#you only need friends in your life for them pulling you into stupid shenanigans
officersnickers · 7 months
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Ayshe would wear this unironically. After Gilda forced it onto her, of course 🩷💖🐩💖🩷
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milaisreading · 1 year
Of arguments and kiss-cams
Author: I am sorry that some requests are taking time, but I am struggling to find some good plot to them, but I will do my best to do them in the next few days, hope you can understand 🙇🏻‍♀️ for now I really hope you like the stories I did post and thank you so much for reading and for the nice messages 🩷 stay safe 🩷
Pairing: Michael Kaiser x manager!Reader
Warnings ⚠️: reader uses she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to:Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
Noa was used to a lot of shenanigans Bastard München members would pull, especially the younger ones. From constant arguments with teammates to the opposing team, he saw it all. Lately the Bastards got new recruits from Blue Lock, who were surprisingly a little tamer, until a certain blonde opens his mouth. One of their newest additions was the new assistant manager, (Y/n), who kept Isagi, Kunigami, Hiori, Kurona and Yukimiya in check. And as much as Noa was grateful for her help, he had issues with her at times too. Mostly concerning any interaction she shares with their start player Kaiser.
"Did anyone tell you how annoying you are?" (Y/n) asked with a tight smile as the blonde asked her another random question. Kaiser, enjoying the annoyed look, smirked and moved closer to her.
"Only for you, Cutie~"
"Your nicknames are as corny as your face."
"You sure? Because I might need to get you some glasses to see properly."
"I am already suffering enough."
The team watched in amusement and annoyance as they  kept on arguing. Ness kept standing to the side as he watched the two bicker, since he said he doesn't mind it if (Y/n) disrespects Kaiser. Kunigami and Isagi got up from their spots and separated the two, growing worried that Neol might yell at everyone. Also the closeness was bothering them both.
'Stupid Kaiser and his big mouth.' Kunigami thought as Isagi and the said boy started arguing instead, which caused Ness to intervene.
"That's asshole..." (Y/n) muttered as Kunigami patted her back.
"Calm down, he isn't worth getting in trouble for. What did her even say?" Hiori asked as he approached them, Kurona was meanwhile busy pulling Isagi away. Blushing a bright pink, (Y/n) shook her head at the boy.
"Nothing... Just something stupid... the usual." (Y/n) answered as Noel finally inserted himself to separate them.
'The blonde is so annoying! Why does Ness like him so much?!' The girl thought as she looked at the blonde boy.
Later that day (Y/n) was waiting outside the stadium for her friends, to go back to their dorms together. She sighed, tired and hungry from all the running around and arguing with Kaiser. (Y/n) was growing more and more frustrated as each day passed, it seemed like the blonde was growing annoying for the hell of it.
'I just want to do my job-'
"If it isn't my cute manager!"
'God...' (Y/n) held back a groan as she felt the boy's arm around her shoulders.
"Why so cold? I think I was a little nicer today, wasn't I?" Kaiser snickered as (Y/n) tried to move his arm away, but his grip only tightened.
"What do you want now? Didn't you make my life a living hell enough, Kaiser?" The girl asked, causing the boy to mockingly think it over.
"Hmm... no! I think if anything I bless your day."
"We sure have different definitions of 'bless'... where is Ness?" (Y/n) suddenly asked, surprised that the magenta-eyed boy wasn't with him. Hiding a annoyed look, Kaiser pointed at one of the entrance doors.
"He is still changing. Why are you so concerned anyways? But enough about Ness, how about I take you out for some dinner."
"No thanks. Go ask a fangirl of yours." Finally pulling herself out of his grip, she saw Kunigami walk out. Kaiser watched as she looked through something in her bag and took out a scarf?
'That looks familiar.'
"My friends are here, can you please give this to Ness when he gets out?"
"Ness?" Kaiser wondered, feeling the familiar tingle of jealousy.
"Yeah, he gave me his scarf the other day and I finally remembered returning it."
"(Y/n)! Are you ready to go?!" Kurona yelled as the others stared intensely at Kaiser.
"Sure!" She yelled back, giving the clothing item to the blonde and running to her friends.
Kaiser looked at the girl and then down at the scarf, anger bubbling up inside of him as the image of (Y/n) wearing it hit him.
'What does Ness even have?! He has half of my talent, if that even, half of my fame, half of my looks... yet she is so fixated on him.' Kaiser gripped tightly on the item.
'I am not losing to that loser.'
"Is he out of his mind?!" (Y/n) yelled as she watched Kaiser argue with Rin over something. It was the day of the Bastard München and PXG match, so she can understand that the tension was high, but not to the point were they are close to beating each other up.
'He is like a child.' (Y/n) facepalmed as Kaiser was called to sit down and for Ness to switch with him. She watched the magenta-eyed boy run onto the field and Kaiser went to sit down on the bench. (Y/n) too his water bottle and a clean towel and walked over to him.
"Why did you even go off on Rin? He didn't even do anything."
Kaiser looked up at the girl and took the towel from her to wipe his sweat off.
"None of your business. Why are you even here? Wouldn't you loovee to watch your lover boy play instead?" Kaiser asked. The tone was a genuinely upset one, a tone (Y/n) was not really used to from him. Sighing, she turned to look at the field as it was still timeout and looked back at Kaiser.
"You are really acting like a child, Kaiser. This is an official game, you arguing with someone for no good reason is not a good look on you or on the team. Think of the others as well." (Y/n) glared, leaning a little forward.
"You care too much."
"Of course I do- you are impossible! Off and on field!"
While the two were having their argument, the announcer said it was time for the kiss-cam moment, alerting the audience. The players watched passively, waiting for it to be over.
Karasu made some jokes, which prompted Loki and Rin to give him a scolding.
"Can this be over- Not like that!!" Hiori yelled as he saw on who it landed.
"Oohh!! Looks like our star player Michael Kaiser and his manager (Y/L) (L/n) got lucky this time!!"
"What?" The duo looked up, freezing up when they saw the kiss-cam landed on them. (Y/n) looked around in embarrassment, praying her friends will save the day, but all the while Kaiser was over the moon. The blonde smirked and grabbed (Y/n)'s chin, turning her head to face him.
"So~ the sooner we are done the better, don't you think so?"
"Shut up! This has to be against the rule-"
"Can you two get it over with?! We want to play!"
"Shut up, Shidou! This is against the rules..." Rin yelled, growing at the crowd annoyed.
'Why are they cheering them on?!' Karasu thought and looked at his horrified friends from the opposite team.
"Do something." He mouthed at Kunigami and Yukimiya.
"Should we start a fight?" Isagi offered.
"Punch me!" Kurona added.
"You remember how I told you we will eventually kiss." Kaiser asked with a smirk. Rolling her eyes (Y/n) grabbed his collar.
"Let's just get this over with."
The crowd's cheers grew even louder after they kissed, leaving certain boys horrified and pissed.
'Ah... so she does like Kaiser then?' Ness thought with his usual smile, trying to ignore the ache from his heart.
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silvervinewine · 2 years
Hii! I hope you don't mind if I make a request here, because I dont really know where to- Although if you do see this, could you please write headcannons for some of the genshin men (Like Alhaitham, Diluc, etc.) on how they'd act when reader introduces them to their parents? Feel free to ignore this if you dont have time tho!! Thank you sm :)) <33
DILUC: AUTHORITARIAN PARENTS (also commonly known as, "i just want the best for you" parents)
your parents were rather worried about you, after all the man you had brought home was not a lawyer, or a doctor? how would you live with that?
you needed to get a good man, a man that would not be bankrupt any time soon.
needless to say when you brought home DILUC RAGNVINDR, known socialite and sought after bachelor, your parents were more than welcoming.
as soon as he pulled up in his fancy car, with one of his finest suits on, you knew you were in for a ride.
as soon as you welcomed in your boyfriend into your parents' home, was he bombarded with questions.
"where did you study?"
"how much do you make?"
"what are you planning to do with our child?"
"why did you choose them?
just your regular strict parents' shenanigans.
the formal dinner you organized, felt more like an interview, with every single response of his precisely calculated in their wording.
after everything he looks at you with pleading eyes as he paid the bill and left with you.
immediatly hugs you as you arrive at your home.
"felt like he was being watched by hawks."
you chuckle at his comment, as you lay down with him.
"you know, even if they don't look like it" you looked at him, "they actually really really like you."
"i mean you're serious, rich and good looking, everything up to their standard."
he smiled at the comment, after all if he wanted to marry you he would need to get your parent's approval.
AL HAITHAM: AUTHORATIVE PARENTS (also commonly known as, sane parents which love each other very much, #mommy issues)
while somewhat demanding, your parents never really asked much of you.
"just live a happy life, work hard to get what you want and always learn from your mistakes."
you were never asked to get a partner, you were never asked to settle down like this, yet you still chose to get a boyfriend.
AL HAITHAM was always a wallflower, your boyfriend smart academically, stupid socially.
he liked you, you were someone interested in the same things he was, you were someone he could lean on.
you two rode peacefully to the little quaint house your parents' resided on, as soon as you came in you were greeted with cheery smiles and laughs.
the meeting or... hangout spot was a little picnic in a nearby park. a place where you often used to hang out with old friends while sitting around telling stupid jokes while walking around.
you noticed how AL HAITHAM was reluctant to your parents' kindness, while your parents strolled around ocassionally picking up conversation with him he really didn't reciprocate.
you really got it, he wasn't much for small talk.
only ever really nodding or making small comments, chipping in with his commentary here and there.
that was until your mother asked him what he studied, things got real after that.
he looked up and started explaining his past lecture, rambling on about the foreign policies he was interested and the importance of proper storage of information and all that.
yeah needless to say, AL HAITHAM was personally invited to the next big family event by part of your parents' recomendation, he was real glad to have met them.
in reality, even though he did not show it enough, he really appreciated both you and your parents.
(A/N i used some psychology terms to explain the personalities of different parents, sorry if the personalities of these did not apply to your parents. thought this arrangement was necessary as there's no one size fits all in these type of fics.)
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First shared in The Saiouma Pit discord server, parts said by other members are in quotations, unassigned bullet points are my messages
Hina: "It could go either way but... if it's Shuichi demonic royalty instead of parent, it's his uncle or Shuichi's parents and uncle being there and he's managing to perfectly play shit off to his parents while his uncle is just not buying it?"
his parents being the rulers of hell but his uncle being the one that cares to visit
Dra: "Shuichi tells Kokichi about what's going to happen, Kokichi agrees to help him find someone to marry (they are stupid) but before they can think of anyone time Runs out Shuichi's uncle appears from his silly little red demonic circle, looks at Shuichi, notices Kokichi and just "your human is rather small" And Shuichi loses it because oh fuck he didn't want to get Kokichi involved in this"
Hina: "The fact they really thought an hour was enough time to find a fiancé is just sad"
Fuwa: "we can extend it to 6 hours." And then I said: "no, an hour is perfect"
also Shuichi knew beforehand and just waited helplessly until it was last bell to do anything so he asked Kokichi for ideas
Fuwa: "they do fucking tinder, try to get a demonic looking match. They use a goddamn fake face app, to like, see who's demonic enough, and they point it towards Kokichi on accident at the very end, and it's like "perfect match". "Wow it's truly satan!!""
Dra: "Does Kokichi get pros/cons of suddenly being married to demon royalty?" me: "like, what could the cons even possibly be? but yes he does"
after that dinner he stays up at night, pulls out his trusty white board
Dra: ""What if they don't have wifi in hell"", Fuwa: "Shuichi's family" (also listing cons)
Hina: "Pros: Demon Royalty, Would Protect You, Live in Castle, Rich, Cool Uncle, Husband Kinda Cute Ig Cons: The Signal Sucks, Parents are Meh, A lot of fire, Hot. Everyone Here lowkey wants to kill you"
idk about the killing part, I think Kokichi could gain respect in hell, they'd think he has what Shuichi lacks, he was always deemed too timid and soft for a heir to the throne, now this human he brought on the other hand…
Dra: "Ok but it'd actually be so funny if the other demons started going with Kokichi's lies and introduced him as the most powerful demon ruler that just happens to look like a lil dude (it's totally so he can fool sinners into thinking he's harmless) and Shuichi is just watching this go down like "huh""
I love fake dating AUs so I'll try to add a little more to this.
Neither of them has realized their feelings yet when that fated night happens, but something's been brewing through months of their living together. They're just friends that help each other in situations like needing an emergency fiancé. It's cool.
Until it's serious and they're told to pack, so they can begin preparations for the wedding and coronation in Hell as soon as possible. So things get a little tense, but they can go with the flow. It's just another adventure in the life of a supreme leader. And then the shenanigans begin.
The chambers prepared for them obviously have only one bed. They have to show off their affection to sell it to everyone. Learning new details about each other when they're made to pick out stuff for the wedding together. Some frosting on one's face while trying potential cakes. Waking up face to face after swearing to stay on far off sides of the bed the night before.
Kokichi learning things about Shuichi's childhood, Uncle shows him pictures. Shuichi watching Kokichi as he impresses demons with his act, looking at the faces he makes and being not only impressed too, but falling a little bit in love with the joy it brings Kokichi to have a receptive audience.
The realization of feelings being followed by the assumption it's unrequited and wallowing in it. The mixed feelings when trying on suits, dreading the approaching wedding day while thinking the other doesn't feel the same. Something pushing the tension past the limit and causing the confrontation. I've been thinking of maybe introducing a little magic to Hell's wedding traditions; they would each have to throw an ingredient into a huge jug of a special alcoholic drink that is prepared for weddings some days in advance and those specific ingredients have to be thrown in by the couple because the mixture will turn a pretty color when someone in love does this step.
Those idiots. These two morons. When it turns out alright they jump to the conclusion that the other is in love but with somebody else. [This could also be done with Kokichi hearing Shuichi mumble something about love in his sleep, or overhear him venting to somebody who knows their situation, probably Uncle or a friend, say "I think I'm in love" all tragically and the same misunderstanding happens]
So accusations fly, "If you're in love with someone, then why didn't you go to them with this?"
"I didn't know then. Why did you agree to this if there's someone you-?"
"I didn't know. And I expected this to be over by now. I thought that they wouldn't approve of me, or find out it's a farce and then kick me out."
"You should be with the one you love. I can open a portal for you. I can come clean to everyone, I got you into this mess-"
"No. It's not that simple" Shuichi looks at him questioningly, so he sighs and continues "... I am pretty sure it's unrequited. Doesn't matter anymore. What about you? I promised to help. Whatever that means now."
Whether they resolve it at that point or continue without talking things out [Shuichi claiming that his feelings are unrequited too, so their only option is to stay on track.] is up to you.
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guppybibi · 2 months
whats goody gang i have a really stupid request um. imagine akito x reader except its Wow like that really bad 3racha song (I've listened to it too much its so bad yet so good) minus all the innapropriate-ish lines
this would be so silly like imagine akito pulling up to reader like "you could be fiona today, I'll be shrek 🤫🧏‍♀️" and the worst part is that they still fall for that loser 🤢
maybe reader is a bit older than akito too like in wow so akito can quote the iconic "jeogiyo noona hokshi namjachingu isseoyo" (but maybe the Japanese version of that.)
ty i love your writing 😚😚😚
𖦹 pairing: Akito Shinonome x implied fem!reader
𖦹 content: In which Akito tries out some pick up lines but he has L rizz ffrfr
𖦹 notes: HAUHAUAHUA thank uu for this !! i believe in no game Akito, we all say in unison. This was actually really hard to write. I had to put my phone down multiple times. also not proofread btw, really busy..
The two words, ‘Wow, damn..’ were the only ones that managed to slip out of Akito’s mouth as he saw you step into their home, following his sister like you were some obedient little duckling. It wasn't your first time here actually, you've been hanging out with Ena for quite a while now. It's just Akito’s first time actually stepping outside his room, but he didn't know you looked this jaw dropping and show stopping! If he was aware of it, he’d have gotten to you a lot earlier.
“Akito! What are you staring at?!” Ena asks, a skeptical glare towards her brother. “If you're going to take a shine to my friend then at least fix yourself up!” She scolds with a condescending tone, hey–she wasn't doing this to be mean. Her brother really needs help with his love life ya know, he needs as much tips as possible..The ginger looks down at himself, glaring right back at his older sister. Was this some kind of sibling telepathy she didn't know of? The clothes he had on were ferocious, Ena’s eyes felt like they were burning. A random band t-shirt paired with some plaid pajama pants, the brown hair girl tried her damn hardest not to gag right now. But one blink and you’re already right beside Akito, towering over him.
He gulps, his face growing red like he's burning at stake. You seemed a lot prettier up close, but his heart couldn't handle this! It felt like he could die of cardiac arrest at any moment, he still had songs to perform with his group. Not yet, don't die! “You okay? My name’s Y/N, it's nice to meet you!” You stick out your hand, anticipating a shake back. Your hands look so soft and delicate, what if he scratched them with his rough and calloused fingers? Still it's rude to just..keep you hanging there. He takes your hand into his, despite being shorter than you his hand was a lot bigger..He didn't wanna move right now, feeling like he was in some kind of romance manga.
“A-Akito, the name’s Akito..” He stutters, cursing himself internally as he scrambles his words. “I know, Ena told me. Plus I see you ‘round campus anyway.” You smile at him, making him all flustered. Feeling like a flutter of butterflies were just released into his stomach, if it was possible; he would've had heart eyes right now.
And that's how all of this shenanigans started, it started off small, until it started snowballing. First, it began with Akito simply tagging along with you and Ena’s hangouts. Whether it be at the mall or going for a jog on Scramble Crossing. The boy took note of a lot of things about you, the way you’d go over to a bush and pluck a flower (If it was allowed, you’d do no such crime) to sniff it, knowing fully well you were allergic to pollen. If it wasn’t you doing it he’d probably think it was stupid but it’s you so you’re excused. Akito is cursed with a resting bitch face but not when you're around, even if he has a bad day you always manage to make him at least smirk.
But soon it turned not so simple, well to be honest nothing really changed. Aside from the fact you started to actually like him. It felt weird, developing a crush on your friend's younger immature brother. But there was something about him, was it the way he remembers and takes down everything about you? No, it wasn't that, even Ena could do that. Was it his appearance, maybe his ginger hair that was so different from his sister? It wasn't that either, so what was it? As embarrassing it was to say, it was his pickup lines..
It was stupid to begin with, the way he’d end every cheesy line with a wink caught your eye. It got progressively stupider day by day, the most memorable one so far being this. “Hey Y/N, do ya think ya could make me some coffee as sweet as ya?” He asks, leaning over the counter with his hand on his chin. He bats his eyelashes dreamily, an attempt to do it at least, he looked like something got stuck in his eye. “Sure!” You reply, grabbing a cup as he thanks you. He does choke on his own spit when he sees you pour in a bunch of sugar, fortunately only filling the cup halfway. He gulps, praying for his health. Yep, he was still going to drink this. You went out of your way to make this for him, there's no way he’d miss drinking some coffee made by you specifically. “Thanks Y/N.” His voice cracks as he grabs the glass of coffee from you, mentally doing the sign of the cross.
He puked in the bathroom when you left, Ena saw him but he managed to keep her mouth shut by bribing her. Yeah..that week of chores won't be fun. But if that's what it took to perhaps catch your heart into the net he was holding out to you, he’d do it.
Oh but the pickup lines just get stranger and stranger, yet this one takes the cake..The three of you were having a movie night, and you chose to watch Shrek because..why not honestly? It was all going fine, everyone was all comfy and cozy while Ena went to the kitchen to mix up some popcorn. It was just you and Akito there, the movie paused at the intro since Ena would start yelling at you both if you started without her. Ena planned to sit in the middle of the couch, with you on her left and Akito on her right. Simple enough instructions but Akito schooches over to you, his smirk saying something along the lines of “I got an idea..”.
“Y/N..would you be Fiona to my Shrek?” The worst part about it is how serious he seemed to be, no actually–you laughing at it had to be the worse part. It caught you by surprise, it came out of nowhere like a wild animal lurking in the bushes. “Yes! I’ll be your Fiona!” You snort, trying not to pee yourself as the cringe line echoed through the valleys of your mind. Akito was laughing now too, not expecting it to actually work.
What the two of you didn't know though, was that Ena was watching the both of you silently. Trying to stifle giggles, ashamed that she found something as cheesy as that funny.
It's stupid, but you two make it work anyways.
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atrwriting · 2 years
chapter four: the wolf and the dragon — gangleader!aemond x you
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i’ve never been an aegon girly and i never will but i feel like a modernized version of him that was also taught right from wrong would be a very fun friend to have around (not necessarily a good friend, but a fun friend)
alright kiddos enough talk
as always, warnings: no smut (sorry - coming soon), violence, weapons, misogyny
chapter four
you hadn’t seen the targaryen brothers for a few days — even their nighttime, very illegal shenanigans weren’t taking place in your basement. it would be some time before the brothers walked in a few minutes before your last employee left for the night.
aemond threw the doors open to your establishment without as much of a care as to who might be coming in behind him. his lips were pressed in a thin, focused line as his singular eye read one thing: determination. his shoulders were rolled back and broad as his fists were clenched at his sides. you sucked in a sharp breath at the sight.
“y/n, go upstairs,” aemond ordered, letting one hand drift to his belt.
you were wiping down a glass when you tried to meet his eye, but he refused. a man on a mission.
“aemond — i need to talk to you,” you attempted.
“it can wait,” he grunted. “go upstairs.”
“upstairs!” he barked. “now!”
before you could respond, aegon and a few of his men pulled in a few other men that were badly bloodied and gasping for air. they could barely scream, they were so hurt — and you stood horrified at the sight, frozen in place.
aemond stalked up to you and roughly grabbed you by the chin. “don’t make me repeat myself.”
your eyes stared into his, and he glared down into yours. while your eyes might have plead with him to calm down, see reason — there was nothing but a wall up in his eye. a wall between you and whatever logic you could’ve pulled from him.
you immediately reached for his wrist. weakly, you grunted, “let… me—“
“i will when you listen!” he screamed in your face, eye wild.
he threw you against the nearby wall then with no remorse on his face. your back hit the wall hard and it felt like every nerve in your spine was on fire. you gasped in pain, but you knew you couldn’t express weakness in front of men like the targaryens. you weren’t a coward, but you knew lingering would do you no good. you immediately walked to your apartment entrance and retreated upstairs.
“fucking dickhead,” you whispered to yourself through your hot tears.
you were so angry. so, so fucking angry you could barely control yourself. you stalked into your apartment and immediately flung yourself onto the couch and screamed into the pillow. you sobbed, you sobbed like a fucking baby, because there were very few men who had touched you like that and were still breathing.
how had you had gotten into this mess? you began to wonder how your grandfather happened to get into this mess, and how did he tolerate it? he was a sweet old man, who definitely had a tough business side to him, but how could he leave you this business without at least mentioning to you what came with it? he had spent your entire life protecting you from it… why would he stop when he died, when you needed his protection the most?
he kept you away for so long out of safety — when in reality, it was a disservice to you. you walked in blindly to a situation that now had you wrapped in the clutches of the feuding targaryen family. you barely knew anything about them, even from your google search, but you always knew it wasn’t smart to get involved with a prominent family like theirs.
you were so stupid. so, so stupid.
what made you even more naive was the fact that you honestly thought you could trust the targaryen brothers, even if it was only slightly. they scratch your back — you scratch theirs. you wanted to tell aemond about the small deal you had made out of respect and to save your own skin — but he couldn’t even wait, let alone not manhandle you like you were some child, long enough to hear you out.
not only were you stupid, but you were naive.
that was worse. so much worse.
soon, your tears turned into anger. red, hot anger that left your frustrated and wanting to smash something — anything. you had nothing at your disposal, and you didn’t want to travel back downstairs to leave, so you tried to busy yourself around your apartment by completing chores.
you were knee deep in dust when you finally heard your front door open. you cast a quick look to see the infamous aemond targaryen and shook your head. you returned to cleaning.
“yes?” you bit, not meeting his eyes.
“what did you need to tell me?” he demanded, his voice level.
“nothing. i’m busy. goodnight.”
he stepped further into the room, but kept his distance. “i’m in no fucking mood for games, y/n. what did you need?”
“nothing!” you bit, finally facing him. “i don’t need anything from a man who would dare touch me like that!”
aemond was an emotionless man, yes — but you could see your words hit him. there was a slight break in his exterior — meaning his nose and eyes crinkled a little bit, but nothing that was worth any respect from you. so you kept it that way.
“it was for your own safety,” he stated plainly.
“fuck off, aemond,” you spat. “my safety has been constantly threatened since you two showed up.”
“you decided to uphold the agreement your grandfather made.” his voice was growing angrier. “when you decide to break that agreement, that’s your own consequence you must face.”
you stood up and stalked over to where he stood. you were much shorter than him, yes, but your anger had been brewing for some time. you might not have been nose to nose with him, but you were as close as toe to toe with him as you could be.
“you ever touch my grandfather like that?” you spat. “i guarantee you if you did, he would’ve sent the dogs on you. and there wouldn’t be some pretty bartender to patch you up then. fuck off with your ‘agreement’ bullshit. you don’t have the same respect for me that you had for my grandfather, despite the fact that i’ve shown you way more hospitality than he ever did. i don’t need my juris doctor to know that agreement is basically null and void when you put your hands on me, asshole.”
“threatening me is not wise,” he warned, raising an eyebrow.
“neither is it to threaten a stark, aemond,” you replied. “i played nice to be cooperative, but i have no problem calling in the troops if i need them. i’m the favorite, remember? not like you could say that.”
that hit him.
that hit him hard.
good, you thought. i might regret that, but good.
his lips pursed in anger, and his eye was wild.
you were almost scared, but you were too stupid to be.
he grabbed your chin once again. roughly.
you tried to fight him off, but it was no use. you slapped at his chest, wriggled in his hold, kicked at his knees — any other pathetic motion you could manage, but it was all for nothing. aemond targaryen held you in place like you were a rag doll. only when you let out a frustrated, whine did he crack a wicked smile.
“you were jimmy’s favorite, but he’s dead now,” he spat. “we let you have his bar because we were playing nice. highly doubt any of your family would come to your rescue when you’ve foresaken them.”
“wanna bet?” you choked out.
“i don’t bet,” he seethed. “i just make things happen.”
you kneed him in the balls then, and took off for the kitchen.
you heard a distant groan behind you, followed by raving footsteps, but you were quick to grab a knife from your butcher’s block. you were met with a large, feral looking man who was ready to pounce on you. the moonlight from the window streamed through the glass to catch the blonde highlight of his hair and the angry look in his light eye. he was breathing as heavy as you were, and you knew you were done for unless you thought of a plan.
“get out, aemond,” you spat, twisting the knife in your hand.
he laughed evilly. “cute. you think that’s going to stop me.”
“no, but my next of kin will,” you replied. “they’ll take this building and bulldoze it. knowing your sister, she’ll buy the land if they don’t do something with it.”
he narrowed his eyes then. “what do you know of my sister?”
your jaw tightened. “i tried to tell you before.”
“tell me now,” he grunted.
“why should i?!”
“because i said so!”
“you’re going to have to come up with a better answer than that. remember, you only lose in this situation.”
“wanna bet?” he sneered.
no. you didn’t. you couldn’t afford to.
“i’ll tell you if you promise to back up and leave immediately after,” you stated.
“you’re the one who raised the knife.”
“because you’re a fucking animal, aemond!” you screamed.
“tell me.”
“then promise me.”
“tell me!”
“promise me!”
“fuck—!” he turned and smacked a heavy hand on your countertop. he grunted before turning around and place his hands on his hips, possibly attempting to keep his cool. “fine.”
you sighed, lowering the knife. “your sister and her lap dog came to visit me today.”
he turned back around then, eye wild once more. “for what?”
“they wanted to be my main distributor,” you admitted. “i told them no… but i will be selling her wine.”
his eyebrow raised. with anger in every word, he bit, “you made a deal with her?”
“your protection does me jack shit when that’s the second time i’ve been asked and practically threatened to sell her product!” you spat. “who’s not holding up their end of the deal now?”
“you went behind my back!” he sneered.
“i had no options, and i wanted to tell you immediately,” you admitted. “you kept me in the dark, and look where it got me. look where it got you.”
he stared at you for a long time then and you had no idea what was brewing behind his wild eyes. however, you knew what was brewing in yours, and every fibre in your body screamed be smart, be smart, be smart because you knew him and his wickedness stood between you and surviving through the night if he deemed it necessary. in his mind, he could have every reason to choke you out right now and there would be nothing to stop him. and your knife? please. no shot.
“i’m sorry, aemond. i am,” you pleaded, setting your knife down on the counter. you may have set it down, but still kept it close. “i tried to do right by you.”
his breaths became sharper as he stared at you. “i believe you.”
you left out a heavy breath at his words. your eyes drifted slightly closed, and your chest heaved at the idea that your fight or flight wouldn’t have to kick in just yet. you might’ve been slightly relieved, but you knew that wasn’t all. it couldn’t have been the end of it.
“but now both sides of the targaryen name have their hands in this business,” he spat. “that’s not only a problem for me, but you as well.”
you chewed on your lip. “then what do you want me to do?”
he sighed, shaking his head. “i’m not sure yet.”
“what are you going to do?”
“i’m also not sure about that,” he bit. “yet.”
you shifted your weight from one foot to the other uncomfortably. “then we’re done here. and you can leave.”
“we’re not done here,” he stated, and your blood went cold.
you stood there, staring at him, ready for the animal to pounce. he was emotionless and frozen as ever, and you did your best to keep your breaths even and your reflexes on par. the moonlight highlighted every menacing feature about the man, including every sharp angle of his face that could cut way deeper than any blade behind you.
“it…” he began. “it was wrong of me to grab you the way i did.”
your eyebrows scrunched in confusion as your mouth fell slightly agape. the heavy sensation of stress began to creep back into your chest cavity, and you took a hesitant step backwards against the counter. you braved yourself with both hands on the countertop behind you. you didn’t say anything. you kept your breaths shallow as you stared at him.
“it won’t happen again,” he added.
your eyes searched his as the discomfort of the situation grew in your chest. your anxiety was beginning to increase, and you averted his gaze before you looked at him once more. “i’ll trust you when you say that. can you trust me from now on?”
he looked you up and down then, actually considering his options. would he benefit from this? business relationships were one thing, but personal relationships? an entire other realm, and there was no way of knowing if aemond would agree, let alone stick to it. you stopped breathing as you awaited his response.
“i’ll trust you if you promise to tell me everything that comes out a targaryen mouth,” he stated.
you raised an eyebrow. “you seem like the only one that benefits from that transaction. you get intel, and in exchange i get, what? — i don’t get beat?”
“i didn’t beat you,” he snarled.
“you didn’t treat me with kindness or respect either,” you replied.
he sucked in a long breath then, considering his options once again. “i will… keep an associate of mine posted at the bar each day. for your protection, and mine.”
you furrowed your eyebrows at his proposition. “why would you go out of your way to do that?”
“to build trust,” he stated simply, obviously reluctance.
you swallowed. “that’s… acceptable.”
you both stared at each other with wide, wild eyes. you had a mutual agreement, yes, but there was no trust. yet.
your chest was heaving now as your breaths were labored. your fight or flight was beginning to wear down, and now you just felt exhausted. you waited for his next move to decide whether or not another adrenaline spike was necessary.
“goodnight, y/n.”
you swallowed. “goodnight, aemond.”
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moonmacabre01 · 24 hours
🍒, 🥀, ⚔️, 🪄, 💫, ♟️, & 🧋 for anyone!!
🍒 (Cherry) - Out of all of the Dream Friends [Kirby included], which ones would they get along with the most? The least?
for Fondue, Perihelion, and TK
Obviously Fondue gets along best with Bandee and Dedede! But I think he'd also like Adeleine, who he probably developed a soft spot for when she stayed at Castle Dedede. On the other hand, Marx would(and does) annoy the everloving daylights out of him, and he dislikes Taranza.
Peri would greatly enjoy Magolor's company, to the mage's surprise. It's good to know the Lor is in caring hands. It'd also like talking about technology with Susie, comparing methods and experiences. Though they'd dislike Marx's senseless disorder.
TK would really like Flamberge, a fellow hothead, and for some reason I think he'd be fond of Gooey? He knows a good boi when he sees one ig. DMK would frustrate and confuse him though. Are you Meta Knight or aren't you?!
🥀 (Wilted Rose) - Do they have a Soul form? What would it look and act like? How much control over themselves do they have? Is it still possible to save them, or are they too far gone?
for Pheonix Knight
Pheonix Knight indeed has a Soul form! Four flaming wings, giant clawed hands holding a bident crackling and kept together with raw energy, and harsh glowing eyes full of grief. For a Soul form he's actually very lucid, but fixated on vengeance, no matter who or what is in the way. As to if they could be saved . . . it was possible, but the only people who could have pulled him back couldn't find him, or weren't born, or had were the indirect cause of him falling down this path. In the end his soul was claimed by the Scarlet Butterfly, before it could be any further damaged.
⚔️ (Crossed Swords) - What weapon(s) do they wield or specialize in, if any in particular? Any special properties? Do their weapons have names or epithets? [e.g. MK’s Galaxia, Morpho’s Doomblade]
For Carmilla
Carmilla's a bit of a Jack-of-all-trades, but she specializes in crossbow and throwing knives! None of her weapons have unique properties or names.
🪄 (Magic Wand) - Are they capable of wielding magic? Is it a learned skill, or is it innate? What sorts of spells can they cast? Do they possess any magical items or artifacts? [e.g. the Dimensional Mantle]
for Rosentine and Brocade
Rosentine's magic is all learned, and mostly works with plant and growth magic. She can also call apon the heart magic in the blue gems of her brooch and crown, which she uses to defend herself when need be.
Brocade's magic, on the other hand, is innate! She used heart magic mostly in combat, but learned healing magic as an adult to make sure her friends don't die doing their stupid shenanigans. She also wielded the crystal gun, which became an heirloom for the Royal Family of Ripplestar.
💫 (Shooting Star) - If they were to wish on a clockwork star, like Galactic Nova or Star Dream, what would they wish for?
For Perihelion
They would wish for knowledge, about technology, and about the people around them that they never fully understood. Maybe if they understood their peers more, or knew enough about technology, it could be free of the isolation brought apon them by their twin tails.
♟️ (Pawn) - Does your OC get possessed easily, or do they have the willpower to fight back against any possible attempts? Have they been possessed before?
For TK
Taurus has a very strong will, so at very least he'd put up a strong fight against any possible puppeteers. And he'd have a bit of an extra edge against Dark Matter as well, since he's spent the past ~7 years wielding a sword containing Dark Magic.
But he's not infallible. If someone or something was especially fierce in it's attempts, or just appealed to his ego, it's likely be enough to pull him down. He's been able to avoid situations that would put him at risk of possession so far in life, though.
🧋 (Boba Tea) - Come up with a Kirby Café item themed around your OC! It can be a savoury dish, a drink, a dessert, or something else entirely.
For Brocade
I think Brocade's dish would be a light, fluffy cake with lavender frosting, topped with whipped cream and diamond-shaped cookies decorated to mirror her wings. It'd come with a cup of herbal tea, with a special design on the teacup.
The Cake Brocade Has on Sunny Afternoons
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tags/warnings: monsters, perceived betrayal, miscommunication, monster hunter!jean, siren!reader
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Monster Hunter!Jean whose friends are all monsters— including you— but neither you, Jean, nor the rest of them understand what that means in your relations with each other. 
For Jean, the realization dawns slowly. At first, he thinks it's cute that Mikasa won’t come into his house without being invited, an adorable quirk of someone whose life is steeped in old tradition, then hilarious that Eren hisses as his hand connects with the silver door knob to his house. When Connie and Sasha try to get him to spill his full name, he chalks it up to drunken shenanigans and their incurably nosy natures. Initially, Historia’s green thumb isn’t the least bit suspicious, and Ymir’s fierce protectiveness over her coat could be easily passed off as her prickly, unpleasant nature. 
At the beginning, Jean doesn’t suspect a thing. 
It’s only later, when he walks in after a night of hard hunting, covered in monster blood, to find Eren bleeding out on his couch, a silver bullet in his gut and wolf-like claws in place of his nails, that he realizes. It’s only once Connie and Sasha, who are pressing their glowing hands into Eren’s stomach, look up at him first in relief, then in horror, that Jean understands that he’s been completely, utterly fooled— and maybe so have they, if the hurt on Mikasa’s face is any indication.
“Get out,” says Historia, stepping between Jean and the gore on his couch, and he laughs because it’s fucking hilarious that a tiny blond nymph of all creatures is telling him to get out of his own house. 
She slaps him then, presumably for his laugh, and immediately, he bitterly thinks of the many ways knows to kill her, and he feels like laughing all over again. 
"Did you get all the silver out?" he asks on autopilot, and they all look at him like he's stupid.
He repeats his question, then asks what kind of weapon was used to make the shot, and then Ymir is shoving him by his shoulders, demanding that he do what her babygirl said and leave. 
"Why should we trust your help?" she demands when he defends himself. 
"Because I'm still the same man that gave you keys to this house," he replies, and this time she lets him pass as he walks closer.
It takes time to get set up, but eventually Eren is hooked up to an IV bag and Jean is pulling silver shrapnel fired from a shotgun out of Eren's belly— not because he feels guilty, or sorry, or anything but numb, really, but because these people, these creatures, were his friends. At the end of the day, no matter who and what they were, that fact would always remain. 
"Why?" Sasha asks sometime later, once Eren has sunk into a deep slumber on Jean's now-bloody couch. 
Jean doesn't have an answer. He just holds her hand and reaches for Connie's, and they take his hand in theirs as they always had, despite everything. From across the room, Mikasa stares at them. 
"Thank you," she says. 
She means it. 
"Any time," Jean replies. 
He means it, too. 
A few hours later, once everyone is gone and he’s alone, he realizes that there was someone missing from the gruesome horror scene in his living room. You weren’t among them.
You didn’t know.
It’s autopilot that makes him call your phone— the same as it had cared for Eren in his time of need. When you answer, Jean closes his eyes, his nose burning with unshed tears, and he says brokenly,
“Wanna come over?”
You do, and he lets out a breath he hadn’t known he was holding. You’re there in a flash, always so sensitive where he’s concerned, as if you know his every thought— and he welcomes you with a hug that he knows must take you by surprise by the way you exhale in his ear, tickling him as he holds you close.
It is a cruel but necessary thing that you do not know that he is listening for a heartbeat as you embrace. It is a foul thing, but a mercy that you do not know that warm hands are searching for ridges in your back. In the end though, it is only unbearable that you do not know that he finally feels it as he pulls away— the slight unevenness of the flesh of your ribs as his hands caress your sides. He laughs a little, and supposes he might have known. 
“What?” you ask him, and he only laughs more, shaking his head.
Jean was right in thinking you didn’t know about him, about the rest of your friends; he just hadn’t known you had been hiding in plain sight of all of them. 
“Sing for me,” he says, no longer foolish enough to keep up pretenses. “I don’t want to feel anything.”
Your brow creases with worry, but he leans forward, kissing you gently on the mouth.
“Sing for me,” he says. “I know what you can do, and I’m not afraid of it— not afraid of you.”
You recoil, but he catches your wrist. 
“Please,” he begs, and you turn your back to him— ashamed, but no longer fleeing. “Haven’t you wanted to? It’s in your nature.”
“Only with you.”
The words are so quiet that he almost misses them.
You turn to him then, tears in your eyes— the salt water leaves a trail of iridescent scales down your cheek— and you say,
“I only feel the urge to sing to you,” you say, and he laughs again. 
Of course you would only want to sing to the only human in the group. It’s only natural— but how could you know that, when you don’t know the others’ secret?
“Do it,” he urges, leaning forward, and you lean into the kiss this time, your hands tentatively rising to his shoulders. 
“Jean— Jean, where is this coming from?” you ask as he kisses the tear tracks on your cheek, and he wishes he knew what to say.
“Sing to me,” he says again, “I just don’t want to feel.”
You take him by the hand, and his heart leaps into his throat. You lead him to the couch, hover, then look back at him, and this time he takes the lead, bringing you to the master bedroom where moonlight still spills through the open window. You sit at the head, and he crawls onto the bed, laying his weary head in your lap, and you begin to hum, lowly, sweetly from your chest. 
The effect is instant; Jean feels afloat, buoyed by the sound of your voice, and all his troubles melt away. Soft fingers trace the lines of his face as you sing, and Jean’s eyes close, tranquility pressing into him like a weighted blanket.
Beautiful, he thinks— and then he’s lost to the gentle push and pull of ocean waves that cannot touch him.  
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donnerpartyofone · 1 year
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In addition to this morning's insane medical shenanigans, I have discovered that I have no idea who my financial advisor is now. My financial advisor, a professional who I never would have needed in my life, but who I urgently sought out after I got all this stock from my last job at [redacted evil megacorp], and after my grandmother died and I had to spend no less than three years sorting out her affairs (and I'm still constantly looking over my shoulder waiting to get yelled at by some new and obscure institution I forgot about, or penalized for something I didn't know was supposed to do, etc). Like I have no idea how money works, and I WANT to, I WANT to be responsible for my own life, but I'm just not smart enough to understand anything I read or hear. And I HAVE to understand it because if I don't, the IRS comes after me for $$$$ for something I didn't even know happened, or something similarly bad goes on. I know I'm making myself sound like a rich person right now, but that's not really how it works, I mean I appear to have some sort of safety net on paper, but it's not like cash on any level, it's like some radioactive elephant foot thing that if I ever touch it even by accident, there's an extremely good chance that someone will appear with a horrible punishment they have devised for me, and the whole thing is just a source of constant terror, like an extremely dangerous job that I did not apply for and that I am not qualified for and cannot get better at but that I am not allowed to quit. So I hired this financial advisor, who my friend told me is responsible for turning her poor carpet salesman uncle into a millionaire, and then at least I had someone to talk to if I had questions (whether or not I understood the answers) and everything seemed fine. Then I went to email him about some concerns I have about moving to a more expensive new apartment (something I can't really avoid at present), and the email bounced back. And I found out he had moved to a totally different firm, and like maybe he actually told me this and I just didn't understand it because I'm dumb, but I have only a vague memory of it and it did not come with any commentary like "Here's what you need to do now." So now I'm like OK but who is my financial advisor now? Same guy? Other guy? Anyone? I reached out to the assistant guy we worked with before and he had absolutely no information, but offered to become my "new" advisor. And I'm like OK I guess that's good, I want someone who knows me (and how stupid I am) and who knows something about the extremely complicated history of these accounts which I could never explain to a new person. And he's like OK just send me the most recent statements from your accounts and we'll figure out where we have to transfer them over from. And I'm like...but I just pulled statements from the website of YOUR COMPANY, where they have been this entire time. Is that like...does that even make any sense? Is anyone in charge of this now? So I had to cyberstalk my original guy to get a current email address at the very least, and it's starting to sound like everything is technically in the same place but in different "channels" now (that's a word I've never heard in this context, who knows what it means), and all I have to do is keep interrogating various people until someone admits that they are responsible for talking to me if I have any questions.
This entire morning has been about discovering that I am missing major pieces of information about my health, finances, and work life, and probably someone should have told me about these things at some point but nobody does because nobody considers it their job and then it's up to me to just GUESS what my unknown-unknowns are by feeling around in the darkness until I hurt myself.
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kexing · 2 years
Took a break but we’re back in it! Let’s go Triage eps 10-11:
Gosh Tol is so moved finding Tin’s little time loop notes and glimpsing what he’s been through to try and save everything. What would you even do in the face of such levels of caring? (Well Tol is off to a good start, now he’s the one pulling up Tin’s covers while he’s asleep 🥰)
Can’t believe evil gopher really just went “Professor I have a shift at work so I don’t have time to destroy the organ trafficking evidence”
Wow, Tin seems to already be doing a premature victory lap and has transitioned to at-ease-lovey-dovey mode, with the hugs and the compliments and the adorable hand-kissing pinky promises.
Gap holding firm possession of the braincell: Hey Doi sucks and is a lying evil gopher, let’s maybe not trust him?
I really gotta wonder what Sing’s life has been like that he’s so stunningly chill and clearheaded about both taking down the secret organ trafficking ring and escaping getting tied up to be executed by said organ trafficking ring.
Sing and Gap perfectly silently coordinating to utterly beat evil gopher’s ass is a top 10 moment of the entire show easily.
AAAHH and now all his friends have to operate on Tin to try and save him I was JUST SAYING how Sing seems crazy unflappable and now here he is panicking because his best friend is DYING
Tol: Death is a lie and time travel is real. I’m not leaving this hospital until I find Jinta the angel man to save my boyfriend 
All of Tin’s friends: Hey buddy we got a nice padded room you can investigate
And always when we need him most, Jinta the angel man appears!
This is the most emotionally fraught “Previously on...” there’s been yet.
Jinta just be throwing his boys headfirst into the deep end. He’s gonna help, that’s a given cause he’s the best, but like hell he’s not gonna fuck with them first.
Woah, so the super bad fight Mai had with Heart actually played out as a super bad fight she had with Tol before! Hot dang I love time loop shenanigans.
Eeyyyyy, so THIS is the Tol that came to visit severely sleep deprived Tin!
He’s rewinding all the loops and now he’s in his own loop! God this rules.
I love it. Tol manages to fix ALL his own personal stuff in like 5 minutes (even Lukpair and Win chill out!) and then he’s just like “Now how do I fix whatever the hell is going on with that hospital?”
Awww, Tin came to psychically visit Tol like Tol did for him in the waiting room! (maybe the reason Jinta’s so annoyed is that when he’s not advising here he’s stuck with Tin’s ascended spirit making goo goo eyes as they watch Tol flail about in this loop)
It wouldn’t function as a loop trial if there wasn’t a challenge, especially when Tol wasn’t supposed to have one in the first place, so of course it’s a loop with elements completely different than what came before and he only gets the one try as an exception. And no version of Tol has ever had to face a Tin that didn’t care at least a little bit about him and now he has to face a Tin that barely cares about ANYTHING. This is DELICIOUS.
YES Mai! Transfer your mother! Rub it in their stupid little faces as you get her away from here! (Mai deserves more than anyone to punch evil professor and gopher in the face, but this is an acceptable substitute)
Pfft, Sing is such a sappy needy boyfriend. Makes sense that in moving everything a bit to the left this loop shifted him and Gap together, they were like the barest nudge away from it in all the previous ones.
YAY!! i’m glad you’re back!!! 🥳🥳🥳
right!! tin adores tol so much and tol deserves to know and feel that and it’s sure an overwhelming thing but so good!! 🥹🥹🥹
lmaoooo priorities ig
THE HAND KISS TOOK ME OUT 😩😩😩 so soft!! pls
and gap was right!!!
sing: these manmade horrors are unknown to YOU, i know them all
SINGGAP POWER BATTLE COUPLE AKDKSKDKKS we didn’t know we needed that until we got it
*war flashbacks* don’t even start me on tin’s death. i almost lost my mind lmaoo 💀💀💀
poor tol 😭😭😭😭😭😭 he almost lost his mind too 😭😭😭😭😭😭 but thank GOD jinta is here to help the helpless queers 🥳🥳🥳🥳
yeah, they gotta suffer first lmaoo
i love time loop shenanigans as well!! and it’s so well done in this show!!!
literally!! godddd tin and tol love each other so much they find ways to visit each other even in death and different loops and forgetfulness. like come on, jinta. i know they’re messy men but they’re clearly in love!!!
YASSSSSSS!! i love that tin and tol switch roles at the end. that it’s tol’s turn to save tin after everything. feels more balanced!! it’s not just tin doing everything!! WORK BITCH
i agree. mai should even be allowed to kill them
exactly aldkskdkks all singgap needed was a tiny nudge. they’re such lovely boyfriends 🥹🥹🥹
glad you’re still enjoying the show ❤️💙
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frozenjokes · 1 year
WoF/Third Life Crossover Fic Chapter Two - How to Be A Dragon 101
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NOTE: I use italics to indicate thoughts with the mind reading shenanigans. Italics don’t copy/paste onto tumblr and I am lazy. Ao3 version has italics and you can read that here
Two things. One: He was, in fact, late for the opening ceremony. Two: These dragons were nothing like him. Grainshifter crept into the Prey Hall where he knew school assemblies took place from watching all these years. This was the biggest open space in Jade Mountain, so it was one of the only places all the attendees could fit comfortably. Grainshifter sat near the back, painfully aware of all the curious eyes following him. Keep your eyes on the headmaster! He thought disdainfully. No one would act this disinterested in front of the Nightwatcher council. One dragon in particular caught his attention; a tangerine colored Rainwing with blue and green accents was laying down and fidgeting with an old bone that must have been leftover from a past meal time. Grainshifter’s lip curled. How could anyone act so disrespectfully to their superiors? He pulled his gaze away, choosing instead to focus intently on the Headmaster’s speech. It was one he had heard before from the days he spent lurking in these halls, but that was no excuse not to listen.
As the students were dismissed to go find their winglet caves and meet their new roommates, Grainshifter realized with a lurch he didn’t know anything about who was in his winglet or even where he needed to go. Every other dragon seemed to have a little pamphlet, and Grainshifter managed to glean from some of their minds it would have the information he needed. Guess being late meant he missed out. He poked around through the field of busy thoughts, hoping he could find someone thinking his name and follow them to where he should go, but no one was thinking about him at all. No one. Was thinking about him. Not. One. Dragon. A smile crept up his long snout. Well! It was time to meet his first new friend! A dragon who isn’t afraid of being violently dismembered by me. What a dream. 
Grainshifter jumped to his feet and scoured the Prey Hall for a suitable acquaintance. A buggy eyed Rainwing with green and yellow scales went to meet the other Rainwing he had noticed earlier. The orange one was so preoccupied with the bone he was looking at, he hadn’t even looked at his pamphlet. However, once what Grainshifter assumed was his friend approached, the Rainwing snatched his bone and pamphlet up with his teeth and stood. On his two front legs. Oh man, I am such an asshole. He couldn’t help but stare in awe as the orange Rainwing walked off with his bug eyed friend. He supported his weight entirely on his two front talons and balanced with his back legs hanging below his stomach. Wow.. he’s strong..
“I’ve been told it’s not very nice to stare,” a voice sounded behind him, making Grainshifter jump nearly out of his skin. Right. He wasn’t invisible anymore. He swiveled around to see an Icewing; she towered over him, but looked kind, and there was laughter in her dark eyes. The spines that came from the back of her head were odd looking, as if she had tried to style them into a different form. Was this a new Icewing fashion trend? She tilted her head. He tilted his.
“I guess you just stare at everyone don’t you,” she laughed, but her thoughts made Grainshifter believe she was starting to regret coming over to talk to him. No! An Icewing would make a great companion! He couldn’t mess this up! 
“I-I lost my pamphlet!” he blurted, feeling awfully stupid now. 
“I noticed.” The Icewing smiled and her shoulders relaxed. Her thoughts reflected that she was just as nervous as he was. Ah. Okay. Good. “I’m Pearl. I saw you coming in late, and you looked a little..disoriented. You can have a look at mine if you want to.” The Icewing, Pearl, held out her pamphlet. He took it, grateful.
As he flipped through the pages looking for his name, he noticed Pearl’s thoughts growing unsure once more. His wings tensed. Had he done something wrong again? He looked back to her, probing deeper into her mind. Is this dragon going to introduce himself? Should I ask? Why is he looking at me again? Does he want me to ask? Maybe he’s just anxious. … DO YOU EVER BLINK?? He tore himself away from the Icewing and back to the pamphlet, considerably more anxious than before. Why had no one told him dragons didn’t like being looked at? 
“I’m uh.. Grain..” he started, flipping through the pages quicker now. His name wasn’t here. Why wasn’t his name here? Panic sparked in his chest. “It’s not here. My name isn’t here.” 
“What? I’m sure that’s not true, you just must have missed it.” Pearl gently took the pamphlet from him and began flipping through, slower. He must have looked really pathetic, because her thoughts changed instantly from anxiety to concern. “Grain…. Grain…”
“Oh- no my name isn’t-”
“Here! Grain!” Pearl cut him off, pointing a talon towards his name. “Hey, you’re in my winglet!” He cringed away as her thoughts revealed she wasn’t entirely too pleased about that. “Oh.. wait.. I think this says Grian..” The Icewing bent her head closer to look, and Grainshifter had to hop to see over her shoulder. His mind raced. Grian? Oh, that must be him. Of course he wouldn’t be signed up under a Nightwatcher name. He paused. DID THEY SPELL ‘GRAIN’ WRONG???
“I-nope! That’s me! Grian!”
“But-I thought-”
“I misspoke!” Embarrassment radiated off him in waves. Pearl seemed to notice, her eyes softening.
“Hey, it’s alright. Don’t worry about it, we’re all nervous on our first day. Let’s go find our cave and meet the rest of our winglet.” Pearl bumped his side with her hip, (a gesture he was PRETTY sure was supposed to be encouraging) nearly sending him toppling off his claws, and trotted off, looking back periodically to make sure he was following. Grainshifter, well, Grian now, had to do a little sprint to catch up. He supposed Grian sounded a little nicer than Grain did anyway.
              Pearl walked fast. Really fast. Grian had never felt so small next to another dragon, even the huge Nightwatchers in the ancient city. Couldn’t the council have made him any taller? Unfortunately, Pearl didn’t seem to realize that Grian was struggling to keep up, as her attention was focused completely on the pamphlet. 
“Ah! Here we are!” Unable to contain her excitement, she did a little hop, neck spines straightening, and promptly abandoned Grian as she took off down the hallway.
“I-Pearl!” He couldn’t keep the despair out of his voice as he raced after her. Their cave was just down the hall, but Pearl seemed to already be settled when Grian caught up, chest heaving. The space was just big enough for six dragons, one from each tribe before Nightwings became Nighwatchers. Each tribe had a sleeping area that suited them; a cooling pad for the Icewing, a patch of soft ground for the Mudwing, so on and so forth. He wondered where the Rainwing hammock was in this cave. Could I be lucky enough not to have a Rainwing in my winglet? He looked at the top ledge where the Nightwing would have slept. The ceiling above was painted to look like a sky full of stars, although a lot of the paint had started to chip off now. He wondered if anyone would mind if he slept up there instead.
He turned to see Pearl introducing herself to a dark colored Mudwing with white spines on his neck, giving him quite the scruffy look. Perhaps an Icewing hybrid? They seemed to be getting along pretty well, and Pearl’s mind reflected relief at seeing another Icewing. Grian couldn’t help but chuckle at that; the Mudwing-Ren was his name- couldn’t have been built less like an Icewing if he tried. 
Ren turned and caught his eye, head tilted slightly to the side. Why is that Skywing laughing at nothing? Grian started, lurching forward to join the other two dragons and introduce himself. He would NOT be known as the weird dragon to everyone in his winglet. A deep blue Seawing stepped inside as they talked, joining them in their introductions. He went by BigB, with a build that fit his nickname, and Grian was starting to dread the size difference between himself and his peers. Everyone seemed so much stronger than he was and they talked so naturally like social interaction came so easy. Maybe it’s too late for me. Maybe I’m just permanently damaged.
“Hey everybody! Mr. GoodTimes has entered the building! Well- cave? Well maybe I entered the cave when I got here at the start of the day… Isn’t this whole place like one big cave? I have entered the little cave inside the big cave!” Nailed it. All four dragons turned at once, their thoughts reflecting confusion more than anything.
“Oh! You must be our Rainwing,” Ren beamed, stepping over to introduce himself. Pearl and BigB followed suit, matching the new dragon’s energy. Grian couldn’t help but shrink away, the commands of Queen Forthreader echoing in his mind. 
“Scar, call me Scar,” he spoke, bravado unwavering. Grian noted that this time, he was hooked up to a wheelchair with little pockets hanging off the sides. Ah, so that’s why there was no hammock. That would probably be quite the pain to get in and out of. Grian wondered if he could get up on the Nightwing ledge and just hide away from the intimidating loud dragons. Ren in particular was getting riled up, as if talking with Scar was energizing him. BigB just looked amused. 
As he started hopping up the rocks, Pearl caught his eye. It was a questioning look, her thoughts concerned. To his great relief, she just gave him a little nod and turned away. I can ask later, her mind echoed. He grimaced, but there was a part of him that was warmed by the sentiment. Grian tucked himself into the little nook near the ceiling and curled into a tight ball, resting his head on his talons. No respecting Nightwatcher would be awake at this hour anyway. If only he could attend the academy as a Nightwing instead. His longer snout felt awkward in his normal resting position, and his larger wings felt bulky and uncomfortable against his side. At the very least, his smaller size meant he could stay relatively hidden up near the ceiling. He let out a small sigh and closed his eyes. Tomorrow, classes would begin, and he wouldn’t have to worry so much.
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pechefarm · 2 years
Buttercup Baby Ch 5
Pairing: Sam/Male OC
Summary: Egg festival shenanigans are abound, and our dear friend Léo makes a pretty dumb decision regarding his ex.
Word count: 5,027
A/N: If you're seeing the name José and you're wondering who the heck that is, you'll find out soon enough!
You can also find this chapter and the rest of the fic on ao3!
Léo sighed as he read the letters he had received this morning. Some of them were typical, bills and such. He’d have to remember to change those to electronic only. However, there was one that made Léo pause. It was from someone that he didn’t even realize knew his address.
It was from Henri.
Hey Léo,
I know this is probably surprising to get a letter from me, but I didn’t know how else to contact you. Jackie told me you had moved to your grandpa’s old farm, so since I don’t have your number anymore, I thought I’d send this to you.
I know José’s birthday is coming up, and I just wanted to say that if you need anything, I’m here for you. I’ve been thinking about you recently and I just wanted you to know that even though we’re not together, I’m still your friend forever, okay?
You can give me a call if you want, and we can talk about anything you want. Anything at all. I hope everything on the farm is going well!
He had scrawled his number underneath his signature, and Léo stared at it. He shouldn’t save this number. That would be a mistake. Henri had left him the second he found someone more attractive. He had promised Léo his entire life, yet ditched him the second someone potentially better showed up. He should not save his number.
Léo pulled his phone out and quickly input his ex’s number in, cursing himself for doing so. This was so stupid. But Léo had done stupider things. He looked over at his bedside table as a memory popped into his head.
Sam had come over to help move the new couch Léo had bought from Robin into the house. Robin had insisted that she could help, but Sam had insisted. Once the couch was where Léo wanted it to be, they collapsed onto it, smiling at each other.
“Thanks for helping,” Léo said, wiping his brow. “You didn’t have to.”
“Of course I did!” Sam said, frowning. “Friends help each other, and you needed help. So why wouldn’t I?”
“You’re the nicest guy I’ve ever met,” Léo said, leaning his head back. His eyes fluttered shut and he missed the tiny smile and blush on Sam’s face. There was a few seconds of silence before Sam piped up.
“I like that ring,” Sam said. Léo’s eyes immediately opened, and he looked down at the coffee table, where a small bowl sat. There were a few pieces of jewelery in there. Sam pointed towards a silver band with a small sapphire on it.
“Oh, thanks,” Léo said.
“I’ve never seen you wear it,” Sam said. “You wear all the other ones.”
“Well um…there’s no real point to wearing it,” Léo mumbled, and Sam gave him a surprised look.
“Why not?” he asked. Léo shifted awkwardly, and sat up. 
“That’s the promise ring that Henri gave me,” Léo said. There was a tense silence in the air after this admission, and when Léo looked over at Sam, he noticed that his friend had a nearly expressionless look on his face. But he noticed how tense Sam’s jaw was, and knew that he wasn’t happy.
“Why do you still have it?” Sam asked waspishly. 
Léo had never heard Sam sound this irritated before, and he suddenly felt very nervous.
“I dunno,” Léo said. “I just…I don’t know what to do with it.”
“Throw it away,” Sam said, staring at the ring as though it had done him a personal wrong.
“I can’t just throw it away!” Léo said, scandalized.
“Why not?” Sam said, looking at Léo with anger in his eyes. “Henri was jackass to you, why the hell are you saving that?”
Léo was speechless. Sam was mad. Léo had never seen Sam angry before, and it was slightly terrifying. 
“Why does it matter?” Léo asked.
“Because you’re holding on to memories of a guy who hurt you! You’re still connected to this guy! You have to throw this away so you can let go!”
“What if I don’t want to let go?” Léo said, and regretted his words instantly. Sam stood up fast.
“If you want to memorialize a toxic guy then whatever. That’s your business. I forgot, there’s something I have to go do right now. See you ‘round.”
Sam stormed out of the house, and Léo watched him leave, confused. Sam had a point, but Léo didn’t think his actions warranted his friend storming out of his house. Léo had decided to move the ring from the bowl to the drawer on his bedside table. Even though it was no longer in the bowl, he was pretty sure that Sam knew that he hadn’t thrown it out.
Léo grimaced as he looked away from the ring’s hiding spot. If Sam knew that he had Henri’s number in his phone, well…Léo didn’t want to even imagine his reaction. All he knew was that it wouldn’t be good. This would have to stay a secret.
He folded up the letter and placed it in the drawer with the ring, and moved on to the next letter. It was from Lewis, and he was very curious about it. 
Dear Léo,
Tomorrow we will be holding the Egg Festival in the town square. You should arrive between 9am and 2pm if you’d like to attend. You wouldn’t want to miss the annual egg hunt!
Mayor Lewis
Tomorrow? Why was Lewis sending this so last minute? He shook his head and set it down. Maybe he’d go, it could be fun. He chuckled at the idea of the egg hunt. He hadn’t participated in one since he was a child. In Zuzu City they had a holiday called Easter, and there was always an egg hunt then. The idea of participating in one as an adult was silly, but sounded fun at the same time. He vaguely wondered if Sam would be there, and if he’d be searching for eggs as well.
Standing up from his spot on his bed, he checked the time. It was almost 1, and he had promised Sam’s mom that he would bring over some cauliflower for a special recipe she wanted to try out.
Luckily he had grown an exceptional crop, and was excited to bring one of them over to her.
He grabbed the vegetable from his fridge and headed out. He wondered what recipe Jodi was planning on making. He would have to ask. Sam always praised her cooking, but Léo wasn’t entirely sure he wanted to try anything she made. His friend had enthused about how good her fish casserole was, and Léo tried to sound just as enthusiastic about it. In reality, this sounded absolutely terrible to him.
But he supposed that everyone had different tastes.
Upon entering town, he saw Sam skateboarding in the town square. Lewis was nearby, glaring at him. It wasn’t a secret that Lewis absolutely detested the fact that Sam loved to skateboard. Léo couldn’t figure out why though, it wasn’t hurting anyone.
“Sam!” Léo called out, and his friend looked up, completely fumbling the move he was trying to do.
“I was so close to getting that right!” Sam said in a mock angry tone. “You just had to interrupt.”
“If interrupting means I get to talk to you, then I’d interrupt you anytime,” Léo said playfully. Sam seemed incapable of speech, opening and shutting his mouth a few times before noticing the cauliflower in Léo’s arms.
“Whoa, that’s huge!” Sam said, walking over, eyes wide.
“Yeah, your mom said she has a new recipe she wants to try out, and needs it.”
“Oh yeah!” Sam said happily. “She’s making cauliflower curry! It’s supposed to be really good, and she wants to expand what she can make. I don’t think she should though. I could eat her fish casserole for every meal.”
“You need to expand your culinary horizons,” Léo said, shaking his head. “You’ll need to come over for dinner sometime, I’ll show you things other than fish with cream of mushroom soup.”
“There’s more to it than that!” Sam said as they walked towards his house. “You haven’t even tried it yet, it might be the best thing you’ve ever had.”
“Maybe,” Léo said, though he didn’t sound very convinced.
“Look, it’s amazing,” Sam said. “And you’re ridiculous for thinking it’s anything less than. Here, let me get that,” he said, opening the door for Léo.
“I will never stop being surprised that everyone in town leaves their doors unlocked,” Léo said, shaking his head. “You’d never see that in the city.”
“Yeah but that’s because you don’t trust everyone in the city. We trust everyone in town,” Sam said. “You’re the weird one for keeping your door locked.”
“Force of habit I guess,” Léo said as they walked towards the kitchen.
“Sam? Is that you?” called a feminine voice.
“Yeah mom, hey!” Sam said as they entered the kitchen. “Léo’s here too.”
Jodi was elbow deep in soapy water, but immediately stopped washing the dishes at Sam’s words. She whipped around, a huge smile on her face, eyes sparkling.
“Léo!” she said, peeling her rubber gloves off and setting them to the side. “It’s so good to see you! Have you been hanging out with Sam today?”
“I bumped into him on the way over,” Léo said. “I’m actually here to see you,” he said, and presented the cauliflower.
“Oh that looks absolutely delicious! It’s going to go wonderfully with the curry I’m making tonight!” Jodi said, accepting the cauliflower. “You should stay for dinner and try it out!”
“Oh, thanks! I guess I could come over,” Léo said, and for some reason, Sam blanched.
“You’re staying for dinner?” Sam asked, sounding a little nervous. Jodi chuckled as Léo turned to Sam, raising an eyebrow.
“Is that bad? You wanted me to try your mom’s cooking.”
“No! It’s fine!” Sam said in a slightly high pitched voice.
“I think he’s nervous that you’ll be having dinner with me and Vincent,” Jodi said, and Sam glared at her.
“I’m not,” he grumbled.
“I would absolutely love to get to know Léo better,” Jodi said with a sweet smile. “I’ve heard so much about you,” she said looking at Léo.
“You have?” Léo asked, surprised.
“Oh yes!” Jodi said, “Sam is always talking about you,”
“I talk about all my friends a lot!” Sam said quickly. “Alright, Léo we should go um. Do…something? Outside? Not in the house. Skateboard tricks! I’ll show you tricks!”
He seemed very keen to usher Léo out of the house, which Léo found very odd. He wasn’t entirely sure what was going on, but he followed Sam anyway, shrugging it off.
“Alright, show me what you’ve got,” Léo said, and Sam blinked at him. “You said you were going to do some tricks,” he reminded Sam.
“Oh right!”
Sam and Léo spent most of the day messing around on the skateboard. Sam tried to show Léo how to ride it, and he was terrible at it. Léo bit the dust multiple times, and eventually he sat down in the grass and watched Sam practice his tricks. Time seemed to fly by, and soon enough, Penny was walking up the path with Vincent and Jas in tow.
“Hey Pen!” Sam said happily as Penny approached.
“Hey Sonny!” Penny said, and Sam rolled his eyes.
“I thought I told you to stop calling me that,” he said. Penny giggled.
“I can’t help it!” she said. She gave Sam a wicked grin and turned to Léo. “Do you know what Sam’s real name is?”
“PENNY!” Sam said, sounding horrified.
“It’s not Samuel?” Léo asked.
“It’s Sam, just Sam, that’s it, that’s all!” Sam said hurriedly, and Léo gave him a strange look.
“Do you really hate your name that much?” he asked. Sam sighed dramatically.
“It’s not terrible, but it’s not good either.”
“It’s Samson!” Vincent blurted out.
“Vincent how dare you!” Sam said, furious. Vincent and Jas giggled.
“That’s not a bad name!” Léo said. “I like it.”
“What?” Sam asked, looking shocked. “You actually like it?”
“Yeah,” Léo said. “Wait, is that why Penny called you Sonny?”
“Yes!” Penny said. “Also because it sounds like ‘sunny’ and Sam is a pure ray of sunshine,”
“Aw, you’re making me blush,” Sam said, and the two smiled at each other. Léo felt his stomach twist, but he wasn’t entirely sure why. All he knew was that he suddenly felt upset with Penny. It almost felt like there was an animal in his chest that was about to burst out and attack her. He pushed those feelings away as Penny left with Jas, and tried to clear his head. What the hell was wrong with him today?
 “Well now that Vince is here, we should all head in,” Sam said.
“Léo’s coming over for dinner?” Vincent asked, an excited look on his face. 
“Yeah, your mom invited me over,” Léo said, and for some reason Vincent’s face fell.
“Not Sam?” he asked, sounding disappointed.
“No?” Léo said, confused about Vincent’s tone.
“It doesn’t matter who asked, all that matters is that he’s here. Now let’s get some grub.” Sam said.
Jodi greeted Léo with a hug, and ushered all of them to the table that she had set very nicely.
“Are these our nice plates?” Sam asked curiously, looking at the table.
“Well, I had to put out our nicest stuff for our very special guest,” Jodi said.
Léo almost burst out laughing at the look on Sam’s face. He wasn’t sure why Sam was so flustered about this dinner, but it was kind of cute.
The food was fantastic, and Léo made sure to let Jodi know this multiple times throughout the meal.
“It wouldn’t be so good if it wasn’t for your produce,” Jodi said cheerfully. “Joja Mart has alright vegetables, but nothing compares to vegetables straight from the farm!”
She spent most of the dinner asking questions about Léo’s life before coming to Pelican Town, highly impressed with his degrees.
“I finished my PhD a year before I came,” Léo said, and Jodi looked at him with wide eyes.
“That’s incredible!” she said. “Why didn’t you stay in computer engineering?”
“I needed a change,” Léo said simply. “Who knows, maybe I’ll go back to it.”
“But wouldn’t that mean you’d go back to Zuzu City?” Vincent asked. 
“Yeah,” Léo said, turning and looking at him. “I would have to go back.”
“Well don’t,” Vincent said. “Sam would miss you too much.”
Sam flicked a piece of cauliflower at his brother, causing Léo to burst into laughter and Jodi to scold him something fierce.
“I’d miss him too,” Léo said truthfully, and Jodi beamed at him.
“I’m glad to see you two boys are such good friends,” she said. “You can come over here anytime you want, the door is always open to you.”
Léo had never met a woman nicer than Jodi. She was gentle and kind, and Léo could see where Sam got his sunny disposition from. Clearly Jodi had quite the influence on him. Right as he was about to leave, Vincent tugged at Léo’s shirt.
“You’re coming to the festival tomorrow, right?” he asked Léo.
“I’m thinking about it,” Léo said.
“You should!” Vincent said earnestly. “And the flower dance!”
“The what?” Léo asked.
“It’s one of our biggest festivals,” Jodi said. “Maybe Sam could tell you about it,” she said, looking at her son with a look on her face that Léo couldn’t place. Sam looked at the ground and then back up.
“Yeah I’ll walk him home and we can talk about it,” he said. “Let’s go!”
Léo and Sam walked down the street, chatting mindlessly as they headed to the dirt path that lead to the farm. As they walked onto his property, Léo remembered something.
“So what is the flower dance?” he asked Sam.
“Oh, it’s just a spring festival that Pelican Town throws that’s a big dance party,” Sam said with a shrug.
“That sounds fun!” Léo said.
“I guess? The flower dance is kinda weird. I mean, the food is always great but the dancing? Eh,” Sam said, shrugging.
“You don’t like to dance?” Léo asked curiously.
“Oh no, it’s not that,” Sam said. “There’s a portion of the dance where you get to do basically whatever you want. But before that? There’s this weird ceremonial dance thing that we have to do. It sucks. I dance with Penny every year, so it’s not too bad.”
Léo felt a pang in his gut, and tried to ignore it. “That makes sense, you and Penny.”
“What does that mean?” Sam asked curiously.
“You guys would make a great couple,” Léo said. “You’re pretty cute together.”
“A…a couple?” Sam said, sounding genuinely shocked. “Is that really what you think is going on?”
“Well I mean, I thought you guys like each other. You don’t?” Léo asked, surprised. “When you two hang out, you give off that vibe. Like before dinner when she dropped Vincent off. Seems like you like her.”
“Jesus, really?” Sam said, shaking his head. “Its not like that. We never, ever have had crushes or whatever on each other. We’re friends. Good friends, yes. But I am not interested in her like that, and I really don’t think she sees me that way. We’re like siblings Léo. Siblings.”
“Then why do you guys dance with each other every year?” Léo asked.
“When I turned 16, my mom really wanted me to finally dance at the festival. But there wasn’t anyone for me to dance with. Everyone else had already paired off. Penny saw my mom getting frustrated so she said she’d dance with me. We just stuck to that. It’s not because we like each other.”
“Methinks the lady doth protest too much,” Léo said with a wink, and Sam let out an annoyed huff.
“I swear, I don’t see her that way,” he said firmly as they walked up the steps to Léo’s house.
“Whatever you say,” Léo said with a chuckle. Sam bit his lip, looking like there was something he desperately wanted to say. 
“You’re wrong,” Sam finally said. “Have a good night, okay?”
“Yeah, you too,” Léo said. Before he could turn to unlock his door, Sam had enveloped him in a giant hug. Léo nearly fell over from the force of the hug, and it took a moment before he wrapped his arms around Sam.
Léo was suddenly very aware of how nice Sam smelled. Whatever cologne he was wearing smelled a bit spicy, and a little bit like the forest. He felt weird thinking it, but he wanted to smell this scent forever. He lost himself in how warm Sam was, and how right it felt for his arms to be around him. How perfect it felt for Sam to be holding him this way. 
The hug seemed to last forever, but Léo didn’t mind. He wondered why they had never hugged like this before, and found he wanted to hug his friend like this more often. When Sam finally let go, the two men were pink in the face.
“See you at the egg festival tomorrow?” Sam asked hopefully.
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Léo said. “See you then.”
Léo went to sleep that night dreaming of sitting with Sam in the forest while cuddlign and holding hands. He woke up confused, shaking the dream from his mind. Weird. Léo grabbed his phone and checked the time. Luckily he had time to do his chores and take a shower before the festival. 
Instead of putting his phone down and getting ready for the day, Léo stared at it, suddenly remembering whose number he had put into his phone yesterday. He knew he shouldn’t do it. He was better than this, right?
Hey Henri I got your letter. Good to hear from you.
Léo wished he could take the message back, but it was already sent. He had just done the stupidest thing in the book—texted his ex. But it was too tempting. Sweet memories of Henri bringing him breakfast in bed and comforting him on José’s birthday.
And there it was, the real reason he was texting. He needed someone who understood, someone who knew what he was going through. Sure he had Elfie but it had always been Henri who checked in on him, made sure everything was fine.
He stood up and got into his work clothes, and headed out to the fields. Half of him hoped that Henri wouldn’t reply to him, but half of him was desperate for his ex to respond. Maybe even call. God it would be insane to hear his voice again.
It was only after his shower that Léo bothered to check his phone. His heart jumped as he saw that he had a text. A text from Henri. He opened it, thumb shaking slightly as he unlocked his phone.
Léo! Ahhhhh I’m so glad you decided to text me back! It’s so good to hear from you! How are things?
Half an hour later, Léo realized that if he didn’t put his phone down, he was going to be late for the festival. He pocketed his phone and quickly dressed, putting on his favorite cologne. It was a citrus scent, and he absolutely adored it. He smiled at the idea of hugging Sam and having his friend breathe in the scent and enjoy it.
Heading to the festival, Léo hoped that casual clothes would be acceptable at the festival. Luckily, it seemed as though this wasn’t going to be a problem. He walked into the town square, and noticed that everyone was dressed in their typical attire, which made Léo feel more at ease. In Zuzu City, people often dressed up for Easter, and he wasn’t sure if the Egg Festival and Easter were similar at all.
There were tables piled high with food, and Léo walked over to grab some. Everything was made from eggs, and Léo opted to grab some deviled eggs that had a generous dusting of paprika on them.
It didn’t take him long at all to find his friends, who greeted him happily.
“I’m glad you came,” Sam said.
“That’s what he said,” Abigail said with a grin.
“Isn’t it ‘that’s what she said?’” Sebastian asked. 
“Usually, but in this case the guy is happy his girl came. Doesn’t always happen,” Abigail said. Léo and Sam laughed, and Sebastian merely rolled his eyes.
“Are you going to do the egg hunt?” Abigail asked. “Because if you are, you better watch out! I win every year!”
“Well maybe I’ll have to give you a run for your money,” Léo said with a grin.
“Just you try!” Abigail said enthusiastically. “Nobody can win against me!”
“She’s kind of right,” Sam said. “I try to beat her every year, and I never can. I don’t understand how she’s so good at this. It’s like she has a sixth sense for hidden things.”
“Alright everyone!” Lewis called out, and the four adults turned to look at the Mayor who was standing in the middle of the square. “The egg hunt is about to begin! Gather ‘round if you want to join!”
“Let’s go!” Abigail said happily, and the four of them walked over to Lewis who had a smug look on his face.
“I’ve hidden the eggs very well this year,” he said, handing all of the participants a small basket. “I think it will be very hard to find them all! Whoever has the most eggs when the timer goes off will be crowned the winner! Alright, 3…2…1…GO!”
The crowd surrounding him dispersed, and everyone began to search. Lewis had been correct, the eggs were very hard to find. After a few minutes had gone by, Vincent rushed over to Léo.
“Have you found any eggs yet?” Vincent asked.
“Two,” Léo said shamefully. “You?”
“I’ve got three,” Vincent said. “It’s super hard! Abigail is gonna win again.” He stuck his lip out in a pout that reminded Léo of Sam.
“The only way to win would be to team up,” Léo said shaking his head. Vincent let out a gasp.
“We should team up!” Vincent said excitedly. “Then we can share the prize!”
“What is the prize?” Léo asked.
“It changes every year,” Vincent said with a shrug. “I dunno what it is this year.”
Léo thought for a second. “You know what? I think you’re right. We should team up. Let’s go!”
Vincent clapped happily, and the two searched. Together they found a total of 10 eggs. However, when the time was up, Lewis was not impressed with Léo and Vincent.
“That’s cheating,” he said shaking his head. “The two of you are therefore disqualified, and the prize goes, once again, to Abigail!”
Tears welled up in Vincent’s eyes, and the small boy began to cry. Everyone glared daggers at Lewis who shifted from foot to foot uncomfortably.
“Well, cheating isn’t allowed! I can’t give a reward to someone who doesn’t play fairly,” Lewis said, trying to save face and failing. Sam looked absolutely furious, and Léo got the sense that if he didn’t do something soon, his friend was going to say something he would regret.
Léo bent down to Vincent’s level and took a deep breath. The poor boy seemed inconsolable, but Léo had an idea. What always calmed him as a child was being sang to. Specifically, he always calmed down when his favorite children’s rhymes were sang. Maybe if he sang a children’s song in Spanish, it would surprise Vincent enough to get him to stop crying.
“La araña pequeñita subió, subió, subió!” Léo sang, and pinched his fingers together to make a small circle, moving it up into the air. Vincent gave him an odd look at this. His sobs began to quiet, so Léo continued.
“Vino la lluvia y se la llevó!”
Vincent seemed to recognize the lyrics as “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” from the tune and hand motions, and was clearly very excited. Léo had remembered Sam saying at one point that his brother loved spiders. This might be a song for little kids, but 8 wasn’t too old to enjoy it, right?
“Salió el sol y todo lo secó, y la araña pequeñita subió, subió, subió!”
Vincent clapped and giggled, and Léo beamed at him. Sam was standing nearby, looking at Léo with a smile bigger than the sun.
“You speak Spanish?” Vincent asked.
“It’s my first language,” Léo said. “Kind of. I learned Spanish and English at the same time, but I speak Spanish with my family.”
“That’s so cool!” Vincent said. “I want to speak another language too!”
“Why are you looking at Léo with sad cow eyes?” Jas interrupted, tugging on the hem of Sam’s shirt. Surprised, Sam looked down.
“With what now?” he asked.
“Sad cow eyes,” Jas repeated. “Your eyes look just like Mabel and Misty’s. Why?”
“I dunno,” Sam said, looking thrown.
“It’s because they’re best friends,” Vincent said. Sam glanced at Léo who had been watching his interaction with Jas with an amused smile on his face.
“We’re best friends and you don’t look at me like that,” Jas pointed out.
“Hmmm…” Vincent said, clearly deep in thought. 
“You know what, let’s talk about something else for a minute,” Sam said with a nervous laugh.
“Aw, but I was enjoying hearing about your sad cow eyes!” Léo teased, and got a glare in return.
“We could talk about your Spanish lessons!” Vincent said suddenly. “Sam has this weird app with an owl on his phone that teaches him Spanish sometimes!”
Jas let out a tiny gasp. “Are you learning Spanish so you and Léo can speak to each other in secret?” she asked.
“What? No, I…I just…” Sam floundered. “I thought it’d be cool to learn another language and Spanish is really useful. Nothing to do with Léo.”
“You should say something to us!” Jas said, looking excited. “Say something to Léo in Spanish!”
“What? No!” Sam squawked. “I’m not ready for that!”
“Your accent can’t be that bad,” Léo said. “Let’s hear it.”
There was a pause, and then Sam sighed. “I’m too nervous, I’ve forgotten everything.”
Léo let out a booming laugh, and slapped his friend’s shoulder lightly. “What if I say something to you? And then you guess what I said?”
“Okay, that works,” Sam said.
“Samico, usted es un berraco, pidiéndome que diga lo que quiero,” Léo said. Sam blinked at him.
“No clue,” he said, and Léo laughed.
“I said that you’ve got a lot of guts asking me to say anything I want,” Léo said. “I did use some slang though, so that wasn’t super fair.”
“You can’t throw in slang!” Sam said, lightly punching Léo’s shoulder. “Completely unfair.”
“Especially because it’s not slang from Spain OR Mexico,” Léo said with a grin. “South America represent!”
“Wait so I need to learn South American slang too?” Sam asked.
“Sam, I hate to break it to you, but South America is an entire continent. Each country has different slang. Half my family is from Colombia.” 
“Well I’ll learn Colombian slang then,” Sam said, and Léo smiled.
“I can teach you anything you want,” he said.
“Teach him how to flirt!” Vincent shouted out, and Sam choked on air.
“Do you even know what that means?” Sam asked his brother.
“I heard Abby said ‘Bastian was flirting with someone named Elfie. It means saying cute things to someone you like, right?”
“Who would he even use that with?” Léo interrupted. “I’m the only Colombian he knows.”
“Yeah exactly!” Sam said loudly. “No point in me learning that right? Right. Now let’s get you back home,” Sam said. Léo noticed that some of the people near them were smiling wide, and he couldn’t for the life of him figure out why. He let Sam lead him home, wondering the whole time what that had been about.
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
First of all, what the actual fuck is happening?
And second of all, what the fuck is happening bro?
I can bet my ass you’re about to pull LBAF V on us. You’re as obsessed with these little fucks like we are so I wouldn’t put it past you.
1. “Make it hurt,” Anjali whispered. Alec touched her face. “Promise- I LOVE ME A SUPPORTIVE FATHER IN LAW SJKSSK. Also Alec just casually ending Hunter, Magnus not even bothering to stick around cause he knew Alec would easily defeat him. THAT WAS THE SEXIEST SHIT.
2. I almost feel sad that Max lost a friend. But MAX-MERLIN!!!! I’m love it.
3. The brutality wirh which Max killed Mallory. I am shooketh. BUT I FULLY SUPPORT??? (What does that say about me jfc). Him forcing her to see David and his life???? POETIC JUSTICE SORRY. But what the fuck did she do to get Max to reach that point hmmm. LBAF V, I see you.
4. Older Max isn’t scared of Anjali? Sounds fake.
5. Max and Rafe>>>> I’m miss their stupid shenanigans.
6. What do you mean other Max didn’t turn when Magnus called for Blueberry. YOU WILL FIND ME CRUINF IN A CORNER THANKS
7. “He wished he had Magnus’s magic” “Alec chuckled harder and then pressed a kiss to the warlock’s head. As if it was the easiest thing in the world.”- I don’t understand Alec Lightwood sometimes, how is he so soft and calm about everything.
8. Magnus turned his face and kissed the boy’s palm. “Be good for bapak, Blueberry. ONLY THEM OKAY?? I want a spin off series wirh future Max and Magnus
9. *gently places a kiss on Selena’s head*
11. welp. I should’ve seen this coming.
13. Anjali is such a simp too bro. I respect
14. Max leaving the Clave—okay I support him. Shadowhunters are fucking assholes. Good for Max. (Alec jinxed it by saying that he wished Max would move to idris to be near Rafe lol)
15. Why is his magic white? I have so many questions bro
OKAY I HAVE A BILLION MORE QUESTIONS. But most of all, I need you to stop hurting Max and David for a single fucking second please thank you.
Also, how is your vacation going jsjskshsk. My new semester started like a week back so I don’t get any vacations hence I have decided to live vicariously through you all. Hope you have a great one byeeeeee🌻💚
Helloooo I'm gonna ignore all these questions as usual 😎 And no I shan't hurting my OCs. It's what they were born to do 🥰
My vacation is going great. Dreading going back to being a mess in 2023 🙃
Happy holidays, hoe! 💚
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racingliners · 1 year
Life In The Fast Lane Chapter 16 - R&R
Rating: Teen & Up
Warnings: None apply
Pairings: Original Female Character(s)/Original Male Character(s); OFCs & OMCs
Work Tags: Re-write of a previous work; not beta read; dual/multiple pov; mentions of IRL current and past F1 figures; Eventual romance; friends to lovers; found family/work family; actual family; occasional swearing; racing drivers and their various shenanigans; how to handle pressure (and how not to); with a sprinkling of the power of friendship; tags will be updated as work progresses
Chapter 16/57 Word count: 4.1k Summary: The teams and drivers get some much needed time off over F1's summer break
Thursday 17th August – Zürich, Switzerland
Lake Zürich spanned for miles. The endless deep blue water was perfectly still as a gentle breeze blew across the surface, which was more than welcome considering how warm it was. The park Sophie and Vanessa decided to have lunch at was busy, but not massively crowded. They had stopped at a deli and bakery on the way over, and had enough room to lay out a large picnic blanket and lounge in the warm sunshine with their bikes set over to the side on the grass.
They were in the middle of a week-long training camp Vanessa had organised, during F1’s mandatory two week long summer shutdown. She had picked Switzerland both for the good terrain for mountain biking, altitude training, and for the scenery on their one day off – since it was her 25th birthday. Sophie and Vanessa had done some light cycling around town, going between museums and other places of tourist interest, before stopping for their lakeside picnic lunch.
“Has Nico heard anything about the Red Bull seat yet?” Vanessa asked as she brushed some sandwich crumbs off her hands. Speculation had been rife since Silverstone over who would get Mitchell’s seat at Red Bull, though Nico was the assumed choice by most of the paddock journalists since the only other Red Bull junior on the grid was his rookie team mate.
“Nope,” Sophie said with a small sigh. “Because Nico’s part of the Red Bull programme it’s all done internally so… He’ll find out when he finds out.” She shrugged. As much as Sophie wanted Nico to get the Red Bull seat, she deliberately hadn’t spoken to him about it much – not wanting to add any additional pressure he felt about the whole thing. All Sophie had said to him after the Silverstone press day was that Edward Morden would have been stupid not to sign Nico, and that she would be there for him no matter what happened.
“Huh,” Vanessa scoffed, and took off her sunglasses to peer at something over to the left. “Speaking of Red Bull drivers,” She gestured to a spot on the path at the edge of the park. Sophie followed Vanessa’s eye line and spotted two very familiar figures dressed in running shorts and t-shirts.
“Well Ben and Matt do live here.” Though Sophie had to admit it was a funny coincidence as Vanessa pulled out her phone, likely to send Matt a text instead of just yelling across the busy park. A few seconds later the two men stopped jogging as Matt took his phone out of his pocket, and spotted Sophie and Vanessa in a matter of seconds. He jogged over towards them with Benedikt in tow.
“Happy birthday!” Matt called out once he was close enough for Sophie and Vanessa to hear, and when he was within reach he gave his friend a massive hug and kiss on the cheek.
“Happy Birthday Vanessa.” Ben said with a warm smile once he’d joined them.
“Thank you,” Vanessa grinned, before her attention quickly turned to Matt looking as if he was going to help himself to a blueberry tart. “Oh absolutely not!” She swiped the pasty out of Matt’s grasp, and even took a bite out of it for good measure. Sophie couldn’t help but burst out laughing at the look on Matt’s face.
“You’re welcome to join us,” She said to Benedikt in-between giggles. “But uh… keep your distance from the cakes.”
“I’d love to but we still have 5k to run,” Ben smirked and scratched along his jaw. “So, I take it you have a reservation at one of the really nice restaurants for dinner?”
“I thought I did,” Sophie huffed. “But I rang ten minutes ago to double check and apparently there was no record of it.” She felt awful about it, for multiple reasons. It hadn’t been a surprise, because Vanessa hated surprise parties, but Sophie still felt disappointed that she wouldn’t be able to organise something for her friend’s birthday. Especially when they were celebrating away from home (although, as Vanessa had reminded her, she’d had an early birthday dinner with all her family last week).
“I wish I could invite you over, but we’re in the middle of getting our new kitchen installed.” Matt frowned and scratched the back of his head, while Benedikt looked deep in thought. He stared at a tuft of grass with a furrowed brow for all of two seconds.
“Why don’t we all have dinner at my place?” Ben asked, a slight twinge of nerves in his voice as he bounced up and down on his toes. “I promise I’m not a terrible cook.” He added with a shy laugh.
Sophie looked to Vanessa, who mulled over the offer for a few moments.
“That would be ridiculously nice of you Ben.” She said, flicking her long blonde ponytail off her shoulder. After Benedikt tried and failed to explain the directions to his place, Matt interjected and said he would be happy to give Sophie and Vanessa a lift over.
The two pairs parted ways with bright grins, more well wishes and jokes about what to wear. Vanessa asked if they really did have to dress up and wear something nice as her and Sophie walked alongside their bikes out of the park.
“Nah, Ben’s not like that.” Sophie said with a shake of the head. Whenever she had been him outside of the paddock had been on travel days. But with all the conversations they’d had, he didn’t seem like the kind of person who would set a dress code for a casual dinner with friends.
Matt picked Vanessa and Sophie up from their hotel just before quarter to six. His girlfriend Rachel sat in the front passenger seat, all of them were dressed in jeans and t-shirts or blouses, and she spent the whole time trading stories with Vanessa on the drive over to Benedikt’s house.
“…so that’s why you refuse to drink tequila.” Rachel looked at her boyfriend with a wide grin as Matt’s face turned bright pink. She turned round to grin at Vanessa, and lamented that they hadn’t met sooner.
Once they had turned off the motorway, Benedikt’s house was a further five minute drive down a single track road partially lined with trees. When it came into view both Sophie and Vanessa tried hard not to audibly gawk at it. It wasn’t the sprawling mansion Vanessa had joked about earlier in the day, but a large two storey building that looked like a hybrid of a chalet and a farmhouse.
The exterior was a mixture of pale grey bricks, white stonewash and honey coloured wood panelling, with deep grey tiles lining the gable roof that matched the dark window and doorframes. A balcony was also encased in the eaves on the left side, which Sophie assumed was attached to the main bedroom. As she stepped out of the car and collected the bottles of pear cider she’d brought with her, fine gravel crunched underneath her feet, and a warm breeze rustled through the leaves of some deciduous trees that guarded the house. A small 4x4, that Sophie assumed was Ben’s car, was parked near the front door.
Rachel collected a cakebox from the boot, and joked that the house was even nicer inside.
The front door opened to a large porch with more wood panelled walls that had hallways going to the left and right ends of the house, doors leading to other rooms and a wooden staircase that went up to the first floor. Everyone took off their shoes and placed them on a mostly empty shoe rack that prior to their arrival only had a few different pairs of trainers and one pair of hiking boots in a small, neat line. The light wooden floor felt slightly cool through the fabric of Sophie’s socks as her and Vanessa followed Matt into the living room, while Rachel took the cake and cider through to the kitchen.
“Oh my god I am never leaving,” Vanessa gawked when she saw the view of the rolling hills and distant mountains through the large windows, and a glass door that led out onto a furnished terrace.
The wooden floor had been swapped for a plush light grey carpet, but the wood panelling remained on the front wall, with the others painted a muted blue. There was a fireplace with a stone hearth that sat in front of a wood and glass coffee table and a very comfortable looking grey sofa and matching armchairs. A few book cases and pictures lined the walls, one of which was a beautiful watercolour painting that Sophie could not take her eyes away from. It was one of Benedikt’s Red Bulls in a deep blue surrounded by a grey sky and the even darker tarmac of a race track.
“One of my school friends did that,” Ben said appearing at Sophie’s side out of nowhere, giving her a small fright in the process. “She gave it to me yesterday actually, it’s from when I won in Germany.” Now that he’d said that, all the grey in the painting made perfect sense. Sophie felt that if she looked at the paining for long enough, she’d be back at a soaking wet Nürburgring. “And hi.” His smile quickly turned into a bright grin.
“Hi,” Sophie let out a shy laugh as she accepted a brief but warm hug from Benedikt. His hair was only styled to the point where it had been loosely gelled up out of his eyes, and he was dressed almost exactly as Sophie had expected – in dark jeans and a forest green shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows and the top two buttons undone. “Thanks so much for having us over.”
“Don’t mention it! Sit down, food won’t be that long,” He gestured to the sofa where Vanessa and Matt had already planted themselves, it was even more comfortable than it looked. “Rachel offered to bring through some water, can I get you anything else?”
Everyone said that water would be fine, and as Ben left to dive back into the kitchen Sophie found herself fixated on the view. With it being a summer evening, the sun wasn’t close to thinking about setting, which left the sky a brilliant blue and the surrounding hills and trees a deep, lush green dotted with small flowers in varying colours, and the distant mountains a pale grey. Sophie could see why Ben never left home to join the Monaco crowd. Like most of the views she’d seen over the past week, it took her breath away.
The dining room had even more windows showcasing the outdoor view, and was decorated in a similar colour scheme to the living room with a hardwood dining table in the centre. Fresh pale pink flowers sat in small glass vases set down the centre of the table, and Benedikt had even gone to the effort of making small place cards.
Sophie and Vanessa were sat on one side of the table, with Ben, Matt and Rachel on the other. As Vanessa poured herself a fresh glass of water Benedikt and Matt walked in carrying bowls of soup and a basket of bread rolls still warm from the oven.
“I have to confess to buying the bread from a bakery, but I promise the soup is handmade.” Ben said with a shy smile as he was the last to sit down. And credit where credit was due the carrot soup was delicious.
The whole dinner was spent with everyone exchanging university or junior formula stories, some had been told many times, and others were completely brand new. At some point Sophie noticed that Benedikt and Matt’s accents both sounded slightly thicker than normal as they spoke. As if being back home, or in Matt’s case close enough to his native Austria, made them both sound a little more like themselves.
“Wait, wait…” Ben leaned back in his chair as he took Sophie’s most recent words in complete and utter surprise. “You were offered a spot on the Red Bull junior programme… and you turned it down?!”
“Yep,” Sophie paused to finish the last of her cider, that someone had the foresight to chill in the fridge before serving. Everyone had long since finished the pea and ham risotto main course and were trading more tales over the last of the bakery bread. “Dad didn’t want to slight the few sponsors we had in case things didn’t work out, and he did not trust the guy who was running things at the time. Still, it all worked out in the end, thankfully.”
“And it’s a good thing too. Because if you had joined the Red Bull programme, you would likely be fighting it out with Nico to be Ben’s team mate next year.” Vanessa added, which caused both Sophie and Benedikt to grimace and share a slightly awkward glance across the table.
Matt had the good idea to quickly change the subject by making everyone teas and coffee while Rachel brought through the birthday cake. A Sachertorte, made by herself in the patisserie she worked at in Zürich.
Everyone sang Vanessa happy birthday, half in English and half in German, and she cut into the cake on the last note. Matt explained, entirely for Sophie’s benefit, that it was an Austrian cake that Vanessa had tried to bake for his birthday during their first year at university. It was also the same cake she had searched high and low for during the Austrian Grand Prix weekend – but had sadly been unsuccessful. It was made entirely of chocolate apart from the apricot jam that separated the two cake layers, and after only one forkful Vanessa said it was the best birthday cake she’d ever had.
The conversation turned to Sophie and Vanessa’s plans for their remaining two days in Switzerland, which ended up in more hiking and bike trail recommendations than they would have time for. Ben joked as he started to gather up the empty plates that Sophie and Vanessa would simply have to come back during the Winter to see them all.
“I’ll give you a hand.” Sophie collected the remaining crockery and followed Benedikt into the kitchen, and closed the door behind her with her foot. “Sorry, I just thought Matt and Vanessa could use the time to catch up just by themselves.”
“Ah,” Ben paused as he set the dirty dishes down on the worktop. “I guess with all the time they take to run after us on race weekends…”
“…they don’t have much time to see each other.” Sophie added, and the two drivers shared a knowing smile.
“Another tea?”
“That’d be lovely, thanks” Sophie watched as Benedikt set the kettle to boil before busying himself with putting the dishes in the dishwasher.
The kitchen was large, with both counters and an island in the middle of the room. Décor wise it was almost all stone and tiles – though the blue and grey theme remained with the navy cupboards and granite worktops. At the side of the room sat a small wooden breakfast table near the back door that lead out into a large garden.
“I hope you didn’t mind me bringing alcohol-free cider, I wasn’t sure if you drank much or not. Plus Matt was driving.” Sophie said instead of asking more about the house. While it dwarfed her London flat in more ways than one, she didn’t feel intimidated by it. If anything, she felt that it matched Benedikt perfectly, it was almost impossible to tell that Zürich was his actual hometown with how comfortable he looked in the countryside.
“It’s fine, I don’t really! Wine I don’t mind if it’s light, but I can’t stand beer… that’s probably down to my Swiss genes.” He chuckled with a bright grin.
Sophie had always wondered if Ben found it hard racing under one flag despite having dual citizenship. After hearing the story of how he’d tossed a coin to decide which racing licence to compete under because of how much the decision had been weighing on him, she didn’t want to grill him too much about it.
“There’s a small greenhouse and some raised beds at the bottom of the garden. My parents look after them, I just try and remember to water things when they tell me to. And I guess it gives them an excuse to visit.” Ben explained, as he caught Sophie’s gaze drifting out of one of the windows.
The kettle boiled, cutting off the conversation as Benedikt went to busy himself with making drinks.
“One sugar?” He asked, and gave a small self-assuring nod when Sophie said yes. “I thought so, I just wanted to double check.”
Benedikt gestured for Sophie to sit down at the kitchen island as he brought over their steaming mugs of tea, and he gently set them down on the granite surface.
“I’m afraid I can’t take any credit for the décor, that was all my ex-girlfriend.” Ben said with an awkward laugh as he blew over the top of his mug. “I’m alright at helmet designs, but not much else.”
“I’m terrible at both,” Sophie huffed. “I’m pretty sure my brother has all the creative genes in the family.”
“How is he?”
“Good! He’s been spending a lot of time at Knockhill before he goes back to uni to start his second year. He managed to get a work placement there in the Spring. How’s yours?”
“Nick? He’s fine, he started his final year of high school this week,” Sophie was surprised to learn that her and Ben’s brothers were only a couple of years apart in age, and that Benedikt had correctly remembered that Will was studying photography. Their conversation paused as loud laughter filtered through the wall separating them from the dining room.
“It was really nice of you to go to so much effort.”
“Ack, well… twenty five is a big birthday, plus I don’t get to have people round like this very often. Normally I’m the one going to friends’ houses so…” He trailed off with a small shrug.
“Well, I owe you one.” Sophie huffed. Despite the restaurant booking being a minor disaster, she was glad in the end about how the day had unfolded. And that her and Ben were friends.
“Speaking of us owing each other things…” Ben paused as he got up from his seat, and walked over to a jacket that was slung over one of the chairs at the breakfast table. He pulled a leather wallet out from one of the pockets. “I believe this is yours.” He took out a crisp ten pound note that had to have been fresh from a bureau de change, and held it out to a slightly confused Sophie.
“A tenner? For what?”
“That silly bet we made in Silverstone, about which one of us would do better in Hungary.” Benedikt blushed as he turned to put his wallet away. “And, well, you did win.”
“Oh that!” Sophie exclaimed as she looked at the bank note in bewilderment. “Honestly I thought you were joking.”
“Well, we shook hands on it. I like to be a man of my word.” Ben said as he sat back down, and slid the note across the worktop.
Sophie looked into Ben’s eyes, a dusty cobalt blue encased in a ring of navy and small speckles of silver that she noticed for the first time, and saw a familiar look of sincerity.
“You’re going to insist aren’t you?”
“Yes, I am.” The two drivers laughed as Sophie pocketed the money and shook her head. “Us racing drivers really are stubborn.”
“That’s why we’re so good at our jobs!” Benedikt grinned, and took another long sip of his tea.
They talked more about their families – Ben’s father Roger still worked as a physics teacher at Ben’s old high school while his mother Anna worked part-time at a florist (which was where the flowers on the dining table had come from); and then there was Julian who was doing well in his rookie F2 season, and Mark who was being kept busy with work at his garage.
“And you Mum works at Edinburgh Airport, right?” Ben asked as he took their now empty mugs over to the sink.
"Yes, she’s the Senior Operations Manager for British Airways." Sophie said with a small but proud smile.
"Wait so...she runs the whole airport?!"
"No, she oversees everything BA do basically. Makes sure everyone’s schedules are in order, flights are running on time, if there’s any major problems that needs dealt with and so on."
"Ah,” Benedikt paused as he leaned against the counter. “So the Knightsbridge women are all quite fearless then?" He asked with a small smile.
Sophie blushed, and briefly looked down at her hands. "Something like that.”
It was almost nine o’clock by the time Matt said they had to head back to Zürich. Sophie and Vanessa couldn’t thank Ben enough for the wonderful evening they’d had, and both gave him a proper hug goodbye. He wished Sophie and Vanessa a safe flight home on Sunday morning, and that he looked forward to seeing them both in Istanbul for the next race.
“We should run into each other more often, this was really nice.” Ben said as he walked with Sophie over to Matt’s car.
“Yeah, it was.” With a small sigh Sophie took one last look at Benedikt’s house. “Let me know if you’re ever in or near London, it would be nice to have you over.”
“I’d like that a lot,” He paused and shook his head. “I still can’t believe how we’re almost the same age and yet I never raced against you once or met you before now.”
“Better late than never.” Sophie grinned. Ben went to say something else when Matt interjected from the drivers’ seat that he would like to get home before 10pm. So Sophie and Benedikt said goodnight one last time before Sophie hopped into the rear of the car, and clipped in her seatbelt as Matt started the long drive back to the city.
“Does Ben always go to so much effort?” Vanessa asked, after joking that she could tick off having dinner at a millionaire’s house off her bucket list.
“For friends? Absolutely.” Matt said as he broke for the junction that led back onto the main road.
For whatever reason, Sophie looked out of the rear window, even though it was now night time and Ben’s house was already far from view. She’d had such a nice evening, that a part of her would have been more than happy to see Benedikt again outside of a racetrack.
Sunday 20th August – Monte Carlo, Monaco
James tilted his head back as he sat on his small apartment balcony to get the full warmth of the morning sun on his face. His first cup of tea of the day sat steaming in a plain white mug on the small glass coffee table he’d measured three times before buying to make absolutely sure it would fit in the tiny outdoor space. While the balcony was never going to serve much more than a place for a solitary early morning or late night drink, the view of the sea almost always made up for it.
It was the last day of the summer break, and James planned on making the most of it by doing almost nothing since he was on one of the early morning flights to the UK to start prep for the next race in Turkey in a week’s time.
The down time had as always been good for James to clear his head of any and all niggles he’d carried during the first half of the season. He’d accepted that the second half probably wasn’t going to be much better than the first in terms of car performance, and that it was going to be a case of getting through the races with gritted teeth in the hope that all the development work now going into next year’s car was going to pay off.
And then, there was his team mate. Whom James was equal parts looking forward to and almost dreading to see again. It wasn’t that he’d suddenly resented Sophie over the break, James was concerned that he had no choice but to keep his feelings in check from now until November. Far too many things were reliant on their personal and professional relationships staying just as they were.
Slowly, James sipped away at his tea as he watched the sails of small boats drift across the Med, before he stood up and decided that his most pressing concern of the day was going to be deciding what he would have for breakfast.
0 notes
huggybug · 2 years
sun kiss you - alex turcotte
word count: 1.5k words
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Summer meant days on the lake with Alex. Ever since he was in the program, his summers have been spent in Michigan, training and hanging out with everyone at Jack’s lake house. 
“Babe” You jump when you feel something cold resting against your bare shoulder. Looking up, you see Alex holding a bottle of Corona out for you to take. 
“Thanks” You grin, taking it from him and dropping the lime in before taking a sip. Alex plops down on the porch swing beside you, throwing an arm around your shoulder. It was your first night here which meant everyone was a little tired and too lazy to get up to anything in particular so you were all relaxing around the house. After dinner, you had excused yourself, making your way outside and away from the boys who were already getting rowdy just from being around each other.
You did have to call your parents, to make sure they knew you got here safe but really, you needed a minute away from everything. Life was different compared to even the last time you were here. With everything changing, you were more than grateful for the solace that the lake house always seemed to provide.
“You good?” You jumped when Alex’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts. 
“Yeah, just happy to be back” You brush it off quickly and he smiles before pressing a kiss to your temple.
“This summer’s all about relaxation baby, we deserve it” Alex grins, pulling you into his side as you laugh.
“I wouldn’t have come here if I was looking for relaxation” Between Trevor’s incessant (but endearing) talking and Jack’s fights with his brothers, this house was simply not a peaceful place. However, you wouldn't want it any other way.
You woke up to Jack and Cole running through the hallway, screaming for everyone to ‘get up and get their asses onto the boat’ so you wasted absolutely no time. 
By the time you got down to the dock, everyone was ready to go. Alex helped you on the boat and pulled you down to sit in his lap as Quinn pulled away from the dock. Drinks were passed around, despite it being the morning still, and the music started playing through Cole’s bluetooth speaker. It finally felt like summer.
After a while, the boys were taking turns surfing while you laid out on one of the bench seats, draping your legs over Alex’s as he drummed his fingers on your knees. It was calming, the music and conversations were drowned out and you figured you could stay out here all afternoon.
You opened your eyes when you heard a picture being taken only to find your boyfriend’s phone pointed at you. “Can I help you?”
“You just look so good” He grinned and you rolled your eyes. 
“You guys, I’m seriously going to be sick” Jack complains as he falls into the seat beside you, pushing you out of your laying down position. He made faces at you and Alex which made you both roll your eyes.
“Seriously Jack?”
“I needed to sit” He shrugs, laughing as you dramatically brush the droplets of water that he’s dropped on your arm.
The day carried on with the same shenanigans that always happened when the boys were all together while you sat back and watched. It wasn’t that you were excluded from their stupid activities, you just couldn’t bring yourself to get excited over Trevor pushing Luke overboard, something just didn’t feel right.
You laughed along with them as Luke and his friends tried, and failed their shotguns but it wasn’t real. The pit in the bottom of your stomach was slowly draining you and you couldn’t figure out why.
Once you were all back at the house, you hoped a few minutes away from the craziness would help ease your mind. You slipped away to the dock, everyone was in the house showering and getting ready for tonight so you figured it was as safe a place as any.
“Y/n?” Okay, maybe you were wrong.
“Oh Quinn, sorry” You scrambled to stand up and hurry back to the house but Quinn jumped off the boat and grabbed your wrist to stop you.
“Hey, wait I wanted to talk to you” You had always liked Quinn. He was a good friend and a really great big brother to not only Jack and Luke but all the boys who you know looked up to him in some capacity. Whether it was because he gave out the best advice in your group or simply because he was the first in the NHL, they all loved Quinn.
“What’s up?”
“I just wanted to check on you, I know last year was stressful and Turcs was always texting me so I guess I was wondering if everything was okay?” Of course Alex went to Quinn. You couldn’t blame him, it wasn’t just a stressful year for you. He was having a tough time staying healthy and you were up to your head in work, everything seemed to be falling apart throughout the season.
“I’m fine, thanks though” You definitely weren’t fine but you also weren’t about to have a heart to heart with Quinn Hughes on the dock.
“You know you can tell me, right?” Quinn said, awkwardly fiddling with the hem of his shirt. “I might not be your best friend but I’m a pretty good listener” You trusted him, that wasn’t the issue. This just wasn’t something you wanted to talk about.
“I’m okay Quinn, really” You assured him for what seemed like the tenth time but he finally relented, letting you go back to the house as he finished cleaning up the boat.
“Babe, is everything alright?”
“What do you mean?”
“You’ve just been acting different…” The concern in Alex’s voice was enough to bring tears to your eyes. It was stupid, you didn’t actually feel like crying, it was just one of those situations where you couldn’t help it.
“No- I’m… I’m fine” You whimper as the tears start to fall.
“Hey, no, baby come here” Alex pulled you into his arms, hugging you tightly and for some reason it only made you feel even more stupid. “What’s going on?”
“It’s nothing” You say quietly.
He grabs your chin, tilting your head up to look him in the eyes. “Don’t lie to me”
“It’s just a lot. Moving and trying to find my way on my own, I’m just so overwhelmed and I thought coming here would help but it’s only making everything worse”
“Why is it worse?” Alex’s eyebrows furrowed as you let out a frustrated breath.
“You all know what you’re doing! Everyone here is a successful, talented hockey player, already in their careers” They’ve all known for years now where they’d end up. Ever since the draft, even before that really, the guys all knew they’d end up in the NHL.
“Babe did you miss the whole me playing in the A all year or..” Alex tried to laugh it off but you could tell it still bothered him.
“Yeah but you’re still there, I’m nowhere near where I want to be in life”
“And that’s okay, you know there’s lots of time. You don’t have to have everything figured out right now” He says cautiously.
“I know but it’d be easier” You say and he laughs which makes you crack a small smile.
“Okay look, I know you’re stressed and I get it but just take this week and forget about it. We’re going to hang out with our friends, stay out until the stars are out, and chill because we deserve it” You we’re grinning ear to ear by the time he was done his little speech which Alex took as a win.
“Can we go out on the boat tonight? Just us?” You ask hopefully and Alex nods.
“Anything you want babe”
You slipped away after dinner, hoping to catch the sunset on the water. Quinn handed the keys over easily, even when Luke complained that he wanted to take the boat out. Alex had already driven out to the middle of the lake and dropped the anchor before joining you on the bench seat. After a couple beers, you were happily watching the sunset in an alcohol induced haze.
“You were right, it’s so much better when you just enjoy it” You loved coming here and even though you got a little lost in your head earlier, you’re glad Alex had helped you sort it out.
“I could stay out here all night with you” He kissed your forehead as you leaned into his side. It was nice. You were both kinda drunk, just talking about nothing and yet it felt like it could be one of your favourite nights so far this summer.
“When we’re back home, we should do this like once a month” You say suddenly, moving so that you could look him in the eye. “Just go out and watch the sunset”
“Sounds amazing”
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h0tchner · 3 years
go team hotchner!
pairing: dad!aaron hotchner x fem!reader
summary: aaron is coaching jack’s soccer game & reader is in the crowd! aaron & reader are happily married, but another woman’s mean comments and blatant flirting makes the reader jealous. fluffy shenanigans ensue!
word count: 2.5k
includes: FLUFF, jack hotchner is the sweetest, you & aaron are married, jealous!reader, kissing, family planning, & AARON IN A GREY T-SHIRT
rating: 18+ (for VERY brief mentions of sex and a little smidge of cursing)
a/n: i wrote this for @ssahotchswife​’s soft hotch saturday! this is my first published fic, so i hope y’all enjoy. PLS (!!!!!!!!!!!) interact if you liked this, rb, comment, like and/or send me a request if you have ideas for future fics! i love y’all! - rivka💞
“Atta boy, Jack!” Aaron yells from the side of the field, clapping his hands as his son scores another goal.
Beaming, you holler from the benches along with the crowd. You watch as your husband jogs up and down the sidelines with ease, keeping up with Jack’s soccer team. It’s a stunning Saturday morning and you are thrilled to spend every moment of it with the Hotchner boys. Your Hotchner boys.
When they asked Aaron to coach the team, how could he say no? After losing Hayley, he promised himself that he would do everything in his power to be there for Jack. When you first started dating, Aaron was hesitant to introduce you to his son. It wasn’t because he didn’t want you in Jack’s life, but rather he didn’t want to scare you away. You were a 26-year-old NCIS agent and he was a 40-something FBI agent. You knew he had a son, you knew he was a widow, and you knew he was older than you: but you didn’t care. You loved him. It took a little coaxing to get Aaron to open up to you about his fears, but once he did, you assured him then and there that you weren’t going anywhere. He introduced you to Jack the very same day. Four years later, you and Aaron are stronger than ever.
The ref blows the whistle, calling a break. Aaron motions for the kids to huddle in. He squats on the floor to get on their level, enthusiastically whispering, walking them through the next play. Your heart swells watching him talk to the group of children. Aaron Hotchner, always the hero, the role-model, the leader. Gentle yet powerful: he was intoxicating.
Your eyes dart over his crouched figure; the soft, heather grey of his t-shirt clings to his broad shoulders. You draw in a breath, a memory of last night flooding your senses, remembering how you held on to those shoulders for dear life as he pounded you into the bed. You feel your cheeks blush red, and you look up to the sky, shutting your eyes to collect yourself. Damn. Even just the thought of touching him gets your blood up.
You open your eyes, letting your gaze travel back to Aaron’s body, admiring how good his butt looks in those black Adidas track pants. You bite your lip a bit, feeling overwhelmed with joy, knowing that beautiful man, inside and out, was all yours. God, what you wanted to do to...
“Damn he is HOT. Way hotter than the old coach. I think his son is on the team?” A woman’s voice rings out from behind you.
“Yeah, I think so. Did you hear what happened to his first wife? So sad, lost her when his son was little. Apparently he’s shacked up with some 20-something-year-old now.” A second woman’s voice chimes in.
“No way. Him? Married to that? He needs a real woman, not some child. A man that experienced should be with someone his own age. I’m gonna talk to him after the game, see what his deal is.” The first woman replies, voice dripping with venom.
“I think you should!” Agrees the second.
“Oh, I will. I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse.” Snickers the first.
They both laugh as you sit frozen in your seat, blinded by a wave of anger and sadness.
Some child? Someone his own age? Their hurtful words pierce right through your heart as you furiously blink back tears.
The ref blows the whistle, and the team scatters back onto the field. The ladies cheer behind you as the game starts back up. It takes all your strength not to break down under the crushing weight of their conversation. You take in some deep breaths, mulling over their comments. You weren’t “some child!” You were a grown-ass woman! You had a job! You were a federal agent! You loved Aaron and Jack: they were your whole world!
As you continue to give yourself a mental pep-talk, the hurt begins to dissipate as you realize how stupid those woman sounded. They didn’t even know you, or Aaron, or anything about your relationship. In that moment, you tell yourself that instead of wallowing in self-doubt, you would stand up to them and make it known that you were the only one for Aaron.
Just like that: you begin to feel a bit better. You focus all your attention on Aaron and Jack, letting the game fly by. You ignore the ladies gossiping behind you, and, by the time the kids are lining up to give the other team high-fives, you had pulled yourself together and come up with a plan to put these ladies right back in their place. You just had to wait for the right time to make your move.
“Wish me luck!” squeals the first woman. You can feel her getting up from the bleachers behind you.
“Go get him, girl!” sasses the second.
You watch as the woman walks down the aisle, her straight blonde ponytail swishing as she goes. She’s wearing blue-jean shorts and a white lace top: an outfit you’ve seen before on a hundred women who looked just like her. In any other circumstance you’d applaud her efforts (girls supporting girls, right?) but this was your man she had her sights on. No way. Not a chance. She wasn’t going to lay a single pink manicured finger on him.
Aaron is talking to the ref and the other team’s coach when she taps him on the shoulder.
Oh HELL no. You think, frowning.
He turns around and gives her a small, polite smile. You can’t hear the exchange, but after a few moments, she sticks out her hand to shake his, laughing. Aaron curtly returns the shake and turns back to finish up his prior conversation; but, this time, the blonde woman puts a hand on his arm again, lightly pulling him away. Your blood begins to boil. She gestures to the pack of kids, now getting drinks and snacks from the fold-up table next to the bleachers. Aaron nods, pointing over to where Jack is standing, sipping on some lemonade. She puts her hand on his arm again and tilts her head.
You decide it has been long enough. It’s go time.
You walk down the bleachers, picking up the hem of your baby blue floral sundress so you wouldn’t step on it as you descended.
The woman is still all over Aaron, clearly flirting. Aaron’s arms are crossed over his chest, lips in a terse smile. It didn’t take a profiler to know that his behaviour screamed “get me out of here.”
You fluff your hair a bit, letting it fall loosely around your face. With confidence, your feet hit the soft grass and you head towards your husband.
“Aaron!” you call out, waving and smiling as you near him, shooting daggers at the blonde woman by his side.
The moment he sees you approaching, you watch his entire demeanour change.
“Y/N!” he grins, excusing himself from the woman.
She whips around to face you with a vengeance as Aaron scoops you up, tanned arms firm around your middle. He spins you around as you laugh, surprised, looking down at him with pure elation.
He sets you down and, before you have a chance to say anything else, grabs your face in his hands, crashing his mouth into yours. You throw your arms around his neck and card your fingers in his hair, kissing him with the same fervour.
You can practically feel the adrenaline coursing through his veins. It’s hot and dominating: something about winning a game makes Aaron primal and giddy. You certainly aren’t complaining.
He breaks the kiss and lets his hands fall to your waist, squeezing lightly.
“Congrats on the win, Coach Hotchner.” You smile as you brush a lock of sweaty black hair off his forehead.
“Couldn’t have done it without my favourite cheerleader, Mrs. Hotchner.” He winks, pressing a light kiss to your forehead.
“Oh yeah?” You prod, cocking your head, looking into his gorgeous hazel eyes. “Who would that be?”
“Hm.” He pauses, looking up pensively.
He wraps his arms even tighter around your middle and dips his head down, whispering one word in your ear: “You.”
You laugh, swaying with him for a moment, capturing his lips in another kiss. As you pull apart, out of the corner of your eye you watch as the blonde woman stands frozen to the same spot, mouth agape. You smirk, feeling satisfied and self-assured knowing your little scheme was a success.
Then, like a rocket, you see Jack running towards you with a mile-wide grin on his flushed face.
“Y/N! Did you see? Did you see me make two goals?” Jack exclaims.
“Yeah buddy, I saw the whole thing!” You capture him in a bear hug, kissing the top of his head. You ruffle his hair and kneel down, looking into his soft brown eyes.
“I’m so proud of you. Did you have fun?”
“Yeah! I love soccer!” Jack nods.
“You did a great job Jack.” Aaron says, helping you stand. He wraps an arm around your waist and looks lovingly down at his son.
“You’re our soccer superstar.” You add, glancing between Jack and Aaron with unbridled joy. “Now go! Go back to your friends!” You laugh, shooing him away, back to the group of sweaty 8-year-olds and their snacks.
You stand there with Aaron, snaking your arm around his back to match his around yours. You both watch as Jack bounds off. A quick glance to the side shows that the blonde woman is long gone, probably stomping back up to her friend to whine and call you more names.
“Is she gone?” Aaron murmurs into your hair, pressing a gentle kiss to the side of your head.
You stutter, “How... how did you?” You trail off in disbelief.
“Oh please,” he smirks, “I had to stop you from practically biting her head off when you walked over.”
“Aaron!” you yelp, mocking upset. “You should’ve let me at her.”
He chuckles, lips twitching into a smile as he quirks one eyebrow up. “I couldn’t have my wife fighting with the aunt of one of my players. It’d reflect poorly on me.”
“She called me a child. Said that you should be with someone your own age. I think that warrants a free pass.”
His joking manner stops abruptly at your declaration. “That’s ridiculous and you know it,” he furrows his brow, shaking his head lightly.
You reach up and run your fingers over his scrunched forehead, soothing the lines into something softer.
“I know,” you nod.
Aaron pulls you into his side, wordless. Fingers tracing lightly over your hip. You knew he was thinking the same thing: no matter what they said, you knew in your heart that you and Aaron were meant to be. Age be damned. He was yours and you were his: forever. Simple as that.
“Mmm,” you sigh, taking in the beauty of the moment. You smile at the clear sky, the fresh air, and the feeling of the man you loved, right by your side. You two watch Jack as he talks and laughs with the other kids. He looks so happy to be surrounded by them: a natural conversationalist. You can’t help but start to think about how he would be the best big brother in the whole world. It makes your breath hitch in your throat a bit.
“What is it?” Aaron gives your side a squeeze.
Of course he could sense when your thoughts began to wander. Aaron was a man of many talents.
“Oh, it’s nothing.” You look up at him with a reassuring glance, returning the squeeze.
“Y/N...” Aaron trails off, hazel-brown eyes searing into yours.
Damn your gaze, Hotchner.
You look away, letting your arm drop from his waist and move to step away a bit: he grabs for your hand instinctively, keeping you next to him. His big hands engulf your small ones, fingers entwined.
You know he is still staring at you, but you can’t bring yourself to look at him yet. Your eyes refocus on Jack.
“I was... I was thinking,” you begin. “I love you. I love you so much, no matter what anybody else says. And I love Jack like he’s my own.”
You breathed in, prepping yourself mentally for what you were about to say next.
“Jack is so good with other kids.” You continue, “He loves being social, being a teammate.”
You gather the strength to meet your husband’s famous glare.
“And watching you coach these kids? You’re so good with them, Aaron. You make every one of them feel special. You give 110% of your heart, and I am so lucky to be your co-coach in life.” You tell him in earnest.
“Aaron,” you carry on, emboldened, “I think it’s time we added a new member to the Hotchner team” you finish, searching every inch of Aaron’s face for recognition.
You watch as he takes in the information. After a few beats, it clicks.
“Y/N,” his expression softens, “Do you want to have a baby?”
You bite your lip and nod, eyes wide and hopeful.
Aaron nearly explodes with happiness; his eyes crinkle as he smiles down at you, unable to speak. And then, his warm body envelopes yours, solid but soft: unmistakably Aaron.
You let out a shaky laugh and bury your head in his neck, breathing in the smell of cologne and light sweat.
He pulls back a little, one hand tilting your chin up to look at him.
“Oh my god, Y/N,” he shakes his head in disbelief.
“Does that mean yes?” you ask, in a small voice.
Aaron laughs again, letting out a sigh. He tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, letting his hand linger on your cheek. You lean into his touch.
“Yes,” he says, giddy. “Let’s have a baby.”
The sound of children laughing fills your ears as you grab the back of his head and pull Aaron into a soft kiss. The kiss is full of promise: a gentle pact, sealing the deal. You and Aaron were going to have a baby. Jack was going to have a little brother or sister.
You pull away, arms still around his neck.
“I love you, Aaron.” You breathe out.
“I love you, Y/N.” He whispers back.
Nobody on this planet could shake the bond you and Aaron had. Suburban soccer moms be damned.
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