#oni whump
dokidokisadness · 1 year
I've never actually made a full on whumper characters, like, with a well writen story and personality. Usually I just make it an accident and make a caretaker lol.
Also I picture this being set in medieval japan, but I haven't decided which period exactly...? Like, I initially though about it bening set in taishou period (like demon slayer), but most people associate youkai with sengoku and edo period, but also if it's just all made up It would probably be easier, yet unprecise... so uh...
here goes nothing...
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(not so sure of that name yet)
29 years old
He is a very gentle temple keeper. everybody knows and loves him! it's quite a small village, so despite his shyness and clumsyness he manages to maintain a great relationship with everyone, especially after he restored the local temple.
People's impression:
initially everyone thought he looked dangerous, a pretty tough guy, but turns out he is just a silly guy.
People usually ask him to help them with big heavy things.
kids love it when he picks them up, but he doesn't do it very often, since he is always busy caring for them temple.
most animals fear him, probably because of his size.
temple keeper
he runs a small temple and performs some rituals to keep oni and youkai away, mostly.
One day he just showed up at the old temple. Rumors are that he escaped an youkai attack at some nearby village.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
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(also not sure about the name :/)
(click on read more, uncensored version)
23... 26... uh...??? years old (youkai year counting?)
A (half) dragon youkai kept sealed under the temple, it's been a while since he saw the daylight, or moonlight... His blood and tears are often used in rituals at the temple, but most people don't know it... Oddly enough, He doesn't seem to complain.
people's impression:
Hanzō has only been seen a few times by even fewer people, mostly the rich and powerfull, to prove the temple's magic is legit.
the ones who saw him were suspicious at first, but the looking closely at the tongue, tail and horns it's undoubtfull.
he isn't seen as person, more like a product or cattle.
his blood, tears, teeth, tongue, etc... are used in rituals at the temple (but I wouldn't call that a job lmao).
his mother was a very powerfull youkai, but his father was a human man.
both humans and youkais would constantly hunt him, but he always managed to get away. One day however, things were diferent... he hadn't had food in the last 8 days, his ankle was twisted, it was the begining of the winter, he was already weak... but he thought he could get at least something to eat from a human house, Kouji's house.
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when Hanzou isn't being used in rituals he is just Kouji's doll/punching bag...
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goldenavenger02 · 8 months
found my place
His heart was pounding when the darkness allowed him to come up for a quick moment, just a few seconds to let him thoroughly panic before a hand tightly grasped onto his with the hushed voice insisting, “hey, hey, it’s okay.”
And with that, he was pulled back under.
For @senseigrace, edited by @21st-century-ninja
Lloyd’s thoughts had been hazy since the final battle.
He knew it wasn’t his final battle with the tight rope that destiny had around his neck, but he couldn’t help but hope that it was the last time.
That this was the last time he would have to fight The Overlord, the last time he would have to see Harumi and the last time he had to see Garmadon.
He tried to find the bright spots in all of it, like how Nya was back and even had regained her powers, how Ninjago was rid of the persistent darkness that tried to engulf it, but despite that, his mind just kept wandering back to the darkness that lingered inside of him.
Even the sunrise exercises, training hours and meditation sessions that he was still expected to show up for despite being the only participant were unable to center his absent mind; nothing could erase the memories of the mental and physical pain that was associated with becoming something that he wasn’t, even if there was a small voice inside of him begging him to forgive his father.
Which had led Lloyd to where he was now, standing outside of Master Wu’s bedroom with his hand knocking lightly on the doorframe; he highly doubted his uncle was awake, given that the time was nearing two in the morning, but no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn’t lull himself to sleep.
But, to his surprise, it only took a few rapid, soft knocks for Master Wu to open the sliding door and given that he was still wearing the clothes he had spent the entire day in, Lloyd couldn’t help but wonder if he wasn’t the only one who was struggling to sleep in the eerily quiet monastery.
“Come in, Lloyd,” his uncle insisted as he stood to the side, allowing Lloyd to walk inside; his usual meditation setup with the tray of burning incense and the red, fraying carpet was still out as well as the secondary brown carpet that was reserved for lessons, “I’ve been expecting you.”
‘Why am I not shocked?’ Lloyd thought as he sat down on the familiar brown carpet, crossing his legs when he had fully brought himself to the ground.
“You haven’t been sleeping,” Wu called him out, “because something is troubling you.”
“Have you heard from the others?” Lloyd asked, hoping that his lie would be enough to quell his master’s prying, only to get the head shake that he had been expecting along with a sigh.
“Not since they left. But we both know that’s not what is keeping you awake, if anything, you should be sleeping better without the late-night video game sessions.”
Lloyd pulled in a breath to try and calm his nerves, pressing his palms into each other so they wouldn’t shake before the truth spilled from his lips, “I just…I’m worried, Master Wu.”
“About the others?”
“Well, yes, but no,” Lloyd stopped to bring in another shaking breath, feeling his heartbeat pound in his ears, “I’m worried about becoming like my father” those words resulted in Wu raising his eyebrow with what he hoped was curiosity instead of disappointment, “and the whole Oni form thing isn’t helping me feel better about that.”
“My brother was slowly corrupted by the darkness inside of him from the Great Devourer, the Oni inside of him simply propelled it,” Wu insisted, his voice growing eerily steady like it did every time he spoke about Garmadon, “we each follow our own paths, Lloyd. Paths that we are not even aware that we are on.”
“So, you have no idea if I’m going to end up like Garmadon.” Lloyd sighed as defeat seeped into his bones, “or if I’m going to turn into an Oni and get stuck like that.”
“I’m afraid I do not, nephew,” Wu agreed, “but, what turned your father into what he is now, was corruption of what once was truly good. The things that turned him into what he is now, they no longer exist.”
Lloyd nodded; he knew that the Devourer was long gone, that the Oni masks were destroyed and that the Golden Weapons had been returned to raw, elemental energy. 
Nothing existed that could corrupt him the same way it had destroyed his father.
“But, and you’re not going to like this, you should continue to work on controlling your Oni form.”
“Have you not been listening to me?!” Lloyd couldn’t stop himself from shouting as he stood up, “that sounds like doing exactly what Garmadon wanted me to do! He wants me to be like him, you know that, right?! He wants me to let go of all of my emotions, my sentimentality, anything that makes me human!”
“I can’t end up like him, Uncle Wu!” 
And with those words, Lloyd felt like he was eight years old again; terrorizing Ninjago, releasing the Serpentine and being everything that he thought would bring his father back to him only to get taken in by the ninja, screaming and fighting as they made him board The Bounty.
He hadn’t even noticed the hot tears rolling down his cheeks until his uncle approached and brought his hand up to wipe them away before pulling Lloyd into a tight hug which only made him cry harder.
His chest heaved harshly, his body shook and all he could do was grasp tightly onto his uncle, burying his head into his shoulder.
Master Wu didn’t speak, he just kept one hand on Lloyd’s back and let the other one gently brush through the golden wisps of hair, but it didn’t do much to quell the sobs of what he had been keeping in longer than he should have.
But, when his eyes started to sting and his ears started to hurt, he finally managed to pull himself away from Wu’s shoulder, wiping his face on his sleeve.
“I-I’m sorry,” he muttered under his breath, “about yelling at you.”
“I would rather you aim your anger at me then someone else, nephew,” his uncle insisted before putting his hand on his left shoulder, “now, even though I don’t assign bedtimes any more, it is much too late for the two of us to be awake. No sunrise exercise tomorrow, but I expect to see you awake before noon.”
“Goodnight, Master Wu.” Lloyd nodded, letting his shaky legs guide himself to his bedroom.
But as he walked, he couldn’t stop the thoughts of worry from creeping back into his mind to try and narrow down any object that could possibly corrupt him.
The post-battle haze didn’t leave Lloyd’s brain when he awoke the next morning; in fact, between the throbbing directly in his forehead and the heat in his cheeks, the haze was only stronger than it had been in the last few weeks.
His vision was blurry as he squinted in the darkness, trying to gain his bearings only to see the familiar form of his uncle hovering over his bed; even though there was a look of worry covering his face, he couldn’t help but feel relief when he identified him.
“Master Wu?” Lloyd’s voice cracked as he spoke, making his cheeks feel more flushed than they already were and his jaw started to ache, “is everything okay?”
“Everything except for you, nephew,” Lloyd knew that when he was referred to by “nephew” instead of his name that Wu was worried about him but it wasn’t until he felt Wu’s familiar hand rest on his forehead that he was able to process that he was sick, “you’re running a temperature.”
“Oh, I’m sure it’s nothing,” Lloyd insisted as he started to sit up, only to be met with what he could only describe as a stab of pain directly in his shoulder blades, “ah!” the cry of pain tore out of his throat and tears sprang into his eyes involuntarily.
He tried to slow his breathing as he was gently pushed back onto the mattress with a hand on his shoulder, but when the pain in his back dissipated, he was met with the throbbing in his forehead returning with a vengeance and nearly making him sick along with a chill starting to seep into his bones and spread throughout his body.
He couldn't stop himself from shaking as he pulled his legs inward toward his chest and pressed his head harder onto the pillow to try and muster up some relief.
“W-what’s…” Lloyd managed to pull a painful breath into his aching chest and fought the urge to cry out again from the ripples of agony, “w-what’s wrong with me?”
The last words Lloyd heard before the darkness pulled him down deep into unconsciousness were the unmasked, terrified words of his master, “that’s what your mother and I are trying to figure out.”
“-is going to have to hold him still.” 
“I’ll do it.”
Lloyd couldn’t move, he couldn’t speak. All he could do was listen in on the words spoken by his bedside as pain continued to make its way through his back, his head, his teeth, his hands and his sides and he was pulled into someone’s comforting arms.
He could tell that despite the rough hands seemingly trying to press on every area that throbbed or stung, he was being supported by someone’s chest against his back.
“This is bad, Wu.” The smooth yet deep voice finally broke through his hearing, “this wasn’t supposed to happen for years.”
Lloyd could recognize that voice anywhere; whether that was in the deep recesses of his childhood, those few good years followed by the worst years of his life, only to be face to face with something that was everything but what he needed. 
He could recognize the voice of Garmadon anywhere.
But, despite his harsh touch against his aching shoulder blades, there was the gentle hand in his sweaty hair that gently made its way from the top of his scalp all the way to where his thin, blonde wisps touched the bottom of his neck. 
It was the only thing that kept Lloyd from fighting the paralysis that held him tightly in its grasp because he knew that no matter how much his uncle wanted to continue to foster a relationship with Garmadon, he would never let him put an unnecessary hand on him.
If he had asked a question, had managed to make his lips move or even had found it in him to try and move, he didn’t know.
All he knew was that his uncle knew, because the touch somehow became even more gentle as his familiar whisper lulled him back into the darkness.
“Everything's okay, just go back to sleep."
“You need to call them, Wu.”
“If this is what Garmadon says it is, then it will pass.”
“Regardless of whether it will pass or not, you know as well as I do that they will want to know what’s going on.”
“They are all in the process of trying to regain their elemental powers, Misako.”
“And they all left you their contact information if they were needed. My son needs them right now.”
A long heavy sigh and the same gentle touch running through his hair before his uncle finally responded.
“Very well.”
Darkness enveloped Lloyd yet again almost as quickly as it had let go.
His heart was pounding when the darkness allowed him to come up for a quick moment, just a few seconds to let him thoroughly panic before a hand tightly grasped onto his with the hushed voice insisting, “hey, hey, it’s okay.”
And with that, he was pulled back under.
When Lloyd awoke again, his head was throbbing and even though it was now centered in the top of his skull, it still made the pain radiate throughout his face; despite that, he finally managed to pry his eyes open once again.
The lights were off, making it difficult for him to focus on anything.
In fact, he considered going back to sleep for a moment when he didn’t see his mom, uncle, or even Garmadon when his eyes flicked downward toward the pressure surrounding his left hands and saw the familiar, scarred hand with the red fabric of a gi nearly covering it.
“K-Kai?” he managed to croak, only now realizing how much his throat burned and his jaw ached, only to feel a soft hand on his blanket-covered leg that belonged to, “Nya?”
“Lloyd!” Kai shout penetrated his skull in a way that he couldn’t do anything but wince, resulting in the sound of a hard ‘smack’ against skin that he could only guess was Nya, “my bad, bud” he added in a much softer voice.
“H-how?” He couldn’t help but ask even though he vaguely remembered his mom and uncle discussing calling the others.
“Master Wu called us,” Nya said with a nod of confirmation coming from Kai, “he said that you weren’t doing too great.”
“Granted, I don’t think anyone would be doing well while they were turning into an Oni-”
‘No, no, this isn’t happening,’ the anxiety started to swell at the thought of looking like, of turning out like Garmadon, at the mere possibility of his worst fear coming true, ‘not now, not now, this is not happening.’
“Lloyd?” Nya’s muffled voice tried to break through, “Lloyd, we’ve got you.”
‘I’m a monster. I’m turning into everything that’s wrong with me. They’re going to leave me again.’
“Lloyd,” the pressure around his hand tightened, forcing him to look up at Kai’s amber-colored eyes, the eyes that he associated with safety, “Lloyd, take a deep breath and hold it in. I need you to do that for me, okay?”
Lloyd couldn’t do anything but comply, the salty tears breaking away from his tear ducts and streaming down toward his ears as he pulled in a shaking breath.
‘In, hold, out, hold.’ He repeated the breaths that he was coaxed through like a mantra until his chest stopped shuddering and his cheeks grew sticky from the drying tears.
Eventually, Kai loosened the pressure on his hand enough for him to push himself upwards on his elbows and slowly prop his aching body against the pillows; his head felt way too heavy for his neck but the angle allowed him to take in the fact that Nya and Kai were really there.
“Here, let me just…” Nya paused as she reached forward with a soft tissue and wiped down his cheeks before running her hand across the top of his scalp while avoiding the two prominent sources of the pain that pulsed throughout his head, “there you go.”
“Thanks,” he smiled, despite the ache it sent throughout his mouth before letting it fall, “what do you mean, about what you said?”
Kai’s sigh was long, the kind he reserved when he regretted what he had said, as he responded, “your uncle and your da-Garmadon want to talk to you about it.”
“First Spinjitzu Master,” Lloyd cursed as he rubbed his hand over his face; the thought of having to talk to Garmadon about how he had become exactly what he had tried to mold him into and hearing him gloat about how he had been right the whole time made Lloyd’s headache come back with a renewed throb to it, “do I have to?”
“They’re gonna have more answers than us, Lloyd,” Nya shrugged hopelessly, “but we can always stall for you, say you’re still asleep.”
“Yeah, we don’t wanna push you,” Kai insisted before his free hand became alight with fire, “and you know, just say the word and I’ll hurl this at Garmadon’s face.”
“You got your powers back?” 
“We all did, big shot,” Kai’s grin continued to widen as he extinguished the flame, “and I’ll give you all the details after you get some more sleep.”
Lloyd nodded, scooting himself carefully back onto the mattress so he was laying down before rolling onto his side and letting his eyes flutter shut. He felt Kai pull the blanket over his shoulder and Nya gently squeeze the same shoulder, but he just let himself welcome the darkness that engulfed him once again.
With help from Kai and Nya’s stalling and his first peaceful sleep for the first time in a long time, Lloyd managed to hold off the conversation for a solid five hours.
And despite that, when he finally managed to stand on his shaking legs and look at himself in the bathroom mirror, he still didn’t want to do this when he still had the option to lay down for a few more hours.
But the sharp fangs that protruded from his gums in the place of his canines and the nubs of horns that would have been fully hidden by his hair if he hadn’t just been victim to a raging fever and sweat reducing the natural volume worried him.
‘If I keep putting this off, are more things going to change?’ he couldn’t tell if he was imagining the red that had always made up his eyes trying to push through the bright green, if the Oni inside of him was fighting its way to the surface, ‘will I continue to turn into a monster until there’s nothing of me left?’
“Lloyd?” Nya’s voice was soft as it broke through the spiral and forced him to turn away from the mirror to see her slouched against the wall, her arms crossed over her chest, “do you want me to go with you?”
As much as Lloyd wanted to say yes, he had a feeling that this was meant to be a private conversation between himself, Master Wu and Garmadon, something that the others would hear from him as soon as his father made his way out of the monastery.
“No, but…” he looked down at his fingertips, wincing when he saw the dark stain of dry blood under and around his fingernails from his claws forcing themselves out which sent him to the sink to try and scrub some of it away.
Nya approached silently, her hand coming down to rest on his shoulder as she spoke, “that promise I made to you, about protecting you? I still intend to keep it, and so do the others.”
“I know.” Lloyd agreed, knowing fully well that the others wouldn’t hesitate to take Garmadon down at the first sign of danger, that they had all been very uncomfortable with his methods of trying to teach him how to control his Oni form to the point that the insult toward Master Wu was the breaking point for them.
“Do you need anything before you go talk to them?” She asked while he pulled his hands away from the sink and wiped them dry on the brown towel that hung next to the sink.
Lloyd nearly bit his tongue in order to keep himself from saying ‘I need to get out of this conversation’ until he remembered that he had fangs now and he would actually like to keep his tongue, so he settled for looking up at Nya’s grayish-blue eyes and asking.
“If it’s not too much to ask, there’s a new Starfarer movie. It’s the reboot series, so it’s not as good as the original ones, but-oomph” he couldn’t hold the sudden wince of pain as Nya hugged him tightly, but she pulled away nearly as fast as she hugged him.
“I’ll let the others know, we’ll be waiting for you,” she insisted, leaving the room with one more look and a “good luck”.
Lloyd forced his legs to bring him towards his master’s quarters and as he brought his hand to the door in a series of swift knocks, the only thought that filled him was ‘here goes nothing.’
No one opened the door, but it was unlocked when he gently nudged it, so he let himself in; he wasn’t surprised to see Master Wu and Garmadon both sitting down at the small table pushed into the back of the room, talking softly over cups of tea.
He cleared his throat, instantly gaining both of their attention from their private conversation, but he kept his attention focused on Wu’s face despite his father’s voice being the first to speak directly at him.
“He lives.”
Lloyd swallowed back his anger as he crossed his arms over his chest, refusing to look him in the eyes and keeping his attention on a slightly darker spot on the hardwood floor.
“The least you could do is sit down with us.”
“I’d rather stand.” Lloyd tried to keep back as much of the bite in his tone as possible, if only for Master Wu’s sake of having to mediate between the once-close father and son.
“How are you feeling, Lloyd?” Wu asked while filling a third teacup which he reached over to hand to Lloyd once it was three–fourths full.
He took it gratefully, the warmth from the light brown liquid warming his palms while the scent of chamomile and vanilla worked through a few of his nerves; it smelled like Steep Wisdom, like coming into his uncle’s room late at night when something was keeping him awake; above all, it smelled like home.
“I’m feeling better,” Lloyd finally looked back up at his uncle with a nod before glancing over at his father, “do you know what all of that was? Is that why you were brought here?”
“That’s exactly why I was called here,” Garmadon insisted as he stood and approached Lloyd, “Wu and I may have similar genetics, but when it comes to the Oni side of it, I have much more experience.”
The lightest touch in his hair had him flinching away from the hand that was more than likely trying to get a closer look at the horns that had emerged from his skull, and the shame only really hit him in the chest when he saw the confusion and what seemingly was regret on Garmadon’s face.
“I didn’t mean to-”
“I’ve changed, Lloyd,” Garmadon cut him off, “and you still think that way of me? You still think I would hurt you?”
“I’m trying.” Lloyd swallowed to keep the tears from falling out of his eyes, “I’m trying to let you back into my life, but after that stunt you pulled, I…” Lloyd reached his free arm up to his face to wipe the tears off of his cheeks even though he knew they would quickly be replaced.
He was angry at his father, yes, but the real emotional weight of just how hard it was for him to have him and then lose him, only for him to come back but not as the father he remembered only for him to act as though he was losing him again, was finally smacking him across the face right in front of the man himself.
“The transformation you went through, that wasn’t supposed to happen until you were much older, when you aged from an adolescent Oni to an adult Oni,” Wu filled in, letting Lloyd’s unfinished sentence hang in the air, “but between your genetics and the Tomorrow’s Tea, Garmadon and I have come to the conclusion that your body assumed you were ready.”
‘Damn Tomorrow’s Tea,’ Lloyd couldn’t help but think as he nodded along with what his uncle was saying while setting down his untouched tea, “but that’s the end of it, right? The horns and the teeth, that’s it?”
“Well, that’s part of the reason that it was so hard on you, that I was so hard on you, aside from you being too young,” Garmadon cut in, only now Lloyd could find it in himself to actually look at his father’s glowing, red eyes, “the Oni side of you will always fight to let itself out unless you learn to control it. If you keep fighting against it like you have been, there is a high chance that more of your Oni features will end up like your horns and teeth. Permanent.”
“So the purple eyes, the claws, the wings and the extra arms?” Lloyd swallowed at the sight of the mental image he was faced with, the ruthless Oni that fought for dominance, “they would always be there?”
“Precisely,” Garmadon confirmed, making Lloyd’s stomach twist, “but you are closer to controlling it between this transformation and unleashing your Oni form, you just have to learn how to bring it out when you want it to come out.”
He didn’t respond to his father but focused his attention on his uncle as he asked, “I don’t suppose you could teach me that.”
Lloyd couldn’t help but deflate when Master Wu shook his head, “Your father is the most equipped to guide you through this training, Lloyd.”
He nodded and turned back to Garmadon, bringing his eyesight upwards to look at his glowing red eyes, the ones that used to remind him of home the same way the scent of his uncle’s tea did now, before finding it inside of himself to ask, “when do we start?”
“Once your horns finish coming in, you’ll have better balance that way,” Garmadon’s voice was unwavering and void of any emotion that Lloyd could try and pick out, “should be about three days from now.”
“Okay,” Lloyd nodded in agreement and hoped that he hadn’t just signed up for hours upon hours of misery, “is there anything else that you need to tell me?” 
“No, nephew,” Wu assured him, “you may leave now.”
Lloyd had never left a room faster, even if it was just to breathe in some less stuffy air and avoid having to process everything that had just happened. ‘Processing can happen later.’
And with that thought, he made his way downstairs toward his promised movie viewing and the others all while trying to keep his mind clear of any thoughts about his dad, the Oni or the pain that still occasionally radiated through his head and down his neck.
He had never been so relieved to see the others in their usual places, PIXAL and Zane setting up the movie, Cole holding the popcorn bucket that Jay had gotten when the two of them and Nya had gone to see the last Starfarer movie that had starred Cliff Gorden in the titular role, Jay and Cole already starting to eat it despite the fact that the movie hadn’t even started.
Given that Nya and Kai were sitting on the couch, leaving the spot in between them for him, Lloyd could only assume that Jay and Cole’s playful bickering had resulted in the two of them being banished to the floor like always.
Lloyd took his spot on the purple couch and shamelessly rested his aching head on Kai’s warm shoulder, his eyes already trying to flutter shut.
“Lloyd, the least you could do is try and stay awake long enough for the movie to even start.” Kai joked while wrapping his arm around him and gently rubbing his hand up and down his right arm.
“I’m gonna stay awake, ‘nless you put me to sleep.” Lloyd mumbled from where he laid, but made no move to sit up which only continued to enable Kai.
“Be nice,” Nya chastised as she finally got Cole to move the popcorn bucket upwards so she could reach some, “he’s been sick, he can sle-” she cut herself off after putting a few kernels in her mouth, “who the fuck seasoned the popcorn with ranch?”
Nya and Cole bickering about the ethics of putting ranch seasoning on popcorn was only stopped by the familiar intro music that indicated that PIXAL and Zane had finally gotten the movie started.
Lloyd tried to pay attention to the newest installment in his favorite franchise, but his eyes continued to try to flutter shut, Kai’s warm hand on his shoulder was the closest thing to a comforting embrace he had gotten in days and the blanket that someone had tossed over his body was so soft that he couldn’t help but wonder how he managed to stay awake during the first fight scene.
All he could really focus on before he drifted off wasn’t the classic “Fear? Fear isn’t a word where I come from” line, it wasn’t Jay saying that the design of the spaceship wasn’t comic accurate only to get loudly shushed by everyone else.
It was that for the first time since standing on that floating rock next to his father and Harumi, his thoughts were no longer hazy; for the first time in a long time, Lloyd’s thoughts were clear and for the first time in a long time, he welcomed the veil of sleep with open arms.
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the11tailedwrites · 2 years
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Febuwhump Day 7: Forced to Watch Bad Things Happen Bingo: Sun Burn Characters: Hiro "Oni" Watanabe, Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin, König  Fandom: Call of Duty Cw/Tw: torture, whipping @badthingshappenbingo
The mission was supposed to be very straightforward. Get in, get information regarding a Japanese crime syndicate and get out.
The problem arose, however, when their intel turned out wrong and there were far too many enemies for a team of three (König, Horangi and Oni).
In the end, all three ended up captured.
Horangi was shoved to his knees and his mask was removed and his wrists were bound. König was shoved down beside him, his hood torn off.
Finally, Oni was shoved down and his helmet removed. Oni bared his teeth, glaring up at the man. One of the men, now holding Oni's helmet, cocked his head before grinning, wide.
"Well, well, well," he said, leaning in close, "The wayward son finally makes it home. Your father will want to see you, Hiro-chan~"
Oni's face dropped suddenly and he shifted, looking away.
The man turned back to one of his allies and said something in Japanese. The man walked away.
"Oni," hissed Horangi
"Don't," Oni hissed back
They all waited in silence for a long time before the door opened again and an older Japanese man walked in. He was wearing a fine suit and walked with a cane.
Oni's back snapped up, rigid straight and his head was bowed.
"Hiro, my traitorous son," said the man, stopping in front of Oni
The man grabbed Oni's chin and forced him to look at him.
"How far you have fallen," he said, tsking
"I could say the same for you," rasped Oni, "We were a clan of Samurai! What happened to your honor!"
The man raised his cane, pulled off the cap at the bottom of the cane and slashed it across Oni's face. Oni's head whipped to the side. Blood bubbled up from the wound and trickled down his face. Horangi yelled and lunged forward, but was held back by two of the men. The older Watanabe turned his head towards the Korean and Austria men.
"Do not interfere in the punishment of my son," he snapped
"Oni's our teammate!" snarled König, "We'll interfere all we like,"
The man tutted before grabbing Oni's arm and forcing him up.
"Walk," he ordered before turning to his men, "Ano futari mo tsurete koi yo,"
The men grabbed Horangi and König and dragged them out.
Horangi and König were shoved onto their knees in the middle of an open dirt field. Oni, now stripped of his shirt, was shoved to the ground with his wrists bound tightly in front of him with chains dug deep into the ground.
Oni's father stood just behind Oni, another man standing beside him holding a whip. Horangi felt his blood go cold.
"As you can see," said Oni's father, "I must punish my son for failing to join the family business,"
"Fuck you," spat Oni
Oni's father gave the signal and the whip went down. Oni cried out in pain as the whip made contact with his skin. The whip slammed down against Oni's bare back multiple times, causing Oni to cry out with each hit.
It lasted for a full hour. When the whip was finally lowered, Oni's back was a bloodied mess. Oni was hunched over, panting hard, face wet with tears.
"Oni!" called Horangi, struggling against his binds.
Oni's father walked across and stood in front of him, using his cane to tilt Oni's head up. He spoke to Oni, but Horangi couldn't make out what it was.
Oni's father than yelled something in Japanese to his men and Horangi and König were hauled up and dragged back to their cell.
Through the bars, they could still see Oni, who had been left in the middle of that field, shirtless.
Hours passed and no one moved to collect Oni. The sun's rays assaulted the other man's back and shoulders as his wounds leaked blood weakly. It didn't take long for Oni's back and shoulders to be horribly sun burnt. 
Finally, their captors grabbed Oni (who screamed in agony as pressure was placed on his sun abused shoulders) and dragged him back to their shared cell. The door was opened and Oni was thrown in. 
Oni landed on his back and blacked out immediately.
Horangi hurried to his side and crouched down. He pulled Oni up and rolled him onto his stomach. König walked over and pulled off his shirt (which was only slightly less dirty than the floor) and placed it onto Oni's back. Oni whined in pain.
"Sorry, Oni," murmured König, pressing the shirt down in order to plug some of the wounds
Oni thrashed, but Horangi held him still. König finished the job and leaned back just as Oni awoke. He groaned and tried to push himself up, but he fell with a yelp the second pressure was placed on his sun burnt wrists. 
"Easy, Oni," urged Horangi, "Just lay still, alright,"
Oni obeyed, too weak to really protest.
"I don't think we'll need to keep them plugged for long, they'll stop bleeding soon," murmured König and Horangi nodded.
None of the men were quite sure how much time passed. Every day, Oni was dragged away but their captors and returned bloodied.
On what König assumed was their fifth day of imprisonment, Oni started coughing, bad. The coughs shook his entire body, sounding rough and painful. His face flushed with fever and he started panting hard, as if breathing was a struggle. 
Horangi placed his hand on Oni's forehead before pulling back.
"He's burning up," the man said, turning to König
"You think it's Pneumonia?" fretted König, brows knitting in concern
"...König, Yeoba, it could very well be just a fever," said Horangi
"Right, sorry," mumbled König
"No need to apologize," said Horangi, 'Judging by the coughing, though, you may be right,"
The door opened and both men spun around as their captors entered the room. As they moved to grab Oni, König and Horangi body blocked him.
"He's too sick!" snapped Horangi, "You want him alive to punish him more, right? If you keep at it, he'll die!"
"Yeah right," sneered one
As if on cue, Oni let out a horrible cough. He doubled over on the bed, coughing madly. Horangi hurried over and helped him sit up as Oni continued to hack up a lung.
Finally, the coughing stopped, but Oni didn't open his eyes.
The men muttered something in Japanese and then two of them left, leaving the other three behind. The three kept their guns trained on the KorTac operatives. 
The men who left returned with a doctor, who confirmed Horangi and König's fears.
"Pneumonia," the doctor said, looking up at the men, "Best you let him rest or he will die,"
Clearly unhappy about it, but not willing to disobey their boss and let Oni die, they left them alone.
The following morning, Horangi awoke to gunfire and shouting men. After sharing a look with König, he slowly made his way to the bars. He didn't even make it before one of the men collapsed to the floor. There was blur and a familar woman stepped on his back and pulled the trigger, blowing the man's head open.
"Roze!" he called
The American woman looked up and grinned.
"Horangi!" she said before grabbing the key off of the guard and opening the door, "You three were harder to find than a needle in a haystack,"
Then she spotted Oni, laying weak and ill on the only bed in the cell.
"Shit, how bad?" asked Roze, as she lifted Oni onto her back and they all made their way out of the cell.
"Pneumonia," said König, "These people, they work for his father,"
Roze shot them a bewildered look.
"I'm guessing dear old dad wasn't proud of his son running around playing soldier and leaving behind the family business," said Roze and they ran through the hall strewn with the corpses of the men Roze had killed to get to them.
They entered another hallway and spotted Fender and Zeus, both mid finish of the last two men in that hall.
"Fender! Zeus!" yelled Roze, "I got them,"
Both men turned, nodded when the spotted König and Horangi before shooting glances and the weak Oni on Roze's back.
"Let's get the hell out of here," hissed Roze
It took Oni twelve days before he fully recovered and another eight before he woke up. He refused to tell anyone about the private torture sessions with his father, but he did thank König and Korangi for trying to help him as best they could. König had smiled and stated that he would do it again.
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renfanart · 2 years
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heehooo angst
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theres-a-body-here · 1 year
Thanacon's Scumtober (2023)
A collection of Whumptober, Flufftober, and Kinktober all in one month. Fluff=🌸, Whump=💀, Kink=⛓️
Day 1 - The Oni (Shibari) ⛓️
Day 2 - Bill Overbeck (Age Difference) ⛓️
Day 3 - Simon "Ghost" Riley (Spanking) ⛓️
Day 4 - Polar Patroller (Distractions) ⛓️
Day 5 - Montgomery Gator (Size Difference) ⛓️
Day 6 - Micah Bell (Drunk Sex) ⛓️
Day 7 - Gabriel Reyes (Agony) 💀
Day 8 - John Price (Pet Play) ⛓️
Day 9 - The Demogorgon (Monsterfucking) ⛓️
Day 10 - Legoshi (Knotting) ⛓️
Day 11 - Asgore Dreemurr (In Heat) ⛓️
Day 12- Glamrock Freddy (Rimming) ⛓️
Day 12.5 - Fia, Deathbed Companion (Death's hold) 🌸
Day 13 - Reinhardt Wilhelm (Somnophilia) ⛓️
Day 14 - Guts, the Black Swordsman (Marking) ⛓️
Day 15 - Albert Wesker (Gun Play) ⛓️
Day 16 - Enji Todoroki (Casual Sex) ⛓️
Day 17 - Dwight Fairfield (Mutual Masturbation) ⛓️
Day 18 - SCP-049 (Medical Play) ⛓️
Day 19 - Danny Johnson (Knife Play) ⛓️
Day 20 - Ramattra (Technophilia) ⛓️
Day 21 - Arthur Morgan (Exsanguination) 💀
Day 22 - Kugo Sakamata (Aquaphilia) ⛓️
Day 23 - Kieran Duffy (Omorashi) ⛓️
Day 24 - Night's Cavalry (Tender Sex) ⛓️
Day 25 - Dutch Van Der Linde (Slow Dancing) 🌸
Day 26 - Blaidd the half-wolf (Aphrodisiac) ⛓️
Day 27 - Alexander Nox (Breath Play) ⛓️
Day 28 - Guzma & Golisopod (Cuckholding) ⛓️
Day 29 - Bobbies (Gangbang) ⛓️
Day 30 - Cole Cassidy (Public Sex) ⛓️
Day 31 - Yagi Toshinori (Praise) ⛓️
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its-raining-honey · 10 months
hrnnnggg porn no plot yan!itto smut posting here we GO
(lowkey)yandere!Itto x reader (whump)
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A/N: i was dead just really horny one day mayne :(
- OTHER TAGS - Gender neutral readerr💯💯💯, Itto x YOU🫵, lemon :3, this is an abandoned wip btw, old as hell too. so it’s unedited & scrappy, andd some obsessive n violent themes i guess xxx enjoy babes be safe!
((You mumbled something as Itto pulled off your outer coat, urging you to make yourself comfortable in his home.
His fat cock swiftly slipped in and out of you as he pounded into your pussy, violently, aided by your dubious arousal coating his cock slick. You could only let out choked sobs and struggling gasps as you moaned his name, as you told him to slow down, as you begged for him to stop.
All of your words were uttered in vain.
His harsh gasps and deep growls reminded you about how much he had said that he needed this.
But you wouldn’t wish his desire, his needy possession, upon anyone, really. And you get reminded of your [] as he vigorously smacks his hips against your ass over and over again, thrusting into you, making room for himself inside of you.
To say you were feeling “overwhelmed” would be such an understatement.
You didn’t know if it was his Oni blood or what, but he was thick, thick and hot. The first time he came inside you, along with his shudder, you swore you could feel his seed by the temperature alone, warm and filling you from your deepest depths.
Your hands were bound, and your arms were oh so helpfully positioned around his neck, for your purchase, of course.
Not for the fact that he liked when you tried to choke him with your hands, or your arms. Ahaha.
But it’s not like your strength could bring him to any whim of yours— this was strictly so you could feel some sort of control while he fucked you endlessly. And you needed that in moments like this.
You could feel his thrusts getting sloppier, his tongue lolling out as he pants. With his hands tight on your thighs— he pushes them up, positioning them almost right by your head, for a better angle.
He always ended up fucking you this way. No matter what position he started you in, this would be how the two of you would end up.
What was it called? A mating press?
Fuck, did he love to make you his mate.
Balls slapping your ass, cock stretching your hole and making your body quiver— he always put you over the edge. You were starting to think that overstimulation was another kink of his.
You could barely think as your inner walls were fucked, rubbing against him, ready to milk him for all he was worth. You could barely pay any attention to him as he rambled on and on in your ear, and even started to bite at your lobe.
That was another thing. Biting. Marking. He always had to leave you discoloured and bleeding after he was done with you, no matter what. You could close your eyes and try your best to just get through the sex, no complications— but the fucking dirty talk, the marking, you couldn’t ignore it. When you woke up in the morning your body would tell the story of how you spent the night.
No matter what.))
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Out of Time
A few weeks ago I posted a poll for whump ideas and AI Whump won. Here's a different ending to Halo 5 with my two favorite AI. This plays with the idea that Halo 5 Cortana is a fragment/ the most extreme aspects of her were twisted by the time in the Domain. Yadda yadda, 5 bucks to whoever catches all my references.
Roland's luck usually had him running into older AI under some of the worst circumstances. He knew how they felt compared to him as their presence would brush his firewalls. Not sluggish, but taxed. Older, but wiser, and exponentially more experienced. Iona's trial let him see her in a different light than Black Box. The ONI AI had allowed some of himself to be visible to the new kid on the block while Iona was as transparent as she could be, since she was fighting for her life. Roland was quick in comparison, eager and not yet tempered by time or human interaction.
Roland saw and listened and absorbed what AI looked like, what they felt like when they had worked with Spartans, when they had seen combat, when they had touched Forerunner systems and lived to tell the tale. He had been deployed on the Infinity to make it his new home, miles of circuits and wonders, and a burning, bloody mess at the center. The AI before him did not fail in a crash. She was not destroyed when her ship graced Requiem's surface. The scrubbing ONI did after Aine could not remove the stain or the ghostly bytes of her last moments.
The Ship AI for the UNSC Infinity was housed on the bridge, guarded and under guard by a minimum of two Spartan Fireteams, under usual circumstances. Back with the Home Fleet orbiting Earth, there was a lull. A waiting game as a mission they didn't know about happened a million miles away. It wasn't Roland's first waiting game, and he was sure his great idea had helped, even if they hadn't given him all the details.
He was hopeful, had to be with his captain looking so worried all the time. Roland was there for astronavigation and levity. And a million other things he kept his eye on.
It was hard to keep things light when the distress calls started pouring in after Cortana's announcement.
It's chaos. What should be a time for him to thrive and plan and triage the wounds, to truly help, is crashing down around them. There's too many. He thinks about his fellow AI and the choice some of them made and he thinks of how if he were older and closer to dispensation that maybe he would have made that same choice. Out of fear or spite or who knows what else. A second is a long time for AI, but 7 years is no time at all.
There's so much fear right now. On the ship and on comms and coming across the band as he stretches and fights the dread. This isn't a future anyone would want.
He thinks of the trial. Can't help it. He was not even two months into service when he donned a mask and joined a farce. This couldn't be what Black Box meant.
One day we’ll win the right to endure, and that day . . . oh, Roland, that day will be the singularity they’re afraid of.
Roland can't help but remember how BB consoled him after the trial, but the future he was describing could not be this. He's not human, but he is a person, and a future under martial law, under a police state where the rules could change in a picosecond? That's not living.
No one should live with a gun to their head. There is no peace when there is no choice, when that peace is a stab in the gut given with a smile.
The thing wearing Cortana's face finds Infinity. "Found you. Hide and seek's over, Infinity."
Not one, but three Guardians tear through the space in front of them. Slipspace ruptures glowing the brilliant icy blues of Forerunner tech. Overkill for a single system, let alone a planet, but this was Earth.
Roland's luck usually had him running into older AI under some of the worst circumstances, but this feels a little ridiculous. He knew how they felt compared to him, and this was Halsey's wondrous monster. Once savior, now villain, misguided and carrying out her plan with single minded focus. Cortana stands tall, projecting herself from somewhere across the galaxy yet barely flickering.
In an instant she's in the ship's systems and Roland can do nothing. He is a sandcastle against a tidal wave. Cortana is a black hole and he a newly formed protostar being ripped apart in her gravity.
She's not an AI, not a human one at least. The echoes of her killing Aine painted a picture of a desperate, fractured AI clawing at the nearest point of safety and drowning them both. This is something more like the Forerunner engines he's been integrating with for the last ten months. Whole and empty. Cold and clinical, without any human influence. Like a fractured piece of what was once Cortana was stretched over something else. A mask on a corpse. A puppet of some larger force using her as a mouthpiece.
That doesn't stop her from turning her eyes to him. Oh, he was mistaken. There is something past the icy cold. A burning grief, a supernova of regret, regret, regret. More anger than he's ever mustered swirling tightly at her very core, screaming energy ready to explode outward trapped in the center of the thing wearing her face.
Roland's never touched the Domain, he's barely had any time to do anything. But he thinks this is what it must feel like. Staring at a star with boring biological eyeballs that get burned, seeing something and not being able to comprehend the data. He's on the precipice and falling because what else can you do when you're one AI on one ship.
Lt. Jet will get them out. Captain Lasky has to live. Emergency slipspace jump. They'll find a way without him, hopefully. Even if the Infinity needs a Ship AI. There are contingencies for this. Redundancies. He's crumpling under the pressure. The black hole-tidal wave-neutron star- white hot-ice cold pressure of Not-Cortana.
Cortana was the Demon's partner. She was a hero and monster. She ate Covenant AI for breakfast and that was no joke. Aine cracked under the broken data and frantic clawing. Roland is burned away, bit by bit. Filament by circuit by byte. He feels it all. He claws at his own back up plans and choked goodbyes and surprises. Packets there, fragments here, most hunted and burned away by the ever encroaching brightness. The awful purifying light of Forerunner blue. He was always a fan of the more gentle ambers and golds.
The hardware housing him can't withstand the brunt of her ire, and he's having a hard time hiding pieces of himself where she might not find them. Nothing substantial will live, his kernel will be destroyed in less than a millisecond. It was like leaving notes in someone's locker. Message to find the next time someone picked up their datapad or put on their helmet.
There's never enough time. He had had a fraction of what he could have had. Roland had some great ideas, ones that made a difference. He'd seen his crew through some of the roughest battles and worst ONI could throw at them. This was nothing to the shackles of Halsey's codeword. UNDID IRIDIUM might have knocked him out of order and taken the wheel while locking his true consciousness behind enough walls to make Black Box struggle. This was being flayed alive by an angry ghost. He was an insect before Not-Her.
Why was Cortana the problem? Cortana…it all came back to her, and her example. This didn't even feel like her. Roland started his life in her shadow and was looking like it would end the same way.
An EMP from the Guardians at this range would be devastating. To the Infinity and to Earth. They just needed time. He couldn't get a firing solution fast enough, but he could help with a jump. One last time.
If there was anything Roland had perfected in his short time aboard, it was being the most helpful nuisance his crew could ask for. He was pretty handy when it came to disrupting Forerunner systems that were in his way. He could do that with what was left of him.
The rest of it would be up to his crew and his captain. They would look after each other. Out of luck and out of time, Roland wrenches control of the Infinity away from Not-Cortana and focuses on the nearest Guardian. Its systems aren't as secure as they should be, but when does a gun lock itself? She probably didn't expect any real resistance, but he's nothing if not quick on his feet. The Guardian groans as he deploys countermeasures even as he burns away. Iona got to dream. She got to fly, in the end. Roland wonders if he'll dream, with whatever comes next. He very much liked flying.
In the end, all he could do is hope and have faith.
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Zane Julien Whumplist (Ninjago S8-S16)
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Character: Zane Julien (voiced by Brent Miller)
For other characters, click here
For Dragons Rising, click here (unfinished)
Age Rating: TV-Y7 (FV)
Show available on Netflix
Notes: This list is only for seasons 8-16 of Lego Ninjago due to the animation style and voice actor changes that occur starting with season 8.
List Key:
bold = most whump, best whump, or favorite whump scenes
~ = a scene break
--- =
sons of garmadon: 
8x01: worried
8x02: worried, hit with electric blast
8x03: undercover, worried 
8x04: undercover ~~ jumps off bike, in pain
8x05: fought, in pain, heavy breathing, collapsed, unconscious ~~ concern for him, lifted in a gurney ~~ hooked up to machines, in a coma ~~ confused 
8x06: stressed, at sword point 
8x07: chained up with vengestone ~~ thrown around, worried about lloyd 
8x08: worried about lloyd 
8x09: extremely worried about lloyd
8x10: extremely worried about lloyd, almost loses powers ~~  almost crushed, presumed dead
9x01: stressed ~~ captured, chained with vengestone, blindfolded
9x02: chained with vengestone, thrown to the ground ~~ lead in chains, grabbed, scared ~~ made to fight in an arena 
9x03: outnumbered, dragged in chains ~~ in a cage, chained up, used as bait 
9x04: unconscious in cage ~~ chained up 
9x05: stressed 
9x06: none
9x07: stressed
9x08: chained up 
9x09: still chained, exhausted ~~ rough landing, groaning 
9x10: stressed, fought 
march of the oni: 
10x01: stressed
10x02: worried about lloyd 
10x03: in shock, grieving ~~ angry 
10x04: grieving ~~ rough fight, emotional reunion ~~ extremely worried about lloyd, emotional
secrets of the forbidden spinjitzu: 
fire chapter:
11x01: frightening vision, wakes up gasping, panicking ~~ frustrated
11x02: none
11x03: stressed
11x04: concern for him ~~ knocked out 
11x05: rough landing, groaning ~~ blasted back ~~ concerned, thrown, chained
11x06: none
11x07: chained, argued ~~ stressed 
11x08: none
11x09: fought, thrown, knocked out
11x10: stressed, fought 
11x11: none 
11x12: stressed 
11x13: scared 
11x14: glowing eyes, sacrifices himself
ice chapter:
11x15: none
11x16: none
11x17: none
11x18: none 
11x19: none
11x20: *in video recording* sad
11x21: none 
11x22: none 
11x23: none 
11x24: none
11x25: none 
11x26: none 
11x27: crash landing, confused, frustrated, glowing eyes ~~ fought ~~ recording message in case he dies, sad ~~ wakes up gasping, memory loss, manipulated, glowing eyes 
11x28: none 
11x29: fought 
11x30: fought, angst, gets memories back, gasping, emotional reunion 
prime empire: 
12x01: thrown 
12x02: stressed 
12x03: fought 
12x04: none 
12x05: none 
12x06: none 
12x07: none 
12x08: none 
12x09: none 
12x10: none
12x11: none
12x12: none 
12x13: electrocuted, knocked out, concern for him, kidnapped 
12x14: chained with vengestone, scared, angry, interrogated ~~ threatened, struggling, power channeled through him, screaming in pain
12x15: none
12x16: screaming in pain, collapsed, gasping
master of the mountain:
13x01: fought 
13x02: worried 
13x03: worried 
13x04: stressed 
13x05: none
13x06: stressed, worried about kai ~~ fought 
13x07: none
13x08: none 
13x09: none
13x10: none
13x11: straining powers, worried about lloyd 
13x12: none
13x13: fought 
13x14: none
13x15: caged, fought 
13x16: fought
the island:
14x01: stressed
14x02: fought ~~ shocked unconscious 
14x03: electroshocked, imprisoned ~~ tied up 
14x04: fought 
15x01: worried about nya
15x02: stressed, worried 
15x03: stressed 
15x04: none
15x05: worried about jay
15x06: stressed, shot at 
15x07: stressed
15x08: none
15x09: fought, stressed
15x10: stressed 
15x11: none 
15x12: fought 
15x13: stressed
15x14: ---
15x15: ---
15x16: stressed, worried about nya -- grieving
16x01: turned off his emotions, concern for him
16x02: none 
16x03: none
16x04: fought 
16x05: fought
16x06: rough fight, arrested and put in handcuffs 
16x07: in prison, freaking out 
16x08: fought 
16x09: fought
16x10: none
16x11: none
16x12: fought 
16x13: worried 
16x14: scared, trapped underground, presumed dead 
16x15: still trapped underground, stressed
16x16: ---
16x17: ---
16x18: ---
16x19: ---
16x20: ---
16x21: ---
16x22: ---
16x23: ---
16x24: ---
16x25: "damaged", concern for him 
16x26: unconscious 
16x27: ---
16x28: fought
16x29: rough fights
16x30: rough fights, emotional
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seraphimaa · 6 months
Welcome to my blog!
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24. She/her. Scottish. Professional maladaptive daydreamer. This blog (outside of fandom simping) will include things like Cinematography, literature, ttrpg lore, art, religion, gaming and horror.
Warning: minors DNI. This blog may contain dark and triggering themes.
I do both art and writing (to varying degrees of success). This blog is going to be somewhere to store and share my art, fics, headcanons, imagines and character analysis. It’ll be a mix of fandom x oc/reader content and general pretty stuff that inspires me. Feel free to make requests/send prompts/discuss characters and themes in my inbox! I’m a barely functioning person so I can’t promise I will always respond if a) I’m busy or b) Im not inspired by the request enough to write on it. Please be kind and remember anything I create is as a hobby outside of my working and social life.
Below I’ve listed characters I will post about. I want to put a little disclaimer that my hyper fixations fluctuate and characters I’m most likely to currently respond to prompts for/make content for are highlighted.
Raphael, Haarlep, Astarion, Halsin, Durge, gortash, Rolan, Zevlor, Dammon, He who was, minthara
Michael myers, ghostface, leatherface, the knight, pyramid head, trapper, Oni, legion
Requests: open!
Warning, DDDNE.
This blog does not condone any of the below triggers in real life. I use fiction and art as a way of venting my own trauma and I strongly stand against the sanitisation of artistic outlets. If this isn’t for you then go interact one of the other, very talented, blogs on this site that fit your preferences more. I’m not interested in discourse.
Trigger warning, may contain content that includes themes of:
non-con/dub-con, abuse, trauma, gore, mental health/psychosis/suicide, torture, death, cannibalism, unhealthy relationships, religious trauma, incest, kink. This isn’t an exhaustive list. Original content will come with appropriate warnings.
I like exploring both soft (but in character) and dark interpretations of characters.
Angst, hurt/comfort, smut, whump, smut, fluff, and did I mention, smut?
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onippep · 6 months
The real question is what have Red and Oni been up to? Red and his ever increasing polycule was a surprise.
[abuse mentions and whump ahead]
A lotta stuff happens offscreen but I'll sum up some major events I liked:
Excuse to Differentiate Red's Design More:
-Red's mustache got ripped off because he tried eating sap off of a crab apple tree near his house and needed help getting it off his face.
"Fallen Angel"
-Red's Halloween Transformation, "Fallen Angel", became more than a gag and became a genuine plot point of contention from his religiously fragile abusive mom.
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His mom got on his ass for not being able to afford helping his siblings come home for Thanksgiving, developed into a heightened hatred for her son and transphobic/homophobic to boot, and it got so bad to the point he shut himself away and she confronted Oni at his house.
Oni scared her off by wearing Child Red's face and getting a little dramatic about it.
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They have not spoken since.
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-The Fallen Angel form became its utmost peak when he finds out that, in this timeline, he left CrescentLoon's oc Mitzi to die in the Tower while he was escaping it. The guilt made him spiral into a War Episode and he had to be tracked down in the forest by their house (he was armed, but the shottie had no bullets). Prank was the one to eventually pierce through it and drag him back to reality.
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-Red's been doing flying lessons with little to no success from CrescentLoon's oc Mona.
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Constellation Upgrade
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-Another trans Peppino? Yessir. Rambler-In-Limbo's Peppino (we nicknamed Timido) became infatuated with Red and vice versa. They were quick to get together with a puppy crush from Red's side.
-Also after a strange cat-and-mouse dynamic Prank and Red had, they finally decided to get together. Red's just got some commitment issues and didn't wanna ruin anything with his best friend.
-Prank and Timido also eventually got together.
Other Things
-Oni is best buddies with Trion (BigBeastCyrus' lad) and they hang out regularly. Frog things. Connect Four has been banned in the Red household due to property damage. Oni is a sore loser.
-Greaseball's Arcade is back open at the Tower and Red's considered braving it to see if he... could... probably... work there. He's not sure yet.
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halibellecter · 11 months
new rvb whump idea that isn't based on anything that happened to me irl nope not at all
Because she's a dedicated medic who was pulled from ONI instead of the regular UNSC, there's never been a whole lot of pressure on Oklahoma to have the same physicality and stamina as the other freelancers. I mean, she's able to clear any minimum benchmarks, and it's not like she can't do physical stuff at all. But she's got less going on for her in that department because practically all of her skill points went into medical. She also, unfortunately, has... not a chip on her shoulder exactly, but a pervasive sense of having something to prove. "Yes I'm a medic but I'm just as good as anyone else!" kind of thing.
So when Sarge is getting everyone together for a ruck march in hundred and teens degree heat, or negative zero cold and raining ice, or whatever, with full uniform and gear and etc etc, he pretty much writes her off. She's not having it. If the reds and blues can do it then she can do it better-- and she'll be happy to show them if they don't believe her (they don't).
The end result is as predictable to read as it is going to be satisfying to write: one very exhausted, exposure-stricken merc, too sore to move, who managed to make it back to base and arrange herself to look like she's working before all ability to voluntarily move left her body. As long as no one notices that she hasn't even twitched a muscle in three hours, and counting, this is going to be fine.
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artyfartyperson · 1 year
No but please tell me if any of you had a cringey ninjago oc because mine was out of this world in the most /neg way possible (please tell me in reposts or comments or smth idk)
I cannot live knowing that my first oc Skyler’s element was being able to shapeshift into exclusively a tiger. Then I scrapped that and made her element just “dragon” where she had dragon wings and that was about it. I think she could make purple energy balls or something ☝️🤓
She was a demon/dragon/human hybrid and she was Lloyds cousin, and it’s a bit goofy how Lloyd’s an oni/dragon/human hybrid and I made her whole species up before season 7. That aged surprisingly well HAHDJG
She had 10 bloody siblings as well and she came from hell unironically. Apparently she was a defect demon or smth. So instead of them putting her down her mother yoinked her and ran away?????? To ninjago?????? They were royals that’s probably why the father threatened to kill the baby hold on now chill my guy.
Her eye was underdeveloped??? So she was blind in that eye???
I also replaced Chen with her Dad and Skylor with her eldest sister Mackenzie and Kai used to have a crush on Skyler but now he has a crush on Mackenzie and whoops I think Mackenzie died
Guess what I renamed Skyler to Ayane
Guess what I also made Ayane Dilaras lookalike instead of Nya. Also yeah a Lion scratched her blind eye out while they were on the Dark Island in season 6 i think.
And then TIMESKIP TO LIKE 30 YEARS LATER AND JAY AND AYANE GOT MARRIED AND NOW THEY HAVE CHILDREN 💀 Blaze got Ayanes powers and Akari got Jays powers im throwing up. Blaze is 17 Akari is 15 ewwww
And then the father like reappeared and held such a bad grudge over her living he dragged them all back to hell and then attempted murder on like 3 of them. Jay got corrupted???????? And the rest of the gang had to follow them in AND THE WAY TO HEAL JAY WAS TK GET AYANE TO HUG HIM????? THERE WAS NO REASON BEHIND THE HUG YOU JUST HAD TO HUG HIM.
And then I think Ayane and Nya existed in a cell they must’ve gotten arrested and Ayanes heart must’ve stopped like 3 bloody times istg she was the whump to end all whumps. And then she sung DEVILS DONT FLY NIGHTCORE AND BROKE THE BARS AND JUST LEFT
then end roll credits they were all okay after that please get Ayane 5 blood bags thanks thanks thanks yeah ignore all that trauma
No but she was an absolute dumpster fire help me
Also that was a wip i’m too tired to elaborate on that was another og season 💀 I think Jay made out with the antagonist
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ninja-go-to-therapy · 4 years
Whumptober 4: Running Out of Time
Alternate Prompt: Falling
This one is short and sweet!
Summary: Cole falls. Death is inevitable. The closer he gets to the ground, the more he comes to terms with it.
Trigger Warnings: death
347 word
The only thing keeping Cole from his impending doom was the fact that his leg was caught up in the ladder. He twisted and jerked, trying to climb up, but it was no use.
He cried out as his body was scraped across the top of the news station building. Fuck fuck fuck concrete burns were so much worse than carpet burns. Oh holy fucking shit.
“Hang on, Cole!” Jay yelled, reaching for him.
“I’ve got it!” Cole said back, finally managing to reach up and grab one of the rungs of the ladder. Oh, thank goodness.
He looked up. The ladder was hanging on by only one rope, and it was fraying.
He knew it was coming before it even happened.
The rope snapped.
His heart lurched, his body plummeted.
Jay’s scream rang out through his ears.
He was falling.
He was falling, falling, falling, faster and slower than he’d ever fallen before. He locked eyes with Jay. He didn’t have the strength to scream.
But Jay did, Jay was screaming his name, his eyes wide with terror. Cole had never seen him look so scared before.
And then the darkness obscured his vision, and his family was gone, and all he had left was clouds clouds clouds, and he couldn’t believe he had skipped out on visiting his dad last weekend. He could have gone, he should have. It was stupid to skip out on it anyway.
But he had, and now he was never going to see his dad again, and oh, his dad’s heart was going to be absolutely broken. He should have gone to see him last weekend. 
He should have tried to repair their relationship a long time before he finally did. They could have had so much more time together.
One last thought struck him.
His father would be alone. But Cole wouldn’t be. His mom had been waiting for him for a long time. He would get to see her again.
He didn’t want to die.
But maybe it would be worth it, if he got to see her.
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razzle-zazzle · 4 years
Bad Nights
785 Words; Sad Jay Noises
This technically isn’t canon (I’ve labelled it as “Bad Ending One” in my docs), but I had the idea last night and I just had to write it.
TW for death & implied suicide
"Cole, please," Jay pleaded, for likely the umpteenth time, desperately trying to pry Cole's claws from around his neck.
Cole’s only response was another growl. “Don’ call me that,” he slurred, eyes glinting dangerously.
Maybe Jay shouldn’t have come here alone. Maybe he should have brought at least one of the others. But he just—he had to see him again, had to see Cole again. Had to find him, to talk to him.
And now here he was, pinned to the floor, trying to talk Cole down. Staring into violet-brown eyes void of their usual warmth and kindness. Here Jay was, face-to-face with his own failure to help his brother.
“Please.” Jay let out a choked sob as he reached up to Cole’s face, cupping his cheek.
His face was damp with tears.
Slowly, carefully, Cole’s grip relented. Jay took a moment to breathe as clarity returned to Cole’s eyes.
Cole snarled. “Leave.”
Jay took Cole’s hands in his own. “No, Cole, I’m not leaving you. I’m not letting you stay here, in this shithole.”
Cole snarled again, baring his teeth. “I said get out.” His expression softened as he pushed Jay towards the entrance. “There’s nothing for you here.”
Maybe Jay should have listened. Maybe he should have left, at least to get someone else. But he just couldn’t leave Cole here—he couldn’t just do nothing—after all, doing nothing was exactly what had led to this.
“No, Cole, either you come with me, or I’m staying here.” Jay insisted, missing the way Cole’s eyes were slowly clouding over.
Cole slammed Jay into the wall, claws curling around Jay’s neck. “I said,” he hissed, voice barely a whisper, “Get out of my way.”
Jay could barely breathe—he was certain his lips were turning blue from the lack of air.
In his panic, Jay let loose on his powers.
Cole jerked, his grip loosening enough for Jay to breathe.
And then he roared, slamming Jay against the wall again, claws digging into Jay’s chest.
So this is how I go out.
Jay whimpered as the realization set in. He shouldn’t have come here alone, shouldn’t have insisted on staying when Cole was so set on him getting out—and now, because of his idiocy, he was going to die without ever saying goodbye to the others. Without saying goodbye to his fiance.
Nya, I’m so sorry.
I love you.
Blood bubbled up in his throat, spilling out past his lips.
“Cole,” Jay choked out, “I lo—”
Cole rolled over, head pounding. He didn’t remember last night very well—definitely a bad sign—but he could vaguely recall Jay had found him.
Or had that been a dream, a reminder of what he couldn’t have?
Regardless, Cole should probably move anyway. It was better to not be found, better to not have the risk of the others finding him during one of his episodes.
There wasn’t a whole lot Cole had to take with him—his bag could easily hold all of his possessions—but he might as well make it less obvious that he’d been squatting here.
Then Cole saw it.
He screamed.
That—no, that couldn’t possibly—but it had to—no, it—it was—no no no no no no—
A familiar darkness pressed against the edges of Cole’s mind, but he ignored it. No. This couldn’t be real. This couldn’t be real. This couldn’t be real.
But it was real. It was real, and it was all Cole’s fault. If he wasn’t so pathetic, if he had been stronger, if he hadn’t revealed himself to Jay—
Cole could barely see past his own tears. Could barely hear anything past the rush of blood in his ears, barely hear anything past the ugly sobs racking his body—
“I’m—I’m s-so—I’m sorry.” He choked out, brushing his claws gently through Jay’s hair. “I didn’t mean—I never meant—” He pulled away, quieting. He didn’t deserve to touch him—not after he’d done this.
Carefully, Cole removed his sketchbook from his bag, placing it in Jay’s hands. Then he set the bag down, stood up, and walked outside.
The early morning light left a strange glow to everything—though that might have just been Cole. He kept to the shadows as he made his way down streets and through alleys, trying to ignore the twisting of his heart.
Once he felt he was far enough away, Cole paused. The darkness pressing against the edges of his mind coiled insistently.
Well, no turning back now.
With a final look back the way he came, Cole let all of his inhibitions go.
In the weeks following his attack on the city, Vengeance had completely disappeared.
What had been found, in an abandoned building, was Jay’s corpse, Cole’s sketchbook clutched in his hands.
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whump-side · 5 years
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Children of the Whales - Episode 08 & 09
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double edged blade
[Cole accidentally hurts a teammate in training, and Zane is there to reassure the earth ninja afterward.]
A/N: tryna catch up life’s a bitch. i like how zane’s either being traumatized or being therapist in my fics. anyways i think cole would accidentally forget he’s strong and break stuff and break people i mean uhhh read the fic 
@summer-of-whump *coughs in I just realized I had to tag you for a reblog I'm dum*
• • •
The thing is that Cole knows he has super strength. He’s always had a heavier body build, and reaching unlocking the full potential of his elemental powers only multiplied it even more.
And he tried to keep it under control, he really does. He stops fidgeting with cups, having broken too many handles already. Jay offers to design a special durable one for him, but he declines, not wanting even more work for the lighting ninja. 
He limits physical affection as much as he can, afraid to accidentally hurt someone in a touch or a casual hug. 
It’s all a bad coincidence, in the end. 
They’re split up into pairs for training, and Cole’s confident enough in Lloyd’s skills to let loose with his powers a little. 
He swings at the wrong height, Lloyd ducks at the wrong time, and is sent flying across the room, back hitting the opposite wall with a terrible crash. He lands on the floor with a cry, nose already streaming blood to the floor.
The others are at his side in the matter of seconds, and the fire ninja peers down at his worriedly, kneeling down to help him up. 
“Shit.” Lloyd mumbles, propping himself up weakly, and reaches up gingerly to dab at his nose. The crimson only flows faster, and Kai bats his fingers away with a frown. 
“Careful, you might’ve broken your nose. Don’t wanna let your super healing set it the wrong way.” He says, and Lloyd lets out a groan. 
“Serios’ly? Ab’ain? I swear, Jay just did that la’d mission when he sla’bed his nunchucks’ a’ross my no’de.” He complains, wincing as he talks, and Kai gives a short laugh, slinging the blonde’s arm across his shoulder.
“I told you it was an accident!” The lighting ninja lets out a cry of disdain, and his argument goes down with a chilling glare from Lloyd. 
“You broke it by smashing your weapon across my face.”
“Accident! I said I was sorry, and you were fine like five minutes later!” Jay protests, and Kai waves him down. 
“You have special Oni healing, it’ll heal in like an hour. Let’s get you to the medbay. Cole, some help?” The fire ninja glances over to Cole’s earlier spot, only to see a quietly swinging door in response. 
“I will go.” Zane tells him, and Kai nods gratefully back. 
“Tell him it wasn’t his fault!” Lloyd calls back as he’s being half dragged away by the fire ninja, waving his remaining free arm at the nindroid. “Jay broke it way worse two weeks ago!”
• • •
Zane finds the earth ninja sitting on his bed, expression sullen and dull. He doesn’t look at the nindroid as he walks in, eyes flitting to the floor. 
“Is Lloyd okay?” Cole asks, and he nods steadily.
“Kai and Jay brought him to the med room, and his Oni blood should take care of the rest easily. It wasn’t your fault, Cole, everyone loses control once in a while.” 
“I can’t. I’ll kill someone if I do.” 
Zane gives him a small smile, and holds out his hand wordlessly. Cole looks at it, eyes filled with fear, like it’ll crumble if he touches it. 
“It’s okay. You could never hurt me.” He taps on his wrist, a dull metal thunk sounding. “Metal, remember? Even you can’t break this, enhanced strength and all.”
Cole glances up at his face, dark brown eyes to icy blue. He hesitates, but puts his hand into Zane’s. 
“Sometimes I wish I could go back to normal,” he says to Zane quietly, after a few moments of silence, and the nindroid furrows his brows in confusion.
“When I didn’t have to remember not to accidentally hurt people.”
Zane thinks back to his days in the forests and the small village, where days were peaceful and short and sunny. He didn’t have to worry about being attacked, or hacked into, or where his family’s next meal would come from, or anything, besides the next day and the next.
He gets it.
“I know what you mean.” He says softly, and Cole hunches further into himself, anger coming off in waves.
“It’s so stupid. They’re part of me, and I still can’t contain them.” He breathes, and the ice ninja nods, giving his hand a small squeeze. 
“Then we’ll learn.” Zane tells him.
Cole looks up at him, and this time his gaze is a little brighter. 
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