#uhh come up with ur own theories
backspacy · 1 year
Lotf au but it's a time loop. Ralph is stuck on the island in a time loop and has to watch over and over as his friends die, go crazy and savage and burn the island to the ground. And he's helpless and there's nothing he can do, the loop resetting every time he gets rescued.
But once, just once, he notices something, or someone, change slightly. he notices they do something differently than they usually do. It could be small or drastic (like a subtle glance a misstep of a foot, not wanting what they usually want), either way, Ralph notices it.
You get me??
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faitry · 2 years
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Warnings: just some simple love confession fluff
You hurried from class to your dorm as today you had a study day with Armin today. Changing into a plain comfy outfit, and you hurriedly pulled your things together and rushed over to Armins dorm. You had been having trouble with your math recently and Armin is a math wiz and your friend so you had decided that it would be best for him to help you instead of paying for a tutor. You have had a crush on this man for the longest time, playing iMessage games with him made your heart flutter, saying hi to him in the halls made you do backflips internally, tight hallways making you two brush up on each other, giving you electric shocks. You had no clue if he felt the same way, but you sure hoped he did. Every time you two met up to study it was either at a cafe or somewhere public, but today Armin didn’t have access to his car and you’ve been lazy to go anywhere that day so you’d both agreed to meet at his dorm. His roommate, Eren Jaeger, was not there at the time as he was visiting his mother, so the two of you would be alone. Words couldn’t describe how nervous you were, twiddling your thumbs was what you could do in the time of walking to his dorm.
When you arrived you fixed your shirt and continued with knocking on his door. When he answered he was just wearing some sweats, a black t shirt, and some Crocs. He smiled at you and said “hey! Uhh you can just sit here while I go get us water, be right back.” He pulls back a chair for you at his two person desk and you place your bag next to the table and pull out the things you need. You start your work with writing your name and reading the word problem given to you. Armin comes back with two cups of ice water and he places them on the table carefully. “I need help” you tell him, tapping your pencil on the table. “Alright let me see.” He pulls back his own chair and takes your pencil and paper reading and underlining the needed work. After a bit of you working alone, he looks over to you and sees you struggling. “Need my help?” He asks. “Uhh yea please.” You say scooting closer to him. He grabs your paper and begins to read your old work. He gives you your paper and places a hand on your thigh, not giving it any thought. You tense up, not knowing what to do. His words turn into gibberish as you stare down at your thigh. He notices this and stares at you before saying “are you okay? Am I overworking you?” He apologized and you immediately snap out of it. “What no! Sorry I’m just tired.” You say, rubbing your eyes.
After about half an hour of just sitting on your phones, you imagine the thought of his hand still lingering on your thigh. You smile and decide in the heat of the moment to just admit you like him. “Hey Armin?” You say sweetly turning your head towards him. He hums in response and turns his head over to you. “Would you mind if I told you something?” You say looking away as soon as you two hold eye contact for a second. “Not at all go ahead.” He smiles. “Okay so. I uhh like you. It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way, I just thought that I should get it over with and tell you.” He sat there stunned at your words. Just then he smiled at you, looking at you with all the love in the world. “I like you too.” He said plainly. Your eyes widened and you suddenly relaxed. Having been let out one of ur deepest secrets and not being rejected. You look at him again, just staring at his pretty face and appreciating everything about him. He puts his hands on your knees and leans in closer. You lean in as well and plant a kiss on his nose, leading to him giving you a long kiss on your soft lips.
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FAITRY © 2023. Please do not steal and/or plagiarize my work !
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metalheadkells · 3 years
mostly unedited wip. tell me if this is any good/if i should continue writing it? 
“So,” Marshall says to Kells’ friend Slim, who is looking at him the same way you might look at a spider you’re preparing to kill, biding your time with a rolled-up magazine in hand. “You’re a producer?” 
“Yeah,” he says, and doesn’t elaborate, an uncomfortable silence descending on them until Marshall says, “Me too, on the side.” 
“I know,” Slim says, in a tone that implies, duh. Right. 
Slim pulls out his phone, signaling an abrupt end to their non-conversation, and Marshall inwardly curses Kells for taking so long to come down. He’s probably changing his outfit for the tenth time in as many minutes. Marshall slides his own phone out of his pocket. 
fuck ur 12-step hair routine I’m struggling out here
He doesn’t need to send the text, because Kells comes loping down the stairs a second later, dressed to perfection and twittering with casually self-deprecating apologies. 
“Oh,” Kells says upon observing Slim’s presence, “You guys talked?” He sounds so excited by the idea that Marshall decides not to tell him after this that it was more like Slim standing guard over him to make sure he didn’t try anything nefarious. 
“Uh-huh,” Marshall says. 
“Not really,” Slim says. 
Marshall glares at Slim, silently urging him to play along for Kells’ sake, but he just glares back venomously. 
“Look at this,” Kells says, happily oblivious to their little psychological tussle, throwing an arm around each of them, “My favorite people becoming homies. So sick.” 
Slim pulls away from Kells and says, grimly, “Text me if you need anything.”
What, does he think Marshall is gonna take Kells to some back alley and fuck him, and then leave him stranded there? Is that how low his opinion is of Marshall and his relationship with Kells? If the past few minutes have taught Marshall anything, the answer to both of those questions is a resounding yes. 
“I got it covered,” Marshall tells him, unable to keep the annoyance out of his voice. 
“If you say so.” 
What the fuck is that supposed to mean? 
“See ya, dude,” Kells says to Slim, fist-bumping him and then gently turning Marshall around, his arm still over his shoulders, so they can finally leave. 
“Is it just me, or was there some tension between you two?” Kells asks, once they’ve gotten in the car.
And since he asked outright, Marshall is about to say something to the effect of, Slim possibly wants to see my head mounted to a plaque on his wall, when Kells clarifies, “Like maybe he’s crushing on you a little bit?” 
Marshall can’t help but burst into incredulous laughter, covering his mouth with his hand. “You think everybody wants to fuck me.” 
Kells frowns at him. “It’s your fault for being so fuckable!” 
“You’re projecting. I promise I’m not that fuckable.” 
“Mmm, you sure about that?” 
“Fuck, Kells, no - wait until we - ” 
“Not even a little over-the-pants action?” 
“Not even if I…?” 
“Ohh, fuck you, do that again.” 
yo this is kells best friend and insanely talented musician rook 
he says to tell u he’s bored of ur old ass and he’s moving on and also to lose his number thx bye
fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jesus em ignore that he’s wasted and I gave him my phone for like 2 seconds
this is kells now btw
I’m gonna KILL that little goblin 
“You wanna come out with me and the boys this weekend? Low-key thing, I promise. Like thirty people total.” 
Marshall’s silence must leave no room for misinterpretation, because Kells says, “Aw, come on. It won’t be that bad. I just want everyone to get to know you a bit.” 
“My definition of low-key and your definition of low-key are very different, first of all,” Marshall says, “but more importantly, I’d make it awkward.” 
“Awkward? Awkward how? You’re fuckin’ - super charming and funny. They’d all, like, fall madly in love with you after a few minutes of talking to you.” 
“We’ve been over this,” Marshall says around a stifled laugh, “Your perceptions of me ain’t universal.” 
“Uhh, cool theory, but I’m right about everything, and I’m right about this,” Kells says, but Marshall doesn’t let himself get sidetracked by his huffiness.
He says, “Anyway, I meant ‘cause your whole gang wants me dead. Kinda makes it even harder to do small talk.” 
Marshall has to hold the phone away from his ear when Kells’ voice spikes upward in pitch and volume. 
“You haven’t noticed by now that they all despise me?” 
“Please say sike.” 
“Man. You are oblivious. No wonder it took you two years to realize I was tryna get in them jeans.” 
“There’s no way! Ayo, Slim - ”
“Are you fucking…” 
“Slim, come here a second, I gotta ask you somethin’ - ” 
The other end of the line goes staticy, Kells’ voice indistinguishable but for a vague rumble. 
“Kells? Hello?” 
“Sorry, I shoved you under a pillow,” Kells says a moment later, his audio clearing up. 
“What’d he say,” Marshall demands, expecting the worst. 
“Slim. You were just talking to him? About me?” 
“Not everything’s about you, y’know,” Kells says, but Marshall knows his lying voice when he hears it. 
He lets them drop the subject anyway, thankful to have at least sidestepped Kells’ invitation to his low-key thing with the boys.  
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thepoodlepack · 3 years
What's wrong with goldenpoodles? I'm genuinely curious because almost all of my dogs are mixed breeds and behave fine. So I'm curious if there's something else I'm missing
jeez this feels like bait but u kno what, you got me
alright, so it goes like this. the doodle really began with a guy in australia being like i need the temperament of a lab for a guide dog but these ppl are allergic to dogs, so i need a poodle bc they have hair, not fur. so he bred em together. years later he’s like damn that was a mistake.
now, why, exactly? alright so first of all he only needed that mix bc labs on average tend to adapt better to situations that are largely exclusive to service dog work than poodles do. i can go into what this means at a later date, but that’s basically how it is. but either way, people jumped on this creation and it kinda spiraled out of control. soon, poodles were being bred by everyone and every breed. suddenly, they were a marketing scam more then they were a dog breed.
oh theyre hypoallergenic! all of them, all the time cause zero allergies! look theyre so much better than poodles! theyre friendly and easy to train, not like poodles of course, just like labs! they’re better than labs bc none of them shed, ever! they’re super healthy bc breeding labs and poodles together wipes out all their health problems, of course!
lies, lies lies. the aussie guy, whose name i’m not going to look up bc i’m lazy but who you can find if you google creator of doodles, straight up says that even the first litter(s) of labradoodles he bred had puppies that the people he bred them for were allergic to. he very carefully tested the litter and the reaction the person had before placing a puppy that was not going to hurt them.
think of the punnet squares we all learned about in 5th grade science class. you draw the squares and one parent has two fur genes and the other parent has two hair genes and what do you get? well if you have four puppies, one might have hairhair and the next one might have hairfur and the next one might have furhair and the next one might have furfur. and so guess what? only hairhair pup is going to be the best choice for allergic people. additionally, you can see why the non-shedding thing can be bullshit, and that in particular is also a guessing game. you may be able to test allergy sufferers against the pups, but that does not necessarily mean they won’t shed. hairfur, for example, may be a good choice for some allergic people, but perhaps they’ve got just enough fur to shed anyway. also, lets look at salukis (and frankly, most long-haired sighthounds). salukis are still considered dogs with fur, not hair. they also still shed, even though it’s just a little. and yet they’re still considered good for allergy sufferers.
(ps poodles do actually shed. but they shed like humans shed. your hair comes out, doesn’t it? like, esp folks with long hair, aren’t people always complaining how you clog the shower drain? yeah, like that. ALSO obviously the situation is more complicated then super simple punnet squares and as an ex-groomer i have something to say about doodle coats but i’m going to save that for later, put a pin in it.)
oh and wait a hot minute there. i said best choice, didn’t i, not hypoallergenic. well, that’s because no dog is hypoallergenic. poodles, and a few other dog breeds, they have hair, like we do. but the thing is both humans and breeds with hair still produce the dander, though they’re different kinds. breeds with hair happen to produce the least amount possible that dogs can produce, which is why they’re a better choice for allergy sufferers, but that’s still not a guarantee. my roommate Dakota is allergic to dogs. if i don’t wash my dogs for an extended period of time (which has never happened, ever, in my life, idk what ur talking about), thus giving the chance for the dander my dogs still produce, he will have a very, very mild reaction when touching them. it can be countered by him washing his hands after touching them and also me just giving them a fucking bath, i need to stop forgetting, but still, there you go. ALSO people might not be allergic to dogs bc of their dander. they might be allergic to the saliva of dogs, which poodles or any other breed with hair still produces about the same as other dogs. so, yeah, not hypoallergenic, not at all.
the people who taut their hypoallergenic dogs for sale largely don’t do the testing required to check if they’re actually providing a dog to someone who won’t react to it. not acceptable at all.
so, labs are friendly and easy to train right? not at all like poodles, right? no. absolutely incorrect. some labs are friendly and easy to train. some labs, a lot of them when they’re puppies, are nightmare fuel. personally, i have a theory that everyone’s vision of labs in their heads are either a) service dogs or b) those old labs who are slightly pudgy (or morbidly obsess, which is a different topic) and who are graying in the face and just want to lounge around because they’re seniors now. alright, so here’s why thats bad. labs are a working breed. a retrieving breed. they’re supposed to be bulky and strong and driven. service dogs are highly trained, to a point that most pet dogs will never see, and if you see them with their actual disabled handler, they’ll probably be around 2.5 yrs of age and out of their most wild days. old labs are well. old. sleepy. maybe a bit achey. and well out of their most wild days. oh, and it’s the same type of thing with goldens by the way, the other most popular doodle type. poodles are also easy to train, especially if their parents have a decent temperament. they’re all about equal if you actually start training them when they’re puppies and just pay for some training classes, like everyone should. in the puppy classes i’m in right now, Euphoria is leaps and bounds ahead of doodles, goldens, and labs that are her age or older. I train her properly and she’s got amazing parents. that’s it, that’s the trick. not breed, not necessarily, and def not in this case.
I am once again going to say that labs and goldens are more often used as service dogs than poodles because of their adaptability, but it’s the ability to adapt to situations that most pet dogs will never have to worry about.
jeez this is a long post. i’ve still got more to cover too. alright, on to super healthy, or “hybrid vigor” as the nerds call it. uhh, it’s bullshit. thank u for ur time.
okay, but actually why on gods green earth would breeding two completely different breeds with little to no research make them super healthy? now i want to preface this with i’m (generally) pro-outcross projects. Euphoria’s dad is half mini poodle and half standard poodle, which isn’t technically an outcross bc all the variations are of the same breed, but if we’re going by genetic diversity alone minis and standards are different enough to actually be different breeds.
so, to be clear, outcrosses, given the proper thought and planning: good, results in healthier dogs (see: lua dals). randomly breeding two very different breeds together with no planning other than to sell the puppies to randos who won’t continue the outcross: bad. especially when you’re doing it to cash in and don’t health test at all, or don’t health test the major health problems with both breeds (if you’re doing an f2 breeding or anything like that). no the poodle’s health problems don’t get canceled out by the goldens or labs or whatever the other party’s health problems are, and vice versa. and yeah, i’ve looked at a lot of doodle breeder’s websites and yeah, most of them don’t health test at all, or at least don’t health test properly. do you know i own one doodle and currently live with another? yeah, i got them both from breeders and do you know how much health testing their parents got? if your answer is none, good job, you’ve been paying attention. in my defense, i was like 13, i didn’t know what i was doing.
alright, so those are the big points. this is kinda gonna be just... a mix of my other complaints. here we go, hope you’re ready for more. argument the first: i feel like it’s pretty disrespectful to reputable breeders. now, i actually have two reasons why that is. reason one: most reputable poodle breeders don’t want their breeding stock bred with other breeds, for various reasons. i’ve even met a few who used to be okay with it and then as the doodle scam got bigger and more out of control, they stopped being okay with it, even to the breeders who they had been fine with it in the past. that means a lot of doodle breeders out there have their breeding stock because they scammed poodle breeders into giving them pet quality, not breeding quality, dogs or because they’re getting their stock from non-reputable breeders. i also feel it’s disrespectful to breeders who are actually trying to create new breeds. quite frankly, a breed with the size, strength, and adaptability of a lab or golden that doesn’t shed and that has the train-ability of a poodle, lab, or golden sounds pretty interesting to me. did you know you can actually make that breed? and it wouldn’t be a cross with unpredictable... well, everything. it would actually be a true dog breed.
Look at Silken Windhounds and Biewer Terriers who began both development in the 1980s. Biewer Terriers were recognized by the AKC this year, and Silken Windhounds still haven’t been. And yeah, that’s the problem isn’t it? Making a real new breed takes a lot of time, planning, and care. People would rather just cash in. I think it’s sad and I think it’s disrespectful to the breeders who do work so hard to make actual new breeds.
and finally, unpin being an ex-groomer goddamnit. guess what? doodles are awful to groom! they’re terrible on the grooming tables because people want to have in both ways: they want a dog that doesnt shed at all and they want a dog who doesn’t need to be groomed. well guess what, that dog doesn’t exist and you can have it only one way. and also, bring back the goddamn punnet squares because a lot of doodles have awful coats. if you have hairfur and furhair over there, guess what, their coat fucking sucks bc it’s not meant to be like that. it wants to mat bc hair but also it wants the mats to slide out bc short-ish fur but its too thick for the mats to slide out bc thick hair. and yes its more complicated then this and that means its often more awful then this. its awful, it makes me want to cry. and maybe it’s slightly easier to get away with it with a shorthaired dog like a lab, or, you know what, even a golden, okay, even a slightly long haired dog like a golden but people are doodling akitas? border collies? bernese fucking mountain dogs? i am crying. i am crying right now as i type this.
lets do a sum up to this disaster of a post. look, i don’t go out there attacking or yelling at every doodle or every doodle owner i see, alright? or any of them really. i might engage in conversation to one that’s interested, but that’s it. i love my doodly Isis, okay? shes tiny and she’s adorable and I love her more than life and i will never, ever get another doodle. i don’t like the way they’ve gotten so prolific, i don’t like the reasons they’re now widespread, and i don’t like almost all of the people that create them, including the ones i’ve literally given my (parents) money to in the past. i wish they were better but i just cannot approve of them, especially not in the environment they exist in now. that said, i do support them in their original use case as assistance dogs, and i do not care about them if they’re shelter dogs.
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sokkagatekeeper · 3 years
how do u feel abt sapphic katara? idk i. love her & find it somewhat annoying when ppl make her the token straight in analysis or fics or whatever
anyway i hope ur having a great morning. want u to know that i’m going absolutely feral over the sokka&katara posts u have because hoooly shit it’s finally in words!! <33
ah shit. well! we all know sexism exists in the show, not only in the northern water tribe but in the earth kingdom and fire nation as well. toph’s, zuko’s, azula’s (and mai’s and ty lee’s) arcs depend on this aspect of their world. i believe in the intersectional theory, which is that there cannot be misogyny without homophobia without transphobia (without racism, but that’s not relevant right now). it’s all connected and rooted in the same bullshit that is gender norms. now that we’ve established this;
from making a textual analysis of the show, taking into account how queer characters read such as sokka, azula, toph, zuko, mai, etc. the way i interpret katara is essentially... a straight girl. by this i mean; she doesn’t have a conflicted or even complex relationship with her own gender, rather everybody else’s (toph and sokka coming to mind, or even pakku’s perception of katara because of her gender) which is a natural development of growing up in a patriarchal society and as a marginalized person (in this case a woman). sokka has these beliefs as well, only that after kyoshi island much of his flawed perception of gender and its norms serves only to diminish his own self-worth rather than his perception of other people and the world. katara is not a bigoted person, but she hasn’t reflected on the concepts of gender and sexuality the same way zuko and toph clearly have, or has an intricate web in her mind about gender and sexuality the way azula and sokka do. additionally to this, we never see katara being attracted to a girl on screen — not the way azula and mai are attracted to ty lee or the way sokka is attracted to the boulder (do not argue with me about this i swear to god). katara is exclusively attracted to boys on screen, and even if she was bisexual i have like, no evidence of this.
now on fandom reception. let me begin with making it clear, that i don’t personally believe headcanoning katara as sapphic or trans is evil or whatever as much as i simply think it’s. incorrect? whatever. much like with trans zuko – zuko is a solid cis gay thanks – i think they’re wrong but there’s nothing inherently uhhh messed up about it (especially if the sapphic katara headcanon comes from sapphic brown girls and girl-adjacents!!!) unless they actively make it messed up. other than that it’s just an incorrect reading of the text, so i don’t really mind it, and if i do make fun of the headcanon/interpretation i do it mostly in private.
on the other hand, it seems to me that there is a certain uh, obsession, with making all the characters queer. i understand that there’s a lack of proper representation and we can always hold onto the queer subtext and readings of a text – queer readings have always existed, and for a reason. but i think with katara specifically there’s that sentiment that if (someone believes that) katara is not some flavour of queer then (that person therefore believes that) she’s not worth it as a character or a person and that’s just not true!! if katara were straight and cis, she would still be a brave, kind, compassionate, talented, brilliant, prodigal brown girl who is capable of love and worthy of appreciation. if someone needs katara to be flawless and queer to like her then that’s a bigger problem than me reading katara as straight.
i’ve said this before but an analysis and a headcanon are two separate different things. mostly i tolerate the trans katara headcanon more than the sapphic katara headcanon – or the trans zuko headcanon :| – since i believe it’s canonically more plausible than the alternative (if only because i believe the swt is the most uhh open-minded(? community since the air nomads are gone, and that’s like about it). i understand other people’s approach to fandom is solely or mostly through headcanons but that’s not my personal approach to it. i understand katara as cishet, and i love her very very much not despite it but as a part of the whole that is her entire character.
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jiminrings · 4 years
coach! jungkook and y/n!!! jk being extra extra clingy
mvp: clingy
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pairing: jungkook x y/n
wordcount: 3k
notes: aHHHHH coach!koo remains as i think my most popular piece and this is actually the first actual drabble he gets!! :D
read most valuable, the piece that started it all!!!
so you see
this isn’t a brag or anything pinky promise
but uh jungkook.,..
jungkook rARELY feels insecure ok
those two words don’t belong in the same sentence!!
but god is he lying when he says he doesn’t feel the tiniest bit insecure with this mINgYu fellow
not to be that boyfriend but uhhh why don’t you laugh with him like THAT
“kook do you have someone in mind for a guest coach??”
jimin asks for the third time this week, looking mAjorly frustrated as he plops himself in the swivel chair
the dish was that y’know what!! it happens!! THIS happens!!!!
jimin’s been the longest assistant coach (and generally a coach) your team has ever had
he was practically there from the start!!!
whether he admits it or not, jimin’s a binding piece for you and the girls no matter what
then jungkook became head coach right
now the things was....
burnouts happen!! it’s normal!!!
it’s normal to LOSE your drive and passion for your sport as an athlete <3
the last season ended on a good note for sure because after all, you won the championships!!
not to mention that you were hailed mvp hee-hee :D
but then some months have passed
and the new season was supposed to start three months ago but of course it just had to be rESCHEDULED
it’s not necessarily an entirely bad thing
the extra time gave you more time to heal after your injury and your conditioning back to your prime is at top-notch!!
but it just can’t be helped
you and the girls??? your momentum??? aBSOLUTELY PUT-OFF
the training for next season just started last week and jimin and kook rEALLY prepared for this ok
there’s another reason to why kook is almost practically living at yours and jimin’s place nowadays lmao
... it just doesn’t work
it feels like every trick in both their books have been thoroughly used and it’s just not a challenge for you anymore
not to fLEX or anything but
basically the drills and the workouts just feel like warm-ups nowadays :D
and the warm-ups feel like a brisk walk in the park :D
that is both an insult and a compliment to jimin and jungkook because wOW!!! omg we instilled discipline and mastery to them <3
but at the same time it’s like you should nOT be giggling while i make you practice your pancake dives repeatedly
the two of them just need to BOOST everyone’s morale!!!
“actually, i finally found someone!! just thought of it last night but i didn’t wanna knock on your door because jupiter was in the living room and he thought i was an intruder aGAIN”
sometimes jimin can’t wrap his head around that he sees jungkook perhaps almost ALL the damn time
he wakes up disoriented and he sees you on the couch with a bowl of cereal and look!!! my best friend slash roomie already made me breakfast :D
then he plops to the couch and there is this bEEFY entity lying on it covered with a blanket and???? jungkook???? what are yOU doing here
then jimin’s taking a spoonful of his cereal while he’s thinking because uH are the two of you screwing???
“hyung that’s my cereal”
“i put yours in the refrigerator jiminie!! i know how you like it cold!!”
aH and then it hits him
oh right the two of you are a couple now and jungkook just likes crashing and sleeping over at his apartment with you
when his oWN place is not even thirty minutes away wtf
<3 anyways get out of my way jungkook that’s MY spot on MY couch <3
jimin perks up at that because god fuck finally!!! he needs to make calls immediately
“well? who is it??”
jungkook pauses for a dramatic effect before he claps his hands, also eager to start this mini workshop of sorts for a week to boost team spirit
“mingyu!!!! he was my teammate from my former team and well there’s no rival conflict or anything like that!! perfect score!!!!”
“y’talking about kim mingyu? tall guy, slicked hair, jumps high??”
“you know him??”
jungkook squints to himself because after all that was a little bit of a sTOOPID question
their games were televised and jimin’s a coach how could he nOT expect that
“yeah, yeah. he was my junior in high school and we were kinda friends i guess...”
there’s something in jimin’s tone and jungkook tries to dig in to that because well he thOught his hyung would be a bit more excited
jimin knows that kook could hear the cringe in his voice and it makes him scratch at the back of his head
“ah, you should probably keep y/n away. mingyu... well he was pretty mUCH notorious for stealing everyone’s girlfriends and opportunities from people and such.,.,..”
he still has a bit of resentment for mingyu ok
he was a fucking vULTURE
whatever he did first or whatever he wanted, mingyu would do and pursue the exact same
and jimin was definitely irked because people were hailing mingyu as the cool guy or sth for the things that he was copying off of jIMIN!!!!
they weren’t just coincidences!!!
they say imitiation is the best form of flattery but fuck that jimin is NOT flattered
“aish c’mon, jimin. you uNDERESTIMATE me!!! y/n only has eyes for me, silly!! :D”
jungkook may have been too confident this time
he knows you still LOVE him!!!! right??
pls say right
there’s this wrenching feeling in the pit of his stomach when he sees you and mingyu doing one-on-one drills as he goes through you all
it was just a simple rally!!! a back-and-forth of the volleyball!! nOTHING major right??
jungkook could only focus to how focused YOU look
and to how at one point mingyu gave you a tricky throw back and you still managed to give it back to him and how you gIGGLED!!!!
g i g g l e d
then you gave a tricky throw back to mingyu and passed it back and this time he laughed and you cACKLED!!!!
oh my god why is jungkook feeling this way
jimin’s standing beside him and he could hear these little growls from jungkook???
like it’s not exactly gROWLING but it sounds like it
it’s a hybrid between a light snore and a growl and with how jungkook has his eyebrows knitted he is definitely nOt sleepy that’s fo sure
ugh are the two of you fighting again???
does jimin need to give jungkook a wake-up call again or-
hold on
the jeon jungkook is inTIMIDATED by mingyu!!!!
he’s never thought that a day like this would come in which jungkook isn’t knocked down a couple of pegs bUT HERE IT IS :D
in your opinion this is GREAT for the team morale!!! coach mingyu was just a breath of fresh air for a guest coach and u are enjoying it
he’s given the team new insights and it helped break the collective burn-out!!
kook just feels insecure ok
and threatened
which is why the moment jimin called for a ten-minute break, jungkook immediately sITS you down
“hi hi okay whAt are you doing???”
you’re endeared but you’re taken aback because jungkook’s immediately hovering above you, swiping and patting down the sweat from your forehead
“i’m taking care of you, silly!! :D”
that’s nice, maybe???
you don’t wanna think much of it hehe jungkook’s just being a caring boyfriend u guess
although he’s never done this before ur gonna admit and you’re stILL dumbfounded
he’s going all-out
even getting a cold towel to put around your nape to help you cool down fetched you a sports drink aLLLLL by himself
he’s even gonna lift up your shirt and wipe down your boob sweat himself and tHEN you stop him
“koo baby i can do that by myself y’know!!!”
although it looks like jungkook doesn’t get why you dON’T want him to take care of you????
doesn’t waver though :D
just lifts your shirt in the slightest bit and shoves a towel to your sports bra and there he goes
“want a snack?? ah, want me to order pizza?? nO?? okay fine i’ll order oNE extra box just for you and me and i gUESS jimin if you want!!!”
it’s a spitfire of questions and you can’t even answer because jungkook’s already hopping on his merry way!!!
not before he presses a fat kiss to your cheek and exaggerates the mWAH sound
aha maybe he’s just being extra loving today
... maybe
“what do you want for dinner??”
“oh i was just thinking what about if we just order-“
“baby wHY do we need to order when your boyfriend is perfectly capable in making you dinner!!!”
ok then
something may be wrong with jungkook
it’s just not in his nature to take care of you this attentively
he takes care of you of course but not to the point that you don’t even have to move a single inch because he wants to do eVERYTHING
you immediately call out when jungkook’s out from the apartment because he said that he’d be out in a flash to get some things from the convenience store because he’s gonna make some dAMN cocktails in his own words
jimin’s showering atm and that doesn’t stop you from conversing by pressing yourself to the door
“did we lose a sponsor for the team or something????”
“no....? i even received another offer just awhile ago!!! what are you on about??”
oh really?? that’s nICE!!
but that isn’t really your point and you quickly recover before you get sidetracked
“huh?? nothing, minnie!! jungkook just feels a little... off,.,..”
jimin stops lathering his body wash on his loofah then because oh my god he thought he was the only one!!!
you asking basically confirms that jungkook being weird has nOTHING to do with you and his previous theory is 100% correct
you aren’t that bothered with jungkook being affectionate with you!!!
in fact you like it because wow.,.. love.,.. love that for me :D
but uh
this degree tho
“jungkook you are very uHh attached to me, aren’t you??”
here’s a list to how he’s been extra extra cLINGY to you
you were watching 50 first dates because it was the first thing that popped up when you opened the tv then the scene of the waffle house came on and you cOOED
and jungkook immediately jumped into action
by action that meant him literally DIVING to the other end of the couch where you were lying down and cuddled you
“i’m making you that tomorrow for breakfast!!!!”
you were a little sappy after that and it ended late and you just wanted to wash up before bed because there was still training tomorrow
nonetheless you were gonna wake up the next day because your boyfriend IS the head coach and ur roommate IS the assistant coach so u don’t really have a choice
might as well wrap up the night early
you had to wriggle yourself out of jungkook’s death grip to go to the bathroom and when he finally got his bearings???
you’re brushing your teeth :D
then jungkook’s just sat at the closed toilet seat :D looking at you :D
“wow... look at you.... ur so cute brushing your teeth”
“shwshshshw thwank you??”
it didn’t stop there however
of course you cuddled!! jungkook even takes his shirt off for it because in the middle of the night he could randomly get hot and fussy
this time jungkook was the bIG spoon
it’s no surprise that he likes being babied at times hee-hee but wOw so this was the feeling of warmth!!! of being wrapped around by a furnace!!!! it’s nice!!!
the next days however.,.,.
it was getting a little overboard
every single time he had the opportunity to, he would nuzzle his head to your neck and cling onto you until you tAP out
doesn’t care if mingyu sees him chasing you around with a towel on one hand and ice water on the other :D
of course why would he care :D
after all he iS the boyfriend and mingyu isn’t :D
when you bring down one hand as you just let the other scroll down your phone??
you scratch that part of your scalp that randomly gets itchy when you are incapable of itching it???
kook drops everything he’s doing to scratch at your hair and even presses kisses to your hairline!!
even in sleep he was aTTACHED!!!
kinda like how he’s a koala and u are the only branch left in the world for him to cling on
he has his leg trapping you down and his arm on your middle and you’re just about to maneuver yourself so it would be cOmfy
but then kook takes that as a signal that he was still too loose so he cuddles up even MORE
you’re just about to grunt but then you look over to jungkook and-
you immediately squeak and jungkook shuts his eyes sO quick and so hard that it becomes even more obvious that he’s awake
his eyeballs are trembling underneath his eyelids lmao
even his lip is twitching and his breathing isn’t as relaxed if he were ACTUALLY sleeping
“wanna tell me about it??”
“... no i’m asleep”
“want me to talk until you fall asleep??”
“yes pls i’m asleep anyway”
jungkook is even cuter this way :((
when he is beyond oblivious that he’s adorable by just being like himself basically
“training was great today!! i don’t know if you saw, but mingyu and i had a contest awhile ago to see who jumps up higher!! so mingyu-...”
jungkook oPENS his eyes at that only for them to twitch
all he hears is mingyu mingyu mingyu and frankly it’s iRRITATING
he reacts exactly when you mention the guest coach’s name and it makes you halt
“hmmm so it iS about him, huh?? jimin was right,” you mumble underneath your breath but he hears you nonetheless and it makes him huff
jungkook completely detaches and turns away from you in an instant as if he’s throwing a tantrum that makes you reach out for him more
“is that why you’ve been clinging onto me??”
he can’t lie he’s extremely sOFT the moment you try and wrap your arms around his huffing figure
“figured that if i’m attached to you by the hip, then you’d only think of me and nOt him”
he’s kind of ashamed as he admits because he feels like he’s being childish with his feelings
he’s not so used to being vulnerable and it makes him uHhHh vulnerable????
he doesn’t like it
“i don’t like mingyu, koo.”
he feels you pressing a tender kiss to his cheek that makes them squish
he hAS to have a stronger resolve than this
“then stOp mentioning his name!!”
he was tHREATENED that’s for sure
he doesn’t need to say that aloud because god what for <3 he’s already suffering he doesn’t wanna speAk
“you do know that you’re my oNLY best boy, hmm??”
buttering up jungkook could be a little tricky
but you seem to hit the notch just pERFECTly this time because he’s basically putty
“yeah? i don’t really know about that”
he’s a wHORE for affection!!! that much he’s realized halfway through the week of being attached to you
you seem to be also forgetting that jungkook’s shirtless and he’s taking his comforter down, a cheeky smile gracing him that you snOrt as soon as it registers in your mind
“remind me?”
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bitchsexuality · 5 years
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ok first off i’m sorry i took so long to reply!! i’ve been busy in the most tedious way possible so my brain’s not exactly my best friend right now. second off: THANK U SO MUCH these were so fun to answer!!
i’m putting all of these in the same post because i started talking and i could not Shut The Up, and i think one atrociously long post is better than four long posts when it comes to like, scrollability. scrollpastability? scroll-Something. and putting it under a readmore too for the same reasons
SO, from top to bottom:
weirdest character idea for D-N-D:
it’s an idea i’ve already had because i can’t come up with anything right now dksjfgbd, but
once i made a druid for a D//N/D-based CRPG who only cast spells when they gave him something edible (in theory ofc, the game didn’t let me eat my summoned bears... thankfully...), so i ended up with nothing but goodberries and several animal summoning spells. then i proceeded to cheat my way through the game, which defeated the point sdfgsd, but it was still fun concept-wise
also made me spend too much time wondering if the entangle spell’s vines could be eaten. i mean you can’t eat the WHOLE thing but maybe you could like, munch on it a little, or try to slurp it up like a noodle. it wouldn’t be tasty, it wouldn’t be easy, and it most definitely would not be healthy, but it’s like. the principle of the thing 
if ur asking yourself WHY i did that… well there aren’t THAT many D/ND-based CRPGS out there and i’d already played that one —several times, in fact— so i wanted to try something different :0
i mean it’s not THAT weird tbh, but he’s the only OC i can think of right now that soooooort of fits? and my brain is like, a tundra of creativity at the moment. a deep tar pool that absorbs all inspiration and drags it, kicking and screaming, to its viscous doom. well you get the idea. or i hope you do because i sure fucking don’t
ideal ending for one of my characters:
hmmmm for like, original fiction characters i more or less have all their endings planned out? most of them ARE ideal because i am fully in control of their destinies and i am also a softhearted lidle bich who prefers stories with relatively uplifting/happy endings. or tbh even the ones that aren’t technically happy are still ideal in terms of character arcs, development, etc
(i might be giving myself way too much credit there though skdjgbdksjfg)
and —though this is super unlikely and mostly just me deceiving myself at this point— i do want to publish what i’m working on rn, so talking about endings would be a spoiler for something that does not exist and probably never will outside of my idiot fool head. so i’m gonna talk about an old OC that i’m not doing anything with anymore!
her name was elina and her entire deal was that she came from a family of very powerful witches who owned a, uh, i guess you could call it an archive? or a library?? idk, it was just an ABSURDLY large collection of magic-related books, and it pretty much contained all known arcane knowledge (though come think of it, “all known arcane knowledge” can’t have been THAT much because the archive was just one room. a huge fucking monster of a room yeah but like. still just One)
so anyway, her family members were very dutiful + responsible when it came to the archivelibraryroom thing, but they were also too traditional for her tastes? like they didn’t bother practicing/using magic, or experimenting, or looking for anything outside of books; they only cared about written things, and even then they did nothing but get the Very Important Books, put them in the archivelibraryroom and forget about them completely
then elina ran into a group of other magic-users who were investigating a weird phenomenon in her hometown, and she asked her family about it, but they essentially were like “oh if it doesn’t affect the books we don’t care lol anyway it’s your turn to clean the archivelibrary now”
but yeah i’m sure y’all can tell where this is going kjdfgbd elina was the typical YA protag in that she was super rebellious, so she turned her back on her family and left her house to help the group of inconveniently yet stereotypically teenage magic-users, made friends, learned about magic, blah blah blah
the issue is that i never gave that story an ending? like the closest thing to it was a vague “uhhhh elina goes back home to find the archivelibrary is burning down and pulls some kind of mysterious water magic out of her ass to save it; then her family apologizes, they begin to respect her and she stays with them to keep caring for the archivelibrary, But With A Progressive Twist”
the issue was that after writing around two chapters i realized i didn’t actually Have a plot, so i didn’t know what story that ending would be... ending... and since i couldn’t think of anything + i wasn’t THAT attached to the characters anyway i just gave up on it
but now that i’m thinking of it again, just for the sake of ending the Story That Never Was, i feel like making her earn the respect of her family just because she saved the books + proved she actually cares about that too is, idk, shallow? out of character? 
because she believed that her family’s fixation on history + Neatly Documented stuff was holding them back and making things worse for everyone. she left her home behind because her ideals re.: magic —that it should grow and change to fit the context + people’s needs, and not the other way around— were so strong
OOF THIS IS GETTING SO FUCKING LONG KSDJGB i’m just gonna stop here and say: elina’s new ideal ending is pretty much that while she ends up in friendly terms with her family —because, in spite of their fundamental disagreements, they never hurt her— she doesn’t go back home and chooses to travel around the world instead, helping people in whichever way possible and freely sharing her knowledge with anyone who’s willing to listen and, at the same time, learning from them
i mean, the concept’s not too original ksjdbg just something i thought of super quick, and that’s just a half-assed attempt at closure for an OC i made when i was like… 9
headcanons about my favs:
ok this one’s hard because i’m not into any like… fandom things right now? i haven’t found anything that rly interests me or that i could see myself being passionate about, which sucks because i do kinda miss being into stuff with Established Content :( 
so i’ve been focusing on my OCs + original stories and such. and i’m not sure if OC headcanons count as headcanons because i control canon so technically everything i come up with IS canon. then again it’s headcanon too because it’s a canon from my head because that’s where ideas come from. okay wait i’m not making any cents here x 
but uhh knowing me i might think of something right after publishing this, so if that happens i’ll come back and edit this post :0
also just saying but if any of y’all know of something i could get into then lmk, i’m open to suggestions! preferably free stuff though... i’m beset by capitalisms
a favorite scene that i loved:
i can’t remember any in particular right now, either from my #content or somebody else’s SDFKJGBDF god my mind 😔 well i mean i’m gonna be a little bit full of meself and say that i’ve written things that i really like, especially imagery-wise, but i Also want to publish those someday… like i’ve also written original/OC-related stuff that i don’t plan on publishing, but i’m not THAT proud of them tbh :/
i was —emphasis on was— trying to write a short story about jasna (one of my D-N/D OCs, a cleric of oghma) that never really went anywhere, but i did post a snippet on my OC blog, and that’s what i hate the least out of all my recent attempts at writing? so i’m just gonna put it here again ig sdfgs (not actually linking to the OC blog post because it’s kind of a mess rn, i need to fix the theme + clean it up a bit)
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if you got this far and read all of this nonsensical verbal monster: i love u with all my heart and i would legitimately die for u.
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gotatext · 5 years
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PREFERRED NAME — nora. i think i started going by it in like, 2009?? my full name is eleanor but i hated it n thought it was way too pretentious n i never felt like it fitted me so when i started writing on forums i decided i’d be a nora rather than eleanor and then my school friends called me it and it just kinda stuck, the only person who calls me eleanor is my mum
PRONOUNS — she / her / ethereal being beyond comprehension
AGE — 23 but i tell everyone im 21 because even tho time is literally fake im desperately clinging to that fleeting thing we call youth trying to catch it like smoke in my hands
PINTEREST — i actually have two. this one is my main one where i just cram all my shit n i’ve had it for years and some of its super unorganised. then i also have this one which is one i made for exclusively female characters. it started as mythological figures but now its like, women in literature and the occasional oc as well. variety is the spice of life!
DISCORD — lindsay lohan’s meth#8664
TUMBLR (PERSONAL/MUSE/RPH) — i used to be froseths but now im pvrscphones cos ya gal is a fucking whore for mythology 
OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA YOU’D LIKE TO SHARE — oi oi guvna ere’s me twitta. also here’s my letterboxd n my goodreads if anyone still uses tht
MYER-BRIGGS — enfp / infp border .... the classic profile of a lit student
HP HOUSE — hufflepuff, am fuckin mad. 
ZODIAC — libra which is a joke because i am in no way balanced but i guess i AM indecisive and a peacekeeper so?
DO YOU BELIEVE IN ASTROLOGY? — i believe it when it says good shits gonna happen in my life and blame it if bad shit happens but i don’t strongly follow it i just find it interesting
HOW OLD WERE YOU WHEN YOU STARTED RPING ON TUMBLR — maybe like 14?? my first rp blog here is literally so embarassing i wrote as clove from the hunger games n my best friend irl wrote cato :/ it was wild
WHAT YEAR WAS IT? — like 9 years ago?? 2010 maybs
NAME A RANDOM ROLEPLAY THAT STICKS OUT IN YOUR MEMORY — me n my friend ellie made this really cool group the summer before we left for uni which was loosely based on a concept mentioned mayb once in the divergent series, but it gave us loads of freedom to make it our own thing. it was called the fringe n it was like..... this dystopian society where people with different genes were cut off from the rest of society n lived in overrun slum cities where different groups had like, a monopoly over weapons, produce, etc.... my character jack was the leader of this lost-boy-esque tribe called the wolf pack who were hunters n used to run across the rooftops wearing the skins of animals they’d killed and engage in tribal rituals with sacrifices to the gods n shit. sounds lame but everyone there was so invested in their character arcs that it was a shame to see it go. but ! it kind of reached its end point so we blew it up w nukes n they all died. tragic.
WHAT WEIRD ANIMAL WOULD YOU HAVE AS A PET IF IT WAS REALISTIC — a fox?? do ppl keep foxes? idk i’ve always just felt a sense of connection w them like when a fox stares at me im like this shit is life i am living and breathing in this bitch.... visceral
NAME THE FIRST SONG ON YOUR DISCOVER WEEKLY ON SPOTIFY OR THE FIRST SONG THAT COMES ON APPLE MUSIC / ITUNES SHUFFLE — everbody party tonight by cobra man n summer girl by haim..... not my usual stuff but big summer chillin vibes,.....
NAME A BOOK THAT YOU READ IN SCHOOL THAT YOU SURPRISINGLY LIKED — lord of the flies and also the handmaid’s tale. one of assignments was to write a chapter from another character’s perspective n i chose moira
NAME A BOOK YOU HATED THAT MOST PEOPLE LIKED — skellig. fuck off with ur asprin ugly bat man i don’t care. also of mice and men. don’t care about the rabbits or curley’s goddamn wife.
WHAT TV SHOW DID YOU RECENTLY BINGE? — im not a big binger bc i find it jst makes me depressed if i watch tv all day but im nearly finished stranger things season 3 n i recently finished euphoria (big rec but proceed w caution as quite triggering content)
FAVOURITE QUOTE — cool girl speech from gone girl. but also “there’s something dangerous about the boredom of teenage girls” i know its like.... such an overused quote but it really encapsulates this kind of feral girlhood that a few of my characters like bridget n greta have tapped into. i also loved the line “i feel like i could eat the world raw” from song of achilles, that really captures this kind of.... pure n childlike enthusiasm tht i wanna achieve w rory 
LINK TO A VINE THAT EXUDES YOUR ‘ENERGY’ — this is my energy completely am always covered in glitter n staring broodily out of the windows of ubers at 4am like im in the sad bit of an indie film 
DO YOU WRITE OUTSIDE OF RP? WHAT DO YOU WRITE? — uhh.... not as much as i shd.... i want to be a writer so i shd be makin some effort to get my stuff Out Into The World but im just not.... lol. ive done a lot of poetry collections . i wnt to finish a novel @ some point too.
THREE YOUTUBERS YOU STILL TRUST — bold of you to assume i trust any youtubers
A CELEBRITY CRUSH THAT JUST WON’T QUIT — id literally die for saoirse ronan n timothee chalamet :/ chance perdomo also owns my ass. 
EVER MEET A CELEBRITY? SHARE YOUR STORY — i once high-fived dani harmer, the actress who played tracy beaker. today my sister text me tryin to make me guess what celebrity she just saw on holiday in wales and for ages she let me think it was timmothee but it was actually bradley walsh from the chase :/
WHAT’S YOUR PICTURE-PERFECT NIGHT? — i am in a bomb ass crop top and mini skirt, several scrunchies in my hair, glitter all over my face, wearing cowboy boots. we eat dinner in a trendy but affordable pub that doubles up as a cocktail bar n then we drink zombies or sex on the beaches n go to a rave where everyone is on the same wavelength n i share drugs with girls in the toilets and we swap numbers knowing we will never text each other but its ok bc in that moment we feel like we are soulmates and everyone is super drunk n touching everyone else n its all very visceral and we walk through the woods when the rave ends and lie in the grass because we wish to suck out all the marrow of life 
A CONSPIRACY THEORY YOU KINDA BELIEVE IN — princess diana was murdered 
ARE ALIENS REAL? — maybe the real aliens are the friends we made along the way
PLAY ANY PHONE GAMES? WHICH ONES? — love island game im addicted and way too invested in my fictional relationship with bobby, a cartoon
WHAT’S A FILM YOU LOVED WHEN YOU WERE YOUNG AND RECENTLY WATCHED, ONLY TO FIND OUT YOU DON’T ANYMORE — bold of u to assume i remember my childhood. but if we’re talking last 10 years angust, thongs n perfect snogging is so so cringe 
DO YOU COLLECT ANYTHING? — pairs of glasses belonging to other ppl when they break / get new ones even though i can see perfectly well. 
WHAT’S SOMETHING YOU WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT BUT YOU’RE TOO LAZY? — mythology...... always a craving and a wish i’d read like ancient texts but my school wasn’t good enough to do greek or latin or any of that shit n even tho i could read english translations i cant be bothered. also criminal psychology
MOVIE YOU’VE WATCHED MORE THAN 5 TIMES — ladybird, about time, angus thongs, shrek 2, what we do in the shadows, the history boys, atonement, coraline, the breakfast club, ferris bueller’s day off
NAME A FICTIONAL CHARACTER FROM TV/FILM/MOVIE/GAME/BOOK THAT YOU FIND YOURSELF PROJECTING ON / YOU RELATE TO — cecilia lisbon. rue in euphoria. alison brie in glow. adam parrish in the raven cycle. richard papen. olivia cooke’s character in thoroughbreds. allen ginsberg in kill your darlings. lily in sex education. holliday grainger’s character in the film animals --- i too am an aspiring writer who never writes and just gets drunk instead .
HOBBIES BESIDES WASTING AWAY HERE? — i go to the movies basically every day bcos i work in a cinema. im also a voracious reader n i occasionally do theatre or costume making
PLUG A TV SHOW / MOVIE / BOOK / VIDEO GAME / ETC… YOU WISH MORE PEOPLE WOULD CHECK OUT — where the wild things are (film by spike jonze).  animals. beats. the book fen by daisy johnson and a girl is a half formed thing by eimar mcbride. andy warhol’s biography from a to b and back again
WHOSE BRAIN WOULD YOU LIKE TO PICK, ALIVE OR DEAD? — phoebe waller-bridge on how i get her life. carey mulligan on how she got to be such a good actress n how i can become her. maybs wes anderson. maybs gillian flynn. i tend to listen to podcasts w the ppl i really wanna pick the brains of.
LAST MOVIE SEEN IN THEATRE — blinded by the light n i lovd it
DO YOU STILL READ? — when i finished uni i kinda got out of the habit but this week i finished two books so ive set myself the challenge of a book a week.
IF SO, WHAT ARE YOU CURRENTLY READING? — i finished song of achilles yesterday n i also finished call me by your name yesterday. started circe by madeline miller today, im also partway through milkman by anna burns and the plays of annie barker
ON A SCALE OF 1-10, HOW MUCH DID YOU HATE FILLING THIS OUT? – 3 i didnt hate it bcos at heart i am self-indulgent and love fashioning some sense of self when i feel lost in a world that is scary and constantly changing 
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screamxqueenx94 · 6 years
Wolf Moon/Teen Wolf Series- Part 1
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Thank you to @mummybear, @ficus-fig and @mrs-mitch-rapp93 ,who gave me the confidence to go for it! You guys are awesome and I love you with all my heart! And to those who are reading this, thank you and I hope you enjoy it too!
A/N: So every part is going to have the same name as the episodes, but they will be told from the point of view of my OC, which means somethings will be left out because she wasn't present and some things will be added. You will learn a lot more about her throughout the series. I really hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it! And if you want to be added to my Taglist at anytime if you're not already, just ask :)
Pairing: Eventually in the series; Stiles Stilinski x OC! Charlotte 'Charli' Vérszívó
Warnings: swearing, some underage drinking, and mentions of deceased parents
Italics= inner commentary/ thoughts
Charli's POV
It was difficult being in a new place. After everything I went through in the past year, my father and I were forced out of our old home and had to move to Beacon Hills after the incident that killed my mom happened. I don't really miss New Jersey too much, but I do miss my mom. She was the best. She was the rock for our family. She always had a smile on her face even when things were bad.
I miss hearing her sing around the house. I miss the smell of her perfume lingering after she already left the room. I miss being able to tell her anything and not worry about her passing judgements on me. She always knew when to be my best friend and when to be my mom. Most of all, I miss how much she loved my father. He wasn't the best at expressing his emotions, but my mom made him do that and when she died, he changed. He became cold, distant… almost hollow.
We pulled up to the new house and it was beautiful. It was something my mom would have loved. It was a huge gray and stone neo-eclectic style house with a two car garage, and a circle driveway. My father told me that there was an inground pool in the backyard, as if to make me more convinced to be here, but I didn't have a say anyways. I get out of the U HAUL and walk towards the house. I examine the front yard with a bunch of beautiful peonies, roses and snapdragons lining the front of the porch and hydrangeas lining the stone walkway leading to the front porch.
“What do you think, Charli?” My father asks as he put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him.
“It's beautiful…” I trail off. “...I just wish mom could've been here to see it. She would love this place.” I continue quietly, looking down at my old beat up high top converse sneakers.
“I know… I wish she was here too…” He replied sadly. “But, this is our new life. We're going to get a fresh start here and we're going to make the best of it.” He continued with a slightly more positive attitude.
I sighed and looked back up at the house. My father let go of me and we walked into the new house together. When he opened the double doors, he let me in first. I looked up and noticed the double sided curved stairs that led to the second floor. Why the hell do we need all this space? It's literally just the two of us.
“There's also a fully finished basement for when you have friends over.” He broke the silence.
I looked over and half smiled at him. “Where's my room?” I ask quietly.
“Take your pick. There's at least five of them here.” He smirked.
It was night when we finished unpacking most of the boxes. I carried some crushed up boxes to the curb and threw them away. As I put the lid back on the trash bin outside, I heard a car coming up the road and pull into the driveway of the white house next door on the right side of us. I look up as the door slams shut and see a boy with a buzzcut in a grey cargo jacket get out. After he gets out, he starts walking up the drive, but I may have been staring for too long because he actually stopped to look at me. I quickly made myself busy by putting the boxes that didn't fit in the bin on the ground leaning against it.
He starts walking over to me and starts talking. “Are you my new neighbor?” He asks in a friendly tone. God he was cute.
“Uhh yeah-- yeah I'm Charli.” I answer.
“I'm Stiles…” he holds out his hand to shake mine. Holy crap! His moles are beautiful!
I shake his hand, then shove both of my hands in the pockets of my black zip up hoodie.
“So where did you guys move from?” He asked as he shoved his hands in his jean pockets.
“Jersey. We uh, we lived in Piscataway.”
“Oh cool cool… so did you guys just want a change of scenery or…?” He asked, trailing off.
“No, actually my dad got a new job offer out here and because it's not legal for a 16 year old to live on their own, I had to come along.” I answer as I tuck some of my long, chestnut hair behind my ear, making him chuckle at that last part.
“What’s he do?”
“He's a lawyer.”
His eyebrows raise a bit and he nods. There's a moment of awkward silence between us until he clears his throat.
“Sooo… I'm guessing you're going to be going to Beacon Hills High?” He asks, clearly not sure what else to really say.
“Yeah. My dad originally wanted me to go to a private school, but I convinced him to let me go to public school for a change.” I answer back. “Plus, I'd probably get myself kicked out anyways.”
“You're a rebel I take it?” He asks smirking.
“Only when I wanna be.” I answer back smirking as well, winking, making him chuckle.
We stand there for a minute laughing at how stupid we are. When we stop, he's about to say something until my father opens the front door.
“Charli, come inside. It's late.” he calls. Thanks, Dad…
“Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow?” I ask, smiling as I walk backwards towards my front door.
“Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow.” He answers back, smiling.
“Goodnight.” I tell him, as my body is facing the door but my violet eyes are still on his honey brown ones.
“Goodnight.” He answers back then starts heading back to his own house.
I go inside and close the door. I have this weird feeling in my stomach. A feeling I never really had before. It was strange, I'm not sure I like it. My face was hurting from smiling so much. Is this what a crush felt like? I honestly don't know.
I take off my beat up high top converse sneakers by the front door and start walking towards the steps to go upstairs.
“Who was that?” My father asked, coming out of the hallway leading from the kitchen with a drink in one hand and a case file in the other heading towards his office.
“Just one of our neighbors.” I answer, trying to head upstairs.
“Yeah? A teenage neighbor?” He asked as he placed the case file down on the big mahogany desk with a raised eyebrow.
I sigh. “Yes dad, a teenager. A teenaged boy.”
“What's his name?” He asked, leaning against the desk, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Stiles.” It just rolled right off my tongue so easily, felt natural coming off my lips.
My father's face twisted. “What the hell kind of name is Stiles?”
“What kind of name is Ambrus?” I shot back.
“Touche… you little shit.” He commented, making me smirk.
“Well, I've had a busy day. I'm going to bed.” I declare.
“Don't you want some dinner?” He asks, holding up his glass to me.
“No thanks, I'll have some in the morning.” I call back as I head up the stairs for bed.
I wake up and get ready for school. I take a quick shower, brush my teeth and look through my closet. I pull out a tie dye t-shirt, ripped faded skinny jeans and the same black zip up hoodie from last night. Since my hair is a mess, as per usual, I decide to just do two loose braids and stop at where the purple dip dyed ends begin and then put on my ‘Anti Social’ beanie. I head downstairs and sit at the island in our open dark wood kitchen and my dad is already dressed for work in his tailored Armani three piece suit and tie.
“Hey, good morning sleepy head.” My father greets as he pours me a drink into a mug. “You excited for your first day?”
“Define excited.” I mumble, still tired because I could barely sleep last night.
“Hey, c'mon now, Charli. Cheer up! Besides, you're gonna have at least one new friend right? That kid, Stiles from next door?” He tries to pep me up as he hands me the mug.
I drink it all in one sip and wipe my mouth with the napkin he hands me. I toss it in the trash and head for the foyer where my shoes from last night and my backpack were. I put on my shoes and throw my bag over my shoulder. I'm about to leave when my dad calls out. “Did you forget something?”
I look up and he tosses me my keys. I catch them. “Thanks, Dad. Love you!” I call out as I head out to the garage door.
I walk in and sitting in the garage is my father's black Cadillac CTS-V Coupe and my purple 1962 Volkswagen convertible. I could've had any car at all, but I just wanted to keep this because it was in the family for three generations now and I'm a sucker for sentiment. I get in and open the garage door. I adjust my mirrors, take a deep breath, start it up and drive off to the school. As I drive, I turn up the radio and the disk jockey announces that she's going to to play ‘Lowlife’ by Theory of A Deadman. I turn it up louder and start singing along as I'm driving.
I get ready to pull into the school parking lot, but get cut off by some dickhole in a grey Porsche. I slam on my horn and flip him off and keep going. I pull into a spot next to an old beat up pick up truck and gather all my stuff together. My phone alerts me of a text and I check it.
Dad: Have a great 1st day Princess! I put ur schedule & money in the front pocket of ur backpack :)
I half smile and get out and walk towards the school. As I'm walking, I'm pretty sure I see Stiles talking to some other kid with shaggy black hair, but I'm not sure so I don't say anything at first. Before I say anything, a strawberry blonde girl walks past him when he tries to get her attention.
“Hey, Lydia! You look… like you're gonna ignore me.” He sounded so defeated. I felt bad, but at the same time, kinda happy because now I got to talk to him.
“Hey, Stiles.” I call out. He looks past his friend's head, smiles and waves at me.
“Hey!” he actually sounds happy to see me. Play it cool, Charli. Don't fuck this up too.
“Charli, this is my best friend, Scott… Scott, this is Charli, my new neighbor I told you about.” he introduced, gesturing back and forth between us.
Scott and I wave to each other and the bell rings. We all head inside and as I'm walking I pull out my schedule and try to look for my first class.
“Who do you have first period?” Scott asks.
“Mr. Westover.” I answer, not looking up until I feel Stiles’ hand on my shoulder.
“Lucky you, that's right next to us.” Stiles says smiling. “Scott, save me a seat, I'll be right back.” He continues as he leads me to the classroom.
We walk in and Stiles goes up to the the older man behind the desk.
“Mr. Westover, this is Charli, she's a new student here.” He states, leading me over to his desk.
“Thank you, Mr. Stilinski, I'll take it from here. Get to class.” He says in a monotone voice, as he sifts through papers.
Stiles gives him a sarcastic salute and looks at me. “I'll see you after class so I can show you your other classes.” He smiles.
“Now, Mr. Stilinski.” Mr. Westbrook's voice raises just a bit. Stiles leaves. “Take a seat anywhere, Miss Vérszívó.” he continues as he motions to the rows of desks facing the board.
I take the last available seat next to a tall boy with brown spiked hair and blue eyes in a leather jacket. I see in my peripheral vision that he's looking me up and down. I can't tell if he's checking me out or judging me, but by his appearance alone, it's probably judging.
“You're friends with Stilinski?” He asks, almost snobbish.
“He's my neighbor and was kind enough to introduce himself, so yes, I'd say so.” I answer back without making eye contact, just sifting through my backpack for a notebook and a pen.
“Well, if you ever decide to hang out with a more appealing crowd, you know where to find me.” He turns back forward, smirking.
“Cool, I'll look for you in the feminine hygiene aisle along with the other douches.” I shoot back as I'm opening my notebook and preparing to take notes. A kid with short black hair starts snickering behind him, which makes me want to crack a smile. The brown hair boy looks back and gives the other kid dagger eyes.
“Mr. Whittmore, is there an issue that needs to be addressed?” Mr. Westbrook calls out, making the brown haired kid's head snap towards the front of the room.
“No sir.” He said.
Mr. Westbrook turned back around to the board and continued writing on it. I looked over at the douche next to me and smirked.
I started looking for my locker and seen Stiles and Scott talking to a girl in the hallway.
“Can Someone tell me how the new girl is here all of five minutes and she's already hanging out with Lydia's Clique?” the pretty girl complained.
“Because she's hot... Beautiful people herd together.” Stiles said to her.
I chuckled and approached them. Stiles and Scott looked over at me and smiled.
“Yeah, toolbag over there just tried recruiting me first period.” I comment as I point to the guy I told off first period who had his arms wrapped around Lydia.
“Wait, Jackson actually tried to talk to you?” the girl exclaimed.
“Ugh… that's his name? Wow, he apparently has a typical douchebag name too.” I joke.
“What did you say when he talked to you?” Stiles asked, rubbing the back of his neck.
“I told him if I needed him, I'd look for him in the feminine hygiene aisle along with the other douches.” I answered.
Stiles and the girl bust out in laughter, which earns me a high five from Stiles. Scott was really quiet though, kept staring at the other new girl tentatively. As if he was listening to their conversation. I could hear it too, something about a party, but I was mostly tuning it out.
“Are you busy later?” Stiles asked after the other girl left.
“Just some more unpacking when I get home, but other than that, no… why, what's up?” he shoved one hand in his jean pocket and adjusted the strap on his backpack over his with the other.
“Well Scott and I have Lacrosse practice after school, but after we were gonna hang out… did you wanna hang with us?” He asked, almost shy.
“Yeah, that'd be cool.” I answer.
“Great, I can text you after practice if you want?” I nod and give him my phone to put his number in.
“Quick question: what's Lacrosse?” I ask.
Whatever I said triggered something because even Scott looked at me shocked. I look at them both. “What?” I ask.
“Okay, forget texting you later. You gotta come to practice.” Stiles exclaimed.
“It's only the biggest sport in Beacon Hills.” Scott adds.
I think for a moment, then I shrug. “Okay, yeah, I'll come watch."
That's where I'm leaving off today , hope you guys liked it :)
@mummybear @ficus-fig @music-magic-mayhem @bold-sartorial-statement @zenawa @stiles-o-dylan24 @cry-btch @maaariiiooo13 @thekingofselfloathing @sporadiccookiebagel @bewarethebees @inschi @awesomeandromedablack @raugsmaug @wil2space @bansheeintuition @mrs-mitch-rapp93
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tumblunni · 6 years
hey uhhh YKNO WHATS GOOD brainstorming potential headcanons for a character you know NOTHING ABOUT
i guess its less headcanons and more like.. wishes? hopes? what i think would be cool to do with this dude and like ALL I KNOW is that he is a cool dude and apparantly he doesnt have a backstory or sympatheticness SO consider what if he did and maybe thatd be cooler. like dude he owns THE SINGLE BEST BOSS BATTLE THEME IN ALL VIDEOGAMES EVER and that is ALL I KNOW ABOUT HIM and i just want him to deserve it, yo. also if he turned good i could be his friend and some of the badassness would rub off on me
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i would vote for this man as squesident
seriously the design is SO GOOD!!! how did they manage to get such a cool colourscheme out of his entire Thing being that he has no colours?? like damn i like white being used as an evil colour for once, thanks. it symbolizing emptyness and emotionlessness is like BIG YES and i really hope thats what they were going for cos apparantly the wiki says that all the yokai who join his “we should never be friends with humans” gang turn colourless to match? but like the dude himself is less plain white and more very light shades of blue, grey and gold. MAYBE REFLECTS THAT HE IS A MANIPULATIVE DOUCHE WHO MAYBE DOESNT REALLY CARE ABOUT YOKAI AND JUST WANTS TO RULE THE WORLD PERHAPS dammit why does everything about him scream “great 100% evil guy who is very scary” when man I WANT TO LIKE HIM, DAMMIT!!
ALSO SERIOUSLY the visual effect of the wild spirally red yellow eyes against an otherwise “peaceful” colour whose entire point as an evil is “peaceful” taken to a bad extreme. it REALLY immediately sells that “tries to pretend to be calm, collected and fancy but is actually an angry mofo at heart” vibe i got from his theme song??? I REALLY HOPE THATS ACTUALLY HOW THIS COOL BOSS BATTLE GOES DOWN cos man the best villains are smug asshles who Always Win and then when you FINALLY win you get that much of a better ending!!! but AGH another part of me is like “i hope im wrong because he looks like a Cool Dad and i want him to be good”. Maybe his true design concept was to betray me personality with using all his cool dad power for evil...?
ALSO im not gonna spoil you guys on it cos it is JUST AS AMAZING AS HIS SONG but i was toooootally right that he has some sort of super intimidating second form and its got THE COOLEST DESIGN EVER HOLY SHIT! and also apprantly there’s a recoloured bonus boss called Minister Squisker who’s like a colour swap in a really creative way?? it swaps him being all “blank” themed with scary bright eyes and instead his entire body is a wild ye olde mythological illustration style paint job in every colour ever. okay COOL HEADCANON NUMBER ONE thats actually the regular colour of the species and mckraken is the white sheep of the family lol
also UHHH i dunno it seems kinda weird to me that theyd have this dude running a goddamn political party about humans being bad yet he doesnt seem to have any motivation whatsoever for it? unless it really is just supposed to be ‘he only pretends he wants to protect yokai from humans so he can manipulate and rule the yokai’. but like HYPOTHETICALLY in some universe where he actually lives up to his Grumpy Dad Who Has A Hidden Soft Spot potential, maybe he has an understandable backstory that raises legitimate concerns about how humans are destroying the natural and mythological and forgetting their roots, or other reasonable reasons why yokai could think humans are dangerous and all. i mean we ARE dangerous, we’re just a wide group of people that contain evil bastards and also good people, yknow. And thatd resonate well as a plot probably, cos well the whole point of the series is “in real life ur scared of yokai but theyre actually all goofy pranksters who will be your best friend forever”. Both sides being afraid of each other could lead to some good plotness! and it could be really effective and sad if after hours of joyous childhood wonder the protagonist bumps into the first yokai they couldnt befriend. the first one thats scared of them. the first member of this weird colourless political party who accuses them of committing crimes against yokaikind, of obviously only enslaving these yokai friends cos you have an ulterior motive, just like all humans! it could be effective if its something that shakes up the whole way you saw the world and establishes that hey its not all fun and happiness, and there’s some people you are powerless to convince. maybe even some people you are powerless to save...?
ANYWAY possible idea for ‘what if the dude originally had a sympathetic motive but it got twisted over time and now he’s just a fuck BUT maybe he could still be redeeminated someday ok thanks” What if he’s the spirit of.. like.. ocean pollution? Like there’s some yokai who are ghosts of a mortal person but theres some that are just nature spirits or personifications of concepts. What if he’s the personification of the dying screams of all the wildlife killed in a particular tragic oil spill? hence squid = thematic, and blank white colourscheme = even more thematic reflecting the stain the oil would leave on a pristine ocean and also the blank emotionlessness he was left as after witnessing that tragedy. Cos like his entire Purpose would have been born out of avenging anger but i mean he was just a kid, the only one left alive on a ruined beach and seeing just how powerful humans were and how pointless it would be to try and fight them with his weak power. like he was born to avenge all these souls and he just keeps failing!! his entire reason to live and he’s just too small!! so he ends up becoming bitter and cynical and learning how to use his silver tongue to manipulate others into becoming his weapons, and he vows that someday he’s gonna come back when he has the power he needs to complete his mission. and he’s just forever had this anger seething inside that he’s been unable to get any catharsis from, so when his cold and collected persona cracks he’s really damn scary with all these years of a man who’s grown old fearing he’ll never be able to avenge his ocean friends and just AAAAAA! itd be really good cos itd be a way he could still be intimidating and high stakes as a boss fight but also sympathetic!! also it could make sense why he’d only be redeemable after defeating him? like this entire time he’s been hidden behind a million layers of politics and minions and stuff and its very easy for him to not see the reality of the fact that he’s terrorizing human children just like how humans scarred him as a child. so like his whole big second form transformation super anger mode time would be sort of a last ditch attempt to deny what he already knows, the doubts that have been eating away at his soul now he’s getting close to the end of his life goal. but also like.. he doesnt even know who he IS, under the lies! its been his entire purpose for existing. like he probably uhh.. didnt have much plans after his victory. he probably wouldnt have much will to live left. so yeah you basically beat up this guy’s emotional walls and make him face the face of the people he’s been hurting, when he’s been trying to avoid it for so long. and he gets to see how much all the other yokai genuinely trust you and how much youre personally sacrificing to protect them so maybe you really arent just lying about being a good person...
oh also i was thinking about the inherant hypocrisy present in the fact that this guy is a big spoopy REALLY WELL DESIGNED squid monster that spends all his time in a depowered humansona instead, despite his whole Thing being hating humans. and, yknow, ‘i’ll solve this using a carbon copy of human politics instead of any more traditionally magical way of fighting the humans’. Yeah. So THEORY of SADNESS maybe he like never actually met any other yokai for a long time? I dont think it really makes sense that he’d be hypocritical because he secretly likes humans or something, that wouldnt jive with this backstory idea. So im thinking another explanation could be that he genunely doesnt know much about yokai culture? Like cos of his backstory he just poofed into existance on this destroyed beach in the human world and spent the first few centuries of his life completely alone except for the terrifying monsters that haunted every second of his life, and the knowledge that it was his purpose to defeat them but he didnt know how. And he was a nature spirit of the sea but his sea was empty of everything except death, so he couldnt even hug a cute fish sidekick or something- OH GOD WHAT IF HE DID HAVE A CUTE FISH SIDEKICK AND IT DIED COS OF HUMANS!!! very tiny sad squid monster child holding a dead pet, oh god why did my heart did this to meeee!! so yeah he didnt even know he was a yokai or wtf yokai are, he didnt know anywhere outside the tiny rock pool he would hide in on this barren beach. And then someday he gets found by an older yokai and adopted and like he feels like he owes them so much cos they gave him a reason to live, and a connection to the nature that he was supposed to protect, and.. well.. any companionship at all ever. So thats how his directionless “humans are bad” turned into “yokai are good and i need to protect them from humans like i failed to protect the beach” which turned into “i need to get more power to do this” which turned into manipulating other yokai and seeing them as nothing more than tools to take down the humans, his revenge consuming him until he barely remembered the reasons he originally wanted to do it...
and blablabla thats where we bring in the recolour bonus boss also, and say thats the nice grandpa figure who adopted him when he was all lost and trapped in the human world. and cos he was sorta adopted into nobility thats why he’s so over the top with his pompousness, its like a hint of IM LOVV MY GRANDEPA shining through his grumpface. ALSO maybe a sad situation where the gramps saw his kid growing up into this scary extremist and he tried to reason with him that humans dont need to be destroyed and that led to them fighting and him getting sealed off in recolour bonus boss land. and mckraken sees it as the biggest betrayal of his life and it totally threw him off the slippery slope to feel like the one man he trusted the most was a traitor to yokai all along. but even at his most evil he couldnt bear to actually kill his beloved gramps so he just imprisoned him and tries to stop thinking about it but like THE CONSTANT SPECTRE OF THE GUILT HANGS OVER YOUR HEAD THAT YOU DID YOU GRAMPS WRONGGGG So yehmaybe protag could find the gramps guy and hear about the sad backstory via him and then defeat mckraken and make him realise he was wrong and he apologises to his gramps and atones and all the humans and yokai are friends again and BUNNI CRIES FOREVER the end
cos seriously man this guy’s design is too good to be wasted on a hateable!! srsly he’s like that archetypical goofy big beard chubby pirate dude BUT INTIMIDATING AND BADASS AND COOL FASHION AND DAVY JONES SQUID BEARD SQUEARD I LOVE HIM he is too round to be 100% evil
aaa i need to stop just sitting here theorizing about this game and actually friggin play it lolllll
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ofbctrayals · 6 years
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⋆ ◦ ° ☾ daniel sharman + cismale + he/him — have you met jason walker? they are a twenty nine year old known around town as the insurgent. they’ve been in the gang life for four years, and currently work for the gang as a soldier, as well as a military consultant. they are a hetereosexual aries, which means they are confident + daring, as well as short tempered + aggressive. a gun silencer in the glove box. carefully written capital letters. bullets scattered on a table 
welcome to my third pile of garbage, jason ! but don’t call him jason unless he says u can. u can call him walker. 
so, jason walker grew up with two parents that he loved a lot, but they weren’t ever together. still, he liked his family, and his parents’ respective partners. 
chaotic, rather poor upbringing. think mobile homes/trailer parks in the southside of chicago, houses falling apart, etc. 
he was always the insurgent, always a bit of a troublemaker. he felt like authority should be earned, not just handed, and if he didn’t respect his teacher or whoever, he would just sort of do whatever he wanted?
this included small time dealing, generally just being a bit of a troubled kid, getting into fights far too easily. he eventually channeled this into fighting at lower level matches in chicago to earn some extra money, and he was actually pretty good.  
his dad was in construction, his mom was a waitress. they each had a couple of kids with their own partners, and he always sort of felt like the odd one out in the family?? like since he wasnt part of either, completely. he kind of took advantage of the gaps in how much attention they could pay him (aka saying he was w his dad to his mom and vice versa but instead just going and doing whatever) 
had mediocre grades in school, and so when he graduated, coming from no money and parents w dead end jobs, he figured that his chance out would be the military. he had always wanted to be something more in theory, but as he graduated from high school, he realized he was just like what people said he would be as the parent of split parents, from the south side, and with a tongue in cheek attitude. 
the military also ended up being a good option bc when he was seventeen, his mother passed away. her kids w her then-bf were fine, but he himself was involved in criminal dealings, so he was locked up and they were adopted by his grandmother. since she was old and not well off and retired, he joined up so he could send his paychecks back to his grandmother and two younger half-siblings. 
always wanted more, though, not only for himself but for them. 
so jason joined up, and shipped off. he served three tours, one in iraq and two in aghanistan, before he decided to get out. for someone with such an independent and short tempered streak, he could only last in the military for so long. a combat veteran, and does not like to talk about it. 
he moved back to chicago but cost of living was too high and it was too many people for his post-military life, so he just sort of took off and moved to denver before eventually settling in valdez. 
he eventually got a job as a military contractor/consultant for the military base nearest to valdez (whichever it is idek) 
got back into fighting in valdez, and through connections there, was introduced and recruited into the gang. it was a natural fit: he was short tempered, aggressive, willing to take orders (well, like 50% of the time), and skilled with guns, hand to hand combat, military/law enforcement, etc. he’s been in for about four years, as a soldier alongside his fairly profitable job as a consultant; like always, he continues to send funds back to his family. 
brave, confident, honest, dedicated
moody, quick/short tempered, impulsive, aggressive 
he likes risks, doesn’t like overly talkative people or people that sort of like... have a persona or schtick? like it’s hard to describe, but he’s v picky about the kind of people he likes. finds sort of babydoll or super sweet yet sultry personalities fake or irritating; finds the badass and take themselves too seriously type of personality similarly eyeroll inducing (omg sorry if ur character is like this my son is just blunt/honest and is like ugh.... cliche hes just)
generally sort of a flirt, but not that serious about it. if you’re just straight up and real, you’ll get along fine, but that doesn’t men you’re close friends-- he’s real selective about those. with constantly changing deployments, friends in and out of juvie as a kid, and his dad in and out of his life, he doesn’t attach super easily. 
sort of dry sarcasm? easygoing, until he gets set off bc of that short temper
always carrying, doesn’t really do drugs, but does drink a fair amount. 
uhh any and all wc tbh?? im bad at listing those off and ive rambled too much but here we are!
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moreracquetball · 7 years
oh my GOD that idea that you just mentioned about the fan response??? would literally die for that wtf and tbh i just want to see a lot of jason and whizzer interacting because i Always live for that
the media finds out about them before they’re even like officially dating. Somehow one lucky paparazzi person that is on like stealth mode gets a picture of a tender moment when Marvin and Whizzer are out together somewhere. In the picture, Marvin is like brushing an eyelash off of Whizzer’s cheek or holding his hand or doing something really sappy (basically trying to communicate to an emotionally-stunted Whizzer that hey sleeping together is cool and all, but I want to actually date you, you know). Well, the news BLOWS UP with headlines like ‘Whizzer Brown’s Mystery Man’ and ‘Playboy baseball player settling down?’ and everyone scrambles to find out just who Marvin is. Once they find out that Marvin is a divorced dad, news outlets like TMZ are flooded with headlines like (thanks to @a-lesbian-from-next-door-too for this GEM of a headline) WHIZZER BROWN WITH DILF???
Whizzer Brown secret boyfriend is the most searched thing on Google that day.
All production in the tabloid industries stops as editors bark for their reporters to dig up more on this story. Journalists scramble for any bit of info they can get on Marvin.
And here comes disastrously incorrect articles like:
Marvin was actually still married when he and Whizzer started “dating.” Whizzer was the cause of his divorce.
Marvin is like 15 years older than Whizzer and is basically using Whizzer for his money.
Marvin has been Whizzer’s secret boyfriend (HUSBAND???) for over ten years now and it’s been kept well hushed hushed secret bc Whizzer has built a brand out of Gay Baseball Player/Playboy.
Jason is Marvin and Whizzer’s adopted child.
CONSPIRACY THEORY: Marvin and Whizzer are not actually together at all. Marvin is not even gay! Whizzer just wanted to rebrand himself from “player on and off the field” and so hired Marvin to be his fake boyfriend (pretending to be “settling down”). (this prompts a startled Marvin to exclaim, “How could anyone think I was straight???” to which Whizzer dead-panned responded, “Honey, no self-respecting gay man dresses like that.”
Also consider the TMZ panel (also credit to @a-lesbian-from-next-door-too for this exchange, too)
“Marvin? What kinda name is Marvin?”
“I know. It’s such an old man’s name!”
“It’s like he was born a middle-aged dad, you know?”
“Uh, guys, Whizzer is a pretty stupid name, too. When you think about it. I mean, who names their kid Whizzer?”
“No one asked you, Brent.”
“Yeah, Brent. Shut the fuck up.”
Marvin finds out about the news bc he goes to work the next morning and some asshole coworker has taped all the headlines around his desk (the DILF headline is blown up and taped over his entire desk).
Marvin is obv pissed and lowkey anxious bc he doesn’t want this sort of attention to negatively affect him or (GOD FORBID) Jason. Whizzer himself is just a little annoyed and sees that Marvin is upset, so he tries to like make the issue go away by tweeting out: “tfw ur out with one of ur booty calls and ppl think that just bc he held ur hand u two are getting married’. And uhh, this makes the media die down but Marvin gets more upset bc hey asshole I think I’m falling in love with you but apparently I’m still just one of your booty calls, huh? And Whizzer gets mad bc Marvin is mad and he just tried to make Marvin less mad, and angst angst angst.
When they do get together, Whizzer posts a picture on Instagram of the two of them with the caption 'tfw you fall in love with one of your booty calls’. And the Internet just kinda explodes.
Fans are a little mixed. On one hand, they’re happy that Whizzer seems to be happy. On another, they’re terrified that a relationship will somehow hurt Whizzer’s playing. They then shut the fuck up when Whizzer plays the most vicious game of his entire career and just throws the best pitches and just basically almost single-handedly eviscerates the other team. At the press conference, people ask what’s up with Whizzer’s playing, and one of Whizzer’s team members just sorta smirks and answers for him, “He has a lot of pent up tension and aggression. He hasn’t seen his boyfriend in like a month [bc it’s the peak of the season and they’ve had to move around a lot to different cities and such]." 
Guys guys guys guys, I cannot begin to describe just how i c o n i c Marvin becomes so quickly. 
Because once they’re like “official,” Whizzer spams his instagram account with Marvin - Marvin in a new gifted Red Sox jersey while Jason (in his decked out Yankees uniform) glares mockingly at him; at the park during a crisp fall afternoon, Marvin breathless and red-faced and caught mid-laugh; Marvin comically but dead-seriously holding a baseball bat with a stance and grip that makes Whizzer and all baseball fans around the world weep; Marvin Jason and Whizzer, in a cheesy selfie after a really tough game; a picture of Marvin’s back as the man is hunched over an oven (this one has the caption “I love when a man puts the steak in ;) ” ); a particularly artsy one with a black and white filter, with Marvin (asleep, hair mussed, naked but only his bare arms, shoulders, and upper back is not obscured by the white sheets) asleep in their bed. The fans lose their minds over these pictures, along with the little tibits of info/stories that Whizzer shares when prompted about what a dorky/lame/baseball-hating/he-writes-me-poetry-literally-what-a-fucking-nerd that his new boyfriend is. 
When tweets and questions about Marvin keep buzzing Whizzer, Whizzer kindly asks (not forces, Jeez, Marv, don’t make it sound like I held a gun to your back) that Marvin get his own instagram/twitter accounts so they can just fawn over Marvin directly and leave Whizzer the hell alone to answer questions about baseball and photography and not about his relationship every fucking five minutes
This turns out to be a mistake. Marvin amasses ten thousand followers in six months. The guy barely even posts about Whizzer himself. He posts about broadway reviews and retweets funny cat pictures and every once in awhile, he posts partiuclarly needling things like how chess is better than baseball and he tags and @’s Whizzer in all of them. And everyone??? Loves it??? Whizzer is a little jealous at how people fawn over Marvin?? Like where’s some Whizzer love??? Whizzer is still the twunk that everyone loves, right???
Marvin is slowly accepted by the baseball wives. They’re catty and cliquish and they make Marvin’s life a living hell those first few months, but when Marvin does not take their shit and keeps pushing back, they grow to a mutual understanding that soon turns into begrudged respect that eventually turns into tentative friendship that eventually much much later turns into “if you dare utter one mean word or look at Marvin the wrong way, I will slit your throat with my sharpened, manicured, pastel pink-painted nails.” Whizzer shares one picture on his insta of Marvin with the baseball wives, with a glass of champagne in his hand and looking like he’s talking shit and the other baseball wives are laughing and eating this shit up, and he captions it: I think my boyfriend joined a cult.
The media as a whole leaves the two alone after they turn out to be just a regular couple and not that interesting?? EXCEPT EXCEPT EXCEPT (see next bullet point)
Okay, so Marvin hates baseball, right? This is established. This is well known. This is Fact. Well, after they become like “official” and the media now knows who Marvin is, news outlets start to attack him/make fun of him/crucify him for looking bored at Whizzer’s baseball games. Like he’ll have his phone out or he’ll have his chin propped up with his hand as if trying to combat sleepiness and sometimes he brings like a magazine to read and he always has that bored, vaguely pained “I do not want to be here right now” look on his face. And any time that the Red Sox makes a good play or gets a homerun, it’s clear that he’s been spacing out bc whenever the people around him start cheering, he likes jumps and does that weak, wide-eyed “Idk what just happened and i kinda want death right now but I am being supportive” clap (one time, he zoned out and Whizzer’s opposing team got a homerun, and Marvin just started meekly clapping bc he heard the crowd doing it and ESPN and TMZ and all the news outlets had a field day of making fun of him).
And the media??? is like “why are you not supporting your partner? You embarrass him by looking so bored. Can’t you learn to love the sport if you love him??” and being really bitchy about it. And Whizzer gets pissed and so goes on air during a press conference - when some smart-ass reporter tries to make a barb about Marvin looking bored and in pain - and says really bitchily, “Guys, Marvin just doesn’t like baseball, okay? Yeah, that makes him an idiot - because baseball is incredible - but it doesn’t make him a bad partner. I don’t expect him to love the things that I love. I like that we’re different, you know? That makes him less boring. Like, he goes to my games even though he hates baseball. That is being supportive. Like fucking hell, guys, I’m with him because he makes me laugh and has a great ass - not because he’s some super baseball fan.” CUE MIC DROP.
And yeah, there are homophobic reactions to the relationship. Facebook groups dedicated to it. Marvin gets hate mail and one time got like yelled at on the street. Some of the media’s stories are overtly homophobic and overly crass. It’s 2017, sure, but there are still idiots out there.
Marvin and Whizzer don’t let the attention - good or bad - get to them. They just keep being in love and posting overly sappy instagram posts about their anniversaries and poking fun at each other on twitter and the attention never breaks them.
I will posts Jason specific headcanons later but like dang, this took a lot out of me bc I have a lot of FEELINGS and if you have more headcanons about this topic, reblog and add your own bc I’m curious how you feel the media/fans would take this.
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