#you know who I think he has good chemistry with??
outlanderskin · 19 hours
Every time I see a picture of or clip of Sam with Caitriona, I see him with the woman in London. I can’t erase that. Maybe it was the hand holding? I don’t know. His appeal has gone downhill considerably. Not because he’s dating, it’s who. And walking down the street flaunting. She certainly wasn’t going to be missed by any passerby’s. Not the best judgement me thinks.
Dear Anon, Do you believe this paparazzi walk was a real thing?
Should we then consider that everything Caitríona and others said about him are big lies?
Shall we remember some of these lines? Let's go
"We're both going through the same experience, so that's great, we both really understand that. I hope I’m as good support as he is to me.”
"Sam's just so kind.  He always checks in.  I don't know, he has one of the biggest hearts and smallest egos that I know."
“Sam was cast in June, so he was already, you know working out, building those big muscles he has. I walked in and Sam was just this calm center and there was zero posturing, zero ego."
“We have a similar approach to life and a similar approach to acting and it just works. Sometimes you just get lucky. Sometimes the stars align. ”
" When I first met Sam at our chemistry test, which I always think is quite funny, he was the nicest guy and he just put me at ease. I was a little nervous and he's just that kind of solid, grounded guy".
" From the moment we met, we got along. Sam is one of the most generous people you’ll ever meet. Such a great guy, no ego involved.”
"You know, I’ve had the honor and privilege of acting next to him and with him for almost 10 years now, and I know how amazing Sam is…”
Or should we ask Priyanka Chopra Jonas?
"He’s such a fun and funny guy, and he’s nice. For someone who’s a Sam fan, they’d be really excited to know that he doesn’t just play a good guy in this movie, he’s a really, really good guy, a complete gentleman and super thoughtful as a co-actor as well"
I won't name other co-stars, but it's easy to find on the Web what people close to him say about him. Another important point to consider: the woman who most publicly praises him (aka Caitríona Balfe) is a feminist (like me). And normally women like us don't become (or stay) friends with men who treat other women like dirt, firstly because we can't stand toxic masculinity and secondly because they can't stand our questioning about their attitudes. So, does it make sense to you that this Sam mentioned above is the same one from Pap Walk?
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lemotmo · 2 days
Episode 7x10 - some thoughts and observations
All right, I’ve just seen episode 7x10. Here are some of my thoughts about it:
Let me just start with this:
It was an okay episode, but it didn’t feel like a finale at all. I have to admit that I expected to be blown away by the Bobby, Hen and Eddie storylines. I expected to be emotionally devastated by their plight, but that never happened. The episode is over now and I’m just ‘meh’ about it. I’m going to say it… it felt just as lackluster as the season 6 finale. In fact, there were some parts of the season 6 finale I liked better than this one. And that is saying a lot.
Here are some of my observations:
1. Bobby’s storyline was strange. He had a major cardiac arrest and 3 days later he just wakes up as if nothing had happened. Even weirder, a day later he is just walking around his burnt out house as if nothing had happened? He seemed healthier than before. I know it’s only a show, but they couldn’t have just shown us him recovering in hospital?
2. What was Athena doing playing vigilante? How is it that she is still on the police force? She just went over to a man’s house and threatened to kill him because she ‘suspected’ he tried to kill her husband. She should be under investigation or something. But because she saved Amir, it’s all okay suddenly?
3. I loved Eddie’s storyline the most. I actually didn’t mind his parents at all. I’m glad they stepped in. Both Eddie and Chris need time. I expected something like that was going to happen. They were kind about it and I do believe them when they said that Chris asked to come stay with them for a while.
The scenes between Buck and Eddie in the beginning and the scenes between Buck and Chris, Eddie and Chris at the end were the very best of the episode. These scenes made me feel ‘something real’. I cried so hard when Chris left. Give Ryan all the awards please!
The Buddie of it all was beautiful. I love how Buck is always there for Eddie and how he gets him through and through. The fact that he was there when Chris left was incredible. I expect to see more of their deep connection in season 8.
I think season 8 will be perfect for Buddie’s bond to grow even deeper. Eddie will be alone, he’ll feel isolated, but Buck will certainly be there for him. It was all there in that last scene between Buck and Eddie at the firehouse. The way Buck is always looking at Eddie, trying to see how he is feeling, trying to be there for him. I love this connection they have. It feels real and true.
4. Which leads me to that very strange Buck and Tommy scene. The lack of chemistry is still there, that really hasn't changed. This was supposed to be a cute date, but there is 'nothing' there. Lou’s acting is just not ‘it’. I’m sorry to the people who like him, but he simply isn’t a very good actor. Oliver did what he could to save that scene, but ultimately it didn't convince me and I highly doubt this will convince the general audience.
It's one of those scenes that just gets lost in between all the other scenes, because it doesn't have substance and it was edited in at the wrong moment during the episode. It's easily forgotten. It doesn't do anything to actively make me care or even 'want' to care about this relationship. I think some part of this is intentional though. They want to make us feel uneasy about this relationship, without making it too obvious why.
We saw Buck looking at Tommy and I could see how he still has that crush on him. He still can see nothing wrong with Tommy. It's the early phase of a relationship where everything the other person does is so great, until you get to know them ever better. I do expect his view on Tommy to change in season 8.
They talked about Bobby as Buck’s father figure and Tommy’s absent father, which was okay I guess. When Tommy mentioned Gerrard and how he influenced him in a bad way, I saw it coming from a mile away that Gerrard was going to be back at the end of the episode. That line was there to foreshadow that event. Also, they were trying to make Tommy a bit more sympathetic maybe? I don’t know, it kinda fell flat for me.
But then… what the hell was that last line? Were they really hinting at some kind of daddy kink? I mean, what? At this point the show is playing into the weird almost sexual obsession some people have with Tommy/Lou and Tommy and Buck’s relationship. They have kissed twice and don’t even hold hands, but Tommy talks about daddy kinks?
Thank God it is still obvious that this relationship isn’t going to last and that Tommy is very much ‘plot devicing’. I couldn't handle any more wooden interactions like this. Tommy is the older gay man who is going to teach Buck a thing or two, just like Oliver said in his interviews.
The show didn’t try to deepen the relationship emotionally, they just made it seem like a very sexual relationship. I’m starting to wonder if it will turn out that Buck’s heart will be broken by Tommy, because all Tommy’s really looking for is a sexual relationship. At this point he doesn’t seem to be interested in Buck on a more personal level. While Buck was lovingly gazing at him, he just sat there, not giving us anything. I don't know... Buck just seems more into it, that's all.
5. The Mara storyline was, again, so strange. Hen just walked into that group home? She keeps on breaking the rules. If she keeps on breaking the rules, she’ll never get Mara back. I don’t understand her reasoning.
And then Chim and Madney ending up fostering Mara? I mean, what? Becoming foster parents is a very lengthy process. You have to follow classes for this. They don’t just give kids willy-nilly to someone who asks for it. That would be so unprofessional and wrong. How on Earth was this allowed???
Don’t get me wrong, it’s sweet that they want to do this, but it not realistic at all. But, after all the previous points I made, I should probably give up on realism for this show. What a mess.
6. The ending scene was just another mindfuck! Bobby resigned, had his house burnt down, died and miraculously woke up again without any debilitating health conditions in two weeks??? And he just walked into the firehouse, in uniform, expecting to be acting captain again WITHOUT speaking to the Chief and telling him he had reconsidered? Did he think he could just walk in and be captain again without any repercussions?
In conclusion:
I’m sorry, but this episode was a mess, not really worthy of a season finale. Season 7 started out really good, but gradually started slipping in quality. The penultimate episode 7X09 was waaay better than 7x10.
Thank God for Eddie Diaz and his narrative. Without him I wouldn’t have anything to look forward to this hiatus. Eddie has really set himself up there as my favourite character. He already was, but this episode only confirms it even more. Next comes Buck. Oliver comes alive when he is acting with Ryan. Their chemistry is electrifying. So yes, I will live off and feed off those great Buddie scenes we got during hiatus and hope that Tim will pick up some of the slack in season 8. He will have more episodes to work with in 8, so he will have more time to unpack some storylines.
At this point Eddie, Chris and Buck are the only storyline I look forward to seeing more off in season 8. I’m wondering about the Buddie timeline and how they’re going to handle that. Because I’m still convinced we’re going there. Season 7 was too much on the nose with all the Eddie coming in between BT scenes. Something is cooking and I’m highly interested in seeing how it will all unfold.
I’m glad the hiatus is here though. I needed a break from the highs and lows this fandom brings along. It has been an exhausting couple of months.
All right guys, lay it on me! This is only my opinion. If you loved the episode, great! Make sure to let me know what it was you liked. If you share my opinion, then how? Are there any observations I missed?
I still love this show and I always will, don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere. I'm looking forward to a hiatus filled with speculation, theorising and great fan fiction.
911 has some amazing episodes that really ‘deliver’, but this was just not one of them. We’ve been here before. It’s nothing new. Onwards to a better season 8!!!
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meraki-yao · 2 days
For ficlet Friday- 1 for firstprince 💕
(and if you think you want to…maybe 6 for taynick? 👀🫶)
1. The truth is… : Firstprince
Henry laughs a little when Alex finally tells him about the J14 magazine, the object of his confession sitting on the bed in their room in the lake house, still glossy with baby Henry’s photo after all these years. He was kind of planning on taking this secret to the grave. Okay fine, maybe not to the grave, he can’t do that to Henry. He’ll tell him eventually. Maybe after marriage though? But when he opened his suitcase during their weekend vacation in his dad’s lake house just to see the magazine that started it all lying on top of his packed clothes, with a post-it note in June’s handwriting “You’re Welcome :P”, and for Henry to walk in just to see Alex trying to figure out how to deal with the cursed magazine, scrambling to hide it behind his back, cheeks red and flustered, well, the explanation is demanded much sooner than he’d like to. So Alex flips open to the page with the first sight of Henry he’s ever seen, tracing over the faint grease marks left by his fingers throughout the year, and tells his side of the story, of being to oddly entranced by the little prince smiling on the page, sneaking into June’s room just to touch his hair, wondering how it would feel like underneath his fingertips, soft, golden locks twirled around his chocolate skin. The truth is, it felt kind of embarrassing to tell Henry that he has actually, subconsciously beaten Henry in the “who fell for the other first” competition. After all, he was kind of the person who started their initially antagonistic relationship, and he was the one who was too stubborn to admit that he liked talking to Henry when they were becoming tentative friends. He was also the one to tease Henry when his prince admitted he’s been in love with him since the day they met. But after he stammers through his confession, Henry just giggles, the sweet private smile when his ducks his chin. The last of the day’s sun shines through and highlights his hair, a golden crown, on the world’s most beautiful prince. Light pink dusts his cheeks, light sparkles in his eyes, and Alex is in love again. And all the stupid worry dissipates. The truth is, it doesn’t really matter who fell first. They’re here now, and no matter what they will always find their way towards each other. And that’s the universal constant.
6. Everything is telling them not to. : Taynick
“This is a dangerous idea.” Nicholas whispers.   “I know.” Taylor answers back. There are a million reasons why this is a bad idea. He hasn’t dated in years, and for a good reason, both emotion-wise and practicality-wise. His career is finally taking off in a direction he can be happy and even proud of, he’s been taking project after project, his schedule is filled to the brink… and that’s just the list of his personal concerns. There’s the issue of co-workers getting together, the issue of their personal relationship getting in the way of this production, the issue of neither of them being in a position where they can come out without their career being affected… And what happens if this doesn’t work, the memory of a beautiful summer tainted with the blood of a broken heart. Everything is telling them not to. Except their hearts. He didn’t expect to like Taylor this much when he took this project, or when he met Taylor in their chemistry test, or they were rehearsing intimate scenes, limbs tangled up while they tried not to laugh at their compromising positions. Truthfully, he really did see an immediate friend in Taylor. He didn’t expect to see more. It’s getting simultaneously harder yet clearer to draw the line between Henry and himself. Taylor is charming, and charismatic, and kind. That’s lovely, but that’s nothing new that Nick hasn’t realised as a friend. But Taylor being protective of him, being so caring and careful with him; that’s new. It’s different. And it’s… it’s making his heart beat faster and something warm in chest expand. He doesn’t know if it’s some sort of character bleed, of Alex’s attitude towards Henry creeping into Taylor. But a month into shooting, Taylor starts remember his breakfast orders, bringing his latte to set for him. During emotional-challenging scenes, he checks on him after every take and hugs him after they wrap, long arms around him, pressing him into his broad chest. He picks up the phone no more than three rings when Nick is rolling around on his bed, plagued by insomnia, It’s… nice. It’s not that Taylor’s pampering or babying him or anything, nothing of the sort, but it’s very endearing. And safe. There’s something so comforting about the way he and Taylor just connects and clicks, like a puzzle piece in the tapestry that makes him up finally finding its match to create another special thing. He can feel it, it’s precious, and rare, and miraculously beautiful. And Taylor can feel it too. Seeing as earlier today, two weeks before they wrap, he asked Nick for a dinner date to talk things out, figure out what are they going to do with this magnetic attraction.   Which is where they are now. “I’m in if you are.” Taylor says, his voice steadier than ever, and despite everything, Nick feels so, so safe, with his hands in Taylor’s larger ones, warm and loving. “We’ll figure this out. Step by step. Just like they did.” He faintly wonders if, in some weird, twisted arrangement of fate, they’re some sort of reincarnation of Alex and Henry, always tied by a red string of fate in every universe, in every name and identity. But regardless of whatever unknown forces are at play, right now, he’s Nicholas Galitzine, he’s an actor, he really likes his co-star, and he really, really wants to try this out. “I’m in.” Taylor smiles, brighter than a million suns. “Then let’s fucking do this, baby.”
Yeah I feel like I lost it at the end with the Taynick one... but hopefully this is okay?
Gonna write the rest of the prompts I got in the morning, night y'all
Prompt List
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bendycxmet · 1 day
content: 825 words. fluff, lil suggestive (mostly in another language), spanish speaking wolfwood, cowboy/vaquero wolfwood
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Cowboy!Wolfwood who needs a farmhand for his ranch. He sees the desperation in your eyes as you peruse the shops in town, and offers you the position.
Cowboy!Wolfwood who is smooth in every way possible, all lingering gazes, hot, fleeting touches as he instructs and shows you how to fix the gate fencing in his cattle. The first time he brought you to his ranch miles away from town, he hopped off his horse and immediately helped you down as well, but instead of letting go of your hands, he gripped them tighter, turning them over this way and that, inspecting something you perhaps hadn’t seen. Your heart rate increases, a blush spreading along your body as he rubs his callused hands and fingers against the soft flesh of your own. “Que delicadas…” he muses, and drops your hands, sadly, the warmth of him whisked away with the biting wind.
Cowboy!Wolfwood dresses always in his signature suede sombrero, with a black and silver embroidered poncho constantly hiding the matching black underneath, the only difference being the brown leather chaps just running short from the bottom of his dirtied and muddy boots that stomp down the hallway early in the morning, rousing you from your sleep in your assigned bedroom. It’s an outfit that wouldn’t be flattering if it were on anyone else but Wolfwood. 
Cowboy!Wolfwood and you slowly become used to each other’s company, working in fluidity to keep the ranch running like a well-oiled machine. You discover he has a joking side to him once the ice thaws between the two of you, cracking constant jokes at you with a toothpick lodged between his teeth–a habit he now has as he attempts to kick cigarettes since you mentioned you hate the smell. 
As easygoing as he is, he takes his ranch responsibilities seriously. You watch as he rides his stallion, hands off from the reins as he twirls and lassos a stray calf, muscled thighs hugging his steed, hips following the rhythm of her trotting. Your eyes never leave his form, your body hot from watching his. A loud whistle cuts through your ogling.
“Mind opening the gate?” he shouts, chuckling at your stuttering. You quickly open it for him, watching as he guides the calf inside to join her herd. He stops in front of you, poking fun at your flustered state.
“I just think you ride Angelina so gracefully! I wish I could ride a horse as good as you.” 
He laughs lowly and moves to leave through the gates, but not before you hear him mumble “tengo algo más que puedes montar…”
Cowboy!Wolfwood isn’t just a cowboy living on the outskirts of a town that welcomes him, but he also holds the duty of a priest, going into town for Sunday morning mass, shaking hands with everyone, exchanging easygoing smiles and inquiries into each and every person’s daily life. From your spot across the street, you would think he was a different man from the one who curses when he gets a splinter, but a glance down erases all doubt as you see the same dirty boots that traverse the ranch home’s hallways peeking out from his priestly garments.
“Not very Catholic of you to wear your boots with those robes you know. Why not wear the dress shoes you have shoved in the back of the hallway closet?”
He leans down from behind to whisper in your ear, rosary gracing your shoulder. 
“It’s simply not how I work, mi cielo,” his answer comes quickly, quick enough that he’s conversing with a blonde churchgoer by the time you whip your head around. 
Cowboy!Wolfwood’s lingering gazes no longer linger, the grazing touches turning into caresses even in the midst of your duties. Your bantering and joking only intensify as does your chemistry, but Wolfwood begins to throw in more flattering remarks about your work, and you. Mi alma. Corazón. Tesoro. His nicknames for you begin to flow and ebb seamlessly into your conversations, so smoothly said that you nearly miss them each time. But he never turns his loving words into actions. You begin to get impatient.
Cowboy!Wolfwood’s eyes widen, his toothpick falling from his lips.
 “Come again?” he asks you. 
“Si no me besas en el próximo momento, ya me voy de aquí. Wolfwood, please.” 
He crosses the distance between you in half the time it would usually take him. 
“How long have you known what I have been saying?” he begs you, the embarrassment evident on his tanned cheeks, the callused hands you have been dreaming of holding you like that first day coming up to caress your jaw. 
“Desde el día que te conocí,” you say. Since I met you… I have loved you since the day I met you. 
He brings his face down to you, soft and sun-chapped lips meeting yours, his sombrero tipping to fall to the dirt behind him. 
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a/n: pspsps @ayyydra and @aboveweirdest for all our screaming about cowboy wolfwood, i deliver some HCs xoxo
i tried to keep it gender neutral as possible but damn spanish is a very gender heavy language (that being said, there is many nicknames i wanted wolfwood to call you e.g. precioso/a (precious), hermoso/a (beautiful), querido/a (beloved) but the ones i wrote out are for everyone.
some translations:
“Que delicadas…” = "How delicate..."
"Tengo algo más que puedes montar…"= "I have something else you can ride..."
"Mi cielo. Mi alma. Corazón. Tesoro." = My heaven/sky/darling (idk it can mean many things). My soul. My heart. My treasure.
“Si no me besas en el próximo momento, ya me voy de aquí." = "If you don't kiss me in the next moment, I'm leaving this place."
"Desde el día que te conocí." = "Since the day I met you."
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earthtoharlow · 8 hours
Recipe for Love
Chapter One: Gather Your Ingredients
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Mia remembered the night vividly it was another industry event where the best of the best mingled in the 5 Star hotel ballroom. She had been feeling practically confident that evening, her black Hervé Léger dress hugging her figure perfectly, her hair styled in an updo. The air was filled with excitement of potential deals, new projects and the thrill of being seen.
Urban had caught her eye early in the night. Tall, with a confident smile, a film camera dangled from around his neck. After a few stolen looks, he finally approached her with a drink in hand. They struck up a conversation naturally, the mutual attraction was undeniable. As the night wore on they found themselves slipping away from the crowd, seeking a quiet corner where they could talk more freely.
“You know, I’ve seen you at these events before.” Urban said, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “But tonight, you look particularly stunning.”
Mia’s cheeks warmed, a genuine smile spreading across her face. “Thank you, Urban. You don’t look so bad yourself.”
One drink led to another, and before long they were leaning in closer, their laughter blending with the soft music playing in the ballroom. Their chemistry seemed electric and it wasn’t long before they found themselves tangled in the sheets of a suite, finally giving in to the magnetic pull that seemed to have drawn them together.
Over the next weeks they continued hooking up, they would meet up in secret, not wanting press in their business. Each stolen moment felt like an escape from their high-profile lives, a secret world where they could be themselves without judgment.
Mia’s best friend Liv invited her out to lunch as she was back in LA from filming a movie in Paris. Liv’s face lit up with excitement. “I have someone I want you to meet!” Her eyes seemed to sparkle with joy.
Mia’s curiosity was piqued, she couldn’t remember the last time Liv was this happy. “Yeah? Who is is?”
Liv’s grin widened. “My new boyfriend! He’s wonderful, Mia. I really think you’ll like him. We’ve only been dating for 5 months but I think he’s the one.”
Anticipation built from the high praise from Liv as they waited for his arrival. When the door of the cafe swung open and Urban walked in, Mia felt the ground shift beneath her designer heels. He looked equally as stunned, but quickly masked it with a practiced smile. Liv jumped up, throwing her arms around him. “Mia, this is Urban.”
Mia’s heart raced and she forced a smile. “Nice to meet you, Urban.” she said, extending her hand as if they were strangers.
Urban shook her hand, his grip firm but his eyes were filled with unspoken words. “Nice to meet you too, Mia.” He replied, his voice was steady.
The rest of the lunch was a blur. Mia struggled to keep her emotions in check as Liv gushed about her new relationship, unaware of the storm brewing. Urban, of course played his part perfectly, attentive and charming but whenever their eyes met, Mia saw the guilt and uncertainty he was desperately trying to hide.
That night, alone in her apartment, Mia tried to process what had happened. She felt torn between her loyalty to Liv and the secret she now shared with Urban. Their affair had been exciting and intense, but it had to end. Liv’s happiness was too important to jeopardize, their friendship was too important to lose.
Mia texted Urban, asking to meet. They found a discreet cafe where they could talk without the fear of being recognized. “This has to stop.” her voice trembling slightly. “Liv deserves better than this.”
Urban nodded, his expression somber. “I know. It was never supposed to get this complicated.”
Mia rolled her eyes. “This all could’ve been avoided if you had told me you had a girlfriend! But I’m not going to keep lying to her.”
“Neither can I,” Urban agreed. “I’ll tell her the truth. She deserves to know.”
Mia shook her head. “No. You don’t have to. Just end it with me and be good to her. That’s all I ask.”
Urban reached out, taking her hand. “I will. I promise.”
Mia’s thoughts were interrupted when the crowd erupted in cheers in the same hotel ballroom she first met Urban. She watched as he got down on one knee, presenting a beautiful ring, one she knew was perfect for Liv. She clapped along, her face with a mask of congratulations. Mia needed to get out, to think, to process the whirlwind of emotions crashing over her.
As the crowd surged forward to congratulate the newly engaged couple, Mia knew she couldn’t avoid the inevitable. Steeling herself, she approached Liv and Urban, her smile firmly in place.
“Congratulations, Liv!” Mia exclaimed, pulling her friend into a warm embrace. “I’m so happy for you!”
“Thank you, Mia!” Liv beamed, her eyes sparkling with joy. “This is the best night of my life.”
Mia turned to Urban, who was watching her with a look that sent a shiver down her spine. He stepped forward, extending his hand. “Mia,” he said, his voice smooth. “Thank you for being here. It means a lot to both of us.”
Their hands met in a brief, tense handshake. As their eyes locked, Mia saw a flicker of something in his gaze—a mix of recognition and regret that only she could understand. She forced a smile, trying to keep her composure. “Congratulations, Urban,” she said, her voice steady. “You two make a wonderful couple.”
Urban’s knowing look lingered a moment longer before he nodded. “Thank you, Mia. We’re really happy.”
Mia managed a nod, her heart pounding. She needed to get away, to breathe. Excusing herself, she slipped out onto the balcony, the cool night air a stark contrast to the warmth inside. She leaned against the railing, staring out into the night, her thoughts a mix of guilt, sadness, and a strange sense of loss.
Despite her lack of feelings for Urban now, the memory of their affair gnawed at her conscience. She knew she should tell Liv the truth, but seeing her friend so happy made the decision agonizingly difficult.
“Mind if I join you?” a soft voice interrupted her thoughts. Startled, Mia turned to see a handsome man with an easy smile standing nearby. He wore a tailored suit, but the warmth in his eyes and the gentle way he held himself made her feel at ease.
“Sure,” Mia replied, trying to sound casual. She wasn’t in the mood for company, but something about the guys presence was oddly comforting.
“I’m Jack, by the way. I’m a close friend of Urban.” He extended his hand. “And I apologize if I’m intruding. I know who you are, and I figured you might want some space.”
Mia shook his hand. “It’s okay, really. It’s nice to meet you, Jack. I didn’t expect anyone to recognize me here.”
Jack chuckled softly. “Well, it’s hard not to recognize a famous model when she’s standing right in front of you. But I didn’t mean to interrupt. I just saw you out here and thought you might need someone to talk to.”
She just shrugged her shoulders and continued looking at the skyline. As the night progressed, the vibrant energy of the party began to wear on Mia. Jack, noticing her restlessness, leaned in closer. “Want to get out of here?” he asked, his eyes filled with mischief and a hint of adventure.
Mia hesitated for a moment, then nodded. “Sure, why not? Lead the way.”
They slipped out of the party unnoticed, Jack led her through a series of winding streets until they arrived at an old, abandoned building. The structure stood tall and imposing, its once grand facade now worn by time.
Mia glanced around, a playful smirk on her lips. “Are you going to hurt me?” she joked, her tone light but with a hint of curiosity.
Jack chuckled, shaking his head. “No, nothing like that. This is just a place I come to when I need to think. It’s kind of my secret spot.”
Mia looked up at the building, intrigued. “What’s so special about this place?”
Jack’s expression softened as he gazed at the building. “One day, when I make enough money, I’m going to buy it and turn it into a restaurant. I’ve always dreamed of having my own place, and I think this building has a lot of potential. I come here to remind myself of what I’m working towards.”
Mia was touched by the vulnerability in his voice. “That’s a beautiful dream, Jack. I can see it now, a cozy restaurant with amazing food. You’d make it something really special.”
Jack smiled, a hint of pride in his eyes. “Thanks, Mia. It means a lot to hear that.”
They wandered around the building, Jack pointing out where he envisioned the dining area, the kitchen, and even a small rooftop garden. Mia could almost see it, the empty shell of the building coming to life in her mind with Jack’s descriptions.
As they explored, their conversation flowed effortlessly. Jack shared stories of his culinary journey, his struggles and triumphs, and his hopes for the future. Mia found herself opening up as well, talking about her modeling career, the pressures she faced, and her desire to find something more meaningful.
“I’ve always been in the spotlight,” Mia admitted, her voice soft. “But sometimes, I feel like I’m just playing a role. I want to find something real, something that’s mine.”
Jack nodded, understanding in his eyes. “I get that. It’s hard to find authenticity in a world that’s so focused on appearances. But I think you’re already on the right path. You just have to keep following your heart.”
They eventually settled on the building’s rooftop, the city lights stretching out before them in a dazzling display. The night air was crisp and refreshing, and for a moment, it felt like they were the only two people in the world.
“This place is amazing,” Mia said, her voice filled with awe. “I can see why you come here to think.”
“Yeah,” Jack replied, his gaze fixed on the horizon. “It helps me stay grounded. Reminds me of where I’ve been and where I want to go.”
Mia looked at him, feeling a deep connection forming. “Thank you for sharing this with me, Jack. It’s been a long time since I felt this… at peace.”
Jack turned to her, his eyes softening. “I’m glad I could help. And thank you for trusting me enough to come here.”
Mia gave him a smile, before sighing knowing it was getting late. She had an early shoot the next morning, and didn’t want to wake up with bags under her eyes.
“Ready to head back?” Jack asked before she could. Mia gave him a nod and they took the short walk back to the hotel to part ways.
They reached the parking area, where Mia’s sleek, luxurious car was parked under a streetlight, its polished surface gleaming.
Jack let out an impressed whistle, his eyes widening. “Wow, Mia. This is one fancy ride.”
Mia laughed, a bit self-conscious. “Yeah, it’s one of the perks of the job, I guess.”
Jack shook his head, still admiring the car. “It’s not just fancy, it’s stunning.”
He looked around, spotting his own car parked a few rows away. “Well, I guess this is where we part ways.”
Mia nodded, feeling a pang of disappointment that the night was ending. “Yeah, I guess so.”
They stood there for a moment, neither wanting to say goodbye just yet. Finally, Jack reached for her hand and gave it a squeeze before letting go. “Goodnight, Mia.”
“Goodnight, Jack,” she replied, watching as he walked to his car.
Mia climbed into her own vehicle and started the engine. As she drove home, her mind replayed the events of the evening, the connection she felt with Jack, and the easy, genuine conversation they shared. Despite the complicated emotions surrounding Liv and Urban, the night had been unexpectedly wonderful.
Once she arrived home, Mia went through her usual bedtime routine, though her thoughts were still filled with Jack. She changed into comfortable pajamas and climbed into bed, feeling a sense of satisfaction and contentment.
But as she settled in, a sudden realization hit her: she hadn’t gotten Jack’s number. Her heart sank, the excitement of the evening giving way to a wave of disappointment.
As she drifted off to sleep, Mia held onto the hope that they would run into each other again. The connection they had was too genuine to let slip away, and she was determined to see where it could lead.
AN: new series (I promise I won’t abandon it) it probably won’t be more than 10 chapters 🫶
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buddiebeginz · 6 hours
So do we take this as confirmation that it’s not happening since they once again shut it down.
No, for me this is an even bigger confirmation that Buddie is in the plans we just need to be patient. I firmly believe that they wouldn't have even gone down the route with making Buck bi especially not how his bi awakening happened in 704 if there was never any intention of making Buddie happen. It centered very heavily around Eddie.
Some might argue well maybe Tim wanted to make it happen but then changed his mind and or someone behind the scenes stopped it. I think it's likely that the network didn't want both Buck and Eddie coming out in such a short season. They also probably wanted to wait and see how the ratings went after making a major change to a newly acquired show. I also think it's likely that Tim wanted to wait and tell Eddie's story when he had more episodes to do it in. Buck's coming out was told as a relatively simple and happy story. I don't think Eddie's is going to be the same. We're probably going to see Eddie struggle and it's going to be harder for him to accept who he is than it was for Buck. Telling that kind of story properly does need more time.
Also like I talked about in this post, I think Tim wanted to do his artsy Vertigo story with the whole Kim/Shannon thing. So it wasn't just that the network paused it I think Tim had other ideas for this season and he chose to focus on that.
The other thing you need to remember is that if Buddie was really off the table for good they would have lessened the amount of time they had them on screen together and I'm positive more effort would have been put into B/T. This season was already very crunched for time so there was definitely episodes were they didn't need to include Buddie but they did.
Look at ep 707 with the Buddie and Chris scene (when Eddie drops Chris off so he can go on the date with Kim) where Buck compliments Eddie's cologne. Even all the way into episodes 709 and 710 where they had plenty of time to lessen Buddie and add in more B/T if that's the direction they wanted things to go leading into s8. But they didn't.
In fact in 709 we had Buck apparently ditching T*mmy to go talk to Eddie after seeing Kim at the fire station. There was very little of T*mmy even in that episode and the short scene we got between him and Buck T*mmy was being kind of snippy with him. There was also the shot where when Buck got his award the camera pans to Eddie not T*mmy. This had to be a delebrite choice because even the DP Joaquin Sedillo liked a tweet about it.
Then Buddie were together most of 7x10 and were a real family unit. Both in dealing with everything with Chris and also with sitting by Bobby's bedside together. This is incredibly important with it being the season finale because 911 has always used the final episodes of every season as a preview of where things are likely headed.
We did get that date scene with T*mmy in 7x10 but the message there was what it's been all season and that's T*mmy doesn't really get who Buck is. If T*mmy was being set up to be this important person in Buck's life he would have been at the hospital with Buck or at the least had an emotional conversation with him about all he'd been dealing with. Instead we saw Buck trying to be vulnerable and T*mmy turning it into a joke.
I am more sure now than I've ever been that Buddie is a when not an if. We just can't let that other part of fandom get to us or over think if we see things Tim posts on FB or Lou posts with his cameos.
Not sure if you were around in fandom years ago but Taylor stuck around for two seasons and she's gone now. T*mmy will be soon enough too. The best person for Buck is Eddie and the best person for Eddie is Buck. No matter who else they bring into the show they'll never be able to compete with the chemistry and history that Buddie have. Tim and ABC know this and they also know the popularity that Buddie have. They know the amount of attention and praise they'll get when Buddie finally does happen. They're not going to pass that up.
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faramirsonofgondor · 2 days
they're adults having a casual, light hearted conversation about their past traumas. bucks sexuality has been treated with nothing but respect. this is honestly the first hint of buck and tommys sex life that we've even seen ? its telling that the minute they reference sex, dozens of fans are quick to call it 'disturbing'. "well if it were me-" AH but it wasn't, it didn't happen to you, it happened to buck and he laughed at his cute boyfriends flirty joke. so. idk maybe calm down and go talk gay people in real life and realize joking about a possible daddy kink is not indicative of an abusive relationship or whatever the fuck
When did I ever call Tommy abusive?? And like I said my main issue isn’t with their sex life or them talking about it. I don’t have any issues with people who have daddy/mommy kinks either because I have them too??? Also I’m literally gay and have conversations with many different types of queer people all the time so I honestly don’t know what you’re on about. My main issue isn’t even with Tommy himself it’s with the writers and show-runners and how they’ve framed this relationship. Just because their relationship isn’t abusive doesn’t make it a good relationship. Just because Buck smiles/laughs doesn’t mean he’s actually okay with the way he’s being treated. Throughout the show, time and time again, we have seen that Buck lets people walk over him and his feelings, especially in his romantic relationships.
When I say they’ve fetishized Buck’s sexuality, I’m not talking about them making jokes about Bucks sex life or whatever, I’m talking about how they only seem to show Buck & Tommy having chemistry in a sexual setting. There’s nothing with Buck & Tommy wanting to have sex with each other but the way they frame it makes seem like Buck and Tommy have no use for each other besides making out and having sex. I think it’s wrong that they’re portraying their relationship this way. Even in Buck’s other romantic relationships, despite how disastrous most of them ended up, they still had actual emotional chemistry with each other and it was clear that they were fond of each other for the majority of their relationship.
In the very short amount of screen time Buck & Tommy’s relationship gets this season, the majority of it is spent with Tommy being snide and rude to Buck, disregarding his feelings, or them kissing and making out with each other. Buck may be totally with that in the show, but I think it’s a disturbing way to portray Buck’s first MLM relationship, especially in comparison to Bucks other relationships. It leaves a sour taste in my mouth that none of the writers can have Tommy spend at least one minute of time to comfort Buck or be gentle with him - the closest we got to that was at the restaurant when Tommy said “I guess it’s just me that makes you nervous”.
I think it’s reasonable for people to be upset that the writers are basically reducing their relationship down to sexual tension and snide/rude remarks and I think that it has negative implications on the way that they and other people view MLM relationships. Like are they trying to say that all that MLM relationships are is just being bitchy, smiling at each other, and getting sexual??? I don’t understand what they’re trying to do or portray with this relationship but it doesn’t come across well.
Furthermore what you said about it “it being telling” that people are calling disturbing is completely discounting most of what I said in my previous post. Because it’s not about their sex life. It’s about the timing and framing of their relationship. I don’t think many people would view it as “casual” or “lighthearted” and it’s not really about “past traumas” when Buck was bringing up the fact that Bobby literally just died and was resuscitated?? Buck saying Bobby was the father he never had was him opening up and being vulnerable (even if it may have been said in a lighter tone), and they could’ve have Tommy say something like “Well tonight must’ve been really hard for you.” or “This must be really stressful for you.” Instead they essentially had him say “well your actual dad is still alive so”. Which is not a healthy response to that kind of comment.
And again, just because Buck laughed at Tommy’s joke doesn’t mean that Tommy constantly brushing Bucks feelings aside is okay. Being happy in a relationship does not make it a healthy or good one. Buck was happy with all his previous exes and yet the majority of the fandom calls them toxic, disgusting, rude, disrespectful, etc. It’s weird to me that Buck can’t even open up to Tommy without him making a thoughtless or snide remark.
When I said “I would’ve done…” in last post it was to demonstrate what a healthy conversation and setting boundaries should like in a relationship, and that the writers could’ve taken a healthier approach to Buck and Tommy’s relationship. Like I said, I think it’s weird that the writers decided to portray Bucks first MLM relationship with no emotional chemistry and only sexual chemistry. I don’t think they’ve handled this storyline respectfully at all, especially considering all of Bucks previous relationships had scenes where they actually built on their relationship together and we never get that with Buck & Tommy’s. Their relationship had the potential to develop with around the same amount of screen-time as Abby & Bucks but the writers didn’t go that direction. Buck and Tommy’s relationship had potential to be good and healthy but the writers haven’t done anything to show that it is. Everything good in their relationship is “implied” or happens off screen and I think that’s a really shitty way to develop a relationship, so excuse me if I don’t “calm down” about this.
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babyjapril · 3 days
Just wondering, what‘s your favorite quality about Japril together and as individuals? :)
Hiiiii! First I'm sorry for taking some time to reply, I wanted to sit down to answer, and not through my phone, also since this is an opportunity to talk about my blorbos, even though i'm bad at talking about why i love my faves, it still got a bit long, sorry <3
With April there are two qualities that I think about right away when I think about her so I maybe those are my favorites, even though there are more that I love about her. So the first two I think about when I think about her are how kind/considerate she is and also her competitiveness lol. I feel like she's actually too kind to some people, like Alex, who treated her terribly, but with that I also love seeing her standing up for herself and becoming more confident
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I love how organized she is and it's cute how in the earlier seasons she was always taking pictures with her camera, I just know she'd make the best scrapbooks. And that she's a trauma surgeon, she def became a doctor bc she wanted to help people but she's a bit of an adrenaline junkie with trauma surgenry!! Also I'm always here for weird loser girls <3
(and not a quality of hers but the way in the beginning the show wanted to convice me to hate her bc she's "annoying" and then in general her being hated in the fandom makes me love here even more, idk I feel like Sarah just makes April loveable even when she's supposed to be annoying)
Jackson, I love that he's actually kind of a dork. Like "making medicine cool" and the fact that he has a lucky pencil. I loooove his sense of humor and I love how he treats his patients, his patients are some of my favorites (also love both his and Marks approach to plastics) .He works well under pressure, and he's a quick thinker, he was a hero in season 6 finale, oh but then again I can't forget saving a child from an exploding bus in season 9 finale. And you know he's just a good guy
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And them together, well first I just looooooove friends to lovers trope but especially when it's done a certain way. Like especially when we can see the characters be friends, true friends first, and then they accidentally discover there's a spark. And when that kind of ship has chemistry I'm sold!! Japrils chemistry is just unmatched imo.
I love how they're different from each other, but they complement each other soo well. Jackson is the one person who always calms April down, and Mr Grumpus is always so smiley around her and his silly side comes out. They also have the same values even though they have different beliefs, Jackson said it himself at the end of season 10 so idk why the writers went back to "nooo they would't work together bc faith". Jackson was I feel like the first mercy wester the grey sloan residents liked and he is a likeable guy, he could make friends anywhere, meanwhile even when April is friends with majac there's a lonliness to her of a girl who's kinda in the friend group bt kinda isn't, but they both have each other, like even though Jackson could make friends anywhere April is his closest friend, and Jackson is a great best friend to April, that's another thing I like about them. Plus how protective Jackson was of April since the start of season 7, dragging her away from the residents that were staring at them, punching Alex. And I think there are some parallels, even though they're soo different and they grew up so differently, they both didn't fit in with their families .
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Also I'm obsessed with how touchy they are, even when they're just friends they're always touching, they're just sooo comfortable with each other <3
(screencaps show another one of their qualities, they're sooo pretty both individually and together dhfhfd)
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evansbby · 1 year
I love Chris but am I the only one who thinks that he doesn't have any chemistry with the female actresses? Like, in gifted he had ZERO chemistry with the actress and in defending Jacob it's the same 😭He doesn't have chemistry with the actresses that are supposed to be his 'lover' - he literally had more chemistry with Elizabeth Olsen in ONE scene than he has with the actress who plays Laurie.
I feel like he only has good chemistry with Scarlet (obv) and Ana. Hell, he had more chemistry with Sabastian Stan and he doesn't even play his lover 💀😭.
I think it’s hit or miss, I actually feel like he had really good chemistry with Jenny in Gifted. I can’t say about Laurie since I haven’t seen DJ BUT I’ve seen the sex scene and yeah… not so great but I feel like he just doesn’t go for it in sex scenes? Like how Sebastian totally goes for it… idk some actors do and some don’t.
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sysig · 4 months
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Contain yourself Captain (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Captain Sterling#NEJ#KUP#Quickly! Before the end of 2023 notices! (The year has been over for two and a half months now lol)#So yeah I found some mid-'23 doodles that I realized didn't make it into the yearly roundup either! So here they are now!#Silly lads#Mostly just speculating about Sterling and my VUX lads' chemistry lol - they have a little bit of chemistry with each other as well#Mostly as friends tho mostly as friends - NEJ is not particularly inclined to be around other similarly sentient species lol#He taps out at plants plants are good for him#He is fascinated by plants communicating with the chemicals they release tho - don't let him near a Supox I don't know what will happen yet#ANYway this is supposed to be about him and Sterling! And KUP and Sterling!#Yeah NEJ doesn't feel particularly strongly about this Captain lol - he's just Some Guy who occasionally brings by plants but also talks#Take the good with the bad and all that lol#KUP is the type that's fun and easy to wind up so Sterling does lol - Captains are silly nuisances this is known#But is it just play or is it something more?? Captain Sterling are you picking on him because you don't know how to express yourself#He /is/ young#I am still labouring under the impression that VUX are generally taller than humans I just think it's Fun#If he's going to be this hom around KUP what the hell is he gonna be like around ZEX#I just think an openly flirty Captain in return would be fun! Space Faring Romancing!#Guess he'll find out once he gets there lol
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qualityrain · 6 months
dude theres something abt firefly wedding. marry ur hired killer so u dont die and the love interest is a crazy yandere but also theyre trying to make it work???? before sakoto confesses that shes been playing along and cannot marry shinpei he was like lets talk because youve been off lately is it because of me i dont want to do something that makes you sad because im bad at reading peoples and my own feelings. like even before this its like sakoto going excessive violence is bad! and the whole would shinpei treat anybody that accepts him the same way he says hes in love with sakoto. that perhaps his love for her is not different from loving a child or an animal. what is love anyway (baby dont hurt me- )
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otogariado · 1 year
i get why people would opt to say walter was a terrible person since the beginning, but i think that's like, the most boring takeaway you can get about his character. he was already insecure and prideful from the start, and it's what would hurt him and keep hurting him. but like, being insecure and prideful are regular traits any regular person can have. the actions that he makes because of these traits, which in turn keep fueling his ego more and more, are what makes him an interesting character. and he was already pretty capable of hurting other people, but he wasn't doing it out of malice, but more because of careless selfishness at first. what makes walter terrifying is that the more he does it, the more he becomes aware of what he's doing, and the more he keeps going and keeps being more and more meticulous and deliberate about what he does that hurts people and even to the point when it was specifically to hurt people.
i think the traits were there in walter from the beginning—the pilot did a pretty good job of establishing how powerless he's felt all his life and just how susceptible he is to letting this newfound perceived power get to his head so easily. he even says this explicitly in 5x06 "Buyout" when he tells jesse "i'm not in the money business, i'm in the empire business". but saying he was this monster from the start kind of implies he didn't undergo through a character arc throughout the show when it's quite literally what he did. he got worse. so much worse. through mostly the fault of his own fragility.
#idk if i put it into words right but i'm just musing#was walter a good person when brba started? up in the air. but his family genuinely adored him. despite feeling like a loser teacher#some of his coworkers actually really liked and respected him. he was just as much of a regular person as anyone else was tbh#you know it's interesting that he and gale basically have the same motivations. why jump to meth of all things. why go from 0 to 100 when#it sounds COMPLETELY ridiculous. but they were both very passionate about chemistry who felt like their potentials were wasted and felt#like they were finally putting their skills to good use again. getting to flex their muscles and shit. whenever they cook better purer meth#than most other people. i think it's a really genius idea to have this premise for the show lol#cz as much as walter is motivated by him feeling like he desperately has to take control of his own life he also is a scientist at heart#who desperately needs to apply his knowledge and skills somewhere where it would feel gratifying#seriously dude you could've tried to get a paper published or two or something. djhdidhd#but the academe has its own Politics and whatnot. so one could only speculate why walt didn't get to pursue that any more#(aside from the whole grey matter industries thing)#anyway uhhh i hope i get the post across lol not to sound cheesy cliche but brba is a corruption slash character deterioration arc#quite literally the whole point is that he Didn't Start Off Like This And He Gets Worse#again. he already had some of his bad tendencies and traits but it's like. we all do that's not necessarily inherently make or break#it's what he DOES and KEEPS DOING. CONSCIOUSLY that turns him into the horrifying man he is by the end of it all#so i just think if your biggest takeaway is Walter Was Always A Monster then you're just missing the whole damn point#op#brbaposting
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rascheln · 1 year
None of the romances in Oshi no Ko are feasible or should happen on account of Aqua's mental age and also uhh the absolute off the charts toxic levels of manipulation.
Would it be interesting to see in which new and fucked up ways Aqua blows things up again though? Absolutely.
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llycaons · 1 year
*grabs lan wangji's collar and shakes him heedless of how my hands are about to be removed at the wrist for touching his person* you have to take care of him do you hear me hanguang-jun you have got to look after him he's been through so much do you hear me you have to cherish him you have to look after him do you hear m
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rugretti · 2 months
🥺oliver stark
#i really like my buddie fics when they include the qhole discovering urself course#and the whole finding your identity between a closely knit chosen family and its so#its shit ill never be able to experience (am ace and will never be out irl) and its makes me so happy just thinking abt it#that people write these things and allows people to feel the emotions theyre tryna give and its so so#*imaginw heart melting*#and oliver starks comments on the interview?#i love that hes a good actor i love that he loves acting i love that he loves his job and i#love he loves the character he plays#and has the cofidence in gis skills and his chemistry with his coworkers and his artform that hes willing bring up and explore#different possibilities#and it also sounds like hes been wanting to pursue this route for a long time and im going insane thinking abt how happy#hes got to be to be able to do it#he aounds happy that hes able to do it but also happy that he knows there are people who he agrees with#im just#im so happy for him and for me and the people that were hoping for this#it wouldve been perfectly fine to not do jt too bc the fanworks qould still be here the characters would atill be here#experienxing media doesnt have to stop with the original work because yiur experiences are a heavy influence on ur overall happiness w the w#ork#but im so glad they did it#i love that hes got the support of his friends and coworkers too#i love you oliver stark#i love the evan buckley that you show us and i love your vision
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avatar-aaang · 6 months
#personal#so i try to never involve myself in Fandom stuff much#aside from the occasional art piece or fanfic#but like... i like this one ship. its 'het'. and easily one of the most hated ships lmao#and like. theyre doing that thing again of shoving the girl aside bc they want their uwu gays to be canon instead#which like i get it you want gay rep thats fine and completely understandable#but this character has just as much chemistry with the main girl who is a real character and i think people just hate it bc#if (and probably when) it goes canon itll make the main straight#which like first off thats not how it works in the real world lol im in a straight passing relationship but im not straight#and i know they wouldn't make him queer officially but its still there in the subtext#but its okay if he ends up with this girl bc it still works. and it might not even be for romantic reasons they get together lmao#anyway im not against the gay ship but people fr need to remember what genre we're in lmao#and being upset about it maybe going canon is fine but like. tbh the ending of the story has much bigger fish to fry like pls pay attention#him possibly getting with a girl isnt the end of the world#but the stupid shit theyre doing might be. good god. what a weird direction theyre going in. but ill see what happens#ANYWAY. im gonna continue to like this ship bc i think it's cute and just block people who dont like it lol#like not to be petty or whatever but im curating my experiences bitch!
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