#you could even make jack or simon or roger be the one stuck in a time loop!
backspacy · 1 year
Lotf au but it's a time loop. Ralph is stuck on the island in a time loop and has to watch over and over as his friends die, go crazy and savage and burn the island to the ground. And he's helpless and there's nothing he can do, the loop resetting every time he gets rescued.
But once, just once, he notices something, or someone, change slightly. he notices they do something differently than they usually do. It could be small or drastic (like a subtle glance a misstep of a foot, not wanting what they usually want), either way, Ralph notices it.
You get me??
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lord-of-simons-ghost · 11 months
@lotftober Final Day!!!
This isn't necessarily "trick or treat" but it's my thoughts of what the main LOTF boys would dress up as for Halloween + the backstories behind it (Modern!Au)
Ralph and Jack: Alice and the Mad Hatter (Yes, with the dress and heels and everything). Now, these two are the people who go above and beyond every year. Well, in their friend group, there was a bet- who ever got fired from their summer job had to wear a costume of the groups picking. So, Ralph got stuck with a cheap, blonde wig with a blue dress from his sister and Jack made his costume from scratch, even going all out with heeled boots and a top hat. Cute idea lol (could interpret as Jalph if wanted)
Piggy: Schrödinger's Cat (ily if you know what this is) Pretty self explanatory but I really think Piggy would love quantum mechanics and would do something silly like this. Plus I think one of his relatives or friends (idk maybe from school or smth) would go as Schrödinger!!
Simon and Roger : Moths!!!! (Hand made) Simon would make the costumes, either literal moths or costumes inspired by moths, and he and Roger would dress up together. The whole thing would be "Simon loves moths and they are attracted to light, so Roger is a moth because he's best friends with Simon" type deal. Idk thought it was cute! (Could be interpreted as Rogermon)
I'm sad that lotftober is ending but it was so so so fun and I'm excited to create more art on my own time (hence why there's no art today). Ily everyone who did art for this or was a mod! It was definitely super fun and can't wait to see what is (hopefully) done next year!!
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the-dork-neko · 4 years
17 Questions
Thank you so much for tagging me, @theniftycat!
(~in English)
Rules: Answer 17 questions & tag 17 people you want to get to know better (sorry bud, I don’t think I have 17 people to tag, but…
Nickname: Only the ones given by schoolbullies, because of my hair and my general aesthethic back then (when I didn’t even know what an aesthethic was, =D). Let’s just skip this part.
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Height: 167 cm
Hogwarts House: Good question! I identify a lot with Ravenclaw, because I’m a heck of an awkward nerd. But Pottermore put me in Slytherin, because when I signed up and did the test I was in a Mood. Maybe I’m a Slytherclaw? Is it possible?
Last thing I googled: Universo Who, a very groovy DW fansite in Português. I wanted to download a few episodes.
Song stuck in my head: Toto’s classic Africa. I’m amazed by Weezer’s cover though. I wish I knew why such a beautiful song is treated as meme.
Following and followers: 56 following, 87 followers. Wow.
Amount I sleep: Good question bud! With this quarentine thingy, and without the regular working day hours regulating my house work, my sleeping schedule is all mad. It’s probably somewhere around 7-8 I guess. When I come back to work, it’ll be 6-ish.
Lucky Numbers: What are numbers? What is luck? I’m very dumb and very, very unlucky. =D
Dream Job: a) don’t need a job. b) be a Time Lord, hi-jack a TARDIS, and go off among the stars having fun with the bffs I find along the way c) a witch, summoning mystical entities just for fun, and inviting them for tea and cake at my home, and a groovy karaokê later. d) being an equivalent of Miss Marple. etc… 
Wearing: a floral dress
Favourite song(s):  Take a Giant Step and You Bring the Summer by The Monkees, With a Little Help From My Friends and In My Life by The Beatles, Planeta Sonho by 14 Bis, Buddy Holly by Weezer, Scarborough Fair by Simon & Garfunkel, Relicário by Cássia Eller and her friend Nando Reis (please somebody remind me to make a post about them! :) ), I’m In Love With My Car by Queen, and list could go on ad infinitum! :3
Favourite instruments: Any keyboard instruments make me happy, since they are the only beauties I can play. When there was a groovy piano in the Subway here in São Paulo, I have a lot of fun, with amazing people all around.
Random Fact: I had two very weird and unsettling dreams back at school, and in both occasions, people had died in those nights. I also dreamed about a fire balloon going on the public health station in my neighborhood, saying “five years” before exploding. After five years passed, the politicians who made lots of propaganda based on the place were arrested for corruption.
Favourite Authors: Pedro Bandeira, Lucia Machado de Almeida, Marcos Rey, Carlo Ginzburg, Emilia Viotti da Costa, Hannah Arendt, Roger Chartier, CLAMP, Harold Sakuishi, Kodama Yuki, Keiji Nakazawa, Joe Sacco, Art Spiegelman, Marjani Satrapi, Chinua Achebe, Clarice Lispector, Bill Waterson, Philippe Ariès, Hiromu Arakawa, Hampate-Bâ, Joel Silveira, Truman Capote, Steinbeck & Capa (yes, I’m a sucker for literary journalism). And whoever says comic book artists and fanfic writers are not proper writers will be chased by me with a broom and some plagues. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
Favourite Animal Noises: when the parrots come flying in the speed of sound, and screaming and tooting at each other, and we know that it should be the right time for the coming of winter. Although nearly all bird sounds make me happy. :)
Aesthetic: Lots of them! Ancient Egypt, Floral, Steampunk, Rockabilly, Grunge, Hippie, Disaster in Converse sneakers (they are my pride and joy), etc… Although the ones I can afford are These Crocs Are Made For Walking, And So Are These Havaianas, and “average housewife”. When the autumn comes, I can have fun putting on my 12 outfit. Being the only Whovian in the enterprise, I can go to work wearing a cosplay just fine.
tagging: @ireneead, @chekovs-davy-jones-wig, @rose-of-pollux, @rockbellautomail, @incorrect-father-brown-quotes, @correctwhoquotes, @take-a-giant-step, @sconesteaandmysteries, @nezclaw and whoever wants to do this groovy game!
(~em Português)
Regras: Responder as 17 questões do joguinho, e passá-lo para a frente, marcando 17 pessoas lindas que vc gostaria de entrevistar e saber coisinhas legais sobre elas.
Apelido(s): Apenas os “presentes de grego” dados por panacas na escola, por causa do meu cabelo, e da minha… “estética” em geral. Quando nem sequer eu sabia o que era estética!  =D Próxima?
Signo: Sagitário.
Altura: 167 cm
Casa em Hogwarts: Quando me cadastrei na Pottermore, estava de mau humor, e o teste me colocou na Sonserina, junto com os bruxos do mal :( Tendo em mente que sou um caramba duma nerd sem muito jeito social, acho que o Chapéu Seletor ficaria indeciso entre me colocar na Sonserina, ou na Corvinal, para onde eu simplesmente adoraria ir.
Última busca no google: Universo Who, o maior, mais abrangente, generoso e maravilhoso fansite de DW em Português. Quer baixar livros ou episódios? Bora lá!
Última música grudada no cérebro: O maravilhoso clássico Africa. da banda Toto. Acredite se quiser, mas o Weezer fez um cover à altura desta preciosidade. Gostaria de saber por que os gringos tratar esta música como um meme.
Seguindo e seguidores: Seguindo 56 blogs, 87 seguidores. Como assim???
Horas de sono: Toda hora é hora! =D A quarentena apagou temporariamente minhas horas de serviço, e como elas determinam meu serviço doméstico, então estou temporariamente dormindo as 8 horas diárias. Quando o “bom governador” mandar a gente voltar, ditas horas voltarão para algum lugar em torno de 6.
Números da sorte: O que são números? O que é sorte? Isto são construções arbitrárias, exceto pelo meu azar. Não sei responder esta pergunta. =D
Emprego dos Sonhos: a) não precisar de um. b) ser um Time Lord, assaltar uma linda TARDIS, e sumir me divertindo entre as estrelas com os aliens legais que achar pelo caminho. c) ser uma bruxa, invocar entidades misteriosas por diversão, e convidá-las para tomar chá com bolo de chocolate recheado de brigadeiro e ir ao karaokê. d) ser um equivalente da super inteligente Miss Marple. etc…
Com que roupa vc está agora: um vestido floral, meio anos 50
Músicas Favoritas:  Take a Giant Step e You Bring the Summer, The Monkees; With a Little Help From My Friends e In My Life, The Beatles; Planeta Sonho, 14 Bis; Buddy Holly, Weezer; Scarborough Fair, Simon & Garfunkel; Relicário, Cássia Eller + Nando Reis, I’m In Love With My Car, Queen; e poderíamos seguir e decolar na carona de músicas incríveis ad infinitum! :3
Instrumentos Favoritos: Qualquer instrumento com teclas me faz feliz. São os únicos que minha burrice alcança tocar. Já me diverti muito cantando, tocando e dançando com pessoas incríveis, quando tinha aquele piano maravilhoso no metrô de SP.
Um fato qualquer: Já tive dois sonhos proféticos extremamente malucos e assustadores na época da escola. Em ambas as noites. pessoas relacionadas à turma da classe haviam morrido. E um terceiro, igualmente maluco, em que uma bola de fogo caía sobre o postinho de saúde do bairro, dizendo “cinco anos”, antes de explodir. Passado o tempo proverbial, dois dos vereadores que se escoravam usando o posto como propaganda política foram presos por corrupção.
Escritores Prediletos: Pedro Bandeira, Lúcia Machado de Almeida, Marcos Rey, Carlo Ginzburg, Emilia Viotti da Costa, Hannah Arendt, Roger Chartier, CLAMP, Harold Sakuishi, Kodama Yuki, Keiji Nakazawa, Joe Sacco, Art Spiegelman, Marjani Satrapi, Chinua Achebe, Clarice Lispector, Bill Waterson, Philippe Ariès, Hiromu Arakawa, Hampate-Bâ, Joel Silveira, Truman Capote, Steinbeck & Capa (sim, sou uma otária apaixonada por jornalismo literário). E quem disser que cartunistas e ficwriters não são escritores de verdade, será perseguido sem dó nem piedade pelas pragas da Havaiana de Pau.
Sons de Animais que Mais Trazem Felicidade: quando os papagaios chegam, voando e gritando na velocidade do som, e simplesmente sabemos que o inverno deveria estar chegando (~le suspiro triste com o aquecimento global)
Estética: Muitíssimas! Egito Antigo, Steampunk, Floral, Rockabilly, Grunge, Hippie, Desastre de All Star (meus amores, prazeres e alegrias). Existe, porém, uma distância quilométrica entre as estéticas que posso sonhar e as que posso pagar (mentalmente canta como a Nancy Sinatra, mas muda a música para These Crocs Are Made For Walking). Minhas Havaianas são amigonas, com elas ando 3km em dias de trabalho. Honestamente, adoro quando o outono chega e posso ir trabalhar com minha roupa de 12. Sendo a única Whovian na empresa, ninguém repara que estou de cosplay.
tagging: @ireneead, @chekovs-davy-jones-wig​, @rose-of-pollux​, @rockbellautomail​, @incorrect-father-brown-quotes​, @correctwhoquotes​, @take-a-giant-step​, @sconesteaandmysteries​, @nezclaw​ and whoever wants to do this groovy game!
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zombierunfiction · 7 years
Season 2 Mission 5: Ghosts
A week past with the rebuilding effort in full swing.  As was the search party looking for any Abel people that were still displaced.  The runners they had were assigned to either gathering supplies for the building effort, actually distracting zoms away from Abel, or searching for their people.  Charlotte had been on 3 decoy missions and 4 supply missions in the last week but today she was set up for the search party.
Charlotte ran her fingers through her now shorter do finding that she actually really liked it.  Less maintenance.  Sam really seemed to like it too considering he always ran his fingers through it when ever he got the chance.
Charlotte threw on a dull purple long sleeved shirt and the blue coat that she had hung up on the wall.  Jody was getting ready for a decoy run tying up her hair.  "So who are you looking for Charlotte?"  Jody asked lacing up her shoes.
"Don't know.  But we got Eugene and Amber controling the Radio today."  Charlotte said tying back her hair.
"Oh yea the back up radio operator for Sam.  I had her on one of my search for Sara.  She is like Janine only... less intense."  Jody said standing up.
"But no luck on finding Sara right?"  Charlotte asked looking at her as Jody shook her head.  "She's out there... I know she is."
Jody walks over and hugged Charlotte tight.  "I know it's hard but I really hope your right."
Charlotte nodded hugging her back before the two of them walked out to her their packs.  At the gate Jody and the other runners were let out while Simon was suited up for the search.  "Ah!  Morning, Charlotte.  Ready to slum it on the search party, eh?"  Simon said with a smirk as Charlotte set up their headset with the cams.
"Morning.  Any idea who we are searching for?"  Charlotte asked.
"Since it's Eugene that's in the booth, my guess would be Jack."  Simon said.
Charlotte nodded slowly.  "I'm worried.  I mean he was sad before since Jack still hadn't returned to Abel but... it seems he's gotten increasingly worse."
"Hiya, Five!"  A chipper voice appeared in their headsets.  This was Amber.  She was the backup to Sam.  She was nice enough but didn't leave much impression to Charlotte.  "Thanks for joining us.  We're just waiting on Eugene, and then we'll be off."  
"Oh, and what exciting adventures in not finding anything do you have for us today, my dearest Amber?"  Simon asked.
"Oh, I'm not sure..."  Amber said softly.  "Eugene's bringing along the itinerary from Janine.  He, uh, wanted the walk."  
Charlotte sighed softly.  "At least he's getting some sunlight."  She said softly.  
"Yeah, I just wish he'd take a longer break, you know?"  Amber said quietly.
"Well, that's just his way.  Buring the midnight oil."  Simon said trying to lighten up the mood.
"I dunno.  I'm worried.  He's not thinking clearly.  He's been on shift constantly, since, well, you know."  Amber started.
"Yeah, I can see that.  do you think he's alright?"  Charlotte asked.
"Well..."  Amber started before Eugene was seen walking into the comms shack still on his crutch.
"He's fine, Charlotte.  Just a little tired."  Eugene said as he shut the door to the shack.  "Like the rest of us."  
"Oh, yeah, yeah, I heard that."  Simon said with a smile.
"So, uh, where are they off to today, Gene?"  Amber asked.
"Runner Three, Runner Five, ready?"  Eugene asked briskly.
Charlotte and Simon exchanged worried looks.  "Ready..."  They both replied hesitantly.
"Amber, ready?"  Eugene asked.
"Ready."  She replied.
"Okay.  Search and recovery, day fourteen.  Runners, you're heading southwest for the first mile.  Amber?"  Eugene said.
"Raise the gates!"  Amber said as the alarm blared with the gate rising.  "Covering fire."  The gun shots rang out as Charlotte and Simon took off.  
"Go Runners!  Stay-"  Eugene stopped himself.  "Look after yourselves."  He corrected.
Charlotte ran with Simon who seemed to be dropping back.  "Whoa whoa whoa, calm down there, Charlotte! This is a marathon, not a sprint!  As my old Nana used to say."  Simon said laughing.
"Yeah, Five.  I know you've been doing important missions and you've not been on one of these search missions, but you need to make sure that you're not missing any clues.  Someone could still be alive out here."  Amber reminded.
Charlotte slowed down letting Simon evened out with her.  "Pardon me for my speed."  Charlotte said sarcasticly.
"We haven't had much luck though..."  Simon said.
"You don't.  But four and Seventeen found some sheep, remember?"  Amber said.
Simon shook his head.  "Well, yeah, but we're not looking for sheep, are we?"
"You're not gging to find anything if you keep on gossiping."  Eugene snapped.
"Sorry, Gene."  Charlotte said.
Eugene took a deep breath before continuing.  "Runners, you're going to start heading due west now, and begin your search."
"Roger that, Abel.  Commencing search."  Simon said as they change directions.
"Wait."  Amber said.
"What?"  Charlotte asked.
"Nothing, Charlotte.  Stay focused."  Eugene said.
"No, Eugene, there's something on the scanner."  Amber enforced.
"How many, what direction?"  Charlotte asked.
"They're a good distance away.  Commence your search."  Eugene pushed.
"Eugene, no!  They're - Simon, Charlotte, they're closing in from the northwest.  Looks like three hostiles."  Amber warned as Simon led Charlotte away from the small group.
"We have to keep -!"  Eugene started before Amber interrupted.
"Head into the woods, there's some high ground there.  Run, guys, go!"  Amber said as Charlotte and Simon booked it away from the zombies.
"Here they come, Charlotte.  Look sharp."  Simon said as Charlotte looked back seeing the shamblers heading towards them.
"That high ground's not far now, SImon.  Bear south a little and you should see it."  Amber said as Eugene took back the mic.  
"Bely that, Simon.  Return to the search pattern."  He said.
"Eugene, if you don't shut up and let me do my job, just - Simon, Charlotte, get to that high ground!"  Amber said fast.  
"No, we have to search that riverbed!"  Eugene cried out desperately.
"River?  Eugene, what's this all about?"  Charlotte asked.
Eugene sighed heavily.  "Nothing..."
"Oh god.  Is this - is this where-?"  Amber started.
"Forget it, it's just-"  Eugene started.
"Eugene!"  Charlotte snapped as they ran.  "This is about Jack... isn't it?"  She asked softly.
Eugene was silent for a moment.  "They never brought him home... He's still..."  His voice began to crack.  "they never brought him home."  
"Simon... Charlotte..."  Amber started.  "When you get to the top of that ridge, head east.  That'll bring you back down into the riverbed in a few minutes."
"Amber..."  Eugene breathes.
"Keep moving, Runners, they're right behind you!"  Amber said as Simon and Charlotte headed up to the ridge.
"Come on Simon keep moving."  Charlotte said as Simon ran with her laughing.
Soon enough they were over the ridge and headed back down towards the rocky riverbed.  Charlotte stopped at the edge with Simon quite a ways behind her.  She looked over the riverbed in surprise.  There were rocks, mud, and grass torn up including blood on some of the larger rocks.  
"Whoa, hold your horses, Char, I think we've lost them."  Simon called behind her before sliding down the hill running right into Charlotte making her catch him.  Simon rested his hands on her shoulders looking at the riverbed, his smile falling slowly.  "Oh God..."  He breathes.
"What do you see?"  Eugene asked quickly.
"Man, Gene, this place is a mess..."  Simon breathes.
"What is it?"  Eugene stresses.
"There's... the mud's really been kicked up here."  Charlotte said slowly as she stepped over to something stuck in the mud.  "There's..."  She picks it up seeing a faded Manchester United jacket.  "here's twelve's jacket."  she dropped it back in the mud looking around.  "Spent shell cases scattered all around as well.  Looks like this was a real panic.  Zoms must have come out of those trees right there and just-"
"Charlotte!"  Amber snapped.
Charlotte went silent for a moment.  "You want to know what we see Amber.  Don't snap because you don't like it.  There's a trail here, heading off over that way."  She said pointing towards a trail of footfalls.
"Don't go rushing off."  Amber said.
"Follow that trail, runners."  Eugene said.
"Already on it, buddy."  Simon said as they ran along the trail.  "It's leading up to these rocks." He said climbing up the rock face that was caked with muddy footprints.  Charlotte already started up the rocks ahead of him.  "Hang on, Char, let me just, let me just get..."  He grunts as he climbs slowly.
"What do you see, Simon?"  Eugene asks.
"Oh..."  Simon said as they reached the top of the rocks.  The bed of rocks was overturned with mud and grass kicked up everywhere.  Worse than in the riverbed.  "Looks like someone got cornered up here.  Muddy footprints, and... wait.  Something's stuck between these rocks."  Simon said walking over to what looked like a blue piece of fabric poking out of the rocks.  "Come on, you little..."  He grunts before it poped out.  "Got it!  Oh..."  Simon said somewhat confused.
"What?  Is it-"
"It's a shoe."  Charlotte said looking at the blue shoe.  "It looks like a right shoe..."  She looks at the toe of the shoe.  "It's got 'left' written on the toe."
"It's his..."  Eugene breathes as he released a held breath.  "Oh God, it's his."
"What?"  Amber questioned.
"I... I wrote that.  I was teasing him about his dancing, I..."  Eugene started to cry softly as Amber tried to console him softly.
Simon and Charlotte looked at each other sadly before putting the shoe into Simon's pack to take back to Eugene.  They continued on the trail following it slowly.  "We're following a set of footprints.  One shoe, one bare foot.  Heading into these trees."  Simon said as Charlotte grabbed his arm as a zombie suddenly snapped at them from the tree.  They looked up and saw the zombie was trapped in a net of some sort stung up to the tree.  "Watch your head there.  Looks like someone's decided to 'hang around'."  Simon said laughing slightly as they walked past the zombies.  "No?  Nothing?  Fine, well, you're a terrible audience, Char."
"I just don't find what you said funny."  Charlotte said smirking.  "Looks like theres a hunter somewhere around here, Abel.  Lots of traps in this part of the woods.  Pretty effective too by the looks of it."  She said seeing the zombies strung up in the trees.  "About six zombie pinatas."
"Oh so it's funny for you to call them pinatas but not for them to be hanging around."  Simon said with a smirk.  
"What about the trail, Simon?"  Eugene asked quickly.
"Whoa whoa whoa whoa. 'hang about', Eugene!"  Simon said as Charlotte gave him a look.  "Oh, come on, seriously, not even a smirk?  Fine!  I'm, uh..."  He looked around.  "losing the prints here, Gene.  The ground's too dry, there are too many other trails."
"Fan out a bit runners.  Search the undergrowth.  Most people with only one shoe on are going to get rid of it as soon as they can."  Amber said.
"Good idea."  Simon said.  "Spread out, Char. Careful, don't want to get caught in a trap.  Watch your feet."  
Charlotte nodded slowly walking away from Simon looking around for anything.  "Slow and steady then?"  She said.
"Slow and steady, that's the way - ah!"  Simon cried out when he kicked something making him hold his foot.  "Ooh, salt and pepper that hurt!"
"What happened?"  Charlotte asked.
"Ugh... stubbed my bloody toe on this branch..."  Simon said pulling out a broken piece of wood.
"Simon... that's not just a branch..."  Charlotte said walking over.
"Oh..." simon said turning over the piece of wood.  It had a long smooth handle with a broken flat end that was only about a half and inch long.
"What is it?"  Amber asked.
"It's W.G.  Jack's cricket bat."  Charlotte said remeber hearing Jack pridefully weilding it.  "Eugene... I'm-"
"What?  Charlotte what is it?"  Eugene questions.
"It's uh... it's just the handle.  It's broken pretty badly, Gene."  Charlotte said turning it over slightly in Simon's hand.
"I... right."  Eugene says quietly.
"Eugene..."  Amber said softly.
"Just leave it there.  Keep searching."  Eugene said seriously as Simon set the handle down and they started on their search again.  Charlotte watched Simon started to walk off as she reached down picking up the piece of W.G.  Eugene might not want it but she knew that if Jack was alive he would want it back.
"Roger that, Abel.  There's a path here with no traps, I think.  Come on, Charlotte, let's see where we-"  Simon started before a gunshot suddenly sounded making Charlotte look around.  
"What was that?  Runner, report!"  Amber cried out.  
"Someone's shooting.  Come on, Char!"  Simon shouted as they took off down the trail.
Amber sighed heavily.  "Oh yeah, great idea, Simon, run towards the gunshots!"
"It could be..."  Eugene started.  "someone could be in trouble.  Runners, go!"  
Simon and Charlotte continued to run heading towards the sound of the gunshots.  They stopped into a set of dense trees before a clearing.  "Ok Char... this way..."  Simon whispered as they ran across the clearing when another gunshot rang out near them.  "Jesus!"
"Simon?"  Amber asked.
"Idiot!  I could have had your hide, there, boy!"  A tall man thin man ran over with a shotgun in his hand.  His brown hair was neatly combed with a few days of shadow on his chin and upper lip.  He had on a white button up shirt with black slacks and suspenders.
"Bloody right!  Jesus!"  Simon snaps as Charlotte looks at the man keeping ready to run.
"Hush!"  The man whispered.  "You're scaring away all the birds!"  
"Runners, are you okay?  Report!"  Eugene asks.
"We're fine Eugene... just found someone shooting at birds..."  Charlotte said softly.
The man walked over looking at them.  "Did I get you?"  He asked.
"Get me?  No, you bloody well didn't get me, or I wouldn't be standing here, would I?"  Simon snapped as Charlotte put her hand on his shoulder.
"Calm down Simon."  Charlotte said softly.
"Oh, it's just a little shot, calm down now."  The man dismissed.
"What is happening?"  Amber asked.
Simon sighed softly.  "It's just some reject from Downton Abbey trying to fill me with hot lead.  I wouldn't mind if he wasn't so rude!"
"Alright, well, see if he knows anything about what happened."  Eugene asks.
"And be careful!"  Amber stated.
"Yeah, roger that, Abel."  Simon said.
The man put his gun over his shoulder smiling.  "Oh, talking to base, are you?  Abel, is it?  Or New Canton?"
"Abel."  Charlotte replied.
"Aye, Aye, thought as much.  Well, sounds like it's time to be heading in.  Come on, now."  The man said turning away from them.  "We'll put you up for the night at the house, to be safe.  Away we go, now."
"You'd better go with him, runners.  It doesn't look like it'll be safe to try and come home tonight."  Amber said as Simon and Charlotte run after the man.
They continued to run for a while before the man looked back.  "Alright, not too far, now.  Stick to the path there.  We've plenty of traps for the dead in this part of the estate, and I don't want to waste my time having to cut you down from a net because you went wandering off."  The man said with a serious expression.
"Hmm, how very considerate of you to warn us."  Charlotte said as Simon smirked right next to her.
"I see that bat you're carrying there."  The man said looking at Simon.  "I take it you've been out to the site of that scuffle there."  The man said.
"What's he saying?  Amber, does this go any louder?  Simon, is he talking about..?  Ask him if he saw anything back there."  Eugene said quickly.
Simon chuckled softly.  "Whoa, calm down.  Yeah, that's where we were.  One of our, um, one of our people went missiong around there. Ym, we were hoping to find some sign of what happened to him."  
"Oh aye, that was a real mess. Zoms come right of the trees, right on top of them.  Didn't have a second's warning.  Wasn't much they could do but run for it."  The man said as they continued down the path.
"He saw it?  Charlotte, what about Jack?  What happened to Jack?"  Eugene questioned.
"There was a guy that was left behind?  Red head."  Charlotte asked.
The man smiles.  "Oh, he was tough, alright.  Went swinging at them that... oh that bat your friend is carrying."  
Simon looked back seeing Charlotte still holdign the bat.  "I thought I put it down."
"Figured Jack would want it back."  Charlotte said softly.
"He managed to take down seven or eight of the things.  Drove them back into my traps so his friends could get away.  But then his bat broke, of course."  The man said.
"Oh god..."  Eugene breathed slowly.
"Wait,  You just watch?  Why didn't you-"  Simon started as the man chuckled.
"Watch it?  I'm the one who saved him!"
"What?"  Eugene questioned.
"Saved him?  He's alive?"  Charlotte asked.
"Oh aye!  He's at the house!  Here, you'll see him in a minute."  The man said smiling.  "I'm Powell by the way."
"Simon."  He said softly.
"I'm Charlotte."  She said as they came up to a sprawling estate made of white stone and ivy climbing the pullars.
"I can't..."  Eugene breathes after a few minutes of their silence.
"Ho there!  We've got visitors!"  Powell shouted as there was a young dark haired woman stood up from the porch looking over.  
"Oh, what a nice surprise!"  The woman said with a soft almost lyrical voice.  "Jack, Mama, come say hello!"  She called inside.
Out of the house came a tall white haired older woman with Jack stepping from behind her.  He had his infectious smile on his face as he waves at them running over.  "There, see?  Here he comes now, fit as a fiddle."  Powell said as he walked inside.  
Jack smiled brightly as he jogged over. "Charlotte, Simon.  It's so wonderful to see you both."
"Put him on!"  Eugene snapped.
"Jack... I mean..."  Simon started.
"Puter him on now!  Put him on, Charlotte!"  Eugene shouted as Charlotte took off her head set quickly.  
"Damn Eugen chill... Jack, Eugene's on for you."  Charlotte said handing Jack the headset.
"Alright."  Jack said putting the headset on.  "Gene, long time no- ow!"  Jack cringes holding his head.  "Hey, ow, stop stop stop, okay."  He said listening to Eugene.  "Wait, you... you thought what?"  He sounded confused.  "But they had said... wait, hang on..."  Jack walked away from them as the young woman walked over.  
"Come on then, we'd better leave him to it.  Sounds like there were some crossed wires, there.  Well, come on inside, and you can get some rest.  Any friends of Jack are friends of ours.  And there'll be plenty of time for talking later."  The woman said gently leading them inside the home.  
The place was huge!
Charlotte blinked slowly before turning to the woman.  "I'm Charlotte."  She said holding out her hand.
"Bella Ramsey."  She said shaking her hand.
"Simon."  He said smiling as Bella shook his hand.  "Do you live here with anyone else?"
"My mother Beatrix Ramsey.  And you of course already met Powell."  Bella said smiling.  "Come on we have some food and a soft bed for both of you."  She said leading them through the house.
<     36     >
Season 1 Beginning
Season 2 Beginning
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chunsoftie · 7 years
HI! If you're still doing those prompts (The non-nsfw ones, sorry for bothering you if you aren't), do you think you could do #1 for jalph?
You’re not bothering me at all, dear! Sorry this took so long, I had finals and other junk. But I hope you enjoy this!
right-to-the-good-part prompts
#1. I have you shoved against the wall and now I can’t stop looking at your mouth.
It goes without saying that you learn your true measure for patience onceyou know Jack Merridew.
Ralph knew this firsthand, from the second he met that shiver ofannoyance he could feel his blood boil underneath his skin and his face breakout. It was hard enough trying to govern everyone on the island – he didn’tneed to keep the taller boy in line, too. Yet, here he was, stuck finishing theshelters and waiting for Jack to stop hunting to help him, again. 
He gritted his teeth as the shelter he was working on feelto the sand, pieces of wood and leaves scattering. Simon blinked at the failureand tried to give a small smile to ease the tension, but Ralph was through. Hescanned the shoreline and huffed.
“He told me he was going to help, but he’s off again with his hunters.”
“Maybe he’ll come after and help fix it?” Simon tried to help and Ralphappreciated it, but the chief shook his head and lookedhopelessly out into the ocean. It had only been what he assumed to be weekssince their descent into the island, but even with the lingering fire on the mountain,there were no ships or planes in sight.
How are we going to get home?
“Simon, go ahead and get yourself a break. I can take it from here.”Ralph watched as Simon gave an eager nod before he made his way into theforest. 
Ralph didn’t know why the other boy always hid there but he wasn’tgoing to question it. He instead tried to create another foundation for theshelter, placing those pieces of wood on top of one another and trying to avoidthe breeze. Glancing towards the sky he could see grey clouds on the horizon,and he knew he’d have to be faster. The boys would need a place to sleep with astorm over their heads.
He could hear a rallying off in the distance and Ralph knew that it wasJack and the others. The dominant battle cries gave it away, and as ifon cue, Ralph found the leader of the hunters jump out from the bushes. Hisface was covered in red and white clay, bony features flashing from beneath thepaint. Jack started to make his way towards Ralph, ushering the other huntersto run off and play.
“We were close in catching a pig, Ralph!” Jack exclaimed, yelling fromalmost halfway across the shore. Ralph barely glanced up as he tried tying astick with a creeper. Jack found an annoyance with this and flung himself onthe sand, inches away.
“Maurice and Roger were close on its sides – of course, I was near thefront. We were cornering it into the shadows, but then one of the other bigguns’  threw their spear too soon and made it dash past the trees ahead of us. If itwasn’t for him we would have had it!”
Ralph again was silent as he focused on the shelter. The sides wereuneven and it bothered him, so he attempted to move to the side to fix it. Jacknarrowed his eyes and leaned in past the shelter.
“Why are you so bent on getting this bloody thing together? I tell youthat we almost had meat, and you-“
“Jack, I’m trying to concentrate.” Ralph replied, a voice so sharp itthrew Jack off guard. 
Ralph moved one of the sticks to an opening of anotherbranch and tried to align it, while Jack fumed silently. Ralph could feel theburning impatience Jack was giving off, but it didn’t faze him. His ownfrustration towards Jack’s apathy was enough to keep him from talking to him.
Jack felt as if his own bitterness was enough to warrant an action so hestood up from the sand, like a king ready to strike a command. Ralph looked upas Jack approached him, his mouth thin.
“If you weren’t so batty over the shelters, you could learn to have funlike the rest of us!”
“I told you I was concentrating, and keep your voice down! There’s noreason for your yelling.” Ralph reasoned, his own will being tested.
Stay calm, stay calm.
“Then don’t just sit there and…” Jack was hardly getting better, his eyesin a mad dash of fury. The red paint matched with his hair, like a little demonthat managed to escape Hell long enough to have its kicks. 
Ralph threw the longleaf in his hand and stood up, chest to chest with Jack. He cursed those extrainches the hunter had on him, but he stood his ground.
“I am actually getting something productive done! I have been trying towork on the shelters, by myself, for days! You and the others run off and catchnothing and then play in the ocean all day and just leave me with this!” Ralphgestured towards the broken shelters. 
Jack bit his lower lip in annoyance butsaid nothing.
“If you actually stayed and helped me it would make things a lotmore easier, and then there’s the fire too…”
“Sucks to the fire.” Jack muttered and Ralph scoffed.
“Right, sucks to the fire when it’s the only thing keeping us alive! If it wasn’t for the fire youwouldn’t be living long enough to catch a pig!”
“And like the shelters are really going to help when the breeze knocksthem over and there’s no point of sleeping in them anyways!” Jack yelled backand Ralph curled his hand in a fist.
Calm, calm, bloody hell, stay calm.
“You act like you know so much better than the rest of us when you putyour energy into nothing and point your finger!” Jack was started to get closerto Ralph, eyes glaring down as Ralph found he had to back up. The chief found himselfbacking up into a tree near the entrance of the forest, with Jack looming overhim.
“You’re just so clever! I betyou couldn’t even catch a pig if a spear was in both of your hands.”
“Now you’re being ridiculous, and watch it, you’re getting too close…”Ralph started to raise his hands over his chest but Jack was already too close. 
He looked down at Ralph and drew a line with his mouth that was a mix of angerand pity. Ralph looked up hesitantly, finding such strong anger in those blueeyes that was mixed with something else, but he couldn’t understand it if hislife depended on it.
“Why are you just…why are you just so…” Jack started to mutter under hisbreath, neither of them breaking contact.
 Ralph was shaking now, so close tothe vision of red, white, and a spectacle of freckles that his breath washitched in his throat. He could feel his mouth grow dry. Jack’s face was soclose, eyes lowering their gaze from Ralph’s gaze to a pair of chapped lips.Ralph licked them in embarrassment, unsure why he grew timid, or why havingJack so close to him was making him feel smaller. He should be pushing himaway, why wasn’t he pushing him away?
“Jack, I…” Ralph started to collect himself before both of them feltsomething small hit their skin. Jack took a finger and pressed his against hisface, looking at the wet drop of water on his finger. They glanced up, seeingthe huge storm cloud above them make their away. Jack blinked as more rain hitagainst his face.
“Bloody…” Jack gritted his teeth, in awareness his mask was ruined. Ralphmade a small laugh as Jack wiped the rain from his cheeks.
“You honestly look better without that rubbish on your face.” Ralph saidand Jack rolled his eyes. The two of them grinned in a synced friendlinessagain as Jack picked up a couple of branches near the unfinished shelter.
“Come on, let’s get this done so we don’t get soaked.”
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passion-in-my-blood · 8 years
Figure You Out (Rogermon Part 1)
Disclaimer: I don’t own Lord Of The Flies by the amazing William Golding, however this concept of what could have happened in the gaps our favourite author has left are solely from my imagination. Furthermore, please ignore grammatical errors etc. that can be frequent, as English is not my first language. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy this story!
The dark-haired boy rushed into the hallways just a little too late. Only a smaller boy was still present, though he was already turning to leave. “Hey! Wait!”, Roger shouted. At this, the smaller boy looked at him curiously, as he had never seen the other before. “I’m new here. Could you tell me where the choir practice is held?” Unconsciously Simon nodded, he remembered there was a new boy to arrive this week. “Sure. I’m also part of the choir, just follow me.”, he told the new boy, then he tilted his head pondering for a while. “I’m afraid, I can’t recall your name right now. Anyways, I’m Simon.”, he introduced himself, while they hurried to reach their practice room. “Roger”, the taller boy muttered curtly.
Just before they arrived at their destination, Simon softly grabbed his new acquaintance and advised him in a hushed whisper: “The ginger boy in there, is Jack Merridew. He’s our Chapter Chorister. Watch out for him and if you want to be comfortable here, do not under any circumstances make him angry.” The taller boy was on the brink of lashing out at the smaller one. People telling him what to do, had always been something to anger him. If he complied, it would always be on his own terms - mostly without the other person realising it, but that was a different story. Yet, as he turned towards the other boy, taking in his soft touch and the caring glint in Simon’s green orbs, he restrained himself from acting out his first instinct. A warm feeling was spreading in his body instead. Filling his body in a comforting warmth, till it reached from his toes to his face. There, a faint smile made its appearance, he wasn’t used to someone caring about him, so his smiles were rare. Simon however, immediately managed to soften the usually so tough boy. Nevertheless Roger forced the smile away and put on a bored expression, before following the smaller boy inside.
As Roger opened his eyes sleepily, everything came back into his thoughts like a bombshell. The crash. The masses of water. Simon’s cries. Oh lord, Simon! His only real friend must have fainted! Immediately, the dark-haired jumped up, to look around for Simon. He was stranded on an island, after fighting the masses of water. He faintly remembered grabbing his seatmate on the plane, after the crash and swimming, while carrying the smaller boy, with all his might. Their survival being his main concern. If Simon hadn’t reached the island with him, everything would have been in vain. At this thought tears began to form in Roger’s eyes, much to his own bafflement. He never cried. After his education a pure survival instinct. Boys do not cry! He recalled his father preaching this countless times, before letting his fist crash down on Roger’s back, punishing him for his weakness. There, most people wouldn’t see it. Not that anyone would have cared. Roger let out a bitter laugh at this. Near to no one has ever cared about him. Distractions aside, the dark-haired boy pushed several exotic plants aside, as he looked for his friend with misty eyes. His attachement to the smaller boy overwhelmed him. Silently he swore to himself that he’d keep more of a distance in the future. That’s if his friend was still breathing. The last three years, both of them had grown closer. Inevitably, after Roger’s smooth inition to the choir thanks to Simon’s advises. Merridew even seemed to grow rather fond of the newcomer, contrairly to his feelings for the green-eyed boy himself that the Chapter Chorister almost resented due to his weakness, well his illness, that caused too many disruptions for the controlling boy in charge. Although Roger had become quite popular in the beginning, he ignored the intrigued questions and stuck to secluding himself with his first acquaintance at school, Simon. Suddenly the sound of rustling in the bushes, ripped him out of his memories. The dark-haired boy grabbed the first makeshift weapon he could find, a rather sharp stick and crept to the origin of the noise. As he prodded into the bushes with his stick, a small shriek resonated. Curiously, Roger bent down to get a closer look, only to find the boy he had been searching all along, shivering despite his heat inducing choir robes. Furtively the taller boy whiped his tear-stained face clean, before he lifted Simon’s chin, soothingly addressing his friend: “Hey, Simon. It’s alright. It’s only me, Roger. Let’s see, if we can find the others. Now, there’s no need to worry. You’re with me.” 
After Simon had fainted shortly after they were reunited, the taller boy had picked him up, carrying him through the thick jungle to another part of the beach, where Roger assumed other survivors must have arrived. If there were any, at least. On his way there he perceived various sounds. Simon’s breath had steadily accompanied him, assuring him that his friend was indeed alive. The alternating singing of the wind and chirping of the birds provided him with an adventurous sentiment during his walk. One particular sound however caught his attention, as he recalled hearing it countless times. The shrill voice of none other than Jack Merridew, howling commands at whoever there was. Attracted by the familiarity of that penetrating voice, Roger seemed to fly to the clearing, where the ginger was located, even with Simon’s weight in his arms. “Merridew!” he shouted ecstatically. Immediately he felt multiple curious gazes on him. Showing so much delight was highly uncharastic for him. However, the situation right now was clearly not your average day adventure either, so many smaller boys shrugged it off and resumed what they had been doing before their arrival. Jack nodded curtly to Roger. Content that there were other capable people with him. The boy in the dark-haired boy’s arms, Simon, obviously didn’t fit into this category, so the Chapter Chorister just supressed the urge to roll his eyes at the smaller one. Simon who had just regained his consciousness didn’t notice, as he too, was occupied with regarding Roger. Nevertheless, the dark-haired boy had been oblivious to Simon’s improved condition, so he commenced to explain why he was carrying the other boy, when suddenly a loud noise, resembling a trumpet resonated from far off. Excitedly, all the remaining choir members scambled around, announcing there guesses for its origin. Dutifully, Jack put a halt to this chaos: “Quiet! It’s probably an alarm to assemble us. Follow me, I’ll bring you to it. And quit whispering! We’ll make a good impression! Kyrie Eleison should be a decent song choice. Roger, Simon, come join me in the front! You’ll all be forming two straight lines. We can’t have none of that childish chaos here!” Nobody dared to object the firm commands and soon the choir boys were orderly strutting to their salvation, all the while praising the lord with their angellike voices.
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aion-rsa · 8 years
Captain America’s Strangest Transformations
When you think about it, right from the very beginning of his first appearance, Captain America has been about transformation. Steve Rogers was a scrawny reject from the United States Army who instead volunteered to become the test subject for a Super Soldier Serum that literally transformed him from a weakling into a superhero.
RELATED: Superman’s Weirdest Transformations
With an origin like that, it is no surprise that writers have consistently re-visited the idea of transforming Captain America over the years, as you have a lot to work with via aging and de-aging the character and messing with the serum in his body. Of course, that does not explain all of Captain America’s transformations over the years. Some of them are so offbeat that you never could have predicted them. Note that we’re not getting into alternate timelines, like “What If…?” comics or “Marvel Zombies.” That would be too easy. Now altered timelines? That’s a whole other story. Here, then, are Captain America’s strangest transformations (in chronological order).
Joe Simon and Jack Kirby managed to wait for an entire two issues of “Captain America Comics” before having Captain America and Bucky disguise themselves as an old woman and her foppish grandson. It was part of a plan to travel into the heart of Nazi-occupied Europe to rescue a powerful American businessman, who was about to pledge millions to the British war coffers before he was kidnapped by Nazi agents.
Watching Granny Cap walk around Paris and noting that they could have stuck around and fixed the problems in France, had they not been too busy on their mission, was a weird sight to see; as was seeing Cap lounge around in his hotel in his dress. In the end, it turned out that the Nazis had replaced the financier with a doppelganger, who was going to pledge support for the Axis. Luckily, Cap and Bucky travel to Berlin to save the financier. Bucky even gets a chance to kick Adolf Hitler and Herman Goerring’s collective butt along the way.
For years, one of the biggest thorns in Captain America’s side has been the Cosmic Cube, the reality-altering object created by A.I.M. that has frequently been stolen by the Red Skull and used against the world in general and Captain America in particular. In “Captain America” #115 (by Stan Lee, John Buscema and Sal Buscema), the Red Skull used the cosmic cube to mess with Cap by switching their bodies, so that the Avengers and Sharon Carter both believed that the Skull was Cap and that Cap was the Skull. Cap had to evade both his teammates and the police to keep himself free to stop the Skull’s plans. Meanwhile, in Cap’s body, the Skull severed the recent partnership Steve had formed with Rick Jones (who had become the new Bucky).
The Red Skull then sent Cap (still in Skull’s body) to Exile Island, where the Skull’s former allies, the Exiles, lived. He had betrayed them in their last adventure, so he thought it would be hilarious to see his former friends get their revenge on him while actually killing Captain America! Luckily, Cap used some clay to fashion a brand-new face for himself (yup) and ended up befriending another man on the island, Sam Wilson, to help him take down the Skull. Wilson became Cap’s new partner, the Falcon, who helped get Cap back to his proper body.
“Captain America” #225 (by Steve Gerber, Sal Buscema, Mike Esposito and John Tartaglione) is perhaps best known for the strange origin that Gerber gave Captain America in the issue. As Nick Fury subjected him to intensive hypno-therapy, Cap recalled his real origins, which included his older brother, who died in the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor. This is what drove Steve Rogers to enlist in the Army and then volunteer to become a test subject once he was rejected from the service (this was later explained to be a false set of memories, primarily because Cap debuted before Pearl Harbor). The trauma from the experience, however, left Cap somehow reverted to his weakling status.
Gerber was off the book with this issue, so incoming writer Roger McKenzie quickly abandoned the storyline in the following issue and had Cap return to his normal state by the end of “Captain America” #226. It also turned out that the Nick Fury in the story wasn’t really Nick Fury, but all part of an overly-complex plot by the Red Skull against Captain America. The real Nick Fury had been transformed into the Red Skull in the hopes that Cap would kill the “Skull” while really killing his good friend, Nick.
John Marc DeMatteis’ classic run on “Captain America” came to a close in “Captain America” #300, although in a much different manner than he initially intended. Originally, he was going to have Cap become a pacifist after the issue and continue writing the adventures of this new take on Cap. Rogers would have ultimately been assassinated due to his new views and replaced by the Native-American hero, Black Crow, who DeMatteis had recently introduced into the title.
Alas, we never found out, as DeMatteis was replaced on the title and his final storyline re-written, with the Red Skull successfully poisoning Captain America and making him age rapidly. The Skull then seemingly killed Cap’s closest friends. This was all to make Cap so angry that he would kill the Skull, who was aging rapidly himself due to the effects of the suspended animation that kept the villain alive after World War II breaking down. The Skull wanted to be killed in battle by his oldest foe, but in the end, Cap wouldn’t do it (that part of DeMatteis’ story remained). The Skull then died in his arms. Cap, too, seemed ready to die, but then Black Crow showed up and cured Cap.
In “Uncanny X-Men” #190-191, Chris Claremont, John Romita Jr. and Dan Green put together one of those small little company-wide crossovers that you would often see in 1980s Marvel Comics, where the interconnected nature of the Marvel Universe would be used to great effect (like the Fantastic Four staying in Avengers Mansion or Thor being involved in the “Mutant Massacre”). In the story, the old Conan villain,  Kulan Gath (who years earlier had accidentally transformed Mary Jane Watson into Red Sonja) transformed New York City with a powerful spell that threw everything in the city back to the era of Conan.
This included all of the superheroes within the city, including the Avengers. So, Captain America and the other Avengers were now, in effect, barbarian heroes without any memory of their past lives. However, whomever they were, personality-wise, before the spell, they remained. So, being that the Avengers were still heroes, Cap and his crew helped fight back and return things to normal. It was a lot of fun to see characters like Spider-Man and the Avengers given such a prominent focus in an “Uncanny X-Men” story.
In “Captain America” #355 (by Mark Gruenwald, Rich Buckler and Al Milgrom), Steve Rogers had only just begun to settle back into his life as Captain America (after getting the title back in “Captain America” #350) when he was contacted by his former girlfriend, Bernie Rosenthal, who was desperately trying to find her missing teenage sister. Cap discovered that there was a recent rash of teenagers going missing in the area, so he visited the Eternal known as Sersi (who would soon join the Avengers following this team-up) and had her use her powers to transform Captain America’s body back to what it was like when he was a teenager for 48 hours. Her practically-magical powers did so, but that meant that he no longer had the Super Soldier Serum in his body!
After hanging around New York City, pretending to be a runaway, the undercover teenage Cap was soon kidnapped and taken into a camp designed to turn teenagers into killers. Among the “counselors” was the Red Skull’s own teenage daughter! Luckily for Cap, what Sersi didn’t tell him was that her spell would revert after 48 hours or after the 50th body blow that Cap received, whichever came first (the 50th body blow came first, of course).
In a six-issue storyline from “Captain America” #387-392 (by Mark Gruenwald, Rik Levins and Danny Bulanadi), Captain America’s girlfriend, Diamondback, and her friends, Black Mamba and Asp, were taken aboard what appeared to be a cruise for female super villains. As it turned out, it was all part of a plan by the villain Superia to essentially sterilize every woman on Earth except the women on her ship, which would both cause stronger future women due to the super-powered breeding, and also allow them to hold the world hostage.
Captain America and Paladin tried to rescue Diamondback, but ended up captured and put into a device that would transform them into women! Luckily for them, Black Mamba and Asp saved them before the process fully kicked in. Still, Cap and Paladin had to go undercover among the female villains as just two new female supervillains… with “underdeveloped chests.”
Captain America’s pilot, John Jameson, had disappeared and Captain America went to go find him in this six-part storyline from “Captain America” #402-407 (by Mark Gruenwald, Rik Levins, Danny Bulanadi and some other fill-in inkers). Enlisting the help of his former Avenger teammate, Doctor Druid, Cap soon ran afoul of a town that seemed to be made up entirely of werewolves! Feral characters from around the Marvel Universe were also being drawn to this town, including Wolverine! Also ,Feral of X-Force showed up, which drew Cable in, as well.
The villainous Nightshade had teamed up with Desmond the Druid to draw in Jameson, who had the Moonstone. Desmond planned to merge with the moonstone to become the ultra-powereful Star-Wolf! First, Nightshade used a mesmerized Wolverine to capture Cap and then use a special serum she was working on to transform Captain America into a werewolf, as well! Cap soon took control of his “pack” and led them in a rebellion against Nightshade and Druid. With the assistance of Cable (who, again, was there to find Feral), they were able to save the day and Cap was turned back into a human.
In the year-long storyline, “Fighting Chance,” (by Mark Gruenwald, Dave Hoover and Danny Bulanadi), Captain America discovered that the Super Soldier Serum powering his body was never intended to last forever. It was always meant to eventually break down, but as it turns out, in breaking down, it would also end up killing Captain America! So, Cap decided to devote his last months to finding and training new heroes to take over for him when he died. This story arc introduced two young heroes, Jack Flagg and Free Spirit.
As time went by, Cap’s body began to turn on itself, so he had to eventually turn to his friend, Tony Stark, to build him a special armor so that he could keep up the good fight for as long as he could. Things took a dark turn after “Fighting Chance” ended, though, when Superia managed to find a cure for Captain America’s affliction, but the Red Skull (who was also dying because he was then-currently in a cloned Captain America body, so the same degeneration was happening to him) took it for himself. In the end, Skull decided to share the cure because he needed Cap’s help on a mission.
After being cured by the Red Skull, Captain America had a number of other adventures before he, along with most of the other heroes of New York City (except for Spider-Man, who literally got lost on his way to Central Park for the final battle) sacrificed their lives to stop the evil power of Onslaught, the nearly all-powerful psionic being. They essentially trapped the psionic energy of Onslaught by using their physical bodies to soak up his energy (it had to specifically be non-mutants, as mutant bodies would just enhance Onslaught’s power). Once they anchored Onslaught with their bodies, the remaining X-Men destroyed what was left, killing the heroes and Onslaught.
As it turned out, Franklin Richards (the powerful mutant son of Mister Fantastic and Invisible Woman who had been kidnapped by Onslaught to amplify his powers) used his reality-warping powers to create a second Earth and re-created all of the dead heroes into new bodies based on how he remembered them (which is how the Wasp went back to a human body after being horribly mutated, and how Iron Man became an adult again after being replaced by a teenage version of himself). So, Captain America was also put into a new body for his new series, drawn by star artist Rob Liefeld. Eventually, the heroes returned to their Earth.
Once the heroes all returned to Earth, they began to reform the Avengers in “Avengers” #1-3 (by Kurt Busiek, George Perez and Al Vey), but before they could formalize things, they were caught up in a plot by the evil Morgan Le Fey. A variety of powerful mythological objects were up in the air, so all of the available Avengers assembled to collect them. Instead, Le Fey got her hands on both the Twilight Sword and the Norn Stones and used them, along with the Scarlet Witch’s reality-altering powers, to power her Celtic magic to alter Earth into a new medieval era based on Le Fey’s life in the time of King Arthur.
The Avengers were transformed into Le Fey’s personal guard, with Captain America now called Yeoman America. However, the Scarlet Witch (kept captive by Le Fey) kept trying to get her teammates to break free of the spell and eventually managed to release Cap, as his spirit was so strong that he was able to remember who he was. He then recruited other Avengers whose sense of being an Avenger were especially strong (Hawkeye, Wasp, Monica Rambeau and Quasar) and they eventually helped Scarlet Witch turn the tide (along with a resurrected Wonder Man).
The Scarlet Witch was at the center of yet another time that Captain America (and the world) was altered by her reality-shaping powers. Following the events of “Avengers Disassembled,” the Scarlet Witch snapped due to her trauma over losing her children (who were just creations of her own powers) and turned on her own teammates, killing a few of them. Her alleged father, Magneto, showed up and brought her to Genosha to take care of her. The Avengers and the X-Men then got together to debate how to handle the Scarlet Witch situation. Some even suggested that she was too powerful to let live. This sent Scarlet Witch’s brother, Quicksilver, to her side, where he convinced her to alter reality so that mutants were the ruling class.
In this altered reality (as presented in “Captain America”#8 by Ed Brubaker, Lee Weeks and Jesse Delperdang), Captain America was now suddenly an old man, having never entered suspended animation during World War II. Instead, he lived to see the war finish, but also long enough to be ostracized by his willingness to stand up to Senator McCarthy on his anti-mutant hearings. Rogers also was an astronaut. He also spoke out against Magneto when he rose to power. In the end, he was just a lonely old man in a world ruled by a tyrant, which is not how he thought things would work out when he took down a different tyrant back in 1945.
The main villains of the “Spider-Man” crossover, “Spider Island,” were the Jackal and the Queen. The Queen was a mutant who was experimented on by the United States government to try to find a successor to Captain America. She and Cap grew quite close to each other during this time. However, after he was seemingly killed at the end of the war, the government pretty much forgot about her. She escaped custody, though, and went into hiding.
Her powers could alter anyone with the “spider gene,” and she teamed up with the Jackal to alter the genetics of the people of Manhattan Island in New York City (hence “Spider Island”) and slowly give them first Spider-Man’s powers, before then mutating them into giant spiders loyal to the Queen. However, her old love, Captain America, got special treatment and in “Amazing Spider-Man” #666 (by Dan Slott, Humberto Ramos and Stefano Caselli), he was transformed into a giant spider creature that was forced to obey the Queen’s commands.
Ran Shen was one of the very best agents in the early days of S.H.I.E.L.D., competing with Nick Fury for those honors. However, after a mission against the Soviets and their Winter Soldier went horribly wrong, Shen’s faith was lost in S.H.I.E.L.D. Meanwhile, a female scientist who Shen had fallen in love with lost her faith in her evil cause and the Winter Soldier lost his in his Soviet masters. Shen was going to work out a deal where all three of them could get out of their lives, but then Fury showed up and fulfilled the mission (kill or capture the scientist). Once his new love was tragically killed, Shen fully broke away from S.H.I.E.L.D. Fury’s attack also sent Winter Soldier back to the Soviets, who were able to re-program him and keep him from escaping.
Shen merged with an alien dragon (one of Fin Fang Foom’s people) to become the Iron Nail. He had tentacles that could drain both the effects of the Super Soldier Serum and Nick Fury’s Infinity Formula. The Iron Nail began a plan to take down S.H.I.E.L.D. and though Captain America stopped him, in the process he had the Super Soldier Serum sucked out of him, leaving him just a really fit 90-something-year old man. Serum-less Cap was still a hero, of course, and continued to serve with the Avengers. He just let his friend, Sam Wilson, take over as Captain America.
During a battle against a group of supervillains led by the Red Skull, who had been altered by a S.H.I.E.L.D.-controlled Cosmic Cube to keep them out of the way of the rest of the world, Steve Rogers was returned to his fully-powered self. He returned to the name Captain America, although he insisted that Sam Wilson continue his good work as Cap, even insisting that Sam keep using the famous shield, with Steve getting a new one. Things seemed back to normal… but appearances can be deceiving.
What few people knew was that the now-sentient Cosmic Cube had bonded with Red Skull and she wanted to do whatever she could to please him, looking up to the Skull as a father figure. So, when she transformed Captain America back to his youthful self, she also altered reality so that Captain America was now a life-long follower of the same beliefs as the Red Skull, and a fully-fledge member of HYDRA! That was how the Cube believed things were supposed to be! So, Cap was now a secret agent of Hydra, and has been for his whole life. This series, at the time of this list’s writing, is still ongoing, but it’s definitely one of the most controversial moments in the long history of the character.
What’s your favorite Captain America transformation? Let us know in the comments section!
The post Captain America’s Strangest Transformations appeared first on CBR.com.
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