#you echo in the halls
lookingfts · 1 month
Just wanted to say that I love seeing all of those insights and snippets that expand your stories. Thank you so much for giving us a glimpse into the "behind the scenes" and into how those characters tick in the given universes! It's such a gift!
If you ever find the time and inspiration, I would be so, so happy to see anything from Anthony's point of view or any additional info how you thought up the story for "You echo in the Halls". I think it's my absolute favorite one shot of yours. I have re-read it countless of times (and I come back to it at least once every few weeks) and every time I find something new to speculatate about, which I love.
Anyhow, sorry for fangirling...
Thank you! “You Echo in the Halls” is one of my favorites as well! It’s such a pleasure to hear that someone is re-reading it. Sometimes me and other Kanthony writers will bounce ideas off each other – things that we think would be fun, but might not necessarily have the time or inspiration to write ourselves. The lovely @mxkateb pitched the idea of Kate struggling with a big life event for her ex, Tom, and Anthony following her around, annoying her to distract her and help her get through it. And that evolved into the fic. So, here’s a little companion/continuation scene from Anthony’s POV.
Anthony was used to losing his breath to Kate Sharma.
When he saw her for the first time. Leaning against the bar at a seedy pub, ebony hair curling around her shoulders, legs endless in a pair of tight jeans. That was her – the person he would chat up tonight. He couldn’t let a woman that gorgeous slip through his fingers.
And then Tom had appeared, sliding his arm around her waist, a big smile forming on her lips as she fluttered her lashes up at him, and Anthony’s chest tightened. That was her. Kate. The woman that Tom hadn’t stopped talking about since he met her. The woman his best friend, his brother, was falling in love with.
When she kissed him. Standing outside her flat, both of them pretending to be drunker than they were so they could get just a little closer. He knew he should have stopped it, but the oxygen rushed out of his lungs at the first touch of her lips to his. Soft and sweet and wanting.
Kate sank into his arms, perfect there, filling an ache he had felt for so long now. She clung to him as he tasted her, as he moved inside her, and for a second, he thought maybe he could stay. Maybe he could let her hold on to him forever. But she fell asleep and he sobered up and it felt so clear, suddenly. He was a rebound. If Tom hadn’t been good enough for a woman like her, what hope did Anthony have except to disappoint her?
When he chased her out of Tom’s wedding reception. She finally called him out on his bullshit and there were no thoughts in his head except that he couldn’t leave it like this. Maybe there would never be a chance for them, but another two years would not pass without her knowing.
Anthony held her close as she sobbed, all the pain and loss and regret draining from her body. He hated that he’d played any role in it, hated that Kate didn’t feel all the love and security she deserved. So he let her cling to him until she was calm, until she was kissing him again and everything felt like a fresh start.
When they met Tom for drinks to tell him that they were dating. Tom raised an eyebrow. This didn’t start at my wedding, did it? And Kate’s guilty expression probably told him everything.
Before Anthony could even register what was happening, Tom punched him in the jaw, then straightened his jacket and sat back down. Alright. Now that’s out of the way, appetizers?
When she walked down the aisle to him. In a red saree with weighty gold jewelry, her hair pinned back, the most radiant smile on her face. That was her – the woman he would spend the rest of his life with. A few years late, perhaps, but it didn’t matter now. Not when his family and hers were in the audience, all of their friends, and Kate wasn’t even looking at them. Only at Anthony.  
And he had willingly said whatever vows she wanted, done whatever traditions she wanted, let her have anything and everything she wanted because none of it would ever be enough to thank her, truly thank her, for the second chance she took on him.
“It’s funny,” she said quietly as they swayed together on the dance floor. “Dancing together at another wedding. Except this time…”
“Except this time, it’s ours,” Anthony finished, dropping his forehead against hers. “I do hope you don’t plan on bursting into tears and running away from me again.”
“Technically, I ran away and then burst into tears,” Kate clarified a little teasingly, her breath warm on his lips. “What would you do if I did?”
“Run after you. As many times as I have to.”
Kate’s soft hands tightened around the back of his neck. “I don’t have to run,” she whispered. “We got it right this time.”
She kissed him.
And it was the first time he’d ever had the privilege of losing his breath to Kate Bridgerton.
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engagemythrusters · 1 month
okay no but if Anakin got Vader-ified without actually being. yknow. Vader (aka got himself chopped up but he didn't go off the deep end). then he and Echo would have such a fun time together. Well maybe not always fun. But they'd be "I have maybe 40% of my own body left" buds. They could go get tune-ups together!
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hananoami · 4 months
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bibannana · 1 year
Fives *confidently*: I could fight a Wookie
Echo *sprawled on his bunk*: You could not.
Jesse *scoffing*: You would lose straight away.
Fives *points at him*: I said I could fight one, I didn't say I would win.
Echo *facepalms*: Di'kut.
Hardcase *sits up, filled with overconfidence*: I would win.
Tup *throws a boot a him*: You would not. Go back to sleep.
Fives and Hardcase *discussing (quite loudly) how they would fight a Wookie*
Rex *opens the door to the barricks*: If I get you a Wookie to fight will you all go to sleep and shut up?
Kix *who just wants to sleep*: I'm not patching any of you up if you go and fight a Wookie.
Taglist: @soliloquy-of-nemo @nekotaetae @staycalmandhugaclone @sexy-rex @jiabeewrites
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ladykagewaki · 11 months
Rex's Romance 2/3
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Part 1
Part 3
@zaya-mo @chrissywakingup @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @aintinacage @ladykatakuri @indira-korr @marierg @isthereanechoinhere96
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who's afraid of little old me makes me want to claw my skin off my face as the blood drips down my fingers and past my wrists
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Characters, book, and author names under the cut
Blair/Richard - Bite Me! -You Know I Like It by Fae Quin
Valentine Layton/Bonaventure "Bonny" Tarleton - Something Fabulous by Alexis Hall
Tennalhin Halkana/Surit Yeni - Ocean's Echo by Everina Maxwell
Maud Blyth/Violet Debenham - A Restless Truth by Freya Marske
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God chess the musical my friend chess the musical, im sooooo fucked up about the 'partner, partner' echoes in the deal, they are ringing like bells in my mind
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centralpark1981 · 7 months
harassing my co-workers with sexy photos of weird al bc i’m the office silly billy
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swallowsandamazons · 8 months
Closed starter for @unrely [Izzy & Ely]
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How did this keep happening? After Stede left, they'd promised themselves not to let themselves get caught up in the promise of potential family ever again. Ed had gone off the deep end and Ely was left essentially alone... but then Stede had come back and despite how hard Ely had tried, they couldn't help getting caught up in the undercurrent of potential family again.
Then they'd been left behind again.
Was something wrong with them? This seemed to be a never ending cycle that they couldn't escape from and nobody was telling them why. Why did their parents people keep leaving? It made them angry. Furious. Full of rage enough after finding out for them to go out into the Republic of Pirates and come back to the Revenge smothered in blood. It, surprisingly, wasn't their own. They'd learnt while Stede was gone that murder related guilt was a good covering tool for any emotion but especially the feeling of being abandoned.
They'd ignored the curious and painfully pitying looks from the others as they'd gone below. While they stood now, cleaning themselves up with a small bowl in their bedroom, they caught a glimpse of Izzy in the mirror. Ely hadn't even admitted it to themselves yet but Izzy had somehow clawed his way into the category of 'father' recently for Ely as well and the brief passing thought of that at the sight of him just made them angry again.
"You can fuck off too. Don't need help. Don't need... whatever that look means." 6 months ago they would have been shitting a brick hearing someone else say that to Izzy- they never would have even dared to say something like that to him so harshly themselves... but times change and kids grow up.
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lookingfts · 2 months
Welcome to tumblr 😊 It's so great to see you here! Just wanted to say that I absolutely love, love, love your writing and it would be a true delight to see some follow up bits and pieces to any of your published stories!
Especially since I am for example very curious how Tom would react to seeing Kate and Anthony together in "You echo in the Halls" or how they would manage to overcome the lost time and the pain Anthony caused Kate by leaving.
Thank you so much! Oh, poor Tom lol. I love to put him through the wringer. I think Tom might get one good punch in once he learns that Anthony slept with her directly after the breakup, but then all would be forgiven and they would move past it.
Of course Kate and Anthony would need time to work through that. I love the second chance trope, and I think a key tenet of it, especially for Kanthony, is that they simply weren't ready the first time. Whatever happened in the past - whatever their mistakes and fears - they can forgive each other in the present, knowing that they're different people now. Anthony always comes back ready to commit wholeheartedly, and they both have the hindsight of knowing that they didn't get over each other during the time apart, and they don't want to be apart again.
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euesworld · 1 year
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bibannana · 1 year
Fives *staring at Rex*: Look, if I want to start a bar fight I'm going to start a bar fight.
Rex *unimpressed*: You're in the mess hall.
Fives *scoffs*: Irrelevant.
Rex *looks as Fives takes a sip of water*: And completely sober
Fives *places down his mug*: Once again. Irrelevant.
Rex *glances at the wall behind Fives*: Why is Echo taped to the wall upside down?
Fives *smug*: He tried to stop me.
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inkykeiji · 1 year
i will never ever ever ever ever EVER be over dabi’s laugh <3333333333333
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commissionsdarian · 10 months
It's quiet here. There were plans to have a speaker system around the bigger bunkers to try to fill the sensory gaps. But I think it made things feel worse
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boygirlctommy · 9 months
ok i have like. the very rough outline for this animatic.
#my post#ripposting#really just need rhe quotes now bcus i know what parts of the song are which fights#oh my god. im gonna have to animate combat.#*frantically pulls up sad.ist* GIRL HELP HOW DO I DRAW FIGHTING#<- uses them as a ref for like every animatic i do lol#i just realized actually. this wasnt intentional but i totally am amking a sa.dist-style animatic rn#its even set to a 2w.ei song ToT#but anyways im sosososo excited for this :DDD the first 48 seconds are just them arriving at the BLOCK#BUT their pirate oath from what binds us is playing. ooo can i do effects on the audio? bcus i kinda want it to be abit echo-ey....#but yeah and then chip as tay is all like 'we need to get these pirates inside!!' and the guard goes 'did we ever get a name for this crew?#and then theres like this moment of silence. and thats where chips gonna go 'the r.iptide pirates :)' and then BOOM LOUD MUSIC#thats where they fight shrek. i dont remember what that monster was i always called that fight the shrek encounter. then the hall w that#pirate dude!! then the tundra!! oh big j... then its MEAT ROOM TIME!!! and then DESERT ROOM!!!!! at 2:02 is when they start attacking each#other in the desert room :3 then its the center with drey!!! and then theres a quieter slow part. thats where nfw goes.#the song actually ends there but i looped part of it so it gets loud again :3 thats where the running away happens!! and then as it fades#out again thats where theyre safe on the ship and jay screams at her dad even though hes too far away to hear it and shes all like 'IM GONN#BE THE BEST GODDAMN PIRATE YOUVE EVER SEEN!!' and chip goes 'i dont doubt it sureshot :]' CRIESSS anyways then very quietly as the audio al#fades out gill goes 'im glad you got to shoot me' and jay goes 'me too lol' and that is where we end the animatic 👍#its like 4 1/2 minutes long pray for me guys
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