#you weren't faking it
hadesisqueer · 3 months
I like how Violet is so used to having dramatic ass children that Francesca marrying with no drama was too odd to her lmao. And thinking about how her story will unfold is actually kinda hilarious because it's gonna be like:
Violet: Well, that's it. John is a very good man and Francesca is comfortable and happy with her choice and if this is what she truly wants, it's all that matters💜
Violet: Also, it's kinda refreshing to finally have a normal child that doesn't do any dramatic or scandalous shit.
Francesca a few seasons later after her husband passes: *fucks and falls in love with her husband's cousin -who is a woman-*
Violet: Honestly, I should've seen this coming, none of my children will actually ever be normal.
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sukibenders · 3 months
Some fans: Eloise is such a fake feminist, doesn't she see how some girls and women enjoy marriage? Doesn't she see how her privileges give her luxuries others don't? She's so selfish. She doesn't even use her words to support other women!
Also same fans: I wish Eloise would stop talking, like her speaking about feminism at every turn is getting old. Can't she just be quiet and let everyone enjoy the fun? Like yeah talking about women's lack of personhood without a male figure in society, or how they can't go to university, or how sometimes they marry men who will only hurt them but need to for their status is sad to see, but THE ROMANCE-
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skyhighru · 10 months
(inspired by this post)
season of revival's 4th quest:
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alt version
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raina-at · 9 months
Me then: This will just be a quick pre-Christmas romp, just a little fic, just a teensy tinsy little fic...
Me now, 10k in and just about done with setup: I don't know what I was expecting...
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tomwambsgans · 1 year
tomgreg is not "i could fix him" nor "i could make him worse" but "i could make him feel like a real person." from both ends.
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oh. you little shit--
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thought i recognized it LMAO--
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idiot. i love him<3
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urban using a real weight<3
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iaminjail · 11 months
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day 17 - alternate universe
guys i fw genderbend aus sooooooo hard i love the girlypops
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amethystina · 4 months
I was wondering what you think Yo Han was thinking during the scene before going to the event with Ga On. Like the scene in the dressing room and car, because do you think in his head he is considering what is to come, or is he instead distracted by interacting and observing Ga On?
Ps I love your works on ao3, they're so good! And congrats on your recent work, it's amazing to finally be able to finish a project after a long time instead of moving on
In my mind, Yo Han was focused entirely on Ga On since I think that whole thing, from start to finish, was all about Ga On.
At the time, Yo Han was still pretending to be allies with everyone and he would probably have gone to the event regardless. And, most likely, it would have been a formality in his eyes. Show up, pretend you're happy to be there and keep up appearances, congratulate everyone on their brilliance, then go back home. He must have done the same several times during the years he slowly but surely convinced them of his loyalty and, eventually, to let him have the Live Court Show.
In short, this is far from the first event he's gone to with these people and I don't think he really thought all that much about what was to come in regards to his own performance. He could probably do it in his sleep if necessary.
But, instead, he chooses to bring Ga On and, clearly, Ga On is Yo Han's main focus that night. Partly because this is when he introduces Ga On to the true depravity of the rich class, but also keeps testing Ga On's reactions over and over and over again. And it starts in Yo Han's closet, testing the boundaries, seeing how well Ga On follows orders, how much Yo Han can push before Ga On pushes back (and enjoying the hell out of dressing him up like a pretty little doll). And it just keeps going, seeing how Ga On reacts to Yo Han's cars, how he reacts to the socialites, how he reacts to the dinner, how he reacts to the blatant show of corruption, how he reacts to Yo Han publically (albeit non-vocally) scolding him when he steps out of line, how he reacts to Yo Han yanking the steering wheel on the drive home.
That entire night Yo Han is hyperfocused on Ga On and his behaviour and reactions since that, more than anything, is Yo Han's objective. The event itself is boring — something Yo Han has done hundreds of times already — but taking his new sugar baby out for a test drive? Now that's exciting.
(Pun entirely intended, by the way — in all possible ways)
Because Yo Han just keeps pushing and pushing and pushing, giving Ga On more and more to react to. He's even framing himself as one of the villains — pretending to enjoy himself, laying it on thick just to rile Ga On up even more. And it's all for Ga On's benefit. Because Yo Han wants to see how he'll react, and show him the truth of this world they're living in.
This is all about Ga On.
So yes, Yo Han is definitely observing Ga On very carefully, but I wouldn't say he's distracted. Because, to me, it looks like Yo Han's main objective was to observe Ga On. To bring him to this event, throw him into this new, unfamiliar world, and see what happens. While Yo Han usually plans everything in minute detail, he also has moments when he instigates a situation and just watches it unfold. Usually when he's still gathering data.
Or is too curious not to.
But he still maintains enough control to keep things within the parameters he's set up, like when he yanks Ga On away from the table when he's getting too heated (and I will never not find it hilarious that Yo Han does this by grabbing the scruff of Ga On's neck. I've said it before and I'll say it again — Yo Han treating Ga On like a disgruntled, disobedient kitten gives me life). So it's not like he entirely lets go of control, but he is willing to give Ga On some room, since this whole thing is about observing Ga On's honest reactions.
This early in the drama, Yo Han is still getting a feel for Ga On and who he is as a person. And, I mean, Yo Han learned a lot about Ga On that night. The fact that he's a prude and (hilariously enough) able to kick Yo Han out of his own walk-in closet. He likes expensive cars even if he tries to hide it. He knows how to drive. He's awkward in social situations and too polite to firmly state his boundaries if he gets too overwhelmed (so Yo Han has to do it for him and literally save him from getting mauled by socialites). But Ga On is also fearless enough to speak up in a room full of people so powerful he should be shaking in his boots. He's so righteous and good that he'll stand up to just about anyone — and only gets more angry when he's scolded for it.
And that's just to name a few. Yo Han definitely picked up on a lot more than that and, in his eyes, probably had an incredibly productive evening. Especially since Ga On doesn't even seem to have realised that he was Yo Han's main focus that evening. He was too busy feeling disgusted by the rich. Which, undoubtedly, was Yo Han's secondary objective. What better way to start convincing Ga On to switch sides than showing him just how depraved their opponents are? Ga On may still think that they're Yo Han's allies at this point, but I bet he never forgot that night. And that it no doubt helped convince him to go with Yo Han later, once he found out that Yo Han was actually against them.
So, again, an incredibly productive night for Yo Han! :D
And one he no doubt enjoyed immensely. If nothing else because he got to spend hours just calmly observing and analysing Ga On, to his black little heart's content. Just imagine how much fun he was having ;)
So yeah. Something like that?
Thank you 💜 I'm honestly so relieved to finally be getting this fic out of the way. It's been weighing on me for literal years and I don't like to leave things unfinished. And it'll make me feel less guilty going forward, since I have one less unfinished WIP starting back at me from my folders!
Thank you so much for sending this question! I realise I might not have gone too much into detail on Yo Han's actual thoughts during the scenes you mentioned, but I hope that's still okay.
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plural-culture-is · 1 year
subtle cPTSD and partial DID culture is wishing you had been abused so much more than you were and that you were polyfragmented system because maybe then, you could prove to yourself you aren't faking your plurality
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Vint Glade Headcanons!
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What’s up, Fellow Frye fans (alliterations <3), im back from the dead with some Vint Glade HCs! Please enjoy <3
He grew up in a rich family
His parents didn't really love each other, the love being more one-sided (his mother loving his father deeply and his father just somewhat liking her), which gave him a very warped idea of how relationships “should be”
He lives in a decently-sized home that his parents actually bought. They were going to sell it off but he convinced them not to so he could live in it 
He doesn't understand that people can't choose who they love. He instead believes you can change who you love, and that gives him comfort (because it lets him think he can convince his crushes to be attracted to him)
This isn't a headcanon, but Vint had better chemistry with Mike Bolton than that girl did, don't @ me—
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sherylhooper · 1 year
Is there any way Gege can make the series better again?
-spam anon
Hi, sorry for the late answer.
He could probably start with ressurecting Gojo and sticking with his Buddha inspiration, while Yuta and others handling Kenjaku (who is still around doing god knows what) and Gojo can handle Sukuna (he needs to be enlightened even more for this).
(What will happen, probably, is that Yuji ate Sukuna's last remaining finger, either got Sukuna's dissmantle and cleave OR he got immunity to Sukuna's cursed technique. Like I love Yuji to death (he is my child, along with Megimi, I've adopted them), but there's no way he can handle Sukuna's slashing dismantle unless he has the same powers or immunity.
As Sukuna said in the last chapter, whanever can this poor kid even do?)
On the other hand, didn't they have like a month or so before Gojo vs Sukuna battle? After 31st October, Gojo soend 19 days there, so between 19th November and 24th December, I actually doubt that someone as smart as Gojo did nothing all these 35 days and was lazing around (PROVE ME RIGHT, GEGE!!). He has to have a plan, stop erasing his inteligence, Gege!!
At this point they need a back up plan for a black up plan for a black up plan and so on.
I also think that Sukuna killing Kenjaku would be hillarious, lmao. More than thousand years of ruining lives left and right and murders, r*apes, giving birth for "to merge Master Tengen and all the non-sorcerers in Japan to give birth to a single entity" ... all of these for human evolution? Okay, Charles Darwin wannabe, who wants to make Golden Age, most likely new Heian Era.
How does this "evolutionary plans" involve Ryomen *I only care about myself* Sukuna then? Fuck fighting, I need answers, damn it!!! Because I don't believe Sukuna gives a fuck about humanity, he is cannibal, actual gluton, who does whatever he wants, why would be care for "maggots" and their so-called evolution?
Everything would be great if Toji was around to just to a bullet in Tengen somehow, after all, he is the only one "fate" doesn't work on (i.e. only he managed to stop the merging of Tengen and Star Plasma Vessel). Couldn've fixed lots of problems.
Also I don't trust Tengen at all, after all she is probably older than Kenjaku and are we sure sure she is on sorcerers' side. She also is a reason multiple cults spawned out and they warshipped her as a deity and she did nothing...
Like this is a battle between to 1000+ years old body-hopping sorcerers who use other people/curses for their gain... something very fishy is going one and honestly, I'm actually very tired with constant fighting.... I need actual answers!!!
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idkstuffiguess · 28 days
Dazai being Chuuya's weirdo civilian bf is everything to me they're not even dating at the beginning of the fic Dazai just needed an excuse for why they were so close and picked the worst one on purpose
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wedding-shemp · 1 year
the parking kiosk said I didn't have to pay for parking today cause it's a holiday. Know what, I never got free parking on Columbus day, but apparently Indigenous People's Day gets you free parking. Another L for Columbus.
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pisshandkerchief · 1 year
allow me to indulge my gay theatre nerd side for a moment. now if i'm being perfectly honest, i normally don't like jukebox musicals. they usually feel too forced to me and i prefer a musical that actually has songs, y'know, written specifically for it and isn't just trying to fit songs into a story they weren't made for. it just feels more creative to me. if i wanted to listen to preexisting songs, i'd just listen to them at home without the extra story. i don't need a musical for that. HOWEVER. if anyone wanted to write a jukebox musical using fall out boy or mcr songs i would eat that shit UP no questions asked. in fact if i had any talent i'd write one myself 
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itstimetodrew · 1 year
It's wild how companies keep copying each other's methods for short-term financial gain even when they've seen it bring financial ruin in the long-term. Just right now they're watching media companies invest billions in new streaming platforms that offer less content in order to get subscribers, but not even knowing if it's a profitable pursuit (it isn't). They're watching movie studios devote almost their entire upcoming film slate and excessive budgets to cinematic universes and sequels, assuming audiences will rush for tickets every time (they aren't).
And their huge brain business strategy with this information is to just keep putting all their half-rotten eggs in one shabbily-woven basket. Instead of you know, developing a product that can stand on its own and won't get dragged down on a sinking ship because it's become nothing else but clone #17 of That Other Popular Thing.
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bungobble-my-balls · 11 months
What's the deal with the Tanizaki siblings?
(Very long headcanon on what I think is actually up with the Tanizaki's, which at this point might be more of an AU than a headcanon)
So the Tanizaki's have been a point of debate in the fandom for years now, mainly on the fact that we have no idea what their deal is outside of the 'incest joke', and because of that joke and the lack of anything else to them they unfortunately get shoved to the back pretty often (mainly in Naomi's case).
That being said, it's still clear that we'll get a backstory on them at some point and that there's more to them than what they're letting on.
The questions we have on them are:
Why does Juunichiro see Naomi as a God?
Why is Juunichiro so ruthless and why does he pretend he's not?
Is Juunichiro a reliable narrator?
Are they actually siblings?
What led these two to join the agency?
Why do they stick together so much?
And most importantly
Why do they act like that? (and can they please stop)
Idk when we'll get a backstory for them, but I know people already have their theories like how Naomi is one of Juunichiro's hallucinations based on a real girl he knew that died, which were mostly sparked by certain official arts of the two.
I think based on the art I can definitely see why people have that theory, but I don't think it's true and I personally don't want it to be true because I want Naomi to be a real person.
I don't exactly have a theory on what their deal is, but I do have a headcanon. So before the Tanizaki backstory comes out in however many years, I'm putting my shots in now for me to see in the future if I got anything right or close.
My Tanizaki's headcanon
So when it comes to these two obviously most of the fandom wants to ignore the incest joke, so we usually headcanon them as just being normal siblings and take out the weird stuff.
When it comes to canon though, I think it's the other way around. Despite what they say and how they refer to eachother, I genuinely don't think they're siblings or related at all. I'm not the first to think this either, as other people have pointed out that the real Juunichiro had a story on two lovers who pretended to be cousins so they could live together. That, and how in their introduction it started with Atsushi questioning if they were related, and Naomi both insisting they were and acting weird about it enough so that the others tried to ignore them. Having Atsushi even question if they're related already made me suspicious enough that the question will be bought up again when the two start to get put in the spotlight again.
Going into more headcanon/fanfiction territory now, here's how I see their backstory:
Naomi had rich parents, and was an only child. She would get bored easily, and her parents were never the attentive type, so she'd wander off through the streets pretty often.
Juunichiro was a street rat, that Naomi saw and decided she found interesting.
Juunichiro was hostile to Naomi at first, but when she kept bugging him he made plans to get close to her only to trick her and steal from her wealthy family. Unfortunately for him, Naomi herself was both clever and also verbally ruthless. She was having none of his attitude and seemed to have fun talking back to him, which surprised him since he'd always been the most ruthless kid on the streets. She wasn't scared at all. He kept to his plan, but found himself getting meeker around Naomi and following what she said more often than the other way around.
At some point Naomi wanders too far and gets into trouble, until Juunichiro comes to save her and deals with the threats.
Naomi's parents find out, and decide that this boy who seems willing to use violence to protect their daughter could be useful. So they 'adopt' him to be Naomi's bodyguard.
Having a purpose and a home made him not want to lose it at any costs, which also made him obsessive over protecting Naomi who was his purpose. That, and the fact that Naomi was the sole reason he now had a home, food, and a family, made him see her as his saviour. He devoted himself to her, and Naomi enjoyed now having the constant company that her parents wouldn't give her, and being able to boss someone around.
Throughout their time together, mingled in with their co-dependency and obsession, the two of them developed feelings for eachother.
However, now that Juunichiro, lived in the same home as Naomi, he was also able to see what happened behind closed doors. He'd discovered that despite their neglect, Naomi's parents were still perfectionists and they would often punish or physically abuse her if she did something wrong or not up to their standards.
Despite his gratitude to the parents for giving him a home and him initially seeing them as family, his loyalties and devotion stayed with Naomi. His purpose was to protect her. So, him and Naomi staged a plan, for them to runaway together.
Juunichiro doesn't feel like just running away is enough. The parents hurt Naomi, and anyone who hurts Naomi needs to be punished. He doesn't act on this though until the parents find out and their plan, and he attacks them both for revenge for Naomi and to prevent them from stopping them from leaving. His intention was to hurt them, but he hadn't realised until after that he'd also killed them. Despite his brutality, he'd never actually killed someone before. He's in shock and doesn't move, until Naomi urges him to run before anyone finds out and they get into big trouble.
Between the two of them, surprisingly Naomi is the more stable one right now. She's clear headed and ordering Juunichiro to follow her and what to do as they grab their few belongings and act on their runaway plan with more urgency than they initially expected. He just follows along to whatever she says, clinging to her directions as his current only form of stability.
The high energy calms down a bit when they finally make it onto a train, one that'll take them to another city far away from the one they grew up in and now never planned to come back to.
Naomi is both surprised and not to realise that she doesn't feel much grief from her parents' death. Not even at the gruesomes of it caused by the same boy that she's now comforting in her arms while he stays confused and dazed, and maybe even a little horrified at himself.
At this point, Naomi fake sighs and tells Juunichiro that without her parents, she's more alone, and can't rely on them anymore. So as punishment for killing her parents, he has to stick by her side forever and do whatever she says until they both die.
That was her weird way of comforting him. She could tell he felt like he needed to be punished in some way, and he needed something stable to rely on right now. And she wanted someone she could rely on too, to give her the life she wants and never leave her. So she would be there for him, and he would be there for her. It's not exactly a healthy relationship, and it's definitely co-dependant, but they've gone through enough now that would make seperation unbearable for either of them.
They make it to a new city with their belongings and as much money as they could grab from their old house. Unfortunately, they're still teenagers and unwed, so the only way they can live together without drawing attention is to pretend to be siblings. They plan to marry as soon as possible, and even already consider themselves life partners, but until then they stick with a cover story.
They both work different jobs in order to live a decent life and they both save up with the intention of buying a place for themselves one day. They'd like to save up for a nice wedding too, but they'd have no one to invite anyway.
Unfortunately for the two, they're still always on edge. They're wanted murder suspects to high class citizens, and have been unable to have a stable home due to constant moving to avoid detection. They'd stick close together often and barely go anywhere alone, so that they could cover using Juunichiro's ability and could both be sure the other is OK.
(This part gets a little weird, but this headcanon is more about me trying to find ways to make their dynamic more interesting and less weird while not ignoring what happens in canon so that it could be a plausible headcanon)
So unfortunately because I'm trying to make this fit into canon, their incest joke still exists, but here's how it works in this au/headcanon where they're not actually siblings
Naomi and Juunichiro are still pretending to be siblings. They're the Tanizaki's, which to them is a sign of their marriage. Naomi abandoned her family name, and Juunichiro doesn't know what his originally was, so they decided on one together. To everyone else, for the sake of avoiding attention as legally-unwed teens living together, that's their blood family name. The neighbours are unfortunately chatty and nosy, and despite the two rehearsing their cover stories it's still hard to constantly try to come up with and stick to fake details as people pry more in 'polite conversation'. At one point, the two are out in public, in a neighbourhood were people know them as siblings. Naomi without realising people are watching them, gets a little too close to Juunichiro. When she realises she goes to back away, until she notices that everyone seems to be trying VERY hard to ignore the two. So she gets curious, and doubles down a little, getting more uncomfortably close to him. Naomi has picked up that people are very nosy, but it seems that when they're seeing something that makes them uncomfortable it's as if they're trying to pretend the two of them don't even exist. So, the sibling sthick takes a new turn.
She notes that It's important to still be upstanding or useful members of the community despite this, since that will make people more willing to just ignore your faults to keep your benefits, rather than wanting to kick you out for being degenerates.
So they work to be helpful and hardworking members of every new community they end up in, and whenever people start asking questions or prying to much, Naomi gets weird until they're uncomfortable enough to drop the subject.
Juunichiro still feels awkward with this plan, but it's worked for them and he trusts that Naomi knows what she's doing. He doesn't like that people probably see him as weird freak at times, but since he's basically accepted this plan he also doesn't entirely hate the attention from Naomi. It still makes him feel embarrassed though both at the weird assumptions people have of him from this and from Naomi being so forward in public.
At some point Naomi just enjoys getting an excuse to be able to tease Juunichiro in public too.
So yeah in the headcanon that these two are actually lovers pretending to be siblings, the only way I can see the 'incest joke' being written off as anything but a weird fetish is if Naomi is purposely trying to get people to ignore them by making them WANT to ignore them. Then in a weird way, less attention is focused on them and people are questioning their relationship and their past less because they're trying not to think about them.
Like, you know how Dazai will use comedy and acting like a clown sometimes so people underestimate him and don't focus on the fact that he grew up as a genius ex mafia leader or that he's depressed? That's kind of how I see it with Naomi and Juunichiro. Naomi is cunning, and the more forward one between them when it comes to this trope. It's possible that she's purposely encouraging people to not want to ask them questions or think about them by being weird and making them uncomfortable.
Like how after Atsushi questions if they're siblings, Naomi gets weird and then Kunikida tells Atsushi immediately after that it's best to ignore them. If that was the plan, then it's clearly working and people are being encouraged to not think to hard about 'what their deal is'.
It's still weird, very weird, but the joke is still unfortunately canon. So I'd much rather prefer this outcome than for it to be a fetish or for them to be actual siblings.
Anyway back onto other stuff, now with the ADA:
I still don't exactly have an idea of how they'd join the ADA, but at some point they join.
Naomi was homeschooled in their old life, and after a lot of encouragement and reassurance that he can take care of things and is fine to work more for her, Juunichiro encourages Naomi to enroll into an actual school now that they have a place they can stay at for a long time. Naomi refuses to not work as well, staying as a secretary with the ADA, but she is swayed into the idea of attending school alongside her job. It's not so much that she needed the education, but she enjoys the experience of feeling like a normal teenager that she never had before. Naomi is actually just a year younger than Juunichiro in this au, so she fakes her age and joins school just for the final year, then she'll consider college.
Part of their dynamic after just having run away was Juunichiro being the physical strength between the two and Naomi being the mental strength. She made their plans and kept Juunichiro distracted from bad thoughts by getting him to do stuff for her like tidy around the apartment, cooking, shopping errands, etc.
With the ADA, Juunichiro has basically locked the memories of their life before running away into the back of his brain. He's essentially gaslighting himself into believing that most of their cover story backstories are true. That he really is just an average person and that his biggest secret is just him and Naomi being lovers and not siblings. Naomi instead keeps the memories, and makes sure for Juunichiro's sake that he doesn't have to deal with them.
Naomi notes Ranpo as their biggest threat in the ADA, since with his deduction he's likely already figured out a lot about the two of them. She was nervous around him early on, but now she understands that it's not hard to stay on his good side. She feels more comfortable around him since she knows there's no point in hiding things from him, but at the same time she never admits to him or let's on that she's lying, and he never let's on that he knows. But they both know anyway. Like with every member of the agency, Ranpo has an unspoken agreement to not bring up anyone's past that he figures out, unless it directly endangers the agency or affects him. Ranpo does however, know from this that Naomi is smarter than people think she is, so she appreciates having someone that doesn't underestimate her. Ranpo noting this about her also helps her get a good position as one of the president's main secretaries, as she assists him in meetings and advices him on minor things.
She doesn't, however, expect Dazai. Dazai hadn't figured everything out, but he had picked up on the fact that Naomi was using a similar 'distraction' method that he uses and got curious on what she was deflecting on. He didn't dig too deep, but found enough to know that the Tanizaki's had moved pretty frequently over the last few years, and seemed to have different names in each place. Obviously this throws her off guard, and she's thinking of the quickest methods and whether they should ditch for another town, deflect again, or try to get rid of Dazai before he blabs or uses his knowledge against them. Dazai instead, gives Naomi advice on how to better cover her and Juunichiro's tracks. This then becomes a regular thing, where Dazai will teach Naomi a bit more on solid strategies and some combat too so she can fend for herself more when Juunichiro's not there. Dazai could see that Naomi was smart, and she clearly knew this, and there was definitely something that she was trying to hide and had succeeded at so far. She doesn't seem like a bad person, and neither does Juunichiro, so whatever they were covering up Dazai decides could stay covered for now. But as of now Naomi was overestimating her strategies and it could be unraveled easily by someone dedicated enough, so Dazai decided to help a fellow runaway out by building up her mental defences and showing her the right tricks.
So there's my headcanon for the Tanizaki's. I think I'd honestly prefer for them to be fake siblings and actual lovers even with the weirdness because their dynamic is a lot more interesting to explore from that angle. Those two definitely give me the vibe that they're hiding things and this is just a possibility I made up from what we know about them rn.
Even if you remove the incest jokes, Juunichiro's obsession with Naomi and him seeing her as a God still feels too weird as a sibling dynamic for me. I personally am not a fan of the 'older brother obsessed with and protective/possessive of his younger sister' trope.
Even if they do end up being canonically related or actual siblings in any way in the future, I think I'm just gonna ignore it cause:
1) Ew
2) I like my version better and I'm more interested in this version of them.
I still like the fanon version of 'normal siblings Tanizaki's' too though, I just think it's unfortunately too far from canon to happen like that.
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