#you think its just an idol thing but it pulls you in with the mystery and subtlety that mizi and sua are /living in a simulated box/-
dapperrokyuu · 5 months
Yall ever marvel what an amazing piece of storytelling My Clematis is? I was HOOKED from the get-go, and I had no idea what the future entailed, Round 1 was just so good...
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jihyoruri · 5 months
❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ 𓍢 BAD INFLUENCE kang haerin x reader
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↳ warnings yn is haerins “friend”, yn is apart of baby monster, minji and yn going at each other throats
"ugh, I hate them so much," minji groaned, her voice laced with frustration. hanni chuckled at her friend's dramatic reaction, amused by minji’s strong feelings.
"I will never understand what you have against YG artists, they're talented," hanni remarked, shaking her head in disbelief at minji’s disdain.
"and cool," danielle chimed in, coming to the defense of YG artists. "have you seen blackpink?" she added, trying to make her point.
"I don’t know, they just rub me the wrong way, like they’re so aggressive," minji explained, her expression tense as she tried to articulate her feelings.
hanni opens her mouth to argue but is cut off by a loud cackle.
the three girls exchanged puzzled glances as they observed their friend. she sat cross-legged, utterly engrossed in her phone, her laughter ringing out for the fifth time in as many minutes. each giggle seemed to pull her deeper into whatever held her attention, her face illuminated by the soft glow of the screen. the others leaned in, trying to catch a glimpse of what could be causing such amusement, they’ve never seen the girl like this before.
minji was the first to voice her concern, “why are you so giggly” haerin looked up from her phone with she opens her mouth to respond but is cut off by the youngest that enters the room.
“it’s her cool girlfriend.” hyein says teasingly as she sits beside the cat like girl who sends her a glare.
“she’s my friend.” she says as hyein laughs and minji’s face relaxes.
“you have a new friend?”danielle asks in the shock, haerin wasn’t much of a talker like the most of them so it shocked her to see that the girl got a friend and they don’t know them.
“and she’s cool?” hanni said with a scrunched face like that was the most craziest thing she’s ever heard which caused haerin to shoot her a offended look.
"hyein thinks everyone is cool," haerin interjected, glancing up briefly from her phone. "but I think she's pretty cool," she added, her voice barely above a whisper.
"she's sooo cool," hyein exaggerated to the rest of the group. "She's an idol too."
"If she's as cool as Hyein is saying, then I want to meet her," minji said, her curiosity piqued. 
hanni nodded in agreement, eager to meet haerin's new friend, while herin looked up from her phone in shock.
"What?" she asked, her voice barely audible.
"Yeah, let's meet her," danielle chimed in, with enthusiasm. "Invite her over tomorrow."
haerin would rather not invite her friend to meet her members especially minji, but looking at their faces made her reluctantly nod.
“okay, I’ll call her about it later, me and her are hanging out tomorrow anyways.”
danielle's excitement bubbled over as she tidied up every corner of the dorm, ensuring everything was in its proper place. she glanced over at haerin, who seemed lost in thought, her gaze fixed on some distant point. danielle paused, a smile tugging at her lips, as she gently nudged her friend's shoulder. "aren't you feeling the excitement too?"
haerin jumped slightly at the sudden sound of her friend's voice nodding.
 "of course she is," hanni chimed in, her voice carrying a hint of amusement as she joined danielle and haerin.
 "especially hyein. she's been going on and on about this mystery girl, driving us all a little crazy with curiosity."
“yeah, but let’s not jump on her.” minji adds when she enters the room, haerin shrunk into her seat at the leaders words, oh she does not know what’s gonna hit her.
“what time is she coming?”
“she should be coming right about-“ haerin starts but is cut off by a knock at the door.
danielle jumps up immediately and practically runs to the door hyein coming from the corner following her as well, while minji follows shortly behind them and hanni stays beside haerin flashing the girl a smile.
the door opens to reveal a girl with darker clothes her fingers adorned with an array of silver rings that glinted in the soft light of the room. among them, a particular ring caught the eye, with the word "mon" etched onto its surface, adding an intriguing touch to her attire.
her gaze, initially downcast towards her shoes, slowly lifted to meet the expectant stares of the three girls gathered at the door. despite the partial cover of her eyes beneath a bucket hat.
minji turned to look behind her and saw a curious hanni and a nervous looking haerin, she furrows her eyebrows before looking back at the door.
“hello.” her voice was intimidating but in a flash she gives them a cute smile, “it’s so exciting to meet you guys, is haerin here?”
“ah, yes she is, haerin!” danielle calls for the cat like girl, haerin gets up from her seat immediately and pushes through her 
“hey.” she says quietly.
“hi.” the girl smiles, before looking at the rest of the girls.
haerin grabs her arm and pulls her inside while the rest of the girls look at them, minji was glaring more than just looking.
“yn unnie!” as hyein's exclamation filled the room, her excitement full, she made her way towards the older girl with an eager smile, her eyes filled with admiration. yn, in turn, greeted her with a warm smile of acknowledgement, a subtle nod of recognition passing between them before her attention returned to the group.
there’s silence before danielle gasps.
“baby monster!” she exclaims walk closer to yn, “you’re apart of baby monster! you’re ring makes sense now.”
yn nods while minji buds in, “it’s pretty obvious, look at her.” yn definitely picked up on the leaders tone and tilted her head while the rest of the girls  looked at each other nervously, already knowing the older girls distaste for yg artists.
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” yn says causing everyone to look at each other with raised brows while minji narrows her eyes at the younger girl. 
haerin linked her arm with yn and pulled the girl closer to her, “let’s go sit.” she says practically dragging the girl with her as the rest of the girls follow.
they all settle down, awkward silence filling the room.
“so, what’s your position in your group?” hanni asks trying her best to fuses the tension.
“I’m a rapper,” yn starts but is cut off by minji muttering “of course.”
yn scrunched her face before continuing, “but, I also sing and dance, I’m pretty good at everything.” she says with a cocky tone looking directly at minji while haerin leans closer into yn’s side trying her best to hide her giggle.
hyein laughs at the older girls words, “she’s right she’s really good at everything.” she adds expressing her admiration while minji rolls her eyes.
“so how did you meet haerin?” danielle asks eagerly.
yn sends haerin a smug look while the girl looks off to the side embarrassed, “she just followed me out of nowhere on instagram, right after my entertainment posted my introduction.”
haerin pinched yn’s side while hanni let out a loud laugh, “you’re such a stalker.” she says causing the other girls to laugh.
minji cuts the laughs off, “do all of you guys dress like this?”
“like what?” haerin answers for yn, already not liking where this is going.
“like that.” minji says towards yn, who laughed and stuck her tongue to the side of her cheek.
“we are known our good style.” yn says, playing with her rings, “you know, first brand ambassadors and everything.” she adds shadily, “kinda the reason why everyone else is as well, you would know right?… minji unnie.”
hanni snickers and danielle smacks her arm while hyein just looks between the two older girls.
minji just stares at yn while flashes her a smile.
haerin clears her throat immediately getting yn’s attention, “we should get going.” she says , wanting to get out of there immediately.
“so fast?” danielle asks looking up at the girls who stand up from the couch.
“yup.” haerin says making her way to the door, dragging yn with her who looks behind and gives everyone a smile, “it was nice meeting you guys, I’ll make sure to bring her home on time.” she adds flashing minji a wink who practically has steam coming from her ears.
when the door closes minji is the first to break the silence as they all look at the door.
“she’s going to be a bad influence.
“more like, she’s gonna drive you nuts.” hanni adds laughing.
“I need to go lie down.”
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kjhbsies · 8 months
Love Strum
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HELP PALESTINE • donation links • ways to help • why you should not buy/support TLOU2 remaster
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Rockstar Ellie Williams x fem!reader
Synopsis: After a series of arguments and misunderstanding, Ellie finds herself on a mission to win you back. Determined to prove her sincerity, Ellie starts working on improving herself.
However, as you and Ellie gain trust and potential liking for each other, your charming schoolmate enters the scene, inciting jealousy inside her.
wordcount: 3, 808
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It’s been a week since the incident happened.
And yes, the internet broke in hell as the videos of Ellie started circulating. However, it was not what Jesse thought it would be.
Rather, Ellie and the band became viral as her different fangirls and fans club became obsessed with how she protected the guy who molested you. And how they found Ellie getting angry and possessive over you, somewhat, hot.
Ellie and the guy he beat up settled everything, much to Jesse’s luck. But after that, the band is taking a two-week break just to make the incident die down. Tonight is its end, thus, they are going to play again tonight.
But what was Ellie doing right now? Laying on the couch in her fancy penthouse while taking a swig of alcohol. To be honest, she has a lot in her mind right now. She could be writing everything in her notebook so she can compose a song dedicated to you. But Ellie doesn’t have the energy to lift her body because of her guilt.
A part of her brain wanted to find and apologize to you. Ellie knows that you don't deserve it. No one does. But something inside her doesn’t want to accept that she likes you. That she’s head over heels for you.
Ellie knows she fears commitment and attachment, which is why she only wants to hook up with different girls, not wanting to have someone fall in love with her. I mean, she doesn’t really see herself being in a relationship with them, so why would she engage in it?
But you.
Oh, you make her really confused.
Jordan walked in. Both of her hands are tucked in the pockets of her oversized hoodie. She sat in front of Ellie before sliding a piece of paper on the coffee table.
Ellie’s brows are knitted. “What’s that?” She asked before taking a piece of cigarette and a lighter.
“Her name, address, personal information… whatever the hell you need.” Jordan shrugged before leaning at the couch.
That night, after leaving you and Ellie alone backstage, Jordan managed to find out your bestfriends in the middle of the crowd. They were talking to some bouncers, rambling and asking where you went and what happened to you. Jordan managed to pull the two in a quiet corner, answering their questions. In return, Jordan asked for your name and personal information as they badly wanted to apologize to you personally.
“Who?” Ellie asked, despite knowing who she was talking about. She picked up the piece of paper and stared at it. Her jaw tightened as she read your name. After all those years of her trying to unmask that mysterious fan girl, she now knows you. But at what cost?
“Stop fucking around. You know who I’m talking about.”
Ellie lit up her cigarette before putting the paper down the table once again. “What should I do about it?” She asked stubbornly.
Jordan stared at her, dumbfounded. “You’ve said some hurtful things to her, Ellie. You should fucking apologize, dude!”
Her eyes shut down before blowing a puff of smoke. “That’s the thing… I don’t fucking know how.”
“I know this is some ironic thing to say but dude… grow some fucking balls. I know you think that she’s just nothing but your fan girl, but that doesn’t give you the opportunity to be a fucking asshole to her. You might think that she’s gonna come back running to you just because you are her fucking idol but what happens if she didn’t?” Jordan breathed. “I saw her that night, dude. She’s fucking crying while running out the bar. I don’t know what happened, but it looked like you didn’t care at all-”
“I fucking care, dude! That’s the problem because I don’t want to.” Ellie said, angrily. “I just want to be able to live carelessly, bed different girls at night, have flings then and there but it’s like her existence forbids me from doing that. I don’t know what she’s done to me, but ever since I saw her at the shitty bar at our gig in April three years ago-”
Jordan’s eyes widened. “Three years ago?!”
Ellie nodded while taking another puff and drink. “This is all fucked up, right? I think I’m fucking losing my mind.”
“Why didn’t I notice that you’re in love ever since.”
“I never said anything about being in love.” Ellie shook her head.
“It is love, dude. What do you want me to call it? A fucking miracle?”
“M-maybe!” She shrugged.
Jordan stood up. “You’re insane. Come on, I’m taking you to her place.”
“Right now?” Ellie panics, her eyes turning wide. “Nah, dude, we have a gig.” She backs out.
“It’s only 2:00 PM, stop over-reacting.”
And with that, Jordan started to pull Ellie by her wrist with so much force just because she kept pulling back. And because Ellie is much stronger than her, this made it harder than it is. However, because of the liquor Ellie was drinking earlier, she lost the battle. She figured out that it’s better to apologize to you personally. Ellie is now mustering all of her courage to face you. She figured she could do it. She is Ellie Williams.
She could not do it.
Ellie feels like she’s going to puke, literally. Her feet and hands are getting cold with every step she is taking. She bought a bouquet of roses on the way to this cafe, which apparently, is right outside of your apartment. How did Jordan make you agree to meet up with them? Ellie did not know. She figured out that after your argument, you wouldn’t want to show up near her. And maybe it’s for the better because Ellie is an asshole. She deserved it.
Ellie spotted you sitting on the corner of the cafe, you were immersed in a novel you’re reading while wearing headphones in your head. The sunlight shone perfectly at your figure that Ellie couldn’t stop staring at you.
You looked up at the two figures standing in front of you and you gently removed the headphones in your head, stopping the music in your phone, and sighed. Now, if it was a normal day and the argument between you and Ellie happened, you would’ve been ecstatic. You would’ve been giddy in your seat and most probably, you’re jumping in pure happiness.
But right now, looking at them, especially the girl that you thought you’ve been in love with the whole time, isn’t just the same.
“You two should talk, okay? I’ll be right there.” Jordan pointed at the seat near the two of you.
You nodded and put on a tight-lipped smile. Ellie slowly sat in front of you.
“She said you wanted to talk.” You started.
Ellie scrunched up her nose, as nervousness started to make its way onto her nerves. She couldn’t stop fidgeting and playing with her rings and the flowers. You sounded so sweet and gentle, contrasting her dark and cold voice.
You are so pure and Ellie is just not…
“Yeah. I wanted to apologize.” Ellie said, placing the bouquet of flowers at the table which you just blankly stared at. “I didn’t know w-what flowers you wanted so…” She stammered. Shit, shit, shit. “It’s fine.” Despite everything, your heart still jumped at her small effort.
Ellie looked at you. “I’m sorry.” She finally said, making you stare at her back. “It’s been two weeks and I can’t stop thinking about what I said.”
“Good.” You nodded.
Ellie sighed. “I didn’t mean everything. Saying those mean things about you was such a low move. A-and if you won’t forgive me, I’ll understand.”
“I forgive you.”
She looked at you. “Really?”
“Yeah…” You shrugged. “I just… got disappointed that night.”
Ellie’s heart dropped.
“You know, for three years, I embarrassingly liked you. At first, I did want your attention. I mean- who doesn’t, right? You were my… everything.” You gulped, a lump started forming in your throat. “But as I grew older, I am content to just stare and like you from afar. I always dreamt of what it would be like to be near you but that night, when I finally talked to you, it didn’t go as I expected. So, yeah, guess you can say that I was disappointed.”
“I’m sorry.” Ellie’s gaze dropped.
“It’s fine. Really. I accept your apology.”
“Do you still like me?” Ellie blurted out without thinking.
Both of your brows rose up as you were taken aback by her question. But after a few seconds, you smiled at her sadly. “I don’t know.”
I don’t know.
I don’t know…
I… don’t… know…
Those three words never left Ellie’s mind ever since they left the cafe. It’s been two days, and she’s still thinking about it since, and she didn’t know what impact you have on her until you’ve said those words.
She really couldn’t believe that she’s getting all worked up over this.
“Tough crowd?” Alex asked before throwing a cold can of sparkling water at Ellie.
“Nah, they’re great.” She shook her head before opening it.
Alex looked at her skeptically. “Then why’d you look like you’re spacing out the whole time?”
Ellie’s brows are now knitted. “Am I?”
“Yeah, dude, what happened? Jordan told me about y/n. What did you two talk about? Spill.” She said before sitting on one of the stools backstage.
“Nothing, man. I just apologized. “
“And…?” Her brows rose up.
Ellie looked her dead in the eye, not wanting to give in and talk. But a small part of her wanted to ask for help. Besides, it’s what Alex is good at. Who would Ellie want to talk to and ask for a piece of advice? Then with someone who is in a healthy relationship of three years.
Ellie sighed before sitting on the stool beside her. She clicked her tongue before talking. Still somewhat unsure, but… “She was this girl I’ve always seen in our gigs or concerts for three years.”
“Yeah, I know, you always ask for her name.”
“And I never got it.” Ellie rolled her eyes. Alex nodded. “I don’t know, man, I just got overprotective of her that night, and then got drunk, and said some shitty things to her.”
“You know, I never understood that part.”
“Fair enough. I just reacted so badly when I saw her in front of me. But mainly, I was pissed because she has this… magnetic energy that I just couldn’t forget. And I never understood why because she’s… she’s just…” Ellie sighed, not wanting to finish it.
Alex nodded repeatedly, understanding the whole situation.
“So you can’t accept the fact that you fell in love with your fan-girl and not the other way around? And so your pride couldn’t take it all in because you’re you?” Ellie nodded.
“So you’re afraid of feeling like a fucking loser. Maybe you should ask her what she felt. Pretty sure you two could talk it all out.”
“I did.”
“And what did she say?” Alex stared at Ellie.
“She said ‘I don’t know.’”
Ellie nodded again.
“And what did you feel?”
“Like a fucking loser.”
The two of them sat in silence for five minutes before Alex clapped her hands and went in front of Ellie.
“So here’s what you’re gonna do.”
Three days after you and Ellie talked and you were still thinking about how unreal everything was for the past few weeks.
In that short amount of time, you got into a huge mess in a bar, unexpectedly argued with your long-time idol and crush, and now she actually went to see you in a cafe? I mean, what the hell? And now, you just got a text from her which you are debating what to say as she’s asking if you are free to go into a private bar.
Ellie: Don’t worry about the transpo, I will send someone to get you.
Ellie: Consider this as compensation for my shitty behavior. Will you go?
Ellie: Please?
“God, how can you say no?!” Your friend, Dina, exclaimed before dramatically falling down the bed. “At first, I don’t really get why you’re so obsessed with her for years but fuck, I saw her face to face and she’s so hot. I just thought I would combust while looking at her.”
“Jesus.” Cat said, side-eyeing her. “I think you should stand your ground and make her pay. For a girl with such a popular status and huge wealth, she probably has a huge amount of ego and you should not give in to her.”
“But she’s hot.” Dina pointed once again.
“Yeah, she is.” You and Cat said in unison.
You shut your eyes and flopped down the bed next to Dina. “This is so fucking hard.”
“Just say yes!” Dina said and Cat immediately protested. She sat in the bed. “But! But! Just hear me out! You should still act cold and make her pay!”
“And how do I do that? I almost cried when I said that I don’t know if I liked her now.”
“We’ll get you dressed.” Cat pulled you up. “And remember that you should stand your ground. You’re a pretty girl and if given the chance, I will fuck y-”
“Yup, we’re done.” You said, dismissing her.
Cat put her hands on both of your shoulders. “So, here’s what you’re going to do.”
You: Okay.
Ellie pumped her fist in the air and immediately stopped in embarrassment.
“The fuck was that?” She asked herself before typing.
Ellie: See ya.
Wearing your burgundy satin dress that Dina thought would perfectly hug your curves and compliment your skin, sleek makeup, and your hair is done perfectly, you never think you’d look this good.
The lamborghini Ellie was talking about picked you up in front of your apartment and every one stopped and stared in pure amusement. The private bar is a 30 minute drive and it is a fancy one. A jazz song is playing, making this place very romantic. Right now, you were sitting in front of Ellie, trying so hard not to stare but you just couldn’t help but look at her.
She’s wearing her formal suit and the first three buttons on her dress shirt are opened as the red tie on her neck is loose. Ellie sipped onto the wine, looking at you shamelessly.
“You look pretty.” She muttered, causing your heart to jump. Your eyes flicked at her before you smiled and Ellie can almost feel her grip on the glass becoming shaky.
“You too.” You said honestly. “Aren’t you afraid of getting caught with me?”
“Why would I?” Ellie poured wine at your glass. “Don’t worry. No one’s going to ruin this for us.”
True enough, you two had been talking for the past hour. You never really thought Ellie would redeem herself like this but you were glad that she’s taking accountability for what she’d done. Both of you learned some things from each other, and it was Ellie’s first time opening up with her personal life to a girl.
Ellie found out that you’re in your second year of college and is taking a psychology course. Ellie was so amazed and was frequently asking you about different things in human behavior and you answered it with such intelligence. You were so immersed in talking passionately about what you love that it warmed Ellie’s heart.
On the other hand, Ellie said that it was her dream to study science. She wanted to be an astronomer when she was young but it shifted when she became popular. Though, she would still like to study about it.
When it was time to go home, Ellie personally offered to drive you in front of your apartment, while using a different car – not the one that she uses every time because of paparazzis.
And it all went like this for weeks. Ellie never stopped talking to you in text. And, whenever you’re free, you’d go to their gigs or concerts with your friends. Jesse, their manager, would get you backstage as per Ellie’s requests, and, sometimes, the whole band and your friends would go to different restaurants to hang out.
You were supposed to meet with Ellie tonight, in a small, secluded town where no one could potentially see the both of you together. It was Friday night, and you thought it would be the best time to go out and have fun after a long week full of tests, projects, and school work. Besides, you did great for all of them,and Ellie’s going to treat you for an ice cream date.
It’s been 10 minutes, and she’s still not here. You’re in a park filled with colorful lights and fun decorations, and you amuse yourself by taking pictures and updating Dina and Cat. And then, after quite some time, you stood up and went to sit in a swing, pushing it ever so lightly.
To be honest, it’s getting quite late. And Ellie still isn’t here. There were no texts or calls from her, and you were not going to ask where she is for the third time.
Sighing, you kicked a rock, but it hit someone. A familiar tall figure looked at you with a fake shocked and hurt expression. And your eyes immediately widened.
“Oh! I’m so sorry!” You stood up.
The said person laughed. “It’s fine.” She answered. “Are you okay? You seem annoyed and spacing out.”
You hesitated in answering. Part of you wanted to talk to someone, but something inside you just wanted to not say anything about it. It’s humiliating because you got stood up. And the one who’s in front of you right now is none other than Abby Anderson.
To say that she is quite famous in your university is an understatement because she is more than that. Her father is a surgeon, thus making her one of the richest girls in school. She’s a top student ever since, and she’s actually the Biology Society’s president. Many people knew her, even from different universities as she’s always competing in research.
You two are just acquaintances, only sharing a few words when you always see each other at different organization’s meetings, or events where their college and yours are going together, and when you see each other in hallways. But seeing Abby in her comfy clothes at night, just casually walking in a park, is something you'd never think you’d see as she’s always so formal.
“This is so embarrassing, so I wouldn’t say why I’m here, moping all alone.” You sighed, putting up a thin lipped smile.
Abby nodded, putting her hands on her pockets. “Okay. I won’t ask further.”
“Thank you.” “Do you want me to accompany you? Or are you going to leave now?” Abby sat in a swing beside you.
“I might hang out here for a bit. I just want to take a breather since it’s been a hell week.”
“Right.” Abby rolled her eyes while smiling. “I think I haven't got a good sleep since Monday started.”
“I can’t even remember the last time I had a decent meal.”
You two laughed.
“God, I look like an idiot right now. I’m sorry you had to see me like this.” You look at her, and you find out that she’s already staring at you.
“Stop saying that.” She said, “Whoever ditched you tonight is an idiot. I’ll never make a pretty girl like you wait for nothing.”
You didn’t ask how she knew what happened. And instead, you smiled. “Really?”
Your gaze fell on your lap. “Yeah, she’s kind of an idiot.”
“Well, let’s go find something to eat. I’m starving.” Abby held out her hands in front of you, and you immediately held it.
You and Abby decided to eat ramen first. She insisted that it’ll be great, since the weather is cold tonight.
“It’s my favorite ramen shop. I always go here when I’m feeling stressed.” She said while mixing the noodles carefully.
“You always go here?” You asked before taking a bite. True enough, the ramen is good, aside from this, it also came with a lot of side dishes.
She nodded. “My apartment is near here. How about you? Where do you currently live?”
“Oh, my apartment’s in the next town. It’s 30 minutes away from here but if I’m going to take a bus, which is what I’ll be doing tonight, then it'll take me an hour.” You checked your watch. “I’ll accompany you. My car is parked in here.”
You immediately shook your head. “No, I can manage, really.”
Abby hummed. “Nah, I can’t let you go on your own. Besides, it’s already 11 in the evening.”
“No buts. Eat your ramen and then we can go get some sundaes before I take you home, okay?” She asked you and you immediately complied.
“Wait, you lived with Cat?” Abby asked when she saw the familiar street.
“Yeah, you knew her?” You asked, surprised.
“Well, yeah, she’s a cartoon editor in the uni’s publication. Back when I was still a feature writer, we were very close. We still are but not as close as before. I got really busy with being the BioSoc’s president so I kinda dropped the position there. It was a really fun experience, though.”
“You’re very smart.”
Abby smiled, stopping in front of your apartment. She looked at you, “I try not to disappoint my father so it’s kind of my job to be smart.”
“Oh.” Your gaze dropped down your lap. Your phone buzzed but you ignored who’s messaging you right now.
You and Abby got out of the car.
“I had so much fun tonight, y/n.” Abby said and you nodded.
You were about to answer when you noticed a figure behind her. Abby sensed that your gaze fell somewhere, which is why she looked back.
Your phone buzzed and you looked at it. It was text messages from Dina…
…and Ellie.
Ellie: I’m sorry, I had an emergency. You still there?
Ellie: Hellooo?
Ellie: Your friends told me that you’re probably on the way back. I’ll just meet you in your apartment.
Ellie’s brows are knitted while looking at the unfamiliar girl who’s with you right now. Abby stared back at her with an unamused gaze, making Ellie slowly getting annoyed. She’s holding a bouquet and a box of donuts and a tub of ice cream on the other hand.
“Who’s this?” She asked coldly.
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divider from: @saradika-graphics
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wwbtsdty · 2 years
What Makes You Sweat | 18+
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Summary: You’re really getting tired of how much time your boyfriend spends in the gym when you have so little time together on his days off. So one day you decide to join him to see what really makes him sweat.
Rating: 18+
Genre: idol!au, smut, fluff
Pairings: Jungkook x Reader
Status: Oneshot
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings: Explicit language, dom!jungkook, sub!reader, smutty smut, sexual tension, big dick!jungkook, unprotected sex(wrap it before ya tap it!), oral sex, cocky!jungkook, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, praising, dirty talk, creampie, rough sex, spanking, bondage, squirting, begging, cursing, fingering, biting, did I miss anything haha.
Author’s Note: This has been sitting in my drafts forever, mainly because I was so upset I lost all my edits to it one day. Sooo I’m just gonna release it, with the premise that its extremely rough because I can’t find it in my heart to edit it again. So here it is, take it for what it is.. a quickie, dirty, unedited short story haha.
This is all fictional. 
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You sigh deeply staring up at the ceiling in boredom, you had tired of playing games on your phone or scrolling social media an hour ago. Glancing at the clock on the nightstand, 10:44 PM... he’d been gone for two hours. Just what the hell does he down there for so long?
Surely most people didn’t work out this long every single day, it seemed excessive and it was starting to get on your nerves. You know he promised to keep his washboard abs for ARMY, but surely he didn’t need to work out every damn day to maintain those bad boys.
Grabbing your phone again you sent off a quick text to him.
Did you fall off the treadmill? Are you seriously still working out?
You and Jungkook had been dating for over a year now what he did for so many hours every day in that gym was still a mystery. You had never been tempted to join him before, when he was finished with you for the night you could barely move, let alone go workout. Meanwhile he was the energizer bunny, ready to go again and again until you finally caved and told him to go work off some steam.
The past few days though you’d had to work late because of your bosses stupid mistake. So you weren’t able to get home in time to soothe the bunny, he was always off at the gym so you would pass out on the bed.
Tonight though you’d had to listen to one of your coworkers gossiping about their sex life with their new younger boyfriend. Which of course in turn, got you thinking about how much you happened to miss your boyfriends delicious body, anxiously waiting all day to get home to him.
So here you sat, waiting on his bed, Bam having had long since given up on waiting for his dad and crawling into his crate to go to sleep. Your phone chimed suddenly causing you to practically lunge for it.
I’m just getting started babe, don’t wait up. 😘
Just getting started? What the hell does that mean? What exactly has he been doing for that last two hours?
You groaned, rolling onto your stomach in frustration as you stared at the text on your phone.
Don’t wait up he says! I hardly get to see him anymore, not with working full time and him getting ready for his next comeback, it seemed like their time together was becoming less and less these days—yet all he wants to do is spend time in the gym!
Jumping off the bed you squared your shoulders as you raided the closet for a pair of leggings and a sports bra.
Fine, if he wanted to work out then you were going to join him, sure it was the last thing you felt like doing, but if it meant you could spend time together then so be it!
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Jungkook had just finished up running for his cardio workout the last hour, pulling up the bottom of his shirt to wipe the sweat that had accumulated on his face.
Now that cardio was done he could start on weights, he needed to work his lower body today since he did upper body yesterday. Then of course abs as always to finish off the workout.
Taking a swig from his water bottle, his attention diverted as the door swung open, you walked in wearing what he guessed could pass as workout clothes.
But really there wasn’t much there, he sure hoped you didn’t wear that shit in public to workout or else there was going to be a conversation later.
“Hey, what's up? I told you not to wait up, i’ll probably be a while still.” He eyed you suspiciously, you had never come to workout with him. Not that it ever bothered him, it was more of his thing and that was totally fine by him.
“Well... you spend so much time here, I thought I would see what you get up to for once. Maybe you could give me some pointers as well, I should probably workout more anyway. I’ve been stuck at a desk all week.”
You shrugged trying to act nonchalant, but your eyes gave you away as you took in his appearance. It wasn’t fair how beautiful this man was, even coated in sweat--no, not even, of course coated in sweat this man was absolutely sinful. All you could think about was stripping that shirt off his delicious body and raking your nails down his chest.
You bit your lip, rubbing your thighs together for some sort of relief. You weren’t sure just how long you stood there ogling your boyfriend, but it was obviously enough for him to take notice.
“Hmm... you want to work out?” He sauntered up to you, eyes darkening as he crowded you against the wall, hands coming up to rest on either side of your head behind you.
Your held your breathe as you took in the sudden change in his demeanor. This was the man you had come to know all too well every night, the one that bent your body to his will.
“I missed you, feels like I haven’t seen you in weeks,” You whispered, tucking a strand of his hair back behind his ear. He smiled brightly, bunny teeth on display as he cupped your cheek leaning down to kiss your forehead sweetly.
Stepping back, he booped your nose cutely with his finger. “I always miss you.” Sighing sadly, “When this comeback is done I promise we will take a vacation, just the two of us. We can spend every waking moment with each other. We don’t even have to leave the bed.” He raised his eyebrows suggestively.
God, You loved this man so much. How you had gotten so lucky to land Bangtan’s golden boy, he was anything and everything you could ask for in a boyfriend.
“I was about to start some weights, you wanna start with some cardio?” Just like that your tender moment was gone and Muscle bunny was back. How did he just flip a switch just like that, was it part of being an idol or something?
Huffing loudly, you made your way over to the treadmill he had just vacated, turning it on the lowest setting. You walked as slowly as possible, staring aimlessly at the little television blasting some random entertainment show before you. Behind you sounds of grunting and heavy weights clinking filled your ears as he began his workout again.
It was about 16 minutes later, according to the treadmill, when you had finally reached your breaking point. His grunts and groans were driving you crazy, you could hardly walk for fear the slick coating your core would drip down your legs.
Stopping the treadmill you spun around to find him doing sit-ups on the floor, each time he sat up he gave a soft grunt. You bit your lip as an evil plan hatched in your head.
Two could play this game.
You sashayed over to the rowing machine, plopping down loudly on the seat as you fastened your legs in. Wrapping your fingers around the handle to pull back fiercely, you let out a whisper of a moan. You saw his head swivel around towards you at the noise.
Ha, take some of your own medicine Kookie!
You smirked, continuing to pull on the rowing machine. Arching your back with each tug so your breasts thrust into the air alluringly.
His gaze zeroed in on the way your breasts proudly displayed as you rowed, suddenly his grey sweats felt all too tight. He knew you were purposely trying to rile him up, and it was working. But his competitive nature would never let him give him.
Plus, he was actually enjoying having you here with him for once, and he had to admit seeing you working out made him proud.
Not like you needed to work out, eyeing that perfect ass he loved so much. Having you ride him reverse cowgirl was one of his favorite positions, he loved watching that ass bounce up and down on his dick.
Reaching down to adjust his hardening length, he pulled his gaze from your body to refocus himself. At this rate he was going to lose this game you had decided to play and turn this into a whole other kind of workout.
You had quietly crept over his way once he went back to finishing his sit-up, the slight sway of your hips driving him to distraction once more. He stopped, arms behind his head as he laid back looking up at you suspiciously, “You done already?” He questioned, regarding you as a smirk lifted his lips.
You weren’t going to give in that easily, sure you’d been annoyed he hadn’t come over at your show earlier while rowing. You couldn’t miss him adjusting himself and the tent in his pants though. You were getting to him too. It was time to change tactics.
Throwing your leg over his waist you straddled his stomach, hands splayed out across his chest as you nestled your core above his hardening length. Your fingers sliding slowly down his chest to push yourself back to lay against his knees causing your breasts to jut out towards his face tauntingly. “Nope. Just taking a break…”
His brow raised quizzically, thrusting his hips off the floor bouncing you in the process to signal you should move. “Alright princess, well I just finished sit-ups… so how about you give me some motivation to finish my pushups?”
His hands encircled your waist when you didn't move, hoisting you up into the air like you weighed nothing. He let your body slide painfully slow down his until your feet touched the floor, “Lay down.” His voice held a hint of command forcing you to lay down where he indicated unbidden. You watched as he knelt down at your feet, hands moving to either side of your head, his body hovering above yours.
“Now be a good girl and stay still.”
You bit your lip at his deep voice, his face coming closer before moving past yours, his breathe tickling your ear.
His whispered breathe across your ear sent a shot of arousal straight to your core, nipples suddenly standing for attention as he pulled back up.
Just as quickly he was pressing back down, this time you were more composed, your head swiveled around to nip at his earlobe.
“Two…” He groaned, pulling back with narrowed eyes.
The third time he decided to press his body flush against yours, hips rolling into your core for you to feel his now fully hard length.
You moaned loudly, frantically thrusting your hips up as he pushed up just as quickly. You glared up at that cocky bunny smile plastered on his face.
You'd had enough of this game.
You grabbed that taunt ass with both hands as he came down for the fourth push-up, rolling your hips seductively against his.
He growled, letting his body collapse atop yours in response. “Naughty girl. I told you to stay still, you can’t even obey one command? Am I going to have to tie you up so you don’t move?” His voice was pure sin in your ear, hands sliding slowly up your arms causing goosebumps in their wake, bringing them up above your head where he captured your wrists in one hand.
“So, we're done playing already? Just when the game was getting interesting...”
His right hand moved quickly down your stomach to cup your heat without warning. Your eyes flew open in surprise, arching your back sharply as you let out a groan of satisfaction at finally being touched, tugging desperately at his grip on your wrists to break free.
A soft moan escaped his lips, “So wet for me already? Does this pussy want to be filled so badly by my cock?” He trailed wet kisses down your neck, he bite the spot where your neck meets your shoulders quickly laving the tender spot with his tongue.
He sat back on his heels, admiring the way your breasts looked barely confined by your sports bra as your chest rose and fell rapidly. Taking your breasts in each hand to squeeze them together, dipping down to taking one of your nipples and then the other into his mouth through your sports bra, tongue circling it teasingly before biting playfully.
“Jungkook!” you gasped, hips thrusting against his hand in reflex, chasing some kind of friction. You could feel just how embarrassingly slick your panties and leggings had become at this point, providing barely any barrier.
Jungkook smirked, pressing the palm of his hand down hard against your clit through your leggings. "Is this what you wanted baby?"
Nodding frantically, "Yes! Yes! Please!!" You should be embarrassed at the way your hips followed his hand as he pulled back, but you were already past caring.
He released your wrists, sitting back on his heels as you whined at the lack of contact. Palming at his hardened bulge as he motioned to the bench behind you. "Go sit that pretty ass down on that bench."
Jumping up to obey, your body trembled in anticipation as you spread your legs displaying the large wet patch that has formed in the crotch of your leggings.
He quickly shed his shirt as he approached you, dropping to his knees between your thighs.
Your mouth watered as you admired that amazing body, eyes catching a drop of sweat dripping down his chest that you suddenly wanted to catch with your tongue. And those damn grey sweatpants, always showing just enough to drive you crazy. His hard dick filled them out so well now, you could practically feel it inside you already.
He made quick work of your leggings, peeling them down your legs. God you were practically soaking that bench already and he’d barely touched you.Grabbing your thighs to tug you down to the edge of the bench roughly. He admired your beautiful pussy for a minute, the material of your panties sticking to your lips making them practically transparent.
He slid his fingertip down your slit, pressing just the tip inside your pussy the material of your panties creating resistance from going in any further.
"All of this just for me? How long has my poor baby been suffering? If you’d just said you wanted to be fucked we could have ended this game quickly. But now I feel like making you wait… I won after all.” A smirk quirked his lips, leaning down to suck your clit into his mouth over the fabric.
“Fuck Jungkook!!” You squealed at the feeling of his mouth, the material of your underwear aiding the sensation. You slid your hand into Jungkook's hair, the other gripped onto the bench beneath you as you rolled your hips against his mouth.
Without removing his mouth from your clit, he grabbed your flimsy underwear tearing it off your body and flinging the offending material away. His mouth moving over your now bare pussy, tongue delving into your folds greedily.
You sobbed in relief, squeezing your thighs together at the sudden onslaught of pleasure that was almost unbearable.
Jungkooks digs his fingers into your thighs, keeping them open for his onslaught. "Ah Ah, don't hide from me." He quips smartly, sending a sharp smack to your pussy that causes you to jump, a whine escaping you at the stinging sensation as more arousal seeps from your lips.
He begins lapping at your clit teasingly, his fingers massaging your thighs as he enjoyed the whines escaping your lips.
“Kook, stop teasing!”
He takes your clit into his mouth once more, sucking strongly. At the same time slowly inserting one finger, curling it as he begins thrusting in and out of your sloppy cunt, rubbing that sweet spot each time.
You could already feel that familiar knot forming in your stomach and he’s barely touched you. Turned on beyond belief from their game earlier and not seeing him the past few days, or more specifically not seeing his cock.
"Tell me this isn't what you came down here for?" He remarks, pulling his digit from your pussy and bringing it up to his lips to taste you.
You screamed in frustration at the sudden emptiness, leaning up on your elbows as you regarded him between your legs not moving.
"Jungkook!" He just laughed at your situation, removing his finger with a pop from his lips, his tongue prodding his cheek. He reached down palming at his dick which had become so painfully hard. Your gaze followed his hand, jerking his length over his pants a few times in relief. He couldn’t wait to finally feel you wrapped so tightly around his cock, it had been so long, he was tired of using his own hand for relief. It was a poor excuse for that tight pussy he had come to love.
"Fine, okay! I came down to get fucked okay? I couldn't wait for you any longer… Jungkook! Please just fuck me already you idiot! I need to feel you!" you sobbed, throwing your arm over your eyes in embarrassment at your confession. Even after so many years you could feel embarrassment at how badly you wanted him at times.
He smiles all teeth at your confession, "Good girl, that wasn't so hard now was it? Did you really think I thought you wanted to work out? Unless you were referring to this workout." He motioned to himself with a cocky smirk, tongue running along his lower lip.
Before you could make a smart ass remark he plunged two fingers inside your pussy, thrusting them quickly in and out of you.
Shoving your sports bra up to reveal those beautiful pert nipples. Taking one into his mouth, his tongue lavishing attention on it as he scissored his fingers inside you, stretching you out for him.
"So fucking tight. How are you still so fucking tight!" He grunted, slipping a third finger inside of you.
You winced at the slight burn, your body already having forgotten the shape of his dick. As the burn ebbed, a delicious pleasure spreading in its place as your thighs quaked from the sudden orgasm approaching. Your hips thrusting in tandem with his fingers, chasing your high.
"Yes, Yes! Jungkook harder!!" You tugged at his dark locks, forcing his mouth harder against your breast.
He rubbed at your clit with his thumb, curling his fingers to continually hit your spot as he increased his speed. His fingers moving so fast you could barely keep up.
Suddenly you felt that cord snap inside of you, your back arching off the bench as you screamed out from your orgasm. A rush of liquid flooded Jungkook's fingers, spraying his chest as he dove down to taste your release. Tongue fucking your gaping hole as it quivered around his mouth, you tasted so fucking sweet he couldn't get enough of it.He pulled his fingers out to rub your clit as his tongue delved deeply inside of you prolonging your release.
"Ah, Jungkook no more.. please..."
He forced your thighs to wide as you tried closing them from the overstimulation, squirming away from his mouth. Your fingers tangled in his dark locks as you tugged at his head trying to stop him.
"I know you can, don't even think about stopping me."
He continued lapping at your sopping pussy, filling you with two fingers again as he sought that spot inside you.
You could feel the overstimulation already turning to pleasure again, moaning loudly as you thrashed on the bench with your fast approaching second release.
Jungkook sucked your clit into his mouth, fucking his fingers harder inside of you until you felt that damn break once more. "JUNGKOOK!!" you screamed his name loudly, black flashing behind your eyes as you squirted all over his face this time, your thighs shaking with the intensity of your orgasm.
You lay back panting as he removed his fingers, watching your gaping hole quiver at the emptiness. He licked his lips glancing down at your throughly fucked out face with satisfaction.
"Good girl, I knew you would do it." He sat back on his knees, chest glistening with your release. Standing up, he quickly kicked his sweats and briefs off, his cock springing to attention against his stomach. He wrapped his hand around his painfully hard length, sliding his fingers up and down a few times before his eyes caught on something in the corner.
You were so out of it, currently basking in your post release, you hadn't even noticed him move to the corner of the room. It wasn't until you felt something cold wrapping around your wrists that you startled to attention.
"What..?" you questioned, giving a measuring tug of your wrists to find them tied together with something.
"You were very bad tonight, trying to stop me from enjoying my prize earlier." He gave a sharp tug making sure your wrists were secured with the jump rope.
"So now your going to lay there and let me fuck you however I want." He whispered in your ear before standing up, he lifted your body up from the bench forcing you to now lay on your stomach.He eyed that beautiful ass now on display, delivering a harsh smack to your left cheek enjoying the red marring your skin.
You jumped at the sudden stinging of his hand, a new flush of arousal spreading throughout your body.
He knelt down at the end of the bench, adjusting some knobs. You suddenly found your feet leaving the floor at the same time the rest of your body leaned down closer to the floor. You felt incredibly vulnerable suddenly, ass up in the air, pussy quite literally on display for his viewing pleasure. You couldn't see where he was or what he was doing.
"Fuck, you're so perfect."
He eyed your position, having risen one side of the bench to lift your ass up to the perfect height, while the other was lowered for your comfort so you wouldn't be at a weird angle. He could see just how wet you were from this angle, your pussy dripping on the bench as your hole twitched with anticipation.
He ran his index finger through your slick, "Just for me."
You suddenly felt the head of his dick teasing your core causing you to thrust yourself back against him, you wanted to feel him filling you up so badly. But instead he kept teasing you, tapping his dick against your clit as he pressed a hand down against your lower back to hold you in place delivering a shark smack to your ass.
"Stay still." He growled under his breathe, pushing forward until the thick head of his cock sinks inside you, just as quickly pulling it out.
"Jungkook!" You screeched, wriggling against your confines in frustration, you feel a new wave of wetness seeping from your pussy. "Please, Jungkook, please fuck me! I need your cock.."
His fingers spread out across your ass, massaging at the reddened cheeks. "You look so amazing like this, bared just for me, pussy just waiting to be filled." He pulled your cheeks apart, groping as he watched the way your pussy twitched, admiring the mess you made of the bench already. He strokes his cock once before lining it up with your heat, coating it in your cum before suddenly thrusting forward sinking balls deep inside of you.
"Fuck!" you screamed out, suddenly feeling so full as he sunk so deeply inside you. You swear you could feel him all the way to your stomach. You clenched around him inside you, wanting to keep him inside.
He slowly pulled out until just the tip was left inside you, letting you feel every ridge and vein before harshly thrusting back in as your ass jiggled with the motion.
Suddenly his thrusts sped up, hips plunging into you as the bench jerked beneath you at the strength of his motion. Loud moans left your mouth as your body fought to keep up with his pace. Pleasure wracks your body, fighting against the orgasm already approaching.
He watched your ass bounce against his hips as he took your hips in his hand, forcing your body down to meet his thrusts. Your orgasm hits you as soon as he presses his thumb down on your clit, thighs shaking as your body releases for the third time tonight.
Jungkook continued thrusting through your orgasm, chasing his release as you felt him swell even bigger flooding your insides with his cum. He gave a few more lay thrusts as his cum started leaking out between your bodies soaking the bench below. He slowly pulled out from the warmth of your body, cupping your heat to keep his cum inside.
“Don’t let even a drop escape.” He commanded moving your hand to replace his as he went to slid his boxers and work out shorts back on.
You squeezed your legs together trying in vain to keep his cum from running down your legs as you to went to find your underwear and leggings he had thrown haphazardly. 
He gave your ass a firm smack once you had finished getting dressed, pushing you towards the door.
“Now be a good girl and let me finish my workout.” He flashed you a cocky grin before heading back over to the weights.
Your jaw dropped at his request, “Seriously?!?” 
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f1fanatic29 · 1 year
dinner dreams - daniel ricciardo
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daniel ricciardo x f1 driver!reader [3k]
summary: after receiving a delayed invitation to sebastians retirement dinner, strange feelings arise after a run in with the infamous honey badger.
warnings:none, just bad writing lmao
a/n: first time posting on here, please me kind but also would appreciate some feedback. anyways thank you and enjoy
italics---> thoughts or exaggerated words
It wasn't often you got lost. The cool November breeze that wizzed by didn't seem to help with your lack of directions either. You couldn't remember why you decided to leave the warm hotel, thinking foolishly that you would just find your way to the restaurant eventually right? Wrong. On top of that you decided to wear the most uncomfortable thing you could, a green mini cocktail dress and the skinniest heals you've brought. 
Why you'd ever except Mick's delayed  invitation to Seb's retirement dinner , you had no clue why. After just winning your second drivers championship in a row you wouldn't expect to see you getting all dressed up again even after just spending the entire week on a bender with everyone and anyone you even semi liked. The original plans before you received the delayed  invitation was to take a nice long hot bath maybe go and order some sushi on Door dash. But a final dinner with your idol and good friend was something  you knew you just couldn't miss. 
Ah fuck this, 
 as the breeze began to pick up again. About a block away from the hotel you had been staying at for the past couple days a fancy black SUV pulls up next to you with the windows rolled down.
"You don't happen to be Y/N are you?" the driver asked. Your eyebrows furrowed as you debated answering as that question doesn't often lead to good places,"depends on who's asking?"you responded, narrowing your eyes at the mysterious driver he chuckled lightly at your expression. 
"Well I was sent to come pick you up at hotel intercontiential miss, to bring you to the dinner if I've been told correctly?" he responded, you smiled awkwardly and let out a small Oh as you opened the side door and sat down in the back.
"Um I guess you would be correct, but if you don't mind me asking sir, which one of the guys hired you tonight?" you asked curiously as the car began to move down the road.
"Sorry Miss, I was told not to disclose that information to you tonight, he said that you would probably figure it out on your own anyways"
The rest of the drive went by fairly quickly for you, as you  arrived at a hotel after only a couple minutes. The SUV drove up the road a little further as you noticed from the inside of the tinted windows a unique hotel at the top of the hill. It was mostly wooden and stone built it was odd looking compared to the rest of Monaco's modern style but has a welcoming feeling towards it, it definitely was picked by Sebastian. Going underground you assumed you were going into a parking garage as the car came to a stop in front of the underground entry.
"So this is where I leave you" the driver said unlocking the doors as you then climbed out,"I guess it is, thanks again for coming to save me..."you paused wait for him to give you his name, "Clint, and it was my pleasure Y/n, I hope you enjoy your evening"he said as you smiled and gave a quick you too as you closed the doors. 
As the SUV pulled away back up to the street, you turned and made your way inside. The inside was luminated by warm lights and dark accent walls, you made your way to the elevator at the end of the hall. As you got in a small pit of anxiety made its way into your stomach as the elevator moved upwards. You wasn't quite sure why you were suddenly so nervous, you were around these guys more than your own family for christ sake. 
It still confused you on why someone hired a driver to come get pick you up tonight, and why choose for you not to know who did it. Despite it being a kind gesture it bugged you, but you set herself a special mission for the evening, find out who hired the driver.
The elevator let out a ding as the doors opened revealing the main entrance to the hotel and the restaurant that you had finally managed to get to. You stepped out into the hallway first noticing the extremely large Christmas tree an other various Christmas decoration in the restaurant that you had finally found. 
Why the hell are there decorations up already its only the middle of November?
Before you could see him, you could definitely hear him. The boisterous laugh that anyone on the grid could recognize from a mile away. His gaze then lands on you just as he rounds the corner, his already shining smile getting brighter by the second, he picks up his pace and walks straight for you. Her heart beat picks up as she finds herself smiling just as wildly back at the Honey Badger, the one and only.
"About time you got here sweet heart" he said with that iconic Aussie accent, pulling you into a close to bone crushing hug, as you laughed loudly."Danny I think we both know I'm early" it was now him time to laugh as he continued to hold you like his life depended on it.
"I missed you" 
The innocent comment made your cheeks tinge red at the sudden unexpected seriousness from the usually goofy driver. Giving him a quick peck on the cheek as you pulled away from the tight embrace."Missed you too" you said with a warm smile now seeing the slightly surprised and happy look on the drivers face as he clears his throat as he tries to brush the blush off his face
"I gotta go help Max, I'm pretty sure he got lost down in the parking area or something,  I'll be back in a minute love" he says still staring at you but making his way towards the elevator. Just as you starts to turn around he grabs your hand and pulls you back locking his gaze with yours.
"You look beautiful tonight love, incase you didn't already know" he says holding your hand and his eyes rake you body and face carefully.
"Thank you Danny, I can always count on you to bring the fun to the party" you said fixing the collar on his brightly patterned shirt, giving him a cheeky wink. He smiled planting a light kiss on the corner of your mouth, before making his way towards the elevator as you then slowly continued down the hall with a sharp blush on your face. That pit of anxiousness from earlier had been filled with a strange other feeling that rose up to your throat, a weird a feeling you hadn't felt for someone in a long time. And you couldn't help but wonder if that made you excited or terrified, either way it was rather unexpected. 
"Hey Champ, over here!" Lewis called with his arms open wide as you made your way around the corner, picking up the pace you practically jumped into your teammates arm as his silly laugh ringed over in your ear.
"Have any trouble getting here, love?" Lewis snickered
"We're you the one who sent that driver? God Lewis I should've known" you said rolling your eyes with a slight sense of disappointment."No sadly, but I know who did" he said with a snicker as you got pulled into a hug by the main man of the evening.
"Y/n, I'm so glad you could make it tonight. I'm sorry for the late invited, I just guessed you'd have other festivities going on this evening that you'd rather attend." Seb said with his classic gentle smile."Oh Seb, that's non sense there's no other place I'd rather be than here tonight. Thank you for including me, it means a lot". He just gave you a reassuring squeeze on your arm as he was pulled away by Mick to greet more of the incoming drivers. The rest of the grid slowly started to pour into the lobby, as for you, you migrated to George and Alex who were now pestering you on your new two time champion status, aka your lack of arm candy.
"Oh come on Y/N/N, just spill the beans! It's your second world championship and you're telling me you still haven't got a date to the Gala, mate I'm sorry but I don't believe a word." Alex said shaking his head in disbelief. "Mate see the writing on the wall! She's definitely got a date she just to scared to share it because it's probably some unworthy chap! Look she's even blushing Alex!"You just shook her head in response to the two Williams drivers as you hoped they would drop the un-entertaining conversation on your love life. 
Just as you began to zone out again as the two continued to bicker on if you did or didn't have a date yet, a knowing arm slide its way across your shoulder as you instantly knew who had joined the group."Ah sorry to interrupt the harassment but I just wanted to say hi to MY best friend and give HER a hug" Lando says glaring his eyes at Alex and George as the Mclaren driver pulled you into a tight embrace. 
"Hi Little Landi, how are you doing tonight." you said stepping back from the brunette."Not bad, I hope these two muppets haven't been bugging you for too long. They ever get too much just remind them they drive for Williams." he says with a smirk, you burst out laughing just seeing Alex and Georges face drop at the slightest mention of their current teams standing. 
"Ah excuse me Muppet, I'd like a moment to say hi the our two time champion here, you've had your time" Carlos said pulling Lando away and then pulling you into another hug."Wow I guess it's a hugging kinda night,  isn't it Chili" you said hugging the Smooth Operator back letting out a chuckle."Well, it's not every day you see all of us together outside of a race weekend right?" the local Monegasque quipped, pulling you into a side hug. 
"I just wanted to say congrats Y/n, you were amazing this season, really" he said smiling brightly at you. "But I will say, with the new Ferrari upgrades for next season, it won't be so easy" he said with a wink as the rest of the listening drivers groan, you let out a breathy laugh."Yeah yeah Charlie, you keep saying that from my rear view mirror, eh?" 
"So, when are you gonna tell me what is going on between you and Daniel?" Lando whispered into your ear, snapping you out of your thoughts. "Lando, what are you on about mate? Nothings going on with us ok. Maybe we had a small run in earlier that's it" you said trying to cover your blush as the moment earlier with the Aussie earlier replayed your head.
"Well the muppet has been making hearts eyes at you the entire time I've seen him over there with Alonso, so clearly it wasn't nothing to him." He said to her with a raised brow. You glanced up looking towards the Daniel and the Spaniard as you instantly caught his eye. Surprising to you, he didn't look away he just continued to gaze into your eyes with that infamous glowing smile.
Caught you looking, didn't I?
It was a bit of a struggle to get all 20 drivers into the private room on the second floor, as Seb has requested for the evening, but you all managed to figure it out. It was a busy moment to get everyone seated as no one could hear a thing amongst all the chatter going on. You being one of the first sat down choose a seat towards the end of the table, having already been in the middle of enough chaos for the evening you were hoping  for quieter place at the table. But also secretly pray you'd manage to be at least able to see the Aussie from your position. Turns out, you have to be careful what you wish for. 
"Enchante, mademoiselle. Uh is this seat taken?" The Australian said with a terrible mock French  accent. But non the less it making you laugh which was the entire point.
"You know I was just hoping that I would get a calm spot at the table tonight, but I guess not anymore." you said sarcastically with a smirk."Oh shoot sorry, I'll move, you probably don't wanna be hearing anymore of my blabbing, I'll-" you grabbed his hand cutting him off.
"Dan, I was just kidding, I'd love for you to sit with me." You said still holding his hand in your small grasp. He didn't reply he just looked at you in awe?  Sorta gasping like a fish out of water, cute. Snapping out of his trance he clears his throat and sits down next to you as Lando squeezes onto your other side as the rest of the grid begin to settle into their places.
The dinner went by surprisingly smoothly, despite the extraneous time it took for all the drivers to make a decision on what to order. Many different conversations poured out all across the table as there was never a dull moment. Shockingly none being racing related, as an unspoken rule of the night was to talk about anything other than work to each other since they did that enough. But rather talk about each others families, friends, Christmas plans or an other plans during their next couple of months off, it felt strange but oddly very nice. 
As Lando and Charles talked about dates that they could to some possible streaming over the winter break. Yuki, Pierre and Daniel talked about some funny memories from the past couple of season, you sat there quietly just observing the many different conversations across the table, just sorta taking in the moment.
It was strange. That these are the people that you are the most competitive within the world and here they all were sitting talking, having a meal together. The crashes, the battling, the rivalries, all left out on the track. It made you smile, the thought that all these amazing people were able to share this one in a life time dinner and that this would be the last time you'd ever be with the same 20 people, ever again.
"Hey, you doing ok? You kinda just zoned out there." Daniel asked with a worried gaze."Yeah I'm good, just taking a break from the small talk." you replied almost nervously, taking a look back around the table seeing only smiles all around.
"Do you wanna come get some air with me, it's gotten pretty hot in here." Daniel said sitting up extending his hand out to you. You nodded in response getting up from your seat, yet no one noticing the departure of you two as you walked away from the table quietly.
Walking out onto the balcony, it felt warmer than it did previously in the night. The couple flutes of champagne must have been acting as you jacket for the evening as you could being to feel a small blush on her cheeks arise from the alcohol, or maybe for other reasons. Noticing that you and Daniel were still holding hands, you pretended not to notice as you looked out at the Harbour as the moon reflected off the water. Strange nervousness washing over you. It was weird you had never felt the slightest bit nervous around Danny despite all the years you had known each other. A small shiver running down your body.
"Here love, take my jacket."He had it off his back and onto yours before you could ever protest, you let out a small thank you as you both lean on the railing, admiring the view.
"Hey I totally forgot to ask, did you get here ok? Hopefully had no problems?" Danny said with a smirk as he leaned closer to you. Pulling away slightly looking at the satisfied look on his face, you try your hardest not to start smiling at him as hard as you wanted to.
"You're such an asshole" you say halt heartedly as you punch his arm, he starts to double over laughing, his contagious laugh making you laugh as well. The two of you giggle for quite some time before finally calming down as you wiped the stray tears from your eyes.
"Why?" you asked still trying to suppress your giggles from earlier, a few slipping out."Why what?" he asked with the proud smile still on his face."Why did you hire the driver Danny?", facing your body towards him.
"Well I first kinda guess that Mick would forget to  send you the address. Second I knew if I came to pick you up, which was my initial plan, I would've torn that dress right off you in the lobby." 
You weren't quite sure how long you remained silent for, trying to process what he just said, or even trying to tell if you were dreaming or not. The feeling in your stomach that you had been feeling all night, just grew right into your heart and felt more like a bursting flame overcoming your entire body. Yet you were frozen, the man you had found attractive for years now that you had assumed was totally out of your league just said that to your face. You had no idea how to respond.
"Ah fuck I totally fucked this up didn't I? Ah God, nice going Riccardo you bloody-" your lips were on his in milliseconds cutting him right off. You didn't even think, your body just moving on instinct. 
Finally regaining his senses he began to kiss you back with just as much intensity. Pulling you snug against his chest by your waist, tilting your head to the side by your chin trying to deepen the kiss even further if possible. Grasping at the curls on the back of his head trying to keep your balance on your unsteady heals, he let out a small groan. You both pull away as your body finally had run out of oxygen. Resting both your heads on each others as you stare into each others eyes with wild smiles, panting as you both shake with excitement and passion.
"Well, its about time you kissed me" he said with that cheeky grin.
"Had to find some way to shut you up" His boisterous laugh filling the otherwise quiet November night. The regret of excepting the delayed  invitation from earlier, no where found in your mind.
I will probably be doing some other fics for other drivers on here as well soon, so stay tuned for that. thank you for reading, please lmk if you have any feedback or suggestions!
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jmdbjk · 5 months
Come Back to Me.
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As the first scene opened, my very initial reaction/feeling was overwhelming relief. Is that a weird feeling to feel first thing? With all that's happened these past few weeks, this seemed like this is finally a tangible thing to fight back with. I don't know if that makes logical sense but I guess I have been angry and frustrated and feeling helpless.
The party scene that opens the MV and which he returns to toward the end, perhaps this symbolizes his chosen career/life? At the beginning, he's tired and over it... "leave me alone, I need to step away." So he gets up off the couch. Yet the lyric says "I told you I'm fine, staying good..." (He has told us several times after Festa 2022 that he's fine, he's good.)
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He stares (with longing?) at the mysterious door with three little glass windows.
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"Spring's always been here." I know the lyric on the MV says Spring, but he clearly says "spring's always been here."
Then he is interrupted again so he strides away from the party and suddenly he's in his bathroom with his little family who are brushing their teeth.
The ideal scenario. Nice, perfect little smiling family, perfect little home.
The door to the bathroom has four little windows on it...
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His little girl (Namjoon is a girl-dad) pulls him into the bathroom to join her and her mom. He is confused.
Lyric: "I forgot to shower, 세수할 시간도 아까워 or sesuhal sigando ahkkawuh" and translates to "even washing my face feels like a waste of time." He made the Korean lyric rhyme with the preceding English lyric.
Why just this line in Korean? The concept of "face" has a specific cultural meaning in Asia which includes Korea (but is not limited to this). Everyone's heard of "saving face", to save your honor or protect from humiliation. Its more than just a sense of honor though. There is much more to it, if you want to read something, here is one article that attempts to explain the cultural significance of it.
In the context of these lyrics, I think he means, as a Korean, he thinks keeping his face clean is a waste of time.
If we were to think of it as his attempt to keep his idol image clean, to be the kind of person everyone thinks he is, to uphold the honor of everything that some want to put on him and make him represent... that's gotta be a huge amount of pressure and its a waste of time for him to try to be the perfect man in his perfect home with his perfect family. Because he's not perfect. "You don't have to be the anything you see....Trying not to be that something in this sea."
As we've seen recently, what a challenge it would be to constantly be trying to uphold such a perfect image in the midst of so much shit being thrown from all directions from multiple entities.
Moving on.
He goes through another door and has to duck because something is being thrown at him.
The imperfect relationship. Conflict, anger, a lot of turmoil. The room is a total wreck. He attempts to diffuse the situation but she's mad, accusatory. The lyric he's singing: "I told you I'm fine tonight, staying good." Obviously not. She is dressed in some sort of cocktail dress, a little bit of glamour within this chaos.
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Interestingly, the walls throughout this MV usually have some sort of box-like shapes embellishing them. Or the furniture is angular/rectangular. The wallpaper in this room looks like a maze. Each of these rooms could be considered a box.
They struggle, she grabs a lamp. He runs. The door to that room has no little round windows on it.
The hallway he walks down is lined with doors, some open, some closed, some with little round windows in them, some without.
He goes into an open door and then immediately comes back out, the woman in the previous room following, trying to pull him back in. What does she represent? Personal relationships? The aspects of his life that are tempting but toxic?
He tries to open the door with three windows. He cannot. It is locked to him. He keeps running and finds himself suddenly in a baby crib?! The wood bars resemble a jail cell.
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What's up with the orange on his pillow? Oranges are given as gifts in Korea for good luck. The parents peering over the top of the crib entice him to come to them.
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"You are my pain, divine, divine, get, get, get to the divine, divine, so fine." This part has stumped me. He's being treated like a baby, or he feels like a baby. Parents looking down at their baby boy... he is unfazed at their adulation... he covers himself with a blanket to shield himself from their attention, they are disappointed and leave him be by walking away... the lyrics: "You are my pain divine, divine, get, get, get to the divine, divine, so fine." Could it be the celebrity life he leads, the perception he's young and naive, a baby? Trapped in a box, not able to get out on his own terms? Endure the pain of it all in order to get to the divine of it all? I don't know.
When he uncovers himself, the blanket has turned into a big leaf from a houseplant, and. he's in a nice room which resembles his real home.
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A different woman enters the room, seemingly searching for something. She's dressed in a drab looking dress.
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He contemplates her while she is still in the room.
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She doesn't see what she's looking for and leaves the room hurriedly.
The lyric is a repeat of forgot to shower, waste of time washing my face.
He follows her.
She doesn't seem to be aware he is there. He senses her but just misses seeing her slip away.
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And he seems to make a circle and ends up back in the room he just left. And he turns around, and comes face to face with himself.
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"I told you I'm fine tonight, Spring's always been here, I will sleep in her eyes." The camera pans to his other self and back and he's turned into the woman who was searching for something. They found each other.
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Who does she represent? His alter-ego? His life? The balance he's been searching for? Does she represent us? his fans? or maybe all the people who support him and he depends on. She represents his center, his stability?
When they find each other, they are happy. There is a beam of sunlight that quickly moves across the wall behind them when they go to sit on the couch. They don't sit close to each other. Very platonic. Does she represent happiness and comfort, his guiding light?
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Once they connect, his smiles are so big, he's laughing, he's happy once again and he returns to all the other rooms happy, settled, content even.
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Hard to see but the baby in the crib who represents RM, is holding up the orange to his mother.
"I see you come back to me, you are my pain divine. You are my pain divine, divine." The last sentence repeats over and over as he rises and sees the happy sunlight woman again, beckoning him to come to her and he nods as if he knows its time to go with her.
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He goes to her. As soon as he enters that atrium where she is standing, the sun comes out and we see both of their clothing has changed, he in a hanbok-like outfit and she back in the dress we first saw her in. The outfits are made of similar material and they are both barefoot. I am sure being barefoot has some cultural connotation. Getting back to basics, to a natural state perhaps? Simplicity.
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"You are my pain, divine, divine" keeps repeating and "I told you I'm fine tonight, staying good, Spring's always been here." He is reassuring, perhaps indicating he knew he had to take this journey of self-discovery, or self re-discovery knowing there were those who supported him, the Spring would always be there no matter how challenging it is.
She seems to ask if he's ready and he takes a deep breath and they both go through the door and the light becomes brilliant.
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As the camera pulls back while they walk amongst the corridors, we see a vast maze of similar rooms.
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Navigating life or a career can be like a maze. The future is unknown, no telling which room he will enter next. But he has his alter-ego, happiness, support, his light, accompanying him through the journey, through his pain, divine.
When it was over, I was a little emotional. The production was flawless, so many details I'm sure I missed dozens of them.
It wasn't until the second watch did I realize the song was all english except for the one line about washing his face.
Remember when Namjoon came on Weverse live and he told us about how he got the cut over his eye? Here is a great interview of the director of the MV, Lee Sungjin and he explains how it happened and the experience of working with RM.
Edit: I just realized the "party" room is the same room as the one that resembles his home.
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aettuddae · 3 months
welcome to another episode of business matter updates with chiro !
fair warning, the episode may not be as entusiastic as the others cuz ur favouring host is sick and tired : <
taylor swift was seen asking about idol serim from oe during her tour. fans suspect that its either a collab or a dating announcement is going to be launched soon
idol serim was seen following karina of sm around inkigayo like a lost puppy, funs suspect a love triangle between swift, jang and yu.
minji of new skirts was seen talking to serim who was then dragged by her rumoured girlfriend karina. a heated glaring session went on between the new skirt and suppernora leaders.
kpop fans all over twitter came together to express concern and shock over how serim is so bitchfull yet so bitchless at the same time.
serim was seen playing games on ningning's phone. the cute interaction left knetz in awe. (its me, im knetz)
the rumour of minnie dating a man got solidified as another dm between the idol and her mystery man got leaked. minnie was seen acting like a 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴.
karina was seen having mental breakdowns atleast five different times in the duration of a day which lead to mys sending protest trucks to sm.
a weird woman was seen crying outside the jyp buliding while talking about a manhwa?? local police issued another warning and instructed local public to not come near the jyp building at night.
rumours have been spreading all around the kpop scene about karina and serim actually being a married couple who are going through a divorce. this rumour has been getting backed up by the n number of clips of karina glaring at serim.
last but not the least, local woman was seen having a breakdown and vrying while reading the last chapter. she reported that she felt a strong violent urges towards karina and that her wife serim deserves better. (im local woman)
can we appreciate chiro doing this every single update, truly another level of dedication, love u chiro 🫂 also, hope you get better, sweetheart, take care of yourself !!
NOT SERIM PULLING TAYLOR SWIFT TOO ?? sagittarius sweethearts. shut up, this is the most unexpected love triangle to come out of business matter (or is it?) and i totally support it
who won the new skirts vs suppernora staring contest make your bets
never have i ever seen a woman pull so many women and scare them away so fastly, it's truly admirable
chiro you have too many jobs what do u mean you're a knet now
she's a certified FREAK, she likes bald men
red velvet members, the two exos remaining, some ncts going into sm building and seeing a bunch of protest trucks that read "why is karina acting insane AGAIN? don't know what you did, but i know it's your fault, sm" and just thinking it's normal
ryujin take your things and runaway, the cops are coming
my favorite marriage in crisis 🥰
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let-them-read-fics · 2 years
Jealousy, Jealousy
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Pairing: Siyeon x Fem!Reader
AU: Non-Idol
Warnings / Misc. -- Smut, Jealous Siyeon ;)
Word Count: 3,348
Summary: With your three year anniversary imminent and the need for a get-away pressing, Siyeon organizes a romantic weekend trip for the two of you to enjoy together. Everything goes according to plan in the beginning, but when a night of clubbing breathes new life into her passion for you, things get a bit derailed.
Disclaimer: This writing is a work of fiction, and no disrespect is meant for those mentioned herein.
A/N: Hello again, my lovely readers! Just stopping by to drop off this Singnie fic :) Jiu's story is next, so look forward to it! Hope you like this in the meantime 💖
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Moonlight Bar & Lounge, 11:42 PM
As the two of you peered up at the establishment’s buzzing, neon lights, Siyeon had to make a conscious effort to prevent her hand from dropping too low on your ass. 
She’d made a promise to you – back at the hotel and in her post-orgasm haze – that she would be on her best behavior while you were out celebrating as a way of repaying you. 
You, in return, vowed to let her do anything she wanted to you once you were back in private, so long as she kept things tame and didn’t go back on her word in the meantime. 
And, for what it was worth, she was really giving it her all.
But you looked absolutely divine in your formal outfit – radiant with a sultry undertone, capable of leaving her transfixed. It drove her crazy to know that hidden away beneath it, tucked out of view from prying eyes, your skin was painted with all of her marks. Splashes of color, hues of red and purple growing darker with time – her own personal claims on you. With how hard it had been for her to keep her mouth off of you earlier, she was surprised you had any skin left unmarked at all. 
“Two more hours, Singnie. Think you can handle it?” You asked, glancing at her as you both approached the door. 
She opened it, sending you a confident look all the while. “Of course I can.”
You hummed, unconvinced. “We’ll see about that.” 
When you passed her, a smirk pulled at the corner of your lips. Her gaze had fallen to your ass, again, watching its every move in silent admiration as she trailed behind you like a puppy. 
The reviews you’d read, though stellar, had failed to prepare you for just how nice the place was. Its intimate ambience beckoned you in at once, extending an easy-going hand, inviting you to look around and see for yourself everything that it had to offer. 
Things were darkened inside, creating an aura of sensuality and mystery despite the openness of the layout. Hues of black and blue accented the furniture and decorations, in line with the established theme of intrigue. Large skylights were centered in the ceiling, allowing plenty of moonlight in to do as it so pleased. 
A dance floor called from the far side of the room, comfortably crowded and taking up about half of the venue. Couches and chairs were situated around tables on the other side, strategically dotting the available area so as to award parties their privacy. 
The bar was large, stretching out far and wide as it stood ready to greet you upon your arrival. A busy bartender met Siyeon’s eye when he glanced up, vigorously shaking a drink. 
“Welcome, ladies!” He smiled warmly. “It’s great to have you tonight.”
You thanked him with a smile as well, and Siyeon extended the same courtesy. Her arm fell to your waist again mindlessly – completely out of habit as she turned to survey everything. 
“How about we get a table first?” She suggested, subtly motioning towards them with her head. “Then we can dance for a bit, if you’d like.”
“Sure, babe. That sounds perfect.”
One Hour Later
Put simply, Siyeon seemed to be out to get you. 
Though she was your girlfriend, the love of your life, your protector – something truly sadistic shined in her dark eyes as she peered at you from the other side of the table, smirking around the rim of her glass. 
She watched you squirm in your seat a little, feigning oblivion as her foot traveled up your calf, teasing. 
Somewhere between her first and second rounds of wine she had undone the top few buttons of her blouse, and the seductive way she pressed closer to the table, arms crossed just below her chest, put her cleavage on full display. The edge of her bra was visible, too, but that was a detail likely only perceptible to you, considering your proximity and inability to focus on anything else. 
Every bit of her prior innocence was gone without a trace, eclipsed by the desire she felt, which was becoming harder and harder to maintain a grip on. 
The alcohol in your system was weakening your inhibitions, too; coaxing them to vanish as her charm worked its magic, promising release for you the second you asked for it. It showed in her eyes – which shamelessly drank in the sight of you – and the subtle bite of her lip. She appeared collected, but you knew that in reality she was far from it.
You downed your last bit of wine in an effort to distract yourself. 
As you lowered your glass, the ring on your finger shimmered, catching the attention of one of the club’s cycling lights. Siyeon looked at it proudly; it was the promise ring that she had given you this morning.
Wordlessly she reached forward, palm upturned. 
The musing, pleased smile on her lips would be your demise. You were sure of it. 
But even still, you extended your hand and placed it in hers, following her unspoken request. She held it close, rubbing her thumb across the back of it in soothing, easy strokes. 
Nothing made her happier than knowing you were hers.
“Ready to dance?” She asked, trying not to sound too eager. The thought of having your body against hers was ruining her in all the best kinds of ways. 
She was fiending for it.
You took a deep breath, steadying yourself for what was to come. She knew that asking was unnecessary, but she took pleasure in seeing you squirm. 
“Sure.” You swallowed. 
Happily, she finished off her wine. 
Leaving behind your empty glasses and appetizer plates, she stood up and led you to the dance floor.  
30 Minutes Until Promise Is Completed
The DJ was a true professional at his craft, and you decided at once that he deserved the biggest raise imaginable.
…do DJs get raises?
Regardless, he was owed one. 
His choices of song, paired with the seamless transitions and mixes that he conducted, set the mood of the lounge and kept everyone's energy high. A strong bassline carried throughout the place, thrumming consistently and so powerfully you felt it in your very being. 
Like an undercurrent, it flowed around you. Pushing and pulling, leading you out just to lure you back in again.
Siyeon moved in time with you, hanging onto the rhythm as you let loose. She kissed you occasionally, swept up in the heat of the moment and unable to resist your beauty. Her hands wandered, impossible to control as they made it their mission to tempt you. 
The couples around you all shared that sentiment as well – turning the air thick with sexual tension. 
Some grinded. Others groped. It was a plethora of positions and strides, all writhing and searching for relief – a statement piece on the human condition, plucked straight from a movie scene. From your place within it, amongst the welcome chaos, you could only imagine what a sight it was to behold from an outside perspective. 
A sudden buzzing tethered you back down to Earth, garnering your attention. It came from Siyeon’s front pocket, which was conveniently nestled right between your thighs. 
The contact made you tense at first, not expecting it, but it felt good. More than good, even. And far better than you cared to admit, considering you wanted to hold onto some of your pride. 
She felt it, too, but she didn’t pull away at first. Enjoying the show, she pressed it against you a little harder, coaxing your hips to gyrate, both to the rhythm of the song and in search of the vibrations. 
But once the phone rang a fourth time, you pushed her away with a dismissing laugh, telling her to go answer it. 
Your cheeks were flushed, and your heart was racing wildly within your chest. You covered your forehead with your palm, taking a deep breath as the people around you filled in the open space that her exit provided. 
The loss of contact with her allowed you to sober up the tiniest bit and get your head on straight. She was just like a drug.
Get a grip, you scolded yourself, shaking your head. This was ridiculous. Was going more than a few hours without fucking her really this impossible? You wanted it more than anything, but you didn’t want to give her the satisfaction of calling off your deal. It was made to prove a point, and you intended to keep it instated for that very reason.
You stole a glance at your watch. 
Only fifteen minutes left. That was doable, no?
Siyeon rolled her eyes as she slid up on the green button at the bottom of her screen. She had to fight the urge to just let it go unanswered.
Had it been anyone other than her boss, she likely would’ve. 
“Ah, Siyeon,” he greeted from the other end, a smile evident in his gravelly voice. “I’m glad I could reach you.”
She pressed her back to an open portion of the far wall, away from the more rowdy parts of the crowd. 
“Of course, sir,” she sighed, withholding the attitude that she wished to lace into it. 
She looked up at you, watching you sway gently in time with the music. The light of the room painted you beautifully – every shimmer and shadow fighting for its chance to cast across your skin. She couldn't help but admire you from afar.
"...yes, sir. I turned that report in to your assistant two days ago." She answered distantly, clearly not entirely focused on their conversation. 
He launched into a response, but Siyeon suddenly tensed and stood up straighter – intrigued for a completely different reason.
A woman was making her way over to you.
Like a shark circling its prey. 
The blonde danced along to the beat with a drink in her hand, sipping on it as she closed the remaining distance between you. Siyeon could only watch as she leaned down, smiling prettily as she introduced herself. 
You laughed at something she said and nodded lightheartedly, amused. 
“Siyeon? Are you there?”
Her lips pressed tightly into a line. “Yes, sir. Continue.”
He did, but again she couldn’t pay much attention. She was too focused on the two of you standing far too close for her liking, and the nonchalant way that the woman invited you to join her for a dance. 
To Siyeon’s annoyance, you agreed and stepped forward. 
She drew you in and briefly settled a hand on your hip as the two of you got accustomed to the new song that the DJ started playing. You followed her lead, allowing her to sway with you. 
She was attractive, and the sight of you together stoked the fire of jealousy within Siyeon.
For what it was worth, though, you didn’t attach any deeper meaning to the exchange. You were simply dancing, after all, and you'd made it a point to flash your ring a few times to avoid any misunderstandings.
But Siyeon was in a different state entirely. 
Her blood boiled, and her grip on her phone tightened audibly. The poor thing groaned and squeaked from the pressure, pleading for her to ease up.
The woman locked eyes with her over your shoulder, practically taunting her as she dipped you down. The angle provided Siyeon an achingly beautiful view of your body, tempting her to admire the lines and curves that you created; but she was sobered up by the fact that it wasn’t exclusive to her. 
In that moment, anyone – including that woman – could see you looking so gorgeously spread out. 
That was her final straw.
She abruptly excused herself from the call, assuring her boss that she’d dial him up again at the first chance she got, before hanging up without another thought.
Bitterness radiated from her with every step that she marched closer to you, practically fuming. She moved people aside along the way, providing an opening for herself to return to you. 
You were uprighted by the woman at once and subsequently seized by Siyeon, who loomed angrily behind you. You were oblivious to the situation until you felt her presence as she entered your personal space. 
She emitted tension, and the sensation made you tremble; the territorial look she gave deterred the blonde, who raised her hands in a show of innocence before smiling knowingly and ambling to another part of the dance floor. 
Hesitantly, you went to turn around and face Siyeon. But her sudden grip on your hips prevented that, keeping you as you were.
Something firm pressed against your ass as she pulled you in, rutting with a restrained sort of gentleness that seemed difficult to maintain. It caught you off guard at first, but the swell of it, straining against the fabric of her pants, was something you'd recognize anywhere. 
It was your favorite toy. She had secretly put it on before you left the hotel earlier. Cheeky. 
How had you not noticed it before?
She ground against you again, aiming to give you a better feel for it, but made sure to remain somewhat inconspicuous to the people around you. Her hands caressed your sides, tentatively working their way downwards as she attempted to gauge your reaction. 
Her lips brushed the shell of your flushed ear, upturning the slightest bit in triumph when she felt your breath hitch. Your head turned to the side and your chin tilted ever-so-slightly, granting her full access.
“Do you feel that?" She asked lowly, clenching her jaw. “What you do to me?”
She couldn’t have cared less about the promise in that moment even if she had wanted to. With you looking as good as you did and flaunting yourself like that… behaving really was no longer an option. 
You nodded fervently, lacking the gift of speech. 
“You’re going to take care of that for me. Right now,” she emphasized, taking a hold of your wrist. 
Chest heaving, you turned around to face her. She shoved your hand between her legs, making you cup the toy as she pressed a harsh kiss to your lips. You melted into it, weak within her strong embrace. Obediently, you groped her again, making the other side of it rub up against her clit. You swallowed up the encouraging moan that she let out at the action.
She begrudgingly pulled away after a moment, but only enough to take your hand again and impatiently drag you towards the front door. Her movements weren’t the most graceful – seeing as that she bumped the two of you into other guests and nearly fumbled over her own feet along the way – but they were endearing. She wanted you so badly that appearing composed no longer mattered to her. 
And that feeling was beyond mutual.
- The Parking Lot -
Although they gave it their all to be seen, the city’s bright lights were muted by the thick fog that covered the windows of Siyeon’s car; they were mere blurs in the distance, becoming increasingly dulled with time. 
The steam served as an immediate tell of what was happening inside, just in case any particularly dimwitted onlookers failed to put two and two together after observing the rocking of the car. 
Part of you was afraid the entire thing would fall apart at any moment, based on how roughly Siyeon was taking you. 
Her body clung desperately to yours, only parting long enough for her to draw the toy out of you and drill it back in as she took you from behind. Her skin met yours repeatedly, filling the cabin of the car with filthy noises that made you wetter than you thought possible. 
“Fuck, baby,” she cursed, pressing your head further down into the seat as the snap of her hips grew messier and more erratic. Her fingers tightened in your hair, making your eyes water the slightest bit.
You smiled triumphantly, feeling the cool leather soothe your heated cheek. 
The decorative beads hanging from the rear view mirror clacked together, consistently colliding with the back of it.
Rhythmically, the press of your hips fell in time with her thrusts; you met in the middle, getting the most out of each and every move. Your muscles ached something wild, but you were beyond caring at that point; all that mattered was Siyeon, and ensuring that she got what she wanted. 
“Does it feel good?” You panted.
“So good, jagi,” she groaned, voice raspy, as she lolled her head to the side. 
Her hazy eyes landed on the hickies that she had left at the small of your back earlier, which she brought her free hand up to caress. Beneath her fingertips, your muscles flexed from the impact that she inflicted; they strained with the desperate, searching rutt of your hips as well, never stopping for a second. 
You were such a whore for her; she loved it.
"I wish you could see yourself like this," she mused through heavy breaths, palming your skin. "Taking me so well. God, you're so perfect." 
Her harsh thrusts mellowed into long, sensual ones as she focused on grinding against you. The ridges of the toy slid across your velvety walls as she humped, stimulating you further. She watched the length of it disappear inside of you repeatedly, only to reappear glistening more and more each time. 
You reached a shaky hand out to brace yourself, aware that she was getting close by the tremble of her legs.
All of the friction her clit was receiving was pushing her closer and closer to the edge. The other end of the toy moved inside of her as well, heightening the effect of even your most subtle motions. 
When your head fell forward and came to rest against your extended arm, she leaned down, seizing the opportunity to kiss your exposed neck. The way her body aligned with yours, completely bare and heated, made you moan. 
She left new marks everywhere she liked, taking her time.
A soft, pleased grunt resounded in her throat when you lifted your hips and grinded back into her, languidly working yourself along the toy. She stilled her movements and let you continue for a bit, reveling in the intimate feeling. 
"Head up, angel." She instructed, grazing her teeth across your pulsepoint. 
You obeyed and raised it, fighting exhaustion. 
Her lips found yours, and you immediately surrendered control of the kiss over to her. Despite knowing you'd grant it without hesitation, she still asked for permission by licking your bottom lip. 
You opened up, sighing as her tongue met yours. 
Instinctively, your walls fluttered at the feeling; she deepened the kiss, doing as she wanted.  
She snaked a hand down your body and pressed her fingertips to your clit, toying with it. She spread your slick around, proud of the mess of it that coated your thighs and pussy. It dripped down your legs, only turning her on more. 
Needing air, you broke the kiss. She clearly felt like showing a little mercy, as she allowed you the chance to catch your breath and kissed your shoulder in the meantime. 
When the toy hit your g-spot again following a particularly sensual roll of her hips, you whined pathetically at the feeling.
“Who do you belong to?”
“You, Siyeon,” you exhaled shakily.
“And who's the only one that gets to fuck you like this?” She pressed, voice commanding. 
You moaned, forgoing pride. “You.”
“That’s right, Y/N/N,” she grinned evilly, pushing herself back up. Her hands went to the small of your back again, applying a tantalizing pressure as you obediently arched for her, already knowing what she wanted. 
She wasn’t even close to being done with you yet. 
“Now, start counting. If you make it to twenty, I might just let you cum.”
The sound of her hand slapping your ass filled the car at once, intoxicating you in an entirely new way. 
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prettygirl-gabi · 21 days
Side by side
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Rating: General Audiences
Warning: none...
Fandom:Seventeen (SVT) (boyband)
Relationships: !non-idol The8 x !non-idol f reader
Summary: Opposites attract in humans just as much as magnets do, maybe even more.
Trope: Opposites attract
Hiiiii everyone who is reading! Welcome to the eighth installment of my new mini series called "Oi! Not this again!" They do not have to be read together or in order! I hope you all enjoy!
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My life has always been a well-tuned orchestra, a symphony of precision and meticulous notes. A place for everything and everything in its place—that’s my mantra. But somehow, amidst all that careful structuring, you've managed to make your way into the chaos I so desperately try to avoid. And honestly, I didn't see it coming.
I stare at my reflection in the mirror, fixing a stray lock of hair. Tonight is important, not just because it's rare that I go out, but because you're going to be there. You—the riot to my calm, the spontaneity to my planning. The one who seems to live in the present moment with a free spirit I've never quite understood but always found intriguing.
Just as I’m about to leave, my phone buzzes. It's a text from, The8.
"Meet me at the park before the party? Need to talk," it reads.
Confusion knits my brow. We weren't supposed to meet until later. Still, your request feels urgent, and though curiosity has always been my bane, I can't resist it. Throwing on my coat, I head out into the brisk evening air.
The park is alive with the sounds of laughter, the smell of street food wafting through the trees. It’s as if the world knows something important is about to happen. I find you sitting on our favorite bench, the one under the biggest oak tree. You’re dressed casually, almost as if you'd pulled on the first thing you found.
"The8," I call softly, hoping not to startle you. You look up, and there's that smile—half mischief, half allure. But something is different tonight. There's an anxious edge in your eyes, a kind of restlessness that makes my heart race for all the wrong reasons.
“Y/N,” you begin, and just the sound of my name on your lips makes my resolve shake. “I’ve been thinking… about us.”
Us. The simple word sends shivers down my spine. For months, our connection has been a complex mystery. I've wanted to define it, to label it, but you always slipped through my fingers like water.
“Oh?” I say, trying to sound casual but failing miserably. “What about us?”
You let out a sigh, running a hand through your hair. “We’re so different, Y/N. You plan everything, down to the last second. You’re organized, methodical. And me? Well, I’m… not.”
I bite my lip, weighing my words carefully. “That’s what makes us work, though. We balance each other out.”
A sad smile tugs at your lips. “Do we? Or are we just pretending it’s working?”
The crack in my heart widens. "Why would you say that?"
"I love the way you keep me grounded," you admit softly, staring at your hands. "But sometimes... sometimes I feel like I'm holding you back. Like you’re compromising pieces of yourself to fit me in."
“No,” I say quickly, moving to sit beside you. “I’m not compromising. I’m growing. You’ve taught me to embrace the unexpected, The8. To appreciate the beauty in uncertainty.”
There's a silence that ensues, thick with unspoken words and unshed tears. I reach for your hand, holding it between both of mine. The warmth of your skin feels like home.
"Tell me what's really bothering you," I urge, trying to meet your eyes.
“I just... I don’t want you to regret choosing someone like me,” you whisper, your voice breaking. “Someone who’s all over the place.”
I shake my head emphatically. “Regret? No, never. I've never felt more alive, more myself, than when I'm with you.”
“But at what cost?” you counter, pain flashing in your eyes.
“Being with you is not a cost. It’s a choice I make every day because I want to. Because I need to.”
You finally look up at me, and in that moment, it feels like we’re on the precipice of something monumental. Like one wrong word could shatter everything we’ve built.
“Y/N,” you say, voice barely above a whisper. “Do you really believe we can make this work?”
My heart races. Do I? In truth, I don't know. But I know I'm willing to try.
“I believe in us,” I say firmly. “And sometimes, that’s enough.”
For the first time tonight, a genuine smile curves your lips. “You really think so?”
“I know so,” I say, squeezing your hand.
We sit there for what feels like hours, just holding onto each other. The world doesn’t disappear—but it feels manageable, bearable, because we’re facing it together.
"Y/N," you murmur. "I'm sorry if I made you doubt us."
I shake my head. "I'm guilty of doubting myself more often than I'd like to admit. But doubting us? It's hard when I'm with you," I reply, resting my head on your shoulder.
It’s amazing how the simple act of being with you has rearranged my life’s priorities, bringing into focus what really matters.
“Come on,” you finally say, standing up and pulling me with you. “Let’s go to that party. We promised we’d make an appearance.”
I nod, feeling lighter, more hopeful. Maybe we are opposites. But maybe, just maybe, opposites are exactly what we need to become something whole.
As we walk, hand in hand, towards the bright lights and loud music, I'm struck by the certainty that this—whatever it is, whatever it will become—is worth it. Worth the confusion, the doubt, and even the fear. Because with you by my side, I am more than willing to embrace the chaos and dance through life's uncertainties.
After all, isn’t that what love is all about?
“I wouldn't trade this for anything,” you say quietly, almost as if reading my thoughts.
“Me neither,” I reply, squeezing your hand a little tighter. “Not for anything.”
We walk on, side by side, our hearts beating in uncertain, beautiful sync.
‐Thank You For Reading!🩵🩶
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kisskissbanggang · 2 years
Provocation pt. 2
[3.9k words/15min Read, Lee Know x Female Reader - Non-Idol!au - NSFW/Smut w/Plot - Pegging, Situationships, Light D/S, Minor Bondage, Unexpected Identity Panic, Hyung Kink, Suit Kink, Feelings are Hard]
[Part 1 | Come Say Hi!]
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Minho called you hyung.
Minho called you hyung, and he was now currently locked in his bathroom in a mortified ball of nerves. You were both still only partially dressed as you tried to reason with him.
“Minho,” you half-sympathetically, half-sternly called through the door, “you need to let me in so we can talk about what just happened.”
“I promise you, we can talk about this later,” Minho barked back.
You sighed, stooping down to sit on the floor in front of the bathroom. Another sigh could be heard as Minho presumably joined you on the floor from where he sat inside.
“You can tell me if there’s someone else,” you gently offered.
Minho could be heard uncomfortably shifting behind the door. “There really isn’t.”
You paused for a beat, trying to decide what would be best, but instead coming up with two equally fine options that you couldn’t quite choose between at the moment. “Do you want me to leave?”
“... Yes, please. But not because you did anything.”
“I didn’t think I had,” you assured him, “but I’d appreciate it if we talk about this.”
“I’m already working on it.”
“Just… Call me, okay? Or text me…? Bye, Min.”
“Of course. Thanks. Bye.”
And, yeah, you didn’t think you’d done anything, but that didn’t stop you from freaking out once you quickly got dressed, grabbed your things, and rushed down to the parking garage to your car. You and Minho were not serious by any means. Minho was not expected to be committed to you whatsoever. And even though you thought you had a grip on this, finally had a grip on Minho and where the two of you stood, you still caught yourself so lost in thought that you ran a stoplight and nearly rear-ended the car in front of you. 
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A husky, beleaguered sigh exposed how annoyed you were with yourself and all of this, and you pulled up to the one cafe on the street that appeared to be open. There was a rare parking spot and you took this as a sign. The cafe was familiar now. You’d been here once before you and Minho fooled around at the museum. Actually, you and Minho ran into each other here, accidentally ordering the same drink. The memory of getting so flustered over him gave you butterflies. 
Lovely Cup was appropriately cute, with a counter up front, some booths and tables, and another counter near the back. This counter was where you settled upon, collapsing onto a barstool. Your head fell into your hands after you took the empty mug from its spot in front of you and flipped it over. Thankfully, you watched as your mug was filled – except a compact mirror was also slid across the bar top to you. You picked up your head and sheepishly pointed at the small mirror, looking for your mystery benefactor. The waitress on the other side of the bar smiled sympathetically.
“Is this for me?” you asked. 
“You look like you’re having a rough night,” the waitress explained, “and I didn’t want to be the stranger to just fix your hair like some psycho.”
Embarrassed yet grateful, you flipped open the mirror and took a look. Sure enough, in your hurry to flee from Minho’s apartment, you hadn’t tended to your ruffled hair or smudged makeup. You quickly patted down and roughly brushed your fingers through your hair before grabbing a napkin to smear off what excess makeup you could. Once you were as content as you figured you would be, you closed the mirror and held it back out for the waitress to retrieve.
“I like your bracelet,” you meekly complimented when she reached for the compact.
“Thanks!” the waitress beamed, chipper, giving you a better look at the simple band holding an American penny as a charm. “What brings you in, then? Trouble in paradise?”
She jolted when your gaze shot back up at her. You must have been giving her a look. 
“Sorry,” she quickly apologized, “I know it’s rude to pry.”
“No no,” you reassured her, “I’m just… wondering if it was even paradise to begin with.”
“Have you been together long?”
You thought about this while you sipped on your coffee. “Like, together? Not really. We’ve been seeing each other for a bit, but I don’t necessarily think we’re together.”
“I don’t get it,” the waitress replied flatly. “So what do you do with him? Do you see each other, like… outside of the bedroom?”
“We, uh,” you stalled, trying to think about it. “We go to yoga together sometimes. We get drinks, we go dancing, we’ve been to Ikea a few times, nothing I haven’t done with casual dates before–” “Wait,” the waitress interrupted, flabbergasted. “I’m sorry, you’ve been to Ikea? Multiple times? With casual dates before?”
“Well, no, that one’s been exclusive to this one, but–”
“But did you just pick up some new dish towels, or a whole new dresser?”
“I helped him pick out a new bed frame,” you abashedly clarified while you recalled the one morning you both finally got a bit too rowdy for his wooden four-poster.
“And you were both civil about it?” the waitress carefully asked. “You pointed at one and said ‘that one’ and he just went with it? Or maybe he said ‘no, this one’ and that was that?”
“No,” you heatedly ranted as you recounted how it happened, “because Minho is exactly the kind of idiot that likes to coordinate materials in each room and the whole kitchen is already accented in iron and the whole bedroom is accented in oak, and I told him twenty times that an iron bed frame would look amazing with the color palate and–”
You paused now, catching the waitress expectantly leaning back against the counter, arms folded with an eyebrow raised.
“Oh my god,” you miserably grumbled once you dropped your head back into your hands, “I do actually really like him. I think we actually might be a thing.”
“I don’t think there’s such a thing as platonic Ikea dates,” she mused, “not ones where you’re asked to help pick something and then fight over it.” The waitress stepped forward, tentatively helping lift your head out of your hands and topping off your coffee. “Did you just now realize you might be a thing? Or, for that matter, that you might be serious about him?”
You chewed on your lip, thinking back to that first morning after, the one on Minho’s balcony you shared following your tryst at the museum. “No,” you decided, “but it’s the first time I’m really acknowledging it.”
“Because something happened tonight that made you doubt it?”
The waitress paused when you curiously wondered how she knew that.
“I'm guessing,” she awkwardly explained with a gesture towards you, from messy hair to blotchy face, “based on… You know.”
You sighed. “I think he wants something more than I can provide him and he doesn’t know how to tell me that.”
“Is he stubborn? The proud, bottle-it-up type?” She paused, waiting for your exhausted nod. “Then how do you usually get him to open up about it?”
“Honestly? I usually confront him about it so forwardly that he has to step up to the plate or walk away until he can.”
“Couldn’t have suggested a better plan myself,” the waitress contentedly nodded her head.
“You seem to know the type,” you grinned.
“My boyfriend apparently works in an office that breeds guys just like yours, that or they employ them exclusively.”
You sat up a little expectantly, your interest instantly piqued. “And you snapped him out of it?”
“God, no,” she wheezed, “I’m not a magician, and I’m definitely no saint myself. We’re learning we have to – god forbid – talk about things, so I think your confrontation method could help start that up.”
“As long as you’re sure,” you smirked.
“As long as you report back,” the waitress smiled. 
You dug into your purse and grabbed a couple bills to set on the bar before she slid them back. “My treat,” she insisted. “Pay when you have a better night.”
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A confrontation seemed easy enough. You reviewed everything that had happened in the bedroom before Minho’s little slip. In the quest to cross things off both your lists in what you “brought out” in each other, you had finally found out how Minho enjoyed both giving and receiving. You were just warming Minho up when it happened, and your cleaned rubber member and harness had been sitting in your bag even while you bemoaned your woes to that waitress in the cafe by Minho’s apartment. 
And, now that you and Minho were hanging out again, even though you still had not talked about that night, you had a chance to try and start something.
Minho was getting ready at his dresser for another night out, checking his shave in the mirror while he spritzed some cologne onto his wrists to rub together and dot onto his neck. He jumped, but instantly melted into you when you came up from behind and nuzzled him behind his ear. 
“You smell good,” you softly murmured into his skin, “I love this cologne on you.”
This was going great. Minho even responded positively to you getting a hand on his hip and pressing up against him. You subtly grinded into him for a moment, savoring the way Minho was beginning to relax and roll his hips back against you, when you tried to take it a step further.
“You know,” you teased, letting the lilt in your voice make Minho shiver, “I brought something you may be interested in trying again–”
Minho disappeared from under your grasp so fast you were reeling.
“Hah, I knew it!” he triumphantly accused. “I knew you’d try to spook it out of me!”
“Minho,” you scolded, “we still haven’t–”
“I’m still not ready!” Minho excitedly countered. “You’ll either have to wait or try harder than that. Now come on, our reservations are in thirty minutes.” 
With that, Minho gleefully kissed you on the cheek and went to grab his keys while you stewed.
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Try harder. 
You were currently going mad doing just that, laying in your bed and staring at your ceiling. What else happened that day that Minho slipped up? You had texted each other in the morning and you told him you’d pick him up for drinks after work. You had gone to Minho’s office, a ridiculously nice building with five receptionists just at his company’s front desk alone. Minho had been running a little late from his meeting and you saw him down the hall when he emerged, yukking it up with the guys on his team as they spilled out of the conference room.
They were still talking shop, laughing obnoxiously and swapping crude jokes when you self-consciously noticed maybe four sets of eyes had landed on you. One was Jisung, of course, who simply gave you a cheery wave while he bantered with the others. He was already fairly aware of what was going on between you and his brother, and even though it still wasn’t a conversation you’d really had yet, nothing seemed to be ruining their relationship. Not to mention that as the younger of the two, Jisung absolutely was not Minho’s hyung, regardless of whether or not they were fully brothers which they assuredly weren’t. 
The other set of eyes on you for a moment belonged to Seungmin, which made you both bashfully jump for a second. Seungmin did eventually explain himself and apologize profusely, just like he promised Minho after your run-in at the museum, but it wasn’t exactly like the two of you were friends all of a sudden. The last two sets of eyes on you were, of course, Minho, almost looking relieved to see you – and someone you’d never seen before. 
The young executive appeared to be in charge as, no matter how many times anyone glanced at you at the end of the hall, they were all listening intently to every word he said. This stranger was undeniably handsome, someone perhaps Minho’s age or a little older, unmistakably defined under his ludicrously nice suit, and very well taken care of, whether that was by himself or someone else. 
And Minho, particularly, had been paying careful attention to him, up until the moment this mystery man clapped a hand on Seungmin’s shoulder and led him down the hallway away from their group. 
With the exec gone, Minho had finally jogged over to you, almost in a rush to get going now. “Thank god,” he’d enthused with a devilish gleam in his eye, “that was torture. Meetings like that always get me so fired up, I could tear you apart right now.” He may have even looked a little flushed, now that you came to think about it.
So maybe it was the meeting? Made sense. Work probably got him all mixed up. 
You probed Minho about his job a little more diligently from that point on, waiting for just the right day when you finally got what you were looking for.
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>>Ugh, today is torture. I’m not looking forward to my meeting this afternoon, but I’ll survive.
<<How about I pick you up and we can do something after? I’m sure you could blow off some steam.
Easy as that, you were back in the lobby of Minho’s office waiting for his meeting to get out, and it was the same dance all over again. A friendly wave from Jisung, a tepid glance and nod from Seungmin as he hurriedly excused himself to go badger some young intern, and a cryptic gaze you caught from the nameless executive before Minho jogged up to you, except he paused a few steps away this time. He really did seem frazzled again, maybe a little flushed again, and he was very aware of your outfit.
You’d gone with a suit, for the first time since you met him. It wasn’t particularly masculine by any means, you still had on a nice pair of heels and a cute cropped top under your suit jacket draped over your shoulders, but you’d gone with a suit nonetheless. The idea was to get under his skin in just the way he knew you liked to, maybe bring the meeting into the bedroom.
And it definitely felt like you struck the intended nerve when Minho accidentally slammed you into your dresser back at your apartment, having skipped drinks or a date whatsoever and going straight to afterwards. 
“Sorry, sorry– ow!” Minho grunted against your lips when you returned the favor, turning you both so you could back him up against the dresser.
“What’s got you all worked up, Min?” you sweetly asked, maintaining an alluring edge while you slipped off his tie and jacket.
“Just work stuff– fuck!” Minho gasped when you whipped his belt out from its loops. You dropped the belt on the bed behind you before you got his tie back between your fingers. He sucked in a sharp breath as you draped the neck tie over his eyes and knotted it in the back. Next, his belt was wrapped meticulously around his wrists. Minho jumped.
“This alright?” you carefully asked. Minho nodded adamantly, letting out a content sigh with a shiver of pleasure when he felt your fingers trace down his shirt, unbuttoning your way down his toned chest before you brazenly smoothed your palm over the rigid length in his slacks. “You know what I want to do to you?”
“I have a pretty good idea,” Minho taunted, cracking a grin at you, still flustering you even while he was blindfolded. You gently squeezed his hard-on again, making him involuntarily flex inward with a groan.
“So you do want to try again?”
“Please,” Minho nodded, quietly cursing as you ran a hand over his shoulders before you pushed him face first into your bed.
“Then be good and sit still. I’m right here.”
Minho shivered again when you stroked a hand down his back. With the relaxed and flared fit of your suit pants, you’d managed to wear a low-profile harness unannounced, making this a fairly easy transition as you picked out a non-threatening model from your modest collection of toys and a bottle of lube before you sat on the bed and dragged Minho closer by his bound wrists. He was so serenely compliant as you stroked his hair with one hand and fed your dildo between his lips with the other. Minho let out a groan, something you couldn’t stand to ignore until you reached over to push his slacks and briefs down. Now Minho was obediently bent over your bed before you knelt up to admire him, savoring the fake phallus in his mouth before you reached back with your other hand and began to soothe and caress your fingertips down to his ass.
“Baby,” Minho whined, “more–”
“No,” you gently tutted at him, “not baby. Tell hyung what you want.”
“Oh come on–!” Minho sputtered, backing up in your hold a second before he let out a sharp moan when you rubbed into his entrance. You momentarily relinquished the rubber cock while you coated your fingertips in lube before you returned to teasing him.
“Come on, Min,” you prodded, “you can do this. I know you love the way I get under your skin.” You knew you were being ruthless, punctuating your taunt with a thrust of your fingers. Minho shuddered and bent over more into the bed. “Tell your hyung what you want.” you encouraged him again.
“I–” Minho gasped as he rocked back against your fingers. “I want you to fuck me. Fuck me, hyung.”
“There we go,” you praised, “such a good boy for hyung.”
You slid the forefinger of your other hand under Minho’s chin, tilting his head around towards you so you could give him a deep kiss, the caress of your tongue on his making him whine even more against your fingers. This was, in fact, a million times easier – and maybe even better – than your previous attempt started out. Once you were satisfied with his stretch, you slid your cock of choice into your harness while you strode around behind Minho. You gently, sweetly swept his work shirt down his biceps but kept it on him, looking almost pretty slung off his shoulders like this as you took your time rocking your length into him.
“Oh fuck,” Minho whimpered, “it’s so good, hyung, it’s so fucking good.”
The sheer deviousness you felt from getting such a reaction out of Minho made you feel invincible, made you feel unstoppable and irresistible in a way you’d never experienced before in having your partner be so pliant and submissive. You gripped onto Minho’s hips as you fucked him. He was really putty in your hands, letting you work him over however you wanted. If you lightly slapped the soft skin of his firm ass or teased his nipples, he whined. If you hooked a finger or two into his lip, he hungrily lapped at the digits. It was so good, that just the small friction from thrusting against Minho was adding to the intense arousal coursing through you. When you reached down to play with his cock, you found his hot length was coated in precum.
“So wet for hyung, aren’t you,” you teased, “are you close?”
“Yes, hyung, fuck,” Minho cursed, “if you keep this up I’ll cum.”
“Good, baby,” you praised, “tell me how you want to do it.”
“Ah fuck, I don’t know,” Minho shook his head with a broken laugh, “just keep fucking me.”
“What if,” you grinned, pumping as deep as you could and getting a good cry out of him, “what if you fuck me?”
Minho went rigid against you at your suggestion.
“Fuck your hyung, baby,” you cooed with a grin as you slipped his blindfold off, “fuck me and show me what you can do.”
Your exploratory remark worked amazingly as you tried to get a feeling for what exactly Minho wanted out of this. Maybe too amazingly as you slipped Minho’s improvised restraints and blindfold off before he immediately grappled you down onto the bed. Right away, he quickly stripped you of your suit pants. Your legs were roughly kicked apart and pinned up when Minho pulled the crotch of your harness aside to tease his length into you.
“Oh– fuck– Minho, show me what you want, give it to me,” you desperately goaded. It was almost cute, the way Minho grabbed your fake erection and stroked it while he sank into you. 
“You feel so good like this, hyung–” he choked out. 
“Close your eyes baby, really feel what you're giving me,” you instructed. Minho did as he was told, letting his eyes fall shut and soon enough, his hips fell into a smooth rhythm even while he had you practically bent in half. 
“Gonna wreck you, hyung, really show you what you’ve been missing,” Minho groaned under his breath as he fucked you harder. You bit into your lip, letting Minho fully fall into this fantasy the best that you could help him to do. It almost felt sinful, how much pleasure you got out of Minho living out whatever it was going through his mind. By now, Minho’s breaths were growing more ragged and you held down a moan, feeling your own orgasm coming soon, too. Minho’s hips rocked hard against you as he had you almost folded in half with your knees in your chest while he continued stroking your rubber cock, giving you just enough friction to finally ride off this high into a blissful orgasm. Your head pressed back into your sheets as you gasped and sighed around Minho’s length. He wasn't far behind, it seemed, and now you wrapped your legs tight around him. 
“Oh, fuck, hyung,” Minho hungrily moaned, groaning deep as you grabbed onto his arm for support, “I’m going to cum inside you so goddamn hard. Fuck, hyung – oh fuck, Chan, I'm gonna–”
Minho's fingers clawed into your hips as he shuddered inside you, but your eyes had snapped wide open while his own stayed dazedly shut. 
He shakily gathered his breath before he carefully withdrew from you, and ultimately collapsed on the bed beside you. 
“Hmm?” Minho asked, half lucid, face still in the sheets.
You were internally screaming.
But that was too fucking bad.
You steeled yourself with a composing breath.
“I was just wondering… just now… You said Chan.”
Minho’s eyes flew open now. He hadn’t even realized what he’d said. The bed rocked, the mattress squeaking with how fast Minho scrambled to sit up. Now he was internally screaming.
You both could only stare at each other for a minute. 
And all you could think to do was supportively hold his hand. 
Minho was mortified, staring at his hand in yours until he coughed out a miserable laugh. “I… Heh, I guess… You really do bring it out of me.”
“You don’t have to,” you carefully encouraged, “but can you tell me who that is?”
Minho had already assured you there was no one else, and you trusted him. There was no way it was actually so bad. It all had to be nerves. 
Minho clearly fought with himself, back and forth a few times, before grabbing a pillow. You watched as he pushed it into his face and got up off the bed, cursing into it while he walked back into the bathroom to lock himself in.
Square one.
Maybe it wasn’t just nerves.
[Who's Chan?]
[To be continued.]
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the-bar-sinister · 4 months
The Nature of the Law (694 words) by thesavagesabretooth
Apollo listened eagerly, taking notes as Mr. Gavin interviewed their client.
After a while his boss turned to him with a sweet smile. "Today's an interesting day, Justice. This case is worth doing a little of our own investigation."
"Sir?" Apollo gave him a quizzical look. Defense Attorneys weren't strictly allowed on crime scenes after all– that was prosecutorial business.
Gavin wagged a finger at him however. "Tut tut, Justice. We won't do anything illegal, obviously. Come along. The game's afoot!"
They'd been poking around the scene of the crime for about an hour. Mr. Gavin had gotten permission from the detective in charge with a smiling conversation.
It was thrilling, really. Not part of the job that he typically had gotten to see yet in his internship. Not technically part of the job at all, though he knew his idol, Phoenix Wright was known for doing such things.
Still, the more they investigated, the more Apollo began to feel unsettled.
"Sir," Apollo finally said, pulling his boss aside quietly. "I'm starting to get a bad feeling about this."
Gavin cocked an eyebrow. "Oh? Do elaborate, Justice."
"Well…" he rubbed his arm, his fingers trailing over his old bracelet. "I'm starting to get the feeling that our client actually did it."
Kristoph Gavin smiled. "Oh, is that all? Yes, Justice, well spotted. That does seem to be the very likely probability. I've expected that the entire time. Even before I took her case."
Apollo looked up at him with wide eyes. "You did? But–"
"The law is absolute, Apollo," Kristoph said, lifting his chin up. "It is absolute, and it applies equally to every person, to widows and to orphans, in every case, without regard for pity. But courtroom procedure, thank lady justice, is part of the law. Our client may have killed someone, but we will see to it that the law does not find her guilty. I invoked Sherlock Holmes earlier, did I not?"
"You did," Apollo murmured.
"In the stories of Sherlock Holmes, it was solving the mysteries that were important to Holmes," Kristoph explained. "He often, in his mercy, let a criminal escape. Refused to explain the mystery or even lied to the police to allow it to be so. Sometimes the law and justice are incompatible."
"The law and justice are incompatible?"
"Sometimes," Kristoph said. "The law is absolute, as I said. It is a blunt instrument when its wielded by the prosecution, without pity and without mercy. We are Defense Attorneys. And it is our job– our duty– to protect our client from the law wherever we can. It is their right to a good defense."
"But…" Apollo wrinkled his nose. "But sir, she killed someone."
"Indeed," Kristoph agreed. "At least that would appear to be the case. But what do you think of the victim? Now that we've had a chance to do some investigating."
Apollo bit his lip, thinking over the evidence. He didn't like it. He didn't like it at all. "It ah, it seems like he beat her quite badly, sir. For a long time."
"And do you think our client has suffered enough, perhaps?" Kristoph looked down at his student.
"I don't know, sir, that's not up to me to decide."
Kristoph shook his head. "No, Apollo Justice, it isn't. It's up to the judge to decide. The law is our battlefield, and we are defense attorneys. A defense attorney is a shield against the attack of the law. And the law attacks the evil, and the good with equal and pitiless ferocity. We must do our duty as a proper shield. If you would like to be a sword of the law instead, you will have to join the prosecution."
"I… understand, sir," Apollo said, thinking it over. "It just seems… morally dubious."
"Perhaps, Justice. But the law and morality aren't the same thing. The law is a great web in which we are all ensnared. Thank lady justice that the web has as many holes as it does strands, wouldn't you say?"
Kristoph offered his hand to his pupil. "Now come along, Justice, and we'll properly prepare our shield at the office."
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justhere4kpop · 2 years
A/N: Hi guys okay this is my first story. Its just a little oneshot. Thanks to @theaufanartist for reading it first!! ❤️❤️ I'm really nervous. I couldn't decide who to write about at first so I just went with who I thought about while writing. I have more in the works but they're definitely going to be longer than I anticipated. Let me know what you think!
Warnings: None but I could be wrong. I really just tried to write fluff!
Pairing: Yunho x Reader
Jeong Yunho, Stage name: Yunho, Birthday: March 23rd, 1999, Zodiac Sign: Aries, Height: 185cm (6’1”), Weight…
“WEIGHT?!” I screamed looking at the web page again. “First of all, that's so creepy and second, who cares?”
“y/n?!” said the 185cm man who just ran into the living room of our shared apartment. “What’s wrong? Why are you yelling?” He looked at me with a pout.
“Nothing just internet stalking you like I do every month, did you know kprofiles has your weight listed?” I held up my computer.
“Why did I think it was going to be an actual emergency?” Yunho let out a sigh as he sat on the couch next to me. “You can’t just scream like that. It makes me worried you’re hurt.”
“Aww does someone care about lil ole me?” I smiled up at him.
“As your secret idol boyfriend I absolutely do.” he smiled back at me as he pulled me into him from my spot on the couch.
“And what about as my not secret idol boyfriend?”
“Yes he cares about you too.” he kissed the top of my head. “Are you done stalking me on the internet now that I’m right here?”
“For now.” I closed my laptop and set it on the coffee table.
Yunho and I grew up together, the Jeong’s were my neighbors when I was a kid and since Yunho and I are the same age we were practically forced to hang out by our parents….although a few years down the line we stopped hating it so much. Yunho was my best friend, we could never stay apart for long even after he moved to Seoul. I remember when he left Gwangju in high school, of course he left right as I figured out that….maybe I liked him a little more than just my best friend. I didn’t want to hold him back from doing what he wanted. I was never one to be selfish, so I let him go. I would come visit as often as I could with school and getting a part-time job. I hated asking my dad for money all the time. It was weird my last visit 4 years ago ended with me staying, I just had finally had enough of being apart from him. My dad convinced me to just do what made me happy. I moved to Seoul for University and got an internship as a stylist at KQ.
The guys, especially Mingi, would tease Yunho all the time for his crush on me. I think they figured it out before he did. Well that’s what they’ll say, sometimes I think Yunho was scared to “ruin” things.
“Starshine, where’d you go?” The man next to me pulled me back from my daydream.
“Hmm?” I looked up at Yunho who was rubbing my arm. “Sorry just reminiscing. What’s up?”
“I asked what you wanted for dinner?”
“Oh, Fried Rice? I have a lot of leftover rice I should use and various things.”
“Sounds perfect.” he smiled.
Yeah 4 years together does sound perfect.
Yunho does his best to keep me protected from the limelight. Stay a little mysterious, doesn’t mean I don’t see the hate comments, or the tweets or anything bad. Sometimes they hurt a little more than I should let them, I mean these people don’t know me but….you still don’t want to hear or read that you’re hurting your boyfriend's career.
“Our anniversary is coming up!….4 years!” Yunho called out from the living room.
“I know dummy. I wouldn't forget it.”
“I can’t wait to give you your gift!!”
“Is it you in that tight black sweater?”
“No…..I could make it a part of that I guess!”
“I’d like that!” I called back after finishing up dinner. “Now get in here and eat.”
We had to work the day of our anniversary. There was a comeback soon so we had to finalize the designs for the outfits. The boys were in dance practice all day but we stole them a few times to measure and look at fabrics. Not the most stressful day but you know what they say, the calm before the storm. Yunho had worn that black sweater originally but I knew he wasn’t going to dance in it all day, he’d definitely overheat and pass out and then I’d be upset. He did wear it for me though. He also bought dinner for us to have at the studio since we were going to be running late. It’s not the most romantic but we’ll celebrate formally when we have time, you’d think he’d figure out that as long as he’s there that’s all I want.
The stylist team and I had finally finished our schedule for the day, unfortunately or…fortunately the boys were still practicing. So I had popped in like normal to wait until they finished. Yunho of course had the biggest grin when he saw my head peek through.
“Y/N!!!!” A chorus of boys yelled.
“You act like I haven’t seen any of you all da-aaAYY Yunho! Put Me Down!” I squealed being lifted off the ground.
“I missed you.” he said, putting me down cupping my cheek.
“You saw me 3 hours ago for dinner.” I chuckled.
“I miss you everytime.”
“Aww Yuyu.”
“Pffft Yuyu.” Wooyoung and Yeosang chuckled quietly behind the man at his nickname.
“You only do that to embarrass me.” Yunho rolled his eyes.
“And it works every time!” I smiled and pecked his lips which he hungrily returned full force.
“Okay just one more song to practice. Watch us pleaseeee” he pouted and squeezed my hand.
“Okay okay, not like I’m going anywhere.” I nodded and went to sit down before Yunho practically threw a chair right next to the camera that was filming them.
“There please!”
I gave him a knowing look, he was up to something. All the guys gave each other a nod. I see this is part of a surprise he had planned.
The music had started and it was one of my favorites. Of course I’d say that about any of their songs if I’m honest. However, the song was Promise, it's surely one of the more love song…songs. I watched as they did the choreography I’ve seen a million times (and probably done in my living room while Yunho was in the shower.) The lyrics hit me the way they always do, especially when I can’t help but feel like Yunho is performing this one for me. It’s the final chorus, just before that outro when Yunho takes a suspicious walk over to his jacket hanging on the wall hoping he was quick enough I wouldn’t notice. Jongho and San are finishing their part before they all part like the sea and Yunho walks to the front….Well that’s different from the original…….
“No one take you down.” San had finished.
Why is…..Why is Yunho….on….his….knee….
“Y/N. Starshine.” Yunho started. “When I first left to come to Seoul I didn’t understand why it hurt so bad to see you standing on the platform. I understood those feelings more and more every time I had to say goodbye when you’d leave again- ``''Yunho, if you're doing what I think you are, I really need you to ask faster.” I said tears already forming in my eyes.
“Let me finish!” he smiled. “I don’t ever want to go a day without you by my side any more. Remember what I said, I won’t let go of your hand. I promise you. Y/N, I love you will you-” “YES!” I jumped on him.
“You didn’t let me finish.” he chuckles but I was already crying into his shoulder.
“You ask too slow, and you used song lyrics.” I said through the happy sobs. “It doesn’t change my answer anyways. It’ll always be yes.”
No matter what darkness you walk in
Even if the only road is blocked on all sides
Remember what I said
I won't let go of your hand
I promise you.
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wooahaes · 2 years
partners in (solving) crime
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pairing: non-idol!seungcheol x gn!PI!reader
prompt: mystery
word count: 0.8k~
warnings: missing person’s mention. cheol bein a lil dumb but its ok. mentions of reader potentially being in dangerous situations via precautions they took.
daisy’s notes: i have no thoughts my head is empty
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There was something abnormally cozy about investigating with you during fall. Maybe it was the warm way the two of you were bundled up on a crisp autumn night, the familiar chill of late October in the air; or maybe it was the way you’d treated Seungcheol to a coffee when the two of you met up. Or maybe it was because he was used to this part of investigating with you. The police hadn’t done anything for your client, and Seungcheol knew that you were the softer of the two. Maybe it was because this was your main source of income (Seungcheol was the person who worked between the two of you--someone had to pay for the office space you two rented), or maybe because you were genuinely someone who wanted to help people: Seungcheol was almost one-hundred-percent positive it was the latter.
Not that money didn’t motivate you in the slightest. Seungcheol knew a damn good paycheck could redeem a shitty client any day. But a missing person’s case that the police refused to do anything about? He knew you were motivated to help more out of goodwill than greed.
Which was why he watched you pull at the gates of an old house that was seemingly abandoned--and, in his opinion, looked haunted as shit. The people you’d interviewed had reported seeing the missing person fucking around here before he was reported missing by his older sister. She’d looked at you and told you that he wouldn’t just run off. Not without talking to her. They were too close for that.
“Is it breaking and entering if no one lives here?”
Seungcheol nearly rolled his eyes. “Technically its second-degree burglary.”
(The things that Seungcheol would look up for you to keep your ass from getting arrested...)
“Okay, but,” you pointed through the gates toward a second-story window. “Do you see it?”
Seungcheol leaned in, his face closer to yours as he followed your direction. He could see a flickering light upstairs.
“What if,” you looked at him, “it��s morse code?”
“You already know, don’t you?”
You had to hide a smile at how well Seungcheol knew you. You pulled out your phone, pulling up your notes app. “I recorded it yesterday when I came here alone. I didn’t wanna just... bust in there, y’know? And you were busy, so I didn’t have someone to watch my back. But,” you turned your phone to him. “S.O.S. Didn’t his sister say he was a boy scout?”
“So he’d know it...” Seungcheol took your phone. “So you think he’s inside?”
You nodded. “I just don’t know who else is in there."
“If he’s been actually kidnapped and there’s someone holding him hostage here, then we should call in the police--”
You were already starting to scale the fence. Seungcheol reached for his own phone, knowing there was no way to talk you back down now. It came with knowing you for so long. His friends would never understand why he ran after you so often, but Seungcheol was happy to be there to catch you whenever you fell. That’s what friends-that-are-kind-of-more-but-not-officially are for, right?
... He really should just ask you out, officially, already. The two of you were practically dating as it was.
Seungcheol called your name, making you turn to face him with a smile. “Be careful.”
“I will,” you said. You pulled out the pepper spray he’d bought you. Even with the self defense lessons he made you take with him (he excused it as not wanting to go alone, despite the fact he was sure you knew he had years of taekwondo under his belt and could easily handle himself), he worried about you. He knew you could handle yourself, and if not, all you had to do was scream and he’d be there in an instant. “Cheol?”
You pulled him in, his cheeks smushed against the iron bars separating the two of you, and pressed a quick kiss against his lips. “For luck.”
That was what you always said. Sure enough, you always came back to him in the end.
“We could just call the police, you know!” He called after you, careful not to be too loud. “It’s an option!”
He sighed as he watched you head around to the back of the house. Knowing you, you’d probably figured out a way inside. Seungcheol shoved his hands into his jacket, mulling over the past conversations the two of you had. You called your outings with him, mystery-related or not, “dates.” You’d always called him your partner, too--never “boyfriend” but Seungcheol knew that you just thought the word “partner” was fun (”It makes us sound like cowboys” had been your excuse, delivered with a teasing smile). You kissed him, you held his hand, you introduced him as your “partner” every chance you got--
... Maybe he was just an idiot.
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general taglist: @wonuziex​ @twancingyunhao​
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prettytanuki · 2 years
Kage no Jitsuryokusha, Episode 16
Yay another episode of one of the few decent OP main character anime!
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What does this mean who even starts a conversation like that.
So she's Alpha's sister, Betatrix Beatrix, huh.
The right person, at the wrong time, won't answer that question, though, so better luck next time I guess.
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He lied as naturally as he breathed.
I love how the sound makes the scene looks so stressful like Cid made a huge mistake by lying so boldly, but it's Cid so he just goes do Cid things.
SHE REALLY STOPPED THE SWORD RIGHT BEFORE IT CUT HIS NECK!!! Good ol' template used between strong characters who remain unfazed when someone is about to kill them but Cid disarms it with his encyclopedic nerd knowledge impressive identity-hiding skills.
When she sheathed her sword it looked like food getting ready in a microwave. PLING!
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Imatry Nottaloos still trying I see! Good job!!!! Wait is he going to be in the finals???
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that, uh, that's his lef
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It was in that moment the Unbeaten Legend realized he miscalculated the power levels.
The dude with the eyepatch couldn't see what transpired.
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And eyepatch dude doesn't believe all this secret technique mastery at all!
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He doesn't believe it at all!!!!
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She said this two times because it was important.
AND HE STILL DOESN'T BELIEVE IT!!!111 If Cid knew this he would be ecstatic!!!!
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His power level is getting to dangerous low levels. If it goes to 0 and still goes lower the power level counter will bug out and he will appear so harmless that people will actually be afraid of how harmless he looks.
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It was the sneeze of a god.
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She has good eyes.
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>does something extremely embarrassing in public >scurries away with tail between legs
Oh my gah! She just like me! She just like me fr!!!!
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Who the fuck is this hot guy? He looks like a vampire pretending not to be a vampire. Look how pretty this fucker is. This isn't whom I imagined Mr. Masochist Asshat at all. I thought he would be one of those fat ugly sleazy lip-licking nobles who went "gueh heh heh" and groped his fiancée's only to get a well-deserved stab. This isn't according to the template at all!!!
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Please do not gamble, become an idol otaku, frequent hostess clubs, or become a glutton.
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Dude was totally waiting for this to happen.
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We're finally at the finals, huh.
I wonder if Imatry Nottaloos made it.
I hope he made it.
I think that, generally with anime, you can tell how good the direction is by its use of the soundtrack, not whether the OST itself sounds good, but how it fits each scene and cut, because sound track is probably a bitch to match right, there's tempo and everything, and that probably requires a lot of the skill of the coordinator positions up in the chain.
So anyway this is a series that handles that well. Very well, in fact. Because it uses the soundtrack in a sarcastic way befitting of the anime. All the chuuni scenes where Cid is deliberately acting mysteriously and saying sentences thoughtlessly that sound profound have the perfect "mysterious scheming going on" feel to it. Despite the fact that Cid is in control of everything even if blissfully unaware of almost everything the show is full of thrilling and tense sound effects because it's composed from the viewpoint of the "mob" characters.
What plays when Goldy fights Mundanne isn't the song of Cid easily slapping a fly. It's the boss BGM. Mundanne is the boss.
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brooklynislandgirl · 2 years
💋 { a little luck for sen!son if you please. he is leaning in for a kiss but not necessarily kissing, just falling into beth's eyes. help him, he's dying. RIGHT NOW, BETH. } 
Tabhair póg dom, is Éireannach mé || Accepting
Spun from a dozen conflicting points this moment tethers them to it with strands finer than spider-silk. Right this very second she cannot remember if Ben was one for heights but he's far braver than she's ever been. It shouldn't be surprising thought that he coils like Eve's serpent, slender in that black cloak as it swallows the breadth and depth of him, sinuous. Newly baptised by the rain that glitters like diamonds in the thick ink of his hair. Ben Solo doesn't break but in the protracted beat of her heart, he yields. Just enough that she doesn't have to transmogrify herself into a thing that can climb sheer wet glass just to reach him. He isn't Catholic and could probably not give a fig as to who Saint Patrick is or even seen the Blarney stone. Universal questions like why he is here then and what drew him out of his preferred solitude fritter away from anything approaching conscious thought. Or maybe they get pulled down into that gaping pit in the bottom of her belly that only makes its appearance when he does. Can he feel her hanging by her nails to the striations in his eyes, each lilt of hue an unfinished poem he forgets he's read? His nostrils flare. Breathes in the ghosts of frankincense that still clings to her hair from mass. Sweeter than the rich potting soil that stain the fingers she lifts up as an evening sacrifice until she realises they're dirty. Her own sigh as they fall away is a hymn of praise. She is smoke from the censer and in formlessness she blesses the Lord for all His works. Maybe her favourite standing before her now, the mystery she can not puzzle out, the solemnity of her beating heart. Ben is holy. Ben is temptation incarnate. She'll swear her skin is damp from the rain, the humidity collected within the fragile walls of her rooftop green house. That the gradient heat that flows over them to rush out the door is just the byproduct of her tending shoots only now pushing their way up from their terracotta pots. That it has nothing to do with the racing pulse at her throat and in her chest and all the other places he inhabits within her. Whether he would believe her is not something she dwells on. Not when she can barely move the air in her lungs. Barely stand there without shaking. The words buzzing around in her throat don't come. But her hand rises again. Latches onto the back of his neck so she can hoist herself the scant few inches between them that keeps him sacred, an idol graven with every soft thing that dreams away tucked between her bones. Secrets are written in the lines of his mouth. She reads them like braille. She bequeaths him cinnamon and honey for that instant she pulls back. Kissing Ben isn't an art so much as it is a dance. Every step has to be graceful but deliberate. She coaxes him so very slowly to part the seam between his lips, to let her chase his sorrow which has always been a bitter-sweetness on the back of his tongue. The air shivers at that space just above her hip as it breaks down. Transforms into something she doesn't have a word for. Friction just as his hesitation weakens. Ends of his fingertips almost reaching for the indent at the small of her back. Thumb nudging just under the fly-away weight of cotton until the pad grazes her skin. She thinks she can feel him quake with unheard laughter at the way she almost flinches, when her skin breaks out in fine goosebumps. They're both so skittish. She pulls him into the green house. Maybe he'll find his luck amidst the new growth.
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mcx7demonbros · 2 years
Eater’s Bad Ending
Ft. Klein (my MC), Eater, Asmodeus
C/W. Mention of cannibalism. Angst
Summary. Eater retreats after losing to Jung Hi, only to meet someone who laughs at him. The fic takes place after the end of Jung Hi’s route.
Obey Me x Love Unholyc crossover
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“That damned cursed thing. That pink-haired guy, just you wait, when you become weaker due to the curse, I will come and take Mir away. Then, I’ll tear you into unrecognizable pieces.” Eater growled and tightened his fists.
“Do you think you still have the chance with her?”
Eater turned around to face the person questioning him with a mocking tone, his dogs barked loudly. The man standing before Eater and his dogs wore a huge black robe like a wizard, and a mask that came from a famous series named Tale of the Seven Lords.
“Quit pretending to be mysterious person, Klein the Evil Overlord.” Eater snarled.
“Ah, I have been found out.” Klein chuckled and he took off the TSL mask, revealing a handsome face with a pair of brown eyes.
“What are you doing here? Are you here to laugh at my misery?” Eater’s eyes turned red like an Unholyc.
“Precisely.” Klein stated the fact followed by a laugh.
“Die.” Eater waved his hand as a seemingly invincible rope tied Klein up.
However, Klein showed no sign of discomfort. He continued to talk as if Eater hadn’t done anything to him.
“FYI, that butler saved the pink-haired guy, what’s his name? Ah, yes, Jung Hi, that idol. So the guy became an Unholyc, retaining his special ability of preventing anyone from taking what’s his. Look like he’s not going to die anytime soon. Even if he does, his ability will remain and there’s no chance-
“ENOUGH!” Eater roared. “I’ll kill you and eat you. Yes, that’s right, maybe eating you will grant me a special ability to undo that guy’s ability. After all, you are the unique one who made pacts with the seven avatars.” Eater’s fingernails grew longer like sharp knives and he put them around Klein’s chest to the left side, ready to pull the boy’s heart out.
Suddenly, a strong force repelled Eater, forcing him to step back, away from Klein. When Eater looked at Klein again, there was not just the Overlord alone. There was a pair of eyes looking back at Eater fiercely, from behind Klein.
“You can’t touch him.” A high-pitched voice declared to Eater.
“AS-MO-DE-US! Don’t think you can stop me.”
“Ah, a puppy blinded by love, kicked by its lover and became completely ruined.” Asmodeus revealed himself. “I know this type too well.”
“Yeah, because you were the cause for many of their ruins, wasn’t it?”
“Aw, Klein, you complimented me.” Asmodeus smiled at the Overlord’s words. “But now, I only have eyes for you.”
The fact that Klein and Asmo flirting right in front of him pissed Eater off. He stopped thinking rationally and attacked the couple.
Asmo didn’t say anything, he stood before Klein and shielded the boy from harm. Eater threw his fist, covered with elemental energy, at Asmo. The Avatar of Lust didn’t even flinch, he raised one finger up and the attack was stopped.
“Listen here, doggy boy, Unholycs are descendants of demons, powers of the Unholycs you ate ultimately came from demons. They’re not going to work on us.” Asmo’s eyes brightened up with rose-yellow light like they had seen through Eater.
At that moment, Eater realized something was wrong, but it was too late. A big gate opened under his feet. Behind, or rather under the gate, were demons, thousands of them. They grabbed Eater’s legs and pulled him down. Eater’s dogs suffered the same fate, disappearing amongst thousands of demons within seconds.
Eater channeled his power to escape the gate of Hell, but with much difficulty. Some small demons, like the Little Ds climbed on Eater’s head and stomped their feet, pushing him further down.
“Hear me, denizens of darkness, you who are born of shadow and you who give birth to it. Hear me and do as I command. I call upon you to deter the movements of the abomination before me, let not it escape from the gate of Hell.” Klein chanted.
Eater screamed out as he became frozen. However, in that very last moment before Eater losing control of his body, a drop of tear managed to escape his eye, falling into Hell below.
“Bring him to the Circle of Pride, Lucifer would be interested in him after I and Solomon are done experimenting with him.” Klein ordered the demons. A Little D bowed to the Overlord, muttering an “understood”.
After Eater’s whole body had gone 100% in Hell, the demons just dropped him, letting Hell’s gravity do its job. As Eater fell into the depth of Hell, his eyes reflected the Evil Overlord’s wicked smile. The gate of Hell was then closed, with it, Eater’s hope was shut forever.
I do know Eater has a painful past (through clues in ss1 and ss2 of Love Unholyc, I haven’t played his route yet), yet I gave him a bad ending.
Aren’t I evil? 😈
@sparkbeast20 , here’s another story of my MC.
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