considered this possibility. 
a future where you're both forced to share a room since you were parading around as "lovers" in mondstadt.
"i'm really sorry," you began, and diluc hates the way you sound so remorseful. this wasn't even your fault, as it was him who'd stupidly roped you into this entire predicament. "i could ask the front desk if they have another spare room, but they might find out that we separated ways." 
and he hates that it's still him, his reputation, his well-being, that you were considering to the very end. "i don't care. i would much rather have you sleep comfortably instead of keeping up with this act. i can sleep on the floor or move rooms —" 
"it's fine!" you blurt out. diluc opens his mouth to protest again, but you hurriedly propose, "we can share! it's just two people sleeping." 
with the look on your face, diluc knew you weren't entirely convinced as well. but then you continue with forced indifference lacing your voice, "plus ... this is all just fake, right?" 
an arrow pierces through his chest. 
"yes," he lies, mouth going dry. the arrow's steel tip digs down a little deeper. 
you nod, gifting him with a smile that's meant to reassure him, but diluc only feels dishonorable. after a while of awkwardly shuffling around one another, you feel the bed dip beside you as he finally lies down. 
"should i head down and request another blanket?" diluc offers. truly, why would whoever designed this room place an enormously large bed with a single piece of cloth that was half its size? 
you swallow nervously, avoiding his eye. "we could also ... share. if you don't mind." 
he gives you the tiniest little nod, and before he can spark another argument about moving rooms once more, you scoot closer to his side until you're flush against him. 
draping the blanket over both of you, he wonders if you could hear the hammering of his heart in this dead of night. it would be impossible for you not to. 
"please sleep well." your words come out muffled from his chest, and your breathing slowly evens out.
he keeps his arm above your shoulder, afraid to wrongly touch you anywhere else.  
he's aware that you've both gone too far to go back, and that you're both too terrified to move forward. and with the way he pulls you closer, presses you more tightly against him, even he can't deny that this wasn't just for warmth anymore. 
because with every minute that goes by, diluc knows he can't ever let you go. not when you feel like home in his arms. 
so he closes his eyes and decides that when the sun rises, he needs to make this all real, somehow. 
but that was a promise for tomorrow when you both start anew. 
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scaramouche *. ⋆ enemies to lovers
"listen, can we please just get this over with?" you plead wearily. 
SCARAMOUCHE stood by the edge of the singular bed that you were currently arguing over. exhaustion permeated the air, as today's mission was longer than most — courtesy of your assigned partner, who never failed to give you a migraine — and you definitely did not want to sleep on cold, hard ground tonight. 
scaramouche closes his eyes with an irritated click of his tongue, looking as equally exhausted as you did. still, he manages to sneer and say, "and as i said, i'll be taking the bed." 
you heave a sigh, massaging your temples. "no, you'll take the floor." 
"i won't. do you forget your place? i carry a higher rank than you do." 
"fine," you spit out bitterly. "i'll go and ask childe if i can room with him. maybe he won't be an immature ass and actually knows how to fucking share." 
that's when his head snaps back to look at you again. bingo. his nostrils flare while he glowers at you — an expression you were practically immune to by now. "i can fucking share."
"see?" you scoff. archons, he was so predictable. "must you always win?" 
unbeknownst to you, scaramouche lets that comment slide, distracting himself by rearranging the extra pillows into a line down the middle of the bed, splitting it in half. 
because yes, when it comes to you, he'll always win. he wants — needs — to.
he gets in first, and you follow right after without any semblance of fear. it's something that's bothered him up to this very day and is responsible for the tight feeling in his chest whenever in your orbit that he's yet to name or acknowledge at all.
"stay on your fucking side or i will burn this entire place down," scaramouche warns threateningly.
you don't miss a beat when you answer just as rudely, "then we wouldn't have anywhere else to sleep, you idiot."
both of you lay there in stifling silence for a while, both staring up at the ceiling. neither of you questioned the tsaritsa's orders whenever you were forced to work together — but sleeping was a dangerous and vulnerable position to be caught in even if you were technically on the same side.
and it seemed like both of you was aware of that. 
"thank you," you express quietly, clearing your throat. your words hang heavily above your head, but you carry on. "i wasn't entirely keen on sharing a room with childe. or anyone else, if i'm being truly honest." 
the air shifts ever so slightly, and scaramouche stays silent for three more seconds before he can prevent himself from asking, "because?"
he feels you move to peek at him from the fortress of pillows, and he can nearly imagine the astonishment on your face. as much as he wants to witness it, he keeps his eyes stubbornly trained on the ceiling. 
"oh. well, i'm simply not as comfortable with the others unlike when i'm with you," you reveal easily, lying back down.
a feeling of pride surges in his chest.
"and i'm sorry —" you begin before he cuts you off. 
"it's ... fine," he responds curtly. the phrase felt so foreign on his tongue. dealing with forgiveness was never his specialty. normally, whoever slighted him never lived to see another day to apologize. 
"but are you always this talkative even before you sleep?" he gripes without any real malice to it. 
you let out a small, drowsy laugh, and he finds himself enamored with the sound, instead of being vexed. he doesn't fight the urge anymore and turns his head to look at you. 
he's grateful he did. 
it was the first time he'd seen you laugh, genuinely, without any pretense, and it filled him with another strange, unfamiliar, burst of emotion. 
"only with you," you mumble softly, a small smile playing on your lips. "goodnight, idiot." 
he merely scoffs at your name-calling, not wanting to presume how affectionate it almost sounded. soon, he allows himself to rest, sleeping soundly for the first time in years. 
and neither of you says anything when you both wake up entangled in each other's arms. 
the line of pillows gone, boundaries crossed, and sides long forgotten. 
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✦ byeol’s notes: thank you to the lovely nonnie who requested this! i decided to do them all, my way of saying thanks for being so sweet and i loved the idea! and to my other readers, i'll be back to posting regularly — at least, once a week — if life is kind. ♡
i've been catching up on kdramas and manhwas, so you might've noticed that ayato's part is inspired by that one scene in the business proposal and the duke's cursed charm.
✦ reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated! feel free to send any requests in. thank you sm and ily <3
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yeonjunszn · 2 years
𝐦𝐢𝐱𝐞𝐝 𝐮𝐩 — 𝟑𝟎
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pairing: nishimura riki x f!reader
summary: as the captains of the girls and boys dance teams respectively, you and nishimura riki have a mutual hatred for one another. to you, he’s cocky and self centered. to him, you’re constantly stealing his spotlight without hesitation. but when a rumor goes around that you did some… questionable things… with the captain of the lacrosse team, riki finds that maybe— just maybe— he doesn’t hate you that much after all.
⇦ twenty nine. | thirty one. ⇨
— sorry in advance 🤷
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𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲: 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐥 (𝟏.𝟒𝐤)
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you agreed to meet riki at 4:30, giving yourself plenty of time to calm down and get your speech in order after the bell rang. you wanted to be prepared even though nothing about the situation was remotely normal. 
ever since valentine’s day, you could do nothing but think about him. at school, everywhere you looked something reminded you of nishimura riki; the cafeteria, the dance studio, your locker, the front gate. it didn’t get better when you got home either. the dinosaur squishmallow on your bed stared back at you with a judgey aura. 
part of you wanted to ignore it all and continue as if everything was the same, as if you and riki still hated each other like there was no tomorrow. part of you wanted to run in the other direction. but the bigger part of you nagged that it would change regardless. no matter what happened, you could never simply go back to pretending your heart didn’t long for him. 
and the smallest part of you that felt you might get rejected, wished for the peace you needed to finally move on.
you arrive at your designated meeting spot fifteen minutes earlier than planned. the bench sends a shiver down your spine when you sit down, the portion of your legs exposed from your skirt making contact with the surface. the february chill perfectly exhibited both your emotions and your thoughts, cold and whiplashing. but despite the harsh wind, the sky was clear and the sun was bright. the leaves were still dead, but hints of green were blooming, inferring the upcoming spring season.
you thought it was quite silly that you were comparing your feelings to the weather.
“so what did you wanna talk about?”
you jump a bit, startled by the sudden voice breaching your senses. you glance at your watch, the time reading 4:31, and realize that you’d been sitting with your mind for sixteen whole minutes. you pat the space next to you and riki takes his seat, tugging his beanie over his ears.
“a few things actually— important things.” you answer after a couple moments, hugging yourself a little tighter for extra warmth. riki notices the slight quiver in your lip and scoots the tiniest bit closer, his body heat working almost immediately.
“would you like to enlighten me on these important things?” he tilts his head in curiosity, a strand of his dark hair peeking from beneath his beanie. (you resist the urge to stuff it back under.)
“i’ve been thinking a lot recently, like a lot, and valentine’s day sort of put all of those thoughts into perspective. i know it was awkward after you gave me the gift and we both know that the awkwardness happened for a reason, riki,” you start, looking anywhere but him. “i’m in love with you. i have been for years now and i can’t keep pushing it away.”
your eyes flicker over to him, his mouth agape and his own wide with surprise. he’s silent for a while, processing your words like he didn’t understand korean one bit, like you were from a foreign land. you swallow thickly.
“please say something.”
“i— i don’t—“ he takes a deep breath. “i don’t know what to…”
“if this is you rejecting me, i completely—“ he cuts you off.
“you don’t understand, y/n. i’ve loved you since freshman year. i’ve never lasted with any other girl i’ve talked to because they weren’t you. no one could ever compare to you. and i think that’s why all of this is so hard for me to comprehend.” riki grabs both of your hands in his gloved ones, squeezing gently.
“y-you have?” you ask dumbfoundedly.
you swore he didn’t feel the same. you saw him laughing with another girl. he stood you up. was he lying to you right now?
“god, yes. i’ve loved you so much it hurts. why do you think i was the one who punched jeongsu without hesitation?” he lets go and pinches the bridge of his nose.
“when we stopped talking— when we started hating each other— did you just do that for shits and giggles or..?” you furrow your eyebrows, directing your attention to the walking path in front of you.
“are you serious? i wasn’t gonna fight for a friendship or whatever the hell we were if it was one sided. you blocked me. you started all of that.” he scoffs, glancing up at the sky above him.
“i didn’t just block you for fucking fun, riki. you stood me up. i was gonna confess to you and you didn’t show. i was heartbroken—“ he interrupts again.
“i stood you up? you’ve gotta be kidding right?” he laughs dryly. “i went to meet you and when i didn’t find you, i tried calling but you already had my number blocked. you didn’t even give me a chance.”
“i waited for twenty minutes. when i got tired of waiting, i went to get my stuff from my locker and i saw you with someone else, giggling together like i wasn’t standing at the front of the school like an idiot. so yeah, you stood me up.” you stand from the bench, already frustrated with how quickly this conversation went south.
“what part of ‘i went to meet you’ don’t you get? i’ll admit that i got caught up, ‘cause i was talking to my biology partner about the lab we had the next day. but as soon as we were done i rushed to find you. you didn’t let me explain, you just blocked me and assumed the worst. that’s on you, not me. you’re the one who cut ties, you’re the one who did everything in your power to be a better dancer than me, because apparently i’m not good enough to be pro. that was all you, y/n.” he pushes himself up with his hands, his anger burning deep in the pit of his stomach. it’s an ugly, churning feeling.
you blink when he finishes his tangent, your hands balling into fists. this entire time, you always wondered what you did wrong in this life or a past one to deserve being turned down in the most humiliating way possible. you always wondered why you weren’t the girl of his dreams like you so desperately hoped you were. and now that you knew the truth, it tasted so bitter on your tongue.
“r-riki, i didn’t—”
“of course you didn’t know. you didn’t bother asking. if you loved me so much, why didn’t you let me have the opportunity to tell you? why did you give up so easily?” his voice cracks faintly, but with the silence surrounding both of you, you hear it loud and clear. nishimura riki was on the verge of tears.
“i never liked jeongsu.” you blurt out. what did you have left to lose?
“w-what?” he sniffles, wiping his nose that was beginning to run.
“i—“ you shut your eyes. “i said yes to going out with him, because— because i wanted to spite you. i knew you hated him and since i thought— since i didn’t know why you hated me, i figured that’d be a sure fire way to annoy you.” you confess, avoiding his gaze with blurring vision.
ripping the bandaid off was never smooth or painless.
“that’s the only reason you volunteered to help me, isn’t it? because it’s your fucking fault that i was suspended from being captain,” he snorts humorlessly. “you wanted to go on guilt free so you decided if you helped me, you’d feel better about yourself for your little mistake. real classy, y/n. if those boys lose their title at competition, the title they’ve worked months on maintaining, because i’m not there to lead them, they can thank you.”
“riki, i-i’m sorry—” it seems like you weren’t able to state your piece very much today.
“oh you’re sorry? do you think sorry is gonna make your friends feel any less hurt when they lose? do you think sorry is gonna help my friends when they’re crying? sorry doesn’t fix this. sorry can’t fix this.” riki snaps, turning on his heels.
you can’t really see him with the water brimming your eyes, but you call after him anyways, your pleading tone barely enough to halt him. “where are you going?”
“far away from you. i can’t stand being near you any longer. all you’ll hear from me ever again is twitter mentions to keep up this stupid fake fucking relationship until i get my position back and that’s it. it’s the least you could do.” he says over his shoulder, before continuing down the path. when he’s left your line of sight, you let out a sob, cupping your hand over your mouth to conceal the volume.
alone with tears streaming down your face in the middle of the park was not at all how you expected this meeting to go. and the february chill was once again the perfect analogy for your emotions.
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taglist: @clar-iii @stayriki @wonieleles @certainyouthpeanut @manaswi-madhusudan @hrtattcker @lil-iva @aachillies @echantedrose @gardeniki @nomniki @itzz-me-duh @omgjwon @catecita @strwberrydinosaur @rikiflowers @lov3niki @emoworu @rosiefaeriee @katzriot @wonyoluvie @ni-sh @hstxvee @fallingforya @pisss111 @bookworm-0718 @luvibot
(send an ask to join!)
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bl00dgutsgl0ry · 3 years
Since your requests are open i shall throw my brain rot at you <3
Slightly mean(bc he is a tease and is having the time of his life bc of the current scene in front of him) Kaeya that watches his virgin s/o try to fit him inside but she fails ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
And finally after some time he agrees to help out.
(uh also if u are accepting anons, may i be the ⚠️ anon?)
Pairing - Kaeya x Fem!Reader
Warnings - Degradation kink, praise kink?, very slight dollification
Word count - 1.7k
Other comments - Dude your Kaeya brainrot is always welcome here I love him. You’re so smart, mean kaeya is next level. And of course everyone welcome ⚠️ anon! Also this one is a little shorter, i just wasnt in the mood to write the build up i just wanted s e x
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Your body was hypersensitive with nerves. It was your first time so of course you would be anxious about this whole situation. What wasn’t helping was your boyfriend's relentless teasing. It was aggravating and embarrassing, but part of your body was getting off to it as well; your body getting even more sensitive as time passed.
Right now, you were trying desperately to ride Kaeya, but he was just way too big and you didn’t know what you were doing so nothing was going well on your end. Kaeya on the other hand was having the time of his life watching you struggle.
“God if you hadn’t told me you were a virgin, I’d have never known seeing as how you're whining like a little slut right now cause you can’t ride me.” You shot your boyfriend a glare. God you just wanted to shut him up.
“Watching you struggle like this is quite amusing my dear… Maybe I’ll just sit here and force you to keep trying. You're destined to get it right at some point hm?” You heard him chuckle as you groaned out. There was a feeling that was beginning to bloom deep within you. You couldn’t quite name the feeling but all you knew was that you needed Kaeya’s help and you needed it now.
“Please Kaeya. This is driving me crazy. I need you Kaeya.” There was a needy rasp in your voice that made his only exposed pupil blow wide. There was a low rumble in his chest that only made this feeling intensify. You didn’t know what you had done, but you knew you weren’t going to regret it.
In less than a second there was a punishing grip on your hips, Kaeya’s long slender fingers holding so much strength in the iron grasp he had on you. Effortlessly Kaeya had you hovering over his pulsing cock. You whimpered in anticipation.
“Such a pathetic useless slut, always in need of my assistance. Hold yourself up like this so I can line myself up. You’re competent to be able to do as simple of a task as that right?” You nodded quickly, biting your lower lip instinctively out of mild anxiety. Once again, despite it all, this is still your first time. Your position did not waiver when Kaeya pulled away one of his hands. You could still feel the imprint of where it was on your hip.
“You’re okay right (y/n)? We’ll take this first part slow so as to not hurt you too much. This isn’t going to be amazing at first but just trust me it’ll get better. Then we can get back to having real fun.” The change in Kaeya’s whole tone and demeanor gave you whiplash; a stark contrast to the dark look he held only moments ago when degrading you. Instead he held a warm, almost concerned and genuine look on his face.
You took this moment to really admire him. The way his dark blue hair fell over him, shining in the pale light of your lamps next to the bed. Your breath never ceased to be taken away when you looked at him like this, cherishing the way his tanned skin contrasted the shining pale blue eye he had exposed. You guessed you had been staring at him for a little too long, with the way his expression started leaning more towards concern than anything.
“I always trust you Kaeya, this time is no different than the others.” A gentle smile formed on both of your faces. There were no words for how much you guys trusted each other, having this unexplainable bond. Somehow you both knew more about each other than yourselves.
Kaeya nodded before he nudged the hand that was still on your hip down, signaling for you to start lowering yourself. There was still an unease in the pit of your stomach, but it was much less noticeable now. You jumped slightly when you felt the tip of Kaeya’s dick intrude, causing him to chuckle quietly and begin rubbing comforting circles into your hip. You continued down, wincing as you felt yourself begin the stretch around him. It ached, and Kaeya was right, this certainly did not feel amazing, but you trusted him. After a few more painstakingly long moments of lowering yourself, you were fully seated on his lap. You could feel every pulse and twitch of his cock, and slowly the pain began to fade; leaving a burned need to feel more in its wake.
You squirmed on his lap, not trusting yourself to talk at the moment, in fear of saying or making some abhorrent noise. Kaeya’s punishing grip returned, holding you still on his lap.
“That didn’t take very long. Are you sure this is your first time? You’re really acting like a slut now.” The antagonizing tone returned to Kaeya’s voice, and it was really affecting you now. You desperately needed him to move. You let out a whimper as you futilely tried wiggling around in his grasp. A dark smirk graced his face as he tightened his grip even more.
“What was that my slut? What do you need? How am I possibly to know what you need if you don’t tell me. I’m not a mind reader darling.” You groaned, your face lighting up red with embarrassment with the knowledge that you were indeed going to have to beg this man to move.
“Kaeya…. I need you….to move please. I need to feel you in me. Please Kaeya help me.” You saw that familiar darkening on Kaeya’s face that made you melt, and an ache began deep within you.
“Your wish is my command, my beloved.” Before anything else could be exchanged, Kaeya hoisted you up until only the tip was still inside you then almost dropped you back down. You repeated this motion over and over and you let out loud moans and cries.
“That’s right. You’re my whore. I’m the only one that ever gets to see you this way or make you this way. Let everyone know who you belong to. Who exactly is making you whine like a bitch.” You cried out at a particularly hard and direct thrust into that one special spot that made you see stars.
“Say my name you little whore, say it out loud so we can all know whos fucking you this well.” You cried out once again, your moans being interrupted with the loud gasps of his name on your lips. You chanted his name like a prayer to the Archons above. In this moment, he was your archon, your divine being who you followed with unwavering devotion. What else were you to think when he was bringing you such pleasure.
“That’s it my darling. Even though your only use is being my fucktoy you are such a good one. You just keep sucking me in so well, this feeling is addicting.” You moaned out louder at the words he was throwing at you. Only moments later your legs began getting very tired from the constant up and down. You placed your hands on his toned chest as you began slumping over, not being lifted up quite as easily.
Suddenly you felt yourself being tipped over before Kaeya quickly pulled out, rolled you onto your back and caged you in with his strong arms on either side of your head. Without warning he thrusted himself in again, much easier this time.
“We haven’t even been doing this for very long and you already seemed so fucked out. Of course I shouldn’t be very surprised seeing how pathetic you are.” You could feel tears beginning to fall from your eyes from the pleasure that was wracking through your body. The tears only egged Kaeya on, as his thrusts became even harder. You could sense how sore you were going to be, you might have to stay home tomorrow. Kaeya began to let out strained grunts and groans, gritting his teeth in pleasure. He could feel the way you were squeezing him, and how you were about to fall over the edge any second now. He needed to ruin you.
The tears began to fall faster the closer you got to the end, a huge knot threatening to break in your core. After only two more targeted thrusted your back arched off the bed, smashing into Kaeya’s torso above you as you screamed out his name along with a few other profanities. Your vision flashed white as the feeling of your orgasm crashed over you like unrelenting waves in the sea.
Your cries quieted down as you slumped down onto the bed trembling, tears staining your deep crimson cheeks. Kaeya had grown much louder over those few moments and before long we was shoving his throbbing cock as far as he could get it and cumming. His orgasm took him by storm, nothing ever feeling that incredible before. The noise he made as his body shook above you and his sweaty forehead fell into the crook of your neck only made you tremble more. Before too long Kaeya gently pulled his softening dick out of you and slumped down onto the bed next to you. You were immediately pulled into him as he wrapped his arms tightly around you. This skin to skin contact filled you with the fuzziest feeling in the world as you snuggled as deep as you could into him.
You guys stayed in silence, the only sound being the rhythmic breathing of the two of you. You were both tangled in each other’s bodies before you quietly heard Kaeya mumble a soft ‘I love you’. You smiled and kissed his chest, not having the energy or willpower to speak. Not long after the two of you were lulled into the deepest, most peaceful sleep of your lives.
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