#young Thranduil
enerisarchive · 1 year
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I'm done (´◡`) I felt like pouring my heart out painting this but I managed to finish it somehow.
This is a rollercoaster of emotion and skill sets. The most memorable moment was when I realized how much I had to study to be able to paint it and I have improved 😌
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Some pencil sketches of a young Thranduil
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growingingreenwood · 6 months
Also, one ask based on your last answered one:
How big was Thranduil's friend group back in Doriath? Like we know he was friend's with Luthien and obviously Ferdan, as I think Beleg was mentioned as hanging around them once or twice, but was there anyone else?
And did any of them survive til the end of the fourth age, or they died in some war/life drifted them apart as time went on?
I think that the group of people that Thranduil was FRIENDLY with was quite large when he was still living in Doriath. Much larger than anyone who met him in the third or second age could easily believe. I think that he was on good terms and friendly terms with most of the “”younger”” elves living in Menegroth that he came into regular contact with. Generally speaking, Thranduil was easier to get along with back then, as long as you weren’t trying to tell him what to do you were probably fine. His good naturedness and kindness was a lot more open to the world back then, rather than something that he kept guarded away and sometimes all but denied its existence. He just wanted to have fun and explore with those who also wanted those things. 
He wasn’t just there for the vibes, Thranduil WAS the vibes. And others wanted to enjoy those vibes, but he didn’t really strongly care if they were there or not. He was doing his thing either way, probably with his partner in crime. 
However, there were still very, very few elves that Thranduil considered to be real, actual, genuine friends of his that he would trust with anything important or private. I think he probably always had around 2 or 3 friends, likely fellow warriors, but always had a best friend that he spent most of his time with. First Luthian and then Ferdan after she passed away. 
I think that Beleg was somewhere in between being real friends with him and being friendly with him for the simple reason that he was Thingol’s Chief Marchwarden and was therefore obligated to report certain shenanigans. So while Thranduil enjoyed his company greatly, he could not be trusted with The Shenanigans under any circumstances. 
Other than Ferdan and Celeborn (does he count as a friend if they’re related?) In my little universe, Thranduil only has one other friend from Doriath that made it through everything to the fourth age without dying or losing touch. His name is Maedir, he and Thranduil went through their training together and became friends and remained as such. He’s Ferdan’s right hand man when it comes to training new recruits for Greenwood. 
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coopsgirl · 9 months
Thoughtful Gifts
Here's a little Thranduil drabble for Christmas
The elfling ran through the trees of Doriath so quickly he did not even notice one of his friends who called out to him as he passed by. All his attention was focused on reaching the potter’s cottage. They would be ready today, just in time for the mid-Winter festivities. He had worked very hard and could hardly wait another minute more to see the finished products. “Good morning Thranduil” the potter said as he opened the door to see the rosy-cheeked lad. “Are they ready?” was all he could say as he followed the tall elf inside and into a room full of shelves. “Indeed they are” he said happily as he pointed to a table against the wall upon which sat a large mug and bowl. With the potter’s help, Thranduil had made these gifts for his parents. “They are perfect” he said inspecting them. He picked up the mug and admired its hues of brown and green intermingled together just as the soil and trees do. The beech leaf design along the handle turned out especially well. Next, he picked up the bowl which was light blue, his mother’s favorite color, decorated with Niphredil blossoms. The potter wrapped them in linen and Thranduil tied a ribbon around each one. He carefully carried them home watching every step as if they were the most precious items in all Beleriand. Just before it was time for the family to leave and join the kingdom in celebration, Oropher gave his son a special gift. It was his first bow and arrow set. Thranduil thanked his parents and then ran to his room and came back holding a sack. “I have gifts for you both as well” he said happily as he put the sack down in his father’s chair by the fire. “I made this for you Nana.” “Thank you ionneg” she said a bit surprised as they had not expected gifts. “You made this?” his mother asked with wide eyes as she admired the beautiful bowl. “The potter helped but I did most of it myself. I thought it would be good for cooking” he said knowing how much his mother loved to bake and how much he loved eating her delicious cakes. “I could not have asked for a better gift” she said as she hugged him and her eyes teared up a bit as the thoughtful gesture from the son she loved so much. “Here is your gift Ada. I made it too.” “I cannot imagine what it might be” Oropher said as he untied the ribbon and unfolded the linen. “A mug!” he said happily as he looked it over. “Remember, when you said that you wished you had a big mug so you could have a proper size cup of tea?” the elfling said with a big, beaming smile. “I do. I did not know you were anywhere around when I said that.” “I was in the other room and I heard it so I made one for you” he said so proudly. Oropher set the mug down then picked up his son and gave him a kiss on the cheek and a warm hug. “I believe we have the most wonderful boy in all of Arda” he said to his wife who whole-heartedly agreed.     
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ilovetheelves · 9 months
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Baby Thranduil with his mom Míriel 💜
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jjmirkingwood · 13 days
I'm so hoping Thranduil will show up in the Gollum movie,,,,,,,,,,, how high are the chances,,,
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citrusro · 1 year
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A little warm up doodle~ 
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fifiscribbles · 2 years
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Finally done this big project 😊
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milesasinmorales · 2 years
Shout out to the people who make young Legolas headcanons/fanart/fanfic//other fanworks. Honestly the fandom doesn’t give enough attention to young Legolas or what it might’ve been like growing up in Mirkwood. Not to mention what was Thranduil like as a father? I love that people mostly portray him as a very loving father <3 anyway… baby Legolas!!!!!
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enerisarchive · 1 year
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Wip~ I'm quite satisfied with the lighting so far
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Baby Thrandy close up because I adore him
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growingingreenwood · 2 years
Oropher: I’m not sure why everybody always infers that Thranduil being smarter than me is such a problem.
Oropher: Does it make it harder to parent him? Yes. 
Oropher: Does it make it next to impossible to contain him? Undoubtably, 
Oropher: Does trying to anticipate what his next great scheme keep me up at night? At least once a week. 
Oropher: Where was I going with this? 
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Legolas’s Age
Ok, so i know that everyone has their own hc for how old he is, especially considering that we are never told his age, however-
I strongly reject the common notion that legolas is more than a few years younger than elladan and elrohir.
And just to clarify, you can hc what you want, i’m not saying it’s incorrect, this is simply my opinion.
But for me, it makes no sense to send a legit really young elf on the quest, so that already eliminates the idea of Legolas being really young or the youngest elf in middle-earth.
Furthermore, some people might point out that Legolas’s attitude is very carefree and lightharded and seemingly young, to which i point at book!thranduil and say “yeah, so is this one, and he’s probably the same age as elrond”. The wood elves that we have seen in the hobbit act pretty lively, they like to party, and they know how to enjoy themselves even with the looming shadows encroaching on their forests. Is it really that surprising that Legolas has a similar attitude throughout the quest?
If anything, the way we are shown how the wood elves live, how thranduil is, gives Legolas’ own light hearted and joyous attitude a rather solid foundation, and it is a shame that foundation is ripped away by the hobbit movies. (The mis representation of the woodelves is probably my biggest pet peeve of the movies)
Now, you’re probably wondering “ok, well than how old do you think he is?”
To which i answer that he was probably born sometime during the 2nd age, where exactly i don’t know, but here is my reasoning for this time line.
Legolas refers to himself as a silvan in the books, which likely indicates that he was born and grew up in greenwood after Oropher’s people fleed there after the sack of doriath, and that most likely his mother was a silvan.
I’m fairly certain that we can all agree on at least that.
However, the reason i say he was probably born before the 3rd age is largely speculation on my part, and it actually has to do with The Last Alliance.
Now, we know that Oropher and Thranduil and a good chunk of their military rode to join this battle, which eventually killed Oropher and resulted in Thranduil being king.
Someone had to hold down the fort in greenwood, and seeing as we know literally nothing about either of the two’s wives or where they were, i’m inclinded to believe that at least one of them remained. Now, you could argue that it was Oropher’s wife that remained, which leaves me to my next point-
Why would thranduil, the heir of the woodland realm, ride out with his people to his possible death, when Oropher was still alive and kicking?
My guess?
Legolas was already born, and probably even already an adult by elven standards. That way there would have been an heir kept safe that could lead the people should both Oropher and Thranduil fall.
I don’t think that, with his experiences in doriath and it’s sacking, Oropher would have been ok with his heir riding alongside him to his possible death unless there was someone in place to take over the crown should the worst come to worse, someone who would already be old enough to also take up the duties of the crown and have the experience of leading (albeit only some of) the people that were left behind when the army went to fight.
Now i’m not saying legolas has to be old-old, he could have simply been born only a century or so before the last alliance, but i do think that, due to the reasons i mentioned above, he was born during the second age.
You are, of course, free to think whatever you want, but this is what makes the most sense to me.
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ilovetheelves · 10 months
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OK. That's my best idea. I can explain the "Princess of Lindon" in the picture of Thranduil's mother. My headcanon is that she is Gil-Galad's sister and that they (Gil-galad and Míriel) had a Sindarin mother, that's why she has white hair (but their father is Fingon). Anyway... This image is just part of a future fanfic project of mine, anyway, I only decided to post it here because I don't have anyone to put up with my outbreaks 🙃
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alqualonde-s · 1 year
thranduil and elrond Do Not Vibe. i think they meet briefly shortly after Elrond leaves the Feanorians and then have to work together when he’s Gil-Galad’s herald. Elrond doesn’t know this but they’ve met before, when Thranduil was at Sirion and his father visited with Elwing. Elrond and Elros were toddlers and Thranduil grudgingly watched them. Ultimately Elrond is a reminder of everything Thranduil lost and why.
Thranduil was raised in Doriath, born around the same time Dior was. They played together when their ages matched, though Dior grew quicker due to his Mannish blood. He met Melian and Thingol briefly as a child and knew Luthien and Beren as Dior’s parents. He remembers when Doriath was sacked, his mother killed, and fleeing with his father to Sirion. He remembers the Feanorians dripping blood down the halls and off their swords as they stalked the halls of Doriath.
Elrond speaks Sindarin with a Feanorian accent and Quenyan, a forbidden language, with his brother. When the accent goes away, the “th” instead of “s” slips in when he’s passionate. He fights like Maedhros, left-handed, at times. He is the spitting image of Luthien and has the light of Melian in his eyes. When he speaks, his voice has the same thread of enchantment in it without even noticing. There’s something strange about him and no one is sure if it’s the man or the Maia. In him, Thranduil both sees people long gone and the reason they are gone. It’s eerie, and he tries to avoid him when possible.
Over the centuries, this leads to a tumultuous, forced relationship. they do figure it out later and have a much better working relationship but it definitely takes a while and thranduil still can’t talk to him tired or drunk or otherwise impaired without seeing luthien instead. mostly they write letters.
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Prank time: big brother Legolas x teen little sister reader x Rivendell brothers part 2
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Reader Chan is doing another prank on Legolas and the Rivendell brothers.
You laughed as you doodled on Legolas's face while he was asleep,
You drew a mustache above his lips, silly drawings of cute animals and wrote in Sindarin the word “Dunce” on his forehead.
Satisfied with your work you quickly and quietly left the room giggling to yourself as you ran to your own room and fell asleep in bed.
In the morning followed by dad Thranduil coddling reader:
You are asleep peacefully in your bed cuddling your favorite elk stuff animal when you're door bursted open and Legolas is standing above your queen size bed his face red in rage and steam came out of his ears making you smirk “Well I hope you’re here to apologize.” You said falling back asleep until the Rivendell brothers bursted in their faces red in fury “YOU.” They said in fury as they came to your bed side.
The sight of three angry adult male elves and an angry adult immortal human man made you gulp in terror and made you make a dash for the door, screaming on the way out with them chasing you "Y/N THRANDUILRIEL! GET BACK HERE RIGHT THIS INSTANT YOUNG LADY." Legolas yelled out with the Rivendell brothers following not far behind “COME BACK HERE YOU LITTLE BRAT.” They yelled out as well making you run faster.
Thranduil and Elrond are in a meeting with Gandalf discussing what is going on in your homeland while drinking cherry blossom wine from K/N "The night Elves have great taste in wine!" Gandalf complemented taking a sip of the light pink liquid when a scream was heard making the grey wizard squirt out the wine from his nose (that happened to me with soda and it's painful as heck.) making him cough and fan his nose with his pointed hat when the door bursted open revealing a terrified you and the boys with doodles on their red faces looking like they wanted to pulverize you.
All of you ran around the room with you hiding behind Thranduil and Elrond "SAVE ME." You screamed clutching to their sleeves with the boys stopping in front of them "um… what happened this time?!" Thranduil asked gesturing to the sharpie doodles on their faces.
Estel waisted no time in pointing at you "It was your kid she did this to us." Estel said with the others agreeing "Yeah we know it was her." Elladan said in rage "Fess up you little orc." Elrohir said "Y/N is this true?" Thranduil asked "Yes." You confessed "Ha’ we knew it was her. The criminal confesses." Legolas cheered with the Rivendell brothers doing victory dances until their fathers and Gandalf said something that made their blood cold "Next time pour honey in their shoes." Elrond said, "Or put frogs in their tubs." Thranduil said next, "Or perhaps put bugs in their beds." Gandalf said chuckling while you looked up in awe at the three ancient beings while the boys screeched out "DON'T ENCOURAGE HER." They said in terror while you brainstormed more ideas to prank them.
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