#youkai whump
dokidokisadness · 1 year
I've never actually made a full on whumper characters, like, with a well writen story and personality. Usually I just make it an accident and make a caretaker lol.
Also I picture this being set in medieval japan, but I haven't decided which period exactly...? Like, I initially though about it bening set in taishou period (like demon slayer), but most people associate youkai with sengoku and edo period, but also if it's just all made up It would probably be easier, yet unprecise... so uh...
here goes nothing...
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(not so sure of that name yet)
29 years old
He is a very gentle temple keeper. everybody knows and loves him! it's quite a small village, so despite his shyness and clumsyness he manages to maintain a great relationship with everyone, especially after he restored the local temple.
People's impression:
initially everyone thought he looked dangerous, a pretty tough guy, but turns out he is just a silly guy.
People usually ask him to help them with big heavy things.
kids love it when he picks them up, but he doesn't do it very often, since he is always busy caring for them temple.
most animals fear him, probably because of his size.
temple keeper
he runs a small temple and performs some rituals to keep oni and youkai away, mostly.
One day he just showed up at the old temple. Rumors are that he escaped an youkai attack at some nearby village.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
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(also not sure about the name :/)
(click on read more, uncensored version)
23... 26... uh...??? years old (youkai year counting?)
A (half) dragon youkai kept sealed under the temple, it's been a while since he saw the daylight, or moonlight... His blood and tears are often used in rituals at the temple, but most people don't know it... Oddly enough, He doesn't seem to complain.
people's impression:
Hanzō has only been seen a few times by even fewer people, mostly the rich and powerfull, to prove the temple's magic is legit.
the ones who saw him were suspicious at first, but the looking closely at the tongue, tail and horns it's undoubtfull.
he isn't seen as person, more like a product or cattle.
his blood, tears, teeth, tongue, etc... are used in rituals at the temple (but I wouldn't call that a job lmao).
his mother was a very powerfull youkai, but his father was a human man.
both humans and youkais would constantly hunt him, but he always managed to get away. One day however, things were diferent... he hadn't had food in the last 8 days, his ankle was twisted, it was the begining of the winter, he was already weak... but he thought he could get at least something to eat from a human house, Kouji's house.
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when Hanzou isn't being used in rituals he is just Kouji's doll/punching bag...
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cuteangsty · 10 months
This is a little drabble I did today. It's about that one youkai story I want to make, so...
To summarize:
Hanzō is a half(wolf) youkai. He was kept as a prisoner by humans who used his blood in rituals.
The 'misterious youkai' is this character, but I'm not really sure of his name yet (actually, Hanzo isn't doing for me either but oh well) he saved Hanzō (accidentally) when attacked the village Hanzō was in.
Oh and also it was inspired by this post.
Although there's no real omegaverse dinamics, I do intend to use some aspects and headcanons since some youkai are animal based.
Hanzō sees no point in nesting, he never did. His mother had a pretty great nest when he was young, he remembers, but since then he never had the chance to rest in one. surviving alone in the woods for most of his childhood, he barely managed to fetch for himself, let alone have enough materials to properly make a nest and whenever he did manage to steal cloth or a cushion from humans, it would be quickly torn to shreds by other animals or even himself in his meltdowns. By his teenage years he had given up on building a nest, usually just sleeping wherever he saw fit for the night.
After that, he was held captive by humans, those don't nest, he learned. They simply sleep in a futon with a single hard pillow, which was also not given to him, since they saw him as a mindless beast.
Now, all of a sudden he was being told to sleep in a nest, someone elses nest. The misterious youkai who rescued him had made him a nest, it was simple yet very enticing, a few pillows on a fluffy blanket. It looked so conformable Hanzō almost puked at the thought of laying on it, clearly he didn't deserve something like this... So he avoided it. He looked away, crawled farther from it, wven though he feels a whine stuck in his throat.
Initially the misterious youkai thinks it must be because Hanzō didn't make the nest, therefore he doesn't want to enter a nest that isn't his, so they attempt to teach him how to make one.
The youkai keep trying to hand him the pillows, show him the blanket, put his hand on it, even shows him how to nest (a lesson he never really had). Yet still Hanzō shows disinterest in laying on it or even making one of his own, even getting agitated in the process. They are about to give up, it doesn't make sense to force Hanzō to do it, it's the same story with food, water, toys, tasks... He just doesn't seem to be a fan of doing anything other then sitting on the corner and occasionally napping.
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goodwhump-temp · 10 months
Takashi Natsume Whump | Natsumes Book of Friends
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1x01 Slammed against tree, trips, lonely childhood, pinned 1x02 Head grabbed x2, nightmare, passes out (18:30) 1x03 Lonely childhood, jumped, [flashback; heartbroken, crying] 1x04 Falls down the stairs 1x05 Restrained x2 1x06 Passes out, possessed, head thwacked, elbowed, nearly trampled, crying 1x08 Falls off cliff, trips 1x09 Trips, caught mid-air (kinda hot ngl), nightmare, restrained x2, choked, caught in spell 1x10 Pinned, possessed, carried, sneeze, nightmare, jumps off cliff, unconscious 1x12 Cursed, worsening pain, head thwacked, trips 1x13 Trips
2x01 Ball to the face, choked, nose thwacked, pinned, grabbed 2x02 Nightmare, choked, hands burned 2x03 Restrained, dragged, nightmare, subconsciously crying 2x04 Trips 2x05 Fever, passes out (10:10) 2x06 Nightmare, cursed, captured 2x07 Missing/captured, restrained by the neck x2, falls down cliff, rope burns, poisoned/youkai blindness, head thwacked, knocked down, passes out 2x08 Thrown out the window, choked, drowning 2x09 Uppercutted, freaked out x2, coughing, knocked unconscious, fever, passes out 2x10 Chewed, weak 2x11 Arm bit 2x12 Uppercutted, bullied, hand bleeding, bandaged, tackled 2x13 Depressed, restrained, knocked unconscious
3x01 Passes out (06:30), collapse/unconscious (09:35), shoulder painfully bit 3x02 Choked 3x03 Lonely/bullied childhood, nightmare, snatched 3x04 [Childhood; bullied, ambushed x10, crying] 3x05 Choked, freaked out x3, mini-smacked x18, SNATCHED, knocked unconscious 3x06 Choked, dropped from the sky, knocked down x3, pinned, dragged, knocked unconscious 3x07 Captured, restrained, large fall down cave, grazed by arrow, bleeding, knocked down, held 3x09 Falls down bridge, freaked out (09:00), pinned, crying (happy tears :)), fingers pricked x4, knocked unconscious, nurses bed 3x10 Mirror absorbs into eye, great eye pain x5, head grabbed 3x11 Mirror absorbs into eye, hit with hammer 3x12 Collapse, fever, nightmare/jolted awake, subconsciously crying [Flashback; knocked unconscious, flown off a cliff, hospitalized, crying] 3x13 Lonely childhood, falls into pit
4x01 Manhandled, choked, knocked down, captured, briefly unconscious, restrained, catslapped 4x02 Imprisoned, knocked down, falls down slope 4x03 Hands scratched up, poisoned, pain, choked, cheek grazed, restrained 4x04 Pinned, protected 4x05 [Flashbacks; lonely, neglected] 4x06 Trapped in a bottle 4x07 Trapped cont., scared, collapse, exhausted 4x09 Knocked off the balcony, knocked unconscious (log trap) 4x10 Panicked running/trips, passes out, sick from exhaustion 4x11 Passes out, nightmare, parent lore, denial, crying, emotional pain 4x12 Childhood bullies/trauma, manipulated, restrained, catslapped, possessed 4x13 Possessed cont., unconscious, [Childhood; emotional pain x3, scared, bullied, hit x20], choked, crying
5x01 Nightmare, jolted awake, passes out, scared, squeezed 5x03 Blackmailed 5x04 Choked x3, manhandled 5x05 Unconscious (20:20) 5x06 Pinned, voice taken, soft coughing x5 5x07 Passes out 5x09 Tired as fork 5x10 (Different POV of 3x16; Lonely, bandaged/after hospital) 5x11 Fever, collapse, hallucinating, very sick for multiple days, headache, nightmare, worsening sickness 5x12 Passes out, carried 5x13 Repetitive nightmare, tired
6x01 Transformed as child, amnesia, manipulated, terrified 6x03 Freaked out x3, pinned 6x04 Knocked off roof, pinned, SNATCHED 6x05 Head bonked, awakes/cared for 6x06 [Flashbacks; lonely, nightmare, found unconscious] 6x10 Squeezed
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spuddy-potat · 6 months
Watanuki Kimihiro Whump List (xxxHOLiC)
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its finally here!!! i know i said i would make this months ago but i finally got around to finishing it!! its my first whump list so i may have missed a few things (let me know if i should add anything!!) but i hope you find this helpful <3
note: Watanuki is affected by the presence of certain types of negative energy which make him feel ill (often shown by coughing, covering his mouth/nose, or gagging)–he reacts to it numerous times throughout the series so it will be referred to as "ghost energy" in this list.
includes some Doumeki whump as an added bonus!!
SEASON 1 1.01: chased, knocked down by spirits (comedic), trips 1.02: cooking mishap (comedic) x2, ghost energy 1.03: ghost energy, accosted by spirits, briefly unconscious(?) after nearly falling off the roof Doumeki bonus: dislocated shoulder 1.04: reference to parents' death 1.05: chased by spirits 1.06: freaked out by Yuuko's shortcut, ghost energy (coughing 1.07: bonked by umbrella (comedic) x2, dragged under hydrangea, ghost energy, unconscious Doumeki bonus: bonked by umbrella (comedic), tired from waiting/digging in the rain for hours, Yuuko mentions that his injury is aggravated by the rain 1.08: ghost energy x2 1.09: "strangled" by Kudagitsune (comedic), yanked around by Kudagitsune x2, Doumeki-induced collapse (comedic) 1.10: freaked out by ghost stories, slapped by Yuuko (comedic), freaked out by spirits, grabbed/restrained 1.11: falls from the sky, bonked by umbrella (comedic)         Doumeki bonus: soul removed, passes out (10:00), head bonked, unconscious for most of the episode 1.12: carries heavy luggage (comedic), hurts wrist trying to turn a handle (comedic), freaked out by spirit, grabbed 1.13: arm slashed 1.14: ghost energy (dizzy(?)) x2, Himawari-induced half-collapse (comedic) 1.15: none         Doumeki bonus: tea spilled on arm 1.16: bothered by Kudagitsune (heavy), nearly collapses(?) after chase 1.17: slapped with bouquet of flowers 1.18: slams face into wall youkai, falls from the sky 1.19: smacks face on tree (comedic) 1.21: trips, nightmare, body feels heavy, collapses, freaked out by spirit, childhood flashback, reference to parents' death 1.22: reference to parents' death x2, coughing x8, not eating as much (small detail), passes out x2 (16:15)(22:00), weak, childhood flashback, coughing up blood 1.23: weak, passes out x3 (3:30)(5:00)(15:25), coughing x4, nightmare, crying x3, nearly collapses, heavy breathing, worsening cough 1.24: childhood flashback [freaked out by spirit, reference to parents' death, loss of friend]
SEASON 2 (POTENTIAL SPOILER WARNING) 2.01: strange dream, blindness in right eye, split vision         Doumeki bonus: eye pain, collapse (7:00), eye sealed shut 2.02: split vision x2, smacked by Karasutengu 2.03: ghost energy x2 (weak, nearly collapses), collapses (4:52), cuts hand with glass, split vision, restrained x2, choked, eye swallowed, passes out x2 (15:30)(20:25) 2.04: grabbed/restrained, unconscious, passes out (8.55) 2.06: hopelessly bad at mahjong (collapses numerous times in defeat–comedic) 2.07: pinky hurts, trips 2.08: pinky hurts/spills tea on hand 2.09: hot tea thrown at face 2.10: cold water thrown at face 2.11: pinky hurts x3 (worsening pain), freaked out, falls out window (15:17), almost dies, sees parents in a dream/hallucination(?)–appears as a child, crying 2.12: unconscious for 6 days         Doumeki bonus: blood loss
SHUNMUKI (OVA) ep 1: Doumeki-induced freak-out (comedic), flashback [lonely], embarrassed x3 ep 2: passes out (offscreen), wakes up on the floor
ROU (OVA) ep 1: crying ep 2: wakes up on the floor
MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM (MOVIE) bothered by spirits, embarrassed (kinda cute), ghost energy (gags, has to leave the room), strange dream, falls from a balcony, smacked by a piece of wood, nearly falls off a ledge
2022 LIVE ACTION MOVIE* (POTENTIAL SPOILER WARNING) chased by spirits, stands on the roof (WHY?????), bumps into Doumeki and falls like a moe girl, stabbed in the shoulder/neck, collapses (32:30), tries to stand up and collapses like a moe girl (34:24), carried bridal-style by Doumeki, falls down a stairwell (but its ok he got better), eye stolen, dragged into pond, nightmare [witnesses mother's death], wakes up on the ground, time loop, pushed down, arm twisted, choked, dragged, restrained x2, sexually harrassed by Jourogumo (too many times, i refused to keep count), crying
*im gonna be honest watching this movie was kind of a nightmare, its super out of character and condenses/rewrites the story in weird ways (dont even get me started on Jourogumo). i dont recommend this movie if you care about the integrity of these characters and story tbh. however, i thought i should include it for the sake of completion 😔. cool visuals tho.
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citrushaven · 8 months
Inu x Boku SS Manga Whump List: Natsume Zange
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Note: Half youkai and has abilities similar to a clairvoyant, but it takes a toll on his health.
Manga Chapters:
Chapter 12: Passed out, blood from mouth (he says it's ketchup, but who knows)
Chapter 16: Used his power, collapse, weak
Chapter 37: Collapse
Chapter 40: Collapse, emotional angst
Chapter 44: Collapse, cold sweat
Chapter 49: In hospital, crying
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inukag-archive · 2 years
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We’ve got you covered, anon! Hurt/comfort is a well-loved trope in the InuKag fandom, so to keep this list at a reasonable length, we limited ourselves to one story per author. However, there are a few authors who specialize in whump and have several more stories within that category that you might enjoy. We added ** after their handles so that you know to check out their author pages for more! 
P.S. If anyone is craving the reverse (injured/sick Kagome with Inuyasha caring for her), you can find our recommendations here!)
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Gif by fic-finder @lostinfantasyworlds​
Paralyzer by @splendentgoddess​​ ** (T)
While traveling just the two of them, an unexpected attack leaves Inuyasha temporarily paralyzed. Can his pride survive having to rely on Kagome for aid? And how will he react to her getting all emotional when running away isn't an option? Inu/Kag WAFF
Kintsugi by @soliska​ (M)
AU. Failing to be chosen as her village's miko, Kagome had resigned herself to a humble life. An unexpected summons returns her to the city where she's forced to reconcile the taught virtues and the spiralling, warped reality created by those that abuse their power. She holds the key to repairing the fracture between humans and youkai, and the freedom of her new hanyou friend.
Free Falling by onyourleftinheels (T)
All Inuyasha ever wanted was to protect Kagome. He would slay the most dangerous beast to impress her. He would fall from the moon if it meant he could catch her. What Inuyasha doesn't realize is that sometimes a physical fall leads to much more.
The Scent of Winter by Camudekyu (T)
Winter smells like promises. Spring has to return.
Freezer Burn by @kstewdeux​​ ** (NR)
No summary provided.
Freak Attraction by @artistefish​ (T)
A birthday outing to see a foreign circus turns into a nightmarish mistake when Kagome stumbles upon a circus of a very different nature and meets a sideshow freak with dog ears and a human heart. [Also be sure to check out the sequel Freak Attraction: Seven-Man Circus (T) for even more Inuyasha whump!]
The Way You See Me by King Baka (M)
‘If I transform again, with these claws of mine…I might even tear you up, Kagome.’ For the first time, Kagome must face Inuyasha’s full-youkai transformation alone. Will she be able to reach him, or will Inuyasha’s worst fears come true?
Blood and Bandages by Aryndiel (T)
Kagome comes home to find Inuyasha badly injured and reacts in a way that surprises her mother. Mrs. Higurashi wonders: who is this strong, unwavering young woman who looks like her little girl?
Rock Bottom by @lavendertwilight89​ (E)
On the night of Inuyasha's weakness, he is attacked and ends up at death's door. Kagome works at the hospital he is brought to and ends up locked in the room with him as a full youkai. Will they be able to get along? Will Inuyasha survive?
Brownie Points by @elkonigin​ (T)
Kagome forgot how dog-like Inuyasha could be.
Skin by Neisha (T)
Somewhere in her subconscious she could still feel the warmth of his skin under her fingers, and the soft beat of his heart beneath her palm.
Claw Marks On My Heart by VampireWriter144 (T)
Inuyasha is left weakened and severely injured from a fierce battle. Kagome is determined to take care of him whether he likes it or not. Interesting situations arise and emotions are expressed.
Mocha Latte by KittyKatz (T)
Just a little bit of chocolate can take all the bitterness away. A wounded Inuyasha wakes up in a stranger's apartment and experiences a warmth and acceptance he's never had before. Intended to just be a series of dribbles that can hopefully be just a little bit of chocolate in your day! [T for language]
How Does Your Garden Grow? by @dawnrider​ ** (M)
An Ingary-esque AU: Kagome, the newest generation of caretakers of the Higurashi House, finally starts to feel like her garden and business is thriving with the help of her friend Jinenji. Their routine is thrown off by the arrival of an injured visitor who does not want to be found...
Hurt by supernovagirl99 (T)
When our favorite duo gets injured, Inuyasha comes out a little worse for wear. Can Kagome save Inuyasha? Who could have done this to him?
The Last Stop by @banksdelivers​ (T)
In a world where demons are ostracized by society, Inuyasha has only his pride and the clothes on his back to his name. When Kagome offers him a place to stay during the approaching storm, will he take a helping hand?
Or, that story where Inuyasha is a stubborn idiot and Kagome has to rescue him.
Won’t Let Go by TheDiamondSword400 (M)
Kagome struggles to care for Inuyasha when he becomes sick after being injured in a fight.
Last One Standing by @lazy8blog​ ** & @mamabearcat​ (T)
Petty fights usually don't seem so petty anymore once you're faced with the possibility that they might be the last fight you'll ever have.
A Kiss to Make it Better by @ruddcatha​ (T)
When Inuyasha is injured during a fight, Kagome takes care of his wounds, bandaging them, and follows an example set by her mother. How does the silver haired youth react to the unexpected gesture, and how does he return the favor?
Have Faith in Me by AlondraDina (T)
Takes place after episodes 124-126 of the anime, where Naraku kills Kikyo and Kagome almost gets possessed by The Infant. On the way back to her home, Kagome and Inuyasha get caught in a Spring storm and take shelter in an abandoned hut. There Kagome discovers that Inuyasha has been hiding an injury from her.
Another Kind of Promise by @fawn-eyed-girl​ (T)
When Inuyasha is unconscious for several days after being viciously attacked by a scorpion yōkai, he has flashes of memories, of moments of Kagome caring for him. While he is out, he has a realization that, when he comes to, he must make clear to her.
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gluttonygirls · 2 years
And why not just toss a Shimmy x Nue being gay together on top, too--?
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Is this what oblivion is?
There's no sensation at all, but there's also nonstop feeling. A paradox of the senses, to know a pressure weighing on her soul at every angle. From in front, behind, above, below, there isn't a millimeter of her not completely subsumed by the crushing weight of her love. Has her heart really been so filled that this is how she experiences this emotion?
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Looking over her shoulder towards the bed, blinking in thought, Nue slowly tilted her head. Standing up a bit, letting her colossal rear leave the mattress, the youkai spoke up.
"Hey, you are okay down there, right? I know you like this, but I don't wanna hurt y-"
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"Park that ass right back down now!!"
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"That's what I get for doubting you~"
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Whumpmas In July 2022 Day 24: Rescued
Don’t quite have the brain cells to put together something new for this, so here’s a writerly collage of my past 4 Whump Bingo fics and the ‘rescue-related’ snippet within each:
#4 Mouse Trap: 
Chuuya bites back a curse.  He knows – knows he could break out, if only he had access to his Ability, if only he wasn’t this weak mess.  He wants to believe that if he waits just a little, he’ll bring the roof down on these bastards.  But he’d only be kidding himself.  The reality is he’ll be out of commission for several days.  Days that they wouldn’t even have to use drugs to keep him contained and docile.  Just the standard metal bars of a cage.  Even that was a laugh.  They could leave him unchained on the cement floor and he wouldn’t be able to move an inch.  As much as he hated to admit it, only Dazai had the key to his cage now. 
#3: Enduring Solitude: 
Chuuya felt hands turn him over, and when Dazai’s bandaged face entered his view, he nearly sobbed in relief.  He pawed at Dazai’s coat, trying to clutch onto it, but his numb hands and weak muscles made his efforts useless.  Dazai caught up his wrists, his visible eye roving over Chuuya’s face and then over his body.  He took in Chuuya’s tattered clothing, his missing shoes and socks, the dark bruises forming on his chilled and pale skin, and Dazai’s mouth pressed into a thin line. 
“Come on, chibi.”  He moved Chuuya’s wrists to one hand and leveraged him over his shoulders.  The disorienting motion and pressure on his belly had Chuuya heaving and retching on a stomach empty of anything but seawater.  Thin bile splattered on the pavement and Chuuya trembled in Dazai’s grip.
“Infirmary it is.”  Heaving himself to his feet, Dazai navigated down through the Port Mafia building.  Rain and seawater dripped freely from them and puddled on the carpets.  Chuuya was only conscious of the red and purple patterns swirling under him until he was tilted backwards to lay shivering on the hospital bed. And then, as Dazai was pushed away and the faces of doctors came into view, he finally succumbed to his pain and exhaustion and blacked out.
#2: It’s All Fun and Games…
Dazai leapt down the steps with one bound and was at Chuuya’s side in an instant.  His hands hovered, not sure what to do or where to touch the broken body.  Blood was pooling and tricking in rivulets between tiny stones, seeping into the dirt.  Chuuya’s face was pale, his lips parted and jaw slack. 
“No, no, nonono...God, no…Yosano!” Dazai looked up, tears fluttering from his lashes.  “YOSANO!!”
Too long a moment passed, and then footsteps slapped on the flagstones.  “Dazai?  Dazai, what…oh for fucks sake, what did you – move!”
Dazai curled up where he was pushed to the side.  His face was buried in his knees and he rocked back and forth. 
Dazai didn’t know how long it took.  But eventually, there was a touch on his shoulder and he looked up.  Yosano was frowning at him, her brows drawn together, and her lips thin.  Her red hakama fluttered as she took a step back and placed a hand on her hip.
“He was in grave condition.  He had numerous breaks and contusions, but I gather you already knew that.”  She looked up at the steps.  “I don’t know what you two were playing at, but you know he’s a human right?  He’s not built like youkai, you need to be careful.  He’s not like you.”
#1: Hide and Seek: 
“I’m sorry, partner.”  Dazai bent over Chuuya, touching their foreheads together.  Chuuya’s shallow breaths, barely even ruffling his hair, were the only thing that gave him any relief.
Long minutes passed before Dazai checked the state of the bandages, then reapplied pressure.  When he was sure the bleeding had finally stopped, he slid out from beneath Chuuya and began the painstaking process of cutting away the copious amounts of blood-soaked bandages and rags from Chuuya’s skin.  He slowly peeled away the cloths from the wound itself, stopping to sop up and stop any bleeding that restarted.  Finally, Chuuya’s wounds were exposed and he could get his first proper look at them.  The skin surrounding the hole was ripped and mangled.  Dazai grimaced.  He didn’t know how Chuuya had been able to keep going as long as he had.  The pain and shock had to have been horrendous.  Using sterile water, he flushed the wound, and did his best to remove debris and fibers with a forceps.  He wiped gently around the injury, gloved fingers taking care to avoid stimulating more bleeding.  Chuuya’s pale skin shivered under his touch as he took a shuddering breath.  Dazai swiped the back of his arm across his forehead, damp with perspiration.  He picked up the needle and thread he’d prepared and got to work.
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animeboyswhump · 3 years
What is the reason that made you watch Natsume Yuujinchou? It is my favorite anime because of Natsume childhood and his development with relationships,and of course a lot of whump (Sorry if it sounds weird).At first I think I’m such a weird person because who would love stuff like this? Everyone will definitely teased me,maybe I’m wrong after all?
It’s been such a long time😅. Based on my old notes, I’m estimating ~6 years ago (aka ~2.5 years after I started getting into anime).
My memory’s fuzzy, but I definitely used to see it whenever I scrolled through Crunchyroll’s library. And iirc, it was #1 on a “Top 10 list of (some genre) anime” YouTube video back in the day, and I THINK that’s the first time I heard a synopsis/saw a clip of it. Since I’ve never had NatsuYuu in common with any friends, I imagine it must have been a combination of those two things that got me to start it. Though I’m confident I would have come across it through other means eventually.
Unless it was super freaking subconsciously, my initial attachment to NatsuYuu had nothing to do with whump. After joining whumplr last year, I saw someone describe Natsume as “the king of anime whump,” and at the time I was like, “lol nahhh….” but after giving it some thought I realized, “OH SHIT SHE’S KINDA RIGHT THIS POOR BOY!!”😭😭
But yeah. I was oblivious to injury whump up until a bit ago, and while the episodes where he gets sick have a very special place in my heart, I absolutely would have fallen in love with the show regardless of whump.
I adore the tone of the show. It can be so relaxing and tender and beautiful. During school, I tried to listen to the soundtrack while studying and couldn’t bc I got too relaxed/emotional. It can actually be hard to watch sometimes too bc it hurts SO much when he’s sad/scared. I mean, anything about when he was younger and treated poorly, I just Weep. The way it depicts loneliness and compassion hits me so deeply and in such a unique way.
Natsume’s character development (albeit Very slow) is a joy to watch, and I love how his different relationships are portrayed.
Two of my favorite episodes in the series are the ones from the perspectives of Nishimura, Kitamoto, and the Fujiwaras (S5E10 & S6E6) when Natsume had just recently come to town. I’m so happy Natsume has friends like Tanuma and Taki who he can talk youkai business with, but seeing how there are “normal” people who acknowledge that there’s something different about him and still love and accept him without prying for answers is also wonderful.
For youkai relationships, an episode that made a strong impression on me is S3E4💖. He’s just… such a good boy and I want to protect him always. But he’s also very strong and I believe in him. Also his whole relationship with Nyanko-sensei is such gold.
Like any piece of fiction, I’m sure Natsume’s story means many different things to many different people. For me, NatsuYuu is like a safe place to go home to.
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bane-huntress · 3 years
Hiei and Kurama have been "partners" for years, Then Yusuke finds out just what that word means to two youkai. This is just an epic on how strange 'domestic' can be to the ex-team. So, how do two male youkai have kids? read and find out. All toped off with a tournament and some Kurama whumping
Prompt: Hiei to Yusuke in the anime: “Obviously you are underestimating Kurama, Do you know why I chose him to be my partner? To avoid fighting him myself.”
Chapters: 6/6 Fandom: YuYu Hakusho, YYH, 幽☆遊☆白書 | YuYu Hakusho: Ghost Files Rating: Explicit Additional Tags: Mpreg, Hurt/Comfort, Bonding, Same-Sex Marriage, Violence, Family, Children, Drama, Possessive Behavior, Romance, Fights, Domestic, Complete Summary:
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geminihurt · 5 years
Happy Whumpmas (੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭*🎅⛄❄️!!! You have just been snowballed by a secret whumper. Help to keep the snowball fight going by anonymously sending this to five other whumpers with a whump-related question of your choice: Are there any particular whump scenes that you have watched so many times you've lost count?
Oh, definitely! In Heroes, after Peter falls while fighting with Sylar. The whole scene at the police station, with him feverish and coughing talking to Claire, the shirt still full of blood, oh, I love it! I wouldn’t shut up about it to the friend that gave me the DVD 🤭
Also, in Inu Yasha, the first time it shows him turning into a human and they are attacked by spider looking youkais. He is bitten, and all the scene with the weakened and poisoned Inu Yasha, head at Kagome’s lap, just the stain of blood at the corner of his mouth..., I remember even dreaming about it haha
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dokidokisadness · 9 months
Merry whumpmas! You've been snowballed by a secret whumper. To continue, send this ask to five other whump blogs with a topic of your choice: What is your whumpee's biggest regret in life?
Merry Whumpmas!!
thanks for the ask! I got a little too excited to respond so here it is:
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blkeyedangel94 · 6 years
An Eye for an Eye
Natsume-Matoba AU General, Maybe sad/tragedy Description: Natsume reluctantly joins the Matoba clan and is now the clan leader. Words: 231
Natori runs and stumbles through Matoba’s main branch home, trying to get to Natsume as fast as he can.
“Why now? Why didn’t you think to tell me this before he joined? Aren’t you supposed to be his bodyguard?” Natori yells at the fat cat running in front of him.
They finally reach the back entrance where Natsume and Matoba stand.
“Natsume! You don’t have to do this!” Natori shouts as he tries to reason with Natsume. He then turns to Matoba in fury. “What were you thinking? Letting him do this?”
“Natori-san! It’s fine. I want to do this. I’m scared, but this has to be done.”
Matoba replies nonchalantly, “He’ll be fine. He has his shiki.”
“They’re my friends, Matoba. Stop referring to them as such.”
“Nanase-san…” Natori turns, pleading.
Nanase glances at Natori but keeps a look out for the coming youkai. “If this is something he wants to do, who am I to say no?”
“For his health?! He could die!”
Before anyone could answer umbrellas are raised.
A clan member goes down.
“Youkai! You’re searching for your right eye, correct?” Natsume addresses the one eyed black blob of a youkai.
Natsume steels his nerves. “I am Natsume Takashi, the new Matoba clan head. I return your right eye to you.”
The black youkai stills, turning to the new voice.
It launches forward.
AN: If, for whatever reason, Natsume becomes part of the Matoba clan, I feel it would be Natsume’s duty to give back the right eye. I’m not sure if he actually would in canon, but I don’t think Natsume wants to live in constant fear of being targeted, regardless of his protective Dog’s Circle or future shiki.
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mypoorfaves · 6 years
Hello! I hope this is not rude of me to ask but do you have a list of your current wips? I'm just really curious, no pressure at all!
Not rude at all!! If anything it’s flattering! The thought that I have people interested in my writing is just!!! ❤❤❤
I’ll put them under the cut because I have quite a handful ^-^;;
~First on the list is a request I am like, 95% done. Like seriously I’m sending it off to my betas as we speak so expect to see it posted in the next couple of days! It’s for this prompt sent to me forever ago and features Victor and Yuuri recovering from injuries with some good old angst and comfort! I’m so super excited to share it!
~Next in the works is a sequel to 102.1 Babies! Still a ways to go until this one is finished, but some things to look forward to is Yuuri’s temperature both rising and falling and his reaction to that, as he is hella delirious and believes he is gregnant. And then after Yuuri gets better Victor tells him everything that happened haha. Oh, and it’s all from Yuuri’s pov this time!
~I have two requests that I have planned out but haven’t sat down and written yet: one is for a half-youkai Yuuri, and one is Victor whump during Yuri on festival.
~have an old doc that I found while digging and touched it up, in which Victor and Yuuri get caught in a fire. It’s pretty angsty 👀 but ofc it will end alright
~Another doc I found is one with a sick Victor who is whiny and pouty (the doc’s title is literally “pouty victor etc”) and he doesn’t want to take medicine
~I had this interesting idea of a character being woken up by what they initially think is their alarm clock but turns out the sound they’re hearing is actually their partner with a thermometer in their mouth and they have a fever. So that’s a (very short) fic in the works
~I started a fic with sick Victor but with a slight twist: it’s from Makka’s pov! I haven’t touched the doc in a while but I would like to finish it eventually
Umm I think that’s all for now! I have a lot more docs that are half-started ideas that I’m not sure if I will get around to finishing, but theses are the fics I’m actually working on right now!
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kizu-tsukeru · 7 years
Natsume Yuujinchou sickfic, light whump, a bit of angst and flashback-stuff, a bit of comfort; tags: bruised, fever, pain around 2000+ words
Some short fic about the 4.9 and .10 (Houdzuki-episodes) aftermath^^”” Cause it’s one of my fave little story arcs. Basically whump without plot~
possible tw: mentioning of eating habits
The sun had set long ago.
It was Nyanko-sensei who must have brought him back here, Natsume reasoned while he stared at the short, unilluminated path to the front door of his home. But he could barely even remember the flight. In fact, his memory of saying goodbye to Natori and Hiiragi had already started fading as well, started blurrying and turning into a dream; it had only been minutes since it happened. 
But minutes didn’t feel like just minutes anymore and the closer he got to the quiet house, the fuzzier his head and the heavier his eyelids felt. At this point any pain creeping up on him stayed dull and far away from his consciousness, and maybe any other time this inability to recognize the aching would have concerned him. Right now though, it worked just in his favor. It would be helpful. He couldn’t let the consequences of this long day show.
He opened the door without making a sound and peeked inside. Thankfully the hallway was empty and dark; Natsume had half expected Touko to stand there, wringing a kitchen towel, worried about what was taking him so long. Instead there was only faint, warm light and indistinct talking coming from the kitchen. 
Natsume figured he should have enough strength left to get by and up the stairs quickly, so the Fujiwaras wouldn’t get a too good look or ask what happened to him. He had to get it done fast. There was simply not enough resolve left in him to keep up the posture in front of them and play down his sore muscles and exhaustion. He was longing for sleep.
Nyanko hushed forward and sat down on the step, keeping a close look at Natsume while he lowered himself to the ground in stiff and painfully slow motions. He bit his lower lip suppressing an unvoluntary yelp as taking off his shoes took what seemed to be a ridiculous amount of muscle strength, something his shoulder and his ribs as well weren’t too fond of. 
“I’m home,” Natsume finally breathed out, barely loud enough for the Fujiwaras to hear, and headed for the stairs as hurried as his sore limbs allowed him to. Although he didn’t stick around the hallway long enough to hear a clear answer from the pair, he could make out Touko mentioning dinner.
Natsume closed his door behind him and immediately slid down, back leaning against it, his legs stretched out in front of him. He closed his eyes. The room was engulfed in a comforting darkness, easy and comfortable on his pounding head.
Had he even eaten anything since breakfast? 
Nyanko-sensei would love some dinner. And, it wouldn’t do himself any bad either, he knew that. If he focused really hard he would eventually notice how hungry he was, under the layers of bruises and cuts and dizziness and exhaustion.
So... Maybe... 
A dull pain echoed through his body when he lost his balance and fell backwards, his torso meeting the hard ground but his head cushioned just in time by something furry and warm. Natsume gasped, his eyes flying open to meet Touko’s. Her hand covered her mouth in surprise. 
“Takashi- What-”
Nyanko-sensei’s loud meowing complaints, coming from underneath his head, interrupted her harshly. It allowed Natsume a few more moments to slowly sit up, leaning on his good arm, while thinking of what he should say to explain himself. But his thoughts got stuck on the soft blanket he was tucked in as he tried to recall when exactly he covered himself in it. 
“You were late for breakfast,” Touko continued, prompting him to prop himself up further. He could have sworn every bone in his body was hurting, from his skull down to the soles of his feet; but the shoulder and ribs were still off the worst. It had been easy to work through the pain while in the rush of the moment, while trying desperately to play the part of Houdzuki, because so much had depended on him and there had been no time to rest and think of how he felt and whether he should do something about it.
Now, there was too much open space for the consequences to sink in, and without a crucial distraction it got harder to ignore his injuries.
He tried not to meet her eyes when he shuffled back into his room and placed the blanket where it belonged. Touko didn’t need to see the expression he made at the waves of pain that ran through his upper body with every step he took, no matter how carefully he tried to tread. She didn’t need to witness his short breaths and gasps when he felt his ribs shifting, or the tears involuntarily forming in his eyes.
“I thought you might have overslept...” Touko stepped closer and although he was turned towards her now, he kept his head down. “You’re still in yesterday’s clothes, you fell asleep right at the door. And you look really pale.” 
Her hand met his forehead and Natsume almost instinctively closed his eyes, holding himself back from leaning into the coolness of her palm. 
“You are warm,” she stated, a frown in her voice. 
The coolness wandered from his forehead to his cheek, a short brush over the tiny cut there, and he felt himself starting to lose his balance.
Natsume still kept his eyes to the ground. 
That well-known bit of shame and embarassment crept up again; for being weird and getting in strange troubles and coming home looking all disheveled and ending up sick and not talking about anything that he had done while he was gone all day (but it would be even worse if he did talk) and for being a burden in general, on people he was barely related to. 
He took a shivery breath, inwardly shaking his head at his own thoughts that he knew weren’t true, no matter how much they felt like they were. Those feelings were over. They didn’t apply anymore. They were the past. 
A breath hitched in his throat, a remnant of an upcoming sob.
They were the past.
“How do you feel, Takashi?”
He winced in surprise at the question, as if something inside him got caught, as if she could hear his thoughts, and his bruises protested immediately. 
He couldn’t let her know. Not about this. Not about having been swept down a river, and about getting hit by bunch of lumber logs which left him unconscious, and about sealing and unsealing a youkai and a god respectively, and about running through a whole hill-side barefoot. About doing all of this voluntarily and about this not being the first time.
Heart in his throat, Natsume forced himself to raise his head. 
Touko’s eyes were warm and full of concern. 
He wasn’t a burden, he wasn’t a burden, he wasn’t-
But he just couldn’t tell her.
“I’m actually a little dizzy,” Natsume finally replied, voice quiet and small and a little breathless. “Maybe it’s a cold.”
The bathroom was slowly filling with steam, as his head was filling with the noise of the hot water rushing into the tub. Natsume looked at his reflection in the mirror. 
Precisely, he tried turning his head to get a look at the bruise that bothered him the most; the blue hues spreading over the skin of his shoulder blade down to the outer edges of his ribs, like bleeding watercolor originating from where his body first hit the surface of the running river. His fingertips slightly grazed over the upper part that he could reach, as if he tried to determine whether the colorful spot was actually there, and he winced at the cold touch.
It was definitely real. He didn’t know why he had to convince himself.
The steam was starting to cloud the mirror.
Natsume found more, smaller bruises on his forearm and knees, these ones already darker in color, from stumbling up and down the hill, and a few shallow cuts covering his face, hands and feet, from rushing through the forest. Those injuries were far away from as challenging as his contused torso, but harder to conceal and thus to explain. All he could hope for was that no one cared to ask about them.
He turned off the faucet and cautiously lowered himself into the warm water.
It was just after he stepped out of the tub - after a way too long bathing session in which he momentarily fell asleep - that the dizziness became overwhelming. Just- take one step at a time, Natsume told himself over and over, focused on keeping his stance upright by gripping the edge of the sink, against his blurry vision and weak knees and shaky hands. Nausea crept up in his throat.
Right. He still hadn’t eaten.
Not that that problem was going to be resolved in here, in the bathroom. He needed to get going, at least back to his bed.
Nyanko-sensei had been waiting in front of the door and greeted Natsume with a stern, silent look. Natsume didn’t give a comment either. His head was pounding, and he was inwardly wincing with every step he took back to his room, his feet painfully sore, reminding him of the forest grounds he had run and slid across, covered in sticks and stones. Although he had just been practically boiled in the tub he had chills run down his back. Another wave of dizziness hit him hard, having him pausing in his tracks and leaning into the wall.
Under normal circumstances it should have taken him seconds to get back to his room. Now he feared it might take him half an hour at least.
“Natsume,” Nyanko whispered and hurried in front of the boy, as if he was ready to cushion another fall. But Natsume steadied himself and looked forward, over Nyanko’s head. He wanted to avoid crashing into the ground as much as he could; the shock from the first time it happened was still stuck in his aching limbs, even though the cat had taken some of the blow for him. 
Not tracing his hand away from the wall Natsume reached the room after a few more long-stretched minutes, putting all his willpower in moving his feet forward and keeping his body upwards. He could do it. Just a little more, just a little further.
His eyes were barely open when he stumbled inside, his surroundings twirling as if his room had turned into a carousel while he was gone, and he couldn’t make out anymore in which direction he was even going, ending up tripping over his own feet and landing hard on his knees and hands, on his futon. The impact sent another wave of dull pain through his body, so sudden and crushing it made his eyes water. With a shivery sigh Natsume slowly rolled over to lay on his unbruised side, facing the still open door and gasping for air.
A far away voice; Nyanko speaking, saying something Natsume couldn’t make out over his own loud, desperate breathing, a weak attempt to counteract the pulsing pain in his ribs because using his lungs made it worse as well. No matter what he did, it hurt.
There was no getting out of it.
There was no stopping it, was there? He needed to make it stop. Somehow. Please.
There were footsteps coming down the hallway. 
Or maybe it was his pounding heart, his blood rushing in his ears in a frantic rhythm-
-so loud it turned into the deafening brawling of the river, the ice cold waves washing over him and pulling him under, the water flowing into his nose and throat and his own harsh coughs scratching in his throat, and the struggling to move against the brutal force of nature to get his head up and high and out, against his battered bones and-
Then Nyanko’s face filled his frame of view as the cat nudged his forehead against Natsume’s and started purring. 
And the crushing waves were replaced by soothing humming. 
And the stabbing cold turned into a blanket of body warmth. 
And the frantic struggles for survival became softening muscles and melting into the mattress.
“Touko-san will be back soon,” Nyanko said quietly when he noticed Natsume’s heartbeat was regular again. “You should try staying awake to get some food in you.”
A tiny smile slipped over Natsume’s face as he closed his eyes; a silent apology for not being able to follow this request.
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mypoorfaves · 7 years
I love your blog so much! I'm usually lurking on it lol. I had a really specific dumb YOI whump idea: I just read a fic about Yuuri being half youkai (Japanese demon) and had a thought about him being affected by demon/spirit specific diseases. Maybe there's a spirit specific plague or something that he's affected by? Anyway sorry if that's stupid lol I just love Yuuri whump
I do like this prompt a lot! It sounds very interesting! Although first I would have to do some research. I would like to try my hand at writing it eventually, but in the meantime Imma just toss it out there in case anyone else is interested as well
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