#you remind me of my lemon anon
weirdsht · 2 months
HAHAHAHA imagine Cale with someone weaker than him + a troublemaker and oftentimes think crazier than him, but they're useful so that's what tied them together with the gang💀 bro might feel the stress his hyungs felt whenever he throws himself into danger lol and would start reflecting. Have u done this b4? :D
Is This My Karma? - Cale/Reader
notes: anon... did you take a look inside my mind? or maybe my docs? because the series i'm going to publish later has a similar prompt. i was gonna make it a surprise but since the cat is out of the bag imma announce it here lol. i'll be making a cale/reader slowburn series or at least try but while waiting for that you guys enjoy this small drabble from anon's ask first
tags: fluff, sickfic, reader is an idiot, cale is also an idiot, idiots in love basically, choi han is in charge of their single braincell, established relationship
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Constructive criticisms and any kind of interaction are more than welcome
Requests are open and welcome
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“For the last time, you will not pass your cold to the White Star. How are you even going to achieve that? Also what merit would it bring if that punk catches your sickness?”
Cale glanced over at the sick person in his bed speaking nonsense. Well, it’s not completely nonsense as it was possible.
…If that said person wasn’t on the verge of dying because of a fever.
“We both cough know it’s cough possible. Plus you’re not looking at the bigger picture of cough White Star getting a fever.”
“No you’re just thinking irrationally-”
“Ah ah, I’m still cough speaking. Let the cough sick cough speak.”
“...I think the sick should shut the hell up and sleep.”
The person who is Cale’s significant other only glared at the commander before drinking the water Choi Han handed to them. When arguments like this first happened the swordmaster would interject to create peace.
But that was before he learned just how unhinge this person was.
_____, Cale’s headache and significant other, was a naturally weak person. Even weaker than Cale without ancient powers. However, despite their physical prowess being on the weaker side they have a very useful ancient power.
They have a wood attribute power that can conjure flowers, grass, and trees with either poison or healing powers. Its downside is that the abilities do not work on _____. However, they can make flowers that can spread whatever sickness they have at the moment.
“We all know you just need to fling me at cough a good distance near Mr. Steal-My-Cale’s-Looks and I can pass him my cold with the flowers. Easy peasy Ron’s lemon squeezy.”
Cale remembers _____’s explanation being that the flowers' pollen would contain the same bacteria and virus as their body. Or something along those lines.
“Hear me cough out, okay? Imagine this, White Star with his plate on the verge of breaking, coughing out so much blood, armless in every sense of the cough as well. Imagine a cough nasty fever and cough combo on top of that.”
_____ looked at the silent Cale expectantly.
“Sometimes I really wonder why I got together with a punk like you”
“But you love me!”
Cale couldn’t refute so he just sighed.
At first, he let _____ join their group because they were useful. Not only is their ability useful but they are also intelligent. They have the see the faults in Cale’s plan and think of a counter-measure. They can also conjure up great plans.
Well, most of the time at least.
Other times look like this…
“No, we are not doing your absurd plan. Just go to sleep and get better, I’ll take care of things.”
Cale kissed the top of _____’s head.
“And don’t even try to think of sneaking out like you did last time. Alberu and Tasha almost had a heart attack.”
The previously smiling _____ because of Cale’s kiss was now pouting because of the reminder. 
Meanwhile, Cale let them be as he went out of their bedroom.
He let out another sigh as he did. Behind him was Choi Han struggling to suppress a smile, wait no a laugh.
“What’s up with you?”
“No, it’s just that Cale-nim you and _____-nim are really similar.”
Choi Han added after seeing Cale glare at him.
“Sometimes that’s how your plans look to us.”
Cale couldn’t help but notice how his acting like his sworn brother right now.
‘Is this how the crown prince feels about me?’
Not just the crown prince but everyone else as well.
‘Was this why team leader-nim and Choi Jung Soo insisted that I should farm with them even after retirement?’
There was no way, right?
‘There’s no way me and _____ are similar. I’m not self-sacrificial like that. I always make sure that I will live.’
Looks like he finally got all my warnings.
Cale ignored Super Rock’s voice.
But still, he can’t deny that he caused his group some headaches.
“...I will reflect on myself.”
Choi Han only nodded and smiled at the dazed young master.
Meanwhile, Cale’s mind is a bit chaotic right now.
‘Did my karma come in the form of my significant other?’
There’s no way that’s the case… right?
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papermatisse · 9 months
the ultimatum || J.WW
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♗ pairing: jeon wonwoo x f!reader
♗ genre: angst
♗ word count: 6.3k
♗ warnings: argument, break up, family problems, depression, overthinking, uhh
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♗ synopsis: wonwoo is living a peaceful and happy mundane life with his partner, though outside forces and responsibilities prompt wonwoo to make a tough decision.
♗ (a/n): hello :) I have written smth :) this is for this request that I got in october and I've only just now gotten to writing it bc I finished my semester finally :)) thank you anon for your unrelenting patience I am so so so sorry for taking this long to write this. I v much so appreciate your understanding and your leniency on me 😭🙏❤️
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It was silent. Nothing but the low hum of his radiator whirring somewhere in the background, serving as the sole ambience to fill the dreadful, awful silence that plagued the dingey, rundown apartment. He sat on his couch, the rough material scratching along the back of his neck as he looked up at the ceiling with this dazed, thousand mile stare. The haze of delirium had haunted him for days now, at first merely muddling his thoughts into this droning ambiguity that left him empty and monotonous. Though soon it seeped into the outer edges of his character, skin paling like death, lips settled into a permanent scowl, eyes clouded with no emotion—or perhaps that look was him drowning and wrought with every emotion his feeble mind could conjure up.
There were specks of happiness dabbled in the disordered web of thoughts in his mind. They derived from the lot of memories in the archives of his head, playing on repeat and reminding him of better days.
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When he first met (y/n), bemused by the sight of this girl dressed to the nines yet soaked to the bone. A flimsy jacket, just as drenched as she, lay helplessly above her head as a makeshift and utterly unsuccessful umbrella of sorts from the storm raging outside. He watched her carefully, glancing every so often as he wiped away at the counter. She at first stood there, taking in her surroundings with what seemed to be a mixture of confusion and awe. Though soon, she seemed to catch her bearings as she navigated over to his bar, carefully sliding onto a booth as if it were an entirely new contraption to her.
"What's your poison?" He asked her as he made his way to her side. The sound of his voice had startled her greatly, as she near jumped out of her seat, head whirling to face the sudden addition to her solitude.
"I'm sorry?" She replied. Her own voice was far too soft for a bar setting, though he was thankfully able to catch on to her and the utterly hopeless stare she gave him. With a soft chuckle, he leant over the bar, drawing as close as he could to her without invading her space.
"What drink can I get you?"
She was quiet at first with this stunned expression, blinking at him in a stupor. Quickly shaking her head, she averted her gaze to the countertop.
"I'll just have water please."
A simple request, though he couldn't really argue, merely filling a glass with water and sliding it over.
"Can I at least get you a lemon to top off your beverage?"
"Sure," She replied, a small smile spreading across her face at his inquiry, and he felt just the slightest bit accomplished in his duties as a bartender.
Again, he watched her carefully as he continued with work and as she nursed the drink before her. She had finally shed the useless article of clothing from her head, placing it in her lap with a defeated sigh. She really was quite overdressed for a bar setting, wearing a designer dress suited more for a business meeting than for day drinking. It only served to further pique his curiosity, and as the time passed by and the rain outside refused to let, he saw his moment to answer his questions.
"So what brings you to this fine establishment? Aside from the obviously satisfying atmosphere." He smiled to himself as she chuckled at his mannerisms.
"As much as I love this fine establishment so far," she began, widening his smile at her own jests, "it was the first place I could run into when the rains started." He hummed, still looking at her with unwavering eyes, and she attempted to meet his strong gaze, though faltered at the end. With a sigh, she continued, falling under the silent peer pressure of his eyes urging her to continue. "I attended a meeting for my dad. It didn't really agree with me, so I left. Before I could catch a ride home, it started raining, so I ran here."
"Sounds like a pretty rough day." She agreed with a nod, fingers absentmindedly tracing over the condensation clinging to her glass. He could see she was trying to shrink away from his presence, though he was never one to back down. "How about I give you a ride home?"
"My shift's just about to end now. I'd hate to leave you here knowing you're trapped 'cause of the rain." She looked at him again with that same stunned appearance as she had when he first made his presence known to her. Sparkling eyes with this dazed nature to them, as if not fully there at the moment—entrenched in her thoughts with nowhere else to direct her attention. The realization brought another grin to his face, and he waited expectantly for her answer to arrive.
"I don't even know your name, though." Her words were laced with hesitancy, as if not even she was fully committed to the concluding limitations she had made of his offer. Because he knew it was a good deal for her, and for him, as a part of him truly didn't feel right leaving her all alone without knowing for a fact that she was safe at home.
"Wonwoo." He replied easily, sliding his hand over to her. Her eyes had watched the movement, lingering on him for a moment more, before she slid her own hand into his in a subtle, noncommittal handshake. "I can't take a stranger in my car though. What's your name?"
Another chuckle out of her, and another boost to Wonwoo's ego for the day.
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It was out of character for him, as he usually pays no mind to drifters of any sort, though he can't find it in himself to ever regret having stepped out of his comfort zone to bring a smile to her face that day. And what had started as a mere happenstance crossing of paths had soon morphed into frequent visits with (y/n) wandering into the bar and waiting for Wonwoo to serve her a drink before taking her home.
It was near inevitable for the two to grow feelings for one another, and soon blossom a relationship.
Wonwoo felt the corners of his lips twitch up just the slightest bit, remembering how nervous (y/n) had been to ask him out one of the days he dropped her off home. The memory of how she avoided his gaze, fiddled with her hoodie, stumbled over her words, and all he did was sit there and wait patiently, heart bursting at the seams at the sight of her trying to profess her love in some meaningful way on a random Tuesday evening.
It had all been so heavenly at the start. His apartment was small and old, yet she brought this vitality to it that made him feel more alive everyday. The kitchen which once was strictly for sustaining his nutrients now became a haven where the two cooked anything and everything together. The living room which was once merely a middle ground for him to pass the time by with nothing better to do was now where they spent their days watching movies and talking to each other endlessly. The bedroom where he once fell asleep and woke up as is became his sanctuary, where he could fall asleep and wake up to the sight of her right beside him.
Though now as he recounted these memories, that happiness in him soon twinged into a bittersweet sadness, wincing at the reminder of when it had all started going wrong.
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Wonwoo had become well aware of (y/n)'s background in living a comfortable life with her family's old money. How could he not with how flippant she seemed to be with her finances. He had been initially concerned with the steady stream of money she tossed away at things he'd deem inconvenient or unnecessary, though it all started to make sense in due time. The way (y/n) went about life with such little worries, at times even seeming naive in Wonwoo's eyes. Though it never bothered him. He was always glad to be there for her. To help her in things she didn't understand, be the helping hand as she experienced many firsts in the world, and he could tell she was just as happy to have him by her side helping. A mutualistic relationship, in which both parties thrived in each other's differences.
At that point was when Wonwoo knew he was in love, and he hadn't hesitated in telling (y/n) that on a random night where they debated what to watch and wound up deciding on perhaps the worst B-movie they've ever seen. Through their fits of laughter, tears in their eyes and stomachs sore, Wonwoo took a moment to admire (y/n) as she was. Freshly showered and smelling of his body wash, adorned in his old raggedy clothes, bright eyed and smiley, absolutely jubilant in his arms. It was an undeniable fact. Something he couldn't refute, nor anyone else for that matter.
“I love you.”
(y/n) had glanced up at him, laughter slowly dying down, though her smile remained in place, only growing by the second as she processed his words.
“Really?” He nodded, lips tugging up at her infectious giggles bubbling up as she nestled closer to him. “I love you, too.”
It had only taken a few weeks after their confession for her to deem it acceptable to introduce him to her family, which is how Wonwoo found himself at the doorstep of an imposingly large manor, adorned with his old button up that had been tossed in the back of his closet, and a bouquet of flowers in hand.
The mother was the first to greet them as they entered the house, appreciatively accepting Wonwoo's floral offering. Next had been her grandmother, who had been absolutely floored by Wonwoo’s looks, praising the Lord above for her granddaughter having found such a good looking man.
Then he met her father. A man who seemed to be the epitome of stoicism. A permanent scowl was etched into the aged lines on his face, and every advance on Wonwoo’s part was greeted by a cold glare and an indifferent grunt. None of the others were in any way taken aback by his mannerisms, however, and so Wonwoo could only assume this was just how his character was.
Some days had passed since the initial meet and greet, and Wonwoo found himself being unexpectedly invited once more to the manor by none other than the man of the house. How he had obtained his number was beyond him, but upon the request of a one on one session between the two, Wonwoo couldn't really care less about the ordeal of his privacy, merely relieved at the possibility that he hadn't completely ruined his reputation with his significant other's father.
Or so he was led to believe.
“I'm sorry?” Wonwoo spoke, voice low and barely above a whisper, yet strained as he attempted to piece together the sudden turn of events without outright creating a potentially unnecessary fiasco in this man’s office.
“I want you to break up with my daughter.”
Okay, so he hadn't heard wrong. He truly was just given the demand to break up with his girlfriend for seemingly no reason. Shocked couldn't even begin to explain the emotions swirling in his head, mouth agape as he attempted to make any semblance of the situation at hand.
The man remained seated across from him, briefly returning to his documents as if Wonwoo’s presence alone was nothing more than a hindrance to his schedule. Merely a minor detour in his work flow that didn't deserve even his full attention.
Gritting his teeth, Wonwoo summoned every ounce of strength within him in order to maintain his calm facade, pressing on with as steady a time as he could muster.
“May I ask for what reason you've sprung this upon me?” The older man paused to look at Wonwoo, giving him an unimpressed once over before returning to his work.
“Mr. Jeon, you seem to be a very good man. Strong, capable, good looking. You're practically everything a father wants for his daughter. Just not my daughter.”
To say he was taken aback would be the understatement of the year, because Wonwoo found himself practically reeling whilst trying to gather his thoughts and make sense of the situation. He felt his eye twitch momentarily, fists clenching by his side as he allowed the man to proceed with whatever motives he had in summoning Wonwoo in the first place.
“My daughter is scatterbrained as is. The last thing she needs is financial struggles to add to her carefree thought process.”
“I'm not rich enough for you?” Wonwoo spat out, venom laced in his tone. His head quirked to the side, a sharp glare directed at the man, challenging him to press on with his offense. Yet the man seemed unaffected by Wonwoo’s clear disdain, merely huffing an amused sigh as he continued.
“Don't take it to heart, kid. You'll understand when you have your own daughter in the future.” Wonwoo watched as he stood from his seat, rounding his desk to be face to face with him. “You know (y/n) as well as I do. She's not built for the harsh world out there.”
“You want to keep her sheltered in your little fantasy world? Coddle her until you're on your deathbed?”
“The world's less harsh for our kind.”
Wonwoo felt his blood boil, though remained as is. Jaw clenched, eyes narrowed, staring daggers into the man and his blatant ignorance.
“She's a grown woman,” Wonwoo began, voice low because he feared any alternative would involve shouting. “A grown woman capable of making her own decisions. Falling in love with whoever she wants to. Dealing with her own struggles without her father hovering over her.”
“She'll get just that if she stays with the likes of you.”
At this, Wonwoo found his composure faltering, brows furrowed in concentration, attempting to piece together what the man could possibly be insinuating. Judging from the prior turns of their conversation thus far, Wonwoo could only imagine the lengths this man would go to rid his life of Wonwoo’s presence.
A sly smile crossed the face of the man. Perhaps the first expression outside that of his permanent scowl. Wonwoo felt immediate discomfort from the sight, at the apathy emanating from beyond the man’s eyes. This cold, resolute stare that seemed near sociopathic almost.
“What are you insinuating?”
“If my daughter is to remain with the likes of you, a certified liability upon her, then I'd have no choice but to cut her off entirely.” Wonwoo felt his heart drop at the monotonous words coming out of this man's mouth, uncaring as if it were nothing more than a business transaction. “Cut off her finances, her access to my estate. Even her relations with myself and my family.” Wonwoo attempted to meet the hard and calculative stare trained on him, but his resolve was beginning to crumble with every new thing spoken. “You wouldn't want to be the cause of (y/n) being disowned, now would you?”
No, he wouldn't. It was a shitty ultimatum. Break up with my daughter or she'll be completely removed from her family. It was downright psychotic behavior. Something which shook Wonwoo to his core. He had only ever seen this type of character in fiction. Someone this unmoving, completely devoid of empathy. His thoughts and concerns only revolved around himself, only ever using the facade of concern for his daughter. Though in actuality, it had become perfectly clear to Wonwoo that the man only cared about his own personal image which would be impacted by his daughter's unworthy match.
He wanted to leave immediately. He wanted to actively punch the man before leaving this accursed manor. He wanted to whisk (y/n) away from the pitiful excuse of a father trying adamantly to control her every waking moment. He wanted to run away with her, live their own life without the crushing weight of societal expectations dampening the tranquility of their relationship. He wanted to return home where (y/n) would be waiting for him, safe from the outside world in the sanctity of their four walls. He wanted to make her laugh until her head was tipped back and her sides ached. He wanted to comfort her when times got too tough for her to manage on her own. He wanted to be the one to embrace all of the love she had to offer. He wanted to be her first and her last in everything.
Though he couldn't bear the guilt of having forced this ultimatum upon her. He didn't want to tarnish the image of her family because of the tyrant claiming to be her father. He didn't want to have her choose between her family or her significant other. The mere image of (y/n)’s agony wreaked havoc upon his poor battered heart. Images of when he first met (y/n), walking into the bar like a confused, wet puppy flitted through his memories, and he couldn't handle bearing witness to it once more.
That day, he left the manor without another word and without another glance behind him. He couldn't recall much of what happened following his departure, though sooner rather than later, he found himself walking into his apartment once more. His mind felt frenzied with thoughts and concerns, calculating his options and reevaluating his morals. Yet in a conflicting sense, he felt absolutely empty. Numb to the outside world, barely conscious enough to even discern how much time had passed since he had returned home.
By the time he had come to, he hadn't come to a decision. Or perhaps he just hadn't come to a decision he liked. There was a logical answer, one that took into consideration everyone's circumstances, one that accounted the world and the way it functions outside his own life. And then there was his selfish answer. The one that accounted for all of these factors, yet ignored them nevertheless in lieu of his own desires. The one that resulted in his own happiness, though at the cost of everybody else's.
It felt like an internal strife was dismantling the very foundation of his life, eating away at him until he was nothing left. A vessel devoid of its soul, wading listlessly in the universe, awaiting for, dreading the moment he'll have to make his choice. Or more correctly, make the only feasible choice in the matter. Because no matter how desperate he wants (y/n) in his life, and no matter how heinous of a being her father is, the guilt of the matter which derived from the conditions forced upon him overrode that of anything else. He couldn't possibly revoke (y/n)’s entire life, everything she's ever been accustomed to, merely for his own selfishness. He knew this was exactly what her father hoped for. Exploiting the way Wonwoo cared for (y/n) with every fiber of his being. And as much as Wonwoo wanted to deny it, his plan worked.
The sound of his door unlocking was what managed to jostle Wonwoo from his stupor, albeit only a microscopic amount, though enough for him to blink away his delirium and look up just as (y/n) came walking into the room, bright smile on display the moment her eyes landed upon the man seated on the couch.
“Wonwoo!” The jubilance in her voice managed to soothe the turmoil wrought in his heart, a wry smile curling at the corners of his lips. From where he sat, he watched as she mosied about the apartment as naturally as one breathes. Toeing off her shoes, tossing her things onto the counter, raiding the fridge for whatever beverage she can find to cool off. All the while, she rambled endlessly of her day, from the very beginning when she woke up to the traffic on her way to work, the new place her and her friends visited for lunch, anything to fill the void that usually enshrouds Wonwoo's apartment. And his smile grew more and more fond, impossible to even deny for a moment how happy he was in her presence. It was how they always worked. What he was, she was the opposite. In the silence Wonwoo had grown accustomed to, resided for most of his life, she offered that peaceful white noise to settle his nerves and quell his rampant thoughts. “You're awfully quiet today. Is everything alright?”
(y/n) had made her way to the living room, collapsing on the couch beside him, naturally nestling against his side. All the while, her soft eyes remained on him, never pushing him to talk, though assuring him he was always free to. The clarity of her emotions and the way she expressed them to him was always something he admired, and meeting those loving eyes for perhaps the last time finally broke his resolve.
“It's nothing, really.” He quickly turned away, not wanting her to see the way his eyes glossed over with unshed tears.
“Well, obviously it's something if it's got you like this.” Her voice was low, just above a whisper, preserving the still of the atmosphere set around them. The hum of the radiator filled the room, providing that subtle medium for Wonwoo to concentrate on and avoid the spiraling thoughts swirling in his head. Beside him, he could feel (y/n)’s gentle touch on his hand, thumb lightly brushing against his knuckles. He loved the way she treated him so tenderly, taking her time and speaking lightly, touches sweet and demure no matter how imposing he may seem to others. The thought of tarnishing this tranquility, destroying the relationship they both worked so hard to build up, killed Wonwoo inside.
His heart ached as he sat there, seconds ticking by, battling himself every step of the way. (y/n)’s persistent patience didn't help his cause in any way. Her presence which usually served as an anchor weighing him down to earth now felt like a damning weight upon his shoulders. The arrangement forced upon him by her father revolved around his thoughts, an ever recurring reminder that he can't preserve this. He can't keep this happiness anymore. He can't have (y/n) any longer.
“I…” His voice trembled, cracking through the gravely undertone from his silence that day. He hesitantly turned his head to face her, though couldn't find it in himself to look up at her.
He was a coward, he knew this. Everything in this situation only further proved this revelation of his. He was a coward, and even if he did choose the selfish route in this predicament, in what world did he even deserve (y/n) in the first place?
He gulped, breath shaky as he finally dared a glance her way. As always, the (y/n) before him was as lovely as ever. Eyes remaining on him, an edge of concern in her furrowed brows. Her hand in his continued to soothingly stroke his skin, comforting him for as long as he needed. Averting his eyes once more, he felt his body tremble with wrought emotion, knowing what was to come, yet attempting to delay it.
He truly didn't deserve (y/n).
“I think we should break up,” he finally spoke, voice weak, forced out in a broken whisper.
Silence settled over them, the radiator persisting with its low hum, yet this time, it couldn't mask the heavy tension slowly accumulating in the room. Wonwoo’s body seemed to vibrate with the effort exerted in detaining himself, preventing him from retracting his words, reaching out to (y/n) and apologizing for ever even amusing such an outlandish idea. But he remained as is, nervously scratching at the rough material of his jean clad legs, torturously waiting for a response from (y/n).
The silence he met was perhaps the most harrowing response he could've received, not having the slightest clue of what could be going through her head, especially since his eyes refused to stray her way. Though he could feel her gaze upon him, and it killed him inside. Completely and utterly at a loss for himself with only the fleeting strength he'd managed to scrape up to preserve the facade of monotony across his countenance.
“Break up?” She asked, the only words she could muster with his sudden proposition. Her voice was once more soft, though instead of the comforting lull it usually carried, it seemed weak almost. Barely able to slip past her lips, barely loud enough for Wonwoo himself to hear. His heart clenched upon itself at the sound of those words coming from her, as if a taboo phrase never meant to be uttered by either of them. And the realization that the two have both broken that unspoken promise made the situation all the more real. “Why?”
It was a simple question. Inevitable, even. But somehow it threw Wonwoo for a loop. He couldn't just outright expose her family for what they were, more specifically that of her father. It wasn't his place. And he wouldn't dare place that burden upon her. It was why he was deciding to break up with her now. He just couldn't say that to her directly…
“I…” He paused to clear his throat, averting his gaze to his lap now, perhaps his one safe haven in a room which reminded him of (y/n) far too much.
Every memory they ever made together. Where they first said I love you, where they shared countless meals together, where she'd fall asleep unknowingly in his arms and heal his soul with her presence alone. Every hug and every kiss, every loving word and tender touch. Their milestones, their fights, their heart to hearts. Every aspect of their relationship is imprinted upon the aspects of his apartment, like a time capsule commemorating the moments they shared together.
“I don't think… we're a good match…”
“Why?” This why came much faster than the previous one, and Wonwoo found himself momentarily floundering upon the realization that this would result in a back and forth with which he'd have to give her a proper reason for giving up on their relationship.
“I don't want to hold you back.”
“Hold me back?” She questioned. “Where would you have gotten that assumption from? In what ways are you holding me back?”
At the sound of her frustrated tone, Wonwoo gave in and finally met her gaze. Though her voice wavered with restrained disappointment, her eyes betrayed her motive, watering as she finally met Wonwoo's own conflicted stare.
“I mean… You're you… and I'm me. You have your life and I have mine. And I don't…” He paused once more, swallowing down the lump in his throat to continue. “You have your friends, your family, and—”
“My family?” She asked, drowning in confusion at his utterance. “What about my family? Did something happen?”
Wonwoo sat there for a moment, panic broiling within him. An opportunity presenting itself. His final chance to back out.
Either he confesses to everything. Tells her how her father pulled him aside on purpose so he would be the one to decide, in order to save face with his own daughter. Tells her how she would be forced to start anew in life if she were to stay with him. Cut off from everything she'd ever known in life. Money, family, businesses, properties. All of it no longer at her disposal. Merely as a consequence for choosing him at the end of the day.
Or he continues with his initial goal in mind. Revoking her right to decide merely because it was too tasking of a decision to make for him, let alone for her. Force her to live in blissful ignorance alongside her family, abandon Wonwoo and the life they built together, allow her to continue with the way of life she'd grown so accustomed to.
Could she handle the pressures of starting adulthood from scratch? With her only resources being Wonwoo and whatever he was capable of giving to her? Could she handle the debilitating trauma of being disowned and banished by the people who raised her? Merely to stay with him? Was he even worth such a grand decision?
Perhaps deep down, Wonwoo actually feared what her answer would be. Because there was always a high probability she'd choose her family and her comfortable life over him and their relationship. Perhaps that's why he felt the need to make the decision on his own. Perhaps that's why he chose to punish himself rather than to let her do it for him. Perhaps that's why he suddenly found himself spewing whatever nonsense his jumbled mind could conjure to complete this objective.
“This has nothing to do with your family.” (y/n) quieted down at the sudden resolve in Wonwoo’s tone, and Wonwoo himself was shocked to find how steady his voice had become in a mere few seconds passed. “It has everything to do with the fact that we are just not compatible.”
“Not compatible…” (y/n) repeated in awe, words mumbled as she attempted to process what he said to her.
“You come from an affluent background, so it was already a given we'd find differences in the way we perceived the world and engage in it. Your terms of spending and saving differ vastly to my own. Though you may seem indifferent to the way I live my life, I am not in regards to your own.” His words sounded almost rehearsed with the way he spoke in such a steady and monotonous manner. One brief glance towards (y/n) only served to validate his own observations of himself, and he quickly averted his gaze once more lest the unbridled emotion enshrouding her eyes tempt him into retreat. “With the obvious aside, I find myself struggling to find meaning in this relationship that we've somehow stumbled our way into.” He paused to gather his bearings, taking as discrete an inhale as he could to try and quell the nerves firing within him. “I find you clingy in that you've occupied my apartment for weeks at a time and have essentially weaseled your way into my living space. I think you're immature in the way you spend your money, but also shameless as you also attempt to monitor my own finances. You're sheltered and you don't understand the real world, including my own and all those around us. You—”
A swift slap across his face halted Wonwoo from proceeding. It hadn't hurt him in any physical way, merely resulting in the combination of silencing him, turning his head in another direction, and perhaps a slight sting at most. Though what truly struck at Wonwoo's heartstrings was the sharp gasp that followed the initial impact, and in his peripheral vision he could see (y/n) grasping the hand that had slapped him, as if offended by her own action.
He took the suddenness of the situation to gather himself once more, regaining his composure to the best of his abilities before slowly turning to meet (y/n).
His breath had become shaky upon the sight of her. Tears streaming down her face, hands clamped over her mouth in a feeble attempt to silence the sobs bubbling out of her. Her body trembled with the whirlwind of emotions broiling within her, and Wonwoo could see it all as clear as ever. Shock that she'd ever strike Wonwoo in such a way, never in her wildest dreams had she envisioned inflicting any harm to him. Confusion, seemingly in reference to both the slap that catapulted them into this moment of silence though also to the events which had led up to it. Desperation, as if wanting it all to end, not wanting to experience another moment of this ordeal, hoping it would all end soon, or even better if it would have never even happened in the first place. Though the most overwhelming emotion riddled all through her tear ridden gaze was that of despair. Because no matter how much she reflected upon herself and Wonwoo, no matter how much she prayed that this was all a sick figment of her imagination, there was no denying that what had transpired was in fact very real, and unchanging. Wonwoo said what he said, and as the silence grew longer and longer, it was clear there was no chance of him denying his words.
He inhaled shakily, at this point fully rendering the permanence of this situation, and thus allowing himself to momentarily falter in his stoicism.
“Must I continue?”
The next few seconds felt like a blur. One moment he was staring at (y/n), eyes darting to every feature he could, memorizing the curves and lines of her face, imprinting the image into his mind. Allowing himself to admire her one last time in person, even if the image before him would forever haunt his dreams. Every time he'll think back to her, he'll be met with the cruel reality that he allowed her to leave his side for the final time as a broken, defeated woman. Though perhaps it was what he deserved. To be forever reminded of his transgressions, and to forever reflect on what he's done to the one he loves.
Though this hadn't lasted long, for in the next moment, she was quickly rising from the couch and away from him. He sat still, unmoving as he listened to the raucous behind him. Her grabbing her things from the counter, sliding her shoes back on, and then the opening and closing of the door.
What he hadn't heard was the lock behind her, a telltale sign that the one thing she made sure to leave behind was the extra set of keys he had given to her. And at that point, alone in his apartment with the lone hum of the radiator to accompany him, he allowed himself to finally let go, releasing the broken sobs that he'd tried so desperately to restrain whilst in her presence. His cries wracked through his body, loud and pained with reckless abandon. His body gave up, caving in on himself and collapsing onto the floor, barely even strong enough to catch himself before he had curled into the cold, unforgiving hardwood floor.
Once more, time felt more a construct than ever before, for he hadn't any idea the duration of time he spent there, grieving for what he had lost. The pit in his stomach grew cavernous, churning with the absolute nothingness now occupying his insides. Despair consumed his being, imbibed in every fiber of his person, ensuring there wasn't a single remnant of the joy (y/n) had once instilled into him. Regret coincided with his downfall, memories of what once was now being met with memories of what had just occurred. Images of (y/n) smiling at him collided violently with images of her final mortified expression, alongside the onslaught of tears staining her face that he had been the cause of. Though the one all encompassing emotion that overrode everything else was that of pain. Pain riddled his entire body, clawing away at him, scarring him forever. This overwhelming emotion that burrowed into his soul and demanded his attention. He felt it in his gut, his chest, his head, though it soon bled to every square inch of his body, reminding him that it wouldn't be leaving any time soon.
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Days had gone by since the break up, and Wonwoo found himself once more sitting at his couch, staring at his ceiling, listening to the radiator hum away. It was sickening to him how time continued to march by, not sparing him even a moment to recover from the plight he'd gotten himself into. Time continued, and so did life. The mundane routine he had made for himself returned like clockwork. Bartending throughout the week before returning home. Though even if he had lived through life like this for longer than he could recall, the now apparent emptiness of it all lingered tauntingly before him.
The lack of shoes to greet him when he'd return home to toe off his own. The silent kitchen as he cooked for one. The TV had remained off ever since, and instead he spent most of his spare time in front of his monitor playing games in hopes of it distracting him from the loneliness now consuming his life.
This was the first day he actually decided to sit on the couch since. The first day he sat in front of the TV, albeit with the screen still completely black. The first day he allowed himself to try and confront what had happened.
His head lolled to the side where (y/n) last sat, and in his self deluded mind, he could practically see the manifested image of her beside him. The clear image of what she looked like that day still fresh in his mind. Though the longer he recalled, the more he could remember of (y/n).
He could still feel the touch of her lips upon his own, her breath hitting the shell of his ear as she whispered sweet nothings to him, the warmth she'd radiate as she cradled him against her. The memories of her felt not only alive with the surroundings of his apartment where they lived together, but also forever imprinted on his person alone.
Weakly, he pulled himself forward, leant against his knees as he attempted to ground himself back to reality. As sweet and oftentimes bitter the memories were to him, they served no purpose other than tormenting him. He needed to move on first before he could think back fondly at what they once had. Though it was always easier said than done.
His hand swiped down his face, rubbing away the exhaustion from his eyes as he reached for the mail he had haphazardly tossed onto his coffee table.
Flipping through the stack, he was met with his usual itinerary of garbage and junk mail. Though one crisp envelope captured his attention. Unmarked, though from the quality alone, Wonwoo could tell it held some significance to it.
Mindlessly, he tore open the letter and extracted the singular sheet of paper within. An unmarked check, signed by none other than (y/n)’s father with only one remark written on it.
“Thank you for your cooperation.”
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♗ (a/n): hello! this was my first request and also my first like pure angst fic! I do feel really bad for having suddenly dropped off the face of the earth for a good two months, so I hope this is okay. I had fun writing! I mostly sat there reflecting on some psychology 101 type of ethics lol.
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padfootdaredmetoo · 11 months
Can I request a fluffy Tangerine imagine where the female reader works for Maria, but rather than being an assassin, she’s the driver of the getaway car for missions, and Tangerine has a thing for her and she picks him and Lemon up one day and Eye of the Tiger by Survivor plays on the radio and she sings along and Tangerine is shook because her voice is amazing and he didn’t know she could sing? I thought I should pick a song pretty much everyone knows, and Eye of the Tiger was the first one that popped into my head. 
Hey Anon,
Thanks for waiting so long. I hope this is alright! To feel something I may have been dipping into Christmas music and it may have bled into this fic. My apologies.
Warnings: FLUFF
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“Fifty bucks.” He said into the phone hating himself for resorting to this. 
“Fifty bucks off a two million dollar job?” Maria spoke into the phone slowly and Tan pinched the bridge of his nose. 
“Fine 50K.” He sighed and quickly looked over his shoulder to see if Lemon was in earshot. 
“50K?” The surprise in her voice only made him hate how stupid he was being even more. 
“Give her half as a tip.” He quickly added. 
“Deal. You know this is just a ride home right?” He kept his mouth shut trying to avoid being rude. Yes, he just spent 50K to sit in the car next to a girl he liked. Yes, he knew how stupid that was. 
“Talk to you later Maria.” He said quickly before hanging up the phone. 
The job went off without a hitch and they were done slightly ahead of schedule. The item was secure, the dude was dead, and there was no threat of security as they stood near the front door waiting for you. He lit a cigarette and took a deep breath. He was more nervous for this than he was the job itself. 
“You got a drug problem?” Lemon asked in an unusually serious tone, his eyes were focused on his phone missing the way Tan’s face twisted up. 
“Not at all.” He answered easily. 
“You are either are back on the stuff, or you just paid 50K off your payout for….” His voice trailed off and his hand waved indicating the Tan should finish the sentence. 
A black hellcat pulled up infront of the door and Tand picked up the brief case motioning for them to go.
“Dibs on shot gun.” He blurted quickly like they used to when they were kids. Lemon gave him a look that reminded him that nothing was ever lost on him. He knew that after this ride home there would be a full investigation on you, string lines connecting all the information to which Thomas the Train you would be. 
He gave Lemon a stern “dont fuck this up for me” type of look and Lemon gave him a brotherly smile. They got into the car and your appearance hit him full force. 
You were in your PJ’s and your hair was pulled up into a messy blob on the top of your head. A pink fluffy bathrobe encasing your slender frame. 
“Howdy.”You said in a chipper voice pulling away form the curb the second the door shut. The cab of the car smelled like mint and settled into the space whishing this was a normal thing. Like they were all coming back from a party or had run to the shops for late night snacks. 
“Did we catch you at a bad time?” Lemon asked eyeing her robe. 
“Well, I was made an offer I couldn't refuse.” She smiled. 
“It’s-” Tan started but Lemon cut him off. 
“Is that so?” He said turning his gaze towards Tan. 
Tan swore your cheeks got pinker at the accusation. He wanted more than anything to turn around and slap Lemon. 
“Well, it’s nothing for peace of mind. Best driver there is. 95% of missions fail when leaving the site.” Tan had made that up.
“It’s an honor.” You smirked and his heart sped up. There was a moment of heavy silence and you turned the radio up. This was enough to buy him some time. He just paid 50K for a chance to ask her for a… what? A phone number? A date? Fuck. He ran a hand through his hair and looked out of the tinted glass. The city was a blur and his body gave into the familiar lurches of your fast driving. You were a part of this world, in enough danger without him so it’s not like he would be ruining your life. You always laughed at his jokes, you touched his arm that one time- 
“It’s the eye of the tiger.” You sang along with the song on the radio pulling him away from his misery. 
“Damn! Okay, girl.” Lemon said and he wished he could respond in some other way than to just look at you. 
“Come on everyone knows this song.” You said batting a hand in the air, as you hurled the car around a corner. 
“Not everyone can sing it like that.” Tan said grabbing the “oh shit handle” in the door as his body slid to the side. 
“Shut up.” 
“No seriously, find something harder then,” Lemon said from the backseat. 
“What?” You were blushing now and focusing on the road more than you normally did. Tan reached out to the dial on the car and waited a moment for you to bat his hand away. But your hands stayed on the wheel. He spun the dial and it landed on a Christmas station.
“YES” Lemon boomed from the backseat. You let out a laugh as the sounds of Christmas by Mariah Carey filled the small car. 
“Isn’t it a bit early?” You groaned and Tan felt it ripple through his body. 
“Nonsense. The best part about Halloween is when it ends.” lemon said causing you to laugh. 
“You boys better sing with me then.” Your eyes glanced at him and he would have done anything in that moment. You started to sing like an angel and he and Lemon mumbled along.
Sadly the ride was coming to an end as they approached the drop-off location. Lemon gave you a pat on the shoulder.
“Thanks, love. Get home safe.” He slid out of the car before you could respond. Your eyes moved to Tan’s and he knew this was his chance. 
“Want to get a drink?” Your eyes went wide and a thick flush covered your cheeks. 
“Maybe not like this.” You said gesturing to your PJs and he felt stupid for asking. “Unless you mind my place? The owner is pretty lax about the dress code.”
“Is that so?” He said cocking an eyebrow. You both held each other's gaze for a moment till Lemon tapped on the glass. Without breaking eye contact he lowered the window and handed the case to Lemon. 
“Oi, go easy on him.” Lemon winked at you before heading up the stairs. 
“My place it is then.” You smiled and reached across to lace your fingers in his.
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Good Boys Get Rewards
AN: Formatting is a bit rough since I'm doing this on my phone. I've sat on this anon for so long you don't even remember it but happy birthday @how-masterful! Enjoy the Marc Spector smut and your Brithday!!! I love and adore you! Thank you for introducing me to so many characters I love! (Its still uncertain if I will finish the other planned fic in time but I'm certainly going to try)
Word count: 2,451
Warnings: smut/lemon, inaccurate DID, mirror smut, voyeurism with alters
Description: The moon boys have been arguing, and Marc has become stuck in the middle. You decide to take things (Marc) into your own hands (bed) and show them what they miss out on when they argue (aka, what happens when Marc Spector is the only one on his best behavior) 👑🦇
“Will the two of you stop fighting,” Marc sounded exhausted. The sort of tiredness that most people only thought the parents of toddlers could manage. Of course when they really got at it Steven and Jake really could fight just like toddlers. Not that you could blame them, they knew how to push each other's buttons too well.
With a sigh he flipped over the mirror that Steven and Jake had been using to see each other as they constantly switched to the front while arguing. Not even bothering to look at you as he apologized.
“Sorry, babe. I keep telling them to finish that later after you go home for the night.”
Standing from the bed- where you had been laying while you waited for them to stop yelling at each other in an argument you had no hopes of following to mediate with cut off words, unheard replies, and a mix of spanish slang you had yet to learn. You dodged dozens of piles of books, swept up sand, and the one shop bag that you had not been able to give to Steven due to the interruption. Closing in on Marc you did nothing to hide your intentions to grab him.
Arms wrapping around his hips, teasing him with your cold hands slipping under his loose shirt. Dragging him back to bed with you. Laughing as he tripped on the book pile that he couldn’t see and started to fall on top of you with a nonchalant swear.
Rolling off of you he situated himself on the bed in a lazy position, hand resting behind his back. A smug smile decorating his face, eyes alight with joy.
“Someone wants some cuddles,” he teased.
You hummed back, allowing the peaceful moment to settle before you striked again.
In a single fluid motion your shirt was discarded from your body, legs straddling his torso. Rushing to unfasten your bra as you started to grind down onto his quickly growing erection. You were very glad that the body had been wearing sweatpants before you got here. It let you really feel the full effect of what you were doing. Working him up more and more with the lack of protests.
His eyes were wide open, still shocked and focused on your breasts. With a sharp snap of your hips you pulled a shaky breath out of Marc and drew him out of his own head again.
“I- oh fuck.” He stalled again with the friction of your crotch against his at just the right angle. “What did I do to deserve this?”
Grabbing his hands you pressed them against your boobs, forcing him to squeeze them, fingers digging into soft skin. 
"Are they watching Marc?"
He nodded too distracted by the soft feeling of your tits to form words. Still squeezing them lightly. You must have truly surprised him, you had never seen Marc left so speechless. Unable to muster up anything other than a quiet awe, mouth slightly agape. He looked like Steven. It was small things like this that reminded you that while they were separate people, they were also all a part of each other.
"Mhm, well this is all for you Marc. Your treat for being the only one behaving."
He smiled up at you with the smuggest of grins. Finally metally settling down.
"Okay, baby," fingers ‘absentmindedly’ rolling over your nipples.
It was always on purpose. Marc didn't do anything accidentally during sex. Except that one time he slipped in the shower with you...
Taking initiative now Marc slid his hands under your thighs to support his efforts to shift your position. Sitting up while keeping you in his lap, encouraging you to keep dry humping him. Hands rising up your body, stopping their trip only once they held your face close to his. 
“Keep it up baby. Making me feel so good, getting my cock so hard for you. Can’t ignore those pretty lips, let me bruise them with kisses? Nibble them like the candy they are?”
The whine you let out at his teasing words was answer enough for Marc. Surging forward like a man possessed he captured your lips and refused to let them go. Both panting and gasping for air with every second you dared to part.
Flipping the two of you back into a lying position in a tangle of limbs that could not seem to get out of the way. Twisted into a puzzle that fit together, knotted together like a poorly stored necklace chain. Your hands tearing at Marc’s shirt trying to get it to- fucking come off. His hands only left your skin for a moment to help you get it off before returning to gently running his nails down your sides. 
Squirming as he relentlessly teased you into putty.
“Please Marc,” whining you grabbed his hair as he moved from your puffy lips to your nipples. 
Lavishing them with kisses, aiming to make them as sensitive as your still tingling lips.
His hands shoved your pants down your legs, not caring that you had to buck against him as you kicked them the rest of the way off. Fingers shoving your panties out of the way to save time. A few quick lazy circles around your clit was all he bothered with before sneaking a single finger into you.
“So wet, baby girl. Bet you feel so empty with only one finger in there. You need more don’t ya. Need my cock in you to feel nice and full.”
Your hands had stopped working, refusing to let his head move from your skin. Marc didn’t mind, he spoke lovingly against your skin as you whimpered and moaned for him. This was his reward and he wanted to spend it overwhelming you with pleasure. How else would he really drive the jealousy home?
“You gotta let go of me, pretty girl. I want to show Jake and Steven how pretty you look taking my cock.”
Slowly you managed to make your hands listen to you, releasing Marc’s hair as he continued to finger you slowly with a single lone finger. His lips traveled down your body with a trail of kisses before rewarding you with a long kiss against your clit. Teasing it with his tongue. Hands flittering down towards his head again. Almost moving to trap him right there, oh god, right there. It felt like heaven.
Instead you resisted and tangled your fingers in the sheets. Wrinkling them with the force you twisted them with. Damn, these had been fresh sheets too. The thought didn’t have a chance to stay for long when Marc curled his finger just right. And then he continued to tease by not going any further. Just letting his finger fill you up, not moving, not even twitching. Suspended in that very moment forever.
Crying out Marc’s name as he left you. Skin no longer touching, no longer breathing the same air. Why was he leaving? Even his finger left you with a trail of slick connecting you for ages until it snapped.
“Need you, Marc. Need you so bad.”
Lifted like a limp doll you pliantly let him settle you in his lap facing the mirror across the room. An abandoned sheet half hanging on it but not fully covering it. You looked a right mess and for a moment you were self conscious. Your nipples shone, clearly well sucked. Thighs covered in your own arousal, hair sticking up wildly. Turning to hide yourself on Marc’s shoulder.
He forcefully turned your chin back to face the mirror.
“Don’t be shy baby,” he cooed at you. “We want to show Steven and Jake what they are missing out on by not being your good boy.”
Now a burning blush could be added to the list of your dishevelment. 
Marc shoved his slick covered finger into your mouth, your face contorted at the taste. He giggled at you, wrapping his arm around you to keep you close while he whispered to you. The sound of his lighthearted giggle made you forgive him in an instant for laughing at you.
“It’s okay baby, I love how you taste,” he shared before sucking his own finger clean.
You could feel his hard cock pressing against your panties in just the right spot, but it wasn’t enough. You needed him in you, now.
“Please, please, please, fill me up Marc,” you whimpered out in desperation.
He lifted the two of you up with just the strength of his legs, shimming off his sweatpants and boxers to reveal his hard cock against your skin. In the same motion but filled with more lingering touches your panties followed.
 It took a bit of you shifting on your tiptoes before he was positioned correctly. Slowly lowering himself back onto the edge of the bed as you slowly let his cock fill you. The slow stretch as the tip opened you up, a pop as the head fully entered you. Legs trembling the whole time as you whined and moaned about how good it felt.
Growing impatient Marc’s hands settled on your hips and pulled you the rest of the way down. A screaming moan filled the air at how deep he was. He was just so deep inside of you, finally you felt so full. Just like you had needed. Head thrown back against him. Gasps and attempts at words leaving your wide open lips.
“Good girl, my perfect reward for being a good boy. Your pussy was made for my cock to fill you up. Gonna make you feel so good,” Marc’s rambles reassured you that he was just as pussy drunk as you were Marc ddrunk.You knew he was especially lost in pleasure when he admitted he was a 'good boy'.
All three of them were so good at fucking you dumb just how you needed.
His hands couldn’t seem to decide where to settle. Floating between your hips to help him control the lazy thrusts that he didn’t bother to make consistent; and gripping your neck with just enough pressure to feel how fast your heart was beating.
“So pretty, and right now you are all mine,” he moaned after a particularly deep thrust.
Haphazardly you managed to throw your legs over his, opening you up so that you could all watch how your dripping cunt took his cock. Dragging it in greedily at every opportunity. 
“If the rest of you had been good boys like Marc you would have gotten to join in,” you managed to stutter out in between your loud moans and Marc’s pleased groans.
“Steven sounds so drunk just from watching you, practically begging to be allowed to lick your thighs clean when we are done,” Marc admitted as he adjusted his grip on your thighs to start lifting you up and down at a punishing pace.
Both of you lost yourselves for a time in the sight and sound of Marc’s thick cock disappearing into you. His chin resting against your shoulder so that he could look down and really watch, unlike the boys forced to watch in your reflection.
Marc started to narrate to you what the sight of you all pretty and fucked was doing to them. It only managed to make you clench down harder around him.
“Steven has started to pace but he can’t keep himself from watching, looks like he is gonna break his neck everytime he turns to go the other direction. His head snapping back to not lose a moment of this sight. I think I can understand, I don’t want to look away either. Not when my pretty girl is taking me so well.”
Starting to tremble as Marc’s actions and words drove you closer and closer to the edge. You could feel his cock twitching inside of you, ready to fill you up with more than just his size. The kiss he pressed to your temple broke you further. Before you could cum he decided to tell you what Jake was doing.
“Jake isn’t learning his lesson very well, he’s stroking his cock while he watches. Timing it to follow along with my pace. Should we let him cum? Or should we stop letting him watch the show, pretty girl? At the very least he owes you something special for treating this like a porno for him to enjoy.”
“Don’t, don’t force him to the back of the headspace, Marc. I don’t want you all fighting and treating each other that way. Want you all to get along and be happy,” you slurred out.
Cum coated the walls of your pussy, making you almost cum as you felt Marc fill you up. Dropping your thighs, he knocked the breath out of you as you felt him reach deeper. You were so close, so very close. Please, you need more, anything. Just let you cum. His fingers softly played with your clit, rubbing small circles as whispered praises were no more than pleasant tones to you.
Back arched as you fell into pleasure you let Marc guide you through a long drawn out orgasm. When you mentally came back down you could feel his soft cock still inside of you, cum leaking out around him. You let him maneuver you onto your back, laying against the sheets that should probably be cleaned again before the two of you dared to sleep.
“I’m going to rub this in just a little bit to Steven, okay baby girl?”
“Mhm,” you let Marc do whatever he wanted right now. You were too tired, too fucked out to care.
So tired that even though it was overstimulating you scarcely twitched as Marc started to lick clean your pussy and thighs. Giving one last kiss to your left thigh before he climbed up to cuddle into your side.
“Steven says he’s sorry, he didn’t mean to let the argument drag on like that earlier,” Marc let out a tired laugh before continuing. “Jake is saying he’s just sorry he couldn’t participate and fuck you too.”
“Mhm, Jake will get his turn. After Steven since I don’t hear an apology for saying what I’m pretty sure were some very hurtful things.”
“You’re falling asleep while you talk baby. Quick nap and then clean up time?”
Blindly grabbing the closet blanket you wrapped yourself and Marc together in the fuzzy comfort.
“Mhm, I’d say we should set an alarm but I don’t wanna let you go for that.”
“I’m sure it will be fine, one of us will wake up.”
If you both slept for several hours entwined together, there was no evidence of that except almost ruined sheets.
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lyrenminth · 4 months
how about a fluffy meet-cute with Justin Herbert? maybe meeting him at a coffee shop and hitting it off :) love your writing !!
Thank you so much, anon 😋☺️
The Coffee Incident
The impossibly tall man in front of you looked so worried that made you feel pity for him. You were fine, or you thought so.
His green eyes looked around before giving you his giant hand. Yeah, having that size causes those problems.
"I'm so sorry" you took his hand, feeling a pain in your wrist. "I didn't see you, I turned around very quickly. I'm sorry" he helped to get up smoothly. His voice was deep and kind "Are you ok?" When you looked at your cupcake upside down on the floor you let out a sigh. "Yeah, don't worry" you hold your wrist and try to move it feeling the pain almost instantly. You try to hide it because you didn't want to bother the probably most handsome guy you ever crossed paths with.
"I will buy you another one" he said, looking ashamed. "Don't worry" you repeated, you gaze met his and your stomach felt every second. You were a tall girl but didn't even reached his chin. Magnificent. A worker came and helped you to clean the mess a little bit. Bye, bye lemon cupcake. "What was the flavor?" he asked, fidgeting with his coffee. "Lemon" he nodded and went to buy another one. You watched him from a table. The space was almost empty, it smelled delicious. Your wrist was starting to get swollen.
"Here you have" he said, leaving the cupcake on the table but not having intention of sitting with you. "I'm sorry"
"What's your name?" you asked, taking the cupcake. His eyes went to your wrist and he furrowed his eyebrows. "Your wrist"
You made a wry face. "I think I fell wrong" you said. Receiving the attention of this man was getting you all flustered. Control yourself! "What's your name?" you asked, curious. "I'm Justin"
"Y/N" he nodded, playing with his coffee which looked almost comical in those hands. "Do you have insurance?" he asked, worried. "Can I give you my number so I can cover the insurance for you?" he proposed. It sounded logical, but no one else would do something like that. It was weird, Justin was extremely kind. "No, it's ok. I was so close to you anyway" he still looked worried. "I'm truly fine, Justin"
"I would feel more comfortable if you let me pay, at least the minimum" he argued. He seemed pretty stubborn too. You liked his eyes, they were nice. "Okay" you whispered, he gave you his phone and you put your number in it. "I'll go to the doctor after work" you said. He was more relieved.
"Thanks, I'll be waiting for good news"
Shortly after that, you left out all the air you were holding. What the actual fuck was that? Did you give your number to the hottest guy you ever seen? The stance, the height, the wide back. Yisus. You started giggling and kicking your feet until you looked at the counter. The barista was smiling at you like "yeah, girl go get it"
You may.
I remind you that you still can send you REQUESTS.♥️♥️
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Hey! Hope your doing well :>
May I request younger Rhaenyra with a Gn Reader who is Rhaenyra's Knight/ S/O where Reader perceives a Guard Dog embodiment but is actually the biggest simp ever and Rhaenyra thinks it's the funniest thing in the world
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Mask — Rhaenyra Targaryen x GN!Reader
Words: 364
Pairing: Rhaenyra Targaryen x Gender Neutral Reader
Warning: Fluff
Hello, anon! Thank you for the request and thanks for asking, I am doing well right now besides me being sick. Sorry if this is too short or isn't the best. I can't really focus on writing properly because I'm sick. But I wanted to get this fic out because I loved the idea.
not my gif. || masterlist || previous work
The harmonious sound of Rhaenyra’s bellowing laughter around the Red Keep nearly broke the glower on your face. Since the princess discovered that you infrequently display your romantic affections for her for the reason that your face becomes flushed each time you do so, she was dead set on aiming to persuade you into, well, showing it.
You being the voice of reason regularly and without fail, remind Rhaenyra that anyone could walk in and report this behavior to Viserys.
Rhaenyra waves it off with her hand, face relaxed, fully confident that her father will understand. “Come on, Y/n! Just once, please.” She sang, under the impression that you will not be able to hold off much longer.
“Rhaenyra, not this time.”
You swat the Princess’s hand away, looking anywhere but those amethyst eyes you constantly get lost in. Rhaenyra breathes in the air around the keep, inhaling the obscure smell of dragon and bones as she thinks of ways to trick you.
“I haven’t eaten today because father insisted on me attending the council meeting early. I really wish to devour some lemon cakes.”
“Then at once I shall retrieve what you so desire, Princess.” You were miffed to some degree about your ardor to get Rhaenyra what she hungered for when you have parried it for so long. Simply because you believe she needs to eat, you could not quash her of that luxury no matter how much it will cost you.
The silver-blonde princess’s chest shook with mirth, clutching your torso, her body colliding with your armor. “Thank you, my love.”
Your face heats up, thrown into a state of being flustered. “I’d give you everything you desire, Rhaenyra.” You look at Rhaenyra’s head on your chest. She was gleaming with affection after perceiving your words to be a promise.
Rhaenyra deduces you could not deny her of anything.
She cackles when you annex an instruction to your foregoing declaration, “You’d do well to refrain from making it known to the public. I will deny the rumors of me being… soft around you because it is not true in the least.”
“Mhm. I believe you.” Rhaenyra replied in a sardonic way.
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kimbapisnotsushi · 11 months
oh please talk about kawanishi taichi i love that silly guy
(also i am SO sorry for taking so long oh my god i am back in action and catching up i promise!!)
i think he likes beanies in his casual wear
idk kawanishi feels like such a beanie person but not the douchebag slouchy ones he's got one that's a little snug and has something embroidered on it like a bird or something
okay that's a lie. he has ONE douchebag slouchy beanie that makes him look like how a high school romance shoujo mangaka of the mid-2000s would dress a flashy somewhat-delinquent teenage boy (honey lemon soda my beloved)
this, of course, could not be farther from the truth
the entire second year is scared of him bc they never somehow realize he's there until he says something and they're like "holy SHIT". this also means he knows a bunch of hot gossip
(the hot gossip miyagi group chat: kawanishi, watari, onagawa, and narita)
on the other hand. that means the students of 2-5 win the contest for "best cultural festival attraction" between classes bc they had the best haunted house the miyagi prefecture had ever seen
he's on really good terms with the school nurse because sometimes he sneaks into the infirmary to take naps during lunch or gym periods
knows how to lockpick BECAUSE he keeps trying to sneak into the infirmary. and occasionally the school roof for their "team bonding picnics" so that tendou doesn't have to keep swiping the key from the student council
i'm not just saying this bc i like enamel pins but i think kawanishi DOES like enamel pins. he's got a collection of these edgy sarcastic ones that he thinks are hilarious in a "started-ironically-and-now-i-can't-stop-pipeline" kind of way
he's got this whole tumblr-grunge-indie-hipster thing going on with his douchebag slouchy beanie and denim jacket with pins all over the collar and ripped jeans and converse sneakers and shirabu thinks he pulls it off unfairly well
i feel like kawanishi also really likes fantasy/sci-fi and is actually SUCH a huge secret nerd about it. and really likes cyberpunk and fantasyland settings you'd get from like idk snow white with the red hair or nivalis (i KNOW it's an indie game that's not even out yet but sue me i don't know cyberpunk all that well)
he and tsukki actually become friends while arguing about how much of akira is deep meaning and how much of it is actually just straight up bullshit because WHAT the fuck was that
also he's subscribed to a bunch of these small artists on youtube who make background music and fun art to go with them bc he can put together a great soundtrack for getting hw and studying done
likes getting lil gifts for shirabu, especially to add to his stationary collection. shirabu has sticky notes in the shape of whales and ice cream and paper lanterns and washi tape with fireworks and beach motifs and bakery stuff and it's all because of kawanishi
kawanishi just sticks to the plain solid-color square sticky notes that he uses to leave shirabu notes around his dorm. just small things, really, a reminder that this is a place shirabu belongs and it is a place he is loved. you're doing great. get some water soon. i'll bring you dinner, just text me. don't forget to sleep.
and shirabu will be hard pressed to admit it, but those might be his favorite sticky notes of all
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thesharktanksdriver · 11 months
Hey! Its me again! :D
I love the fact that Reader plays a ukulele to distract themselves away from their thoughts, it's wholesome oml.
(ALSO Your post abt Zoro and reader is so funny and gives me the giggles- I love platonic one piece ITS SO UNDERRATED)
Anyways, I have a few random memes and incorrect quotes for your reader and the Determination! Series! Hope you'll like it! :)
*this takes place after Zoro just joined Luffy's pirate crew and Reader is tagging along*
Luffy : Hey Zoro! I just have one question for you
Zoro : What is it Luffy? *His arms behind his head trying to nap*
Luffy : What color is an orange?
Zoro : Luffy you bonehead, the color is just the same as its name. Just like a lemon *he is proud of himself*
Reader : *questioning their decisions*
Crewmate : You're smiling. What happened?
Young!Buggy : What? Can't I smile just because I feel like it?
Reader : Shanks tripped and fell down the stairs today. *Treating shanks broken nose*
Young!Shanks : *with a broken nose* >:( jerk (to Buggy)
: You lying, cheating, piece of shit!
* they're eating dinner*
Reader : Can you pass the salt?
Shanks : *throws Buggy across the table*
— 🛎️ Anon!
Never thought I’d be getting the honour incorrect quotes for my series from someone else : D
I shall also post some as well
Nami: Every time I hear someone talking about updog, I’m torn between not wanting to fall for it and wanting to help them complete their joke.
Luffy: Okay, but what is updog?
Sanji: Updog is a long sausage in a bun, often served with ketchup, mustard, onions, and/or relish.
Ussop: No, that’s a hot dog. An updog is when a new version or patch of an application is released.
Y/n: No, that's an update. You’re thinking of the fourth largest city in Sweden.
Zoro : Surely, that’s Uppsala, where’s updog is the giant spider in Harry Potter.
Nami: That’s Aragog. Updog is a symbol conventionally used for an arbitrarily small number in analysis proofs.
Ussop: You’re thinking of epsilon. Updog is an upward-moving air current.
Zoro: No, that’s an updraft. An updog is the modern version of a henway.
Luffy: What’s a henway??
Nami: Oh, about five pounds
*Squad reactions to being told ‘I love you’*
Y/n and Luffy: Thanks fam!
Ussop: Oh no.
Zoro: Sounds fake, but okay.
Sanji: *A flustered mess*
Nami : Can I get a refund?
Ussop: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the things you lost throughout your life.
Zoro: It would be nice to have my sense of purpose back...
Y/n: Oh wow, my childhood innocence and My will to live! I haven't seen these in years.
Sanji : I knew I lost that potential somewhere.
Nami: Mental stability, my old friend!
Ussop: Jesus, could you guys lighten up a little?
Y/n: *dies*
Luffy: Timer starts now! When are they coming back? I say two months!
Zoro: Bullshit. One month.
Ussop: Nah, half a month.
Nami, scratching chin in thought: One week.
(This one is wayyy to real lol)
*after the Squad has been separated for a few years*
Luffy: So what have you been up to recently?
Zoro: Leading a revolution with Sanji.
Luffy: Good for you two! Me, I've joined the mob.
Zorro: *nods* Oh, how cool! That's awesome!
Luffy: I know! Anyway, have you heard from the others? Y/n ?
Zoro: Happily living as a hermit in the woods. Ussop?
Luffy: Wrongfully locked up in an asylum, which reminds me, we need to break them out later. Nami?
Zoro: Cult leader.
Luffy: Yeah, that sounds about right.
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dayseternal-blog · 1 year
OKOKOK I might sound weird but do you have any kinky naruhina fanfics?
This anon has nearly the exact same wording as my most popular fanfic rec ask that I answered in 2021. For some pervy reason, that post has seen the most circulation out of all my fanfic rec lists 🤭 maybe because I sorted it by kinks? Maybe because I included hentai?
Anyway, perhaps the same anon is back for
A New Kinky Rec List ver. 2? 🙈
New year, new additions to the craziest, kinkiest NaruHina fics I've yet read 😳 lol again, majorly inappropriate, these new ones will be sorted by kinks below the cut.
NaruHina Smut & Kink
A reminder that some of these are meant to be read with humor! And these are all rated Explicit.
“Down the Rabbit Hole” by @vegebulsoup - Modern AU, One-shot. Despite his protests, Jiraiya takes Naruto out to a hostess club for his birthday and it’s not quite what he expected.
"The sweet, shy, innocent Kunoichi" by @tjtheanimelover - Canon-Divergent AU, Series of One-shots. See Naruto's point of view as he and Hinata partake in some naughty activities
"Bruise" from "Lips, Tongue, Teeth" by @wickermayne - Canon-Compatible, One-shot. Warning: bruise and pain play
“After the Bleeep” by @peppercornpress - Canon-Compatible, Multi-chapter, Complete. Naruto and Hinata agree to try out phone-sex while Naruto is off on a business trip. Things do not go as planned.
“Savage” from “NaruHina Erotica Oneshots” by @makuro767 - Canon-Divergent AU, One-shot. I am the sun, you know you need me / And you might get burned if you take too much / Don’t get addicted ‘cause, I’m gonna fade you like that rush / Is that blood on me or blush?
"Double Trouble" by vegebulsoup - Canon-Compatible, One-shot. The Seventh Hokage is always using shadow clones to help him fulfill his many roles. He even sends one to help his wife around the house and keep her company. But when Hinata starts killing his clones in the middle of the day, Naruto struggles to keep his composure at work as the clone's memories flood his mind.
"High School AU" from "NaruHina & MenHina Lemons" by Veradux - High School AU, Three-shot. "This can't continue, Menma." Naruto sighed. "I'll invite her over, and we'll ask her to choose one of us."
"New Years, New Beginnings" from "Small Doses" by @chloelapomme - Modern AU, One-shot. Tonight was the night. New year, new beginning. She had finally made her decision regarding the two men that had been gravitating around her, openly flirting with her for a year now.
"Fun With Clones" from "Tales of the Seventh Hokage and the Byakugan Hime" by Nihal Tonks-Lupin - Canon-Compatible, One-shot. They've been married for 3 years now, and Hinata knew her husband better than anyone. She knew she could get him into trouble, but she also knew he would not mind at all. The reward was too great for him to complain about a little public embarrassment.
"Naughty Hinata" by afydith - Canon-Divergent AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. Hinata Hyuga was thought of as the most innocent person in the village, but how wrong everyone was.
"New Tactics" by konyah - Canon-Compliant, One-shot. Her eyes darted to the books on her night table. She absolutely cannot BELIEVE that Naruto had these sleazy books in his library, and in a spot their children could easily access! Even if they were from his mentor - she could tell that he had read threw them a few times from the slightly torn pages.
"Teaching" by Senrab Nomis - Canon-Divergent, One-shot. Hinata wants to learn the shadow clone jutsu, and who better to teach her than Naruto? Now if only he could figure out why her clones aren't exact copies. Surely there must be some reason they keep appearing in their underwear?
"Valentine's Eve" by v0c SweetKiss - Canon-Divergent AU, One-shot. With Naruto's love towards Sakura begins to waver, Hinata seized this opportunity to take action.
“Love in all the wrong places” by Pelican182 - Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. She knew what she was getting into, yet didn’t try to stop it. How could she when she’d already become so addicted. [I just found out that the fic was deleted or something. I tried to get it on the wayback machine, but it only had Ch. 1, Ch. 4, and Ch. 5]
"Spit" from "Lips, Tongue, Teeth" by wickermayne - Canon-Compatible, One-shot. They started with her fingers first. “I’m just too big, y’know? Don’t wanna hurt you,” Naruto mumbled between sloppy kisses.
“Hinata’s Plan” by EreborMarkus - Rated E for major hentai smut, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. Hinata has been working on a plan for years now, and poor Naruto has no clue. It’s finally time to reel in her man.
"Naruto Hinata" from "Naruto Deserted Island" by Freedom Guard - Canon-Divergent AU, One-shot. What do you do when you are stuck on an island with plenty of food and water, and the only company you have is a beautiful woman?Naruto is about to find out.
"Hinata Hyuuga, Training Session of Seduction" from "Naruto's Beginnings of the Fox's Seed" by sandkings321 - Canon-Divergent AU, One-shot. Naruto Uzumaki is a dominating Adonis - blessed with good looks, a strong body oozing with pure manliness and unadulterated testosterone, pure animal magnetism, an unquenchable thirst for sex and a habit of dominating submissive horny women and bringing them into his harem. 
"Icha Icha Paradise: The Jinchuuriki and the Hyuga Heiress" by DarkChild316 - Canon-Divergent AU, One-shot.  After a day of playing in the snow, Naruto and Hinata return home to the Hokage Mansion where things "heat up" in a hurry.
“Work Relations” from “Hinata Oneshot Series” by tjtheanimelover - Modern AU, One-shot. Naruto and Hinata are both adult film stars who have secret crushes on each other. When they finally get the chance to work together, the results will be explosive.
“Instagram Lust” by conquereddaddyissues - Rated E, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. Naruto can’t stop thinking about Sakura’s roommate Hinata. Or asking about her. Sakura does him a favor, & now he can’t stop watching her Instagram stories. Or jerking off to them. Fuck, did Hinata turn him into a pervert?
"Happiness Found" by dreadlord789 - Canon-Divergent AU, One-shot. The war has been won, differences have been set aside, and Naruto is now Hokage, married to his childhood crush. Though his marriage is far from perfect, he finds comfort in the one woman who has never left his side.
“Runner’s High” (to be rewritten) by @bunny-hoodlum - Rated E, College/Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. She’s an older woman. She’s also married. He’s a freshman at University. Single. She’s the one he wants and he doesn’t see what’s so wrong about that.
“Antidote” by tragedyneverends - Canon-Divergent AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. During a mission, Sakura and Hinata get bitten by highly venomous spiders. They don’t have enough time to prepare the antidote so, to save their lives, they’ll need Sasuke’s and Naruto’s… help.
"don't mind me" from "love incredible" by @ellaroundpanda - Magic AU, One-shot. In which a seemingly innocent box of cookies causes some trouble for Naruto and it's up to Hinata to deal with the consequences... Or, Naruto eats a bunch of cookies laced with extremely potent aphrodisiacs and no one but Hinata can help him.
"Blessed Poison" by @journalist298 - Canon-Divergent AU, One-shot. After a run-in with a rogue female ninja who hates men, Naruto is infected with a poison that will kill him in 24 hours. There's only one cure. Hinata will do anything to save him...anything.
“Chapter 2: Modern AU” from “NaruHina and MenHina Lemons” by Veradux - Rated E, Modern AU, One-shot. Theme: Olympics Swimmer Naruto (22) x University Junior Hinata (19)
"Married Life:Crazy Adventures" by LolaTheSa - Canon-Divergent AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Come with Naruto and Hinata to see their married adventures.
"Icha Icha Nightly Report" by tjtheanimelover - Modern AU, One-shot. Hinata is a regular reporter for the Konoha News Station by day but is a freaky reporter by night. She will stop at nothing to go all out for her viewers but once her reports get leaked what will she do and how will everyone react?
“Naruto’s New Focus” by @truebkgirl - Canon-Divergent AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. For 18 months training and missions have been put on hold due to the loss of his arm. Now, Naruto is mission-ready and learns that a number of his comrades have taken on seduction missions… He’s questioning his feelings but never lets his focus waiver. Naruto has a new mission to endure. All he needs now is to figure out if SHE wants to be part of it.
"Peeping Naruto" by randomteenager - Canon-Divergent AU, One-shot.  Jiraiya orders Naruto to complete one of the hardest missions of his young life.
“On-Screen” by browniefic - Modern AU, One-shot. In which camboy Naruto’s girlfriend makes an appearance on camera.
"Perspective" from "Naruhina Oneshot Prompts" by tjtheanimelover - Canon-Compliant, One-shot. Written for NH Prompts 2022, March 1st- Extra Prompt: Perspective
"Relief (Hinata)" from "VulgarAssassin's Naruto Drabble Dump" by wickermayne - Canon-Compliant, Drabble. Boruto wasn't a hungry baby.
 “Fifty Shades of Denial” from “Heartbreaks and Heartaches” by @powerful-niya - Crime AU, One-shot. NHPrompts22 Prompt 8: “You know, things wouldn’t be all that different if we were dating.”
"Incubus" from "NaruHina Erotica Oneshots" by Makuro767 - Demons AU, One-shot. It’s not a fairytale love story. It’s not a teenage romance. She didn’t even know if this can be considered romance.
"Friction" by Supercar - Canon-Compatible, One-shot.  It was as if they were no longer just Naruto and Hinata. He couldn't tell where one ended and the other began. He didn't want to.
Chapter 13 from “NaruHina Oneshots” by powerful-niya - Fox!Naruto x Bunny!Hinata AU, One-shot. In a world where Humanus Hybrid Prey and Predators live and hunt, one fox and one bunny meet unexpectedly.
"The Beastmaster and the Witch" from "NaruHina & Menhina Lemons" by Veradux - Fantasy AU, One-shot. Hinata Hyuga, the Cosmic Witch of the East, is not a typical witch.
"Alpha" from "NaruHina Erotica Oneshots by Makuro767 - A/B/O Canon-Divergent AU, Three-shot. Naruto bit Hinata...that's not a good thing...or is it?
I wrote these:
“Sweet As” from “Needs & Wants” - Alpha/Omega Modern AU, One-shot. Hinata gives Naruto candy on Valentine’s, and he develops a crush early-on.
"Lovesick" - A/O Canon-Divergent AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. She wasn't ready for Naruto to come-of-age. He wasn't ready, either.
“Risk of Intimacy” by browniefic - Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. Naruto knows right from wrong. He knows the right thing to do in this situation is to train his business partner’s daughter. He knows the wrong thing to do in this situation is to fuck her against his desk. But goddamn it, he’s only one person.
"Hinata (DILF Naruto)" from "Chicken Ramen for the Pervert's Soul" by wickermayne - Canon-Divergent AU, One-shot. Naruto knew better. “Here you are, Uzumaki-sama.” He bit back a growl, taking the cup of tea from Hisashi’s eldest daughter.
"Lust for Life" by chloelapomme - Modern AU, One-shot. When did one stop being a child? A little kid seeking affection? Was it when they got so much that they eventually had to leave the suffocating love of their parents? Or was it when they never got enough that they asked for more in some other ways?
"Miss Hinata" by Sadistic One - Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. Hinata's life had become a custom routine until Naruto joined her company four months ago. Somewhere in month three, Sakura assigns Naruto to be her work husband. That wouldn't be a problem if Hinata wasn't thirty-five and already married. However, Naruto knows this, everyone else knows she's married, so why did he kiss her?
"Dissolve Me" by bunnyhoodlum - Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. He remembers the her before the bad coping mechanisms as he struggles to find the balance between doing what's right and doing right by her.
"Hot For Teacher" by truebkgirl - College AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. Without looking back up to him she says, "I'll be on at 9:45. Don't be tardy." Naruto's smile widens. "I haven't been tardy for you yet, Ms. Hyuuga."
"Hole" from "Lips, Tongue, Teeth" by wickermayne - Canon-Compatible, One-shot. Naruto eats ass.
"Fantasy AU" from "NaruHina & MenHina Lemons" by Veradux - Fantasy AU, One-shot. Theme: Naruto (Dragon Emperor, 24) x Hinata (Sorceress Concubine, 21)
I know this list isn't exhaustive, like I'm definitely missing some good ones, but it's getting too long and the post keeps glitching lol. So anon, take a look at my first list and this one for a whole lot of smut!!
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drdemonprince · 1 year
For the kink thing. As an Autistic person, I was restrained sometimes in elementary school, possibly early middle school because I was forced to put up with the classroom environment for the convenience of the school systems I've been in instead of being allowed to just go outside and not put up with people inside. It's hilarious to me that people try to defend restraining above all else instead of as like, a last resort in genuine emergencies where a kid could hurt another, because I ended up developing kink and fetishes around it that I've still got in my late 20s. Could you imagine the pandemonium over restraint defenders having to contend with defending the sexual side of restraint. Where there's adults giving kids all sorts of sexual fantasies and urges just so they can write on a sheet of paper about who threw tea into what harbor as a precursor to a revolutionary war? Especially when there's alternatives like just letting the kid read the textbook alone outside or something? Sorry if mentioning this interaction between adults and kids is uncomfortable but that's literally what happened to me. I honestly have no idea if that restraint can be defined as csa or if what happened to me counts as that, maybe that got normalized for me. You're a mental health expert you'd probably know.
Thank you so much for sharing about this anon. Before I respond let me clarify that I'm not the mental health expert, I'm a dude with a research PhD who's been in enough academic psychological spaces to recognize that most of what gets passed around as knowledge in our field are just pre-existing cultural biases with fancy scientific terms slapped on top of them.
What you experienced was abuse and coercion, and whether we deem that as sexual or not doesn't necessarily make a difference in terms of how bad and violating that it is. We also can't know for sure whether your kink came from this abuse, but that doesn't change the wrongness of the abuse or of how violating it must feel to enjoy sex that always harkens back to your abuse. You had a traumatic experience that has lingering effects, including being reminded of your abuse during sex, and that tells us all we need to know -- that you were hugely violated and that the violation lingers and affects how safe you feel in your body especially during sex.
Talking about the origins of fetishes is always tricky and fraught, some people in the kink world find that conversation endlessly fascinating, and others reject the importance of it entirely, but I think regardless of where one stands on that issue, it is useful for abuse survivors to be able to talk about how they have eroticized their mistreatment and the complex messy feelings that they have about that. not everyone gets a fetish from abuse, but for those of us who do experience a linkage, talking about it feels really important.
And when it comes to that dynamic, you certainly are not alone. I tend to think that much of my fetish for psychological coercion and mind control is strongly linked to growing up in an emotionally and psychologically repressive environment. Being expected to not only behave but to think and feel in a very narrow range of acceptable ways did a real number on me. as did being (forgive the term) groomed to serve as my parents' sole emotional companion and confidant. i didnt under go official ABA but i was conditioned to comply. and my body, the tricky little fucker that it is, has coped with that history by eroticizing it.
I'm actually really grateful to my body for having made lemonade out of this lemon. I could feel ashamed that my early experiences 'broke' me into only finding controlling and manipulative interactions arousing. and I could meet this need in an indirect, internally conflicted way, say by only dating people who actually are abusive because they're the only ones who really get me fired up enough to sexually respond. And I did do that, until my mid twenties. and it was very damaging to me, but not because what i desired sexually was bad. but because i was ashamed and i wasn't treating myself with respect, and those things are bad.
What works far better for me is being open about my fantasies and finding consenting adults with whom to play them out, and to educate myself on how to go about fulfilling them in a safer way. Or I can at least inform myself of the risks and the rewards and make reasoned decisions about them. that's good too.
That's all a long aside though. let's talk about you. I fucking hate that our educational system prizes compliance above learning. You're absolutely right, you could have just read a book about class subjects out in the grass far away from anybody and it's awful that instead you were locked into an overwhelming room and then physically restrained when you couldn't cope with it.
That kind of shit can really fray a person's relationship to their body and their notions of consent and that DOES affect their sexual relationships no matter what. ABA therapy grooms kids for being abused and for staying silent when they are sexually assaulted.
it can be a wonderful thing that your body coped with that lemon by making you the lemonade of a restraint kink, if you want it to be. But you're not any less enlightened or healed or whatever if you don't want to engage with that or if it's too triggering to. It makes sense that recognizing that your sexuality is linked to your abuse makes you feel gross and weird.
For me, what works is engaging with the kinks that scratch that powerful itch, and then engaging in aftercare, and not bothering myself with ideas about my fantasies making me broken or being ashamed of them or what have you. But from where you're sitting, you obviously have every right to be angry that perhaps your abuse was what saddled you with this kink, and that regardless of whereever the kink came from, your abuse means that enjoying the kind of sex you like is also linked to something horrible that happened to you.
I wish that we could have real, open conversations about this with the child restraint defenders and the child abuse apologists and every supporter of ABA. I would love to see their skin crawl with the realization that the abuse they put children through is so harrowing and world-shifting that some kids brains have to erect entire psychosexual defenses around them in order to cope. i get why you want to really throw that in their faces and make them feel as horrified as they always deserve to feel about advocating for this stuff.
But their reaction of horror would come with the implication that having a kink or a fetish is some kind of pathology, and obviously that's not an idea we buy into around here. it's not good for any queer people or disabled people to really make that claim. And in reality, the people you might want to share that information with, in a spirit of righteous indignation, would not actually be moved or persuaded by it. because they never cared about intellectual consistency or the consent of kids ever in the first place.
thanks again for the message, I'm sure it will bring a lot of self recognition to more people than you'll even realize.
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dsaf-confessions · 5 months
Some songs that are on our playlist reminds me of Steven.
The Fine Print by The Stupendium (the part of "perhaps you simply forgot signed.. oh honestly! Did you not read the colony policy? That defines you as company property? That waivers your say in autonomy? The conglomerates got you in lock and key! We put the dollar back into idolatry, if you're upset you can rent an apology") as well as Cabinet Man by Lemon Demon.
They give me such Steven vibes fr. Though, the entirety of The Fine Print just straight up gives me Abel vibes.
Sorry, just kinda wanted to ramble this while it's on my mind. [Harry's Tie Anon]
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bartender-dina · 7 months
You know dina being in this saloon reminds me of that one time me and my friend tried to make a lemonade stand. I remember being 10 went that happened in new Home. What does a lemonade stand has to do with a bar? Ill get there in a bit.
The thing was really well made considerating the fact that a pair of 10 year olds had access to wood hammers and nails. Why did we have access to wood nails and hammers?  We got them from the wood nails and hammers shop! For a low price too! The low price of free.
Yeah we stole that.
A guard went for us and tried to escape them... somwhow we ended in the core and the guard got stuck between some lasers. Why does the core need lasers? I dont know but i think its to stop guards
Where I? Oh yeah! The lemonade stand. It was great lemonade for the low price of 15 g. Why 15 g? isnt that a little too much? Well... because its an special lemonade
We had a special recipe that had soda, mint, lemon and sugar! And I gotta tell ya.our little business was boomin!! Several children adults and even the royal guard were buyin our drinks! Everyone was dancing playing even laughing! It was awesome. But we were told by our parents that we had to stop. But hey! At least we made a lot of cash that day!
Now you may be asking... hey anon what does that story have to do with the saloon? Well because it was helpin people get a little distracted of situation!
And because the soda we used was actually alcohol
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foxybouquet · 1 month
Hiya 💚
Just popping by off anon today to say I hope you’re having a good weekend. What’s something that’s made you smile recently? Have you been watered, fed, and provided some sunlight today?
You’re amazing, don’t forget that 🤘
I consider you something of a Tumblr spouse, Jim, I hope you don’t mind. You are so caring and thoughtful and truly, genuinely invested in your family here.
It’s not so bad. I found out this week that the grant that is funding my job is being pulled, so I will be unemployed after this coming week (any ideas re: WTH I’m gonna do are welcome lol). But I won’t be homeless, and I will have food, and comfort. It will just be a struggle to pay bills until I find another job.
My friends make me smile every day. And I saw a video of a Bernese Mountain Dog puppy that made me smile ear-to-ear, today. They are so adorable.
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I have had lemon chicken wings, black beans, cauliflower rice, and wild mushroom risotto today, so no worries about food. I could do with more water! Thank you for the reminder.
As for sunlight, there was some, but we are in the wet season in Florida, and just hoping to make it to November with just thunderstorms and no hurricanes!
And Jimothy, I think YOU are amazing. Thank you for taking the time and interest. I am so lucky you are my friend. 💋💋💋
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writingmochi · 1 year
what do ur moots remind you of?! (ex. places, color, song, etc)
lissie: hey anon! sorry for the late reply! I'll try my best to answer your question because this will be long...
@kookthief : the setting summer sun that is a body of ocean away going down beyond the horizon from where you can see from the beach. maybe because ellie has mentioned the summer i turn pretty tons of times, seeing photos of the sunset by a beach reminds me of her!
@ujunxverse: the strobing lights in a small concert venue where an alternative rock band is playing. viv's music taste and little mentions of music she listens to give me recommendations for more artists to listen to in the future. i also realize that our music taste venn diagram is more connected than i realized (cassiopea, have a nice life, radiohead, etc)
@heartandfangs: the narrow aisle of a warm-colored old bookstore. i think because of how amazingly P writes her stories it makes me think of that. one shelf is apocalyptic (the world ends with you) and another is erotica (i owe you and not if it's you)
@euphor1a: the smell of freshly baked vanilla cake in a pastel bakery on the corner of the street block. i mentioned to aleyna how she reminded me of sugar cookies before. with this, i'm expanding what i said before to the whole bakery :D
@jeongwins: an aesthetic-looking list on letterboxd. i know it seems random, but the way lin writes reviews for fics they recommend is how a film critic writes a review for a movie. in a way, it also shows the people what kind of fics they like and how others can expect from the fics by their reviews, just like how people on letterboxd make list for movies they like aesthetically or story wise
@s-ngh8n: open parasols on the sandy beach with the glittering waves in the distance. kinda like their name, lemon has a sense of freshness that i can't fully articulate using adjectives. so, here i am using a description to fully said what i meant
@boba-beom: xing fu tang's brown sugar boba milk tea. other than the boba theme being similar, smiles to me seems very refreshing and warm in the way she speaks and interacts with yours truly
@dim-sun: a cottagecore-themed pixel art. probably because zu had one of them for their banner one time, but every time i found a forest pixel art, it always reminds me of them...
@it-rains-blue: a rupi kaur-style book full of short stories. condensed yet emotionally rich, that is what the vibe of yerin's writing feels like for me. her range also contributes to it as short stories in one book can make you feel so many emotions; throwing the book against the wall or seeing tears fell on the pages from how it got you to feel.
@heart2beom: the smell of salted popcorn as you sit inside the cinema seats. another random one but jazmine makes me feel that way. i haven't read much of her work but i know that it'll give me a good time just like a good movie does.
@tyunlatte: a litter of kittens walking towards you as you sit on the carpeted floor of a cat cafe. seeing illustrations of cats reminds me of alex so much + the cafe aspect is definitely the kind of vibe if i open her blog. you're always in for a treat!
@lovejoshua: the colors: rose quartz and serenity. iykyk ;) but in all seriousness, i'm happy to see svt's content in my timeline from time to time because of ilem (literally every time i wake up and check the blr, it's gonna be either josh or seungcheol gifs. and i am in for that)
@junniieesbby: an emoji of a heart. as her previous moniker for her time as anon, every time i see a heart of any kind, both the symbol heart or a heart that looks accurate anatomically, it reminds me of angie!
@hanniejie: the song "can you feel the sunshine?" from the video game sonic r. using the sol as their aesthetic, lex gives of a very warm and optimistic vibe whenever i see their name or username, kinda like this song whenever i play them.
@txt-yaomi: ateez's yunho. ever since i learned that sof ults him, i kinda feel almost the same vibe between the two of them. both can be calm and excitedly chaotic at any time >.<
@talesofyuan: a shelf full of multi-volume manga series. remembering yuan's dream as a mangaka, every time i see a manga illustration, it always reminds me of her.
@choistick: the words "Musik" and "Kunst" . knowing where she comes from, thinking about saph really makes me want to revive my knowledge of the german language after not using it since i graduated high school lmao guten tag saph!
@robin-obsessed: txt's hueningkai being the ningdungie that she is, lee gives off the same vibe as hyuka whenever i think of her + her tumblr banner and discord username don't help either in making me think that she and kai are connected in some way...
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apprenticestanheight · 9 months
Can I pour some angst for you? I'll pour you some angst!
Adam develops serious hygiene problems following the bathroom trap. Unable to get into a bathtub without feeling like vomiting.
Adam unable to close a bathroom door (if he can get into one at all).
The feeling of water on his clothes when it rains reminds him of the feeling of wet clothes when he woke up fully dressed in the bathtub. The mere sensation of his shirt slightly dampened by the rain makes him want to scratch his arms until they bleed.
Adam doesn't trust anyone anymore.
Adam with a panic fear of the dark.
Adam can't stand the feeling of walking barefoot on tiled floors.
Adam waking up every night screaming, reliving the last time he saw Lawrence.
my heart is broken but also:
adam not being able to trust ANYONE AT ALL including Scott but ESPECIALLY LAWRENCE.
Like,, they get in contact again and Lawrence is like "I want to make sure you're okay and try to help you recover from the trauma we both endured" and so Adam like,, adam tries to let him but every single time Lawrence reminds Adam to shower or brush his teeth or do something to take care of himself adam is like "okay yeah but he left me. why would he care when he could just decide to go again?" and he knows he shouldn't hold it against lawrence for escaping but he was trapped and soaked for DAYS and NOBODY CAME BACK UNTIL SOMEONE DID AND THAT SOMEONE WASN'T LAWRENCE
and also also also (you've sent me off into a ramble I will not be judged for crappy grammar) adam having literal PANIC ATTACKS whenever he tries to shower or even so much as go into a bathroom because of how bad it trips him up, having flashbacks and episodes whenever the power goes out. Loving the rain but only while his windows are closed and his clothes are dry and hating the fact that the trap made him hate something he cherished.
lawrence reminding him to shower but Adam knowing he wouldn't be able to handle it but wanting not,, you know, to stink, so he goes out and buys like--lemon scented make up wipes and just uses those and gets anxiety and PTSD enduced jitters because he loathes his skin being damp regardless of whether or not he's damp with clothes on.
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raw-law · 2 months
Hello!! Shark anon is back, this time with facts about the sharks you two said were your favorites!
First, the Lemon shark. Lemon sharks are recognizable thanks to their 2 dorsal fins being roughly the same size and the olive/yellowish color of their body (hence their name). They also tend to be 3.4 m (11 ft) long! These guys are migratory, and have specifc nursery sites they return to in order to have/raise their pups :]
There are multiple types of Hammerhead sharks, but im going to talk about Great Hammerheads, as they are the biggest and likely the type you thought of when you mentioned them! Great Hammerheads are very easy to recognize thanks to their oddly shaped head (which is called the "cephalofoil")!!! They also have a tall, sickle-shaped first dorsal fin. They tend to be around 4.6-6.2 m (15-20 ft) long, and unfortunately they are critically endangered :[
Thats all!! Im a big fan of sharks and love learning about new species I havent heard of. I also plan to swim with as many as I can!! both Lemon and Hammerhead sharks are on my to-swim-with list! Currently, I've only swam with Nurse sharks, which was a cool experience. Highly recommend
Damn, Shark Anon, you certainly know a lot about sharks...though I suppose that's easily inferred from your choice of nickname alone.
And what other types of Hammerhead Sharks are there? I wasn't aware there were other types of Hammerhead Sharks...I'm unfortunately not very well versed in sharks.
It's really interesting how you know so many things about sharks...if I've got any queries relating to sharks, I guess I'll turn to you, then.
And swimming with sharks sounds fun, did you manage to get in contact with them? Was it terrifying? Were they gentle?
Thanks for your facts, Shark Anon, we really appreciate it. :]
my... you really do know a lot about sharks... i'm certainly not surprised though. shark enjoyers always know the most about such divine creatures. it's endearing to see, so thank you for sharing. i hope you get to swim with as many of those grandiose beasts as possible. :)
also, have you ever listened to "Jaws," by Lemon Demon? if not, you might like it. you remind me of it.
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