#young Goodman brown
ibrithir-was-here · 1 year
Weird Question, I'm trying to make a list of classic (like Victorian/Edwardian/before 1960s) Ghost Stories with colors in the titles for a Halloween thing, but I can't figure out something for Orange, Pink, Blue or Indigo. Any ideas?
Here's what I've got so far, a few of them have multiple as I'm still deciding which I want to do:
The White People/The Novel of the White Powder
The Red Room/The Red Lodge/Masque of the Red Death
The Yellow Wallpaper/The King in Yellow
Green Tea/Girl with the Green Ribbon
The Violet Car
Young Goodman Brown
The Novel of the Black Seal
The Colour Out of Space (for good measure xD )
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skysyzygy · 1 year
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there's something about... something about Munkustrap turning away at the last possible second that I can't quite articulate but it reminds me of.. of things
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I don't know. These are all different examples. but there's gotta be something in the literary tradition of turning away from a loved one that can be pointed out here. there's gotta be a through line. i'm not sure what it is but it's there
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thegraftedbranch · 2 years
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something about the abject horror of death
T.S. Eliot, The Waste Land // Un Chien Andalou (1929) dir. Luis Buñuel // Paul Bowles, The Sheltering Sky (1949) // William S. Burroughs, Queer (1985) // Francisco Goya, Saturn Devouring His Son (c. 1819-1823) // Julia Kristeva, Powers of Horror: An Essay on Abjection (1980) // Pink Floyd - The Wall (1982) dir. Alan Parker // Nathaniel Hawthorne, “Young Goodman Brown” (1835) // Mark Z. Danielewski, House of Leaves (2000) // Elliott Smith, “Don’t Go Down” (2004)
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edettethegreat · 1 year
In honor of the end of my second year of college, here’s a short summary of every short story, book, and play I had to read:
(this is part 2 of this post)
[ trigger warning: mentions of both abortion and rape somewhere in here. Probably also murder. Because yeah these are literature class assignments, what sorta subject matter do you expect? ]
short stories
The Tell-Tale Heart-
Narrator, while killing a guy: I am definitely not crazy.
Cops: hey we heard some noise here, is everything alright?
Narrator: haha yeah I definitely didn’t kill a guy!
Cops: oh that’s good, well have a good night sir!
Narrator: ok OK you caught me I killed him!! I killed him because his eye was just too weird!!
Cops: I think.. this guy might be crazy.
Rapaccini’s Daughter-
Giovanni: wow that girl next door is so pretty
Beatrice: *touches a lizard, which instantly dies*
Giovanni: that was kinda creepy actually.
Beatrice: *smiles at him*
Giovanni: nevermind she’s still pretty
Bartleby the Scrivener-
Narrator: hey would you mind doing your job for once
Bartleby: I’d prefer not to.
Narrator: that’s fair have a nice day
Lamb to the Slaughter-
Mary’s Husband: so I may have cheated on you…
Mary: oh, that’s perfectly fine
Mary, killing him: I don’t mind at all actually.
The Necklace-
Mathilde: oh no I lost my friend’s diamond necklace!!
Mathilde: *spends the next ten years working to pay off the debt*
Her friend: You idiot. You absolutely buffoon. That necklace was fake.
The Story of an Hour-
Loise: it sure sucks that my husband died, but it doesn’t suck enough to trigger my fatal heart condition
Her husband: ‘Sup! I’m alive!
Louise: Oh no! My heart! *dies*
Hansel and Gretel-
Hansel: wow our parents really hate us don’t they
Gretel: well I mean they abandoned us in the woods so they wouldn’t have to feed us anymore. So. Figure it out for yourself.
Little Red Cap-
Little red-cap: I would absolutely love to murder a wolf.
Rumplestiltskin: I bet you’ll never guess my name!
Rumplestiltskin: It’s Rumplestiltskin by the way.
The Queen: is it by any chance Rumplestiltskin?
Rumplestiltskin: asdjkhskl WHAT how did you guess??
The Dog and the Sparrow-
Sparrow: hey please don’t kill my friend Dog over there
Carter: hey how about you shut up. *kills the Dog*
Sparrow: I see. So you have chosen Death. *proceeds to torture and kill this man, as he should*
Young Goodman Brown-
Goodman: I had this really weird dream and now I gotta be suspicious of my wife for the rest of my life
The Lottery-
Townspeople: Ritualized murder is fun!!
A Good Man is Hard to Find-
Grandma: you seem like such a sweet young man. Please don’t kill my whole family.
The Misfit, actively killing them: you seem like a sweet old lady. Sorry I’m gonna kill you now. *kills her too*
The Smallest Woman in the World-
Everyone: wow that woman sure is small!
A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings-
Priest: yeah that’s not an angel, that’s just a dude with wings.
Everyone in the town: Shut up— that totally is an angel!
The old man with the wings: *just wants to be left alone. Is Not having a good time*
The Guest-
Daru: On the one hand, ACAB. On the other hand, I don’t condone murder. So it seems I find myself in a moral conundrum.
Hills Like White Elephants-
The girl: I may or may not want an abortion.
The guy: so… which is it?
The girl: guess.
Uncle Tom’s Cabin-
Tom: well, after all of the things I’ve been through, I am now dying.
Everyone, including the audience: NO NO don’t you dare die DON’T-
Tom: *dies*
Everyone: *crying, sobbing, screaming, overall not having a very good times*
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas-
Frederick Douglas: …and that’s how learning to read and write helped me gain my freedom!
Thoreau: I’m not like other girls. I live in the woods.
The Stranger-
Meursault: I killed a guy because it was very hot outside.
The court: The’s the dumbest reason to commit murder we’ve ever heard.
Meursault: huh it seems they’ve given me the death penalty. Why’s they do that? That’s so unfair.
Carol: hey I see you’ve given me a failing grade.
John: Yes, that’s because you didn’t understand the material. But I can tutor you to help you get a better mark on the final.
Carol: Or, alternatively, I could accuse you of rape and pass by default?
John: wait. what.
Andre’s Mother-
Cal: It sure is tragic that Andre died, isn’t it?
Andre’s Mother: …
Cal: great talk we’ve had here today.
A View from the Bridge-
Eddie: guys, I think Rodolpho is gay.
Everyone: what makes you say that?
Eddie: well he’s just so pretty…
Eddie: …and kissable..
Eddie: y’know. He looks like the sort of guy I’d wanna kiss
Everyone: …
Lula: hi stranger. I’m gonna aggressively flirt with you now.
Clay: haha well this is kinda weird, but at least you’re not a serial killer or something, right?
Lula, while stabbing him: lmao yeah that would be pretty messed up!
Lincoln: hey isn’t it messed up that our parents names us Lincoln and Booth? It’s like they want you to kill me or something—
Booth, killing him: yeah that would be pretty messed up, wouldn’t it?
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thatstudyblrontea · 2 years
A lone woman is troubled with such dreams and such thoughts that she's afeard of herself sometimes.
Nathaniel Hawthorne, Young Goodman Brown
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shituationist · 1 year
horror comedy bit concept: finding out one by one that all your co-workers are furries
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joshcockroft2 · 1 year
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Young Goodman Brown and Other Short Stories – Nathaniel Hawthorne 
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aj-macarthurs · 2 years
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sexyrasputin · 2 years
hot take: the unholy music video is a retelling of Nathaniel hawthorne’s “young Goodman brown”
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haveyoureadthispoll · 5 months
In the interval of silence he stole forward until the light glared full upon his eyes. At one extremity of an open space, hemmed in by the dark wall of the forest, arose a rock, bearing some rude, natural resemblance either to an alter or a pulpit, and surrounded by four blazing pines, their tops aflame, their stems untouched, like candles at an evening meeting. The mass of foliage that had overgrown the summit of the rock was all on fire, blazing high into the night and fitfully illuminating the whole field. Each pendent twig and leafy festoon was in a blaze. As the red light arose and fell, a numerous congregation alternately shone forth, then disappeared in shadow, and again grew, as it were, out of the darkness, peopling the heart of the solitary woods at once. "A grave and dark-clad company," quoth Goodman Brown. In truth they were such.
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hopeless-eccentric · 2 years
fucked up short stories from freshman year my beloved
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jazzdailyblog · 1 year
Jimmy Rowles: The Jazz Virtuoso Who Played with Time
Introduction: In the jazz world, certain musicians possess a unique ability to transcend mere notes and rhythms, crafting sonic tapestries that resonate deeply with listeners. Among these virtuosos, the name Jimmy Rowles shines as a beacon of unparalleled artistry. A master pianist, composer, and arranger, Rowles’s contribution to the jazz landscape is a journey through time, where he…
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actively putting a reference to the "Girl, what were YOU doing at the devil's sacrament last night O_O" into my latest english paper that's due tomorrow afternoon
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peresephoknee · 1 day
socialising as an adult is just asking in increasingly subtler ways if someone wants to play with you
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thatstudyblrontea · 2 years
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Young Goodman Brown | ★★★.75/5
I had to read this for my Anglo-American Literature class, and I chose it as the Titled After the Protagonist prompt of the Tackle Your Classics reading challenge, and the Short Story entry of the 2023 Genre Bingo. It was a quick read, a good way to spend an evening.
This short story serves as an allegory of the every man's journey towards evil, of the corruption of morals that the author deems intrinsic to New England's society, and to Man's nature in general. It read as a cautionary tale – a very well written one, with interesting images and figures of speech, a well executed plot, and good pacing – whose absolute pessimism, however, lead to a flattened and one-sided worldview that fails the contemporary reader. I don't believe that saying something along the lines of "actually, clergymen and seemingly innocent people can be just as bad and corrupted" is as much of a astounding concept to read nowadays. I feel like very few works of this kind manage to be as striking nowadays as they were at the time they were written. And this one didn't pass the test, for me.
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