#prompt: Titled After the Protagonist
thatstudyblrontea · 2 years
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Young Goodman Brown | ★★★.75/5
I had to read this for my Anglo-American Literature class, and I chose it as the Titled After the Protagonist prompt of the Tackle Your Classics reading challenge, and the Short Story entry of the 2023 Genre Bingo. It was a quick read, a good way to spend an evening.
This short story serves as an allegory of the every man's journey towards evil, of the corruption of morals that the author deems intrinsic to New England's society, and to Man's nature in general. It read as a cautionary tale – a very well written one, with interesting images and figures of speech, a well executed plot, and good pacing – whose absolute pessimism, however, lead to a flattened and one-sided worldview that fails the contemporary reader. I don't believe that saying something along the lines of "actually, clergymen and seemingly innocent people can be just as bad and corrupted" is as much of a astounding concept to read nowadays. I feel like very few works of this kind manage to be as striking nowadays as they were at the time they were written. And this one didn't pass the test, for me.
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jaxon-exe · 1 year
Dp x dc prompt
So this starts with Danny becoming the ghost king on his 18th birthday and almost immediately every power-hungry ghost in existence starts proposing to him. At first he just ignores it but after the 10th time someone tries to kidnap him to marry him Greek god style, he’s fucking sick of it and goes to Clockwork for help.
He’s not much help. The only way for other people to stop trying to marry him is if he’s already married. What’s more, because he’s the king of the infinite realms, it has to be someone that’s considered a citizen of the Infinite Realms. (Like he can marry someone that’s still alive but they wouldn’t count and people will just keep trying to marry him) CW also warns him that people will try and kill anyone he marries if they can so a living person isn’t really ideal. The only bit of real helpfulness he does provide is a list of non-evil non-power-hungry citizens so he can have an easier time finding someone.
So Danny takes the list and starts crossing of names (like Johnny, even tho the guy won’t abuse the power of being the ghost princess, kitty would kill Danny for good this time) when he comes across the perfect candidate.
Jason Todd (Robin/Red Hood)
He’s been to Gotham before, knows the Robins all do good work and knows the Red Hood is already a good and fair ruler of his criminal underground. Plus the guy could definitely fight off any ghost trying to kill him even without the power boost and some helpful weapons Danny would give him if he agrees. Plus he has the perfect bargaining chip to get the guy to help by offering to fix the corrupted ectoplasm in him (not that he wasn’t gonna do that anyway when he had the time to but Hood didn’t need to know that)
So Danny hops over to Gotham and after quickly getting permission from Lady Gotham (she’s very protective of her Knights) heads over to crime ally and pitches the idea to Red Hood.
Which basically goes like-
Danny: so I give u, the title of prince, access to the Infinite Realms whenever u wish, a sweet private wing in my castle, any of the op ghost weapons in the castles armoury and a fix for ur rage problems and u marry me so I stop getting people trying to propose to me in increasingly more annoying ways :)
Jason, a literature geek with a secret desire to be the protagonist in a shitty YA romance: u had me at Prince
So the two of then jump over to the Infinite Realms to get married thinking it’ll take 30 minutes top only to learn that CW left out that a Royal wedding has to take at minimum a week otherwise no one will consider the Marriage valid. So the two, not backing out at this point, join in on the week of parties and celebrations without putting much more thought into it.
Meanwhile back in Gotham, after not having Red Hood check in after his patrol, Oracle searches CCTV and finds Jason having a conversation with a figure that is glitching out the camera to much to identify them, then the figure seemingly grabs Jason and drags him into a portal and the two of them disappear.
So obviously the Batfam comes to the conclusion that Jason was kidnapped by some sort of magical being and calls in John. He identify the magic as that of the ghost king’s and has been hearing that the king had been looking for a bride so comes to the conclusion that Jason has been kidnapped Persephone style to be be married and is under the (wrong) conclusion that it will mean Jason can’t leave the realm of the death after.
And so the Batfam + Constantine start planing to crash a wedding.
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shalotttower · 5 months
A Natural Benefit
Title: A Natural Benefit
Fandom: Death Note
Characters: L Lawliet x Reader (female)
Summary: L wants to try something new, you want to be left alone. So an offer is on the table, it's a mutually beneficial arrangement after all.
Word count: 2100+
Notes: yandere!L, kidnapped Reader, dub-con kissing, manipulation, captivity, L and Reader were together at Wammy's House
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"Would you indulge me?"
Your eyes dart up from the page to his face. L looks at you like he always does ─ an intent yet oddly distant stare that used to make goosebumps appear on your arms. Nowadays you're somewhat re-accustomed to his mannerisms. He doesn't blink much, tends to stand behind your back whenever possible, likes to play with his food and enjoys invading your personal space far too much to be deemed socially acceptable.
His habits are strange but harmless.
"No," you say, just to be contrary.
L is fond of making things sound simple, and then — snap! — the trap is shut, and you find yourself doing a completely different activity than initially expected.
"I want to kiss you."
"N-" You blink and lower your book down, not bothering to mark it. "What?"
"Kissing is an act of physical intimacy between individuals," he says like it's an obvious fact and you're merely slow on the uptake. L's expression doesn't change, neutral despite this being anything but a normal conversation starter even by your standards ─ admittedly low.
"Thank you for enlightening me about the definition," you lean back against the cushions, "still no."
"Why not?" He asks after a momentary pause.
"Because I don't want to."
A simple answer to a weird request. You try to resume reading, but there're other things currently occupying your brain ─ namely the attempts to understand what prompted such inquiry.
L never asked for physical contact before; platonic or otherwise. Sure he tried to entice you into spending time with him through bargain and manipulation, and you pretended to be oblivious enough to earn an Oscar for your acting skills. However, there never was any talk of kissing involved. Any kind of touching, actually.
He hums. "Would you like me to explain my reasons?"
Sometimes you think that the sole cause of L's existence is just so he could annoy people for kicks. His questions are always peculiar, and you've learned that every single one of them is designed to lead towards some specific conclusion, preferably the one he wants. You have a feeling that if you say 'yes', L will proceed to list a hundred points about why kissing is good. And then another hundred why kissing him specifically is beneficial.
He looks at you. You look at him and raise the book higher.
"Indulging me would benefit both of us," L says, undeterred. "You're very curious by nature and I find it quite fascinating that you're able to deny your curiosity in this particular case."
Has a more obvious bait ever existed anywhere in human history? Probably not, and you'll bet your entire life savings on it too.
"I'm not curious," you lie, "now leave me alone. I want to read."
He leans forward. "You haven't focused on the book since I asked my question."
Smartass. You purse your lips and pretend that the characters are suddenly so interesting, that it's hard to look away from the intricacies of the plot unfolding inside this fictional world. At least things there make sense; no need to figure out the hidden meanings behind other people's words, because they are mostly transparent when there's a whole paragraph dedicated to the protagonist's feelings.
He reminds you of those spider-like creatures from documentaries ─ their actions seem random at first glance, yet upon further scrutiny prove to be anything but. Instead, they're meticulously crafted and executed to obtain maximum results.
L studies you for a little while longer, and eventually pads towards the kitchenette. The kettle whistles soon after as he makes himself tea; mint flavored, judging by the aroma wafting through the air.
You should have known that he won't give up ─ L is just as persistent as you are stubborn. If anything, you've set a challenge before him, and he tends to fixate on those until they are solved: a fact well-known and accepted among those who ever had a (dis)pleasure of interacting with him.
He doesn't outright ask you again, not the next day or the one after that. No. Accidentally, the only type of movies you're able to watch now are rom-coms or dramas with lots of kissing scenes sprinkled here and there between the banter bordering on cringe; sweet confessions spoken over candlelit dinners; passionate declarations whispered during sunsets... Clichés, amore, and kisses galore.
"I'm not sure this is the best movie for the evening," you say, as the screen flickers with images of two leads gazing into each other's eyes like they found the answers to every single question asked.
"The reviews are quite positive," L replies, munching on caramel popcorn.
"Reviews can be faked. And the trailer was misleading. I thought it was going to be an action movie."
"It is an action movie. The genres are listed right there," he points at the screen, and the words 'romance and action' stare back at you.
You frown and settle deeper into the couch cushions. It's uncomfortable ─ watching romantic scenes with L in the same room. His presence doesn't feel oppressive or demanding, yet you can't shake off the squirmy, twisty feeling. The kind when you enter an elevator with someone else and get slightly agitated for no reason. And so you try to slow down your breathing, but it only makes things worse. Your heart beats faster, palms start sweating and the hypothetical elevator stranger inevitably thinks that you're weird.
L isn't an elevator stranger. He's the owner of the elevator, and the entire building, and the city.
"He's going to die in the next ten minutes," you mutter.
"No, he won't."
"Yes, he will."
L hums. "Want a bet?"
Your eyes narrow.
"If he survives past the fifteen minute mark," L says slowly, "you indulge me."
"And if he doesn't?"
"I leave you alone for two days."
There's no hesitation on his side. None whatsoever, which proves suspicious immediately ─ L never offers something unless certain about the outcome beforehand, whether by logical deduction or calculated gamble. Probability factors run inside his brain instead of blood cells and grey matter, calculating risk vs return ratio quicker than any computer ever could.
You glance at the screen. It's a simple plot. There were a twist or two earlier, sure, but overall nothing extraordinary that would require hours upon hours of critical thinking to unravel.
A man, a woman. A handsome villain who wants them dead, for various reasons. They run and fight, shoot guns, dodge punches, and kiss between those because apparently there's time for romance even when a life is on the line.
It's a very simple plot; and two days are a lot to pretend that L doesn't exist. That you got rich enough to buy this kind of apartment.
"The speakers?"
"Switched off."
"The cameras?"
"Those will stay."
Of course, they will. You wouldn't expect anything less ─ privacy issues are non-existent here in more ways than one.
L isn't always a presence. Sometimes he leaves and you're alone with nothing but books and TV to pass time, but two days sound wonderful regardless. There's something in empty spaces that's enticing, even if they're temporary. L, for all his peculiarities, isn't too bad of a company. He's quiet, and often busy with his own matters. But he also has this way of looking at you that is unnerving. Like you're interesting. Or important. Or simply fascinating.
Sometimes he wants to talk, he wants to listen, he wants to ask questions and give answers until everything blurs into an amalgamation of words. It's exhausting.
Two days sound good. His hand is dry and slender. You grasp it and shake it once.
"I'll start the timer now," L says after your hands separate.
Twelve minutes.
Three more and he's dead.
You wish that he'd just kick the bucket already, so you could spend the next forty eight hours in pure, undiluted bliss.
The male lead dies after seventeen minutes.
When the credits roll over, the apartment is silent except for the soft buzzing of electronics. You look at the screen, stubbornly, because you don't want to look at him, the owner of the elevator, and the building, and the city.
"It was close," he comments, as if trying to comfort you, which makes it even more of a sore spot.
That’s what L thrives on ─ technicalities, loopholes, small and seemingly insignificant details which are easily overlooked, yet make a great difference. You're not sure if you're annoyed, or disappointed. And what’s more important ─ at whom.
You have known for years that L tends to get his way eventually whenever there's something specific caught up in that head of his; a fixation which refuses to leave until satisfied, and sometimes even after. Snap. You can get up and head out of the living room, you know you can. Will you though is another question entirely.
L isn't a typical captor ─ he doesn't demand or force you into things. He simply presents a possibility and waits. Not aggressive or domineering, not sadistic. But oh he is a PhD of holding a grudge. Leaving now probably means waking up tomorrow and finding that every single disk has vanished without a trace, along with the bookshelves being switched for some obscure scientific texts on chemistry, physics and other things that require an advanced degree to fully understand.
Because someone decided that you don’t deserve entertainment anymore. Because someone is petty enough to deprive you of basic mental stimuli, and is stubborn enough to hold onto that decision even when reasoned with. Unsuccessfully.
It's a talent really, this particular brand of making your life miserable in many small ways, so they accumulate into something greater over time until you feel like the walls are closing in slowly but surely.
You can't back out, even though no one openly stops you from doing so. And L knows that. And he knows that you know. His lips twitch and curl upward before flattening again into neutral territory.
There's a theory that if you pull a band-aid fast enough, it won't hurt as much. The credibility behind it is questionable.
You exhale and meet L's gaze ─ his posture hasn't changed from the beginning to the end of the film, knees tucked to his chest, eyes two dark pools that stare without blinking. His fingers drum a steady rhythm, and that's probably the only sign that gives it away.
"Fine," you say finally.
His mouth opens before closing back again. L doesn't move a bit.
He wants you to do it, you realize. Wants you to initiate instead of just allowing it. What an ass.
You squish his cheeks between your palms until his lips pucker outwards. L makes a soft noise of surprise but doesn't try to fight back.
Black lashes cast a shadow across his skin. There's no perfume or cologne, no distinct smell ─ he uses plain soap and shampoo which don't have a discernible aroma.
"I believe I was promised an indulgence," L says, voice muffled a bit by your hands on his face.
He looks like a fish this way. A silly, ridiculous image that would make you snort if not for the situation at hand.
Band-aids and ripping them off.
You sigh, lean forward, and press your mouth to his.
He tastes like caramel popcorn.
Mint tea.
The angle is awkward, and L doesn't move an inch to accommodate the position. He stays still like a block of solid rock, not a single muscle twitches, and doesn't even attempt to reciprocate. You have half a mind to think that maybe he's mocking you, but then his fingers lightly curl on the fabric of his jeans. L's eyelids flutter half-closed when your noses bump, then open again right after. Another oddity added to the pile.
It lasts no longer than ten seconds before you pull away. L blinks. Touches his lower lip with the tip of a finger and rubs it like searching for traces left by the contact.
"You were promised an indulgence," you remind him, trying to sound calm, collected, but your ears and neck feel hot, "not a make-out session."
Technicalities and loopholes.
L has that look you can't quite pinpoint yet know far too well. You've seen it many times before. When he thinks about something but keeps it to himself for now.
"You look more lively," he remarks eventually. "Healthy complexion suits you."
You don't need to hear what he says next, because the words already ring through your head.
"I told you it would benefit us both."
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somanyratsinthewalls · 4 months
Omg congratulations on 700! 🎉 It is so so we’ll deserved. I must admit that I reread your work a lot because it is just so good and some of my favorites! 🥰
For the prompt, as always I am a SUCKER for the one bed trope, but I’d like to add another fun element so….
Blue + Lion + Hummingbird perhaps? 😈
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Okay this one was a request by many, including my cutie pal @thirstydiglett and @truebluesanji and HOT DOG is it a good one!
Just One Bottle (+18)
Pairing: Sanji x Strawhat Fem!Reader
Prompt: Only One Bed x Aphrodisiac
WC: 2000 lol
Warnings: Open for interpretation on how the pals ended up ingesting the aphrodisiac, forced closeness, unprotected sex, p in v sex, morning after pill discussion, drug use, creampie, Sanji being a gentleman!
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You strolled the aisles of the bookstore as you waited for Sanji to finish up his snail call outside. You ran your fingers across the labels gently as you passed by each shelf. You glanced towards the shop windows and saw that Sanji was outside giving some choice words to whoever was on the end of his transponder snail. The sun was setting and you found yourself captivated by the way the low light reflected off his blonde hair. He looked handsome. 
But he wasn’t your type. He was always fawning over you, even more obnoxiously so than for Nami and Robin. You never gave him half a thought in terms of a choice as a romantic partner, he was just a crew mate that you cared for deeply… as a friend. You turned down another aisle of bookshelves as you could clearly tell that Sanji wasn’t finishing his conversation any time soon. 
You found yourself stopped at the romance section and pulled a bright purple tome off the shelf. “Part Time Human, Full Time Lover…” You read the title to yourself before flipping it open. You find yourself reading a rather graphic passage describing an intimate encounter between the human protagonist and her well-endowed centaur lover. “Goodness…” You whisper to yourself as you find yourself flipping the page in interest. 
“Y/n!” You snap the book closed instinctively as you hear your name called. Sanji was rounding the corner of the aisle and came up to you. 
“Sanji! Hi!” You hurriedly put the book back on the shelf. “Any news?” 
“Well, the sun is going down fast and the moss head idiot got his group lost so we have to stay on the island for the night. We’re all too far apart to get back to the Sunny. We can find an inn around here and get some rooms.” Sanji explains to you. 
“Fine, hopefully somewhere with a restaurant. I’m starving.” You smile. “Wouldn’t it be nice to have a night off from cooking?” You raise an eyebrow at the tall blonde. 
“I guess. Don’t expect the same quality of food that you’d get back on the ship. Shall we?” Sanji remarks as he gestures to the door of the bookstore, letting you go first. 
— —
After wandering the small village for awhile, the two of you find a small inn that had a tavern on the first floor. You ducked in, trying not to draw attention seeing as the two of you were highly wanted pirates. 
Sanji strode confidently to the front desk. 
“We require two rooms for the night. Money is no issue.” Sanji stoically demands of the innkeeper. 
“Sir I’m sorry… but we only have one room left tonight… I’d be happy to give you a discounted rate…” The mousey old man behind the counter said as his voice trembled. 
“This kind of dump has no vacancy? You’re telling me that this hole in the wall has only one room available-“
“We’ll take it.” You pushed past Sanji’s shoulder and placed your stack of Beri on the counter. 
The innkeeper’s eyes danced from your smile to Sanji’s scowl. 
“We’ll take it.” Sanji echoed, lowering his voice. 
“E-e-excellent news! I will issue you your keys now. Would the couple like one set or two?” The old man sputters out. 
“Two.” “One.”
You say two and Sanji replies with one. He clears his throat. 
“Two, please sir.” Sanji changes his response. 
The old man issues you two sets of keys and hands you your change after you pay for the room. 
“Please, enjoy our restaurant. You may find that sharing a room is not uncommon among couples at this hotel.” The innkeeper mentions. 
You look up at Sanji. 
“I am kind of hungry, Sanji. Shall we?” You question. 
“Can’t go to bed with any empty stomach, can we?” Sanji shrugs. 
Sanji put his hand on the small of your back and led you in the direction of the small restaurant. 
“Two of you?” The stout hostess asked and you nodded. She led you and Sanji to a candlelit table in the back of the pub. Of course, Sanji pulled your chair out for you. Once seated across from one another, you picked up the drink menu. 
“The room was so cheap… should we get the champagne?” You smirk over the menu across the table at Sanji. 
“Nami would kill us… what’s the label?” Sanji gestures to grab the drink menu from you and you hand it to him. His brows furrow. “I actually haven’t heard of this brand before… but it’s expensive… must be from the South Blue…” Sanji quirks a curled eyebrow up at you. “Should we?”
The sides of your mouth curl up. 
Sanji breaks into a grin as the waitress arrived at your table. 
“Anything I can get you two tonight?” The cute redheaded waitress asked you both. 
“We’ll start with a bottle of the champagne.” Sanji says to the waitress. “And for food… anything your recommend for a night on the town?” He says with a smirk. 
“Oh, I think our chef can do something for you.” The waitress says with a smile. 
“Perfect.” Sanji says as he snaps his menu closed and hands it to the waitress. 
— — 
The two of you had finished your bottle of champagne and dinner and were waiting around for the waitress to bring you your bill. 
“No no, it really was lovely. I just have never had a champagne like this…” Sanji says as the two of you discuss dinner. 
“The oysters were a nice touch, I thought.” You remark. 
“Mr BlackLeg sir thank you…” The waitress interrupts as he places a large stack of Beri on the tray containing your bill. 
“That was a nice tip you left…” You say as Sanji ushers you softly out of your seat, covering your back with his suit jacket. “Far more than most would.” You didn’t feel drunk, but you felt some strange warmth growing in your lower half. It started building when you drank that damned champagne. 
“It’s nothing for someone who used to work in hospitality. Their service is worth far more than the champagne.” Sanji says as he guides you to the stairs, leading you up to your room on the third floor. 
You reach your room and Sanji fumbles with the keys before getting the lock open. The door opens to reveal a small room with a queen size bed and an ensuite bathroom. 
“I-I can sleep on the floor.” Sanji says immediately. You turned and saw that his cheeks were bright pink. Was it from the alcohol?
“It’s fine, we’re adults. Let’s just get to bed.” You respond and begin stripping off your pants. You then unstrap your bra and take it off through the front of your shirt. Sanji hesitates for a second before stripping down to just his boxers. 
“I’ll take this side.” You said awkwardly as you slide into the bed. 
“Right. Goodnight then.” Sanji shuts off the lights and hops into bed on the side opposite you. 
“Yep. Night.” You curl up into your side, so that you wouldn’t encroach on your crew mates sleeping space. 
All you can hear is labored breathing. 
Was it your own?
Was it Sanji’s?
Something was off. You couldn’t sleep. 
Why was your pulse thrumming in your privates? Why was there slick gushing out of your slit to soak your underwear? Nothing even remotely sexual has happened tonight and yet your levels of arousal were off the charts. You tossed and turned for several minutes trying to ignore it, having the ache between your legs only grow more intense. 
You couldn’t take it anymore. 
“Sanji?” You whisper out into the darkness. 
“Gods, Y/N, tell me you feel like I do right now.” Sanji responds in between pants. 
“What the fuck happened to us?” You breath out to the dark ceiling above you. 
“Something in that drink…” Sanji breathes out. “It fucking hurts…” 
You peer over to your left and see Sanji grabbing at his crotch beneath the sheets. 
“They drugged us.” You pant out, right hand delving into your panties and rubbing at your clit, trying to get some relief from the burn this mysterious wine was causing you. 
“I-I don’t know how to say this, mon cherie… But what if we… helped each other…" Sanji said as he saw you pleasuring yourself beneath the bed covers. 
“Right… it’s just helping a friend…” You say softly as you touch your sex further, reaching your left hand out under the sheets to wrap around Sanji’s erect penis. 
“YES- I mean, yes-“ Sanji jerks at your touch. “It’s just relieving each other…”
“Okay… fine…” You relent. 
Sanji jumps up and positions himself above you in a nanosecond. You take this time to push your panties down and your t-shirt over your head.
“Spread your legs for me, my love…” Sanji whispers as he hovers over you. “Show me what you need…” 
“Sanji please, I need you inside of me.” You pleaded as you brought your hand down to spread your pussy lips. “Sanji why does it hurt?! Please help me!” You bucked your hips in his direction. You were desperate. 
“I’m gonna fix it, okay? I’m gonna stop it from hurting. Do you want that, y/n?” Sanji asked. 
“Yes! Please help me!” You cried out again as you saw Sanji pull himself fully from his boxers. 
Sanji dances the head of his dick across you clit as you whimpered. 
“I’ve got you, mon amour…” Sanji assures you as he leans down and pushes his cock into your trembling hole. 
“OH-!” The moan is ripped from your lungs as you feel the throbbing head of Sanji’s member push past your g-spot to fill you completely. “Fucking finally-“ You groan as your eyes roll to the back of your head, the fullness you’ve been craving in your bones finally being fulfilled. 
“More, more, more….” You chant as Sanji bucks his hips into yours with a fervent pace. Whatever aphrodisiac was in that wine had fully engulfed your brain and all you wanted was a thick cock inside of you stretching you out. The only thing you could focus on was the wet glide of Sanji’s heavy dick in and out of your hole. “Please, more!” You cried. 
“My love, I’ll give you everything you want…” Sanji’s eagerness to please came through as he pushed your thighs up towards your chest, allowing him further access to your favorite spot. “Need you to cum on me… please..” He begged. 
“M-More.. want more..." You whimper out. 
Sanji takes one of his hands from the crook of your knee and places it around your neck gently. He leans in and places a tender kiss on your lips. He moves his other hand to the top of your sex. Sanji slips two fingers inside of you next to his own cock, assuring you're full to the brim and your favorite spot is being stroked with every thrust.
"San-ji! So- Fuckin- Full!" You cried out in the throws of pleasure, finally feeling exactly what you wanted.
“I can’t do this much longer, mon cherie, so wet and so tight…” Sanji groans into your lips as he ruts into you like an animal. “Need you to cum…” 
“I’m…cumming… fuck!” You scrunch your eyes shut and scratch at Sanji’s naked back. 
“So perfect….” Sanji whimpers into your sweaty neck as he shoots his load into you. You stroked his neck all the way down to the base of his spine. 
“Aaah- Fuck- Ah!” You hear the cook grunt into your flesh as he digs his hips into yours further. 
“A-are you cumming again?” You ask with a heavy sigh, coming down from your own orgasm. 
“Sh-shiiiit….” Sanji groans. Tears prick at your eyes as overstimulation sets in. “M-my love…” 
You feel Sanji’s hips drive further into yours, impossibly deep. He was emptying yet another massive load in you in less than a few minutes, it was spilling filthily out of your hole around his cock. Sanji collapsed almost immediately on top of you without pulling out. 
Sanji wrapped his arms around your torso and settled in.
“You know you’re going to have to ask Chopper about a ‘morning after’ situation, right?” You muse as you stroke Sanji’s lower back. 
“I think the embarrassment is worth it.” Sanji smirks as he nuzzles into your breast. 
You smile and pull your love-cook close to fall asleep.
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Hope you ALL enjoyed!
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Ideas for subverting popular character tropes? I've started a story and am having difficulty making my cast of characters unique. I'd love it if you had any fresh takes on tropes like the mentor, the sidekick, etc...
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A character trope, sometimes called a character archetype, is a “recognizable element within a story or plot that defines or conveys information about a character. Character tropes can either define a character's entire role in a plot or the character's personality or motivations.” (source: arcstudiopro).
Many people bash “tropes,” but what you have to remember is that there is no such thing as a unique idea; everything has been done before, and the reason why tropes are so popular is because (a lot of time) they work!
It is totally possible to have a "normal" trope in your story without making it a cliché. However, if you’re looking to subvert these expectations, here’s a list of ideas I’ve come up with!
(This is me brainstorming on the fly to help get your gears turning, so I apologize if these aren’t fully fleshed out or if they’ve already been done before!)
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The “Chosen One” is a trope where “one character is framed as the inevitable hero or antihero of the story, as a result of destiny, unique gifts, and/or special lineage” (source: Wikipedia). The Chosen One is often depicted as naive or unwilling at the beginning, and has a progression of growth through the narrative when they “accept their destiny.”
Luke Skywalker (Star Wars)
Harry Potter (Harry Potter)
Frodo (The Lord of the Rings)
Neo (The Matrix)
1. The protagonist who was believed to be the chosen one from the very beginning discovers that it was actually someone else the whole time and must come to terms with the realization that they no longer have this title that they’ve based their entire life (and perhaps personality) around. (Bonus points if the new Chosen One is someone they’re close to).
2. Every solstice, the “Holy Order” sends a Chosen One to defeat the monster that has been ravaging their town. None ever return. The protagonist is selected as the next Chosen One, only to find that being Chosen does not mean “Chosen to defeat the monster” but rather “Chosen as the sacrifice to appease the monster.” (Bonus points if the reason the Chosen Ones always die is because the “Holy Order” misguides them (gives them broken weapons/drugged food/faulty armor/directs them into traps/etc.)).
3. Having the Chosen Power comes with a price. After someone is Chosen, it is a death sentence. The protagonist must find a way to defeat the villain AND purge themself of the Chosen Power before it’s too late (Bonus points if the villain helps them purge the Chosen Power).
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The sidekick is a friend and helper of the main protagonist. They are often depicted as a loyal comic relief character made to emphasize the hero’s greatness, and may be killed off to advance the hero’s journey.
Robin (Batman)
Samwise Gamgee (The Lord of the Rings)
Chewbacca (Star Wars)
Pan (His Dark Materials)
1. The “sidekick” is actually the hero of the story; the narrator just has an inflated ego and believes themself to be the hero. Meanwhile, their “sidekick” is the one saving the world.
2. Sidekicks are often depicted as younger than the hero. Perhaps an older sidekick might do good to spice things up (Bonus points if it’s without turning them into the mentor trope).
3. The sidekick is a former hero who had to watch their own sidekick sacrifice themself, and was convinced to leave hiding by the current hero. (Bonus points if the sidekick dies in a poetic way that is a narrative foil to the way his own sidekick died, perhaps in a “I didn’t understand why they would sacrifice themself for me but now I get it”).
4. A ridiculously strong/powerful Mary Sue type character is the sidekick to a Normal Guy™ (Bonus points if they are incredibly content in this position).
5. The sidekick is not a willing sidekick; they were kidnapped by the hero because they have an object/bloodline/power/etc. that is essential to defeating the villain.
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The Mentor is the protagonist’s teacher, who helps them transition from a “normal” person into a hero. The Mentor is often depicted as wise and virtuous, teaching the protagonist not only the ways of fighting or magic, but also the ways of good and evil. The mentor is often killed off to advance the hero’s character arc, due to the fact that they are sometimes seen as a parental figure.
Dumbledore (Harry Potter)
Yoda (Star Wars)
Uncle Iroh (Avatar the Last Airbender)
Mr. Miyagi (Karate Kid)
1. The mentor is the narrator. After spending so much time training the Chosen One and raising them like their own child, they must hear news that they have been killed by the villain. While still grieving (or perhaps fueled by revenge), the mentor must venture out and defeat the villain themself.
2. Have the mentor be a woman! You would be shocked at how overwhelmingly male-dominated the “mentor” archetype is!
3. The mentor turns on the protagonist that they trained…not because the mentor has turned evil, but because the mentor believes that the protagonist has become a monster (à la Kung Fu Panda). (Bonus points if the mentor is actually right and the protagonist really has become a monster).
4. The bright-eyed Chosen One thinks the world of their mentor, only to realize through experiences with others that the mentor trained them horribly, and that the mentor only used their training to boost their renown—without expecting them to survive their fight with the villain. (Bonus points if the protagonist is an unreliable narrator, and we as the readers feel just as betrayed by the mentor because we, too, thought they were a great person).
5. The mentor is the former Chosen One, desperate for the current Chosen One to not make the same mistakes. The current Chosen One resents the mentor for pushing them so hard and treating them so cruelly, but in reality the mentor is just overprotective (Bonus points if it’s not revealed that they were the legendary “Defeated Chosen One” until later).
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Although a Damsel in Distress is often associated with female characters, any character is capable of falling into this archetype; mostly known for being a passive figure who exists mostly as an object for the hero to save.
This is one of the few character tropes that is difficult to break the negative stigma, due to its root in misogyny and the disadvantages that come along with having a character without personal goals or motivations. In my opinion, if you have a character that follows this archetype to the T, perhaps you should consider some revising.
Lois Lane (Superman)
Princess Buttercup (The Princess Bride)
Mary Jane Watson (Spiderman)
Ann Darrow (King Kong)
1. The passive, meek damsel in distress whom the hero has been working relentlessly to save actually turns out to be a villain! Their supposed rescue efforts were used as a distraction while the evil plot unfolds, and ends with a fight to the death!
2. The damsel in distress gets in a huge fight with the protagonist when they come to the rescue; they were undercover the entire time, and the protagonist has ruined their plans!
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The femme fatale is usually characterized as a mysterious woman who seduces and entraps men with her body. This doesn’t necessarily have to be a gendered archetype, but often errs into sexualization and misogyny (especially in works written by men).
Jane Smith (Mr. & Mrs. Smith)
Nikita (La Femme Nikita)
Catwoman (Batman)
Catherine Tramell (Basic Instinct)
1. The Femme Fatale doesn’t know they’re a femme fatale. They are a master of seduction and gaining valuable information through licentious wiles, but it’s all an accident; they just-so-happen to sleep with rivals and they just-so-happen to say important information. The femme fatale casually brings this information up in conversation, rendering the team awed by their “impressive skill set.”
2. The Femme Fatale is male or nonbinary (Bonus points if they will seduce any gender).
3. There is a Femme Fatale team; an icy power couple dedicated to killing through threesomes.
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The Geek, or the Mad Scientist, is the character known for knowing everything. They often have a lack of social skills, and their vast knowledge of random things helps the characters when they’ve been backed into a corner…though they sometimes tend to be a quick fix for writers who’ve written their characters into a corner and need an easy solution.
Sheldon (The Big Bang Theory)
Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds)
Spock (Star Trek)
L (Death Note)
1. The Geek has leadership skills and ability to inspire others. Awkward is not the complete opposite of charismatic; just because someone may have trouble talking to people doesn’t mean they can’t foster intense loyalty from their comrades. (Think along the lines of L from Death Note. Bonus if they’re the leader of their organization, and their subordinates would face God and walk backwards into Hell for them).
2. Combine the Geek with another archetype, perhaps an antithesis archetype like the Dumb Jock. For example, a Geek that enjoys the outdoors and extreme sports like rock climbing (but rather than to get buff, they just want to look at the fantastic granite deposits on the side of the mountain they’re climbing). Or perhaps a Geek Femme Fatale, whose “special interest” is the psychology of seduction.
3. The Geek hates what they do. The “passion” that Geeks usually have for machines/non-humans/their chosen expertise is forced upon them because they’re super smart. In reality, they’d wanted to take it easy going to business school but nooooo the world was at stake so they had to become an expert in the intergalactic space-time continuum.
4. The Geek is useless. Their musings are more mania than genius, their explanations and ideas incomprehensible to a normal human being, and the group only keeps them around with the hopes that one day they’ll come up with an idea that actually makes sense. (Bonus if that idea comes at the climax of the story).
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The dumb jock, also known as “the brawn,” is an archetype that is often categorized by being all buff and no brains. They often are, or at least begin as, the antagonist of the story, and if they aren’t, they’re considered the “Himbo” character (with character traits being buff, dumb, and respectful to women), who are often reduced merely to their attractiveness and stupidity, without much depth.
Jason Carver (Stranger Things)
Mitch Downe (ParaNorman)
Kronk (The Emperor’s New Groove)
Bolin (The Legend of Korra)
1. The himbo and/or jock is frustrated with the way that their comrades always reduce them to the brawn. They feel left out and isolated because they can’t understand the lofty conversations of their peers, and know that they, in a way, look down on them for not being as smart (Bonus if this becomes a major plot point in the character’s arc, causing a huge blowout fight that fissures the group because of it).
2. The himbo/jock’s stupidity does not reduce them to comic relief. The himbo/jock is well-respected and has incredible emotional intelligence and charisma/street smarts, but merely lacks in textbook intelligence.
3. The himbo/jock is a woman! Break through the stereotype of dumb strong people being men and put some herbos in your story (Bonus if you don’t sexualize her and just let her be herself).
4. An idea from the jock/himbo becomes an integral part of the plan to save the world!
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The antihero archetype is categorized by their lack of conventional heroic attributes, their execution of their goals through morally gray means, and their frequent reluctance to be the one saving the world. Their motivations may be vengeance, hatred, or any other less-than heroic inspiration besides “the greater good.” In fact, the antihero is sometimes the antagonist of the story, but due to the fact that the audience is seeing things from their perspective, they often tend to root for them.
The antihero used to be its own subversion of the “Chosen One” archetype, but became so widespread that it itself became its own archetype. That’s why antiheroes are so varied, to the point where you may not even need a subversion due to how many possible ideas there are to choose from. (This was the hardest list to make!)
Barry Berkman (Barry)
Harley Quinn (DC)
Cassie Thomas (Promising Young Woman)
Deadpool (Deadpool)
1. The antihero feels guilt. Oftentimes, an antihero is depicted as stone-cold and dead-set on their actions (and sometimes they’re right! If someone killed my family, I wouldn’t care about “being the bigger person”). However, an interesting subversion may be guilt or self-awareness surrounding their actions playing a large role in the execution of their goals.
2. The antihero is not a lone wolf, and develops meaningful and positive relationships with others rather than having it be 90% snarky banter. Sometimes, antiheroes suffer from a lack of three-dimensionality due to most of their dialogue being cheeky one-liners. Anchor them solidly into the story by building a web of relationships to support them! (They don’t have to all be lovey-dovey, either! Even enemy relationships can be more than snark).
3. An honor code. Giving an antihero with an interesting honor code regarding killing, stealing, or any of their other morally gray deeds could be an excellent subversion! Having characters who are stone-cold killers but draw the line (perhaps in an odd way, such as refusing to steal cars or kill pets), somewhere can be a great way to develop their personality and show the readers their motivations.
Hope these all helped, and happy writing!
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justsalpals · 11 months
After everything is over and they settled into their new mortal lives, the protagonist asks the princess about her name again. If it felt odd to not have one, or if she wanted to make one for herself now or just be The Princess.
To which she points out that not only does he not have a name either, but not even a title or anything he's mentioned going by!
Which prompts him to stare blankly at the wall for like a solid hour while the voices run amuck in his head, because how did he never realize he didn't have a fucking name??
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calirph · 5 days
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A massive masterlist of tropes and prompts to send for drabbles or roleplay scenarios involving fantasy, history and medieval times. You can mix up the scenarios and pick more than one. Scenarios include LGBTQ+ options as well threesome and throuple.
The Chosen One A protagonist marked by destiny to accomplish a great feat, often starting as an ordinary person who discovers they have a special role in saving the world. Prompt: Your character discovers they are the subject of an ancient prophecy and must lead a rebellion against a tyrant, but they doubt their abilities.
The Dark Lord An evil, often immortal villain who desires domination or destruction, embodying pure malevolence. Prompt: A council of heroes debates how to defeat a Dark Lord, but your character suggests an unthinkable alternative: negotiating with the Dark Lord.
The Mentor A wise and experienced guide who teaches the young hero the ways of magic, combat, or wisdom, often sacrificing themselves. Prompt: Your character’s mentor reveals a deep personal failure from their past, showing vulnerability just before sending the hero on a solo quest.
The Secret Heir A character unaware of their royal blood or lost heritage, destined to reclaim a throne or title. Prompt: Your character discovers a hidden family tree proving they are the rightful heir to a kingdom, but they must decide if they want the throne.
The Magical Artifact An item of immense power that can either save or destroy the world, often sought after by multiple factions. Prompt: Your character is entrusted with a magical artifact but learns that using it comes at a great personal cost each time.
The Ragtag Band of Heroes A diverse group of misfits or unlikely companions brought together to achieve a common goal. Prompt: Your character must convince a group of strangers to unite for a common cause, but none of them trust each other.
The Betrayer A trusted ally who turns against the heroes for personal gain or manipulation by a darker power. Prompt: After discovering a betrayal within their ranks, your character must choose between justice and mercy for the betrayer.
The Damsel in Distress A character (often female) in need of rescue, traditionally saved by a heroic figure, though modern twists subvert this trope. Prompt: Your character is tasked with rescuing someone, only to find that the person in distress is fully capable of saving themselves.
The Ancient Evil Awakens A long-forgotten or sealed evil force rises again, threatening the peace of the world. Prompt: A series of unusual events convince your character that an ancient evil is stirring, but no one believes them.
The Noble Savage A character from a "primitive" culture who embodies virtues of bravery and loyalty, often juxtaposed with "civilized" societies. Prompt: Your character meets a warrior from a foreign tribe, and despite cultural misunderstandings, they form an unlikely bond.
Reluctant Hero A protagonist who does not want to be involved in a great quest or conflict but is forced to rise to the occasion. Prompt: Your character, a simple farmer, is chosen to lead a resistance against an invading force but longs for the peaceful life they left behind.
The Quest for Immortality A character seeks eternal life, often at great moral or physical cost, exploring themes of mortality and power. Prompt: After years of research, your character discovers the secret to immortality but must sacrifice their dearest friend to obtain it.
Forbidden Love A romantic relationship between characters that is socially or politically unacceptable, creating high-stakes tension. Prompt: Your character falls in love with the enemy’s daughter during a time of war and must decide whether to pursue their love or remain loyal to their people.
The Lost Civilization A hidden or forgotten city, often containing advanced knowledge, treasure, or powerful magic. Prompt: Your character is part of an expedition to uncover a fabled lost civilization, only to discover the remnants of a curse that wiped it out.
The Magical School A place where young people are trained in the use of magic or combat, often the setting for personal growth and challenges. Prompt: At a prestigious academy for wizards, your character must pass a dangerous final test—entering a magical labyrinth filled with illusions.
Shapeshifter in Disguise A character with the ability to change their form, often hiding their true identity or motives. Prompt: Your character suspects that one of their companions is a shapeshifter, but revealing the truth could mean losing a powerful ally.
The Outlaw Hero A character who lives outside the law but fights for justice, often targeted by the authorities. Prompt: After robbing from a corrupt noble, your character must navigate a city filled with bounty hunters while distributing the stolen wealth to the poor.
The Ghostly Guide A spirit or ghost who guides the protagonist through trials or mysteries, often with a personal connection to the past. Prompt: A ghost appears to your character, claiming to be an ancestor who died trying to defeat the Dark Lord, now urging your character to finish the task.
The Femme Fatale A beautiful but dangerous woman who uses charm and manipulation to achieve her goals, often involving deceit or betrayal. Prompt: Your character is drawn to a mysterious woman in court, only to learn she’s using them to gain access to sensitive information.
The Cursed Item An object that brings misfortune or disaster to its bearer, often tied to ancient magic or malevolent forces. Prompt: Your character receives a beautifully crafted sword as a gift, only to realize it brings bad luck and harm to anyone close to them.
The Exiled Prince/Princess A royal figure who has been cast out of their kingdom, often seeking to reclaim their throne or live a life of anonymity. Prompt: Your character, an exiled prince, is approached by a group of rebels who want to help them take back their throne, but they’ve come to love their new life of freedom.
The Sacred Bloodline A family with a mystical or divine connection, where descendants are destined for greatness or cursed with a terrible fate. Prompt: Your character learns they are the last descendant of a sacred bloodline and must protect a holy relic that only they can wield.
The Mad King/Queen A ruler driven to madness, whose erratic behavior threatens the stability of the realm. Prompt: Your character, a court advisor, must decide whether to remain loyal to the increasingly paranoid king or help others plot his overthrow.
The War of Succession A conflict over who has the rightful claim to a throne, often resulting in political intrigue, betrayals, and open war. Prompt: After the king’s unexpected death, your character is thrust into a power struggle between two rival heirs, both of whom offer them a high-ranking position if they support their claim.
The Ancient Mentor’s Final Lesson The mentor passes on one last piece of wisdom before their death, often a key to the hero’s success. Prompt: On their deathbed, your character’s mentor reveals a secret technique that will allow them to defeat the enemy—but at the cost of their own life force.
Tavern or Inn A classic setting for adventurers to gather information, rest, or begin their journey. Example Prompt: Two strangers meet in a noisy tavern, one hiding a secret and the other seeking information about a lost treasure.
Castle Courtyard A public space within a fortress, where soldiers train, courtiers gossip, and royalty stroll. Example Prompt: A young knight overhears a whispered conversation in the castle courtyard about a plot to assassinate the king.
Forest Glade A peaceful, secluded area within a forest, perfect for secret meetings or magical happenings. Example Prompt: Your character meets an enigmatic druid in a hidden glade to discuss an alliance with the creatures of the forest.
Marketplace A bustling area where traders, merchants, and thieves mingle, offering a wealth of information and intrigue. Example Prompt: Amidst the clamor of the marketplace, a thief slips a mysterious note into your character’s pocket, leading to a dangerous meeting.
Castle Tower A high, solitary place within a fortress, often used for contemplation, imprisonment, or secret liaisons. Example Prompt: Your character climbs the castle tower to confront an imprisoned mage, who knows a terrible truth about the kingdom.
Council Chamber A formal room where important decisions are made by nobles, royalty, or guild leaders. Example Prompt: During a heated debate in the council chamber, your character must navigate political tensions to ensure a crucial alliance.
Ruined Temple An ancient, crumbling structure, often connected to forgotten gods or lost knowledge. Example Prompt: Your character stumbles upon a meeting between shadowy figures in the ruins of an old temple, where dark magic lingers in the air.
Dungeon or Underground Cave A dark, confined space where adventurers might be imprisoned, seek treasure, or encounter monsters. Example Prompt: Trapped in an underground dungeon, your character and their rival must cooperate to escape a rising flood.
Library or Archive A repository of knowledge, where scholars and spies alike can find hidden secrets or ancient texts. Example Prompt: Your character uncovers a forbidden book in a dusty archive, only to be interrupted by a cloaked figure who wants it back.
Secluded Beach or Cliffside A quiet, often isolated setting overlooking the ocean, used for secret conversations or dramatic moments. Example Prompt: Atop a cliff overlooking the sea, your character confronts an old ally who has been avoiding them since the last battle.
The Secret Passage A hidden tunnel or hallway within a castle or fortress, often used for clandestine meetings or escapes. Prompt: Your character follows a whisper into a secret passage and stumbles upon a plot to assassinate a noble at the next feast.
The Wizard’s Tower A solitary tower inhabited by a powerful sorcerer, where magical experiments and arcane knowledge abound. Prompt: Your character visits a reclusive wizard’s tower to ask for help, only to find the wizard in the middle of a dangerous experiment.
Battlefield Aftermath The site of a recent battle, strewn with bodies and the debris of war, often a grim setting for difficult decisions. Prompt: Amid the smoking ruins of the battlefield, your character encounters a wounded enemy soldier and must decide whether to help or kill them.
The Enchanted Garden A magical garden where flowers and plants have mystical properties, often tied to ancient lore. Prompt: Your character seeks a rare flower in an enchanted garden, only to find a guardian who demands a riddle to let them pass.
The King's Hunting Lodge A remote lodge used by nobility for hunting excursions, often the setting for private conversations away from court. Prompt: During a hunting trip at the king’s lodge, your character overhears a conversation about a secret alliance that could change the kingdom’s fate.
The Blacksmith’s Forge A smithy where weapons and armor are crafted, often a place of industry and local gossip. Prompt: While waiting for a custom sword to be forged, your character strikes up a conversation with the blacksmith, who hints at knowing more about the local rebellion than they let on.
The Royal Throne Room A grand hall where rulers conduct official business, receive visitors, and issue decrees. Prompt: Your character is called to the throne room to answer for their actions, only to find the ruler sitting with an unsettling smile, waiting for an explanation.
The Healers’ Tent A temporary shelter in a war camp where the wounded are treated, often the scene of emotional or desperate conversations. Prompt: Your character, barely surviving a battle, overhears a conversation in the healers’ tent that suggests the war is a lost cause.
The Dragon’s Lair A cavern or mountain where a dragon hoards its treasure, often the site of deadly confrontations or negotiations. Prompt: Your character enters a dragon’s lair not to slay it, but to strike a deal—offering something the dragon covets even more than gold.
The Alchemist’s Laboratory A chaotic workshop filled with potions, mystical ingredients, and half-finished experiments. Prompt: Your character visits an eccentric alchemist for a rare elixir, only to find the lab in disarray after a failed experiment—yet the alchemist insists on continuing the deal.
The Underground Arena A hidden place where illegal or unsanctioned fights are held, often a venue for gambling and power struggles. Prompt: Your character must fight in an underground arena to win the freedom of an imprisoned ally, but the opponent is someone from their past.
The Abandoned Monastery A forgotten place of worship, now in ruins, where secrets and lost knowledge can still be found. Prompt: In an abandoned monastery, your character finds an old scroll detailing a forgotten war, but the monastery holds more secrets than just history.
The Executioner’s Block A grim setting where executions are carried out, often a place of last-minute rescues or confessions. Prompt: Your character witnesses an execution but is interrupted by a declaration from the condemned that could change the kingdom forever.
The Harbor Docks A bustling waterfront where merchants, sailors, and travelers from across the world meet, often a place of intrigue and shady deals. Prompt: At the harbor, your character must meet a smuggler to exchange vital information, but the docks are crawling with city guards looking for a fugitive.
The Seer’s Cave A mysterious cavern where a prophet or oracle resides, offering glimpses of the future—often at a cost. Prompt: Your character seeks out a seer who lives deep in a cave to learn their fate, but the seer demands a personal sacrifice before revealing the prophecy.
Pining Knight and Noble Lady A valiant knight has been in love with a noble lady for years, but he is bound by duty to serve her family and cannot express his feelings. Scenario: The knight and the lady find themselves alone in a secluded garden during a feast. She asks him why he never looks her in the eyes, unaware of the deep feelings he’s trying to hide.
Forbidden Love Between a Mage and a Princess A powerful mage is hired to protect a princess from political enemies, but magic is considered taboo in her kingdom. Scenario: After a fierce battle, the princess tends to the mage’s wounds in secret, both of them aware that her father would never allow their growing affection to blossom.
Secret Romance Between Rivals Two knights from opposing factions meet in secret after dark to continue their forbidden love affair, knowing they could be branded traitors if discovered. Scenario: During a midnight meeting in the forest, they confess their fears of being caught, but neither is willing to let the other go, despite the risk.
Arranged Marriage Between a Prince and a Distant Princess A prince is betrothed to a princess from a distant land whom he has never met, and both fear the political alliance more than the marriage itself. Scenario: On their wedding night, they sit together awkwardly by the hearth, struggling to find common ground, until one of them dares to ask, “Can we make this work?”
A Knight and a Commoner A noble knight falls in love with a common tavern keeper, knowing that society will never accept them as a couple. Scenario: After sneaking into her tavern late at night, the knight tries to convince her to leave the village with him, but she fears he will regret abandoning his honor for her.
The Betrothed Princess and the Charming Rogue A princess betrothed to a powerful lord is drawn to a charming rogue who often sneaks into the palace to see her. Scenario: As the day of her wedding approaches, the rogue visits her one last time, asking her to run away with him. She must decide between duty and desire.
Pining for a Childhood Friend A knight has loved his childhood friend—the princess—for years, but she is promised to another, and he can only serve as her protector. Scenario: After a long day of battle, the princess bandages his wounds, teasing him about always protecting her, unaware that every touch makes it harder for him to hide his love.
A Cursed Romance A knight is in love with a lady cursed to turn into a beast each night. He is determined to break the curse, but she fears he’ll abandon her if he sees her true form. Scenario: He finds her one night after she transforms and, instead of fear, he expresses his unyielding love for her, vowing to find a way to lift the curse.
Secret Romance Between a Princess and Her Bodyguard A princess has fallen for her stoic bodyguard, but they must hide their feelings from the court, where any sign of affection could cost him his life. Scenario: After she slips away from a royal gathering, he finds her alone in the stables, and for the first time, he drops his guard, confessing his love in a whisper.
Love Between a Knight and a Healer A wounded knight falls for the gentle healer tending to him, but his duty as a soldier keeps pulling him back to the front lines. Scenario: On the eve of his return to battle, the healer gives him a charm for protection, and he promises to come back to her, though neither is sure he will survive.
Unlikely Romance Between a Warrior and a Scholar A rough and battle-hardened warrior falls for an introverted scholar who has never left the safety of the castle library. Scenario: The scholar offers to teach the warrior to read, and in their quiet moments together, they both start to realize they are more alike than they imagined.
The Secret Romance Between a Priestess and a Soldier A devout priestess falls in love with a soldier, but her vows forbid her from pursuing any romantic relationship. Scenario: In the temple gardens, under the cover of darkness, the soldier kisses her for the first time, and she is torn between her faith and her heart.
Enemies to Lovers A fierce warrior captures an enemy spy, only to discover they’ve been on opposite sides of a conflict neither believes in. Scenario: After days of interrogations, the two find themselves alone in the enemy camp, and the tension between them shifts from hostility to longing.
The King’s Forbidden Love for a Servant A king falls in love with one of his servants, but any sign of affection could destabilize his rule and anger the court. Scenario: Late at night, he summons her to his chambers, not for orders but to ask if she could ever love a man like him, despite his crown.
The Queen and the Knight Who Swore an Oath to Protect Her A knight sworn to protect the queen falls deeply in love with her, but his loyalty to the crown prevents him from acting on his feelings. Scenario: During a secret meeting to discuss a political conspiracy, the queen confides in him, and for a brief moment, she reaches for his hand.
A Romance Amidst a War Two soldiers from the same army develop feelings for each other while on a long campaign, but war makes it difficult to express them. Scenario: As they sit around the campfire, your character looks at the other soldier, realizing that tonight might be their only chance to say how they feel.
Betrothed to a Stranger but In Love with Another A princess is engaged to a prince from another kingdom, but her heart belongs to a common knight in her father’s service. Scenario: On the night before her wedding, the princess sneaks away to meet her knight one last time, struggling with whether to follow her duty or her heart.
A Warrior’s Last Night Before Battle Two warriors who have fought side by side for years share a secret romance, but they fear the coming battle will separate them forever. Scenario: The night before the battle, they sit together on a hillside, talking about their dreams for the future and sharing one last kiss before dawn.
Star-Crossed Lovers A prince from a powerful kingdom falls in love with the daughter of a rebel leader, knowing their love is doomed to failure. Scenario: During a secret meeting, they both admit that they cannot be together, but their feelings for each other keep drawing them back.
A Love That Defies Death A warrior returns from the dead, his only goal to reunite with the love he left behind, but she has moved on with her life. Scenario: The warrior confronts her in the middle of the night, asking if she can love him as he is now, or if she has truly let go.
A Love Hidden by Magic A prince falls in love with a sorceress who has enchanted herself to live among commoners, hiding her true identity. Scenario: He discovers her secret after she uses magic to save his life, and now he must convince her to trust him with her heart and her magic.
A Princess and Her Handmaiden A princess finds herself falling in love with her handmaiden, though their love must remain a secret in a kingdom where such relationships are forbidden. Scenario: One night, as the princess is brushing her handmaiden’s hair, their eyes meet, and they both realize they’ve crossed the line from friendship to something more.
A Forbidden Affair Between a Pirate and a Noble A daring pirate captain falls for a nobleman’s daughter who was captured during a raid, and their connection grows as she is held for ransom. Scenario: After weeks at sea, the pirate captain secretly allows her to explore the ship, and during a quiet moment on deck, he admits he can’t let her go.
The Princess in Disguise A runaway princess hides her identity while working in a village, only to fall in love with a blacksmith who doesn’t know who she really is. Scenario: As they sit together by the forge, the princess worries that if she tells him the truth, he will no longer love the simple village girl she pretends to be.
The Witch and the Cursed Knight A knight cursed to never feel love again meets a mysterious witch who claims she can break the spell—but only if he learns to love her first. Scenario: The witch invites him to her secluded cottage, where they spend days together, slowly discovering that the curse might be more than just magic—it might be his own fear of being vulnerable.
Forbidden Love Between a Queen and Her Lady-in-Waiting A queen finds herself falling for her devoted lady-in-waiting, but any romance would cause scandal and could jeopardize her reign. Scenario: During a royal feast, the queen and her lady-in-waiting steal secret glances. Later, in the privacy of the queen’s chambers, they share a quiet moment where the queen contemplates whether love is worth the risk.
Secret Romance Between Two Shieldmaidens Two shieldmaidens fight side by side in battle, their bond forged in blood, but they hide their love for fear of judgment from their comrades. Scenario: After a victorious battle, they find solace in each other’s arms around the campfire, but one fears their love will be seen as a weakness if discovered.
Princess and the Captain of Her Guard A headstrong princess and the stoic female captain of her royal guard develop a deep connection while journeying across enemy territory. Scenario: One night, after narrowly escaping an ambush, the princess confesses her feelings, and the captain, who has long held back her emotions, must decide whether to cross the line between duty and desire.
The Sorceress and the Tavern Keeper A reclusive sorceress finds herself visiting a small-town tavern frequently just to see the cheerful tavern keeper. Their growing bond remains unnoticed by the townspeople, who view magic with suspicion. Scenario: On a rainy night, after the tavern has closed, the sorceress admits she fears her magic will bring danger to the tavern keeper, only to find her feelings returned with an unexpected kiss.
The Pirate Captain and the Princess Held Hostage A pirate captain takes a princess hostage for ransom, but as time passes, the princess grows to admire the captain’s independence, and the captain begins to see the princess as more than just a prize. Scenario: While on a storm-tossed ship, the princess saves the pirate captain from drowning, and they share a moment of mutual respect that turns into something deeper as they shelter from the storm.
The Witch and the Warrior A fierce female warrior is sent to seek the aid of a powerful witch to lift a curse on her kingdom, only to find herself intrigued by the witch’s enigmatic nature. Scenario: During a moonlit ritual, the witch reveals she’s seen the warrior’s destiny—and it involves a choice between her heart and her kingdom.
The Knight and the Noblewoman in Disguise A female knight falls for a mysterious traveling companion, unaware that the woman she loves is a noblewoman in disguise, fleeing an arranged marriage. Scenario: One night, while sparring together, the knight notices the noblewoman’s reluctance to reveal something important. When the truth comes out, both must decide if they will continue the journey together, even at great personal risk.
The Healer and the Injured Huntress A local healer takes in an injured huntress who has been wounded in battle, tending to her wounds and finding herself drawn to her fierce spirit. Scenario: As the huntress slowly heals, the healer realizes her patient is reluctant to leave. One quiet evening, while patching up her last wound, they share an unspoken moment of connection that neither wants to break.
The Queen and Her Rival Two rival queens, forced into a tense alliance to defeat a greater threat, discover a grudging respect for one another that slowly turns into attraction. Scenario: After a battle, they argue over strategy in the war tent, and the intensity of their argument leads to a charged moment, where both realize they’re fighting more than just political battles.
A Prince and the Foreign Ambassador A prince is drawn to the foreign ambassador who has been sent to negotiate peace between their kingdoms, but any relationship between them would be seen as a betrayal of both realms. Scenario: After weeks of negotiations, the ambassador invites the prince to a private meeting, where they talk late into the night, their words edging closer to confessions neither can afford to make.
The Rogue and the Heir A noble heir falls for a roguish thief who once tried to steal from his family, but their connection could cost the heir his title. Scenario: After a chance meeting in a city tavern, the rogue teases the heir, hinting at the dangers of their relationship. As the night progresses, they realize they’ve already crossed too many lines to turn back.
The Knight and His Squire A battle-hardened knight finds himself unexpectedly drawn to his loyal squire, who has served him for years and grown into a capable warrior in his own right. Scenario: After a long day of training, the knight and squire share a drink by the fire, and the knight realizes that his feelings go beyond the mentor-student relationship.
The Sorcerer and the Knight Sworn to Protect Him A powerful sorcerer is assigned a knight to protect him as they travel to a dangerous land, but the knight finds it increasingly difficult to separate duty from his growing feelings for the sorcerer. Scenario: After fending off an attack from magical beasts, the knight tends to the sorcerer’s wounds. In the quiet aftermath, the sorcerer thanks him in a way that hints at more than just professional gratitude.
The Prince and the General Who Saved His Life A prince falls for the battle-hardened general who once saved him in a critical moment of war, but the prince’s affections may threaten the general’s honor and standing in the kingdom. Scenario: In the quiet of the war camp, the prince approaches the general to thank him, but the conversation turns personal when the prince admits his feelings, leaving the general conflicted between duty and desire.
The Scholar and the Mercenary A learned scholar, sent to recover an ancient artifact, hires a mercenary for protection. Over time, the scholar’s wit and the mercenary’s gruff charm form an unlikely connection. Scenario: One night, by the campfire, the mercenary reveals more about his past than he intended, and the scholar finds himself wanting to know more, their conversation leading to an unexpected moment of closeness.
The King and His Court Jester A lonely king finds solace in the jester who makes him laugh but also sees the sadness behind his crown. What begins as an innocent bond becomes a deeper connection. Scenario: After a long day of court politics, the jester stays behind to keep the king company, and their playful banter turns to confessions neither of them expected to make.
The Blacksmith and the Outlaw A skilled blacksmith becomes the secret lover of a notorious outlaw who hides out in his forge, but the blacksmith knows that harboring the outlaw could ruin his life. Scenario: One night, as the outlaw prepares to leave for good, the blacksmith confronts him, torn between helping the man he loves and the risk of being caught.
The Monk and the Exiled Prince An exiled prince finds refuge in a secluded monastery, where he forms an intense bond with one of the monks, who has taken vows of celibacy but struggles with his feelings for the prince. Scenario: While walking through the monastery gardens, the monk confesses his internal conflict to the prince, and they must decide whether to part ways or risk everything for their love.
The King and his Trusted Advisor
The King spends time with his advisor and hand and no one bats an eye, behind close doors, the two share more than wise words. Scenario: The Advisor confesses their emotions when the King is made to marry again after the loss of his wife.
A Princess, Her Betrothed, and Her Best Friend A princess is engaged to a nobleman she barely knows, but she also harbors feelings for her best friend, who has been by her side for years. Scenario: On the eve of her wedding, she confesses to her best friend that she loves them as well, and they wonder if they can all find a way to make it work without breaking the betrothal.
A Mage, a Warrior, and a Healer A traveling mage, warrior, and healer have been adventuring together for years, their bond slowly evolving into something more than friendship. Scenario: One night, after a dangerous mission, the three sit around a campfire and share a tender conversation that turns into a mutual confession of their feelings for each other.
The Royal Couple and Their Bodyguard A king and queen have developed feelings for their fiercely loyal bodyguard, but neither knows if the other shares the same affection. Scenario: After a near-assassination, the king and queen discuss their feelings in private, and the queen admits that she, too, feels something for the bodyguard. They agree to approach the bodyguard together and confess their intentions.
Two Knights and the Scholar They Both Love Two knights, long-time friends and comrades, have both fallen in love with the same scholar, unaware that the scholar harbors feelings for both of them. Scenario: When the three of them are trapped together in a secluded tower during a siege, tensions rise, and they must confront their feelings before it’s too late.
The Rebel Leader, the Assassin, and the Spy A rebel leader, an assassin, and a spy are drawn into a dangerous political game, and their connection deepens as they work together to topple the kingdom. Scenario: In the midst of a coup, the three of them find themselves cornered in the royal palace. With the threat of death looming, they admit they’ve all fallen for one another, but survival comes first.
A Priestess, a Thief, and a Knight on a Quest A devout priestess, a charismatic thief, and a noble knight are sent on a quest by the king. Despite their differences, they develop a deep emotional and physical bond. Scenario: After completing a dangerous mission together, they gather in a secluded mountain cave. Exhausted and exhilarated, they find comfort in each other’s arms, forming an unspoken agreement to stay together.
The Crown Princess, Her Bodyguard, and Her Betrothed A crown princess is set to marry a foreign prince for political reasons, but she’s in love with her loyal female bodyguard. To their surprise, the prince, too, develops feelings for the bodyguard. Scenario: During a quiet evening in the royal garden, the princess notices the prince and bodyguard exchanging glances. When she confronts them, they realize their love may not be as forbidden as they thought.
The Warlord, the Merchant, and the Diplomat A ruthless warlord, a wealthy merchant, and a cunning diplomat form an unlikely trio, each using the others for political gain, only to find their connection goes beyond mere convenience. Scenario: In a private council chamber, after a tense negotiation, the three realize they have more in common than they thought, and their partnership solidifies into a deeper relationship.
A Princess, a Witch, and a Pirate Captain A rebellious princess joins forces with a powerful witch and a pirate captain to escape her arranged marriage. Along the way, their shared danger and mutual respect grow into love. Scenario: On a quiet night aboard the pirate ship, the three of them share their stories by the moonlit sea, realizing their lives are now forever entwined in ways they never expected.
The Healer, the Hunter, and the Warrior A healer, a hunter, and a warrior are drawn together as they travel to save their village from a deadly curse. As they grow closer, their connection becomes more than just survival. Scenario: After a near-fatal battle, the healer tends to the wounds of the hunter and warrior. In the candlelit tent, they admit their feelings for one another, finding solace in their newfound bond.
The King, His Trusted Advisor, and the Enemy Prince A king and his trusted advisor fall in love with the enemy prince who is captured during war. As they spend time together in the royal castle, the lines between prisoner and lover blur. Scenario: Late one evening, the king and his advisor confront the enemy prince in the dungeons, and what starts as an interrogation leads to unexpected confessions of desire.
Back from the Dead: Common (though not invariable) for heroes, but rare for other characters. In some cases, being killed in a certain way is the Curse Escape Clause for the faithful Non-Human Sidekick who has accompanied the hero on his journey.
The Big Bad Wolf: Depictions of a talking, evil, usually male, wolf who wants to eat the protagonist.
Big Damn Reunion: Siblings reunite, spouses embrace after a long journey or separation - but make no mistake, this may just be the beginning of their troubles…
Bride and Switch: A young couple are all ready for the big day. Only the bride isn't who the groom thinks she is. Maybe it's an Arranged Marriage, and someone else is impersonating the bride he's never seen. Maybe a shapeshifting alien has taken her place. Or maybe she's simply using a wedding veil as a convenient disguise. It can be the whole plot, when the heroine is replaced en route to her wedding, or a final complication.
Dead All Along: A character is dead; really dead. However, because the Powers That Be wanted him back, he is. He walks, he talks, he breathes just like everyone and neither the characters (sometimes, not even himself) nor the audience suspects anything fishy until The Reveal. Sometimes that Knight in Shining Armor or Talking Animal is dead already.
Good Princess, Evil Queen: A virtuous princess protagonist is pitted against a villainous queenly antagonist.
Knight in Shining Armor: The stereotypical noble knight.
The Promise: The plot hinges on a promise.
Rags to Royalty: Often after a decline from royalty, or at least wealth, to rags.
Rescue Romance: Falling in love with one's rescuer.
Secret Identity: In Iron Hans and many (not all) of its variants, the hero is a servant at the court, and disguises himself in armor before fighting in the tourney or battle.
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Trying to avoid a prophecy coming true makes it come true.
Sweet and Sour Grapes: A character decides to give up seeking what they want... and then gets it anyway.
When the Clock Strikes Twelve: Something must be done by midnight, or midnight is when the supernatural comes out.
You Have Waited Long Enough: The protagonist has been gone for a while and their (usually his) love interest is being forced to (re)marry, even though they (usually she) doesn't want to.
Altar Diplomacy: The hero and heroine are arranged to be married for politics, whether they like it or not.
Honorable Marriage Proposal: A man proposes to a woman he has bedded to preserve her reputation or woman must marry a suitor to preserve her reputation. Common in historical romances. May lead to Marriage Before Romance.
The Ingenue: Lots of heroines are portrayed as innocent and kindhearted, but also sheltered and unworldly with a tendency to get into danger (so the hero can swoop in and save her).
Parent with New Paramour: Sometimes the hero will have a young child/children from a previous relationship.
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animefeminist · 29 days
Aiba Kyoko at Otakon 2024: Reverse Villainess Isekai, Social Issues, and the Manga-Making Process
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Aiba Kyoko has been working as a manga artist since the 2000s, developing a signature style that spotlights familiar tropes and turns them on their head. While best known for her BL work (especially, in English, the stunning Derail), Aiba’s most recent series targets a different genre: the wish-fulfillment isekai.
“In a typical isekai, you become a pretty woman, or a cool guy. It’s always these positive transformations, and I just didn’t like that. So I decided to do something the exact opposite,” Aiba explained during our interview, comparing the experience of an isekai protagonist to her own convention visit. “Me traveling to America is already this much of an ordeal, so how can someone going to an unknown land have such a great experience?”
That “opposite,” upside down and reversed isekai is Oji Tensei: The Villainess’s Days of Aging Gracefully, the story of a haughty villainess who awakens from execution to find she’s been reborn in modern Japan…as a middle-aged man. Originally a one-shot, the title was greenlit for serialization after it broke its platform’s record for most comments on a one-short work. It’s now a monthly series with five chapters available at time of writing.
While the premise of the series involves playing with gender, Aiba noted that her impulse in creating the series was more about that upending of expectations than telling a trans narrative. The chapters of Oji Tensei so far focus more on villainess Chloe learning life skills she was ignorant of in her former life and coming to terms with living in an aging, unglamorous body. Aging gracefully, in other words.
That isn’t to say that Aiba is uninterested in social issues—in fact, she emphasized the subject in her Otakon biography. The story that prompted her changing interest was Young Carer: Invisible Me, which she wrote last year. “I t actually started with a conversation with my editor when we got to talking about what my background is like [as a former young carer], and we thought it was an interesting topic so I was asked to write it. It was happenstance. It became a more socially conscious piece, but I didn’t think I would do that when I was working on it.”
Read it at Anime Feminist!
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elliot · 1 month
I played the alleged anti-rpg, moon (1997) approximately 2 years ago; it was a game that took my mind by a storm and inspired a well of creativity unlike any other. After years upon years of being incapable of original work due to a deep rooted dry spell, it was moon that opened the floodgates of my brain back up and enabled me to start making things directly from the heart again.
I’ve played a lot of games, and moon is both a cult classic and one of the most fascinating for a good reason. In the 6~ ish hours you get with it, it communicates such a wealth of abstract thematics that have managed to create a ripple effect present with games we love even today. This post examines the core of the game: the metanarrative relationship that exists between The Hero and The Invisible Boy.
There are major spoilers for the game in this post. Please read at your discretion! 
When moon posits itself as an anti-rpg, what does that term entail?
At a glance– the player assumes it’s a reference to the gameplay system which is structured around “saving” animals/monsters as opposed to fighting them. 
However, what makes the game an anti-rpg in actuality has little to do with this feel good, heartening mechanic: because the very end of the game tells you distinctly that this mechanic will not truly save anything or anyone. Whether you’re killing or saving these monsters, animals, characters, etc. you are still viewing them as metrics, objects of your affection/destruction, numbers and things and targets for your own amusement. The Invisible Boy still has a leveling system, just like The Hero. To allow these creatures and characters to flourish, you ultimately must leave them behind. The game is an anti-rpg, not because you harness the power of pacifism over violence, but because the ultimate act of love for this game, for its characters, for its messaging is to step away from it and internalize what it’s communicated to you in your real life. That’s the only way you can “beat” it.
But to deconstruct this further: the game itself deconstructs the notion of “roleplaying” ala using the protagonist as a self insert through The Invisible Boy. Who is The Invisible Boy, and who is The Hero?
When introduced to the game, you are playing as a young boy who is subsequently also playing as a character: The Hero, who serves as his initial avatar. The first thing the game prompts you to do is enter a name. The title track of the song that plays during this sequence is Entry Song, a seemingly basic reference to “name entry” that doubles as an allusion to the fact that this is the exact moment where both the Invisible Boy and The Hero “enter” the world. The name you enter applies to both characters, a reveal that’s delivered to you at the very end of the game – The Invisible Boy has this name in lower case, while The Hero has it in upper case. Fundamentally the same name but mirrored to each other. The young boy is thrust into the world through the TV screen, losing his corporeal form and therefore becoming The Invisible Boy. His existence is a strange, undefinable thing; for a reason never made known or explicit, The Invisible Boy is capable of seeing dead animals felled by The Hero. This may be due to the metanarrative divide he exists within as a “real” boy who has entered the two dimensional world of the game, but his ability to communicate with the dead transcends his interactions with the slain animals. In the sequence with Tanaka, it’s noted that the Invisible Boy has the capacity for contact with spirits and that “regular people” cannot enter the liminal space that exists between the living and the dead. What does this imply regarding the Invisible Boy? I’ll circle back to this after establishing what we know about The Hero.
The Hero, when you are first introduced to him, only exists at the mercy and control of the boy controlling him; once that boy enters the universe, he seems to act in accordance to his mission regardless and is preoccupied with the notion of leveling up and defeating the Dragon no matter the cost. Of course, easter eggs and lore within the game go on to reveal that The Hero is actually Gramby’s dead grandson, pierced by the White Feathered Arrow and trapped within the cursed armor, which effectively brainwashed him into becoming a bloodthirsty warrior with no real cognizance of what’s going on. The rainbow generator may seem inconsequential, but rainbows often symbolize the bridgeway between life and death.
So what does that have to do with the Invisible Boy?
The simplest way of communicating it is that the Invisible Boy and The Hero quite literally cannot exist without one another. The prologue featuring The Hero (called FAKE MOON) that you go through foreshadows the game’s central plot events but through the lens of The Hero, which are then experienced through the lens of The Invisible Boy. From chasing around the “crazed dog?”, to the fight with Perogon, to boarding the airship, to the mass slaughter of the animals on the moon – the story of the game, whether it’s as The Hero or The Invisible Boy, has already been written into existence. Much of moon is storytelling in reverse, wherein the further you progress, the more you come to understand The Hero’s “reality” during FAKE MOON. The songs that play during FAKE MOON are songs that reappear during REAL MOON with different instrumentals to denote them (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Same melody and yet it evokes a completely different feeling.
The Invisible Boy follows the same road as The Hero; everywhere The Invisible Boy goes, The Hero is shortly up ahead of him. They take the same steps, meet the same people, activate all of the same plot points. The Hero’s world is rigid and unyielding, limited to an 8 bit soundtrack with environments and people rendered to their simplest forms. The Invisible Boy’s world is a subversion of this, with no soundtrack to guide him – instead you’re given a variety of genre breaking tracks to play of your own accord, with only the sound of your own footsteps to accompany you (The Hero and The Invisible Boy’s footsteps are both used to characterize their presences). The Invisible Boy’s leveling system demands that he talks to and understands other characters, but there’s still a pervasive sense of loneliness that colors his gameplay, a feeling that never quite leaves; much like The Hero’s journey. When Gramby sees The Invisible Boy, she recognizes him as her grandson and uses the inverse of his name, the version of it that exists in all caps. 
Is this to say that on some level, The Invisible Boy and The Hero exist as the same entity in dual points and egos? Possibly. The Invisible Boy is a real person, and The Hero comes into existence because of him. At the end of the game, when The Invisible Boy is slain by The Hero, The Hero dies immediately: because The Hero cannot exist without the Invisible Boy. When The Hero’s armor falls away, you do not see a child.
You see nothing. You see an invisible boy.
Florence speaks often of a recurring motif in this game: rebirth, the bridge between realities, life and death. Dying and being born again. The Hero gets his second chance – as the Invisible Boy. Because the Invisible Boy and The Hero are still a product of their design (the role of the protagonist), they condemn the cast and world to the same fate regardless of the means they take. Shedding their role within the game is the only way they can save anyone. Florence proposes that the dreamscape, the subconscious, is a gateway to another reality – The Invisible Boy’s “promises” to the Moon Queen take place in the dreamscape, where he retains his form as a human child as opposed to The Invisible Boy. The Invisible Boy and The Hero are both bound by their promise to save Love-De-Gard no matter the cost and no matter the sacrifice. On the moon, when you see the Moon Queen in person, she is physically attached to the Dragon The Hero fights: they exist as a dual ego, as two sides of the same coin. The Hero has been following the trail of the Dragon, while the The Invisible Boy has been following the guidance of The Moon Queen. They are one and the same. 
Fiction, stories, games, are escapes to other realities that exist to us and us alone. We, as the player, make out its meaning. Is that meaning steeped in blood? Is it dehumanization? Is it gratification?
While many use the scrapped “ending” as a frame of reference for The Hero’s fate or what he truly is, that’s simply inaccurate; Kimura has talked about this “ending” quite a bit. Here is an interview where he states that not only was this not an “ending” but rather a part of a scenario that you’d clear in order to eventually attain an ending that resolved the scenario in question, but also that it was scrapped early into development because it was not the direction they had wanted to take the game in. Thematically, it’s incongruent with what we’re presented. Here’s another interview where Kimura discusses it, once again stating that it would clash with what the story was presenting as is.
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Conversely, there is a vocal theater that was released where you follow along with The Hero, aka the young boy that exists inside of him. Near the end of this theater, you get to hear The Hero actively make the choice to exit the game and open the door; perhaps cementing the idea that The Hero and The Invisible Boy exist as dual egos, hence why neither are shown in the ending credits.
The Invisible Boy and The Hero could be viewed as an elaborate metaphor for our relationship to gaming and art. They could be viewed as a metaphor for how young boys are socialized into violence through gaming. They could be viewed as a literal story of rebirth. They could be viewed as a young boy, learning to navigate the world and himself, at odds with these two facets of himself. They could be viewed as a young boy wanting to learn how to do right by the world, and the creatures he’s come to love. They could be viewed as something so abstract, or something so literal, that the possibilities are endless – but their identities and roles are inextricably linked and form the heart of moon. After finishing, I dug through the game in a relentless pursuit in some attempt to understand what happened to The Hero, how his narrative could be read more mercifully, what the point of this child’s alleged suffering was–
In the end, the answer is simple. You are him and he is you, just as the Invisible Boy is.
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welcometowriteblr · 1 year
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In preparation for NaNoWriMo next month, WelcomeToWriteblr invites you to join our Ghost Gala! For each day in October, we have chosen themes and prompts designed to help you flesh out your WIP. The calendar can be completed in any order and you’re free to do as much or as little as you want. This event will run for the ENTIRETY OF OCTOBER. 
Tag your posts as #WTWEVENT and #WTWCOMMUNITY
Format your posts like this: WTW GHOST GALA - DAY #: THEME
Wait for your post to be added to the queue. 
NSFW content will not be posted to the blog. 
OPTIONAL: Join our discord server if you would like to ensure your post makes it onto the blog! Tumblr’s tagging system can be unreliable and we want to make sure everyone’s creations are shared! Please note, you must be 15 OR OLDER to enter our server! 
Pumpkin Carving - You have to kill off a character: Who do you choose?
Raven - Create a tagline for your WIP
Crystal Ball - Outline a scene, act, or your entire WIP
Fallen Leaves - Create a playlist for your WIP
Jack O' Lantern - Share an interesting fact you found while doing research for your WIP
Vampire - Tell us where you find motivation and inspiration
Skeleton - Have a favorite plot structure? If not, share how you plot!
Trick or Treat - Set some writing goals and milestones for your WIP
Candy Corn - Tell us how you chose the title for your WIP
Witch - Write or brainstorm the opening paragraph
Bats - How would your WIP change if a minor character became the protagonist?
Candles - After naming all of your characters: Tell us the meaning behind their names
Coffin - Where's your favorite place to write?
Haunted Mansion - Describe a setting in your WIP
Black Cat - Flesh out your antagonist: Who are they? What are they? What do they want?
Pumpkin Spice Latte - Write a basic plot synopsis for your WIP
Zombie - Who is your supporting cast and what are their roles?
Spiders - Outline a scene or chapter from the middle of your WIP
Snakes - Plan the plot twist
Apple Cider - What's an old tradition from the world of your WIP?
Werewolf - What was the most important day of your protagonist's life?
Corn Maze - What is a common misconception about one of your characters?
The Woods - Outline your protagonist's development: How do they compare from the start vs the end?
Owl - What are your characters' thoughts on the setting of your WIP?
Graveyard - Which character has a secret they'd take to the grave?
Harvest Moon - Create a timeline for your protagonist
Grimoire - Create comps for your WIP
Hayride - Describe your protagonist's fatal flaw: How will it play out in your WIP?
Final Girl - Write or plan the final scene of your WIP
Bonfire - What changes the status quo in your WIP?
Ghost Gala - Take the day off, tomorrow starts NaNoWriMo!
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Hello! Do you have any recommendations for rpgs about wizards, particularly solo rpgs?
THEME: Solo Wizards
Hello, I think I've found some interesting games that deal with magic in some shape or form, from witches, to necromancers, to evil wizards!
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Everyday Enchanter, by Beth and Angel Make Games.
We all face all sorts of struggles in our lives, but what if we could lean on a little bit of hidden magic to help us through it?
Everyday Enchanter is here to help! Enchant your glasses with VIBRANCY to allow you to feel wide awake when you put them on, give your favorite shirt RESILIENCE to make physical and mental pain feel more manageable, and when things really get bad, snuggle up to your favorite GROUNDED-enchanted stuffed animal to regain a feeling of safety and control.
To make the enchantments stronger, simply focus on them in times of need! Reminding yourself that you've got help, even if it's just your favorite pen in your pocket, can help make the tough times a bit more bearable or give you that extra boost of confidence to try something new! And if you really want to strengthen the enchantments, journal about your experiences. When you write about how you really wanted to buy that candy bar at the grocery store checkout but clutched your STAND FIRM-enchanted keychain and resisted temptation, you'll embed that power deeper into your mind. One day you won't even need the enchantments anymore...but until then, they're here for you!
If you bought the TTRPGs for Trans Rights in Florida (or the similarly-titled bundle for Texas), then you already own this game!
The Magus, by momatoes.
The Magus is a solo journaling tabletop RPG that takes you on a sweeping journey for power, ambition, and arcane mastery, at great personal and interpersonal cost.
As a journaling game, you will roll dice, track stats, create spells, and write  imaginary experiences from the perspective of your character: a wizard, newly embarking on their quest for power, their head filled with grand visions of mastery.
This RPG is crunchy. You will use several polyhedral dice to manage four traits: Focus, Power, Control, and Scars, which shape how the protagonist overcomes  challenges and meets their denouement after seven, fateful events. 
This game is also beautiful. It has a number of stunning images used as backdrop against the text of the game, illuminating each part of your character sheet before diving into the meat of the game. The game itself pits your character between two choices: increasing the bonds between them and their loved ones, or sacrificing those opportunities to gain in power. You’ll roll a number of dice equal to your power in order to learn more spells, which are created using a combination of prompts and your own imagination.
Miscast, by Paradox Press Games.
You are undergoing training to become the successor of a Master Conjurer, but the only problem is that the Master Conjurer has a major Dragon's Dust addiction and spends most of their days higher than the mountains of Mar' Hollok. This leaves you solely responsible for your own training while also having to conjure up the creatures that eager customers come to your Master’s shop seeking. Long story short, you miscast spells a lot and end up conjuring a wide assortment of weird and fantastical monsters.
This game can be played solo, or it can be played in a group. You are using a deck of cards and a d6 to conjure different kinds of creatures; unfortunately, you’re only an apprentice, so the creatures don’t always come out right. You’ll use the cards from the different suits to determine the physical aspects of the monster, while you’ll use the d6 to determine how big the monster is, the monster’s nature, and what further Abnormalities it might be suffering. A game for funny random creatures, great for getting your creative juices going!
Sigils in the Dark, by Kurt Potts.
You have a need, a deep burning needthat drives you. Is it love, regret, desire?
The darkness whispers, “I can help you…”Minutes turn to hours as you try to focuson the voice. Symbols, shapes, swirl in thedarkness at the edge of your perception.If only you could grasp them, your needs would be met and more.
Sigils in the Dark is a journaling game and GM supplement. The goal of the game is to create an evil mage’s spellbook. You’ll take up the role of this wizard with a desperate need, in search of arcane power to get what they want. They will try to understand dark sigils just outside their perception by randomly generating spells and adding liner notes to their grimoire. In the end, you’ll have an in-game artifact that you can pass on to players and hopefully know a little more about what your evil mage has sacrificed to get where they are.
Using random roll tables, you’ll slowly create an artifact and a number of spells invented by a dark wizard. Each spell will also have a cost, and the wizard may choose to write notes that betray their own personality as they edit the spell the way an expert baker edits a recipe book.
 This is great for slow character creation, as you try to figure out the motives and goals of a wizard character, and can also put together pieces of their life before they meet anyone else.
The Final Undertaking, by kay w.
Tonight you will prepare the body. You will hang the heavy black curtain, and you will put out the call in the town paper.  Tomorrow night, when the sun sets, the chosen mourner will arrive, with their matter to discuss. You will sit with the body on one side, coaxing the soul back to the body, and the mourner will sit on the other.  The final undertaking will begin.
THE FINAL UNDERTAKING is a one player journaling game about grief, resolution, necromancy, and a town. It uses a d4, a tarot deck, and pen and paper to tell a story about an undertaker, who works in a town to prepare bodies for burial, briefly brings the spirit back to the body, and then facilitates a conversation between a single mourner and the deceased about their unresolved business.
In this game, you will use the tarot cards to form a spread that tells the bones of a story -- the deceased, the object they are being buried with, the mourner here to visit them, and the unresolved business between them. From your spread, you will be able to construct small narratives and write them down as journal entries. 
This is a lovingly written and designed game about putting the dead to rest. You will write journal entries from the point of view of an Undertaker, someone who is responsible for facilitating one last conversation between the spirit of the deceased and their mourner. You will play through 3 phases, which involve determining how well you knew the deceased, the situation at death, and what needs to be resolved before they can pass on to their final rest.The book comes with an oracle of Solemnities, which give you prompts to help you interpret each spread. You can play through the three phases as many times as you like, journaling for each one.
Grimoire, by Anna Landin.
Sparks of magic dance on your palms, flow like rivers through the world around you, and you can weave them into something powerful. You are a witch - and just as a tailor draws their patterns out, and cooks will write their well-kept secret recipes down, so you, too, will bind your spells in ink and paper and make for yourself a grimoire - a spellbook in which to keep your knowledge.
Grimoire is a roleplaying game for one person, played with a deck of regular playing cards with the jokers taken out, a six-sided die, and something to write your spells down with. The latter can be a blank notebook or a sketchbook, or one of the templates provided with these rules. Over the course of the game, you will make a spellbook of your own, a collection of spells you craft out of magic power and components available to you.
If you desire a character that’s a bit less evil wizard and a bit more homebrew witch, Grimoire is another great way to put together a spell book using randomly generated prompts and whatever components your witch has available. 
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celestialastronmy · 8 months
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I wanted to talk about more characters. One such character is Nikolina Pavlova, whose involvement in the incident aboard the SS Burya serves as a focal point for ethical contemplation.(She's the youngest culprit on record in Ace Attorney's universe, and her story is sticky, to say the least)
Her involvement in the incident aboard the SS Burya further complicates her character. When a fellow passenger, Kazuma Asogi, discovers her, she accidentally knocks him out in a panic. This act, driven by fear, results in tragic consequences as Asogi is found dead the next morning. Here, the game delves into the realm of moral responsibility. Can Nikolina be held morally responsible for a death she didn't intend?
Moreover, after Asogi's death, Nikolina makes the decision to hide the truth, further entangling herself in the web of deceit. Her actions lead to the protagonist, Ryunosuke Naruhodo, being accused of murder. This decision clearly crosses a moral line. She knowingly lets an innocent man take the fall for a crime he didn't commit to protect herself.
As we delve deeper into Nikolina's character, it's worth noting that The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles makes a conscious effort to humanize her instead of relegating her to the role of a mere antagonist. Her backstory, revealed in snippets throughout the game, paints a picture of a young girl trapped in a life she didn't choose and yearning for freedom. This narrative choice encourages the player to empathize with her, adding another layer of complexity to the moral questions her actions raise.
The game also explores the ethical implications of her decision to smuggle her pet kitten, Darka, aboard the SS Burya. The kitten's presence on the ship is against the rules, but Nikolina's decision to risk her own safety for Darka's reflects her compassionate nature. This seemingly innocuous act carries significant ethical weight. It prompts us to consider the lengths we might go to protect those we care about and whether such actions can be justified even when they break the rules.
In retrospect, Nikolina's actions also raise moral questions about the societal conditions that forced her into her predicament. The game subtly critiques the rigid structures and norms that stifle individual freedom, leading individuals like Nikolina to take drastic, ethically ambiguous actions. This critique compels us to consider our role in upholding or challenging these structures in our own societies.
Moreover, the game doesn't let Nikolina off the hook for her actions. Her actions have dire consequences, and she's eventually forced to confront the truth. This narrative decision underscores the game's commitment to grappling with the consequences of our actions, a cornerstone of ethical consideration.
The game's treatment of Nikolina's actions also highlights the importance of context in ethical decision-making. While her actions might seem clearly wrong in isolation, understanding her motivations and circumstances complicates our moral judgments. This nuanced approach to morality reflects real-world ethical dilemmas, where context often blurs the lines between right and wrong.
In conclusion, the exploration of Nikolina Pavlova's actions within The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles serves as a compelling study of the ethical and moral complexities inherent in our decisions. The game skillfully uses its narrative to provoke thoughtful consideration of these dilemmas, challenging players to question their own understanding of ethics and morality. Despite her flawed decisions, Nikolina remains a deeply human character, a testament to the game's nuanced storytelling. This depth of character exploration, coupled with the challenging moral questions it raises, makes The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles a standout title in the realm of narrative-driven games.
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nsfwflint · 8 months
Peek Inside My Writer's Mind/Idea Giveaway
So now that I'm officially retired with not much real interest in returning, I'm going through my old prompt/idea server and finding some gems. So I'm going to post them here and if anyone wants to write them/use any of the title ideas feel free. Consider this my last gift to the community.
Without any further ado, here's a list of random ideas I've come up with over the years that I never got around to doing: Edited to add read more line cause I didn't realize how long it got oops.
Set up where Irene is like "you know what to call me." and making everyone think it'll be mommy kink just for protag to call her daddy.
Hyomin piece where you're in a bar bathroom and see "for a good time call _" with a number scrawled underneath. you usually ignore such random graffiti but for some reason you end up calling the number and end up setting up an appointment with hyomin who shows up and fucks your brains out.
title idea: Delivering Love Like A 1920's Carrier Pigeon.
breeding kink johyun sejeong eunbi jihyo piece where they all made a pregnancy pact to get pregnant by the same guy and choose the protagonist. title is "Studded More Than Genghis Khan"
treasure hunter hyejeong where it ends with her ghosting with the treasure after a night of celebratory lovemaking
Piece where you're at a bar and a news report comes on that a meteor collision is imminent and yujeong is the girl you were talking to and she takes you home because she wants to have sex one last time. When you're about to cum she says to cum inside her because the world is ending who cares if she gets pregnant
a piece where you sacrifice yourself to save a stranger and when you open your eyes you're face to face with literal god sejeong and god jihyo. as a reward for your selfless heroism they allow you to sleep with one of them before moving on to heaven. after agonizing over the decision you flat out ask if you can have sex with both of them instead. they say yes but you would pass up your chance to go to heaven for it. so naturally you decide on purgatory in order to fuck both of them. call it Heavenly Rewards
title idea "You Thought This Was A Sequel But It's A Shitty Alternate Universe"
title for a piece with a japanese idol: Need For Seed: Tokyo Drift
series idea: you become a male escort working out of a 5 star resort that your coworker jokingly calls Bikini Kingdom. you reply that it isn't a classy name and decide to call it the bk lounge instead. for the first chapter you fuck hyomin in her bikini and at the end it's revealed that was your recruitment and she turns you into an escort. another chapter will be rockit girl leeseul as a chaebol heiress that visits for some naughty fun and you fuck her in her bikini
cheng xiao piece where she leads you on a puzzle filled professor layton-esque adventure that ends with her rewarding you
Kang han na piece: she's a transfer student who you hook up with at night in the library. Right after you cum inside her you feel yourself growing tired. It's revealed that she's a succubus and is slowly transferring your soul inside her. As you feel yourself fading away, the last thing you hear is another student succubus coming up and going "another one??" to which kang han na replies "yeah. But this one was amazing. I won't need to feed for probably a hundred years after that fuck."
Title for chef chungha: Delectable Sin
Sequel to sua x seungyeon, same photographer model set up but with gahyeon x eunbin. Plot point is they join you for location scouting. Title is "Location"
Sequel to First Snow/Reconnecting/Catching up that takes place directly after the events of Reconnecting. Kang Mina takes protag back to her place and all three couples all have sex that ends up turning into a moaning contest until protag makes Mina squirt and scream so loud that all other moans stop. Morning after protag gets into the elevator with the other two men and smiles as they all know he won. Rashomon style that shows the night through each couple. Titled "Noise Level"
piece ends with idol teasing you as you drink a water bottle standing near the bed. she gets off the bed to tease you, and right as your cum drips out of her and onto the floor she freezes and says "daddy?" to which you reply "i didn't know you were into that but i can be whatever you want me to be." before you follow her eyes behind you and see her dad staring at the two of you before looking down to the puddle of cum on the floor.
Hani one shot idea: morning sex piece titled Sunrise. When you walk into the kitchen she's sitting on the table wearing nothing but an apron. She tells you she made your favorite meal for breakfast and lifts up the apron to reveal that she's sitting with her pussy on a plate and you eat her out before fucking her on the table
April Fools idea: entire piece is setup to be reader x momo but ends up being reader x heechul (you can tell how long ago this idea was written down now lol)
Ending for Black Dress idea: protag sitting at a table with all the idols sitting on the other side looking at him and he stares helplessly at a literal pile of positive pregnancy tests lmao.
Well that's about all the good ones I think. Most of the others either are too simple to post here so people would think of them anyway, or were ideas for the ongoing series that no longer matter.
Anyway, hope you all enjoyed the ideas or got a smile out of some of the title ideas like I did. And if anyone does end up using/writing any of them, I would appreciate a "inspired by Flint" shoutout lol.
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llostwriter · 3 months
The Husky And The White Cat Shizun With Their Baobei
Chapter 17(checked the revised version of chapter 1,2,and 5 as well)
It has been three months, and you still have not finished copying the Dynasty Time Flowing Rong as punishment. Other disciples give you pitiful looks when they see you walk out of the library. You’re hardly one-tenth of the way through after several hundred pages. Luckily, Chu Wanning didn't set a deadline for this task. The book is filled with many names, but the only ones that caught your attention were the two generals of the Northern Frontier Army. One is known as the Beast of the Altar, and the other has the title of Xihe-Jun.
Each of these individuals held the top position of Chonghua's commanders before the enduring Peace Era. They all bravely gave their lives for the country. Initially, they didn't stand out much, except for one with a noteworthy nickname, as it was common for generals to sacrifice themselves for the nation. However, after perusing and transcribing the subsequent pages, it became evident that Xihe-Jun and the Beast of the Altar had a deeply intricate connection. Even though there was no explicit mention of romantic involvement, there's an unmistakable sense that their relationship is more complex than it appears. Subsequently, an increasing number of school names began to emerge.
The four disciples were summoned to the Red Lotus Pavilion by their Shizun, Chu Wanning, also known as Yuheng Elder. Chu Wanning confirmed the stability of all four spiritual cores and their upcoming trip to Xuying Peak.
Xuying Peak, the holy mountain of the upper cultivation realm, stands thousands of feet high and is home to spiritual weapons awaiting their future masters. According to legend, it is where the God of Weapons, Gouchen the Exalted, forged his swords. The peak was also the foundation of heavenly demon eliminations, with the lake and sea serving as its pools, and the divine blood of the god used to forge the first real ‘sword'.
The Jincheng Pool on Xuying Peak, where divine blood has never dried up despite centuries, is the main attraction for cultivators seeking high divine weapons. Though frozen all year round, only a limited number of Daoists with the ability within their spiritual core can temporarily melt the ice in the pool.
Xue Meng eagerly questioned Chu Wanning about obtaining his own weapon and inquired about the ancient beast associated with Chu Wanning's Divine Martial Weapon. Chu Wanning revealed that the ancient beast that appeared in front of him was a Kun Peng.
Kun Pengs are massive creatures with fish-like bodies, bird-like wings, and beaks. They are considered great ancient divine creatures originating from China. Chu Wanning's revelation about his ancient beast and spiritual energy surpassed that of regular cultivators and even some sect leaders.
Xue Meng, inspired by Chu Wanning, expressed enthusiasm about the prospect of having the same ancient beast. However, Mo Ran reminded Xue Meng that he needed to melt the lake water first. Chu Wanning then explained the process of bonding with the spiritual animal to obtain a spiritual weapon.
Xue Meng, curious about the process, asked Chu Wanning about the request made by Kun Peng.
Chu Wanning never felt embarrassed sharing the ridiculous requests made by spiritual creatures. Kun Peng once asked for meat buns, prompting three disciples to chuckle while you stood unamused. Chu Wanning possesses three holy weapons: Tianwen, a golden willow vine whip; Huaisha, a golden sword and his most powerful holy weapon; and Jiuge, a guqin believed to be his fated weapon.
This temporary stroke of luck for the protagonist is nothing compared to what's coming in the future.
In your previous life, Shi Mei gave up the chance to go to Xuying Peak, perhaps due to low self-esteem or knowing the truth about the immortals beneath there and avoiding the problem. When Shi Mei gave up his chance, Mo Ran tried to convince him, irritating Chu Wanning, who later left both Mo Ran and Shi Mei.
This time, Shi Mei suggested staying in the sect, but Chu Wanning chose not to leave. Despite his cold demeanor, his indifferent words were his silent attempt to change Shi Mei's mind, and Shi Mei eventually agreed with hesitation.
Mo Ran reassured Shi Mei: "Shi Mei, don’t be afraid. I’m here."
The trip to the Upper Cultivation World was long, taking more than ten days to arrive in Dai City, next to Xuying Peak. The city was more luxurious than the richest people in the Lower Cultivation World, thriving with rich merchants and noblewomen.
There were so many problems that could have been easily solved if only the Upper Cultivation World had assisted. However, as expected, those greedy rich folks hid behind their wealth and ignored the poor. Rich and powerful they may be, but their greed only served to breed corruption and injustice. They had the means to help those in need, yet they often prioritized their own desires over the well-being of the common people.
As a result, Xue Meng's perspective regarding the Upper Cultivation Realm was not good. Despite being spoiled by both his mother and father, Xue Meng knew that the Upper Cultivation World wasn't as good as it seemed. It was extremely lazy when it came to selecting missions, only picking ones that brought fame and increased their reputation. When all the good-quality missions were taken by the Upper Cultivation World, the Lower Cultivation World was left with the unwanted missions. Some sects from the Lower Cultivation World complained about it, but they could do nothing against the other side.
It was almost irritating to see Lower Cultivation World disciples complaining that their monthly salary from their missions wasn't even half of the salaries of the disciples from the Upper Cultivation World. Later, their seniors, or sometimes even the elders, scolded them. Xue Meng isn't one to care much about wealth and riches; after all, he's the son of a sect leader. But after hearing so many complaints from the disciples, his perspective regarding the Upper Cultivation Realm grew worse.
So it wasn't much of a surprise to see him mutter, "Those bastards in the Upper Cultivation World. They're really a bunch of rich people. Wine and meat stink, and bones freeze to death on the road," upon seeing the women and men in the bustling rich city wearing luxurious robes that even the people in the Lower Cultivation World would dream to have.
Mo Ran and Xue Meng, the peacock and dog duo, have finally found common ground after a long time. However, it seems like it's only a matter of time before they return to their original chaotic selves.
Chu Wanning appears even more captivating in his silver mask, giving him an air of mystery. He elegantly and swiftly steps out of the carriage, greeted by you and his three other disciples. His disciples follow him closely as they enter the inn. Xue Meng boldly asks the inn owner for five rooms but is informed that only two rooms are available, and the five of them need to find a way to share. Chu Wanning pays for the two rooms, while Mo Ran and Xue Meng make some noise in the background. Mo Ran would never lend his Shi Mei to anyone and immediately claims that he and Shi Mei will share a room. While you don't care much, you feel a distance growing between you and Mo Ran. Mo Ran then surprises everyone by announcing that you will also be staying with him and Shi Mei. This causes a confrontation between Mo Ran and Xue Meng. Chu Wanning manages to silence them with one phrase, although they continue to glare at each other. With Mo Ran's mixed signals, you're not sure if he still despises you.
There was no way Mo Ran would allow the negative influence of Chu Wanning to reach you. He wouldn't allow you to be manipulated by Chu Wanning this time!
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woodchipp · 5 months
Remember my analysis of Aubrey's talk with Hero and Kel (ft. Sunny) on One Day Left? Now, I'd like to tackle what is considered one of the game's highest points story-wise - Sunny and Kel's fight with Aubrey in the church on Three Days Left.
I have Things to say.
Right off the bat, we get a wonderful glimpse of how sweet Sunny is - the game forces you to barge into the church while its attendants are in the middle of a sermon Kel rather wisely advises Sunny to wait out. Of course, you can't actually wait until the sermon ends - intruding is required by the game to progress, and Kel's dialogue right before you are given the chance to trigger the choice prompt ("Yeah, I'd feel bad about interrupting this") implies that Sunny doesn't care much about his friend's opinion nor does he care that he's interrupting something important. the main protagonist of all time, truly
After Sunny enters the church, Kel follows him for some reason (even though he's strong enough to drag his malnourished bestie back out) and the two find Aubrey shortly afterwards. Kel asks her to return the photo album she stole from Basil. As with the fight in the town's park, Aubrey refuses because "it's none of [Kel's] business." He argues it is since all of them used to be friends back in their childhood, to which Aubrey says they're not friends anymore. This time, Kel's response is to mention Mari
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...and Aubrey's is to waste what could've been the game's biggest gut punch if it was the actual plot twist.
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Sunny doesn't react to this because his Depression is deeper than the Mariana Trench, apparently. You'd think this would be quite the brutal reality check for him after he spent four years living in a fantasy world where his sister is still alive, but nope.
Kel calls Aubrey out for dropping such a bombshell for no reason and says she can't just forget her old friends because she has new friends now. Aubrey replies by revealing the main source of her angst
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And you actively made one of said friends' life worse for the past four years because you couldn't be arsed to clear up a misunderstanding.
You have no moral ground to stand on.
Then, the following exchange occurs:
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The only rebuttal Aubrey has to Kel's solid point is "well you're Stupid and you don't Understand anything!"
...Huh. I think I see why she's such a fan-favorite.
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It's his property and his alone. Also, the album is literally titled "Basil's Memories", you fucking twat.
Kel and Aubrey continue arguing before the latter spells out why she's been attending church. After all, It's not like "Mari's dead." would have allowed the player to infer Aubrey wants to maintain some semblance of normalcy while being devastated by the death of someone close to her, right?
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And that is followed up by Kel spelling out Aubrey's internal conflict. Now that's some subtle writing!
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You do understand you're basically repeating yourself, right?
"The AUBREY you knew is long gone. And the AUBREY you knew... She's long gone, too."
This game had three editors, by the way.
Kel then delivers a largely insincere apology, which Aubrey rightfully rejects.
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Said "apology" doesn't even include any sort of assurance that he will try to stay by her side if they face another hardship. It's less "I'm sorry for not being there" and more "come on, I said I'm sorry, can we wrap this up already? 😒" l know he does genuinely apologize and promise to stick together with her before the group hug on One Day Left, and that just raises the question of "Why couldn't you say that sooner?"
Aubrey tries to walk out of the church, but Kel blocks her way. Sunny is there.
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Geez, what is Kel's damage? First he calls her a "scumbag", now she's a "thief"
I may consider these descriptions appropriate because I'm the player, but Kel is Aubrey's former friend. If that's how they interact after their friendship dissolved, I don't want to imagine what kind of "friendship" they had in their childhood days.
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Aubrey mockingly calling Basil "poor [and] defenseless" doesn't make sense. The phrasing implies Aubrey has reason to suspect Basil is not the meek and innocent little boy he seems to be... but she doesn't. As far as she knows at this particular point of the story, the most horrific thing he's done was ruining his own photo album for some reason.
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1) Given that Sunny's reaction to seeing Basil's cover-up was relief at getting away with the mess he made, Aubrey isn't even wrong in her assessment. the main protagonist of all time, truly
2) Sunny doesn't react to a derogatory label anyone else would take offense to because he has the emotional range of a potato.
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There is a big difference between having a bit of trouble with reading the room at times and being an insensitive moron.
Kel falls squarely into the second category.
As for the fight itself, I think the main problem with it is that it occurs way too early in the story. Between the iterations of Aubrey we see in Headspace and Faraway Town, her character undergoes a change so dramatic she essentially becomes someone different altogether, and you don't get to spend much time with the new Aubrey before you're thrust into such an emotionally-charged confrontation with her. This fight feels like it should've occured somewhere in the game's second half and marked a turning point in Aubrey's character arc, but as it is, it's just... meh. It has little impact.
So, since we barely know who Faraway's Aubrey even is but the game needs you to feel bad for her nonetheless, the only way it can think of to achieve that is to make the churchgoers irrationally mean!
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There's a violent delinquent with a fucking nail bat fighting two other kids yet the churchgoers only note that Aubrey's drip sucks.
You're supposed to take this fight seriously, by the way.
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The churchgoers' reaction to the aforementioned nail bat is to calmly chide Aubrey for bringing a dangerous weapon to the church instead of, y'know, calling the police.
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"That girl is a threat to this neighborhood." WHY AREN'T ANY OF YOU CALLING THE POLICE, THEN?
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This implies Aubrey's been bringing the nail bat to church all this time and the pastor apparently paid no attention to it. He also seems to be fine with a member of his congregation beating up random people at his church.
Speaking of the pastor! You can actually talk with him after the fight.
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So the pastor's reasoning for letting a dangerous delinquent into the church - and consequently endangering the rest of his congregation due to said delinquent wielding a weapon - is basically "she's a poow widdle girl 🥺 pwease feel bad for her okay 🥺"
Oh, and just as cherry on top
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Kel, right after the fight: man, maybe we shouldn't have done this? I feel bad for Aubrey :< Kel, half a minute later: WE FOUND THE ALBUM!!! TEAMWORK!!!! LET'S HIGH-FIVE!! :D
The writing in this game is very realistic, nuanced and sophisticated.
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alioshakaramazov · 11 months
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how many books can i read in these last two months of 2023 or, i remembered there was a classics challenge i wanted to do 80% into the year. i don't know if re-reads count, but i've gone for two Wildes that were due for a revisit. this takes care of two prompts of the tackle your classics challenge:
A play: The Importance of Being Earnest
A book titled after the protagonist: The Picture of Dorian Gray
also, it's starting to get cold it's starting to rain. hot chocolate season has officially started so this will be me until february
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