#you look like a dipshit
sysmedsaresexist · 5 months
Genuine question, from someone who doesn't deny endo existence
Why do some of you motherfuckers feel the need to lie to defend your positions?
You dont need to, and it doesn't point to a lot of confidence in your claims...
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phddyke · 1 year
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procrastinationaccount · 11 months
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Look me in the fucking eyes and tell me this girl is not trans
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cyren-myadd · 8 months
A list of characters who remind me of Spider Socorro, but it gets progressively worse
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sage-nebula · 2 days
Kristoph Gavin's black psyche-locks have remained unbroken for 17 slutty, slutty years.
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axolotlclown · 7 months
I suppose I'm a little late to the party, but I needed time to collect my thoughts.
Here's the thing, everyone's caught up on Caiti's age and whether she consented. To me, that isn't anywhere near the point. Her being so young is certainly creepy and strange, but not the point.
Here's the first thing, though less important than the next. As an adult, it is blaringly clear how irresponsible these "adults" were. Two grown ass men supplying alcohol to underaged girls in a hotel room. They were up drinking until 6am. They were one noise complaint away from getting the cops called.
Second thing. While underage drinking in the US is fairly normal, 18 is still pretty young here. Also, publicly admitting to supplying alcohol to an 18 year old is crazy, but not the point.
18 year olds can't compete with grown adults when it comes to alcohol. They don't have the same tolerance. There never should have been any "one upping."
No one should have gotten that drunk. The fact that there was a girl leaving, vomiting in her hand is fucking ridiculous. When someone, regardless of their age, is drinking too much too quickly, you cut them off and give them water. This is how college parties are run. Once you start wobbling a little too much, your speech is slurred, and you stop being a person, someone gives you water and walks you home.
And nobody walked her back to her hotel room?? Two grown men. I don't give a shit how tired you are. You always walk a girl home. Who the fuck raised you??
I am an adult man in college. I have been around a lot of different men. I have hung around men that behave like this. Let me promise you this: they got those girls drunk like that on purpose. They both wanted something. When they didn't get it, they just let the girls go. They were never interested in their safety. They were never interested in who they were.
And let me promise you this: there's never just one girl. And any well brought up man would have cut them all off and sent them on their way. There is way more to this situation than lets on.
And of course George never asked for her consent. It was never a question. They brought those girls back to that hotel room with the thought that they'd get something out of it. To George, he heard 18 and thought, "oh cool, she's legal."
I see this happen all the time in college. Usually men don't grow out of all of it, but they usually grow out of begging like a shitty dog in some random girl's DMs. To hear a grown ass man, 26 years old, behave like a fucking 19 year old sophmore in college is pathetic. I'm not interested in giving pathetic men any more time.
Also, love and light to Caiti, she looks like she's 16. "I didn't know she was 18!" First off, doesn't matter. Second off, I would've guessed she was a minor, so I know you checked first. Or else you're even dumber than the fucking college kids. Damn.
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martyrbat · 10 months
a female character isn't allowed to be a character that is also female. she isn't allowed her own agency and complex motives nor any deeper emotions without it being centered around the male cast around her or a child. even if she's not a mother, she remains one because she could always potentially become a mother or she is the ‘mom character’ to the men/children around her and her actions MUST reflect that. if they don't, she's labeled a selfish bitch. if she is an (actual) mother than that's all she is—she isnt allowed deeper characterization or discussion because thats all she'll ever be, that's all she was made to be. male characters are allowed to be fathers (lireral or in the sense of providing for the people around them) with deeper feelings but a mother? never a mother.
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six-demon-bag · 1 month
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this is for all of you who saw two (2) seconds of the thunderbolts* trailer, where john walker is sitting next to his healthy, safe baby in a crib looking at his phone and decided that means he's a neglectful awful parent
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mamawasatesttube · 7 months
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superboy (1994) #8
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crowned-ladybug · 2 years
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I wanted to draw my own take on ART-as-a-presence-in-the-feed but struggled with what path to take for A While bc all I had was that I was adamant about a winding, serpentine body, too large to take in at once and So Good at piling upon your shoulders with weight that's either overwhelming or comforting, take your pick
And then I brought in the hexagons and everything just worked
(They let me give it a face without an actual face, make for a good shorthand to show that it's talking/present in potential future art, and as a bonus serve as an homage to JWST bc hey, science!)
Partially brought to you by a whole lot of listening to Satellite by Starset
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fricktic · 16 days
people will see someone fleshing out a character based on observations in canon and call it mischaracterization . we Need to kill them .
NOT. EVEN. FUCKING. KIDDING. its funny considering the fact that one of the points they made was literally mischaracterization in of itself and my characterization was the objectively accurate one but heeeyyy whos keeping track of this kinda stuff (me . its me)
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punkrogue · 5 months
some fucking idiot: when we say "magneto was right" we're saying he's right about society and shit not supporting his terrorist actions
me: don't lump in with your cowardly ass i'm in full throated support of his terrorism. sentinels, purifiers, the mardies etc are all real and exist and want mutants dead and literally no one gives a single shit. they'd rather pass the mutant registration act and make "scaly lives matter" jokes on twitter then help stop the genocide of mutants. it's a good thing actually he's blowing shit up and he should do more of it actually.
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the-meme-monarch · 1 year
damn, that sucks. misgendering sucks. I really wish people would remember that frisk/chara/kris' pronouns are they/them
not because they're the fill-in for the player, but because literally everyone calls them those pronouns. jesus.
anyways you're right I wouldn't touch xtale with a 10-foot pole
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i appreciate the ask bc someone Literally just gave me the most misinformed and dumb fucking take
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ellies-enrichment · 1 year
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emails i can't send - sabrina carpenter
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hongtiddiez · 7 months
for everyone that thinks im intimidating i genuinely and from the bottom of my heart need you to know that im basically 3 drunk kobolds in a trenchcoat.
had a conversation with a friend today and they mentioned how they found me intimidating at first bc of my writing and gifsets and then they said "but now..." and the silence was deafening (and hilarious) bc truly, when you know me you know that i am just a chaotic mess of a person full of light and love and feral energy.
abolish the idea of "fandom fame," we're all just people that don't know how to be normal about our blorbos
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gornackeaterofworlds · 4 months
i have a question. does april have any ulterior motives for befriending the turtles in the butterfly effect?
Hm. By ulterior you likely mean sinister, and in that regard, no. She is a "good" character. There will actually be an intermission sometime after this arc ends in a few chapters that will detail what happened during my disgusting time skip, where you might gain more insight.
But neutrally, yes!! The meeting scene means a lot to me because of everything that's clashing unspoken, a lot of decisions being weighed. So she does have a motive, the core of her character and many conflicts to come, that was the main reason she played nice. But she warms up to them as "people", though, and becomes a genuine friend as well, which is where she's at by the time the time skip is over. This isn't as rushed as it seems, they will get a lot of interactions together very soon for you to parse through. With it being so early, I'm not keen on plot dumping just yet, so I'm unsure of when said Intermission will release. But they will all get insight into their backstories that's not absolutely necessary for the main plot but as more of an added bonus
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