#you have had the horror and honor of accidentally seeing me naked a few times
savage-rhi · 1 month
Bitch I've seen you in real life. You're a 6 on a bad day and a high 8 bordering 9 when you dress up and wear your leather jacket. Be nice. -L
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lotties-ashwagandha · 2 years
Fem reader! Being a Baratheon and falling dearly in love with Rhaenyra? Maybe at the beginning they kinda started with the wrong foot, but that made them feel attracted to one another
Chef kiss to your fics 🤌
pairing: rhaenyra targaryen x fem!reader
word count: 842
notes and warnings: sorry this took so long!! i’ve been having a bit of writer’s block and my dog died and then we got a puppy!! also this flashes from adult rhaenyra to teenage rhaenyra
taglist: @cartoonpeoples @mayfair-fleur @cordeliass @paulsonsratched @thedeconstructionist @goodeday2u @traumatisedfangirl
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You did not bother to knock at the door to her chambers — you knew her schedule by heart, and you kept tabs on her, your constant worry paying off.
Rhaenyra had just finished dressing for the day, her servants having just been dismissed from her chambers. She stood by the mirror, running a brush through the pale waves falling over her shoulders.
She smiled as she saw you come up behind her, letting you take the brush and tend to her.
“Good morning,” she said, her exhaustion obvious. Only a few days ago she had given birth to another son.
“Good morning. Really, you shouldn’t be out of bed,” you said gently, “the realm will go on while you rest for a few days.”
She shook her head, taking your free hand and holding it to her chest. Her loving expression enveloped you completely, her profound strength. “We both know that’s no option. I cannot show weakness.”
“Resting isn’t weakness.”
“I know,” she smiled, “but we seem to be the only ones at court who think so.”
You offered her a small smile, continuing to brush her hair. It reminded you of the first time the two of you had met, when you had accidentally bursted into her chambers while trying to find your own, a Baratheon guest having come to attend the revelation of the heir to House Targaryen. “Do you remember, all those years ago, when I invaded your chambers?”
Rhaenyra laughed warmly, nodding and grasping your hand tighter. “I half wanted to strangle you, yes. I’m glad I didn’t.”
“Me too.”
You rushed through the hall, searching for the room you had been promised. The guard that had given you directions had been terribly vague, and frankly you had no idea where you were going.
Eventually, you found where you were going. Two guards were positioned outside of the chamber doors, watching you suspiciously.
“Do you have an appointment here?” One of them asked.
You scoffed. “Of course I do.”
You bursted into the room, sure the guard was completely morose.
Abruptly, you stopped.
Princess Rhaenyra stood with her maids, half-dressed and watching you in horror.
You sprinted out of the bedroom, muttering a half-hearted apology before fleeing. You were sure you had lost any chance of saving your family’s honor at court, any offer of highborn marriage out of the question, your life completely sunk…
And other than that, you were just very simply horrifically embarrassed.
Out of all of the chambers you could have invaded, you had to have elected those of Rhaenyra Targaryen.
Rhaenyra laughed gently at the recollection.
“I was so embarrassed,” you admitted, running your fingers through her hair and burying your head in her neck.
“You were embarrassed? I was the one half-dressed with a random girl bursting into my bedroom!”
At this you giggled, shaking your head and moving to pour the two of you some wine. “How strangely our friendship began.”
“Friendship, darling?”
“Well… whatever it is we have between us,” you smirked.
“I know, I feel a bit cheated,” she teased, “you saw me naked before we started our escapades.”
You shook your head. “Do you remember how awkwardly we conversed after your father named you heir?”
You pretended not to see Rhaenyra Targaryen as she approached you. She had been proclaimed as heir to the Iron Throne only minutes before, the nobles of the court now mingling after the celebration.
You couldn’t ignore her now — she was right in front of you.
“Good afternoon, Your Grace,” you muttered, avoiding her eyes.
“I was told you had trouble finding your bedroom,” she said. “Allow me to escort you.”
You nodded, following her.
You had assumed that empty hallways would make things better, but they only became worse. A heavy awkwardness accompanied the silence present between you, ever-present and inescapable.
“I’m sorry for what happened earlier,” you whispered.
Rhaenyra offered you a small smile. “It’s quite alright, I understand… but if you’re truly sorry, perhaps you wouldn’t mind joining me in the gardens tomorrow afternoon to make up for it.”
A great relief washed over you like a wave. The prospect of spending an afternoon with her had your mind spinning in circles with excitement, your chest buzzing. “Of course. That sounds lovely.”
And the awkwardness of the silence disappeared as quickly as it had come.
“I thought it was so smooth of me to invite you into the gardens,” Rhaenyra reminisced. “I thought it was quite romantic.”
“It was, to me,” you admitted.
“You intimidated me so.”
“I suppose it was because I knew from the start that I loved you,” she said gently. “Even though I hated you a bit in those first couple of hours.”
You chuckled. “I appreciate it. You terrified me as well.”
She leaned against you, resting her head on your shoulder.
You basked in the warmth of each other’s presence. Years had passed, and somehow fate had kept you united.
You knew, that after such turmoil endured, that your love would be forever.
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dilly-oh · 3 years
Haircare no Jutsu
He’s wearing the red hair-tie today, Kakashi noted with satisfaction, walking down the hallway behind Iruka. An excellent choice. It perfectly accentuated the subtle reddish tones in his hair, highlighting them to perfection. His ponytail bounced with every step, the strands gleaming in the sun-rays cast through the nearby window.
Kakashi had been obsessed with Iruka’s hair for longer than he cared to admit. But hey, everyone had their quirks, especially Jounin. At least his didn’t involve green spandex and dazzling teeth. He was practically normal compared to the others.
He daydreamed about Iruka’s hair constantly, imagining running his fingers through the silken strands, pressing his face against them to smell their subtle scent. He imagined pulling Iruka's hair free from that cruel hair tie, brushing it till it gleamed, then separating it into three portions and twisting them into a thick braid. No, wait, a French one? He couldn’t decide. Still lost in internal debate, he walked closely behind Iruka, eyes glued to his hair.
Which is why he failed to see the loose tile jutting out of the floor in front of him.
Now, the Copy-nin of Konoha, feared by countless enemies and Missing-Nin alike, did not trip.
He merely attacked the loose tile with his toe, lurched forward for a better stance, wind-milled his arms about wildly to ward off any incoming attacks from enemies, and face-planted into the nearest object.
Which happened to be Iruka’s ponytail.
One time, while on an A-rank mission to Suna, Kakashi, half-dead from chakra exhaustion, had accidentally fallen into a patch of prickly cactuses.
This was worse than that.
Iruka’s ponytail was not soft and silky, fragrant and luxurious as he’d dared to dream. It was like a briar patch, bristly as hell, the strands broken and split and dry as a bone. Kakashi counted himself lucky his hitai-ate was covering one eye already so he only had to worry about losing the other one. This close, he could see the horrible split ends and flakes of dandruff with awful detail.
The cry echoed through the hallway, reverberating off the walls. Several heads poked out of doors to stare curiously, caught sight of Iruka’s face, and retreated.
“That’s my line,” Iruka grumbled, turning to confront him while rubbing the back of his head gingerly. “What the hell was that about?” Kakashi just gaped at him for a long moment, aghast, his hopes and dreams crumbling before him.
“Good God! Is my face bleeding?!” he blurted aloud.
“It’s about to be if you don’t start explaining yourself,” Iruka snapped back irritably, crossing his arms. “Seriously, what’s your problem?”
“It felt like I fell on a wad of steel wool!” Kakashi cried. “What the hell kind of hair product do you use?! Bar soap?!”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Iruka huffed at him. Kakashi felt a glimmer of hope flicker to life. “I use my three-in-one shampoo, conditioner, and body-wash.” The glimmer of hope promptly whimpered, curled up, and died.
“Alright. That’s it. I’m confiscating this,” Kakashi said, twirling the red hair-band around his pinky finger. Iruka’s hair immediately flopped down around his face, sticking out in all directions like an unkempt bird’s nest and further destroying every one of Kakashi’s secret fantasies.
“Hey!” Iruka cried in outrage, shoving his hair aside. “Give that back!”
“You’ll get it back when you learn to treat your hair better.”
“Whatever, I have like three more,” Iruka snorted, rolling his eyes. He reached into his pockets, searching for a few moments, then frowned in confusion. “What the…?” He looked up to see Kakashi twiddling his fingers at him, each digit encircled by a colored band. “When- how did you- give those back!”
“Oh, I will,” Kakashi assured him, “but I have some…demands.”
“You’re holding my hair-ties ransom. You’re unbelievable.”
“Firstly, you-”
“I don’t negotiate with terrorists.”
“-let me wash your hair,” Kakashi finished.
“Ew. Why?” Iruka made a face. “That’s just an excuse to get me naked, you creep.” Kakashi huffed impatiently.
“You don’t have to get naked, just take your shirt off-”
“And then I’m already halfway there. Forget it.”
“-and then I’ll bend you over the bathroom sink and-”
“I SAID FORGET IT!” Iruka exploded, his face flushing a near-match of his hair-tie. “I have two jobs! I spend all day at the Academy babysitting children who are trying to kill each other, and then all night at the Mission Desk babysitting Jounin trying to kill each other. I don’t have time for stupid things like treating my hair with the ninja art of deep conditioning.”
“Then you’re not getting your hair-ties back,” Kakashi said with finality, squaring his shoulders.
“You know what? Keep them.” Iruka turned away in a huff. “I’ll just go buy more.” And with that, he stormed away. Kakashi narrowed his eyes.
“We’ll see about that,” he muttered, hands flashing quickly in a series of signs. Several clones puffed into existence and with a short word, dispersed on their newest mission.
“The HELL do you mean, out of stock?!” Iruka shouted at the store clerk in outrage. The man flinched back in fear, cowering behind the counter.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Ninja, sir, but someone came in not five minutes ago and bought the whole lot of hair-ties,” he babbled. “Every single one! We won’t be getting more in another shipment until-”
“Okay, fine, whatever,” Iruka cut him off, mind working furiously. “I’ll take… rubber bands. String. I don’t care, I’ll buy it.”
The clerk simply stared at him in mute horror, eyes wide. Iruka sighed.
“…They bought all of those, too, didn’t they?”
“…Yes, yes they did.”
Iruka paused, a sudden suspicion dawning on him.
“This person didn’t happen to have ridiculous silver hair and a mask, did they?”
The eyes went even wider, threatening to pop out. “Please don’t kill me,” the clerk whispered.
“Calm down, it’s not your fault. I’ll just…” Iruka chewed on his lip, mentally mapping out Konoha and his other prospects. “I’ll try elsewhere. Thank you.”
But it was the same story at every shop in Konoha.
So Iruka changed tactics. Not that it made any difference.
It didn’t matter who he begged one off of (Anko, Ino, even Shikamaru, who rolled his eyes in exasperation, as if he wasn’t embarrassed enough already), within five minutes it had either magically disappeared or snapped for no reason and his hair flopped back down over his eyes, prickly and annoying- not that Kakashi had a point or anything.
Even his own home wasn’t safe. Iruka didn’t know how, but someone had snuck in and removed everything that could even potentially serve as a hair tie, even rags and bandages. Iruka suspected Kakashi had won over Naruto with promises of all-you-can-eat ramen. He had half a mind to bring his complaint to the Hokage herself, before realizing she would probably find it hilarious and cackle like a loon for hours. So, no. Better to just deal with it himself.
Iruka was a hard man to break, Kakashi would give him that. After a whole week of this charade and no sign of the sensei’s resolve weakening, he’d earned his respect. But it couldn’t last forever. He had to give up at some point. Everyone had their limit. Kakashi smirked, raising a hand to study the red band still wrapped around his pinky. Yes, any minute now…
“I’m not going to break, so piss off!” Iruka shouted from inside his apartment. Kakashi, who’d been sitting on the roof, jumped. The man was more perceptive than he’d thought. His respect went up another notch.
“You sure about that?” he asked, popping his head in through the window. It was Iruka’s turn to jump. Then he swore, grabbed him by the vest, and hauled him inside the apartment, which was just as messy and unkempt as his hair. Because, you know, two jobs or whatever. Kakashi caught sight of a pair of pink boxers splayed on the couch before Iruka spun him around to glare point-blank in his face.  
“What the hell do you even care if my hair isn’t perfect? Life is not a fucking shampoo commercial,” he demanded. Kakashi shrugged.
“I had expectations. Dreams. How dare you break my fragile, innocent heart.” He swooned and clutched his chest dramatically.
“I’m gonna break something else of yours in a minute.” Iruka scowled at him, stewing in fury. “It’s none of your business, anyway. My hair, my choice. Deal with it.”
“I refuse.” Kakashi glared right back, refusing to stand down. “It’s a matter of honor.”
“Oh, please! Like yours is any better!” Iruka burst out, stepping forward to plunge his hands into Kakashi’s thick mane. “You’re always out on a mission, don’t tell me you have the time to- merciful God it’s like I’m petting one of those fluffy Inazuka dogs.” Iruka stared at him in shock. “How the hell do you get it so soft and silky? Haircare no Jutsu?”
“Don’t be silly,” Kakashi scoffed. Iruka just gave him a flat stare. “…Alright, yes, I infuse my shampoo with a little chakra for extra volume. Sue me.”
“I’m considering it, after all the harassment,” Iruka muttered darkly, his hands still in Kakashi’s hair. Kakashi had to fight back a shudder of pleasure as his fingertips scraped across a particularly sensitive area. Finally Iruka removed his hands (Kakashi stifling a disappointed whimper) and frowned in consternation. “…I just have to let you wash my hair once?”
“Sure,” Kakashi answered with a nod. “…And then you are legally obligated to follow a strict hair-care routine dictated by me-”
“ONCE.” Iruka held up a finger, expression firm. “That’s it. That’s the deal. Then you leave me alone.”
Kakashi weighed his options. He could keep running around Konoha, using up his chakra on clones and buying up every bit of material that could serve as a hair-tie, following Iruka around till he was old and even grayer and broke.  
…Or he could just wash his hair right now and be done with it.
“Alright, fine,” he agreed. “Let me wash your hair and we’re good.” Rather than look triumphant like he expected, Iruka hesitated, biting his lip uneasily and dropping his gaze to the floor.
“…Promise you won’t take advantage of me,” he said, voice quiet and serious for once.
Kakashi solemnly placed a hand over his heart. “I promise.”
And then Iruka took his shirt off and Kakashi had never regretted making a promise more in his LIFE. He truly was that tan all over, with white scars scattered here and there like constellations, accentuating the toned muscles and hard flesh.
“Oh, wait,” Iruka said, “what am I thinking? You probably need to go to your place and get-” Kakashi wordlessly held up his shampoo and conditioner bottles. Iruka blinked. “…Of fucking course.”
Iruka’s bathroom was just as untidy as the rest of the apartment, half-empty three-in-one shampoo bottles and dirty clothes strewn everywhere. For some reason, the fact that he was a complete slob did nothing to detract from Kakashi’s burgeoning attraction to the man.
“If you please,” Kakashi said politely, rolling up his sleeves and nodding towards the sink.
“I am not tipping,” Iruka sniffed haughtily as he stepped forward. His eyes lingered on Kakashi’s bared hands and arms for a moment before jerking away. He leaned over the sink, which, thankfully, seemed large enough to accommodate an impromptu hair-washing. Kakashi turned the tap on, careful to adjust the water temperature to a pleasant degree, then eased Iruka forward into the spray with a gentle hand. The other man grumbled, but kept still as Kakashi thoroughly wetted his hair, careful to get every bit. When he was satisfied, he pulled out his shampoo and poured a dollop into one hand, paused, then poured some more. Might as well make it count.
“Hurry up, I’m getting water up my nose,” Iruka muttered, head still under the spray. “And water all over the rest of me, too.”
“Yeah, sorry.” Kakashi forced himself to concentrate on washing Iruka’s hair and not his glistening, muscled back. He sank his fingers deep into the dry, bristly hair and scrubbed gently, lathering up the soap, making sure to pay special attention to the scalp and roots.
The shampoo was his own special recipe, imbued with his own personal chakra for extra strength and luster. He rinsed it out after several minutes, then applied the conditioner. After one more rinse, he was done, and he stepped back, allowing Iruka to straighten. Kakashi turned away to find a towel, snatched the cleanest-looking one from a shelf, and turned back.
I’ve made a horrible mistake, Kakashi realized immediately. I can’t let others see him like this. He’s too beautiful.
Iruka on a bad day was a knockout. Iruka, gloriously shirtless and gleaming, with his wet hair pooling like ink around his face and shoulders, was a vision fit for the Gods. Kakashi stood frozen, tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth.
Unaware of the other man’s dilemma, Iruka raked a hand through his hair, pushing the wet strands off his face. Kakashi gulped, his throat suddenly dry and tight. A long, tense pause drew out between the two of them like a taut bow-string.
“What the hell are you waiting for?”
“…Huh?” Kakashi stared at him, blinking.
“Make a move already, you idiot.” Iruka stood there in his shirtless glory, arms crossed over his tanned chest, wet, glistening hair framing his face. “You’ve already got me half-naked and everything.”
Kakashi sputtered incoherently for a few seconds, shaking his head.
“I...I can't, I promised-” he choked out.
“Oh my God come here.” Iruka grabbed Kakashi by the front of his shirt and reeled him in like a prize catch. Kakashi did his part, gaping at him like a fish, wide-eyed in shock. Iruka scoffed, then leaned in close enough for their lips to brush teasingly. “I never promised not to take advantage of you, dumbass.”
Kakashi was not about to argue.
Years later, he still kept the red band around his pinky, right next to the wedding ring that winked in the sunlight.
Months ago, I was chosen to be a pinch-hitter for the Kakairuzine (I would step in if someone had to leave), so I completed two fics in case they were needed. Since they aren’t, I might as well upload them here. This is the second and final fic. Enjoy!
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vespertineflora · 4 years
3zun Combo Fics
we're alone in the dark E, During Canon, Classroom Sex, 4.6k It's the first time Jin Guangyao has had the chance to use the jade token Lan Xichen had given him for free passage in and out of the Cloud Recesses, and it's during this first late evening visit that Jin Guangyao discovers that Lan Xichen has been having fantasies about him for far longer than he ever could have guessed--and that Lan Xichen is very eager to act on one such fantasy.
your love is all i can think about E, During Canon/AU, Love Letters/Sneaking Around, 10.4k After Lan Xichen finally goes all the way with Jin Guangyao in the aftermath of the Sunshot Campaign, responsibility forces the two apart for far longer than either of them care for. When they finally get to see each other again after three long months, having to sit through hours of a discussion conference when the love of his life is just across the room is more than the poor, sexually pent up Lan Xichen can bear, especially as Jin Guangyao seems to realize he likes the effect he's having on him.
in your warmth i forget how cold it can be E, During Canon, Cold Weather Coziness, 3.3k After a long day of traveling in unexpectedly heavy snowfall, Jin Guangyao arrives in the Cloud Recesses and needs Lan Xichen to warm him up.
rest with me a while E, During Canon, Fluff/Smut, 3.8k The day of the Phoenix Mountain Hunt is a stressful one for Jin Guangyao; Lan Xichen can see how tense he is from just a glance. His offer to help Jin Guangyao with his preparations has been turned down more than once, so Lan Xichen isn't sure what he can possibly do to help him... until he realizes there might be one way he might be able to add a bright spot to Jin Guangyao's day. no angels could beckon me back M, During Canon, Post-Coital Cuddling/Confessions, 1.6k What he had with Lan Xichen should have been enough; Jin Guangyao hadn't intended to confess his feelings, and he certainly hadn't meant for them to be confessed like this.
bare your heart to me E, During Canon, Smut and Hurt/Comfort, 9.5k It's impossible for Lan Xichen to say when he first takes notice of it, but a strange exchange one night makes him realize something rather concerning: he hasn't seen Jin Guangyao's naked body in nearly a year. The realization leads to Lan Xichen chasing after the answer to this mystery, ultimately uncovering a painful truth about the daily horrors of Jin Guangyao's life in Carp Tower.
Daylight Can Be So Violent (series) (in progress, but all pieces are functional one shots) if i told you what i’ve become E, During Canon, Confessions/First Times, 13.7k (pt 1) It's Lan Xichen's first visit to Lanling since Jin Guangyao's ascent to the position of Chief Cultivator the previous month, and with everything he's been through recently, he's perhaps tenser than he otherwise would be, spending a peaceful evening with his dearest friend. Luckily, Jin Guangyao has some ideas about the best ways to relieve stress.
heaven help me (i need to make this right) E, During Canon, Light Bondage, 8k (pt 2) The last few months have been... more than Lan Xichen could have ever hoped for. The reconstruction of the Cloud Recesses is complete, which means his uncle is in a good mood. His brother is healed, moving around and spending time with A-Yuan. And his relationship with Jin Guangyao... well, to put it simply, Lan Xichen couldn't be much happier--though Jin Guangyao has no shortage of ideas for them. It's during one of his regular visits to Lanling that Jin Guangyao suggests they... try doing things a different way.
and i'd do anything E, During Canon, Candle Wax/Praise Kink, 4.7k (pt 3) "Do you trust me?" It was that question, and Lan Xichen's resounding yes, that had landed him here, his wrists tied to the bed posts above his head, silk scarf wrapped lovingly around his eyes, his chest heaving with every hard breath, his cock dripping precum in a sticky pool against his stomach, and drips of wax in various stages of hardness scattered all across his skin.
if there was nowhere to land (i wouldn’t be scared at all) T, During Canon, 5+1fic/angst, 10.7k Meng Yao hasn't lead an easy life. He's been pushed around, beaten, and taken advantage of for nearly as long as he can remember... Falling down stairs is one of the worst things he's been through, and he's fallen more times than anyone should have to. OR Five times someone makes Meng Yao fall down a staircase, and one time someone saves him from falling.
they call me underneath M, Post-Canon, Grief/Mourning, 4.2k Lan Xichen never intended to visit the cemetery where his sworn brothers were interred together, but now that he's here, he can't make himself leave without at least trying.
a fine time to regret T, During Canon, Grief/Comfort, 2.3k As it turned out, even knowing Jin Rusong was going to die didn't give Jin Guangyao the chance to prepare himself for it.
hold on to what we are T, During Canon, Fluff, 1.9k Meng Yao is dedicated to working harder than ever as the Sunshot Campaign is ramping up, but Nie Mingjue wants him to come to bed.
if you need it, then i need it (and only we'll know) E, During Canon, Sex Pollen, 13.1k Meng Yao and Nie Mingjue are on what they assume to be a normal scouting mission into Wen territory--but the day is turned on its head when they get a bit too close to some strange looking plants that release a thick cloud of pollen as they approach. By the time they make it back to camp, they're both already feeling the effects, and the camp's doctor has some mixed news to share. The bad news? The pollen will lead to a deadly qi deviation if left untreated. The good news? They know how to treat it! Now it's just up to Meng Yao and Nie Mingjue to act on it (and on the feelings they've been secretly harboring for one another for months).
when it comes time to rest my head E, Canon Divergent, Hurt/Comfort, 20.8k When Nie Mingjue spots the freshly bloodied handkerchief Jin Guangyao accidentally drops, his first sickening conclusion is that he's just caught him in the middle of some nefarious deed--but Nie Mingjue investigates further, and instead uncovers a series of injuries across Jin Guangyao's body that tell a much more heart-wrenching tale than the one Nie Mingjue first suspected. Can Nie Mingjue earn back enough of Jin Guangyao's trust to get him to accept the help he so clearly needs? Can he convince Jin Guangyao... to come back to Qinghe with him? i need your broken promises E, Canon Divergent, Werecat!JGY, 11.7k The night Meng Yao is promoted to be Nie Mingjue's deputy, he makes two requests: to be left alone on the night of the full moon, and to not be asked why he needs to be left alone. Nie Mingjue is extremely curious about this odd appeal, but he honors it regardless. Years later, when Nie Mingjue proposes, Meng Yao repeats his requests as the only stipulations for their marriage, and Nie Mingjue once again promises to let Meng Yao keep his secret... until he realizes that perhaps the secret isn't as well kept as he once thought, and he confronts Meng Yao to learn the truth.
the day bleeds into nightfall T, During Canon, Angst and Romance, 2.5k When Wen Chao attacks the Unclean Realm, Meng Yao rushes to release Xue Yang, and Nie Mingjue catches him stabbing his general. Nie Mingjue might have thought he was doing Meng Yao a mercy when he banished him... but Meng Yao isn't sure he agrees.
love me hard oh, love me right E, Modern AU, Rule 63 PWP, 2k Sometimes Meng Yao just needs to be gently dommed by her girlfriend until she cries, and you know what? That's valid.
the love held in her hands E, Modern Fantasy AU, Rule 63/Fairy!MY, 3k When Nie Mingjue's tiny fairy girlfriend asks to be fingered, Nie Mingjue immediately considers it to be a bad idea... but when her search for something more appropriately-sized drags on too long, she decides to give in to Meng Yao's impatient demands.
the common tongue of your loving me E, Modern AU, 69ing, 3.7k Lan Huan and Nie Mingjue have been dating for almost two years now, but Nie Mingjue is always coming up with ways for him and his beau to have some new sort of fun in the bedroom. (Submission for NieLan Month 2020, Day 22 Desperation/Beauty/Awe. This is also the 69th fic I've uploaded to my AO3 account haha)
home is where my love waits E, Modern AU, Sexted Pics & DP, 5.1k Meng Yao is out of town on business for the weekend and Lan Huan and Nie Mingjue have the brilliant idea to send their absent boyfriend some spicy material to keep him warm while he's away (and definitely not because teasing him is very fun). When Meng Yao gets back to his hotel room at night to discover the proverbial feast, he's both very turned on and very frustrated to be so far away--but luckily for Meng Yao, they have more than adequate plans to make up for their teasing once he gets home.
i’ve had no love like your love E, Modern AU, happy birthday jgy!3some, 9.2k It's Meng Yao's birthday, and after working all day, he travels to Nie Mingjue's place in a swiftly escalating winter storm, where a night of warm wine and even warmer company awaits... Nie Mingjue and a tipsy Lan Huan have a delightful plan in place on just how they can warm him up.
how could i ask for more E, Modern Genderbend AU, CNC Roleplay, 14.3k When Meng Yao and Nie Mingjue ask Lan Huan what she wants for her birthday, they strongly imply it can be a sexual favor. Lan Huan asks for so little in the bedroom; she always seems content to just join in whatever activities her girlfriends partake in and never makes specific requests for herself. Of course, when Lan Huan actually indulges their suggestion, the last thing they expect from her is a detailed, written fantasy that she hands to them with an entirely red face... But if such a thing is what Lan Huan wants, Meng Yao and Nie Mingjue will make sure to give her exactly what she's asking for. Written for Whumptober 2020, Theme No 6. PLEASE… (“Get it Out” | No More | “Stop, please”).
there’s a hole in my soul (can you fill it?) E, Modern AU, Hurt/Comfort & Panic Attacks, 6.2k Meng Yao and Nie Mingjue were exes... until Lan Xichen fell in love with both of them and they decided to set aside their differences for his sake. When they're all together, life is bliss--but Meng Yao's relationship with Nie Mingjue is strained at best, and he notices early on in this reconciliation that the only time Nie Mingjue seems willing to hold him or be affectionate with him is after they have sex. Meng Yao has learned that, on the rare nights and weekends when Lan Xichen is away and he needs affection, that having sex with Nie Mingjue is the quickest and easiest way to get it. Lan Xichen just so happens to be out of town after Meng Yao has a particularly bad day at work. He needs the comfort more than ever, but when he tries to get it from Nie Mingjue the only way he knows how, it doesn't go the way he plans.
in my arms you’re safe and sound T, Vampire AU, Hurt/Comfort & Feeding, 2.9k Jin Guangyao is a dhampir who is fully turned when his father accepts him into the family--but Jin Guangshan treats him terribly, and when Nie Mingjue begins to realize how far this mistreatment goes, he drags Jin Guangyao off for a conversation which quickly escalates into an emotional shouting match that results in Nie Mingjue deciding that Jin Guangyao needs to be removed from Carp Tower immediately. Lan Xichen finds them just in time for the three sworn brothers to head together back to Qinghe, where Lan Xichen personally discovers one of the many awful things Jin Guangshan has done to hurt Jin Guangyao.
how were we to know E, Canon Divergent, MAJOR HURT/comfort, 12.9k (check AO3 for warnings on this one!) After the Sunshot Campaign, Meng Yao took Lan Xichen's offer to come live with him in the Cloud Recesses, sparking the beginning of their romantic relationship--which in turn uncovered their individual romantic histories with Nie Mingjue, and led to a shared romantic present with him. In the years since, the three have been in love and quite happy with their shared arrangement. However, eventual grief lingered at the back of their thoughts; they all knew the effect the saber spirit was gradually having on Nie Mingjue's mind and on his temperament, causing more frequent and more violent outbursts... Though none of them could have guessed the particular sort of violence it would lead Nie Mingjue to commit one night alone with Meng Yao.
when you are lost and i am gone M, Canon Divergent, Character Death, 2k When Lan Xichen had received the letter from Meng Yao, he'd left the camp at once to meet him in the forest outside of Nightless City, but even still, he arrives a second too late to do anything but watch as one of his friends cuts down the other. a light on the other side M, Modern AU, JGY-centric, 2.6k As a child, Meng Yao had only ever met his father in passing, as he had a family of his own and wanted little to do with the child that resulted from his affair with Meng Yao's mother. But when Meng Shi passed away tragically, 13 year old Meng Yao was sent to live with his father, spending the rest of his teen years in a living hell until he was able to escape... A few years later, another affair and another tragedy brought infant Mo Xuanyu into the Jin household and Meng Yao returned to keep him safe from the fate he'd suffered himself. Life there is awful, though not nearly as bad as it was before, as Meng Yao spends most of his time alone caring for Mo Xuanyu. However, a few months into his return, Meng Yao is presented with a unique opportunity when, late one night, he finds Jin Guangshan collapsed on the floor of his office.
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17 or 48, both together, or just one, or whatever you want if they haven't already been requested, NSFW I guess if you don't have any problem with it. I wanted to add, in honor of Tom wearing glasses: for some reason, any silly reason or plot device you need, that makes Peter have to wear glasses, and MJ freaks out about it finding she's especially very attracted to him wearing glasses. You're super awesome btw!!!!
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Thank you so much for these requests, Anons! As 48 and 17 were requested together more than once, I have included both prompts in this fic. And it’s NSFW (if you’re a perv, I’m a perv, Anon #3). And Peter wears glasses (feel free to determine the level of silliness of my reasoning for them, Anon #1 haha). Extra thanks to you, Anon #1, for your kind words! Hope you all enjoy!
This Spa Day Provided to You by Stark IndustriesPairing: Peter Parker x Michelle Jones (Spideychelle)Rating: E/NSFWWord count: 3752
17. “I know what I want, when I want it. So get over here.”
48. “If you want to get me naked, you’ll have to convince me it’ll be worth my time.”
Peter sighed into the phone.
“When I said the decathlon team really needs to relax beforeour next competition, that was just me complaining! I wasn’t asking you tospend money on us!”
“Yes, but that’s the beauty of being Tony Stark’s favouriteintern―”
“―only intern,” Peter mumbled.
“―I solve your problems before you even realize they needsolving.”
“I did realize,”he argued, flinging himself down onto his bed.
“And you weren’t going to do anything about it besidescomplain? That’s not very ‘Earth’s Mightiest Heroes’ of you, kid.”
“I… had some thoughts,” Peter said defensively.
“Such as?”
“Puppy room?”
“Like you rent puppies to help your pals cope with pre-competitionstress, is that the definition of ‘puppy room’ we’re working from?” Mr. Starkchecked. “Meaning you have puppies brought into your school, meaning you exposethose halls of learning to the evils of… what’s it called? Pet dander! Becausethere’s always one kid, Pete, always that one kid who’s allergic to puppies andspoils things for everyone else. And then, gee, it’s not the puppy’s fault, butnow there’s sneezing and itching and throats swelling shut, an ambulance iscalled to cart poor Timmy off to the hospital, and in the meantime, the puppieshave peed and ralphed all over the floor, thereby causing more stress than whatexisted to begin with! Then, of course, you’re blamed for the whole thingbecause it was your idea, probably kicked off the team, definitely sociallyostracized, and always left wondering, ‘Was it worth it?’”
There was a long pause.
“What happens to Timmy?” Peter wondered.
“Oh, they couldn’t save him. Anyway, doesn’t a spa day soundmore peaceful than all that?”
“Only because you turned the puppy room into some kind ofhorror movie epidemic.”
“It was a rhetorical question, since the obvious answer,”Mr. Stark informed him, “is a simple ‘yes.’ By the way, why am I having to sellthis to you so hard when I’m the one who paid for it?”
“That one’s gotta be rhetorical,” Peter said, but his mentorhad already hung up.
“So, there’s, like, a sauna, a pool and hot tubs, or you canget a massage, or―”
“Living in a luxurious, fluffy spa robe for a day isbasically my dream,” Ned declared, interrupting Peter.
With a glance around the room, Peter saw that most of histeammates seemed to be thinking along the same lines as Ned, expressionssmiling and full of relief. Most of them. MJ was frowning.
“Have we done research on this place?” she asked. “When wasits last health inspection? How regularly do they test the chemical compositionof the pool water? Have there been any reported cases of―”
“It’s fine,” Peter assured her. “Mr. Stark goes there allthe time. Actually, I think he might own it…”
“And there’s never been a negligent billionaire businessowner with his fingers in so many pies that he lets standards slip at one ofhis investments,” MJ replied sarcastically.
He didn’t know where to start grappling with that, but hismouth hung open, waiting for his brain to fill it with an intelligent yetsensitive response.
“Yeah, but, MJ―” Flash jumped in.
“Michelle to you,” she corrected flatly.
“―free massages!” He raised his eyebrows like she was anidiot for having any misgivings in the face of complimentary spa treatments.
MJ rolled her eyes.
“Fine, we can focus on that, in which case, I have questionsabout the staff’s training, techniques―”
“Are you serious?” Peter said, accidentally out loud. Dumbquestion; his girlfriend was always serious.
She gave him a fixed stare.
“I’d like the person who massages me to know what they’redoing. If you want to get me naked, you’ll have to convince me it’ll be worthmy time.”
He felt the heat seeping up his neck into his face.
“I don’t want… N-notme personally…”
“I’ll do some research before we go,” Betty cheerfullyvolunteered. Peter smiled gratefully at her as she turned to face MJ, uncappingher pen and holding it poised over a pad of paper. “What were your concernsagain?”
“Happy thoughts,” Ned instructed as Peter cradled hisforehead in his hand, rattled. “Fluffy, fluffy robes.”
“Yeah,” he agreed, tone striving for levity. “Robes. Right.”
What he was really thinking about was how much trouble hewas in. If MJ was this brazen in front of their friends, how was he supposed tohang out with her at the spa? Sure, they’d found enough opportunities sincethey’d started dating to make it to second base, but actually seeing her in abathing suit was a whole different thing! The robes were Ned’s idea of acalming thought, but what did people wear underneath them? Nothing! Picturinghim and MJ in matching robes was therefore not a very calming thought.
This spa day was going to kill him.
“What’s next on your itinerary?” Peter asked distractedly,leaning against one of the large lockers in the men’s changing room. It wasuncanny, being in a room full of lockers without even the faintest odour offoot sweat―this spa was a distinct step up from the locker room at school.
“Couples facial with Betty,” Ned replied happily.
Peter frowned.
“That’s a thing?”
“Yes, Peter,” Ned sighed, exasperated. “Maybe you should’vespent your time doing a more thorough scan of the veritable smorgasbord oftreatments instead of concentrating on avoiding MJ.”
Peter jerked away from the locker.
“What? Avoiding her?” He shifted his feet.
Ned sighed again.
“You can’t hide in the changing room all day.”
“I haven’t been!”
“Every time I come back here to get my water or change into swimtrunks, you’re here.”
“We’re obviously very in sync,” Peter insisted. “And I wasjust leaving.”
Ned folded his arms and stared his best friend down.
“Uh huh.”
“I am! I’m going… swimming.”
“With your shoes on,” Ned checked, glancing down to Peter’ssneakers.
“I don’t want to contract a foot fungus. Better safe thansorry.”
“Can you even get a foot fungus?” Ned asked, lowering hisvoice and leaning closer for increased discretion. “Wouldn’t yoursuper-spider-ness protect you from something like that? Wouldn’t seem right ifyou could avoid supernatural attacks only to be felled by a foot fungus. Orwould it―”
“Bye, Ned,” Peter interrupted, and exited the room.
He did actually have his bathing suit on underneath therobe―Ned had been adamant about the robe-wearing―so he might as well headtowards the pool. Following the scent of chlorine, Peter turned down a quiethallway, lined with doors on both sides.
He could swim for hours if he had to. Just until―oh man, hewas totally avoiding MJ. He’d only seen her for about two seconds today afterthey’d arrived. Being gifted a spa day by Iron Man wasn’t the same as astandard field trip, so the team had had to make their own way here. (Peterwasn’t going to remind Mr. Stark that he’d blanked on providing transportationin luxury cars; Pepper would take care of that.) Too chicken to even sit nextto his girlfriend in the back seat of a car, Peter had waited until Abe offeredto pick up Flash, Cindy, and MJ before assuring a few of the others that hisaunt would be happy to give rides as well. This was pathetic.
Peter went to brush his hair back anxiously and bumped thecorner of his glasses, unused to them. Disoriented, he stopped walking tosettle them back into their proper position on his face. His arms tingled as helowered his hands and Peter became tense and alert. Quickly glancing around, henoticed that the door at the end of the hall was ajar. He flattened his back tothe wall and crept hurriedly and silently towards it.
The hairs on his arms were completely standing up once hewas right outside the door, so Peter pushed it open and darted inside, shiftingto a defensive posture and pulling the door closed behind him―one less escaperoute for whoever or whatever was in here with him. Besides the soothing soundtrackof wind chimes by the ocean.
Beyond the massage table dominating the space, a door at therear of the room opened and out stepped MJ, head down, tying a robe identicalto Peter’s. It was suddenly difficult to swallow.
She looked up and gasped, then sighed, hand to her chest.
“What the hell, Peter?”
“S-sorry,” he blurted, straightening up. “I thought… therewas something…”
Peter studied his arms, confused. He’d believed that extraSpidey sense was just, like, a space donut alert system. Now it was an MJfinder? He guessed he had been thinking about her a lot lately. Possibly, theconscious fixation plus theunconscious longing that had her appearing in his dreams most nights hadtriggered some kind of biological recalibration, thereby setting the sense toprepare for hormones instead of intergalactic battle. The potential science ofit was pretty cool and Peter tried to think about that in order to maintain hisrapidly failing composure.
MJ flipped her trapped hair out of the neck of her robe. Holyshit.
“I’m still not used to the glasses,” she said, approachinghim and sounding enviably calm. “Are you self-conscious about them? Is that whyI’ve barely seen you today?”
“No, I’m not… I’m not self-conscious,” he choked out.Clearing his throat, he continued. This was a safe topic which would aid him withnot stare at her legs below the hem of the knee-length robe. “They help my eyesrelax. Dampen stimuli. Kinda like those old black goggles I had. The ones Ishowed you―”
“―when we were in your bedroom.”
Abort. That was not a neutral memory. He revisited it―ohboy, did he revisit it―but only in private, in bed at night. Sometimes in theshower. His pulse pounded unmistakeably in his groin.
“Yeah,” Peter agreed weakly. “Then.”
“I like the glasses.”
“You do?”
MJ stopped in front of him and Peter imagined the feel ofher robe’s tie in his hand as he pulled it free of the loops. It was so easy topicture.
“Mhmm, you look… They just make you look more…”
Peter caught her eye and noticed something. She wasflustered. While MJ searched for whatever she wanted to say, she shoved her handsinto the pockets of her robe; it strained the tie, slackening the fold offabric across her body to expose a larger V of her neck and chest. Petergestured awkwardly at the bared skin, then reached out, intending to fix it forher. (The swelling in his swim trunks pleaded for him to yank the materialapart.) Her hand collided with his as she went to do the same thing.
“…sexy,” MJ concluded.
Peter’s fingers slid across her skin until his palm was flaton her chest, then he brought his other hand to the back of her neck and kissedher. They held each other with shaky hands, nervous and giddy. Everything withher was still brand new. Internally, Peter felt like he was inside one of thosepaint can agitators at the hardware store―the kind that he’d seen when May hadpicked a new colour for the kitchen and dragged him along to pack-mule the cansto and from the car―but his lips were becoming more certain against MJ’s. Andhis dick was really committing to this erection, thickening with every passingsecond.
Peter was getting lost, unable to tell how theirclosed-mouth kiss had opened up to allow their tongues to meet and tangle. MJmoaned softly and he wrapped both arms around her with urgency. He wondered ifhis glasses were fogging up, like the windows in steamy movie scenes; he didn’topen his eyes to check.
Touching his face in a way that felt more profoundlyintimate than what seemed possible for the length of their relationship so far,she pressed her body closer. Oh god. Snatching a shallow breath between kisses,Peter let his hand tumble from her neck, sweeping unevenly across the plushstretch of her robe and resting on the small of her back. He didn’t push her―wouldn’t push her―just braced herlightly as his hips rolled forward. MJ gasped, tenderly tracing his earlobewith a fingertip.
Peter tilted his head forward until his forehead and hersseemed to support each other. He listened to his thumping heart, a steady bassto balance those tinkling wind chime noises. The natural ambiance of MJ’sragged breathing was magical. But everything was moving so fast. They weren’tsupposed to get this! A parental figure should have been interrupting rightabout now, or a ringing phone. A pizza delivery guy maybe.
Uncertainly, Peter took a step back, hands still on MJ’swaist. She wrapped hers around his and he opened his eyes to see her face.
“Stark booked this whole place for us, right?”
Oh, they were talking about Mr. Stark now. Peter was thrownby his girlfriend’s lack of transition. She always did like to get to thepoint, not waste words. He jiggled the corner of his glasses.
“All day?”
“Yeah,” Peter answered with more conviction, focusing now.
“Well, then there’s no one else coming to use this room,”she informed him. “I went through the team’s treatment schedules myself.”
Just when he’d thought he was getting the gist of thisconversation.
“You’re saying…”
“I’m saying I really like the glasses.”
Yeah, her eyes were saying a lot more than that. What wasgoing on in there was much easier for Peter to follow. Like the absoluteawareness while MJ let go of his hand to draw her wavy hair forward over oneshoulder; she knew what she was doing to him. Were spa robes any good atconcealing erections? He was curious.
To give himself a second of clear thinking (which in itselfmight be wishful thinking), Peter released her waist, arms hanging at hissides.
“Are you sure?” he checked.
She rolled her eyes, but the corner of her mouth had flickedup.
“I know what I want, when I want it. So get over here.”
Rather than going to her, Peter took a deep breath andbrought her to him, guiding MJ by her hips. Before he could kiss her, she put ahand to his chest.
“Just for now,” she assured him, and plucked his glassesfrom his face.
Folding the legs in carefully, MJ set them on a counter nextto an orderly line of jars. All Peter could think about was being able to kissher more roughly without worrying about his glasses getting in the way; hedecided to make a move based on the likeliness of her thinking the same thing. Hecupped her face, touching his mouth lightly to hers only momentarily, thendiving in with a firmer pressure.
There wasn’t a clear path in his mind, but he directed MJanyway, steering her by the hand on her hip while they kissed, until the solidspa table halted them. Her lips parted as though the minor impact had sent ashockwave through her body and Peter stepped right into her space, tongueteasing the inside of her lip. Incredibly (to him), his hips weren’t shyagainst hers, pressing flush, as much as the thickness of theirever-more-irritating robes would allow.
His eyelashes fluttered on her cheek as he barely opened hiseyes.
“Did they massage you?” Peter asked quietly. The room wasvery still. Seemed like the wind chimes must have run out of breeze.
MJ’s legs shifted against his, thighs parting provocatively.
“Not everywhere.”
With a groan, he squeezed her hips, not really helping asshe perched, then wiggled onto the table. MJ continued spreading her legs soPeter could come closer and his hands skipped down to her thighs, smoothing upher skin as the fabric drew apart. He almost forgot about kissing, gaze slidingdown her body, but MJ grabbed his jaw and leaned forward, initiating somethingfiery. It made his hips jerk ahead and his fingers clenched on her legs. MJ’sother hand found the tie of his robe and quickly worked past that barrier, thenthe next―which was the tie on his swim shorts. Peter inhaled a rapid doublegasp, experiencing the wonder of her hand wrapping tentatively around hiserection. More securely after his slow moan.
He broke away from the kiss, nosing languidly below her jawand down her neck as he pushed his hands to her hips. Hypothesis confirmed: peopledid not wear anything beneath those robes. Or at least MJ didn’t. Peter shapedhis hands to the front of her hips, thumbs settling into the warm crease at thetop of her thighs where the band of her underwear would’ve been. She wasstroking him now, stoking his own heat with the warmth of her palm, and he lethis thumbs descend until he could feel her pulse thumping resolutely. By then,his hands were between her legs, covering everything but the place he waslonging to touch; Peter skated one thumb towards the middle and it was slickedwith her arousal.
MJ was breathing heavily, nudging herself against his hand,so he rotated his wrist and slipped his fingers along the track of her wetness.She shuddered, rolling her fingers against his length. Peter gave her throat awet kiss. When she tilted her hips, lifting them slightly like she wassearching for something, he made sure they came back down on his fingers,easing one inside her.
“Peter,” she said,fast and sharp, and jerked her hips forward with the same desperate haste.
He released MJ’s hip with his other hand to reach into hisswim suit and tighten her grip around him, his hand over hers. Then, Petercurled the finger he had inside her, probing gently as he got his bearings.Cautiously, darting a look up at her face, he added a second finger. She made asoft, contented sound and rocked so that his fingers sunk deeper. Peter’s hipsbucked reflexively and she gave him a short pump, his hand tense on the back ofhers.
Wetting his lip with his tongue in concentration, he hookedhis fingers more insistently, tapping her taut front wall. MJ groaned, tooloose to produce an “oh.” Peter dug in, repeating the motion she’d enjoyed, andpushed his thumb against her clit. A hissing, sucked in breath from hisgirlfriend had him feeling tingly all over―seriously, his super-senses weregoing to be even more goofed up after this. Something in him had realigned,attuning him to MJ.
He worked his fingers faster, moving with her when shecouldn’t sit still. Actually, Peter started to worry that MJ was going to falloff the massage table because she kept scooting forward, so he encouraged herto lie down, gasping as her hand disengaged from his dick. Watching hisgirlfriend on her back, he forgot about missing her grasp; her neck arched whenhe rubbed her clit in a circle and every time he thrust his fingers intoher―sneaking a look to witness them emerging glossy―she thrust the opposite wayto take them, slackening the wrap of the robe until its V stretched nearly toher waist.
Peter was fantasizing about crawling on top of MJ (only fantasizing for now because theyhadn’t really talk about that yet and he certainly didn’t have a condom at theready in the fluffy depths of his spa robe’s pocket), yearning to drag hisfingers out and plunge his cock in. He was grinning, hot and hazy in his dirtydaydream, fingers wrapped around himself while he continued to, well, massageher. The word would never be the same for him.
“Mmm, god,” shesaid, legs twitching where they hung off the edge of the table.
Hearing himself faintly echoing her less distinct butequally impassioned noises, Peter was almost living her pleasure. He kneadedher clit, bent and scooped his fingers frantically within her. MJ came with anextended moan, muffled because she pressed her lips shut, and Peter swallowedthickly like he was consuming the sound.
He removed one hand from his trunks (erection still throbbing),the other from his girlfriend’s body. Panting, Peter retied the string (wipinghis fingers on his bathing suit while he was at it), then the wider band of hisrobe, not taking his eyes off her. Body limp, MJ ran a hand across her face. Hewas mesmerized just watching her breathe.
“Help me up,” she said, voice thick and altered.
She pulled the robe closed and reached out her hands forhis, which Peter eagerly provided. Their eyes met with a sly shyness once theirfaces were level. After a minute, MJ rolled her eyes and grabbed Peter’s neck, bringinghim into a kiss. She sighed against his cheek when they leaned apart.
“You wanna trade places?” she asked as she lifted her head.Her hand went to his robe’s tie, giving a gentle tug.
Peter laughed, heart beating hard.
“Yeah, I really wantto, but Ned’s going to expect to see me at the pool after his facial.”
MJ frowned and her playfully disappointed eyes made him wantto stay that much more. Glancing at her watch―the only thing she wore, besidesthe robe―she shrugged.
“I have to meet Cindy for pedicures anyway.” They exchangedwistful smiles. He couldn’t make himself turn away, let alone walk to the door.“I’m good, Peter,” MJ said. “You should sneak out of here first. Lesssuspicious that way.”
He hesitated another few seconds, then stepped back with anod.
“Ok, but I’ll see you later. Promise,” he added when sheraised doubtful eyebrows.
Peter grabbed his glasses from the counter and put them on,comfortably dampening his vision. He glanced back at MJ on his way to the door.
“Seriously, dork, get out of here,” she urged. “Thoseglasses are testing my restraint.”
Face turning pink, Peter shot her a smile and crept warilyinto the hallway. He closed the door quietly behind him, glancing back andforth as he adjusted the overlapping fabric in front of his hips.
“Hope the pool’s cold,” Peter muttered, heading there forthe second time and wondering how many laps it was going to take to put himselfback in control of his own body.
Assuming that was possible.
Well, it was another hypothesis to test.
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araminia16 · 5 years
Slow Growth (C4)
Chapter 3
Keyleth felt too exhausted both mentally and physically to do much more than soak in the bath as she contemplated everything that had happened in the past few days.
The victory of Raishan’s demise, the way she had taken the one thing the dragon prided so much and ground it into dust. As brilliant and cunning as she constantly reminded everyone she was the green dragon had died an idiot. No smarter than the lowest of the animals she looked down upon. Keyleth still hadn’t believed it worked.
Percy’s still form flashed in her mind, the way his innards spilled out of his belly onto the floor and the blood soaked into his coat and armor. The horror of it still gripped her heart coldly. And Scanlan. How Vax held him close on their way back, the ritual...and their travel to Vasselheim to bury the ashes of Senokir’s wife in the Abundant Terrace to honor her. The moral dilemma she faced with the Spire of Conflux. Still a little guilty about that one.
Scanlan’s awakening and the way he tore into them as if they didn’t love him like family. The way he abandoned them. Were they such awful people?
Especially so after meeting Taryon Darrington. She didn’t even know how to begin to dissect that man though his calling Vex a little elf girl certainly didn’t help him at all but his initiation was a bit fun in the end so that had to count for something.
Keyleth let the water around her cool and didn’t bother to try to heat it up again so instead rose up and used a towel to dry and a robe around her body after she dressed.
As she walked down the hall toward her room a strange noise caught her attention and she, despite her better judgement, followed it.
“Percy!” Vex’s voice echoed from a mostly open doorway. Low light flickered in the dark hallway and she approached carefully even though a little voice in her head warned her otherwise.
She wasn’t prepared for the sight that greeted her. Not at all.
Vex was naked but faced away from Keyleth’s gaze with her long hair unbound in waves down her back, her rounded bottom held by strong pale hands on either side. The young druid’s cheeks warmed as her gaze locked on exactly what they were doing. Vex sat with her knees parted on either side of Percy’s shoulders with her...parts situated over what looked like Percy’s mouth. Her friend seemed not to mind it in the least bit either.
His chest and arms pale and gleamed with lean muscle in the low light and Keyleth stared agape at the thin sheet covering his lower half with a sizable rise near the middle.
“Gods. Percy. There. You’re doing so well. Good boy.” Vex moaned out as she rolled her hips and Keyleth spotted the way her knuckles flashed white while she dug fingers into the headboard with stuttered breaths.
Percy, muffled, moaned and shifted under her as his hands tightened and Vex gave another cry, higher pitched, faster….
Keyleth came back to herself and stumbled back from the doorway breathless and heart racing, pounding in her chest. She could hear them still as Vex cried out his name again in the longest keen yet.
Keyleth couldn’t breathe and she was sure her face would catch flame any moment now. Her lower belly felt strange. Warmer than it ever had before and as if there was a pulse there she wasn’t aware of until just now. Between her thighs where usually she felt a pleasant warmth now it throbbed and burned and she thought of Vax. Then of the noises she had never heard before from Vex and the...thing they did. She thought Scanlan might have mentioned something about eating before. Did people really put their mouths there? Vex seemed to enjoy it.
Another flash of mortification pulsed through her as she fled to her room but stopped before she entered. Her face still felt too hot and her skin tingled strangely. Vax would know something was wrong. She couldn’t bear the idea of telling him what she had seen between Percy and his sister. No. Not going to happen. Maybe she would take a walk. A cool walk to calm down. And erase the images in her mind. What she wouldn’t give for a Modify Memory spell from...oh now she was sad.
“Kiki? What are you doing out here?”
She hadn’t heard him. Of course she hadn’t and now she was sad and felt funny and she didn’t know what to do. “Oh. Vax. Hey. Um. I’m just standing here outside our room for no reason at all.”
“I can see that. Did you get lost then?”
“No. Umm. I didn’t.”
His gaze narrowed on her, “What’s happened?”
“N-nothing. Nothing’s happened. I have no idea what you’re talking about. I just had a bath is all. Didn’t see anything or hear anything at all.” That wasn’t suspicious at all. He would totally see right through her. Her blush returned with a vengeance as her mind supplied visuals she could do without.
“Uh-huh. Well how about you come to bed then?”
“Sure. I can do that.” Keyleth nodded and let him bring her into the room.
Vax stared at her for a while longer. The redness to freckled cheeks, and the way she looked everywhere but at him made him want to go through the halls and find exactly what she hadn’t seen but he thought better of it. Instead he ushered her to sit on the bed while he fetched a comb and settled behind her to groom her shortened hair.
It was a sore spot of hers since it happened and he continued to look for bad ends to cut from her hair. The burns had healed up nearly without scarring much to their relief. At least he hadn’t been awake when she had fallen into the lava. He might have fainted from the sight and smell of her burning flesh.
“You don’t have to.”
“I want to. Let me take care of you, Kiki.”
“You’re sure you like it this way? It was so pretty when you braided it from before.”
“I’ll cut my own hair so we can match if you’d like.”
Keyleth jerked the comb from his grasp as she whipped around with a look of horror, “No. You can’t.”
Vax chuckled and kissed the tip of her nose before he turned her back around and continued his work on her short hair. “Well then stop saying such ridiculous things or I will. I like you. Love you even and I don’t care how long your hair is. I can still play with it.”
Keyleth smiled as he ran his fingers through the trimmed waves and skittered his fingers down her back after he finished. Another image of pale hands, strong and steady, flashed through her and she shifted in her seat while she imagined Vax’s hands instead. They were different, his fingers longer than Percy’s. She wondered how they would feel on her in that way.
“Copper for your thoughts.”
The whispered words caressed her sensitive ears while she was pulled from her fantasy when she gasped with reddened cheeks but didn’t answer and instead wrung fingers together.
“Alright. What do you think of our newest temporary member?” She obviously didn’t feel like talking about it and so he decided not to push the matter yet but the curiosity burned still within.
“He’s not Scanlan.” She mumbled out.
“Definitely not Scanlan.”
“Do you think he’ll be back?” Keyleth twisted a little length of hair in front of her ear nervously.
“I think he will. He just needs time.” Vax set down the comb and pulled her back to his chest to sit on his lap. “So. Are we really going to finish this quest of yours? Finally?”
“Yeah.” She nodded with more confidence than she truly felt.
He wrapped his arms around her middle and rested his forehead on her back. “Good.” He grinned. “At least it won’t be a dragon. I’ve had enough of those to last me a lifetime.”
“Me too.”
“You’ll do amazing at whatever trial they give you. You know that, right?”
“As long as I have you all with me, sure.”
“Even without us.” He kissed her back through the shirt and nuzzled his nose up to her neck and placed a chaste kiss just below her hairline. A shiver passed through her while goosebumps erupted on her back and arms. Vax only grinned and did it again. This time she breathed out a small laugh, then he did it again and again until she squealed with laughter and struggled to break his grasp but he held on just long enough to have her nearly out of breath. “Feel better?” He chuckled as she recovered on her side away from him.
“That was not nice.” But she did feel better and back to normal. The embarrassment at accidentally witnessed intimacy faded with his playful nature.
“I thought it was plenty nice. I could have done much worse than kiss you.”
Keyleth opened her mouth to answer before she blushed again and bit her lip. “I guess.” Is what she finally breathed out while he hopped up to use the adjacent washroom and lavatory sort of thing in the small room next to theirs. When he came back to bed she had the covers pulled up to her chin like always and he slid next to her. His body fit perfectly next to hers as the exhaustion caught up with the both of them to recover for the next days ahead.\
Chapter 5
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peggyshippenarnold · 7 years
100 asks oh boy
I was tagged by @sewingamerica​
Meaning behind my URL: It’s her name, I was not being particularly creative when I made her.
A picture of me: Pass.
How many tattoos i have and what they are: None, but I’ve got one picked out, I just need to actually get it. 
Last time i cried and why: A couple of days ago, we watched Disney’s Tarzan, and little old adopted me loses my shit every time I watch it. 
Favorite band: Great Big Sea, now and forever
Biggest turn offs:  Elitism.  I despise people who think they’re better than others for stupid reasons. 
Top 5 (insert subject): I’m picking serial killers, because I find them fascinating.  Richard Ramirez, Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, David Berkowitz and The Zodiac Killer
Tattoos i want: My cat is named after an Egyptian Pharaoh named Akhenaten, and I want to get the cartouche of his name in honor of him. 
Biggest turn ons: Casual touching.  I’m a very tactile person and when someone I care about touches me while we’re talking...it just gets me going. 
Age: 27
Ideas of a perfect date: Something simple, getting coffee and going for a walk or just finding a place to sit and talk, I love that sort of thing. 
Life goal: I just want to stable.  I want to be able to provide a good and comfortable life for my family. 
Piercings i want: I’ve already got two in each ear and my nose pierced, that’s all I need.
Relationship status: Single
Favorite movie: In the Heart of the Sea, I can’t count how many times I’ve see it since it came out.
A fact about my life:  I’m technically a professional figure skater.  I was never all that good or anything, but I had to file for professional status to be able to get paid for the choreography I was doing.
Phobia: Clowns. I’ve been terrified of them since early childhood and it’s never faded.
Height: 5'3"
Are you a virgin?  Ha. No, and if you know me, you know that story.
What is your shoe size?  8H
What’s your sexual orientation? Straight
Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs?  I drink on occasion, I love a good glass of wine, but I don’t do it much.
Someone you miss: My mother.  We’re close, but I live in another city and we don’t see each other as much as we used to.
What’s one thing you regret?  Trying to be more grown up than I actually was and missing out on a big chunk of my teenage years. 
First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive: Alexander Skarsgard 
Favorite ice cream?  There’s this place in my town called “King Cone” and they make their own ice cream and it’s the best place in the world. 
One insecurity: My hair, I always used to get made fun of because of it and that’s hard to get past, even as an adult.
What my last text message says:  “Are you okay with picking us up whenever you’re done?” 
Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex? Oh yeah, one does want to experiment a bit. 
Have you ever slept naked?  Yeah, in a bathtub after a night of drinking.  I don’t recommend it
Have you ever stole money from a friend?  No
Have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met?  Yes. I don’t recommend that either. 
Have you ever been in a fist fight?  Just with the cat, and it was him smacking me in my sleep and me accidentally back-handing him off the bed. 
Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?  Has anyone ever not had this happen? It’s like Liam Neeson doesn’t even know I exist...
Have you ever been arrested?  No
Have you ever made out with a stranger?  Yes
Have you ever laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?  All the time
Have you ever been lonely?  Yes
Have you ever been to a club?  Yes
Have you ever felt an earthquake?  No, but I just barely missed a massive one when I left Peru
Have you ever touched a snake?  Yes.
Have you ever ran a red light?  Yes, but it was late at night and I stopped and then went, essentially I treated it like a stop sign instead of a red light, no one else was around. 
Have you ever been in a car accident?   Yes, but it wasn’t serious, thankfully.
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? Oh yeah. 
Have you ever sang karaoke? Never.
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t?   Constantly.
Have you. ever laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? Yes.
Have you ever slept with someone at least 5 years older or younger?   Yep. He was 10 years older, but it felt right in the moment.
Have you ever dreamed that you married someone?   Yes.
Have you ever got your tongue stuck to a flag pole?  No
Have you ever gone to school partially naked?  No
Have you ever brushed your teeth?   Um...yeah, multiple times a day.
Have you ever been too scared to watch scary movies alone?  No way, that’s the best way to watch them.
Have you ever been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?  Never.
Have you ever been told you’re hot by a complete stranger?  Yeah, at Walmart the other day, and the guy was super sweet about it, actually.
Have you ever broken a bone?  A couple of toes, and I smashed the ever-loving hell out of my thumb, to the point it was just bone fragments in there.
Have you ever been easily amused? Always.
Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?  Of course.  My best friend and I laugh so hard every time we get together and read the “Carrot Facts” Twitter.
Have you ever mooned/flashed someone?  Yes.
Have you ever forgotten someone’s name?   Yes.
Give us one thing about you that no one knows: I bit my toenails until I was like...15.
What was your last dream?  I honestly don’t remember...
Would you be up for interplanetary travel if it was a thing?  I couldn’t, I have blood that can’t even handle high altitude, let alone space.
If you could travel back in time, where would you go? Ancient Egypt, for sure.
Do you dread doctor visits or do they not bother you? It depends on which doctor it is.
Favorite fashion decade of the twentieth century? The 50′s! I loved their style, but would never go there, because I’m half black and that’s the last thing I need to deal with. 
Are you wearing nail polish and if so, what color? Nope.
Are you into working out or no? Not at all.
Do you have a temper?  Oh yeah! 
Do you have one item you treat yourself with, if so, what is it?  Ice cream
Do you eat meat?  Yes
If yes, how do you like it cooked?  Medium-Well
Ever had a boss or a teacher you absolutely hated?  Yeah, my job right after high school, he was the worst and super gross.
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?  Coffee.
Do you wear makeup?  Yep, but usually just eyeliner and mascara
If you wear perfume, what’s your scent type/favorite fragrance?  I don’t even know if they still make it, but I always loved Music by Gwen Stefani
Do you have a girl crush?  Of course. 
Candles, wax melts, or incense?  Wax melts
Favorite season of the year?  Fall
Fanfic—do you prefer smut or fluff?   Fluff
Do you like taking selfies?  No, but I try to when I occasionally look half-way decent.
Do you want children? Why not? Um...I feel as though that ship has sailed.
Do you prefer lots of friends or just a few good friends?  A few good ones
Introvert or extrovert, or a mixture of both?  Introvert
Ocean/beach or mountains?  Beach
Morning person or night person?  Night.
Do you initiate conversations with strangers?  No.
Milk or dark chocolate?  It depends on the day, but usually milk.
What do you post on your blog?  RP stuff
Is it hard for you to apologize when you’re in the wrong?   Not at all
Love at first sight? Of course.
Best/funniest Halloween memory?  I went as Brian Orser for Halloween, no one knew who I was except my close friends, but it was a blast. 
Did your first crush work out or was it unrequited?  Unrequited.
Do you like old movies—and by old, I mean OLD old?  Only old horror movies.
Do you tan or burn?  Tan
Do you think people deserve second chances? Yes.
What animal would be cutest if scaled down to the size of a cat?   Elephants, I’d own a whole herd
Do you have any weird food likes/dislikes? When I was pregnant my favorite food was Strawberry ice cream with crushed up peanutbutter cups and I still like it.
What’s the funniest real person’s name you’ve ever heard? I live in Wisconsin, everyone, myself included, has crazy, long German last names. 
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